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Do insects ha(/e memories}



The human brain can store facts and recall them. People have the ability to remember. Animals can also recall people, things, and events. It is much harder to study the mind of an insect. In most cases, the insect's brain is too small to remove and study. Most of the actions of insects are done by instinct rather than by memory. Instinct is a way of behaving that is in-born. In other words, people, animals, and insects are born with this knowledge. It is not something that is taught them. Science has tried to prove that ants can also recall things. For instance, they tested ants to see if they could memorize a path to food. They made a puzzle, called a maze, with

many twists and turns. At the end of the maze was food for the ants. If the ants made wrong
turns, they would have to back up. It took about 25 tries, but the ants learned to run through the maze without making wrong turns. Did they memorize the trail, or did they leave a scent that they could find later?
Scientists can't be sure. More tests will have to be done.

1. This story is about whether or not insects have______________________________

2. What is the Inbom knowledge that insects and animals use to raise their young called?
3. Which paragraph tells about a maze? ____

4. How do you think people might use instinct?


What word in paragraph one means "to be naturally good at something"?

Write the other forms of these words that are used in the story,
able: __________________________ science: ____


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