Proyect - Nice To Meet You!

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This is me...

Personal description
My full name is Edwin Mauricio Nio Morales, I'm twenty eight years old, my birthday is in august twenty three, i'm from Sogamoso, i'm industrial designer, i work from Monday to Saturday, my favorite sport is hockey, my favorite color is blue because is a color relaxing and i am short.

Dialogue 1
Edwin: Hello, my name is Edwin Nio. Whats your name? Bill: My name is Bill.

Edwin: Im glad to meet you! Bill: I glad to meet you too!

Dialogue 2
Edwin: Hi, Bill. How are you? Bill: I am fine, Edwin, and you?

Edwin: Im very well, thank you.

Dialogue 3
Edwin: Hi, Bill. Do you have a girlfriend? Bill: Yes!

Edwin: What does she look like? Bill: She has blond hair and green eyes.

Bookstore: librera. Building: edificio. Halfway: a mitad de camino; en parte. Gestore: gesto; ademn. Indoors: en casa; dentro de casa. To plsate: palpitar, vibrar.

Cramped: reducido (espacio); exiguo; apretado. To reach: alcanzar; localizar; juntar; reunir; llegara; conseguir; lograr. To fetch: coger; ir a buscar; traer. To bump: atropellar; chocar. Busy: ocupado; concurrido; lleno. Edge: borde; orilla; margen. To desend: ser desendiente; provenir. Desent: desenso; bajada. Content: satisfecho. Upside: ventana. Outer: exterior. Away: lejos; fuera. Back: de vuelta; de nuevo. To blow: soplar. To give: dar; entregar. To lean: apoyarse; inclinarse. To hit: pegar; golpear. To kneel: estr de rodillas; ponerse de rodillas. Junction: cruce. Cry: llorar. Laugh: reir. Publicy: pblicamente. Common: comn; corriente. Deserted: desierto; abandonado. Square: cuadrado; plaza. Near: cerca de; al lado de. Hereafter: de ahora en adelante; en lo sucesivo. Trouser: pantalones. Start: principio; comienzo; salida. Stage: etapa; escenario. Long: mucho tiempo. Lag: retraso. Yet: an; ya; ahora. Unplanned: imprevisto; sin planear. Hourly: por horas. To leave: marcharse; irse; dejar (sitio). To happen: ocurrir; pasar (suceder). To elapse: caducar; pasar. To break: parar; interrumpir. Until: hasta. Over: terminado. stay: estancia. Hills. Colinas. Lake: lago.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She's not crying, she's laughing. How long are you staying? I need a new pair of trousers. The plane leaves at seven fifty-five. Im standing near the window.

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