Ballooii L Ide To TCT Qdom (P. 3) : Exploring Words JD

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Ballooii l^ide to Tct^Qdom (p.

Express Yourself Pretend you are the son or daughter of Peter Strelzyk. You and your family have
escaped by balloon to West Germany. On a separate piece of paper, write a letter to a friend in East Germany describing your escape.

Exploring Words ^JD

Use the words in the box to complete the paragraphs. Reread the paragraphs to be
sure they make sense.


Peter Strelzyk and Gunter Wetzel did not like living in East Germany because it
was controlled by (1)_________________.

Finally, they decided to escape in a hot-air balloon. Their first balloon leaked vi^hen they tried to
(2) (3)

___________it. They made a second balloon of

.. This balloon fell to the ground and was later found by police
_____they would put the owners in jail.

who (4)

The third balloon took the Strelzyk and Wetzel families to a (5)

of 8,500 feet. When they landed, they searched for (6)__________

to find

out where they were. They were happy when they learned they had made it to
West Germany.
Stories of Escape
O Steck-\faughn Company
Nonfiction 5, SV 6180-X

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