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A Space6ip Ad-veiitate (p.

had said to Dr. Simon. But under

Betty. Betty did not know what Barney

never studied the stars, but she was able

hypnosis, she. told the same story. She saw men standing in the road. They came up to the car and took her and Barney aboard their spaceship. Betty said they put her on a hospital room table. "They pushed up the sleeve of my dress, and they looked at my arm. They scraped my arms to get little pieces
of skin."


perfect circle. They were in the same spot where Barney said the cup had been

Barney developed a strange ring of warts on his leg. These warts formed a

to draw a map like the one she had seen in the spaceship. Her map showed the correct position of dozens of stars.

Simon was even more confused. Neither

Betty said the leader then showed her a book, which contained a map of the stars. It showed where the spaceship had been and where it was going. Then the space creatures led her back to the car. When Betty finished her story, Dr.

maybe, their story is true.

How could all of this be explained.^ Dr. Simon wasn't sure. Other experts studied the case. No one really knows what happened to Betty and Barney Hill. Perhaps they had the same dream. Or perhaps Betty had the dream, and Barney somehow read her mind. Or maybe, just


Betty nor Barney knew what the other had told Dr. Simon. But they had ended up with the same story. Was it possible that they really had been taken aboard a

Other questions remained. Betty had


Do You Remember? j^
In the blank, write the letter of the best ending for each sentence.
_____1. The space creatures had

a. no eyes. b. shiny eyes. c. four eyes. _____2. Betty said the space creatures took little.pieces of her
_____3. The Hills went to Dr. Simon to get
_____4. Barney developed a strange
a. skin. b. hair. c. nails.

a. help. b. weapons. c. money.

_____5. Betty said the leader of the space creatures showed her a a. flower. b. movie. c. map.
O Steck-Vaughn Company

a. cough. b. ring of warts. c. laugh.

Stories of Mysteiy
NonfiOion 5, SV 6180-X

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