Coalition Release 6 - 1 - Asm Reps FINAL

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CONTACT: Peter DeMarco or Mitch Zak (916) 448-5802

California Employers Against Higher Taxes Praises Assembly Republicans for Protecting Jobs, Standing Up Against a $1 Billion Tax Increase
SACRAMENTO, CA California Employers Against Higher Taxes spokesman Peter DeMarco issued the following statement: Californias unemployment rate continues to stand at an unacceptably high level. Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway, Members Jeff Gorell, Kristen Olsen Cameron Smyth and Katcho Achadjian, and their Republican colleagues recognize that every job matters and have demonstrated strong leadership by opposing the $1 billion tax increase in AB 1500. California Employers Against Higher Taxes shares their strong belief that this tax increase on California job creators will further inhibit economic recovery and drive our state deeper into debt. It is a huge step in the wrong direction. Changing a provision in the tax code that has been in place for more than forty years is not closing a loophole or changing methodology. It is a harmful tax increase that can be measured by lost jobs to working families across the state. On behalf of the thousands of California workers we employ, our coalition is proud to stand with Assembly Republicans and Leader Connie Conway. We thank them for their leadership during these unprecedented economic times. About Us California Employers Against Higher Taxes is a broad coalition of businesses that employ thousands of middle-class Californians in good-paying jobs. Our members include companies such as Chrysler, General Motors, International Paper, and KimberlyClark. We care about the quality of life and the business climate in California, and support common-sense policies that promote economic stability and job growth. For more information, please visit, or follow us on Twitter: CAJobsNotTaxes. ###
Paid for by Californians Against Higher Taxes 925 L Street Suite 1275 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 448-5802

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