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Quoted interest rate = r=r*+IP+DRP+LP+MRP

r= the quoted or nominal rate of interest on a given security. There are many different securities. r*= the real risk free rate of interest. It is pronounced r-star and it is the rate that would exist on a riskless security if zero inflation were expected. IP= Inflation premium. It is equal to the average expected future inflation rate is not necessarily equal to the current inflation rate. rRF =r* +IP . It is quoted risk free rate of interest on a security such as US DRP= default risk premium. Premium reflects the possibility that the issuer will not pay interest or principal at the stated time and in stated amount. LP = Liquidity or marketability, premium This is a premium charged by lenders to reflect the fact that some securities cannot be converted to cash on short notice at a reasonable price. MRP= Maturity risk premium. These are charged by lenders to reflect this risk.

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