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POST-TSUNAMI CONTEXT IN PLANNING a eo rat EXECUTIVE SUMMARY omc ef due to csplacementof the earth's retonc plates blow the sea aveled thausands of id nrecked havoc long te aess of several nonsand awakened thecrtrewordtoisens TSUNA evasion caused by thereent Tsuna hasposedchallnges in refurbishing the coastal come: rites making it clear that plonning of coastal areas ole more coe than the noma lan use planning Examination of published tes that una food i ant therfore domage op oberon wit a given octal ondinfesttcture withing gen ood zane ore ot uniform ari This bene ik hat the probably of damage intimate related to vlnerabity, wich mea sures the potential fer damage. Yulnerabilty intr, srt to a sees of parameters that inde ‘mnonat othersthepesenceof on and of sore proline bars, datanc orn the sore depth food ‘ter bling contraction moter: & tondors,preparednss aces, aco economists and 9 and hezard persion and amount of waring and ay to ve away Thisgopetnsen te exiting pubned remap and actor sical harcrstedonesdtode been achieved by creating a BULLING AND HUMAN YULNERABLITY INDEX T foors age ofthe building building surroundings and natural and artificial bares. The Human vlnerbi Iryndex il pclae bting wunerabty and suscep oe popaain (gender ange). Tesen ad Theis ease cena etabises te probaly that a uname particular magnitude wil occur andherfore thot unary poreamaje treat eT Nad (indinge reveal tht chances fortuna rin persons iene ts 3% ands the wos case could be 7 Resale witha wave het of {met uth a nundetion dtanc of 70 mt) The inferences fom this ans ave gue i th sat feasting aswel the extreme neablty a buldingsond harman ne study area. aed on these sterences the planning bases pertain to reverent ike type of resetemen, peopleperceton atupatona pot avaiabltyofland bulding material ata and otal bar Thi study open the ope othe development further took that incorporates of rameters which could be pled in alferent places under various mulated condions herd pa ravi shankai CRM Neen Ere Uiel INTRODUCTION ‘OBJECTIVE ROR ee ‘TO ESTIMATE A WORST CASE SCENARIO. aL ‘OBJECTIVE? eee LR ee a a eee ‘TO IDENTIFY A STUDY AREA, it. pees SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS TO IDENTIFY PARAMETERS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE TO Sis SY SnT us TOTSaS TO GBAINGGRETISSURIN VULNERABILITY AND TO FORMULATE VULNERABILITY INDICES. _nitistives along the coastal belt ‘OBJECTIVES TO ASSESS COASTAL POPULATION AND BUILDINGS (STUDY “it /AREA) VULNERABLE TO TSUNAMI OBECTIVES ‘TOWORK WITH VULNERABILITY PARAMETERS IN RESETTLEMENT PLANNING. ravi shankar.s Post-Tsunami context in planning of coastal areas Case study - Chinnangudi, Nagapattinam. [AIM-TO DEVELOP BUILDING ANO HUMAN VULNERABILITY INDICES (FOR TSUNAMI) THAT INCLUDES ALL RELAVANT PARAMETERS AND TO DERIVE: PLANNING IMPLICATIONS OUT OF IT,

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