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3100 MILES RESPONSE TO TWITTER LIBEL This statement concerns some comments that were posted on Twitter yesterday,

Thursday the 31st of May, 2012. These comments were initially directed at some of our supporters and eventually escalated to an assertion that the 3100miles team had stolen money raised from collection tins. These statements are wholly false and libellous. The individual concerned chose to hide behind a profile created for the sole purpose of defaming our character. The only tweets on the account were those accusing us of impropriety, the poster had used a copyrighted image taken from a stock photo library as their profile photograph and their supposed name, although unusual, was taken from a local business that is 100% reputable. With regard to the 3100miles finances; they are healthy and in good order. A thorough internal audit was carried out over the course of several hours and the total amount raised stands at in excess of 11,000. Our books are open to anybody who wishes to inspect them and thankfully, the attack had not extended to an attempt to gain access to our donations, as was initially feared. Having taken advice from several quarters (including Twitter, Inc.) we have decided not to pursue a legal challenge to the libellous statements. The time required and cost of doing so, which would be borne by our own personal finance, would be prohibitive. In addition, our sole focus at the moment is on continuing to train for the event, raise money and communicate with our backers, followers and sponsors. Anything else would be a distraction. Every single person on the team was both shocked and upset by the way that an anonymous attacker was prepared to jeopardise our efforts to raise money for three very worthy charities. Being attacked by cowards who hide their identity is nothing new to the military members of the team, but rather than fight back we are choosing to fight on for a cause that actually has some merit; raising money for the Air Ambulance, Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund and Childrens Hospice South West. Once again we would like to thank our followers and sponsors for their fantastic support and generosity; it means the world to us and we remain committed to ensuring that your efforts are matched by our own. We still have 9,000, 140 days and 3100miles to go Please continue to Go The Extra Mile, The 3100 Miles Team

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