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Slide 1/3-In this work were going to talk about space conquest, here we have some topics.

Since the space race between USA and Soviet Union that the interest in space exploration has increased. Nowadays we have in our hands technology capable of observing the outer space and methods to study phenomenon that were a mystery to mankind.

The space race occurred between the years 1957 and 1975 during the cold War. The competition was won by the USA Apollo 11 mission, which achieved the objective of the arrival of the 1st man on the moon Slide 6- Apollo 11 was the spaceflight which landed the first humans on the moon, Americans Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" on 20 July 1969.This mission was part of the Apollo program, the captain was NEIL ARMSTRONG wich was the first man on the moon. During this mission were collected soil samples for later analysis (video). Slide11- The investors claim that this kind of travel will grow ,for now this type of vacations is only available to some(millionaire class), and it takes a long preparation. This flights are made around the earth and it offers experiences of weightlessness and amazing views of the earth below. There are some projects to create space hotels (image).Space tourists pay between 20 to 35 million dollars for 10 ten days in space.

Slide 13- We can say that because of interest in space came great advances in technology, wich helped our day-to-day.

Conclusion: Mankind was always fascinated for the skys and the secrets of Universe, our need for knowledge and our curiosity will always command us

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