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Jen Karaffa May 30, 2012

Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Pre-Instructional Planning: The thought process that leads to the development of quality, meaningful lesson plans
Guiding questions that will provide the framework for the lesson. (Respond to each question.)
Who will you be teaching? (Identify student grade level as well as academic functioning level and specific needs of individual students) This lesson was developed for seven students with special needs. This lesson will be done in the classroom and in the community. At the grocery store. Most of the students are nonverbal and one student who has very limited verbal capabilities. All students i n the class have IEPs. All of the students have life skill deficits.

Who (if anybody) will assist with the presentation of this lesson, and what will their role be? The teacher will teach the main lesson. There are two classroom aids they will be coteaching and assisting with student behaviors during the lesson. When we go into the community the staff will break up the kids into small groups.

What is the long range goal(s) that is tied to this lesson? After this unit and lesson the students will be able to be aware of community rules and how to behave in the community.

What is the specific learning objective(s) for this lesson? The students will be able to demonstrate and understanding of rules in the community grocery store. (walk and stay with adults)

What prerequisite skills/knowledge will students need to effectively access and participate in this lesson? The students do not need to have any prerequisite skills to participate in this lesson. They will have had lessons in the past talking about the same skills that they will be addressing in this lesson.

When within the stages of learning will this lesson be presented? (Is it a learning acquisition lesson, learning fluency lesson, learning maintenance lesson, or learning generalization lesson?) This is a learning generalization and fluency lesson. The students will have discussed the lesson objectives before and will be generalizing the objectives to the community setting.

When will this lesson be completed? (Will it be a one-day lesson or a multiple day lesson?) This lesson will be a one day lesson that will be repeated once a week for students to show progress. Where should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (computer lab, classroom, science lab) AN D what materials will be needed? The lesson will be presented in the classroom and then the students will go to the grocery store.

Why are you planning to teach this lesson? Why must this information/skill be presented to the students? I am teaching this lesson because the students in my classroom have a difficult time in the community. Their parents have expressed to me the difficulties that they have taking their child to the grocery store so we are focusing on specific behaviors and how to act in the community. Hopefully, we will be able to get the students to be more appropriate and they can go with their parents as well.

How does this lesson relate to the PA Academic Standards? 10.3.K.A Safety and Injury Prevention: A. Know and demonstrate the importance of rules to ensure safety.

16.3.K.B: Recognize there are socially acceptable ways to behave in different places.

How does this lesson relate to the previous lesson? How does this lesson relate to future lessons? This lesson relates to previous lessons because we have been discussing how to behave appropriately in the community and r ules to follow throughout the school year. This related to future lessons because the students will build on their independence in the commu nity by gaining the skills from this lesson. This lesson will be repeated numerous times to ensure success for the students.

How will you determine if students have met the lesson objective? (Think assessment) The teacher will assess if the students have met the objectives by observations of the student in the grocery store setting.

How should this lesson be presented to ensure maximum student access and participation? (lecture, whole group activities, small group activities, cooperative learning groups)

The lesson will be presented whole group in the beginning when reviewing the rules for the community. The students will break into small groups to practice the rules in the classroom. Then the students will remain in small groups in the community setting to ens ure that each student is able to demonstrate their abilities.

Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Writing the lesson plan: Translating thoughts into a plan of action _____________________________________________
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson : (Provide Standard number and statement) 10.3.K.A Safety and Injury Prevention: A. Know and demonstrate the importance of rules to ensure safety. 16.3.K.B: Recognize there are socially acceptable ways to behave in different places.

Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms)

The student will be able to demonstrate and understanding of rules in the community grocery store. (walk and stay with adults)

Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) The teacher will assess if the students have met the objectives by observations of the student in the grocery store setting.

Materials: Smart Board Shopping Cart in School Visual Cue Cards

Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: All students in the classroom will be included in the lesson. The lesson was designed to meet the specific needs of the students in the class. Enrichment Techniques: The lesson will be enriched by allowing students who are meeting the lesson objectives more responsibilities. The students will be told to push the cart or help find foods to buy in the store.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson): Some students will be asked to hold adults hands while in the community and other students will be asked to walk next to the adults. The students will have access to visual and verbal reminders of what do to in the community. The students were presented with nu merous exposures of the lesson materials to ensure success.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: The teacher will begin the lesson with visual pictures of people out in the community and the rules that we follow. The teac her will share them with the students and have a discussion about the rules.

Detailed Teaching Sequence: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) 1. The teacher will show the students pictures and have a discussion about the rules of the community. The teacher will focus on walking in the store and staying with adults. 2. The teacher will have the students practice walking and pushing carts in the school. The school has a mock grocery store that they will go to for this activity. 3. The teacher will then show the students a video of how walk and push the cart in the grocery store. The students will watch the video on the Smart Board. 4. 5. 6. The students will then practice walking and pushing the carts in school again. The teacher will then have the students get into the vans and they will go down until the grocery store. The students will break up into three groups and go into the store. Each group will have a shopping cart. The teachers will direct the students to walk in the store. The students will take turns pushing the cart. 7. The teacher will review the community rules often in the store. The teacher will redirect the students when necessary using pictures and verbal redirection. 8. The students will then go back to school and review what they did in the community.

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities The students will be assessed using a data sheet tracking. The will be assessed on how many times they walked away from the t eachers and if they ran in the store. The teacher will monitor progress over time and track their progress.

Closure: The teacher will review the walking in the grocery store and staying with adults in the community. The teacher will have the students look at the pictures of the community rules and discuss them. The teacher will explain to the students that they will be going back to the grocery store again another day.

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