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Marshfield Flash Galleries Property Agreement

TERMS: (1) Property Owner Name, PROPERTY OWNER, agrees to host three art exhibits between July 1 September 30, 2012 in property windows / storefront, each lasting for a duration of one month. PROPERTY OWNER will coordinate a time each month with NEW VISIONS GALLERY to open the property for artwork installation and removal. (2) PROPERTY OWNER agrees to host one opening reception between July 1 September 30, 2012 to celebrate the new exhibits taking place as a part of the Marshfield Flash Galleries program. (3) PROPERTY OWNER agrees to clean window area (including the inside of windows) prior to the first exhibit July 1, 2012 to create a presentable exhibit space. NEW VISIONS GALLERY agrees to clean windows between and after all exhibits are complete. (4) PROPERTY OWNER will exert all reasonable efforts to protect installed artwork from theft, vandalism, sun and other damages. (5) PROPERTY OWNER agrees to display artist information, information about Marshfield Flash Galleries, evaluation effort and sales information in the windows/storefront along with the exhibit. (6) Should the PROPERTY OWNER choose to promote the Marshfield Flash Galleries program and the exhibit (encouraged), he / she agrees to include reference to NEW VISIONS GALLERY, MAIN STREET MARSHFIELD, The Wisconsin Arts Board and the National Endowment for the Arts. (Logos can be provided). (7) PROPERTY OWNER will notify NEW VISIONS GALLERY immediately should the property become unavailable between July 1 September 30, 2012. NEW VISIONS GALLERY will notify artist and coordinate artwork removal as quickly as possible. (7) NEW VISIONS GALLERY and the Marshfield Flash Galleries Committee agree to provide an opportunity to view the work of selected artists prior to installation of artwork. PROPERTY OWNER retains the right to refuse an exhibit and request an alternative. (8) NEW VISIONS GALLERY agrees to coordinate and facilitate exhibit installations. (9) NEW VISIONS GALLERY and MAIN STREET MARSHFIELD agree to market the property and the exhibits on the Marshfield Flash Galleries website and Facebook page.

____________________________ PROPERTY OWNER NAME (printed) ____________________________ SIGNATURE DATE _____________________

_____________________________ NEW VISIONS GALLERY STAFF (printed) _____________________________ SIGNATURE DATE _______________________

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