Vat Entry

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Debit Credit

1. Purchases VAT on transactions Current account at bank

(30.1.xx) Purchases recorded for January

1,000 150 1,150

2. Current account at bank Sales VAT on transactions

(30.1.xx) Sales recorded for January

4,600 4,000 600

3. VAT on transactions VAT on inputs VAT debit and credit account

(30.1.xx) Transfer of surplus to debit & credit account 4. VAT debit and credit account Current account at bank (15.2.xx)Payment of VAT reported for January

600 150 450

450 450

For the purposes of value added tax records, three bookkeeping accounts must be kept. 1. The VAT on inputs account. 2. The VAT on transactions account. 3. Debit and Credit VAT account.

1. The VAT on Inputs Account - This account will usually show a debit (the VAT authorities "owe" you money for the VAT you have paid and that are entitled to receive from them). 2. The VAT on Transactions Account - This account will usually show a credit (the VAT Authorities are "entitled" to receive the VAT from you that you have collected from them. The money is not yours and it is only temporarily in your possession until the due date for the payment of VAT. 3. The VAT Debit and Credit account. This is the account to which the 2 first accounts are posted. The account balance may show a credit, when the periodic report to the VAT is for a payment to be made, or it may show a debit when the periodic report shows that that money is to be returned.

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