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Solman Server. first you have to add fully qualified server name on your instanc e profile.

then follow the steps.

1.SMSY - transaction you need to add the Satellite server

2. Need to setup the below RFC destination for individual Satellite system. You can setup the above RFC destination via SMSY - Landscape components - System sSolam server : Sm_"ECCCLNTXXX"_Read Sm_"ECCCLNTXXX"_TMW Sm_"ECCCLNTXXX"_Trusted and

Satellite server side : SM_SM1CLNT100_BACK SM_SM1CLNT100_TRUSTED

Make sure that above mentioned RFC you have created and all of them are working fine without any error.

3.Solman server : .dswp->open the solution you want to configure->operations set up->Solution Monitoring-.>EarlyWatch Alert-> Click on Setup EarlyWatch Alert and activate EWA .

4.Solman server - SMSY - Goto Environment from the Menu bar -> Solution Manager Operations -> Click on Administration SDCCN - Need to add the Satellite systems.

You have to setup the SAPOSS connection to SAP.

5.Satellite system: Goto SDCCN transaction-> And activate. Once activated Mainte nance Package and Service perparation check task created automatically

you can start the task Service perparation check to make sure that everything o k. If you find any error message. fix it.

6.Satellite system: Display the RFC Destination to the SAP Service Service Syste m. Sdccn - > Select Goto from the Menu bar -> Settings -> Task Specific - Settings -> ON the Destination Tab, you shoukd always see two destinations, the destination SDCC_OSS is a copy of RFC Destination SAPOSS and leads to SAP. Its used for refr essing the Service Definitions. The Other Back destination(USM_SM1CLNT100_BACK) is leads to Solution Manager Sys tem. This Destination is Used to transmit EWA Session data. Set the Master SAP Solution Manager System. i f not you have to add the destinations

7.Then goto Solman Server DSWP -> Open your solution -> Operations -> Earlywatch alert - You see Various EWA Sessions scheduled for system

Click Refresh Button. Notice that different icon beside the EWA Sessions There is one which is ready for processing One which is overdue (Red Flag)

Click on the EWA Session with the two tiny test tubes besides it.

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