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Present Simple VS.

Present Continuous
Present Simple We use present simple For things that repeatedly happen (or dont happen) especially with always, often, usually, sometimes, never, everyday, etc. I dont usually talk to aliens. For things or facts which do not usually change. I live Mexico City. With verbs such as like, love, hate, dislike, know, believe, think I love soccer.

Present Continuous We use present continuous For something that is happening at the moment of speaking, often with now, at the moment, today, etc. A green lizard is chasing me. Are you running away from something? For something that is happeningfor a limited time of in the present. Im staying in Merton for a few months. To talk about future plans, often with time expressions such as next week, on Tuesday, tonight. Were going to the cinema tonight. Is Trig coming?

Exercise Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in the list. Each verb is only used once. Need See Take Bite Play Drive Prefer Sing Watch Look Snow

1. Look outside! It _____________. Everything is beautiful and all white. 2. My father ____________ the 8:15 train into the city every weekday morning. 3. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I walk to work for the exercise. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I _________ my car to work. 4. A: Charlie, cant you hear the telephone? Answer it! B: You get it! I _____________ my favorite TV show. I dont wanna miss anything. 5. A: What kind of tea do you like? B: Well, Im drinking black tea, but I ___________ green tea. 6. Im gaining weight around my waist. These pants are too tight. I _________ a larger pair. 7. A: Dinners ready. Please call the children. B: Where are they? A: They _____________ a game outside in the street. 8. Its night. Theres no moon. Emily is outside. She _____________ at the sky. She _____________ more stars that she can count. 9. Michael has a good voice. Sometimes he ____________ with a musical group in the town. Its a good way to earn a little extra money. 10. A: Ouch! B: Whats the matter? A: Everytime I eat too fast I ___________ my tongue.

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