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Adjustment letter is a letter which aims at replying a complaint letter. The objective is to inform the reader that their complaint has been received. It is also a legal document recording what decisions were made and what actions have or will be taken. Writing an adjustment letter is not an easy matter. It must be handled carefully when the requested compensation cannot be granted. Therefore, here are some suggestions that may help you write either type of adjustment letter: 1. Begin with a reference to the date of the original letter of complaint and to the purpose of your letter. If you deny the request, don't state the refusal right away unless you can do so tactfully. 2. Express your concern over the writer's troubles and your appreciation that he has written you. 3. If you deny the request, explain the reasons why the request cannot be granted in as cordial and non-combative manner as possible. If you grant the request, don't sound as if you are doing so in a begrudging way. 4. If you deny the request, try to offer some partial or substitute compensation or offer some friendly advice (to take the sting out of the denial). 5. Conclude the letter cordially, perhaps expressing confidence that you and the writer will continue doing business

ADJUSTMENT LETTER: GOOD NEWS Begin by expressing regret over the problem or stating that you are

pleased to hear from the customer, or both.

Adopt the you-attitude; maintain a positive, cheerful tone. Explain the circumstances that caused the problem. State specifically what the adjustment will be. Handle any special problems that may have accompanied the letter; then

close. ADJUSTMENT LETTER: BAD NEWS Begin with a friendly openerestablish common ground; express regret over the situation.

Avoid being discourteous, even if the customer has been downright


Explain the reason for the refusal (and at some length, which indicates

that you've considered the problem seriously).

After the explanation, state the actual refusal (and inoffensively as


If possible, offer a partial or substitute adjustment. Close the letter in a friendly way.

Green Tree Freight Co., Inc. Columbus, Ohio 45453 (315) 565-6789

March 26, 19XX Mrs. Phoebe F. Hughes Complete Table, Inc. P.O. Box 3132 Austin, TX 78703 Subj.: March 24 letter about damaged freight Dear Mrs. Hughes, I have just received your March 24 letter about the damaged shipment you received through Green Tree Freight and regret the inconvenience that it has caused you. From your account of the problem, I am quite sure that your request for the $240 adjustment on the damage to the 2 crates of Valjean Cristal stemware will be granted. A certain amount of breakage of this sort does unavoidably occur in crosscountry shipping; I am sorry that it was your company that had to be the one to suffer the delay. I must remind you to keep the damaged crates in the same condition in which you received them until one of our representatives can inspect them. That inspection should take place within 2 weeks. If all is in order, as it sounds to be in your letter, you can expect the full reimbursement within 2 weeks after our representative's inspection. I hope this unfortunate accident will not keep you from having merchandise shipped by Green Tree Freight in the future. Sincerely,

David F. Morgan, Customer Relations Green Tree Freight Co., Inc. Columbus, Ohio 45453 (315) 565-6789

[name] [street address] [city, state/province, zip/postal code]

[date] [name] [street address] [city, state/province, zip/postal code] Dear [name], We received your letter of [date]. Thank you for advising us of [nature of problem/claim]. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we plan to address the situation by [action to be taken].


[senders name] President Green Tree Freight Co., Inc.

USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Acknowledging receipt of a complaint letter

Thank you for your letter of regarding / concerning / in connection with I refer to your letter of about / relating to

Apology for the error or fault

We must apologise for We sincerely apologise for Please accept our apologies for I would like to apologise for the error made by our company in (verb+ing)

Accepting the Complaint

We agree that the usual high standards of our products / services were not met in this instance.

A short explanation of the fault

Introductory phrase

As a result of our investigation, we found that... (Not: After our investigation...)

o o o

The error was caused by / was due to Apparently, the problem was the result of / resulted from The cause of / reason for the mistake was

o o o

As a result This led to Consequently


o o o

We have modified / changed our ... We have implemented a system to... To prevent re-occurrences we have set up a verification procedure.


We assure you that this will not happen again.

Investigation to be made

We are currently investigating the cause of ... We will investigate the cause of...

Proposal to settle the difficulty

As a gesture of our regret, we are prepared to / we are willing to / we would like to

To show goodwill, we will

An offer to take goods back, make a replacement, give a discount etc.

We have dispatched the new items by express courier. They should arrive by Monday, 28 May 2012.

To show our goodwill, we would like to offer you a 5% discount on your next order with us.

Regret at dissatisfaction

While we can understand your frustration, ... We understand how disappointing it can be when your expectations are not met.

Rejecting responsibility for the problem leading to the complaint

I regret to inform you that I am afraid that

Unfortunately, I must point out that

Reasons for the rejection

This is because the guarantee period has expired. This is due to the fact that the guarantee period has expired.

If a third party (another person or organisation) is to blame, direct the complainer to that party

We therefore suggest that you contact...

A concluding paragraph aiming at retaining the goodwill of the customer

We look forward to receiving your further orders, and assure you that they will be filled correctly / promptly.

REFERENCES stment_letter/ Hartley, Paul. 2005. German English Business Correspondence. Routledge. London

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