H Space &ip A D'veiitai'e: To Make The Trip

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H Space&ip A^d'veiitai'e

The night was dark and silent as Betty and Barney Hill drove down a deserted New Hampshire road. Betty had been
When they got home, they saw it had taken them two hours longer than usual
to make the trip.

watching a bright light in the sky. Barney thought it might be a satellite. As the Hills drove on, they became frightened. The bright light was coming from a large, flat object, and this object was following them!
Barney drove
to the side of the

Both Betty and Barney were upset. They tried to forget the whole thing, but

they began having terrible nightmares. Atiz:

them remember things.

last they went to see Dr. Benjamin Simon . Dr. Simon hypnotized people to help
Dr. Simon hypnotized Barney first.For the first time, Barney could

road and stopped. He got out of the

car and walked across a field to

get a closer look at the object. He found

himself moving toward it. It was now about 50 feet away from him. Barney looked through his binoculars. He saw about six strange-looking creatures looking down at him from inside the object. They had big heads and shiny eyes.

rerhember what had happened to him. He said, "I drove quite a few miles. Then I saw a group of men standing in the highway. They came towards me. I felt very weak, but I wasn't afraid. They

took me into their spaceship. "I was taken to a hospital operating room. It was pale bluesky blue. And I closed my eyes. Iwas lying on a table,

Barney was frightened, but he couldn't on the top of my leg. And then it stopped. I got off the table and was stop looking or run away. Betty was screaming at him from the car. Using all guided back to my car. Then I saw Betty coming down the road, and she got into his strength, he pulled the glasses from his eyes and ran back to the car and sped the car, too. "Then the flying object was going. It away. The object mysteriously was a bright, huge ballorange. It was a_ disappeared. As they came to the town of Ashland, beautiful bright ball. Then it was gone. Betty and I were left in darkness. We they suddenly heard a strange beeping sound. They felt themselves getting very began driving. And then we heard the
remember hearing the beeping again. They looked at a road sign. They were
sleepy. Then their minds went blank. Some time later, Betty and Barney

and I thought someone was putting a cupzD

couldn't quite believe that Barney had now 35 miles south of Ashland. Neither been taken aboard a spaceship. He one could remember driving the 35 miles. thought Barney might have dreamed the Their watches, they noticed, had stopped. whole thing. He decided to hypnotize
Steck-Vaughn Company

He wasn't sure what to think. Dr. Simon

Dr. Simon listened to Barney's story.

Stories of Mysteiy
Nonflctlon 5, SV 618a__^x

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