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What is migration}

Some birds and insects leave their homes during the fall and move to warmer places. This is called "migration." They do this to escape the cold temperatures that nature tells them are

rests and for food. Then they continue on their journey, flying night and day. When March or April comes, these same birds will migrate north to their former homes. Their built-in clocks tell them exactly when to leave.
1. This story is about migrating birds called 2. What is good about the V-formation?___

Geese in Canada will fly south in October or early November. If you watch them, you will see that they fly in a V-shaped formation. When flying, the wings of the geese may be five feet long. They need a lot of room. The V-shape keeps them from bumping into each other. It also allows them to see better, since their eyes are on the sides of their heads. At one time, scientists thought the bird at the center of the V was the only leader. Now they know that the geese change positions while they fly. They take turns leading. Migrating geese are in a hurry to reach their winter homes. They will stop only for short

3. Which paragraph tells how the birds travel?__________ 4. What might happen to a bird that decided not to migrate?


What word in paragraph two means 'Ihe way in which something is grouped"?
Write the ing form of these words: migrate: __________________




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