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Read the story below and complete the exercises that follow.

"Don't Scare Me" is a spooky story about the camping adventure of three fifth graders. Don't worry about the underlined words as yoti read. , We'll use them

Don't Scare Me!

Jamie and his fiiends, Noah and Jared, were known for their love of telling scary stories.

the movie.

They believed every alien abduction tale ever told and were strangely fascmated when they read or heard about anything that mvolved the supernatural. They delighted in gomg to the most fiightening films, where they secretly snickered if one of the group admitted he was terrified by

The boys' favorite summer pastime was camping out in Jamie's backyard. Because it bordered a state forest, it was almost like camping in the wild, yet they had the security of Jamie's parents only a few hundred yards away. Theu: camp site was very private, quiet and dark with the forest looming near. It was the perfect setting for the exchange of terrifymg tales.
Every two or three weeks, Jamie, Jared

and Noah would pitch theu* tent and spend the evening eagerly relating the latest horrifying
accounts they had heard. The best stories came from their friends who had been to overnight camp. One particular night Jared and Noah were really looking forward to the camp-out. Jamie had revealed that he had uncovered a scary local

incident that was true. He had promised that the story was frightening beyond belief, but Jamie would not give them any clues about his tale until dark and Noah's and Jared's anticipation was
almost unbearable.


The evening began with the usual ritual of retelling their favorite spooky legends. Jared always loved relating "The Hook" story, one he clauned was true. Noah did a wonderful job reciting "The Babysitter" and "The Hitchhiker" stories. Jamie could feel the mood of the evening growmg more and more intense with each passing moment. He waited until he could see that Noah and Jared were on edge before he began his narrative. He lowered his voice as the other two boys waited anxiously for the story to unfold.

here on this exact piece of land, three boys, just about our age, were camping in a tent much like ours. Just before dawn the boys heard a series of low moans, followed by a loud piercing screech, a gasp, then an eerie silence. The boys were so frightened that one of them reluctantly

In a hushed tone, Jamie began, "Sixty years ago on this very night, August 20th, right

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