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Online Treasure Hunts

Web-Enhanced Learning Activities

An Instructional Design Workshop


An online inquiry-based activity developed by Australian Tom March Aims to develop knowledge of a specific topic in the curriculum

Web-Enhanced Learning Activities An Instructional Design Workshop

1. A brief introduction 2. A set of questions about a topic 3. A set of Web resources where the

answers to the questions can be found 4. A Big Question that students will answer as a concluding activity

Web-Enhanced Learning Activities An Instructional Design Workshop


Develops mastery of a topic through carefully formulated and sequenced questions that define the scope or parameters of the topic Develops reading skills through exposure to various types of learning materials, and different ways of presenting a topic Fosters active learning

Web-Enhanced Learning Activities An Instructional Design Workshop


Develops skill in analysis and synthesis through the Big Question, which requires students to integrate what they have learned from the Web resources Develops creativity by having students synthesize information using various formats, such as reports, skits, posters and collages

Web-Enhanced Learning Activities An Instructional Design Workshop

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