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The Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir Review Author[s|: Alexis Sanderson Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 53, No. 2 (1990), 354-357. table URL: hhup//links i sici=004 1-977X%28 1990%2953%3A2%3C354%3ATTHOSK%3E2.0,CO%3B2-6 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London is currently published by Schoo! of Oriental and African Studies, ‘Your use of the ISTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use, available at hhup:/www.jstororg/about/terms.hml. JSTOR’s Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at hutp:/www, Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the sereen or printed page of such transmission, JSTOR is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to ercating and preserving a digital archive of scholarly journals. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact support @ ‘Sun Jun 12 18:42:07 2005 354 translation “saciee" for yaa will be help {6 the non-specialist, The assertion that metals reconsider to be“ manifestations of Xia Vai (p11), highly doubitul The transl {yon of omated armas ded apse to emai the pfopitious’ (p28). simply ‘wrong ‘Many. more examples could be given to istrate the academe weaknesses ofthis ook, [As the author was stl a PhD, candidate when he wrote the work, however. much ofthe blame must goto those who encouraged him 10 Publish it RICHARD GRaMLIcH: Das _Send- schreiben al-Quéayrisiiber das ‘Sufitum, (Freiburger Islamstudien Bai ar) 659 pp. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1989. Richard Gramlich has already put usin is eb'in regard tothe study of Safa through ‘ited texte and ther tanslation, One of the best examples ofthis was his “def a-mary by "Umar alSuhraward, which he translated and. published. in this same series in 1978 (Geviewed in BSO4S, aun, 1981). That stody ‘vas about five hundred pages long. Ths latest ‘ontnbution far exceeds tin length and was ‘rpuably the more formidable task to under {ake Tn any event this painstakingly presented and published work (obviously a labour of love, ‘notwithstanding is formidable length) sa mest ‘aluable pics of scholarship and. one of the ‘mon important contnbuttons to the stad of ‘Shits in the lat ten year. ‘The manifesto by ABU T-Qisim by Havezin b Abd akMak al-Qusbayr (986-1073), Known as Aisa ld fama alae bbl fatdatam, weiten in 1046, in onder adapt sm io" Ashari metaphysis, 18 one of Suthor’s best-known works and possibly is ‘asterpice, I has been described ds a classical ‘anual of Muslim mystism though it was fxtensvely ertcized in some quarters (more Specially” mdm. During his. lifetime, ‘Gushaye ad to endure a fll share of perseeu ‘on, espeully from Astars, Hanball just, and from Saljaq officals immediately afer this ‘composition wat nish; and hs ordeal as (0 Just for some fieen years. Despite this, and perhaps ‘in part because of iy a-Qushayet Bained an Important place ‘amongst Sull Scholars and wnters for all ume. To date, the fnly major study of hs contribution has been Re Hartmann's Ai-xuschais Darsehing des ‘Safnans though this was published a ong ago 2/1914 nd ise work that isnot accesnbie n ‘any bras. ‘A singular drawback in any study of this work has been satisfactory editions (@ number ‘Of extremely inaocurate abridged etans ase fxs) the standard edition being that published snag 1390 tn our volumes To fecomplish this translation (together with an Indication of variant readings) Gramiich has Arawn upon he more recent Cato edition of {9724 the Bulag edition of 1290 (eterted 10 above) and. two! manuscript editions from Besin and from Vienna respectively (p. 18) REVIEWS ach chapters frnished with ll references to Souress enes in Broskelmann and relevant tris in er Sif works. Ba the bibliography land the index ae very extensive and a compete Isto saras where thse are quoted in the Rela is furnished on pages 863-4. The Rial iselt thay be divided tto two parts. The st contains ‘Shor biographies and ancadoies of ihiythree inajor Sufi The remainder ofthe work i omprchensive sty and elucidation of well Known mystica and theslopcal tems (ee. hag hl tavba, irda, tga) oF those Stic thai are ‘an ental part of the dl Simongst Soft, whether as individuals or a ‘members of a Specific SU trig. The date of the composition and the backeround.of author mit sugeet that alGharas thoughts eld. here find foreshadowing. Infact le haz pps ‘on ons in referee, Toremost place nthe branches of mystics and the set of ens that are tobe found within these poses The Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Teun of Abichagpta the rent” Sho” of ast (SUNY Series in the Shaiva Tradi- Wns of Rashnir) he 30 pp ‘iting! NE Se Univer New ‘York Press, 1989. $49.50 (Paper $14.95). ae tel a ae oh da el ate ip AA Pare ae SERS SPS Soe hae Seach Port es ate Keni Se ee Ea th or Poa Risa RN, hyena eRe ace {eat SR ba amy SSR) eee Pe SEGRE ie iol en aca ene ares hse Sol rare Ee SY ALOE a i be ad Men rn eR AE acon aie epctate ctr Bet ceria Seep weak eke Tt Ree ea ery ERS cnet ha SGM sige ee at ea ihn the non-dual traditons of Kash Sis Rly he and woke of AXbhinavagupea himselt Chapter i Tooks at ican sym in Inga. before Abhinav the Upanishads, Yoga tex histone context of this (Te REVIEWS fad early nondualistc: Sava texts from Kashi From ch, i to ch, ix, the las, Muller-Ortega considers the nature of the Trikas conception ‘ofthe Heart as the Absolute, the methods ois fealzation, and the nature ofthat realization Tn the fourth chapter he shows the connexons Derween the concept ofthe Heart and those af (the omnipresent contre (madiva) and (i) the ‘oessenlity of prakaa and vimaria. He Bves hho tanslations of these latter terms, bul the primordial light beyond maton, both fas well as immanent =. nity transcendent smanetation (98) ana the capacity of consciousness tobe conscious of tel. 96). Uns ini of hs par, whch be rele to Veollectvely “rakesimoria) the ‘elteleting illumination (p98), he follows the ‘ate Harvey Alper Journal” of Indan Phitosophy. Te 1378. 343-407), explaining [Abhinavagupt's doctrine of appearunces fntosomnunnes (Gases am tempi to finda mide way between the doctrine offal transformation (of one into many)" (rindmavada) and. that of merely pie change (vv) whi ws ‘tivated by 1 desire toencompass~aithout ‘eeonelling™contradctions, that is, 10" be Faithfl to the contusion of experienc, tobe Consistent ininsonsistene (Alpe, op. cit, at P98), Abhinavapupta’ would have boon Sarid by the tmpiation that he considered {Uimpossible to give an eniely coherent and Talia account of fundamental reality ‘Chapter examines passages which equate the Heart with the comme oy (ul) with the allencompasing rads characteristic of the ‘wth the (sexual union of Siva and his ‘ower. and ts epication inthe sexu ital of Kaui. Chapter vt moves on fo two ober fundamental and related concep () hat of Nibration panda) and 3) that of “emissions Power” (targa). Chapter i looks at some Sther“natued metaphors® of the Heart pars teularly the sky. the abyss, the Osean, the wave, fnd the AHARL C1’) which, through crypuie Semantic analy of is constitcnt Teer Shown to be the system's Absolute in is alle Chaper vi turns to, iis to the symbol of the sabe SAUH. Chapter tx consi the Presentation ofthe Heart as the state OF sted. the Sanskrit sven in the endnote) is principal souree. as already mentioned, 1s the Paraorsikalagharta: ut he has” drawn ‘ey onthe Kathmran Suva rate, pre Seularly" om “ABhinavagupta's other major Works "on the Tika the Tantdloka, the Tantrasira, the Malinvjayororika and the Pardrinsivivarane, “This Is a brave aitemp to make sense of

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