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Department of Information Technology: VRSEC

II/IV B.Tech IV Semester


List of Lab Programs for Lab Internal Exam l a) Write a C++ program to exchange the contents of two variables using a call by value and call by reference. b) inline functions 2 Define the matrix ADT using a class. The operations supported by this ADT are: i) Reading a matrix. ii) Printing a matrix. iii) Addition of matrices. iv) Subtraction of matrices. v) Multiplication of matrices. 3 Design an application for the maintenance of library information system using Static data Members, Static member function, Friend function & Dynamic memory allocation. 4 a) Write a C++ program to generate a Fibonacci series by Operator overloading of (i) Prefix operator (ii) Postfix operator. b) Write a C++ Program to implement function Overloading. 5 Write a C++ program to implement (i) Single Inheritance (ii) Multiple Inheritance (iii) Hybrid Inheritance 6 Write programs to demonstrate (i) Virtual functions (ii)Pure virtual functions 7 a) Write a C++ program to implement sorting using function templates. b) Write a C++ program to implement linked list using Class Templates. 8 a) Write a C++ program to implement Queue using Exception Handling b) Write a C++ program to implement Stack using Exception Handling.

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