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Students' Dictionary
First Edition

ven. Czech Sarana (Jan ovek)

Students' Dictionary
First Edition

ven. Czech Sarana (Jan ovek)

No copyright whatsoever applies to this book.

author: ven. Czech Sarana (Jan ovek)
finished in the year: 2012
place of creation: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dedicated to all, who are interested in any of the contained



1. Origin and system of this dictionary..........................................................................................................V
Special characteristics in brief:..................................................................................................................V
1. Words translation.................................................................................................................................VI
2. Sentences translation..........................................................................................................................VII
2. Burmese Language................................................................................................................................VIII
1. Writing System.................................................................................................................................VIII
2. Pronunciation.......................................................................................................................................IX
3. Syllables...............................................................................................................................................XI
4. Words.................................................................................................................................................XII
5. Sentences..........................................................................................................................................XIII
3. Resources..............................................................................................................................................XIV
4. Acknowledgment...................................................................................................................................XIV
5. Useful Tables..........................................................................................................................................XV
1. Matrix of Burmese Script...................................................................................................................XV
2. Pronunciation of the Romanized Matrix...........................................................................................XVI
3. Tables of weights and measures......................................................................................................XVIII
4. Birth-day naming...............................................................................................................................XX
1. Vznik a systm tohoto slovnku.............................................................................................................XXI
Zvltn vlastnosti strun:....................................................................................................................XXI
1. Peklad slovek..............................................................................................................................XXII
2. Peklad vt.....................................................................................................................................XXIII
2. Barmsk jazyk....................................................................................................................................XXIV
1. Systm psan..................................................................................................................................XXIV
2. Vslovnost.......................................................................................................................................XXV
3. Slabiky..........................................................................................................................................XXVII
4. Slova...........................................................................................................................................XXVIII
5. Vty..................................................................................................................................................XIX
6. Podobnost s eskm jazykem..........................................................................................................XXX
3. Uit literatura....................................................................................................................................XXXI
4. Podkovn.........................................................................................................................................XXXI
5. Uiten Tabulky .............................................................................................................................XXXII
1. Systm Myanmarskho Psma......................................................................................................XXXII
2. Vslovnost Romanizovanho Systmu........................................................................................XXXIII
3. Tabulky mr a vah........................................................................................................................XXXV
4. Jmenovn dle dne narozen.......................................................................................................XXXVII
Myanmar/Burmese-English-Czech Part..........................................................................................................1
English-Myanmar/Burmese-Czech Part......................................................................................................323
Czech-Myanmar/Burmese-English Part.......................................................................................................668



1. Origin and system of this dictionary
This dictionary is a collection of words, phrases and sentences that I have collected during my study of Burmese (Myanmar)
language, which happened to be in Sri Lanka. It includes especially colloquial language, and (though rarely) also written and vulgar
words, phrases and sentences, which one may encounter while being in contact with people from Myanmar. I decided to make my
collection public even in this way for two reasons: firstly, as a person of Czech nationality, I felt it slightly sad when I found that there
was no practical Burmese (Myanmar) -Czech or Czech-Burmese (Myanmar) dictionary available, and secondly for the sake of
elevating fame and respect to both mentioned languages.
The special aspect of this dictionary is not only, that it is trilingual (and includes third language, Czech), but especially the
fact, that it tries to be helpful mainly for students. Though most of the users may not understand the Czech part of the terms herein, I
decided not to remove it, as it may happen, that certain Czech people may have the intention of studying this magnificent language,
and secondly, because certain Burmese students (who stay in Czech Republic) may like to use the dictionary to help them in studying
Czech language.
There are two kinds of terms: vocabulary and examples. Vocabulary terms are mostly simple translation of particular
words with their grammatical specification at the end. Examples are mostly sentences, which have the purpose of showing how the
particular word (copied at the beginning of the particular example) may be used.

Special characteristics in brief:

Wrong spellings (often appearing in writings of natives) are intentionally included and marked as WS. (= Wrong Spelling).

Great number of examples - words are shown in sentences and all those examples (sentences) are given in all the three

Attempt for verbatim translation of the examples - a great number of the given sentences is given in comprehensible form of
translation, but verbatim translation is also indicated.

Etymology of words - many words are given etymology, which is rather a help for students to remember the words, not
necessarily compatible with the real history of the particular Burmese words. There was an attempt to analyze each word and
translate their syllables in an understandable form, so that student can learn not only the word itself, but also the meaning of
the syllables therein. The translation of syllables may be mixed so that the syllable translation is comprehensible, and in that
case each syllable is numbered to reflect the original order of syllables of each Burmese word.

Certain difficult words are given pronunciation in roman script according to a new system created by ven. Czech Sarana.

Buddhist terms are included with their Pli original form and the Pli word is translated again in English to help the student
understand origin of the particular word.

Certain terms not well known to Western students are given an explanation.

Most of the countable words are given their appropriate "numerical classifier" () in brackets. (But especially this
was the tricky part. Professional correction of these and other mistakes would be appreciated.)

Especially colloquial language is included. There are also written and vulgar expressions, but rarely. Almost all words are
given grammatical and usage specification so as to inform the student in what occasion he/she may encounter (or use) the
particular word.

The dictionary certainly still contains many mistakes and overall there are many deficiencies. Author is neither of Burmese,
nor of English nationality. No ancestor of the author has ever visited Myanmar (Burma). The author himself has never been
to Burma (Myanmar). Professional proofreading is therefore requested.

The dictionary is without copyright and it can be edited by anybody. It can be accepted by a company, developed, published
and sold.

It should be available in StarDict dictionary (program) as a downloadable and freely distributable database, as online
dictionary and also as a PDF. The hard-copy should contain CD with all data and programs needed for correction, editing
and further work on the dictionary.

1. Words translation
Burmese language is a syllabic language, i.e. based on syllables. This means, that a great number of its words are composed
of syllables, which have their own specific meaning. For example: " " [] is usually translated to English as
"brush". However, the Burmese word gives somewhat exact information on the meaning of the meaning itself [we.] = pig,
[hm~]= bristle, [b(h):]= comb - therefore, the true meaning of the Burmese word is "comb (of) pig bristles", conveying thus its
basic sense. This dictionary tries to reveal this sense of Burmese words and help students to learn them quicker and more efficiently.
Accordingly, the dictionary term may look like this:
ex: ();brush ("comb (of) pig bristles");kart ("heben (z) prasech ttin");sg.
Sometimes the verbatim translation looses its sense when given orderly according to the original. Often just (proper) mixing
the translated syllables immensely help the student to understand the particular word. For that purpose, the verbatim translation is
given in an order comfortable for understanding, and for exact understanding the syllables are given numbers (, , , , , ) to reflect
the order in the particular Burmese term.
Sometimes the words are either borrowed from a foreign language or the original meaning of the particular syllables could
not be discovered by the author. Result is, that certain etymologies are completely disregarding the meaning of whole the word. For
( );man (man tiger);mu (mu tygr);sg.

();pineapple (fruit (of) suffering deity);ananas (ovoce trpcho bka);sg.

Certain translation is verbatim even in the natural form, therefore sign ) is given to indicate it.
[m:z.];raindrop );deov kapka );n.
;bank acount );bankovn et );n.
Another feature of the terms in this dictionary is their "grammatical specification" mentioned at their end. For example:
Here "T" means "transitive" and it helps to understand, that a noun in accusative case may follow.
Here "I" means "intransitive" and it helps to understand, that a noun in accusative case may not follow. Other specifications
are mentioned in the list of abbreviations later in the opening part of this dictionary.
Also, it must be mentioned, that though Burmese language has specific adjectives, it often makes adjectives from intransitive
(passive) verbs with adding only a syllable or making an appropriate change in syntax. Therefore, if an adjective can be used as a verb
in Burmese, it should be given as an intransitive verb. In this dictionary they are treated as such. For example: ;small, be;mal,
bt;I . Here you may see, how it occurs in sentences:
: ;small: His car is small.;mal: Jeho auto je mal.
& : ;small: He ("inside") has a small car.;mal: ("On uvnit") m mal auto.
From these two examples we may see, that the word (= small) may be used as a verb as well as an adjective. Though in
English the adjectives also do not change, they are never treated as verbs - a verb "be" must be often added. In Burmese it is not so.
Certain Burmese words do not have exact equivalent in English, especially if we talk about 'particles'. Such terms are
explained after the introductory word 'indicates'. In the English Burmese (Myanmar) Czech Part one may search also by looking
at terms starting by 'indicates'.
Similarly it is with numerical classifiers. All numerical classifiers are usually 'translated' after the introductory word 'num.
class'. They may be searched in the English Burmese (Myanmar) Czech Part as terms starting by 'num. class.'.
Another point to be mentioned is frequent redundancy of pref. '' at Burmese (monosyllabic) nouns. Especially Burmese
nouns may be often given two times, one time with the prefix '' and then without it. Thus for example ~ (fruit), ~
(grandfather), ~ (responsibility).
Last note should be already known to users of other dictionaries. Certain composite terms are given as swapped, in order to
be easily searcheable in the printed version according to the user's need. For example:
;wrong, be;patn, bt;I
;affected, be deeply (with chest);ovlivnn, bt hluboce (s hrud);I


2. Sentences translation
There are certain spoken terms and sentences, which were given here with the purpose to show the usage of the particular
word. Thus, for example, student may understand what is the usage of [lwa~:](miss) from the sentence " "
[ m~:k lwa~:] (I miss you.). In order to make these sentences easily searchable in the (alphabetically organized) dictionary, I
add the important word of the particular sentence at its beginning:
: ;miss: I miss you.;chybt: Chyb mi. (J tebe postrdm.);col.
One of the main characteristics of this dictionary is, that it tries to be "as perfect as possible". That means, that if there is a
sentence or a phrase, it should be translated verbatim, i.e. word by word. Sometimes the meaning gets lost, therefore this "verbatim
translation" appears in quotation marks. However, if the meaning doesn't get lost and still it keeps the grammar of the target
languages, it should be given as verbatim. The verbatim translation in quotation marks still tries to follow certain grammar - with
regards to English, there have to be certain words (such as prepositions) added - as these words are not mentioned in the Burmese
original, they have to appear in brackets. For example:
: ;home: (I) will give (you) a lift home.;domov: Odvezu (t) dom.;fut.
From this example we may see, that the bracket was used for a word, which is not mentioned in the Burmese original. The
non-verbatim (common translation) should, therefore, be read with the contents of the brackets, i.e. "I will give you a lift home."
It may happen, that certain words mentioned in Burmese are usually not being mentioned in the target language. Therefore,
to keep the translation verbatim, the translation of the Burmese words (which are usually not translated to the target language) is
mentioned in brackets and quotation marks. For example:
: ;have: He ("inside") has a book.;mt: On (uvnit") m knihu.;pol.
Here the word would not appear as "inside" (or as anything else) in English - and therefore, to keep the verbatim form of
translation, it has been included in brackets and quotation marks. The non-verbatim (common translation) has to be read without the
bracketed and quoted content, i.e. as "He has a book.".
Sometimes in the translation should be used a certain word in order to make the sentence intelligible, even though the
precision suffers. In an attempt to keep the precision anyway, the precise translation of the particular word appears quoted in brackets
after a wave: ( ~ ) .
: T ;be ( ~ has become): The map is ( ~ has become) so old.;bt ( ~ stala se): (Ta)
mapa je ( ~ stala se) tak (moc) star.;p.p.;
: ;ask: The man asks for direction ( ~ way).;ptt se: Pn se pt na cestu.;cont.
A frequent user of this dictionary should remember, that the word given at the beginning of the particular example has been
attempted to be translated also at the beginning of the remaining two translation. However, sometimes the word does not appear in the
translation, or it appears as completely different. In that case another important word of the particular translation has been copied at
the beginning, and the translation of the starting word of the first sentence is given quoted in brackets, sometimes after a wave sign.
In Burmese language there are many tags and particles, which help to make sense of each sentence. Some of them denote
politeness or another way of speech. As it would be troublesome to include them into verbatim translations of each such sentences,
their occurrence is mentioned in the grammatical specification at the end of a sentence. Therefore, for example " " is
given as:
: ;go: I go.;jt: J jdu.;pol.
Here the "pol." means "polite". The abbreviations given in the last chapter of this introduction have been used throughout
whole this dictionary, mostly in the place of the grammatical specification. Similarly it is with certain other 'tags', such as
Some examples include words, which make them useful only for certain kinds of persons or situations. For example:
: ;and: You and I.;a: Ty a j.;col. um.
Here ' ' (you) and ' ' (I) are words especially used by men. Therefore, at the end of the sentence 'um.' is
mentioned to indicate, that this is 'used by men'. As another example,
: ;today: What will you drink today?;dnes: Co budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw.
As '' (you) is especially used by women, uw. is mentioned at the end of the example.


2. Burmese Language
Burmese language is a member of the Tibeto-Burman language family, which is a subfamily of the Sino-Tibetan family of
languages.1 As such, there are certain peculiarities specific for Tibetan and Chinese language. It is a syllabic and tonal language,
which make it's study for Westerners quite more difficult, as the language grammar along with the pronunciation follow very different
As scholars of Burma as well as West agree, there are two kinds of Burmese language: 'written' ( [s]) and 'spoken'
( [sk:]) . There are not many differences in these two forms, and high proficiency in spoken form of the language will, to a
very good extent, allow the particular student to understand even the Burmese written text. In order to preserve the noble culture of
the then Burma, written form of the language has been for centuries emphasized and stressed. As the Burmese proverb says:

[y:o. ahma~]
Writing is correct, reading ( ~ speech) is (just) sound.

1. Writing System
Though the first humans in Myanmar are expected to have settled there around eleven millennia ago,2 the Burmese script ultimately
descended from the Brhm script undergoing certain changes to suit the phonology of Burmese for transcribing spoken Burmese. The
earliest writing in Burmese is dated 1058."3 It is characterized by its circular letters and diacritics. It is an abugida, with all letters having an
inherent vowel (a. [ai] or [])."4 Writing is from left to right, as it is in most of the Western languages.
Apart from the fact, that Burmese numbers have been preserved in their historical form, there are also certain marks, which are not
used in the West. For example, for full stop (.) Burmese use the character () and for comma (,) is used () .
Probably in order to preserve the 'roundness' of Burmese characters (which probably developed in order to comply with needs of
palm-leaf scripting), certain characters were for centuries written in a seemingly awkward way. For example, (written by two draws), (2
draws), (3 draws), (3 draws).5
One may encounter ambiguities in writing certain symbols. The sign [] has been developed besides the sign [] to make reading
of consonants [kh], [g], [d], [p], [w] followed by sound '' clear. Thus, we distinguish:
Writing fragment











However, certain other letters, namely [dh] and [ph] are given and interchangeably, making no specific difference.
Thus we may encounter ~ and ~ . may be seen especially in words derived from Pli (eg., [dh.:]electricity) and is rather encountered in vocabulary borrowed from English (eg. [falud] faluda). Nevertheless, it must be
mentioned, that dictionaries of proper Burmese orthography6 (probably) always mention 'ph' only as and 'dh' only as ''. (24th of May, 2012) (24th of May, 2012) (24th of May, 2012)
However, certain modern Burmese natives draw these characters with one draw. For proper writing system, see .
6 Eg., Myanmar-English Dictionary of Myanmar Language Commission (program, v. 1.0.1.).


An emphasis should be made when studying the Burmese spelling, because it is easy to change complete meaning of the
particular word even by a small mistake. A good example are the [y] and T [y] symbols. While ' ' [py~:] means 'bored' or 'lazy',
'T ' [py~:] means 'intense', 'violent'.
Regarding the historical development of Burmese writing and speaking, even today we may automatically recognize certain
historical changes when we compare the written and spoken language. For instance, in written language for 'if' we come across ' '
[hly~] and ' ' [ly~], but in the modern Burmese ' ' [y~] prevails. In Pli and old texts we encounter [a], where as in the
modern writings we see only [a] [a] or [a] (all the four have identical pronunciation).

2. Pronunciation
Burmese pronunciation follows five tones, namely 'low', 'high', 'low checked', 'high checked' and 'creaky', which, though not
distinguished in Western languages at all, make significant difference in the meaning of the particular words.7
a) Low tone (ex.: [k] shield), read with a tone relatively low in comparison to other tones.
b) High tone (ex.: [k:] - spread out), read with a tone relatively high in comparison to other tones.
c) Low checked (or cut) tone (ex.: [ne..]8 - day), read in low tone, with short duration, and suddenly cutting the sound.
d) High checked (or cut) tone (ex.: [ka.] - stick to sth.), read in high tone, with short duration and suddenly cutting the sound.
e) Creaky (or choked) tone (ex.: [k<] - dance), read while narrowing throat like if one where choking oneself.
In the case of nasal syllables, the creaky tone as well as the low checked tone are excluded:
a) Low tone (ex.: [ka~] - to kick), which is read with a relatively low tone.
b) High tone (ex.: [ka~:] - to be blind), which is read with a relatively high tone.
c) Checked (or cut) tone (ex.: [ka~.] - to block), which is read with short duration, ascending tone at the end and suddenly
cutting the sound.
Studying the examples given above one may realize, that the tone plays a significant role in one's pronunciation. Very good
notes with regards to this matter were published by J. Okell, eg. in his book Burmese By Ear or Essential Myanmar: Reference Text
to Accompany the Audio. Certain tones are disregarded by Burmese speakers and with it they follow different rules. For example, in
the colloquial suffix '' (= let's) we see, that the 'checked tone' in combination with the 'closed o' make rather simple sound of 'ou'
(similar to 'ow' in English 'low'). Therefore, it may be read as [z.] or [zou]. Similar case is with the colloquial '' (= hey), read
again not with 'checked tone', but rather simply as 'hei', where 'ei' is read giving little space between jaws, as 'a' in Welsh
pronunciation of English 'make'.
In pronunciation of (probably) any language, there are ambiguities regarding pronunciation to writing system. Certain sounds
appear as different in writing, though pronunciation is more or less the same. In Burmese language this phenomenon occurs as well,
especially with regards to scripting the 'checked' tones [a.], [a.] and [.] and the nasal sounds [a~], [a~] and [a~].
Another ambiguity concerns [pha] and [bha], [sa] and [za]. With English loan words there arose the ambiguity of [wa],
[ba] and [bh], also [a.], [a.] and [a.]. The proper orthography is not always followed by the natives, and therefore student
of Burmese language should rather refer to a dictionary supported by government. Below I give several examples of what one may
encounter and the proper spelling.
What one may encounter

Dictionary version


[a.] or [.]


attend school

[pya.] or [py.]


be broken

[cha.] or [ch.]


chat (by Internet)







7 Wikipedia article on Burmese language ( ) mentions only four: Low, high, creaky
and checked. The author of this dictionary himself experienced, that Burmese ear clearly distinguishes low checked (or cut) and
high checked (or cut).
8 Two dots in the pronunciation indicate 'cut low' tone.


Certain modern words (such as or [w.shai.] - website) have not been included in Burmese dictionaries,
and therefore both spelling may be (temporarily) used interchangeably.9 The modern words given in this dictionary are given as the
author encountered them when communicating with Burmese natives.
Certain characters (in certain words) may be read in two or more ways, and still the native speakers will understand. This
concerns especially the [ya] or [ra] and [za] or [ja] symbols. In most cases, is read as [ya] and is read as [za]. However,
especially in Pali and English loan words they are read as [ra] and [ja] respectively. In rare cases [sa] maybe read as [ca] in the Pali
loan words and Pali recitals done by Burmese monks.
Written form


Language of origin


[rab you~]


travel agency






education (monastic)

[jo~] (sometimes as [zo~])



[jlai~] (sometimes as [zlai~])



Foreigners may face the different pronunciation of [hlya] and [a]. In certain words it is read one way and in other words
another way.10 For example ' ' (= walk) is read as [au], '' (= tongue) is read as [] where as '' (= secret) is rather
read as [hlyo.hw]. There are even other similar difficulties, where one has to learn different pronunciation for words with same
spelling. For example:

[sa] or [za] [s.] (= wheel, machine) X [z.] (a drop)

[sha] or [zha] [s(h):] (= fog, urine) X [z(h):] (plum)

Certain Burmese words, though read in the same way, they may be slightly distinguished in writing. For example [] and []:

[c] (= broad) X [c] (= having gaps, watery).

[p] (= reject) X [p] (= only).
[k] (= feel filled up) X [k] (= overdo).

[y] (= laugh) X [y] (= be rampant).

As it is in every other language, through speech and usage the particular grammar, orthography and pronunciation may
change. It is an unwritten rule, that colloquial speech is 'further' than the written word. We may predict how the written form will look
like through observing the present colloquial form. Below I present several transitions, which a student of Burmese language may
Written form

Spoken form










indicates end of informative sentence




( ) [:(m)]

( ) [ou:(m)]




indicates fut. tense

Sometimes 'googling' the particular word's forms helps. But for example with the word for 'website', we see, that at the time of writing this
'' is in Google search counted 11 600 times, and '' 10 900 times. Also, it should be mentioned, that '' is rather used for Pali loan
words, not so much for English. Therefore, the author believes, that is the correct form.

10 According to the Myanmar-English Dictionary of Myanmar Language Commission it seems, that is always read as 'a'. However, in practice
we may often see, that may be read also as [hlya].

3. Syllables
There are certain subtle rules in formation of Burmese syllables, which may help student of Burmese language to master it
quicker and with less difficulties. Below I mention three of them, namely 'transitisation', 'perfectisation' and 'verbisation'.
A) Transitisation (change from an intransitive verb to a transitive verb)
Certain sounds, especially [ka] and [pa] may be aspirated and then, when thus followed by slight 'h', the particular
(verb) syllable happens to change from intransitive to transitive form. For example:
Consonant change




[c:] (= break, violate)

[ch:] (= break, bend, turn)


[c.] (= be cooked)

[ch.] (= cook)


T [pye] (= be loosened)

T [phye] (or [pe]) (= untie)


[py] (= melt, dissolve)

[phy] (or [p]) (= dissolve)

B) Perfectisation
'H' sound may slightly change the meaning of the particular (verb) syllable, if it is added or removed at the very beginning.
The change here is from 'imperfect' to 'perfect':
Consonant change




[hi] (= ignite, light)

[i] (catch fire, become alight)


T [hmyau.] (= raise, elevate)

T [myau.] (reach, attain)


[hlyo.] (= reduce, loosen)

[lyo.] (fail, be short)

C) Verbisation
Certain 'nouns' and 'adjectives' are used as verbs, like it is in English. From English, we know, that 'show' has the meaning of
noun (exhibition) as well as the meaning of verb (to expose). Such words are many in English, and in Burmese as well:
Noun or adjective


[wa~:] (= round)

( ) [wa~:(d)] (= surround, encircle)

[ph] (= bellows)

( ) [ph(d)] (= build a fire)

[p:] (= fever)

( ) [p:(d)] (= have fever)

[sh<] (= gauge)

( ) [sh<] (= estimate, consider)

[pw~.] (= num. class. for flowers)

( ) [pw~.(d)] (= blossom, bloom)

Often redundant prefix '' [] at the beginning of certain words may serve as 'nouner', changing a verb into noun, adjective
or adverb.
Without [] (as a verb)

With [] (as a noun, adjective or adverb)

[s<] (= to start)

[s<] (= a start)

[n] (= to be painful)

[n] (= injury, pain)

[s(h)ou~:] (= to finish)

[s(h)ou~] (= an end)


T [pyo] (= to tell, to speak)

T [pyo] (= speech, saying)

[n] (= to be red)

[n] (= red)

T [py.sou~] (= to fulfill)

T [py.sou~] (= completely)

[yde] (= to respect)

[yde] (= respect, reverence)

There is also a phenomenon of 'shortening' when suffixes are concerned. If a suffix happens to be succeeded by another
suffix, it is often appropriately shortened. This concerns especially syllables [d], [m] and also number [i.]. They are
shortened to - [d], - [m] and - [] respectively.
Student of Burmese language should always remember, that Burmese words (especially syllables) may carry several
completely different meanings. The meanings, that the student learns, do not necessarily have to be in use, and there may be many
other, which are in use. Below I mention several syllables, which carry several diverse meanings.

[kha.] - beat, kick, toss, flutter, fence, row, shoot, stamp (a seal), secure (lock), impose (penalty)

[h:] - stab, assail, screech, play (chess), thrust, be bitten (by bug), pump, strike, erect, bribe, inscribe

[ka.] - come close, stick, offer (reverently), approach sb.; epoch, disaster

[d.] - (v.) descend, dismount; (n.) Thet nationality, life, age, breath; (adj.) slightly bitter;

[c<] - fall, decline, cost, arrive, be accustomed to, produce, be exact

[d:] - (v.) rule, draw, inscribe; (n.) son, child; (part.) num. class. for fractions; indicates definitiveness;

[sh] (v.) boil, be noisy, scold, be plump; (part.) num. class. for sacred objects

[pe] (v.) be dirty, flatten, be blunted; (n.) palm leaf, anvil, foot (measure); (adj.) stubborn, obstinate

[y:] - (v.) be plain, be monotonous, escort; (n.) ridge, fencing, brook, tradition, lineage, bone, handle, stalk; (adj.) simple,
naive, usual, customary

4. Words
The fact, that Burmese language is a monosyllabic language makes the word creation, thought verbalization and sentence
formation quite simple. It is almost like a mathematical field, where numbers are substituted by syllables and results by ideas.
Burmese language does not use as much 'be' verb as for example English. Most Burmese sentences are void of nouns or
pronouns as well. To indicate, that something is 'happening', the suffix [d] (in writing) and [] (mostly in speech) is
employed. But it is not a rule. In many cases no suffix is added. Sometimes the polite tag [p] may appear. For negative, verbs get
the prefix [ma] and sometimes suffix [bh] (or rather polite [ph:]). But often even that suffix is forgotten. Past tense is
indicated by suffix [kh.] but often it is left not indicated. Moreover, though passive mode of verbs may be indicated by suffix
[h:] it happens so mostly only in writing. Passive mode of Burmese verbs often blends with active mode and it is often not at all
indicated. All these facts simply show, that Burmese words and sentences are very much dependent on context.
Particles in Burmese words play immensely important role. Some indicate time, some indicate situation, mood, one's social
position, number, importance etc. A specific kind of 'particles' are 'numerical classifiers'. Numerical classifiers have the function of
indefinite particle, indicating number and emphasis. In this dictionary particles may be searched in a separate 'section' in the part
English Burmese Czech Part in form of list of terms starting with word 'indicates'. Numerical classifiers may be searched the same
way, under terms starting 'num. class.'.
Singular and plural is often left not indicated, though in certain cases '' [my:] (in writing) and '' [we] (especially in
speaking) are employed.
Burmese words are often monosyllabic, bisyllabic and quadrisyllabic. There are also trisyllabic and multisyllabic words.
Many monosyllabic words already carry their specific meaning, however, for even better specification, emphasis or effect, syllables
with similar meaning may be grouped to create 'a word'. Sometimes the pairs in quadrisyllabic words and single syllables in the
bisyllabic words may be deliberately swapped. Adverbs are created by doubling the adjective syllable, or (in case if the adjective
consists of two syllables), doubling each of the two syllables. Sometimes simply the combination of the monosyllabic words is
employed in order to make up a completely new meaning.


Example of monosyllabic words:

nouns: ; verbs: ; pronouns:

Example of bisyllabic words:

nouns: ; verbs: ; pronouns: ; adverbs: T T

Example of trisyllabic words:

nouns: ; adjectives:

Example of quadrisyllabic words:

nouns: ; adverbs: ~
; adjectives:

As Burmese nation is the nation of Dhamma protectors, Buddhist nation aiming at being the first and best in preservation of
the Buddha's teaching, it is intelligible, that the Buddhist thinking including the Buddhist language (Pli) are inherently close-knit with
the Burmese culture. Many common words of Burmese are copy or mostly copy of the Pli equivalent. Many Burmese bisyllabic and
quadrisyllabic words consist half of the historical Burmese vocabulary and half of the Pli vocabulary.
> (= big)

(from Pli) (= big)

(be big)


(proof) > (= proof)


> (from Pli) (= walking) +

(= walk)


> (= knowledge)

(from Pli) (= knowledge)

> (from Pli) (= truth)


(= truth)

(from Pli) (= proof)


Burmese words often easily change their type, from noun to verb, from verb to noun etc. For change from verb to noun there
are many 'suffixes' and student will certainly find them useful when studying the language. For easier study of this phenomena, I call
them as 'nouners'. The prominent of them are:

T [ch~:] (probably derived from T - happening, event), usually indicates action in its continuous form, eg.,
T [ad~pha~:ch~:] (= recording) T [dassakh~ych~:] (= making oath).

[ch.] (probably derived from - topic, matter), usually indicates a phenomenon or event, eg., [<ch.]
(= lecture), [kh~ych.] (belief).

[y:] (probably derived from - affair, matter), usually indicates a state, interest or subject, eg., [py:]
(= education), [s:pw:y:] (= economy).

[hmu] (probably derived from - affair, matter, deed), usually indicates a state or a feature, eg. [pyw~hmu]
(happiness), [lwkhmu] (easiness).

5. Sentences
Sentences are formed according to various rules, but the main syntactical rule is Subject Object Verb. For example:
T [shy sou.k py<] - Teacher book-to shows. (Teacher shows a book.)
[d ei~k tw:] - He to-home goes. (He goes home)
In spoken form, many less necessary words are to be deduced according to the particular situation, speaker and listener. For
example - "
" [tw:] may mean: (a) I go. (b) You (sg.) go. (c) He goes. (d) She goes. (e) I went. (f) you went. (g) He went.
(h) She went. (i) We go. (j) You (pl.) go. (k) They go. (l) We went. (m) You (pl.) went. (n) They went. - But '' [tw:] has other
meanings, such as 'leave', 'finish', 'come' etc. Without context the sentence cannot be much useful. Similar it is with most other sentences
of colloquial Burmese. The context is, indeed, essential.
For further information on forming sentences and any other questions regarding Burmese language, I would recommend to
follow Burmese coursebooks and associate Burmese people. Http:// has proved to me extremely useful in studying
Burmese, because it is very easy to find friends from any country using this site. If not for any other reason, at least for the reason of
studying foreign languages, I wholeheartedly recommend using this website.


3. Resources
This dictionary is a collection of collected words, and those collected words come from various sources. Below I try my best
to mention all of them:
a) (program) Myanmar-English Dictionary 1.0.1 (Technomation Studios, Myanmar Language Studios, Htain Linn Htoo, Htoo Myint
b) (program) Ayar Myanmar-English-Myanmar Dictionary (Soe Min (Mark), )
c) (program) Bagan English Myanmar Dictionary 2.0.1002.0 (Ant Htoo Naing, 2006)
d) (program) Stardict 3.0.2 (database English<->Czech database)
e) (program) Stardict 3.0.2 (ven. Czech Sarana's database English<->Sinhala, Sinhala<->Czech)
f) (program) Verdict Free English-Czech Dictionary 1.5 (Microton s.r.o, 2003-2005)
g) (Mozilla Firefox add-on) DPR 3.5.2 (Digital Pali Reader) (ven. Yuttadhammo, especially Pali-English Dictionary of PTS and ven.
Buddhadatta's Concise Pali-English dictionary)
h) (program) Okawix 0.7 with Wikipedia Offline version from 2011
i) (website) Burmese course website:
j) (program) L-Lingo Burmese Professional 4.1
k) (book) Burmese By Ear or Essential Myanmar, Reference text to accompany the audio (J. Okell, 2002, 211 pages)
l) (book) Burmese Phrasebook (Sally Seward and col., Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd 2001 (third edition), 224 pages)
m) (website)
n) And all kinds of Burmese people, that I have ever met in Sri Lanka.

4. Acknowledgment
It would be impossible to make this dictionary real without the great number of people, who (both directly and indirectly)
helped its creation and development. Firstly I would like to thank all the Burmese monks, with who I spent several years in Sri Lankan
monasteries when we together studied at the local university. Most helpful were ven. Janinda, ven. Nanda, ven. Pannindriya (Rakhai),
ven. Tikkha, ven. Vasava, ven. Asabha, ven. Ratthasara (Rakhai), ven. Tejaniya, ven. Narinda, ven. Dhammasara (Rakhai), ven. Suriya
(Mon), ven. Issariya, ven. Kavissara and ven. Ashon Nyanuttara (Rakhai). Also many lay people helped me in understanding many
sentences and contributed much to the collection of the words herein. Especially I would like to mention Mr. Soe Myint Thein, Ms. Mya
Mytzu, Mrs. Ssu Yee Mon, Mr. Phone Myint Min, Ms. Nine Win, Ms. Saw Nan Thiri May, Mr. Lwin, Mr. Nay Linn, Mr. Khun Cho, Mr.
Sue Khat Min and many, many others.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the proofreaders of whole the dictionary database, especially to Mrs. Ssu Yee Mon,
Mrs. Noble Moe and Mrs. Kay Thi Hlaing. With a lot of faith, they have done immense work by correcting the countless mistakes that I
had made when writing this dictionary. Without their help this dictionary could never be truly called as 'useful'. They have thus certainly
collected much merit. Thereafter I wish to express my gratitude also to Mr. Radek Chejlava for his important remarks and proofreading
of this introduction.
I must not forget also Chanaka Jayamal, who spent his precious time making code for concatenation, so much important for
transfer of dictionary database into book form. Ven. Nyana (Mon) was irreplaceable in transforming the dictionary database into
StarDict database form, Mr. Mirek Frodl exhibited his programming skills when he created the nice program for this dictionary despite
the lack of his time and Hashan Godakanda spent much of his precious time preparing CD Menu for the CD of this dictionary, a work
which can be done only through uttermost patience, compassion and loving-kindness. Finally, I should mention Ko Zaw Min Lwin, who
at the time of writing this acknowledgment prepares online version of this dictionary and who has done the proofreading of the Burmese
part of its introduction. There were many other people, but hopefully they will forgive me, that my memory didn't allow me to mention

May all beings be happy,

ven. Czech Sarana (Jan ovek)
Sri Lanka, Colombo, May 2012


5. Useful Tables
1. Matrix of Burmese Script11
[k] group






[s] group

[sa] ([ca])

[sha] ([cha])

[za] ([ja])

[zha] ([jha])


[] group






[] group






[p] group


[pha] ([fa])

[ba] ([fa])




[da/ta] ([sa])




() [a.]
/ [i]
/ []
/ [u]
/ []
/ [:]
/ [e]
/ [o]
/ []
() [ei.]
(/ ) [ou.]

() [ou.]
( ) [a.]
() [ei.]
() [ou.]
() [ei~]
( ) [.]
(/ ) [.]
(/ ) [ou.]
( ) [.]
() [ei.]
( ) [~]
() [ei~]
() [ou~]

( ) [e~]
( ) [a.]
(/ ) [ei.]
() [ou.]
( ) [e..]
( ) [au.]
( ) [.]
() [a~]
() [~]
() [ei~]
(/) [ou~]
() [ai~]
() [ai~:]
( ) [.]
/( ) [ei.]
/( ) [ou.]
( ) [e..]
( ) [a.]
( ) [.]
(/ ) [ei.]
() [ou.]
() [ai.]

( ) [~]
(/ ) [ei~]
/( ) [ou.]
( ) [au.]
( ) [a.]
() [ei.]
() [ou.]
( ) [.]
/( ) [ou~]
/() [ou~]

( ) []
() [ai]
() [ai.]
( ) []
( ) [e]
() [ai]
( ) [a]
() [ei]
() [ou]
() []
( ) [a.]
( ) []
(/ ) [ei]
(/ ) [ou]
( ) [e]
() [ai]
( ) [a]
( ) []
() [ei]
() [ai]
() []

Devowelized consonants: Those are consonants which loose their ''. Often they make only a 'hight cut' tone, but (especially) in case of English
words they may happen to be pronounced. E.g.: [k] -> [k] ; [p] -> [p] etc.
Doubled consonants:
Those are devowelized consonants followed by a duplicate or other consonant. They appear especially
in loans from Pali. E.g.: [kk], [mm], [dd], [mb(h)], [nd ], [(h)], [(h)], [] etc.

11 Mostly copied from "T " , T T T T


2. Pronunciation of the Romanized Matrix

As the letters and their romanization have been mentioned above, the reader should be contended with a
brief explanation of the way how to read the romanization. This romanization system is very different from any
romanization systems ever introduced for Burmese language. The author of this dictionary believes, that as
Burmese language is a 'Buddhist language', it should have much common with the original Buddhist language,
Pli. Therefore, especially for the convenience of Pli scholars, the internationally accepted Pli romanization
system should be applied for Burmse language as well. Modern Burmese romanization system is misleading
and unnecessarily complicated. Below is a suggestion of a new system, simple and much similar to the system
used for Sinhalese, Sanskrit, Pli, Hindi and many other languages.
k, g, j, p, b, m, y, r, l, s, h and f - These are read as their equivalents in English alphabet. Regarding g and j, they are read as g
in goal and j in jar respectively.
and Both are read as n in link or ng in sing.
c Read like ch in cheek.
Read like n in finch or orange or Spanish in aos.
It is a palatal consonant pronounced as t in tick tack or t in teak.
It is a palatal consonant pronounced as d in destiny or down.
and Both are pronounced as their equivalents n and l. The purpose of the distinction is to make possible eventual exact
transcription back to Burmese or Pli.
w Pronounced like w in vowel, shower etc.
v Usually interchangeable with b, Pronounced like v in vowel, vindicate etc. Burmese ear often does not recognize
difference between v and b, because v sound is not innate to Burmese pronunciation.
t It is a dental consonant pronounced by blunt touching the upper jaw with the tongue and thus making a sound similar to t in
trip. Less exact pronunciation can be achieved by pronouncing it as th in throne.
d It is a dental consonant pronounced by blunt touching the upper jaw with the tongue. It is pronounced as the, the English
definite particle.
and Both are pronounced as sh in sheep or sch in schwa.
kh, gh, ch, jh, h, h, th, dh, ph and bh These are aspirated consonants, for example kh is read likeckh in trick him, gh is read
like gh in dig hastily, ch is read like chh in rich hustler, jh is read like geh in rage-high, h is read like dh in red hot,
bh is read like bh in astrolab history, etc.
kk, mm, , ll, ww etc. - These are doubled consonants. Kk is read like ckc when quickly reading sack-carrying, mm like mm
in ram-murder, like dd in bad donkey, ll like ll in ill lizard, ww like now walk.

a It is a short vowel, read as u in fun or o in son.
This is shwa, the unstressed, toneless, neutral vowel, similar to o in random.
It is a long vowel, read like ah in blah or ar in lard when pronounced by a British speaker.
This symbol has been introduced by me in order to solve the general dispute on how to romanize of Sinhalese. In Burmese
language this sound is also very frequent. It is a short vowel read like a in man or ant.
- This symbol has been introduced by me in order to solve the general dispute on how to romanize of Sinhalese. In Burmese
language this sound is also very frequent. It is a long vowel read like land or hand.


i This is a short vowel, read as i in stick or lip.

This is a long vowel, read as ee in cheek or jeep.
u This is a short vowel, read as u in put.
This is a long vowel, read as oo in food or mood.
e This is a short vowel, read as e in pet or let.
This is a long vowel, read by lenthening the sound of e mentioned above. Its pronunciation as in caf (pronounced by an
American speaker) or (short) e in men or red is completely wrong. It may be also understood as e in French l'ane.
o This is a short vowel, read as o in roll or pot. When pronouncing, the jaws should be kept far from each other.
This is a short vowel, read as slightly closed o in proverb or cold. When pronouncing, there should be made little space
between the jaws and lips should be well rounded into a small circle.
This is a long vowel, read as aw in straw or law.
ai This is a diphthong consisting of two short vowels, and it should be read as i in like. In other words, it is a combination of a
and i mentioned above.
au This is a diphthong consisting of two short vowels, and it is read as ou in trousers or doubt. In other words, it is
combination of a and u mentioned above.
ou This is a diphthong consisting of two short vowels, and it is read as ow in low or snow. In other words, it is combination
of o and u mentioned above.
: - This colon indicates higher tone of voice, almost like singing higher. : will be read as with high tone, : as with higher
tone etc.
. - This dot indicates cut in voice in higher tone. For example a. will be read as a very short, suddenly stopped a in higher tone.
. will be read as a very short, suddenly stopped in higher tone.
e.. - This is pronounced as e low in tone, read as very short, suddenly stopped sound. It is similar to ea in head or e in net.
< - This sign indicates the 'choked' (or 'creaky') tone of Burmese language. When pronouncing a consonant, a choked a-like sound
with tone rising up should be emitted. Thus for example n< should be pronounced as a choked, high toned n. py< should be
pronounced as a choked, high toned py. It is very important to pronounce this sound distinctly. Even when exaggerated, Burmese
ear understands.
~ - This sign indicates nasal end. It is similar to the specific French nasal sound 'n', as in bon matin (= good morning), which is
read as bo~ mata~. Therefore, a~ will be read as a finished with nasal end, i~ will be read as i finished with nasal end etc.


3. Tables of weights and measures12

Grain and liquid measuring
Myanmar grain and liquid measuring (A)
2 T

Myanmar grain and liquid measuring (B)

(1 of paddy contains 200 seeds.)


1 T

4 T

1 T

16 T

2 T

- 1 = bushel (ca. 36.3 liters, grain in box ca. 47

cm in diameter and 20.3 cm high)

English liquid measuring

2 (pint)

1 (quarter)

4 (quarter)

1 (gallon)

- 1 (gallon) = gallon, ca. 3.79 liters

Metric system
10 (ml)

1 (cl)

100 (cl)

1 (l)


1 (kl)


Myanmar measuring
7 () -


4 ()

1 ()

4 ()

1 ()

4 ()

1 () (tical)

5 () (tical)-


1 (viss)

25 (viss) -

- 1 (viss) = 1 viss, ca. 1.6 kg

- 1 () (tical) = 1 tical, ca. 16 g

English measuring
(ounce) (pound)


- 1 (ton) = ton, ca. 907.18 kg
- 1 (quarter) = quarter, ca. 113.4
- 1 (pound) = pound, ca. 453 g
- 1 (ounce) = ounce, ca. 28.3 g
10 (mg)
100 (cg)
1000 (g)
1000 (kg)

Metric system
1 (cg)
1 (g)
1 (kg)
1 (t)

12 Mostly copied from "T " , T T T T


Comparison of weight standards side by side


(metric t)
( ) (t)
( ) (t)
(metric t)

0.453 (kg)
27.777 (tical)
2.205 (pound)
61.239 (tical)
2209 (pound)
622 (viss)
2240 (pound)
3.6 (pound)
1.633 (kg)
0. 984 (t)
1.016 (metric t)

Myanmar measuring
10 T (hairs)-

1 (sesame seed)

6 (sesame seed)- 1 (barley)

4 (barley)-

1 (finger-breadth)

8 (finger-breadth)-1

English measuring
12 (inch)

1 (foot)

2 (foot)

1 ( ) (yard)

22 (yard)


1 (furlong)

8 (furlong)

1 (mile)


1 (usabha)


1 (foot) = 1 foot, ca. 30.48 cm.

1 (yojana)

1 (yard) = 1 yard, ca. 0.91 m

1 (yojana) = ca. 12.72 miles, ca. 20.47 km

1 (usabha) = ca. 140 cubits, ca. 6.4 km

1 (inch) = 1 inch, ca. 2.54 cm

1 (furlong) = 1 furlong, ca. 201.17 m

1 (mile) = 1 mile, ca. 1.6 km

1 = ca. 6 inches, ca. 15.24 cm.

Metric system
10 (mm)

1 (cm)

100 (cm)

1 (m)

1000 (m)

1 (km)

Comparison of length standards side by side

Myanmar time measuring

1 (m)

39.37 (inch)

10 (wink)-

1 (moment)

1 (km)

0.621 (mile)

10 (moment)-

1 (inch)

2.94 (cm)


1 (1 )

1 (foot)

0.304 (m)


1 T

1 (yard)

0.914 (m)

6 T

1 (mile)

1609.35 (km)


1 (mile)

1.609 (km)

1 (hour)

60 (hour) -

1 (day)

30 (day)

1 (month)

12 (month) -

1 (year)


4. Birth-day naming
As astrology, the Hindu (non-Buddhist) practice, has strong roots in Burmese culture, even children receive their names
according to the day of their birth. From the first letter of a person's name one may realize his/her day of birth.


First letter of the name

Monday ()

Tuesday ()

Wednesday ( )

Thursday ()

Friday ()

Saturday ()

Sunday ()


1. Vznik a systm tohoto slovnku
Tento slovnk je sbrkou slov, frz a vt, kter jsem nasbral bhem svho studia Myanmarskho
(Barmskho) jazyka, kter jsem zapoal na Sr Lance. Obsahuje zejmna nespisovn jazyk, a (pestoe vzcn)
tak spisovn a vulgrn termny, frze a vty, s nimi je mono se setkat pi kontaktu s lidmi z Myanmaru.
Jakoto osob esk nrodnosti, mi pilo ponkud tristn, e nebyl k dispozici dn sinhlsko-esk i eskosinhlsk slovnk, a tak ve prospch pozdvien slvy a cty tchto obou jazyk uveejuji touto cestou svou
kolekci peloench vznam.
Zvltn vlastnost tohoto slovnku je nejen to, e je trojjazyn (zahrnuje tet jazyk, tj. etinu), ale zejmna skutenost, e
se sna bt npomocnm hlavn studentm. Pestoe vtina uivatel asi neporozum esk sti zde uvedench termn, rozhodl
jsem se ji neodstranit, ponvad se me stt, e by se nkte ei rdi nauili tento ndhern jazyk, a pak, protoe by jist Barmt
studenti (kte ij v esk Republice) mohli tento slovnk shledat uitenm pi svm studiu eskho jazyka.
Jsou zde dva druhy termn: slovka a pklady. Slovkov termny jsou z velk sti jednoduchm pekladem slov s
jejimi gramatickmi vlastnostmi na konci. Pklady jsou zejmna vty, kter jsou zde s elem ukzat, jak by se to kter slovo
(opsan na zatku toho kterho pkladu) mohlo ut.

Zvltn vlastnosti strun:

Slova s chybnm pravopisem (se ktermi je mon se setkat od rodilch) jsou tak zahrnuta a oznaena WS.

Ohromn poet pklad slova jsou pedvedena ve vtch a vechny tyto pklady (vty) jsou k dispozici ve vech tech

Pokus o doslovn peklad pklad velk poet uvedench vt je k dispozici ve srozumiteln podob pekladu, avak
doslovn peklad je tak naznaen.

Etymologie slov mnoho slov je obohaceno etymologi, kter je spe pomoc studentm k jejich zapamatovn, nikoliv
nezbytn v souladu se skutenou histori toho kterho barmskho slovka. Pokusil jsem se o analzu kadho slova a
peklad jejich slabik v pochopiteln form, aby se student mohl nauit nejen to kter slovo jako takov, ale tak vznam
slabik, ze kterch se skld. Peklad slabik me bt zamchan, aby byl srozumiteln, v jakm ppad je kad slabika
oslovan aby bylo mon zptn dohledat vznam kad slabiky v pvodnm slov.

Jist nron slova jsou obohacena o vslovnost v latince dle novho systmu vytvoenho ct. Czech Saranou.

Buddhistick termny jsou zahrnuty s jejich originln formou jazyka Pli, kter je pak zptn peloeno znovu do anglitiny,
aby tak bylo studentovi umonno pochopit pvod toho kterho slova.

Jist termny ne dobe znm studentm ze zpadu jsou obohacen o vysvtlen.

Vtina poitatelnch slov je obohacena o svj odpovdajc itatel () v zvorkch. (Ale zejmna tato st byla
ponkud nron. Profesionln oprava tchto a jinch chyb by byla vtan.)

Je zahrnut zejmna nespisovn jazyk. Jsou zde tak vulgrn vrazy, ale jen vzcn. Tm vechna slova jsou obohacena o
informace ohledn gramatiky a zpsobu uit jim vlastnch, aby student vdl v jakm ppad se s tm kterm slovem
me setkat, ppadn jej ut.

Tento slovnk jist stle obsahuje mnoho chyb a celkov je zde mnoho nedostatk. Autor nen ani barmsk, ani anglick
nrodnosti. Nikdo z pedk autora nenavtvil zemi Myanmaru. Profesionln korektura je tedy douc.

Tento slovnk pozbv autorskch prv a me bt kmkoliv upraven. Me bt pijat spolenost, vylepen, vydvn a

Ml by bt tak k dispozici v programu StarDict jakoto sthnuteln a voln dostupn databze, jakoto online slovnk a tak
jakoto PDF. Vytisknut kopie by mly obsahovat CD se vemi daty a programy uitenmi ke korektue, prav a vbec
dal prci na tomto slovnku.


1. Peklad slovek
Barmsk jazyk je slabin jazyk, tj. zaloen na slabikch. To znamen, e ohromn mnostv jeho slov se skld ze slabik,
kter maj svj vlastn specifick vznam. Nap.: " " [] se obvykle do etiny pekld jakoto kart.
Avak Barmsk slovo nm dv ponkud pesnj informaci o vznamu tohoto slova [we.] = prase, [hm~]= ttiny,
[b(h):]= heben proto je skutenm vznamem tohoto Barmskho slova "heben (z) prasech ttin", z eho je zeteln zkladn
smysl. Tento slovnk se sna odhalit tento smysl Barmskch slov a pomoci tak studentm se je nauit rychleji a efektivnji. Z toho
dvodu slovnkov zpis ve zmnnho termnu vypad;e takto:
ex: ();brush ("comb (of) pig bristles");kart ("heben (z) prasech ttin");sg.
Nkdy doslovn peklad ztrc svj smysl kdy je uveden popoad dle pekldanho. astokrt pouh (sprvn) zamchn
peloench slabik nesmrn pome, aby student tomu ktermu slovu porozuml. Za tm elem je doslovn peklad uveden v
poad pohodlnm k pochopen, a pro pesn pochopen je u slabik uvedeno slo (, , , , , ) aby bylo mon sprvn poad
peloench slabik toho kterho Barmskho slova zptn dohledat.
Nkdy jsou slova bu pevzata z cizho jazyka, nebo jsem nebyl schopen dohledatpvodn vznam jejich slabik. Vsledkem
je, e nkter etymologie zcela opomj vznam celho slova. Nap.:
( );man (man tiger);mu (mu tygr);sg.

();pineapple (fruit (of) suffering deity);ananas (ovoce trpcho bka);sg.

Nkter peklady jsou doslovn i v pirozen form, proto je za pekladem uveden symbol ) :
[m:z.];raindrop );deov kapka );n.
;bank acount );bankovn et );n.
Dal vlastnost termn tohoto slovnku je jejich gramatick popis zmnn na jejich konci. Nap.:
Zde "T" znamen "tranzitivn" (pechodn) a pomh pochopit, e se k tomu slovesu pidv pedmt ve tvrtm pd.
Zde I znamen intranzitivn (nepechodn) a pomh pochopit, e se k tomu slovesu pedmt ve tvrtm pd
nepidv. Dal upesnn jsou zmnn v seznamu zkratek pozdji v vodn sti tohoto slovnku.
Tak je teba zmnit, e pestoe m barmsk jazyk specifick pdavn jmna, mnohokrt vytv pdavn jmno z
intranzitivnho (nepechodnho) slovesa pidnm pouh slabiky nebo provedenm vhodn zmny ve vtn skladb. Proto, pokud je
mon njak barmsk pdavn jmno ut coby sloveso, pak je teba jej uvst jakoto intranzitivn (nepechodn). V tomto slovnku
jsou tak uvedena. Nap.: ;small, be;mal, bt;I . Zde se podvejte, jak se ten jev vyskytuje ve vt:
: ;small: His car is small.;mal: Jeho auto je mal.
& : ;small: He ("inside") has a small car.;mal: ("On uvnit") m mal auto.
Z tchto dvou pklad lze vidt, e slovo (= small) je mono ut na mst slovesa i pdavnho jmna. Pestoe se v
anglitin pdavn jmna tak nemn, nikdy se neuvaj na mst sloves slovo be mus bt asto pidno. V barmtin tomu tak
Jist barmsk slova nemaj pesn ekvivalent v anglitin, zejmna pokud se bavme o pedponch a pponch. Takov
termny jsou zde uveden po vodnm slov zna. V sti Czech Burmese (Myanmar) English Part je mono je hledat dvnm
se na termny zanajc slovem zna.
Podobn je to s itateli. Vechny itatel jsou obvykle 'peloen' po vodnm slov 'itatel'. Mohou zde bt hledny v sti
Czech Burmese (Myanmar) English Part jakoto termny zanajc slovem itatel.
Dal zleitost ke zmnn je ast nadbytenost ppony '' v barmskch (jednoslabinch) podstatnch jmnech.
Zejmna barmsk podstatn jmna se zde mohou asto vyskytovat jednou s pponou '' a podruh bez n. Takto nap.: ~
(ovoce), ~ (ddeek), ~ (zodpovdnost).
Posledn poznmka by nemla bt novotou uivatelm jinch slovnk. Jist sloen termny jsou uvedeny zamnn, aby
byly snadno hledateln ve vytitn verzi, dle poteby uivatele. Nap.:
;wrong, be;patn, bt;I
;affected, be deeply (with chest);ovlivnn, bt hluboce (s hrud);I


2. Peklad vt
Jsou urit nespisovn termny a vty, kter jsou zde uvedeny aby byl jasn zpsob, jakm se to kter slovo uv.
Proto, napklad, student me pochopit jak se uv slovo [lwa~:] (chybt) z vty " " [ m~:k
lwa~:] (Chyb mi.). Aby bylo mon tyto vty snadno hledat v (abecedn uspodanm) slovnku, dleit slova, kter tam
jsou obsaena, jsou opsan na potku:
: ;miss: I miss you.;chybt: Chyb mi. (J tebe postrdm.);col.
Jednou z hlavnch vlastnost tohoto slovnku je, e se sna bt 'co nejdokonalej'. To znamen, e pokud se zde
vyskytuje vta nebo frze, mla by bt peloena doslovn, tj. slovo od slova. Nkdy se tm ztrat vznam, a proto se tento
'doslovn peklad' objevuje v uvozovkch. Nicmn, pokud se vznam neztrc a stle si uchovv gramatiku clovho jazyka,
apk by mlo bt uvedeno doslova. Doslovn peklad v uvozovkch se stle sna zachovvat uritou gramatiku i v eskm
jazyce jsou jist slova, kter je teba pidat a ponvad tato slova nejsou zmnna v barmskm originle, je teba, aby se
objevila v zvorkch. Nap.:
: ;home: (I) will give (you) a lift home.;domov: Odvezu (t) dom.;fut.

Z tohoto pkladu lze vidt, e zvorky byly uity pro slovo, kter nen zmnn v barmskm originle. Voln (nikoliv
doslovn) peklad by tedy ml bt ten s obsahem zvorek, tj. Odvezu t dom.
Me se stt, e nkter slova zmnn v barmtin nejsou zmiovna v clovm jazyce. V takovm ppad, aby byl
uchovan doslovn peklad, je peklad barmskch slov (kter se obvykle nepekldaj do toho kterho clovho jazyka) zmnn
v zvorkch a uvozovkch. Nap.:
: ;have: He ("inside") has a book.;mt: On (uvnit") m knihu.;pol.
Ve zmnn slovo se v etin jakoto uvnit(nebo cokoliv jinho) neobjevuje proto, aby se udrela podoba
doslovnho pekladu, je zmnno v zvorkch a uvozovkch. Voln (nikoliv doslovn) peklad by ml bt ten bez obsahu
zvorek s uvozovkami, tj. jakoto On m knihu.
Nkdy by v pekladu mlo bt uito urit slovo aby byla dan vta pochopiteln, pestoe utrp na pesnosti. Pro
zachovn pesnosti je pesn peklad toho kterho slova uveden v zvorkch s uvozovkami po vlnovce: ( ~ ) .
: T ;be ( ~ has become): The map is ( ~ has become) so old.;bt ( ~ stala
se): (Ta) mapa je ( ~ stala se) tak (moc) star.;p.p.;
: ;ask: The man asks for direction ( ~ way).;ptt se: Pn se pt na
ast uivatel tohoto slovnku by si ml pamatovat, e bylo vynaloeno sil peloit slovo uveden na potku toho kterho
pkladu tak na potku jeho peklad. Nicmn, nkdy se to slovo v pekladu nevyskytuje, nebo se vyskytuje zcela jinak. V
takovm ppad bylo dleit slovo toho kterho pekladu opsno na potek a peklad podstatnho slova prvn vty je uveden v
zvorkch s uvozovkami, nkdy po vlnovce.
V Barmskm jazyce je mnoho 'znaek', pedpon a ppon, kter hraj roli ve smyslu kad vty. Nkter z nich zna
zdvoilost nebo i jin druh mluvy. Ponvad by bylo ponkud obtn je zahrnout do doslovnho pekladu kad vty, je jejich vskyt
zmnn v gramatickm popisu na konci vty. Proto nap. " " je uvedeno jakoto:
: ;go: I go.;jt: J jdu.;pol.
"pol." zde znamen "polite" (tj. zdvoilost. Zkratky uveden v posledn kapitole tohoto vodu byly uvny v celm slovnku,
zejmna na mst gramatickho popisu. Podobn je to s jistmi jinmi 'znakami', nap. atd.
Nkter pklady zahrnuj slova, kvli kterm jsou uiteln pouze v uritch situacch nebo pro urit osoby. Nap.:
: ;and: You and I.;a: Ty a j.;col. um.
' ' (ty) a ' ' (j) jsou slova uvan zejmna mui. Proto je na konci vty zmnno 'um.', aby bylo zeteln, e
se tato vta 'uv mui'. Jinm pkladem me bt:

: ;today: What will you drink today?;dnes: Co budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw.
Ponvad '' (vy) se uv obvykle pouze enami, je na konci pkladu uvedeno uw (= used by women).


2. Barmsk jazyk
Barmsk jazyk je lenem Tibetsko-Barmsk jazykov rodiny, kter je podrodinou Sino-Tibetsk rodiny jazyk.13 Jako
takov, obsahuje jist zvltnosti specifick pro tibetsk a nsk jazyk. Je to slabin a tnov jazyk, kvli emu je jeho studium
ponkud nronj pro lid ze zpadu, ponvad gramatika tohoto jazyka spolu s jeho vslovnost nsleduj velice odlin kritria.
Jak se shoduj uenci z Myanmaru i uenci ze zpadu, jsou dva druhy barmskho jazyka: 'psan' ( [s]) a 'mluven'
( [sk:]) . Nen v tchto dvou formch mnoha rozdl, a vysok znalost mluven formy tohoto jazyka do velk mry umon
studentovi pochopit dokonce i barmsk text. Za elem uchovat ulechtilou kulturu tehdej Barmy, byla po stolet zdrazovna a
vyzvedvna psan forma tohoto jazyka. Jak k barmsk pslov,

[y:o. ahma~]
Psan je sprvn, ten je pouze zvuk.

1. Systm psan
Pestoe se pedpokld, e se prvn lid Myanmaru v t oblasti usadili asi ped jedencti tisciletmi,14 v zsad vzato, vzniklo
Barmsk psmo z psma Brhm, piem podstoupilo jist zmny aby vyhovovalo fonologii barmtiny pi zpisu jej mluven formy.
Nejstar psan v Barmtin se datuje na rok 1058."15 Je zvltn svmi kulatmi psmeny a diakritikou. Je to abugida, se vemi psmeny
obsahujcmi zkladn samohlsku (a. [ai] or [])."16 Je psan z leva do prava, tak, jako i mnoho zpadnch jazyk.
Krom toho, e byly barmsk slice uchovny v jejich historick form, uv se v tomto jazyce jistch znaek, kter na zpad
nejsou v uit. Na pklad pro teku za vtou (.) uvaj barmnci symbol () a pro rku v souvt (,) se uv () .
Pravdpodobn za elem uchovn 'kulatosti' barmskch znak (kter se jist vyvinula aby vyhovovala potebm zapisovn na
palmov listy), psaly se po stalet jist znaky zdnliv neikovn. Nap. (psan dvma tahy), (2 tahy), (3 tahy), (3 tahy).17
Je mon, e se student pi psan uritch symbol setk s nejednoznanostmi. Symbol [] byl vyvinut vedle [] aby umonil ten
souhlsek [kh], [g], [d], [p], [w] nsledovanch zvukem '' jasnm. Proto rozliujeme:

Fragment psan











Nicmn, jistm dalm znakm, tj. [dh] a [ph] se pidv i zamniteln, ani by dochzelo k njak vznamn
zmn. Proto se meme setkat s tm, e ~ a ~ . me bt spateno zejmna ve slovech odvozench z jazyka Pli
(eg., [dh.:]- elektina) a je spe shledno ve slovn zsob pjen z anglitiny (eg. [falud] faluda). V
kadm ppad je teba zmnit, e slovnky sprvnho barmskho pravopisu18 (pravdpodobn) vdy zmiuj 'ph' pouze jakoto
a 'dh' pouze jakoto ''. (24th of May, 2012) (24th of May, 2012) (24th of May, 2012)
Avak nkte barmnci tyto znaky p jednm tahem. Pro pesn a vrohodn zpsob se lze odkzat na .
18 Nap., Myanmar-English Dictionary od Myanmar Language Commission (program, v. 1.0.1.).


Pi studiu barmskho pravopisu by ml bt kladen draz, ponvad se snadno stane, e se, by kvli mal chyb, kompletn
zmn vznam psanho. Dobrm pkladem jsou symboly [y]19 a T [y]. Zatmco ' ' [py~:] znamen 'znudn' nebo 'ln', 'T '
[py~:] znamen 'intenzivn', 'nsiln'.
Co se te historickho vvoje spisovn a nespisovn barmtiny, i dnes, kdy tyto dv formy porovnme, meme rozpoznat k
jakm zmnm v nich historicky dolo. Na pklad, v psanm jazyce se setkme s tm, e se pro jestli v psanm jazyce pouv ' '
[hly~] a ' ' [ly~], avak v modern barmtin pevld ' ' [y~]. V Pli a starch textech se setkvme s [a], zatmco v
modernm psan se uv [a] [a] or [a] (vechny tyi maj identickou vslovnost).

2. Vslovnost
Barmsk vslovnost nsleduje pt tn, tj. 'nzk', 'vysok', 'nzk sekan', 'vysok sekan' a 'krcen', kter, pestoe nejsou
v zpadnch jazycch vbec rozeznvny, hraj dleitou roli ve vznamu tch kterch slov ve kterch se vyskytuj.20
a) Nzk tn (nap.: [k] chrnit), ten v relativn nzk tnin.
b) Vysok tn (nap.: [k:] - rozthnout), ten v relativn vysok tnin.
c) Nzk sekan tn (nap.: [ne..]21 - den), ten v relativn nzk tnin, krtce a s useknutm na konci.
d) Vysok sekan tn (nap.: [ka.] - pilepit), ten v relativn nzk tnin, krtce a s useknutm na konci.
e) krcen tn (ex.: [k<] - tancovat), ten zenm hrdla jako by dochzelo k mrnmu krcen.
V ppad nosovch slabik jsou krcen tn i nzk sekan tn vyazeny:
a) Nzk tn (nap.: [ka~] - kopat), ten v relativn nzk tnin.
b) Vysok tn (nap.: [ka~:] - bt slep), ten v relativn vysok tnin.
c) Checked (or cut) tone (nap.: [ka~.] - zabraovat), ten krtce, se zvenm tniny hlasu na konci a useknutm na konci.
Pi studiu pklad uvedench ve je mono si uvdomit, e v barmsk vslovnosti hraje tn podstatnou roli. Velice dobr
poznmky k tto zleitosti byly vydny J. Okellem v jeho knce Burmese By Ear or Essential Myanmar: Reference Text to
Accompany the Audio. Nkter tny jsou barmskmi mluvmi zanedbny a s tm nsleduj i jin pravidla. Napklad v nespisovn
ppon '' (= pojme) si meme vimnout, e ten 'sekan tn' v kombinaci se 'zavenm o' vytv ponkud jednoduch zvuk 'ou'.
Proto toto slovo lze st jakoto [z.] nebo i [zou]. Podobn je to s nespisovnm '' (= hele), opt tenm nikoliv 'sekanm
tnem', ale spe jednodue, jakoto 'hei', kde 'ei' je teno tak, e se utvo jen mal mezera mezi zuby, jako pi vysloven e v poctiv
vyslovenm 'knedlk.
Ve vslovnosti (pravdpodobn) jakhokoliv jazyka jsou nejednoznanosti vzhledem k vslovnosti vi psanmu systmu.
Nkter zvuky se pi psan jev odlin, pestoe vslovnost je vcemn stejn. V barmskm jazyce se tento jev tak vyskytuje,
zejmna s ohledem na zapisovn 'sekanch' tn [a.], [a.] a [.] a nosovch zvuk [a~], [a~] a [a~]. Dal
nejednoznanost se tk [pha] a [bha], [sa] a [za]. S pchodem slov vypjench z anglickho jazyka dolo k promchvn
[wa], [ba] a [bh], a tak [a.], [a.] a [a.]. Ne vdy rodil mluv nsleduj sprvn pravopis, a proto by se ml student
spe spolhat na slovnk podporovan vldou. ne nsleduje nkolik pklad toho, s m se lze setkat a sprvn pravopis.
S m se lze setkat

Co je ve slovnku


[a.] nebo [.]


chodit do koly

[pya.] nebo [py.]


bt rozbit

[cha.] nebo [ch.]


bavit se (po internetu)







19 Zde y ve vslovnosti nsleduje mezinrodn Pli systm vslovnosti, dle nj se y te jako j v eskm jazyk nebo mj.
20 lnek Wikipedie na tma barmskho jazyka ( ) zmiuje pouze tyi: Nzk,
vysok, krcen a sekan. Autor tohoto slovnku si sm vyzkouel, e barmsk ucho jasn rozpozn nzk sekan tn od
vysokho sekanho.
21 Dv teky ve vslovnosti zna 'nzk sekan' tn.


Jist modern slova (jako nap. nebo [w.shai.] - webov strnka) nebyly zahrnuty do barmskch slovnk,
a proto mohu bt oba zpsoby zpisu (doasn) libovoln zamovny.22 Modern slova obsaen v tomto slovnku nsleduj pravopis, s
jakm se autor setkal pi komunikaci s rodilmi barmnci.
Urit znaky (v nkterch slovech) mohou bt teny dvma nebo vce zpsoby, a i pesto budou rodil rozumt. To se tk
zejmna symbol [ya] nebo [ra] a [za] nebo [ja]. Ve vtina ppad je teno jakoto [ya] a jakoto [za]. Zejmna ale ve slovech
pjench z jazyka Pli a angliiny se tou jakoto [ra] a [ja]. Ve vjimench ppadech lze st [sa] jakoto [ca] ve slovech odvozench
z Pli a pi Pli recitacch barmskmi mnichy.

Psan forma


Pvodn jazyk


[rab you~]


cestovn agentura






vuka (kltern)

[jo~] (nkdy jakoto [zo~])



[jlai~] (nkdy jakoto [zlai~])



Cizinci se mohou setkat s odlinou vslovnost [hlya] a [a]. V nkterch slovech se te jednm zpsobem a v jinch slovech
se te jinak.23 Na pklad ' ' (= prochzet se) se te jakoto [au], '' (= jazyk) se te jakoto [], zatmco '' (= tajn) se
spe te [hlyo.hw]. Jsou i jin podobn skal, kdy je teba se nauit odlinou vslovnost u slov se stejnm zpisem. Nap.:

[sa] nebo [za] [s.] (= kolo, stroj) X [z.] (kapka)

[sha] nebo [zha] [s(h):] (= mlha, mo) X [z(h):] (vestka)

Nkter barmsk slova, pestoe tena stejnm zpsobem, mohou se pi psan mrn liit. Nap. [] a []:

[c] (= irok) X [c] (= majc mezery, vodov).

[p] (= odmtnout) X [p] (= pouze).
[k] (= ctit se pln) X [k] (= pehnat).

[y] (= smt se) X [y] (= bt nezkrotn).

Jako je tomu tak v kadm jazyce, dochz mluvenm a uitm t kter gramatiky k postupn zmn v pravopisu. Je nepsanm
pravidlem, e nespisovn mluva je 'dl' ne psan slovo. Meme pedpovdt jak bude vypadat psan forma v budoucnosti studiem
ptomnho nespisovnho jazyka. Ne uvdm nkolik pechod, se ktermi se me student barmskho jazyka setkat.

Written form

Spoken form










indicates end of informative sentence




( ) [:(m)]

( ) [ou:(m)]




indicates fut. tense

22 Nkdy odkzn se na Google se me ukzat phodnm. Avak nap. u slova pro 'webovou strnku' vidme, e v dob psan tohoto
vodu se ' ' v Google objevuje 11 600 krt, zatmco ' ' 10 900 krt. Tak je teba zmnit, e ' ' se pouv spe pro
slova odvozen z jazyka Pli ne pro anglick. Proto autor v, e ' ' je sprvn tvar.
23 Dle slovnku Myanmar-English Dictionary od Myanmar Language Commission se zd, e se vdy te jakoto 'a'. Nicmn, v
prai se asto setkme, e se te i jako [hlya].


3. Slabiky
Jsou jist jemn pravidla tvorby barmskch slabik, kter mohou studentovi bamskho jazyka pomoci jej zvldnout rychleji a
s mnmi obtemi. Ne uvdm ti z nich, tj. 'tranzitizace', 'zmna vidu' a 'zmna ve sloveso'.
A) Tranzitizace (zmna z intranzitivnho (nepechodnho) slovesa na tranzitivn (pechodn))
Jist zvuky, zejmna [ka] a [pa] mohou bt vysloveny s pdechem. Kdy jsou takto nsledovny jemnm 'h', stane se,
e se ta kter (slovesn) slabika zmn z intranzitivn (nepechodn) do tranzitivn (pechodn) podoby.
Zmna souhlsky

Intranzitivn (nepechodn) tvar

Tranzitivn (pechodn) tvar


[c:] (= zniit se, poruit)

[ch:] (= niit, ohbat, zahbat)


[c.] (= bt uvaen)

[ch.] (= vait)


T [pye] (= uvolnit se, bt uvolnn)

T [phye] (or [pe]) (= rozvzat)


[py] (= rozpustit se, bt rozputn)

[phy] (or [p]) (= rozpustit)

B) Zmna vidu
Zvuk 'h' me ponkud zmnit vznam t kter (slovesn) slabiky, pokud je pidn nebo odebrn na potku. Zmna, o
kterou se zde jedn, je z vidu 'nedokonavho' na vid 'dokonav'.
Zmna souhlsky

Nedokonav tvar

Dokonav tvar


[hi] (= zaplit, rozsvtit)

[i] (bt zaplen, hoet)


T [hmyau.] (= zvednout)

T [myau.] (doshnout)


[hlyo.] (= snit se, povolit)

[lyo.] (neuspt, bt krtk)

C) Zmna ve sloveso
Nkter 'podstatn jmna' a 'pdavn jmna' mohou bt uita na mst sloves, jako je tomu v anglitin. Z anglitiny vme,
e 'show' m vznam podstatnho jmna (prohldka) ale tak i vznam slovesa (ukzat). Takovch slov je v anglitin mnoho, a v
barmtin takt.
Podstatn jmno nebo pdavn jmno


[wa~:] (= kulat)

( ) [wa~:(d)] (= obklopit, obklit)

[ph] (= mch)

( ) [ph(d)] (= rozdlat ohe)

[p:] (= chipka, vysok teplota)

( ) [p:(d)] (= mt chipku, mt vysokou teplotu)

[sh<] (= mtko)

( ) [sh<] (= mit, zvaovat)

[pw~.] (= itatel kvtin)

( ) [pw~.(d)] (= kvst, rozkvtat)

Obvykle nadbyten pedpona '' [], je se objevuje na potku nkterch slov, me slouit jakoto 'jmenec', mnce
sloveso v podstatn jmno, pdavn jmno nebo pslovce.


Bez [] (jakoto sloveso)

S [] (jakoto pod. jm., pd. jm. nebo pslovce)

[s<] (= zat)

[s<] (= zatek, potek)

[n] (= bt bolestiv)

[n] (= zrann)

[s(h)ou~:] (= skonit, ukonit)

[s(h)ou~] (= konec)

T [pyo] (= ci, mluvit)

T [pyo] (= e, mluva)

[n] (= bt erven)

[n] (= erven)

T [py.sou~] (= splnit)

T [py.sou~] (= zcela, pln)

[yde] (= ctt)

[yde] (= pocta)

Tak se meme setkat s jevem 'zkracovn', zejmna co se te ppon. Pokud se stane, e je ppona nsledovna jinou
pponou, obvykle dochz k jejmu zkrcen. To se tk zejmna slabik [d], [m] a tak slovky [i.]. Krt se na
- [d], - [m] a - [].
Student barmskho jazyka by ml vdy pamatovat na to, e bamrsk slova (zejmna slabiky) mohou mt nkolik zcela
odlinch vznam. Vznamy, kter se student nau, nemus bt uvny v praxi, a me bt mnoho jinch, kter uvny jsou. Ne
zmiuji nkolik slabik, kter maj mnostv rozdlnch vznam.

[kha.] - mltit, kopat, odhodit, tepetat se, oplotit, pdlovat, stlet, raztkovat, zaklapnout, uloit (trest)

[h:] - zapchnout, zatoit, pitt, hrt (achy), vyplznout, bt tpnut (hmyzem), pumpovat, uhodit, napmit,
podplatit, zapsat

[ka.] - (sloveso) piblit se, lepit, nabdnout (uctiv), pijt k (nkomu); (pod. jm.) obdob, nebezpe

[d.] - (sloveso) sejt (dol), odmontovat; (pod. jm.) nrodnost Tet, ivot, vk, dech; (pd. jm.) mrn kysel

[c<] - padat, horit se, stt (o cen), pijet, bt zvykl na, produkovat, bt pesn

[d:] - (sloveso) panovat, thnout, zapisovat; (pod. jm.) syn, dt; (pp.) itatel zlomku; zna konenost

[sh] (sloveso) vait, bt hlun, splat, bt buclat; (pp.) itatel posvtnch objekt

[pe] (sloveso) bt pinav, zplotit, bt tup; (pod. jm.) palmov list, kovadlina, stopa (jednotka); (pd. jm.)
tvrdohlav, umnn

[y:] - (sloveso) bt obyejn, bt monotnn, dopravit; (pod. jm.) heben (horsk), oplocen, potok, tradice, rodokmen,
kost, dradlo, stblo; (pd. jm.) jednoduch, naivn, obvykl, navykl

4. Slova
Skutenost, e barmsk jazyk je jednoslabin zpsobuje, e tvorba slov, vyjadovn mylenek a tvorba vt je celkem
jednoduch. Je to tm jako obor matematiky, kde jsou sla nahrazena slabikami a vsledky mylenkami.
Barmsk jazyk neuv moc slovesa 'bt' jako je to nap. v anglickm jazyce. Mnoho barmskch vt jsou prost podstatnch
jmen nebo i zjmen. K vyjden, e se nco 'dje', uv se ppony [d] (pro psan) a [] (zejmna pi ei). Ale nen
to pravidlem. V mnoha ppadech se nepidv dn ppona. Nkdy se me objevit zdvoilostn znaka [p]. Pro zpor zskvaj
slovesa pedponu [ma] a nkdy pponu [bh] (nebo ponkud zdvoil [ph:]). Avak mnohokrt i tato ppona je
opomenuta. Minul as se zna pponou [kh.] ale asto je zanechn nenaznaen. Navc, pestoe me bt trpn rod sloves
naznaen pponou [h:], dochz k tomu zejmna jen pi psan. Trpn rod barmskch slov asto splv s rodem innm a
obvykle nen vbec zmnn. Vechny tyto skutenosti jednodu poukazuj na to, e barmsk slova a vty velkou mrou zvis na
Ppony a pedpony hraj v barmskch slovech nesmrn dleitou roli. Nkter vyznauj as, jin situaci, nladu, vlastn
pozici ve spolenosti, slo, dleitost atd. Zvltnm druhem ppon jsou 'itatel'. itatel maj funkci neuritho lenu, naznauj
poet a zdraznn. V tomto slovnku lze hledat ppony v oddlen sti Czech Burmese English Part v podob seznamu
termn zanajcch slovem 'zna'. itatele lze hledat stejnm zpsobem pod termny zanajcmi slovem 'itatel'.


Jednotn a mnon slo se obvykle tak nenaznauje, pestoe v nkterch ppadech se uv '' [my:] (pi psan) a
'' [we] (zejmna pi ei).
Barmsk slova jsou obvykle jednoslabin, dvojslabin a tyslabin. Lze se setkat tak s tslabinmi a vceslabinmi
slovy. Mnoho jednoslabinch slov ji m svj specifick vznam, nicmn, pro jet lep upesnn, zdraznn a innost mohou
bt slabiky s podobnm vznamem sdrueny aby vytvoily 'slovo'. Nkdy jsou pry ve tyslabinch slovech a jednotliv slabiky ve
dvojslabinch sllovech libovoln zamovny. Pslovce jsou tvoena zdvojenm slabiky pdavnho jmna, nebo (v ppad, e
pdavn jmno sestv ze dvou slabik) zdvojenm kad z obsaench slabik. Nkdy se kombinace jednoslabinch slabik uv pro
utvoen zcela novho vznamu.

Pklad jednoslabinch slov:

pod. jm.: ; slovesa: ; zjm.:

Pklad dvojslabinch slov:

pod. jm.: ; slovesa: ; zjm.: psl.: T T T T

Pklad tslabinch slov:

pod. jm.: ; pd. jm.:

Pklad tyslabinch slov:

pod. jm.: ; psl.: ~
; pd. jm.:

Ponvad je barmsk nrod nrodem ochrnc Dhammy, buddhistickm nrodem s clem bt prvn a nejlep v uchovvn
Buddhova uen, je pochopiteln, e bude buddhistick mylen vetn buddhistickho jazyka (Pli) blzce spjat s barmskou
kulturou. Mnoho bnch slov barmtiny jsou opisem nebo z vt sti opisem svho Pli ekvivalentu. Mnoho barmskch
dvojslabinch a tyslabinch slov sestv napl z historicky barmsk slovn zsoby napl ze slovn zsoby Pli.

(bt velk)

> (= velk)

(z Pli) (= velk)


> (z Pli) (= pravda)

(= pravda)


> (= dkaz)

(z Pli) (= dkaz)


> (z Pli) (= chozen)

(= chze)


> (= znalost)

(z Pli) (= znalost)

Barmsk slova asto snadno mn svj druh, z podstatnho jmna na sloveso, ze slovesa na podstatn jmno atd. Pro zmnu
ze slovesa na podstatn jmno se uv mnoha 'ppon', a student je jist shled uitenmi pi studiu tohoto jazyka. Pro snaz
studium tohoto jevu je nazvm 'jmenci'. Nejvznamj z nich jsou:

T [ch~:] (pravdpodobn odvozeno z T - dn, udlost), obvykle zna innost ve sv prbhov form, nap.
T [ad~pha~:ch~:] (= nahrvn) T [dassakh~ych~:] (= dvn psahy).

[ch.] (pravdpodobn odvozeno z - tma, zleitost), obvykle zna jev nebo udlost, nap.
[<ch.] (= pednka), [kh~ych.] (vra).

[y:] (pravdpodobn odvozeno z - zleitost), obvykle zna stav, zjem nebo pedmt, nap.
[py:] (= vuka), [s:pw:y:] (= ekonomie).

[hmu] (pravdpodobn odvozeno z - zleitost, in), obvykle zna stav nebo vlastnost, nap.
[pyw~hmu] (radost), [lwkhmu] (snadnost).

5. Vty
Vty se tvo dle rznch pravidel, nicmn hlavnm syntaktickm pravidlem je podmt pedmt psudek.
T [shy sou.k py<] - Teacher book-to shows. (Teacher shows a book.)
[d ei~k tw:] - He to-home goes. (He goes home)


V mluven form me bt mnoho mn podstatnch slov odvozeno dle pslun situace, mluvho a posluchae. Nap.
" [tw:] me znamenat: (a) Jdu. (b) Jde. (c) Jde. (d) el jsem. (e) el jsi. (f) el. (g) la. (h) Jdeme. (i) Jdete. (j)
Jdou. (k) li jsme. (l) li jste. (m) li. - Avak '' [tw:] m jet dal vznamy, nap. 'odejt', 'skonit', 'pijt' atd. Bez kontextu
neme bt dan vta moc uiten. Podobn je to s vtinou dalch vt mluven barmtiny. Kontext je, vskutku, dleit.
Pro dal informace ohledn tvorby vt a jakkoliv jin otzky ohledn barmskho jazyka, doporuuji nsledovat uebnice
barmtiny a ptelit se s barmskmi lidmi. Webov strnka se ukzala bt nesmrn uitenou pi studiu
barmtiny, ponvad je na tto strnce mon nalzt ptele z jakkoliv zem. Ne-li z kterhokoliv jinho dvodu, alespo z dvodu
studia jazyk ji srden doporuuji

6. Podobnost s eskm jazykem

Barmsk jazyk s eskm jazykem zcela jist nem mnoho spolenho. Zatmco rozdl je mnoho,
podobnosti se hledaj velice obtn. Vslovnost, slovn zsoba, zpsob psan, vtn skladba i mylen jsou
zcela odlin. Ne uvdm nkolik mlo slov, kter si jsou vslovnost i vznamem jaksi podobn v barmskm
i eskm jazyce. Dle pak uvdm jednu gramatickou podobnost.
Podobn slova
[n] ano?

[dne..]- dnes

[zan] ena (manelka)

[ha.]- chapnout

[hmou~.]- mouka

Gramatick podobnost
Shledal jsem, e budouc as v barmtin, kter se bn zna pponou [m] se podob eskmu budoucmu asu v
mnonm sle prvn osoby. Ne uvdm dva pklady.
T [mnpa~ twe..m] Ztra se sejdeme.
[nau.l< yau.m] Pt msc pijdeme.


3. Uit literatura
Tento slovnk je sbrkou nasbranch slov, a tato slova byla nasbrna z rznch zdroj. Ne se snam vechny zmnit.
a) (program) Myanmar-English Dictionary 1.0.1 (Myanmar Language Commission, Technomation Studios, Myanmar Language
Studios, Htain Linn Htoo, Htoo Myint Naung)
b) (program) Ayar Myanmar-English-Myanmar Dictionary (Soe Min (Mark), )
c) (program) Bagan English Myanmar Dictionary 2.0.1002.0 (Ant Htoo Naing, 2006)
d) (program) Stardict 3.0.2 (database English<->Czech database)
e) (program) Stardict 3.0.2 (ven. Czech Sarana's database English<->Sinhala, Sinhala<->Czech)
f) (program) Verdict Free English-Czech Dictionary 1.5 (Microton s.r.o, 2003-2005)
g) (Mozilla Firefox add-on) DPR 3.5.2 (Digital Pali Reader) (ven. Yuttadhammo, especially Pali-English Dictionary of PTS and ven.
Buddhadatta's Concise Pali-English dictionary)
h) (program) Okawix 0.7 with Wikipedia Offline version from 2011
i) (webov strnka) Burmese course website:
j) (program) L-Lingo Burmese Professional 4.1
k) (kniha) Burmese By Ear or Essential Myanmar, Reference text to accompany the audio (J. Okell, 2002, 211 pages)
l) (kniha) Burmese Phrasebook (Sally Seward and col., Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd 2001 (third edition), 224 pages)
m) (webov strnka)
n) A rzn druhy barmskch lid, se ktermi jsem se kdy setkal na Sr Lance.

4. Podkovn
Bez toho obrovskho mnostv lid, kter se (pmo i nepmo) podleli na tvorb tohoto slovnku by nebylo mon tuto
knihu uvst ve skutenost. Nejprve bych rd podkoval barmskm mnichm, se ktermi jsem il nkolik let v klterech na Sr
Lance, piem jsme studovali na mstn univerzit. Nejvce npomocnmi byli ct. Janinda, ct. Nanda, ct. Pannindriya (Rakhai), ct.
Tikkha, ct. Vasava, ct. Asabha, ct. Ratthasara (Rakhai), ct. Tejaniya, ct. Narinda, ct. Dhammasara (Rakhai), ct. Suriya (Mon), ct.
Issariya, ct. Kavissara and ct. Ashon Nyanuttara (Rakhai). Tak mnoho barmskch laik mi pomohli pochopit mnoho vt a hodn
pispli ke sbrce slov zde obsaench. Zejmna bych rd zmnil p. Soe Myint Thein, sl. Mya Mytzu, p. Ssu Yee Mon, p. Phone
Myint Min, p. Nine Win, sl. Saw Nan Thiri May, p. Lwin, p. Nay Linn, p. Khun Cho a p. Sue Khat Min.
Rd bych vyjdil svou hlubokou vdnost korektorm cel databze tohoto slovnku, zejmna p. Ssu Yee Mon, p. Noble
Moe a p. Kay Thi Hlaing. S ohromnou dvrou udlali obrovskou spoustu prce opravenm tch nespoetnch chyb, kterch jsem se
dopustil pi psan tohoto slovnku. Bez jejich pomoci by tento slovnk nikdy nemohl bt skuten nazvn 'uitenm'. Jist takto
nashromdili mnoho zsluh. Dle pak bych rd vyjdil svou vdnost p. Radku Chejlavovi za jeho dleit pipomnky a korekturu
tohoto vodu.
Nesmm zapomenout tak na Chanaku Jayamala, kter strvil svj drahocen as vytvenm kdu pro odstrann duplikt,
tak podstatnho pro pevod slovnkov databze do knin podoby. Ct. Nyana (Mon) byl nezamniteln pi pevodu tto slovnkov
databze do databze programu StarDict, Mirek Frodl ukzal sv programtorsk schopnosti, kdy k tomuto slovnku vytvoil hezk
program a Hashan Godakanda strvil mnoho svho asu pipravovnm CD menu k CD tohoto slovnku, prce, kterou lze udlat
pouze s nejvy trplivost, soucitem a dobrotivost. Nakonec je teba tak zmnit Ko Zaw Min Lwin, kter v dob psan tohoto
podkovn pracuje na online verzi tohoto slovnku a kter provedl korekturu barmsk sti jeho vodu. Tak se podlelo mnoho
dalch lid, ale snad mi odpust, e mi pam nedovolila je zde zmnit.
K jsou vechny bytosti astn,
ct. Czech Sarana (Jan ovek)
Sr Lanka, Colombo, kvten 2012


5. Uiten Tabulky
1. Systm Myanmarskho Psma24
[k] group






[s] group

[sa] ([ca])

[sha] ([cha])

[za] ([ja])

[zha] ([jha])


[] group






[] group






[p] group


[pha] ([fa])

[ba] ([fa])




[da/ta] ([sa])




() [a.]
/ [i]
/ []
/ [u]
/ []
/ [:]
/ [e]
/ [o]
/ []
() [ei.]
(/ ) [ou.]

() [ou.]
( ) [a.]
() [ei.]
() [ou.]
() [ei~]
( ) [.]
(/ ) [.]
(/ ) [ou.]
( ) [.]
() [ei.]
( ) [~]
() [ei~]
() [ou~]

( ) [e~]
( ) [a.]
(/ ) [ei.]
() [ou.]
( ) [e..]
( ) [au.]
( ) [.]
() [a~]
() [~]
() [ei~]
(/) [ou~]
() [ai~]
() [ai~:]
( ) [.]
/( ) [ei.]
/( ) [ou.]
( ) [e..]
( ) [a.]
( ) [.]
(/ ) [ei.]
() [ou.]
() [ai.]

( ) [~]
(/ ) [ei~]
/( ) [ou.]
( ) [au.]
( ) [a.]
() [ei.]
() [ou.]
( ) [.]
/( ) [ou~]
/() [ou~]

( ) []
() [ai]
() [ai.]
( ) []
( ) [e]
() [ai]
( ) [a]
() [ei]
() [ou]
() []
( ) [a.]
( ) []
(/ ) [ei]
(/ ) [ou]
( ) [e]
() [ai]
( ) [a]
( ) []
() [ei]
() [ai]
() []

Odsamohlskovan souhlsky: To jsou souhlsky, kter ztrc sv ''. asto jen tvo 'vysok sekan' tn, ale (zejmna) v ppad anglickch
slov se me stt, e jsou vysloveny. Nap.: [k] -> [k] ; [p] -> [p] atd.
Zdvojen souhlsky:
To jsou odsamohlskovan souhlsky nsledovan dupliktem nebo jinou souhlskou. Nap.: [kk],
[mm], [dd], [mb(h)], [nd ], [(h)], [(h)], [] etc.
24 Z velk sti opsno z "T " , T T T T


2. Vslovnost Romanizovanho Systmu

Ponvad bylo psmo a jeho romanizace zmnno ve, ml by bt ten spokojen s krtkm vysvtlenm zpsobu jak
zmnnou romanizaci st. Tento systm romanizace je velice odlin od jakhokoliv jinho systmu romanizace, kter byl kdy
uveejnn pro barmsk jazyk. Autor tohoto slovnku v, e ponvad je barmsk jazyk 'buddhistickm jazykem', ml by mt mnoho
spolenho s originlnm buddhistickm jazykem, tj. Pli. Proto, zejmna pro pohodl uenc Pli, ml by bt mezinrodn uznvan
systm romanizace Pli uvn tak pro barmsk jazyk. Modern systm romanizace barmtiny je zavdjc a zbyten sloit. Ne
je nvrh novho systmu, jednoduchho a velice podobnho systmu uvanmu pro sinhltinu, sanskrt, Pli, hindtinu a mnoho
jinch jazyk.

k, g, p, b, m, r, l, s, h a f Tyto se tou stejn jako v etin.
c te se jako ve slov lovk nebo hek.
y a j - V romanizaci se y te jako j ve slovech jakkost nebo bojovnk, zatmco j se te jako d v pejatch slovech dus
nebo Fidi i jako J v anglickch jmnech, nap. Jake nebo Jim.
and Ob se tou jako nosov n ve slovech branka nebo banka.
te se jako ve slov kaka nebo masek.
a To jsou tvrd a oste vysloven t a d, kter vyslovme tak, e se pikou jazyka dotkneme hrany, kter je za plokou za
zuby horn elisti. Takovto dotknut se hrany pikou jazyka vytvo velice ostr zvuk. k se jim tak patrov souhlsky. Ostr
je identick s eskm d, nap. ve slov disk. Ostr se v etin nevyskytuje, avak je bn v anglitin. Nap. t v anglickm
take i tone se vdy vyslovuje dotekem piky jazyka na hranu za plokou za zuby horn elisti.
t a d To jsou jemn a tup vysloven t a d, kter vyslovme tak, e se horn stranou jazyka dotkneme ploky za zuby horn
elisti. Takovto dotknut se horn stranou jazyka ploky za zuby vytvo jemn, tup zvuk. k se jim tak dentln souhlsky.
Tup d se v etin vyskytuje nap. jakoto prvn d ve slov drdol (druh d je teba chpat jakoto ostr ). Zvuk vslovnosti d
lze tak ukzat na vslovnosti anglickho uritho lenu the. Tup t se v etin bn vyskytuje, nap. ve slov tta.
a Ob se vyslovuj jako jejich ekvivalenty n a l. Rozlien slou pro ppadnou zptnou transkripci do barmtiny nebo Pli.
w Vyslovuje se jako anglick w ve slov wow.
v Obvykle zamniteln s b. Vyslovuje se jako v ve slov voda, povel atd. Barmsk ucho obvykle nerozpozn rozdl mezi
v a b, protoe zvuk v nen barmsk vslovnosti vlastn.
a Ob se vyslovuj jako ve slov p nebo koile. Nkte Sinhlci vyslovuj jedno nebo druh jako s, vetn mnich.
kh, gh, ch, jh, h, h, th, dh, ph and bh To jsou souhlsky s pdechem. V eskm jazyce se vyskytuj zdka, nap. lh ve slov
lht. Nkter hovorov verze psanch Sinhlskch slov ukazuj, e se pdech astokrt potlauje nebo dokonce miz.
mm, bb, ss, cc, tt atd. - zdvojen ('koktav') souhlsky pi jejich ten se na t prvn na pl sekundy zasekneme. V etin se to
objevuje, kdy mme dv slova, z nich prvn kon stejnou souhlskou, jakou zan to druh: vdt to, jsem mma, hrb bol,
apod., teme-li je rychle a nedbale.

a To je krtk samohlska, ten jako a ve slov lak nebo padat.
Toto je neznl samohlska. ei ji pouvaj jen mezi slovy, pokud potebuj as na mylen. Je podobn anglickmu neuritmu
lenu 'a'.
To je dlouh samohlska, ten jako ve slov rkos nebo lkat.
Tento symbol navrhuji jakoto een veobecnho sporu o zpsob jak romanizovat . Je to krtk samohlska, kter se te
nastavenm st na vysloven a avak vysloven e. Jedn se o oteven e.
Tento symbol navrhuji jakoto een veobecnho sporu o zpsob jak romanizovat . Je to dlouh samohlska, kter se te


nastavenm st na vysloven a avak vysloven . Jedn se o oteven .

i Toto je krtk samohlska, te se jako i ve slov idle nebo idlo.
Toto je dlouh samohlska, te se jako ve slov lce nebo msa.
u Toto je krtk samohlska, te se jako u ve slov dut nebo husa.
Toto je dlouh samohlska, te se jako ve slov sta nebo mza.
e Toto je krtk samohlska, te se jako ostr e a nkdy se podob i. Pi peliv a poctiv vslovnosti se podob e ve slovech
nese nebo sedt. Tak jej lze chpat coby meiv e, jak navrhuje ct. Vineetha.
Toto je dlouh samohlska, te se jako ostr a nkdy se podob . Pi peliv a poctiv vslovnosti se podob ve
slovech ltat nebo pinst.
o Toto je krtk samohlska, te se jako oteven o ve slov lo nebo nos. Pi vslovnosti by mly bt elisti od sebe
ponkud dl.
Toto je krtk samohlska, mrn zaven o ve slov chodit nebo postvat. Vyslovuje se s elistmi u sebe a rty zce
Toto je dlouh samohlska, te se jako ve slov le nebo baln.
ai Toto je dvojhlska, kter sestv ze dvou samohlsek a a i, kter ji byly zmnny ve. Podob se ai ve slov laik nebo i
v anglickm like i bike.
au Toto je dvojhlska, kter sestv ze dvou samohlsek a a u, kter ji byly zmnny ve. Podob se au ve slov astronaut i
ou Toto je dvojhlska, kter se skld ze dvou krtkch samohlsek. te se jako ou ve slov pou nebo louka. Jinmi slovy,
jedn se o kombinaci samohlsek o a u zmnnch ve.
: - Tato dvojteka zna vy tninu hlasu, asi jako pi zpvn vym hlasem. : se te jako ve vy tnin, : se te jako
ve vy tnin atd.
. - Tato teka zna zaseknut v hlase, ve vy tnin. Nap. a. se te jako velice krtk, zaseknut a ve vy tnin. . se te
jako velice krtk, zaseknut ve vy tnin.
e.. - Toto se vyslovuje jakoto e v nzk tnin, teno rychle a na konci je se hlas jakoby zasekne. Je podobn e ve slov mek
nebo pohled.
< - Tento znak zna 'krcen' tn barmskho jazyka. Pi vyslovovn souhlsky, mlo by se vyslovit jakoby krcen a se zvukem
zvyujc se tniny. Proto nap. n< by se mlo vyslovit jako krcen n ve vysok tnin. py< by se mlo vyslovit jako krcen
py ve vysok tnin. Je velice dleit tento zvuk zeteln vyslovit. Barmsk ucho porozum i pehnan form.
~ - Tento znak zna konec nosov souhlsky. Je podobn charakteristickmu francouzskmu nosovmu zvuku 'n', jako nap. v bon
matin, co se te jakoto bo~ mata~. Proto a~ se te jako a zakonen nosovm zvukem, i~ se te jako i zakonen
nosovm zvukem atd.


3. Tabulky mr a vah25
Men zrn a tekutin

2 T

Myanmarsk mry zrn a tekutin (B)

(1 re obsahuje 200 zrn.)

Myanmarsk mry zrn a tekutin (A)


1 T

4 T

16 T

- 1 = bul (cca. 36.3 litr, zrn v ndob cca. 47

cm prmru a 20.3 cm vysok)

Anglick men tekutin

2 (pinta)

1 (tvrt)

4 (tvrt)

1 (galon)

- 1 (galon) = galon, cca. 3.79 litr


1 T

2 T

Metrick systm
10 (ml)

1 (cl)

100 (cl)

1 (l)


1 (kl)


Myanmarsk men
7 () 1()
4 ()
1 ()
4 ()
1 ()
4 ()
1 () (tical)
5 () (tical)1
1 (viss)
25 (viss) 1
- 1 (viss) = 1 viss, cca. 1.6 kg
- 1 () (tical) = 1 tical, cca. 16 g

Anglick men
(unce) (libra)


- 1 (tuna) = tuna, cca. 907.18 kg
- 1 (tvrt) = tvrt (libry), cca. 113.4
- 1 (libra) = libra, cca. 453 g
- 1 (unce) = unce, cca. 28.3 g
Metrick systm
10 (mg)
1 (cg)
100 (cg)
1 (g)
1000 (g)
1 (kg)
1000 (kg)
1 (t)

25 Z velk sti opsno z "T " , T T T T


Porovnn vhovch norem vedle sebe


(metrick t)
( ) (t)
( ) (t)
(metrick t)

0.453 (kg)
27.777 (tical)
2.205 (libra)
61.239 (tical)
2209 (libra)
622 (viss)
2240 (libra)
3.6 (libra)
1.633 (kg)
0. 984 (t)
1.016 (metrick t)

Myanmarsk mry
10 T (vlasy)-

1 (sezamov semnko)

6 (sezamov semnko)4 (jemen)-

1 (jemen)

1 (ka prstu)

8 (ka prstu)-1

Anglick mry
12 (palec)



() (yard)






1 (usabha)


1 (stopa) = 1 stopa, cca. 30.48 cm.

1 (yojana)

1 (yard) = 1 yard, cca. 0.91 m

1 (yojana) = cca. 12.72 mil, cca. 20.47 km

1 (usabha) = cca. 140 cubit, ca. 6.4 km

1 (palec) = 1 palec, cca. 2.54 cm

1 (furlong) = 1 furlong, cca. 201.17 m

1 (mle) = 1 mle, cca. 1.6 km

1 = cca. 6 palc, ca. 15.24 cm.

Metrick systm
10 (mm)

1 (cm)

100 (cm)

1 (m)

1000 (m)

1 (km)

Porovnn dlkovch norem vedle sebe

Myanmarsk men asu

1 (m)

39.37 (palec)

10 (oka-mik)-

1 (km)

0.621 (mle)

10 (moment)-

1 (palec)

2.94 (cm)


1 (1 )

1 (stopa)

0.304 (m)


1 T

1 (yard)

0.914 (m)

6 T

1 (mle)

1609.35 (km)


1 (mle)

1.609 (km)

1 (hodina)

60 (hodina)-

1 (den)

30 (den)

1 (msc)

12 (msc) -


1 (moment)

1 (rok)

4. Jmenovn dle dne narozen

Ponvad m astrologie, hinduistick (nikoliv buddhistick) praxe, hlubok koeny v barmsk kultue, dokonce i dti
dostvaj sv jmna dle dne, ve kterm se narodili. Podle prvnho psmena jmna osoby lze rozeznat jeho/jej den narozen.


Prvn psmeno jmna

Pondl ()

ter ()

Steda ( )

tvrtek ()

Ptek ()

Sobota ()

Nedle ()


A. - pevzat z arabtiny- taken from Arabic H. - pevzat z Hindtiny- taken from Hindi
anat. - anatomie - anatomy
hor. - horoskop - horoscope
ans. - odpov - answer
hov. - hovorov - spoken language
acc. - akusativ, 4. pd eskho jazyka I netranzitivn sloveso (nepechodn)
intransitive verb
adj. - adjektivum, pdavn jmno idi. - idiom - idiom
imper. - imperativ, rozkazovac zpsob adv. - adverbile, pslovce - adverb
anim. - ivotn - animate, for living beings inanim. - neivotn - inanimate, about
anl. - tk se zvat - is concerning animals things, thoughts, places etc.
Bh. - tk se buddhismu - is used in a
indef. - neurit - indefinite
buddhist speech
inf. - infinitive - infinitiv
bot. - botanick - botanical
instr. - instrumentl, 7. pd eskho jazyka
c. - poitateln - countable
- instrumental case
cl. - tk se lid - is concerning people
inter. - interogativ, tzac - interrogative
col. - hovorov - spoken language
interj. - citoslovce - interjection
conj. - spojka - conjunction
jk. - vtip - joke
cont. - prbhov as - continuous tense
k. - uvno pro krle - used for kings
ct. - ctihodn (mnich) - venerable (monk) lett. - uvno tak v dopisech - used also in
Ch. - pevzat z ntiny- taken from
Chinese language
lit. - literrn dlo - literary work
CZ col. - esk hovorov vraz - Czech
loc. - lokativ, pslovce msta - locative
colloquial term
m. - masculinum, musk rod - masculine
CZ vul.- esk vulgrn vraz - Czech
Ma. - pejat z malajtiny- taken from
vulgar term
Malay language
dat. - dativ, 3. pd eskho jazyka - dative math. - tk se matematiky - is used in
def. - urit - definite
der. - odvozeno z jinho (delho)
med. - meditace - meditation
Barmskho slova - derived from another
medic. - lkask - medical
(longer) Burmese word
met. - metafora - metaphore
dok. - dokonav - perfect (abbrev. for CZ) min.. - minul as - past tense (abbrev. for
E. - anglikanismus - taken from English
EN. col. - hovorov vraz v anglickm
mn. - tk se buddhistickch mnich - is
jazyce - colloquial term in English
used only regarding buddhist monks
EN. vul. - vulgrn vraz v anglickm
Mo. - pejat z monskho jazyka- taken
jazyce - vulgar term in English
from Mon language
emph. - zdraznno - emphasized
mu. - mrn jednotka - measuring unit
esp. - zejmna - especially
n. - podstatn jmno - noun
f. - femininum, ensk rod - feminine\
num. - slovka - numeral
F. - pevzat z francouztiny - taken from obsc. - obscnn (velice neslun) - obscene
French language
(very indecent)
FB - me se objevit spe na Facebooku - ow. - zastaral slovo - old word
may rather occur in Facebook
p. - gramatick pd - grammatical case
fig. - obrazn - figurative
P. - pejat z jazyka pli - taken from pali
fr. - pouv se mezi pteli - used amongst language
p.p. - slovesn vid dokonav, minul - past
fut. - budoucnost - future
gen. - genitiv, 2. pd eskho jazyka;
p.s. - slovesn vid nedokonav, minul genitive case
past simple
gener. - veobecn - generally
pc. - tk se potae - personal computer
gram. - gramatick jev - grammatical
pl.- plurl - plural
plc. - mstn - regarding places


poet. - poetick, bsnick - poetical

pol. - slun, zdvoil - polite
pow. - st slova - part of word
pref. - pedpona - prefix
prep. - pedloka - preposition
pres. - prsent, ptomn as - present
pron. - zjmeno - pronoun.
prov. - pslov - saying
r. - koen slova - root (of a word)
rare - nepouv se moc - used rarely
rel., nb. - nboensk - religious
resp. - s respektem - respectful
S. - pevzat ze Sanskrtu - taken from
Sanskrit language
sb. - nkdo - somebody
sl. - slang - slang
sng. - z psn - from song
sg. - singulr, jednotn slo - singular
swh. - nkde - somewhere
st. - stt - state
sth. - nco - something
suff. - ppona - suffix
suffn. - ppona u pod. jmen - suffix for
suffv. - pipona u sloves - suffix for verbs
T tranzitivn sloveso (pechodn) transitive verb
t. - msto - town
tim. - asov - regarding time
uc. - nepoitateln - uncountable
um. - uvno mui - used by men
ubmn. - uvno mnichy - used by monks
utmn. - uvno pi konverzaci s mnichy used when speaking to monks
unpl. - nepjemn - unpleasant, not
pleasant when used
un. - uvno tak jako st jmna - used
also as a part of name
usu. - obvykle uvno - used usually
uw. - uvno enami - used by women
v. - verbum, sloveso - verb
ven. - ctihodn (mnich) - venerable (monk)
vil. - vesnick, prost - village talk
voc. - vocativ, 5. pd eskho jazyka vocative
vul. - vulgrn - vulgar word
w. - pn (komu, co) - wish (to sb.)
ws. - patn napsno - wrong spelling
writ. - spisovn - written language
yng. - mladm - used when speaking with
younger people

Myanmar/Burmese-English-Czech Part

;from last (about days of week, months etc.) dance of

indicates subject because of on (a day) in out of
indicates genitive;zna 2. pd eskho jazyka v (den) na
od kvli minul (o dnech v tdnu, mscch atd.) tancovat
z zna podmt;suff. prep. (or) prep. (or) suff. (or) T (or)
suff. adj.
;deed (previously or presently intentionally commited acts)
kamma (previously or presently intentionally commited acts)
action (previously or presently intentionally commited
acts);skutek (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn vykonan iny)
kamma (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn vykonan iny)
in (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn vykonan iny);n. P.
kamma (= intentionally-done-action)

: ;in: What is in the picture?;na: Co je na

;dance: We build stages over sidewalks and
dancing groups dance on these stages.;tancovat: Stavme
pdia nad chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a tanen
skupiny na nich tancuj.;pol.
;lucky, be ((of) good previous-actions);astn, bt
(majc tst, dobrch pedchozch-in);I P. kamma (=
;fortunate, be (good kamma) lucky, be;tst, mt
tst, mt (dobr kamma);I (or) I P. kamma (=

(-): ;of (-): seven

: ;luck: Good luck! (May (there) be
pakaraa books of Abhidhamma Piaka;zna genitiv (-): sedm luck.);tst: Hodn tst! (A je tst.);w. pol.
pakaraa knih Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.
(T );Kachin (state of Union of Myanmar);Kachen
: ;actions: Because of (their
(stt unie Myanmaru);name
previous) actions, (they) must stay ((being) given) suffering
;grilled baked roast;peen opeen grilovan;adj.
consequences.;iny: Kvli (svm pedchozm) inm mus
;free from, be void from, be -less devoid of, be free,
zstat ((a) dostvat (a)) trpt nsledky.;
be;bez- voln z, bt prost (eho), bt nemt postrdajc,
: ;kamma: May (you) collect (good)
kamma.;kamma: K hromad (dobrou) kammu.;w. pol.

: T T
T ;kamma: If there's enough ( ~ "contained) kamma, (I)
may happen to meet you either in Czech (Republic) or in
Yangon.;kamma: Jestli je dost ( ~ "obsaena) kamma, (pak)
se me stt, e t potkm bu v esku nebo v Rangnu.;pol.
: ;kamma: What a pity! ((This is) just
kamma.);kamma: koda! (ohledn vlastnho netst, (To je)
prost kamma.);col.

bt;I (or) suff.

: ;barbecue: I am going to
barbecue sausages.;grilovat: Jdu grilovat prky.;fut. um.
: T ;devoid of: Until now,
as for what (you) said, (it) is devoid of mistakes.;prost (eho),
bt: Do te, co se te (toho), co (jsi) ekl, je (to) prost chyb.
prost (eho), bt: Dote, co se te (toho), co (jsi) ekl, je
(to) prost chyb.;pol.

: ;devoid of, be: Monkhood

is devoid of worry.;prost (eho), bt: Mnistv je prost
: ;from: I am from England.;z: Jsem obav.;pol.
z Anglie.;pol.
: ;barbecue: To barbecue
: ;by: by me from: from me;mnou od: ode m;uw. meat is ( ~ "are) used coal.;grilovat: Ke grilovn masa se
: ;on (a day): on Thursday;v (den): ve
pouv uhl.;
: ;camera: a new
: ;kamma: What a pity! ((This is) just the truenature (of) my kamma.);kamma: koda! (ohledn vlastnho
netst, (To je) prost skuten charakter m kammy.);col.

camera;fotoapart: nov fotoapart;

: ;from: I come from the market.;z:

Pichzm z trhu.;col.

(rather as );kamma (previously or presently intentionally

commited acts);kamma (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn
vykonan iny);n. P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)

: ;last (about days): I came

last Monday.;minul (o dnech): Pijel jsem minul pondl.;col.
: ;because of: because of that thing;kvli: kvli t
: ;indicates subject: Baker
is baking a bread.;zna podmt: Peka pee chleba.;cont.

( );camera;fok (CZ col.) fotoapart;sg. E.


( ~ - );beginning with (an event) since (an

event);ponaje (udlost) od (doby);prep.
: ;since: Since today
he will no more drink beer.;od: Ode dneka u (nikdy) vc
nebude pt pivo.;

: ;from: I am free from ;promise (make (a) promise);slbit (udlat slib);T

four o'clock.;od: Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.
;promise (give (a) promise);slbit (dt slib);T
;play (dance heartily) play;hrt (si, tancovat, podn) : ;promise: (It) was
hrt (si);T
promised by me.;slbit: (J) slbil jsem.;p.s. pol.
: T ;play: (They) were playing on the ;namely (followed by a list) as for i.e. (followed by a
beach (and finished).;hrt si: Hrli si na pli (a skonili).;p.p. list) that is to say (followed by a list);t.j. (nsledovno
: T
seznamem) toti (nsledovno seznamem) co se te
;play: Boy and girl are playing on sand ( ~
jmenovit (nsledovno seznamem);suff. (or) suff. conj.
"beach).;hrt si: Chlapec a dve si hraj na psku ( ~
: T ;as for: as for these six books;co
se te: co se te tchto esti knih;
: ;play:
(They) play (by) throwing water one to another.;hrt (si): Hraj
si hzenm vody jeden na druhho.;pol.
: ;play:
On the streets of every town can be seen the waterplaying.;hrt (si): Na ulicch kadho msta je mono spatit
hran s vodou.;pol.
( );game;hra;sg.
: ;thick: Since 1990
the newspapers were thick.;tlust: Od 1990 (byly) noviny
: T
;sportsman: The sportsmen in white dress (are) losing
the game.;sportovec: Sportovci v blm dresu prohrvaj hru.;
( );player (proficient (in) playing);hr
(zdatn (v) hran);sg.
( );asparagus (dance (and) droop);chest
(tancovat (a) klesat) asparagus (tancovat (a) klesat);sg.

: ;as for: as for the other place;co

se te: co se te toho dalho msta;
: "" " "
;subject: (and) is not always
inserted after the subject.;podmt: (a) se za
podmt vdycky nedv.;pol.
( );subject (in sentence, word (of)
subject);podmt (ve vt, slovo podmtu);sg. gram. P.
katt (= maker, doer)
( );scissors (bronze scissors);nky
(bronzov nky);sg. P. kattarik (= scissors)
T( );card (also with greetings, flat card);karta
(tak coby pn k Vnocm atd., ploch karta) pn
(kartika s pnm k Vnocm atd., ploch karta);sg.
T( ) (WS. from T);card (also with greetings,
flat card);karta (tak coby pn k Vnocm atd., ploch

;from;od;suff. prep.

;from (a person) from (a certain time);od (nkoho) od

(uritho asu);suff.

(- );beginning with (an event) since (an

event);ponaje (udlost) od (doby);prep.

: ;from (sb.): from a teacher;od

(nkoho): od uitele;

: ;since: Since (the year) 1830.;od: :

T ; from: from half
Od (roku) 1830.;pol.
past two (in the morning) until six o'clock in the morning;od:
: ;since: od pl tet (rno) do esti hodin rno;
It is said, that since childhood Nga Nyo has been always
reading (writings).;od, ji: k se, e ji od dtstv a o
pod etl (psan).;

: ;from: from that monastery;z: z toho

;kick;kopnout kopat;T

: ;from: From the ;blind, be;slep, bt;I

time he finishes eating meal, he reads (writings).;jakmile
: T
;lake: The
(od): Jakmile (od) (doby, co) doj, te (psan).;
ship is sailing in the lake.;jezero: Lo se plav po jezee.;cont.
: ;since: I('ve ;protest (block (and) mark-off) defend (one's idea,
been) arrived since 3 o'clock.;od, ji: Dostavil jsem se ji ve ti. block (and) confine) object (block (and) mark-off)
(Ji od t (jsem) J piel.);pol. um.
criticise (object, block (and) mark-off) argue (defend one's

: ;since: Since I've met idea, block (and) confine);protestovat (zablokovat (a)
him I like (him).;od (doby): Od (doby co jsem) ho potkal, mm ohraniit) kritizovat (nesouhlasit, zablokovat (a) ohraniit)
(ho) rd.;
dohadovat se (hjit vlastn nzor, blokovat (a) ohraniovat)
: ;since:
namtat (zablokovat (a) ohraniit) hjit (vlastn nzor,
He('s been) arrivedto this city on Friday.;od, ji: Pijel do tohoto blokovat (a) ohraniovat);T (or) T writ.
msta ji (od) ptku.;pol.
( );watercress (watercress, above pond) cress

: ;from: We
(watercress, above pond);eicha (nad rybnkem);sg.
(knew it already) from the beginning.;od: Vdli jsme (to u) od ;pay obeisance obeisance, pay revere respect
zatku.;pol. um.
sorry, be worship;respektovat ctt lto, bt nkomu uctt
: ;promise: (I) got the promise to
uctvat;I (or) T
get help ( ~ "for help).;slib: Dostal jsem slib, e (mi) pome : ;sorry: I am sorry.;omluva:
( ~ "pro pomoc).;p.s.

Omlouvm se. prominout: Promite. (Omlouvm se.);

: ;worship: let's worship!;uctvat:
Uctvejme!;imper. col. um.

food);darovat jdlo ve vlastnm dom (mnichm, nabdnout

jdlo);T Bh. mn.

: ;respect: respectfully (at the end of a

letter);ctt: uctiv (na konci dopisu);adv.

;offer a morning meal (to monks, offer (in the)

morning);nabdnout jdlo (mnichm, nabdnout rno));T P.
arua (= morning) WS.

(sorry food);litovat neschopnost nabdnout mnichovi jdlo

(jdlo ltosti);I interj.

(WS. from );offer, may (I) (to a

monk);nabdnout, k mohu (mnichovi);T

: ( ~ ) ;contract:
(He) writes contracts.;smlouva: Pe smlouvy.;

;offer, may (I) (to a monk);nabdnout, k mohu


;offer a morning meal (to monks, offer (in the)

;obeisance, pay: On the morning);darovat jdlo (mnichm, nabdnout rno));T P.

Thin-gyan days youth pay obeisance to the elders (who) stay in arua (= morning)
the village.;uctt: Ve dnech Tendanu mlad uctvaj star lidi
(from );offer a morning meal (to monks,
(kte) jsou ve vesnici.;pol.
offer (in the) morning);nabdnout jdlo (mnichm, nabdnout
rno));T P. arua (= morning) WS.
;sorry for inability to offer food to a monk, be

;immediately at right at adjacent;hned u

;embarkment of lake (lake's limit);nalodn (v jezee, pilehl bezprostedn u pmo u pilhajc;adv.
jezern hranice);n.
;immediately at: Immediately at the bed, (there
: T
is) carpet.;bezprostedn u: Bezprostedn u postele je
;embarkment: Other statue of this kind is in the
embarkment.;nalodn: Jin socha tohoto druhu je na
;approach (approach (and) come);piblit se (piblit
se (a) pijt);T
( );contact;smlouva;sg. E. contract

;embarkment: It is said, that he found one spirit house ;poem;bse;n. S. kvya (= poem)
on the embarkment of the late near the village.;nalodn: k ;poet (master (in) poems);bsnk (mistr (v)
se, e nalezl jeden dm ducha (bka) u nalodn u (t)
bsnch);n. S. kvya (= poem)
T;unluckily (by not good kamma
T ;dance ((and)
{adverber}) unfortunately (by not good kamma
exhibit): The group (being) on the stage also (exhibiting)
{adverber}) regrettably (by not good kamma
dances (and) entertains.;tancovat ((a) ukazovat (se)): Skupina {adverber});nanetst (skrze nedobrou kammu
(jsouc) na pdiu tak (ukazujce se) tancuje a bav (ostatn {pslovec}) bohuel (skrze nedobrou kammu
lidi).;col. pol.
{pslovec}) politovnhodn (skrze nedobrou kammu
T( );half-caste (person of mixed parentage)
hybrid (person of mixed parentage) person of mixed
;since (finished starting from (and) from);ode
parentage;hybrid (potomek smenho pvodu) smenho
(ukoneno zann od (a) od);suff.
pvodu, potomek osoba smenho rodiovstv;sg.
: ( ~ );since: several
T( );half-caste (person of mixed parentage)
hybrid (person of mixed parentage) person of mixed
parentage;hybrid (potomek smenho pvodu) smenho
pvodu, potomek osoba smenho rodiovstv;sg.

days since today;od: ode dneka nkolik dn;

( );object (word (of) deed);pedmt (slovo

inu);sg. gram. P. kamma (= intentionally commited action)

( );Kamayut (township);Kamyo (sprvn


;in;v;suff. prep.
: ;in: in that (meditation) posture;v: v t
(meditan) pozici;

;approach stick (swh.) come close attach (also about () ;Cambodia (country);Kamboda (stt);name
golden coat for pagoda);pilepit (nkam) upevnit (tak o
;world aeon (extremely long period of time) Earth
zlatm plti pro pagodu) lepit (nkam) pilepovat (nkam) (planet) earth (planet);svt eon (extrm dlouh doba)
piblit se pijt ble;T
zem (planeta) Zem (planeta);n.k (or) n. P. kappa (= aeon)
: ;stick: (He) sticks a (or) n. P. kappa(?) (= aeon)
stamp on a letter.;pilepit: Pilepuje znmku na dopis.;
: ;earth (planet): On
: ;attach: (We) attache a
golden coat to a cetiya.;pipevnit: Pipevujeme zlat pl na
: ;offer (sth. to a monk): May
(I) offer (you) one meal.;nabdnout (nco mnichovi): K (ti
mohu) nabdnout jedno jdlo.;w. utmn.
;offer food in one's house (to monks, offer

the earth there are seven continents.;zem (planeta): Na zemi

je sedm kontinent.;
: ;world: In the world,
there are four great oceans.;svt: Na svt jsou tyi velk
: ;world: all people in ( ~ "on)

the world;svt: vichni lid na svt;

: ;very much ( ~ "world): Thank (you) very
much. (World of thanks.);moc ( ~ "svt): Moc (ti) dkuji.
(Svt dk.);pol.

T: T ;beach: (They) were playing on

the beach (and finished).;pl: Hrli si na pli (a skonili).;p.p.
T: T ;beach: The dog
is nowhere on ( ~ of) the beach.;pl: Pes nen nikde na ( ~
z) ple.;

: T T
;Earth: 70 percent of Earth is covered by water T( );beach (bank base);pl (poben
(expanse).;Zem: 70 procent Zem je pokryto vodou (~
vodnm tvarem).;writ.
;Strand Road (road near shore);Strand, ulice
: ;earth (world): Earth (world) (cesta pobl behu);name
will also get destroyed.;zem (svt): Zem (svt) bude tak
;offer (offer (and) reach-out);nabdnout (nabdnout
(a) nathnout-se);T
T ( ~ )
;world: My goal is just to control this world of both
body (and) mind.;svt: Mm clem je prost ovldnout tenhle
svt tla (a) mysli.;pol.

(T );Kayah (state of Union of Myanmar);Kaj (stt

unie Myanmaru);name

;meditation meditation object;meditan pedmt

meditace;n. P. kammahna (= meditation-object)

penzch, padat) padat;I (or) T (or) I col.

;save help rescue;zachrnit pomoci;T

: ;rescue:
(He) tried to rescue king Saw Lu from hands of
;World Peace Pagoda );Svtovho Mru, Pagoda enemies.;zachrnit: Snail se zachrnit krle S L z rukou
(pagoda svtovho mru);name
( ) (WS. from );meditation
; cable TV;kabelov televize;n. E. cable-TV
center (peaceful refuge (of) meditation-object);meditan
;drop become (fall) fall become cost (money, fall)
centrum (poklidn toit meditanho-pedmtu);n. P.
fall (about defeat of a town);spadnout stt se pd (o
kammahna (= meditation-object)
poce msta) upadat stt se (spadnout) stt (o

;meditate (sit (with) meditation-object);meditace

(sedt (s) meditanm-pedmtem);n. P. kammahna (=
T ;meditation (sit (with) meditation-object
{nouner});meditace (sedt (s) meditanm-pedmtem
{jmenec});n. P. kammahna (= meditation-object)
( );meditation center (peaceful refuge (of)
meditation-object);meditan centrum (poklidn toit
meditanho-pedmtu);n. P. kammahna (= meditationobject)

(abbrev. from );married, be (for young adults,

fall);enat, bt (o mladch dosplch, spadnout) vdan,
bt (o mladch dosplch, spadnout);I
: ;be ( ~ "fall): (It) is ( ~ "fall) 250 (kyats).
cost ( ~ "fall): (It) costs ( ~ "fall) 250 (kyats).;bt (o cen, ~
"padat): Je (to) 250 (iats). stt (o cen, ~ "padat): Stoj (to)
250 (iats).;col.
: ;become: So that (it) will become serial.;stt
se: Take to bude opakovan. (Take se (to) stane
opakovanm.);fut. col.

: T ;cost: This bike

(from );meditation;meditace;n. P. kammahna costs one hundred sixty-nine Euro.;stt (o cen): Toto (jzdn)
(= meditation-object)
kolo stoj sto edest devt Euro.;
: T ;meditation object: (I)
: ;fall: After snow falls, (the
return to the meditation object of loving-kindness.;meditan
weather) is cold.;paadat: Po (tom, co) napad snh, je zima ( ~
pedmt: Vrtm se k meditanmu pedmtu milujcstuden poas).;
: ;cost ( ~ "fall): How much does (it)
: T ;meditation
center: There is abundance of meditation centers in
Myanmar.;meditan centrum: V Myanmaru je hojnost
meditanch center.;col.
;bank of a river;beh eky;sg.

cost?;stt (o cen, ~ "fall): Kolik to stoj?;inter. col.

: ;married, be: (I) am not married yet.;vdan,

bt: Jet nejsem vdan. enat, bt: Jet nejsem

: T
( ~
);fail (at examination): (He) needs permission to
;entire (has neg. connotation, use-up (the) limit)
sit ( ~ "answer) again for the examination which (he) failed last
thorough (has neg. connotation, use-up (the) limit)
year.;neprojt (u zkouky): Potebuje svolen k opakovn ( ~
complete (has neg. connotation, use-up (the) limit);kompletn "opakovanmu odpovdn (u)) zkouky, kterou minul rok
(m spe negativn vznam, spotebovat limit) pln (m neproel.;
spe negativn vznam, spotebovat limit) naprost (m
: ;become: (He) elopes (and) comes
spe negativn vznam, spotebovat limit);T
after (he made) a woman (his) wife ( ~ girlfriend).;stt se:
( );bank (of a river etc.);beh;sg.

T;shore (shore base) beach (shore base) coast

Uprchne (a) pijde (s n) po tom, co se stane jeho enou.;T sl.
(shore base);pl (poben zkladna) pobe (poben :
zkladna) beh (poben zkladna);n.
;fall: After Tanyin fell, (he) could easily seize

the Hanthawadis.;padnout: Po tom, co Tanlyen padlo, mohl

snadno dobt Hantvad.;writ.

;celebrate (festival) hold (a meeting) celebrate;schzi,

mt slavit oslavovat;T

: ;married, be: Yes, (I) am married yet.;enat, : T ;celebrate:

bt: Ano, jsem u enat. vdan, bt: Ano, jsem u
(People of) whole the country celebrate for three (or) four
days.;slavit: Ti, tyi dny (lid) po ( ~ v) cel zemi slav.;pol.
;exactly (falling-falling, dull-dull);pesn (padajcpadajc, tup-tup);adv.

( );casualty (of battle, person, who (is)

fallen (and) ended);ob (v bitv, osoba, kter padla (a)
;learn (by heart) cook (properly) boil memorize;uvait skonila) mrtv (v bitv, osoba, kter padla (a)
(podn) vait memorovat uit se (nazpam);T
;sentenced, be (get falling);odsouzen, bt (dostat
padn) trest, dostat (soudn, dostat padn);I

;as for (indeed falling);co se te (vskutku


;sentenced, be: Right now (he) is sentenced to
15 and a half years imprisonment in the Moun village's
prison.;odsouzen, bt: Prv te je odsouzen k 15 a pl roku
(trestu) vzen ve vznici vesnice Moun.;pol.

: T;as for: He doesn't talk

with me. (As for me, he doesn't talk.);co se te: Nemluv se
mnou. (Co se te m, nemluv.);col. um.

: ;practice: pratice of writing;praxe: praxe v psan;

(from );me;m;pron. col. acc. uw.

: ;practise: (I) am just still practising

writing;nacviovat: Stle jen nacviuji psan;

;exact (falling (and) dull);pesn (padajc (a) tup);I

;act (according to intention, practice (and) think)

practice (practice (and) think);init (dle zmru, praktikovat
(a) myslet) praktikovat (praktikovat (a) myslet);T

(from );I;j;pron. um. col.

: ;my: My name is Kyaw
Win San. (My name (is) Famous, Bright (and) Special).;moje:
Jmenuji se Wen Shan. (Moje jmno (je) Slavn, Svtl (a)
Vjimen.);pol. col.

: ;as for: He
watches movie(s). As for books, (he) doesn't read (them).;co se
;training pursue (practise) practice exercise (practise) te: Dv se na filmy. Co se te knih, (ty) nete.;col.
train (practise) practise;ncvik trnovat praxe cviit
: ;as for:
(praktikovat) provdt praktikovat nacviovat cvien;T
He drinks beer. As for wine, he doesn't drink (it).;co se te:
(or) n.
Pije pivo. Co se te vna, (to) nepije.;col.

;practice (practice, think (and) develop);praktikovat

(praktikovat, myslet (a) rozvjet);n.

: ;I: I am also fine.;j (-):

: ;practise: May (you) Tak se mm dobe.;col. pres.
be able to practise the Dhamma much.;praktikovat: K jsi
;left, be left behind, be remain;zanechn, bt zbt
schopen praktikovat Dhammu hodn.;pol.
;practice ((to) practise (and) line-up) rules of conduct : ;remaining, be: There is
((to) practise (and) line-up);pravidla chovn (trnovat (a)
little more. (The remaining part is just little.);zbvat: U zbv
uspodat) cvien (trnovat (a) uspodat);n.
jen trochu. (Zbvajc sti je jen trochu.);pol.

: T ;hold: The
tennis match is (being) held on the grass.;podat: Tenisov
zpas je podn na trv.;cont.
: T
;hold: On that day all over
Myanmar country the celebration of National Day is
held.;podat: Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se po cel zemi
Myanmaru podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.
T ;attend: (It is, that)
attending the National Day every year, (one) should try to
always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national spirit.;astnit se:
(Je to (tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se
ml (kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho
ducha.;pol. writ.
;moral training (duty (of) traning);etick trnink
(povinnost trninku);n. P. vatta (= duty)

: ;only: Only a quater of cake

remains.;jen: Zbyla jen tvrtka dortu.;
: ;remain: Still a lot of work
remains.;zbvat: Zbv jet hodn prce.;
(from );I my mine;m (moje) j m
moje;pron. um.
;us, at;ns, u;adv.
;healthy, be (be-healthy (and) firm) healthy, be ((be)
strong (and) firm);zdrav, bt ((bt) siln (a) pevn) zdrav,
bt (bt-zdrav (a) pevn);I
: ;healthy: may you be healthy;zdrav: k
jsi zdrav;w.
: ;health: May (you) be healthy (and)
cheerful.;zdrav: K (jsi) zdrav (a) radostn.;w. pol.
: ;healthy, be: I am
healthy.;zdrav, bt: (J) jsem zdrav.;
: T
;health: Doing sports is good for health.;zdrav:
Sportovn je dobr pro zdrav.;

: ;practice, moral: facts

regarding the moral practice;praxe, etick: skutenosti ohledn ;health (state-of health (and) health);zdrav (stav
etick praxe;

zdrav (a) zdrav);n.

Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.

: ;health: Take care of (your)

health.;zdrav: Dvej si pozor na (sv) zdrav.;imper. pol.

( );book treatise thesis;kniha disertace

pojednn;sg. writ.

: ;health: (It) is good for ( );book (scripture, usually sacred, ) scripture

health.;zdrav: Je to dobr pro zdrav.;
(usually sacred, );spis (spis, obv. posvtn, ) kniha (spis, obv.
posvtn, );sg.
;remaining part (part which remains);zbytek
(st kter zbv);n.

;reference (source of information, book

referred-to (and) book spreading-out) source (of information,
: ;remaining part: the
remaining part of life;zbytek: zbytek ( ~ "zbvajc st) ivota; book referred-to (and) book spreading-out) reference (book
(to) rely-on, book (to) spread);odkaz (kniha (ke) spolehnut-se ;kyat (currency in Myanmar and Buma) kyat (Myanmar
na, kniha (k) rozen) pramen (kniha odkazovan (a) kniha
currency);kyat (ale sprvn vslovnost je iat nebo iat)
roziujc) zdroj (kniha odkazovan (a) kniha roziujc);n.
Myanmarsk mna at (mna v Myanmaru a Barm) iat
(nebo iat) Myanmarsk mna;name (or) sg.
T ;reference: (They) used
( ~ ""): ;kyat ( ~ "money):ten kyats ( ~
(it) as an important reference for their commentaries.;zdroj:
"money);iat ( ~ "penze): deset iat ( ~ "penz);
( ~ ""): ;kyat ( ~ "money): twenty kyats ( ~ Pouivali to jakoto dleit zdroj pro sv komente.;p.s. writ.
( );book (scripture, usually sacred, book
( ~ ""): ;kyat ( ~ "money): four hundred kyats writing);kniha (spis, obv. posvtn, knin psan);sg.
( );scripture (usually sacred, book, book)
( ~ "money);iat ( ~ "penze): tyi sta iat ( ~ "penz);
book (scripture, usually sacred, book, book);kniha (spis, obv.
(-): ;kyat (-): 200 (kyats), ok?;kyat (-): 200
posvtn, book, book) spis (obv. posvtn, kniha, kniha)
iat, jo?;col.
kniha (spis, obv. posvtn, kniha, kniha);sg.
: ;kyats: 20 kyats;at: 20 at;
;canon (principal scripture);knon (hlavn spis);n.
: T T;kyat: sixteen kyats, 6 penny
"money);iat ( ~ "penze): dvacet iat ( ~ "penz);

(historical price);iat: estnct iat, est hal (historick cena); ;very much, be spread, be broad, be (about range)
: ;kyat: two kyats, fifty penny ( ~ "half) (historical wide, be loud, be (wide);rozen, bt velice, bt irok,
price);hal: dva iat, padest hal ( ~ "polovina) (historick bt (o rozsahu hlasit bt (irok) irok, bt;I

cena) iat: dva iat, padest hal ( ~ "polovina) (historick : T T

;wide: This river is enough ( ~ very) wide for
: ;kyats: How many kyats (you) have big ships to go (and) come through.;irok: Tato eka je dost
( ~ velice) irok aby (j) velk lod jezdily ( ~ jezdily (a)
to pay?;at: Kolik at mus() zaplatit?;inter. col.
: T ;kyat: (It is) fourty-six kyats.;iat: (Je odjdly pes).;
to) tyicet est iat.;pol.


: T ;kyat: forty-four kyats (and) T;broad, be (about range, wide (and) flat) wide, be
fourty penny (historical price);iat: tyicet tyi iat (a) tyicet (wide (and) flat);irok, bt (irok (a) ploch) irok, bt (o
rozsahu, irok (a) ploch);I
hal (historick cena);
T: T T ;broad, be:
T ()crazy (alms-basket (is) not full);len
The Myanmar word nature is broad ( ~ has broad
(almun-ko nen pln);adj. col.;
;hundredth of a viss (viss is 1.63 kg, therefore kyatta is meaning).;irok, bt: Myanmarsk slovo pirozenost je irok
( ~ m irok vznam).;
16.3 g);setina vissu (viss je 1.63 kg, proto iatt je 16.3 g);n.
(from );I I (used by women) my;m (moje) moje T: T ;broad, be: The meaning is
broad.;irok: Vznam je irok.;
j m j (uvno enami);pron. uw. (or) pron. uw. col.
: ;I (used by women): I?!;j (uvno enami):
T ;broad: (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly,
J?!;inter. col.
: ;my: This is my elder brother.;mj: Tohle with reference to (old) writings and manuscripts.;iroce: S
ohledem na (star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce
je mj star bratr.;pol. uw.
(from );me;m;pron. col. acc. uw.
;fall into (fall (and) come);upadnout do (upadnout (a)
: ;book: There are five
books of Vinaya included in Vinaya Piaka.;kniha: Ve Vinaja
: T
Piace je obsaeno pt knih Vinaji.;writ. pol.
;fall into: The Myanmar
: T ;book: There are
country has in the year 1889 fell ((and) came)into the state
six books of Sinhalese commentaries.;kniha: Je est knih
of English subordination.;upadnout do: Zem Myanmaru v roce
sinhlskch koment.;pol.
1889 upadla ((a) pila) do stavu anglick podzenosti.;p.s.
: ;book: seven pakaraa
books of Abhidhamma Piaka;kniha: sedm pakaraa knih
;free, be (not fettered) release (not fettered);vysvobodit

(neomezen) voln, bt (neomezen);I

: ;me: from me;m: ode m mnou;uw.

: ;free, get: Animals

means (they) get free when killed by people, friend.;vysvobodit:
Zvata znamen, e jsou vysvobozena kdy (je) lid zabij,

;me;m;pron. acc. uw.

( );leech (small, of land);pijavice (mal, ijc na


;we (female servant {pl.});my (ensk sluha

{pl.});pron. pl. uw.
: ;we: We ( ~ in us) a
room is available.;my: My ( ~ v ns) je dostupn jeden
pokoj.;fut. uw.

;liberate (record releasing) release (record

: T ;us, at: We have no
releasing);uvolnit (osvobodit, nahrt osvobozen) osvobodit room available. (in hotel, At us (it) has filled (and) gone.);ns,
(nahrt osvobozen);T
u: U ns je plno. (v hotelu, U ns se naplnilo (a) lo.);p.p. pol.
;released from Sasra, get (record releasing
(and) enter);osvobodit se ze Sasry (nahrt osvobozen ;me;m;pron. acc. writ.
(a) vstoupit);
;skilled in, be know how skill, have skilled, be
: ;island: Manhattan is an
island.;ostrov: Manhattan je ostrov.;pol.

: ;island: island of Sri Lanka;ostrov: Sr Lanka

(sinhlsk ostrov);

familiar with, be burnt up, be able to do sth., be;schopn

nco udlat, bt splen, bt dovedn, bt vdt jak
dovednost, mt znalost ohledn, mt dovedn v, bt zrun
v, bt;I

( );island;ostrov;sg.

;able, be (to do sth., be-skilled (and) excel {nouner})

;I (great servant) mine ((of) great servant) my proficient, be (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner})
((of) great servant);m (moje, velkho sluhy) j (velk knowledgeable, be (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner}) know
sluha) moje (moje, velkho sluhy) m (moje, velkho how (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner}) skilled, be (be-skilled
(and) excel {nouner});schopn, bt (nco udlat, bt-dovedn
sluhy);pron. um. (or) pron. pol. um.
(a) vynikat {jmenec}) vdt jak (bt-dovedn (a) vynikat
: ;I (m.): I am Maung Maung.
(also in telephone conversation);j (m.): J jsem Maun Maun. (I {jmenec}) zdatn, bt (bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec})
znal, bt (bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec}) schopn, bt
do telefnu);pol. um.
(bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec});I
: ;my:
: ( ~ )
There are chairs in my house's living room.;mj: V obvacm
;skilled: (I) revere
pokoji mho domu jsou idle.;pol. um.
(you), who is well skilled in what is not (your) mother
: ;my: Will you come to my
tongue.;dovedn: Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v tom, co
house?;mj: Pijde ke m dom? (Pijde do mho
nen (tvou) matetinou.;pol.
domu?);inter. fut. um.
: ;my: Second house is
my house.;mj: Druh dm je mj dm.;pol. um.
: () ;my: He is my father.;mj:
(On) je mj otec.;pol. um.
;me;m;pron. acc. uw.

: ;skilled in, be : (I) am not

skilled in English.;umt ( ~ "bt-dovedn): Neumm moc
anglicky. (Nejsem dovedn v anglitin.);pol.
;skill (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner});schopnost
(bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec});n.

;we (great servants {pl.});my (ohromn sluhov ;skilfully (skilfully (and) excellently)
proficiently (skilfully (and) excellently);zrun (dovedn (a)
{pl.});pron. um.
: T ( ~ ) vborn) dovedn (dovedn (a) vborn);adv.
;we: We bow three (bow) times to the
Buddha.;my: My se Pnu Buddhovi klanme tikrt
(poklony).;pol. um.

;skill skill (be-skillful {nouner});schopnost (bt-schopen

{jmenec}) schopnost;n.
;feed (esp. an animal) offer (to people, about food);krmit
(zejm. zve) nabdnout (lidem, o jdle);T sl. (or) T

: T ;offer (food to
;I (femail servant) my mine;m (moje) j (sluka) sb.): Also, if (you) do not offer anything, soon the mosquitoes
will come ( ~ "enter) and lay (their) eggs.;nabdnout (jdlo
m moje;pron. pol. uw. (or) pron. uw.
nkomu): Tak, pokud nic nenabdne, brzy pilet ( ~ "vejdou)
: ;I (f.): I am a teacher.;j (f.): Jsem
komi a (zanou) klst vajka.;fut. col. sl.
uitelka.;pol. uw.
[canou.];our;n nae;writ.

: ;I (f.): I am Mrs. Mama.;j (f.): Jsem pan : .;offer: If (you) have

anything to offer on (your) birthday, don't be shy.;nabdnout:
Mama.;pol. uw.
Pokud m nco k nabdnut (lidem), pak se nesty.;col. sl.
: T ;I (f.): You can talk with me. (also
: ;buffalo: quite far away from ( ~ with)
during telephone conversation);j (f.): Mete mluvit se
the buffalo.;buvol: Docela daleko od ( ~ s) buvola.;adv.
mnou.;col. pol. uw.
( );buffalo;buvol;sg.
;me, by;mnou;uw.
( );pomelo (fruit (of) no-longer-useful

buffalo);pomelo (ovoce ji-neuitenho buvola);sg.

;narrow, be;zk, bt;I
: ;narrow: The valley
(itself) is so narrow.;zk: (To) dol (jako-takov) je tak
T ;narrow, be (narrow (and) narrow);zk, bt (zk
(a) zk);I
: ;tiger: a tiger behind
plant;tygr: tygr za rostlinou;
( );tiger;tygr;sg.
(sl. from );watch look;podvat se dvat se;T sl.

birthday);nabdnout (jdlo): Pokud m nco k nabdnut, pak

(to) me uspokojiv nabdnout. (lze zaslechnout coby radu
oslavenci narozenin);col. pol.
;gratitude benefit good deed (for others) merit
deed, good;dobr in (pro druh) in, dobr vdk zsluha
vdnost dobrodin;n.
: ;thanks: Thank (you) very much. (World
of thanks.);dkuji: Moc (ti) dkuji. (Svt dk.);pol.
: ;thank ( ~ "gratitude): Thanks. (Just
gratitude.);dkuji: Dkuji. (Prost vdnost.);col.
: ( ~ );thank: Just, thank you.;dkovat:
(Tak) tedy, dkuji.;col.

: ... ( ~
);look: (I) will search and look (for it), ven. Sir ...;podvat : ;thanks: (I) thank you also.;dkuji:
se (po): Budu hledat (a) podvm se (po tom), ct. Pane ... ;fut. Tak vm dkuji.;pol. col.
: ;thanks: Thank you so
much!;dkovn: Hrozn moc dkuji!;pol.
;indicates ten-fold;zna desetinsobek;num. writ.
;indicates ten-fold: U Aung Zeyya together

with his sixty-eight blood comrades-leaders could successfully

resist while being the leader ( ~ while leading).;zna
desetinsobek: Aun Zeyya spolu se svmi edesti osmi
pokrevnmi pteli vdci se dokzal spn ubrnit zatmco
(je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
( );ten;deset;num. writ.

;thank (put merit or put gratitude) thank (to

sb.);dkovat (nkomu) dkovat (uloit zsluhu nebo uloit
vdk);T (or) v. pol.

;thank: (It) is used ( ~ "put) because a deep
thanks was desired.;dkovat: Vkld se (to), protoe se
vyaduje hlubok dkuji.;pol.
: ;thank: Thank you.;dkovat:
Dkuji.;col. pol.

;break (precepts) advantage benefit fracture (bone of

leg etc.) break (bone of leg etc.) break (fracture);zlomit si
(nohu atd.) vhoda prospch zlomit poruit (pravidla);I
(or) T (or) n.

: ;thankful, be: (You) should be

thankful.;vdn, bt: Ml bys bt vdn.;imper. pol.

: ;break
(precepts): In order not to break the five precepts, one must
much ( ~ "not little) control (oneself).;poruit (pravidla): Aby
nedolo k poruen pti pravidel, je teba se nemlo


; Kaikkasan (a place which was formerly a race

course);ajkkashen (msto, kter bylo pvodn zvodn

;please (performing a good deed, ..);prosm

(vykon dobr in, (kdy) ..);writ.

;moat: It is indeed still possible to see the
ancient palace, town-wall and moat.;pkop, vodn: Je (tam),
vskutku, stle mono vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a
vodn pkop.;pol.

say it one more time.;prosm: Prosm, ekni to jet

jednou.;imper. pol.

: T ;thank (you):
Thank (you) for correcting the mistakes.;dkuji: Dkuji za
: T ;break (a opraven chyb.;pol.
leg etc.): (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital, because I broke : T T ;thank (you):
(my) leg.;zlomit si (nohu atd.): Musm jt ( ~ nastoupit) do
Thank you for answering (me) back.;dkuji: Dkuji za odpov
nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont. um.
: ;please:
Please, divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and)
give).;prosm: Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko na tyi
sti ((a) dejte).;imper. pol.

: ;please: Please,
;break (rules, break (and) perforate) break (a rule listen.;prosm: Prosm, poslouchej(te).;imper. pol. writ.
or precept, violate (and) perforate);poruit (pravidla, rozbt (a) ;please (performing a good deed, ..);prosm
prorazit) poruit (pravidlo, poruit (a) prorazit);T
(vykon dobr in, (kdy) ..);
;joke tease;provokovat vtipkovat;T
: T;please: Please,

;satisfied, be (be-settled (and) worth-it);spokojen, bt

(bt-vyeen (a) vhodn);I

: ( )

;crushed, be;rozdrcen, bt;I
;satisfied: According to this law, all who need to
: ;offer (food): If learn at univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and)
(you) have something (you) want to offer, (then you) may offer listen), therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were,
(it) heartily. (may be heard as an advice on one's
indeed, not satisfied.;spokojen: Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo
( );moat;pkop, vodn;sg.

se potebuj uit na universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a)

poslouchn) povolen, proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech
Myanmarskch nrodnost nespokojeni.;pl. writ.

zamstnn nemm, chodm do koly ( ~ "nastupuji (na)

kolu).;cont. pol.

;thank: (I) also thank (you), that (you) took
the help from the side of (my) ability.;dkovat: (J) (ti) tak
dkuji, e jsi si vzal pomoc ze strany (mch) schopnost.;pol.

;school: They founded ( ~ built) national

college (a) national (primary) schools.;kola: Zaloili ( ~
postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a) nrodn (zkladn)
koly.;writ. pol. pl.

: T
;village: (He) seized forty-six nearby
villages.;vesnice: Obsadil tyicet est vesnic pobl.;writ.

( );teacher (male, school teacher);uitel

(mu, koln uitel);sg.

: ;monastery:
: ;copper:
the monastery, where the Mon (great) monks live;klter:
The demand for copper also increased.;m: Poptvka po mdi klter, kde ij Monov, (ohromn) mnii;mn.
tak stoupla.;

( );village (feed (and) rain);vesnice (krmit (a)


( );teacher (female, school

teacher);uitelka (ena, koln uitelka);sg. f.

;back (of body);zda;n.

( );hostel (school building);kolej

(studentsk, koln budova);n.

;loop (of a song, repeating series of sounds);smyka

(hudebn, opakujc se srie zvuk);n.

;attend school (ascend school);chodit do koly

(nastupovat (do) koly);T

: ;loop (of a song): (I) compose : ;attend school: (I) am still just
one loop, two loops, to a song.;smyka (hudebn): Skldm
attending school.;chodit do koly: Pod jen chodm do
jednu smyku, dv smyky, do psniky.;col.
;back (bent back);zda (ohnut zda);n.

: T ;student: Because of these students, the
( ~ T );stone: national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened ( ~
came) to develop.;student: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn
This man is a statue ( ~ form) of a soldier made by ( ~
duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.
hammered with) stone.;kmen: Tento mu je socha ( ~
podoba) vojka zhotoven z ( ~ utluen s) kamene.;

;men: (He is) the leader-student of the
: T
;stone: This house is built by stone.;kmen: Golden Shine Revolution's Burmese Students'
Association.;mui: Je vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat Ze
Tento dm je postaven z kamene.;
(podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.
( );stone (blunt stone);kmen (tup

;study at school school, attend a;studovat na kole

koly, chodit do;T col.
;school: Will you go to school or to work?;kola:
Pjde do koly nebo do prce?;inter.
: ; school: an applicant for scholarship
( ~ "attending school);kola: uchaze o studium na kole;
: ;school, attend a:
Because (I) finished (attending) school, (I) have a job ( ~ "do
work).;koly, chodit do: Protoe jsem dokonil kolu, mm
: ;school: (I) did not attend
school.;chodit do (koly): Nechodila jsem do koly.;p.s. col.

: ;student:
Student is studying a book.;student: Student studuje njakou
: ;student (female): You are a
female student.;studentka: Jsi studentka.;pol.
: ;school: I will go to
school after I eat the meal ( ~ rice).;kola: Pjdu do koly a
se najm ( ~ a snm ri).;fut. col. um.
: ( ~
A monastery, where live monks, who strive very much.;klter:
Klter, kde ij mnii, kte velice usiluj.;writ.
: ;monastery: also in the Udavela
monastery.;klter: tak v Udavelskm kltee.;col.

: ()
;school: Will you (all) go to school or to work? ('you'
is in pl.);kola: (Vy) pjdete do koly nebo (vy vichni)
pjdete (pracovat) do prce?;inter.

( );school;kola;sg.

: ;school: (I) still

don't have a job. (I)'m attending a school.;kola: Jet

know;studet: student kterho znm;n. um.

( );monastery;klter;sg.

;teacher, school: A school-teacher lives (alone) in the
: T ;study at school: (I) have lower floor.;uitel (koln): Uitel (koln) bydl (sm) v nim
completely finished Myanmar literature (subject) at
school.;studovat na kole: Zcela jsem dokonil (pedmt)
;pupil student;k student;sg. m.
Myanmarsk literatury ve kole.;pol. col.
;student: the student I
: ;student:

Together with the students will come the teacher.;student:

Spolu se studenty pijde uitel.;fut.

(Rno, kdy pejde dest hodina, u nejm jdlo.);n.

: ;student: (I) didn't know

(the fact that) he is a student.;student: Nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti,) e je student.;

400 mil daleko;pol.

( );pupil (school man) schoolboy

(school man) student (school man);student (mu (ze)
koly) k (mu (ze) koly) kolk (mu (ze)

: ;over: (I) am over 38 years old.

(Of age, over 38 years.);pes: Je mi pes 38. (Vku, pes 38

: ;pass: When you

: T
pass the bakery, turn left.;minout: A minete pekastv, zahnte
T ;student: Apart from this student, no doleva.;imper. pol.
other student comes.;student: Mimo tohoto studenta nepichz : ;more than: Yangon
dn jin (student).;pol.
is more than 400 miles away.;vce ne: Rangn je vce ne
: ;more than: more than about three
months;vce ne: vce ne ti msce;

: ;longer ( ~ "more): May (your)

( );schoolbook (book used (in) school) life be longer ( ~ "long more) (than one) hundred (years).
textbook (book used (in) school) students' book (book
(wish expressed on a friend's birthday);del ( ~ "vce): K je
used (in) school) coursebook (book used (in)
(tvj) ivot del ( ~ "dlouh vce) (ne) sto (let). (pn
school);uebnice (kniha uvan (ve) kole);sg.
vyjden na narozeninch ptele);w. pol.
;student;studentka;sg. f.
: ;more than: In
( );schoolgirl (school person) student
(school person);studentka (osoba (ze) koly) aka
(osoba (ze) koly) kolaka (osoba (ze) koly);sg. f.
T ;back (part of body, back exterior);zda (zadn

the Africa continent, (there) are more than 50 countries.;vce

ne: Na africkm kontinent je vce ne 50 zem.;writ.

: ;renowned: famous (and)

renowned (chief) monk;proslul: slavn (a) proslul (hlavn)

T : T ;back: Erect (one's) back.;zda: ;fame (be-famous (and) heard {nouner});slva (btNapmit si zda.;
slavn (a) slyen {jmenec});n.
T : T T ;back: (He) straightens the
back.;zda: Narovn zda.;

( );famous person (famous

(and) heard person);slavn osoba (slavn (a) slyen
T ( );dorsum (back, back's surface) back (dorsum, lovk);n. (mn.)
back's surface);zda (povrch zad);sg.
;famous, be (be-famous (and) sit-astride);slavn, bt
(bt-slavn (a) sedt-obkromo);I
( , );backpack (bag (to) carry-on
back);batoh (taka (kter se) nos-na zdech) krosna
;stride over (pass (and) hurdle-over) overcome
(taka (kter se) nos-na zdech) ruksak (taka (kter
(pass (and) hurdle-over);pekonat (pejt (a) peskoit-pes)
se) nos-na zdech);sg.
pekroit (pejt (a) peskoit-pes);T
;behind (side, back direction) back side (back
: ;overcome: (He)
direction);vzadu (zadn smr) zadn strana (zadn smr);n. can overcome whatever difficulties.;pekonat: Doke pekonat
: ( ~ );back side: back jakkoliv pote.;writ.
side of the head;zadn strana: zadn strana hlavy;

;renown, foremost more than more than (over) over

after exceed famous, foremost over, be famous, be
pass past, be;vce ne (pes) slavn, nejpednji slavn,
bt minout vce ne pejet pehnat pes pes, bt
minul, bt proslul, nejpednji po skonen, bt;I (or)
suff. prep. (or) adv. (or) T (or) adj.

;overcome (pass, hurdle-over (and) get);pekonat

(pejt, peskoit-pes (a) dostat);T

: ()
;overcome: If you
can overcome the difficulties, later (you) will be able to live as
a nun always (just) easily.;pekonat: Pokud doke pekonat
(ty) pote, pozdji bude schopn t jako mnika pod

: T
T ;over: It is (planned), that the copying work will take ( (T );Kayin (state of Union of Myanmar);Kajen (stt
~ "become) over twenty days.;pes: Plnuje se, e to
unie Myanmaru);name
koprovn ( ~ "prce koprovn) bude trvat ( ~ "stane-se
( ~ );Hotel Karaweik (hotel and
dlanm) pes dvacet dn.;fut. pol.
restaurant);Hotel Karaveik (hotel a restaurace);name
: : T

;pass: Turn left, (and) having passed the

;Karawait Hotel: Indeed, Natural History
next street, on the right (you) should find the hotel.;pejet:
Museum, zoo (and) Karawait Hotel (are there).;Karavei Hotel:
Zahnte vlevo, (a) a pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml
Vskutku, (je tam) Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum, zoo (a)
uvidt ( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.
Karavei Hotel.;

: ;after: After 10pm ( );magician, black teacher (of a small group of

(I) do not eat (any) meal.;po: Po dest poledn u nejm.
students);uitel (mal skupiny k) mg, ern;sg. unpl. col.


;many, by (about people) indicates plural (about people)

indicates plural of the preceding verb indicates participation of
several people;mnohmi (o lidech) zna mnon slo
pedchzejcho slovesa zna ast nkolika lid zna mn.
. (o lidech);suff. (or) pow.

meat);kuec omka (omka (z) kuecho masa);sg.

( );bitter gourd (bitter fruit (of) chicken
curry);hok tykev (hok ovoce kuec omky);sg.

: ;egg (+ chicken):
;encounter sugar cane;cukrov ttina setkat se s (njakou (She) is frying the (chicken) egg in frying pan.;vejce (+
zleitost);I (or) n.
kuec): Sma vejce na ( ~ na) pnvi.;cont.
: T
: T ;egg: (She) is sprinkling salt
;many, by: The way of loyalty of
over the (chicken) egg.;vajko: Sype sl na (kuec)
Kyansittha has been recorded in Myanmar history by
many.;mnohmi: Zpsob vrnosti ansity byl mnohmi
( );egg, chicken (chicken egg);vejce, slepi
zaznamenn v historii Myanmaru.;writ.
(kuec vejce) vajko, slepi (kuec vejce);sg.
: T ;indicates participation of ;strong, be (sturdy, firm, powerful (and)
several people: We talk about the Law (Dhamma).;zna ast strong);siln, bt (odoln, pevn, mocn (a) siln);I
nkolika lid: Povdme si o Zkon (Dhamm).;col.
;compassionate, be kind, be;hodn, bt soucitn, bt;I
: T ;indicates plural:
;plot (scheme (and) be-prosperous) think conspire
Therefore, they are conceited and proud.;zna mn. .: Proto, (scheme (and) be-prosperous);spiknout (se, plnovat (a) bt
jsou namylen a hrd.;pol.
spn) myslet chystat (intrikovat, plnovat (a) bt: ;encounter:This I
have encountered for the first time, now. (This is a thing
which, for me, (I) have met for starting from now.);setkat se s:
S tmhle jsem se te setkal poprv. (Tohle je vc, (se) kterou,
pro m, jsem se setkal ponaje od te.);pol.


;joyous, be clean, be clear, be;jasn, bt (ist)

radostn, bt ist, bt vesel, bt;adj.
;possible (look) watch look maybe (look);pozorovat
podvat se dvat se mon (podvej) sledovat mon
(podvej);T (or) suff. imper.

: ;indicates action done by two or more people:

(they) are happy;zna innost innou dvma a vce osobami: : ;look: If (I) have
raduj se;
the ability, (I) am ready to look (at it).;podvat se: Pokud mm
: T ;indicates action done by two or more
tu schopnot, pak jsem pipraven se (na to) podvat.;pol.
people: we were talking;zna innost innou dvma a vce
: ;look: (I) am just looking. (may be told to the
osobami: povdali jsme si;
shopkeeper as a reaction to his question what customer wants

: ;indicates plural: they believed;zna to buy);dvat se: Jen se dvm. (me bt eeno majiteli
mn. .: vili;writ.
obchodu jakoto reakce na jeho otzku co si chce zkaznk
;be ( ~ "happen-by-chance): Just if

there is an opportunity.;bt ( ~ "stt-se-nhodou): Jen pokud (k : ;here ( ~ "look): Here you are. (invitation to look
tomu) bude pleitost.;col.
on the goods) look: Look.;podvat se: Podvej(te) se. zde ( ~
: ;indicates pl.: (They) are
carrying a bag.;zna plurl: Nos taku.;
( );chicken;kue;sg.
( );hen (chiken female);slepice (kue
( );rambutan (fruit (of) cock's-comb,
fruit (of) boastful fowl);rambutan (ovoce kohouthohebnku, ovoce vytahujc-se drbee);sg.

"dvat se): Zde. (pozvn k podvn se na zbo v

obchod);imper. pol.

: ;look: (I) will look (more), ok? (may be said

by customer as a reply to the merchant when offered goods
are not desired);dvat se: Budu se (dl) dvat, ano? (me bt
eeno zkaznkem jakoto odpov obchodnkovi, kdy
nechce nabzen zbo);col.

: ;look: (I) will look (more), ok? (To get

looking.) (may be said by customer as a reply to the merchant
when offered goods are not desired);dvat se: Budu se (dl)
;onion (taut, spilled (and) red);cibule (napnut,
dvat, ano? (Abych se podval.) (me bt eeno
rozlit (a) erven);n.
T;garlic (taut, spilled (and) white);esnek (napnut, zkaznkem jakoto odpov obchodnkovi, kdy nechce
nabzen zbo);col.
rozlit (a) bl);n.
: ;see: (I) will see. (I will think about it.);vidt:
;chicken meat );kuec maso );n.
: ;chicken (meat): I will eat (it) with Uvidm. (Budu o tom pemlet.);fut.
chicken.;kue ( ~ kuec maso): Dm si to s kuetem. (Budu
to jst s kuecm masem.);col.
: ;chicken meat: Eat much
of chicken curry.;kuec maso: Jez hodn kuecho
masa.;imper. pol.
( );chicken curry (curry (of) chicken

: ;see: I need the book to

see (it).;vidt: Potebuji (tu) knihu abych se na (to) podval.;col.
: T

;look: As for me,

(when I) decide, (I) don't even look back ( ~ "turn (and)
look).;podvat se: Co se te m, (kdy j) rozhodnu,
nepodvm se ani zpt ( ~ "otoit (a) podvat).;col.



( ~
);look: After (he) puts (one hand on
another), (he) looks in front, down on the floor, having opened
(his) eyes.;dvat se: Po tom, co polo (jednu ruku na druhou),
dv se dopedu, dol na zem, otevenma oima.;pol.

T; ";visiting,
worth: In this letter I will answer little bit regarding the question
what are the place worth seeing in Myanmar
(country).;nvtvy, vhodn: V tomto dopise trochu odpovm
ohledn otzky jak jsou v Myanmaru msta vhodn
nvtvy.;fut. pol.

: ;watch: If (I want) to watch TV, (I)

watch.;dvat se na: Pokud se (chci) dvat na televizi, tak se

; revere (be-clear (and) brown) respect (be-clear

(and) brown);ctt (bt-jasn (a) hnd) mt v ct (bt-jasn
(a) hnd);T

: ;see: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a

;pleasant (be-joyous (and) tender);pjemn (bt-vesel
concert tonight.;podvat se (na): (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu (a) jemn);adj.
podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
: T ;look: (I) will see (if I can) repair.;dvat ;pleasant: Wherever (you) look, it is
se: Podvm se, (zda to mohu) opravit.;fut. pol.
extremely pleasurable.;pjemn: Kamkoliv se podv, je to
velice pjemn ( ~ vhodn k poten (se)).;pol.
: ;look: whenever (you) look;podvat
se: kdykoliv se podv;

;look: Wherever (you) look, it is
extremely pleasurable.;dvat se: Kamkoliv se podv, je to
velice pjemn ( ~ vhodn k poten (se)).;pol.
: ;see: Do you
want to go (and) see the ritual of washing Buddha-image's
face?;vidt: Chcete jet (a) vidt ritl myt oblieje Buddhovy
: T ;look: Look at the map.;podvat se:
podvej se na (tuto) mapu.;imper. pol.
: ( )
T ;watch: Noticing the breath, (I) happen to watch
the very nature (of my) mind (rpa nma).;sledovat:
Vmajce si (svho) dechu, (stv se, (e)) sleduji samotnou
pirozenost (sv) mysli (rpa nma).;pol. med.

;happiness (be-joyous (and) tender {nouner})

happiness (be-clear (and) shrivel-up {nouner}) joy (be-clear
(and) shrivel-up {nouner}) pleasure (be-joyous (and) tender
{nouner});tst (radost, bt-jasn (a) vratit-se {jmenec})
radost (bt-vesel (a) jemn {jmenec}) radost (bt-jasn (a)
vratit-se {jmenec}) poten (bt-vesel (a) jemn
{jmenec});n. (or) adj.
: ;pleasure: sensual pleasure
(pleasure (by) sensual objects);rozko: smysln rozko
(rozko pesmty smysl);

( );mirror (glass (for) looking);zrcadlo (sklo (na)

;see (for oneself, see (and) take);vidt (pro sebe, vidt
(a) brt);I
: ;see (for oneself): I haven't
seen it yet.;vidt (pro sebe): J jsem to jet nevidl.;um.

: ;watch: He
: ;see for oneself: (I) haven't seen (it)
watches movie(s). As for books, (he) doesn't read (them).;dvat yet.;vidt (pro sebe): Jet (jsem to) nevidl.;
se na: Dv se na filmy. Co se te knih, (ty) nete.;col.
- -;seem to be (taking look to (one may)
: ;look: Look at those two
think);vypadat jako (bran dvn-se k (by si jeden)
(persons);podvat se: Podvej na ty dv (osoby);imper. pol. myslel);I
: ;look: Oh, (I) am going tolook
(more), ok? (may be said by customer as a reply to the
merchant when offered goods are not desired);dvat se: Eh..
podvm se (dl), ano? (me bt eeno zkaznkem jakoto
odpov obchodnkovi, kdy nechce nabzen zbo);col.
: ;look: As for
hats, (we) have (them), indeed, (we) have. (Just) various
kinds. Here, look.;dvat se: Co se te klobouk, (ty) mme,
vskutku, mme. (Prost) nejrznj druhy. Tady,
-; look at;dvat se na;T writ.
( );star;hvzda;sg. ?n
;looked at watched;pozoroval dval se na;p.s.
: T
;see, thing to: Then, there are indeed other things
to see just near the Shwedagon pagoda.;vidn, vc k: A pak,
prv pobl vedagou pagody jsou vskutku dal vci k
" : T T


- -:
T ;seem to be: Oh, you seem to be
sad, what happened to you?;vypadat jako: Ah, ty vypad jako
bys byl smutn, co se ti stalo?;inter. col.
- -; seem to be (taking look to (is) same
with) look like (taking look to (is) same with)
resemble (taking look to (is) same with);vypadat jako
(bran dvn-se k (je) stejn s) podobat se (bran
dvn-se k (je) stejn s) pipadat (vypadat jako, bran
dvn-se k (je) stejn s);I
- -:
;look like: When (I) shave my head, it looks like a
radish.;vypadat jako: Kdy si oholm hlavu, vypad jako
;look at (look (and) see) look after (look (and)
see);starat se o (dvat-se (a) vidt) dvat se na (dvat-se
(a) vidt);T
;watch (look (and) see);sledovat (dvat-se (a) vidt);T

;watch: The marking judges should give
marks after (they) watch (and) listen to the behavior,
gesticulation, usage (of words) (and according to the given)
information from both the sides, of the proposer and
defendant.;sledovat: Znmkujc soudci by (v tto debatrsk
souti) mli dvat znmky po sledovn a poslouchn
chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle uvedench) informac
od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele (uritho nzoru) a obhjce
(jinho nzoru).;fut. pol.

mnichy) jt (o mnich);T utmn. (or) T mn.

: ;go (for monks): Let's go!;jt (o mnich):
Pojme!;imper. utmn.
: ;go (for monks): Let's go, ven. sir.;jt (o
mnich): Pojme, ct. pane.;imper. utmn.
: ;come: Come, ven. Sir.;pijt: Pojte, ctihodn
pane.;imper. pol. mn.
: ;come (for monks): day of coming (in future, for
monks);pijt (o mnich): den pjezdu (v budoucnu, pro

;scheme (make thinking) plan (make thinking) plot : ;come: Ven. Sir, come for alms(make thinking);kout pikle (dlat mylen) plnovat (kout round.;pojte: Ctihodn pane, pojte na almun
pikle, dlat mylen) spiknout se (dlat mylen);T
obchzku.;imper. pol. mn.
;strictly (supervising (and) tying);striktn
: ( )

( ~
(dohlen (a) svazovn);T
) () ;go

;strict, be (supervise (and) tie);striktn, bt (dohlet (for monks): Thank you for helping us with everything when we
(a) svazovat);T
went to your ( ~ ven. Sir's) monastery.;jt (pro mnichy):
;harsh, be (about situation etc..) rough, be (about
Dkujeme ti za pomoc se vm, kdy jsme li do tvho ( ~ ct.
surface, situation etc..) rough, be (about things);drsn, bt (o pna) kltera.;pol. ubmn. utmn.
povrchu, situaci atd.) hrub, bt (o vcech) hrub, bt (o
: ;go (only for ven. sirs): Ven. Sir, come
povrchu, situaci atd.);I
inside.;dovnit : Ct. pane, pojte dovnit.;pol. mn.
;violent, be (rough (and) longing) rough, be (about
surface, situation, etc.) harsh, be (about situation,
etc.);prudk, bt (hrub (a) touc) drsn, bt (o povrchu,
situaci atd.) hrub, bt (o povrchu, situaci atd.);I

( );rat mouse;my krysa;sg.

: ;rough: This weather is

rough.;drsn: Toto poas je drsn.;

;muscle (muscle meat);sval (maso svalu);n.

;violently (rough (and) longing

{adverber});nsilnicky (hrub (a) touc {pslovec});adv.
: ( ~ )
( ~
);violently: (He) violently shouts (with) dirty
words.;nsilnicky: Nsilnicky ki sprost slova.;
;rough, be (about things, be-rough (and)
protrude);hrub, bt (bt-hrub (a) vynvat);I
T ;floor (floor's flat-surface, rough surface);podlaha
(rovn-povrch podlahy, hrub povrch);n.
;sugar cane juice;dus z cukrov ttiny (dus (z)
;accessory (included (and) proper sugar-cane)
auxiliary (includes proper advice);npomocn (zahrnuje
sprvnou radu) psluenstv (zahrnut (a) sprvn
cukrov-ttina);n. (or) adj.

;auxiliary: It is good to be afraid of making one's
faith holey inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering
(and) sadness.;npomocn: Je dobe se obvat prodravn
vlastn dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a)
smutku.;prov. pol.

( );rat;krysa;sg.
( );mouse (small rat);my (mal
: ;muscle: stretched
muscles (ie. not relaxed muscles);sval: napnut svaly (tj.
;wealthy, be (wealthy (and) fat) rich, be (wealthy
(and) fat);majetn, bt (majetn (a) tlust) bohat, bt
(majetn (a) tlust);I
;richness (wealthy (and) fat {nouner}) wealthiness
(wealthy (and) fat {nouner});zmonost (majetn (a) tlust
{jmenec}) bohatost (majetn (a) tlust {jmenec});I
;arrive (pace (and) arrive) come (pace (and)
arrive);pijt (kret (a) pijt) dostavit se (kret (a) pijt);T
;audience (those (who) came
(and) arrived): Now, may (I), as the chairman, introduce the
speakers to those, who came ( ~ to the audience).;obecenstvo
(ti, kte pili (a) dostavili se): Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda,
pedstavm mluv obecenstvu.;pol.
;come (about monks, come (by) going);pijt (o
mnich, pijt chozenm);T mn.
;go (about monks, go (by) going);jt (o mnich, jt
chozenm);T mn.
;show off brag boast;vytahovat se (pynit se) chvstat
se pynit se;T

( );accomplice (included (and) proper sugar- : ;boast: I do not

cane);spolupachatel (zahrnut (a) sprvn cukrovboast.;chvstat se: Nechvstm se. vytahovat se: Nevytahuji
se.;pol. um.
;come (for monks) go (for monks) come (about monks) () ;show off (boast (and) brag) boast (boast (and)
go (about monks);pijt (o mnich) pijt (pro mnichy) jt (pro


brag) brag (boast (and) brag);chlubit se (vytahovat-se (a)

chvstat-se) vytahovat se (vytahovat-se (a) chvstat-se)
chvstat se (vytahovat-se (a) chvstat-se);T
;boast: He is boasting to me that he has 500
milions.;chlubit se: Chlub se mi, e m 500 milin.;cont.
;fall (of leaves, fruits etc.);padat (o listech, ovoci atd.);I

dlouho. Je to u asi est msc.;

: ;last (long): (It) has been long (time) that
(we) haven't met. (Not-meeting has lasted long.);trvat
(dlouho): Ji dlouho jsme se nesetkali. (Nesetkn trvalo
: T ;long time: In
Myanmar, the newspaper have been indeed published for long
time.;dlouho: V Myanmaru byly noviny publikovny ji dlouho
(dlouhou dobu).;pol.

;long time take long time last long last take (time)
be (last) long (time), be long, be last (take time) last
(long) take time long time, take;bt (trvat) dlouho, trvat : ;in ( ~ among): The village
dlouho trvat dlouho trvat trvat (dlouho) dlouho, bt;I (or) is in ( ~ among) mountains.;v ( ~ mezi): (Ta) vesnice je v
adv. (or) T
( ~ mezi) horch.;
;between, in hear tidings, get the informed, be;slyet : T

;hear: The
mezi doslechnout se informovn o, bt;I (or) prep.
gentlemen (and) the ladies have, certainly, already heard (it)
: T ; lotus: one red lotus (and) one white many times ( ~ again and again).;slyet: Pnov (a) dmy (to)
ji, jist, mnohokrt ( ~ znovu a znovu) slyeli.;pol.
(lotus);leknn: jeden erven leknn (a) jeden bl (leknn);
: ;long, last: (It) has been long already.;dlouho, trvat: : ;be: The life
span of a person is around 80 years.;bt: Dlka ivota lovka
U je (to) dlouho.;
: ;long, last: Has (it) been long?;dlouho, trvat: Je je ( ~ trv) asi 80 let.;
(to) u dlouho?;inter.

: ;hear: (I) have already heard it;slyet: u jsem

(to) slyel;p.p.
: ( ~
);hear: Indeed, I am
very happy about you (of what (I) heard about you).;slyet:
Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co jsem o tob slyel)
velkou radost .;pol.
: T
;hear: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never
heard (and they) are doing how they want to do.;slyet: Vyhls
zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce

: ;take (time): Each takes ( ~

lasts) four hours.;trvat: Kad trv tyi hodiny.;pol.
: ;long (time): He will come (just)
before long.;dlouho: Pijde (prost) zanedlouho.;

: ;hear: (I) am happy to hear

(from you) now.;slyet: Jsem rd, e (t) vidm ( ~ prv
: ;hear: Now, indeed, (I) hear.;slyet: Te
zrovna slym.;col.
: ;take time: took very long time (was
very much taking-time);trvat: trvalo velice dlouho (velice

( );lotus waterlily;leknn lotos;sg.

: ;take time: ;long time long (time);dlouho;adv.
How long time does it take to cook this food?;trvat: Jak dlouho : ;long(er): Won't you stay
trv uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.
long(er)?;dle: Nebude tu dle ( ~ dlouho)?;inter. col.
: ;last: last (for) two weeks;trvat: trvat dva tdny; : ;long: (I) cannot meditate ( ~ sit)
: ;last: (He) wants long.;dlouho: Nedoku meditovat ( ~ sedt) dlouho.;
it to last very, very long. ((He) wants (it) to be until many long ( );womanizer (assist piecewise takingyears (of) lasting.);trvat: Chce, aby to tu bylo jet hodn
time);suknik (asistovat po-stech (a) trvat);
dlouho. (Chce, aby (to tu) bylo a do mnoha dlouhch let
;vermicelli (pasta, little bit thinner than spaghetti);nudle
(vermicelli, ponkud u ne pagety);n.
: ;hear: (I) was hearing :
(it) again and again in (my) ears.;poslouchat ( ~ "slyet):
;between: (He) stuck a needle between nails and
Poslouchal jsem (to) znovu a znovu ve (svch) uch.;p.s. pol. while hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;mezi:
: ( ~ ( )
Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem,
);last: After some time. (When some 'laters'
testoval (je).;writ.
last.);trvat: Za njakou dobu. (Kdy njak 'pozdjky'
;among (in inside among);mezi (v uvnit
mezi);suff. prep.
: ;long time: Are you studying
Burmese for a long time?;dlouho: Studuje barmtinu

;after (last (and) finish);za (trvat (a) skonit);suff. adv.

: ;long, last: It still hasn't ( ~ "isn't) been

long.;dlouho, trvat: Jet to nebylo ( ~ "nen) dlouho.;pol.

;among in between;mezi;prep.

: T ;long time: Not

long time. It has been already around six months.;dlouho: Ne


: ;after: after around 20 years;za: asi

za 20 let;
;take long time(catch being-long) long time, take
(catch being-long);trvat dlouho (chytnout dlouh-trvn)

dlouho, trvat (chytnout dlouh-trvn);I

: ;take long time: (I) want
(you) to understand, if (it) takes long time. (precautionary
warning that sth. may take long time);trvat dlouho: Chci, abyste
rozumli, kdyby to trvalo dlouho. (preventivn varovn, e by
nco mohlo trvat dlouho);pol.

T : T ;indicates
ordinal number: Eighth Annual Meeting;zna poadov slo:
Osm Vron Setkn;n.
T : T ;indicates ordinal number:
fourth;zna poadov slo: tvrt;
( );verb (action);sloveso (innost);sg. S. kriy

: ;overhear ( ~ "hear (and) catch):

(I) have overheard (heard (and) caught), that (you) will
come.;zaslechnout ( ~ "slyet (a) chytit): Zaslechl jsem (slyel
(a) zachytil), e pije.;pol.

( );predicate (verb, word (of)

predicate);psudek (ve vdt, slovo psudku);sg. gram. P.
kiriya (= action, deed)

;Thursday (Jupiter's day);tvrtek (den


"rd): pokud chce ( ~ "(bys) rd);

;advance, in meet sb. on arrival in advance;pedem

;other people (middle people) normal people (middle setkat se s nkm pi pjezdu jt nkomu naproti;adv. (or) T
people);ostatn lid (stedn lid) bn lid (stedn lid);n. ;like;lbit se rd, mt;I (or) T
( );middleman;stedn lovk;sg.
: ;want ( ~ "like): if (you) want ( ~ "like);chtt ( ~

(WS. from );Thursday (Jupiter's

day);tvrtek (den Jupiteru);adv. WS.
;perform (do) do (perform) carry out;dlat (vykonat)
konat vykonat;T writ. P. kiriya (= action, deed) rare
;indicates number of repetition or appearance num. class.
for times times (indicates a repetition) multiple of
times;krt nsobek krt (zna opakovn) itatel as
zna poet opakovn nebo vskytu;suff. (or) pow.
: T ( ~ )
;times: We bow three (bow) times to the
Buddha.;krt: My se Pnu Buddhovi klanme tikrt
(poklony).;pol. um.
: T ;times: ninety-six times;krt: devadest
devtkrt (nebo devtadevadestkrt);

: ;like: I also like it. (Spring Spring

also likes (it).);rd, mt: Tak to mm rda. (Jaro Jaro (to) m
tak rda.);pol.
: T ;like: (I) like the white book.;rd,
mt: Mm rd (tu) blou knihu.;pol.
: ;like: Do (you) like this kind?;rd, mt: M
rd tenhle druh?;inter.
: ;like: (I) will take ( ~ like) both.;rd:
Vezmu si oboje. (Mm rd oba.);pol.
: ;like: (I) don't like (it).;rd, mt: Nemm (to)
: ;like: Since I've met him I
like (him).;rd, mt: Od (doby co jsem) ho potkal, mm (ho)

;like: Whenever the ven. Sir likes, (he) may ask
: ;angry, get: You may get angry (me) whatever (he) wants to ask.;chtt: Kdykoliv ct. Pn bude
with (me for what I am going to tell you now).;rozlit se: Asi se chtt, me se m zeptat na cokoliv chce (se zeptat).;pol.
rozl (na m za to, co ti te eknu).;fut. pol.
: ;like: (I) like that (one).;rd, mt: Mm rd
: ;num. class. for times: It has been two
times.;itatel as: U to bylo dvakrt.;p.p.

: ;times: thirty-nine times (about

appearance);krt: ticet tikrt (nebo tiaticetkrt, o vskytu);

: T ;like: (If I) say it that way,
would (you) like (it)?;lbit se: Bude se (ti) to lbit, kdy to eknu
tak?;inter. pol.

();enrage irritated, become upset, be angry, get ;whatever (one) likes;cokoliv (nkdo) chce ( ~ "rd);
scold;hnvat se rozlen, bt nadvat rozhnvat se
: ;whatever (one) likes:
natvat se (CZ col.);I (or) T
(You) can take whatever you want.;cokoliv (nkdo) chce ( ~
T ;-th (indicates ordinal number) indicates rank
"rd): Me si vzt cokoliv chce ( ~ (m) rd).;
indicates ordinal number;zna poadov slo zna poad ;jump over the jump rope (jump (the) rope);skkat pes
-t (zna poadovou slovku);suff.
provaz (skkat provaz);T
T : T
;-th (indicates ordinal number): Our country,
indeed, gave 105 warning to that country.;-t (zna poadov
slo): Nae zem varovala tamtu zem, vskutku, (ji) po
pt.;pol. um.
T : T ;indicates rank: tenth indicates
ordinal number: tenth;zna poad: dest zna poadov
slo: dest;
T : T ;indicates
ordinal number: This is the fourth time I have been to
Yangon.;zna poadov slo: Toto je potvrt, co jsem v

;jump rope (rope of jumping (over) rope)

skipping rope (rope of jumping (over) rope);vihadlo
(provaz skkn (pes) provaz);n.
;endeavor (strive much) strive (strive much) try
(strive much) strive;pokusit se (snait-se moc) usilovat
snait se (snait-se moc) pokouet se (snait-se moc)
namhat se (snait-se moc);T
: T ;try: If (one) tries,
(one) may become even the Buddha.;snait se: (Kdo) se sna,
me se stt dokonce i Buddhou.;pol.
: ;try: I am still trying.;snait se: Stle se



usilovat abychom spn doshli Arahantstv.;pol.

;try: I
zealously try to get various things and finally I die.;snait se:
Horliv se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut.

T ;try: (It is, that) attending
the National Day every year, (one) should try to always
maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national spirit.;snait se: (Je to
(tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se ml
: ;try:
(He) tried to rescue king Saw Lu from hands of enemies.;snait (kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho
ducha.;pol. writ.
se: Snail se zachrnit krle S L z rukou neptel.;writ.
: T ;try: (I) tried as : T ;strive: (He)
much as possible and (completely) corrected (this).;snait se: started to strive to attain them.;usilovat: Zaal usilovat, aby jich
doshnul.;p.s. pol.
Snail jsem se jak to jen lo a (zcela) tohle opravil.;pol.

;before (in-advance and-then) in advance ((be) in: ;effort: put forth: (I) advance and-then) advance, in ((be) in-advance and-then)
pre- (in-advance and-then);pedem ((bt) pedem a-pak)
put forth effort to meditate.;sil, vynaloit: vynakldm sil
ped- (naped a-pak) ped (naped a-pak);adv.
abych meditoval;pol.
;in advance:
;strive (to get, try much, search (and) seek) try : T
want to do tomorrow.;pedem:
hard (to get, try much, search (and) seek);snait, tvrd se
Pedem si plnuj co chce dlat ztra.;imper. pol. col.
(dostat, snait-se hodn, hledat (a) ptrat) usilovat (o
;effort, put forth;sil, vynaloit;T

dosaen, snait-se hodn, hledat (a) ptrat);T

;very big, be;velice velk, bt;I (or) suff. adv.

;effort (try (and) strive {nouner});sil (snait- : T ;very: The donkey has very
long ears.;velice: Osel m velice dlouh ui.;
se (a) usilovat {jmenec});n.
: ;elder: the elder one among (one's) elder
brothers;star: star ze starch bratr;
T ;effort: My

strong determination helps me to continue in my effort.;sil:

: ;very ( ~
Moje pevn rozhodnut mi pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col. big): The man carries a very heavy suitcase ( ~ clothes box
(of) big weight).;velice ( ~ velik): (Ten) pn nese velice tk
kufr ( ~ kufr obleen velk vhy).;
; invite (say to-meet-on-arrival) welcome (say tomeet-on-arrival) beckon (say to-meet-on-arrival)
welcome (speak in-advance);zvt (ci shledat-se-pipjezdu) vtat (mluvit pedem) pozvat (ci shledat-sepi-pjezdu) vtat (ci shledat-se-pi-pjezdu);T
: ;welcome: (I) welcome (you).;vtat: Vtm
: T ;invite: (I) happily invite
(you).;zvt: tastn (t) zvu.;pol.
;ahead (placed ahead) in advance (placed
ahead) first (ahead, placed ahead);dopedu (dve,
uloen pedem) naped (dve, uloen pedem)
pedem (dve, uloen pedem);adv.

;great, be (big (and) wide) extensive, be (big (and)

wide);ohromn, bt (velk (a) irok) rozshl, bt (velk
(a) irok);adj.
: () ;great, be: a house
like palace (a great (and) magnificent house);ohromn, bt:
dm jako palc (jeden ohromn (a) grandizn dm);
;huge (big (and) big);obrovsk (velk (a) velk);adj.

;improve (come (to) be-big (and) large) develop

(come (to) be-big (and) large);rozvinout (dojt (stavu, e) jevelk (a) velik) vyvinout (dojt (stavu, e) je-velk (a)

: ;in advance: (He) knows in

advance.;dopedu: V dopedu.;

: ;develop:
(He) developed morality, concentration (and) wisdom.;rozvinout:
Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a) moudrost.;p.s. pol.

;meet sb. on arrival (put in-advance) in advance

(put in-advance) advance, in (put inadvance);pedstihem, s (pedem, poloit pedem) pedem
(poloit pedem) pedem (s pedstihem, poloit pedem)
setkat se s nkm pi pjezdu (poloit pedem);adv. (or) T

;huge, be (big (and) huge) giant, be (big (and) huge)

gigantic, be (big (and) huge) great, be (big (and)
huge);ob, bt (velk (a) obrovsk) ohromn, bt (velk (a)
obrovsk) gigantick, bt (velk (a) obrovsk) obrovsk,
bt (velk (a) obrovsk);I P. mah (= big)

: ;in advance: Write (me) in

advance before (you) come.;pedem: Napi (mi) pedem ne

: ;huge: (It's) so huge!;obrovsk: (Je to)

tak obrovsk!;col.

;happen (by chance) encounter by chance face

;try endeavor attempt strive;snait se pokusit se (difficulties) meet by chance undergo (face-sth.) meet (by
namhat se;T
chance) be (happen-by-chance) happen by chance
opportune, be;phodn, bt bt (stt-se-nhodou) setkat
: T
se s (nhodou) narazit na, nhodou stt se (nhodou)
( ~ T T
);strive: We should strive in order shledat nhodou setkat se (nhodou) elit (potm) setkat
(se) nhodou stt (se) nhodou podstoupit (elit-nemu);I
to successfully attain Arahanthood.;usilovat: Mli bychom


(or) T
: ;undergo: (He) will
have to undergo (it) with more or less any
difficulties.;podstoupit: Bude (to) muset podstoupit bez ohledu
na pote ( ~ "s vcemn jakmikoliv potemi).;pol.

the national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened

( ~ came) to develop.;kvli: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn
duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.

: ;encounter: search (and) encounter (free)

time;najt: hledat (a) najt (voln) as;

: ;sentence:
Please, will (you) write (me) an English sentence at last?;vta:
Prosm, nape mi nakonec (njakou) anglickou vtu?;inter.

: T ;meet (by chance): When (I)

am free (and we) meet (by chance), (we) will talk.;setkat se
(nhodou): Kdy budu voln (a) (nhodou) se setkme,
promluvme si.;fut. pol.

T;sentence: First sentence is
used in writing, second sentence is used in talking.;vta: Prvn
vta se uv pi prasn, druh vta se uv pi mluven.;col.

;copper (red bronz);m (erven bronz);n.

: T ;Mirror, The: The New
Light of Myanmar and The Mirror. (names of
newspapers);Mirror, The (Zrcadlo): The New Light of
Myanmar and the Mirror. (Svtlo Myanmaru a Zrcadlo - jmna

: ;because: because (one)

attained;protoe: protoe doshl;p.s.
: T ;that: that (it) is a sickness;e: e je (to)
: ;because: because of some
reason;kvli ( ~ z): z njakho dvodu;

( );mirror (bronze enclosing);zrcadlo (bronzov


: ;because: because (I) am

busy;protoe: protoe mm hodn prce;cont.

;scared, be afraid of, be afraid, be fear;strach z,

mt obvat se strach, mt bt se vystraen, bt
vystraen, bt;I

( );cat;koka;sg.

: " " ;afraid of, be: (He) said: I

am not afraid of you.;bt se (nkoho): Nebojm se t.;writ.

;num. class. for sentences;itatel vt;pow.

: ;afraid, be: (I) am afraid, not

dare to ask.;bt se: Bojm se, netroufm si se zeptat.;

;afraid, be: It is good to be afraid of making one's
faith holey inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering
(and) sadness.;obvat se: Je dobe se obvat prodravn
vlastn dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a)
smutku.;prov. pol.

;crazy (odd (and) much-stiff);len (divn

(a) moc-tvrd);adj. col.
;num. class. for sentences: Until I
improve, (I) will write only about three sentences.;itatel vt:
Dokud se nezlepm, nebudu pst vce jak asi ti vty.;fut. pol.
( );cat;koka;sg.

( );kitten;kot;sg.
: ;afraid, be: It is ( );kitten;kot;sg.
said, that Nga Nyo's wife was also afraid because of the king's ( );cupboard (cat's house);sk (kredenc,
decree.;bt se: k se, e a ova manelka tak z ( ~
koi dm) kredence (kredenc, koi dm);sg.
kvli) rozkazu krle dostala strach.;
;fry fried;smait smaen;T (or) adj.
T ;horror (be-scared (and) shrink-from
: ;fry: I am going to fry fish.;smait:
{nouner});horor (bt-vystraen (a) choulit-se {jmenec});n.
Jdu si usmait rybu.;fut. um.
;about num. class. for sentences sentence;na
T: T T
itatel vt vta;prep. (or) sg.
;advertisements: Apart from news (there are)
;because due to;protoe kvli;suff.
also many advertisements included.;reklamy: Krom novinek je
: ;cat: Cat is drinking
obsaeno tak mnoho reklam.;writ. pol.
water.;koka: Koka (prv te) pije vodu.;cont.
T( );advertisement (shout (and) shout);reklama
: T ( ~
T );about: The monk
should ask (his) teacher again about (the teacher's) name.;na:
Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitee na jeho jmno ( ~
jmno uitele).;sl.
: ;cat: The dog is uglier
than the cat.;koka: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne (ta) koka.;

(kiet (a) kiet);sg.

: ;ring: Ring! Ring! Ring!;zvonn
(crr): Crrr! Crrr! Crrr!;
;friend, good (good friend);ptel, dobr (dobr
ptel);Bh. P. kalyna-mitta (= good friend)

;apart from;krom;suff. writ.

: ;because: because (I) worried;protoe:
: T T ;apart from:
protoe (jsem) se obval;pol.
Apart from teaching others, I can (also) learn (myself).;krom:
Krom uen druhch, (tak) se umm uit (sm).;writ.
;because of: Because of these students,


: T ;apart from: there are killings.;osvobodit: Lid eknou (to je) pro (jejich)
Apart from this one I understood the rest.;krom: Krom
osvobozen a pak dochz k zabjen ( ~ "jsou zabjen).;
tohohle jsem pochopil vechno ( ~ "zbytek).;p.s.
; apart from except (follows after noun) except
(abbrev. from );computer;pota;n. col.
besides;krom (nsleduje po pod. jm.) mimo (krom)
( );house;dm;sg.
krom;suff. prep. (or) conj. (or) suff. adv.
;connection (Internet);spojen (internetov);n. E.

: ;except: May nobody connection

know except you.;krom: K nikdo krom tebe nev.;pol. um. ;connection (Internet) Internet conenction;spojen
: T
(internetov) internetov spojen;n. E. connection

;apart from: Apart from teaching

: ;connection (Internet):
other people, (he) is studying himself (as well).;krom: Krom (Internet) connection is not good.;spojen (internetov):
toho, e u ostatn lidi, (tak) se u sm.;col.
Internetov spojen nen dobr.;col.
: ;except: Except
rice (I) don't eat anything.;krom: Nejm nic krom re.;um.

;connection (Internet);spojen (internetov);n. E.


: T ;except: I don't want : ;computer: (He)

to watch anything except the (theater) play.;ne: Nechci vidt copies the dictionary ( ~ "writing) to computer.;pota:
nic (jinho) ne (tu) (divadeln) hru.;pol.
Kopruje slovnk ( ~ "slovnkov psan) do potae.;writ.
: T ;apart
( );computer;pota;sg. E. computer
from: What else do (you) do, apart from (doing) samath
( );file (on computer);soubor (na potai);sg. E.
(and) vipassan meditation?;krom: Krom samath a
vipassan meditace, co jet dl?;inter.
: T T
;giblets;drbky (kuec aludky);n.

;file (in computer): a book prepared as a file

((on) computer);soubor (na potai): kniha pipravovan
( ~ "): ;child jakoto soubor ((na) potai);
( ~ "girl): Is (it) girl or boy? (enquiring about the sex of the
T: T ;computer: The computer is
other person's child);dt ( ~ "holika): Je (to) holika nebo broken.;pota: Pota se (mi) rozbil.;p.p.
chlapeek? (vyptvn se na pohlav dtte tzan osoby);inter. T: T ;computer: while working with
;youngling (of an animal);mld (zvete);suff.

: ;child: How many children computer;pota: zatmco pracuje na potai;

do (you) have?;dt: Kolik mte dt?;inter.
T: T;computer: portable
: () ;child: How old is your
(small) computer;pota: penosn (mal) pota;
child? (What age has (your) child had?);dt: Kolik let je
T( );computer;pota;sg. E. computer
tvmu dtti? (Jak vk (u) m (tvoje) dt?);inter. p.p.
;my mine;moje;pron. gen. writ.

: ;children: How old are ;betel;bulat (betel) betel (bulat);n.

(your) children? (What has been the age (of your)
: T ;skilled, be. You are
children?);dti: Kolik let je tvm dtem? (Jak ji byl vk
(being) skilled in Myanmar (language) just very much, aren't
(tvch) dt?);inter. p.p.
(you)?;dovedn, bt: Jsi prost velice dovedn v Myanmarskm
: ;child: Do (you) have a child?;dt: Mte
jazyce, e?;col.
;different, be indicates friendly adress (at the end of
: T ;baby: Baby's skin is
white.;miminko: Miminina ke je bl.;
( );baby child;dt miminko;sg.

sentence);zna ptelsk osloven (na konci vty) liit se;I

(or) interj.
: ;friend: (It's) very good, friend, they
say.;pteli: (Je to) pr velice dobr, pteli.;col.

;childhood (baby life) childhood (child life);dtstv : ;indicates friendly adress: It's alright,
(miminkovsk ivot) dtstv (dtsk ivot);n.
hey.;zna ptelsk osloven: Je to v podku, hele.;pol.
;childhood (child time);dtstv (dtsk as);n.
: ;different, be: In that is
( );pen (for writing);pero (na psan);sg. rare
our country different.;liit se: V tom se nae zem li.;col.
;bracket (circle) num. class. for round objects, places
T;differ (differ (and) be-different) vary (differ (and) beetc.;itatel kulatch vc, mst atd. zvorka (kruh);pow. (or) different);liit se (liit-se (a) liit-se) odliovat se (liit-se (a)
T : T ;field: A cow is
standing on the field.;pole: Krva stoj na poli.;cont.
T ( );field (round exterior);pole (kulat venek);sg.
;release: People say (it is) to release (them) and then


;turn (left etc.);zatoit (vlevo atd.);T

: ;turn: The bus is going
to turn left.;zatoit: Autobus zato vlevo.;fut.
Turn left, (and) on the right (you) will certainly find a

hotel.;zatoit: Zato vlevo, (a) napravo jist nalezne

hotel.;imper. fut.

T ;vehicle: As it was not

possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had
vehicles, modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people
;differ break (separate) broken, be separate;rozbt
of other countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering
(oddlit) oddlit liit se rozbit, bt;I (or) T
(and) attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;vozidlo:
: ;broken, get: The dropped
Jeliko nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad),
glass jug did not get broken.;rozbt se: Uputn sklenn
vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~
konvice se nerozbila.;
T ;difference (differ (and) vary {nouner});rozdl (liit-se lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
(a) odliovat-se {jmenec});n.
;and having finished indicates change from verb to a
noun in instrumental case just fence protect (shield)
indicates simultaneousness of an action with another action
after only whatever indicates change from one action to
another indicates end of one action and start of another
action while;a plotit bhem zna simultnnost jedn
innosti s druhou cokoliv zna konec jedn innosti a
zatek innosti jin prv po ukonen zna zmnu z
jedn aktivity na druhou ochraovat (ttit) zatmco zna
zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm. v instrumentlu oplotit jen
po;suff. adv. (or) suff. (or) suff. pron. (or) T
;indicates emphasis num. class. for movies (canvas)
spread out;itatel film (pltno) rozprostt se rozprostt
zna zdraznn;suff. (or) pow. (or) T

: ;and: (she) lives in Thongwa and ...;a:

ije v Thongwa a ...;writ.
( );car;auto vozidlo automobil; (or) sg. E. car
( ) (from T);vehicle, decorated;vozidlo,
;preserve (shield (and) hide) protect (shield (and)
hide) defend (shield (and) hide);chrnit (zatiovat (a)
schovvat) ochraovat (zatiovat (a) schovvat)
uchovvat (zatiovat (a) schovvat);T
;bus depot;autobusov depo;n. E. car-gate

( );garage (car depot);gar (vozidlov

depo);sg. E. godown, Ma. gudang
;now, right just happen happen right now right
now, happen;stt, prv se prv se stt prv te se stt
prv te;suff.

: ;car: The
car's speed is 40 kms per hour. (Car drives with rate (of) 40
: ;just happen: Baby was just
kilometers (per) an hour.);auto: Rychlost auta je 40 km za
born.;prv se stt: Miminko se prv (te) narodilo;
hodinu. (Auto d s rychlost 40 kilometr (za) jednu hodinu.); : T ;vehicle: I spoke with
: ;car: get on the car;auto: nastoupit do
him while in the vehicle.;auto: Mluvil jsem s nm kdy jsme byli
ve vozidle.;p.s.
: ;vehicle: On the floats
: () ( ~ )
also there are dancing groups too (included).;vozidlo: Na
;taxi driver: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over
(tch) vozidlech, tak, jsou t tanen skupiny.;col. pol.
there?;taxik: Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.
: ;car: car accident;auto:
automobilov nehoda;

: ;car.: Cars, such as Toyota,

Mercedes etc.;auto: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes atd.;

( );door of car (car's door);dvee od auta

(dvee auta);sg.

: ;vehicle,
a: In front of the stage one vehicle with another ( ~ with one)
: ;whatever: Whatever (he) compete in beauty.;vozidlo, njak: Ped pdiem jedno vozidlo
can read, (he) studies (it) all.;cokoliv: Studuje cokoliv, co
s druhm ( ~ s jednm) sout v krse.;col. pol.
doke pest.;
;car part part, car;automobilov soustka
: ;car: What kind of car will you
buy?;automobil: Jak automobil si koup?;inter. col.

soustka, automobilov;n. P. paccaya (= requisites, means)


( );window of car (car's glass) car window

(car's glass);okno auta (sklo auta) auta, okno (sklo

;sensual (quality (of) senses);smyslov (vlastnost

: ;having finished: having finished (practising) smysl);adj. P. kma-gua (= senses-quality)
meditation;po ukonen: po ukonen (praxe) meditace;
: ;sensual: sensual pleasure
: ;after. After practice of
(pleasure (by) sensual objects);smysln ( ~ smyslov):
meditation, (I) left.;po: Po praxi meditace jsem odeel.;p.s.
smysln rozko (rozko pesmty smysl);
T ;indicates change from verb ;bus stop: My house is not very far (with) from
to a noun in instrumental case: Choosing the brave heroes,
Hledan Market bus stop.;autobusov zastvka: Mj dm nen
king Naung organized a great Myanmar army.;zna zmnu ze daleko od (s) autobusov zastvky Hldn Trhu.;col. pol. um.
slovesa na pod. jm. v instrumentlu: Vbrem statench
( );bus stop (sign column (for)
hrdin krl Nau zorganizoval velikou Myanmarskou
car);autobusov zastvka (znakov sloup (pro)
armdu.;p.s. writ.


;drive (drive car);dit (dit auto);T

( );driver (person who drives
car);idi (osoba, kter d auto);sg.

( );cake (cake snack);dort (dortov zkusek);sg.

E. cake
( );number;slo;sg.

( );driver (car driving person);idi (auto ;numeral (number (and) numeral) number
idc osoba);sg.
(number (and) numeral);slice (slo (a) slice) slo
(slo (a) slice);n. P. gaan (= number)
() (WS. of );Cambodia
(country);Kamboda (stt);name


;kamma committed through bodily actions (bodily

kamma);kamma vykonan skrze tlesn iny (tlesn
kamma);bh. P. kya-kamma (= body - intentionally-doneaction)

( );instrument tool;nstroj;sg.

: ;duty: Put the

duty for me tot he last (place) and then carry it out.;povinnost:
Dej tu povinnost pro m na posledn (msto) a pak ji
vykonej.;imper. pol. col.

(-): ;indicates accusative (-): (I) like that

(one).;zna akuzativ (-): Mm rd tamten.;pol.

;about to indicates acc. brother, elder (used as title for

names of adult men) young man or sir (precedes a name)
indicates name of a lad (elder brother) indicates a name of
;protect (shield (and) be-in-attendance);ochraovat (ttit a young man;do zna 4. pd eskho jazyka zna jmno
(a) starat se o);T
mladho mue o mlad pan (pedchz jmno) bratr,
star (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny dosplch mu)
zna jmno mldence (star bratr);suff. prep. (or) prep. (or)
;protect: At that time,
headman of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya himself, for safety, suff. (or) pref.
protected (his) own village (by) palm-tree trunks-forts.;ochrnit: ;rely on indicates friendship right? indicates close
Tehdy nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe, relationship offer to a spirit hey? nine indicates friendly
ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.
gesture dear isn't it? refer to;darovat nco duchovi devt
co? jo? spolhat se na ne? drah zna ptelstv
( );car park (place for stopping
tkat se zna ptelsk gesto zna blzk vztah;suff. fr. (or)
car);parkovit (msto k zastaven auta);sg.
(WS. from ) ;problem;problm;n. WS. P. kicca (= duty) suff. (or) col. (or) T (or) num. (or) suff. fr. col.

; duty problem work (to be done) issue

(problem);povinnost problm prce (k vykonn) pot
(problm);n. P. kicca (= duty)
: ;problem: No problem.;problm: (To) nen
problm.;pol. ans.
: T ;trouble:
New and new troubles (and) problems appear.;pot: Objevuj
se nov a nov pote (a) problmy.;

: T ;to: I will tell (it) to father.;zna

akuzativ: eknu (to) otci.;fut. pol. uw.
: ;dear: (I) love (you very much), dear.;drah: (Moc
t) miluji, drah.;col. fr.
: ;to (-): I (want) to go to Strand
Hotel. (can be told to a taxi driver, (I) will go to Strand
Hotel.);do (-): (Chci) do Strand Hotelu. (lze ci taxiki,
Pojedu do Strand Hotelu.);fut. col.
: T;about: (I) speak about the female
supporters.;o: Mluvm o podporovatelkch.;pol.

: T ;for ( ~ "duty): What have you : ; to: to monk's room;zna smr: do mnichova
come to Burma (country) for ( ~ to do)?;kvli ( ~ "povinnost): pokoje (tj. mstnosti);adv.
Kvli emu jsi pijel do Barmy (zem)?;inter.
: ;for: Ven. Janinda is waiting
for them.;na: Ct. Daninda na n ek.;

;duties: Sometimes, there may be also
duties, of which carrying them out together by men and women
is advantageous.;povinnosti: Nkdy jsou tak povinnosti, jejich
vykonn mui i enami pospolu je vhodn.;pol.

: ;to: To ven. Vasava.;zna tet pd eskho

jazyka: ct. Vsavovi.;

;believe in (a particular religion, rely-on (and)

conceal) profess (a particular religion, rely-on (and)
: ( ~ )
conceal) follow (a religion, rely-on (and)
T ( ~ T) ;issues: In lay life, lay conceal);nsldovat (nboenstv, spolhat-se (a) skrvat-sepeople have various issues (and) problems.;problems: V
za) vyznvat (urit nboenstv, spolhat-se (a) skrvatlaickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;
se-za) vit v (urit nboenstv, spolhat-se (a) skrvatse-za);sg.
( ) ;duty work (to do) problem case
(problem);povinnost problm prce (k udln);sg. P. kicca : ;follow (a
religion): And what religion did (you) follow before?;nsledovat
( );difficulty problem;problm pot;sg. P. kicca (=
(nboenstv): A jak nboenstv jsi nsledoval dve?;inter.
duty) (or) sg.
: ;cake: Only a quater of cake col.

( );devotee (while relying-on (and)

: ;cake: concealing) worshipper (while relying-on (and)
concealing);uctva (zatmco se-spolh (a) skrv-se)
In the afternoon (she) is eating cake and drinking tea.;dort:
ctitel (zatmco se-spolh (a) skrv-se);sg.
Odpoledne j dort a pije aj.;writ.
remains.;dort: Zbyla jen tvrtka dortu.;


;reference (refer-to (and) spread-out) refer (refer-to

(and) spread-out) link (refer-to (and) spread-out);odkazovat
(odkazovat (a) roziovat) reference (odkazovat (a)
roziovat) odkaz (odkazovat (a) roziovat);T (or) n.
: ;Coca Cola:
Drinks, such as Coca Cola, beer etc.;Coca Cola: Npoje jako
Coca Cola, pivo atd.;
;reference (refer-to (and) spread-out
{nouner});odkaz (odkazovat (a) roziovat {jmenec});n.
[koukou:];cocoa (beverage);kakao (npoj);n. E. cocoa
;cut up bite cut cut away;znout sekat tpat
krjet kousat ezat;T
: ;bite: because (we) were afraid that (he)
would bite;kousat: protoe jsme se obvali, e by kousal;col.

comes and picks up the telephone;zvednout: (ist)

pichz a zved telefn.;col.
: ;pick up: Somebody pick up
(the phone)! (Somebody well grab and try.);zvednout (telefn):
Nkdo zvednte (ten telefn)! (Nkdo (to) podn uchopte a
zkuste.);imper. col.
: ;pick up: go(es) (and) pick(s) up the
telephone;zvednout: jde a zved telefon;col.
( );cup (branch cup);hrnek (vtvov hrnek);sg.

;hold on (hold (and) fix);vydret (na telefnu, dret (a)

: ;hold on: Hold on a moment.;vydret (na
telefnu): Vydrte ( ~ pokejte) chvilku.;imper. col. pol.

( ) (from );monk (great body) ven. Sir

: T ;bite: Mosquitos bite.;tpat: Komi tpou.; (great body);ct. pn (ohromn tlo) mnich (ohromn
: ;bite: I was bitten by a dog in tlo);sg.
the morning.;kousnout: Rno m kousl pes. (Rno jsem
dostvm ps kousnut.);

;body I (if you is mentioned in the sentence) oneself

you (if he (or) she is mentioned in the sentence);ty (pokud on
;agree (correspond, correspond (and) be-in-accord) nebo ona je zmnno ve vt) j (pokud ty je zmnno ve
vt) sm (o sob) kdo (nkdo) tlo;pron. col. (or) pron.
accord, be in (correspond (and) be-in-accord) correspond
with (correspond (and) be-in-accord);shod, bt ve (souhlasit, (or) n.
odpovdat (a) bt-ve-shod) souhlasit (bt ve shod,
;I (if you is mentioned in the sentence) you (if he (or)
odpovdat (a) bt-ve-shod) odpovdat (souhlasit, odpovdat she is mentioned in the sentence);ty (pokud on nebo ona je
(a) bt-ve-shod);T
zmnno ve vt) j (pokud ty je zmnno ve vt);pron. col.
: ;accord, be in: (from );one's own;vlastn (svj);pron.
Homosexuals are not in accord with the law.;shod, bt ve:

;own, (my): Listen to me. (Listen

Homosexulov nejsou ve shod se zkonem.;pol.
to (my) own speech.).;vlastn, (moje): Poslouchejte co km.
( );kale, Chinese (Chinese broccoli);kapusta,
(Poslouchejte (moje) vlastn slova.);imper. pol.
nsk (nsk brokolice);sg. Ch. gailan
: ;oneself: Eat whatever (you)

want to eat. (What one wants to eat, (may) one eat.);sm:

: ;use ( ~ "hold): (He) does not use ( Jez cokoliv chce (jst). (Cokoliv kdo chce jst, (k) to (kdo)
~ "hold) money directly. (may be used as a description of any j.);imper. pol.
monk, who does not use money);pouvat ( ~ "dret): Pmo
: ;body: body (and) mind, both;tlo: tlo (a)
penze nepouv ( ~ "nedr). (lze bt pouito jakoto popis
kterhokoliv mnicha, kter nepouv penze;pol. mn.
T ;own: Own country is not
: ;use: I don't use money.;pouvat:
Nepouvm penze.;col. pol. mn.

();hold (hold (and) fix);dret (dret (a) upevovat);T

: ;hold: What is she holding?;dret:
Co (ona) dr?;inter.
;devout, be respect, show deep;respekt, prokzat
hlubok oddan, bt;I (or) T
: ;devout, be: (I) am
extremely devout to religion.;oddan: Jsem nesmrn oddan
(svmu) nboenstv.;
: ;respect: (I) extremely respect
the religion (of Dhamma).;ctt: Nesmrn ctm nboenstv
();Cairo (town in Egypt);Cairo (msto Egypta);name

;hold (in hand etc.) pick up (telephone, hold);dret (v

ruce atd.) zvednout (telefn, dret);T

good, indeed.;vlastn: Vlastn zem, vskutku, nen dobr.;col.

: (-) ;body: Even as for

body, it has come to 25 (years).;tlo: A co se te tla, dolo
do 25ti (let).;p.p. col.
: ;body: hand put on the
body;tlo: ruka poloen na tle;
: ;oneself: If one does oneself one
will get it.;sm: Kdy si (to) jeden udl sm, tak to (tak) sm

T ;own (oneself): (They) can talk following ( ~
having followed) the side ( ~ group of speakers), which (they)
themselves agree with (and) like.;sm: Mohou mluvit
nsledujce (tu) stranu ( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami
souhlas (a) kterou maj rdi.;pol. col.

T ;own: (He) returned (to own)

Vrtil se (do svho) domu.;p.s. pol.
: ;pick up (phone): I'll pick (it)
;own, (my): Here's (my) own
up, mum.;zvednout (telefn): J (to) zvednu, mami.;fut. col.
: Tady je (mj) vlastn dm.;pol.
: ;pick up: Kyi Kyi (Clearly)
: ;oneself: What do you think


about yourself?;sob: Co si o sob mysl?;inter. col.

;you: (If) she is speaking even like this
to you, (then) why would you (want-to) come to (her)?;ty:
Jestlie na tebe mluv dokonce takhle, (pak) pro bys chtl za
(n) chodit?;inter. col.
: ;oneself: He thinks
he is the richest.;sob: Mysl si o sob, e je nejbohat.;pol.
( );body;tlo;sg.

;oneself;sm (sebe sama);pron.

Nibbna by oneself;vlastnm silm: Nibbna (dosaen)

vlastnm silm;
: ;oneself: Go to
Mandalay yourself.;sm: Jdi si do Mandalaje sm.;imper. pol.
: ;oneself: Today I will
write it myself.;sm: Dnes to napu (j) sm.;fut. um
;oneself (themselves): In the
present life there are also (things) that men cannot do
themselves.;sm (sami): V ptomnosti jsou tak (vci), kter si
mui nemohou udlat sami.;pol.


( );monk (great body) ven. Sir (great
;oneself (themselves): In fact, people
may overestimate themselves.;sm sebe (sami sebe): Vskutku, body);ct. pn (ohromn tlo) mnich (ohromn tlo);sg.
lid mohou peceovat sami sebe.;pol.

T ;suicide (kill own body (and) die () ;monk: In our group there are
oneself {nouner});sebevradu, spchat (zabt vlastn tlo the teacher-monks who won ( ~ "got) first (place) in whole the
country.;mnich: V na skupin jsou uitelt mnii, kte dostali
(a) zemt sm {jmenec});T
prvn (msto) v cel zemi.;pol. ubmn. mn.
;purpose of, with the on behalf of for (sth. or
sb.);elem, za pro dobro () kvli (komu nebo emu) za ( );monk (great body (of a)
monk);mnich (ohromn tlo mnicha);sg. P. sagha (=
(nco i nkoho) pro (nco i nkoho) jmnem;suff. prep.
(or) adv.
: ;on behalf of: Go on my ;own (owned (by) person) own, one's;vlastn
vlastn (vlastnno osobou);adj.
behalf.;kvli: Jdi kvli m.;imper. pol.
: ;for: one for another;pro: jeden

: ;own, one's: one's own life;vlastn: vlastn


;own (body owns) own, one's one's own;vlastn

: ( )( )
;for (on behalf of): Therefore, there are many works (svj, tlo vlastn) svj vlastn;pron. (or) pron. gen.
that one gets done by ( ~ that are done for another and
: ;own: He wants to buy
taken) another.;pro: Proto je mnoho prac, kter si jeden nech (it) with his own money.;vlastn: Chce to koupit vlastnmi
udlat od druhho ( ~ kter jsou udlny pro druhho a
: T ;own: As for this, it is

: T ;on behalf of: I

my own view ( ~ opinion).;vlastn: Co se tohoto te, je to (mj)
want to speak on behalf of my country.;za: Chci mluvit za svou vlastn nzor.;pol.
zem.;pol. um.
: ;own: He ( ~ in him) doesn't
have (his) own house.;vlastn: (V nm) nem vlastn dm.;pol.
;for: a grammatical word made for all those words;pro: ;oneself;s

m;adv. col.
gramatick nzev ( ~ "slovo) vytvoen pro vechna ta slova; :

;body and mind, both of;tlo a mysl, oboje;Bh.

T;body and mind, both of;tlo a mysl, oboje;Bh.


;oneself: Apart from teaching other

people, (he) is studying himself (as well).;sm: Krom toho, e
u ostatn lidi, (tak) se u sm.;col.

T: T ;body
and mind, both of: May both of your body (and) mind be
healthy and satisfied.;tlo a mysl, oboje: K jsou oboje, tv
tlo (i) mysl zdrav a spokojen.;w. pol.

T ;candidate: (I) am the only
independent candidate of the election.;kandidt: Jsem jedinm
nezvislm kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.

; experience (body meets);zkuenost (tlo


( ) (later as );novice (smaera) samanera

(novice);novic (smara) smanra (novic);sg. rare P.
smaera (= novice)

;in person oneself, by oneself (in person) by

oneself;sm sebou osobn vlastnm silm sm (osobn)

;for oneself inwardly oneself, for;pro sebe

osobn (sm sebou);adv. (or) pron.
sebe, pro vnitn;adv. (or) acc.
: () ( ) ;yourself:
May (you) know for yourself the heart of yours.;sm: K sm
zn sv srdce.;pol. w.

;inside oneself: It is good to be afraid of making
one's faith holey inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to
;in person self oneself;osobn sebe sm
suffering (and) sadness.;uvnit sebe: Je dobe se obvat
(sebe);pron. adv. (or) pron.
: ( ~ : );by oneself: prodravn vlastn dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn


utrpen (a) smutku.;prov. pol.

(spotebovat) zbo;I (or) n. (or) adj.

( );novice (monk, lad);novic (mnich, mldenec);sg. : ;whole the: I am

Bh. mn.
online almost whole the day.;cel: Jsem online tm cel den.;
( );novice (very young, novice (who is) small : ;run out of: (We) have run out of (the ordered
(and) small);novic (velice mlad, novic (kter je) mal (a)
food).;nemt (spotebovat): U (to) nemme. (Dolo (nm
( );novice monk (lad lord);novic mnich
(mldenec pn);sg. Bh. mn.

: T ;whole: I happen to sit in

the shop whole the time ( ~ life).;cel: (Stalo (se, e)) sedm
v obchod celou dobu ( ~ ivot).;pol.

(from );novice (smanera) smanera

(novice);smanra (novic) novic (smanra);sg. P. smaera : ;finish: finish denoting that
(= novice)
mention;ukonit: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;

; koro (mental sickness of belief, that one's penis will get

: ;end: at the end of month;konec: na konci
smaller and smaller and then, when it disappears, one will die, msce;
caused by little knowledge about one's body, can be healed by : ;end: When month ends, (I) become
lecture on anatomy, originally from China);koro (psychick
happy.;skonit: Kdy msc kon, jsem ( ~ stanu-se)
nemoc vry, e vlastn penis se bude zmenovat a zmenovat a astn.;col.
pak, kdy zmiz, dojde k smrti, pinou je nedostatek znalosti ;finished, be completely;konce, bt zcela u;
vlastnho tla, lze lit pednkou o anatomii, pvodem z
: ;finished, be completely:
One day is completely finished, already.;konce, bt zcela u:
: ;koro: sickness called koro;koro:
nemoc zvan koro;


T ;not even to:

(He) didn't show (it) even to (his) own girlfriend.;ani (komu):
Neukzal (to) ani sv ptelkyni.;p.s. pol.

Jeden den je u zcela u konce.;col.

( );truck (car (to) put (in) goods);nkladn

vz (vozidlo (k) ukldn zbo);sg.

: T
;goods: Also, the goods from China arrive to
-;not even to;ani (komu);suff.
Mandalay first.;zbo: Tak, zbo z ny se piv ( ~
;Cola Coca-Cola Coke (beverage);Coca-Cola (npoj) pijd) jako prvn do Mandalaje.;pol. col.
Cola (npoj);n. E. Coca-Cola (or) n. E. Cola
( );department store (goods building);obchodn
: T ;Cola: The glass of Cola is
(just) full.;Cola: Sklenice Coly je (prost) pln.;col.
;kilogram;kilogram;n. E. kilogram
( );kilometer (distance);kilometr
(vzdlenost);sg. E. kilometer
;compose (an essay);pst (esej);T
: ;cure: As a
doctor, he should cure sick people.;lit: Coby doktor, ml by
lit nemocn lidi.;
;ten million;deset milion;num. rare.

dm (obchod (se) zbom);sg.

;gone, it is (run-out (and) finish);pry, je to (btspotebovan (a) skonit);p.p.

: T T T ;businessman:
(I) became successful as a businessman.;podnikatel: Stal jsem
se spnm jakoto podnikatel.;p.s. pol.
( );businessman (goods dealer);podnikatel
(zprostedkovatel zbo);sg.
;Merchant Road );Obchodnick, ulice );name

;finish (finish (and) go) finish (be-used-up (and)

go);skonit (bt-dokonen (a) jt) skonit (skonit (a) jt);I
(or) T

: ;bed: Immediately
at the bed, (there is) carpet.;postel: Bezprostedn u postele je : ;finish (+ (and) go): It will finish
just like this. (Just like this (it) will just finish (and) go.);skonit
(+ (a) jt): Skon to prv takhle. (Prv s takto to zrovna
: ;bed: The
skon a pjde.);fut.
patient is lying on the hospital-bed.;postel: Pacient le na
nemocnin posteli.;cont.

( ) [ke~];bed (supports hips);postel (podpr

;Coke (beverage);Coke (npoj);name

: ;finish: when the

time for meditation is finished;skonit: kdy as na meditaci
( );company;spolenost (komern);sg. E. company

;UNO (Organization of United Nations);OSN

(Organizace Spojench Nrod);n. P. samagga (= being-in (WS. from );ten million;deset milion;num. rare. WS. unity) abbrev.
;use up full end complete whole the have not (any ;United Nations Organization
project;Spojench Nrod, projekt Organizace;n. E. project P.
more) finish deplete goods run out of
whole;vypotebovat cel spotebovat dojt (o zbo atd.) samagga (= being-in-unity) abbrev.
: ;Coke: Do (you) like also
Coke?;Cola: M rd tak Colu?;inter. col.

ukonit nemt (spotebovat) pln konec dojt

;foreign origin, of (especially Indian);cizho pvodu


(zejmna indick);I
[kl:];Indian Sinhalese (Indian);indick sinhlsk
( );Indian (a person);Ind;sg.
( ) [kl:sou.];Indian or Sri lankan people,
derogatory term for (ragged Indian);Indy i Sinhlce,
poniujc termn pro (otrhan Ind);sg. unpl.
( );chair (Indians sit);idle (Indov sed);sg.

help ( ~ "for help).;pomoc: Dostal jsem slib, e (mi) pome

( ~ "pro pomoc).;p.s.
: T ;help: If (you) like
( ~ "(are) satisfied), please, help (me).;pomoci: Pokud chce
( ~ "(jsi) spokojen), prosm, pomoz mi.;imper. pol.
;help: (It) is
requested, that (you) help (him) (from the side of) (your)
possibilities.;pomoci: d se, abys (mu) pomohl (ze strany)
(svch) monost.;pol.

: ;help: Can you help me?;pomoci:
;chair: There are chairs in my house's living
room.;idle: V obvacm pokoji mho domu jsou idle.;pol. um. Me mi pomoci?;inter. col.
T ;help (agree (to) assist {nouner});pomoc (souhlasit
( );chair chair (Indian sitting);idle idle
(e) pome {jmenec});n.
(indick sezen);sg.
T [kl:py];people of India or Sri lanka ((of) India
country);lid Indie nebo Sr lanky ((z) Indick zem);n.

T : T ;help: the hugest help;pomoc:

nejohromnj pomoc;

;helpful, be (can help) useful, be (can

;Id-day (Bakra-Eid, Indian-Muslim festival during
help);npomocn, bt (me pomoci) uiten, bt
which animals are killed, Indian Id day) Bakra-Eid (Id-day,
Indian-Muslim festival during which animals are killed, Indian Id (me pomoci);I
;help (sb., give help);pomoci (nkomu, dt
day) day 'Id-day' (Bakra-Eid, Indian-Muslim festival during
which animals are killed, Indian Id day);Bakra-Eid (Id-den,
Indicko-Muslimsk svtek, bhem nho jsou zabjena zvata, : ()
indick id den) den 'Id-den' (Bakra-Eid, Indicko-Muslimsk
;help (sb.): There is no end to the much of thanking
svtek, bhem nho jsou zabjena zvata, indick id den) for the (given) help.;pomoc (nkomu): Nen konce mnohmu
Id-den (Bakra-Eid, Indicko-Muslimsk svtek, bhem nho
dkovn za tu (dodanou) pomoc.;pol.
jsou zabjena zvata, indick id den);adv.
: ;help (sb.): (I) will (
;medicate (an injured person, treat (and) sharpen-knife) ~ can) help as much as I can.;pomoci (nkomu): Pomohu ( ~
cure (an injured person, treat (and) sharpen-knife) treat (an mohu pomoci) jak (jen) mohu.;pol.
injured person, treat (and) sharpen-knife) heal (an injured
;help (give help);pomoci (dt pomoc);T
person, treat (and) sharpen-knife);lit (zrannou osobu,
: ;help: (I) will help (you) as
oetovat (a) ostit-n) vylit (zrannou osobu, oetovat much as (I) can.;pomoci: Pomohu (ti) jak jen mohu.;fut. pol.
(a) ostit-n) uzdravit (zrannou osobu, oetovat (a) ostit- ; cable TV;kabelov televize;n. E. cable-TV
n) oetovat (zrannou osobu, oetovat (a) ostit-n);T ;how about what about also indicates inclusion and
( );merit;zsluha;sg. P. pua (= merit)

also and what about, and;zna zahrnut a tak i tak

;toss over (about water) cross spread copy cross over a co co teba;suff. col. (or) col. (or) conj. col. (or) suff.
change;opisovat zmnit pekroit pejt koprovat
: ;also: Do (you) like also
rozit pehodit (o vod);T
Coke?;tak: M rd tak Colu?;inter. col.
: ;copy: (I) was copying the
: ;what about: (And) what about George?;a co:
essay.;opisovat: Opisoval (jsem) esej.;p.s.
A co George?;inter.
: ;copy: How much do (you)
copy?;opisovat: Kolik (toho) opisuje?;inter.

: ;also: Can (you) also read

Burmese script?;tak: Um tak st Barmsk psmo?;inter.

: T ;copy: (I) copy : ;and what about: And what about you?;a co: A
those parts to another place.;koprovat: Kopruji ty sti na
co ty?;inter. col.
njak jin msto.;pol.
: T T ;also: Can (you) talk
; help (help (to) be-equal);pomoci (pomoci bt-stejn);T already also in Myanmar (language)?;i: Um u mluvit i
;help: (I) am happy knowing, that my help is
: ;how about: (And)
useful.;pomoc: Jsem astn vdouce, e m pomoc byla
how about friends, what is (their) name?;a co: A co ptel, jak
se jmenuj?;inter.
: ;help: (I) will help (you with) what (I) : ;how about: How about father,
can help (with).;pomoci: Pomohu (ti s tm, s) m (ti) mohu
does (he) like (it)?;a co: A co otec, m (to) rd?;inter.
pomoci.;col. pol.
;collect gather pick up;sbrat (dohromady) sbrat
: ;help: Can (I) help (you)? (Should (I)
vybrat sebrat;T
help (you)?);pomoci: Mohu (ti) pomoci? (Ml bych (ti)
: ;collect: May (you) collect (good)
kamma.;hromadit: K hromad (dobrou) kammu.;w. pol.
: ;help: (I) got the promise to get


;dishonest, be (twisted (and) curled) crooked, be

(twisted (and) curled) deceitful, be (twisted (and)
curled);podvodnick, bt (pokroucen (a) zakroucen)
neestn, bt (pokroucen (a) zakroucen) pokiven, bt
(pokroucen (a) zakroucen);I
: ;crooked, be: a kind of a
crooked mind;pokiven, bt: druh pokiven mysli;
;collect (collect (and) take);sbrat (sbrat (a) brt)
vybrat (sbrat (a) brt);T
: ;collect: Go after
(friends) and collect money (for act of generosity).;vybrat: Jt
za (pteli) a vybrat penze (za elem tdrho inu).;

(prost) velice dobr!;col.

: ;because: because (I) didn't
meditate;protoe: protoe (jsem) nemeditoval;p.s.
: ;good: a good friend;dobr: dobr ptel;
: T ;good:
Swimming is good for body.;dobr: Plavn je dobr pro tlo.;
: ;buddy: Hey, buddy!;kmo: Hej, kmo!;imper.
: ;guy:
Hey guy, if (you) steal, while stealing steal more for us (also),
friend.;tpek: Hej, tpku, jestli bude krst, pi (tom) kraden pro
ns (taky) ukradni, pteli.;imper. sl.

;conclusion, come to (lower (to) conclusion)

: T ;good: If you can
come to conclusion (lower (to) conclusion);dojt k zvru
correct the mistakes, it (will) be just good.;dobr: Pokud (mi)
(snit (ke) zvru) zvru, dojt k (snit (ke) zvru);T oprav chyby, tak to bude prost dobr.;col.
: ;conclusion, come : ;good: Living there is
to: we may come to conclusion;zvr: meme dojt k
good.;fajn ( ~ "good): Je fajn ( ~ "dobr) tam t.;pol.
..: T T
;maybe: maybe (he)
;understand as (pick-up (and) take) take as (pick- will come ((If) returning (is) good, (he) may come.);mon:
up (and) take) accept as (pick-up (and) take);chpat jakoto mon pijde. ((Pokud bude) nvrat dobr, (pak) mon
(sbrat (a) vzt) pijmout za (sbrat (a) vzt) mt za (sbrat pijde.);fut.
(a) vzt);T
( );guy buddy;chlpek tpek;sg. sl.
: T ;take
as: (It) can be also taken as an explanation.;vzt za: Me to
tak bt brno za vysvtlen.;writ.

;pick up for oneself (also about people, collect (and)

take);sebrat si (tak o lidech, vybrat (a) vzt);T
;fella guy;chlpek tpek;sg. sl.

;sky (good kamma);obloha (dobr kamma) nebe

(dobr kamma);n. P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)
: ;sky: The clouds in the
sky are being thick.;obloha: Mraky na obloze jsou (najednou)
velk ( ~ tlust);p.p.

: ;sky: A
;indicates probability indicates suitability proper, be plane is flying in the sky.;nebe: Letado lt v nebi.;cont.
good, be alright, be;zna monost zna vhodnost
; heaven (realm (of) good kamma);nebe (svt
sprvn, bt dobr, bt fajn, bt;I (or) suff.
dobr kammy);n. P. kamma (= action, deed)
-; maybe;mon;adv.
(WS. from ) ;heaven (realm (of) good
: ;good: (It) is good for
health.;dobr: Je to dobr pro zdrav.;

kamma);nebe (svt dobr kammy);n. P. kamma (= action,


: ;num. class. for animals: The ;benefit (good effect);prospch (dobr nsledek);n.
two cats are different.;itatel zvat: (Ty) dv koky nejsou

;benefit: Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume

: ;alright: That's alright, indeed. (answer to responsibility (and) perform (it) to benefit of many.;prospch:
an excuse) fine: That's fine, indeed. (answer to an excuse);v Ct. Pn Nanda, kter doke vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji)
podku: To je v podku, opravdu. (odpov na omluvu);
k prospchu mnohch.;
: ;good, be: It (is) good.;dobr, bt: Je (to) : ;boy, little: Little boy
was swimming.;chlapec, mal: Mal chlapec plaval.;p.s.

: ;alright ( ~ "good): Alright. (used to

( );boy, little;chlapec, mal;sg.
announce departure, (It) was good.);dobe: Dobe. (uvno k : T ;quite ( ~ "well): (I)
oznmen vlastnho odchodu);pol. col.
am quite ( ~ "well) satisfied.;pomrn ( ~ "dobe): Jsem
: ;alright (indicates desire to end the
pomrn ( ~ "dobe) spokojen;pol.
discussion): Alright. ((That) was pretty good.);fajn (zna touhu :
ukonit diskuzi): Fajn. ((To) bylo hezky dobr.);p.p. pol. col.
;well: But one thing (I) know (very)
: ;good: How are you? ((Is) life
good?);dobr: Jak se m? ((Je) ivot dobr?);inter.

well.;dobe: Ale jednu vc dobe vm.;pol.

: ( ~ )
: ;animal (num. class.): next animal;zve ;well: (I) revere
(itatel): dal zve;
(you), who is well skilled in what is not (your) mother
: T ;good: (Your)
tongue.;dobe: Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v tom, co
Burmese (language talking) is (just) very good! ;dobr:
nen (tvou) matetinou.;pol.
(Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ Barmskm jazykem mluven) je


( );saleswoman(skilfull (in) writing

(at) counter) sales assistent (skilfull (in) writing (at)
counter);prodavaka (dovedn (v) psan (u) pultu);sg. E.

( );boy (small body);chlapec (mal


;alright, (it) was (suggests end of a discussion or

meeting) alright, be (good (and) finished);v podku, bt
(dobr (a) ukonen) dobe, bylo (to) (navrhuje konec
diskuze i setkn); (or) I

;num. class. for animals;itatel zvat;pow.

T ;good, be (good (and) noble);dobr, bt (dobr (a)

T ;good,,noble (and) beautiful, be;dobr,,lechetn
(a) krsn, bt;I
( );girl (small female body);holka
(mal ensk tlo) dvka (mal ensk tlo) dve
(mal ensk tlo);sg.

: ;clean: Should (we) breath

clean air?;ist: Mli bychom dchat ist vzduch?;inter.
;abundant, be good, be suitable for, be;vhodn k, be
dobr, bt hojn, bt;I
: ;good: select the good
ones;dobr: vybrat ty dobr;writ.
: ;well: Well. (when finishing a dialogue);dobe:
Dobe. (pi ukonovn dialogu);pol.
: ;great: Just great (good)! good: Good
idea!;dobr: Dobr npad! vborn: Prost vborn

: ;good: good teacher;dobr: dobr

;excellent, be (good (and) noble) good (good (and) uitel;
noble) brilliant, be (good (and) noble);dobr (dobr (a)
: ;good (for): This is
ulechtil) skvl, bt (dobr (a) ulechtil) vborn, bt
interesting. (This is good for interest.);dobr (na): To je
(dobr (a) ulechtil);I (or) adj.
zajmav. (To je dobr (na) zjem.);col.
: ( ) T
: ;good (for): This is boring.
T ( ~ ( ) T
(This is good (for) boredom.);dobr (na): To je nudn. (To je
T );excellent: I made a strong determination to dobr (na) nudu.);col.
be an excellent monk.;vborn: Uinil jsem pevn rozhodnut
: ;good: (It)'s quite good.;dobr: Je
bt vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.
to docela dobr.;col.
: T ( ) ( ~
);better ( ~ good (and) noble): for better
understanding of general public;lep ( ~ dobr (a) ulechtil):
pro lep pochopen irok veejnosti;writ.
TT : T
;excellent, be: I am extremely happy, (because of you,)
ven. Sir. (Extremely excellent mind, ven. Sir.);vborn, bt:
Jsem nesmrn astn (kvli vm,) ct. Pane. (Nesmrn
vborn mysl, ct. Pane.);pol.
T ;noble, be (good, noble, noble (and) noble)
good, be (good, noble, noble (and) noble) praiseworthy, be
(good, noble, noble (and) noble) excellent, be (good, noble,
noble (and) noble);chvlyhodn, bt (dobr, ulechtil,
ulechtil (a) ulechtil) noble, bt (dobr, ulechtil,
ulechtil (a) ulechtil) dobr, bt (dobr, ulechtil,
ulechtil (a) ulechtil) vborn, bt (dobr, ulechtil,
ulechtil (a) ulechtil);I

: ;good, be: (It) is

extremely interesting. ((It) is very good for interest.);vhodn:
Je (to) nesmrn zajmav. (Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k
: ;great: my great friend;skvl
(ohromn): mj skvl ptel;n. col.
;well;dobe;adv. (or) adj.
;clean, be (also about air, good (and) clean);ist,
bt (tak o vzduchu, dobr (a) ist);I
: ;good: Good evening.;dobr:
Dobr veer.;w. pol.
: ;good: Good
morning.;dobr: Dobr rno.;w. pol.
: ;good: Good
afternoon.;dobr: Dobr odpoledne.;w. pol.
;era of Myanmar;letopoet Myanmar;adv.

;connection;spojen;n. E. connection
;improve (be-good (and) come) increase (improve,
: ;coffee: (He) sprinkles
be-good (and) come);zlepit se (bt-dobr (a) pijt) zvit
sugar into the coffee.;kvy: Sype (si) cukr do kvy.;
se (zlepit se, bt-dobr (a) pijt) stoupnout (zlepit se, bt;college;stedn kola;n. E. college
dobr (a) pijt);I
;college: They founded ( ~ built) national
;improve: Until I improve, (I) will
college (a) national (primary) schools.;stedn kola: Zaloili ( ~
write only about three sentences.;zlepit se: Dokud se
postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a) nrodn (zkladn)
nezlepm, nebudu pst vce jak asi ti vty.;fut. pol. um.
koly.;writ. pol. pl.
: ;carpet:
;increase ( ~ "improve): The demand for
Immediately at the bed, (there is) carpet.;koberec:
copper also increased.;stoupnout ( ~ "zlepit-se): Poptvka po
Bezprostedn u postele je koberec.;
mdi tak stoupla.;
( );carpet;koberec;sg. P. koja (= mail armour)
;whole (the animal to eat, whole animal);cel (o
;connection;spojen;n. E. connection
mase zvete k jezen i ke koupi, cel zve);n.


: ;connection: As the
electricity is not stable, the connection is not good.;spojen:
Ponvad nen elektina stabiln, spojen nen dobr.;col.
T ( ) (WS. from T );spring rolls
(roll like snack vegetarian or with shrimp, spread (and) fried
paste);jarn rohlky (zkusek v podob rohlku
vegetarinsk nebo s krevetou, roztaen (a) usmaen
pasta);sg. WS.
T ( );spring rolls (roll like snack vegetarian
or with shrimp, spread (and) fried paste);jarn rohlky
(zkusek v podob rohlku vegetarinsk nebo s krevetou,
roztaen (a) usmaen pasta);sg.
T ( );spring rolls (roll like snack
vegetarian or with shrimp, spread, rolled-up (and) fried
paste);jarn rohlky (zkusek v podob rohlku
vegetarinsk nebo s krevetou, roztaen, zarolovan (a)
usmaen pasta);sg.
;coffee;kva;n. E. coffee

ground);uhodit upadnout (na zem) obsluhovat (koho) starat

se (o) posluhovat (komu) starat se o;I (or) T
;catch enjoy (taste etc.) endure (suffering etc.)
accept;pijmout vychutnat si chytnout vydret (utrpen
atd.);I (or) T
: T
;attend on: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the
town Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;starat se
o: Kvli velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve
Bo pti jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
;complicated, bt difficult, be difficult;nron sloit,
bt nron, bt obtn, bt tk, bt (nesnadn)
nron, bt (nesnadn) nesnadn, bt (nesnadn);I (or) adj.
: ;difficult: This book is too much
difficult.;nron: Tato kniha je pli nron.;
: T ;difficult: According to
what he says, this book is not difficult.;nron: Podle toho, co
k, tato kniha nen nron.;pol.

: ;coffee: two cups of coffee;kva: dva lky : TT ;difficult: Because (I)

can't (talk) in English, explaining will be difficult.;nron:
;coffee, instant (coffee powder);kva, instantn
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut.
(kvov prek);n. E. coffee
;difficult, be ((be) difficult (and) hard) uneasy, be
: ;column: while looking at one (difficult (and) difficult) difficult, be (difficult (and) difficult)
column;sloupec: zatmco se dvm na jeden sloupec;cont.
complicated, bt ((be) difficult (and) hard) arduous, be
;column: (I) separate (it) to (difficult (and) difficult);tk, bt (nesnadn, (bt) nron (a)
tk) nron, bt (obtn, bt-obtn (a) obtn)
two equal columns.;sloupec: Rozdlm (to) na dva stejn
sloit, bt ((bt) nron (a) tk) obtn, bt (bt-obtn
(a) obtn) tk, bt (obtn, bt-obtn (a) obtn)
( );column (of writing);sloupec;sg. E. column
nesnadn, bt (bt-obtn (a) obtn) nesnadn, bt
;go beyond (accepted limit) ok, then fine, and now
overdo alright, then bad, be;jt za hranice (pijatch hranic) (nesnadn, (bt) nron (a) tk) nron, bt (nesnadn,
(bt) nron (a) tk);I
pehnat dobe, tedy patn, bt no, dobe a te;T (or)
: T ;difficult, be: (It) will be ( ~ become)
[g.];now (well, then) well, then alright, then indicates difficult.;nron, bt: Bude ( ~ stane se) (to) nron.;pol.
: ;difficult, be: difficult
suggestion to change a topic or start something;zna nvrh
words;obtn, be: obtn slova;pl. writ.
zmnit tma nebo nco zat te (dobe, tedy) dobe,
: () ;difficult:
tedy;col. interj.
Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for places (it) is
: ;bad, be: (I) am so bad. (about inappropriate
difficult.);tk: Protoe je tk najt msto. (Protoe pro
thinking);patn, bt: Jsem tak patn. (o nevhodnm
msta je (to) nron.);pol.
interj. col. (or) T col.


scold (sb.) laugh at (mock) mock

vituperate;vysmvat se nadvat (nkomu) hanit posmvat
se obviovat;T
;such as as (such as) like (such as);jako teba tj.
tedy (jako nap.) jako nap.;suff. writ.
Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is like
fire, very dangerous to woman.;jako: ena je pro mue velice
nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
nebezpen, jako ohe.;

: ;difficult: (It) is not difficult.;tk: Nen (to)

;flatter (fawningly, do fawningly);lichotit
(podlzav, dlat podlzav);T

;friendship friendly, be friends, be love lovable,

be;lbezn, bt ptelstv lska ptel bt ptelsk, bt;I
(or) I un. (or) n.
;roll out spread;rozbalit vyrolovat rozit;T
: ;friendly, be: May (I) be (your) friend.;ptelsk,
bt: K jsem (tvm) ptelem.;pol.

(or it was
: ' ' T

- but different
;like.: It can be seen by verses like tenhu por meaning);love: As (you) don't fulfill any responsibilities of love (
and so on.;jako: Me to bt vidt z ver jako tenhu por ~ "loves), (you) should punish yourself.;lska: Pestoe nepln
a tak dle.;writ. pol.
(dn) zodpovdnosti lsky ( ~ "lsek), ml by ses
potrestat.;imper. sl.
;strike attend on attend upon wait upon fall (on the


: ;friends, be: (Yes,) we can be friends. ((It) is ;cordially (by friendliness (and) love) cordially
ok to be friends.);ptel, bt: Ano, meme bt ptel. (Je v (inserted at the end of a letter, by being-frindly (and) love)
podku bt pteli.);pol.
cordially (while (in) friendship);srden (zatmco (v)
ptelstv) srden (vloeno na konec dopisu, s ptelstvm
-;before (an action);ne (ped njakou innost) ped
(a) lskou) srden (ptelsky (a) s lskou);adv. (or)
(njakou innost);pow.
lett. (or)
-: ;before (an
action): Before washing the clothes, (it) is dirty.;ped (njakou
innost): Ne se prdlo vypere, je pinav.;
( );huband (deferential, elevating, rubs-off
love);manel (uctiv, pozdvihujc, obruuje lsku);sg.

;enjoy feel (take indeed) experience;zavat ctit

(brt vskutku) uvat (si);I
;feeling (take indeed {nouner});ctit (brt vskutku

;friend;pteli;voc. col.

: T ( ~ ) ;feeling: feeling
: ;you: Whose son are you?;ty: jsi of contact between hands;pocit: pocit doteku mezi rukama;writ.
;feel (take experience);ctit se (vzt proitek);I
(ty) syn?;inter. col. um.
: ;friend: Where are (you) going,
friend?;pteli: Kam jde, pteli?;inter.
: ;sir: Greetings, sir. (used by men);pane:
Zdravm, pane. (uvno mui);uw.
: ;you (pl.): You are.;vy: Vy jste.;

: ;feel: Sir, how do you feel?;ctit se:

Pane, jak se ctte?;inter. uw.
;moment, for a while while (short) moment while,
short;moment chviliku, na chvilika chvilka chvle;adv.
(or) n. (or) sg.

: ;moment: Wait a moment.;chvilka: Pokejte

;fond of, be (love (and) like) befriend (love (and) like) chvilku.;imper. pol.
friend, be a (love (and) like);zamilovan do, bt (milovat (a) : ;while: (I) have visited (this place)
only for a while, (indeed).;chvle: Navtvil jsem (tohle msto)
mt-rd) ptelit se (milovat (a) mt-rd) spznn s
pouze na chvli, (opravdu).;col.
(milovat (a) mt-rd) ptelem, bt (milovat (a) mt-rd);T
;your (pl.);vae;pron. pl. um. writ.

: ;fond of, be: (I)

happened to be immeasurably, warmly, fond of the novicemonk.;spznn, bt: Stalo se, e (jsem) nezmrn, vroucn
spznn s (tm) novicem (mnichem).;pol.

;befriend: I also happy that (I) was allowed to
befriend with you.;ptelit se: Tak mm radost, e mi bylo
povoleno se s tebou ptelit.;pol. um. FB
;friend, be: (I) want to be
permitted to be (your) close friend.;ptel: Chci ( dostat)
svolen bt (tvm) blzkm ptelem.;pol.

;moment, for a: (He) turns (it) on ( ~ opens)
for a moment.;chviliku, na: Na chviliku (se) rozsvicuje ( ~
: ;moment: (Wait) a moment, ok? wait ( ~
"moment): (Wait) a moment, ok?;pokat ( ~ "moment):
(Pokejte) chviliku, ano? chvilika: (Pokejte) chviliku,
: T ;while: (I) have an
intention to come back for a while next year.;chvle: Mm
zmr se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.

;again and again (moment, moment) often

;friend, be: Though not (even) repeatedly (moment, moment);asto znovu a znovu
hoping, (I) was permitted to be (your) friend.;ptelem, bt: Ani (moment, moment) opakovan (moment, moment);adv.
: ;again and again: (I) am
bych doufal, bylo (mi) povoleno bt (tvm) ptelem.;
again and again dreaming (dreams).;znovu a znovu: Znovu a
;friend, become a (get loving (and) liking);ptelem,
znovu (snm) sny.;
stt se (dostat lsku (a) zalben);T
: .. ;friend, become a:
Now, becoming (your) friend, (my) mind ( ~ stomach) .. now,
is happy ( ~ shining).;ptelem, stt se: Nyn, e jsem (tvm)
ptelem, (moje) mysl ( ~ "aludek) ... nyn, je astn ( ~
;friendly with respect (at the end of a letter,
by friendliness (and) respect);ptelsky (a) s respectem
(skrze ptelstv (a) respekt);adv.
;yours your;tv tvoje tv;pron. um.
;you (friend);ty (pteli);pron. pol. um.
;you, to you (acc.);tob tebe vm;pron. acc. (or)
pron. acc. um.

;peep (peep (and) look (for a)

moment);nakouknout (CZ col., nahldnout (a) podvat-se
(na) chviliku) nahldnout (nahldnout (a) podvat-se (na)
[khany];borrow (for a while, take (for a) while);pjit
si (na chvilku, vzt-si (na) chvilku);T
: ;while, a short: Be patient for a
while, ok?;chviliku: Bute chviliku trpliv, ano?;pol.
;suddenly all of a sudden indicates abrupt happening
abruptly;nhle neoekvan zna pekvapen, neoekvan
dn z nieho nic;suff. (or) suff. adv.

;aggregates, five (of body, feelings, perception, conditions

: ;you (acc.): We and consciousness, which make up a person);skupin, pt (tla,
always welcome you.;tebe: Vdycky jsi vtn. (My t vdycky pocit, vnmn, podmnek a vdom, kter utv osobu);n. Bh.
P. khandha (= aggregates)
vtme.);pol. um.
: ;body: whole the body;tlo: cel tlo;


;body: upper part of the body;tlo:

horn st tla;
: T
T ;body: This picture shows a body with two legs.;tlo:
Tento obrzek ukazuje tlo se dvmi nohami.;
: T ;body:
Swimming is good for body.;tlo: Plavn je dobr pro tlo.;
( );body (human, body (and) body);tlo
(lidsk, tlo (a) tlo);sg. P. khandha (= body)
( );body (aggregates body);tlo (tlo
skupin);sg. P. khandha (= aggregates)

lid, odhadnout (a) hdat);T

: ;compare: Because you cannot
be compared (to her).;porovnvat: Protoe t (s n) nikdo
neme porovnvat.;pol.
;believed, having;uvil, po tom, co;adv.
;rather fairly slightly quite;docela ponkud pomrn
: ;quite: quite far away from ( ~ with) the
buffalo.;docela: Docela daleko od ( ~ s) buvola.;adv.
;early, very (fairly in early (and) early);brzy,
velice (docela v brzy (a) brzy);adv.

;knowledge of five aggregates (of body, feelings,

perception, conditions and consciousness, which make up a
person);znalost pti skupin (osoby: tla, pocit, vnmn,
podmnek a vdom, kter utv osobu);n. Bh. P. khandhaa (= aggregates - knowledge)

T T ;deeply (fairly intensively) deeply (about breath,

fairly intensively);hluboce (se nadechnout, celkem intenzivn)
zhluboka (se nadechnout, celkem intenzivn);adv.

;num. class. for rooms;itatel pokoj;pow.

;accept (accept (and) take) believe (accept (and) take)

adopt (accept (and) take) take (take (and) take);pijmout
(pijmout (a) vzt si) vit (pijmout (a) vzt si) vzt si
(vzt-si (a) vzt-si) pevzt (pijmout (a) vzt si);T

T T : T T ( ~
T T );deeply: (He) deeply
;anatomy (body science);anatomie (vda (o) tle);n. breathes (in) three times (a breath).;zhluboka: Tikrt se
P. khandha - veda (= trunk-of-body - science)
zhluboka nadechne (dech).;
: T
;wonderful, be magnificent, be;asn, bt grandizn,
T T ;knowledge of five
aggregates: May (you) be able to come and realize the the
: () ;magnificent: a house
truths of Dhamma preached by the Noble Buddha, by
like palace (a great (and) magnificent house);grandizn, bt:
knowledge and coming to knowledge of five aggregates
dm jako palc (jeden ohromn (a) grandizn dm);
through knowledge of what is written.;znalost pti skupin
: ;magnificent: a huge
(osoby): K jsi schopen dojt a pochopit pravdy Dhammy
house being magnificent like a great palace;grandizn:
pednesen Vzneenm Buddhou, znalost a dosaenm
obrovsk dm (jsouc) grandizn jako obrovsk palc;
znalosti pti skupin (osoby) skrze znalost toho, co je psno.;w. ;flatter (fawningly, do fawningly);lichotit
(podlzav, dlat podlzav);T
;appoint compare around approximately estimate
about (around);ustanovit (nkoho na urit postaven) okolo
(asi) porovnat odhadnout asi pblin;adv. (or) suff. (or)
: { } ;appoint: It is said,
that having given him the status of Min Yaza, he appointed him
a minister.;ustanovit (km): k se, e mu udlil statut Men
Yza a ustanovil ho ministrem.;

: T
;consider: Therefore, they are considered by people
as (those) who live low in (this) life.;povaovat: Proto jsou lidmi
povaovny za ty, kdo v (tomhle) ivot ij nzko.;

;believing (while receiving (and) taking) while

: ;room: How many rooms do you want? (in believing (while receiving (and) taking);vce (zatmco
hotel);pokoj: Kolik pokoj chcete? (v hotelu);inter.
pijm (a) bere) zatmco v (zatmco pijm (a)
: ; room: to monk's room;pokoj: do mnichova
pokoje (tj. mstnosti);adv.
;belief (acceptance, receive (and) take {nouner})
: ;around: The creed (acceptance, receive (and) take {nouner});vyznn
life span of a person is around 80 years.;asi: Dlka ivota
(pijet, pijmout (a) vzt {jmenec}) vra (pijet, pijmout
lovka je ( ~ trv) asi 80 let.;
(a) vzt {jmenec});n.
: T ;curtain: behind the T ;acceptance (receive (and) take {nouner});pijet
curtain (there is) a window;zclona: za zclonou je okno;
(pijmout (a) vzt {jmenec});n.
( );curtain (veils (the) room);zclona (zahaluje

T ;refuse (indeed not make accepting) accept,

not to (indeed not make acceptance);nepijmout (neudlat
: ;hall: in the arrival hall (in the hall pijet) odmtnout (neudlat pijmn);T
(where people) arrive);hala: v pletov hale (v hale (kam lid) ;strike lower drop put down;upustit uhodit pustit
snit (poloit) zthnout snit;T
( );hall (large room);hala (velik pokoj);sg.

: ;hang up: (I)'m hanging up.;poloit (telefon):

;estimate (estimate (and) guess) compare (also about Pokldm (telefon).;col.
qualties of people, estimate (and) guess);odhadnout
: ;hang up (phone): I am going to hang
(odhadnout (a) hdat) porovnat, porovnvat (tak o kvalitch up phone.;poloit (telefon): Jdu poloit telefon. (Polom




;belly button navel cook indicates change from verb to

a noun of the particular phenomena, event and so on chat
(by Internet);bavit se (po internetu) pupek vait pupk (CZ
col.) chatovat (bavit se po internetu) zna zmnu ze
slovesa na pod. jm. toho uritho jevu, udlosti apod.;T E. chat
(or) suff. (or) T (or) n.

: T ;indicates oneby-one sequence: Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing

again and again (one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
knowledge.);zna souslednost jednoho po druhm: Opakovn
je matkou moudrosti. (Dln znovu a znovu (jeden-podruhm) je (prost) matkou sprvn znalosti.);prov.

: T ;cook: I prepare for

cooking meat.;vait: Pipravuji se na vaen masa.;cont. um.

: ;want: (I) want to (take) a rest.;chtt: Chci si


: ;chat: (He) is chatting.;chatovat (bavit se):

Chatuje. (bav se po internetu);col. cont.

: () ;want: Because (I) want (you) to be

happy.;chtt: Protoe chci, abys byl astn.;pol.

: ;navel: With modernity, the navel

shows up.;pupek: S modern mdou se ukazuje (i) pupek.;jk.

: T ;want: Who do you want to speak

with? (also in telephone conversation);chtt: S km chcete
mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. col. pol.

: ;cook: How : ;want: (I) don't want to eat.;chtt: Nechci

long time does it take to cook this food?;vait: Jak dlouho trv jst.;pol.
uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.
: ;want: be (I) don't want to be
: ;cook: (He) cooks curry.;vait: Va omku.; photographed.;chtt: Nechci bt vyfocen.;pol.
: ...
;cook: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the
idea, that (I would) cook the vegetable curry.;vait: Tak, uvam
omku? ... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou

: ;want: (I) don't want to go.;chtt: Nechci


;immediately (by (a) strike) instantly (by (a)

strike) at once (by (a) strike);bezprostedn (hned,
uhozenm) okamit (hned, uhozenm) najednou (hned,

- ;as soon as;jakmile;adv.

: ()
;immediately: (I) am sad that (I) could not write
(you) immediately.;ihned: Jsem smutn, e jsem (ti) nenapsal
ihned.;imper. pol.
T (WS. from );immediately (by (a)
strike);bezprostedn (hned, uhozenm);adv. WS.

: T T ;want: (I) want to speak with Mr.

Bamya. (also in telephone conversation);chtt: Chci mluvit s
panem Bamya. (i do telefnu);col. pol.
;deliberately (measuring (and) weighing);rozvn
(mce (a) vce) opatrn (mce (a) vce);adv.
;deliberate, be (measure (and) weigh);opatrn, bt
(mit (a) vit) rozvn, bt (mit (a) vit);I
;want (preceded by verb);chtt (nsleduje za
();Chiang Mai (town);Chiang Mai (msto);name
: ; applicant: an applicant for scholarship (
~ "attending school);uchaze: uchaze o studium na kole;

: ;Czech language (Czech): ( );applicant (person (who) wants);uchaze

from English to Czech;esk jazyk (etina): z anglitiny do
(osoba (kter) chce) adatel (osoba (kter) chce);sg.
;want to (preceded by verb);chtt (nsleduje za slovesem);T
;Czech Czechia (country);esk esko;adj.
;as soon as (inserted after doubled verb);jakmile (vloeno

: ;Czech:

ven. Sarana from Czech;esko: za zdvojenm slovesem);suff. adv.

ct. Sarana z eska;
(from );if want want, if;chtt, jestli jestli chtt;v.
(): ;Czech (country, republic): (I) (from ): ;want, it: If (you) want to
come from Czech Republic ( ~ "country).;esk Republika ( ~ go, (then) just go.;chtt, jestli: Jestli chce jt, (tak) prost
"esk zem): Pochzm z esk Republiky ( ~ "esk
jdi.;imper. col.
zem).;col. pol.
: ;if want: I will come if I want to

T ; Czech Republic (country (of) Czech

(come).;jestli chtt: Pijdu jestli (se) mi bude chtt.;fut. um.
people's agreement);esk Republika (zem dohody lid : ;as soon as: As
zem esk);name P. sammata (= agreed upon)
soon as I arrive at school, I will read the book.;jakmile: Jakmile
;cook (cook (and) boil);vait (vait (a) vst-k-varu);T
dojdu do koly, (budu) st tu knihu.;fut.
: ;cook: Cook is
: ;want, if: If you want to go, (then)
cooking.;kucha: Kucha va.;cont.
go.;chtt, jestli: Jestli chce jt, (tak) jdi.;imper. pol.
;Czech Republic (country (of) Czech
republic);esk Republika (zem esk republiky);name

: ;as soon as: As soon as (I)

finish eating (meal ~ rice) I will go to market.;jakmile:
;indicates one-by-one sequence;zna souslednost jednoho Jakmile dojm (jdlo ~ ri), pjdu na trh.;fut.
po druhm;suff.
: ;want: I want to go to Bago.;chtt: Chci
(-): ;want: If (I want) to watch TV, (I)
jet do Bago.;pol.
watch.;chtt: Pokud se (chci) dvat na televizi, tak se dvm.;col.


: ;want: Who wants to come?;pijt: Kdo

chce pijt?;inter. col.

( );girlfriend (loved person,

girl);ptelkyn (milovan lovk, dvka);sg.

;as soon as: As soon as (you) arrive to Yangon
(you) thus happen to notice Shwedagon Pagoda.;jakmile:
Jakmile doraz do vedagou pagody, stane se, e si tak
vimne vedagou pagody.;pol.

( );boyfriend (loved person,

boy);ptel (milovan, milovan lovk, chlapec);sg.

: ;want: (I) want (you) to come.;chtt: Chci

abys piel.;pol.

: T ( ~
);only: As for by some (people), (they) are only just
lying (lies).;jenom: Co se te nkterch (lid), prost, jenom
lou ( ~ "lou li).;col. pol.

: ;want: I want
to read the best book.;chtt: Chci (si) st nejlep knihu.;pol.

;fasten bind (an animal to a pillar) tie;zavzat upevnit

uvzat (zve ke sloupu);T
;only simply just;prost pouze jenom;suff. adv.

(WS. from );chat (by Internet);bavit se (po internetu);T

(T );Chin (state of Union of Myanmar);jin (hen, stt E. chat
unie Myanmaru);name
;forsake (leave-behind (and) fix) abandon (leave ( ).. ;may, if want;mohlo by, jestli chtt;v.
behind (and) fix) leave behind (leave-behind (and)
fix);opustit (zanechat (a) upevnit) zanechat (zanechat (a)
upevnit) nechat za sebou (zanechat (a) upevnit);T
: ;love: (I) love (you very much), dear.;milovat:
(Moc t) miluji, drah.;col. fr.

: ;love: (He) loves extremely much.;milovat:

Miluje extrm moc.;
;love: It is said, that even though, as the
daughter loved Nga Nyo very much, (he) let them to get
married.;milovat: k se, e i pesto, ponvad (jeho) dcera
byla do a o moc zamilovan, svolil aby se vzali.;

;num. class. for anything flat, such as plate etc.;itatel

ehokoliv plochho, placatho, nap. tal atd.;pow.
: T ;num. class. for
anything flat: There are four plates on the table.;itatel
ehokoliv plochho: Na stole jsou tyi tale.;

: ;cool: May (you) be in calm ( ~ "extinguished)

and cooled. (May you be in calm.);chladn: K jsi v jkudz ( ~
"vyhasnut) a chladn. (K jsi v klidu.);w. pol.

: ;adorable: This cat is adorable ( ;calmly softly (calmly);jemn (klidn)

~ lovely).;roztomil: Tato koka je vhodn k zamilovn si ( ~
T;calm, be (stay calm) serene, be (stay calm)
peaceful, be (stay calm);vyrovnan, bt (zstat klidn)
;love: The statue was thus created as (he) so
klidn, bt (zstat klidn);I
much loved his queen, who died at the place.;milovat: Ta
;rich, be (excel (in) coolness) rich peaceful, be
socha byla takto vytvoena, protoe tolik moc miloval svou
(also about mind, cool (and) pleasant) calm, be (also about
krlovnu, kter na tomto mst zemela.;pol.
mind, cool (and) pleasant) wealthy, be (be-cold (and)
;love, be in (love (and) like);zamilovan, bt (milovat better) rich, be (cool (and) pleasant);bohat, bt (chladn
(a) mt-rd);T
(a) pjemn) bohat, bt (vynikat (v) chladnosti) pokojn,
: ;love, be bt (tak o mysli, chladn (a) pjemn) bohat, bt (btstuden (a) lep) klidn, bt (tak o mysli, chladn (a)
in: The man and woman are in love.;zamilovan, bt: (Ten)
pjemn) bohat;I (or) adj.
mu a (ta) ena jsou zamilovan.;cont.
T ;love;lska;n.
T T;love, with (at the end of a letter);lskou, s (na
konci dopisu);adv. lett.
T ;fall in love (become loving) love, fall in
(become loving);zamilovat se (stt-se milujcm);I

: T ;satisfied
(rich): May both of your body (and) mind be healthy and
satisfied.;spokojen (bohat): K jsou oboje, tv tlo (i) mysl
zdrav a spokojen.;w. pol.
: ;wealthy: may you be wealthy;bohat: k
jsi bohat;w.

T : T ;love, fall in:

(They) fell in love with the boy.;zamilovat se: Zamilovaly se do : T
toho chlapce.;pol.
;rich: Although these states and divisions
;fall in love (be-caught (by) love) love, fall in (beare divided, all Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live
caught (by) love);zamilovat se (bt-chycen (do) lsky);I
;love, great (much-of love);lska, obrovsk (mnoho together.;bohat: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti
(regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn
chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;col. pol.
;love, be in (gone in love);zamilovan, bt
(odeel do lsky);adj.

: ;love, be in: (I) am not in

love.;zamilovan, bt: Nejsem zamilovan.;

;rich, be very (riches exceed (and) wealthy (and)

fat);bohat, bt velice (bohatstv pesahuje (a) je-bohat (a)


;rich, very: I
saw how very rich people, who (have) many things live (their)
life.;bohat, velice: Vidl jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj)
mnoho vc, ij (svj) ivot.;p.s.

chystm se (te) jt ven.;col.

- ; appointment, make an (fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix

with) plan (fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix with);plnovat
(domluvit-se-na-ase s (nkm a) upevnit) schzku,
;kill (an animal) take off (clothes etc.) take off (clothes) domluvit si (domluvit-se-na-ase s (nkm a) upevnit);T
remove;odstranit sundat si (obleen) sundat (si obleen
;sweet, be pleasant, be;pjemn, bt sladk, bt;I
atd.) zabt (zve);T
;insufficient, be handicapped, be;postien, bt

: ;kill: Animals means

nedostaujc, bt;I
(they) get free when killed by people, friend.;zabt: Zvata
;break cut turn (to a direction) crack;prasknout rozbt
znamen, e jsou vysvobozena kdy (je) lid zabij, pteli.;col. zatoit (smrem) seknout;T
;sharpen sharp (to a point) excel sharpen (to a
: ;turn: When (you) arrive
point);ostit (do piky) naostit ostit vynikat;T
to Pagoda road, turn right.;zatoit: A ( ~ kdy) dojde do
: ;take off: (He), indeed, takes off his
T-shirt.;sundat si: Vskutku, sundav si, triko.;
(exaggerated form of );skilled in, be;dovedn v, bt;I
(exaggerated form of );skill (be-skillful
{nouner});schopnost (bt-schopen {jmenec});n.

Pagoda ulice, zato v pravo.;imper. pol.

: ;turn: Turn left at

Anawyatha road.;zatoit: (A bude) v Anoyath ulici, zato v
levo.;imper. pol.

;sweet and sour;sladkokysel;adj.

-;approach (approach (and) come-close) come to ;poor, be (handicapped (and) tilted) needy, be (poor,
(approach (and) come-close);pijt k (piblit-se (a) pijt-bl) handicapped (and) tilted);chud, bt (bt-postien (a)
pistoupit k (piblit-se (a) pijt-bl);T
nachlen) uboh, bt (bt-postien (a) nachlen);I
-;draw near to sb. (approach, come-close (and) ;carry lift rise (to a certain position);vystoupit (na vysokou
come towards) approach sb. (approach, come-close
pozici) nosit zvednout;T
(and) come towards) come closer to sb. (approach, come- ;respect respect, show shit (Eng. vul.);respektovat ctt
close (and) come towards);piblit se k (nkomu, piblit- hovno (Cz. vul.);T (or) n. vul.
se, pijt-bl (a) pijt k) pijt k (nkomu, piblit-se,
: ;shit: Will (you) eat shit? (I)'ll give
pijt-bl (a) pijt k) pistoupit k (nkomu, piblit-se,
(same) to (you).;hovno: Bude jst hovno? Dm ti (to)
pijt-bl (a) pijt k);T
T ;approach: After (he) approached me, I told (it) to
him.;pijt: Kdy ke m piel, ekl jsem mu (to).;p.s. writ.

T ;rise (to a certain position): We have
risen thousand times to the (level of) king.;vystoupit (na uritou
( );roselle (sour thigh);ibiek (kysel stehno);sg. rove): (U) jsme tisckrt vystoupili (na rove) krle.;p.s. pol.
;cheese;sr;n. E. cheese
;praise (go-beyond (in) praising) honor of, speak in
;hang hook up;povsit zavsit;T

(go-beyond (in) praising);chvlit (jt-za-hranice (ve)

: ;hang: A picture is chvlen) ct k, mluvit v (jt-za-hranice (ve) chvlen);T
hung on the wall.;povsit: Na stn je poven obraz.;
: ( )
;aim at time;as mit na;T (or) n.
;prase: (I) praise (and) value the
: T T ...;time: As it has come character of your mind, brave to abandon.;chvlit: Chvlm (a)
time for returning to work ...;as: Ponvad nastal as vrtit se hodnotm (vysoko) charakter tv mysli, staten zanechat.;pol.
k prci ...;

: ;time: when I am free (free time (and) resting ;praise: Finding (that) what you
have written, (I) happen to praise (it as) seriously, very
time);as: kdy jsem voln (voln as (a) odpoinkov
clever.;chvlit: Shledal jsem, co jsi napsal, (a) (stalo-se,e)
chvlm (to jakoto) vn, velice chytr.;pol.
: ;time: at that time;as: v ten as;adv.
;take time;trvat dobu;I
: T ;take (time): The
examination (answering) takes three hours.;trvat (dobu):
Zkouka ( ~ "odpovdn (u) zkouky) trv ti hodiny.;pol.

: T ;praise: (He)
praised the six supernormal powers.;chvlit: Chvlil est
nadpirozench moc.;writ.

T ;respect, show (respect (and) elevate) respect

(respect (and) elevate) exalt (lift (and) elevate)
encourage (lift (and) elevate) honor (lift (and)
elevate);respektovat (respektovat (a) pozvedvat) velebit
(pozvednout (a) vyvit) poctt (pozvednout (a) vyvit)
: T ;plan: ctt (respektovat (a) pozvedvat) pozvbudit (pozvednout (a)
As (I) have arranged with a friend (of mine), (I) am going to go vyvit);T
out.;naplnovat: Protoe jsem (si to) naplnoval s kamardem, ;reduce shrink;snit smrtit;T
;appointment, make an (fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix)
arrange (a date etc., fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix);schzku,
domluvit si (domluvit-se-na-ase (a) upevnit) podat
(schzku atd., domluvit-se-na-ase (a) upevnit);T

: T T ;shrink: If (you) want to be again


small, ( ~ young) (you) have to shrink (again).;scvrknout se:

Jestli chce bt znovu mal ( ~ mlad), mus se (znovu)
: ;bush: There is a bush in front
of the house.;kov: Ped domem je kov.;
( );bush (bush beats);kov (kov mlt);sg.

;control sew bind (a book etc.);vzat (knihu atd.) t


thin things: How much is this (ball) pen?;itatel dlouhch

tenkch vc: Kolik (stoj) toto (kulikov) pero?;inter. col.
: ;num. class. for oblong
things: two hands (and) two legs;itatel podlouhlch vc: dv
ruce (a) dv nohy;
;cough, have (cough (is) bad);kael, mt (kael (je)

: ;cough:
Because I am so much coughing, (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not
: ;sew:
Sometimes the clothes is made ( ~ "sewn) of wool.;t: Nkdy good).;kalat: Protoe hrozn moc kalu, jsem nemocn ( ~
"ivot nen dobr).;cont. uw.
je obleen uito z vlny.;
;control dominate oppress;vst (ovldat) ovldat

: ;caugh, have: The boy is

coughing.;kael, mt: Chlapec kale.;cont.

: T
;oppress: Since that time, indeed, English
government in various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the
Myanmars.;utlaovat: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi
zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~
Myanmary).;p.s. writ.

T ;cough (cough (is) bad {nouner});kael, mt (kael

(je) patn {jmenec});I

: ;actually: However,
Kyansittha actually refused.;vskutku: Avak ansit, vskutku,

;smooth: Indeed, (I) wish (you)

much that (your) path (you) travel by is smooth.;hladk:
Vskutku, moc (ti) peji, aby (tv) cesta (kterou) cestuje byla
hladk.;w. pol.

;num. class. for thin and rather long things, such as pens,
fingers etc. num. class. for pens;itatel per itatel hubench
a delch vc, jako nap. pera i prsty;pow.

;smooth, be (smooth (and) smooth);hladk, bt

;indicates emphasis defend (one's idea) actually settle (hladk (a) hladk);I
pay (settle) rebut (one's idea);zna zdraznn hjit
;fine, be (smooth (and) pleasant) excellent, be
obhjit zaplatit vskutku urovnat (zaplatit) vyvrtit
(smooth (and) pleasant) smooth, be (smooth (and)
(domnnku atd.);suff. writ. (or) T
pleasant);znamenit, bt (hladk (a) pjemn) jemn, bt
;borrow (money) lend (money) lend;pjit (nkomu)
(hladk (a) pjemn) hladk, bt (hladk (a) pjemn);I
pjit (nkomu penze) pjit (si penze);T

: ( )

;indicates emphasis: According to this law, all
who need to learn at univesity cannot get the permission to
learn ((and) listen), therefore people of all the Myanmar
nationalities were, indeed, not satisfied.;zna zdraznn: Dle
tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit na universit,
nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn) povolen, proto,
vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch nrodnost
nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
;defend (one's idea) rebut (one's idea) refute (rival's
view in debate);vyvrtit (domnnku atd.) vyvracet (nzor
protivnka v debat) obhjit hjit;T
: ;refute (rival's view in
debate): He will also refute (rival's view in debate) exactly for
ten minutes.;vyvracet (nzor druhho): On bude tak vyvracet
(nzor protivnka v debat) pesn po deset minut.;pol. fut.
;borrow (money, borrow (and) take);pjit (si penze,
pjit-si (a) vzt);T
;num. class. for oblong things num. class. for tools,
kitchen utensils etc. of small, long shape;itatel podlouhlch
vc itatel nstroj, kuchyskho ndob atd. malho,
podlouhlho tvaru;pow.
: ;num. class. for
oblong things: two hands put on the head;itatel podlouhlch
vc: dv ruce poloen na hlav;n.
: ;num. class. for long

: T;pleasant: May
(your) meditating be satisfactory (and) pleasant.;pjemn: K
je tv meditovn uspokojiv (a) pjemn.;w. pol.
: T
;excellent: While (you) listen every
day, as (you) get to know (it) very well, (your) speaking will
become more excellent, I think.;znamenit: Kdy (bude)
poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice dobe, stane
se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.
( );fork;vidlika;sg.
T( );Christmass card (flat card (for)
Christmas) card, Christmas (flat card (for)
Christmas);Vnocm, pn k (kartika s pnm k Vnocm,
ploch karta (k) Vnocm) pn k Vnocm (kartika s
pnm k Vnocm, ploch karta (k) Vnocm);sg.
;cricket (game);kriket;n. E. cricket
(from );cricket (game);kriket;n. WS. E. cricket
;AC (after Christ, Christ's year AC) AD (anno
domini = of our Lord (Christ), Christ's year AC);AD (anno
domini = Naeho Pna, Kristova let AC) n.l. (naeho
letopotu, Kristova let AC);adv. E. AC
;Christianity (Christian religion);kesanstv
(kesansk nboenstv);n.
( );church (monastery of
Christian Lord);kostel (klter kesanskho pna);sg.


;church: Many people come family has the intention to (go) (to) travel (during)
( ~ ascend) to church.;kostel: Mnoho lid jde ( ~ stoup) do holidays.;cestovat, jet: Tato rodina m zmr (jet) cestovat
(bhem) przdnin.;col.
( );church (monastery
;working by travelling (work (and) duty (while)
(where) Christian Lord (is) worshipped);kostel (klter (kde travelling (and) going);prce pi cestovn (prce (a)
je) uctvn Pn kesan);sg.
povinnost (bhem) cestovn (a) jedn);n.
;salad, tomato (salad (of) tomato fruit);salt,
rajatov (salt (z) rajatovch plod);n.

( );mollusc scroll (snail) oyster shellfish

snail;hlem stice nek mkk;sg.

: ;tomato: tomato sauce;raje: rajatov T ;indicates change from verb to a noun of action in its
continuous form;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm. innosti v
podob prbhovho asu;suff.
( );tomato (fruit (of) sour aubergine);raje
(ovoce kyselho lilku);sg.

;violet color (aubergine's color) purple color

(aubergine's color);fialov barva (barva lilku);n.

T : T ;mosquito: Mosquitos bite.;komr: Komi

T ( );mosquito;komr;sg.

( );brinjal (fruit (of) aubergine) aubergine

(fruit (of) aubergine) eggplant (fruit (of) aubergine);lilek
(ovoce lilku) brindol (ovoce lilku) baklan (ovoce

T ( );basket;ko, kok;sg.

( );victim (caught (and) got person);ob (o

lidech, chycen (a) dostan osoba);sg.

T ( );mosquito;komr;sg.

( );whistle;pala;sg.
: ;travel:
Indeed, (I) wish (you) much that (your) path (you) travel by is
smooth.;cestovat: Vskutku, moc (ti) peji, aby (tv) cesta
(kterou) cestuje byla hladk.;w. pol.
( );journey trip;cesta (vlet) vlet;sg.
( );travel journey trip;vlet (cesta) cesta (vlet);sg.

T ;indicates change from n. to v. -ness;-stv zna zmnu

ze slovesa na pod. jm.;suff.
T ( );mosquito;komr;sg.
T ( );mosquito-net (mosquito jail);s proti
komrm (kom vzen) moskitira (kom vzen);sg.
T ;fence (row (of) fence (for) garden);plotit (ada
plotu (pro) zahradu);n.
T ;grate;strouhat;T
T ( );grater (high-thing (for) grating);struhadlo
(vysok-vc (na) strouhn);sg.

;exception (omit {nouner});vjimka (opominout

: ()T ;luggage: {jmenec});n.
This luggage looks like Thai.;zavazadlo: Toto zavazadlo se zd T;differ separated, be;liit se oddlen, bt;I
bt Thajsk.;
T ;difference (be-different (and) stop {nouner});rozdl
( );luggage (box (to be) carried (on)
(bt-odlin (a) zastavit {jmenec});n.
trips);zavazadlo (bedna (k) noen (na) vletech);sg.
T : T ;toe: toe tips;konek: koneky prst u
( );luggage (suitcase, bag (to be) carried
(on) trips) suitcase (bag (to be) carried (on)
trips);zavazadlo (kufr, taka (k) noen (na) vletech)
kufr (taka (k) noen (na) vletech);sg.
;on the way (inside travelling);bhem cesty (uvnit
;travel (leave (for) travel);cestovat (odejt (na)
;travel: (I) have already travelled to the
vicinity of China (country) and Thailand (country).;cestovat:
U jsem cestoval do blzkosti (zem) ny a (zem)
Thajska.;p.p. pol.
: ;traveller
(traveler): Of the greatest travellers' interest is the Pagan
town.;cestovatel: (Je to prv) Pagan msto, kter (se jev)
cestovatelm nejzajmavj.;pol.
( ) [khay:d];traveller (traveling
person);cestovatel (cestujc osoba);sg.

T ( );toe;prst (u nohy);sg.
TT;courteously (pleasantly (and) completely) politely
(pleasantly (and) completely);zdvoile (pjemn (a) pln)
slun (pjemn (a) pln);adv.
T;politely (be-pleasant (and) complete {adv.});zdvoile
(bt-pjemn (a) pln {pslovec}) slun (bt-pjemn (a)
pln {pslovec});adv.
T: T
;politely: U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups
politely.;zdvoile: Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma skupinama
T : T
;leg: (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital,
because I broke (my) leg.;noha: Musm jt ( ~ nastoupit) do
nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont. um.
T : T ;legs:
You have two hands (and) two legs.;nohy: M dv ruce (a)
dv nohy.;

;travelling, go travel (travel (and) go);cestovat, jet na T ( );leg (leg support);noha (non
cestovat (cestovat (a) jt); (or) T
: ;travelling, go: This
T ( );leg (leg's support);noha


(podpora nohy);sg.

;permit (give permission) allow (give permission)
T : T T ;leg: (I) straighten (my) permission, give;dovolit (dt svolen) svolen, dt svolit
(dt svolen);T
legs.;noha: Narovnm nohy.;

;permission, have (get permission) admit (to a
T ( );leg (leg (which) stands);noha (noha
university etc.) permitted, be (receive permission)
(kter) stoj);sg.
allowed, be (permission (is) received) permission, get (take
T ( );shoe (foot treads-on);bota (noha
permission);povoleno, bt (povolen (je) pijat) svolen, mt
nalapv);sg. (pair, one piece)
T( );ankle (pillar (which) brushes leg);kotnk (dostat svolen) povolen, dostat (dostat povolen)
pijmout (na universitu atd.) svolen, dostat (dostat
(sloup (kter) obruuje nohu);sg.
svolen);I (or) T
T: T;sole: two soles;pata: dv paty;
T( );sole (leg's palm);pata (dla nohy);sg.

T( );foot (leg (and) sole);noha (od kotnku

dol, noha (a) pata);sg. (pair, one)
T( );foot (leg (and) sole);noha (od kotnku dol,
noha (a) chodidlo);sg.
T ( );nail (of a toe, leg's strong(part));nehet (prstu
nohy, siln(st) nohy);sg.
T( );calf (of leg, leg's calf);ltko (nohy, ltko
T( ) ;socks, a pair of;ponoek, pr;sg.

T ;six dry, be;est such, bt;I (or) num.

T : T ;dr: Trousers are
dry.;such: Kalhoty jsou such.;
T : T ;dry:
After washing the clothes, (he) hangs the clothes in order to
dry (it).;suit: Po vyprn obleen, v ( ~ povj [CZ col.])
(to) obleen aby (je) usuil.;

;permit: I am permitted
to go to Japan.;svolen, mt: Mm svolen jet do Japonska.;um.


;allowed, be: I also happy that (I) was allowed to
befriend with you.;povoleno, bt: Tak mm radost, e mi bylo
povoleno se s tebou ptelit.;pol. um. FB

;admit: This year he was
admitted to university.;pijmout: Tento rok byl (on) pijat na


;permission, have: Having a permission for such an
exchange ( ~ discussion) in language is good.;svolen, mt: Je
dobr, e mm svolen k takovto diskuzi ( ~ vmn) v

(from );forgive (allow (and) set free) excuse
(allow (and) set free);prominout (svolit (a) uvolnit) odpustit
(svolit (a) uvolnit);T

;disown (of sb. or sth.) forgive (allow (and) set free)
T ;dry, be (be-dry (and) dry);such, bt (bt-such (a)
give up (of sb. or sth.) excuse (allow (and) set
free);prominout (svolit (a) uvolnit) zici se (nkoho nebo
;num. class. for cups and glasses;itatel hrnk a
neho) odpustit (svolit (a) uvolnit) zanechat (nkoho nebo
: ;num. class. for cups and glasses: two cups

;forgive: Forgive (me),
of coffee;itatel hrnk a skleniek: dva lky kvy;
teacher.;odpustit: Odpuste (mi), uiteli.;imper. pol.
: T ;num. class. for cups and glasses: six

;unauthorised, be (not suitable (to be) freed
cups of lime juice;itatel hrnk a skleniek: est skleniek
(and) permitted) unpardonable, be (not suitable (to be)
citronovho dusu;
freed (and) permitted);nepovolen, bt (ne vhodn (k)
( );teacup cup;hrneek hrnek lek (hrnek);sg.
uvlolnn (a) povolen) neodpustiteln, bt (ne vhodn (k)
;opportune, be favorable, be permission;phodn, bt
uvlolnn (a) povolen);I
povolen pzniv, bt;I (or) n.

: ;permission: Also, there is no
;unauthorised, be: (They) have phones and
permission to get married.;povolen: A tak, nen povolen k
other unauthorised machines.;neodpustiteln: Maj telefony a
enn ( ~ vdvn) se.;pol.
dal nepovolen stroje.;pol.

;permission, ask for;svolen, dat o;T

;pardonable, be (suitable (to be) freed (and)
;allow (make permission) permission, give (permit
permitted) excusable, be (suitable (to be) freed (and)
(and) do) allow permit (make permission);svolit (udlat
permitted) justifiable, be (excusable, suitable (to be) freed
povolen) svolen, dt (povolit (a) dlat) povolit povolit
(and) permitted);odpustiteln, bt (vhodn (k) uvlolnn (a)
(udlat svolen);T
povolen) omluviteln, bt (vhodn (k) uvlolnn (a)
: ;excuse: Excuse me, ven. Sir. (Ven. povolen) prominuteln, bt (vhodn (k) uvlolnn (a)
Sir, make a great excuse.);prominout: Promite, ct. pane. (Ct. povolen);I
pane, udlejte velkou omluvu.);imper. pol.
;turn in (about legs during walking);stet se (o nohch pi
;permit: (It) is not permitted by the
government.;povolit: Nen to povoleno vldou.;
;duty strength tax (duty);da (povinnost) povinnost
;permission (permit (and) do {nouner});svolen (povolit sla;n.
(a) dlat {jmenec});T
(from );seven;sedm;num.


;leave abandon forsake;zanechat (co) opustit vzdt se ;time;as;n.

: ;time: When the moon is
;num. class. for reels, coils and rings;itatel kotou, spirl a shining, (it is) night time.;as: Kdy svt msc, (je) noc ( ~
non as).;writ.
: ;dog: The dog is uglier than ( );belt (waist wrapping);psek (ovinut
the cat.;pes: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne (ta) koka.;
: ;dog: tongue of a dog;pes: jazyk
njakho psa;
( );dog;pes;sg.
( );dog;pes;sg.
( );puppy;tn;sg.
;sort out divide separate sort (into types) divided, be
split break (split) sick, be (about parts of body, such as
eyes, divide);dlit tdit onemocnt (o stech tla, nap.
och, rozdlit se) roztdit rozbt (roztpit) rozdlit
rozdlen, bt nemocn, bt (o stech tla, nap. och,
rozdlit se) roztpit;I (or) T

;bow (when worshiping);poklona;n.

: ;steal: He doesn't steal (others') property.;krst:
Nekrade majetek (druhch).;col.
: ;steal: Hey
guy, if (you) steal, while stealing steal more for us (also),
friend.;krst: Hej, tpku, jestli bude krst, pi (tom) kraden pro
ns (taky) ukradni, pteli.;imper. sl.
;order sb. to do sth. make sb do sth. request
order;nadit pikzat nkomu aby dlal nco dat
zapinit aby nkdo nco udlal;T

: ;request: (She) requests

;half: Come at half past eight (hours).;pl: thanks.;vyadovat: Vyaduje dkuji.;
Pije v pl devt (hodiny).;imper. pol.
: ;divide: Please,
divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and) give).;rozdlit: ;force to: Hanthwadi troops, who seized Inwa,
in order to force the villages of northern region to make oath
Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko na tyi sti ((a)
(of royalty) they arrived to Mushopho village where (they) had
dejte).;imper. pol.
: ;half: half past seven (seven hours (and) half);pl: to arrive (for it).;pinutit k: Vojska Hentvad, kter obsadili
Envu, aby pinutili vesnice v severn oblasti k uinn psaze (v
pl osm (sedm hodin (a) pl);adv.
jejich prospch), pijeli do Mushpho vesnice (kam) pro to mli
: ; half: half past twelve (twelve hours (and)
pijet.;p.s. writ.
half);pl: pl jedn (dvanct hodin (a) pl);
: T T
Although these states and divisions are divided, all Myanmar
nations, including poor and rich, live together.;rozdlen:
Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny,
vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij
: ; half: two kyats, fifty penny ( ~ "half) (historical
price);polovina: dva iat, padest hal ( ~ "polovina)
(historick cena);

( );bunch (of flowers);kytice;sg.

;percent (bunch rate);procento (svazkov pomr);n.

;firm, be (steadfast (and) firm) strong, be (steadfast

(and) firm) irrefutable, be (steadfast (and)
firm);nevyvratiteln, bt (vytrval (a) pevn) pevn, bt
(vytrval (a) pevn);I
: T
;strong: My strong determination helps me
to continue in my effort.;pevn: Moje pevn rozhodnut mi
pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col. cont.

: TT ;half: (We) haven't talked : T

;firm: The decision is so firm, that nothing can

for two and a half years.;pl: Nemluvili jsme (spolu) ji dva a
(ever) destroy it.;pevn: (To) rozhodnut je tak pevn, e jej nic
pl roku.;p.s.
neme zniit.;pol.
;half: (It)'s morning half past two.;pl: Je
rno, pl tet.;pol.

: ;sick, be ( ~ "divided): Because (my)

eyes got sick ( ~ "divided).;nemocn, bt ( ~ "rozdlen):
Protoe mi onemocnly oi. (Protoe (jsem) dostal rozdlen
(a) upevnn o.);pol.


;ask (sb. to do sth.) order (sb. to do sth.) request (from

sb. to do sth.);dat (aby nkdo nco udlal) nadit (nkomu
aby nco udlal) podat (aby nkdo nco udlal);T

: T ;steadfast: steadfast, bountiful country;vytrval:

: ;sort out: sort out those parts;roztdit: vytrval, bohat zem.;n.

roztdit ty sti;v.
: () ;ask to: He asks me to
come. (He asks me (for) coming.);dat: d m abych
( );half;polovina plka;sg.
piel. (d m (o) pchod.);um.
;divide separate;dlit rozdlit;T

: ();ask to: Ask them to sit. (Request to

: ;time: a while before (you) go (when the time (of) them sitting.;podat aby: Podej je aby si sedli. (Podej je
sednout (si).);imper. pol.
going (is) near);doba: chvilku ped tm, ne pjde (kdy je
: ;ask ( ~ request): Ask ( ~ "request")
as chozen blzko);
them to sit.;podat ( ~ nadit): Podej je ( ~ "nai jim") (a)


se posad.;imper. pol.

knife);ezat (noem) sekat (noem) nasekat (noem)


T;steal (steal (and) run);ukrst (ukrst (a) bet);T

: ;chop: I am cutting the fish.;nasekat:

: ;elope: (He) elopes (and) comes Nasekvm rybu.;cont. um.
after (he made) a woman (his) wife ( ~ girlfriend).;uprchnout (se ;until now (until now) upto now (until now);do te
(do te) dosud (do te);adv.
enou): Uprchne (a) pijde (s n) po tom, co se stane jeho
enou.;T sl.
: T ;until now of: Until now,
;indicates a year era of num. class. of things;itatel vc as for what (you) said, (it) is devoid of mistakes.;do te: Do
te, co se te (toho), co (jsi) ekl, je (to) prost chyb.;pol.
obdob (eho) zna rok;pow. suff. (or) suff. (or) pow.
;elevated, sth. lifted, sth.;zvednutho, nco
nadzdvihnutho, nco;n.

(WS. from );seven;sedm;num. WS.

;indicates a year other than decimal seven indicates a

year of a happening this year;zna rok njakho dn sedm
tento rok zna rok jin ne destkov zna rok njak
: ;now: now, for the time being;te: co se te udlosti;suff. (or) num. (or) adv.
: ;indicates a year other than decimal: year
: ;indicates a year: Today is 1948;zna rok jin ne destkov: rok 1948;
: ;now: As for now, it is not raining any
more.;te: A te, u nepr.;col.

21st (day) of February (month), 1987.;zna rok: Dnes je

(den) 21. (msce) nora 1987.;

: T ;year: (year) thousand

nine hundred sixty-four;rok: (rok) tisc devt set edest tyi;

: T
' T ' ;indicates
a year of a happening: There was created mnemonics 'oo-awaww-myee-koun-baun-tee' for the year 1115 ME, (when) the
palace was built.;zna rok njakho dn: Byla vytvoena
mnemotechnika 'u-o--mj-koun-baun-d' na rok 1115 Myan. l.,
(kdy) byl ten palc postaven.;writ.

: T
;indicates a year of a
happening: The Myanmar country has in the year 1889 fell
((and) came)into the state of English subordination.;zna rok
njak udlosti: Zem Myanmaru v roce 1889 upadla ((a)
pila) do stavu anglick podzenosti.;p.s. writ.

: ;num. class. for things: four (singled) shoes;itatel

vc: tyi (samostatn) boty;pl.

: ;jump: (it) started jumping;skkat: zaalo skkat;p.p.

;defend (be-offended (and) take);brnit (bt-napaden (a)



: T ;jump: Horse is jumping.;skkat: K (prv

te) ske.;cont.

();then (beforebefore arrival

;defend (be-offended, take, urge (and) fight-back) (of) present time) formerly, long ago, (beforebefore
resist (be-offended, take, urge (and) fight-back);brnit (btarrival (of) present time) before present, a long time
napaden, vzt, nalhat (a) protitoit) ubrnit se (bt(beforebefore arrival (of) present time) by then
napaden, vzt, nalhat (a) protitoit);
(beforebefore arrival (of) present time) ago, long
(beforebefore arrival (of) present time);ped ptomnost,
dlouho (pedped pchodem ptomnho asu) kdysi
dvno (pedped pchodem ptomnho asu) tehdy

;defend: U Aung Zeyya together with his

(pedped pchodem ptomnho asu) dvno, velice
sixty-eight blood comrades-leaders could successfully resist
(pedped pchodem ptomnho asu) tenkrt
while being the leader ( ~ while leading). together with: U
Aung Zeyya together with his sixty-eight blood comrades could (pedped pchodem ptomnho asu);adv.
successfully resist while being the leader ( ~ while
leading).;ubrnit: Aun Zeyya spolu se svmi edesti osmi
;this time: This
pokrevnmi pteli vdci se dokzal spn ubrnit zatmco
time (I) am (being) busy with ( ~ "for) the birthday meditation
(je) vedl. spolu s: Aun Zeyya spolu se svmi edesti osmi retreat at the end of (this) month.;v tuto dobu: V tuto dobu
pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal spn ubrnit zatmco (je)
mm hodn prce s ( ~ "pro) narozeninov meditan zsed,
vedl.;p.s. writ.
(kter bude) na konci (tohoto) msce.;cont.
;right now just now;prv te;adv.
: ;just now: (The) boy just
now hung up the phone, indeed.;prv te: (Ten) chlapec
prv te zavsil telefn.;col.
( );bed;postel;sg. rare
( ) [khe~];bed (supports hips);postel (podpr
;just now (I have understood);prv te (jsem
;cut (with knife) hash (with knife) cut chop (with

;news, present (what happens with particular

person);novinky, nejnovj (co se dje s uritou osobou);n.
;period (era) era time;obdob ra doba;n.
T ;era: King Naung became a famous king in the
Taungs' era.;obdob: Krl Nau se v obdob Taun stal slavnm
;fashionable, be (era heartily) popular, be (era
heartily);slavn, bt (doba podn) mdn, bt (doba


;modern (modern era) fashion, modern (modern

era) modernity (modern era);modernost (modern ra)
mda, nov (modern ra) modern (modern ra);n.
(or) adj.
: ;modern: a modern word;modern:
modern slovo;

(): ;headache, have: The

woman has a headache.;bolest hlavy: (Tu) enu bol
T ;headache (head bites {nouner}) cephalalgia
(headache, head bites {nouner});bolest hlavy, mt (hlava
koue {jmenec}) hlavy, mt bolest (hlava koue {jmenec});I

: ;modern: (It) is far ;aspirine (medicine (of) disappearance

from modern technology.;modern: Je (to) daleko od modern
(of) head-biting);aspirin (lk (na) zmizen kousn
: ;modernity: With modernity, the :
navel shows up.;mda, modern: S modern mdou se ukazuje ;leader: (He is) the leader-student of the
(i) pupek.;jk. col.
Golden Shine Revolution's Burmese Students'
Association.;vdce: Je vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat Ze
: ;modern: modern world;modern:
(podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.
modern svt;

;up to date (era leaned-against) modern (era leaned- ( );foreman (carries head) head
(leader, carries head) leader (carries head) chief
against);aktuln (doba (kter) se-opr) modern (doba
(carries head);f (nos hlavu) vdce (nos hlavu)
(kter) se-opr);adj.
hlava (vdce, nos hlavu) pedk (nos hlavu);sg. (mn.)

;top of head (head's top);temeno hlavy (vrcholek


T ;modern: As it was not
( );turban, Burmese (head wrapping);turban,
possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had barmsk (hlavy omotvn);sg.
vehicles, modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people ;roof (high roof);stecha (vysok stecha);n.
of other countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering ( );roof (high sky(~roof));stecha (vysok
(and) attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;modern:
Jeliko nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), ;wash hair (wash head) hair, wash (wash
vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ head);mt si vlasy (mt hlavu) vlasy, mt si (mt
lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
: ;pillow: This pillow is
;hit (knock) fold (a paper etc., knock) knock (as a
soft.;polt: Tento polt je mkk.;
sound sign or on the door);peloit (papr atd., klepat) buit ( ) (from );pillow (head pillow);polt
(klepat) klepat (jakoto zvukov signl nebo na dvee);T
(polt (pro) hlavu);sg.
: ;hit (knock): Meal gong is going ( );pillow (head pillow);polt (polt (pro)
to be hit ( ~ knocked);buit (klepat): (Brzy) se bude buit ( ~ hlavu);sg.
klepat) na jdeln gong.;fut.
;top high (of position);vysoko svrchn;adv. (or) adj.
;noodles (knock (and) drag) spaghetti (whisk (and)
pull);nudle (klepat (a) thnout) pagety (nalehat (a)
vytahat);n. (or) n. Sh. khaw-shen

( );head;hlava;sg.


: ;noodles: I will eat
} ;topic: As the elders know, as for
noodles.;nudle: Budu jst nudle.;uw
the today's discussion's topic, it is called By men, more than
: ;spaghetti: (He) is by ladies, the country responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be carried
putting Italian spaghetti to the pot.;pagety: Vkld do hrnce
out.;tma: Jak (ji) ti star v, co se te dnenho tmatu
italsk pagety.;cont.
diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~ povinnosti) (na) zem
;noodles, fried (fried spaghetti);nudle, smaen mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne enami.;pol.
(smaen nudle);n.
( );title (lined-up head) topic (lined-up
;noodles, boiled (boiled spaghetti);nudle, vaen head);tma (seazen hlava) nadpis (seazen
(vaen nudle);n.
;headache, have a: (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not T ;leader: As for the
good) because my head aches so much.;bolest hlavy, mt:
proposers' ( ~ speakers') leader sitting on my right, (it) is U
Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen dobr), protoe m hrozn moc Mya Maung.;vdce: Co se te vdce mluvch, kter sed po
bol hlava.;uw.
m prav stran, (je to) Mja Maun.;pol.
();headache, have (head bites) cephalalgia,
( );leader (head-carrier);f (nosi hlavy)
have (headache, head bites);bolest hlavy, mt (hlava koue) vdce (nosi hlavy);sg. mn.
hlavy, mt bolest (hlava koue);I
( );leader (head-carrier);f (nosi hlavy)


vdce (nosi hlavy);sg.

;headache (head (is) turned-turbid);bolest hlavy
(hlava (je) zakalen);n.

(How (is) called your name?);nazvat: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak

se nazv tv jmno?);inter.

: ;be ( ~ "call): (And)

( );roof (high sky);stecha (vysok nebe);sg. how about friends, what is (their) name? ((And) what about
friends, how is (their) name called?);jmenovat se ( ~ "volat): A
;headache (head (is) dizzy);bolest hlavy (hlava mco ptel, jak se jmenuj? (A co ptel, jak se vol (jejich)
jmno?;inter. col.
;wash hair hair, wash;vlasy, umt si umt si
: ;hair washing: (They) wash
(them) hair. ((They) give (them) hair washing.);vlas, myt:
Umvaj (jim) vlasy.;pol.

: ;name (call): What is your name,

sir? (How (is) sir's name called?);jmenovat se (volat): Jak se
jmenujete, pane? (Jak se pnovo jmno vol?);uw.

: ;call: (It) is called Mataw

: ;gong: Meal gong is road.;jmenovat se: (Tato ulice) se jmenuje ulice Mat.;
: ;call: His name is
going to be beaten.;gong: (Brzy) se bude buit na jdeln
(called) Maung Maung.;jmenovat se: Jmenuje se Maun Maun.
(Jeho jmno se nazv Maun Maun.);pol.
( );bell (reinforced head) gong
(reinforced head);gong (poslen hlava) zvon (poslen : TT ;call (by phone):
Mother, Mya Mya (Emerald-Emerald) is calling (me by phone)
to watch a show tonight.;volat (telefnem): Matko, Mja Mja
( );pillow (head's pillow);polt (hlavov
(Smaragd-Smaragd) (mi) vol abych la (podvala se) na
pedstaven dnes v noci.;cont.
;call (to come) take sb. with oneself called, be call
name;pivolat jmenovat se zvan, bt nazvat se volat : ;call (address) and safe:
Calling (me) as mum, is more warm and safe.;nazvat ( ~
zavolat (aby piel) vzt nkoho s sebou;I (or) T
: ;name ( ~ "call): What is your "volat): Zn tepleji a bezpenji, kdy m nazv maminkou.
(Voln (m) jakoto maminka (je) vce tepl (a)
name? (How is your name called?);jmenovat se ( ~
"nazvat): Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se nazv tv
jmno?);inter. col.

: ;call (a person): I'll call (him).

(used when going to call a certain person to come);zavolat
(osobu): Zavolm (ho). (uito, kdy (nkdo) jde zavolat uritou
osobu aby pila);fut. col pol.
: TT
T;call: (I) am telling (you), that when (I) call the novice
as the novice Sarana, the nomenclature (will be) more
elegant.;nazvat: km (ti), e kdy budu nazvat novice
jakoto novic Sarana, bude (to) nzvoslov elegantnj.;pol.
: ;called, be: sickness called
koro;zvan, bt: nemoc zvan koro;

: ;name ( ~ "call): My name is

Albert. ((My name) is called 'Albert'.);jmenovat se ( ~ "volatse): Jmenuji se Albert. ((M jmno) se vol 'Albert'.);pol.
: ;call: How is it called in
Burmese?;nazvat se: Jak se to nazv Barmsky?;inter.

: { } ;call: As he
was reading that way, he was called as short writing Nga
Nyo.;nazvat: Protoe tak etl, nazvali ho a Nyo krtkho
-;call as;nazvat;T
;solid eat (bite) hard stiff (solid);tuh (pevn) jst
(kousat) tvrd pevn;n. (or) T col.

: ;call (to come): Nga Nyo's wife had ;indicates imper. mode indeed indicates emphasis sure,
to call (him).;zavolat (aby piel): a ova manelka (ho) mla for indicates past tense;zna rozkazovac zpsob opravdu
zna minul as skuten (opravdu) zna zdraznn;suff.
: ;call (address): Calling (me) (or) suff. adv.
as a small supporter is more appropriate.;nazvat: Je vhodnj : ;sure, for: For sure, come (at) half past
eight.;opravdu: Opravdu, pijete v pl devt.;imper. pol. col.
m nazvat malm podporovatelem.;pol.
: T ;indicates past tense: I
: T T ;call: (It) is called as
Union of Myanmar.;nazvat se: Nazv se Unie Myanmaru.;pol. spoke with him while in the vehicle.;zna minul as: Mluvil
: T T ;call: (It) is jsem s nm kdy jsme byli ve vozidle.;p.s.
called union as the states and divisions are ( ~ live)
together.;nazvat se: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony
jsou ( ~ ij) spolu.;pol.
: ;take sb. with oneself: Where do
(you) want (me) to come (and) take (you)?;vzt nkoho s
sebou: Kde chcete abych pijel (a) vzal (vs)?;inter. col.
: T ;call: Why is (it) called like
that?;nazvat se: Pro se (to) tak nazv?;inter. col.
: ;call: What is your name?

: ;indicates past tense: I came by

bus.;zna minul as: Pijel jsem autobusem.;p.s.

: ;for sure: (At) want time do (you)

want (me) to come for sure?;opravdu: V kolik hodin chcete,
abych opravdu pijel?;inter. col.
: ;indicates p.s.: What did you do?;zna
min. . prost: Co jsi dlal(a)?;inter. col.
;indicates p.s.: Could not write.;zna minul as
prost: Nemohl napsat.;p.s.


: ;indicates p.s.: when (I) arrived.;zna minul as

prost: kdy jsem se dostavil;adv.
;indicates fut. tense: Just if there is an

opportunity.;zna bud. .: Jen pokud (k tomu) bude

(WS. from );ginger;zzvor;n. WS.

;trousers: After playing, her jeans get ( ~ went
e.g., were) pot-holed.;kalhoty: Po hran jsou ( ~ ly resp. byly)
jej kalhoty drav.;p.s. col.

( );pencil (graphite stick);tuka (grafitov


( );jeans;dny kalhoty - dny;sg. E. jeans

: ;indicates p.p.: (He) has climbed the

mountain.;zna minul as dokonav: Vylezl na horu.;p.p.

() ;Japan (country);Japonsko (zem);name

( );eraser (destroy graphite);guma (na mazn

psanho tukou, zniit tuhu(~grafit));sg.
;food (other than rice, cereals or meat, hard (and) nonhomogenous);jdlo (jin ne re, obilniny nebo maso, tvrd
(a) nestejnorod);n. mn.
;food (offered for monks, hard (and) nonhomogenous food);jdl (nabdnut mnichm, tvrd (a)
nestejnorod jdlo);n. mn. P. bhojana (= food)
;indicates p.p.;zna minul as dokonav;pow. writ.

;salad, ginger (fresh);salt, zzvorov (erstv);n.

( );sandals, rubber (japan shoes);sandly,
gumov (japonsk boty);sg. (pair, piece)
( );jacket;bunda;sg. E. jacket
: T ;journal: a local technical
journal;denk: jeden mstn denk o technice (jeden vnitrosttn
technick denk);
( );journal;denk;sg. E. journal
( );journal;denk (urnl);sg. E. journal
() ;Germany (country);Nmecko (zem);name

: T ( ~ T)
;GTalk (program);GTalk (program);name E. Gtalk
;indicates p.p.: (He, the king) has stated, that (he) :
;GTalk: Gtalk and other
would give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.;zna minul such programs;GTalk: Gtalk a jin takov programy;
as dokonav: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat ;flour (flour powder);mouka (moun prek);n.
lidem obleen.;p.p. writ.
;green tea;zelen aj;E. green tea
;already (finished) have already (finished);u (skoneno)
;gram;gram;n. E. gram
ji (skoneno);suff.
: ;gram: The bread weighs 400
: T ;have already: already achieved;ji: ji
grams.;gram: (Ten) chlb v 400 gram.;
(WS. from );care for (one's health etc. or an
;uneasy, be (difficult (and) difficult) difficult, be (difficult
injured or old person, setup seriousness);starat se o (vlastn
(and) difficult) arduous, be (difficult (and) difficult);nron,
zdrav nebo zrannou i letitou osobu nastavit vnost);T
bt (obtn, bt-obtn (a) obtn) nesnadn, bt (btWS. P. garu (= heavy, serious)
obtn (a) obtn) obtn, bt (bt-obtn (a) obtn)
;group;skupina;n. E. group
tk, bt (obtn, bt-obtn (a) obtn);I
;having (finished an action);po (urit innosti);suff.
() ;group: In our group there are
: ;having (finished an action): having arrived;po
the teacher-monks who won ( ~ "got) first (place) in whole the
(urit innosti): po pjezdu;p.p.
country.;skupina: V na skupin jsou uitelt mnii, kte
;should be;ml by bt;suff.
dostali prvn (msto) v cel zemi.;pol. ubmn. mn.
: ;should be: Proper
;take care of (setup seriousness) care for (one's
place should be found.;ml by bt: Mlo by se najt sprvn
health etc. or an injured or old person, setup seriousness)
caucious, be (setup heavy) careful, be (setup

( );number;slo;sg. P. gaana (= number, counting) seriousness) care for (setup seriousness) careful, be
;jungle;dungle;n. rare
(setup heavy) nurse of (setup seriousness) attend to
;classical literature literature, classical;klasick literatura (setup seriousness) look after (setup seriousness);starat
literatura, klasick;n.
se o (vlastn zdrav nebo zrannou i letitou osobu nastavit
: T vnost) peovat o (nastavit vnost) pozor, dvat
;classical literature: We have (nastavit tk) pozor, dvat (nastavit vnost) starat
the classical prosaic literature only as books, as electronic files se o (nastavit vnost) opatrn, bt (nastavit tk)
(we) don't (have).;klasick literatura: Mme klasickou
postarat se o (nastavit vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)
prozaickou literaturu pouze jakoto knihy, jakoto elektronick (or) T
soubory ne ( ~ "nemme).;
: ;careful, be (take care): Take care
;odor (smell, smell objects) smell (odor, smell
objects);pach (pedmty ichu) zpach (pedmty
ichu);n. P. gandhrammaa (= smell-objects)

of (your) health.;pozor, dvat si: Dvej si pozor na (sv)

zdrav.;imper. pol.

: ;health: Be especially
: T ;smell: (I) realize the careful for (your) health.;zdrav: Zejmna si dvej pozor na
smelling of smells.;pach: Uvdomm si ichn pach.;
(sv) zdrav.;imper. pol.


;take care of: Because (my) patient is (being)
sick, I take care of him. care for: Because (my) patient is
(being) sick, I care for him.;starat se o: Protoe je mj pacient
nemocn, (j) starm se o nj. peovat o: Protoe je mj
pacient nemocn, (j) peuji o nj.;cont. um.
: T

;careful, be: Be
careful, (or) you will ( ~ "may) get hurt.;pozor, dvat: Dvej
pozor, (nebo) si (mon) ubl.;imper. pol.
: ;care of, take:
The policeman is taking care of the traffic.;starat se o: Policajt
se star o (silnin) dopravu.;cont.
; carefully (with planting heavily);pozorn (se
szenm tce);adv.


;pride, take: I take pride very much for
being allowed to carry out the celebration of tenth anniversary
of writers of our township as the chairman.;hrd, bt: Jsem
velice hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn
se) oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti
jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.
: ;proud, be: I am proud (of you). ((I)
happen to take pride.);hrd, bt: Jsem na (tebe) hrd. (Stalo
se, e beru hrdost.);pol.
;proudly (take quality {adverber});hrd (vzt
kvalitu {pslovec});adv.

: ;carefully: (I) has to

learn more carefully.;pozorn: Musm se uit pozornji.;pol.

;prestigious, be ((of) high quality (and)

reputation) renowned, be ((of) high quality (and)
reputation);renomovan, bt (vysok kvality (a) reputace)
prestin, bt (vysok kvality (a) reputace);I

: ;attention, pay: (We) must pay

attention.;pozor, dvat: Musme dvat pozor.;

( );orifice;trbina;sg.
( );orifice;trbina;sg.

();attention to, pay ((especially) make weight)

pay attention to ((especially) make weight);dvat pozor
na((zejmna) udlat vhu) pozor, dvat ((zejmna)
udlat vhu);T writ. P. garu (= weight)

;golf course (golf field);golfov hit (golfov

;crazy (unstable-person (who) shinesmuch);len (labiln-osoba (kter) moc-z);adj. col.

( );cabbage (pack (of) thrusting shovel);zel,

: ... ... ;drool: (Oh) (big) world hlvkov (balk (ze) zaren lopaty);sg.
... warmth has come ... (I)'m drooling. (may be said by men
( ) (WS. from );cabbage (pack (of)
when they see a beautiful girl);slintat: (Ach ty) (velk) svte ... thrusting shovel);zel, hlvkov (balk (ze) zaren
je (njak) teplo (pilo teplo) ... slintm. (me bt eeno
lopaty);sg. WS.
mui, kdy vid hezkou slenu);jk. sl.
( );Gurkha (member of a Nepalese martial
;drool;slintat;T sl.

;cotton, absorbent cotton wool;vata;n.

clan);Gurkha (len Neplskho vlenho rodu);sg.

: ' ' T
( );chayote (fruit of plant of gourd family
;verse.: It can be seen by verses like tenhu
cucurbitaceae, Gurkha's fruit);ejot (jako avokdo vypadajc
por and so on.;ver: Me to bt vidt z ver jako tenhu plody tykvovit eledi, Gurkhsk ovoce);sg.
por a tak dle.;writ. pol.
;crazy (odd guy);len (divn chlpek);adj. col.
( );verse;ver;sg. P. gth (= verses)
;crazy (slightly-insane guy);len (mrn-blzniv
;gallon (around 4.5 liters);galon (asi 4.5 litr);n.

chlpek);adj. col.

: ;gallon: twenty gallons;galon: dvacet


T ;fish sauce (completely blue drink);ryb omka

(zcela modr npoj);n.

: ;gallon: ten gallons;galon: deset galon;

(from );fish paste (flat fish);ryb pasta (placat

: ;gallon: nineteen gallons;galon: devatenct ryba);n.
;crazy (silly guy);len (pitom chlpek);adj. col.
: ;goal keeper: As for the
T T ;not much good good, not much;dobr, ne
Chelsey goal keeper, (him I) know.;brank: Co se te
moc ne moc dobr;adj.
branke z Chelsey, (toho) znm.;col.
;young, be;mlad, bt;I
( );goal keeper (proficient (in)
goals);brank (zdatn (v) glech);sg.
( );song;pse;sg.

;respect, show (make quality) revere (make

quality);ctt (dlat kvalitu) respekt, prokzat (dlat

: T T ;small ( ~ young): If (you) want

to be again small, ( ~ young) (you) have to shrink
(again).;mal ( ~ mlad): Jestli chce bt znovu mal ( ~
mlad), mus se (znovu) scvrknout.;jk.
;childhood (small (and) small) childhood;dtstv
(mal (a) mal) dtstv;n.

: ;revere: To revere him, : ;childhood: when (I) was a child;dtstv:

(he) uses a metaphore.;uctt: Aby ho uctil, uv metafory.;
kdy jsem byl dt;adv.
;pride, take (take quality);hrd, bt (vzt kvalitu);T : T ( ~ )
P. gua (= virtue, quality)
;child ( ~ "childhood): Did you think about
: T

becoming a nun when (you) were a child ( ~ "during (your)


childhood)?;dt ( ~ "dtstv): Pemlela jsi (o tom) stt se

mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~ "bhem (svho) dtstv)?;p.s.

( );pepper (the fruit, fruit (of) chilli) chilli

(fruit (of) chilli);paprika (plod ili) ili (plod ili);sg.

;childhood, since;dtstv, ji od;adv.

: ;hell:
It's not your business whether we go to hell or not. (It doesn't
concern you (whether) we are going or are not going (to)
hell.;peklo: To se vs netk, jestli jdeme ((nebo) nejdeme)
do pekla.;col.

;childhood since: It is said, that since childhood
Nga Nyo has been always reading (writings).;dtstv, ji od:
k se, e ji od dtstv a o pod etl (psan).;
;little, very small, very;mal, velice malikat,
;childhood (small age) young, be (by age, (small
age) small, be (by age, (small age) young, be ((be of)
small age);mlad, bt (vkem, (mal vk) mlad, bt ((bt)
malho vku) mal, bt (vkem, (mal vk) dtstv (mal
vk);I (or) n.

;crazy (crazy guy);len (len chlpek);adj. col.

T ;reject (refuse-to-accept (and) go-against) refuse

(refuse-to-accept (and) go-against);odmtnout (odmtnoutdarovan (a) jt-proti);T
T : T ;reject: (He) rejects when
requested.;odmtnout: Odmt, kdy (je) dn.;
T ;reject (refuse (and) remove);odmtnout (odmtnout (a)

: ;childhood: during childhood child ( ~

;still, be stable, be (be-calm);stabiln, bt (bt-klidn)
"childhood): when (one) is a child;dtstv: bhem dtstv dt nehybn, bt;I
( ~ "dtstv): kdy je (nkdo) dt;
;extinguished, be peace, be in calm, be in;uhaen, bt
: ;young, be: young girlfriend;mlad, mru, bt v vyhasnut, bt klidn, bt v;I
bt: mlad ptelkyn;
: ;extinguished: Sir, I am aunt
: T
T ;small (by age): Because (she) is a small
girl, she doesn't have wisdom.;mal (vkem): Protoe je to
mal holka, nen moudr ( ~ "one nem moudrost).;pol. spis.
: T ( ~ )
;child ( ~ "childhood): Did you think about
becoming a nun when (you) were a child ( ~ "during (your)
childhood)?;dt ( ~ "dtstv): Pemlela jsi (o tom) stt se
mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~ "bhem (svho) dtstv)?;p.s.
;young, be (small age (and) inexperienced (and)
young);mlad, bt (mal vk (a) nezkuen (a) mlad);I
: ;youthful:
youthful teacher ( ~ chief monk), (who) became
famous;nezkuen ( ~ mlad) ( ~ opat): nezkuen uitel ( ~
opat), (kter) se stal slavnm;
;small (small (and) small);mal (mal (a) mal);adj.
: ; small: to a small
notebook;mal: do malho notsku;

of this extinguished light.;uhaen: Pane, (j) jsem teta

tohohle uhaenho svtla.;pol. idi.

: ;extinguished: May (you) be in calm ( ~

"extinguished) and cooled. (May you be in calm.);vyhasnut:
K jsi v klidu ( ~ "vyhasnut) a chladn. (K jsi v klidu.);w.
: ;stable: As the electricity is
not stable, the connection is not good.;stabiln: Ponvad nen
elektina stabiln, spojen nen dobr.;col.
;peace (state (of) peace (and) coolness);mr
(stav mru (a) chladu);n.
;peaceful (without war, calmly (and)
coolly);pokojn (bez vlky, klidn (a) chladn);adj.
: ;peaceful: This village is
(just) peaceful.;pokojn: (Tato) vesnice je (prost) pokojn.;
;quiet, be (calm (and) descending) calm, be (calm
(and) descending) subtle, be ((of) soft life) stable, be
(calm (and) descending);stl, bt (klidn (a) sestupujc)
tich, bt (klidn (a) sestupujc) klidn, bt (klidn (a)
sestupujc) jemn, bt (mkkho ivota);I

;little, be (small (and) small) small, be (small (and)

small) young, be (about children, small (and) small);drobn, (WS. from );chilli;ili;n. WS.
bt (mal (a) mal) mal, bt (mal (a) mal) mlad, bt :
(o dtech, mal (a) mal);I
;earthquake: Thought due to the earthquake,
(WS. from );earthquake;zemtesen;sg. WS.
some have been destroyed, many indeed remain.;zmtesen:
Pestoe byly nkter znieny zemtesenm, mnoho se
: ;chilli: chilli sauce;ili: ili omka;n.
vskutku dochovalo.;pol.
;pepper corns (good chilli);pepov klasy (dobr ( );earthquake;zemtesen;sg.
T ( );earthquake (be-earthquake (and) shake
( );pepper (grain, grain (of) pepper);pep {nouner});zemtesen (bt-zemtesen (a) tst-se
(zrno pepe);sg.
: ;pepper (good powder (of) chilli);pep
(dobr prek (z) ili);n.
T ;pepper: Somebody is sprinkling pepper on the
meat.;pep: Nkdo sype pep na maso.;cont.


;money (silver) silver;stbro penze (stbro);n.

(" ): T ;money ( ~ "kyat): (It is)
fourty-six kyats.;penze ( ~ "iat): (Je to) tyicet est iat.;pol.
: ;money: five hundred kyat (money five

hundred);penze: pt set iat (penze pt set);

me.;pjit (nco nkomu): Pjil mi (to).;um.

: ;money: one thousand kyat (money one

thousand);penze: tisc iat (penze jeden tisc);

;I (used among friends or when talking to a younger

person);j (uvno mezi pteli i pi rozhovoru s mlad
osobou);pron. frnd.

: ;money: twenty kyats ( ~ "money);penze:

dvacet iat ( ~ "penz);


: ;money: four hundred kyats ( ~ "money);penze: : T ;I: I can talk little bit.;j: Mohu (jen)
tyi sta iat ( ~ "penz);
trochu mluvit.;col.
: ;money: (I) have so much money. : ;my: What a pity! ((This is) just the true-nature
((I) am well-supplied (and) firm in money power.);penze: Mm (of) my kamma.);mj: koda! (ohledn vlastnho netst, (To
hrozn moc penz. (Jsem dobe-podporovan (a) pevn v
je) prost skuten charakter m kammy.);col.
penn moci.);idi.
: ;I: (It's) me. (also used during telephone
: ;money: I don't use money.;penze:
Nepouvm penze.;col. pol. mn.

conversation);J: (To) jsem j. (tak uito pi telefonnm

hovoru);ans. col. pol.

: ;bill (money): a bill worth of one

Dollar;bankovka: bankovka hodnoty jednoho dolaru;

( );fish;ryba;sg.

( );bill (paper money, money paper);bankovka

(penen papr);sg.

;we;my;pron. col.

( );fish;ryba;sg.

: T ;we: We talk about the

( );bank account (money account);bankovn et Law (Dhamma).;my: Povdme si o Zkon (Dhamm).;col.
(penn et);sg.
[h.c];Ngadatkyi Pagoda (pagoda (of) five
;cash (money material);hotovost (penn materil);n. big storeys) ;Ndhat Pagoda (pagoda pti velkch
: ;bird: a bird's eye;ptk: pta

: ;bird: Birds are singing.;ptk: Ptci ;Ngadatkyi: Tomorrow at noon (I)

want to go to Ngadatkyi Pagoda.;Ndhat: Ztra v poledne chci
jet do Ndhat Pagody.;pol.
( );bird;ptk;sg.
( );bird;ptk (zve);sg.

( );banana (fruit (of) generous birds)

banana;bann (ovoce tdrch ptk) bann;sg.
;lend (a thing) borrow (a thing) lend rent (a house,
borrow);pjit (nkomu) pjit (nkomu nco) pjit (si
nco) pronajmout si (byt, pjit-si);T
: ;rent: The rented
flat, as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~ much) noisy.;pronajmout:
Ten pronajat byt, ponvad je ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn)

;fish paste (flat fish);ryb pasta (placat ryba);n.

( );eel (fish squirrel);ho (ryb veverka);sg.


(can be used by men and women) my mine;mj (lze

uvat mui i enami) m moje;pron.
: ;my: my great friend;mj: mj
skvl (ohromn) ptel;n. col.
: ( ~
);me (mine): This is little bit about
me.;m (moje): Toto je trochu o m.;pol.

; weep (cry) weep cry cry (weep);breet plakat;T

: ;rent: (I) rent ( ~ am renting) an
: ;cry: Because I am so much
apartment.;pronajmout si: Pronajal ( ~ pronajmm-si) jsem si sad, (I) want to cry.;breet: Protoe jsem tak moc smutn, chce
byt.;pol. cont.
se mi breet ( ~ plakat).;
( );rent (a flat or house, borrow
( );bud;kvt;sg.
building);pronajmout si (pjit-si budovu) najmout si (byt (): ( ~
i dm, pjit-si budovu);T
);hide: (It) disappears in the pelvis.;schovat se:
( ): ;rent (a house): Zmiz v pnvi ( ~ pnevn kosti).;
Having paid money, (they) rent a house.;pronajmout si (dm): ;start begin;zat;T
Zaplat penze a pronajmou si dm.;cont.
: ;start: (It) will start at eight o'clock.;zat:
;rented (rented (and) fixed);pronajat (pronajat (a)
Zane v osm hodin.;fut. col.
: ;start: like when (I) started
meditation;zat: jako kdy jsem zanal meditaci;
;rented, be: (I) stayed with my girlfriend in the flat
: ;start: The examination starts
rented by me.;pronajat, bt: il jsem se svou ptelkyn v byt, tomorrow.;zat: Zkouka zan ztra.;fut.
kter jsem si pronajal.;p.s.
: ;start: It may start
;borrow (a thing, borrow (and) take);pjit si (nco,
every year around 13th of April.;zat: Me zat kad rok
pjit-si (a) vzt);T
okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.
;lend (sth. to sb.);pjit (nco nkomu);T
: T ;start: (I) can start to do
: ;lend (sth. to sb.): (He) lent (it) to anything (I) like.;zat: Mohu zat dlat cokoliv chci ( ~ "mm-


: ;start: The movie starts now. (Movie has
started now.);zat: Film zan. (Film te zaal.);p.p.

(it) alright, if (I) speak (with you) like with a friend?;bavit se s:

Nevm jak se mluv se ct. Pny. Bude v podku, kdy (s
tebou) budu mluvit jako s kamardem?;inter. fut. pol.

T: T
: T ;tease: To get relief from
boredom, (I) am teasing with you.;provokovat: Abych si ulevil z ;talk: How long time do you plan to talk with me
now?;povdat si: Jak dlouho si se mnou plnuje povdat?;inter.
nudy, tak t provokuji.;pol. um.
: T ;start: (He) started to col.
strive to attain them.;zat: Zaal usilovat, aby jich
doshnul.;p.s. pol.
-;joke with tease;provokovat vtipkovat s;T
( );skirt;sukn;sg. E. skirt
;sentence (speech) utterance;vrok vta (e);n.
: T T
T ;sentence: (It) is a sentence used when (it) is not
possible to change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any
more.;vta: Je (to) vta uvan kdy u nen dn monost
(cokoliv) zmnit ( ~ "znovu opravit).;

T: T;talk: (I) am talking

with friends.;povdat si (bavit se): Povdm si (bavm se) s
pteli.;col. cont.
TT ;speaking (speech speaking);mluven (mluvy

T ;talk:
(I) want to talk with you intimately (and) closely.;popovdat si:
Chtl bych si s tebou popovdat dvrn (a) oteven.;pol. um.

;anyhow (not connected (to) the-speech) anyway

(not connected (to) the-speech) nevertheless (not
connected (to) the-speech);nicmn (nespojen (s) e)
: ;language ( ~
speech): (I) like to learn those two kinds of language.;jazyk ( ~ beztak (nespojen (s) e) v kadm ppad
(nespojen (s) e) vak (nespojen (s) e);adv.
e): Rd se um ty dva druhy jazyka.;

;talkative, be (talking (is) much);upovdan, bt (moc

T;prose (loosened speech) prosaic ((of) loosened povdn);I
: ( ~
speech);prozaick (zmrnn ei) prza (zmrnn
T );talk too much: (I) do not like to talk much about
e);n. (or) adj.
myself.;povdat moc: Nerad o sob moc povdm.;pol. um.
T: T
;prosaic: We
have the classical prosaic literature only as books, as electronic T ;discussion: That is why this
files (we) don't (have).;prozaick: Mme klasickou prozaickou discussion has been (arranged).;diskuze: A (prv) proto je
literaturu pouze jakoto knihy, jakoto elektronick soubory ne ( (zde tato) diskuze.;pol.
( );language;jazyk;sg.

: T


T ;discussion: Though previously
T;prose: book
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile (and) famous) and also U we did dramas (and) music competitions, this time ( ~ as for
happening this time) we are going to have ( ~ hold)
Obhasa of Min's proses (are) included;prza: kniha
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak przy discussion.;diskuze: Pestoe jsme dve dlali dramata (a)
soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat
U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.
T;talk (tell speech);bavit se (povdat si, kat e) ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.
( );debate (public) discussion (public)
povdat si (kat e);T
T: T T ;talk: I discussion (of many people);diskuse (veejn) debata
(veejn) diskuze (mnoha lid);sg.
can talk in Myanmar language little bit.;mluvit: Umm trochu
~ "nemme).;

;saying vocabulary (round speech);een kn

T: T T ;talk: (I) will talk slovka (kulat mluva);n.
(talks) with you mutually.;povdat: Budu si s tebou vzjemn : "

;word: The word
povdat. (Povm ti povdn vzjemn.);fut. pol.
(and) interpreted making use of
T: T ;talk: (We) will talk while

'lokuntaka' bylo vysvtleno
eating (the meal).;promluvit (si): Promluvme (si) bhem
(a) vyloeno uitm Pi slova 'rassa'.;pol. writ.
mluvit barmsky (myanmarsky).;pol. um.

T: TT ;talk: (We) haven't : ;word: difficult words;slovo:

talked for two and a half years.;mluvit: Nemluvili jsme (spolu) ji obtn slova;pl. writ.
: ;word: if there are two or
dva a pl roku.;p.s.
more words;slovo: pokud jsou tam dv nebo vce slov;
T: T ;talk: With who do you
want to talk? (also in phone conversation);mluvit: S km chcete : T
;saying: (It) is a saying to give blessings to
mluvit? (tak pi telefonn konverzaci).;inter. col. pol.
somebody.;kat ( ~ "een): To se k kdy nkdo nkomu
T: T
T;talk: (I) do not know how to talk with monks. Is ehn. (Je (to) een k dn nkomu poehnn.);pol.


: ;vocabulary: all the words in the bike costs one hundred sixty-nine Euro.;kolo (jzdn): Toto
Pi sentence word: all the words in the Pi sentence;slovo: (jzdn) kolo stoj sto edest devt Euro.;
vechna slova v (t) pi vt slovka: vechna slovka v
( );bike (machine wheel);kolo, jzdn (kolov
(t) pi vt;
;word: word rassa;slovo: slovo

;technology (wisdom (of) machine

things);technologie (moudrost strojnch vc);n.

: ;word: the collected

words;slovo: nasbran slova;

: ;technology: (It)
is far from modern technology.;technologie: Je (to) daleko od
: ;word: (it is) the most important modern technologie.;
word;slovo: (To) je (to) nejdleitj slovo.;pol.
: :
( );word (round speech);slovo (kulat

structural engineer;inenr: stavebn inenr;

;words, group of (as a part of sentence or

phrase, words (and) word-groups) group of words (as a part
of sentence or phrase, words (and) word-groups);slov,
skupina (jakoto st vty nebo frze, slova (a) skupiny-slov)
skupina slov (jakoto st vty nebo frze, slova (a) skupinyslov);n.

( );engineer (lord (of)

wisdom (of) development (of) machinery);inenr (pn
moudrosti vvoje zazen);sg.

T;words, by;slovy;adv.

;second;vteina (CZ col.) sekunda;n. E. second

: ;second: every second;sekunda: kadou

( );paper (a sheet of);papr (list papru);sg.

;factory (public-building (of) machines);tovrna

(veejn-budova stroj);n.
( );factory (machine building);tovrna (budova
( );circle (circular circle);kruh (kruhovit
( ) ;circle (shape (of) circular circle);kruh (tvar
kruhovitho kruhu);sg.

;divine eye (clairvoyance, higher-knowledge (of)

eye) dibbacakkhu (clairvoyance, higher-knowledge (of)
eye) clairvoyance (higher-knowledge (of)
eye);dibbacakkhu (jasnovidnost, vy-znalost oka)
jasnovidnost (vy-znalost oka) bosk oko (jasnovidnost,
vy-znalost oka);n. Bh. P. cakkhu-abhi (eye higherknowledge)

;camp stage;tbor (kemp) stupe kemp;n.

: ...
;clairvoyance: Indeed, if (you) say clairvoyance etc. ...,
(they will) know, friend.;jasnovidnost: (Vskutku,) pokud ekne:
jasnovidnost atd. ..., (budou) vdt.;pol.

( );meditation center;meditan centrum;sg.

;roundly computer (machinery) machinery;zazen

pota (zazen) kulat;adv. (or) n. col. P. cakka (= circle)
(or) n. P. cakka (= circle)

T ;meditation retreat: For meditation,
there are many of ten days meditation retreats, one month
meditation retreats etc.;meditan zsed: Na meditaci je tu
mnoho desetidennch meditanch zsed, jednomsnch
meditanch zsed atd.;pol.
( ) (abbrev. from );meditation retreat
(refuge);meditan zsed (toit);sg.
;Hotel Sakantha (greater camp hotel);Hotel
Sakant (vt kemp hotel);name
;num. class. for oceans;itatel ocen;pow.

: ;num. class. for

: ;computer: Sometimes
oceans: In the world, there are four great oceans.;itatel
(there) is nobody near the computer.;pota: Nkdy u potae ocen: Na svt jsou tyi velk oceny.;
nen nikdo.;col. pol.
( );platform (stage);platforma (ploina);sg.
: ( ~ );machine: modern
( );shelf (in a cupboard etc.);police (ve skni atd.)
machines;stroj: modern stroje;pl.
( );machine;stroj;sg.

( );circle;kruh;sg. P. cakka

;pure, be;ist, bt;I

: ;pure: pure Buddhism;ist: ist

();September (month);z (msc);n. E. September buddhismus;
T ( );service man (master (in) repairing
machines) mechanic (master (in) repairing machines)
repairman (master (in) repairing machines);oprav (mistr
(v) opravovn stroj) mechanik (mistr (v) opravovn

: ( ~ )
;center: (He) builds an institution having called
it Burmese center.;centrum: Stav instituci po (tom, co ji)
nazval Barmsk centrum.;pol.

T ( );platform (stage, high stage);platforma (ploina,

: ;bike: near the bike;kolo, jzdn: blzko kola; vysok pdium);sg.
: ;bike: four bikes;kolo (jzdn): tyi kola
;cankamana (cankamana meditation) walking
meditation (cankamana meditation) meditation in walking
: T ;bike: This (cankamana meditation);che, meditace (meditace


ankamana) meditace chze (meditace ankamana)

ankamana (meditace ankamana);n. P. cankamana (=
walking up and down)
;meditation in walking, path for (cankamana path)
cankamana path );ankamana chodnek (chodnek (na)
ankamanu) ankamanu, chodnek na (chodnek (na)
ankamanu);n. P. cankamana (= walking up and down) P.
cankamana (= walking up and down) (or) n. P. cankamana (=
walking up and down)
;cankamana, do the (walk walking-meditatin)
walking meditation, do the (walk walking-meditatin);chze,
meditace (chodit meditaci-chozen) ankamanu, chodit
(chodit meditaci-chozen);T P. cakamana (= walking up and
down) P. cankamana (= walking up and down)
: T
meditation: here the walking meditation means loving-kindness
in walking.;meditace v chzi: Zde meditace v chzi znamen
milujc-dobrotivost v chzi.;pol. writ.

vlka opravdov, bt kontrolovat (za elem dozvdn se a

informac) otestovat pezkouet;I (or) T (or) n.
: T ;check (sth. out): (I will) check
(it) out and inform (you) (in-return).;kontrolovat (za elem
dozvdn se a informac): Zkontroluji (to) a budu (t)
(nazptek) informovat.;fut. pol.
: T ;war: Is (it) near the place, where
is the war?;vlka: Je (to) pobl msta, kde je vlka?;inter. writ.
: ;war: wars;vlka: vlky;
: T ;war: There is a war in this
village.;vlka: V tto vesnici je vlka.;
: ;strain: Strain with strainer.;cedit: Cedit
(s) cedtkem.;
( );war;vlka;sg.
();Sagaing (division);Sikain (sprvn stedisko);name

: ;genuine: genuine song;prav: prav pse;

;correct (a writing for someone, test (and) clear)
examine (check (and) clean);provit (zkontrolovat (a)
vyistit) opravit (psan nkomu, zkontrolovat (a) vyistit)
prozkoumat (zkontrolovat (a) vyistit);T

T ;meditation, walking
(developings (of) Dhamma by walking cankamana
{nouner});meditace v chzi (rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy skrze
;correct (a writing for someone, check, clear (and)
chozen cankamany {jmenec});n. P. cankamana (= walking
give);opravit (psan nkomu, zkontrolovat, vyistit (a) dt);T
up and down)
;war (event (of) war);vlka (udlost vlky);n.
() ;Singapore (city-state);Singapur (mstsk stt);name
( );casualty (of battle, person, who
;clean, be;ist, bt;I
died in battle);mrtv (v bitv, osoba, kter zemela v
bitv) ob (v bitv, osoba, kter zemela v bitv);sg.
;stages: We build stages over sidewalks and
;check out (for sb., clean (and) give);zkontrolovat (pro
dancing groups dance on these stages.;pdia: Stavme pdia
nkoho, vyistit (a) dt);T
nad chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a tanen skupiny na
( ) [si.bou];army officer (army
nich tancuj.;pol.
commander);armdn dstojnk (armdn velitel);sg.
( );stage;pdium;sg.
: T ( ~
( ;stage;pdium jevit;sg.
T );soldier:
( );stage;jevit;sg.
This man is a statue ( ~ form) of a soldier made by ( ~
T( ;stage (high stage);pdium (vysok
hammered with) stone.;vojk: Tento mu je socha ( ~
podoba) vojka zhotoven z ( ~ utluen s) kamene.;
T : T
( );soldier (war man);vojk (vlen
T ;stage: When the people of both sides,
( );drum (double-handed);buben (obourun);sg.
proposers (and) defendants have spoken, somebody from the
;rules (limit (and) limit) training (limit (and) limit)
(other) people ( ~ male workers (and) female civilians) may
discipline (training, limit (and) limit);disciplna (omezen (a)
also come ((and) enter) on this stage and speak.;jevit: Kdy
omezen) pravidla (omezen (a) omezen) trning
lid z obou (debatnch) stran, navrhovatel (svho nzoru) (a)
(omezen (a) omezen) kze (omezen (a) omezen);n.
obhjci (jinho nzoru) domluv, mou nkte z (ostatnch) lid
;thriving flourish (be-prosperous (and) spread)
( ~ pracujcch mu (a) civilistek) tak pijt ((a) vejt) na
crowded;vzkvtat (bt-spn (a) roziovat-se) vzkvtajc
toto jevit a promluvit.;pol.
(o mst atd.) pelidnn;T (or) adj.
: T ;in front of: (They)
stop the vehicles in front of the stage and (exhibiting) (they)
;flourish: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is
dance.;ped: Zastav vozidla ped pdiem a (ukazujce (se))
flourishing more than before.;vzkvtat: Proto dnes Mandalaj
vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.
;genuine, be check strain (purify) interrogate ask
;rules (line (and) ruling-line laws);pravidla
(others) check (sth. out, to know and have information)
(zkony ry (a) vedouc-ry);pl.
examine authentic, be pure, be test real, be
: T
war;testovat zkontrolovat cedit (oiovat) vyslchat
;unite: Then U Aung
autentick, bt ist, bt skuten, bt ptt se (druhch)


Zeyya could connect and unite Shans of northern region with hotel);name
Myanmar.;sjednotit: Pak se Aun Zeyyovi podailo pipojit k a ( );department store (store shop);obchodn dm
sjednotit any ze severn oblasti s Myanmary.;p.s. writ.
(obchod, obchod);sg. E. store
;build (and) set up (organize (and)
;fourth;tvrt;num. P. catuttha (= fourth)
build);postavit (a) zdit (zorganizovat (a) postavit);T
( );square (shape (of) four barriers);tverec
: T
;build (and) set up: The great
Alaung Min Taya thus could, indeed, again successfully unite
the Myanmar country, build and set (it) up in order to (make it)
well (collected) (and) organized.;postavit (a) zdit: Takto
ohromn Alaung Min Tay vskutku dokzal sjednotit zemi
Myanmaru, postavit (a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a)
organizovan.;p.s. writ.

(podoba ty barir);sg. P. catura-anta (= four ends)

;unite ((to) bunch (and to) ball);sjednotit (shromdit

(a) sbalit);T

: ;etc.: Cars, such as Toyota,

Mercedes etc.;atd.: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes atd.;

;united, be (be-united (and) united);sjedocen,

bt (bt-sjednocen (a) sjednocen) jednotn, bt (btsjednocen (a) sjednocen);I
;united: King
Kyansittha worked in order to (maintain) the great country
united.;jednotn: Krl ansit pracoval aby (udrel tu)
ohromnou zemi jednotnou.;p.s. writ.

;etc. (followed by the general noun);atd. (nsledovno

obecnm pod. jm.) atp. (nsledovno obecnm pod. jm.);pref.
: T
;etc: Kayah, Kayin etc. nationalities live in those
states.;atd.: Kaj, Kajen atd. nrodnosti ij v tchto
: ;etc.: Drinks, such as
Coca Cola, beer etc.;atd.: Npoje jako Coca Cola, pivo atd.;

: (T )
Pagodas Maha (Myat)muni, Kyauktaw Gyi etc. may still be
visited and worshipped.;atd.: Je stle mono jt a navtvit
pagody Mah (Mja)muni, aut atd.;pol.
() (WS. from );September
(month);z (msc);n. E. September

;Hotel Strand Strand Hotel (a hotel);Hotel

: T
Strand Strand Hotel (a hotel);name
: ;go: go to start (racing, start (and)
;united: During the reign of king Naung, Myanmar leave).;jt: Jt zat (zvodit, zat (a) odejt) jt: Jt zat

(country) became ( ~ came to become) a united and strong (zvodit. zat (a) odejt);fut.
country.;sjedocen: Za vldy krle Nauna se Myanmarsk stt : ;start ((and) leave): Start from
stal sjednocenou a silnou zem.;p.s. writ.
the latest (position).;zat ((a) zanechat): Zat z pozice, (kter
: T T
T ;unity: On behalf of the
Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king) entrusted the reign to (his) royal
grandson Alaung Sithu of Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;jednota:
Ve prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu, (krl) svil vldu
(svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi (kter byl)
Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.
;start (also in competition, start (and) record) begin
(start (and) stand-firm);zat (tak v souti, zat (a)
nahrvat) zat (zanout (a) stt-pevn);T
;title: U Aung Zeyya,
having accepted the title Alaung Min Taya ( ~ future king (of)
law) (and) started (and) founded the dynasty
Kounbaun.;zapot: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu Alaun Men
Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a) zaloil dynastii

je) na poslednm mst ( ~ nejvce vzadu);.

;start to build (start building) begin building );zat

stavt );
;Saturday (Saturn's day);sobota (den Saturnu);adv.
;moon;msc;n. un.
;grape (teasing (and) lumped fruit);hrozen (provokujc
(a) molkovan ovoce);n.
;since;od (asov);suff. conj.
: ;since: Since today he
will no more drink beer.;od: Ode dneka u (nikdy) vc nebude
pt pivo.;
: ;since: since yesterday;od: od verejka;
: ;from: I am free from
four o'clock.;od: Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.
-;beginning with (an event) since (an event);ponaje
(udlost) od (doby);prep.

( );supporter (sponsor) sponsor (supporter,

person or institution, which may provide a recommendation
letter to a foreigner in order to help him or her to get visa)
;found (start (and) found);zaloit (zapot (a)
supporter (sponsor, person or institution, which may provide a
recommendation letter to a foreigner in order to help him or her
;start to build (put start (and) construct (and)
to get visa);podporovatel (sponzor) podporovatel (sponzor,
build);zat stavt (poloit zatek (a) budovat (a)
osoba nebo instituce, kter me cizinci poskytnout dopis
doporuen za elem pomoci dostat vzum) sponzor
;Strand Hotel (a hotel);Strand Hotel (a
;start (put start) begin (put start);zat (poloit


(podporovatel, osoba nebo instituce, kter me cizinci

poskytnout dopis doporuen za elem pomoci dostat
vzum);sg. col. E. sponsor (or) sg. E. sponsor


: T T ;sponsor: When will

(you) get a Myanmar (country) sponsor?;sponzor: Kdy bude
mt Myanmarskho ( ~ "Myanmarsk zem) sponzora?;inter.

: ;shop: To survive, (I)

have to sell the shop. (For survival, shop must be
sold.);obchod: Abych peil, musm prodat (svj) obchod. (Pro
peit mus bt obchod prodn.);

( );supporter (sponsor);podporovatel
(sponzor);sg. col. E. sponsor

: ;shop: (He) goes to shop to buy

an envelope.;obchod: Jde do obchodu aby koupil oblku.;

: ;market: I come from the market.;trh:

Pichzm z trhu.;col.

( ) (from );supporter
(sponsor);podporovatel (sponzor);sg. E. sponsor

: ;price: How much does it cost? (How much is

it's price?) cost ( ~ "price): How much does it cost? (How
;Sparkling (beverage);Sparkling (npoj);n. E. Sparkling much is it's price?);cena: Kolik to stoj? (Kolik je toho cena?)
stt (o cen, ~ "cena): Kolik to stoj? (Kolik je toho
() ;Spain (country);panlsko (zem);name
cena?);imper. col.
;hot (tasty) spicy (hot);ostr (koenn) pliv;I
: ;price: This is just the least price.;cena: To je
: ;hot (tasty): Is (it) hot (tasty)?;pliv: Je (to)
nejni cena.;col.
: ;spicy: Which (one) is spicy?;kter: Kter je : ( );market:
Mandalay's Zaycho (Sweet Market) is a famous market.;trh:
koenn ( ~ pliv)?;inter.
Mandalajsk Zhhu (Sladk Trh) je (njak) slavn trh.;pol.
;with regards to (being intermingled (and)
connected) regards to, with (being intermingled (and)
connected);s ohledem na (jsouce promchan (a) spojen) ( ) [zh:];market;obchod;sg.
( );price;cena;sg.
ohledn (jsouce promchan (a) spojen);conj.
( );shop store (shop);obchod;sg.
: ;samusa: Will (you) take
samusa?;sams: Vezmete si sams?;fut. inter.

( );samusa (snack of triangular shape filled with

meat);sams (zkusek tvaru trojhelnku plnn masem);sg.
;try (hard) try indicates insistence examine test
strive (hard);vyzkouet zkusit snait se (hodn) usilovat
(hodn) zna nalhn otestovat;suff. (or) T
: ;indicates imperative: Sit down!;zna rozkaz:
Sednte si!;imper. n.

;expensive, be (price (is) big);drah, bt (cena (je)

: ;expensive, be: (It) is not
expensive.;drah, bt: Nen (to) drah.;pol.
;cheap, be (price (is) decresed);levn, bt (cena (je)
( );shop (market (and) shop) store (shop,
market (and) shop);obchod (trh (a) obchod);sg.

: ;try: Try (it)!;zkusit: Zkus (to)!;imper. pol.

( );shop (market (and) shop);obchod (trh (a)

;try (test (and) look) try (try (and) see) test (test obchod);sg.
(and) look);zkusit (otestovat (a) dvat-se) vyzkouet
;cheap, be (price (is) cheap);levn, bt (cena (je)
(otestovat (a) dvat-se) zkusit (zkusit (a) vidt);T
;check (check (and) wipe) examine try examine
(check (and) wipe) test (check (and) wipe) test;vyzkouet
(zkontrolovat (a) utt) pezkouet (zkontrolovat (a) utt)
vyzkouet zkusit otestovat (zkontrolovat (a) utt)

( );seller (person (who) sells (in)

market);prodava (osoba (kter) prodv (na) trhu);sg.

;test: (He) stuck a needle between nails and while
hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;testovat: Zabodnul
jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem, testoval

T ;shopping, going (going-out (to) buy (in)

shop);nakupovn (odchzen nakupovat (v) obchod);n.

(WS. of );Mahayana Buddhism

(especially Japanese, Buddhist religion (of)
jhnas);Mahjnov buddhismus (zejmna japonsk,
Buddhistick nboenstv dhn);name WS.

;shopping, go (leave (to) buy (in) shop);nkup,

jt na (odejt nakupovat (v) obchod) nakupovat, jt
(odejt nakupovat (v) obchod);T

( );market stall holder (market

practicioner) seller (market practicioner) shopkeeper
(market practicioner);stnkov majitel (provozovatel
obchodu) majitel obchodu (provozovatel obchodu)
obchodnk (provozovatel obchodu);sg.
;price (price (and) value);cena (cena (a) hodnota);n.

;what for have to to (with the purpose of, added to

verbs) indicates noun indicates change of verb to noun for
(with the purpose of, added to verbs);zna pod. jm. na (pro,
za elem, pidv se ke slovesm) k (pro, za elem,
pidv se ke slovesm) k pro (za elem, pidv se ke
(" ): T ;price "kyat: (It is) fourty-six slovesm) co zna zmnu z pod. jm. na sloveso mt
kyats.;cena "iat: (Je to) tyicet est iat.;pol.
;jhana (any of the eight deep concentration levels of
samath meditation);dhna (kterkoliv z osmi hlubokch
stup koncentrace meditace samath);n. Bh. P. jhna (=


na;suff. prep. (or) suff.

(opustit (a) uvolnit);T

: ;for: book for reading;na: kniha na ten;n.

: ;for: (Young man) Ten ;abandon: Not (As much as not being) able to
doesn't have a book for reading.;na: (Mlad pn) Ten nem abandon the lay life, (we) must live like this.;zanechat: (Jak
moc) neschopn (nejsouce schopn) zanechat laickho ivota,
knihu na ten;pol.
musme t ivot takhle.;col.
: ;to: book to write;k: kniha k napsn;n.
;abandon (solving a problem, refuse (and) set-free)
: ;what: what one does;co: co (nkdo) udl;
give up (solving a problem, refuse (and) set-free);zanechat
: ;have to: Do just the things that
(een problmu, odmtnout (a) uvolnit) vzdt se (een
you have to do.;mt na: Dlej jen to, co m na prci.;imper.
problmu, odmtnout (a) uvolnit);T

;give up: (I) give up
(searching for) that letter.;zanechat: Zanechvm (hledn) toho
: ;indicates change of
verb to noun: (It) is extremely interesting. ((It) is very good for dopisu.;pol.
interest.);zna zmnu z pod. jm. na sloveso: Je (to) nesmrn [su.];put on (clothes);oblci si;T
( );vest (worn by men, put-on (and) bezajmav. (Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k zjmu.);pol.
wide);vesta (pnsk, oblci-si (a) bt-irok);sg.
;-ly (follows after a v.) -able (follows after a
: ;what: what one learns;co: co se (nkdo) nau.;

v.);vhodn k;suff.

: ;-able: This cat is

adorable ( ~ lovely).;vhodn k: Tato koka je vhodn k
zamilovn si ( ~ roztomil).;col.
: ;-able: Today's
enjoyable.;vhodn k: Dneek je vhodn k poten.;col.
;character (of a person);charakter (lovka);n. P. carita

;exception, without ((from) start whole) all ((from) start

whole);vichni ((od) zatku cel) vjimky, bez ((od)
zatku cel);adj.
-: ;both: both the rat and
bird;oba: oba, krysa i ptk;
[su.];wet, be;vlhk, bt mokr, bt;I

;stained, be;poskvrnn, bt potsnn, bt;I

;abandon discard forsake;zanechat (opustit) odhodit

opustit zanechat;T
: ;abandon: still unable to abandon;zanechat:
stle neschopen zanechat;n.
: ;stain: There is no blood stain
on the hand.;skvrna: Na ruce nen dn skvrna krve.;
;forsake (abandon (and) pull-away) give up (abandon
(and) pull-away) abandon (abandon (and) pullaway);zanechat (opustit (a) odstrit) opustit (opustit (a)
odstrit) pestat (s nm, opustit (a) odstrit);T

( );accusation (slip-over (and) tighten

{nouner});obvinn (navlknout (a) upevnit {jmenec});sg.

: ;soup: drink soup;polvka: jst ( ~

pt) polvku;
: ;soup: Soup is hot.;polvka: Polvka je
( );soup (boiled soup);polvka (polvka
uveden-k-varu);sg. (portion) E. soup
;able, be (to perform a feat) work (sth. for sb., be
successful);fungovat (nco pro nkoho, bt spn)
schopn, bt (vykonat);I (or) T rare
;accomplish (be-able (and) perform) successfully,
do (be-able (and) perform);spn, udlat (udlat, btschopn (a) provst) dokzat (udlat, bt-schopn (a)
;accomplish: (He) was able to
accomplish that feat without (movement of) hand.;uskutenit:
Byl schopen uskutenit (ten magick) skutek (i) bez (pohybu)
;ability (potency (and) power) power (potency (and)
power) power, magical (capacity (to) be-able) magical
feat (capacity (to) be-able);magick skutek (schopnost btschopn) schopnost (schopnost (a) moc) moc, magick
(schopnost bt-schopn) moc (schopnost (a) moc);n.

: T ;feat, magical (magical power): show

;abandon (also about renunciation, refuse (and) reject)
a magical power;moc, skutek, magick (magick moc): ukzat
forsake (also about renunciation, refuse (and)
magickou moc;
reject);zanechat (tak o odeknut nebo odchodu do mniskho
: T ;magical power: the highest
du, odmtnout (a) odmtnout) opustit (tak o odeknut
nebo odchodu do mniskho du, odmtnout (a) odmtnout);T magical powers;magick moc: nejvy magick moci;
;versatile (jut-out completely);vestrann (vynvat
: ( )
zcela);adj. fig.
;abandon: (I) praise (and) value the
T;versatile: book
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile (and) famous) and also U
Obhasa of Min's proses (are) included;vestrann: kniha
;forsake (abandon (and) free) give up (abandon
(and) free) abandon (abandon (and) free);pestat (s nm, Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak przy
U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.
opustit (a) uvolnit) opustit (opustit (a) uvolnit) zanechat
;indicates adverb;zna pslovce;suff.
character of your mind, brave to abandon.;zanechat: Chvlm
(a) hodnotm (vysoko) charakter tv mysli, staten


T;with (by (and) by) by (by (and) by);s ({pslovec} (a) (pemlet, nasekat, vskutku) pemlet (o nem) myslet
(nakrjet hodn) pemlet;T
T: T;by: by respect;s: s respektem;

;and so on (by start) etc. (et cetera, by start)

and so on;atd. (zapoetm) apod.. (zapoetm) a tak
dle;suff. writ. (or) writ.
: ' ' T
;and so on.: It can be seen by verses like tenhu
por and so on.;a tak dle: Me to bt vidt z ver jako
tenhu por a tak dle.;writ. pol.

: ;think: Well, (I) will think about

it.;myslet: No, budu o tom pemlet.;fut.
: T ( ~ )
;think: Did you think about becoming a nun when
(you) were a child ( ~ "during (your) childhood)?;pemlet:
Pemlela jsi (o tom) stt se mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~
"bhem (svho) dtstv)?;p.s. inter.

; etc. and others and so on;a dal atd. a tak


: ;think: Think (it) over. (Think for sure,

please.);rozmyslet si ( ~ "myslet): Rozmysli si to. (Mysli
najisto, prosm.);imper. pol.

T;and so on (by start) etc. (et cetera, by

start);atd. (zapoetm) apod.. (zapoetm);writ.

: ;think: when (we)

think logically;myslet: pokud pemlme logicky;

: ;while: while looking at one

column;zatmco: zatmco se dvm na jeden sloupec;cont.

;plan: How long time do (you) plan to stay
there?;plnovat: Jak dlouho tam plnuje zstat?;inter.

;indicates periodical recurrence kind every (as repeated ;plan ( ~ "think (and) fix);plnovat (myslet (a)
by time) arrange (in order) series number while every upevovat);T
during;druh bhem kad poet upravit (do podku)
: T
kad (opakovan asem) srie zna periodick
;plan: How long time do you plan to talk with me
opakovn;adv. (or) n. (or) suff. (or) suff. pron. (or) T (or) adj. now?;plnovat: Jak dlouho si se mnou plnuje povdat?;inter.
(or) pron.

: ;during: during childhood when ( ~ "during):

when (one) is a child;bhem: bhem dtstv kdy ( ~
"bhem): kdy je (nkdo) dt;
: ;every: It may
start every year around 13th of April.;kad: Me zat kad
rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.
: ;every: Come every day.;kad: Pij kad
den.;imper. pol.
: ;while: while practising;bhem: bhem praxe ( ~
: ;every: (I) go to Yangon every
month.;kad: Jezdm ( ~ jdu) do Rangnu kad msc.;pol.
( ~ );kind: A monk of little number of rains ( ~
years of monkhood) approaches a monk of many rains ( ~
years of monkhood).;druh: Mnich malho potu de ( ~ let
mnistv) pistoup k mnichovi mnoha de ( ~ let mnistv).;
: T ( ~ )
;when ( ~ "during): Did you think about becoming
a nun when (you) were a child ( ~ "during (your)
childhood)?;kdy ( ~ "bhem): Pemlela jsi (o tom) stt se
mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~ "bhem (svho) dtstv)?;p.s.

;during;bhem;suff. prep. writ.


T ;during: It took
place during the king Abhaya's reign, during writing down the
Tipiaka together with the commentaries.;bhem: Stalo se to
bhem vldy krle Abhaya, bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s
komenti.;p.s. writ.
;during (while in);bhem (zatmco v);prep. writ.

: ;during: during that work;bhem: bhem t

;when at that time;v tu dobu kdy;suff. conj.
;during (while in);bhem (zatmco v);prep.

: ;during: during that work;bhem: bhem t

;various lengths, be of various kinds, be of various
numbers, be of;rznch druh, bt rznch pot, bt
rznch dlek, bt;n.
: ;various kinds, be of:
(There) are various kinds of (great) monks' monkhood
length.;rznch druh, bt: Jsou rzn dlky mniskho-ivota
(velkch) mnich.;mn. Bh.

;during;bhem;adv. writ.
: ;during: during making
T ;every: (It is, that) attending this;bhem: bhem dln tohoto;writ.
the National Day every year, (one) should try to always
;script (writing) written, what is writing;psmo (psan)
maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national spirit.;kad: (Je to (tak, psan psno, co je;n.
e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se ml (kad)
;indicates emphasis exceed go well (match) match (go
vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. well) do (sth. for living) eat match;zna zdraznn jst
peshnout pasovat (ladit) ladit dobe dlat (nco pro
;think (about sth.) think (contemplate about) think
ivot) shodovat se;I (or) suffv. (or) T
(mince much) consider (mince much) contemplate about : ;eat: I will eat
(think, mince indeed);uvaovat (nakrjet hodn) myslet


as well as drink.;jst: Budu jst a tak pt.;col.

hungry.;jst: Pestoe m hlad, nej.;col.

: TT ;eat: I eat slowly;jst: Jm


: ;letter: a letter (given) to a

friend;dopis: dopis (dan) jednomu pteli;n.

: ;eat: I will eat noodles.;jst: Budu jst


: T : T (possible answer to
) ;eat: I can't eat quickly.;jst: Nemohu jst rychle.;pol.

T;letter: Please, can you explain your
ideas regarding these things in ( ~ "with) letter?;dopis: Prosm,
me (mi) vysvtlit sv nzory ohledn tchto vc v ( ~ "s)
: ;eat: Friend, when did you
eat?;jst: Pteli, kdy jsi jedl?;inter. p.s. um.

: ;letter: Having read the letter ..;dopis: A si

pete ten dopis ..;
: T
T ;writing: If (you) send me such writings
for correction, I will correct (them), friend.;psan: Pokud mi
pole takov psan pro opravu, j (je) opravm.;fut. pol. um.

: ;eat: Friend, what curry will you eat ( );letter;dopis;sg.

(it) with?;jst: Pteli, s jakou omkou (to) bude jst?;inter. fut. ( );letter (to send) writing;dopis psan;sg.
;study (learn writings) learn (learn writings);uit
: ;letter: I got ( ~ received) your
se (uit-se psan) studovat (uit-se psan);T
letter.;dopis: Dostal (jsem) Tvj dopis.;pol.
: T ;learn: Now I am full of
( ~
);eat: I secretly ate
butter sitting near the fridge.;mslo: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a)
tajn jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.

energy to learn.;uit se: Te jsem pln energie k uen.;

: ;letter: (He) sticks a

stamp on a letter.;dopis: Pilepuje znmku na dopis.;

;taste (eat (and) watch);ochutnat (jst a dvat se);T

: ;letter: There are just

(so) many stamps on the letter.;dopis: Na dopise je tak hodn
: T ;eat: (I) am just eating. ((I) just happened
to eat);jst: Prv jm. (Stalo se, e prv jm.);col.
: ;eat: Do (you) have something to
eat?;jst: Mte nco k jdlu ( ~ jezen)?;inter.

: ;learn: (I) am going to learn.;uit se:

Jdu se uit.;fut.
: ;learn: I am going to ( ~ will) learn.;uit
se: Jdu ( ~ budu) se uit.;fut.
: ;taste: When you
taste (eat (and) see), you may know.;ochutnat: Kdy ochutn
(sn (a) podv se), asi pozn.;pol. um.
: T ;library: The museum and
the library.;knihovna: Muzeum a knihovna.;col.
( );library (building (of) watching
books);knihovna (budova sledovn knih);sg.

;PS (additional part of a letter, writing's remainder)

: ;eat: (He) eats rice with chopsticks.;jst: post scriptum (additional part of a letter, writing's
J ri nskmi hlkami.;
remainder);PS (doplkov st dopisu, zbytek psan) post
: ;from: From the time he scriptum (doplkov st dopisu, zbytek psan);n.
finishes eating meal, he reads (writings).;jakmile (od):
;PS (post scriptum, used as a postscript in letter,
Jakmile (od) (doby, co) doj, te (psan).;
remains (to) write) post scriptum (PS, used as a postscript
: ;from: From the time he in letter, remains (to) write);PS (post scriptum, uito jakoto
finishes eating meal, he reads (writings).;jakmile (od):
dodatek na konci dopisu, zbv napsat);n. rare
Jakmile (od) (doby, co) doj, te (psan).;
: ;sentence: The sentence is
: ;writing: (We) have finished
wrong.;vta: Ta vta je patn.;cont.
some writing until today.;psan: Do dnes u jsme njak to
: ;saentence: In
psan dokonili.;p.p.
this sentence there's something missing ( ~ "needed),
: ;eat: Do not eat here.;jst: Nejezte tady.;imper.

indeed.;vta: No, v tto vt nco chyb ( ~ "je-teba).;cont.

: T ;writing: I translate a
Pi (writing) in English.;psan: Pekldm (psan (v)) pi do ( );sentence ("writing about");vta ("psan
: ;eat: (I) eat regularly.;jst: Jm pravideln.;pol. ;body (of a letter, essay or book, writing's body);sta
: TT eat: Eat slowly.;jst: Jez pomalu.;imper. pol.;

(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, tlo psan);n.

: ;eat: What will you eat?;jst: Co bude jst?;inter. ;copy (copy (a) writing);koprovat (opisovat psan)
opisovat (opisovat psan);T
: ;eat: (I) don't want to eat anything.;jst:
Nechci nic jst.;

: ;copy: After the copying, (I)

go ( ~ "depart) for alms-round.;opisovat:Po opisovn
: ;eat: (I) don't want to eat.;jst: Nechci jst.;pol. odchzm na almun obchzku.;ubmn.
: ;eat: He doesn't eat although he is

;teach (strike-down writing) teaching, be (strike-down


writing);uit (uhodit-dol psan) uit (srazit-dol psan) : ;subtitles, be with: a

uitelsk, bt (srazit-dol psan);T
Burmese movie with English subtitles;titulkami, s: jeden
: ;teach: monk teacher (great teacher (who) barmsk film s anglickmi titulkami;
teaches);uit: mnich uitel (velk uitel (kter) u);

() ;teaching, be: In our group
there are the teacher-monks who won ( ~ "got) first (place) in
whole the country.;uitelsk, bt: V na skupin jsou uitelt
mnii, kte dostali prvn (msto) v cel zemi.;pol. ubmn. mn.

( );treatise (writing (to be) yearnedfor);pojednn (uen, psan (po kterm se) tou);sg.
( );essay (short treatise);esej (krtk

; short stories (or short pieces of literature, short

( );contact (writing (to) bind);smlouva (psan (k) writing);krtk pbhy (nebo krtk dla literatury, krtk
uvzn);sg. E. contract
: ( ~ )
: ;post-office: Post-office is closed.;pota:
;contract: (He) writes contracts.;smlouva: Pe
Na pot maj zaveno. (Pota je zaven.);p.p.
( );post-office (letter building) post office
( );examination (writing test);zkouka (psac

;utensils, kitchen (eating tools);ndob,

kuchysk (nstroje (na) jezen);pl. P. paribhoga (= use)
(WS. from );utensils,
kitchen (eating tools);ndob, kuchysk (nstroje (na)
jezen);pl. WS. P. paribhoga (= use)
;compose (an essay);pst (esej);T

(letter building);pota (budova, budova dopis);sg.

( );letterbox (post-office box) mailbox (postoffice box) postbox (post-office box);potovn schrnka
(potovn krabice) schrnka, potovn (potovn
( );column (of writing, writing column);sloupec
(sloup psan);sg.

( );chef (great meal well);fkucha

: ;essay: (I) wrote the essay.;esej: (ohromn jdlo dobe);sg.
Psal (jsem) esej.;p.s.
( );restaurant ((to) present (with) great
: ( ~ )
food);restaurace (obdarovat ohromnm jdlem);n.
;essay: because (the) monitor is big,
T ;reply (by a letter, write (and) come-back) correspond
writing the essays (for oneself) is easy.;esej: Ponvad je
(by a letter, write (and) come-back) reply (writing
(ten) monitor velk, je snadn si pst eseje.;pol.
returns);dopisovat si (dopisem, pst (a) vrtit-se) odpovdt

: ()
(dopisem, pst (a) vrtit-se) odpov (psan se-vrac);T
;essay: Regrettably, these essays must be written by (or) n.
( ~ with) hand.;bohuel: esej, tyto eseje mus bt napsny
T : T ;reply
(s) rukou.;col.
(by letter): A I have little bit too much work, (I) am replying
( );essay (on sth., compose (while) writing);esej late.;odpovdt (dopisem): Ponvad mm ponkud moc prce,
(na tma, pst (a tak) sepisovat);sg.
odpovdm pozd.;col.
;study (connect writings (and) learn);studovat
(spojit psan (a) uit-se);T

T : T ;reply: Forgive
(me), ("for) that (I) am replying late.;odpovdt: Odpus (mi),
(pro) e odpovdm pozd.;imper. pol.

: ;discussion: Can we continue T : T ;reply: until (your) reply comes;odpov:

in the discussion?;diskuze: Meme pokraovat v diskuzi?;inter. ne dojde odpov;
T : T ( ~ T
: ( ~
);discussion: Let's finish the (writing) discussion, ) ;reply (in letter): (I) will wait for ( ~ "until)
(indeed.);diskuze: (Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).; your answer arrives.;odpov (v dopise): Budu ekat ne tv
odpov doraz.;fut.
: T

T : T ;reply: It is alright to reply by e T

;writer: I take pride very much for being mail.;odpovdt: Je v podku odpovdt e-mailem.;pol.
allowed to carry out the celebration of the tenth anniversary of : ;table: (They) sit at the table.;stl:
writers of our township as the chairman.;spisovatel: Jsem velice Sed u ( ~ ve) stolu.;cont.
hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn se)
: ;table: He is sitting at
oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti jakoto the computer table.;stl: Sed u stolu s potaem.;cont. writ.
pedsedajc.;pol. um.
( );table ((for) eating occasions);stl ((pro)
( );writer's day;spisovatel, den;sg.

udlost jezen);sg.
;subtitles (writing lines) line of writing (writing
( ) [sbw];table (eating event);stl (udlost
lines);dka psan (dky psan) titulky (dky psan);n. jezen);sg.
;subtitles, be with;otitulkovan, bt (o filmu);I
( );sentence (written word) stanza (a grouping of


lines with a set pattern of meter and rhyme);stanza (skupina

dek uritho vzorce metriky a rytmu) vta (psan
slovo);sg. P. pada (= word, speach) (or) sg.

T;examination, sit for (answer (at the) event (of)

asking (and) writing);zkouku, mt (ve kole, odpovdat (pi)
udlosti ptan (a) psan);sg.

;postman: The postman delivers two
parcels.;listono: Listono doruuje dva balky.;

T: T
( ~

);examination, sit for: (He) needs permission to
sit ( ~ "answer) again for the examination which (he) failed last
year.;zkouku, (mt): Potebuje svolen k opakovn ( ~
"opakovanmu odpovdn (u)) zkouky, kterou minul rok

( );postman (proficient (in) sending

letters);listono (zdatn (v) posln dopis) pok
(listono, zdatn (v) posln dopis);sg.
;writing (skill of) literature (palm-leaves writings)
literary ((of) writing (and) palm-leaves);psan (schopnost)
literrn (psan (a) palmovch-list) literatura (psan (na)
palmovch-listech);n. (or) adj.

;account list;et seznam;n.

The study of national literature also happened to be

opened.;literatura: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn

( );accountant (holds inventories);etn

(dr invente);sg.

: ;inventory: If (you)
give the inventory in advance, then give (it to me).;invent:
Pokud (bude) ten invent dvat s pedstihem, pak (ho) dej
: T ;writing (m).;imper. col.
(skill of): Your skill in Myanmar writing is just incredible.;psan ( );inventory (basic writing) certificate (inventory,
(schopnost): Tvoje schopnost v psan Myanmarsky je prost
basic writing) list (basic writing);invent (zkladn
neuviteln.;pol. col.
psan) osvden (invent, zkladn psan) seznam
;literature: (zkladn psan);sg.

;writings (writing-leaf);psan (psan-list);sg. (or) pl.

( );literary (product), a (writing (and) palmleave);literrn (product, psan (a) palmov-list);sg.

: ( ~ );paper: exam
papers ( ~ question papers);testy (zkoukov papry ~
;read read (read writings);st (st psan) st;T otzkov papry);
: ;read: As (I) was reading, (I)
: ;paper: Addresses
didn't know, indeed.;st: Opravdu, nevdl jsem, protoe jsem are written on the papers.;papr: Adresy jsou napsny na
: ;read: The girl is
reading.;st: Dve si te.;cont.

: ;paper: a piece of paper;papr: kousek


( );file (in computer, file (of) writing);soubor (na

potai, soubor psan);sg. E. file

: ;paper:
Secretary gives some papers to the boss.;papr: Sekretka
podv ( ~ dv) nkolik papr.;cont.

: ;chef: Chef is in the

kitchen.;kucha: Kucha je v kuchyni.;

( );paper (leaf (for) writing);papr (list (na)

( );chef (leader (in) kitchen) cook (leader psan);sg.
(in) kitchen);f kucha (vedouc (v) kuchyni) kucha
( );DOC (and others, like TXT,
(vedouc (v) kuchyni);sg.
ODT etc., file (of) kind (of) kind (of) written-lines (and)
writing-leaf);DOC (a dal, jako TXT, ODT atd., soubor
: T T
druhu druhu psanch-linek (a) popsanho-listu);sg. E. file
;page: After six days (I) will finish ( ~ complete),

because (I) will copy twenty-five pages.;strana: Za est dn (to) ( );restaurant (barren(i.e. calm) refuge (with)
dokonm, protoe budu koprovat dvacet pt strnek.;fut. pol. food);restaurace (neplodn(tj. klidn) toit (s) jdlem);n.
( );page (writing's face);strana (tv psan);sg. : ;type: from the typed files;pst
(na potai): z tch napsanch soubor;
: T ;examination: The

examination (answering) takes three hours.;zkouka: Zkouka ;mistake, typing (mistake (of) typing writings);chyba
( ~ "odpovdn (u) zkouky) trv ti hodiny.;pol.
pi psan (na stroji i na potai, chyba (pi) vyklepvn
psan (na potai));n.
: ;examination: The examination
starts tomorrow.;zkouka: Zkouka zan ztra.;fut.

: T ;exam: I
will go to Yangon after (I) sit for ( ~ answer) the
exam.;zkouka: Pojedu do Rangnu a po zkouce ( ~ a
zodpovm zkouku).;fut.

: ;mistake, typing: Typing

mistake, indeed, occurred ( ~ "went), friend.;chyba, pi psan:
Vskutku, dolo k chyb pi psan, pteli. (Chyba vyklepvn
la, vskutku.);pol.

;write write (write writings);pst pst (pst

: ;exam: I will psan);T
go to Yangon after the exam.;zkouka: Po zkouce pojedu do : T
;write letter: If I write you a letter, (I) can write
my ideas, indeed.;pst dopis: Pokud ti napu dopis, mohu ti,
( );examination (event (of) asking (and)
vskutku, napsat sv mylenky.;col. fr.
writing);zkouka (ve kole, udlost ptan (a) psan);sg.


: ;write: (He) writes on a

postcard.;pst: Pe na pohled.;
( );secretary (skilfull (in) writing) clerk
(write {nouner});sekretka (dovedn (v) psan) ednk
(pst {jmenec});sg.
( );paper (for writing, paper (for) writing
writings);papr (na psan, papr (na) psan psanho);sg.
( );writer (master (in)
writing);spisovatel (mistr psan);sg.

: T T
;food (and) drink (eating (and)
drinking): He gave ( ~ will give) food (and) drink to the
people by (his) right hand.;ljdlo (a) pit (jezen (a) pit): Dval
( ~ d) lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s. writ.
: ;envelope: (He) goes to
shop to buy an envelope.;oblka: Jde do obchodu aby koupil

( );envelope (bag (for) writing);oblka (taka

( );writer (female) (master-female (pro) psan);sg.
: ;book: I need the book to
(in) writing);spisovatelka (mistryn psan);sg. f.
see (it).;kniha: Potebuji (tu) knihu abych se na (to) podval.;col.

;letters (characters): (It) is alright to have opened many
programs ( ~ "files) with small letters at once.;psmena: Je v
podku mt oteveno mnoho program ( ~ "soubor) s malmi
psmeny najednou.;

: ;book: Are you searching (for

something) in books?;kniha: Hled (nco) v knihch?;inter.

( );character (letter, written round) character

(letter, round writing) letter (character, written round)
letter (character, round writing);znak (psmeno, kulat
psan) znak (psmeno, napsan krouek) psmeno
(napsan krouek) psmeno (znak, kulat psan);sg.

: ;book: This is Maung Maung's

book.;kniha: Tohle je Maung Maungova kniha.;pol.

;spelling (letters mixing);hlskovn (mchn


: ;books: What kind of books do

you read?;knihy: Jak knihy te?;inter. col.

: ;book: author of a book, book-writer;kniha:

autor knihy, spisovatel knihy;n.

: ;book: This book isn't

available at any shop.;kniha: Tato kniha nen k dispozici v
dnm obchod.;

T: T T;spell: Please, : ;book: What book will he

spell your name.;hlskovat: Prosm, hlskuj sv jmno.;imper. read?;kniha: Jakou knihu bude st?;inter. fut. col.
( );book (writing (with) cover);kniha (psan (s)
;survival (eat, dress (and) live {nouner});peit
(jst, oblci-se (a) t {jmenec});n.
( );bookshelf );police (na knihy, knin
: ;survival: To
survive, (I) have to sell the shop. (For survival, shop must be
sold.);peit: Abych peil, musm prodat (svj) obchod. (Pro
peit mus bt obchod prodn.);


;study (learn writings) teach (teach

writings);vyuovat (uit psan) studovat (uit-se

( );bookstore ) bookshop );knihkupectv

(obchod knih);sg.

: ;teach: The
teacher is teaching the students.;uit: Uitel vyuuje
: ;study: Are you studying
Burmese for a long time?;studovat: Studuje barmtinu
( );student (writings learning
person);student (psan uc-se osoba);sg. (mn.)
;learn;uit se;T
;text (writing (and) inscribing);text (psan (a)
: ;text: (I) want to
write the clearest explanation for that text.;text: Chci napsat
nejjasnj vysvtlen toho ( ~ "tomu) textu.;pol.
;food (and) drink eat (and) drink);jdlo (a) pit jst
(a) pt;v. (or) n.
( );restaurant (eat (and) drink
shop);restaurace (jst (a) pt obchod);sg.
;food (and) drink (eating (and) drinking);n.


: ( ~ )
;bookshelf: There is no free space in the bookshelf in the
room.;police: Na polici v pokoji nen dn voln msto.;

;bookshop: As it was said, that he
wanted to buy a book, I took him (in a car) to a
bookshop.;knihkupectv: Protoe bylo eeno, e (si) chtl
koupit knihu, vzal jsem ho (autem) do knihkupectv.;pol.
( );bookstore;knihovna;sg.

;thought mood (to do sth.) part mind desire;touha

st nlada (nco udlat) tuba mysl mylenka;n. P.
citta (= mind) (or) n.
: ;part: Please,
divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and) give).;st:
Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko na tyi sti ((a)
dejte).;imper. pol.
: ;mind: body (and) mind, both;mysl: tlo (a)
: ;mind: a kind of a crooked mind;mysl:
druh pokiven mysli;
: T
;mind: The mind goes again and again
out, time to time four, five (or) ten minutes (it) roams
around.;mysl: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu se

tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.

Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou omku.;col.

: ;mind: Establish (your) mind to

purify (it).;mysl: Ustanov (svou) mysl abys (ji) proistila.;imper.

;thoughts (mind crosses {pl.});mylenky (mysl

pechz {mn..});pl.

: ;mind: (He) directs (his) mind.;mysl:

Zamuje (svou) mysl.;

;sure, be (lower (the) mind) calm down (lower mind)

assured, be (lower (the) mind);jist, bt si (sniovat mysl)
uklidnit se (snit mysl) ujitn, bt (sniovat mysl);I (or)

: T T ;mind:
Concentrating (one's) mind is good, noble (and) beautiful way, : ;calm down: Calm down!;uklidnit se: Uklidni
when (one) always concentrates (his) mind.;mysl: Soustedn se!;imper. pol.
(vlastn) mysli je to dobrou, lechetnou (a) krsnou cestou.;pol. : ;sure, be: (I) am not sure.;jist, bt: Nejsem si
: ;mood: (I) don't have the mood jist.;
to (want to) come and see, any more.;nlada: U nemm
;happy, be (be-rich mentally);astn, bt (btnladu (chtt) (znovu) pijt a dvat se (na to).;col.
bohat mentln);I P. citta (= mind)
;annoyed, be (mind (is) used-up) fed up, be (mind
(is) used-up) sick, be (about momentary mental state, mind
(is) used-up);dost, mt toho (bt znechucen, mysl (je)
vyerpan) znechucen, bt (znechucen, mysl (je)
vyerpan) otrven, bt (znechucen, mysl (je)

;imagine (mind crosses) mind, state of (mind

crosses) thought (mind crosses) think (mind crosses)
idea (mind crosses) intention intend (mind crosses);mysli,
stav (mysl pekrauje) zmr mylenka (mysl pechz)
pedstavovat si (mysl pechz) hodlat (mysl pechz)
npad (mysl pechz) myslet (mysl pechz);T (or) n.
;thought: Having realized (that I have) thoughts
again and again, (I continuously) abandon them.;mylenka:
Znovu a znovu si uvdomuji, (e mm) mylenky, a (neustle)
je opoutm.;med.

;hurt, be (psychically, mind (is) poor) gloomy, be

(about situation, mind (is) poor) dismal, be (about situation,
mind (is) poor);ublen, bt (psychicky, mysl (je) chud)
zasmuil, bt (o situaci, mysl (je) chud) pochmurn, bt (o
situaci, mysl (je) chud);I
( );psychologist (master (in)
responsibilities (regarding) mind);doktor (mistr (ohledn)
zodpovdnostech mysli);sg.
;angry, be (mind (is) bad) irate, be (mind (is)
bad);rozzloben, bt (mysl (je) zl) natvan, bt (mysl (je)
zl) natvan, bt (mysl (je) patn);I
- ; infuriated, be (mind (is) bad) angry, be (mind (is)
bad) irritated, be (mind (is) bad);rozlen, bt (mysl (je)
patn) natvan, bt (mysl (je) patn) rozzloben, bt
(mysl (je) patn) hnvat se (mysl (je) patn);I

;angry with, be: Whenever (I) can't help him, he is
: T;thought: (I) am proudly
angry with me.;natvan na, bt: Kdykoliv mu nedoku
presenting ("for) the thought.;mylenka: Hrd pedstavuji (pro) pomoci, je na m natvan.;
(tu) mylenku.;
;disappointed, be (mind (is) dirty) unhappy, be (mind
: T ;intention: (I) have an (is) dirty) sad, be (mind (is) dirty) depressed (mind (is)
intention to come back for a while next year.;zmr: Mm
dirty);neastn, bt (mysl (je) zapinn) nespokojen, bt
zmr se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.
(mysl (je) zapinn) deprimovan, bt (mysl (je)
: T ( ~ )
zapinn) smutn, bt (mysl (je) zapinn);I
;mind, state of: Noble mind means the excellent state :
of mind.;mysli, stav: Ulechtil mysl znamen vynikajc stav
;disappointed: On days (when I am) disappointed, (I)
tend to ( ~ have) keep (the right) mindfulness.;nespokojen:
: T ;mind, state
of: I am extremely happy, (because of you,) ven. Sir.
(Extremely excellent mind, ven. Sir.);mysli, stav: Jsem
nesmrn astn (kvli vm,) ct. Pane. (Nesmrn vborn
mysl, ct. Pane.);pol.

Ve dnech nespokojenosti mm (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou)

;disappointed, be (mind (is) received
dirty);nespokojen, bt (mysl (je) pijata zapinn);I

;sound, without (about words, in mind) mind, in

;conceivable, be (can take imagining
(about words, in mind);mysli, v (o slovech v mysli) tie
(and) thinking);mysliteln, bt (me brt pedstavovn (a) (o slovech v mysli);adv.
: T ( ~
;idea, have an (mind crosses (and) is T );mind, in: (He)
fixed);napadnout (o mylence, mysl pekrauje (a) jetells the saying three times silently, in mind.;mysli, v: ekne si
(tu) vtu tikrt pro sebe, tie.;med.
: ...
;for oneself (in one's mind, e.g. recite something in
;idea, have an: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) one's mind, without pronouncing or making a sound) inwardly
have the idea, that (I would) cook the vegetable
(in one's mind, e.g. recite something in one's mind, without
curry.;napadnout (o mylence): Tak, uvam omku? ...
pronouncing or making a sound) oneself, for (in one's mind,


e.g. recite something in one's mind, without pronouncing or

making a sound);pro sebe (ve vlastn mysli, nap. recitovat
nco ve vlastn mysli, bez vyslovovn i dln zvuk) sebe,
pro (ve vlastn mysli, nap. recitovat nco ve vlastn mysli, bez
vyslovovn i dln zvuk) vnitn (ve vlastn mysli, nap.
recitovat nco ve vlastn mysli, bez vyslovovn i dln

: ;feel bad: The boy feels

bad.;ctit se patn: (Ten) chlapec se ct patn.;

;mood (mind lives, mind fixes) mind, character

of (mind lives, mind fixes);nlada (mysl ije, mysl seupevuje) mysli, vlastnost (mysl ije, mysl se-upevuje);n.
P. citta (= mind)


: ( )
;mind, character of: (I) praise (and)
value the character of your mind, brave to abandon.;mysli,
charakter: Chvlm (a) hodnotm (vysoko) charakter tv mysli,
staten zanechat.;pol.

;interesting, be interesting, be (much entering (the)

mind);zajmav, bt zajmav, bt (hodn vchzet (do)
mysli);I (or) adj.

: ()
be: (I) am be sad that (I) could not write (you)
immediately.;smutn, bt: Jsem smutn, e jsem (ti) nenapsal
ihned.;imper. pol.

;confused, be (mind (is) entangled);zmaten, bt (mysl

: ' '
(je) zapleten);I
;inwardly: In this case ( ~ "place) the (word)
: ;confused, be: to be confused;zmaten,
'inwardly' is the most suitable (one).;vnitn: V tomhle ppad ( bt: aby byl zmaten;
~ "mst) je (slovo) 'vnitn' nejvhodnj.;pol.
( ~ );excited, be (mind moves (to be)
;setting (spiritual, mind matter) morale (mind matter) rare);vzruen, bt (mysl se-pohybuje (aby byla) vzcn);I
thinking, way of (mind matter) spirit (personal, mind
;interested, be (mind enters much);zajmat (mysl
matter);duch (osobn, mentln hmota) nastaven (duchovn, vstupuje hodn);I P. citta (= mind)
mentln hmota) mylen, zpsob (mentln hmota)
: ;interested, be: I
morlka (mentln hmota);n.
am interested in ( ~ to) meditation.;zajmat: Zajm m
: ;interested, be: Yep, (I)'m still
(just) interested.;zajmat: Jo, pod (m to) prost zajm.;col.

;interesting, sth.;zajmav, (to), co je;n.

: ;interesting
;psychology psychology (wisdom (about)
(interest): This is interesting. (This is good for
mind);psychologie (moudrost (o) mysli) psychologie;n. P. interest.);zajmav (zajmavost): To je zajmav. (To je dobr
citta-pa (= mind wisdom) (or) n.
(pro) zajmavost.);col.
;psychology, (school) subject of;psychologie, (koln) : ;interesting
(for interest): (It) is extremely interesting. ((It) is very good for
: ;psychology, (school)
subject of: I got a degree in (subject of)
psychology.;psychologie, (koln) pedmt: Dostal jsem titul z
(pedmtu) psychologie.;

interest.);zajmav (k zjmu): Je (to) nesmrn zajmav. (Je

(to) nesmrn vhodn k zjmu.);pol.

;fed up, be (mind (is) broken) disheartened, be

(mind (is) broken) annoyed, be (mind (is) broken)
downhearted, be (mind (is) broken) disappointed, be (mind
(is) destroyed);otrven, bt (znechucen, mysl (je) zniena)
zklaman, bt (mysl (je) znien) sklen, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena) znechucen, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena) deprimovan, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena);I

: ;interest: Of
the greatest travellers' interest is the Pagan town.;zjem: (Je to
prv) Pagan msto, kter (se jev) cestovatelm

T ;disappointed, be (mind made-turbid

(and) entwined);zklaman, bt (mysl zkalen (a) zapleten);I

;interesting, the most;nejzajmavj;adj.

;psychically weakl be (mind power (is)
little);psychicky slab, bt (mentln schopnost (je) mal);I

;diamond;diamant;n. un. (or) sg.

;psychic (concerned-with (the) part (of) mind)
T ;challenge (call (the) word-of-challenge
spiritual (regarding mind part) psychic (spiritual,
{nouner});vzva (volat slovo-vzvy {jmenec});n.
regarding mind part) mental (concerned-with (the) part
T : T ;challenge: Do you like
(of) mind);mentln (tkajc-se sti mysli) duchovn
challenges?;vzva: M rd vzvy?;inter.
(ohledn sti mysli) duevn (ohledn sti mysli)
psychick (tkajc-se sti mysli);adj. P. citta (= mind)
: ;color, green: The salad is just
: ;spiritual: spiritual
(being) green.;barva, zelen: (Ten) salt je prost zelen.;col.
development;duevn: duevn rozvoj;
;wet, be;mokr, bt;I
: ;angry: The boy
;let's may indicates suggestion and encouragement;zna
appears to be angry.;natvan: (Ten) kluk se zd bt natvan.;
nvrh a povzbuzen pojme nech zna ptelsk nvrh
;bad, feel (mind (is) not good) feel bad (mind
(nap. pojme, udlejme atd.) -me (zna ptelsk
(is) not good);ctit se patn (mysl nen dobr) patn, ctt
nvrh);suff. col. (or) suff.
se (mysl nen dobr);I


;control dominate afraid, be manage rule fear worry T;boy's name, a (successful-one (who) rules (and)
about worry operate;strachovat se panovat spravovat has-high-life);chlapeck jmno, njak (spn-lovk,
kontrolovat obvat se ovldat bt se vldnout;I (or) T un. (kter) vldne (a) m-vysok-ivot);name
(or) T
;rule over (rule (and) hold-over-head) control (rule (and)
: ;let's: let's worship!;pojme ( ~ -me):
Uctvejme!;imper. col. um.

hold-over-head) dominate (rule (and) hold-overhead);panovat (vldnout (a) dret-nad-hlavou) dit

(vldnout, vldnout (a) dret-nad-hlavou) vldu nad, mt
: T
;afraid, be: As I am afraid, that if (I) had to explain ( (vldnout (a) dret-nad-hlavou);T
~ "tell) (it) in ( ~ "with) writing, (it) would take long time, (it) : T ;rule
will be good if (you) understand ( ~ "get) (it) just by ( ~ "with) over: May (you) be able to rule over everything (and) may
knowledge.;obvat se: Ponvad se obvm, e kdybych (to) (you) be able to possess a lofty life.;vldu nad, mt: K me
ml vysvtlit ( ~ "ci) (s) psanm, trvalo by (to) dlouho, bude mt vldu nad vm (a) k me mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen
dobr, pokud (to) pochop pouze s (vlastn) znalost.;fut.
ivot.;w. pol.
: ;let's: Let's go! (used for monks);-me: Pojme!
(uvno pro mnichy);imper. utmn.

;afraid, be worry;strach,,e, mt obvat se obavy, mt;I

(or) T

: ; afraid, be: because (we) were afraid that (he) : ;worry: Don't worry.;obavy, mt: Nemj obavy.
would bite;obvat se: protoe jsme se obvali, e by kousal;col. obvat se: Neobvej se.;imper. pol.
: T ;let
us: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let (us) talk
briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks bar.;nech:
Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech
mluvme strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi
npoji.;col. pol.
: ;wet: T-shirt is wet.;mokr: Triko je

;worry (worrying mind);obava (obvajc-se mysl);n.

: ;worry: because (I) worried;obava:
protoe (jsem) se obval;pol.
;equally arrange (prepare) indicates equal distribution
each;kad pipravit zna stejnomrn rozdlen stejn
(stejnomrn);adv. (or) suff. (or) T

;ride num. class. for vehicles wear (about shoes, ride)

go (by a vehicle, may be used for driver as well as for the
: ( ) ;wet: Because it is raining, passenger, drive);dit itatel vozidel nosit (o botch, dit)
flowers are (being) wet.;mokr: Ponvad pr, kvtiny jsou
jet (vozidlem, lze bt uito pro idie i pro cestujcho,
dit);pow. (or) T
: ;let's: Let's go ( ~ "come)!;-me: Pojme! ( ~
: T ;ride: Girl is going to ride a
"Pijdme!);imper. fr.
horse.;jet na: Dve se chyst jet na koni.;fut.
: ;indicates suggestion and encouragement: Come!;zna :
;equal: (I) separate (it) to two
nvrh a povzbuzen: Poj!;imper. fr.
equal columns.;stejn: Rozdlm (to) na dva stejn sloupce.;pol.
: ;let's: Let's go ( ~ "come (and) go)!;-me: Pojme! ( : ;num. class. for vehicles: four bikes;itatel
~ "Pijdme (a) odejdme!);imper. fr.
vozidel: tyi kola (jzdn);
: ;let's: Let's go!;-me: Pojme!;imper. fr.

: ;go ( ~ "ride): In that case, (I) won't go

: T ;worry: Because he worries, that (he
(~ "ride). (can be told to a taxidriver when they don't want to
may) happen to say (something) wrong.;obvat se: Protoe se decrease the price before giving a lift).;jet ( ~ "dit): V tom
obv, e se stane, e ekne (nco) patn.;pol.
ppad (u) nepojedu ( ~ "nedm). (lze ci taxiki, kdy
: T ;afraid, be: (He) is afraid, that (it) nechce snit cenu ped odvezenm);col.
will take long time.;obvat se: Obv se, e (to) bude trvat

: ;wear (about shoes): (He) does not wear

shoes. (may be used as a description of any monk, who does
not use shoes);nosit (boty): Nenos boty. (lze pout jakoto
;stick (a knife etc.) plat;szet zabodnout (n atd.);T
: ;stick popis kterhokoliv mnicha, kter nepouv boty);pol. mn.
(a needle): (He) stuck a needle between nails and while hitting : ;each: Each takes ( ~ lasts) four
hours.;kad: Kad trv tyi hodiny.;pol.
(it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;zabodnout: Zabodnul
jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem, testoval

: (T)
;equally (by both): As
for his view, it may be seconded exactly for five minutes by the
;wet, be (be-wet (and) wet);mokr, bt (bt-mokr (a)
writer Maung Khin Min (Dha Nu Phyu) with the singer Mrs.
Sandar Win.;stejnomrn (obouma): Co se te jeho nzoru,
[ssu.];wet, be;vlhk, bt;I
me bt obhajovn obouma ( ~ stejnomrn) pt minut,
: ;wet: (It) will get wet because of
the rain.;zmoknout: Zmokne to, ponvad pr. (Namo se to, spisovatelem Maun Khen Men (Dha Nu P) se zpvakou p.
Sand Wen.;pol.
ponvad (je) d);I
;worry (worry (and) be-alarmed);obvat se (obvat-se
(a) bt-poplaen);T

prepare (arrange);pipravit;T;

;smoke (drink cigarette);kouit (pt


( );cigarette;cigareta;sg. E. cigarette

;compose (line-up (and) compose) compose (a writing,

compose in-row) formulate (a thought, compose inrow);sepsat (seadit (a) sepsat) formulovat (mylenku,
sepisovat do-ady) sepisovat (psan, sepisovat doady);T

;judgment (at court, line-up (and) prepare {nouner})

verdict (judgment, at court, line-up (and) prepare
{nouner});verdikt (rozsudek, u soudu, zarovnat (a) pipravit
{jmenec}) rozsudek (u soudu, zarovnat (a) pipravit

;sentence, pass a (at court, strike line-up (and)

prepare {nouner}) judgment, pass a (at court, strike lineup (and) prepare {nouner});rozsudek, vynst (u soudu,
: ( ~ )
;compose: Then they uhodit zarovnat (a) pipravit {jmenec});n.
: T T
were composed by the same thera in Sri Lankan
language.;sepsat: Pak byly sepsny tm samm throu ve Sr ( ~ T T
);judgment, pass a: After passing a judgment at
Lanskm jazyce.;p.s.
court, the deciding is completely finished.;rozsudek, vynst: Po
(WS. from );organize (line-up (and)
vynesen rozdsudku u soudu je rozhodovn zcela
arrange);uspodat (seadit (a) upravit);T WS.
: T

;organize: At the end of the year 1920 the
English government organized opening of the University of
Yangon.;uspodat: Na konci roku 1920 anglick vlda
uspodala oteven Yangonsk University.;writ.
;prepare (line-up (and) arrange-in-order) arrange (lineup (and) arrange-in-order);pipravit (seadit (a) uspodat-dopodku) uspodat (seadit (a) uspodat-do-podku);T


;entire full (complete), be diverse, be in multifarious, be

in many (all sorts of) heterogenous, be in variety, be in
complete, be;rozlin, bt pln, bt rznorod, bt mnoho
(mnoho druh) pestr, bt celistv (pln), be rozmanit,
bt cel (kompletn);I (or) adj.
;entire, be;cel, bt;I

: ;arrange: (I) will

arrange the accommodation to stay.;pipravit: Pipravm

(WS. from ) ;meet with;setkat se s;I WS.

;schedule (line-up, arrange-in-order (and) fix) plan

(line-up, arrange-in-order (and) fix);naplnovat (seadit,
uspodat-do-podku (a) upevnit) plnovat (seadit,
uspodat-do-podku (a) upevnit);T

: T T ;together: (It)
is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~ live)
together.;spolu: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony jsou ( ~
ij) spolu.;pol.

: ;entire: I will read the entire

book.;cel: Petu (tu) knihu celou.;fut. pol.

;plan: Plan in : ;many (all sorts of): He has been to

: T
advance what (you) want to do tomorrow.;plnovat: Pedem si many ( ~ all sorts of) countries. (he has already arived to all
plnuj co chce dlat ztra.;imper. pol. col. sl.
countries);mnoho (mnoho druh): Navtvil mnoho zem.
((On) u dojel do vech zem.);pol.
;prosperity (possess (and) develop) enterprise,
commercial (possess (and) develop);blahobyt (vlastnit (a)
rozvjet) podnik, komern (vlastnit (a) rozvjet);n.
;economics (possess (and) develop {nouner})
financial condition (possess (and) grow {nouner}) economy
(possess (and) grow {nouner}) economy (possess (and)
develop {nouner});ekonomika (vlastnit (a) rozvjet {jmenec})
finann podmnky (vlastnit (a) rst {jmenec}) ekonomie
(vlastnit (a) rozvjet {jmenec}) ekonomie (vlastnit (a) rst
: T
;financial: Moreover, (there) are also many financial
businesses.;finann: Navc, je (zde) tak mnoho finannho
podnikn.;pol. col.

;arrange (collect (and) organize) organize (collect

(and) organize);zorganizovat (sesbrat (a) zorganizovat)
organizovat (sesbrat (a) zorganizovat) arrange (sesbrat (a)
zorganizovat);T writ. (or) T
T ;unite: Alaun Min Taya
powerfully united the region between rivers Ayeyawaddy and
Chin Twin, and then attacked (and) conquered Inwa.;sjednotit:
Alaun Men Daj mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad
(Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.

;demand (ask about a matter, test completely) search

(test completely) ask (about a matter, test completely)
investigate (test completely);poptat se (kompletn
( );businessman (lord (of)
vyzkouet) zeptat se (na uritou zleitost, kompletn
economy work) businessman (lord (of) work (who)
vyzkouet) hledat (kompletn vyzkouet) zkoumat
possess (and) develop {nouner});podnikatel (pn
ekonomick prce) ekonomie (pn prce (kter) vlastnit (kompletn vyzkouet);T
(a) rozvjet {jmenec});n. (or) sg.
: ;ask: (I) will ask and see.;zeptat se:
Zeptm se (a) uvidm;fut.
;arrange (line-up (and) give);uspodat (zarovnat (a)
: ;ask (about a matter): (I) will ask (about it)
((and) give).;zeptat se (na uritou zleitost): Zeptm se na
: ;arrange: while arranging;uspodat: pi
(to) ((a) dm).;pol. fut.


;enquire: (It) will be good, if (you)
enquire.;poptat se: Bude dobr, kdy se popt.;fut.

: () ;to: Because (I) want (you) to be

happy.;aby: Protoe chci, abys byl astn.;pol.

;go down a stream (flow downwards);tci smrem dol;T

: T ;is to be: e-mails that are to be

of much knowledge;ml by bt: e-maily, kter maj obsahovat
( ~ bt) hodn znalost.;

;gather (collect (from) far) assemble (collect (from) far)

group (collect (from) far);sdruit se (sbrat (z) daleka)
sejt se (sbrat (z) daleka) shromdit se (sbrat (z)

: ;to: Where do (you) want (me) to

come (and) take (you)?;aby: Kde chcete abych pijel (a) vzal
: T
(vs)?;inter. col.
( ~ T
: ;to: (At) want time do (you) want
) ;group: Foreigners sometimes group (me) to come for sure?;aby: V kolik hodin chcete, abych
against the native people.;sdruit se: Nkdy se cizinci sdruuj opravdu pijel?;inter. col.
proti rodilm.;
: ;to: (At) What time do (you) want
;center (collected while far);sted (sesbran
zatmco (je) daleko (?));n.
( );awl bradawl;dlo;sg.
;sharpen (sharpen (to) be-sharp);naostit (ostit (aby)
bylo-ostr) ostit (ostit (aby) bylo-ostr);T
T ;inquisitive, be (ready (with) mood (to)
enquire) curious, be (ready (with) mood (to)
enquire);zvdav, bt (pipraven (s) nladou vyzvdat)
zvdav, bt (pipraven (s) nladou vyzvdat);I
;asn (super (high) crossbar) brilliant (super (high)
crossbar) wonderful (super (high) crossbar) superb
(super (high) crossbar);amazing (super (vysok) pka)
skvl (super (vysok) pka) super (super (vysok)
pka) znamenit (super (vysok) pka) obdivuhodn
(super (vysok) pka);adj.

me to come?;aby: V kolik hodin chcete, abych pijel?;inter. col.

: ;to: be (I) don't want to be
photographed.;zna akuzativ a trpn rod: Nechci bt
: ;to: (I) want (you) to come.;aby: Chci abys
: T ;to: (He) wants (it) to have
the best taste.;aby: Chce, aby (to) mlo nejlep chu.;
: ;indicates
change of verb from passive voice to active voice: The washing
machine washes clothes.;zna zmnu slovesa z trpnho rodu
na rod inn: Praka pere prdlo.;

: ;indicates
effectuation: Pronunciation is extremely difficult. ((With)
pronunciation (I) have met extreme difficulty.);zna
: T T
uskutenn: Vslovnost je nesmrn nron. ((S) vslovnost
;superb: The actor jsem se setkal s nesmrnou nronost.);
Yedai, who, because of becoming much beloved by the
: ;want to: Also, (I) want
spectators, will soon become superb.;znamenit: Herec Jdai, everybody to come.;chtt aby: A tak, chci, aby vichni
kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy stane
;wish (want to);pt si (chtt aby);T
( );supermarket;hypermarket supermarket;sg.
E. supermarket

;already indicates change of verb from passive voice to

active voice to (happen) indicates wish let (happen,
inserted at the end of a wish) has (been) indicates
effectuation to send (a person) make (change from one
state to another) may (sth. happen, inserted at the end of a
wish) indicates command to be is to be;nech (se stane,
vloeno na konci pn) zna akuzativ a trpn rod ml by
bt zna uskutenn dlat (mnit z jednoho stavu na jin)
poslat (osobu) zna pn u zna rozkaz nebo pkaz
aby zna zmnu slovesa z trpnho rodu na rod inn zna
vykonn zna minul as dokonav vid; (or) conj. (or) T rare
(or) suff. (or) suff. pol.
;seed of;semeno (eho) semnka (eho);suff. n.
: ;to: (I) want (you) to see (it).;aby: Chci
abys (to) vidl.;pol.
: ;may: May nobody know
except you.;k: K nikdo krom tebe nev.;pol. um.
: ;to: to be confused;aby: aby byl zmaten;

;effect of;nsledek;suff. n.
;effect of: It is not proper to forget National Day as
the effect of patriotic awakening.;nsledek: Nen sprvn
zapomnat na Nrodn Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho
;engaged, be (before marriage);zasnouben, bt (ped
;intention;zmr;n. P. cetan (= intention)
T ;intention: Not only that, he also said (that)
(he) knows how to fulfill that intention.;zmr: Nejen to, tak
ekl, e v, jak ten zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.
: T ;intention:
He says he has good intentions.;zmr: k, e m dobr
( );prophet (commanding messenger)
messenger (prophet, commanding messenger);prorok
(rozkazujc posel) posel (prorok, rozkazujc posel);sg.

: ;already: One day is completely : ;cetiya: (We) attach a

finished, already.;u: Jeden den je u zcela u konce.;col.
golden coat to a cetiya.;tije: Pipevujeme zlat pl na


trnovat (ekat (a) stavt) dodrovat (pravidla, ekat (a)

( );cetiya pagoda pagoda cetiya stupa
stupa ;pagoda stpa tije;sg. P. cetiya (= pagoda) (or) sg. ;observe (rules or precepts, wait (and) control)
control (rules or precepts, wait (and) control);ovldat (pravidla,
ekat (a) ovldat) dodrovat (pravidla, ekat (a) ovldat);T
;num. class. for letters, writings etc.;itatel dopis, psan


: ;observe (rules): (One)

must observe (rules) very well ( ~ "not little).;dodrovat
;control keep (rules) observe (rules) guard restrain (pravidla): (Pravidla) se mus nemlo dodrovat.;
;bring up (a child, wait (and) cling) protect (wait
wait follow (rules);dodrovat (pravidla) brnit nsledovat
(and) cling) raise (a child, wait (and) cling);ochraovat
(pravidla) ekat kontrolovat dret (pravidla) strit;T
: ;wait: (I) will be waiting here at (ekat (a) lpt) vychovat (dt, ekat (a) lpt);T
;late at;pozd v;adv.

;bring up: (I)

was brought up by father and grandmother. ((I) took the
bringing up of father with grandmother.);vychovat: Byl jsem
: ;wait: Wait here. (Be waiting here.);ekat: vychovn otcem a babikou. (Vzal jsem vychovn otce s
babikou.);p.s. pol.
ekej tady.;imper. pol.
; brought up, be (take bringing-up, take wait
: T ( ~ T
(and) cling {nouner}) raised, be (take bringing-up, take
);wait: (I) will wait for ( ~ "until) your
answer arrives.;ekat: Budu ekat ne tv odpov doraz.;fut. wait (and) cling {nouner});vychovan, bt (brt vychovn,
: T brt ekat (a) lpt {jmenec});I
eight o'clock.;ekat: Budu tu ekat v osm hodin.;fut. cont.
: ;wait: Wait a moment.;ekat: Pokejte
chvilku.;imper. pol.

;wait: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it)
said: while approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the)
turtle, I will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of
sleep).;ekat: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl: zatmco se
pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si odponu a
vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.

: T ;early: Prepare (to go) early.;brzo:

Piprav se (jt) brzy.;imper.

: ;early: There
(one) must get up (from bed) early in the morning.;brzo: Tam
se mus vstvat (z postele) brzy rno.;fut.
;while ago, a little ago, a little while;ped
chvilkou chvilkou, ped;adv.

: T ;observe (rules): (I)

observe the Uposatha sla on full moon (day) (and) new moon
(day).;dodrovat (pravidla): Dodruji upsatha slu na (den)
plku (i) na (den) novu.;Bh.

;smell (usually bad);zpach (obvykle nepjemn);n.

: ;wait: I waited
because it was said that he would come.;ekat: ekal jsem,
protoe se kalo, e pijde.;pol.

;offer respectfully continue connect present (sth. to

sb.) further (continue);dl (pokraovat) nabdnout s
respektem spojit darovat (nco nkomu) pokraovat;T

: ;wait: Now (I)

am waiting (for) the last examination result.;ekat: Te ekm
(na) posledn vysvden.;cont. pol.

( );girlfriend;ptelkyn;sg. vul.
: ;hair: Hair is long.;vlasy: Vlasy jsou dlouh.;

: ;continue: Can we continue in the

discussion?;pokraovat: Meme pokraovat v diskuzi?;inter.

: T;continue: Continue. (Talk further.) further:

: ;num.
Continue. (Talk further.).;Dl: Pokrauj. (Mluv dl).
class. for letters, writings etc.: The woman is writing an address pokraovat: Pokrauj. (Mluv dl.).;imper. pol.
on a letter.;itatel dopis, psan atd.: (Ta) ena pe adresu na : ;continue: Hey, continue in
njak dopis.;cont.
writing.;pokraovat: Hele, pokrauj v psan.;imper. pol.
: ;wait: The man is waiting.;ekat: :
Ten mu ek.;cont.
;further: (You) turn
: ;wait: Ven. Janinda is
waiting for them.;ekat: Ct. Daninda na n ek.;

right after the second traffic light (and) then go further straight
ahead for 200 meters.;dl: (Ty) zahni vpravo za druhm
semaforem (a) pak je dl rovn 200 metr.;imper. pol.

: ( ~
) ;protect (precepts, rules): As for five
: ;join (a degree): Will you be able
precepts, (they) should be protected by lay people
to join Master's (degree)?;nastoupit (spojit): Bude schopen
too.;ochraovat (pravidla): Co se te pti pravidel, (ta) by mla nastoupit na Magistersk (studium)?;inter. col.
bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.
: ;continue: Continue to drive
-;train (wait (and) build) protect (precepts or
straight ahead.;pokraovat: Pokrauj v zen pmo za
rules, wait (and) build) excercise (practise, wait (and) build) nosem.;imper.
observe (precepts or rules, wait (and) build) practise (wait T ;succession (connect (and) take {nouner});poad
(and) build);cviit (praktikovat, ekat (a) stavt) ochraovat (spojit (a) brt {jmenec});n.
(pravidla, ekat (a) stavt) praktikovat (ekat (a) stavt)


;joined, be (connect (and) join) connected, be

(connect (and) join);spojen, bt (spojit-se (a) pipojit-se)
pipojen, bt (spojit-se (a) pipojit-se);I
: ;relevant, be: (It) is
relevant to the joined sentence.;tkat se: Tk se to (t)
pipojen vty.;pol.

: ;connect: (It) is alright
to get connected after (you) add (me).;spojit se: Bude v
podku se spojit po (tom), co si (m) pid (do kontakt).;pol.
: ;connect: (It)
will be alright if (you) write this address (and) connect (with
me).;spojit se: Bude v podku, kdy si nape tuto adresu a
spoj se (se mnou).;pol.

;behave towards treat (people) dealings with sb.,

have treat (deal with) relationship with sb., have a
connect;zachzet (s lidmi) chovat se k vztah s nkm, mt ;get down from (a vehicle etc.);vystoupit (z vozidla atd.);T
spojit se obchodovn s nkm, astnit se;T
: ;get down: get down from (on) the
: ;connect: Monks get
car;vystoupit: vystoupit z auta;
connected with lay people (and) write (them).;spojit: Mnii se
: ;get down: get (to) down (from)
spoj s laiky (a) pou (jim).;col.
car;vystoupit: vystoupit (dol) (z) auta;writ.
: T ;treat
(people): U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups
politely.;zachzet (s lidmi): Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma
skupinama zdvoile.;writ.

: ;elephant: an elephant and a

person;slon: slon a lovk;

;keep on (join (and) glitter) continue (join (and)

glitter);pokraovat (spojit (a) tpytit-se) setrvat v (spojit (a)

T ;wisdom (assemble (and) measure

knowledge);moudrost (znalost sestavovn (a) men);n.
P. a (= knowledge, wisdom)

( );elephant;slon;sg.
( );level;stupe;sg.

T ;consider (build (and) measure use (and)
T ;continue: My wipe);vzt v vahu (postavit (a) zmit, ut (a) utt);T
strong determination helps me to continue in my
T : T
effort.;pokraovat: Moje pevn rozhodnut mi pomh
T ;wisdom: Because (she) is a small girl, she
pokraovat v mm sil.;col. cont.
doesn't have wisdom.;moudrost: Protoe je to mal holka, nen
: T
moudr ( ~ "ona nem moudrost).;pol. spis.
;continue: Surely, we will continue T: T ( ~
in discussing tomorrow also.;dle (pokraovat): Ztra si budeme T) ;excuse: With the excuse,
urit dle povdat.;fut. um. col.
that with the worldly problems (I) cannot dedicate (it) time, I
();continue (continue, shine (and

have been lazy.;vmluva: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi

problmy tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol.

;last (have continuing (and) flashing)

continuous, be (have continuing (and) flashing);trvat (mt T( );reason (design (of) base) excuse (design (of)
pokraovn (a) blskn) nepetrit, bt (mt pokraovn base) justification (design (of) base);dvod (nvrh zkladu)
(a) blskn);I
odvodnn (nvrh zkladu) vmluva (nvrh zkladu);sg.
;continue (continue (in) working) continue (continue T;pretext (give justification) excuse (give
(and) work);pokraovat (pokraovat (v) pracovn)
justification);vymlouvat se (dt ospravedlnn) zminku,
pokraovat (pokraovat (a) pracovat);T
uvdt jako (dt ospravedlnn);T
: ;continue: Continue in the
T ;excuse (speach which gives justification)
work (that you) have to do.;pokraovat: Pokrauj v prci, kterou pretext (speach which gives justification);vmluva (e
m (k dln).;imper. pol.
kter dv ospravdelnn) zminka (e kter dv
;connect with (join (and) connect) contact (join
(and) connect);spojit s (pipojit-se (a) spojit) spojit se s
(pipojit-se (a) spojit);T


( );image (of a sacred person or object, great

descending (and) imitating);obraz (posvtn osoby nebo
pedmtu, ohromn sestoupen (a) napodoben);sg.

;resemble (appearance (is) same) seem to be
;connect to: Then U Aung Zeyya could (appearance (is) same) look like (appearance (is)

connect and unite Shans of northern region with
same);vypadat jako (vzhled (je) stejn) podobat se (vzhled
Myanmar.;spojit se s: Pak se Aun Zeyyovi podailo pipojit k (je) stejn) pipadat (vypadat jako, vzhled (je) stejn);T
a sjednotit any ze severn oblasti s Myanmary.;p.s. writ.
;hold (a celebration, assemble (and) participate)
: T T
;connected, be: From (my) family
was nobody ever in any way connected to ( ~ "with) Myanmar
country.;spojen, bt: Z (m) rodiny nikdo nikdy nebyl s
Myanmarem ( ~ "Myanmarskm sttem) jakkoliv spojen.;p.s.

participate (assemble (and) participate) celebrate (assemble

(and) participate) take part (assemble (and)
participate);podat (oslavu, shromdit-se (a) astnit-se)
oslavovat (shromdit-se (a) astnit-se) astnit se
(shromdit-se (a) astnit-se) zastnit se (shromdit-se


(a) astnit-se);T
;poor, be (descend (and) be-scattered) miserable, be
(descend (and) be-scattered);chud, bt (sestoupit (a) btrozptlen) chud, bt (klesnout (a) bt-rozhozen) uboh,
bt (sestoupit (a) bt-rozptlen) mizern, bt (klesnout (a)

: T T
( ~ ) ;more
and more: The ven. Sir, by studying Buddhist literature can
take more and more responsibility for carrying out the benefit of
the (Buddha's) present.;vc a vc: Ct. pn, studiem Buddhistick
literatury, me pevzt vc a vc zodpovdnosti za vykonn
prospnost (Buddhova) daru.;

;poor: Poor countries need aid for their : T ;wish: May your wishes (and)
life become same.;pn: K jsou (tv) pn a ivot stejn.;w.
people.;chud: Chud zem potebuj vypomoci svm lidem.;
: ;poor, be: Nan Nan's (family) is pol.
poor.;chud, bt: (Rodina) (sleny) Nen Nen je chud.;pol.

: ;poor. The
woman who is sitting on the road is poor.;chud: (Ta) ena
kter sed na ulici je chud.;
: T ;miserable: (I) just should
say, that Sasra is miserable.;mizern: Jen je teba ci, e
Sasra je mizern.;
T ;poverty (descend (and) be-scattered
{nouner});chudoba (sestoupit (a) bt-rozptlen {jmenec});n.
( );sandwich;sendvi;sg. E. sandwich
;derived, be (from an original word, descend,
descend (and) come);derivovan, bt (od pvodnho slova,
sejt, sejt (a) pijt) odvozen, bt (od pvodnho slova,
sejt, sejt (a) pijt);I
;like, be resemble;jako, bt podobat se;I
( );elephant;slon (zve);sg.
: T
;poor: Although these states and divisions
are divided, all Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live
together.;chud: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti
(regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn
chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;
;hairline (where the hair cover starts, hair start);vlasov
ra (kde zan pokrvka vlas na hlav, vlasy zanaj);n.
( );switch (for hair, collects hair) hairnet (for hair,
collects hair);ska (na vlasy, sbr vlasy);sg.
;acquire (knowledge, merit, approach (and) be-closetogether);zskat (znalost, zsluhu, piblit-se (a) bt-blzko-usebe);T
;acquire (knowledge): Monks from
every country come and acquire knowledge (here).;zskat
(znalosti): Mnii z kad zem (sem) pichzej a zskvaj

: T ;wish: May (your) wishes fulfill.;pn: K se

spln (tv) pn.;w. pol.
T ;wish: Please, correct (this)
whenever (you) wish.;pt si: Prosm, oprav (tohle) kdykoliv
chce ( ~ "(bude) si pt).;imper. pol.
: ;want ( ~ "desire): if (you) want (if you have (the)
desire);chtt ( ~ "touit): pokud chce (pokud m touhu);
( );desire wish;touha pn;sg.
T: T
;strike (industrial): Since then the Myanmar
citizens, unceasingly participating in the opposing strikes
against the English government, demanded
independence.;stvka (prmyslov): Od t doby se Myanmart
obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek proti anglick
vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.
T( );demonstration (event (of) showing wishes)
strike (industrial etc., event (of) showing wishes) picket
(demonstration, event (of) showing wishes);demonstrace
(udlost ukazovn tueb) stvka (prmyslov atd.,
udlost ukazovn tueb);sg.
;wish (make (a) wish);pt si (dlat pn);T
;suitable, be (resemble) rice (uncooked) like, be
resemble;jako, bt vhodn, bt (podobat-se) podobat se
re (nevaen);I (or) n.
;strange, be new, be begin a year or season, to;nov,
bt zat rok nebo obdob divn, bt zvltn, bt;I
: T ;suitable, be ( ~ "resemble): It is
more Burmese (to say it like this). ((It) resembles Burmese
language more (like this).);vhodn, bt ( ~ "podobat-se): Je
barmtj (to ci takhle). (Vce se (to) podob
;oppose (extend (and) excel) contradict (extend
(and) excel);odporovat (prothnout (a) vynikat) protieit si
(prothnout (a) vynikat);T

: T
;sixt;est;num. P. chahama (= sixth)
;oppose: Since then the Myanmar citizens,
(WS. from );more and more;vc a
unceasingly participating in the opposing strikes against the
vc;adv. WS.
English government, demanded independence.;protestovat: Od
;more and more: May (you) be able to t doby se Myanmart obyvatel nepetrit astnili
protestnch stvek proti anglick vld piem vyadovali
assume more and more responsibility for carrying out the
nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.
(Buddha's) present.;vc a vc: K jsi schopen vzt vc a vc
( );sandwich;sendvi;sg. E. sandwich
zodpovdnosti za vykonvn (Buddhova) daru.;w. pol.
;more and more;vc a vc;adv.


T;strange, be (strange (and) varying) unusual, be

(strange (and) varying) strange, be (be-strange (and)

varying);neobvykl, bt (divn (a) lic-se) divn, bt (btdivn (a) lic-se) divn, bt (divn (a) lic-se);I
;new (different (and) new);nov (odlin (a)

( );adolescent (ten exceeded age)

teenager (ten exceeded age);dospvajc (deset pekroiv
vk) teenager (deset pekroiv vk) nctilet (deset
pekroiv vk);sg.

;hair (hair thread);vlasy (vlasov vlkno);n.

: ;eleven: At eleven o'clock.;jedenct: V

jedenct hodin.;adv.


;ten million;deset milion;num.

: ;hair: Hair is long.;vlasy: Vlasy jsou


;million (ten lakhs);milion (deset stotisc);num. col.

: ;hair: hair is long;vlasy: vlasy jsou dlouh; ( );eleven;jedenct;num.

( );twelve;dvanct;num.
: ;hair: Hair is black.;vlasy: Vlasy jsou

: ;hair: Hair of the woman

curls.;vlasy: Vlasy (t) eny kudrnat.;

;teacher teacher (used as title for names of male

teachers);uitel (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny muskch
uitel) uitel;sg. m. (or) pref.

( );hair (hair column(s));vlasy (vlasov


: ;teacher: I am a teacher.;uitel: Jsem


;curl (hair column curls);kudrnatt (vlasov sloup : ;teach: Forgive (me), teacher.;uitel:
Odpuste (mi), uiteli.;imper. pol.
: ;curl: Hair of the
woman curls.;kudrnatt: Vlasy (t) eny kudrnat.;

: ;teacher: The
teacher is teaching the students.;students: Uitel vyuuje
: ; curl: studenty.;cont.
The man with curled hair and beard;kudrnatt: (Ten) mu s
: ;teacher: photo of teacher;uitel: fotka uitele
kudrnatmi vlasy a vousy.;col.
(CZ col.);n.
;barber's (shop (of) cutting hair);kadenictv
(obchod sthn vlas) holie, u (obchod sthn

: T ;teacher: painter teacher;uitel: mal


of (their previous) actions, (they) must stay ((being) given)

suffering consequences.;trpt nsledky: Kvli (svm
pedchozm) inm mus zstat ((a) dostvat (a)) trpt

: ;teacher: Having met very

good teachers ...;uitel: Potkal velice dobr uitele a ...;p.p.

( );circus (event (of) repaying (and)

approaching (?));cirkus (udlost splcen (a) pibliovnse (?));sg.

( );teacher (only for monks);uitel (jen pro mnichy);sg.


;suffer consequences millet consequences, suffer;proso ;teacher: (They) are my teachers to give me
nsledky, trpt trpt nsledky;I (or) n.
knowledge of Dhamma.;uitel: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali
: ;suffer consequences: Because znalost Dhammy.;pol.

T( );soap (millet ash);mdlo (prosa-popel);sg.

: T;teacher: That teacher is Mr.

Pradeep.;uitel: Ten uitel je pan Pradp.;pol.

( );teacher;uitel;sg.

( );teacher;uitel;sg. (mn.)
T( );soap (blue millet);mdlo (modr proso);sg. ( );teacher (only for lay people);uitel (jen pro
- ;times more - than;krt vce - ne;suff. adv.
- : ;times more - than:
; teacher, to;uiteli;sg. acc.
(She) will be ten times more beautiful than this.;krt vce ne: : ;monk: monk teacher (great teacher
Bude desetkrt krsnj ne tady ( ~ "tohle).;fut.
(who) teaches);mnich: mnich uitel (velk uitel (kter) u);
;ten (usually preceding a noun);deset (obvykle ped pod.
: T ;ten: sixty-four (six tens and
four);deset: edest tyi (est destek a tyi);num.
: ;ten: fifty-nine (five tens and nine);deset:
padest devt (pt destek a devt);num.
: ;ten: ten gallons;deset: deset galon;
: ;ten: fifteen minutes;patnct minut;adv.
: ;ten: ten Dollars;deset: deset dolar;
: ;ten: ten minutes;deset: deset minut;

T ;teacher, big: I must be
happy (and) joyful, as (I) have picked up now a teacher or an
elder brother.;uitel, velk: Musm bt astn (a)
rozradostnn, ponvad jsem si te vzal ( ~ sebral) uitele
nebo starho bratra.;pol. utmn.
: ;teacher ( ~ chief
monk): youthful teacher ( ~ chief monk), (who) became
famous;uitel ( ~ opat): nezkuen uitel ( ~ opat), (kter) se
stal slavnm;

: ;teacher
: T ;ten: thirty-six (three tens and six);deset: (monk): I didn't find the proper teacher (monk) there.;uitel
(mnich): Nenalezl jsem tam (toho) vhodnho uitele
ticet est (ti destky a est);num.
: ;ten: ten meters;deset: deset metr;


(mnicha).;p.s. pol.

obchzku.;imper. pol. mn.

( );monk (usually the abbot or chief monk of a

monastery, great teacher) teacher (monk, usually the
abbot or chief monk of a monastery, great teacher);uitel
(mnich, obvykle opat kltera, velk uitel) mnich (obvykle
opat kltera, velk uitel);sg.

;go for alms (go (to) take food);jt na almunu (jt

brt jdlo);T mn.

;teacher (used as title for names of female teachers)

teacher;uitel (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny uitelek)
uitelka;sg. f. (or) pref.
: ;teacher (female): Are you a female
teacher?;uitelka: Jste uitelka?;inter. um.
: ;doctor:
As a doctor, he should cure sick people.;doktor: Coby doktor,
ml by lit nemocn lidi.;

;alms-round, go for (depart (to) take

meal);almun obchzku, jt na (odejt si-vzt jdlo);T mn.
: ;alms-round, go for:
After the copying, (I) go ( ~ "depart) for alms-round.;almun
obchzku, jt na:Po opisovn odchzm na almun
: ;meal: Meal gong is
going to be beaten.;jdlo: (Brzy) se bude buit na jdeln
: ;lunch ( ~ "meal): lunch for monks (noon
food);obd ( ~ "jdlo): obd pro mnichy (poledn jdlo);mn.

: ;doctor: U Zaw Win is a : ;lunch ( ~ "meal): lunch for monks

doctor.;doktor: U Z Wen je doktor.;pol.
(noon food);obd ( ~ "jdlo): obd pro mnichy (poledn
: T ;doctor: He jdlo);mn.
is working as a doctor in this city.;doktor: (On) v tomto mst : ;eat (for
pracuje jakoto doctor.;pol.
monks): (I) am going to take a shower, and then (I) will ( ~ "am
( );doctor (master (in)
responsibilities);doktor (mistr (v) zodpovdnostech);sg.

going to) have a meal.;jst (o mnich): Jdu se osprchovat a

pak se jdu najst.;fut. ubmn.

( );physician (master (in)

responsibilities);lka (mistr (v) zodpovdnostech);sg.

: T ;meal: outside meal (lunch or breakfast,

for monks);jdlo: jdlo venku (obd nebo sndan, o

: ( ~ "
);teacher: good teacher;uitel: dobr uitel;
( );teacher (skillful (in being) teacher);uitel
(zrun (v byt) uitelem);sg.
( );lettuce (salad leaf);salt, hlvkov
(saltov list);sg. E. salad

; Switzerland;vcarsko;name

;food (for monks) meal (for monks);jdlo (pro mnichy)

potrava (pro mnichy);n.

;refectory: In the refectory there is rice and curry.;jdelna:
V jdeln je re a omky.;col. pres. mn.
( );gong, food (used in monasteries to
announce time for food, food bell);gong, jdeln (uvan v
klterech k ohlen asu jdla, jdeln zvon);sg.
: ;meal gong: Meal gong is
going to be hit ( ~ knocked);jdeln gong: (Brzy) se bude buit
( ~ klepat) na jdeln gong.;fut.

( );meal gong (block of wood to

be hit when meal is ready, meal block-of-wood);jdeln gong
: ;food (for monks): (kvdr deva na bouchn kdy je jdlo hotov, jdeln kvdrdeva);sg. mn.
After 10pm (I) do not eat (any) meal.;jdlo (pro mnichy): Po
dest poledn u nejm. (Rno, kdy pejde dest hodina, u ;meal, one (for monks, food (of) one meal (of)
meal);jdlo, jedno (pro mnichy, potrava jednoho jdla
nejm jdlo.);n.
jdla);sg. mn.
;meal, morning: As for some, (they religiously) offer : ;meal, one:
morning meal (to monks during alms-round).;jdlo, rann: A co (I) eat only one meal per day.;jdlo, jedno: Jm jen jednou ( ~
"jedno jdlo) denn ( ~ "kad den).;pol. ubmn.
se te nkterch, (ti) daruj rann jdlo (mnichm bhem
: ;meal: May (I) offer (you)
one meal.;jdlo: K (ti mohu) nabdnout jedno jdlo.;utmn. col.

almun obchzky).;pol.

( );meal (for monks);jdlo (pro mnichy);sg. mn.

;offer food during alms-round (to monks, offer

food);darovat jdlo bhem almun obchzky mnich
(mnichm, darovat jdlo);T Bh. mn.

;offer food (to monks, offer food) offer food in

one's house (to monks, offer food);darovat jdlo ve vlastnm ( ) ;alms-round, groups of people offering
food at (food offering group);almun obchzce, skupiny lid
dom (mnichm, darovat jdlo) darovat jdlo (mnichm,
nabzejcch jdlo na (jdlo nabzejc skupina);sg. Bh. mn.
darovat jdlo);T Bh. mn. (or) mn.
;alms-round, be at (taking food) go for alms (taking ( );sweater (cardigan) cardigan (sweater);svetr
food);jt na almunu (bran jdla) almun obchzce, bt (pleten);sg. E. sweater
na (bran jdla);T mn.

: ;alms-round: Ven. Sir, come for almsround.;almun obchzka: Ctihodn pane, pojte na almun


;sweater: Because it is cold, the young boy,
indeed, puts on a sweatshirt.;svetr: Protoe je zima, mal
chlapec si, vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.

( );sweatshirt (sweater shirt);svetr

(svetrov koile);sg. E. sweatshirt

;paint: (He) paints a picture.;malovat: Maluje


;relative kin friend;ptel pbuzn;n. un.

;draw: (He) draws a picture.;kreslit: Kresl obraz.;

;broken hearted, be;rozbitho srdce, bt;I

;hairdresser's (shop (of) beautifying hair);kadenictv

(obchod zkrlovn vlas);n.

(abbrev. from );relatives;pbuzn;n.

;chat (talk) discuss talk;diskutovat hovoit povdat ;hungry, be;hladov, bt;I

si (s nkm);T
: T ;talk: (I)
: ;hungry, be: As (he) is
returned after the talking.;povdat si: Po (tom) povdn jsem se hungry, he goes to a shop to eat (and) drink.;hlad, mt:
Ponvad m hlad, jde do obchodu jst a pt.;col.
: ;talkt: Talk a little bit : ;hungry: He doesn't eat although he is
about the Dhamma.;hovoit: Hovoit trochu o Dhamm.;
hungry.;hladov: Pestoe m hlad, nej.;col.
: T
;hungry, be (be-hungry (and) burn);hlad, mt (mt ;discuss: Surely, we will continue in hlad (a) hoet);I
discussing tomorrow also.;povdat si: Ztra si budeme urit
( );goat;koza;sg.
dle povdat.;fut. um. col.
;mutton meat );skopov maso );n.
: ;discuss:
(You) can discuss, (you) can ask freely (and)
;port and harbor (port (and) harbor) port (port (and)
closely.;diskutovat: Me voln a blzce diskutovat (a) ptt
bank);pstav pstavn (pstav (a) pstav);adj. (or) sg.
: ;port and harbor: port (and)

: ;discuss: (We) will discuss just harbor engineer;pstavn: pstavn inenr;

when (you) are free.;povdat si: Popovdme si hned jak bude ; named as known as (called) call (name) called as
voln.;fut. pol.
for (say) regarding (say) say as for declare;co se te
T ;talk (discuss {nouner}) discussion (discuss
{nouner});rozhovor (diskutovat {jmenec}) diskuze
(diskutovat {jmenec});n.
T : T ;talk: Intimate (and)
friendly talk;rozhovor: dvrn (a) ptelsk rozhovor;
TT (from TT);show one's powers (show to
relatives, show (to one's) kind);ukzat vlastn sly (ukzat
pbuznm, ukzat (svmuj) druhu);T col.
TT: TT ( ~ TT)
;show one's powers: Go (and) show (your)
powers. Where are (you) greater?;ukzat vlastn sly: Jdi (a)
uka (vlastn) sly. Kde jsi lep?;inter. sl.
;relatives (relatives (and) kind);pbuzn (pbuzn (a)
: ;relative: not exactly a
relative;pbuzn: ne pmo pbuzn;
( );relative (relative (of) kind);pbuzn
(pbuzn druhu);sg.

zvan co se te (ci) nazvat znm jako (zvan)

ci prohlsit jmenuje se vzhledem k (ci);conj. (or) T (or)
;bad, be;patn, bt;I
: " " ;say: (He) said: I am not afraid
of you.;ci: Nebojm se t.;writ.
;say: female supporter, who said that
(it is) good;ci: podporovatelka, kter ekla, e (je to) dobr;

: ;as for: As for

some, (they religiously) offer morning meal (to monks during
alms-round).;co se te: A co se te nkterch, (ti) daruj rann
jdlo (mnichm bhem almun obchzky).;pol.
;call: Therefore, since the independence they call it
National Day.;nazvat: Proto ode (dne) nezvislosti to
nazvaj Nrodn Den.;pl. writ. pol.

: ; as for: as for these days regarding: regarding

these days;co se te: co se te tchto dn co se te:
;related, be (also just through religion);pbuzn, bt vzhledem k tmto dnm;
(i pouze skrze nboenstv);I
: ;bad: It's not bad. (answer to a question about
: ( ~ )

;related, be: If (you) are
related, (then) thank (you) for allowing (me) to make (me) a
friend.;pbuzn, bt: Pokud jsi pbuzn, (pak) dkuji, e jsi (mi)
povolil si (m) udlat ptelem.;pol. FB
;relatives (relatives (and) siblings
{pl.});pbuzn (pbuzn (a) sourozenci {pl.});pl.
;pull draw draw (pull) paint drag draw (picture)
eat;jst vlet that kreslit malovat thnout;col. (or) T
: ;paint: The
painter is painting a picture.;malovat: Mal maluje obraz.;cont.

salary or life) bad, be: (It)'s not bad.;patn, bt: Nen (to)
patn. patn: Nen to patn. (odpov na otzku ohledn
platu i ivota);pol.
;say: People say (it is) to release (them) and then
there are killings.;ci: Lid eknou (to je) pro (jejich)
osvobozen a pak dochz k zabjen ( ~ "jsou zabjen).;

T ;mention: mentioned above;zmnit:

zmnno ve;
: ;as for: I
think (as for) this much is enough.;co se te: (J) si


myslm, e (co se te) tolika, sta.;pol. um.

regarding (be-concerned-with (and) proper) pertinent (berelated-to (and) proper) of (be-concerned-with (and) proper)
relevant (be-related-to (and) proper) appropriate (berelated-to (and) proper);o (tkajc se, tkat-se (a) bt( );trishaw tuk tuk trigle (Burmese tuk
sprvn) patin (tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn) ohledn
tuk);trojkolka (Barmsk) trojkolk tuk tuk;sg. E. side-car
(tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn) tkajc se (tkat-se (a) bt( );trishaw pedaller (proficient (in)
trishaw) tuk tuk pedaller (proficient (in) trishaw);trojkolku, sprvn) zna zmnu z pod. jm. na pd. jm. (tkat-se (a)
bt-sprvn) nleit (tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn) pslun
idi (zdatn (v) trojkolku) tuk tuku, idi (zdatn (v)
(tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn);suff. I (or) adj.
trojkolku);sg. E. side-car
;Socrates, Master (Greek
filosopher);Sokrates, Mistr (eck filosof);name

;arrive (arrive (and) arrive);dostavit se (dostavit-se : ( ~ )

; indicates genitive: regarding the
(a) dostavit-se);T
genitiv: ohledn geofyzick
: ;arrive: in the arrival hall (in
the hall (where people) arrive);plet: v pletov hale (v hale polohy;writ.

: ;about: (a) book about history;o:

T ;arrival (arrive (and) arrive {nouner});dostavit se kniha o historii;writ.
(dostavit-se (a) dostavit-se {jmenec});T
T T ;of: (It) is a
;meet regarding connected to, be (regarding abstract
things) belong to concerned, be;ohledn potkat spojitost specific item, which indicates the commentarial nature of Sutta
Piaka.;zna zmnu z pod. jm. na pd. jm.: Je (to) specifick
s, mt tkat se patit (nkomu);I (or) adv. (or) T
vc, kter naznauje komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
(kam lid) pilet);adv.

;concern: It's not your business whether we go to hell

or not. (It doesn't concern you (whether) we are going or are
not going (to) hell.;tkat se: To se vs netk, jestli jdeme
((nebo) nejdeme) do pekla.;col.



: ;regarding
(on): I studied the lectures on religion.;ohledn (o): Studoval
jsem pednky o nboenstv.;p.s.

;Sain (Burmese orchestra);Shain (Barmsk orchestr);name

: ;orchestra, Burmese: (It)

should be in a reasonable distance behind the Burmese
: ;shop: (I) will take a photo of the orchestra.;orchestr, Barmsk: Mlo by (to) bt v rozumn
vzdlenosti za Barmskm orchestrem.;col.
shop, ok?;obchod: Vyfotm si (ten) obchod, ano?;inter. fut.
: ;shop: T: T TT ;foggy, be:
Because it's foggy, cars must go ( ~ drive) slowly.;mlhavo,
The man in the shop is selling mobile phones.;obchod: Ten
bt: Protoe je mlha, auta mus jet ( ~ dit) pomalu.;
mu v obchod prodv mobiln telefny.;cont.
( );shop;obchod;sg.
: ;shop: (I) close the shop.;obchod: Zavrm
: ;shop: I am opening a shop.;obchod:
Otevrm obchod.;pol.
: T ;shop: I happen to sit in
the shop whole the time ( ~ life).;obchod: (Stalo (se, e))
sedm v obchod celou dobu ( ~ ivot).;pol.
: ;concerned with, be: be concerned with parts;tkat
se: tkat se st;I

;that is means (is said) is (means);je (znamen)

znamen (je eeno) e je;suff. conj. (or) v.
: ;is: What is book?;je: Co je (to)
kniha?;inter. col.


Goal is the place in race, where (one)
: ;shop: What shop will you eat
has to finally arrive.;znamen (je): Cl znamen msto v
in?;obchod: V jakm obchod bude jst?;inter.
: ;regarding: Regarding what? (With connection zvod, kam (jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.
to what?);ohledn: Ohledn eho? (Se spojenm k emu?);inter. : ( ~
);that is: It is clear, that it is very good.;e je: Je
: ;concern: (things) which are not concerned
(with sb. or sth.);tkat se: (vci), kter se netkaj (nkoho nebo jasn, e je to velice dobr.;pol. col.

T;foggy, be;mlhavo, bt;I

: ;is: Who is Maung Maung?;je:

Kdo je Maun Maun?;inter. col.

;means: I believe,
;shopkeeper: Last year the shopkeeper died or what, (I) that suitable teacher (monk) means ((by) me) trustworthy
don't know.;majitel obchodu: Minul rok majitel obchodu zemel teacher (monk).;znamenat: Vm, e vhodn uitel (mnich)
znamen (mnou) dvryhodn uitel.;
nebo co, nevm.;col.
( );shop store (shop);obchod;sg.

: T ;means (is
( );shopkeeper (shop owner);obchodnk
(majitel obchodu) majite obchodu (majitel obchodu);sg. called): Thin-gyan means ( ~ is called) one of festivals of
Myanmar country.;znamen (k se): Tendan se k jednomu
;about (relevant to,be-related-to (and) proper)
z (celo)nrodnch festival.;col. pol.


;that: What they believe is, that finally (it)
disappears and they will (simply) die.;e: emu v, tak
(prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni) (prost) zemou.;pol.

( );sofa;pohovka;sg. E. sofa
; indicates quotation marks;zna uvozovky;suff.
: T ;indicates quotation
marks: Because the Myanmars know the glass jug
more.;zna uvozovky: Protoe Myanmai znaj sklennou
konvici vce.;pol.

;that (the one said (so)) that, to (to which (was)

said) which, to (to which (was) said) that;e to (to
takto ren) ktermu (k (tomu,) co (bylo) eeno) tomu ;if were (if (is) said) if (if (is) said) then (used to
(k (tomu,) co (bylo) eeno);conj. (or) pron. acc. (or) acc.
delay speech) (if (is) said) as for (if (is) said) in that case
(or) suff. writ.
(if (is) said) regarding (if (is) said) if so (if (is) said)
if;jestli pokud kdyby byl (je-li eeno) jestli (je-li eeno)
T T T ;how: je-li (je-li eeno) tedy (uito ke zpodn mluvy) (je-li
Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how to fulfill
eeno) co se te (je-li eeno) v tom ppad (je-li
that intention.;jak: Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten zmr
uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.
: T
;how: I saw
how very rich people, who (have) many things live (their)
life.;jak: Vidl jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj) mnoho
vc, ij (svj) ivot.;p.s.

;if: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let

(us) talk briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks
bar.;kdyby: Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno,
vskutku, 'nech mluvme strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod
s chlazenmi npoji.;col. pol.

;that: We can understand, that (he) was of

;if: If I can attain the deathless Nibbna, I should

poor knowledge.;e: Meme pochopit, e byl chabch
attain it.;pokud: Pokud mohu doshnout nesmrteln Nibbny,
(pak) bych ji ml doshnout.;fut.
: T ;that: (I) ;just (as for, if said);prv (co se te, kdy (se)
believe, that you want to become a nun.;e: Vm, e se
chce stt mnikou.;pol.
: ;if is: If I were (you), (I) would
T ;that: It is generally accepted
that the commentaries appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's
time.;e: Veobecn se pijm, e komente se objevily
bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.
();how (to that said);jak (k tomu
eenmu);suff. adv.
( );singer (great speaker);zpvk (velk

not do (it) this way. (If it is me, (I would) not do (it) this way.).
if were: If I were (you), (I) would not do (it) this way. (If it is
me, (I would) not do (it) this way.).;kdyby byl: Bt tebou,
nedlal bych (to) takhle. (Kdybych to byl j, nedlal bych
takhle.) je-li: Bt tebou, nedlal bych (to) takhle. (Kdybych to
byl j, nedlal bych takhle.);um.
: ;if: If you
come, I would be glad.;jestli: Jestli pijde, budu rd.;pol. um.

: ;as for:
;named as called indicates quotation marks at the
As for (last) Sunday, I came to Kandy (village).;co se te: Co
end;k, emu se zna uvozovky na konci jmenuje, kter se te (minul) nedle, pijel jsem do (vesnice) Kandy.;pol.
se zvan;suff. (or) suff. adj. (or) adj.
: ;called: Where is the town called : ;as for: As
Mandalay?;zvan: Kde je to msto zvan Mandalaj
for Monday, I stay in Migoda village.;co se te: Co se te
pondl, zstvm ( ~ iji) ve (vesnici) Mgoda.;pol. um.
;name, of the:
Have you ever met the student of the name Maung
Maung?;jmnem: Setkal jsi se u se studentem jmnem Maun
Maun?;inter. p.p.

;then (used to delay speech): Today, then, I, then,
will go to Yangon, then.;tedy (uito ke zpodn mluvy): Dnes,
tedy, j, tedy, pojedu do Rangnu, tedy.;fut. pol. um.

: ;indicates quotation marks at the end: : T ;if so: If so, I won't

word rassa;zna uvozovky na konci: slovo rassa;
come tomorrow. (If it is said so, I won't come tomorrow.);v
tom ppad: V tom ppad nepijdu. (Je-li takto eeno, j
: ;called: a monk called ven.
Makara;jmenuje, kter se: mnich, kter se jmenuje ct. Makara.; ztra nepijdu.);pol. um.
...;called: this boy called
Ezekiel ...;jmenuje, kter se: tenhle kluk, kter se jmenuje ... ;
T ;mention, which says (used after a
quotation, mention, which says (and) fixes);zmnka, kter
k (uito za citac, zmnka, kter k (a) upevuje);writ.
;website;webov strnka;n. E. site

: T ;as for: As for tomorrow, (I) am

free.;co se te: Co se te ztka, mm volno ( ~ jsem
: ;as for: as for midday
yesterday;co se te: co se te verejho poledne.;


;as for: Just now, at this time, the

marking ( ~ marks-giving) judges are being ready (and)
arrived.;prv: Prv te, v tuto dobu, jsou bodujc
( __znmky-dvajc) soudci pipraveni (a) dostavili se.;p.p.

; that, to (to (the) topic which (was) told)

which, to (to (the) topic which (was) told);tomu (k tmatu,
kter (bylo) eeno) kterermu (k tmatu, kter (bylo)
eeno);acc.! (or) acc.

;if (+ (is) said) in case if (if (is) said) be it (if (is)

said);v ppad, e (jestli (je) eeno) je-li (pokud (je)
eeno) pokud (+ (je) eeno);conj. writ.

: ;oil: Much of oil is spilled on

the road.;olej: Na ulici je hodn rozlitho oleje.;cont. col.

: T T ;if
(+ (is) said): If the fruit is (said (to be)) of orange color,
there is a possibility, (that it is) an orange.;jestli (+ (je)
eeno): Pokud je (to) ovoce (eeno (bt)) oranov barvy,
(pak) je monost, (e je to) pomeran.;

: ;indicates placement or direction: at him;zna

umstn nebo smr: u nj;

;oil indicates placement or direction;olej zna umstn

;dirty, be (about words) bad, be (about words) vulgar, nebo smr;suff. (or) n.
be (about words);patn, bt (o sprostch slovech) vulgrn, ;urine;mo;n.
bt (o sprostch slovech) sprost, bt (o sprostch slovech);I : ;sauce: chilli sauce;omka: ili omka;n.
: ( ~ ) : ;indicates direction: Inform
( ~
me.;zna smr: Informuj m.;imper. pol. utmn.
);dirty, be (about words): (He) violently shouts (with) : ( ~ ) ;oil: There is
dirty words.;sprost, bt (o slovech): Nsilnicky ki sprost
a lot of oil (photographed) in the picture.;olej: Na obrzku je
(vyfoceno) mnoho oleje.;

: ;indicates direction: (He) goes to (his)

friend.;zna smr: Jde za kamardem.;

: ;indicates direction: having come to him;zna

smr: po t, co (jsem) k nmu piel;p.p.

;hear that as is said because it is said called;nazvan : ; indicated direction: to ven. Sir;zna smr:
protoe bylo eeno jak je eeno slyet, e;suff.
ct. panu;
;if (if is said that);jestli (pokud je eceno
: T ;indicates direction: (He) sends the reply
(letter) to the monk.;zna smr: Posl odpov (dopis)
: T T " ;hear mnichovi.;
that: I am pleased to hear you want to visit Myanmar.;slyet,
;from (a person) from;od (nkoho) od z;suff. prep.
e: Mm radost, e slym, e chce navtvit Myanmar.;pol.
(or) suff. pol.
: T
;to (sb.);ke zna dativ;suff.
;mean: here the
: ;to: Come to me.;ke: Pij ke
walking meditation means loving-kindness in
m.;pol. imper. um.
walking.;znamenat: Zde meditace v chzi znamen milujc: ;to: I can't write you (a)
dobrotivost v chzi.;pol. writ.
letter.;zna dativ: Nemohu ti napsat dopis.;pol. um.
: ; to: To the venerable Sir.;zna dativ:
;as it is said: As it was said, that he
Ctihodnmu pnovi.;
wanted to buy a book, I took him (in a car) to a bookshop.;jak
T ;stewed (agan oil);duen (o jdle, znovu olej);adj.
je eeno: Protoe bylo eeno, e (si) chtl koupit knihu, vzal
T ;eat (Mandalay dialect, fill (with) oil);jst (Mandalajsk
jsem ho (autem) do knihkupectv.;pol.
dialekt, plnit-se olejem);T col.
: ;because it is said:
;at (sb.) at (one's house) indicates possession (about a
I waited because it was said that he would come.;protoe se
person);u (nkoho doma) u (nkoho) zna vlastnictv (o
k: ekal jsem, protoe se kalo, e pijde.;pol.
osob);prep. (or) suff.
;said, what was;eeno, co bylo;n.
: ;at (one's house): You
: ;said, what was: what you said (what
can live in my house ( ~ at me).;u (nkoho doma): Me t
was said (by) you);ekl (co bylo eeno): co jsi ekl ((to), co
u m (doma).;pol. um.
bylo tebou eeno);um.
: ;indicates possession: I do
;indicates quotation marks at the end;zna uvozovky na
not have (the) book.;zna vlastnictv: Nemm knihu.;um.
konci;suff. writ.
: T ;to
: "
( ~ "at): As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am showing)

;indicates quotation
(them) to the dentist.;zna akuzativ ( ~ "u): Ponvad nemm
marks at the end: The word 'lokuntaka' has been explained
dobr zuby, ukazuji (je) zubai.;cont. uw.
(and) interpreted making use of the Pi word 'rassa'.;zna
;correspond with (suitability to have with)
uvozovky na konci: Slovo 'lokuntaka' bylo vysvtleno (a)
relevant to, be (suitability to have with);souviset s
vyloeno uitm Pi slova 'rassa'.;pol. writ.
(pslunost k mt s) odpovdat emu (pslunost k mt
-T ;means (in that said, (it) is);znamen (v
tom eenm (to) je);suff.


with: (There is) a relevance with the Pi
commentaries.;pslunost k: (Je zde) pslunost k Pli
komentm.;pol. writ.

word;nejvce: (To) je (to) nejdleitj slovo.;pol.

( ) [zh:d:];plum, wild (plum fruit);vestka, poln

(vestkov ovoce);sg.

: ;prize: The
most beautiful and the best ( ~ most well) dancing vehicles
are given a prize.;cena (ocenn): Nejkrsnj a nejlpe ( ~
nejvc dobe) tancujc (skupiny z) vozidel jsou ocenni
(dostanou cenu).;col. pol.

;decease as much as end most die come to an end

most, the greatest indicates superlative pass
away;zesnout (zemt) zemt nejvce dojt na konec jak
jen konit zna superlativ dojt konce nej- nejvt
umt;adv. (or) I (or) suff. (or) I pol. (or) T (or) adj. (or) I, T

: ;most:
The most beautiful and the best ( ~ most well) dancing
vehicles are given a prize.;nejvce: Nejkrsnj a nejlpe ( ~
nejvc dobe) tancujc (skupiny z) vozidel jsou ocenni
(dostanou cenu).;col. pol.

: T T T ;meet
with: If there's enough ( ~ "contained) kamma, (I) may happen
to meet you either in Czech (Republic) or in Yangon.;setkat se
s: Jestli je dost ( ~ "obsaena) kamma, (pak) se me stt, e
t potkm bu v esku nebo v Rangnu.;pol.

: T ;most: The
mountain Everest is (just) the highest mountain in the
world.;nej-: Hora Everest je (prost) nejvt horou na svt.;

: () ;end:
There is no end to the much of thanking for the (given)
help.;konit: Nen konce mnohmu dkovn za tu (dodanou)
: ;greatest: Of the
greatest travellers' interest is the Pagan town.;nejvt: (Je to
prv) Pagan msto, kter (se jev) cestovatelm

( );prize award;cena (ocenn) ocenn;sg.

;respect (the Buddha, request (a) wish) wish
(request (a) wish) pray (request (a) wish);modlit se
(dat (o) pn) ctt (Buddhu, dat (o) pn) pt si
(dat (o) pn);T
: ;wish: (It) is used when
wishing.;pt: Uv se pi pn.;
: ;pray: (I) pray (for it to
happen).;modlit se: Modlm se (aby se tak stalo).;pol.

: T
;blessings, give: (It) is a saying to give blessings to
somebody.;ehnat (dt poehnn): To se k kdy nkdo
: T ;wish: (I) want the given wishes (for nkomu ehn. (Je (to) een k dn nkomu
me) to fulfill (for you as well).;pn: Chci, aby se ta pn (kter poehnn.);pol.
jsi mi pl) splnila (i tob).;w. ans. pol.
: ;wishes: (I) request (and) give (you)
wishes.;pn: Vyaduji (a) dvm (ti) pn.;w. pol.

: T ;wishes: May (things) fullfil with the

given wishes (also to you). (answer to somebody's blessing or
well-wishing);pn: K se (vci) spln dle (tvch) pn (m).
(odpov na pn i poehnn druhho);pol. w.
: ;most: Who do (you) love
most?;nejvce: Koho miluje nejvce?;inter.
: T
;most: What do (you) like most in the Lord
Buddha's teachings?;nejvce: Co m z ( ~ "v) uen Pna
Buddhy nejradji?;inter.

;wish: (I) wish all the beings to be happy ( ~

"happiness).;pt si: Peji vem bytostem aby byly astn ( ~
;bless (sb., give wishing wishes) blessings,
give (give wishing wishes);poehnn, dt (dt dn
pn) ehnat (nkomu, dt dn pn);T
;retreat (withdraw);ustoupit (vzdlit se);T

T ;waning: Tenth waning day of
Tanzhaungmoung month is the National Day.;ubvajc: Dest
: ;die ( ~ pass away): (They) do not den obvajcho msce Tanzhaunmounu je nrodn svtek ( ~
live any more. (Both parents) have passed away.;umt ( ~
den).;pol. writ.
net): U neij. (Oba rodie) u zemeli.;p.p. pol.
: ;most: He thinks he is T ;decide (cross end) determination, make a (cross
the richest.;nejvce: Mysl si o sob, e je nejbohat.;pol.
end) decision, make (cross end) make up one's mind
: T ;most, the: the hugest help;nejvce:
(come-to-end (and) cross) decide (come-to-end (and)
nejohromnj pomoc;
cross);uinit rozhodnut (dojt-na-konec (a) pejt) uinit
: ;as much as: (I) will help (you) as rozhodnut (pekroit konec) rozhodnout se (pekroit
much as possible.;jak jen: Pomohu (ti) jak jen je mon.;fut.
konec) rozhodnout se (dojt-na-konec (a) pejt) odhodlat
se k (pekroit konec);T
: ;most: the most developed
country;nejvce: nejrozvinutj zem;n.

T : T ;decide: (I) decided to stay

(there).;rozhodnout se: Rozhodl jsem se (tam) zstat.;p.s. pol.

: ;pass away: (My) mother is

(still) alive. Father has passed away.;zemt: (Moje) matka je
(stle) naivu. Otec (u) neije ( ~ "zemel).;p.p. pol.

T ;decision (cross end {nouner});rozhodnut

(pejt pes konec {jmenec});n.

: ;most: (it is) the most important

T :


;determination: My strong determination

helps me to continue in my effort.;rozhodnut: Moje pevn
rozhodnut mi pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col. cont.

: T ;admonish: If (you) see

(anything) not good (with me), simply admonish (me).;pokrat:
Pokud uvid (nco) nedobrho (se mnou), tak (m) jednodue

T : T
;decision: The decision is so firm, that nothing can ;wish (desire reward noble (and) good
(ever) destroy it.;rozhodnut: (To) rozhodnut je tak pevn, e
(for sb.));pt (touit (po) odmn ulechtil (a) dobr (pro
jej nic neme zniit.;pol.
T : T ;decision: She
changed her mind. (Her decision has already
changed.);rozhodnut: (Ona) zmnila (sv) rozhodnut. (Jej
rozhodnut se ji zmnilo.);p.p. pol.

;wish much: Indeed, (I) wish
(you) much that (your) path (you) travel by is smooth.;pt moc:
Vskutku, moc (ti) peji, aby (tv) cesta (kterou) cestuje byla
T ;decision, make a (strike cross end {nouner}) hladk.;w. pol.
decide (strike cross end {nouner});rozhodnut, uinit
; noisy, be (noisy (and) noisy);hlun, bt (hlun (a)
(uhodit pejt (pes) konec {jmenec}) rozhodnout (uhodit hlun);I
pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});T
: ;noisy: The
T ;decision, make a (strike (and) be-brave (to)
cross end {nouner}) decide (strike (and) be-brave (to)
cross end {nouner});rozhodnut, uinit (uhodit (a) btstaten, pejt (pes) konec {jmenec}) rozhodnout
(uhodit (a) bt-staten, pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});T

rented flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~ much)

noisy.;hlun: Ten pronajat byt (pokoj), ponvad je ve
mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.
;Sule Pagoda (pagoda (of) small spike);Slejsk
Pagoda (pagoda malho hrotu);name

T ;change (one's) mind (destroy decision)

decision, change (change one's mind, destroy
;Sule pagoda: Do you want to know (walking) path
decision);zmnit rozhodnut (zniit rozhodnut) rozhodnout from Sule pagoda to Shwedagon pagoda?;Sule pagoda: Chce
se jinak (zmnit rozhodnut, zniit rozhodnut);T
vdt cestu ze Sule pagody do vedagou pagody?;inter.
T T ;deciding (cross end {nouner});rozhodovn
(pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});n.

;rinse (vegetables etc.) wash (also about kitchen utensils)

do the washing up cleanse (vegetables etc.) wash clean
T T : T T (vegetables etc.);mt umvat (tak o ndob) oplchnout
( ~ T T
(zeleninu atd.) isit (zeleninu atd.) oistit (zeleninu atd.)
);deciding: After passing a judgment at court, the mt ndob);T
deciding is completely finished.;rozhodovn: Po vynesen
: ;cleanse: I am
rozdsudku u soudu je rozhodovn zcela dokoneno.;pol.
cleansing the vegetables.;oplachovat: (J) oplachuji
T T : T T ( ~
T );deciding: At that time the deciding is
completely finished.;rozhodovn: V tu dobu je rozhodovn
zcela ukoneno.;pol.

zeleninu.;cont. um.
;wash (one's) hands;mt si ruce umt si ruce;T

: ;wash (one's)
hands: After eating, (he) washes (his) hands.;mt (si) ruce: Po
T ;decision, make a (cross end (and) fix) decide jdle ( ~ "jezen) si meje ruce.;writ.
(cross end (and) fix);rozhodnout (pejt (pes) konec (a) ( );medicine drug (medicine) tobacco poison;tabk
upevnit) rozhodnut, uinit (pejt (pes) konec (a)
lk medicna jed;sg.
;cleanse (vegetables etc.) clean (vegetables etc.)
T : ( ~ )
rinse (vegetables etc.);oplchnout (zeleninu atd.) isit
T ;decide: (I) decided, indeed, to collect
(zeleninu atd.) oistit (zeleninu atd.) oplachovat (zeleninu
perfections ( ~ pram).;rozhodnout se: Vskutku, rozhodla jsem atd.);T
se sbrat dokonalosti ( ~ pram).;pol.
;treat (an injured person, give medicine (and)
T ;determination, make (cross end (and)
care) medicate (an injured person, give medicine (and)
follow);rozhodnut, uinit (pejt (pes) konec (a)
care) treatment (give, administer, take or receive medical
treatment, give medicine (and) care);lba (oetovat nebo
T : ( ) T
bt oetovn, dt lky (a) oetovat) lit (zrannou
T ( ~ ( ) T
osobu, dt lky (a) oetovat) oetovat (zrannou osobu,
T );determination, make: I made a strong
dt lky (a) oetovat);T
determination to be an excellent monk.;rozhodnut, uinit: Uinil : ;treat: They give me a
jsem pevn rozhodnut bt vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.
treatment.;oetit: Oetuj m. (Dvaj mi oeten.);uw.
;admonish tell off reprove punish;vynadat potrestat ( );clinic (room (of) medicine);klinika (lkask,
pokrat krat;T
pokoj lk);sg.
: ;admonish: admonish (and)
T ;THC (marijuana, six(fold) medicine) cannabis
instruct;napomnat: napomnat (a) instruovat;
(six(fold) medicine) marihuana (six(fold) medicine)


marijuana (six(fold) medicine);marihuana (ester

) ;protect (precepts, rules): As for five
medicna) THC (marihuana, ester medicna) kanabis precepts, (they) should be protected by lay people
(marihuana, ester medicna);n.
too.;ochraovat (pravidla): Co se te pti pravidel, (ta) by mla
: ;pharmacy: bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.
(I) am going to (a) shop as I need medicine.;lkrna: Jdu do
lkrny, protoe potebuji lk.;cont.

;build for sb. (build (and) give);postavit pro nkoho

(postavit (a) dt);T

( );dispensary (medicine shop) pharmacy

(medicine shop);lkrnictv (obchod lk) lkrna
(obchod lk);sg.

;build (build (and) do);stavt (stavt (a) dlat)

postavit (stavt (a) dlat);T

: T
;hospital: (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to
hospital, because I broke (my) leg.;nemocnice: Musm jt ( ~
nastoupit) do nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont.

: T ;wear (on
head): I wear a hat of white color (on my head).;nosit (na
hlav): Nosm (na hlav) klobouk bl barvy.;uw.

( );hospital (building (of) medicine);nemocnice

(budova lk);sg.

(carry (and) attend-on) perform (carry-in-hand (and) carryon-head) carry out (carry-in-hand (and) carry-onhead);vykonat (nst (a) starat-se-o) vykonat (nosit-v-ruce
(a) nosit-na-hlav) splnit (nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-na-hlav)
provst (nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-na-hlav);T

: T
: ;injection, be injected by an: In ;build: This house is built by
the morning I received an injection.;injekci, dostat: Rno jsem stone.;postavit: Tento dm je postaven z kamene.;
dostal injekci.;p.s. col.
;Socrates (Greek filosopher);Sokrates (eck
T( T );pellet (pill, flat medicine) tablet (pill, filosof);name
flat medicine) pill (flat medicine);pilulka (ploch lk) ;carry;nosit;T
prek (pilulka, ploch lk) tabletka (ploch lk);sg.
;wear (on head);nosit (na hlav);T

: ;article (in
newspapers etc.): I read an article (for myself)
: ;hospital: It is near hospital.;nemocnice: Je yesterday.;article (in newspapers etc.): Vera jsem si etl jeden
pobl nemocnice.;pol.
: ;hospital: The
( ) [shau~: b:];article (in newspapers, thin
patient is lying on the hospital-bed.;nemocnice: Pacient le na contribution);lnek (v novinch, tenk pispn);sg.
nemocnin posteli.;cont.
;fulfill (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head) carry out

( );hospital (medical public-building);nemocnice

(lkask veejn-budova);sg.
: ;cigarette: (He) smokes
cigarettes.;cigareta: Kou cigarety.;
( );cigarette (medicine roll);cigareta
(liv rulika);sg.
( );cigarette (medicine roll);cigareta (lkask

;found (an association): association founded for
(carrying-out) the benefit of animals;zaloit (sdruen):
sdruen zaloen pro podporu zvat ( ~ "pro vykonvn
pnosu zvatm);writ.

T( );ashtray (cup (for) cigarette

ash);popelnk (hrnek (na) cigaretov popel);sg.

: T T
;carry out: (I) will fulfil (and) carry out ((and) give)
( );non-smoking (room) (room (where everything, what (I) can (do for you).;vykonat: Splnm (a)
one) should not drink medicinal rolls);nekuck (pokoj) vykonm ((a) dm) vechno, co (pro tebe) mohu (udlat).;fut.
(pokoj (kde se) nikoliv maj pt liv zvitky);n.
;smoke (drink cigarette);kouit (pt
;carry out: May (you) be able to
assume more and more responsibility for carrying out the
;drug (medicine, medicinal bamboo-plant (?))
(Buddha's) present.;vykonvat: K jsi schopen vzt vc a vc
medicine (medicinal bamboo-plant (?));lk (liv
zodpovdnosti za vykonvn (Buddhova) daru.;w. pol.
bambusov-rostlina) medicna (liv bambusov :
: ;medicine: (I) ;perform: Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume
responsibility (and) perform (it) to benefit of many.;vykonat: Ct.
am going to (a) pharmacy as I need medicine.;lk: Jdu do
Pn Nanda, kter doke vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji)
lkrny, protoe potebuji lk.;cont. um.
prospchu mnohch.;
;build construct;budovat stavt;T

: T ;build (construct):
The stadium is still under construction. (Stadium building work
still happens.);stavt: Stadin se stle stav. (Stavebn prce
(na) stadionu se stle dj.);
: ( ~

: ;carry
out: Put the duty for me tot he last (place) and then carry it
out.;vykonat: Dej tu povinnost pro m na posledn (msto) a pak
ji vykonej.;imper. pol. col.
;winter (winter season, November-February)


winter (winter season);zima (zimn obdob, listopad-nor)

zima (ron obdob, zimn obdob);adv. (or) n.

stejnou mrou? (Je stejn jak mui (a) eny mohou pinet

: T
;winter (+ season): Mostly, during the summer
(season), there is much of snow on the streets.;zimn (+
obdob): Vtinou, bhem zimnho (obdob), je na ulicch
mnoho snhu.;spis.


;carry out: Sometimes, there may be
duties, of which carrying them out together by men and women
is advantageous.;vykonat: Nkdy jsou povinnosti, jejich
vykonn mui i enami pospolu je vhodn.;pol.

;fall (autumn, opportunity before

winter);podzim (pleitost ped zimnm-obdobm);n.
;cold season (winter) winter;zima (obdob) studen
obdob (zima);n.
: ;winter: If you
can come in winter (season), it is just best.;zima (obdob):
Pokud pijede v zim ( ~ v obdob zimy), tak je to prost
nejlep.;pol. col.
;article: Then, also, editorials and articles are still
published there.;lnek: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou tam
stle publikovny.;pol.

;carry out (carry-in-hand (and) come);vykonvat

(nosit-v-ruce (a) pijt);T
;carry out: (He) is a person, who has
carried out educational duties in this town for many years and
months.;vykonvat: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala (
~ vykonvala vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a

;excuse (me, expression used after making a mistake)

sorry (expression used after making a mistake);promite (vraz
uvan po uinn chyby) sorry (CZ col., vraz uvan po
;bring (benefit) (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head) uinn chyby);interj. col. E. sorry
act (carry out) (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head) perform : ;sorry: (I'm) sorry, ok?;promite: Promite
(carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head) work (in order to, carry- (mi), ano?;col.
in-hand (and) be-responsible) work for (benefit of sb.) carry
out (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head);vykonat (nst-v-ruce
(a) nst-na-hlav) uskutenit (nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav)
konat (nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav) pinet (uitek,
nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-na-hlav prospch) pracovat (aby,
nst-v-ruce (a) bt-zodpovdn) pracovat (ve prospch );T

: ;sorry: (I'm) just sorry.;sorry: (Prost)


: T
;work for (benefit of sb.): When Kyansittha
became king, (he) worked for the benefit of the great
country.;pracovat (ve prospch ): Kdy se ansit stal
krlem, pracoval ve prospch t ohromn zem.;p.s. writ.

;revile swear at vituperate while curse still;stle

splat pod nadvat na proklnat zatmco;suff. adv. (or)
adv. (or) T

: ;sorry: (I'm) just sorry, ok?;promite:

Promite (mi), ano? (Prost se-omlouvm, ano?);col.
;software (play-around-with (and) circle-above);software
(pohrvat-si-s (a) krouit-nad);n. E. software

: ;still: (I) am still just attending

school.;pod: Pod jen chodm do koly.;pol.

: ;still: I am still trying.;stle: Stle se
;work (in order to): King Kyansittha worked in
order to (maintain) the great country united.;pracovat (aby): Krl : T ;still: The stadium is still
ansit pracoval aby (udrel tu) ohromnou zemi jednotnou.;p.s. under construction. (Stadium building work still
happens.);stle: Stadin se stle stav. (Stavebn prce (na)
: T
stadionu se stle dj.);

-: ;still: He still reads the book.;stle:
;carry out: I take pride very much for
Stle te knihu.;pol.
being allowed to carry out the celebration of tenth anniversary -: ;still: It is still raining.;pod: Pod
of writers of our township as the chairman.;vykonat: Jsem
velice hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn ;while still still;pod zatmco pod;adv.
se) oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti
jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.
( ~ );still: Though (I) was still
attending school, as (I) got married, (I) cannot continue any
;perform: As for some people, (they) think, that men more.;pod: Pestoe jsem pod chodil do koly, ponvad
can perform (duties) more.;konat (povinnosti): Co se te
jsem se oenil, nemohu dl pokraovat.;fut. col.
nkterch lid, mysl si, e mui jsou vce schopn konat
();tear away (drag (and) tear (well));odtrhnout
(tahat (a) trhat (podn)) vytrhnout (tahat (a) trhat
;bring (benefit): Can men (as well as) women
( );grille (to filter things) filter (to filter things);filtr (k
bring (benefit) equally? (Is equal how men (and) women bring
filtrovn) mka (k filtrovn);sg.
benefit?);pinet (uitek): Mohou mui (a) eny pinet uitek
;Mahayana Buddhism (especially Japanese,


Buddhist religion (of) jhnas);Mahjnov buddhismus

;wisdom (knowledge (and) wisdom)
(zejmna japonsk, Buddhistick nboenstv dhn);name wisdom;moudrost (znalost (a) moudrost) moudrost;n. P.
;Mahayana Buddhism (especially Japanese, religion a-pa (= knowledge - wisdom) (or) n. P. a-pa (=
(of) jhnas);Mahjnov buddhismus (zejmna japonsk,
nboenstv dhn);name

;PM night;veer noci, v noc;n.

;wife: My wife can cook rice and
curry very well.;manelka: Moje manelka um velice dobe
vait ri a omky.;pol. um.

; poor, be inferior, be worse, be (also in knowledge or

ability);podadn, bt uboh, bt hor, bt (tak ve
znalostech i schopnostech) hor, bt;I

: ;wife: His wife wondered. (His wife

was wondering.);manelka: Jeho manelka byla
( );wife (deferential, elevating) wife;manelka
(uctiv, pozdvihujc) manelka;sg. S. jan (= wife) (or) sg.
();January (month);leden (msc);n. E. January
( );rest house building (rather as a rest
house);hotel budova (spe jakoto hotel);sg. Mo. T

: ;PM: nine hours twenty minutes

PM;veer: devt hodin dvacet minut veer;
: ;night: until 11 o'clock at night;noc: do
jedencti hodin v noci;
: ;right: on the right;prav: na pravo;
: ;night: At night, indeed, we do not
(play) throwing water.;noc: V noci, vskutku, nehzme vodou.
(tj. nehrajeme hzen vodou);pol.

( );spoon;lce;sg.

: ;night: yesterday at night, at 12

o'clock;noc: vera v noci, ve 12 hodin;

( );spoon;lce;sg.

;gentle smooth;jemn hladk;adv.

() [jo~l<];June (month);erven (msc);n. E. June

;gently smoothly;jemn hladce;adv.

: ;play ( ~ concert): Have you

seen that play ( ~ concert) already?;divadeln hra ( ~ koncert):
U jsi se (ty) (nkdy) na tu divadeln hru ( ~ koncert)
podval?;inter. col.

;dinner (night eating);veee (non jezen);n.

;dirty, be (surrounded (by) dirt);pinav, bt
(obklopen pnou);I

( );show, Burmese stage;hra, Barmsk divadeln;sg.

: ;dirty: His clothes is

very dirty.;pinav: Jeho obleen je velice pinav.;col.

T ;theater: In this theater the actor is entertaining
(the people).;divadlo: V tomto divadle herec bav (lidi).;cont.

: ;dirty, be:
Before washing the clothes, (it) is dirty.;pinav, bt: Ne se
prdlo vypere, je pinav.;

( );theater (public-building (of) drama);divadlo

(veejn-budova dramat);sg.

;night, late at late at night;pozd v noci noci, pozd


: ;story:
: ;night, late at: I'll go to sleep
Almost every student knows this story.;pbh: Tento pbh zn only late at night.;noci, pozd v: Pjdu spt jen pozd v
tm kad student.;pol.
: ;story: If the
;evening (night-sun);veer (non slunce);adv.
story is sad, (you) will cry.;smutn: Jestli ten pbh bude
: ;afternoon: As for afternoon, it's
smutn, bude() breet.;col
raining.;odpoledne: Co se te odpoledne, pr.;

( );story story (way (of) drama) plot ;evening (night-sun (is) spread);veer (non slunce
(of a story, way (of) drama);zpletka (pbhu, zpsob
dramatu) pbh (zpsob dramatu) pbh;sg.
: ;evening: Good evening.;rno:
( );story;pbh;sg.
Dobr veer.;w. pol.
: ;evening: Good evening.;odpoledne:
() [jlai~l<];July (month);ervenec (msc);n. E. July
;success;spch;n. un.

;best (of boat, house etc.);nejlep (o lodi, domu atd.);adj.

( );yogi;jogn;sg.

Dobr veer.;w. pol.

;dinner (afternoon eating);veee (odpoledn jezen);n.

: () ; dinner: (I
thought), that (it would) be good, if I didn't eat dinner.;veee:
(Myslel jsem), e (by bylo) dobr, kdybych nejedl veei.;col.

( );person, pre-eminent pre-eminent person

alchemist (with magical powers);alchymista (kter m magickou ;late at afternoon (evening sun's edge) evenfall
moc) osoba, vynikajc vynikajc osoba;sg.
(evening sun's edge);podveer (hrana nonho slunce)
pozd v poledne (hrana nonho slunce);adv.
( );alchemist (with magical
powers);alchymista (kter m magickou moc);sg.

;knowledge undersatnding realization;pochopen

chpn znalost;n. P. a (= knowledge)
(WS. from );knowledge;znalost;n. P. a (=
knowledge) WS.

;evening (night-sun part);veer (st nonho

;night (night part);noc (non st);n.

: T
;night: At
night, the cars normally turn on the lights (and) go ( ~


drive).;noc: V noci auta obvykle rozsvt svtla (a) jedou ( ~


non as).;writ.

: ;night: (time
of) four hours sleeping at night was not enough, indeed;noc:
tyi hodiny ( ~ "as ty hodin) spnku v noci, vskutku,
nestaily.;p.s. writ.

;night, late at (black night);noci, pozd v (ern


;weak, be (in a certain skill, be-inferior (and) stupid)

inferior, be (be-inferior (and) stupid) poor, be (be-inferior
(and) stupid);patn, bt na tom (s njakou schopnost atd.,
bt-hor (a) hloup) uboh, bt (bt-hor (a) hloup)
hor, bt (bt-hor (a) hloup);I


;right, on the (right direction) right (to) (right

direction) right (right direction);vpravo (smr napravo)
prav (smr napravo) pravo, (na) (smr vpravo)
napravo (smr napravo);adv.

;right: Turn left, (and) on the right (you) will

certainly find a hotel.;napravo: Zato vlevo, (a) napravo jist
nalezne hotel.;imper. fut.

: ;weak, be (in a
skill): Because (I) am weak in languages.;patn, bt na tom (s :
njakou schopnost): Protoe jsem na tom s jazyky patn.
T ;right side, on the: As
(Protoe jsem v jazycch uboh.);pol. um.
for the proposers' ( ~ speakers') leader sitting on my right, (it)
T ;lotus
is U Mya Maung.;pravo, na: Co se te vdce mluvch, kter
posture, half (with right leg up, lotus-posture while placing sed po m prav stran, (je to) Mja Maun.;pol.
right leg up) padmasanam, ardha (with right leg up, lotus- ;even, be united, be equal, be;vyrovnan, bt
posture while placing right leg up);padmsana, polovin sjednocen, bt rovn, bt;I
(s pravou nohou nahoe, lotosov-pozice zatmco prav
( );brother (younger, usually used only by male
noha (je) poloen nahoru);n. med.
relatives);bratr (mlad, uito obvykle jen muskmi
;fall for sb.;padnout pro nkoho;T



;unite (be-united (and) fall-for(sb.)) united, be (beunited (and) fall-for(sb.));jednotn, bt (bt-sjednocen (a)
padnout-pro(nkoho)) sjednotit (bt-sjednocen (a) padnoutpro(nkoho)) sjedocen, bt (bt-sjednocen (a) padnoutpro(nkoho));I (or) T

;best, be choicest, be;nejlep, bt nejvybranj, bt;I

;advice (instruction, direct (and) be-heard
{nouner}) instruction (direct (and) be-heard
{nouner});instrukce (ukzat-smr (a) bt-slyen {jmenec})
rada (instrukce, ukzat-smr (a) bt-slyen {jmenec});n.
( );director (leader (to) direct
(and) be-listened {nouner});editel (vedouc (kter) ukajesmr (a) je-poslouchn {jmenec});sg.

;equal, be ((be) even (and) at-right (?)) even , be

((be) even )and) at-right (?));vyrovnan, bt ((bt) rovn (a)
napravo (?)) rovn, bt ((bt) rovn (a) napravo (?));I
TT;even, be (about a surface etc., even, wide (and)
flat);rovn, be (o povrchu atd., rovn, irok a ploch);I

T;point out (direct (and) show);poukzat na (nasmrovat TT: T TT ;even, be: This great
(a) ukzat);T
earth ( ~ "ground) is even.;rovn, bt: Tato (velk) zem je
T: T;point out: the word (which) points out;ukazovat: ploch.;
ukazovac slovo;
;unitedly evenly;spojen vyrovnan;adv.
T;point out (direct (and) show {emphasis});poukzat
na (nasmrovat (a) ukzat {draz});T
;soft, be ((of) soft life) subtle, be ((of) soft
life);nn, bt (mkkho ivota) jemn, bt (mkkho
;midnight (night crosses-over (the) peak);plnoc
(noc pekrauje vrchol);adv.
;cut (with scissors) hold (by teeth or between
fingers);sthat (nkami) dret (zuby nebo mezi prsty);T
( );sandals, thong (shoes (of)
clamp);sandly tong (boty svrn);sg. (pair, piece)

;sister (younger): (I) have one elder
brother, one elder sister and two younger sisters.;sestra
(mlad): Mm jednoho starho bratra, jednu star sestru a
dv mlad sestry.;pol.
( );sister (younger, historically used only by
female relatives);sestra (mlad, historicky uvno pouze
enskmi pbuznmi);sg.
( );sister (younger, affectionate
address);sestra (mlad, citov zaloen osloven);sg.

;brothers and sisters (man's-younger-brother,

elder-brother, womans'-younger-brother (and) man's-younger; make (a friend, level) make a (friend, partner, tolevel);udlat si (ptele, partnera, urovnat) udlat si (ptele, sister) siblings (man's-younger-brother, elder-brother,
womans'-younger-brother (and) man's-younger-sister);brati a
sestry ( mlad-bratr-mue, star bratr, mlad-bratr-eny (a)
;night (night time);noc (as noci);n.
mlad-sestra-mue) sourozenci ( mlad-bratr-mue, star
: ;night: At night (time) the
bratr, mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue);n.
month is shining.;noc: V noci svt msc.;writ.
: ;night: When the moon is
shining, (it is) night time.;noc: Kdy svt msc, (je) noc ( ~


: ;brothers and sisters:

Do (you) have brothers and sisters?;sourozenci: M (njak)


zem (sem) pichzej a zskvaj znalosti.;pol.

: () ; place: to the direction of various

places;msto: smrem k rznm mstm.;col.

: ;university: In the hostel

near university.;univerzita: V ubytovn pobl univerzity.;

( );department place;oddlen (v instituci) msto;sg.

P. hna (= place, locality)

;university: This year he
was admitted to university.;universita: Tento rok byl (on) pijat
na universitu.;

;wish for long for;pt si touit po;T

- (from -);whole the;cel;pref. & suff. adj.
(from );a one;njak jeden;num.
T ( )T ;one: Min Yaza
became famous as one of the great wise men in
Myanmar.;jeden: Men Yza se stal slavnm jakoto jeden z
velkch moudrch mu Myanmaru.;

: ;university: University of
Yangon.;univerzita: Rangnsk Univerzita;
( );university campus;univerzita;sg.
( );university;univerzita;sg.

( );assignment, university;seminrn
prce, universitn;sg.

;assignment, university (university writings);kol,

: ( );a: Mandalay's universitn (universitn psan);pl.
Zaycho (Sweet Market) is a famous market.;njak:
( );lecturer, university (male, university
Mandalajsk Zhhu (Sladk Trh) je slavn trh.;pol. col.
teacher) teacher, university (male lecturer, university
( );rod (or anything rod-like, often as a part of
teacher);uitel na univerzit (univerzitn profesor, univerzitn
words);ty (nebo cokoliv podobnho tyi, obvykle uito coby
uitel) profesor, univerzitn (mu, univerzitn uitel);sg.
st slov);sg.
( );teacher, university (female lecturer,
( );stick;hlka;sg.

university teacher female) lecturer, university (female,

;real certainly indeed actually surely truth true university teacher female);profesorka, univerzitn (ena,
univerzitn uitelka) uitelka na univerzit (univerzitn
really;pravda skutenosti, ve urit skuten jist
profesorka, univerzitn uitelka);sg. f.
pravdiv vskutku skuten;adv. (or) n. (or) adj.
: T;truth: (I) speak truth.;pravda: km ( );university (university
building);univerzita (univerzitn budova);sg.

;get into (a vehicle) get on (a car etc.) climb (go

: ;real: (He) strives
(for) real (experience).;skuten: Skuten usiluje. (Usiluje o upwards) go (to hospital, ascend) go upwards improve
attend (a course, ascend) come up ascend attend
skutenou zkuenost.);
: ;indeed: It is said, that one (school, ascend) study (at an institute, ascend) climb (up)
come (up) climb up attend (a course or classes,
golden statu, indeed, was found.;vskutku: k se, e jedna
ascend);vyjt (nahoru) lzt (vzhru) nastoupit (do auta atd.)
zlat socha byla vskutku nalezena.;
;for sure (to reality) definitely (to reality);rozhodn nastoupit (do vozidla) zlepit se astnit se (kurzu nebo
lekc, nastoupit) chodit do (koly, nastoupit) studovat (v
(ke skutenosti) jist (ke skutenosti);adv (or) adv.
njakm institutu, nastoupit) astnit se (kursu, vystupovat :
vzhru) vystoupit (nahoru) vystupovat vzhru dochzet na
( ~ );indeed:
(kurs, vystupovat-vzhru) lzt (nahoru) jt (do nemocnice,
Indeed, I am very happy about you (of what (I) heard about
nastoupit) jt vzhru lzt vylzt;I (or) T
you).;opravdu: Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co jsem o
: T ;go ( ~
;actually (indeed truly);no (vskutku opravdu) ascend): (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital, because I
broke (my) leg.;jt ( ~ nastoupit): Musm jt ( ~ nastoupit) do
ve skutenosti (vskutku opravdu);adv.
- : ;indeed: nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont. um.
: ( ~ );attend: (I) just attend
Indeed, according to a special system.;vskutku: Vskutku, dle
school.;chodit do (koly): Pouze chodm do koly.;col.
specilnho systmu.;pol.
tob slyel) velkou radost .;pol.

- ;indeed;vskutku;adv.

;in fact: In fact, people may
overestimate themselves.;vskutku: Vskutku, lid mohou
peceovat sami sebe.;pol.
;together (with sth.);spolu (s nm);adv.
: ;every: every country;kad: kad zem;
;every: Monks from every country
come and acquire knowledge (here).;kad: Mnii z kad

: ;attend (school): (I) did not attend

school.;kola: Nechodila jsem do koly.;p.s. col.
: ;get on: get on the car;nastoupit:
nastoupit do auta.;

( ~ );attend (school): Though
(I) was still attending school, as (I) got married, (I) cannot
continue any more.;chodit (do koly): Pestoe jsem pod
chodil do koly, ponvad jsem se oenil, nemohu dl
pokraovat.;fut. col.
: ;improve: (You) have improved
very much.;zlepit se: Hodn moc jsi se zlepil.;p.p.


: ;get on ( ~ "ascend): Get on. (a taxidriver may

say this to their customer, Ascend.);nastoupit: Nastupte si.
(taxik me toto ci zkaznkovi);imper. pol.

;time, certain: The wisdom that (you) taught will

later become useful, at a certain time.;as, urit: Moudrost,
kterou jsi uil, bude pozdji, v uritou dobu, uiten.;fut. pol.

: ;attend (a course): (I) have already

attended;astnit se (kurzu): u jsem se astnil (kurzu);pol.

(from );after some time (in one time

(of) time);za uritou dobu (v jeden as asu);adv.

( );concurrently at the same time

contemporaneously;soubn (s m) v tu samou dobu
: T ;climb: souasn (s m);adv. writ.
If one climbs the mountain and looks (one) may see
(WS. from );at the same time;v tu
Mandalay.;leze: Kdy vyleze(te) na horu a podv(te) se,
samou dobu;adv. WS.
me(te) vidt Mandalaj.;
: ;climb: (He) has climbed the
mountain.;lzt: Vylezl na horu.;p.p.

: ;get on: to get on the

plane.;nastoupit: nastoupit do ( ~ na) letadla.;writ.
: ;attend: (I)
am attending a course of (teaching in) English.;chodit do
(kursu): Chodm na kurs (uen v) anglitin.;cont. pol.
: ;go ( ~
climb): The man is going up ( ~ climbing) the stairs.;jt ( ~
lzt): (Ten) mu jde ( ~ leze) po schodech.;cont.
;attend a school;chodit do koly;T
;active, be (about people, ascend (and) rise) arouse
(ascend (and) rise) arise (ascend (and) rise);bt aktivn (o
lidech, vystoupit (a) povstat) zvedat se (vystoupit (a)
povstat) vyvolat (povzbudit, vystoupit-vzhru (a)
: T

;arouse: In order to arouse the nationalism
towards the Myanmar nationality, encouraging, they have
recognized this day as National Day.;vyvolat: Aby vyvolali
vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za povzbudzovn),
rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.

;at the same time: At the same

time the Kweshams also came to force an oath (of royalty).;v tu
samou dobu: V tu samou dobu Kvean tak pili aby nutili k
uinn psahy.;p.s. writ.
;time to time (a time with a time);as od asu
(njak as s njakm asem);adv.
; several some;nkter nkte nkolik;pron. col. (or)
pron. acc.
;some: Thought due to the earthquake, some
have been destroyed, many indeed remain.;nkter: Pestoe
byly nkter znieny zemtesenm, mnoho se vskutku
: ;several: I meet several
teachers.;nkolik: Potkvm nkolik uitel.;col. pol.
;some (people): As for some people, (they) think,
that men can perform (duties) more.;nkte (lid): Co se te
nkterch lid, mysl si, e mui jsou vce schopn konat

;active, be (ascend, rise (and) be-awake) active,

) ;some: As for some, (they) make groups

be;inn, bt aktivn, bt (vystoupit-vzhru, stoupnout (a) bt- and go around in big and small cars.;nkte: A nkte utvo
skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch autech.;col. pol.
;wake up ((be) active (and) alert);probudit se
((bt) aktivn (a) bdl);I

: (~
);some: Some students come.;nkte: Nkte
;attend (a course etc., ascend (and) arrive);astnit studenti pichzej.;col. pol.
se (kursu, vystupovat-vzhru (a) pijt);T
: ;some (people): Some (of
them) do not know about meditation.;nkte (lid): Nkte
;attend (a course etc., ascend, arrive (and)
(lid) nev o meditaci.;
stop);astnit se (kursu, vystupovat-vzhru, pijt (a)
;some (people, a-some, a-half);nkte (lid,
;reach for a higher level (ascend (and) step) strive nkte, polovina);pron. col.
for advancement (ascend (and) step) attain (a certain level, : T ( ~
ascend (and) step);sahat k vymu stupni (vystupovat (a)
);some (people): As for by some (people), (they) are
kret) doshnout (njakho stupn, vystupovat (a) kret) only just lying (lies).;nkte (lid): Co se te nkterch (lid),
usilovat o pokrok (vystupovat (a) kret);T
prost, jenom lou ( ~ "lou li).;col. pol.

;get on (a trishaw etc., ascend (and) go);nastoupit

(na trojkolk atd., nastoupit (a) jt);T
: ;get on: (He) gets on the
trishaw.;nastoupit: Nastupuje na trojkolk.;
T ;formal, be (be well-magnificent);formln, bt
(bt dobe-skvl);I
;time, certain;as, urit;adj.


T;different other;jin ostatn;adj. col. (or) adj.

T: T ;other: Also other
nationalities live (there).;ostatn: Tak ostatn nrodnosti (tam)
T: T T ;other:
Apart from this student, no other student comes.;jin: Mimo
tohoto studenta nepichz dn jin (student).;pol.
T: T ;other: Other

statue of this kind is in the embarkment.;jin: Jin socha tohoto revere him, (he) uses a metaphore.;metafory, ut: Aby ho uctil,
druhu je na nalodn.;pol.
uv metafory.;
T;rest, the (other things);zbytek (ostatn vci);n.
T: T ;rest:
Apart from this one I understood the rest.;zbytek: Krom
tohohle jsem pochopil vechno ( ~ "zbytek).;p.s.
: T ;door: repair door (of a) room;dvee:
opravit dvee (od) pokoje.;
( );door;dvee;sg.
( );door;dvee;sg.
(from );sometimes (one time, one
instance);nkdy (jednu dobu, jeden okamik);adv.

(from );bridge (elevate (and) ban);most (zvit

(a) zakzat);n.
;give money (to the prospective bride's parents, put
(and) request) dowry, give (put (and) request);dt penze
(rodim t kter nevsty, poloit (a) dat) vno, dt
(poloit (a) dat);T
: ;dowry, give: Give
dowry of coconut (tray) (and) banana tray.;vno, dt: Dej
vno tcu kokos (a) (tcu) bann.;imper. col.
;put (sth. swh., put (and) fix) put (place (and)
put);poloit (nco nkam, poloit (a) upevnit) poloit
(umstit (a) poloit);T

: ;sometimes:
Sometimes (there) is nobody near the computer.;nkdy: Nkdy : ;put: two hands
put on the head;poloit: dv ruce poloen na hlav;n.
u potae nen nikdo.;col. pol.
: T ;put: (He)
shows head put on arms.;poloit: Ukazuje hlavu poloenou na

;sometimes: Sometimes, there may be pach.;
also duties, of which carrying them out together by men and
women is advantageous.;nkdy: Nkdy jsou tak povinnosti,
jejich vykonn mui i enami pospolu je vhodn.;pol.
-;several times (one time exchange (and)
exchange by);nkolikrt (jeden as zamnit (a) zamnit
-: ( ~ )
;several times: Just after (I) read this
letter several times, (I) understood.;nkolikrt: Prv po (tom,
co) jsem si tenhle dopis nkolikrt peetl, jsem (jej)

: ;put ( ~ publish): (I) put ( ~

publish) (here) his photo.;dt ( ~ uveejnit): Dvm ( ~
uveejuji) (sem) jeho fotografii.;pol. FB
;tennis, play;tenis, hrt;T E. tennis

: T ;tennis
match: The tennis match is (being) held on the
grass.;tenisov zpas: Tenisov zpas je podn na
( );tennis match;tenisov zpas;sg. E. tennis
( );tennis racket (tennis directing
stick);tenisov plka (tenisov zamiujc klacek);sg. E. tennis

(from ) ;something;nco;n.

;lotus posture (sitting form (of) restrained

buttocks-planks) padmasana (lotus posture, sitting form
(of) restrained buttocks-planks);padmsana (lotosov pozice,
;stand firm (not give in);stt pevn (nepoddat se);T
podoba sezen zkrocench hovch prken) lotosov
;proper, be fitting, be;pasujc, bt vhodn, bt;I un.
: ;pressure: pozice (podoba sezen zkrocench hovch prken);n.
(One) should not put (much) pressure on (one's) mind. Having T;present (an idea, put (and) show);pedstavit (mylenku,
(calmed) down, one should be in peace.;tlak: Nemlo by se na poloit (a) ukzat);T
;put (sth. on sth.);poloit (nco na nco);T

mysl moc tlait. Uklidnnm ( ~ snenm) je teba bt


: T ;place:
(He) places one hand on another (hand).;pokldat: Pokld
jednu ruku na druhou (ruku).;

;yes (reply to a monk by a lay person or to an elder monk

by a monk);ano (laikova odpov mnichovi i mnichova
odpov starmu mnichovi);mn.
;hips (cheeks (of) buttocks) buttocks (cheeks (of)
buttocks);boky (tve zadku) zadek (tve zadku);n.

;yes (reply to a lay person by a monk or to a younger

monk);ano (odpov mnicha laikovi i mladmu
: T T ;limitation: mnichovi);interj.
: T T ( ~ T
There are very much of limitations in the Myanmar
T );buttocks: contact of buttocks with ground;zadek:
country.;omezen: V zemi Myanmaru je mnoho omezen.;col.
dotyk zadku se zem;writ.
;metaphor, use;metafory, ut;T
;limitation (be-tight (and) tighten {nouner});omezen
(bt-tsn (a) tsnit {jmenec});n.

: T ;idiom: an idiom in Myamar

(language);idom: idiom v Myanmartin;col.

;pelvis (bones meeting (in) faces (of) hips);pnev

(pnevn kost, kosti (kter) se-setkvaj (v) tvch bok);n.

: TT ;metaphore, use a: (He) uses a : ( ~

);pelvis: (It) hides in the pelvis.;pnev (kost):
metaphore and then (he) explains (it).;metafory, ut: Uije
Schovat se v pnvi ( ~ pnevn kosti).;
metafory a pak (ji) vysvtl.;
;stretched, be (about not relaxed muscles, be-taut (and)
: ;metaphore, use: To
be-stiff);napnut, bt (o neuvolnnch svalech. bt-napnut (a)


: ;stretched, be: stretched
muscles (ie. not relaxed muscles);napnut, bt: napnut svaly
(tj. neuvolnn);pl.

;once (before in one time);jednou (kdysi, v

jednom ase);adv.
;day, one;dne, jednoho;adv.

: ;day, one: We will

;include (put (and) insert) import (to a country, load meet at one time.;dne, jednoho: Jednoho dne se setkme.;fut.
(and) insert);zahrnout (vloit (a) vsunout) dovet (do sttu, um.
naloit (a) vloit);T (or) T writ.
;after some time (in one time (of) time);za
: ;import: person, who
uritou dobu (v jeden as asu);adv.
imports to Sri Lanka;dovet: lovk, kter dov do Sr
;concurrently at the same time
simultaneously;zrove (souasn) souasn v tu samou
;taut, make tight, be stand firm;stt, pevn napnout
tsn, bt;I (or) T


: ;yes (to a (senior) monk): Yes, venerable

sir.;ano ((starmu) mnichovi): Ano, ctihodn pane.;ans.

;sometimes (one time one instance);nkdy (jeden

as jeden moment);adv.

;sometimes (one time one time);nkdy (jeden as

;yes (answer to a (senior) monk);ano (odpov (starmu) jeden as);adv.
;sometimes (one time, one instance);nkdy (jednu
;yes (answer to a (junior) monk or a lay person by a
dobu, jeden okamik);adv.
monk);ano (odpov (mladmu) mnichovi nebo mnichem
;sometimes (one time one wind);nkdy (jeden
as jeden vtr);adv.

(from );quarter;tvrtina tvrt (tvrtka);n.

;once more one more time;jet jednou;adv.

: ;quarter: Only a quater of cake : ;one more time: I
remains.;tvrt: Zbyla jen tvrtka dortu.;
am sending (it) one more time.;jet jednou: Poslm (to) jet
;organized, well organizingly;uspodan
zorganizovan, dobe;adv. (or) adj.
: T
;organized, well ( ~ well collected
(and) organized): The great Alaung Min Taya thus could,
indeed, again successfully unite the Myanmar country, build
and set (it) up in order to (make it) well (collected) (and)
organized.;organizovan, dobe ( ~ dobe sesbran (a)
organizovan): Takto ohromn Alaung Min Tay vskutku
dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit (a) zdit aby
(byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s. writ.
;a per (one) every (one) one;kad (jeden)
njak jeden za (jeden);indef. article (or) num. (or) adj.
- ;same, the;sam, ten;pron.

: T T ;never (haven't
ever): I haven't ever seen a clay alms-bowl in my life.;nikdy: V
ivot jsem nevidl hlinnou almun msu.;col.
: T
;never: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have
never heard (and they) are doing how they want to do.;nikdy:
Vyhls zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se
jim chce dlat.;pol.
;thing, one;vc, jedna;n.
: ;thing, one: But never
forget one thing.;vc, jedna: Ale jednu vc nikdy

: ;thing, one:
- : ( ~ )
But one thing (I) know (very) well.;vc, jedna: Ale jednu vc
;same, the: Then they dobe vm.;pol.
were composed by the same thera in Sri Lankan
;each (about things, by one thing);kad (o vcech,
language.;sam, ten: Pak byly sepsny tm samm throu ve
po jedn vci);n.
Sr Lanskm jazyce.;p.s.
: T T ;each: (I) am
- ;only just;jen pouze;adv.
doing each little by little.;kad: Dlm kad po troce.;
-;whole ..;cel ..;suff. pref.
; each (about things, by one equally);kad (o
-: ;whole: whole the life;cel: cel ivot;
: ;per ( ~ "one): Per night 50 (kyat).;za ( ~
"jeden): 50 (iat) za noc.;col.

vcech, po jednom rovnomrn);n.

; something;nco;pron. (or) n.

: ;something: Do (you) have something

: ;per ( ~ "one): Per month 2000 (kyat).;za ( ~ to eat?;nco: Mte nco k jdlu ( ~ jezen)?;inter.
"jeden): 2000 (iat) za msc.;col.
;same, the only, be the only, the;sam, ten
;sentence, a (about one sentence);vta
stejn, ten jedin, bt jedin;I (or) adj.
(jedna, asi jedna vta);sg.
: ;only, be the: the
;single (not married, one skin, one
body);svobodn (neenat, nevdan, jedna ke, jedno


only intention (and) aim;jedin, bt: jedin zmr (a) cl;

: T ;only:
This is my only wish;jedin: To je moje jedin pn;pol.

: ;same, the: this same

commentary;sam, ten: tento stejn koment;acc.
;one more (one thing more over);jet jeden
(jedna vc vce pes);
: T T ;one more:
There is one more problem to solve.;jet jeden: Jet je tu
jeden problm k vyeen.;pol.

: T
;somewhere: Whenever you come, (you) have to
leave quickly somewhere.;nkam: Kdykoliv pijde, mus rychle
nkam jt.;fut. col.
;week (one week);tden (jeden tden);sg.

;together (at once to many) at the same time (to

: ;one more: (There) many);dohromady (najednou mnoha) v tu samou dobu
is one more question to ask.;jet jeden: Jet je (tu) jedna
otzka k zeptn.;pol.

;one by one (one and-then one) one by one
;at once: (It) is alright to have opened many programs
(one after one);jeden za druhm (jeden po jednom)
( ~ "files) with small letters at once.;najednou: Je v podku
jeden za druhm (jeden a-pak jeden);adv.
mt oteveno mnoho program ( ~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny
;only one;pouze jeden;adv.
;at once at the same time (only one parallel)

: ;thing, just one: (There is) just one (more) together (at once, only one parallel);dohromady (najednou,
pouze jedna analogie) najednou v tu samou dobu
thing (to be said).;vc, jen jedna: (Je tu) jet jedna vc (k
(pouze jedna analogie);adv.
;quarter;tvrtina tvrt (tvrtka);n.
T;to a certain extent (by one-mind (and) ;at once (to
one-region) extent, to a certain (by one-mind (and) one- many): (I) wish happiness at once to all beings including
me.;najednou (mnoha): Peji radost vem bytostem vetn m
region) partly (by one-mind (and) one-region);mry, do
urit (s jednou-mysl (a) jednou-oblast) do urit mry
;thing, just one more;vc, jet jedna;n.

(s jednou-mysl (a) jednou-oblast) sten (s jednoumysl (a) jednou-oblast);adv.

;at once (to many);najednou (mnoha);adv.

meat.;nkdo: Nkdo sype pep na maso.;cont.

T ;self-study (study from one side

{nouner});samouen (studovat z jedn strany

;piece of (one-part, one-starting);st z (jedna ;something (one (of) variety, one thing);nco (jedno st, jedno-zann);n.
: ;piece of: piece of a
(z) rznosti, jedna vc);n.
word;st z: st slova;
;somebody (a couple (or) a person);nkdo
;study by oneself (without teacher, study
(njak pr (nebo) njak lovk);n.
: from one side {nouner});sm, uit se (bez uitele,
T ;somebody: Somebody is sprinkling pepper on the studovat z jedn strany {jmenec});T
;gossip (one level talk) hearsay (one level
talk);doslech (klepy, mluva jednoho stupn) povst
(klepy, mluva jednoho stupn) klepy (fma, mluva
jednoho stupn);n.

;separately (one matching (and) line-up);oddlen

(jedno shodovn (a) zarovnat);adv.



: ;eleven: until 11 o'clock at

night;jedenct: do jedencti hodin v noci;

: ;one-sidedly: (I) am onesidedly in love. (I am in platonic love.);jednostrann: Jsem

jednostrann zamilovan. (Jsem platonicky zamilovan.);cont.

;exact, be (fall (in) just one layer);pesn,

bt (padnout pouze (do) jedn vrstvy);I
;in other words (if said (by) one
mode);jinmi slovy (kdyby (bylo) eeno jednm
" T;";somehow (by a method (or another)
method);njak (jedna metoda (nebo) druh {instr.});adv.
T;in other words (by (and) for one
mode);jinmi slovy (skrze (a) pro jeden zpsob);adv.

;love, be in platonic platonic love, be in

love secretly;zamilovan, bt platonicky milovat tajn
platonicky zamilovan, bt;T
(WS. from );onesidedly;jednostrann;adv. WS.
T T ; step by step gradually little by little;po
trokch krek po krku pozvolna;adv.

;whole the life (spend);cel ivot (strvit);n.

;one (person);jeden (osoba);n.

;day, one: (As for) one day, one great king
arrives to the Wun Zin village.;dne, jednoho: A jednoho dne,
jeden velk krl pijel do Wan Zen vesnice.;

;one to another (one person to one

person);jeden na druhho (jedna osoba na jednu

;whole the day;cel den;n.

: ;one (person): Come

one by one.;jeden (osoba): Pijte jeden za druhm.;imper. pol.


;one to another: (They) play (by) throwing water
one to another.;jeden na druhho: Hraj si hzenm vody jeden
na druhho.;pol.

( );postage stamp (stamp (with) head) stamp,

postage (stamp (with) head);potovn znmka (znmka (s)
hlavou) znmka, potovn (znmka (s) hlavou);sg.

;erect (one's back) place observe (precepts) construct

;alone only, be the alone (about love or any concentrate (in meditation, be-firm) exist build keep
other situation);sm (o lsce nebo i o kterkoliv jin situaci) (precepts) lie (rest);dodrovat (pravidla) napmit (zda)
samotn jedin, bt sm sama (CZ f.);I (or) adv. (or) adj. existovat stavit postavit leet (odpovat) umstit
soustedit se (pi meditaci, bt-pevn) stavt;I (or) T
: ;alone: I am
alone.;sm: Jsem sm.;pol. um.

;stay (dwell) accomodate (oneself) put up

: ;alone: I am alone.;sm: (accomodate) accommodated, be stay hut indicates end
of a written sentence lodge (live at) lodge dwell edit (a
Jsem sm ( ~ sama);col.
: T ;alone: when (he) text) shed (hut) tent;bydlet pobvat ubytovat se zstat
(pobvat) zna konec spisovn vty bt (pobvat) editovat
is alone;sm: kdy je sm;
chata stan bt ubytovan upravit (text) noclehovat
: T ;only:
psteek;suff. (or) T (or) n.
The only parent, father.;jedin: Jedin rodi, otec.;
;lonesome lonely, just alone, just only one
(lonely);pouze jeden (osamocen) samotn (osamocen)
osaml (osamocen) sm, pouze (osamocen);adj. col.

;straight, be;pm, bt;I writ.

: T ;erect (back): Erect (one's)

back.;napmit (zda): Napmit si zda.;

;lonely, just alone, just;osaml (osamocen) : () ;observe

(precepts): The five precepts should be especially observed by
sm, pouze (osamocen);adj. col.
( ~ "in) lay people.;dodrovat (pravidla): Pt pravidel by mly
bt dodrovny zejmna laiky ( ~ "v laicch).;pol.

: ()
;concentrate: (I) try to be concentrated as
T;once per time (one separate day);jednou za as much as (I) can.;soustedit se: Snam se se soustedit jak jen
(jeden oddlen den);adv.
T: T
T ;build: The Ananda Pagoda built in Pagan
T ;once per time ( ~ one separate day): But (I)
(town) by the king Kyansittha can be (religiously) visited (and)
use (Internet) only once per time.;jednou za as ( ~ "jeden
seen up to today.;postavit: nanda Pagodu postavenou v
oddlen den): Ale (j) pouvm internet pouze jednou za
(mst) Paganu krlem ansit, je mono (nboensky)
as.;pol. um.
navtvit (a) vidt a do dnes.;pol. writ.
;hundred and twenty, a;sto dvacet;num.
: ;somebody:
Somebody will come today.;nkdo: Nkdo dnes pijde.;fut.

;half;polovina pl (plka);n.

: ;half: There is only a

half of water in the glass.;plka: Ve sklenici je voda jen do
plky. (Ve sklenici je pouze plka vody.);
;only, the (one (and) separate);jedin (jeden (a)

T ;only, the: (I) am the only independent
candidate of the election.;jedin: Jsem jedinm nezvislm
kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.
;excuse me (let me speak, about one (moment
of being) quiet) please (let me speak, about one (moment
of being) quiet) sorry (let me speak, about one (moment
of being) quiet);promit (nechte m promluvit, asi jeden
(moment byt) zticha) pardon (nechte m promluvit, asi
jeden (moment byt) zticha) prosm vs (nechte m
promluvit, asi jeden (moment byt) zticha);interj.
: ;stamp,
postage: (He) sticks a stamp on a letter.;znmka, potovn:
Pilepuje znmku na dopis.;
: ;stamp,
postage: There are just (so) many stamps on the
letter.;znmka, potovn: Na dopise je tak hodn znmek.;col.


: ;build:
Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~ where is
gold) and built the city palace (therein).;postavit: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.
T ;indicates end of a written sentence: However,
the turtle has already had arrived first to the goal.;zna konec
spisovn vty: Avak elva ji do cle dorazila.;writ.
: ;stay: (He) is staying there.;bydlet:
Bydl tam.;cont.

; stay (stay (and) take-refuge) accomodated, be

(dwell (and) take-refuge) be accommodated (stay (and)
take-refuge) dwell (stay (and) take-refuge) stay (be
accommodated, dwell (and) take-refuge) lodge (dwell (and)
take-refuge) accommodated, be (stay (and) take-refuge)
dwell (be accommodated, dwell (and) take-refuge);zstat
(zstvat (a) brt-ochranu) bt ubytovn (zstvat (a) brtochranu) ubytovn, bt (zstvat (a) brt-ochranu)
pebvat (zstvat (a) brt-ochranu) bydlet (pobvat (a)
brt-ochranu) ubytovn, bt (pobvat (a) brt-ochranu) bt
(bt ubytovn, pobvat (a) brt-ochranu) pobvat (bt
ubytovn, pobvat (a) brt-ochranu);I (or) T

: ;stay: (I) am (pedstavovan klack);n.

also in a monastery (in order) to stay.;pobvat: Jsem tak v
: ;saliva: It makes one
kltee, abych (tam) pobval.;pol.
extremely angry. ((It is) so (much), that (one) even must
;be (dwell (and) dwell) accommodated, be
swallow not little saliva.);sliny: Podn to natve. ((Je to)
(dwell (and) dwell) stay (dwell (and) dwell) dwell (dwell tolik, e (jeden) mus dokonce spolknout nemlo slin.);col. pol.
(and) dwell);bt (zstvat, pebvat (a) pebvat) pebvat idi.
(zstvat, pebvat (a) pebvat) ubytovn, bt (zstvat,
;third;tet;num. P. tatiya (= third)
pebvat (a) pebvat) zstat (pebvat (a) pebvat);T
: ;third: After the
;accommodation: (I) will arrange the
accommodation to stay.;ubytovn: Pipravm ubytovn.;pol.

third intersection turn left.;tet: Po tet kiovatce zato do

leva.;imper. pol.

: ;third: Third house is my

house.;tet: Tet dm je mj dm.;pol. um.

T;stay: May (you) be satisfied with everything ( );elbow (stiff stick);loket (tvrd klacek);sg.
(while) staying in Sri Lanka (country).;bt (ubytovan): K jsi ;can (be able to) know how to denotes skill clever, be
spokojen se vm (zatmco) jsi na ( ~ "ve) Sr Lance.;w. pol. (be-able) able, be can (do) can;zna dovednost vdt
jak vdt jak (dlat) chytr, bt (bt-schopn) umt
;build (build (and) build) construct (build (and) schopn, bt dokzat (o inu) moci;I (or) T
build);konstruovat (stavt (a) stavt) stavt (stavt (a)
(WS. from );attend (school);chodit do (koly, kurzu
atd.);T WS.
;continuous, be (rotate (and) be-steadfast) last
(rotate (and) be-steadfast);vydret (dlouho, toit-se (a) btvytrval) nepetrit, bt (toit-se (a) bt-vytrval) trvat
(dlouho, toit-se (a) bt-vytrval);I

: ;last (long): (He)

tries to (make) the tradition last (long).;vydret (dlouho): Sna
se, aby tradice vydrela (jet dlouho).;cont. pol.

: T T ;can: I can
talk in Myanmar language little bit.;umt: Umm trochu mluvit
barmsky (myanmarsky).;pol. um.
;can: My wife can cook rice and
curry very well.;um: Moje manelka um velice dobe vait ri
a omky.;pol. um.

: ;last: (He) wants (it) to (go : T ;can: I can talk little bit.;moci:
(and)) last for long time.;trvat: Chce aby to (lo (a)) trvalo
Mohu (jen) trochu mluvit.;col.

;straight straight ahead directly;rovn (za nosem) ;may: In fact, people may overestimate
pmo pmo (za nosem);adv. writ.
themselves.;moci: Vskutku, lid mohou peceovat sami
: ;straight ahead: Go this way
straight ahead.;pmo (za nosem): Jdi tudy ( ~ touto cestou) : T T ;can: later when I can
pmo (za nosem).;imper.
talk in Myanmar (language);umt: pozdji a budu umt mluvit
;found: U Aung
Zeyya, having accepted the title Alaung Min Taya ( ~ future
king (of) law) (and) started (and) founded the dynasty
Kounbaun.;zaloit: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu Alaun Men
Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a) zaloil dynastii

: ;can: (I) can read (in Burmese) a
little;umt: Umm trochu st (Barmsky).;pol. col.
: T ;can: (You) can already speak (well). (may
be said as a praise to sb.'s level of a language knowledg);moci:
Um mluvit (dobe). (me bt vyeno coby pochvala nho
stupn znalosti uritho jazyka);col.

;found (build (and) set-up) set up;zaloit (postavit : T ;can: How can I talk (in
(a) ustavit) zdit;T
English), dear lad?;moci: Jak bych mohla mluvit (anglicky),
drah mldene?;inter. col.
;found ( ~ build): They founded ( ~ built) : ;can: (I) cannot.;moci: Nemohu.;pol.
national college (a) national (primary) schools.;zaloit ( ~
: T ;can: (I) cannot speak (English).;umt:
postavit): Zaloili ( ~ postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a)
Neumm (anglicky). ((I) cannot speak (anglicky).);
nrodn (zkladn) koly.;writ. pol. pl.
: ;can: (I) still cannot read (in
-;only just;jen pouze;adv.

Burmese).;umt: Pod neumm st (Barmsky).;pol.

-: ;only: (We) have only this : ;can (do): There are
kind.;pouze: Mme pouze tento druh.;pol.
also (things) that women cannot (do).;dokzat (o inu): Jsou
( );pin (needle (to) tie-thingstak (vci), kter eny nedokou.;pol. col.
together);pendlk (jehla (k) vzn-vc-dohromady);sg.
: T ;can: (I) still cannot speak much
;spittle (imagined stick) saliva (imagined
stick);sliny (pedstavovan klack) plivanec

(well in Burmese).;umt: Jet (Barmsky) moc (dobe) neumm



: T ;can: Can you speak in

English (language)?;dokzat: Mluvte anglicky? (Dokete
mluvit anglickm jazykem?);inter.

;Sunday: We don't go anywhere on Sundays.;nedle:
O nedlch nikam nechodme.;pol. um.

;can: (I) can (talk) little bit in English, but much (I)
cannot (talk).;umt: Umm trochu anglicky, ale moc, (to)

;Monday (moon day);pondl (msn den);adv.

();Taninthari (division);Tanentj (sprvn

;day, on one;dne, jednoho;adv.

: TT ;can: Because (I) :
can't (talk) in English, explaining will be difficult.;umt: Protoe ;day, on one: On one day,
neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col.
when rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked: friend turtle, you go
: T
slowly.;dne, jednoho: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden den), kdy se
;skill: Your skill in Myanmar writing is just
krlk potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval: pteli elvo, (ty)
incredible.;schopnost: Tvoje schopnost v psan Myanmarsky je jde pomalu.;writ.
prost neuviteln.;pol. col.
;bill (of money) fit worthless worthy, be suitable, be
useless befit worth, be;vhodn, bt hodnotu, mt
bezcenn hodit se k hoden, bt bankovka hodn, bt
(exaggerated form of );skill (can (and) be- (vhodn pro) zbyten;I (or) n. (or) adj.
skillful {nouner});schopnost (moci (a) bt-schopen {jmenec});n. ;grade (also at school);tda (tak ve kole);n.
;skill (can (and) be-skillful {nouner});schopnost
(moci (a) bt-schopen {jmenec});n.

;able, be (be-able (and) can) can (be-able (and)

can);schopn, bt (bt-schopn (a) moci) moci (btschopn (a) moci);I

;ability: (I) also thank (you), that (you) took
the help from the side of (my) ability.;schonost: (J) (ti) tak
dkuji, e jsi si vzal pomoc ze strany (mch) schopnost.;pol.
;possibility (
~ "able, be): (It) is requested, that (you) help (him) (from the
side of) (your) possibilities.;monosti ( ~ "schopn, bt): d
se, abys (mu) pomohl (ze strany) (svch) monost.;pol.
;possibility (can (and) can {nouner}) capability
(can (and) can {nouner}) ability (can (and) can
{nouner});monost (moci (a) moci {jmenec}) schopnost
(moci (a) moci {jmenec});n.
: ;ability: If
(I) have the ability, (I) am ready to look (at it).;schopnost:
Pokud mm tu schopnot, pak jsem pipraven se (na to)
;as much as (one) can;jak jen (nkdo) me;adv.
: () ;as
much as (one) can: (I) try to be concentrated as much as (I)
can.;jak jen (nkdo) me: Snam se se soustedit jak jen
: T;as much as
(one) can: As much as (I) can, (I) do not tell lies, indeed.;jak
jen (nkdo) me: Jak jen mu, nelu, opravdu.;col.


;bill (of money): Will you ( ~ sir) have change,
because I cannot exchange a one hundred Dollar
bill.;bankovka: Budete mt (pane) drobn, protoe j nemohu
smnit sto dolarovou bankovku.;fut. inter. uw.
: ;grade: tenth grade (at school);tda: dest tda
(ve kole);n.
: ;worth, be: a bill worth of one
Dollar;hodnotu, mt: bankovka hodnoty jednoho dolaru;
: ;worth, be: Is it worth (with)
him?;vhodn, bt: Je to pro nj ( ~ "s nm) vhodn?;inter.
: ;class (of course): When does
the class begin? (At how many hours will start the
lesson?);lekce (kurzu): Kdy zan lekce? (V kolik hodin
zane lekce?);inter. col.
( );form standard;forma norma;sg.
( );class;tda;sg.
;powerful, very (big smoke value);mocn, velice
(velk hodnota koue);n.
: ( ~
);powerful, very: (There) are ( ~
"appear) many powerful monks.;mocn, velice: Jsou ( ~
"objevuj-se) (tu) velice mocn mnii.;pol.
;power (potency (and) authority);moc (vliv (a)

;genitals ((is) worth (and) impaired) tool ((is) worth

(and) impaired) instrument ((is) worth (and)
;afford, can (can (and) be-able);dovolit, moci si (moci impaired);nstroj ((je) vhodn (a) pokozen) genitlie ((je)
(a) umt);I
vhodn (a) pokozen);n.
;know (be-able, know (and) understand);znt
(bt-schopn, vdt (a) znt) vdt (bt-schopn, vdt (a) T ;Tanzhaungmoung: Tenth waning day of
Tanzhaungmoung month is the National Day.;Tanzhaunmoun:
: (~ );Monday:
When will be Monday?;pondl: Kdy bude pondl?;inter. col.
: T ;Monday: I'll return next
Monday.;pondl: Vrtm se pt pondl.;col.
;Sunday (Sun's day);nedle (slunen den);adv.


Dest den obvajcho msce Tanzhaunmounu je nrodn

svtek ( ~ den).;pol. writ.

;Tanzaungmoung month, (day of) waining

(probably August, retreating month Tanzaung;Tanzhaunmoun
msce, (den) ubvn (pravdpodobn srpen, ustupujc msc

: T
;directly: (He) got up from the bed and went ( ~
"came) directly to the computer.;pmo: Vstal z postele a el
hned ( ~ "pmo) k potai.;p.s. writ.

: T
;troop: Indeed,
not long after the great town Inwa fell in hands of the
Hanthawadi's troops.;vojsko: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.

( );straightly (head-straight (and) make-right) ( );military unit (troop bundle) squadron (troop
directly (head-straight (and) make-right);rovn (jt-pmo-za (a) bundle);letka (armdn jednotka, armdn svazek) armdn
jednotka (armdn svazek);sg.
narovnat) pmo (jt-pmo-za (a) narovnat);adv.
;cost (worth value) value (worth value);cena (vhodn ;greed (crave (and) be-overly-fond-of
{nouner});chamtivost (chamtit (a) bt-pli-zamilovan-do
hodnota) hodnota (vhodn hodnota); (or) n.
;expensive, be (worth value (is) big);drah, bt
(vhodn hodnota (je) velk);I writ.

;respect (as good, put worth value) appreciate

(as good, put worth value) value (as good, put worth
value);ctt (jakoto dobr, uloit vhodnou hodnotu) ocenit
(jakoto dobr, uloit vhodnou hodnotu) hodnotit (jakoto
dobr, uloit vhodnou hodnotu);T

;military ((of) great (military) division) army (great

(military) division);vojensk (ohromn (armdn) divize)
vlen (ohromn (armdn) divize) armda (ohromn
(armdn) divize);n. (or) adj.

T ;army (tatmadaw): Choosing
the brave heroes, king Naung organized a great Myanmar
;cheap, be (worth value (is) little);levn, bt
army.;armda (tatmadaw): Vbrem statench hrdin krl Nau
(vhodn hodnota (je) mal);I writ.
(WS. from );respect (as good, put worth zorganizoval velikou Myanmarskou armdu.;p.s. writ.
value);ctt (jakoto dobr, uloit vhodnou hodnotu);T WS. ;boy's name, a (one side);chlapeck jmno, njak
: ;respect: (He) respects the (jedna strana);name
(from );study by oneself
Dhamma.;ctt: Ct Dhammu.;col.
;direct, be (head-straight (and) make-right);pm, bt (without teacher, study from one side {nouner});sm, uit
se (bez uitele, studovat z jedn strany {jmenec});T
(jt-pmo-za (a) narovnat);adv.
;study by oneself: While (I) have a job, (I) also
;I (used when talking with a monk, great disciple) study by myself ( ~ "from one side).;studovat, sm: Zatmco
I (used by lay people or monks when talking with a monk, big mm prci, tak sm studuji.;pol.
T T ;gradually (about progress) little by little (about
disciple);j (uito pi hovoru s mnichem, velk k) j
progress);po trokch (o pokroku) postupn (o pokroku);adv.
(uvno laiky nebo mnichy pi diskuzi s mnichem, velk
( );servant disciple student;ue
student sluha;sg. (mn.)

T T : T T ;little by little: (It) little

by little becomes small.;postupn: Postn se zmenuje ( ~
T ;student (f.): (I) had to reply ( ~ "be replying) to "stv-se malm);
(my) little-student (f.) when ( ~ "for) (she) was asking (me) in ;like a;jako;conj. writ.
writing.;studentka: Musel jsem odpovdt ( ~ "odpovdat) (sv) T : T ;broom:
Early in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with) broom).;kot:
mal studentce, kdy se m psanm ptala.;
Brzy rno zamet (kottem).;cont.
( );disciple (f.) student (f.) pupil
ue); (or) pron. pol.

(f.);studentka aka (kyn) uednice;f.

T ( );broom (one bunch (of) grass);kot

(jeden svazek trvy);sg.

( );apprentice (a monk, disciple (and)

T ( );broom (stick (of) grass bundle);kot
disciple) disciple (a monk, disciple (and) disciple);k (o
mnich, k (a) k) ue (o mnich, k (a) k);mn. P. (ty (ze) svazku trvy);sg.
svaka (= disciple, listener)
T ;day before yesterday, the (one quick day)
yesterday, the day before (one quick day);pedevrem (jeden
(from );at the same time;v tu samou
rychl den);adv.
: ;at the ;carry out (yearn (and) carry-in-hand);vykonat
(touit (a) nst-v-ruce);T
same time: The man is calling by two phones at the same
time.;najednou: (Ten) mu vol dvma telefony najednou.;cont. : T
( ) ( ) ;one another
(from );at once;najednou;adv.
(from );one (king, monk or other respected person (they of others), be: This way (they), being conceited, just
belittle others.;jeden o druhm (jeden druhmu): Takto,
or phenomena);jeden (krl, mnich nebo jin respektovan
namylen, prost poniuj druh.;pol.
osoba i jev);suff.

: ( ) ( )
;as a whole (only one mixture, one
line);v celku (pouze jedna smchanina, jedna linie);adv. T;one with another: One is no more satisfied
with the other.;jeden s druhm: Jeden u nen spokojen s
;troop (military);vojsko;sg.



(Dhamma) fr, bt (CZ col., spravedliv) spravedliv, bt

: ;nobody: There is nobody.;nikdo: Dhamma (Buddhovo uen) charakter, skuten (njakho
jevu);I (or) n. Bh.
Nikdo (tu) nen.;
: ;character, true: What a pity! ((This is) just
the true-nature (of) my kamma.);charakter, skuten: koda!
);somebody;nkdo;pron. col.
(ohledn vlastnho netst, (To je) prost skuten charakter
;indicates end of sentence;zna konec vty;suff. col.
: ;indicates end of sentence: Miss Thida m kammy.);col.
: ;right: On
: ;indicates end of sentence: I days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend to ( ~ have) keep
(the right) mindfulness.;sprvn: Ve dnech nespokojenosti
eat his rice.;zna konec vty: Jm jeho ri.;pol. um.
: ;indicates end of a sentence: (It) is cold.;zna mm (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou) vmavost.;pol.
: ;Dhamma: (He) respects the
konec vty: Je (to) studen.;pol.
: ;telephone: What is Dhamma.;Dhamma: Ct Dhammu.;col.
: ;correct: correct method;sprvn: sprvn
your phone number? telephone: What is (your) telephone
number?;telefn: Jak je (tv) telefonn slo? telefn: Jak je zpsob;
comes.;zna konec vty: Slena Td pichz.;col.

tv telefonn slo?;inter. (or) inter. col.

: ;telephone: Telephone is
ringing. (Telephone is coming.);telefn: Telefn zvon.
(Telefn pichz.);cont.
( );telephone;telefn;sg. E. telephone

: ;Dhamma: If (I) want to listen to the

Dhamma, (I) listen.;Dhamma: Kdy chci poslouchat Dhammu,
tak poslouchm.;col.
: ;Dhamma: listen to Dhamma;DHamma:
poslouchat Dhammu;

: ;Dhamma: May (you) be

;telephone call ( ~ telephone connection) call able to practise the Dhamma much.;Dhamma: K jsi schopen
praktikovat Dhammu hodn.;pol.
(by telephone, connect (by) telephone);telefonn hovor ( ~
telefonn spojen) telefonovat (spojit (se) telefnem);n. E. : ;Truth (Dhamma): I'm
studying (about) the Truth (Dhamma).;Pravda (Dhamma):
telephone (or) T. E. telephone
Studuji Pravdu (Dhammu).;pol. cont.
: ;telephone call
( );telephone;telefn;sg. E. telephone

( ~ telephone connection): coins for telephone call;telefonn

hovor ( ~ telefonn spojen): mince na telefonn hovor;
T ;call (by telephone, connection (by)
telephone) telephone call (connection (by)
telephone);hovor, telefonn (spojen telefnem) telefonn
hovor (spojen telefonem);n. E. telephone
;dial (a phone number, press telephonenumber);vytoit (slo, makat telefonn-slo);T E.
;indicates change to verb;zna zmnu na sloveso;suff. (?)
( );travel office );cestovn kancel );sg. E.

;Dhamma: (They) are my teachers to give me
knowledge of Dhamma.;Dhamma: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi
dali znalost Dhammy.;pol.

: T ;truth: the noble truth preached by

the Buddha;pravda: ulechtil pravda pednesen Buddhou;Bh.
: T T T T
;extremely much: (There) is being done an
extremely much (of) work (for) the development of Myanmar
country.;extrm moc: Dl se extrm moc prce (za elem)
rozvoje zem Myanmaru.;cont.

;meditation retreat:
; little by little (by move (and) move);krek po krku
This time (I) am (being) busy with ( ~ "for) the birthday
(pohybem (a) pohybem);adv.
meditation retreat at the end of (this) month.;meditan zsed:
: ;little by little
V tuto dobu mm hodn prce s ( ~ "pro) narozeninov
(by move (and) move): As for the turtle, not stopping (or)
resting, (it) goes little by little.;krek po krku (pohybem (a) meditan-zsed, (kter bude) na konci (tohoto) msce.;cont.
: ;meditation retreat: ten-days
pohybem): Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si
meditation retreat;meditan zsed: desetidenn meditan
odpoala, krek po krku jde.;writ.
TT;little by little (movement by movement,
slowly (and) slowly) gradually (in going on way, movement
by movement, slowly (and) slowly) step by step (in going on
way, movement by movement, slowly (and) slowly);pozvolna
(o chozen i jedn po cest, pohyb po pohybu, pomalu (a)
pomalu) krek po krku (pohyb po pohybu, pomalu (a)
pomalu) postupn (o chozen i jedn po cest, pohyb po
pohybu, pomalu (a) pomalu);adv.
;character, true (of a phenomena) fair, be just, be
Truth (Dhamma) Dhamma (the Buddha's teachings);Pravda


: T ;meditation retreat:
(I) have attended ( ~ entered) ten days meditation
retreat.;meditan zsed: Absolvoval jsem ( ~ vstoupil jsem)
desetidenn meditan zsed.;pol.

: ;meditation retreat: (I)

enter a meditation retreat every year.;meditan zsed: Chodm
( ~ "vstupuji) na meditan zsed kad rok.;pol.
: T
;meditation retreat: He has attended ( ~ "entered)

meditation retreat, in number, four times.;meditan zsed:

(On) astnil se meditanch zsed ( ~ "veel), slem,
( );meditation retreat (refuge (of)
truth);meditan zsed (toit pravdy);sg.

be-listened-to (about) truth (of) Dhamma);recitovat Dhammu

(pednet (a) bt-poslouchn (o) pravd Dhammy)
pednet Dhammu (pednet (a) bt-poslouchn (o)
pravd Dhammy);T P. dhamma (= law)

( );defendant (competes (for) truth);obhjce

;Dhamma (of the Buddha, great truth) discourse (sout (za) pravdu);sg.
(preaching of the Buddha, great truth) sermon (preaching T ;meditation (develop meditation {pl.}
of the Buddha, great truth) teachings (of the Buddha,
{nouner});meditace (rozvjet meditaci {mn..} {jmenec});n.
great truth);Dhamma (Buddhy, ohromn pravda) kzn T : T
(pednes Buddhy, ohromn pravda) promluva (pednes
;meditation: here
Buddhy, ohromn pravda) uen (Buddhy, ohromn
the walking meditation means loving-kindness in
pravda);n. Bh.
walking.;meditace: Zde meditace v chzi znamen milujc : T
;teachings (of the Buddha): What do (you) like
most in the Lord Buddha's teachings?;uen (Buddhy): Co m
z ( ~ "v) uen Pna Buddhy nejradji?;inter.

dobrotivost v chzi.;pol. writ.

;meditate (sit (for) truth);zameditovat si (sedt

(pro) pravdu);T

;meditate (look (and) notice (according to)

Dhamma);meditovat (vidt (a) vmat-si (podle)

: ;meditate: I am
interested in ( ~ to) meditation.;meditace: Zajm m

( );Dhamma preachings (conducted by lay people,

Dhamma event);Dhamma pednesy (veden laiky, Dhamma

T ;meditate: For
: T ;meditate: Apart meditation, there are many of ten days meditation retreats, one
from meditating, what (else) can (you) do?;meditovat: Co um, month meditation retreats etc.;meditovat: Na meditaci je tu
krom meditovn?;col.
mnoho desetidennch meditanch zsed, jednomsnch
meditanch zsed atd.;pol.
: T T ;meditate: Also, (I)
even (do not) happen to meditate again. meditate: (I) even
( );meditation center (peaceful refuge (of)
(do not) happen to meditate again.;meditovat: Dokonce se ani Dhamma);meditan centrum (poklidn toit
nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval. zameditovat si: A
dokonce se ani nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col. : T T
;meditate: If (you) meditate
every day one hour, (it) is good. But if (you) meditate every
day two hours, (it) is very good, indeed.;meditovat: Pokud
medituje kad den jednu hodinu, je (to) dobr. Pokud ale
medituje kad den dv hodiny, je (to), opravdu, velice dobr.;

( ~ T T
);court: After passing a judgment at court, the
deciding is completely finished.;soud: Po vynesen rozdsudku u
soudu je rozhodovn zcela dokoneno.;pol.

: () ()
( ~ )
;meditate: (You) meditate in your present life,
in (your) present environment (and) in (your) present
society.;meditovat: Medituje ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve
(svm) ptomnm prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn

;preach (the Law, the Dhamma);kzat (Zkon,

Dhammu) pednet (Zkon, Dhammu);T mn. Bh.

;posture, meditation (method (of) sitting

(in) Dhamma sitting form) meditation posture (method
(of) sitting (in) Dhamma sitting form);meditan pozice
(zpsob sezen (ve) tvaru sezen Dhammy) pozice,
meditan (zpsob sezen (ve) tvaru sezen Dhammy);n.
;meditate (sitting (according to) Truth);meditovat
(sedt (podle) Pravdy);T
;truth of Dhamma (the teachings of the Buddha)
Dhamma, truth of (the teachings of the Buddha);pravda
Dhammy (uen Buddhy) Dhammy, pravda (uen Buddhy);n.
P. Dhamma (= law)

( );court (office (of) law);soud (kancel


: ;preaching: is preaching
wrong?;pednen (o Buddhismu): je pednen (o
Buddhismu) patn?;inter.
(We) may preach with the wisdom of (our)
understooding.;pednet (Dhammu): Meme pednet
(Dhammu) moudrost (naeho) pochopen.;pol. writ.
( );preaching of Dhamma (the Buddha's
teaching) discourse of Dhamma (the Buddha's teaching)
sutta (the Buddha's or Arahants' teaching);sutta (uen Buddhy
nebo Arahant) promluva Dhammy (uen Buddhy) pednes
Dhammy (uen Buddhy);n.
;recite Dhamma (preach (and) be-listened-to
(about) Dhamma);recitovat Dhammu (pednet (a) btposlouchn (o) Dhamm);T P. dhamma (= law)

: ;to:
;recite Dhamma (preach (and) be-listened-to (I) go to preach Dhamma and meditate.;aby: Jdu, abych
(about) truth (of) Dhamma) preach Dhamma (preach (and) pednel Dhammu a meditoval.;writ.


T ;discourses (of the Law, the Dhamma,

preach law {nouner} {pl.});promluvy (Zkona, Dhammy,
kzat zkon {jmenec} {mn..});pl. mn. Bh. writ.
;suttas (discourses of the Law, the Dhamma right
preachings) preachings (the Law, the Dhamma right
preachings);kzn (Zkon, Dhamma, sprvn kzn) sutty
(promluvy Zkona, Dhamma, sprvn kzn);pl. mn. Bh. writ.
discourses (the Law, the Dhamma right
preachings);promluvy (Zkon, Dhamma, sprvn kzn);pl.
mn. Bh. writ.;
: T
;discourse: The discourses with
more details preached by the Buddha are basically depicting
the commentarial nature, which is referred to in
Sratthadpan.;promluva: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
: ( ~
T ;meditating: Though I envision, that
meditation is good, (I) do not do (it) much.;meditovn:
Pestoe pedvdm, e meditace je dobr, moc (ji)
T;meditating: May (your) meditating be
satisfactory (and) pleasant.;meditovn: K je tv meditovn
uspokojiv (a) pjemn.;w. pol.
T ;meditation (striving (by) law);meditace
(usilovn (dle) zkona);n.

rectangle (is) behind the triangle.;trojhelnk: Obdlnk (je) za

( );triangle (shape (of) three angles);trojhelnk
(tvar t hl);sg. S. trikoa (= three angles)
;erroneous (just missing) wrong (just missing);chybn
(prost chybn) patn (prost chybn);adj.
: ;wrong: And what if (it)
is wrong interpretation?;patn: A co kdy je (to) patn
vklad?;inter. col.
(from );half;polovina pl (plka);n.
: ;half: The bottle is only halfempty ((There) is only half (of the) bottle.);pl: Lhev je
poloprzdn. (Lhve je jen pl.);
;all over (the whole compound);vude po celm
(ten cel dvr);n.
;all over (in whole (the) surrounding);vude (po
celm, v celm okol);adv. writ.
: T
;all over: On that day all over
Myanmar country the celebrations of National Day are
held.;vude (po celm): Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se po cel zemi
Myanmaru podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.
;around: Around Mandalay there are also ancient
pagodas.;okolo: Okolo Mandalaje jsou tak starovk
;during at in;bhem u v;suff. prep. writ.

;inside within;v mezch uvnit v;suff. prep. writ. (or)


T ;meditation (striving (according to) the-Truth : ;during: during the last three and a
{nouner});meditace (usilovat (dle) Pravdy {jmenec});n.
half years;bhem: bhem poslednch t a pl let;writ.
: T
() ;China (country);na (stt);name

;during: During
T : T
the reign of king Naung, Myanmar (country) became ( ~
;China: Also, the goods from China arrive to came to become) a united and strong country.;za: Za vldy
Mandalay first.;na: Tak, zbo z ny se piv ( ~ pijd) krle Nauna se Myanmarsk stt stal sjednocenou a silnou
jako prvn do Mandalaje.;pol. col.
zem.;p.s. writ.
: T (T );China: in Burma ( ~ "Burmese ;during in (place or time) on (place or time) at (place
country) and China;na: v Barm (a) n;
or time);bhem za (bhem) na (mst i ase) u (na mst
( );Chinese (a person);an;sg.
;sleep, a stretch of;spnku, sek;sg.

: T

;sleep, a stretch: When the rabbit arrived to the
turf, (it) said: while approaching the goal, in order to wait for
(the) turtle, I will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch
of sleep).;spnku, sek: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl:
zatmco se pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si
odponu a vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.

i v ase) v (mst i ase);prep. (or) suff. prep.

;inside within;uvnit v;prep.
[tu.];red, be;erven, bt;I
;push;strit strkat;T

;defend (urge (and) fight-back);brnit (nalhat (a)

;attack stick to hit eat cling;lpt na pilepit se k
toit jst uhodit;I (or) T col.
;cling (stick-to, embrace (and) fix);lpt (pilepitse, obejmout (a) upevnit);T

;sleep (have a stretch of sleep, sleep one stretch)

;much of indicates plural lot of, a indicates big amount
nap (have a stretch of sleep, sleep one stretch);odpoinek
indicates a certain amount (also for uncountable nouns);zna
(mt jeden sek spnku, spt jeden sek) spt (mt jeden
mnon slo zna velk mnostv hodn zna urit
sek spnku, spt jeden sek);T
mnostv (tak pro nepoitateln pod. jm.);pron. col. (or) suff.
: ;triangle: The


adv. (or) suff.

;see (find) discover (meet-with) find (meet-with)
meet find see (encounter);najt (setkat-se-s) uvidt
(nalzt) setkat se s spatit (setkat se s) nalzt najt
objevit (setkat-se-s) setkat se (s);I (or) T
;think (contemplate about) contemplate about
(think);pemlet myslet;T
: ;meet: Friend, who do you
want to meet with?;setkat se s: Pteli, s km se chce
setkat?;inter. col. um.

: ;much of: Much of oil is

spilled on the road.;hodn: Na ulici je hodn rozlitho
oleje.;cont. col.
: ;find: I
didn't find the proper teacher (monk) there.;nalzt: Nenalezl
jsem tam (toho) vhodnho uitele (mnicha).;p.s. pol.
;think (think (and) call) ponder (think (and)
call);myslet (myslet (a) volat) pemlet (myslet (a)

: ;think: (They) cannot think like

people.;myslet: Nemohou myslet jako lid.;
: ;visit: Meet ( ~
visit) me before you go to Mandalay.;navtvit: Navtiv mne ( ~ ;meet (sb., meet (and) meet) meet (sb.);setkat (se s
setkej se se mnou) ne pojede do Mandalaje.;imper. pol.
nkm) potkat (nkoho, potkat (a) potkat);T
: ;think: I am thinking about
;meet: On one day, when
you.;myslet: Myslm na tebe ( ~ o tob);cont. col.
rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked: friend turtle, you go
: T ;indicates slowly.;potkat: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden den), kdy se krlk
big amount: I have a lot of energy to cut the wood.;zna velk potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval: pteli elvo, (ty) jde
mnostv: Mm spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.
: ;lot of, a: I have a lot of water T ;notice (meet (and) see) see (meet (and) see)
encounter (meet (and) see);setkat se s (setkat-se (a) vidt)
in my room.;hodn: Mm v pokoji hodn vody.;pol.
setkat se s (stetnout se, potkat (a) vidt) stetnout se s
: ;meet: Nice to see you. ((I) am
(potkat (a) vidt) vidt (setkat-se (a) vidt) vimnout si
glad (that I) met you.);setkat se: T m. (Mm radost, e
(setkat-se (a) vidt);T
(jsem vs) potkal.);pol.
: ;find: It is said, that he
reads all kinds of writings that he finds.;najt: k se, e te
vechny druhy psan, jak najde.;
: ;meet: (We) will meet later.;setkat se:
Setkme se pozdji.;fut.
: ;meet: We will meet on the next
day.;setkat se: Setkme se pt (pt den).;fut.

T : T ;encounter: (In the future you) may

encounter (it).;setkat se s: (V budoucnu) se (s tm) bude moci
setkat.;fut. pol.
;encounter (meet (and) get) come across (meet (and)
get);potkat (potkat, setkat-se (a) dostat) narazit na (setkatse (a) dostat);I

;attach couple join pair with;sprovat spojit pipojit

: T ;meet: (We) will meet again on a provat;T
;join: The words can be joined
next day.;setkat se: Setkme se znovu (njak) pt den.;fut. :
slova lze spojit a pouvat.;
: ; meet: with whoever (you) meet;setkat se:
;quickly (justjust powerfully) as much as
a u se setk s kmkoliv;
possible (justjust powerfully) as much as (one) can
: ;meet: (It) has been long (time) that (we)
(justjust powerfully);jak jen (nkdo) me (prostprost
haven't met. (Not-meeting has lasted long.);setkat se: Ji
mocn) jak jen to jde (prostprost mocn) rychle
dlouho jsme se nesetkali. (Nesetkn trvalo dlouho.);
: T ;meet: Let's meet (on a day) since (prostprost mocn);adv.

( ~ ) T;as much as (one) can: When the
: T
;see: (You) will (certainly) see rabbit woke up at the place of resting, (it) got up and indeed
ran as much as (he) could.;jak jen (nkdo) me: Kdy se
the country of Myanmar.;uvidt: (Jist) uvid stt
krlk na mst odpoinku probudil, vstal a vskutku bel jak
: ;see: On jen mohl.;writ.
the streets of every town can be seen the water-playing.;spatit: ;quickly (to (be) powerful (and) pierce) as much as
Na ulicch kadho msta je mono spatit hran s vodou.;pol. possible (to (be) powerful (and) pierce);jak jen to jde (btmocn (a) propchnout) rychle (bt-mocn (a)
: ;found: It is said, that one
golden statu, indeed, was found.;nalezen: k se, e jedna
tomorrow.;setkat se: Pojme se setkat (njak den) od
ztka.;col. fr.

zlat socha byla vskutku nalezena.;

: ;see ( ~ "meet): You will see it ahead

of you. ((You) will meet (it) ahead.);spatit ( ~ "potkat):
Spatte to ped sebou. (Potkte (to) ve pedu);fut.
: ;indicates a certain amount: blood on
hand;zna urit mnostv: krev na ruce;

;extremely much so much;hrozn moc extrm


: ;so much:
Because I am so much coughing, (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not
good).;hrozn moc: Protoe hrozn moc kalu, jsem nemocn (
~ "ivot nen dobr).;cont. uw.


: ;so much:
(I) am sick ( ~ "life is not good) because my head aches so
much, .;hrozn moc: Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen dobr),
protoe m hrozn moc bol hlava.;uw.
: ;extremely much: (He) loves extremely
much.;extrm moc: Miluje extrm moc.;
; so much very much;velice hrozn moc;adv. col.
(or) adv.
(from );person, one;osoba, jedna;sg.
(from ): ;one (person): one for
another;jeden (osoba): jeden druhmu;
;indicates change of verb to noun what, (that) indicates
a state;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm. zna stav
zna zmnu slovesa na pod. jm. co, (to);suff.
(from , comparable to );indicates end of
sentence;zna konec vty;suff.

(do).;kter, (vc) (uito ve vztan vt): Jsou tak (vci), kter

eny nedokou.;pol. col.
;that, (things) (used for relative
clause): In the present life there are also (things) that men
cannot do themselves.;kter, (vc) (uito ve vztan vt): V
ptomnosti jsou tak (vci), kter si mui nemohou udlat
: T ;indicates a
state: (He) shows head put on arms.;zna stav: Ukazuje hlavu
poloenou na pach.;
: T;that: (the thing) that he will say;co: (to,) co
ekne;n. col.
: T ;what: I don't
understand what he says.;co: Nerozumm co k.;col. pol. um.

: ;indicates end of sentence: I

(from );that (used for relative clause) indicates noun eat his rice.;zna konec vty: Jm jeho ri.;col. pol. um.
;starting line (measured leaving line) line,
or continuous tense which (used for relative clause) what
(used for relative clause);zna pod. jm. nebo prbhov as starting (measured leaving line);ra, startovn (men
kter (uito ve vztan vt) jak (uito ve vztan vt) co opoutc ra) startovn ra (men opoutc ra);n.
(uito ve vztan vt);suff.

;starting line: The sportsmen are on the starting
: :which isn't: line.;startovac ra: Sportovci jsou na startovn e.;
T ;prohibit (prohibit (and) forbid);zakzat (zakzat (a)
This book is not what the (female) teacher reads.;kter ne:
Tohle nen kniha kterou uitelka te.;pol.;
();which doesn't ( ~ isn't);kter nen;suff. pol.

T : T ;prohibit: It was not

: ;which
doesn't: His rice is not what I eat.;co nen: Jeho re nen (to,) prohibited.;zakzat: Nebylo to zakzno.;p.s.
co jm.;pol. um.
T : T ;prohibit: It is not prohibited.;zakzat:
Nen to zakzno.;
: ;that: (the thing) that I (will) eat.;co: (to,)
co budu jst;n. col. um.

;reponsibility (responsibility (and) burden);zodpovdnost

: T;what: Is it correct what I say?;co: (zodpovdnost (a) zt);n.
Je co km sprvn?;inter. um.

(or it was

- but different

: T ;indicates change of
verb to noun: It is, that I came yesterday. (I happened (to be) meaning);responsibility: As (you) don't fulfill any responsibilities
coming yesterday.);zna zmnu slovesa na pod. jm.: Je (to) of love ( ~ "loves), (you) should punish yourself.;zodpovdnost:
Pestoe nepln (dn) zodpovdnosti lsky ( ~ "lsek), ml
prv, (e) jsem piel vera. (Stal jsem se vera
by ses potrestat.;imper. sl.
pichzejcm.);pol. um.

: ;what, that: that, what I did;co, to: to, co :

jsem dlal;um.
} ;responsibility (duty): As the elders
: ;that: (The thing) (that) I eat is
know, as for the today's discussion's topic, it is called By men,
rice.;co: (To,) co jm, je re.;pol. um.
more than by ladies, the country responsibilities ( ~ duties) can
: ;indicates continuous tense: (I) am just
be carried out.;zodpovdnost (povinnost): Jak (ji) ti star v,
looking. (may be told to the shopkeeper as a reaction to his
co se te dnenho tmatu diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti
question what customer wants to buy);zna prbhov as:
( ~ povinnosti) (na) zem mohou bt vykonny spe mui
Jen se dvm. (me bt eeno majiteli obchodu jakoto
ne enami.;pol.
reakce na jeho otzku co si chce zkaznk koupit);col.
: ;indicates cont. tense: (I) was copying ( );duty (responsibility (and) burden) responsibility
(responsibility (and) burden) assignment (duty,
the essay.;zna prbhov as: Opisoval (jsem) esej.;p.s.
responsibility (and) burden) homework (duty, responsibility
: TT ;what: It is this, what he says.;co,
(and) burden);zodpovdnost (zodpovdnost (a) zt)
to: Je to tohle, co k.;
: ;indicates continuous tense: This povinnost (zodpovdnost (a) zt) kol (povinnost,
zodpovdnost (a) zt);sg.
(female) teacher reads this book.;zna prbhov as: Tato
uitelka te knihu.;pol.

: ;that (used for relative

clause) (things): There are also (things) that women cannot


T ;responsibility (take responsibility {nouner})

duty (take responsibility {nouner});zodpovdnost (brt
zodpovdnost {jmenec}) povinnost (brt zodpovdnost


((veejn) budova zvat);sg. P. tiracchna (= animal)

;duty (responsibility (and) duty (of)

Dhamma);povinnost (zodpovdnost (a) povinnost Dhammy);n. ;animal: An animal may be bigger than
P. vatta (= duty)
human as well as (it) can be smaller.;zve: Zve me bt
;specific, be (trim (and) fall) exact, be (trim (and) fall) vt ne lovk a tak me bt men.;

particular, be (trim (and) fall);urit, be (oezat (a) padat) : ;animals: Animals

specifick, be (oezat (a) padat) pesn, be (oezat (a)
means (they) get free when killed by people, friend.;zvata:
Zvata znamen, e jsou vysvobozena kdy (je) lid zabij,
: ;exact: (It) is not exact.;pesn: Nen (to)

: T
T ;specific: (It) is a specific
item, which indicates the commentarial nature of Sutta
Piaka.;specifick: Je (to) specifick vc, kter naznauje
komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
;exactness (trim (and) fall {nouner});pesnost (oezat
(a) padat {jmenec});I
: T ;exact ( ~
"exactness): This translation is neither clear, nor exact. (This
translation does not have clarity (and) exactness.);pesn ( ~
"pesnost): Tento peklad nen ani jasn, ani pesn. (Tento
peklad nem jasnost (a) pesnost.);
T ;exacty: Today (it) has been
exactly four years, since I came to Sri Lanka from my
country.;pesn: Dnes u je tomu ( ~ to bylo) pesn tyi roky,
co jsem pijel na Sr Lanku z m zem.;p.p.
;silent, be quiet, be;zticha, bt tich, bt;I

;quiet, be (silent (and) quiet);tich, bt (tich (a)

: ;quiet: a quiet place;tich: tich
;secretly: (He) makes a secret plot against
somebody.;tajn: Kuje na nkoho pikle. (Dl proti nkomu
tajn pln.);writ.

: TT ;animals:
Animals are not as noble as people.;zvata: Zvata nejsou tak
ulechtil jako lid.;
( );animal;zve;sg P. tiracchna (= animal)
;short, be short, be (about things);krtk, bt (o vcech)
krtk, bt;I
;indicates emphasis others, and indicates family of the
person indicates pl. for animate nounse (in written langauge
also for inanimate nouns);ostatn, a zna mn.. u ivotnch
pod. jm. (ve spisovnm jazyce tak u neivotnch pod. jm.)
zna zdraznn zna rodinu t osoby;suff.
;increase advance grow (increase) go further
improve;jt dl pokroit zvit (se) navit zlepit se;T
: T
;indicates pl.: Boy and girl are playing on sand
( ~ "beach).;zna mn. .: Chlapec a dve si hraj na psku
( ~ "pli).;cont.
: ;indicates plural: among books
and websites;zna mn. .: mezi ( ~ v) knihami a webovmi
: ;indicates family of the person:
Nan Nan's (family) is poor.;zna rodinu t osoby: (Rodina)
(sleny) Nen Nen je chud.;pol.
: ( ) () ;indicates
plural: (I) remember (my) country and father well.;zna mn. .:
Dobe si pamatuji (svou) zemi (a) svho otce.;
: ;indicates pl.: in the Pli books;zna mn..:
v Pli knihch;writ.

: ;others, and: Are mother and

others also healthy?;ostatn, a: Jsou matka a ostatn tak
...;indicates a joking voice;zna vtipkujic hlas;interj.
: ;cloud: The clouds in the sky zdrav?;inter.
: ;indicates pl.:
are being thick.;mrak: Mraky na obloze jsou (najednou) velk
good friends, colleagues (and) great people from Internet ( ~
( ~ tlust);p.p.
online);zna mn. .: dob ptel, kolegov (a) velc lid z
( );cloud;mrak;sg. rare
internetu ( ~ online);
( );cloud;mrak;sg.
( );cloud;mrak;sg.
( );cloud;mrak;sg.

( );animal;zve;sg. P. tiracchna (= animal)

;zoo (public-building (of) animals);zoo (veejnbudova zvat);n.

;more and more (develop and develop and);vc a vc

(vyvjet-se a vyvjet-se a);adv. writ.
: T T ;more and more: little by little,
more and more;vc a vc: postupn, vc a vc;
;building blow (about wind);foukat (o vtru) budova;T
(or) n.

: T
;zoo: Indeed, Natural History Museum, zoo : ;continent: On the
earth there are seven continents.;kontinent: Na zemi je sedm
(and) Karawait Hotel (are there).;zoo: Vskutku, (je tam)
Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum, zoo (a) Karavei Hotel.;
: ()
( ) ;zoo ((public) building (of) animals);zoo

;blow (of wind): The wind blows very much,


(and therefore) the man is saling.;foukat (o vtru): Vtr hodn

fouk, (a proto ten) mu placht ( ~ pluje);cont. writ.
( );building (of brick or stone);budova (z cihel
nebo kamene);sg.

bukovho tvaru);sg.
;directly (brush (and) strike) straight (brush (and)
strike);pmo (kartovat (a) uhodit);adv.

: ;directly: (He) does not use ( ~

"hold) money directly. (may be used as a description of any
( );continent (big continent);kontinent (velk monk, who does not use money);pmo: Pmo penze
nepouv ( ~ "nedr). (lze bt pouito jakoto popis
kterhokoliv mnicha, kter nepouv penze;pol. mn.
;flat: (I) stayed with my girlfriend in the flat rented by T ;shortness;krtkost;n.
( );continent;kontinent;sg.

me.;byt: il jsem se svou ptelkyn v byt, kter jsem si


: ;flat (building
room): The rented flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty (
~ much) noisy.;byt (budovn pokoj): Ten pronajat byt,
ponvad je ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.

(abbrev. from T );country state;zem stt;n.

: ;every: (I) enter a meditation

retreat every year.;kad: Chodm ( ~ "vstupuji) na meditan
zsed kad rok.;pol.

: ;country: As (I) live in this

country, (it) is not possible to eat (food). (expression of
( );flat (building's room) apartment (building's unsatisfactoriness in one's country);zem: Ponvad iji v tto
room);pokoj, hotelov (pokoj budovy) byt (pokoj
zemi, nen mon se najst ( ~ "jst jdlo). (vyjden
nespokojenosti se situac vlastn zem);col.
;attack (esp. in very negative sense, dash-against
(and) come-into-contact) fight (esp. in very negative sense,
dash-against (and) come-into-contact) attack (bump-into
(and) touch);bojovat (zejm. ve velice negativnm smyslu,
vrhat-se-proti (a) pichzet-do-kontaktu) toit (narazit-do
(a) dotknout-se) toit (zejm. ve velice negativnm smyslu,
vrhat-se-proti (a) pichzet-do-kontaktu);T


;come: notion, that Buddhaghosa preferred several
Sinhalese commentaries (which were) written before his time
(came).;pijt: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa oblbil nkolik
Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan ped nm ( ~
ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.

: ;fight: This man is

fighting.;bojovat: Tento mu bojuje.;cont.

( );column pillar post (column);sloup sloupek;sg.

: T
T ;attack: Kathehs of
Manipur attacked and opposed the Northern reagion of
Inwa.;toit: Katov z Manipru toili a vzdorovali v ( ~ do)
severn oblasti Envy.;writ.
: T T
;attack: At the journey back (he) went past and
attacked the group of Hanthawadi troops while they were
crossing a path.;zatoit: Na cest zptky je nsledoval a
zatoil na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy pechzeli pes
;encourage (brush (and) force) urge (brush (and)
force) exhort (brush (and) force) induce (brush (and)
force);nabdat (kartovat (a) nutit) povzbudit (kartovat
(a) nutit) odvahu, dodat (kartovat (a) nutit) zpsobit
(kartovat (a) nutit) nalhat (kartovat (a) nutit);T
;urge: The ministers urged Kyansittha to
become a king.;nalhat: Ministi nalhali, aby se ansit stal

;clock (hours stuck (on) column);hodiny (stroj,

hodiny pilepen (na) sloupu);n.
: ;clock: without using
clock;hodiny (stroj): ani by pouval hodiny;
( );foreigner (one (of) administrativeunit);cizinec (nkdo (ze) sprvn-oblasti);sg.

( );foreigner (one (of) administrativeunit, person);cizinec (nkdo (ze) sprvn-oblasti,

( ) (WS. from );foreigner (one (of)
administrative-unit);cizinec (nkdo (ze) sprvn-oblasti);sg.
;consult (sb.'s questions request for-sure) ask (for
advice or opinion, request for-sure) consult (request forsure) discuss (sb.'s questions request for-sure);dat (o
radu nebo nzor, dat urit) projednvat (dat urit)
diskutovat (n otzky, dat urit) konzultovat (n
otzky, dat urit);T
: ;consult: It will be fine
to consult (your questions) when (you) come
personally.;konzultovat: Konsultace (tvch otzek) bude v
podku, jestlie pijde osobn.;fut.

;urge: And if (it is) true ( ~ "said) that (you)
: () () ;ask (for
have not yet visited the Shwedagon Pagoda, (then I) urge (you) advice): Ask ven. Janinda, I am busy.;podat (o radu):
to visit (it).;nalhat: A je-li pravda ( ~ "eeno), e (jsi) jet
Podej ct. Danindu, j nemm as ( ~ "(mm) moc
nenavtvil wedagon Pagodu, (pak) nalhm, abys (ji)
;consult (request seriously (and) see) discuss
( );jacket (men's formal, upper-garment (of) (request seriously (and) see) debate (request seriously
cell form);bunda (pnsk, pro formln udlosti, svrek
(and) see);konzultovat s (vyadovat vn (a) dvat-se)


debatovat (vyadovat vn (a) dvat-se) projednvat

(vyadovat vn (a) dvat-se);T

: ;every time when: Every

time when he comes, I am not at home.;kdykoliv: Kdykoliv
T : T ;country: Own country is pijde, nejsem doma.;um.
not good, indeed.;zem: Vlastn zem, vskutku, nen dobr.;col. ( );administrative unit (in a country) region
division;sprvn jednotka (ve stt) oblast sek;sg.
T ( T );country (division (and) state) state
(division (and) state);zem (sprvn-jednotka (a) stt) stt
(sprvn-jednotka (a) stt);sg.

T ( T );state (country, country state) country

(state, country state);zem (stt, stt zem) stt (zem,
: ;native: Are you of our nationality? stt zem);sg.
(Native?);rodil: Jsi naeho ;
: T
;people: In these divisions also
( );native;rodil;sg.
lives majority of the Burmese people.;lid: Vtina Barmskch
;till up to until;a do;suff. prep. writ. (or) suff.
;as every like any time when every time when;kad lid ije tak v tchto sprvnch oblastech (regionech).;pol. col.
jako vdy kdy jakoto kdykoliv;suff. prep. (or) suff. adv. ( );citizen (native of a country, person
related-to region) native (of a country, person related-to
(or) suff. (or) pron.
region);rodil (urit zem, osoba majc-vztah-k oblasti)
: T ;every time when: Every
obyvatel (rodil urit zem, osoba majc-vztah-k
time when I ask, he can answer.;vdy kdy: Vdy kdy se
zeptm, doke odpovdt.;um.
T ;nationalities: Kayah, Kayin etc.
nationalities live in those states.;nrodnosti: Kaj, Kajen atd.
: T
;region (division): In these divisions also lives majority nrodnosti ij v tchto sttech.;pol.
;almost every (like like every);skoro kad (jako
of the Burmese people.;sprvn oblast (region): Vtina
jako kad) tm kad (jako jako kad);suff. adj.
Barmskch lid ije tak v tchto sprvnch oblastech
: ;all: Having looked at all the
books.;vechny: Po podvn se na vechny knihy.;p.p.

(regionech).;pol. col.
: ;until: I remember until
today.;a do: Pamatuji si a do dnes.;um.
: T
;division (region): Although these states and
divisions are divided, all Myanmar nations, including poor and
rich, live together.;sprvn oblast: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a
sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti
Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;
: ;every: every day;kad: kad den;
: T T ;division:
(It) is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~ live)
together.;region: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony jsou
( ~ ij) spolu.;pol.

: ;almost
every: Almost every student knows this story.;tm kad:
Tento pbh zn tm kad student.;pol.

: ;almost every: This

book is available in almost every shop.;tm kad: Tato kniha
je k dispozici tm v kadm obchod.;
T ;people (country's persons (and) state's
man);lid (osoby zem (a) mui sttu);n. writ.
T : T T
;people (every woman (and)
country man): He gave ( ~ will give) food (and) drink to the
people by (his) right hand.;lid (kad ena (a) mu zem):
Dval ( ~ d) lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s.
;to-zaya (food, dippings);duzj (jdlo, namen);n.

;develop, be (prosperous, increase (and) improve)

progress (increase (and) ascend) improve (increase (and)
ascend) rise (increase (and) ascend) progressed, be
(prosperous, increase (and) improve) prosperous, be
(increase (and) improve) develop (increase (and) ascend)
improve, be (prosperous, increase (and) improve);prosperujc,
bt (zvyovat-se (a) zlepovat-se) zlepovat se (prosperujc,
zvyovat-se (a) zlepovat-se) zvyovat se (zvtit-se (a)
: ;all: all the words in the Pi
vystupovat) pokroil, bt (prosperujc, zvyovat-se (a)
sentence;vechno: vechna slova v (t) pi vt;
: ;up to: I will go up to Mandalay.;a do: zlepovat-se)) rozvinout se (zvtit-se (a) vystupovat)
rozvjet se (zvtit-se (a) vystupovat) rozvjet se
Pjdu a do Mandalaje.;pol.
: ;every: (prosperujc, zvyovat-se (a) zlepovat-se) zlepit se
(zvtit-se (a) vystupovat);I (or) T
On the streets of every town can be seen the water:
;division (region): Then
(there) also may be seen Sagaing, Taninthari, Bago, Magway,
Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyawaddy.;region (divize): Pak je
mon (tam) uvidt Sikain, Tanentr, Pegh (Bago), Magv,
Mandal (Mandalaj), region Rangnu (a) region Ejwadi

playing.;kad: Na ulicch kadho msta je mono spatit hran : T ;progress: attainment of

progress;pokrok: dosaen pokroku;n.
s vodou.;pol.
: ;rise: rising extremely;zvyovat se:
: ;every: He goes to school
extrm se zvyujc;
every day.;kad: Chod do koly kad den.;


;development (develop (and) ascend {nouner})

progress (develop (and) ascend {nouner});pokrok (rozvinoutse (a) stoupat {jmenec}) rozvoj (rozvinout-se (a) stoupat

: ;t-shirt: two t-shirts;triko: dv trika;

: ;development: spiritual
development;rozvoj: duevn rozvoj;

( );meal gong (block of wood to be hit

when meal is ready, block-of-wood);jdeln gong (kvdr deva
na bouchn kdy je jdlo hotov, kvdr-deva);sg. mn.

;short, be briefly shortly;strun krtce krtk, bt;I

(or) adv.
: ;short, be: (It) is short and more
exact. (about a translation);krtk, bt: Je (to) krtk a
pesnj. (o pekladu);col.
: T
;briefly: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed,
'let (us) talk briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks
bar.;strun: Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno,
vskutku, 'nech mluvme strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod
s chlazenmi npoji.;col. pol.
T ;shortness (be-short much {nouner});krtkost
(bt-krtk hodn {jmenec});n.
;more and more (develop and develop and);vc a
vc (vyvjet-se a vyvjet-se a);adv.

: ;T-Shirt: red T-Shirt;triko: erven triko;n.

( );T-shirt;triko;sg.
;stupid, be;hloup, bt;I

( );hyphen (short dash);spojovac rka (krtk

( );cane stick wand anther;klacek, klack
tyinka hlka klack;sg.
: ;trishaw: (He) gets on the
trishaw.;trojkolk: Nastupuje na trojkolk.;
( );trishaw tuk tuk threewheel;trojkolk tuk
tuk;sg. E. tuk-tuk
( );flashlight (fire stick) torch (fire
stick);svtilna (ohniv klack) baterka (ohniv klack);sg.
P. dhtu (= element)
;during while still indicates end of a question
indicates continuing action;stle bhem zna konec otzky
pod zatmco zna probhajc innost jet, kdy
pi;prep. (or) conj. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv. (or) suff.

;increase (increase (and) develop) improve (increase : ;in: in 2008;v: v (roce) 2008;
(and) develop);zlepit se (zvit-se (a) rozvinout-se) zvit : ;still: (I) still attend school.;pod: Pod
se (zvit-se (a) rozvinout-se);I
chodm do koly.;pol.
;indicates end of a list indicates end of a list of
: ;when ( ~ "still): (when I) was (still) a
things;zna seznamu zna konec seznamu vc;suff. (or)
child ( ~ "baby);jet, kdy: kdy jsem byl (jet) dt ( ~
T ;indicates end of a list;zna seznamu;suff.

: ;Toyota: Cars, such as

Toyota, Mercedes etc.;Toyota: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes
( );tourist;turista;sg. E. tourist

: ;while: I'll go to
school while you are (still) sleeping.;zatmco: Pjdu do koly
zatmco ty bude (jet) spt.;fut. um.
: ;when: when (I) was a child;kdy: kdy
jsem byl dt;adv.

;increase (increase (and) come);zvyovat (zvyovat (a) : ;while: while arranging;pi: pi uspodvn;
: T ;while: He arrives while
: T T ;increase: Little by little (I)
talking.;zatmco: Mluv a pi tom pichz. (Zatmco mluv,
increase.;zvyovat: Postupn zvyuji.;pol.
;eat (beat) beat (drum, gong etc.);jst (bouchat) buit : ;indicates end of a question: What are
(na buben, gong atd.);T (or) T col.
(you) eating?;zna konec otzky: Co j?;inter.

: ;beat: Meal gong is going to : ;indicates end of a question: What are

be beaten.;buit: (Brzy) se bude buit na jdeln gong.;fut.
(you) doing?;zna konec otzky: Co dl?;inter.
( );earthworm;ala;sg.
: ;still: (I) am just still practising
( );innovator (proficient (in) clearing-for- writing;stle: Stle jen nacviuji psan;
cultivation (and) inventing);inovtor (zrun (v) itn-pro- : ( ~
kultivaci (a) vynalzn);sg.
);still: What is the son (still) doing?;stle:
( );TV television;TV televizor televize;sg. E. TV

Co (n) syn (stle) dl?;inter. lett.

: ;TV: If (I want) to watch TV, (I)
: T ( ~ )
watch.;TV: Pokud se (chci) dvat na televizi, tak se dvm.;col. ;when ( ~ "during): Did you think about becoming
: ;T-shirt: Baby does not wear a nun when (you) were a child ( ~ "during (your)
a T-shirt.;triko: Mimonko nenos triko.;
childhood)?;kdy ( ~ "bhem): Pemlela jsi (o tom) stt se
: ;t-shirt: two thousand t-shirts;triko: dva
mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~ "bhem (svho) dtstv)?;p.s.
tisce triek;
: ;T-shirt: T-shirt is wet.;triko: Triko je


: ;still: I am still reading his

book.;stle: Stle tu jeho knihu.;pol. um.

( ) ;livery (same, equal complete dress)

uniform (same, equal complete dress) dress (of sport
etc., same, equal complete dress);dres (sportovn atd.,
;in;v;suff. prep.
stejn, stejn kompletn odv) stejnokroj (stejn, stejn
: ;in: in past lives;v: v minulch
kompletn odv) uniforma (stejn, stejn kompletn
: ;during: during doing it;bhem: bhem odv);sg.
( );niece;nete;sg.
dln toho;adv.
: ;still: Yep, (I)'m still (just)
interested.;pod: Jo, pod (m to) prost zajm.;col. fr.

;like, be resemble same, be naive, be chopsticks

alike, be;podobat se jako, bt naivn, bt hlky, nsk
podobn, bt sam, bt stejn, bt;I (or) n.
;overcooked, be dig burnt, be;splen, bt pevaen,
bt kopat (zem);I (or) T

: ( ~ );tourist: (I) am just a

tourist.;turista: Jsem jen turista.;pol. col.
( );tourist;turista;sg. E. tourist
( );song;pse psnika (CZ col.);n.
( );song;pse psnika;sg.

;even actually (indeed) because would when (at the

time when) after however but actually as hey (EN
: ;overcooked: a kind which can become col.) and (connects two sentences in a complex sentence)
though any more no more really;opravdu po tom, co
overcooked;pevaen: druh, kter se me pevait;
ponvad no protoe ale but kdy (v dob, kdy) a
(spojuje dv jednoduch vty v souvt) pestoe u hele
;dug: Therefore, according to the (king's)
decree, having dug the embarkment, majesty should see.;proto: (CZ col.) dokonce u ne by; (or) adv. (or) suff. col. (or)
Proto, dle (krlova) rozkazu, vsost by se (na to) mla podvat suff. conj. col. (or) suff. (or) suff. (or) col. (or) conj. (or) conj.
col. (or) interj. (or) interj. col.
po vykopn toho nalodn.;
: ;chopsticks: (He) eats rice with
chopsticks.;hlky, insk: J ri nskmi hlkami.;

: ( ) ( ) T ;same:
But one's opinion ( ~ view) is not same as that of (another)
one.;stejn: Ale nzor jednoho nen stejn jako (nzor) druhho
( ~ jednoho).;pol.

: ;any more, not: Don't do (it) any more!;u

ne: U to nedlej!;imper. pol.

;dig: However, indeed, it is not right to want to drink
clear water now, (if) the well (has been) dug now.;kopat: Ale,
vskutku, nen dobr chtt pt istou vodu te, (jestlie) byla
studna vykopna te.;prov.

T ;when (at the time when): After (he) approached me,
I told (it) to him.;kdy (v dob, kdy): Kdy ke m piel, ekl
jsem mu (to).;p.s. writ.

;hammer: (He) stuck a needle between nails and
while hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;kladivo:
Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem,
testoval (je).;writ.
: ;same, be: the usage is same;stejn, bt:
uit je stejn;
( );chopsticks ((are) same);hlky, nsk
((jsou) stejn);n. (pair, one)
( );nephew;synovec;sg.

: ;really: 100 (kyats) is, really, little.;no:

No, 100 (iats) je mlo.;pol. col.

T ;indeed: Own country is not
good, indeed.;vskutku: Vlastn zem, vskutku, nen dobr.;col.
: T ;indicates near future: Girl is
going to ride a horse.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Dve se
chyst dit kon.;fut.
: ;as for: As for now, it is not raining
any more. no more: As for now, it is not raining any more.;a:
A te, u nepr. u ne: A te, u nepr.;col.
: ( ~ );indeed:
Let's finish the (writing) discussion, (indeed.);vskutku:
(Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).;

: T T ;even: Also, (I) even (do

not) happen to meditate again.;dokonce: A dokonce se ani
( );hammer;kladivo;sg.
; correspond with (be-similar (and) equal) same, be (be- nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
: ( ~
similar (and) equal) similar, be (be-similar (and) equal)
same, be (similar (and) equal);podobn, bt (bt-podobn (a) ) T ;though:
rovn) stejn, bt (bt-podobn (a) rovn) correspond with Though I envision, that meditation is good, (I) do not do (it)
much.;pestoe: Pestoe pedvdm, e meditace je dobr,
(bt-podobn (a) rovn) stejn, bt (podobn (a) rovn);
moc (ji) nedlm.;pol.
(or) I
( ) ;hammer;kladivo;sg. (one, pair)

: ;same: the same fact;stejn: stejn : ;any more: Indeed,

(I)cannot decrease (the price) (any more) more than this.;u:
Vskutku, vce ne tolik ji nemohu zlevnit ( ~ "snit).;col.
: ;similar, be: (It) is similar to Pi
language.;podobn, bt: Je podobn jazyce pi.;writ.

: T
;dress: The sportsmen in white dress (are) losing the
game.;dres: Sportovci v blm dresu prohrvaj hru.;

: ;and (connects two

sentences in a complex sentence): Here (you) stop and the
hotel (is) in front of you.;a (spojuje dv jednoduch vty v
souvt): Zde zastav a hotel je ped tebou.;col.


tom, co (to) tak ( ~ tm zpsobem) napi, dm to uiteli.;pol.
;but: If (you) meditate every : ;as for: As for
day one hour, (it) is good. But if (you) meditate every day two hats, (we) have (them), indeed, (we) have. (Just) various
hours, (it) is very good, indeed.;ale: Pokud medituje kad den kinds. Here, look.;co se te: Co se te klobouk, (ty) mme,
jednu hodinu, je (to) dobr. Pokud ale medituje kad den dv vskutku, mme. (Prost) nejrznj. Tady, podvejte.;col.
hodiny, je (to), opravdu, velice dobr.;
- (from );as for;co se te;conj.
;just: Having just written the first Pi
sentence from the first part, I write (it) in the second part in
English.;hned jak: Hned jak napi prvn pi vtu z prvn sti,
napu (ji) do druh sti anglicky.;pol.

;just after;hned po;adv.

: T
;just after: Just after (I) do it thus, (I) give it to other
students.;hned po: Hned po tom, co (to) takto udlm, dvm
(to) ostatnm studentm.;pol.

: T ;but: But
;any more, not;u ne;suff.
don't think, that (I) am (doing (work of)) the correction-teacher, -;not any more no longer not after all;u ne nikdy
ok?;ale: Ale nemysli si, e dlm (prci) opravujcho uitele,
vce ne, u ne;adv.
jo?;col. pol.
;jungle (great forest (and) dark
: T ;as for: After the (theater)
play (as for me,) I will go to sleep.;co se te: Po (t)
(divadeln) he, (co se te (m)) (j) pjdu spt.;fut.

: T ;actually: Actually, it wasn't

a big problem.;no: No, nebyl to velk problm.;pol.
: ;however: However, Fanta is
available.;ale: Ale Fantu mme. (Ale Fanta je dostupn.);pol.
: ;indicates near future: Soon it will
be raining.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Brzy bude pret.;fut.
: T
;indeed: Indeed,
not long after the great town Inwa fell in hands of the
Hanthawadi's troops.;vskutku: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.
: ;no more: (he) has no more;u: u nem;

burl);dungle (velk les (a) temn chuchvalec);n. rare

;nonsense;nesmysl;n. ow.

;meat, fried minced (luminously fried)

fried minced meat (luminously fried) meat, fried
minced;maso, smaen mlet maso, osmaen mlet (ziv
osmaen) osmaen mlet maso (ziv osmaen);n.
;even indeed;a dokonce i vskutku dokonce;conj.
(or) adv. (or) suff. (or) suff. conj.
;ask for;dat o;T
;endowed with, be;obdaen, bt (m);I
: T ;even: If (one) tries,
(one) may become even the Buddha.;dokonce: (Kdo) se sna,
me se stt dokonce i Buddhou.;pol.
: ;even: Even I don't know.;dokonce:
Dokonce ani j nevm.;

: T;after: after (he) explains;po tom, co: po tom, co : ;request: (I) request (and) give (you)
wishes.;vyadovat: Vyaduji (a) dvm (ti) pn.;w. pol.
: ;but: But a coffee bar is : T ;even: Even one year still
(here).;ale: Ale kavrna (tu) je.;
hasn't passed. (Even one year is still not filled.);dokonce:
: ;any more: (I) don't have the
mood to (want to)come and see, any more.;u ne: U
nemm nladu (chtt) (znovu) pijt a dvat se (na to).;col.
: ;going to: (I) am going to go.;chystat se:
Chystm se jt.;fut.
: ;indeed: Indeed, I don't know.;vskutku:
Vskutku, nevm.;col.
: ;actually: Actually, (I) am not very
sure.;no: No, moc si jist nejsem.;

Jet tomu nebylo dokonce ani jeden rok. (Dokonce (ani)

jeden rok stle nen naplnn.);pol.
: ;mountain: (He) has climbed the
mountain.;hora: Vylezl na horu.;p.p.

: ;mountain: mountains are in

the South;hora: hory jsou na jihu;
: T ;request: (He) rejects
when requested.;dat: Odmt, kdy (je) dn.;

: T ;even: (You) could have

: TT ;because: Because said even this much (already).;dokonce: U jsi (toho) dokzal
(I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be difficult.;protoe:
dokonce i tolik namluvit.;p.p.
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col. : ;mountain: The village is
: ( ~ )
in ( ~ among) mountains.;hora: (Ta) vesnice je v ( ~ mezi)
;going to, be: The man is going to dive in the horch.;
sea.;chystat se: (Ten) mu se chyst potpt v moi.;fut.
: ;mountain: The man has
: ;actually: actually, (long time) ago;ve
skutenosti: ve skutenosti, (kdysi) ped tm;

climed the mountain.;hora: Ten mu (ji) vylezl na horu.;p.p.

: ;South: South-East Asia;Jih:

: ;any more: (I) don't have ( ~ "do) a Jihovchodn Asie;adv.
job any more.;prce: U nemm ( ~ "nedlm) prci.;pol.
: T ;mountain: The
: ;just: Just after (I)
mountain Everest is (just) the highest mountain in the
write it that way, (I) give (it) to the teacher.;prv: Prv po


world.;hora: Hora Everest je (prost) nejvt horou na svt.; the South;hora: hory jsou na jihu;
( );mountain;hora;sg.
;valley (between mountains);dol (mezi

;South Pole (south spot (of the) axis);Jin Pl

(jin skvrna osy);n.

;even even (follows a n. or v.) south even though

: ;valley: The valley even, did not (follows a n. or v.);ani (nsleduje za pod. jm.
nebo slovesem) dokonce Jih i (nsleduje za pod. jm. nebo
(itself) is so narrow.;dol: (To) dol (jako-takov) je tak
slovesem) i pestoe dokonce (nsleduje za pod. jm. nebo
: ;elope: Having eloped slovesem);suff. adv. (or) adv. (or) n.
the woman ((and) just come), care for ( ~ "search (and) feed) ;ask (for sth.) request (sth.);vyadovat (nco) dat (o
her.;uprchnout (se enou od rodi): Po uprchnut s enou (od nco);T
rodi), hned jak pijde, starej se ( ~ "hledej (a) krm) o
n.;imper. sl.

: ;even: I don't even know.;ani:

Ani nevm.;um.

;require (request (and) say) demand (request (and) : ;even: Even I don't
say) request (request (and) say) request (say
know.;dokonce: Dokonce ani j nevm.;um.
request);vyadovat (dat (a) kat) dat o (dat (a) ci) : ;even: He does not ( ~ did not)
vyadovat (dat (a) ci) dat (ci dost) poadovat buy even book.;ani: Nekoupil (si) ani knihu.;um.
(dat (a) ci);T
: T
;demand: Since then the Myanmar citizens,
unceasingly participating in the opposing strikes against the
English government, demanded independence.;vyadovat: Od
t doby se Myanmart obyvatel nepetrit astnili
protestnch stvek proti anglick vld piem vyadovali
nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.

T ;mountain: If one climbs the mountain and looks

(one) may see Mandalay.;hora: Kdy vyleze(te) na horu a
podv(te) se, me(te) vidt Mandalaj.;

: T ;wish:
This is my only wish;pn: To je moje jedin pn;pol.

;apologize (resquest (and) beg);omluvit se (dat

(a) prosit);T

: () ;even: He even (still)

eats.;dokonce: Dokonce (jet) j.;
: ;ask for: (I) had to ask for
help.;podat o: Musel jsem podat o pomoc.;p.s. pol.
( );mountain hill;hora skla (hora);sg.

;climb mountains (ascend mountains);lzt na hory -: ( ) ( ) T;no

(horolezectv, lzt (na) hory);T
more: One is no more satisfied with the other.;u nen: Jeden
: ;climbing
u nen spokojen s druhm.;pol.
mountains: I have the hobby of climbing mountains. (I include ;going to, be (as in near future) indicates near
hobby (of) climbing mountains.);horolezectv: Mm konkem je future;jt (nco dlat, jako je v blzk budoucnosti) zna
horolezectv. (J zahrnuji konek lezen (na) hory.);um.
blzkou budoucnost;suff.
;stout, be ((be) well-supported (and) stand-firm)
valorous, be ((be) well-supported (and) standfirm);neohroen, bt (bt) dobe-podporovan )a) stt-pevn)
rzn, bt (bt) dobe-podporovan )a) stt-pevn);I
: ;much (well-supplied
(and) firm): (I) have so much money. ((I) am well-supplied
(and) firm in money power.);moc (dobe-podporovan (a)
pevn): Mm hrozn moc penz. (Jsem dobe-podporovan
(a) pevn v penn moci.);idi.
;excuse (oneself, request (and) beg) sorry, be
(request (and) beg) request (request (and) beg);omlouvat
se (dat (a) prosit) omluvit se (dat (a) prosit) dat
(dat (a) prosit);T
;sorry, be: (I) am sorry that (I) got little bit
late.;omluvit se: Omlouvm se, e jsem se trochu zpozdil.;p.s.

: ;indicates near future: I am

going to hang up phone.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu poloit
telefon. (Polom telefon:);fut. col.
: ;going to, be (as in near future): (I)
am going to learn. indicates near future: (I) am going to
learn.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu se uit. jt (nco dlat,
jako je v blzk budoucnosti): Jdu se uit.;fut.
: ;going to: (I) am going to
depart.;chystat se k: Chystm se odejt.;fut.
; just when;hned jak prv kdy;suff. adv.
: ;just when: (We) will discuss
just when (you) are free.;hned jak: Popovdme si hned jak
bude voln.;fut. pol.
( );monastery in forest (take forest);klter v
lese (vzt les);sg.

: ;village: Thingyan in village is not like that.;vesnice: Vesnick Tendan

: T ;sorry, be: I takhle neprobh ( ~ nen).;pol.
am sorry that (my) reply is late.;omluvit se: Omlouvm se, e
( );village (rural village);vesnice (venkovsk
se (m) odpov zpozdila.;pol.
;South (mountains' direction);jih (smr hor);n.
( );wild child (wild small child);divok
: ;South: mountains are in


dt (divok mal dt);sg.

;great clever, be stop really (about relatives)
indicates connection exactly (about relatives) smart,
be;pmo (o pbuznch) bystr, bt zna spojen chytr,
bt ohromn zastavit zrovna (o pbuznch);I (or) suff. (or)
adv. (or) T (or) suff. adj.
: ;good: (That)'s good. right: (That)'s
right.;sprvn: (To) je sprvn. dobr: (To) je dobr.;col.
: ;very: (They) are very,
very weak (in doing their work), the staff of the office.;velice:
Jsou velice, velice slab (v dln sv prce), zamstnanci t
: ;stop: (Just) stop!;zastavit: (Prost)
zastav!;imper. pol.
: ( ~ );you ( ~ "great-one):
What do you want? (What (is it), great-one?);ty ( ~ "velk):
Co chce? (Co (je to), velik?);col.
: ;exactly: not exactly a relative;pmo:
ne pmo pbuzn;
: ;clever: I am sorry. (Because (I) am not
clever.);chytr: Omlouvm se. (Protoe nejsem chytr.);pol.
: ;skilful: Also men
think, that they are more skilful.;dovedn: Tak mui si mysl,
e jsou dovednj.;
: ;great: (It is a)
great city that is 900 years old.;ohromn: (Je to) ohromn
msto, kter je star 900 let.;pol.
;soon (last great);brzy (trvat ohrom);adv. col.
: T ;soon:
Also, if (you) do not offer anything, soon the mosquitoes will
come ( ~ "enter) and lay (their) eggs.;brzy: Tak, pokud nic
nenabdne, brzy pilet ( ~ "vejdou) komi a (zanou) klst
vajka.;fut. col. sl.
: T
;great: The great Alaung Min Taya
thus could, indeed, again successfully unite the Myanmar
country, build and set (it) up in order to (make it) well
(collected) (and) organized.;ohromn: Takto ohromn Alaung
Min Tay vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru,
postavit (a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a)
organizovan.;p.s. writ.
;concerned with, be (well related-to) related to, be
(well related-to);tkat se (dobe se-tkat) vztah k, mt
(dobe se-tkat);I
: ... ;related to, be: How is ...
related to (this)?;tkat se: Jak se ... tk (tohohle)?;inter.

: ;much, very: (You) have

improved very much.;moc, hodn: Hodn moc jsi se
: T ;extremely: (He) becomes
extremely happy.;extrm: Stane se extrm astnm.;
;very: Go (according to) this way, but (it
is) still very far.;hodn: Jete (podle) tto cesty, ale (je to)
jet hodn daleko.;imper.
: T ;very much. You
are (being) skilled in Myanmar (language) just very much,
aren't (you)?;velice: Jsi prost velice dovedn v Myanmarskm
jazyce, e?;col.
;quite fine fine, quite;docela dobr dobr,
docela;adj. !
;many (well (and) much) many quite (well
(and) much) fairly (well (and) much) so much plenty;tak
moc spousta jak tak (dobe (a) hodn) mnoho (dobe
(a) hodn) docela (dobe (a) hodn) mnoho;adv.
T ( ~ T );many: I haven't (ever) visited
so many monks.;mnoho: (Jet) jsem nenavtvil tolik (hodn)
: T ;so much:
(You) can talk so much. (expressed as a praise);tak moc: (Ty)
toho doke tolik ct. (vyjdeno coby pochvala);
;many: Many people come
( ~ ascend) to church.;mnoho: Mnoho lid jde ( ~ stoup) do
;so much (indeed, very-much) very much
(indeed, very-much);tak moc (vskutku, velice) velice
(vskutku, velice);
: ;quite: (It)'s quite
good.;docela: Je to docela dobr.;col.
;indicates great respect towards the other person;zna
ohromn respekt vi t druh osob;suff.
: ;indicates great respect towards the
other person: (I) serve (you, my lord).;zna ohromn respect
vi t druh osob: Jsem vm k slubm, pane. (Sloum
(vm), (pane).);
: ;indicates great respect towards the
other person: Speak, ven. Sir.;zna ohromn respekt vi t
druh osob: Mluvte, ct. Pane.;pol.
;used to show respect at departure;uvno jakoto
vyjden cty pi odchodu;interj. rare

;rebel (stop (and) fight-back) revolt (stop (and)

;considerably very much very moderately quite fight-back);povstt (vzbouit se, zastavit (a) protitoit)
much, very extremely;extrm mrn velice moc, hodn vzbouit se (zastavit (a) protitoit);T
docela znan hodn;adv.
;revolution (stop (and) fight-back
;clever, very: Finding (that) what
you have written, (I) happen to praise (it as) seriously, very
clever.;chytr, velice: Shledal jsem, co jsi napsal, (a) (stalose,e) chvlm (to jakoto) vn, velice chytr.;pol.


{nouner});revoluce (vzbouit se, zastavit (a) protitoit


;revolution: (He is) the leader-student of the
Golden Shine Revolution's Burmese Students'

Association.;revoluce: Je vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat

Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.

staying there?;bt (ubytovn): Jsi tam spokojen? (Jsi spokojen,

e (jsi) ubytovan tam?);inter.

;stay (dwell) accommodated, be stay hut shed (hut) ;straight ahead directly;rovn (za nosem) pmo (za
dwell tent;bydlet pobvat zstat (pobvat) bt (pobvat) nosem);adv. col.
chata stan bt ubytovan psteek;T (or) n.
(from );straight;pmo;adv. col.
;indicates change of preceding verb to adj. who is that ;when (time when);kdy (as kdy);pron.
who which indicates a state where which is;zna zmnu : ( )

( ~
pedchzejcho slovesa na pd. jm. kter je zna stav
) ()
kdo je kter;pron. (or) suff. (or) suff. pron.
;when: Thank you for helping us with
(from );straight, be;pm, bt;I. col.

(put at the end of sentence);indicates indirect speech that

(indicates indirect speech) they say reportedly said, it
is;k se, e zna nepmou e kaj, e pr e (zna
nepmou e);suff. (or) suff. adv.

everything when we went to your ( ~ ven. Sir's)

monastery.;kdy: Dkujeme ti za pomoc se vm, kdy jsme li
do tvho ( ~ ct. pna) kltera.;pol. ubmn. utmn.
;when;kdy;suff. adv.

It is said, that the villagers (male villagers (and) female
villagers) asked him (for themselves) when they didn't know (
: ;indicates a state: hand put ~ when they had sth. unknown).;kdy: k se, e vesnian
on the body;zna stav: ruka poloen na tle;
(vesnian (a) vesnianky) se ho ptali kdy (mli nco, co)
;who: female supporter, who said that nevdli.;
(it is) good;kter: podporovatelka, kter ekla, e (je to) dobr; T ;except (preceded by a verb);krom (nsleduje za
: ;said that, it is: It is said, that
: ;which: (things) which (I) like;kter: (vci),
kter mm rd;

Nga Nyo's girlfriend was a daughter of the village

headman.;k se, e: k se, e a ova ptelkyn byla
dcera pna vesnice.;
: ;which: the book which the (female)
teacher reads;kter: kniha, kterou te uitelka;n.

T : T ;except: except that (I) type a

computer;krom: krom (toho, e) pi (na potai) slovnk;
;rise get up get up (also from bed);vstt (tak z postele)

;indicates direction to for;zna smr pro vi ke;suff.

: ;reportedly: Reportedly, today the prep. writ.
teacher goes to Mandalay.;pr: Pr dnes jde uitel do Mandal : ;to: He will visit me for
seven days. ((He) will visit to me seven days.);ke: Navtv
: T ;they say that will: They say, that tomorrow m na sedm dn. (Bude m ke m navtvovat sedm dn.);fut.
will be raining.;kaj: kaj, e ztra bude pret.;
: ( ~
: T ;whether: (Sb. asked) whether you ) T;get up: When the rabbit woke up at
come tomorrow.;pr jestli: Pr jestli pijde ztra.;um.
the place of resting, (it) got up and indeed ran as much as (he)
could.;vstt: Kdy se krlk na mst odpoinku probudil, vstal a
: ;stay: Where are (you) staying?;bt
vskutku bel jak jen mohl.;writ.
(pobvat): Kde (te) jsi (ubytovn)?;inter. cont.
: ;stay: Where do (you) stay?;bt (pobvat):
Kde (te) jsi (ubytovn)?;inter.

: ;get up: He got up from (the status

of) eating.;vstt: Po jdle vstal. (Vstal ze statutu jezen.);pol.
: ;said, it is: It is said, that he p.p.
will eat meal ( ~ rice) in my home.;k se: k se, e (on) ;gain (get-up (and) rise-up) rebel (rise (and) rise up)
revolt (rise (and) rise up);bouit se (o lidech, vstt (a)
bude jst jdlo ( ~ ri) u m doma.;um.
povstat) povstat (vstt (a) povstat) dostat (vstt (a)
: ;indicates change from
preceding verb to an adj.: a letter (given) to a friend;zna
zmnu pedchzejcho slovesa na pd. jm.: dopis (dan)
jednomu pteli;

: ;said that, it is: It is said, that his name

(was) Nga Nyo.;k se: k se, e se jmenoval ( ~ e jeho
jmno (bylo)) a o.;
: ;that: (It is said) that he will come.;e: Pr
(on) pijde.;col.
: ;stay: (I) am staying in a hotel.;bt
(ubytovn): Jsem (ubytovn) v hotelu.;pol.

;than, more rather (more) another (more) bright, be

(in intellect) sharp, be (in intellect) than more;dal (vce)
ne vce spe (vce) bystr, bt (o inteligenci) ne,
vce;I (or) prep. & conj. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv.
: T ;more than: The horse is
thinner than the cow.;vce ne: K je hubenj ne krva.;
: ;more than: The
man is fatter than the woman.;vce ne: (Ten) mu je tlust
ne (ta) ena.;

: ;said: Mother said: If (you) want to : ;more: Even more (the-same) to (you)! (used
go, (then) go.;ekl: Matka ekla: Jestli chce jt, (tak) jdi.;col. as a reaction to a wish expressed by sb.);vc: (Tob) (to
sam) jet vc! (uvno jako reakce na pn vysloven
: T;stay: Are (you) satisfied


: ;bright, be: (I)

(happen to) wonder that (you) are even so much
bright.;bystr, bt: (Stalo se, (e)) se divm, e jsi dokonce tak
moc bystr.;pol.

;more than;vce ne;adv. writ.

: T T ;more than:
(I) can speak in Myanmar langauge better than that.;vce ne:
Umm mluvit Myanmarskm jazykem lpe (ne to).;pol. writ.

: ;than, more: Indeed, (I)

;better, be (more good);lep, bt (vce dobr);I
cannot decrease (the price) (any more) more than this.;ne, : ;better:
vce: Vskutku, vce ne tolik ji nemohu zlevnit ( ~ "snit).;col. better teacher ( ~ chief monk) than this teacher ( ~ chief
: ;more: (She) will be ten times
more beautiful than this.;vce: Bude desetkrt krsnj ne
;better, be;lep, bt;I
tady ( ~ "tohle).;fut.
-;more, no;vce, ne;adv.
: T T ;better ( ~
more): I can speak in Myanmar language better ( ~ more)
than in Mon language.;lpe ( ~ vce): Umm mluvit
Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;


no: I won't send (you) more than this.;vce, ne: (J) nepolu ti
vce ne tolik ( ~ "tohle).;

T T ;more: The sportsman breathes more
intensively than the woman.;vce: Sportovec dch intenzivnji
ne (ta) ena.;

: ( ~ );cruel: (It) is
so cruel!;krut: Je (to) tak krut!;col.

;half (sharp half);polovina (ostr plka) pl (ostr


( );half (sharp half);polovina (ostr

;increase more (followed by adj.) more than
improve;vce ne zlepit se zvtit se vc(e) (nsledovno ;better, be (excell more);lep, bt (vynikat vce);I
pd. jmnem);I (or) adv.
: Sit I ;better, be: Sit is better than
: ;more: I have me.;lep, bt: Sit je lep ne j.;pol. sl.
one more bank account.;jet: Mm jet jeden bankovn
;remark (notice) visible, be think notice (remark);myslet
zpozorovat vimnout si (zpozorovat) viditeln, bt;I (or) T
: ;more than: The dog is
uglier than the cat.;vce ne: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne (ta)
: ;more: if there are two or
more words;vce: pokud jsou tam dv nebo vce slov;

: ;think: Why
do (you) think, that (I) don't like ( ~ "need) you?;myslet (si):
Pro si mysl, e t nemm rd ( ~ "nepotebuji)?;inter.

: T ;think: But
don't think, that (I) am (doing (work of)) the correction-teacher,
: T
ok?;myslet si: Ale nemysli si, e dlm (prci) opravujcho
T ;exceed (more (than)): There will be allowed uitele, jo?;col. pol.
maximum of six people to enter (the stage), (and) each of them : ;think: What do (you) think (about it)?
(will) not exceed five minutes (in talking).;pekroit (vce
(How (you) think?);myslet si: Co si (o tom) mysl? (Jak
(ne)): Bude povoleno maximln esti lidem, aby vstoupili (na mysl?);inter.
jevit) (a) kad z nich nepekro pt minut (pi
: ;think: Think as you like ( ~ "want)
povdn).;pol. fut.
(to think).;jak: Mysli si co ( ~ "jak) chce (myslet).;
: ;more: This book
: ;think: you yourself think;myslet si: ty sm
is better than that book.;vce: Tato kniha je lep ne tamta
si mysl;
: ;think:
: ( ~
People thought it to be a spirit-house and worship it,
() );more:
majesty.;myslet si: Lid si mysleli, e je to duchv (bkv)
ten or more message in Burmese language;vc: deset a vc
dm a uctvaj jej, vsosti.;pol.
zprv v Barmskm jazyce;
: ( ~ ~ )
: T ;more than: The train
T ;wood: From a tree can be taken a lot
is quicker than the man.;vce ne: Vlak je rychlej ne (ten)
of wood.;devo: Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;
: ;think: (I) just think like that.;myslet: (J)
myslm prost tak.;col.
;better ( ~ "more good): Better ( ~ "more
T ;firewood (dry firewood);dv (such dv)
good)than Windows system is the Linux system.;vce ne:
devo (na plen, such dv);n.
Linux systm je lep ( ~ "vce dobr) ne systm
T ;opinion (think (and) see {nouner});nzor (myslet
(a) vidt {jmenec});sg.
T :

;more than: It is more easy to type Sinhalese in
T T;idea: Please, can you
Linux than in Windows.;vce ne: Je snadnj pst (na
explain your ideas regarding these things in ( ~ "with)
klvesnici) Sinhlsky v Linux ne ve Windows.;pol. writ.


letter?;nzor: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv nzory ohledn sugar into the coffee.;sypat: Sype (si) cukr do kvy.;
tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.
: ;num. class. for clothes: two t-shirts;itatel

T : T
obleen: dv trika;
;idea: If I write you a letter, (I) can write my
: ;num. class. for individual
ideas, indeed.;pst mylenka: Pokud ti napu dopis, mohu ti, pieces of robes: (I) don't know, whether (he) says just three
vskutku, napsat sv mylenky.;col. fr.
pieces of robes.;itatel jednotlivch rb: Nevm, jestli k
;seem to be (take (by) thinking) look like (take (by)
thinking) resemble (take (by) thinking);pipadat (vypadat
jako, brt mylenm) vypadat jako (brt mylenm)
podobat se (brt mylenm);T

pouze ti (jednotliv) rby.;col. mn.

: T ;look
like: According to the map, it looks like if there is a treasure in
this cave.;vypadat jako: Podle mapy to vypad, jako kdyby v
tto jeskyni byl poklad.;

: T T ;insert: inserting a
complementary word;vloit: vkldn dopkovho slova;

: ;famous: famous (and)

renowned (chief) monk;slavn: slavn (a) proslul (hlavn)
: ;famous: youthful
teacher ( ~ chief monk), (who) became famous;slavn:
nezkuen uitel ( ~ opat), (kter) se stal slavnm;
: ;famous, be: famous
singer;slavn, bt: slavn zpvk;
;think (have an idea);domnvat se (myslet si) myslet si
(domnvat se);T
;famous, be (visible (and) rare) well-known, be
(visible (and) rare) noted, be (visible (and) rare);vznamn,
bt (viditeln (a) vzcn) slavn, bt (viditeln (a) vzcn)
znm, bt dobe (viditeln (a) vzcn);I

;put in: She puts his clothes in the washing
machine.;vkldat: (Ona) vkld jeho obleen do praky.;cont.

: ;put: (He) is putting

Italian spaghetti to the pot.;vloit: Vkld do hrnce italsk
;available, make (put-in (and) give);zpstupnit (vloit
(a) dt);T
: website ;available, make: (I) am,
indeed, making the website available.;umonit: Vkutku,
zpstupuji tu webovou strnku.;pol. col.
;insert (in sentence, insert (and) practise) use (in
sentence, insert (and) practise);dvat (njak slovo nkam ve
vt, vloit (a) praktikovat) pouvat (ve vt, vloit (a)
: "" " "
;insert: (and) is not always
inserted after the subject.;dvat (slovo ve vt): (a)
se za podmt vdycky nedv.;pol.

;integrate (put (and) insert) insert (put (and)
T ;famous: Among these heroes Kyansittha insert) install (a program, insert (and) put-into) incorporate
became especially famous.;slavn: Z tchto hrdin se stal
(put (and) insert);zahrnout (vloit (a) vsunout) instalovat
ansit obzvlt slavnm.;writ.
(program, vloit (a) poloit-do) vsunout (vloit (a) vsunout)
T ( )T ;famous: Min Yaza
became famous as one of the great wise men in
Myanmar.;slavn: Men Yza se stal slavnm jakoto jeden z
velkch moudrch mu Myanmaru.;

vloit (vloit (a) vsunout) nainstalovat (program, vloit (a)

poloit-do) zaleni (vloit (a) vsunout);T (or) T writ.

: T
;famous (famous (and)
renowned): The great Myanmar army led by the king Naung
was very famous ( ~ famous (and) renowned) in the Asian
continent.;slavn (slavn (a) vhlasn): (Ta) velk
Myanmarsk armda veden krlem Nau byla velice slavn ( ~
slavn (a) vhlasn) po (celm) asijskm kontinent.;p.s. pol.

;windy, be;vtrno, bt;I

;num. class. for individual robes num. class. for

clothes;itatel pro obleen itatel obleen itatel
jednotlivch rb;pow.

;install (a program): Yesterday I tried to install
it.;instalovat (program): Vera jsem se to snail nainstalovat.;
: ;windy, be: It's (being) windy.;vtrno,
bt: Je vtrno.;
( );palm (tree) palm, palmyra palm, toddy;palma,
palmrov palma;sg.
[ha~:b:];palm bud );palmov kvt );n.
( );manuscript (toddy-palm leaf);rukopis (list

;frond, palm (palm hand) palm frond (palm

hand);palmov stonkolist (palmov ruka) stonkolist, palmov
;put sprinkle (sugar etc., put) flour (sugar etc., put) (palmov ruka);n.
put in insert;vloit posypat (cukrem atd., vloit) sypat
[ha~:., ha~:hly.];jaggery (sugar from toddy palm,
(cukr atd., vloit) nasypat (cukr atd., vloit) vkldat;T
palm licking);hkuru (cukr z palmyrov palmy, palmov
: ;use
( ~ "put): (It) is used ( ~ "put) because a deep thanks was
desired.;vloit: Vkld se (to), protoe se vyaduje hlubok
: ;sprinkle: (He) sprinkles


;palm-tree trunks-forts:
At that time, headman of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya
himself, for safety, protected (his) own village (by) palm-tree


trunks-forts.;opevnn z palmovch kmen: Tehdy nelnk

vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe, ochrnil svou
vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.

: ;same: Same to you! (answer to a

wish);sam: To sam (i) Tob!;w.

T ;add (as an information, fill by adding);doplnit

( );fort (made) by palm trunks (fortification
(jakoto informaci, plnit skrze pidn) dodat (jakoto
round (by) palms);opevnn z palmovch kmen (opevnn informaci, plnit skrze pidn);T
kulat palmami);sg.
T;repeat (say again);zopakovat (ci znovu)
;another more;jet dal;suff. adv. (or) adj. (or) suff. adj. opakovat (ci znovu);T
: T;more: Please, say it
T: T;repeat: Please, repeat (it).;zopakovat:
one more time.;jet: Prosm, ekni to jet jednou.;imper. pol. Prosm, zopakuj (to).;pol.
: ;anther: to stay another ten days;dal:
zstat dalch deset dn;

T ;add (as an information, add (and) fill);dodat (jakoto

informaci, pidat (a) plnit) doplnit (jakoto informaci, pidat
;more: (I) had a plan to (a) plnit);T
stay two days more.;jet: Plnoval jsem zstat jet dva
;order (food, dish etc., again take) want (order food,
dish etc., again take);objednat si (jdlo, pokrm atd., znovu
: ( ~ );more: (I) need to vzt) chtt (objednat si jdlo, pokrm atd., znovu vzt);T
get (one) more degree.;jet: Potebuji dostat jet (jeden)

: T ;order: What else will (you) ( ~

are (you) going to) order? want: What else will (you) ( ~
( );refrain (of a song, verse (which) repeats are (you) going to) want ( ~ order)?;chtt: Co dalho budete
again);refrn (psniky, ver (kter) se-opakuje znovu);sg. chtt ( ~ objednvat)? objednat: Co dalho si objednte?;fut.
P. pada (= word)
-: ( ~ )
;several times: Just after (I) read this
letter several times, (I) understood.;nkolikrt: Prv po (tom,
co) jsem si tenhle dopis nkolikrt peetl, jsem (jej)

;put on (clothes) (add (and) dress);oblci si (pidat (a)

;put on: Because it is cold, the young boy,
indeed, puts on a sweatshirt.;oblci si: Protoe je zima, mal
chlapec si, vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.

;repeatedly (another time, another time) again

and again (another time, another time);znovu a znovu (dal ( );longyi (long skirt for women, worn by stage
as, dal as) optovn (dal as, dal as) opakovan dancers, consisting three parts sash, skirt and hem, great(dal as, dal as);adv.
grandfather gets-up);lound (dlouh dmsk sukn noen
jevitnmi tanenicemi, skld se ze t st: erpa, sukn a
: T ;again
lem, praddeek vstv);sg.
and again: Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing again
and again (one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
knowledge.);znovu a znovu: Opakovn je matkou moudrosti.
(Dln znovu a znovu (jeden-po-druhm) je (prost)
matkou sprvn znalosti.);prov.
;again and again frequently repeatedly (again
changing (and) changing) repeatedly again and again
(again changing (and) changing);znovu a znovu (znovu semn (a) mn) opakovan (znovu se-mn (a) mn)
znovu a znovu opakovan mnohdy;adv.
: ;again and
again: (I) was hearing (it) again and again in (my) ears.;znovu
a znovu: Poslouchal jsem (to) znovu a znovu ve (svch)
uch.;p.s. pol.
: T
and again: The gentlemen (and) the ladies have, certainly,
already heard (it) many times ( ~ again and again).;znovu a
znovu: Pnov (a) dmy (to) ji, jist, mnohokrt ( ~ znovu a
znovu) slyeli.;pol.

;rice, fried (fried rice);re, smaen (smaen

;eat (eat rice);jst (jst ri);T
: ;eat: After eating,
(he) washes (his) hands.;jst: Po jdle ( ~ "jezen) si meje

: ; eat (eat rice): (I asked)

why are (you) eating rice?;jst (jst ri): (Ptal jsem se) pro
(prv) j ri?;inter. col.
;restaurant (rice shop);restaurace (rov
: restaurant: This is a
restaurant.;restaurace: Tohle je restaurace.;pol.;
;rice: My wife can cook rice and
curry very well.;re: Moje manelka um velice dobe vait ri
a omky.;pol. um.

;same, be (again (and) same) equally (again same) : ;rice: Except rice (I)
identically (again same);stejn (znova stejn) shodn
don't eat anything.;re: Nejm nic krom re.;um.
(znova stejn) stejn, bt (znovu (a) stejn);I (or) adv.

: T ;same, be: May your wishes {
(and) life become same.;stejn, bt: K jsou (tv) pn a ivot } ;carry out: As the elders know, as
stejn.;w. pol.
for the today's discussion's topic, it is called By men, more


than by ladies, the country responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be

carried out.;vykonat: Jak (ji) ti star v, co se te dnenho
tmatu diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~ povinnosti) (na)
zem mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne enami.;pol.
;palm sugar (palm-licking) jaggery (palmlicking);palmov cukr (lzn palmy);n.
( );travel office );cestovn kancel );sg. E.
( );travel office );cestovn kancel );sg. E.

;prominent, be: Anyway, (I) am happy, that (you)

are a carrier of the responsibility to (maintain) the (Buddha's)
gift prominent.;prominentn, bt: Nicmn, jsem astn, e jsi
nositel zodpovdnosti za (udren) prominentnosti (Buddhova)
T;indicate (denote (and) show) denote (denote (and)
show);naznaovat (oznaovat (a) ukazovat) udvat
(oznaovat (a) ukazovat) ukazovat (oznaovat (a)

;set aside make price (when bargaining) made, be

(indicates passive mode) indicates past perfect indicates
passive mode indicates pres. cont. tense denotes prior
action keep (sth. somewhere) place indicates p.p. put
: T ;go: Have you (ever) gone
indicates passive voice;zna minul dokonav as zna
abroad?;jt: Jel jsi (nkdy) do zahrani?;inter.
minul as dokonav zna ptomn prbhov as snit
: T;leave: (So, you) say, that
cenu (pi smlouvn v obchod) zna pedchzejc innost
(as soon as you) left the lay life, (you) will come back (to
it)?;opustit: (Take ty) k, e (jakmile jsi) opustil laick ivot, uloit dlan, bt (zna trpn rod) dt (nkam) zna rod
trpn dt stranou uloit (nco nkde) odloit stranou
bude se do nj vracet?;inter. utmn.
poloit zna trpn rod;I (or) suff. I (or) suff. (or) T
;depart (by plane etc., escape (and) leave);odlett
: "
(letadlem atd., uniknout (a) odejt) odjet (uniknout (a)

;indicates passive
: ;departure: on the day of departure;odjezd: mode: The word 'lokuntaka' has been explained (and)
interpreted making use of the Pi word 'rassa'.;zna rod trpn:
v den odjezdu;writ.
Slovo 'lokuntaka' bylo vysvtleno (a) vyloeno uitm Pi slova
( ) () ;depart: On the 'rassa'.;pol. writ.
: ;depart: (I) am going to depart.;odejt:
Chystm se odejt.;fut.

big flight plan (board) there is information about departures of : ;reduce (price): Reduce it to 15 kyats. (in
bargaining);snit (cenu): Snite to na 15 at. (pi smlouvn v
planes ( ~ planes which will depart).;odlett: Na velk
obchod);imper. pol. col.
(tabuli) letovho du jsou informace o odletech letadel ( ~
: ;put: Put the
letadlech, kter odlet).;
duty for me tot he last (place) and then carry it out.;dt
;go out (leave (and) go);odejt (odejt (a) jt);T
: T (nkam): Dej tu povinnost pro m na posledn (msto) a pak ji
;go out: The mind goes again and vykonej.;imper. pol. col.
again out, time to time four, five (or) ten minutes (it) roams
around.;odejt: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu se
tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.

: ;indicates pres. cont.

tense: The snail is carrying her house.;zna ptomn
prbhov as: nek si nese svj dm.;cont.

: ;indicates passive
;light (about a lamp etc.) excellent, be (shine) appear voice: Addresses are written on the papers.;zna trpn rod:
Adresy jsou napsny na paprech.;
(shine) prominent, be (shine) denote indicate occur
: ;indicates passive voice: The door is
(shine) shine (about a lamp etc.);zit (o lamp atd.)
closed.;zna trpn rod: Dvee jsou zaven.;
udvat objevit se (zit) pedn, bt (zit) ukazovat
nastat (zit) svtit (o lamp atd.) vynikajc, bt (zit) : T ;indicates p.p.: (is) mentioned;zna minul
as dokonav: je zmnno;
prominentn, bt (zit);I (or) T

: ;light: At night the street

lamps light.;svtit: V noci svt poulin lampy.;
: ;denote: finish denoting that
mention;naznait: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;
;excellent, be (shine (and) spread-out) prominent,
be (shine (and) spread-out);prominentn, bt (zit (a)
roziovat-se) pedn, bt (zit (a) roziovat-se)
vynikajc, bt (zit (a) roziovat-se);I

: ;make ( ~ reduce price):

Make the (ball) pen to 15 kyats.;udlat ( ~ snit cenu): Sni
(cenu) (kulikovho) pera na 15 at.;imper. pol.

: ;oneself: you yourself think;sm: ty sm

si mysl;
: T ;indicates passive voice: It was not
prohibited.;zna trpn rod: Nebylo to zakzno.;p.s.

: ;prominent, be: the region, T ;indicates passive voice: The Mah Ahakath is
mentioned in Samantapsdik.;zna trpn rod: Mah
where Buddhism ( ~ "Buddha's religion) (is)
Ahakath je zmnna v Samantapsdik.;writ.
prominent;prominentn: oblast, kde je Buddhismus ( ~
: T ;have been: As it
"Buddhovo nboenstv) prominentn;
was a golden statue, it has been concealed on the
: TT


embarkment.;byl: Protoe to byla zlat socha, byla ukryt na


(silou, dotknout-se (a) dotknout-se) zrann, bt (dotknoutse (a) dotknout-se);I

;indicates passive voice: Mahpaccariya
commentary was used to compile the Samantapsdik.;zna
trpn rod: K sepsn Samantapsdik byl pouit
Mahpaccariya koment.;writ.

( );wounded person (person, who (is)

touched (and) contacted);rann osoba (osoba, kter (je)
dotknut (a) spojen);sg.

: ;indicates passive
voice: Pi commentaries are known.;zna trpn rod: Pi
komente jsou znm.;writ.

;observe (rules, subdue) observe (rules or precepts)

control (rules or precepts) look after control
(oneself);dodrovat (pravidla) starat se o ovldat (pravidla)
dodrovat (pravidla, podmanit-si) kontrolovat se;T

: ;put:
The secretary is putting the dictionary on the table.;poloit:
Sekretka pokld slovnk na stl.;cont.

: ;try: In order
not to break the five precepts, one must much ( ~ "not little)
control (oneself).;snait se (pravidla): Aby nedolo k poruen
pti pravidel, je teba se nemlo kontrolovat.;

;always forever (while (being) forever) eternal

(while (being) forever);vdy navdy (bhem vnosti)
vn (bhem vnosti);adv. P. thvara (= immovable, firm)
(or) adj. P. thvara (= eternal)

;curb (guard (and) rule) restrain (guard (and) rule)

reign (guard (and) rule) control (guard (and) rule);omezovat
(strit (a) ovldat) brzdit (strit (a) ovldat) ovldat
(strit (a) ovldat) vldnout (strit (a) ovldat);T

T ;always: (It is, that)
attending the National Day every year, (one) should try to
always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national spirit.;vdy: (Je
to (tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se ml
(kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho
ducha.;pol. writ.

: T
;control: My goal is just to control this
world of both body (and) mind.;ovldat: Mm clem je prost
ovldnout tenhle svt tla (a) mysli.;pol.

;Thawe (town);Dhau (msto);name

;control (control (and) bind {nouner}) regime

(control (and) bind {nouner}) rule (control (and) bind
{nouner});reim (ovldat (a) svazovat {jmenec}) vlda
(ovldat (a) svazovat {jmenec});n.

;forever eternal;navdy vn;adj. P. thvara (=

eternal) (or) adv. P. thvara (= eternal)

: ;control: (The country) is just

under control.;vlda: Ta zem je ovldna ( ~ pod vldou).;

;God (Creator, eternal master (and) lord);Bh ;maintain (look-after (and) hold) preserve (look(Stvoitel, vn mocn a vldce);n.
after (and) collect) preserve (look-after (and)
;touch until to (esp. for time) until (about time);dotknout hold);zachovvat (starat-se-o (a) dret) uchovat (nco,
starat-se-o (a) shromaovat) udrovat (starat-se-o (a)
se do (o ase) do (asov) do (zejm. o ase);prep. (or)
suff. prep. (or) suff. (or) T
: ;to: In one month
(there) can be from 28 (days) to 31 days.;do: Jeden msc
me mt 28 a 31 dn. (V jednom msci me bt od 28 dn
do 31 dn.);

: T () ;maintain: Maintain (your)

youthfulness.;udrovat: Udruj si (sv) mld.;imper. pol.

: T ;preserve: It is a
town which preserved Myanmar culture.;uchovat: Je to msto,
: ;until: (We) have finished some kter uchovalo Myanmarskou kulturu.;pol.
writing until today.;do: Do dnes u jsme njak to psan
;tip (of finger or toe);koneek (prstu) pika (prstu);n.
: ;tip: finger tips;konek: koneky prst u
T ;until: from half past rukou;
two (in the morning) until six o'clock in the morning;do: od pl ;quality, high (top row);kvalita, vysok (nejvy
tet (rno) do esti hodin rno;
: TT
;touch: touch (with) the ground;dotkat se: : ;exact, be ( ~ "touch): The
dotkat se (se) zem;
meaning is not very exact.;pesn, bt ( ~ "dotkat-se): (Ten)
T : T ( ~ ) ;contact:
feeling of contact between hands;dotek: pocit doteku mezi
T - ; contact (touch {nouner} with);doty (dotkat-se
{jmenec} s);n.
T : T T ( ~ T
T );contact: contact of buttocks with ground;dotyk:
dotyk zadku se zem;writ.

vznam nen moc pesn.;col.

;telling, be (about a manner) expressive, be (about a

manner);vrazn, bt (vyjadujc, o zpsobu) vypovdajc, bt
(o zpsobu);I
: ;observe (rules): As for
some, many, people, (they) do not observe (the
rules).;dodrovat (pravidla): Co se te nkterch, mnoha, lid,
(pravidla) nedodruj.;pol.

;injured, be (touch (and) touch) hit, be (with force,

;work (for sb., be successful, touch (and) come)
touch (and) touch) wounded, be (touch (and)
exact, be (about a translation, touch (and) come) common
touch);rann, bt (dotknout-se (a) dotknout-se) uhozen, bt usage, be in (about a translation, touch (and) come) clear,


be (about a translation, touch (and) come) fit (about a

translation, touch (and) come) understandable, be (about a
translation, touch (and) come);bnm uit, vyskytovat se v
(o pekladu dotkat-se (a) pichzet) srozumiteln, bt (o
pekladu dotkat-se (a) pichzet) jasn, bt (o pekladu
dotkat-se (a) pichzet) sedt (CZ col. o pekladu dotkatse (a) pichzet) pesn, bt (o pekladu dotkat-se (a)
pichzet) pracovat (bt spn, dotkat-se (a)
pichzet);T rare (or) T col.
: ;exact, be: (It) is short and
more exact. (about a translation);pesn, bt: Je (to) krtk a
pesnj. (o pekladu);col.

( ~
);sit: I secretly ate
butter sitting near the fridge.;sedt: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a)
tajn jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
: ;meditate: like when (I) started
meditation;meditovat: jako kdy jsem zanal meditaci;
: T ;sit: I happen to sit in the
shop whole the time ( ~ life).;sedt: (Stalo (se, e)) sedm v
obchod celou dobu ( ~ ivot).;pol.
: ;sit: Sit down here.;sedt: Sednte si
tady.;imper. pol.

T : T T T ( ~
: ; sit: Do not sit!;sednout si: Nesedej si!;imper.
T T T );contact: contact of legs with : ;sit: Do not sit down.;sedt: Nesedejte si.;imper.
the ground;dotyk: dotyk nohou se zem;writ.
T - ;contact (contact (of) contact with);dotyk : ;sit. The
(dotek doteku s);n. writ.
woman who is sitting on the road is poor.;sedt: (Ta) ena

T : T T T ( ~
kter sed na ulici je chud.;
T T T );contact: contact of legs with : ;meditate (sit): (I) have been
the ground;dotyk: dotyk nohou se zem;writ.
siting for four, five minutes.;meditovat (sedt): Sedl jsem
;drunk, be that;opil, bt to;pron. writ. (or) I sl.
tyi, pt minut.;pol. p.p.
;play play (chess) strike (also about time) pierce fill
();Thailand (country);Thajsko (zem);name.
up (with st.) strike (about clock and time) jab;naplnit (nm) ;unemployed, be (sit much);nezamstnan, bt (sedt
bodat uhodit (o hodinch a ase) probodnout udeit
(tak o ase) propchnout hrt (achy) hrt;T
: ;unemployed:
;these: Because of these students, the
national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened ( ~
came) to develop.;tito: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn duch
obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.

'Young' (means) unemployed age, (taking from) parents'

earnings.;nezamstnan: 'Mlad' (znamen) nezamstnan vk,
(bran z) vdlku rodi.;pol.

: ;it: It is.;to: To je.;writ.

;posture, meditation (sitting form) meditation posture

(sitting form);pozice, meditan (tvar sezen) meditan
pozice (tvar sezen);n.

: ;that: together with that;to: spolu s tm;

: ;that: finish denoting that
mention;to: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;

;naive (person, be-dull (and) muchmeasured);naivn, bt (bt-tup (a) moc-zmen);n.

: T ( ~
: ;time (strike): What is the time? (How );look like: (It) looks like (if he were) watching
many hours have been struck?);as (udeit): Kolik je hodin? (it).;vypadat jako: Vypad (to), jakoby (to) sledoval.;pol.
(Kolik hodin udeilo?);col.
() ;Tchaj-wan (Taiwan, country) Taiwan
: ;at: at eight o'clock;v: v osm hodin;
(country);Taiwan (zem) Tchaj-wan (Taiwan, zem);name
: ;strike (about clock and time): five
;sit down sit;sednout si sedt;I (or) T
minutes after five (Fifth hour is struck (and) five
: ;posture (meditation): in that (meditation)
minutes);uhodit (o hodinch a ase): pt hodin pt minut
posture;pozice (meditan): v t (meditan) pozici;
(pt hodina uhodila (a) pt minut);
;on that day (on that day);tehdy (v tom dni)

;play (pierce (and) grind);hrt (probodvat (a) mlt);T ten den (v tom dni);adv.
;hence thus therefore;a tak proto;conj.
: T
;on that day: On that day all over
;therefore: Therefore, since the independence they Myanmar country the celebrations of National Day are
call it National Day.;proto: Proto ode (dne) nezvislosti to
held.;tehdy (v tom dni): Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se po cel
nazvaj Nrodn Den.;pl. writ. pol.
zemi Myanmaru podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.
;then ((at) that time);pak ((v) tu dobu);conj.
;then after that;po tom pak;adv.
;meditate (sit);meditovat (sedt);T

;then: Then U Aung Zeyya could
: ;meditate ( ~ sit): (I) cannot meditate (
~ sit) long.;meditovat ( ~ sedt): Nedoku meditovat ( ~
connect and unite Shans of northern region with Myanmar.;pak:
sedt) dlouho.;
Pak se Aun Zeyyovi podailo pipojit k a sjednotit any ze
severn oblasti s Myanmary.;p.s. writ.
;naive, be (be-dull);naivn, bt (bt-tup);I idi.


: T
;then: Then (he) seized towns Pyee, Lwanshe
(and) Dagoung.;pak: Pak dobyl msta Pj, Lvane (a)

: T ;publish: In
Myanmar, the newspaper have been indeed published for long
time.;publikovat: V Myanmaru byly noviny publikovny ji
dlouho (dlouhou dobu).;pol.

;then after that;po tom pak;adv.

;consider (extract, carry (and) follow) take

(consider, extract, carry (and) follow);zvaovat (brt v vahu,
extrahovat, nosit (a) nsledovat) brt v vahu (extrahovat,
nosit (a) nsledovat);T

;o'clock;hodin, je (tolik a tolik);

;pierce (pierce (and) perforate);probodnout
(probodnout (a) prorazit);T
;at that time: At that
time, headman of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya himself, for
safety, protected (his) own village (by) palm-tree trunksforts.;tehdy: Tehdy nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya,
pro bezpe, ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch
;at that time (at that time) by then (at that
time);tehdy (v ten as);adv.

;extract (extract, take (and) fix) pick out

(extract, take (and) fix);vybrat (extrahovat, vzt (a) upevnit)
extrahovat (extrahovat, vzt (a) upevnit);T
;kick out (expel, remove (and) throw) drive out
(remove (and) throw) expel (remove (and) throw) throw
out (expel, remove (and) throw);vykopnout (CZ col., vyhnat
nkoho, odstranit (a) vyhodit) vyhnat (odstranit (a) vyhodit)
vykzat (odstranit (a) vyhodit) vyhodit (CZ col., vyhnat
nkoho, odstranit (a) vyhodit);T

;since that time (since that time);od t doby

(od t doby);adv.

T ;proclaim (a law, take out (and) return));vyhlsit

(zkon, vyjmout (a) vrtit);T

: T
;since then: Since then the Myanmar
citizens, unceasingly participating in the opposing strikes
against the English government, demanded independence.;od
t doby: Od t doby se Myanmart obyvatel nepetrit
astnili protestnch stvek proti anglick vld piem
vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.

;pack (add-to package) bundle (add-to package)

wrap (add-to package);sbalit (pidat-do balku) balit
(pidat-do balku) zabalit (pidat-do balku);T

T : T
;proclaim (a law): (They) proclaim a law that (I)
have never heard (and they) are doing how they want to
do.;vyhlsit (zkon): Vyhls zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy
neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce dlat.;pol.

: T
;pack: The woman is packing the clothes before
;since that time: Since that time,
doing the laundry.;balit: (Ta) ena bal prdlo ped tm, ne
indeed, English government in various ways tyrannized (and)
(prdlo) vypere.;cont.
oppressed the Myanmars.;od t doby: Od t doby anglick
vlda rznmi zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ();tear away (tear (to) remove (well));vytrhnout
~ Myanmary).;p.s. writ.
((podn) trhat (aby) se-odstranil) odtrhnout ((podn)
trhat (aby) se-odstranil);T
;time, at that;dobu, v tu tenkrt;adv. writ.
: " T ;time,
at that: At that time turtle (said): friend rabbit, with you I dare
to race.;tenkrt: Tehdy elva (ekla: pteli krlku, s tebou si
troufm zvodit.;writ.
T ;moreover (out (of) that) besides (out (of) that)
furthermore (out (of) that) then (out (of) that);dle, a
(mimo to) mimo to (mimo to) krom toho (mimo to)
pak (mimo to);adv.

: ;tear away: He
torn the information away (from a diary).;vytrhnout: Vytrhnul tu
informaci (z die).;
;hammer (strike, hammer (and) fix);tlouci (tlouci (a)
upevovat) zatloukat (tlouci (a) upevovat);T

: T ( ~
T );make ( ~
hammer): This man is a statue ( ~ form) of a soldier made
T (WS. from T );moreover (out (of) that);mimo to by ( ~ hammered with) stone.;zhotovit ( ~ utlouci): Tento
mu je socha ( ~ podoba) vojka zhotoven z ( ~ utluen
(mimo to);adv. WS.
s) kamene.;
( );umbrella;detnk;sg.
;convention (accustomed method);konvence (navykl
;strike hammer (strike);zatloukat tlouci uhodit;T
;naive, be (be-dull);naivn, bt (bt-tup);I
( );custom (usage (and) criterion);zvyk (uit (a)
;usually (according-to standard usage);obvykle
(dle standardnho uit);adv.
; naive (person, be-dull (and) halt-much);naivn, bt
(bt-tup (a) moc-zastavit);n.
;take out publish;vydat (publikovat) publikovat
uveejnit vyjmout;T


;pack (up, pack (and) add-on) bundle (up, pack (and)

add-on);sbalit (si, balit (a) dodvat) nabalit (si, balit (a)

;thick dense thick, be;tlust, bt hust (o vcech) tlust

(o vcech);I (or) adj.
;extraordinary, be;neobyejn, bt;I
: ;thick: Since 1990 the
newspapers were thick.;tlust: Od 1990 (byly) noviny tlust.;pol.

: ;thick: The clouds in the sky

are being thick.;tlust: Mraky na obloze jsou (najednou) velk
( ~ tlust);p.p.

{nouner}) support (be-supported (and) take

{nouner});podpora (bt-podpoen (a) vzt {jmenec})
doporuen (bt-podpoen (a) vzt {jmenec});n.

T;strange, be (strange, different (and) different)

different, be (strange, different (and) different) dissimilar, be
(strange, different (and) different);odlin, bt (divn, odlin
(a) odlin) divn, bt (divn, odlin (a) odlin) jin, bt
(divn, odlin (a) odlin);I

: ;recommendation letter: visa

recommendation letter;dopis doporuen: dopis doporuen pro

T( );irregular verb (strange (and) other

action);nepravideln sloveso (divn (a) jin innost);sg. S.

( );letter, recommendation (letter (to) give

support) recommendation letter (letter (to) give
support);dopis, doporuen (dopis (k) dodn podpory)
doporuen, dopis (dopis (k) dodn podpory);sg.

;recommendation (be-supported (and) take {nouner})

;strange, be (special (and) strange) special, be
support (be-supported (and) take {nouner});podpora (bt(strange, special (and) strange) odd, be (strange, special
podpoen (a) vzt {jmenec}) doporuen (bt-podpoen (a)
(and) strange);zvltn, bt (divn, zvltn (a) divn) divn, vzt {jmenec});n.
bt (zvltn (a) divn) podivn, bt (divn, zvltn (a)
;procure (support (and) help) provide (support
(and) help) help out (support (and) help) supply (support
: ;strange: (It) is strange.;divn: Je (to)

;important, be (be-special (and cause to)

waver);dleit, bt (zvltn (a vedouc k) vhn);adj. col.
: ;especially: Especially (in)
Yangon.;zejmna: Zejmna (v) Rangnu.;pol.
;important;dleit;adj. col.

(and) help);vypomoci (podporovat (a) pomoci) obstarat

(podporovat (a) pomoci) dodat (podporovat (a) pomoci)
poskytovat (podporovat (a) pomoci);T

: T ;help out: to be able

to help out (my) family completely;vypomoci: abych byl schopen
(sv) rodin pln vypomoci;
;stand (mostly about things) set up stand prison;stt
(obvykle o vcech) vzen nastavit stt;T (or) n.

;plump (thump) thump;bouchnout (pst do neho)

: ;important: (I) have
(no) important work.;dleit: Nemm (dnou) dleitou prci.; buit (pst do neho);T
: T ;thousand: six thousand five
;found (erect (and) set-up);zaloit (organizaci atd.,
hundred;tisc: est tisc pt set;num.
postavit (a) ustavit);T

: (10 000 + 2 000);thousand: twelve

thousand (10 000 + 2 000;tisc: dvanct tisc (10 000 + 2
: ;important: (It was) not important. (answer to 000);num.
: ;thousand: two thousand t-shirts;tisc: dva
excuse for not understanding);dleit: Nebylo (to) dleit.
tisce triek;
(odpov na omluvu za neporozumn);pol. col.
: ;thousand: thousand five hundred;tisc: tisc
;Theravda Buddhism Buddhism,
pt set;num.
Theravda;buddhismus, theravdov thravdov
;important, be (special (and) beautiful);dleit, bt
(speciln (a) krsn);I

buddhismus;name P. theravdabuddhassana (= Buddha's

dispensation of Theravda)
( );elder monk (thera) thera (elder monk);star
mnich (thra) thra (star mnich);sg. P. thera (= elder)

;investigate old, be;prozkoumat star, bt;I (or) T

;second (support, take support) support (support,
take support) recommend (take support) recommend
(support, take support);doporuit (vzt podporu)
sekundovat (podporovat, vzt podporu) podporovat
(podporovat, vzt podporu) doporuit (podporovat, vzt
: (T)
;second (in
debate): As for his view, it may be seconded equally for five
minutes by the writer Maung Khin Min (Dha Nu Phyu) with the
singer Mrs. Sandar Win.;obhajovat (nzor v debat): Co se
te jeho nzoru, me bt obhajovn obouma ( ~
stejnomrn) pt minut, spisovatelem Maun Khen Men (Dha
Nu P) se zpvakou p. Sand Wen.;pol.
;recommendation (be-supported (and) take

: ;thousand: one thousand one hundred;tisc:

tisc sto;num.

: T ;prison:
Make a partner, hey, so that (you have) same (punishment) if
(you) go to a prison.;vzen: Udlej si partnera, hele, abyste
(mli) stejn (trest), pokud pjde do vzen.;imper. sl.
( );jail (EN col.) prison;vzen kriminl (CZ
col.);sg. (or) sg.
;bracket, square (corner circle);zvorka, hranat
(rohov kruh);n.
;build (an association, set-up (and) fix);budovat
(sdruen atd., postavit (a) upevnit);T
: ( ~ )
;build: (He) builds an institution having called
it Burmese center.;stavt: Stav instituci po (tom, co ji) nazval
Barmsk centrum.;pol.
;imprisonment (prison sentence) prison sentence
(prison sentence);uvznn (trest vzen) vzen (trest,
trest vzen);n.


;imprisonement: Right now (he) is sentenced to

15 and a half years imprisonment in the Moun village's
prison.;vzen (trest): Prv te je odsouzen k 15 a pl roku
(trestu) vzen ve vznici vesnice Moun.;pol.

: ;to: (He) copies the

dictionary ( ~ "writing) to computer.;do: Kopruje slovnk ( ~
"slovnkov psan) do potae.;writ.

;right angle (true angle);prav hel (opravdov


: ;lay person: (I)

depend ( ~ "am depending) on the meal offered by the lay
people.;laik: Zvism na jdle darovanm laiky.;pol. ubmn. writ.

;rectangle: The rectangle (is) behind the
triangle.;obdlnk: Obdlnk (je) za trojhelnkem.;

: T ;supporter:
(He) works as a supporter for monks.;pomocnk: Pracuje
jakoto pomocnk mnich.;

( );rectangle (shape (of) right-cornered

four angles);obdlnk (tvar pravo-rohch ty hl);sg.

( );supporter, male lay devotee, male lay

supporter, male;laick podporovatel podporovatel, laick
ctitel (podporovatel mnicha);sg. mn. P. dyaka (= supporter)

;set up thousand;zavst tisc sestavit;num. (or) T

( );jail prison;vzen;sg.
( );thousand;tisc;num.
;butter (wrapped butter);mslo (zabalen
( ~
);butter: I secretly ate
butter sitting near the fridge.;mslo: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a)
tajn jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.

;supporter, female;podporovatelka;f. mn. P. dyaka (=

;supporter, female: female
supporter, who said that (it is) good;podporovatelka:
podporovatelka, kter ekla, e (je to) dobr;
: T T ;supporter, female: (My)
female supporter's name is Mya Mytzu.;podporovatelka: Jmno
(m) podporovatelky je Mjamenzu.;

: ;butter: buttered bread (bread

greased (with) butter);mslo: chleba s mslem (chlb
namazan mslem);

( );devotee, female (female-supporter) lay

supporter, female;laick podporovatelka ctitelka
(podporovatelka mnicha);sg. P. dyaka (= supporter) (or) f. mn.
P. dyaka (= supporter)

( );avocado (butter fruit);avokdo (mslov


( );injury;zrann;sg.

;Hotel Dagon;Hotel Dagon;name

;to inside among (in) in;do uvnit v mezi

(v);prep. (or) suff. prep. col.

;wound (deserved punishment);zrann (zaslouen


;in;v;suff. prep. writ.

: ;injured, get:
Because cut (myself) by knife, (I) got injured.;n: Protoe jsem
se znul noem, poranil jsem se.;p.s. um.

: ;in: I have a lot of water in

my room.;v: Mm v pokoji hodn vody.;pol.

: T ;injure: The girl

injured (her) foot.;poranit si: (To) dve si poranilo nohu (od
kotnku dol).;p.s.

: (-) ;to: Even as for body, ( );injury;zrann;sg.

it has come to 25 (years).;do: A co se te tla, dolo do 25ti ;injure (oneself, get injury) injured, be (happen
(let).;p.p. col.
(to) receive wound) wound (oneself, get injury) injured,
get (oneself, get injury) wounded, be (happen (to)
: T ;in (age): in (his) age of sixty-nine
receive wound) hurt, be (happen (to) receive
years;ve (vku): v jeho vku edesti devti let;adv.
wound);zrann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme porann)
porann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme porann) zranit se
: ( ~ )
(dostat zrann) rann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme
;in: There is no free space in the bookshelf in the
porann) poranit se (dostat zrann);I
room.;v: Na polici v pokoji nen dn voln msto.;
;inside among (inside in) in;mezi (v, v) uvnit

: ;among: among books and

websites;mezi (v): mezi ( ~ v) knihami a webovmi

: ;injured, get: A
man got injured.;zranit se: Mu se zranil.;p.s.

: ;in: Man ;wounded, be (happen (to) receive wound) hurt,

be (happen (to) receive wound) injured, be (happen (to)
and woman are in the forest.;v: Mu a ena jsou v lese.;pol.
: ;in: There are three parts in receive wound);zrann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme porann)
porann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme porann) rann, bt
it.;v: Jsou tam ti sti.;pol.
(stt-se (e) pijme porann);I
; to;do;suff. prep. writ. (or) writ.
: ; to: to a small notebook;do: do
malho notsku;writ.

( );wounded person (person who

received injury);rann osoba (osoba, kter dostala

: ;in: (He) enters (in) the office.;do:

Vchz do kancele.;writ.
: ;Dutch: (I) am of Dutch


nationality.;holandsk: Jsem holandsk nrodnosti.;pol.

();Holland (country) Netherlands (country,
Holland);Nizozem (zem, Holandsko) Holandsko
(zem);name E. Dutch
;Dutch nationality;Holandsk nrodnost;n. E. Dutch
;rice, pulao (rice cooked in a seasoned broth
(rice (like) young copper);re pulao (re (jako) mlad
: ;I (about a lay
person or monk when talking to another monk): to my
monastery in Udavela village;j (o laikovi nebo mnichovi pi
diskuzi s jinm mnichem): do mho kltera ve vesnici

see.;proto: Proto, dle (krlova) rozkazu, vsost by se (na to)

mla podvat po vykopn toho nalodn.;
: ;therefore: It is said,
that because of that (he) did not agree with his daughter (about
her chosen husband).;proto: k se, e proto nesouhlasil se
svou dcerou (ohledn jejho vyvolenho).;
;therefore: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is
flourishing more than before.;proto: Proto dnes Mandalaj
vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.

: T
() ;therefore: Therefore, (I)
invite the leader of proposers (in debate), teacher Mr. Mya
Maung, to propose (his idea in the debate).;proto: Proto (nyn)
() [dubli~];Dublin (town in Ireland);Dublin (msto
zvu vdce mluvch ( ~ navrhovatel) (v tto debat), uitele
: ;pan, frying: (She) is pana Mja Mauna, aby vysvtlil ( ~ navrhl) (svj nzor).;pol.
frying the (chicken) egg in frying pan.;pnev: Sma vejce na ( um.

T;thereby (by that reason) therefore (by that

( );pan, frying (frying-pan (maybe as a) pot);pnev reason) thus (thereby, by that reason);tm (proto, ten
dvod instr.) z toho dvodu (ten dvod instr.) proto
(na smaen, pnev (mon coby) hrnec) pnvika (na
(ten dvod instr.);adv.
smaen, pnev (mon coby) hrnec);sg.
; if so if so (this said) in that case in that case (this
( );driver;idi;sg. E. driver
said);v tom ppad je-li to tak (toto eeno) v tom ppad
;tenth;dest;num. P. dasama (= tenth)
(toto eeno) jestlie tak;conj.
: ;philosopher:
~ na) pnvi.;cont.

;in that case (if this (was) said) in that case;v tom
( );philosopher (lord (of) ppad v tom ppad (pokud (bylo) toto eeno);conj. (or)
wisdom (of) seeing);filosof (pn moudrosti vidn);sg.
;if so (if this (was) said);je-li to tak (pokud (bylo)
toto eeno);conj.
;this one (this one thing);tohle (tahle jedna vc);pron.
;this;toto tohle;pron.
philosopher of science;filosof: filosof vdy;

: ;that: that coffee;to: ta kva;

: this: This is a restaurant.;tohle: Tohle je

: T ;this one:
Apart from this one I understood the rest.;tohle: Krom tohohle
jsem pochopil vechno ( ~ "zbytek).;p.s.

: ;this: How much is this (one)?;tenhle: Kolik ;furthermore not only that;dle pak nejen to;conj.
(stoj) tenhle?;inter.
: ;this: What country is this?;tohle: Co je tohle za T T T ;not
only that: Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how
stt?;inter. col.
to fulfill that intention.;nejen to: Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak
: ;this: What is this?;tohle: Co je tohle?;inter. col.
ten zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.
: ;this: This is Maung Maung's
; by the way;mimochodem;adv.
book.;tohle: Tohle je Maung Maungova kniha.;pol.
;giving offering (giving) gift;nabzen (dvn) darovn
: ;this: This is my elder brother.;tohle: Tohle
dar;n. P. dna (= generosity)
je mj star bratr.;pol. uw.
T (+T );moreover;navc mimo to nadto krom
: ;this: Is this hot (tasty)?;tohle: Je tohle
T : T ;moreover:
: ;this: This is it, alright? (just this, ok?) all: That's
Moreover, (there) are also many financial businesses.;navc:
all, alright? (just this, ok?);toto: To je ve, ano? (pouze toto,
Navc, je (zde) tak mnoho finannho podnikn.;pol. col.
ano?) toto: To ve, ano? (pouze toto, ano?); (or) col.
;even though;i pesto;conj.
;because of this due to that therefore;kvli tomu z
;even though: It is said, that even though,
tohoto dvodu proto;conj. (or) suff.
as the daughter loved Nga Nyo very much, (he) let them to get
married.;i pesto: k se, e i pesto, ponvad (jeho) dcera
byla do a o moc zamilovan, svolil aby se vzali.;
;therefore: Therefore, according to the
: ;however: However, it is
(king's) decree, having dug the embarkment, majesty should
statue made of gold.;ale: Ale to je socha vyroben ze zlata.;pol.


;however but;avak ale;conj. col.

;all (just this);vechno (jen tohle);pron.

(mimo to) mimo to (mimo to) krom toho (mimo to)

pak (mimo to);adv.

: ;that's it:that's it, alright?;to je: To je ve, ano?;col.


Janinda, I am busy.;j: Podej ct. Danindu, j nemm as

( ~ "(mm) moc prce).;fr.

: ;all ( ~ "just this): That's it. (Just this.) all ( ~ "just ;cheese (hard yoghurt);sr (tvrd jogurt);n.
this): That's all. (Just this.);To ve. (Jen tohle.) To je
; I our we;my j nae;pron. ow. (or) col. fr.
ve(chno). (Jen tohle.);col. pol.
: ;I: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert
: ;all ( ~ "just this): Is it all? (Just this,
tonight.;j: (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu podvat na
ok?);vechno ( ~ "jen tohle): Je to vechno? (Jen tohle,
koncert.;fut. col.
: () () ;I: Ask ven.

: ;all ( ~ "just this): Is that all? (Just this?) all ( ~ ;dive (pierce (by) diving);potpt se (propichovat
"just this): Is it all? (Just this?);vechno ( ~ "jen tohle): Je to potpnm-se);T E. diving
vechno? (Jen tohle?);inter.
: ( ~ )
. ;all ( ~ "just this): That's all. (Just this.);vechno: Je ;dive: The man is going to dive in the
to vechno. (Jen tohle.);pol.
sea.;potpt se: (Ten) mu se chyst potpt v moi.;fut.
T;if so then (in that case) thus (by this) then (by
this) in that case;pak (skrze toto) v tom ppad takto
(skrze toto) pak tedy pak (v tom ppad);conj. (or) interj.
;judge: The marking judges should give
T;so (by this);take (skrze toto);conj.
T: T T;then: Then, who can I speak marks after (they) watch (and) listen to the behavior,
to? (also during telephone conversation);tak: Tak s km mohu gesticulation, usage (of words) (and according to the given)
information from both the sides, of the proposer and
mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. fut.
defendant.;soudce: Znmkujc soudci by (v tto debatrsk
;that kind;ten druh;n.
souti) mli dvat znmky po sledovn a poslouchn
;so or this (from this);take tohle (od tohohle)
chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle uvedench) informac
nebo tak;pron. col. (or) conj. col.
od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele (uritho nzoru) a obhjce
: ;this: This is more friendly,
(jinho nzoru).;pol.
indeed.;tohle: Tohle je, vskutku, pteltj.;col.

( );referee (in game or discussion, referee, big

person) judge (also in game or discussion, referee, big
person);rozhod (ve he nebo diskuzi, rozhod, velk
osoba) soudce (tak ve he nebo diskuzi, rozhod, velk
;or (if that (is) not ok) or (if this (is) not
true);nebo (pokud to nen sprvn) nebo (pokud tohle osoba);sg.
;tide this;tohoto tomto (nebo tomhle) pliv;pron. (or) n.
nen pravda);conj.
: ;so: So that (it) will become serial.;take:
Take to bude opakovan. (Take se (to) stane
opakovanm.);fut. col.

: ;or: Are ( ~ (abbrev. from );democracy;demokracie;n. E.

will) you going to school or to the market?;nebo: (P)jde do democracy
: T ;these: About these rivers.;tyto: O tchto
koly nebo na trh?;inter. fut.

;or: Do you need ((and) want) Chinese or Indian ;today (day of this);dnes (den od tohoto);n.
goods?;nebo: Potebuje(te) ((a) chcete) nsk nebo indick ; here (acc., to this) place, to this (acc., to this);msta,
do tohoto (4. p., do tohoto) sem (4. p., to this);acc.
: T T ();December (month);prosinec (msc);n. E. December
;or: (I) study Myanmar language, work on
computer or practise meditation.;nebo: Studuji Myanmarsk
jazyk, pracuji na potai nebo praktikuji meditaci.;pol.

;design;vzhled design;n. E. design

: T ;tonight: It is said, that tonight's

(theater) play (will be) good.;dnes v noci: kaj, e (divadeln)
hra dnes v noci (bude) dobr.;

: ;or:
He will live in Yangon or Mandalay.;nebo: Bude t v Rangnu : T

T ;today
nebo v Mandalaji.;fut.
(as for happening this time): Though previously we did
;this one;tenhle;pron. col.
dramas (and) music competitions, this time ( ~ as for
: ;this one: This one, (and) this one,
happening this time) we are going to have ( ~ hold)
(and) this one. (may be said when showing several kinds of
objects);tenhle: Tenhle, tenhle (a) tenhle. (lze ci pi ukazovn discussion.;dnes (v tuto dobu): Pestoe jsme dve dlali
dramata (a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v tuto dobu)
na nkolik druh pedmt.;col.
T ;moreover (out (of) that) besides (out (of) that) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.
furthermore (out (of) that) then (out (of) that);dle, a


;so? (after this) thus (after this) so what? (after

this) so (after this);take (po tomto) tak co? (po

tomto) a tak (po tomto) tak? (po tomto) takto (po ;democracy: They want to become a
tomto);conj. (or) inter. col.
democratic country.;demokracie: Chtj se stt demokratickou
: ;thus: Thus the
king asked to call Nga Nyo.;a tak: A tak krl podal aby
zavolali a o.;

;democracy (demoracy system);demokracie

(system demokracie);n. E. democracy

;thus (EN writ., according this method) this

way (according this method);takto (dle tto metody)
takhle (dle tto metody);adv.

;democracy;demokracie;n. E. democracy

;here (near this);tady (pobl tohoto);adv.

;today today (this day);dnes (tento den) dnes;adv.
: ;today: Today is 21st
(day) of February (month), 1987.;dnes: Dnes je (den) 21.
(msce) nora 1987.;
: ;today: What's the date today?;dnes: Co je
dnes za den? (Jak je datum?);inter.

;tide (water tide);pliv (vodn pliv);n.

;thus: The statue was thus created as (he) so
much loved his queen, who died at the place.;takto: Ta socha
byla takto vytvoena, protoe tolik moc miloval svou krlovnu,
kter na tomto mst zemela.;pol.
: T ;kind, this:
Other statue of this kind is in the embarkment.;druhu, tohoto:
Jin socha tohoto druhu je na nalodn.;pol.

: ;like this: It will finish just like this.

(Just like this (it) will just finish (and) go.);takhle: Skon to
: ;today: Since today he prv takhle. (Prv s takto to zrovna skon a pjde.);fut.
: ;like this: Just like this ( ~ here).;tak jako: Stejn (will no more drink beer.;dnes: Ode dneka u (nikdy) vc
tak) jako tohle ( ~ tady).;col.
nebude pt pivo.;
: ;today: What will you drink
today?;dnes: Co budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw.

: ;today: Today it's colder than

yesterday.;dnes: Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;
: ;today: He will come today.;dnes: Pijde

: T ;this way: This way the

Myanmar (people) perform New Year.;takto: Takto Myanmart
(lid) konaj o Novm Roce.;pol.

;if so in that case so;v tom ppad jestlie tak

: ;tonight: (Indeed,) I'm going to see tak;conj.
: ;in that case: In that case, (I) won't
a concert tonight.;dnes veer: (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu
go (~ "ride). (can be told to a taxidriver when they don't want
podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
to decrease the price before giving a lift).;v tom ppad: V tom
T ();today, (for): (For) today I finished ppad (u) nepojedu ( ~ "nedm). (lze ci taxiki, kdy
nechce snit cenu ped odvezenm);col.
learning Myanmar language.;dnes (pro dneek): Pro dneek
jsem se skonil uit Myanmarsky.;p.p. um.


;then ( ~ indeed,
after this): Then, engineer Mr. Than Tun with doctor. Mr. Win
Thein should continue in refuting equally for five minutes.;pot (
~ vskutku, po tomto): Pot by mli pan inenr Tan Dhon s
panem doktorem Wen Tein pokraovat ve vyvracen (nzoru
protivnka v debat) oba ( ~ stejnou dobu) po pt minut.;pol.

: ;in that case: In that case (I) will

not buy it (any more).;v tom ppad: V tom ppad si (to)
(u) nekoupm.;pol.
: ;in that case: In that case give (me)
three (bottles).;v tom ppad: V tom ppad (mi) dejte ti
(lhve).;imper. pol.

: ;so: So, (I'm) late for the

class.;take: Take jdu na lekci pozd. (Take lekce je
;afterwards (just after this) thereafter (just pozd.);col.
after this);potom (prv po tomto) od t doby (prv ;such (kind like this) that kind of (kind like
po tomto);conj.
this);takovto (druh jako tento) tento druh (druh jako
;this way;tudy;adv.
;here;zde tady;adv. col. (or) adv.
: (~
);here: Here I always make a mistake.;tady:
Tady vdycky dlm chybu.;col.
: ;here: Sit down here.;tady: Sednte si
tady.;imper. pol.

;this much like this (this much);tolik takhle (tohle

: T ;this much: (You) could
have said even this much (already).;tolik: U jsi (toho) dokzal
dokonce i tolik namluvit.;p.p.

;even like this (even this much);dokonce

: T;here: Are (you) satisfied being takhle (dokonce tohle mnostv);adv.
here?;tady: Jste spokojen, e jste tady?;inter.
;even like this: (If) she is speaking
: ;here: Do not eat here.;tady: Nejezte
even like this to you, (then) why would you (want-to) come to
(her)?;dokonce takhle: Jestlie na tebe mluv dokonce takhle,
;democracy;demokracie;n. E. democracy
(pak) pro bys chtl za (n) chodit?;inter. col.
: T


;harm (give suffering) troublesome, be (give

suffering) bothersome, be (give suffering) annoying, be
(give suffering);ruiv, bt (dvat utrpen) otravn, bt
(dvat utrpen) ubliovat (dt utrpen) dotrn, bt
(dvat utrpen);I (or) T

for names of older women);dma (uvno jakoto titul ped

jmny starch en) P. (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny
starch en) mlad pan (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny
starch en) pan (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny starch

;suffer (suffering comes);trpt (utrpen pichz);T

-;lady (precedes name) Mrs.p. indicates elder woman's

( );refugee (sufferer);uteenec (trpitel);sg. name;zna jmno star eny pan (ped jmnem) pref.; (or)
pref. (or) sg.
P. dukkha (= suffering)
;refugee camp (sufferer's camp);uprchlick tbor ;madam (used as an address to an older unknown
woman);teto (uito k osloven star, neznm eny);voc.
(trpitelsk kemp);sg. P. dukkha (= suffering)
;refugee camp: Because for the time being (I)
have arrived and stay in the refugee camp.;uprchlick tbor:
Protoe touhle dobou jsem pijela a iji v uprchlickm
tboe.;pol. uw.
;sin (bad manner);hch (patn chovn);n. P.
;second second (in order);druh;num. P. dutiya (=
second) (or) num. P. dutiya
: ;second: Second house is
my house.;druh: Druh dm je mj dm.;pol. um.
: T ;second:
Mandalay is the second greatest town in Myanmar.;druh:
Mandalaj je druh nejvt msto Myanmaru.;pol.
( );knee;koleno;sg.
( );knee (knee head);koleno (kolenn hlava);sg.

( );aunt;teta;sg.
: ;Dollar: ten Dollars;dolar: deset dolar;
: ;Dollar: a bill worth of one
Dollar;dolar: bankovka hodnoty jednoho dolaru;
: ;Dollar: fourty Dollars;dolar: tyicet
: ;Dollar: four Dollars;dolar: tyi dolary;
( );Dollar;dolar;sg. E. Dollar
;hundred Dollars, a (worth one hundred
Dollars);sto dolar (hodnoty jednoho sta dolar);n.
;Dollar bill;dolarov bankovka;n.

;Dollar bill: Will you ( ~ sir) have change,
because I cannot exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.;dolarov
bankovka: Budete mt (pane) drobn, protoe j nemohu
smnit sto dolarovou bankovku.;fut. inter. uw.

( );durian (1-3 kg weighing large fruit with thorncovered husk of genus Durio, fruit (of) knee base);durian
(1-3 kg vc velk ovoce s ostanatnou slupkou, ovoce
zkladu kolena);sg.

;Aung San Suu Kyi, Mrs.;Aun San Su ,


;Delhi (town in India);Dil (msto v Indii);name

: ;Dhamma: Talk a little bit

about the Dhamma.;Dhamma: Hovoit trochu o Dhamm.;

( );region;region;sg.
;local (in (the) territory);mstn (v oblasti);adj.
: ;local: local people (local
natives);mstn: mstn obyvatel (mstn rodil);pl.
: T

( ~
);native person: Foreigners sometimes group
against the native people.;mstn (obyvatel): Nkdy se cizinci
sdruuj proti rodilm.;

: ;Dhamma: Dhamma
factors;Dhamma: Dhamma faktory;writ.

;truth of Dhamma (the teachings of the Buddha)

Dhamma, truth of (the teachings of the Buddha);pravda
Dhammy (uen Buddhy) Dhammy, pravda (uen Buddhy);n.
P. Dhamma (= law)

: T
T T ;Dhamma, truths of:
May (you) be able to come and realize the the truths of
Dhamma preached by the Noble Buddha, by knowledge and
coming to knowledge of five aggregates through knowledge of
what is written.;Dhammy, pravda: K jsi schopen dojt a
( );native (country
pochopit pravdy Dhammy pednesen Vzneenm Buddhou,
person in (the) territory);rodil (zemsk osoba v
znalost a dosaenm znalosti pti skupin (osoby) skrze znalost
teritoriu);sg. (mn.)
;download (drag download);stahovat (z Internetu, toho, co je psno.;w. pol.
;friend in Dhamma;ptel v Dhamm;n.
stahovat download);T E. download
;anger;vztek;n. P. dosa (= hatred)
;infuriated, be (anger comes out) angry, be
(anger comes out) irritated, be (anger comes out) angry,
be (mind (is) bad);rozlen, bt (hnv vychz) hnvat se
(hnv vychz) rozzloben, bt (hnv vychz) natvan,
bt (mysl (je) patn);I writ.
;Mrs. (used as title for names of older women) madam
(used as title for names of older women) miss. (used as title


;Dhamma, friend in friend in Dhamma;ptel v

Dhamm Dhamm, ptel v;n.

: ( ~ );friend in
Dhamma: Your friend in Dhamma.;ptel v Dhamm: Tvj ptel
v Dhamm.;fr. lett.
: ;knife: Because I cut
(myself) with knife, (I) got injured.;n: Protoe jsem se znul
noem, poranil jsem se.;p.s. um.

( );knife;n;sg.


( ) (WS. from );relic (great

;deep, be deep, be (deep method) profound, be
element);relikvie (ohromn element);sg. Bh. WS. P. dhtu (= (deep method);pronikav, bt (hlubok zpsob) hlubok,
bt hlubok, bt (hlubok zpsob);I (or) n.
;form (matter) matter (form) element;hmota (podoba)
podoba (hmota) element;n. P. dhtu (= element)
;predisposition (taken element);nchylnost (vzan
element) predispozice (vzan element);n.

;predisposition: The Buddhists who (are)
weak in the predispositions (and) religious by birth ( ~
"traditional), (they) make their living (nurnure life) by ( ~
"with) the five kinds of wrong livelihood.;predispozice:
Buddhist, kter jsou slab ve (svch) predispozicch (a) pejali
vru od rodi ( ~ "tradin), vydlvaj si na ivobyt (starajse (o) ivot) (s) pti druhy patnho ivobyt.;pol.
( );battery (solidified element);baterie (ztvrdl
element);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
: ;relic: the Buddha's relic;relikvie:
Buddhova relikvie;
( );relic (great element);ostatek (ohromn
element) relikvie (ohromn element);sg. Bh. P. dhtu (=
;photograph, take a;fotit;T P. dhtu (= element)
;snapshot, take a;fotit;T

(from T );tomorrow;ztra;adv. rare

: ;tomorrow: tomorrow too;ztra: ztra taky (CZ
T ;tomorrow;ztra;adv.
T (from T );tomorrow;ztra;adv. rare
T : T ;tomorrow: I will come
tomorrow.;ztra: Pijdu ztra.;fut. um.
T : T ;tomorrow: As for tomorrow, (I)
am free.;ztra: Co se te ztka, mm volno ( ~ jsem
;birth, time of inborn inherent;narozen, doba vlastn
(vrozen) vrozen;adv. (or) adj.
: ;birth, time of: Are you a
Buddhist by birth? (Are (you of) Buddha's religion since (time
of) birth?);narozen, doba: Jsi Buddhistou od narozen? (Jsi
Buddhovo nboenstv od (doby) narozen?);inter. col.
: ;birth, time of: Is the
ven. Sir a Buddhist since birth? (i.e. was he born in a Buddhist
family);narozen, doba: Je ct. Pn buddhistou ji od narozen?
(tj. jestli se narodil v buddhistick rodin);inter. utmn.
;you (slightly unpl.);ty (mrn unpl.);pron.

: ;you: Kyi Kyi (Clearly),

you (have) a phone call here. (Kyi Kyi, here a phone comes
: ;photos, take: (I) came to take (for) you.);ty: (ist), m telefn(n hovor). ( ,
(some) photos.;fotit: Pijel jsem fotit.;pol.
tady ti pichz telefn.);cont. col.
: ;photo: photo of teacher;fotografie: fotka
;you (used among friends or when talking to a younger
uitele (CZ col.);n.
person);j (uvno mezi pteli i pi rozhovoru s mlad
;photograph, take a;vyfotit;T P. dhtu (= element)

: ;photo: On
the wall there is a photo of a woman.;fotografie: Na stn je
fotografie eny.;

osobou);pron. frnd.

: T;photo: (I) tell (you) not to

take the photo.;fotografie: km, abys nefotil.;pol.

;sink;potopit se;I

;photography shop );fotoatelir (obchod



;drive away expel;odehnat odpudit;T

districts);hranice (sttu, spojuje (se) okresy);n. WS.

: ;you: Are you coming (with me)?;ty: Pjde

(se mnou)?;fut.

;few decrease method;snit se nkolik zpsob;I (or)

( );photo (elements' image) photograph (image of n. (or) adj.
matter);fotografie (obraz hmoty) fotografie (obraz
: ;method: Tell me how to do it. (Give
element);sg. P. dhtu (= element) (or) sg.
method (and) give direction.);zpsob: ekni mi, jak to mm
( );photographer (master (in)
udlat. (Dej zpsob (a) dej nasmrovn.);imper. pol.
images (of) elements);fotograf (mistr (v) obrazech
: ;system: Indeed,
according to a special system.;systm: Vskutku, dle specilnho
( );method (method (and) system) way
( );torch (element (of) fire) flashlight (element (method, method (and) system);metoda (zpsob (a) systm)
(of) fire);baterka (element ohn) svtilna (element
cesta (zpsob, zpsob (a) systm);sg.
ohn);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
( );method (method (and)
;electric power;elektrick proud;n.
system);zpsob (zpsob (a) systm);sg.
( );charger (tool (for) inserting
(WS. from );border (of a country, regions
essencial energy);nabjeka, elektronick (nstroj (k) pidvn edge);hranice (sttu, oblastn okraj);n. WS.
podstatn energie);sg. rare
(WS. from );border (of a country, connects
;black deep, be;ern hlubok, bt;I (or) adj.
: ;black: Hair is black.;ern: Vlasy jsou

: T
;border: The goods from India-Myanmar


border also arrive first in Mandalay.;hranice: Zbo z Indomyanmarsk hranice se tak nejprve dov ( ~ pijd) do
Mandalaje.;pol. col.

msta vhodn nvtvy.;fut. pol.

- ;as well as;stejn jako, i;conj.

(or) adj.

;little bit: (I) can (talk) little bit in English,
;as (same method) in the manner of (same
but much (I) cannot (talk).;trochu: Umm trochu anglicky, ale
method);jakoto (stejn zpsob) coby (stejn zpsob) moc, (to) neumm.;pol.
jako (jakoto, stejn zpsob) na zpsob (stejn
;little, very nearby (little bit) close (little bit)
small, very;mal, velice malikat, velice blzko (troiku);
- : ;as well as: ven. :
Vasava, as well as ven. Varitta;stejn jako, i: stejn jako ct.
;close: Go this way, it is very close. (Go according
Vsava, i ct. Vritta;
to this way, indeed, just little bit is needed.);blzko: Jete tudy,
je to velice blzko. (Jete podle tto cesty, ji jen trochu je,
: ;as: though (you)
still do not live as a nun;jakoto: pestoe stle neije jakoto vskutku, poteba.);imper.

: ;little bit, just:

;relatively (little, little) somewhat (little, little) quite (I) still understand just little bit.;troiku, jen: Pod rozumm jen
(little, little) little, a some little bit few;celkem (ponkud, troiku.;
trochu, trochu) trocha ponkud nkolik trochu
;technical (wisdom (of) method) technology
pomrn (ponkud, trochu, trochu) ponkud (ponkud,
(wisdom (of) method) methodology (method
trochu, trochu);adv. (or) pron.
wisdom);technick (znalost metody) technologie (znalost
: T T ;little bit: metody) metodologie (moudrost metody);n. (or) adj.
I can talk in Myanmar language little bit.;trochu: Umm trochu
mluvit barmsky (myanmarsky).;pol. um.
: ( ~
);little: Here is little
about me.;trochu: Zde je trochu o m.;pol.

: T : T ;technical: a
local technical journal;technick: jeden mstn denk o technice
(jeden vnitrosttn technick denk);
: ;methodology: methodology for
writing;metodologie: metodologie psan;

: ;little bit: Talk a little ;decreased, having;snil se a;p.p.

bit about the Dhamma.;trochu: Hovoit trochu o Dhamm.;
;poor, be (about knowledge);chab, bt (o znalostech);I
: ;little bit: (He) is little bit
late.;trochu: Trochu se opozdil. (Je trochu pozdn.);
;poor (of knowledge): We can understand,
: ;little that (he) was of poor knowledge.;chab (o znalostech):
bit: (I) am sorry that (I) got little bit late.;trochu: Omlouvm se, Meme pochopit, e byl chabch znalost.;writ.
e jsem se trochu zpozdil.;p.s. pol.

: T
: ;method: correct method;zpsob:
;almost: (I) almost approached to the sprvn zpsob;
level that (I) had attained before.;tm: Tm jsem se piblil : ;way: the usual way;zpsob: obvykl
ke stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
: T ;some: (I) will show
(you) some examples below.;nkolik: Dole (ti) napu ( ~
"uku) nkolik pklad.;fut.

: ;technique:
(He) developed meditation technique according to (his)
experience.;zpsob: Rozvinul meditaci ( ~ "zpsob meditace)
dle (svch) zkuenost.;

;quite: As for Aung Lan, (it) is quite close ( :

~ "closer) to ( ~ "with) us.;celkem: Co se te Aun Lenu, je k T
nm pomrn blzko.;
;method: As for the method of
: T
explaining meanings, Sinhalese Ahakath usually give similar
;little bit: If the time for correcting (your writing) words to explain difficult words.;zpsob: Co se te metody
got little bit delayed because of (it), (then I) am sorry.;trochu:
vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle uvdj ( ~
Jestli se kvli tomu trochu spozdil as k oprav (tvho psan), dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla obtn slova
(pak) se omlouvm.;pol.
;little, just a;troku, jen;adv. col.
( );method (method (and) way) way
;little bit;trochu;adv.
: T T
T ;little bit: In
this letter I will answer little bit regarding the question what are
the place worth seeing in Myanmar (country).;trochu: V tomto
dopise trochu odpovm ohledn otzky jak jsou v Myanmaru


(method, method (and) way);cesta (zpsob, zpsob (a)

cesta) zpsob (zpsob (a) cesta);sg.

;righteous, be (fall (according to) method (and)

way);spravedliv, bt (padat (podle) metody (a) zpsobu);I
: ( ~
);righteous, be: That is

extremely unrighteous. (about life);spravedliv, bt: To je

extrm nespravedliv. (o ivot);
( );spirit (usually good, usually worshiped by village
people) god;bh duch (obvykle dobr, obvykle uctvan
: ;spirit
house: It is said, that he found one spirit house on the
embarkment of the late near the village.;ducha (bka), dm:
k se, e nalezl jeden dm ducha (bka) u nalodn u (t)

T;bread, Indian nan (flat nan) nan bread, Indian (flat
nan);chlb, Indick nn (ploch nan) nn chlb, Indick
(ploch nn);n. H. nnpal
T: T ;nan bread, Indian: buttered nan (nan
greased (with) butter);nn chlb, Indick: nn s mslem (nn
namazan mslem);
: ;number: (My) telephone
number is 317589.;slo: (Moje) telefonn slo je 317589.pol.;

: ;number: What is your

: ;spirit house: That phone number? number: What is (your) telephone
is not a spirit house, majesty.;duchv (bkv) dm: To nen
number?;slo: Jak je tv telefonn slo? slo: Jak je (tv)
bkv dm, vsosti.;pol.
telefonn slo?;inter. (or) inter. col.
( );spirit's house (a house with a (lower) god,
: ;number: What (is) no. 1?;slo: Co (je)
spirit's house);duchem ( ~ bkem), dm s (duchv dm);sg. slo 1?;inter. col.
( );nurse;sestika;sg. E. nurse

( );nurse;sestika;sg. f. E. nurse

: ;number: Number of (my) house is

35.;slo: slo (mho) domu je 35.;pol.

T : T ;tomorrow: (Sb. asked)

whether you come tomorrow.;pr ztra: Pr jestli pijde

: ;number: What is (your) house

number?;slo: Jak (m) slo domu?;inter. col.

();morning (expelled darknes);rno (odpuzen


;num. class. for meals;itatel jdel;pow.

;morning (spread morning);rno (rozen

: ;morning: Good morning.;rno:
Dobr rno.;w. pol.
;breakfast (morning eating);sndan (rann jezen);n.
: ;morning: Good
morning.;rno: Dobr rno.;w. pol.
: ;palace: This building
looks like a palace.;palc: Tato budova vypad jako palc.;

( );number;slo;sg. E. number (or) sg.

: ;num. class. for meals: May (I)
offer (you) one meal.;itatel jdel: K (ti mohu) nabdnout
jedno jdlo.;utmn. col.
;forehead (dull swelling);elo (tup oteklina);n.
( ) ;name;jmno;sg. P. nma (= name)
;example (example (and) design);pklad (pklad (a)
: ;example: Should (I) send (you)
(well) an example?;pklad: Mm (ti) (dobe) poslat ( ~
vzor) ?;inter. fut.

: ;palace: a huge house

being magnificent like a great palace;palc: obrovsk dm
(jsouc) grandizn jako obrovsk palc;

( );example;pklad;sg. H. namuna (?)

: ;palace:
Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~ where is
gold) and built the city palace (therein).;palc: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.

() ;New Zealand (country);Nov Zland


( );palace;palc;sg.
;noodles (thick, makaroni, big thread-of-gold)
makaroni (thick, makaroni, big thread-of-gold);nudle (tlust,
makarony, velk provaz-zlata) makarony (tlust, makarony,
velk provaz-zlata) tstoviny (tlust nudle, makarony,
velk provaz-zlata);n.
( );building (palace building);budova
(palcov budova);sg.
;palace: It is indeed still possible to see the
ancient palace, town-wall and moat.;palc: Je (tam), vskutku,
stle mono vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a vodn
( );palace (great palace);palc (ohromn

();Newcastle (city in United Kingdom);Newcastle

(msto ve Velk Britnii);name

();New Delhi (town in India);New Delhi (msto

();New York (town);New York (msto);name
;provincial regional;provinn oblastn;adj.

;provincial: The boycott of the Yangon
University students spread to various places and quarters and
(then) also the provincial students (started to)
boycott.;provinn: Bojkot student Rangnsk University se
rozil do rznch mst a tvrt a (pak) tak provinn studentni
(zali) bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
( );region;oblast;sg.
( );province territory;provincie oblast
;border (of a country, connects districts) border (of a
country or state, regions are-joined);hranice (sttu, spojuje


(se) okresy) hranice (zem nebo sttu, oblasti jsouspojen);n.

pilo jaro.;p.p.

);border (of a country, regions edge);hranice (sttu,

oblastn okraj);n. WS.

(v ase) pedem (v ase) zatmco zna konec zpornho

pkazu;conj. (or) adv. (or) suff. writ.

;spring (season before summer);jaro (obdob

: T ;border: The car crosses ped ltem);n.
((and) goes) the (country) border.;hranice: (To) auto pejt
;and indicates end of a negative order while ahead (of
hranici (toho sttu) ((a) jede).;
time) in advance (of time);a s pedstihem (v ase) naped

;border area (of a country, area (which) connects ();snow (falls);snh (pad);.n.
districts);pohrani (sttu, oblst, (kter) spojuje (se)
;with regards to (sth., followed by a noun);co
se te (neho, nsledovno pod. jm.);suff.
T ;border crossing (way which breaks (the)
;together with;spolu s;prep. writ.
border);hranin pechod (cesta, kter lme hranici);n.
;ahead (of time): I
;wall (side (which) surrounds);stna (strana (kter)
arrived here ahead (of time), before you.;naped (o ase):
Doel jsem sem naped, ped tebou.;pol. um.
: ;wall: A picture is
: T (6543,21);point
hung on the wall.;stna: Na stn je poven obraz.;
( ~ and): six thousand five hundred and forty-three point
: ;wall: On the
twenty-one (6543,21);celch ( ~ a): est tisc ptset tyicet ti
wall there is a photo of a woman.;stna: Na stn je fotografie celch dvacet jedna (6543,21);num.
: ;snow: After snow falls, (the
;rib (side bone);ebro (kost (ze) strany);n.
weather) is cold.;snh: Po (tom, co) napad snh, je zima ( ~
studen poas).;
;nineth;devt;num. P. navama (= nineth)
;lineage vine;vno (rostlina) rodokmen;n. un.

: T

;while: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it)
: ;oxen: He untied ( ~ released) said: while approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the)
turtle, I will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of
his oxen.;voli: Odvzal ( ~ osvobodil sv vozy.;col.
sleep).;zatmco: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl: zatmco
( );cow;krva;sg.
se pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si odponu
( );ox;vl;sg.
a vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.
; milk (cow's milk);mlko (krav mlko);n.
;ahead (of time): Sleep ahead.;naped (v ase):
;milk, cool (cow's milk (which is) cool);mlko,
Spi naped.;pol. writ.
chlazen (krav mlko (kter je) chlazen);
: T ;cow: The horse is thinner
than the cow.;krva: K je hubenj ne krva.;

;warm, be;tepl, bt;I

;bosom, take into (wrap (with) warmth) snuggling,
be (wrap (with) warmth) warm and safe, be (wrap (with)
warmth) gratifying, be (wrap (with) warmth);ptuln, bt
((bt) teplem obalujc) hru, vzt si na (obalit teplem)
pjemn, bt ((bt) teplem obalujc) tepl a bezpen, bt
(obalit teplem);I (or) T
: ;warm and safe:
Calling (me) as mum, is more warm and safe.;tepl a
bezpen: Zn tepleji a bezpenji, kdy m nazv
maminkou. (Voln (m) jakoto maminka (je) vce tepl (a)
;cosily snugly;pohodln ptuln;adv.
;summer (summer season, March-May) summer
(summer season);lto (letn obdob, bezen-kvten) lto
(letn obdob);adv. (or) n.

T ;ski (slide (and) ride out (on) hard

snow);lyovat (klouzat (a) dit venku (na) tvrdm

;about (regarding, often followed by a verb, after
wrapped (and) descended with) concerning (often followed
by a verb, after wrapped (and) descended with) regarding
(as wrapped (and) descended with) with regards to (sth.,
followed by a verb);vzhledem k (obvykle nsledovno
slovesem, ponvad zabalen (a) setoupen s) o
(vzhledem k, obvyhkle nsledovno slovesem, po zabalen
(and) sestoupen s) co se te (neho, nsledovno
slovesem) ohledn (obvykle nsledovno slovesem, po
zabalen (and) sestoupen s);suff. (or) adv. writ.

;about: about (the) word;o: o

: T
;about: about Myanmar
movie;o: o Myanmarskm filmu;writ.


;regarding (which wraps (and) descends with)
;spring: If many flowers become colorful (and)
regarding (often followed by a noun, which (is) wrapped
adequate, the spring has come.;jaro: Pokud se (stalo) mnoho
(and) descended with);ohledn (obvykle nsledovno pod.
kvtin barevnmi (a) pimenmi, pilo jaro.;p.p.
jmnem, kter (je) zabalen (a) sestoupen s) ohledn
: ;spring: When the
(kter obaluje (a) sestupuje s);
leaves become grown ( ~ distributed), the spring has

come.;jaro: Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho list,
information regarding who is .. ;ohledn: informace ohledn


(toho), kdo je .. ;

;regarding (often followed by a verb, after
wrapped (and) descended with) with regards to (sth.,
followed by a verb);vzhledem k (obvykle nsledovno
slovesem, po zabalen (and) sestoupen s) co se te
(neho, nsledovno slovesem);suff. (or) adv. writ.

T ;connected with (about issues,
characteristics etc., which happened regarding);spojen s (o
zleitostech, vlastnostech atd., kter se-staly ohledn);suff.

T :
T T ;connected with: (She) could not
see the problems connected with that teacher ( ~ chief
monk).;spojen s: Nedokzala vidt (ty) problmy spojen s tm
uitelem.;pol. writ.

been one years since I have arrived to New York.;rok: Je to

rok, co jsem pijel do New Yorku.;p.p.
: T ;year: (She) is a
girl of age of 24 years.;rok: Je (to) slena vku 24 let.;
( );year;rok;sg.

;like (sb.'s behavior, immerse (and) like);rd, mt (n

chovn, potopit (a) mt-rd) lbit se (n chovn, potopit
(a) mt-rd);I
;both;oboje, oboj ob oba;num.
: ;both: (I) will take ( ~ like)
both.;oba (oboje): Vezmu si oboje. (Mm rd oba.);pol.
;every year year, every;kad rok rok, kad;n.
: ;every year: It
may start every year around 13th of April.;kad rok: Me
zat kad rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.

;regarding: regarding this ;year, the first day of a new (one day (of) new
matter;vzhledem k: vzhledem k tto zleitosti;
year);roku, prvn den (jeden den novho roku);sg.

;regarding (sth.);vzhledem k (nemu);suff.
: T

: T
;regarding: regarding
Myanmar movie;co se te: co se te Myanmarskho
;already has;ji;conj.
T ;already has: However, the turtle has already
had arrived first to the goal.;ji: Avak elva ji do cle
( ~ "): ;year ( ~ "2008): in 2008;rok ( ~
"2008): v (roce) 2008;
( ~ "): ;years (rains): How many rains ( ~
years of monkhood) (you) already have?;roky (de): Kolik
de (let mnistv) u m?;inter. p.p. mn.
- ;both;oba;num.
- : ;both: both the rat and
bird;oba: oba, krysa i ptk;
: ;year: Since (the year) 1830.;rok: Od
(roku) 1830.;pol.
: ;sauce: tomato sauce;omka: rajatov

;year, the first day of: It is after the following

day after Thin-gyan when is first day of the Myanmar
year.;roku, prvn den: Je to prv nsledujc den po Tendanu,
kdy (zan) prvn den Myanmarskho roku.;col. pol.
;twenty-one;dvacet jedna;num.
;every year;kad rok;n.

;annual (turns-round (and) wraps (the) year)

anniversary (turns-round (and) wraps (the) year) yearly
(turns-round (and) wraps (the) year);kadoron (to-seokolo (a) obaluje rok) ron (to-se-okolo (a) obaluje
rok) vron (to-se-okolo (a) obaluje rok);adj.
: T ;annual:
Eighth Annual Meeting;vron: Osm Vron Setkn;n.
: ;years: (It is
a) great city that is 900 years old.;roky: (Je to) ohromn msto,
kter je star 900 let.;pol.
;years, many;let, mnoho;n.


of (of all-the two sides);obou (od

vech (tch) dvou smr);n.

T ;concentrate (mind, immerse, submerge (and) put)

focus (mind, immerse, submerge (and) put) dedicate (mind,
immerse, submerge (and) put);soustedit (mysl, potopit,
: T ;year: (He) is (already) six years (old).;rok: U ponoit (a) uloit) smrovat (mysl, potopit, ponoit (a) uloit)
je (mu, j) est let.;p.p.
vnovat (emu, potopit, ponoit (a) uloit);T
: ;year: (In) one year has 365
T : T
days.;rok: (V jeden) rok m 365 dn.;
T ;concentrate: Concentrating (one's) mind
: T ;year: in (his) age of sixty-nine
years;rok: v jeho vku edesti devti let;adv.

: TT ;year: (We) haven't

talked for two and a half years.;rok: Nemluvili jsme (spolu) ji
dva a pl roku.;p.s.

is good, noble (and) beautiful way, when (one) always

concentrates (his) mind.;soustedit: Soustedn (vlastn) mysli
je to dobrou, lechetnou (a) krsnou cestou.;pol.

: ;year: half of a year;rok: pl roku;

T : TT T
T ;dedicate: (He) dedicates (himself) for the
attainment of the noble purpose.;odevzdat se: Odevzdv se
pro dosaen (toho) ulechtilho cle.;

: ;year: Happy New Year!;rok: astn

Nov Rok!;w.
: ;year: Son is (already) eight years
(old).;rok: Synovi je u osm (let).;p.p.
: T ;year: It has

: ;day of month: What's the date

(today)?;den v msci: Jak je datum?;inter.


;pleased with, be delighted, be;tit se naden, bt

poten, bt;I
;pleasant (to immerse (and) need);pjemn (aby
se-ponoilo (a) potebovalo);adj.

Myanmar new year crossing festival.;zatek novho roku

(novoron pekroen): Me bt tak nazvno ( ~ slyeno)
jakoto Festival myanmarskho novoronho pekroen.;col.

;pleasant: They are happy,
as (they) together possess a pleasant, good life.;pjemn: Jsou
astn, protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.

( );sister (younger, historically used only by male

relatives, today not much in use);sestra (mlad, historicky
uvno pouze muskmi pbuznmi, dnes se ji moc
neuv);sg. writ.

;like pleased with, be (like (and) descend) fond of, ( );heart;srdce;sg.

be (like (and) descend) like (like (and) descend) love
: () ( );heart: May
(like (and) descend) prefer (like (and) descend) adore
(you) know for yourself the heart of yours.;srdce: K sm zn
(like (and) descend) like (immerse (and) descend);rd, mt sv srdce.;pol. w.
(mt-rd (a) schzet-dol) rd, mt (mt-rd (a) sestupovat) ( );heart (heart meat);srdce (srden
rd, mt (ponoit-se (a) snit-se) oblbit si (mt-rd (a)
schzet-dol) poten (m), bt (mt-rd (a) schzet-dol) ( );nose;nos;sg.
lbit se zboovat (mt-rd (a) schzet-dol) milovat (mt- ( );nose (nose head);nos (nosov hlava);sg.
rd (a) schzet-dol) lbit se (mt-rd (a) sestupovat) rd, ( );nose (nose's head);nos (nosov hlava);sg.
mt;I (or) T

T ;like: (They) can talk following ( ~ having
followed) the side ( ~ group of speakers), which (they)
themselves agree with (and) like.;rd, mt: Mohou mluvit
nsledujce (tu) stranu ( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami
souhlas (a) kterou maj rdi.;pol.
: T ;like: do (you) like France
(country)?;rd, mt: M rd Francii (zemi)?;inter.

;prefer: notion, that Buddhaghosa
preferred several Sinhalese commentaries (which were)
written before his time (came).;oblbit si: dojem, e si
Buddhaghsa oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter
byly) napsan ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
: T ;like: What
you explain, I like, (my) friend.;lbit se: Lb se mi ( ~ "j rd),
co vysvtluje, pteli.;

;dial (a phone number, press telephonenumber);vytoit (slo, makat telefonn-slo);T E.


: T ;dial
(phone number): (He) is dialing a phone number on ( ~ by)
the mobile phone.;vytoit (telefonn slo): Vyt ( ~ mak)
(telefonn) slo na mobilnm telefnu.;cont.
;place under sth. connected, be spread under sth.;umstit
pod nco rozprostt pod nco spojen, bt;T
( );mouth;sta;sg.
;greeting (mouth's speech connection);pozdrav
(stn mluvy spojen);n.
;bid farewell (connect (by) mouth) greet (connect
(by) mouth);zdravit (spojit-se sty);T
T;orally (by mouth);stn;adv.

: ;speed ( ~
rate): The car's speed is 40 kms per hour. (Car drives with
rate (of) 40 kilometers (per) an hour.);rychlost: Rychlost auta je
40 km za hodinu. (Auto d s rychlost 40 kilometr (za) jednu
: ;prefer: preferred a few;oblbit
si: oblbil si nkolik;p.s.
;slow, be;pomal, bt;I
;beautiful, be (good for liking);krsn, bt
: internet T
(dobr na zalben);I
;slow: While using Internet here, it is slow, (so)
there may be (occasions) of not much satisfaction.;pomal:
;beautiful, be: The building is not
Bhem pouvn internetu, je pomal, (a tak) mohou bt
very big, but (it) is beautiful.;krsn, bt: (Ta) budova nen moc
(chvle) nevelk spokojenosti.;pol. col.
velk, ale je krsn.;
;trouble (stir (and) intertwine) disturb (stir (and)
: T ;year, new: This way
intertwine);vyruovat (rozruovat (a) propltat(-se) obtovat
the Myanmar (people) perform New Year.;rok, nov: Takto
(rozruovat (a) propltat(-se);T
Myanmart (lid) konaj o Novm Roce.;pol.
: ;disturb: You shouldn't
;commence a new year (cross new year) start a
disturb him.;vyruovat: Neml bys ho (ty) vyruovat.;fr.
new year (cross new year);zat nov rok (pekroit nov
: ;disturb: (I) am sorry for
disturbing (you). (may be used in the beginning of a
: T ;commence a new
conversation);ruit: Omlouvm se, e rum. (lze pout na
year (new year crossing): It can be also called ( ~ heard) as
: T ( ~
);like: All whatever you say, (I) like.;rd, mt:
Vechno co k, (j) mm rd.;


zatku konverzace);pol.
;sore (be painful) painful, be listen sore hurt;bolet
poslouchat bolest (bt bolestiv) bolestiv, bt;I (or) T
;near stop rest, take a;odpoinout si pobl blzko
zastavit;adv. (or) T
: ;hurt:
Because my arm hurts ( ~ is hurting), (I) am not very
healthy.;bolet: Protoe m bol pae, nejsem moc zdrav.;um.

more excellent, I think.;poslouchat: Kdy (bude) poslouchat

kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice dobe, stane se (tv)
mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.
: T ( )
;listen: Do what the grandparents say, to the letter,
dear daughter.;poslouchat: Dlej do psmene co (ti) prarodie
kaj.;imper. col.

: ;listen: (He) listens to

: ;listen: If (I) want to listen to the Dhamma, songs.;poslouchat: Poslouch psniky.;
: ;listen: Just while (you) listen
(I) listen.;poslouchat: Kdy chci poslouchat Dhammu, tak
to a song.;poslouchat: Prv bhem toho, co poslouch
: ;listen: listen to Dhamma;poslouchat:
poslouchat Dhammu;
: ;rest (take a): Until I finish
reading this book I will not take a rest.;odpoinout si: Dokud
nepetu tuto knihu, neodpoinu si.;

: ;listen: If (I want)
to listen to songs, (I) listen.;poslouchat: Kdy (chci) poslouchat
psniky, tak poslouchm.;pol. col.
;listen (ear stands);poslouchat (ucho stoj);T

: ;stop: (I) want to stop. rest, take a: (I) want : ;listen: Please,
listen.;poslouchat: Prosm, poslouchej(te).;imper. pol. writ.
to (take) a rest.;odpoinout si: Chci si odpoinout zastavit:
Chci zastavit.;pol.
( ) (WS. from );pineapple (fruit (of)
: ;ear: (I) was hearing (it) suffering deity);ananas (ovoce trpcho bka);sg.

again and again in (my) ears.;ucho: Poslouchal jsem (to) znovu ( );pineapple (fruit (of) suffering deity);ananas
a znovu ve (svch) uch.;p.s. pol.
(ovoce trpcho bka);sg.
: T ;listen to: (I) happen to be
listening to the (Buddha's) Dhamma.;poslouchat: Pihodilo se,
e poslouchm Buddhovu Dhammu.;

("-"): ;name (-): (My name is)

Albert.;jmenovat se (-): Jmenuji se Albert.;pol.

: ;rest: Fly is resting.;odpovat:

Moucha odpov.;cont.

: ;name: What is your name?

(How is your name called?);jmno: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se
nazv tv jmno?);inter. col.

: ;rest: As for the

turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little by
little.;odpoinout si: Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila
(nebo) si odpoala, krek po krku jde.;writ.

: ;name: My name is
Kyaw Win San. (My name (is) Famous, Bright (and)
Special).;jmno: Jmenuji se Wen Shan. (Moje jmno (je)
Slavn, Svtl (a) Vjimen.);pol. col.

: () ;listen: (I) will listen to the

: T;name: My name is San
ven. Sir, ok?;poslouchat: Budu poslouchat (co) ct. Pn (ekne), Mya.;jmno: Jmenuji se Sen Mya. (Moje jmno (je) Sen
ano?;inter. fut.
Mya.);pol. um.
( );ear;ucho;sg.
( );ear;ucho;sg.
;suffer (pain excels) hurt, be (pain excels) pain
(pain excels);trpt (bolest vynik) bolet (bolest vynik);I
(T ):

;suffering: It is good to be afraid of making one's
faith holey inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering
(and) sadness.;utrpen: Je dobe se obvat prodravn vlastn
dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a) smutku.;prov.
T ;suffering;utrpen;n.
( );earring );nunice (un kruh);sg.

;near not far from close to;pobl nedaleko

blzko;prep. writ.
: ;near: The town is near
sea.;blzko: (To) msto je pobl moe.;writ.

: T T;name: Please, spell

your name.;jmno: Prosm, hlskuj sv jmno.;imper. pol.
: T ( ~
T );name: The monk
should ask (his) teacher again about (the teacher's)
name.;jmno: Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitele na
jeho jmno.;sl.
: T T ;name: (My) female
supporter's name is Mya Mytzu.;jmno: Jmno (m)
podporovatelky je Mjamenzu.;
: ;name: What's the name of
this road? (How do you call the name of this road?);jmno:
Jak se jmenuje tato ulice? (Jak nazv jmno tto
: ;name: What is the name? (How
is the name called?);jmno: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se nazv
jmno?);inter. col.

: ;name: What is your name? (Who

: T
;listen: While (you) listen every day, are you (by) name?);jmno: Jak se jmenuje? (Kdo ty jsi
as (you) get to know (it) very well, (your) speaking will become jmnem?);interj. fr. col.
: ;name: What is your name?


(How (is) called your name?);jmno: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak

se nazv tv jmno?);inter.

: ;near, be: It is near hospital.;pobl: Je

pobl nemocnice.;pol.

: ;name: (And) how : ( ~

about friends, what is (their) name?;jmenovat se ( ~ "jmno): A );nearby: Where (you) will get ( ~ find) (it)
co ptel, jak se jmenuj?;inter. col.
nearby, (I) don't know.;pobl: Nevm, kde to tady pobl
: ;name: What is your name, sir? dostanete ( ~ najdete).;

(How (is) sir's name called?);jmno: Jak se jmenujete, pane? : ( ~

(Jak se pnovo jmno vol?);uw.
);nearby: Do (you) know, where (I) can get
( ~ find) (it)?;pobl: Nevte, kde pobl bych (to) mohl dostat
: :name: What is your name?
( ~ najt)?;inter. fut.
(How is the lord's name called?);jmno: Jak se jmenuje?
( Jak se nazv pnovo jmno?);inter. uw.;

: ;nearby: (It) is not nearby.;pobl: Pobl

(to) nen.;pol.

: ;name: Their
names are (young man) Aye and (young man) Tin.;jmno: : T
(Oni) se jmenuj (mlad pn) a (mlad pn) Ten.;col. pol. ;near: Then, there are indeed other things to see
just near the Shwedagon pagoda.;pobl: A pak, prv pobl
: ;name: His name is
vedagou pagody jsou vskutku dal vci k vidn.pol.;
(called) Maung Maung.;jmno: Jmenuje se Maun Maun.
(Jeho jmno se nazv Maun Maun.);pol.

: ;name: his name (is);jmno: jmenuje se

(jeho jmno (je));

: ( ~ ) ;under ( ~ near):
Under ( ~ near) him (I) became a monk.;u: U nj jsem se stal

: ;name: It is said, that his name (was) : ;near, be: To where is your house
near?;pobl, bt: Pobl eho je tvj dm?;inter.
Nga Nyo.;jmno: k se, e se jmenoval ( ~ e jeho jmno
(bylo)) a o.;
;name (or mind, esp. one of the main constituents of
person) nma (name or mind, esp. one of the main
( );name;jmno;sg. P. nma (= name)
constituents of person) mind (or name esp. one of the main
constituents of person);nma (jmno i mysl, zejm. jedna z

;name, by: Let me introduce (us),

ok? By name, we are (young man) TunTint and Ms. Thaung hlavnch soust bytosti) mysl (i jmno, zejm. jedna z
hlavnch soust bytosti) jmno (i mysl, zejm. jedna z
Si.;jmnem: Pedstavme se, ano? Jsme (- Jmenujeme se)
hlavnch soust bytosti);n. P. nma (= mind, name)
mlad pn ThonTen a slena TauS.;col. pol.
: ;name, by:
They are, by name, (young man) Khin Maung Nyo and Mss.
Yin Yin.;jmnem: (Oni) jsou, jmnem, mlad pn Khen Maun
u a slena Yen Yen.;col. pol.
;famous ((of) great name);slavn (velkho
: ( );famous:
Mandalay's Zaycho (Sweet Market) is a famous
market.;slavn: Mandalajsk Zhhu (Sladk Trh) je (njak)
slavn trh.;pol. col.

;pronoun (matches-with noun);zjmeno (lad-k;gram.

;holidays (resting day);przdniny (odpovac den);n.

: ;holidays: (I) still haven't had
holidays.;przdniny: Jet jsem neml przniny.;
;familiar through repeated hearing, be thoroughly
know very well (through repeated hearing);obeznmen skrze
opakovan poslech, bt zcela znt velice dobe (skrze
opakovan poslech);I

;understand, not (ear (does) not spin);nerozumt

(ucho (se) ne ot);I

: T
;know very well (through repeated
hearing): While (you) listen every day, as (you) get to know (it)
very well, (your) speaking will become more excellent, I
think.;znt velice dobe (skrze opakovan poslech): Kdy
(bude) poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice
dobe, stane se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.

;understand, not: (I) just do not understand exactly
the way to do (it).;nerozumt: Prost nerozumm pesn, jak
(to) mm udlat.;col.

( );ear (listening leaf) ear (ear leaf);ucho

(poslouchac list) ucho (un list);sg.

;name (sth., give name) call (sth., give

name);nazvat (nco, dt jmno) jmenovat (nco, dt

: T ;ears: The donkey has

very long ears.;ui: Osel m velice dlouh ui.;

: ;understand, not: As ;ears (ear leafs {pl.});ui (un listy {pl.});pl.

(you) write mistakes, I don't understand.;nerozumt: Ponvad ;num. class. for hours o'clock;itatel hodin hodina;pow.
(or) n.
pe (s) chybami, j nerozumm.;col.
: ;o'clock (hour): I
;near nearby;pobl u;prep. (or) adv.
: ;near: near the school;blzko: blzko koly; play from four o'clock to six.;hodiny: Hraji si od ty hodin do
: ;near: near the bike;blzko: blzko kola;
;hour: Come at half past eight


(hours).;hodina: Pije v pl devt (hodiny).;imper. pol.

vysvtli.;imper. pol. col.

: ;o'clock: (I) will be waiting here

at eight o'clock.;hodina: Budu tu ekat v osm hodin.;fut. cont.

;understand: (We) may preach with the
wisdom of (our) understooding.;pochopit: Meme pednet
(Dhammu) moudrost (naeho) pochopen.;pol. writ.

: ;o'clock ( ~ "hours): (It) will start at eight

o'clock.;hodin: Zane v osm hodin.;fut. col.

: ;hour: At eleven o'clock.;hodina: V jedenct : ;understand: Do (you)

understand?;rozumt: Rozum?;inter.
: ;hours: half past twelve (twelve hours (and) : ;understand: (I) understand a
little.;rozumt: Trochu rozumm.;pol.
half);hodiny: pl jedn (dvanct hodin (a) pl);
: ;o'clock: ten o'clock;hodin: deset hodin;
: ;hour: nine hours twenty minutes
PM;hodina: devt hodin dvacet minut veer;
: ;o'clock: until 11 o'clock at
night;hodiny: do jedencti hodin v noci;

;understand: in order to learn to
understand the Burmese pronunciation;rozumt: abych se
nauil rozumt barmsk vslovnosti;

: ;understand: (I) don't understand

: ;hour: one hour twenty minutes;hodina: much.;rozumt: Moc nerozumm.;
: ;understand: (I)
jedna hodina dvacet minut;
: ;hours: several hours;hodiny: nkolik hodin; want (you) to understand, if (it) takes long time. (precautionary
: ;hours: What is the time? (How many warning that sth. may take long time);rozumt: Chci, abyste
hours have been struck?);hodiny: Kolik je hodin? (Kolik hodin rozumli, kdyby to trvalo dlouho. (preventivn varovn, e by
nco mohlo trvat dlouho);pol.
: ;time ( ~ "hours): What is the time?
(How many hours is (it)?);hodiny: Kolik je hodin?;inter. col.

;understand (ear spins (and) comes);pochopit

(ucho se-ot (a) pichz);I

: ;hour: quarter to eight AM
(seven hours forty-five minutes AM);hodina: tvrt na osm rno ;understand: Just after (I) read this letter
several times, (I) understood.;pochopit: Prv po (tom, co) jsem
(sedm hodin tyicet pt minut rno);
T ;hour: from half past si tenhle dopis nkolikrt peetl, jsem (jej) pochopil.;col.
two (in the morning) until six o'clock in the morning;hodina: od ; understanding (have knowledge (and)
undersatnding);pochopen (mt znalost (a) pochopen);n.
pl tet (rno) do esti hodin rno;
: T ( ) ( ~
: ;hour: five minutes after five (Fifth
hour is struck (and) five minutes);hodina: pt hodin pt minut );understanding: for better understanding of
general public;pochopen: pro lep pochopen irok
(pt hodina uhodila (a) pt minut);
: ;hour: I am free from veejnosti;writ.
four o'clock.;hodiny: Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.
: ;hour: four hours thirty-five
minutes;hodina: tyi hodiny ticet pt minut;
( );hour;hodina;sg.
( );watch (clock) clock;hodiny (nstnn atd.)
(from );familiar through repeated hearing, be
thoroughly know very well through repeated hearing;znt
velice dobe skrze opakovan poslech obeznmen skrze
opakovan poslech, bt zcela;I WS.
;understand (ear spins);rozumt (ucho se-ot);T
: ;understand: I understood. (I
became understanding.);pochopit: Pochopil jsem. (Stal jsem
se pochopivm.);um.
: ;understand: (I) understand
just little.;rozumt: Rozumm jen trochu.;pol. col.

;understand (give ear spinning);rozumt (dt

toen ucha);T

;nikya (any of the five books of Sutta Piaka e.g., the

first collection of the Buddha's discourses in Tipiaka);nikya
(kterkoliv z pti knih Sutta Piaky tj. prvnho souboru
Buddhovch promluv v Tipiace);Bh. lit. P. nikya (= group,
: ;nikya: five nikyas;nikya: pt
niky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.
;conclusion (of a letter, essay or book);zvr (dopisu, eseje
nebo knihy);n. P. nigamana (= conclusion)
;introduction (of a letter, essay or book, original
giving);vod (dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, pvodn dvn);n. P.
nidna (= source, cause, origin)
;enlightenment (Nibbna) Nibbana (the Buddhist
enlightenment);osvcen (Nibbna) Nibbna (Buddhistick

: ;understand: (I) still

understand just little bit.;rozumt: Pod rozumm jen troiku.; : ;Nibbna: approach the
Nibbna;Nibbna: piblit se k Nibbn;
: ;understand: (I) don't
understand.;rozumt: Nerozumm.;pol.
;Nibbana: Anyone who is oriented towards
: T;understand: (I) don't
Nibbna wants to (attain) Nibbna.;Nibbana: Kdokoliv, (kdo) je
understand. Please, explain.;rozumt: Nerozumm. Prosm,
zamen na Nibbnu, chce (doshnout) Nibbny.;pol.


;low, be;nzko, bt nzk, bt;I

mi pomoci?;inter. col.

: ;low: Rain clouds are ( ~ came) : ;can: I can't stay ( ~ live).;moci: Nemohu zstat
very low.;nzko: Deov mraky ( ~ pily) velice nzko.;p.p.
( ~ t).;col. pol.
;decline (fall low) derogatory, be (falls down) low, : T ;can: Tell him (that)
be (fall low);poniujc, bt (pad dol) nzko, bt
I cannot come today.;moci: ekni mu, e dnes nemohu
(padat nzko) odmtnout (padat nzko);I (or) T
pijt.;imper. pol. um.
: T ;low, be: to release (them)
: ;country: There are many
from the low life;nzko, bt: aby (je) osvobodili z nzkho ivota; countries on the earth.;zem: Na svt je mnoho zem.;writ.
: T
;low, be: Therefore, they are considered by people
as (those) who live low in (this) life.;nzko, bt: Proto jsou lidmi
povaovny za ty, kdo v (tomhle) ivot ij nzko.;

: ;state (country): I am from

England.;zem: Jsem z Anglie.;pol.

;etymology (word analysis);etymologie (slovn analza);n.

P. nirutti (= language, philology)

: ;country: (I) don't have a

need to go to my country.;zem: Nemm potebu jet do sv

;nisidana (sitting cloth, sitting (and) sitting

spreading) sitting cloth (sitting (and) sitting spreading) mat
for sitting (sitting (and) sitting flooring);nisdana (podloka na
sezen, prostrn (na) sezen (a) sezen) sezen,
prosten kus ltky na (prostrn (na) sezen (a) sezen)
podloka na sezen (podlahovina (na) sezen (a) sezen);n.
P. nisdana (= sitting) (or) n. P. nisdana (= sitting down)
;milk (of animal or person) milk;mlko mlko (lidsk nebo
;watchful, be (be-awake (and) hear) awaken (awaken
(and) hear) alert, be (be-awake (and) hear) vigilant, be
(be-awake (and) hear) wake up (be-awake (and)
hear);probudit (probudit-se (a) slyet) bdl, bt (btprobuzen (a) slyet) pozorn, bt (bt-probuzen (a)
slyet) probudit se (bt-probuzen (a) slyet) ot
(probudit-se (a) slyet);I (or) n.

: ;country: I am from
England.;stt: Jsem z Anglie.;pol.

: ;country: There are no

monks in my country.;zem: V m zemi nejsou dn mnii.;
: ;country: What country is this?;zem (stt):
Co je tohle za stt?;inter. col.
: ;country: Countries will be
destroyed.;zem: Zem budou znieny.;
: ;country: Are you from
Germany?;stt: (Ty) jsi z Nmecka?;inter.
( );passport (hand sign (for) country
crossing);pas (run znamen (pro) pechzen zem);sg.
T: T() ;abroad: Have you ever gone
( ~ arrived) abroad?;jt: Jel ( ~ dojel) jsi u (nkdy) do
zahrani?;p.p. inter. col.
T: T ;abroad: Have you (ever) gone
abroad?;zahrani: Jel jsi (nkdy) do zahrani?;inter.

T: T; foreigner: several
;awaken: Because of these students, the foreigners;cizinec: nkolik cizinc;
national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ T( );foreigner (person (of)
came) to develop.;ot: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn duch different country);cizinec (osoba (z) jin zem);sg. (mn.)
obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.
;anthem, national (song (of) great
country);hymna, nrodn (pse velk zem);n.
;awakening ( ~ awaken): It is not proper to forget
T;abroad (other country's territory);zahrani
National Day as the effect of patriotic awakening.;probuzen (~
(zem jinho sttu);n.
probudit): Nen sprvn zapomnat na Nrodn Den jakoto
;political ((of) politics);politick ((z) politiky);adj.
nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.
: ;political: political prisoner;politick:
;work (sth. for sb.) may successful, be win;vyhrt
politick vze;
spn, bt lze fungovat (nco pro nkoho);I (or) col. (or)
: ;native: local people (local
natives);rodil: mstn obyvatel (mstn rodil);pl.
;as much as (one) can as much as (one) can
;can: An animal may be bigger than
(can amount);jak jen (nkdo) me jak jen (nkdo) me
human as well as (it) can be smaller.;moci: Zve me bt
(moci mnostv); (or) suff.
vt ne lovk a tak me bt men.;
: ;able to, be:
T ;as much as possible: When I am free, (I) will
Who is able to bring more benefit the country?;schopen, bt:
answer as much as possible.;jak jen mohu: Kdy budu voln,
Kdo je schopen (na) zemi pinet vce uitku?;inter.
odpovm jak jen mohu.;
: TT ; can: as (I) see, that (you) can
;possible, be able to, be win can be may (can) able,
speak and write;umt: ponvad vidm, e um mluvit a pst;
be can can (be) available, be;dostupn, bt mohl by
: T ...;may: as for what (it) may be ...;me:
lze podait se schopn, bt mono, je schopen, bt
co by to mohlo bt ...;
vyhrt moci mon, bt;I (or) T (or) v.
: ;can: Can you help me?;moci: Me


: ;can: Can we continue in the

discussion?;moci: Meme pokraovat v diskuzi?;inter.

blzko) pobl, bt (piblit-se blzko) nedaleko, bt

(piblit-se blzko);I

;can: As for some people, (they) think, that men
can perform (duties) more.;schopn, bt: Co se te nkterch
lid, mysl si, e mui jsou vce schopn konat (povinnosti).;

;approach (come close (and) approach) close,

get (come close (and) approach);piblit se (pijt blzko
(a) piblit-se) blzko, dostat se (pijt blzko (a) piblitse);T

;can: Could not write.;moci: Nemohl napsat.;p.s. : ;approach: approach the

Nibbna;piblit se k: piblit se k Nibbn;
: ;available: In
order to (make it) available for reading to many kinds of
readers, even the price is not high.;dostupn: Aby byl dostupn
ke ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen
( ) ;country;zem (stt) stt (zem);n.
;well-known (around the country, country
known);znm (po (vlastn) zemi, zemsky znm);adj.
T( );foreigner (person (of) other
country);cizinec (z ciz zem, osoba jin zem);sg.

: T

;approach: When the rabbit arrived to the turf,
(it) said: while approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the)
turtle, I will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of
sleep).;piblit se: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl: zatmco
se pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si odponu
a vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.

: T ( ~ )
() ;approach: At least (I) want to
;homeland (great country) country, one's own
(great country);domovina (ohromn zem) zem (stt), approach them as much as possible.;piblit se: Minimln se
k nim chci piblit jak je jen mon.;pol.
vlastn (ohromn zem);n. resp. (or) n.

;politics (country subject;politika (zleitost zem);n. : T

(I) almost approached to
;possible, can be;me bt;v.
iblit se: Tm jsem se
;milk, condensed (milk oil);mlko, kondenzovan (mln
piblil ke stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
;wake up (wake-up (and) rise);probudit se (probudit-se
(a) vstt);I
;noble;ulechtil lechetn;adj. E. noble
;milk powder );mln prek );n.

;wake up (wak-up (and) be fresh);vstt (vstt (a) bt

: ( ~
) T;wake up: When the rabbit woke up at
the place of resting, (it) got up and indeed ran as much as (he)
could.;probudit se: Kdy se krlk na mst odpoinku probudil,
vstal a vskutku bel jak jen mohl.;writ.
();November (month);listopad (msc);n. E. November
;red, be;erven, bt;I
;near, be close, be not far, be short, be (about way
etc.);pobl, bt krtk, bt (o cest atd.) blzko, bt
nedaleko, bt;I (or)

: ;close,
get: When (you) get too much close, (you), indeed, get
scorched.;blzko, dostat se: Kdy se dostane moc blzko,
vskutku, popl se.;col.

;close, be (be-near (and) connected) near, be (be-near

(and) connected);blzko, bt (bt pobl (a) spojen) pobl,
bt (bt pobl (a) spojen);I
: T ;near:
This is very near to ( ~ with) the Prakrit language.;blzko: To
je velice blzko prkritu (jazyku).;writ. pol.
: ;near: (It) is very close to ( ~
with) it.;blzko: Je (to) tomu ( ~ s tm) velice blzko.;pol.
[tu.];red, be;erven, bt;I

;almost (near, near) nearly (near, near);mlem (blzko,

blzko) tm (blzko, blzko) skoro (blzko, blzko);adv.

: ;almost: I am
online almost whole the day.;tm: Jsem online tm cel
: ;near: My house is
near Yangon University. (My house is near with Yangon
( );almost ((around) near (and) thin) nearly
University);blzko: Mj dm je blzko Rangnsk Univerzity.
(Mj dm je blzko s Rangnskou Univerzitou.);col. pol. um. ((around) near (and) thin);tm ((okolo) blzko (a)
huben) skoro ((okolo) blzko (a) huben) mlem
: T ;near: Is (it) near the place, where
((okolo) blzko (a) huben);adv.
is the war?;pobl: Je (to) pobl msta, kde je vlka?;inter. writ.
: ;near: Indeed, the more (you) are
T ;almost: As (I) wrote almost all what (I) have
close, the more (it is) hot.;blzko: Vskutku, m jsi bl, tm vc
learned, the writing (at examination) was successful.;tm:
je horko.;col.
Ponvad (jsem) napsal tm vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo
: ;before ( ~ near): a while before (you) go (when
psan (na zkouce) spn.;p.s. pol.
the time (of) going (is) near);ped ( ~ blzko): chvilku ped
();Nepal (country);Nepl (zem);name
tm, ne pjde (kdy je as chozen blzko);
;near, be (come near) close, be (come
;close, be (approach near) near, be (approach
near);blzko, bt (pijt bl);I
near) not far, be (approach near);blzko, bt (piblit-se
: ;close,


be: As for Aung Lan, (it) is quite close ( ~ "closer) to ( ~

good?);jak ( ~ ivot): Jak se m? ((Je) ivot dobr?);inter.
"with) us.;blzko, bt: Co se te Aun Lenu, je k nm pomrn : ;day: every day;den: kad den;
: ;wait: Please, wait, (friend).;ekat: Prosm,
: T ;to: pokej, (pteli).;imper. col.
(He) got up from the bed and went ( ~ "came) directly to the : ;Sun: Sun shines. (Sun (is) hot.);slunce: Slunce
computer.;k: Vstal z postele a el hned ( ~ "pmo) k
svt. (Slunce (je) hork.);
potai.;p.s. writ.
: ;sun: Because the sun is shining,

;indicates light color pale (of color) light (of color);bled (o the weather is hot.;slunce: Ponvad slunce pl, je horko ( ~
barv) zna svtlou barvu svtle (o barv);suff.
poas je hork).;col.
;naive, be (be-struck);naivn, bt (bt-pratn);I
: T ;stay: (I) decided to stay (there).;zstat:
: ;light (of color): light yellow;svtle (o barv): svtle

Rozhodl jsem se (tam) zstat.;p.s. pol.

;indicates continuous tense stay (have home) sun -ing

(continuous tense) stay live indicates a state wait
(be);bydlet t zna prbhov as zna stav -n
(prbhov as) slunce akat (bt);suff. (or) T (or) n. (or)

Setkme se pt (pt den).;fut.

: ;live: house to live in;bydlet: dm k bydlen;

;soft, be (tender, soft, small (and) delightful);jemn, : ;live: It's fine here. (Life (here) is
bt (nn, jemn, mal (a) rozkon);I
good.);t: Je tu fajn. (t tady je dobr.);pol.
;youthful, be (soft (and) tender);mladistv, bt (jemn (a) : ;stay: (I) am going to ask (my)
mother (whether I can) (stay).;zstat: Jdu se zeptat matky zda
: T () ;youthful: Maintain (your)
mohu (zstat).;fut. col.
youthfulness.;mladistv: Udruj si (sv) mld.;imper. pol. col.
: ;day: We will meet on the next day.;den:
: T ;indicates a state: The window is
(being) closed.;zna stav: Okno je (jsouc) zaven.;
: T ;indicates cont. tense: we were
talking;zna prbhov as: povdali jsme si;

: ;live: I live in Kamayut : ;stay: (I) stay in Pathein.;bydlet: Bydlm v

township.;bydlet: Bydlm ve sprvn oblasti Kamyo.;pol. um.
: ;stay: Won't you stay long(er)?;bt:
: T ;stay: Are you happy ( ~ "of
Nebude tu dle ( ~ dlouho)?;inter. col.
happiness) staying in Burma (country)?;bt: Jste astn ( ~
: T ;indicates continuous tense: while
working with computer;zna prbhov as: zatmco pracuje
na potai;
;day: May you always meet (and) have the good
days and (thus) be able to develop the right meditation.;den:
K (t) vdy potkvaj dobr dny a (tak) rozvj dobrou
meditaci.;w. pol.
: ;indicates cont. tense: I am
thinking about you.;zna prb. as: Myslm na tebe ( ~ o
tob);cont. col.
: T ;day: fifth day (day which achieved day
five);den: pt den (den, kter doshnul den pt);n.
: T ;live: Also other
nationalities live (there).;t: Tak ostatn nrodnosti (tam)
: ;indicates continuous tense: T-shirt is
wet.;zna prbhov as: Triko je mokr.;cont.

"(pln) tst), e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.

: T
;live: How do you feel ( ~ "live) in Burma
(country)? Good. (I) am happy.;t: Jak se ije ( ~ "ije) v
Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)? Je (to) dobr. Jsem astn.;inter.
: T T;be: Are (you) satisfied
being in Burma (country)?;bt: Jste spokojen, e jste v
Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
: ;day: What day (of
week) will they come? (They) will come on Thursday.;den:
Kter den (v tdnu) pijedou? Pijedou ve tvrtek.;inter.
: ;live: whatever city (you) live in;t: a u
ije v jakmkoliv mst;
: ;live: wherever (you) live;t: kdekoliv ije;
: ;indicates cont. tense: Which ( ~ "what)
magazine do (you) read?;zna prbhov as: Jak ( ~ "co)
magazn tete?;inter. cont.

: ;stay: I can't stay ( ~ live).;zstat: Nemohu

: ;day: Today is 21st (day) zstat ( ~ t).;col. pol.
of February (month), 1987.;den: Dnes je (den) 21. (msce) : ;live: (I) live in Yangon.;t: iji v
nora 1987.;
Rangnu.;col. pol.
: ;day (date): What's the date today? date ( ~ : ;stay: Shin Than ( ~ "Clear
day): What's the date today?;datum: Co je dnes za den?
(and) Clean) lives in Yangon.;t: en Tan ( ~ "Jasn (a)
(Jak je datum?) den: Co je dnes za den? (Jak je
ist) ije v Rangnu.;pol.
: ;live: Sir, who will you live with?;t:
: T;be: Are (you) satisfied being
here?;bt: Jste spokojen, e jste tady?;inter.
: ;how ( ~ life): How are you? ((Is) life


Pane, s km budete t?;inter. fut. col.

: ;indicates a state: There is no

blood stain on the hand.;zna stav: Na ruce nen dn skvrna become more excellent, I think.;kad den: Kdy (bude)
poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice dobe, stane
: T ;live: (I) don't want to live as a lay se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.
person.;t: Nechci t jakoto laik.;pol.

: ;every day: Come every day.;: Pij kad

: ;live: Where does he live?;t: Kde ije? den.;imper. pol.
;lunch (day-food);obd (dne-jdlo);mn.

: ;live: He will : ;lunch (for monks): eat lunch;obd (pro

live in Yangon or Mandalay.;it: Bude t v Rangnu nebo v
mnichy): obdvat (jst obd);v. .mn.
;every day daily;denn kad den;adv.
: ;indicates continuous tense: He is not
: T ;every day: What are the
sitting.;zna prbhov as: On nesed.;cont.
things ( ~ "works) that (you) happen to do every day?;kad
: ;live: Where do you live now?;t: Kde den: Co dl kad den? (Jak prce se stane, e dl
te ije?;inter.
kad den?);inter. col.

: ;stay: Where do you stay now?;t: Kde ;daily (every day) every day (every day);kad
te ije?;inter. pol.
den (kad den) denn (kad den);n.
: ;live: I live in Anoyatha
road.;t: iji v ulici Anoyatha.;

: ;every day: He goes to

school every day.;kad den: Chod do koly kad den.;

: ;day: during ( ~ in) last (few) days;den:

posledn dobou (v poslednch dnech);

: ;stay (dwell):
indeed, in the place where I stay now;t (pobvat): vskutku, v
mst, kde te (j) iji;writ.

: ;indicates cont. tense: rising

extremely;zna prbhov as: extrm se zvyujc;
: ;be: I will be only at home.;bt:
(J) budu jen doma.;fut. um.

;sick, be (living (and) sitting (is) not

good);nemocn, bt (bt-iv (a) sedt nen dobr);I

T ;sick, get ((it) happens, (that) living (and)

: ;live: Living there is good.;t: Je sitting (is) not good);onemocnt (stane-se (e) bt-iv (a)
sedt nen dobr);I
fajn ( ~ "dobr) tam t.;pol.
;place (residence, live (and) sit {nouner}) residence
( );day;den;sg.
(live (and) sit {nouner});sdlo (t (a) sedt {jmenec})
;sunflower (sun lotus);slunenice (slunen lotus);I
;healthy, be (feel good, life (is) good) fine, be (feel bydlit (t (a) sedt {jmenec});n.
good, life (is) good) feel good (life (is) good) well, be
(life (is) good);dobe, mt se (bt zdrav, ivot (je) dobr)
ctit se dobe (ivot (je) dobr) v podku, bt (ivot (je)
dobr) zdrav, bt (ivot (je) dobr);I

: ;stay: (I) need to stay.;bt:

Potebuji (tam) bt.;

T : T T ;town: (It is) a

town of the last Myanmar king.;msto: (Je to) msto poslednho
krle Myanmaru.;pol.

: ;healthy, be: Are mother

and others also healthy?;zdrav, bt: Jsou matka a ostatn tak T :
T T ;town: At the
time of the ruler king Mahdhamma, the great town Inwa
;well, be;dobe, mt se;I
became unstable.;msto: V dob vldce krle Mahdhammy
: ;how ( ~ "healthy, be): How are
you? (Are (you) healthy, for sure?);jak ( ~ "zdrav, bt): Jak bylo ohromn msto Enva nestabiln.;p.s. writ.
se m? (Jsi urit zdrav?);inter.

;noon (day (is) well);poledne (den (je) dobe);adv.

T ( );city (great counry's living);msto

(obrovsk zemsk byt);sg.

: ;noon: lunch for monks (noon

food);poledne: obd pro mnichy (poledn jdlo);mn.

T ();Naypyidaw (division);Neipyijito (Nebd,

sprvn stedisko);name

: () ;have been: (I)

have been studying Burmese language only ten months.;u (se
nco dje uritou dobu): Studuji barmsk jazyk (u) pouze
deset msc.;p.p. pol.

;look (life form;vzhled (podoba ivota);n.

;daytime (part (when) sun (is) spread);denn doba ;be ( ~ has become) has become;bt ( ~ stal se)
stalo se;p.p.
(st (kdy je) slunce rozen);adv.
: T ;be ( ~ has become): The map
;afternoon (day (is) spread);odpoledne (den (se)
is ( ~ has become) so old.;bt ( ~ stala se): (Ta) mapa je
( ~ stala se) tak (moc) star.;p.p.
;have been;u (se nco dje uritou dobu);suff.
;appear to be (somehow, life form appears seem
to be (somehow, life form appears look (somehow, life form
appears;vypadat (podoba ivota se-ukazuje) zdt se bt
(podoba ivota se-ukazuje);I

: T
;every day: While (you) listen every : ;appear to be: The
boy appears to be angry.;zdt se bt: (Ten) kluk se zd bt
day, as (you) get to know (it) very well, (your) speaking will



are everywhere.;vude: Stromy jsou vude.;

;appear to be (somehow, life form appears seem to

be (somehow, life form appears look (somehow, life form
appears;vypadat (podoba ivota se-ukazuje) zdt se bt
(podoba ivota se-ukazuje);I

;sit (take (and) fix place);sedt (brt (a)

upevovat msto);T


: ;seem to be: The baby seems ;sit (occupy place): As for the leader of
to be happy.;vypadat: Miminko vypad astn.;
defendants sitting ( ~ occupying place) on my left, (she) is a
: ;look: The girl looks statewide known writer, Mrs. Ngwe Khet.;sedt (zabrat
msto): Co se te vdce mluvch neptelsk strany ( ~
sad.;vypadat: Ta dvka vypad smutn.;
vyvrace) sedcch ( ~ zabrajcch msto) po m lev
;sick, be (life not good) ill, be (life not
good);patn, bt nkomu (ivot nen dobr) nemocn, bt stran, je to celosttn znm spisovatelka p. Nue Khek.;pol.
(ivot nen dobr);I
;free space (free space) space, free );voln
: T ;sick: I am not sick.
(My life didn't become not good.);nemocn: Nejsem nemocn. msto (voln msto) msto, voln );n.
: ( ~ )
(Mj ivot se nestal nedobrm.);um.
;space, free: There is no free space in the bookshelf in
;sick, be: Because (my) patient is (being) sick, I the room.;msto, voln: Na polici v pokoji nen dn voln
take care of him.;nemocn, bt: Protoe je mj pacient
nemocn, (j) starm se o nj.;cont. um.

: ;sick, be: (I)

am sick ( ~ "life is not good), because I have cold.;nemocn,
bt: Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen dobr), protoe jsem se
: ;sick: The woman is
sick.;nemocn: (Ta) pan je nemocn.;
;sick, be (life is not good) not well, be (sick,
life is not good) ill, be (sick, life is not good);nemt se
dobe (bt nemocn, ivot nen dobr) nezdrav, bt (bt
nemocn, ivot nen dobr) nemocn, bt (ivot nen

; everywhere (place (in) everywhere);vude (msto


(WS. from );noon (day (is) well);poledne (den

(je) dobe);adv. WS.
: ;noon: lunch for monks (noon
food);poledne: obd pro mnichy (poledn jdlo);mn.
: ;midday: as for midday
yesterday;poledne: co se te verejho poledne.;
;lunch (eating (of) day going-round, noon
eating);obd (jezen obhajcho dne, poledn jezen);n.
;midday (day-half) noon (day-half) noon (day (is)
well);poledne (den (je) dobe) poledne (plka dne);adv.

: T ;place: There are : ;noon:

indeed many other places also.;msto: Je (zde) tak jet
Tomorrow at noon (I) want to go to Ngadatkyi
mnoho jinch mst.;pol.
Pagoda.;poledne: Ztra v poledne chci jet do Ndhat
: ;place: a quiet place;msto: tich msto; Pagody.;pol.
: T ; place: to (around) six
places;msto: (asi) na est mst;

: ;afternoon: Good
afternoon.;rno: Dobr odpoledne.;w. pol.

: () ;place:
Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for places (it) is
difficult.);msto: Protoe je tk najt msto. (Protoe pro
msta je (to) nron.);pol.

: ;afternoon: Good
afternoon.;odpoledne: Dobr odpoledne.;w. pol.
;set (of sun, sun enters) sunset, be (sun
enters);zapadat (o slunci, slunce vstupuje) zpad slunce,
bt (slunce vstupuje);I

;place: Sinhalese commentaries achieved the first ;sunny, be;sluneno, bt;I
place in the Pi literature.;msto: Sinhlsk komente doshly : ;sunny, be: It's (being) sunny.;sluneno,
prvnho msta v Pi literatue.;writ.
bt: Je sluneno.;
: T ;place: (I)
;get used to (fall (in) life matter) accustom (fall
copy those parts to another place.;msto: Kopruji ty sti na
(in) life matter) get accustomed (fall (in) life
njak jin msto.;pol.
matter);zvyknout si (padnout (do) materilu ivota)
( );place;msto;sg.

; everywhere (place (is) complete);vude (msto (je)

;everywhere (just (in) every place);vude
(prost (v) kadm mst);adv.

navyknout si (zvyknout si, padnout (do) materilu ivota)

pizpsobit se (padnout (do) materilu ivota);T
;indicates a momentary state;zna momentln

: ( ~ )
;everywhere (in every place);vude (v kadm ;indicates a momentary state: lying pig;zna
momentln stav: lec prase;
: ;everywhere: Trees


;following (next) tease joke joke with later back

next behind next (following) next (time) coming (next)

after;vtipkovat dal provokovat vzadu dal (nsledujc)
pt za pozdji vtipkovat s pt nsledujc po
nsledujc (dal);prep. (or) suff. prep. (or) adv. (or) adj. (or) T
(or) adv
: T ;next: I'll return next
Monday.;pt: Vrtm se pt pondl.;col.
: ;next: next animal;dal: dal zve;
: ;other: as for the other
place;dal: co se te toho dalho msta;
: ;next: next week;pt: pt tden;
: ;next: next week on
Wednesday;pt: pt tden ve stedu;writ.
: ;joke: Are (you) joking?;vtipkovat:
Vtipkuje?;inter. pol.

Ejvad (Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl

: T ;after: What happened after
that?;po: Co se stalo po tom?;inter.
;later late, be (fall behind) delayed, be late, get
(go (and) fall back) late, be fall behind (fall
back);pozd, bt pozd, bt (padnout zpt) pozdji
zpozdit se (padnout zpt) zpozdit se (jt (a) padnout
zpt) opodn, bt;I (or) adv.
T ;late: A I have little bit too much work,
(I) am replying late.;pozd: Ponvad mm ponkud moc
prce, odpovdm pozd.;col.
: T ;late, be:
Forgive (me), ("for) that (I) am replying late.;pozd, bt:
Odpus (mi), (pro) e odpovdm pozd.;imper. pol.

: T ;next: (I) have an

intention to come back for a while next year.;pt: Mm zmr : ;late, be: So, (I'm) late for
the class.;pozd, bt: Take jdu na lekci pozd. (Take lekce
se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.
je pozd.);col.
: ;next: We will meet on the next

: ;late,
: ;next (time): good e-mail get: (I) am sorry that (I) got little bit late.;zpozdit se: Omlouvm
se, e jsem se trochu zpozdil.;p.s. pol.
also next (time) in future;pt: dobr e-mail tak pt v
: ;later: (We) will meet
: T T ;later: later when I can later.;pozdji: Setkme se pozdji.;fut.
day.;pt: Setkme se pt (pt den).;fut.

talk in Myanmar (language);pozdji: pozdji a budu umt

mluvit Myanmarsky;

: T ;next: (We) will meet again on

a next day.;pt: Setkme se znovu (njak) pt den.;fut.

: T ;late, be: I
am sorry that (my) reply is late.;zpozdit se: Omlouvm se, e
se (m) odpov zpozdila.;pol.

: ()
: T T T ;after: As for after ;later: If you can
overcome the difficulties, later (you) will be able to live as a
three months, (I) am going to return (to) Myanmar
(country).;za: Co se te za ti msce, chystm se vrtit do nun always (just) easily.;pozdji: Pokud doke pekonat (ty)
pote, pozdji bude schopn t jako mnika pod
(zem) Myanmaru.;pol.
: ( ~ ( )
;later on (after falls next);pozdji (a padne
);after: After some time. (When some 'laters'
last.);za (asov): Za njakou dobu. (Kdy njak 'pozdjky' dal);adv.
;night, late at (time (of) being late
: (to) enter bed) late at night (time (of) being late (to)
enter bed);noci, pozd v (as kdy-je pozd vstoupit (do)

;next: Turn left, (and) having passed the

postele) pozd v noci (as kdy-je pozd vstoupit (do)
next street, on the right (you) should find the hotel.;dal:
Zahnte vlevo, (a) a pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml
uvidt ( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.

: ;last: at the last part of life;posledn: v

posledn sti ivota;
: ;joke: Do not joke.;vtipkovat:
Nevtipkuj.;imper. pol.
;after: After Tanyin fell, (he) could easily seize
the Hanthawadis.;po: Po tom, co Tanlyen padlo, mohl snadno
dobt Hantvad.;writ.
T ;then: Alaun Min Taya then
powerfully united the region between rivers Ayeyawaddy and
Chin Twin, and then attacked (and) conquered Inwa.;pak:
Alaun Men Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami

;later on (if falls next);pozdji (pokud padne


;last (week, night etc., last (and) last) finally at

last last (most back);posledn (minu. tden, noc atd.,
posledn (a) posledn) nakonec posledn (nejvce vzadu)
minul (tden, noc atd., posledn (a) posledn);adv. (or) adj.
- ;penultimate (beforebefore the-last
comes);pedposledn (pedped (tm ne) posledn
- :
;penultimate: the penultimate part
(the part coming before the last part);pedposledn:
pedposledn st (st pichzejc ped posledn st);
: T T ;last: (It is) a


town of the last Myanmar king.;posledn: (Je to) msto

poslednho krle Myanmaru.;pol.

(pt po skonen) pak (pt po skonen) po

(tom, a dal skon);conj. (or) adv.

: ;last: during the last three and a :

half years;posledn: bhem poslednch t a pl let;writ.
T ;then: Then, there are indeed
other things to see just near the Shwedagon pagoda.;pak, a: A
: ;at last:
pak, prv pobl vedagou pagody jsou vskutku dal vci k
Please, will (you) write (me) an English sentence at
last?;nakonec: Prosm, nape mi nakonec (njakou) anglickou vidn.pol.;
vtu?;inter. pol.

T ;joke (joke (and) joke);vtipkovat (vtipkovat )a)


;finally: Goal is the place in race, where (one) T ;joke (joke (and) tease);vtipkovat (vtipkovat
has to finally arrive.;nakonec: Cl znamen msto v zvod,
(a) provokovat);T
kam (jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.
;later (next part);pozdj (dal st);adj.
;finally: What they believe is, that

finally (it) disappears and they will (simply) die.;nakonec:
;later: The commentarial character of the
emu v, tak (prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni)
canon later thoroughly influenced the late
(prost) zemou.;pol.
commentaries.;pozdj: Komenttorsk charakter knonu
;retreat (back-retreat) step back (backretreat);couvnout zpt (zptky ustoupit) ustoupit (zptky
;finally (in (the) following end);nakonec (v
nsledujcm konci);adv.
;finally: I
zealously try to get various things and finally I die.;nakonec:
Horliv se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut.
;again once more (once more) again
(once more);znovu jet jednou opt (jet jednou)
znovu (jet jednou);adv.

pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.

(WS. from );behind;vzadu;adv. WS.

: ;back side: back side of the
head;zadn strana: zadn strana hlavy;
);aback behind;vzadu;adv.
;later on (from back) later on next time;pozdji
pozdji (ze zadu) pt;adv.
: T ;later on: (I)'ll tell (it to
you) later, in calm, ok?;pozdji: eknu (ti to) pozdji, v klidu,
jo?;inter. col.
: ( ~ ) ;later on: (We) will
learn just later on.;pozdji: Budeme se tedy uit pozdji.;fut.

;again: (It) disappeared and never appeared : ( ~ ) Singapore
again.;znovu: Zmizel a u se nikdy (znovu) neobjevil.;p.s. pol. ( ~ Singapore );next time: Next time
: T T T
(I) am going to stay only in Sinhapore.;pt: Pt budu
;again: When do (you) plan ( ~ have) to come to
pouze v Singapuru.;pol.
Myanmar again.;znovu: Kdy plnuje ( ~ m) znovu pijt do ;behind (in back);vzadu (v zadu);adv.
: ;behind: a tiger behind
;later on (in another one time);pozdji (v plant;za: tygr za rostlinou;
jin jeden as);adv.

; step back (back-recoil) retreat (back ;future, in future;budouc budoucnu, v;adv. (or) adj.
recoil);ustoupit (zptky ucuknout);T
-;later indicates future;pozdji zna budoucnost; (or)
;once more (next more) again (next more)
another (next more) more (repeat (for the) following)
more (another, next (and) again);dal (jet, dal (a)
znovu) dal (jin, jet dal) jet (nsledn
opakovat) znovu (jet dal) jet jednou (jet
dal);adv. (or) pron.

-: ;later: around two years
later;pozdji: asi tak o dva roky pozdji;adv.
: ;future, in: good e-mail
also next (time) in future;budoucnu, v: dobr e-mail tak pt
v budoucnu;

: ;more: twenty days more;dal: : ;later: Visit (us) later again,

dalch dvacet dn;
please!;pt: Pt (ns) navtiv znovu,prosm!;imper. pol.
;next day;dal den nadchzejc den;adv.
: T ;later on: (It) is
fine if later on (sb.) corrects (it) to be more beautiful.;pozdji:
(Bude) dobe, pokud (to) nkdo oprav aby to bylo krsnj
ne tohle.;col.

;later: The wisdom that (you) taught will later

become useful, at a certain time.;pozdji: Moudrost, kterou jsi
uil, bude pozdji, v uritou dobu, uiten.;fut. pol.

;after (that, after next finished) thereafter

(next po skonen) then (next after finishing);potom


;later ((in) future time);pozdji ((v) budouc as);adv.

;brother, royal: While

taxidriver when he is not satisfied with the given amount of
Kyansittha was serving his royal brother king Saw Lu, king Saw money);mlo: (To je moc) mlo, pteli. (me bt eeno
Lu was imprisoned by enemies.;bratr, krlovsk: Zatmco
taxikem, pokud nen spokojen s placenm mnostvm
ansit slouil svmu krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl
Sol byl uvznn nepteli.;p.s. writ.
: T ;and: The museum and the library.;a:
( );brother (royal, future royalty);bratr (budouc Muzeum a knihovna.;col.
: ;with: How much (money) do you buy
;indicates question tag, such as aren't you? didn't he?
(it) with?;za ( ~ "s): Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika penzi) (to)
woudn't they? etc. isn't (it)? alright? ok? "aren't (you)? kupuje?;inter. col.
isn't it?;" zna tzac dovtek, nap. ne?, ano?, e? atd. jo? : ;indicates end of a negative order: Don't be
ne? ano? e?; (or) ne? (or) interj. col. (or) interj.
sad.;zna konec zpornho pkazu: nebu smutn.;imper. pol.
: ;ok: 200 (kyats), ok?;jo?: 200 iat, jo?;col.

: ;ok?: (I'm) sorry, ok?;ano?: Promite (mi),

: ;indicates request: Sit down, right?
(requesting);zna dost: Sednte si, ano? (dav);imper.
: ;aren't (you)?: Today (you) are free,
aren't (you)?;ne?: Dnes (m) volno, ne?;inter.
;ok?;ano?;interj. col.

: ;from
(with): My house is not very far (with) from Hledan Market
bus stop.;od (s): Mj dm nen daleko od (s) autobusov
zastvky Hldn Trhu.;col. pol. um.
: ;with: What meat will he eat (it)
with?;s: S jakm masem (to) bude jst?;inter. fut. col.
: ;and: Are there Mr. Bakhin and
Mrs. Thuza?;a: Jsou tam pan Bakhen a pan Tuza?;inter. col.

;little too little;moc mlo mlo;adv.

: ; with: The man

with curled hair and beard;s: (Ten) mu s kudrnatmi vlasy a
; and indicates negative command with (follows n.)
indicates end of a negative order with by;a s (nsleduje za vousy.;col.
pod. jm.) s zna konec zpornho pkazu zna zporn : ;to ( ~ "with): (I) came to do (
rozkaz;suff. prep. (or) suff. conj. col. (or) suff. (or) suff. imper. ~ "with) business.;kvli ( ~ "s): Pijel jsem kvli podnikn.
(Pijel jsem s podniknm.);pol.
(or) conj. col. (or) prep.. col.
: ;to ( ~ "with): I came (here) to do work.
(-): T ;and (-): two hundred sixty five;a
((I) come with work.);aby ( ~ "s): Pijel jsem kvli prci.
(-): dv st edest pt;num.
(-): T ;and (-): thirty-six (three tens six);a (-): (Pichzm s prac.);pol.
ticet est (ti destky est);num.

;together with;spolu s;prep.

; look like ((be) same with);vypadat jako ((bt) stejn


: ;together with: Baby is : ;look like: This building

looks like a palace.;vypadat jako: Tato budova vypad jako
(together) with grandmother.;spolu s: Miminko je (spolu) s
;little, a little bit;ponkud trochu;adv.
: ;little: 100 (kyats) is, really, little.;mlo:
No, 100 (iats) je mlo.;pol. col.

: ;with: My house is
near Yangon University. (My house is near with Yangon
University);s: Mj dm je blzko Rangnsk Univerzity (Mj
dm je blzko s Rangnskou Univerzitou.).;col. pol. um.

: ;little, a: (I) understand a little.;trochu:

Trochu rozumm.;pol.
: ;little, a: (I) can read (in Burmese) a
little;trochu: Umm trochu st (Barmsky).;pol. col.

: ;little bit: (This is) little bit too much.;ponkud:

: ;with: I will eat (it) with chicken.;s: Dm si (To je) ponkud moc.;pol.
to s kuetem. (Budu to jst s kuecm masem.);col.
;just a little;jen trochu;adv. col.
: ;by (with): Go by car.;s: Je autem. (Je s
autem.);imper. col.

;little, very small, very;mal, velice malikat,

velice;adj. col.. (or) adj. col.

: ;with: Friend, who do you want

to meet with?;s: Pteli, s km se chce setkat?;inter. col. um.

: ( ) ;small, very: (There) are

only very small deficiencies (in the writing).;mal, velice: (V tom
psan) jsou jen velice mal nedostatky.;pol. col.

: ;and: You and I.;a: Ty a j.;col. um.

: ;and: fifty-nine (five tens and nine);a: padest
devt (pt destek a devt);num.

;with regards to (sth., followed by a verb);co se te

(neho, nsledovno slovesem);suff.

: ;for ( ~ "with): How much (do

you) sell this for ( ~ "with)?;za ( ~ "s): Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika)
tohle prodvte?;inter. col.

;about (regarding, often followed by a verb, after

wrapped (and) descended with) concerning (often followed
by a verb, after wrapped (and) descended with) with
regards to (sth., followed by a verb);ohledn (obvyhkle
nsledovno slovesem, po zabalen (and) sestoupen s)
o (vzhledem k, obvyhkle nsledovno slovesem, po zabalen
(and) sestoupen s) co se te (neho, nsledovno

: T ;and: two hundred (and) sixty five;a:

dv st (a) edest pt;num.
: ;little: (This is too) little, friend. (can be said by a


slovesem);suff. (or) adv. writ.

;regarding (as wrapped (and) descended with)
concerning (as wrapped (and) descended with)
regarding (sth.);ohledn (ponvad zabalen (a) setoupen
s) vzhledem k (ponvad zabalen (a) setoupen s)
vzhledem k (nemu);suff. (or) adv.
T ;regarding: I don't want to say anything with
regards to this student;co se te: co se te tohoto studenta,
nechci nic ct.;pol.

: ;pension: I don't have a

job any more. I am retired. ((I( don't work any more. (I)
happened to take pension.);penze: U nemm zamstnn.
Jsem v penzi. (U nepracuji. Stalo se, e beru penzi.);pol.
; retired, be (take pension) pension, take (take
pension);duchodu, bt v (brt penzi) penzi, bt v (brt
penzi);T pension
;tired, be ((be) heavily tired);unaven, bt ((bt) tce

: ;tired, be:
Because I didn't sleep well, (I) am so tired. (Because my sleep
(was) not sufficient, (I) am extremely tired.);unaven, bt:
Ponvad jsem nespal dobe, jsem moc unaven. (Ponvad
;with regards to (sth., followed by a noun);co se mj spnek (byl) nedostaten, jsem extrm unaven.);um.
te (neho, nsledovno pod. jm.);suff.
: ;tired, be: He is (being)
tired.;unaven, bt: Je unaven.;cont.
(der. from );more or less (with
many);vcemn (s mnoha);adv.
;tiredness (heavily tired {nouner});nava (tce
unaven {jmenec});n.
;together with;spolu s;prep.
;regarding: He knows very much regarding this
book.;co se te: Co se te tto knihy, v mnoho.pol.;

: ;together with:
Together with the students will come the teacher.;spolu s:
Spolu se studenty pijde uitel.;fut.

;exhaustive, be very ((be) heavily tired, withered

(and) trodden);vyerpvajc, bt velice ((bt) tce unaven,
zvadl (a) polapan);I

: ;together with: He will eat

together with me.;spolu s: Bude jst spolu se mnou.;fut. um.

: T
;exhaustive, be very: To do all
the things one more time in this life would be very
exhaustive.;vyerpvajc, bt velice: (To) by bylo velice
vyerpvajc, dlat vechny (ty) vci jet jednou v tomhle
ivot.;fut. pol. writ.

;pakaraa (any of the seven books of Abhidhamma

Piaka i.e., the third collection of the (purportedly) Buddha's
discourses in Tipiaka);pakaraa (kterkoliv ze sedmi knih
Abhidhamma Piaky, tj. tetho souboru dajn Buddhovch
promluv v Tipiace);Bh. lit. P. pakaraa (= exposition)
: ;pakaraa: seven
pakaraa books of Abhidhamma Piaka;pakaraa: sedm
pakaraa knih Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.

( );laundry (shop, laundry shop);prdelna

(obchod prdla);sg.
( ) (WS. from );laundry (shop,
laundry shop);prdelna (obchod prdla);sg. WS.

;covenly, be (venture (and) compare) ruthless, be

(venture (and) compare);neupraven, bt (riskovat (a)
porovnvat) nedbal, bt (riskovat (a) porovnvat)
neltostn, bt (riskovat (a) porovnvat);I

(WS. from );tired, be ((be) heavily tired);unaven,

bt ((bt) tce unaven);I WS.

;Pepsi (beverage);Pepsi (npoj);name

: ;sea: (They) go to sea

to swim.;moe: Jdou do moe, aby plavali.;cont. writ.

: ;Pepsi: four bottles of Pepsi;Pepsi: tyi

lahve Pepsi;
( );shoulder;rameno;sg.
();Paghouku (town, near Mandalay);Paghouk (msto,
pobl Mandalaje);name
;indicates emphasis heavy, be (about weight) plant
of;sazenice (eho) tk, bt (o vze) zna zdraznn;I
(or) suff. (or) suff. n.
;invite (a monk);pozvat (mnicha);T
: ;indicates emphasis:
indeed, in the place where I stay now;zna zdraznn:
vskutku, v mst, kde te (j) iji;writ.

: ;sea: The town is near

sea.;moe: (To) msto je pobl moe.;writ.

: ( ~ )
;sea: The man is going to dive in the
sea.;moe: (Ten) mu se chyst potpt v moi.;fut.
( );sea (heavy paddy-field);moe (tk rovpole);
( );passport;pas (cestovn);sg. E. passport
;goods: Do you need ((and) want) Chinese or
Indian goods?;zbo: Potebuje(te) ((a) chcete) nsk nebo
indick zbo?;inter.
: ;thing: a new thing (something
new);vc: nov vc (nco novho);

);invite (a monk): because (I) : ;object: The form (of) the

: ( ~
two green objects is same.;pedmt: Podoba (tch) dvou
was invited;pozvat (mnicha): protoe jsem byl pozvan;mn.
( );spider (animal, raise (and) support);pavouk zelench pedmt je stejn.;
(zdvihnout (a) podpoit);sg.

;pension;penze;n. E. pension


: ;thing: The
form of the green (thing) and red object is not same.;vc:
Podoba zelen (vci) a erven vci nen stejn.;

: T
;object: The red objects are under (of) the blue
objects.;pedmt: erven pedmty jsou pod (z) modrmi

education.;vzdln: Zaal sv vzdln.;

;goods products;zbo produkty;pl. P. paccaya (=

requisite, means)

Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a) moudrost.;p.s. pol.

;things: I
zealously try to get various things and finally I die.;vci: Horliv
se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut.

Myanmar.;moudr mu: Men Yza se stal slavnm jakoto

jeden z velkch moudrch mu Myanmaru.;

;wisdom: The wisdom that (you) taught will later
become useful, at a certain time.;moudrost: Moudrost, kterou jsi
( );object (any inanimate object, bundle (to) throw) uil, bude pozdji, v uritou dobu, uiten.;fut. pol.
product (thing) thing (any inanimate object, bundle (to)
: ;wisdom: persons
throw);pedmt (jakkoliv neivotn pedmt, balk (na)
who have heedfulness and wisdom;moudrost: osoby, kter maj
vyhozen) vc (jakkoliv neivotn pedmt, balk (na)
pozornost a moudrost;pl. writ.
vyhozen) vrobek (vc);sg. P. paccaya (= requisite,
: ;wisdom: (He)
developed morality, concentration (and) wisdom.;moudrost:
( );scholar (lord (of)
( );suitcase cart (cart (to) carry (and) wisdom);uenec (pn moudrosti);sg. (mn.)
push stuff);zavazadlov vozk (vozk (ve kterm) nos (a)
; wise, be (has wisdom);moudr, bt (m
strkej vci);sg. P. paccaya (= requisite, means)
;property (things (and) property) things (as
-;wisdom, have;moudrost, mt;I
property, things (and) property);vlastnictv (vci (a)
vlastnictv) vci (o vlastnictv, vci (a) vlastnictv);n. P.
T ( )T ;wise man: Min Yaza
paccaya (= requisites, means)
became famous as one of the great wise men in

;goods: (I) went to a shop and bought what
(goods) (I) liked without looking at the price.;zbo: el jsem
do obchodu a koupil (zbo) co jsem chtl ( ~ "ml-rd) ani
bych se dval na cenu.;p.s. pol.
: T ;nicely: He
tidies up the (all) things.;hezky: (Vechny ty) vci uklid.;
;things: I saw
how very rich people, who (have) many things live (their)
life.;vci: Vidl jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj) mnoho
vc, ij (svj) ivot.;p.s.
;Pacific (ocean);Pacifick (ocen);name

;modern present today;modern ptomn (dnen)

dnen;adj. P. paccuppanna (= present)

;education (knowledge subject);vzdln (zleitost

znalosti) vuka (zleitost znalosti);n. P. paa (=
wisdom, knowledge) (or) n. P. pa (= wisdom, knowledge)
;education: (He) is a person, who has carried out
educational duties in this town for many years and
months.;vyuovn: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala (
~ vykonvala vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a
( );trainee (wisdom learning) student
(wisdom learning) disciple (wisdom learning);ue
(moudrost uc-se) student (moudrost uc-se) k
(moudrost uc-se);sg.
;monks practitioners (who practise morality,
meditation and wisdom);mnii praktikujc (kte praktikuj
morln pravidla, meditaci a moudrost);n. Bh. mn. P. paipattissana (= practice dispensation)

: ( ~ );modern: modern
machines;modern: modern stroje;pl.

;monks of high spiritual attainment (which they

accrued through following practise and study of the Buddha's
;indicates abandonment throw;vyhodit zna zanechn teaching);mnii vysokch spiritulnch dosaen (kterch se jim
hodit;suff. (or) T
dostalo skrze nsledovn praxe a studia Buddhova uen);n.
Bh. mn. P. pativedhassana (= attainment dispensation)

;throw: The boy will

certainly throw the ball.;hodit: Chlapec urit hod mem.;fut.
T ;birth (live (from) pregnancy {nouner});zrozen
(t (z) thotenstv {jmenec});n. P. paisandhi (= conception)
(WS. from T );misconduct (wrong
wronging);cizolostv (patn chybovn);n.


: ( ~ (?)) ;misconduct: (he) does not

commit sexual misconduct (no misconduct (with) (other man's)
wife);cizolostv: nepch cizolostv (ne cizolostv (se) enou
(jinho mue));col.

( ~ "): ;week
( ~ "day): What day (of week) will they come? (They) will
come on Thursday.;tden ( ~ "den): Kter den (v tdnu)
pijedou? Pijedou ve tvrtek.;inter.

;term (for sth.) name (of sth.) designation;termn (pro : ;week: last (for) two weeks;tden: trvat dva
nco) jmno (neho) pojmenovn (jmno);n. P. paatti (= tdny;
designation, name)
: ;week: next week;tden: pt tden;
;education;vzdln;n. P. paa (= wisdom, knowledge)
: ;education: (He) started (his)

: ;week: next week on

Wednesday;tden: pt tden ve stedu;writ.


: ;week: (It) has been three weeks (since I have T;firstly first, at;pedevm (prvn) za prv
arrived to Burma).;tden: U je to ti tdny, co jsem pijel do
(prvn) nejprve (prvn);adj. num. P. pahama (= first)
;geography;geografie;n. P. pathav (= earth)
( );week;tden;sg.
;geography (entering earth);geografie (vstup (do)
: T
;passport: If (you) have a Myanmar passport,
(as for) entering Europe and America, (it) is difficult.;pas:
Pokud m Myanmarsk pas, je cestovn do Evropy nebo
Ameriky nron. (pokud dr Myanmarsk pas, co se te
vstupu do Evropy a Ameriky, je (to) tk.);

zem);n. P. pathav (= earth)

( );passport;pas (cestovn);sg. E. passport

: ;flower: If
many flowers become colorful (and) adequate, the spring has
come.;kvtina: Pokud se (stalo) mnoho kvtin barevnmi (a)
pimenmi, pilo jaro.;p.p.

( );bandage (wrap (and) strike);obvaz (obvzat

(a) uhodit);sg.
;environment (also about being in a society,
surrounding surroundings);prosted (tak o spolenosti,
obklopujc okol);n.
: () ()
( ~ )
;environment: (You) meditate in your present
life, in (your) present environment (and) in (your) present
society.;prosted: Medituje ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve
(svm) ptomnm prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn
: T
;environment: (I) live in an environment of English
language. (ie. where people speak in English);prosted: iji v
prosted anglickho jazyka. (tj. tam, kde lid mluv
;first;prvn;adj. num. P. pahama (= first) (or) num. P.
pahama (= first) (or) adj. P. pahama (= first)
: T ;first: comes (as) first;prvn: pichz
(jako) prvn;writ.

( );jackfruit (fruit (of) method (to make sth.)

thin);chlebovnk (ovoce zpsobu (jak nco dlat)
;flower of winning post in a race spurt;kvtina (eho)
vtzn pozice pi zvod stkat;n. (or) T (or) suff. n.

: T ;winning post (in race):

The blue car has entered the winning post ( ~ finishing line)
first.;vtzn ra: Modr auto vstoupilo na vtznou ru ( ~
konc ru);p.p.
( );flower;kvtina;sg.

( );dish (buttressing flower) crockery, a piece

of (buttressing flower);ndob (je-oporou kvtinm);sg.
;crockery (plate, cup (and) ladle);ndob
(tal, hrnek (a) nabraka);n.
T: T ;plate: There are
four plates on the table.;tal: Na stole jsou tyi tale.;
T( );plate (flat dish);tal (ploch
: ;picture: A
picture is hung on the wall.;obraz: Na stn je poven

: ;picture:
The painter is painting a picture.;obraz: Mal maluje
: ;first: (He) enters the finishing line as obraz.;cont.
first.;prvn: prvn se dostv ( ~ vstupuje) na vtznou ru.; : ( ~ )
: T ;first: The man with
blue shirt is the first.;prvn: Pn v ( ~ s) modr koili je

;first, the (most first);prvn (nejvce prvn);adj. P.

pahama (= first)

;picture: There is a lot of oil (photographed) in the

picture.;obrzek: Na obrzku je (vyfoceno) mnoho oleje.;
( );picture (canvas (of) lifted flowers) picture
(canvas carrying-away flowers);obraz (kvtinu odnejc
napnut-pltno) obraz (pltno zdvihnutch kvtin);sg.

: TT ;first, : T ;painter: painter teacher;mal:

the: You are the first person to who I reveal my secrets.;prvn: mal uitel;
Jsi prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv tajemstv.;pol.
: ;painter:
: T ;first: The blue car The painter is painting a picture.;mal: Mal maluje obraz.;cont.
has entered the winning post ( ~ finishing line) first: The blue ( );painter (master (in) lifting flowers)
car has entered the winning post ( ~ finishing line) first.;prvn: artist (master (in) lifting flowers);mal (mistr (ve) zvdn
Modr auto vstoupilo na vtznou ru ( ~ konc ru) p.p.; kvtin) umlec (mistr (ve) zvdn kvtin);sg.
(or) p.p.
;painting handiworks (handiwork (of)
;Council, First Buddhist (first rehearsal);Koncil,
Prvn Buddhistick (prvn spolen-recitace);n. Bh. P.
pahamasagyan (= first rehearsal)

T ;first time, for the (as first time);na poprv

(jakoto prvn as);adv.
T : T ;first
time, for the: for the first (time) with movement of hand;na
poprv: na poprv (s) pohybem ruky;


painting);malovn, run prce (run-prce malovn);n.

T;garden (flower enclosure) park (flower
enclosure);zahrada (ohrada kvtin) park (ohrada
( );cauliflower (flower (of) thrusting
shovel);kvtk (kvtina (ze) zaren lopaty);sg.

( ) (WS. from );cauliflower (flower (of)

thrusting shovel);kvtk (kvtina (ze) zaren lopaty);sg. odmtnout (opustit (a) snit);T
;abandon (reject (and) leave) relinquish (reject (and)
;Pansedan Street (street (of) dying stick,
leave) forsake (reject (and) leave);vzdt se (odmtnout (a)
street (of) stick (of) bad flower);Pansedan, ulice (ulice
odejt) zanechat (odmtnout (a) odejt) opustit (odmtnout
hlky (na) barven, ulice hlky (ze) patn kvtiny);name (a) odejt);T
: ;aim: the only
intention (and) aim;cl: jedin zmr (a) cl;
;goal: Goal is the place in race, where (one)
has to finally arrive.;cl: Cl znamen msto v zvod, kam
(jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.

;abandon: Having realized (that I have) thoughts
again and again, (I continuously) abandon them.;opustit: Znovu
a znovu si uvdomuji, (e mm) mylenky, a (neustle) je

: T
: ;fly: A plane is flying

in the sky.;ltat: Letado lt v nebi.;cont.
;goal: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it)
;break up (in relationship) broken, get break (stop
said: while approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the)
functioning);rozbt se (pestat fungovat) rozejt se (ve vztahu)
turtle, I will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of
rozbt se;I (or) T
sleep).;cl: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl: zatmco se
: ;break:
pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si odponu a (Somebody) said, that as the computer of ( ~ in) these nuns
vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.
got broken, they came.;rozbt se: Pr, e protoe se pota
;goal (flower column) winning post (flower
(u) tchto mniek rozbil, (ony) pily.;col.
column);vtzn stanovit (kvtinov sloup) cl (kvtinov : ;broken, get: The
charger got broken.;rozbt se: Nabjeka se rozbila.;p.p. pol.
( );flower (flower column);kvtina (kvtinov


: ;destroy: Electricity is down. (fire was

;flower: The flower is of destroyed);zniit: Vypli proud. (ohe byl znien);p.p.
yellow (color) and orange color.;kvtina: (Ta) kvtina je lut : ;break: Also, (my) laptop got
(barvy) a oranov barvy.;
broken.;rozbt se: Tak, (mj) laptop se (mi) rozbil.;sg. pol.
: ( ) ;flowers: Because it is : T ;break: (I) am repairing (this),
raining, flowers are (being) wet.;kvtiny: Ponvad pr,
because the engine got broken.;rozbt se: Opravuji (to), protoe
kvtiny jsou mokr.;cont.
se rozbil motor.;pol.
( );flower (flower, flower);kvtina (kvtina,

;destroy (attack (and) destroy) pass away (beattacked (and) be-destroyed) ruin (attack (and) destroy)
( );flower (flower (to) blossom) plant (flower,
die (be-attacked (and) be-destroyed);zniit (zatoit (a)
flower (to) blossom);rostlina (kvtina, kvtina kvst) kvtina zniit) zemt (bt-napaden (a) bt-znien) umt (bt(kvtina kvst);sg.
napaden (a) bt-znien);I (or) T
;pink color (flower's color);rov barva (kvtinov
: ;destroy: Countries will be
destroyed.;zniit: Zem budou znieny.;
;race, finishing line (enter flower) race, cross the
finishing line (enter flower);zvodu, pekroit konc ru v
(vstoupit (do) kvtiny) zvodu, vstoupit na konc ru v
(vstoupit (do) kvtiny);T
: ;winning post: (He) enters the
finishing line as first.;konc ra: prvn se dostv ( ~
vstupuje) na vtznou ru.;
( );apple (flower fruit);jablko (kvtinov
;size;mra;n. P. pama (= size)
T ;magical power (ability resembling
magic);magick moc (schopnost podobajc-se magii);n.

: ;ruined: ruined villages;zniit: znien

T;demolished, be (destroy (and) be-scattered)
shattered, be (destroy (and) be-scattered) destroyed, be
(destroy (and) be-scattered);znien, bt (zniit (a) btroztrouen) rozdrcen, bt (zniit (a) bt-roztrouen)
zdemolovan, bt (zniit (a) bt-roztrouen);I
;deteriorate (be-destroyed (and) deviate);zhorit se
(zniit-se (a) odchlit-se);I
;broken, get;rozbt se;I p.p.
;lazy, be;ln, bt;I

: T
;reject (remove) remove reject;odmtnout(odstranit) ;lazy, be: With the excuse, that with the worldly
odmtnout odstranit;T
problems (I) cannot dedicate (it) time, I have been lazy.;ln,
: ;reject: (It) was rejected.;odmtnout: Bylo
bt: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi problmy tomu nemohu
(to) odmtnuto.;p.s.
vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol. um.
;reject (abandon (and) lower) refuse (when given,
: ;bored, be: He became happy
abandon (and) lower);odmtnout (darovan, opustit (a) snit) from (the status of) being bored.;znudn, bt: Ze stavu


znudn (peel do stavu) vesel.;pol. p.p.

(jt));I (or) T

;bored, be;nudit se znudn, bt;I

;enjoy gay, be (happy) happy, be glad, be enjoy,

be;uvat si vesel, bt radost, mt astn, bt rd, bt
radovat se rd, bt (mt radost) tit se z vychutnvat si;I
: ;boredom: This is boring.
(This is good (for) boredom.);nuda: To je nudn. (To je dobr (or) T
: ;happy: Because I am happy,
(na) nudu.);col.
(I) am smiling.;astn, bt: Protoe jsem astn, smji se.;col.
(WS. from );broken, be;rozbit, bt;I WS.
cont. uw.
;spread (spread (and) be-everywhere);rozprostt (se,
rozprostt-se (a) bt-vude);I

: ;happy: The baby seems to be

happy.;astn: Miminko vypad astn.;

: T ;happy: (He) becomes extremely

happy.;astn: Stane se extrm astnm.;
;spread: The boycott of the Yangon
University students spread to various places and quarters and : ;enjoy: Today's
(then) also the provincial students (started to) boycott.;rozit enjoyable.;poten: Dneek je vhodn k poten.;col.
se: Bojkot student Rangnsk University se rozil do rznch : ;happy, be: (they) are happy;radovat se: raduj
mst a tvrt a (pak) tak provinn studentni (zali)
bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
: ;happy: Are (you) happy (for real)?;astn: Jsi
;fly (fly (and) hover-over) fly (fly (and) hover
skuten astn?;inter.
(over));ltat (ltat (a) vznet-se) ltat (ltat (a) vznet se : T ;happy: Are you (surely)
happy staying in Burma (country)?;astn: Jste (opravdu)
: ;fly: a flying airplane;ltat: astn, e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
ltajc letadlo;sg.
: T

;young (for women) tender (for women) young, be single ;happy: How do you feel ( ~ "live) in Burma
(not married, for women);jemn (o ench) mlad (o ench) (country)? Good. (I) am happy.;astn: Jak se ije ( ~ "ije)
svobodn (nikoliv vdan, o ench) mlad, bt;I (or) adj. f. v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)? Je (to) dobr. Jsem
;soft, be;mkk, bt;I
: ;soft: This pillow is soft.;mkk:
Tento polt je mkk.;
;deficiency (in writing etc., weak blot);nedostatek (v
psan atd., slab skvrna);n.

: ;enjoy: He enjoys whatever

book (he) reads.;uvat si: Uv si kad knihy (kterou) (on)

: ;happy, bt: When month ends, (I)

: ( ) ;deficiency: (There) are become happy.;astn, bt: Kdy msc kon, jsem ( ~
only very small deficiencies (in the writing).;nedostatek: (V tom stanu-se) astn.;col.
: ;happy, be: (I) am extremely happy.;astn,
psan) jsou jen velice mal nedostatky.;pol. col.
bt: Jsem extrm astn.;
;lost, get break (about machines, computers etc.)
lose;ztratit se ztratit rozbt se (o strojch, potach etc.);I
(or) T
: T ;break: The computer is
broken.;rozbt se: Pota se (mi) rozbil.;p.p.
...;lose: If (you) do not practise, what (you)
have (already) got, the good (knowledge) of writing (and) good
(knowledge) of speaking may get lost, (they) say ...;ztratit:
Pokud netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a)
dobr (zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.

;happy: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities are
more happier than usually.;astn: Bhem Tendanu jsou
vechny nrody astnj ne obvykle.;pol.
: ;happy, be: (I) am very happy.;astn, bt:
Jsem velice astn.;pol.
;happily joyously;vesele astn;adv.
;happily joyfully;vesele radostn astn;adv.

( );restaurant (public-building (for) eating

(and) happy events);restaurace (veejn-budova (na) jezen
(a) radostn udlosti);n.

();lost, be (be-lost, be-void (and) (go))

disappear (be-lost, be-void (and) (go));ztratit se (bt-ztracen, : T ( ~
bt-prost (a) (jt)) zmizet (bt-ztracen, bt-prost (a) (jt));I );happiness: Whenever a lot of
(or) T
happiness appears in you.;radost: Kdykoliv m tolik moc
;disappear: (It) disappeared and never
appeared again.;zmizet: Zmizel a u se nikdy (znovu)
neobjevil.;p.s. pol.
();lost, be (be-lost, hide (and) (go))
disappear (be-lost, hide (and) (go));zmizet (bt-ztracen,
schovat-se (a) (jt)) ztratit se (bt-ztracen, schovat-se (a)


radosti (v tob).;um.

;happy, be (happy (and) joyful);astn, bt (astn

(a) radostn);I
: () ;happy: Because (I) want (you) to be
happy.;astn: Protoe chci, abys byl astn.;pol.
: ;happy: May you be happy.;astn: A jsi

astn.;w. pol.
;happiness ( ~ "happy, be): (I) wish all the
beings to be happy ( ~ "happiness).;astn, bt ( ~ "radost):
Peji vem bytostem aby byly astn ( ~ "radost).;pol.

T ;strong, be (about a phenomena) intense, be (about a

phenomena);siln, bt (o jevu) intenzvn, bt (o jevu);I
T (preceded and followed by a noun);as well as;stejn
jako;suff. pref.

T : T ;ready, get: As I'll cook fish,

;happiness (be-happy (and) rejoice {nouner})
(I)'m getting ready.;pipravit se: e budu vait rybu, pipravuji
joyfulness (happiness, be-happy (and) rejoice {nouner});tst se.;cont. um.
(radost, bt-astn (a) radovat-se {jmenec}) radost (tst, T : T ;prepare: I prepare for
bt-astn (a) radovat-se {jmenec});n.
cooking meat.;pipravit se: Pipravuji se na vaen masa.;cont.
(from );may I get to;k se mi dostane;

T : T ;apart from: apart from this (one);krom: krom

(from ): ;may: May (I) tohohle;
offer (you) one meal.;k: K (ti mohu) nabdnout jedno
T : T ;except: Except this there (we) have
jdlo.;utmn. col.
two kinds more.;krom: Krom tohohle mme jet dva
;spectators (people) audience (people);posluchai druhy.;pol.
(lid) divci (lid);pl. P. paris (= assembly)
T : T ;apart from: What else do (you) have
: T T
;audience: The
actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much beloved by the
spectators, will soon become superb.;divci: Herec Jdai, kter,
protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy stane

apart from this?;krom: Co jet mte krom tohohle?;inter.

( );program;program;sg. E. program

opravovn je tak skoneno opravovnm.);p.p. pol.

( ) (WS. from );program;program;sg. E.

program WS.

T : T ;repair: repair door (of a) room;opravit:

opravit dvee (od) pokoje.;

T : T ;correct: (It) is fine if

later on (sb.) corrects (it) to be more beautiful.;oprait: (Bude)
dobe, pokud (to) nkdo oprav aby to bylo krsnj ne

T : T ;repair: (I) will see (if I can) repair.;opravit:

;monks who study (the Buddha's teaching,
Podvm se, (zda to mohu) opravit.;fut. pol.
especially younger monks);mnii, studujc (Buddhovo uen,
T : T ;correct: But
zejmna mlad mnii);n. Bh. mn. P. pariyattissana (= study don't think, that (I) am (doing (work of)) the correction-teacher,
ok?;opravovat: Ale nemysli si, e dlm (prci) opravujcho
;audience crowd (of people attending an event)
uitele, jo?;col. pol.
people (who now attend an event);dav (lid, kte se prv
T : T T ;correction: Moreover, the
astn njak udlosti) lid (kte se prv astn njak
correction is also finished. (Then, correcting also is finished
udlosti) posluchai;pl. P. piris (= assembly)
correcting.);oprava: A pak, oprava je tak hotov. (Pak,

;program: Gtalk and other

such programs;program: Gtalk a jin takov programy;
T ;proofreading (read proof {nouner});korektura
(st korekturu {jmenec});n. E. proof

T : T ;repair: (I) am repairing (this),

because the engine got broken.;opravovat: Opravuji (to),
protoe se rozbil motor.;pol.

T : T ;correct: If you can

correct the mistakes, it (will) be just good.;opravit: Pokud (mi)
T;indicates demonstration (of sth.) show expose (to);ukzat oprav chyby, tak to bude prost dobr.;col.
odhalit zna ukzn (neho);suff. (or) T
T ;plan (prepare (and) scheme) scheme (prepare (and)
T: T ;show: scheme) prepare (prepare (and) scheme);naplnovat
As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am showing) (them) to (pipravit (a) naplnovat) plnovat (pipravit (a) naplnovat)
the dentist.;ukzat: Ponvad nemm dobr zuby, ukazuji (je) pipravit se (pipravit (a) naplnovat);T
( );project;projekt;sg. E. project

zubai.;cont. uw.

T : T T
T: T ;exhibit: (They) stop ;prepare: a book prepared as a file ((on)
computer);pipravit: kniha pipravovan jakoto soubor ((na)
the vehicles in front of the stage and (exhibiting) (they)
dance.;ukazovat (se): Zastav vozidla ped pdiem a (ukazujce potai);
(se)) tancuj.;pol.
T : T ;correct (writing): (I) (really)
didn't get time to correct (your writing).;opravit (chyby): Opravdu
T: T ;show: shown to be evident;ukzat:
jsem neml ( ~ "nedostal) as (ti to) opravit.;pol.
ukzan, aby byl evidentn;
T: T ;show: (He) shows (his) arm.;ukzat:
Ukazuje (svou) pai.;

T : T ;prepare: (He) prepares before

leaving.;pipravit: Pipravuje se ped odchodem.;

T( );calendar;kalend;sg. P. pakkha-dina (= visible


T : () T ( ~ T
);prepare: (I) am preparing to go to the office ( ~
T ;apart from repair ready, get;spravit (stroj atd.) pipravit offices).;pipravit se: Pipravuji se jt do kancele ( ~
kancel).;pol. cont.
se opravit (stroj atd.) krom;suff. adv. (or) T


T : T ;prepare: (I) am preparing to

go.;pipravit se: Pipravuji se jt.;cont. pol.
T ;correction (of a written work etc., correct (and)
assemble {nouner});oprava (napsanho, opravit (a) sestavit
T ;correct (mistakes): Please,
T :
correct (this) whenever (you) wish.;opravit (chyby): Prosm,
oprav (tohle) kdykoliv chce ( ~ "(bude) si pt).;imper. pol.
T : T T
T ;change ( ~ "correct): (It) is a sentence used
when (it) is not possible to change ( ~ "correct again)
(anything) any more.;zmnit ( ~ "opravit): Je (to) vta uvan
kdy u nen dn monost (cokoliv) zmnit ( ~ "znovu

T ;full, get reach (get-full) pass (about a year, month

etc., fill);naplnit se ubhnout (o roce, msci atd., naplnitse) doshnout (naplnit-se);I
T : T ;full: I am already 44 years
old. (My age is filled 44.);pln: Je mi ji 44 let. (Mj vk je
naplnnch 44.);pol. um.
T : T ;full, be: Now I am full of
energy to learn.;pln, bt: Te jsem pln energie k uen.;
T : T ;pass ( ~ fill): Even one year
still hasn't passed. (Even one year is still not filled.);naplnit se:
Jet tomu nebylo dokonce ani jeden rok. (Dokonce (ani)
jeden rok stle nen naplnn.);pol.

T : T ;country: (People
of) whole the country celebrate for three (or) four days.;zem
T ;severe, be (be-intense (and) strong) fierce, be (be- (vlast): Ti, tyi dny (lid) po ( ~ v) cel zemi slav.;pol.
intense (and) strong);krut, bt (bt-intenzivn (a) siln)
T : T ;country: steadfast, bountiful country;zem (stt):
drsn, bt (bt-intenzivn (a) siln);I
vytrval, bohat zem.;n.
T T ;intensively;intenzvn;adv.

T : T ;full, be: I am going to be 20.

T T :
((My) age is going to be full 20.);pln, bt: Bude mi plnch 20.
T T ;intensively: The sportsman breathes more ((Mj) vk bude plnch 20.);fut.
intensively than the woman.;intenzvn: Sportovec dch
T ( T );country homeland (country) land (country;zem
intenzivnji ne (ta) ena.;
(stt) zem (vlast) vlast;sg.
T ();French (language);Francouzsk (jazyk);name
T ( );octopus (big fish (of foreign)
T () ;France (country);Francie (zem);name

T ;repare, get prepare (oneself) ready, get;pipravit se

opravit;T col.

country);chobotnice (velk ryba (ciz) zem);sg.

T ;has been, already;u je (tomu);p.p.

T :
T : T ;prepare: Prepare (to go) early.;pipravit T ;has been, already: Today (it)
se: Piprav se (jt) brzy.;imper.
has been exactly four years, since I came to Sri Lanka from
my country.;u je (tomu): Dnes u je tomu ( ~ to bylo) pesn
T ;correct (mistakes for sb., correct (and) give);opravit
tyi roky, co jsem pijel na Sr Lanku z m zem.;p.p.
(chyby, pro nkoho (opravit (a) dt);T
T : T ;correct (mistakes): Can you T ;fulfill (fill (and) fill);splnit (naplnit-se (a) naplnit-se);I
correct the mistakes?;opravit (chyby): Me opravit
T : T T ( ~
chyby?;inter. fut.
T );full, be: (It) is (full) one hundred
percent of progress.;pln, bt: Je (to) (plnch) sto procent
T : T ;correct (for sb.): corrected
mistakes;opravit (pro nkoho): opraven chyby;
T : T ;complete: May the total (of)
T ;infidelity (wrong wronging) misconduct (wrong
wronging);nevra (patn chybovn) cizolostv (patn blessings be completed (for you).;naplnit: K je (pro tebe)
souhrn (vech) poehnn naplnn.;w. pol.
T : T ;fulfill: May (your) blessings
T : T ;play (theater): It is said, that
tonight's (theater) play (will be) good.;hra (divadeln): kaj, e be many and fulfilled.;splnit: K je (tvch) poehnn mnoho a
(jsou) splnn.;w. pol.
dnen (divadeln) hra (bude) dobr.;
T : T

T ;drama: Though previously we
did dramas (and) music competitions, today ( ~ as for
happening this time) we are going to have ( ~ hold)
discussion.;drama: Pestoe jsme dve dlali dramata (a)
soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat
( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.

T ;homegrown (in the country, in country) domestic

(in the country, in country) internal (in the country, in
country) local (in the country, in country);domc (v zemi,
ve stt) mstn (v zemi, ve stt) tuzemsk (v zemi,
ve stt) vnitrosttn (v zemi, ve stt);adj.

T ( );drama (shown drama) play (theatre, shown

drama);hra (divadeln, ukzan drama) drama (ukzan

T T ;Union of Burma (Myanmar country (of)

collected (and) set-up states);Unie Barmy (Myanmarsk
zem sesbranch (a) ustavench stt);name

T ( );drama;drama;sg.

T : T T ;as: (It) is
called as Union of Myanmar country.;jakoto: Nazv se Unie

T ( );theater (public-building (of) drama);divadlo

(veejn-budova dramat);sg.


T : T ;local: a local technical

journal;mstn: jeden mstn denk o technice (jeden vnitrosttn
technick denk);

T : T ;state: Kachin state;stt: stt

T : T
;state: (You) may see (there) states Kayah, Kayin,
Kachin, Chin, Mon, Yakhine (and) Shan.;stt: Me (tam)
uvidt stty Kaj, Kajen, Kahen, hen, Mon, Jakhain (a)
T : T
;state: Although these states and divisions
are divided, all Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live
together.;stt: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti
(regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn
chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;
T : T T ;state:
(It) is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~ live)
together.;stt: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony jsou ( ~
ij) spolu.;pol.

dokonm, protoe budu koprovat dvacet pt strnek.;fut. pol.

T ;fulfill (get-full (and) fat);splnit se (naplnit-se (a)
T : T ;fulfill: May (your) wishes fulfill.;splnit se:
K se spln (tv) pn.;w. pol.
T ;visa (permission (to) enter country);vzum
(povolen (ke) vstupu (do) zem);n.
T ;full, is (has filled {p.s.});pln, je (naplnil-se
T : T ;full, is: We have no room
available. (in hotel, At us (it) has filled (and) gone.);pln, je:
U ns je plno. (v hotelu, U ns se naplnilo (a) lo.);p.p. pol.
T : T ;ladies:
Ladies and gentlemen! (You, respectable men and
women.);dmy: Dmy a pnov! (Vy, ctyhodn pnov a

T ;general public (mass (of) country's persons (and)

T ( T );state (region, division) state (state people) public, general (mass (of) country's persons
(and) territory) region (division);sprvn stedisko stt
(and) people);irok veejnost (spousta osob (a) lid
(sprvn stedisko) stt (stt (a) teritorium);sg.
zem) veobecn veejnost (spousta osob (a) lid
T ;end of the year, at the (in filled year);konci roku, zem) veejnost, veobecn (spousta osob (a) lid
na (v naplnnm roce);adv.
T : T T : T () ( ~

;end of year, at the: At the end of the year );general public: for better understanding of
1920 the English government organized opening of the
general public;irok veejnost: pro lep pochopen irok
University of Yangon.;konci roku, na: Na konci roku 1920
anglick vlda uspodala oteven Yangonsk University.;writ. T ;republic (country (of) agreement (of the)
T ;abroad, be (devoid-of (our) country) foreign, be
country's people);republika (zem dohody lid (t)
(devoid-of (our) country);zahranin, bt (postrdajc (na) zem);n. P. sammata (= agreed upon)
zemi) cizin, bt v (postrdajc (na) zemi);
T ;specify (to do or follow sth.) prescribe (to do or follow
T : T ;abroad: the monks who live sth.) particularize (to do or follow sth.);upesnit (co se m
abroad;zahrani, v: mnii, kte ij v zahrani;
dlat i nsledovat) pedepsat (co se m dlat i nsledovat)
T T ;realize (fulfill, fill (and) reach) fulfill (fill (and)
specifikovat (co se m dlat i nsledovat);T S. prasthna
reach) accomplish (fill (and) reach);naplnit (uskutenit,
T ;pass a law;pijmout zkon;T P. upadesa (=
naplnit (a) doshnout) splnit (naplnit (a) doshnout)
advice, instruction) S. prasthna
realizovat (naplnit (a) doshnout) uskutenit (naplnit (a)
T : T ;pass a law:
(They) also passed a law (regarding the) university.;pijmout
T T :
zkon: Tak pijali zkon (ohledn t) university.;writ.
T T T ;fulfill: T ( );window (hole (which)
Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how to fulfill
stands-firm (and) shows);okno (dra (kter) pevn-stoj (a)
that intention.;uskutenit: Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten
zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.
T ( );window (exposing, firmly-

T : T ;after: After twenty- standing hole);okno (odhalujc, pevn-stojc dra);sg.

four days (I) can finish ( ~ complete).;po: Po dvaceti tyech
T: T ;museum: Where is the
dnech (to) mohu dokonit.;fut.
museum?;muzeum: Kde je muzeum?;inter.
T ;Pyay Road (Prome Road, road (of the) country) T: T ;museum: The museum and the
Prome Road (Pyay Road, road (of the) country);Pj, ulice
library.;muzeum: Muzeum a knihovna.;col.
(Prom, ulice, ulice sttu) Prom, ulice (Pj, ulice, ulice
T( );museum (showing-building) museum (building
(of) showing);muzeum (budova-ukazovn) muzeum
T ;after (if finished);za (pokud dokoneno);suff.

(budova ukazovn);sg.

T : T T
;after: After six days (I) will finish ( ~ complete),
because (I) will copy twenty-five pages.;za: Za est dn (to)

T : T ;break up (in relationship): Break up

with girlfriend.;rozejt se (ve vztahu): Rozejt se s ptelkyn.;col.

T ;break;rozbt;T

T ;decide (be-desicive much) decisive, be (break


explicitly) lucid, be (break explicitly) decide (break

explicitly) decisive, be (be-desicive much) distinct, be
(break explicitly);zeteln, bt (rozbt vslovn) rozhodn,
bt (rozbt vslovn) rozhodnout (rozbt vslovn)
rozhodnout se ((bt) hodn rozhodn) rozhodn, bt ((bt)
hodn rozhodn) ziv, bt (rozbt vslovn);I
T : T

;decide: As for
me, (when I) decide, (I) don't even look back ( ~ "turn (and)
look).;rozhodnout se: Co se te m, (kdy j) rozhodnu,
nepodvm se ani zpt ( ~ "otoit (a) podvat).;col.
T : (TT )
T ;decisive, be:
Minds of Asian people (especially Myanmars) cannot be as
greatly decisive as (those of) European people.;rozhodn, bt:
Mysli asijskch lid (zejmna Myanmar) nedokou bt tak
moc rozhodn jako (ty) Evropskch lid.;

znovu.;imper. pol.
T : T ;again: Do it again.;znovu: Udlej to znovu.;imper.
T : T ;go back: When will you go back?;vrtit
se: Kdy se vrt?;inter. fut. col.
T : T T T ;come
(back): When do (you) plan ( ~ have) to come to Myanmar
again.;pijt (zpt): Kdy plnuje ( ~ m) znovu pijt do
T : T T ;back: (He) never looks
back.;zpt: Nikdy se nepodv zpt.;
T : T ;reply: (I) cannot reply.;odpovdt: Nemohu
T : T ;return: (I) still haven't returned.;vrtit se:
Stle jsem se nevrtil.;pol.

T : T ( ~
T ;get back (also in T ) again return (also in T ) T T);answer: He still did not answer
back come back (also in T ) repair (return) reply
me.;odpovdt: Stle mi neodpovdl.;pol. um.
(also in T );navrtit se (tak v T ) vrtit se (tak v
T :
T ) znovu zpt vracet se (tak v T ) opravit
TT ;return
(vrtit) spravit (vrtit) vrtit se (tak v T
: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with mostly
T );adv. (or) T
wounded (people and) casualties.;vrtit se: Skupiny Hentvad
T : T ( ~
vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou zrannch (lid a) ztrtou
T );again: The monk
should ask (his) teacher again about (the teacher's)
T : T T ...;return: As it has come
name.;znovu: Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitee na
time for returning to work ...;vrtit se: Ponvad nastal as
jeho jmno ( ~ jmno uitele).;sl.
vrtit se k prci ...;
T :
T ;return: (He) returned (to own) T : T ;go back: I am going back home. (I will go
home.;vrtit se: Vrtil se (do svho) domu.;p.s. pol.
back home.);vracet se: Vracm se dom. (Vrtm se
T : T T ;again: (I) even (do not)
dom.);col. fut.
happen to meditate again.;znovu: Dokonce se ani nestane, e T;straggle (go having-gaps (and) broad)
bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
scattered, get (go having-gaps (and) broad);roztrousit se
T : T ;go back: Do not go (home)
without eating here ( ~ in this house).;vrtit se: Nevracej se
(dom) ani by ses tu najedl. (Bez jezen v tomto dom se
nevracej.);imper. pol.
T : T ;return: I'll return next
Monday.;vrtit se: Vrtm se pt pondl.;col.

(jt, mt-mezery (a) bt-irok) rozptlit se (jt, mtmezery (a) bt-irok);I

T ;return (back to work etc., for monks);vrtit se (zpt k

pci atd., pro mnichy);T ubmn.

T : T ;return: (I) am going to return (to

work), (for sure).. return: (I) am going to return (to work),
T : T ;come back: (I) have an (for sure).;vrtit se: Jdu se vrtit zpt (k prci) (rozhodn).
intention to come back for a while next year.;vrtit se: Mm
vrtit se: Jdu se vrtit zpt (k prci), (rozhodn)..;pol. ubmn.
zmr se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.
T ;call again;zavolat znovu;T
T : T ;next: (We) will meet again on a
next day.;pt: Setkme se znovu (njak) pt den.;fut.
T : T ;go (return): Go away! (Return, friends.);jt
(vrtit se): Jete pry! (Vrate se, ptel.);T

T : T ;reply: I am
sorry that (my) reply is late.;odpovdt: Omlouvm se, e se
(m) odpov zpozdila.;pol.

T ( );reply (return writing);odpov (zpten

T : T ;go (return): Go away! (Return, friend.);jt (vrtit psan);sg.
se): Jdi pry! (Vra se, pteli.);T
T ;return (to an activity after a long pause);vrtit se (k
T : T T ;again: If (you) want to be again innosti po dlouh odmlce);T
small, ( ~ young) (you) have to shrink (again).;znovu: Jestli
T : T ;return: (I) will return (to meditation).;vrtit
chce bt znovu mal ( ~ mlad), mus se (znovu)
se: Vrtm se (k meditaci).;fut.
T T : T T ;repair: Some have been
T : T ;later ( ~ "return): See you later. ((I) will
return, ok?);pozdji ( ~ "vrtit se): Nashledanou. ( ~ "Vrtm
se, ano?);fut. col.
T : T ;again: Write it again.;znovu: Napi to


repaired.;opravit: Nkter byly opraveny.;p.p.

TT;wide and even, be;irok a rovn, bt;I

T T;respond repeat (say again);odpovdt zopakovat

(ci znovu) opakovat (ci znovu);T


T T: T T;repeat: Please, repeat (it).;zopakovat:

Prosm, zopakuj (to).;pol.

T : T ;return: (I) return to the

meditation object of loving-kindness.;vrtit se: Vrtm se k
meditanmu pedmtu milujc-dobrotivosti.;writ.

T;proliferate (spread (and) develop) spread (spread

(and) develop);it se (it-se (a) rozvjet-se) rozit se
(it-se (a) rozvjet-se);I

T : T ;translate for sb.: (I) am

going to translate the sentence for (you) as (it) is.;peloit pro
nkoho: Pelom (tu) vtu pro (tebe) tak, jak je;fut.

T: T T T

;exhibition: As a
commemoration of the National Day, lectures, exhibitions (and)
competitions are held ( ~ made) (and) participated (by
people).;pehldka: Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho Dne,
pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou podny ( ~ dlny)
(a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.

T T: T T ;answer (answer
back (and) give): Thank you for answering (me)
back.;odpovdt: Dkuji za odpov (zpt).;pol.

[pyu.];squirt (syringe);stkat (stkakou);I

T ;translate for sb. (translate (and) give);peloit pro

nkoho (peloit (a) dt);T

T ;reply (in writing) translate (write

reversely);odpovdt (psemn) peloit (pst opan);T

T( );exhibition (event (of) showing);pehldka (udlost

T;problem issue (problem);problm pot (problm);n.
S. prana (= problem) (or) n. S. prana (= problem)

T : ... T

;translate: (It) will be alright to T: T

;problem: New and new troubles (and) problems
translated (it) as ...;peloit: Bude sprvn (to) peloit
appear.;problm: Objevuj se nov a nov pote (a) problmy.;
jakoto ...;fut. pol.
T : T ;reply T: T ( ~
);problm: This
(in writing): (My) father did not reply to anything ( ~ "all
person has made a big problem to himself.;problm: Tento
whatever) I wrote.;odpovdt (psemn): (Mj) otect
neodpovdl na nic co ( ~ "vechno cokoliv) jsem (mu) (j) lovk m ( ~ "si sm udlal) velk problm.;pol.
napsal.;p.s. pol.

T: T ;problem: Actually, it
T ;again (also again) more (again, also again) in wasn't a big problem.;problm: No, nebyl to velk problm.;pol.
return (also again);znovu (tak znovu) opt (tak
T: T T ;problem: (He) solved many
znovu) nazptek (tak znovu);adv.
problems.;problm: Vyeil mnoho problm.;
T : T T
T ;again: (It) is a sentence used when (it) is not
possible to change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any
more.;znovu: Je (to) vta uvan kdy u nen dn monost
(cokoliv) zmnit ( ~ "znovu opravit).;

T: ( ~ ) ( ~
T) T ;problems: In lay life, lay
people have various issues (and) problems.;problmy: V
laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;

T : T
T ;problem: (She) could not see the problems
connected with that teacher ( ~ chief monk).;problm:
;again: The great Alaung Min Taya Nedokzala vidt (ty) problmy spojen s tm uitelem.;pol.
thus could, indeed, again successfully unite the Myanmar
T( );difficulty problem;problm pot;sg.
country, build and set (it) up in order to (make it) well
(collected) (and) organized.;opt: Takto ohromn Alaung Min T;shallow, be cent of kyat, currency in Myanmar and Burma
Tay vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit (not used in modern day) penny cent (of kyat - not in use
(a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s. now) flat, be;setnk (iatu, dnes ji nen v obhu) ploch, bt
hal setnk atu, mny v Myanmaru a Barm (dnes se ji
T T ;change (change thing which happened in the
nepouv) placat, bt;I (or) (or) n.
past, correct again) take back (change thing which
T: T T;penny: sixteen kyats, 6 penny
happened in the past, correct again);vrtit zptky (zmnit
(historical price);hal: estnct iat, est hal (historick
vc, kter se stala v minulosti, znovu opravit) zmnit (zmnit cena);
vc, kter se stala v minulosti, znovu opravit);T
T: T ;penny: forty-four kyats
T T :
T T T ;take back: Having killed a
person, that is a mistake being a mistake which can never be
taken back.;vrtit zpt: Zabit osoby, to je chyba (kter) je
chybou, jakou ji nelze vrtit zpt. ;
T T ;repair (again do repair);opravit (znovu udlat
T : T ;return: (I)
returned after the talking.;vrtit se: Po (tom) povdn jsem se

(and) fourty penny (historical price);hal: tyicet tyi iat (a)

tyicet hal (historick cena);
T;Prakrit (language);prkrit (jazyk);name
T: T
;Prakrit: This is very near to ( ~ with) the
Prakrit language.;prkrit: To je velice blzko prkritu
(jazyku).;writ. pol.
;destroy slide fall down collapse scatter;svalit se
rozptlit roztrousit hroutit se zhroutit se zniit spadnout


: T
;destroy: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the
town Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;zniit:
Kvli velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve Bo
pti jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng. writ.

innosti u je to zna dokonav vid slovesa zna minul

dokonav as je tomu u u ji zna konec i ukonen
u, bt;suff. p.p. (or) suff. adv. (or) suff. (or) adv.

;finish having having (followed by a verb in p.p.)

indicates happening of sth. another after stop after (an
action) and then and (connects two sentences in a complex
: ;spread: May (you) be able to spread the sentence) by (in simple counting) and also end indicates
(Buddha's) present ( ~ the teachings).;it: K jsi schopen it following of another action or phenomenon (sth. having
happened, sth. another happens) yet also, and;zna
(Buddhv) dar ( ~ uen).;pol.
nsledovn dal innost i jevem (nco se stalo a po tom se
;topple (collapse (and) fall);svrhnout se (zhroutit-se (a)
stane nco dalho) zna, e nsleduje nco jinho skonit
a jet zakonit u za (pi jednoduchm potn) po
;topple (strike (and) fall);svrhnout (udeit-se (a)
tom, co a (po innosti) a pak a (spojuje dv jednoduch
vty v souvt) jet, a ukonit po (innosti) po

: T T T
tom,,co;suff. (or) T
;competition: As a
commemoration of the National Day, lectures, exhibitions (and)
competitions are held ( ~ made) (and) participated (by
people).;sout: Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho Dne,
pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou podny ( ~ dlny)
(a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.

: ;by: I will read

books one by one.;za: (J) budu st knihy jednu za
druhou.;fut. col. um.

: ;compete: (They) compete in

dance.;soutit: Sout v tanci.;pol.

: ;has been: Has (it) been long?;u je (to): Je (to)

u dlouho?;inter.

: ;already: I am already tired. (I happened

to be tired already.);u se: Jsem u unaven. (U jsem se stal
;compete (in game) compete contest;zpasit soutit;T unavenm.);p.p. um.
: ;already, be: (It) has been long already.;u, bt, trvat:
: ;compete: He wants to compete in
U je (to) dlouho.;
eating.;soutit: Chce soutit v jezen.;pol.

: () ;race:
Goal is the place in race, where (one) has to finally
arrive.;zvod: Cl znamen msto v zvod, kam (jeden) mus
nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.

: ; indicates p.p.: because the baby is

born;zna minul as dokonavho vidu: protoe se narodilo

: ;finish (indicates desire to end the discussion):

skonit ((That) was pretty good.);fajn (zna touhu ukonit
: T ;competition: He'll join a race (and
run). (He will join a running competition.);sout: (On) bude diskuzi): Fajn. ((To) bylo hezky dobr.);p.p. pol. col.
: ;start: (it) started jumping;zat: zaalo skkat;p.p.
zvodit. (On vstoup do bhac soute..);fut.

: T : ;indicates past perfect: I've come. (also used when

getting ready to come);zna minul dokonav as: Piel jsem.

T ;competition:
(tak uito pi pprav k pchodu);col.
Though previously we did dramas (and) music competitions,
today ( ~ as for happening this time) we are going to have ( ~ : ;indicates end of action: Post-office is
hold) discussion.;sout: Pestoe jsme dve dlali dramata closed.;zna konec innosti: Na pot maj zaveno. (Pota je
(a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v tuto dobu) budeme
diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.

( );competition (competition event) game

(competition event) match (competition event);sout
(udlost soute) hra (udlost soute) zpas
(udlost soute);sg.

: ;indicates p.p.: Having looked at all the

books.;zna minul dokonav as: Po podvn se na vechny
: ;by: Come one by one.;za:
Pijte jeden za druhm.;imper. pol.

;buckle (collapse (and) break) break down (collapse

(and) break);zboit se (zhroutit se a rozbt se) rozbt se
(zhroutit se a rozbt se);I

: ;after: I will go to
school after I eat the meal ( ~ rice).;a: Pjdu do koly a se
najm ( ~ a snm ri).;fut. col. um.

;destroy (collapse (and) break): Thought due
to the earthquake, some have been destroyed, many indeed
remain.;rozbt se (zhroutit se (a) rozbt se): Pestoe byly
nkter znieny zemtesenm, mnoho se vskutku

: ;and also: I will read

this book and also that book.;a jet: Budu st tuto knihu a
jet tamtu knihu.;fut. col. um.

;indicates end or finish already already, be has been

denotes past perfect tense denotes past perfect indicates
past perfect tense indicates end of action yet;zna konec


: ;after: I will reach Bago after

Yangon.;po: Po Rangnu dojedu do Bago (Pekh).;fut. col.
: ;yet: Have you bought ( ~ booked) the mat (
~ place to sit) yet?;u: U jsi koupil ( ~ zarezervoval) podloku
( ~ msto k sezen)?;inter.
: ;finish: When do (you) plan to ( ~ will)

finish?;skonit: Kdy plnuje ( ~ bude) skonit?;inter.

T ;finish: When (we) finish (practice (of)) meditation,
(I) answer the questions asked by the people.;skonit: Kdy
skonme (praxi) meditaci, odpovdm na otzky poloen ( ~
"ptan) lidmi.;pol. writ.
: ;after: After the rain ( ~ raining), sun
shines.;po: Slunce svt po deti ( ~ zapren);fut.
: ;after: After (he) comes, (he) sits
(down).;po tom, co: Po tom, co pijde, sedne si.;

finishing) besides (then, furthermore, after finishing)

then (after that, after finish) then (after finishing)
afterwards (after finishing);po (njak innosti atd.) pak
(po skonen) pozdji (po skonen) pak (po tom, po
skonen) krom toho (dle pak, po skonen) potom
(po skonen) pot (po skonen) pak;adv. col. (or)
conj. (or) adv.
: ;then:
Then, there are also ancient artcrafts.;dle: Dle, jsou tam tak
starovk umleck dla.;col. pol.

: ;indicates happening of sth. :

another: Having met very good teachers ...;zna, e nsleduje ;Then: Then, also, editorials and articles are still
published there.;Pak, a: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou tam
nco jinho: Potkal velice dobr uitele a ...;p.p.
stle publikovny.;pol.
: ;already: (it) is old (already);u: (u) je (to)

;then: First having turned left, then just turn
: ;having: having gone to sleep;po tom,,co: po tom, co
(you) should find the hotel.;pak: Nejprve
(jsem) el spt;p.p.

zatote vpravo, (a) tam byste ml uvidt
: ;after: Just after (I)
write it that way, (I) give (it) to the teacher.;po: Prv po tom, ( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.

co (to) tak ( ~ tm zpsobem) napi, dm to uiteli.;pol.

;after ((at the) time (of) finishing);po ((v) dob

: ;after: After the copying, (I)

go ( ~ "depart) for alms-round.;po:Po opisovn odchzm na
almun obchzku.;ubmn.
;ever;jet nikdy;suff. pref. p.p.
);ever: Haven't (you) ever
: ( ~
had?;jet nikdy: Jet jsi nikdy neml?;p.p.
;last (previous, which finished);minul (kter
;last: last week on
Thursday;minul: minul tden ve tvrtek;
;finished, have;dokonen, mt;suff.
: ;finished, have: (We) have
finished some writing until today.;dokonen, mt: Do dnes u
jsme njak to psan dokonili.;p.p.
;finish;dokonit zakonit;T

;then: (You) turn
right after the second traffic light (and) then go further straight
ahead for 200 meters.;pak: (Ty) zahni vpravo za druhm
semaforem (a) pak je dl rovn 200 metr.;imper. pol.
: ;after: after the lecture;po: po
;finish copletely indicates p.p. in passive voice;ukonit
zcela zna minul as dokonav v trpnm rod;T (or) pass.


;indicates p.p. in passive voice: notion, that
Buddhaghosa preferred several Sinhalese commentaries
(which were) written before his time (came).;zna minul
as dokonav v trpnm rod: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa oblbil
nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan ped nm
( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.

;following after (behind finishing) after (sth. is

: ;finish: when (it) was finished;dokonit:
finished, after (it is) finished);nsledujc po (za
kdy (to) bylo dokoneno;adv. writ.
skonenm) po (skonen neho, po skonen);prep. (or)
;finish complete finish (finish (and) come-tosuff. adv.
end);dokonit skonit (ukonit (a) skonit);T
: ( ~ )
: T T
;then: Then they were
;finish ( ~ complete): After six days (I) will finish ( ~
composed by the same thera in Sri Lankan language.;pak: Pak
complete), because (I) will copy twenty-five pages.;dokonit: Za
byly sepsny tm samm throu ve Sr Lanskm jazyce.;p.s.
est dn (to) dokonm, protoe budu koprovat dvacet pt
: T
strnek.;fut. pol.
;after (it is finished): After washing the clothes, (he)
: T ;finish: After twentyhangs the clothes in order to dry (it).;po (skonen toho): Po
four days (I) can finish ( ~ complete).;dokonit: Po dvaceti
vyprn obleen, v ( ~ povj [CZ col.]) (to) obleen aby
tyech dnech (to) mohu dokonit.;fut.
(je) usuil.;
: ;finish: The meditation is
: T
completely finished.;ukonit: Meditace je zcela ukonena.;
;after: It is after the following day after Thin: ;finish: (He) finishes (it)
gyan when is the first day of the Myanmar year.;po: Je to
completely.;dokonit: pln (to) dokonuje;
prv nsledujc den po Tendanu, kdy (zan) prvn den
;then after (an activity etc.) after that (after
Myanmarskho roku.;col. pol.


;just after after, just;po, hned hned po tom

hned na to po tom, hned;suff. writ. (or) adv. writ.

(his) eyes.;po tom, co: Po tom, co polo (jednu ruku na

druhou), dv se dopedu, dol na zem, otevenma oima.;pol.

;finished indicates completely finished action or

happening;ukonen skonen hotov zna kompletn
ukonen innosti i udlosti;suff. (or) adj. (or) suff. adj.

;after, just;po, hned;suff. writ.

: T ;indicates p.p.: I
have been learning Myanmar language for around one
year.;zna minul as dokonav: Um se Myanmarsk jazyk
(ji) asi jeden rok.;p.p. col.
: T T ;finished: Moreover, the
correction is also finished. (Then, correcting also is finished
correcting.);hotov: A pak, oprava je tak hotov. (Pak,
opravovn je tak skoneno opravovnm.);p.p. pol.

;after ((at) time of finishing) when (sth.) is

finished;kdy je (nco) hotov po ((v) dob od
skonen);adv. (or) adv. writ.
;accomplish (finishing has-gone) finish (finishing hasgone);skonit (ukonen odelo) dokonit (ukonen
T ();finished: (For) today I finished
learning Myanmar language.;skonil: Pro dneek jsem se
skonil uit Myanmarsky.;p.p. um.

: ;indicates completely finished action or

;yet (finished definitely) already (finished definitely);u
happening: It is bought yet..;zna kompletn ukonen innosti (skoneno definitivn) ji (skoneno definitivn);adv.
i udlosti: U je (to) zakoupeno.;p.p.
: ;indicates p.p.: The man has ;already: I already have a car, therefore (I)
climed the mountain.;zna min. as dokonav: Ten mu (ji)
don't need this one ( ~ "car) any more.;u: U jedno auto
vylezl na horu.;p.p.
mm, take u nepotebuji tohle (auto).;
T ;accomplish (finish (and) reach-apex) finish (finish ;do creat commit make act spread (make) look
(and) reach-apex);dovrit (dokonit, skonit (a) doshnoutafter inclined to, be become establish;vykonat stt se
vrcholu) skonit (skonit (a) doshnout-vrcholu) dokonit zaloit udlat sklon k, mt it (dlat) dlat init
(skonit (a) doshnout-vrcholu);T
tvoit starat se o;I (or) T
;after (if (you) finish) after that, and (if finished)
then, and (if finished);pak, a (pokud skoneno) za
(pokud skon) potom, a (pokud skoneno);adv. (or)
suff. adv.

;smile;usmvat se;T

;when (is something finished;kdy (je nco


draw) compose (make, collect, write (and) draw) compile

(make, collect, write (and) draw);sepsat (udlat, sesbrat,
napsat (a) nartnout) napsat (literrn dlo, udlat, sesbrat,
napsat (a) nartnout);T

: ;smile: if (she) were smiling in the

picture;usmvat se: kdyby se na obrzku usmvala;

: ;smile: (I) am just always

: ;after: After the smiling.;usmvat se: Prost se pod usmvm.;pol. cont.
second traffic light (you) turn left.;za: Za druhm semaforem ;care for (a sick person, make (and) collect) take care of
(ty) zato vlevo.;imper. pol.
(a sick person, make (and) collect) nurse (a sick person,
make (and) collect) attend to (a sick person, make (and)
;after: (You) turn
collect) look after (a sick person, make (and)
right after the second traffic light (and) then go further straight collect);peovat o (nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat) postarat se
ahead for 200 meters.;za: (Ty) zahni vpravo za druhm
o (nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat) starat se o (nemocnho,
semaforem (a) pak je dl rovn 200 metr.;imper. pol.
dlat (a) sbrat);T
: ;then, and: (I) : ;nurse: The
am going to take a shower, and then (I) will ( ~ "am going to) nurse is nursing the girl.;peovat o: Sestika peuje o
have a meal.;pak, a: Jdu se osprchovat a pak se jdu najst.;fut. dve.;cont.
;write (a literary piece, make, collect, write (and)

: ;when finishes: when the studying

finishes;kdy skon: kdy studium skon;p.p.

: T ;after: After the (theater) play ;boiled (about food) boil;vait uvaen (o jdle);T (or) adj.
(as for me,) I will go to sleep.;po: Po (t) (divadeln) he, (co ;fall (get-loose (and) fall) fall (be-detached (and) fall)
se te (m)) (j) pjdu spt.;fut.
drop (get-loose (and) fall) fall (lose (and) fall);upadat
: (uvolnit (se a) padat) spadnout (ztratit (a) padat) padat

;when (is something finished): Turn left,

(uvolnit (se a) padat) padat (ztratit (a) padat) spadnout
(and) having passed the next street, on the right (you) should (bt-odpojen (a) padat) spadnout (uvolnit (se a) padat);I
find the hotel.;kdy (je nco dokoneno): Zahnte vlevo, (a) a (or) T
pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml uvidt ( ~ najt)
T ;right (make (and) correct) improve (make (and)
hotel.;imper. fut. col.
correct) repair (make (and) correct) reform (make (and)

repair) develop (also about a country, make (and)
;after: After (he) puts (one hand on
repair);opravit (udlat (a) opravit) reformovat (vytvet (a)
another), (he) looks in front, down on the floor, having opened opravovat) rozvjet (tak o zemi, vytvet (a) opravovat)


napravit (udlat (a) opravit) zlepit (udlat (a) opravit);T

T T ;reform (make, repair (and) change (and)
change) develop (also about a country, make, repair (and)
change (and) change);rozvjet (tak o zemi, vytvet,
opravovat (a) mnit (a) mnit) reformovat (vytvet,
opravovat (a) mnit (a) mnit);T
T T ;development (also about a country, make,
repair (and) change (and) change {nouner});rozvjet (tak o
zemi, vytvet, opravovat (a) mnit (a) mnit {jmenec});T
T T : T T T T
;development: (There) is being done an
extremely much (of) work (for) the development of Myanmar
country.;rozvoj: Dl se extrm moc prce (za elem)
rozvoje zem Myanmaru.;cont.
;behave (do (and) act);chovat se (dlat (a) init);T
; behavior (way to-do (and) act);chovn (zpsob (jak
se) chovat a init);

(and) wronging) smooth, be (about one's speech or manners,

pleasing (and) wronging);hladk, bt (o nch zpsobech i
ei, pjemn (a) chybujc) elegantn, bt (o nch
zpsobech i ei, pjemn (a) chybujc);I
T ( ) (rather as T ) ;race (running
competition);zvod (sout (v) bhn);sg.
T;relax (also about muscles, loosen (and)
slacken);uvolnit se (tak o svalech, povolit (a) povolit);I
T;say talk speak;promluvit si ci bavit se (povdat si)
povdat mluvit;T
T ( ~ ""): ;talk ( ~
"eat): I can talk just a little bit in (English). (As for (saying how
to) eat food (and) drink water, that's just right.) (answer to the
question about one's proficiency in a foreign language);mluvit
( ~ "jt): Umm mluvit (anglicky) jen troiku. (Je v podku
(tak mon ci) jst jdlo (a) pt vodu.) (odpov na otzku o
n schopnosti mluvit njakm cizm jazykem);pol.

;create (make (and) do) carry out (make (and) do)

produce (make, make (and) do) make (make (and)
do);dlat (vyrbt, dlat (a) dlat) vytvet (vyrbt, dlat
(a) dlat) vyrbt (vyrbt, dlat (a) dlat) vykonat
(udlat (a) dlat);T

T: T ;talk: I want to talk with

you.;mluvit: Chci s tebou mluvit.;col. um.

sprvn znalosti.);prov.

T: T ;speak: I can't speak in

English.;mluvit: Neumm mluvit anglicky.;pol. uw.

T: T
;explain ( ~ "say): As I am afraid, that if (I) had to
explain ( ~ "tell) (it) in ( ~ "with) writing, (it) would take long
: T ;build ( ~ time, (it) will be good if (you) understand ( ~ "get) (it) just by
( ~ "with) knowledge.;vysvtlit ( ~ "ci): Ponvad se obvm,
"make): The car was build using plenty of metal.;postavit ( ~
e kdybych (to) ml vysvtlit ( ~ "ci) (s) psanm, trvalo by
"udlat): Auto bylo postaveno uitm spousty kovu.;
(to) dlouho, bude dobr, pokud (to) pochop pouze s (vlastn)
: T ;do:
Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing again and again
T: T ;tell: Because I
(one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
cannot tell it so that (you) understand thoroughly.;ci: Protoe
knowledge.);dlat: Opakovn je matkou moudrosti. (Dln
to neumm ct tak, abys to pochopil pln.;col. pol. uw.
znovu a znovu (jeden-po-druhm) je (prost) matkou
;create: Because of that (thing) they create
T: T;say: Please, say it one
obstacles (to themselves) on the way to Nibbna.;vytvet:
more time.;ci: Prosm, ekni to jet jednou.;imper. pol.
Kvli tomu ( ~ "t vci) si (oni) vytvej pekky na cest k T: T ;say: They say: Aren't you
Nibbn.;pol. writ.
crazy?;ci: kaj: Nejsi len?;inter. col. um.
: T T T
T: T ;talk: We talk about the

;hold ( ~ made): As a
Law (Dhamma).;povdat si: Povdme si o Zkon
commemoration of the National Day, lectures, exhibitions (and) (Dhamm).;col.
competitions are held ( ~ made) (and) participated (by
T: TT ;talk: (He) is talking and
people).;podat ( ~ dlat): Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho
talking.;mluvit: Mluv a mluv.;cont.
Dne, pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou podny ( ~
T: T;talk: Continue. (Talk further.);povdat:
dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.
Pokrauj. (Mluv dl.).;imper. pol.
T : T ;window:
behind the curtain (there is) a window;okno: za zclonou je

T: T
;say ( ~ "talk): OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said,
indeed, 'let (us) talk briefly'), nearby there is no more (any)
T : T
;window: The window is cold drinks bar.;ci ( ~ "mluvit): Dobe, strun eeno ( ~
open.;okno: Okno je oteven.;cont.
kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech mluvme strun), pobl
T;satisfied, be;spokojen, bt;I
ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi npoji.;col. pol.
T;run;bet bhat;T
T: T;speak: (I) speak about the female
T: T ;satisfied, be: (I) satisfied.;spokojen, bt: Jsem

supporters.;mluvit: Mluvm o podporovatelkch.;pol.

T: T T ;run: (He) runs quickly.;bhat: B


T: T T;speak: Then, who can I

speak to? (also during telephone conversation);mluvit: Tak s
km mohu mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. fut.

TT ;elegant, be (about one's speech or manners, pleasing

T: T ;tell: I will tell him to


come today.;ci: eknu mu, aby dnes piel.;fut. pol. um.

give.);ci: ekni mu za m. (Jemu ekni (a) dej.);imper. pol.

T: TT ;talk: (we) happened to talk

around half of an hour;bavit se: (stalo-se), e jsme se bavili
asi pl hodiny.;p.s.

T: T ;tell: He always tells me

truth.;ci: Vdycky mi k pravdu.;

T: TT ;say: (I) happened to say;ci: stalo se, e

(jsem) ekl;p.s.

T: T ;say: (He) said (that) he'll

come.;ekl: ekl, e pijde.;pol.

T: T ;talk: (They) talk (about)

T: T ;speaking: (Your way of) speaking is very many things.;bavit se: Bav se o hodn vcech.;
cruel.;mluvit: (Zpsob jakm) mluv, je velice krut.;col.
T: T ;talk: Who is speaking (now)?
T: T ...;say: How to say it ... (the shape (of) well (also in telephone conversation);mluvit: Kdo je u telefonu?
saying ...);ci: Jak bych to ekl ... (ten tvar sprvnho
(Kdo te mluv?) (tak do telefnu);inter. col.
een ...);
T: T ;speak: Can you speak in
T: T ;speak: (He) speaks by mouth.;mluvit:
Mluv sty.;

English (language)?;mluvit: Mluvte anglicky? (Dokete

mluvit anglickm jazykem?);inter.

T: TT T;speak: Speak slowly!.;mluvit: Mluv(te)

pomalu!;imper. pol.

T: T ;speak: (I) can

fairly speak in English.;mluvit: Anglicky docela umm

T: T ;talk: (Your) Burmese

(language talking) is (just) very good! ;Barmsk jazyk:
(Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ Barmskm jazykem mluven) je
(prost) velice dobr!;col.
T: T;speak: Speak in Burmese.;mluvit: Mluv
barmsky.;imper. pol.
T: T ;talk: How can I talk (in
English), dear lad?;mluvit: Jak bych mohla mluvit (anglicky),
drah mldene?;inter. col.
T: TT;say: whatever (you) say;ci: cokoliv
T: T;say: (I) said nothing.;ci: Nic (jsem)
T: T ;speak: (I) cannot speak (English).;mluvit:
Neumm (anglicky). ((I) cannot speak (anglicky).);
T: T;tell: Don't be shy. Tell (it to me).;ci:
Nesty se. ekni (mi to).;imper. pol.

T: T ;speak: (I) can speak only in

English.;mluvit: Umm mluvit pouze anglicky (v anglitin).;pol.
T: T ;talk: When (I) am free (and
we) meet (by chance), (we) will talk.;promluvit si: Kdy budu
voln (a) (nhodou) se setkme, promluvme si.;fut. pol.
T ;explain (say (and) look);vysvtlit (ci (a) podvatse);T col.
T : T ;explain: Hey, explain (it).;vysvtlit: Hele,
vysvtli to.;imper. col.
T ;joke;vtipkovat;T
T ;change (also about a place or person) translate
(change) change;mnit zmnit (tak o mst i osob)
peloit (zmnit) zmnit mnit (tak o mst i osob);T
(or) T col.
T : T T ;translate: (I) translate from
Pi to Myanmar (language.);pekldat: Pekldm z Pi do

T: T T ;speak: I can
speak in Myanmar language better ( ~ more) than in Mon
T ( );gaur (bovine animal);gaur (mohutn tur rodu
language.;mluvit: Umm mluvit Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ pevkavc);sg.
vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;
T joke;vtipkovat;T;
T: T;tell: Tell (me) what (you) need.;ci:
T T ;change (change {nouner});zmna (mnit
ekni (mi) co potebuje.;imper.

T: T ;speak: (I) still cannot speak much T ( );maize (sweet corn, bud (of) maize) corn,
(well in Burmese).;mluvit: Jet (Barmsky) moc (dobe) neumm sweet (maize, bud (of) maize);kukuice, sladk (kvt
kukuice) sladk kukuice (kvt kukuice);sg.
T: T ;say: He
T ; change residence (change (and) move) migrate
says he has good intentions.;ci: k, e m dobr
(change (and) move);pesthovat se (zmnit (a) pohybovatzmry.;pol.
se) sthovat se (zmnit (a) pohybovat-se);T
T: T ;say: Though he says, I
don't believe (it).;kat: Pestoe k, nevm (tomu).;um.

T ;change (change (and) change);mnit (mnit (a)

mnit) zmnit (mnit (a) mnit);T

T: T ;speak: Who did he speak

with?;mluvit: S km mluvil?;inter. col.

T ;shift (change) move (change position) modify

transform change;mnit posunout (change) pohnout se
(zmnit pozici) zmnit pemnit;T

T: T ;tell: I told him many

times.;ci: ekl jsem mu (to) mnohokrt.;pol. um.

T : T ;change (transform): (I) also

T: T ;tell: Tell him (that) transform (it) to the form of zmnit (pemnit).;esej: Tak (to)
I cannot come today.;ci: ekni mu, e dnes nemohu
pemnm do formy eseje.;col.
pijt.;imper. pol. um.
T ;change alter (change);mnit zmnit;T
T: T;tell: Tell him for me. (To him tell (and)
T; speak (tell (and) say) declare (tell (and) say) say


(tell (and) say) tell (tell (and) say) speak (speak (and)
say);ci (povdt (a) ci) mluvit (mluvit (a) kat) speak
(povdt (a) ci) prohlsit (povdt (a) ci);T
T: TT ;speak: as (I) see, that (you)
can speak and write;mluvit: ponvad vidm, e um mluvit a
T T ;speak: As for (what) is planned, as
is the custom, (the speakers) will talk (as follows,) the
proposer one turn (and) the defendant one turn. (Each turn
another speaking group will talk.);mluvit: Co se te
naplnovanho, jak je zvykem, (mluv) budou mluvit tak, e
navrhovatel (bude mluvit) jedno kolo (a) vyvrace (tak) jedno
kolo. (Tj. kad kolo bude mluvit ta jin skupina).;pol.
T ;what (one) says;co (nkdo) k;
T : T ( ~
);what (one) says: All what you say, (I) like.;co
(nkdo) k: Vechno co k, (j) mm rd.;
TT;reveal (tell (and) show) explain (say (and)
show);odhalit (ci (a) ukzat) vysvtlit (ci (a) ukzat);T

;openly (about talking etc., open (and) oflight);oteven (si popovdat atd., oteven (a) svteln);I

: T ;openly:
(I) want to talk with you intimately (and) closely.;oteven: Chtl
bych si s tebou popovdat dvrn (a) oteven.;pol.

;bloom (open (and) be-fresh) blossom (open (and)
be-fresh);kvst (otevt-se (a) bt-erstv);I

The study of national literature also happened to be
opened.;otevt: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn
; carp (complain, swell equally, swell equally) complain
(swell equally, swell equally) grumble (complain, swell
equally, swell equally);kritizovat (stovat si, bobtnat
rovnomrn, bobtnat rovnomrn) stovat si (bobtnat
rovnomrn, bobtnat rovnomrn) reptat (stovat si,
bobtnat rovnomrn, bobtnat rovnomrn);T col.

: ;develop: (He)
developed meditation technique according to (his)
TT: TT ;reveal, experience.;rozvinout: Rozvinul meditaci ( ~ "zpsob meditace)
the: You are the first person to who I reveal my
dle (svch) zkuenost.;
secrets.;odhalit: Jsi prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv
;nurture (in meditation, develop) train practise
(develop) progress (while training) practise improve (by
TT: TT ;explain: He explains
me.;vysvtlit: On mi vysvtluje.;pol. um.

usage);trnovat zlepovat (uvnm) praktikovat (rozvjet)

praktikovat pokroit (pi trninku) ivit (v meditaci,

TT ;explain: (It) is good to explain (it) based : T ;develop: May I tell you, that I have
on his understanding.;vysvtlit: (Bude) dobr (mu to) vysvtlit v never practised (meditation)? (Should (I) tell (you), that (I)
zvislosti na jeho pochopen.;pol.
have already developed?);rozvinout: Mm ti ct, e jsem nikdy
TT: TT ;explain: Because nepraktikovala (meditaci)? (Mla bych (ti) ci, e (jsem) ji
rozvinula?);inter. col.
(I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be difficult.;vysvtlit:
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col.

;num. class. for helpings, platefuls or portions;itatel porc,

plnch tal i dl;pow.
: ;plaster: How many
packets of plaster will you take?;nplast: Kolik balk nplast : ;concert: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a
si vezmete?;inter. fut.
concert tonight.;koncert: (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu podvat
na koncert.;fut. col.
( );plaster;nplast;sg. E. plaster
( );parata (Indian savoury pancake);pald
(Indick pliv zkusek);sg.
( );pawa (women's light scarf used for formal
occasions, tabet or pawa, yellow outside) scarf (women's
light scarf used for formal occasions, tabet or pawa, yellow
outside);pawa (dmsk lehk la uvan pro formln
udlosti, tabet nebo pawa, lut venku) la (dmsk
lehk la uvan pro formln udlosti, tabet nebo pawa,
lut venku (?));sg. P. pvra (= cloak, mantle)

: ;num. class. for helpings, platefulls or

portions: two platefuls of fish & chips;itatel porc, plnch tal
i dl: dva pln tale ryby a hranolek;

;concert: Whose concert (is it)?;koncert: (je to)
koncert?;inter. col.
: ;num. class. for helpings, platefulls or portions:
four portions of baked beans;itatel porc, plnch tal i dl:
tyi porce peench fazol;

: T ;festival: It can be also

called ( ~ heard) as Myanmar new year crossing
festival.;festival: Me bt tak nazvno ( ~ slyeno) jakoto
: T ; num. class. for flowers: one red lotus Festival myanmarskho novoronho pekroen.;col. pol.
(and) one white (lotus);itatel kvtin: jeden erven leknn (a)
: ;tray: Give dowry of coconut
jeden bl (leknn);
(tray) (and) banana tray.;tc: Dej vno tcu kokos (a)
(tcu) bann.;imper. col.
: T
;open, be: The window is
open.;oteven, bt: Okno je oteven.;cont.
( );festival tray celebration;festival oslava tc;sg.
;num. class. for flowers open, be;oteven, bt itatel
kvtin;I (or) pow.

;open, be (open (and) of-light);oteven, bt (oteven ;audience (people (who) watch (the) event)
(a) svteln);I
assembly (spectators, people (who) watch (the) event)


people (spectators, people (who) watch (the) event)

: ;indicates politeness: One (pen) is 25
spectators (people (who) watch (the) event);shromdn
kyats.;zna zdvoilost: Jedno (pero) je 25 at.;pol.
(divci, lid (kte) sleduj udlost) divci (lid (kte)
: ;indicates politeness: Sit down.;zna zdvoilost:
sleduj udlost) posluchai (lid (kte) sleduj udlost) Sednte si.;imper. pol.
lid (divci, lid (kte) sleduj udlost);n. P. parisa (=
: ;contain: This does not have meat in. (This
does not contain meat.);obsahovat: V tomhle nen maso.
( );middle man (affair letter) mediator (affair (Tohle neobsahuje maso.);pol.
letter) agent (affair letter);zprostedkovatel (dopis
: ; indicates politeness: Do not sit down
zleitost) jednatel (dopis zleitost) zstupce (dopis here.;zna zdvoilost: Nesedejte si tady.;pol.
: T T ;with:
;festival (great event);festival (velk udlost);n.

: T ;festival: Thingyan means ( ~ is called) one of festivals of Myanmar

country.;festival: Tendan se k jednomu z (celo)nrodnch
festival.;col. pol.
( );concert;koncert;sg.
;fifth;pt;num. P. pacama (= fifth)
;tricks (of parlour magic) magic (parlour) sleight of
hand;triky (jevitn magie) magie (jevitn);n.
(WS. from );magic (parlour);magie
(jevitn);n. WS.

This picture shows a body with two legs.;se: Tento obrzek

ukazuje tlo se dvmi nohami.;

: T ;starring, be: In this movie

he is starring as a villain.;hrt hlavn roli (ve filmu): V tomto
filmu hraje hlavn roli darebka.;pol.
: T : T T ;be (be-included): If there's
kamma (for it) to happen, (then it) will just happen.;bt (btzahrnut): Je-li kamma k tomu, aby se (to) stalo, (pak se to)
: ;contain: Which contains
meat?;obsahovat: Kter je s masem? (Kter obsahuje

;precepts, five (precepts for lay people, namely no

killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying and no
: T
taking intoxicants);pravidel, pt (pravidla pro laiky, tj. nezabjen, ;include: In the Myanmar
nekraden, vyhbn se cizolostv, nelhan a neuvn
newspapers there are included all news on religions, education,
omamnch ltek vetn alkoholu);Bh. paca-sla (= five economics and politics.;zahrnout:V Myanmarskch novinch
byly zahrnuty vechny novinky o nboenstvch, vzdln,
ekonomice a policice.;pol.
;starring, be (in a movie) including (include) indicates
politeness with (include) indicates polite ending of a
verbless sentence contain include with, be;zahrnovat
zna slunost nebo ctu vetn (zahrnovat) zna slun
zakonen neslovesn vty. obsahovat s (zahrnovat) mt
(s sebou, u sebe, v sob) hrt hlavn roli (ve filmu);I (or) suff.
(or) T (or) suff. pol.
;indicates emphasis indicates politeness;zna zdvoilost
zna zdraznn;suff.

: T ;indicates end of list of

things in an answer: New Light of Myanmar and The Mirror.
(names of newspapers);zna konec vtu vc v odpovdi: The
New Light of Myanmar and the Mirror. (Svtlo Myanmaru a
Zrcadlo - jmna novin).;pol.
: ;indicates politeness: (It is) miss Thida. indicates
politeness: (Here is) miss Thida. (also in telephone
conversation);zna zdvoilost: (Zde je) slena Td (i do
telefnu) zna zdvoilost: (Je to) slena Td.;pol.

;num. class. for monks num. class. for kings and other
respected people and phenomena noble (used rather as num. : ;include: What are your hobbies, sir? (Sir,
class.) num. class. for mind and body thin;itatel mnich what hobbies (are) included?);zahrnout: Jak mte konky,
ulechtil (uvno spe coby itatel) itatel krl a dalch
pane? (Pane, jak konky (jsou) zahrnuty?);inter.
respektovanch lid a jev tenk itatel mysli a tla;pow. (or) : ;indicates politeness: Come in, please.;zna
zdvoilost: Vstupte, prosm.;imper. pol. um.
: ;thin: From 1970 : ;indicates politeness: Write as he
until 1989 the newspapers were thin.;tenk: Od 1970 do 1989 writes.;zna zdvoilost: Pi tak jako pe on.;imper. pol.
byly noviny tenk.;pol.
: ;indicates politeness: He will come. (He
: ;indicates politeness: I am Mrs. Mama.;zna comes.);zna zdvoilost: (On) pijde. (Pichz.);col.
zdvoilost: Jsem pan Mama.;pol. uw.
: ;please (indicates politeness): Look
: ;too (included): On the
at those two (persons);prosm (zna slunost): Podvej na ty
floats also there are dancing groups too (included).;t
dv (osoby);imper. pol.
(obsaen): Na (tch) vozidlech, tak, jsou t tanen
: T ;contain: If (there) is (contained) a
skupiny.;col. pol.
mistake, correct (it).;obsahovat: Je-li (tam) (obsaena) chyba,
: ;num. class. for mind and body: body (and)
mind, both;itatel mysli a tla: tlo (a) mysl;
: ;noble: five (noble) precepts;ulechtil: pt
(ulechtilch) pravidel;


oprav (ji).;imper. pol.

: ;include: That (one) is also included,
indeed.;zahrnout: Ten je tak zahrnut, vskutku.;col.
: ;num. class. for monks: a monk

called ven. Makara;itatel mnich: mnich, (kter se) jmenuje ct. dokonalost, nap. tdrost, ctnost, soucit atd., kter je teba
vylepit aby bylo mon doshnout osvcen) dokonalosti (je
deset dokonalost, nap. tdrost, ctnost, soucit atd., kter je
--;as well as;i;suff.
teba vylepit aby bylo mon doshnout osvcen);n. P. pram
;as well as: (I) Can help you as well as your (= perfection)
boyfriend. (For you also, for your boyfriend including (I) can
give help.);i: Mohu pomoci tob i tvmu pteli ( ~ milmu).
(Pro tebe tak, pro tvho ptele vetn, mohu dt
( );cheek;tv;sg.
;indicates emphasis;zna zdraznn;suff. writ.
: T ;mouth: (He) speaks by mouth.;sta:
Mluv sty.;
: ;mouth: (I) move (my)
tongue a little in the mouth.;sta: Pohnu trochu jazykem v

: T ;perfections:
As for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my) perfections.;dokonalosti:
Co se te m, jsem pipraven naplnit (sv) dokonalosti.;pol.

: ;perfections: (I) suppose, that

(you) are person of extraordinary perfections.;dokonalosti:
Domnvm se, e jsi lovk neobyejnch dokonalost.;pol.
: ( ) ;perfections: (I) think, (it) is
because (I have) little perfections ( ~ pram).;dokonalosti:
Myslm si, e je (to), protoe (mm) mlo dokonalost ( ~

: ;mouth: live from hand to

mouth (life of movement of mouth from movement of
hand);pusa: t z ruky do pusy (ivot pohybu st z pohybu

;included, be (include (and) be) contained, be (include

(and) be);zahrnut, bt (obsahovat (a) bt) obsaen, bt
(obsahovat (a) bt);T

;parcel: The postman delivers two
parcels.;balk: Listono doruuje dva balky.;

T ;contain: (It) is one of the suttas, which
contains commentarial factors.;obsahovat: Je (to) jedna ze sutt,
kter obsahuj komenttorsk faktory.;

: ;included, be: There

( );mouth (cheeks (are) connected);pusa (sta, tve are five books of Vinaya included in Vinaya Piaka.;obsaen,
bt: Ve Vinaja Piace je obsaeno pt knih Vinaji.;writ. pol.
(jsou) spojeny) sta (tve (jsou) spojeny);sg.
( );mouth (connected cheeks);pusa (sta, ;contained, be (included (and) entered) included, be
(included (and) entered) included, be (include (and)
spojen tve) sta (spojen tve);sg.
( );mouth (connected cheeks);pusa (st tla, enter);zahrnut, bt (obsaen (a) vstoupen) zahrnut, bt
(zahrnovat (a) vstupovat) obsaen, bt (obsaen (a)
spojen tve);sg.
( );cheek;tv;sg.

( );parcel (parcel package);balk (balk,

balk);sg. E. parcel
;indicates end of sentence;zna konec vty;pol.
;does not not is not indicates negative verb or
sentence;zna sloveso i vtu v zporu ne- nikoliv
nen;suff. pol. (or) suff. & pref. col. pol.

: T ;include:
the historical events included in the commentaries;zahrnout:
historick udlosti zahrnut v komentch;writ.
: ;included, be: (It) is completely
included there.;obsaen, bt: Je (to) tam zcela obsaeno.;
T;with reference to;s ohledem na;

( );cheek (elevated cheek);tv (vyven tv);sg. : T T ;Pali: (I) translate from Pi to

Myanmar (language.);Pli: Pekldm z Pi do
( );professor;profesor;sg. P:
pmokkha (= chief, leader)
: T ;Pi (language): I
;may (I) get to;k se mi dostane;
translate a Pi (writing) in English.;pi (jazyk): Pekldm
: ;may (I) get to: May (I) get to know (your)
(psan (v)) pi do anglitiny.;pol.
name. (a request to a monk);k se mi dostane: K se mi
;Pali language;Pli, jazyk;n. P. pi (= Pali (language))
dostane vdn (tvho) jmna. (dost mnichovi);pol. utmn.
;Pi (language etc., great Pi);Pi (jazyk atd.,
ohromn Pi);n.
;may: Now, may (I), as the chairman,
: T () T

introduce the speakers to those, who came ( ~ to the
;Pi: It is accepted by
audience).;k: Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda, pedstavm
some philosophers, that the (great) Pi Ahakath were
mluv obecenstvu.;pol.
certainly translated.;pi: Nktermi filosofy je pijato, e Pi
;perfections (there are ten perfections, such as generosity,
Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.
morality, compassion etc., which one must improve in order to
attain enlightenment) parami (there are ten perfections, such : ;Pi: Pi
commentaries are known.;Pi: Pi komente jsou znm.;writ.
as generosity, morality, compassion etc., which one must
;sutta (Pi sutta (which is) great) discourse
improve in order to attain enlightenment);pram (je deset
(Pi sutta (which is) great);sutta (Pi sutta(~promluva) (kter


je) ohromn) promluva (Pi sutta(~promluva) (kter je)

ohromn);n. Bh. P. pi-sutta (= Pi discourse)
;discourse: (They) recite Pi suttas also at
home.;promluva: Recituj pi promluvy tak doma.;
;piaka (main collection of suttas or other Pi
sayings);piaka (hlavn sbrka sutt i jinch Pi rozprav);n. Bh.
lit. P. piaka (= canon)

nevm. Co kaj je pli daleko (mmu chpn).;col.

: ;send: (I) request (you)
to send ((and) give) (another one) again.;poslat: Zdvoile (t)
dm, abys znovu (njak) poslal ((a) dal).;pol.
: ;more: Calling (me) as a
small supporter is more appropriate.;vce: Je vhodnj m
nazvat malm podporovatelem.;pol.
: ;more: This is more friendly,
indeed.;vce: Tohle je, vskutku, pteltj.;col.

; Tipiaka (Buddhist main scripture) Tipiaka (the

main Buddhist Pi scripture, form (of) three
: ;more: This book is
collections);Tipiaka (hlavn spis buddhismu) Tipiaka (hlavn better than that book.;vce: Tato kniha je lep ne tamta
Buddhistick Pi spis, podoba t kolekc);name P. piaka (= kniha.;
canon) (or) name Bh. lit. P. piaka (= canon, basket)

;send: I won't send

Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of commentaries were
rehearsed.;Tipiaka: Nejen Tipiaka, ale tak druh koment
byly recitovny.;writ.

(you) more than this.;poslat: (J) nepolu ti vce ne tolik ( ~

: ;send: If you come to Delhi,
indeed, send (me) an e-mail.;poslat: Pokud pijede do Dil,
poli mi e-mail.;imper. pol.

: ;more: Today it's colder than
yesterday.;vce: Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;
T ;pitakas, whole : T ;more: It is more Burmese (to say it
the three: But if we examine the whole three piakas, we come like this). ((It) resembles Burmese language more (like
across some discourses that are of commentarial nature.;pitaky, this).);vce: Je barmtj (to ci takhle). (Vce se (to) podob
cel ti: Ale pokud prozkoumme cel ti piaky, narazme na
nkter promluvy, kter jsou komenttorskho charakteru.;writ. : ;more: Also men think,
;close turn off;vypnout zavt;T

that they are more skilful.;vce: Tak mui si mysl, e jsou

: T ;close: According to
what the teacher said, today the school is closed.;zavt: Podle : ;send: (I) will write several sentences
toho co ekl uitel, je dnes kola zaven.;
and send it.;poslat: Napi nkolik vt a polu (je).;fut.
: ;close: Shop is closed. close: (I) close the :
shop.;zavt: Zavrm obchod. zavt: Obchod je zaven.;
;more: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities are
: ;close: The door is closed.;zavt:
Dvee jsou zaven.;

more happier than usually.;vce: Bhem Tendanu jsou

vechny nrody astnj ne obvykle.;pol.

: ;close: I noticed, that (the : ;more: There is no more writing (to be

shop) was (completely) closed.;zavt: Vimla jsem si, e (ten done).;vce: Nen ji vce co pst ( ~ psan);pol.
obchod) byl (zcela) zaven.;col.

;money (net (of) hair);penze (s vlas);n.

;thin, be;huben, bt;I
: ;money: I have a little

( );taro (tropical flower, bulb (of) plant-of-Arum(money).;penze: Mm trochu (penz).;pol. um.

family);taro (tropick rostlina, hlza (z) rostliny-eledi-Arum); : ;money: I will pay the
( ) (WS. from );architect;architekt;sg.
money for you.;penze: Zaplatm pro tebe (ty) penze.;fut. um.
WS. P. visukamma (= spirit able to create anything)
: ;money: I don't use money.;penze:
;exceed overdo more (followed by adj. or v.) only too
more;vce pli pouze pekroit (limit) peshnout
vc(e) (nsledovno pd. jm. nebo slovesem) pehnat
pekroit (pekonat) pekonat;suff. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv. (or)
;send (a letter etc.);poslat (dopis atd.);T
;add on carry (on one's back);nosit (na zdech) dodat;T
: ;only: I have only one
bank account.;jenom: Mm jenom jeden bankovn et. (CZ

(J) nepouvm penze.;pol. ubmn.

;money: He is boasting to me that he has 500
milions.;penze: Chlub se mi, e m 500 milin.;cont.
: ;money: Here's the money.;penze: Tady to
mte. (Penze (jsou) zde.).;col.
: ;money: Having paid
money, (they) rent a house.;penze: Zaplat penze a pronajmou
si dm.;cont.

: ;money: (I) will pay. ((I) will settle the

: ;send: It is sent to you.;poslat: U jsem money.);penze: Budu platit. (Urovnm penze.);fut.
to poslal. (Je ti to poslno.);pol. um.
: ;money: (I) have no money at
: ;too: Even I don't know.
all.;penze: Nemm vbec dn penze.;
What they say is too far (for my understanding).;pli: Ani j


;own (possess (and) be-concerned-with) possess

(possess (and) be-concerned-with);mt (vlastnit, vlastnit (a)

;money: How much money tkat-se) vlastnit (vlastnit (a) tkat-se);I
do (you) have, sir?;penze: Kolik penz mte, pane?;inter. uw. : ;owner: original owner;majitel: pvodn majitel;
: ;money: How much
money do you have?;penze: Kolik m penz?;inter. fr.

: ;coins: coins for

telephone call;mince: mince na telefonn hovor;n.

: post T ;owner: Right now

the owner of (this) post is coming (and) will speak.;majitel:
Prv te majitel tohohle pspvku pichz (a) bude
mluvit.;fut. sl.



( );lecture (at university, send (and) teach

{nouner});pednka (na universit, poslat (a) uit

: ;part: be concerned with parts;st: tkat se st;I

: ;part: There are three parts in
it.;sti: Jsou tam ti sti.;pol.

;accomplished, be own possess;mt (vlastnit)

uskutenn, bt vlastnit;I (or) T

: ;postcard: (He) writes on

a postcard.;pohled: Pe na pohled.;

: ;money: (He) collects

donated money.;penze: Vybr darovan penze.;

( );coin (money dropping-off);mince (penn ( );proprietary (lord (who) owns)

owner (lord (who) owns);vlastnk (pn (kter) vlastn)
majitel (pn (kter) vlastn);sg.
( );purse (money bag);penenka (taka (s)


T T ;postcard: (One) can send e-mail
-: ;indicates a fraction: one devided by
(to (be)) more quickly than a postcard.;pohled: Lze poslat etwo;zna zlomek: jedna lomeno dvma;
: ;part: at the last part of life;st: v posledn mail, (aby (byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;
( );postcard;pohlednice pohled;sg. E. postcard
sti ivota;
( ) (WS. from );postcard;pohlednice;sg.
: T;part: another part;st: jin st;
WS. E. postcard
: () T ;part: third part of four
(parts);st: tet st ze ty (st);

: T ;part: (He) shows a part of (his)

head.;st: Ukazuje st (sv) hlavy.;
..;indicates a fraction;zna zlomek;

: ;send: having send to send ((and)

fix) the mind;poslat: pole mysl (aby ji) poslal ((a) upevnil) a
pak ... ;
;more, be;vce, bt;p.p.

T;distinguish (keep-separate (as) parts) separate

(keep-separate (as) parts) divide (keep-separate (as)
parts);oddlit (nechat-oddlen (coby) sti) rozliit
(nechat-oddlen (coby) sti) rozdlit (nechat-oddlen
(coby) sti);T

: ;more: (I) has to learn more

carefully.;vce: Musm se uit pozornji.;pol.

;own (own (and) belong-to) have (possess, possess

(and) concern) belong (own (and) belong-to) own
(possess (and) concern) possess (possess (and)
concern);mt (vlastnit, vlastnit (a) tkat-se) vlastnit (vlastnit
(a) tkat-se) vlastnit (vlastnit (a) patit) patit (vlastnit (a)

: T
T ;more: (I) am copying ((and) giving) the
full sentences for the ven. Sir as (I) want (him) to have the
reading more comfortable.;vce: Kopruji (ty) vty ((a) dvm)
pln ct. Pnovi, ponvad chci, aby ml (to) ten

: T
;possess: May (you) be able to rule over
everything (and) may (you) be able to possess a lofty life.;mt
( ~ "vlastnit): K me mt vldu nad vm (a) k me
mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen ivot.;w. pol.

jsi bl, tm vc je horko.;col.

: T ;more: Because the

Myanmars know the glass jug more.;vce: Protoe Myanmai
znaj sklennou konvici vce.;pol.

;better (being more appropriate (and)

;meet (and) have: May you always meet (and) have great);lep (jsouce vce vhodn (a) ohromn);adj.
the good days and (thus) be able to develop the right
: ;better: (This) will be
meditation.;potkvat: K (t) vdy potkvaj dobr dny a (tak) probably better.;lep: (Tohle) bude asi lep.;pol.
rozvj dobrou meditaci.;w. pol.

- -;the more, the more;m vc, tm vc;adv.

- -: ;the more, the more: Indeed, the
;possess: They are happy, more (you) are close, the more (it is) hot. the more, the more:
as (they) together possess a pleasant, good life.;mt: Jsou
The more (you are) closer, the more (it is) hot.;m vc, tm vc:
astn, protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.
m (jsi) bl, tm vc (to) pl. m vc, tm vc: Vskutku, m
- -: ;the more the more -:
The more (one) is beautiful, the more (one) is intoxicated (by
it).;m vc tm vc -: m vc je (nkdo) krsn, tm vc je
(tm) opil.;

T ;possession (own (and) concern {nouner});vlastnictv ;prosperous (be-in-excess (and) much) develop (a
(vlastnit (a) tkat-se {jmenec});n.


method, a thing, be-in-excess (and) much) progressed, be good.;zpsob: Zpsob, jakm odpovd pi zkouce, je velice
(prosperous, be-in-excess (and) much developed, be
(prosperous, be-in-excess (and) much);rozvinout (metodu,
(preceded by v.): T ;way: I don't
vc, bt v nadbytku (a) mnoho) vyvinut, bt (prosperujc, like the way he speaks.;zpsob: Nemm rd zpsob, jakm
bt v nadbytku (a) mnoho) pokroil, bt (prosperujc, bt v mluv.;um.
nadbytku (a) mnoho) prosperujc, bt (bt v nadbytku (a)
: T
;way: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha has
: T
been recorded in Myanmar history by many.;zpsob: Zpsob

vrnosti ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii
T ;many: Myanmaru.;writ.
With it, around one (or) two minutes (my) mind is back after
: ;picture: This (little)
leaving (with) this way, while doing work, resting (and)
picture is good for loving.;obrzek: Tenhle (mal) obrzek je
taking mindfulness, when it is, indeed, not possible to notice dobr k zamilovn.;pol.
(such) times, when I also happen not to notice (and) not to

;picture: (He) draws a picture.;obraz: Kresl obraz.;

establish ((and) catch) (my) mindfulness, are many.;mnoho: S : ;picture: if (she) were smiling in the
tm, asi jednu (i) dv minuty je (moje) mysl po odchodu zpt - picture;obrzek: kdyby se na obrzku usmvala;
(s) takto, bhem dln prce, odpovn (a) bran
vmavosti, kdy, vskutku, nen mon si vmat (takovch)
;manner: The king Naung's manner of
obdob, kdy se stane, e si tak nevmm (a) neupevuji ((a) selecting heroes is interesting ( ~ good to be
(ne)chytm) vmavost, je mnoho.;med.
interesting).;zpsob: Zpsob, jakm krl Nau vybral hrdiny je
; more (extra (and) overflowing) more;vce vce (navc
(a) pekypujc);adv.

;more: Because of these students, the
national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened ( ~
came) to develop.;vce: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn duch
obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.

zajmav ( ~ dobr k zajmavosti).;writ.

: ;photo: (I) put ( ~ publish) (here) his

photo.;fotografie: Dvm ( ~ uveejuji) (sem) jeho
fotografii.;pol. FB
( );shape appearance manner form;vzhled tvar
podoba zpsob;sg.

( );photo;fotografie;sg.
: T ( ) ;more: for better
T : T ;short man: This
understanding of general public;vce: pro lep pochopen irok word gets the meaning of short man.;krtk mu: Toto slovo
nabv ( ~ dostv) vznamu krtk mu.;writ.
( );cockroach (biting insect);vb (kousav

T ( );dwarfish man (shortness) short man

(shortness);krtk mu (krtkost) skitkovsk mu
( );cockroach (insect (which) bites);vb (hmyz (krtkost);sg.
(kter) koue);sg.
( ;Bagan (town);Pagan (town);name
;accurate, be pronounce well distinct (in speech),
be;pesn, bt vyslovovat dobe zeteln, bt;I (or) T

: T ;distinct, be (of speech):

(Your) Burmese (language talking) is so distinct!;zeteln, bt
(o mluven): (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem
mluven) je tak zeteln!;col.
: T ;joy: (I) happen to be happy (and)
joyful.;radost: Najednou jsem astn a vesel.;pol.
T :
T ;joyful, be: I must be happy
(and) joyful, as (I) have picked up now a teacher or an elder
brother.;rozradostnn, bt: Musm bt astn (a)
rozradostnn, ponvad jsem si te vzal ( ~ sebral) uitele
nebo starho bratra.;pol. utmn.

[paga~];Pagan (town);Pagan (msto);name

;person: (He) is a person, who has carried out
educational duties in this town for many years and
months.;osoba: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala ( ~
vykonvala vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a
: ;person: persons
who have heedfulness and wisdom;osoba: osoby, kter maj
pozornost a moudrost;pl. writ.
: ;person: the weak persons
in English writing;lovk: lid slab v psan anglitin;

: T
;dwarfish short (about person);krtk (o osob)
T ;people (persons): When the people of
both sides, proposers (and) defendants have spoken,
;picture (form) way;obraz (podoba) zpsob;n.
somebody from the (other) people ( ~ male workers (and)
(preceded by v.);way (manner) manner (way);zpsob styl female civilians) may also come ((and) enter) on this stage
and speak.;lid (osoby): Kdy lid z obou (debatnch) stran,
(preceded by v.): T ;way: His navrhovatel (svho nzoru) (a) obhjci (jinho nzoru)
way of answering questions at examination is very
domluv, mou nkte z (ostatnch) lid ( ~ pracujcch mu


(a) civilistek) tak pijt ((a) vejt) na toto jevit a

promluvit.;fut. pol.
( );person;osoba;sg. P. puggala (=

(): ;pagoda:
They wash (religiously) the pagodas.;pagoda: (Nboensky)
myj pagody.;pol.

( );person;osoba;sg. P. puggala (= person)

( );stupa (with a vaulted base);stpa (s klenbovitou


: L T ( ~
L );form: (I) stay in the
position looking like English letter (form (of)) 'L'.;tvar:
Zstvm v pozici vypadajc jako (tvar (kter m)) anglick
psmeno 'L'.;pol.

( );worldling (unenlightened person)

puthujjana (unenlightened person) unenlightened
person;puthujjana (neosvcen osoba) svtk (neosvcen
osoba) neosvcen osoba;sg. P. puthujjana-lok (= wordlingworldly)

: ;appearance: The form (of) ;num. class. for writings, verses and songs;itatel psan,
ver a psn;pow. P. pada (= word)
the two green objects is same.;vzhled: Vzhled (tch) dvou
zelench pedmt je stejn.;
: T;word: the word (which) points out;slovo: ukazovac
: ;form: The
form of the green (object) and red object is not same.;podoba: ;print (press (the) form);tisknout (makat podobu);T
Podoba zelenho (pedmtu) a ervenho pedmtu nen
: ;print: If (someone) prints (it),
(it) will be better than this.;tisknout: Kdyby (to nkdo) vytiskl,
( );form (standard form) questionnaire (standard
form) design (standard form) application (to fill,
standard form) appearance (standard form) model
(standard form);nvrh (standardn podoba) vzhled
(standardn podoba) podoba (standardn podoba)
dotaznk (standardn podoba) formul (standardn
podoba) model (standardn podoba);sg.

bylo by (to) lep ne tohle.;fut.

T;show example (show (and) take standard form)

example, show (show (and) take standard form);pklad,
ukzat (ukzat (a) vzt standardn podobu) ukzat pklad
(ukzat (a) vzt standardn podobu);T

;revolt rebel;bouit se (o lidech) povstat (proti);T

( );printing press (image pressing

building);tiskrna (budova, budova (pro) tisknut obraz);sg.
;publish (a book etc., press form (and) publish
(and) distribute);publikovat (knihu atd., vymakat podobu (a)
uveejnit (a) rozdat);T
;hide;schovat se schovvat se;T

: T
;rebel: Hanthawadis of lower Myanmar (country)
also rebelled.;bouit se: Hentvad z niho (sttu) Myanmaru
( );crab (short kite) prawn (short kite) lobster se tak bouili.;writ.
(short kite) shrimp (short kite) scampi (short
;rebel (rebel (and) become active) rise up (rebel,
kite);krevety, jist druh (krtk luk) krab (krtk luk) rebel (and) become active);povstt (vzbouit se, vzbouit se
kreveta (krtk luk) humr (krtk luk) garnt (krtk (a) bt aktivn) vzbouit se (vzbouit se (a) bt aktivn);T
;hidden, be (hide (and) conceal) hide (hide (and)
;salad, shrimp salad, prawn;salt, krevetov salt,

conceal);skrt se (schovat-se (a) zakrt) schovat se

(schovat-se (a) zakrt) schovan, bt (schovat-se (a)
( ) [ps:];paso (long longyi for men worn on formal zakrt);T
occasions);pas (dlouh lound noen mui pi formlnch
(): ( ~
);hide: (It) disappears in the pelvis.;schovat se:
( ) (WS. from );prawn (short kite);kreveta
(krtk luk);sg.

(WS. from );salad, prawn;salt, krevetov;n.

: T

;merit: According to ( ~ in) what the Lord

Buddha said, there are three ways for making merit.;zsluha:
Dle toho, co ( ~ v) Pn Buddha ekl, jsou ti zpsoby dln
( );merit;zsluha;sg. P. pua (= merit)
( );merit (merit (and) goodness);zsluha
(zsluha (a) dobro);sg. P. pua (= merit)
;recognize sb. (meet form);poznat nkoho (rozpoznat,
setkat-se (s) podobou) rozpoznat nkoho (setkat-se (s)
: ;recognize sb.: Don't (you) recognize
(me)?;rozpoznat nkoho: Copak (m) ne(roz)poznv?;inter.

Zmiz v pnvi ( ~ pnevn kosti).;

T ( );tale story yarn narration (tale);vyprvn

(povdka) pbh povdka historka;sg.
T ( );story;pbh;sg.

( );dwarfish man (shortly small) short man

(shortly small);skitkovsk mu (krtce mal) mal mu
(krtce mal);sg.
( );PDF (file (of) kind (of) image
kind);PDF (soubor druhu obrzkovho druhu);sg. E. file
;usual (right form) normally (reflecting (the) form)
regularly (reflecting (the) form);bn (zrcadlce zpsob)
obvykle (zrcadlce zpsob) obvykl (sprvn podoba)
pravideln (zrcadlce zpsob);adv.
: ;regularly: (I) eat regularly.;pravideln: Jm


: ;usual: the usual way;obvykl: obvykl


: ;hot, be: (It)'s not very hot.;hork, bt: Nen (to)

moc hork.;pol.

;regularly ((to) say right form);pravideln (ci

sprvnou podobu);adv.

: ;hot, be: Yes, (it) is hot.;hork, bt: Ano, je

to hork.;pol.

: ;regularly: (I)
regularly get up from bed and practise meditation.;pravideln:
Pravideln vstvm z postele a medituji.;writ.

;pay homage homage, pay;ctu, vzdt vzdt ctu;T

();crazy (is not (of) right appearance);len

(nikoliv (e) je sprvnho vzhledu);adj. col.
;usually (according-to right form);obvykle (dle
sprvnho zpsobu);adv.
: ;usually: as (I) do (it)
usually;obvykle: jako (to) tak obvykle dlm;
T;regularly (by reflecting (the) form) normally
(by reflecting (the) form);pravideln (podle zrcadlen
zpsob) obvykle (podle zrcadlen zpsob) bn
(podle zrcadlen zpsob);adv.

: ;worship:
People thought it to be a spirit-house and worship it,
majesty.;uctvat: Lid si mysleli, e je to duchv (bkv) dm
a uctvaj jej, vsosti.;pol.
;pudding (dessert);pudink (dezert);n. E. pudding
(WS. from );pudding (dessert);pudink (dezert);n. WS.
E. pudding
;warm (hot (and) warm);tepl (hork (a) tepl);adj., n.
: ... ... ;warm: (Oh) (big)
world ... warmth has come ... (I)'m drooling. (may be said by
men when they see a beautiful girl);teplo: (Ach ty) (velk)
svte ... je (njak) teplo (pilo teplo) ... slintm. (me bt
eeno mui, kdy vid hezkou slenu);jk. sl.

T: T

;normally: At night, the cars normally ;combine (together, stick-together (and) join) join
turn on the lights (and) go ( ~ drive).;obvykle: V noci auta
(together, stick-together (and) join);zkombinovat (dohromady,
obvykle rozsvt svtla (a) jedou ( ~ d).;writ.
pilepit-k-sob (a) spojit) kombinovat (dohromady, pilepit-k ( );pheasant (short pheasant);baant (krtk
sob (a) spojit) spojit (dohromady, pilepit-k-sob (a)
( ) [pyi.kau~];cricket (insect, short thread
body);cvrek (hmyz, krtk vlknit tlo);sg.

( );bubble balloon (toy, bublina);baln

(nafukovac, bublina) bublina;sg.

( ) [paywe.shei.];ant;mravenec;sg.

( );balloon seller;baln, prodava;sg.

( ) [payweshei];ant;mravenec;sg.

;num. class. for bottles and cans;itatel lahv a

: ;half: The bottle is only halfempty ((There) is only half (of the) bottle.);pl: Lhev je
poloprzdn. (Lhve je jen pl.);
( );bottle (short (and) clear);lhev (krtk (a)
( );bottle;lhev;sg.
( );short man (short man) dwarfish man
(short man);mal mu (krtk mu) skitkovsk mu
(krtk mu);sg.
;afraid, be hot, be worry;horko, bt hork, bt bt se
obvat se;I
;stuck together, be;pilepen k sob, bt;I
: ;hot: As for here, it's too much
hot.;horko: Co se te tady, je (tu) pli moc horko.;
: ;shine: Sun shines. (Sun (is) hot.);svtit: Slunce
svt. (Slunce (je) hork.);

;is not indicates negative verb or sentence not be

blunted move close dirty, be does not flatten;ne-
uhladit zna sloveso i vtu v zporu pinav bt
otupen, bt urovnat nikoliv nen piblit se;suff. spis.
(or) I (or) suff. spis.. (or) T
;given, be indicates a service done for sb. give pay
dedicate cause;dodat vnovat zna slubu udlanou pro
nkoho platit dvat zpsobit zaplatit dt dostat (bt
obdarovn);I (or) suff. (or) T
: ;do (for sb.) (give): Read
me this book. (For me this book read (and) give.);udlat (nco
pro nkoho) (dt): Peti mi tuto knihu. (Pro m tuto knihu ti
(a) dej.);imper. pol. um.
: ;give: If (you) give the
inventory in advance, then give (it to me).;dt: Pokud (bude)
ten invent dvat s pedstihem, pak (ho) dej (m).;imper. col.
: ;pay: I will pay the money
for you.;platit: Zaplatm pro tebe (ty) penze.;fut. um.

: ;do (for sb.) (give): (They) wash

: ;shine: Because the sun is shining, (them) hair. ((They) give (them) hair washing.);udlat (pro
nkoho) (dt): Umvaj (jim) vlasy.;pol.
the weather is hot.;plit (o slunci): Ponvad slunce pl, je
: ;indicates a service done for sb.: (I) will ask
horko ( ~ poas je hork).;col.
: T ;hot, be: In Burma (about it) ((and) give).;zna slubu udlanou pro nkoho:
( ~ "Burmese country) it's hot, isn't it? Isn't the weather (too) Zeptm se na (to) ((a) dm).;pol. fut.
hot (for you)?;horko, bt: V Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi) je
horko, e? Nen (vm zdej) poas moc hork?;inter.
: ;worry: Don't worry.;bt se: Neboj se. (Neobvej


: ;give: (I) request (and) give (you)

wishes.;dt: Vyaduji (a) dvm (ti) pn.;w. pol.

: ;give: In that case give (me) three

(bottles).;dt: V tom ppad (mi) dejte ti (lahve).;imper. pol.
: pay ( ~ "give): How many kyats

(you) have to pay?;zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik at mus()

zaplatit?;inter. col.;

vtu v zporu: Neml dn porozumn kastovnho systmu

Indie.;p.s. writ.

: ;pay ( ~ "give): How much do

(you) want to pay ( ~ "give) (me)?;zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik mi
chcete zaplatit ( ~ "dt)?;inter. col.

( );leaf, palm manuscript (palm-leaf);rukopis

(palmov-list) list, palmov;sg.

: ;pay ( ~ "give): How much do

(you) want to pay? (may be used by a taxidriver when
customer refuses his desired amount);platit ( ~ "dt): Kolik
chcete zaplatit? (lze bt uito taxikem kdy zkaznk odmtne
jm danou cenu);inter.

();Beijing (town in China) Peking (town in

China);Peking (msto ny);name

: ;pay ( ~ "give): How will (you) pay?

(may be used by a taxidriver when customer refuses his
desired amount);zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik zaplatte? (lze bt uito
taxikem kdy zkaznk odmtne jm danou cenu);inter. fut.

;hey (EN col.) really;opravdu hele (CZ col.);col.


;pay up (pay (and) settle) settle (by money, pay (and)

settle);splatit (zaplatit (a) urovnat-penzi) zaplatit (zaplatit
(a) urovnat-penzi);T
;although though;pesto pestoe;suff. conj.

: T ;though: Though he
says, I don't believe (it).;pestoe: Pestoe k, nevm
: ;pay ( ~ "give): How much should (I) (tomu).;um.
pay?;zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik mm zaplatit?;inter. fut.
: ;although: I didn't take
: ;pay: You can pay only by
coins.;platit: Me platit pouze mincemi.;

: T ;indicates end of written

negative sentence: (He) did not make ( ~ undertake making)
any oath to them.;zna konec spisovn zporn vty: Neuinil
( ~ nepodstoupil uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.
: T ( ~
T) ;dedicate: With the excuse,
that with the worldly problems (I) cannot dedicate (it) time, I
have been lazy.;vnovat: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi
problmy tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol.

although he was giving.;pestoe: Nevzal jsem si, pestoe


;although: It is said, that although married, as
for Nga Nyo, (he) was always reading (writings) as
before.;pestoe: k se, e pestoe svoji (po svatb), co se
te a o, etl (psan) jako dv.;
: ;tough: though (he) wrote;pestoe: pestoe
( );leaf, palm (leaf palm-leaf);list, palmov (list

;offer (to a monk, give (and) offer: T;do (for sb.) (give): Tell him for me. (To respectfully);nabdnout, k mohu (mnichovi, dt (a) uctivhim tell (and) give.);udlat (nco pro nkoho) (dt): ekni mu nabdnout);T
za m. (Jemu ekni (a) dej.);imper. pol.
: ;pay: How much do (you)
;let (sb. do sth.): It is said, that even
have to pay for rent?;platit: Kolik mus platit za njem?;inter. though, as the daughter loved Nga Nyo very much, (he) let
: TT
them to get married.;svolit: k se, e i pesto, ponvad
T ;manuscript (old): (I) cannot explain much (and)
(jeho) dcera byla do a o moc zamilovan, svolil aby se
broadly, with reference to (old) writings and
manuscripts.;rukopis (star): S ohledem na (star) psan a
;plentiful, be abundance, be;hojnost, bt oplvat;I
rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce vysvtlovat.;pol.
;indicates emphasis like just indeed weak (about
: ;give (be
given): The most beautiful and the best ( ~ most well)
dancing vehicles are given a prize.;dostat: Nejkrsnj a
nejlpe ( ~ nejvc dobe) tancujc (skupiny z) vozidel jsou
ocenni (dostanou cenu).;col. pol.

: T T
;indeed: The great Alaung Min
Taya thus could, indeed, again successfully unite the Myanmar
country, build and set (it) up in order to (make it) well
(collected) (and) organized.;vskutku: Takto ohromn Alaung
Min Tay vskutku dokzal sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit
(a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s.

fulfilling duty) indicates politeness for sure light, be

irresponsible, be;zna zdvoilost lehk, bt zna zdraznn
holt (CZ col.) hele vskutku slab (o plnn povinnost)
nezodpovdn, bt tedy (jist);I (or) suff. (or) suff. col. (or)
suff. adv. (or) suff. inter. (or) I col. (or) interj. col.
: T ;abundance, be: There is
abundance of meditation centers in Myanmar.;hojnost, bt: V
Myanmaru je hojnost meditanch center.;col.
: ;just: (I) am just looking. (may be told to the
shopkeeper as a reaction to his question what customer wants
to buy);jen: Jen se dvm. (me bt eeno majiteli obchodu
jakoto reakce na jeho otzku co si chce zkaznk koupit);col.

: ;weak (about fulfilling

duty): (They) are very, very weak (in doing their work), the staff
: of the office.;slab (o plnn povinnost): Jsou velice, velice
;indicates negative verb or sentence: (He) had no
slab (v dln sv prce), zamstnanci t kancele.;col.
comprehension of the caste system of India.;zna sloveso i
: ;right: That's right, friend.;tak: Je to tak, pteli.;col.


: ;light, be: This stone is light.;lehk, :

bt: Tento kmen je lehk.;
;success: This person has
: ;for sure, be: The king success.;spch: Tenhle lovk m spch.;

was, for sure, very pleased with Nga Nyo.;tedy: Krl byl tedy s ;pound (unit of weight, ca. 0.45 kg);libra (jednotka vhy, asi
a o velice spokojen.;
0.45 kg);n.
: ;indeed: Indeed, (it is known) to be
written.;vskutku: Vskutku, (v se, e) je napsan.;
: ;abundant, be: People's lies are
abundant.;spousta, bt: Lidskch l je spousta.;

;indicates plural steamed transliterate (mix)

transcribe (mix);pepsat (transliterovat, mchat)
transliterovat (transkribovat, mchat) paen (o jdle) zna
mn. .;suff. (or) T (or) adj.

: ( ~ ) ;like: how... oh... : Kyaw Thu ;transliterate: Kyaw

Thu is the transcription (Kyaw Thu means (I) transcribe (it) to
eh...: How much... oh... eh... much ... give ... like, 120
(kyats).;hele: Kolik... ehm... no... hele, dejte (mi) 120 (iat).;col. English.);transliterovat (pepsat): Kyaw Thu je transliterace.
(Kyaw Thu znamen, (e jsem to) transliteroval do
: T;indicates politeness: Will (you) be
satisfied?;zna zdvoilost: Bude spokojen?;fut. inter. pol.
: ;indeed: End, indeed.;vskutku: Vskutku, konec.;col. : ;many ( ~
"long): (He) wants it to last very, very long. ((He) wants (it) to
: ;indeed: Indeed, by making
mistakes, correct(ness) will appear.;vskutku: Vskutku, dlnm be until many long years (of) lasting.);mnoho ( ~ "dlouh):
Chce, aby to tu bylo jet hodn dlouho. (Chce, aby (to tu)
chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
: ;surely: bylo a do mnoha dlouhch let trvn.);
As for (to) those places, you indeed (should) go (there) when : ;pound: five hundred pounds (of weight);libra:
you arrive.;rozhodn: Co se te (do) tchto mst, rozhodn pt set liber (vhy);
: ;indicates
tam (ty) jdi a (tam) dojede.;pol. col. um.
plural: In the Africa continent, (there) are more than 50
;teenage young (about people) get through hole,
countries.;zna mn. .: Na africkm kontinent je vce ne 50
have a pot-holed, be through, get get (sth.,
achieve);skrz, dostat se dostat se skrz mlad (lovk)

dru, mt nctilet drav, bt dostat (nco, doshnout);I ( );thigh;stehno;sg.

;unite (associate (and) attach);sjednotit se (sdruovat(or) T (or) adj.
se (a) pipojit-se);T
: ;get: Have you got it?;dostat: Dostal jsi to
(u)?;inter. p.p.

( );thigh;stehno;sg.

( );dot facial expression;vraz tve teka;sg.

namazan mslem);

;times (fold) indicates fold;krt (nsobek) zna

nsobek;suff. adv.

: ;indicates fold: one hundred
T ;penetrate: As it was not
times;zna nsobek: stokrt;
possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had :
vehicles, modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people ;times (fold): We (already)
of other countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering had hundred times, thousand times wives.;krt (nsobek): (U)
(and) attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;proniknout: jsme (my) mli stokrt, tisckrt manelky.;p.s. pol.
Jeliko nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), : ;bread: The bread weighs
vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ 400 grams.;chlb: (Ten) chlb v 400 gram.;
lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
: ;bread: buttered bread (bread
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
greased (with) butter);chleba: chleba s mslem (chlb
( );orifice hole drop opening (orifice);dra
trbina kapka otvor;sg.
;piffle (hole taking) nonsense (hole
taking);nesmysl (dru bran) vst (dru bran);n.
;youngling (of an animal);mld (zvete);suff.
( );Chinese dumpling (sweet pack like snack,
equally placed-in-row);nsk knedlk (sladk tatika zkusek, rovnomrn zaazen);sg.

: ;bread: (He) is selling

bread.;chlb: Prodv chlb.;cont.
( );bread (pound (weighing) snack);chleba
(libru (vc) zkusek) chlb (libru (vc) zkusek);sg.
( );bread (pound snack);chlb (svaina (vc
jednu) libru);sg.

( );thigh;stehno;sg.
;mad, be (can be-broken) crazy, be (can be;crazy (silly (and) much-rustic);len (pitom (a)
broken);blzen, bt (me bt-rozbit) len, bt (me moc-venkovsk);adj. col.
;emerge arise show (up) appear occur;vyvstat
;success! (breach, breach, arrive,
vynoit se objevit se ukzat se;I (or) T
arrive);spch! (prolomit, prolomit, dojt, dojt);interj.


: T ;on: (They) were playing on the

beach (and finished).;na: Hrli si na pli (a skonili).;p.p.
: ;on: get on the car;do: nastoupit do
: ;show (up): With modernity, the
navel shows up.;ukzat se: S modern mdou se ukazuje (i)
pupek.;jk. col.
: ( ~
);be ( ~ "appear): (There) are ( ~
"appear) many powerful monks.;bt ( ~ "objevovat-se): Jsou
( ~ "objevuj-se) (tu) velice mocn mnii.;pol.

objevily bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.

;even indicates emphasis it is, that.. just just (only)
peas pulse only beans sixteenth, a;lutniny pouze
prost prv hrch estnctina jen (pouze) dokonce
je to prv .. zna zdraznn fazole jen tak;suff. col.
(or) suff. (or) suff. adv. (or) n. (or) adv.
: ;more ( ~ "just): (There is) just one (more)
thing (to be said).;jet ( ~ "jen): (Je tu) jet jedna vc (k
: ( ~ );just: (I) am just a tourist.;jen: Jsem
jen turista.;pol. col.

: T;appear: answer (still) does not appear;objevit : ;just: That's it, alright? (just this, ok?);pouze: To
se: odpov se (stle) neobjevuje;pol.
ve, ano? (pouze toto, ano?);
: ;appear: Indeed, by making
mistakes, correct(ness) will appear.;objevovat se: Vskutku,
dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.

: ;only: (We) have only this.;jenom: Mme jenom


;prominent, become: During the reign of Anawyatha
king in the Pagan period, four heroes, (namely) Kyansittha,
Ngalttwayyu, Ngaloun Letpheh and Nyaung Oo Phi, became
prominent.;prominentnm, stt se: Bhem vldy krle Anojaty v
obdob Paganskm se stali tyi hrdinov, (tj.) ansit, ,
Ndvej, Nlou Leph a au Ph prominentnmi.;p.s. writ.

: ;only: (I) will take only the burger.;jenom:

Vezmu si jenom hamburger.;fut. pol.

: ;just: It will finish just like this. (Just like

;from (a car etc., from on);z (auta atd., z na);suff. adj. this (it) will just finish (and) go.);prv: Skon to prv takhle.
(Prv s takto to zrovna skon a pjde.);fut.
: ;from: get down from (on) the
car;z: vystoupit z auta;
: (also as an answer for );just: Just fine. ( ~
So so.) (Just like this.);prost: Mm se. (Prost takhle.);col.
;prominent, become prominent, become (appear
(and) shine);prominentnm, stt se vznamnm, stt se
: T ;only: I can talk only in
(objevit se (a) zit);I (or) T
Burmese (language).;jen: Umm mluvit pouze barmsky ( ~
barmskm jazykem).;um.

;on over (above);na nad;prep. (or) suff. prep.

: ;on: hand put on the
body;na: ruka poloen na tle;
: ;on: on the bus;v ( ~ na): v autobuse;
: ;on: On what?;na: Na em?;inter.

: T ;just. You are (being)

skilled in Myanmar (language) just very much, aren't
(you)?;prost: Jsi prost velice dovedn v Myanmarskm
jazyce, e?;col.
;just: (I) just wanted to
: T
attain magical powers.;jen: Chtl jsem jen doshnout
magickch moc.;p.s. pol.
: ;surely: (Surely,) there are no
people.;jist: (Jist,) nejsou (tu) dn lid.;col.
: ;only: (There) are only nuns.;pouze: Jsou
(tam) pouze mniky.;

: ;over (above): Over the

town there goes a lightning.;nad: Nad mstem prochz blesk.; : ;only: Only he knows (about) this
matter.;pouze: Pouze on v (o) tto zleitosti.;
;evident, be (appear (and) be-vivid);evidentn, bt
(objevit-se (a) bt-jasn);I

: ;only: Only he knows.;jen: Jen on v.;

: T ;evident, be: shown to be

evident;evidentn, bt: ukzan, aby byl evidentn;

: ;only: Now (there) are only two

kinds of newspapers.;pouze: Te jsou (zde) pouze dva druhy

;occur (appear (and) come) appear (appear (and)

come) appear (come up) come up (appear, appear
(and) come) occur (come up);zjevit se (pijt nahoru)
objevit se (objevit-se (a) pijt) zjevit se (objevit-se (a) pijt)
objevit se (pijt nahoru) naskytnout se (objevit-se (a)
;appear: (It) disappeared and never
appeared again.;objevit se: Zmizel a u se nikdy (znovu)
neobjevil.;p.s. pol.

: ;just: (Living here) is just right.;tak: (ivot tady)

je tak akort (fajn).;pol.
: ;just: The salad is just (being)
green.;prost: (Ten) salt je prost zelen.;col.
: ;only: I will be only at home.;jen:
(J) budu jen doma.;fut. um.
: ;Bago: I want to go to Bago.;Bago:
Chci jet do Bago.;pol.

() [pg:];Bago (division);Pegu (Bago, Pagh, sprvn

T ;appear: It is generally accepted (from );sauce, soybean (flat fish (of)
that the commentaries appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's beans);omka ze sojovch bob (placat ryba (z)
time.;objevit se: Veobecn se pijm, e komente se


;sauce, soybean (flat fish (of) beans);omka ze
sojovch bob (placat ryba (z) fazol);n.

: ;read: What book will he read?;st:

Jakou knihu bude st?;inter. fut. col.
;reading (things to read);ten (knihy atd. na ten);n.

;bean, runner (bean, stiff (and) long);fazol arlatov : ;reading: (Young

(fazole, pevn (a) dlouh);n.
man) Aye has a book for reading.;ten: (Mlad pn) m
knihu na ten.;col.
;bean sprouts (piercing bean plant);fazolov
vhonky (propichujc fazolov rostlina);n.

T;bean curd (flat beans) tofu (flat beans);fazolov

sraenina (placat fazole) tofu (placat fazole);n.
;peas, dried (cooked peas);hrch, suen (uvaen
;indicates negative sense with condition;zna zpor s
podmnkou;suff. col.
: () ; if not: (I thought),
that (it would) be good, if I didn't eat dinner.;kdyby ne: (Myslel
jsem), e (by bylo) dobr, kdybych nejedl veei.;col.

T ;proofreading (read (and) watch {nouner});korektura

(st (a) sledovat {jmenec});n.
T : T T ( ~
);proofreading: (He) is doing the proofreading on
(his) computer.;korektura: Dl korekturu na (svm) potai.;
;proofread (a book, read, watch, clean (and)
wash);korekturu, st (st, sledovat, istit (a) omvat)
kontrola (korektura knihy, st, sledovat, istit (a) omvat);T
;indicates frequency glass (material);sklo (materil) zna
etnost;suff. (or) n.

: T
;indicates frequency: To do all
the things one more time in this life would be very
exhaustive.;zna etnost: (To) by bylo velice vyerpvajc,
(wrong from );indicates politeness;zna zdvoilost;suff.
;leaf (for wrapping) go together embrace hug;obejmout dlat vechny (ty) vci jet jednou v tomhle ivot.;fut. pol.
jt dohromady list (na balen vc);I (or) T (or) n.
: ;jug, glass: The
: ;num. class. for things out of pair: four
dropped glass jug did not get broken.;konvice, sklenn:
(singled) shoes;itatel vc kter jsou prv mimo pr: tyi
Uputn sklenn konvice se nerozbila.;
(samostatn) boty;pl.
;if not;kdyby ne;suff. col.

() [pris];Paris (town in France);Pa (msto


( );leaf (for wrapping, rolling, roofing etc.);list (k

balen, svinut, zasteen atd.);sg.

( );jug, glass (glass jug);konvice, sklenn

(sklenn konvice);sg.

: T
T ;region, of: Kathehs of
Manipur attacked and opposed the Northern reagion of
Inwa.;oblast: Katov z Manipru toili a vzdorovali v ( ~ do)
severn oblasti Envy.;writ.

( );glass (glass cup);sklenika (sklenn


: () () ;fax: : T ;glass: The glass of Cola is

The woman is receiving a fax right now.;fax: (Ta) ena prv (just) just full.;sklenice: Sklenice Coly je (prost) pln.;col.
: ;glass: There is only a
te pijm fax ( ~ faxovou zprvu).;
half of water in the glass.;sklenice: Ve sklenici je voda jen do
( );fax (message);fax (zprva);sg. E. fax
;region places area;msta oblast kraj (oblast);n. plky.;

( );dumpling, Chinese (wonton, hug (and) bundle)

wonton (Chinese dumpling, hug (and) bundle);wonton
(Chinese dumpling, obejmout (a) zabalit) knedlk, nsk
(wonton, obejmout (a) zabalit);sg.
;arse (EN vul.) backside ass (EN vul.);prdel (CZ vul.)
zadek i (CZ vul.);n. vul.

;Fanta (beverage);Fanta (npoj);n. E. Fanta

;make (create (and) play) create (create (and)
play);udlat (vytvet (a) hrt) vytvoit (vytvet (a) hrt);T
: T ;create: Pictures created
to relieve boredom.;vytvoit: Obrzky vytvoen aby zahnaly
T ;creation (create (and) play {nouner});stvoen (tvoit
(a) hrt {jmenec});n.

;catch grasp imprison (catch) arrest (catch);uvznit

;fish and chips;ryba s hranolkami;n. E. fish and chips (chytnout) zatknout (chytit) chytnout chytit;T
;imprison: While Kyansittha
: ;read: (I) can read (in Burmese) a
was serving his royal brother king Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was
little;st: Umm trochu st (Barmsky).;pol. col.
: ( ~ ) ;read: Can (you) read imprisoned by enemies.;uvznit: Zatmco ansit slouil svmu
krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl Sol byl uvznn
(in) Burmese language?;st: Um st (v) Barmskm
nepteli.;p.s. writ.
: ;read: Can (you) also read
Burmese script?;st: Um tak st Barmsk psmo?;inter.
: ;read: (I) still cannot read (in
Burmese).;st: Pod neumm st (Barmsky).;pol.


: T ;grasp: (I) grasp the

concentration and watch what comes (and) goes.;chytnout:
Chytnu (sv) soutedn a sleduji co pichz a odchz.;pol.
;grasp (catch (and) grasp);chytnout;T

;arrest (catch (and) block);zatknout (chytit (a)

;catch (catch (and) catch);chytit (chytit (a) chytit);T
T ;candle: The color of candle's light is yellow.;svka:
Barva svtla svky je lut.;
( );candle (wax column);svka (voskov

(have-fever (or) be-hurt {nouner}) illness (have-fever (or)

be-hurt {nouner});nemoc (mt-horeku (nebo) bt-zrann
{jmenec}) onemocnn (mt-horeku (nebo) bt-zrann
{jmenec}) choroba (mt-horeku (nebo) bt-zrann
{jmenec});n. writ.
: ;sickness: real sickness (not
hypochondriac);nemoc: skuten nemoc (ne hypochondrick);

;pyrexia, have (fever, fever lives) fever, have (fever

;discard (push-aside (and) reject) reject (push-aside lives);horeku, mt (horeka ije) teplotu, mt (horeku,
horeka ije);I.
(and) reject);odloit (odstrit-stranou (a) odmtnout)
odmtnout (odstrit-stranou (a) odmtnout);T

;expel (put-aside (to) be-rare) kick out (expel from a

place, put-aside (to) be-rare) remove (put-aside (to) berare);odstranit (dt-stranou (aby) bylo-vzcn) vykopnout
(vyhnat, dt-stranou (aby) bylo-vzcn) vyhnat (odnkud,
dt-stranou (aby) bylo-vzcn);T

: ;fever, have. The boy has

fever.;horeku, mt: Chlapec m horeku.;cont.
;light color, be of;svtl barvy, bt;I

;relax (stretched muscle, relax well);uvolnit (napnut

sval, uvolnit podn);T
;dissolve (in liquid);rozpustit (v tekutin);T

: T
;destroy: The decision is so firm, that nothing can
(ever) destroy it.;zniit: (To) rozhodnut je tak pevn, e jej nic
neme zniit.;pol.

T;amuse (please (and) satisfy) entertain (please (and)

satisfy) cheer up (please (and) satisfy);bavit (lidi, potit
(a) uspokojit) pobavit (pobavit, potit (a) uspokojit)
obveselit (pobavit, potit (a) uspokojit);T

: T ;change: She changed her

mind. (Her decision has already changed.);zmnit: (Ona)
zmnila (sv) rozhodnut. (Jej rozhodnut se ji zmnilo.);p.p.

T ;entertain: In this theater the actor is entertaining
(the people).;bavit (lidi): V tomto divadle herec bav (lidi).;cont.

;oppose (destroy (and) block) counteract (destroy

(and) block) destroy (destroy (and) block) break (destroy
(and) block) damage (destroy (and) block) seduce
(destroy (and) block);vzdorovat (zniit (a) blokovat) poniit
(zniit (a) zablokovat) svst (nkoho, zniit (a) blokovat)
klst odpor (zniit (a) blokovat) zniit (zniit (a) zablokovat)
zniit (zniit (a) blokovat) oporovat (zniit (a) zablokovat)
svdt (zniit (a) zablokovat) rozbt (zniit (a)

;beverage (fruit drink etc., dissolved liquid) juice, fruit

(mixed liquid) drink (of fruit etc., dissolved liquid) fruit
juice (mixed liquid) juice (fruit drink etc., dissolved liquid)
juice (mixed liquid);npoj (ovocn atd., rozputn tekutina)
ovocn dus (na pit, zamchan tekutina) dus, ovocn
(zamchan tekutina) pit (ovocn npoj atd., rozputn
tekutina) dus (ovocn atd., rozputn tekutina) va
(na pit, zamchan tekutina);n.
( );pumpkin (exchanged shelter);dn (vymnn

: ;damage: This monkey : ;professor:

has damaged the roof.;poniit: Tahle opice poniila stechu.;p.p. according to prof. Kosambi's point of view;profesor: z hlediska
: T
T ;oppose: Kathehs of
Manipur attacked and opposed the Northern reagion of
Inwa.;vzdorovat: Katov z Manipru toili a vzdorovali v ( ~
do) severn oblasti Envy.;writ.
T ;active knowledge (blasting (and) fresh
knowing);aktivn znalost (vbun (a) erstv vdn);n.
(sl. from );friend;pteli;voc. sl.
: ;mat (place to sit): Have you bought ( ~
booked) the mat ( ~ place to sit) yet?;podloka (msto k
sezen): U jsi koupil ( ~ zarezervoval) podloku ( ~ msto k
: ;friend: OK, friend.;pteli: Dobr, pteli.;sl.
( );mat (for sitting);podloka (na sezen);sg.
( );seat;sedadlo;sg.
(sl. from );ven. Sir;ct. Pane;voc. sl. utmn.

prof. Kosambi;writ.
( );professor;profesor;sg. E. professor
( )professor;profesor;sg. E.
professor (mn.);
( );watermelon (fruit (which makes one) masculine
(and) brave);meloun, vodn (ovoce (po kterm je jeden)
mun (a) staten);sg.
T;indicates instrumental case therefore (by) indicates
change from v. to adv. indicates instr. case with by;zna
instrumentl s zna zmnu ze slovesa na pslovce proto
((zna instrumentl);suff. prep. (or) suff.
T: T;indicates change from v. to adv.: Kindly (at the
end of a letter);zna zmnu ze slovesa na pslovce.:
Dobrotiv (na konci dopisu);adv. lett.
T ;it is, that happen become happen to be (is);stt se
stt se, e pihodit se prv, je (to) dt se bt (je);I (or) T

: ... ( ~
T : T ;become: I am not sick. (My
);ven. Sir: (I) will search and look (for it), ven. Sir ...;ct.
life didn't become not good.);stt se: Nejsem nemocn. (Mj
Pane: Budu hledat (a) podvm se (po tom), ct. Pane ... ;fut. sl. ivot se nestal nedobrm.);um.
;disease (have-fever (or) be-hurt {nouner}) sickness

T : T ;be: You are.;bt: Ty jsi.;um.


T : T ;be: I am.;bt: J jsem.;col.

T :
T : T T ;happen: Also, (I) even (do T
T ;which are: But
not) happen to meditate again.;stt se: A dokonce se ani
if we examine the whole three piakas, we come across some
nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
T : TT ;be (is): It is this, what he says.;bt discourses that are of commentarial nature.;kter jsou: Ale
pokud prozkoumme cel ti piaky, narazme na nkter
(je): Je to tohle, co k.;pol.
T : T ;it is, that: It is today, that he will promluvy, kter jsou komenttorskho charakteru.;writ.
T T ;possible, be (well happens, can happen)
prospective, be (well happens, can happen);perspektivn,
T : T ;be: This man is
bt (bt mon, dobe se-stt, me se-stt) mon, bt
grandfather of the boy.;bt: Tento pn je chlapcv ddeek.;
T : TT ;happen to: (we) happened to (dobe se-stt, me se-stt);I
talk around half of an hour;stt se, e: (stalo se, e) jsme se T T ;maybe ((if) happening (is) good, (it)
may happen) Maybe. (may happen in the future, (if)
bavili asi pl hodiny.;p.s.
T : TT ;happen to: (I) happened to say;stt se, e: happening (is) good, happening may be);mon ((pokud je)
phoda dobr, me (se) stt) Mon. (me se stt v
stalo se, e (jsem) ekl;p.s.
budoucnosti, (pokud je) dn dobr, (pak) dn me bt);pol.
T : T ;be: The
color of candle's light is yellow.;je: Barva svtla svky je lut.; (or) suff. pol.
come.;prv, je (to): Je (to) prv dnes, (kdy) pijde.;fut. pol.

T T :
T T ;maybe: Maybe he is a
T : T ...;be: as for what (it) may be ...;bt: co by doctor.;mon: Mon je doktor.;pol.
T T ;scarcely rarely preciously seldom;vzcn
to mohlo bt ...;
T : T T ;happen: If there's kamma (for it) mimodn mlokdy zdkakdy;adv.
T T : T
to happen, (then it) will just happen.;stt se: Je-li kamma k
tomu, aby se (to) stalo, (pak se to) stane.;pol.
( ~ T T
T : T ;happen: Because of
how it happened, that (you), indeed, are a monk?;stt se: Jak T T T );rarely: It
happens rarely, that the foreigners would be accepted as
se stalo, e kvli tomu jsi, vskutku, mnichem?;inter. col.
genuine part of the society (they) live in.;zdkakdy: Stv se
T : T ;be: What's up? (What happened?);bt: Tak
zdkakdy, e by byli cizinci povaovni za opravdovou soust
co je? (Co se stalo?);inter.
spolenosti, kde ij.;pol.
T : T ;happen to: (I) happen to be
T ( );story (lined-up happening);pbh (zarovnan
listening to the (Buddha's) Dhamma.;pihodit se, e: Pihodilo
se, e poslouchm Buddhovu Dhammu.;
T -T ;either, or;bu, a nebo;pron.
T : T ;happen: (I) happened to be
wanting life (where) is no courage to search.;stt se: Stalo se, T -T : T T
T ;either, or: If there's enough ( ~ "contained) kamma, (I)
e chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.
may happen to meet you either in Czech (Republic) or in
T : T ;be: that (it) is a sickness;bt: e je (to)
Yangon.;bu, a nebo: Jestli je dost ( ~ "obsaena) kamma,
(pak) se me stt, e t potkm bu v esku nebo v
T : T ;happen to: (I) happened to do;stt se, e:
stalo se, e (jsem) udlal;p.s.
T T (WS. from T T );rarely;vzcn;adv. WS.
T : T T ;happen: As
T ;occur (happen (and) shine(~occur));objevit se (stt-se
(things) don't happen according to how (you) do them, (you)
(a) zit(~nastat));I
should do (things) as (they) happen.;stt se: Ponvad se
T : T ;occur: May the
(vci) nedj podle (toho) jak (je) dl, mla bys (je) dlat
transcendental benefits (be able to) occur (to you).;objevit:
(podle toho,) jak se dj.;imper. pol. prov.
K se (ti) mohou objevit nadpirozen (pjemn) nsledky.;w.
T : T ;it is, that: It is, that he will come.;prv,
je (to): Je (to) prv, (e) pijde.;pol. fut.
T ( );story (pronouncement (of) happening);pbh
T : T ;become: They want to
(vysloven phody);sg.
become a democratic country.;stt se: Chtj se stt
T (WS. from T T);possibility (can happen
demokratickou zem.;pol.
{nouner});monost (me se-stt {jmenec});n.
T : T T ;happen: (I) happen to go out,
T T;possibility (can happen {nouner}) probability
sometimes.;stt se: Stv se, e chodm obas ven.;
(can happen {nouner}) chance (can happen
T : T ;happen to: (I) happen to copy a
{nouner});ance (me se-stt {jmenec}) monost (me
dictionary;stt se, e: Stalo se, e pepisuji slovnk;
se-stt {jmenec}) pravdpodobnost (me se-stt
T ;which are;kter jsou;suff.
T : T T ;is: is, that (there) was;je: je, e


T T:
T T ;chance: If the elephant is (said (to
be)) of grey color, there is a chance, (that it is) a real
elephant.;ance: Pokud je (ten) slon (en (bt)) ed barvy,
(pak) je ance, (e je to) skuten slon.;

stal-se): Byla ( ~ stala-se) tam bouraka. (CZ col.);p.s.

T T : T T ;improbable, be: (It

is) improbable, that (she) is from Asia
(continent).;nepravdpodobn, bt: (Je) nepravdpodobn, e
(je) z Asijskho (kontinentu).;


T ;it is, that ((it) is, (that));je to tak, e (je (to tak,
e));suff. adv. writ.

T :
T ;it is, (that): (It is, (that))
T T:
attending the National Day every year, (one) should try to
T T ;possibility: If the fruit is (said (to be)) always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national spirit.;je to (tak,
of orange color, there is a possibility, (that it is) an
e): (Je to (tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by
orange.;monost: Pokud je (to) ovoce (eeno (bt)) oranov se ml (kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat)
barvy, (pak) je monost, (e je to) pomeran.;
vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. writ.
T T ;improbable, be (possibility (is) little)
T ;story (image (of) happening);pbh (obraz
implausible, be (possibility (is) little);nepravdpodobn, bt
(monost (je) mal);I
T ( );story (form (of) happening);pbh (podoba

T ;as much as possible;jak je jen mon;adv.

T : T ( ~ )
() ;as much as possible: At least
(I) want to approach them as much as possible.;jak je jen
mon: Minimln se k nim chci piblit jak je jen mon.;pol.

T ( ) ;event (form (of) happening);udlost (podoba

T ( );story (happening form, ending form);pbh
(djc-se podoba, konc podoba);sg.
T T ;any;kterkoliv;pron.
T T -T T ;whatever;jakkoliv;suff. prep.

T T ..T T : T T T T
;whatever: Whatever Chinese (or) Indian
T ;maybe (can be) possible (can be);mon (me products ( ~ things) are all available in Mandalay.;jakkoliv:
bt) mon (me bt);I
Jakkoliv nsk nebo indick zbo ( ~ vci) je v Mandalaji
T -;have;mt;I
(vechno) k dispozici.;pol.
T -: T
T ;look like (will be) seem to be (will be)
;have: I have a lot of energy to cut the
resemble (will be);pipadat (vypadat jako, bude) zdt se
wood.;mt: Mm spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.
bt (bude) vypad jako (bude) podobat se (bude);v.

T ;happen (happen (and) deteriorate) occur (happen

T : ()T ;look like: This
(and) deteriorate) come and go (happen (and) be-broken) luggage looks like Thai.;vypadat jako: Toto zavazadlo se zd
take place (happen (and) deteriorate);stt se (stt-se (a)
bt Thajsk.;
zhorit-se) pichzet a odchzet (stt-se (a) rozbt-se)
T T ;accomplish (finish (and) reach-apex) succeed
pihodit se (stt-se (a) zhorit-se);I
(finish (and) reach-apex);dokonit (skonit (a) doshnoutT : T ;come and go: (I)
vrcholu) doshnout (eho, skonit (a) doshnout-vrcholu);T
grasp the concentration and watch what comes (and)
T T ;shame (from happening should happen);ostuda
goes.;pichzet a odchzet: Chytnu (sv) soutedn a sleduji (z dn mlo-by se-stt);n.
co pichz a odchz.;pol. med.
T ( );event (happening (and) place);udlost (dn (a)
T :

T ;take place: It
took place during the king Abhaya's reign, during writing down
the Tipiaka together with the commentaries.;stt se: Stalo se
to bhem vldy krle Abhaya, bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu
s komenti.;p.s. writ.
T T ( );story (show happening {nouner});pbh
(ukzat phodu {jmenec});sg.


T T ;mastered (simple event, every event) deepseated (simple event, every event) natural (simple
event, every event);vit (jednoduch udlost, kad
udlost) pirozen (jednoduch udlost, kad udlost)
osvojen (jednoduch udlost, kad udlost);sg.

T T : T T T ;natural, be:
The pronunciation started to become natural ( ~ "something
T : T T ;become, has: noble lords
natural).;pirozen, bt: Vslovnost se stala pirozenou ( ~
( ~ monks) who have become Arahants;stal se: vzneen pni ( "nm pirozenm).;
~ mnii), kte se stali Arahantem;
T ;become (become (and) come) come (become (and)
T ;happen;stt se;I

come) come to (a certain state, position etc., happen (and)

T : T ;happen: There is come);stt se (stt se (a) pijt) pijt (stt-se (a) pijt)
( ~ is-happen) an accident.;stt se: Maj ( ~ stv-se)
dojt (do uritho stavu, pozice atd., stt-se (a) pijt);I (or) T
T : T ;become (be, be
T ;was;byl;I p.s.
(and) come): That is why this discussion has been
T : T ;was ( ~
(arranged).;bt (stt se, bt (a) pijt): A (prv) proto je (zde
happened): (There) was ( ~ happened) a car crash.;byl ( ~ tato) diskuze.;pol.


T : T ;come: comes (as) first;pijt: pichz pekroit pejt krjet (na pltky) nakrjet (na pltky)
(jako) prvn;writ.
sekat (na pltky) znout ezat rozbt se (na kousky)
zastavit sekat (dv) vyvodit nasekat (na pltky);I (or) T
T : T T
;become: The
actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much beloved by the
spectators, will soon become superb.;stt se: Herec Jdai,
kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy stane
T : T ;become: He became
my teacher.;stt se: Stal se mm uitelem.;pol. um.
T ; certainly should be;mlo by bt jist;
T : T () T

;certainly: It is accepted
by some philosophers, that the (great) Pi Ahakath were
certainly translated.;jist: Nktermi filosofy je pijato, e Pi
Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.

T : T ;cross: The car crosses

((and) goes) the (country) border.;pejet: (To) auto pejt
hranici (toho sttu) ((a) jede).;
T : T ;cut
(wood): I have a lot of energy to cut the wood.;sekat (devo):
Mm spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.
T : T ( ~ )
T ;break: (He) sees a broken bulb.;rozbt: Vid rozbitou

T : T T T
;cross: When the horse crossed over the Anoma river,
(was it) a stallion or a mare?;peskoit ( ~ "pejt): Kdy (ten)
k peskakoval ( ~ "pekraoval) eku Anomu, (byl to) hebec
T ; wish (need (to) happen);pt si (potebovat (aby) se- nebo klisna?;inter.
T ;cross (over, cross (and) cross);pejt (pes, pejt (a)
T ;happen (become (and) go);stt se (stt-se (a) jt);I
T : T ;happen: What happened T : T ;cross (over): The woman
crosses over the street.;pejt (pes): (Ta) pan pechz pes
after that?;stt se: Co se stalo po tom?;inter.
T ;because (because (of) what is);protoe
(kvli tomu, (co) je);writ.

T : ... T T T ;because:
(It) is, because ... should be.;protoe: Je (to), protoe ... by
mlo bt.;writ.
T ( );story (measure (of) happening);pbh (mra
T ;fulfill add complete;pidat splnit naplnit;T
T : T ;add: Add every day one
(more) page.;pidat: Pidat kad den o jednu strnku (vce).;
T ;try (to attain, practice (to) fill) strive (to attain,
practice (to) fill);snait se (doshnout, praktikovat (pro)
naplnn) usilovat (doshnout, praktikovat (pro)
T ;fulfill (be-able (to) fill);splnit (bt-schopen
T ;fulfil (a need, fulfill (and) approach);splnit (potebu,
splnit (a) piblit-se);T

T ;cut off (cut (and) flick);odsthnout (sthnout (a)

mihnout-se) pesthnout (sthnout (a) mihnout-se);T
T ;pass through (cross (and) cross) sail over (cross
(and) cross) go through (cross (and) cross) cross over
(cross (and) cross) get over (cross (and) cross);projet
(kudy) (pejt (a) pejt) pekroit (pejt (a) pejt) pejet
(pejt (a) pejt) peplavit se (pejt (a) pejt) pejt (pejt
(a) pejt);T
T : T T
;go over: This river is enough ( ~ very) wide
for big ships to go (and) come through.;projet (kudy): Tato eka
je dost ( ~ velice) irok aby (j) velk lod jezdily ( ~ jezdily
(a) odjdly pes).;
T (later as );num. class. for body and mind;itatel tla a
mysli;suff. ow.
T: T ;num. class. for
body and mind: May both of your body (and) mind be healthy
and satisfied.;itatel tla a mysli: K jsou oboje, tv tlo (i)
mysl zdrav a spokojen.;w. pol.

T : T T
;fulfil: (I) will fulfil (and) carry out ((and) give)
everything, what (I) can (do for you).;splnit: Splnm (a) vykonm ;full, be overflowing (in a pozitive sense) bountiful
abundant, be rich abundant;hojn vydatn, bt pln, bt
((a) dm) vechno, co (pro tebe) mohu (udlat).;fut. pol.
vydatn petkajc (v pozitivnm smyslu) hojn, bt
T T ;slowly;pomalu;adv.
T T : T T ;little by little: little by little, more bohat;I (or) adj.
: T ;abundant: steadfast, bountiful country;bohat:
T T ;slowly slowly gradually little by little;po troce vytrval, bohat zem.;n.
T;flour (salt, pepper etc.) sprinkle (salt, pepper etc.);nasypat
pomalouku polehouku postupn;adv.
(sl, pep atd.) sypat (sl, pep atd.) posypat (sol, pepem
T T : T T ;little by
little: (I) am doing each little by little.;po troce: Dlm kad po atd.);T
T: T ;sprinkle: (She) is sprinkling
salt over the egg.;sypat: Sype sl na vajko.;cont.
T ;slice go across cut away go past stop mince
and more;postupn: postupn, vc a vc;

cross chop break (to pieces) cut deduct hash (chop) T: T ;white: Baby's skin is white.;bl:
Miminina ke je bl.;
cut up cut (wood);rozkrjet (na pltky) krjet sekat


T ;sprinkle: Somebody is sprinkling pepper on the

meat.;sypat: Nkdo sype sl na maso.;cont.

TT: TT slowly: Eat slowly.;pomalu: Jez

pomalu.;imper. pol.;

T ;honest, be (white (and) pure);estn, bt (bl (a)


TT: TT ;slowly: (He) walks

slowly.;pomalu: Chod pomalu.;cont.

T : () T ;honest: Friend, you are

honest.;estn: Ptely, ty jsi estn.;fr. col.

TT: T TT ;slowly:
Because it's foggy, cars must go ( ~ drive) slowly.;pomalu:
Protoe je mlha, auta mus jet ( ~ dit) pomalu.;

T ;purify (clean (and) clear (to be) white (and)

pure);istit (istit (a) vyjasovat (aby bylo) bl (a)
T;white, pure (white (and) white);bl, ist (bl (a)

TT: TT ;slowly:
As there is a traffic jam, the cars must go slowly.;pomalu:
Ponvad je dopravn zcpa, auta mus jet pomalu.;
TT: TT T;slowly: Speak slowly!.;pomalu:
Mluv(te) pomalu!;imper. pol.

T: T T T ;white, pure:
When the moon is pure white (and) perfectly round, it is full
T;explain (answer (and) clarify) solve (answer (and)
moon (day).;bl, ist: Kdy je msc ist bl (a) zcela kulat, clarify);vyeit (odpovdt (a) vyjasnit) vysvtlit (odpovdt
(pak) je (den) plku.;writ.
(a) vyjasnit);T
T;reply examination, answer at write examination
(answer);zodpovdt odpovdt pst zkouku
(odpovdt) zkouky, odpovdat u;T

T: T T ;solve: There is one

more problem to solve.;vyeit: Jet je tu jeden problm k

T: T ;answer: Every time when I T ;explanation (answer (and) clarify {nouner})

ask, he can answer.;odpovdt: Vdy kdy se zeptm, doke clarification (answer (and) clarify {nouner}) elucidation
(answer (and) clarify {nouner});osvtlen (odpovdt (a)
T: T ;examination, answer at: osvtlit {jmenec}) objasnn (odpovdt (a) osvtlit
{jmenec}) vysvtlen (odpovdt (a) osvtlit {jmenec});n.
The examination (answering) takes three hours.;zkouky,
odpovdat u: Zkouka ( ~ "odpovdn (u) zkouky) trv ti

T : T ;explanation: give an
elaborated explanation;vysvtlen: podat podrobn
T: T ;sit (for exam) vysvtlen;writ.
(answer): I will go to Yangon after (I) sit for ( ~ answer) the T ( );solution (method (to) clarify (and)
exam.;zastnit se (zkouky) (odpovdt): Pojedu do
solve);een (zpsob osvtlen (a) vyeen);sg.
Rangnu a po zkouce ( ~ a zodpovm zkouku).;fut.
T;relax (also about muscles, relax (and)
T: T ;answer: His way of
answering questions at examination is very good.;odpovdat:
Zpsob, jakm odpovd pi zkouce, je velice dobr.;col.

decrease);uvolnit (tak o svalech, uvolnit (a) snit);T rare

T: T ;answer: Whatever the

teacher asks, I can answer.;odpovdt: Na cokoliv se uitel
zept, j doku odpovdt.;um.

T;relax (also about muscles);uvolnit (tak o svalech);T rare

T: T T ;write ( ~
"answer (at examination): Today the subject to write ( ~
"answer) (at examination) is Buddhist Philosophy.;pst ( ~
"odpovdt (u zkouky)): Pedmt, kter musm dnes pst ( ~
"odpovdt) (u zkouky) je Filosofie Buddhismu.;pol.

T: T T ;straighten: (He) straightens the

back.;narovnat: Narovn zda.;

T;relax (also about muscles, relax (and) slacken);uvolnit

(tak o svalech, uvolnit (a) povolit);T
T;straight, be obstacles, be without straighten;narovnat
pekek, bt bez pm, bt;I (or) T

T: T;straight: May the way

of going, just like the coming way, be straight.;pm: K je
cesta odchodu, stejn jako cesta pchodu, pm.;w. pol.

T: T T;answer: (I) will answer as much T;straighten (straighten (and) fix);narovnat (narovnat
as (I) can answer for (you).;odpovdt: Odpovm (ti) jak jen (ti) (a) upevnit);T
budu moci odpovdt.;fut. pol.
T: T T ;straighten: (I) straighten
T: (my) legs.;narovnat: Narovnm nohy.;
T ;answer: It is said, that when the king asked about ( );movie film;film;sg. (roll, movie) E. film
history of the spirit house, nobody of the villagers was able to :

answer.;odpovdt: k se, e kdy se krl ptal na historii
;exchange: Having a permission for such an
toho domu ducha (bka), nikdo z vesnian nebyl schopn
exchange ( ~ discussion) in language is good.;vmna: Je
dobr, e mm svolen k takovto diskuzi ( ~ vmn) v
T: T ;write examination ( ~ "answer): before answering
(writing examination);pst zkouku ( ~ "odpovdt): ped
zodpovzenm (napsnm psemn prce ve kole);
TT: TT ;slowly: I eat slowly;pomalu:
Jm pomalu.;um.


;plump, be;buclat, bt;I

;open (open (and) open) open turn on;zapnout otevt
otevt (otevt (a) otevt);T


;open: (It) is alright to have opened many programs ( ~ politely.;itatel skupin: Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma
"files) with small letters at once.;otevt: Je v podku mt
skupinama zdvoile.;writ.
oteveno mnoho program ( ~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny
;make a friend;udlat si ptele;T
: ( ~ )
;open: Are (you)
;make a friend: If (you) are
asking (me) when (I) opened the shop? ;otevt: Pt se (m) related, (then) thank (you) for allowing (me) to make (me) a
kdy jsem otevela (ten) obchod?;inter.
friend.;udlat si ptele: Pokud jsi pbuzn, (pak) dkuji, e jsi

;open: I am opening a shop.;otevt: (mi) povolil si (m) udlat ptelem.;pol. FB
Otevrm obchod.;pol.
( );union (association) organization

;open (an institution, open (and) open);otevt (novou
instituci atd., otevt (a) otevt);T

association;sdruen asociace organizace;sg.

;developed, be (prosperous, plump (and) abundant)

develop prosperous, be (plump (and) abundant)
progressed, be (prosperous, plump (and) abundant);rozvinout
se prosperujc (buclat (a) hojn) vyvinut, bt
(prosperujc, buclat (a) hojn) pokroil, bt (prosperujc,
buclat (a) hojn);I (or) adj.

;found: association founded for (carrying-out) the benefit
of animals;zaloit: sdruen zaloen pro podporu zvat ( ~
"pro vykonvn pnosu zvatm);writ.

na pod. jm.;suff. writ.

( );frog;ba;sg.

;constitute (unite (and) bind) form (union, organize

: T
(and) line-up) found (an association, form (and) tie-up)

;open (an institution): At the end of the year form (unite (and) bind) organize (organize (and) line-up)
1920 the English government organized opening of the
unite (also about people, unite (and) bind);sjednotit (tak o
University of Yangon.;otevt (novou instituci atd.): Na konci
lidech, sjednotit (a) svzat) utvoit (sjednotit (a) svzat)
roku 1920 anglick vlda uspodala oteven Yangonsk
zformovat (sjednotit (a) svzat) zorganizovat (zorganizovat
(a) seadit) zaloit (sdruen, zformovat (a) svzat) utvoit
sdruen (zorganizovat (a) seadit);T
( ) [phu];iguana;legun;sg.

;plan, structural (image, uniting (and)

binding, (of) building (and) building) structure (image,
uniting (and) limiting, (of) building (and) building);pln,
stavebn (obraz sjednocovn (a) svazovn, stavn (a)
;develop: Because of these students,
the national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened stavn) struktura (obraz sjednocovn (a) ohraniovn,
stavn (a) stavn);n.
( ~ came) to develop.;rozvoj (rozvinout se): Kvli tmto
studentm nrodn duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol.
;structure: structural engineer;stavba ( ~
;indicates change from v. to n.;zna zmnu ze slovesa "struktura): stavebn inenr;
[fy] (from );Lord monkr ven. Sir;Pn ct. pn ;faluda (Persian dessert drink mostly consisting of milk)
monk;n. utmn. WS.
falooda (Persian dessert drink mostly consisting of milk);Faluda
(persk mounkov npoj sestvajc zejmna z mlka);n.
: T T
;indicates change from v. to n.: He
gave ( ~ will give) food (and) drink to the people by (his) right
hand.;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm.: Dval ( ~ d)
lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s. writ.

;Pa Auk (Myanmar meditation center);Pa Auk

(Myanmarsk meditan centrum);name

;born, be birth, give;narozen, bt porodit;I (or) T

;invite spill;vylt pozvat zvt;T

T ;birth, give (be-born (and) see);porodit (narodit-se (a)

vidt);T writ.
T ;born, be (be-born (and) see);narozen, bt (narodit-se
(a) vidt);I writ.

();Pa-Auk Meditation Center;Pa-Auk, Meditan

: ;invite: I invite (you) now.;zvt:
Prv (t) zvu.;pol. um.
: ;invite: (I) invite (you for) a visit.;zvt:
Zvu (t na) nvtvu.;pol.

; organize form form (a group etc.) create (a group etc.) ();spilt, be spilled, be;vylit, bt rozlit, bt vytekl,
found (a group etc.) num. class. of groups;organizovat
zaloit (skupinu atd.) utvoit (skupinu atd.) utvoit vytvoit (): ;spilled, be: Much of oil
(skupinu atd.) itatel skupin;pow. (or) T
is spilled on the road.;rozlit, bt: Na ulici je hodn rozlitho
oleje.;cont. col.

) ;create: As for some, (they) make (create) ;invite (invite (and) call);zvt (zvt (a) volat) pozvat
groups and go around in big and small cars.;utvoit: A nkte (zvt (a) volat);T
utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch autech.;col. : T
() ;invite: Therefore, (I) invite
: T ;num.
class. for groups: U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups


the leader of proposers (in debate), teacher Mr. Mya Maung, to

propose (his idea in the debate).;zvt: Proto (nyn) zvu vdce

mluvch ( ~ navrhovatel) (v tto debat), uitele pana Mja

Mauna, aby vysvtlil ( ~ navrhl) (svj nzor).;pol. um.
: ;invite: They invite
me.;zvt: (Oni) zvou m.;pol.

: T ;to: to be able to help out

(my) family completely;aby: abych byl schopen (sv) rodin
pln vypomoci;
: ;to: plan to go;k: pln jt (pln k odchodu);

: T ;invite:
: ;to, in order: I will go to
(She) invites other people, to give (her) an advice.;pozvat: Zve (the) shop to buy (a) shirt.;aby: Pjdu do obchodu abych (si)
ostatn lidi, aby (j) poradili.;pol.
koupil koili.;fut. um.
: ;shoes: a pair of: two pairs of shoes;bot, pr: dva : ;to: I search clothes to dress.;k:
pry bot;pl.
Hledm obleen k obleen.;
: ;shoes: (He) does not wear shoes. (may be
used as a description of any monk, who does not use
shoes);boty: Nenos boty. (lze pout jakoto popis kterhokoliv
mnicha, kter nepouv boty);pol. mn.
: ( ~ );shoe: four (singled)
shoes;bota: tyi (samostatn) boty;pl.
( );shoes;boty;sg. (pair, one piece)
( );shoe (press (and) be-smart);bota (tlait
(a) bt-chytr);sg. (pair, one)

: T;to: (I) tell (you) not to take the

photo.;aby: km, abys nefotil.;pol.
;program file;soubor program;n. pc. E. file
: ;file: from the typed files;soubor (na
potai): z tch napsanch soubor;
( );file;soubor;sg. pc. E. file

;son (affectionate address by mother);synu (matino

voln);voc. col.
;cover (spread much);pokrt (hodn se-rozit);I

( );shoes, a pair of (press (and) be-smart) slippers, : T T

a pair of (press (and) be-smart);bot, pr (tlait (a) bt-chytr) ;cover: 70 percent of Earth is covered by water
abek, pr (boty, tlait (a) bt-chytr);sg.
(expanse).;pokrt: 70 procent Zem je pokryto vodou (~
;suppress (press (and) press) tyrannize (press (and)
vodnm tvarem).;writ.
press);utiskovat (tlait (a) tlait) potlait (tlait (a) tlait);T ;for (followed by verb) indicates infinitive (follows after
: T
;tyrannize: Since that time, indeed, English
government in various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the
Myanmars.;utiskovat: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi
zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~
Myanmary).;p.s. writ.

T ;emphasis (in speech, press (and) carry

{nouner});zdraznn (in speech, tlait (a) nst {jmenec});n.
;bakery;pekastv;n. rare

a verb) to (followed by verb) in order to to to (follows

after a verb) in order to (follows after a verb) in order to
(followed by verb);aby (nsledovno slovesem) zna zmnu
slovesa na infinitive (nsleduje za slovesem) zna infinitiv
pro (nsledovno slovesem) aby (nsleduje za slovesem)
kvli (nsledovno slovesem) aby zna zmnu slovesa na
infinitiv (nsleduje za slovesem);suff. (or) suff. conj.
(inserted after a noun);in order to;aby;suff. conj.

: T ;to: As for
;to, in order for to (followed by verb) for (followed by
me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my) perfections.;zna zmnu slovesa
verb) should to in order to (followed by verb);aby
na infinitiv: Co se te m, jsem pipraven naplnit (sv)
(nsledovno slovesem) ml by za (nsledovno slovesem) dokonalosti.;pol. um.
k pro (nsledovno slovesem) kvli (nsledovno
: () ;find
slovesem) aby pro;suff. prep. (or) suff. col. (or) suff.
( ~ "for): Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for

places (it) is difficult.);najt ( ~ "pro): Protoe je tk najt

: ;for: I will pay the money for msto. (Protoe pro msta je (to) nron.);pol.
you.;pro: Zaplatm pro tebe (ty) penze.;fut. um.
: T ;in order to: I
will go to Burma (country) in order to practise
: ;to: (I) am searching for (something) to eat.;k:
(meditation).;aby: Pojedu do (zem) Barmy abych praktikoval
Hledm (nco) k jdlu.;
: ;to: (He) goes to shop to buy an meditaci.;fut.
envelope.;aby: Jde do obchodu aby koupil oblku.;

: ;in order to: in order to

: ;for: This is book for me.;pro: To je kniha realize;aby: aby si uvdomil;
;conceal cover obscure hide;ukrt skrt zakrt
pro m.;um.
: T ;to: I will tell him to come utajit;T
(WS. from );call, make a (by phone, phone
today.;aby: eknu mu, aby dnes piel.;fut. pol. um.
connects);zavolat (telefonem, telefon se-spojuje);T WS.
: ;to: house to live in;k: dm k bydlen;

: T ;for: What have you come to
Burma for ( ~ "to do)? why ( ~ "for): Why have you come to : ;bake: Baker is baking a
Burma? ( ~ "to do)?;za: Za m jsi pijel do Barmy? (Pro jakou bread.;pci: Peka pee chleba.;cont.
prci (jsi) pijel do Barmy?) kvli: Kvli emu jsi pijel do
: ;mobile (phone): I do not use
Barmy? (Pro jakou prci (jsi) pijel do Barmy?);inter.
telephone.;mobil (telefn): Nepouvm telefon.;pol. um.


: ;telephone: Kyi Kyi

(Clearly), you (have) a phone call here. (Kyi Kyi, here a
phone comes (for) you.);telefn: (ist), m telefn(n
hovor). ( , tady ti pichz telefn.);cont. col.
: ;phone: I am going to hang up
phone.;telefon: Jdu poloit telefon. (Polom telefon:);fut.

T ;visit (religiously): The Ananda Pagoda built in

Pagan (town) by the king Kyansittha can be (religiously)
visited (and) seen up to today.;navtvit (nboensky): nanda
Pagodu postavenou v (mst) Paganu krlem ansit, je
mono (nboensky) navtvit (a) vidt a do dnes.;pol. writ.

: (T )
;visit (a
: ;telephone:
religious place).: Pagodas Maha (Myat)muni, Kyauktaw Gyi etc.
The man is calling by two phones at the same time.;telefn:
may still be visited and worshipped.;navtvit (nboensk
(Ten) mu vol dvma telefony najednou.;cont.
msto).: Je stle mono jt a navtvit pagody Mah (Mja)muni,
( );phone (telephone);telefn;sg. E. phone
: T ;phone card: aut atd.;pol.
;ever: Have you ever
The woman is using a blue phone card.;telefonn karta: (Ta)
met the student of the name Maung Maung?;u: Setkal jsi se
ena pouv modrou telefonn kartu.;cont.
u se studentem jmnem Maun Maun?;inter. p.p.
( );phone card;telefonn karta;sg. E. phone-card

: ;already: This is the

first time I have already been to Yangon.;ji: To je (ji) poprv
;hang up (drop phone);zavsit (telefn, pustit telefn) co jsem v Rangnu.;col. pol.
: ;visit (a
poloit (telefn, pustit telefn);T E. phone
: ;hang up: (The) boy just sacred place): And if (it is) true ( ~ "said) that (you) have not
now hung up the phone, indeed.;zavsit: (Ten) chlapec prv yet visited the Shwedagon Pagoda, (then I) urge (you) to visit
(it).;navtvit (posvtn msto): A je-li pravda ( ~ "eeno), e
te zavsil telefn.;col.
;call (call (by) phone);volat (volat telefonem);T E. (jsi) jet nenavtvil wedagon Pagodu, (pak) nalhm, abys
(ji) navtvil.;pol.
( ) (WS. from );phone card;telefonn
karta;sg. WS. E. phone-card

: ( ~ )
;call (by) phone: As I was calling you by phone,
you shouldn't have call me.;volat telefonem: Ponvad jsem ti
volal telefonem, nemla jsi volat ty m.;col.

: ;already: Have you seen that play

( ~ concert) already?;u: U jsi se (ty) (nkdy) na tu divadeln
hru ( ~ koncert) podval?;inter. col.

: ;call (by phone): Boss is

calling.;volat (telefnem): f vol.;cont.

-: T ;indicates negative: (I) do not do

the work of monks.;zna zpor: Nedlm prci mnich.;pol.

;call (sb. by phone) (give calling (by)

phone);zavolat (nkomu telefonem, dt voln

: ;porn: Will you watch a porn?;porno:

Bude se dvat na porno?;inter.

;porn (swelling film);porno (bobtnajc film);n.

: ;call (sb.): (I) called (by phone) to T : T ( ~

T );visit (a monk): I haven't (ever) visited so many
(sb.).;zavolat (nkomu): Zavolal (jsem nkomu).;p.s.
monks.;navtvit (mnicha): (Jet) jsem nenavtvil tolik
( );phonebook );telefonn seznam );sg.
(hodn) mnich.;um.
;call, make a (by phone, phone connects) call (by
phone, phone connects);volat (telefonem, telefon se-spojuje) T ;visit (religiously) (and) see );navtvit (nboensky)(a)
vidt );T
zavolat (telefonem, telefon se-spojuje);T (or) T WS.
();February (month);nor (msc);n. E. February
;already visit (a sacred place or person) indicates p.p.
tense yet ever worship;uctvn u nkdy u ji
navtvit (posvtn msto nebo osobu) zna minul as
dokonav vid;suff. (or) T (or) n.

;Facebook;Facebook;n. E. Facebook

: ;Facebook: look at ( ~ log in)

Faceebok;Facebook: dvat se ( ~ pihlsit se) na Facebook;

: ;already: (I) have seen (it yet).;ji: Ji (jsem

to) vidl.;ans. pol.

;holey, make;prodravt;T

: T() ;ever: Have you ever gone ( ~

arrived) abroad?;u (nkdy): Jel ( ~ dojel) jsi u (nkdy) do
zahrani?;p.p. inter. col.

: ;break in:
Thief is breaking in a house.;vloupat se: Zlodj se vloup do

;crazy (goes-astray (and) shines: ;already: (I) have already heard it;u: u jsem (to) much);len (jde-na-scest (a) moc-z);adj. col.
;break in (hole (and) bore) burgle (hole (and)
: ;already: (I) have already attended;u: u jsem bore);vkrst se (do domu, prorazit (a) vrtat) vloupat se (do
domu, prorazit (a) vrtat);T
se astnil (kurzu);pol.

: T T T ;already: Pye Pye already told

me.;ji: Pje Pje mi (to) ji ekla.;p.p. col.


T ;misconduct (perforate (and) return) worsen

(perforate (and) return);cizolostv (protrhnout (a) vrtit-se)
zhorit se (protrhnout (a) vrtit-se);n.
;font (for typing);font (pro psan na potai);n. E. font

( );pen, fountain fountain pen;plnc pero

pero, plnc;sg. E. fountain

( ) (from );artist;umlec;sg. der.

;slang (slang language);slang (slangov jazyk);n.

: ()
: ;slang: (He) learns the
T ;partner: Make a partner, hey, so that (you Burmese slang.;slang: U se Barmsk slang.;
have) same (punishment) if (you) go to a prison.;partner: Udlej ;Burma Burmese (language) Burma (a person of the
si partnera, hele, abyste (mli) stejn (trest), pokud pjde do nationality);Barmsk Barmnec (CZ col.) barmtina;adj. col.
vzen.;imper. sl.
(or) n.

( );partner comrade friend;partner kamard : ;Burmese (language): Are you

ptel;sg. col.
studying Burmese for a long time?;barmtina: Studuje
;elucidate (and reveal a meaning, mention (and)
barmtinu dlouho?;inter.
depict) explain (and reveal a meaning, mention (and)
: T ;Burma: What have you come
depict) reveal (and elucidate a meaning, mention (and)
to Burma (country) for ( ~ to do)?;Barma: Kvli emu jsi pijel
depict);odhalit (a vysvtlit vznam, zmnit (a) vykreslit)
do Barmy (zem)?;inter.
vysvtlit (a odhalit vznam, zmnit (a) vykreslit) objasnit (a
:;Burma: Burmese lady.;Barma: Dma (z)
odhalit vznam, zmnit (a) vykreslit);T
: ;elucidate: elucidate the
meaning;objasnit: objasnit vznam;

() ;Burma (country);Barma (zem);col.

T ;mention: The Mah Ahakath is mentioned in
Samantapsdik.;zmnit: Mah Ahakath je zmnna v

(Your) Burmese (language talking) is so distinct!;Barmsk

jazyk: (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem mluven) je
tak zeteln!;col.

T -;mention (by (sb.) expose (and) show);zmnit

((km) odhalit (a) ukzat);T

( ~ "fluent)!;Barmsk jazyk: (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "mluven

Barmskm jazykem) je prost skvl ( ~ "plynul)!;cont.

(T );Burma (country);Barma (zem);col.

T;show (expose (and) show) reveal (expose (and)
;money (Burmese money);penze (barmsk penze);n.
show) mention (expose (and) show) indicate (expose
: ( ~ ) ;Burmese
(and) show);naznait (odhalit (a) ukzat) odhalit (odhalit (a) language: Can (you) read (in) Burmese language?;Barmsk
ukzat) zmnit (odhalit (a) ukzat) poukzat na (odhalit
jazyk: Um st (v) Barmskm jazyce?;inter.
(a) ukzat);T
: T ;Burmese
T: T ;mention: as was mentioned;zmnit: jak language: (Your) Burmese (language talking) is (just) very
bylo zmnno;writ.
good! ;Barmsk jazyk: (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ Barmskm
T: T ;mention: (is) mentioned;zmnit: je
jazykem mluven) je (prost) velice dobr!;col.
: T ;Burmese language:

: T ;Burmese language: (I)

T: T ;mention: mentioned above;zmnit: cannot speak much Burmese (language).;Barmsk jazyk:
zmnn ve;writ.
Barmsky ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem) moc mluvit neumm.;pol.
T: T ( ~ T );mention: it
: T ;Burmese
was mentioned;zmnit: bylo to zmnno;p.s.
language: (Your) Burmese (language speaking) is just superb

T ;mention (expose (and) show {nouner});zmnit

(odhalit (a) ukzat {jmenec});T
;say (mention);ci (zmnit);T

: T ;Burmese (+
language): I can talk only in Burmese (language).;barmsky
(Barmsk jazyk): Umm mluvit pouze barmsky ( ~ barmskm

: ...
;say ( ~ mention): Indeed, if (you) say clairvoyance
T : T (T );Burma (Burmese country): in
etc. ..., (they will) know, friend.;ci (zmnit): (Vskutku,) pokud Burma ( ~ "Burmese country) and China;Barma (Barmsk
ekne: jasnovidnost atd. ..., (budou) vdt.;pol.
zem): v Barm (a) n;
;friendly, be (friendly (and) attending-on);ptelsk, bt T : T T;Burma: Are (you)
(ptelsk (a) starajc-se-o);I
satisfied being in Burma (country)?;Barma: Jste spokojen, e
: T ;friendly: Intimate (and)
friendly talk;ptelsk: dvrn (a) ptelsk rozhovor;

jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.

(abbrev. from );Burmese

Association of Students;Barmsk Asociace Student;

: T;Burmese, in: Speak in Burmese.;barmsky:

Mluv barmsky.;imper. pol.

;Burmese, in;Barmsky;adv.

: ;Burmese, in: How is it
;Burmese Men's Association: (He is) the
called in Burmese?;Barmsky: Jak se to nazv Barmsky?;inter.
leader-student of the Golden Shine Revolution's Burmese
(WS. from );left, (to) (left direction);levo, (na)
Students' Association.;Asociace Barmskch Mu: Je vdm
(smr vlevo);adv. WS.
studentem Revoluce Zlat Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch ;alphabet (consonants (and) vowels


letters);abeceda (souhlsky (a) samohlsky psmena);n. P.

byajana-sara-akkhara (= consonants vowels - letters)

death.);hladov, bt: Jsem k smrti hladov. (Mm hlad

aludkem asi-tak k smrti.);cont. uw.

;consonant;souhlska;n. P. byajana-akkhara (=
consonants - letters)

: ;hungry: I am hungry. (I (have) hungry

stomach.);hlad: Mm hlad. (Mm hladov aludek.);col.

(abbrev. from );you friend sir (friend);pteli pane ( T );belly (belly's meat);bicho (bin
(pteli) ty;pron. um. voc.
: ;friend: That's right, friend.;ptel: Je to tak,
;indicates a response or suggestion made by a man;zna
odpov nebo nvrh vznesen muem;suff.
; indicates a response or suggestion made by a man;zna
odpov nebo nvrh vznesen muem;suff.
: ;indicates a response or suggestion made
by a man: let's worship!;zna odpov nebo nvrh vznesen
muem: Uctvejme!;imper. col. um.
T( );Brahmin (member of the highest caste in
India);Brahmn (len nejvy kasty v Indii);sg.

;Gen. (general, used as title for names of generals,

chief commander);gen. (generl, uvno jakoto titul ped
jmny generl, velitel (a) nelnk);pref.
( ) [bochou.c:];general (in
army);generl (v armd);sg.
;Bogyoke Market (general's market);Boouksk Trh
(generlv trh);name
;Botahtaung Pagoda (pagoda (of) one
thousand generals);Bdadhaun Pagoda (pagoda jednoho
tisce generl);name

( );Botathaung (township);Bodadhau (sprvn

T( );Brahmin (member of the highest caste oblast);name
of India);Brahmn (len nejvy kasty v Indii);sg. P.
;Major (used as title for names of Majors, commander
brhmaapua (= complete Brahmin ?)
(and) leader);major (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny major,
velitel (a) vdce);pref.
;embassy, British British embassy;Britsk
ambasda ambasda, Britsk;name E. British

;visa;vzum vza;n. E. visa


: ;visa: visa recommendation letter;vza:

dopis doporuen pro vzum;

; offended, be;uraen, bt;I

: ;offended, be: Don't be offended.;urazit se:
Neura se.;imper. pol.

( ) [br];cupboard;sk (kredenc) kredenc (sk);sg.

E. bureau

[bahous];plural;mnon .;gram. adj. P. bahu-vacana (= ( );drum drum (double-handed);buben (obourun)

many words)
: T ;Buddha, the: the noble truth
;knowledge;znalosti vdomosti;n. P. bahusuta (=
preached by the Buddha;Buddha: ulechtil pravda pednesen
heard much)

;knowledge: We can understand, that (he) ;Buddhaghosa (Pi commentator);Buddhaghosa (Pi

was of poor knowledge.;znalosti: Meme pochopit, e byl
chabch znalost.;writ.
T ;Buddhaghosa: It is generally
: T ;knowledge, of much: eaccepted that the commentaries appeared during (ven.)
mails that are to be of much knowledge;znalost, hodn: eBuddhaghosa's time.;Buddhaghsa: Veobecn se pijm, e
maily, kter maj obsahovat ( ~ bt) hodn znalost.;
komente se objevily bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.
: ;wellversedness: (They) exchange (their) knowledge (and) wellversedness.;setlost: Vymuj si znalosti a setlost.;
();Berkley (town in USA);Berkley (msto v
;version;verze;n. E. version
( );architect;architekt;sg. P. visukamma (=
spirit able to create anything)
( );architect (architect
scholar);architekt (architekt uenec);sg. P. visukamma (=
spirit able to create anything)

;Buddhist Philosophy (Buddha's philosophical

knowledge);filosofie buddhismu (Buddhovo filosofick
vdn);n. P. buddha-dassanika (= buddhist - philosophical)

: T
T ;Buddhist Philosophy: Today the
subject to write ( ~ "answer) (at examination) is Buddhist
Philosophy.;Buddhismu, Filosofie: Pedmt, kter musm dnes
pst ( ~ "odpovdt) (u zkouky) je Filosofie Buddhismu.;pol.
;Buddhism (Buddhist religion);buddhismus
(buddhistick nboenstv);n. P. bhs (= language)

: ;Buddhism ( ~ "Buddha's
religion): the region, where Buddhism ( ~ "Buddhist religion)
;hungry, be ((have) hungry stomach) hungry, be
(be-hungry (by) stomach);hlad, mt (mt-hlad aludkem) (is) prominent;buddhismus (Buddhovo nboenstv): oblast,
kde je Buddhismus ( ~ "Buddhovo nboenstv) prominentn;
hladov, bt ((mt) hladov aludek);I
: ;hungry, be: I am : ()
T ;Buddhist: Because of
hungry to death. (I am being hungry by stomach about to
what believes that you accepted, (you) happened to become a
( );belly;bicho;sg.


Buddhist?;buddhista: Kvli jakm vrm, kter jsi pijal, se stalo, ped Kamyo trhem.;imper. pol.
e jsi se stal buddhistou?;inter. um.

;side: (I) also thank (you), that (you) took the
;Buddhist: (I am) a Buddhist, who can help from the side of (my) ability.;strana: (J) (ti) tak dkuji,
extremely respect (and) revere (the Buddha, the Teachings and e jsi si vzal pomoc ze strany (mch) schopnost.;pol.
the monks).;Buddhista: Jsem Buddhista, kter doke nesmrn : T ;direction:
respektovat (a) ctt (Buddhu, Uen a mnichy).;
Mandalay mountain is in North direction from the moat.;smr:
( );Buddhist ((who) entered religion (of) Mandalajsk hora je na sever od (toho) vodnho pkopu.;pol.
Buddha);buddhista ((kter) vstoupil (do) nboenstv

;side: (They) can talk following ( ~ having
( );Buddhist (enterer (to) Buddha's
followed) the side ( ~ group of speakers), which (they)
religion);buddhista (vstoupiv (do) Buddhova
themselves agree with (and) like.;strana: Mohou mluvit
nsledujce (tu) stranu ( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami
;Buddhist Philosophy (practice (of) souhlas (a) kterou maj rdi.;pol. col.
Buddhist thinking);filosofie buddhismu (praxe Buddhistickho
mylen);n. P. buddha-bhs (= buddhist - language)
;Buddhist philosophy
(subject of Buddhist practice and ideas);filosofie buddhismu
(pedmt Buddhistick praxe a nzor);n.
;Buddha (Buddha Lord);Buddha (Buddha Pn);
;Buddha, the
T: T
Lord: according to what the Lord Buddha preached;Buddha,
Pn: podle toho, co Pn Buddha pednesl;
T: T
;Buddha, Lord: What do (you) like most in the
Lord Buddha's teachings?;Buddha, Pn: Co m z ( ~ "v)
uen Pna Buddhy nejradji?;inter.
T ;Buddha, the Lord (Buddha, (the) nobly lord)
Buddha (Buddha, Nobly Lord) Buddha (Buddha nobly
Lord);Buddha (Buddha vzneen Pn) Buddha (Buddha,
Ulechtile Pn) Buddha, Pn (Buddha, ulechtile Pn); (or)
name (or) Bh.
T : T
;Lord Buddha: According to ( ~ in) what
the Lord Buddha said, there are three ways for making
merit.;Pn Buddha: Dle toho, co ( ~ v) Pn Buddha ekl, jsou
ti zpsoby dln zsluh.;pol.
;Buddhism (Buddhist philosophy);buddhismus
(buddhistick filosofie);n. P. buddha+vda
: ;Buddhism: pure
Buddhism;buddhismus: ist buddhismus;
( T );Buddhism (Buddha's philosophy);buddhismus
(Buddhova filosofie);sg. P. buddhavda
;Wednesday (Mercur's day);steda (den
: ;Wednesday: on Wednesday
morning;steda: ve stedu rno;writ.

: T ;direction: Go
North along the Sule pagoda road.;smr: jdi severn podl
ulice Sule pagody.;imper. pol.
: () ; direction: to the direction of
various places;smr: smrem k rznm mstm;col.
: ;way ( ~ "direction): (Go) this way!;tudy ( ~
"smr): (Jdi) tudy!;
: ;direction: Go this direction.;smr: Jdte
tmto smrem.;imper. pol.
: T ;num. class.
for limbs: You have two hands (and) two legs.;itatel konetin:
M dv ruce (a) dv nohy.;
: ;direction: Turn left at
Anawyatha road.;smr: (A bude) v Anoyath ulici, zato v
levo.;imper. pol.
( ) (WS. from );bus;autobus;sg. WS. E.
;separately (to (a) life, embraced
life);oddlen (k ivotu, seven ivot);adv.
( );Bangaldesh (country);Banglad (stt);name
: () ;bank: Are (you)
still working in bank?;banka: Pod pracuje v bance?;inter.
;bank acount );bankovn et );n.
: ;bank
acount: I have one more bank account.;bankovn et: Mm
jet jeden bankovn et.;um.
;bank (bank building);banka (budova banky);n.
: ;bus: (He) stopped the
bus.;autobus: Zastavil autobus.;
: ;bus: I came by bus.;autobus:
Pijel jsem autobusem.;p.s.
( );bus;autobus;sg. E. bus-car

( );bus stop (sign column (for)

bus);autobusov zastvka (sloup (se) znakou (pro)
: ;astrology: girls, who believe in autobus);sg.
astrology;astrologie: dvky, kter v v astrologii;pl. writ.
();Bangkok (town in Thailand);Bangkok (msto
;astrology;astrologie;n. P. vedga (= science - limb)

;to (preceded by direction) side direction num. class. Thaiska);name

for limbs;strana itatel konetin smr na (do, nsleduje za -: ;wherever from (from any): from any
smrem);suff. (or) pow. (or) n.
city;odkudkoliv (z jakhokoliv): z jakhokoliv msta;
: ;direction: Come to
-: ;whatever from: whatever city (you)
(by) the street in front of Kamayut Market.;smr: Pij na ulici


come from;jakhokoliv: a u pijde z jakhokoliv msta;

: ;left: on the left;lev: na levo;

-;from whatever;z ehokoliv;pron.

: ;wherever: wherever (you) go;kamkoliv:

kamkoliv jde;

-: ;from whatever: from whatever city;z

jakhokoliv: z jakhokoliv msta;n.
-: ; wherever to (to any): to any
city;kamkoliv (do kterhokoliv): do jakhokoliv msta;
-: ;whatever: whatever city (you) go
to;kterhokoliv: a u jde do kterhokoliv msta.;

- ;where from;odkud;pron. inter. spis.

- ;where from;odkud;pron. inter. col.
- : ;where from: Where do you come
from?;odkud: Odkud pichz?;inter. col.

-; to whatever;do jakhokoliv;pron.

- : ;where from: Where do you

come from?;odkud: Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter. col.

-: ;to whatever: to whatever town;do

jakhokoliv: do jakhokoliv msta;n.

- : ;where from: Where do you

come from?;odkud: Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter. col.

-; anywhere wherever any;kdekoliv kterkoliv;adv. - : ;where from: Where do you

-: ;any: come from?;odkud: Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter. col.
Any Buddhist accepts this fact.;kterkoliv: Kterkoliv buddhista
tento fakt pijm.;
-;anywhere, to wherever;kdekoliv kamkoliv;pron.

: ;where from: Where are

you from, Bill? (From which place (you) come, Bill?);odkud:
Odkud jsi, Bille? (Z jakho msta pichz, Bille?);inter.

- -: ;anywhere
(negative): I didn't go to any town.;nikam: Neel jsem do
dnho msta.;um.

;anywhere (nowhere): We don't go anywhere on
Sundays.;nikam: O nedlch nikam nechodme.;pol. um.

-: ;whatever: whatever city (you) live

in;jakkoliv: a u ije v jakmkoliv mst a u: a u ije
v jakmkoliv mst;
-; wherever (in any);kdekoliv (v ktermkoliv);adv.
-: ; wherever (in any): in any
book;kdekoliv (v ktermkoliv): v kterkoliv knize;
-;in whatever;v ktermkoliv;pron. loc.
- -: ;anywhere
(negative): This book isn't available at any shop.;nikde: Tato
kniha nen k dispozici v dnm obchod.;
-: ;in whatever: in whatever book.;v
ktermkoliv: v kterkoliv knize.;n.
- ;where (to) which;kter kam;inter. adv. (or) adj.

;Where to?;Kam?;inter.
; every shop (not saying which shop) any
shop (not saying (in) which shop);kad obchod (nekajc
jak obchod) jakkoliv obchod (nekajc jak obchod);
-; any time (in past) whenever (in
past);kdykoliv (v minulosti);adv.
- ;when (if related to past);kdy (pokud se tk
minulosti);pron. inter. col.
- : ;when (in past):
Friend, when did you eat?;kdy (v minulosti): Pteli, kdy jsi
jedl?;inter. p.s. um.
- : ;when (in past):
When did he come?;kdy (v minulosti): Kdy piel (on)?;inter.
col. p.s.

: ;when (for past):

When did you arrive to this town?;kdy (pro minulost): Kdy jsi
- : ;what ( ~ "which): What shop will pijel do tohoto msta?;inter. col.
: T T
you eat in?;jak: V jakm obchod bude jst?;inter.
;ever: From (my) family was nobody
- : T ;how: How can I talk
ever in any way connected to ( ~ "with) Myanmar
(in English), dear lad?;jak: Jak bych mohla mluvit (anglicky),
country.;nikdy: Z (m) rodiny nikdo nikdy nebyl s Myanmarem (
drah mldene?;inter. col.
~ "Myanmarskm sttem) jakkoliv spojen.;p.s. pol.
- : ;which: (In) which month?;kter: (V)
- : ;where: Where will (you) go
today?;kam: Kam dnes pjde?;col. inter.

: ;when (in past): When

- : ;where (to): Where should (I) give was Monday?;kdy (v minulosti): Kdy bylo pondl?;inter. col.
-; whenever (in future) any time (in
(you) a lift?;kam: Kam (vs) mm svzt?;inter. fut.
future);kdykoliv (v budoucnosti);adv.
- : ;where (to): Where are (you)
- : ;when (future): When
going, friend?;kam: Kam jde, pteli?;inter.
will (you) eat, friend?;kdy (budouc): Kdy bude jst,
- : ;where (to): Where are you going?
(Where will you go?);kam: Kam jde? (Kam pjde?);inter. pteli?;inter. col. fut. um.
kter msc?;inter.

col. fut.
- : ;which: which monks?;kter: kte
-: ;where from: Where does he
come from? (Which region does he come from?);odkud:
Odkud je? (Z jak oblasti (on) pichz?);


- : T ;when (future): When will you

go back?;kdy (budouc): Kdy se vrt?;inter. fut. col.
- : ;when will: When will he
come?;kdy (budouc): Kdy pijde (on)?;inter. col. fut.
- ;when (if related to future);kdy (pokud se tk
budoucnosti);pron. inter. col.

: ;whenever: whenever (you)

look;kdykoliv: kdykoliv se podv;

[num. class.] ;how many;kolik;pron. inter. col.

: T T T
;when: When do (you) plan ( ~ have) to come to
Myanmar again.;kdy: Kdy plnuje ( ~ m) znovu pijt do

;time, at what ( ~ "how many hours);hodin, (v)


num. class. ;how many;kolik;pron. inter.

: ;What time: What time will

(you) come?;V kolik hodin: V kolik hodin pijde?;inter. col.

: ;when: When do (you) want to : ;time, at what ( ~ "how many

go?;kdy: Kdy chcete jet?;inter. col.
hours): (At) what time will (you) go?;hodin, v kolik: (V) kolik
: ;when (in future): When do (you)
hodin pjde?;inter. col.
plan to ( ~ will) finish?;kdy (v budoucnu): Kdy plnuje ( ~
- : ;when ( ~ "at
bude) skonit?;inter.
how many hours): When does the class begin? (At how many
: ;when: When is your
birthday?;kdy: Kdy m narozeniny? (Kdy bude den tvho

: ;when: When will (you

have) holidays?;kdy: Kdy budou przdniny?;inter.
; ever (not saying when) any time (not
saying when);vdy (nekajc kdy) kdykoliv (nekajc
; whenever (in future);kdykoliv (v budoucnu);pron.

hours will start the lesson?);kdy ( ~ "v kolik hodin): Kdy

zan lekce? (V kolik hodin zane lekce?);inter. col.
: ;what time, at: What time
will (you) come?;kolik hodin, v: V kolik hodin pijde?;inter. fut.
: ;what time, at: What time
will (you) go?;kolik hodin, v: V kolik hodin pjde
(odejde)?;inter. fut.
- ;what day (in week);kter den (v tdnu);inter.
; anywhere (not telling which place);kdekoliv
(nekajc jak misto);adv.

-: T T ;never: (He) never :

looks back.;nikdy: Nikdy se nepodv zpt.;
;wherever: Wherever (you) just look, (you) will see
( ~ meet) the pagodas.;kamkoliv: Kamkoliv se jen podv,
uvid ( ~ setk se s) pagody.;fut. pol.
(~ ): (~
);when (future): When will be Monday?;kdy
(budouc): Kdy bude pondl?;inter. col.

;nowhere (in no-no place);nikde (v dnmdnm mst);adv.

- : ;how many: How

many children do (you) have?;kolik: Kolik mte dt?;inter.

; nowhere, be (in no-no place);nikde, nebt

(v dnm-dnm mst);adv.

- : how many: How many kyats : T

(you) have to pay?;kolik: Kolik at mus() zaplatit?;inter. col.; ;nowhere, be: The dog is nowhere on ( ~ of) the
- : ;how many: How many kyats?;kolik: beach.;nikde, nebt: Pes nen nikde na ( ~ z) ple.;
Kolik at?;inter. col.

;left (left direction) left, on the (left direction)

- : ;how many: How many hours?;kolik: left, (to) (left direction);lev (smr nalevo) levo, (na)
(smr vlevo) nalevo (smr nalevo) vlevo (smr
Kolik hodin?;inter. col.
- : ;how many: How many
people?;kolik: Kolik lid?;inter. col.

: ;left: The bus is

- : ;how many: How many books?;kolik: going to turn left.;vlevo: Autobus zato vlevo.;fut.
Kolik knih?;inter. col.
- : how many: How many books?;kolik: ;wherever: Wherever (you) look, it is
extremely pleasurable.;kamkoliv: Kamkoliv se podv, je to
Kolik knih?;inter. col.;
- : ;how many: How velice pjemn ( ~ vhodn k poten (se)).;pol.

;left: Turn left, (and) on the right (you) will certainly

find a hotel.;vlevo: Zato vlevo, (a) napravo jist nalezne
- ;how many;kolik;pron. inter. col.
: ;how many: How many hotel.;imper. fut.
miles is it far from here to Bago?;kolik: Kolik ml je to odsud
;padmasanam, ardha (with left leg up, lotusdo Bago?;inter. col.
posture while placing right leg up) lotus posture, half
: ;what (how many): What is the
(with left leg up, lotus-posture while placing right leg
time? (How many hours have been struck?);kolik: Kolik je
up);padmsana, polovin (s levou nohou nahoe, lotosovhodin? (Kolik hodin udeilo?);col.
.. : ;how many: How many rooms do pozice zatmco prav noha (je) poloen nahoru)
you want? (in hotel);kolik: Kolik pokoj chcete? (v hotelu);inter. lotosov pozice, polovin (s levou nohou nahoelotosovpozice zatmco prav noha (je) poloen nahoru);n.
[num. class.] ;how many;kolik;pron. inter. spis.
many monks are enrolled?;kolik: Kolik mnich je
pihleno?;inter. col. mn.


; however (in any way, not saying how);jakkoliv

(nekajc jak);pron
: ;any: I will read any
book.;jakkoliv: Petu jakoukoliv knihu.;fut.

Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)? Je (to) dobr. Jsem astn.;inter.

- : ;how: How should go to ... ;kudy (
~ "jak): Kudy mm jt do ... ;inter. fut.

: ;how: How did you come?;jak:

: ;every: I have been already Jak jsi piel ( ~ pijel)?;inter. col. um.
to every city.;kad: Navtvil jsem ( ~ pijel) ji kad msto.; : (~
;whichever every any all;vechny kterkoliv
T);how: How's this road?;jak: Jak je tato
ulice? (Jak je (na tom) tahle ulice?);inter. col.
-: ;anywhere: (I) won't go anywhere
today.;nikam: Dnes nikam nepjdu.;col.
-;nowhere anywhere (in negative);nikde;adv.
- ;where;kde;pron. inter. spis.
- : ( ~
);where: Do (you) know, where (I)
can get ( ~ find) (it)?;kde: Nevte, kde pobl bych (to) mohl
dostat ( ~ najt)?;inter. fut.
- : ;where: Where do ( ~ did) you
eat?;Kde j? ("Kde jsi jedl?);inter.
- : ;where: Where are (you)
staying?;kde: Kde (te) jsi (ubytovn)?;inter. cont.
- : ;where: Where do (you) stay?;kde:
Kde (te) jsi (ubytovn)?;inter..
- : ;where: Where do (you)
want (me) to come (and) take (you)?;kde: Kde chcete abych
pijel (a) vzal (vs)?;inter. col.
- : ;where: Where does he
live?;Kde ije? (on);inter.
- : ;where: Where do you live
now?;kde: Kde te ije?;inter.
- : ;where: To where is your house
near?;kde: Pobl eho je tvj dm?;inter
- ;where;kde;pron. inter. col.
: ;wherever: wherever (you) live;kdekoliv:
kdekoliv ije;

: ;how: What's the name of

this road? (How do you call the name of this road?);jak: Jak
se jmenuje tato ulice? (Jak nazv jmno tto ulice?);inter.
: ;how: What is the name? (How
is the name called?);jak: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se nazv
jmno?);inter. col.
: ;how: How's the weather in
Bago?;jak (jak): Jak (- Jak) je poas v Bago?;inter. col.
: ;how: How should (I) go?;jak: Jak
bych ml jet? (Jak bych se tam ml dostat?);inter. col.
: ;what kind of (how): What kind of
car will you buy?;jak (jak): Jak automobil si koup?;inter.
: ;what kind of (how): What kind
of books do you read?;jak (jak): Jak knihy te?;inter. col.
: ;what ( ~ "how): What do (you) think
(about it)? (How (you) think?);co ( ~ "jak): Co si (o tom)
mysl? (Jak mysl?);inter.
: T ;how: Because of
how it happened, that (you), indeed, are a monk?;jak: Jak se
stalo, e kvli tomu jsi, vskutku, mnichem?;inter. col.
: T ;how: How did (you)
become (a) monk?;jak: Jak jsi se stal mnichem?;inter.
: ;how: How will you do (it)?;jak: Jak to
udl?;inter. col.

: ;where: Where do you stay

now?;kde: Kde te ije?;inter. pol.

: ;how (with what): How will you

go?;m (jak): m pojede?;inter. col.

where?);em ( ~ "kde): Na em? (Na kde?);inter.

: ;how: How is it called in

Burmese?;jak: Jak se to nazv Barmsky?;inter.

: ;what: What kind of?;jak ( ~ co):

; anywhere (not saying where) everywhere
(not saying where);kdekoliv (nekajc kde);adv. (or) adv.. Jak druh?;inter.
: (~ );how:
: T ;where: Where is the
How's the weather?;jak (jak): Jak je poas? (Jak je
museum?;kde: Kde je muzeum?;inter.
poas?);inter. col.
: ;what ( ~ "where): On what? (On
: ;where: Where is the town
called Mandalay?;kde: Kde je to msto zvan Mandalaj
- ;how which way ( ~ "how);kudy ( ~ "jak)
jak;conj. (or) pron.
- : ;how much ( ~ "how): How
much do you sell this for? (How do (you) sell this?);kolik ( ~
"jak): Za kolik tohle prodvte? (Jak tohle prodvte?);inter.
- : T
;how: How do you feel ( ~ "live) in Burma
(country)? Good. (I) am happy.;jak: Jak se ije ( ~ "ije) v


; in no way;nijak;adv.
: : T;in no way:
Don't plan in advance anything in no way and steal ((and)
run), friend.;nijak: Nijak si pedem nic neplnuj a ukradni ((a)
b), pteli.;imper. col. sl.
;So, what? (used to encourage sb. to do sth.);Tak,
co? (uito k povzbuzen nkoho k udln neho);inter. col.
- : ;how much: How much
(money) do you have?;kolik: Kolik (penz) m?;inter. col.
- : ;how much: How much
(money) do you buy (it) with?;kolik: Za kolik (penz) (to)

kupuje?;inter. col.
- :
;how much: I don't know precisely how far it is.;jak (+
moc): Nevm pesn jak je to daleko.;um.
- : ;how much
(money): How much do (you) have to pay for rent?;kolik
(penz): Kolik mus platit za njem?;inter.

- : ;whose: Whose son are

you?;: jsi (ty) syn?;inter. col. uml.
- : ;whose: Whose house does
(he) go to?;: Do jakho () domu jde?;inter. col.
- : T ;who: Who is speaking
(now)? (also in telephone conversation);kdo: Kdo je u
telefonu? (Kdo te mluv?) (tak do telefnu);inter. col.

: ;how much: How much : ;who: Who wants to come?;kdo:

(do you) sell this for ( ~ "with)?;kolik: Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika)
Kdo chce pijt?;inter. col.
tohle prodvte?;inter. col.
: ; whoever: whoever knows;kdokoliv:
: ;how much: How much is this
(one)?;kolik: Kolik (stoj) tenhle?;inter.
: ;how often, (it doesn't matter):
(it doesn't matter) how often (you) ask;kolikrt, (bez ohledu na
to): (bez ohledu na to,) kolikrt se zept;
: ;how much: How
much money do you have?;kolik: Kolik m penz?;inter. fr.

kdokoliv v;

;whose: Whose concert (is it)?;: (je to)
koncert?;inter. col.
: ;who: Who's (there)? (also used during
telephone conversation);kdo: Kdo je (tam)? (tak uito pi
telefonn konverzaci);inter. col. pol.

;Who? (also during telephone conversation);Kdo? (tak

: ;how (+ much): pi telefonnm hovoru);inter. col.
How old are you? (How much has been your age?);kolik:
: ;who: Who is the teacher?;kdo:
Kolik je ti let? (Kolik u byl tvj vk?);inter. pol. um. col.
Kdo je uitel?;inter.
: ;how much: How old are ;who(m);kterho;pron.
you? (How much age have (you) had?);kolik: Kolik je ti let?
- : ;who: Who will I
(Kolik vku u m?);inter. p.p.
ask?;koho: Koho se zeptm?;inter. col. um.

.. :
;how much: How - : T T;to who: Then, who
much money do (you) have, sir?;kolik: Kolik penz mte,
can I speak to? (also during telephone conversation);s km ( ~
pane?;inter. uw.
"do koho): Tak s km mohu mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. fut.
- ;how long time;jak dlouho;inter.
- : T ;who, with ( ~ "to who):
- :
;how long time: How long time
does it take to cook this food?;jak dlouho: Jak dlouho trv
uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.

Who did he speak with?;km, s ( ~ "komu): S km

mluvil?;inter. col.

: ;anyone (acc.): (I)

could not trust anyone.;nikomu: Nemohl jsem nikomu

- : T
;how long time: How long has it been since -;whoever, with;kmkoliv, s;pron.
(you) arrived to Burma (country)? (How much did (it) last
- ;Who will you .. (v.) with?;S km .. (sloveso v
(that you) are being arrived (to) Burmese country?);jak dlouho: bud. ase)?;pron. inter. fut. col.
Jak dlouho je (to, co jsi) pijel do Barmy (zem)?;inter. p.p.
- ;Who do you .. (v.) with?;S km .. (sloveso)?;pron.
- :
inter. col.
;how long time: How long time are you going to be - : T ;with who: Who do you
online?;jak dlouho: Jak dlouho bude ( ~ "se chyst) bt
want to speak with? (also in telephone conversation);s km: S
online?;inter. col.
km chcete mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. col. pol.
;how much how many;kolik;pron. inter. col.

: ;what ( ~ how
much): What is (your) telephone number?;jak ( ~ kolik):
Jak je (tv) telefonn slo?;inter.
: ;how much:
How much is this (ball) pen?;kolik: Kolik (stoj) toto (kulikov)
pero?;inter. col.

: ; whoever, with: with whoever (you)

meet;kmkoliv, s: a u se setk s kmkoliv;
; anybody, with;kmkoliv, s;pron.
; everybody (not saying which person) anybody
(not saying which person);kdokoliv (nekajc kdo)
kad (nekajc kdo);pron.

; anybody whoever;kdokoliv;pron.
: ;how much: How old -;noone (nobody) nobody anyone
are you? (Who much is your age?);kolik: Kolik je ti let? (Kolik (negative);nikdo;pron.
je tvj vk?);inter. col.
;where (should I go);kam (bych ml jet);inter. col.
: ;nobody: May
-; whoever;kdokoliv;pron.
nobody know except you.;nikdo: K nikdo krom tebe
- ;whose Whose .. (n.)?; .. (pod. jm.)?
nev.;pol. um.
Koho .. (pod. jm.)? koho ();pron. inter. col. (or) pron. inter. : ;nobody: Nobody


knows as much as Nga Nyo.;nikdo: Nikdo nev tolik, co a


() [brnot ];Buenos Aires (town in

Argentina);Buenos Aires (msto Argentiny);name

;secretly (in-order-to (make) anybody not

knowing);tajn (aby nikdo nevdl);adv.

;blog (in Internet);blog (na internetu);n. E. blog

( ~
);secretly: I secretly ate
butter sitting near the fridge.;tajn: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a)
tajn jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
;who;kdo;pron. inter. col.
: ;who: Who is Maung
Maung?;kdo: Kdo je Maun Maun?;inter. col.
: ;who: Who is that?;kdo: Kdo je
to?;inter. col.
: ;which: Which (one) is hot
(tasty)?;kter: Kter je pliv?;inter.

( ) (WS. from );blog (on Internet);blog (na

internetu);sg. E. blog WS.
( );blog (on Internet);blog (na internetu);sg. E.
( );blouse;blza;sg. E. blouse
;life;ivot;n. P. bhava (= existence, life)
: ;life: whole my life;ivot: cel mj ivot
(po cel mj ivot);n.
: ;life: one's own life;ivot: vlastn ivot;
;life: I
zealously try to get various things and finally I die.;ivot: Horliv
se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut.

: ;which: Which (one) is hot?;kter: Kter : ;life: They

je hork?;inter.
taught me about life.;ivot: (Oni) m uili o ivot.;p.s.
: ;which: Which contains
: ;life: in my life;ivot: v mm ivot;
meat?;kter: Kter je s masem? (Kter obsahuje maso?);inter. : T T ;life: I haven't ever
: T
;what ( ~ "which): What do (you) like most in the
Lord Buddha's teachings?;co ( ~ "kter): Co m z ( ~ "v)
uen Pna Buddhy nejradji?;inter.

seen a clay alms-bowl in my life.;ivot: V ivot jsem nevidl

hlinnou almun msu.;col.

;which (acc.);kter (4.p.);n.

: ;life: whole the life;ivot: cel ivot;

-; whenever any time;kdykoliv;adv.

: T ;life: May your wishes (and) life

become same.;ivot: K jsou (tv) pn a ivot stejn.;w. pol.

: T ;life: they are going to take (a new)

- : ;when: When is life;ivot: dostanou nov ivot (jsou dostvajc jeden ivot);fut.
(it) used most frequently? (In what kind of times (it) is used
most frequently?);kdy: Kdy je (to) nejvce pouvno? (V
: ;life: at the last part of life;ivot: v posledn
jakm druhu as se (to) pouv nejastji?);inter.
sti ivota;
- : ;what time: What is the
: ;life: the remaining part of life;ivot:
time now? (What has been the time?);kolik (o ase) ( ~ "jak zbytek ( ~ "zbvajc st) ivota;
as): Kolik je te hodin? (Jak ji byl as?);inter. p.p. col.
: TT ;life: noble life;ivot: ulechtil ivot;
: ;whenever: whenever (you)
eat;kdykoliv: kdykoliv j;

: ;time, at what: (At) want

time do (you) want (me) to come for sure?;hodin, v kolik ( ~
"jak as): V kolik hodin chcete, abych opravdu pijel?;inter.
: T
;whenever: Whenever you come, (you) have to
leave quickly somewhere.;kdykoliv: Kdykoliv pijde, mus
rychle nkam jt.;fut. col.

: ;live ( ~ "life): live from hand to

mouth (life of movement of mouth from movement of hand);t
( ~ "ivot): t z ruky do pusy (ivot pohybu st z pohybu
;life: They are happy, as
(they) together possess a pleasant, good life.;ivot: Jsou
astn, protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.
; life, lay;ivot, laick;n.
( );life;ivot;sg.

T: T ( ) ( )
;conceited, be: This way (they), being
; anything (not telling which thing) everything conceited, just belittle others.;namylen, bt: Takto, namylen,
(not telling which thing);cokoliv (nekajce kter vc) prost poniuj druh.;pol.
vechno (nekajce kter vc);n.
T;conceited (consciousness (is) high);namylen

( );bra;podprsenka;sg. F. brassiere

;Buenos Aires:
Buenos Aires is 8377 km far from ( ~ with)
Washington.;Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires je 8377 km daleko od
( ~ s) Washingtonu.;


(vdom (je) vysoko);adj. P. bhavaga (= sub-consciousness)

T: T ;conceited, be:
Therefore, they are conceited and proud.;namylen, bt: Proto,
jsou namylen a hrd.;pol.
: ;grandmother: grandfather (and)
grandmother;babika: ddeek (a) babika;

: { } ;status: It is said,
that having given him the status of Min Yaza, he appointed him
a minister.;statut: k se, e mu udlil statut Men Yza a
ustanovil ho ministrem.;

-: ;whatever: whatever book;jakkoliv: jakkoliv


: ;name (of a monk): May (I) get to know (your)

name. (a request to a monk);jmno (mnicha): K se mi
dostane vdn (tvho) jmna. (dost mnichovi);pol. utmn.

- : ;how: How is it big? (What (is) thesize?);jak: Jak je velk? (Jak (je) velikost?);inter. col.

- ;how (what) indicates question or verb in

interrogative mode;jak (co) zna otzku nebo sloveso v
: ( ~ );degree: (I) need to tzacm tvaru;pref. & suff. col. (or) pron. inter.
get (one) more degree.;titul: Potebuji dostat jet (jeden)
- : ;what: What country is this?;co: Co je
tohle za stt?;inter. col.

: ;name (of monk): May (I) know ven.

Sir's name.;jmno (mnicha): Rd bych vdl jmno ct. pna.
(K je jmno ct. pna znmo.);pol.

- : ;what ( ~ what kind of): What

kind of ball pen you want to buy?;jak ( ~ "co): Jak pero si
chcete koupit?;inter. col.

- : ;which ( ~ "what): Which ( ~

"what) magazine do (you) read?;jak ( ~ "co): Jak ( ~ "co)
;title: U Aung Zeyya, magazn tete?;inter.
having accepted the title Alaung Min Taya ( ~ future king (of) - : ;what: What do (you) want? (may be
law) (and) started (and) founded the dynasty Kounbaun.;titul: asked by a merchant in a shop);co: Co chcete? (me bt
Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu Alaun Men Day ( ~ budouc krl otzkou prodavae v obchod);inter.
zkona) (a) zapoal (a) zaloil dynastii Kounbaun.;writ.
- : ;what: What do (you) want to buy?

( );name (of a monk) title award name (of monk) (What (is it), that (you) want to buy?);chtt: Co chcete koupit?
position (in society);jmno (mnicha) ocenn postaven (ve (Co (je to), co chcete koupit?);inter. col.
spolenosti) titul;sg. utmn. (or) sg. mn. (or) sg.
- : ;what: What will you buy, friend?;co:
( );degree, university;titul, universitn;sg.
Co si koup, pteli?;inter. um.
(WS. from );well-versedness (heard
- : ;what: What did you do?;co: Co jsi
much);setlost (slyel hodn);n. WS. P. bahusuta (=
dlal(a)?;inter. col.
(followed by a doubled verb);whatever (followed by a verb)
;any whatever;cokoliv jakkoliv;pron.

- - ;indicates question in future tense on 'with

what';zna otzku v budoucm ase na 's m';pref. & suff.
inter. fut. col.

regardless which (followed by a verb);cokoliv (nsledovno

slovesem) nehled na to, jak (nsledovno slovesem)
kterkoliv (nsledovno slovesem);

(followed by a doubled verb):

- : ;with what: What meat will you eat it ;whatever (followed by a verb): Whatever
with?;s m: S jakm masem to bude jst?;col.
you do, I like.;cokoliv (nsledovno slovesem): Cokoliv udl,
-: ;whatever: whatever book;jakkoliv:
j mm rd.;pol. um.
jakkoliv kniha;
(followed by a doubled verb):

- ;indicates question or verb in interrogative future
tense;zna otzku nebo sloveso v tzacm budoucm
ase;pref. & suff. fut. col.
- : ;indicates question in fut. tense:
Friend, what will you eat?;zna otzku v bud. .: Pteli, co
bude jst?;inter. col. um.
- : ;indicates question in future tense: What
will you eat?;zna otzku v bud. .: Co bude jst?;inter. col.
- : ;what (in fut. tense): What meat
will you eat it with?;co (v bud. .): S jakm masem to bude

;whatever (followed by a verb):

Whatever (you) eat, it doesn't matter.;cokoliv (nsledovno
slovesem): Je jedno, co j.;pol.
(followed by a doubled verb):
;whatever (followed by a verb): He enjoys
whatever book (he) reads.;kterkoliv (nsledovno slovesem):
Uv si kad knihy (kterou) (on) te.;pol.
(followed by a doubled verb):
;whatever (followed by a verb): Whatever car he
buys, (it is) (indeed) same.;kterkoliv: A u koup kterkoliv
auto, (je to) (vskutku) to sam.;pol.
: TT;whatever: whatever (you) say;cokoliv:
cokoliv ekne;

: T ;what: What's up? (What happened?);co: Tak

- : ;indicates question in fut.
tense: What meat will he eat (it) with?;zna otzku v bud. .: S co je? (Co se stalo?);inter.
: ;whatever: whatever (you) do;cokoliv: cokoliv
jakm masem (to) bude jst?;inter. fut. col.
-;any whatever;kterkoliv jakkoliv;pron.
: T ;how (what): How are you, sir? (Sir,
- : ;any (negative): I do not what is happening?);jak (co): Jak se mte, pane? (Pane, co
se dje?);inter. cont. col. uw.
read any book.;dn: Netu dnou knihu.;um.
: ;who (what): (I) don't know (the fact)
- ;any (in negative);dn;pron.


who ( ~ what) he is.;kdo (co): Nevm (skutenost) kdo ( ~

co) (on) je.;

saying what) whatever (not saying what);cokoliv

(nekajc co);pron.

;What?;Coe?;inter. col.

: ;any: I will read any

book.;jakkoliv: Petu jakoukoliv knihu.;fut.

: ;why:
Why do (you) think, that (I) don't like ( ~ "need) you?;pro:
Pro si mysl, e t nemm rd ( ~ "nepotebuji)?;inter.
;why why (what reason?);pro pro (jak
dvod?);inter. col. (or) pron.
-();because (to say whatwhat (is
the) reason) as (to say whatwhat (is the)
reason);protoe (k een coco (je) dvodem)
ponvad (k een coco (je) dvodem);conj.
: ()
;because: Because it is difficult to find a place.
(Becase for places (it) is difficult.);protoe: Protoe je tk
najt msto. (Protoe pro msta je (to) nron.);pol.
(from (?));punish (take to what);potrestat
(vzt k emu);T sl.

(or it was

- but different
meaning);punish: As (you) don't fulfill any responsibilities of
love ( ~ "loves), (you) should punish yourself.;potrestat:
Pestoe nepln (dn) zodpovdnosti lsky ( ~ "lsek), ml
by ses potrestat.;imper. sl.
(abbrev. from );burger (hamburger)
hamburger;hamburger;sg. E. burger
: ;burger: He's eating a
burger.;hamburger: (On) j hamburger.;cont.

: ;any: (He) will

have to undergo (it) with more or less any difficulties.;jakkoliv:
Bude (to) muset podstoupit bez ohledu na pote ( ~ "s
vcemn jakmikoliv potemi).;pol.
: ;every: I have been already to
every city.;kad: Navtvil jsem ( ~ pijel) ji kad msto.;
: ;anything (positive): If (you)
have anything that (you) want to know, ask (me)
anything.;cokoliv: Pokud m (nco), co bys chtl vdt, ptej se
na cokoliv.;imper. pol.
;all every any whatever;cokoliv vechno
: ;nothing: I know nothing.;nic:
Nevm nic.;um.
: ;no: I'll not go by any
car.;dn: Nepojedu dnm autem.;col. um.
: ;anything: Except
rice (I) don't eat anything.;nic: Nejm nic krom re.;um.
: ;anything (negative): (I) don't want to eat
anything.;nic: Nechci nic jst.;
: T;nothing: (I) said nothing.;nic: Nic (jsem)

: ;any (negative): He didn't buy

; any book (not saying which book) every
any pants.;dn: Nekoupil dn kalhoty.;
book (not saying which book);kad kniha (nekajc jak : ( ~
kniha) jakkoliv kniha (nekajc jak kniha);
);nothing: I know
;why (because-of whatwhat connection);pro
one thing. (And) that is, (that I) know nothing.;nic: Vm jednu
(kvli jakjak spojitosti);pron. inter. col.
vc. (A) to, (e) nic nevm.;
TT;anyway (telling (and) telling just what(ever)) ();Berlin (town in Germany);Berln (msto
nevertheless (telling (and) telling just what(ever)) anyhow Nmecka);name
(telling (and) telling just what(ever));pecejenom (kajce : ;or
(a) kajce prost co(koliv)) v kadm ppad (kajce
what: Last year the owner of the shop died or what, (I) don't
(a) kajce prost co(koliv)) nicmn (kajce (a) kajce know.;nebo co: Minul rok majitel obchodu zemel nebo co,
prost co(koliv));interj.
;anyway: Anyway, (I) am happy, that
(you) are a carrier of the responsibility to (maintain) the
(Buddha's) gift prominent.;nicmn: Nicmn, jsem astn, e
jsi nositel zodpovdnosti za (udren) prominentnosti
(Buddhova) daru.;pol.

- ;why;pro;inter. pron. (or) inter. col.

- : ; why: (I asked) why are
(you) eating (rice)?;pro: (Ptal jsem se) pro (prv) j
(ri)?;inter. col.
;why (because whatwhat);pro (kvli

T T ;nevertheless anyhow anyway;v kadm ppad ;what;co;inter. zj. col.

(nicmn) nicmn beztak;adv.
: ;what: What is book?;co: Co je (to)
T T ;nevertheless whatever (anyway) anyway;jedno, to kniha?;inter. col.
je (mimochodem) nirmn mimochodem;adv.
: ;what: What (is) this?;co: Co (je) tohle?;inter.
T - ;why;pro;pron.

T - : T ;why: Why is (it) called

like that?;pro: Pro se (to) tak nazv?;inter. col.
T ;Why?;Pro?;inter.
T ;because;protoe;conj. col.
; everything (not saying what) anything (not


: ;what: number: What (is) no. 1?;co: slo:
Co (je) slo 1?;inter. col.
: ( ~ );what: What do you
want? (What (is it), great-one?);co: Co chce? (Co (je to),

What?;Co?;inter. col.;
: ;meditation: Some (of
them) do not know about meditation.;meditace: Nkte (lid)
nev o meditaci.;
;meditation: (I) do not work giving
(special) time for meditation. (I) am mindful whole the day while
(I) am working.;meditace: Nepracuji (tak, e bych) dval
(speciln) as meditaci. Jsem vmav cel den bhem toho,
co pracuji.;col.
: ;meditation: (He) teaches
meditation;meditace: U meditaci.;

from English (language) to Czech (language).;jazyk: Peloit

knihu z anglickho jazyka do eskho (jazyka).;writ.

;language: Having a permission for such an
exchange ( ~ discussion) in language is good.;jazyk: Je dobr,
e mm svolen k takovto diskuzi ( ~ vmn) v jazycch.;
: ;language: used
language;jazyk: uvan jazyk;
( );language (language (and)
speaking) language;jazyk jazyk (jazyk (a) mluven);sg. P.
bhs (= language) (or) sg.
;religion (religion (and) the-truth);nboenstv
(nboenstv (a) pravda);n. P. bhs (= language)

: ;meditation: when : ;religion: (I)

the time for meditation is finished;meditace: kdy as na
extremely respect the religion (of Dhamma).;nboenstv:
meditaci skon;
Nesmrn ctm nboenstv (Dhammy).;pol.
;meditate (practise meditation);meditovat
(praktikovat meditaci);

;religion: I studied the lectures on
: ;meditate: because (I) didn't religion.;nboenstv: Studoval jsem pednky o
meditate;meditovat: protoe (jsem) nemeditoval;p.s.
T ;translate (return (to a) language);peloit (vrtit
T ;meditation (practise meditation much
(do) jazyka);T
{nouner});meditace (praktikovat hodn meditaci

T :
T : T ;meditation: meditation T ;translate: Translate a book
from English (language) to Czech (language).;peloit:
on loving-kindness;meditace: meditace dobrotivosti;
Peloit knihu z anglickho jazyka do eskho (jazyka).;writ.

T : T ;translation:
This translation is neither clear, nor exact. (This translation
does not have clarity (and) exactness.);peklad: Tento peklad
nen ani jasn, ani pesn. (Tento peklad nem jasnost (a)
;subject (at university etc.);pedmt (na univerzit atd.);n. pesnost.);
T : T ;translate: I
P. bhs (= language)
: ;religion: person of religiously mixed translate a Pi (writing) in English.;pekldat: Pekldm
(psan (v)) pi do anglitiny.;pol.
parentage (kind (of) person of people of different
;meditation center: Where is a
meditation center with only Burmese monks and
nuns?;meditan centrum: Kde je meditan centrum s pouze
barmskmi mnichy a mnikami?;inter.

religion);nboenstv: osoba nboensky smenho

rodiovstv (druh osoby lid jinho nboenstv);n.

T :
T ;translate: The Sri Lankan book is a
translation of an English book.;peloit: (Ta) sr lansk kniha je
;subject (at university etc.): (I am) a student pekladem anglick knihy.;
T : T () T

of cinematography (subject).;pedmt (na univerzit atd.):
;translate: It is accepted
Jsem studentem pedmtu kinematografie.;pol.
;language (language (and) language);jazyk (jazyk by some philosophers, that the (great) Pi Ahakath were
certainly translated.;peloit: Nktermi filosofy je pijato, e Pi
(a) jazyk);n. P. bhs (= language)
Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.
( ~ ""):
;language ( ~ "eat): I
can talk just a little bit in (English). (As for (saying how to) eat
food (and) drink water, that's just right.) (answer to the
question about one's proficiency in a foreign language);jazyk
( ~ "jt): Umm mluvit (anglicky) jen troiku. (Je v podku
(tak mon ci) jst jdlo (a) pt vodu.) (odpov na otzku o
n schopnosti mluvit njakm cizm jazykem);pol.

T ( );translation;peklad;sg.

( );subject (at school, place (of)

subject);pedmt (ve kole, msto pedmtu);sg. P. bhs
(= language)
;religions (as a phenomenon, subject (of) religions)
religion (religion subject);nboenstv (zleitost
nboenstv);n. P. bhs (= language)

: ;language: : ;religion: (I) am

Because (I) am poor in languages.;jazyk: Protoe jsem na tom extremely devout to religion.;nboenstv: Jsem nesmrn
s jazyky patn. (Protoe jsem v jazycch uboh.);pol. um.
oddan (svmu) nboenstv.;
( );biscuit;suenka;sg. E. biscuit
T ;language: Translate a book ( );biscuit;suenka;sg. E. biscuit


;baked beans;peen fazole;n. E. baked beans

"v klternm dvoe).;pol. mn.

( ) (WS. from );shoes, a pair of (press (and) besmart);bot, pr (tlait (a) bt-chytr);sg. WS.

;monastery: (They) go to monasteries and
(religiously) offer water.;klter: Jdou do klter a
;Bengali (of Bangladesh);Benglsk (Banglade);adj.
;Bangladesh airline office (Bengali office (of) (nboenskm zpsobem) daruj vodu.;pol.
( );monastery (Buddhist, monastery
air vehicle);Bangladsk cestovn kancel (Benglsk
(of) great monks);klter (buddhistick, klter velkch
kancel vzdunho vozidla);n.
: ;beer: Drinks, such mnich);sg.

as Coca Cola, beer etc.;pivo: Npoje jako Coca Cola, pivo atd.; ;monk, be a;mnichem, bt;T P. vatta (= duty)
: T ;monk, be a:
;Britain;Britnie;name rare
Because of how it happened, that (you), indeed, are a
;drink (sweet and carbonated, Britain juice);npoj
monk?;mnichem, bt: Jak se stalo, e kvli tomu jsi, vskutku,
(sladk a perliv, Britsk dus);n.
(from );to indicates purpose;zna infinitiv slovesa aby mnichem?;inter. col.
zna el;suff.

: ;grandfather: grandfather (and)

grandmother;ddeek: ddeek (a) babika;
: T T ;indicates purpose: Are (you)
sure, that (you will) come to Myanmar country?;zna el: Jsi
si jist, e pijede do (zem) Myanmaru?;inter.
( );bore (of gun-barrel);prmr (hlavn zbran);sg. E.
( );grandfather;ddeek;sg.
;bye!;ahoj! (louen);interj. col. E. bye
; grandparents (greandfather (and)
grandfathers);prarodie (ddeek (a) dedekov);pl. col.
: T ( )
;grandparents: Do what the grandparents say, to the
letter, dear daughter.;prarodie: Dlej do psmene co (ti)
prarodie kaj.;imper. col.
( );comb (for combing hair);heben (na esn);sg.
( );wheel;kolo;sg.
;beer;pivo;n. E. beer
: ;beer: a bottle of beer;pivo: lhev piva;
: ;beer: He
drinks beer. As for wine, he doesn't drink (it).;pivo: Pije pivo.
Co se te vna, (to) nepije.;col.
( );bill (paper money);bankovka;sg.

;monastery: (I) am also in a monastery (in order) to
stay.;klter: Jsem tak v kltee, abych (tam) pobval.;pol.

: ;monk:
the monastery, where the Mon (great) monks live;mnich:
klter, kde ij Monov, (ohromn) mnii;mn.
( );monk (great (and) big power);mnich
(ohromn (a) velk moc);sg.
( );monastery (monastery (of)
great big monks);klter (klter ohromnch velkch
;eat (about monks, give power);jst (o mnich, dt
slu);T mn.
: ;eat (about monks): eat lunch;jst (o
mnich): obdvat (jst obd);v. mn.
: ;eat (for monks): having eaten
the breakfast;jst (o mnich): po tom, co jsem sndl
sndani;p.p. mn.
: T ( ~
T );eat (for monks): (We) ate that just
together.;jst (o mnich): Prv to jsme jedli spolu.;p.s. pol.
(T )(from );eat (about monks, (happen-to)
give food);jst (o mnich, (stt-se) (e) dv jdlo);T mn.
P. bhujana (= food)

: T
( );domain (of existence) level (of existence) realm (of
T;ven. Sir: (I) do not know how to talk with
existence);sfra (existence) svt (existence) stupe (sfra,
monks. Is (it) alright, if (I) speak (with you) like with a friend?;ct.
Pn: Nevm jak se mluv se ct. Pny. Bude v podku, kdy (s
tebou) budu mluvit jako s kamardem?;inter. fut. pol.
;Buddhist: Any Buddhist accepts this
( );monk (Buddh., power (and) power);(netk se
fact.;buddhista: Kterkoliv buddhista tento fakt pijm.;
pn (moc (a) moc);sg.
: ;monk: There are no
( );monk (powerfully) ven. Sir
monks in my country.;mnich: V m zemi nejsou dn mnii.;
(powerfully);mnich (mocn) ct. Pn (mocn);sg. mn. (or)
: T ;monk: How did (you)
become (a) monk?;mnich: Jak jsi se stal mnichem?;inter.
( ):ven. sir (power (and) power);ct. pn (moc (a)
: ;monk: a monk called ven.
Makara;mnich: mnich, (kter se) jmenuje ct. Makara.;
( );king (king, king);krl (krl, krl);sg.
( );monk (great power) ven. Sir (great
power);ct. Pn (velk moc) mnich (velk moc);sg. mn.
T ;king: King Naung became a famous king in the
Taungs' era.;krl: Krl Nau se v obdob Taun stal slavnm
;monastery: Today (I) sweep (in) the
monastery compound.;klter: Dnes zametm kltern dvr ( ~
: ;king: Thus the


king asked to call Nga Nyo.;krl: A tak krl podal aby

zavolali a o.;

(is) worshipped);kostel (klter (kde je) uctvn Pn);sg.

: ;eat (about
monks): (I) eat only one meal per day.;jst (o mnich): Jm jen
jednou ( ~ "jedno jdlo) denn ( ~ "kad den).;pol. ubmn.

;king, one: (As for) one day, one great king
arrives to the Wun Zin village.;king, one: A jednoho dne, jeden : T ;eat (for monks): (We)
velk krl pijel do Wan Zen vesnice.;
ate that just together.;jst (o mnich): Prv to jsme jedli
;Buddha (title of certain enlightened persons);Buddha (titul spolu.;p.s. pol.
uritch osvcench osob);
(T );eat (about monks, (happen-to) give food);jst (o
: ;ven. sir: Let's go, ven. sir.;ct. pn: mnich, (stt-se) (e) dv jdlo);T mn. P. bhujana (=
Pojme, ct. pane.;imper. utmn.
: T ;Buddha: If (one)
tries, (one) may become even the Buddha.;Buddha: (Kdo) se
sna, me se stt dokonce i Buddhou.;pol.
T ;pagoda: The Ananda Pagoda built in Pagan
(town) by the king Kyansittha can be (religiously) visited (and)
seen up to today.;pagoda: nanda Pagodu postavenou v
(mst) Paganu krlem ansit, je mono (nboensky)
navtvit (a) vidt a do dnes.;pol. writ.

;from is not of num. class. for packets, jars and tubes

not indicates negative verb or sentence does not;itatel
balk, ndob a tub ne- zna sloveso i vtu v zporu
nikoliv nen z;prep. writ. (or) suff. (or) pow.

T;of: book
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile (and) famous) and also U
Obhasa of Min's proses (are) included;z: kniha
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak przy
: (T ) T ;Buddha: The U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.
Buddha gives a simile with (his previous) birth.;Buddha:
: ;num. class. for packets, jars and tubes: (I)
Buddha (to) ukazuje na pkladu svho minulho ivota.
will take one packet.;itatel balk, ndob a tub: Vezmu si
(Buddha dv pklad se svm (minulm) zrozenm.);
jeden balek.;inter. fut.
: ;monk's: to monk's room;mnichovo: do
mnichova pokoje (tj. mstnosti);adv.

: :not: This book is not

what the (female) teacher reads.;ne: Tohle nen kniha kterou
: T ;monk: (I) do not do the work of uitelka te.;pol.;
monks.;mnich: Nedlm prci mnich.;pol. col.
: ;not: (Female) teacher does not
read this book.;ne: Uitelka tuto knihu nete.;pol.
( );Buddha (as the achievement, thepower);Buddha (jakoto dosaen, sla);sg. Bh.
: ;num. class. for packets, jars
( );pagoda cetiya (lord) stupa (lord) pagoda and tubes: How many packets of plaster will you take?;itatel
balk, ndob a tub: Kolik balk nplast si vezmete?;inter.
(lord);pagoda pagoda (Pn) stpa (Pn) tije
(Pn);sg. (or) sg. Bh.
( ) [fy];pagoda;pagoda;sg.
( );pagoda;pagoda;sg.
( ) [fy];venerable sir lord;pn ctihodn pn;sg.
( ): majesty (king or monk);vsost (krl nebo
;monastery: Also in
monasteries, at big times, big days, (they) recite (Pi
discourses).;klter: Tak v klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o
velkch dnech, recituj (pi promluvy).;pol.
( );altar (Buddhist, building (of)
lord's monastery);olt (buddhistick, budova pnova

: ;from: ven. Obhasa from Min;z: ct.

Obhsa z Men;writ.
: ;not, do: I do not eat his rice.;ne: Nejm
jeho ri.;pol.
( );railway station (building (of) train-station)
train station (building (of) train-station);ndra (budova
ndra) vlakov stanice (ndra, budova ndra);sg. H.
: ;balloon: Come (here), balloon
seller!;baln: Poj sem, prodavai baln!;imper. pol. col.
( ) (WS. from );balloon (toy,
bubble);baln (nafukovac, bublina);sg.

;geology (science (about) ground);geologie (vda (o)

zemi);n. P. bhmi (= ground)
( );alter (Buddhist, lord's shelf) shrine
(Buddhist, lord's shelf);olt (buddhistick, Pnova polika) : ( ~ )

;geophysics: regarding the
svatyn (buddhistick, Pnova polika);sg.
geophysical situation;geofyzika: ohledn geofyzick polohy;writ.
;pagoda: Wherever (you) just look, (you) will see ( ~ ;geophysics (science (about) earth's
meet) the pagodas.;pagoda: Kamkoliv se podv, uvid ( ~ appearance);geofyzika (vda (o) vzhledu zem);n. P.
bhmi-rpa (= ground-matter)
setk se s) pagody.;fut. pol.
: ( ~ )
( );stupa (with a vaulted base (lord's

;geophysics: regarding the
stupa);stpa (s klenbovitou zkladnou, pnova stpa);sg.
( );church (monastery (where) Lord geophysical situation;geofyzika: ohledn geofyzick polohy;writ.


( );gourd (bottle fruit);tykev (lahv ovoce);sg.

;side- side danger;strana nebezpe postrann;n.
writ. (or) n. (or) suff. adj.
: ;side: of friend on the side;strana: od
kamarda na stran;

( );pen (also ballpoint);pero (tak kulikov);sg.

E. ballpen
;ball: The boy will
certainly throw the ball.;m: Chlapec urit hod mem.;fut.

: T
;football dress: (He) wears a blue football
;side: We build stages over sidewalks and dancing dress.;fotbalov dres: Nos modr fotbalov dres.;
groups dance on these stages.;strana: Stavme pdia nad
( );football dress (shirt (for) kicking
chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a tanen skupiny na nich ball);fotbalov dres (koile (na) kopn me);sg.
( );football, game of (event (of) round
: T ;next to: As
it is next to Irrawaddy river, (also as for beauty,) (it) is also
beautiful.;vedle: Ponvad je vedle eky Iravadi, (tak (co se
te) krsy) je krsn.;pol. col.
( );great-grandfather;praddeek;sg.

ball);fotbalu, hra (udlost kulatho me) kopan, hra

(udlost kulatho me);sg.

T ;footballer: This person is a footballer.;fotbalista: Tento
lovk je fotbalista.;

( );great-grandfather;ddeek;sg.

( );footballer (proficient (in) ball)

;danger (danger (and) hostility);nebezpe (nebezpe footballer (proficient (in) football);brank (zdatn (v) mi)
fotbalista (zdatn (ve) fotbalu);sg.
(a) neptelstv);n.
: T;friend: says friend;kamard: k
;safe (void (of) danger);bezpen (prost
;safe (scattered danger);bezpen (rozptlen

( ) (from (?));guy (friend) friend;tpek

(kamard) kamard;sg. sl.

( );friend, bad (a bad person, side person)

accomplice (a bad person, side person) bystander (a bad
person, side person);spolupachatel (patn osoba, krajn
osoba) pihlejc (patn osoba, krajn osoba) ptel,
patn (patn osoba, krajn osoba);sg.

( );bodice (worn by women);korzet (dmsk);sg.

;realm life limit;svt limit ivot;n. P. bhava (= life)

(or) n.

-: T ;without: Do not talk without

understanding.;ani: Nemluv ani bys rozuml.;imper. pol.

( );ball (round ball);m (kulat m);sg.

(col. from );just;prv;suff. col.
(from );just;tedy prost prv;suff.
-;without;bez;suff. prep.

;life: Not ..;without;ani;suff. prep.
(As much as not being) able to abandon the lay life, (we)
: ( ~ );just: Just, thank you.;tedy: (Tak)
must live like this.;ivot: (Jak moc) neschopn (nejsouce
tedy, dkuji.;col.
schopn) zanechat laickho ivota, musme t ivot takhle.;col. : ( ~ );just: (I) just attend
: ;limit: in the limits of (existence of)
Ssana;hranice: v hranicch (trvn) Ssany;
( );grandmother;babika;sg.
( );pants (trousers) trousers;kalhoty;sg.
;trousers (a pair of);kalhoty (jedny);n.
: T ;trousers, a pair of:
Trousers are dry.;kalhoty, jedny: Kalhoty jsou such.;
: T ;trousers (a
pair of): The (pair of) trousers of white color is long.;kalhoty
(jedny): Ty (jedny) kalhoty bl barvy jsou dlouh.;

school.;pouze: Pouze chodm do koly.;col.

: ( ~ ) ;just: (We) will learn just

later on.;tedy: Budeme se tedy uit pozdji.;fut. col.
: () ;just: All (my) relatives
are just here.;prv: Vichni (moji) pbuzn jsou prv tady.;col.
: ;duck: a duck in a lake;kachna:
kachna v jezee;
( );duck (boy);kaer (chlapec) kachna
;duck meat );kachn maso );n.

( );duck egg;kachn vejce;sg.

: ;pants: I will ;whether or not is not indicates negative verb or sentence
buy pants as well as shirt.;kalhoty: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut. indicates name of a young woman (elder sister) Miss
Miss (used as title for names of adult women);zna sloveso i
: ;pants: He didn't buy any vtu v zporu slena (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny
pants.;kalhoty: Nekoupil dn kalhoty.;
dosplch en) sl. (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny dosplch
: ;pen ( ~ "ball-pen): I want to by en) slena (pedchz jmno) jestli nebo ne nen zna
a (ball) pen.;pero ( ~ "kulikov pero): Chci si koupit
jmno mlad sleny (star sestra);pow. (or) pref. col. pol. (or)
(kulikov) pero.;col. pol.
pref. (or) pref. col.
: ;ball pen: red ball pen;kulikov pero:
- : T ;before: before answering (writing
erven kulikov pero;n.
examination);ped: ped zodpovzenm (napsnm psemn


prce ve kole);

rice.;nebude: Nebudu jst jeho ri.;pol. um.

- : T ;before: (He) prepares before

leaving.;ped: Pipravuje se ped odchodem.;

-;does not not;ne- nikoliv;pref. & suff. col.

- ;before (v.)ing before;ne (ped) ped (v.)m;pref. &


-: ;indicates negative question:

Aren't you wrong?;zna negativn otzku: Neml se?;inter.

- : ;before: I'll take a

shower before I go to school.;ped (ne): Osprchuji se ne
pjdu do koly.;fut.

-: ;indicates negative question: Won't

he come? (Doesn't he come?);zna zpornou otzku:
Nepijde? (Nepichz?);inter. pol.

- : ;before: Meet
( ~ visit) me before you go to Mandalay.;ne: Navtiv mne ( ~
setkej se se mnou) ne pojede do Mandalaje.;imper. pol.

-indicates question in negative form;zna otzku v

zporu;pref. & suff.;

- : ;before: Write (me) in advance

before (you) come.;ne: Napi (mi) pedem ne pijede.;

- ;though not without;bez ani by;suff. prep. (or) adv.

- : ;without: without using clock;ani by:
ani by pouval hodiny;

- : T ;without: Do not go (home)

without eating here ( ~ in this house).;bez: Nevracej se
(dom) ani by ses tu najedl. (Bez jezen v tomto dom se
- : ;indicates negative imperative: Do not come.;zna nevracej.);imper. pol.
negativn rozkaz: Nepichzej.;imper.
- : ;without (not): As
- : ;don't: Don't sit there.;zna negativn pkaz:
Nesedejte si tam.;imper. pol.

- : ;indicates negative imperative: Do not

come.;zna negativn rozkaz: Nepichzej.;imper. pol.
- : ;don't: Don't be shy. (Eat as much as you
like.);ne: (Snz) kolik chce. (Nesty se.);pol.

for the turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little by
little.;ani by: Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si
odpoala, krek po krku jde.;writ.

(shortened or );indicates future tense and precedes

- ;Do not .. indicates negative command Don't ;Ne .. certain suffix;zna budouc as a zrove pedchz jistou
zna zporn rozkaz Nedlej ..;pref. & suff. imper.
: T;whether or not: Tell (me) whether you
-;indicates negative verb or sentence is not;zna
sloveso i vtu v zporu nen;pref. & suff. col. pol. (or) suff. & come (or not);jestli nebo ne: ekni jestli pijde (nebo
ne).;imper. pol. um.
pref. col. pol.
-;does not not;ne- nikoliv;pref. & suff. col. pol.

: ;indicates near future: (Indeed,) I'm

-;indicates negative verb or sentence is not;zna sloveso going to see a concert tonight.;zna blzkou budoucnost:
(Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
i vtu v zporu nen;pref. & suff. spis.
: T ( ~ T T );great: person
-;does not not;ne- nikoliv;pref. & suff. spis.
greater than the mountain Meru;ohromn: osoba ohromnj
-indicates question in negative form;zna otzku v
ne hora Meru;
zporu;pref. & suff. spis.;
- ;though not without;bez ani by;pref. & suff.

: ;indicates negative sense: Won't (they)

come?;zna negativn smysl: Nepijdou?;inter. pol.

- :
;though not: Though not (even)
hoping, (I) was permitted to be (your) friend.;ani by: Ani bych : ;whether or not: I don't
know whether he will come (or not).;jestli nebo ne: Nevm zda
doufal, bylo (mi) povoleno bt (tvm) ptelem.;
pijde (nebo ne).;pol. um.
-;indicates negative verb or sentence is not;zna
sloveso i vtu v zporu nen;pref. & suff. col.

.. ;without;ani;suff. prep.

-: ;indicates negative: Young sir

Thawda will not come?;zna zpor: Mlad pan Td

;not long after soon;zanedlouho brzy;adv.. writ. (or)


-: ;indicates negative: I don't use

money.;zna zpor: Nepouvm penze.;col. pol. mn.
-: ;indicates negative: Impossible. (It's not right.
Also as a negative response during bargaining);zna zpor: To
nen mon. (Nen sprvn. Tak jako negativn odpov
bhem smlouvn v obchod.);pol. col.
-: : T ;not, is: Mr. Bamya is not here. (also
in telephone conversation);nen: Pan Bamya tu nen. (i do
telefnu);col. pol.

;does not not;ne- nikoliv;pref. col.

: ;soon: I will eat just

soon.;brzy: Budu jst u brzy.;fut. pol. um.
: T T
;soon: The actor
Yedai, who, because of becoming much beloved by the
spectators, will soon become superb.;brzy: Herec Jdai, kter,
protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy stane

: ;soon: Soon it will be

-: ;indicates negative: He will not come. (He raining.;brzy: Brzy bude pret.;fut.
;not long after (not lasting before) soon (not lasting
does not come.).;zna zpor:Nepijde. (Nepichz.);pol.
before) before long (not lasting before);zanedlouho
-: ;will not: I'll not eat his


(netrvajc ped) brzy (netrvajc ped) ne dlouho po t

(netrvajc ped);adv.

Zeyya, having accepted the title Alaung Min Taya ( ~ future

king (of) law) (and) started (and) founded the dynasty

: ;before long: He will come before Kounbaun.;dynastie: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu Alaun Men
Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a) zaloil dynastii
long.;zanedlouho: Pijde zanedlouho.;
;frequently (not long moment) often (not long
( );dynasty;dynastie;sg.
moment);asto (ne dlouh chvle) mnohdy (ne dlouh
( );ink (to a pen, ink stick);inkoust (do pera,
inkoustu hlka);sg.
;often (not long, not long) frequently (not long,
not long);asto (ne dlouho, ne dlouho) mnohdy (ne dlouho, : ;your: Is a room
ne dlouho);adv.
available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one room in your
: T ;often: (I) hotel?);v: Je ve vaem hotelu voln ( ~ dostupn) jeden
often happen to write several articles.;asto: asto se stane, e pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden pokoj ve vaem hotelu?);inter.
napu nkolik lnk.;pol.

;not long after soon;zanedlouho brzy;adv. writ.

: T
;not long after:
Indeed, not long after the great town Inwa fell in hands of the
Hanthawadi's troops.;zanedlouho: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.


T ;king: We have risen thousand times to
the (level of) king.;krl: (U) jsme tisckrt vystoupili (na rove)
krle.;p.s. pol.
( );king (king, king);krl (krl, krl);sg.

: T ;blessings: May the total (of)

blessings be completed (for you).;poehnn: K je (pro tebe)
() [magw];Magwe (division);Makwei (Magv, sprvn souhrn (vech) poehnn naplnn.;w. pol.
: ;blessings: Happy birthday! (blessings (on
your) birthday);poehnn: astn narozeniny! (poehnn
;sin (non-goodness);hch (nedobrota);n.
(na tv) narozeniny);w.
: ;dream (v.): May (you) dream
beautiful dreams. (May (you) beautifully dream dreams.);snt: ;celebrate (attend event (of) blessings
{nouner});oslavovat (astnit-se udlosti poehnn
K sn krsn sny. (K krsn sn sny.);w. pol.
( );message;zprva (dopis);sg. E. message
( );message;zprva (dopis atd.);sg. E.
;dreaming (person);snc (lovk);n.

T ;celebration (attend event (of) blessings

{nouner});oslava (astnit-se udlosti poehnn

( );damson (fruit (of) dreaming (and) reciting- : ;greetings: Greetings, sir. (used by
mantra);slva (ovoce snn (a) recitovn-mantry) vestka men);zdravit: Zdravm, pane. (uvno mui);w.
;like;rd, mt;T
(ovoce snn (a) recitovn-mantry);sg.
;you (used for a friend or younger person);ty (uito pro
: ;magazine: Which ( ~ "what)
kamarda nebo mlad osobu);pron. fr.
magazine do (you) read?;magazn: Jak ( ~ "co) magazn

( );magazine;magazn;sg. E. magazine

;king: King Kyansittha worked in order to
(maintain) the great country united.;krl: Krl ansit pracoval
aby (udrel tu) ohromnou zemi jednotnou.;p.s. writ.

;path and fruition (the two stages of each of the four

levels of enlightenment the stage of exercise (path) and the
stage of attainment (fruition);stezka a plod (dv stdia kadho ();king monarch honorable one;ven (osoba)
krl vldce;sg.
ze ty stup osvcen stdium praxe (stezka) a stdium
( );dynasty (connect kings);dynastie (spojit
dosaen (plod));n. P. magga-phala (= path-fruition)
;unstable, be (not calm, not descending);nestl,

} T ;you (all):
: {
He also said: Go wherever you want to go.;vy: Tak ekl:
Jdte kam chcete jt.;col.

T T ;unstable: At
;enthrone (make king) king, be a (make
the time of the ruler king Mahdhamma, the great town Inwa
became unstable.;nestabiln: V dob vldce krle Mahdhammy king);krlem, bt (dlat krle) trn, dosadit na (dlat
bylo ohromn msto Enva nestabiln.;p.s. writ.
( );mangosteen (fruit of deep reddish purple
color, fruit (of) kings' lever);mangustn (ovoce tmav
naervenal fialov barvy, ovoce krlovsk pky);sg.
;dynastie: U Aung


: ;king,
be a: The ministers urged Kyansittha to become a king.;krlem,
bt: Ministi nalhali, aby se ansit stal krlem.;writ.
( );king's or state's servant ((who) carries
king's issues) officer (person in service of a king or state,
(who) carries king's issues);ednk (osoba ve slub krli
i sttu, (kter) nos krlovy zleitosti) krlv i sttn

sluebnk ((kter) nos krlovy zleitosti);sg.

( );actress (king's daughter);hereka

(krlova dcera);sg. f.

: T ( ~ T)
;indicates fut. tense: (He, the king) has stated, that
(he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.;zna
bud. as: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat
lidem obleen.;p.p. writ.

;blessings;poehnn;n. P. magala

( );name;jmno;suff. sg. writ.

;Min Yaza (royal king);Men Yz (krlovsk


: T
: ;actor:
The actor as well as the actress are very good.;herec: Herec i ;name: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the town
Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;jmno: Kvli
hereka jsou velice dob.;col.
( );actor (king's son);herec (krlv syn);sg. velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve Bo pti
jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
: ;good: Good evening.;dobr: Dobr
veer.;w. pol.
: ;good: Good morning.;dobr: Dobr
rno.;w. pol.
: ;good: Good afternoon.;dobr:
Dobr odpoledne.;w. pol.
: ;happy (blessings): Happy New
Year!;astn (poehnn): astn Nov Rok!;w.
: T ;blessings: May (your)
blessings be many and fulfilled.;poehnn: K je (tvch)
poehnn mnoho a (jsou) splnn.;w. pol.
;greetings! (generally used when sb. is met,
blessings!);zdravm! (obvykle uito v ppad setkn se s
nkm, poehnn!);w. P. *magala*
;excrement shit (EN vul.) poo (EN col.);exkrement
lejno (CZ col.) hovno (CZ vul.);n.
: ;shit: (I) asked
whether (you) eat shit, because if (you) do ( ~ "eat), (I) will
give (it to you).;hovno: Ptal jsem se, jestli j hovna, protoe
jestli jo ( ~ j), tak (ti) dm.;fut. jk. vul.

;immoderately (in speech, word attached (to)
calling (and) sound) uncontrolled (in speech, word
attached (to) calling (and) sound) restraint, without (in
speech, word attached (to) calling (and)
sound);neumrnn (v ei, slovo pipojen (k) voln (a)
zvukm) sebeovldn, bez (v ei, slovo pipojen (k)
voln (a) zvukm) nekontrolovan (v ei, slovo
pipojen (k) voln (a) zvukm);adv. (n.) P. vohra (= mode
of speech)
( ~ );who (not in question) what (not in
question) where (not in question);co (ne v otzce) kdo (ne v
otzce) kde (ne v otzce);pron. writ.!
( ~ );where (not in question);kde (ne v
otzce);pron. writ.!
( ~ );what (not in question);co (ne v otzce);pron.
;who (not in question) which (not in question);kdo (o
lidech, ne v otzce) kter (o lidech, ne v otzce);pron. writ.

;Mr.;Pan (titul);n. E. master

: T ;they (them): (He) did not

make ( ~ undertake making) any oath to them.;oni (jim):
Neuinil ( ~ nepodstoupil uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.

;all of (a number, not saying) any (not saying) every

(not saying);jakkoliv (nekajc) veker (nekajc)
vechen (nekajc) kad (nekajc);suff.

;too much (not rightfully);pli moc (ne sprvn);adv.

( ~ );who (not in question);kdo (ne v otzce);pron.


: ;any: I will read any book.;jakkoliv: : ;too much: As for here, it's too
much hot.;pli moc: Co se te tady, je (tu) pli moc horko.;
Petu jakoukoliv knihu.;fut.
;before (not informing before);ped (nikoliv informovat
: ;every: I have been already to
every city.;kad: Navtvil jsem ( ~ pijel) ji kad msto.;
: ;whatever: whatever book;jakkoliv: jakkoliv T ;passive knowledge (unshakeable (and)
unmovable knowing);pasivn znalost (neotesiteln (a)
: ;any: I will read any book.;jakkoliv: nepohnut vdn);n.
Petu jakoukoliv knihu.;fut.

: ;every: I have been already to

every city.;kad: Navtvil jsem ( ~ pijel) ji kad msto.;

;different, be (not be-same) different, be (not same)

same, not be (not be-same);jin, bt (ne stejn) stejn,
nebt (ne bt-stejn) jin, bt (ne bt-stejn);I

-: ;any: You can ask : ;same, not be: The two cats are
any question.;jakkoliv: Me se zeptat na jakoukoliv otzku.; different.;stejn, nebt: (Ty) dv koky nejsou stejn.;
;indicates fut. tense indicates future tense;zna bud. as ();dissimilar, be (not same);odlin, bt (ne stejn);I
zna budouc as;suff. spis. (or) suff. writ.

;will, where which will;bude, kde kter bude;suff. (or)

suff. writ.
: ;will, where: in the arrival hall (in
the hall (where people) arrive);bude, kde: v pletov hale (v
hale (kam lid) pilet);adv.

; different, be (not same (or) similar);odlin, bt (ne

stejn (nebo) podobn) jin, bt (ne stejn (nebo)

;good, not improper (not clever);nedobr nesprvn

(ne chytr);adj.
: ;sorry (not clever): I am sorry. (used after a
small bodily accident or other inconvenience caused by oneself,


Because (I) am not clever.);omluva (nechytr): Omlouvm

se. (uito po mal tlesn nehod nebo jin nepjemnosti
zpsoben sama sebou, Protoe jsem nechytr.);pol.

stojc kredenc);sg.

;mahthera (great elder

: T
monk): Great elder monk Mahinda prepared (it).;mahthra
: T ;good, not: If (you) see
(velk star mnich): Velk star mnich Mahinda (to)
(anything) not good (with me), simply admonish (me).;nedobr: pipravil.;p.s. writ.
Pokud uvid (nco) nedobrho (se mnou), tak (m) jednodue ( );mahthera (great elder monk) great elder monk
(mahathera);mahthra (velk star mnich) velk star mnich
;accident (not well estimate (and) bump
(mahthera);sg. P. mahthera (= great elder)
{nouner});nehoda (nedobe odhadnout (a) narazit {jmenec});n. () [mar.];Madrid (town in Spain);Madrid (msto
: ;accident: car
accident;nehoda: automobilov nehoda;
: ;morning: on Wednesday morning;rno:
T ;accident: There is ( ~ is-happen) an
accident.;nehoda: Maj ( ~ stv-se) nehodu.;cont.
;crash, car (not well estimate (and)
collide (with) vehicle {nouner}) accident (not well
estimate (and) collide (with) vehicle {nouner});bouraka
(CZ col., nehoda, nedobe odhadnout (a) vozidlem narazit
{jmenec}) nehoda (nedobe odhadnout (a) vozidlem narazit
T ;crash, car: (There) was ( ~ happened) a car
crash.;bouraka: Byla ( ~ stala-se) tam bouraka. (CZ

ve stedu rno;writ.

: ( ~
);morning: He will sleep until 10 o'clock in the
morning.;rno: Bude spt (a) do deseti hodin rno.;
: ;AM: quarter to eight AM
(seven hours forty-five minutes AM);rno: tvrt na osm rno
(sedm hodin tyicet pt minut rno);
;morning: (It)'s morning half past
two.;rno: Je rno, pl tet.;pol.
: T ;morning: Early
in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with) broom).;rno: Brzy
rno zamet (kottem).;cont.

: ;morning: Early in the

: ;sorry (due-to not cleverness): I am sorry. morning (he) is sweeping the rubbish.;rno: Brzy rno zamet
(Because (I) am not clever.);omluva (kvli nechytrosti):
Omlouvm se. (Protoe nejsem chytr.) promit (kvli
: ;morning: early in the morning (in the
nechytrosti): Promite. (Protoe nejsem chytr.);pol.
early part of morning);rno: brzy rno (v brzsk sti
(-( )+ , put at the end of sentence);reportedly will
said that will, it is they say, that will;kaj ( ~ k se), e
();AM (not dark) morning (not dark);rno (nikoliv
bude dajn;suff. adv.
: ;said that will, it is: It is
said, that he will eat meal ( ~ rice) in my home.;k se e
bude: k se, e (on) bude jst jdlo ( ~ ri) u m

;morning (spread morning);rno (rozen

: ;morning: There
(one) must get up (from bed) early in the morning.;rno: Tam
se mus vstvat (z postele) brzy rno.;fut.

;quarter of kyat (25 penny, quarter) mark (of money,

Deutche Mark) kyat, quarter of (25 penny, quarter) vertical, ;breakfast (morning eating);sndan (rann jezen);n.
be steep, be upright, be;vzpmen, bt svisl, bt kolm, ;breakfast (for monks, meal (to) be-eaten (in the)
bt tvrtina iatu (25 hal, tvrtina) marka (o penzch, morning);sndan (pro mnichy, jdlo (k) jezen rno);n.
nmeck marka) pkr, bt iatu, tvrtina (25 hal,
: ;breakfast (for monks):
tvrtina);I (or) n.
having eaten the breakfast;sndan (o mnich): po tom, co
: ;mark: ten marks (historical price);marka: deset
marek (historick cena);

jsem sndl sndani;p.p. mn.

();March (month);bezen (msc);n. E. March

;tomorrow: Tomorrow at noon (I)

want to go to Ngadatkyi Pagoda.;ztra: Ztra v poledne chci jet
do Ndhat Pagody.;pol. col.

: ;breakfast (for
: ;kyat, quarter of: twenty-five penny (one quarter) monks): Ven. Janinda brought ((and) gave (me))
(historical price);iatu, tvrtina: dvacet pt hal (jedna
breakfast.;sndan (pro mnichy): Ct. Daninda pinesl ((a) dal
tvrtina) (historick cena);
(mi)) sndani.;writ. mn.
: ;kyat, quarter of: seventy-five penny (three
: ;tomorrow: The examination
quarters) (historical price);iatu, tvrtina: sedmdest pt hal starts tomorrow.;ztra: Zkouka zan ztra.;fut.
(ti tvrtiny) (historick cena);
;stand (be-upright, attached (and) stopped);stt
(bt-vzpmen, upevnn (a) zastaven);I
( ) [];closet (upright standing
cupboard) wardrobe (upright standing cupboard);sk
(atnk, vzpma stojc kredenc) atnk (sk, vzpma


T ;tomorrow;ztra;adv. rare
T : T ;tomorrow: What will you do

tomorrow?;ztra: Co bude dlat ztra?;fut. inter. col.

T : T
;tomorrow: Surely, we will continue
in discussing tomorrow also.;ztra: Ztra si budeme urit dle
povdat.;fut. um. col.
;not little;nemlo;adv.
: ;well, very ( ~ "not little):
(One) must observe (rules) very well ( ~ "not little).;nemlo:
(Pravidla) se mus nemlo dodrovat.;
;last year;minul rok;adv.

;last year last year (not year);minul rok minul rok

: T ( ~

);last year: (He) needs permission to sit ( ~
"answer) again for the examination which (he) failed last
year.;minul rok: Potebuje svolen k opakovn ( ~
"opakovanmu odpovdn (u)) zkouky, kterou minul rok

: ;until .. will not: Until I finish

reading this book I will not take a rest.;dokud .. nebude: Dokud
nepetu tuto knihu, neodpoinu si.;
;without (notnot included) without (just not
including);bez (prost ne zahrnutm) bez
(nenezahrnut);adv. (or) adj.
: ;without:
(He) was able to accomplish that feat without (movement of)
hand.;bez: Byl schopen uskutenit (ten magick) skutek (i) bez
(pohybu) ruky.;pol.
;no more than, be;ne vce ne, bt;adv.
T ;impossible, be (can not happen) cannot happen
(can not happen);neme se stt (ne me se-stt)
nemon, bt (ne me se-stt);I
: ;queen: It is a statue of one
ancient king's wife.;krlovna: Je to socha krlovny jednoho
starovkho krle.;pol.
T ;slow, be (not quick);pomal, bt (ne rychl);I

: ;last
year: Last year the shopkeeper died or what, (I) don't
know.;minul rok: Minul rok majitel obchodu zemel nebo co,

();miss (a bus, a plane etc., not catch (and)

follow);ujet (nkomu autobus, letadlo atd., nechytit (a)
nsledovat) propst (autobus, letadlo atd., nechytit (a)

T ;jealousy (want without pain {nouner});zvist

{chtt bez bolesti {jmenec});n.

: ;miss: (He) missed the

bus.;propst: Propsl autobus.;

;unable, be (can not);neschopen, bt (neme);I

( );wife (contemptuous, (does) not

itch);manelka (pohrdav, nesvrb);sg. writ.

: ;distance, in a
reasonable: (It) should be in a reasonable distance behind the
Burmese orchestra. distance, in a reasonable: (It) should be
in a reasonable distance from the Burmese
orchestra.;vzdlenosti, v rozumn: Mlo by (to) bt v rozumn
vzdlenosti od Barmskho orchestru. vzdlenosti, v rozumn:
Mlo by (to) bt v rozumn vzdlenosti za Barmskm

;indicates future tense;zna budouc as;suff.

;which will;kter bude;suff. writ.
: ;indicates fut. tense: (It) will start at eight
o'clock.;zna bud. .: Zane v osm hodin.;fut. col.
: ;indicates fut. tense: I will eat.;zna bud.
.: Budu jst.;fut.

: ;indicates future tense: I will eat

;distance, in a reasonable (in not near not
noodles.;zna bud. .: Budu jst nudle.;uw
far);vzdlenosti, v rozumn (v ne daleko ne blzko);adv. : ;which will: the difficulties that (you)
: ;yesterday: since yesterday;vera: od
will face;kter bude: pote, kterm bude elit;
: ;indicates fut. tense: He will buy a
: ;yesterday: as for midday
yesterday;vera: co se te verejho poledne.;

: ;yesterday: yesterday at night, at 12

o'clock;vera: vera v noci, ve 12 hodin;

book also.;zna budouc as: Koup si tak knihu.;col.

: ;will: He will eat in this shop.;bude:

Bude jst v tomto obchod.;pol.
: ;indicates fut. tense: He will come.;zna bud.
.: Pijde.;fut.

: ;yesterday: Yesterday early in the : ;indicates fut. tense: I will eat

morning.;vera: Vera brzy rno.;
his rice.;zna budouc as: Budu jst jeho ri.;fut. pol. um.
: ;yesterday: Today it's colder : T ;indicates near future: I am going back home.
than yesterday.;vera: Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;
(I will go back home.);zna blzkou budoucnost: Vracm se
: T ;Mandalay:
Mandalay is the second greatest town in Myanmar.;Mandalaj:
Mandalaj je druh nejvt msto Myanmaru.;pol.

dom. (Vrtm se dom.);col. fut.

();Mandalay (division);Mandalaj (Mandal, sprvn


( );nun (mother, lord (in) morality);mnika

(matka, pn etiky);sg.

() ;Mandalay (town);Mandalaj (town);name

;Mandalay, belonging to;Mandalajsk;adj.
-:until .. will not;dokud .. nebude;suff.;

[melamfej:];Mailamu Pagoda;Mlam

;eye, of;on;adj.
: ;grass: stalk of grass;trva: stblo trvy;
( );node burl;uzlina chuchvalec;sg.


: T ;grass (lawn): : T ;any: (He) did not make ( ~

The tennis match is (being) held on the grass.;trva (trvnk): undertake making) any oath to them.;dn: Neuinil ( ~
Tenisov zpas je podn na trv.;cont.
nepodstoupil uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.
( );eye (equal sight);oko (rovnomrn zrak);sg. ;bamboo shoots;bambusov vhonky;n.
: ;face: (I) am going to wash my
face.;obliej: Jdu si umt obliej.;fut.

( );leech;pijavice;sg. gen.

: ;face: sweet peoples' faces;tv: sladk

lidsk tve;

;expect (look-forward-to (and) wait) hope (lookforward-to (and) wait) wish (look-forward-to (and)
wait);oekvat (tit-se (a) ekat) pt si (tit-se (a)
ekat) doufat (tit-se (a) ekat);T

: ;face: a woman's
face;obliej: ensk obliej;
( );face (eye (and) nose);obliej (oko (a) nos)
tv (obliej, oko (a) nos);sg.
;ritual of washing Buddha-image's face
(great face furbishing);ritul myt oblieje Buddhovy sochy
(obnoven ohromn tve);n. Bh.
;ritual of washing Buddha-image's face:
Do you want to go (and) see the ritual of washing Buddhaimage's face?;ritul myt oblieje Buddhovy sochy: Chcete jet
(a) vidt ritul myt oblieje Buddhovy sochy? ritl myt
oblieje Buddhovy sochy: Chcete jet (a) vidt ritul myt
oblieje Buddhovy sochy?;inter.
( );facial expression );vraz tve (vraz
;face (a problem etc., face (sth. by) face);elit
(problmu atd., elit tv);T
( );glasses, pair ot (spectacles, sight glass)
spectacles (pair of glasses, sight glass);brle (sklo (pro)
zrak);sg. (pair)
;immediate (prostrated (at one's) sight) nose,
under one's very (prostrated (at one's) sight);bezprostedn
(lec (u nho) zraku) nosu, (bt) u (lec (u nho)
(maybe from + );oriented towards,
be (do face forward) targeted to, be (do face
forward);zamen na, bt (dlat tv vped) orientovan,
bt (dlat tv vped);I
;oriented, be: Anyone who is oriented towards
Nibbna wants to (attain) Nibbna.;zamen na, bt: Kdokoliv,
(kdo) je zamen na Nibbnu, chce (doshnout) Nibbny.;pol.

(WS. from T );flatter;lichotit;I col. WS.

;hope: Though not (even)
hoping, (I) was permitted to be (your) friend.;doufat: Ani bych
doufal, bylo (mi) povoleno bt (tvm) ptelem.;
: ;hope: (I) hope.;doufat: Doufm.;pol.

( );wish (expect (and) wait {nouner})

expectation (expect (and) wait {nouner});pn (oekvat (a)
ekat {jmenec}) oekvn (oekvat (a) ekat {jmenec});sg.
;hopeless, be ((does) not have
hope);beznadjn, bt (nemt nadji);I
T ;hopeless, be: This is a hopeless situation,
in Sri Lanka.;beznadjn, bt: To je beznadjn situace, na Sr
( );line;linka (ra) ra;sg.
( );line (line's route);linka (ra, cesta
ry) ra (cesta ry);sg.
( );dash (long line);pomlka
(dlouh ra);sg.
;many many, be too much, be much much, be lot
of, a denotes plurality too much indicate plural;moc, bt
mnoho, bt pli moc, bt hodn mnoho zna mn. .
moc;I (or) suff. (or) adv. (or) suff. writ.
;one of;jeden z;suff. n.
T ;one of: (It) is one of the suttas,
which contains commentarial factors.;jeden z: Je (to) jedna ze
sutt, kter obsahuj komenttorsk faktory.;
: ;much: May (you) be able
to practise the Dhamma much.;hodn: K jsi schopen
praktikovat Dhammu hodn.;pol.

: ;many: There are too


);magician, parlour (master (in) sleight-of- many students in this class.;mnoho: V tto td je pli mnoho
hand);kouzelnk, jevitn (mistr (v) kouzelnickch-tricch);
: ;eye: a bird's eye;oko: pta
: ;too much: (This is) little bit too much.;moc:
(To je) ponkud moc.;pol.

: ;eyes: Because (my) eyes got sick : T T ;many, be: There

( ~ "divided).;oi: Protoe mi onemocnly oi. (Protoe (jsem) are very much of limitations in the Myanmar country.;mnoho,
dostal rozdlen (a) upevnn o.);pol.
bt: V zemi Myanmaru je mnoho omezen.;col.
( );eye (round eye) eye (sight's ball);oko
(kulat oko) oko (zrakov koule);sg.
;even even, be share equal, be;stejn, bt (rovnajc se) Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is like
vyrovnan, bt sdlet ani;I (or) suff. adv. (or) T
fire, very dangerous to woman.;velice: ena je pro mue velice
: ;even: I have no doubt. (I nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
have not even a little doubt.);ani: Nemm nejmen
nebezpen, jako ohe.;
pochybnosti. (Nemm ani malou pochybnost.);pol.


: ;high: In order to : T ;kind: Except this there (we) have

(make it) available for reading to many kinds of readers, even two kinds more.;druh: Krom tohohle mme jet dva
the price is not high.;vysok: Aby byl dostupn ke ten mnoha druhy.;pol.
druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen vysok.;pol.
: ;kind: What kind of?;druh: Jak
: ;many: Many leaves are growing ( ~
distributed).;mnoho: Roste ( ~ je-rozdleno) mnoho list.;


;many much more or less;moc velice vcemn

hodn mnoho;adv. (or) adj.

learn those two kinds of language.;druh: Rd se um ty dva

druhy jazyka.;

: ;many: There are many

countries on the earth.;mnoho: Na svt je mnoho zem.;writ.

( );category kind type;druh kategorie typ;sg.

: ;kind: three kinds;druh: ti druhy;

;much, : ;kind: Now (there) are only
: T
be: (The word) is much used in the kind of places, where (sb.) two kinds of newspapers.;druh: Te jsou (zde) pouze dva
doesn't want to tell (sth.).;moc, bt: Uv se (toho slova) pro ta druhy novin.;pol.
msta ( ~ "v druhu mst), kde (nkdo) nechce (nco) ct.;pol. : ;kind: (I) like to

: ()
;much: There is no end to the much of thanking for
the (given) help.;mnoho: Nen konce mnohmu dkovn za
tu (dodanou) pomoc.;pol.
: ;more or less: (He)
will have to undergo (it) with more or less any
difficulties.;vcemn: Bude (to) muset podstoupit bez ohledu
na pote ( ~ "s vcemn jakmikoliv potemi).;pol.
TT ;mostl
y: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with mostly
wounded (people and) casualties.;vtinou: Skupiny Hentvad
vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou zrannch (lid a) ztrtou

;swallow (swallow (and) lower) gorge (swallow (and)

lower);spolknout (spolkout (a) snit) polykat (spolkout (a)
;patriotic ((of) mind (to) love (one's)
kind);vlasteneck (mysli lsky (k vlastnmu) rodu);adj.
;patriotic: It is not proper to forget National Day as
the effect of patriotic awakening.;vlasteneck: Nen sprvn
zapomnat na Nrodn Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho

;nationalism (spirit (of) loving (that) kind)

nationalism (patriotism, spirit (of) loving (one's own) kind)
patriotism (spirit (of) loving (one's own) kind);vlastenectv
(duch lsky (tomu) druhu) patriotismus (duch milovn
(vlastnho) druhu) vlastenectv (duch milovn (vlastnho)
;recently (in catching not very long);nedvno druhu);n.
(v chytn ne moc dlouho);adv.
: T
;many much;hodn mnoho;adv.

;nationalism (spirit (of) loving (that) kind): In
order to arouse the nationalism towards the Myanmar
: ;many kinds: nationality, encouraging, they have recognized this day as
National Day.;vlastenectv (duch lsky (tomu) druhu): Aby
In order to (make it) available for reading to many kinds of
vyvolali vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za
readers, even the price is not high.;mnoho druh: Aby byl
dostupn ke ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen povzbudzovn), rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn
Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.
: ;much: Eat much of chicken
curry.;hodn: Jez hodn kuecho masa.;imper. pol.

T;predominantly especially mostly

largely;vtinou zejmna ponejvce povtinou;adv.
T: T
T ;often: Sugar is ( ~ "are) mostly used as
powder.;vtinou: Cukr se vtinou pouv ve form ( ~
"jakoto) prek.;
;gorge swallow;polykat spolknout;T
;num. class. for kinds;itatel druh;pow.
: ;swallow: It makes one
extremely angry. ((It is) so (much), that (one) even must
swallow not little saliva.);spolknout: Podn to natve. ((Je
to) tolik, e (jeden) mus dokonce spolknout nemlo slin.);col.
pol. idi.
: ;kind: a kind which can become
overcooked;druh: druh, kter se me pevait;
: ;kind: Do (you) like this kind?;druh: M rd
tenhle druh?;inter.

;sort (collect similar kinds) classify (collect similar

kinds) categorize (collect similar kinds);tdit (sbrat
podobn druhy) klasifikovat (sbrat podobn druhy)
roztdit (sbrat podobn druhy);T
: ;lineage: certain Kachin
lineage;rodokmen: jist rodokmen Kaen;n.
( );lineage kind (lineage) descent;druh (rodokmen)
pvod rodokmen;sg.
( );lineage (lineage, succession (and)
connection);rodokmen (rodokmen, posloupnost (a)
T;numerical classifier (thing showing kind);itatel
(vc ukazujc druh);n. gram. P. paccaya (= requisites,
: ;monkey: This monkey
has damaged the roof.;opice: Tahle opice poniila stechu.;p.p.
: ;monkey: The monkey is


strong.;opice: Opice je siln.;

te.;col. fut.

( );monkey;opice;sg.

T;emerald;smaragd;n. (or) n. un.

;should not;neml by;v.

T ;grass;trva;n.

: ( ~ )
;should not: As I was calling you by phone, you
shouldn't have call me.;neml by: Ponvad jsem ti volal
telefonem, nemla jsi volat ty m.;col.

T ;lawn (grass, spread grass) grass (lawn, spread

grass);trvnk (trva, rozen trva) trva (trvnk,
rozen trva);n.

;occupied, be (also about a room in a hotel. cannot

take) booked out, be (also about a room in a hotel. cannot
take) unavailable, be (also about a room in a hotel. cannot
take);obsazen, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, neme brt)
nedostupn, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, neme brt)
zamluven, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, neme brt);I

sleep).;trvnk: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl: zatmco se

pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si odponu a
vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.

T : T ;lawn: A hen
: ;impossible, be: Impossible. (It's not right. Also as is crouching on the lawn.;trvnk: Slepice se kr na trvnku.;
a negative response during bargaining) wrong ( ~
T : T
"impossible): (It)'s wrong. (It's not right.);nemon, bt: To

nen mon. (Nen sprvn. Tak jako negativn odpov
;turf: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it)
bhem smlouvn v obchod.) patn, bt ( ~ "nemon):
said: while approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the)
(To) je patn. (Nen sprvn.);pol. (or) pol. col.
turtle, I will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of

( );marian (plum, fruit (of) nonerection);marinsk vestka (ovoce ne-zvedn);sg.

: ;can't: I can't take
tomatoes.;nemoci: Nemohu vzt rajata.;col.
;regardless (not choosing) every .. whether (not
choosing) any (not choosing);kad .. a u (nevybrajce)
nehled na (nevybrajce) jakkoliv (nevybrajce) bez
ohledu na (nevybrajce);suff. (or) adj.

T : T ;lawn: on the lawn;trvnk: na

T ;turft (spread grass) lawn (spread grass);trvnk
(rozen trva);n.
T ;lawn (green spread grass) turft (green
spread grass);trvnk (zelen rozen trva);n.
T ;look;podvat se;T
T;high tall high, be noble, be (high) lofty, be
(high);vysok dlouh (do vky) vzneen, bt vysok,
bt ulechtil, bt vysoko, bt;I (or) adj.

T : T ;horse: Girl is going to ride a

: ;any: Come to my house horse.;k: Dve se chyst jet na koni.;fut.
any time.;jakkoliv: Kdykoliv ke m dom (me) pijt. (Pij T : T ;see: How do
od mho domu (v) jakkoliv as.);imper. pol. um.
you see ( ~ "can see) people?;vidt: Jak se dv ( ~ "me
: ;regardless: In se dvat) na lidi?;inter.
this restaurant can eat (anybody) regardless language. (In this T : TT ; see: as (I) see, that (you) can
restaurant (you) can eat regardless language.);bez ohledu na: speak and write;vidt: ponvad vidm, e um mluvit a pst;
V tto restauraci me jst (kdokoliv), bez ohledu na jazyk. (V T : T T ;look: (He) never looks
tto restauraci me() jst bez ohledu na jazyk.);pol.
back.;podvat se: Nikdy se nepodv zpt.;
: T

;every .. whether: As for U Mya Maung, every

person, whether old (or) young probably knows (him).;kad ..
a u: Co se te Mja Mauna, kad lovk, a u star
nebo mlad, (jej) pravdpodobn zn.;pol.
: ;not be: Today (there) is no class.
(Today the class is not.);nebt: Dneska lekce nen.;pol.
: ;have, doesn't: (Young
man) Ten doesn't have a book for reading.;nemt: (Mlad
pn) Ten nem knihu na ten;pol.

T : T ;horse: The horse is thinner

than the cow.;k: K je hubenj ne krva.;
T : T ;horse: Horse is jumping.;k: K (prv
te) ske.;cont.
T : T ( ~ ) T ;see:
(He) sees a broken bulb.;vidt: Vid rozbitou rovku.;writ.
T: T ;high: the level is high;vysok: rove
je vysok;

T :
T ;see: (She) could not see the problems connected
;absent, be (notnot be);neptomen (nebt);v.
with that teacher ( ~ chief monk).;vidt: Nedokzala vidt (ty)
: ;absent, be: Every time problmy spojen s tm uitelem.;pol.
when he comes, I am not at home.;nejsem: Kdykoliv pijde,
T ( );horse;k;sg.
nejsem doma.;um.
TT ;lofty, be (high (and) noble) noble, be (high (and)
: ;is not: It is not special.;nen: Nen to (nic)
;without (notnot having);bez (nenemajc);adj.

noble);lechetn, bt (vysok (a) ulechtil) ulechtil, bt

(vysok (a) ulechtil);I

TT : TT ;noble:
: T ;without (without
Animals are not as noble as people.;ulechtil: Zvata nejsou
having): Without computer I (would) be happier than now.;bez tak ulechtil jako lid.;
(ani (by) ml): Bez potae bych byl astnj ne (jsem)


TT : TT ;noble: noble life;ulechtil: ulechtil


T ;adore (gain-profit (and) wake-up) cherish (gain-profit

(and) wake-up);opatrovat (zskat-uitek (a) probudit-se)
zboovat (zskat-uitek (a) probudit-se);T

T ;noble, be: (He) dedicates (himself) for the
T : T T ;adore: (He) also adores
attainment of the noble purpose.;ulechtil, bt: Odevzdv se the Myanmars.;zboovat: Tak zbouje Myanmary ( ~ lidi z
pro dosaen (toho) ulechtilho cle.;
T;lofty, be (high (and) grand) great tall (high (and)
great) noble, be (high (and) grand);vzneen, bt (vysok
(a) ohromn) obrovsk vysok (vysok (a) ohromn)
ulechtil, bt (vysok (a) ohromn);I (or) adj.

T ;Buddha (Noble Buddha);Buddha (Ulechtil


T : T
T: T ;lofty, ;Buddha: The discourses with
be: May (you) be able to rule over everything (and) may (you) more details preached by the Buddha are basically depicting
be able to possess a lofty life.;vzneen, bt: K me mt
the commentarial nature, which is referred to in
vldu nad vm (a) k me mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen
Sratthadpan.;Buddha: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
ivot.;w. pol.
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
T: T T ;great: charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
This way U Aung Zeyya's power became great.;obrovsk:
T ;fast, be quick, be;rychl, bt;I
Tmto zpsobem se stala moc Aun Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.
T : T ;quick: The train is quicker
T [mye~.mou.];Meru, the Mountain (the mountain supposed than the man.;rychl: Vlak je rychlej ne (ten) mu.;
to be in the center of universe by Buddhist scriptures);Meru,
T T ;quickly;rychle;adv.
hora (hora, o kter se dle Buddhistickch spis pedpokld, e T T : T T ;fast: He walks fast.;rychle:
je ve stedu vesmru);name P. meru
(On) jde rychle.;
T: T ( ~ T T );Meru,
mountain: person greater than the mountain Meru;Meru, hora:
osoba ohromnj ne hora Meru;

T : L T ( ~
L );look like: (I) stay in
the position looking like (form (of)) English letter 'L'.;vypadat
jako: Zstvm v pozici vypadajc jako (tvar (kter m))
anglick psmeno 'L'.;pol.

T T :
T T ;quickly: (One) can send e-mail (to
(be)) more quickly than a postcard.;rychle: Lze poslat e-mail,
(aby (byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;
T ;Myanmar (a person of the nationality)
Myanmar;Myanmarsk Myanmar (osoba t nrodnosti);adj.
(or) sg.

T : T T ;Myanmar (the native): (He)

T ;look like (take look like);vypadat jako (brt vidn also adores the Myanmars.;Myanmar (rodil): Tak zbouje
Myanmary ( ~ lidi z Myanmaru).;col.
T : T ( ~
T : T ;Myanmar: (I) am of Myanmar
);look like: (It) looks like (if he were) watching
nationality. ((I) am one of Myanmar people kind.);Myanmar:
(it).;vypadat jako: Vypad (to), jakoby (to) sledoval.;pol.
Jsem Myanmarsk nrdnosti. (Jsem jeden z myanmarskho
T ;see;vidt;I

druhu lid.);pol.

T : T ;river: Duck is swimming in T : T ;Myanmar: Myanmar lady.;Myanmar:

the river.;eka: Kaer plave v ece.;cont.
Dma (z) Myanmaru.;
T ( );river;eka;sg.
T ( );Myanmar (native of the country);Myanmar
T ;cry (loudly) scold sound, make a;vynadat kiet
(hlasit) zvuk, udlat;T

(rodil z t zem);sg. col.

T ( );donkey;osel;sg.

T (T );Myanmar (country);Myanmar (zem);name

T ;noble, be noble,be;lechetn, bt ulechtil, bt;I

T : T T ;noble:
Concentrating (one's) mind is good, noble (and) beautiful way,
when (one) always concentrates (his) mind.;lechetn:
Soustedn (vlastn) mysli je to dobrou, lechetnou (a) krsnou

T () ;Myanmar (country);Myanmar (zem);name

T ;Myanmar language;myanmarsk jazyk;n.

T : T ;Myanmar language:
Can you teach (me) Myanmar language?;Myanmarsk jazyk:
Mohl bys m uit Myanmarsk jazyk?;inter.

T : T
T ;Myanmar language: I can speak in Myanmar
T : T ;noble: the noble truth preached by language better ( ~ more) than in Mon language.;Myanmarsk
the Buddha;ulechtil: ulechtil pravda pednesen
jazyk: Umm mluvit Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ vce) ne
Monskm jazykem.;
T : T ( ~ ) T ;Myanmar literature literature, Myanmar;Myanmarsk
;Buddha, the Lord: We bow three (bow) times to literatura literatura, Myanmarsk;n.
the Buddha.;Buddha, Pn: My se Pnu Buddhovi klanme
T : T ;literature, Myanmar: (I)
tikrt (poklony).;pol. um.
have completely finished Myanmar literature (subject) at


school.;literatura, Myanmarsk: Zcela jsem dokonil (pedmt)

Myanmarsk literatury ve kole.;pol. col.

flatter (her), her boyfriend may beat (you).;lichotit: Nelicho j,

(nebo) by (t) jej ptel mohl zbt.;jk.

T ;Myanmar Travel Office Travel Office,

T ;encourage (raise much) favor (raise much)
Myanmar;Myanmarsk Cestovn Kancel Cestovn Kancel, promote (raise much);povit (o lovku, vyzvednout hodn)
Myanmarsk;name E. travel
oblbit si (vyzvednout hodn) povzbudit (vyzvednout
T : T ;Myanmar
(people): This way the Myanmar (people) perform New
Year.;Myanmart (lid): Takto Myanmart (lid) konaj o
Novm Roce.;pol.

T :
T ;promote: (He) also promoted heroes who had
valour.;povit: Tak povyoval hrdiny, kte mli chrabrost.;writ.

T ; Myanmars (Myanmar people);Myanmarsk lid


: ;town: I didn't go to any

town.;msto: Neel jsem do dnho msta.;um.

T : T
;Myanmars: Since that time, indeed, English
government in various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the
Myanmars.;Myanmarsk lid ( ~ Myanmai): Od t doby
anglick vlda rznmi zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid
Myanmaru ( ~ Myanmary).;p.s. writ.

: ;city: What city will you live in?;msto:

V jakm mst bude t?;inter. um.

T ;Travel Office, Myanmar;Cestovn Kancel,

Myanmarsk;name E. travel

: ;town: town Mendap;msto: Msto Menda;name

: ;town: The rented

flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~ much)
noisy.;msto: Ten pronajat byt (pokoj), ponvad je ve
mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.
( );town city;msto;sg.

T : T ;Myanmar (+ country): : ;township: I live in

Myanmar (country) is extremely beautiful.;Myanmar (+
Kamayut township.;sprvn oblast: Bydlm ve sprvn oblasti
zem): Myanmar (zem) je nesmrn krsn.;pol.
T T : T T ;Myanmar
: ;city palace:
(country): It is in the middle (part) of Myanmar
Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~ where is
country.;Myanmar, (zem): Je ve stedu ( ~ stedn sti)
gold) and built the city palace (therein).;mstsk palc: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
T ;Myanmar culture (tradition and matters, Myanmar
case);Myanmaru, kultura (tradice a zleitosti,

(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.

( );township (town region);sprvn oblast

(mstsk oblast);sg.

T ;Myanmar airline office (Bengali office (of) air ;bulwark (city wall) city wall ) rampart (city
vehicle);Myanmarsk cestovn kancel (Benglsk kancel wall);opevnn (mstsk ze) val (mstsk ze)
vzdunho vozidla);n.
mstsk ze );n.
T ;New Light of Myanmar, The (name of a
newspaper);New Light of Myanmar, The (jmno novin, Svtlo
T ;Voice of Myanmar (national broadcasting
station);Hlas Myanmaru (nrodn vyslac stanice);name

;town-wall: It is indeed still possible to see the
ancient palace, town-wall and moat.;mstsk ze: Je (tam),
vskutku, stle mono vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a
vodn pkop.;pol.

T ;Myan Aung ( = 'quick success');Myan Aun ( = 'rychl T;fog;mlha;n.

T: T TT ;foggy, be:
T : T ;Myan Aung ( ~ Because it's foggy, cars must go ( ~ drive) slowly.;mlhavo,
'quick success'): (He) named Lwan She ( ~ 'lwan medicine') as bt: Protoe je mlha, auta mus jet ( ~ dit) pomalu.;
Myan Aung ( ~ 'quick success').;Myan Aun ( ~ 'rychl
T;foggy, be;mlhavo, bt;I
spch'): Pojmenoval Lwan She ( ~ 'lk lvan') jakoto Myan
T;earth ground;pda (zem) zem;n.
Aun ( ~ 'rychl spch').;writ.
T: T T T ( ~ T T

: ;snake: Snake is just the smallest T );ground: contact of legs with the ground;zem:
animal.;had: Had je (prost) nejmen zve.;
dotyk nohou se zem;writ.
( );snake;had;sg.
T: T TT ;earth ( ~ "ground): This great
T ;conceal hide submerge;skrt potopit zakrt;T

T : T ;conceal: As it was a
golden statue, it has been concealed on the
embarkment.;zakrt: Protoe to byla zlat socha, byla ukryt na

earth ( ~ "ground) is even.;zem: Tato (velk) zem je

T( );grandchild;vnoue;sg.

T ( );rat (ground rat);krysa (zemn krysa)

krysa (pozemn krysa);sg.

T ;flatter raise elevate;zdvihnout lichotit pozdvihnout;I T ( );rat (ground rat);krysa (zemsk krysa);sg.
col. (or) T
T : T T
T : T ()

;flatter: Don't


T ;grandson, royal: On
behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king) entrusted the reign
to (his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of Myanmar (and) Mon
blood.;vnoue, krlovsk: Ve prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a)
Monu, (krl) svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun
Stovi (kter byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.

doshnul osoby dvanct);n.

TT ;ground (ground surface);zem (zemsk povrch);n.

T ;North (aim's direction) North, (to) (North

direction);Sever (smr cle) Sever, (na) (smr
Sever);adv. (or) n.

;ground: touch (with) the
ground;zem: dotkat se (se) zem;

T : T ;North: He was born

in North India.;sever: (On) se narodil v severn Indii.;p.s. writ.
T : () T ;indicates place in order:
third part of four (parts);zna msto v poad: tet st ze ty

T: T ;map: According to this map, this T ;North Pole (north spot (of the) axis);Severn
way is correct.;mapa: Podle tto mapy je tato cesta sprvn.; Pl (severn skvrna osy);n.
T: T ;map: Look at the map.;mapa: podvej se T : T ;North Pole: In
na (tuto) mapu.;imper. pol.
the North Pole it's very cold.;Severn Pl: Na Severnm Plu je
T: T ;map:
According to the map, it looks like if there is a treasure in this
cave.;mapa: Podle mapy to vypad, jako kdyby v tto jeskyni
byl poklad.;
T( );map (earth's form);mapa (podoba zem);sg.
T( );grandchild;vnuka (vnoue);sg.
T ( );grandchild;vnuk (vnoue);sg.

ohromn ( ~ ohromn) zima.;

T ();North American
(continent);Severoamerick (kontinent);name
: ;will you: Are
( ~ will) you going to school or to the market?;zna budouc
as v tzacm zpsobu: (P)jde do koly nebo na trh?;inter.

; inclination to, have because will be indicates fut. tense

T ;to the letter (obey, buy ground without
plan to intention, have the about to ..;chystat se ..
decreasing) literally (listen and do what sb. says, buy
ground without decreasing) exactly (listen and do what sb. inklinovat k zmr, mt zna bud. as plnu, mt v zna
says, buy ground without decreasing);pesn (dlat doslova budoucnost protoe bude;suff. col. (or) suff.
co druh k, kupovat zem bez sniovn) doslova (dlat : ;about to ..: I am about to
doslova co druh k, kupovat zem bez sniovn) do
go to the library.;chystat se: Chystm se jt do knihovny.;fut.
psmene (poslouchat, kupovat zem bez sniovn);adv. fig. : ;indicates fut. tense: I will by
T : T ( )
;to the letter: Do what the grandparents say, to the
letter, dear daughter.;do psmene: Dlej do psmene co (ti)
prarodie kaj.;imper. col.

meat.;zna budouc as: (J) koupm maso.;col. um.

T ;basement (storey under ground);sutern

(patro pod zem) sklep, sklepen (patro pod zem);n.

ball);plnovat: plnuji si kopat s mem;

: ;plan to: (I) plan to work on

computer.;plnu, mt v: Plnuji pracovat na potai.;col.

: ;about to ..: Today you are about to

T ;earth, chunk of burnt (hard pure earth);zem, kus come home.;chystat se: Dnes se chyst pijt dom.;fut. um.
splen (tvrd ist zem);n.
: ;intention, have: This
T;alms-bowl, clay;almun msa, hlinn;sg.
family has the intention to (go) (to) travel (during)
T: T T ;alms-bowl, clay: I holidays.;zmr, mt: Tato rodina m zmr (jet) cestovat
haven't ever seen a clay alms-bowl in my life.;almun msa,
(bhem) przdnin.;col.
hlinn: V ivot jsem nevidl hlinnou almun msu.;col.
: ; plan to: (I) plan to kick the ball (play with

T ;-th North indicates ordinal number;zna poadov

slo -t Sever;suff. (or) n.
T : T ;North:
Mandalay mountain is in North direction from the moat.;sever:
Mandalajsk hora je na sever od (toho) vodnho pkopu.;pol.
T : T
T ( ~ T
T );achieve: (It) is the day of a girl's birthday,
achieving her 23.;doshnout: Je den narozenin sleny, (kter
prv) doshla svch 23.;writ.

: T
;because will be: Because the woman will do the
laundry, (she) is wearing blue gloves.;protoe bude: Protoe se
(ta) ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr
;inadequate, be insufficient, be;nepostaujc, bt
nedostaten, bt;I
() ;Malaysia (country);Malajsie (stt);name

;fluent in speaking, be smooth, be;hladk, bt plynule


( ) [m.sle~];Muslim (person);muslim;sg. A.
T : T ;indicates ordinal number: fifth day
(day which achieved day five);zna poadov slo: pt den ;Mon (nationality or state) Mon (a Myanmar ethnic
(den, kter doshnul den pt);n.
nationality);Mon (nrodnost i stt) Mon (etnick menina
T : T ;indicates ordinal number: Myanmaru);name
the twelfth soldier (soldier (who) achieved person
: T T
twelve);zna poadov slo: dvanct vojk (vojk, (kter)


T ;Mon (nationality or
state): On behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king)
entrusted the reign to (his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of
Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;Mon (nrodnost i stt): Ve
prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu, (krl) svil vldu
(svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi (kter byl)
Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.
(T );Mon (state of Union of Myanmar);Mon (stt unie
: T T ;Mon
language: I can speak in Myanmar language better ( ~ more)
than in Mon language.;Monsk jazyk: Umm mluvit
Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;
;noon (time (of) straight noon);poledne (as
pmho poledne);adv.
T : T ( ~ )
;noble: Noble mind means the excellent state of
mind.;ulechtil: Ulechtil mysl znamen vynikajc stav
;afternoon (part (when) noon (is)
missed);odpoledne (st (kdy je) poledne minul);adv.
;afternoon: In the afternoon (she) is eating cake
and drinking tea.;odpoledne: Odpoledne j dort a pije aj.;writ.
: T ;fluent (superb): (Your)
Burmese (language speaking) is just superb ( ~
"fluent)!;plynul (skvl): (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "mluven
Barmskm jazykem) je prost skvl ( ~ "plynul)!;cont.
; enjoy delight, take;uvat si radost, mt;I
;born, be;narodit se;I

birthday?;narozeniny: Kdy m narozeniny? (Kdy bude den

tvho narozen?);inter.
: ;birthday: Happy birthday! (blessings (on
your) birthday);narozeniny: astn narozeniny! (poehnn
(na tv) narozeniny);w.
: .;birthday: If (you)
have anything to offer on (your) birthday, don't be
shy.;narozeniny: Pokud m nco k nabdnut (lidem), pak se
nesty.;col. sl.
T( );card, birthday (flat card (for) birth
day) birthday card (flat card (for) birth
day);narozeninov pn (kartika s pnm k narozeninm,
ploch karta dne narozen) pn k narozeninm (kartika
s pnm k narozeninm, ploch karta dne narozen);sg.
: ;born, be: because the baby is
born;narodit se: protoe se narodilo miminko;p.p.
: T ;born, be: He was
born in North India.;narodit se: (On) se narodil v severn
Indii.;p.s. writ.
: ;born, be: He was born.;narodit se:
(On) se narodil.;p.s.
-; born, be (be-born (and) be-born);narodit se (btnarozen (a) bt-narozen);I
;birthplace (place (of) birth event);msto
narozen (msto udlosti narozen);n.
T ;unsuitable, be (not suitable (and not)
noble);nevhodn, bt (ne vhodn (a ne) ulechtil);I
;no more than, be;ne vce ne, bt;adv.
;know not;nevdt;I

: ( ~
);know not: Where (you) will get ( ~ find) (it)
nearby, (I) don't know.;nevdt: Nevm, kde to tady pobl
: (T ) T ;birth (past): The dostanete ( ~ najdete).;
Buddha gives a simile with (his previous) birth.;zrozen
;ignorance (not-knowing, not(minul): Buddha (to) ukazuje na pkladu svho minulho
understanding);zaslepenost (nevdn, neporozumn);n.
ivota. (Buddha dv pklad se svm (minulm) zrozenm.); ;I don't know.;Nevm.;pol.
: ;born, be: Baby was just
born.;narodit se: Miminko se prv (te) narodilo;

( );pinkie (is-born (and) eats) pet (is-born

(and) eats);mazlek (tk se pouze zvat, narodil-se (a)
ere) domc milek (tk se pouze zvat, narodil-se (a)
;birth, day of (birth day) birthday (birth
day);narozeniny (den narozen) narozen, den (den

: ;know not: (I) didn't know

(the fact that) today's Friday.;nevdt: Nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti,) e dnes je ptek.;
;unconsciously (withoutwithout knowing) unwittingly
(withoutwithout knowing) unaware (withoutwithout
knowing);nevdomky (bezbez vdom) netuc (bezbez
vdom) neuvdomujce si (bezbez vdom);adv.

: ;birthday: My birthday is in
;unclear vague;nejasn vgn;adj.
April.;narozeniny: Mm narozeniny v dubnu. (Mj den narozen : ;Manhattan (town in
(je) v dubnu.);pol. uw.
USA): Manhattan is an island.;Manhattan (msto USA):
: T T Manhattan je ostrov.;pol.
( ~ T
;Mahasi Meditation Center );Mahsi Meditan
T );birthday: (It) is the day of a girl's birthday,
Centrum );name
achieving her 23.;narozeniny: Je den narozenin sleny, (kter ;Maha Bandula, gen. (fought against the
prv) doshla svch 23.;writ.
British in the First Anglo-Burmese War 1824-1826);Mah

: ;birthday: Bill's birthday is in Bandula, gen. (bojoval proti Britncm v Prvn Anglo-Barmsk
February.;narozeniny: Bill m narozeniny v noru. (Billovy
Vlce 1824-1826);name
narozeniny (jsou) v noru.);
( );MA (person, person (who) got great
: ;birthday: When is your


title);Mgr. (osoba, osoba (kter) dostala velk titul);sg.

;Master's degree (MA.) degree MA. MA.
degree;Magistra titul (Mgr.) Mgr. titul titul Mgr.;n. P.
mahvijj (= great knowledge)
;no no (not yes, not yes);ne ne (nikoliv ano,
nikoliv ano);interj.
(): ;not, be: You are not a
teacher.;nebt: Nejsi uitel.;pol. um.

computer.;ode: Ode dneka si (to) budu ukldat na ( ~ "ve)

svm potai.;fut. writ.
: ;since: since the day of (my) arrival;ode:
ode dne (mho) pjezdu;
;by (via) (of one level) via (of one level) by
means of (of one level);skrze (z jednoho stupn) po (uitm
eho, z jednoho stupn);adv.

: T ;by: (We) spoke by

(): ;is not: No, he is not a Internet.;po: Bavili jsme se po internetu.;p.s.
student.;nen: Ne, nen student.;pol.
;except besides;mimo (krom) krom;suff. adv. (or)
(): ;indicates negative: suff. adv.
(They) are not Mr. Bakhin and Mrs. Thuza.;zna zpor: Nejsou ;mark, make a remember (note) notice
pan Bakhen a pan Tuza.;col. pol.
remember;poznmku, udlat si remember (zaznamenat)
;who is not what is not which is not;kdo nen co vimnout si vmat si pamatovat si;I (or) T
nen kter nen;n.

: ( ~ )
;what is not: (I)
revere (you), who is well skilled in what is not (your) mother
tongue.;co nen: Respektuji (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v
tom, co nen (tvou) matetinou.;pol.
;no (not yes);ne (nikoliv ano);interj. pol.
: ;is not: Thingyan in village is not like that.;nen: Vesnick Tendan takhle
neprobh ( ~ nen).;pol.
: ;is not: (He) is not even a
king's servant.;nen: Nen ani krlovm sluebnkem.;
: ;not, is: It is
not wrong, it is not right also.;nen: Nen to patn, nen to ani

: ( ~ )
;remember: Long time ago (I) have
studied a lot and have yet remembered.;dvno, kdysi: Kdysi
dvno jsem (toho) hodn nastudoval, a jet si pamatoval.;
: T

T ;notice:
With it, around one (or) two minutes (my) mind is back after
leaving (with) this way, while doing work, resting (and)
taking mindfulness, when it is, indeed, not possible to notice
(such) times, when I also happen not to notice (and) not to
establish ((and) catch) (my) mindfulness, are many.;vmat si:
S tm, asi jednu (i) dv minuty je (moje) mysl po odchodu zpt
- (s) takto, bhem dln prce, odpovn (a) bran
vmavosti, kdy, vskutku, nen mon si vmat (takovch)
obdob, kdy se stane, e si tak nevmm (a) neupevuji ((a)
(ne)chytm) vmavost, je mnoho.;med.

: ;is not: That is

not a spirit house, majesty.;nen: To nen bkv dm,
: ();remember: Do (you)
remember yesterday notes ( ~ writings)?;pamatovat si:
Pamatuje si verej zpisky ( ~ psan)?;inter.
;does not is not;nikoliv nen;interj.
;only if only when just of;jestlie pouze prv
pouze pokud kdy jen zna genitiv;conj. (or) suff. adv.
(or) suff.
(from );even, not;ani, ne;suff.
: T ;only if: I will reply only if you
ask.;pouze pokud: Odpovm pouze pokud se zept.;fut. um.

: ( )
T ;notice: Noticing the breath, (I) happen to watch
the very nature (of my) mind (rpa nma).;vmat si:
Vmajce si (svho) dechu, (stv se, (e)) sleduji samotnou
pirozenost (sv) mysli (rpa nma).;pol. med.

: T ;notice: Taking
mindfulness, establishing the mindfulness, (I) return to
: T ;just: Just today (I) remembered
noticing.;vmat si: Vezmu vmavost, upevnm ji ( ~
and corrected (your letter) well.;prv: Prv dnes jsem si
vmavost) (a) vrtm se k vmn si.;med.
vzpoml a (podn) opravil (ten tvj dopis).;
T ;proof (to substantiate sth., put marking
: ;even, not: (She) doesn't have
stone {nouner});dkaz (k doloen, poloit vyznaujc
even one friend.;ani, ne: Nem ani jednoho kamarda.;
kmen {jmenec});n.
: ;only if: I will come only if he
;post scriptum (PS, used as a postscript in letter, note
comes.;pouze pokud: Pijdu pouze pokud on (tak) pijde.;fut.
{nouner}) remark (note {nouner}) PS (post scriptum, used
as a postscript in letter, note {nouner}) note (note
: ;by: Indeed, by making mistakes,
{nouner});poznmka (poznamenat {jmenec}) podotknut
correct(ness) will appear.;zna instrumentl: Vskutku, dlnm
(poznamenat {jmenec}) PS (post scriptum, uito jakoto
chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
dodatek na konci dopisu, poznamenat {jmenec});n.
;from onwards;ode;suff. prep.
;notes (collection (of) notes);poznmky (sbrka
: ;from
onwards: From today onwards (I) will save (it) in my
( );note (notes collection);poznmka (poznmek


: ; notebook: to a small
notebook;notsek: do malho notsku;writ.

fakt, e nco je zna poadavek podvn se na nco zna

vdom (neho) skutenost, e odhadnout (mru) hdat
(mru);prep. (or) suff. (or) T

: T;correct: Is it correct what I

( );pocketbook (notes collecting book)
notebook (notes collecting book);zpisnk (poznmky sbrajc say?;sprvn: Je co km sprvn?;inter. um.
kniha) notsek (poznmky sbrajc kniha);sg.
: ;fact: (I) didn't know (the fact
that) today's Friday.;skutenost: Nevdl jsem (o
;notes (mark collecting {pl.}) notes (note
collections);poznmky (poznmek sbrn {mn..}) zpisky skutenosti,) e dnes je ptek.;
(sbrky poznmek);pl.

: ;notes and
records: It can be known according to the notes and
records.;poznmky a zznamy: Lze o tom vdt z ( ~ podle)
poznmek a zznam.;pol.

: ;fact, that: Indeed, (I) didn't know (the fact

that) it's you.;skutenost, e: Vskutku, nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti), e jsi to ty.;col. pol.
: ;correct: (This) was correct.;sprvn: (Tohle) bylo

;records (noted (and) records);zznamy (zvukov,

: ;correct: All what (you)
zaznamenan nahrvky) nahrvky (zvukov, zaznamenan write is mostly correct.;sprvn, bt: Vechno co jsi napsal, je
vcemn sprvn.;col. pol.
;record ((to) put recording mark);zaznamenat
: ;fact: (I) don't know (the fact) who
(uloit nahrvac poznmku) nahrvat (uloit nahrvac he is.;skutenost: Nevm (skutenost) km ( ~ kdo) (on) je.;
: ;fact: (I) don't know (the fact) who ( ~
: T
what) he is.;skutenost: Nevm (skutenost) kdo ( ~ co)
;record: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha (on) je.;
has been recorded in Myanmar history by many.;zaznamenat: : ;fact: (I) didn't know (the fact
Zpsob vrnosti ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii that) he is a student.;skutenost: Nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti,) e je student.;
;bus stop (column (of) sign);autobusov zastvka
(sloup znamen);n.

;recollect (note (and) catch) remember (note (and)

catch) remember recognize mind, keep in (remember)
recognize sb. (catch mark);rozpoznat nkoho (rozpoznat,
chytit (s) znamnko) pamatovat si poznat nkoho
(rozpoznat, chytit (s) znamnko) vzpomenout si
(zaznamenat (a) chytit) pamti, udrovat v (pamatovat si)
rozpoznat pamatovat (si) pamatovat si (zaznamenat (a)
chytit);I (or) T

: ;fact: (I) know (the fact that) he will

come.;skutenost: Vm (o skutenosti,) e pijde.;pol.
: ;fact: (I) didn't know (the fact that) he
comes.;skutenost: Nevdl jsem (o skutenosti,) e pichz.;
: T ;correct, be: (It) is mostly
correct.;sprvn, bt: Je (to) povtinou sprvn.;pol.
TT;hopefully (to (and) by basis (of) hoping);snad
(k (a) skrze zkladnu doufn);adv.
;plan to;plnovat (prci atd.);T

: ( ~
);plan to: What do (you) plan to do in
future? plan: What do (you) plan to do in future?;plnovat
: ;remember: I remember until (prci atd.): Co plnuje dlat v budoucnu? plnovat: Co
today.;pamatovat si: Pamatuji si a do dnes.;um.
plnuje dlat v budoucnu?;inter.
: ;remember: Don't (you) remember
;yes (answer (especially) by a monk to an elder) right!
(me)?;pamatovat (si): (Copak si m) nepamatuje?;inter. col.
correct!;dobe! sprvn! ano ((zejmna) mnichova odpov
: ;remember: (I) remember (it)
well.;pamatovat si: Dobe si (to) pamatuji.;pol.

;suppose (take sign) supposed to be, be (take

starmu mnichovi);adv. pol. (or) adv.
sign);pedpokldat (brt znamen) pokldn za, bt (brt ;regularly correctly;sprvn pravideln;adv.
znamen) pokldat za (brt znamen);T
;good, be very (good (and) pretty);dobr, bt velmi
;mindfulness, keep (practise remembering) keep
mindfulness (practise remembering);udrovat vmavost
(praktikovat pamatovn) vmavost, udrovat (praktikovat

(dobr (a) hezk);I

: ( ~
T ;envision: Though I envision, that
meditation is good, (I) do not do (it) much.;pedvdat: Pestoe
;mindfulness, keep: On days (when I am) disappointed, pedvdm, e meditace je dobr, moc (ji) nedlm.;pol.
(I) tend to ( ~ have) keep (the right) mindfulness.;vmavost, ;just after;hned po;suff. prep.
udrovat: Ve dnech nespokojenosti mm (tendenci) udrovat

(preceded by noun);krom (nsleduje za pod.

(sprvnou) vmavost.;pol.
jm.);suff. writ.
;right, be (correct) correct, be;sprvn, bt;I

;apart from except besides;mimo (krom) krom;suff.

;indicates cognizance guess indicates request to see sth. adv. (or) conj. writ. (or) suff. adv.
fact that estimate indicates fact of sth. being sth.;zna


: T T
;apart from: Apart from teaching
other people, (he) is studying himself (as well).;krom: Krom
toho, e u ostatn lidi, (tak) se u sm.;writ.

: T ;indicates fut. tense: It is today, that

he will come.;zna budouc as: Je (to) prv dnes, (kdy)
pijde.;fut. pol.

;wrong mistake, make a wrong, be err;chybovat

patn, bt chybu, udlat chybit mlit se;I (or) T

objednte?;inter. fut.

: T ;indicates fut. tense: After the

;be that will indicates future tense indicates possession (theater) play (as for me,) I will go to sleep.;zna budouc
on inside in indicates fut. tense order (food, dish etc. in as: Po (t) (divadeln) he, (co se te (m)) (j) pjdu
restaurant) plan ( ~ will) indicates genitive case that
what will who will at want which will indicates subject : T T;indicates fut. tense: (I) will
in sentence indicates tendency want (food, dish etc. in
answer as much as (I) can answer for (you).;zna bud. as:
restaurant) going to, be;uvnit bt zna bud. as
Odpovm (ti) jak jen (ti) budu moci odpovdt.;fut. pol.
objednat si (jdlo, pokrm atd.) vevnit zna genitiv e bude : T (T );in: in Burma ( ~ "Burmese
na zna tendenci chtt e chtt (jdlo, pokrm atd. v
country) and China;v: v Barm (a) n;
restauraci) zna bud. . co bude zna vlastnictv zna : ;plan ( ~ will): When do (you) plan to ( ~
budouc as kdo bude plnovat ( ~ bude) zna podmt will) finish?;plnovat ( ~ bude): Kdy plnuje ( ~ bude)
ve vt kter bude chystat se v;suff. col. (or) suff. prep.
(or) suff. (or) suff. (or) T
: ;order: What will (you) order?;objednat si: Co si

();what will not which will not that will not;co

nebude kter nebude;suff. col.

: T ;will: What will you do tomorrow?;bude:

Co bude dlat ztra?;fut. inter. col.

: ;at (the possession):

: ;which will not: (Young man) Aye has a book for reading.;ve (vlastnictv):
This is not the book which the (female) teacher will read.;kter (Mlad pn) m knihu na ten.;col.
nebude: To nen kniha, kterou bude uitelka st.;col. pol.
: ;will: You will arrive at
: ;what will
Shwedagon pagoda.;dojde (bude): Dojde do vedagou
not: His rice is not what I will eat.;co nebude: Jeho re nen
pagody.;col. pol.
(to,) co budu jst.;col. pol. um.
: ;in: He will eat in this shop.;v: Bude jst
: ;what will (~ whatever will): (that) what I will v tomto obchod.;pol.
eat;co bude (~ cokoliv bude): (to,) co budu jst;n. col. um.
: T;what will (~ whatever will): (that,) what he will
: ;what will: (That,) what I will eat is
rice.;co bude: (To,) co budu jst je re.;col. pol. um.
: ;indicates fut. tense: I will eat
just soon.;zna bud. as: Budu jst u brzy.;fut. pol. um.
: ;wrong, be: Am I wrong?;mlit se:
Mlm se?;inter. um.

say;co bude (~ cokoliv bude): (to,) co ekne;col.

: ;that will: I don't know that he'll

come.;e bude: Nevm, e pijde.;um.
: ;indicates fut. tense: He will come.;zna bud.
as: (On) pijde.;fut. pol.

: ;that will: His rice is what I'll

: ;mistake, make a: I made a mistake. eat.;co budu: Jeho re je (to,) co budu jst.;pol. um.
(I happened to make a mistake.);chybu, udlat: Udlal jsem : ;indicates possession: He
chybu. (Stal jsem se chybujcm.);um.
doesn't have friends there. (In him, there, are no
: ;in: (It is) in Kaikkasan.;v: (Je to) v
friends.);zna vlastnictv: (On) tam nem ptele. (V nm,
ajkkashen.;ans. col.
tam, nejsou ptele.);
: ;that: because (we) were afraid that (he) would : T ;wrong: Because he worries, that (he
bite;e: protoe jsme se obvali, e by kousal;col.
may) happen to say (something) wrong.;patn: Protoe se

: ;will: (I) will help (you with) what (I)

obv, e se stane, e ekne (nco) patn.;pol.
can help (with).;zna budouc as: Pomohu (ti s tm, s) m (ti) : T T ;indicates fut. tense:
mohu pomoci.;col. pol.
It is now, that the (big) teacher will speak.;zna budouc as:
: ;wrong, be: You are not wrong.;mlit se:
Je (to) prv te, (kdy) bude (velk) uitel mluvit.;fut. pol.
Neml se.;col. pol.
: ;in: I live in Anoyatha road.;v:
: ;wrong, be: You are wrong.;mlit se: Ml iji v ulici Anoyatha.;
: ( ~ );mistake: places with
: ;wrong, be: The sentence is
mistakes;chyba: msta s chybami;
wrong.;patn, bt: Ta vta je patn.;cont.
: ;order: (I) didn't order that (one).;objednat si:

: ;wrong: is preaching wrong?;patn: je Ten jsem si neobjednal.;pol.

pednen (o Buddhismu) patn?;inter.
: ;be: That (one) is also included, indeed.;bt:
: ;which will: This is the book (which) Ten je tak zahrnut, vskutku.;col.
the (female) teacher will read.;kter bude: Tato kniha je (ta,)
: ;indicates fut. tense: I won't go
kterou bude uitelka st.;col. pol.


there.;zna bud. as: Tam (j) nepjdu.;fut. col.

;as for;co se te;conj. col.

able to join Master's (degree course)?;magistersk (studium):

Bude schopen nastoupit na Magistersk (studium)?;inter. col.

: ;as for: as for me;co se te: co se te ; Master's degree (MA.) degree MA. MA.
degree;Mgr. titul titul Mgr. Magistra, titul (Mgr.);n. E. master
: ;Mercedes.: Cars, such as

: ( ) ;message:
Toyota, Mercedes etc.;Mercedes: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes
Have you received my message?;zprva: Dostal jsi mou
: ( ;proud, be (conceit (is) big);pyn, bt, hrdost (je)
velk);T P. mna (= conceit)
~ ()
);message: ten or more message in Burmese
: T ;proud, be:
language;zprva: deset a vc zprv v Barmskm jazyce;
Therefore, they are conceited and proud.;hrd, bt: Proto, jsou
namylen a hrd.;pol.
( );message (order-sth. (and) hear
{nouner});zprva (poruit-si (a) slyet {jmenec});sg. writ.
;mistakes (mistakings);chyby (chybovn);pl.
( );mushroom;houba;sg.
;lean against;opt se o;T
T ;link (to a book, refuge (to) lean-against) reference (to
a book, refuge (to) lean-against);odkaz (na knihu, toit
(o kter se lze) opt) reference (na knihu, toit (o kter
se lze) opt);n.
T : T
;reference: I wrote (this) in English for
you in case if (you) need a reference.;reference: Napsal jsem ti
(j) (tohle) v anglitin pro ppad, e bys (to) poteboval k
nahldnut ( ~ "referenci)i.;p.s. pol. um.
;sex, have (depend-on (and) hover-around) love, make
(depend-on (and) hover-around);milovat se (mt sex, zviset
(a) poletovat-nad) sex, mt (mt sex, zviset (a) poletovatnad);T ow.

;healthy, be (include health);zdrav, bt (obsahovat

;healthy, be: Are (you) healthy, for
sure?;zdrav: Jsi skuten zdrav?;inter.
;mummy mum;maminka mamka;col. E. mummy
: ();mummy: Is mummy far
away?;maminka: Je maminka daleko (pry)?;inter. col.

( );guava (fruit (of) Malacca);guva (ovoce

(z) Malaccy);sg.
;catch caught, be happen to;chycen, bt stt se (komu)
chytit stt se, e pihodit se najednou (se stt) stt
se;suff. (or) adv.
: ( ~
);happen to: Indeed, I
happened to make many mistakes in these writings.;stt se:
Vskutku, v tomto psan se stalo, e jsem udlal mnoho

;indicates change of word's type noun -ness treat with

: ;happen to: I happend to
attention take care of;-stv peovat, pozorn starat se o understand like this.;stt se: Stalo se, e jsem (to) takto
zna zmnu druhu slova na pod. jm.;suff. (or) T
pochopil.;pol. um.
;blow (by mouth) whiff (by mouth);foukat (pusou);T

: ;happen to: I happened to write it

like this.;stt se: Stalo se, e jsem to takto napsal.;pol. um.

;minister: The ministers urged Kyansittha to
become a king.;ministr: Ministi nalhali, aby se ansit stal

: T ;happen to: (I) happen to be happy

(and) joyful.;najednou: Najednou jsem astn a vesel.;pol.

( );minister (governing supervisor);ministr

(vldnouc vedouc);sg.

( );alligator (tends (to) catch, long

headed);aligtor (m-sklon (k) chytn, dlouh hlava);sg.


( );mother;matka;sg. writ.

: T
power: (I) just wanted to attain magical powers.;magick moc:
Chtl jsem jen doshnout magickch moc.;p.s. pol.

;mother language (mother writing) mother tongue

(mother writing);matesk jazyk (matesk psan)
matetina (matesk psan);n.

( );supervisor leader;dozorce vedouc;sg.

;magical power (power (and) potency (of)

sorcery);magick moc (moc (a) schopnost magie);n.

( );alligator (tends (to) catch, short

headed);aligtor (m-sklon (k) chytn, krtk hlava);sg.

: ( ~ )
;mother tongue: (I)
revere (you), who is well skilled in what is not (your) mother
( );magician, parlour (master (in) sleight-ofhand);kouzelnk, jevitn (mistr (v) kouzelnickch-tricch);sg. tongue.;matesk jazyk: Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v
tom, co nen (tvou) matetinou.;pol.
;firm, be hard, be healthy, be;pevn, bt zdrav, bt
;maternal language (mother's language)
tvrd, bt;I (or) I un.
mother tongue (mother's language) mother language
;Master's (degree) MA (degree) Master's (degree
(mother language (and) speaking);matesk jazyk (matesk
course);magistersk (studium) magistersk (titul) Mgr.
jazyk (a) mluven) matetina (matesk jazyk, matin jazyk)
(titul);n. E. Master
: ;Master's (degree): Will you be matesk jazyk (matin jazyk);n.


;livelihood, five kinds of wrong (often understood

as the five kinds of wrong business, namely: Business in (a)
weapons, (b) human beings, (c) meat, (d) intoxicants and (e)
poison);ivobyt, pt druh patnho (obvykle chpno jakoto
pt druh patnho obchodu, tj. obchod se (a) zbranmi, (b)
lidskmi bytostmi, (c) masem, (d) omamnmi ltkami a (e)
jedem);n. Bh. P. micch-jva (= wrong-living)
;livelihood, five kinds of wrong: Majority avoid
the five kinds of wrong livelihood.;ivobyt, pt druh patnho:
Vtina se vyhb pti druhm patnho ivobyt.;pol.
;daughter (affectionate address by mother);dcero
(matino voln);voc. col.
;duplicate (same idea) copy (same idea);kopie
(stejn npad) duplikt (stejn npad) opis (stejn
npad);n. P. mittha (= idea)
;introduce (people) introduce (connect
friend);pedstavit (lidi) pedstavit (nkoho nkomu, spojit
;let me introduce: Let me introduce
(us), ok? By name, we are (young man) TunTint and Ms.
Thaung Si.;pedstavme se: Pedstavme se, ano? Jsme (Jmenujeme se) mlad pn ThonTen a slena TauS.;pol.
;introduce: Now, may (I), as the
chairman, introduce the proposers ( ~ speakers) to those,
who came ( ~ to the audience).;pedstavit (nkoho nkomu):
Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda, pedstavm mluv
T ;introduction (friendly connection giving
{nouner});vod (ptelsk spojen darovat {jmenec});n.
;friend, make a;ptele, udlat si;T

; make a friend;udlat si ptele;T

: ( ~ )

;friend, make a: If (you) are
related, (then) thank (you) for allowing (me) to make (me) a
friend.;ptele, udlat si: Pokud jsi pbuzn, (pak) dkuji, e jsi
(mi) povolil si (m) udlat ptelem.;pol. FB

;minutes: I have to walk about 10 minutes from the bus
stop to my house.;minuty: Musm jt asi 10 minut z autobusov
zastvky do svho domu.;col. pol. um.
: T ;minute: half past six (six hours,
thirty minutes);minuta: pl sedm (est hodin, ticet minut);
: ;minute: ten fifteen (ten hours
(and) fifteen minutes);minuta: dest patnct (deset hodin (a)
patnct minut);
: ;minute: one hour twenty
minutes;minuta: jedna hodina dvacet minut;
: ;minute: twenty minutes after two. (two
hours, twenty minutes);minuta: dv hodiny dvacet minut;
: T ;minute: sixty minutes;minuta: edest
: T ;minute: fifty-five minutes of
the sixty minutes;minuta: padest pt minut z edesti
: ;minute: five minutes after five (Fifth
hour is struck (and) five minutes);minuta: pt hodin pt minut
(pt hodina uhodila (a) pt minut);
: ;minute: four hours thirty-five
minutes;minuta: tyi hodiny ticet pt minut;
( );minute;minuta;sg.
;say (used for monks or king) tell (to a monk) say state
(a statement) convey (a message to a monk);prohlsit ci
sdlit (zprvu mnichovi) ci (uito pro mnichy i pro krle)
ci (mnichovi);T mn. & k. (or) T mn. (or) T mn. & k. writ. (or) T
: T ( ~ T)
;state (a statement): (He, the king) has stated, that
(he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.;prohlsit:
(Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat lidem
obleen.;p.p. writ.
: T
;say (used for monks or kings): According
to ( ~ in) what the Lord Buddha said, there are three ways for
making merit.;ci (uito pro mnichy i krle): Dle toho, co ( ~
v) Pn Buddha ekl, jsou ti zpsoby dln zsluh.;pol.

: ;speak: Speak, ven. Sir.;mluvit: Mluvte, ct.

: ;friend: We are friends.;ptel: Pane.;pol.
Jsme ptel.;pol. um.
;let know (about monks, pronounce (and) be-heard)
: ;friend: a good friend;ptel: dobr ptel;
inform (about monks, pronounce (and) be-heard) announce
: ;friend: (She) doesn't have even
(about monks, pronounce (and) be-heard);informovat (o
one friend.;kamard: Nem ani jednoho kamarda.;
mnich, vyslovit (a) bt-slyen) oznmit (o mnich, vyslovit
: ; friend: good
(a) bt-slyen) dt vdt (o mnich, vyslovit (a) btfriends, colleagues (and) great people from Internet ( ~
slyen);T mn.
online);ptel: dob ptel, kolegov (a) velc lid z internetu ( : T ;announce: The
~ online);
novice-monk may announce what (he) wants to
( );friend (close, friend (and) relative)
comrade comrade (close) friend;ptel kamard (blzk)
kamard ptel (blzk, kamard (a) pbuzn);sg.

happen.;oznmit: Novic-mnich (mi te) me oznmit co si

peje ( ~ "chce) aby se stalo.;pol. mn.

;friend's house;kamardv dm ptelv dm;n.

: T
T ;girl: Because (she) is a small girl, she
doesn't have wisdom.;holka: Protoe je to mal holka, nen
moudr ( ~ "ona nem moudrost).;pol. spis.

;minute;minuta;n. E. minute

: ;girl: girls, who believe in

( );friend, good );ptel, dobr

);sg. P. mitta (= friend)


astrology;dvka: dvky, kter v v astrologii;pl. writ.

;traditional practice ((what) was-caught, becamecustomary, was-exchanged (and) came) observance,

traditional ((what) was-caught, became-customary, wasexchanged (and) came);tradin praktiky ((co) se-chytilo,
navyklo-na, promnilo (a) pilo) tradin zvyky ((co) se: T ;girl: (She) chytilo, navyklo-na, promnilo (a) pilo);n.
is a girl of age of 24 years.;slena: Je (to) slena vku 24 let.; :
( );girl, baby (baby or child, female baby)
;traditional: The Buddhists who (are) weak
girlie (baby or child, female baby) girl (also about
adolescent and adult women, small girl) girl (girl baby) in the predispositions (and) religious by birth ( ~ "traditional),
(they) make their living (nurnure life) by ( ~ "with) the five
girl;dvtko holka (CZ col.) dvka (dvtko) holika
(miminko nebo dt, ensk miminko) dve slena (tak o kinds of wrong livelihood.;tradin: Buddhist, kter jsou slab
ve (svch) predispozicch (a) pejali vru od rodi ( ~
dospvajcch a dosplch ench, holika) holka (tak o
"tradin), vydlvaj si na ivobyt (staraj-se (o) ivot) (s)
dospvajcch a dosplch ench, holika) dvtko
pti druhy patnho ivobyt.;pol.
(miminko nebo dt, ensk miminko) dvka (tak o
: ;girl: Is (it) girl or
boy? (enquiring about the sex of the other person's
child);holika: Je (to) holika nebo chlapeek? (vyptvn se
na pohlav dtte tzan osoby);inter.

dospvajcch a dosplch ench, holika);sg.

( );family;rodina;sg.

: ;woman: (He) elopes (and) comes ;because just only elevated because of as due
to;zdvihnut jeliko pouze protoe kvli z dvodu, e
after (he made) a woman (his) wife ( ~ girlfriend).;ena:
Uprchne (a) pijde (s n) po tom, co se stane jeho enou.;T sl. z dvodu jen jenom;conj. (or) suff. (or) suff. conj. (or) suff.
: ;woman: Having eloped adj.
the woman ((and) just come), care for ( ~ "search (and) feed) ;sky rain;obloha d nebe;n.
her.;ena: Po uprchnut s enou (od rodi), hned jak pijde, : ;because: Because (he) is a
starej se ( ~ "hledej (a) krm) o n.;imper. sl.
student, he reads (writings).;protoe: Protoe je student, te
( );woman female (woman) wife
(woman);ena manelka (ena);sg.
( );queen;krlovna;sg.
;parents (mother father);rodie (matka otec);n.

: ;as: As (he) is hungry, he

goes to a shop to eat (and) drink.;ponvad: Ponvad m
hlad, jde do obchodu jst a pt.;col.

: T ;parents: The only

parent, father.;rodie: Jedin rodi, otec.;

: ;roof: This monkey has

damaged the roof.;stecha: Tahle opice poniila stechu.;p.p.

jsou prv tady.;col.

: ;rain: (It) will get wet because of the

rain.;pret ( ~ "d): Zmokne to, ponvad pr (Namo se
to, ponvad (je) d).;I

: ;because of: It is said,

;relatives (parents, man's-younger-brother,
elder-brother, woman's-younger-brother (and) man's-younger- that Nga Nyo's wife was also afraid because of the king's
sister);pbuzn (rodie, mlad-bratr-mue, star bratr, mlad- decree.;kvli (z): k se, e a ova manelka tak z ( ~
kvli) rozkazu krle dostala strach.;
bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue);n.
: () ;relatives: : ; because of: because of you, because of
All (my) relatives are just here.;pbuzn: Vichni (moji) pbuzn parents;kvli: kvli tob, kvli rodim;writ.
;parents (mother (and) fater {pl.});rodie (matka (a)
otec {mn..});n.
; I own oneself one's;sebe vlastn j;adj. (or) pron.
acc. (or) pron. (or) adj.
;own;svj vlastn;adj.

;wet: (It) may get wet by the rain. rain: (It) may
get wet by the rain.;zmoknout: Asi to detm zmokne ( ~
"namo se). d: Asi to detm zmokne.;fut.

;own: At that time, headman
of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya himself, for safety, protected
(his) own village (by) palm-tree trunks-forts.;svj: Tehdy
nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe,
ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.

( );drop;kapka;sg.

: T T
;oneself: Apart from teaching other
people, (he) is studying himself (as well).;sm: Krom toho, e
u ostatn lidi, (tak) se u sm.;writ.

: ( ~
);good, be (very): It is clear, that it is very
good.;dobr, bt (velice): Je jasn, e je to velice dobr.;pol.

( );roof (sky);stecha (nebe);sg.

;Mookout, ven. (famous Burmese teacher of
Vipassana meditation, rain coat);Mkou, ct. (slavn Barmsk
uitel vipassan meditace, deov pl);name

( );macintosh (rain coat);pltnka (deov

: T ;own: (He) shows (it) to (his) pl);sg. E. coat
own relatives.;vlastn: Ukazuje (to) svm vlastnm
;insane, be good, be good, be (very) mad, be crazy,
be;dobr, bt (velice) blzen, bt dobr, bt len, bt
ztetn, bt;I ow. (or) I col.
;oneself;sm;adv. writ.


: ;good: (It's) very good, friend, they

say.;dobr: (Je to) pr velice dobr, pteli.;col.

is not stable, the connection is not good.;elektina: Ponvad

nen elektina stabiln, spojen nen dobr.;col.

: ;good, be (very): It is very good.;dobr, bt

(velice): Je to velice dobr.;col.

-;before (an action);ne (ped njakou innost) ped

(njakou innost);pow. writ.

;sunset, be (sky (is) bound) dusk, be (sky (is) bound)

dark, get (sky (is) bound);zpad slunce, bt (nebe (je)
svzno) setmn, bt (nebe (je) svzno) stmvat se
(nebe (je) svzno);I

-: ;before (an action): before doing the

laundry;ped (njakou innost): ped pranm prdla;

;before (an action): The woman is packing the
: ;dark, get: (It)'s going to get dark.;stmvat clothes before doing the laundry.;ped (innost): (Ta) ena bal
se: Bude se stmvat.;fut.
prdlo ped tm, ne (prdlo) vypere.;cont.
: ;mile: ten miles;mle: deset mil;

T ( );lighter (scrape (for) fire);zapalova (okrabat

: ;mile: two hundred ninety five miles;mle: (pro) ohe);sg.
dv st devadest pt mil;
T ( );matchstick (hair (to) scrape (for) fire)
match (matchstick, hair (to) scrape (for) fire);sirka (zpalka,
: ;mile: three hundred miles;mle: ti sta mil;
: ;miles: How many miles is it vlas (k) okrabn (pro) ohe) zpalka (vlas (k)
okrabn (pro) ohe);sg.
far from here to Bago?;mle: Kolik ml je to odsud do
Bago?;inter. col.
: ;miles: It is 50 miles far (from
here);mle: Je to (odsud) 50 mil daleko.;pol.
: ;mile: Yangon is more
than 400 miles away.;mle: Rangn je vce ne 400 mil
( );mile;mle;sg.

[m:z.];raindrop );deov kapka );n.

: ;cloud, rain: Rain clouds are
( ~ came) very low.;mrak, deov: Deov mraky ( ~
pily) velice nzko.;p.p.

T ( );matchbox (box (to) scrape (for)

fire);krabika zpalek (krabika (k) okrabn (pro)

;smoke (fire's smoke);kouit (ohv kou) kou (kou

ohn);T (or) n.
;gray color (color (of) fire smoke) grey color
(color (of) fire smoke);ed barva (barva koue ohn);T
;Migoda (a village in Sri Lanka);Mgoda (vesnice na Sr
;light fire (light fire);zaplit ohe (zaplit ohe);T
: ;meter: ten meters;metr: deset metr;

: ;meter: The bus measures ( ~

( );cloud, rain (rain cloud);mrak, deov (deov has) 15 meters.;metr: Autobus m ( ~ m) 15 metr.;
( );meter (distance);metr (vzdlenost);sg. E. meter
( );cloud;mrak;sg.

( );rain cloud (sky cloud

building);deov mrak (budova nebeskho mraku);sg.

( );torch (fire stick) flashlight (fire

stick);baterka (ohniv klack) svtilna (ohniv klack);sg.

: ;rain: After the rain ( ~ raining), sun

shines.;pret: Slunce svt po deti ( ~ zapren);fut.

[m: ho~:, m:cho~:];light fire (light fire);zaplit ohe

(zaplit ohe);T


: T T ;traffic light:
Because the traffic light became green, cars go ( ~ drive)
quickly.;silnin svtlo: Protoe je ( ~ se-stalo) silnin svtlo
zelen, auta jedou ( ~ d) rychle.;

( ) (WS. of );monitor;monitor;sg. E. monitor ;fire, big (flames, big blazing fire) flames, big
(big blazing fire) conflagration (flames, big blazing
fire);plameny, velk (velk planouc ohe) por
;rain (sky rains);pret (nebe pr);T
(plameny, velk planouc ohe) ohe, velk (pleny, velk
: T ;rain: They say, that tomorrow will be
planouc ohe);n.
raining.;pret: kaj, e ztra bude pret.;

: ;rain: It's raining so much. (Sky extremely : ;traffic light:

After the second traffic light (you) turn left.;semafor: Za
rains.);pret: Moc pr. (Nebe moc pr.);
druhm semaforem (ty) zato vlevo.;imper. pol.
;rainy season ) (June-October);deov obdob )
;fire electricity (fire);ohe elektina (ohe);n.
Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is like
fire, very dangerous to woman.;ohe: ena je pro mue velice
nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
nebezpen, jako ohe.;
: ;powecut ( ~ fire): There's a powercut. (fire
was destroyed) electricity: Electricity is down. (fire was
destroyed);proud: Vypli proud. (ohe byl znien);p.p.
: ;electricity: As the electricity

( );traffic light (fire point);semafor (bod ohn)

silnin svtlo (bod ohn);sg. E. point
: T
;light, turn
on ( ~ open fire): At night, the cars normally turn on the lights
(and) go ( ~ drive).;svtla, rozsvtit ( ~ otevt ohe): V noci
auta obvykle rozsvt svtla (a) jedou ( ~ d).;writ.
( ) ;oven (fire cooker) stove (fire cooker) cooker
(stove, fire cooker);pec (ohniv vai) spork (kamna,


ohniv vai) kamna (ohniv vai);sg.

;storm;bouka (CZ col., boue) boue;n.

: ;kitchen: Chef is in the : ;storm: Ship is in storm. (Ship

kitchen.;kuchyn: Kucha je v kuchyni.;
is catching storm.);bouka: Lo je v bouce. (Lo chyt
: ( ) ( ~ )
;kitchen: In the kitchen there is a stove.;kuchyn: V
kuchyni jsou kamna.;

T ;hatred (hate (and) strike {nouner});nenvist

(nenvidt (a) udeit {jmenec});n.

( );kitchen (fire-place nook);kuchyn (ohnitov


;bake (bake desserts);pci (pci zkusky);

;catch (a bus, a plane etc., catch (and) follow) be in

time for (a bus, a plane etc., catch (and) follow);chytnout
(autobus, letadlo, atd., chytit (a) nsledovat) stihnout
(autobus, letadlo, atd., chytit (a) nsledovat);T

;radish: When (I) shave my head, it looks like a
radish.;edkvika: Kdy si oholm hlavu, vypad jako edkvika.;

: ;baker: Baker is
: ( ) ( ~ )
baking a bread.;peka: Peka pee chleba.;cont.
;stove: In the kitchen there is a stove.;kamna: V kuchyni ( );baker (proficient (in) baking
jsou kamna.;
desserts);peka (zdatn (v) peen zkusk);sg.
( );cooker (stove, fire cooker (which is)
( );radish radish (come must);edkvika
black);spork (kamna, ohniv vai (kter je) ern);sg.
edkvika (pied zuivost);sg.

: ;catch: (He) didn't catch the

bus.;stihnout: Nestihl autobus.;
;burn (fire burns);hoet (ohe ho);I
: ;burn: House is burning.;hoet:
Dm ho.;cont.
;coal (fire's blood);uhl (krev ohn);n.

( );radish (egg (of) come must);edkvika

(vajko pied zuivosti);sg.
( );beetroot (red radish, red egg (of) come
must);epa, erven (erven edkvika, erven vajko
pied zuivosti);sg.
( );carrot (yellow radish);mrkev (lut
edkvika, lut vajko pied zuivosti);sg.

: ;coal: To barbecue
;mohinga (national dish of Burma, rice vermicelli in
meat is ( ~ "are) used coal.;uhl: Ke grilovn masa se pouv fish soup, bitter curry (of) hatred);mohenga (nrodn jdlo
Barmy, rov vermicelli v ryb polvce, hok omka
: T ( ~ )
T ;bulb: (He) sees a broken bulb.;rovka: Vid rozbitou

[moheng];rice vermicellin in fish soup (mohinga,

national dish of Burma, bitter curry (of) hatred);rov
( );bulb (fruit (of) fire) bulb (fire wheel);rovka vermicelli v ryb polvce (mohenga, nrodn jdlo Barmy,
hok omka hnvu);n.
(ohniv kolo) rovka (plod ohn);sg.
;lie (lying speech);le (liv mluva);n. P. mus (=
( );lamp (fire's home);lampa (domov ohn);sg.
( );bud;kvt;sg.
( );hunter (professional);lovec (profesionln);sg. : T;lie: As much as
(I) can, (I) do not tell lies, indeed.;lht: Jak jen mu, nelu,
(WS. from );beard (cultivate goat's
pearl);vousy (pstovat koz perlu);n. WS.
;beard (cultivate goat's pearl);vousy (pstovat
koz perlu);n.

: ;lie: (He) doesn't tell lies.;lht: Nele.

(Nek li.);col.

; lie (tell lying speech);lht (kat livou

; beard: The man with curled hair and beard;vousy: mluvu);n. P. mus (= lie)
;kyat's dime (of Konbaung period) eighth (of a colonial
(Ten) mu s kudrnatmi vlasy a vousy.;col.
currencie's rupee, inch, acre) dime of kyat (of Konbaung
: ;beard: The man
period) tenth of kyat (of Konbaung period);osmina (rupie z
has a beard.;vousy: (Ten) mu m vousy.;
kolonilln ry, palce i akru) desetnk iatu (z obdob
Konbaung) iatu, desetnk (z obdob Konbaung);n.
: ;dessert: (You) should buy and
serve (us) dessert. (on one's birthday);zkusek: Mla bys (nm) : ;kyat's dime: fifty penny (five dimes) (historical
price);iatu, desetnk: padest hal (pt desetnk)
nakoupit a nabdnout zkusky. (na sv narozeniny);
: ;snack: Give snack to him too.;zkusek: (historick cena);
Jemu taky dej zkusek.;imper. pol.

( );food snack (small food) snack dessert (small

food);zkusek (mal jdlo) zkusek svaina (mal jdlo)
( );bakery (snack building);pekrna (budova


weight, a unit of (eighth of kyattha, ~ 2 g);vhy, jednotka

(osmina z iatt, ~ 2 g);n.;
;regarding as for especially;vzhledem k co se te
: ;as for: As for the
turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little by little.;co se

te: Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si odpoala, Koho se zeptm?;inter. col. um.
krek po krku jde.;writ.
: T ;ask: Every time when I
-;depending on (make (and) establish on) ask, he can answer.;zeptat se: Vdy kdy se zeptm, doke
based on, be (make (and) establish on);zvislosti na, v
(dlat (a) stanovit na) podle (dlat (a) stanovit na);T
: ;forget: Because I forgot.;zapomenout:
TT ;based on: (It) is good to explain (it)
based on his understanding.;zvislosti na, v: (Bude) dobr (mu
to) vysvtlit v zvislosti na jeho pochopen.;pol.
;intoxicated, be (also about one's pride etc., (be) drunk
(and) intoxicated) drunk, be (also about one's pride etc.,
(be) drunk (and) intoxicated);opil, bt (tak o vlastn pe
atd., (bt) opil (a) opojen);I

Protoe jsem zapoml.;pol.

: T
( ~
);forget: As I haven't been writing for a very
long time, (I) have forgotten a lot.;zapomenout: Ponvad jsem
velmi dlouho nepsal, hodn jsem zapoml.;p.p. um.
: ;ask: (He) asked me.;zeptat se:
Zeptal se m.;p.s. um.

: ;intoxicated: The more (one) : T ( ~

is beautiful, the more (one) is intoxicated (by it).;opil: m vc T );ask: The monk
je (nkdo) krsn, tm vc je (tm) opil.;
should ask (his) teacher again about (the teacher's)
;original (be-closely-related (to the) character);pvodn name.;zeptat se: Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitele na
(bt-blzce-spjat s-charakterem) originln (bt-blzce-spjat jeho jmno ( ~ jmno uitele).;sl.
: T ;ask: Whatever the
: ;original: the original book;originl: originln teacher asks, I can answer.;zeptat se: Na cokoliv se uitel
zept, j doku odpovdt.;um.

;original: The commentarial character of the
canon later thoroughly influenced the late
commentaries.;originln: Komenttorsk charakter knonu
pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.
: ;original: original owner;pvodn: pvodn
;commentarial character
of the canon (character (and) truth regarding (the) original
scriptures' commentaries);komenttorsk charakter knonu
(charakter (a) pravda ohledn koment originlnch

;commentarial character of the canon: The
commentarial character of the canon later thoroughly influenced
the late commentaries.;komenttorsk charakter knonu:
Komenttorsk charakter knonu pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj
komente.;p.s. writ.
;Pli Canon (the Buddhist scripture consisting of
the main texts in Pi language, great Pi original);Pi
knon (Buddhistick spis sestvajc z hlavnch text v Pi
jazyce, ohromn Pi originl);name Bh. lit.
;canonical script (original hand written
book);kanonick spis (originln rukou psan kniha);n.
;original Ahakath scriptures (original
(and) original Ahakath scriptures);originln Ahakath spisy
(originln (a) originln Ahakath spisy);n. P.
mlapakatiahakath (= root (and) orginal commentaries)
;forget;zapomenout;I (or) T
;ask;ptt se zeptat se;T
: ;ask: Who will I ask?;ptt se:

: ;forget: But never forget

one thing.;zapomenout: Ale jednu vc nikdy nezapome.;pol.
: ;e-mail: If you come to Delhi,
indeed, send (me) an e-mail.;e-mail: Pokud pijede do Dil,
poli mi e-mail.;imper. pol.
: ;ask: (it doesn't matter) how often (you)
ask;ask: (bez ohledu na to,) kolikrt se zept;
: ;ask: You can ask any
question.;zeptat se: Me se zeptat na jakoukoliv otzku.;
: ;ask: (I) asked
whether (you) eat shit, because if (you) do ( ~ "eat), (I) will
give (it to you).;ptt se: Ptal jsem se, jestli j hovna, protoe
jestli jo ( ~ j), tak (ti) dm.;fut. jk. vul.
: ;forget: It
is not proper to forget National Day as the effect of patriotic
awakening.;zapomenout: Nen sprvn zapomnat na Nrodn
Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.
: ;ask: (You) can ask whatever you
want.;zeptat se: Me se zeptat (na) cokoliv (ty) chce.;col.
: ;forget: Also, don't forget a
handkerchief.;zapomenout (si): Nezapome si i kapesnk.;pol.
: ;ask: If (you) have anything that
(you) want to know, ask (me) anything.;ptt se: Pokud m
(nco), co bys chtl vdt, ptej se na cokoliv.;imper. pol.
: ;ask: If (you) need to know
anything, just ask.;zeptat se: Pokud (bys) poteboval nco
vdt, tak se prost zeptej.;imper. pol.
: T ;ask:others can ask;zeptat se: ostatn se
mohou zeptat;pol.
: ;ask: The man asks for
direction ( ~ way).;ptt se: Pn se pt na cestu.;cont.
;ask: Whenever the ven. Sir likes, (he) may ask
(me) whatever (he) wants to ask.;ptt se: Kdykoliv ct. Pn bude


chtt, me se m zeptat na cokoliv chce (se zeptat).;pol.

poslal ((a) dal).;pol.

( ) (WS. from );e-mail;e-mail;sg. E. mail

();May (month);kvten (msc);n. E. May

;love, make;milovat se;T P. methuna (= sexual


: () ( ~ )
;ask: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over
there?;zeptat se: Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.

T ;enquire (ask (and) wander) ask (ask (and)

wander);vyptvat se (ptt-se (a) putovat) ptt se (ptt-se
(a) putovat);T

T ;question: When (we) finish (practice (of))
meditation, (I) answer the questions asked by the
people.;otzka: Kdy skonme (praxi) meditaci, odpovdm
na otzky poloen ( ~ "ptan) lidmi.;pol. writ.

: ;mum: I'll pick (it) up,

mum.;mami J (to) zvednu, mami.;fut. col.

( );question (asking speech);otzka (tzac


( );e-mail;e-mail;sg. E. mail

;sex, have (have-sex (and) have-sex);sex, mt (mt ;ask (ask (and) watch) ask (sb. about sth., ask
(and) see);zeptat se (nkoho na nco, zeptat-se (a) dvat-se) sex (a) mt-sex);T P. methuna (= sexual intercourse)
zeptat se (zeptat-se (a) pozorovat);T

(WS. from );love, make (have-sex (and)

have-sex);milovat se (mt-sex (a) mt-sex);T P. methuna (=
: ;ask: (I) want to ask one
sexual intercourse)
thing.;zeptat se: Chci se zeptat na jednu vc.;T

: ( ) ;mum: together with mum;mamka: spolu

s mamkou;adv. col.

( );mum mother (mum);matka (mamka)

: ;questions: You can ask mamka;sg.
any question.;otzka: Me se zeptat na jakoukoliv otzku.;
;mum Su (affectionate address to Mrs. Aung San Suu
: ;question: (There) is
Kyi);mamka Su (milujc osloven p. Aun San Su );name
one more question to ask.;otzka: Jet je (tu) jedna otzka k ;forget (forget (and) diminish);zapomnat (zapomenout
(a) ubvat);I
;very exceedingly tired, be;velice unaven, bt
; Mesapalnyo (name of a female-singer, brown May nesmrn;I (or) adv. writ.
jasmine);Mesapo (jmno zpvaky, hned kvtnov
: ( ~ ~ );tired, be: I am
tired.;unaven: Jsem unaven.;pol.
( );chin (chin's seed);brada (semeno brady);sg. ;Moggallna, ven. (one of the two chief

;kindness love affection loving-kindness (also as one disciples of the Buddha);Moggallna, ct. (jeden z dvou hlavnch
of the 40 Buddhist meditation techniques);dobrotivost milujc- k Buddhy);name Bh. P. mah-thera (= great-elder)
dobrotivost (tak jakoto jedna ze tyiceti buddhistickch
;brother, younger (used as title for names of younger
metod meditace) lska zalben;n. P. mett (= lovingmen);bratr, mlad (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny mladch
kindness) (or) n. P. mett (loving-kindness)
: T
here the walking meditation means loving-kindness in
walking.;milujc-dobrotivost: Zde meditace v chzi znamen
milujc-dobrotivost v chzi.;pol. writ.
: T;kindness: Kindly (at the end of a
letter);dobrotivost: Dobrotiv (na konci dopisu);adv. lett.

;drive (a car) drive away;odehnat dit (auto) jet (dit

: ;drive: The
car's speed is 40 kms per hour. (Car drives with rate (of) 40
kilometers (per) an hour.);dit: Rychlost auta je 40 km za
hodinu. (Auto d s rychlost 40 kilometr (za) jednu hodinu.);

: T
;drive: At
: ;loving-kindness: (He) shines night, the cars normally turn on the lights (and) go ( ~
loving-kindness.;milujc dobrotivost: Z milujc-dobrotivost.;
drive).;dit: V noci auta obvykle rozsvt svtla (a) jedou ( ~
: T;kindness: with faith (and)
kindness;dobrotivost: s dvrou (a) dobrotivost;lett.
: T T ;go ( ~
: ;affection: love on surface,
loving kindness in heart (egg's white's love, yolks'
affection);zalben: lska na povrchu, zalben v srdci (lska
blku, zalben loutku);prov.
;ask (for sth., request kindness) request (sth.,
request kindness);dat (o nco, dat (o) laskavost)
vyadovat (nco, dat (o) laskavost);T
;request politely (stop (and) take
kindness);dat, zdvoile (zastavit (a) brt dobrotivost);T

drive): Because the traffic light became green, cars go ( ~

drive) quickly.;jet ( ~ dit): Protoe je ( ~ se-stalo) silnin
svtlo zelen, auta jedou ( ~ d) rychle.;
: ;drive: Continue to drive straight
ahead.;dit (auto): Pokrauj v zen pmo za nosem.;imper.
( );brother (younger, usually used only by female
relatives);bratr (mlad, uito obvykle jen enskmi
pbuznmi);sg. un.

;relatives (woman's-younger-brother (and) man's : ;request

younger-sister) brother (and) sister (woman's-youngerpolitely: (I) request (you) to send ((and) give) (another one)
brother (and) man's-younger-sister);pbuzn (mlad-bratr-eny
again.;dat, zdvoile: Zdvoile (t) dm, abys znovu (njak)


(a) mlad-sestra-mue) bratr (a) sestra (mlad-bratr-eny

(a) mlad-sestra-mue);n.


;at present now present, in;ptomnosti, v prv (v

;lad young man (affectionate address of a woman to a ptomnosti) te;adv.
man of same or lesser age, chest (of) younger-brother)
: ;now: Now (she) is no more
young man (affectionate address of a woman to a man of
beautiful.;te: Te u nen krsn.;pol.
same or lesser age, sir, younger-brother);mldenec mlad ;up to today ( ~ up to now, pillar (of) now);a do
pn (milujc osloven eny mui stejnho nebo niho vku,
dnes ( ~ a do te, sloup nyn);adv.
pn, mladho-bratr) mlad pn (milujc osloven eny
mui stejnho nebo niho vku, hru mladho-bratra);n. T ;up to today ( ~ up to now): The Ananda
(or) voc. col.
Pagoda built in Pagan (town) by the king Kyansittha can be

: T ;lad: How can I talk (in (religiously) visited (and) seen up to today.;a do dnes ( ~ a
English), dear lad?;mldenec: Jak bych mohla mluvit (anglicky), do te): nanda Pagodu postavenou v (mst) Paganu
drah mldene?;inter. col.
krlem ansit, je mono (nboensky) navtvit (a) vidt a do
: ;child: I have a child.;dt: (J) dnes.;pol. writ.
mm dt.;pol.
( );fly;moucha;sg.
( );child (one's own, little youngerbrother);dt (vlastn, mal mlad-bratr);sg.
;drive (a car);dit (auto);T
;look upward;dvat se vzhru;T
;proud, be very (be-proud (and) boast);pyn, bt
velice (bt-pyn (a) vytahovat-se);I
();Moscow (town of Russia);Moskva (msto
( );motorcycle motorbike;motorka
motocykl;sg. E. motorcycle
: ( ~ )
;monitor: because (the) monitor is big,
writing the essays (for oneself) is easy.;monitor: Ponvad je
(ten) monitor velk, je snadn si pst eseje.;pol.
( );monitor;monitor;sg. E. monitor

: ;fly: Fly is resting.;moucha:

Moucha odpov.;cont.
( );fly (fly body);moucha (mu tlo);sg.
( );fly;moucha;sg.
;present today (this day);dnes (tento den)
ptomn;adv. (or) adj.
;nowadays;v dnen dob;adv.
: ;nowadays: Nowadays it
is (just) that way.;v dnen dob: V dnen dob je to (prv)
tak.;pol. col.
;shyness (be-shy {nouner}) shame (be-shy
{nouner});ostuda (stydt-se {jmenec}) stud (stydt-se
;polite, be;zdvoil, bt;I

;politeness culture decency;slunost kultura

() ;Mawlamyin (town of Mon nationality in
Myanmar);Mawlamyaing (ale sprvn vslovnost je Mlamjain, : T ;culture: It is a
msto Monsk nrodnosti v Myanmaru);name
town which preserved Myanmar culture.;kultura: Je to msto,
;indicates fut. tense;zna bud. as;suff. col.
kter uchovalo Myanmarskou kulturu.;
;which (will, with connection to future) though what (will,
: ;tradition: (He)
with connection to future) which will;kter (bude, se spojitost tries to (make) the tradition last (long).;tradice: Sna se, aby
k budoucnosti) jak (bude, se spojitost k budoucnosti)
tradice vydrela (jet dlouho).;cont. pol.
pestoe kter bude;suff. col. (or) conj. (or) conj. col.
: ;culture: He teaches
: ;which will (who will): Student who I culture.;kultura: (On) u o kultue ( ~ "kulturu).;
will meet with.;kter bude: Student, se kterm se potkm.;n.
col. um.
;politeness: (He) has neither shrewdness, nor
: ;which will: The book which the (female)
politeness.;slunost: Nen ani slun, ani chytr. (Nem ani
teacher will read.;kter bude: Kniha, kterou bude uitelka
slunost, ani nem mazanost.);
st.;n. col.
: ( )
() ;which will: On the big flight plan (board)
there is information about departures of planes ( ~ planes
which will depart).;kter bude: Na velk (tabuli) letovho du
jsou informace o odletech letadel ( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;

;temporary;doasn;adj. P. yy (= going, one-who-goes)

: T ;temporary: (I) became only
temporary (nun (or) monk).;doasn: Stala jsem se mnikou ( ~
mnichem) jen doasn.;

: T ()
T ;vehicle:
;where, place;kam, msto;n.
Lay people chase after money, vehicles, houses, love, beautiful
clothes, success, fame etc.;vozidlo: Laici se hon za penzi,
;where: Goal is the place in race, where (one) vozidly, domy, lskou, krsnm obleenm, spchem, slvou
has to finally arrive.;kam: Cl znamen msto v zvod, kam
(jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.
( );cattle (animal);dobytek (zve);sg.


( );vehicle;vozidlo;sg. P. yna (= vehicle)

inferior);poniujc, bt (bt-nedostaujc (a) bt-hor);I

;traffic artery;dopravn tepna;n.

( );rabbit;krlk;sg.

;traffic jam, be a (traffic artery (is)

closed);dopravn zcpa, bt (dopravn tepna (je) zaven);I

;only just;prost jen;adv.

TT ;traffic jam: As there is a traffic jam,
the cars must go slowly.;dopravn zcpa: Ponvad je dopravn
zcpa, auta mus jet pomalu.;

(): ;take ( ~ like): (I) will take ( ~

like) both.;vzt si ( ~ rd, mt): Vezmu si oboje. (Mm rd

;traffic (in the street, vehicles go, vehicles

come);provoz, silnin (vozidla odjd, vozidla pijd)
silnin provoz (vozidla odjd, vozidla pijd);n.
;traffic: The policeman is taking care of the
traffic.;doprava (silnin): Policajt se star o (silnin)
: ;same: Will (you) eat shit? (I)'ll give
(same) to (you).;sam, to: Bude jst hovno? Dm ti (to)
();Thailand (country);Thajsko (zem);name

: ;believe: girls, who believe in

astrology;vit: dvky, kter v v astrologii;pl. writ.

;take;vzt si brt (si) vzt;T

: ;take: (I) will take one packet.;vzt si: Vezmu

si jeden balek.;inter. fut.
: ;take: Will (you) take a
burger with french-fries?;vzt si: Vezmete si hamburger s
hranolkami?;inter. fut.
: ;take: (You) can take whatever
you want.;vzt: Me si vzt cokoliv chce ( ~ "m rd).;
;ponder (take (and) consider) consider (take (and)
consider) suppose (take (and) estimate);uvaovat (vzt (a)
uvaovat) domnvat se (vzt (a) odhadovat) brt v vahu
(vzt (a) uvaovat) rozvaovat (vzt (a) uvaovat);T
: ;suppose: (I) suppose, that
(you) are person of extraordinary perfections.;domnvat se:
Domnvm se, e jsi lovk neobyejnch dokonalost.;pol.

T ;idea (take (and) consider {nouner});nzor (vzt (a)

: T ;believe: Though he says, I uvaovat {jmenec});T
don't believe (it).;vit: Pestoe k, nevm (tomu).;um.
;considered, is (be-made (to) take (and)
;trust (believe (and) approve) believe (believe (and) consider);bran v vahu, bt (bt-dln (ke) bran (a)
approve);dvovat (vit (a) schvalovat) vit (vit (a)
uvaovn) povaovn za, bt (bt-dln (ke) bran (a)
: ()
: ;consider:
T ;believe: Because of
(it) has been considered by philosophers (as);povaovat: bylo
what believes that you accepted, (you) happened to become a (to) filosofy povaovno (za);p.s. writ.
Buddhist?;vra: Kvli jakm vrm, kter jsi pijal, se stalo, e jsi ;bring (here the action itself is emphasized, take (and)
se stal Buddhistou?;inter. um. col.
carry);pinst (zde je zdraznna ta innost jako takov, vzt
: ;trust: (I) could not trust
anyone.;dvovat: Nemohl jsem nikomu dvovat.;p.s.

;believe: (I) respectfully follow (the
religion) believing (and) accepting.;vit: Uctiv nsleduji (to
nboenstv) vce a pijmajce.;pol.

(a) nst);T

;bring (here the action itself is emphasized, take

(and) carry {emphasis});pinst (zde je zdraznna ta innost
jako takov, vzt (a) nst {draz});T
;you too! (can be replied after being wished sth.);ty taky!
(CZ col., lze odpovdt na n poehnn);sl. E. you-too

;believe: What they believe is, that finally
(it) disappears and they will (simply) die.;vit: emu v, tak
(prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni) (prost) zemou.;pol.

: T ;Euro: This
bike costs one hundred sixty-nine Euro.;Euro: Toto (jzdn) kolo
stoj sto edest devt Euro.;

: ;believe: they believed;vit:


;bring (take (and) come) fetch (take (and)

come);donst (vzt (a) pijt) nst (vzt (a) pijt) pinst
(vzt (a) pijt);T

;trustworthy, be (about (to) be-able (to)

believe (and) approve) credible, be (about (to) be-able
(to) believe (and) approve);vrohodn, bt (snad btschopen vit (a) schvalovat) dvryhodn, bt (snad btschopen vit (a) schvalovat);I
;trustworthy: I
believe, that suitable teacher (monk) means ((by) me)
trustworthy teacher (monk).;dvryhodn: Vm, e vhodn
uitel (mnich) znamen (mnou) dvryhodn uitel.;
;derogatory, be (be-deficient (and) be-


( ) ;Euro (currency);Euro (mna);sg.

: ;bring: Ven. Janinda

brought ((and) gave (me)) breakfast.;pinst: Ct. Daninda
pinesl ((a) dal (mi)) sndani.;writ. mn.
T;generally as a whole (generally, by (and) to
most);veobecn v celku (obvykle, skrze (a) k
vtin);adv. P. yebhuyyena (or) adv. P. yebhuyya (= most)
T ;generally: It
is generally accepted that the commentaries appeared during

(ven.) Buddhaghosa's time.;veobecn: Veobecn se pijm, podku) zskat dostat mohl by ml by zna
e komente se objevily bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ. schopnost moci sob zna minul as dokonav
vydlvat (penze, dostat) si (sob) mt (muset) obdret
;num. class. for people;itatel lid;pow.
(dostat) podku, bt v;pron. dat. (or) I (or) suff. (or) pow.
: T ;num. class. for people:
(or) T (or) v. part.
the twelfth soldier (soldier (who) achieved person
twelve);itatel lid: dvanct vojk (vojk, (kter) doshnul
osoby dvanct);n.

;num. class. for pairs of shoes num. class. for pairs;itatel

pr itatel pr, nap. bot;pow.

: ;num. class. for persons: from a , : ;don't: Don't smoke while

walking on the street.;ne: Neku kdy chod po ulici.;imper.
teacher;itatel osob: od uitele;pol.
: ;child ( ~ "person): (We) have one : T
;has been: The way of loyalty of
child ( ~ "person).;dt ( ~ "osoba): Mme jedno dt ( ~
Kyansittha has been recorded in Myanmar history by many.;byl:
Zpsob vrnosti ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii
: ;arrive: since the day of (my)
arrival;pijet: ode dne (mho) pjezdu;
: ;son ( ~ "(num. class. for
people)): (I have) three sons (and) two daughters. daughter (
~ "(num. class. for people)): (I have) three sons (and) two
daughters.;dcera ( ~ "(itatel lid)): (Mm) ti syny (a) dv
dcery. syn ( ~ "(itatel lid)): (Mm) ti syny (a) dv

: ;for oneself: I
read an article (for myself) yesterday.;si: Vera jsem si etl
jeden lnek.;

;have to: I have to walk about 10 minutes from the bus
stop to my house.;musm: Musm jt asi 10 minut z autobusov
zastvky do svho domu.;col. pol. um.

: ;num. class. for

persons: a letter (given) to a friend;itatel osob: dopis (dan) : ;get: I got ( ~ received) your
letter.;dostat: Dostal (jsem) Tvj dopis.;pol.
jednomu pteli;n.
: ;person (num. class.): Look at : ;have to (must): Nga Nyo's wife had
to call (him).;mt (muset): a ova manelka (ho) mla
those two (persons);osoba (itatel): Podvej na ty dv
(osoby);imper. pol.
( ) (WS. from );man (man
tiger);mu (mu tygr);sg. WS.

: ;may, come to: we may come

to conclusion;moci: meme dojt k zvru;pol.

zabarven, falen podpra);sg.

: ;alright: One kyat (I) can

decrease. (As for one kyat, (it) is alright to decrease (so
much).);v podku: O jeden iat zlevnit mu. (Co se te
jednoho iatu, je v podku (tolik) snit.);

: ;take: Will (you) take samusa?;vzt si: Vezmete

;man: A man has three girlfriends.;mu: si sams?;fut. inter.
Jeden mu m ti ptelkyn.;
: T ( ~
T );indicates p.p.: I haven't (ever) visited so many
( );man (man tiger);mu (mu tygr);sg.
monks.;zna minul as dokonav: (Jet) jsem nenavtvil
( ) (probably der. from );husband
(causal term, false buttress);manel (toto slovo m lhostejn tolik (hodn) mnich.;um.
( ) [yauc:];man;mu;sg.
( );penis (man's tool);penis (muv
: ;boy: Is (it) girl
or boy? (enquiring about the sex of the other person's
child);chlapeek: Je (to) holika nebo chlapeek? (vyptvn
se na pohlav dtte tzan osoby);inter.

: T T T T
;available: Whatever Chinese (or) Indian
products ( ~ things) are all available in Mandalay.;dispozici, k:
Jakkoliv nsk nebo indick zbo ( ~ vci) je v Mandalaji
(vechno) k dispozici.;pol.

( );boy, baby (baby or child, little

male) little boy (baby or child, little male);kluk (chlapeek, : ;available, be: This book is
miminko nebo dt, mal mu) chlapeek (miminko nebo available in almost every shop.;dispozici, bt k: Tato kniha je k
dispozici tm v kadm obchod.;
dt, mal mu);sg.
: ;possible, be: As (I) live in this
( );yogi;jogn;sg. P. yogin (= applying
country, (it) is not possible to eat (food). (expression of
oneself, working)
;for oneself indicates order indicates p.p. indicates wish unsatisfactoriness in one's country);mon, bt: Ponvad iji v
earn (money, get) obtain (get) should have to (must) tto zemi, nen mon se najst ( ~ "jst jdlo). (vyjden
nespokojenosti se situac vlastn zem);col.
take indicates capability fine, be oneself get may
have to must receive has been available, be right, be
get (also about letter and salary) alright, be;zna pkaz
dispozici, bt k v podku, bt dostat (tak o dopise a platu)
teba, bt zna pn muset byl stait ( ~ "bt-v-

: T ;get: (I) will get (it) repaired.;dostat: Dostanu (to)


: T T
T ;possible, be: (It) is a sentence used when (it) is


not possible to change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any

more.;vta: Je (to) vta uvan kdy u nen dn monost
(cokoliv) zmnit ( ~ "znovu opravit).;

: ;day: On days
(when I am) disappointed, (I) tend to ( ~ have) keep (the
right) mindfulness.;den: Ve dnech nespokojenosti mm
: ;available: However, Fanta is available. (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou) vmavost.;pol.
take, can: As for Fanta, (you) can take (it).;mt ( ~ "(bt)
: ;day: (In) one year has 365
dostupn): Ale Fantu mme. (Ale Fanta je dostupn.) vzt, days.;den: (V jeden) rok m 365 dn.;
moci si: Co se te Fanty, (tu) si mete vzt.;pol.
: ;day: (in) these days;den: v tchto
: ;num. class. for pairs: a pair of: two pairs of
shoes;itatel pr: dva pry bot;pl.


: ;alright, be: (It) is not alright.;v podku, bt: Nen

(to) v podku.;pol.

;day: (I) had a plan to

stay two days more.;den: Plnoval jsem zstat jet dva

: ;day: during these three days;den: bhem

: ;should: How much should be paid ( ~ tchto t dn;
"given)?;ml by: Kolik se mus zaplatit ( ~ "dt)?;inter. col.
: ;day: It may
: ;should: Whend should I come?;ml by: start every year around 13th of April.;den: Me zat kad rok
Kdy bych ml pijt?;inter. col.
okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.

: ;alright: No, sir. (Not alright, sir.);v podku: Ne,

pane. ("Nikoliv v podku, pane.");

: T ;day: (We) will meet again on a

: TT ;must: As there next day.;den: Setkme se znovu (njak) pt den.;fut.
is a traffic jam, the cars must go slowly.;muset: Ponvad je
: T ;cruel, be: (Your way of) speaking is very
dopravn zcpa, auta mus jet pomalu.;
cruel.;krut, bt: (Zpsob jakm) mluv, je velice krut.;col.
: ;alright: That's alright. alright, be: (It) is alright.;v
: ;day: eight days;den: osm dn;
podku, bt: Je (to) v podku. podku, v: To je v podku.; ( );day;den;sg.
(or) pol.
: ;alright: Will (this) be alright?;stait ( ~ "v-podku): ;day, big: Also in monasteries, at big times, big
Bude (tolik) stait?;inter. fut.
days, (they) recite (Pi discourses).;den, velk: Tak v
: ;must: It it funny. ((One) must laugh.);muset: Je klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi
to legran. (Jeden se mus smt.);col.
oneself: It is said, that the villagers (male villagers (and)
female villagers) asked him (for themselves) when they didn't
know ( ~ when they had sth. unknown).;se: k se, e
vesnian (vesnian (a) vesnianky) se ho ptali kdy (mli
nco, co) nevdli.;

;cruel, be (weave (and) compare);krut, bt (tkt (a)

( ~ " ): ;date ( ~ "day of month):
What's the date (today)?;datum ( ~ "den v msci): Jak je

( ~ " ): ;date ( ~ "day of

: ;obtain: (He) obtained the certificate.;obdret: month): What date ( ~ "day (in month)) will (they)
Obdrel certifikt.;
come?;datum ( ~ "den v msci): V jak datum ( ~ "den (v
: ;right, be: Will (it) be right to go?;podku, v:
msci)) pijedou?;inter.
Bude v podku (kdy) pjdu?;inter. col.
: ( ~ " ):
: ( ~ ~ )
;date ( ~ "day (in month)): fourth (day (in month))
T ;take: From a tree can be taken a lot of of January, nineteen fourty-eight;datum ( ~ "den (v msci)):
wood.;zskat: Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;
tvrtho (dne (v msci)) ledna, devatenct set tyicet osm;
: ;get: if (I) can get (it) on Friday;dostat: : T ;day of month: sixteenth of ...
kdybych (to) mohl dostat v ptek;writ.
(followed by a name of month);den msce: estnctho ...;
: ( ~ ) ;alright: Is (it) alright to
write ok?;v podku: Je v podku napsat ok?;inter. col.

;day (in month): fourth (day (in month)) of January,
-;available at, be (to take) free at, be (to take);voln v, nineteen fourty-eight;den (v msci): tvrtho (dne (v msci))
ledna, devatenct set tyicet osm;
bt (k bran) dostupn v, bt (k bran);I
-: ;available in, be: We ( : ;day of month: twentieth of ... (followed
~ in us) a room is available.;dostupn v, bt: My ( ~ v ns) by a name of month);den msce: dvactho ...;
je dostupn jeden pokoj.;fut. uw.

( );day;den.;sg.

-;indicates negative imperative;zna rozkazovac zpsob

(vty) v zporu;suff.

( );day of month;den msce;sg.

;cruel, be (also about speech) rude, be (also about

speech) num. class. for days;krut, bt (tak v ei) itatel
dn surov, bt (tak v ei);I (or) pow.


;generosity (weave (and) mix {nouner});tdrost (tkt

(a) mchat {jmenec});n.
;great (properly steadfast);ohromn (sprvn

: ;great: great house;ohromn: ohromn dm;

();huge ((big) (and) properly steadfast);obrovsk
((velk) (a) sprvn vytrval);adj.

ske) milovat ((srdce) bu, hru ske) rozruen, bt

((srdce) bu, hru ske);T

: ;love: (I) am one-sidedly ( ~

secretly) in love. (I am in platonic love.);milovat: Jsem
(): ;huge: a huge
house being magnificent like a great palace;obrovsk: obrovsk jednostrann ( ~ tajn) zamilovan. (Jsem platonicky
zamilovan.);cont. col.
dm (jsouc) grandzn jako obrovsk palc;
: ;love: This (little)
(T );Yakhine (state of Union of Myanmar);Rakhin
picture is good for loving.;milovat: Tenhle (mal) obrzek je
(Jakhain, stt unie Myanmaru);name
;chest when at if;na pokud kdyby hru kdy;suff. dobr k zamilovn.;pol.

;encounter (encounter (the) chest) face (sth.,

encounter (the) chest) against (create (and) meet);proti
;while related to, be closely;zatmco vztah, mt blzky
(vytvoit (a) setkat-se) elit (emu, stetnout-se-s hrud)
pbuzn, bt blzce;I (or) conj.
;dark (of color) indicates dark color deep (of color);tmavo- stetnout se s (stetnout-se-s hrud);I (or) adv.
col. (or) conj. (or) n.

(o barv) zna tmavou barvu tmav (o barv);suff.

- ;as soon as;jakmile;adv.
: ;if: If (I want) to watch TV, (I)
watch.;pokud: Pokud se (chci) dvat na televizi, tak se

: T T
;if: If (you)
say T at the place of T, (it) will be more
suitable.;pokud: Pokud bys ekl T na mst (kde te je)
T, bylo by (to) vhodnj.;fut.
: ;when: when (I) arrived.;kdy: kdy jsem se
: ;at: at the end of month;na: na konci msce;
: ;when: a while before (you) go (when the time
(of) going (is) near);kdy: chvilku ped tm, ne pjde (kdy
je as chozen blzko);
: ;while: Just while (you) listen to a
song.;bhem: Prv bhem toho, co poslouch psniku.;col.
: T;dark (of color): dark blue;tmav (o barv): tmav
;experienced, be (be-matured (and) familiar-with)
matured, be (be-matured (and) familiar-with);zkuen, bt
(bt-dospl (a) obeznmen-s) dospl, bt (bt-dospl
(a) obeznmen-s);I
: ;mature: not mature
thinking;mylen: nedospl mylen;
;canon (principal scripture);knon (hlavn spis);n.
: ;canon: canon of
metaphysics;knon: knon metafyziky;n.
;bust (round chest) intimate (round chest) bosom
(soothing, round chest) chest (round chest) bosom
(round chest);dvrn (kulat hru) hru (kulat
hru) nru (ukonejen, kulat hru) poprs (kulat
hru) adra (dvrn, kulat hru) blzk (dvrn,
kulat hru);n. (or) adj.
: ;bosom: new bosom;nru (ukonejen): nov
(WS. from );love ((heart) palpitates, breast
jumps);milovat ((srdce) bu, hru ske);T WS.
;love ((heart) palpitates, breast jumps) excited, be
((heart) palpitates, breast jumps) agitated, be ((heart)
palpitates, breast jumps);vzruen, bt ((srdce) bu, hru

: ;encounter: the difficulties that

(you) will face;elit: pote, kterm bude elit;

;affected, be deeply (chest (is) overloaded) touched,

be deeply (chest (is) overloaded);ovlivnn, bt hluboce
(hru (je) peten) dotknut, ctit se (hru (je) peten);I
: ;touched, be deeply: I miss you
painfully. ((I)'m deeply-touched missing (you).);dotknut, bt
hluboce: Bolestiv mi chyb. (Jsem hluboce dotknut (tm, jak
mi) chyt.);col.
;intimate, be (be-intimate (and) close) familiar, be (beintimate (and) close) close, be (be-intimate (and)
close);blzk, bt (bt-dvrn (a) blzk) dvrn, bt (btdvrn (a) blzk) znm, bt (bt-dvrn (a) blzk);I
: T ;intimate: (I)
want to talk with you intimately (and) closely.;dvrn: Chtl
bych si s tebou popovdat dvrn (a) oteven.;pol. um.
: T ;intimate: Intimate (and)
friendly talk;dvrn: dvrn (a) ptelsk rozhovor;
: ;familiar, be: He is not very much
familiar to (me).;znm, bt: Moc ho neznm. (Nejsem s nm
hodn moc znm.);col.
;good-natured, be (be-intimate (and) close (person
and) friendly);dobrck, bt (bt-dvrn (a) blzk (lovk a)
ptelsk) dobromysln, bt (bt-dvrn (a) blzk (lovk
a) ptelsk);I
T;close, be (be-intimate (and of) hidden-fact)
familiar, be (be-intimate (and of) hidden-fact);znm, bt (btdvrn (a) skrytch-informac) blzk, bt (bt-dvrn (a)
T ;intimate, be (became intimately) cordial, be
(became intimately) friendly, be (became
intimately);srden, bt (stal-se dvrn) dvrn, bt
(stal-se dvrn) ptelsk, bt (stal-se dvrn);I
;what if (also if);co kdy (tak kdy);suff. col.
: ;what if: And what if
(it) is wrong interpretation?;co kdy: A co kdy je (to) patn
vklad?;inter. col.
;if, also;pokud, tak;suff. conj.
( );breast (chest's meat);prso (hrudn maso);sg.
;in case if when (if) if;jestli pokud kdyby v
ppad,e kdy;suff. conj.
;when (while) while;kdy (zatmco) zatmco;suff. adv.


(from );in case if (if) if;kdyby jestli(e) v ppad e charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
(jestli);suff. conj.
-; refer to (aim-at (and) refer);odkazovat na (mit : T ;while: while working with
na (a) odkazovat-na);T
computer;zatmco: zatmco pracuje na potai;
;aim (hope-for (and) expect) hope for (hope-for (and)
: T ;while: I spoke with him
while in the vehicle.;kdy: Mluvil jsem s nm kdy jsme byli ve
vozidle.;p.s. col.

expect) intend (hope-for (and) expect);cl, mt (doufat-v (a)

oekvat) doufat v (doufat-v (a) oekvat) mt v myslu
(doufat-v (a) oekvat);T

: T ;while: (We) will talk while

eating (the meal).;bhem: Promluvme (si) bhem jdla.;fut.

;aim (hope-for (and) expect {nouner}) goal

(hope-for (and) expect {nouner}) objective (hope-for (and)
expect {nouner});cl (doufat-v (a) oekvat {jmenec}) el
(doufat-v (a) oekvat {jmenec});n.

: ;while: Also while taking rest, (he)

reads.;zatmco: Tak zatmco odpoval (si) etl.;col.
: ;during: Also during work (he)
reads.;bhem: Tak bhem prce (si) te.;col.
( );chest (of body);hru;sg.
( );chest (of body);hru;sg.
;indicates passive voice in wish may be (may (be)
received) let be received (inserted at the end of a wish)
may be received (inserted at the end of a wish);nech je
obdreno (vloeno na konci pn) zna trpn rod v pn
rd bych (k (je) dostno);suff. (or) suff. pol.

;intend (hope-for (and) intend) wish to happen (aimat (and) intend) aim at (aim-at (and) intend) hope for
(hope-for (and) intend) hope for (aim-at (and) intend) aim
(hope-for (and) intend);doufat aby (mit-k (a) mt-v-myslu)
mit k (mit-k (a) mt-v-myslu) mt v myslu (doufat-v (a)
hodlat) doufat v (doufat-v (a) hodlat) pt si aby se stalo
(mit-k (a) mt-v-myslu) cl, mt (doufat-v (a) hodlat);T

;aim (and an object, hope-for (and) intend

{nouner}) purpose (hope-for (and) intend {nouner});zmr
: ;may be (may (be) received): May (doufat-v (a) hodlat {jmenec}) cl (a pedmt, doufat-v (a)
(I) know ven. Sir's name.;rd bych ( ~ k (je) dostno): Rd hodlat {jmenec});n.
bych vdl jmno ct. pna. (K je jmno ct. pna
T ( ~ )
;goal: My goal is just to control this world of both
;juice fluid liquid;dus kapaln tekut tekutina;n.
body (and) mind.;cl: Mm clem je prost ovldnout tenhle svt
: ;girlfriend: It is said, that
tla (a) mysli.;pol.
Nga Nyo's girlfriend was a daughter of the village
headman.;ptelkyn: k se, e a ova ptelkyn byla
dcera pna vesnice.;

: ;intention: the
only intention (and) aim;zmr: jedin zmr (a) cl;

;girlfriend: A man has three

girlfriends.;ptelkyn: Jeden mu m ti ptelkyn.;

: ;objective: (He) has an

objective.;cl: M cl ( ~ oekvn).;

heartily) sweetheart (girlfriend, desire much);ptel

(drahouek, touit moc) ptel (milovan, touit podn)
ptelkyn (touit moc) drahouek (ptelkyn, touit moc)
ptelkyn (touit podn);sg.

;indicates tendency because of (taking);kvli (berouc)

zna tendenci;suff.

;refer to: The discourses with
more details preached by the Buddha are basically depicting
the commentarial nature, which is referred to in
Sratthadpan.;odkazovat na: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk

: T ;train: The train is

quicker than the man.;vlak: Vlak je rychlej ne (ten) mu.;

: T ()
;boyfriend: Don't : TT T
T ;purpose: (He) dedicates (himself) for the
flatter (her), her boyfriend may beat (you).;ptel (milovan):
attainment of the noble purpose.;cl: Odevzdv se pro
Nelicho j, (nebo) by (t) jej ptel mohl zbt.;jk.
dosaen (toho) ulechtilho cle.;

: ;goal: eternal goal;cl:

: ;boyfriend: (I) have a girlfriend.
boyfriend: (I) have a boyfriend.;ptel (milovan): Mm ptele. vn cl;
;treasure;poklad;n. P. ratana (= treasure)
ptelkyn (milovan): Mm ptele.;pol.
: ;girlfriend: beautiful girlfriend;ptelkyn: : T
;treasure: According to the map, it looks like if there
krsn ptelkyn;
is a treasure in this cave.;poklad: Podle mapy to vypad, jako
( );boyfriend (desire much) girlfriend
(desire much) boyfriend (desire heartily) girlfriend (desire kdyby v tto jeskyni byl poklad.;

: T;because of: because of speaking;kvli:

kvli mluven;

;mean (hopefully refers-to);znamenat (snad odkazuje- : ;indicates

tendency: (I) like to learn those two kinds of language.;zna
tendenci: Rd se um ty dva druhy jazyka.;
: T


( );train;vlak;sg. P. ratha
;free, be (also about a room in a hotel, can (be) taken)
disposable, be (also about a room in a hotel, can (be)
taken) available, be (also about a room in a hotel, can (be)

taken);dispozici, bt k (tak o pokoji v hotelu, me (bt)

: T ;stand: (They) stop
brt) dostupn, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, me (bt)
the vehicles in front of the stage and (exhibiting) (they)
brt) voln, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, me (bt) brt);I dance.;stoupnout si: Zastav vozidla ped pdiem a (ukazujce
(se)) tancuj.;pol.
: ;available: Is a
room available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one room in your
hotel?);voln ( ~ dostupn): Je ve vaem hotelu voln ( ~
dostupn) jeden pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden pokoj ve vaem
: ;available: There are free
rooms available in the hotel.;dostupn: V hotelu jsou
(dostupn) przdn pokoje.;
;for (so as to, followed by a verb) hostility so as to
(followed by a verb) to (so as to, followed by a verb)
danger;neptelstv aby nebezpe;conj. (or) n. writ.

: ( ~ );stop: Let's
finish the (writing) discussion, (indeed.);zastavit: (Vskutku,)
zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).;
: ;stop: Do (you) want to stop here? (may
be said by taxidriver when approaching the
destination);zastavit: Chcete zastavit tady? (me bt eeno
taxikem pi piblen se k mstu uren);inter.
: ;stop: Do (you) stop here? (may be said by
taxidriver when approaching the destination);vystupovat ( ~
"zastavit): Vystupujete ( ~ "zastavujete) tady? (me bt
eeno taxikem pi piblen se k mstu uren);inter.

: T ;enemy: The
boy and the girl are (for now) (being) enemies.;neptel: (Ten) : T ;stand: A cow is
chlapec a (to) dve jsou (pro te) (jsouc) nepteli.;
standing on the field.;stt: Krva stoj na poli.;cont.
: ;to: (I) go to
preach Dhamma and meditate.;aby: Jdu, abych pednel
Dhammu a meditoval.;writ.
: ;in order
to: in order to learn to understand the Burmese
pronunciation;aby: abych se nauil rozumt barmsk
: ;to: (I) put forth effort to
meditate.;aby: vynakldm sil abych meditoval;pol.

: ;stop: Where should (I) stop? (may be

asked by taxidriver when approaching the destination);zastavit:
Kde mm zastavit? (me bt eeno taxikem pi piblen
se k mstu uren);inter.
: ;stop: Don't stop.;zastavit: Nezastavuj.;imper. col.
: ;stop: As for the
turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little by little.;zastavit:
Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si odpoala,
krek po krku jde.;writ.

: ;to: The ( );place community;msto spolenost;sg.

ministers urged Kyansittha to become a king.;aby: Ministi
;quarter (of town, marked-off region) neighborhood
nalhali, aby se ansit stal krlem.;writ.
(of town, marked-off region);sousedstv (msta, oznaen
: T
oblast) tvr (msta, oznaen oblast);n.
;enemy: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the
;stop (stop (and) wait);zastavit (zastavit (a) ekat);T
town Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;neptel: ;position (stop (and) repose {nouner}) existence
Kvli velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve Bo (stop (and) repose {nouner});existence (zastavit (a) odpovat
pti jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
{jmenec}) pozice (zastavit (a) odpovat {jmenec});n.
;Yangon ( = 'end (of) danger');Rangn ( = 'konec

;position, have a (do to stop (and) repose

{nouner});pozice, mt (dlat k zastavit (a) odpovat

: ;Yangon ( ~ 'end of
danger'): (He) named Da Goun as Yangon ( ~ 'end of
;stop (stop (and) fix);zastavit (zastavit (a) upevnit);T
danger').;Rangn ( ~ 'konec nebezpe'): Pojmenoval Da Goun : ;stop (stop (and) fix): (He)
jakoto Yangoun (Rangn) ( ~ 'konec nebezpe').;writ.
stopped the bus.;zastavit (zastavit (a) upevnit): Zastavil
(): ;Yangon (town): (I) live in
Yangon.;Rangn (msto): iji v Rangnu.;pol.
;scarcely, just (just of time (to) make (and)

;Yangon University;Rangnsk Univerzita;name time (of) time) rarely, just (just of time (to) make (and)
();Yangon (division);Rangn (Jangoun, sprvn time (of) time);zdkakdy (pouze z doby dln (a) doby
doby) mlokdy (pouze z doby dln (a) doby
;enemy: While Kyansittha
: T ;rarely: (He) talks just
was serving his royal brother king Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was
rarely.;mlokdy: Mluv jen mlokdy.;
imprisoned by enemies.;neptel: Zatmco ansit slouil svmu ;going to, be (take (and) be-going-to);chystat se (vzt (a)
krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl Sol byl uvznn
nepteli.;p.s. writ.
;attain (get (and) take) achieve (a worldly thing or
( );enemy (person (of) enmity);neptel
(osoba neptelstv);sg.
;stand upright park (a car etc.) stop;stt vzpma
zastavit zaparkovat (auto atd.);T

achievement, receive (and) take) get (a worldly thing or

achievement, receive (and) take);dostat (svtskou vc i
dosaen, dostat (a) vzt-si) doshnout (svtsk vci i
dosaen, dostat (a) vzt-si) doshnout (dostat (a) vzt);I


(or) T
: ;attain: because (one)
attained;doshnout: protoe doshl;p.s.
( ~ T
: T
T );attain: until (we) can
successfully attain Arahanthood;doshnout: dokud meme
spn doshnout Arahantstv;adv.

;recite (Pi text, read leaves);recitovat (Pi text,

st listy);T Bh.
: ;recite:
(They) recite Pi suttas also at home.;recitovat: Recituj pi
promluvy tak doma.;

;chant (recite, Pi text, read (and) recite

leaves) study (Pi text, read (and) recite leaves) recite
: T ;attain: successfully attain;doshnout: (Pi text, read (and) recite leaves);zpvat (recitovat, Pi
text, st (a) recitovat listy) studovat (Pi text, st (a)
spn doshnout;
;indicates emphasis denotes inclusion indicates inclusion recitovat listy) recitovat (Pi text, st (a) recitovat
laugh dear also in;zna zahrnut drah smt se tak listy);T Bh. P. sajjhyati (= recite, study)
v zna zdraznn;suff. prep. (or) suffn. (or) suff. (or) T (or)
[y];smile laugh;smt se usmvat se;T

;sail (hoist sail(~leaf) (and) go);plavit se
(plachtit, zdvihnout plachtu(~list) (a) jet) plachtit (plavit se,
zdvihnout plachtu(~list) (a) jet);T

: ()
: ;smile: Because I am happy, (I)

;sail: The wind blows very much, (and
am smiling.;usmvat se: Protoe jsem astn, smji se.;col.
the man is saling.;plachtit: Vtr hodn fouk, (a proto
cont. uw.
ten) mu placht ( ~ pluje);cont. writ.
T;indicates inclusion: book
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile (and) famous) and also U
Obhasa of Min's proses (are) included;zna zahrnut: kniha
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak przy
U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.

;sail (hoist sail(~leaf), go (and) come);plavit
se (plachtit, zdvihnout plachtu(~list), odjet (a) pijet);T

: T

;sail: The ship is sailing in the
lake.;plavit se: Lo se plav po jezee.;cont.

: ;also in: also in Jinatthapaksan;tak v: :

;recite: Also in monasteries, at big times, big
tak v Dinatthappaksan;
: ;laugh: It it funny. ((One) must laugh.);smt: days, (they) recite (Pi discourses).;recitovat: Tak v
klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi
Je to legran. (Jeden se mus smt.);col.
;laugh (laugh exceedingly);smt se (smt se moc);T promluvy).;pol.

;laugh (ridicule, laugh (of) evil blood) ridicule
(laugh (of) evil blood);zesmovat (smch zlomysln krve)
;rehearse: Not only the Tipiaka, but also
smt se (zesmovat, smch zlomysln krve);T unpl.
a kind of commentaries were rehearsed.;recitovat: Nejen
; accept (get (and) have) get (receive (and) have)
receive (receive (and) have);dostat (dostat (a) mt) pijmout Tipiaka, ale tak druh koment byly recitovny.;writ.
(vzt (a) mt);I (or) T

T ;attain (get, have, succeed (and) see);doshnout

(dostat, mt, uspt (a) vidt);T

: ;happy: May (you) be happy (and)

fresh.;astn: K (jsi) astn (a) erstv.;w.

;happy, be (happy (and) fresh) cheerful, be (happy

(and) fresh) fresh, be (about people, happy (and)
T : T ;attain:
fresh);astn, bt (astn (a) erstv) erstv, bt (o
(He) attains the deathless Nibbna.;doshnout: Dosahuje
lidech, astn (a) erstv) radostn, bt (astn (a)
nesmrteln Nibbny.;
;achieve (a certain state, position etc., take (and) come) erstv);I
: ;cheerful: May (you) be healthy
come to (a certain state, position etc., take (and)
(and) cheerful.;radostn: K (jsi) zdrav (a) radostn.;w. pol.
come);doshnout (do uritho stavu, pozice atd., vzt (a)
pijt) dojt (do uritho stavu, pozice atd., vzt (a) pijt);I


;achieved: Sinhalese commentaries achieved the
first place in the Pi literature.;doshnout: Sinhlsk komente
doshly prvnho msta v Pi literatue.;writ.

: ;gold: However, it is statue

made of gold.;zlato: Ale to je socha vyroben ze zlata.;pol.

;shift postpone move;odloit (asov) hbat se


: ;gold: This ring is made of

;leaf of num. class. for papers num. class. for sheets (of gold.;zlato: Tento prsten je (udlan) ze zlata.;col.
;Sweijin (name of a Buddhist school from Northern
papers, leaves);itatel papr itatel list (papru, listy)
Burma, also spread to Sri Lanka, gold pan) pan for gold
list (eho);pow. (or) suff. n.
(abbrev. from );recite (Pi text, leaf);recitovat (Pi (gold pan);Svejdin (jmno Buddhistick koly ze severn
Barmy, tak rozen na Sr Lanku, (rovn) zlata, zlat
text, list);T Bh.
pnev) pnvika na (rovn) zlata (zlat pnev);name
( );sail (leaf);plachta (list);sg.
(or) n.
;detest hate;nenvidt nesnet;T


[wegou~];Shwedagon pagoda;weitigoumsk vesnici Udavela;

Pagoda (ale sprvnj vslovnost je uedagoun) wedagon ( );village;vesnice;sg.
Pagoda (ale sprvnj vslovnost je uedagoun);name
( );villager;vesnian;sg.
[wedagou~fy:];Shwedagon Pagoda;vedagou

T ;villagers: It is said, that when the king
asked about history of the spirit house, nobody of the villagers
;Shwedagon pagoda: Do you want to know
was able to answer.;vesnian: k se, e kdy se krl ptal
(walking) path from Sule pagoda to Shwedagon
na historii toho domu ducha (bka), nikdo z vesnian nebyl
pagoda?;vedagou pagoda: Chce vdt cestu ze Sule pagody schopn odpovdt.;
do vedagou pagody?;inter.
;move displaced, be;pemstn, bt pohybovat se hbat
se hnout se;I (or) T
;Shwedagon Pagoda: As soon as (you) arrive to ;choose select;vybrat (si);T
Yangon (you) thus happen to notice Shwedagon
;elect (select (and) pick-up) select (select (and)
Pagoda.;vedagou pagoda: Jakmile doraz do vedagou
pick-up) choose (select (and) pick-up);zvolit (si, vybrat (a)
pagody, stane se, e si tak vimne vedagou pagody.;pol.
zvednout) vybrat (si, vybrat (a) zvednout);T
;election (event (of) choosing (and) picking ;Shwedagon Pagoda: And if (it is) true ( ~
up);volby (udlost vybrn (a) vyzvedvn);n.
"said) that (you) have not yet visited the Shwedagon Pagoda, :

(then I) urge (you) to visit (it).;wedagon Pagoda: A je-li pravda T ;election: (I) am the only independent
( ~ "eeno), e (jsi) jet nenavtvil wedagon Pagodu, (pak) candidate of the election.;volby: Jsem jedinm nezvislm
nalhm, abys (ji) navtvil.;pol.
kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.

TT (from TT);show one's powers (show gold,

( );candidate (entered
show (one's) kind);ukzat vlastn sly (ukzat zlato, ukzat election with-the-purpose-of future exchange);kandidt
(svj) druh);T col.
(vstoupil (k) volbm za-elem budouc vmny);sg.
TT: TT ( ~ TT)
;choose select;vybrat (si);T
;show one's powers: Go (and) show (your) : ;select: select the good
powers. Where are (you) greater?;ukzat vlastn sly: Jdi (a)
ones;vybrat: vybrat ty dobr;writ.
uka (vlastn) sly. Kde jsi lep?;inter. sl.
: ;choose:
;Shwebontha Street (street (of) golden realm
(which is) greater);webont, ulice (ulice zlatho svta
(kter je) lep);name

(It) is sure, that (he) chose the second (option).;vybrat si: Je

jist, e si vybral druhou (monost).;pol.

;golden color: The woman with
blond ( ~ "golden) hair is taller than the man with dark
hair.;zlat barva: (Ta) ena s blonatmi ( ~ "zlatmi) vlasy je
vy ne (ten) mu s tmavmi vlasy.;


;golden: (He is) the leader-student of the
Golden Revolution's Burmese Students' Association.;zlat: Je
vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat Ze (podan) Asociac
Barmskch Student.;pol.

;select (select (and) put aside);vybrat (vybrat (a) dt


;Shweminthabin (a Burmese dance group, Golden ;choose: The king Naung's manner of
Mandalay Assembly);vemantaben (Barmsk tanen skupina, selecting heroes is interesting ( ~ good to be
Zlat Mandalajsk Shromdn);name
interesting).;vybrat: Zpsob, jakm krl Nau vybral hrdiny je
;brown color, light golden color;zlat barva hnd
zajmav ( ~ dobr k zajmavosti).;writ.
barva, svtle;n.
: ;choose: She chose.;vybrat: Ona si

: ;rain: As for now, it is not raining any
more.;pret: A te, u nepr.;col.
: ;rain: As for afternoon, it's
raining.;pret: Co se te odpoledne, pr.;
: ;rain: It's raining so much. (Sky extremely
rains.);pret: Moc pr. (Nebe moc pr.);
: ; village: to my
monastery in Udavela village;vesnice: do mho kltera ve

;option (sth. (to) choose);monost (nco (k)

: ;option: two options;monost: dv

; taste (the sense, taste object);chu (jeden ze smysl,

chuov pedmt);n. P. rasa-rammaa (= taste object)
: T T ;Arahant: noble lords ( ~
monks) who have become Arahants;Arahant: vzneen pni ( ~
mnii), kte se stali Arahantem;
( );Arahant (fully enlightened follower of Buddha's
teaching, but it is used especially for monks generally);Arahant
(pln osvcen nsledovnk Buddhova uen, ale uv se pro
mnichy obecn);sg. P. Arahant (= worthy (of receiving four
: ( ) T


T ( ~ ( ) T
;diffident, be timid, be shy, be sheepish, be
T );monk: I made a strong determination to be (shy);nesml, bt stydliv, bt stydt se ostchat se;I
an excellent monk.;mnich: Uinil jsem pevn rozhodnut bt
: T;shy, be: Don't be shy. Tell (it to
vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.
me).;stydt se: Nesty se. ekni (mi to).;imper. pol.
: ;monk: (There) are
;you (used by women, for both men and women);ty (uvno
various kinds of (great) monkhood-length.;mnich: Jsou rzn enami pro mue i eny);pron. uw.
dlky mniskho-ivota (velkch) mnich.;mn. Bh.
;you (used by women, for both men and women);ty (uvno
: ;monk: the heroic monk;mnich:
jeden hrdinsk mnich;sg.

enami pro mue i eny);pron. uw.

;bhikkhu, become a (get higher ordination as a monk)

monk, become a;bhikkhem, stt se (dostat vy vysvcen na
mnicha) mnichem, stt se;I P. arahanta (= worthy (of
receiving four requisites))

: ;you: What will you drink

today?;pn: Co (vy) budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw.

;clear clear, be clear up clarify settle solve settle

( );ven. Sir (arahant) monk ( arahant) ven. Sir (a debt or bill, brighten);vyeit vyjasnit urovnat (dluh i
monk;mnich (arahant) mnich ct. pn ct. Pn
et, vyjasnit) urovnat jasn jasn, bt objasnit;adj. un.
(arahant;sg. mn. P. arahant (= worthy (to be given four
(or) I un. (or) T
requisites)) (or) sg. Bh. mn. P. arahanta
; what? (said in disappointment and wonder) yours
;arahantship, attain (finish duty (of) monk)
your;coe? (eeno v nespokojenosti a divu) tv tvoje
attain arahantship (finish duty (of) monk);doshnout
tv;interj. (or) pron. uw.
arahantstv (dokonit povinnost mnicha) arahantstv,
(same like , but followed by certain suffixes) ;you
dokonit (dokonit povinnost mnicha);T
(lord's);vy (pnovo);n.

: T;explain: (I) don't understand.

Please, explain.;vysvtlit: Nerozumm. Prosm, vysvtli.;imper.
pol. col.

: ( ~ ) ;monk, become a:
Under ( ~ near) him (I) became a monk.;mnichem, stt se: U : ;pay ( ~ "settle): (I) will pay. ((I) will settle
nj jsem se stal mnichem.;p.s.
the money.);platit ( ~ "urovnat): Budu platit. (Urovnm
;monkhood (of higher ordained monks, life (of)
monk);mnistv (mnich s vy ordinac, ivot mnicha);n. : ;you ( ~ "sir): What is your ( ~ "sir's)
P. bhava (= existence)
nationality?;ty ( ~ "pn): Jak je tv ( ~ "pnovo)
;upasampada (get higher ordination, enter life
(of) monk) ordination, get higher (upasampad, enter life
(of) monk);upasampad (dostat vy ordinaci, vstoupit (do)
ivota mnicha) ordinaci, dostat vy (upasampad,
vstoupit (do) ivota mnicha);T
;monkhood (of higher ordained monks, clothes (of)
monk);mnistv (mnich s vy ordinac, obleen
mnicha);n. P. vatta (= observance, duty)


: :your: What is your name? (How

is the lord's name called?);tvoje: Jak se jmenuje? ( Jak se
nazv pnovo jmno?);inter. uw.;
: ;sir: Sir, who will you live with?;pn:
Pane, s km budete t?;inter. fut. col.
: ;your: What is your nationality?;vae: Jak je
vae nrodnost?;inter. col. uw.

: ;monkhood: (I) want to become a : ;clear: it becomes very clear;jasn: stv

monk. ((I) want monkhood.);mnistv: Chci se stt mnichem. se velice jasnm;writ.
(Chci mnistv.);pol.

; you, to;tob vm;pron. acc. uw.
: T ;monk: the monks
T;explain (elucidate (and) show);vysvtlit (objasnit (a)
who live abroad;mnich: mnii, kte ij v zahrani;
( );monk (monk (and) community);mnich
(mnich (a) spoleenstv);sg. arahanta-sagha (= worthycommunity)

T: T ;explain: a kind of explanation;vysvtlit:

druh vysvtlen;

;cut oneself by knife;znout se noem;I

like, (my) friend.;co (nkdo) vysvtluje: Lb se mi ( ~ "j rd),

T: T T T ;explain: What
( );novice (newly ordained or very young
(he) says is a kind of explanation.;vysvtlit: Co k je druh
monk, monk-novice);novic (nov ordinovan mnich nebo
velice mlad mnich, mnich-novic);sg. P. arahanta-smaera (= T: TT
worthy-one little-ascetic)
T ;explain: (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly,
( );supporter, female (of a
with reference to (old) writings and manuscripts.;vysvtlit: S
monk);podporovatelka (mnicha);sg. P. arahanta (= worthy (of
ohledem na (star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce
: ;cut (oneself): Because cut T ;what (one) explains;co (nkdo) vysvtluje;pl.
(myself) by knife, (I) got injured.;znout se: Protoe jsem se
T : T ( ~
znul noem, poranil jsem se.;p.s. um.
) ;what (one) explains: What you explain, I
( );office;kancel;sg.


co vysvtluje, pteli.;

arahant (= worthy (of food, clothes, dwelling and medicine))

T;explain (elucidate, show (and) give);vysvtlit

(objasnit, ukzat (a) dt);T

;you (lord) you;ty (pane) ty;pron. pol. uw. (or) pron.



T T;explain: Please, can you
explain your ideas regarding these things in ( ~ "with)
letter?;vysvtlit: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv nzory
ohledn tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.

( );monk;mnich;sg. rare

( );king (lord (and) king);krl (pn (a) krl);sg.

;clarification (clarify (and) elucidate {nouner})

explanation (clarify (and) elucidate {nouner}) elucidation
(clarify (and) elucidate {nouner});osvtlen (osvtlit (a)
objasnit {jmenec}) vysvtlen (osvtlit (a) objasnit {jmenec})
objasnn (osvtlit (a) objasnit {jmenec});n.
: T
;explanation: (It) can be also taken as an
explanation.;vysvtlen: Me to tak bt brno za
;commentary (clarification (and) collected
notes);komente (objasnn (a) sesbran poznmky);pl.
;commentaries (of Pi, clarification (and)
notes);komente (Pi, objasnn (a) poznmky);pl.
;clearly (be-clear (and) shine {adverber})
apparently (be-clear (and) shine {adverber}) manifestly (beclear (and) shine {adverber});zejm (bt-jasn (a) svtit
{pslovec}) zjevn (bt-jasn (a) svtit {pslovec}) jasn
(bt-jasn (a) svtit {pslovec});adv.
: T ;clear ( ~
"clarity): This translation is neither clear, nor exact. (This
translation does not have clarity (and) exactness.);jasn ( ~
"jasnost): Tento peklad nen ani jasn, ani pesn. (Tento
peklad nem jasnost (a) pesnost.);

( );owner;vlastnk;sg.
( );master;pn;sg.

;you (pl.);vy;pron. pl. uw.

T;explain (clarify (and) show);vysvtlit (osvtlit (a)

T: T;explain: Can you explain
me?;vysvtlit: Me mi vysvtlit?;inter. fut.
;flourish (be-alive (and) thrive) thrive (be-alive (and)
thrive) prosper (be-alive (and) thrive);kvst (bt-naivu (a)
vzkvtat) vzkvtat (bt-naivu (a) vzkvtat) prosperovat
(bt-naivu (a) vzkvtat);T

;long, be;dlouh, bt;I

: ;long: hair is long;dlouh: vlasy jsou dlouh;

: ;long: Hair is long.;dlouh: Vlasy jsou dlouh.;
: T ;long: The (pair of)
trousers of white color is long.;dlouh: Ty (jedny) kalhoty bl
barvy jsou dlouh.;
: ;long: May (your) life be longer ( ~
"long more) (than one) hundred (years). (wish expressed on a
friend's birthday);dlouh: K je (tvj) ivot del ( ~ "dlouh
vce) (ne) sto (let). (pn vyjden na narozeninch
ptele);w. pol.
( );shirt (shirt shirt);koile (koilov koile);sg.
E. shirt

: T
;Shan (present
Myanmar ethnic minority): Then U Aung Zeyya could connect
;clarification (clear (and) light {nouner})
and unite Shans of northern region with Myanmar.;an
explanation (clear (and) light {nouner});vysvtlen (vyistit (a) (ptomn Myanmarsk etnick menina): Pak se Aun
rozsvtit {jmenec}) objasnn (vyistit (a) rozsvtit
Zeyyovi podailo pipojit k a sjednotit any ze severn oblasti s
Myanmary.;p.s. writ.
;clearly see ( ~ know);jasn vidt ( ~ vdt);I
(T );Shan (state);an (stt);name
T ;monk, become a (become wearing
monkhood);mnichem, stt se (stt-se noscm mnistv);I

(T );Shan (state of Union of Myanmar);an (stt unie


T : T ;monk, become a: (I) was in ( );squirrel;veverka;sg.

a hurry to become a monk.;mnichem, stt se: Spchal jsem
;search search (also for a job);hledat (i prci) hledat;T
abych se stal mnichem.;p.s. pol.
;expensive, be rare, be;vzcn, bt drah, bt;I
;clear, be very (clear (and) clean) girl's name, a
: ;search: (I) am searching for (something) to
clean, be very (clear (and) clean);jasn, bt velice (jasn (a)
eat.;hledat: Hledm (nco) k jdlu.;
ist) dv jmno, njak ist, bt velice (jasn (a) ist);
: ;search: Are you searching (for
(or) name
something) in books?;hledat: Hled (nco) v knihch?;inter.
: ;search for: Indeed, Taphek
T ;maintain (prosper): (It is,
must search for a job.;hledat: Skuten, Daphek si mus hledat
that) attending the National Day every year, (one) should try to
always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national spirit.;udrovat
: T ;search: (I) happened to be
(prospvat): (Je to (tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad
wanting life (where) is no courage to search.;hledat: Stalo se,
rok, by se ml (kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat)
e chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.
vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. writ.
: ;search: First search (for) a guy. (EN
( );monk (lord, worthy) ven. sir (lord,
col.);najt ( ~ "hledat): Nejdv si najdi chlapa. (CZ col.);
worthy);ct. pn (pn, vhodn) mnich (pn, vhodn);sg. P.


: ;search: Where can I find a : ;have: How many kyats do you

hotel? (How should I search the hotel?);hledat: Kde mohu
have?;mt: Kolik m() at?;inter. col.
najt hotel? (Jak mm j hledat hotel?);fut. inter.
: ;married, be: (No, I) am no more
: ;search: search (and) encounter (free)
married. We (got) separated.;enat, bt: (Ne,) u nejsem
time;hledat: hledat (a) najt (voln) as;
enat. U nejsme spolu. ( ~ "Jsme u oddlen.) vdan, bt:
: ;search: (I) search in (Ne,) u nejsem vdan. U nejsme spolu. ( ~ "Jsme u
the Internet websites.;hledat: Hledm na webovch strnkch.; oddlen.);pol.
: ;search: I sell (somebody) to sell (him)
house.;hledat: Hledm (nkoho) abych (mu) prodal dm.;
;care for (sb., search (and) feed);starat se o (nkoho,
hledat (a) krmit);T

: ;married, be: (I) am no

more married. Wife passed away.;enat, bt: U nejsem
enat. ena zemela.;p.p. pol.
: ;married, be: (I) am no
more married. Wife passed away.;vdan, bt: U nejsem
vdan. Mu zemel.;p.p. pol.

: ;care for ( ~ "search

(and) feed): Having eloped the woman ((and) just come),
care for ( ~ "search (and) feed) her.;starat se o ( ~ "hledat (a) : ;live ( ~ "be): (They) do not live any
more. (Both parents) have passed away.;t ( ~ "bt): U
krmit): Po uprchnut s enou (od rodi), hned jak pijde,
neij. (Oba rodie) u zemeli.;p.p. pol.
starej se ( ~ "hledej (a) krm) o n.;imper. sl.
: ;have: Do what (you) have to do.;mt:
;rarely once in a way;jednou za as
Dlej co m dlat.;imper. pol. col.
zdkakdy;adv. rare
;live (also as ) measure (have) be (stay) stay
have tend to (have) possess;bt zstat vlastnit mt
t (tak jakoto ) mit (mt) mt tendenci (mt);I (or)

: ;have: At the moment (we)

have only three kinds.;mt: Momentln mme jen ti druhy.;pol.

(abbrev. from );married, be (have);vdan, bt

(mt) enat, bt (mt);I

: ;have: He doesn't have friends

there. (In him, there, are no friends.);mt: (On) tam nem
ptele. (V nm, tam, nejsou ptele.);

: ;be: Is there Kyi Kyi (Clearly)? (used

when desiring to talk with sb. (e.g. Kyi Kyi) on phone);bt: Je
tam (ist)? (uito v ppad poteby mluvit s uritou
osobou (nap. ) po telefnu);inter. col. pol.
: ;be: You are.;bt: Ty jsi.;um.
: ;be: I am.;bt: J jsem.;col.
: ;tend to ( ~
have): On days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend to ( ~
have) keep (the right) mindfulness.;mt (tendenci): Ve dnech
nespokojenosti mm (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou)

: ;be: (We) are three siblings.;bt:

Jsme ti sourozenci.;pol.

: ;am: Every time when he

comes, I am not at home.;jsem: Kdykoliv pijde, nejsem
: T ;have: Do (you) have blue (one)?;mt: Mte
modrou?;inter. col.
: ;alive ( ~ "have): Are your parents
still alive? (Do (you) still have parents?);naivu ( ~ "mt):
Jsou (tv) rodie stle naivu? (M stle rodie?);inter.
: ;be: Man
and woman are in the forest.;bt: Mu a ena jsou v lese.;pol.

: ;be: (I) am also in : ;live ( ~ "be): (My) mother is

a monastery (in order) to stay.;bt: Jsem tak v kltee, abych (still) alive. Father has passed away.;naivu ( ~ "bt): (Moje)
(tam) pobval.;pol.
matka je (stle) naivu. Otec (u) neije ( ~ "zemel).;p.p. pol.
: ;have: (We) have only this kind.;mt: Mme
jen tenhle druh.;pol.

: ;stay: (We) stay ( ~ are) at home.;jsme: Jsme


: T T;have: Do you have

another book besides this (book)?;mt: Mte (jet) jinou
knihu krom tto (knihy)?;inter.

: ;have: As for hats,

(we) have (them), indeed, (we) have. (Just) various kinds.
Here, look.;mt: Co se te klobouk, (ty) mme, vskutku,
: ;have: (We) have only this kind.;mt: mme. (Prost) nejrznj druhy. Tady, podvejte.;col.
Mme pouze tento druh.;pol.
: T ;be: Mr. Bamya is not here. (also in telephone
conversation);bt: Pan Bamya tu nen. (i do telefnu);col. pol.
: T ;have: Except this there (we) have
two kinds more.;mt: Krom tohohle mme jet dva druhy.;pol. -;plan to (have);plnovat (mt);T
: T ;have: What else ( ~ "more) do (you)
have apart from this?;mt: Co jet mte krom tohohle?;inter.

-;have possess;mt vlastnit;T

: ;have: Do (you) have a toilet here?;mt:

Mte tu toalety?;inter.

-: ... ;have: Do you have ...?;mt:

M ...?;inter.

: ;measure ( ~ have): The bus

measures ( ~ has) 15 meters.;mit ( ~ mt): Autobus m
( ~ m) 15 metr.;


-: ;have: I have (it).;mt: J (to) mm.;

;pay obeisance (have (and) evaporate) bow (worship,

have (and) evaporate) worship (have (and)
evaporate);uctvat (mt (a) vypaovat-se) projevit ctu (mt

(a) vypaovat-se) klant se (uctvat, mt (a) vypaovat-se);I

(or) T

according to prof. Kosambi's point of view;hledisko: z hlediska

prof. Kosambi;writ.

: T ( ~ )
;we: We bow three (bow) times to the
Buddha.;my: My se Pnu Buddhovi klanme tikrt
(poklony).;pol. um.

: ;entangled: Are you busy? (are (you)

entangled (in) work?);zamotan: Jsi zaneprzdnn? (jsi
zamotan (do) prce?);inter. cont.

;used to be (was);bvalo (bylo);p.s.

;used to be: Before (they) used to
be.;bvalo: Pedtm bvaly.;p.s.
T ;be: (He) reluctantly accepts, that I
stay in Sri Lanka.;bt: Neochotn pijm, e jsem na Sr

T ;look at (consider, see (and) ponder) consider

(see (and) ponder);dvat se na (zvaovat, vidt (a)
rozvaovat) zvaovat (vidt (a) rozvaovat);T
;inhale (breathe in breath) breathe in
(breathe in breath) breath, take a (breathe in
breath);nadechnout se (vdechnout, dchat dovnit dech)
vdechnout (dchat dovnit dech) dchat (vdechnout,
dchat dovnit dech);T

;breath smoke (a drug) inhale encourage an animal, a

: ( ~ ) Singapore ( ~ word to;vdechovat kouit (drogu) dchat povzbuzen
zvete, slovo k;interj. (or) T
Singapore );stay: Next time (I) am
going to stay only in Sinhapore.;bt: Pt budu pouze v
( );shoe (shoe, shoe);bota (bota, bota);sg.
(pair, one piece) E. shoe
;has been (already);u je to je tomu u;suff.
: ;has been (already): (It) has already
been around ten days.;u je (to): U je (to) asi deset dn.;
: ;has been (already): (It) has already
been ten months.;u je (to): U je to deset msc.;p.p.
: ;has been: (It) has been three weeks (since I
have arrived to Burma).;u je to: U je to ti tdny, co jsem
pijel do Barmy.;p.p.
: ;have been: (I) am thirty. (Age has
been thirty.);u byl: Je mi ticet. (Vk u byl ticet.);p.p. col.
: ;have been: (I) am thirty-three
years old. (Age has been thirty-three years.);u bylo: Je mi
ticet ti let. (Vk u byl ticet ti let.);p.p. col.
;should (have (and) need);ml by (mt (a) potebovat);T
: ;should: things (one) should know;ml by:
vci, kter by ml (kad) vdt;
;left, be remain;zbt zbvat;I
;shy, be;stydliv, bt stydt se;I
;see meditate look;meditovat vidt dvat se;I (or) T
: T ;lose:
The sportsmen in white dress (are) losing the game.;prohrt:
Sportovci v blm dresu prohrvaj hru.;

;snuff (breath (and) thrust-into) sniff (breath (and)

thrust-into);upat (dchat (a) zaret-do) vdechovat nosem
(dchat (a) zaret-do);T
;in front of forward future (in-front);vepedu budouc
(ve-pedu) vped;adv. (or) adj.
;past early ancient;minul tehdej starovk;adj.
: ;in front of: in front of the factory;ped: ped
: ;ancient: It is a statue of one
ancient king's wife.;starovk: Je to socha krlovny jednoho
starovkho krle.;pol.
;future, be in (move forward);budoucnu, bt v (hbatse vped);I
: T;future, be in: May
everything be fine in the future.;budoucnu, bt v: K je v
budoucnu vechno dobr.;w. pol.
;in front directly (in front (and) directly) straight
ahead (in-front (and) straight (and) straight) straight ahead
(in front (and) directly);pmo (za nosem, dopedu (a) pmo)
pmo (za nosem, vpedu (a) vped (a) vped) dopedu
rovn (za nosem, dopedu (a) pmo);adv. (or) adv. writ.


( ~
;learning method (scheme (to) see);uebn metoda
);in front: After (he)
(pln (a) vidn);
: ;learning method: the learning method puts (one hand on another), (he) looks in front, down on the
floor, having opened (his) eyes.;dopedu, co: Po tom, co polo
of four noble truths;uebn metoda: uebn metoda pro tyi
(jednu ruku na druhou), dv se dopedu, dol na zem,
ulechtil pravdy;Bh.
otevenma oima.;pol.
;landscape (be-spread (to) look) scene (be-spread
: ;straight ahead: Continue to
(to) look) scenery (be-spread (to) look);scna (btrozen (k) dvn) krajina (bt-rozen (k) dvn) drive straight ahead.;pmo (za nosem): Pokrauj v zen pmo
za nosem.;imper.
scenrie (bt-rozen (k) dvn);n.
;viewpoint (corner (of) view) point of view (corner ;in front of;vepedu ped;suff. adv. writ.
(of) view);hel pohledu (roh pohledu) hledisko (roh

: ;point of view:

;once upon a time (during old (times));bylo nebylo

(za starho (asu));adv.
: ;once
upon a time: Once upon a time, there was a young man in


Wun Zin village.;bylo nebylo: Bylo nebylo, ve vesnici Wan Zen item, which indicates the commentarial nature of Sutta
byl jeden mlad lovk.;
Piaka.;starodvn: Je (to) specifick vc, kter naznauje
komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.

(from );straight ahead (in-front (and)

straight (and) straight);pmo (za nosem, vpedu (a) vped (a)
vped);adv. col.

;firstly (early (and) first {adv.}') first (old (and) first

{adv.}) formerly (early (and) first {adv.});prvn (dve (a)

;straight ahead: Go straight ahead.;pmo prvn {adv.}) dve (dve (a) prvn {adv.}) prvn, jako

(star (a) prvn {adv.});adv.

za nosem: Jdi pmo za nosem.;imper. pol. col.
;ahead of (in front of, put in-front (and) near);ve
T ;first: However, indeed, the turtle has already
pedu (poloeno ve-pedu (a) pobl);adv.
: ;ahead of: You will see it ahead of had arrived first to the goal.;prvn, jako: Avak, vskutku, elva
ji do cle dorazila jako prvn.;writ.
you. ((You) will meet (it) ahead.);ve pedu: Spatte to ped

( );first-aid kit (first medical box

;just over there near,,in front over there, just;tamhle, (and) bag) first aid kit (first medical box (and)
bag);lkrnika (prvn lkask krabice (a) taka)
zrovna zrovna tamhle pobl,,ve pedu;adv.
: ;near,,in front: I want to stop near, in krabika prvn pomoci (prvn lkask krabice (a) taka);sg.
sebou. (Potkte (to) ve pedu);fut.

front. ((I) will stop near, in front.) (can be told to taxidriver

when the destination is approached);pobl,,ve pedu: Chci
zastavit (tady) pobl, ve pedu. (Zastavm pobl, ve pedu.)
(me bt eeno taxiki, kdy je cl na blzku);fut.

( );grapefruit (fruit (of) erring);grapefruit

(ovoce, ovoce chybovn) grep (ovoce, ovoce

;in front of;vepedu ped ve pedu;adv. (or) suff. adv.

;let's;pojme;suff. pol.

: ;avoid: Majority
avoid the five kinds of wrong livelihood.;vyhbat se: Vtina se
( );lawyer (lives in-front) advocate
(lives in-front);advokt (ije ve-pedu) obhjce (ije ve- vyhb pti druhm patnho ivobyt.;pol.
-; avoid evade;vyhnout se obejit;T
pedu) prvnk (ije ve-pedu);sg.
: ;in front of: In : ;let's: Let's go, ven. sir.;-me:
Pojme, ct. pane.;imper. utmn.
front of the stage one vehicle with another ( ~ with one)
compete in beauty.;ve pedu: Ped pdiem jedno vozidlo s

;let's: After that let's

druhm ( ~ s jednm) sout v krse.;col. pol.
have a talk. (When that finishes, let's borrow (and) take (the)
time, ok?);pojme: Pak si popovdme. (Kdy to skon,
: ;in front of: Here (you) stop
and the hotel (is) in front of you.;ped: Zde zastav a hotel je pojme si pjit (a) vzt as, ano?);inter. pol.
ped tebou.;col.

;let's;zna ptelsk nvrh (nap. pojme, udlejme

;directly (to in-front straightly) straight ahead atd.) -me (zna ptelsk nvrh);suff. pol.
(to in-front straightly);rovn (za nosem, do pedu rovn) : ( ~ );let's:
pmo (za nosem, do pedu rovn);adv. writ.
Let's finish the (writing) discussion, (indeed.);pojme:
(Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).;
;old, be (ancient (and) old) ancient, be (ancient
(and) old);prastar, bt (prastar (a) star) starodn, bt
;proper, be indicates change from verb to noun hundred,
(prastar (a) star) star, bt (prastar (a) star);I
one when possible indicates possibility indicates a status
: ;ancient: ancient villages;starodvn: suitable, be proper suitable;zna urit stav zna
zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm. sprvn, bt vhodn, bt
starodvn vesnice;
;ancient (old (and) aged) old (ancient, old (and) vhodn sto kdy zna monost vhodn, bt mon
aged);star (starovk, star (a) starobyl) starovk (star sprvn sluet se;I (or) suff. (or) num. (or) adv. (or) pow.
(a) starobyl);adj.

;ancient: Then, there are also ancient
artcrafts.;starovk: Dle, jsou tam tak starovk umleck
dla.;col. pol.
;first, be (early (and) first) primitive (ancient (and)
first) former, be (early (and) first) former (primary, ancient
(and) first) first (primary, ancient (and) first) primary
(ancient (and) first);prvotn (starodvn (a) prvn)
pedchoz, bt (dve (a) prvn) tehdej (prvotn, starodvn
(a) prvn) prvn, bt (dve (a) prvn) primitivn
(starodvn (a) prvn) prvn (prvotn, starodvn (a) prvn);I
(or) adj.

: ;hundred: seven hundred;set ( ~ "sto): sedm


: ;hundred: three hundred soldiers;sto: sto

: ;hundred: one hundred ninety eight;sto: sto
devadest osm;num.
;when: On one day, when
rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked: friend turtle, you go
slowly.;kdy: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden den), kdy se krlk
potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval: pteli elvo, (ty) jde

: ;hundred: thousand five hundred;set ( ~ "sto):

: T tisc pt set;num.
T ;ancient: (It) is a specific : T ;hundred: two hundred (and) sixty


five;sto: dv st (a) edest pt;num.

zemi) je horko, e? Nen (vm zdej) poas moc hork?;inter.

T;indicates change from verb to noun: First
sentence is used in writing, second sentence is used in
talking.;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm.: Prvn vta se
uv pi prasn, druh vta se uv pi mluven.;col.

: ;weather: What's the weather?

(How is weather being?);poas: Jak je poas? (Jak je
poas jsouc?);inter.

: (~ );weather:
How's the weather?;poas: Jak je poas? (Jak je
: ;hundred: five hundred pounds (of weight);sto: pt poas?);inter. col.
set liber (vhy);
;shave (head);holit se (hlavu) oholit se (hlavu);T
: ;hundred: three hundred miles;sto: ti sta mil;

: ;shave:
: ;whatever ( ~ "things): (You) can ask When (I) shave my head, it looks like a radish.;holit se: Kdy si
whatever you want.;cokoliv ( ~ "vci): Me se zeptat (na)
oholm hlavu, vypad jako edkvika.;
cokoliv (ty) chce.;col.
;retreat (secluded, quiet, barren refuge);stran
: ;indicates a status: He became
(osamocen, utien, neplodn toit);n.
happy from (the status of) being bored.;zna urit stav: Ped ( );retreat, peaceful (place or time for meditation,
tm se nudil, te se raduje. (Ze stavu znudn (peel do
greater shadow) meditation cente, greater shadow)
stavu) vesel.);pol. p.p.
meditation center (peaceful refuge);meditan centrum
: ;indicates a status: He got up from
(the status of) eating.;zna urit stav: Po jdle vstal. (Vstal
ze statutu jezen.);pol. p.p.

(lep stn) meditan centrum (poklidn toit)

stup, klidn (msto nebo as na meditaci, lep stn);n. (or)

;percent (bunch rate (of) hundred);procento

(svazkov pomr (ze) sta);n.

;same, be;sam, bt stejn, bt;I

: T T
;percent: 70 percent of Earth is covered by
water (expanse).;procento: 70 procent Zem je pokryto vodou
(~ vodnm tvarem).;writ.
: T T ( ~
T );percent: (It) is (full) one hundred
percent of progress.;procento: Je (to) (plnch) sto procent

;plain, be simple, be stem of;stonek (eho) prost, bt

jednoduch, bt;I (or) suff. n.
( );bone;kost;sg.
;beat strike hit type (on keyboard, beat) type (on
keyboard);zbouchat uhodit pratit pst (na klvesnici,
buit) mltit buit ztlouci zbt bouchnout tlouci pst
(na klvesnici);T (or) T col.
( ): ;photograph: (I) don't want to be
photographed.;fotit: Nechci bt vyfocen.;pol.

;type (in
: ;century: fourth century;stolet: tvrt stolet; computer): There should be more benefit in practice of typing
letters.;pst (na potai): Mlo by bt vc prospchu pi praxi
T T ;ruler king: At psan dopis (na potai).;pol.
the time of the ruler king Mahdhamma, the great town Inwa
: ;type: I cannot type.;pst (na klvesnici):
became unstable.;vldce krl: V dob vldce krle
Neumm pst (na klvesnici).;
Mahdhammy bylo ohromn msto Enva nestabiln.;p.s. writ.
: T ()
;beat: Don't flatter
: ;season: If you
can come in winter (season), it is just best.;obdob: Pokud
pijede v zim ( ~ v obdob zimy), tak je to prost
nejlep.;pol. col.

(her), her boyfriend may beat (you).;zbt: Nelicho j, (nebo) t

jej ptel ztlue ( ~ "mohl ztlouci).;jk.

: ;weather: This weather is

rough.;poas: Toto poas je drsn.;

;type: It is more easy to type Sinhalese in Linux

than in Windows.;pst (na klvesnici): Je snadnj pst (na
klvesnici) Sinhlsky v Linux ne ve Windows.;pol. writ.

: ;hit
(with a hammer): (He) stuck a needle between nails and while
hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;zatloukat
T ;climatic changes (climatic change
(kladivem): Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal
(and) exchanging {pl.});klimatick zmny (klimatick zmna (a) kladivem, testoval (je).;writ.
zmna {pl.});pl.

: ;weather: Because the sun

is shining, (the weather) is hot.;poas: Ponvad slunce pl, ( );photograph;vyfotit si;T
je horko ( ~ poas je hork).;col.

;photograph, take a;fotit vyfotit;T P. dhtu (=

: ;weather: How's the
weather in Bago?;poas: Jak (- Jak) je poas v
;take a photo;vyfotit si;T
Bago?;inter. col.
: ;photo, take a: (I) will take
: T ;weather: a photo of the shop, ok?;vyfotit si: Vyfotm si (ten) obchod,
In Burma ( ~ "Burmese country) it's hot, isn't it? Isn't the
ano?;inter. fut.
weather (too) hot (for you)?;poas: V Barm ( ~ "Barmsk


: T;photo, take a: (I) tell (you)

not to take the photo.;fotit: km, abys nefotil.;pol.

: ;office: (He) enters (in) the

office.;kancel: Vchz do kancele.;writ.

;rude, be (also about speech) rude, be;surov, bt (tak v ( );office (office room);kancel (kancelsk
ei) hrub, bt (o lovku) nevychovan, bt;I
;impolite, be very (about person, uncivilized (and)
hung) rude, be (about person, uncivilized (and)
hung);neslun, bt velice (o osob, nezdvoil (a) poven)
hrub, bt (o osob, nezdvoil (a) poven);I

;neither, nor;ani, ani;suff. conj.

: ;neither, nor: (He)
has neither field nor a cow.;ani, ani: Nem ani pole, ani krvu.;

: ;stalk: stalk of grass;stblo: stblo trvy;

;neither, nor: (He) has neither shrewdness, nor
politeness.;ani, ani: Nen ani slun, ani chytr. (Nem ani
slunost, ani nem mazanost.);

;Hotel Yoma (hotel (of) mountain-range);Hotel

Yoma (hotel horskho-hebenu);name

: ;neither, nor: (He)

has neither house, nor a car.;ani, ani: Nem ani dm, ani auto.;

;honest, be (delineate honesty);estn, bt (vykreslit


: ;neither,
nor: (He) has neither experience, nor knowledge.;ani, ani:
Nem ani zkuenosti, ani znalosti.;

;stalk (of grass, stalk stick);stblo (trvy, stblov


: ;honest, be: He is honest.;estn: (On)

je estn.;
;respect venerate;respektovat ctt;T
: T;respect: by respect;respekt: s respektem;
;respect (to-respect {nouner});respekt (respektovat

;fight (struggle, stuggle (and) kick) struggle (struggle

(and) kick) strain (struggle, stuggle (and) kick);usilovat
(usilovat (a) kopat) bojovat (usilovat (a) kopat) namhat
se (usilovat (a) kopat); (or) T

;struggle: (We) just have to struggle more in a
;respect and revere;respektovat a ctt;T
country of dictatorship like is this.;namhat se: V zemi
dikttorskho reimu jako je tato, se musme holt vc
;respect (and) revere: (I am) a
Buddhist, who can extremely respect (and) revere (the Buddha, namhat.;col.
;forsake (struggle (and) leave) abandon (struggle
the Teachings and the monks).;respektovat (a) ctt: Jsem
Buddhista, kter doke nesmrn respektovat (a) ctt (Buddhu, (and) leave) give up (struggle (and) leave);zanechat
(bojovat (a) odejt) pestat (s nm, bojovat (a) odejt)
Uen a mnichy).;
opustit (bojovat (a) odejt);T
;Rohyngyas (group of Muslim people who occupy a
minute part of Myanmar territory);Rohingyov (ale sprvn
vslovnost je Rohend, skupina muslim, kter obsadila
nepatrnou st Myanmarskho teritoria);name

;okra (lady's fingers, the meal) lady's fingers (okra,

the meal);okra (jdlo);n.

(WS. from );okra (lady's fingers, the

;only put on wear just indicates limit in an action;pouze meal);okra (jdlo);n. WS.
oblci si (na sebe) nosit (na sob) zna limit v innosti ;rpa (matter or body, esp. one of the main constituents of
person) matter (or body, esp. one of the main constituents of
jen jenom;adv. (or) suffv. (or) suff. (or) T
person) appearance image body (or matter, esp. one of
: ;office: (They) are very,
very weak (in doing their work), the staff of the office.;kancel: the main constituents of person);vzhled rpa (hmota i tlo,
zejm. jedna z hlavnch soust bytosti) hmota (i tlo, zejm.
Jsou velice, velice slab (v dln sv prce), zamstnanci t
jedna z hlavnch soust bytosti) tlo (i hmota, zejm. jedna
: ;just: (I) understand just little.;jen: z hlavnch soust bytosti) obraz;n. P. rpa (= matter, form)
(or) n.
Rozumm jen trochu.;pol. col.
;hideous, be (appearance (is) bad) ugly, be
: ;just: Just about (to) live (and) eat.
(answer to a question about salary);akort: Akort k peit (a) (appearance (is) bad) horrid, be (bad (by)
appearance);eredn, bt (vzhledem patn) okliv, bt
jdlu. (odpov na otzku ohledn platu);col.
(vzhled (je) patn) kared, bt (vzhled (je) patn);I
: () T ( ~ T
);office: (I) am preparing to go to the office ( ~
offices).;kancel: Pipravuji se jt do kancele ( ~
kancel).;pol. cont.
: ;office: (I) am in the office.;kancel: Jsem v
( );office;kancel;sg.
( );office;kancel;sg.
( );building (large and public);budova (velk a


: ;ugly: The dog is uglier

than the cat.;okliv: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne (ta) koka.;
( );statue (immitates appearance) statue
(imitates form);obraz (napodobuje podobu) socha
(napodobuje vzezen);sg.
;body and mind (nma-rpa, the two principal
constituents of person) rpa-nma (body and mind, the two
principal constituents of person);tlo a mysl (rpa-nma, dv
zkladn sousti bytosti) rpa-nma (tlo a mysl, dv
zkladn sousti bytosti);n. P. nma-rpa (= mind - form)

: T
T ;picture: This picture shows a body with two
legs.;obrzek: Tento obrzek ukazuje tlo se dvmi nohami.;

: ;metaphysics: canon of
metaphysics;metafyzika: knon metafyziky;n.

: ;picture: What is in the picture?;obrzek:

Co je na obrzku?;inter.

Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of commentaries were

rehearsed.;Tipiaka: Nejen Tipiaka, ale tak druh koment
byly recitovny.;writ.

( );puppet (image, small image);loutka (obraz,

: ;picture: What is in the picture?;obrzek: Co mal obraz);sg.
je na obrzku?;inter.
- ;not only that .. ,,but also .. ;nejen,,e .. ,,ale tak
: ( ~ ) ;picture:
.. ;suff. conj.
There is a lot of oil (photographed) in the picture.;obrzek: Na - :
obrzku je (vyfoceno) mnoho oleje.;

( );image;obraz;sg.

( );picture (shape (of) form);obrzek (tvar podoby) -;not only that .. ,,but not even;nejen,,e .. ,,ale
ani ..;suff. conj.
obraz (tvar podoby);sg.
( );picture (matter form);obraz (podoba hmoty);sg. : ;not only, but
also: Not only that (he) has a girlfriend, but he is not even Mr.
T ( );television (images watching (and)
Maung.;nejen, ale: Nejen, e m ptelkyni, ale ani nen pan
sounds listening machine) TV (images watching (and)
sounds listening machine);televize (obrazy pozorovac (a)
zvuky poslouchac stroj) TV (obrazy pozorovac (a) zvuky
poslouchac stroj);sg.

() ;Russian (country);Rusk (zem);name.

- ;not only .. but also;nejen .. ale i;suff. conj.

: ;movie: at the beginning of the movie;film: na - :

zatku filmu;
;not only .. but also: The building is not only big,
: ;movie: The movie starts now. (Movie has but also good.;nejen .. ale i: Ta budova je nejen velk, ale i
started now.);film: Film zan. (Film te zaal.);p.p.

: ;movie: a Burmese movie ;foolish, be insane, be stupid, be crazy, be mad,

be;blzen, bt hloup, bt ztetn, bt len, bt;I (or) I
with English subtitles;film: jeden barmsk film s anglickmi
( );movie (enliven appearance) film (enliven : T ;crazy: They say: Aren't you
crazy?;len: kaj: Nejsi len?;inter. col. um.
appearance);film (oiven podoba);sg.
: ;mad, be: mad people;len, bt: len lid;pl.
( );actress (king's daughter (in)
moving image);hereka (krlova dcera (v) pohybujcm-se ;crazy (crazy (and) much-burnt);len (len (a)
moc-splen);adj. col.
( );actor (king's son (in) moving
image);herec (krlv syn (v) pohybujcm-se obraze);sg.

;appearance;vzhled;n. writ. P. rpa (= matter)

;cinematography (wisdom (of) writing,

copying (and) striking moving images);kinematografie
(moudrost psan, opisovn (a) raen pohybujcch-se

;indicates state or skill indicates a matter or concern

indicates an action or skill indicates an object of concern
write indicates a state num. class. for stretches of
sleep;zna innost i schopnost zna objekt zjmu pst
zna stav nebo schopnost napsat zna njak stav zna
stav itatel sek spnku zna zleitost;suff. (or) pow. (or)

;cinematography: (I am) a student of
cinematography (subject).;kinematografie: Jsem studentem
pedmtu kinematografie.;pol.
( );cinema (public-building (of) enliven
appearance);kino (veejn-budova oiven podoby);sg.
: ;movie: They
went to a restaurant after the movie.;film: Po filmu li do

;water skin;voda ke;n.

: ;water: I have a lot of water in

my room.;voda: Mm v pokoji hodn vody.;pol.
;write: Having just written the first Pi
sentence from the first part, I write (it) in the second part in
English.;pst: Hned jak napi prvn pi vtu z prvn sti,
napu (ji) do druh sti anglicky.;pol.

: ;movie: He
watches movie(s). As for books, (he) doesn't read (them).;film: : ;water: (They)
Dv se na filmy. Co se te knih, (ty) nete.;col.
go to monasteries and (religiously) offer water.;voda: Jdou do
( );movie (picture lives) film (picture lives);film klter a (nboenskm zpsobem) daruj vodu.;pol.
(obraz ije);sg.

( );movie theater (public-building (of) living

picture) cinema (public-building (of) living picture);kino
(veejn-budova ivoucho obrazu);sg.

: T T ;write: (I) will wrte,

send ((and) give) (you) information about Myanmar country,
please.;napsat: Napu, polu ((a) dm) (ti) informace o
(zemi) Myanmaru, prosm.;fut. pol. col.
: ;water: water (is) liquid;voda: voda (je) tekutina;


: ;write: Do not write there.;write: Nepite

tam.;imper. pol.

a shower before I go to school.;osprchovat se: Osprchuji se

ne pjdu do koly.;fut.

: ;write: Now his friend is

writing.;pst: Prv pe jeho ptel.;

: ;shower, take
a: (I) am going to take a shower, and then (I) will ( ~ "am going
to) have a meal.;sprchovat se: Jdu se osprchovat a pak se jdu
najst.;fut. ubmn.

: ;write: Write (it) in English.;napsat: Napi

to anglicky.;imper. pol.
: T
;indicates action: Because the woman will do the
laundry, (she) is wearing blue gloves.;zna innost: Protoe se
(ta) ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr

: ;shower: I am going to have a

shower.;sprcha: Jdu si dt sprchu.;fut.

( );drop;kapka;sg.

( );cube, ice (blunt hard water) ice cube

(blunt hard water);ledov kostka (tup tvrd voda)
kostka ledu (tup tvrd voda);sg.

( );shower (water-bending room) toilet (waterbending room) bathroom (water-bending room) WC

(water-bending room);toaleta (vodu-ohbac pokoj)
koupelna (vodu-ohbac pokoj) zchod (koupelov pokoj)
: ;write: As (you) write
mistakes, I don't understand.;pst: Ponvad pe (s) chybami, sprcha (vodu-ohbac pokoj) WC (koupelov pokoj);sg.
j nerozumm.;col.
;ice (hard water);led (tvrd voda);n.
: ;lake: the lake (is) in the
West;jezero: jezero je na Zpad;
: ;lake: a duck in a lake;jezero:
kachna v jezee;
( );lake (water pool);jezero (vodn ndr);sg.
;water, boiled (and) chilled );voda, vaen (a)
;water, pure (pure water) pure water (pure
water);ist voda (ist voda) voda, ist (ist

;ice cubes (blunt hard water {pl.}) cubes, ice

(blunt hard water {pl.});ledov kostka (tup tvrd voda
{mn..}) kostka ledu (tup tvrd voda {mn..});pl.
T ;ski (slide (and) ride out (on) hard
water);lyovat (klouzat (a) dit venku (na) tvrd vod);T
( );ice cream (snack (of) hard water);zmrzlina
(zkusek (z) tvrd vody);sg.

( ~
);fridge: I secretly ate
: ;swim: Little boy was
butter sitting near the fridge.;lednika: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a)
swimming.;plavat: Mal chlapec plaval.;p.s.
: ;swim: (They) go to sea tajn jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
( );refrigerator (box (for) ice) fridge (box
to swim.;plavat: Jdou do moe, aby plavali.;cont. writ.
(for) ice);lednika (bedna (na) led) chladnika (bedna
: T ;swim:
Swimming is good for body.;plavat: Plavn je dobr pro tlo.; (na) led);sg.
: ;swim: people who swim;plavat: lid, kte ;scuba dive (water diving);potpt se (s kyslkovou
bombou, vodn potpn);T
;swim (cross water);plavat (pekroit vodu);T

: ;swim: (He) has not yet swum.;plavat:

Jet si nezaplaval.;

;writings (things to write);psan (vci k psan);n.

crossing pool);plovrna (ndr (na) pechzen vody)

bazn (ndr (na) pechzen vody) koupalit (ndr
(na) pechzen vody);sg.

: ;thirsty: I am thirsty. (I (am) hungry for

water.);ze: Mm ze. (J hladovm (po) vod.);col,

; wet, be (by water);mokr, bt (vodou);I

: T ;swim: Duck is swimming : ;author: author of a book, bookwriter;autor: autor knihy, spisovatel knihy;n.
in the river.;plavat: Kaer plave v ece.;cont.
( );lido (swimming pool, water crossing pool) ;thirsty, be (hungry (for) water);zniv, bt (hladov
bathing place (water crossing pool) swimming pool (water (po) vod);I

;swim (for oneself);zaplavat si (vodu pekroit (a)


;count (count (and) calculate);potate (potat (a)

;well (water inside);studna (voda uvnit);n.

;shower (break water) bath, have a (break water) :

;well: However, indeed, it is not right to want to drink
bathe (break water) shower, take a (break water)
shower, have a shower, have a (break water);vysprchovat clear water now, (if) the well (has been) dug now.;studna: Ale,
vskutku, nen dobr chtt pt istou vodu te, (jestlie) byla
se (rozbjet vodu) sprchu, dt si (rozbjet vodu)
sprchovat se (rozbjet vodu) sprchovat se dt si sprchu studna vykopna te.;prov.
(rozbjet vodu) sprchovat se (rozbjet vodu) vykoupat ;write (write (and) fix);pst (pst (a) upevnit);T
se (ohbat vodu) osprchovat se (rozbjet vodu) koupat ;sign (signature, write (and) pierce);podepsat
se (ohbat vodu);T
(podpisem, pst (a) propichovat);T
: ;shower, take: I'll take : T


() ;sign (signature): (Father)

himself signed ( ~ "signed signature) on a piece of paper so
that I can become monk.;podepsat (podpisem): (Otec) sm se
podepsal ( ~ "podepsal podpis) na kousek papru, abych se
(tak) mohl stt mnichem.;

: T ;written: several written

discourses;napsan: nkolik napsanch promluv;

( ) [reiiy];radio;rdio;sg. E. radio

;compile: Mahpaccariya commentary was
used to compile the Samantapsdik.;sepsat: K sepsn
Samantapsdik byl pouit Mahpaccariya koment.;writ.

;plain tea (plain warm water) plain tea

(beverage, water warm (and) crude) tea, plain (plain warm
water) tea, plain (beverage, water warm (and)
crude);pouze aj (pouh tepl voda) aj, pouze (tj. bez
mlka, voda tepl (a) hrub) pouze aj (tj. bez mlka, voda
tepl (a) hrub) aj, pouze (pouh tepl voda);n.


T ;write down: It
took place during the king Abhaya's reign, during writing down
the Tipiaka together with the commentaries.;sepsat: Stalo se to
bhem vldy krle Abhaya, bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s
komenti.;p.s. writ.

: ;throw water: At night, indeed, T ;discourse (written down, sutta);promluva

we do not (play) throwing water.;hzet vodou: V noci, vskutku, (zapsan, sutta);n.
nehzme vodou. (tj. nehrajeme hzen vodou);pol.
T :
;throw water (especially during Thin-Gyan festival)
water, throw (especially during Thin-Gyan festival) splash by T ;discourse
water (especially during Thin-Gyan festival);hzet vodou
(written down): But if we examine the whole three piakas, we
(zejmna bhem Tendan oslavy) splachovat vodou (zejmna come across some discourses that are of commentarial
bhem Tendan oslavy) vodou, hzet (zejmna bhem
nature.;promluva (zapsan): Ale pokud prozkoumme cel ti
Tendan oslavy);T
piaky, narazme na nkter promluvy, kter jsou
: ;water komenttorskho charakteru.;writ.
throwing: (They) play (by) throwing water one to another.;vody, ;drink (water);pt (vodu);T
hzen: Hraj si hzenm vody jeden na druhho.;pol.
: ;drink (water): Cat is
T ;water expanse (water formation);vodn rozloha (tvar drinking water.;pt (vodu): Koka (prv te) pije vodu.;cont.
; union of writers (writing union);sdruen pisatel
T : T T
;water expanse: 70 percent of Earth is covered
by water (expanse).;vodn rozloha: 70 procent Zem je
pokryto vodou (~ vodnm tvarem).;writ.
;long time (long counting) long-term (long
counting) in the long run (long water);koneckonc
(dlouh potn) dlouho (dlouh potn) asem
(dlouh potn);adv.

(psac sdruen);n.

;social work (issues (and) work);sociln prce

(zleitosti (a) prce);n.
: ;social work: social work in
village;sociln prce: sociln prce na vesnici;n.
( );bathroom (toilet, water house) toilet (water
house) WC (water house);WC (vodn dm) toaleta
(vodn dm) zchod (vodn dm);sg.

: ;long time: (He) wants (it) to ;how about similarly (as well as) also as well as too
(go (and)) last for long time.;dlouho: Chce aby to (lo (a))
and also and what about, and indicates inclusion;zna
trvalo dlouho.;
zahrnut podobn (jako i) a tak i tak a co jako
(and also );wash (stupa and other rel.
i;adv. (or) suff. col. (or) suff. (or) col. (or) conj. (or) conj. col.
things, (make) looking-sublime (by) water) clean (stupa
-;as well as;i tak jako stejn jako;conj.
and other rel. things, (make) looking-sublime (by) water);mt -:
(stpu a jin nb. objekty, udlat-vypadajc-vzneenm
;also: (I) Can help you as well as your
vodou) istit (stpu a jin nb. objekty, (udlat) vypadajc- boyfriend. (For you also, for your boyfriend including (I) can
vzneenm vodou);T P. sappya (= beneficial, suitable)
give help.);tak: Mohu pomoci tob i tvmu pteli ( ~ milmu).
: ;wash
(religiously): They wash (religiously) the pagodas.;mt
(nboensky): (Nboensky) myj pagody.;pol.

(Pro tebe tak, pro tvho ptele vetn, mohu dt


: TT ; write: as (I) see, that (you)

can speak and write;pst: ponvad vidm, e um mluvit a

I will buy pants as well as shirt.;i: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut.


-: ;as well as: (I)

;swim (go (and) cross water);plavat (jt (a) pejt will buy pants as well as shirt.;i: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut.
-: ;as well
;answer, write (write (and) inscribe) compose (write, as: The actor as well as the actress are very good.;i: Herec i
write (and) inscribe) write (write (and) inscribe);pst (pst hereka jsou velice dob.;col.
(a) vyrvat) odpov, napsat (pst (a) vyrvat) sepisovat -;as well as;i tak jako stejn jako;conj.
(pst, pst (a) vyrvat);T
-: ;as well as:

-: ;as well as: They, as


well as we, know.;i: Oni i my vme.;

- ;as well as;i;suff.

Arahanthood;doshnout: dokud meme spn doshnout


;idle chatter (can arrive, (but) unworthily)

purposeless activity (can arrive, (but) unworthily) aimless
activity (or) talk (can arrive, (but) unworthily) random talk
(random talk, can arrive, (but) unworthily) rambling talk
(random talk, can arrive, (but) unworthily);bezeln innost
(me (se) dostavit, (ale) nevhodn) tlachn (me (se)
: ;too: Give snack to him too.;taky: Jemu dostavit, (ale) nevhodn) nesouvisl povdn (me (se)
dostavit, (ale) nevhodn) bezcln innost (i) povdn
tak dej zkusek.;imper. pol.
(me (se) dostavit, (ale) nevhodn);n.
: ;and what about: And what about before?;a
;attain (arrive (and) have);doshnout (eho, dojt (a)
co: A co pedtm?;inter. col.
;visit (arrive to) reach turn up attain (arrive)
: T T
;as well as: The newspaper The New Light of
Myanmar is published in Myanmar as well as in English
(language).;a tak: Noviny The New Light of Myanmar jsou
publikovny v barmtin (myanmartin) a tak v

attain (a certain level, arrive) arrive come;navtvit (dojet

__nebo__ dojt) dostavit se dostavit se do doshnout
(eho, dojt) pijt pijet doshnout (njakho stupn,
dojt);I (or) T
: ;come: When the
leaves become grown ( ~ distributed), the spring has
come.;pijt: Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho list,
pilo jaro.;p.p.
: ;arrive: I have arrived to
hospital. (I am arriving in hospital.);pijet: pijela jsem do
nemocnice. (Pijdm v nemocnici.);cont. uw.

;attain: If I can attain the deathless Nibbna, I

should attain it.;doshnout: Pokud mohu doshnout nesmrteln
Nibbny, (pak) bych ji ml doshnout.;fut.
;arrive;pijt ( ~ pijet);T mn.

;arrive: (As for) one day, one great king arrives
to the Wun Zin village.;pijet: A jednoho dne, jeden velk krl
pijel do Wan Zen vesnice.;
: ;arrive: the arrived letters;pijt:
pil dopisy;

: ;go
( ~ "come): It's not your business whether we go to hell or not.
(It doesn't concern you (whether) we are going or are not
going (to) hell.;jt ( ~ "pijt): To se vs netk, jestli jdeme
((nebo) nejdeme) do pekla.;col.

T ;arrival (arrive (and) arrive {nouner});dostavit se

(dostavit-se (a) dostavit-se {jmenec});T

: ;arrive: When did you

arrive to this town?;pijet: Kdy jsi pijel do tohoto msta?;inter.

hat of white color (on my head).;barva: Nosm (na hlav)

klobouk bl barvy.;uw.

;illness disease sickness;choroba nemoc

onemocnn;n. P. roga (= sickness)

: ;sickness: sickness called

: ;reach (arrive to): I will reach
koro;nemoc: nemoc zvan koro;
Bago after Yangon.;dojet (dostavit se): Po Rangnu dojedu do ;sell;prodat;T
Bago (Pekh).;fut. col.
( ~ "T"): T ;color ( ~ "blue): Do (you) have
: T ;arrive: How
blue (one)?;barva ( ~ "modr): Mte modrou?;inter. col.
long has it been since (you) arrived to Burma (country)?
( ~ "T"): T ;color ( ~ "white): (I)
(How much did (it) last (that you) are being arrived (to)
like the white book.;barva ( ~ "bl): Mm rd (tu) blou
Burmese country?);pijet: Jak dlouho je (to, co jsi) pijel do
Barmy (zem)?;inter. p.p.
: T ;color: I wear a

: ;arrive: You will arrive at

Shwedagon pagoda.;pijt (dojt): Dojde do vedagou
pagody.;col. pol.

: ;sell: To survive, (I)

have to sell the shop. (For survival, shop must be
sold.);prodat: Abych peil, musm prodat (svj) obchod. (Pro
peit mus bt obchod prodn.);

: ;arrive: having arrived;pijet: po pjezdu;p.p. : ;sell: How much do you sell this
: ( ~ - )
for? (How do (you) sell this?);prodat: Za kolik tohle
;arrive: As for coming (part (of) July
prodvte? (Jak tohle prodvte?);inter. col.
( ~ 7(th) month), (I) may arrive.;pijet: Co se te nadchzejc : ;sell: How much (do you)
(sti) ervence ( ~ 7(.) msce), mon pijedu.;fut. col.
sell this for ( ~ "with)?;prodat: Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika) tohle
: ;arrive: I('ve
been) arrived since 3 o'clock.;dostavit se: Dostavil jsem se ji
ve ti. (Ji od t (jsem) J piel.);pol. um.

prodvte?;inter. col.

: ;arrive: I arrived on
Friday.;pjet: Pijel(a) jsem v ptek.;col.

: ;sell: How much (money) will

you sell it with?;prodat: Za kolik penz to prod?;inter. col.

: T T
;attain: until (we) can successfully attain


: ;sell: (He) is selling bread.;prodat:

Prodv chlb.;cont.

: T ;color: The bear is white. (Bear

has white color.);barva: Medvd je bl. (Medvd m blou


Sarana z eska;

: T ;color: The (pair of)

trousers of white color is long.;barva: Ty (jedny) kalhoty bl
barvy jsou dlouh.;

( );policeman;policejn strnk policajt (CZ col.,

policejn strnk);sg.

: ;color: number eight of black

color;barva: slo osm ern barvy;
;colorful (full (in) color);barevn (pln barvy);adj.
: ;colorful: colorful shirt;barevn: barevn
( );highlighter (for highlighting, stick (of)
ink (for) full color(ing));zvrazova (hlka inkoustu (k)
plnmu barven);sg.
;highlight: highlight important parts;zvraznit: zvraznit dleit
;highlight (with a highlighter, draw ink (to) full
color);zvraznit (zvrazovaem, kreslit inkoustem (do)
pln barvy);T

;courage, heroic ((being) brave, capable (and of)

power) valour ((being) brave, capable (and of)
power);chrabrost ((bt) odvn, schopn (a mt) moc)
odvaha, hrdinsk ((bt) odvn, schopn (a mt) moc);n. (=
power, strength) (or) n. P. satti (= power, strength)
: T ;valour: King
Naung became a person with ( ~ having) valour.;chrabrost:
Krl Nau se stal osobou s ( ~ majc) chrabrost.;writ.
T ;valour: (He) also promoted heroes who had
valour.;chrabrost: Tak povyoval hrdiny, kte mli
;police station (police place);policejn stanice (policejn
;castle (brave building);hrad (staten budova);n.

;brave, be daring, be denotes courage police indicates TT
courage;policie zna odvahu troufal, bt staten, bt;I
T ;brave one: As it was not
(or) suffv. (or) suffn. adj. (or) n.
possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had

certainty in interrogative sentence of (also for

vehicles, modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people
inanimate nouns) of indicates present or past tense for
sure surely for real;opravdu zna ptomn i minul as of other countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering
(and) attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;hrdina:
zna genitiv (tak u neiv. pod. jm.) jist zna jistotu v
Jeliko nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad),
tzac vt zna genitiv, druh pd s. jazyka skuten
vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~
z;suff. prep. (or) suff. (or) suff. adv.
;for real: Are (you) happy (for real)?;skuten: Jsi lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
skuten astn?;inter.
: ;dare: (I) am afraid, not dare to
ask.;troufat si: Bojm se, netroufm si se zeptat.;
: ;for sure: Are (you) healthy, for
sure?;skuten: Jsi skuten zdrav?;inter.
: ;of
(also for inanimate nouns): of this
commentary;zna genitiv (tak u neiv. pod. jm.): tohoto

( );soldier (brave silver);vojk (staten


;brave, be ((be) brave (and) mature) courageous, be

((be) brave (and) mature) daring, be ((be) brave (and)
mature);troufal, bt ((bt) staten (a) dospl) staten,
bt ((bt) staten (a) dospl) odvn, bt ((bt) staten
(a) dospl);I

: ;for sure: How are you? (Are (you) healthy, :

T ;brave: Choosing the brave
for sure?);urit: Jak se m? (Jsi urit zdrav?);inter.
heroes, king Naung organized a great Myanmar army.;staten:
: T ;surely: Are you (surely)
happy staying in Burma (country)?;opravdu: Jste (opravdu) Vbrem statench hrdin krl Nau zorganizoval velikou
Myanmarskou armdu.;p.s. writ.
astn, e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
( );policeman (has status (of)
: T ;brave: (I) happened to be
wanting life (where) is no courage to search.;odvaha: Stalo se, police) cop (EN col., has status (of) police);policejn
strnk (m status policie) policajt (CZ col., m status
e chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.
: T ;of: fifty-five minutes of the
;month (of calender and of space);msc (kalendn i
sixty minutes;z: padest pt minut z edesti (minut);
: ;policeman: The
policeman is taking care of the traffic.;policajt: Policajt se star (-): ;month (-): My birthday is in
April.;msc (-): Mm narozeniny v dubnu. (Mj den narozen
o (silnin) dopravu.;cont.
(je) v dubnu.);pol. uw.
: ;policeman: Who is over
there? Those are just policemen.;policajt: Kdo je tmhle? Hele, : ;year ( ~ "month): half of a year;rok ( ~ "msc): pl
to jsou jen policajti.;col.
: ;month: My baby is 15
: ;from:

ven. Sarana from Czech;z: ct.

months old. (My baby's age (is) 15 months.);msc: Moje


miminko m 15 msc. (Vk mho miminka (je) 15 msc.); weight ( ~ lightness).;kabelka: (Ta) slena nos lehkou kabelku
( ~ kabelku mal lehkosti);
: ;month: (It) has already been ten
months.;msc: U je to deset msc.;p.p.

: ;month: At night (time) the month

is shining.;msc: V noci svt msc.;writ.

( );handbag (bag held (in)

hand);kabelka (taka dren rukou);sg.

: ;handkerchief: Also, don't

: ;month: In one month forget a handkerchief.;kapesnk: Nezapome si i kapesnk.;pol.
(there) can be from 28 (days) to 31 days.;msc: Jeden msc ( );handkerchief (scarf held (in)
me mt 28 a 31 dn. (V jednom msci me bt od 28 dn hand);kapesnk (krtk tek dren (v) ruce);sg.
do 31 dn.);
( );bracelet (bents (around) hand)
: ;month: Today is 21st
bangle (bents (around) hand);etzek (na zpst ruky,
(day) of February (month), 1987.;msc: Dnes je (den) 21. ohb-se (okolo) ruky) nramek (ohb-se (okolo)
(msce) nora 1987.;
: ;month: May (May month);msc: kvten (kvten

( );wrist (wears bracelet);zpst (nos


: ( ~ - )
;month: As for coming (part (of) July
( ~ 7(th) month), (I) may arrive.;msc: Co se te
nadchzejc (sti) ervence ( ~ 7(.) msce), mon
pijedu.;fut. col.


( );month;msc (v roce);sg.
;new moon (hidden moon);nov (schovan

;accept (take (by) hand);pijmout (vzt rukou);T

T ;accept: (He) reluctantly accepts, that
I stay in Sri Lanka.;pijmout: Neochotn pijm, e jsem na Sr
: T ;accept:
(I) accept the second column as the first column.;pijmout:
Pijmu druh sloupec za ( ~ "jakoto) prvn sloupec.;writ.

: T ;new moon: (I)

observe the Uposatha sla on full moon (day) (and) new moon : ;accept: (Come on,) accept!;pijmout: (No
(day).;nov: Dodruji upsatha slu na (den) plku (i) na (den) tak,) pijmi!;col. imper. pol.
: ;hand: two hands put T ;accept: It is generally accepted
on the head;ruka: dv ruce poloen na hlav;n.
that the commentaries appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's
: T T
time.;pijmout: Veobecn se pijm, e komente se objevily
;hand: He gave ( ~ will give) food bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.
(and) drink to the people by (his) right hand.;ruka: Dval ( ~
: T () T

d) lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s. writ.
;accept: It is accepted
: T ;hands: You
have two hands (and) two legs.;ruce: M dv ruce (a) dv

by some philosophers, that the (great) Pi Ahakath were

certainly translated.;pijmout: Nktermi filosofy je pijato, e
Pi Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.

( );hand;ruka;sg. (one, pair)

;lightning, go (flash abruptly goes bright)

flash, go (flash abruptly goes bright);blesk, prochzet
(blesk neoekvan jde zc);I.

( );hand;ruka;sg.
( );hand;ruka;sg.
( );hand;ruka;sg.
;mobile phone: The man in the shop is selling
mobile phones.;mobiln telefn: Ten mu v obchod prodv
mobiln telefny.;cont.

: ;lightning, go:
Over the town there goes a lightning.;blesk, prochzet: Nad
mstem prochz blesk.;

T ;lightning (flash abruptly goes bright

{nouner}) flash (flash abruptly goes bright
: T ;mobile {nouner});blesk (blesk neoekvan jde zc
phone: (He) is dialing a phone number on ( ~ by) the mobile {jmenec});n.
;give up (put-down (the) hand);vzdt se (snit
phone.;mobiln telefn: Vyt (telefonn) slo na mobilnm
( );mobile phone (phone held (in) hand)
phone, mobile (phone held (in) hand) mobile phone
(phone (to) hold (in) hand) hand phone (phone held (in)
hand);mobiln telefn (telefn (k) dren (v) ruce) mobiln
telefn (telefn dren (v) ruce) telefn, mobiln (telefn
dren (v) ruce);sg.

: ;finger: finger tips;prst: koneky


;handbag: The woman carries a hand bag of little

; obtain (have (by) getting (and) receiving (by)

hand) receive (have (by) getting (and) receiving (by)


( );finger (hand's stick);prst (klack

( );finger (hand's stick);prst (u ruky, klack

hand) get (have (by) getting (and) receiving (by) hand)

receive (accept, take (and) have);obdret (mt branm (a)
dostnm rukou) dostat (pijmout, vzt (a) mt) dostat
(mt branm (a) dostnm rukou) pijmout (dostat, mt
branm (a) dostnm rukou);I

(of a personality) time (of a personality);vlda (obdob koho)

ra (ohledn osoby) doba (ohledn osoby) obdob (ohledn


;receive: Have ;reign (period of): During the reign of Anawyatha
: ( )
you received my message?;dostat: Dostal jsi mou zprvu?;inter. king in the Pagan period, four heroes, (namely) Kyansittha,
Ngalttwayyu, Ngaloun Letpheh and Nyaung Oo Phi, became
;receive: the received
prominent.;vlda (obdob koho): Bhem vldy krle Anojaty v
letters;pijmout: pijat dopisy;
obdob Paganskm se stali tyi hrdinov, (tj.) ansit, ,
: () ()
Ndvej, Nlou Leph a au Ph prominentnmi.;p.s. writ.
;receive: The woman is receiving a fax right
now.;pijmat: (Ta) ena prv te pijm fax ( ~ faxovou

: T
;reign: During the reign of king Naung, Myanmar
: ;ring: This ring is made of
became ( ~ came to become) a united and strong
gold.;prsten: Tento prsten je (udlan) ze zlata.;col.
country.;vlda: Za vldy krle Nauna se Myanmarsk stt stal
: ;ring: This ring is
sjednocenou a silnou zem.;p.s. writ.
beautiful.;prsten: Tento prsten je krsn.;writ.

( );ring (pull (on) hand);prsten (nathnout
T ;reign ( ~
(na) ruku);sg.
period of): It took place during the king Abhaya's reign, during
( );briefcase (bag dragged (by) hand)
writing down the Tipiaka together with the commentaries.;vlda
suitcase (bag dragged (by) hand);kufr (taka taen
( ~ obdob koho): Stalo se to bhem vldy krle Abhaya,
rukou) diplomatka (kufr, taka taen rukou);sg.
bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s komenti.;p.s. writ.
( );present (to give, hand carries);drek (k
darovn, ruka nos);sg.

;point finger (prick (by) index-finger);ukzat

prstem (pchnout ukazovkem);T

;marry (get married, add hand) marry (get

married, add hand);oenit se (pidat ruku) vdt se
(pidat ruku);T

T;point finger (prick (by) index-finger (and)
show);ukzat prstem (pchnout ukazovkem (a) ukzat);T ;marry: It is said, that even though, as
the daughter loved Nga Nyo very much, (he) let them to get
T ;point finger: The girl is pointing finger to married.;vzt se: k se, e i pesto, ponvad (jeho) dcera
((and) showing) her (elder) brother.;ukazovat prstem: Dve byla do a o moc zamilovan, svolil aby se vzali.;
ukazuje prstem na svho (starho) bratra.;cont.

;hand (one leaf (of) hand);ruka (jeden list

: T
;hand: (He) places one hand on another
(hand).;dla: Pokld jednu ruku na druhou (ruku).;
;grasp (inside hands) hands (inside hands)
clutches (inside hands);uchopen (v rukou) spry (v
rukou) ruce (v rukou);n.

;married, be: (We) lived like if married, though
(we) were not married.;svoji, bt: ili jsme jako kdybychom byli
svoji, pestoe jsme nebyli svoji.;p.s. pol.
;married, get (get adding hand);vdt se (vzt
pidn ruky) oenit se (vzt pidn ruky) svoji, bt
(manel s manelkou, vzt pidn ruky);T
( );ring, wedding (pull (on) hand (for)
marriage) wedding ring (pull (on) hand (for)
marriage);prsten, svatebn (nathnout (na) ruku (k) svatb)
svatebn prsten (nathnout (na) ruku (k) svatb);sg.

;experience (hand meets) practical (meets

hand);zkuenost (ruka potkv) praktick (setkv-se (s)
( );director's assistent
rukou);n. (or) adj.
(supporting hand (of) leader (to) direct (and) be-listened
: ;experience: (He)
{nouner});editele, asistent (pomocn ruka vedoucho
strives (for) real (experience).;zkuenost: Skuten usiluje.
(kter) ukaje-smr (a) je-poslouchn {jmenec});sg.
(Usiluje o skutenou zkuenost.);
;grasp (inside hands) hands (inside hands)
clutches (inside hands);uchopen (v rukou) spry (v
;present: In the present life there
rukou) ruce (v rukou);n.
are also (things) that men cannot do themselves.;ptomnost: V
ptomnosti jsou tak (vci), kter si mui nemohou udlat

(T)( );laptop;laptop;sg. E. laptop T ;weapon: As it was not
possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had
( );laptop;laptop;sg. E. laptop
vehicles, modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people
;period (era, of a personality) reign (period of) era


of other countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering ;ticket: This ticket is valid for one month.;lstek:
(and) attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;zbra:
Tento lstek m platnost jeden msc.;
Jeliko nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), : ;certificate: (He) obtained the
vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ certificate.;certifikt: Obdrel certifikt.;
lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
( );certificate (hand sign);certifikt (run
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.

( );arms (weapons, black (in) hand) weapon ( );ticket office (hand sign office);prodejna
(black (in) hand);zbra (ern (v) ruce) zbran (ern jzdenek (nebo letenek atd., kancel runho znamen)
(v) ruce);n. (or) sg.
vdejna jzdenek (nebo letenek atd., kancel runho
( );flashlight (fire element (to)
press (in) hand) torch (flashlight, fire element (to) press : ;arm:
(in) hand);svtilna (do ruky, element ohn (k) makn (v) Because my arm hurts ( ~ is hurting), (I) am not very
ruce) baterka (svtilna, element ohn (k) makn (v)
healthy.;pae: Protoe m bol pae, nejsem moc zdrav.;um.
ruce);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
: T ;arm:
: ()
;hand, by (with hand): Regrettably, these essays
must be written by ( ~ with) hand.;rukou (s rukou): esej, tyto
eseje mus bt napsny (s) rukou.;col.

(He) shows head put on arms.;pae: Ukazuje hlavu poloenou

na pach.;

( );watch, wrist (hand encircling

clock);hodinky (ruku obklopujc hodiny);sg.


(T)( );laptop;laptop;sg. E. laptopcomputer

( );arm (hand (and) arm) hand (hand (and)

arm);ruka (ruka (a) pae) pae (ruka (a) pae);sg.
: ;level: somebody's
level;rove: n rove;

( );level (of someone, hand quality);rove (n,

;tea (juice (of) hand(picked) leaves) tea
kvalita ruky);sg.
(beverage, tea leave's juice);aj (dus (z) run(natrhanch) ;level, be at a different (hand quality (is)
list) aj (npoj, dus ajovch list);n.
different);rovni, bt na jin (kvalita ruky (je) odlin);I
: ;coffee bar: But a ;level, be of same (hand quality (is) same);rovni,
coffee bar is (here).;kavrna: Ale kavrna (tu) je.;
bt na stejn (kvalita ruky (je) stejn);I
;plain tea (beverage, rough tea leave's
juice) tea, plain (beverage, rough tea leave's juice);aj,
pouze (tj. bez mlka, hrub dus (z) ajovch list)
pouze aj (tj. bez mlka, hrub dus (z) ajovch list);n.


T ;elite: As it was not possible
;coffee bar (tea shop) caf (tea
to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had vehicles,
shop);kavrna (obchod aje) caf (obchod aje);n.
modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people of other
( );teaspoon (tea spoon);kvov
countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering (and)
lika (ajov lce);sg.
attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;elita: Jeliko
( );palm (hand's palm);dla (dla ruky);sg.
nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad),
;decline (not take (to) hand) refuse (not take (by) vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~
hand);odmtnout (nevzt rukou) odmtnout (nevzt (do) lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
: ;refuse: However,
;selected, those who were (line selected (by)
Kyansittha actually refused.;odmtnout: Avak ansit, vskutku, hand) elite (line selected (by) hand);vybran, ti co byli
(ada vybran rukou) elita (ada vybran rukou);n.
;hands of, from;z rukou (koho);prep.
: ;hands
of, from: (He) tried to rescue king Saw Lu from hands of
enemies.;rukou, z: Snail se zachrnit krle S L z rukou
;signature (hand sign);podpis (run znak);n.

;present, be (have (at) hand);ptomn, bt (mt (pi)

: () ()
( ~ )
;present life: (You) meditate in your present
life, in (your) present environment (and) in (your) present
society.;ptomn ivot: Medituje ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve
(svm) ptomnm prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn

: T
() ;signature: (Father)
himself signed ( ~ "signed signature) on a piece of paper so
that I can become monk.;podpis: (Otect) sm se podepsal ( ~ :
"podepsal podpis) na kousek papru, abych se (tak) mohl stt ;right now: Right now (he) is sentenced to 15
and a half years imprisonment in the Moun village's
prison.;prv te: Prv te je odsouzen k 15 a pl roku
: ( ~ )


(trestu) vzen ve vznici vesnice Moun.;pol.


;present life life, present;ivot, ptomn ptomn


;bright, be clear, be;jasn, bt svtl, bt;I

T;in writing (by hand writing style);psemn

(psemnou cestou, formou runho psan) psemn
(formou runho psan);adv.

;salary earnings;vdlek plat;n.

;trigger (hand moves);spou (spou, ruka (se)

hbe) kohoutek (spou, ruka (se) hbe);n.
( );beginner (hand-learning) beginner
(hand learner);zatenk (run uenec) zatenk
(run se uc);sg.
;nail (of a finger): (He) stuck a needle between nails
and while hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;nehet:
Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem,
testoval (je).;writ.
( );nail (of a finger, hand's strong(part));nehet
(prstu ruky, siln(st) ruky);sg.

;husband (and) wife );manel (a) manelka );n.

;function rotate visit work (about machines) work
(especially about machines) spin;pracovat (o strojch)
navtvit pracovat (zejmna o strojch) fungovat otet se
rotovat;I (or) T
;also;tak ani;conj. (or) suff. writ.
- ;and also as well as not only .. but also;nejen ..
ale i a navc a tak a zrove;suff. conj.
- -:
;as well as: An animal may be bigger than
human as well as (it) can be smaller.;a tak: Zve me bt
vt ne lovk a tak me bt men.;
: ;also: It is not
wrong, it is not right also.;ani: Nen to patn, nen to ani

( ) [l.d:];nail, finger (finger (is) strong);nehet :

;talk ( ~ "borrow): After

(prst (je) siln);sg.
that let's have a talk. (When that finishes, let's borrow (and)
( ) [l.d:khw~];nail, finger (husk (of) strong take (the) time, ok?);povdat si ( ~ "pjit si): Pak si
finger);nehet (slupka silnho prstu);sg.
popovdme. (Kdy to skon, pojme si pjit (a) vzt as,
: T
ano?);inter. pol.
;gloves: Because the woman will do the laundry, : ;also: also this;tak: tak toto;writ.
(she) is wearing blue gloves.;rukavice: Protoe se (ta) ena
;neck (deaf neck);krk (hluch krk);n.
bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr rukavice.;
;work (function, about machines, spins (and) wraps)
( );glove (bag (for) hand);rukavice
function (spins (and) wraps);pracovat (fungovat, o strojch,
(taka (pro) ruku);sg. (pair, one)
ot-se (a) bal) fungovat (ot-se (a) bal);T
;subordinate (taken under hand);podzen
: ;visit: He will visit
(vzat pod ruku);n.
me for seven days. ((He) will visit to me seven
: T
;subordination: The
Myanmar country has in the year 1889 fell ((and) came)into
the state of English subordination.;podzenost: Zem
Myanmaru v roce 1889 upadla ((a) pila) do stavu anglick
podzenosti.;p.s. writ.

days.);navtvit: Navtv m na sedm dn. (Bude m ke m

navtvovat sedm dn.);fut.

;salary;plat;n. writ.

;fresh, bt;erstv, bt;I

;bright, be light, be clear, be;svtl, bt jasn, bt (o

svtle) ziv, bt (o svtle);I un.
;link;napojen odkaz;n. E. link
: ;light: Sir, I am aunt of this
extinguished light.;svtlo: Pane, (j) jsem teta tohohle
uhaenho svtla.;pol. idi.
;adequate: If many flowers become colorful
(and) adequate, the spring has come.;pimen: Pokud se
(stalo) mnoho kvtin barevnmi (a) pimenmi, pilo
: ;guy (husband): First search (for) a guy.
(EN col.);manel: Nejdv si najdi chlapa. (CZ col.);
( );guy (EN col., husband) husband
(contemptuous, (is) sufficient) carl (EN col.,
husband);muskej (CZ col., manel) manel (pohrdav,
sta) chlap (CZ col., manel);sg.
( );Linux (system);Linux (systm);name E.

;indicates emphasis fresh, be;erstv, bt zna

zdraznn;I (or) suff.
: ;middle: middle son;stedn: stedn syn (ze
: ;fresh: May (you) be happy (and)
fresh.;erstv: K (jsi) astn (a) erstv.;w.
;ready, be fully (fresh (and) new) fresh, be (fresh
(and) new);pipraven, bt zcela (erstv (a) nov) erstv,
bt (erstv (a) nov);I
: ;ready, be fully ( ~
"fresh, be): Now I am completely ready ( ~ "fresh) to
learn.;pipraven, bt zcela ( ~ "erstv, bt): Te jsem zcela
pipraven ( ~ "erstv) k uen.;
();London (town of Great Britain);Londn (msto Velk
T ;full moon (full moon);plnk (pln msc);n.
T : T T T ;white: When
the moon is pure white (and) perfectly round, it is full moon
(day).;bl: Kdy je msc ist bl (a) zcela kulat, (pak) je
(den) plku.;writ.
T : T ;full moon: (I) observe


the Uposatha sla on full moon (day) (and) new moon

(day).;plnk: Dodruji upsatha slu na (den) plku (i) na
(den) novu.;Bh.
T ;full moon day (day (of) full moon);plnk (den
plnho msce);n.
;month (parth (of) month);msc (st msce);n.

vst (nasmrovat, ukazovat cestu) nasmrovn (ukazuje

cestu);T (or) n.
: ;direct: Tell me how to do it.
(Give method (and) give direction.);nasmrovn: ekni mi,
jak to mm udlat. (Dej zpsob (a) dej nasmrovn.);imper.

: ;month: January (first month part);msc:

leden (prvn msc st);

;instruct show way (also as idiom);instruovat

ukzat cestu (tak jako idiom);T

;vacant;voln (neobsazen), bt;I

- ;guidance under sb. (path showing,

under);veden pod (km, cestu ukazovn, pod);n.

: ;laptop: Also, (my) laptop

got broken.;laptop: Tak, (mj) laptop se (mi) rozbil.;sg. pol.
(T)( );laptop;laptop;sg. E. laptopcomputer
: ;way: Sorry, I don't know the
way.;cesta: Omluvte m, neznm to tady. (Protoe j cestu
neznm.);pol. um.

T;guide (show way);provdt (vodit, ukazovat

T: T ;guide: She wants to be a
guide. ((She) wants to do work (of) guiding);provdt (vodit):
Chce bt prvodce. (Chce dlat prci provzen.);

: T ;way: According to this map, this ;sidewalk: We build stages over sidewalks and
way is correct.;cesta: Podle tto mapy je tato cesta sprvn.; dancing groups dance on these stages.;chodnk (postrann
cesta): Stavme pdia nad chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami)
: ;way: Go this way straight
a tanen skupiny na nich tancuj.;pol.
ahead.;cesta: Jdi tudy ( ~ touto cestou) pmo (za
T ;cross a path (cross from way);pejt (pes) cestu
(pejt z cesty);T
: T

T : T T
;cross a path: At the journey back (he) went past
and attacked the group of Hanthawadi troops while they were
crossing a path..;pejt (pes) cestu: Na cest zptky je
: ;street: nsledoval a zatoil na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy
pechzeli pes cestu.;writ.
On the streets of every town can be seen the water ;way: According to ( ~ in) what the Lord
Buddha said, there are three ways for making merit.;zpsob:
Dle toho, co ( ~ v) Pn Buddha ekl, jsou ti zpsoby dln

playing.;ulice: Na ulicch kadho msta je mono spatit hran : ;street lamp: At night the
street lamps light.;poulin lampy: V noci svt poulin lampy.;
s vodou.;pol.
( );lamp, street (street fire);lampa, poulin
: T;way: May the way of
going, just like the coming way, be straight.;cesta: K je cesta (poulin ohe);sg.
odchodu, stejn jako cesta pchodu, pm.;w. pol.

: ;road: I live in Anoyatha

road.;ulice: iji v ulici Anoyatha.;
: T ;street: The woman crosses
over the street.;cesta: (Ta) pan pechz pes ulici.;writ.
: ;way: The man asks for
direction ( ~ way).;cesta: Pn se pt na cestu.;cont.
( );path street way;ulice cesta;sg.
( );path street way road;ulice
;intersection (way splitting) crossroad (way
splitting);kiovatka (cesty roztpen) rozcest (cesty
: ;intersection:
After the third intersection turn left.;kiovatka: Po tet
kiovatce zato do leva.;imper. pol.
( );crossroad (streets meet, streets
fork);kiovatka (ulice se-setkvaj, ulice se-vtv);sg.
;direct (point-out (the) way) guide (direct (the)
way) guide (directs (the) way) direction (directs (the)
way);veden (nasmrovn, ukazuje cestu) smr, ukzat
(poukzat-na cestu) nasmrovat (poukzat-na cestu)


;walk: The boy is walking with his
friend.;prochzet se: Chlapec se prochz se svm

;walk (walk (on) street);prochzet se (chodit

(po) ulici) prochzet se (prochzet-se (po) ulici) chodit
(prochzet-se (po) ulici);T
[la~ au];go (walk the path) walk (walk the
path);prochzet se (chodit (po) cest) chodit (chodit (po)
;walk: I have to walk about 10 minutes
from the bus stop to my house.;jt: Musm jt asi 10 minut z
autobusov zastvky do svho domu.;col. pol. um.
: T T ;walk: He walks
fast.;jt: (On) jde rychle.;
T ;cankamana (developings (of)
Dhamma by walking path {nouner}) walking meditation
(developings (of) Dhamma by walking path {nouner})
meditation, walking (developings (of) Dhamma by walking
path {nouner});meditace v chzi (rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy
skrze chozen (po) stezce {jmenec}) ankamana
(rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy skrze chozen (po) stezce

{jmenec}) chzi, meditace v (rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy

skrze chozen (po) stezce {jmenec});n.

;when (as condition) if;jestli pokud kdy;conj. writ. (or)


;meditation, walking (meditation while

walking path) cankamana (meditation while walking
path);meditace v chzi (meditovn bhem chozen (po)
cest) ankamana (meditovn bhem chozen (po)
cest);n. P. bhvan (= meditation)

: T T ;if (+
(is) said): If the elephant is (said (to be)) of grey color, there
is a chance, (that it is) a real elephant.;pokud (+ (je) eeno):
Pokud je (ten) slon (en (bt)) ed barvy, (pak) je ance,
(e je to) skuten slon.;

;walking meditation (meditation while ;spill;rozlt se;I

walking path);chze, meditace (meditovn bhem chozen ;electronic (shining (and) true);elektronick (ziv (a)
(po) cest);n. P. bhvan (= meditation)
;field medium, be middle, be;prostedn, bt pole
( );bulb (shining (and) true fire
stedn, bt;I (or) sg.
wheel);rovka (ziv (a) pravdiv ohniv kolo);sg.
( );paddy field field, paddy;rov pole pole,

;field, paddy (field, open-field) paddy field (field,

open-field);rov pole (pole, oteven-pole) pole, rov
(pole, oteven-pole);n.
( );field, paddy (field (of) paddy-field);pole,
rov (pole rovho-pole);sg.
;plough (till (at) field);orat (orat (na) poli);T
;plough: It is said, that at that time Nga Nyo,
having ploughed, while resting for a while, (he) was reading
(writings).;orat: k se, e v tu dobu a o po tom, co zoral,
chvilku odpoval, piem etl (psan).;cont.

: ;tongue: tongue of a dog;jazyk: jazyk
njakho psa;
: ( ) () ;tongue: (I) move
(my) tongue a little in the mouth.;jazyk: Pohnu trochu jazykem v
( );tongue;jazyk;sg.
(WS. from );warm, be (fervent, scoop (and)
recline);vrouc, bt (nabrat (a) lehat-si);T WS.
( ) [hly.hw. (or) .hw.];secret, be;tajn, bt;I

: TT
;secret: You are the first person to who I reveal
( );peasant (proficient (on) field) farmer my secrets.;tajemstv: Jsi prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv
(proficient (on) field);farm (zdatn (na) poli)
zemdlec (zdatn (na) poli);sg.
( ) [hly.hw. (or) .hw.];secret;tajemstv;I
;slim, be;huben, bt;I

;indicates instrumental lick by;zna instrumentl s

lzat;suff. (or) pow. (or) T

( ) [hly.hw. (or) .hw.];secret;tajemstv;I

;calm down (down) decrease (price etc.) decrease

lessen;snit (cenu atd.) zmenit snit uklidnit se

: ;indicates instrumental: respectfully (at the

end of a letter);zna instrumentl: uctiv (na konci dopisu);adv. : ;calm
;at first;nejprve zprvu nejdve (zprvu);adv.
down (down: (One) should not put (much) pressure on (one's)
: T T ;at first: Indeed, at first
mind. Having (calmed) down, one should be in peace.;uklidnit
(the) rabbit runs quickly.;zprvu: Vskutku, zprvu krlk bel
se ( ~ snit): Nemlo by se na mysl moc tlait. Uklidnnm
( ~ snenm) je teba bt klidn.;col.
T :
: ;decrease: One kyat (I) can
T ;quickly: May (you) be able to
decrease. (As for one kyat, (it) is alright to decrease (so
overcome whatever difficulties and may (you) be able to strive much).);zlevnit ( ~ "snit): O jeden iat zlevnit mu. (Co se
quickly for advancement towards (your) goal.;rychle: K jsi
te jednoho iatu, je v podku (tolik) snit.);
schopn pekonat jakkoliv tkosti a k jsi schopn rychle
: ;decrease (price): Indeed,
usilovat o pokrok za (svm) clem.;w. pol.
(I) cannot decrease (the price) (any more) more than
T ;quickly (fast (and) quick {adv.});rychle (rychl (a)
rychl {adv.});adv.
T T ;active knowledge (quick (and) quickly
knowing);aktivn znalost (rychl (a) rychle vdn);n.
;in case if (if) if;kdyby jestli(e) v ppad e
(jestli);suff. conj.
;indicates pointing at sb. should be;ml by bt zna
ukazovn na nkoho;suff.
: ;should be: (You) should be
thankful.;ml by bt: Ml bys bt vdn.;imper. pol.

this.;zlevnit (cenu, ~ "snit): Vskutku, vce ne tolik ji nemohu

zlevnit ( ~ "snit).;col.
: ;decrease: (I) cannot decrease
this much. (may be said by a taxidriver when they are not
satisfied with proposed amount of money to be paid);snit:
Tolik snit nemohu. (me bt eeno taxikem, pokud nen
spokojen s navrhnutm mnostvm penz k zaplacen);pol. col.
: ;decrease: How much will (you)
decrease?;slevit ( ~ "snit): Na kolik slevte? (Kolik
snte?);inter. col.
: ;decrease (price): Please, decrease (the


price).;snit (cenu): Prosm, snite (tu cenu).;imper. pol.

snit);adv. col. (or) T

: ;decrease (price): Please, would (you)

decrease (the price)?;slevit ( ~ "snit (cenu)): Prosm, slevil
byste? (Snil byste?);inter. pol.

; relieving (relaxation, slacken (and) lighten {nouner})

relaxation (slacken (and) lighten {nouner});uvolovn
(uvolovat (a) ulehovat {jmenec}) relaxace (uvolovat (a)
ulehovat {jmenec});n.

: ;decrease (price): (Price) is

decreased as much as possible.;zlevnit ( ~ "snit): Je to
zlevnn ( ~ "snen) jak jen je mon.;col.
;address (a superior person, king or monk) say (to a
king or monk) speak (to monks or kings) tell (to a king or
monk);ci (krli nebo mnichovi) oslovit (osobu vyho
postaven, krle i mnicha) sdlit (ci, krli nebo mnichovi)
mluvit (ke krlm nebo mnichm);T
: TT ;walk: (He) walks
slowly.;chodit: Chod pomalu.;cont.
;tell (to
king): It is said, that because of that, they told (to the king),
that Nga Nyo may know.;ci (krli): k se, e (prv) proto
ekli (krlovi), e a o by mohl vdt.;

;clear, be;jasn, bt;I

: ( ~
);clear, be: It is clear, that it is very good.;jasn,
bt: Je jasn, e je to velice dobr.;pol. col.
;free, be;voln, bt;I
: ;empty, be p.p.: The glass
: ( ~ );empty: The glass is
( ~ went) empty.;przdn: Sklenice je ( ~ odela)
: ;free: There are free
rooms available in the hotel.;dostupn: V hotelu jsou
(dostupn) przdn pokoje.;

: ;talk to (a king): T ;release (sb., make-free (and) attain) release

As Nga Nyo met the king, he spoke this.;promluvit (ke krli):
(prisoners, achieve freedom);pustit (vzn, doshnout
Kdy se a o setkal s krlem, tak k nmu takto promluvil.;
svobody) osvobodit (nkoho, uvolnit (a) doshnout);T
();tell (to a monk) convey (a message to a
monk);ci (mnichovi) sdlit (zprvu mnichovi);T

;talk to (a king or monk, talk (and) place-on)

approach (a king or monk, talk (and) place-on);pistoupit k
(krli i mnichovi, mluvit (a) pokldat) mluvit k (krli i
mnichovi, mluvit (a) pokldat);T
: T ;address (a
monk): (It) is proper to address (you) with respect.;oslovovat
(mnicha): Je sprvn (t) oslovovat s respektem.;pol.
: ;tell: I have (already) told
you, indeed. (said to a monk);ci: Ji jsem ti, vskutku, ekl.
(eeno mnichovi);pol. utmn.
;tell (tell, fix (and) give);ci (ci, upevnit (a)
dt);T utmn.
: ;tell:
(I) will tell (and give) (you) as much as (I) know.;ci: eknu
(ti) kolik vm.;fut. pol. utmn.

T : T ;release: to release
(them) from the low life;osvobodit: aby (je) osvobodili z nzkho
T ;release (of prisoners, achieve freedom
{nouner});pustit (vzn, doshnout svobody {jmenec});T
;independent, be (be-empty (and) missing);nezvisl
(bt-przdn (a) chybjc);I
: ;freely: (You)
can discuss, (you) can ask freely (and) closely.;voln: Me
voln a blzce diskutovat (a) ptt se.;pol.
;independence (political, be-free (and) vacant
{nouner}) independence (state (of) being-empty (and)
missing);nezvislost (politick, bt-voln (a) przdn
{jmenec}) nezvislost (stav przdnoty (a) chybn);n.

: T
;independence (political): Since then the
;application (form, speak astutely) petition (speak Myanmar citizens, unceasingly participating in the opposing
astutely);petice (mluvit byste) dost (formul, mluvit
strikes against the English government, demanded
independence.;nezvislost (politick): Od t doby se
: T ;application (form): (I) Myanmart obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek
am filling application form for work.;dost (formul): Vypluji proti anglick vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol.
dost o prci.;cont.
;decrease (decrease (to be) little) lessen
(decrease (to be) little);zmenit (snit (aby bylo) mlo)
snit (snit (aby bylo) mlo);T

; out of mind, be (have go free

{nouner});mimo, bt (o mentlnm stavu, mt jt voln

;wash clean;prt (istit) istit;T

: ;wash: He is washing clothes.;prt: ;out of mind, be: As for this, sometimes
(I am) out of (my) mind.;mimo, bt: Co se te tohoto, nkdy
(On) pere prdlo.;cont.
jsem mimo.;col.
;lessen decrease;snit zmenit;T
;only (loose method) just (loose method)
deliberately (loose method) decrease (lessen (and)
decrease);jenom (uvolnn zpsob) prost (uvolnn
zpsob) mysln (uvolnn zpsob) snit (zmenit (a)


;beyond, go exceed too much transgress medicine, a

kind of;pli jt za hranice peshnout lku, druh
pekroit;I (or) adv. (or) T (or) n.
;enormous excessive very indicates exessiveness

great so much too much;obrovsk tak moc ohromn

zna nadmrnost nadmrn pli moc velmi;adv. rare.
(or) suff. adv. (or) suff. adj. (or) adj.
: ;so much: Because I am
so much sad, (I) want to cry.;tak moc: Protoe jsem tak moc
smutn, chce se mi breet ( ~ plakat).;

bag);ansk taka (lehk taka) kabelka (lehk taka);sg.

;liberate let go excessively release extremely free,
set;extrm nadmrn nechat jt vypustit uvolnit
osvobodit;adv. col. (or) T
: ;extremely: (I) am extremely
happy.;extrm: Jsem extrm astn.;

: ;too (much): This book is too much ;fall (from hands, get-free (and) fall) drop (from
difficult.;pli (moc): Tato kniha je pli nron.;
hands, get-free (and) fall);vypadnout (z rukou, uvolnit-se (a)
padat) upustit (z rukou, uvolnit-se (a) padat);I
;so much: The statue was thus created as (he) so : ;drop: The dropped
much loved his queen, who died at the place.;moc, tak: Ta
glass jug did not get broken.;upustit: Uputn sklenn
socha byla takto vytvoena, protoe tolik moc miloval svou
konvice se nerozbila.;
krlovnu, kter na tomto mst zemela.;pol.
: ;release (untie): He

: ;too (many): There

untied ( ~ released) his oxen.;osvobodit (odvzat): Odvzal
are too many students in this class.;pli (mnoho): V tto td ( ~ osvobodil sv vozy.;col.
je pli mnoho student.;
;influence (spread (and) roof {nouner});vliv (rozit (a)
: ;old, be: (It is a) zasteit {jmenec});T
great city that is 900 years old.;star, bt: (Je to) ohromn
: ;floor (storey): the man is in the fifth
msto, kter je star 900 let.;pol.
floor;patro (podla): (ten) pn je v ptm pate;

: ;too much: (It)'s too much, friend.;pli: (To) ( );storey (floor) floor (storey);patro (podla) podla
je pli, pteli.;
;long for (sb.) miss (sb.);touit po (nkom) postrdat
;change track entrust avoid;svit zmnit drhu
(nkoho) chybt (nkomu nkdo) schzet (nkomu nkdo);I vyhnout se;T
(or) T

;divert: (It) may divert.;odchlit: Mohlo by se

: ;miss (sb.): I miss you.;chybt (schzet to odchlit.;

nkomu nkdo): Chyb mi.;col.
;avoid (divert (and) go);vyhbat se (odchlit (a) jt)
: ;miss (sb.): I miss you painfully. ((I)'m
vyhnout se (odchlit (a) jt);T
deeply-touched missing (you).);chybt (nkomu nkdo):
: T ;avoid: (They just) avoid
Bolestiv mi chyb. (Jsem hluboce dotknut (tm, jak mi)
(being caught and) sentenced.;vyhbat se: Vyhbaj se (chycen
a) odsouzen (u soudu).;pol. col.
: ;miss (sb.): (I)'m missing (you) so
much.;chybt (nkomu): Moc (mi) chyb.;col. fr.

;eat (with gusto);jst (s chut);T col.

( );missing sb., one who is (person (of)

missing);chyb, nkdo,,komu nkdo (osoba chybn);sg.

: ( ~ ) ;except:
Except you, everybody knows it.;krom: Krom tebe o tom v

;simple, be easy, be;snadn, bt jednoduch, bt;I

: ;easy: (It) will be no more easy.;snadn:

U to nebude snadn.;
;simple, be (be-easy (and) assisting) simple, be
(easy, be-easy (and) be-assisted) easy, be (be-easy (and)
be-assisted) easy, be (be-easy (and) assisting);jednoduch,
bt (snadn, bt-snadn (a) dostat-pomoc) snadn, bt (btsnadn (a) dostat-pomoc) lehk, bt (bt-snadn (a)
pomocn) jednoduch, bt (bt-snadn (a) pomocn)
snadn, bt (bt-snadn (a) pomocn);I


: T
;balcony: There is a huge balcony on the white
house.;balkn: Na (tom) blm dom je obrovsk balkn.;
( );balcony (carries moon shine);balkn
(nese msn svit);sg.
T ;Open Air Market (market (of) open-space);Open
Airsk Trh (trh prostranstv);name

;indicates emphasis beautiful, be braw, be (beautiful)

attractive, be (beautiful, be) pretty, be much, be (be: ;easy: As for writing, it
pretty) very, be (be-pretty) fine, be;hezk, bt zna
(was) easy.;snadn: Co se te psan, to bylo snadn.;pol.
zdraznn krsn, bt pkn, bt velice, bt (bt-hezk)
;benefit (easiness, be-easy (and) assisting {nouner}) pekrsn, bt pitaliv, bt (krsn, bt) hodn, bt
easiness (be-easy (and) assisting {nouner});prospch
(bt-hezk);I (or) (or) suff.
(jednoduchost, bt-snadn (a) pomocn {jmenec})
: ;much (pretty):
jednoduchost (bt-snadn (a) pomocn {jmenec});I
The rented flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~
;easily effortlessly;snadno lehce;adj.

: ;Shan bag: (I) came to buy

Shan bag.;ansk taka: Pijel jsem koupit si anskou
( );Shan bag (easy bag) handbag (easy

much) noisy.;hodn (hezky): Ten pronajat byt (pokoj),

ponvad je ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.

: ;beautiful: Stairs of this

house are very beautiful.;krsn: Schody tohoto domu jsou


velice krsn.;col.

spread);zametat (zamst (a) rozovat);T

: T ;beautiful: (It) is fine if :

later on (sb.) corrects (it) to be more beautiful.;krsn: (Bude) ;sweep: Today (I) sweep (in) the monastery
dobe, pokud (to) nkdo oprav aby to bylo krsnj ne
compound.;zametat: Dnes zametm kltern dvr ( ~ "v
klternm dvoe).;pol. mn.
: T ;beautiful: Myanmar (country) ;misleading,

be (deceiving, deceive for-sure)

is extremely beautiful.;krsn: Myanmar (zem) je nesmrn misguiding, be (deceiving, deceive for-sure) deceive
(deceive much);zavdjc, bt (podvodn, urit
podvede) zradit (zradit moc) klamn, bt (podvodn,
: ;beautiful: Now (she) is no more
urit podvede);I (or) T
beautiful.;krsn: Te u nen krsn.;pol.

;deceive: He deceived me.;zradit:

: ;beautiful: (It) is extremely beautiful.;krsn: Je :
On m zradil.;
(to) nesmrn krsn.;

;deception (deceive much {nouner});zradit (zradit

: ;beautiful: The two women
are beautiful.;krsn: (Ty) dv eny jsou krsn.;
: ;beautiful, be: (It)'s completely
beautiful.;krsn, bt: Je (to) pln krsn.;
: ;beautiful: May (you) dream beautiful
dreams. (May (you) beautifully dream dreams.);krsn: K
sn krsn sny. (K krsn sn sny.);w. pol.

: () ( ~ )
;taxi driver: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over
there?;taxik: Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.
( );taxi driver (sweeping master);taxik
(mistr (v) zametn);sg. usu.

;go (by taxi, for taxidriver, sweep);jet (taxkem, o


;Hledan Market;Hldnsk Trh;name

: T

;turn: As for me,

(when I) decide, (I) don't even look back ( ~ "turn (and)
look).;otoit se: Co se te m, (kdy j) rozhodnu, nepodvm
se ani zpt ( ~ "otoit (a) podvat).;col.

: ;beautiful: beautiful girlfriend;krsn:

krsn ptelkyn;


) ;go around: As for some, (they) make

groups and go around in big and small cars.;projdt se: A
nkte utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch
autech.;col. pol.

: ;far, be: Call while being far.;daleko, bt:

Bt daleko a volat.;

: ( ~ ) ;beauty:
(It) gives (the-beloved) beauty.;krsa: Dodv (milovanou)

around (in car etc.) go around turn (in talking,

game etc.) borrow (for a short time);projdt se pjit si (na krsu.;col.
krtkou dobu) jezdit (jt) okolo slovo (mt slovo) ada (bt ;beautiful, be (beautiful (and) shining);krsn, bt (krsn
na ad);adv. (or) T
(a) ziv);I

;reach out hang far, be;povsit vsit daleko, bt

doshnout;I (or) T

: T ;hang:
After washing the clothes, (he) hangs the clothes in order to
dry (it).;vsit: Po vyprn obleen, vs ( ~ povj [CZ col.])
: T ;sweep: Early in (to) obleen aby (je) usuil.;
the morning (he) is sweeping ((with) broom).;zametat: Brzy
;ask (be-far (and) ask);zeptat se (bt-daleko (a)
rno zamet (kottem).;cont.
: ;sweep: Early in the
morning (he) is sweeping the rubbish.;zametat: Brzy rno
zamet smet.;cont.

: ;ask: (You) can ask (being

far).;zeptat se: Me se zeptat (jsouce daleko).;pol.

: ( ) ;go (for taxidriver): (I) have (already

some) goings. (may be said by a taxidriver as an excuse for
not giving a lift to customer);jet (o taxiki): U mm (njak)
jedn. (me bt eeno taxikem jakoto omluva za
odmtnut svzt zkaznka);col.

: ;far away: quite far away from ( ~

with) the buffalo.;daleko: Docela daleko od ( ~ s)

T T ;turn (in debate): As for (what) is
planned, as is the custom, (the speakers) will talk (as follows,)
the proposer one turn (and) the defendant one turn. (Each turn
another speaking group will talk.);kolo (ada, v debat): Co se
te naplnovanho, jak je zvykem, (mluv) budou mluvit tak,
e navrhovatel (bude mluvit) jedno kolo (a) vyvrace (tak)
jedno kolo. (Tj. kad kolo bude mluvit ta jin skupina).;pol.


(in debate);kolo (ada, v debat);sg.

[hl:ce~:];sweep (completely, sweep (and)


;distance, in afar far away;daleko v dlce;adv.

;barter exchange;handlovat vymnit (si s);T

;warm, be (fervent, scoop (and) recline);vrouc, bt

(nabrat (a) lehat-si);I
: ;warm, be: (I)
happened to be immeasurably, warmly, fond of the novicemonk.;vrouc, bt: Stalo se, e (jsem) nezmrn, vroucn
spznn s (tm) novicem (mnichem).;pol.
;very much (fervently, scoop (and) recline
{adverber}) extremely (fervently, scoop (and) recline
{adverber}) warmly (fervently, scoop (and) recline
{adverber});nesmrn (nabrat (a) lehat-si {pslovec}) velice

(nabrat (a) lehat-si {pslovec}) vroucn (nabrat (a) lehat-si ;offer food during alms-round (to monks, offer
(and) offer food);darovat jdlo bhem almun obchzky
mnich (mnichm, nabdnout (a) nabdnout jdlo);T Bh. mn.
; welcome (cordially welcome);vtat (srden

;abundant, be;hojn, bt;I un.

( );wave;vlna;sg.

;slice cut up mince chop cut hash (chop);rozkrjet

(na pltky) ezat krjet (na pltky) nakrjet (na pltky)
sekat (na pltky) nasekat (na pltky);T
: ;chop: I am chopping the
carrot.;nasekat: (J) nasekvm mrkev.;cont. um.

: ;stairs: Stairs of this

house are very beautiful.;schody: Schody tohoto domu jsou
velice krsn.;col.
: ;stairs:
The man is going up ( ~ climbing) the stairs.;schody: (Ten)
mu jde ( ~ leze) po schodech.;cont.
( );stairs (boat extension);schody (rozen

( );ship (boat (and) ship);lo (lun (a)

T ;chop cut up slice mince hash (chop);rozkrjet (na lo);sg.
;store away;uloit (mimo);T
pltky) krjet (na pltky) nakrjet (na pltky) sekat (na
;parched (about food);vysuen (o jdle) vyprahl (o
pltky) nasekat (na pltky);T
;encourage (exhort (and) urge) stimulate (exhort
(and) urge) exhort (exhort (and) urge);vyzvat (vyzvat (a)
nalhat) povzbudit (vyzvat (a) nalhat) podntit (vyzvat
(a) nalhat);T

: ;lie: lying pig;leet: lec


;getting, be happen to be indicates change happen to

(come) become happen to ( ~ come) come;dojt k
: ( ) () ;move: (I) move (pijt) stt se pijt k stvat se pihodit se pijt zna
zmnu;I (or) suff. I (or) suff. (or) T
(my) tongue a little in the mouth.;pohnout: Pohnu trochu
;whether whether (as a question) indicates question
jazykem v stech.;
: ;move: live from hand to mouth indicates end of question requiring answer 'yes' or 'no';jestli
(life of movement of mouth from movement of hand);hbat: t jestli(pak) (otzka) zna otzku zna konec otzky na 'ano'
i 'ne' zdali(pak) (otzka);suff. col. (or) suff. (or) suff. col
z ruky do pusy (ivot pohybu st z pohybu ruky);idi.
;move;pohnout hnout;T

;stir (move (to be) rare) active, be (move (to be)

rare) move about (move (to be) rare);aktivn, bt (hbat
(aby bylo) vzcn) mchat (hbat (aby bylo) vzcn)
pohybovat (hbat (aby bylo) vzcn);T

-;whether, or or (question-tag, question-tag);nebo

(tzac-dovtek, tzac-dovtek) zda jestli, nebo jestli;suff.
(or) suff. conj.

-: ;or: Would (you) like

;movement (move (to be) rare {nouner});pohyb (hbat cake or cheese?;nebo: Chtl bys ( ~ m rd) dort nebo
sr?;inter. col.
(aby bylo) vzcn {jmenec});n.
: T ;movement: for -: ;or:
Will you take sausage or french-fries?;nebo: Vezme si prek
the first (time) with movement of hand;pohyb: na poprv (s)
nebo hranolky?;fut. inter.
pohybem ruky;

: ;movement: without any movement -: ;or: Is (it) son or daughter?;nebo:

Je (to) syn nebo dcera?;inter.
at all;pohyb: bez jakhokoliv pohybu ruky (absolutn bez
;or what;nebo co;interj.
vlastnn pohybu);
;maybe ((I) don't know whether);mon (nevm,
;alive and kicking unstable;nestl iv a
;donate (in a religious way) offer (in a religious
way);darovat (nboenskm zpsobem) nabdnout
(nboenskm zpsobem);T
: ;donate: As
for some, (they religiously) donate morning meal (to monks
during alms-round).;darovat: A co se te nkterch, (ti) daruj
rann potravu (mnichm bhem almun obchzky).;pol.

: ;maybe:
Maybe (you) were (my) son in a past (life).;mon: Mon jsi
byl v minulm ivot ( ~ "minulosti) (mm) synem.;
: ;come:: For sure, come (at) half past
eight.;pijet: Opravdu, pijete v pl devt.;imper. pol. col.
: ;come: Come to (by)
the street in front of Kamayut Market.;pijt: Pij na ulici ped
Kamyo trhem.;imper. pol.

: ;offer (sth. to
monks): (I) depend ( ~ "am depending) on the meal offered by : ;become: I understood. (I became
the lay people.;darovat (nco mnichm): Zvism na jdle
understanding.);stt se: Pochopil jsem. (Stal jsem se
darovanm laiky.;pol. ubmn. writ.
: ;donate (in a
religious way): (They) go to monasteries and (religiously) offer
water.;darovat (nboenskm zpsobem): Jdou do klter a
(nboenskm zpsobem) daruj vodu.;pol.

: ;come: Kyi Kyi (Clearly),

you (have) a phone call here. (Kyi Kyi, here a phone comes
(for) you.);pijt: (ist), m telefn(n hovor). ( ,
tady ti pichz telefn.);cont. col.


: ;indicates question: Young sir

Thawda will not come?;zna otzku: Mlad pan Td
: ;indicates question: Are you a female
teacher?;zna otzku: Jste uitelka?;inter. um.
: ;indicates question: Are you Mrs.
Mama?;zna otzku: Jste pan Mama?;inter. pol. um.

from?;bt ( ~ "pichzet): Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter.

: ;come: Where do you come from?;bt
( ~ "pichzet): Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter. col.
: ;come: Where do you come from?;bt
( ~ "pichzet): Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter. col.

: ;indicates question: Does Miss Thida

: ;come: I've come. (also used when getting ready to come?;zna otzku: Pijde slena Td?;inter.
come);pijt: Piel jsem. (tak uito pi pprav k pchodu);col. : ;happen to be: before (it)
: ;come: As happened to be written;stt se: ped tm ne (se stalo, (e))
for (last) Sunday, I came to Kandy (village).;pijet: Co se te (to) bylo napsan;p.s. writ.
(minul) nedle, pijel jsem do (vesnice) Kandy.;pol. um.
: ;come: (I) came to buy Shan
: T T ;become: (It) little by little
becomes small.;stt se: Postn se zmenuje ( ~ "stv-se

bag.;pijet: Pijel jsem koupit si anskou taku.;pol.

: ;go ( ~ "come): Let's go ( ~ "come)!;jt ( ~

"pijt): Pojme! ( ~ "Pijdme!);imper. fr.

: ;ring (come): Telephone is ringing. : ;come: Come!;pijt: Poj!;imper. fr.

(Telephone is coming.);zvonit (pichzet): Telefn zvon.
: ;come: Come (here).;pijt: Pijte.;imper. pol.
(Telefn pichz.);cont. col.
: ;come: (I) have overheard (heard
(and) caught), that (you) will come.;pijt: Zaslechl jsem (slyel
;happen to ( ~ come): Because of
(a) zachytil), e pije.;pol.
these students, the national spirit of the citizens also awakened : ;become: it becomes very clear;stt se:
and happened ( ~ came) to develop.;pijt k: Kvli tmto
stv se velice jasnm;writ.
studentm nrodn duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol.
: ;indicates question: Is he a
student?;zna otzku: Je student?;inter.
: ;come: (I) came to take (some)
photos.;pijet: Pijel jsem fotit.;pol.

: ;come: When did he come?;pijt:

Kdy piel (on)?;inter. col. p.s.

: T ;come: What have you come to : ;getting: He is getting fat.;stvat se: Tloustne.
Burma (country) for ( ~ to do)?;pijet: Kvli emu jsi pijel do (Stv se tlustm.);
Barmy (zem)?;inter.
T ;come: Tell him
: ;come: Where do you come from?;pijt: (that) I cannot come today.;pijt: ekni mu, e dnes nemohu
Odkud pichz?;inter. col.
pijt.;imper. pol. um.
: ;come: What day : ;come: having come to him;pijt: po t, co
(of week) will they come? (They) will come on Thursday.;pijet: (jsem) k nmu piel;p.p.
Kter den (v tdnu) pijedou? Pijedou ve tvrtek.;inter.
: ;come: (I) come from England.;bt ( ~
: ;come: whatever city (you) come
from;pijde: a u pijde z jakhokoliv msta;

"pichzet): Jsem ( ~ "pichzm) z Anglie.;pol.

;happen to (
: ;come: Where do (you) want (me) ~ come): The study of national literature also happened to be
to come (and) take (you)?;pijet: Kde chcete abych pijel (a)
opened.;dojt k: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn
vzal (vs)?;inter. col.
: ;come: Who wants to come?;pijt: Kdo : ;come: (I) came to do ( ~
chce pijt?;inter. col.
"with) business.;pijet: Pijel jsem kvli podnikn. (Pijel jsem
: ;come: (At) want time do (you) s podniknm.);pol.
want (me) to come for sure?;pijet: V kolik hodin chcete, abych : ;come: Have (you) come just for a
opravdu pijel?;inter. col.
visit?;pijet: Pijel jste pouze na nvtvu?;inter.
: ;come: At what time will (you)
: ;come: (I) came only for a visit.;pijet:
come?;pijt: V kolik hodin ( ~ "v jak as) pijde?;inter.
Pijel jsem jen na nvtvu.;pol.

: ;come: At what time should (I)

;come: Floats
: T
come?;pijet: V kolik hodin ( ~ "as) mm pijet?;inter. fut. col. come on these stages (to the place where are the
: ;come: Where are you from,
stages).;pijt: Ploch vozy se pidaj ( ~ pijdou) na tato
Bill? (From which place (you) come, Bill?);pijt: Odkud jsi,
pdia (na msto, kde jsou pdia).;pol.
Bille? (Z jakho msta pichz, Bille?);inter.
: ;come: I came (here) to do work. ((I)
: T ( ~ T come with work.);pijet: Pijel jsem kvli prci. (Pichzm s
);arrive: (I) will wait for ( ~ "until) your answer
arrives.;dorazit: Budu ekat ne tv odpov doraz.;fut.
: ;come: (I) came to do work.;pijet:
: ;come: Where do you come


Pijel jsem dlat prci.;pol.

: ;come: Also, (I) want
everybody to come.;pijt: A tak, chci, aby vichni pili.;pol.

ruliek filmu do fotoapartu a rol toaletnho papru: Kolik

ruliek filmu si vezmete?;inter. fut.
( );turtle;elva;sg.

: T T ;become: : ;address:
This way U Aung Zeyya's power became great.;stt se: Tmto Addresses are written on the papers.;adresa: Adresy jsou
zpsobem se stala moc Aun Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.
napsny na paprech.;
-: ;come from: (I) come from
Czechia.;pochzet z: Pochzm z eska.;col. pol.
;come! (to friends or inferior people);poj! (uito k
ptelm nebo mladm i nim osobm);imper.

;address: The woman is writing an address
on a letter.;adresa: (Ta) ena pe adresu na njak

: ;address: (It) will

: ( ~ - )
;coming: As for coming (part (of) July ( be alright if (you) write this address (and) connect (with
me).;adresa: Bude v podku, kdy si nape tuto adresu a
~ 7(th) month), (I) may arrive.;nadchzejc: Co se te
spoj se (se mnou).;pol.
nadchzejc (sti) ervence ( ~ 7(.) msce), mon
pijedu.;fut. col.
( );address (address (to) write) address (address
(for) writing);adresa (adresa (k) napsn) adresa (adresa
T ;arrive: Hanthawadi troops arrived (pro) psan);sg.
(and) again attacked the Mushopho village.;pijt: Hentvad
vojska pila (a) znovu zatoila na vesnici Mushpho.;writ.

;understand thoroughly (roll, wrap (and)

rotate);pochopit pln (zavinout, zabalit (a) otet);T

;visit (come (and) visit);navtvit (pijt (a) navtvit);T :

T ;understand thoroughly: Because I cannot tell it
: ;visit: Visit (us) later again,
please!;navtvit: Pt (ns) navtiv znovu,prosm!;imper. pol. so that (you) understand thoroughly.;pochopit pln: Protoe to
: ;visit: Come (and) visit (me)!;navtvit: Pij neumm ct tak, abys to pochopil pln.;col. pol. uw.
T;butterfly (blue turtle) spirit (of a person, blue
turtle) consciousness (blue turtle) spirit (of human,
;come (not only once);pijt (ne jen jednou);T
blue turtle);vdom (modr elva) duch (lidsk, modr
: T
;come (not only once): Whenever you come, (you) elva) motl (modr elva) duch (lovka, modr
have to leave quickly somewhere.;pijt (ne jen jednou):
T: T;spirit: modest spirit;duch (lovka): skromn
Kdykoliv pijde, mus rychle nkam jt.;fut. col.
[lei~c<];disrobed, be (for monks, sex falls);disrobovan, duch (lovka);
(a) navtiv (m)!;imper. pol.

bt (o mnich, pohlav pad);I

;clever, be;chytr, bt;I

gay (osoba milujc (lidi) stejnho pohlav);sg.

;shrewdness: (He) has neither shrewdness, nor
politeness.;chytrost: Nen ani slun, ani chytr. (Nem ani
slunost, ani nem mazanost.);

: ;clever, be: Friend, be clever!;rozum, mt (

;homosexual: Homosexuals are not in accord with ~ "chytr, bt): Pteli, mj rozum ( ~ "bu chytr)!;
;canny, be (clever (and) shrewd) clever, be
the law.;homosexul: Homosexulov nejsou ve shod se
(clever (and) shrewd) skillful, be (clever (and)
( );gay (person loving (those of) same shrewd);mazan, bt (chytr (a) mazan) chytr, bt
(mazan, chytr (a) mazan) ikovn, bt (chytr (a)
sex) homosexual (person loving (those of) same
sex);homosexul (osoba milujc (lidi) stejnho pohlav) mazan);I
T [lei~au~che~:];erection (of penis, sex (is) stiff
{nouner});erekce (o pohlav, pohlav (je) tuh {jmenec});n.
[lei~pei];sexology (wisdom (of) sex);sexuologie
(moudrost (o) pohlav);n.

;shrewdness (clever (and) shrewd {nouner})

caginess (clever (and) shrewd {nouner}) handiness (clever
[lei~hmubeda];sexology (science (of) sex
(and) shrewd {nouner});chytrost (chytr (a) mazan {jmenec})
{nouner});sexuologie (vda (o) pohlav {jmenec});n.
( );Linux (system);Linux (systm);name E. Linux mazanost (chytr (a) mazan {jmenec}) ikovnost (chytr
(a) mazan {jmenec});I
;orange juice (liquid (of) twisting (and) looking-up)
;Linux (system): Better ( ~ "more good)than
orange juice );pomeranov dus pomeranov dus
Windows system is the Linux system.;Linux (systm): Linux
(tekutina kroucen (a) vzhlen);n. (or) n. WS.
systm je lep ( ~ "vce dobr) ne systm Windows.;pol.
;num. class. for rolls of film and toilet paper;itatel ruliek
filmu do fotoapartu a rol toaletnho papru;pow.
: ;num. class. for rolls of film and
toilet papers: How many rolls of film will (you) take?;itatel

;orange color (color (of) looking-up (to) terminaliatree);oranov barva (barva vzhlen (ke) stromuterminalia);n.
;orange color: The
flower is of yellow (color) and orange color.;oranov barva:


(Ta) kvtina je lut (barvy) a oranov barvy.;

;orange (fruit (of) looking-up (to) terminaliatree);pomeran (ovoce vzhlen (ke) stromu-terminalia);n.
;lie (untruth) lie (tell lies) tell lies;le (nepravda) lht
li, kat;T (or) n.

(from );clever, be (to-twist (and) be-firm) clever,

be (two-twist (and) be-firm);rozum, mt (kroutit (a) bt-pevn)
chytr, bt (kroutit (a) bt-pevn);I
(WS. from );orange juice );pomeranov
dus;n. WS.

;lacking, be missing, be like needed, be indicates

similarity into in wish for as want need, have a
;certainly: The boy will need like (a person);do chybt pt si jako zna
certainly throw the ball.;urit: Chlapec urit hod mem.;fut. podobnost mt rd (osobu) chtt potebu, mt rd, mt
: ;may: When you taste (osobu) jak v potebovat teba, bt poteba, bt
(eat (and) see), you may know.;asi: Kdy ochutn (sn (a) schzet;suff. prep. (or) I (or) suff. adv. (or) suff. (or) T
;because indeed (as or because) indicates a thought
podv se), asi pozn.;pol. um.
that indicates quotation or name that (follows after direct
: ;lie: People's lies are abundant.;le:
speach) as say, that sorry (because) indicates
Lidskch l je spousta.;
quotation indicates excuse;zna mylenku zna omluvu
: ;lie: He lies me.;lht: (On) le mi.;
( );certainly (will) assuredly (will) probably (will);jist jeliko ponvad vskutku (jeliko, protoe) protoe
zna citaci kat, e to e zna citaci nebo jmno
(bude) pravdpodobn (bude) dozajista (bude);suff. adv.
omluvte m (protoe) e (nsleduje za pmou e) e
;lie (lie lies);lht (lht li);n.
(protoe);conj. (or) suff. (or) pron. (or) suff. conj.
: T ( ~
} T ;indicates
);lie: As for by some (people), (they) are only just lying : {
said: Go wherever you want to
(lies).;lht: Co se te nkterch (lid), prost, jenom lou ( ~
go.;zna pmou e: Tak ekl: Jdte kam chcete jt.;col.
"lou li).;col. pol.
: T ;as: As I'll cook fish, (I)'m
T;lie (tell lies);lht (kat li);T
getting ready.;e: e budu vait rybu, pipravuji se.;cont. um.

;probably (may+will) may indicates fut. tense

: ;sorry: Sorry, I don't know the
should will indicates future tense certainly will;mohl by
way.;omluvte m: Omluvte m, neznm to tady. (Protoe j
ml by zna bud. as zna budouc as bude urit
bude pravdpodobn (me+bude);suff. I (or) suff. (or) suff. cestu neznm.);pol. um.
: ;want: (I) want (you) to let
(or) suff. fut.
me know.;chtt: Chci abys mi dal vdt.;pol.

: ... T
;indicates fut.
; may probably certainly indicates possibility;zna
pravdpodobnost mohlo by urit pravdpodobn;suff.

tense: If (you) write ... , (it) will be best.;zna bud. as: Pokud : T ;because:
Because the boy goes (and) will drink water, the glass of water
bys napsal ... , tak by (to) bylo nejlep.;fut.
is (still) (just) full.;ponvad: Ponvad chlapec jde (a) bude

: T
;may: Be careful,
(or) you will ( ~ "may) get hurt.;mon: Dvej pozor, (nebo) si pt vodu, sklenice vody (stle) (prost) pln.;col.
: () ; indicates thought: (I

;may: It is thought), that (it would) be good, if I didn't eat dinner.;zna

said, that because of that, they told (to the king), that Nga Nyo mylenku: (Myslel jsem), e (by bylo) dobr, kdybych nejedl
may know.;mohl by: k se, e (prv) proto ekli (krlovi), e veei.;col.
: T ;as: Do as I say, don't
a o by mohl vdt.;
do as I do.;jak: Dlej jak km, nedlej jak dlm.;imper.

: T

;certainly will: (You) will

(certainly) see the country of Myanmar.;urit bude: (Jist) : ;like: Why do
(you) think, that (I) don't like ( ~ "need) you?;rd, mt: Pro si
uvid stt Myanmar.;fut. pol.

: T
;indicates mysl, e t nemm rd ( ~ "nepotebuji)?;inter.
(mon) ubl.;imper. pol.

: ;need, have a: (I) don't have a

assurement: The gentlemen (and) the ladies have, certainly,
need to go to my country.;potebu, mt: Nemm potebu jet do
already heard (it) many times ( ~ again and again).;zna
ujitn: Pnov (a) dmy (to) ji, jist, mnohokrt ( ~ znovu a sv zem.;pol.
: ;indeed: I am not free, indeed.;vskutku: Vskutku,
znovu) slyeli.;pol.
nemm volno.;col.

: T

;should: U Mya Maung should propose
exactly (in) ten minutes.;ml by: Mja Maun by ml mluvit
(navrhovat) pesn deset minut ( ~ v deseti minutch).;pol.

: T

;probably: As for U Mya Maung, every person,

whether old (or) young probably knows (him).;pravdpodobn:
Co se te Mja Mauna, kad lovk, a u star nebo
mlad, (jej) pravdpodobn zn.;pol.


: ;missing, be ( ~
"need): In this sentence there's something missing ( ~
"needed), indeed.;chybt ( ~ "bt-teba): No, v tto vt nco
chyb ( ~ "je-teba).;cont. col.
: ;indeed (because): (Indeed,) I'm
going to see a concert tonight.;vskutku (protoe): (Vskutku,)
dnes veer se jdu podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
: ;need: Go this

way, it is very close. (Go according to this way, indeed, just

little bit is needed.);poteba, bt: Jete tudy, je to velice blzko.
(Jete podle tto cesty, ji jen troiku je, vskutku,

;that: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the
idea, that (I would) cook the vegetable curry.;e: Tak, uvam
omku? ... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou

: ;like: Just like this ( ~ here).;jako: Stejn (- tak)

jako tohle ( ~ tady).;col.

: T;want: Tell what (you) need to help

(with).;chtt: ekni (s) m chce pomoci.;col. pol.

: ;as:
(Somebody) said, that as the computer of ( ~ in) these nuns
got broken, they came.;ponvad: Pr, e protoe se pota
(u) tchto mniek rozbil, (ony) pily.;col.

: ;to: from English to Czech;do: z

anglitiny do etiny;

: T T ;as: (It) is called as

Union of Myanmar.;jakoto: Nazv se Unie Myanmaru.;pol.
: ;want: How many rooms do you want? (in
hotel);chtt: Kolik pokoj chcete? (v hotelu);inter.
: ;how: How do you do? (How (is it) like?);jak:
Jak se m? (Jako jak (to je)?);inter.

: ;as: As (you) write mistakes,

I don't understand.;ponvad: Ponvad pe (s) chybami, j
;as: It is said, that although married, as for
Nga Nyo, (he) was always reading (writings) as before.;jako:
k se, e pestoe svoji (po svatb), co se te a o, etl
(psan) jako dv.;

: ;that: What do (you) want to buy? (What (is : ;that: That it is very good.;e: e je to
it), that (you) want to buy?);co: Co chcete koupit? (Co (je to), velice dobr.;ans. col.
co chcete koupit?);inter. col.
: { } ;as: As he
was reading that way, he was called as short writing Nga
: T ;want: (I) happened to be
wanting life (where) is no courage to search.;chtt: Stalo se, e Nyo.;protoe: Protoe tak etl, nazvali ho a Nyo krtkho
chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.
: ;because: because (I) don't know;protoe: protoe
: ;like: like if (you) don't know;jako: jako bys
: ;because: I will not come
because I am not free.;protoe: Nepijdu protoe nemm
volno.;pol. um.

: ;that (follows after direct

speech): (You say,) that (you) are going to take a photo of me
( ~ "sir)? tsay, that: (You) say, that (you) are going to take a
photo of me ( ~ "sir)?;kat, e: k, e si vyfot m ( ~
"pna)? e (nsleduje za pmou e): (k,) e si vyfot
m ( ~ "pna)?;inter. fut.

;indeed go follow happen to this and that indicates

an order or suggestion come on! go around go after
much fit (to) happen (due to an action) indicates emphasis
indicates near future accompany very completely
chase compatible with, be well allow permit
: ( ~ )
agree;opravdu zna zdraznn velice souhlasit vskutku
;because: because (the) monitor is big, writing
the essays (for oneself) is easy.;ponvad: Ponvad je (ten) jt za svolit no tak! podn sluiteln s, bt dovolit
sedt s (m, CZ col.) pidat se k jt stt se (kvli
monitor velk, je snadn si pst eseje.;pol.
njakmu inu) nsledovat honit (co, koho) stt se, e
: ;that: that you stay;e: e zstv;
: ;need: (I) need to (go) more. (may be told to zna blzkou budoucnost zcela chodit okolo zna rozkaz
taxidriver when one wants to go beyond the place where they nebo nvrh tohle a tamto;adv. col. (or) adv. (or) I (or) suff.
are going to stop);potebovat: Potebuji (jet) jet (dl). (me (or) suff. I (or) inter. col. (or) pron. (or) T (or) suff. adv.
bt eeno taxiki, kdy nkdo potebuje jet za msto, kde se : ;indicates near future: I'll
pick (it) up, mum.;zna blzkou budoucnost: J (to) zvednu,
taxik prv chyst zastavit);pol.
mami.;fut. col.
: ;like: (They) cannot think like
: ( ) ;because: Because it is
raining, flowers are (being) wet.;ponvad: Ponvad pr,
kvtiny jsou mokr.;cont.

: T ;just: (I) just should say, that

Sasra is miserable.;jen: Jen je teba ci, e Sasra je

;indeed: Indeed, I reminded him for the
second time.;vskutku: Vskutku, pipoml jsem mu to (ji) po
druh.;pol. um.

: ...

: ;indeed: As (I) was reading, (I)

people.;jako: Nemohou myslet jako lid.;

: ;as: He eats as he's hungry.;protoe: J, : T

;indeed: Our country, indeed, gave 105
protoe m hlad.;pol.
warning to that country.;vskutku: Nae zem varovala tamtu
: T ;because: Because he worries, that (he
zem, vskutku, (ji) po pt.;pol. um.
may) happen to say (something) wrong.;protoe: Protoe se
: ;go: I will go.;jt: (J) pjdu.;fut. col.
obv, e se stane, e ekne (nco) patn.;pol.
: ;well: Well, (I) will think about it.;no: No,
: T ;that: (He) said (that) he'll
budu o tom pemlet.;fut.
come.;e: ekl, e pijde.;pol.


didn't know, indeed.;opravdu: Opravdu, nevdl jsem, protoe

jsem etl.;col.
: ;indeed: At
eleven o'clock I go (to bed and) sleep, indeed.;vskutku:
Vskutku, v jedenct hodin jdu (do postele a) spm.;pol. um.
: ;this and that: In the shop
I have to do this and that. (In shop (I) give this and that work,
(I) will follow.);tohle a tamto: V obchod musm dlat tohle a
tamto. (V obchod dvm tuhle a tamtu prci, budu
nsledovat.);fut. col.

spnek.;imper. pol.
;indeed: Because it is cold, the young boy,
indeed, puts on a sweatshirt.;vskutku: Protoe je zima, mal
chlapec si, vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.
;collect (money from friends, go-around (and)
collect);vybrat (penze od ptel, chodit-okolo (a) sbrat);T

;collect (money from friends): Collecting
means, (that I) go to (my) friends and ask (them) to donate
: ;indicates order or money ( ~ "to receive donation of money).;vybrat (penze od
suggestion: After the third intersection turn left.;zna rozkaz
ptel): Vybrn znamen, e chodm za pteli a dm je aby
nebo nvrh: Po tet kiovatce zato do leva.;imper. pol.
darovali penze ( ~ "abych dostal dar penz).;
: ;well: Should (I) send (you) (well) : ;collect (money from
an example?;dobe: Mm (ti) (dobe) poslat ( ~ vzor) ?;inter. friends): (He) collects donated money.;vybrat (penze od
ptel): Vybr darovan penze.;
: ;completely: I noticed,
- ; chase after (follow much to
that (the shop) was (completely) closed.;zcela: Vimla jsem si, direction);honit se za (moc nsledovat do smru);T
e (ten obchod) byl (zcela) zaven.;col.
- : T
: ;just: () T
Wherever (you) just look, (you) will see ( ~ meet) the
;chase after: Lay people chase after money,
pagodas.;jen: Kamkoliv se jen podv, uvid ( ~ setk se s) vehicles, houses, love, beautiful clothes, success, fame
pagody.;fut. pol.
etc.;honit se za: Laici se hon za penzi, vozidly, domy, lskou,
: krsnm obleenm, spchem, slvou atd.;

;indicates an order or suggestion: Turn left,

(and) having passed the next street, on the right (you) should
find the hotel.;zna rozkaz nebo nvrh: Zahnte vlevo, (a) a
pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml uvidt ( ~ najt)
hotel.;imper. fut. col.

;indicates order or suggestion: Turn left, (and) on

the right (you) will certainly find a hotel.;zna pkaz nebo
nvrh: Zato vlevo, (a) napravo jist nalezne hotel.;imper. fut.

;repeat (what sb. else says, follow (and)

say);zopakovat (po nkom, nsledovat (a) ci);T
: ;repeat: Repeat (what I say)!;zopakovat:
Zopakuj (co km)!;imper. pol.
;wow, it is ... it is so much ...;to je tak ... ty blho,
to je ...;suff. col.
;follow (follow (and) listen);nsledovat (nsledovat (a)

: ;follow: (I) cannot follow.;nsledovat:

: ;happen to: I don't have a Nemohu nsledovat.;
job any more. I am retired. ((I( don't work any more. (I)
;take (sb. by a vehicle) lift, give a;"vzt (nkoho
happened to take pension.);stt se, e: U nemm
vozidlem) svst (nkoho);" (or) T
zamstnn. Jsem v penzi. (U nepracuji. Stalo se, e beru
: ;take (sb.
somewhere): In order to arrive everywhere, I will take you.;vzt
: ;indeed: indeed, if (I) take;vskutku: vskutku,
(nkoho nkam): Vezmu t (vozidlem) abys dojel do vech
kdy bych si vzal;col.
(tch) mst.;pol. um.
: ;come on: (Come on,) accept!;no tak: (No :
tak,) pijmi!;col. imper. pol.
;take (by car): As it was said, that he
: ;go: If (you) want to go, (then) just
go.;jt: Jestli chce jt, (tak) prost jdi.;imper. col.
: ;will: Will (you do it) or (will) not?;zna
budouc as: Udl to nebo ne? (Bude (nebo)
nebude?);inter. col.
: ;go: Will (it) be right to go?;jt: Bude v
podku (kdy) pjdu?;inter. col.
: ;indeed: Indeed, (I) am going to
go.;opravdu: Chystm se jt.;fut.

wanted to buy a book, I took him (in a car) to a bookshop.;vzt

(autem): Protoe bylo eeno, e (si) chtl koupit knihu, vzal
jsem ho (autem) do knihkupectv.;pol.
;lift, give a (give following (and) sending) take
sb. swh. (give following (and) sending) ride to (give a lift,
give following (and) sending);odvzt (taxkem atd., dt
nsledovn (a) posln) svzt (dt nsledovn (a)
posln) zavzt (taxkem atd., dt nsledovn (a)

: ;indeed: (He), indeed, takes off his ;take (sb. swh.): I am

T-shirt.;vskutku: Vskutku, sundav si, triko.;
ready to take (you anywhere). give a lift (to sb. swh.): I am
: ;much: To have a good sleep, ready to give (you) lift (anywhere).;svzt (nkoho nkam): Jsem
pipraven (t kamkoliv) svzt. vzt (nkoho nkam): Jsem
sleep much.;podn: Spi podn abys mla dobr


pipraven (t kamkoliv) vzt.;pol.

obchod, restauraci atd.);pol.

: ;lift, give a (by taxi): Where

T ;greed (need (and) want {nouner});chamtivost
should (I) give (you) a lift?;svzt: Kam (vs) mm svzt?;inter. (potebovat (a) chtt {jmenec});n.
;need much (need (and) want pretty-much);potebovat
: ;lift, give a: (I) can give (you) a
hodn (potebovat (a) chtt hezky);T
lift.;svzt: Mohu (vs) svzt.;pol.
;want (preceded by n.);chtt (nsleduje za pod. jm.);T
: ;lift, give a: Can (you) give me a
lift?;svzt: Mete (m) svzt?;inter. fut.
: ;lift, give a: (I) will give (you) a lift
home.;odvzt: Odvezu (t) dom.;fut.

;need: Do you need ((and) want) Chinese or
Indian goods?;potebovat: Potebuje(te) ((a) chcete) nsk
nebo indick zbo?;inter.

;enrolled, be (have to follow);pihlen, bt (do

kurzu, muset k nsledovat);I

;Internet connection (line);internetov pipojen (linka);n.

E. line

: ;enrolled, be: How

: ; Internet connection: because (we) lost the
many monks are enrolled?;pihlen, bt (do kurzu atd.): Kolik Internet connection (because (the) line fell);internetov
mnich je pihleno?;inter. col. mn.
pipojen: protoe jsme ztratili pipojen (protoe linka
: ;indicates near future: Are you coming
(with me)?;zna blzkou budoucnost: Pjde (se mnou)?;fut.
;indicates near future;zna blzkou budoucnost;suff.
: ;indicates near future: I'll call
(him). (used when going to call a certain person to come);zna
blzkou budoucnost: Zavolm (ho). (uito, kdy (nkdo) jde
zavolat uritou osobu aby pila);fut. col. pol.

;juice, lime lime juice;dus, citronov citronov

dus;n. E. lime juice

;onine (in online);online (v na lince);adv. E.

: ;online: I
am online almost whole the day.;online: Jsem online tm cel

;follow or not go or not;nsledovat nebo ne jt

nebo ne;v.

;hollow (in a rock) cave grotto;dutina (ve skle)

jeskyn;n. P. lea (= cave)

;let (allow) allow to;nechat (svolit) svolit k;T

;cave (cave, cave) grotto (cave, cave);jeskyn

(jeskyn, jeskyn);n. P. lea-guh (= cave - cave) (or) n. P.
lea-guh (= cave cave)

;go after follow roam;potulovat se jt za


: T ;cave:
: ;go after: Go after
(friends) and collect money (for act of generosity).;jt za: Jt za According to the map, it looks like if there is a treasure in this
cave.;jeskyn: Podle mapy to vypad, jako kdyby v tto jeskyni
(pteli) a vybrat penze (za elem tdrho inu).;
byl poklad.;
(from );indicates near future (follow (and) beabout-to);zna blzkou budoucnost (nsledovat (a) chystatse);suff. col.

(from );like, just );jako, prv );adv.

: ;indicates near fut.: I am going to

have a shower.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu si dt

: T ;lime juice: six cups of lime

juice;citronov dus: est skleniek citronovho dusu;

: ;indicates ;like:
near future: (I) am going to take a shower, and then (I) will ( ~ Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is like
"am going to) have a meal.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu se fire, very dangerous to woman.;jako: ena je pro mue velice
nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
osprchovat a pak se jdu najst.;fut. ubmn.
nebezpen, jako ohe.;
;indicates near future (follow (and) be-about-to);zna
;juice, lime lime juice;dus, citronov citronov
blzkou budoucnost (nsledovat (a) chystat-se);suff.
dus;n. E. lime juice
;indicates near fut.;zna blzkou budoucnost;suff.

;want (sth.);chtt (nco);T

;need: I already have a car, therefore (I)
don't need this one ( ~ "car) any more.;potebovat: U jedno
auto mm, take u nepotebuji tohle (auto).;

;goal (needed thing (and) flower column) aim

(needed thing (and) flower column);zamen (potebovan
vc (a) kvtinov sloup) cl (potebovan vc (a) kvtinov

T ;goal: May (you) be able to
overcome whatever difficulties and may (you) be able to strive
: ;want: What do (you) want? (may be
quickly for advancement towards (your) goal.;cl: K jsi
asked by a merchant in a shop);chtt: Co chcete? (me bt
schopn pekonat jakkoliv tkosti a k jsi schopn rychle
otzkou prodavae v obchod);inter.
: ;want: (I) don't want (this). (can be used also usilovat o pokrok za (svm) clem.;w. pol.
;more or less (like like) mostly (like like);povtinou
in shop, restaurant etc.);chtt: Tohle nechci. (lze pout i v
(jako jako) vtinou (jako jako) vcemn (jako


jako);adv. col.
: ;mostly: All what (you)
write is mostly correct.;vcemn: Vechno co jsi napsal, je
vcemn sprvn.;col. pol.
;need (need (and) be-appropriate) need (need (and)
put);potebovat (potebovat (a) pokldat) potebovat
(potebovat (a) bt-vhodn);I (or) T

: ;num. class. for snacks: How many

(snacks) will (you) take? snacks (num. class.): How many
(snacks) will (you) take?;itatel zkus: Kolik (zkusk) si
vezme? zkusky (itatel): Kolik (zkusk) si vezme?;fut.
: ;bottle (num. class. for bottles): a bottle of
beer;lhev (itatel lahv): lhev piva;

: ;need: (I) am : ;num. class. for round things: two big

balls;itatel kulatch vc: dva velk me;n.
going to (a) shop as I need medicine.;potebovat: Jdu do
lkrny, protoe potebuji lk.;cont.
: ;whole: He sleeps whole the
: ;need: I need the book to day.;cel: Sp cel den.;
see (it).;potebovat: Potebuji (tu) knihu abych se na (to)

: ;all (whole): He will read all ( ~

whole) the three books.;vechny (cel): Pete vechny ( ~
cel) ti knihy.;fut.

;need: Poor countries need aid for their : ;whole: whole the dictionary;cel: cel
people.;potebovat: Chud zem potebuj vypomoci svm
: ()
: ;need: (I) need to stay.;potebovat:
T T ;all:
Potebuji (tam) bt.;
According to this law, all who need to learn at univesity cannot
get the permission to learn ((and) listen), therefore people of
: T;need: Tell (me) what (you)
all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed, not
need.;potebovat: ekni (mi) co potebuje.;imper.
satisfied.;vichni: Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj
;need: If
(you) have something needed, (I) will help (you) by the part of uit na universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn)
povolen, proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch
(mine) able to help.;potebovat: Pokud m nco (co)
potebuje, pomohu (ti svou) st schopnou pomhat.;pol. fut. nrodnost nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
: ;need: If (you) need, use
(it).;potebovat: Kdy bude potebovat, pouij (to).;imper. col.

- ;whole (one whole);cel (jeden cel);suff. adj.

: ;liter: There is one liter of

water in the bottle.;litr: V lhvi je jeden litr vody.;

( ) [lounj];sarong, Burmese (longyi, tie around)

longyi (Burmese sarong, tie around);sarong, Barmsk
(lound, vzat okolo) lound (Barmsk sarong, vzat

: ;whole: whole the head;hlava: cel hlava;

: ;whole: in whole the head;cel: v

;requirement (need (and) be-appropriate
{nouner});poadavek (potebovat (a) bt-vhodn {jmenec});n. cel hlav;writ.
( );penis male sex organ;penis musk pohlavn : () ;longyi: (Young
man) Aye is wearing green longyi.;lound: (Mlad pn)
orgn;sg. vul.
nos zelen lound.;
;liter;litr;n. E. liter

;Kachin nationality's lineage, a;Kaen nrodnosti,


;secure, be (covered (and) wrapped) safe, be (covered

;whole, the (follows after the sequence n.-num.-num. class.) (and) wrapped) safe be (be-protected (and)
bottle (num. class. for bottles) indicates roundness ball (of wrapped);bezpen, bt (pikryt (a) zabalen) bezpen,
fish etc. to eat, pulverized meat) spherical, be num. class. bt (bt-ochrnn (a) zabalen) zabezpeen, bt (pikryt
for snacks num. class. for bottles and cans num. class. for (a) zabalen);I
round things round, be;itatel kulatch vc itatel zkusk :
cel (nsleduje za sledem pod. jm.-slo-itatel) kulovit, bt ;safe: At that time, headman
of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya himself, for safety, protected
lhev (itatel lahv) koule (ryb atd. na jezen, rozdrcen
maso) kulat, bt itatel lahv a plechovek zna kulatost;I (his) own village (by) palm-tree trunks-forts.;bezpen: Tehdy
nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe,
(or) suff. (or) pow. (or) n.
ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.
: ;whole: whole the country;cel: cel stt;n.
;safe, feel;bezpen, ctit se;I

: T ;whole: (People of)

whole the country celebrate for three (or) four days.;cel: Ti,
tyi dny (lid) po ( ~ v) cel zemi slav.;pol.

;nearly (almost, nearly (and) nearly) almost (nearly

(and) nearly);tm (blzko (a) blzko);adv. writ.

Pepsi;lahev (itatel lahv): tyi lahve Pepsi;

: ;behave

;dlat do job, have a (work) work continue

: ;num. class. for bottles: In that case give (work);dlat udlat pracovat zamstnn, mt (pracovat)
(me) three (bottles).;itatel lahv: V tom ppad (mi) dejte ti pokraovat (pracovat);T (or) I col.
: ;do: that, what I did;dlat: to, co jsem
(lahve).;imper. pol.
: ;bottle (num. class. for bottles): four bottles of dlal;um.


(do): As a student, he should not behave ( ~ do) like

this.;chovat se (dlat): Jako student by se takhle neml
chovat ( ~ neml by dlat);

: ;job ( ~ "work): (I) have a job. ((I) am

working.). work: (I) am working.;prce: Pracuji. zamstnn:
Chodm do zamstnn. (Pracuji.).;ocnt. pol. (or) cont. pol.

: ;do: If one does oneself one will

get it.;dlat: Kdy si (to) jeden udl sm, tak to (tak) sm

: T ;do: (I) happened to do;udlat: stalo se, e

(jsem) udlal;p.s.

: ;continue: (I)'m continuing to

study.;pokraovat: Pokrauji ve studiu.;pol.
: ;job ( ~ "work): I have a job as a
doctor. ((I) am doing doctor's work.);prce: Pracuji jakoto
doktor. (Dlm doktorskou prci.);pol.

: T T ;do: As (things)
don't happen according to how (you) do them, (you) should do
(things) as (they) happen.;dlat: Ponvad se (vci) nedj
podle (toho) jak (je) dl, mla bys (je) dlat (podle toho,) jak
se dj.;imper. pol. prov.

: ;job ( ~ "work): I have a job in

airline office. ((I) am working in airline office.);zamstnn ( ~
: T
;do: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never "prce): Jsem zamstnan v cestovn kanceli. (Pracuji v
heard (and they) are doing how they want to do.;dlat: Vyhls cestovn kanceli.);cont. pol.
zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce : ;do: Really, do as (you) like.;dlat:
Hele, dlej jak chce.;imper. col.
: T T ;do: (I) am doing
each little by little.;dlat: Dlm kad po troce.;

: ( ~
);do: What is the son (still) doing?;dlat: Co
(n) syn (stle) dl?;inter. lett.

: T ;do: What are the things ( ~

"works) that (you) happen to do every day?;dlat: Co dl
: T ;do: (I) can start to
kad den? (Jak prce se stane, e dl kad den?);inter. do anything (I) like.;dlat: Mohu zat dlat cokoliv chci ( ~
: ;do: as (I) do (it) usually;dlat: jako (to) : ( ~
tak obvykle dlm;
);do: What do (you) plan to do in
: T ;work: What have you come to future?;dlat: Co plnuje dlat v budoucnu?;inter.
Burma for ( ~ "to do)?;prce: Kvli emu jsi pijel do Barmy?
(Pro jakou prci (jsi) pijel do Barmy?);inter.
: ;do: How will you do (it)?;dlat: Jak to
udl?;inter. col.

: ;make (mistakes): Indeed, by

making mistakes, correct(ness) will appear.;dlat (chyby):
Vskutku, dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.

: ;housework ( ~ "do): I am a
: ;work: What are you doing? (what works housewife. ((I) do the house work.);domc prce ( ~
are (you) doing?);prce: Co dl? (Jak prce dl?);inter. "pracovat): Jsem ena v domcnosti. (Dlm domc
: ;do: What are (you) doing?;dlat: Co

: ;do: What do (you) plan to do

today?;dlat: Co m dnes v plnu (dlat)?;inter. col.
: ;do: whatever (you) do;dlat: cokoliv udl;
: ;do: What is your job? (What work
are (you) doing?);dlat: Jak je (vae) zamstnn? (Jakou
prci dlte?);inter. cont.
: T ;work: (He)
works as a supporter for monks.;pracovat: Pracuje jakoto
pomocnk mnich.;
: ;do: What did you do?;dlat: Co jsi
dlal(a)?;inter. col.
: ;do: Don't do (it) any more!;dlat: U to
nedlej!;imper. pol.

( );work employment (work) job (work);prce

zamstnn (prce);suff. sg. (or) sg.
;business (work (and) duty);podnikn (prce (a)
povinnost) obchodn innost (prce (a) povinnost) byznys
(prce (a) povinnost);n.
: T
;business: Moreover, (there) are also many financial
businesses.;podnikn: Navc, je (zde) tak mnoho finannho
podnikn.;pol. col.
: ;do work, to:
Monitor is the part of computer (which), for doing work, (makes)
forms real.;dln prce, pro: Monitor je st potae, (kter),
pro dln prce, ('uvd) tvary ve skutenost.;pol.

( );work (work (and) duty) job (work (and) duty)

: ;job, have a: I don't have a occupation (work (and) duty);zamstnn (prce (a)
povinnost) kol (prce (a) povinnost) prce (prce (a)
job any more. I am retired. ((I( don't work any more. (I)
happened to take pension.);zamstnn, mt: U nemm
;work program (regular work (and) work);pracovn
zamstnn. Jsem v penzi. (U nepracuji. Stalo se, e beru
program (pravideln prce (a) prce);n.
: ;job, have a: (I) still
don't have a job. (I)'m attending a school.;zamstnn, mt:
Jet zamstnn nemm, chodm do koly ( ~ "nastupuji (na)
kolu).;cont. pol.

( );monitor ((to) arranges-in-order work todo);monitor (uspodv prci k-dln);sg.

;does, what one (work {nouner}) what one does

(work {nouner}) work to do (workings);co nkdo dl


(dlat {jmenec}) dl, co nkdo (dlat {jmenec}) prce k male workers (and) female civilians) may also come ((and)
dln (pracovn);n.
enter) on this stage and speak.;lid (pracujc mui (a)
: ;do, what to: Do what (you) have civilistky): Kdy lid z obou (debatnch) stran, navrhovatel
(svho nzoru) (a) obhjci (jinho nzoru) domluv, mou
to do.;dlat, co: Dlej co m dlat.;imper. pol. col.
nkte z (ostatnch) lid ( ~ pracujcch mu (a) civilistek)
: ;work to do: Continue in the
tak pijt ((a) vejt) na toto jevit a promluvit.;fut. pol.
work (that you) have to do.;prce k dln: Pokrauj v prci,
kterou m (k dln).;imper. pol.

: T ;gentlemen:
: ;do, that one has to: Do just the Ladies and gentlemen! (You, respectable men and
things that you have to do.;prci, co m jeden na: Dlej jen to, women.);pnov: Dmy a pnov! (Vy, ctyhodn pnov a
co m na prci.;imper. pol.
: ;work: Still a lot of work ;completely totally entirely;pln kompletn
remains.;prce: Zbv jet hodn prce.;
;salary (work writing) earnings (writing (of)
work);vdlek (psan prce) plat (pracovn psan);n.

: ;completely: (He) finishes (it)

completely.;pln: pln (to) dokonuje;

(zpsob jak (se) chovat a vykonvat);


;entirely: The commentarial character of the
canon later thoroughly influenced the late commentaries.;zcela:
Komenttorsk charakter knonu pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj
komente.;p.s. writ.

;entirely (all-around (and) extensively)

: ;earnings:
thoroughly (all-around (and) extensively) completely (all'Young' (means) unemployed age, (taking from) parents'
earnings.;vdlek: 'Mlad' (znamen) nezamstnan vk, (bran around (and) extensively);zcela (dokola (a) rozshle)
naprosto (dokola (a) rozshle) pln (dokola (a)
z) vdlku rodi.;pol.
;behavior (way to do (and) carry out);chovn
: ;made of: However, it is
statue made of gold.;vyroben z: Ale to je socha vyroben ze
;way to do (accustomed doing, method of
doing);zpsob jak dlat (navykl dln, zpsob dln);n.
;way to do: (I) just do not
understand exactly the way to do (it).;zpsob jak dlat: Prost
nerozumm pesn, jak (to) mm udlat.;col.
;natural, be (falls (with) working) mastered, be
(falls (with) working) deep-seated, be (falls (with)
working);vit, bt (pad (s) dlnm) osvojen, bt
(pad (s) dlnm) pirozen, bt (pad (s) dlnm);I

: ;enough:
There is not enough time.;dost: Nen dost asu.;
;enough, be enough, be (be-enveloped (and) besufficient) suffice (be-enveloped (and) besufficient);dostaovat dost, bt (dostaovat, bt-obalen (a)
bt-dostaujc) stait (bt-obalen (a) bt-dostaujc)

: ;do (for sb.): What can ( ~ "should) (I) : ;enough, be:

(time of) four hours sleeping at night was not enough,
do for you?;udlat (pro nkoho): Co pro (tebe) mohu ( ~
indeed;stait: tyi hodiny ( ~ "as ty hodin) spnku v noci,
"musm) udlat?;inter. fut.
vskutku, nestaily.;p.s. writ.
( );colleague (work colleague (who)

holds (and) embraces);kolega (pracovn kolega (kter) dr (a) : ;enough: enough things;dostatek:
dostatek vc;
;deed (work (and) stop) action (work (and) stop)
;enough, be: I think this much is enough.;stait:
act (work (and) stop) feat (also about magic, work (and)
(J) si myslm, e tolik sta.;pol. um.
stop);in (pracovat (a) zastavit) kon (pracovat (a)

T ;working people (working people, country

people);pracujc lid (pracujc lid, sttn lid);n.

;at all (round (and) fat) absolutely fully (complete

(and) fat) totally (complete (and) fat) completely
completely (round (and) fat) absolutely (round (and) fat)
entirely (complete (and) fat);docela (kompletn (a) tlust)
naprosto (kulat (a) tlust) zcela (kulat (a) tlust) pln
(kompletn (a) tlust) vbec (kulat (a) tlust) absolutn
(kulat (a) tlust) zcela (kompletn (a) tlust) naprosto

T : T
T ;people (male workers (and) female
civilians): When the people of both sides, proposers (and)
defendants have spoken, somebody from the (other) people ( ~

: ( ) T
T ( ~ ( ) T

zastavit) skutek (i o magii, pracovat (a) zastavit) akt

(pracovat (a) zastavit);n.

: ;feat:
(He) was able to accomplish that feat without (movement of)
hand.;skutek: Byl schopen uskutenit (ten magick) skutek (i)
bez (pohybu) ruky.;pol.


: ;at all:
Because I do not play sports at all, (I) am weak.;vbec:
Protoe vbec nesportuji, jsem slab.;um.

T );strong ( ~ "absolutely): I made a strong

determination to be an excellent monk.;pevn ( ~ "naprosto):
Uinil jsem pevn rozhodnut bt vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.
: T T ( ~
T );completely: At that time the deciding is
completely finished.;zcela: V tu dobu je rozhodovn zcela

( );villain (threatened person);padouch

(vyhroovan osoba) darebk (vyhroovan osoba);sg.
: T
;old (and respected) people: As for U Mya
Maung, every person, whether old (or) young probably knows
(him).;sta (a ctn) lid: Co se te Mja Mauna, kad
lovk, a u star nebo mlad, (jej) pravdpodobn zn.;pol.

: ;at all, not: (I) have no money at all.

;people (big people {pl.});lid (velc lid
absolutely: (I) have absolutely no money.;vbec: Nemm vbec {pl.});pl.
dn penze. vbec: Nemm naprosto dn penze.;

: ;completely: The meditation is
completely finished.;zcela: Meditace je zcela ukonena.;
} ;elder: As the elders know, as for
the today's discussion's topic, it is called By men, more than
: ;at all, not ( ~ "absolutely): without
any movement at all;jakkoliv ( ~ "absolutn): bez jakhokoliv by ladies, the country responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be carried
out.;star (lovk): Jak (ji) ti star v, co se te dnenho
pohybu ruky (absolutn bez vlastnn pohybu);
;absolutely not (not round (and) fat) not at all (not tmatu diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~ povinnosti) (na)
zem mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne enami.;pol.
round (and) fat);vbec (nikoliv kulat (a) tlust)
absolutn ne (nikoliv kulat (a) tlust);adv.
;lay people;laici;n.

( );gentleman (big person (and) king);pn

(gentleman, velk osoba (a) krl);sg.

;people, every (not choosing (whether) big

: TT ;person:
You are the first person to who I reveal my secrets.;lovk: Jsi people (or) small people) anybody (not choosing
(whether) big people (or) small people);lid, ktekoliv
prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv tajemstv.;pol.
: T ;lay person: as a lay person;laik: jakoto (nevybrajce (zda) velc lid (nebo) mal lid) kdokoliv
(nevybrajce (zda) velc lid (nebo) mal lid);n.
: T ()
T ;lay: Lay
people chase after money, vehicles, houses, love, beautiful
clothes, success, fame etc.;laik: Laici se hon za penzi,
vozidly, domy, lskou, krsnm obleenm, spchem, slvou
: T;lay life: (So, you) say, that (as
soon as you) left the lay life, (you) will come back (to it)?;laick
ivot: (Take ty) k, e (jakmile jsi) opustil laick ivot, bude
se do nj vracet?;inter. utmn.
: ;lay person: (I) am a lay person.;laik: Jsem laik.;pol.
: ( ~ )
T ( ~ T) ;lay person: In lay life,
lay people have various issues (and) problems.;laik: V laickm
ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;
: ;lay people: Monks get
connected with lay people (and) write (them).;laici: Mnii se
spoj s laiky (a) pou (jim).;col.
: T
( ~
);people: After some time, quickly, all
people will get old, sick and then (they) die.;lid: Za njakou
dobu lid rychle zestrnou, onemocn a pak zemou.;fut. writ.
: T;people: to other people;lid: ostatnm
lidem;acc. writ.
( );lay person;laik;sg.
( );person lay person human;laik lovk;sg.
: T ;villain: In this movie
he is starring as a villain (In this movie he is included as a
villain.).;darebk: V tomto filmu hraje hlavn roli darebka. (V
tomto filmu je on zahrnut jakoto darebk.);pol.

;elders (who deserve respect, big people (and)

big persons);star lid (hodni cty, velc lid (a) velk
;elders (who deserve respect, big people (and)
female persons);star lid (hodni cty, velc lid (a)
ensk osoby);n.

;elders, pay: On the

Thin-gyan days youth pay obeisance to the elders (who) stay in

the village.;star lid: Ve dnech Tendanu mlad uctvaj star
lidi (kte) jsou ve vesnici.;pol.
: ;personally: It will
be fine to consult (your questions) when (you) come
personally.;osobn: Konsultace (tvch otzek) bude v podku,
jestlie pijde osobn.;fut.
;oneself (person (by) oneself) personally (person
(by) oneself);osobn (osoba sama-sebou) sm (osobn,
osoba sama-sebou);adv.
T ;hypocrisy (carry false (image of)
good person {nouner});pokrytectv (nst falenou
(podobu) dobr osoby {jmenec});n.
;youth people, young;lid, mlad mlad lid;n.
: T
;young people: As for U Mya Maung, every
person, whether old (or) young probably knows (him).;mlad
lid: Co se te Mja Mauna, kad lovk, a u star nebo
mlad, (jej) pravdpodobn zn.;pol.
;young person, a: Once upon a time, there was a young
man in Wun Zin village.;mlad lovk, njak: Bylo nebylo, ve
vesnici Wan Zen byl jeden mlad lovk.;


;society (in general, people stretch-out

much);spolenost (veobecn, lid se-roztahuj hodn);n.
: () ()
( ~ )
;society: (You) meditate in your present life, in
(your) present environment (and) in (your) present
society.;spolenost: Medituje ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve
(svm) ptomnm prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn

are also good.;komedianti: Komedianti jsou tak dob.;col.

T ( );comedian (clown) clown (person (who)
jests);komediant (klaun) klaun (osoba (kter) ertuje);sg.
;lay life;laick ivot;n.
: ( ~ )
T ( ~ T) ;lay life: In lay life, lay
people have various issues (and) problems.;laick ivot: V
laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;

;people (many people);lid (mnoho lid);pl.

: ;people: people who swim;lid: lid, kte : T

;people: (You) should be
: ;people: known, that Myanmar people are in the world those of the most
People thought it to be a spirit-house and worship it,
sweet face and the most friendly (ones).;lid: Ml bys vdt, e
majesty.;lid: Lid si mysleli, e je to duchv (bkv) dm a Myanmart lid jsou na svt ti s nejslad tv a (ti)
uctvaj jej, vsosti.;pol.
nejpteltj.; pol.
: ;people: (Surely,) there are no : ;nationality: (I) am of Dutch
people.;lid: (Jist,) nejsou (tu) dn lid.;col.
nationality.;nrodnost: Jsem holandsk nrodnosti.;pol.
;everybody anybody (in positive sense) everybody
(every human);kad kad (kad lovk)
;everybody (every person);kad (lovk, kad
: ;everybody: Everybody knows.;kad:
Kad v.;
;people (people's mass);lid (lidsk masa);n.

: T ;nationality: (I) am of Myanmar

nationality. ((I) am one of Myanmar people kind.);nrodnost:
Jsem Myanmarsk nrdnosti. (Jsem jeden z myanmarskho
druhu lid.);pol.
: ;nationality: What is your ( ~ "sir's)
nationality?;nrodnost: Jak je tv ( ~ "pnovo)

;humanistic sciences (science

concerning humanity);humanistika (vda ohledn
;patient: Because (my) patient is (being) sick, I lidskosti);n.
take care of him.;pacient: Protoe je mj pacient nemocn,
;social work );sociln prce );n.
(j) starm se o nj.;cont. um.
;modest man (modest person);skromn lovk
: ;sick people: (skromn osoba);n.
As a doctor, he should cure sick people.;nemocn lid: Coby
;incarnation (person (who) enters for-sure)
doktor, ml by lit nemocn lidi.;
reincarnation (person (who) enters for-sure) reborn person
: ;patient: The
(person (who) enters for-sure);perozen osoba (osoba
patient is lying on the hospital-bed.;pacient: Pacient le na
(kter) vstupuje na-jisto) pevtlen (osoba (kter) vstupuje
nemocnin posteli.;cont.
na-jisto) vtlen (osoba (kter) vstupuje na-jisto);n.
( );sick (person, sick person) patient (sick
: T ;reincarnation: He is
person, paining person);nemocn (o osob, nemocn
reincarnation of Mr. Maung.;vtlen: Je vtlen pana Maunga.;
osoba) pacient (bolav osoba);sg.
;lay person (lay-people's duty) lay life (lay-people's
( );ambulance (vehicle loading paining
people);ambulance (vozidlo nakldajc bolav lidi)
sanitka (vozidlo nakldajc bolav lidi);sg. P. yna (=
;milk of human;mlko, lidsk;n.
( );boy in puberty (single or virgin man, tender
person) bachelor (single or virgin man, tender
person);svobodn mldenec (svobodn mu nebo panic,
nn osoba) chlapec v pubert(svobodn mu nebo
panic, nn osoba);

duty);laik (laick povinnosti) laick ivot (laick

povinnosti);n. P. vatta (= duty)

: () ;lay people:
The five precepts should be especially observed by ( ~ "in) lay
people.;laici: Pt pravidel by mly bt dodrovny zejmna laiky
( ~ "v laicch).;pol.
: ( ~
) ;lay people (precepts, rules): As for five
precepts, (they) should be protected by lay people too.;laici: Co
se te pti pravidel, (ta) by mla bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.

( );bachelor, old (can be used in common

talk, not offensive) virgin, old (can be used in common talk,
not offensive);panic, star (CZ slovo je urliv, ale to barmsk
slovo lze ut pi bnm rozhovoru, nen urliv) panic,
star (CZ slovo je urliv, ale to barmsk slovo lze ut pi
bnm rozhovoru, nen urliv);sg. m.

;clothes of lay people (indicates difference between

lay people and monks, laity's clothes (like that of)
cat);obleen laik (naznauje rozdl mezi laiky a mnichy,
laick obleen (jako to) koky);n. Bh. P. vattha (= clothes)

T : T ;comediants: The comediants

;indicates emphasis just is indicates persuation hey


;modest man (cool(~calm) person);skromn lovk

(chladn(~klidn) osoba);n.

air indicates persuasion wind indicates assertion;zna

zdraznn zna pesvdovn zna pemlouvn vtr
hele je jen zna ujitn vzduch;suff. adv. col. (or) n.
(or) suff. col. (or) suff. (or) suffv. interj. (or) interj.

: ( ~ ) ;air: There
is a lot of oil (photographed) in the picture.;vzduch: Na obrzku
je (vyfoceno) hodn oleje.;

;heavy good itself (very) several (small) heavy, be

four indicates affection to the preceding noun salty
beloved dear weigh indicates indefinite article very
(itself);tk milovan slan tk, bt jako takov mil
tyi zna neurit len nkolik (mal) dobr vit,
bt samotn (jako takov) zna zalben v pedchzejcm
pod. jm.;I (or) suff. (or) num. (or) adj. (or) suff. adj.

: ;just: If (you) want to go, (then) just

go.;prost: Jestli chce jt, (tak) prost jdi.;imper. col.

: ;very: Please,
divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and) give).;samotn:
Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko na tyi sti ((a)
dejte).;imper. pol.

: ;habit: I do not have the habit of going (out).

usually: I usually do not go (out). (I do not have the habbit of
going.);obvykle: Obvykle nechodm. (Nemm zvyk chodit
(ven).) zvyk: Nemm zvyk chodit (ven).;

: ;indicates indefinite
;usually tendency habit;sklon k zvyk obvykle;adv. (or) article: But a coffee bar is (here).;zna neurit len: Ale
kavrna (tu) je.;

: ( )
T ;very: Noticing the breath, (I) happen to watch
the very nature (of my) mind (rpa nma).;samotn:
Vmajce si (svho) dechu, (stv se, (e)) sleduji samotnou
pirozenost (sv) mysli (rpa nma).;pol. med.

;seriously: Finding (that) what you
have written, (I) happen to praise (it as) seriously, very
clever.;vn: Shledal jsem, co jsi napsal, (a) (stalo-se,e)
chvlm (to jakoto) vn, velice chytr.;pol.

: ;just: Who is over there?

Those are just policemen.;jen: Kdo je tmhle? Hele, to jsou jen

: ;small: small table;mal: mal stl;

: ( ~ ) ;beloved:
(It) gives (the-beloved) beauty.;milovan: Dodv
(milovanou) krsu.;col.

: ;hey: Hey, continue in writing.;hele: Hele,

pokrauj v psan.;imper. pol.

: T ;habit: I have the habit of

going out by bus.;zvyk: Jsem zvykl jezdit ven autobusem.;

: ;itself: The valley (itself) : ;indeed: The yellow

is so narrow.;jako takov: (To) dol (jako-takov) je tak zk.; building is a hotel, indeed.;vskutku: (Ta) lut budova je,
: ;indicates imperative: Sit down! (insisting);zna
rozkaz: Sednte si! (nalhav);imper.

vskutku, hotel.;

;train (practise (and) train) practice (practise (and)

train) exercise (practise (and) train);praktikovat (praktikovat
: ;indicates emphasis: Next (time we) will (a) trnovat) procviovat (praktikovat (a) trnovat) cviit
(praktikovat (a) trnovat) trnovat (praktikovat (a)
meet.;zna zdraznn: Pt se setkme.;fut. col.
T;indicates emphasis: Indeed, next day in the :
...;practise: If (you) do not practise, what
morning rabbit and turtle competed (in) speed.;zna
(you) have (already) got, the good (knowledge) of writing (and)
zdraznn: Vskutku, nsledujc den (v) rno krlk a elva
good (knowledge) of speaking may get lost, (they) say ...;cviit:
soutili (v) bhu.;writ.
Pokud netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a)
: T ;hey: Hey, explain (it).;hele: Hele, vysvtli
dobr (zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.
to.;imper. col.
: ;younger: younger aunt;mlad. mlad teta;

: ;weigh: The parcel

weighs one kilogram.;vit: (Ten) balk v jeden kilogram.;
: ;weigh: The bread weighs
400 grams.;vit: (Ten) chlb v 400 gram.;
: T ;several: (I)
often happen to write several articles.;nkolik: asto se stane,
e napu nkolik lnk.;pol.

: T ;practise
(meditation): I will go to Burma (country) in order to practise
(meditation).;praktikovat (meditaci): Pojedu do (zem) Barmy
abych praktikoval meditaci.;fut.

: ;airline:
an airplane of ABC airline;aerolinka: letadlo aerolinky ABC;

( );airline (air way line);aerolinka (linka

vzdun cesty);sg.
: TT;is: (It)'s Mya Mya (Emerald-Emerald) (also
during telephone conversation).;je: (To) je Mja Mja (Smaragd- ;whistle (sharpen air);pala (zapiaovat
Smaragd) (tak pi telefonnm hovoru);col.
;revere (exceedingly attach-importance-to) respect
...;good: If (you) do not practise, what (you) (exceedingly attach-importance-to) respect (exceedingly
have (already) got, the good (knowledge) of writing (and) good attach-importance-to) honor (exceedingly attachimportance-to);vit si (nkoho, neobyejn pisuzovat(knowledge) of speaking may get lost, (they) say ...;dobr:
dleitost) respektovat (nkoho, neobyejn pisuzovatPokud netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a)
dleitost) mt v ct (neobyejn pisuzovat-dleitost)
dobr (zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.


ctt (neobyejn pisuzovat-dleitost);T

: T ( ~ T )
;respect: I am extremely happy and (I) happen
to respect (you).;respektovat: (J) jsem nesmrn astn (a)
(stalo se, e) (vs) respektuji.;pol.
: ( ~ )
;revere: (I) revere
(you), who is well skilled in what is not (your) mother
tongue.;ctt: Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v tom, co nen
(tvou) matetinou.;pol.
: ;honor: (I) honor (you).;respektovat:
Respektuji (vs).;pol. utmn

: ;airplane: a flying
airplane;letadlo: ltajc letadlo;sg.
( );airplane (air vehicle (which) flies);letadlo
(vzdun vozidlo (kter) lt);sg.
;airline office (office (of) air vehicle);cestovn
kancel (kancel vzdunho vozidla);n.
( );air ticket (air vehicle's hand sign)
plane ticket (air vehicle's hand sign) airplane ticket (air
vehicle hand sign) flight ticket (air vehicle's hand sign)
flight ticket (air vehicle hand sign);letenka (run znamen
vzdunho vozidla) letenka (vzduchovho vozidla run

: T ;respect: Ladies ;delivery (of a speech, taking air (and)

and gentlemen! (You, respectable men and women.);cta:
collecting air) gesticulation (taking air (and) collecting
Dmy a pnov! (Vy, ctyhodn pnov a dmy.);imper.
air);gestikulace (bran vzduchu (a) sbrn vzduchu)
pednes (zpsob pednesu, bran vzduchu (a) sbrn
;respectable (which (is) place
respect);ctyhodn (kter (m) umstn respekt);adj.
;airport (air port) airport );letit (vzdun


;windy, be;vtrno, bt;I
: ;windy, be: It's (being) windy.;vtrno, ;gesticulation: The marking judges should
give marks after (they) watch (and) listen to the behavior,
bt: Je vtrno.;
;weighty, be (worth consideration, heavy (and) deep) gesticulation, usage (of words) (and according to the given)
profound, be (worth consideration, heavy (and) deep) deep, information from both the sides, of the proposer and
defendant.;gestikulace: Znmkujc soudci by (v tto debatrsk
be (worth consideration, heavy (and) deep) worthy of
souti) mli dvat znmky po sledovn a poslouchn
consideration (heavy (and) deep);vznan, bt (zvan,
chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle uvedench) informac
tk (a) hlubok) zvan, bt (tk (a) hlubok)
od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele (uritho nzoru) a obhjce
hlubok, bt (zvan, tk (a) hlubok);I
(jinho nzoru).;pol.
;deep: (It) is used ( ~ "put) because a deep ; tend to (have habit) usually (have habit) habit of,
have the (have habit);mt sklon k (mt (ve) zvyku)
thanks was desired.;hlubok: Vkld se (to), protoe se
zvyku, mt ve (mt (ve) zvyku) obvykle (mt (ve) zvyku);I
vyaduje hlubok dkuji.;pol.
(or) T
: airplain;get on: to get on the
plane.;letadlo: nastoupit do ( ~ na) letadla.;writ.
: ;airplane: an
airplane of ABC airline;letadlo: letadlo aerolinky ABC;
( );airplane (air vehicle);letadlo (vzdun
;airfield (field (of) air vehicle) airport (air
vehicle's field) airstrip (field (of) air vehicle);pistvac
drha, letadlov (, pole vzdunho vozidla) letit (pole
vzdunho vozidla) letit (zejmna pistvac drha, pole
vzdunho vozidla) startovac drha, letadlov (, pole
vzdunho vozidla);n.
;flight plan (air vehicle's plan
board);letov d (tabule (s) plnem vzduchovch
vozidel);n. E. board
( ) () ;flight plan: On
the big flight plan (board) there is information about
departures of planes ( ~ planes which will depart).;letov d:
Na velk (tabuli) letovho du jsou informace o odletech
letadel ( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;

: ;study:
Student is studying a book.;studovat: Student studuje njakou

: T ;study: I have
been learning Myanmar language for around one year.;uit se:
Um se Myanmarsk jazyk (ji) asi jeden rok.;p.p. col.
: ;study: Whatever (he)
can read, (he) studies (it) all.;studovat: Studuje cokoliv, co
doke pest.;
: () ;study: (I)
have been studying Burmese language only ten
months.;studovat: Studuji barmsk jazyk (u) pouze deset
msc.;p.p. pol.
: ;study:
(he) writes, meditates and also studies Burmese
language;studovat: pe, medituje a tak studuje;
: ;learn ( ~
study): While (I) have a job, (I) also study by myself ( ~ "from
one side).;uit se ( ~ studovat): Zatmco mm prci, tak sm

;study (practice (and) come {nouner});studium

: ;airplane:
An airplane is flying in the sky.;letadlo: Letado lt v nebi.;cont. (praktikovat (a) pichzet {jmenec});n.


The study of national literature also happened to be
opened.;studium: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn
;respectfully: (I) respectfully follow
(the religion) believing (and) accepting.;uctiv: Uctiv nsleduji
(to nboenstv) vce a pijmajce.;pol.
: ;air-conditioner: airconditioned room;klimatizan zazen: klimatizovan pokoj;
( );air-conditioner (machine giving cool
air);klimatizan zazen (stroj dvajc studen

kad rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.

: T ; around: to (around) six
places;asi: (asi) na est mst;
: ;around: around two years later;asi
tak: asi tak o dva roky pozdji;adv.
: T ;around: Not
long time. It has been already around six months.;asi: Ne
dlouho. Je to u asi est msc.;
;as: The man with the beard is as tall as the man
with the hat.;jako: Ten mu s vousy je stejn vysok jako ten
mu s kloboukem.;

: T ;according to what:
According to what he says, this book is not difficult.;podle toho,
: T ;hurry, be in a: (I) was in a hurry co: Podle toho, co k, tato kniha nen nron.;pol.
to become a monk.;spchat: Spchal jsem abych se stal
: ;much:
mnichem.;p.s. pol.
I think this much is enough.;tolik: (J) si myslm, e tolik
;haste, be in a hurry, be in a;spchat spch, mt na;T

T ( ~ )
;world: My goal is just to control this world of both
body (and) mind.;svt: Mm clem je prost ovldnout tenhle
svt tla (a) mysli.;pol.
: ;world: modern world;svt: modern
;secular worldly;svtsk;adj. P. lokika (or) adj. P. lok
(= worldly)
: T ( ~
T) ;worldly: With the excuse,
that with the worldly problems (I) cannot dedicate (it) time, I
have been lazy.;svtsk: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi
problmy tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol.
;supramundane metaphysical
transcendental;transcendentln (nadsvtsk) nadpirozen
nadsvtsk;adj. P. lokuttara (loka+uttara = transcendental,
: T ;transcendental:
May the transcendental benefits (be able to) occur (to
you).;nadpirozen: K se (ti) mohou objevit nadpirozen
(pjemn) nsledky.;w. pol.
;approximately (estimation) around around
(estimation) according to what about (estimation) about
(around) indicates quantity;podle toho, co okolo (asi) zna
mru piblin (odhad) okolo (odhad) asi tak asi (odhad)
asi nkdy (asi);prep. (or) suff. adv. (or) suff. (or) adv.

sta.;pol. um.

: ;around: around in April;nkdy: nkdy v

;offer food during alms-round (to monks, offer
food);darovat jdlo bhem almun obchzky mnich
(mnichm, darovat jdlo);T Bh. mn.
;scorched, get (burn (and) be-burnt-up);poplit se
(hoet (a) shoet);I
;scorched, get: When (you) get too much
close, (you), indeed, get scorched.;poplit se: Kdy se
dostane moc blzko, vskutku, popl se.;col.
;offer food during alms-round (to monks, offer
(and) offer food);darovat jdlo bhem almun obchzky
mnich (mnichm, nabdnout (a) nabdnout jdlo);T Bh. mn.
;at the moment for the time being as for
now;te zrovna (CZ col.) co se te te momentln
touhle dobou;adv.
;for the time being: Because for the time being (I)
have arrived and stay in the refugee camp.;touhle dobou:
Protoe touhle dobou jsem pijela a iji v uprchlickm
tboe.;pol. uw.
: ;at the moment:
At the moment (we) have only three kinds.;momentln:
Momentln mme jen ti druhy.;pol.

;even tumble over indicates end of question requiring

: T ;around: I have detail topple though exchange tumble keel over also
been studying Myanmar language for around one year.;asi:
although fall over overturn too (also) change;zna
Um se Myanmarsk jazyk (ji) asi jeden rok.;p.p. col.
konec otzky na detailn informaci spadnout zmnit
: ( );indicates quantity: as far as I pestoe svalit se tak pesto pevrhnout se spadnout
know;zna mru: co j vm;(writ.)
(pes co) zvrhnout se smnit dokonce pepadnout (pes
: ;around (estimation): (It) has
co) pepadnout pekotit se (pes co) promnit;suff. col. (or)
already been around ten days.;asi (odhad): U je (to) asi deset I (or) suff. col (or) T (or) suff. conj.
;limpid, be clear, be;ir, bt przran, bt;I
: ;around: It
may start every year around 13th of April.;okolo: Me zat

- ;and also as well as;i a tak;suff. conj. col.

- : ;as well as:


I will eat as well as drink. and also: I will eat as well as

drink.;a tak: Budu jst a tak pt. i: Budu jst a tak pt.;col.
;even, is not;nen ani;suff.
: ;even, is not: (He) is not even a
king's servant.;ani, nen: Nen ani krlovm sluebnkem.;
} T ;also: He
: {
also said: Go wherever you want to go.;tak: Tak ekl:
Jdte kam chcete jt.;col.

;exchange: Will you ( ~ sir) have change, because I
cannot exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.;smnit: Budete mt
(pane) drobn, protoe j nemohu smnit sto dolarovou
bankovku.;fut. inter. uw.

sufficient, (I) am extremely tired.);dostaten: Ponvad jsem

nespal dobe, jsem moc unaven. (Ponvad mj spnek (byl)
nedostaten, jsem extrm unaven.);um.
: " T ;dare: At
that time turtle (said): friend rabbit, with you I dare to
race.;troufat si: Tehdy elva (ekla: pteli krlku, s tebou si
troufm zvodit.;writ.
: ;fat: The man is fatter
than the woman.;tlust: (Ten) mu je tlust ne (ta) ena.;
: ;good: To have a good sleep,
sleep much.;dobr: Spi podn abys mla dobr
spnek.;imper. pol.
( );bear;medvd;sg.

: ;also: (I) thank you also.;tak: Tak

vm dkuji.;pol. col.


: ;also: He will buy a book also.;tak:

Koup si tak knihu.;col.

: TT ;half: (we) happened to talk

around half of an hour;pl: (stalo-se), e jsme se bavili asi pl

: ;although: He doesn't eat although he is

hungry.;pestoe: Pestoe m hlad, nej.;col.
: ;although: Although he gives, I
don't take.;pestoe: Pestoe dv, j si neberu.;col. um.
: ;also: He also will buy (a) book.;tak:
On tak si koup knihu.;col.

: ;half: half of a year;pl: pl roku;

: ( ~ ) ;pig:
lying pig;prase: lec prase;
: T;pig: pig's skin;prase: prase ke;
( );pig;prase;sg.

( );half;polovina;sg.
: T ;also: (I) also transform (it) to the :
form of zmnit (pemnit).;tak: Tak (to) pemnm do formy T ;website: That dictionary is (like) an offline
website.;webov strnka: Ten slovnk je (jako) offline webov
: T ;also: As it is strnka.;pol.
next to Irrawaddy river, (also as for beauty,) (it) is also
( );website;strnka, internetov;sg. E. website
beautiful.;tak: Ponvad je vedle eky Iravadi, (tak (co se
( ) (WS. from );website;webov strnka;sg.
te) krsy) je krsn.;pol. col.
WS. E. website
.. ..:
;neither-nor: I will neither drink nor eat.;ani-ani:
Nebudu ani jst ani pt.;col.

: ;website: the book from

website;strnka, internetov: kniha z internetov strnky;n.

( );website;webov strnka;sg. E. website

();changed, get (about mood, get changed);zmnit ( );website;strunka, internetov;sg. E. website
se (o nlad, dostat promnu);I
: ;website: (I)
;lay (fall-down (and) recline);leet (padnout-dol (a) search in the Internet websites.;webov strnka: Hledm na
webovch strnkch.;
: ;lie: The
( );bear (pig bear);medvd (prase
patient is lying on the hospital-bed.;leet: Pacient le na
nemocnin posteli.;cont.
;pork meat (pig's meat);vepov maso (prase

: ( ~ ) ;lie: maso);n.
lying pig;leet: lec prase;
: ;sausages: I am going to
(from );tea (beverage, tea leave's
barbecue sausages.;prky: Jdu grilovat prky.;fut. um.
juice);aj (npoj, dus ajovch list);n.
( );sausage (stick (of) pig's
: ;tea: intestine);prek (tyinka (z) praseho steva);sg.
In the afternoon (she) is eating cake and drinking tea.;aj:
;vagga (chapter in a Pi texts);vagga (kapitola v Pi
Odpoledne j dort a pije aj.;writ.
textech);n. P. vagga (= chapter)
;sufficient, be complete, be good, be full, be fat,
;come in enter attend (enter) enter (a
be;dostaten, bt kompletn, bt dobr, bt pln, bt
country);cestovat do (njak zem, vstoupit) absolvovat
tlust, bt;I
(vstoupit) vstoupit vejt;T
;dare;troufat si;T

();0 (zero);0 (nula);num.

;radiant, be;ziv, bt;I un.

(derived from (?));compound (of a monastery

: ;sufficient: Because I etc.);dvr (kltern atd.);n.
didn't sleep well, (I) am so tired. (Because my sleep (was) not : T ;attend ( ~ enter): (I) have


attended ( ~ entered) ten days meditation retreat.;absolvovat ( happen to watch the very nature (of my) mind (rpa
~ vstoupit): Absolvoval jsem ( ~ vstoupil jsem) desetidenn nma).;dech: Vmajce si (svho) dechu, (stv se, (e))
meditan zsed.;pol.
sleduji samotnou pirozenost (sv) mysli (rpa nma).;pol.
: ;compound

(of a monastery etc.): Today (I) sweep (in) the monastery

;join (a competition etc.) enter;vstoupit vstoupit (stt se
compound.;dvr (kltern atd.): Dnes zametm kltern dvr ( lenem);T
~ "v klternm dvoe).;pol. mn.
;glitter;tpytit se;T
: T
: ;glitter: The golden color(s) are

;enter (a country): If (you) have a Myanmar

glittering.;tpytit se: Zlat barvy ( ~ zlat barvy) se tpyt.;cont.
passport, (as for) entering Europe and America, (it) is
difficult.;cestovat (do njak zem): Pokud m Myanmarsk
: T ;join: He'll join a race (and run). (He
pas, je cestovn do Evropy nebo Ameriky nron. (pokud
will join a running competition.);vstoupit: (On) bude zvodit.
dr Myanmarsk pas, co se te vstupu do Evropy a Ameriky, (On vstoup do bhac soute..);fut.
je (to) tk.);
;kamma committed through speech (speech
;come (and) see;pijt (a) dvat se na;T

: ;come (and) see: (I) don't

have the mood to (want to) come and see, any more.;pijt (a)
dvat se na: U nemm nladu (chtt) (znovu) pijt a dvat se
(na to).;col.
;entrance fee (coming money);vstupn (penze (za)

kamma);kamma vykonan skrze mluvu (kamma mluvy);bh.

P. vac-kamma (= speech intentinally-done-action)
( );syllable;slabika;sg. P. vaa (= letter)
( );duty (duty (and) law);povinnost
(povinnost (a) zkon);sg. P. vatta (= duty)
( );story;pbh;sg. P. vatthu (= object, story)

;duty, fulfill a have a certain position in society be at a

;pass (an examination, (get) permission (to) enter);projt certain social position put on wear (clothes) put on
(zkoukou, (dostat) povolen (ke) vstupu);I
(clothes) wear dress;oblci se oblkat si povinnost, plnit
T ;pass ( ~ "permission (to) oblci si nosit (obleen) mt uritou pozici ve spolenosti
enter): (He) passed the entrance examination of the university. bt v urit sociln pozici oblknout si;T P. vatta (= duty) (or)
((He) succeeded (in getting) permission to enter
T P. vattha (= cloth) (or) T
university.);projt ( ~ "povolen (ke) vstupu): Proel vstupn
: () ;wear: (Young man)
zkoukou na univerzitu. (Uspl (a) dostal povolen (ke) vstupu Aye is wearing green longyi.;nosit: (Mlad pn) nos zelen
na univerzitu.);
;earn money (search (for) entering money);vydlvat : ;dress: I search clothes to
penze (hledat vstupujc penze);T
dress.;oblci se: Hledm obleen k obleen.;
( );Windows (system);Windows (systm);name E.

;Windows (systm): Better ( ~ "more good)than
Windows system is the Linux system.;Windows (systm): Linux
systm je lep ( ~ "vce dobr) ne systm Windows.;pol.

( );duty responsibility;zodpovdnost
povinnost;sg. P. vatta (= duty)
: ;suit: the man with the black
suit;oblek: mu v ( ~ s) ernm obleku.;
( ) ;suit (complete clothes) dress (complete
clothes);oblek (kompletn obleen);sg.

;independent, be (enters (and) competes);nezvisl, bt ;wear (put-on (and) fix);nosit (obleen, oblknout (a)
(vstupuje (a) sout);I

: ;wear: Baby does not
T ;independent, be: (I) am the only independent wear a T-shirt.;nosit (obleen): Mimonko nenos triko.;
candidate of the election.;nezvisl, bt: Jsem jedinm
: T
nezvislm kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.
;wear: Because the woman will do the laundry,

;enter (enter (and) come);vstoupit (vstoupit (a) pijt) (she) is wearing blue gloves.;nosit: Protoe se (ta) ena bude
vejt (vstoupit (a) pijt);T
prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr rukavice.;
: ;enter: (He) enters the
T ;monk, become a (happen-to wear);mnichem, stt se
office.;vstoupit: Vchz do kancele.;writ.
(pihodit-se-e nos);T P. vattha (= clothes)
;arrogant, be (boasting (and) bragging) uppish, be
(boasting (and) bragging);arogantn, bt (pyn (a) chlubc
se) namylen, bt (pyn (a) chlubc se);I

T : T ;monk, become a: (I) became only

temporary (nun (or) monk).;mnichem, stt se: Stala jsem se
mnikou ( ~ mnichem) jen doasn.;

;breath (coming breath (and) escaping

;put on (put-on (and) follow);oblci si (oblknout (a)
breath) breath (inbreath (and) outbreath);dech (ndech (a) nsledovat);T
vdech) dech (vchzejc dech (a) vychzejc dech);n.
;responsibility burden;bemeno zodpovdnost;n.
: ( )
T ;breath: Noticing the breath, (I)


: T
;around: The mind goes again and
again out, time to time four, five (or) ten minutes (it) roams
around.;okolo: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu se
tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.

(and) sadness.;smutek: Je dobe se obvat prodravn vlastn

dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a) smutku.;prov.
;regrettably (for sadness) unfortunately (for
sadness);bohuel (pro smutek) nanetst (pro

;ministry (minister's office, office (of) big executiveofficer);ministerstvo (ministrova kancel, kancel velkho : ()
;regrettably: Regrettably, these essays must be
();Wun Zin (village);Wan Zen (vesnice);name
written by ( ~ with) hand.;bohuel: Bohuel, tyto eseje mus
bt napsny (s) rukou.;col.
( );employee (of an office, carrying-on

responsibility) staff (carrying-on

;belly (belly, belly);bicho (bicho, bicho);n.
responsibility);zamstnanec (v kanceli, vykonvajc
: T ;duck: Duck is swimming
zodpovdnost) personl (vykonvajc zodpovdnost);sg. in the river.;kaer: Kaer plave v ece.;cont.
( ) [w~ha~:];employee (carries
( );duck (stomach-boy);kaer (bichatresponsibility);zamstnanec (nese zodpovdnost);sg.
: ;staff: (They) are T ;joyous, be (stomach is-high) happy, be (stomach
very, very weak (in doing their work), the staff of the
is-high) happy, be (stomach (is) high);radost, mt (aludek
office.;zamstnanci: Jsou velice, velice slab (v dln sv
je-vysoko) astn, bt (aludek je-vysoko) astn, bt
prce), zamstnanci t kancele.;col.
(aludek (je) vysoko) radost, mt (aludek (je) vysoko);I
;crouch;kret (se);T
T : T ( ~ T )
: T ;crouch: A hen is ;happy, be: I am extremely happy and (I)
crouching on the lawn.;kret se: Slepice se kr na trvnku.;
happen to respect (you).;astn, bt: (J) jsem nesmrn
astn (a) (stalo se, e) (vs) respektuji.;pol.
; seminary workshop;dlna semin;n. E. workshop
;mind (stomach) stomach;mysl (aludek) aludek;n.
( );cousin (separated stomach);sestenice
(oddlen aludek) bratranec (oddlen aludek);sg.

T : T ;happy, be: (I) happily

invite (you).;astn, bt: tastn (t) zvu.;pol.

T : T ;happy, be:
;cousins ( woman's-younger-brother (and) man's- Especially, being happy (I) call well done, ven. Sir.;astn,
younger-sister (of) separated stomach);bratranci a sestenice bt: Zejmna, asten volm: dobe!, ct. Pane.;pol.
;lie prone (extend belly (and) turn-face-down)
(mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue oddlenho
bow down (extend belly (and) turn-face-down) prostrate
;sad, be (stomach (is) small) sorry, be (stomach (is) oneself (extend belly (and) turn-face-down) worship
(extend belly (and) turn-face-down);poklonit se (nathnout
small);neastn, bt (aludek (je) mal) litovat (aludek
bicho (a) natoit-obliej-dol) leet na bie (nathnout
(je) mal) smutn, bt (aludek (je) mal);T
: ;sad, be: Because I am bicho (a) natoit-obliej-dol) uctvat (nathnout bicho
(a) natoit-obliej-dol) klant se (nathnout bicho (a)
so much sad, (I) want to cry.;smutn, bt: Protoe jsem tak
moc smutn, chce se mi breet ( ~ plakat).;
: ;sad: The girl looks
sad.;smutn: Ta dvka vypad smutn.;
: ;sad: Don't be sad.;smutn: nebu
smutn.;imper. pol.

: ;bow down: (He) bows

down (before him) three times.;poklonit se: Klan se (mu)

;happy, be (stomach (is) pleased) glad, be (stomach

(is) pleased) rejoice (stomach (is) pleased) happy, be
: ;sorry, be: No, sorry.;litovat:
(stomach (is) pleasant) glad, be (stomach (is) pleasant)
Ne, lituji.;pol.
glad, be;astn, bt (aludek (je) poten) poten, bt
: ;sad: People are
(aludek (je) pjemn) tit se (aludek (je) pjemn)
sad because of the funeral.;smutn: Lid jsou kvli pohebu
rd, bt astn, bt (aludek (je) pjemn) radost, mt
(aludek (je) pjemn) poten, bt (aludek (je) poten)
T ;sad, be: Oh, you seem to be sad, what happened radovat se z (aludek (je) poten);I
to you?;smutn, bt: Ah, ty vypad jako bys byl smutn, co se : ;glad, be: If
you come, I would be glad.;rd, bt: Jestli pijde, budu
ti stalo?;inter. col.
rd.;pol. um.
T ;sadness (stomach (is) little {nouner});smutek
(aludek (je) mal {jmenec});n.

T :

;sadness: It is good to be afraid of making one's
faith holey inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering


: ( ~
);happy, be: Indeed,
I am very happy about you (of what (I) heard about
you).;radost, mt: Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co jsem o
tob slyel) velkou radost .;pol.

T ;hapy: I must be happy
(and) joyful, as (I) have picked up now a teacher or an elder
brother.;astn: Musm bt astn (a) rozradostnn,
ponvad jsem si te vzal ( ~ sebral) uitele nebo starho
bratra.;pol. utmn.

(a) dt);T
;demand (economic, buy power);poptvka
(ekonomick, kupn moc);n.
: ;demand
(economic): The demand for copper also increased.;poptvka
(ekonomick): Poptvka po mdi tak stoupla.;

: ;glad, be: Nice to see you. ((I) ;years (years of monkhood, rains) age (years of
am glad (that I) met you.);tit: T m. (Mm radost, e
monkhood, rains) rains (years of monkhood) monkhood,
(jsem vs) potkal.);pol.
length of;roky (roky mnistv, rains) det (roky mnistv)
: T ;happy: (I) happen to be happy
vk (roky mnistv, rains) mnitv, dlka;n. P. vassa (= rains)
(and) joyful.;astn: Najednou jsem astn a vesel.;pol.
(or) n. P. vassa (= rain)
: T
;happy, become: It is said, that Nga Nyo
() ;show off brag boast;chlubit se chvstat se
became happy as his wife told (him) about the kings's call
vytahovat se;T
up.;radost, mt: k se, e kdy mu manelka ekla o krlov : ;rains (years of monkhood): How many rains
zavoln, a o ml radost.;p.s.
( ~ years of monkhood) (you) already have?;det (roky
;shopping, do the buy;koupit nakoupit nakupovat

mnistv): Kolik de (let mnistv) u m?;inter. p.p. mn.

: ;monkhood, length of:

(There) are various kinds of (great) monks' monkhood
length.;mniskho ivota, dlka: Jsou rzn dlky mniskho
: ;buy: Friend, what book do ivota (velkch) mnich.;mn. Bh.
you want to buy?;koupit: Jakou knihu (si) chce koupit,
: ;age (years of monkhood): Monk age is 10
pteli?;inter. fut. col. um.
years. (Monk rains, ten rains.);vk (roky mnistv): Mnisk
: ;buy: I will by meat.;koupit: (J)
koupm maso.;col. um.

: ;buy: (He) goes to shop to buy vk je deset let. (Mnisk det, deset de.);ubmn.
an envelope.;koupit: Jde do obchodu aby koupil oblku.;
: ( ~
);rains ( ~ years of monkhood): A monk of
;buy: (I) went to a shop and bought what (goods) little number of rains ( ~ years of monkhood) approaches a
(I) liked without looking at the price.;koupit: el jsem do
monk of many rains ( ~ years of monkhood).;det ( ~ roky
obchodu a koupil (zbo) co jsem chtl ( ~ "ml-rd) ani
mnistv): Mnich malho potu de ( ~ let mnistv) pistoup
bych se dval na cenu.;p.s. pol.
k mnichovi mnoha de ( ~ let mnistv).;
: ;buy: In that case (I) will not buy it :
(any more).;koupit si: V tom ppad si (to) (u)
;sentence: Until I improve, (I) will write only about
three sentences.;vta: Dokud se nezlepm, nebudu pst vce
: ;book (buy): Have you bought ( ~ booked) jak asi ti vty.;fut. pol. um.
the mat ( ~ place to sit) yet?;zarezervovat (koupit): U jsi
: ;sentence: all the words in the Pi
koupil ( ~ zarezervoval) podloku ( ~ msto k sezen)?;inter.
sentence;vta: vechna slova v (t) pi vt;
: ;buy: How much (money) do you
buy (it) with?;kupovat: Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika penzi) (to)
kupuje?;inter. col.
: ;buy: What do (you) want to buy? (What
(is it), that (you) want to buy?);koupit: Co chcete koupit? (Co
(je to), co chcete koupit?);inter. col.
: ;buy: What will you buy, friend?;koupit:
Co si koup, pteli?;inter. um.
: ;buy: (I) will buy
pants as well as shirt.;koupit: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut.
: ;buy: He will buy a book also.;koupit
si: Koup si tak knihu.;col.

: T ;sentence: (I) am going to

translate the sentence for (you) as (it) is.;vta: Pelom (tu)
vtu pro (tebe) tak, jak je;fut.
: ;sentence: (I) will write several
sentences and send it.;vta: Napi nkolik vt a polu (je).;fut.
( );sentence;vta;sg.
( );sentence (of language);vta;sg.
;syntax (of sentence, composing (and) forming (of)
sentence);syntax (vtn, komponovn (a) formovn

; syntax (of sentence, fixing (and) concealing

(of) sentence);syntax (vtn, upevovn (a) skrvn
: ;buy: I will go to (the) vty);n.
shop to buy (a) shirt.;koupit: Pjdu do obchodu abych (si)
koupil koili.;fut. um.
: ;sell: I sell (somebody) to sell (him)
house.;prodat: Hledm (nkoho) abych (mu) prodal dm.;
;welcome;vtej;imper. col. E. welcome

Buenos Aires is 8377 km far from ( ~ with)

Washington.;Washington: Buenos Aires je 8377 km daleko od (
~ s) Washingtonu.;

;buy (for sb., buy (and) give);koupit (nkomu, koupit

();Washington (town in USA);Washington (msto


: ;hobby: I have the
hobby of climbing mountains. (I include hobby (of) climbing
mountains.);konek: Mm konkem je horolezectv. (J
zahrnuji konek lezen (na) hory.);um.
: ;hobby: I have the hobby of
dancing. (I include hobby (of) dancing.);konek: Mm
konkem je tancovn. (J zahrnuji konek tancovn.);uw.
: ;hobby: What are your hobbies, sir?
(Sir, what hobbies (are) included?);konek: Jak mte
konky, pane? (Pane, jak konky (jsou) zahrnuty?);inter.

kruhovit, bt kolektivn kulat, bt dohromady;I (or) adv.

(or) T
: ;wine: He
drinks beer. As for wine, he doesn't drink (it).;vno: Pije pivo.
Co se te vna, (to) nepije.;col.
: T ;together: (They) will answer (it)
all together.;spolu: Odpov na (to) vechno spolu.;
: T T T ;round,
perfectly: When the moon is pure white (and) perfectly round, it
is full moon (day).;kulat, zcela: Kdy je msc ist bl (a)
zcela kulat, (pak) je (den) plku.;writ.

( );hobby;konek zliba;sg. P. vsan (tendencies ;wine, red (red wine);vno, erven (erven
of the past)
vno);n. E. wine
;Vinaya (scripture of monks' rules);Vinaja (spis mniskch ;unclear vague;nejasn vgn;adj.
pravidel);name Bh. lit. P. vinaya (= code-of-rules)
( );whistle;pala;sg. E. whisky(?)
;Vinaya rules of conduct (Vinaya's practice ;share out;sdlet (s nkm);T
(of) duty (of) morality);Vinajov pravidla chovn (Vinajov ;far, be;daleko, bt;I
praxe povinnosti etiky);n. Bh. P. vinaya-vatta (= code-of: ;grow ( ~ berules - duties)
distributed): When the leaves become grown ( ~ distributed),
;Vinaya Pitaka (original script containing monks'
rules);Vinaja Piaka (pvodn spis obsahujc mnisk
pravidla);name Bh. lit. P. vinaya-piaka (= code-of-rules canon)

the spring has come.;vyrst ( ~ bt-rozdlen): Kdy vyroste

( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho list, pilo jaro.;p.p.

;vipassana, meditation of (one of the two main kinds of

meditation in Buddhism, leading directly to first and second
level of enlightenment, and later with help of meditation of
concentration even to third and the fourth level of
enlightenment) insight, meditation of (one of the two main
kinds of meditation in Buddhism, leading directly to first and
second level of enlightenment, and later with help of meditation
of concentration even to third and the fourth level of
enlightenment);vipassan, meditace (jeden z dvou hlavnch
druh meditace v Buddhismu, vedouc pmo k prvnmu a
druhmu stupni osvcen, a pozdji s pomoc meditace
soustedn dokonce i ke tetmu a tvrtmu stupni osvcen)
vhledu, meditace (jeden z dvou hlavnch druh meditace v
Buddhismu, vedouc pmo k prvnmu a druhmu stupni
osvcen, a pozdji s pomoc meditace soustedn dokonce i
ke tetmu a tvrtmu stupni osvcen);n. Bh. med. P. vipassan
(= insight)

;far: Buenos
Aires is 8377 km far from ( ~ with) Washington.;daleko:
Buenos Aires je 8377 km daleko od ( ~ s) Washingtonu.;

: ;far: How many miles is it

far from here to Bago?;daleko: Kolik ml je to odsud do Bago?
: ;Vinaya Piaka, (Odsud to Bago, kolik ml je to daleko?);inter. col.
be: There are five books of Vinaya included in Vinaya
: ;far: I don't
Piaka.;Vinaja Piaka: Ve Vinaja Piace je obsaeno pt knih
know precisely how far it is.;daleko: Nevm pesn jak je to
Vinaji.;writ. pol.

: T
;vipassana: What else do (you) do, apart from
(doing) samath (and) vipassan meditation?;vipassan:
Krom samath a vipassan meditace, co jet dl?;inter.
;Visuddhimagga (ven. Buddhaghosa's summary on
the entire Buddha's teaching, book (of)
Visuddhimagga);Visuddhimagga (shrnut celho Buddhova
uen dle ct. Buddhaghosy, kniha Visuddhimagga);name Bh.
;gather (people) together circular, be collectively
surround round, be;spolu shromdit (lidi) obklopit


: ;far: It is 50 miles far (from

here);daleko: Je to (odsud) 50 mil daleko.;pol.
: ;grow (distribute): Many leaves are
growing ( ~ distributed).;rst ( ~ rozdlit): Mnoho list roste
( ~ je-rozdleno).;
;vocabulary;slovka;n. P. vohra (= expression, calling,
(shortened );indicates end of information and precedes
certain suffix;zna konec informace a zrove pedchz jistou
[dj:];sugar (between beauty);cukr (mezi
krsou);n. P. sakkhar (= sugar)
: T T ;sugar:
Sugar is ( ~ "are) mostly used as powder.;cukr: Cukr se
vtinou pouv ve form ( ~ "jakoto) prek.;
;sweets (candy, sugar ball) candy (sweets, sugar
ball);bonbny (sladkosti, cukrov koule) sladkosti (bonbny,
cukrov koule);n.
;like if;jako kdyby;adv. writ.
;like if: (We) lived like if married, though (we)
were not married.;jako kdyby: ili jsme jako kdybychom byli

svoji, pestoe jsme nebyli svoji.;p.s. pol.

just for a visit?;pouze: Pijel jsi pouze na nvtvu?;inter.

;Myanmar Era (ME) ME (Myanmar Era);Myanmarsk ;separately (descend, descend (and) lineletopoet (Myan. l.) Myan. l. (Myanmarsk letopoet);n.
up);oddlen (snit, sniit (a) zarovnat);adv.
[takr. hni.];era of Myanmar (year (of) king
Sakka);letopoet Myanmar (rok krle Sakky);adv. P.
sakkarja (= name of king of Heaven of Thirty-Three)
: T
' T ' ;ME:
There was created mnemonics 'oo-aw-aww-myee-koun-bauntee' for the year 1115 ME, (when) the palace was built.;Myan.
l.: Byla vytvoena mnemotechnika 'u-o--mj-koun-baun-d' na
rok 1115 Myan. l., (kdy) byl ten palc postaven.;writ.
;captured, be (descend (and) descend) fall in (be
captured, descend (and) descend);zajat, bt (sestoupit (a)
sestoupit) padnout v (bt zajat, sestoupit (a) sestoupit);I
: T
;fall in: Indeed,
not long after the great town Inwa fell in hands of the
Hanthawadi's troops.;padnout do: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.

;vegetarian (food, free (from) killed

life);vegetarinsk (o jdle, prost zabitho ivota);advj.
;vegetarian: If it is not vegetarian, (then I) eat all
(of it).;vegetarinsk: Pokud (to) nen vegetarinsk, pak to
snm vechno.;writ.
: ;vegetarian: This (one) is just
vegetarian.;vegetarinsk: Tenhle je pouze vegetarinsk.;
;evidence (evidence, evidence) proof
(evidence, evidence);evidence (evidence, evidence) proof
(evidence, evidence);n. P. sdhaka (= proof)
( );cucumber (fruit (of) cucumber);okurka
(plod okurky);sg.
;monks;mnii;n. P. sagha (= community)
: ;monks: Monks get
connected with lay people (and) write (them).;mnii: Mnii se
spoj s laiky (a) pou (jim).;col.

;concerned with, be (descend (and) meet) relevant, :

be (descend (and) meet);spojitost, mt (tkat se, sestoupit (a) ;monk: Monks from every country
potkat) tkat se (sestoupit (a) potkat);I
come and acquire knowledge (here).;mnich: Mnii z kad
;joined, be: (It) is
zem (sem) pichzej a zskvaj znalosti.;pol.
relevant to the joined sentence.;pipojen, bt: Tk se to (t) ( ) (originally from );monk (great
pipojen vty.;pol.
Sagha);mnich (velk Sagha);sg. P. sagha (=
( );rainbow (descending stick);duha (sestupujc

community (of monks))

;lifespan (life continuation) life span (life

line);ivota, dlka (ivotn ra) ivotnost (pokraovn
ivota) dlka ivota (pokraovn ivota);n.

;monks Sagha (monks);Sagha (mnii)

mnii;Bh. pl. writ. P. sagha (= community)

: ;life
span: The life span of a person is around 80 years.;ivota,
dlka: Dlka ivota lovka je ( ~ trv) asi 80 let.;
;age (since birth, of a monk, great age);vk (od
narozen, mnicha, ohromn vk);n.

;monks;mnii;Bh. pl. P. sagha (= community)

;you;ty;pron. fr.
;pure, be aromatic, be fragrant, be she virtuous, be
he;on voav, bt ctnostn, bt aromatick, bt ona
ist, bt;I (or) I der. (or) I un. (or) pron. unpl.

;suitable, be should proper, be appropriate, be one's

own;sprvn, bt vhodn, bt vlastn ml by;I (or) suff. (or)
: ;age (since birth, of a monk): (As adj.
for) age, thirty.;vk (od narozen, mnicha): (Co se te) vku, : " " ;you: (He) said: I am not afraid
(tak) ticet.;col.
of you.;ty: Nebojm se t.;writ.

;carry (descend (and) come);nst (sejt (a) pijt);T : T

( ~ T T
: ;carry: (It) carries the
);should: We should strive in order
meaning.;nst: M ( ~ "nese) (ten) vznam.;
to successfully attain Arahanthood.;ml by: Mli bychom
;accept (believe, descend (and) enter) believe
usilovat abychom spn doshli Arahantstv.;pol.
(descend (and) enter) include (descend (and)
: ;should: You shouldn't disturb
enter);zahrnout (sestoupit (a) vstoupit) vit (sestoupit (a) him.;ml by: Neml bys ho (ty) vyruovat.;fr.
vstoupit) pijmout (vit, sestoupit (a) vstoupit);T
: ;proper:
;accept: (I) respectfully follow (the
religion) believing (and) accepting.;pijmat: Uctiv nsleduji (to
nboenstv) vce a pijmajce.;pol.
;separately (breat (and) breath) just (breat (and)
breath) only (breat (and) breath);jen (dech (a) dech)
pouze (dech (a) dech) oddlen (dech (a) dech);adv.
: ;just: Have (you) come

It is not proper to forget National Day as the effect of patriotic

awakening.;sprvn: Nen sprvn zapomnat na Nrodn Den
jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.
: () T ;you: Friend, you are
honest.;ty: Ptely, ty jsi estn.;fr. col.
: () ( ) ;your: May (you)
know for yourself the heart of yours.;vae: K sm zn sv


srdce.;pol. w.

taught me about life.;uit: (Oni) m uili o ivot.;p.s.

: ;he: Is it worth (with) him?;on: Je to

pro nj ( ~ "s nm) vhodn?;inter.

: ;teach: He teaches
culture.;uit: (On) u o kultue ( ~ "kulturu).;

;teach (teach (and) be-heard) learn (learn (and)

hear) study (learn (and) hear);uit (uit (a) bt-slyen)
studovat (uit se (a) slyet) uit se (uit se (a) slyet);T

;should not: As a student, he should not behave
( ~ do) like this.;neml by: Jako student by se takhle neml
: T T ;teach: Apart chovat ( ~ neml by dlat);
from teaching others, I can (also) learn (myself).;uit: Krom
T ;appropriate, be (proper (and) noble) proper, be
uen druhch, (tak) se umm uit (sm).;writ.
(proper (and) noble) suitable, be (proper (and)
noble);vhodn, bt (sprvn (a) ulechtil) sprvn, bt
: ( )

T T ;learn (sprvn (a) ulechtil) patin, bt (sprvn (a)
(learn (and) listen): According to this law, all who need to
learn at univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and)
listen), therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were,
indeed, not satisfied.;uit se (uit-se (a) poslouchat): Dle
tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit na universit,
nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn) povolen, proto,
vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch nrodnost
nespokojeni.;pl. writ.

; learn (learn (and) take) study (learn (and) take);uit

se (uit-se (a) brt) studovat (uit-se (a) brt);T
T ;learn: As (I) wrote almost all what (I) have
learned, the writing (at examination) was successful.;uit se:
Ponvad (jsem) napsal tm vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo
psan (na zkouce) spn.;p.s. pol.

: ;teach (meditation):
(He) teaches meditation;uit (meditaci): U meditaci.;

;student: (I am) a student of cinematography
;learning: Especially,
(subject).;student: Jsem studentem pedmtu
you may need learning.;uen: Zejmna bys mohl potebovat se kinematografie.;pol.
uit (~ uen).;fut.
( );student (person (who) is studying (and)
;course (line (of) teaching);kurs (linie uen);n.

taking) pupil (person (who) is studying (and) taking);k

: ;course: Business (osoba (kter) je studujc (a) berouc) student (osoba
(kter) je studujc (a) berouc);sg.
English course;kurs: kurs podnikatelsk anglitiny;
( );course teacher (master (of) line (of) : ( ~ );your: Your friend in
Dhamma.;tvj: Tvj ptel v Dhamm.;fr. lett.
teaching) teacher, course (master (of) line (of)
teaching);uitel na kurzu (mist linie uen) kurzu, uitel
na (mist linie uen);sg.

;suitable, be appropriate, be;vhodn, bt patin,

bt;I writ.

;suitable, be (suitable (and) great) suitable, be

appropriate, be (suitable (and) great) proper, be
(appropriate (and) great) appropriate, be due, be (suitable,
suitable (and) great);vhodn, bt vhodn, bt (vhodn (a)
ohromn) odpovdajc, bt (vhodn (a) ohromn) patin,
bt sprvn, bt (sprvn (a) ohromn) patin, bt
(vhodn (a) ohromn);I

;pagoda's coat (golden, robe);pagodov pl (zlat,


: T T

;suitable: If (you) say T at the place of

T, (it) will be more suitable.;vhodn: Pokud bys ekl T
na mst (kde te je) T, bylo by (to) vhodnj.;fut.

: ;robe: (I) don't know,

whether (he) says just three pieces of robes.;rba: Nevm,
jestli k pouze ti (jednotliv) rby.;col. mn.

;suitable, be: I
believe, that suitable teacher (monk) means ((by) me)
trustworthy teacher (monk).;vhodn, bt: Vm, e vhodn
uitel (mnich) znamen (mnou) dvryhodn uitel.;
: ;proper, be:
Proper place should be found.;sprvn, bt: Mlo by se najt
sprvn msto.;pol.

: ;pagoda's coat: (We)

attach a golden coat to a cetiya.;pagodov pl: Pipevujeme
zlat pl na pagodu.;
: ;robe: (He) doesn't use
more than three robes.;rba: Nepouv vce ne ti rby.;mn.

( );robe (of monks);rba (mnisk);sg. (one

set, one piece)
;maths mathematics;matematika;n. P. sakhy (=
calculation, enumeration)
;countless (1 times 10 potentiated by 140);nespoetn
(jedna krt deset na sto tyictou);I P. asakhyeyya (=
;keel (part of a boat, skeleton (of)
boat's body);kl (st lodi, kostra lodnho tla);sg.

: ;suitable, : ;ship: Ship is in storm. (Ship

be: I didn't find the proper teacher (monk) there.;vhodn, bt:
is catching storm.);lo: Lo je v bouce. (Lo chyt
Nenalezl jsem tam (toho) vhodnho uitele (mnicha).;p.s. pol. bouku.);cont.
;teach (teach (and) give);uit (uit (a) dt);T
;embarkation point (ship port) dock (ship port)
: ;teach: They harbor (ship port);pstavit (lodn pstav) pstav (lodn


( );seaman (boat man) sailor
(boat man);nmonk (lodn mu);sg.
( );pawpaw (fruit (like a) boat) papaya
(fruit (like a) boat);papja (ovoce (jako) lo);sg.
;your peel weed;plt tvoje loupat;pron. spis. (or) T

;loyalty: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha

has been recorded in Myanmar history by many.;vrnost:
Zpsob vrnosti ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii
: T;faith: with faith (and) kindness;dvra: s
dvrou (a) dobrotivost;lett.

;teach (meditation, teach, be-heard (and) give);uit ;take an oath (take loyalty) oath, take an (take
loyalty);psahu, uinit (vzt vrnost) uinit psahu (vzt
(meditaci, uit, bt-slyen (a) dt);T
;lesson (of education, written chappter (for)
learning);lekce (vyuovn, psan kapitola (k) uen);sg.
: ( ~ T)
;lesson: alphabet, beginner lessons,
intermediate lessons;lekce: abeceda, lekce pro zatenky,
lekce pro pokroil;n.
( );lecture (also at university, learning
line);pednka (tak na universit, uebn ada);sg.
( );razor (knife (which is) still
removes);iletka (n (kter) pod odstrauje);sg.
: T ;teach: Can you teach
(me) Myanmar language?;uit: Mohl bys m uit Myanmarsk
: ;learn: I'm studying
(about) the Truth (Dhamma).;uit se: Studuji Pravdu
(Dhammu).;pol. cont.
;new year festival, Thin-gyan Thin-gyan, new year
festival;novoron oslava, Tendan Tendan, novoron

;oath, make an: Hanthwadi troops, who
seized Inwa, in order to force the villages of northern region to
make oath (of royalty) they arrived to Mushopho village where
(they) had to arrive (for it).;psahu, uinit: Vojska Hentvad,
kter obsadili Envu, aby pinutili vesnice v severn oblasti k
uinn psaze (v jejich prospch), pijeli do Mushpho vesnice
(kam) pro to mli pijet.;p.s. writ.
T ;oath, making an (taking faith);psahy, uinn
(bran dvry);n.
;truths, four noble (taught by the Buddha, the truth of
suffering, truth of cause of suffering, truth of cessation of
suffering and the truth of the path leading out of suffering,
true, true));pravdy, tyi ulechtil (uen Buddhou, pravda o
utrpen, pravda o pin utrpen, pravda o zniku utrpen a
pravda o cest vedouc z utrpen, pravda, pravda);n. Bh. P.
sacca (= truth)

: ;truths, four noble: the learning

method of four noble truths;pravdy, tyi ulechtil: uebn
: ;Thin-gyan: Thinmetoda pro tyi ulechtil pravdy;Bh.
gyan in village is not like that.;Tendan: Vesnick Tendan
T ;unfaithfulness (not having faith);nevra (nemt
takhle neprobh ( ~ nen).;pol.
vrnost {jmenec});n.
: T ;Thin-gyan: Thin; loyal, be (have fidelity) faithful, be (have
gyan means ( ~ is called) one of festivals of Myanmar
country.;Tendan: Tendan se k jednomu z (celo)nrodnch fidelity);oddan, bt (mt vrnost) vrn, bt (mt vrnost);I
P. sacca
festival.;col. pol.
;truths, four noble (taught by the Buddha, the truth
;Thin-gyan day: On the of suffering, truth of cause of suffering, truth of cessation of

Thin-gyan days youth pay obeisance to the elders (who) stay in suffering and the truth of the path leading out of suffering,
the village.;Tendan: Ve dnech Tendanu mlad uctvaj star four noble truths));pravdy, tyi ulechtil (uen Buddhou,
pravda o utrpen, pravda o pin utrpen, pravda o zniku
lidi (kte) jsou ve vesnici.;pol.
utrpen a pravda o cest vedouc z utrpen, tyi ulechtil
pravdy);n. Bh. P. sacca (= truth)
;Thin-gyan: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities
are more happier than usually.;Tendan: Bhem Tendanu jsou ;new new, be wash (one's mouth);nov nov, bt
umt si (pusu);I (or) T (or) suff. adj.
vechny nrody astnj ne obvykle.;pol.
: ;wash (face): (I) am going to wash my
: T
;Thin-gyan: It is after the following day after face.;umt si: Jdu si umt obliej.;fut.
Thin-gyan when is the first day of the Myanmar year.;Tendan: : ( ~ ~ )
T ;wood: From a tree can be taken a lot
Je to prv nsledujc den po Tendanu, kdy (zan) prvn
of wood.;devo: Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;
den Myanmarskho roku.;col. pol.
( ) (now rather as );box (wooden
;faith;dvra;n. P. sacca (= truth)
receptacle);krabice (devn ndoba);sg.
T : T ;oath, making an:

: ;forest: The forest is

(He) did not make ( ~ undertake making) any oath to
them.;psahy, uinn: Neuinil ( ~ nepodstoupil uinn) dn colorful.;les: Les je barevn.;
psahy jim.;writ.
;forest: Man and woman are in the forest.;les: Mu a
: T


ena jsou v lese.;pol.

( );forest (wooden forest);les (devn
( );pear (fruit (of) great wood);hruka
(ovoce ohromnho deva);sg.

[d:kh~];patient, be (be-patient (and) receive);trpliv,

bt (bt-trpliv (a) pijmat);I
;at the time of (sth. happened etc.) when (sth.
happened etc.);v dob, kdy (se nco stalo atd.) kdy (se nco
stalo atd.);suff. writ.

: ;tree: The tree is far in the T ;moreover (out (from) that);navc, a (mimo
distance.;strom: Strom je daleko v dli.;
;shapes;tvary;pl. P. sahna (= shape, form)
: ( ~ ~ )

T ;tree: From a tree can be taken a lot of ;information news;informace novinky;n.

wood.;strom: Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;
;information: information
( );tree (wooden column);strom (devn
regarding who is .. ;informace: informace ohledn (toho), kdo je
.. ;
: ;leaf: When the
leaves become grown ( ~ distributed), the spring has
come.;list: Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho list,
pilo jaro.;p.p.
: ;leaves: Leaves fall.;listy: Listy
( );leaf (wood's leaf);list (list (ze) deva);sg.
;wood (wood meat);devo (devn maso);n.

: T
;wood: I have a lot of energy to cut the
wood.;devo: Mm spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.
: ( ~ ~ )
T ;wood: From a tree can be taken a lot
of wood.;devo: Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;
;fruit (wooden fruit);ovoce (devnat plody) ovoce
(devn ovoce);n.

( ) () ;information: On
the big flight plan (board) there is information about
departures of planes ( ~ planes which will depart).;informace:
Na velk (tabuli) letovho du jsou informace o odletech
letadel ( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;
: ;information: He torn
the information away (from a diary).;informace: Vytrhnul tu
informaci (z die).;
( )news;novinka;sg.;
( );reporter (maintains
news);reportr (uchovv novinky);sg.
( );news reporter (maintain news)
reporter, news (maintain news);zpravodaj (udrovat
;inform (sb., give news);informovat (dt

: ;fruit: novinky);T
(from );dwell (about monks);pobvat (o
Fruit is ( ~ makes) helpful for health.;ovoce: Ovoce je ( ~
mnich);T WS.
dl) prospn zdrav.;pol.
;news;zprvy (novinky) novinky;n.
( );fruit;ovoce;sg.
;this indicates person selling the thing indicated by the
preceding part of the word dealer (usually specified by
preceding syllable);tenhle toto zna osobu prodvajc to,
co je zmnn v pedchzejc sti slova zprostedkovatel
(obvykle upesnno pedchzejc slabikou) tento tohle;pron.
writ. (or) suff.

;newspaper (news writing);noviny (psan

;newspaper: From 1970 until 1989 the newspapers
were thin.;noviny: Od 1970 do 1989 byly noviny tenk.;pol.

: T ;newspaper:
;who who is indicates change of preceding verb to adj. In Myanmar, the newspaper have been indeed published for
which where which is;zna zmnu pedchzejcho
long time.;noviny: V Myanmaru byly noviny publikovny ji
slovesa na pd. jm. kter je kdo je kter;suff. writ.
dlouho (dlouhou dobu).;pol.
[d];indicates a certain person;zna uritou osobu;suff.

: T T
;newspaper: The newspaper The New Light of
[d];indicates subject in sentence indicates end of a
written sentence;zna konec spisovn vty zna podmt ve Myanmar is published in Myanmar as well as in English
(language).;noviny: Noviny The New Light of Myanmar jsou
: ;indicates change from verb to an publikovny v barmtin (myanmartin) a tak v
adj.: difficult words;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pd. jm.:
: T
obtn slova;pl. writ.
;news: In the Myanmar
: ( ~
newspapers there are included all news on religions, education,
);who: A
economics and politics.;novinky:V Myanmarskch novinch byly
monastery, where live monks, who strive very much.;kter:
zahrnuty vechny novinky o nboenstvch, vzdln,
Klter, kde ij mnii, kte velice usiluj.;writ.
ekonomice a policice.;pol.
( );seller;prodava;sg. suff.
;patient, be;trpliv, bt;I


T ;documentary, be (is (a) news

recording);dokumentrn, bt (je zaznamenvajc


zem, vskutku, (ji) po pt.;pol. um.

;attentiveness attention (mindfulness)

mindfulness;vmavost pozornost (vmavost) pozornost;n.
Bh. med. P. sati (= mindfulness)

;recollect (take mindfulness) remember (take

mindfulness);vzpomenout si (vzt vmavost);

: T

;mindfulness: With it, around one (or) two minutes
(my) mind is back after leaving (with) this way, while doing
work, resting (and) taking mindfulness, when it is, indeed, not
possible to notice (such) times, when I also happen not to
notice (and) not to establish ((and) catch) (my) mindfulness,
are many.;vmavost: S tm, asi jednu (i) dv minuty je (moje)
mysl po odchodu zpt - (s) takto, bhem dln prce,
odpovn (a) bran vmavosti, kdy, vskutku, nen mon si
vmat (takovch) obdob, kdy se stane, e si tak nevmm
(a) neupevuji ((a) (ne)chytm) vmavost, je mnoho.;med.
: T ;mindfulness: Taking
mindfulness, establishing the mindfulness, (I) return to
noticing.;vmavost: Vezmu vmavost, upevnm ji ( ~
vmavost) (a) vrtm se k vmn si.;med.

: T ;remember: Just today (I)

remembered and corrected (your letter) well.;vzpomenout si:
Prv dnes jsem si vzpoml a (podn) opravil (ten tvj
: ( ) () ;remember:
(I) remember (my) country and father well.;pamatovat si: Dobe
si pamatuji (svou) zemi (a) svho otce.;
; careful, be attentive, be mindful, be;opatrn, bt
vmav, bt pozorn, bt;I P. sati (= mindfulness)
(-( )+ , put at the end of sentence);indicates indirect
speech that (indicates indirect speech) reportedly they
say;k se, e zna nepmou e pr e (zna nepmou
e);suff. (or) suff. adv.
;seventh;sedm;num. P. sattama (= seventh)
;being creature;tvor bytost;n. P. sattav (= living
being, creature)

;beings: (I) wish all the beings to be happy (
: ;mindfulness: (I) am just living ~ "happiness).;bytosti: Peji vem bytostem aby byly astn
with knoweldge and mindfulness.;vmavost: Prost iji se
( ~ "radost).;pol.
znalost a pozornost.;col.
: ;beings: beings in front;bytosti: bytosti
: ;heedfulness: ve pedu;
persons who have heedfulness and wisdom;pozornost: osoby, : T;being: (all) other beings;bytosti:
kter maj pozornost a moudrost;pl. writ.
(vechny) ostatn bytosti;pl.
;notice (establish mindfulness) careful, be (fix
;metal (imitates fighting);kov (napodobuje
mindfulness);vimnout si (upevnit vmavost) pozorn, bt bojovn);n.
(upevnit pozornost);I (or) T P. sati (= mindfulness)
: T ;metal:
;notice: As soon as (you) arrive to Yangon (you)
thus happen to notice Shwedagon Pagoda.;vimnout si:
Jakmile doraz do vedagou pagody, stane se, e si tak
vimne vedagou pagody.;pol.
;notice (establish (and) catch
mindfulness);vimnout si (upevnit (a) chytit vmavost);T
: ;notice: I noticed,
that (the shop) was (completely) closed.;vimnout si: Vimla
jsem si, e (ten obchod) byl (zcela) zaven.;col.
: ;notice: (I) noticed, that
(she) is not beautiful.;vimnout si: Viml jsem si, e nen
;observe (make mindfulness);sledovat (dlat
;warn (give attention) remind (give attention)
alert (give attention);varovat (dt pozornost) upozornit
(dt pozornost) pipomenout (dt pozornost);T
;remind: Indeed, I reminded him for the
second time.;pipomenout: Vskutku, pipoml jsem mu to (ji)
po druh.;pol. um.
: T
;warn: Our country, indeed, gave 105
warning to that country.;varovat: Nae zem varovala tamtu

The car was build using plenty of metal.;kov: Auto bylo

postaveno uitm spousty kovu.;
T T T ;kill: Having killed a
person, that is a mistake being a mistake which can never be
taken back.;zabt: Zabit osoby, to je chyba (kter) je chybou,
jakou ji nelze vrtit zpt. ;
;kill: People say (it is) to release (them) and then there
are killings.;zabt: Lid eknou (to je) pro (jejich) osvobozen a
pak dochz k zabjen ( ~ "jsou zabjen).;
: ;kill: He doesn't kill living beings.;zabt:
Nezabj iv bytosti.;col.
;spelling (form (of) trimming);hlskovn (podoba
;remark (notice, demarcate (and) mark) notice
(remark, demarcate (and) mark) recognize (demarcate
(and) note) make out (recognize, demarcate (and)
note);vimnout si (zpozorovat, oznait (a) vyznait)
rozpoznat (ohraniit (a) poznamenat) rozeznat (ohraniit (a)
poznamenat) zpozorovat (oznait (a) vyznait);I (or) T
: T

;recognize: In order to arouse the nationalism


towards the Myanmar nationality, encouraging, they have

recognized this day as National Day.;rozeznvat: Aby vyvolali
vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za povzbudzovn),
rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.

sagha-patta (= (monk-)Community's - alms-bowl)

(bt vhodn ke smutku);adj.

( );alms-bowl;almun msa;sg.


;boycott: The boycott of the Yangon
University students spread to various places and quarters and
;grammar: a grammatical word made for all those
(then) also the provincial students (started to) boycott.;bojkot:
words;gramatika: gramatick nzev ( ~ "slovo) vytvoen pro Bojkot student Rangnsk University se rozil do rznch
vechna ta slova;
mst a tvrt a (pak) tak provinn studentni (zali)
;Buddhism, pure;buddhismu, ist (uen);n. P. sadhamma bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
(= pure teaching)
: ;alms-bowl: painting alms-bowl
(put a medicine-color (on) alms-bowl);almun msa: barvit
;pity sad, be;smutn, bt litovat (koho);I (or) T
;sad, be (be suitable for pitying);smutn, bt almun msu (pokldat livou barvu na almun msu);
;boycott (overturn (the) alms-bowl) strike
;pass through million sail over get over go through (overturn (the) alms-bowl);bojkotovat (pevrtit almunmsu) stvkovat (pevrtit almun-msu);T
cross over hover (over) million, a (for good fortune);projet
(kudy) pekroit pejt pejet milion milion (na dobr
tst) vznet se (nad) peplavit se pes, dostat se;I (or) ;boycott: Therefore, (there) were
boycotting led by the elder university students.;bojkotovat: Proto
num. (or) T (or) n. un.
za veden starch student university bojkotovali.;p.s. writ.
;clean, be;ist, bt;I un.
;strong, be;siln, bt;I

;tomorrow, the day after (time (of) thriving

direction) day after tomorrow, the (time (of) thriving
direction);pozt (as bujnho nasmrovn);adv.

;nicely (wiping (and) standing);hezky (utrn (a)


: T ;nicely: He
;strong, be (powerful (and) strong);siln, bt (mocn (a) tidies up the (all) things.;hezky: (Vechny ty) vci uklid.;
T ;tidy up (nicely improve);uklidit (hezky
: ;strong: The monkey is
T;as since because therefore;protoe jeliko
;refine (clean (and) clear) clean, be ((be) clean (and) ponvad proto;conj.
clear) clean (clean (and) clear) purify (clean (and)
clear);vyistit (vyistit (a) vyjasnit) istit (vyistit (a)

vyjasnit) proistit (vyistit (a) vyjasnit) ist, bt ((bt)
T ;as: As it was not possible to
ist (a) jasn);I (or) T
: ;purify: Establish (your) mind to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as), indeed, (they) had vehicles,
modern weapons and help from foreigners ( ~ people of other
purify (it).;proistit: Ustanov (svou) mysl abys (ji)
countries), by elite of ninety-three brave-ones, entering (and)
proistila.;imper. col.
attacking (there), (he) conquered in the city.;jeliko: Jeliko
: ( ~
nebylo mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad),
);clear, be: It is clear, that it is very good.;jasn,
vskutku, mli vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~
bt: Je jasn, e je to velice dobr.;pol. col.
: ;clean, be: Her clothes is lid z jinch zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil
(tam a) zatoil, (a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
clean.;ist, bt: Jej obleen je ist.;
strong.;siln: Opice je siln.;

T: ( )

;therefore: According to this law, all who need to
learn at univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and)
listen), therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were,
indeed, not satisfied.;proto: Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se
;clean (make clean (and) clear) wash (make
potebuj uit na universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a)
clean (and) clear);istit (dlat ist (a) jasn) prt
poslouchn) povolen, proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech
(dlat ist (a) jasn);T
: ;wash: Myanmarskch nrodnost nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
( );tabet (women's light scarf used for formal
The washing machine washes clothes.;praka: Praka pere
occasions, tabet or pawa, way (to) adorn (?));tabet (dmsk
lehk la uvan pro formln udlosti, tabet nebo pawa,
;lime juice );limetkov dus );n.
zpsob zkrlen-se (?));sg.
( );lime (fruit);limeta (citrusov plod);sg. S.
;festival ceremony assembly;festival oslava
;boycott (alms-bowl);bojkot (almun-msa);n. P.
: T
;laundry, do: Because the woman will do the
laundry, (she) is wearing blue gloves.;prt prdlo: Protoe se
(ta) ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr


: T

;chairman: I take pride very much for
being allowed to carry out the celebration of tenth anniversary
of writers of our township as the chairman.;pedsedajc: Jsem
velice hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn
se) oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti
jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.

souhlas (a) kterou maj rdi.;pol.

( );chairman;pedseda;sg. P. sabh-pati (=
assembly - lord)

;nature, be of good (good nature)

kindhearted, be (good nature);povahy, bt dobr (dobr
charakter) dobrosrden, bt (dobr charakter);I

T;Natural History Museum;HistorickoProdovdn Muzeum;name

T: T
;Natural History Museum: Indeed, Natural
History Museum, zoo (and) Karawait Hotel (are
there).;Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum: Vskutku, (je tam)
Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum, zoo (a) Karavei Hotel.;
( );ship;lo;sg.
;notion (character) notion (nature) character
fact;dojem (pirozenost) charakter potucha (charakter)

: ;pleased with
(sb.), be: The king was, for sure, very pleased with Nga
Nyo.;spokojen s (nkm), bt: Krl byl tedy s a o velice
: T ;like: Sir, do (you) like
Myanmar (country)?;rd, mt: Pane, mte rd (zemi)
Myanmar?;inter. uw.

;nature, be of bad (bad nature) malevolent, be

(bad nature);zlomysln, bt (patn charakter) povahy,
bt nedobr (patn charakter);I
;ideology (nature (of) truth) principles (nature
(of) truth);principy (charakter pravdy) ideologie
(charakter pravdy);n.
;agree (nature (is) same);souhlasit (charakter (je)

: ;agree: It is said,
that because of that (he) did not agree with his daughter (about
- ( );anything like ((that), (of) (that)
her chosen husband).;souhlasit: k se, e proto nesouhlasil
nature) nothing like ((that), (of) (that) nature);nic takovho se svou dcerou (ohledn jejho vyvolenho).;
((toho) charakteru);n.
-;agree with;souhlasit s;T

- ( ):
T ;anything like (that): (I) do not say with: Mother agreed with that also.;souhlasit s: Matka s tm
( ~ mean) anything like that.;nic takovho: Nic takovho
tak souhlasila.;p.s.
nekm ( ~ nemnm).;
;consider (put nature) regard (consider, put
: ;nature: nature of feeling;charakter:
nature);vzt v vahu (uloit charakter) brt v vahu
charakter pocitu;
(uloit charakter);T
: ;understand (pierce (the) character) realize

(pierce (the) character);rozumt (probodnout charakter)
;notion: notion, that Buddhaghosa preferred several
uvdomit si (probodnout charakter);I
Sinhalese commentaries (which were) written before his time : T ;realize: (I)
(came).;dojem: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa oblbil nkolik
realize the smelling of smells.;uvdomit si: Uvdomm si ichn
Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan ped nm ( ~
ne pila (jeho) doba). dojem: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa :
oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan
;realize: Having realized (that I have)
ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
thoughts again and again, (I continuously) abandon
: ;fact:
Any Buddhist accepts this fact.;fakt: Kterkoliv buddhista tento
fakt pijm.;

: T T ;nature: The
Myanmar word nature is broad ( ~ has broad
meaning).;pirozenost: Myanmarsk slovo pirozenost je irok
( ~ m irok vznam).;
;pleased, be (nature falls) agree (nature falls)
appreciate (nature falls) like (nature falls);poten (s), bt
(charakter pad) souhlasit (charakter pad) rd, mt
(charakter pad) ocenit (charakter pad);T

T ;agree: (They) can talk following ( ~ having
followed) the side ( ~ group of speakers), which (they)
themselves agree with (and) like.;souhlasit: Mohou mluvit
nsledujce (tu) stranu ( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami

them.;uvdomit si: Znovu a znovu si uvdomuji, (e mm)

mylenky, a (neustle) je opoutm.;med.
: ;realize: in order to
realize;uvdomit si: aby si uvdomil;
: ;realize: having realized,
that;uvdomit si: uvdomili si (to) a ... ;p.p.
: ;realize: because (I) didn't
realize;uvdomit si: protoe jsem si neuvdomil;p.s.

;apprehension (power (and) ability

(to) realize (and) understand) comprehension (power
(and) ability (to) realize (and) understand);chpavost (moc
(a) schopnost pochopit (a) porozumt) porozumn (moc
(a) schopnost pochopit (a) porozumt);n.
;comprehension: (He) had
no comprehension of the caste system of India.;porozumn:


Neml dn porozumn kastovnho systmu Indie.;p.s. writ.

;catch (comprehend, pierce (and) catch (the)
character) realize (pierce (and) catch (the) character)
understand (pierce (and) catch (the) character)
comprehend (pierce (and) catch (the) character);pochopit
(probodnout (a) chytit charakter) porozumt (probodnout
(a) chytit charakter) uvdomit si (probodnout (a) chytit
charakter) rozumt (probodnout (a) chytit charakter);I
;kind of (nature (and) kind);druh (charakter (a)
: T ;kind: a kind of explanation;druh:
druh vysvtlen;
: T T T ;kind of:
What (he) says is a kind of explanation.;druh: Co k je druh

tetho a tvrtho stupn osvcen);n. Bh. med. P. samath (=

: T ;samatha:
What else do (you) do, apart from (doing) samath (and)
vipassan meditation?;samath: Krom samath a vipassan
meditace, co jet dl?;inter.
;as much as (follows after a v.) all what;tolik, kolik
(nsleduje za slovesem) ve, co;suff.
(from - + );what;co;suff. pron.
, -: T ;unless: Unless he
doesn't tell me, I will not believe. as long as not: As long as
he doesn't tell me, I will not believe.;dokud ne: Dokud mi (to)
neekne, tak neuvm. pokud ne: Pokud mi (to) neekne, tak

: T ;anything (
~ "whatever): (My) father did not reply to anything ( ~ "all
: ;like, as one: Really, do as (you) whatever) I wrote.;nic ( ~ "cokoliv): (Mj) otect neodpovdl
na nic co ( ~ "vechno cokoliv) jsem (mu) (j) napsal.;p.s.
like.;chce, jak (nkdo): Hele, dlej jak chce.;imper. col.
;character (natural character) characteristics
: T ;all what: I will say all what I
(natural character) nature (natural character);charakter
know.;ve, co: eknu ve, co vm.;pol. um.
(pirozen charakter) pirozenost (pirozen charakter)
; likes, as (one);chce, jak (nkdo);adv.

vlastnosti (pirozen charakter);n.

: T ;whatever: Whatever the

teacher asks, I can answer.;cokoliv: Na cokoliv se uitel zept,
j doku odpovdt.;um.

: T
;nature: The
: ;all what: It is said, that he
discourses with more details preached by the Buddha are
reads all kinds of writings that he finds.;vechno, jak: k se,
basically depicting the commentarial nature, which is referred to e te vechny druhy psan, jak najde.;
in Sratthadpan.;charakter: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
: T T
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
;everything: (I) will fulfil (and) carry out ((and) give)
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
everything, what (I) can (do for you).;vechno: Splnm (a)
;aspects (nature (of) nature) features (nature
vykonm ((a) dm) vechno, co (pro tebe) mohu (udlat).;fut.
(of) nature);aspekty (charakter charakteru) vlastnosti
(charakter charakteru);n.
T ;factor (outline (of) character);faktor
(nstin charakteru) okolnost (nstin charakteru);n.

-;as long as not unless;pokud ne dokud ne;suff.

( );physician;lka;sg.
T ;factor (outline (and)
;concentration;soustedn;n. med. P. samdhi (=
information (of) character);okolnost (nstin (a) informace-o concentration)
charakteru) faktor (nstin (a) infromace-o charakteru);n. : T ;concentration: (I) grasp
;likes, as (one);peje, jak si (nkdo);adv.
the concentration and watch what comes (and)
: ;likes, as (one): As you
goes.;soustedn: Chytnu (sv) soutedn a sleduji co pichz
like.;pt si: Jak si (ty) peje.;col.
a odchz.;pol. med.
;union organization association society;asociace
: ;concentration:
organizace jednota spolenost;n. P. samagga (= union)
(He) developed morality, concentration (and)
;samatha, meditation of (one of the two main kinds of
wisdom.;soustedn: Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a)
meditation in Buddhism, leading to deep concentration stages moudrost.;p.s. pol.
of jhanas, essential for third and fourth level of enlightenment) ;historical (regarding history);historick (ohledn
concentration, meditation of (one of the two main kinds of
meditation in Buddhism, leading to deep concentration stages ;history;historie;n.
of jhanas, essential for third and fourth level of
: T;daughter: I am Mr. Bamya's
enlightenment);soustedn, meditace (jeden z dvou hlavnch
daughter.;dcera: Jsem dcera pana Bamya.;pol. uw.
druh meditace v Buddhismu vedouc k hlubokm stupm
: - ;daughter:
soustedn, tj. dhnm, nezbytnm k dosaen tetho a
Elder daughter is 14 years (old and) the younger one ( ~
tvrtho stupn osvcen) samath, meditace (jeden z dvou
"daughter) is already 10 years (old).;dcera: Star dcei je 14
hlavnch druh meditace v Buddhismu vedouc k hlubokm
let (a) mlad ( ~ "dcei) je u 10 (let).;p.p.
stupm soustedn, tj. dhnm, nezbytnm k dosaen
: ;daughter: Is (it) son or


daughter?;dcera: Je (to) syn nebo dcera?;inter.

( );daughter;dcera;sg.
;name (sth.) call (sth);jmenovat (nco) pojmenovat
nazvat (nco);T
: ;name: (He) named Da
Goun as Yangon ( ~ 'end of danger').;pojmenovat:
Pojmenoval Da Goun jakoto Yangoun (Rangn) ( ~ 'konec
: ;name:
Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~ where is
gold) and built the city palace (therein).;nazvat: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.
: T ;name (sth.): (He)
named Lwan She ( ~ 'lwan medicine') as Myan Aung ( ~
'quick success').;pojmenovat: Pojmenoval Lwan She ( ~ 'lk
lvan') jakoto Myan Aun ( ~ 'rychl spch').;writ.
;origin (of suffering or attachment);pvod (utrpen nebo
ulpvn);n. P. samudaya (= origin)
;ocean;ocen;n. P. samudaya (= ocean)
: ;ocean: In the
world, there are four great oceans.;ocen: Na svt jsou tyi
velk oceny.;
( );ocean;ocen;sg. P. samudda (= ocean) & S.
;republic (country (of) agreement) republic
(country (of) agreement);republika (zem dohody);n. P.
sammata (= considered) (or) n. P. sammata (= agreed upon)
;Hotel President (hotel (of) democracy);Hotel
Prezident (hotel demokracie);name

;responsibility, assume: May (you) be

able to assume more and more responsibility for carrying out
the (Buddha's) present.;zodpovdnost, vzt: K jsi schopen
vzt vc a vc zodpovdnosti za vykonvn (Buddhova) daru.;w.
;carry out (add-on (and) carry, carry-in-hand
(and) carry-on-head);vykonat, vykonvat (pidat (a) nst,
nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav);T
: T T
out: The ven. Sir, by studying Buddhist literature can take more
and more responsibility for carrying out the benefit of the
(Buddha's) present.;vykonat: Ct. pn, studiem Buddhistick
literatury, me pevzt vc a vc zodpovdnosti za vykonn
prospnost (Buddhova) daru.;
( );responsibility, person who assumes
(person (who) adds-on (and) carries);zodpovdnost,
lovk,,kter si bere (osoba (kter) pidv (a) nos);sg.
( );mango (fruit (of) beautifying
nectar);mango (ovoce zkrlujcho nektaru);sg.
;vowel;samohlska;n. P. sara-akkhara (= vowels letters)
( );embassy (envoy office);velvyslanectv
(vyslaneck kancel) ambasda (vyslaneck kancel);n.
T ;actor: In this theater the actor is entertaining
(the people).;herec: V tomto divadle herec bav (lidi).;cont.
: T T
;actor: The actor
Yedai, who, because of becoming much beloved by the
spectators, will soon become superb.;herec: Herec Jdai, kter,
protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy stane

: ;carry:
The woman carries a hand bag of little weight ( ~
lightness).;nosit: (Ta) slena nos lehkou kabelku ( ~ kabelku ( );actor (character carrier);herec (nosi
mal lehkosti);
;depict (reveal the character);znzornit (odhalit
: ;carry:
The man carries a very heavy suitcase ( ~ clothes box (of) big charakter);T P. sarpa (= of the same form)

: T
: ;carry: (They) are carrying a ;depict: The discourses with more
details preached by the Buddha are basically depicting the
bag.;nosit: Nos taku.;
commentarial nature, which is referred to in
;bring (bring (and) carry);pinst (pinst (a)
Sratthadpan.;znzorovat: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
: ;carry: The snail is pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
carrying her house.;nst: nek si nese svj dm.;cont.
weight).;nst: (Ten) pn nese velice tk kufr ( ~ kufr
obleen velk vhy).;

;responsibility, assume: Ven. Sir Nanda, who can
assume responsibility (and) perform (it) to benefit of
many.;zodpovdnost, vzt: Ct. Pn Nanda, kter doke vzt
zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji) k prospchu mnohch.;

();August (month);srpen (msc);n. E. August

();Australia (continent);Austrlie

;embassy, Australian Australian

embassy;Australsk ambasda ambasda, Australsk;name
(-) ;responsibility, assume (add-on (and) carry E. British
;influence (spread (and) roof (with)
(the) benefits) carry (on one's shoulder, add-on (and)
carry benefits);zodpovdnost, vzt (pidat (a) nst blaho) influence);ovlivovat (rozit (a) zasteit vlivem);T
nosit (na rameni, pidat (a) nst blaho);T

() :


;influence: The commentarial character of the : T

;in (a
canon later thoroughly influenced the late
time unit): U Mya Maung should propose exactly (in) ten
commentaries.;ovlivnit: Komenttorsk charakter knonu pozdji minutes.;v (uritou dobu): Mja Maun by ml mluvit
zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.
(navrhovat) pesn deset minut ( ~ v deseti minutch).;pol.
( );custard-apple (bull's heart, fruit of tree Annona
reticulata, fruit (of) authority, fruit (of) deferential netting)
bull's heart (custard-apple, fruit of tree Annona reticulata,
fruit (of) authority, fruit (of) deferential netting);volsk
srdce (ovoce stromu Annona reticulata, ovoce autority,
ovoce uctivho sovn);sg.

( );appearance (form) form (appearance);podoba

(forma) forma (podoba);sg.

;indicates question;zna otzku;suff.

: ;instruct: admonish (and)

instruct;instruovat: napomnat (a) instruovat;

: ;indicates end of question: Will

young sir Thawda come? (Does young sir Thawda
come?);zna konec otzky: Pijde (pichz) mlad pan

;put in;vloit;T

;pour;vylt vylvat;T

;teach (pour (and) teach) instruct (pour (and)

teach);uit (nalvat (a) uit) instruovat (nalvat (a) uit);T


;join connect num. class. for long sinuous things (e.g.,

paths, rivers, garlands, flowers, methods, means etc.);spojit
: ;indicates question: Will he come? (Does itatel dlouhch vlnitch vc (nap. cest, ek, vnc, kvtin,
he come?);zna otzku: Pijde? (On pichz?);inter.
metod, zpsob atd.) pipojit;pow. (or) T
; as as (follows after a v.) as well as like (follows after ;slim, be (slender (and) thin);huben, bt (tl (a)
a v.);jako tak, jako jak stejn jako i;suff. col. (or) suff. (or) tenk);I
suff. adv.
: T ;thin: The horse is
(( )+);as;jak;suff.

thinner than the cow.;huben: K je hubenj ne krva.;

: T ;as: Do as I say,
;became (went) be denotes change in situation go
don't do as I do.;jak: Dlej jak km, nedlej jak dlm.;imper. (also by a vehicle, may be used for driver as well as for the
: ;as: Think as you like ( ~ "want) (to passenger) occur ( ~ "go) leave become (go) indicates
think).;jak: Mysli si co ( ~ "jak) chce (myslet).;
p.p. teeth go happen to;stal se (el) zna minul
: ;and also: dokonav as zuby bt pihodit se odejt jet (vozidlem,
(he) writes, meditates and also studies Burmese language;a
lze bt uito pro idie i pro cestujcho) stt se (jt) dojt k
tak: pe, medituje a tak studuje;
( ~ "jt) zna trpn rod jt zna zmnu situace;n. (or) I
: ;as: Write as he writes.;tak jako: Pi tak (or) suff. (or) p.s. (or) T (or) I col.
jako pe on.;imper. pol.
(-): ;go ( ~ "direction): (Go) this way!;jt ( ~
;as much as;jak jen tolik, kolik (nsleduje za
slovesem);conj. (or) suff.

(( )+ );according to what;podle toho,


"smr): (Jdi) tudy!;

;go: I am permitted to
go to Japan.;jet: Mm svolen jet do Japonska.;um.

: ;happened to: I made a mistake. (I

: ;as much as:
happened to make a mistake.);stt se: Udlal jsem chybu.
Nobody knows as much as Nga Nyo.;tolik, co: Nikdo nev tolik, (Stal jsem se chybujcm.);um.
co a o.;pol.
: T
: ;as much as: (I) ( ~
will ( ~ can) help as much as I can.;jak jen: Pomohu ( ~
);indicates p.p.: As I haven't been writing for
mohu pomoci) jak (jen) mohu.;pol.
a very long time, (I) have forgotten a lot.;zna minul ast
dokonav: Ponvad jsem velmi dlouho nepsal, hodn jsem
: T ;according to
what: According to what he says, this book is not difficult.;podle zapoml.;p.p. um.
toho, co: Podle toho, co k, tato kniha nen nron.;pol.

: ;indicates past simple: I was

wondering.;zna minul as prost: Byl jsem udiven.;p.s. pol.
: ;as much as: I
don't know as much as he knows.;tolik, kolik: Nevm tolik, kolik um.
v on.;pol.
: T ;tooth:
( );installation (method (to) put-into);instalace As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am showing) (them) to
the dentist.;zub: Ponvad nemm dobr zuby, ukazuji (je) k
(zpsob vkldn);sg.
;insert admit (allow to enter) in (a time unit) put (into) zubai.;cont. uw.
set (emplace) enter thrust (into) put into;vstoupit vpustit : T ;indicates p.s.: The
girl injured (her) foot.;zna minul as prost: (To) dve si
vloit zasunout vloit do umstit v (uritou dobu)
poranilo nohu (od kotnku dol).;p.s.
zarazit (nco kam);suff. prep. (or) T (or) T writ.
: T ;go:
: T ;form: (I) also transform (it) to
Because the boy goes (and) will drink water, the glass of water
the form of essay.;forma: Tak (to) pemnm do formy
is (still) (just) full.;jt: Ponvad chlapec jde (a) bude pt vodu,


sklenice vody (stle) (prost) pln.;col.

: ;go: If you want to go, (then) go.;jt:
Jestli chce jt, (tak) jdi.;imper. pol.

: ;go: (I) go to Yangon every

month.;jezdit: Jezdm ( ~ jdu) do Rangnu kad msc.;pol.

: ;go: I (want) to go to Strand Hotel.

(can be told to a taxi driver, (I) will go to Strand Hotel.);jt:
(Chci) do Strand Hotelu. (lze ci taxiki, Pojedu do Strand

: ( ) ;go (for taxidriver): (I) have (already

some) goings. (may be said by a taxidriver as an excuse for
not giving a lift to customer);jet (o taxiki): U mm (njak)
jedn. (me bt eeno taxikem jakoto omluva za
odmtnut svzt zkaznka);col.

: ;occur: Typing mistake, indeed,

occurred ( ~ "went), friend.;dojt k: Vskutku, dolo k chyb pi
psan, pteli. (Chyba vyklepvn la, vskutku.);pol.

: ;go: a while before (you) go (when the time

(of) going (is) near);jt: chvilku ped tm, ne pjde (kdy je
as chozen blzko);

: ;go: I will go to
school after I eat the meal ( ~ rice).;jt: Pjdu do koly a se
najm ( ~ a snm ri).;fut. col. um.

: ;see you (go): Goodbye. ((I) am going

to leave, ok?) goodbye (go): Goodbye. ((I) am going to
leave, ok?) bye (go): Goodbye. ((I) am going to leave,
ok?);na shledanou (jt): Nashledanou. (Odchzm, ano?)
mjte se (jt): Mjte se. (Odchzm, ano?) ahoj (pi
odchodu, jt): Ahoj. (pi odchodu, Odchzm, ano?);fut. pol.
col. (or) fut. (or) fut. col.

: ;go (and): At : ;go: Let's go!;jt: Pojme!;imper. fr.

eleven o'clock I go (to bed and) sleep, indeed.;jt (a): Vskutku, : ;go: (I) am going to go.;jt: Chystm se
v jedenct hodin jdu (do postele a) spm.;pol. um.

: ;be: This is more friendly,

indeed.;bt: Tohle je, vskutku, pteltj.;col.
: ;go: Go this direction.;jt: Jdte tmto
smrem.;imper. pol.

: ;go: Go this way straight ahead.;jt: Jdi : T ;go: (I) am preparing to go.;jt:
Pipravuji se jt.;cont. pol.
tudy ( ~ touto cestou) pmo (za nosem).;imper.
: ;indicates p.p. tense: : ;go: plan to go;jt: pln jt (pln k
The charger got broken.;zna minul dokonav as: Nabjeka odchodu);
se rozbila.;p.p. pol. writ.
: ;go: (They) go to sea to
swim.;jt: Jdou do moe, aby plavali.;cont. writ.

: ;indicates p.s.: A
man got injured.;zna min. .: Mu se zranil.;p.s.

: ;become: After
: ;go: When do (you) want to go?;jet: the laundry is done, (it) becomes clean.;stt se: Po vyprn
prdla je ( ~ stane se) (to prdlo) istm.;
Kdy chcete jet?;inter. col.
: ;go: (At) what time will (you) go?;jt: : ;go: (I) must go to sleep.;jt: Musm jt
(V) kolik hodin pjde?;inter. col.
: ;go: whatever city (you) go to;jt: a u
jde do kterhokoliv mst;

( );tooth;zub;sg.

: ;go: wherever (you) go;jt: kamkoliv jde;

T ;dentist: As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am
showing) (them) to the dentist.;zuba: Ponvad nemm dobr
zuby, ukazuji (je) zubai.;cont. uw.

;toothache (pain biting teeth);bolest zubu

: ;go: How should go to ... ;jt: Kudy mm (bolest kousajc zub(y));n.
;go, to (goings) goings;jet (jedn) jedn;inf.
jt do ... ;inter. fut.
(or) n.
: ;go: How will you go?;jet:: m
: ;go, to: (I) don't have a
pojede?;inter. col.
: ;go: Where are you going? (Where will you need to go to my country.;jet: Nemm potebu jet do sv
go?);jt: Kam jde? (Kam pjde?);inter. col. fut.
: ;go: Whose house does (he) go
to?;jt: Do jakho () domu jde?;inter. col.
: ;go: When will (you) go?;jet: Kdy
pojedete?;inter. col.

( );dentist (master (in)

responsibilities (regarding) teeth);zuba (mistr (v)
: ;go:
Tomorrow at noon (I) want to go to Ngadatkyi Pagoda.;jet: Ztra zodpovdnostech (ohledn) zub);sg.
;toothpaste (medicine (for) brushing
v poledne chci jet do Ndhat Pagody.;pol. col.
teeth);zubn pasta (lk (na) kartovn zub); (or) n.
: ;go: (I) don't want to go.;jt: Nechci jt.;pol.
: T T ;became:
;path: Do you want to know (walking) path from
Because the traffic light became green, cars go ( ~ drive)
quickly.;stal se: Protoe je ( ~ se-stalo) silnin svtlo zelen, Sule pagoda to Shwedagon pagoda?;cesta: Chce vdt cestu
ze Sule pagody do vedagou pagody?;inter.
auta jedou ( ~ d) rychle.;

;go: Go straight ahead.;jt: Jdi pmo za
nosem.;imper. pol. col.

T;visit (people, go (and) show);navtvit (lidi, jt (a)


;already happened to happened to, already indicates


p.p. was (went (and) finished);zna min. . dokonav vid

stal se, ji bylo (el (a) skonil) zna minul as dokonav
ji se stal zna min. . dok. vid;suff. col. (or) suff. I p.p. (or)
suff. (or) p.p.

;together with: U Aung Zeyya together with

his sixty-eight blood comrades could successfully resist while

being the leader ( ~ while leading).;spolu s: Aun Zeyya
spolu se svmi edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal
spn ubrnit zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.

: ;happened to: I am tired. (I

happened to be tired already.);stal se: Jsem u unaven. (U ( );comrade, blood (blood drinking
jsem se stal unavenm.);p.p. um.
brave silver) brother, blood (blood drinking brave silver)
companion (blood drinking brave silver);bratr, pokrevn (krev
: ;indicates p.p.: (We) have run out of (the
pijc staten stbro) ptel, pokrevn (krev pijc staten
ordered food).;zna min. . dokonav vid: U (to) nemme.
stbro) spolenk (krev pijc staten stbro);sg.
(Dolo (nm to).);p.p.
: ;indicates p.p.: The glass is
empty.;zna minul as dokonav: Sklenice je pzdn.;p.s.

;alms-bowl, iron;almun msa, kovov;sg.

: ;indicates p.p.: This

monkey has damaged the roof.;zna min. . dok. vid: Tahle
opice poniila stechu.;p.p.

: ;doubt: I have no
doubt. (I have not even a little doubt.);pochybnost: Nemm
nejmen pochybnosti. (Nemm ani malou pochybnost.);pol.

;doubt;pochybnost;n. P. sasaya (= doubt)

: ( ~ );indicates p.p.: The

;Sasra (cycle of rebirth);Sasra (kolobh
glass is ( ~ went) empty.;zna minul as dokonav: Sklenice perozovn);n. Bh. P. sasra (= cycle-of-births)
je ( ~ odela) przdn.;p.p.
: T ;Sasra: (I) just should
: ;was: (This) was correct.;bylo: (Tohle) bylo
say, that Sasra is miserable.;Sasra: Jen je teba ci, e
Sasra je mizern.;
: T ;indicates p.p.: (It) was successful.;zna ( );ambassador (envoy minister);velvyslanec
minul as dokonav: Bylo (to) spn.;p.p.
(vyslaneck minister);sg. S. amtya (= minister)
( );toothbrush (stick (for) rubbing
teeth);zubn kartek (klack (na) letn zub);sg.

( );ambassador (envoy minister,

big);velvyslanec (vyslaneck minister, velik);sg. S. amtya (=
( );toothbrush (teeth-rubbing stick);kartek minister)
na zuby (zuby tc hlka);
;shine exceed just just (only) excel shine (about
sun) pleasant only shine (about sun and moon) peaceful,
be better, be beautiful (pleasant);svtit (o slunci i msci)
;visit (people, go (and) visit);navtvit (lidi, jt (a)
svtit (o slunci) krsn (pjemn) zit pokojn, bt pouze
peshnout jen (pouze) pjemn zit (o slunci i msci)
;go, sometimes;jt, obas;T
: T T ;go, sometimes: (I) happen to go lep, bt jen vynikat;I (or) suff. (or) suff. adv. (or) T (or)
out, sometimes.;jt, obas: Stv se, e chodm obas ven.;
;indicates emphasis especially people very indeed
surely indicates a person, usually masculine skin indicates
a kind of meat;zna zdraznn zejmna zna osobu,
: ;blood: I
have also a little bit of German blood ( ~ ancestors).;krev: Mm obvykle muskho rodu velice ke jist lid vskutku
zna druh masa;suff. (or) suff. adv. (or) n.
tak trochu nmeck krve ( ~ nkolik nmeckch pedk).;
; dry, be;such, bt;I

: ;son: Whose son are you?;syn: jsi

: T T
T ;blood: On behalf of the (ty) syn?;inter. col. um.
Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king) entrusted the reign to (his) royal : () ;especially:
grandson Alaung Sithu of Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;krev: Ve The five precepts should be especially observed by ( ~ "in) lay
people.;zejmna: Pt pravidel by mly bt dodrovny zejmna
prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu, (krl) svil vldu
laiky ( ~ "v laicch).;pol.
(svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi (kter byl)
: T ;only:
Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.
(He) selected only the one, (who) did not step back as a
: ;blood: blood on hand;krev: krev na
hero.;pouze: Pouze toho, (kter) neustoupil, vybral za
;blood, be of (certain) (include blood);krve, bt (njak) hrdinu.;writ.
;only: Where is a meditation center with
( );comrade, blood (blood drinking)
only Burmese monks and nuns?;pouze: Kde je meditan
brother, blood (blood drinking) companion (blood
drinking);spolenk (krev pijc) bratr, pokrevn (krev pijc) centrum s pouze barmskmi mnichy a mnikami?;inter.
: ;only: You can pay only by
ptel, pokrevn (krev pijc);sg.
coins.;pouze: Me platit pouze mincemi.;
(zahrnovat krev);I



: T ;only: only Burmese people (only people

(of) Myanmar kind);jen: jen barmt (pouze lid

myanmarskho druhu);
...;what: If (you) do not practise, what (you)
have (already) got, the good (knowledge) of writing (and) good
(knowledge) of speaking may get lost, (they) say ...;co: Pokud
netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a) dobr
(zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.
: ;shine (about sun): After the rain ( ~
raining), sun shines.;svtit (o slunci): Slunce svt po deti ( ~

T;example, for (by state (of) proof) for

example (by state (of) proof);napklad (stavem
dkazu);instr. P. sdhaka (= proof)
;well done (well);dobe! );adj. P. sdhu (= well)
: T ;well done: Especially,
being happy (I) call well done, ven. Sir.;dobe!: Zejmna,
asten volm: dobe!, ct. Pane.;pol.
;well done (well, well, well);sprvn (sprvn,
sprvn, sprvn);adj., P. sdhu sdhu sdhu (= well, well,

: TT ( ~ TT) ;great: - ;not only that .. ,,but also .. ;nejen,,e.. ,,ale

Go (and) show (your) powers. Where are (you) greater?;lep tak .. ;suff. conj.
( ~ "ohromn): Jdi (a) uka (vlastn) sly. Kde jsi lep?;inter.
- :
: ;person: a person (who) already has;osoba:
osoba, (kter) u m;

: ;shine: When the moon is shining,

(it is) night time.;svtit: Kdy svt msc, (je) noc ( ~ non
: ;just: Do just the things that you
have to do.;jen: Dlej jen to, co m na prci.;imper. pol.
: ;son: Son is (already) eight years
(old).;syn: Synovi je u osm (let).;p.p.

only..but also..: Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of

commentaries were rehearsed.;nejen..ale tak..: Nejen Tipiaka,
ale tak druh koment byly recitovny.;writ.
;ordinary basic general;obvykl zkladn bn;adj.
P. smaa (= generality, conformity)
;pleasant, be;pjemn, bt;I
;happiness (tasting (and) living) joy (tasting (and)
living);tst (radost, chutnn (a) it) radost (chutnn (a)
it);n. P. syati (= taste)

;Sratthadpan (Vinaya subcommentary

(k));Sratthadpan (podkoment Vinaji, Vinaya k);Bh. lit.
: ( ~
P. sratthadpan (= explanation of the essence of the meaning:
);son: What is the son (still) doing?;syn: Co essence meaning - explanation)
(n) syn (stle) dl?;inter. lett.
;Sriputta, ven. (one of the two chief
: ;son: Is (it) son or daughter?;syn: Je
(to) syn nebo dcera?;inter.

: ;son: He gives a
bag to his son.;syn: (On) svmu synovi dv taku.;

disciples of the Buddha);Sriputta, ct. (jeden z dvou hlavnch

k Buddhy);name Bh. P. mah-thera (= great-elder)

: T ;just: (I) can speak only in

English.;jen: Umm mluvit pouze anglicky (v anglitin).;pol.

;leather (matterial, meat's skin);ke (materil, ke


: T ;beautiful
(pleasant): As it is next to Irrawaddy river, (also as for
beauty,) (it) is also beautiful.;pol. col. krsn (pjemn):
Ponvad je vedle eky Iravadi, (tak (co se te) krsy) je
krsn.; (or) pol. col.

;excel (excel (and) exceed) excellent, be (excel

(and) exceed);vynikat (vynikat (a) pekraovat) vynikajc,
bt (vynikat (a) pekraovat);I (or) T

;sunny, be;sluneno, bt;I

: ;sunny, be: It's (being)
sunny.;sluneno, bt: Je sluneno.;

: T ( ~ )
;excellent, be: Noble mind means the excellent state
of mind.;vynikajc, bt: Ulechtil mysl znamen vynikajc stav

( );conceptus (embryo, future son)

embryo (future son);zrodek (embryo, budouc syn)
( );prey (meat (of) body);ob (o zvatech embryo (budouc syn);sg.
;era of Buddhism (dispensation year);letopoet
atd., maso tla);sg.
Buddhismu (rok (Buddhova) daru);adv. P. ssana (=
;brothers and sisters (co-equal people) siblings
(co-equal people);brati a sestry (sobrovn lid)
( );person son child;osoba dt syn;sg.

sourozenci (sobrovn lid);n.

: ;siblings: (We) are three

siblings.;sourozenci: Jsme ti sourozenci.;pol.
;yet (in past tense);jet (v minulm ase);suff.

: ;Ssana: in the limits of (existence

of) Ssana;Ssana: v hranicch (trvn) Ssany;
( );missionary (religious,
master (in) undertaking dispensation);mision (nboensk,
mistr (ve) vykonvn (posvtnho) daru);sg.

: ( ~ )
;yet (in past tense): Long time ago : ;missionary group: at the
(I) have studied a lot and have yet remembered.;dvno, jet (v time of missionary activities;misionsk skupina: v dob
minulm ase): Kdysi dvno jsem (toho) hodn nastudoval, a misionskch aktivit;adv.
( );missionary group;missionsk skupina;sg.
jet si pamatoval.;
P. ssana (= (Buddha's) dispensation)


;first-born (first son) firstborn (first son);prvorozen : ;know: Only he knows (about) this
(prvn syn);n.
matter.;vdt: Pouze on v (o) tto zleitosti.;
;know;znt vdt;I
: ;know: Sorry, I don't know the
way.;vdt: Omluvte m, neznm to tady. (Protoe j cestu
neznm.);pol. um.
: ;know: I don't even know.;vdt:
Ani nevm.;um.
: ;know: Even I don't know.;vdt:
Dokonce ani j nevm.;um.

: ;know: (I) know (the fact that) he

will come.;vdt: Vm (o skutenosti,) e pijde.;pol.
: ;know: Pi
commentaries are known.;znt: Pi komente jsou
: ;know: May (I) know ven. Sir's
name.;vdt: Rd bych vdl jmno ct. pna. (K je jmno
ct. pna znmo.);pol.

;know: the student I know;znt:

student kterho znm;n. um.

: ( ~
);know: I know
: ;know: (He) knows in advance.;vdt: V one thing. (And) that is, (that I) know nothing.;vdt: Vm jednu
vc. (A) to, (e) nic nevm.;
;get to know well (also about people, know (and) be: ;know: When you taste
(eat (and) see), you may know.;poznat: Kdy ochutn (sn skillful) know well (also about people, know (and) beskillful);poznat dobe (tak o lidech, znt (a) bt-dovedn)
(a) podv se), asi pozn.;pol. um.
: ( );know: as far as I know;vdt: co znt dobe (tak o lidech, znt (a) bt-dovedn);T
j vm;(writ.)

: ;know: we should know, for sure;vdt:

mli bychom jist vdt;fut.

;know well: (I) am
happy that (I) was allowed to know (you) well.;poznat dobe:
Mm radost, e mi bylo povoleno (t) dobe poznat.;pol. FB

: ;know: As (I) was reading, (I) didn't ; permission (know (and) allow) mind, not (know (and)
allow);nevadit (vdt (a) povolit) povolen (vdt (a)
know, indeed.;vdt: Opravdu, nevdl jsem, protoe jsem
;mind, not: If you don't mind, may (I)
: ( ~ ) ;know:
know?;nevadit: Jestli to nevad, mohl bych vdt?;w. pol.
Except you, everybody knows it.;vdt: Krom tebe o tom v

;known as, be (be-made known) known, be;znm,

: ;know: But one bt (vdn) znm jakoto, bt (bt-dlan znmm);I
thing (I) know (very) well.;vdt: Ale jednu vc dobe vm.;pol. : T ;known, be: (They) are
known as suttas.;znm jakoto, bt: (Jsou) znm jakoto
: ; know: whoever knows;vdt: kdokoliv v;
: ( ~ );know: because
: T T (
(they) don't know;vdt: protoe nev;
~ T T );know
: ;know: because (I) don't know;vdt: protoe
sb.: I ( ~ the monk) know (with) a female-lay supporter from
Myanmar.;znt se s (nkm): Znm se ( ~ mnich se zn) s
: ;know: like if (you) don't know;vdt: jako
jednou laickou podporovatelkou z Myanmaru.;pol. mn.
bys nevdl;col.

: T ;know: know the answer for the ;lakhs, a (hundred thousand) hundred thousand, a;sto
questions;znt: znt odpov na otzky;
;ten million (a hundred of hundred thousand);deset
: ;know: Everybody knows.;v: Kad v.;
milion (sto sto tisc);num.
: ;know: If (you) have anything

that (you) want to know, ask (me) anything.;vdt: Pokud m ;science;vda;n.

;science (wisdom (of) knowledge);vda (modrost
(nco), co bys chtl vdt, ptej se na cokoliv.;imper. pol.
vdomost);n. P. sippa-pa (= skill, knowledge - moudrost)
;know: If you don't mind, may (I)
know?;vdt: Jestli to nevad, mohl bych vdt?;w. pol.

: ;know: Indeed, I don't know.;vdt: Vskutku,

: ;know: Do you know?;vdt: V?;inter. pol.
: ;know: things (one) should know;vdt: vci,
kter by ml (kad) vdt;
: ;know: If (you) need to know
anything, just ask.;vdt: Pokud (bys) poteboval nco vdt,
tak se prost zeptej.;imper. pol.

: ;science: philosopher of
science;vda: filosof vdy;

;scientist (lord (of) wisdom (of) knowledge);vda

(pn modrosti vdomost);n. P. sippa-pa (= skill,
knowledge - wisdom)
;very much so (much);velk velice tak (moc)
velmi;adv. (or) adj.
- ;really ...!, it is;tak ...!, to je;col.

: internet T
: ;know: They, as well as we, ;much: While using Internet here, it is slow, (so)
there may be (occasions) of not much satisfaction.;velk:
know.;vdt: Oni i my vme.;
Bhem pouvn internetu, je pomal, (a tak) mohou bt


(chvle) nevelk spokojenosti.;pol. col.

: T ;much: (I) cannot speak
much Burmese (language).;moc ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem)
moc mluvit neumm.;pol.

fix) save (also in computer, collect (and) fix);ponechat si

(ponechat-si (a) dt-stranou) uloit (tak na potai, sbrat
(a) upevovat) sbrat (sbrat (a) upevovat);T

: ;very: The
actor as well as the actress are very good.;velmi: Herec i
hereka jsou velice dob.;col.

;save (in computer): From today onwards (I)
will save (it) in my computer.;ukldat (na potai): Ode dneka
si (to) budu ukldat na ( ~ "ve) svm potai.;fut. writ.

: T;very: (I) am not very satisfied.;moc:

Nejsem moc spokojen.;pol.

: ;collect: the collected

words;sbrat: nasbran slova;

: ;so: (I) am so bad. (about inappropriate

thinking);tak: Jsem tak patn. (o nevhodnm mylen);col.
: ;much: (I) don't understand much.;moc:
Moc nerozumm.;
: ;very: (I) am very happy.;velice: Jsem
velice astn.;pol.

;usurp (take-possession-of (and) cuddle) succeed

(take (and) own) seize (take-possession-of (and) cuddle)
overrun (take-possession-of (and) cuddle);uspt (vzt (a)
vlastnit) uchvtit (zmocnit se, pivlastnit-si (a) hkat)
obsadit (pivlastnit-si (a) hkat) zmocnit se (pivlastnit-si (a)

: T ;much: (I) still cannot speak much : T

(well in Burmese).;moc: Jet (Barmsky) moc (dobe) neumm ;seize: Then (he) seized towns Pyee, Lwanshe
(and) Dagoung.;dobt: Pak dobyl msta Pj, Lvane (a)
: ;very: (It)'s not very hot.;moc: Nen (to) moc

: T ;very: (I) am very satisfied.;moc: Jsem

moc spokojen.;pol.
;excellent! (very clever);vborn! (velice chytr);col.
T T ;excellent! (attain much shine);vborn!
(doshnout hodn ze);col.

();crazy, be (not very correct);len, bt (ne

moc sprvn);I
T ;understand (know (and) see) realize (know (and)
see) comprehend (know (and) see) see (know, know
(and) see) understand clearly (know (and) see);chpat
(vdt (a) vidt) rozumt (vdt (a) vidt) vidt (vdt,
vdt (a) vidt) rozumt jasn (vdt (a) vidt);I
T : T ;see: This may be seen.;vidt: To lze

;seize: Hanthwadi troops, who seized Inwa, in
order to force the villages of northern region to make oath (of
royalty) they arrived to Mushopho village where (they) had to
arrive (for it).;obsadit: Vojska Hentvad, kter obsadili Envu,
aby pinutili vesnice v severn oblasti k uinn psaze (v jejich
prospch), pijeli do Mushpho vesnice (kam) pro to mli
pijet.;p.s. writ.
;soft, be (be-small (and) delightful) subtle, be (besmall (and) delightful);nn, bt (bt-mal (a) rozkon)
jemn, bt (bt-mal (a) rozkon);I
;seize (take-possession-of (and) enter);obsadit (vztdo-vlastnictv (a) vstoupit);T
: T
;seize: (He) seized forty-six nearby
villages.;obsadit: Obsadil tyicet est vesnic pobl.;writ.

T : T
T T ;realize: May (you) be
able to come and realize the the truths of Dhamma preached ;seize (take-possession-of (and) enter) usurp (takeby the Noble Buddha, by knowledge and coming to knowledge possession-of (and) enter) overrun (take-possession-of (and)
of five aggregates through knowledge of what is written.;chpat: enter);zmocnit se (pivlastnit-si (a) vstoupit) uchvtit
K jsi schopen dojt a pochopit pravdy Dhammy pednesen (zmocnit se, pivlastnit-si (a) vstoupit) obsadit (pivlastnit-si
Vzneenm Buddhou, znalost a dosaenm znalosti pti skupin (a) vstoupit);T
;get to know (knowing (and) comes) learn (get to
(osoby) skrze znalost toho, co je psno.;w. pol.
know, knowing (and) comes);dozvdt se (vdn (a)
;know (know, note (and) fix);vdt (vdt,
zaznamenat (a) upevnit);I
: ;know: (I)
will tell (and give) (you) as much as (I) know.;vdt: eknu
(ti) kolik vm.;fut. pol. utmn.

;mindfully (to know) attentively (to know)

awareness, with (to know);vdom (pozorn, aby vdl)
pozorn (aby vdl) vmav (aby vdl);adv.

;mindfully: (I) do not work giving
;collect take possession of seize (take-possession-of)
(special) time for meditation. (I) am mindful whole the day while
keep;zmocnit se (pivlastnit-si) uchovvat pivlastnit si
(I) am working.;vmav: Nepracuji (tak, e bych) dval
sbrat nechvat si (u sebe);T
(speciln) as meditaci. Jsem vmav cel den bhem toho,
;Theingyi Market (market (of) big hall);Teindijsk
co pracuji.;col.
Trh (trh velk haly);name
;indicates direction to towards to (a place);do (msta)
;keep (keep (and) set-aside) collect (collect (and)
na (msto) zna smr (kam) zna smr smrem;suff.
;inferior, be small, be;podadn, bt mal, bt;I


prep. (or) prep. (or) suff.

(abbrev. from ) [do.mhou.];or;nebo;conj.

( );song;pse;sg.

;curry, vegetable (curry complete-in fruits)

vegetable, curry (curry complete-in fruits);zeleninov
: ()
;or: Will you (all) go to school or to work? ('you' is omka (omka kompletn-z ovoce) omka, zeleninov
in pl.);nebo: (Vy) pjdete do koly nebo (vy vichni) pjdete (omka kompletn-z ovoce);n.
(pracovat) do prce?;inter.
: ...
: () ;or: Will ;vegetable curry: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I)
have the idea, that (I would) cook the vegetable
you go to school or to work?;nebo: Pjde do koly nebo do
curry.;zeleninov omka: Tak, uvam omku? ... Napadlo
m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou omku.;col.
: ;to: (He) is going to house.;do: Jde
dom. (Dom do (je) jdouc.);writ.
( );sheep;ovce;sg.
;Thain Chau (town near Yangon);Tain haun
(msto pobl Rangnu);name
;however but;avak ale;conj.
(from );however but;avak ale;conj.
;wool (sheep's fur);vlna (ov srst);n.
: ;wool:
Sometimes the clothes is made ( ~ "sewn) of wool.;vlna:
Nkdy je obleen uito z vlny.;
;or (to not yes);nebo (k nikoliv ano);conj.

T ;however: However, indeed, the turtle has
already had arrived first to the goal.;avak: Avak elva ji do
cle dorazila. avak: Avak, vskutku, elva ji do cle
;secretly (conceal, conceal, compress,
compress);tajn (zakrt, zakrt, stlait, stlait);adv. writ.
( ~
);secretly: I secretly ate
butter sitting near the fridge.;tajn: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a)
tajn jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s.
;nevertheless however;avak nicmn;conj. writ.
;however;nicmn;adv. writ.
;compose (write, a song) write (compose, a song)
sing;skldat (pst, pse) zpvat pst (skldat, pse);T
;discrete fruit fruit of separate;ovoce (eho)
peruovan oddlen ovoce;suff. n. (or) n. (or) adj.
(WS. from );patient, be (be-patient (and)
receive);trpliv, bt (bt-trpliv (a) pijmat);I WS.
(ws. from ): ;patient, be: Be
patient for a while, ok?;trpliv, bt: Bute chviliku trpliv,
: ;song: (He) listens to
songs.;psnika: Poslouch psniky.;

; sing (sing melody);zpvat (zpvat melodii);T

;live (dwell, about monks, use uposathaprecepts);t (pebvat nkde, o mnich, uvat pravideluposathy);T mn. P. sta (= coolness)
;dwell (about monks): the
current place of dwelling (and) staying;pobvat (o mnich):
ptomn msto pobvn (a) byt;n.
: ;dwell (for monks): Where
are you dwelling?;pobvat (o mnich): Kde pobv?;inter.
: ;live (about
monks): the monastery, where the Mon (great) monks live;t
(o mnich): klter, kde ij Monov, (ohromn) mnii;mn.
;reside (about monks use uposatha-precepts)
dwell (about monks) dwell (about monks use uposathaprecepts) lodge (about monks use uposathaprecepts);pobvat (o mnich) pobvat (o mnich uvat
pravidel-uposathy) pebvat (o mnich uvat pravideluposathy) ubytovn, bt (o mnich uvat pravideluposathy);T mn. P. sta (= coolness) (or) T WS.
();Sri Lanka (country);Sr Lanka (zem);name

: ;precepts: five (noble) precepts;pravidla: pt

(ulechtilch) pravidel;
: () ;precepts:
The five precepts should be especially observed by ( ~ "in) lay
people.;pravidla: Pt pravidel by mly bt dodrovny zejmna
laiky ( ~ "v laicch).;pol.
: ;precepts: In
order not to break the five precepts, one must much ( ~ "not
little) control (oneself).;pravidla: Aby nedolo k poruen pti
pravidel, je teba se nemlo kontrolovat.;
: ;morality: (He)
developed morality, concentration (and) wisdom.;ctnost:
Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a) moudrost.;p.s. pol.
: ( ~
) ;precepts: As for five precepts, (they)
should be protected by lay people too.;oravidla: Co se te pti
pravidel, (ta) by mla bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.

: ;songs: If (I want) to
;nun (morality lord);mnika (pn ctnosti);f. Bh.
listen to songs, (I) listen.;psniky: Kdy (chci) poslouchat
: T ;nun: (I)
psniky, tak poslouchm.;pol. col.
believe, that you want to become a nun.;mnika: Vm, e se
: ;sing (+ song): Birds are
chce stt mnikou.;pol.
singing.;zpvat (+ pse): Ptci zpvaj.;writ.
( );nun (lord (in) morality);mnika (pn
: T ;song: song (sang) by Myanmar
natives;pse: pse (zpvan) rodilmi Myanmary;
; separate (separate (and) chaff);oddlit (oddlit (a)


;special, be (separate (and) picked-out) reserved, be
(separate (and) picked-out) particular, be (separate (and)
picked-out) purely (separate (and) picked-out);ist
(oddlen (a) vybran) speciln, bt (oddlen (a)
vybran) vyhrazen, bt (oddlen (a) vybran) zvltn,
bt (oddlen (a) vybran);I (or) adv.
: ;purely: purely Burmese
monastery;ist: ist Barmsk klter;
: ;special: special explanation;speciln:
speciln vysvtlen;

discourses in Tipiaka scripture);Sutta Piaka (prvn ze t

hlavnch sbrek promluv ve spise Tipiaka);name Bh. lit. P.
suttanta-piaka (= discourse - canon)
( );suttanta (Buddhist preaching,
preserved in Pi language) discourse (Buddhist preaching,
preserved in Pi language);promluva (Buddhistick promluva,
uchovan v Pi jazyce) sutta (Buddhistick promluva,
uchovan v Pi jazyce);sg. (discourse, verse) Bh. lit. P.
suttanta (= Buddha's preaching) (or) sg. (discourse, verse) Bh.
lit. P. suttanta (= Buddha's preaching)

;Sutta Piaka (first of the three main collections of

;separate (separate, chaff (and) split);rozdlit (oddlit, discourses in Tipiaka scripture);Sutta Piaka (prvn ze t
hlavnch sbrek promluv ve spise Tipiaka);name Bh. lit. P.
oddlit (a) roztpit);T

;separate: (I) separate (it) sutta-piaka (= discourse - canon)
to two equal columns.;rozdlit: Rozdlm (to) na dva stejn
T T ;Sutta Piaka:
(It) is a specific item, which indicates the commentarial nature
of Sutta Piaka.;Sutta Piaka: Je (to) specifick vc, kter
T ;Sinhalese: There are many views
naznauje komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
regarding these Sinhalese Ahakath
(commentaries).;sinhlsk: Je mnoho nzor ohledn tchto
sinhlskch ahakath (koment).;pol. writ.

: ;grease: buttered bread (bread

greased (with) butter);mazat: chleba s mslem (chlb
namazan mslem);

: ;Sri Lanka ( ~ Sinhalese): island of Sri

Lanka;Sr Lanka ( ~ Sinhlsk): Sr Lanka (sinhlsk ostrov); ( );discourse (Buddhist preaching,
preserved in Pi language) sutta (Buddhist preaching,
: T ;Sinhalese:
There are six books of Sinhalese commentaries.;sinhlsk: Je preserved in Pi language);promluva (Buddhistick promluva,
uchovan v Pi jazyce) sutta (Buddhistick promluva,
est knih sinhlskch koment.;pol.
uchovan v Pi jazyce);sg. (discourse, verse) Bh. lit. P. sutta
;cashew nuts (Sinhalese grain);keu oky
(= Buddha's preaching) (or) sg. (discourse, verse) Bh. lit. P.
(sinhlsk semeno);n.
;Sinhalese;sinhlsk;adj. P. shala (= Sinhalese)

;suttas (discourses of the Law, the

;use (in speech) use three utilize;pouvat uvat ti Dhamma right preachings (of) discourses);sutty (promluvy
Zkona, Dhamma, sprvn kzn promluv);pl. mn. Bh. writ.
pout (v ei) ut;num. (or) T
P. sutta (= discourse)
: ;use: I do not use
( );threewheel (car (of) three wheels) tuk
telephone.;pouvat: Nepouvm telefon.;pol. um.
tuk (car (of) three wheels) trishaw (car (of) three
: ;use: I don't use money.;pouvat:
wheels);trojkolk (auto t kol) tuk tuk (auto t
(J) nepouvm penze.;pol. ubmn.
: ;use: (It) is used when
;ponder (use (and) wipe) consider (use (and)
wishing.;uvat: Uv se pi pn.;
wipe);brt v vahu (ut (a) utt) vzt v vahu (ut (a)
: ;use: If (you) need, use (it).;pout:
Kdy bude potebovat, pouij (to).;imper. col.
T ;consider (use (and) wipe, build (and)
: T
measure);vzt v vahu (ut (a) utt, postavit (a) zmit);T
(The word) is much used in the kind of places, where (sb.)
;indicates sb. who does something she he;on ona
doesn't want to tell (sth.).;ut: Uv se (toho slova) pro ta
zna osobu, kter nco dl;suff. (or) pron. (or) pron.
msta ( ~ "v druhu mst), kde (nkdo) nechce (nco) ct.;pol.
;somebody's his her;jeho n jej;pron. (or) adj.
();Thongwa (a village);Toungua (vesnice);name
(abbrev. from );she;ona;pron.
: ;his: The
();zero (0);nula (0);num.
boy is walking with his friend.;jeho (svj): Chlapec se prochz
;research;vzkum;n. P. sutesan (= sut+esan,
se svm kamardem.;cont.
seeking (other's) knowledge)
: T ;person: King Naung
;scrutinize (do investigation) investigate (do
became a person with ( ~ having) valour.;osoba: Krl Nau se
investigation);prozkoumat (dlat przkum) zkoumat
stal osobou s ( ~ majc) chrabrost.;writ.
(dlat przkum);T P. sutesan (= sut+esan, seeking
: ;he: He is a student.;on: On je student.;pol.
(other's) knowledge)
: ;his: His name is (called)
;Sutta Piaka (first of the three main collections of
Maung Maung.;jeho: Jmenuje se Maun Maun. (Jeho jmno se
();Sri Lanka (country);Sr Lanka (zem);name writ.


nazv Maun Maun.);pol.

tajn pln.);writ.

: ;headman (of village): It is

said, that Nga Nyo's girlfriend was a daughter of the village
headman.;pn (vesnick): k se, e a ova ptelkyn byla
dcera pna vesnice.;

: T
;somebody: (The word) is much used in the kind of
places, where (sb.) doesn't want to tell (sth.).;nkdo: Uv se
(toho slova) pro ta msta ( ~ "v druhu mst), kde (nkdo)
nechce (nco) ct.;pol.

( );headman (of village, big person) chief

(big person);f (velk osoba) pn (vesnice, velk

; they (for animate and inanimate nouns) they;oni oni

(pro ivotn i neivotn pod. jm.);pron. pl. (or) pron.

; him him, to her, to;j jemu;pron. acc.

: ;their (they):
: T ;him (to him): Tell Their names are (young man) Aye and (young man)
him (that) I cannot come today.;mu (jemu): ekni mu, e dnes Tin.;oni: (Oni) se jmenuj (mlad pn) a (mlad pn)
Ten.;col. pol.
nemohu pijt.;imper. pol. um.
: ;they: They are.;oni: Oni jsou.;
;himself, by;sm;pron.
;oneself, to;sob, sm;acc.

: T ( ~
T );oneself, to: This
person has made a big problem to himself.;sob, sm: Tento
lovk m ( ~ "si sm udlal) velk problm.;pol.
: ;thief: Thief is
breaking in a house.;zlodj: Zlodj se vloup do domu.;cont.
( ) [tkh:];thief (person (who) steals);zlodj
(osoba (kter) krade);sg.
;friend: The boy is walking with his
friend.;kamard: Chlapec se prochz se svm
;friend: (I) copy that dictionary (together) with a
friend.;kamard: Kopruji ten slovnk (spolu) s
: ;friend: Now his friend is
writing.;ptel: Prv pe jeho ptel.;

;their;jejich;pron. pl. writ.

;morality (law (of) good, great person)
ethics (law (of) good, great person);mravnost (zkon
dobr velik osoby) etika (zkon dobr velik osoby)
morlka (zkon dobr velik osoby);n.
( );patient (sick person, paining person) sick
(person, sick person) sick person invalid (person);invalida
nemocn (o osob, nemocn osoba) pacient (bolav
osoba) nemocn (osoba);sg.
;medical, be (treats paining persons);lkask, bt
(zdravotn, oetuje bolav osoby);I
( );tender (nurse, treats paining persons)
nurse (treats paining persons);sestika (zdravotn,
oetuje bolav osoby) oetovatelka (zdravotn, oetuje
bolav osoby);sg.
: ;nurse:
The nurse is nursing the girl.;sestika: Sestika peuje o

( );nurse (female master (who) treats

: ;friend: my great friend;ptel: paining persons) tender (female master (who) treats
paining persons);oetovatelka (zdravotn, ensk mistr
mj skvl (ohromn) ptel;n. col.
: T;friend: (I) am talking (kter) oetuje bolav osoby) sestika (zdravotn,
ensk mistr (kter) oetuje bolav osoby);sg.
with friends.;ptel (kamard): Povdm si (bavm se) s
;her;jej;pron. writ.
pteli.;col. cont.
( );comrade friend;ptel kamard;sg.
( );friend, great;ptel, velk;sg.
( );beginner (green person);zatenk
(zelen osoba);sg.
: ;boss: Boss is calling.;f: f
: ;boss:
Secretary gives some papers to the boss.;f: Sekretka
podv ( ~ dv) nkolik papr.;cont.
( );richman lechtic baron wealthy
one;nobleman bohatr baron;sg.
( ) [th];boss (he, (the) rich-one);f (on,

( );labourer (farm hand for entire season,

borrowed intimate person);vpomoc (pomocn ruka na
farm na celou seznu, pjen dvrn osoba);sg.

;alcohol (alcohol (and) alcohol) intoxicants

(alcohol, alcohol (and) alcohol);alkohol (alkohol (and)
alkohol) omamn ltky (alkohol, alkohol (and) alkohol);n. P.
sur (= alcohol), A. araq
;drunk, get (drink alcohol (and) alcohol)
drink alcohol (drink alcohol (and) alcohol);opjet se (pt
alkohol (and) alkohol) pt alkohol (pt alkohol (and)
alkohol);n. P. sur (= alcohol), A. araq
: ;alcohol: (He) does not drink
alcohol.;alkohol: Nepije alkohol.;col.
;own, his (owned (by) person of his);vlastn,
jeho (vlastnno od jeho osoby);adj.

;somebody: (He) makes a secret plot against :
somebody.;nkdo: Kuje na nkoho pikle. (Dl proti nkomu T ;hero: (He) also promoted heroes who had
valour.;hrdina: Tak povyoval hrdiny, kte mli chrabrost.;writ.



;hero: During the reign of Anawyatha king in the
Pagan period, four heroes, (namely) Kyansittha, Ngalttwayyu,
Ngaloun Letpheh and Nyaung Oo Phi, became
prominent.;hrdina: Bhem vldy krle Anojaty v obdob
Paganskm se stali tyi hrdinov, (tj.) ansit, , Ndvej,
Nlou Leph a au Ph prominentnmi.;p.s. writ.

;still: Then, also, editorials and articles are still

published there.;stle: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou tam stle
: ( ) ;little: (I) think, (it) is
because (I have) little perfections ( ~ pram).;mlo: Myslm si,
e je (to), protoe (mm) mlo dokonalost ( ~ pram).;pol.
: ;yet: (I) haven't seen (it) yet.;jet: Jet
(jsem to) nevidl.;

( );hero (person brave (and) good);hrdina : T ;already: Not long

(osoba staten (a) dobr);sg.
time. It has been already around six months.;u: Ne dlouho. Je
( );member, family (his realty) family
to u asi est msc.;
member (his realty);rodiny, len (jeho nemovitost) len,
: ;still: still unable to abandon;stle: stle
rodiny (jeho nemovitost);sg.
neschopen zanechat;n.
;die wilt (die) decease;uvadnout (zemt) zemt
zvadnout (zemt) vadnout (zemt) umt;I (or) T

;indicates emphasis insufficient (not enough) urine

small little (not enough) so far more, be still yet
small, be;stle zna zdraznn mlo jet, bt
nedostatek mal zatm mal, bt jet mo dlouh,
bt;I (or) suff. (or) adv. (or) n. vul. (or) adj.
;still: though (you) still
do not live as a nun;stle: pestoe stle neije jakoto

: T ;still: (I) still haven't returned.;stle: Stle

jsem se nevrtil.;pol.
: ;still: (I) still cannot read (in
Burmese).;pod: Pod neumm st (Barmsky).;pol.
: ;more, be: There is sth. more (to order - in
restaurant).;jet, bt: Jet nco (k objednn v
: ;yet: (He) has not yet swum.;jet: Jet
si nezaplaval.;

: ;more: (I) need to (go) more. (may be told

: ;yet. I haven't seen it yet.;jet: to taxidriver when one wants to go beyond the place where
J jsem to jet nevidl.;um.
they are going to stop);jet: Potebuji (jet) jet (dl). (me
: ;die: I am hungry to bt eeno taxiki, kdy nkdo potebuje jet za msto, kde se
death. (I am being hungry by stomach about to death.);smrt: taxik prv chyst zastavit);pol.
Jsem k smrti hladov. (Mm hlad aludkem asi-tak k
: T ( ~
smrti.);cont. uw.
T T);still: He still did not answer me.;stle: Stle


mi neodpovdl.;pol. um.
;small: (It) is alright to have opened many programs ( ~ :
"files) with small letters at once.;mal: Je v podku mt
;small: The black car is smaller than the car of light
oteveno mnoho program ( ~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny
color.;mal: (To) ern auto je men ne (to) auto svtl
: ;so far: So far (it) has been : ;wilt (die): The plant is going to
( ~ "is) only ten days.;zatm: Zatm (to) bylo jen deset dn.;pol. wilt.;zvadnout (zemt): Rostlina zvadne.;fut.
: T ;also: There are
indeed many other places also.;jet: Je (zde) tak jet
mnoho jinch mst.;pol.

: T ;still: Even one year still

hasn't passed. (Even one year is still not filled.);jet: Jet
tomu nebylo dokonce ani jeden rok. (Dokonce (ani) jeden rok
stle nen naplnn.);pol.
: T ;else ( ~ "more): What else ( ~
"more) do (you) have apart from this?;jet: Co jet mte
krom tohohle?;inter.
: ;still: Go
(according to) this way, but (it is) still very far.;very: Jete
(podle) tto cesty, ale (je to) jet hodn daleko.;imper.

;sure, be (be-stable (and) spin) certain, be (be-stable

(and) spin);jist, bt (bt-stabiln (a) otet-se);I
: ;sure, be:
(It) is sure, that (he) chose the second (option).;jist, bt: Je
jist, e si vybral druhou (monost).;pol.
: T T ;sure: Are (you) sure, that
(you will) come to Myanmar country?;jist: Jsi si jist, e
pijede do (zem) Myanmaru?;inter.
: ;sure: Actually, (I) am not very
sure.;jist: No, moc si jist nejsem.;
: ;for sure: Think (it) over. (Think for
sure, please.);pro jistotu: Rozmysli si to. (Mysli najisto,
prosm.);imper. pol.

: T ;more: Except this there (we) : ;sure, be: I am sure with

have two kinds more.;jet: Krom tohohle mme jet dva
it.;jist, bt: (J) jsem si tm jist.;pol.
;for sure certainly;urit jist;adv.
: ;still: (I) still understand ;for sure certainly;urit jist;adv. col.
just little bit.;pod: Pod rozumm jen troiku.;
: T T ;small: (It) little by little


becomes small.;mal: Postn se zmenuje ( ~ "stv-se


twelve thousand (10 000 + 2 000;deset tisc: dvanct tisc

(10 000 + 2 000);num.

: ;small: small table;mal: mal stl;

;ten thousand;deset tisc;num.

: T ;small, be: (It) is a

small insect.;mal, bt: (Je to) mal hmyz.;

;when if;kdy;conj. writ.

;lessen (become small) detract (become

small);zmenit se (zlehovat se, stt-se malm) zmenit
se (stt-se malm);I

(later as );as for;co se te;adv.

: ( ~
) T;when: When the rabbit woke up at the
place of resting, (it) got up and indeed ran as much as (he)
;die (die (and) finish);zemt (zemt (a) skonit);I
could.;kdy: Kdy se krlk na mst odpoinku probudil, vstal a
: vskutku bel jak jen mohl.;writ.
;die: What they believe is, that finally (it)
T ;however (also, indeed, when) nevertheless
disappears and they will (simply) die.;zemt: emu v, tak (also, indeed, when);nicmn (tak, vskutku, kdy)
(prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni) (prost) zemou.;pol. avak (tak, vskutku, kdy);
T ;nevertheless (nevertheless, however)
;urinate (spurt-out urine) pee (EN col., spurt-out however (nevertheless, however);nicmn (nicmn, avak)
urine);rat (CZ col., stkat mo) moit (stkat mo);T avak (nicmn, avak);adv.
;although though;pestoe;adv. writ.
;urinate (let-out urine) pee (EN col., let-out
( ) (maybe from );box;krabice;sg.

urine);rat (CZ col., vypoutt mo) moit (vypoutt


;distinct clear;zeteln jasn;adj.

;elite (people who (are) selected

(and) established for-sure);elita (lid kte (jsou) vybran
(a) ustanoven na-jisto);n.

T ;sand (sand (on) beach surface);psek (psek (na)

plovm povrchu);n.

;joke indicates change of preceding verb to adj.;zna

zmnu pedchozho slova na pd. jm.. vtipkovat;suff. (or) T
: ;key: (I) want to keep
the key with you.;kl: (J) chci (ten) kl nechat u tebe.;
( );key;kl;sg.
;Friday Friday (Venus's day);ptek (den
Venue) ptek;adv.
: ;Friday: I arrived on
Friday.;ptek: Pijel(a) jsem v ptek.;col.

;sand (sand (on) beach);psek (psek (na) pli);n.

T : T
;sand ( ~ "beach): Boy and girl are playing on
sand ( ~ "beach).;psek ( ~ "pl): Chlapec a dve si hraj na
psku ( ~ "pli).;cont.
;laugh;smt se;T col.
: ( ~ );laugh: (I) don't laugh.;smt se:
Nesmji se.;T col. pol.
;erotic movie (without naked scenes, chip-off
film);erotick film (bez nahch scn, usekvajc film);n.

: ;curry: Friend, what curry will you

;as because;protoe jeliko ponvad;conj. (or) eat (it) with?;omka: Pteli, s jakou omkou (to) bude
suff. conj.
jst?;inter. fut. col.
: ;as: As
: ;curry: (He) cooks curry.;omka: Va
(you) write mistakes, I don't understand.;nerozumt: Ponvad omku.;
pe (s) chybami, j nerozumm.;col.
: ...
;smoke (drink) drink;kouit (pt) pt;T

;curry: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the
idea, that (I would) cook the vegetable curry.;omka: Tak,
uvam omku? ... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou
: ;drink: drink soup;jst ( ~ pt): jst ( omku.;col.
~ pt) polvku;
;soup, light (sweet curry);polvka, lehk (sladk
: ;smoke (drink): (He) smokes
cigarettes.;kouit (pt): Kou cigarety.;
;vegetables (green cookable leaves);zelenina
(zelen vaiteln listy);n.
: ;drink: What will you drink
: ;drink: I
will eat as well as drink.;pt: Budu jst a tak pt.;col.

today?;pt: Co budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw.

: ;drink: (He) does not drink

alcohol.;pt: Nepije alkohol.;col.

: ;vegetables: I
am cleansing the vegetables.;zalenina: (J) oplachuji
zeleninu.;cont. um.

: ;drinks: Drinks, ;vegetables (cooking fruit (and) cooking

such as Coca Cola, beer etc.;npoje: Npoje jako Coca Cola, leaves);zelenina (ovoce na-vaen (a) listy na-vaen);n.
pivo atd.;
;vegetables (cooking fruit (and) cooking
leaves {plural});zelenina (ovoce na-vaen (a) listy na-vaen
: ;ten thousand: twelve
{mn. .});pl.
thousand;deset tisc: dvanct tisc;
: (10 000 + 2 000);ten thousand:


( );salad (green group (of)

cooking fruit (and) cooking leaves);salt (zelen skupina room available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one room in your
ovoce na-vaen (a) listy na-vaen);sg. (portion)
hotel?);hotel: Je ve vaem hotelu voln ( ~ dostupn) jeden
pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden pokoj ve vaem hotelu?);inter.
;no;ne;interj. (or) interj. col.
: ;no: No, sorry.;ne: Ne,
;no;ne;interj. ans. col.

;sauce curry (sauce);omka;n.

;to as (sb.) for;jakoto (nkdo) k pro;suff. writ.
;pretence (posture carrying);petvka (pzy
( );hamburger;hamburger;sg. E. hamburger
( );hamburger;hamburger;sg. E. hamburger
;how much: how much... oh... eh... ;kolik: kolik...
ehm... no...;interj.
: ( ~ ) ;how
much: how... oh... eh...: How much... oh... eh... much ... give ...
like, 120 (kyats).;kolik: Kolik... ehm... no... hele, dejte (mi) 120

: ;hotel: Where can I

find a hotel? (How should I search the hotel?);hotel: Kde
mohu najt hotel? (Jak mm j hledat hotel?);fut. inter.
: ;hotel: There are free
rooms available in the hotel.;hotel: V hotelu jsou (dostupn)
przdn pokoje.;
( );hotel;hotel;sg. E. hotel (or) sg.
;day, on that (that day);tehdy (ten den);adv.
;over there (direction over-there) there (direction
over-there);tamhle (smr tamhle) tam (smr
tamhle);adv. col.
: () ( ~ )
;over there: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over
there?;tamhle: Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.
;that way (in direction over-there);tam (ve smru

;desire indicates subject indicates reference to the

: ;that way: That way (you) will get
previous word want indicates emphasis;zna podmt
touit po zna odkaz na pedchoz slovo zna zdraznn ( ~ find) (it).;tam: Tam to najdete. (Ve smru tam (to)
chtt;suff. (or) T
;there;tam tmhle (CZ col.);adv.

()( ) ;indicates reference to the

previous word: (one) with one's own knowledge;zna odkaz na : ;there: Don't sit there.;tam: Nesedejte si
tam.;imper. pol.
pedchoz slovo: sm sob se znalost;col.
: ( ~ );laugh: (I) don't laugh.;smt se: : ;there: There (one)
must get up (from bed) early in the morning.;tam: Tam se
Nesmji se.;T col. pol.
;things (attached to the word for the things themselves mus vstvat (z postele) brzy rno.;fut.
to convey subject in sentence);vci (pipojeno ke slovu pro ty
vci jako takov aby byl vyjden podmt ve vt);pl.
;humor (a sense of);humor (smysl pro);n. P. hsa (=
( );joke;vtip;n. P. hsa (= laughter) (or) sg.

: ;there: Do not write there.;tam: Nepite

tam.;imper. pol.

: ;there: Are there Mr. Bakhin

and Mrs. Thuza?;tam: Jsou tam pan Bakhen a pan
Tuza?;inter. col.

( );comedian (actor (of) jokes (or)

king's son (of) jokes);komediant (herec vtip (nebo)
krlovsk syn vtip);sg. P. hsa (= laughter)

;ago, long time;dvno, kdysi;adv.

Hey guy, if (you) steal, while stealing steal more for us (also),
friend.;hej: Hej, tpku, jestli bude krst, pi (tom) kraden pro
ns (taky) ukradni, pteli.;imper. sl.

;how much: how much... oh... eh... ;kolik: kolik...

ehm... no...;interj.

;over there that there, over;tamto tamten tam

(tmhle CZ col.) tmhle (CZ col.) ten;adv. (or) pron.

;joke (make joke);vtipkovat (dlat vtip);T P. hsa : ;there: Who is there?;tam: Kdo je
tam?;inter. col.
(= laughter, mirth)
: ;there, over: Who is
;hey;hele hej;interj.
over there? Those are just policemen.;tmhle: Kdo je tmhle?
: ;hey: Hey, buddy!;hej: Hej, kmo!;imper. sl.
Hele, to jsou jen policajti.;col.
: ;hey:

(WS. from ) ;shyness;stydlivost;n. WS. P. hiri (=

; to (a place);indicates direction;suff.

: ( ~ ) ;how
much: how... oh... eh...: How much... oh... eh... much ... give ...
like, 120 (kyats).;kolik: Kolik... ehm... no... hele, dejte (mi) 120

: ;that: This book is

better than that book.;tamta: Tato kniha je lep ne tamta

;run around (there (and) there, here (and) here,

go (and) come);pobhat (tam (a) tam, sem (a) sem, jt (a)

: ;that: I will read this

book and also that book.;tamto: Budu st tuto knihu a jet
tamtu knihu.;fut. col. um.

(WS. from );far in the distance;daleko v

dli;adv. WS.

: ;hotel: Is a

;far in the distance;daleko v dli;adv.

: ;far in the distance:


The tree is far in the distance.;daleko v dli: Strom je daleko v : T ;indicates end of
quotation: (He) named Lwan She ( ~ 'lwan medicine') as
Myan Aung ( ~ 'quick success').;zna konec citace:
; shyness modesty;stydlivost skromnost;n. P. hiri (=
Pojmenoval Lwan She ( ~ 'lk lvan') jakoto Myan Aun ( ~
'rychl spch').;writ.
: T;modest, be: modest spirit;skromn: skromn
duch (lovka);

;whatever (whatever called ...);jakkoliv (cokoliv

zvanho ...);fut. writ.

;that (follows after direct speech) indicates end of direct

speech that (closes a direct speech);e (uzavr pmou e) : ;whatever: (He) can
e (nsleduje za pmou e) zna konec pm ei;suff. (or) overcome whatever difficulties.;jakkoliv: Doke pekonat
jakkoliv pote.;writ.
suff. writ.
;indicates address of an elder person or a friend hey;hele
;said (used after a quotation);ekl (uito za

zna osloven star osoby nebo kamarda;interj.
citac);p.s. writ.
: " " ;indicates end of direct speech:
(He) said: I am not afraid of you.;zna konec pm ei:
Nebojm se t.;writ.

;hey! (calling sb.);hej! (voln nkoho);interj. col.

: T T
T ;that: Not only that, he also said
(that) (he) knows how to fulfill that intention.;e: Nejen to,
tak ekl, e v, jak ten zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.

: ;preach: (I)
meditated (and) then also preached the Law ( ~
Dhamma).;pednet (kzat): Meditoval jsem (a) pak jsem tak
pednel Zkon ( ~ Dhammu).;p.s. pol.

: T ( ~ T)
;that (closes a direct speech): (He, the king) has
stated, that (he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left
hand. indicates end of direct speech: (He, the king) has
stated, that (he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left
hand.;zna konec pm ei: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou)
levou rukou dvat lidem obleen. e (uzavr pmou e):
(Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat lidem
obleen.;p.p. writ.

;preach: according to
: T
what the Lord Buddha preached;pednet: podle toho, co Pn
Buddha pednesl;

T - -;looks like ..., ... ((it) will have-to-be

said that ... is);vypad jako ..., ... (bude muset-bt
eeno e ... je);v. writ.
;yes OK indicates affirmation;zna souhlas dobr
ano;interj. (or) interj. col.

;hey you (hey animal);hele, ty (hele zve);interj.

imper. sl.

: T ;preach: the noble truth

preached by the Buddha;pednet: ulechtil pravda
pednesen Buddhou;Bh.
;hockey;hokej;n. E. hockey
;old, be (esp. about inanimate nouns) ex- (of partner,
husband or wife etc.) old (also about friends known for long
time);dvn (tak o ptelch znmch dlouhou dobu) ex- (o
pteli, ptelkyni, manelovi, manelce atd.) star, bt (zejm. o
neiv. pod. jm.);I (or) adj.

: T ;old: The map is ( ~ has

become) so old.;star: (Ta) mapa je ( ~ stala se) tak (moc)
: T;OK: OK, (it)'s good.;Fajn: Fajn, (to) star.;p.p.
je dobr.;col.
: ;old: old friend (of mine);dvn: moje
: ;yes: OK.;ano: Dobr.;ans. col.

dvn kamardka;

;yes (yes, hey);ano (ano, hele);interj. pol.

: ;old: very old house;star: velice star


: ;OK: OK, friend.;Dobr: Dobr, pteli.;sl.

: ;alright: Alright, sir.;ano: Ano, pane.;pol. uw. . ;old: (it) is old (already);star: (u) je (to)
: ;yes: Yes, (it) is hot.;ano: Ano, je to

;ancient old;star starovk;adj.

;indicates end of quotation;zna konec citace;suff. writ.

T: T T T
;lecture: As a commemoration
of the National Day, lectures, exhibitions (and) competitions are
held ( ~ made) (and) participated (by people).;pednka:
Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho Dne, pednky, pehldky (a)
soute jsou podny ( ~ dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.

( );hotdog;prek v rohlku;sg. E. hotdog

;Alright. (affirmative) Yes.;Dobe. (souhlas) Ano.;col. T;preach (the Law, the Dhamma);kzat (Zkon,
(or) col. ans.
Dhammu) pednet (Zkon, Dhammu);T mn. Bh.
T ( );lecture (at university, preach (and) say
;indicates reference ([which (or) who] said);zna odkaz {nouner});pednka (na univerzit, kzat (a) ci
na ([kter (nebo) kdo] ekl);suff. writ.
(later as );indicates end of direct speech;zna konec
pm ei;suff. writ.
: ;indicates end of quotation:
(He) named Da Goun as Yangon ( ~ 'end of danger').;zna
konec citace: Pojmenoval Da Goun jakoto Yangoun
(Rangn) ( ~ 'konec nebezpe').;writ.


T( );lecture ('event (of) preaching (and)

telling);pednka (udlost kzn (a) povdn);sg.

;naive, be;naivn, bt;I

(followed by doubled noun);many;mnoho;num.

prozkoumme cel ti piaky, narazme na nkter promluvy,

kter jsou komenttorskho charakteru.;writ.

countries.;mnoho: Anglitina je mluvenm (jazykem) v mnoha


: ;prisoner: political
prisoner;vze: politick vze;

(followed by doubled noun): ;many: many

years;mnoho: mnoho let;n.

( );prisoner (person (of)

prison);vze (osoba (z) vzen);sg. (mn.)

(followed by doubled noun): ;many: many

months;mnoho: mnoho msc;n.

;effect (good) benefit good (benefit) effect

advantage;pnos prospch nsledek (dobr) efekt (pnos)
vhoda dobro (prospch);n.

;casualty (of battle, fall (and) end);ztrta ivot (v

(followed by doubled noun):
T ;many: I told him many times.;mnoho: ekl jsem mu bitv, pd (a) konec) ob (v bitv, pd (a) konec) mrtv
(v bitv, pd (a) konec);n.
(to) mnohokrt.;pol. um.
;in brief (control (to be a) summary);strun
(followed by doubled noun): T T
(kontrolovat (aby to bylo) shrnut);adv.
T ;many: English is spoken in many


;benefit, bring: Who is able to bring more
benefit the country?;uitek: Kdo je schopen (na) zemi pinet
: ;dance: (They) compete in dance.;tanec: vce uitku?;inter.
: T
Sout v tanci.;pol.
;benefit: When Kyansittha became king, (he)
;limit (blocking (and) demarcating);zbrana
worked for the benefit of the great country.;prospch: Kdy se
(blokovn (a) ohraniovn);n.
: ;limitless: ansit stal krlem, pracoval ve prospch t ohromn
limitless (and) omnipresent happiness;neomezen: neomezen zem.;p.s. writ.
: ;dancing: I have the hobby of
dancing. (I include hobby (of) dancing.);tancovn: Mm
konkem je tancovn. (J zahrnuji konek tancovn.);uw.

;benefit: There
;boundless, be ((does) not have blocking
(and) demarcating) limitless, be ((does) not have blocking Mlo by bt vc prospchu pi praxi psan dopis (na
(and) demarcating);neomezen, bt (nem blokovn (a)
;benefit (economic, economic benefit);prospch
ohraniovn) nekonen, bt (nem blokovn (a)
(ekonomick, ekonomick prospch);n.
(a) vudyptomn radost;

;indeed (really clean (and) tested) actually

(really clean (and) tested) for sure (really clean (and)
tested) really (really clean (and) tested);opravdu (vskutku
ist (a) prozkouen) vskutku (vskutku ist (a)
prozkouen) jist (vskutku ist (a) prozkouen) ve
skutenosti (vskutku ist (a) prozkouen);conj.

;benefit, bring (carry-in-hand (and) carry-onhead benefit);uitek, pinet (nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-nahlav prospch);T

: ;useless: What
you taught is not in vain.;zbyten: Co jsi uil nebylo
marn.;pol. um.

;elaborate (widely expand) expand (elaborate,

widely expand);rozvst (vypracovat, iroce rozit)
vypracovat (rozvst, iroce rozit);T

;inclusive, be (benefit enters) valid, be (benefit

enters);platit (mt platnost, prospch vchz) platnost, mt
(prospch vchz) zahrnut, bt (prospch vchz);I

: T ;elaborated: give an
elaborated explanation;podrobn: podat podrobn

: ;valid: This ticket

is valid for one whole year.;platit: Tento lstek plat po cel rok.;

T( );commentator
(person (who) can elaborate (and) preach);komenttor
(osoba (kter) me rozpracovat (a) pednet);sg. (mn.)
;minutely (widely (and) immodestly) details, in
(widely (and) immodestly) extensively (widely (and)
immodestly);podrobn (iroce (a) neskromn) rozshle
(iroce (a) neskromn) detailech, v (iroce (a)

: ( ~ )
;valid, be: This ticket is valid for one
month.;platnost, mt: Tento lstek m platnost jeden msc.;
;logically (proper consequences (and)
proper reasons);logicky (sprvn nsledky (a) sprvn
;logically: when (we) think logically;logicky: pokud
pemlme logicky;

[ac(w)a~no(u).] (from );we;my;pron. writ. ;useless, be (void-of benefit);zbyten, bt

(prost pnosu);I
;famous, foremost renown, foremost;slavn,
T ;we: But if we nejpednji proslul, nejpednji;adj.
examine the whole three piakas, we come across some
;opinion idea;npad nzor;n.
discourses that are of commentarial nature.;my: Ale pokud
(-): ;idea: Good idea!;npad: Dobr


: ;idea: ideas;nzor: nzory;
;advice, give an (give idea (and)
knowledge);poradit (dt nzor (a) znalost);T

: T ;long time: (He) is afraid,

that (it) will take long time.;dlouho: Obv se, e (to) bude trvat

: T
( ~
;advise (make opinion) suggest (make
opinion);poradit (dlat nzor) navrhnout (dlat nzor);T );long time, very: As I haven't been writing
: ;advise: (I) am (only) advising (you).;radit: for a very long time, (I) have forgotten a lot.;dlouho, velmi:
Ponvad jsem velmi dlouho nepsal, hodn jsem zapoml.;p.s.
(Jen ti) radm.;pol.
;suggestion (make opinion {nouner}) advice
(make opinion {nouner});rada (dlat nzor {jmenec})
nvrh (npad, dlat nzor {jmenec});T

: T ;about: We talk about

the Law (Dhamma).;o: Povdme si o Zkon (Dhamm).;col.

;advise (give advice);radit (dt radu) poradit

(dt radu);T

;among (in between);mezi (v mezi);suff. prep.

;among (in between);mezi (v mezi);prep.

(beze zbytku);adv.

: ;time: This is the

first time I have already been to Yangon.;zna poadov slo:
To je (ji) poprv co jsem v Rangnu.;col. pol.

: ;advise: (I) would like to ;time (in number of times) time (ordinal number)
advise (you) one thing.;poradit: Rd bych ( ~ "chci) (ti) poradil multiple of;nsobek zna poadov slo krt (kdy se nco
opakuje);suff. (or) n.
jednu vc.;pol.
;violence (wrap (in) harshness {nouner});nsil : ;time:
Indeed, I reminded him for the second time.;zna poadov
(zabalit (do) hrubosti {jmenec});n.
slo: Vskutku, pipoml jsem mu to (ji) po druh.;pol. um.
;unconditionally (remainderless);bezpodmnen
;change (coins);drobn (mince);pl.

;change: Will you ( ~ sir) have change,
because I cannot exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.;drobn:
Budete mt (pane) drobn, protoe j nemohu smnit sto
dolarovou bankovku.;fut. inter. uw.

: T;time: in number of times;krt:

nkolikrt (pro (a) skrze poet as);adv.
- ; times (fold) indicates fold;krt (nsobek)
zna nsobek;adv. (or) adv. writ.

T( );credit card (flat card (to) buy (for) - :

T ;times (fold): We have risen thousand
debt);kreditn karta (ploch karta (k) nakupovn (na)
times to the (level of) king.;krt (nsobek): (U) jsme tisckrt
dluh);sg. E. card
vystoupili (na rove) krle.;p.s. pol.
;idea (useful information, number (of) advices)
opinion (useful information, number (of) advices) advice
(useful information, number (of) advices);nzor (uiten
informace, poet rad) rada (uiten informace, poet
rad) npad (uiten informace, poet rad);n.

: ;times (fold): thousand times;krt

(nsobek): tisckrt;

: T
;advice, give an: (She) invites other people, to
give (her) an advice.;poradit: Zve ostatn lidi, aby (j)

: ;several times:
(I) read this letter several times, and then (I)
understood.;nkolikrt: Pochopil jsem po (tom, co) jsem si
tenhle dopis nkolikrt peetl.;p.p. writ.

;time, long;dlouho;adv.

;frequency (number (of) times);frekvence

(vskytu, (poet as);n.

T ;between: Alaun Min Taya then
powerfully united the region between rivers Ayeyawaddy and
Chin Twin, and then attacked (and) conquered Inwa.;mezi:
Alaun Men Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami
Ejvad (Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl

;many times;mnohokrt;adv.
; several times;nkolikrt;adv.

T ;number, in: He has
attended ( ~ "entered) meditation retreat, in number, four
times.;slem: (On) astnil se meditanch zsed ( ~
"veel), slem, tyikrt.;p.p.
T;number, in (number (of)
times);slem (vskytu, (poet as);n.

( );pause break (pause) gap;pauza pestvka ;favor like most prefer;upednostovat nejradi,
mezera; (or) sg.
mt nejradji, mt; (or) I (or) T
;between (in between);mezi (v mezi);prep. writ.
: T
: T ( ~ ) ;between:
;prefer: What do (you) prefer in the Lord Buddha's
feeling of contact between hands;mezi: pocit doteku mezi
teachings?;nejradji, mt: Co m z ( ~ "v) uen Pna Buddhy
;long time (big lasting);dlouho (velkho trvn);n. ;elder big, be larger elder (relative) bigger;star
(sourozenec) velk, bt star vt;I (or) adj.


: ;big: two big balls;velk: dva velk


: ;about: about this;o: o tomhle;

: - ;elder
(relative): Elder daughter is 14 years (old and) the younger one
( ~ "daughter) is already 10 years (old).;star (sourozenec):
Star dcei je 14 let (a) mlad ( ~ "dcei) je u 10 (let).;p.p.

;tell ((let) hear whereabouts) let sb. know

((let) hear whereabouts) announce ((let) hear
whereabouts) inform ((let) hear whereabouts);informovat
((nechat) slyet informaci) ci ((nechat) slyet informaci)
oznmit ((nechat) slyet informaci) dt vdt ((nechat)
slyet informaci);T

;biggest (most big);nejvt (nejvce velk);adj.

: T ;greatest:
Mandalay is the second greatest town in Myanmar.;nejvt:
Mandalaj je druh nejvt msto Myanmaru.;pol.

( );reason;dvod;sg.

: T T
;let sb. know: Ven. Sir, just if
;huge giant great;obrovsk ohromn obrovit;adj. you arrive to Myanmar country, let me know.;dt vdt: Ct.
: T ;great: the hugest help;ohromn: Pane, pokud jen dorazte do (zem) Myanmaru, dejte mi
vdt.;imper. pol. utmn.
nejohromnj pomoc;
;matter information (about);zleitost informace
: ( ~
T );about: (I) do not like to talk much about
myself.;o: Nerad o sob moc povdm.;pol.

T T;thing: Please, can you
explain your ideas regarding these things in ( ~ "with)
letter?;vc: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv nzory ohledn
tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.

;let sb. know (inform, give hearing

whereabouts) announce (inform, give hearing
whereabouts) tell (inform, give hearing whereabouts)
inform (give hearing whereabouts);dt vdt (informovat,
dt slyet informaci) ci (informovat, dt slyet
informaci) informovat (dt slyet informaci) oznmit
(informovat, dt slyet informaci);T
: ;inform:
Inform me.;informovat: Informuj m.;imper. pol. utmn.
;about;o;prep. writ.
;things (to say etc.);vci (k een);n.

: ;about:
They taught me about life.;o: (Oni) m uili o ivot.;p.s.

T;context (subject-matter, basis (and)

situation);kontext (tma, zklad (a) situace);n.

velkou radost .;pol.

;reason cause about purpose;dvod el

pina o;prep. (or) suff. prep. (or) n.

: T ;about: (I will) check (it) : T ;things (to say

out and inform (you) (in-return).;o: Zkontroluji (to) a budu (t) etc.): (They) talk (about) many things.;vci (k povzen): Bav
se o hodn vcech.;
(nazptek) informovat.;fut. pol.
: ( ~ ( );matter, subject (matter (and) thing)
);about: Indeed, I subject (matter, matter (and) thing);problematika (zleitost,
zleitost (a) vc) zleitost (zleitost, zleitost (a) vc)
am very happy about you (of what (I) heard about you).;o:
pedmt (zleitost, zleitost (a) vc);sg.
Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co jsem o tob slyel)
: ;about: Some (of
them) do not know about meditation.;nkte (lid): Nkte
(lid) nev o meditaci.;
: T ;about: About these rivers.;o: O
tchto ekch.;writ.
;matter: regarding this
matter;zleitost: vzhledem k tto zleitosti;

: ;about: I am thinking
about you.;o: Myslm na tebe ( ~ o tob);cont. col.
: ;about: I'm studying
(about) the Truth (Dhamma).;Pravda (Dhamma): Studuji
Pravdu (Dhammu).;pol. cont.

: ( ~
: T T ;information: );about: This is little bit about me.;o:
Toto je trochu o m.;pol.
(I) will wrte, send ((and) give) (you) information about
Myanmar country, please.;informace: Napu, polu ((a) dm) : ( ~
);about: Here is little
(ti) informace o (zemi) Myanmaru, prosm.;fut. pol. col.
about me.;o: Zde je trochu o m.;pol.
: ( ~ );because:
because (they) don't know;protoe: protoe nev;

: T
;about: It is said, that Nga Nyo became happy
( ) () ;about: On the as his wife told (him) about the kings's call up.;o: k se, e
big flight plan (board) there is information about departures of kdy mu manelka ekla o krlov zavoln, a o ml radost.;
: ;matter: Only he knows
planes ( ~ planes which will depart).;o: Na velk (tabuli)
letovho du jsou informace o odletech letadel ( ~ letadlech, (about) this matter.;zleitost: Pouze on v (o) tto zleitosti.;
kter odlet).;

: ;reason: because of some

reason;dvod: z njakho dvodu;

( );reason cause purpose;dvod pina

;subject (of discussion) content (of


discussion);pedmt (diskuze) obsah (diskuze);n.

;opportunity square (marking-off) ward (in
horpital);tverec (vyznaen) oddlen (nemocnin)

(away) everything, in ven. Sir there had to happen, that (he)

accepted a strong belief, ven. Sir.;ve: Prv aby byl schopen
vechno opustit a odhodit, ve ct. panu se muselo stt, e pijal
njakou silnou vru, ct. pane.;utmn.

;distance (detachment (and) distance);vzdlenost

(oddlen (a) vzdlenost);n.

: T ;all: (They) will answer (it)

all together.;vechno: Odpov na (to) vechno spolu.;

;handy (help equally) help (help equally) useful

(help equally) helpful (help equally);hodc se (CZ col., bt
uiten, pomoc rovnomrn) pomoc (pomoc rovnomrn)
uiten (pomoc rovnomrn) npomocn (pomoc
;protection fence white of an egg;plot ochrana blek rovnomrn);adj.
: ;help: (I) had to ask for
help.;pomoc: Musel jsem podat o pomoc.;p.s. pol.
: ;white (of egg): love on
: ;dancing group: On
the floats also there are dancing groups too (included).;tann
skupina: Na (tch) vozidlech, tak, jsou t tanen
skupiny.;col. pol.

surface, loving kindness in heart (egg's white's love, yolks'

affection);blek (vajka): lska na povrchu, zalben v srdci
(lska blku, zalben loutku);prov.
;brother (used as an address to a man of similar age as
the addressee, elder brother);brate, star (uito k osloven
mue stejnho vku jako je oslovujc, star brate);voc.
: ;brother (elder): This is my elder
brother.;bratr (star): Tohle je mj star bratr.;pol. uw.
: T ;brother
(elder): The girl is pointing finger to ((and) showing) her
(elder) brother.;bratr (star): Dve ukazuje prstem na svho
(starho) bratra.;cont.

( ~
);helpful, be: may
be helpful;hodit se: me se hodit;

: T;help: Tell what (you) need to

help (with).;pomoci: ekni (s) m chce pomoci.;col. pol.
;sly ((of) crooked thinking) shrewd ((of) crooked
thinking) cunning ((of) crooked thinking) pisspoor (EN vul.
(of) crooked thinking);mazan (pokivenho mylen)
vyran (CZ vul., vychytral, pokivenho mylen)
prohnan (vychytral, pokivenho mylen) vychytral
(pokivenho mylen);adj.
;scheme (plot): (He) makes a secret plot
against somebody.;kout pikle: Kuje na nkoho pikle. (Dl proti
nkomu tajn pln.);writ.

;brother (elder): (I) have one elder
brother, one elder sister and two younger sisters.;bratr (star): ( );account (also in Internet messengers etc.);et
Mm jednoho starho bratra, jednu star sestru a dv mlad (tak v Internetovch chatovacch programech atc.);sg. E.
( ) (from );brother (elder);bratr (star);sg. ;as much as possible (most good) best (most
good);jak to jen jde (nejvce dobr) nejlep (nejvce
( );branch;vtev;sg.
dobr) co nejvce (nejvce dobr);adj.
;exhaustively all thoroughly all (depleting) so
much extremely completely all of (sth.) entirely totally
everything (depleting);vyerpvajcm zpsobem kompletn
dkladn vechno (spotebovn) vechno tak moc
pln vechno to (zcela) nesmrn zcela ve
(spotebovn);adv. (or) pron. (or) T (or) adj.

: ... T
;best: If (you)
write ... , (it) will be best.;nejlep: Pokud bys napsal ... , tak by
(to) bylo nejlep.;fut.

son.;vyerpvajcm zpsobem: Ct. Pn m me vdy

vyerpvajcm zpsobem ptt, jako (by byl) prv Buddhv
ohromn syn.;pol. utmn.

: ;best: This book is the

best one.;nejlep: Tato kniha je nejlep.;pol.

: T ;as much
as possible: (I) tried as much as possible and (completely)
: ;all of: If it is corrected (this).;jak to jen jde: Snail jsem se jak to jen lo a
(zcela) tohle opravil.;pol.
not vegetarian, (then I) eat all (of it).;vechno to: Pokud (to)
nen vegetarinsk, pak to snm vechno.;writ.
;best (most good);nejlep (nejvce dobr);adj.
: ;extremely: (It) is extremely
beautiful.;nesmrn: Je (to) nesmrn krsn.;
: ;best: If
you can come in winter (season), it is just best.;nejlep: Pokud
: ()
pijede v zim ( ~ v obdob zimy), tak je to prost
;exhaustively: Ven. Sir can
nejlep.;pol. col.
always ask me exhaustively, just like the Buddha's great

: ;best:
;everything (depleting around) all (all around) all I want to read the best book.;nejlep: Chci (si) st nejlep
(depleting around);vechno (vechno dokola) vechno
knihu.;pol. um.
(spotebovn dokola) ve (spotebovn dokola);pron.
;unfortunately (not bringing-about
(what is) good (and anything) plus and);nanetst
(nepineje dobrotu (ani nic) navc a-pak);adv.
;everything: Just in order to be able to forsake and throw ;alphabet;abeceda;n. P. akkhara (= letter, syllable)


: L T (
~ L );letter: (I) stay in
the position looking like (form (of)) English letter 'L'.;psmeno:
Zstvm v pozici vypadajc jako (tvar (kter m)) anglick
psmeno 'L'.;pol.

opravit dvee (od) pokoje.;

( );alphabet;abeceda;sg. P. akkhara (= letter,


;room-charge ((money for) attending-upon (the) room)

rent ((money for) attending-upon (the) room);njem
((penze za) starn-se (o) pokoj) njem za pokoj ((penze
za) starn-se (o) pokoj);n.

: T ;room: because the

room was not prepared;pokoj: protoe ten pokoj nebyl
( );room;pokoj;sg.

: ( ~ T)
;alphabet: alphabet, beginner lessons,
intermediate lessons;abeceda: abeceda, lekce pro zatenky, : ;rent: How much do (you)
lekce pro pokroil;n.
have to pay for rent?;njem: Kolik mus platit za njem?;inter.
;transliterate (exchange (and) exchange (the)
;door (room's door);dvee (pokojov dvee);n.
letters) transcribe (exchange (and) exchange (the)
;free, for (payment-free) gratis (payment-free);zdarma
letters);transliterovat (zamnit (a) zamnit psmena)
(bezplatn) zadarmo (bezplatn);adv.
pepsat (transkribovat, zamnit (a) zamnit psmena);T P. : T
akkhara (= letter)

;transliteration (excange (and) exchange (the) ;celebration: I take pride very much for
letters {nouner});transliterace (zamnit (a) zamnit
being allowed to carry out the celebration of tenth anniversary
psmena {jmenec});n. P. akkhara (= letter)
of writers of our township as the chairman.;oslava: Jsem velice
;add;pidat;T E. add
hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn se)
: ;add: (It) is alright to get
oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti jakoto
connected after (you) add (me).;pidat: Bude v podku se
pedsedajc.;pol. um.
spojit po (tom), co si (m) pid (do kontakt).;pol.
: T
(from );add (into list of friends in an Internet
messenger, put-close-together (and) fix);pidat (do seznamu
ptel v chatovacm programu, pipojit-k-sob (a) upevnit);T
;difficulty (difficult difficulty) trouble (difficulty,
difficult difficulty);pot (tk pot);n.
: ;difficulty: the difficulties that
(you) will face;pot: pote, kterm bude elit;
: ()
;difficulty: If you
can overcome the difficulties, later (you) will be able to live as
a nun always (just) easily.;pot: Pokud doke pekonat (ty)
pote, pozdji bude schopn t jako mnika pod

;celebration: On that day all over

Myanmar country the celebrations of National Day are
held.;oslava: Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se po cel zemi Myanmaru
podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.
( );celebration (celebration (and)
hearing);oslava (oslavovn (a) slyen);sg.
( )ceremony (celebration (and)
hearing);ceremonie (oslavovn (a) slyen);sg.;
: ;fact: the same fact;fakt: stejn
( );siren (sound (of) siren giving
sign);sirna (zvuk sirny dvajc znamen);sg.

;difficulties (difficulties (and) hassles);pote (pote ;facts (items (and) limbs) item (sign (and)
(a) tkosti);
branch) information (items (and) limbs) data (items (and)
: ;difficulties: (He)
limbs);informace (vci (a) dy) vc (znamen (a) vtev)
can overcome whatever difficulties.;pote: Doke pekonat
fakta (vci (a) dy) skutenosti (fakta, vci (a) dy) data
jakkoliv pote.;writ.
(fakta, vci (a) dy);n.
;room;pokoj (mstnost) mstnost;sg.
: ;facts: facts
: ;room: We ( ~ in us) a regarding the moral training;skutenosti: skutenosti ohledn
room is available.;pokojt: My ( ~ v ns) je dostupn jeden
etickho trninku;n.
pokoj.;fut. uw.
: ; facts:
: ;room: Is a room several facts about me;informace: nkolik informac o m;
available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one room in your
: ;factor: Dhamma
hotel?);pokoj: Je ve vaem hotelu voln ( ~ dostupn) jeden factors;faktor: Dhamma faktory;writ.
pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden pokoj ve vaem hotelu?);inter.
: ;room: air-conditioned
room;pokoj: klimatizovan pokoj;

: ;room: There are free

rooms available in the hotel.;pokoj: V hotelu jsou (dostupn)
przdn pokoje.;
: T ;room: repair door (of a) room;pokoj:

T T ;item: (It) is a
specific item, which indicates the commentarial nature of Sutta
Piaka.;vc: Je (to) specifick vc, kter naznauje
komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
;among one another mutually one to another;mezi
sebou jeden druhmu vzjemn;adv.


;factor (quality (and) item);faktor (kvalita (a) vc) ok?);as: Pak si popovdme. (Kdy to skon, pojme si
hodnota (kvalita (a) vc);n.
pjit (a) vzt as, ano?);inter. pol.
T ;factor: (It) is one of the suttas, which
contains commentarial factors.;faktor: Je (to) jedna ze sutt,
kter obsahuj komenttorsk faktory.;

: ;time: at that time;doba: v tu dobu;

: ;love: love on surface,

loving kindness in heart (egg's white's love, yolks'
affection);lska: lska na povrchu, zalben v srdci (lska
blku, zalben loutku);prov.

;take time (time falls) due (time falls);trvat (dobu,

as pad);I

- ;whenever (sth. is);kdykoliv (nco je);suff.

- : T ( ~
);whenever: Whenever a lot of
happiness appears in you.;kdykoliv: Kdykoliv m tolik moc
( ~ );love: Love of radosti (v tob).;um.
one is great, anger of (another) one is (also) great.;lska:
T ;whenever: Please, correct
- :
Lska jednoho je velk, vztek druhho ( ~ "jednoho) je (tak) (this) whenever (you) wish.;kdykoliv: Prosm, oprav (tohle)
kdykoliv chce ( ~ "(bude) si pt).;imper. pol.

;love! (address to one's sweetheart or spouse, in a

love letter or song);lsko! (osloven svmu partnerovi v
milostnm vztahu, v milostnm dopise i psni);voc.

;after some time (after time falls);za njakou dobu

(po (tom, co) as pad);I writ.

: T
( ~
);after some time: After some
[ach:];person by oneself thing by itself;osoba sama o time (she) will become old, sick, (and) finally (she) will die.;za
sob vc sama o sob;n.
njakou dobu: Za uritou dobu zestrne, onemocn (a) nakonec
[ach: hn:];in vain (thing-by-itself is-connected)
zeme.;fut. pol.
uselessly (thing-by-itself is-connected);zbyten (vc-sama-o- ;after some time (after time falls);za njakou dobu
sob (je) spojena); (or) adv.
(po (tom, co) as pad);I
;sour sauce, sour (sourness);omka, hok (hokost) ;after some time, quickly (time falls quickly);za
kysel;n. (or) adj.
njakou dobu, rychle (as pad rychle);I writ.
;much manifold;rznorod velice;adv. (or) adj.

T ( ~
( ~ "): ;time ( ~ "hours): It is half past eight. );after some time, quickly:
((It) has been 8 hours (and) half.);as ( ~ "hodiny): Je pl
After some time, quickly, all people will get old, sick and then
devt. (Ji bylo 8 hodin (a) pl.);p.p. col.
(they) die.;za njakou dobu, rychle: Za njakou dobu lid rychle
: T ;time: (I) (really) didn't get time zestrnou, onemocn a pak zemou.;fut. writ.
to correct (your writing).;as: Opravdu jsem neml as (ti to)

;after some time: After some time (she)
: ;time: What is the time?;as: Jak je ( ~ will become old, sick, (and) finally (she) will die.;za njakou
dobu: Za uritou dobu zestrne, onemocn (a) nakonec
"ji byl) as? (Kolik je hodin?);inter. col.
zeme.;fut. pol.
: ;time: At what time will (you)
;period (time (and) time);obdob (doba (a)
come?;hodiny ( ~ "as): V kolik hodin ( ~ "v jak as)

;time: notion, that Buddhaghosa
: ;time: At what time?;as: Kdy? (V jak
preferred several Sinhalese commentaries (which were)
: ;time: when the time written before his time (came).;doba: dojem, e si
for meditation is finished;skonit: kdy as na meditaci skon; Buddhaghsa oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter
byly) napsan ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
: T ( ~
T) ;time: With the excuse,
: ;time: At what time should (I)
come?;as: V kolik hodin ( ~ "as) mm pijet?;inter. fut. col.

that with the worldly problems (I) cannot dedicate (it) time, I
have been lazy.;as: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi problmy
tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol. um.
: ;time: There is not
enough time.;as: Nen dost asu.;

T ;when: When (we) finish (practice (of))
meditation, (I) answer the questions asked by the people.;kdy:
Kdy skonme (praxi) meditaci, odpovdm na otzky
poloen ( ~ "ptan) lidmi.;pol. writ.

: ;part-time: part-time job (part time

job);sten vazek ( ~ as): prce na sten vazek

;time: After that let's have (prce (na) sten as);

a talk. (When that finishes, let's borrow (and) take (the) time, - ;how long time;jak dlouho;inter.
: ;time: search (and) encounter (free)
time;as: hledat (a) najt (voln) as;


- : T
;how long time: How long time do you plan to talk
with me now?;jak dlouho: Jak dlouho si se mnou plnuje
povdat?;inter. col.

: ;some: As for some,

many, people, (they) do not observe (the rules).;nkte: Co se
te nkterch, mnoha, lid, (pravidla) nedodruj.;pol.

;before the time;ped tm, ne;adv.

: ;assume responsibility:
May (you) be able to assume responsibility for the (Buddha's)
present.;vzt zodpovdnost: K jsi schopen vzt (na sebe)
zodpovdnost za (Buddhv) dar.;w. pol.

: ;before the time:

before (it) happened to be written;ped tm, ne: ped tm ne
(se stalo, (e)) (to) bylo napsan;p.s. writ.
;while (in time);bhem toho, co (v ase);adv.
;while: (I) do not work giving
(special) time for meditation. (I) am mindful whole the day while
(I) am working.;bhem toho, co: Nepracuji (tak, e bych) dval
(speciln) as meditaci. Jsem vmav cel den bhem toho,
co pracuji.;col.
;whenever (sb.) wants;kdykoliv (nkdo)
;whenever (one) likes: Whenever the ven. Sir
likes, (he) may ask (me) whatever (he) wants to ask.;kdykoliv
(nkdo) chce: Kdykoliv ct. Pn bude chtt, me se m zeptat
na cokoliv chce (se zeptat).;pol.
;timely, be (catching time);vas, bt (chytnout
;time, find (to do sth., take time);as, najt si (na
nco, vzt as);T

( );dessert (small food);zkusek (mal jdlo);sg.

T;briefly (to (and) by binding) short, in (to

(and) by binding);krtce (k (a) podle svazovn) strun
(k (a) podle svazovn);adv.
( );defendant;obhjce;sg.
(in debate, opposing teams' speaker): As for the leader of
defendants taking place on my left, (she) is a statewide known
writer, Mrs. Ngwe Khet.;mluv neptelsk strany (v debat,
vyvrace): Co se te vdce mluvch neptelsk strany ( ~
vyvrace) berouc msto po m lev stran, je to celosttn
znm spisovatelka p. Nue Khek.;pol. um.
T ;situation: This is a hopeless situation, in
Sri Lanka.;situace: To je beznadjn situace, na Sr Lance.;pol.
T;other others (people);ostatn ostatn (lid);pron. (or)
T: T;another: another part;jin: jin st;

;pleasant (sweet) sweet;sladk pjemn (sladk);adj. T: T ;others (people):others can ask;ostatn

(lid): ostatn se mohou zeptat;pol.
; several some;nkolik; (or) pron. (or) adj.
T: T;other: to other people;ostatn: ostatnm
: ;several: several facts lidem;acc. writ.
T: T ;another: (I)
about me;nkolik: nkolik informac o m;
: ( ~ ) ;several: several copy those parts to another place.;jin: Kopruji ty sti na
njak jin msto.;pol.
days since today;nkolik: ode dneka nkolik dn;
;proportion behavior;chovn pomr;n.

: T; several: several foreigners;nkolik: nkolik T ( );foreigner (native of other

administrative-unit);cizinec (rodil jin sprvn-oblasti);sg.
T( );foreigner (person (of)
: ( ~ ( )
different country);cizinec (osoba (z) jin zem);sg. (mn.)
);some: After some time. (When some 'laters'
last.);njak (asov): Za njakou dobu. (Kdy njak
'pozdjky' potrvaj.);

T: T

( ~
: ;sweet: sweet peoples' faces;sladk: sladk T
);foreigner: Foreigners sometimes group against
lidsk tve;
the native people.;cizinec: Nkdy se cizinci sdruuj proti
: T

;sweet: (You) should be known, rodilm.;
that Myanmar people are in the world those of the most sweet T;foundation (basis, taking base) basis (taking
base) basics (base taking);zklad (bran zkladu)
face and the most friendly (ones).;sladk: Ml bys vdt, e
zklad (zklad brt);n.
Myanmart lid jsou na svt ti s nejslad tv a (ti)
nejpteltj.; pol.

: T ;several: several written

discourses;nkolik: nkolik napsanch promluv;
: ;several: to several people;nkolik: nkolika
: ;several: (I) will write several
sentences and send it.;nkolik: Napi nkolik vt a polu

TT;basically (by base taking) generally

(basically, by base taking);obecn (v podstat, branm
zkladu) v podstat (branm zkladu);n.

T;condition (basis (and) situation) state (condition,

basis (and) situation) situation (basis (and)
situation);podmnka (zklad (a) situace) stav (podmnka,
zklad (a) situace) situace (zklad (a) situace);n.
TT ;unsubstantiated, be (not have basis (and)
circumstances) groundless, be (not have basis (and)


circumstances);nepodloen, bt (ne mt zklad (a)

okolnosti) bezdvodn, bt (ne mt zklad (a)

ekami Ejvad (Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl


T ;dried (about food);suen (o jdle);adj.

;now;prv te;adv.

;opportunity (permission (and) cause);pleitost
(svolen (a) pina);n.


;now: However, indeed, it is not right to want to drink
;opportunity: Just if there is an clear water now, (if) the well (has been) dug now.;te: Ale,


opportunity.;pleitost: Jen pokud (k tomu) bude pleitost.;col. vskutku, nen dobr chtt pt istou vodu te, (jestlie) byla
studna vykopna te.;prov.

;chance (permission (and) way) possibility
(permission (and) way) opportunity (permission (and)
: ;now: Where do you live now?;te:
way);ance (svolen (a) cesta) monost (svolen (a) cesta) Kde te ije?;inter.
pleitost (svolen (a) cesta);n.
: T ;now: Who is speaking (now)?
;during just after after when (used as a pron.) at the (also in telephone conversation);te: Kdo je u telefonu? (Kdo
time;bhem kdy v dob hned po kdy (uito coby zjm.) te mluv?) (tak do telefnu);inter. col.
po;suff. (or) adv.
: ;now: What is the time now? (What
: T ;when: when (he) is
alone;kdy: kdy je sm;

has been the time?);te: Kolik je te hodin? (Jak ji byl

as?);inter. p.p. col.

: ;after: After eating, (he)

: ;now: The movie starts now. (Movie has
washes (his) hands.;po: Po jdle ( ~ "jezen) si meje ruce.;writ. started now.);te: Film zan. (Film te zaal.);p.p.
: ;when: when (sb.) lived;kdy: kdy (nkdo)

: ;now: Where do you stay now?;te:

Kde te ije?;inter. pol.

: ;when: When (you)

: ;now: Now his friend is
arrive to Pagoda road, turn right.;a (kdy): A ( ~ kdy) dojde writing.;prv: Prv pe jeho ptel.;
do Pagoda ulice, zato v pravo.;imper. pol.
;now: Just now, at this time, the
;time, big: Also in monasteries, at big times, big marking ( ~ marks-giving) judges are being ready (and)
days, (they) recite (Pi discourses).;chvle, velk: Tak v
arrived.;te: Prv te, v tuto dobu, jsou bodujc ( __znmkyklterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi
dvajc) soudci pipraveni (a) dostavili se.;p.p. pol.
;as for now (as-for falling now);zatmco te (co;usually (every time) everytime (every
time);vdy kdy (kadou dobu) obvykle (kadou

se-te padn te) co se te te (co-se-te padn


;usually: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities
are more happier than usually.;obvykle: Bhem Tendanu jsou
vechny nrody astnj ne obvykle.;pol.

: : T ;now, right:
Right now it is half past two in the morning.;te, prv: Prv
te je pl tet;writ.

: ;when: like when (I) started

meditation;kdy: jako kdy jsem zanal meditaci;
;when (something was happening);kdy (se nco
dlo);suff. adv.

;now, right (time (of) now);te, prv (as teka);n.

;until now: It is indeed still possible to see the
ancient palace, town-wall and moat.;stle (do te): Je (tam),
vskutku, stle mono vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a
vodn pkop.;pol.

;when (in time);kdy (v ase);adv.

;first time (starting from now);poprv (ponaje od

: T ;when: te);adv.
When I am free, (I) will answer as much as possible.;kdy:
: ;first
Kdy budu voln, odpovm jak jen mohu.;
time:This I have encountered for the first time, now. (This is a
thing which, for me, (I) have met for starting from
now.);poprv: S tmhle jsem se te setkal poprv. (Tohle je

vc, (se) kterou, pro m, jsem se setkal ponaje od te.);pol.
;whenever: Whenever (I) can't help him, he is
angry with me.;kdykoliv: Kdykoliv mu nedoku pomoci, je na
m natvan.;

;from now on (having started from now);od te

(zanu od te a-pak);adv.

T ;powerfully: Alaun Min Taya
then powerfully united the region between rivers Ayeyawaddy
and Chin Twin, and then attacked (and) conquered
Inwa.;mocn: Alaun Men Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi

: post T ;now, right: Right

now the owner of (this) post is coming (and) will speak.;te,
prv: Prv te majitel tohohle pspvku pichz (a) bude
mluvit.;fut. sl.


;now, right;te, prv;adv.

;right now;prv te;adv.

;for now now;prv te (na te);conj. col. (or) adv.

: T ;engine: (I) am repairing

: ;for now: Thanks for (this), because the engine got broken.;motor: Opravuji (to),
reminding (me) (for now).;te (na te): Dkuji za upozornn protoe se rozbil motor.;pol.
((na) te).;col. pol.
: ;engineer and harbor: port
(and) harbor engineer;inenr: pstavn inenr;
: ;now: (I) am happy to

hear (from you) now.;prv: Jsem rd, e (t) vidm ( ~ prv ( );engineer;inenr;sg. E. engineer
;Jail, Insain (prison (of) Insain(village), prison
;now at (this) time (in time now);te v tuto dobu (of) diamond lake);Vzen, Insein (vzen (vesnice) Insein,
(v dob te);adv.
vzen diamantovho jezera);name
;nowadays (in now's time);dnes (v dnen dob,
v te dob);adv.

: T ;insect: (It) is a
small insect.;hmyz: (Je to) mal hmyz.;

( );insect (insect, insect);hmyz (hmyz,
;nowadays: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is hmyz);sg. E. insect
flourishing more than before.;dnes: Proto dnes Mandalaj
T;reluctantly (by putting (and) putting
vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.
strength);neochotn (skrze pokldn (a) pokldn
;term nomenclature;termn nzvoslov;n.
TT T;nomenclature: (I) am telling (you), that
when (I) call the novice as the novice Sarana, the
nomenclature (will be) more elegant.;nzvoslov: km (ti), e
kdy budu nazvat novice jakoto novic Sarana, bude (to)
nzvoslov elegantnj.;pol.
;solid, sth. hassles;tvrdho, nco tkosti;n.
;desire, intense (to do sth.);touha, intenzivn (nco
: ;desire, intense: can't conceal (one's) intense
desire (doesn't take intense-desire);touha, intenzivn: neme
kontrolovat (vlastn) intenzivn touhu (nebere intenzivntouhu);col.
;lesser younger smaller younger (relative);men
mlad mlad (sourozenec);adj.
: - ;younger:
Elder daughter is 14 years (old and) the younger one ( ~
"daughter) is already 10 years (old).;mlad: Star dcei je 14
let (a) mlad ( ~ "dcei) je u 10 (let).;p.p.
;smallest (most small);nejmen (nejvce

T ;reluctantly: (He) reluctantly accepts,
that I stay in Sri Lanka.;neochotn: Neochotn pijm, e jsem
na Sr Lance.;writ.
: T ;Internet: (We)
spoke by Internet.;po: Bavili jsme se po internetu.;p.s.
;invite (in an Internet chat program, do invite
(and) fix);pozvat (do programu na povdn si po internetu,
udlat pozvn (a) upevnit);T E. invite
: ;invite (in an Internet
chat program): (I) have already invited (you), for sure.;pozvat
(do programu na povdn si po internetu): U jsem (t) pozval,
opravdu.;p.p. pol.
;exceedingly (measure doesn't stop) very much
(measure doesn't stop) immeasurably (measure doesn't
stop) extremely (measure doesn't stop);velice (mra
nezastavuje) nesmrn (mra nezastavuje) extrm
(mra nezastavuje) nezmrn (mra nezastavuje);adv.

: ;extremely: (I) extremely

: ;smallest: Snake is just the respect the religion (of Dhamma).;nesmrn: Nesmrn ctm
smallest animal.;nejmen: Had je (prost) nejmen zve.;
nboenstv (Dhammy).;pol.
T ;argument dispute;hdka spor;n.
;peace (and comfort);klid (a pohodl);n.

;extremely (where measure doesn't stop);extrm

(kde mra nezastavuje);adv. col.

have a job any more. ( ~ "(I) don't work any more.) I am

retired. ;dchodu, bt v: U nemm zamstnn. Jsem v

: T
;energy: I have a lot of energy to cut the
wood.;energie: Mm spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.

;retired, be (take much-of peace) pension, take : ;immeasurably: (I) am

immeasurably happy.;nezmrn: Jsem nesmrn astn.;pol.
(take much-of peace);penzi, bt v (brt hodn klidu)
dchodu, bt v (brt hodn klidu);T pension
;energy (power (and) strength);energie (moc (a)
: ;retired, be: I don't sla);n.

;alright yep inn fine;hostinec fajn dobe jo;n. (or) ;force (of people, group (of) strength (and) power)
interj. col.
group (of people, group (of) strength (and) power);sla
(skupina lid, skupina sly (a) moci) skupina (lid, skupina
: ;yep: Yep, (I)'m still (just)
sly (a) moci);n.
interested.;jo: Jo, pod (m to) prost zajm.;col. fr.
( ) (WS. from );shirt;triko;sg. WS. H. agiya : T
;engine;motor;sg. E. engine
;strong: During the reign of king Naung,


Myanmar (country) became ( ~ came to become) a united

E. Internet-connection
and strong country.;siln: Za vldy krle Nauna se Myanmarsk ;Hotel Inya Lake;Hotel Enj Leik;name
stt stal sjednocenou a silnou zem.;p.s. writ.
;strong, be ((be of) good power (and)
: ;shirt: I will go to
strength);siln, bt ((mt) dobrou moc (a) slu);I
(the) shop to buy (a) shirt.;koile: Pjdu do obchodu abych (si) ;strong, be ((be of) power, strength, (be)
koupil koili.;fut. um.
well-supported (and) stand-firm);siln, bt ((mt) moc, slu,
: T ;shirt: The man with
blue shirt is the first.;koile: Pn v ( ~ s) modr koili je

(bt) dobe-podporovan (a) stt-pevn);I

: T ;English: I translate
a Pi (writing) in English.;anglitina: Pekldm (psan (v))
pi do anglitiny.;pol.

( );shirt upper garment (such as shirt, blouse,

jacket, coat);svrchn oblen (svrek, nap. koile, blza, bunda, ;English language;anglick jazyk;n.
pl atd.) triko;sg. H. agiya (or) sg.
: ;English, in: Write (it) in
( );garment, upper (such as shirt, blouse, jacket, English.;anglicky: Napi to anglicky.;imper. pol.
coat);svrek (svrchn obleen, nap. koile, blza, bunda, pl ( );Mars (planet);Mars (planeta);name
;Tuesday (Mars' day);ter (den Marsu);adv.
(abbrev. from );English;anglitina;sl.

: T ;English: I can't speak in

English.;anglitina: Neumm mluvit anglicky.;pol. uw.
: ;England: (I) come from
England.;Anglie: Jsem ( ~ "pichzm) z Anglie.;pol.
() ;England (country);Anglie (zem);name
: Kyaw Thu ;English: Kyaw
Thu is the transcription (Kyaw Thu means (I) transcribe (it) to
English.);anglitina: Kyaw Thu je transliterace. (Kyaw Thu
znamen, (e jsem to) transliteroval do anglitiny.);pol.
: T
;English: Since that time, indeed, English
government in various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the
Myanmars.;anglick: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi
zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~
Myanmary).;p.s. writ.

;introduction (of a letter, essay or book, starting) start

since beginning;vod (dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, zann)
ode (dne) zatek potek;prep. (or) n.
;since: Therefore, since the independence they call
it National Day.;ode (dne): Proto ode (dne) nezvislosti to
nazvaj Nrodn Den.;pl. writ. pol.
: ;beginning: at the beginning of the
movie;zatek: na zatku filmu;
: ;beginning: We
(knew it already) from the beginning.;zatek: Vdli jsme (to
u) od zatku.;pol. um.
: ;beginning: (He) reads from the
beginning.;zatek: te od zatku.;

T ( T );spot (dot, dot, dot) dot

(dot, dot);puntk (teka, teka, teka) teka (teka,
: T ;English: Can you speak teka);sg.
in English (language)?;anglick: Mluvte anglicky? (Dokete ;all;vechno;adv.
mluvit anglickm jazykem?);inter.

: ;English language
T;everything: May (you) be satisfied with
(English): from English to Czech;anglick jazyk: z anglitiny do everything (while) staying in Sri Lanka (country).;vechno: K
jsi spokojen se vm (zatmco) jsi na ( ~ "ve) Sr Lance.;w.
: ;England: I am from
England.;Anglie: Jsem z Anglie.;pol.
: TT ;English, in:
Because (I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be
difficult.;anglicky: Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude
nron.;fut. col.

: ( )

( ~ ) ()
;everything: Thank you for helping us with
everything when we went to your ( ~ ven. Sir's)
: (~ );Tuesday: When will monastery.;vechno: Dkujeme ti za pomoc se vm, kdy jsme
be Tuesday?;ter: Kdy bude ter?;inter. col.
li do tvho ( ~ ct. pna) kltera.;pol. ubmn. utmn.
;alright (said by a friend or elder person) ok (said by a
friend or elder person) fine (said by a friend or elder
;genuine (pure (and) correct) true (genuine, pure
person);ok (eeno kamardem nebo star osobou) dobr
(and) correct);skuten (opravdov, ist (a) sprvn)
(eeno kamardem nebo star osobou) jo (eeno
opravdov (ist (a) sprvn);adj.
kamardem nebo star osobou);interj. col. ans. fr.
: T
: ;shirt: I will buy T T T T
pants as well as shirt.;koile: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut. um.
( ~
( ) (WS. from );shirt;triko;sg. WS. H. agiya T T T );genuine: It
;Internet;internet;n. E. Internet
happens rarely, that the foreigners would be accepted as
;Internet connection;internetov spojen;n.


genuine part of the society (they) live in.;opravdov: Stv se utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~ Myanmary).;p.s.
zdkakdy, e by byli cizinci povaovni za opravdovou soust writ.
spolenosti, kde ij.;pol.
;government: (It) is not permitted by
: T ;meeting:
the government.;vlda: Nen to povoleno vldou.;
Eighth Annual Meeting;setkn: Osm Vron Setkn;n.
( );administration (government, take domination)
( );meeting;setkn;sg.

( );meeting room (main room (for)

meetings);schzovn hala (hlavn pokoj (pro) schze);sg.

rule (take domination) reign (take domination)

government (take domination);panovn (vzt nadvldu)
vlda (vzt nadvldu) sprva (vlda, vzt nadvldu);sg.

;spicy (hot tasty) hot (tasty);koenn (pliv) pliv;adj. ;government examination );vldn zkouka );n.
( );civil servant (carries duties (of)
;repeating serial repetitious;opakovan sriov
government);ednk, sttn (nos povinnosti vldy);sg.
opakujc se;adj.

;context (lining-up (and) arranging-in-order) program

(plan, lining-up (and) lining-up) plan (program, lining-up
(and) lining-up);pln (program, zaazovn (a) zaazovn))
;eating instead of;namsto jezen msto (namsto);adv. program (pln, zaazovn (a) zaazovn)) kontext
(seazen (a) uspodn-do-podku);n.
(or) n.
: ;context: in the context
: () ;instead of:
of Pi commentaries;kontext: v kontextu Pi coment;
(He) wrote November instead of December.;msto: Msto
: ;serial: So that (it) will become
serial.;opakovan: Take to bude opakovan. (Take se (to)
stane opakovanm.);fut. col.

prosince napsal listopad.;

: ;instead of: instead of meditation;msto:
msto meditace;
: ;eating: He wants to compete in
eating.;jezen: Chce soutit v jezen.;pol.

: ;plan: What do (you) plan to

do today?;pln: Co m dnes v plnu (dlat)?;inter. col.
: ;plan: plan to go;pln: pln jt (pln k

: ;food: T T ;plan: As for (what) is planned, as is
How long time does it take to cook this food?;jdlo: Jak dlouho the custom, (the speakers) will talk (as follows,) the proposer
one turn (and) the defendant one turn. (Each turn another
trv uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.
speaking group will talk.);pln: Co se te naplnovanho, jak
;nourishment (eating (and) eating) food (eating
je zvykem, (mluv) budou mluvit tak, e navrhovatel (bude
(and) eating);potrava (jezen (a) jezen) jdlo (jezen (a)
mluvit) jedno kolo (a) vyvrace (tak) jedno kolo. (Tj. kad
kolo bude mluvit ta jin skupina).;pol.
: ;food: Sir, do (you)
like the local food ( ~ food from here)?;jdlo: Pane, mte rd ( );plan;pln;sg.


;plan (have lining-up (and) arranging-in-order)

plan, have a (have lining-up (and) arranging-inorder);plnovat (mt zarovnn (a) uspodn-do-podku)
pln, mt (mt zarovnn (a) uspodn-do-podku);T

: () ;green: (Young
man) Aye is wearing green longyi.;zelen: (Mlad pn)
nos zelen lound.;

: ;plan, have: (I) have no

plan.;plnu, mt v: Nemm nic v plnu.;

zdej jdlo ( ~ jdlo odsud)?;inter.

;food and drink (eating, drinking);jdlo a pit

(jezen (a) pit);n.
: ;green: green ball pen;zelen: zelen
kulikov pero;n.

( );beginner (greener) greener (EN col.

greener);zatenk (zelen) zelen (CZ col.
( );green (color);zelen (barva);n.

;plan, have a: (I)

had a plan to stay two days more.;plnovat ( ~ "mt pln):
Plnoval jsem zstat jet dva dny.;p.s.

;group (of people);skupina (lid);n.

: ;early: early in the morning (in the
early part of morning);brzy: brzy rno (v brzsk sti

;early (very early);brzy (velice brzy);adv.

;vegetables, fried (fried vegetables) fried
vegetables (fried vegetables);smaen zelenina (smaen : T ;early: Early
in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with) broom).;brzy: Brzy
zelenina) zelenina, smaen (smaen zelenina);n.
rno zamet (kottem).;cont.
( );beginner (greener (to) ascend
(and) ascend);zatenk (zelen (k) sestoupen (a)

: T
;government: Since that time, indeed, English
government in various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the
Myanmars.;vlda: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi zpsoby

: ;early: Early in
the morning (he) is sweeping the rubbish.;brzy: Brzy rno
zamet smet.;cont.

: ;early: Yesterday early in the

morning.;brzy: Vera brzy rno.;
;early, very (in early (and) early);brzy, velice
(v brzy (a) brzy);adv.


: ;early, very: very early in the

morning;brzy, velice: velice brzy rno;
;earliest (most early);nejdvj (nejvce brzy)
nejranj (nejvce brzy);adj.
;hurry, in a;spchu, ve;adv.
( );brother (elder);bratr (star);sg.
: ;sister, elder: (I write) to elder
sister from Mandalay.;sestra, star: (Pi) star seste z
Mandalaje.;pol. ans.

e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.

T: T;satisfied, be: (I) am not very
satisfied.;spokojen, bt: Nejsem moc spokojen.;pol.
T;satisfied, be: May (you) be satisfied with
everything (while) staying in Sri Lanka (country).;spokojen,
bt: K jsi spokojen se vm (zatmco) jsi na ( ~ "ve) Sr
Lance.;w. pol.

( );sister (elder);sestra (star);sg. writ.

T: T ;satisfactory, be: (It) is

satisfactory.;uspokojiv: (Je to) uspokojiv.;

incessantly (not breaking (the) connection);nepetrit

(nerozbjejce spojen) neustle (nerozbjejce

T: T ;want ( ~ "(be) satisfied): if (you) want

( ~ (are) satisfied);chtt ( ~ "(bt) spokojen): pokud chce ( ~
"(bys byl) spokojen);

;girlfriend connection;spojen ptelkyn;n. rare (or) n. T: T ;satisfied, be: (I) satisfied.;spokojen,

T ;unceasingly (not breaking (the) connection) bt: Jsem spokojen..;

T : T T: T;satisfied, be: Are (you)

satisfied?;spokojen, bt: Jsi spokojen?;inter.
T: T ;obstacles:
;unceasingly: Since then the Myanmar
Obstacles will decrease and comfort will increase ( ~ (you) will
citizens, unceasingly participating in the opposing strikes
be more satisfied).;pekky: Pekky se sn a pohodl se
against the English government, demanded
independence.;nepetrit: Od t doby se Myanmart obyvatel zv ( ~ "bude spokojenj).;pol.
nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek proti anglick vld
piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.

T: T
T ;comfortable: (I) am copying ((and)
giving) the full sentences for the ven. Sir as (I) want (him) to
;acquaintances, have (with important people,
have the reading more comfortable.;pohodln: Kopruji (ty) vty
have connections (and) connections) connections, have
((a) dvm) pln ct. Pnovi, ponvad chci, aby ml (to)
(with important people, have connections (and)
connections);znm, mt (dleit lidi, mt spoje (a) spoje) ten pohodlnj.;
spoje, mt (na dleit lidi, mt spoje (a) spoje);I
T: T ;fine, be: That's fine.;podku, bt
v: To je v podku.;col. pres.
;level (also in meditation);stupe (tak v meditaci);n.

: T
;level: (I) almost approached to the
level that (I) had attained before.;stupe: Tm jsem se
piblil ke stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
T;ok, be (satisfied (with) situation) comfortable, be
(satisfied (with) situation) satisfied, be (satisfied (with)
situation) fine, be (satisfied (with) situation);spokojen,
bt (spokojen (se) situac) dobe, ctit se (spokojen (se)
situac) dobr, bt (spokojen (se) situac) ok, bt
(spokojen (se) situac);I
T: T ;satisfied, be: (I) am
quite ( ~ "well) satisfied.;spokojen, bt: Jsem pomrn ( ~
"dobe) spokojen;pol.
T: T ;like ( ~ "(be)
satisfied): If (you) like ( ~ "(are) satisfied), please, help
(me).;chtt ( ~ "(bt) spokojen): Pokud chce ( ~ "(jsi)
spokojen), prosm, pomoz mi.;imper. pol.
T: T;satisfactory:
May (your) meditating be satisfactory (and)
pleasant.;uspokojiv: K je tv meditovn uspokojiv (a)
pjemn.;w. pol.
T: T;satisfied: Are (you)
satisfied being here?;spokojen: Jste spokojen, e jste

T: T;satisfied, be: Are (you)

satisfied staying there?;spokojen, bt: Jsi tam spokojen? (Jsi
spokojen, e (jsi) ubytovan tam?);inter.
T: T ;satisfied, be: (I) am very
satisfied.;spokojen: Jsem moc spokojen.;pol.
T: internet T
;satisfaction: While using Internet here, it is slow,
(so) there may be (occasions) of not much
satisfaction.;spokojenost: Bhem pouvn internetu, je pomal,
(a tak) mohou bt (chvle) nevelk spokojenosti.;pol. col.
T;dissatisfied, be unsatisfied, be discontented,
be;nespokojen, bt;I
T;quality, high (high level);kvalita, vysok (vysok
;prepared, be (appearance (is) right) ready, be
(appearance (is) right);nachystan, be (vzhled (je) sprvn)
pipraven, be (vzhled (je) sprvn);I
;level (level (and) grade) grade (level (and)
grade);rove (rove (a) stupe) stupe (rove (a)
: T ;level: the level is
high;rove: rove je vysok;

( );standard (level (and) standard);norma

T: T T;satisfied: Are (you) (rove (a) norma);sg.
satisfied being in Burma (country)?;spokojen: Jste spokojen, T;opportune ((be) statisfied (with) condition)


appropriate, be ((be) satisfied (with the) condition)

convenient, be ((be) satisfied (with the) condition) go with,
well ((be) statisfied (with) condition) convenient, be
(condition is-satisfactory) appropriate, be (condition issatisfactory) satisfied, be (condition issatisfactory);odpovdajc, bt (stav je-uspokojiv) pasovat k,
dobe ((bt) spokojen (s) podmnkami) uspokojiv, bt
(stav je-uspokojiv) vhodn, bt ((bt) spokojen (s)
podmnkami) pohodln, bt ((bt) spokojen (s)
podmnkami) spokojen, bt (stav je-uspokojiv) vhodn,
bt ((bt) spokojen (s) podmnkami);I (or) T

debate): Therefore, (I) invite the leader of proposers (in

debate), teacher Mr. Mya Maung, to propose (his idea in the
debate).;navrhnout (vlasn nzor v debat): Proto (nyn) zvu
vdce mluvch ( ~ navrhovatel) (v tto debat), uitele pana
Mja Mauna, aby vysvtlil ( ~ navrhl) (svj nzor).;pol. um.

T: T;satisfied: Aren't (you)

satisfied?;spokojen: Nejsi spokojen?;inter.

T ;proposer ( ~
speaker): As for the proposers' ( ~ speakers') leader sitting
on my right, (it) is U Mya Maung.;mluv: Co se te vdce
mluvch, kter sed po m prav stran, (je to) Mja

: T

;propose (in debate): U Mya Maung

should propose exactly (in) ten minutes.;mluvit (v debat,
navrhovat): Mja Maun by ml mluvit (navrhovat) pesn
deset minut ( ~ v deseti minutch).;pol.

: ;zpvk: famous singer;zpvk:

T: ( ) ( )
slavn zpvk;
T;satisfied: One is no more satisfied with the ( );singer (great speaker) singer (great
other.;spokojen: Jeden u nen spokojen s druhm.;pol.
(in) singing);zpvk (velk mluvi) zpvk (ohromn
T: T;good: OK, (it)'s good.;dobr:
(ve) zpvn);sg.
Fajn, (to) je dobr.;col.

T;ok? (condition (is) satisfied?;dobr? (stav (je)

;favorable, be (condition (is) proper) ready
(condition (is) proper) suitable, be (condition (is) proper)
opportune, be (condition (is) proper);pzniv, bt (podmnka
(je) sprvn) pipraven (podmnka (je) sprvn) vhodn,
bt (podmnka (je) sprvn);I (or) adj.
;ready: Just now, at this time, the
marking ( ~ marks-giving) judges are being ready (and)
arrived.;pipraven: Prv te, v tuto dobu, jsou bodujc
( __znmky-dvajc) soudci pipraveni (a) dostavili se.;p.p.

;speaker: Now, may (I), as the chairman,
introduce the speakers to those, who came ( ~ to the
audience).;mluv: Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda, pedstavm
mluv obecenstvu.;pol.
( );proposer (who proposed in debate, lord (of)
saying);navrhovatel (kdo pedloil njak nzor pro diskuzi,
pn een);sg.
;proposer (and) defender (in debate);navrhujc
(nzoru) a obhajujc (nzoru, v debat);n.

;ready, be (have proper appearance);pipraven, ;according to (accoring (to) saying);podle (podle

bt (mt sprvnou podobu);I
eenho) dle (podle eenho);adv.
: "
: ;according to: also
;friend: On one day, when
according to __Sratthadpan__ ;podle: tak podle
rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked: friend turtle, you go
slowly.;ptel: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden den), kdy se krlk
;conclusion (of a letter, essay or book, finishing);zvr
potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval: pteli elvo, (ty) jde
(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, ukonen);n.
: ;end: until the end;konec: a do konce;
( );friend (close) comrade (close);ptel (blzk) ;eternal, be ((does) not have end);vn, bt
kamard (blzk);sg.
(nem konec);I
: ;eternal, be: eternal
; motion (proposal) statement;nvrh prohlen;n.
( );idea;mylenka;sg.
;proposer (and) defender (person (who) refutes
saying);navrhujc (nzoru) a obhajujc (nzoru, v debat,
osoba (kter) odmt een);n.
( );assignment (at university);seminrn
prce;sg. E. assignment
;propose (in debate, put saying) propose (in
debate, say (and) put);mluvit (v debat, navrhovat, ci (a)
poloit) navrhnout (nzor, uloit een) pedloit (nzor,
uloit een);T
: T
() ;propose (one's idea in a

goal;vn, bt: vn cl;

;finally (then at end) eventually (then at

end) after all (then at end) lastly (then at
end);konen (pak na konci) nakonec (pak na konci)
konec konc (pak na konci);adv.
;end (finally quench) finish (finally
quench);skonit (konen uhasit) ukonit (konen uhasit);
TT ;casua
lty: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with mostly
wounded (people and) casualties.;ztrta ivot: Skupiny
Hentvad vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou zrannch (lid a)
ztrtou ivot.;writ.


;instruction (for meditation, admonishing);instrukce

(na meditaci, upozornn);n.

much as possible.;monost: Pomohu (ti) jak jen je mon.;fut.


;instruction, take (for meditation, take

admonishing);instrukci, vzt si (na meditaci, vzt

;as much as possible;jak jen je mon;adv.

( ) (WS. from );building

(building (and) preempting);budova (budovn (a)
zabraovn);sg. WS.

too many students in this class.;tda: V tto td je pli

mnoho student.;

: ;as much as possible:

(Price) is decreased as much as possible.;jak jen je mon: Je
( );building (building (and) piling up);budova to zlevnn ( ~ "snen) jak jen je mon.;col.
(stavn (a) hromadn);sg.
: ;class: There are

;equipment (soft (things for) building) tools

(soft (things for) building);nstroje (mkk (vci ke)
stavn) nad (mkk (vci ke) stavn);n.

: ;course:
(I) am attending a course of (teaching in) English.;kurs:
Chodm na kurs (uen v) anglitin.;cont. pol.
( );course lesson class;lekce kurs
hodina (vyuovac);sg.

: ;building:
This building looks like a palace.;budova: Tato budova vypad ;for (for the sake of) indicates purpose during (for)
jako palc.;
to (for the sake of) on behalf of;aby (za elem) pro (za
elem) bhem (pro) ve prospch zna el;prep. (or)
;building: The building is not only big, but also
suff. col. (or) suff. prep. (or) suff.
good.;budova: Ta budova je nejen velk, ale i dobr.;
: ;for: (It) is good for
: ;building:
The yellow building is a hotel, indeed.;budova: (Ta) lut
budova je, vskutku, hotel.;
( );building (building (and)
preempting);budova (budovn (a) zabraovn);sg.

health.;pro: Je to dobr pro zdrav.;

: ;to:
(They) are my teachers to give me knowledge of
Dhamma.;aby: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali znalost

;hostel (building) dormitory (building) college

: ;during: (I) still haven't
(building);ubytovna (budova) kolej (studentsk, budova) been sleeping (during) this night.;bhem: Jet jsem (bhem
hostel (budova);n.
thle noci) nespal.;pol. col.
: ;hostel: In the hostel near
university.;ubytovna: V ubytovn pobl univerzity.;

: T T
T ;on behalf of: On behalf
of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king) entrusted the reign to
; potencial;potencil;n.
(his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of Myanmar (and) Mon
( );bud;kvt;sg.
blood.;ve prospch: Ve prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu,
( );brown (color);hnd (barva);n.
;commentaries (Ahakath);komente (Ahakath);n. (krl) svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi
(kter byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.
P. ahakath (= commentaries)
T ;ahakath (commentaries): There are
many views regarding these Sinhalese Ahakath
(commentaries).;ahakath (komente): Je mnoho nzor
ohledn tchto sinhlskch ahakath (koment).;pol. writ.

: T T ...;for: As it has
come time for returning to work ...;zna el: Ponvad nastal
as vrtit se k prci ...;

(mistr (ve) tvoen komenttorskch spis);sg.

;expressive, be (to (be) evident to

inside (of) mind);vrazn, bt (vyjadujc, o zpsobu, aby
(byl) zejm do vnitku mysli);I

;interior inside within;uvnit vnitek v;prep. (or) adv.

(or) n.

( );commentator (maker (of) : ;in: (in) these days;v: v tchto

commentary scriptures);komenttor (tvoitel
;in secret (inside (and) secretly) secretly (inside
komenttorskch spis);sg.
(and) secretly);tajn (uvnit (a) tajn) potajmu (uvnit (a)
( );commentator
(master (in) making (of) commentary scriptures);komenttor tajn);n.
( );commentator (commentary
master);komenttor (mistr komenttorstv);sg. (mn.)
;commentarial nature;komenttorsk
;eighth;osm;num. P. ahama (= eighth)
( );stick;hlka;sg.

;inside (in (the) direction (of) inside);vnit, ve

(ve smru dovnit) uvnit (ve smru dovnit);adv.
: ;inside: The
man is inside.;uvnit: (Ten) mu je uvnit.;

;secretary: Secretary gives some papers to the
: ;possibility: (I) will help (you) as boss.;sekretka: Sekretka podv ( ~ dv) nkolik
;very much much;moc velice;adv.


;secretary: The secretary is putting the dictionary
on the table.;sekretka: Sekretka pokld slovnk na

categorically mentioned.;kategoricky: Bylo (to) kategoricky


;inside within;uvnit v;prep.

jest, pokud eeno pesn);adv.

;namely (if said exactly) i.e. (ifsaid

exactly);tj. (pokud eeno pesn) jmenovit (pokud
( );secretary (leader (of) writing within) eeno pesn);adv. writ.
secretary (leader (in) writing inside);sekret(ka) (vedouc T ;namely (if said exactly) i.e. (id est, that
(v) psan uvnit);sg.
is , if said exactly);toti. (pokud eeno pesn) tj. (to
: ;during: during these three days;bhem: T;namely;jmenovit;adv.
bhem tchto t dn;
;short, be end;krtk, bt konec;I (or) n.
;deep, be (about a thought etc., thinking (is)
: ;end: End, indeed.;konec: Vskutku, konec.;col.
deep);hlubok, bt (o mylence atd., mylen (je) hlubok);I ;shortcut (of a wordcollect (to) shortness)

;experience (meeting (and) encountering);zkuenost abbreviation (collect (to) shortness);zkratka (slova, sbrat
(setkvn (a) potkvn);n.
(do) krtkosti);n.
;experience: (He) has neither experience, nor
knowledge.;zkuenosti: Nem ani zkuenosti, ani znalosti.;

T ;abbreviation (of words, infer (to) shortness

{nouner});zkratka (slovn, dedukovat (na) krtkost

: ;thinking: not mature

thinking;mylen: nedospl mylen;

T ;shortcut (of words, reduce (to) shortness

{nouner}) abbreviation (of words, reduce (to) shortness
{nouner});zkratka (slovn, snit (na) krtkost {jmenec});n.

( );thought (thinking (and) calling) idea

(thinking (and) calling);npad (mylen (a) voln) mylenka ;summarize (of words, confine (to) shortness) in
(mylen (a) voln);sg.
brief (control (to be) shortly);zestrunit (slovn, omezit (na)
krtkost) strun (kontrolovat (aby bylo) krtce);adv. (or)
;philosopher: (it) has been considered by
philosophers (as);filosof: bylo (to) filosofy povaovno (za);p.s. ;according to as (according to);jak (podle) podle;adv.
( );philosopher (lord (of) ;according to: Go (according to) this
wisdom (of) thinking (and) calling);filosof (pn moudrosti
way, but (it is) still very far.;podle: Jete (podle) tto cesty,
mylen (a) voln);sg. (mn.)
ale (je to) jet hodn daleko.;imper.
( );philosopher (lord (of)
: T ;as: as was mentioned;jak: jak bylo
thinking (and) calling);filosof (pn mylen (a) voln);sg. zmnno;writ.
: T ;as: as Buddhaghosa
( );girlfriend;ptelkyn;sg. writ.

;obstacle (preventing (and) obstructing)

hindrance (preventing (and) obstructing) obstruction
(preventing (and) obstructing);brnn (zabraovn (a)
peken) zbrana (zabraovn (a) peken) pekka
(zabraovn (a) peken);n.
: ;past: Maybe
(you) were (my) son in a past (life).;minulost: Mon jsi byl v
minulm ivot ( ~ "minulosti) (mm) synem.;
;past lives );minul ivoty );n.
: ;past lives: in our
past lives;minul ivoty: v naich minulch ivotech;
: ;past lives: in past lives;minul
ivoty: v minulch ivotech;
;categorically (exactly (and) precisely) exactly
(exactly (and) precisely) precisely (trimming (and) falling)
exactly (trimming (and) falling) precisely (exactly (and)
precisely);pesn (ezn (a) padn) kategoricky (pesn
(a) pesn) pesn (pesn (a) pesn);adv. (or) adv. writ.
;precisely: I don't know precisely how far it is.;pesn:
Nevm pesn jak je to daleko.;um.
: T ;categorically: (It) was

mentioned;jak: (dle toho,) jak Buddhaghosa zmnil;writ.

;immeasurably (not know (the) measure)

immensely (not know (the) measure) indeterminably (not
know (the) measure);nesmrn (neznt mru) nezmrn
(neznt mru) neuriteln (neznt mru);adv.
;immeasurably: (I) happened to be immeasurably,
warmly, fond of the novice-monk.;nezmrn: Stalo se, e (jsem)
nezmrn, vroucn spznn s (tm) novicem (mnichem).;pol.
;along as according to like all;jako jakoto
vechny podle podl;prep. (or) n.
: T ;along: Go
North along the Sule pagoda road.;Sever: jdi severn podl
ulice Sule pagody.;imper. pol.
: ;all: (I) read all of them. (All this (I)
read.);vechny: tu vechny (tyto).;pol.
;development (development ascends);rozvoj (rozvoj
: ; development: the most developed
country;rozvoj: nejrozvinutj zem;n.
;interesting, the most (the-most developed)
developed, the most;nejvyvinutj nejzajmavj


;together;spolu dohromady;adv.
: ;together with: together with that;spolu s: spolu s

benefit?);stejn (stejnou mrou): Mohou mui (a) eny pinet

uitek stejnou mrou? (Je stejn jak mui (a) eny mohou
pinet uitek?);inter.


: ;together: you and me together;spolu: j a

Sometimes, there may be
ty, spolu;
: ;together: Together we make the also duties, of which carrying them out together by men and
women is advantageous.;spolu (pospolu): Nkdy jsou tak
Dispensation.;spolu: Spolu budeme udrovat ( ~ dlat)
povinnosti, jejich vykonn mui i enami pospolu je
(Buddhv) dar.;col.
: T ( ~
T );together: (We) ate that just together.;spolu: ;very fitting right very much quite;docela sprvn
sluc se velmi velice;adv. (or) adj.
Prv to jsme jedli spolu.;p.s. pol.
- ;together with with, together;s, spolu spolu s;adv. : T ;very:
This is very near to ( ~ with) the Prakrit language.;velice: To
(or) prep. writ.
je velice blzko prkritu (jazyku).;writ. pol.
- :
;with, together: (I) copy that dictionary (together) : ;very: Rain clouds are ( ~
came) very low.;velice: Deov mraky ( ~ pily) velice
with a friend.;s, spolu: Kopruji ten slovnk (spolu) s
: ;very much: took very long time (was
- ; together with;spolu s;prep.
very much taking-time);velice: trvalo velice dlouho (velice

T ;together with: trvalo);p.s.
It took place during the king Abhaya's reign, during writing
down the Tipiaka together with the commentaries.;spolu s:
Stalo se to bhem vldy krle Abhaya, bhem sepisovn
Tipiaky spolu s komenti.;p.s. writ.
;together with: U Aung Zeyya together with

his sixty-eight blood comrades could successfully resist while

being the leader ( ~ while leading).;spolu s: Aun Zeyya
spolu se svmi edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal
spn ubrnit zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
;in total (together (and) friendly) together (together
(and) friendly) altogether (together (and) friendly);celkem
(spolu (a) ptelsky) dohromady (spolu (a) ptelsky)
spolu (spolu (a) ptelsky);adv.
;together: They are happy,
as (they) together possess a pleasant, good life.;spolu: Jsou
astn, protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.

: T ;very: (It) is very

beneficial, indeed.;velice: Je (to), vskutku, velice

: ;very: (It) is very close to ( ~

with) it.;velice: Je (to) tomu ( ~ s tm) velice blzko.;pol.
;very much so much greatly;hrozn (hodn)
hodn velice;adv.
: ()

;very much: The wind blows very much,
(and therefore) the man is saling.;hodn: Vtr hodn fouk, (a
proto ten) mu placht ( ~ pluje) ;cont. writ.
;quite (much little);docela (hodn trochu);adv.
: ;quite: (It)'s quite
good.;docela: Je to docela dobr.;col.
;fairly (quite (and) somewhat) quite (quite (and)
somewhat) little bit (quite (and) somewhat);trochu (docela
(a) ponkud) docela (docela (a) ponkud) pomrn
(docela (a) ponkud);adv.

: T ;quite:
;together with same together equal;spolu stejn
(I) can fairly speak in English.;docela: Anglicky docela umm
(stejnho mnostv) sam, ten stejn spolu s dohromady (mluvit).;pol.
pospolu;adv. (or) adj.
;Atlantic (ocean);Atlantick (ocen);name
: T
(WS. from );biography;ivotopis;n. P. atta
uppatti (= self birth) WS.
;together: Although these states and
;biography;ivotopis;n. P. atta uppatti (= self birth)
divisions are divided, all Myanmar nations, including poor and ;high school (school (of) high
rich, live together.;pospolu: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn
standard);stedn kola (kola vysokho standardu);n.
oblasti (regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru,
;above;ve;adv. writ.
vetn chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;
: T ;above: mentioned
: ( ) ;together with: together with mum;spolu above;ve: zmnno ve;
s: spolu s mamkou;adv. col.
: T ;above: mentioned
above;ve: zmnn ve;writ.
;equally: Can men (as well as) women bring
;above mentioned, be (included above) aforesaid,
(benefit) equally? (Is equal how men (and) women bring


be (included above);ve uveden, bt (zahrnut ve);I

: ;until: until the end;a do: a do konce;

;above (in above) up (in above);nahoe (v

nad) nad (v nad);prep. (or) adv.

( ~ T
: T
T );until: until (we) can
successfully attain Arahanthood;dokud: dokud meme
spn doshnout Arahantstv;adv.

T ;misguiding, be (to (make) thinking (and)

seeing wrong) misleading, be (to (make) thinking (and)
seeing wrong);klamn, bt (aby (udlalo) mylen (a)
vidn patn) zavdjc, bt (aby (udlalo) mylen (a)
vidn patn);I

( );guardian guard
carer;ochrnce opatrovnk strce;sg. (mn.)

: T
: T ( ) ( )

;belittle: This way (they), being conceited, just ;anniversary: I take pride very much for
belittle others.;poniovat: Takto, namylen, prost poniuj
being allowed to carry out the celebration of tenth anniversary
of writers of our township as the chairman.;vro: Jsem velice
hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn se)
T ( );opinion (thinking (and) seeing);nzor
oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti jakoto
(mylen (a) vidn);sg.
pedsedajc.;pol. um.
;admire (thinking (is) big);obdivovat (mylen (je)
: T T
;commemoration: As a

commemoration of the National Day, lectures, exhibitions (and)
;overestimate: In fact, people may
competitions are held ( ~ made) (and) participated (by
overestimate themselves.;peceovat: Vskutku, lid mohou
people).;pipomnka: Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho Dne,
peceovat sami sebe.;pol.
: ;headman (of village): pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou podny ( ~ dlny)
The village headman did not admire Nga Nyo.;pn (vesnick): (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.

( );commemoration (anniversary, marking

;famous, be the most (visible (and) rare the-most) (and) noting) anniversary (anniversary, marking (and)
foremost, be (visible (and) rare the-most);slavn, bt nejvce noting) memorial (anniversary, marking (and) noting);vro
(vro, oznaen (a) zaznamenvn) pipomnka (vro,
(viditeln (a) vzcn) nejlep, bt (viditeln (a) vzcn);I
oznaen (a) zaznamenvn) pamtka (vro, oznaen
;belittle ((make) thinking little);poniovat ((dlat)
(a) zaznamenvn);sg.
mylen malm);T
;upto until (follows after time) till up to maximum of ;wounded (person, touched (and) contacted);rann
(osoba, dotknut (a) spojen);n.
until;do doby ne maximln a (maximln) do
Pn vesnice a o neobdivoval.;pol.

(asov) dokud do, a (nsleduje za oznaenm doby);prep. :

TT ;woun
(or) suff. prep. (or) adv. (or) n.
: ;until: I play from ded: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with mostly
wounded (people and) casualties.;zrann: Skupiny Hentvad
four o'clock to six.;do: Hraji si od ty hodin do esti.;um.
vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou zrannch (lid a) ztrtou
: T ;until: until (your) reply comes;ne: ne
dojde odpov;

: ();sitting: Ask them to sit. (Request

: T
T ;up to: There will be allowed up to six people to them sitting.;sezen: Podej je aby si sedli. (Podej je
to enter (the stage), (and) each of them (will) not exceed five sednout (si).);imper. pol.
: ;sit: Ask ( ~ "request") them to
minutes (in talking). maximum: There will be allowed
maximum of six people to enter (the stage), (and) each of them sit.;posadit se: Podej je ( ~ "nai jim") (a) se posad.;imper.
(will) not exceed five minutes (in talking).;a: Bude povoleno a pol.
: T T T
esti lidem, aby vstoupili (na jevit) (a) kad z nich
;stallion: When the horse crossed over the Anoma
nepekro pt minut (pi povdn). maximln: Bude
river, (was it) a stallion or a mare?;hebec: Kdy (ten) k
povoleno maximln esti lidem, aby vstoupili (na jevit) (a)
peskakoval ( ~ "pekraoval) eku Anomu, (byl to) hebec
kad z nich nepekro pt minut (pi povdn).;pol. fut.
nebo klisna?;inter.
: TT ;until: until the problems are
( );stallion (male-horse);hebec;sg.
solved (until solving problems is finished);dokud: dokud (ty)
problmy nejsou vyeen (do ukonen een problm);writ. ;perfections (there are ten perfections, such as generosity,
morality, compassion etc., which one must improve in order to
: T ( ~ T
attain enlightenment) depth parami (there are ten
);until: (I) will wait for ( ~ "until) your
answer arrives.;dokud: Budu ekat ne tv odpov doraz.;fut. perfections, such as generosity, morality, compassion etc.,
which one must improve in order to attain
: ( ~
);until: He will sleep until 10 o'clock in the morning.;do: enlightenment);pram (je deset dokonalost, nap. tdrost,
ctnost, soucit atd., kter je teba vylepit aby bylo mon
Bude spt (a) do deseti hodin rno.;


doshnout osvcen) hloubka dokonalosti (je deset

dokonalost, nap. tdrost, ctnost, soucit atd., kter je teba
vylepit aby bylo mon doshnout osvcen);n. P. pram (=
perfection) (or) n.

asijskch lid (zejmna Myanmar) nedokou bt tak moc

rozhodn jako (ty) Evropskch lid.;

(or) adj.

;help (watch-over support (and) help)

benefit (watch-over support (and) help);prospvat (dohletnad podporou (a) pomoc) pomoci (dohlet-nad
podporou (a) pomoc);T

;beneficial (support (and) assistence) help

(support (and) assistence) helpful (support (and)
;bulk mass thickness;objem tlouka hmotnost;n.
assistence) aid (support (and) assistence);prospn
: ( ~ ) T ;parami: (podpora (a) pomoc) blahodrn (podpora (a) pomoc)
(I) decided, indeed, to collect perfections ( ~ pram).;pram: pomoc (podpora (a) pomoc);n.
Vskutku, rozhodla jsem se sbrat dokonalosti ( ~ pram).;pol. :
;helpful: Fruit is ( ~ makes) helpful for
( );package;balk;sg.
;especially special;obzvlt speciln vjimen;adv. health.;prospn: Ovoce je ( ~ dl) prospn zdrav.;pol.
: ;special: Indeed,
according to a special system.;speciln: Vskutku, dle
specilnho systmu.;pol.

T ;helpful, be (become support (and) help)

expedient, be (become support (and) help) beneficial, be
(become support (and) help);prospn, bt (stt-se
podporou (a) pomoc) npomocn, bt (stt-se podporou
: ( ~ T );special: special (a) pomoc) blahodrn, bt (stt-se podporou (a)
boy;vjimen: vjimen chlapec;
T :
: ;special: It is not special.;zvltn: Nen to
T ;beneficial, be: (It) is very beneficial,
(nic) zvltnho.;
indeed.;prospn, bt: Je (to), vskutku, velice prospn.;pol.
: ;careful, be: Be
T ;especially: Among these heroes
Kyansittha became especially famous.;obzvlt: Z tchto
hrdin se stal ansit obzvlt slavnm.;writ.

especially careful for (your) health.;pozor, dvat si: Zejmna si ;help (esp. financial and political, supporting
(and) helping) aid (esp. financial and political, supporting
dvej pozor na (sv) zdrav.;imper. pol.
(and) helping);vpomoc (zejm. finann a politick, podpoen
;pay attention to (especially make weight);dvat
(a) pomoc);sg.
pozor na(zejmna udlat vhu);T writ. P. garu (= weight)
;speciln unusually exceptionally
especially;speciln zejmna neobvykle vjimen;adv.

( );first-aid kit (package (with)

things (for) supporting (and) helping);lkrnika (balk vc
(pro) podpoen (a) pomoc);sg.

Especially, you may need learning.;zejmna: Zejmna bys mohl :
;aid: Poor countries need aid for their
potebovat se uit (~ uen).;fut.
people.;vpomoc: Chud zem potebuj vypomoci svm lidem.;
;especially (specially indeed);zejmna (vskutku,

;inside in;uvnit v;prep.

: T ;especially:
Especially, being happy (I) call well done, ven. Sir;zejmna:
Zejmna, asten volm: dobe!, ct. Pane.;pol.


: ;inside: Ven. Sir, come

inside.;dovnit: Ct. pane, pojte dovnit.;pol. mn.

;qualify (do specially) modify (do specially)

specialize (do specially);modifikovat (dlat speciln)
specializovat se (dlat speciln) kvalifikovat se (dlat

: ;aunt: Sir, I am aunt of this

extinguished light.;teta: Pane, (j) jsem teta tohohle
uhaenho svtla.;pol. idi.

;attention to, pay (especially make weight);pozor,

dvat (zejmna udlat vhu);T writ. P. garu (= weight)
T;especially (by specially);zejmna

: T
;important: (They) used (it) as an important
reference for their commentaries.;dleit: Pouivali to jakoto
dleit zdroj pro sv komente.;p.s. writ.

T: (TT )
T ;especially:
Minds of Asian people (especially Myanmars) cannot be as
greatly decisive as (those of) European people.;zejmna: Mysli

: T ;meaning: This
word gets the meaning of short man.;vznam: Toto slovo

( );aunt;teta;sg.

: ;kind: What kind (is this? type: What ;continuous, be (duration (is) long) last (duration
(is) long);trvat (trvn (je) dlouh) nepetrit, bt (trvn
type (is this?;druh: Co je (to) za druh? typ: Co je (to) za
(je) dlouh);I
;most important mostly most often;nejastji
( );kind (done specially) sort (done
nejvce dleit ponejvce;adv. P. adhika (= exceeding) (or)
specially);druh (udlan speciln) typ (udlan
adj. P. adhika (= exceeding)


;main (main (and) principal);hlavn (hlavn (a)


nabv ( ~ dostv) vznamu krtk mu.;writ.

;dark color;tmav barva;n.

;clarify (explain, give (the) depth (of the)

meaning) meaning, give (explain, give (the) depth (of the)
meaning) explain (give (the) depth (of the)
;explain: (It) was

meaning);vysvtlit (dt hloubku vznamu) vznam, podat

explained as follows.;vysvtlit: Bylo (to) vysvtleno, viz
(dt hloubku vznamu) objasnit (dt hloubku
ne.;p.s. writ.
vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention) (or) T P. adhippya (=

;etymology (say (and) open (the) meaning
{nouner});etymologie (ci (a) otevt vznam {jmenec});n. intention)

;clarify (explain, open (and) tell (the)
P. adhippya (= intention)
depth (of the) meaning) meaning, give (open (and) tell
;meaning;vznam;n. P. adhippya (= intention)
(the) depth (of the) meaning) explain (open (and) tell
: ;meaning: elucidate the
(the) depth (of the) meaning);vznam, podat (otevt (a) ci
meaning;vznam: objasnit vznam;
hloubku vznamu) objasnit (otevt (a) ci hloubku
: ;meaning: (It) carries the
vznamu) vysvtlit (otevt (a) ci hloubku vznamu);T
meaning.;vznam: M ( ~ "nese) (ten) vznam.;
: ;meaning: The meaning is P. adhippya (= intention)
(from );mean (take meaning);znamenat
(vzt vznam);T WS. P. adhippya (= intention)

;several (little (and) little) few (little (and) little)

some few several few (little (of) littleness);trocha mlo
;explanation (collected meanings)
(mlo trochy) nkolik nkolik (nkolik (a) mal);adv. (or)
interpretation (collected meanings) interpret (collected
meanings) explain (collected meanings);vyloit (vysvtlit, pron. (or) adj.
: ;little: I have no
nasbran vznamy) interpretace (nasbran vznamy)
doubt. (I have not even a little doubt.);mal: Nemm nejmen
interpretovat (nasbran vznamy) vklad (nasbran
pochybnosti. (Nemm ani malou pochybnost.);pol.
vznamy);T (or) n.
not very exact.;vznam: (Ten) vznam nen moc pesn.;col.

;interpretation: And what if (it) is
wrong interpretation?;vklad: A co kdy je (to) patn
vklad?;inter. col.

;few: There were few

books.;mlo: Bylo tam mlo knih.;p.s.
: ;several: several hours;nkolik:
nkolik hodin;


;explain: As for the method of
explaining meanings, Sinhalese Ahakath usually give similar
words to explain difficult words.;vysvtlit: Co se te metody
vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle uvdj ( ~
dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla obtn slova

: ;a few: preferred a
few;nkolik: oblbil si nkolik;p.s.

;explanation (open (and) tell (the) meaning
{nouner});vysvtlen (otevt (a) ci vznam {jmenec});n.
P. adhippya (= intention)

: ;little: There is
little more. (The remaining part is just little.);trochu: U zbv
jen trochu. (Zbvajc sti je jen trochu.);pol.

;at least;nejmn;adv.
: T ( ~ )
() ;at least: At least (I) want to
approach them as much as possible.;minimln: Minimln se
k nim chci piblit jak je jen mon.;pol.

;a little (little (and) summary) some (little (and)

summary);nkolik (trochu (a) shrnut) trochu (trochu (a)
;mean (take meaning);znamenat (vzt vznam);T P. shrnut);n.
adhippya (= intention)
: ;a little: I have
a little (money).;trochu: Mm trochu (penz).;pol. um.
;among mention out of;zmnka mezi z (mezi
nkolika);prep. (or) n.
;various places (and) quarters;rzn msta (a)
etymology of the (proper) name;etymologie (vlastnho) jmna;

T ;Among ( ~ out of): Among these heroes :

Kyansittha became especially famous.;z: Z tchto hrdin se stal
ansit obzvlt slavnm.;writ.
;various places (and) quarters: The
boycott of the Yangon University students spread to various
: ;mention: finish denoting that
places and quarters and (then) also the provincial students
mention;zmnka: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;
(started to) boycott.;rzn msta (a) tvrti: Bojkot student
( );black (color);ern (barva);n.
Rangnsk University se rozil do rznch mst a tvrt a
( );black (color);ern (barva);n.
(pak) tak provinn studentni (zali) bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
-;one of;jeden z;suff. n.
;mean (take meaning) stand for (take
meaning);vznam, mt (brt vznam) znamenat (brt

: T ;smell: (I) realize

the smelling of smells.;ichat: Uvdomm si ichn pach.;

T ;smelling (taking smells {nouner});ichn (bran


pach {jmenec});n.

;close to a;pobl;adv.

;heartwood liquid, thick yolk;tekutina, hust loutek

(vajka) jdrov devo;n.

: ;close to: close to a (great)

teacher;pobl: pobl (velkho) uitele;

: ;yolk: love on surface,

loving kindness in heart (egg's white's love, yolks'
affection);loutek (vajka): lska na povrchu, zalben v srdci
(lska blku, zalben loutku);prov.

: ;red: red T-Shirt;erven: erven triko;n.

;many years: (He) is a person, who has carried out
educational duties in this town for many years and
months.;mnoho let: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala (
~ vykonvala vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a
;crazy;len;adj. col.
;omnipresent (inadequateness (and)
blending);vudyptomn (nepimenost (a) men);n.
: ;omnipresent:
limitless (and) omnipresent happiness;vudyptomn:
neomezen (a) vudyptomn radost;
;future;budouc;adj. P. angata (= future)
: : ( ~
);future: What do (you) plan to do in
future?;budoucnost: Co plnuje dlat v budoucnu?;inter.
;hurt (to one's body, getting hurt);ublen (na tle,
dostn ublen);n.

: ;red: red ball pen;erven: erven kulikov

: () ;red: (Young man) Tin
is wearing red longyi.;erven: (Mlad pn) Ten nos erven
( );red (color);erven (barva);n.
;nearby close to;pobl blzko (emu);prep.
;vicinity (near (and) near);blzkost (blzko (a)
;vicinity: (I) have already travelled to the
vicinity of China (country) and Thailand (country).;blzkost:
U jsem cestoval do blzkosti (zem) ny a (zem)
Thajska.;p.p. pol.
;nearby (near (and) near) vicinity (proximity (and)
vicinity) proximity (proximity (and) vicinity);pobl (blzko (a)
blzko) blzkost (blzkost (a) okol) okol (blzkost (a)
okol);adv. (or) n.
: T
;nearby: (He) seized forty-six nearby
villages.;pobl: Obsadil tyicet est vesnic pobl.;writ.

: T

;hurt: Be careful,
;minutely (soft mind) in detail (soft mind);podrobn
(or) you will ( ~ "may) get hurt.;ublen: Dvej pozor, (nebo) si (jemn mysl) nepatrn (jemn mysl);adv. anu-citta (=
(mon) ubl.;imper. pol.
along, after - mind)
;Anthapiika, the wealthy one;Anthapiika, : T
;nearby (in nearby) at hand (in nearby) close
(in nearby);pobl (v pobl) blzko (v pobl) pi
ruce (v pobl);adv.

;in details: The discourses with

more details preached by the Buddha are basically depicting
the commentarial nature, which is referred to in
Sratthadpan.;podrobn (s vce podrobnostmi): Promluvy s
: T
T;at hand: If (I) had a dictionary at hand, (I) would vce podrobnostmi pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj
explain (it) more to be complete.;pi ruce: Kdybych ml pi ruce komenttorsk charakter, na kter se odkazuje v
Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
slovnk, vysvtlil bych to vce, aby (to) bylo kompletn.;
;repose (take rest) rest (take rest) rest, take a ;artcraft (fine-arts handiwork);umleck dla
(take resting) retire (rest, take rest);odpoinout si (vzt (jemn-umn run prce);n.
odpoinek) odpovat (vzt odpoinek);T
: ;rest, take: This ;artcraft: Then, there are also ancient
family ((is) taking) rest (during) holidays.;odpoinout si: Tato artcrafts.;umleck dla: Dle, jsou tam tak starovk
umleck dla.;col. pol.
rodina (na) przdniny odpov.;cont.
: ;rest, take a: Also while taking ( );artist (proficient (in) tender
wisdom);umlec (zdatn (v) jemn moudrosti);sg.
rest, (he) reads.;odpoinout si: Tak zatmco odpoval (si)
;right (about a state, state (is) great);akort (o
stavustav (je) ohromn);adv.
;rest, take a: It is said, that at that time Nga Nyo,
having ploughed, while resting for a while, (he) was reading
(writings).;odpovat: k se, e v tu dobu a o po tom, co
zoral, chvilku odpoval, piem etl (psan).;cont.

: ;right: (Living here) is just right.;akort:

(ivot tady) je tak akort (fajn).;pol.
;on behalf of as for as (sb.) for;jako (coby)
jakoto co se te coby pro;prep. writ.

; on behalf of as for as (sb.) for;jako (coby) jakoto

: ;victory: The red car will win co se te coby pro;prep. (or) suff.
( ~ takes victory).;vtzstv: erven auto vyhrv ( ~ bere
: T
;as: We have the classical


prosaic literature only as books, as electronic files (we) don't

(have).;jakoto: Mme klasickou prozaickou literaturu pouze
;danger: Woman is to man very dangerous,
jakoto knihy, jakoto elektronick soubory ne ( ~ "nemme).; like fire, man also is like fire, very dangerous to
: ;as for: As for me, (I) know woman.;nebezpe: ena je pro mue velice nebezpen, jako
ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice nebezpen, jako ohe.;
nothing.;co se te: Co se m te, nic nevm.;um.

(a region in India);Andrhraprad
: ;as: As TT;Andhrapradesh
a student, he should not behave ( ~ do) like this.;jako (coby): (oblast v Indii);name
Jako student by se takhle neml chovat ( ~ neml by dlat); : ;plant: The plant is going to
: ;as: As a wilt.;rostlina: Rostlina zvadne.;fut.
doctor, he should cure sick people.;coby: Coby doktor, ml by
lit nemocn lidi.;

: ;plant: The plant is green.;rostlina:

(Ta) rostlina je zelen.;

: T ;as for: As : ;plant: a tiger behind

for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my) perfections.;co se te: Co se plant;roslina: tygr za rostlinou;
te m, jsem pipraven naplnit (sv) dokonalosti.;pol. um.
( );plant flower (plant);kvtina (rostlina) rostlina;sg.

;as for: As for the method of
explaining meanings, Sinhalese Ahakath usually give similar
words to explain difficult words.;co se te: Co se te metody
vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle uvdj ( ~
dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla obtn slova

( );plant;rostlina;sg.
( );week;tden;sg.
;weekly (every week);tdn (kad tden);adv.

;tiresome, be (tiredness (is) big) tiresome ((be of)

big tiredness) difficult, find something ((be of) big
tiredness) hard, be (difficult, tiredness (is) big) difficult, be
(tiredness (is) big);nron, bt (nava (je) velk) navn,
T;as (about a thing);coby (o vci) jakoto (o vci);prep. bt (nava (je) velk) navn, bt ((bt) velk navy)
T: T ;as: as a novice;jakoto: jakoto novic;
nron, shledat nco ((bt) velk navy) tk, bt
;state of (measure (and) state) placement (state (nron, nava (je) velk);I
(and) placement) position (state (and) placement)
: ;difficult, be: (It) is
conditions (state (and) placement) situation (state (and)
not difficult for me.;tk, bt: Nen to pro m tk ( ~
placement);umstn (stav (a) umstn) stav (mra (a)
nron).;pol. um.
stav) poloha (stav (a) umstn) podmnky (stav (a)
: ;difficult, find sth.: I don't find it
umstn) pozice (stav (a) umstn);n. writ. (or) n.
difficult.;nron, shledat nco: Neshledvm to nron.;
: ... T ;state of: should be state TT ;relieving (tension in muscles etc., alleviate
of ... ;stav: ml by bt stav ... ;fut.
tiredness (and) resting {nouner}) relaxation (relieving
: ( ~ )
tension in muscles etc., alleviate tiredness (and) resting

;situation: regarding the
{nouner});relaxace (tla, sval, umrnit navu (a)
geophysical situation;poloha: ohledn geofyzick polohy;writ.
odpovn {jmenec}) uvolnn (tla, sval, umrnit navu
(a) odpovn {jmenec});n.
;West (direction (of) backside);zpad (smr
T;fun, have (relieve boredom) boredom, relieve
(relieve boredom) bordom, get relief from (be-satisfied
: ;West: the lake (is) in
the West;zpad: jezero je na zpad;
;Anawratha king (king of Pagan 10441077);Anjadh, krl (krl Paganu 1044-1077);name

(from) boredom);nudu, zahnat (uvolnit nudu) uvat si

(legraci, uvolnit nudu) nudy, ulevit si z (bt-spokojen (z)
nudy);I (or) T

T: T ;boredom, get relief from:

To get relief from boredom, (I) am teasing with you.;nudy, ulevit
: ;least: This is just the least. (may be said by si z: Abych si ulevil z nudy, tak t provokuji.;pol. um.
a taxidriver or merchant during bargaining);nejni: To je
T: T ;boredom, relieve:
(prost) nejni (cena). (me bt eeno taxikem nebo
Pictures created to relieve boredom.;nudu, zahnat: Obrzky
obchodnkem pi smlouvn);col.
vytvoen aby zahnaly nudu.;col.
;least;nejmn nejni;adv.

;young (not married, esp. for women) single (not married,

esp. for women) tender (for women) single (not married, for
women) young (for women);jemn (o ench) mlad (o
; as for;co se te;conj.
ench) svobodn (nevdan, zejm. pro eny) mlad
;more or less (surely, many with (the)
(nevdan, zejm. pro eny) svobodn (nikoliv vdan, o
method);vcemn (urit mnoho tm zpsobem);adv.
;danger;nebezpe;n. P. antarya (= danger, obstacle) ench);adj. f. (or) adj.
: T ;single (not married): The woman
is single.;svobodn (ne v manelskm svazku): (Ta) ena je
: ;lowest ( ~ "least): This is just the least
price.;nejni: To je nejni cena.;col.



tohoto studenta nepichz dn jin (student).;pol.

( );virgin, old (can be used in common talk,

not offensive) spinster, old (the Eng. word 'spinster' and any
other similar word as well as the topic itself is extremely
offensive in modern English, however, the Burmese word can
be used in common talk, it is not not offensive);panna, star
(CZ slovo je urliv, ale to barmsk slovo lze ut pi bnm
rozhovoru, nen urliv) panna, star (CZ slovo je urliv,
ale to barmsk slovo lze ut pi bnm rozhovoru, nen

T : T T;besides: Do you have

another book besides this (book)?;krom: Mte (jet) jinou
knihu krom tto (knihy)?;inter.

( );virgin (of women, maiden (who is) freefrom);panna (o ench, panna (kter je) prost(eho));sg.

T ;full;pln;adj.

T : T T ;apart
from: Apart from news (there are) also many advertisements
included.;krom: Krom novinek je obsaeno tak mnoho
reklam.;writ. pol.
T ;criticize criticize (search guilt);kritizovat (hledat
vinu) kritizovat;T

T : T ;full: The glass of Cola is (just)

( ) (but more accepted is );virgin (of
full.;pln: Sklenice Coly je (prost) pln.;col.
women, pure maiden);panna (o ench, ist panna);sg. T : T ;full: The gluss is just full.;pln: Sklenice
T ;apart from besides (out) outside (out of house etc.) je prost pln.;col.
apart from (out) out;ven krom (venku) ven (z domu
T T ;international, be (concerned (with) countries
atd.) krom mimo (venku);adv.
(and) countries);mezinrodn, bt (tkajc-se zem (a)
T ;violently seriously severely;vn (tce) nsiln
tce (vn);adv.


T ;fully (fully (and) completely) completely (fully

T : T (and) completely) entirely (fully (and) completely);kompletn
;out: The mind goes again and again out, (pln (a) zcela) pln (pln (a) zcela) zcela (pln (a)
time to time four, five (or) ten minutes (it) roams around.;ven: zcela) pln (pln (a) zcela);adv.
Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu se tyi, pt (i)
T ;fully (fully (and) completely) completely (fully
deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.
(and) completely) entirely (fully (and) completely);kompletn
T : T ;apart from: Apart
(pln (a) zcela) pln (pln (a) zcela) zcela (pln (a)
from meditating, what (else) can (you) do?;krom: Co um,
krom meditovn?;col.
T : T
T : T T ;apart from:
What else do (you) do, apart from (doing) samath (and)
vipassan meditation?;krom: Krom samath a vipassan
meditace, co jet dl?;inter.

T ;completely: (I) am copying ((and)

giving) the full sentences for the ven. Sir as (I) want (him) to
have the reading more comfortable.;pln: Kopruji (ty) vty
((a) dvm) pln ct. Pnovi, ponvad chci, aby ml (to)
T : T ;out: I have the habit of ten pohodlnj.;
going out by bus.;ven: Jsem zvykl jezdit ven autobusem.;
T ;completely (fully (and) to-one's-satisfaction) fully
T : T ;outside: outside meal (lunch or breakfast,
for monks);venku: jdlo venku (obd nebo sndan, o
T : T T ;out: (I) happen to go out,
sometimes.;ven: Stv se, e chodm obas ven.;
T : T ;except: except the three works;krom:
krom (tch) t prac;

(fully (and) to-one's-satisfaction) entirely (fully (and) toone's-satisfaction);kompletn (pln (a) k-nmu-uspokojen)
pln (pln (a) k-nmu-uspokojen) zcela (pln (a) knmu-uspokojen);adv.
T : T ;completely: to be
able to help out (my) family completely;pln: abych byl schopen
(sv) rodin pln vypomoci;

T ;escape (leave out) leave (leave out) go out T : T T

(leave out);uniknout (odejt ven) odejt (odejt ven)
;journey back: At the journey back (he) went past
jt ven (odejt ven);T
and attacked the group of Hanthawadi troops while they were
T : T ;go crossing a path..;cesta zptky: Na cest zptky je nsledoval a
out: As (I) have arranged with a friend (of mine), (I) am going zatoil na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy pechzeli pes
to go out.;jt ven: Protoe jsem si (to) naplnoval s kamardem, cestu.;writ.
chystm se (te) jt ven.;col.

T ;reciprocally (in-return (and) upside-down) one to

another (returning (and) changing-position) mutually
T ;outside (in (the) direction out);venku (ve
(returning (and) changing-position) mutually (in-return (and)
smru ven);adv.
upside-down);jeden druhmu (vracen (a) zmna-pozice)
T : T ;outside: The
vzjemn (vracen (a) zmna-pozice) vzjemn (nazpt (a)
woman is outside.;venku: (Ta) ena je venku.;
T ;apart from outside other than besides except;mimo obrcen) navzjem (nazpt (a) obrcen);adv.
T : T T ;mutually: (I)
(krom) jin ne krom venku;prep. (or) suff. adv.
T : T T ;apart from: will talk (talks) with you mutually.;vzjemn: Budu si s tebou
Apart from this student, no other student comes.;mimo: Mimo vzjemn povdat. (Povm ti povdn vzjemn.);fut. pol.


T ;discuss (ask mutually) talk about (ask

;increase develop;rozvinout zvit;T
mutually);bavit se o (ptt-se vzjemn) diskutovat (ptt- ;including (including (and) entering);vetn
se vzjemn);T
(zahrnovn (a) vchzen);n.
T( );blue (color);modr (barva);n.
: T
;end: We will know the answer to these
questions at the end of this discussion.;konec: Na tyto otzky
budeme znt odpov na konci tto diskuze.;fut. pol.

;including: (I) wish happiness at

once to all beings including me.;vetn: Peji radost vem
bytostem vetn m najednou.;pol.

;end of, at the (about time, at end) after (about

time, at end);konci, na (o ase, na konci) po (o ase,
na konci);prep.

: ;part: There is little

more. (The remaining part is just little.);st: U zbv jen
trochu. (Zbvajc sti je jen trochu.);pol.

: ;after: I will
go to Yangon after the exam.;po: Po zkouce pojedu do
: ;after
(at the end of): After ( ~ at the end of) watching the movie,
they went to a restaurant.;po (na konci): Po (na konci)
sledovn filmu li do restaurace.;

;nonsense;nesmysl;n. col.

: ;piece: a piece of paper;kousek: kousek

: ;part: the penultimate part
(the part coming before the last part);st: pedposledn st
(st pichzejc ped posledn st);

;part: Having just written the first Pi
: ;after: They sentence from the first part, I write (it) in the second part in
went to a restaurant after the movie.;po: Po filmu li do
English.;st: Hned jak napi prvn pi vtu z prvn sti,
napu (ji) do druh sti anglicky.;pol.
(WS. from );finally (in
;part: If (you)
ending);nakonec (v konen);adv.
have something needed, (I) will help (you) by the part of (mine)
;lastly (in ending) finally (in
ending);konen (nakonec, v konen) nakonec (v

T ;finally: After some
time (she) will become old, sick, (and) finally (she) will
die.;nakonec: Za uritou dobu zestrne, onemocn (a) nakonec
zeme.;fut. pol.
;behavior (doing (and) acting);chovn (dln (a)
T: "
T ;race: At that time turtle (said): friend rabbit,
with you I dare to race.;zvodit: Tehdy elva (ekla: pteli
krlku, s tebou si troufm zvodit.;writ.
T;race (compete (in) running) compete (in)
running;soutit v bhu zvodit (soutit v bhu);T
T: "
T T;race (compete (in) running): Rabbit
also said: well then, we shall race ( ~ compete (in)
running).;zvod: Krlk tak ekl: dobe, tedy, budeme zvodit
((v) bhu)).;writ.
T ( );race (running competition);zvod (sout
(v) bhn);sg.
T: T ;said, what (was):
According to what the teacher said, today the school is
closed.;eeno (co bylo): Podle toho co ekl uitel, je dnes
kola zaven.;
T ;change (change (and) change);zmna (zmna
(a) zmna);n.
T ();changes, climatic ((climatic)
change (and) exchanging {pl.});zmny, klimatick
((klimatick) zmna (a) zmna {pl.});pl.

able to help.;st: Pokud m nco (co) potebuje, pomohu (ti

svou) st schopnou pomhat.;pol. fut.
: () T ;part: third part of four
(parts);st: tet st ze ty (st);
: ;part:
highlight important parts;st: zvraznit dleit sti;

: ;part: There are three parts

in it.;sti: Jsou tam ti sti.;pol.
( );part;st;sg.
: ;nonsense: Do not talk
nonsense.;nesmysl: Nepovdej nesmysly.;imper. pol. col. fr.
T: T ;nonsense: Do not talk
nonsense.;nesmysl: Nepovdej nesmysly.;imper. pol. col. fr.
;nonsense, talk talk nonsense;kat nesmysly
nesmysly, kat;T col.
T;nonsense, talk talk nonsense;kat nesmysly
nesmysly, kat;T col.
( );heater (machine (which) gives
heat);ohva (stroj (kter) dv teplo);sg.
;worry (fear (and) weariness) anxiety (fear (and)
weariness);zkost (strach (a) vyerpanost) obava (strach
(a) vyerpanost);n.
: ;worry: Monkhood is
devoid of worry.;obava: Mnistv je prost obav.;pol.
;lightness: The woman carries a hand bag of little
weight ( ~ lightness).;lehkost: (Ta) slena nos lehkou kabelku
( ~ kabelku mal lehkosti);
( );orifice hole opening (orifice);dra
trbina otvor;sg.


;addition many colleagues total plenty;spousta

stn kolegov mnoho souhrn;n. math. (or) pron. (or) n.

umstit (a) upevnit) pidat (do seznamu ptel v chatovacm

programu, pipojit-k-sob (a) upevnit);T

: T ;total: May the total (of)

blessings be completed (for you).;souhrn: K je (pro tebe)
souhrn (vech) poehnn naplnn.;w. pol.

: ;keep: (I) want to

keep the key with you.;nechat: (J) chci (ten) kl nechat u

: T ;many: May (your) blessings ;pyrexia (fever) fever;horeka teplota (horeka);n.

be many and fulfilled.;mnoho: K je (tvch) poehnn mnoho T ;being (which has become) as incident being
a (jsou) splnn.;w. pol.
(existence) existence event;phoda coby za staniv se
udlost jakoto existence jako (coby) jsoucnost;prep.
;coleagues: good friends, colleagues (and)
(or) suff. prep. (or) n.
great people from Internet ( ~ online);kolegov: dob ptel, T : T ;as: In this movie he is
kolegov (a) velc lid z internetu ( ~ online);
starring as a villain (In this movie he is included as a
;upper above on;na horn nad;prep. (or) adj.

;upper: upper part of the body;horn:

horn st tla;
;floor, upper (level up) level, upper (level
up);patro, vy (stupe nahoe) stupe, vy (stupe

villain.).;jakoto: V tomto filmu hraje hlavn roli darebka. (V

tomto filmu je on zahrnut jakoto darebk.);pol.

T : T ;as: (I)
accept the second column as the first column.;za ( ~ "jakoto):
Pijmu druh sloupec za ( ~ "jakoto) prvn sloupec.;writ.

T : T ;as:
: ;floor, upper: I live (He) selected only the one, (who) did not step back as a
hero.;za: Pouze toho, (kter) neustoupil, vybral za hrdinu.;writ.
on the upper floor.;patro, vy: Bydlm ve vym pate.;pol.
T : T ;as: (He)
works as a supporter for monks.;jakoto: Pracuje jakoto
;upstairs (in level up);nahoru (tj. o poschod
pomocnk mnich.;
ve, ve stupni ve) poschod ve, o (ve stupni


T : T ;as: (I) don't want to live as a

lay person.;jakoto: Nechci t jakoto laik.;pol.

;apply (to a school) entrust give (entrust) proper,

be;pihlsit se (do koly) dt (svit) sprvn, bt svit;I
(or) T

T : T ;as: He is
working as a doctor in this city.;jakoto: (On) v tomto mst
pracuje jakoto doctor.;pol.

: ;apply: Have (you) applied (for study

at) school?;pihlsit se: Pihlsil (jsi) se (ke studiu) na

T : T ;as: as commentary;jakoto: jakoto

koment;Bh. lit.
T ( );event;udlost;sg.

: T T
T ;entrust: On behalf of
the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king) entrusted the reign to (his)
royal grandson Alaung Sithu of Myanmar (and) Mon
blood.;svit: Ve prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu, (krl)
svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi (kter
byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.

T ;become (come to becoming);stt se (pijt ke

stn se);T

( );needle;jehla;sg.

and strong country.;stt se: Za vldy krle Nauna se

Myanmarsk stt stal sjednocenou a silnou zem.;p.s. writ.

T : T
;become (come to becoming): They want
to become a democratic country..;stt se (pijt ke stn se):
Chtj se stt demokratickou zem..;pol.

T : T ;become
: T ;proper, be: (It) is proper (come to becoming): He became my teacher.;stt se (pijt ke
to address (you) with respect.;sprvn, bt: Je sprvn (t)
stn se): Stal se mm uitelem.;um. pol.
oslovovat s respektem.;pol.
T ;become (have come (and) to being);stt
se (bt pied ke jsoucnosti);I
;needle: (He) stuck a needle between nails and while T : T
hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;jehla: Zabodnul
jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem, testoval
;become: During the reign of king Naung,

Myanmar (country) became ( ~ came to become) a united
();suitable, be ((can be) entrusted) entrust keep
(sth. with sb.) put (sth. swh..);vhodn, bt ((me bt)
sven) poloit (nco nkam) zanechat (nco u nkoho)
svit ponechat (nco u nkoho);I (or) T

T ;come to be (become to come (and) be);stt

se (stt se pijt (a) bt);T

T ;happening (happening (and) deterioration)

;leave (keep sth. at sb., place (and) fix) keep (sth. at occurence (happening, happening (and) deterioration) story
sb., place (and) fix) add (into list of friends in an Internet
(happening, happening (and) deterioration) event
messenger, put-close-together (and) fix);nechat (nco u
(happening (and) deterioration);dn (phoda (a) padek)
nkoho, umstit (a) upevnit) zanechat (nco u nkoho,
phoda (dn, phoda (a) padek) pbh (dn, phoda (a)


padek) udlost (phoda (a) padek);n.

spolenosti, kde ij.;pol.

T :
T ;event: the historical events included in the
commentaries;udlost: historick udlosti zahrnut v
komentch; (or) writ.

( ) (from );grandfather;ddeek;sg.

T ( );story (happening (and) ending);pbh

(phoda (a) ukonen);sg.

( );bud;kvt;sg.

T ;complement (filling);doplnk (plnn);n.

;as for;co se te;suff. conj.

: ;as for: as for me (as for my
part);co se te: co se te m (co se te m sti);writ.
: T ;father: I will tell (it) to
father.;otec: eknu (to) otci.;fut. pol. uw.

T : T T ;complementary word:
: () ;father: He is my father.;otec:
inserting a complementary word;doplnk: vkldn dopkovho (On) je mj otec.;pol. um.
: ;father: How about father, does
T ( );complementary word (filling word);doplkov (he) like (it)?;otec: A co otec, m (to) rd?;inter.
slovo (plnc slovo);sg. gram. P. pada (= word)
( );father;otec;sg.

T ;sentence (at court, cutting (and)

;parents (father, mother);rodie (otec, matka);n.
flicking);odsouzen (u soudu, stnut (a) mihnut-se);T col. idi. : ;parents: Are your parents
T : T ;sentence (at
still alive? (Do (you) still have parents?);rodie: Jsou (tv)
court): (They just) avoid (being caught and)
rodie stle naivu? (M stle rodie?);inter.
sentenced.;odsouzen (u soudu): Vyhbaj se (chycen a)
: T
odsouzen (u soudu).;pol. col.

;friendly: (You) should be
T( );white (color);bl (barva);n.

T: T
;answer: We will know the answer to these
questions at the end of this discussion.;odpov: Na tyto
otzky budeme znt odpov na konci tto diskuze.;fut. pol.
T: T ;answer: know the answer
for the questions;odpov: znt odpov na otzky;
T: T;answer: answer (still) does not
appear;odpov: odpov se (stle) neobjevuje;pol.
T( );answer solution;odpov een;sg.
( ) (from );grandmother;babika;sg.
T ;group: The group
(being) on the stage also (exhibiting) dances (and)
entertains.;skupina: Skupina (jsouc) na pdiu tak (ukazujce
se) tancuje a bav (ostatn lidi).;col. pol.
: T ;group
(of people): U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups
politely.;skupina (lid): Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma
skupinama zdvoile.;writ.

known, that Myanmar people are in the world those of the most
sweet face and the most friendly (ones).;ptelsk: Ml bys
vdt, e Myanmart lid jsou na svt ti s nejslad tv a (ti)
nejpteltj.; pol.
;what where which;kde co kter;pron. (or) pron.
;because;protoe;conj. writ.

;as because;protoe ponvad;conj.

: ;grandmother: Baby is
(together) with grandmother.;babika: Miminko je (spolu) s
( );grandmother grandma;babika;sg.
: ;old woman: The old
women is so weak.;star pan: (Ta) star pan je tak slab.;
( );old woman (old grandmother);star
pan (star babika);sg.
: T ;abhinna: six abhi;abhinna: est

( );abhinna (any of the six higher knowledges, (a)

divine eye, (b) divine ear, (c) telepathy, (d) art of
transformation, (e) memory of past lives (f) enlightenment)
;association (group (and) bundle) society (large
higher knowledge (any of the six higher knowledges, (a) divine
social grouping, union (and) bundle);spolenost (velk sociln eye, (b) divine ear, (c) telepathy, (d) art of transformation, (e)
uskupen, sjednocen (a) svazek) asociace (skupina (a)
memory of past lives (f) enlightenment);abhi (kterkoliv z
esti vych znalost, (a) bosk oko, (b) bosk ucho, (c)
: ( ~ )
telepatie, (d) umn promny, (e) pam minulch ivot (f)
;institution: (He) builds an institution having
osvcen) vy znalost (kterkoliv z esti vych znalost, (a)
called it Burmese center.;instituce: Stav instituci po (tom, co bosk oko, (b) bosk ucho, (c) telepatie, (d) umn promny,
ji) nazval Barmsk centrum.;pol.
(e) pam minulch ivot (f) osvcen);sg. Bh. P. abhi (=

: T
higher knowledge)
T T T T ;Abhidhamma (third great collection of Pi texts in
( ~ T T
Tipiaka);Abhidhamma (tet velk kolekce pi text v
T T T );society: It
Tipiace);name Bh. lit. P. abhidhamma (= higher law)
happens rarely, that the foreigners would be accepted as
;Abhidhamma Pitaka (third great collection of Pi
genuine part of the society (they) live in.;spolenost: Stv se texts in Tipiaka);Abhidhamma Pitaka (tet velk kolekce pi
zdkakdy, e by byli cizinci povaovni za opravdovou soust
( );union (association) organization group
association;sdruen asociace organizace skupina;sg.


text v Tipiace);name Bh. lit. abhidhamma-piaka (= higher

knowledge - canon)

charakteristika) poziice (zskan, jmno (a)


: ;Abhidhamma
Piaka: seven pakaraa books of Abhidhamma
Piaka;Abhidhamma Piaka: sedm pakaraa knih Abhidhamma
Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.

;deathless deathlessness eternal (deathless);vnost

nesmrteln vn (nesmrteln);n. P. amata (= deathlessness)
(or) adj. P. amata (= deathless)

: - ;dictionary: Pali-English
Dictionary;slovnk: Pli-Anglick Slovnk;n.
;dictionary: The secretary is putting the dictionary
on the table.;slovnk: Sekretka pokld slovnk na stl.;cont.

;Nibbna, the deathless (deathless (and)

peaceful nibbna) enlightenment, the deathless (deathless
(and) peaceful nibbna);osvcen, nesmrteln (nesmrteln (a)
pokojn nibbna) nibbna, nesmrteln (nesmrteln (a)
pokojn nibbna);n. Bh. P. amata-nibbna (= deathless extinction (of greed, hatred and ignorance))


;nibbna, the deathless: If I can attain the

I should attain it.;nibbna: Pokud mohu
( );dictionary;slovnk;sg. P. abhidhna (= name,
doshnout nesmrteln Nibbny, (pak) bych ji ml
: T ;grandfather: This doshnout.;fut.
man is grandfather of the boy.;ddeek: Tento pn je chlapcv :
T ;Nibbna, the deathless: (He) attains the
deathless Nibbna.;Nibbna, nesmrteln: Dosahuje nesmrteln
( );grandpa grandfather;ddeek;sg.
;sister (used as an address to a woman of similar age as
: ;dictionary: whole the
dictionary;slovnk: cel slovnk;

: { } ;minister: It is
said, that having given him the status of Min Yaza, he
appointed him a minister.;ministr: k se, e mu udlil statut
;sister (elder): (I) have one elder brother, Men Yza a ustanovil ho ministrem.;
one elder sister and two younger sisters.;sestra (star): Mm ( );minister;ministr;sg.
;gosh! indicates amazement (mother!) wow!;ty blho!
jednoho starho bratra, jednu star sestru a dv mlad
zna as pni!;interj.
the addressee, elder sister);sestro (uito k osloven eny
stejnho vku jako je oslovujc, star sestro);voc.

;anger flaw defect rage;zvada zuivost defekt

: T T T
;mare: When the horse crossed over the Anoma river, vztek;n.
(was it) a stallion or a mare?;klisna: Kdy (ten) k peskakoval ;many (people);mnoz (lid);n.
( ~ "pekraoval) eku Anomu, (byl to) hebec nebo
( ~ );anger: Love
of one is great, anger of (another) one is (also) great.;vztek:
( );mare (female-horse);klisna;sg.
Lska jednoho je velk, vztek druhho ( ~ "jednoho) je (tak)
( ) (from );sister (elder);sestra (star);sg.
;extreme, be (wonder (is) not used-up) incredible, be velk.;
(wonder (is) not used-up) wonderful, be (wonder (is) not
used-up) unbelievable, be (wonder (is) not usedup);neuviteln, bt (div nen vyerpn) extrmn, bt (div
nen vyerpn) asn, bt (div nen vyerpn);I
: T
;incredible: Your skill in Myanmar writing is
just incredible.;neuviteln: Tvoje schopnost v psan
Myanmarsky je prost neuviteln.;pol. col.
;name;jmno;n. writ.
( );name;jmno;sg. writ.
;named (which took name);jmenovan (kter
vzal jmno);adj. writ.
: ;named: books
named 'piaka';pojmenovan: knihy pojmenovan 'piaka';writ.
;title (name (of) basis);titul (jmno zkladu);n.
;name, main (in basic name);jmno, hlavn
(v zkladnm jmn);n.
;position (acquired, name (and) characteristic)
title (name (and) characteristic);titul (jmno (a)


;many (people): Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume
responsibility (and) perform (it) to benefit of many.;mnoz (lid):
Ct. Pn Nanda, kter doke vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji)
prospchu mnohch.;
;lot of, a (many (and) much);spousta (mnoho (a)
: TT
T ;much: (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly, with
reference to (old) writings and manuscripts.;moc: S ohledem na
(star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce
: ;lot of, a: (I have) a lot of
work.;spousta: (Mm) spoustu prce.;
;most (of people, group (of) many) majority (group
(of) majority) majority (of people, group (of)
many);majorita (vtina lid, skupina mnoha) vtina (lid,
skupina mnoha) vtina (skupina vtiny);n.
: ;almost full ( ~ majority):
The bottle is almost full of water. (In the bottle (there) is

majority of water.);tm pln ( ~ vtina): (Ta) lhev je

tm pln vody. (V (t) lhvi je vtina vody.);
: ;majority:
Majority avoid the five kinds of wrong livelihood.;vtina:
Vtina se vyhb pti druhm patnho ivobyt.;pol.

various kinds. Here, look.;nejrznj druhy: Co se te

klobouk, (ty) mme, vskutku, mme. (Prost) nejrznj
druhy. Tady, podvejte.;col.
: T ;lady: Myanmar lady.;dma: Dma (z)

;most maximally most frequent;nejastji nejvce : T ;woman: The woman is

single.;ena: (Ta) ena je svobodn.;
: ;most frequently:
( );wife (kind's daughter) woman (kind's
When is (it) used most frequently? (In what kind of times (it) is daughter) girlfriend (kind's daughter);ptelkyn (druhu
used most frequently?);nejastji: Kdy je (to) nejvce
dcera) manelka (druhu dcera) ena (druhu dcera);sg.
pouvno? (V jakm druhu as se (to) pouv
;national ((of) persons (of the) kind);nrodn (lid
(toho) druhu);adj.
;public toilet (toilet used (by) many);veejn : T ;native: song (sang) by Myanmar
WC (toaleta uvan mnohmi);n.
natives;rodily: pse (zpvan) rodilmi Myanmary;
T;various (many (and) various) many (multitude
(and) diversity) plenty (multitude (and) diversity) diverse
(many (and) various);rozlin (mnoho (a) rzn) spousta
(spousta (a) pestrost) rzn (mnoho (a) rzn) mnoho
(spousta (a) pestrost);n. (or) adj.

;national: They founded ( ~ built) national
college (a) national (primary) schools.;nrodn: Zaloili ( ~
postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a) nrodn (zkladn)
koly.;writ. pol. pl.

T ;many, be (be many (and) various);mnoho, :

bt (bt mnoho (a) rzn);I

;national: The study of national literature also
T;usually (mostly) mostly;vtinou obvykle
happened to be opened.;nrodn: Tak dolo k oteven studia
(vtinou) povtinou;adv.
nrodn literatury.;pol.
T: T
;mostly: Mostly, during the summer (season),
there is much of snow on the streets.;vtinou: Vtinou,
bhem zimnho (obdob), je na ulicch mnoho snhu.;spis.
T: T ;mostly: (It) is mostly
correct.;povtinou: Je (to) povtinou sprvn.;pol.
;caste system (of India):
(He) had no comprehension of the caste system of
India.;kastovn systm (Indie): Neml dn porozumn
kastovnho systmu Indie.;p.s. writ.

( );boyfriend (man (of) the-kind)

husband (man (of) the-kind) man (man (of) the-kind)
native (man (of) the-kind) citizen (person (of the)
kind);mu (mu toho-druhu) manel (mu toho-druhu)
ptel (milovan, mu toho-druhu) rodil (mu toho-druhu)
oban (osoba (toho) druhu) obyvatel (osoba (toho)
;National Day (day (of) citizens);Nrodn Den
(den oban);n.

();caste system (of India, system (of)

birth kind (in) (India));kastovn systm (Indie, (Indick)
systm druhu narozen);n.

T ;National Day: Tenth waning day of
Tanzhaungmoung month is the National Day.;nrodn svtek
( ~ den): Dest den obvajcho msce Tanzhaunmounu je
nrodn svtek ( ~ den).;pol. writ.

;several kinds various various kinds, of manifold

various ways, in;rznch druh rozmanit rzn rznmi
zpsoby rzn rozlinho druhu;adv. (or) adj.

;national song (any song sang by the native and

reflecting the particular culture);nrodn pse (jakkoliv pse
zpvan rodilm a odrejc tu kterou kulturu);n.

: T
;various ways, in: Since that time, indeed,
English government in various ways tyrannized (and)
oppressed the Myanmars.;rznmi zpsoby: Od t doby
anglick vlda rznmi zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid
Myanmaru ( ~ Myanmary).;p.s. writ.
: ( ~ )
T ( ~ T) ;various: In lay life,
lay people have various issues (and) problems.;rzn: V
laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;

;classification (kinds (and) types) categorization

(kinds (and) types);kategorizace (druhy (a) typy) klasifikace
(druhy (a) typy);n.
: ;classification: classification of
Pi commentaries;klasifikace: klasifikace Pi koment;n.
;kind of: Not only the Tipiaka, but also a
kind of commentaries were rehearsed.;druh: Nejen Tipiaka, ale
tak druh koment byly recitovny.;writ.

;sorts (kinds (and) types) types (kinds (and)

: ;various: Before
types);druhy (druhy (a) typy) typy (druhy (a) typy);pl.
(there) were various kinds of newspapers.;rzn: Ped tm (zde) T ;see (seeing) notion (seeing) view (idea);potucha
byly rzn druhy novin.;pol.
(vidn) vidt (vidn) nzor dojem (vidn);n.
: ;various
T : ( ) ( )
kinds: As for hats, (we) have (them), indeed, (we) have. (Just) T ;opinion (view): But one's opinion ( ~ view) is


not same as that of (another) one.;nzor: Ale nzor jednoho

nen stejn jako (nzor) druhho ( ~ jednoho).;pol.

;always (always (and) continuously) usually

(standard (of) always);obvykle (standardem vdy) vdy
(vdy (a) neustle) vdycky (CZ col., vdy, vdy (a)
T :
T ;view: There are many views regarding neustle);adv.
these Sinhalese Ahakath (commentaries).;nzor: Je mnoho : T ;always: He always
nzor ohledn tchto sinhlskch ahakath (koment).;pol. tells me truth.;vdy: Vdycky mi k pravdu.;
: ;always: (I) am just always

T : T ;see: If (you) see (anything) not smiling.;pod: Prost se pod usmvm.;pol. cont.
good (with me), simply admonish (me).;vidt: Pokud uvid
: ()
(nco) nedobrho (se mnou), tak (m) jednodue
;always: Ven. Sir can always
ask me exhaustively, just like the Buddha's great son.;vdy: Ct.
T: T ;high: The
Pn m me vdy vyerpvajcm zpsobem ptt, jako (by
mountain Everest is (just) the highest mountain in the
byl) prv Buddhv ohromn syn.;pol. utmn.
world.;vysok: Hora Everest je (prost) nejvt horou na
;always, just (just (by) standard (of) always)
usually (just (by) standard (of) always);vdy, prost
T ( );opinion;nzor;"sg.;"

T;high (high (and) great);vysok (vysok (a)


(standardem prost vdy) obvykle (standardem prost


: ;usually: usually in the

T;highest (most high (and) great);vysok (nejvce morning;obvykle: obvykle rno;writ.
vysok (a) ohromn);adj.
; usually (like always) usually (like
T: T ;highest: the highest magical always);obvykle (jakoby vdy) obvykle (asi-tak
powers;nejvy: nejvy magick moci;
T ;appearance sight;vzhled vidn;n.


T : T ;opinion (view): As for T
this, it is my own view ( ~ opinion).;nzor: Co se tohoto te, je ;usually: As for the method of
explaining meanings, Sinhalese Ahakath usually give similar
to (mj) vlastn nzor.;pol.
words to explain difficult words.;obvykle: Co se te metody
T ( );opinion view;nzor pohled (nzor);sg.
vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle uvdj ( ~
T ;quickly;rychle;adv.
dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla obtn slova
T : T (possible answer to
) ;quickly: I can't eat quickly.;rychle: Nemohu jst

;Wow! (little elder-sister) Boy oh boy!' (little elderT : T T ;quickly: (He) runs quickly.;rychle: B sister);Ty blho! (mal star-sestra) Ty jo! (mal starsestra);interj.
rychle.;pol. um.

T : ( ~ ~ )
T ;lot of, a: From a tree can be taken a
lot of wood.;hodn: Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;

;Oh! (great little elder-sister) Gosh! (great

little elder-sister) Dear me! (great little elder-sister)
indicates surprise or fear For God's sake! (great little eldersister);Proboha! (ohromn mal star-sestra) Jei
Kriste! (ohromn mal star-sestra) zna div nebo
strach Ach! (ohromn mal star-sestra);interj. col.

T T;huge great much lot of, a massive

plenty;spousta masivn obrovsk velice hodn
ohromn;adv. (or) adj.

T ;inheritance, cease (inheritance breaks);ddictv,

peruit se (ddictv (je) rozbito);I

T : T T
;plenty: The car was build using plenty of
metal.;spousta: Auto bylo postaveno uitm spousty kovu.;

();hairs (of body) fuzz (body-hair);chlupy;n.

T ;disinherit (inheritance breaks) inheritance,

cessation of (inheritance breaks);ddictv, peruen (ddictv
;always: May you always meet (and) have the good (je) rozbito) vyddit (ddictv (je) rozbito); (or) T
days and (thus) be able to develop the right meditation.;vdy: ;commit to memory (fix (in) observation) bear in
mind (fix (in) observation) remember (fix (in)
K (t) vdy potkvaj dobr dny a (tak) rozvj dobrou
observation) memorize (fix (in) observation);pamatovat si
meditaci.;w. pol.
: ;always: We always (upevnit (se v) pozorovn) zapamatovat si (upevnit (se
v) pozorovn) uit se nazpam (upevnit (se v)
welcome you.;vdy: Vdycky jsi vtn. (My t vdycky
vtme.);pol. um.
;always;vdy vdycky (CZ col., vdy);adv.

: (~
);always: Here I always make a
mistake.;vdycky: Tady vdycky dlm chybu.;col.


;mark (give marks) mark (in competition, give

marks);znmkovat (dvat znmky) znmkovat (pi
souti, dvat znmky) bodovat (pi souti, dvat


;mark (give marks): The marking judges
should give marks after (they) watch (and) listen to the
behavior, gesticulation, usage (of words) (and according to the
given) information from both the sides, of the proposer and
defendant.;znmkovat (dvat znmky): Znmkujc soudci by (v
tto debatrsk souti) mli dvat znmky po sledovn a
poslouchn chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle uvedench)
informac od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele (uritho nzoru) a
obhjce (jinho nzoru).;pol.
;come across (not-thinking (of the) sign (and)
meet-with);narazit na (nemyslet (na) znamen (a) setkat-ses);T
: T
' T '
;mnemonics: There was created
mnemonics 'oo-aw-aww-myee-koun-baun-tee' for the year 1115
ME, (when) the palace was built.;mnemotechnika: Byla
vytvoena mnemotechnika 'u-o--mj-koun-baun-d' na rok 1115
Myan. l., (kdy) byl ten palc postaven.;writ.
;memorize (make observation) bear in mind
(make observation) remember (make observation);uit
se nazpam (dlat pozorovn) zapamatovat si (dlat
pozorovn) pamatovat si (dlat pozorovn);T
;correct(ness) (being-correct) truth;pravda sprvn
(psan) (byt-sprvn);n.
: T ;truth: He always tells
me truth.;pravda: Vdycky mi k pravdu.;
: ;correct(ness): Indeed, by
making mistakes, correct(ness) will appear.;sprvn (psan):
Vskutku, dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
;real (true (and) real);skuten (pravdiv (a)
T : T
T ;correct (a writing): If (you)
send me such writings for correction, I will correct (them),
friend.;opravit (psan): Pokud mi pole takov psan pro
opravu, j (je) opravm.;fut. pol. um.
;mistakes, make;chyby, dlat;T
: (~
);mistake, make a: Here I always make a
mistake.;chybu, dlat: Tady vdycky dlm chybu.;col.
: ( ~
);mistake: Indeed, I
happened to make many mistakes in these writings.;chyba:
Vskutku, v tomto psan se stalo, e jsem udlal mnoho

taken back.;chyba: Zabit osoby, to je chyba (kter) je chybou,

jakou ji nelze vrtit zpt. ;
: ;wrong: It is not
wrong, it is not right also.;patn: Nen to patn, nen to ani
: T ;mistake: If you can
correct the mistakes, it (will) be just good.;chyba: Pokud (mi)
oprav chyby, tak to bude prost dobr.;col.
: T ;mistake: Can you correct the
mistakes?;chyba: Me opravit chyby?;inter. fut.
: ;mistakes: As (you) write
mistakes, I don't understand.;chyby: Ponvad pe (s)
chybami, j nerozumm.;col.
: ( ~ );mistake: places with
mistakes;chyba: msta s chybami;
: T ;mistake: corrected mistakes;chyby:
opraven chyby;pl.
: T ;mistake: If (there) is (contained) a
mistake, correct (it).;chyba: Je-li (tam) (obsaena) chyba,
oprav (ji).;imper. pol.
: ;mistakes: Indeed, by making
mistakes, correct(ness) will appear.;chyby: Vskutku, dlnm
chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
( );fault wrong mistake error;chyba omyl
T T ;correction of mistakes (correct mistakes
{nouner});oprava chyb (opravit chyby {jmenec});n.
;mistake (mistaking (and) erring) wrong
(mistaking (and) erring);chyba (chybovn (a) mlen-se)
mlka (chybovn (a) mlen-se);n.
;litter garbage rubbish;odpad odpadky smet;n.
: ;rubbish: Early in the
morning (he) is sweeping the rubbish.;smet: Brzy rno zamet
;serve (carry duty);slouit (nosit zodpovdnost);T
;serve a king (live (as)
servant): While Kyansittha was serving his royal brother king
Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was imprisoned by enemies.;slouit krli
(t (jakoto) sluha): Zatmco ansit slouil svmu
krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl Sol byl uvznn
nepteli.;p.s. writ.
;farina powder;prek mouka;n.
: T T ;powder:
Sugar is ( ~ "are) mostly used as powder.;prek: Cukr se
vtinou pouv ve form ( ~ "jakoto) prek.;
: ;real: real sickness (not
hypochondriac);skuten: skuten nemoc (ne hypochondrick);

;instruction (given by a very respected person) advice

: T ;mistake: Until now, as
(instruction, given by a very respected person);instrukce (od
for what (you) said, (it) is devoid of mistakes.;chyba: Do te, co
velice respektovan osoby) rada (instrukce, od velice
se te (toho), co (jsi) ekl, je (to) prost chyb.;pol.
respektovan osoby);n.
T T T ;mistake: Having killed a
;decree: Therefore, according to the (king's)
person, that is a mistake being a mistake which can never be
decree, having dug the embarkment, majesty should


see.;rozkaz: Proto, dle (krlova) rozkazu, vsost by se (na to)

mla podvat po vykopn toho nalodn.;

useless;marn nedostatek prost (eho) bezcenn bez

zbyten;prep. (or) n. (or) adj.

: ;decree: It is said,
that Nga Nyo's wife was also afraid because of the king's
decree.;rozkaz: k se, e a ova manelka tak z ( ~
kvli) rozkazu krle dostala strach.;

;interpretation (taking (and) estimating) opinion

(taking (and) estimating);nzor (bran (a) hodnocen) vklad
(interpretace, bran (a) hodnocen);n.

( );editor;redaktor editor;sg. E. editor

: ;hello (word): Hello, (you)! (Have a
;editorials;vodnky;n. E. editor-board(?)
word, you.);hal (slovo): Hal, (ty)! (Mj slovo, ty.);col. um. :
& uw.
;editorials: Then, also, editorials and articles are
: ;hello ( ~ "speech): Hello. (in telephone
still published there.;vodnky: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou
conversation, have a speech!);hal ( ~ "mluva): Hal. (do
tam stle publikovny.;pol.
telefnu, mluvte!, mjte mluvu!);imper. pol. rare
;according to according to (follows after a v.);podle
( );order order (from a king etc.);rozkaz (krlv atd.) (nsleduje za slovesem) dle dle (nsleduje za
rozkaz;sg (or) sg.
: T ;according to:
( );roof (sky);stecha (nebe);sg.
According to what the teacher said, today the school is
closed.;podle: Podle toho co ekl uitel, je dnes kola zaven.;
;gesticulation (gestures, behavior (and)
things);gestikulace (chovn (a) vci) posunky (gestikulace, : T ;according to: According to this
chovn (a) vci);n.
map, this way is correct.;podle: Podle tto mapy je tato cesta
: T ;mother:
Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing again and again
(one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
knowledge.);matka: Opakovn je matkou moudrosti. (Dln
znovu a znovu (jeden-po-druhm) je (prost) matkou
sprvn znalosti.);prov.

: ;according to: according to

the idea of scholar Malalasekera;dle: dle mylenky uence
: ;according to: It can be
known according to the notes and records.;z (podle): Lze o
tom vdt z ( ~ podle) poznmek a zznam.;pol.

: ;mother: (I) am going to ask (my)

mother (whether I can) (stay).;matka: Jdu se zeptat matky zda ;alcohol;alkohol;n. A. araq
mohu (zstat).;fut. col.
;alcohol (includes alcohol {nouner});alkohol
: TT ;mother: Mother, Mya (obsahuje alkohol {jmenec});n. A. araq
Mya (Emerald-Emerald) is calling (me by phone) to watch a ;before formerly first;nejprve dve ped nejdve;
show tonight.;matka: Matko, Mja Mja (Smaragd-Smaragd) (mi) (or) prep. (or) adv.
vol abych la (podvala se) na pedstaven dnes v noci.;cont. :
;before (about
: ;mother ( ~ mum) and
safe: Calling (me) as mum, is more warm and safe.;matka ( ~
maminka): Zn tepleji a bezpenji, kdy m nazv
maminkou. (Voln (m) jakoto maminka (je) vce tepl (a)
( );mother;matka;sg.

time): I arrived here ahead (of time), before you.;ped (o ase):

Doel jsem sem naped, ped tebou.;pol. um.

;first: First having turned left, then just turn
right, (and) there (you) should find the hotel.;nejprve: Nejprve
zatote vlevo, a pak zatote vpravo, (a) tam byste ml uvidt
( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.

;American embassy embassy,

: ;before: And what about before?;pedtm:
American;Americk ambasda ambasda, Americk;name E. A co pedtm?;inter. col.
;earlier before;pedtm dve;adv.
T ;USA (collection (of) set-up American : ;before:
countries) America (USA, collection (of) set-up American And what religion did (you) follow before?;dve: A jak
countries);Amerika (USA, sbrka ustavench americkch
nboenstv jsi nsledoval dve?;inter. col.
stt) USA (sbrka ustavench americkch stt);n.
: ;black: the man with the black
suit;ern: mu v ( ~ s) ernm obleku.;
( );black (color);ern (barva);n.
( );black (color);ern (barva);n.
: ;black color: number eight of black
color;ern barva: slo osm ern barvy;

;as before: It is said, that although married,

as for Nga Nyo, (he) was always reading (writings) as
before.;jako dv: k se, e pestoe svoji (po svatb), co se
te a o, etl (psan) jako dv.;
;basics (take basis);zklad (vzt zklad);n.

;beef meat (bovine meat);hovz maso );n.

;former, the most past, the most;minul, nejvce

pedel, nejvce;adv.

;worthless void of deficiency in vain without

;ago, long time;dvno, kdysi;adv.


;previous (in while before) before (in while

before) once (before, in still before);pedchoz (v
bhem minule) jednou (kdysi, v stle ped) dve
(pedtm, v bhem minule) pedtm (v bhem
minule);adj.. (or) adv.
; ago, long time;dvno, kdysi;adv. col.

( );strainer (liquid straining);cedtko (cezen

tekutiny) stko (cezen tekutiny);sg.
;region place location;umstn msto oblast;n.
: ;place: Where are you from,
Bill? (From which place (you) come, Bill?);msto: Odkud jsi,
Bille? (Z jakho msta pichz, Bille?);inter.

;before: Before (they) used to : ;region: Where does he come

be.;pedtm: Pedtm bvaly.;p.s.
from? (Which region does he come from?);oblast: Odkud je?

: T
(Z jak oblasti (on) pichz?);
;before: (I) almost approached to the ;high, be (long (in) height);vysok, bt (o lidech,
level that (I) had attained before.;dve: Tm jsem se piblil dlouh vkou);I
ke stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
: ;ago, long time: actually, (long
time) ago;ped tm, kdysi: ve skutenosti, (kdysi) ped tm;

: ( ~
) ;ago,
long time: Long time ago (I) have studied a lot and have yet
remembered.;dvno, kdysi: Kdysi dvno jsem (toho) hodn
nastudoval, a jet si pamatoval.;

;tall: The man with the beard is as tall as the

man with the hat.;vysok: Ten mu s vousy je stejn vysok
jako ten mu s kloboukem.;

;previous life;minul ivot;n. Bh.

;tall: The woman with blond ( ~
"golden) hair is taller than the man with dark hair.;vysok: (Ta)
ena s blonatmi ( ~ "zlatmi) vlasy je vy ne (ten) mu s
tmavmi vlasy.;

;firstly previous before (about time) first;prvn

nejprve pedchoz nejdve ped (o ase) pedel;adv.
(or) adj.

;very much very extremely tremendously stunningly

amazingly so (so much);fantasticky asn velice
extrmn tak (tak moc) nesmrn;adv.

: T ;first:
Also, the goods from China arrive to Mandalay first.;prvn, jako:
Tak, zbo z ny se piv ( ~ pijd) jako prvn do
Mandalaje.;pol. col.

: ;so much: Thank you so

much!;hrozn moc: Hrozn moc dkuji!;pol.

: ;last: during ( ~ in) last (few)

days;posledn: posledn dobou (v poslednch dnech);

: ;very: very important;velice: velice


: ;before: Before
(there) were various kinds of newspapers.;ped tm: Ped tm
(zde) byly rzn druhy novin.;pol.

: ;much: It's raining so much. (Sky

extremely rains.);moc: Moc pr. (Nebe moc pr.);

: ( ~
);extremely: That is extremely unrighteous.
(about life);extrm: To je extrm nespravedliv. (o ivot);
;so much;hrozn moc;adv.

;more than before before, more than;vce ne ;extremely (to extremely) very much so
dv dv, vce ne;adv.
much;extrm (do extrm) velice hrozn moc;adv. col.
(or) adv.
;before, more than:
Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is flourishing more than
;extremely: (I am) a Buddhist, who can
before.;dv, vce ne: Proto dnes Mandalaj vzkvt vce ne
extremely respect (and) revere (the Buddha, the Teachings and
dv.;cont. pol.
the monks).;nesmrn: Jsem Buddhista, kter doke nesmrn
;as before before, as;jako dv dv, jako;adv.

respektovat (a) ctt (Buddhu, Uen a mnichy).;

: T
: ;extremely: (I) am extremely

happy.;extrm: Jsem extrm astn.;pol.

T ;before (in previous times):
: ;extremely: (It) is extremely
Though previously we did dramas (and) music competitions,
important.;extrm: Je (to) extrm dleit.;pol.
today ( ~ as for happening this time) we are going to have ( ~ ;age (of human) size;vk (lovka) mra;n.
hold) discussion.;dve (v minulch asech): Pestoe jsme ( ~ ""): T ;age ( ~ "years): (He) is
dve dlali dramata (a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v tuto
(already) six years (old).;vk ( ~ "rok): U je (mu, j) est
dobu) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.
;according to;podle (eho);prep.
: () ;age: How old is your
;juice fluid liquid;dus tekutina va kapalina;n.
: ;liquid: water (is) liquid;tekutina: voda (je)
: ;strainer: Strain with
strainer.;cedtko: Cedit (s) cedtkem.;

child? (What age has (your) child had?);vk: Kolik let je tvmu
dtti? (Jak vk (u) m (tvoje) dt?);inter. p.p.
: ;age: 'Young'
(means) unemployed age, (taking from) parents' earnings.;vk:
'Mlad' (znamen) nezamstnan vk, (bran z) vdlku



;long, be;dlouh, bt;I

: ;age: (You) still have a young

;being having;vlastnn jsoucnost;n.
age.;vk: Jsi ( ~ "m) pod v mladm ( ~ "malm) vku.;col. ;as is (according-to having);jak je, tak (podle
: T ;taste: (He) wants (it) to jsoucnosti);adv. col.
have the best taste.;chu: Chce, aby (to) mlo nejlep chu.; : T ;as is: (I) am going to
; enjoy (meet taste);uvat si (nalzt chu);T
translate the sentence for (you) as (it) is.;jak je: Pelom (tu)
vtu pro (tebe) tak, jak je;fut.
; delicious, be (have taste) tasty, be (have
taste);chutnat (mt chu) vborn, bt (mt chu);I

: ;delicious, be: It's is so

delicious. ((It) has so much (of) taste.);vborn, bt: Je tak
vborn. (M tak moc chuti.);pol.
;enlightenment, the highest stage of (fruit (of)
arahanthood);osvcen, nejvy stupe (plod
arahantstv);n. Bh. P. arahanta-phala (= worthy-one fruit
( ~ T
: T
T );Arahanthood: until
(we) can successfully attain Arahanthood;Arahantship: dokud
meme spn doshnout Arahantstv;adv.

;power (force (and) loudness);moc (sla (a)


: T
T ;power: This way U Aung Zeyya's power
became great.;moc: Tmto zpsobem se stala moc Aun
Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.
: ;in front of: in front of the factory;ped:
ped tovrnou;adv.
: ;East: South-East Asia;vchod:
Jihovchodn Asie;adv.

;South-East direction (East South);Jihovchod

( );Arahant (fully enlightened follower of Buddha's (Vchod Sever);adv.
teaching);Arahant (pln osvcen nsledovnk Buddhova

;East (direction (of) front);vchod (smr

uen);sg. (= worthy (of receiving four requisites))
: T
: ;in front of: Come
( ~ T T
to (by) the street in front of Kamayut Market.;ped: Pij na
);Arahanthood: We should strive in ulici ped Kamyo trhem.;imper. pol.
order to successfully attain Arahanthood.;Arahantstv: Mli
: T ;East: the river is in the
bychom usilovat abychom spn doshli Arahantstv.;pol.
East;vchod: eka je na vchod;
;shyness shame;hanba ostuda stud;n.

;simplest (clearest) clearest clearest (most

clear);nejjednodu (nejjasnj) nejjasnj (nejvce
jasn) nejjasnj;adj.

: ;in front: beings in front;ve pedu:

bytosti ve pedu;
;in front of;vepedu ped;adv.

: ;in front of: There is a bush in

: ;clearest: (I) want front of the house.;ped: Ped domem je kov.;
to write the clearest explanation for that text.;nejjasnj: Chci ;status position what (things);status postaven (status)
napsat nejjasnj vysvtlen toho ( ~ "tomu) textu.;pol.
eho (vci) co (vci) pozice;pron. (or) n.
: () ;ven. Sir: (I) will
: ;thing:This I
listen to the ven. Sir, ok?;ct. Pn: Budu poslouchat (co) ct. Pn have encountered for the first time, now. (This is a thing
(ekne), ano?;inter. fut.
which, for me, (I) have met for starting from now.);vc: S
: ( ~ );ven. Sir: And tmhle jsem se te setkal poprv. (Tohle je vc, (se) kterou,
what about ven. Sir?;ct. Pn: A co ct. Pn?;inter. col.
pro m, jsem se setkal ponaje od te.);pol.
T : T T ;noble lords ( ~
: ( ~
monks): noble lords ( ~ monks) who have become
);thing: I know
Arahants;vzneen pni ( ~ mnii): vzneen pni ( ~ mnii),
one thing. (And) that is, (that I) know nothing.;vc: Vm jednu
kte se stali Arahantem;
vc. (A) to, (e) nic nevm.;

( );detached, sth. unfixed, sth.;neupevnnho, nco : T ;what (things): all what we

odpojenho, nco;sg.
want to achieve;eho (vci): ve, eho chceme doshnout;
( );lord;pn;sg.
( );thing;vc;sg.
( );owner master;pn majitel;sg.

: ; ven. Sir: to ven. Sir;ct. pn: ct.

: ;majesty: That
is not a spirit house, majesty.;vsost: To nen bkv dm,
( );majesty (king or monk);vsost (krl nebo


;every matter (thing is-suitable) everything (thing issuitable);vechno (vc je-vhodn) veker zleitost (vc
: T
;everything: May (you) be able to rule over
everything (and) may (you) be able to possess a lofty
life.;vechno: K me mt vldu nad vm (a) k me mt
( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen ivot.;w. pol.

;anything (every thing) everything (all

things);cokoliv (kterkoliv vc) vechno (vechny

psan) dleit, bt (velkho psan) dleit (velk

zleitost);I (or) T (or) adj.

T;indicate (show characteristics (of) indication)

suggest (show characteristics (of) indication);naznait
(ukzat vlastnosti nznaku) implikovat (ukzat vlastnosti
nznaku);T P. lakkhaa (= sign, mark) (or) T P. lakkhaa (=
sign, mark)

dleit novinky.;pol.

: ;important: (It) is extremely

;each and every, in every, absolutely in;kadm, important.;dleit: Je (to) extrm dleit.;pol.
v pln kadikm, v;adv. writ.
: ;important: (it is) the most
;all (to all things) everything (to all
important word;dleit: (To) je (to) nejdleitj slovo.;pol.
things);vechno (k vem vcem) ve (k vem
: ;important: All
important news could be read.;dleit: Bylo lze st vechny

: ;bone: Bone is paining.;kost: Kost bol.;

( );bone;kost;sg.

T;skin (skin (which is) flat);ke (ke (kter je)

T: T;skin: pig's skin;ke: prase ke;
;matter, be (be important, include writing) important,
be (include writing);zleet na (bt dleit, zahrnovat
psan) dleit, bt (zahrnovat psan);I

( );bone;kost;sg. (num. class. is given according to ;exigency (affair appeared) emergency (affair
the shape)
appeared) urgency (affair appeared);nalhavost (zleitost
;morning meal, offer a (to monks, offer (in the)
se-objevila) nouze (zleitost se-objevila) poteba
morning);jdlo, nabdnout (mnichm, nabdnout rno));T P. (zleitost se-objevila) mimodn okolnost (zleitost searua (= morning)
objevila) pohotovost (zleitost se-objevila);n.
;breakfast (dawn-food);sndan (svitu-jdlo);mn.
P. arua (= dawn)

: ;emergency: There is an
emergency. ((We) have (an) issue (of)
emergency.);pohotovost: Mme pohotovost. (Mme zleitost
;morning meal: As for some, (they religiously) offer pohotovosti.);
morning meal (to monks during alms-round).;rann jdlo: A co
;matter, doesn't;jedno, je;I
se te nkterch, (ti) daruj rann jdlo (mnichm bhem
: ;matter, doesn't:
almun obchzky).;pol.
Whatever (you) eat, it doesn't matter.;jedno, je: Je jedno, co

;morning meal, offer a (to monks, offer food (in j.;pol.

the) morning);jdlo, nabdnout (mnichm, nabdnout jdlo
;quantity (counting (and) wavering) number,
rno));T P. arua (= morning) WS.
numbers (counting (and) wavering);slo, sla (potn (a)
: ;statue: However, it is statue vhn) mnostv (potn (a) vhn);n.
made of gold.;socha: Ale to je socha vyroben ze zlata.;pol.
: T;number of: in number of
: T ;statue: Other times;poet: nkolikrt (pro (a) skrze poet as);adv.
statue of this kind is in the embarkment.;statue: Jin socha
;handwriting (writing (and) composing);rukopis
tohoto druhu je na nalodn.;pol.
(psan (a) vyrvn);n.
( );image figure;zobrazen obraz;sg.
: ;writing: There is no more
( );effigy statue;socha socha (osoby);sg.

writing (to be done).;psan: Nen ji vce co pst ( ~

( );doll (image);panenka (zobrazen);sg. P. rpa (= psan);pol.
matter, form, body)
(T): T
;color (blue): Because the woman will do the
;dwarfish, be (short (by) appearance) short, be
laundry, (she) is wearing blue gloves.;barva (modr): Protoe
(short (by) appearance);trpasliho vzrstu, bt (o lovku,
vzhledem krtk) krtk, bt (o lovku, vzhledem krtk);I se (ta) ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr
: ;short (by
: ;color: What is the color of the
appearance): The girl is shorter than the boy.;krtk
(vzhledem): (Ta) dvka je men ( ~ krat) ne (ten) chlapec.; car? (Which is the car's color?);barva: Jakou barvu m to
auto? (Jak je barva auta?);inter.
;tall, be (long (by) appearance);dlouh, bt (o
lovku, vzhledem dlouh);I

: ;color: this color;barva: tahle barva;


( );color;barva;sg.

;benefit good (advantage) advantage;prospch

(vhoda) pnos (vhoda) vhoda;n.

;colourful, be (full (in) color);barevn, bt (pln


;serious, be matter (be important, (of) big writing)

important (big issue) matter (be important) important,
be important, be ((of) big writing);vn, bt dleit, bt
dleit, bt zleet na zleet na (bt dleit, velkho

: ;colorful: The forest is

colorful.;barevn: Les je barevn.;
;light color, be of;svtl barvy, bt;I


;light color: The black car is smaller than the car of atd., pijt navtvit);T
light color.;svtl barva: (To) ern auto je men ne (to) auto : T T "
svtl barvy.;
;visit: I am pleased to hear you want to visit
: ;business: Myanmar.;navtvit: Mm radost, e slym, e chce navtvit
Business English course;podnikatelsk: kurs podnikatelsk
: ;visit: (I) have visited (this
; business (selling (and) buying affairs) biz
(EN col., business, selling (and) buying affairs);byznys
(zleitosti prodvn (a) kupovn) obchodn innost
(zleitosti prodvn (a) kupovn) podnikn (zleitosti
prodvn (a) kupovn);

place) only for a while, (indeed).;navtvit: Navtvil jsem

(tohle msto) pouze na chvli, (opravdu).;col.

;visit (a country etc., go (for a) visit);navtvit

(zemi atd., jt (na) nvtvu);T
;middle (of age or size);stedn (o vku i me);adj.

: ;business: (I) ;center;centrum sted;n.

came to do ( ~ "with) business.;podnikn: Pijel jsem kvli
: ( ~ )
podnikn. (Pijel jsem s podniknm.);pol.
;center: (He) builds an institution having called
; colorful, be (full (in) color (and)
it Burmese center.;centrum: Stav instituci po (tom, co ji)
hue);barevn, bt (pln barvou (a) odstnem);I
nazval Barmsk centrum.;pol.
( );intermediate (middle grade);pokroil
;colorful: If many flowers become colorful (and) (stupe, stedn stupe);sg.
adequate, the spring has come.;barevn: Pokud se (stalo)
;body (of a letter, essay or book, middle part);sta
mnoho kvtin barevnmi (a) pimenmi, pilo jaro.;p.p.
(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, stedn st);n.
;color radiance glow;zen barva ze;n.
( );color;barva;sg.
( );flag;vlajka;sg. A. alam
;freely gratis (about price) seriously, not free, for
(about price) just (to no purpose) purpose, to no for
nothing;zdarma (o cen) voln zadarmo (o cen)
bezeln jen tak prost jen tak pro nic;adv.
: ;free (about price): This book is
(just) for free. gratis (about price): This book is (just)
gratis.;zadarmo: Tato kniha je (jen) zdarma. zadarmo: Tato
kniha je (jen) zadarmo.;col.

;middle (part, middle part);stedn (st, stedn

st) prostedn (st, stedn st);adj.
: T T ;middle (part): It is
in the middle (part) of Myanmar country.;stedn (st): Je ve
stedu ( ~ stedn sti) Myanmaru.;pol.
;middle, in the (in middle);uprosted (v
prostedku) prosted, ve (v prostedku);adv.
: ;middle, in the: The baby
is in the middle.;uprosted: Miminko je uprosted.;

T ;intermediate (experienced, become middle

(and) middle), be;pokroil (zkuen, stt-se stednm (a)
: ;just (for no purpose): (I) was just stednm), bt;I
asking. (may be replied as a reaction to travellers confession of ;hurry, be in a (hurry hastily) haste, be in a
not undertanding);jen tak: Ptal jsem se jen tak. (me bt
(hurry hastily);spchat (spchat narychlo) spch, mt na
eeno jakoto reakce na piznn cestovatele, e
(spchat narychlo);T
: ;hurry, be in a: Don't be in a
;light (light color);svtlo (barva svtla);n.

hurry.;spchat: Nespchej.;imper. pol.

;quickly first;nejprve nejdve rychle;adv. (or) adv.
T ;light: The color of candle's light is yellow.;svtlo: Barva writ.
svtla svky je lut.;
; quickly;rychle;adv.
;shine (give color (of) light);zit (dvat
barvu svtla);T
;learn by heart (learn (for) freedom) memorize
: ;shine: (He) shines
loving-kindness.;zit: Z milujc-dobrotivost.;
: ;visit: Have (you) come just for a
visit?;nvtvu: Pijel jste pouze na nvtvu?;inter.
: ;visit: (I) came only for a
visit.;nvtva: Pijel jsem jen na nvtvu.;pol.
: ;visit: (I) invite (you for) a
visit.;nvtva: Zvu (t na) nvtvu.;pol.

(learn (for) freedom) memorize;uit se nazpam (uit-se

(pro) svobodu) uit se nazpam uit se zpamti (uit-se
(pro) svobodu);T
;so (much) extremely too much;extrm pli moc
tak (moc) nesmrn;adv.
: T ;extremely: Myanmar
(country) is extremely beautiful.;nesmrn: Myanmar (zem)
je nesmrn krsn.;pol.

: ;so (much): The old

: ;visit: Have (you) come just women is so weak.;tak (moc): (Ta) star pan je tak slab.;
for a visit?;nvtva: Pijel jsi pouze na nvtvu?;inter.
: ;extremely: (It) is
;visit (a place etc., come (to) visit);navtvit (msto extremely interesting. ((It) is very good for interest.);nesmrn:


Je (to) nesmrn zajmav. (Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k


(similar form) similar, be (similar form) same, be

(similar form);podobn (podobn tvar) jako (podobn
tvar) tak (podobn tvar) podobn, bt (podobn
tvar) stejn, bt (podobn tvar);I (or) adv.

: ;too much:
When (you) get too much close, (you), indeed, get
scorched.;moc: Kdy se dostane moc blzko, vskutku, popl : T ;similar: May similar happen (to you
too, answer to a somebody's blessing).;podobn: K se
: ;extremely: It's extremely hot.;extrm: Je podobn stane (i tob, odpov na n ehnn).;w. pol.
extrm horko.;


;easy, sth. easy;snadnho, nco snadn;n. (or) adj.

: ;need: What do (you) need?;poteba: Co

potebujete? (Jakou mte potebu?);inter. pol.

;easy task (easy child) cinch (easy task, easy

child) piece of cake (easy task, easy child) doddle (easy
task, easy child);lo plo (CZ col., snadn kol, snadn
dt) snadn kol (snadn dt) lehrna (CZ col., snadn
kol, snadn dt) ulejvrna (CZ col., snadn kol, snadn

: ;idea: according to the

idea of scholar Malalasekera;mylenka: dle mylenky uence
( );idea;mylenka;sg.

;according to;podle dle;adv.

;easily difficulty, without without difficulty;snadno ;want (have need) need (have need);chtt (mt
obte, bez bez obt;adv.
potebu) potebovat (mt potebu);T
;according to (according-to idea);podle (podle
;easily: After Tanyin fell, (he) could easily seize mylenky);adv.
the Hanthawadis.;snadno: Po tom, co Tanlyen padlo, mohl
: ;according to: according to the
snadno dobt Hantvad.;writ.
stanza;podle: podle (t) stanzy;writ.
;useless, be;zbyten, bt nepotebn, bt;adj. P.
alasa (= idle, lazy)
;good looks beauty;dobe vypadajc krsa;n.

;everything all (everything);vechno;pron.

( ~ " ): ;job ( ~
"doctor): U Zaw Win is a doctor.;zamstnn ( ~ "doktor): U
Z Wen je doktor.;pol.

: ;beauty: In
front of the stage one vehicle with another ( ~ with one)
: T
compete in beauty.;krsa: Ped pdiem jedno vozidlo s druhm T ;work: It is (planned), that the copying work will take (
( ~ s jednm) sout v krse.;col. pol.
~ "become) over twenty days.;pce: Plnuje se, e to
: ( ~ ) ;beauty: (It) koprovn ( ~ "prce koprovn) bude trvat ( ~ "stane-se
gives (the-beloved) beauty.;krsa: Dodv (milovanou)
dlanm) pes dvacet dn.;fut. pol.
: ;job ( ~ "work): Indeed,
;beautiful, most;nejkrsnj;adj.

T: T
(flat vehicle): Floats come on these stages (to the place where
are the stages).;vozy, ploch: Ploch vozy pijdou na tato
pdia (na msto, kde jsou pdia).;pol.
T( );float, ornamental (flat vehicle, vehicle
showing beauty);vz, ozdobn (vozidlo ukazujc
: ;donated: (He) collects
donated money.;darovan: Vybr darovan penze.;

Taphek must search for a job.;prce: Skuten, Daphek si

mus hledat prci.;col.

: ;work: (I) have (no) important

work.;prce: Nemm (dnou) dleitou prci.;
: () ;work: Are (you)
still working in bank?;prce: Pod pracuje v bance?;inter.
: ;job: What is your job? (What
work are (you) doing?);zamstnn: Jak je (vae)
zamstnn? (Jakou prci dlte?);inter. cont.
: T ;work: (I) do not do the work of
monks.;prce: Nedlm prci mnich.;pol. col.

;donation, ask for (receive donation) donation,

: ;research: (I) came to do
receive (receive donation);dar, dat o (dostat dar) dar, research.;vzkum: Pijel jsem dlat vzkum.;pol.
dostat (dostat dar);T
: ;job: part-time job (part time
: job);prce: prce na sten vazek (prce (na) sten
;donation, receive: Collecting means, (that I) go to
(my) friends and ask (them) to donate money ( ~ "to receive
: T T ...;work: As it has
donation of money).;dar, dostat: Vybrn znamen, e chodm come time for returning to work ...;prce: Ponvad nastal as
za pteli a dm je aby darovali penze ( ~ "abych dostal dar vrtit se k prci ...;
: T ;application (form): (I) am
: () ;coming: He asks me to
come. (He asks me (for) coming.);pchod: d m abych
piel. (d m (o) pchod.);um.

;similarly (similar form) also (similar form) as

filling application form for work.;dost (formul): Vypluji

dost o prci.;cont.

: ;work: (He) is doing three


works.;prce: Dl ti prce.;pol. cont.

busy;prce, mt hodn: protoe mm hodn prce;cont.

: ;work: (I have) a lot of work.;prce:

(Mm) spoustu prce.;

: () () ;busy, be:
Ask ven. Janinda, I am busy.;as, nemt ( ~ "moc prce):
Podej ct. Danindu, j nemm as ( ~ "mm moc prce).;fr.

: ;job: Have (you) come to (do) ( ~

"with) job, hey?;zamstnn: Piel jsi kvli ( ~ "s) zamstnn, ;work, having too much;prce, mt moc;I
;busy, be (be-entangled (in) work) work, have too
: ;work: I came (here) to do work. ((I) much (be-entangled (in) work);prce, mt moc (bt-zapleten
come with work.);prce: Pijel jsem kvli prci. (Pichzm s
(do) prce) zaneprzdnn, bt (bt-zapleten (do) prce)
as, nemt (bt-zapleten (do) prce);I
: T ;essay: (I) also transform (it)
to the form of essay.;esej: Tak (to) pemnm do formy
: ;job: (I) don't have ( ~ "do) a job
any more.;prce: U nemm ( ~ "nedlm) prci.;pol.
: ;busy (work): Are you busy? (are
(you) entangled (in) work?);zaneprzdnn (prce): Jsi
zaneprzdnn? (jsi zamotan (do) prce?);inter. cont.

: ;busy (entangled (in) work):

Are you busy? ((Are) you entangled (in) work?) work, too
much (entangled (in) work): Are you busy? ((Are) you
entangled (in) work?);zaneprzdnn (zapleten (do) prce):
Jsi zaneprzdnn? ((Jsi) zapleten (do) prce?) prce, moc
(zapleten (do) prce): Jsi zaneprzdnn? ((Jsi) zapleten
(do) prce?);inter. cont.
: ;busy, be: (I) think (you)
are busy.;as, nemt: Myslm, e nem as.;fut.

: ;job: Do you have a job? (Are

(you) doing work?);prce (zamstnn): M prci? (Pracuje ;workshop (public-building (of) work);dlna (veejnbudova prce);n.
prci?);inter. cont.
: ;work: (I) came to do work.;prce: ( );workshop (work building);dlna (pracovn
Pijel jsem dlat prci.;pol.

: ;job: While (I) ( );worker (proficient (in) work) laborer

have a job, (I) also study by myself ( ~ "from one side).;prce: (proficient (in) work);dlnk (zdatn (v) prci) pracovnk
(zdatn (v) prci);sg.
Zatmco mm prci, tak sm studuji.;pol.
;job (working (and) holding);prce (zamstnn,
: ;work: new work;prce: nov prce;n.
pracovn (a) dren);n.
( );assignment (work) employment (work)
homework (work) work work (working) job
(work);prce zamstnn (prce) prce (pracovn)
kol (prce);n. (or) sg.
( );essay (work);esej (prce);sg.

;labor, hard (rough work);prce, tvrd (hrub



: ;heavy
(weight): The man carries a very heavy suitcase ( ~ clothes
box (of) big weight).;tk (vha): (Ten) pn nese velice tk
kufr ( ~ kufr obleen velk vhy).;
;weight (esp. human's, weight's time);vha (zejmna
lidsk, doba vhy);n.

;work, have much (lot-of work) work, have too

: ;weight (of
much (be busy, much work) busy, be (much work)
human): The man's weight is 70 kilograms.;vha (lid): Vha
free, be not (lot-of work) busy, be (lot-of
(toho) mue je 70 kilogram.;
work);zamstnan, bt (spousta prce) volno, nemt
(spousta prce) prce, mt moc (bt zaneprzdnn, moc ;emphasis (in situation, attitude etc., weight
prce) zaneprzdnn, bt (moc prce) zaneprzdnn, putting);zdraznn (v situaci, postoji atd., vhy pokldn);n.
bt (mnoho prce) prce, mt hodn (spousta prce);I ;exercise (practising (and) training) practice

;busy, be: This time (I) am (being) busy with
( ~ "for) the birthday meditation retreat at the end of (this)
month.;prce, mt hodn: V tuto dobu mm hodn prce s ( ~
"pro) narozeninov meditan zsed, (kter bude) na konci
(tohoto) msce.;cont.

(practising (and) training) training (practising (and)

training);praxe (m, praxe (a) trnink) procviovn (m,
praxe (a) trnink) trnink (m, praxe (a) trnink) cvien
(m, praxe (a) trnink);n.

: ;work, too much (busy): Are

you busy? ((Do) you (have) too much work?) busy (too
much work): Are you busy? ((Do) you (have) too much
work?);zaneprzdnn (moc prce): Jsi zaneprzdnn? (Ty
(m) moc prce?) prce, moc (zaneprzdnn): Jsi
zaneprzdnn? (Ty (m) moc prce?);inter. cont.


: ;busy (lot (of) work): Are you

(being) busy?;zaneprzdnn: Jsi zaneprzdnn?;inter.

;laundry, do the (clean clothes);vyprat (prdlo,

istit obleen) prt (prdlo, istit obleen);T

: ;busy, be: because (I) am


;future, be destined, be (to become in

future);budouc, bt uren, bt (aby se stal v budoucnu);I
;laundry clothes;prdlo obleen;n.
: ;clothes: He is washing
clothes.;prdlo: (On) pere prdlo.;cont.
: ;clothes: Her clothes is
clean.;obleen: Jej obleen je ist.;

;laundry, do the: The woman is packing the
clothes before doing the laundry.;prt (prdlo): (Ta) ena bal
prdlo ped tm, ne (prdlo) vypere.;cont.


;washing mashine: She puts his clothes in the
washing machine.;praka: (Ona) vkld jeho obleen do

;Internet ( ~ online): good friends, colleagues
(and) great people from Internet ( ~ online);internet ( ~
online): dob ptel, kolegov (a) velc lid z internetu ( ~

( );washing mashine (machine washing

clothes);praka (stroj (kter) myje prdlo);sg.
;suitcase (with clothes): The man carries a very
heavy suitcase.;kufr (s obleenm): (Ten) pn nese velice tk
( );luggage (with clothes, clothes box)
suitcase (with clothes, clothes box);zavazadlo (s obleenm,
krabice obleen) kufr (s obleenm, krabice

: ();far (away): Is mummy far

away?;daleko (pry): Je maminka daleko (pry)?;inter. col.
;online;online;adv. E. online

;age life;vk ivot;n.

: ;years (age): I am 30 years
old. (My age (is) 30.) age: I am 30 years old. (My age (is)
30.);roky (vk): Je mi 30. (Mj vk (je) 30.) vk: Je mi 30.
(Mj vk (je) 30.);pol. um. col.
: T ;age: I am already 44
years old. (My age is filled 44.);vk: Je mi ji 44 let. (Mj vk
je naplnnch 44.);pol. um.

: ;age: My baby is 15
;clothing (clothes (and) kinds (of it)) laundry
months old. (My baby's age (is) 15 months.);vk: Moje
(clothes (and) kinds (of it));obleen (obleen (a jeho) druhy) miminko m 15 msc. (Vk mho miminka (je) 15 msc.);
prdlo (obleen (a jeho) druhy);n.
: ;age: I am twenty-four
years old. (I have twenty-four years.);vk: Je mi dvacet-tyi
;clothes: Sometimes the clothes is made ( ~ "sewn) let (Mj vk u byl dvacet tyi let.);col. pol.
of wool.;obleen: Nkdy je obleen uito z vlny.;
: ;old (age): How old

: T ( ~ T)
are you? (How much has been your age?) age: How old are
;clothes: (He, the king) has you? (How much has been your age?);roky (vk): Kolik je ti
stated, that (he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left
let? (Kolik u byl tvj vk?) vk: Kolik je ti let? (Kolik u byl
hand.;obleen: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou
tvj vk?);inter. pol. um. col.
dvat lidem obleen.;p.p. writ.
: ;age: How old are you?
: T
(Who much is your age?);vk: Kolik je ti let? (Kolik je tvj
() T
vk?);inter. col.
;clothes: Lay people chase after money,
: ;living beings: He doesn't kill living
vehicles, houses, love, beautiful clothes, success, fame
beings.;iv bytosti: Nezabj iv bytosti.;col.
etc.;obleen: Laici se hon za penzi, vozidly, domy, lskou,
: ;age: (I) am thirty. (Age has been
krsnm obleenm, spchem, slvou atd.;
thirty.);vk: Je mi ticet. (Vk u byl ticet.);p.p. col.
;clothes: She puts his clothes in the washing
machine.;obleen: (Ona) vkld jeho obleen do

: ;age: (I) am thirty-three

years old. (Age has been thirty-three years.);vk: Je mi ticet
ti let. (Vk u byl ticet ti let.);p.p. col.

: ;clothes: I search
clothes to dress.;obleen: Hledm obleen k obleen.;

: T ;age: I am going to be 20.

((My) age is going to be full 20.);vk: Bude mi plnch 20.
((Mj) vk bude plnch 20.);fut.

: T ;age: (She) is
: ;laundry: a girl of age of 24 years.;vk: Je (to) slena vku 24 let.;
After the laundry is done, (it) becomes clean.;prdlo: Po
: ;age: at the age of fifteen
vyprn prdla je ( ~ stane se) (to prdlo) istm.;
(years);vk: ve vku patncti let;
;clothes (clothes (and) cloths) clothes
: ;old ( ~ "age): How old are
(generally, clothing (and) clothing);obleen (obleen (a)
you? (How much age have (you) had?);let ( ~ "vk): Kolik je
ltky) obleen (oblkn (a) oblkn);n.
ti let? (Kolik vku u m?);inter. p.p.

( );yellow (color);lut (barva);n.

;yellow color: The
flower is of yellow (color) and orange color.;lut barva: (Ta)
kvtina je lut (barvy) a oranov barvy.;
: T ;far (afar): (It) can be seen from
afar.;daleko (zdaleka): Lze (jej) vidt zdaleka.;pol.

: ;age: (I) am over 38 years old.

(Of age, over 38 years.);vk: Je mi pes 38. (Vku, pes 38

: T T ( ~
T T );breath: (He) deeply
: ;far, be: (It) is far breathes (in) three times (a breath).;dech: Tikrt se
from modern technology.;daleko, bt: Je (to) daleko od modern zhluboka nadechne (dech).;


: ;age: May (your) life be longer (

~ "long more) (than one) hundred (years). (wish expressed on
a friend's birthday);vk: K je (tvj) ivot del ( ~ "dlouh
vce) (ne) sto (let). (pn vyjden na narozeninch
ptele);w. pol.

: ' '
;suitable: In this case ( ~ "place) the (word)
'inwardly' is the most suitable (one).;vhodn: V tomhle ppad (
~ "mst) je (slovo) 'vnitn' nejvhodnj.;pol.

T ;prepare (correct (to) preparedness);pipravit (opravit

;old, be ((be of) big age);star, bt ((bt) velkho (k) pipravenosti);T
;prepare: Great elder
T : T
: ;old: (He) is older
monk Mahinda prepared (it).;pipravit: Velk star mnich
than the man.;star: Je star ne ten mu.;
Mahinda (to) pipravil.;p.s. writ.
( );breath;dech;n.

;live life (live life (and) live (and) sit);t

ivot (t ivot (a) t (a) sedt);I

;moderately (readily (and) daringly) abstentiously

(readily (and) daringly) average, in (readily (and)
daringly);stdm (pipraven (a) troufale) prmrn

T ;live life: I saw (pipraven (a) troufale) mrn (pipraven (a) troufale);adv.
how very rich people, who (have) many things live (their)
: ;moderately: Just moderately.
life.;vci: Vidl jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj) mnoho (answer to the question on one's level of a language
vc, ij (svj) ivot.;p.s.
knowledge);prmrn: Tak prmrn. (odpov na otzku o
;breathe (breathe breath);dchat (dchat dech);T stupni znalosti jazyka);ans. pol.
T T ;breat: The sportsman breathes more
intensively than the woman.;dchat: Sportovec dch
intenzivnji ne (ta) ena.;

; group (group (and) group);skupina (skupina (a)


;countless (1 times 10 potentiated by 140);nespoetn

(jedna krt deset na sto tyictou);I P. asakhyeyya (=
T ;breath (breathe breath {nouner});dech (dchat uncountable)
dech {jmenec});n.
( );society club (group) group association;klub
;old, get ((become) big (and) mature age, (skupina) spolenost (skupina) asociace skupina;sg.
age);zestrnout ((bt) velkho (a) dosplho vku, vku);I ( );team;tm;sg.
;old, get (come (to) big (and) mature ;group, make a (form group);skupinu, utvoit (utvoit
age, age);zestrnout (dojt velkho (a) dosplho vku, skupinu);T
: (

) ;group, make: As for some, (they) make

T ( ~ groups and go around in big and small cars.;skupinu, utvoit: A
);old, get: After
nkte utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch
some time (she) will become old, sick, (and) finally (she) will
autech.;col. pol.
die.;zestrnout: Za uritou dobu zestrne, onemocn (a)
;new, be;nov, bt;I
nakonec zeme.;fut. pol.
: ;new: a new camera;nov: nov
;union foundation association society
(association);nadace sdruen spolek (asociace)

;properly ready, be (suitability) suitably;vhodn

sprvn pipraven, bt (vhodnost);I (or) adv.
;association: association founded for (carrying-out) the
benefit of animals;sdruen: sdruen zaloen pro podporu
zvat ( ~ "pro vykonvn pnosu zvatm);writ.


: ;new: new letters;nov: nov dopisy;

: ;new: a new thing (something
new);nov: nov vc (nco novho);
: T ;new: (a) new, blue
shirt;nov: nov, modr koile;n.
: ;new: new work;nov: nov prce;n.
;new (and) new;nov a nov ;adj.

: T
: ;team: The first team is going to ;new (and) new: New and new troubles (and)
lose.;tm: Ten prvn tm (se chyst) prohrt.;fut.
problems appear.;nov (a) nov: Objevuj se nov a nov
: T ;ready, be: pote (a) problmy.;
As for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my) perfections.;pipraven,
( T );liver;jtro;sg. (one, one, pair)
bt: Co se te m, jsem pipraven naplnit (sv)
;beings, living living beings;iv bytosti bytosti, iv;n.
;pronunciation pronunciation (sound
( ) ;team (in sport) group (team);tm (sportovn)
skupina (tm);sg.
;prepared, be well ((be) ready (and)
wait);pipraven, bt ((bt) pipraven (a) pipraven);I
;suitable (suitable (and) great);vhodn (vhodn (a)


escapes);vslovnost vslovnost (zvuk unik);n.

;pronunciation: in order to learn to
understand the Burmese pronunciation;vslovnost: abych se

nauil rozumt barmsk vslovnosti;

: T ;pronunciation: Myanmar
pronunciation;vslovnost: vslovnost Myanmartiny;n.

se-jeden-m divit) obdivuhodn ((emu) se-jeden-m

divit);n. (or) adj.
: ;wonder: (I) just wonder.;as: Jen asnu.;

;pronunciation: Pronunciation is extremely
difficult. ((With) pronunciation (I) have met extreme
difficulty.);vslovnost: Vslovnost je nesmrn nron. ((S)
vslovnost jsem se setkal s nesmrnou nronost.);

;broadcasting station (public-building (of) spreading
sound) radio station (the building, public-building (of)
spreading sound);radiov stanice (radiov, veejn-budova
en zvuku) vyslac stanice (radiov, veejn-budova
en zvuku);n.

: T T T ;pronunciation:
The pronunciation started to become natural ( ~ "something
natural).;vslovnost: Vslovnost se stala pirozenou ( ~ "nm

( );appearance look form;vzhled vzezen


T ;recording (sound catching);nahrvn (zvuku

;sound (strength (of) sound);zvuk (sla zvuku);n.
P. bala (= strength, power)
: ;sound: coming sounds;zvuk:
pichzejc zvuky;
;silent, be (sound (does) not escape) quiet, be
(sound (does) not escape);ztien, bt (zvuk neodchz)
tich, bt (zvuk neodchz);I
;silently (withoutwithout departing sound)
mind, in (withoutwithout departing sound) sound, without
(withoutwithout departing sound);mysli, v (bezbez
odchzejcho zvuku) tie (v mysli, bezbez odchzejcho
zvuku) pro sebe (kat si v mysli, bezbez odchzejcho
: T
( ~ T );silently:
(He) tells the saying three times silently, in mind.;pro sebe ( ~
"beze zvuku): ekne si (tu) vtu tikrt pro sebe, tie.;med.
;wonder (wonder (and) respect) amazed, be (wonder
(and) respect) amazed, be (wonder (with) respect)
surprised, be (wonder (and) respect);pekvapen, bt (divit-se
(a) respektovat) ohromen, bt (divit-se (s) ctou) divit se
(divit-se (a) respektovat) asnout (divit-se (a) respektovat);I
(or) T

;meat skin;maso ke;n.

: ;meat: I will by meat.;maso:
(J) koupm maso.;col. um.
: T ;skin: Baby's skin is white.;ke:
Miminina ke je bl.;
: ;meat: Which contains
meat?;maso: Kter je s masem? (Kter obsahuje
: ;meat: What meat will you eat it
with?;maso: S jakm masem to bude jst?;col.
: ;meat: To barbecue
meat is ( ~ "are) used coal.;maso: Ke grilovn masa se
pouv uhl.;
;barbecue (meat, grilled meat);grilovan maso
(maso, grilovan maso) barbecue (maso, grilovan
: ;barbecue
(meat): Will you eat barbecue with french-fries?;barbecue
(maso): Dte si ( ~ budete jst) barbecue s hranolkami?;fut.
;barbecue (spit, stove (for) barbecuing
meat);roe (pec (na) grilovn masa) gril (roe, pec
(na) grilovn masa);n.
;best (person, in a certain aspect, greatest
(and) most-clever);nejlep (osoba, v uritm ohledu,
nejohromnj (a) nejchytej);adj.

( );sandwich (meat clamped (by)

: ;wonder: I was wondering.;divit bread);sendvi (maso seven chlebem);sg.
se: Byl jsem udiven.;p.s. pol. um.
;meat, be inside (in a snack or meal, meat (is)
: ;wonder: (I)
included);maso, bt uvnit (v jdle, maso (je) obsaeno)
(happen to) wonder that (you) are even so much bright.;divit masn, bt (o jdle, maso (je) obsaeno);I
se: (Stalo se, (e)) se divm, e jsi dokonce tak moc
: ;meat, be inside: Is meat inside?
(Does this contain meat?);maso, bt uvnit: Je v tom maso?
: ;amazed: His wife was amazed.
wonder: His wife wondered. (His wife was wondering.);divit
se: Jeho manelka se divila. pekvapen, bt: Jeho manelka
byla pekvapen.;cont.

(Obsahuje tohle maso?);inter. pol.

T ;amazement (wonder (and) respect {nouner})

wonder (wonder (and) respect {nouner}) surprise (wonder
(and) respect {nouner});pekvapen (divit-se (a) respektovat
{jmenec}) div (divit-se (a) respektovat {jmenec}) as
(divit-se (a) respektovat {jmenec});n.

;emphasis (in situation, attitude etc., substance

giving);zdraznn (v situaci, postoji atd., podstaty dvn);n.

;amazement admirable thing ((what one) have-to

wonder-about) wonderful thing ((what one) have-to
wonder-about) wonder;as div podivuhodn ((emu)

: ;meat, be inside: This does not have

meat in. (This does not contain meat.);maso, bt uvnit: V
tomhle nen maso. (Tohle neobsahuje maso.);pol.

: ;leather: (The one from)

leather is also good.;ke: (Ten z) ke je tak dobr.;col.
;knowing knowledge;znalost vdomost vdn;n.
: T
;knowledge: As I am afraid, that if (I) had to explain


( ~ "tell) (it) in ( ~ "with) writing, (it) would take long time, (it)
will be good if (you) understand ( ~ "get) (it) just by ( ~ "with)
knowledge.;znalost: Ponvad se obvm, e kdybych (to) ml
vysvtlit ( ~ "ci) (s) psanm, trvalo by (to) dlouho, bude
dobr, pokud (to) pochop pouze s (vlastn) znalost.;fut.

knowledge of Dhamma.;znalost: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali

znalost Dhammy.;pol.
;knowledge: (He) has neither experience, nor
knowledge.;znalosti: Nem ani zkuenosti, ani znalosti.;

: ()( ) ;knowledge: (one) with one's ;usage (frequence (of) using);uit (etnost
own knowledge;znalost: sm sob se znalost;col.
: ;knowledge: (I) am just living : ;usage: the usage is same;uit: uit
with knoweldge and mindfulness.;znalost: Prost iji se znalost je stejn;
a pozornost.;col.
;use (make use) use (perform usage) utilize
( );acquaintance (knowing) acquaintance
(about people, knowing);znm (znmost, o vzdlench
ptelch atd., znmost) znmost (znmost, o vzdlench
ptelch atd., znmost);sg.

;knowledge (knowledge (and) knowledge)

knowledge (knowledge (and) knowledge);znalost (znalost (a)
znalost);n. (or) n. P. a (= knowledge)
;realize (receive (the) real knowledge) realize
(take knowledge (and) Truth) understand (realize,
receive (the) knowledge (and) truth);uvdomit si (vzt
znalost (a) Pravdu) uvdomit si (dostat skutenou
znalost) pochopit (uvdomit si, dostat znalost (a)
;knowledge (knowledge (and) wisdom);znalost
(znalost (a) moudrost);n.
: ;knowledge:
(They) exchange (their) knowledge (and) wellversedness.;znalost: Vymuj si znalosti a setlost.;
;inform (give knowledge) let sb. know (give
knowledge);informovat (dt znalost) dt vdt (dt
: ;let know: (I) want
(you) to let me know.;dt vdt: Chci abys mi dal vdt.;pol.
;proclaim (everywhere, give knowledge (and
spread information) downwind-side (and) upwindside) notify
(everywhere, give knowledge (and spread information)
downwind-side (and) upwindside) announce (everywhere,
give knowledge (and spread information) downwind-side
(and) upwindside);oznmit (vude, dt znalost (a rozit
informaci) po-vtru (a) proti-vtru) uvdomit (vude, dt
znalost (a rozit informaci) po-vtru (a) proti-vtru)
prohlsit (vude, dt znalost (a rozit informaci) po-vtru
(a) proti-vtru);T
T;knowledge, by;znalost;adv.
T: T
T T ;knowledge, by: May
(you) be able to come and realize the the truths of Dhamma
preached by the Noble Buddha, by knowledge and coming to
knowledge of five aggregates through knowledge of what is
written.;znalost: K jsi schopen dojt a pochopit pravdy
Dhammy pednesen Vzneenm Buddhou, znalost a
dosaenm znalosti pti skupin (osoby) skrze znalost toho, co
je psno.;w. pol.
;knowledge: (They) are my teachers to give me


(make use) utilize (perform usage);uvat (dlat

uitek) pouvat (vykonvat uitenost) ut (dlat
uitek) uvat (vykonvat uitenost) pouvat (dlat

: "

;use: The word
'lokuntaka' has been explained (and) interpreted making use of
the Pi word 'rassa'.;ut: Slovo 'lokuntaka' bylo vysvtleno (a)
vyloeno uitm Pi slova 'rassa'.;pol. writ.
;use: Mahpaccariya commentary was used to
compile the Samantapsdik.;pout: K sepsn
Samantapsdik byl pouit Mahpaccariya koment.;writ.
T ;use: (They) used (it) as
an important reference for their commentaries.;pouvat:
Pouivali to jakoto dleit zdroj pro sv komente.;p.s. writ.
: ;used: used
language;uvan: uvan jazyk;
;salad (dressed, combined with dressing);salt (s
dressingem, se zlivkou);n.
: ;salad: The salad is just (being)
green.;salt: (Ten) salt je prost zelen.;col.
( );salad (group);salt (skupina);sg. (portion)

;useless, be (usage (does) not fall) unnecessary,

be (usage (does)'nt fall) useless, be (usage (does)'nt fall)
good-for-nothing (usage (does)'nt fall);nepotebn, bt (uit
nepad) zbyten, bt (uit nepad) k niemu, bt (uit
nepad);I (or) adj.
: ;useless: They are useless.;k
niemu: (Oni) jsou k niemu.;
T ;useless, be (be (and) not falling (to)
usage);zbyten, bt (bt (a) ne padajc (k) uitku);I
T ;unnecessary, be (be not coming (and)
not falling (to) usage) worthless, be (be not coming
(and) not falling (to) usage) useless, be (be not
coming (and) not falling (to) usage);nepotebn, bt (bt
ne pichzejc (a) ne padajc (k) uitku) bezcenn, bt
(bt ne pichzejc (a) ne padajc (k) uitku)
zbyten, bt (bt ne pichzejc (a) ne padajc (k)
T ;useless, be (be not coming (to)
usage);zbyten, bt (bt ne pichzejc (k) uitku);I
;useful, be (enters usage) useful, be (enter

usage);npomocn, bt (vstupuje (do) uvn) uiten,

bt (vejt (do) uit);I

(I) am sick ( ~ "life is not good), because I have cold.;nachladit

se: Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen dobr), protoe jsem se

;useful, be: (I) am happy knowing, that my help is T ;cold (sickness, catching coldness);rma
useful.;uiten, bt: Jsem astn vdouce, e m pomoc byla (chytn studena) nastydnut (chytn studena)
nachlazen (chytn studena);n.
;usage (of words in a sentence, usage (and)
comparison) usage (words in sentence, usage (and)
comparison);uit (slov ve vt, uit (a) porovnn);n.

;early (first (and) starting);brzo (prve (a)


;strength energy indicates dative case free, be to

towards indicates dative strong, be free, be (not
busy);voln, bt vi energie zna dativ sla volno, mt
: ;small: a small ball;mal: mal
(nebt zaneprzdnn) siln, bt as, mt (nebt
zaneprzdnn) ku;prep. (or) suff. writ. (or) n. (or) I (or) suff.
;minutely (small mind) in detail (small
mind);nepatrn (mal mysl) podrobn (mal mysl);adv. P. (or) suff. pron..
: () ;strong: wishing
citta (= mind)
;for sure exactly (stability (and) spinning) surely (about) strong health (for you);siln: s pnm (o) slnm
for sure (stability (and) spinning) definitely (stability (and) zdrav;adv. lett.
;small, be;dlouh, bt;I

spinning);pesn (stabilita (a) oten-se) samozejm jist : T ;free:

When I am free, (I) will answer as much as possible.;voln:
(ke skutenosti, stability (and) spinning) rozhodn (ke
Kdy budu voln, odpovm jak jen mohu.;
skutenosti, stability (and) spinning) jist;adv (or) adv.
: T ;energy: Now I am full of
;exactly: (I) just do not understand exactly the way energy to learn.;energie: Te jsem pln energie k uen.;
to do (it).;pesn: Prost nerozumm pesn, jak (to) mm

: ;free: I am not free, indeed.;voln: Vskutku,

nemm volno.;col.

: ;for sure: That's for sure! (just

surely);samozejm: Samozejm! (prost jist);col.

: ;free: (I) will be free every

Monday.;volno, mt: Budu mt volno kad pondl.;fut. pol.

( T ) (from );liver;jtro;sg. (one, :

one, pair)
;indicates dative case: (I) copy that dictionary
(together) with a friend.;zna dativ: Kopruji ten slovnk
;obstacles (detering (and) obstacle);pekky
(spolu) s kamardem.;pol.
(odrazovn (a) pekka);n.
;obstacles: Because of that (thing) they create
obstacles (to themselves) on the way to Nibbna.;pekky:
Kvli tomu ( ~ "t vci) si (oni) vytvej pekky na cest k
Nibbn.;pol. writ.
;cool drink (sth.-cool) drink, cool (sth.-cool) cold
drink (sth.-cool);studen pit (nco-chladnho) npoj,
chlazen (nco-chladnho) chlazen npoj (ncochladnho);n.

: ;free (not busy): Today (you) are free,

aren't (you)?;volno, mt: Dnes (m) volno, ne?;inter.
: T

;towards: In order to arouse the nationalism
towards the Myanmar nationality, encouraging, they have
recognized this day as National Day.;vi: Aby vyvolali
vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za povzbudzovn),
rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.

;cold drinks bar (coldness shop) kiosk with drinks : ;free: Aren't (you) free?;as (voln): Nem
(coldness shop);stnek s pitm (obchod studena) obchod as? (Nejsi voln?);inter.
s chlazenmi npoji (obchod studena);n.
: ;free: I will not come because
I am not free.;volno: Nepijdu protoe nemm volno.;pol. um.
: T
;cold drinks bar: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, : T ;to: (He) shows (it) to (his)
indeed, 'let (us) talk briefly'), nearby there is no more (any)
own relatives.;zna dativ: Ukazuje (to) svm vlastnm
cold drinks bar.;obchod s chlazenmi npoji: Dobe, strun
eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech mluvme
: ;free: I am free from
strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi npoji.;col. four o'clock.;voln: Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.
: T ;free: When (I) am free (and
: ;cold, have: The woman
got cold.;rmu, mt: (Ta) ena m ( ~ "chytila) rmu.;s.p.

();cold, have (sickness, catch coldness);nachladit

se (chytnout studeno) nastydnout (chytnout studeno)
rmu, mt (chytnout studeno);I.
(): ;cold, have:

we) meet (by chance), (we) will talk.;voln: Kdy budu voln (a)
(nhodou) se setkme, promluvme si.;fut. pol.
;sport (playing (by) strength);sport (hran
;play sports: Because I do not play sports at all,


(I) am weak.;sportovat: Protoe vbec nesportuji, jsem

: ;sport: (They) are doing a
sport.;sport: Sportuj. (dlaj sport).;cont.

pipraven obtovat svj ivot pro dobrou vc) hrdina (kter je

pipraven obtovat svj ivot pro dobrou vc);sg. (mn.) P.
jniya (= man of noble race)

;dictatorship (system (of) ordering

;sports field (field (of) playing (with) strength) lord);dikttorstv (systm naizujcho pna);n. P. (=
command, authority) Mo. [cwot]
field, sports (field (of) playing (with) strength);sportovn
hit (pole hran (si se) silou) hit, sportovn (pole
hran (si se) silou);n.
;dictatorship: (We) just have to struggle more in
a country of dictatorship like is this.;dikttorsk reim: V zemi
;play sports (do (and) do strength
dikttorskho reimu jako je tato, se musme holt vc
playing);sportovat (dlat (and) dlat hran sly);T
T : T
;sports, doing: Doing sports is good for
health.;sportovn: Sportovn je dobr pro zdrav.;

;Arctic (ocean);Arktick (ocen);name

( );sport shoes );sportovn boty );sg. (pair)

-;depend on (live fixed (and) free in);zviset

na (t upevnn (a) voln v);I

: T ;stadium: The
stadium is still under construction. (Stadium building work still
happens.);stadin: Stadin se stle stav. (Stavebn prce
(na) stadionu se stle dj.);

;depend on: (I) depend ( ~ "am depending)
on the meal offered by the lay people.;zviset na: Zvism na
jdle darovanm laiky.;pol. ubmn. writ.

( );stadium (sport building);stadion (sportovn

;play sports play sports (do strength
playing);sportovat sportovat (dlat hran sly);T

;try (strive, remove energy) effort, make (strive,

remove energy) strive (remove energy);sil, vynaloit
(usilovat, odstraovat energii) usilovat (odstraovat
energii) snait se (usilovat, odstraovat energii);T

: ;strive: (He)
T T ;sportsman: The sportsman breathes more strives (for) real (experience).;usilovat: Skuten usiluje.
(Usiluje o skutenou zkuenost.);
intensively than the woman.;sportovec: Sportovec dch
;effort (reject strength {nouner});sil (odmtnout
intenzivnji ne (ta) ena.;
slu {jmenec});n.
( );sportsman (proficient (in)
sport);sportovec (zdatn (ve) sportu);sg.

;zealously (roar power (and) ascend

pride);horliv (vt moc (a) nastoupit pchu);adv.

;effort, make (make (and) do effort);snait se

(vytvet (a) dlat sil);T

;poor, be (in knowledge or skill, strength (is) little)

weak, be (strength (is) little);slab, bt (o znalostech nebo
;zealously: dovednostech, sly (je) mlo) slab, bt (sly (je) mlo);I
: ;weak: the weak
I zealously try to get various things and finally I die.;horliv:
Horliv se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut. persons in English writing;slab: lid slab v psan anglitin;
: ;weak: The old women
;rely on (rely-on strength) depend upon (rely-on
is so weak.;slab: (Ta) star pan je tak slab.;
strength);spolhat se na (zviset-na sle) zviset na
(zviset-na sle);T

;memorize (Pi text, carry scriptures) study

(Pi text, carry scriptures) recite (Pi text, carry
scriptures);recitovat (Pi text, nosit spisy) uit se
nazpam (Pi text, nosit spisy) studovat (Pi text, nosit
spisy);T Bh. P. gama (= scripture)
;memorize;uit se nazpam;T
;downhearted, be (strength (is) low) dejected, be
(strength (is) low) depressed, be (strength (is)
low);deprimovan, bt (sla (je) nzko) sklen, bt (sla
(je) nzko) sklesl, bt (sla (je) nzko);I

;embarassed, be (strength hurts) shy, be (strength

hurts) worry;rozpait, bt (sla bol) stydt se (sla bol)
trapn, bt (sla bol) obvat se ztrapnn, bt (sla
bol);I (or) T

: ;sorry, be: (I) am sorry for

disturbing (you). (may be used in the beginning of a
conversation);omlouvat se: Omlouvm se, e rum. (lze pout
na zatku konverzace);pol.
: .;shy, be: If (you)
have anything to offer on (your) birthday, don't be shy.;stydt
se: Pokud m nco k nabdnut (lidem), pak se nesty.;col. sl.

: ;dejected, be: (Indeed,) do not be

dejected.;deprimovan, bt: (Vskutku), nebu
deprimovan.;imper. pol.

: ;sorry: I am sorry. (after saying something

wrong);omluva: Omlouvm se. (po vyen neho
nesprvnho);pol. ubmn.

life for a good cause) martyr (hero, who is ready to sacrifice

his own life for a good cause);muednk (hrdina, kter je

: ;worry,
anything to: There is nothing to worry (no worryings) about in

: ;hero: the heroic monk;hrdina: : ;shy: Don't be shy.;kolik (stydt se): (Snz)
kolik chce. (Nesty se.);pol.
jeden hrdinsk mnich;sg.
( );hero (who is ready to sacrifice his own ;worry;obava;n.


my house. (One can do there anything.);obava: V mm dom

je ve bez obav. (Je mon tam dlat cokoliv.);pol. um.
;embarassed, be (strength hurts, cheeks
hurt);trapn, bt (sla bol, tve bol) ztrapnn, bt (sla
bol, tve bol);I

Asijskho (kontinentu).;
;attention object (of senses or thought);pedmt (smysl
nebo mysli) pozornost;n. P. rammaa (= object)

: ;object (of senses): sensual

pleasure (pleasure (by) sensual objects);pedmt (smysl):
;heartily (what empty cheek (can) take) hungrily smysln rozko (rozko pesmty smysl);
(what empty cheek (can) take) satisfactorily (what
(WS. from );morning meal, offer a (to
empty cheek (can) take);uspokojiv (co przdn tv
monks, offer (in the) morning);jdlo, nabdnout (mnichm,
(doke) vzt) hladov (co przdn tv (doke) vzt) nabdnout rno));T P. arua (= morning) WS.
srden (co przdn tv (doke) vzt);adv.
(from );breakfast (dawn-food);sndan
: ;heartily: If
(you) have something (you) want to offer, (then you) may offer
(it) heartily. (may be heard as an advice on one's
birthday);uspokojiv: Pokud m nco k nabdnut, pak (to)
me uspokojiv nabdnout. (lze zaslechnout coby radu
oslavenci narozenin);col. pol.
;support (give strength) encourage (give
strength);podpoit (dt slu) povzbudit (dt slu);T
();Africa (continent);Africk (kontinent);name

(svitu-jdlo);mn. P. arua (= dawn)

(WS. from );morning meal, offer

a (to monks, offer food (in the) morning);jdlo, nabdnout
(mnichm, nabdnout jdlo rno));T P. arua (= morning)
: ;leave (holidays):
I have holidays in December.;volno (z prce): Mm volno v

: ;holidays: This
T;by (to (and) by) through (for abstract things, to (and) family has the intention to (go) (to) travel (during)
by);zna intrumentl (do (a) skrze) skrze (o abstraktnch
holidays.;przdniny: Tato rodina m zmr (jet) cestovat
vcech, do (a) skrze);suff. writ.
(bhem) przdnin.;col.
;insurance (take guaranty);pojitn (brt ujitn);n. : ;holidays:

T ;support (elevate strength) encourage (elevate This family ((is) taking) rest (during) holidays.;przdniny: Tato
strength);povzbudit (pozdvihnout slu) podpoit
rodina (na) przdniny odpov.;cont.
(pozdvihnout slu);T
: ;holidays: When will
;exclamation;zvoln;n. P. meita (= exclamation) (you have) holidays?;przdniny: Kdy budou przdniny?;inter.
T;exclaim (say exclamation);zvolat (ci
zvoln);T P. meita (= exclamation)

;please (do a favor);potit (udlat laskavost);T P.

ycana (= asking, addressing, vow, prayer)
: ;holidays: It's holidays.;przdniny:
Jsou przdniny;col.
( );holidays (free day);przdniny (voln
: ;Asia: South-East Asia;Asie:
Jihovchodn Asie;adv.

( );vacancy (vacant (and) missing day)

holidays (vacant (and) missing day) leave (holidays, vacant
(and) missing day);przdniny (przdn (a) chybjc den)
dovolen (przdniny, przdn (a) chybjc den) volno (v
prci, przdn (a) chybjc den);sg.
;fully everything completely entirely all;kompletn
vichni pln vechno zcela ve;adv. (or) pron.
: ;all: all people in ( ~ "on)
the world;lid: vichni lid na svt;

: ( ~ )
;everybody: Except you, everybody knows
: (TT )
T ;Asia: Minds of it.;vichni: Krom tebe o tom v vichni.;col.
: T ( ~
Asian people (especially Myanmars) cannot be as greatly
);all: All whatever you say, (I) like.;vechno:
decisive as (those of) European people.;sie: Mysli asijskch
lid (zejmna Myanmar) nedokou bt tak moc rozhodn jako Vechno co k, (j) mm rd.;
(ty) Evropskch lid.;
: ;completely: (It)'s completely
beautiful.;pln: Je (to) pln krsn.;
();Asia (continent) Asian (continent);Asijsk
(kontinent) sie (kontinent);name

: T
;Asian continent: The great
Myanmar army led by the king Naung was very famous ( ~
famous (and) renowned) in the Asian continent.;asijsk
kontinent: (Ta) velk Myanmarsk armda veden krlem Nau
byla velice slavn ( ~ slavn (a) vhlasn) po (celm)
asijskm kontinent.;p.s. pol.

: ;completely: (It) is completely

included there.;zcela: Je (to) tam zcela obsaeno.;
;each and every, in every, absolutely in;kadm,
v pln kadikm, v;adv. writ.
;all, almost;vechno, tm;adv.

T ;all, almost: As (I) wrote almost all what (I)
have learned, the writing (at examination) was
: T T ;Asia (+ continent): (It successful.;vechno, tm: Ponvad (jsem) napsal tm
is) improbable, that (she) is from Asia (continent).;Asie
vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo psan (na zkouce)
(asijsk kontinent), bt: (Je) nepravdpodobn, e (je) z
spn.;p.s. pol.


; as a whole (as all);v celku (jakoto

vechno);adv. writ.

: ;sleep: (I) must go to sleep.;spt: Musm

jt spt.;

( );potato;brambor;sg. S. lu (potato, yam)

( );bedroom (sleeping room);lonice (spac

pokoj) lonice (pokoj (na) span);sg.

;french-fries (fried potato sticks);hranolky

(smaen bramborov tyinky);n.
: ;frenchfries: Will (you) take a burger with french-fries?;hranolky:
Vezmete si hamburger s hranolkami?;inter. fut.
( ) T;charger (for laptop, energyinputing machine);nabjeka (na laptop, energii-vkldajc
;desire want;touit po chtt;T P. sava (= fetter)
;save (one's life, live (and) strike first (one's)
strength);zachrnit (si ivot, t (a) uhodit nejprve (svou)
;soft, be;mkk, bt;I un.

;sleep (sleep (and) sleep);spt (spt (a) spt);T

;wake up (wake-up from sleeping
place);probudit se (probudit-se z msta span);T

( );dream (sleeping dreaming);sen (spav

;get up from bed (rise (from) bed) get up (getup (from) bed);vstt z postele (stoupnout (z) postele)
vstvat (vstt (z) postele);T
: ;get up
from bed: (I) regularly get up from bed and practise
meditation.;vstt z postele: Pravideln vstvm z postele a

: ;get up (from
bed): There (one) must get up (from bed) early in the
: ;bag, a: (They) are carrying a morning.;vstvat (z postele): Tam se mus vstvat (z
postele) brzy rno.;fut.
bag.;taka, njak: Nos taku.;
: T
( );bag;taka;sg.
;bed: (He) got up from the bed and went ( ~ "came)
( );bag;taka;sg.
directly to the computer.;postel: Vstal z postele a el hned ( ~
;portable (bag (to) carry);penosn (taka (k)
"pmo) k potai.;p.s. writ.
: ;bag: He gives a
bag to his son.;taka: (On) svmu synovi dv taku.;

T( );laptop (portable small

computer);laptop (penosn mal pota);sg.

( );bed (place (for) sleeping);postel (msto (ke)


: T;portable: portable
(small) computer;penosn: penosn (mal) pota;

;wake up (wake-up from bed);probudit se

(probudit-se z postele);T

;caste system (of India, system (of) birth

kind (in) India);kastovn systm (Indie, Indick systm
druhu narozen);n.

: ;sleep: To have a good

sleep, sleep much.;spnek: Spi podn abys mla dobr
spnek.;imper. pol.

jedenct hodin jdu (do postele a) spm.;pol. um.

: ;house: house to live in;dm: dm k bydlen;

tyi hodiny ( ~ "as ty hodin) spnku v noci, vskutku,

nestaily.;p.s. writ.

: ;house: To where is your house

near?;dm: Pobl eho je tvj dm?;inter.

;sleep (sleep {nouner}) sleep;spnek (spt {jmenec})

: T
;India: The goods from India-Myanmar border spnek (o span);n.
: ;sleep:
also arrive first in Mandalay.;Indie: Zbo z Indo-myanmarsk
hranice se tak nejprve dov ( ~ pijd) do Mandalaje.;pol. Because I didn't sleep well, (I) am so tired. (Because my sleep
(was) not sufficient, (I) am extremely tired.);spt: Ponvad
jsem nespal dobe, jsem moc unaven. (Ponvad mj spnek
() ;India (country);Indie (zem);name
(byl) nedostaten, jsem extrm unaven.);um.
(T );India (country);Indie (zem);name

;sleep rest, take a;odpoinout si spnek spt;T (or) n. : () ;house: a house like
palace (a great (and) magnificent house);dm: dm jako palc
: ;sleep: At
eleven o'clock I go (to bed and) sleep, indeed.;spt: Vskutku, v (jeden ohromn (a) grandizn dm);
: ;sleep: I'll go to sleep only late at : ;house: Whose house does (he) go
to?;dm: Do jakho () domu jde?;inter. col.
night.;noci, spt: Pjdu spt jen pozd v noci.;fut.
: ;sleep: (time of) : ;house: Thief is
breaking in a house.;dm: Zlodj se vloup do domu.;cont.
four hours sleeping at night was not enough, indeed;spnek:

: ;sleep: (I) still haven't been

sleeping (during) this night.;spt: Jet jsem (bhem thle
noci) nespal.;pol. col.
: ;sleep: Sleep ahead.;spt: Spi naped.;pol. writ.

: ;home: Will (you) come home?;dom: Pijde

dom?;inter., col.
: ;house: What is (your) house
number?;dm: Jak (m) slo domu?;inter. col.

: ;sleep: having gone to sleep;spt: po tom, co (jsem) : ;home: (I) will give (you) a lift
home.;domov: Odvezu (t) dom.;fut.
el spt;p.p.


: ;house: I sell (somebody) to sell (him)

house.;dm: Hledm (nkoho) abych (mu) prodal dm.;

beautiful dreams. (May (you) beautifully dream dreams.);sen:

K sn krsn sny. (K krsn sn sny.);w. pol.

( );home house;domov dm;sg.

;domestic animals (house born animals);domc

zvata (zvata narozen doma);n. P. tiracchna (= animal)

( );house;dm;sg.

: ;apartment: (I) rent ( ~ am renting) ; housework (household duties);domc prce

(povinnosti domcnosti);n.
an apartment.;byt: Pronajal ( ~ pronajmm-si) jsem si
byt.;pol. cont.
;housewife, be a (household duties)
( );appartment (house room) flat (appartment, housework, do the (household duties);domc prce, dlat
(povinnosti domcnosti) enou v domcnosti, bt
house room);byt (domovn pokoj);sg.
(povinnosti domcnosti);I (or) T
( );homework (home writing);kol (domc

: ;housewife ( ~ "housework): I
; deliver (send (to) come (and) give (to) am a housewife. ((I) do the house work.);ena v domcnosti (
proper, requested house);doruit (poslat (aby) piel (a) ~ "domc prce): Jsem ena v domcnosti. (Dlm domc
dal (do) sprvnho, danho domu);T

: ( ~ (?)) ;wife (of another man):

(he) does not commit sexual misconduct (no misconduct (with)
: T ;married, be: The (other man's) wife);ena (jinho mue): nepch cizolostv
(ne cizolostv (se) enou (jinho mue));col.
man is married.;enat: Ten mu je enat.;
( ) (WS. from );wife (of another
;married, be (for young adults, fall (to)
man);ena (jinho mue);n. WS.
established house);enat, bt (o mladch dosplch,
: ;married: I am
married.;vdan: Jsem vdan.;pol. uw.

upadnout (do) zaloenho domu) vdan, bt (o mladch

dosplch, upadnout (do) zaloenho domu);T

: ;housewife: (I) am a housewife.;ena v

domcnosti: Jsem ena v domcnosti.;pol.

: ;married, be: Are (you) married

yet? (may be given to a young adult);vdan, bt: Jsi u vdan?
(lze poloit mladmu dosplmu) enat, bt: Jsi u enat?
(lze poloit mladmu dosplmu);inter.

( );housewife (female lord (of) house);ena

v domcnosti (ensk pn domu);sg.j
;residencial building (house place);obytn budova
(domovn msto);n.

: ;married, get: Also,

there is no permission to get married.;enn se: A tak, nen
povolen k enn ( ~ vdvn) se. vdvn se: A tak, nen
povolen k enn ( ~ vdvn) se.;pol.


( );wife (of another man);ena (jinho mue);n.

;birth certificate (list (of) family group)
family membership list (list (of) family group);rodiny, seznam ( );house (house (and) place);dm (dm (a)
len (seznam rodinn skupiny) rodn list (seznam
rodinn skupiny);n.
: ;toilet: Do (you) have a toilet
: T ;married, be: I am still
here?;toaleta: Mte tu toalety?;inter.
not (happened to (be)) married.;vdan: Pod jet (se
( );WC (peaceful house) bathroom (toilet,
nestalo, (e bych byla)) vdan. enat: Pod jet (se
peaceful house) toilet (peaceful house);WC (klidn
nestalo, (e bych byl)) enat.;pol.
dm) zchod (toaleta, klidn dm) toaleta (klidn

;married, be (have established house) marital

status (have set-up (a) house);vdan, bt (mt zaloen
dm) enat, bt (mt zaloen dm) manelsk stav
(mt zazen dm);T (or) n.

;deliver (send (by) coming (to) house);doruit

(poslat pchodem dom);T
;deliver: The postman delivers two
parcels.;doruit: Listono doruuje dva balky.;
;old, be;star, bt;

: ;married, be: Are (you)
T ;oh: Oh, you seem to be sad, what happened to
married?;enat, bt: Jsi enat? vdan, bt: Jsi vdan?;inter. you?;ah: Ah, ty vypad jako bys byl smutn, co se ti
;married, get (fall (and) set-up home);oenit se stalo?;inter. col.
(CZ m., padnout (a) zaloit dm) vdt se (CZ f., padnout : ;pot: (He) is putting
(a) zaloit dm);T
Italian spaghetti to the pot.;hrnec: Vkld do hrnce italsk
;married, be: It is said, that although married,
as for Nga Nyo, (he) was always reading (writings) as
before.;svoji, bt (po svatb): k se, e pestoe svoji (po
svatb), co se te a o, etl (psan) jako dv.;


: ;dream: (I) am again and

again dreaming (dreams).;sen: Znovu a znovu (snm) sny.;

: ;nonsense: Do not talk

nonsense.;nesmysl: Nepovdej nesmysly.;imper. pol. col. fr.

: ;dream: May (you) dream

( );pot (for cooking);hrnec;sg.

;crockery (pot, cup (and) plate {pl.});ndob
(hrnec, hrnek (a) tal {mn.});n.
;nonsense;nesmysl;n. col. E. overdone(?)


;nonsense, talk talk nonsense;kat nesmysly vst (armdu, krotit (a) starat-se-o) spravovat (armdu,
nesmysly, kat;T col. E. overdone(?)
krotit (a) starat-se-o);T
( );dough stick (deep-fried and twisted, curved
this (which) takes-time);tstovinov klacek (hluboko
smaen a zakroucen, zatoen tohle (kter)
() ;Italy (country);Itlie (zem);name

;spaghetti, Italian (Italian spaghetti);pagety,

italsk (italsk pagety);n. E. italy

: T
;lead: The great Myanmar
army led by the king Naung was very famous ( ~ famous
(and) renowned) in the Asian continent.;vst: (Ta) velk
Myanmarsk armda veden krlem Nau byla velice slavn ( ~
slavn (a) vhlasn) po (celm) asijskm kontinent.;p.s. pol.

;idiom;idiom;n. E. idiom

;rule (subdue (and) rule);vldnout (podmanit-si (a)


T T ;e-mail: (One) can send e-mail (to
(be)) more quickly than a postcard.;e-mail: Lze poslat e-mail,
(aby (byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;

;naive (person, be-stupid (and) resemble-much);naivn,

bt (bt-hloup (a) moc-se-podobat);n.

( );e-mail;e-mail;sg. E. e-mail
( );e-mail;e-mail;sg. E. e-mail

(from );indicates near future;zna blzkou

budoucnost;suff. col.

;OK (used by elder person) calm, be cold, be

cool;klidn, bt dobe (uvno star osobou) chladn
studen, bt; (or) I un. (or) ans. (or) adj.

(from );be about to indicates polite request please

going to, be indicates near future (be-about-to);zna blzkou : ;cold: After snow falls, (the
weather) is cold.;zima: Po (tom, co) napad snh, je zima ( ~
budoucnost (chystat-se) chystat se jt (chystat se k)
studen poas).;
prosm zna zdvoil poadavek;suff. col.
: ;cold: Today it's colder than
: T;please: (I) don't understand.
yesterday.;zima (chladn): Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;
Please, explain.;prosm: Nerozumm. Prosm, vysvtli.;imper.
pol. col.
: T T;please: Please, repeat (it).;prosm: Prosm,
zopakuj (to).;pol.
: ;please: Please, would (you) decrease (the
price)?;prosm: Prosm, slevil byste? (Prosm, snil
byste?);inter. pol.
( );pillow;polt;sg.

: T ;cold: In the North Pole

it's very cold.;zima: Na Severnm Plu je ohromn ( ~
ohromn) zima.;
;cold: Because it is cold, the young boy,
indeed, puts on a sweatshirt.;zima: Protoe je zima, mal
chlapec si, vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.

;peace, be (i.e., no war, (be) cool (and) cool) calm,

be (cool (and) feeling-cool) peace, be in ((be) cool (and)
cool);mr, bt (tj. bez vlky, (bt) chladn (a) chladn)
( );brick;cihla;sg. P. ihaka (= brick)
klidn, bt (chladn (a) ctc-chladno) klidn, bt ((bt)
: ;coconut: Give dowry of
coconut (tray) (and) banana tray.;kokos: Dej vno tcu kokos chladn (a) chladn);I
: ;peace,
(a) (tcu) bann.;imper. col.
be in: (One) should not put (much) pressure on (one's) mind.
( );coconut;kokos;sg.
Having (calmed) down, one should be in peace.;klidn, bt:
( );coconut (fruit (of) boom);kokos (ovoce
Nemlo by se na mysl moc tlait. Uklidnnm ( ~ snenm) je
teba bt klidn.;col.
;num. class. for books;itatel knih;pow.
: ;calm: May (you) be calm;klidn: K (jsi)
: ;num. class. for
klidn.;w. pol.
books: I will read books one by one.;itatel knih: (J) budu
;peace (cool coolness);klid (chladn chladnost);n.
st knihy jednu za druhou.;fut. col. um.
: ;num. class. ;calm, in (cool (and) cleaned);klidu, v (chladn (a)
for books: Student is studying a book.;itatel knih: Student
: ;brick: two pieces of brick;cihla: dva kusy

: T ;calm, in: (I)'ll tell (it to

you) later, in calm, ok?;klidu, v: eknu (ti to) pozdji, v klidu,
: ;book: He will read all ( ~ whole)
the three books.;kniha: Pete vechny ( ~ cel) ti knihy.;fut. jo?;inter. col.
: ;easy ( ~ "calm): Take it easy. ((It)
: ;num. class. for books: 30 books;itatel knih: 30
has been calm.);klid: Bu v klidu. (Bylo to v klidu.);p.p. col.
( ) (WS. from );brick;cihla;sg. WS. P. ihaka (=
();calm, be (cool (and) cured) placid, be (cool
(and) cured) peaceful, be (cool (and) cured) peace, be in
;direct (an army, subdue (and) look-after) administer
(cool (and) cured);klidu, bt v (chladn (a) vylen) mrn,
(an army, subdue (and) look-after) lead (an army, subdue
bt (klidn, chladn (a) vylen) poklidn, bt (chladn (a)
(and) look-after);kontrolovat (armdu, krotit (a) starat-se-o)
vylen) klidn, bt (chladn (a) vylen);I
studuje njakou knihu.;cont.


;peacefully yes (used by elders) calmly ok (used

by elders) alright (used by a friend or elder person);klidn
dobe (uito kamardem nebo star osobou) ano (uvno
starmi lidmi) mrumilovn dobe (uvno starmi
lidmi);interj. (or) adv. (or) ans.

aby (udrel tu) ohromnou zemi jednotnou.;p.s. writ.

: T ;so that:
Because I cannot tell it so that (you) understand
thoroughly.;tak, aby: Protoe to neumm ct tak, abys to
pochopil pln.;col. pol. uw.

;lower under below offline, go (down);pod ni : T ;let's: Let's meet (on a day) since
offline, jt (dol);prep. (or) T E. off (or) adj.
tomorrow.;pojme: Pojme se setkat (njak den) od
: ;offline, go: (I) went offline, right?;offline, ztka.;col. fr.
jt: el jsem offline, jo?;inter. sl.
: T T ;to
: T
;lower: Hanthawadis of lower Myanmar (country)
also rebelled.;ni: Hentvad z niho (sttu) Myanmaru se
tak bouili.;writ.
T ;footnote (note (at) foot below
{nouner});poznmka pod arou (poznmka (u) nohy dole
();October (month);jen (msc);n. E. October
;floor, lower (level down) level, lower (level
down);patro, ni (stupe dole) stupe, ni (stupe
;floor, lower: A school-teacher lives (alone) in the
lower floor.;patro, ni: Uitel (koln) bydl (sm) v nim
;downstairs (in level down);poschod ne, o
(ve stupni ne) dol (tj. o poschod ne, ve stupni

(be): (One) can send e-mail (to (be)) more quickly than a
postcard.;aby (byl): Lze poslat e-mail, (aby (byl)) rychleji ne
;result, examination (success inventory)
certificate, examination (success inventory);certifikt (z kurzu
nebo koly, intent spchu) vysvden (intent
: ;result,
examination: Now (I) am waiting (for) the last examination
result.;vysvden: Te ekm (na) posledn vysvden.;cont.
;Aung San, gen. (founder of modern
Burmese army - Tatmadaw, brought about Burma's
independence from the British, assassinated 1948);Aun San,
gen. (zakladatel modern Barmsk armdy Tatmd, zapinil
nezvislost barmy od Britnc, atentt 1948);name
;Aung San Suu Kyi;Aun San Su ;name

T ;successful, be (conquer (and) see) victorious, be

(conquer (and) see) vanquish (conquer (and) see) come
right (succeed, succeed (and) see) attain (succeed (and)
see) bring off (succeed, succeed (and) see) conquer
: ;following: following
(conquer (and) see) come off (succeed, succeed (and)
words;nsledujc (obsaen dole): nsledujc slova;pl.
see) achieve (succeed, succeed (and) see) get ahead
;see below as follows;viz ne;writ.
(succeed, succeed (and) see) succeed (see success)
;as follows: (It)

succeed (succeed (and) see) successful, be (see

was explained as follows.;viz ne: Bylo (to) vysvtleno, viz
success);vydait se (uspt, uspt (a) vidt) zdait se
ne.;p.s. writ.
(uspt, uspt (a) vidt) doshnout (uspt, uspt (a) vidt)
;namely (as included below) i.e. (as
vtzn, bt (dobt (a) vidt) spn, bt (dobt (a) vidt)
included below) as follows (as included
below);jmenovit (jak obsaeno ne) tj. (jak obsaeno zvldnout (uspt, uspt (a) vidt) dobt (dobt (a) vidt)
zdolat (dobt (a) vidt) spn, bt (vidt spch)
doclit (doshnout, uspt, uspt (a) vidt) podait se (uspt,
;down there under;pod dole;prep. (or) adv.
uspt (a) vidt) uspt (uspt, uspt (a) vidt) uspt
;offline;offline;adj. E. offline
(vidt spch);I (or) T
T : T T T ;successful, be:
T ;offline: That dictionary is (like) an offline
(I) became successful as a businessman.;spn, bt: Stal
website.;offline: Ten slovnk je (jako) offline webov
jsem se spnm jakoto podnikatel.;p.s. pol.
T :
T ;succeed: (He) passed
; down;dol;adv. writ.
the entrance examination of the university. ((He) succeeded (in
: ;down: get (to) down (from)
getting) permission to enter university.);uspt: Proel vstupn
car;dol: vystoupit (dol) (z) auta;writ.
zkoukou na univerzitu. (Uspl (a) dostal povolen (ke) vstupu
;so that successful, be in order to let's conquer
na univerzitu.);
victorious, be indicates request of approval;dobt spn,
;attain: (I) just
T : T
bt vtzn, bt tak, aby zna poadavek souhlasu
wanted to attain magical powers.;doshnout: Chtl jsem jen
pojme aby;I (or) conj. (or) imper. col. (or) suff. (or) T
doshnout magickch moc.;p.s. pol.
T :
;in order to: King Kyansittha worked in order to
T ;successful, be: As (I) wrote almost all what (I)
(maintain) the great country united.;aby: Krl ansit pracoval
;following, be (included under);nsledujc, bt
(obsaen dole);I


have learned, the writing (at examination) was

successful.;spn, bt: Ponvad (jsem) napsal tm
vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo psan (na zkouce)
spn.;p.s. pol.

In order to (make it) available for reading to many kinds of

readers, even the price is not high.;aby: Aby byl dostupn ke
ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen vysok.;pol.

T :
T ;conquer: Alaun Min Taya
powerfully united the region between rivers Ayeyawaddy and
Chin Twin, and then attacked (and) conquered Inwa.
conquer: Alaun Min Taya then powerfully united the region
between rivers Ayeyawaddy and Chin Twin, and then attacked
(and) conquered Inwa.;dobt: Alaun Men Daj pak mocn
sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad (Iravadi) a en Twen, a
pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu. dobt: Alaun Men Daj mocn
sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad (Iravadi) a en Twen, a
pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.

T ;offline: That dictionary is (like) an offline
website.;offline: Ten slovnk je (jako) offline webov

T : T ;achieve: all what we

want to achieve;doshnout: ve, eho chceme doshnout;
T : T
;successful, be: (I) may be
successful.;spn, bt: Mon (budu) spn.;fut.
T : T ;successful, be: (It) was
successful.;spn: Bylo (to) spn.;p.p.

;offline;offline;adj. E. offline

;call (shout) shout oh (indicates humble realization);eh..

(zna skromn pochopen) volat (kiet) kiet;interj. (or) T
: ( ~ )
( ~
);shout: (He) violently shouts (with) dirty
words.;kiet: Nsilnicky ki sprost slova.;
: ;oh: Oh, (I) am going tolook
(more), ok? (may be said by customer as a reply to the
merchant when offered goods are not desired);eh..: Eh..
podvm se (dl), ano? (me bt eeno zkaznkem jakoto
odpov obchodnkovi, kdy nechce nabzen zbo);col.
( );bay (about water);ztoka;sg.
;in that that way;v tom tak;adv.

: ;in that: In that is

T : T ;achieve: (He) our country different.;v tom: V tom se nae zem li.;col.
started to strive to attain them.;doshnout: Zaal usilovat, aby ;because of that;tamto tamhleto kvli tamhleten
jich doshnul.;p.s. pol.
tamten;col. (or) pron.
T ;successfully;spn;adv.
: ;that: That's fine.;to: To je v podku.;col.
T : T ;successfully: successfully
attain;spn: spn doshnout;

T :
;successfully: U Aung Zeyya together with

his sixty-eight blood comrades could successfully resist while

being the leader ( ~ while leading).;spn: Aun Zeyya
spolu se svmi edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal
spn ubrnit zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
T ;success (see success {nouner}) attainment
(be-successful (and) see {nouner});spch (vidt spch
{jmenec}) dosaen (bt-spn (a) vidt {jmenec});n.
T : T ;attainment: attainment of
progress;dosaen: dosaen pokroku;n.

: T
;because of: If the time for correcting (your
writing) got little bit delayed because of (it), (then I) am
sorry.;kvli: Jestli se kvli tomu trochu spozdil as k oprav
(tvho psan), (pak) se omlouvm.;pol.
: ;that: Is that (one) hot?;tamten: Je tamten
: ;that: (I) didn't order that (one).;ten: Ten
jsem si neobjednal.;pol.
: T
;therefore: Therefore, they are considered
by people as (those) who live low in (this) life.;proto: Proto jsou
lidmi povaovny za ty, kdo v (tomhle) ivot ij nzko.;

;in order to (follows after a v.) for (follows after a v.) ;those things;ty vci;pl. col.
order to, in to (follows after a v.) in order to;aby za elem - ;as for them,,they are ... ;co se te
(nsleduje za slovesem) pro (nsleduje za slovesem) za
jich,,jsou to ... ;adv.
elem aby (nsleduje za slovesem);suff. prep. (or) suff. adv. -T ;as for them, they are .. ;co se
: ;to: Read to understand.;aby: ti
jich te, jsou to .. ;writ. pol.
abys pochopil ( ~ chpal);pol.
;them (to that {pl.});je (k tomu {mn..});acc.
: ;in order to: Stay well. (Stay in
order to be well.);aby: Zsta v podku. (Zsta abys byl v
podku.);imper. pol.
: T
;for: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the town
Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;kvli: Kvli
velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve Bo pti
jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
: ;in order to:


;this those that;to ty (tamty) tohle;pron.

: T;that: That teacher is Mr. Pradeep.;ten:
Ten uitel je pan Pradp.;pol.
: T ( ~ T );it: it was
mentioned;to: bylo to zmnno;p.s.
: ;this: about this;tohle: o tomhle;
; there;tam;adv. acc. col.
: ;there: I won't go there.;tam:

Tam (j) nepjdu.;fut. col.

;i.e. namely, they are as follows, they
are;jmenovit, jsou to tj.;adv.

vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch nrodnost

nespokojeni.;pl. writ.

T;in this manner this way thus;takto tmto

;there (at that place);tam (v tom mst);adv. zpsobem;adv. writ.
T: T
;like that (like that) thus (that-way);takto (tak) tak ;thus: The great Alaung Min Taya
thus could, indeed, again successfully unite the Myanmar
(takto, jako to);adv.
country, build and set (it) up in order to (make it) well
: ;way, that: Just
after (I) write it that way, (I) give (it) to the teacher.;tak ( ~ tm (collected) (and) organized.;takto: Takto ohromn Alaung Min
Tay vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit
zpsobem): Prv po tom, co (to) tak ( ~ tm zpsobem)
(a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s.
napi, dm to uiteli.;pol.
: T ;thus: writ.

Just after (I) do it thus, (I) give it to other students.;takto: Hned T: T T ;this
way: This way U Aung Zeyya's power became great.;tmto
po tom, co (to) takto udlm, dvm (to) ostatnm
zpsobem: Tmto zpsobem se stala moc Aun Zeyyi
;that kind of (kind like that) such (kind like
that);takov (druh jako tamto) ten druh (druh jako

;tuber of lay eggs eggs, lay;bulva (eho, rostliny) vajka,

klst klst vajka hlza (eho);T (or) suff. n.

: T ;lay eggs: Also, if

: ;so much: It is not so (you) do not offer anything, soon the mosquitoes will come ( ~
"enter) and lay (their) eggs.;klst vajka: Tak, pokud nic
much yet. (humble comment on one's compliment of
nenabdne, brzy pilet ( ~ "vejdou) komi a (zanou) klst
knowledge);tolik: Tolik to jet nen. (skromn koment na
vajka.;fut. col. sl.
vlastn pochvalu);pol.
;so much;tolik;adv.

;like that (like that) that way (like that);tm

zpsobem (jako to) tak (tm zpsobem, jako to);adv.
;this, like;takto;col.
: ;that way: Nowadays it is (just)
that way.;takto: V dnen dob je to (prv) tak.;col. pol.
: ;like that: (I) just think like that.;tak: (J)
myslm prost tak.;col.
: T
T ;such: If (you) send me such
writings for correction, I will correct (them), friend.;takov:
Pokud mi pole takov psan pro opravu, j (je) opravm.;fut.
pol. um.
;those things;tyto vci;col. pl.

( );egg;vejce;sg.

;things (property) property;majetek vci (majetek);n. P.

ucc (= high)
: ;property: He doesn't steal (others')
property.;majetek: Nekrade majetek (druhch).;col.
: ;carrot: I am chopping the
carrot.;mrkev: (J) nasekvm mrkev.;cont. um.
( );carrot (red egg);mrkev (erven vejce);sg.
;intermediate (experienced);pokroil (zkuen);adj.
( );intermediate;pokroil (stupe);sg.
;ordained, be (take (and) take higherordination);ordinovan, bt (vzt (a) vzt-si vy-ordinaci);T
P. upajjhya (= preceptor)

: T ;law: (They) also

: T T ;that: (I) can passed a law (regarding the) university.;zkon: Tak pijali
speak in Myanmar langauge better than that.;to: Umm mluvit zkon (ohledn t) university.;writ.
: T
Myanmarskm jazykem lpe (ne to).;pol.
: T ;that way: (If I) say it that ;law: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never
way, would (you) like (it)?;tak (tm zpsobem): Bude se (ti) to heard (and they) are doing how they want to do.;zkon: Vyhls
zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce
lbit, kdy to eknu tak?;inter. pol.
;this;toto;pron. writ.
;that;to tamto;pron. writ.

: ;this: also this;toto: tak toto;writ.

: ( )

T T ;this:
According to this law, all who need to learn at univesity cannot
get the permission to learn ((and) listen), therefore people of
all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed, not satisfied.;tento:
Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit na universit,
nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn) povolen, proto,

: ;law:
Homosexuals are not in accord with the law.;zkon:
Homosexulov nejsou ve shod se zkonem.;pol.
( );law;zkon;sg. P. upadesa

T ;pass an Act (by government);pijmout zkon

(vldou);T P. upadesa (= instruction, advice) S. prasthna
: (T ) T ;simile: The
Buddha gives a simile with (his previous) birth.;podobenstv:
Buddha (to) ukazuje na pkladu svho minulho ivota.


(Buddha dv pklad se svm (minulm) zrozenm.);

: T ;example: (I) will show
(you) some examples below.;pklad: Dole (ti) napu ( ~
"uku) nkolik pklad.;fut.
( );example;pklad;sg. P. upam
;example, as an for instance;pklad, na na
pklad;adv. writ. P. upam (= example)
; for instance example, for;pklad, na;adv. P.
upam (= example)
T;for instance example, for;pklad, na na
pklad;adv. P. upam (= example)
;lay supporters;lait podporovatel;n. pl. P.
: T T
( ~ T T
);lay supporter (female): I ( ~ the monk) know
(with) a female-lay supporter from Myanmar.;laick
podporovatelka: Znm se ( ~ mnich se zn) s jednou laickou
podporovatelkou z Myanmaru.;pol. mn.
( );lay supporter, female;laick
podporovatelka;sg. P. upsika (= female-supporter)

(We) may preach with the wisdom of (our)
understooding.;moudrost: Meme pednet (Dhammu)
moudrost (naeho) pochopen.;pol. writ.
;Mr. (used as title for names of older men or monks)
indicates polite request ahead, be indicates near future (beabout-to) please sir (also used as title for names of older
men or monks) be about to monk's title num. class. for
people ven. (venerable) king's title going to, be;p. (uvno
jakoto titul ped jmny starch mu i mnich) itatel lid
chystat se pan (tak uvno jakoto titul ped jmny starch
mu i mnich) krlovsk titul ct. (ctihodn) mnisk titul
zna zdvoil poadavek zna blzkou budoucnost
(chystat-se) vpedu, bt prosm jt (se, chystat se k);pow.
(or) suff. (or) pref. utmn. (or) T (or) pref.
-;Mr. indicates elder man's name sir (preceds name);p.
(pan) pan (ped jmnem) zna jmno starho pna;pref.
: ;indicates fut. tense: (I) am going to
ask (my) mother (whether I can) (stay).;zna budouc as:
Jdu se zeptat matky zda mohu (zstat).;fut. col.
: ;ven.: ven. Obhasa from Min;ct.: ct.
Obhsa z Men;writ.

;Uposatha (Buddhist festival when lay people more

dedicate themselves to Buddhist practice and study);Upsatha : T T ;Mr.: (I) want to speak with Mr.
Bamya. (also in telephone conversation);pan: Chci mluvit s
(buddhistick svtek, kdy se laici vce oddvaj Buddhistick
panem Bamya. (i do telefnu);col. pol.
praxi a studiu);name P. uposatha (= auspicious festival)
: ;Uposatha: (I) do not have the habit : ;ven.: ven. Varitta.;ct.: ct. Vritta.;name.
of attending ( ~ waiting on) Uposatha.;Upsatha: Nemm
sklon k dodrovn (~ ekn) Upsathy.;

( );head (head (and) head);hlava (hlava (a)


;uposatha day (A Buddhist festival, which occurs each

month, two weeks or one week. On this day usually people go
to monasteries, follow certain extra rules and
meditate.);upsatha den (Buddhistick svtek, kter je kad
msc, dva tdny i tden. V tento den obvykle chod lid do
klter, nsleduj urt dal pravidla a medituj.);adv. P.
uposatha (= auspicious-day)

( );leader (head (and) ride);vdce (velet (a) dit);sg.

;observe 8 precepts on the Uposatha day (observe ( );head (head, head);hlava (hlava, hlava);sg.
Uposatha);dodrovat 8 pravidel na den Uposatha (dodrovat ;lead (head (and) ride);vst (velet (a) dit);T.
;lead: U Aung Zeyya together with his sixty
;observe Uposatha: The elder people,
could successfully resist while being the
having observed Uposatha (8 precepts0, they stay in the
leader ( ~ while leading).;vst: Aun Zeyya spolu se svmi
monastery whole the day.;dodrovat Uposathu: Sta lid
edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal spn ubrnit
dodruj Uposathu (8 pravidel) a po cel den zstvaj v
zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.

;park garden;zahrada park;n. P. uyyna (= garden)

: T ;park: People's Park;park: Lidov Park
(pv. People's Park);name
( );garden;zahrada;sg. P. uyyna (= garden)
();Europe (continent);Evropa (kontinent);name

;lead: Therefore, (there) were boycotting
led by the elder university students.;vst: Proto za veden
starch student university bojkotovali.;p.s. writ.
;lead (carry (the) priority);vst (nst prvenstv);T
: ;ven. Sir: Is the ven.
Sir a Buddhist since birth? (i.e. was he born in a Buddhist
family);ct. Pn: Je ct. Pn buddhistou ji od narozen? (tj. jestli
se narodil v buddhistick rodin);inter.
: T ;monk: (He) sends the reply (letter)
to the monk.;mnich: Posl odpov (dopis) mnichovi.;

: ;European continent: He is from ( ) (from );monk (preceptor);mnich

European continent.;evropsk kontinent: (On) je z Evropskho (preceptor);sg. P. upajjhya (= preceptor)
: T T ( ~
T T );I (monk): I
;keel (part of a boat);kl (st lodi);sg.
( ~ the monk) know (with) a female-lay supporter from
( );siren;sirna;sg.
Myanmar.;j (mnich): Znm se ( ~ mnich se zn) s jednou


osloven starho, neznmho pna, mal pn) strc

( ) (from );monk (ven. Sir);mnich (ct. Pn);sg. (mal pn); (or) voc.
;U Wisara Road (road (of) ven. Vicra);U
( ) (from );ven. Sir (preceptor) monk
(preceptor);mnich (instruktor) ct. Pn (instruktor);sg. mn. Wisry, ulice (ulice ct. Viry);name
laickou podporovatelkou z Myanmaru.;pol. mn.

P. upajjhya (= preceptor)

;respect, show (worship by placing one's clasped hands

on one's forehead, place (on) head) worship, show
(worship by placing one's clasped hands on one's forehead,
place (on) head);uctt (uctt dotknutm se ela sevenmi
dlanmi, uloit (na) hlavu) respekt, prokzat (uctt
dotknutm se ela sevenmi dlanmi, uloit (na) hlavu);T

[ekous];singular;jednotn .;gram. adj. P. eka-vacana (=

one word)
( );guest;host;sg.
;host (take guest) entertain (sb., take guest);bavit
(koho, vzt hosta) hostit (vzt hosta);T

T ;entertain: The
group (being) on the stage also (exhibiting) dances (and)
;focus (also one's mind, rotate ahead) direct (also
entertains.;bavit (koho): Skupina (jsouc) na pdiu tak
one's mind, rotate ahead);zamit (tak vlastn mysl, otet (ukazujce se) tancuje a bav (ostatn lidi).;pol.
dopedu) namit (tak vlastn mysl, otet dopedu);T
: ;living
: ;direct: (He) directs (his)
mind.;zamovat: Zamuje (svou) mysl.;

;aim (build first {nouner}) goal (build first

{nouner});cl (postavit nejprve {jmenec});n.
: T ;hat: I wear a
hat of white color (on my head).;klobouk: Nosm (na hlav)
klobouk bl barvy.;uw.
;hat: The man with the beard is as tall as the
man with the hat.;klobouk: Ten mu s vousy je stejn vysok
jako ten mu s kloboukem.;
( ) [ouhou] ( );cap (wear) hat
(wear);epice (nosit) klobouk (nosit);sg.
( );monk (preceptor);mnich (preceptor);sg. P.
upajjhya (= preceptor)
( );ven. Sir (who has higher ordination) monk
(who has higher ordination);ct. Pn (s vym vysvcenm,
nikoliv novic) mnich (s vym vysvcenm, nikoliv novic);sg.
P. upajjya (= preceptor)
( );ven. Sir (preceptor) monk
(preceptor);mnich (instruktor) ct. Pn (instruktor);sg. mn.
P. upajjhya (= preceptor)
;indicates fut. tense;zna budouc as;suff.
: ;indicates near fut.: Well, (I) will think
about it.;zna blzkou budoucnost: No, budu o tom
: ;indicates near future: I am going to ( ~
will) study.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu ( ~ budu) se
: ;indicates near future: (I) will ask and
see.;zna blzkou budoucnost: Zeptm se (a) uvidm;fut.
;indicates near future;zna blzkou budoucnost;suff.

room: There are chairs in my house's living room.;obvac

pokoj: V obvacm pokoji mho domu jsou idle.;pol. um.
( );living room (guests' room);obvac pokoj
(pokoj host);sg.

( );tourist guide (shows way (to)

guests) guide (shows way (to) guests);turistick
prvodce (ukazuje cestu hostm) prvodce (ukazuje
cestu hostm);sg.
( );guest (guest person);host (osoba
();April (month);duben (msc);n. E. April
;large huge energy (power);obrovsk energie (sla)
velik;adj. writ. (or) n.
: T T ;energie: (He) gains
little by little more energy.;energie: Postupn zskv vc
;Ayeyawadi (river in Myanmar);Iravady ([ejva], eka v
();Ayeyarwady (division);Iravadi (Ejvad, sprvn
;instruction;instrukce;sg. P. ovda (= advice)
;at (about time or place) in (about time or place) on (about
time or place) in;v (o ase i mst) u (o ase i mst) na
(o ase i mst) v;suff. prep. writ.
;in (on): On one day, when rabbit met
turtle, rabbit mocked: friend turtle, you go slowly.;v: Jednoho
dne ( ~ v jeden den), kdy se krlk potkal se elvou, krlk se
vysmval: pteli elvo, (ty) jde pomalu.;writ.
Indeed, next day in the morning rabbit and turtle competed (in)
speed.;v: Vskutku, nsledujc den (v) rno krlk a elva
soutili (v) bhu.;writ.

: ;indicates near
future: How long time are you going to be online?;zna blzkou
T ;in: The Ananda Pagoda built in Pagan (town) by
budoucnost: Jak dlouho bude ( ~ "se chyst) bt
the king Kyansittha can be (religiously) visited (and) seen up to
online?;inter. col.
today.;v: nanda Pagodu postavenou v (mst) Paganu krlem
: ;sir: You say, that (you) are
ansit, je mono (nboensky) navtvit (a) vidt a do
going to take a photo of me ( ~ "sir)?;pn: k, e si vyfot
dnes.;pol. writ.
m ( ~ "pna)?;inter. fut.
: ;at: He is sitting at the
( );sir (used as an address to an older
computer table.;u: Sed u stolu s potaem.;cont. writ.
unknown man, smal sir) uncle (smal sir);strc (uito k


;indicates end of one action and start of another action

having ... while and (connects two sentences in a complex
sentence) indicates p.p. after ...;a (spojuje dv jednoduch
vty v souvt) zna konec jedn innosti a zatek innosti
jin zna minul as dokonav kdy po tom, co ...;conj.
writ. (or) suff. writ. (or) suff.

( );10 000 (ten thousand);10 000 (deset tisc);num.

eye;zna vlastnictv: pta oko;writ.


;100 (a hundred);100 (sto);num.

;1000 (thousand);1000 (tisc);num.
();100 000 (a lakhs) 100 000 (a hundred
thousand);100 000 (sto tisc);num.

(( ) );1000 000 (million);1000 000

(from );and while because;a zatmco ponvad;conj. (milion);num.
( );10 000 000 (ten
: T T
million);10 000 000 (deset milion);num.
;while: At the journey back (he) went past and
;11 (eleven);11 (jedenct);num.
attacked the group of Hanthawadi troops while they were
;12 (twelve);12 (dvanct);num.
crossing a path.;kdy: Na cest zptky je nsledoval a zatoil ;120 (a hundred and twenty);120 (sto dvacet);num.
na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy pechzeli pes cestu.;writ.
;13 (thirteen);13 (tinct);num.
: T ;it: it (is of) blue color;to: (je) to modr
;20 (twenty);20 (dvacet);num.
: T
;21 (twenty-one);21 (dvacet jedna);num.
;it, to: The discourses with more
;30 (thirty);30 (ticet);num.
details preached by the Buddha are basically depicting the
();300 000 (three lakhs);300 000 (tista
commentarial nature, which is referred to in Sratthadpan.;to,
na: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi pednesen Buddhou v
podstat znzoruj komenttorsk charakter, na kter se
odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
( );50 000 (fifty thousand);50 000 (padest
(from ) [lakau~:];it;to;pron. writ.
(from ) [lakau~:];its;toho;pron. writ.
(from ) [lakau~:];to that;do toho;pron. writ.
: ;half ( ~ "6): half of a year;pl ( ~ "6): pl roku;
;indicates genitive case indicates end of sentence indicates
possession;zna vlastnictv zna konec (oznamovac) vty ;seven;sedm;num.
( from );7 (seven);7 (sedm);num.
zna genitiv;suff. writ.
: ;indicates possession: a bird's
();0 (zero);0 (nula);num.
( );one;jeden;num.


I ; I;j;sl.
I : Sit I ;I: Sit is better than me.;j: Sit je
lep ne j.;pol. sl.

post;post (in FB etc.);pspvek (na FB atd.);n. sl. FB

English-Myanmar/Burmese-Czech Part

-able (follows after a v.); ;vhodn k;suff.

-able: This cat is adorable ( ~ lovely).; :
;vhodn k: Tato koka je vhodn k
zamilovn si ( ~ roztomil).;col.
-able: Today's enjoyable.; :
;vhodn k: Dneek je vhodn k

a few: preferred a few; :

;nkolik: oblbil si nkolik;p.s.
a little (little (and) summary); ;trochu (trochu (a)
a little: I have a little (money).; :
;trochu: Mm trochu (penz).;pol. um.

-less; ;bez-;suff.

a: Mandalay's Zaycho (Sweet Market) is a famous market.;:

( );njak:
Mandalajsk Zhhu (Sladk Trh) je slavn trh.;pol. col.

-ly (follows after a v.); ;vhodn k;suff.

aback; );vzadu;adv.

-ing (continuous tense);;-n (prbhov as);suff.

-ness;T ;-stv;suff.

abandon; ;opustit zanechat vzdt se (eho);T

-th;T ;-t;suff.

abandon (abandon (and) free); ;opustit (opustit (a)


-th (indicates ordinal number);T ;-t (zna poadovou


abandon (abandon (and) pull-away); ;opustit (opustit (a)


-th (indicates ordinal number): Our country, indeed, gave 105

warning to that country.;T : abandon (leave-behind (and) fix); ;zanechat (zanechat
(a) upevnit);T
T ;-t (zna poadov
slo): Nae zem varovala tamtu zem, vskutku, (ji) po
abandon (reject (and) leave); ;opustit (odmtnout (a)
pt.;pol. um.
0 (zero); () ();0 (nula);num.
10 000 (ten thousand); ( );10 000 (deset
10 000 000 (ten million); (
);10 000 000 (deset milion);num.
100 (a hundred);;100 (sto);num.
100 000 (a hundred thousand); ();100 000 (sto
100 000 (a lakhs); ();100 000 (sto tisc);num.
1000 (thousand);;1000 (tisc);num.

1000 000 (million); (( ) );1000 000

11 (eleven);;11 (jedenct);num.
12 (twelve);;12 (dvanct);num.
120 (a hundred and twenty);;120 (sto dvacet);num.
13 (thirteen);;13 (tinct);num.
20 (twenty);;20 (dvacet);num.
21 (twenty-one);;21 (dvacet jedna);num.
30 (thirty);;30 (ticet);num.
300 000 (three lakhs); ();300 000 (tista
50 000 (fifty thousand); ( );50 000 (padest
7 (seven); ( from );7 (sedm);num.

a; (from ) ;njak;indef. article (or) num.

abandon (struggle (and) leave);;opustit (bojovat (a)

abandon (also about renunciation, refuse (and)
reject); ;opustit (tak o odeknut nebo odchodu do
mniskho du, odmtnout (a) odmtnout);T
abandon (solving a problem, refuse (and) setfree); ;vzdt se (een problmu, odmtnout (a)
abandon: (I) praise (and) value the character of your mind,
brave to abandon.; : ( )
;zanechat: Chvlm (a) hodnotm
(vysoko) charakter tv mysli, staten zanechat.;pol.
abandon: Having realized (that I have) thoughts again and
again, (I continuously) abandon them.; :
Znovu a znovu si uvdomuji, (e mm) mylenky, a (neustle)
je opoutm.;med.
abandon: Not (As much as not being) able to abandon the lay
life, (we) must live like this.; :
;zanechat: (Jak moc)
neschopn (nejsouce schopn) zanechat laickho ivota,
musme t ivot takhle.;col.
abandon: still unable to abandon; : ;zanechat:
stle neschopen zanechat;n.
abbreviation (collect (to) shortness); ;zkratka
(slova, sbrat (do) krtkosti);n.


abbreviation (of words, infer (to) shortness

{nouner}); T ;zkratka (slovn, dedukovat (na)
krtkost {jmenec});n.

(and) descended with);

(vzhledem k, obvyhkle nsledovno slovesem, po zabalen
(and) sestoupen s);adv. writ.

abbreviation (of words, reduce (to) shortness

{nouner});T ;zkratka (slovn, snit (na) krtkost

about (relevant to,be-related-to (and) proper);;o (tkajc

se, tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn);adj.

Abhidhamma Piaka: seven pakaraa books of Abhidhamma

;Abhidhamma Piaka: sedm pakaraa knih
Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.

kniha o historii;writ.

abhinna (any of the six higher knowledges, (a) divine eye, (b)
divine ear, (c) telepathy, (d) art of transformation, (e) memory
of past lives (f) enlightenment); ( );abhi
(kterkoliv z esti vych znalost, (a) bosk oko, (b) bosk
ucho, (c) telepatie, (d) umn promny, (e) pam minulch
ivot (f) osvcen);sg. Bh. P. abhi (= higher knowledge)

about: (I) do not like to talk much about myself.; :

( ~ T );o:
Nerad o sob moc povdm.;pol.

about to ..;; chystat se ..;suff.

Abhidhamma (third great collection of Pi texts in
about to ..: I am about to go to the library.;:
Tipiaka);;Abhidhamma (tet velk kolekce pi text v ;chystat se: Chystm se jt do
Tipiace);name Bh. lit. P. abhidhamma (= higher law)
Abhidhamma Pitaka (third great collection of Pi texts in
about to ..: Today you are about to come home.;:
Tipiaka);;Abhidhamma Pitaka (tet velk kolekce ;chystat se: Dnes se chyst pijt dom.;fut.
pi text v Tipiace);name Bh. lit. abhidhamma-piaka (= higher um.
knowledge - canon)
about: (a) book about history;: ;o:
about: (I will) check (it) out and inform (you) (inreturn).; : T ;o: Zkontroluji (to)
a budu (t) (nazptek) informovat.;fut. pol.

about: (I) speak about the female supporters.;:

T;o: Mluvm o podporovatelkch.;pol.

about: about (the) word;

;o: o
abhinna: six abhi; : T ;abhinna: est slov;writ.
about: about Myanmar movie;
ability (can (and) can {nouner}); ;schopnost (moci T
; o: o Myanmarskm filmu;writ.
(a) moci {jmenec});n.
about: About these rivers.; : T ;o: O
ability (potency (and) power); ;schopnost (schopnost (a) tchto ekch.;writ.
about: about this; : ;o: o tomhle;
ability: (I) also thank (you), that (you) took the help from the about: Here is little about me.; :

side of (my) ability.; :
( ~
;schonost: (J) (ti) tak dkuji, e );o: Zde je trochu o
jsi si vzal pomoc ze strany (mch) schopnost.;pol.
ability: If (I) have the ability, (I) am ready to look (at
it).; :
;schopnost: Pokud mm tu schopnot, pak jsem
pipraven se (na to) podvat.;pol.
able to do sth., be; ;schopn nco udlat, bt;I
able to, be;;schopen, bt;I

about: I am thinking about you.; :

;o: Myslm na tebe ( ~ o tob);cont. col.
about: I'm studying (about) the Truth (Dhamma).; :
;Pravda (Dhamma): Studuji
Pravdu (Dhammu).;pol. cont.

about: Indeed, I am very happy about you (of what (I) heard
able to, be: Who is able to bring more benefit the country?;: about you).; :
;schopen, bt: ( ~
Kdo je schopen (na) zemi pinet vce uitku?;inter.
);o: Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co jsem o
able, be; ;schopn, bt;I
tob slyel) velkou radost .;pol.
able, be (be-able (and) can); ;schopn, bt (btabout: It is said, that Nga Nyo became happy as his wife told
schopn (a) moci);I
(him) about the kings's call up.; :

able, be (to do sth., be-skilled (and) excel

T ;o: k
{nouner}); ;schopn, bt (nco udlat, bt-dovedn (a) se, e kdy mu manelka ekla o krlov zavoln, a o ml
vynikat {jmenec});I
able, be (to perform a feat);;schopn, bt (vykonat);I
about: On the big flight plan (board) there is information about
about; ;na o;prep. (or)
suff. prep. (or) prep. writ.
about (around); ;asi okolo (asi);adv. (or) suff.
about (estimation); ;okolo (odhad);prep.
about (regarding, often followed by a verb, after wrapped


departures of planes ( ~ planes which will depart).; :

( )
() ;o: Na velk (tabuli) letovho du jsou
informace o odletech letadel ( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;
about: Some (of them) do not know about
meditation.; : ;nkte

(lid): Nkte (lid) nev o meditaci.;

;spousta, bt: Lidskch l je spousta.;

about: The monk should ask (his) teacher again about (the
abundant: steadfast, bountiful country;: T ;bohat:
teacher's) name.; : T
vytrval, bohat zem.;n.
( ~ T );na: Ten AC (after Christ, Christ's year AC); ;n.l. (naeho
mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitee na jeho jmno ( ~ jmno letopotu, Kristova let AC);adv. E. AC
about: They taught me about life.; :
;o: (Oni) m uili o ivot.;p.s.

accept (accept (and) take);; pijmout (pijmout (a) vzt


about: This is little bit about me.; :

accept (get (and) have);; pijmout (vzt (a) mt);T
( ~ );o: accept (take (by) hand); ;pijmout (vzt rukou);T
Toto je trochu o m.;pol.
accept (believe, descend (and) enter); ;pijmout (vit,
about: We talk about the Law (Dhamma).; :
sestoupit (a) vstoupit);T
T ;o: Povdme si o Zkon
accept as (pick-up (and) take); ;pijmout za (sbrat
(a) vzt);T
above; ;nad ve;prep. (or) adv. writ.
above (in above); ;nad (v nad);prep.

above mentioned, be (included above); ;ve

uveden, bt (zahrnut ve);I
above: mentioned above; : T
T ;ve: zmnno ve
ve: zmnn ve; (or) writ.
abroad (other country's territory); T;zahrani
(zem jinho sttu);n.
abroad, be (devoid-of (our) country);T ;cizin, bt v
(postrdajc (na) zemi);
abroad: Have you (ever) gone abroad?;T: T
;zahrani: Jel jsi (nkdy) do zahrani?;inter.
abroad: Have you ever gone ( ~ arrived) abroad?;T:
T() ;jt: Jel ( ~ dojel) jsi u (nkdy) do
zahrani?;p.p. inter. col.
abroad: the monks who live abroad;T : T
;zahrani, v: mnii, kte ij v zahrani;
abruptly; ;neoekvan;suff. adv.
absent, be (notnot be);;neptomen (nebt);v.
absent, be: Every time when he comes, I am not at
home.;: ;nejsem:
Kdykoliv pijde, nejsem doma.;um.

accept, not to (indeed not make acceptance);T

;nepijmout (neudlat pijet);T
accept: (Come on,) accept!; : ;pijmout: (No
tak,) pijmi!;col. imper. pol.
accept: (He) reluctantly accepts, that I stay in Sri Lanka.; :

T ;pijmout: Neochotn pijm, e jsem
na Sr Lance.;writ.
accept: (I) accept the second column as the first
column.; : T
;pijmout: Pijmu druh sloupec za ( ~ "jakoto)
prvn sloupec.;writ.
accept: (I) respectfully follow (the religion) believing (and)
accepting.; :
;pijmat: Uctiv nsleduji (to
nboenstv) vce a pijmajce.;pol.
accept: It is accepted by some philosophers, that the (great)
Pi Ahakath were certainly translated.; :
T () T

;pijmout: Nktermi
filosofy je pijato, e Pi Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.

accept: It is generally accepted that the commentaries

appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's time.; :
absolutely (round (and) fat);;absolutn (kulat (a) tlust) ;pijmout: Veobecn se pijm, e komente se
objevily bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.
naprosto (kulat (a) tlust);adv.
acceptance (receive (and) take {nouner});T ;pijet
absolutely not (not round (and) fat);;absolutn ne
(pijmout (a) vzt {jmenec});n.
(nikoliv kulat (a) tlust);adv.
absolutely: (I) have absolutely no money.;:
;vbec: Nemm naprosto dn penze.;
abstentiously (readily (and) daringly);;stdm
(pipraven (a) troufale);adv.
abundance, be;;hojnost, bt;I

accessory (included (and) proper sugarcane);;psluenstv (zahrnut (a) sprvn cukrovttina);n.

accident (not well estimate (and) bump

{nouner}); ;nehoda (nedobe odhadnout (a)
narazit {jmenec});n.

abundance, be: There is abundance of meditation centers in

Myanmar.;: T ;hojnost, bt: V accident (not well estimate (and) collide (with) vehicle
{nouner}); ;nehoda (nedobe odhadnout
Myanmaru je hojnost meditanch center.;col.
(a) vozidlem narazit {jmenec});n.
abundant, be; ;vydatn, bt hojn, bt;I (or) I accident: car accident; :
;nehoda: automobilov nehoda;
accident: There is ( ~ is-happen) an
abundant, be: People's lies are abundant.;:


accident.; :
T ;nehoda: Maj ( ~ stv-se) nehodu.;cont.
accommodated, be; ;bt ubytovan;T

according to: according to the idea of scholar

Malalasekera;: ;dle: dle
mylenky uence Malalaskary;writ.

accommodated, be (dwell (and) dwell); ;ubytovn, according to: according to the stanza;:

;podle: podle (t) stanzy;writ.

bt (zstvat, pebvat (a) pebvat);T
accommodated, be (stay (and) take-refuge); ; ubytovn, according to: According to this map, this way is correct.;:
T ;podle: Podle tto mapy je tato cesta
bt (zstvat (a) brt-ochranu);T
accommodation: (I) will arrange the accommodation to
stay.; :
;ubytovn: Pipravm ubytovn.;pol.
accomodate (oneself); ;ubytovat se;T
accomodated, be (dwell (and) take-refuge); ; ubytovn,
bt (pobvat (a) brt-ochranu);I
accomodation; ;ubytovn;n.

according to: According to what the teacher said, today the

school is closed.;: T
;podle: Podle toho co ekl uitel, je dnes
kola zaven.;

according to: also according to __Sratthadpan__ ;:

;podle: tak podle Sratthadpan;

accompany;;pidat se k;T

according to: Go (according to) this way, but (it is) still very
;podle: Jete (podle) tto cesty, ale (je
to) jet hodn daleko.;imper.

accomplice (a bad person, side

person);( );spolupachatel (patn osoba,
krajn osoba);sg.

according to: It can be known according to the notes and

records.;: ;z (podle): Lze
o tom vdt z ( ~ podle) poznmek a zznam.;pol.

accomplish (finish (and) reach-apex);T T

T ;dovrit (dokonit, skonit (a) doshnout-vrcholu)
dokonit (skonit (a) doshnout-vrcholu);T

accountant (holds inventories); ( );etn

(dr invente);sg.

accomplice (included (and) proper sugarcane);( );spolupachatel (zahrnut (a)

sprvn cukrov-ttina);sg.

accomplish (be-able (and) perform); ;dokzat (udlat, account; ;et;n.

account (also in Internet messengers etc.);( );et
bt-schopn (a) provst);T
accomplish (fill (and) reach);T T ;uskutenit (naplnit (a) (tak v Internetovch chatovacch programech atc.);sg. E.

accomplish (finishing has-gone);;dokonit (ukonen

accomplish: (He) was able to accomplish that feat without
(movement of) hand.; :
;uskutenit: Byl schopen uskutenit (ten
magick) skutek (i) bez (pohybu) ruky.;pol.
accomplished, be;;uskutenn, bt;I

accord, be in (correspond (and) be-in-accord);;shod,

bt ve (souhlasit, odpovdat (a) bt-ve-shod);T
accord, be in: Homosexuals are not in accord with the
law.;: ;shod,
bt ve: Homosexulov nejsou ve shod se zkonem.;pol.

accurate, be;;pesn, bt;I

accusation (slip-over (and) tighten
{nouner}); ( );obvinn (navlknout (a) upevnit
accustom (fall (in) life matter);;zvyknout si
(padnout (do) materilu ivota);T
achieve (a certain state, position etc., take (and)
come);;doshnout (do uritho stavu, pozice atd., vzt (a)
achieve (a worldly thing or achievement, receive (and)
take);;doshnout (svtsk vci i dosaen, dostat (a) vztsi);I

achieve (succeed, succeed (and) see); T ;doclit

according to; ;podle (doshnout, uspt, uspt (a) vidt);I
achieve: (He) started to strive to attain them.; T :
dle podle (eho);prep. (or) adv.
T ;doshnout: Zaal usilovat, aby
according to (according-to idea);;podle (podle
jich doshnul.;p.s. pol.
according to (accoring (to) saying);;podle (podle
eenho) dle (podle eenho);adv.
according to (follows after a v.);;podle (nsleduje za
slovesem) dle (nsleduje za slovesem);adv.
according to what; (( )+ ) ;podle
toho, co;suff.

achieve: (It) is the day of a girl's birthday, achieving her

23.;T : T
T ( ~ T
T );doshnout: Je den narozenin sleny, (kter
prv) doshla svch 23.;writ.

achieve: all what we want to achieve; T :

according to what: According to what he says, this book is not T ;doshnout: ve, eho chceme
difficult.; : T
: T ;podle toho, co: achieved: Sinhalese commentaries achieved the first place in
the Pi literature.;:
Podle toho, co k, tato kniha nen nron.;pol.
;doshnout: Sinhlsk komente


doshly prvnho msta v Pi literatue.;writ.

acquaintance (knowing);( );znm (znmost, o
vzdlench ptelch atd., znmost);sg.
acquaintance (about people,
knowing);( );znmost (znmost, o vzdlench
ptelch atd., znmost);sg.
acquaintances, have (with important people, have
connections (and) connections); ;znm, mt
(dleit lidi, mt spoje (a) spoje);I
acquire (knowledge, merit, approach (and) be-closetogether); ;zskat (znalost, zsluhu, piblit-se (a) btblzko-u-sebe);T
acquire (knowledge): Monks from every country come and
acquire knowledge (here).; :
;zskat (znalosti): Mnii z kad zem
(sem) pichzej a zskvaj znalosti.;pol.
act (work (and) stop); ;akt (pracovat (a) zastavit);n.

act (according to intention, practice (and) think);;init

(dle zmru, praktikovat (a) myslet);T
act (carry out) (carry-in-hand (and) carry-onhead); ;vykonat (nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav);T
action (work (and) stop); ;kon (pracovat (a)

action (previously or presently intentionally commited

acts);;in (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn vykonan
iny);n. P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)
actions: Because of (their previous) actions, (they) must stay
((being) given) suffering consequences.;:
;iny: Kvli (svm pedchozm) inm mus
zstat ((a) dostvat (a)) trpt nsledky.;
active knowledge (blasting (and) fresh
knowing); T ;aktivn znalost (vbun (a) erstv
active knowledge (quick (and) quickly
knowing); T T ;aktivn znalost (rychl (a) rychle

actor: The actor as well as the actress are very good.; :

;herec: Herec i
hereka jsou velice dob.;col.
actor: The actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much
beloved by the spectators, will soon become
superb.; : T T
;herec: Herec
Jdai, kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy
stane znamenitm.;writ.
actress (king's daughter); ( );hereka
(krlova dcera);sg. f.
actress (king's daughter (in) moving
image); ( );hereka (krlova dcera (v)
pohybujcm-se obraze);sg.
actually; ;skutenosti, ve vskutku no;adv.
(or) interj. (or) suff. writ.
actually (indeed truly); ;no (vskutku opravdu)
ve skutenosti (vskutku opravdu);adv.
actually (really clean (and) tested); ;ve skutenosti
(vskutku ist (a) prozkouen);conj.
actually (indeed);;no;suff.
actually: Actually, (I) am not very sure.;:
;no: No, moc si jist nejsem.;
actually: actually, (long time) ago;: ;ve
skutenosti: ve skutenosti, (kdysi) ped tm;
actually: Actually, it wasn't a big problem.;: T
;no: No, nebyl to velk problm.;pol.
actually: However, Kyansittha actually refused.;:
;vskutku: Avak ansit, vskutku,
AD (anno domini = of our Lord (Christ), Christ's year
AC); ;AD (anno domini = Naeho Pna, Kristova
let AC);adv. E. AC
add;T ;pidat;T E. add (or) T
add (as an information, add (and) fill); T ;dodat (jakoto
informaci, pidat (a) plnit) doplnit (jakoto informaci, pidat
(a) plnit);T

active, be; ;inn, bt;I

add (as an information, fill by adding); T ;doplnit

active, be (ascend, rise (and) be-awake); ;aktivn, bt (jakoto informaci, plnit skrze pidn) dodat (jakoto
informaci, plnit skrze pidn);T
(vystoupit-vzhru, stoupnout (a) bt-probuzen);I
active, be (move (to be) rare);;aktivn, bt (hbat (aby add (into list of friends in an Internet messenger, put-closetogether (and) fix); (from );pidat (do
bylo) vzcn);T
seznamu ptel v chatovacm programu, pipojit-k-sob (a)
active, be (about people, ascend (and) rise); ;bt
aktivn (o lidech, vystoupit (a) povstat);T
actor (character carrier); ( );herec (nosi add on;;dodat;T
add: (It) is alright to get connected after (you) add (me).; :
actor (king's son); ( );herec (krlv syn);sg. ;pidat: Bude v podku se spojit
po (tom), co si (m) pid (do kontakt).;pol.
actor (king's son (in) moving
image); ( );herec (krlv syn (v)
pohybujcm-se obraze);sg.

add: Add every day one (more) page.;T :

T ;pidat: Pidat kad den o jednu strnku (vce).;

actor: In this theater the actor is entertaining (the

people).; :
T ;herec: V tomto divadle herec bav (lidi).;cont.

address (address (for) writing);( );adresa (adresa

(pro) psan);sg.

addition; ;stn;n. math.

address (address (to) write);( );adresa (adresa (k)


address (a monk): (It) is proper to address (you) with
respect.; : T
;oslovovat (mnicha): Je sprvn (t)
oslovovat s respektem.;pol.

adore (like (and) descend); ;zboovat (mt-rd (a)

adore: (He) also adores the Myanmars.;T :
T T ;zboovat: Tak zbouje
Myanmary ( ~ lidi z Myanmaru).;col.

address (a superior person, king or monk); ;oslovit

(osobu vyho postaven, krle i mnicha);T


address: (It) will be alright if (you) write this address (and)

connect (with me).;:
;adresa: Bude v podku, kdy si nape tuto adresu
a spoj se (se mnou).;pol.

advance, in ((be) in-advance and-then);;pedem ((bt)

pedem a-pak);adv.

address: Addresses are written on the papers.;:

;adresa: Adresy jsou
napsny na paprech.;

advantage; ;vhoda;n.

address: The woman is writing an address on a letter.;:

;adresa: (Ta)
ena pe adresu na njak dopis.;cont.

advance, in;;pedem;adv.

advance, in (put in-advance); ;pedem (poloit

pedem) pedem (s pedstihem, poloit pedem);adv.
advertisement (shout (and) shout); T( );reklama
(kiet (a) kiet);sg.

advertisements: Apart from news (there are) also many

advertisements included.; T: T
T ;reklamy: Krom novinek je
adequate: If many flowers become colorful (and) adequate, the obsaeno tak mnoho reklam.;writ. pol.
spring has come.; :
advice (make opinion {nouner}); ;rada (dlat
;pimen: Pokud se (stalo) mnoho kvtin
nzor {jmenec});T
barevnmi (a) pimenmi, pilo jaro.;p.p.
advice (instruction, direct (and) be-heard
adjacent; ; pilhajc pilehl;adv.

administer (an army, subdue (and) lookafter); ;spravovat (armdu, krotit (a) starat-se-o);T
administration (government, take
domination);( );sprva (vlda, vzt nadvldu);sg.

{nouner}); ;rada (instrukce, ukzat-smr (a) btslyen {jmenec});n.

advice (instruction, given by a very respected

person); ;rada (instrukce, od velice respektovan osoby);n.

advice (useful information, number (of)

administrative unit (in a country);( );sprvn jednotka advices); ;rada (uiten informace, poet rad);n.
(ve stt);sg.
advice, give an (give idea (and)
admirable thing ((what one) have-to wonderknowledge);;poradit (dt nzor (a) znalost);T
about);;obdivuhodn ((emu) se-jeden-m
advice, give an: (She) invites other people, to give (her) an
advice.;: T
admire (thinking (is) big); ;obdivovat (mylen (je)

;poradit: Zve ostatn lidi, aby (j) poradili.;pol.

admit (allow to enter);;vpustit;T

advise (give advice);;radit (dt radu) poradit

(dt radu);T

admit (to a university etc.);

;pijmout (na universitu atd.);T
admit: This year he was admitted to university.;

;pijmout: Tento rok byl (on) pijat na
admonish: admonish (and) instruct;:
;napomnat: napomnat (a) instruovat;
admonish: If (you) see (anything) not good (with me), simply
admonish (me).;: T ;pokrat: Pokud
uvid (nco) nedobrho (se mnou), tak (m) jednodue

advise (make opinion);;poradit (dlat nzor);T

advise: (I) am (only) advising (you).;: ;radit:

(Jen ti) radm.;pol.
advise: (I) would like to advise (you) one thing.;:
;poradit: Rd bych ( ~ "chci) (ti)
poradil jednu vc.;pol.
advocate (lives in-front);( );advokt
(ije ve-pedu) obhjce (ije ve-pedu);sg.
aeon (extremely long period of time);;eon (extrm dlouh
doba);n. P. kappa (= aeon)

afar;;v dlce;adv.
adolescent (ten exceeded
affected, be deeply (chest (is) overloaded); ;ovlivnn, bt
age); ( );dospvajc (deset pekroiv hluboce (hru (je) peten);I
affection;;zalben;n. P. mett (loving-kindness)
adopt (accept (and) take);;pevzt (pijmout (a) vzt si);T affection: love on surface, loving kindness in heart (egg's
adorable: This cat is adorable ( ~ lovely).; :
;roztomil: Tato koka je vhodn k
zamilovn si ( ~ roztomil).;col.

adore (gain-profit (and) wake-up);T ;zboovat (zskatuitek (a) probudit-se);T


white's love, yolks' affection);:

;zalben: lska na povrchu, zalben v srdci (lska blku,
zalben loutku);prov.
afford, can (can (and) be-able); ;dovolit, moci si (moci
(a) umt);I

aforesaid, be (included above); ;ve uveden, bt

(zahrnut ve);I
afraid of, be; ;strach z, mt;I
afraid of, be: (He) said: I am not afraid of you.; :
" " ;bt se (nkoho): Nebojm se
afraid, be; ;strach,,e, mt bt se
obvat se;I (or) T
afraid, be: (He) is afraid, that (it) will take long time.;:
T ;obvat se: Obv se, e (to) bude
trvat dlouho.;

after (it is finished): After washing the clothes, (he) hangs the
clothes in order to dry (it).; :
T ;po (skonen toho): Po vyprn
obleen, v ( ~ povj [CZ col.]) (to) obleen aby (je)
after (sth. is finished, after (it is) finished); ;po
(skonen neho, po skonen);suff. adv.
after (that, after next finished); ;po (tom, a
dal skon);adv.
after all (then at end);;konec konc (pak na

afraid, be: (I) am afraid, not dare to ask.; : after some time (after time falls); ;za
njakou dobu (po (tom, co) as pad);I (or) I writ.
;bt se: Bojm se, netroufm si se zeptat.;
afraid, be: As I am afraid, that if (I) had to explain ( ~ "tell) (it) after some time (in one time (of) time);
in ( ~ "with) writing, (it) would take long time, (it) will be good (from );za uritou dobu (v jeden as
if (you) understand ( ~ "get) (it) just by ( ~ "with)
knowledge.;: T after some time, quickly (time falls quickly); ;za
;obvat se: Ponvad se obvm, e kdybych (to) njakou dobu, rychle (as pad rychle);I writ.
ml vysvtlit ( ~ "ci) (s) psanm, trvalo by (to) dlouho, bude after some time, quickly: After some time, quickly, all people
dobr, pokud (to) pochop pouze s (vlastn) znalost.;fut.
will get old, sick and then (they) die.; :
afraid, be: because (we) were afraid that (he) would bite;:
;obvat se: protoe jsme se obvali, e by
afraid, be: It is good to be afraid of making one's faith holey
inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering (and)
sadness.; :

;obvat se: Je dobe se obvat prodravn vlastn
dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a) smutku.;prov.

T ( ~

);za njakou dobu, rychle: Za njakou dobu lid
rychle zestrnou, onemocn a pak zemou.;fut. writ.
after some time: After some time (she) will become old, sick,
(and) finally (she) will die.;:
( ~
) :
;za njakou dobu:
Za uritou dobu zestrne, onemocn (a) nakonec zeme.;fut.

afraid, be: It is said, that Nga Nyo's wife was also afraid
because of the king's decree.; :
;bt se: k se, e a ova manelka tak z ( after that; ;po tom;adv.
~ kvli) rozkazu krle dostala strach.;
after that (after finishing);;potom (po skonen)
Africa (continent);();Africk (kontinent);name
pak (po skonen);adv.
after; ;po tom, co po
za;suff. prep. (or) suff. (or) suff. adv.

after that, and (if finished); ;potom, a (pokud

skoneno);suff. adv.

after ...;;po tom, co ...;suff.

after, just; ;po, hned po tom, hned;suff.

writ. (or) adv. writ.

after ((at the) time (of) finishing);;po ((v) dob

after ((at) time of finishing); ;po ((v) dob od
skonen);adv. writ.
after (at the end of): After ( ~ at the end of) watching the
movie, they went to a restaurant.;:
;po (na konci): Po (na konci)
sledovn filmu li do restaurace.;
after (if (you) finish); ;za (pokud skon);adv.
after (if finished);T ;za (pokud dokoneno);suff.
after (last (and) finish);;za (trvat (a) skonit);suff. adv.
after (about time, at end);;po (o ase, na
after (an action);;po (innosti) a (po innosti);suff.
after (an activity etc.);;po (njak innosti atd.);adv.

after: (You) turn right after the second traffic light (and) then
go further straight ahead for 200 meters.; :

;za: (Ty) zahni vpravo za druhm
semaforem (a) pak je dl rovn 200 metr.;imper. pol.
after: After (he) comes, (he) sits (down).;:
;po tom, co: Po tom, co pijde, sedne si.;
after: after (he) explains;: T;po tom, co: po tom, co
after: After (he) puts (one hand on another), (he) looks in front,
down on the floor, having opened (his) eyes.; :

;po tom, co: Po tom, co polo (jednu ruku na
druhou), dv se dopedu, dol na zem, otevenma oima.;pol.
after: After 10pm (I) do not eat (any) meal.; :
;po: Po dest poledn u nejm.


(Rno, kdy pejde dest hodina, u nejm jdlo.);n.

after: after around 20 years;: ;za: asi
za 20 let;
after: After eating, (he) washes (his) hands.;:
;po: Po jdle ( ~ "jezen) si
meje ruce.;writ.
after: After six days (I) will finish ( ~ complete), because (I) will
copy twenty-five pages.;T : T T
;za: Za est dn (to) dokonm,
protoe budu koprovat dvacet pt strnek.;fut. pol.
after: After some time. (When some 'laters' last.); :
( ~ ( )
);za (asov): Za njakou dobu. (Kdy njak
'pozdjky' potrvaj.);

after: They went to a restaurant after the movie.;:

;po: Po filmu li do
after: What happened after that?; :
T ;po: Co se stalo po tom?;inter.
after. After practice of meditation, (I) left.;:
;po: Po praxi meditace jsem odeel.;p.s.
afternoon (day (is) spread); ;odpoledne (den (se)
afternoon (part (when) noon (is)
missed); ;odpoledne (st (kdy je) poledne
afternoon: As for afternoon, it's raining.;:
;odpoledne: Co se te odpoledne, pr.;

after: After Tanyin fell, (he) could easily seize the

Hanthawadis.; :
;po: Po tom, co Tanlyen padlo,
mohl snadno dobt Hantvad.;writ.

afternoon: Good afternoon.; :

: ;odpoledne:
Dobr odpoledne. rno: Dobr odpoledne.;w. pol.

after: after the lecture;: ;po: po


again; T ;znovu;adv.

after: After the rain ( ~ raining), sun shines.;:

;po: Slunce svt po deti ( ~ zapren);fut.

again (next more); ;znovu (jet dal);adv.

afternoon: In the afternoon (she) is eating cake and drinking

after: After the (theater) play (as for me,) I will go to
tea.; :
sleep.; : T ;po: Po (t) (divadeln) ;odpoledne: Odpoledne j dort a pije aj.;writ.
he, (co se te (m)) (j) pjdu spt.;fut.
afterwards (after finishing);;pozdji (po
after: After the copying, (I) go ( ~ "depart) for almsskonen);adv.
round.;: ;po:Po opisovn
afterwards (just after this); ;od t doby
odchzm na almun obchzku.;ubmn.
(prv po tomto);conj.

after: After the second traffic light (you) turn left.; :

;za: Za druhm
semaforem (ty) zato vlevo.;imper. pol.

again (also again);T ;znovu (tak znovu);adv.

again (once more); ;znovu (jet jednou);adv.
again and again; ;znovu a znovu;adv.

again and again (again changing (and)

changing); ;znovu a znovu (znovu se-mn (a)
after: After twenty-four days (I) can finish ( ~ complete).;T : mn);adv.
T ;po: Po dvaceti tyech
again and again (another time, another
dnech (to) mohu dokonit.;fut.
time); ;znovu a znovu (dal as, dal as);adv.
after: As for after three months, (I) am going to return (to)
Myanmar (country).; :
T T T ;za: Co se te za ti msce, chystm
se vrtit do (zem) Myanmaru.;pol.

after: I will go to school after I eat the meal ( ~ rice).;:

;a: Pjdu do koly a se
najm ( ~ a snm ri).;fut. col. um.

again and again (moment, moment);;znovu a znovu

(moment, moment);adv.
again and again: (I) am again and again dreaming
(dreams).;: ;znovu a
znovu: Znovu a znovu (snm) sny.;

again and again: (I) was hearing (it) again and again in (my)
ears.; : ;znovu a
after: I will go to Yangon after the exam.;: znovu: Poslouchal jsem (to) znovu a znovu ve (svch)
;po: Po zkouce pojedu do
uch.;p.s. pol.
again and again: Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing

after: I will reach Bago after Yangon.;:

again and again (one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
;po: Po Rangnu dojedu do Bago (Pekh).;fut. knowledge.); : T
;znovu a znovu: Opakovn je matkou moudrosti.
after: It is after the following day after Thin-gyan when is the
(Dln znovu a znovu (jeden-po-druhm) je (prost)
first day of the Myanmar year.; : matkou sprvn znalosti.);prov.
T ;po: Je to prv
again and again: The gentlemen (and) the ladies have,
nsledujc den po Tendanu, kdy (zan) prvn den
certainly, already heard (it) many times ( ~ again and
Myanmarskho roku.;col. pol.
again).; :
after: Just after (I) write it that way, (I) give (it) to the
;znovu a znovu:
teacher.;: ;po: Prv po Pnov (a) dmy (to) ji, jist, mnohokrt ( ~ znovu a znovu)
tom, co (to) tak ( ~ tm zpsobem) napi, dm to uiteli.;pol.


again: (I) even (do not) happen to meditate again.;T :
T T ;znovu: Dokonce se ani
nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
again: (It) disappeared and never appeared
again.; :
;znovu: Zmizel a u se nikdy (znovu)
neobjevil.;p.s. pol.
again: (It) is a sentence used when (it) is not possible to
change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any more.;T :
T ;znovu: Je (to) vta uvan kdy u nen dn
monost (cokoliv) zmnit ( ~ "znovu opravit).;

age: 'Young' (means) unemployed age, (taking from) parents'

earnings.;: ;vk:
'Mlad' (znamen) nezamstnan vk, (bran z) vdlku
age: (I) am over 38 years old. (Of age, over 38
years.); : ;vk: Je mi pes 38.
(Vku, pes 38 let.);pol.
age: (I) am thirty-three years old. (Age has been thirty-three
years.); : ;vk: Je mi ticet ti
let. (Vk u byl ticet ti let.);p.p. col.
age: (I) am thirty. (Age has been thirty.); :
;vk: Je mi ticet. (Vk u byl ticet.);p.p. col.

age: (She) is a girl of age of 24 years.; :

again: Do it again.;T : T ;znovu: Udlej to znovu.;imper. T ;vk: Je (to) slena vku 24 let.;
age: (You) still have a young age.;:
again: If (you) want to be again small, ( ~ young) (you) have to ;vk: Jsi ( ~ "m) pod v mladm ( ~
shrink (again).;T : T T ;znovu: Jestli
"malm) vku.;col.
chce bt znovu mal ( ~ mlad), mus se (znovu)
age: at the age of fifteen (years); :
;vk: ve vku patncti let;
again: The great Alaung Min Taya thus could, indeed, again
successfully unite the Myanmar country, build and set (it) up in
order to (make it) well (collected) (and) organized.;T :
;opt: Takto ohromn Alaung Min
Tay vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit
(a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s.

age: How old are you? (How much has been your
age?); : ;vk: Kolik je ti
let? (Kolik u byl tvj vk?);inter. pol. um. col.

again: The monk should ask (his) teacher again about (the
teacher's) name.;T : T
( ~ T );znovu:
Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitee na jeho jmno ( ~
jmno uitele).;sl.

age: I am 30 years old. (My age (is) 30.); :

;vk: Je mi 30. (Mj vk (je) 30.);pol. um. col.

again: When do (you) plan ( ~ have) to come to Myanmar

again.; : T T
T ;znovu: Kdy plnuje ( ~ m)
znovu pijt do Myanmaru?;inter.
again: Write it again.;T : T ;znovu: Napi to
znovu.;imper. pol.
against (create (and) meet); ;proti (vytvoit (a) setkatse);adv.

age: How old are you? (Who much is your age?); :

;vk: Kolik je ti let? (Kolik je tvj
vk?);inter. col.
age: How old is your child? (What age has (your) child
had?);: () ;vk: Kolik let je
tvmu dtti? (Jak vk (u) m (tvoje) dt?);inter. p.p.

age: I am already 44 years old. (My age is filled 44.); :

T ;vk: Je mi ji 44 let. (Mj vk
je naplnnch 44.);pol. um.
age: I am going to be 20. ((My) age is going to be full
20.); : T ;vk: Bude mi plnch
20. ((Mj) vk bude plnch 20.);fut.
age: I am twenty-four years old. (I have twenty-four
years.); : ;vk: Je mi
dvacet-tyi let (Mj vk u byl dvacet tyi let.);col. pol.

age ( ~ "years): (He) is (already) six years (old).; ( ~

""): T ;vk ( ~ "rok): U je (mu, j) est let.;p.p.

age: May (your) life be longer ( ~ "long more) (than one)

hundred (years). (wish expressed on a friend's
birthday); : ;vk: K je (tvj) ivot
del ( ~ "dlouh vce) (ne) sto (let). (pn vyjden na
narozeninch ptele);w. pol.

age (since birth, of a monk, great age); ;vk (od

narozen, mnicha, ohromn vk);n.

age: My baby is 15 months old. (My baby's age (is) 15

months.); : ;vk: Moje
miminko m 15 msc. (Vk mho miminka (je) 15 msc.);

age; ;vk;n.

age (of human);;vk (lovka);n.

age (since birth, of a monk): (As for) age, thirty.; :

;vk (od narozen, mnicha): (Co se te)
vku, (tak) ticet.;col.

agent (affair letter);( );zstupce (dopis


aggregates, five (of body, feelings, perception, conditions and

age (years of monkhood, rains);;vk (roky mnistv,
consciousness, which make up a person);;skupin, pt (tla,
rains);n. P. vassa (= rain)
pocit, vnmn, podmnek a vdom, kter utv osobu);n. Bh.
age (years of monkhood): Monk age is 10 years. (Monk rains, P. khandha (= aggregates)
ten rains.);: ;vk (roky mnistv): Mnisk vk agitated, be ((heart) palpitates, breast
je deset let. (Mnisk det, deset de.);ubmn.
jumps); ;rozruen, bt ((srdce) bu, hru ske);T


ago, a little while; ;ped chvilkou;adv.

aid: Poor countries need aid for their people.; :

ago, long (beforebefore arrival (of) present time);
();dvno, velice (pedped pchodem ;vpomoc: Chud zem potebuj
vypomoci svm lidem.;
ptomnho asu);adv.
aim (build first {nouner}); ;cl (postavit nejprve
ago, long time;
;dvno, kdysi;adv. col. (or) adv.
ago, long time: actually, (long time) ago; :
;ped tm, kdysi: ve skutenosti, (kdysi) ped
ago, long time: Long time ago (I) have studied a lot and have
yet remembered.; : ( ~
;dvno, kdysi: Kdysi dvno jsem (toho) hodn
nastudoval, a jet si pamatoval.;

aim (hope-for (and) expect {nouner}); ;cl (doufat-v

(a) oekvat {jmenec});n.
aim (hope-for (and) expect); ;cl, mt (doufat-v (a)
aim (hope-for (and) intend); ;cl, mt (doufat-v (a)
aim (needed thing (and) flower column); ;zamen
(potebovan vc (a) kvtinov sloup);n.

agree (nature (is) same);;souhlasit (charakter (je)


aim (and an object, hope-for (and) intend

{nouner}); ;cl (a pedmt, doufat-v (a) hodlat

agree (nature falls);;souhlasit (charakter pad);T

aim at;;mit na;T

agree (correspond, correspond (and) be-inaim at (aim-at (and) intend); ;mit k (mit-k (a) mt-vaccord);;souhlasit (bt ve shod, odpovdat (a) bt-ve- myslu);T
aim: the only intention (and) aim; :
agree with; -;souhlasit s;T
;cl: jedin zmr (a) cl;
agree with: Mother agreed with that also.; -:
aimless activity (or) talk (can arrive, (but)
;souhlasit s: Matka s tm unworthily); ;bezcln innost (i) povdn

tak souhlasila.;p.s.
(me (se) dostavit, (ale) nevhodn);n.

agree: (They) can talk following ( ~ having followed) the side ( air;;vzduch;n.
~ group of speakers), which (they) themselves agree with (and) air ticket (air vehicle's hand

sign); ( );letenka (run znamen
T ;souhlasit: Mohou mluvit nsledujce (tu) stranu vzdunho vozidla);sg.
( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami souhlas (a) kterou maj air-conditioner (machine giving cool
air); ( );klimatizan zazen (stroj
agree: It is said, that because of that (he) did not agree with
dvajc studen vzduch);sg.
his daughter (about her chosen husband).;: air-conditioner: air-conditioned room; :
;souhlasit: k se, e proto
;klimatizan zazen: klimatizovan
nesouhlasil se svou dcerou (ohledn jejho vyvolenho).;
ahead (placed ahead); ;dopedu (dve, uloen

ahead (of time); ;naped (v ase) pedem (v ase);adv.

air: There is a lot of oil (photographed) in the picture.;:

( ~ ) ;vzduch: Na
obrzku je (vyfoceno) hodn oleje.;

ahead (of time): I arrived here ahead (of time), before you.; : airfield (field (of) air vehicle); ;letit (zejmna

;naped (o ase):
pistvac drha, pole vzdunho vozidla);n.
Doel jsem sem naped, ped tebou.;pol. um.
airline (air way line); ( );aerolinka (linka
ahead (of time): Sleep ahead.; :
;naped (v ase):
vzdun cesty);sg.
Spi naped.;pol. writ.
airline office (office (of) air vehicle); ;cestovn
ahead of (in front of, put in-front (and) near); ;ve
pedu (poloeno ve-pedu (a) pobl);adv.
ahead of: You will see it ahead of you. ((You) will meet (it)
ahead.); : ;ve pedu: Spatte to
ped sebou. (Potkte (to) ve pedu);fut.
ahead, be;;vpedu, bt;T

kancel (kancel vzdunho vozidla);n.

airline: an airplane of ABC airline; :

;aerolinka: letadlo
aerolinky ABC;
airplane (air vehicle (which) flies); ( );letadlo
(vzdun vozidlo (kter) lt);sg.

aid (support (and) assistence); ;pomoc (podpora airplane (air vehicle); ( );letadlo (vzdun
(a) pomoc);n.
aid (esp. financial and political, supporting (and)
airplane ticket (air vehicle hand
helping); ;vpomoc (zejm. finann a politick,
sign); ( );letenka (vzduchovho
podpoen (a) pomoc);sg.
vozidla run znamen);sg.


airplane: a flying airplane; :

;letadlo: ltajc letadlo;sg.
airplane: An airplane is flying in the sky.; :
;letadlo: Letado lt v

all (whole): He will read all ( ~ whole) the three books.;:
;vechny (cel): Pete vechny ( ~
cel) ti knihy.;fut.
all (everything);;vechno;pron.

airplane: an airplane of ABC airline; :

;letadlo: letadlo
aerolinky ABC;

all of (a number, not saying);; vechen (nekajc) kad


airport );;letit (vzdun pstav);n.

all of a sudden; ;z nieho nic;suff. adv.

airport (air port);;letit (vzdun pstav);n.

airport (air vehicle's field); ;letit (pole

vzdunho vozidla);n.

all of (sth.);;vechno to (zcela);T

all of: If it is not vegetarian, (then I) eat all (of it).;:

;vechno to: Pokud (to)
nen vegetarinsk, pak to snm vechno.;writ.

airstrip (field (of) air vehicle); ;pistvac drha, all over (in whole (the) surrounding); ;vude (po
letadlov (, pole vzdunho vozidla) startovac drha,
celm, v celm okol);adv. writ.
letadlov (, pole vzdunho vozidla);n.
all over (the whole compound); ;vude po celm
alchemist (with magical powers); ( )
(ten cel dvr);n.
( );alchymista (kter m magickou
all over: On that day all over Myanmar country the celebrations
of National Day are held.; : T
alcohol; ;alkohol;n. A. araq

alcohol (alcohol (and) alcohol); ;alkohol (alkohol

(and) alkohol);n. P. sur (= alcohol), A. araq
alcohol (includes alcohol {nouner}); ;alkohol
(obsahuje alkohol {jmenec});n. A. araq
alcohol: (He) does not drink alcohol.; :
;alkohol: Nepije alkohol.;col.
alert (give attention);;upozornit (dt pozornost);T
alert, be (be-awake (and) hear);;bdl, bt (btprobuzen (a) slyet);I
alike, be;;podobn, bt;I
alive ( ~ "have): Are your parents still alive? (Do (you) still
have parents?);: ;naivu ( ~ "mt):
Jsou (tv) rodie stle naivu? (M stle rodie?);inter.
alive and kicking;;iv a kopajc;adj.

all; ;vichni
vechny vechno ve;adv. (or) pron. (or) n.
all ( ~ "just this): Is it all? (Just this, ok?); :
;vechno ( ~ "jen tohle): Je to vechno? (Jen tohle,
all ( ~ "just this): Is it all? (Just this?); : ;vechno
( ~ "jen tohle): Je to vechno? (Jen tohle?);inter.

(po celm): Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se po cel zemi Myanmaru
podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.
all what;;ve, co;suff.
all what: I will say all what I know.;:
T ;ve, co: eknu ve, co vm.;pol. um.

all what: It is said, that he reads all kinds of writings that he

finds.;: ;vechno, jak: k
se, e te vechny druhy psan, jak najde.;
all, almost; ;vechno, tm;adv.
all, almost: As (I) wrote almost all what (I) have learned, the
writing (at examination) was successful.; :

T ;vechno, tm: Ponvad (jsem) napsal tm
vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo psan (na zkouce)
spn.;p.s. pol.
all: (I) read all of them. (All this (I) read.);:
;vechny: tu vechny (tyto).;pol.
all: (They) will answer (it) all together.;:
T ;vechno: Odpov na (to) vechno

all: According to this law, all who need to learn at univesity

all ( ~ "just this): Is that all? (Just this?); : ;vechno cannot get the permission to learn ((and) listen), therefore
people of all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed, not
( ~ "jen tohle): Je to vechno? (Jen tohle?);inter.
satisfied.;: ()
all ( ~ "just this): That's all. (Just this.); : .
;To je ve(chno). (Jen tohle.) vechno: Je to vechno.

ichni: Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se
(Jen tohle.);col. pol. (or) pol.


universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a)
all ( ~ "just this): That's it. (Just this.); : ;To ve.
poslouchn) povolen, proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech
(Jen tohle.);col. pol.
Myanmarskch nrodnost nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
all ((from) start whole);;vichni ((od) zatku cel);adj.
all: all people in ( ~ "on) the world;:
all (all around);;vechno (vechno dokola);pron.
;lid: vichni lid na svt;
all (depleting around);;ve (spotebovn
all: all the words in the Pi sentence;:
;vechno: vechna slova v (t) pi vt;
all (depleting);;ve (spotebovn);pron.
all: All whatever you say, (I) like.;: T
all (just this); ;vechno (jen tohle);pron.
( ~ );vechno: Vechno
all (to all things);;ve (k vem
co k, (j) mm rd.;


life.;T: T T ;almun
msa, hlinn: V ivot jsem nevidl hlinnou almun
all: That's all, alright? (just this, ok?);: ;toto: To ve, msu.;col.
ano? (pouze toto, ano?);col.
alms-bowl, iron;;almun msa, kovov;sg.
all: Having looked at all the books.;:
;vechny: Po podvn se na vechny knihy.;p.p.

alligator (tends (to) catch, long

headed); ( );aligtor (m-sklon (k)
chytn, dlouh hlava);sg.

alms-bowl: painting alms-bowl (put a medicine-color (on) almsbowl);: ;almun msa: barvit
almun msu (pokldat livou barvu na almun msu);

alligator (tends (to) catch, short

headed); ( );aligtor (m-sklon (k)
chytn, krtk hlava);sg.

alms-round, be at (taking food);;almun obchzce, bt

na (bran jdla);T mn.

allow; ;povolit dovolit svolit;T

allow (give permission);

;dovolit (dt svolen);T

allow (make permission); ;svolit (udlat povolen);T

allow to;;svolit k;T

allowed, be (permission (is) received);

;povoleno, bt
(povolen (je) pijat);I

alms-round, go for (depart (to) take

meal);;almun obchzku, jt na (odejt si-vzt
jdlo);T mn.
alms-round, go for: After the copying, (I) go ( ~ "depart) for
alms-round.;: ;almun
obchzku, jt na:Po opisovn odchzm na almun

allowed, be: I also happy that (I) was allowed to befriend with

;povoleno, bt: Tak mm radost, e mi bylo
povoleno se s tebou ptelit.;pol. um. FB

alms-round, groups of people offering food at (food offering

group); ( ) ;almun obchzce, skupiny lid
nabzejcch jdlo na (jdlo nabzejc skupina);sg. Bh. mn.

almost (near, near);;mlem (blzko, blzko) tm

(blzko, blzko);adv.

alone (about love or any other situation); ;sm

(o lsce nebo i o kterkoliv jin situaci);adj.

alms-round: Ven. Sir, come for alms-round.;:

;almun obchzka: Ctihodn pane, pojte na almun
almost ((around) near (and) thin);( );tm
((okolo) blzko (a) huben) mlem ((okolo) blzko (a) obchzku.;imper. pol. mn.
alone; ;sama (CZ f.) samotn sm;adv.

almost (nearly (and) nearly);;tm (blzko (a)

blzko);adv. writ.

alone, just; ;osaml

(osamocen);adj. col.

alone: I am alone.; :
: ;sm: Jsem sm.
almost every: Almost every student knows this story.;: sm: Jsem sm ( ~ sama);col. (or) pol. um.
;tm kad: Tento alone: when (he) is alone; :
T ;sm: kdy je sm;
pbh zn tm kad student.;pol.
almost every: This book is available in almost every
almost every (like like every);;skoro kad (jako
jako kad) tm kad (jako jako kad);suff. adj.

shop.;: ;tm kad: along: Go North along the Sule pagoda road.;:
T ;Sever: jdi severn
Tato kniha je k dispozici tm v kadm obchod.;
almost full ( ~ majority): The bottle is almost full of water. (In podl ulice Sule pagody.;imper. pol.
the bottle (there) is majority of water.);:
;tm pln ( ~ vtina): (Ta) lhev je tm
pln vody. (V (t) lhvi je vtina vody.);
almost: (I) almost approached to the level that (I) had attained

before.; : T
;tm: Tm jsem se piblil ke
stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.

alphabet;( ) ;abeceda;sg. P. akkhara (=

letter, syllable) (or) n. P. akkhara (= letter, syllable)

alphabet (consonants (and) vowels

letters); ;abeceda (souhlsky (a) samohlsky
psmena);n. P. byajana-sara-akkhara (= consonants vowels
- letters)

alphabet: alphabet, beginner lessons, intermediate

almost: As (I) wrote almost all what (I) have learned, the writing lessons;: ( ~ T)
(at examination) was successful.; : ; abeceda: abeceda, lekce
pro zatenky, lekce pro pokroil;n.
T ;tm: Ponvad
(jsem) napsal tm vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo psan (na already; ;ji u;suff. p.p. (or) suff. adv. (or) suff. (or)
zkouce) spn.;p.s. pol.
almost: I am online almost whole the day.;:
already (finished definitely);;u (skoneno
;tm: Jsem online tm cel definitivn);adv.
already (finished); ;ji (skoneno);suff.
alms-bowl;( );almun msa;sg.
already happened to;;ji se stal;suff. I p.p.
alms-bowl, clay;T;almun msa, hlinn;sg.

already has; ;ji;conj.

alms-bowl, clay: I haven't ever seen a clay alms-bowl in my

already has: However, the turtle has already had arrived first to


the goal.; : alright, be: (It) is not alright.;: ;v podku, bt: Nen
T ;ji: Avak elva ji do cle dorazila.;writ.
(to) v podku.;pol.
already, be;;u, bt;suff.

alright, then; [g.] ;dobe, tedy;col. interj. (or) interj. col.

already, be: (It) has been long already.;: ;u, bt, trvat: alright: Alright, sir.; : ;ano: Ano, pane.;pol. uw.
U je (to) dlouho.;
already: (I) have already attended;: ;u: u jsem alright: Is (it) alright to write ok?;: ( ~ )
se astnil (kurzu);pol.
;v podku: Je v podku napsat ok?;inter. col.
already: (I) have already heard it;: ;u: u jsem (to) alright: No, sir. (Not alright, sir.);: ;v podku: Ne,
pane. ("Nikoliv v podku, pane.");
already: (I) have seen (it yet).;: ;ji: Ji (jsem
to) vidl.;ans. pol.
already: (it) is old (already);: ;u: (u) je (to)

alright: One kyat (I) can decrease. (As for one kyat, (it) is
alright to decrease (so much).);:
;v podku: O jeden iat zlevnit mu. (Co se te
jednoho iatu, je v podku (tolik) snit.);

already: Have you seen that play ( ~ concert) already?;:

;u: U jsi se (ty) (nkdy) na tu
divadeln hru ( ~ koncert) podval?;inter. col.

alright: That's alright, indeed. (answer to an excuse); :

;v podku: To je v podku, opravdu. (odpov na

already: Not long time. It has been already around six

months.;: T ;u: Ne
dlouho. Je to u asi est msc.;

also (similar form);;tak (podobn tvar);adv.

already: I already have a car, therefore (I) don't need this one ( alright: That's alright.;: ;podku, v: To je v podku.;
~ "car) any more.;:
alright: Will (this) be alright?;: ;stait ( ~ "v-podku):
;u: U jedno auto mm, take u
Bude (tolik) stait?;inter. fut.
nepotebuji tohle (auto).;
alright?; ;ano?;interj. col.
already: I am already tired. (I happened to be tired
Alright. (affirmative); ;Dobe. (souhlas);col.
already.);: ;u se: Jsem u unaven. (U also; ;i tak ani;col. (or) conj. (or)
jsem se stal unavenm.);p.p. um.
conj. col. (or) suff. writ. (or) suff. col.

already: One day is completely finished, already.;:

;u: Jeden den je u zcela u
already: Pye Pye already told me.;: T T
T ;ji: Pje Pje mi (to) ji ekla.;p.p. col.
already: This is the first time I have already been to
Yangon.;: ;ji: To je
(ji) poprv co jsem v Rangnu.;col. pol.
alright; ;dobe;interj. col.
alright ( ~ "good): Alright. (used to announce departure, (It)
was good.); : ;dobe: Dobe. (uvno k
oznmen vlastnho odchodu);pol. col.

also in; ;tak v;suff. prep.

also in: also in Jinatthapaksan; : ;tak v:
tak v Dinatthappaksan;
also, and;;jet, a;suff.
also: (I) also transform (it) to the form of zmnit (pemnit).; :
T ;tak: Tak (to) pemnm do formy
also: (I) Can help you as well as your boyfriend. (For you also,
for your boyfriend including (I) can give help.); -:
Mohu pomoci tob i tvmu pteli ( ~ milmu). (Pro tebe tak,
pro tvho ptele vetn, mohu dt pomoc.);pol.
also: (I) thank you also.; : ;tak: Tak
vm dkuji.;pol. col.

alright (indicates desire to end the discussion): Alright. ((That) also: also this; : ;tak: tak toto;writ.
was pretty good.); : ;fajn (zna touhu
also: As it is next to Irrawaddy river, (also as for beauty,) (it)
ukonit diskuzi): Fajn. ((To) bylo hezky dobr.);p.p. pol. col.
is also beautiful.; : T
alright (said by a friend or elder person); ;dobr (eeno
;tak: Ponvad je vedle eky Iravadi, (tak
kamardem nebo star osobou);interj. col. ans. fr.
(co se te) krsy) je krsn.;pol. col.
alright (used by a friend or elder person);;dobe (uito also: Can (you) also read Burmese script?;:
kamardem nebo star osobou);ans.
;tak: Um tak st Barmsk psmo?;inter.
alright, (it) was (suggests end of a discussion or
meeting); ;dobe, bylo (to) (navrhuje konec diskuze i

also: Can (you) talk already also in Myanmar (language)?;:

T T ;i: Um u mluvit i

alright, be; ;stait ( ~ "bt-v-podku) v podku, bt also: Do (you) like also Coke?;:
fajn, bt;I
;tak: M rd tak Colu?;inter. col.
alright, be (good (and) finished); ;v podku, bt
(dobr (a) ukonen);I

alright, be: (It) is alright.;: ;v podku, bt: Je (to) v


also: He also said: Go wherever you want to go.; : {

} T ;tak: Tak ekl: Jdte

kam chcete jt.;col.
also: He also will buy (a) book.; : ;tak:


On tak si koup knihu.;col.

rozvj dobrou meditaci.;w. pol.

also: He will buy a book also.; : ;tak:

Koup si tak knihu.;col.

always: Ven. Sir can always ask me exhaustively, just like the
Buddha's great son.; : ()
also: It is not wrong, it is not right also.; :
;vdy: Ct. Pn m me vdy
;ani: Nen to patn, nen to ani
vyerpvajcm zpsobem ptt, jako (by byl) prv Buddhv
ohromn syn.;pol. utmn.
also: There are indeed many other places also.;:
T ;jet: Je (zde) tak
jet mnoho jinch mst.;pol.

altar (Buddhist, building (of) lord's

monastery); ( );olt (buddhistick,
budova pnova kltera);
alter (Buddhist, lord's shelf); ( );olt
(buddhistick, Pnova polika);sg.
alter (change);T ;mnit;T
although; ;pestoe;suff. conj. (or) adv.

always: We always welcome you.; :

;vdy: Vdycky jsi vtn. (My t vdycky
vtme.);pol. um.
AM (not dark); ();rno (nikoliv temno);adv.

am: Every time when he comes, I am not at home.;:

;jsem: Kdykoliv pijde, nejsem
AM: quarter to eight AM (seven hours forty-five minutes
AM); : ;rno: tvrt na osm
rno (sedm hodin tyicet pt minut rno);

amazed, be (wonder (and) respect);;asnout (divit-se (a)

although: Although he gives, I don't take.; :
;pestoe: Pestoe dv, j si neberu.;col. um. respektovat);I
amazed, be (wonder (with) respect);;ohromen, bt (divitalthough: He doesn't eat although he is hungry.; :
se (s) ctou);I
;pestoe: Pestoe m hlad, nej.;col.
although: I didn't take although he was giving.; :
;pestoe: Nevzal jsem si,
pestoe dval.;um.
although: It is said, that although married, as for Nga Nyo, (he)
was always reading (writings) as before.; :

;pestoe: k se, e pestoe svoji (po
svatb), co se te a o, etl (psan) jako dv.;
altogether (together (and) friendly);;dohromady
(spolu (a) ptelsky);adv.
always; ;vdy vdycky (CZ col., vdy);adv. P.
thvara (= immovable, firm) (or) adv.

amazed: His wife was amazed.;:

;divit se: Jeho manelka se divila.;cont.

amazement (wonder (and) respect {nouner});T ;as

(divit-se (a) respektovat {jmenec});n.
amazingly; ;asn;adv.
ambassador (envoy minister,
big); ( );velvyslanec (vyslaneck minister,
velik);sg. S. amtya (= minister)
ambassador (envoy minister); ( );velvyslanec
(vyslaneck minister);sg. S. amtya (= minister)

ambulance (vehicle loading paining

people); ( );ambulance (vozidlo nakldajc
bolav lidi) sanitka (vozidlo nakldajc bolav lidi);sg.
always, just (just (by) standard (of) always); ;vdy, P. yna (= vehicle)
prost (standardem prost vdy);adv.
always (always (and) continuously); ;vdy (vdy (a)
neustle) vdycky (CZ col., vdy, vdy (a) neustle);adv.

always: (It is, that) attending the National Day every year,
(one) should try to always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own)
national spirit.; :
T ;vdy:
(Je to (tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se
ml (kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho
ducha.;pol. writ.
always: (I) am just always smiling.; :
;pod: Prost se pod usmvm.;pol. cont.
always: He always tells me truth.; :
T ;vdy: Vdycky mi k pravdu.;

America (USA, collection (of) set-up American

countries); T ;Amerika (USA, sbrka
ustavench americkch stt);n.
American embassy; ;Americk ambasda;name E.
among; ;mezi;prep.
Among ( ~ out of): Among these heroes Kyansittha became
especially famous.; :
T ;z: Z tchto hrdin se stal ansit
obzvlt slavnm.;writ.
among (in); ;mezi (v);prep.

always: Here I always make a mistake.; :

among (in between); ;mezi (v mezi)
(~ );vdycky: Tady mezi (v mezi);suff. prep. (or) prep.
vdycky dlm chybu.;col.
among (in inside among); ;mezi (v uvnit
always: May you always meet (and) have the good days and mezi);suff. prep.
(thus) be able to develop the right meditation.; :
among (inside in); ;mezi (v, v);prep.

among one another; ;mezi sebou;adv.
;vdy: K (t) vdy potkvaj dobr dny a (tak)


among: among books and websites; :

and others; ; a dal;suff.
;mezi (v): mezi ( ~ v) knihami a webovmi and so on; ; a tak dle;suff. (or) suff. writ.
and so on (by start); T ;apod..
amuse (please (and) satisfy); T;bavit (lidi, potit (a)
and so on.: It can be seen by verses like tenhu por and
Anthapiika, the wealthy one;;Anthapiika, so on.; : ' ' T
;a tak dle: Me to bt vidt z ver jako tenhu
anatomy (body science);;anatomie (vda (o) tle);n. por a tak dle.;writ. pol.
P. khandha - veda (= trunk-of-body - science)
and then;;a pak;suff.
Anawratha king (king of Pagan 1044-1077);
;Anjadh, krl (krl Paganu 1044-1077);name
ancient; ;starovk;adj.
ancient (old (and) aged); ;starovk (star (a)
ancient, be (ancient (and) old); ;prastar, bt
(prastar (a) star) starodn, bt (prastar (a) star);I

and what about, and; ;a co;suff. col.

and what about: And what about before?;: ;a
co: A co pedtm?;inter. col.
and what about: And what about you?;: ;a co: A
co ty?;inter. col.
and: (she) lives in Thongwa and ...;: ;a:
ije v Thongwa a ...;writ.

ancient: (It) is a specific item, which indicates the commentarial

nature of Sutta Piaka.;:
T ;starodvn: Je (to) specifick vc,
kter naznauje komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.

and: Are there Mr. Bakhin and Mrs. Thuza?; :

;a: Jsou tam pan Bakhen a pan Tuza?;inter. col.

ancient: Then, there are also ancient artcrafts.; :

Dle, jsou tam tak starovk umleck dla.;col. pol.

(oblast v Indii);name

and: fifty-nine (five tens and nine); : ;a: padest

devt (pt destek a devt);num.

and: The museum and the library.; : T ;a:

ancient: ancient villages; : ;starodvn: Muzeum a knihovna.;col.
starodvn vesnice;
and: two hundred (and) sixty five; : T ;a:
ancient: It is a statue of one ancient king's wife.;:
dv st (a) edest pt;num.
;starovk: Je to socha krlovny
and: You and I.; : ;a: Ty a j.;col. um.
jednoho starovkho krle.;pol.
Andhrapradesh (a region in India);TT ; Andrhraprad

and; (from ) ;a;conj. (or) conj. col. (or) suff.

(or) conj. writ.
and (-): two hundred sixty five; (-): T ;a
(-): dv st edest pt;num.

anger; ;vztek;n. (or) n. P. dosa (= hatred)

anger: Love of one is great, anger of (another) one is (also)
( ~ );vztek: Lska
jednoho je velk, vztek druhho ( ~ "jednoho) je (tak) velk.;

angry with, be: Whenever (I) can't help him, he is angry with
and (-): thirty-six (three tens six); (-): T ;a (-): me.; :

ticet est (ti destky est);num.
;natvan na, bt: Kdykoliv mu nedoku pomoci,
and (connects two sentences in a complex sentence); je na m natvan.;
;a (spojuje dv jednoduch vty v souvt);suff. col. (or)
angry, be (anger comes out);;hnvat se (hnv
suff. (or) suff. writ.
vychz);I writ.
and (connects two sentences in a complex sentence): Here
(you) stop and the hotel (is) in front of you.;:
;a (spojuje dv jednoduch vty v souvt):
Zde zastav a hotel je ped tebou.;col.

angry, be (mind (is) bad); -

;hnvat se (mysl (je) patn) rozzloben, bt (mysl
(je) zl) natvan, bt (mysl (je) patn);I (or) I writ.

and also; - - ;a jet a

navc a tak;conj. col. (or) suff. (or) suff. conj. col. (or) suff.

angry, get: You may get angry with (me for what I am going to
tell you now).;: ;rozlit se: Asi se
rozl (na m za to, co ti te eknu).;fut. pol.

and also: (he) writes, meditates and also studies Burmese

;a tak: pe, medituje a tak studuje;
and also: I will eat as well as drink.; - :
;a tak: Budu jst a tak

angry, get;();natvat se (CZ col.);T

angry: The boy appears to be angry.;:

;natvan: (Ten) kluk se zd bt natvan.;
animal; ( ) ( );zve;sg. P.
tiracchna (= animal) (or) sg P. tiracchna (= animal)
animal (num. class.): next animal; : ;zve
(itatel): dal zve;

and also: I will read this book and also that book.;: animal: An animal may be bigger than human as well as (it)
;a jet: Budu st tuto knihu a jet can be smaller.; :
tamtu knihu.;fut. col. um.
;zve: Zve me bt


vt ne lovk a tak me bt men.;

animals: Animals are not as noble as people.; :
TT ;zvata: Zvata
nejsou tak ulechtil jako lid.;

T ;jin: Kopruji ty sti

na njak jin msto.;pol.
another: another part;T: T;jin: jin st;
answer;T( );odpov;sg.

animals: Animals means (they) get free when killed by people,

friend.; : ;zvata:
Zvata znamen, e jsou vysvobozena kdy (je) lid zabij,

answer (answer back (and) give): Thank you for answering

(me) back.;T T: T T
;odpovdt: Dkuji za odpov (zpt).;pol.

anniversary (anniversary, marking (and)

noting);( );vro (vro, oznaen (a)

T;odpov: odpov se (stle) neobjevuje;pol.

answer, write (write (and) inscribe);;odpov, napsat

ankle (pillar (which) brushes leg);T( );kotnk (pst (a) vyrvat);T
(sloup (kter) obruuje nohu);sg.
answer: (I) will answer as much as (I) can answer for
anniversary (turns-round (and) wraps (the)
(you).;T: T T;odpovdt: Odpovm (ti)
year); ;vron (to-se-okolo (a) obaluje
jak jen (ti) budu moci odpovdt.;fut. pol.
answer: answer (still) does not appear;T:

anniversary: I take pride very much for being allowed to carry

out the celebration of tenth anniversary of writers of our
township as the chairman.;:
Jsem velice hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~
zastnn se) oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn
oblasti jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.
announce ((let) hear whereabouts); ;oznmit
((nechat) slyet informaci);T
announce (about monks, pronounce (and) beheard); ;oznmit (o mnich, vyslovit (a) bt-slyen);T
announce (everywhere, give knowledge (and spread
information) downwind-side (and)
upwindside);;oznmit (vude, dt znalost (a
rozit informaci) po-vtru (a) proti-vtru);T
announce (inform, give hearing
whereabouts); ;oznmit (informovat, dt
slyet informaci);T
announce: The novice-monk may announce what (he) wants to
happen.; : T ;oznmit:
Novic-mnich (mi te) me oznmit co si peje ( ~ "chce) aby
se stalo.;pol. mn.
annoyed, be (mind (is) broken); ;otrven, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena);I
annoyed, be (mind (is) used-up);;otrven, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) vyerpan);I
annoying, be (give suffering);;otravn, bt (dvat
annual (turns-round (and) wraps (the)
year); ;ron (to-se-okolo (a) obaluje rok);adj.
annual: Eighth Annual Meeting; :
T ;vron: Osm Vron
another; ;dal;suff. adj.
another (more); ;dal (vce);suff. adv.
another (next more); ;dal (jin, jet dal);adv.
another: (I) copy those parts to another place.;T:


answer: Every time when I ask, he can answer.;T:

T ;odpovdt: Vdy kdy se
zeptm, doke odpovdt.;um.
answer: He still did not answer me.;T :
T ( ~ T T);odpovdt:
Stle mi neodpovdl.;pol. um.
answer: His way of answering questions at examination is very
good.;T: T ;odpovdat: Zpsob,
jakm odpovd pi zkouce, je velice dobr.;col.
answer: It is said, that when the king asked about history of the
spirit house, nobody of the villagers was able to answer.;T:

T ;odpovdt: k se, e kdy se krl ptal na
historii toho domu ducha (bka), nikdo z vesnian nebyl
schopn odpovdt.;
answer: know the answer for the questions;T:
T ;odpov: znt odpov na otzky;
answer: We will know the answer to these questions at the end
of this discussion.;T: T
;odpov: Na tyto otzky
budeme znt odpov na konci tto diskuze.;fut. pol.
answer: Whatever the teacher asks, I can answer.;T:
T ;odpovdt: Na cokoliv se
uitel zept, j doku odpovdt.;um.
ant;( ) [payweshei] ( )
anthem, national (song (of) great
country); ;hymna, nrodn (pse velk
anther;( );tyinka;sg.

anther: to stay another ten days; : ;dal:

zstat dalch deset dn;
anxiety; ;neklid;n.
anxiety (fear (and) weariness); ;zkost (strach (a)
any; - - T T ;kterkoliv
jakkoliv;adv. (or) pron.
any (not choosing);;jakkoliv (nevybrajce);suff.
any (not saying);; jakkoliv (nekajc);suff.
any (in negative); - ;dn;pron.

any (negative): He didn't buy any pants.;: anyhow; T T ;beztak;adv.

;dn: Nekoupil dn kalhoty.;
anyhow (not connected (to) the-speech); ;v kadm
any (negative): I do not read any book.; - :
ppad (nespojen (s) e);adv.
;dn: Netu dnou knihu.;um.
anyhow (telling (and) telling just what(ever)); TT;v
any book (not saying which book);; jakkoliv
kniha (nekajc jak kniha);
any more;;u;adv.
any more, not; ;u ne;suff.

kadm ppad (kajce (a) kajce prost co(koliv));interj.

anyone (acc.): (I) could not trust anyone.; :
;nikomu: Nemohl jsem nikomu

any more, not: Don't do (it) any more!; : ;u anyone (negative); -;nikdo;pron.
ne: U to nedlej!;imper. pol.
anything ( ~ "whatever): (My) father did not reply to anything
( ~ "all whatever) I wrote.;:
any more: (I) don't have ( ~ "do) a job any more.;:
T ;nic ( ~ "cokoliv): (Mj) otect
;prce: U nemm ( ~ "nedlm)
neodpovdl na nic co ( ~ "vechno cokoliv) jsem (mu) (j)
any more: (I) don't have the mood to (want to)come and see, napsal.;p.s. pol.
any more.;: ;u ne: U nemm
nladu (chtt) (znovu) pijt a dvat se (na to).;col.

any more: Indeed, (I)cannot decrease (the price) (any more)

more than this.;: ;u:
Vskutku, vce ne tolik ji nemohu zlevnit ( ~ "snit).;col.

anything (every thing);;cokoliv (kterkoliv

anything (not saying what);; cokoliv (nekajc

anything (not telling which thing); ; cokoliv

any shop (not saying (in) which shop); ; jakkoliv (nekajce kter vc);n.
obchod (nekajc jak obchod);
anything (negative): (I) don't want to eat anything.;:
;nic: Nechci nic jst.;
any time; -; kdykoliv;adv.
any time (not saying when); ; kdykoliv
(nekajc kdy);adv.

anything (positive): If (you) have anything that (you) want to

know, ask (me) anything.;:
any time (in future); -;kdykoliv (v budoucnosti);adv. ;cokoliv: Pokud m (nco), co bys chtl vdt, ptej se na
cokoliv.;imper. pol.
any time (in past); -;kdykoliv (v minulosti);adv.
anything like ((that), (of) (that) nature); -
any time when;;kdykoliv;suff. adv.
( );nic takovho ((toho) charakteru);n.
any: (He) did not make ( ~ undertake making) any oath to
them.;: T ;dn: Neuinil ( ~
nepodstoupil uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.

anything like (that): (I) do not say ( ~ mean) anything like

that.; - ( ):
T ;nic takovho: Nic takovho
nekm ( ~ nemnm).;

any: (He) will have to undergo (it) with more or less any
;jakkoliv: Bude (to) muset podstoupit bez ohledu na anything: Except rice (I) don't eat anything.;:
;nic: Nejm nic krom re.;um.
pote ( ~ "s vcemn jakmikoliv potemi).;pol.
anyway; T T T T ;nicmn mimochodem;adv.
any: Any Buddhist accepts this fact.; -:
Kterkoliv buddhista tento fakt pijm.;

any: Come to my house any time.;:

;jakkoliv: Kdykoliv ke m dom (me) pijt.
(Pij od mho domu (v) jakkoliv as.);imper. pol. um.

anyway (not connected (to) the-speech); ;beztak

(nespojen (s) e) vak (nespojen (s) e);adv.
anyway (telling (and) telling just
what(ever)); TT;nicmn (kajce (a) kajce
prost co(koliv));interj.

anyway: Anyway, (I) am happy, that (you) are a carrier of the

responsibility to (maintain) the (Buddha's) gift
prominent.; TT: TT
;nicmn: Nicmn,
any: You can ask any question.; -: jsem astn, e jsi nositel zodpovdnosti za (udren)
prominentnosti (Buddhova) daru.;pol.
;jakkoliv: Me se zeptat na jakoukoliv otzku.;
anywhere; -;kdekoliv;adv.
anybody; ; kdokoliv;pron.
any: I will read any book.;: :
: ;jakkoliv: Petu jakoukoliv

anywhere (not telling which place); ; kdekoliv

anybody (not choosing (whether) big people (or) small
people); ;kdokoliv (nevybrajce (zda) velc (nekajc jak misto);adv.
anywhere (not saying where); ; kdekoliv
lid (nebo) mal lid);n.
(nekajc kde);adv..
anybody (not saying which person); ; kdokoliv
(nekajc kdo);pron.

anybody (in positive sense);;kdokoliv;pron.

anybody, with; ; kmkoliv, s;pron.

anywhere (nowhere): We don't go anywhere on

Sundays.; :
;nikam: O nedlch nikam nechodme.;pol. um.


anywhere (in negative); -;nikde;adv.

anywhere (negative): I didn't go to any town.; - -:
;nikam: Neel jsem do dnho

appartment (house room); ( );byt (domovn

appear;;objevit se;I (or) T

anywhere (negative): This book isn't available at any
shop.; - -: ;nikde: Tato appear
kniha nen k dispozici v dnm obchod.;
anywhere, to; -;kamkoliv;pron.
anywhere: (I) won't go anywhere today.; -:
;nikam: Dnes nikam nepjdu.;col.

apart from;T T T
;krom;prep. (or) adv. (or) suff. writ. (or) conj. writ. (or)
conj. (or) suff. adv.
apart from (out);T ;krom (venku);adv.

(appear (and) come);;objevit se (objevit-se (a)

(come up);;objevit se (pijt nahoru);I
(shine);;objevit se (zit);I

to be (somehow, life form appears;

;zdt se bt (podoba ivota se-ukazuje);I
appear to be: The boy appears to be angry.; :
;zdt se bt: (Ten) kluk se zd
bt natvan.;
appear: (It) disappeared and never appeared again.;:
;objevit se:
Zmizel a u se nikdy (znovu) neobjevil.;p.s. pol.

apart from: Apart from meditating, what (else) can (you)

do?;T : T ;krom: Co um, appear: answer (still) does not appear;: T;objevit
krom meditovn?;col.
se: odpov se (stle) neobjevuje;pol.
apart from: Apart from news (there are) also many
appear: Indeed, by making mistakes, correct(ness) will
advertisements included.;T : T
appear.;: ;objevovat se: Vskutku,
T ;krom: Krom novinek je
dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
obsaeno tak mnoho reklam.;writ. pol.
appear: It is generally accepted that the commentaries
apart from: Apart from teaching other people, (he) is studying
himself (as well).;: T T
: T

;krom: Krom
toho, e u ostatn lidi, (tak) se u sm.;col. (or) writ.

apart from: Apart from teaching others, I can (also) learn

(myself).; : T T
;krom: Krom uen druhch, (tak) se umm
uit (sm).;writ.
apart from: apart from this (one);T : T ;krom: krom
apart from: Apart from this one I understood the rest.; :
T ;krom: Krom
tohohle jsem pochopil vechno ( ~ "zbytek).;p.s.
apart from: Apart from this student, no other student
comes.;T : T
T ;mimo: Mimo tohoto studenta
nepichz dn jin (student).;pol.
apart from: What else do (you) do, apart from (doing)
samath (and) vipassan meditation?;T :
T T :
T ;krom: Krom samath
a vipassan meditace, co jet dl?;inter.

appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's time.;:

;objevit se: Veobecn se pijm, e komente
se objevily bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.
appearance;( ) T ( );vzhled
vzezen;n. writ. P. rpa (= matter) (or) n. (or) sg.
appearance (standard form);( );vzhled (standardn
appearance (form);( );podoba (forma);sg.
appearance: The form (of) the two green objects is same.;:
;vzhled: Vzhled (tch) dvou
zelench pedmt je stejn.;
apple (flower fruit); ( );jablko (kvtinov
applicant (person (who) wants); ( );uchaze
(osoba (kter) chce) adatel (osoba (kter) chce);sg.
applicant: an applicant for scholarship ( ~ "attending
school); : ; uchaze: uchaze o studium
na kole;
application (form, speak astutely); ;dost (formul,
mluvit byste);n.

application (form): (I) am filling application form for

work.; : T :
apart from: What else do (you) have apart from this?;T :
T ;dost (formul): Vypluji dost o
T ;krom: Co jet mte krom tohohle?;inter. prci.;cont.
apartment (building's room); ( );pokoj, hotelov application (to fill, standard form);( );formul
(pokoj budovy);sg.
(standardn podoba);sg.
apartment: (I) rent ( ~ am renting) an apartment.; :
;byt: Pronajal ( ~ pronajmm-si) jsem si
byt.;pol. cont.
apologize (resquest (and) beg); ;omluvit se (dat
(a) prosit);T

apply (to a school); ;pihlsit se (do koly);T

apply: Have (you) applied (for study at) school?; :
;pihlsit se: Pihlsil (jsi) se (ke studiu) na

appoint;;ustanovit (nkoho na urit postaven);T

apparently (be-clear (and) shine {adverber}); ;zjevn appoint: It is said, that having given him the status of Min
(bt-jasn (a) svtit {pslovec});adv.


Yaza, he appointed him a minister.;: { } vhodn, bt;I (or) I writ.

;ustanovit (km): k se, e mu udlil statut
appropriate, be ((be) satisfied (with the)
Men Yza a ustanovil ho ministrem.;
condition); T;vhodn, bt ((bt) spokojen (s)
appointment, make an (fix(a-date-etc.) (and)
fix);;schzku, domluvit si (domluvit-se-na-ase (a)
appropriate, be (condition isupevnit);T
satisfactory); T;odpovdajc, bt (stav je-uspokojiv);T
appointment, make an (fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix
with); - ; schzku, domluvit si (domluvit-se-na-ase
s (nkm a) upevnit);T

appropriate, be (proper (and) noble);T ;patin, bt

(sprvn (a) ulechtil);I

apprehension (power (and) ability (to) realize (and)

understand); ;chpavost (moc (a)
schopnost pochopit (a) porozumt);n.

April (month);();duben (msc);n. E. April

appropriate, be (suitable (and) great); ;odpovdajc,

appreciate (nature falls);;ocenit (charakter pad);T bt (vhodn (a) ohromn);I
appreciate (as good, put worth value); ;ocenit
(jakoto dobr, uloit vhodnou hodnotu);T
approximately (estimation); ;piblin (odhad);prep.

apprentice (a monk, disciple (and)

disciple); ( );ue (o mnich, k (a)
k);mn. P. svaka (= disciple, listener)
approach; ;piblit se;T
approach (approach (and) come-close); -;pistoupit
k (piblit-se (a) pijt-bl);T
approach (approach (and) come); ;piblit se (piblit
se (a) pijt);T

Arahant (fully enlightened follower of Buddha's teaching, but it

is used especially for monks generally);( );Arahant
(pln osvcen nsledovnk Buddhova uen, ale uv se pro
mnichy obecn);sg. P. Arahant (= worthy (of receiving four
Arahant (fully enlightened follower of Buddha's
teaching);( );Arahant (pln osvcen nsledovnk
Buddhova uen);sg. (= worthy (of receiving four requisites))

Arahant: noble lords ( ~ monks) who have become

Arahants;: T T ;Arahant:
approach (come close (and) approach); ;piblit se vzneen pni ( ~ mnii), kte se stali Arahantem;
(pijt blzko (a) piblit-se);T
Arahanthood: until (we) can successfully attain
approach (a king or monk, talk (and) placeon); ;pistoupit k (krli i mnichovi, mluvit (a)
approach sb. (approach, come-close (and) come
towards); -;piblit se k (nkomu, piblit-se,
pijt-bl (a) pijt k);T

( ~
Arahanthood;: T
);Arahantship: dokud meme spn doshnout

Arahanthood: We should strive in order to successfully attain

Arahanthood.;: T
( ~ T T
approach: (I) almost approached to the level that (I) had
);Arahantstv: Mli
attained before.; : T
;piblit se: Tm jsem se bychom usilovat abychom spn doshli Arahantstv.;pol.
piblil ke stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
arahantship, attain (finish duty (of)
monk); ;arahantstv, dokonit (dokonit povinnost
approach: After (he) approached me, I told (it) to
him.; -: mnicha);T
T ;pijt: Kdy ke m piel, ekl jsem mu (to).;p.s. writ. architect;( ) (WS. from )
( );architekt;sg. P. visukamma (= spirit able to
approach: approach the Nibbna; :
create anything) (or) sg. WS. P. visukamma (= spirit able to
;piblit se k: piblit se k Nibbn;
create anything)
approach: At least (I) want to approach them as much as
possible.; : T ( ~
) () ;piblit
se: Minimln se k nim chci piblit jak je jen mon.;pol.
approach: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it) said: while
approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the) turtle, I will first
take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of sleep).; :

;piblit se: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl:
zatmco se pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si
odponu a vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.

architect (architect
scholar);( );architekt (architekt
uenec);sg. P. visukamma (= spirit able to create anything)
Arctic (ocean);;Arktick (ocen);name

arduous, be (difficult (and) difficult); ;nron, bt

(obtn, bt-obtn (a) obtn);I
area; ;kraj (oblast);n.
"aren't (you)?;"; ;ne?;interj. col.
aren't (you)?: Today (you) are free, aren't (you)?; :
;ne?: Dnes (m) volno, ne?;inter.

argue (defend one's idea, block (and)

appropriate (be-related-to (and) proper);;patin (tkat- confine);;dohadovat se (hjit vlastn nzor, blokovat
se (a) bt-sprvn);adj.
(a) ohraniovat);T
appropriate, be; ;patin, bt


argument;T ;hdka;n.
arise (ascend (and) rise); ;zvedat se (vystoupit (a)
arm (hand (and) arm); ( );pae (ruka (a)
arm: (He) shows head put on arms.; :
T ;pae: Ukazuje
hlavu poloenou na pach.;
arm: Because my arm hurts ( ~ is hurting), (I) am not very
healthy.; :
;pae: Protoe m bol pae, nejsem moc
armpit; ;podpa;n.
arms; ;pae;pl.
arms (weapons, black (in) hand); ( );zbran
(ern (v) ruce);n.

five (or) ten minutes (it) roams around.; : T

;okolo: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu
se tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.
around: to (around) six places; :
T ; asi: (asi) na est mst;
arouse (ascend (and) rise); ;vyvolat (povzbudit,
vystoupit-vzhru (a) stoupnout);T
arouse: In order to arouse the nationalism towards the
Myanmar nationality, encouraging, they have recognized this
day as National Day.; : T

;vyvolat: Aby vyvolali
vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za povzbudzovn),
rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.
arrange (collect (and) organize); ;arrange (sesbrat (a)
zorganizovat);T writ.

army (great (military) division); ;armda (ohromn

(armdn) divize);n.

arrange (line-up (and) arrange-in-order); ;uspodat

(seadit (a) uspodat-do-podku);T

army (tatmadaw): Choosing the brave heroes, king Naung

organized a great Myanmar army.; :
;armda (tatmadaw): Vbrem statench hrdin
krl Nau zorganizoval velikou Myanmarskou armdu.;p.s. writ.

arrange (a date etc., fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix);;podat

(schzku atd., domluvit-se-na-ase (a) upevnit);T

arrange (line-up (and) give);;uspodat (zarovnat (a)


arrange (in order); ;upravit (do podku);T

army officer (army commander); ( )

[si.bou];armdn dstojnk (armdn velitel);sg.

arrange (prepare);;pipravit;T

around (estimation): (It) has already been around ten

days.; : ;asi (odhad): U je (to) asi
deset dn.;

arrest (catch (and) block); ;zatknout (chytit (a)


;okolo: Okolo Mandalaje jsou tak starovk

arrive; ;pijt ( ~ pijet) pijt pijet;T mn.

(or) T

arrange: (I) will arrange the accommodation to stay.; :

;pipravit: Pipravm
aromatic, be; ;aromatick, bt;I der.
around; ;asi okolo nkdy (asi) ubytovn.;pol.
arrange: while arranging;: ;uspodat: pi
asi tak okolo (asi);prep. (or) suff. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv.
around (estimation); ;asi (odhad);prep.

arrest (catch); ;zatknout (chytit);T

around: around in April; : ;nkdy: nkdy v arrival (arrive (and) arrive {nouner}); T
T ;dostavit se (dostavit-se (a) dostavit-se
around: Around Mandalay there are also ancient

arrive (arrive (and) arrive); ;dostavit se (dostavit-se

around: around two years later; : ;asi (a) dostavit-se);T
arrive (pace (and) arrive); ;dostavit se (kret (a)
tak: asi tak o dva roky pozdji;adv.
pijt);T resp.
around: I have been studying Myanmar language for around

one year.; : T ;asi: arrive: (As for) one day, one great king arrives to the Wun Zin
village.; :
Um se Myanmarsk jazyk (ji) asi jeden rok.;p.p. col.
;pijet: A jednoho dne, jeden velk krl pijel do
around: It may start every year around 13th of April.; :
;okolo: Me zat Wan Zen vesnice.;
kad rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.

around: Not long time. It has been already around six

months.; : T ;asi:
Ne dlouho. Je to u asi est msc.;
around: The life span of a person is around 80 years.;:
;asi: Dlka ivota
lovka je ( ~ trv) asi 80 let.;

arrive: (I) will wait for ( ~ "until) your answer arrives.;:

T ( ~ T
);dorazit: Budu ekat ne tv odpov doraz.;fut.
arrive: As for coming (part (of) July ( ~ 7(th) month), (I) may
arrive.; : ( ~ - )
;pijet: Co se te nadchzejc (sti)
ervence ( ~ 7(.) msce), mon pijedu.;fut. col.

around: The mind goes again and again out, time to time four, arrive: Hanthawadi troops arrived (and) again attacked the


Mushopho village.; : as;

T ;pijt: Hentvad vojska pila (a) T (( )+) T;e
znovu zatoila na vesnici Mushpho.;writ.
(protoe) ponvad coby za jakoto jak jako (coby)
arrive: having arrived; : ;pijet: po pjezdu;p.p. jeliko;suff. prep. (or) prep. (or) conj. writ. (or) suff. col. (or)
suff. (or) suff. conj. (or) conj. (or) conj. col. (or) suff. adv.
arrive: How long has it been since (you) arrived to Burma

(country)? (How much did (it) last (that you) are being arrived as (same method); ;jakoto (stejn zpsob) coby
(stejn zpsob) jako (jakoto, stejn zpsob);adv.
(to) Burmese country?); : T
;pijet: Jak dlouho je (to, co jsi) pijel do
as (similar form);;jako (podobn tvar);adv.
Barmy (zem)?;inter. p.p.
as (to say whatwhat (is the) reason);
arrive: I arrived on Friday.; :
-();ponvad (k een coco (je) dvodem);conj.
;pjet: Pijel(a) jsem v ptek.;col.
as (about a thing);T;coby (o vci) jakoto (o vci);prep.
arrive: I have arrived to hospital. (I am arriving in
hospital.); : ;pijet: pijela
jsem do nemocnice. (Pijdm v nemocnici.);cont. uw.
arrive: I('ve been) arrived since 3 o'clock.; :
;dostavit se: Dostavil
jsem se ji ve ti. (Ji od t (jsem) J piel.);pol. um.
arrive: in the arrival hall (in the hall (where people)
arrive); : ;plet: v pletov
hale (v hale (kam lid) pilet);adv.
arrive: since the day of (my) arrival; :
;pijet: ode dne (mho) pjezdu;
arrive: the arrived letters; : ;pijt:
pil dopisy;
arrive: When did you arrive to this town?; :
;pijet: Kdy jsi pijel do tohoto msta?;inter.
arrive: You will arrive at Shwedagon pagoda.; :
;pijt (dojt): Dojde do vedagou
pagody.;col. pol.
arrogant, be (boasting (and) bragging);;arogantn, bt
(pyn (a) chlubc se);I
arse (EN vul.); ;i (CZ vul.);n. vul.
artcraft (fine-arts handiwork); ;umleck dla
(jemn-umn run prce);n.

as (according to);;jak (podle);adv.

as (follows after a v.);; tak, jako;suff. adv.
as (sb.); ;jakoto (nkdo) jako (coby)
jakoto coby;prep. (or) suff. writ. (or) prep. writ.
as (such as); ;tedy (jako nap.);suff. writ.
as a whole (as all); ;v celku (jakoto
vechno);adv. writ.
as a whole (only one mixture, one
line); ;v celku (pouze jedna smchanina,
jedna linie);adv.
as a whole (generally, by (and) to most);T;v
celku (obvykle, skrze (a) k vtin);adv. P. yebhuyya (=
as before; ;jako dv;adv.
as before: It is said, that although married, as for Nga Nyo,
(he) was always reading (writings) as before.; :

;jako dv: k se, e pestoe svoji (po
svatb), co se te a o, etl (psan) jako dv.;
as follows; ;viz ne;writ.
as follows (as included below); ;jmenovit (jak
obsaeno ne);adv.
as follows, they are; ;jmenovit, jsou to;adv.

as follows: (It) was explained as follows.; :

artcraft: Then, there are also ancient artcrafts.; :
;viz ne: Bylo (to) vysvtleno,

;umleck dla: viz ne.;p.s. writ.

Dle, jsou tam tak starovk umleck dla.;col. pol.
as for; (later as )
article (in newspapers etc.): I read an article (for myself)
- (from );co
yesterday.; :
se te;prep. (or) adv. (or) suff. (or) prep. writ. (or) suff. conj.
;article (in newspapers etc.): Vera
(or) conj. (or) conj. col. (or) suff. conj.
jsem si etl jeden lnek.;
as for (if (is) said); ;co se te (je-li eeno);conj.
article (in newspapers, thin contribution); ( )
[shau~: b:];lnek (v novinch, tenk pispn);sg.

article: Then, also, editorials and articles are still published

there.; :
;lnek: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou tam stle
artist;( ) (from );umlec;sg. der.
artist (master (in) lifting
flowers); ( );umlec (mistr (ve) zvdn
artist (proficient (in) tender
wisdom);( );umlec (zdatn (v)
jemn moudrosti);sg.

as for (indeed falling);;co se te (vskutku

as for (say);; co se te (ci);conj.
as for now; ;te zrovna (CZ col.);adv.
as for now (as-for falling now);;zatmco te (cose-te padn te) co se te te (co-se-te padn
as for them, they are .. ; -T ;co se
jich te, jsou to .. ;writ. pol.
as for them,,they are ... ; - ;co se te
jich,,jsou to ... ;adv.
as for: After the (theater) play (as for me,) I will go to


sleep.;: T ;co se te: Po (t)

(divadeln) he, (co se te (m)) (j) pjdu spt.;fut.

talk.);: T;co se te:

Nemluv se mnou. (Co se te m, nemluv.);col. um.

as for: As for (last) Sunday, I came to Kandy (village).; :

;co se te: Co
se te (minul) nedle, pijel jsem do (vesnice) Kandy.;pol.

as for: He drinks beer. As for wine, he doesn't drink

(it).;: ;co se
te: Pije pivo. Co se te vna, (to) nepije.;col.

as for: As for hats, (we) have (them), indeed, (we) have.

(Just) various kinds. Here, look.;:
;co se te: Co se te klobouk, (ty)
mme, vskutku, mme. (Prost) nejrznj. Tady,

as for: He watches movie(s). As for books, (he) doesn't read

(them).;: ;co
se te: Dv se na filmy. Co se te knih, (ty) nete.;col.
as for: I think (as for) this much is enough.;:
;co se te: (J) si myslm,
e (co se te) tolika, sta.;pol. um.

as for: as for me;: ;co se te: co se te as for: Just now, at this time, the marking ( ~ marks-giving)
judges are being ready (and) arrived.; :
as for: as for me (as for my part);:
;co se te: co se te m (co se te m
Prv te, v tuto dobu, jsou bodujc ( __znmky-dvajc)
soudci pipraveni (a) dostavili se.;p.p. pol.

as for: As for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my) perfections.; : as is (according-to having);;jak je, tak (podle
T ;co se te: Co se jsoucnosti);adv. col.
te m, jsem pipraven naplnit (sv) dokonalosti.;pol. um.
as is said;; jak je eeno;suff.
as for: As for me, (I) know nothing.; :
as is: (I) am going to translate the sentence for (you) as (it)
;co se te: Co se m te, nic nevm.;um.
is.;: T ;jak je: Pelom (tu)
as for: as for midday yesterday; :
;co se te: co se te verejho poledne.;
as for: As for Monday, I stay in Migoda village.; :
;co se te: Co
se te pondl, zstvm ( ~ iji) ve (vesnici) Mgoda.;pol.

vtu pro (tebe) tak, jak je;fut.

as it is said: As it was said, that he wanted to buy a book, I

took him (in a car) to a bookshop.;:
;jak je
eeno: Protoe bylo eeno, e (si) chtl koupit knihu, vzal
jsem ho (autem) do knihkupectv.;pol.

as for: As for now, it is not raining any more.;:

;a: A te, u nepr.;col.

as long as not; -;dokud ne;suff.

as for: As for the method of explaining meanings, Sinhalese

Ahakath usually give similar words to explain difficult
words.; :

;co se te: Co se te metody
vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle uvdj ( ~
dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla obtn slova

as much as (follows after a v.);;tolik, kolik (nsleduje za


as long as not: As long as he doesn't tell me, I will not

as for: As for some, (they religiously) offer morning meal (to
believe.;, -: T ;dokud ne:
monks during alms-round).;: Dokud mi (to) neekne, tak neuvm.;um.
;co se te: A co se te nkterch, (ti) daruj rann as much as; ;jak jen tolik, kolik (nsleduje za
jdlo (mnichm bhem almun obchzky).;pol.
slovesem);conj. (or) adv. (or) suff.

as much as (one) can; ;jak jen

(nkdo) me;adv. (or) suff.
as much as (one) can (can amount); ;jak jen
(nkdo) me (moci mnostv);
as much as (one) can (justjust powerfully); ;jak
jen (nkdo) me (prostprost mocn);adv.

as for: as for the other place;: ;co as much as (one) can: (I) try to be concentrated as much as (I)
se te: co se te toho dalho msta;
can.; : ()
as for: As for the turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little ;jak jen (nkdo) me: Snam se se
by little.;: ;co se
soustedit jak jen mohu.;
te: Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si odpoala, as much as (one) can: As much as (I) can, (I) do not tell lies,
krek po krku jde.;writ.
indeed.; : T;jak jen
as for: as for these days;: ; co se te: co se
te tchto dn;

(nkdo) me: Jak jen mu, nelu, opravdu.;col.

as much as (one) can: When the rabbit woke up at the place of

resting, (it) got up and indeed ran as much as (he)
could.; :
as for: As for tomorrow, (I) am free.; : T
( ~ ) T;jak jen (nkdo)
;co se te: Co se te ztka, mm volno ( ~ jsem me: Kdy se krlk na mst odpoinku probudil, vstal a
vskutku bel jak jen mohl.;writ.
as for: He doesn't talk with me. (As for me, he doesn't
as much as possible; T ;jak je jen mon
as for: as for these six books;: T ;co
se te: co se te tchto esti knih;


jak jen je mon;adv.

you also, for your boyfriend including (I) can give help.);
as much as possible (justjust powerfully); ;jak jen --:
;i: Mohu pomoci tob i tvmu pteli ( ~
to jde (prostprost mocn);adv.
as much as possible (most good); ;jak to jen jde milmu). (Pro tebe tak, pro tvho ptele vetn, mohu dt
(nejvce dobr) co nejvce (nejvce dobr);adj.
as much as possible (to (be) powerful (and)
pierce);;jak jen to jde (bt-mocn (a)

as well as: (I) will buy pants as well as shirt.; -:

;i: Koupm kalhoty i

as much as possible: At least (I) want to approach them as

much as possible.;T : T ( ~
) () ;jak je jen
mon: Minimln se k nim chci piblit jak je jen mon.;pol.

as well as: I will eat as well as drink.; - :

;i: Budu jst a tak pt.;col.

as much as: (I) will help (you) as much as possible.;:

;jak jen: Pomohu (ti) jak jen je
mon.;fut. pol.

as well as: They, as well as we, know.; -:

;i: Oni i my vme.;

as soon as; - - ;jakmile;adv.

as soon as (inserted after doubled verb); ;jakmile (vloeno
za zdvojenm slovesem);suff. adv.

as: (He) works as a supporter for monks.;T :

T ;jakoto: Pracuje
jakoto pomocnk mnich.;

;jakmile: Jakmile doraz do vedagou pagody,
stane se, e si tak vimne vedagou pagody.;pol.

as: (It) is called as Union of Myanmar country.;T :

T T ;jakoto: Nazv se Unie

as well as: An animal may be bigger than human as well as (it)

as much as possible: (I) tried as much as possible and
can be smaller.; - -:
(completely) corrected (this).; :
T ;jak to jen jde: Snail jsem se jak to ;a tak: Zve me
bt vt ne lovk a tak me bt men.;
jen lo a (zcela) tohle opravil.;pol.
as well as: I will buy pants as well as shirt.; -:
as much as possible: (Price) is decreased as much as
possible.; : ;jak jen je ;i: Koupm kalhoty i
koili.;fut. um.
mon: Je to zlevnn ( ~ "snen) jak jen je mon.;col.

as well as: The actor as well as the actress are very good.;
-: ;i: Herec i
as much as possible: When I am free, (I) will answer as much hereka jsou velice dob.;col.
as well as: The newspaper The New Light of Myanmar is
as possible.; :
T ;jak jen mohu: Kdy budu voln, odpovm jak jen published in Myanmar as well as in English (language).;:
as much as: (I) will ( ~ can) help as much as I can.; : ;a tak: Noviny The New Light of Myanmar jsou
;jak jen: Pomohu ( ~ mohu publikovny v barmtin (myanmartin) a tak v
pomoci) jak (jen) mohu.;pol.

as well as: ven. Vasava, as well as ven. Varitta; - :

;stejn jako, i: stejn jako ct.
as much as: I don't know as much as he knows.; :
;tolik, kolik: Nevm tolik, kolik Vsava, i ct. Vritta;
as: (He) selected only the one, (who) did not step back as a
v on.;pol.
as much as: Nobody knows as much as Nga Nyo.; : hero.;T : T
;tolik, co: Nikdo nev tolik, ;za: Pouze toho, (kter) neustoupil, vybral za
co a o.;pol.

as soon as: As soon as (I) finish eating (meal ~ rice) I will as: (I) accept the second column as the first column.;T :
go to market.; : ;jakmile: Jakmile T ;za ( ~ "jakoto):
Pijmu druh sloupec za ( ~ "jakoto) prvn sloupec.;writ.
dojm (jdlo ~ ri), pjdu na trh.;fut.
as: (I) don't want to live as a lay person.;T : T
as soon as: As soon as (you) arrive to Yangon (you) thus
;jakoto: Nechci t jakoto laik.;pol.
happen to notice Shwedagon Pagoda.; :

as soon as: As soon as I arrive at school, I will read the

book.; : ;jakmile:
Jakmile dojdu do koly, (budu) st tu knihu.;fut.

as: (It) is called as Union of Myanmar.;: T

T ;jakoto: Nazv se Unie

as: (Somebody) said, that as the computer of ( ~ in) these

as well as;T (preceded and followed by a noun)
nuns got broken, they came.;:
- - - -
- -- -;tak jako a tak i stejn jako i ;ponvad: Pr, e protoe se
pota (u) tchto mniek rozbil, (ony) pily.;col.
stejn jako, i stejn jako jako i a zrove;suff. (or) suff.
as: As (he) is hungry, he goes to a shop to eat (and) drink.;:
conj. col. (or) suff. pref. (or) suff. (or) suff. conj. (or) conj.
;ponvad: Ponvad m
as well as: (I) Can help you as well as your boyfriend. (For


hlad, jde do obchodu jst a pt.;col.

as: As (you) write mistakes, I don't understand.;:
;ponvad: Ponvad
pe (s) chybami, j nerozumm. nerozumt: Ponvad pe
(s) chybami, j nerozumm.;col.
as: As a doctor, he should cure sick people.; :
;coby: Coby
doktor, ml by lit nemocn lidi.;

as: The man with the beard is as tall as the man with the
hat.; :
;jako: Ten mu s vousy je stejn
vysok jako ten mu s kloboukem.;
as: Think as you like ( ~ "want) (to think).;:
;jak: Mysli si co ( ~ "jak) chce (myslet).;
as: though (you) still do not live as a nun; :
;jakoto: pestoe stle neije
jakoto mnika;

as: as a novice;T: T ;jakoto: jakoto novic;

as: We have the classical prosaic literature only as books, as

electronic files (we) don't (have).; :
;jakoto: Mme klasickou prozaickou
literaturu pouze jakoto knihy, jakoto elektronick soubory ne (
as: as Buddhaghosa mentioned;: T ~ "nemme).;
as: Write as he writes.;: ;tak jako: Pi tak
;jak: (dle toho,) jak Buddhaghosa zmnil;writ.
jako pe on.;imper. pol.
as: as commentary;T : T ;jakoto: jakoto
ascend; ;vystoupit (nahoru);T
koment;Bh. lit.
as: As a student, he should not behave ( ~ do) like
this.; :
;jako (coby): Jako student by se takhle neml
chovat ( ~ neml by dlat);

as: As he was reading that way, he was called as short writing

Nga Nyo.;: { }
;protoe: Protoe tak etl, nazvali ho a Nyo
krtkho ten.;

ashtray (cup (for) cigarette
ash);T( );popelnk (hrnek (na) cigaretov

as: As I'll cook fish, (I)'m getting ready.;: Asia (+ continent): (It is) improbable, that (she) is from Asia
T ;e: e budu vait rybu, pipravuji se.;cont. um.
(continent).;: T T ;Asie
(asijsk kontinent), bt: (Je) nepravdpodobn, e (je) z
as: As it was not possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as),
Asijskho (kontinentu).;
indeed, (they) had vehicles, modern weapons and help from
foreigners ( ~ people of other countries), by elite of ninetythree brave-ones, entering (and) attacking (there), (he)
conquered in the city.;T:

T ;jeliko: Jeliko nebylo mon
proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), vskutku, mli
vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ lid z jinch
zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil (tam a) zatoil,
(a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
as: as was mentioned;: T ;jak: jak bylo

Asia (continent);();sie (kontinent);name

Asia: Minds of Asian people (especially Myanmars) cannot be

as greatly decisive as (those of) European people.;:
(TT )
T ;sie: Mysli
asijskch lid (zejmna Myanmar) nedokou bt tak moc
rozhodn jako (ty) Evropskch lid.;
Asia: South-East Asia;: ;Asie:
Jihovchodn Asie;adv.
Asian (continent);();Asijsk (kontinent);name

Asian continent: The great Myanmar army led by the king

Naung was very famous ( ~ famous (and) renowned) in the
as: Do as I say, don't do as I do.;: T
Asian continent.;:
: T
;jak: Dlej jak km, nedlej jak dlm.;imper.
;asijsk kontinent: (Ta) velk
as: He eats as he's hungry.;: ;protoe: J, Myanmarsk armda veden krlem Nau byla velice slavn ( ~
protoe m hlad.;pol.
slavn (a) vhlasn) po (celm) asijskm kontinent.;p.s. pol.
as: He is working as a doctor in this city.;T :
ask;;ptt se zeptat se;T
T ;jakoto: (On) v tomto mst ask ( ~ request): Ask ( ~ "request") them to sit.;:
pracuje jakoto doctor.;pol.
;podat ( ~ nadit): Podej je ( ~ "nai jim") (a)
as: In this movie he is starring as a villain (In this movie he is
included as a villain.).;T : T
;jakoto: V tomto filmu hraje hlavn roli darebka. (V
tomto filmu je on zahrnut jakoto darebk.);pol.

se posad.;imper. pol.

as: It is said, that although married, as for Nga Nyo, (he) was
always reading (writings) as before.;:
;jako: k se, e
pestoe svoji (po svatb), co se te a o, etl (psan) jako

ask (be-far (and) ask);;zeptat se (bt-daleko (a)



ask (ask (and) wander);T ;ptt se (ptt-se (a) putovat);T

ask (ask (and) watch); ;zeptat se (zeptat-se (a)

ask (about a matter, test completely); ;zeptat se (na

uritou zleitost, kompletn vyzkouet);T
ask (about a matter): (I) will ask (about it) ((and) give).; :

;zeptat se (na uritou zleitost): Zeptm se na

(to) ((a) dm).;pol. fut.
ask (for advice or opinion, request for-sure); ;dat (o
radu nebo nzor, dat urit);T

teacher's) name.;: T
( ~ T );zeptat
se: Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitele na jeho jmno (
~ jmno uitele).;sl.

ask (for advice): Ask ven. Janinda, I am busy.; : ask: Whatever the teacher asks, I can answer.;:
() () ;podat (o radu): Podej ct. T ;zeptat se: Na cokoliv se uitel
zept, j doku odpovdt.;um.
Danindu, j nemm as ( ~ "(mm) moc prce).;fr.
ask: Whenever the ven. Sir likes, (he) may ask (me) whatever
ask (for sth., request kindness); ;dat (o nco,
(he) wants to ask.;:
dat (o) laskavost);T
;ptt se: Kdykoliv ct. Pn bude chtt,
ask (for sth.); ;dat (o nco);T
me se m zeptat na cokoliv chce (se zeptat).;pol.
ask (others); ;ptt se (druhch);T
ask (sb. about sth., ask (and) see); ;zeptat se (nkoho ask: Who will I ask?;: ;ptt se:
Koho se zeptm?;inter. col. um.
na nco, zeptat-se (a) dvat-se);T
ask: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over there?; :
ask (sb. to do sth.);;podat (aby nkdo nco udlal);T
() ( ~ ) ;zeptat se:
ask for; ;dat o;T
Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.
ask for: (I) had to ask for help.; :
;podat o: Musel jsem podat o
pomoc.;p.s. pol.

ask: You can ask any question.;:

;zeptat se: Me se zeptat na jakoukoliv otzku.;

() ;dat: d m abych piel.

(d m (o) pchod.);um.

aspects (nature (of) nature);;aspekty (charakter


ask to: Ask them to sit. (Request to them sitting.;: ask:others can ask;: T ;zeptat se: ostatn se
();podat aby: Podej je aby si sedli. (Podej je mohou zeptat;pol.
asparagus (dance (and) droop);( );chest
sednout (si).);imper. pol.
ask to: He asks me to come. (He asks me (for) coming.);: (tancovat (a) klesat) asparagus (tancovat (a) klesat);sg.

ask: (He) asked me.;: ;zeptat se:

Zeptal se m.;p.s. um.
ask: (I) asked whether (you) eat shit, because if (you) do ( ~
"eat), (I) will give (it to you).;:
;ptt se: Ptal jsem se, jestli j hovna,
protoe jestli jo ( ~ j), tak (ti) dm.;fut. jk. vul.
ask: (I) want to ask one thing.; :
;zeptat se: Chci se zeptat na jednu vc.;T
ask: (I) will ask and see.; : ;zeptat se:
Zeptm se (a) uvidm;fut.
ask: (it doesn't matter) how often (you) ask;:
;ask: (bez ohledu na to,) kolikrt se zept;
ask: (You) can ask (being far).;:
;zeptat se: Me se zeptat (jsouce
ask: (You) can ask whatever you want.;:
;zeptat se: Me se zeptat (na) cokoliv (ty)

aspirine (medicine (of) disappearance (of) headbiting); ;aspirin (lk (na) zmizen
kousn hlavy);n.
ass (EN vul.); ;prdel (CZ vul.);n. vul.
assemble (collect (from) far);;sejt se (sbrat (z)
assembly; ;shromdn;n.
assembly (spectators, people (who) watch (the)
event); ;shromdn (divci, lid (kte) sleduj
udlost);n. P. parisa (= assembly)
assignment (duty, responsibility (and)
burden); ( );kol (povinnost, zodpovdnost (a)
assignment (work);( );kol (prce);sg.

assignment (at university);( );seminrn

prce;sg. E. assignment
assignment, university;( );seminrn
prce, universitn;sg.

assignment, university (university writings);;kol,

ask: Every time when I ask, he can answer.;:
T ;zeptat se: Vdy kdy se zeptm, doke universitn (universitn psan);pl.
association;( ) ( ) ( )
ask: If (you) have anything that (you) want to know, ask (me) ;asociace;n. P. samagga (= union) (or) n. (or) sg.
anything.;: ;ptt se: Pokud m
(nco), co bys chtl vdt, ptej se na cokoliv.;imper. pol.

association (group (and) bundle); ;asociace (skupina

(a) svazek);n.

ask: If (you) need to know anything, just ask.;: association: association founded for (carrying-out) the benefit
;zeptat se: Pokud (bys) poteboval nco vdt, tak of animals; :
se prost zeptej.;imper. pol.
;sdruen: sdruen zaloen pro podporu zvat ( ~ "pro
vykonvn pnosu zvatm);writ.
ask: The man asks for direction ( ~ way).;:
;ptt se: Pn se pt na cestu.;cont.

ask: The monk should ask (his) teacher again about (the

assume responsibility: May (you) be able to assume

responsibility for the (Buddha's) present.; :


;vzt zodpovdnost: K jsi

at once (to many): (I) wish happiness at once to all beings
schopen vzt (na sebe) zodpovdnost za (Buddhv) dar.;w. pol. including me.; :
assured, be (lower (the) mind);;ujitn, bt (sniovat
(mnoha): Peji radost vem bytostem vetn m najednou.;pol.
assuredly (will);( );dozajista (bude);suff. adv.
astrology; ;astrologie;n. P. vedga (= science - limb)
astrology: girls, who believe in astrology; :
;astrologie: dvky, kter v v astrologii;pl. writ.

at; ;na u v;suff. prep. writ. (or) suff. prep. (or)

suff. col.
at (about time or place);;u (o ase i mst);suff. prep. writ.
at (one's house);;u (nkoho doma);suff.

at once: (It) is alright to have opened many programs ( ~

"files) with small letters at once.; :

;najednou: Je v podku mt oteveno mnoho program (
~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny najednou.;
at present;;prv (v ptomnosti);adv.
at that time; ;v tu dobu;suff. conj.

at that time (at that time);;tehdy (v ten


at (one's house): You can live in my house ( ~ at me).;:

;u (nkoho doma): Me t at that time: At that time, headman of Mushepo village U Aung
Zeyya himself, for safety, protected (his) own village (by) palmu m (doma).;pol. um.
tree trunks-forts.;:
at (place or time);;u (na mst i v ase);suff. prep.

at (sb.);;u (nkoho);prep.
;tehdy: Tehdy nelnk vesnice
at (the possession): (Young man) Aye has a book for
Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe, ochrnil svou vesnici
reading.;: ;ve (vlastnictv):
opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.
(Mlad pn) m knihu na ten.;col.
at all (round (and) fat);;vbec (kulat (a) tlust);adv.
at all, not ( ~ "absolutely): without any movement at all;:
;jakkoliv ( ~ "absolutn): bez jakhokoliv
pohybu ruky (absolutn bez vlastnn pohybu);
at all, not: (I) have no money at all.;:
;vbec: Nemm vbec dn penze.;
at all: Because I do not play sports at all, (I) am weak.;:
;vbec: Protoe
vbec nesportuji, jsem slab.;um.
at first; ;nejprve zprvu nejdve (zprvu);adv.
at first: Indeed, at first (the) rabbit runs quickly.; :
T T ;zprvu: Vskutku, zprvu krlk bel
at hand (in nearby);;pi ruce (v pobl);adv.
at hand: If (I) had a dictionary at hand, (I) would explain (it)
more to be complete.;:
T T;pi ruce: Kdybych ml pi ruce
slovnk, vysvtlil bych to vce, aby (to) bylo kompletn.;
at last; ;nakonec;adv.
at last: Please, will (you) write (me) an English sentence at
last?; :
;nakonec: Prosm,
nape mi nakonec (njakou) anglickou vtu?;inter. pol.
at least; ;nejmn;adv.
at least: At least (I) want to approach them as much as
possible.; : T ( ~
) ()
;minimln: Minimln se k nim chci piblit
jak je jen mon.;pol.
at once; (from )

at once (by (a) strike); ;najednou (hned,

at once (to many); ;najednou (mnoha);adv.


at the moment; ;momentln;adv.

at the moment: At the moment (we) have only three

kinds.; :
;momentln: Momentln mme jen ti druhy.;pol.
at the same time; ( ) (WS. from
) (from )
;v tu samou dobu;adv. (or) adv. WS. (or) adv.
at the same time (only one parallel); ;v tu samou
dobu (pouze jedna analogie);adv.
at the same time (to many); ;v tu samou dobu
at the same time: At the same time the Kweshams also came
to force an oath (of royalty).; :
;v tu samou
dobu: V tu samou dobu Kvean tak pili aby nutili k uinn
psahy.;p.s. writ.
at the same time: The man is calling by two phones at the
same time.; :
;najednou: (Ten) mu vol dvma
telefony najednou.;cont.
at the time;;v dob;adv.
at the time of (sth. happened etc.); ;v dob, kdy (se
nco stalo atd.);suff. writ.
at: at eight o'clock;: ;v: v osm hodin;

at: at the end of month; : ;na: na konci msce;

at: He is sitting at the computer table.;:
;u: Sed u stolu s potaem.;cont. writ.
Atlantic (ocean);;Atlantick (ocen);name
attach; ;pipojit;T

attach (also about golden coat for pagoda); ;upevnit (tak o

zlatm plti pro pagodu);T
attach: (We) attache a golden coat to a cetiya.; :
;pipevnit: Pipevujeme zlat

pl na pagodu.;
attack;;toit;T col.

attack (bump-into (and) touch);;toit (narazit-do (a)


attainment: attainment of progress; T :

T ;dosaen: dosaen pokroku;n.
attempt; ;pokusit se;T

attend ( ~ enter): (I) have attended ( ~ entered) ten days

attack (esp. in very negative sense, dash-against (and) come- meditation retreat.; :
T ;absolvovat ( ~ vstoupit):
into-contact);;toit (zejm. ve velice negativnm
Absolvoval jsem ( ~ vstoupil jsem) desetidenn meditan
smyslu, vrhat-se-proti (a) pichzet-do-kontaktu);T
attack: At the journey back (he) went past and attacked the
attend (enter); ;absolvovat (vstoupit);T
group of Hanthawadi troops while they were crossing a

path.;: T T
attend (a course etc., ascend (and) arrive); ;astnit
;zatoit: Na cest zptky je nsledoval a zatoil se (kursu, vystupovat-vzhru (a) pijt);T
na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy pechzeli pes cestu.;writ. attend (a course etc., ascend, arrive (and)
attack: Kathehs of Manipur attacked and opposed the Northern
reagion of Inwa.;:
;toit: Katov z Manipru toili a
vzdorovali v ( ~ do) severn oblasti Envy.;writ.
attain (arrive (and) have); ;doshnout (eho, dojt (a)
attain (arrive); ;doshnout (eho, dojt);T
attain (get (and) take);;doshnout (dostat (a) vzt);T
attain (get, have, succeed (and) see); T ;doshnout
(dostat, mt, uspt (a) vidt);T

stop); ;astnit se (kursu, vystupovat-vzhru,

pijt (a) zastavit);T

attend (a course or classes, ascend); ;astnit se (kurzu

nebo lekc, nastoupit);T
attend (a course, ascend); ;dochzet na (kurs,
vystupovat-vzhru) astnit se (kursu, vystupovat-vzhru);T
attend (a course): (I) have already attended; :
;astnit se (kurzu): u jsem se astnil
attend (school, ascend); ;chodit do (koly, nastoupit);T

attend (school); (WS. from );chodit do (koly, kurzu

attain (succeed (and) see); T ;doshnout (uspt, uspt atd.);T WS.
(a) vidt);I
attend (school): (I) did not attend school.; :
attain (a certain level, arrive); ;doshnout (njakho
;kola: Nechodila jsem do koly.;p.s. col.
stupn, dojt);I
attend (school): Though (I) was still attending school, as (I) got

attain (a certain level, ascend (and) step); ;doshnout married, (I) cannot continue any more.; :
(njakho stupn, vystupovat (a) kret);T
( ~
);chodit (do koly): Pestoe jsem pod chodil
attain arahantship (finish duty (of)
do koly, ponvad jsem se oenil, nemohu dl pokraovat.;fut.
monk); ;doshnout arahantstv (dokonit
povinnost mnicha);T
attain: (He) attains the deathless Nibbna.; T :
T ;doshnout: Dosahuje
nesmrteln Nibbny.;
attain: (I) just wanted to attain magical powers.; T :
;doshnout: Chtl jsem
jen doshnout magickch moc.;p.s. pol.
attain: because (one) attained;:
;doshnout: protoe doshl;p.s.

attain: If I can attain the deathless Nibbna, I should attain

it.; :

;doshnout: Pokud mohu doshnout nesmrteln
Nibbny, (pak) bych ji ml doshnout.;fut.

attend a school; ;chodit do koly;T

attend on;;obsluhovat (koho) starat se o;T

attend on: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the

town Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;:
T ;starat
se o: Kvli velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve
Bo pti jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
attend school (ascend school); ;chodit do koly
(nastupovat (do) koly);T
attend school: (I) am still just attending school.; :
;chodit do koly: Pod jen chodm do

attain: successfully attain;: T ;doshnout: attend to (setup seriousness);;peovat o (nastavit

spn doshnout;
vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)
attain: until (we) can successfully attain Arahanthood; :
( ~ T
: T
T );doshnout: dokud
meme spn doshnout Arahantstv;adv.
attainment (be-successful (and) see
{nouner}); T ;dosaen (bt-spn (a) vidt

attend to (a sick person, make (and) collect);;peovat o

(nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat);T
attend upon;;starat se (o);T
attend: (It is, that) attending the National Day every year,
(one) should try to always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own)
national spirit.; :

T ;astnit se: (Je to (tak, e)) ast na


Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se ml (kad) vdy snait

udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. writ.
attend: (I) am attending a course of (teaching in)
English.; :
;chodit do (kursu): Chodm na kurs (uen v)
anglitin.;cont. pol.
attend: (I) just attend school.; : ( ~
);chodit do (koly): Pouze chodm do koly.;col.

Aung San, gen. (founder of modern Burmese army Tatmadaw, brought about Burma's independence from the
British, assassinated 1948); ;Aun San, gen.
(zakladatel modern Barmsk armdy Tatmd, zapinil
nezvislost barmy od Britnc, atentt 1948);name
aunt;( ) ( );teta;sg.

attention;;pozornost;n. P. rammaa (= object)

aunt: Sir, I am aunt of this extinguished light.;:

;teta: Pane, (j) jsem teta tohohle
uhaenho svtla.;pol. idi.

(= weight)

authentic, be; ;autentick, bt;I

attention to, pay (especially make weight);;pozor,

dvat (zejmna udlat vhu);T writ. P. garu (= weight)

author: author of a book, book-writer;:

;autor: autor knihy, spisovatel knihy;n.

attention (mindfulness);;pozornost (vmavost);n. Bh. med. Australia (continent);();Austrlie

P. sati (= mindfulness)
Australian embassy;;Australsk ambasda;name
attention to, pay ((especially) make weight);
();pozor, dvat ((zejmna) udlat vhu);T writ. P. garu E. British

attention, pay: (We) must pay attention.;:

;pozor, dvat: Musme dvat pozor.;

auxiliary (includes proper advice);;npomocn

(zahrnuje sprvnou radu);adj.

attentive, be;; pozorn, bt;I P. sati (= mindfulness)

auxiliary: It is good to be afraid of making one's faith holey

inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering (and)

;npomocn: Je dobe se obvat prodravn
vlastn dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a)
smutku.;prov. pol.

attentively (to know); ;pozorn (aby vdl);adv.

attentiveness;;pozornost;n. Bh. med. P. sati (=

ahakath (commentaries): There are many views regarding

these Sinhalese Ahakath (commentaries).;:

available at, be (to take); -;dostupn v, bt (k bran);I
T ;ahakath (komente): Je mnoho
nzor ohledn tchto sinhlskch ahakath (koment).;pol. available in, be: We ( ~ in us) a room is available.; -:
;dostupn v, bt: My ( ~ v
attractive, be (beautiful, be);;pitaliv, bt (krsn, bt);I ns) je dostupn jeden pokoj.;fut. uw.

aubergine (fruit (of) aubergine); ( );lilek (ovoce available, be; ;dostupn, bt dispozici, bt k;I (or) T
available, be (also about a room in a hotel, can (be)
taken);;dostupn, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, me (bt)
audience; ;posluchai;pl. P. piris (= assembly)
audience (people (who) watch (the)

available, be: This book is available in almost every shop.;:

;dispozici, bt k: Tato kniha je
audience (those (who) came (and) arrived): Now, may (I), as k dispozici tm v kadm obchod.;
the chairman, introduce the speakers to those, who came ( ~ available, make (put-in (and) give); ;zpstupnit (vloit
(a) dt);T
to the audience).; :
available, make: (I) am, indeed, making the website

;obecenstvo (ti, kte pili (a) dostavili se): available.; : website ;umonit:
Vkutku, zpstupuji tu webovou strnku.;pol. col.
Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda, pedstavm mluv
event); ;posluchai (lid (kte) sleduj
udlost);n. P. parisa (= assembly)


available: However, Fanta is available.;:

audience (people); ; posluchai (lid);pl. P. paris (= ;mt ( ~ "(bt) dostupn): Ale Fantu mme. (Ale Fanta
je dostupn.);pol.
available: In order to (make it) available for reading to many
audience: The actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much
kinds of readers, even the price is not high.;:
beloved by the spectators, will soon become
superb.; : T T ;dostupn: Aby byl
dostupn ke ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen
;divci: Herec
Jdai, kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy
stane znamenitm.;writ.

August (month);();srpen (msc);n. E. August

Aung San Suu Kyi; ;Aun San Su ;name

Aung San Suu Kyi, Mrs.; ;Aun San Su ,


available: Is a room available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one

room in your hotel?);:
;voln ( ~ dostupn): Je ve vaem
hotelu voln ( ~ dostupn) jeden pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden
pokoj ve vaem hotelu?);inter.
available: There are free rooms available in the hotel.;:

;dostupn: V hotelu jsou

(dostupn) przdn pokoje.;


available: Whatever Chinese (or) Indian products ( ~ things)

are all available in Mandalay.;: T T
T T ;dispozici, k:
Jakkoliv nsk nebo indick zbo ( ~ vci) je v Mandalaji
(vechno) k dispozici.;pol.

back (part of body, back exterior);T ;zda (zadn


average, in (readily (and) daringly);;prmrn

(pipraven (a) troufale);adv.
avocado (butter fruit); ( );avokdo (mslov
avoid; - ;vyhnout se;T
avoid (divert (and) go); ;vyhbat se (odchlit (a) jt)
vyhnout se (odchlit (a) jt);T
avoid: (They just) avoid (being caught and) sentenced.; :
T ;vyhbat se: Vyhbaj se (chycen
a) odsouzen (u soudu).;pol. col.
avoid: Majority avoid the five kinds of wrong livelihood.; :
;vyhbat se: Vtina
se vyhb pti druhm patnho ivobyt.;pol.

back (of body);;zda;n.

back side (back direction); ;zadn strana (zadn

back side: back side of the head; :
: ( ~ );zadn strana:
zadn strana hlavy;
back: (He) never looks back.;T :
T T ;zpt: Nikdy se nepodv zpt.;
back: (He) straightens the back.;T : T
T ;zda: Narovn zda.;

back: Erect (one's) back.;T : T ;zda:

Napmit si zda.;
backpack (bag (to) carry-on back);( ,
);batoh (taka (kter se) nos-na zdech) krosna
(taka (kter se) nos-na zdech) ruksak (taka (kter
se) nos-na zdech);sg.

backside; ;zadek;n. vul.

awaken (awaken (and) hear);;probudit (probudit-se (a) bad, be; ;patn, bt;I (or) T col.
slyet) ot (probudit-se (a) slyet);I (or) n.
bad, be (about words);;patn, bt (o sprostch slovech);I
awaken: Because of these students, the national spirit of the
bad, be: (I) am so bad. (about inappropriate thinking); :
citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ came) to
;patn, bt: Jsem tak patn. (o nevhodnm
develop.;: mylen);col.
;ot: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn
bad, be: (It)'s not bad.;: ;patn, bt: Nen (to)
duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.
awakening ( ~ awaken): It is not proper to forget National Day
as the effect of patriotic awakening.;:
;probuzen (~
probudit): Nen sprvn zapomnat na Nrodn Den jakoto
nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.

bad, feel (mind (is) not good); ;patn, ctt se

(mysl nen dobr);I

award; ( ) ( );cena (ocenn)


bag;( ) ( );taka;sg.

bad: It's not bad. (answer to a question about salary or life);:

;patn: Nen to patn. (odpov na otzku ohledn
platu i ivota);pol.

bag, a: (They) are carrying a bag.;:

awareness, with (to know); ;vdom (pozorn, aby ;taka, njak: Nos taku.;
bag: He gives a bag to his son.;:
awl;( );dlo;sg.
;taka: (On) svmu synovi dv taku.;
Ayeyarwady (division);();Iravadi (Ejvad,
Bagan (town);(;Pagan (town);name
sprvn stedisko);name
Bago (division); () [pg:];Pegu (Bago, Pagh, sprvn
Ayeyawadi (river in Myanmar);;Iravady ([ejva], eka v stedisko);name
Bago: I want to go to Bago.; : ;Bago:
baby;( );miminko;sg.
Chci jet do Bago.;pol.
baby: Baby's skin is white.;:
bake (bake desserts); ;pci (pci zkusky);
T ;miminko: Miminina ke je bl.;
bake: Baker is baking a bread.;:

bachelor (single or virgin man, tender

;pci: Peka pee chleba.;cont.
person);( );svobodn mldenec (svobodn mu baked; ;peen;adj.
nebo panic, nn osoba);
baked beans; ;peen fazole;n. E. baked beans
bachelor, old (can be used in common talk, not
baker (proficient (in) baking
offensive);( );panic, star (CZ slovo je
desserts); ( );peka (zdatn (v) peen
urliv, ale to barmsk slovo lze ut pi bnm rozhovoru,
nen urliv);sg. m.
baker: Baker is baking a bread.; :
back;T ;zpt vzadu;adv (or) adv.
;peka: Peka pee chleba.;cont.
back (bent back);;zda (ohnut zda);n.
bakery;;pekastv;n. rare
back (dorsum, back's surface);T ( );zda (povrch
bakery (snack building); ( );pekrna (budova


Bakra-Eid (Id-day, Indian-Muslim festival during which animals
are killed, Indian Id day); ;Bakra-Eid (Id-den,
Indicko-Muslimsk svtek, bhem nho jsou zabjena zvata,
indick id den);adv.

barbecue (meat): Will you eat barbecue with frenchfries?; :

;barbecue (maso): Dte si ( ~ budete jst) barbecue
s hranolkami?;fut. inter.

barbecue (spit, stove (for) barbecuing

balcony (carries moon shine); ( );balkn meat); ; roe (pec (na) grilovn masa) gril
(roe, pec (na) grilovn masa);n.
(nese msn svit);sg.
balcony: There is a huge balcony on the white
house.; : T
;balkn: Na (tom) blm dom je obrovsk

barbecue: I am going to barbecue sausages.; :

;grilovat: Jdu grilovat prky.;fut. um.

ball (round ball); ( );m (kulat m);sg.

barbecue: To barbecue meat is ( ~ "are) used coal.; :

;grilovat: Ke grilovn masa se
pouv uhl.;

erven kulikov pero;n.

baron;( );baron;sg.

ball (of fish etc. to eat, pulverized meat);;koule (ryb atd. na barber's (shop (of) cutting hair); ;kadenictv
(obchod sthn vlas) holie, u (obchod sthn
jezen, rozdrcen maso);n.
ball pen: red ball pen; : ;kulikov pero:
ball: The boy will certainly throw the ball.;: barter;;handlovat;T

;m: Chlapec urit hod mem.;fut.
based on, be (make (and) establish on);
-;zvislosti na, v (dlat (a) stanovit na);T
balloon (toy, bubble); ( ) (WS. from
);baln (nafukovac, bublina);sg.

balloon (toy, bublina); ( );baln (nafukovac,

balloon seller; ( );baln, prodava;sg.
balloon: Come (here), balloon seller!; :
;baln: Poj sem, prodavai baln!;imper. pol. col.

based on: (It) is good to explain (it) based on his

understanding.; -:
TT ;zvislosti na, v: (Bude) dobr (mu to)
vysvtlit v zvislosti na jeho pochopen.;pol.
basement (storey under ground);T ;sutern
(patro pod zem) sklep, sklepen (patro pod zem);n.
basic; ;zkladn;adj. P. smaa (= generality, conformity)

banana;( );bann;sg.

basically (by base taking);TT;v podstat (branm


(a) uhodit);sg.

basket;T ( );ko, kok;sg.

bamboo shoots; ;bambusov vhonky;n.

banana (fruit (of) generous birds);( );bann basics (base taking);T;zklad (zklad brt);n.
basics (take basis); ;zklad (vzt zklad);n.
(ovoce tdrch ptk);sg.
bandage (wrap (and) strike); ( );obvaz (obvzat basis (taking base);T;zklad (bran zkladu);n.
Bangaldesh (country);(
);Banglad (stt);name
Bangkok (town in Thailand); ();Bangkok (msto

bath, have a (break water);;vykoupat se (ohbat

bathe (break water);;koupat se (ohbat vodu);T

Bangladesh airline office (Bengali office (of) air

vehicle); ;Bangladsk cestovn kancel
(Benglsk kancel vzdunho vozidla);n.

bathing place (water crossing

pool); ( );plovrna (ndr (na) pechzen

bangle (bents (around) hand); ( );etzek

(na zpst ruky, ohb-se (okolo) ruky);sg.

bathroom (water-bending room); ( );koupelna

(vodu-ohbac pokoj) zchod (koupelov pokoj);sg.

bank (bank building);;banka (budova banky);n.

bank (of a river etc.); ( );beh;sg.

bathroom (toilet, peaceful house);( );zchod

(toaleta, klidn dm);sg.

bank account (money account); ( );bankovn et bathroom (toilet, water house);( );zchod (vodn
(penn et);sg.
battery (solidified element); ( );baterie (ztvrdl
bank acount ); ;bankovn et );n.
element);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
bank acount: I have one more bank account.; :
;bankovn et: Mm bay (about water); ( );ztoka;sg.
be; ;bt;suff. (or) I col.
jet jeden bankovn et.;um.
be ( ~ "appear): (There) are ( ~ "appear) many powerful
bank of a river; ;beh eky;sg.
monks.;: ( ~
bank: Are (you) still working in bank?;: ()
;banka: Pod pracuje v bance?;inter. );bt ( ~
"objevovat-se): Jsou ( ~ "objevuj-se) (tu) velice mocn
barbecue (meat, grilled meat); ;grilovan maso
(maso, grilovan maso) barbecue (maso, grilovan


be ( ~ "call): (And) how about friends, what is (their) name?

((And) what about friends, how is (their) name called?);:

;jmenovat se ( ~ "volat): A
co ptel, jak se jmenuj? (A co ptel, jak se vol (jejich)
jmno?;inter. col.

be: Is there Kyi Kyi (Clearly)? (used when desiring to talk with
sb. (e.g. Kyi Kyi) on phone);: ;bt: Je tam
(ist)? (uito v ppad poteby mluvit s uritou osobou
(nap. ) po telefnu);inter. col. pol.

be ( ~ "fall): (It) is ( ~ "fall) 250 (kyats).;: ;bt

(o cen, ~ "padat): Je (to) 250 (iats).;col.

be: Man and woman are in the forest.;:

;bt: Mu a ena jsou v lese.;pol.

be ( ~ "happen-by-chance): Just if there is an opportunity.;: be: Mr. Bamya is not here. (also in telephone conversation);:
;bt ( ~ "stt-se-nhodou): Jen pokud (k T ;bt: Pan Bamya tu nen. (i do telefnu);col. pol.

tomu) bude pleitost.;col.
be: that (it) is a sickness;T : T ;bt: e je (to)
be ( ~ has become);;bt ( ~ stal se);p.p.
be ( ~ has become): The map is ( ~ has become) so
old.;: T ;bt ( ~ stala se): (Ta)
mapa je ( ~ stala se) tak (moc) star.;p.p.

be: That (one) is also included, indeed.;: ;bt:

Ten je tak zahrnut, vskutku.;col.

be (dwell (and) dwell); ;bt (zstvat, pebvat

(a) pebvat);T

lovka je ( ~ trv) asi 80 let.;

be: The color of candle's light is yellow.;T :

be (be-included): If there's kamma (for it) to happen, (then it) T ;je: Barva svtla svky je
will just happen.;: T : T T ;bt (btlut.;
zahrnut): Je-li kamma k tomu, aby se (to) stalo, (pak se to)
be: The life span of a person is around 80 years.;:
;bt: Dlka ivota

be (happen-by-chance);;bt (stt-se-nhodou);I
be (is);T ;bt (je);I
be (is): It is this, what he says.;T : TT ;bt
(je): Je to tohle, co k.;pol.
be (last);;bt (trvat);I
be (stay);;bt;I
be about to; (from ) ;chystat se;suff. col. (or) suff.
be accommodated (stay (and) take-refuge); ;bt
ubytovn (zstvat (a) brt-ochranu);T
be at a certain social position; ;bt v urit sociln pozici;T
P. vatta (= duty)
be blunted;;otupen, bt;I
be in time for (a bus, a plane etc., catch (and)
follow);;stihnout (autobus, letadlo, atd., chytit (a)

be: This is more friendly, indeed.;:

;bt: Tohle je, vskutku, pteltj.;col.
be: This man is grandfather of the boy.;T :
T ;bt: Tento pn je chlapcv ddeek.;
be: What's up? (What happened?);T : T ;bt: Tak
co je? (Co se stalo?);inter.
be: You are.;T : T : ;bt: Ty
beach (bank base); T( );pl (poben
beach (shore base); T;pl (poben zkladna);n.
beach: (They) were playing on the beach (and
finished).; T: T ;pl: Hrli si na pli
(a skonili).;p.p.

be it (if (is) said); ;je-li (pokud (je) eeno);conj. writ.

beach: The dog is nowhere on ( ~ of) the beach.; T:

T ;pl: Pes nen nikde na
( ~ z) ple.;

be: (He) reluctantly accepts, that I stay in Sri Lanka.;:

T ;bt: Neochotn pijm, e jsem na
Sr Lance.;writ.

bean sprouts (piercing bean plant); ;fazolov

vhonky (propichujc fazolov rostlina);n.

be: (I) am also in a monastery (in order) to stay.;:

;bt: Jsem tak v kltee,
abych (tam) pobval.;pol.
be: (We) are three siblings.;: ;bt:
Jsme ti sourozenci.;pol.
be: Are (you) satisfied being here?;:
T;bt: Jste spokojen, e jste tady?;inter.

bean curd (flat beans); T;fazolov sraenina (placat


bean, runner (bean, stiff (and) long); ;fazol arlatov

(fazole, pevn (a) dlouh);n.
beans; ;fazole;n.
bear;( );medvd;sg.
bear (pig bear); ( );medvd (prase

bear in mind (fix (in) observation);;pamatovat si

(upevnit (se v) pozorovn);T
be: Are (you) satisfied being in Burma (country)?;:
T T;bt: Jste spokojen, e jste v bear in mind (make observation);;pamatovat si
Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
(dlat pozorovn);T
be: as for what (it) may be ...;T : T ...;bt: co by beard (cultivate goat's pearl);
to mohlo bt ...;
(WS. from );vousy (pstovat koz perlu);n. (or)
n. WS.
be: I am.;: T : T ;bt: J jsem.;col.
be: I will be only at home.;: ;bt:
(J) budu jen doma.;fut. um.

beard: The man has a beard.;:

;vousy: (Ten) mu m vousy.;


beard: The man with curled hair and beard;:

) ;krsa: Dodv (milovanou)
; vousy: (Ten) mu krsu.;col.
s kudrnatmi vlasy a vousy.;col.
beauty: In front of the stage one vehicle with another ( ~ with
beat;;buit zbt mltit zbouchat ztlouci;T
one) compete in beauty.;:
;krsa: Ped pdiem jedno vozidlo s
beat (drum, gong etc.);;buit (na buben, gong atd.);T
druhm ( ~ s jednm) sout v krse.;col. pol.
beat: Don't flatter (her), her boyfriend may beat (you).;:
T ()
;zbt: Nelicho j, (nebo) became (went);;stal se (el);p.s.
t jej ptel ztlue ( ~ "mohl ztlouci).;jk.
became: Because the traffic light became green, cars go ( ~
drive) quickly.;: T T
beat: Meal gong is going to be beaten.;:
;buit: (Brzy) se bude buit na ;stal se: Protoe je ( ~ se-stalo) silnin svtlo
zelen, auta jedou ( ~ d) rychle.;
jdeln gong.;fut.
beautiful (pleasant): As it is next to Irrawaddy river, (also as
for beauty,) (it) is also beautiful.;: T
;pol. col. krsn (pjemn): Ponvad je
vedle eky Iravadi, (tak (co se te) krsy) je krsn.; (or)
pol. col.
beautiful (pleasant);;krsn (pjemn);adj.

because; T

(from ) T;protoe ponvad;conj. (or) conj. col. (or)
suff. (or) suff. conj. (or) conj. writ.
because (because (of) what is);T ;protoe
(kvli tomu, (co) je);writ.

because (to say whatwhat (is the)

beautiful, be (beautiful (and) shining);;krsn, bt (krsn reason); -();protoe (k een coco
(je) dvodem);conj.
(a) ziv);I
because it is said;; protoe bylo eeno;suff.
beautiful, be (good for liking); ;krsn, bt
beautiful, be;;krsn, bt;

(dobr na zalben);I

beautiful, be: (It)'s completely beautiful.;:

;krsn, bt: Je (to) pln krsn.;
beautiful, be: The building is not very big, but (it) is
beautiful.; :
;krsn, bt: (Ta) budova nen
moc velk, ale je krsn.;
beautiful, most;;nejkrsnj;adj.

because it is said: I waited because it was said that he would

come.;: ;protoe se
k: ekal jsem, protoe se kalo, e pijde.;pol.

because of; ; kvli z dvodu;col. (or) conj. (or) suff.

because of (taking);;kvli (berouc);suff.
because of this;;z tohoto dvodu;suff.

because of: because of speaking;: T;kvli:

kvli mluven;

beautiful: (It) is extremely beautiful.;: ;krsn: Je because of: because of that thing;: ;kvli: kvli t
(to) nesmrn krsn.;
beautiful: (It) is fine if later on (sb.) corrects (it) to be more
beautiful.;: T ;krsn:
(Bude) dobe, pokud (to) nkdo oprav aby to bylo krsnj
ne tohle.;col.
beautiful: beautiful girlfriend;: ;krsn:
krsn ptelkyn;
beautiful: May (you) dream beautiful dreams. (May (you)
beautifully dream dreams.);: ;krsn:
K sn krsn sny. (K krsn sn sny.);w. pol.
beautiful: Myanmar (country) is extremely beautiful.;:
T ;krsn: Myanmar (zem) je
nesmrn krsn.;pol.
beautiful: Now (she) is no more beautiful.;:
;krsn: Te u nen krsn.;pol.
beautiful: Stairs of this house are very beautiful.;:
;krsn: Schody tohoto domu jsou
velice krsn.;col.
beautiful: The two women are beautiful.;:
;krsn: (Ty) dv eny jsou

because of: Because of these students, the national spirit of

the citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ came) to
;kvli: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn
duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.
because of: because of you, because of parents;:
; kvli: kvli tob, kvli rodim;writ.
because of: If the time for correcting (your writing) got little bit
delayed because of (it), (then I) am sorry.; :
T ;kvli: Jestli se
kvli tomu trochu spozdil as k oprav (tvho psan), (pak) se
because of: It is said, that Nga Nyo's wife was also afraid
because of the king's decree.;:
;kvli (z): k se, e a ova manelka tak z
( ~ kvli) rozkazu krle dostala strach.;
because will be;; protoe bude;suff.
because will be: Because the woman will do the laundry, (she)
is wearing blue gloves.;:
T ;protoe bude: Protoe se (ta)
ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr rukavice.;

beauty: (It) gives (the-beloved) beauty.;: ( because: (It) is, because ... should be.;T : ...
T T T ;protoe: Je (to), protoe ...
~ ) : ( ~
by mlo bt.;writ.


because: Because (he) is a student, he reads (writings).;:

;protoe: Protoe je student, te
because: because (I) am busy;:
;protoe: protoe mm hodn
because: Because (I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be
difficult.;: TT ;protoe:
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col.
because: because (I) didn't meditate;:
;protoe: protoe (jsem)
because: because (I) don't know;: ;protoe: protoe

become (come to becoming): They want to become a

democratic country..;T : T
;stt se (pijt ke stn se): Chtj se stt
demokratickou zem..;pol.
become (fall);;stt se (spadnout);T
become (go);;stt se (jt);I
become (have come (and) to being);T ; stt
se (bt pied ke jsoucnosti);I
become (be, be (and) come): That is why this discussion has
been (arranged).;T :
T ;bt (stt se, bt (a) pijt): A (prv)
proto je (zde tato) diskuze.;pol.

become, has: noble lords ( ~ monks) who have become

Arahants;T : T T ;stal se: vzneen
because: because (I) worried;: ;protoe: pni ( ~ mnii), kte se stali Arahantem;
protoe (jsem) se obval;pol.
become: (He) elopes (and) comes after (he made) a woman
because: because (one) attained;:
;protoe: protoe doshl;p.s.

(his) wife ( ~ girlfriend).;: ;stt se:

Uprchne (a) pijde (s n) po tom, co se stane jeho enou.;T sl.

because: because (the) monitor is big, writing the essays (for

oneself) is easy.;: ( ~ )
;ponvad: Ponvad je
(ten) monitor velk, je snadn si pst eseje.;pol.

become: (It) little by little becomes small.;:

T T ;stt se: Postn se zmenuje ( ~
"stv-se malm);

become: After the laundry is done, (it) becomes clean.;:

because: because (they) don't know;: ( ;stt se: Po vyprn
~ );protoe: protoe nev;
prdla je ( ~ stane se) (to prdlo) istm.;
because: Because he worries, that (he may) happen to say
(something) wrong.;: T ;protoe: Protoe
se obv, e se stane, e ekne (nco) patn.;pol.

become: During the reign of king Naung, Myanmar (country)

became ( ~ came to become) a united and strong
country.;T :
because: Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for
;stt se: Za
places (it) is difficult.);: T
vldy krle Nauna se Myanmarsk stt stal sjednocenou a
() ;protoe: Protoe je tk najt
silnou zem.;p.s. writ.
msto. (Protoe pro msta je (to) nron.);pol.
become: He became my teacher.;T :
because: Because it is raining, flowers are (being) wet.;:
T ;stt se: Stal se mm uitelem.;pol. um.
( ) ;ponvad: Ponvad pr,
kvtiny jsou mokr.;cont.

because: because of some reason;:

;kvli ( ~ z): z njakho dvodu;

become: I am not sick. (My life didn't become not good.);T :

T ;stt se: Nejsem nemocn. (Mj
ivot se nestal nedobrm.);um.

because: Because the boy goes (and) will drink water, the
glass of water is (still) (just) full.;:
T ;ponvad: Ponvad
chlapec jde (a) bude pt vodu, sklenice vody (stle) (prost)

become: I understood. (I became understanding.);:

;stt se: Pochopil jsem. (Stal jsem se

because: I will not come because I am not free.;:

;protoe: Nepijdu protoe nemm
volno.;pol. um.

become: So that (it) will become serial.;: ;stt

se: Take to bude opakovan. (Take se (to) stane
opakovanm.);fut. col.

become: it becomes very clear;: ;stt se:

stv se velice jasnm;writ.

beckon (say to-meet-on-arrival);; zvt (ci shledat-sepi-pjezdu);T

become: The actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much

beloved by the spectators, will soon become superb.;T :
become; T ;stvat se stt se;I (or) suff. I (or) I T T
;stt se: Herec
col. (or) T
Jdai, kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy
become (become (and) come);T ;stt se (stt se (a)
stane znamenitm.;writ.

become: They want to become a democratic country.;T :

T ;stt se: Chtj se stt
become (come to becoming): He became my teacher.;T demokratickou zem.;pol.
become: This way U Aung Zeyya's power became great.;:
: T ;stt se (pijt
T T ;stt se: Tmto
ke stn se): Stal se mm uitelem.;um. pol.
become (come to becoming);T ;stt se (pijt ke
stn se);T


zpsobem se stala moc Aun Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.

bed; ( );postel;sg. rare

before (an action); - -;ne (ped njakou innost)

ped (njakou innost);pow. writ. (or) pow.

bed (place (for) sleeping);( );postel (msto (ke)


before (an action): before doing the laundry; -:

;ped (njakou innost): ped pranm prdla;

bed (supports hips); ( ) [khe~] ( )

[ke~];postel (podpr boky);sg.

before (an action): Before washing the clothes, (it) is dirty.;

-: ;ped (njakou
bed: (He) got up from the bed and went ( ~ "came) directly to innost): Ne se prdlo vypere, je pinav.;
before (an action): The woman is packing the clothes before
the computer.;: T
;postel: Vstal z postele a el hned doing the laundry.; -:
;ped (innost): (Ta) ena bal
( ~ "pmo) k potai.;p.s. writ.
bed: Immediately at the bed, (there is) carpet.; : prdlo ped tm, ne (prdlo) vypere.;cont.
;postel: Bezprostedn u postele je
bed: The patient is lying on the hospital-bed.; :
;postel: Pacient le na
nemocnin posteli.;cont.
bedroom (sleeping room); ( );lonice (spac
pokoj) lonice (pokoj (na) span);sg.
beef meat (bovine meat); ;hovz maso );n.
beer;;pivo;n. E. beer
beer: a bottle of beer;: ;pivo: lhev piva;
beer: Drinks, such as Coca Cola, beer etc.;:
;pivo: Npoje jako Coca
Cola, pivo atd.;

before (v.)ing; - ;ped (v.)m;pref. & suff.

before long (not lasting before); ;zanedlouho (netrvajc

before long: He will come before long.; :
;zanedlouho: Pijde zanedlouho.;
before present, a long time (beforebefore arrival (of)
present time); ();ped
ptomnost, dlouho (pedped pchodem ptomnho
before the time; ;ped tm, ne;adv.
before the time: before (it) happened to be
written; : ;ped tm,
ne: ped tm ne (se stalo, (e)) (to) bylo napsan;p.s. writ.

beer: He drinks beer. As for wine, he doesn't drink (it).;: before, as; ;dv, jako;adv.
;pivo: Pije pivo. Co before, more than; ;dv, vce ne;adv.
se te vna, (to) nepije.;col.
before, more than: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is flourishing
more than before.; :
beetroot (red radish, red egg (of) come
must);( );epa, erven (erven edkvika, ;dv, vce ne:
Proto dnes Mandalaj vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.
erven vajko pied zuivosti);sg.
before: (He) prepares before leaving.; - :
before; - ;pedtm T ;ped: Pipravuje se ped odchodem.;
before: (I) almost approached to the level that (I) had attained
dve ne (ped) ped;prep. (or) adv. (or) pref. & suff.

before ( ~ near): a while before (you) go (when the time (of) before.; : T


m jsem se
going (is) near);: ;ped ( ~ blzko): chvilku ped
piblil ke stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
tm, ne pjde (kdy je as chozen blzko);
befit; ;hodit se k;I

before (in previous times): Though previously we did dramas

(and) music competitions, today ( ~ as for happening this
time) we are going to have ( ~ hold)
discussion.; :

T ;dve (v minulch asech):
Pestoe jsme dve dlali dramata (a) soute ve zpvn,
dnes ( ~ v tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat
diskuzi).;pol. fut.

before: And what about before?; : ;pedtm:

A co pedtm?;inter. col.

before: And what religion did (you) follow before?; :

;dve: A jak
nboenstv jsi nsledoval dve?;inter. col.
before: Before (there) were various kinds of
newspapers.; : ;ped
tm: Ped tm (zde) byly rzn druhy novin.;pol.

before: Before (they) used to be.; :

;pedtm: Pedtm bvaly.;p.s.
before (in-advance and-then);;ped (naped a-pak);adv.
before (in while before); ;dve (pedtm, v
bhem minule) pedtm (v bhem minule);adv.

before: before answering (writing examination); - :

T ;ped: ped zodpovzenm (napsnm psemn prce ve
before (not informing before); ;ped (nikoliv informovat kole);
before: I'll take a shower before I go to school.; - :
;ped (ne): Osprchuji se
before (about time); ;ped (o ase);adv.
ne pjdu do koly.;fut.
before (about time): I arrived here ahead (of time), before
you.; :
;ped (o
ase): Doel jsem sem naped, ped tebou.;pol. um.


before: Meet ( ~ visit) me before you go to Mandalay.; - :

;ne: Navtiv mne ( ~

setkej se se mnou) ne pojede do Mandalaje.;imper. pol.


behind: a tiger behind plant; :

;za: tygr za rostlinou;

before: Write (me) in advance before (you) come.; - :

;ne: Napi (mi) pedem ne pijede.;

Beijing (town in China); ();Peking (msto ny);name

befriend (love (and) like); ;ptelit se (milovat (a) mtrd);T

being; ;jsoucnost bytost;n. P. sattav (= living

being, creature) (or) n.
being (existence);T ;jsoucnost;n.

befriend: I also happy that (I) was allowed to befriend with

you.; :

;ptelit se: Tak mm radost, e mi bylo
povoleno se s tebou ptelit.;pol. um. FB

being (which has become);T ;staniv se;n.


beings: (I) wish all the beings to be happy ( ~

;bytosti: Peji vem bytostem aby byly
astn ( ~ "radost).;pol.

begin (put start); ;zat (poloit zatek);T

begin (start (and) stand-firm); ;zat (zanout (a) sttpevn);T
begin a year or season, to; ;zat rok nebo obdob;I

being: (all) other beings;: T;bytosti:

(vechny) ostatn bytosti;pl.
beings, living; ;bytosti, iv;n.

begin building ); ;zat stavt );

beings: beings in front;: ;bytosti: bytosti

ve pedu;

beginner (green person);( );zatenk

(zelen osoba);sg.

belief (acceptance, receive (and) take {nouner}); ;vra

(pijet, pijmout (a) vzt {jmenec});n.

beginner (greener (to) ascend (and)

ascend); ( );zatenk (zelen (k)
sestoupen (a) sestoupen);


beginner (greener);( );zatenk

beginner (hand learner); ( );zatenk
(run uenec);sg.
beginner (hand-learning); ( );zatenk
(run se uc);sg.
beginning with (an event); - ( ~ - )
(- );ponaje (udlost);prep.
beginning: (He) reads from the beginning.;:
;zatek: te od zatku.;

believe (accept (and) take);;vit (pijmout (a) vzt si);T

believe (believe (and) approve); ;vit (vit (a)
believe (descend (and) enter); ;vit (sestoupit (a)
believe in (a particular religion, rely-on (and)
conceal);;vit v (urit nboenstv, spolhat-se (a)
believe: (I) respectfully follow (the religion) believing (and)
accepting.; :
;vit: Uctiv nsleduji (to
nboenstv) vce a pijmajce.;pol.

believe: Because of what believes that you accepted, (you)

happened to become a Buddhist?; : ()
T ;vra:
Kvli jakm vrm, kter jsi pijal, se stalo, e jsi se stal
beginning: We (knew it already) from the beginning.;:
;zatek: Vdli jsme (to Buddhistou?;inter. um. col.
believe: girls, who believe in astrology;:
u) od zatku.;pol. um.
;vit: dvky, kter v v astrologii;pl. writ.
behave (do (and) act);;chovat se (dlat (a) init);T
behave (do): As a student, he should not behave ( ~ do) like believe: they believed; : ;vit:
beginning: at the beginning of the movie;:
;zatek: na zatku filmu;

;chovat se (dlat): Jako student by se takhle

neml chovat ( ~ neml by dlat);

believe: Though he says, I don't believe (it).;: T

;vit: Pestoe k, nevm (tomu).;um.

behave towards; ;chovat se k;T

believe: What they believe is, that finally (it) disappears and
they will (simply) die.; :
emu v, tak (prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni)
(prost) zemou.;pol.

behavior (doing (and) acting);;chovn (dln (a)
behavior (way to do (and) carry out); ;chovn
(zpsob jak (se) chovat a vykonvat);
behavior (way to-do (and) act);; chovn (zpsob (jak
se) chovat a init);

believed, having;;uvil, po tom, co;adv.

believing (while receiving (and) taking);;vce
(zatmco pijm (a) bere);adv.

belittle ((make) thinking little); ;poniovat ((dlat)

behind; ) (WS. from
) ;za vzadu;prep. (or) adv. (or) adv. WS. mylen malm);T
belittle: This way (they), being conceited, just belittle
behind (in back); ;vzadu (v zadu);adv.
behind (side, back direction); ;vzadu (zadn smr);n. others.; : T ( ) ( )


;poniovat: Takto, namylen, prost poniuj

bell (reinforced head); ( );zvon (poslen
belly;( );bicho;sg.

belly (belly, belly); ;bicho (bicho, bicho);n.

belly (belly's meat);( T );bicho (bin


benefit of the great country.;:

;prospch: Kdy se ansit stal krlem, pracoval
ve prospch t ohromn zem.;p.s. writ.
Bengali (of Bangladesh); ;Benglsk (Banglade);adj.
Berkley (town in USA);();Berkley (msto v

belly button; ;pupk (CZ col.);n.

Berlin (town in Germany); ();Berln (msto


beloved;;milovan;suff. adj.

besides (out);T ;mimo (venku);adv.

belong (own (and) belong-to);;patit (vlastnit (a) patit);I besides; T ;mimo (krom);prep.
(or) suff. adv.
belong to;;patit (nkomu);I
beloved: (It) gives (the-beloved) beauty.;: besides (out (of) that);T T ;krom toho (mimo
( ~ ) ;milovan: Dodv (milovanou) to);adv.
besides (then, furthermore, after finishing);;krom
toho (dle pak, po skonen);conj.
below; ;pod;prep.

besides: Do you have another book besides this

(book)?;T : T T;krom: Mte
beneficial (support (and) assistence); ;blahodrn (jet) jinou knihu krom tto (knihy)?;inter.
best (most good); ;nejlep
(podpora (a) pomoc);n.
(nejvce dobr);adj.
beneficial, be (become support (and)
belt (waist wrapping); ( );psek (ovinut

help); T ;blahodrn, bt (stt-se podporou

(a) pomoc);T

beneficial, be: (It) is very beneficial, indeed.; T :

T ;prospn, bt: Je (to),
vskutku, velice prospn.;pol.

best (of boat, house etc.); ;nejlep (o lodi, domu atd.);adj.

best (person, in a certain aspect, greatest (and) mostclever); ;nejlep (osoba, v uritm ohledu,
nejohromnj (a) nejchytej);adj.
best, be; ; nejlep, bt;I un.

benefit; ;pnos (vhoda) pnos best: I want to read the best book.; :
;nejlep: Chci (si)
prospch dobrodin;n.
benefit (good effect); ;prospch (dobr nsledek);n. st nejlep knihu.;pol. um.
benefit (watch-over support (and)
help); ;prospvat (dohlet-nad podporou
(a) pomoc);T
benefit (easiness, be-easy (and) assisting
{nouner});; prospch (jednoduchost, bt-snadn (a)
pomocn {jmenec});I
benefit (economic, economic benefit);;prospch
(ekonomick, ekonomick prospch);n.
benefit, bring (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head
benefit); ;uitek, pinet (nosit-v-ruce (a)
nosit-na-hlav prospch);T
benefit, bring: Who is able to bring more benefit the
country?; :
;uitek: Kdo je schopen (na) zemi pinet
vce uitku?;inter.
benefit: There should be more benefit in practice of typing

;prospch: Mlo by bt vc prospchu pi

praxi psan dopis (na potai).;pol.
benefit: Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume responsibility (and)
perform (it) to benefit of many.; :
;prospch: Ct. Pn
Nanda, kter doke vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji) k
prospchu mnohch.;
benefit: When Kyansittha became king, (he) worked for the


best: If (you) write ... , (it) will be best.; : ...

T ;nejlep: Pokud bys napsal ... , tak by
(to) bylo nejlep.;fut.
best: If you can come in winter (season), it is just
best.; :
;nejlep: Pokud pijede v zim ( ~ v obdob
zimy), tak je to prost nejlep.;pol. col.
best: This book is the best one.; :
;nejlep: Tato kniha je nejlep.;pol.
betel;;bulat (betel) betel (bulat);n.
better ( ~ "more good): Better ( ~ "more good)than Windows
system is the Linux system.; :
;vce ne: Linux systm je
lep ( ~ "vce dobr) ne systm Windows.;pol.
better ( ~ good (and) noble): for better understanding of
general public; : T ( )
( ~ );lep ( ~ dobr (a)
ulechtil): pro lep pochopen irok veejnosti;writ.
better ( ~ more): I can speak in Myanmar language better ( ~
more) than in Mon language.; : T
T ;lpe ( ~ vce): Umm mluvit
Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;
better (being more appropriate (and)
great); ;lep (jsouce vce vhodn (a)

better, be; ;lep, bt;I

;bankovka: Budete mt (pane) drobn, protoe j

better, be (excell more); ;lep, bt (vynikat vce);I nemohu smnit sto dolarovou bankovku.;fut. inter. uw.
better, be (more good); ;lep, bt (vce dobr);I bill (paper money, money paper);( );bankovka
(penen papr);sg.
better, be: Sit is better than me.; : Sit I
;lep, bt: Sit je lep ne j.;pol. sl.

bill (paper money);( );bankovka;sg.

better: (This) will be probably better.; :

;lep: (Tohle) bude asi lep.;pol.

bind (an animal to a pillar); ;uvzat (zve ke sloupu);T

bind (a book etc.); ;vzat (knihu atd.);T

better: better teacher ( ~ chief monk) than this teacher ( ~

chief monk); :

biography; (WS. from ) ;ivotopis;n.

P. atta uppatti (= self birth) WS. (or) n. P. atta uppatti (=
self birth)

between (in between);;mezi (v mezi);prep. writ.

bird;( ) ( );ptk (zve) ptk;sg.

between, in;;mezi;prep.
between: (He) stuck a needle between nails and while hitting
(it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;:
Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem,
testoval (je).;writ.
between: Alaun Min Taya then powerfully united the region
between rivers Ayeyawaddy and Chin Twin, and then attacked
(and) conquered Inwa.;:
T ;mezi: Alaun
Men Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad
(Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.
between: feeling of contact between hands;:
T ( ~ ) ;mezi: pocit doteku
mezi rukama;writ.

bird: a bird's eye;: ;ptk: pta


bird: Birds are singing.;: ;ptk: Ptci

birth (live (from) pregnancy {nouner});T ;zrozen
(t (z) thotenstv {jmenec});n. P. paisandhi (= conception)
birth (past): The Buddha gives a simile with (his previous)
birth.;: (T ) T ;zrozen
(minul): Buddha (to) ukazuje na pkladu svho minulho
ivota. (Buddha dv pklad se svm (minulm) zrozenm.);
birth certificate (list (of) family group);
;rodn list (seznam rodinn skupiny);n.
birth, day of (birth day);;narozen, den (den
birth, give;;porodit;T

birth, give (be-born (and) see);T ;porodit (narodit-se (a)

beverage (fruit drink etc., dissolved liquid); ;pit (ovocn vidt);T writ.
npoj atd., rozputn tekutina);n.
birth, time of;;narozen, doba;adv.
beyond, go;;jt za hranice;I
birth, time of: Are you a Buddhist by birth? (Are (you of)
bhikkhu, become a (get higher ordination as a
monk); ;bhikkhem, stt se (dostat vy vysvcen na
mnicha);I P. arahanta (= worthy (of receiving four requisites))

Buddha's religion since (time of) birth?);:

;narozen, doba: Jsi Buddhistou od narozen?
(Jsi Buddhovo nboenstv od (doby) narozen?);inter. col.

bid farewell (connect (by) mouth); ;zdravit (spojit-se birth, time of: Is the ven. Sir a Buddhist since birth? (i.e. was
he born in a Buddhist family);:
big, be; ;velk, bt;I
;narozen, doba: Je ct. Pn buddhistou ji od
big: two big balls;: ;velk: dva velk
narozen? (tj. jestli se narodil v buddhistick rodin);inter. utmn.
birthday (birth day);;narozeniny (den narozen);n.

biggest (most big);;nejvt (nejvce velk);adj.

bike (machine wheel); ( );kolo, jzdn (kolov

birthday card (flat card (for) birth

day); T( );narozeninov pn (kartika s
pnm k narozeninm, ploch karta dne narozen);sg.

birthday: (It) is the day of a girl's birthday, achieving her

23.;: T
T ( ~ T
bike: near the bike; : ;kolo, jzdn: blzko kola; T );narozeniny: Je den narozenin sleny, (kter
prv) doshla svch 23.;writ.
bike: This bike costs one hundred sixty-nine Euro.; :
T ;kolo (jzdn): Toto birthday: Bill's birthday is in February.;:
;narozeniny: Bill m narozeniny v noru. (Billovy
(jzdn) kolo stoj sto edest devt Euro.;
narozeniny (jsou) v noru.);
bill (money): a bill worth of one Dollar;:
bike: four bikes; : ;kolo (jzdn): tyi kola

;bankovka: bankovka hodnoty jednoho dolaru;

bill (of money); ;bankovka;n.
bill (of money): Will you ( ~ sir) have change, because I
cannot exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.; :

birthday: Happy birthday! (blessings (on your) birthday);:

;narozeniny: astn narozeniny! (poehnn (na
tv) narozeniny);w.
birthday: If (you) have anything to offer on (your) birthday, don't
be shy.;: .;narozeniny:


Pokud m nco k nabdnut (lidem), pak se nesty.;col. sl.

blog (in Internet);;blog (na internetu);n. E. blog

birthday: My birthday is in April.;:

;narozeniny: Mm narozeniny v dubnu. (Mj den
narozen (je) v dubnu.);pol. uw.

blog (on Internet); ( ) ( ) (WS. from

);blog (na internetu);sg. E. blog (or) sg. E. blog WS.

birthday: When is your birthday?;:
blood, be of (certain) (include blood);;krve, bt (njak)
;narozeniny: Kdy m narozeniny? (Kdy bude den (zahrnovat krev);I
tvho narozen?);inter.
blood: blood on hand;: ;krev: krev na
birthplace (place (of) birth event);;msto
narozen (msto udlosti narozen);n.
blood: I have also a little bit of German blood ( ~
biscuit; ( ) ( );suenka;sg. E. biscuit ancestors).;:
bite;;tpat kousat;T
;krev: Mm tak trochu nmeck krve ( ~ nkolik
nmeckch pedk).;
bite: because (we) were afraid that (he) would bite;:

; kousat: protoe jsme se obvali, e by kousal;col. blood: On behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king)
entrusted the reign to (his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of
bite: I was bitten by a dog in the morning.;:
Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;: T
;kousnout: Rno m kousl pes. (Rno jsem
dostvm ps kousnut.);
;krev: Ve prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu,
bite: Mosquitos bite.;: T ;tpat: Komi tpou.;
(krl) svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi
(kter byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.
bitter gourd (bitter fruit (of) chicken
curry); ( );hok tykev (hok ovoce
kuec omky);sg.

bloom (open (and) be-fresh);

;kvst (otevt-se (a) bterstv);I

biz (EN col., business, selling (and) buying

affairs); ; byznys (zleitosti prodvn (a)

blouse; ( );blza;sg. E. blouse

black; ;ern;adj.
black (color); ( ) ( ) ( )
( );ern (barva);n.
black color: number eight of black color; :
;ern barva: slo osm ern barvy;

black: Hair is black.; : ;ern: Vlasy jsou

black: the man with the black suit; :
;ern: mu v ( ~ s) ernm obleku.;
blame; ;obvi

bless (sb., give wishing wishes); ;ehnat
(nkomu, dt dn pn);T
blessings;;poehnn;n. P. magala
blessings, give (give wishing
wishes); ;poehnn, dt (dt dn pn);T
blessings, give: (It) is a saying to give blessings to
somebody.; : T
;ehnat (dt poehnn): To se k kdy nkdo
nkomu ehn. (Je (to) een k dn nkomu

blossom (open (and) be-fresh);

;kvst (otevt-se (a)
blow (about wind);;foukat (o vtru);T
blow (by mouth);;foukat (pusou);T
blow (of wind): The wind blows very much, (and therefore) the
man is saling.;: ()

;foukat (o vtru): Vtr hodn fouk, (a proto
ten) mu placht ( ~ pluje);cont. writ.
blue (color);T( );modr (barva);n.
boast; () ;vytahovat se (pynit se) vytahovat se;T
boast (boast (and) brag); () ;vytahovat se (vytahovatse (a) chvstat-se);T
boast: He is boasting to me that he has 500 milions.;:
;chlubit se:
Chlub se mi, e m 500 milin.;cont.
boast: I do not boast.;:
;chvstat se: Nechvstm se. vytahovat se:
Nevytahuji se.;pol. um.
bodice (worn by women); ( );korzet (dmsk);sg.
body; ( );tlo;n. (or) sg.
body (or matter, esp. one of the main constituents of
person);;tlo (i hmota, zejm. jedna z hlavnch soust
bytosti);n. P. rpa (= matter, form)

blessings: Happy birthday! (blessings (on your)

birthday);: ;poehnn: astn narozeniny! body (aggregates body);( );tlo (tlo
skupin);sg. P. khandha (= aggregates)
(poehnn (na tv) narozeniny);w.
body (human, body (and) body);( );tlo
blessings: May (your) blessings be many and fulfilled.;:
(lidsk, tlo (a) tlo);sg. P. khandha (= body)
T ;poehnn: K je (tvch)
poehnn mnoho a (jsou) splnn.;w. pol.

body (of a letter, essay or book, middle part); ;sta

(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, stedn st);n.
blessings: May the total (of) blessings be completed (for
you).;: T ;poehnn: K je (pro body (of a letter, essay or book, writing's body);;sta
tebe) souhrn (vech) poehnn naplnn.;w. pol.
(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, tlo psan);n.
blind, be; ;slep, bt;I


body and mind (nma-rpa, the two principal constituents of

person); ;tlo a mysl (rpa-nma, dv zkladn sousti

bytosti);n. P. nma-rpa (= mind - form)
body and mind, both of; T;tlo a
mysl, oboje;Bh. ow. (or) Bh.
body and mind, both of: May both of your body (and) mind be
healthy and satisfied.;T: T
;tlo a mysl, oboje: K jsou oboje, tv tlo
(i) mysl zdrav a spokojen.;w. pol.
body: body (and) mind, both;: ;tlo: tlo (a)
body: Even as for body, it has come to 25 (years).;:
(-) ;tlo: A co se te tla,
dolo do 25ti (let).;p.p. col.
body: hand put on the body;:
;tlo: ruka poloen na tle;
body: Swimming is good for body.;: T
;tlo: Plavn je dobr pro tlo.;
body: This picture shows a body with two legs.;:
T T ;tlo: Tento
obrzek ukazuje tlo se dvmi nohami.;
body: upper part of the body;:

horn st tla;

book: seven pakaraa books of Abhidhamma Piaka; :

;kniha: sedm pakaraa knih
Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.
book: There are five books of Vinaya included in Vinaya
Piaka.; : ;kniha: Ve
Vinaja Piace je obsaeno pt knih Vinaji.;writ. pol.
book: There are six books of Sinhalese commentaries.; :
T ;kniha: Je est knih
sinhlskch koment.;pol.
book: This book isn't available at any shop.;:
;kniha: Tato kniha nen k dispozici v
dnm obchod.;
book: This is Maung Maung's book.;:
;kniha: Tohle je Maung Maungova kniha.;pol.
book: What book will he read?;:
;kniha: Jakou knihu bude st?;inter. fut. col.
booked out, be (also about a room in a hotel. cannot
take);;zamluven, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, neme
books: What kind of books do you read?;:
;knihy: Jak knihy te?;inter. col.

bookshelf ); ( );police (na knihy, knin

body: whole the body;: ;tlo: cel tlo; police);sg.
Bogyoke Market (general's market); ;Boouksk Trh bookshelf: There is no free space in the bookshelf in the
room.; : ( ~ )
(generlv trh);name
;police: Na polici v pokoji nen dn voln
boil; ;vait;T
boiled (about food); ;uvaen (o jdle);adj.

bone;( ) ( ) ( );kost;sg. bookshop );( );knihkupectv (obchod

(num. class. is given according to the shape) (or) sg.
bookshop: As it was said, that he wanted to buy a book, I took
bone: Bone is paining.;: ;kost: Kost bol.;
him (in a car) to a bookshop.;:
book; ( );kniha;sg. writ.
book (buy): Have you bought ( ~ booked) the mat ( ~ place to
;knihkupectv: Protoe bylo eeno, e
sit) yet?; : ;zarezervovat (koupit): U jsi
(si) chtl koupit knihu, vzal jsem ho (autem) do
koupil ( ~ zarezervoval) podloku ( ~ msto k sezen)?;inter.
book (writing (with) cover);( );kniha (psan (s)
book (scripture, usually sacred, book
writing); ( );kniha (spis, obv. posvtn, knin
book (scripture, usually sacred, book,
book); ( );kniha (spis, obv. posvtn, book,
book) kniha (spis, obv. posvtn, kniha, kniha);sg.

bookstore;( );knihovna;sg.

bookstore );( );knihkupectv (obchod

border (of a country or state, regions arejoined); ;hranice (zem nebo sttu, oblasti jsouspojen);n.

border (of a country, connects districts); (WS. from

book (scripture, usually sacred, ); ( );kniha (spis, obv. ) ;hranice (sttu, spojuje (se) okresy);n. (or) n.
posvtn, );sg.
border (of a country, regions edge); ) (WS. from
book: Are you searching (for something) in books?;:
;kniha: Hled (nco) v knihch?;inter. );hranice (sttu, oblastn okraj);n. WS.
book: author of a book, book-writer;: ;kniha: border area (of a country, area (which) connects
districts); ;pohrani (sttu, oblst, (kter) spojuje
autor knihy, spisovatel knihy;n.
(se) okresy);n.
book: He will read all ( ~ whole) the three books.;:
;kniha: Pete vechny ( ~ cel) ti

book: I need the book to see (it).;:

;kniha: Potebuji (tu) knihu abych se na (to)

border crossing (way which breaks (the)

border); T ;hranin pechod (cesta, kter
lme hranici);n.

border: The car crosses ((and) goes) the (country)

border.; : T ;hranice: (To)
auto pejt hranici (toho sttu) ((a) jede).;


border: The goods from India-Myanmar border also arrive first

in Mandalay.; : T
;hranice: Zbo z Indo-myanmarsk hranice
se tak nejprve dov ( ~ pijd) do Mandalaje.;pol. col.

bosom: new bosom; : ;nru (ukonejen): nov


bordom, get relief from (be-satisfied (from)

boredom); T;nudy, ulevit si z (bt-spokojen (z)

boss: Boss is calling.;: ;f: f


bore (of gun-barrel);( );prmr (hlavn zbran);sg. E.

bored, be; ;nudit se znudn, bt;I
bored, be: He became happy from (the status of) being
bored.; : ;znudn, bt: Ze stavu
znudn (peel do stavu) vesel.;pol. p.p.
boredom; ;nuda;n.
boredom, get relief from: To get relief from boredom, (I) am
teasing with you.; T: T ;nudy,
ulevit si z: Abych si ulevil z nudy, tak t provokuji.;pol. um.
boredom, relieve (relieve boredom); T;nudu, zahnat
(uvolnit nudu);T
boredom, relieve: Pictures created to relieve
boredom.; T: T ;nudu,
zahnat: Obrzky vytvoen aby zahnaly nudu.;col.

boss (he, (the) rich-one);( ) [th];f (on,


boss: Secretary gives some papers to the boss.;:

;f: Sekretka podv (
~ dv) nkolik papr.;cont.
Botahtaung Pagoda (pagoda (of) one thousand
generals); ;Bdadhaun Pagoda (pagoda
jednoho tisce generl);name
Botathaung (township); ( );Bodadhau (sprvn
both;- -;oboje, oboj ob
both of (of all-the two sides); ;obou

vech (tch) dvou smr);n.
both: (I) will take ( ~ like) both.;:
;oba (oboje): Vezmu si oboje. (Mm rd

both: both the rat and bird; -:

boredom: This is boring. (This is good (for) boredom.); : - : ;oba: oba, krysa i ptk;
;nuda: To je nudn. (To je dobr
bothersome, be (give suffering);;dotrn, bt (dvat
(na) nudu.);col.
born, be; ;narozen, bt narodit se;I

born, be (be-born (and) be-born); -; narodit se (btnarozen (a) bt-narozen);I

born, be (be-born (and) see);T ;narozen, bt (narodit-se
(a) vidt);I writ.
born, be: Baby was just born.;:
;narodit se: Miminko se prv (te) narodilo;
born, be: because the baby is born;:
; narodit se: protoe se narodilo miminko;p.p.
born, be: He was born in North India.;:
T ;narodit se: (On) se narodil v
severn Indii.;p.s. writ.
born, be: He was born.;: ;narodit se:
(On) se narodil.;p.s.
borrow (a thing, borrow (and) take); ;pjit si (nco,
pjit-si (a) vzt);T
borrow (a thing);;pjit (si nco);T
borrow (for a short time);;p
jit si (na krtkou dobu);T

bottle; ( );lhev;sg.
bottle (short (and) clear); ( );lhev (krtk (a)
bottle (num. class. for bottles);;lhev (itatel lahv);n.
bottle (num. class. for bottles): a bottle of beer;:
;lhev (itatel lahv): lhev piva;
bottle (num. class. for bottles): four bottles of Pepsi;:
;lahev (itatel lahv): tyi lahve Pepsi;
boundless, be ((does) not have blocking (and)
demarcating); ;nekonen, bt (nem
blokovn (a) ohraniovn);n.
bow (when worshiping);;poklona;n.
bow (worship, have (and) evaporate);;klant se (uctvat,
mt (a) vypaovat-se);I
bow down (extend belly (and) turn-facedown); ;poklonit se (nathnout bicho (a)

borrow (for a while, take (for a) while); [khany];pjit bow down: (He) bows down (before him) three
si (na chvilku, vzt-si (na) chvilku);T
times.; : ;poklonit se:
borrow (money, borrow (and) take);;pjit (si penze,
Klan se (mu) tikrt.;
pjit-si (a) vzt);T
box;( ) (maybe from );krabice;sg.
borrow (money);;pjit (si penze);T

box (wooden receptacle); ( ) (now rather as

bosom (round chest); ;adra (dvrn, kulat hru) );krabice (devn ndoba);sg.
blzk (dvrn, kulat hru);adj.
boy (small body); ( );chlapec (mal
bosom (soothing, round chest); ;nru (ukonejen,
kulat hru);n.
boy in puberty (single or virgin man, tender
bosom, take into (wrap (with) warmth);;hru, vzt si
na (obalit teplem);T


person);( );chlapec v pubert(svobodn mu

nebo panic, nn osoba);

Boy oh boy!' (little elder-sister);;Ty blho! (mal


bracket, square (corner circle);;zvorka, hranat

(rohov kruh);n.

boy, baby (baby or child, little

male); ( );chlapeek (miminko nebo
dt, mal mu);sg.

bradawl;( );dlo;sg.

boy, little; ( );chlapec, mal;sg.

brag; () ;chvstat se pynit se;T

brag (boast (and) brag); () ;chvstat se (vytahovat-se
(a) chvstat-se);T

boy, little: Little boy was swimming.; : Brahmin (member of the highest caste in
;chlapec, mal: Mal chlapec plaval.;p.s.
India);T( );Brahmn (len nejvy kasty v
boy: Is (it) girl or boy? (enquiring about the sex of the other
person's child); :
Brahmin (member of the highest caste of
;chlapeek: Je (to) holika nebo chlapeek? India);T( );Brahmn (len nejvy kasty v
(vyptvn se na pohlav dtte tzan osoby);inter.
Indii);sg. P. brhmaapua (= complete Brahmin ?)
boy's name, a (one side); ;chlapeck jmno, njak
(jedna strana);name

branch;( );vtev;sg.

brave one: As it was not possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin

(as), indeed, (they) had vehicles, modern weapons and help
from foreigners ( ~ people of other countries), by elite of
ninety-three brave-ones, entering (and) attacking (there), (he)
boycott (alms-bowl);;bojkot (almun-msa);n. P.
conquered in the city.; :
sagha-patta (= (monk-)Community's - alms-bowl)

boycott (overturn (the) alms-bowl); ;bojkotovat
T ;hrdina: Jeliko nebylo mon
(pevrtit almun-msu);T
boycott: The boycott of the Yangon University students spread proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), vskutku, mli
vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ lid z jinch
to various places and quarters and (then) also the provincial
zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil (tam a) zatoil,
students (started to) boycott.;:
(a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.

;bojkot: brave, be; ;staten, bt;I
Bojkot student Rangnsk University se rozil do rznch
brave, be ((be) brave (and) mature); ;staten, bt ((bt)
mst a tvrt a (pak) tak provinn studentni (zali)
staten (a) dospl);I
bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
brave: (I) happened to be wanting life (where) is no courage to
boy's name, a (successful-one (who) rules (and) has-highlife);T;chlapeck jmno, njak (spn-lovk,
(kter) vldne (a) m-vysok-ivot);name

boycott: Therefore, (there) were boycotting led by the elder

university students.; :

;bojkotovat: Proto za veden starch
student university bojkotovali.;p.s. writ.

search.; : T ;odvaha: Stalo se, e

chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.

brave: Choosing the brave heroes, king Naung organized a

great Myanmar army.; :
boyfriend (desire heartily); ( );ptel (milovan, ;staten: Vbrem statench hrdin krl Nau
touit podn);sg.
zorganizoval velikou Myanmarskou armdu.;p.s. writ.
boyfriend (desire much); ( );ptel (drahouek, braw, be (beautiful);;pekrsn, bt;
touit moc);sg.
bread (pound (weighing) snack); ( );chleba
boyfriend (loved person,
(libru (vc) zkusek) chlb (libru (vc) zkusek);sg.
boy); ( );ptel (milovan, milovan bread (pound snack); ( );chlb (svaina (vc
lovk, chlapec);sg.
jednu) libru);sg.
boyfriend (man (of) the-kind);( );ptel
(milovan, mu toho-druhu);sg.

boyfriend: (I) have a boyfriend.; : ;ptel

(milovan): Mm ptele.;pol.
boyfriend: (I) have a girlfriend.; :
;ptelkyn (milovan): Mm ptele.;pol.
boyfriend: Don't flatter (her), her boyfriend may beat
(you).; : T ()

(milovan): Nelicho j, (nebo) by (t) jej ptel mohl zbt.;jk.
bra;( );podprsenka;sg. F. brassiere
bracelet (bents (around)
hand); ( );nramek (ohb-se (okolo)
bracket (circle);;zvorka (kruh);n.

bread, Indian nan (flat nan);T;chlb, Indick nn (ploch

nan);n. H. nnpal
bread: (He) is selling bread.; :
;chlb: Prodv chlb.;cont.
bread: buttered bread (bread greased (with) butter); :
;chleba: chleba s mslem (chlb
namazan mslem);
bread: The bread weighs 400 grams.; :
;chlb: (Ten) chlb v 400 gram.;
break;T ;rozbt;T
break (destroy (and) block); ;rozbt (zniit (a)
break (split);;rozbt (roztpit);T


break (a leg etc.): (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital,

because I broke (my) leg.;: T
;zlomit si (nohu atd.): Musm jt ( ~
nastoupit) do nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont.
break (a rule or precept, violate (and)
perforate); ;poruit (pravidlo, poruit (a) prorazit);T
break (about machines, computers etc.); ;rozbt se (o
strojch, potach etc.);I
break (bone of leg etc.);;zlomit si (nohu atd.);I
break (fracture);;zlomit;T
break (pause);( );pestvka;
break (precepts);;poruit (pravidla);T

breakfast (for monks): having eaten the breakfast; :
;sndan (o mnich): po tom, co jsem
sndl sndani;p.p. mn.
breakfast (for monks): Ven. Janinda brought ((and) gave (me))
breakfast.; : ;sndan
(pro mnichy): Ct. Daninda pinesl ((a) dal (mi)) sndani.;writ.
breast (chest's meat); ( );prso (hrudn maso);sg.
breat: The sportsman breathes more intensively than the
woman.; :
T T ;dchat: Sportovec dch intenzivnji ne
(ta) ena.;

break (precepts): In order not to break the five precepts, one

must much ( ~ "not little) control (oneself).;:
;poruit (pravidla): Aby nedolo
k poruen pti pravidel, je teba se nemlo kontrolovat.;

breath; ( ) ;dech dchat;T (or) n.

break (to pieces);T ;rozbt se (na kousky);I

breath, take a (breathe in breath);

; vdechnout (dchat dovnit dech);T

breath (breathe breath {nouner}); T ;dech (dchat

dech {jmenec});n.

breath (coming breath (and) escaping

break (rules, break (and) perforate); ;poruit (pravidla, breath); ;dech (vchzejc dech (a) vychzejc
rozbt (a) prorazit);T
breath (inbreath (and) outbreath); ;dech
break (separate); ;rozbt (oddlit);T
(ndech (a) vdech);n.
break (stop functioning); ;rozbt se (pestat fungovat);I
break down (collapse (and) break); ;rozbt se (zhroutit
se a rozbt se);I
break in (hole (and) bore); ;vloupat se (do domu,
prorazit (a) vrtat);T
break in: Thief is breaking in a house.; :
;vloupat se: Zlodj se vloup
do domu.;cont.

breath: (He) deeply breathes (in) three times (a

breath).; : T T ( ~
T T );dech: Tikrt se
zhluboka nadechne (dech).;

break up (in relationship): Break up with girlfriend.;T :

T ;rozejt se (ve vztahu): Rozejt se s

breath: Noticing the breath, (I) happen to watch the very nature
(of my) mind (rpa nma).; :
( )
T ;dech: Vmajce si (svho) dechu, (stv se,
(e)) sleduji samotnou pirozenost (sv) mysli (rpa
nma).;pol. med.

break: (He) sees a broken bulb.;T :

T ( ~ ) T ;rozbt: Vid rozbitou

breathe in (breathe in breath); ; nadechnout

se (vdechnout, dchat dovnit dech);T

break up (in relationship); ;rozejt se (ve vztahu);T

breathe (breathe breath); ;dchat (dchat dech);T

break: (I) am repairing (this), because the engine got

broken.; : T ;rozbt se: Opravuji
(to), protoe se rozbil motor.;pol.

brick;( ) (WS. from ) ( );cihla;sg. WS.

P. ihaka (= brick) (or) sg. P. ihaka (= brick)

;rozbt se: Tak, (mj) laptop se (mi) rozbil.;sg.



brick: two pieces of brick;: ;cihla: dva kusy

break: (Somebody) said, that as the computer of ( ~ in) these cihly;
bridge (elevate (and) ban); (from );most (zvit
nuns got broken, they came.; :
;rozbt se: Pr, e protoe se (a) zakzat);n.
briefcase (bag dragged (by) hand); ( );kufr
pota (u) tchto mniek rozbil, (ony) pily.;col.
(taka taen rukou);sg.
break: Also, (my) laptop got broken.; :

break: The computer is broken.; : T

;rozbt se: Pota se (mi) rozbil.;p.p.
breakfast (dawn-food); (from )
;sndan (svitu-jdlo);mn. P. arua (= dawn)

breakfast (morning eating); ;sndan (rann

breakfast (for monks, meal (to) be-eaten (in the)
morning); ;sndan (pro mnichy, jdlo (k) jezen


briefly (to (and) by binding); T;strun (k (a)

podle svazovn);adv.
briefly: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let (us) talk
briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks bar.;:
T ;strun:
Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech
mluvme strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi
npoji.;col. pol.
bright, be; ;svtl, bt ziv, bt (o svtle);I (or) I

bright, be (in intellect); ;bystr, bt (o inteligenci);I
bright, be: (I) (happen to) wonder that (you) are even so
much bright.; :
;bystr, bt: (Stalo se, (e)) se divm, e jsi
dokonce tak moc bystr.;pol.

broad: (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly, with reference to

(old) writings and manuscripts.; T:
TT T ;iroce: S
ohledem na (star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce

broadcasting station (public-building (of) spreading

; vyslac stanice (radiov, veejn-budova
brilliant (super (high) crossbar); ;skvl (super (vysok) sound);
en zvuku);n.
broken hearted, be;;rozbitho srdce, bt;I
brilliant, be (good (and) noble); ;skvl, bt (dobr
(a) ulechtil);I

bring (bring (and) carry); ;pinst (pinst (a)


broken, be; (WS. from ) ;rozbit, bt;I (or) I WS.

broken, get; ;rozbt se;I (or) I p.p.

bring (take (and) come);;nst (vzt (a) pijt) pinst

(vzt (a) pijt);T

broken, get: The charger got broken.; :

;rozbt se: Nabjeka se
rozbila.;p.p. pol. writ.

bring (benefit) (carry-in-hand (and) carry-onhead); ;pinet (uitek, nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-nahlav prospch);T

broken, get: The dropped glass jug did not get broken.; :
;rozbt se: Uputn sklenn
konvice se nerozbila.;

bring (benefit): Can men (as well as) women bring (benefit)
equally? (Is equal how men (and) women bring
benefit?); :
;pinet (uitek): Mohou mui (a) eny pinet
uitek stejnou mrou? (Je stejn jak mui (a) eny mohou
pinet uitek?);inter.

broom (stick (of) grass bundle);T ( );kot

(ty (ze) svazku trvy);sg.

broom (one bunch (of) grass);T ( );kot

(jeden svazek trvy);sg.

broom: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with)

broom).;T : T
;kot: Brzy rno zamet (kottem).;cont.

bring (here the action itself is emphasized, take (and) carry

{emphasis}); ;pinst (zde je zdraznna ta innost brother (and) sister (woman's-younger-brother (and) man'sjako takov, vzt (a) nst {draz});T
younger-sister); ;bratr (a) sestra (mlad-bratr-eny (a)
bring (here the action itself is emphasized, take (and)
carry); ;pinst (zde je zdraznna ta innost jako
brother (elder); ( ) ( ) (from
takov, vzt (a) nst);T
);bratr (star);sg.
bring off (succeed, succeed (and) see); T ;zvldnout
(uspt, uspt (a) vidt);I

brother (elder): (I) have one elder brother, one elder sister and
two younger sisters.;:
bring up (a child, wait (and) cling); ;vychovat (dt, ;bratr (star): Mm jednoho starho
ekat (a) lpt);T
bratra, jednu star sestru a dv mlad sestry.;pol.
bring up: (I) was brought up by father and grandmother. ((I)
took the bringing up of father with grandmother.); :
;vychovat: Byl jsem

vychovn otcem a babikou. (Vzal jsem vychovn otce s
babikou.);p.s. pol.
bring: Ven. Janinda brought ((and) gave (me))
breakfast.;: ;pinst: Ct.
Daninda pinesl ((a) dal (mi)) sndani.;writ. mn.

brother (elder): The girl is pointing finger to ((and) showing)

her (elder) brother.;:
T ;bratr (star): Dve ukazuje prstem na
svho (starho) bratra.;cont.
brother (elder): This is my elder brother.;:
;bratr (star): Tohle je mj star bratr.;pol. uw.
brother (royal, future royalty); ( );bratr (budouc

brinjal (fruit (of) aubergine); ( );brindol (ovoce brother (used as an address to a man of similar age as the
addressee, elder brother);;brate, star (uito k osloven
Britain; ;Britnie;name rare
mue stejnho vku jako je oslovujc, star brate);voc.
British embassy;;Britsk ambasda;name E. British

brother (younger, usually used only by female

broad, be (about range, wide (and) flat); T;irok, bt (o relatives); ( );bratr (mlad, uito obvykle jen
enskmi pbuznmi);sg. un.
rozsahu, irok (a) ploch);I
brother (younger, usually used only by male
broad, be (about range); ;irok, bt (o rozsahu;I
relatives);( );bratr (mlad, uito obvykle jen
broad, be: The meaning is broad.; T:
muskmi pbuznmi);sg.
T ;irok: Vznam je irok.;
broad, be: The Myanmar word nature is broad ( ~ has broad
meaning).; T: T
T ;irok, bt: Myanmarsk slovo pirozenost je
irok ( ~ m irok vznam).;

brother, blood (blood drinking brave

silver); ( );bratr, pokrevn (krev pijc
staten stbro);sg.
brother, blood (blood drinking); ( );bratr,
pokrevn (krev pijc);sg.


brother, elder (used as title for names of adult men);; bratr,

star (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny dosplch mu);pref.

) ;Buddha, Pn: My se Pnu Buddhovi

klanme tikrt (poklony).;pol. um.

brother, royal: While Kyansittha was serving his royal brother

king Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was imprisoned by
enemies.; :
krlovsk: Zatmco ansit slouil svmu krlovskmu bratru
krli Solovi, krl Sol byl uvznn nepteli.;p.s. writ.

Buddha, the: the noble truth preached by the Buddha;:

T ;Buddha: ulechtil pravda pednesen
Buddha: If (one) tries, (one) may become even the
Buddha.;: T ;Buddha:
(Kdo) se sna, me se stt dokonce i Buddhou.;pol.

brother, younger (used as title for names of younger

men); ;bratr, mlad (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny
mladch mu);pref.

Buddha: The Buddha gives a simile with (his previous)

birth.;: (T ) T ;Buddha:
Buddha (to) ukazuje na pkladu svho minulho ivota.
brothers and sisters (co-equal people); ;brati a sestry (Buddha dv pklad se svm (minulm) zrozenm.);
(sobrovn lid);n.
Buddha: The discourses with more details preached by the
brothers and sisters (man's-younger-brother, elder-brother,
womans'-younger-brother (and) man's-youngersister); ;brati a sestry ( mlad-bratr-mue,
star bratr, mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue);n.

Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which

is referred to in Sratthadpan.;T : T

;Buddha: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
brothers and sisters: Do (you) have brothers and
sisters?; : ;sourozenci: pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
M (njak) sourozence?;inter.
Buddhaghosa (Pi commentator);;Buddhaghosa (Pi
brought up, be (take bringing-up, take wait (and) cling
{nouner}); ; vychovan, bt (brt vychovn, komenttor);name
brt ekat (a) lpt {jmenec});I

brown (color);( );hnd (barva);n.

brown color, light; ;hnd barva, svtle;n.
bubble; ( );bublina;sg.
buckle (collapse (and) break); ;zboit se (zhroutit se a
rozbt se);I

Buddhaghosa: It is generally accepted that the commentaries

appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's time.;:

T ;Buddhaghsa: Veobecn se
pijm, e komente se objevily bhem doby (ct.)

Buddhism ( ~ "Buddha's religion): the region, where Buddhism

( ~ "Buddhist religion) (is) prominent;:
;buddhismus (Buddhovo nboenstv): oblast,
Buddha (Buddha Lord);;Buddha (Buddha Pn);
Buddha (Buddha nobly Lord);T ;Buddha (Buddha kde je Buddhismus ( ~ "Buddhovo nboenstv) prominentn;
Buddhism (Buddha's philosophy);( T );buddhismus
vzneen Pn);
(Buddhova filosofie);sg. P. buddhavda
Buddha (Buddha, Nobly Lord);T ;Buddha
bud; ( ) ( ) ( )
( );kvt;sg.

(Buddha, Ulechtile Pn);name

Buddha (Noble Buddha);T ; Buddha (Ulechtil

Buddha (as the achievement, the-power);(
);Buddha (jakoto dosaen, sla);sg. Bh.

Buddhism (Buddhist philosophy);;buddhismus

(buddhistick filosofie);n. P. buddha+vda

Buddhism (Buddhist religion);;buddhismus

(buddhistick nboenstv);n. P. bhs (= language)

Buddhism, pure;;buddhismu, ist (uen);n. P. sadhamma

Buddha (title of certain enlightened persons);;Buddha (titul (= pure teaching)
Buddhism, Theravda;;buddhismus,
uritch osvcench osob);
theravdov;name P. theravdabuddhassana (= Buddha's
Buddha, Lord: What do (you) like most in the Lord Buddha's
dispensation of Theravda)
teachings?;T: T
;Buddha, Pn: Co m z ( ~ "v) uen Buddhism: pure Buddhism;:
;buddhismus: ist buddhismus;
Pna Buddhy nejradji?;inter.
Buddhist ((who) entered religion (of)
Buddha, the Lord (Buddha, (the) nobly
Buddha); ( );buddhista ((kter) vstoupil
lord);T ;Buddha, Pn (Buddha, ulechtile
(do) nboenstv Buddhy);sg.
Buddha, the Lord: according to what the Lord Buddha
preached;T: T
;Buddha, Pn: podle toho, co Pn Buddha

Buddha, the Lord: We bow three (bow) times to the
Buddha.;T : T ( ~


Buddhist (enterer (to) Buddha's

religion); ( );buddhista (vstoupiv (do)
Buddhova nboenstv);sg.
Buddhist Philosophy (Buddha's philosophical
knowledge);;filosofie buddhismu (Buddhovo
filosofick vdn);n. P. buddha-dassanika (= buddhist philosophical)

Buddhist Philosophy (practice (of) Buddhist

thinking); ;filosofie buddhismu
(praxe Buddhistickho mylen);n. P. buddha-bhs (=
buddhist - language)
Buddhist philosophy (subject of Buddhist practice and
ideas); ;filosofie
buddhismu (pedmt Buddhistick praxe a nzor);n.
Buddhist Philosophy: Today the subject to write ( ~ "answer)
(at examination) is Buddhist Philosophy.;:
T T ;Buddhismu,
Filosofie: Pedmt, kter musm dnes pst ( ~ "odpovdt) (u
zkouky) je Filosofie Buddhismu.;pol.
Buddhist: (I am) a Buddhist, who can extremely respect (and)
revere (the Buddha, the Teachings and the
monks).; :
;Buddhista: Jsem Buddhista, kter
doke nesmrn respektovat (a) ctt (Buddhu, Uen a
Buddhist: Any Buddhist accepts this fact.; :
Kterkoliv buddhista tento fakt pijm.;
Buddhist: Because of what believes that you accepted, (you)
happened to become a Buddhist?; : ()

T ;buddhista: Kvli jakm vrm, kter jsi pijal, se
stalo, e jsi se stal buddhistou?;inter. um.
buddy; ( );chlpek;sg. sl.

organized.; : T
;postavit (a) zdit: Takto ohromn
Alaung Min Tay vskutku dokzal sjednotit zemi Myanmaru,
postavit (a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a)
organizovan.;p.s. writ.
build (construct): The stadium is still under construction.
(Stadium building work still happens.); :
T ;stavt: Stadin se stle stav. (Stavebn
prce (na) stadionu se stle dj.);
build for sb. (build (and) give); ;postavit pro nkoho
(postavit (a) dt);T
build: (He) builds an institution having called it Burmese
center.; : ( ~ )
;stavt: Stav instituci po
(tom, co ji) nazval Barmsk centrum.;pol.
build: Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~
where is gold) and built the city palace (therein).; :
;postavit: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.
build: The Ananda Pagoda built in Pagan (town) by the king
Kyansittha can be (religiously) visited (and) seen up to
today.; :
T ;postavit: nanda Pagodu postavenou v
(mst) Paganu krlem ansit, je mono (nboensky)
navtvit (a) vidt a do dnes.;pol. writ.

buddy: Hey, buddy!; : ;kmo: Hej, kmo!;imper. build: This house is built by stone.; :
T ;postavit: Tento dm je
postaven z kamene.;
Buenos Aires (town in Argentina);() [brnot
];Buenos Aires (msto Argentiny);name


Buenos Aires: Buenos Aires is 8377 km far from ( ~ with)

;Buenos Aires:
Buenos Aires je 8377 km daleko od ( ~ s) Washingtonu.;

building (building (and) piling up); ( );budova

(stavn (a) hromadn);sg.

buffalo;( );buvol;sg.

building (building (and) preempting); ( )

(WS. from ) ( );budova
(budovn (a) zabraovn);sg. (or) sg. WS.

building (palace building); ( );budova

buffalo: quite far away from ( ~ with) the buffalo.;:
;buvol: Docela daleko od ( ~ s) buvola.;adv. (palcov budova);sg.
building (large and public);( );budova (velk a
build; ;postavit stavt stavit;T
build ( ~ "make): The car was build using plenty of
metal.;: T
;postavit ( ~ "udlat): Auto bylo postaveno
uitm spousty kovu.;
build (build (and) build); ;stavt (stavt (a)
build (build (and) do); ;stavt (stavt (a) dlat)
postavit (stavt (a) dlat);T
build (an association, set-up (and) fix); ;budovat
(sdruen atd., postavit (a) upevnit);T
build (and) set up (organize (and)
build); ;postavit (a) zdit (zorganizovat (a)
build (and) set up: The great Alaung Min Taya thus could,
indeed, again successfully unite the Myanmar country, build
and set (it) up in order to (make it) well (collected) (and)

building (of brick or stone);( );budova (z cihel

nebo kamene);sg.
building (rather as a rest house); ( );budova (spe
jakoto hotel);sg. Mo. T
building: The building is not only big, but also
good.; :
;budova: Ta budova je nejen velk, ale i dobr.;
building: The yellow building is a hotel, indeed.; :
;budova: (Ta) lut
budova je, vskutku, hotel.;
building: This building looks like a palace.; :
;budova: Tato budova
vypad jako palc.;
bulb (fire wheel);( );rovka (ohniv kolo);sg.
bulb (fruit (of) fire);( );rovka (plod ohn);sg.


bulb (shining (and) true fire

wheel); ( );rovka (ziv (a) pravdiv
ohniv kolo);sg.

just superb ( ~ "fluent)!;: T

;Barmsk jazyk: (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "mluven
Barmskm jazykem) je prost skvl ( ~ "plynul)!;cont.

bulb: (He) sees a broken bulb.;:

T ( ~ ) T ;rovka: Vid
rozbitou rovku.;writ.

Burmese language: (Your) Burmese (language talking) is

(just) very good! ;: T
;Barmsk jazyk: (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~
Barmskm jazykem mluven) je (prost) velice dobr!;col.

bull's heart (custard-apple, fruit of tree Annona reticulata, fruit

(of) authority, fruit (of) deferential
netting);( );volsk srdce (ovoce stromu Annona
reticulata, ovoce autority, ovoce uctivho sovn);sg.

Burmese language: (Your) Burmese (language talking) is so

distinct!;: T ;Barmsk
jazyk: (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem mluven) je
tak zeteln!;col.

bulwark (city wall);;val (mstsk ze);n.

Burmese language: Can (you) read (in) Burmese

language?;: ( ~ )
bundle (add-to package);;sbalit (pidat-do balku);T ;Barmsk jazyk: Um st (v) Barmskm
bundle (up, pack (and) add-on);;nabalit (si, balit (a)
Burmese Men's Association: (He is) the leader-student of the
Golden Shine Revolution's Burmese Students'
burden; ;bemeno;n.
burger (hamburger); (abbrev. from
;Asociace Barmskch Mu: Je vdm
);hamburger;sg. E. burger
studentem Revoluce Zlat Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch
burger: He's eating a burger.;:
;hamburger: (On) j hamburger.;cont.
bunch (of flowers);( );kytice;sg.

burgle (hole (and) bore); ;vkrst se (do domu,

prorazit (a) vrtat);T
burl; ( );chuchvalec;sg.
Burma;;Barmsk;adj. col.
Burma (Burmese country): in Burma ( ~ "Burmese country)
and China;T : T (T );Barma (Barmsk
zem): v Barm (a) n;

Burmese, in;; Barmsky;adv.

Burmese, in: How is it called in Burmese?;:

;Barmsky: Jak se to nazv Barmsky?;inter.
Burmese, in: Speak in Burmese.;: T;barmsky:
Mluv barmsky.;imper. pol.
burn; ;hoet;I
burn (fire burns); ;hoet (ohe ho);I

Burma (a person of the nationality);;Barmnec (CZ col.);adj. burn: House is burning.; : ;hoet:
Dm ho.;cont.
burnt up, be; ;splen, bt;I
Burma (country);(T ) () ;Barma (zem);col.
Burma: Are (you) satisfied being in Burma (country)?;T : burnt, be;;splen, bt;I
bus; ( ) ( ) (WS. from
T T;Barma: Jste spokojen, e
);autobus;sg. WS. E. bus-car (or) sg. E. bus-car
jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
bus depot;;autobusov depo;n. E. car-gate
Burma: Burmese lady.;:;Barma: Dma (z)
Burma: What have you come to Burma (country) for ( ~ to
do)?;: T ;Barma: Kvli emu jsi
pijel do Barmy (zem)?;inter.
Burmese (+ language): I can talk only in Burmese
T ;barmsky (Barmsk jazyk): Umm mluvit pouze
barmsky ( ~ barmskm jazykem).;um.
Burmese (language);;barmtina;n.
Burmese (language): Are you studying Burmese for a long
time?;: ;barmtina: Studuje
barmtinu dlouho?;inter.

bus stop (column (of) sign);;autobusov zastvka

(sloup znamen);n.
bus stop (sign column (for)
bus); ( );autobusov zastvka (sloup
(se) znakou (pro) autobus);sg.
bus stop (sign column (for)
car);( );autobusov zastvka (znakov
sloup (pro) vozidlo);sg.
bus stop: My house is not very far (with) from Hledan Market
bus stop.;:
;autobusov zastvka: Mj dm nen daleko od
(s) autobusov zastvky Hldn Trhu.;col. pol. um.

Burmese Association of Students; (abbrev. from

);Barmsk Asociace Student;

bus: (He) stopped the bus.; :

;autobus: Zastavil autobus.;

Burmese language: (I) cannot speak much Burmese

(language).;: T ;Barmsk
jazyk: Barmsky ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem) moc mluvit

bush (bush beats);( );kov (kov mlt);sg.

Burmese language: (Your) Burmese (language speaking) is


bus: I came by bus.; : ;autobus:

Pijel jsem autobusem.;p.s.
bush: There is a bush in front of the house.;:
;kov: Ped domem je kov.;

business (selling (and) buying

affairs); ; obchodn innost (zleitosti
prodvn (a) kupovn) podnikn (zleitosti prodvn
(a) kupovn);

Podej ct. Danindu, j nemm as ( ~ "mm moc prce).;fr.

busy, be: because (I) am busy;:
;prce, mt hodn: protoe mm hodn

business (work (and) duty); ;podnikn (prce (a)

busy, be: This time (I) am (being) busy with ( ~ "for) the
povinnost) obchodn innost (prce (a) povinnost) byznys birthday meditation retreat at the end of (this) month.;:
(prce (a) povinnost);n.

business: (I) came to do ( ~ "with)
;prce, mt hodn: V tuto dobu mm hodn
business.; :
prce s ( ~ "pro) narozeninov meditan zsed, (kter bude)
;podnikn: Pijel jsem kvli podnikn. (Pijel jsem s na konci (tohoto) msce.;cont.
but; (from ) ;ale;conj.
business: Business English course; :
;podnikatelsk: kurs
podnikatelsk anglitiny;

(or) conj. col.

business: Moreover, (there) are also many financial

businesses.; : T
;podnikn: Navc, je (zde) tak mnoho finannho
podnikn.;pol. col.

but: But don't think, that (I) am (doing (work of)) the
correction-teacher, ok?;: T
;ale: Ale nemysli si, e dlm (prci) opravujcho
uitele, jo?;col. pol.

businessman (goods dealer); ( );podnikatel

(zprostedkovatel zbo);sg.

but: If (you) meditate every day one hour, (it) is good. But if
(you) meditate every day two hours, (it) is very good,
;ale: Pokud medituje kad
den jednu hodinu, je (to) dobr. Pokud ale medituje kad den
dv hodiny, je (to), opravdu, velice dobr.;

businessman (lord (of) work (who) possess (and) develop

{nouner}); ( );ekonomie (pn
prce (kter) vlastnit (a) rozvjet {jmenec});n.
businessman (lord (of) economy
work); ( );podnikatel (pn
ekonomick prce);sg.
businessman: (I) became successful as a
businessman.; : T
T T ;podnikatel: Stal jsem se spnm jakoto
podnikatel.;p.s. pol.

but: But a coffee bar is (here).;:

;ale: Ale kavrna (tu) je.;

butter (wrapped butter); ;mslo (zabalen

butter: buttered bread (bread greased (with) butter); :
;mslo: chleba s mslem (chlb namazan

butter: I secretly ate butter sitting near the fridge.; :

( ~
busy (entangled (in) work): Are you busy? ((Are) you
);mslo: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a) tajn
entangled (in) work?);:
;zaneprzdnn (zapleten (do) prce): Jsi jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
zaneprzdnn? ((Jsi) zapleten (do) prce?);inter. cont.
butterfly (blue turtle);T;motl (modr elva);n.
bust (round chest); ;poprs (kulat hru);n.

busy (lot (of) work): Are you (being) busy?;:

;zaneprzdnn: Jsi zaneprzdnn?;inter.

buttocks (cheeks (of) buttocks); ;zadek (tve


busy (too much work): Are you busy? ((Do) you (have) too
much work?);: ;zaneprzdnn
(moc prce): Jsi zaneprzdnn? (Ty (m) moc
prce?);inter. cont.

buttocks: contact of buttocks with ground; :

T T ( ~ T
T );zadek: dotyk zadku se zem;writ.

busy (work): Are you busy? (are (you) entangled (in)

work?);: ;zaneprzdnn (prce): Jsi
zaneprzdnn? (jsi zamotan (do) prce?);inter. cont.

buy (for sb., buy (and) give); ;koupit (nkomu, koupit

(a) dt);T

busy, be (be-entangled (in) work);;zaneprzdnn,

bt (bt-zapleten (do) prce) as, nemt (bt-zapleten
(do) prce);I
busy, be (lot-of work);;zamstnan, bt (spousta
busy, be (much work);;zaneprzdnn, bt (moc
prce) zaneprzdnn, bt (mnoho prce);I
busy, be: (I) think (you) are busy.;:
;as, nemt: Myslm, e nem as.;fut.

buy; ;koupit nakoupit kupovat;T

buy: (He) goes to shop to buy an envelope.; :

;koupit: Jde do obchodu aby koupil oblku.;
buy: (I) went to a shop and bought what (goods) (I) liked
without looking at the price.; :
;koupit: el
jsem do obchodu a koupil (zbo) co jsem chtl ( ~ "ml-rd)
ani bych se dval na cenu.;p.s. pol.
buy: (I) will buy pants as well as shirt.; :
;koupit: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut.

buy: Friend, what book do you want to buy?; :

busy, be: Ask ven. Janinda, I am busy.;:
;koupit: Jakou knihu (si) chce koupit,
() () ;as, nemt ( ~ "moc prce): pteli?;inter. fut. col. um.


buy: He will buy a book also.; : ;koupit

si: Koup si tak knihu.;col.

person);( );pihlejc (patn osoba, krajn


buy: How much (money) do you buy (it) with?; :

cabbage (pack (of) thrusting shovel);( )
;kupovat: Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika penzi) ( ) (WS. from );zel, hlvkov (balk
(to) kupuje?;inter. col.
(ze) zaren lopaty);sg. WS. (or) sg.
buy: I will by meat.; : ;koupit: (J)
koupm maso.;col. um.

cable TV; ; kabelov televize;n. E.


buy: I will go to (the) shop to buy (a) shirt.; :

caf (tea shop); ;caf (obchod aje);n.
;koupit: Pjdu do obchodu abych (si) caginess (clever (and) shrewd {nouner}); ;mazanost
koupil koili.;fut. um.
(chytr (a) mazan {jmenec});I
buy: In that case (I) will not buy it (any more).; :
Cairo (town in Egypt);();Cairo (msto Egypta);name
;koupit si: V tom ppad si (to) (u)
cake (cake snack); ( );dort (dortov zkusek);sg.
E. cake
buy: What do (you) want to buy? (What (is it), that (you) want cake: In the afternoon (she) is eating cake and drinking
to buy?); : ;koupit: Co chcete koupit? (Co tea.; :
(je to), co chcete koupit?);inter. col.
;dort: Odpoledne j dort a pije aj.;writ.
buy: What will you buy, friend?; : ;koupit: cake: Only a quater of cake remains.; :
Co si koup, pteli?;inter. um.
;dort: Zbyla jen tvrtka dortu.;
by; T;zna instrumentl s;prep.. col. (or) suff.
by (by (and) by);T;s ({pslovec} (a) s);suff.

calendar;T( );kalend;sg. P. pakkha-dina (= visible


by (to (and) by);T;zna intrumentl (do (a) skrze);suff. calf (of leg, leg's calf);T( );ltko (nohy, ltko
by (with): Go by car.; : ;s: Je autem. (Je s
autem.);imper. col.
call (call (by) phone);;volat (volat telefonem);T E.
by (in simple counting);;za (pi jednoduchm potn);suff.

by (via) (of one level); ;skrze (z jednoho stupn);adv. call (a person): I'll call (him). (used when going to call a certain
by means of (of one level); ;po (uitm eho, z
person to come);: ;zavolat (osobu):
jednoho stupn);adv.
Zavolm (ho). (uito, kdy (nkdo) jde zavolat uritou osobu
aby pila);fut. col pol.
by oneself;;vlastnm silm;adv.
by oneself: Nibbna by oneself;: ( ~
: );vlastnm silm: Nibbna (dosaen)
vlastnm silm;

call (address) and safe: Calling (me) as mum, is more warm

and safe.;: ;nazvat ( ~
"volat): Zn tepleji a bezpenji, kdy m nazv maminkou.
(Voln (m) jakoto maminka (je) vce tepl (a)
by the way; ; mimochodem;adv.
by then (at that time);;tehdy (v ten as);adv. bezpen.);pol.
call (address): Calling (me) as a small supporter is more
by then (beforebefore arrival (of) present time);
appropriate.;: ;nazvat: Je
();tehdy (pedped pchodem
vhodnj m nazvat malm podporovatelem.;pol.
ptomnho asu);adv.
by: (We) spoke by Internet.; :
T ;po: Bavili jsme se po internetu.;p.s.
by: by me;: ;mnou;uw.
by: by respect;T: T;s: s respektem;

call (by phone, phone connects); ;volat (telefonem,

telefon se-spojuje);T
call (by phone): Boss is calling.;:
;volat (telefnem): f vol.;cont.

call (by phone): Mother, Mya Mya (Emerald-Emerald) is

calling (me by phone) to watch a show tonight.;: TT
by: I will read books one by one.;: ;volat (telefnem): Matko, Mja Mja
;za: (J) budu st knihy jednu za druhou.;fut. (Smaragd-Smaragd) (mi) vol abych la (podvala se) na
pedstaven dnes v noci.;cont.
col. um.
by: Come one by one.;: ;za:
Pijte jeden za druhm.;imper. pol.

call (by telephone, connect (by)

by: Indeed, by making mistakes, correct(ness) will appear.;:
;zna instrumentl: Vskutku, dlnm telephone); ;telefonovat (spojit (se)
telefnem);T. E. telephone
chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
call (by telephone, connection (by)
bye (go): Goodbye. ((I) am going to leave, ok?);:
telephone); T ;hovor, telefonn (spojen
;ahoj (pi odchodu, jt): Ahoj. (pi odchodu,
telefnem);n. E. telephone
Odchzm, ano?);fut. pol. col.
bye!;;ahoj! (louen);interj. col. E. bye
bystander (a bad person, side


call (by) phone: As I was calling you by phone, you shouldn't

have call me.;: ( ~

) ;volat telefonem: Ponvad zvan;suff. (or) suff. adj. (or) adj.

jsem ti volal telefonem, nemla jsi volat ty m.;col.
called, be;;jmenovat se zvan, bt;I
call (name);; nazvat;T
called, be: sickness called koro;:
call (sb. by phone) (give calling (by)
;zvan, bt: nemoc zvan koro;
phone);;zavolat (nkomu telefonem, dt voln
called: a monk called ven. Makara; :
;jmenuje, kter se: mnich, kter se jmenuje ct.
call (sb.): (I) called (by phone) to (sb.).;:
;zavolat (nkomu): Zavolal (jsem nkomu).;p.s. called: this boy called Ezekiel ...; :
call (shout); ;volat (kiet);T

call (sth., give name); ;nazvat (nco, dt

call (sth);;nazvat (nco);T

call (to come);;pivolat zavolat (aby piel);T

call (to come): Nga Nyo's wife had to call (him).;:
;zavolat (aby piel): a ova manelka (ho)
mla zavolat.;
call again;T ;zavolat znovu;T
call as; -;nazvat;T
call, make a (by phone, phone connects);
(WS. from );zavolat (telefonem, telefon se-spojuje);T
call: (I) am telling (you), that when (I) call the novice as the
novice Sarana, the nomenclature (will be) more elegant.;:
T;nazvat: km (ti), e kdy budu nazvat novice
jakoto novic Sarana, bude (to) nzvoslov elegantnj.;pol.
call: (It) is called as Union of Myanmar.;: T
T ;nazvat se: Nazv se Unie

...;jmenuje, kter se: tenhle kluk,

kter se jmenuje ... ;
called: Where is the town called Mandalay?; :
;zvan: Kde je to msto zvan
Mandalaj (Mandal)?;inter.
calm down (down: (One) should not put (much) pressure on
(one's) mind. Having (calmed) down, one should be in
;uklidnit se ( ~ snit): Nemlo by se na mysl
moc tlait. Uklidnnm ( ~ snenm) je teba bt klidn.;col.
calm down (down);;uklidnit se (snit);T
calm down (lower mind);;uklidnit se (snit mysl);T
calm down: Calm down!;: ;uklidnit se: Uklidni
se!;imper. pol.
calm, be;;klidn, bt;I un.
calm, be (calm (and) descending); ;klidn, bt (klidn
(a) sestupujc);I
calm, be (cool (and) cured);();klidn, bt (chladn
(a) vylen);I
calm, be (cool (and) feeling-cool); ;klidn, bt (chladn
(a) ctc-chladno);I

call: (It) is called Mataw road.;:

;jmenovat se: (Tato ulice) se jmenuje ulice Mat.;

calm, be (also about mind, cool (and) pleasant); ;klidn,

bt (tak o mysli, chladn (a) pjemn);I

call: (It) is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~

live) together.;: T T
;nazvat se: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony
jsou ( ~ ij) spolu.;pol.

calm, be (stay calm); T;klidn, bt (zstat klidn);I

call: As he was reading that way, he was called as short

writing Nga Nyo.;: { }
;nazvat: Protoe tak etl, nazvali ho a Nyo
krtkho ten.;

calm, in: (I)'ll tell (it to you) later, in calm, ok?;:

T ;klidu, v: eknu (ti to) pozdji, v klidu,
jo?;inter. col.

calm, be in;;klidn, bt v;I

calm, in (cool (and) cleaned);;klidu, v (chladn (a)


calm: May (you) be calm; : ;klidn: K (jsi)

call: His name is (called) Maung Maung.;:
klidn.;w. pol.
;jmenovat se: Jmenuje se Maun Maun. calmly; ;klidn;adv.
(Jeho jmno se nazv Maun Maun.);pol.
Cambodia (country);() (WS. of )
call: How is it called in Burmese?;:
() ;Kamboda (stt);name
;nazvat se: Jak se to nazv Barmsky?;inter. camera; ( );fok (CZ col.) fotoapart;sg. E.
call: Therefore, since the independence they call it National
;nazvat: Proto ode (dne) nezvislosti to nazvaj
Nrodn Den.;pl. writ. pol.

camera: a new camera; :
;fotoapart: nov fotoapart;

camp; ;tbor (kemp) kemp;n.

call: What is your name? (How (is) called your name?);:
campus;( );univerzita;sg.
;nazvat: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se can; ;podait se moci;I
nazv tv jmno?);inter.
can (be-able (and) can); ;moci (bt-schopn (a)
call: Why is (it) called like that?;: T
;nazvat se: Pro se (to) tak nazv?;inter. col.
can (be able to); ;umt;I
called; ;nazvan jmenuje, kter se
can (be);;lze;v.


can (do); ;dokzat (o inu);T

can: I can't stay ( ~ live).;: ;moci: Nemohu zstat

can (do): There are also (things) that women cannot (do).; : ( ~ t).;col. pol.
;dokzat (o inu): Jsou tak
can: later when I can talk in Myanmar (language); :
(vci), kter eny nedokou.;pol. col.
T T ;umt: pozdji a budu umt
mluvit Myanmarsky;
can be;;mono, je;I
can: (I) can (talk) little bit in English, but much (I) cannot
(talk).; :
;umt: Umm trochu anglicky, ale moc,
(to) neumm.;pol.

can: My wife can cook rice and curry very well.; :

Moje manelka um velice dobe vait ri a omky.;pol. um.

can: (I) can read (in Burmese) a little; :

;umt: Umm trochu st (Barmsky).;pol. col.

can: Tell him (that) I cannot come today.;: T

;moci: ekni mu, e dnes nemohu
pijt.;imper. pol. um.

can: (I) cannot speak (English).; : T ;umt:

Neumm (anglicky). ((I) cannot speak (anglicky).);

can't: I can't take tomatoes.;:

;nemoci: Nemohu vzt rajata.;col.

can: (I) cannot.; : ;moci: Nemohu.;pol.

can: (I) still cannot read (in Burmese).; :
;umt: Pod neumm st (Barmsky).;pol.
can: (I) still cannot speak much (well in Burmese).; :
T ;umt: Jet (Barmsky) moc (dobe)
neumm (mluvit).;pol.
can: (You) can already speak (well). (may be said as a praise
to sb.'s level of a language knowledg); :
T ;moci: Um mluvit (dobe). (me bt vyeno
coby pochvala nho stupn znalosti uritho jazyka);col.
can: An animal may be bigger than human as well as (it) can
be smaller.;:
;moci: Zve me bt vt ne lovk a
tak me bt men.;

candidate (entered election with-the-purpose-of future

exchange); ( );kandidt
(vstoupil (k) volbm za-elem budouc vmny);sg.
candidate: (I) am the only independent candidate of the
election.; :

T ;kandidt:

Jsem jedinm nezvislm kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.
candle (wax column); ( );svka (voskov
candle: The color of candle's light is yellow.; :
T ;svka: Barva
svtla svky je lut.;
candy (sweets, sugar ball);;bonbny (sladkosti,
cukrov koule);n.

cane;( );hlka;sg.
can: as (I) see, that (you) can speak and write;:
TT ; umt: ponvad vidm, e um mluvit cankamana (cankamana meditation);;ankamana
a pst;
(meditace ankamana);n. P. cankamana (= walking up and
can: As for some people, (they) think, that men can perform
(duties) more.;:
;schopn, bt: Co se te
nkterch lid, mysl si, e mui jsou vce schopn konat

cankamana (developings (of) Dhamma by walking path

{nouner}); T ;ankamana
(rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy skrze chozen (po) stezce

can: Because (I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be

difficult.; : TT ;umt:
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col.

cankamana (meditation while walking path);

;ankamana (meditovn bhem chozen (po)
cest);n. P. bhvan (= meditation)

can: Can we continue in the discussion?;:

;moci: Meme pokraovat v

cankamana path ); ;ankamanu, chodnek na

(chodnek (na) ankamanu);n. P. cankamana (= walking up
and down)

can: Can you help me?;: ;moci: Me cankamana, do the (walk walkingmi pomoci?;inter. col.
meditatin); ;ankamanu, chodit (chodit meditacichozen);T P. cakamana (= walking up and down) P.
can: Can you speak in English (language)?; :
cankamana (= walking up and down)
T ;dokzat: Mluvte anglicky?
(Dokete mluvit anglickm jazykem?);inter.

cannabis (six(fold) medicine);T ;kanabis (marihuana,

can: Could not write.;: ;moci: Nemohl napsat.;p.s. ester medicna);n.

cannot happen (can not happen);T ;neme se stt
can: How can I talk (in English), dear lad?; :
(ne me se-stt);I
T ;moci: Jak bych mohla mluvit
(anglicky), drah mldene?;inter. col.

can: I can talk in Myanmar language little bit.; :

T T ;umt: Umm trochu mluvit
barmsky (myanmarsky).;pol. um.
can: I can talk little bit.; : T ;moci:
Mohu (jen) trochu mluvit.;col.


canny, be (clever (and) shrewd); ;mazan, bt

(chytr (a) mazan);I

canon (principal scripture); ;knon (hlavn spis);n.

canon (principal scripture); ;knon (hlavn spis);n.
canon: canon of metaphysics; :

;knon: knon metafyziky;n.

canonical script (original hand written
book); ;kanonick spis (originln rukou
psan kniha);n.

seriousness); (WS. from ) ;starat se o

(vlastn zdrav nebo zrannou i letitou osobu nastavit
vnost);T WS. P. garu (= heavy, serious) (or) T P. garu (=
heavy, serious)

cap (wear);( ) [ouhou] ( );epice


care for (sb., search (and) feed);;starat se o (nkoho,

hledat (a) krmit);T

capability (can (and) can {nouner}); ;schopnost

(moci (a) moci {jmenec});n.

care for: Because (my) patient is (being) sick, I care for

;starat se o: Protoe je mj pacient nemocn,
(j) starm se o nj.;cont. um.

captured, be (descend (and) descend); ;zajat, bt

(sestoupit (a) sestoupit);I
car;( );auto vozidlo automobil; (or) sg. E. car
car park (place for stopping
car); ( );parkovit (msto k zastaven
car part;;automobilov soustka;n. P. paccaya (=
requisites, means)
car window (car's glass);( );auta, okno (sklo
car: car accident;: ;auto:
automobilov nehoda;

care of, take: The policeman is taking care of the traffic.;:

;starat se o: Policajt se
star o (silnin) dopravu.;cont.
careful, be;; opatrn, bt;I P. sati (= mindfulness)
careful, be (fix mindfulness);;pozorn, bt (upevnit
careful, be (setup heavy);;pozor, dvat (nastavit
careful, be (setup seriousness);;pozor, dvat
(nastavit vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)

careful, be (take care): Take care of (your) health.;:

;pozor, dvat si: Dvej si pozor na (sv)
car: The car's speed is 40 kms per hour. (Car drives with rate zdrav.;imper. pol.
careful, be: Be careful, (or) you will ( ~ "may) get hurt.;:
(of) 40 kilometers (per) an hour.);:

;pozor, dvat: Dvej pozor,

;auto: Rychlost auta je 40 T
(nebo) si (mon) ubl.;imper. pol.
km za hodinu. (Auto d s rychlost 40 kilometr (za) jednu
car: get on the car;: ;auto: nastoupit do

careful, be: Be especially careful for (your) health.;:

;pozor, dvat si: Zejmna si
car: What kind of car will you buy?;:
;automobil: Jak automobil si koup?;inter. dvej pozor na (sv) zdrav.;imper. pol.
carefully (with planting heavily); ; pozorn (se
szenm tce);adv.
car.: Cars, such as Toyota, Mercedes etc.;:

;auto: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes atd.;

card (also with greetings, flat card); T( ) (WS.
from T) T( );karta (tak coby pn k
Vnocm atd., ploch karta) pn (kartika s pnm k
Vnocm atd., ploch karta);sg.
card, birthday (flat card (for) birth
day); T( );pn k narozeninm (kartika s
pnm k narozeninm, ploch karta dne narozen);sg.

carefully: (I) has to learn more carefully.; :

;pozorn: Musm se uit

carer;( );opatrovnk;sg. (mn.)

carl (EN col., husband); ( );chlap (CZ col.,
carp (complain, swell equally, swell equally);; kritizovat
(stovat si, bobtnat rovnomrn, bobtnat rovnomrn);T col.

card, Christmas (flat card (for)

carpet; ( );koberec;sg. P. koja (= mail armour)
Christmas); T( );pn k Vnocm (kartika carpet: Immediately at the bed, (there is) carpet.; :
s pnm k Vnocm, ploch karta (k) Vnocm);sg.
;koberec: Bezprostedn u
cardigan (sweater);( );svetr (pleten);sg. E.
postele je koberec.;
carrot (red egg);( );mrkev (erven vejce);sg.
care for ( ~ "search (and) feed): Having eloped the woman
((and) just come), care for ( ~ "search (and) feed)
her.;: ;starat se o ( ~
"hledat (a) krmit): Po uprchnut s enou (od rodi), hned jak
pijde, starej se ( ~ "hledej (a) krm) o n.;imper. sl.


care for (setup seriousness);;starat se o (nastavit

vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)

carry; ;nosit;T

care for (a sick person, make (and) collect);;starat se o

(nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat);T
care for (one's health etc. or an injured or old person, setup

carrot (yellow radish);( );mrkev (lut

edkvika, lut vajko pied zuivosti);sg.
carrot: I am chopping the carrot.;:
;mrkev: (J) nasekvm mrkev.;cont. um.
carry (descend (and) come); ;nst (sejt (a) pijt);T
carry (on one's back);;nosit (na zdech);T
carry (on one's shoulder, add-on (and) carry


benefits); (-) ;nosit (na rameni, pidat (a) nst ;vykonat: Nkdy jsou povinnosti, jejich
vykonn mui i enami pospolu je vhodn.;pol.
carry out;;konat;T writ. P. kiriya (= action, deed) rare
carry out (add-on (and) carry, carry-in-hand (and) carry-onhead); ;vykonat, vykonvat (pidat (a) nst,
nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav);T
carry out (carry (and) attend-on); ;vykonat (nst (a)

carry out: The ven. Sir, by studying Buddhist literature can take
more and more responsibility for carrying out the benefit of the
(Buddha's) present.; :
;vykonat: Ct. pn, studiem
Buddhistick literatury, me pevzt vc a vc zodpovdnosti za
vykonn prospnost (Buddhova) daru.;

carry out (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head);

;uskutenit (nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav) provst carry: (It) carries the meaning.; :
;nst: M ( ~ "nese) (ten) vznam.;
(nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-na-hlav);T
carry: (They) are carrying a bag.; :
carry out (carry-in-hand (and) come); ;vykonvat
;nosit: Nos taku.;
(nosit-v-ruce (a) pijt);T
carry out (make (and) do);;vykonat (udlat (a) dlat);T
carry out (yearn (and) carry-in-hand); ;vykonat
(touit (a) nst-v-ruce);T

carry: The man carries a very heavy suitcase ( ~ clothes box

(of) big weight).; :
;nst: (Ten) pn nese velice tk kufr ( ~ kufr
obleen velk vhy).;

carry out: (He) is a person, who has carried out educational

duties in this town for many years and months.; : carry: The snail is carrying her house.; :
;nst: nek si nese svj dm.;cont.

;vykonvat: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala ( carry: The woman carries a hand bag of little weight ( ~
lightness).; :
~ vykonvala vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a
;nosit: (Ta) slena nos lehkou kabelku ( ~ kabelku
carry out: (I) will fulfil (and) carry out ((and) give) everything, mal lehkosti);

case (problem);( ) ;problm;sg. P. kicca

what (I) can (do for you).; : T
T ;vykonat: Splnm (a) vykonm ((a) cash (money material);;hotovost (penn materil);n.
dm) vechno, co (pro tebe) mohu (udlat).;fut. pol.
cashew nuts (Sinhalese grain);;keu oky
(sinhlsk semeno);n.
carry out: As the elders know, as for the today's discussion's
topic, it is called By men, more than by ladies, the country
responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be carried out.; :

{ }
;vykonat: Jak (ji) ti star v, co se te dnenho
tmatu diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~ povinnosti) (na)
zem mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne enami.;pol.
carry out: I take pride very much for being allowed to carry out
the celebration of tenth anniversary of writers of our township
as the chairman.; :
Jsem velice hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~
zastnn se) oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn
oblasti jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.
carry out: May (you) be able to assume more and more
responsibility for carrying out the (Buddha's) present.; :

;vykonvat: K jsi schopen vzt vc a
vc zodpovdnosti za vykonvn (Buddhova) daru.;w. pol.

caste system (of India, system (of) birth kind (in)

(India)); ();kastovn systm (Indie,
(Indick) systm druhu narozen);n.

caste system (of India, system (of) birth kind (in)

India); ;kastovn systm (Indie, Indick
systm druhu narozen);n.
caste system (of India): (He) had no comprehension of the
caste system of India.; ():

;kastovn systm (Indie): Neml dn porozumn
kastovnho systmu Indie.;p.s. writ.
castle (brave building); ;hrad (staten budova);n.

casualty (of battle, fall (and) end);;ztrta ivot (v

bitv, pd (a) konec) ob (v bitv, pd (a) konec) mrtv
(v bitv, pd (a) konec);n.
casualty (of battle, person, who died in
battle); ( );mrtv (v bitv, osoba,
kter zemela v bitv) ob (v bitv, osoba, kter
zemela v bitv);sg.

casualty (of battle, person, who (is) fallen (and)

carry out: Put the duty for me tot he last (place) and then carry ended); ( );ob (v bitv, osoba, kter
it out.; :
padla (a) skonila) mrtv (v bitv, osoba, kter padla (a)
;vykonat: Dej tu povinnost pro m na posledn
(msto) a pak ji vykonej.;imper. pol. col.
casualty: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with
carry out: Sometimes, there may be duties, of which carrying
mostly wounded (people and) casualties.;:
them out together by men and women is
TT ;ztrta
advantageous.; :
ivot: Skupiny Hentvad vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou

zrannch (lid a) ztrtou ivot.;writ.


cat; ( ) ( );koka;sg.
cat: Cat is drinking water.; :
;koka: Koka (prv te) pije
cat: The dog is uglier than the cat.; :
;koka: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne (ta) koka.;

celebration (attend event (of) blessings

{nouner}); T ;oslava (astnit-se udlosti
poehnn {jmenec});n.
celebration (celebration (and)
hearing); ( );oslava (oslavovn (a) slyen);sg.

celebration: I take pride very much for being allowed to carry

out the celebration of tenth anniversary of writers of our
township as the chairman.; :
catch (catch (and) catch); ;chytit (chytit (a) chytit);T
catch (a bus, a plane etc., catch (and) follow);;chytnout T
(autobus, letadlo, atd., chytit (a) nsledovat);T

svolen k vykonn ( ~
catch (comprehend, pierce (and) catch (the)




ro spisovatel na sprvn
character); ;pochopit (probodnout (a) chytit
oblasti jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.
catch; ;chytnout chytit;adv. (or) T

catch: (He) didn't catch the bus.;:

;stihnout: Nestihl autobus.;
categorically (exactly (and) precisely);;kategoricky
(pesn (a) pesn);adv.
categorically: (It) was categorically mentioned.;:
T ;kategoricky: Bylo (to) kategoricky
categorization (kinds (and) types);;kategorizace
(druhy (a) typy);n.
categorize (collect similar kinds);;roztdit (sbrat
podobn druhy);T
category;( );kategorie;sg.
cattle (animal); ( );dobytek (zve);sg.
caucious, be (setup heavy);;opatrn, bt (nastavit
caugh, have: The boy is coughing.; :
;kael, mt: Chlapec kale.;cont.
caught, be;;chycen, bt;adv.
cauliflower (flower (of) thrusting shovel); ( )
(WS. from ) ( );kvtk (kvtina (ze)
zaren lopaty);sg. WS. (or) sg.

celebration: On that day all over Myanmar country the

celebrations of National Day are held.; :
;oslava: Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se po cel zemi
Myanmaru podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.

cent (of kyat - not in use now);T;setnk (iatu, dnes ji nen v

cent of kyat, currency in Myanmar and Burma (not used in
modern day);T;setnk atu, mny v Myanmaru a Barm (dnes
se ji nepouv);
center; ;centrum sted;n.
center (collected while far);;sted (sesbran
zatmco (je) daleko (?));n.
center: (He) builds an institution having called it Burmese
center.; : ( ~ )
: ( ~
) ;centrum:
Stav instituci po (tom, co ji) nazval Barmsk centrum.;pol.

century: fourth century;: ;stolet: tvrt stolet;

cephalalgia (headache, head bites

{nouner}); T ;hlavy, mt bolest (hlava koue
cause; ( ) ;zpsobit pina;T (or)
n. (or) sg.
cephalalgia, have (headache, head bites); ();hlavy,
cave;;jeskyn;n. P. lea (= cave)
mt bolest (hlava koue);I
cave (cave, cave);;jeskyn (jeskyn, jeskyn);n. P.
ceremonie (oslavovn (a) slyen); ( )ceremony
lea-guh (= cave cave)
(celebration (and) hearing);sg.;
cave: According to the map, it looks like if there is a treasure in
ceremony; ;oslava;n.
this cave.;: T
certain, be (be-stable (and) spin);;jist, bt (bt-stabiln
;jeskyn: Podle mapy to vypad, jako kdyby v tto
(a) otet-se);I
jeskyni byl poklad.;
celebrate; ;slavit;T
T ; urit jist; (or) suff. (or) adv. col. (or) adv.
celebrate (assemble (and) participate); ;oslavovat
certainly (will);(

);jist (bude);suff. adv.

(shromdit-se (a) astnit-se);T
certainly will;

;urit bude;suff. fut.

celebrate (attend event (of) blessings
{nouner}); ;oslavovat (astnit-se udlosti
poehnn {jmenec});n.
celebrate (festival); ;oslavovat;T

certainly will: (You) will (certainly) see the country of

: T
;urit bude:
(Jist) uvid stt Myanmar.;fut. pol.

celebrate: (People of) whole the country celebrate for three (or) certainly: It is accepted by some philosophers, that the (great)
four days.; : T ;slavit: Pi Ahakath were certainly translated.;T :
T () T

Ti, tyi dny (lid) po ( ~ v) cel zemi slav.;pol.
;jist: Nktermi filosofy
celebration;( );oslava;sg.
je pijato, e Pi Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.


certainly: The boy will certainly throw the ball.;:

;urit: Chlapec urit hod

certificate (hand sign); ( );certifikt (run
certificate (inventory, basic writing); ( );osvden
(invent, zkladn psan);sg.
certificate, examination (success
inventory); ;certifikt (z kurzu nebo koly, intent
certificate: (He) obtained the certificate.; :
;certifikt: Obdrel certifikt.;

cetiya;( );tije;sg. P. cetiya (= pagoda)

u nen dn monost (cokoliv) zmnit ( ~ "znovu opravit).;

change (change (and) change);T T ;mnit
(mnit (a) mnit) zmnit (mnit (a) mnit) zmna
(zmna (a) zmna);T (or) n.
change (change {nouner});T T ;zmna (mnit
change (coins);;drobn (mince);pl.
change (also about a place or person);T ;zmnit (tak o
mst i osob) mnit (tak o mst i osob);T
change (change thing which happened in the past, correct
again);T T ;zmnit (zmnit vc, kter se stala v
minulosti, znovu opravit);T

cetiya (lord);( );tije (Pn);sg. Bh.

change (one's) mind (destroy

decision);T ;zmnit rozhodnut (zniit


change track; ;zmnit drhu;T

chair (Indians sit);( );idle (Indov sed);sg.

change: She changed her mind. (Her decision has already

changed.); : T ;zmnit: (Ona)
zmnila (sv) rozhodnut. (Jej rozhodnut se ji zmnilo.);p.p.

cetiya ;( );tije;sg. Bh.

change (transform): (I) also transform (it) to the form of zmnit

cetiya: (We) attach a golden coat to a cetiya.;:
;tije: Pipevujeme zlat pl (pemnit).;T : T ;esej: Tak (to)
pemnm do formy eseje.;col.
na pagodu.;
change residence (change (and) move);T ; sthovat se
chair;( );idle;sg.
(zmnit (a) pohybovat-se);T
chair (Indian sitting);( );idle (indick

chair: There are chairs in my house's living room.;:

;idle: V
obvacm pokoji mho domu jsou idle.;pol. um.

change: Will you ( ~ sir) have change, because I cannot

exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.;:

chairman: I take pride very much for being allowed to carry out



, protoe j nemohu
the celebration of tenth anniversary of writers of our township

as the chairman.;:
chairman;( );pedseda;sg. P. sabh-pati (=
assembly - lord)


;pedsedajc: Jsem velice hrd, e jsem
dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~ zastnn se) oslavy destho
vro spisovatel na sprvn oblasti jakoto pedsedajc.;pol.
challenge (call (the) word-of-challenge
{nouner});T ;vzva (volat slovo-vzvy {jmenec});n.
challenge: Do you like challenges?;T : T
;vzva: M rd vzvy?;inter.

chance (can happen {nouner});T T;ance (me sestt {jmenec});n.

changed, get (about mood, get changed); ();zmnit

se (o nlad, dostat promnu);I
changes, climatic ((climatic) change (and) exchanging
{pl.});T ();zmny, klimatick
((klimatick) zmna (a) zmna {pl.});pl.
chant (recite, Pi text, read (and) recite
leaves); ;zpvat (recitovat, Pi text, st (a)
recitovat listy);T Bh. P. sajjhyati (= recite, study)
character (natural character);;charakter
(pirozen charakter);n.

character (letter, round writing);( );znak (psmeno,

chance (permission (and) way);
;ance (svolen (a) kulat psan);sg.
character (letter, written round);( );znak (psmeno,
chance: If the elephant is (said (to be)) of grey color, there is napsan krouek);sg.
a chance, (that it is) a real elephant.;T T:
T T ;ance: Pokud je (ten)
slon (en (bt)) ed barvy, (pak) je ance, (e je to)
skuten slon.;
change; T T T ;mnit zmnit;T
change ( ~ "correct): (It) is a sentence used when (it) is not
possible to change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any
more.;T : T T
T ;zmnit ( ~ "opravit): Je (to) vta uvan kdy


character (of a person);;charakter (lovka);n. P. carita

character, true (of a phenomena);;charakter, skuten
(njakho jevu);n. Bh.

character, true: What a pity! ((This is) just the true-nature (of)
my kamma.);: ;charakter, skuten: koda!
(ohledn vlastnho netst, (To je) prost skuten charakter
m kammy.);col.
characteristics (natural character);;vlastnosti
(pirozen charakter);n.

charger (tool (for) inserting essencial

chef (leader (in) kitchen); ( );f kucha
energy); ( );nabjeka, elektronick (vedouc (v) kuchyni);sg.
(nstroj (k) pidvn podstatn energie);sg. rare
chef: Chef is in the kitchen.; :
charger (for laptop, energy-inputing
;kucha: Kucha je v kuchyni.;
machine); ( ) T;nabjeka (na laptop, cherish (gain-profit (and) wake-up);T ;opatrovat (zskatenergii-vkldajc stroj);sg.
uitek (a) probudit-se);T
chase;;honit (co, koho);T

chase after (follow much to direction);

- ; honit se za (moc nsledovat do smru);T
chase after: Lay people chase after money, vehicles, houses,
love, beautiful clothes, success, fame etc.; - :
T () T
;honit se za: Laici se
hon za penzi, vozidly, domy, lskou, krsnm obleenm,
spchem, slvou atd.;
chat (by Internet); (WS. from ) ;bavit se (po
internetu) chatovat (bavit se po internetu);T E. chat
chat (talk);;povdat si (s nkm);T
chat: (He) is chatting.; : ;chatovat (bavit se):
Chatuje. (bav se po internetu);col. cont.

chest; ;hru;n.
chest (round chest); ;hru (kulat hru);n.
chest (of body); ( ) ( );hru;sg.

Chiang Mai (town); ();Chiang Mai (msto);name

chicken; ( );kue;sg.

chicken (meat): I will eat (it) with chicken.; :

;kue ( ~ kuec maso): Dm si to s kuetem. (Budu to
jst s kuecm masem.);col.
chicken curry (curry (of) chicken
meat); ( );kuec omka (omka (z)
kuecho masa);sg. (portion)
chicken meat ); ;kuec maso );n.

chicken meat: Eat much of chicken curry.; :

;kuec maso: Jez hodn kuecho
chayote (fruit of plant of gourd family cucurbitaceae, Gurkha's masa.;imper. pol.
fruit);( );ejot (jako avokdo vypadajc plody
chief (big person);( );f (velk osoba);sg.
tykvovit eledi, Gurkhsk ovoce);sg.
chief (carries head); ( );f (nos
cheap, be (price (is) cheap);;levn, bt (cena (je)

cheap, be (price (is) decresed);;levn, bt (cena (je)


hlavu);sg. (mn.)

child;( ) ( );dt;sg.

child ( ~ "childhood): Did you think about becoming a nun

when (you) were a child ( ~ "during (your) childhood)?; :
cheap, be (worth value (is) little); ;levn, bt
T ( ~ )
(vhodn hodnota (je) mal);I writ.
: T ( ~
check; ;zkontrolovat;T
) ;dt ( ~ "dtstv): Pemlela
check (check (and) wipe); ;pezkouet (zkontrolovat (a) jsi (o tom) stt se mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~ "bhem
(svho) dtstv)?;p.s. inter.
check (sth. out, to know and have information); ;kontrolovat child ( ~ "childhood): when (one) is a child; :
(za elem dozvdn se a informac);T
;dt ( ~ "dtstv): kdy je (nkdo) dt;
check (sth. out): (I will) check (it) out and inform (you) (inreturn).; : T ;kontrolovat (za elem
dozvdn se a informac): Zkontroluji (to) a budu (t)
(nazptek) informovat.;fut. pol.
check out (for sb., clean (and) give); ;zkontrolovat (pro
nkoho, vyistit (a) dt);T
cheek;( ) ( );tv;sg.

child ( ~ "girl): Is (it) girl or boy? (enquiring about the sex of

the other person's child); ( ~ "):
;dt ( ~ "holika): Je (to) holika nebo
chlapeek? (vyptvn se na pohlav dtte tzan osoby);inter.
child ( ~ "person): (We) have one child ( ~ "person).; :
;dt ( ~ "osoba): Mme jedno dt ( ~

cheek (elevated cheek);( );tv (vyven tv);sg. child (one's own, little youngercheeks;;tve;pl.
brother); ( );dt (vlastn, mal mladbratr);sg.
cheer up (please (and) satisfy); T;obveselit (pobavit,
potit (a) uspokojit);T

child: Do (you) have a child?;: ;dt: Mte

cheerful, be (happy (and) fresh); ;radostn, bt (astn dt?;inter.
(a) erstv);I
child: How many children do (you) have?;:
;dt: Kolik mte dt?;inter.
cheerful: May (you) be healthy (and) cheerful.; :
;radostn: K (jsi) zdrav (a) radostn.;w. child: How old is your child? (What age has (your) child
had?);: () ;dt: Kolik let je
tvmu dtti? (Jak vk (u) m (tvoje) dt?);inter. p.p.
cheese;;sr;n. E. cheese
cheese (hard yoghurt); ;sr (tvrd jogurt);n.

chef (great meal well); ( );fkucha

(ohromn jdlo dobe);sg.

child: I have a child.; : ;dt: (J)

mm dt.;pol.
childhood; ;dtstv;n.


childhood (baby life);;dtstv (miminkovsk ivot);n. chop (with knife);;sekat (noem);T

childhood (child life);;dtstv (dtsk ivot);n.

childhood (child time);;dtstv (dtsk as);n.

childhood (small (and) small); ;dtstv (mal (a)

chop: I am chopping the carrot.;:

;nasekat: (J) nasekvm mrkev.;cont. um.
chop: I am cutting the fish.;: ;nasekat:
Nasekvm rybu.;cont. um.

childhood (small age); ;dtstv (mal vk);n.

chopsticks;;hlky, nsk;n.

childhood since: It is said, that since childhood Nga Nyo has

been always reading (writings).; :
;dtstv, ji od:
k se, e ji od dtstv a o pod etl (psan).;

chopsticks ((are) same);( );hlky, nsk

((jsou) stejn);n. (pair, one)
chopsticks: (He) eats rice with chopsticks.;:
;hlky, insk: J ri nskmi hlkami.;

childhood, since; ;dtstv, ji od;adv.

Christianity (Christian religion); ;kesanstv

(kesansk nboenstv);n.

childhood: during childhood; : ;dtstv: bhem


Christmass card (flat card (for)

childhood: when (I) was a child; : ;dtstv: Christmas); T( );Vnocm, pn k
(kartika s pnm k Vnocm, ploch karta (k)
kdy jsem byl dt;adv.
children: How old are (your) children? (What has been the age
(of your) children?);:
;dti: Kolik let je tvm dtem? (Jak ji byl vk (tvch)
dt?);inter. p.p.
chilli; (WS. from ) ;ili;n. WS. (or) n.

chilli (fruit (of) chilli);( );ili (plod ili);sg.

church (monastery (where) Lord (is)

worshipped); ( );kostel (klter (kde
je) uctvn Pn);sg.
church (monastery of Christian
Lord); ( );kostel (klter
kesanskho pna);sg.

church (monastery (where) Christian Lord (is)

chin (chin's seed);( );brada (semeno brady);sg. worshipped); ( );kostel
Chin (state of Union of Myanmar); (T );jin (hen, stt (klter (kde je) uctvn Pn kesan);sg.
church: Many people come ( ~ ascend) to
unie Myanmaru);name
church.; :
China (country);() ;na (stt);name
;kostel: Mnoho lid jde ( ~
China: Also, the goods from China arrive to Mandalay
stoup) do kostela.;
first.;T : T
cigarette; ( );cigareta;sg. E. cigarette
;na: Tak, zbo z ny se piv ( ~
chilli: chilli sauce;: ;ili: ili omka;n.

pijd) jako prvn do Mandalaje.;pol. col.

China: in Burma ( ~ "Burmese country) and China;:

T (T );na: v Barm (a) n;

Chinese (a person);( );an;sg.

cigarette (medicine roll);( ) (

);cigareta (lkask rulika) cigareta (liv
cigarette: (He) smokes cigarettes.;:
;cigareta: Kou cigarety.;

Chinese dumpling (sweet pack like snack, equally placed-in- cinch (easy task, easy child);;ulejvrna (CZ col.,
row); ( );nsk knedlk (sladk tatika - zkusek, snadn kol, snadn dt);n.
cinema (public-building (of) enliven
rovnomrn zaazen);sg.
appearance);( );kino (veejn-budova oiven
choicest, be; ;nejvybranj, bt;I un.
choose; ;vybrat (si);T
cinema (public-building (of) living picture);( );kino
choose (select (and) pick-up); ;vybrat (si, vybrat (a)
(veejn-budova ivoucho obrazu);sg.
cinematography (wisdom (of) writing, copying (and)
choose: (It) is sure, that (he) chose the second
striking moving images);;kinematografie
(option).; :
(moudrost psan, opisovn (a) raen pohybujcch-se
;vybrat si: Je jist, e si vybral druhou
cinematography: (I am) a student of cinematography
choose: She chose.; : ;vybrat: Ona si
;kinematografie: Jsem studentem pedmtu
choose: The king Naung's manner of selecting heroes is
interesting ( ~ good to be interesting).; :
circle; ( );kruh;sg. P. cakka
;vybrat: Zpsob,
circle (circular circle); ( );kruh (kruhovit
jakm krl Nau vybral hrdiny je zajmav ( ~ dobr k
circle (shape (of) circular circle); ( );kruh (tvar
chop; T T ;sekat (na pltky);T


kruhovitho kruhu);sg.

classical literature; ;klasick literatura;n.

circular, be;;kruhovit, bt;I

classical literature: We have the classical prosaic literature only

as books, as electronic files (we) don't (have).; :
;klasick literatura: Mme klasickou
prozaickou literaturu pouze jakoto knihy, jakoto elektronick
soubory ne ( ~ "nemme).;

circus (event (of) repaying (and) approaching

(?)); ( );cirkus (udlost splcen (a) pibliovnse (?));sg.
citizen (person (of the) kind);( );oban
(osoba (toho) druhu) obyvatel (osoba (toho) druhu);sg.
citizen (native of a country, person related-to
region); ( );obyvatel (rodil urit zem,
osoba majc-vztah-k oblasti);sg.
city;( );msto;sg.
city (great counry's living);T ( );msto
(obrovsk zemsk byt);sg.
city palace: Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho'
( ~ where is gold) and built the city palace (therein).; :
;mstsk palc:
Nazval Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a
postavil (tam) mstsk palc.;writ.

classification (kinds (and) types);;klasifikace (druhy

(a) typy);n.
classification: classification of Pi commentaries;:
;klasifikace: klasifikace Pi koment;n.
classify (collect similar kinds);;klasifikovat (sbrat
podobn druhy);T
clean; ;istit;T
clean (clean (and) clear);;istit (vyistit (a) vyjasnit);T

clean (make clean (and) clear);;istit (dlat ist

(a) jasn);T

clean (stupa and other rel. things, (make) looking-sublime (by)

city wall );;mstsk ze );n.
water); (and also );istit (stpu a jin nb.
city: What city will you live in?;: ;msto: objekty, (udlat) vypadajc-vzneenm vodou);T P. sappya
(= beneficial, suitable)
V jakm mst bude t?;inter. um.
clean (vegetables etc.); ;isit (zeleninu atd.);T
civil servant (carries duties (of)
government); ( );ednk, sttn (nos clean, be; ;ist, bt;I (or) I un. (or) adj.
povinnosti vldy);sg.
clean, be ((be) clean (and) clear);;ist, bt ((bt) ist
clairvoyance (higher-knowledge (of)
(a) jasn);I
eye); ;jasnovidnost (vy-znalost oka);n. Bh. clean, be (also about air, good (and) clean); ;ist,
P. cakkhu-abhi (eye higher-knowledge)
bt (tak o vzduchu, dobr (a) ist);I
clairvoyance: Indeed, if (you) say clairvoyance etc. ..., (they
will) know, friend.; : ...
;jasnovidnost: (Vskutku,)
pokud ekne: jasnovidnost atd. ..., (budou) vdt.;pol.

clean, be very (clear (and) clean);;ist, bt velice

(jasn (a) ist);
clean, be: Her clothes is clean.;:
;ist, bt: Jej obleen je ist.;

clarification (answer (and) clarify {nouner});T ;osvtlen clean: Should (we) breath clean air?; :
(odpovdt (a) osvtlit {jmenec});n.
;ist: Mli bychom dchat ist
clarification (clarify (and) elucidate
{nouner}); ;osvtlen (osvtlit (a) objasnit
cleanse (vegetables etc.); ;oistit (zeleninu
clarification (clear (and) light {nouner}); ;objasnn
(vyistit (a) rozsvtit {jmenec});n.

clarify (explain, give (the) depth (of the)

meaning); ;objasnit (dt hloubku
vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention)
clarify (explain, open (and) tell (the) depth (of the)
; objasnit (otevt (a) ci
hloubku vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention)
class; ( ) ( );tda hodina
class (of course): When does the class begin? (At how many
hours will start the lesson?); :
;lekce (kurzu): Kdy zan lekce? (V kolik hodin zane
lekce?);inter. col.
class: There are too many students in this class.; :
;tda: V tto td je pli
mnoho student.;

cleanse: I am cleansing the vegetables.;:

;oplachovat: (J) oplachuji
zeleninu.;cont. um.
clear; ;jasn;adj. un. (or) adj.
clear ( ~ "clarity): This translation is neither clear, nor exact.
(This translation does not have clarity (and)
exactness.); : T
;jasn ( ~ "jasnost): Tento peklad nen ani jasn, ani
pesn. (Tento peklad nem jasnost (a) pesnost.);
clear up;;objasnit;T

clear, be; ;jasn, bt (ist)

jasn, bt ir, bt jasn, bt (o svtle);I (or) I un. (or) adj.
clear, be (about a translation, touch (and)
come); ;jasn, bt (o pekladu dotkat-se (a)
pichzet);T col.
clear, be very (clear (and) clean);;jasn, bt velice
(jasn (a) ist);
clear, be: It is clear, that it is very good.;:


( ~ ) :
se, obejmout (a) upevnit);T
( ~
);jasn, bt: Je jasn, clinic (room (of) medicine); ( );klinika (lkask,
e je to velice dobr.;pol. col.
pokoj lk);sg.
clear: it becomes very clear;: ;jasn: stv
se velice jasnm;writ.

clearest (most clear);;nejjasnj (nejvce


clock;( );hodiny (nstnn atd.);sg.

clock (hours stuck (on) column); ;hodiny (stroj,
hodiny pilepen (na) sloupu);n.
clock: without using clock; :
;hodiny (stroj): ani by pouval hodiny;

clearest: (I) want to write the clearest explanation for that

text.;: ;nejjasnj:
Chci napsat nejjasnj vysvtlen toho ( ~ "tomu) textu.;pol.


clever, be; ;chytr, bt;I

close, be;;pobl, bt blzko, bt;I (or)

close (in nearby);;blzko (v pobl);adv.

close (little bit); ;blzko (troiku);

clearly (be-clear (and) shine {adverber}); ;jasn (bt- close to; ;blzko (emu) blzko;prep. (or) prep.
jasn (a) svtit {pslovec});adv.
clearly see ( ~ know); ;jasn vidt ( ~ vdt);I
close to a;;pobl;adv.
clerk (write {nouner});( );ednk (pst
close to: close to a (great) teacher;:
;pobl: pobl (velkho) uitele;
clever, be (be-able); ;chytr, bt (bt-schopn);I
clever, be (clever (and) shrewd); ;chytr, bt
(mazan, chytr (a) mazan);I
clever, be (to-twist (and) be-firm); (from );chytr,
bt (kroutit (a) bt-pevn);I
clever, be (two-twist (and) be-firm); (from );rozum,
mt (kroutit (a) bt-pevn);I

close, be (approach near); ;pobl, bt (piblit-se

close, be (be-intimate (and of) hidden-fact); T;blzk,
bt (bt-dvrn (a) skrytch-informac);I
close, be (be-intimate (and) close); ;blzk, bt (btdvrn (a) blzk);I

close, be (be-near (and) connected); ;blzko, bt (bt

clever, be: Friend, be clever!;: ;rozum, mt ( pobl (a) spojen);I
~ "chytr, bt): Pteli, mj rozum ( ~ "bu chytr)!;
close, be (come near);;blzko, bt (pijt bl);I
clever, very: Finding (that) what you have written, (I) happen to close, be: As for Aung Lan, (it) is quite close ( ~ "closer) to ( ~
praise (it as) seriously, very clever.; :
"with) us.;:
;chytr, velice:
;blzko, bt: Co se te Aun Lenu, je k
Shledal jsem, co jsi napsal, (a) (stalo-se,e) chvlm (to
nm pomrn blzko.;
jakoto) vn, velice chytr.;pol.
close, get (come close (and) approach); ;blzko,
clever: I am sorry. (Because (I) am not clever.); :
;chytr: Omlouvm se. (Protoe nejsem

climatic changes (climatic change (and) exchanging

{pl.}); T ;klimatick zmny (klimatick
zmna (a) zmna {pl.});pl.
climb (go upwards); ;vystupovat vzhru;T
climb (up); ;lzt (vzhru) lzt (nahoru);T

dostat se (pijt blzko (a) piblit-se);T

close, get: When (you) get too much close, (you), indeed, get
scorched.; :
;blzko, dostat se: Kdy se dostane moc
blzko, vskutku, popl se.;col.
close: (I) close the shop.;: ;zavt: Zavrm

close: According to what the teacher said, today the school is

climb mountains (ascend mountains); ;lzt na hory closed.;: T ;zavt: Podle
(horolezectv, lzt (na) hory);T
toho co ekl uitel, je dnes kola zaven.;
climb up; ;lzt;T
close: Go this way, it is very close. (Go according to this way,
climb: (He) has climbed the mountain.; :
;lzt: Vylezl na horu.;p.p.

climb: If one climbs the mountain and looks (one) may see
Mandalay.; :
T ;leze: Kdy vyleze(te) na horu a podv(te) se,
me(te) vidt Mandalaj.;

indeed, just little bit is needed.); :

;blzko: Jete tudy, je to velice
blzko. (Jete podle tto cesty, ji jen trochu je, vskutku,

close: I noticed, that (the shop) was (completely) closed.;:

;zavt: Vimla jsem si, e (ten
climbing mountains: I have the hobby of climbing mountains. (I obchod) byl (zcela) zaven.;col.
include hobby (of) climbing mountains.); : close: Shop is closed.;: ;zavt: Obchod je
;horolezectv: Mm konkem je
horolezectv. (J zahrnuji konek lezen (na) hory.);um.
close: The door is closed.;: ;zavt:
cling;;lpt na;I

cling (stick-to, embrace (and) fix); ;lpt (pilepit-


Dvee jsou zaven.;

closet (upright standing cupboard); ( )

[];atnk (sk, vzpma stojc kredenc);sg.

coal: To barbecue meat is ( ~ "are) used coal.;:

;uhl: Ke grilovn masa se
clothes (clothes (and) cloths); ;obleen (obleen pouv uhl.;
coast (shore base); T;pobe (poben zkladna);n.
(a) ltky);n.
Coca Cola: Drinks, such as Coca Cola, beer etc.;:
clothes (generally, clothing (and)
;Coca Cola: Npoje jako
clothing); ;obleen (oblkn (a) oblkn);n.
clothes of lay people (indicates difference between lay people Coca Cola, pivo atd.;
clothes; ;obleen;n.

Coca-Cola;;Coca-Cola (npoj);n. E. Coca-Cola

and monks, laity's clothes (like that of)
cat); ;obleen laik (naznauje rozdl mezi laiky a cockroach (biting insect); ( );vb (kousav
mnichy, laick obleen (jako to) koky);n. Bh. P. vattha (=
cockroach (insect (which) bites); ( );vb (hmyz
clothes: (He, the king) has stated, that (he) would give clothes (kter) koue);sg.
(to people) by (his) left hand.; : T ( ~
cocoa (beverage); [koukou:];kakao (npoj);n. E. cocoa

T) ;obleen:
coconut;( );kokos;sg.
(Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat lidem
coconut (fruit (of) boom);( );kokos (ovoce
obleen.;p.p. writ.
clothes: He is washing clothes.; :
;prdlo: (On) pere prdlo.;cont.

clothes: Her clothes is clean.; :

;obleen: Jej obleen je ist.;
clothes: I search clothes to dress.; :
;obleen: Hledm obleen k obleen.;
clothes: Lay people chase after money, vehicles, houses, love,
beautiful clothes, success, fame etc.; :
T () T
;obleen: Laici se
hon za penzi, vozidly, domy, lskou, krsnm obleenm,
spchem, slvou atd.;
clothes: She puts his clothes in the washing
machine.; :
;obleen: (Ona) vkld jeho
obleen do praky.;cont.
clothes: Sometimes the clothes is made ( ~ "sewn) of
wool.; :
;obleen: Nkdy je obleen uito z vlny.;
clothing (clothes (and) kinds (of it)); ;obleen
(obleen (a jeho) druhy);n.
cloud;( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( );mrak;sg. rare (or) sg.

coconut: Give dowry of coconut (tray) (and) banana tray.;:

;kokos: Dej vno tcu kokos (a)
(tcu) bann.;imper. col.
coffee; ;kva;n. E. coffee
coffee bar (tea shop); ;kavrna (obchod
coffee bar: But a coffee bar is (here).; :
;kavrna: Ale kavrna (tu) je.;
coffee, instant (coffee powder); ;kva, instantn
(kvov prek);n. E. coffee

coffee: (He) sprinkles sugar into the coffee.;:

;kvy: Sype (si) cukr do kvy.;
coffee: two cups of coffee; : ;kva: dva lky
coin (money dropping-off);( );mince (penn
coins: coins for telephone call;:
;mince: mince na telefonn hovor;n.

Coke (beverage); ;Coke (npoj) Cola (npoj);n. E.

Cola (or) name
Coke: Do (you) like also Coke?;:
;Cola: M rd tak Colu?;inter. col.

cloud, rain (rain cloud);( );mrak, deov (deov
Cola;;Cola (npoj);n. E. Cola
Cola: The glass of Cola is (just) full.;:
cloud, rain: Rain clouds are ( ~ came) very low.;:
T ;Cola: Sklenice Coly je (prost) pln.;col.
;mrak, deov: Deov mraky ( ~
cold (sickness, catching coldness);T ;rma
pily) velice nzko.;p.p.
(chytn studena) nastydnut (chytn studena)
cloud: The clouds in the sky are being thick.;:
nachlazen (chytn studena);n.
;mrak: Mraky na obloze jsou (najednou) velk
cold drink (sth.-cool);;studen pit (nco-chladnho);n.
( ~ tlust);p.p.
cold drinks bar (coldness shop);;obchod s
clown (person (who) jests);T ( );klaun (osoba
chlazenmi npoji (obchod studena);n.
(kter) ertuje);sg.
cold drinks bar: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let
club (group); ( );klub (skupina);sg.
(us) talk briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks
clutches (inside hands); ;spry (v
bar.;: T
;obchod s chlazenmi npoji: Dobe, strun
Co?; What?;inter. col.;
eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech mluvme
coal (fire's blood);;uhl (krev ohn);n.
strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi npoji.;col.


cold, be;;studen, bt; (or) I un.

collect: May (you) collect (good) kamma.; :

;hromadit: K hromad (dobrou) kammu.;w.

cold, have (sickness, catch coldness);();nachladit

se (chytnout studeno) nastydnout (chytnout studeno)
rmu, mt (chytnout studeno);I.


cold season (winter); ;studen obdob (zima);n.

cold, have: (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not good), because I have

;nachladit se: Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen
dobr), protoe jsem se nachladila.;uw.
cold, have: The woman got cold.;:
;rmu, mt: (Ta) ena m ( ~ "chytila)

collect: the collected words;:

;sbrat: nasbran slova;
college;;stedn kola;n. E. college

college (building); ;kolej (studentsk, budova);n.

college: They founded ( ~ built) national college (a) national
(primary) schools.;:
;stedn kola:
Zaloili ( ~ postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a) nrodn
(zkladn) koly.;writ. pol. pl.

cold: After snow falls, (the weather) is cold.;:

color; ( ) ( );barva;n.
;zima: Po (tom, co) napad snh, je zima ( ~ (or) sg.
studen poas).;
color ( ~ "blue): Do (you) have blue (one)?; ( ~ "T"):
cold: Because it is cold, the young boy, indeed, puts on a
T ;barva ( ~ "modr): Mte modrou?;inter. col.
color ( ~ "white): (I) like the white book.; ( ~ "T"):
;zima: Protoe je zima, mal chlapec si,
T ;barva ( ~ "bl): Mm rd (tu) blou
vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.
cold: In the North Pole it's very cold.;: T
;zima: Na Severnm Plu je ohromn ( ~
ohromn) zima.;
cold: Today it's colder than yesterday.;:
;zima (chladn): Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;
coleagues: good friends, colleagues (and) great people from
Internet ( ~ online); :
;kolegov: dob ptel, kolegov (a) velc lid
z internetu ( ~ online);
collapse;;hroutit se zhroutit se;T
colleague (work colleague (who) holds (and)
embraces); ( );kolega (pracovn
kolega (kter) dr (a) objm;
colleagues; ;kolegov;n.
collect; ;sbrat vybrat;T

collect (collect (and) fix);;sbrat (sbrat (a)

collect (collect (and) take); ;sbrat (sbrat (a) brt)
vybrat (sbrat (a) brt);T

color (blue): Because the woman will do the laundry, (she) is

wearing blue gloves.; (T):
T ;barva (modr):
Protoe se (ta) ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos)
modr rukavice.;
color, green: The salad is just (being) green.;:
;barva, zelen: (Ten) salt je prost zelen.;col.
color: I wear a hat of white color (on my head).; :
T ;barva: Nosm (na hlav)
klobouk bl barvy.;uw.
color: number eight of black color; :
;barva: slo osm ern barvy;
color: The (pair of) trousers of white color is long.; :
T ;barva: Ty (jedny) kalhoty
bl barvy jsou dlouh.;
color: The bear is white. (Bear has white color.); :
T ;barva: Medvd je bl. (Medvd m blou
color: this color; : ;barva: tahle barva;

color: What is the color of the car? (Which is the car's

collect (money from friends, go-around (and)
collect); ;vybrat (penze od ptel, chodit-okolo (a) color?); : ;barva: Jakou barvu m
to auto? (Jak je barva auta?);inter.
colorful (full (in) color); ;barevn (pln barvy);adj.
collect (money from friends): (He) collects donated
money.; : ;vybrat
(penze od ptel): Vybr darovan penze.;

collect (money from friends): Collecting means, (that I) go to

(my) friends and ask (them) to donate money ( ~ "to receive
donation of money).; :
(penze od ptel): Vybrn znamen, e chodm za pteli a
dm je aby darovali penze ( ~ "abych dostal dar penz).;

colorful, be (full (in) color (and)

hue); ; barevn, bt (pln barvou (a)

colorful: colorful shirt; : ;barevn: barevn


colorful: If many flowers become colorful (and) adequate, the

spring has come.; :
collect: Go after (friends) and collect money (for act of
Pokud se (stalo) mnoho kvtin barevnmi (a) pimenmi,
generosity).; : ;vybrat: Jt pilo jaro.;p.p.
za (pteli) a vybrat penze (za elem tdrho inu).;
colorful: The forest is colorful.; :


;barevn: Les je barevn.;

colourful, be (full (in) color); ; barevn, bt (pln
column;( );sloup;sg.

come back: (I) have an intention to come back for a while next
year.;T : T ;vrtit se: Mm
zmr se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.
come close; ;pijt ble;T

column (of writing); ( );sloupec;sg. E. column

come closer to sb. (approach, come-close (and) come

towards); -;pistoupit k (nkomu, piblit-se,
pijt-bl (a) pijt k);T

column: (I) separate (it) to two equal columns.; :

;sloupec: Rozdlm (to) na dva
stejn sloupce.;pol.

come in; ;vejt;T

column (of writing, writing column);( );sloupec

(sloup psan);sg.

come from: (I) come from Czechia.; -:

;pochzet z: Pochzm z eska.;col. pol.

column: while looking at one column; :

;sloupec: zatmco se dvm na jeden sloupec;cont.

come off (succeed, succeed (and) see); T ;vydait se

(uspt, uspt (a) vidt);I

comb (for combing hair);( );heben (na esn);sg.

come on: (Come on,) accept!;: ;no tak: (No

tak,) pijmi!;col. imper. pol.

combine (together, stick-together (and)

join); ;kombinovat (dohromady, pilepit-k-sob (a) spojit) come on!;;no tak!;inter. col.
zkombinovat (dohromady, pilepit-k-sob (a) spojit);T
come right (succeed, succeed (and) see); T ;podait se
(uspt, uspt (a) vidt);I
come; ;pijt;T
come (become (and) come);T ;pijt (stt-se (a) pijt);I
come (pace (and) arrive); ;pijt (kret (a) pijt);T
come (about monks, come (by) going);;pijt (o
mnich, pijt chozenm);T mn.
come (about monks);;pijt (o mnich);T mn.
come (and) see; ;pijt (a) dvat se na;T

come to (approach (and) come-close); -;pijt k

(piblit-se (a) pijt-bl);T

come to (a certain state, position etc., happen (and)

come);T ;dojt (do uritho stavu, pozice atd., stt-se (a)
come to (a certain state, position etc., take (and)
come);;dojt (do uritho stavu, pozice atd., vzt (a)

come (and) see: (I) don't have the mood to (want to) come
and see, any more.; : ;pijt (a) come to an end;;dojt konce dojt na konec;T
dvat se na: U nemm nladu (chtt) (znovu) pijt a dvat se come to be (become to come (and) be);T ;stt
se (stt se pijt (a) bt);T
(na to).;col.
come to conclusion (lower (to) conclusion); ;dojt
come (back): When do (you) plan ( ~ have) to come to
k zvru (snit (ke) zvru);T
Myanmar again.;T : T T
T ;pijt (zpt): Kdy plnuje ( ~ m) come up; ;vylzt;T
znovu pijt do Myanmaru?;inter.
come up (appear, appear (and) come);;objevit se
(objevit-se (a) pijt);I
come (for monks);;pijt (pro mnichy);T utmn.
come (for monks): day of coming (in future, for monks);:
;pijt (o mnich): den pjezdu (v budoucnu, pro
come (not only once);;pijt (ne jen jednou);T
come (not only once): Whenever you come, (you) have to
leave quickly somewhere.;:
T ;pijt (ne jen jednou):
Kdykoliv pijde, mus rychle nkam jt.;fut. col.

come: (At) want time do (you) want (me) to come for

sure?;: ;pijet: V kolik hodin
chcete, abych opravdu pijel?;inter. col.
come: (I) came only for a visit.;: ;pijet:
Pijel jsem jen na nvtvu.;pol.
come: (I) came to buy Shan bag.;:
;pijet: Pijel jsem koupit si anskou taku.;pol.

come: (I) came to do ( ~ "with) business.;:

;pijet: Pijel jsem kvli podnikn.
come (up); ;vyjt (nahoru);T
come across (meet (and) get);;narazit na (setkat-se (a) (Pijel jsem s podniknm.);pol.
come: (I) came to do work.;: ;pijet:
Pijel jsem dlat prci.;pol.
come across (not-thinking (of the) sign (and) meetcome: (I) came to take (some) photos.;:
with); ; narazit na (nemyslet (na) znamen (a)
;pijet: Pijel jsem fotit.;pol.
come and go (happen (and) be-broken);T ;pichzet a
odchzet (stt-se (a) rozbt-se);I

come: (I) come from England.;: ;bt ( ~

"pichzet): Jsem ( ~ "pichzm) z Anglie.;pol.

come and go: (I) grasp the concentration and watch what
comes (and) goes.;T :
T ;pichzet a odchzet: Chytnu (sv) soutedn
a sleduji co pichz a odchz.;pol. med.

come: (I) have overheard (heard (and) caught), that (you) will
come.;: ;pijt: Zaslechl jsem (slyel
(a) zachytil), e pije.;pol.

come back (also in T );T ;vracet se (tak v T );T

come: Also, (I) want everybody to come.;:

;pijt: A tak, chci, aby vichni pili.;pol.


come: As for (last) Sunday, I came to Kandy (village).;:

come: whatever city (you) come from;:
;pijet: Co se
;pijde: a u pijde z jakhokoliv msta;
te (minul) nedle, pijel jsem do (vesnice) Kandy.;pol. um. come: When did he come?;: ;pijt:
come: At what time should (I) come?;:
Kdy piel (on)?;inter. col. p.s.
;pijet: V kolik hodin ( ~ "as) mm
come: When the leaves become grown ( ~ distributed), the
pijet?;inter. fut. col.
spring has come.; :
come: At what time will (you) come?;:
;pijt: V kolik hodin ( ~ "v jak as)
come: Come (here).;: ;pijt: Pijte.;imper. pol.
come: Come to (by) the street in front of Kamayut
Market.;: ;pijt: Pij na
ulici ped Kamyo trhem.;imper. pol.
come: Come, ven. Sir.;: ;pijt: Pojte, ctihodn
pane.;imper. pol. mn.

;pijt: Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho

list, pilo jaro.;p.p.
come: Where are you from, Bill? (From which place (you)
come, Bill?);: ;pijt: Odkud jsi,
Bille? (Z jakho msta pichz, Bille?);inter.
come: Where do (you) want (me) to come (and) take
(you)?;: ;pijet: Kde chcete abych
pijel (a) vzal (vs)?;inter. col.

come: Where do you come from?;:

: : :
come: comes (as) first;T : T ;pijt: pichz ;pijt: Odkud pichz? bt ( ~ "pichzet):
Odkud jsi? (Odkud pichz?);inter. col.
(jako) prvn;writ.
come: Who wants to come?;: ;pijt: Kdo
come: Floats come on these stages (to the place where are
chce pijt?;inter. col.

the stages).;: T
come: Come!;: ;pijt: Poj!;imper. fr.

;pijt: Ploch vozy se pidaj ( ~ pijdou) na tato come:: For sure, come (at) half past eight.;:
;pijet: Opravdu, pijete v pl devt.;imper. pol. col.
pdia (na msto, kde jsou pdia).;pol.
come! (to friends or inferior people); ;poj! (uito k
come: Have (you) come just for a visit?;:
ptelm nebo mladm i nim osobm);imper.
;pijet: Pijel jste pouze na nvtvu?;inter.
come: having come to him;: ;pijt: po t, co
(jsem) k nmu piel;p.p.
come: I came (here) to do work. ((I) come with work.);:
;pijet: Pijel jsem kvli prci. (Pichzm s

comedian (actor (of) jokes (or) king's son (of)

jokes); ( );komediant (herec vtip
(nebo) krlovsk syn vtip);sg. P. hsa (= laughter)
comedian (clown);T ( );komediant (klaun);sg.

comediants: The comediants are also good.;T :

come: I've come. (also used when getting ready to come);: T ;komedianti: Komedianti jsou tak
;pijt: Piel jsem. (tak uito pi pprav k
comfortable, be (satisfied (with) situation); T;dobe,
ctit se (spokojen (se) situac);I
come: Kyi Kyi (Clearly), you (have) a phone call here. (Kyi
Kyi, here a phone comes (for) you.);:
;pijt: (ist), m telefn(n hovor).
( , tady ti pichz telefn.);cont. col.
come: notion, that Buddhaghosa preferred several Sinhalese
commentaries (which were) written before his time

;pijt: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa
oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan
ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
come: Tell him (that) I cannot come today.;: T
;pijt: ekni mu, e dnes nemohu
pijt.;imper. pol. um.
come: Ven. Sir, come for alms-round.;:
;pojte: Ctihodn pane, pojte na almun
obchzku.;imper. pol. mn.

comfortable: (I) am copying ((and) giving) the full sentences

for the ven. Sir as (I) want (him) to have the reading more
comfortable.; T: T
T ;pohodln: Kopruji (ty) vty
((a) dvm) pln ct. Pnovi, ponvad chci, aby ml (to)
ten pohodlnj.;
coming (next); ;pt;adj.
coming: As for coming (part (of) July ( ~ 7(th) month), (I)
may arrive.; : ( ~ ) ;nadchzejc: Co se
te nadchzejc (sti) ervence ( ~ 7(.) msce), mon
pijedu.;fut. col.
coming: He asks me to come. (He asks me (for)
coming.);: () ;pchod: d
m abych piel. (d m (o) pchod.);um.

commemoration (anniversary, marking (and)

come: What day (of week) will they come? (They) will come on noting);( );pipomnka (vro, oznaen (a)
Thursday.;: ;pijet: zaznamenvn);sg.
Kter den (v tdnu) pijedou? Pijedou ve tvrtek.;inter.
commemoration: As a commemoration of the National Day,
come: What have you come to Burma (country) for ( ~ to
lectures, exhibitions (and) competitions are held ( ~ made)
do)?;: T ;pijet: Kvli emu jsi pijel (and) participated (by people).;:
do Barmy (zem)?;inter.


;pipomnka: Jakoto pipomnka

Nrodnho Dne, pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou
podny ( ~ dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.
commence a new year (cross new year); ;zat
nov rok (pekroit nov rok);T

silver); ( );spolenk (krev pijc

staten stbro);sg.
companion (blood drinking); ( );spolenk
(krev pijc);sg.
company;( );spolenost (komern);sg. E. company

commence a new year (new year crossing): It can be also

called ( ~ heard) as Myanmar new year crossing
festival.; : T ;zatek
novho roku (novoron pekroen): Me bt tak nazvno (
~ slyeno) jakoto Festival myanmarskho novoronho
pekroen.;col. pol.


commentarial character of the canon: The commentarial

character of the canon later thoroughly influenced the late
commentaries.; :

;komenttorsk charakter knonu:
Komenttorsk charakter knonu pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj
komente.;p.s. writ.

compete (in) running;T;soutit v bhu;T

compare (also about qualties of people, estimate (and)

guess);;porovnat, porovnvat (tak o kvalitch lid,
odhadnout (a) hdat);T

compare: Because you cannot be compared (to her).;:

;porovnvat: Protoe t (s n) nikdo
commentarial character of the canon (character (and) truth neme porovnvat.;pol.
regarding (the) original scriptures'
compassionate, be; ;soucitn, bt;I
compatible with, be;;sluiteln s, bt;I
;komenttorsk charakter knonu (charakter (a) compete;;soutit;T
pravda ohledn koment originlnch spis);n.
compete (in game);;soutit;T
compete: (They) compete in dance.;:
;soutit: Sout v tanci.;pol.
compete: He wants to compete in eating.;:
;soutit: Chce soutit v jezen.;pol.

competition (competition event); ( );sout (udlost


competition: As a commemoration of the National Day, lectures,

exhibitions (and) competitions are held ( ~ made) (and)
participated (by people).; : T
commentaries (Ahakath);;komente (Ahakath);n.
P. ahakath (= commentaries)
Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho Dne, pednky, pehldky (a)
commentaries (of Pi, clarification (and)
soute jsou podny ( ~ dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.
notes); ;komente (Pi, objasnn (a)
competition: He'll join a race (and run). (He will join a running
competition.); : T ;sout: (On) bude
commentary (clarification (and) collected
zvodit. (On vstoup do bhac soute..);fut.
notes); ;komente (objasnn (a) sesbran
competition: Though previously we did dramas (and) music
competitions, today ( ~ as for happening this time) we are
commentator (commentary master);(
going to have ( ~ hold) discussion.; :
);komenttor (mistr komenttorstv);sg. (mn.)
commentator (maker (of) commentary

T ;sout: Pestoe
scriptures); ( );komenttor
jsme dve dlali dramata (a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v
(tvoitel komenttorskch spis);sg.
tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.
commentator (master (in) making (of) commentary
compile (make, collect, write (and) draw);;sepsat
scriptures); (
(udlat, sesbrat, napsat (a) nartnout);T
);komenttor (mistr (ve) tvoen komenttorskch
compile: Mahpaccariya commentary was used to compile the
commentator (person (who) can elaborate (and)
;sepsat: K sepsn
preach); T( );komenttor Samantapsdik byl pouit Mahpaccariya koment.;writ.
(osoba (kter) me rozpracovat (a) pednet);sg. (mn.)
complain (swell equally, swell equally);; stovat si
(bobtnat rovnomrn, bobtnat rovnomrn);T col.
commit to memory (fix (in)
complement (filling);T ;doplnk (plnn);n.
observation);;zapamatovat si (upevnit (se v)
complementary word (filling word);T ( );doplkov
slovo (plnc slovo);sg. gram. P. pada (= word)
common usage, be in (about a translation, touch (and)
complementary word: inserting a complementary
come); ;bnm uit, vyskytovat se v (o pekladu
word;T : T T ;doplnk: vkldn
dotkat-se (a) pichzet);T col.
dopkovho slova;
community; ( );spolenost;sg.
complete; T ;dokonit naplnit pln;T (or) adj.
companion (blood drinking brave
commentarial nature;;komenttorsk


complete (has neg. connotation, use-up (the)

limit); ;kompletn (m spe negativn vznam,
spotebovat limit);T
complete, be; ;kompletn, bt pln, bt;I
complete: May the total (of) blessings be completed (for
you).;T : T ;naplnit: K je (pro
tebe) souhrn (vech) poehnn naplnn.;w. pol.
completely; ;zcela
kompletn;adv. (or) suff. adv. (or) T

compose (write, a song);;skldat (pst, pse);T

compose: Then they were composed by the same thera in Sri
Lankan language.;: ( ~
;sepsat: Pak byly sepsny tm samm
throu ve Sr Lanskm jazyce.;p.s.
compound (of a monastery etc.); (derived from
(?));dvr (kltern atd.);n.

compound (of a monastery etc.): Today (I) sweep (in) the

completely (all-around (and) extensively);;pln monastery compound.; :
;dvr (kltern atd.): Dnes zametm kltern
(dokola (a) rozshle);adv.
dvr ( ~ "v klternm dvoe).;pol. mn.
completely (fully (and) completely);T
T ;kompletn (pln (a) zcela) zcela (pln (a)

comprehend (know (and) see);T ;chpat (vdt (a)


completely (fully (and) to-one'ssatisfaction);T ;kompletn (pln (a) k-nmuuspokojen);adv.

comprehend (pierce (and) catch (the)

character); ;porozumt (probodnout (a) chytit

completely: (I) am copying ((and) giving) the full sentences for

the ven. Sir as (I) want (him) to have the reading more
comfortable.;T : T
T ;pln: Kopruji (ty) vty ((a)
dvm) pln ct. Pnovi, ponvad chci, aby ml (to) ten

comprehension: (He) had no comprehension of the caste

system of India.; :

;porozumn: Neml dn porozumn kastovnho
systmu Indie.;p.s. writ.

completely (round (and) fat);;zcela (kulat (a) tlust);adv. comprehension (power (and) ability (to) realize (and)
understand); ;porozumn (moc (a)
completely: (He) finishes (it) completely.;:
schopnost pochopit (a) porozumt);n.
;pln: pln (to) dokonuje;

completely: (It) is completely included there.;:

;zcela: Je (to) tam zcela obsaeno.;
completely: (It)'s completely beautiful.;:
;pln: Je (to) pln krsn.;

computer; (abbrev. from ) ( )

T( );pota;sg. E. computer (or) n. col.

computer (machinery); ;pota (zazen);n. col. P. cakka

(= circle)

computer: (He) copies the dictionary ( ~ "writing) to

completely: At that time the deciding is completely
finished.;: T T ( ~ ;pota: Kopruje slovnk ( ~ "slovnkov psan) do
T );zcela: V tu dobu je rozhodovn zcela
computer: portable (small) computer;T:
T;pota: penosn (mal) pota;
completely: I noticed, that (the shop) was (completely)
closed.;: ;zcela: Vimla
jsem si, e (ten obchod) byl (zcela) zaven.;col.
completely: The meditation is completely finished.;:
;zcela: Meditace je zcela ukonena.;
completely: to be able to help out (my) family
completely;T : T ;pln:
abych byl schopen (sv) rodin pln vypomoci;
complicated, bt; ;sloit, bt;I
complicated, bt ((be) difficult (and) hard); ;sloit, bt
((bt) nron (a) tk);I
compose (line-up (and) compose);;sepsat (seadit (a)
compose (make, collect, write (and) draw);;sepsat
(udlat, sesbrat, napsat (a) nartnout);T

computer: Sometimes (there) is nobody near the

computer.; : ;pota: Nkdy u
potae nen nikdo.;col. pol.
computer: The computer is broken.;T: T
;pota: Pota se (mi) rozbil.;p.p.
computer: while working with computer;T:
T ;pota: zatmco pracuje na potai;
comrade; ( ) ( )
( );kamard;sg. col. (or) sg.
comrade (close);( )
( );kamard (blzk);sg.
comrade, blood (blood drinking brave
silver); ( );ptel, pokrevn (krev
pijc staten stbro);sg.

compose (a writing, compose in-row);;sepisovat (psan, comrade, blood (blood drinking); ( );ptel,
pokrevn (krev pijc);sg.
sepisovat do-ady);T
conceal;T ;ukrt zakrt;T
compose (an essay); ;pst (esej);T
compose (write, write (and) inscribe);;sepisovat (pst,
pst (a) vyrvat);T


conceal: As it was a golden statue, it has been concealed on

the embarkment.;T :
T ;zakrt: Protoe to byla zlat socha, byla ukryt

na nalodn.;pol.

nejdeme) do pekla.;col.

conceited (consciousness (is) high); T;namylen

concerned with, be (descend (and) meet); ;tkat se
(vdom (je) vysoko);adj. P. bhavaga (= sub-consciousness) (sestoupit (a) potkat);I
conceited, be: Therefore, they are conceited and
proud.; T:
T ;namylen, bt: Proto, jsou
namylen a hrd.;pol.

concerned with, be (well related-to); ;vztah k, mt

(dobe se-tkat);I

conceited, be: This way (they), being conceited, just belittle

others.; T: T ( ) ( )
;namylen, bt: Takto, namylen, prost
poniuj druh.;pol.

concerned, be;;tkat se;I

conceivable, be (can take imagining (and)

thinking); ;mysliteln, bt (me brt
pedstavovn (a) mylen);I

concerning (often followed by a verb, after wrapped (and)

descended with);
(obvyhkle nsledovno slovesem, po zabalen (and)
sestoupen s) ohledn (obvykle nsledovno slovesem, po
zabalen (and) sestoupen s);adv. writ.

concentrate (in meditation, be-firm); ;soustedit se (pi

meditaci, bt-pevn);T
concentrate (mind, immerse, submerge (and)
put);T ;soustedit (mysl, potopit, ponoit (a) uloit);T
concentrate: (I) try to be concentrated as much as (I)
can.; : ()
;soustedit se: Snam se se soustedit jak
jen mohu.;med.
concentrate: Concentrating (one's) mind is good, noble (and)
beautiful way, when (one) always concentrates (his)
mind.;T : T
T ;soustedit: Soustedn (vlastn) mysli je
to dobrou, lechetnou (a) krsnou cestou.;pol.
concentration;;soustedn;n. med. P. samdhi (=
concentration, meditation of (one of the two main kinds of
meditation in Buddhism, leading to deep concentration stages
of jhanas, essential for third and fourth level of
enlightenment);;soustedn, meditace (jeden z dvou
hlavnch druh meditace v Buddhismu vedouc k hlubokm
stupm soustedn, tj. dhnm, nezbytnm k dosaen
tetho a tvrtho stupn osvcen);n. Bh. med. P. samath (=

concerned with, be: be concerned with parts;: ;tkat

se: tkat se st;I
concerning (as wrapped (and) descended
with); ; ohledn (ponvad zabalen (a)
setoupen s);adv.

concert; ( );koncert;sg.
concert: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert tonight.;:
;koncert: (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu podvat na
koncert.;fut. col.
concert: Whose concert (is it)?;:
;koncert: (je to)
koncert?;inter. col.
conclusion (of a letter, essay or book, finishing);;zvr
(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, ukonen);n.
conclusion (of a letter, essay or book);;zvr (dopisu, eseje
nebo knihy);n. P. nigamana (= conclusion)
conclusion, come to (lower (to)
conclusion); ;zvru, dojt k (snit (ke)
conclusion, come to: we may come to conclusion; :
;zvr: meme dojt k
concurrently; ( ) ;soubn (s m)
souasn;adv. (or) adv. writ.
condition (basis (and) situation);T;podmnka (zklad
(a) situace);n.

conditions (state (and) placement);;podmnky (stav

concentration: (He) developed morality, concentration (and)
(a) umstn);n. writ.
conflagration (flames, big blazing fire); ;por
;soustedn: Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a) (plameny, velk planouc ohe);n.
moudrost.;p.s. pol.
confused, be (mind (is) entangled);;zmaten, bt (mysl
concentration: (I) grasp the concentration and watch what
(je) zapleten);I
comes (and) goes.;:
confused, be: to be confused;: ;zmaten,
T ;soustedn: Chytnu (sv) soutedn a sleduji
bt: aby byl zmaten;
co pichz a odchz.;pol. med.
connect; ;spojit spojit se;T
conceptus (embryo, future
connect to: Then U Aung Zeyya could connect and unite Shans
son); ( );zrodek (embryo, budouc
of northern region with Myanmar.; :
concern: (things) which are not concerned (with sb. or
;spojit se s: Pak se Aun Zeyyovi

sth.);: ;tkat se: (vci), kter se netkaj
podailo pipojit k a sjednotit any ze severn oblasti s
(nkoho nebo neho);pl.
Myanmary.;p.s. writ.
concern: It's not your business whether we go to hell or not. (It
connect with (join (and) connect); ;spojit s (pipojit-se
doesn't concern you (whether) we are going or are not going
(a) spojit);T
(to) hell.;:
connect: (It) is alright to get connected after (you) add
;tkat se: To se vs netk, jestli jdeme ((nebo)


(me).; : ;spojit se: Bude v T

podku se spojit po (tom), co si (m) pid (do kontakt).;pol. T ;dobt: Alaun
Men Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad
connect: (It) will be alright if (you) write this address (and)
(Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.
connect (with me).; :
;spojit se: Bude v podku, kdy si nape tuto adresu consciousness (blue turtle);T;vdom (modr
a spoj se (se mnou).;pol.
connect: Monks get connected with lay people (and) write
(them).; : ;spojit: Mnii se
spoj s laiky (a) pou (jim).;col.
connected to, be (regarding abstract things);;spojitost s,

consequences, suffer; ;nsledky, trpt;I

consider (build (and) measure use (and)
wipe); T ;vzt v vahu (postavit (a) zmit, ut (a)
consider (extract, carry (and) follow); ;brt v
vahu (extrahovat, nosit (a) nsledovat);T

connected with (about issues, characteristics etc., which

happened regarding);
T ;spojen s (o
consider (mince much); ;uvaovat (nakrjet hodn);T
zleitostech, vlastnostech atd., kter se-staly ohledn);suff. consider (put nature);;vzt v vahu (uloit
connected with: (She) could not see the problems connected
consider (see (and) ponder);T ;zvaovat (vidt (a)
with that teacher ( ~ chief monk).;
T :
consider (take (and) consider);;uvaovat (vzt (a)
T ;spojen s: Nedokzala vidt (ty) problmy
spojen s tm uitelem.;pol. writ.
consider (use (and) wipe, build (and)
connected, be;;spojen, bt;T

connected, be (connect (and) join); ;spojen, bt

(spojit-se (a) pipojit-se);I

measure); T ;vzt v vahu (ut (a) utt, postavit (a)


consider (use (and) wipe); ;brt v vahu (ut (a)

connected, be: From (my) family was nobody ever in any way utt);T
connected to ( ~ "with) Myanmar country.; : consider: (it) has been considered by philosophers
;spojen, bt: Z (m) rodiny nikdo nikdy nebyl ;povaovat: bylo (to) filosofy povaovno
s Myanmarem ( ~ "Myanmarskm sttem) jakkoliv spojen.;p.s. (za);p.s. writ.
consider: Therefore, they are considered by people as (those)
connection; ;spojen;n. E.
connection (or) n.
connection (Internet);
;spojen (internetov);n. E. connection

who live low in (this) life.;: T

;povaovat: Proto jsou lidmi
povaovny za ty, kdo v (tomhle) ivot ij nzko.;

considerably; ;znan;adv.
connection (Internet): (Internet) connection is not
considered, is (be-made (to) take (and)
good.; : ;spojen (internetov): consider);;bran v vahu, bt (bt-dln (ke) bran
Internetov spojen nen dobr.;col.
(a) uvaovn) povaovn za, bt (bt-dln (ke) bran (a)
connection: As the electricity is not stable, the connection is not uvaovn);T
good.; : ;spojen:
consonant; ;souhlska;n. P. byajana-akkhara (=
Ponvad nen elektina stabiln, spojen nen dobr.;col.
consonants - letters)
connections, have (with important people, have connections
(and) connections); ;spoje, mt (na dleit lidi,
mt spoje (a) spoje);I
conquer; ;dobt;T
conquer (conquer (and) see); T ;dobt (dobt (a)
conquer: Alaun Min Taya powerfully united the region between
rivers Ayeyawaddy and Chin Twin, and then attacked (and)
conquered Inwa.; T :
T ;dobt: Alaun Men Daj mocn
sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad (Iravadi) a en Twen, a
pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.

conspire (scheme (and) be-prosperous); ;spiknout (se,

plnovat (a) bt spn);T
constitute (unite (and) bind); ;utvoit (sjednotit (a)
construct; ;postavit budovat;T
construct (build (and) build); ;konstruovat (stavt
(a) stavt);T
consult (request for-sure); ;projednvat (dat urit);T
consult (request seriously (and) see); ;konzultovat s
(vyadovat vn (a) dvat-se);T
consult (sb.'s questions request for-sure); ;konzultovat
(n otzky, dat urit);T

consult: It will be fine to consult (your questions) when (you)

conquer: Alaun Min Taya then powerfully united the region
come personally.; :
between rivers Ayeyawaddy and Chin Twin, and then attacked ;konzultovat: Konsultace (tvch otzek) bude v podku,
(and) conquered Inwa.; T :


jestlie pijde osobn.;fut.


contact; ( );smlouva;sg. E. contract

continent: On the earth there are seven continents.;:

;kontinent: Na zemi je
sedm kontinent.;

contact (join (and) connect); ;spojit se s (pipojit-se

(a) spojit);T

continue; ;pokraovat;T

contact (contact (of) contact with); T - ;dotyk

(dotek doteku s);n. writ.

contact (touch {nouner} with);T - ; doty (dotkat-se

{jmenec} s);n.

continue (continue (and) work); ;pokraovat

(pokraovat (a) pracovat);T

continue (continue (in) working); ;pokraovat

contact (writing (to) bind); ( );smlouva (psan (k) (pokraovat (v) pracovn);T
uvzn);sg. E. contract
continue (continue, shine (and
go)); ();pokraovat;T
contact: contact of buttocks with ground;T :
T T ( ~ T
T );dotyk: dotyk zadku se zem;writ.

continue (join (and) glitter); ;pokraovat (spojit (a)


contact: contact of legs with the ground; T :

T T T ( ~ T T
T ) T : T T
T ( ~ T T T );dotyk:
dotyk nohou se zem;writ.

continue (work);;pokraovat (pracovat);T


m (k dln).;imper. pol.

contain: (It) is one of the suttas, which contains commentarial

factors.; :
T ;obsahovat: Je (to) jedna ze sutt, kter
obsahuj komenttorsk faktory.;

continue: Continue to drive straight ahead.; :

;pokraovat: Pokrauj v zen pmo za

continue: (I)'m continuing to study.;:

;pokraovat: Pokrauji ve studiu.;pol.

continue: Can we continue in the discussion?; :

;pokraovat: Meme pokraovat v
contact: feeling of contact between hands;T : diskuzi?;inter.
T ( ~ ) ;dotek: pocit doteku mezi
continue: Continue in the work (that you) have to do.; :
;pokraovat: Pokrauj v prci, kterou

contain: If (there) is (contained) a mistake, correct (it).;:

T ;obsahovat: Je-li (tam) (obsaena) chyba,
oprav (ji).;imper. pol.
contain: This does not have meat in. (This does not contain
meat.);: ;obsahovat: V tomhle nen maso.
(Tohle neobsahuje maso.);pol.
contain: Which contains meat?;:
;obsahovat: Kter je s masem? (Kter
obsahuje maso?);inter.

continue: Continue. (Talk further.); :

T;pokraovat: Pokrauj. (Mluv dl.).;imper. pol.
continue: Hey, continue in writing.; :
;pokraovat: Hele, pokrauj v psan.;imper. pol.
continue: My strong determination helps me to continue in my
effort.; :
T ;pokraovat:
Moje pevn rozhodnut mi pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col.

continue: Surely, we will continue in discussing tomorrow

contained, be (include (and) be);;zahrnut, bt (obsahovat also.; : T
(a) bt);T
;dle (pokraovat): Ztra si budeme
contained, be (included (and) entered); ;zahrnut, bt
urit dle povdat.;fut. um. col.
(obsaen (a) vstoupen);I
continuous, be (duration (is) long); ;nepetrit, bt
contemplate about (think, mince indeed); ;myslet
(pemlet, nasekat, vskutku);T

(trvn (je) dlouh);I

continuous, be (have continuing (and)

flashing); ; nepetrit, bt (mt pokraovn (a)
contemporaneously; ( );souasn (s m);adv. writ. blskn);I
continuous, be (rotate (and) be-steadfast); ; nepetrit,
content (of discussion); ;obsah (diskuze);n.
bt (toit-se (a) bt-vytrval);I
contract: (He) writes contracts.; : ( ~
context (lining-up (and) arranging-in-order); ;kontext
) : ( ~
(seazen (a) uspodn-do-podku);n.
) ;smlouva: Pe smlouvy.;
context (subject-matter, basis (and) situation);
contemplate about (think);;myslet;T

T;kontext (tma, zklad (a) situace);n.

context: in the context of Pi commentaries; :

;kontext: v kontextu Pi

contradict (extend (and) excel); ;protieit si

(prothnout (a) vynikat);T

control; ;vst (ovldat) kontrolovat

ovldat;T un. (or) T

control (control (and) bind {nouner}); ;vlda (ovldat

continent (big continent);( );kontinent (velk (a) svazovat {jmenec});n.
continent;( );kontinent;sg.


control (guard (and) rule); ;ovldat (strit (a)

control (rule (and) hold-over-head);;dit (vldnout,
vldnout (a) dret-nad-hlavou);T

copper: The demand for copper also increased.;:

;m: Poptvka po mdi
tak stoupla.;
copy;;opisovat koprovat;T

copy (copy (a) writing);;koprovat (opisovat psan)

control (rules or precepts, wait (and) control);;ovldat opisovat (opisovat psan);T
(pravidla, ekat (a) ovldat);T
copy (same idea);;kopie (stejn npad) opis
(stejn npad);n. P. mittha (= idea)
control (rules or precepts);;ovldat (pravidla);T
control: (The country) is just under control.; : copy: (I) copy those parts to another place.;:
T ;koprovat: Kopruji ty
;vlda: Ta zem je ovldna ( ~ pod vldou).;
control: My goal is just to control this world of both body (and) sti na njak jin msto.;pol.
control (oneself);;kontrolovat se;T

mind.; : T copy: (I) was copying the essay.;:

;ovldat: Mm clem je prost ovldnout ;opisovat: Opisoval (jsem) esej.;p.s.
tenhle svt tla (a) mysli.;pol.
copy: After the copying, (I) go ( ~ "depart) for almsround.;: ;opisovat:Po opisovn
convenient, be ((be) satisfied (with the)
odchzm na almun obchzku.;ubmn.
condition); T;pohodln, bt ((bt) spokojen (s)

copy: How much do (you) copy?;:

convenient, be (condition is-satisfactory); T;uspokojiv, ;opisovat: Kolik (toho) opisuje?;inter.
bt (stav je-uspokojiv);T
cordial, be (became intimately); T ;srden, bt
convention (accustomed method); ;konvence (navykl (stal-se dvrn);I

cordially (by friendliness (and) love); ;srden

convey (a message to a monk); () ;sdlit (zprvu (ptelsky (a) s lskou);adv.
cordially (while (in) friendship); ;srden (zatmco
(v) ptelstv);lett.
cook; ;vait;T
cordially (inserted at the end of a letter, by being-frindly (and)
cook (cook (and) boil); ;vait (vait (a) vst-k-varu);T
love); ;srden (vloeno na konec dopisu, s
cook (leader (in) kitchen); ( );kucha
ptelstvm (a) lskou);
(vedouc (v) kuchyni);sg.
corn, sweet (maize, bud (of) maize);T ( );sladk
cook: (He) cooks curry.; : ;vait: Va omku.; kukuice (kvt kukuice);sg.
correct (a writing for someone, check, clear (and)
cook: Cook is cooking.; :
give); ;opravit (psan nkomu, zkontrolovat, vyistit
;kucha: Kucha va.;cont.
(a) dt);T
cook: How long time does it take to cook this food?; :
cook (properly); ;uvait (podn);T

;vait: Jak dlouho

trv uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.

correct (a writing for someone, test (and) clear); ;opravit

(psan nkomu, zkontrolovat (a) vyistit);T

... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou omku.;col.

correct (for sb.): corrected mistakes;T :

T ;opravit (pro nkoho): opraven chyby;

cook: I prepare for cooking meat.; : correct (a writing): If (you) send me such writings for correction,
I will correct (them), friend.;T :
T ;vait: Pipravuji se na vaen masa.;cont. um.
cook: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the idea, that (I
T ;opravit (psan): Pokud mi pole
would) cook the vegetable curry.; : ...
;vait: Tak, uvam omku? takov psan pro opravu, j (je) opravm.;fut. pol. um.
cooker (stove, fire cooker (which is)
black); ( );spork (kamna, ohniv vai (kter je)
cooker (stove, fire cooker);( );spork (kamna, ohniv
cool drink (sth.-cool);;chlazen npoj (ncochladnho);n.

correct (mistakes for sb., correct (and) give);T ;opravit

(chyby, pro nkoho (opravit (a) dt);T
correct (mistakes): Can you correct the mistakes?;T :
T ;opravit (chyby): Me opravit
chyby?;inter. fut.
correct (mistakes): Please, correct (this) whenever (you)
T ;opravit (chyby): Prosm,
wish.;T :
oprav (tohle) kdykoliv chce ( ~ "(bude) si pt).;imper. pol.

cool: May (you) be in calm ( ~ "extinguished) and cooled.

(May you be in calm.); : ;chladn: K jsi v jkudz correct (writing): (I) (really) didn't get time to correct (your
writing).;T : T ;opravit (chyby):
( ~ "vyhasnut) a chladn. (K jsi v klidu.);w. pol.
Opravdu jsem neml ( ~ "nedostal) as (ti to) opravit.;pol.
cop (EN col., has status (of) police); (
);policajt (CZ col., m status policie);sg.

copper (red bronz);;m (erven bronz);n.


correct, be;;sprvn, bt;I

correct, be: (It) is mostly correct.;: T

;sprvn, bt: Je (to) povtinou sprvn.;pol.

correct: (It) is fine if later on (sb.) corrects (it) to be more
beautiful.;T : T ;oprait:
(Bude) dobe, pokud (to) nkdo oprav aby to bylo krsnj
ne tohle.;col.
correct: (This) was correct.;: ;sprvn: (Tohle) bylo
correct: All what (you) write is mostly correct.;:
;sprvn, bt: Vechno co jsi
napsal, je vcemn sprvn.;col. pol.
correct: But don't think, that (I) am (doing (work of)) the
correction-teacher, ok?;T : T
;opravovat: Ale nemysli si, e dlm (prci)
opravujcho uitele, jo?;col. pol.

price?);: ;stt (o cen, ~ "cena): Kolik to stoj?

(Kolik je toho cena?);imper. col.
cost (worth value); ;cena (vhodn hodnota);
cost (money, fall);;stt (o penzch, padat);I
cost: This bike costs one hundred sixty-nine Euro.;:
T ;stt (o cen): Toto
(jzdn) kolo stoj sto edest devt Euro.;
cotton wool;;vata;n.
cotton, absorbent;;vata;n.

cough (cough (is) bad {nouner}); T ;kael, mt (kael

(je) patn {jmenec});I
cough, have (cough (is) bad); ;kael, mt (kael (je)

cough: Because I am so much coughing, (I) am sick ( ~ "life is

correct: correct method;: ;sprvn: sprvn not good).; :
;kalat: Protoe hrozn moc kalu, jsem nemocn
correct: If you can correct the mistakes, it (will) be just
( ~ "ivot nen dobr).;cont. uw.
good.;T : T ;opravit: Pokud Council, First Buddhist (first rehearsal); ;Koncil,
(mi) oprav chyby, tak to bude prost dobr.;col.
Prvn Buddhistick (prvn spolen-recitace);n. Bh. P.
correct: Is it correct what I say?;:
T;sprvn: Je co km sprvn?;inter. um.

pahamasagyan (= first rehearsal)

correct(ness) (being-correct);;sprvn (psan) (bytsprvn);n.

counteract (destroy (and) block); ;klst odpor (zniit (a)


correct!;;sprvn!;adv. pol.

correct(ness): Indeed, by making mistakes, correct(ness) will

appear.;: ;sprvn (psan):
Vskutku, dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
correction (of a written work etc., correct (and) assemble
{nouner});T ;oprava (napsanho, opravit (a) sestavit
correction of mistakes (correct mistakes
{nouner});T T ;oprava chyb (opravit chyby
correction: Moreover, the correction is also finished. (Then,
correcting also is finished correcting.);T : T
T ;oprava: A pak, oprava je tak hotov. (Pak,
opravovn je tak skoneno opravovnm.);p.p. pol.
correspond (by a letter, write (and) comeback);T ;dopisovat si (dopisem, pst (a) vrtit-se);T

count (count (and) calculate);;potate (potat (a)


countless (1 times 10 potentiated by 140);

;nespoetn (jedna krt deset na sto tyictou);I P.
asakhyeyya (= uncountable)
country;T ( T ) (abbrev. from T )
( ) ;zem (stt) stt (zem) zem zem (stt);n.
(or) sg.
country (division (and) state);T ( T );zem
(sprvn-jednotka (a) stt);sg.
country (state, country state);T ( T );zem (stt,
stt zem);sg.
country, one's own (great country); ;zem (stt),
vlastn (ohromn zem);n.
country: (I) don't have a need to go to my country.;:
;zem: Nemm potebu jet do sv

country: (People of) whole the country celebrate for three (or)
correspond with (be-similar (and) equal);; correspond with four days.;T : T ;zem
(bt-podobn (a) rovn);
(vlast): Ti, tyi dny (lid) po ( ~ v) cel zemi slav.;pol.
correspond with (correspond (and) be-incountry: Are you from Germany?;:
accord);;odpovdat (souhlasit, odpovdat (a) bt-ve;stt: (Ty) jsi z Nmecka?;inter.
country: As (I) live in this country, (it) is not possible to eat
correspond with (suitability to have with);
;odpovdat emu (pslunost k mt s);n.

cost ( ~ "fall): (It) costs ( ~ "fall) 250 (kyats).;:

;stt (o cen, ~ "padat): Stoj (to) 250 (iats).;col.
cost ( ~ "fall): How much does (it) cost?;:
;stt (o cen, ~ "fall): Kolik to stoj?;inter.
cost ( ~ "price): How much does it cost? (How much is it's

(food). (expression of unsatisfactoriness in one's

country);: ;zem: Ponvad
iji v tto zemi, nen mon se najst ( ~ "jst jdlo). (vyjden
nespokojenosti se situac vlastn zem);col.
country: Countries will be destroyed.;:
;zem: Zem budou znieny.;
country: I am from England.;:
;stt: Jsem z Anglie.;pol.
country: Own country is not good, indeed.;T :


T ;zem: Vlastn zem, vskutku,

nen dobr.;col.

vodnm tvarem).;writ.
cow;( );krva;sg.

country: steadfast, bountiful country;T : T ;zem (stt): cow: The horse is thinner than the cow.;: T
vytrval, bohat zem.;n.
;krva: K je hubenj ne krva.;
country: There are many countries on the earth.;:
crab (short kite);( );krab (krtk luk);sg.
;zem: Na svt je mnoho
crash, car (not well estimate (and) collide (with) vehicle
country: There are no monks in my country.;:
;zem: V m zemi nejsou dn mnii.;

country: What country is this?;: ;zem (stt):

Co je tohle za stt?;inter. col.
couple; ;sprovat;T

{nouner}); ;bouraka (CZ col., nehoda,

nedobe odhadnout (a) vozidlem narazit {jmenec});n.
crash, car: (There) was ( ~ happened) a car
crash.; :
T ;bouraka: Byla ( ~ stala-se) tam bouraka. (CZ

courage, heroic ((being) brave, capable (and of)

power); ;odvaha, hrdinsk ((bt) odvn, schopn (a crazy;;len;adj. col.
mt) moc);n. (= power, strength)
crazy (crazy (and) much-burnt);;len (len (a)
courageous, be ((be) brave (and) mature); ;odvn, bt moc-splen);adj. col.
((bt) staten (a) dospl);I
crazy (crazy guy);;len (len chlpek);adj. col.
course; ( );kurs;sg.

course (line (of) teaching); ;kurs (linie uen);n.

course teacher (master (of) line (of)
teaching); ( );kurzu, uitel na (mist
linie uen);sg.

crazy (goes-astray (and) shinesmuch); ;len (jde-na-scest (a) mocz);adj. col.

crazy (is not (of) right appearance);();len
(nikoliv (e) je sprvnho vzhledu);adj. col.

course: (I) am attending a course of (teaching in)

English.; :
;kurs: Chodm na kurs (uen v)
anglitin.;cont. pol.

crazy (odd (and) much-stiff); ;len (divn

(a) moc-tvrd);adj. col.

court (office (of) law);( );soud (kancel


much); ;len (labiln-osoba (kter) mocz);adj. col.

crazy (odd guy); ;len (divn chlpek);adj. col.

crazy (silly (and) much-rustic);;len (pitom (a)

course: Business English course; : moc-venkovsk);adj. col.
;kurs: kurs podnikatelsk anglitiny;
crazy (silly guy);;len (pitom chlpek);adj. col.
coursebook (book used (in)
crazy (slightly-insane guy);;len (mrn-blzniv
school); ( );uebnice (kniha uvan (ve) chlpek);adj. col.
crazy (unstable-person (who) shines-

court: After passing a judgment at court, the deciding is

completely finished.;:
T T ( ~
T T );soud: Po vynesen rozdsudku u
soudu je rozhodovn zcela dokoneno.;pol.
courteously (pleasantly (and) completely);TT;slun
(pjemn (a) pln);adv.
cousin (separated stomach); ( );sestenice
(oddlen aludek) bratranec (oddlen aludek);sg.
cousins ( woman's-younger-brother (and) man's-youngersister (of) separated stomach); ;bratranci a
sestenice (mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue
oddlenho aludku);

crazy, be; ;len, bt;I col.

crazy, be (can be-broken); ;len, bt (me btrozbit);I

crazy, be (not very correct);();len, bt (ne
moc sprvn);I
crazy: They say: Aren't you crazy?;:
T ;len: kaj: Nejsi len?;inter. col. um.
create (create (and) play); ;vytvoit (vytvet (a) hrt);T
create (make (and) do);;vytvet (vyrbt, dlat (a)
create (a group etc.); ;vytvoit (skupinu atd.);T

create: As for some, (they) make (create) groups and go

covenly, be (venture (and) compare); ;neupraven, bt
around in big and small cars.;:
(riskovat (a) porovnvat) nedbal, bt (riskovat (a)

) ;utvoit: A nkte
utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch autech.;col.
cover (spread much);;pokrt (hodn se-rozit);I
create: Because of that (thing) they create obstacles (to
cover: 70 percent of Earth is covered by water
(expanse).;: T T
;pokrt: 70 procent Zem je pokryto vodou (~


themselves) on the way to Nibbna.;:

Kvli tomu ( ~ "t vci) si (oni) vytvej pekky na cest k

Nibbn.;pol. writ.

T ;pejet: (To) auto pejt hranici

(toho sttu) ((a) jede).;
create: Pictures created to relieve boredom.; : T
;vytvoit: Obrzky vytvoen aby zahnaly cross: When the horse crossed over the Anoma river, (was it) a
stallion or a mare?;T : T T T
creation (create (and) play {nouner}); T ;stvoen (tvoit ;peskoit ( ~ "pejt): Kdy (ten) k
peskakoval ( ~ "pekraoval) eku Anomu, (byl to) hebec
(a) hrt {jmenec});n.
nebo klisna?;inter.
creature;;tvor;n. P. sattav (= living being, creature)
credible, be (about (to) be-able (to) believe (and)
approve); ;vrohodn, bt (snad btschopen vit (a) schvalovat);I

crossroad (streets meet, streets

fork); ( );kiovatka (ulice se-setkvaj, ulice

crossroad (way splitting); ;rozcest (cesty roztpen);n.

credit card (flat card (to) buy (for)
debt); T( );kreditn karta (ploch karta crouch; ;kret (se);T
(k) nakupovn (na) dluh);sg. E. card
crouch: A hen is crouching on the lawn.; : T
;kret se: Slepice se kr na
creed (acceptance, receive (and) take
{nouner}); ;vyznn (pijet, pijmout (a) vzt
crowd (of people attending an event); ;dav (lid, kte
cress (watercress, above pond); ( );eicha (nad se prv astn njak udlosti);pl. P. piris (= assembly)
crowded; ;pelidnn;adj.

cricket (game); (from ) ;kriket;n. E. cruel, be (weave (and) compare); ;krut, bt (tkt (a)
cricket (or) n. WS. E. cricket
cricket (insect, short thread body); ( )
[pyi.kau~];cvrek (hmyz, krtk vlknit tlo);sg.
criticise (object, block (and) mark-off);;kritizovat
(nesouhlasit, zablokovat (a) ohraniit);T
criticize; T ;kritizovat;T

cruel, be (also about speech); ;krut, bt (tak v ei);I

cruel, be: (Your way of) speaking is very cruel.; :
T ;krut, bt: (Zpsob jakm) mluv, je velice

criticize (search guilt);T ;kritizovat (hledat vinu);T

cruel: (It) is so cruel!; : ( ~

);krut: Je (to) tak krut!;col.

crockery (plate, cup (and) ladle); ;ndob

(tal, hrnek (a) nabraka);n.

crushed, be;;rozdrcen, bt;I

cry;; breet;T

crockery (pot, cup (and) plate {pl.}); ;ndob

(hrnec, hrnek (a) tal {mn.});n.

cry (loudly);T ;kiet (hlasit);T

crockery, a piece of (buttressing

flower); ( );ndob (je-oporou kvtinm);sg.

cry: Because I am so much sad, (I) want to cry.;:

;breet: Protoe jsem tak moc smutn,
chce se mi breet ( ~ plakat).;

crooked, be (twisted (and) curled); ;pokiven, bt

(pokroucen (a) zakroucen);I
crooked, be: a kind of a crooked mind; :
;pokiven, bt: druh pokiven mysli;

cry (weep);; breet;T

ct. pn (moc (a) moc);( ):ven. sir (power (and)


cross;T ;pejt pekroit;T

cube, ice (blunt hard water); ( );kostka ledu

(tup tvrd voda);sg.

cross (over, cross (and) cross);T ;pejt (pes, pejt (a)


cubes, ice (blunt hard water {pl.}); ;kostka ledu

(tup tvrd voda {mn..});pl.

cross (over): The woman crosses over the street.;T :

cucumber (fruit (of) cucumber);( );okurka
T ;pejt (pes): (Ta) pan pechz pes (plod okurky);sg.
culture; ;kultura;n.
cross a path (cross from way); T ;pejt (pes) cestu culture: He teaches culture.; :
(pejt z cesty);T
;kultura: (On) u o kultue ( ~ "kulturu).;
cross a path: At the journey back (he) went past and attacked
the group of Hanthawadi troops while they were crossing a
path..; T : T T
;pejt (pes) cestu: Na cest zptky je nsledoval
a zatoil na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy pechzeli pes

culture: It is a town which preserved Myanmar

culture.; : T
;kultura: Je to msto, kter uchovalo
Myanmarskou kulturu.;

cross over; ;pejt pekroit;T

cup;( );hrneek hrnek;sg.

cross over (cross (and) cross);T ;pejt (pejt (a)


cunning ((of) crooked thinking); ;vychytral

(pokivenho mylen);adj.
cup (branch cup);( );hrnek (vtvov hrnek);sg.

cupboard;( ) [br];sk (kredenc) kredenc (sk);sg.

cross: The car crosses ((and) goes) the (country) border.;T : E. bureau


cupboard (cat's house); ( );sk (kredenc,

koi dm) kredence (kredenc, koi dm);sg.

Mm spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.

curb (guard (and) rule); ;brzdit (strit (a) ovldat);T

cut off (cut (and) flick);T ;odsthnout (sthnout (a)

mihnout-se) pesthnout (sthnout (a) mihnout-se);T


cut away;T ;krjet;T

cure (an injured person, treat (and) sharpen-knife);;vylit cut oneself by knife; ;znout se noem;I
(zrannou osobu, oetovat (a) ostit-n);T
cut up; T T ;rozkrjet (na pltky)
cure: As a doctor, he should cure sick people.;:
;lit: Coby doktor, Czech; ;esk;adj.
ml by lit nemocn lidi.;
Czech (country, republic): (I) come from Czech Republic ( ~
curious, be (ready (with) mood (to)
"country).; () : ;esk Republika (
enquire); T ;zvdav, bt (pipraven (s) nladou ~ "esk zem): Pochzm z esk Republiky ( ~ "esk
zem).;col. pol.
curl (hair column curls); ;kudrnatt (vlasov sloup Czech language (Czech): from English to Czech; :
;esk jazyk (etina): z anglitiny do
curl: Hair of the woman curls.; :
;kudrnatt: Vlasy (t) eny kudrnat.;
curl: The man with curled hair and beard; :
; kudrnatt: (Ten)
mu s kudrnatmi vlasy a vousy.;col.


Czech Republic (country (of) Czech

republic); ; esk Republika (zem esk

Czech Republic (country (of) Czech people's

agreement); T ;esk Republika (zem
dohody lid zem esk);name P. sammata (= agreed
curry (sauce); ;omka;n.
curry, vegetable (curry complete-in fruits); ;omka, upon)
Czech: ven. Sarana from Czech; : ; esko:
zeleninov (omka kompletn-z ovoce);n.
ct. Sarana z eska;
curry: (He) cooks curry.; : ;omka: Va
curry; ;omka;n.


Czechia (country); ;esko;adj.

curry: Friend, what curry will you eat (it) with?; :

;omka: Pteli, s jakou omkou (to) bude
jst?;inter. fut. col.

daily (every day);;denn (kad den);n.

curry: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the idea, that (I
would) cook the vegetable curry.; : ...
;omka: Tak, uvam
omku? ... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou
curse; ;proklnat;T
curtain (veils (the) room); ( );zclona (zahaluje


damage (destroy (and) block); ;poniit (zniit (a)

damage: This monkey has damaged the roof.; :
;poniit: Tahle opice poniila
damson (fruit (of) dreaming (and) recitingmantra); ( );slva (ovoce snn (a) recitovnmantry) vestka (ovoce snn (a) recitovn-mantry);sg.
dance; ;tanec tancovat;T (or) n.

curtain: behind the curtain (there is) a window; :

T ;zclona: za zclonou je

dance ((and) exhibit): The group (being) on the stage also

(exhibiting) dances (and) entertains.;T:
T ;tancovat ((a) ukazovat (se)):

custard-apple (bull's heart, fruit of tree Annona reticulata, fruit Skupina (jsouc) na pdiu tak (ukazujce se) tancuje a bav
(of) authority, fruit (of) deferential
(ostatn lidi).;col. pol.
netting);( );volsk srdce (ovoce stromu Annona dance: (They) compete in dance.;: ;tanec:
reticulata, ovoce autority, ovoce uctivho sovn);sg.
Sout v tanci.;pol.
custom (usage (and) criterion);( );zvyk (uit (a)
cut; T ;sekat ezat seknout;T
cut (oneself): Because cut (myself) by knife, (I) got injured.;:
;znout se: Protoe jsem se
znul noem, poranil jsem se.;p.s. um.
cut (with knife);;ezat (noem);T

cut (with scissors);;sthat (nkami);T

cut (wood);T ;sekat (dv);T

cut (wood): I have a lot of energy to cut the wood.;T :

T ;sekat (devo):


dance: We build stages over sidewalks and dancing groups

dance on these stages.;:
;tancovat: Stavme pdia nad
chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a tanen skupiny na nich
dancing group: On the floats also there are dancing groups too
(included).; : ;tann
skupina: Na (tch) vozidlech, tak, jsou t tanen
skupiny.;col. pol.
dancing: I have the hobby of dancing. (I include hobby (of)
dancing.);: ;tancovn: Mm

konkem je tancovn. (J zahrnuji konek tancovn.);uw.

(matino voln);voc. col.

danger; ;nebezpe;n. writ. (or) n. P.

antarya (= danger, obstacle)

daughter: Elder daughter is 14 years (old and) the younger one

( ~ "daughter) is already 10 years (old).;: danger (danger (and) hostility); ;nebezpe (nebezpe ;dcera: Star dcei je 14 let (a)
mlad ( ~ "dcei) je u 10 (let).;p.p.
(a) neptelstv);n.
danger: Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is daughter: I am Mr. Bamya's daughter.;:
T;dcera: Jsem dcera pana Bamya.;pol. uw.
like fire, very dangerous to woman.; :

;nebezpe: ena je pro mue
velice nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
nebezpen, jako ohe.;
dare;;troufat si;T
dare: (I) am afraid, not dare to ask.; :
;troufat si: Bojm se, netroufm si se zeptat.;
dare: At that time turtle (said): friend rabbit, with you I dare to
race.;: "
T ;troufat si: Tehdy elva (ekla: pteli krlku, s
tebou si troufm zvodit.;writ.
daring, be; ;troufal, bt;I
daring, be ((be) brave (and) mature); ;troufal, bt ((bt)
staten (a) dospl);I
dark (of color);;tmav (o barv);suff.

dark (of color): dark blue;: T;tmav (o barv): tmav

dark color; ;tmav barva;n.

daughter: Is (it) son or daughter?;:

;dcera: Je (to) syn nebo dcera?;inter.
day; ( ) ( ) ( );den. den;sg.
day 'Id-day' (Bakra-Eid, Indian-Muslim festival during which
animals are killed, Indian Id day); ;den 'Id-den'
(Bakra-Eid, Indicko-Muslimsk svtek, bhem nho jsou
zabjena zvata, indick id den);adv.
day (date): What's the date today?;: ;den: Co
je dnes za den? (Jak je datum?);inter.
day (in month): fourth (day (in month)) of January, nineteen
fourty-eight; :
;den (v msci): tvrtho (dne (v msci)) ledna,
devatenct set tyicet osm;
day after tomorrow, the (time (of) thriving
direction); ;pozt (as bujnho
day before yesterday, the (one quick
day);T ;pedevrem (jeden rychl den);adv.

dark, get (sky (is) bound); ;stmvat se (nebe (je)


day of month; ( );den msce;sg.

(dlouh ra);sg.

day of month: What's the date (today)?; :

;den v msci: Jak je datum?;inter.

day of month: sixteenth of ... (followed by a name of

dark, get: (It)'s going to get dark.; : ;stmvat month); : T ;den msce: estnctho ...;
day of month: twentieth of ... (followed by a name of
se: Bude se stmvat.;fut.
month); : ;den msce: dvactho ...;
dash (long line); ( );pomlka

day, big: Also in monasteries, at big times, big days, (they)

recite (Pi discourses).; :
date ( ~ "day (in month)): fourth (day (in month)) of January, ;den, velk: Tak v
klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi
nineteen fourty-eight; : ( ~ " ):
;datum ( ~ "den (v
day, on one;;dne, jednoho;adv.
msci)): tvrtho (dne (v msci)) ledna, devatenct set
data (items (and) limbs); ;data (fakta, vci (a)

tyicet osm;

day, on one: On one day, when rabbit met turtle, rabbit

mocked: friend turtle, you go slowly.;:
date ( ~ "day of month): What date ( ~ "day (in month)) will
(they) come?; ( ~ " ): ;datum "
;dne, jednoho: Jednoho dne ( ~ v
( ~ "den v msci): V jak datum ( ~ "den (v msci))
jeden den), kdy se krlk potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval:
pteli elvo, (ty) jde pomalu.;writ.
date ( ~ "day of month): What's the date (today)?; ( ~
" ): ;datum ( ~ "den v msci): Jak je day, on that (that day);;tehdy (ten den);adv.

day, one; ;dne, jednoho;adv.

date ( ~ day): What's the date today?;:

;datum: Co je dnes za den? (Jak je datum?);inter.

day, one: (As for) one day, one great king arrives to the Wun
Zin village.; :
;dne, jednoho: A jednoho dne, jeden velk krl
pijel do Wan Zen vesnice.;

daughter;( );dcera;sg.

daughter ( ~ "(num. class. for people)): (I have) three sons

day, one: We will meet at one time.; :
(and) two daughters.; :
;dcera ( ~ "(itatel lid)): (Mm) ti syny (a) dv ;dne, jednoho: Jednoho dne se setkme.;fut.
day: (In) one year has 365 days.; :
daughter (affectionate address by mother);;dcero


;den: (V jeden) rok m 365 dn.;

debate (public); ( );debata (veejn);sg.

day: (in) these days; : ;den: v tchto


decease; ;zesnout (zemt) zemt;I pol. (or) T

day: (I) had a plan to stay two days more.; :

;den: Plnoval jsem zstat

jet dva dny.;p.s.
day: (We) will meet again on a next day.; :
T ;den: Setkme se znovu (njak) pt den.;fut.
day: during ( ~ in) last (few) days;: ;den:
posledn dobou (v poslednch dnech);

deceitful, be (twisted (and) curled); ;podvodnick,

bt (pokroucen (a) zakroucen);I
deceive (deceive much);;zradit

(zradit moc);T
deceive: He deceived me.;:

On m zradil.;
December (month); ();prosinec (msc);n. E. December
decency; ;slunost;n.

deception (deceive much {nouner});T

;zradit (zradit
day: during these three days; : ;den: bhem moc {jmenec});n.
tchto t dn;
decide (be-desicive much);T ;rozhodnout se ((bt)
day: eight days; : ;den: osm dn;
hodn rozhodn);I
day: every day;: ;den: kad den;
decide (break explicitly);T ;rozhodnout (rozbt
day: fifth day (day which achieved day five);:
T ;den: pt den (den, kter doshnul den


day: It may start every year around 13th of April.; :

;den: Me zat kad
rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.

decide (cross end (and) fix);T ;rozhodnout (pejt

(pes) konec (a) upevnit);T

day: May you always meet (and) have the good days and
(thus) be able to develop the right meditation.;:
K (t) vdy potkvaj dobr dny a (tak) rozvj dobrou
meditaci.;w. pol.
day: On days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend to ( ~ have)
keep (the right) mindfulness.; :
;den: Ve dnech nespokojenosti mm
(tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou) vmavost.;pol.

decide (come-to-end (and) cross);T ;rozhodnout se

(dojt-na-konec (a) pejt);T

decide (cross end);T ;rozhodnout se (pekroit

decide (strike (and) be-brave (to) cross end
{nouner});T ;rozhodnout (uhodit (a) bt-staten,
pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});T
decide (strike cross end {nouner});T ;rozhodnout
(uhodit pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});T
decide: (I) decided to stay (there).;T :
T ;rozhodnout se: Rozhodl jsem se (tam)
zstat.;p.s. pol.

day: Today is 21st (day) of February (month), 1987.;: decide: (I) decided, indeed, to collect perfections ( ~
;den: Dnes je (den) 21. (msce) pram).;T : ( ~ )
nora 1987.;
T ;rozhodnout se: Vskutku, rozhodla jsem se
day: We will meet on the next day.;: ;den: sbrat dokonalosti ( ~ pram).;pol.
Setkme se pt (pt den).;fut.
decide: As for me, (when I) decide, (I) don't even look back ( ~
day: What day (of week) will they come? (They) will come on "turn (and) look).;T : T
Thursday.;: ;den:

;rozhodnout se: Co se te m, (kdy j)

Kter den (v tdnu) pijedou? Pijedou ve tvrtek.;inter.
rozhodnu, nepodvm se ani zpt ( ~ "otoit (a) podvat).;col.
daytime (part (when) sun (is) spread); ;denn doba deciding (cross end {nouner});T T ;rozhodovn
(st (kdy je) slunce rozen);adv.
(pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});n.
dealer (usually specified by preceding
syllable); ;zprostedkovatel (obvykle upesnno
pedchzejc slabikou);suff.

deciding: After passing a judgment at court, the deciding is

completely finished.;T T :
T T ( ~
dealings with sb., have; ;obchodovn s nkm, astnit T T );rozhodovn: Po
vynesen rozdsudku u soudu je rozhodovn zcela
dear; ;drah mil;suff. fr. col. (or) adj. (or) voc. dokoneno.;pol.
(or) suff. adj.
deciding: At that time the deciding is completely
Dear me! (great little elder-sister); ;Jei Kriste! finished.;T T : T T ( ~
(ohromn mal star-sestra);interj. col.
T );rozhodovn: V tu dobu je
dear: (I) love (you very much), dear.;: ;drah: (Moc rozhodovn zcela ukoneno.;pol.
t) miluji, drah.;col. fr.
decision (cross end {nouner});T ;rozhodnut
deathless;;nesmrteln;adj. P. amata (= deathless)

(pejt pes konec {jmenec});n.

deathlessness;;vnost;n. P. amata (= deathlessness)

decision, change (change one's mind, destroy

decision);T ;rozhodnout se jinak (zmnit
rozhodnut, zniit rozhodnut);T

debate (request seriously (and) see); ;debatovat

(vyadovat vn (a) dvat-se);T


decision, make (cross end);T ;odhodlat se k (pekroit taxidriver when they are not satisfied with proposed amount of
money to be paid);: ;snit: Tolik
snit nemohu. (me bt eeno taxikem, pokud nen
decision, make a (cross end (and)
spokojen s navrhnutm mnostvm penz k zaplacen);pol. col.
fix);T ;rozhodnut, uinit (pejt (pes) konec (a)

decision, make a (strike (and) be-brave (to) cross end

{nouner});T ;rozhodnut, uinit (uhodit (a) btstaten, pejt (pes) konec {jmenec});T

decrease: How much will (you) decrease?;:

;slevit ( ~ "snit): Na kolik slevte? (Kolik
snte?);inter. col.

decrease: One kyat (I) can decrease. (As for one kyat, (it) is
alright to decrease (so much).);:
decision, make a (strike cross end
{nouner});T ;rozhodnut, uinit (uhodit pejt (pes) ;zlevnit ( ~ "snit): O jeden iat zlevnit mu. (Co se
te jednoho iatu, je v podku (tolik) snit.);
konec {jmenec});T
decreased, having; ;snil se a;p.p.
decision: She changed her mind. (Her decision has already
changed.);T : T
;rozhodnut: (Ona) zmnila (sv) rozhodnut. (Jej
rozhodnut se ji zmnilo.);p.p. pol.
decision: The decision is so firm, that nothing can (ever)
destroy it.;T : T
;rozhodnut: (To) rozhodnut je tak
pevn, e jej nic neme zniit.;pol.

decree: It is said, that Nga Nyo's wife was also afraid because
of the king's decree.; :
;rozkaz: k se, e a ova manelka tak z (
~ kvli) rozkazu krle dostala strach.;

decree: Therefore, according to the (king's) decree, having dug

the embarkment, majesty should see.; :
;rozkaz: Proto,
decisive, be (be-desicive much);T ;rozhodn, bt ((bt) dle (krlova) rozkazu, vsost by se (na to) mla podvat po
vykopn toho nalodn.;
hodn rozhodn);I
decisive, be (break explicitly);T ;rozhodn, bt (rozbt

decisive, be: Minds of Asian people (especially Myanmars)

cannot be as greatly decisive as (those of) European
people.;T : (TT )

T ;rozhodn, bt: Mysli asijskch lid
(zejmna Myanmar) nedokou bt tak moc rozhodn jako
(ty) Evropskch lid.;

dedicate (mind, immerse, submerge (and)

put);T ;vnovat (emu, potopit, ponoit (a) uloit);T
dedicate: (He) dedicates (himself) for the attainment of the
noble purpose.;T : TT
T T ;odevzdat se: Odevzdv se
pro dosaen (toho) ulechtilho cle.;

dedicate: With the excuse, that with the worldly problems (I)
cannot dedicate (it) time, I have been lazy.;:
declare;; prohlsit;T
T ( ~ T)
;vnovat: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi
declare (tell (and) say);T;prohlsit (povdt (a) ci);T
problmy tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol.
decline (fall low); ;odmtnout (padat nzko);T
decline (not take (to) hand); ;odmtnout (nevzt (do) um.
deduct;T ;vyvodit;T
decrease; ;snit se snit;I (or) T

deed (work (and) stop); ;in (pracovat (a) zastavit);n.

(a) snit);T

deed, good;;in, dobr;n.

decrease (decrease (to be) little); ;snit (snit (aby deed (previously or presently intentionally commited
acts);;skutek (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn vykonan
bylo) mlo);T
iny);n. P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)
decrease (lessen (and) decrease); ;snit (zmenit
decrease (price etc.);;snit (cenu atd.);T

deep (of color);;tmavo- (o barv);suff.

more) more than this.;:

;zlevnit (cenu, ~ "snit): Vskutku, vce ne
tolik ji nemohu zlevnit ( ~ "snit).;col.

deep, be; ;hlubok, bt;I

decrease (price): Please, decrease (the price).;:

;snit (cenu): Prosm, snite (tu cenu).;imper. pol.

deep, be (about a thought etc., thinking (is)

deep); ;hlubok, bt (o mylence atd., mylen (je)

deep-seated (simple event, every event);T T ;vit

decrease (price): (Price) is decreased as much as
possible.;: ;zlevnit ( ~ "snit): (jednoduch udlost, kad udlost);sg.
deep-seated, be (falls (with) working);;vit, bt
Je to zlevnn ( ~ "snen) jak jen je mon.;col.
decrease (price): Indeed, (I) cannot decrease (the price) (any (pad (s) dlnm);I

decrease (price): Please, would (you) decrease (the

price)?;: ;slevit ( ~ "snit (cenu)): Prosm,
slevil byste? (Snil byste?);inter. pol.
decrease: (I) cannot decrease this much. (may be said by a

deep, be (deep method); ;hlubok, bt (hlubok


deep, be (worth consideration, heavy (and)

deep); ;hlubok, bt (zvan, tk (a) hlubok);I
deep: (It) is used ( ~ "put) because a deep thanks was


desired.; :
degree, university; ( );titul, universitn;sg.
;hlubok: Vkld se (to), protoe se vyaduje degree: (I) need to get (one) more degree.; :
hlubok dkuji.;pol.
( ~ );titul: Potebuji dostat
deeply (fairly intensively); T T ;zhluboka (se nadechnout, jet (jeden) titul.;pol.
celkem intenzivn);adv.
dejected, be (strength (is) low); ;deprimovan, bt (sla
deeply (about breath, fairly intensively); T T ;hluboce (se (je) nzko);I
nadechnout, celkem intenzivn);adv.
dejected, be: (Indeed,) do not be dejected.; :
deeply: (He) deeply breathes (in) three times (a
;deprimovan, bt: (Vskutku), nebu
breath).; T T : T T ( ~
deprimovan.;imper. pol.
T T );zhluboka: Tikrt dlat;;dlat;T
se zhluboka nadechne (dech).;
delayed, be; ;opodn, bt;I
defect; ;defekt;n.

defend (be-offended (and) take);; brnit (bt-napaden (a)

defend (be-offended, take, urge (and) fightback);;brnit (bt-napaden, vzt, nalhat (a)
defend (shield (and) hide);;chrnit (zatiovat (a)
defend (urge (and) fight-back);;brnit (nalhat (a)
defend (one's idea, block (and) confine);;hjit
(vlastn nzor, blokovat (a) ohraniovat);T writ.
defend (one's idea); ;obhjit hjit;T

Delhi (town in India);;Dil (msto v Indii);name

deliberate, be (measure (and) weigh);;opatrn, bt
(mit (a) vit) rozvn, bt (mit (a) vit);I
deliberately (loose method); ;mysln (uvolnn
zpsob);adv. col.
deliberately (measuring (and) weighing);;rozvn
(mce (a) vce) opatrn (mce (a) vce);adv.
delicious, be (have taste);; vborn, bt (mt
delicious, be: It's is so delicious. ((It) has so much (of)
taste.);: ;vborn, bt: Je tak
vborn. (M tak moc chuti.);pol.

delight, take;; radost, mt;I

defend: U Aung Zeyya together with his sixty-eight blood
delighted, be;;naden, bt;I
comrades-leaders could successfully resist while being the
deliver (send (to) come (and) give (to) proper, requested
leader ( ~ while leading).;:
house); ; doruit (poslat (aby) piel (a)

dal (do) sprvnho, danho domu);T
;ubrnit: Aun Zeyya spolu se deliver (send (by) coming (to) house); ;doruit
svmi edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli vdci se dokzal
(poslat pchodem dom);T
spn ubrnit zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
deliver: The postman delivers two parcels.; :
defendant;( );obhjce;sg.
defendant (competes (for) truth);( );obhjce
Listono doruuje dva balky.;
(sout (za) pravdu);sg.
delivery (of a speech, taking air (and) collecting
defendant (in debate, opposing teams' speaker): As for the
leader of defendants taking place on my left, (she) is a
statewide known writer, Mrs. Ngwe Khet.;:

neptelsk strany (v debat, vyvrace): Co se te vdce
mluvch neptelsk strany ( ~ vyvrace) berouc msto po
m lev stran, je to celosttn znm spisovatelka p. Nue
Khek.;pol. um.
deficiency (in writing etc., weak blot);;nedostatek (v
psan atd., slab skvrna);n.

air);;pednes (zpsob pednesu, bran

vzduchu (a) sbrn vzduchu);n.

demand (request (and) say); ; vyadovat (dat (a)

kat) vyadovat (dat (a) ci);T
demand (ask about a matter, test completely); ;poptat se
(kompletn vyzkouet);T
demand (economic, buy power); ;poptvka
(ekonomick, kupn moc);n.
demand (economic): The demand for copper also
increased.; :
;poptvka (ekonomick): Poptvka po mdi tak

deficiency: (There) are only very small deficiencies (in the

demand: Since then the Myanmar citizens, unceasingly
writing).;: ( ) ;nedostatek: (V participating in the opposing strikes against the English
tom psan) jsou jen velice mal nedostatky.;pol. col.
government, demanded independence.; :
definitely (stability (and) spinning);;rozhodn (ke
skutenosti, stability (and) spinning);adv
definitely (to reality); ; rozhodn (ke skutenosti);adv ;vyadovat: Od t doby se Myanmart
degree MA.; ;titul Mgr.;n. P. mahvijj (= obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek proti anglick
great knowledge) (or) n. E. master
vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.


democracy; (abbrev. from )

;demokracie;n. E. democracy

depend on (live fixed (and) free in); -;zviset

na (t upevnn (a) voln v);I

democracy (demoracy system); ;demokracie

(system demokracie);n. E. democracy

depend on: (I) depend ( ~ "am depending) on the meal offered

by the lay people.; -:
;zviset na: Zvism na jdle darovanm
laiky.;pol. ubmn. writ.

democracy: They want to become a democratic

country.;: T
;demokracie: Chtj se stt demokratickou
demolished, be (destroy (and) bescattered); T;zdemolovan, bt (zniit (a) btroztrouen);I
demonstration (event (of) showing
wishes);T( );demonstrace (udlost ukazovn

denote (denote (and) show);T;udvat (oznaovat (a)

denote: finish denoting that mention;:
;naznait: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;

denotes change in situation;;zna zmnu situace;suff.

denotes courage; ;zna odvahu;suffn. adj.
denotes inclusion; ;zna zahrnut;suff.
denotes past perfect;;zna minul dokonav as;suff.
denotes past perfect tense;;zna dokonav vid slovesa;suff.
denotes plurality;;zna mn. .;suff.
denotes prior action;;zna pedchzejc innost;suff.
denotes skill; ;zna dovednost;I
dense;;hust (o vcech);adj.
dentist (master (in) responsibilities (regarding)
teeth); ( );zuba (mistr (v)
zodpovdnostech (ohledn) zub);sg.
dentist: As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am showing)
(them) to the dentist.; :
T ;zuba: Ponvad nemm dobr
zuby, ukazuji (je) zubai.;cont. uw.
depart (by plane etc., escape (and) leave);;odlett
(letadlem atd., uniknout (a) odejt) odjet (uniknout (a)
depart: (I) am going to depart.;: ;odejt:
Chystm se odejt.;fut.
depart: On the big flight plan (board) there is information
about departures of planes ( ~ planes which will
( ) () ;odlett: Na
velk (tabuli) letovho du jsou informace o odletech letadel
( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;

depend upon (rely-on strength);;zviset na (zvisetna sle);T

depending on (make (and) establish on);
-;podle (dlat (a) stanovit na);T
depict (reveal the character); ;znzornit (odhalit
charakter);T P. sarpa (= of the same form)
depict: The discourses with more details preached by the
Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which
is referred to in Sratthadpan.; : T

;znzorovat: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.

depressed (mind (is) dirty); ;deprimovan, bt (mysl

(je) zapinn);I
depressed, be (strength (is) low); ;sklesl, bt (sla (je)
derived, be (from an original word, descend, descend (and)
come); ;derivovan, bt (od pvodnho slova, sejt,
sejt (a) pijt) odvozen, bt (od pvodnho slova, sejt, sejt
(a) pijt);I
derogatory, be (be-deficient (and) beinferior);; poniujc, bt (bt-nedostaujc (a) bthor);I
derogatory, be (falls down); ;poniujc, bt (pad
descent;( );pvod;sg.

design;;vzhled design;n. E. design

design (standard form);( );nvrh (standardn

designation; ;pojmenovn (jmno);n. P. paatti (=
designation, name)
desire; ( ) ;touha tuba touit
po;T P. sava (= fetter) (or) T (or) n. (or) sg.
desire, intense (to do sth.); ;touha, intenzivn (nco

desire, intense: can't conceal (one's) intense desire (doesn't

take intense-desire); : ;touha, intenzivn: neme
kontrolovat (vlastn) intenzivn touhu (nebere intenzivndepartment store (goods building);( );obchodn touhu);col.
dessert (small food);( ) ( );zkusek (mal
dm (obchod (se) zbom);sg.
department store (store shop);( );obchodn dm jdlo);sg.
department;( );oddlen (v instituci);sg. P. hna (=
place, locality)

(obchod, obchod);sg. E. store

departure: on the day of departure;:
;odjezd: v den odjezdu;writ.

dessert: (You) should buy and serve (us) dessert. (on one's
birthday); : ;zkusek: Mla bys (nm)
nakoupit a nabdnout zkusky. (na sv narozeniny);


destined, be (to become in future); ;uren, bt (aby se develop (increase (and) ascend); ;rozvinout se
stal v budoucnu);I
(zvtit-se (a) vystupovat);T
destroy (attack (and) destroy); ;zniit (zatoit (a)
destroy (collapse (and) break): Thought due to the
earthquake, some have been destroyed, many indeed
remain.; :
;rozbt se (zhroutit se (a) rozbt se): Pestoe
byly nkter znieny zemtesenm, mnoho se vskutku
destroy (destroy (and) block); ;zniit (zniit (a)
zablokovat) zniit (zniit (a) blokovat);T
destroy: Countries will be destroyed.; :
;zniit: Zem budou znieny.;
destroy: Electricity is down. (fire was destroyed); :
;zniit: Vypli proud. (ohe byl znien);p.p.
destroy: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the town
Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.;:
T ;zniit: Kvli
velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve Bo pti
jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng. writ.

develop (a method, a thing, be-in-excess (and)

much);;rozvinout (metodu, vc, bt v nadbytku (a)
develop (also about a country, make (and)
repair);T ;rozvjet (tak o zemi, vytvet (a) opravovat);T
develop (also about a country, make, repair (and) change
(and) change);T T ;rozvjet (tak o zemi, vytvet,
opravovat (a) mnit (a) mnit);T
develop, be (prosperous, increase (and)
improve); ;rozvjet se (prosperujc, zvyovat-se (a)
develop: (He) developed meditation technique according to (his)
;rozvinout: Rozvinul meditaci ( ~ "zpsob meditace)
dle (svch) zkuenost.;
develop: (He) developed morality, concentration (and)
;rozvinout: Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a)
moudrost.;p.s. pol.

develop: Because of these students, the national spirit of the

destroy: The decision is so firm, that nothing can (ever) destroy citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ came) to
it.; : T
;rozvoj (rozvinout se): Kvli tmto
;zniit: (To) rozhodnut je tak pevn, e jej nic
studentm nrodn duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol.
neme zniit.;pol.
destroyed, be (destroy (and) be-scattered); T;znien,
develop: May I tell you, that I have never practised
bt (zniit (a) bt-roztrouen);I
(meditation)? (Should (I) tell (you), that (I) have already
detached, sth.;( );odpojenho, nco;sg.
details, in (widely (and) immodestly); ;detailech, v developed?);: T ;rozvinout: Mm ti ct,
e jsem nikdy nepraktikovala (meditaci)? (Mla bych (ti) ci,
(iroce (a) neskromn);adv.
e (jsem) ji rozvinula?);inter. col.
deteriorate (be-destroyed (and) deviate); ;zhorit se
developed, be (prosperous, be-in-excess (and)
much);;vyvinut, bt (prosperujc, bt v nadbytku (a)
determination, make (cross end (and)
follow);T ;rozhodnut, uinit (pejt (pes) konec (a) mnoho);I
developed, be (prosperous, plump (and)
determination, make a (cross end);T ;uinit rozhodnut abundant);;vyvinut, bt (prosperujc, buclat (a) hojn);I
developed, the most; ;nejvyvinutj;adj.
(pekroit konec);T
(zniit-se (a) odchlit-se);I

determination, make: I made a strong determination to be an

excellent monk.;T : ( )
T T ( ~ ( ) T
T );rozhodnut, uinit: Uinil jsem pevn
rozhodnut bt vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.
determination: My strong determination helps me to continue in
my effort.;T :
T ;rozhodnut:
Moje pevn rozhodnut mi pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col.

development (develop (and) ascend {nouner}); ;rozvoj

(rozvinout-se (a) stoupat {jmenec});n.
development (development ascends); ;rozvoj (rozvoj
development (also about a country, make, repair (and) change
(and) change {nouner});T T ;rozvjet (tak o zemi,
vytvet, opravovat (a) mnit (a) mnit {jmenec});T

development: (There) is being done an extremely much (of)

work (for) the development of Myanmar
country.;T T : T T T T
;rozvoj: Dl se extrm moc prce (za
detract (become small); ;zmenit se (zlehovat se, elem) rozvoje zem Myanmaru.;cont.
development: spiritual development; :
stt-se malm);I
;rozvoj: duevn rozvoj;
develop; ;rozvinout se rozvinout;I (or) T
develop (come (to) be-big (and) large);;rozvinout development: the most developed country; :
;rozvoj: nejrozvinutj zem;n.
(dojt (stavu, e) je-velk (a) velik);I
devoid of, be; ;nemt postrdajc, bt;I


devoid of, be: Monkhood is devoid of worry.; :

;prost (eho), bt: Mnistv je prost

Dhamma: Talk a little bit about the Dhamma.;:

;Dhamma: Hovoit trochu o

devoid of: Until now, as for what (you) said, (it) is devoid of
mistakes.; : T ;prost
(eho), bt: Do te, co se te (toho), co (jsi) ekl, je (to)
prost chyb. prost (eho), bt: Dote, co se te (toho), co
(jsi) ekl, je (to) prost chyb.;pol.

dial (a phone number, press telephone-number);

;vytoit (slo, makat telefonn-slo);T
E. telephone-number

dial (phone number): (He) is dialing a phone number on ( ~

by) the mobile phone.; : T
devotee (while relying-on (and)
;vytoit (telefonn slo): Vyt ( ~ mak)
concealing);( );ctitel (zatmco se- (telefonn) slo na mobilnm telefnu.;cont.
spolh (a) skrv-se);sg.
diamond;;diamant;n. un. (or) sg.

dibbacakkhu (clairvoyance, higher-knowledge (of)

eye); ;dibbacakkhu (jasnovidnost, vy-znalost
devotee, male;( );ctitel (podporovatel mnicha);sg. oka);n. Bh. P. cakkhu-abhi (eye higher-knowledge)
mn. P. dyaka (= supporter)
dictatorship (system (of) ordering
devotee, female (female-supporter);( );ctitelka
(podporovatelka mnicha);f. mn. P. dyaka (= supporter)

devout, be;;oddan, bt;I

devout, be: (I) am extremely devout to religion.;:

;oddan: Jsem nesmrn
oddan (svmu) nboenstv.;
Dhamma (of the Buddha, great truth); ;Dhamma
(Buddhy, ohromn pravda);n. Bh.
Dhamma (the Buddha's teachings);;Dhamma (Buddhovo
uen);n. Bh.
Dhamma preachings (conducted by lay people, Dhamma
event);( );Dhamma pednesy (veden laiky,
Dhamma udlost);sg.
Dhamma, friend in; ;Dhamm, ptel v;n.
Dhamma, truth of (the teachings of the Buddha);
;Dhammy, pravda (uen Buddhy);n. P. Dhamma (=

lord); ;dikttorstv (systm naizujcho

pna);n. P. (= command, authority) Mo. [cwot]

dictatorship: (We) just have to struggle more in a country of

dictatorship like is this.; :
;dikttorsk reim: V zemi
dikttorskho reimu jako je tato, se musme holt vc
dictionary; ( );slovnk;sg. P. abhidhna (= name,
dictionary: Pali-English Dictionary; : -
;slovnk: Pli-Anglick Slovnk;n.
dictionary: The secretary is putting the dictionary on the
table.; :
;slovnk: Sekretka pokld slovnk na stl.;cont.

dictionary: whole the dictionary; :

Dhamma, truths of: May (you) be able to come and realize the ;slovnk: cel slovnk;
die; ;zemt umt;I pol. (or) I (or) T
the truths of Dhamma preached by the Noble Buddha, by
knowledge and coming to knowledge of five aggregates
die ( ~ pass away): (They) do not live any more. (Both parents)
through knowledge of what is written.;:
have passed away.;: ;umt ( ~
T net): U neij. (Oba rodie) u zemeli.;p.p. pol.
T T ;Dhammy, pravda: K jsi schopen
die (be-attacked (and) be-destroyed); ;umt (btdojt a pochopit pravdy Dhammy pednesen Vzneenm
napaden (a) bt-znien);I
Buddhou, znalost a dosaenm znalosti pti skupin (osoby)
die (die (and) finish);;zemt (zemt (a) skonit);I
skrze znalost toho, co je psno.;w. pol.
die: I am hungry to death. (I am being hungry by stomach
Dhamma: (He) respects the Dhamma.;:
;Dhamma: Ct Dhammu.;col.

Dhamma: (They) are my teachers to give me knowledge of

;Dhamma: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali znalost
Dhamma: Dhamma factors;:
;Dhamma: Dhamma faktory;writ.

about to death.);:
;smrt: Jsem k smrti hladov. (Mm hlad
aludkem asi-tak k smrti.);cont. uw.
die: What they believe is, that finally (it) disappears and they
will (simply) die.;:
emu v, tak (prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni)
(prost) zemou.;pol.

Dhamma: If (I) want to listen to the Dhamma, (I) listen.;: differ;T ;liit se;I
;Dhamma: Kdy chci poslouchat Dhammu, tak differ (differ (and) be-different);T;liit se (liit-se (a) liitposlouchm.;col.
Dhamma: listen to Dhamma;: ;DHamma:
poslouchat Dhammu;

difference (be-different (and) stop {nouner});T ;rozdl

(bt-odlin (a) zastavit {jmenec});n.

Dhamma: May (you) be able to practise the Dhamma

difference (differ (and) vary {nouner}); T ;rozdl (liit-se
much.;: ;Dhamma: K jsi (a) odliovat-se {jmenec});n.
schopen praktikovat Dhammu hodn.;pol.


different;T;jin;adj. col.

jakkoliv pote.;writ.

different, be;;liit se;I

difficulty;T( ) ( );pot;sg.

different, be (not be-same);;jin, bt (ne bt-stejn);I

difficulty (difficult difficulty); ;pot (tk pot);n.

different, be (not same (or) similar);; odlin, bt (ne

stejn (nebo) podobn) jin, bt (ne stejn (nebo)

difficulty, without;;obte, bez;adv.

difficulty: If you can overcome the difficulties, later (you) will be

able to live as a nun always (just) easily.; :
different, be (not same);;jin, bt (ne stejn);I
different, be (strange, different (and) different);T;jin, bt ;pot: Pokud doke pekonat (ty)
pote, pozdji bude schopn t jako mnika pod
(divn, odlin (a) odlin);I
different, be: In that is our country different.;:
;liit se: V tom se nae zem li.;col. difficulty: the difficulties that (you) will face; :
;pot: pote, kterm bude elit;
difficult; ;nron;adj.
diffident, be;;ostchat se;I
difficult, be; ;nron, bt obtn, bt nesnadn, bt
(nesnadn) nron, bt (nesnadn) tk, bt (nesnadn);I dig;;kopat (zem);T
dig: However, indeed, it is not right to want to drink clear water
difficult, be ((be) difficult (and) hard); ;nesnadn, bt
now, (if) the well (has been) dug now.;:
(nesnadn, (bt) nron (a) tk) tk, bt (nesnadn,
;kopat: Ale,
(bt) nron (a) tk) nron, bt (nesnadn, (bt)
vskutku, nen dobr chtt pt istou vodu te, (jestlie) byla
nron (a) tk);I
studna vykopna te.;prov.
difficult, be (difficult (and) difficult); ;obtn, bt

(bt-obtn (a) obtn) tk, bt (obtn, bt-obtn (a) dime of kyat (of Konbaung period);;desetnk iatu (z obdob
difficult, be (tiredness (is) big); ;nron, bt (nava dinner (afternoon eating);;veee (odpoledn jezen);n.
(je) velk);I

dinner (night eating);;veee (non jezen);n.

difficult, be: (It) is not difficult for me.; : dinner: (I thought), that (it would) be good, if I didn't eat
;tk, bt: Nen to pro m tk ( ~
dinner.;: () ;veee:
nron).;pol. um.
(Myslel jsem), e (by bylo) dobr, kdybych nejedl veei.;col.
difficult, be: (It) will be ( ~ become) difficult.; :
T ;nron, bt: Bude ( ~ stane se) (to) nron.;pol.

direct (point-out (the) way); ;smr, ukzat (poukzatna cestu) nasmrovat (poukzat-na cestu);T

difficult, be: difficult words; :

;obtn, be: obtn slova;pl. writ.

direct (also one's mind, rotate ahead); ;namit (tak

vlastn mysl, otet dopedu);T

difficult, find something ((be of) big

tiredness); ;nron, shledat nco ((bt) velk

direct (an army, subdue (and) look-after); ;kontrolovat

(armdu, krotit (a) starat-se-o);T

difficult, find sth.: I don't find it difficult.; :

;nron, shledat nco: Neshledvm to
difficult: (It) is not difficult.; : ;tk: Nen (to)
difficult: According to what he says, this book is not
difficult.; : T ;nron:
Podle toho, co k, tato kniha nen nron.;pol.
difficult: Because (I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be
difficult.; : TT ;nron:
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut.
difficult: Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for
places (it) is difficult.); :
() ;tk: Protoe je tk najt msto.
(Protoe pro msta je (to) nron.);pol.
difficult: This book is too much difficult.; :
;nron: Tato kniha je pli nron.;

direct, be (head-straight (and) make-right); ;pm, bt

(jt-pmo-za (a) narovnat);adv.
direct: (He) directs (his) mind.; :
;zamovat: Zamuje (svou) mysl.;
direct: Tell me how to do it. (Give method (and) give
direction.); : ;nasmrovn: ekni
mi, jak to mm udlat. (Dej zpsob (a) dej
nasmrovn.);imper. pol.
direction; ;smr;n.
direction (directs (the) way); ;nasmrovn (ukazuje
direction: Come to (by) the street in front of Kamayut
Market.; : ;smr: Pij na
ulici ped Kamyo trhem.;imper. pol.
direction: Go North along the Sule pagoda road.; :
T ;smr: jdi severn
podl ulice Sule pagody.;imper. pol.

direction: Go this direction.; : ;smr: Jdte tmto

difficulties (difficulties (and) hassles); ;pote (pote smrem.;imper. pol.
(a) tkosti);
direction: Mandalay mountain is in North direction from the
difficulties: (He) can overcome whatever difficulties.; : moat.; : T ;smr:
;pote: Doke pekonat
Mandalajsk hora je na sever od (toho) vodnho pkopu.;pol.


direction: to the direction of various places; :

() ; smr: smrem k rznm mstm;col.

;zmizet: Zmizel a u se nikdy (znovu)

neobjevil.;p.s. pol.

direction: Turn left at Anawyatha road.; : disappointed, be (mind (is) destroyed); ;zklaman, bt
;smr: (A bude) v Anoyath ulici, zato v
(mysl (je) znien);I
levo.;imper. pol.
disappointed, be (mind (is) dirty); ;nespokojen, bt
directly; ;rovn (za nosem);adv. col. (or) adv.
(mysl (je) zapinn);I
disappointed, be (mind made-turbid (and)
directly (brush (and) strike);;pmo (kartovat (a)
entwined); T ;zklaman, bt (mysl zkalen
(a) zapleten);I
directly (head-straight (and) makeright); ( );pmo (jt-pmo-za (a)

disappointed, be (mind (is) received

dirty); ;nespokojen, bt (mysl (je) pijata

directly (in front (and) directly); ;rovn (za nosem, disappointed: On days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend to ( ~
dopedu (a) pmo);adv.
have) keep (the right) mindfulness.; :
;nespokojen: Ve
directly (to in-front straightly); ;rovn (za
dnech nespokojenosti mm (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou)
nosem, do pedu rovn);adv. writ.
directly: (He) does not use ( ~ "hold) money directly. (may be vmavost.;pol.
used as a description of any monk, who does not use
money);: ;pmo: Pmo penze
nepouv ( ~ "nedr). (lze bt pouito jakoto popis
kterhokoliv mnicha, kter nepouv penze;pol. mn.

discard; ;odhodit;T

director's assistent (supporting hand (of) leader (to) direct

(and) be-listened
{nouner}); (
);editele, asistent (pomocn ruka vedoucho (kter)
ukaje-smr (a) je-poslouchn {jmenec});sg.

(omezen (a) omezen) kze (omezen (a) omezen);n.

dirty, be;;pinav bt;I

discourse (Buddhist preaching, preserved in Pi

language);( ) (
);promluva (Buddhistick promluva, uchovan v Pi
jazyce);sg. (discourse, verse) Bh. lit. P. sutta (= Buddha's
preaching) (or) sg. (discourse, verse) Bh. lit. P. suttanta (=
Buddha's preaching)

discard (push-aside (and) reject); ;odloit (odstritstranou (a) odmtnout);T

disciple; ( );ue;sg. (mn.)

directly: (He) got up from the bed and went ( ~ "came) directly disciple (wisdom learning); ( );k
to the computer.; : T
(moudrost uc-se);sg.
;pmo: Vstal z postele a el hned ( disciple (a monk, disciple (and)
~ "pmo) k potai.;p.s. writ.
disciple); ( );k (o mnich, k (a)
director (leader (to) direct (and) be-listened
k);mn. P. svaka (= disciple, listener)
{nouner});( );editel (vedouc disciple (f.); ( );uednice;f.
(kter) ukaje-smr (a) je-poslouchn {jmenec});sg.
discipline (training, limit (and) limit); ;disciplna

dirty, be (surrounded (by) dirt); ;pinav, bt

(obklopen pnou);I
dirty, be (about words);;sprost, bt (o sprostch
dirty, be (about words): (He) violently shouts (with) dirty
words.;: ( ~ )
( ~
);sprost, bt (o slovech): Nsilnicky ki sprost
dirty, be: Before washing the clothes, (it) is dirty.; :
;pinav, bt: Ne se
prdlo vypere, je pinav.;
dirty: His clothes is very dirty.; :
;pinav: Jeho obleen je velice pinav.;col.
disappear (be-lost, be-void (and)
(go)); ();zmizet (bt-ztracen, bt-prost (a)
disappear (be-lost, hide (and) (go)); ();zmizet
(bt-ztracen, schovat-se (a) (jt));T
disappear: (It) disappeared and never appeared
again.; :

discontented, be; T;nespokojen, bt;I

discourse (Pi sutta (which is) great); ;promluva
(Pi sutta(~promluva) (kter je) ohromn);n. Bh. P. pi-sutta
(= Pi discourse)

discourse (preaching of the Buddha, great

truth); ;promluva (pednes Buddhy, ohromn
pravda);n. Bh.
discourse (written down, sutta);T ;promluva
(zapsan, sutta);n.
discourse (written down): But if we examine the whole three
piakas, we come across some discourses that are of
commentarial nature.;T :
T ;promluva
(zapsan): Ale pokud prozkoumme cel ti piaky, narazme
na nkter promluvy, kter jsou komenttorskho
discourse of Dhamma (the Buddha's
teaching);( );promluva Dhammy (uen


discourse: (They) recite Pi suttas also at home.; :

T ;diskuze: Pestoe
jsme dve dlali dramata (a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v
Recituj pi promluvy tak doma.;
tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.
discourse: The discourses with more details preached by the
Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which
is referred to in Sratthadpan.; : T

;promluva: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
discourses (of the Law, the Dhamma, preach law {nouner}
{pl.});T ;promluvy (Zkona, Dhammy, kzat
zkon {jmenec} {mn..});pl. mn. Bh. writ.
discover (meet-with);; objevit (setkat-se-s);T
discuss (ask mutually);T ;diskutovat (ptt-se

disease;;choroba;n. P. roga (= sickness)

disease (have-fever (or) be-hurt {nouner});;choroba
(mt-horeku (nebo) bt-zrann {jmenec});n. writ.
dish (buttressing flower); ( );ndob (je-oporou
disheartened, be (mind (is) broken); ;deprimovan, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena);I
dishonest, be (twisted (and) curled); ;neestn, bt
(pokroucen (a) zakroucen);I
disinherit (inheritance breaks);T ;vyddit (ddictv (je)
dismal, be (about situation, mind (is)
poor); ;pochmurn, bt (o situaci, mysl (je) chud);I

disown (of sb. or sth.);

;zici se (nkoho nebo neho);T
dispensary (medicine shop);( );lkrna
(obchod lk);sg.

discuss (request seriously (and) see); ;projednvat displaced, be;; pemstn, bt;I
(vyadovat vn (a) dvat-se);T
disposable, be (also about a room in a hotel, can (be)
discuss (sb.'s questions request for-sure); ;diskutovat
taken);;dispozici, bt k (tak o pokoji v hotelu, me
(n otzky, dat urit);T
(bt) brt);I
discuss: (We) will discuss just when (you) are free.;:
dispute;T ;spor;n.
;povdat si: Popovdme si hned jak
disrobed, be (for monks, sex falls); [lei~c<];disrobovan,
bude voln.;fut. pol.
bt (o mnich, pohlav pad);I
discuss: (You) can discuss, (you) can ask freely (and)
;diskutovat: Me voln a blzce
diskutovat (a) ptt se.;pol.

dissatisfied, be; T;nespokojen, bt;I

discuss: Surely, we will continue in discussing tomorrow

also.;: T
;povdat si: Ztra si budeme urit
dle povdat.;fut. um. col.

dissolve (in liquid); ;rozpustit (v tekutin);T


dissimilar, be (not same);();odlin, bt (ne stejn);I

dissimilar, be (strange, different (and) different);T;odlin,
bt (divn, odlin (a) odlin);I
distance (detachment (and) distance);;vzdlenost
(oddlen (a) vzdlenost);n.
distance, in;;v dlce;adv.

distance, in a reasonable (in not near not

discussion (discuss {nouner});T ;diskuze (diskutovat
far);;vzdlenosti, v rozumn (v ne daleko ne
discussion (of many people); ( );diskuze
distance, in a reasonable: (It) should be in a reasonable
(mnoha lid);sg.
distance behind the Burmese orchestra.;:
discussion (public); ( );diskuse (veejn);sg.
;vzdlenosti, v rozumn: Mlo by
discussion: Can we continue in the discussion?;:
(to) bt v rozumn vzdlenosti za Barmskm orchestrem.;col.
;diskuze: Meme pokraovat v
distance, in a reasonable: (It) should be in a reasonable
distance from the Burmese orchestra.;:
discussion: Let's finish the (writing) discussion,
(indeed.);: ( ~
);diskuze: (Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o)

;vzdlenosti, v rozumn: Mlo by

(to) bt v rozumn vzdlenosti od Barmskho orchestru.;col.
distinct; ;zeteln;adj.

distinct (in speech), be;;zeteln, bt;I

discussion: That is why this discussion has been
distinct, be (break explicitly);T ;zeteln, bt (rozbt
(arranged).; :
T ;diskuze: A (prv) proto je (zde tato)
distinct, be (of speech): (Your) Burmese (language talking) is
so distinct!;: T ;zeteln, bt (o
discussion: Though previously we did dramas (and) music
mluven): (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem mluven)
competitions, this time ( ~ as for happening this time) we are
je tak zeteln!;col.
going to have ( ~ hold) discussion.; :
distinguish (keep-separate (as) parts);T;rozliit (nechat T


oddlen (coby) sti);T

(nco pro nkoho) (dt): Peti mi tuto knihu. (Pro m tuto

disturb (stir (and) intertwine); ;vyruovat (rozruovat knihu ti (a) dej.);imper. pol. um.
(a) propltat(-se);T
do (for sb.) (give): Tell him for me. (To him tell (and)
give.);: T;udlat (nco pro nkoho) (dt):
disturb: (I) am sorry for disturbing (you). (may be used in the
ekni mu za m. (Jemu ekni (a) dej.);imper. pol.
beginning of a conversation);:
;ruit: Omlouvm se, e rum. (lze pout na
zatku konverzace);pol.

do (for sb.): What can ( ~ "should) (I) do for you?;:

;udlat (pro nkoho): Co pro (tebe) mohu ( ~
"musm) udlat?;inter. fut.

disturb: You shouldn't disturb him.; :

;vyruovat: Neml bys ho (ty) vyruovat.;fr. do (perform);;dlat (vykonat);T writ. P. kiriya (= action, deed)
dive (pierce (by) diving); ;potpt se (propichovat rare
potpnm-se);T E. diving

do (sth. for living);;dlat (nco pro ivot);T

dive: The man is going to dive in the sea.; : ( Do not ..; - ;Nedlej ..;pref. & suff. imper.
~ ) ;potpt
do the washing up;;mt ndob);T
se: (Ten) mu se chyst potpt v moi.;fut.
do work, to: Monitor is the part of computer (which), for doing
diverse (many (and) various);T;rozlin (mnoho (a) work, (makes) forms real.; :
;dln prce, pro: Monitor je st potae,
diverse, be in;; rozlin, bt;I
(kter), pro dln prce, ('uvd) tvary ve skutenost.;pol.
divert: (It) may divert.; :

;odchlit: Mohlo by se do, that one has to: Do just the things that you have to
to odchlit.;
do.;: ;prci, co m jeden na:
Dlej jen to, co m na prci.;imper. pol.
divide; ;dlit rozdlit;T
divide (keep-separate (as) parts);T;rozdlit (nechatoddlen (coby) sti);T

do, what to: Do what (you) have to do.;:

;dlat, co: Dlej co m dlat.;imper. pol. col.

divide: Please, divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and)
give).;: ;rozdlit:
Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko na tyi sti ((a)
dejte).;imper. pol.

do: (I) am doing each little by little.;:

T T ;dlat: Dlm kad po troce.;

divided, be;;rozdlen, bt;I

divine eye (clairvoyance, higher-knowledge (of)
eye); ;bosk oko (jasnovidnost, vy-znalost
oka);n. Bh. P. cakkhu-abhi (eye higher-knowledge)
division;( );sek;sg.
division (region): Although these states and divisions are
divided, all Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live
together.;: T
;sprvn oblast: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a
sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti
Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;
division (region): Then (there) also may be seen Sagaing,
Taninthari, Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Yangon and
;region (divize):
Pak je mon (tam) uvidt Sikain, Tanentr, Pegh (Bago),
Magv, Mandal (Mandalaj), region Rangnu (a) region
Ejwadi (Iravadi).;pol.
division: (It) is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~
live) together.;: T T
;region: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony jsou
( ~ ij) spolu.;pol.
do; ;dlat udlat;T
do (for sb.) (give): (They) wash (them) hair. ((They) give
(them) hair washing.);: ;udlat (pro
nkoho) (dt): Umvaj (jim) vlasy.;pol.
do (for sb.) (give): Read me this book. (For me this book
read (and) give.);: ;udlat

do: (I) can start to do anything (I) like.;:

T ;dlat: Mohu zat dlat
cokoliv chci ( ~ "mm-rd).;pol.
do: (I) happened to do;: T ;udlat: stalo se, e
(jsem) udlal;p.s.
do: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never heard (and they)
are doing how they want to do.;:
T ;dlat: Vyhls
zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce
do: as (I) do (it) usually;: ;dlat: jako (to)
tak obvykle dlm;
do: As (things) don't happen according to how (you) do them,
(you) should do (things) as (they) happen.;:
T T ;dlat: Ponvad se (vci)
nedj podle (toho) jak (je) dl, mla bys (je) dlat (podle
toho,) jak se dj.;imper. pol. prov.
do: Don't do (it) any more!;: ;dlat: U to
nedlej!;imper. pol.
do: How will you do (it)?;: ;dlat: Jak to
udl?;inter. col.
do: If one does oneself one will get it.;:
;dlat: Kdy si (to) jeden udl sm, tak to (tak)
sm dostane.;prov.
do: Really, do as (you) like.;: ;dlat:
Hele, dlej jak chce.;imper. col.
do: Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing again and
again (one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
knowledge.);: T
;dlat: Opakovn je matkou moudrosti. (Dln znovu a
znovu (jeden-po-druhm) je (prost) matkou sprvn



njakho psa;

do: that, what I did;: ;dlat: to, co jsem


dokud .. nebude; -:until .. will not;suff.;

do: What are (you) doing?;: ;dlat: Co


doll (image);( );panenka (zobrazen);sg. P. rpa (=

matter, form, body)
Dollar;( );dolar;sg. E. Dollar

do: What are the things ( ~ "works) that (you) happen to do

every day?;: T ;dlat: Co dl
kad den? (Jak prce se stane, e dl kad den?);inter.

Dollar bill; ;dolarov bankovka;n.

do: What do (you) plan to do today?;:

;dlat: Co m dnes v plnu (dlat)?;inter. col.

Dollar: four Dollars;: ;dolar: tyi dolary;

do: whatever (you) do;: ;dlat: cokoliv udl;

zvata (zvata narozen doma);n. P. tiracchna (= animal)

Dollar bill: Will you ( ~ sir) have change, because I cannot

exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.; :

do: What did you do?;: ;dlat: Co jsi
;dolarov bankovka: Budete mt (pane) drobn,
dlal(a)?;inter. col.
protoe j nemohu smnit sto dolarovou bankovku.;fut. inter.
do: What do (you) plan to do in future?;: uw.
( ~ );dlat: Co
Dollar: a bill worth of one Dollar;:
plnuje dlat v budoucnu?;inter.
;dolar: bankovka hodnoty jednoho dolaru;
Dollar: fourty Dollars;: ;dolar: tyicet
do: What is the son (still) doing?;:
( ~ );dlat: Co (n) Dollar: ten Dollars;: ;dolar: deset dolar;
syn (stle) dl?;inter. lett.
domain (of existence);( );sfra (existence);sg.
do: What is your job? (What work are (you) doing?);:
domestic (in the country, in country);T ;domc (v
;dlat: Jak je (vae) zamstnn? (Jakou zemi, ve stt);adj.
prci dlte?);inter. cont.
domestic animals (house born animals); ;domc
DOC (and others, like TXT, ODT etc., file (of) kind (of) kind
(of) written-lines (and) writingleaf); ( );DOC (a dal, jako
TXT, ODT atd., soubor druhu druhu psanch-linek (a)
popsanho-listu);sg. E. file
dock (ship port);;pstav (lodn pstav);n.
doctor (master (in) responsibilities); (
);doktor (mistr (v) zodpovdnostech);sg.
doctor: As a doctor, he should cure sick people.; :
;doktor: Coby
doktor, ml by lit nemocn lidi.;

dominate; ;panovat ovldat;T un. (or) T

dominate (rule (and) hold-over-head);;panovat (vldnout
(a) dret-nad-hlavou);T
Don't ; - ;Ne ..;pref. & suff. imper.
don't: Don't be shy. (Eat as much as you like.); - :
;ne: (Snz) kolik chce. (Nesty se.);pol.
don't: Don't sit there.; - : ;zna negativn pkaz:
Nesedejte si tam.;imper. pol.
don't: Don't smoke while walking on the street.;, :
;ne: Neku kdy chod po

doctor: He is working as a doctor in this city.; : donate (in a religious way);;darovat (nboenskm
T ;doktor: (On) v tomto mst zpsobem);T
pracuje jakoto doctor.;pol.
donate (in a religious way): (They) go to monasteries and
doctor: U Zaw Win is a doctor.; :
(religiously) offer water.;:
;doktor: U Z Wen je doktor.;pol.
;darovat (nboenskm zpsobem): Jdou do
documentary, be (is (a) news
klter a (nboenskm zpsobem) daruj vodu.;pol.
recording); T ;dokumentrn, bt (je
donate: As for some, (they religiously) donate morning meal (to
zaznamenvajc novinky);I
monks during alms-round).;:
doddle (easy task, easy child);;lehrna (CZ col., ;darovat: A co se te nkterch, (ti) daruj rann
snadn kol, snadn dt);n.
potravu (mnichm bhem almun obchzky).;pol.
does not; - - - donated;;darovan;adj.
;ne- nikoliv;suff. spis.. (or) suff. (or) suff. pol. (or) pref. donated: (He) collects donated money.;:
col. (or) pref. & suff. col. pol. (or) pref. & suff. col. (or) interj.
;darovan: Vybr darovan penze.;
(or) pref. & suff. spis.
donation, ask for (receive donation);;dar, dat o

does, what one (work {nouner});;dl, co nkdo (dlat (dostat dar);T

donation, receive (receive donation);;dar, dostat
dog;( ) ( );pes;sg.
(dostat dar);T
dog: The dog is uglier than the cat.;:
donation, receive: Collecting means, (that I) go to (my) friends
;pes: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne (ta) koka.;
and ask (them) to donate money ( ~ "to receive donation of
dog: tongue of a dog;: ;pes: jazyk



;dar, dostat: Vybrn znamen, e

chodm za pteli a dm je aby darovali penze ( ~ "abych
dostal dar penz).;

tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.

donkey;T ( );osel;sg.

draw (pull); ;thnout;T

door;( ) (
);dvee;n. (or) sg.
door (room's door); ;dvee (pokojov dvee);n.
door of car (car's door);( );dvee od auta
(dvee auta);sg.
door: repair door (of a) room;: T ;dvee:
opravit dvee (od) pokoje.;
dormitory (building); ;ubytovna (budova);n.
dorsum (back, back's surface);T ( );zda (povrch
dot; ( );teka;sg.
dot (dot, dot); T ( T );teka (teka,
doubt;;pochybnost;n. P. sasaya (= doubt)

draw; ;kreslit;T
draw (picture); ;kreslit;T
draw near to sb. (approach, come-close (and) come
towards); -;pijt k (nkomu, piblit-se, pijtbl (a) pijt k);T
draw: (He) draws a picture.; :

;kreslit: Kresl obraz.;

dream (sleeping dreaming); ( );sen (spav
dream (v.): May (you) dream beautiful dreams. (May (you)
beautifully dream dreams.); : ;snt: K
sn krsn sny. (K krsn sn sny.);w. pol.
dream: (I) am again and again dreaming (dreams).; :
;sen: Znovu a znovu (snm) sny.;
dream: May (you) dream beautiful dreams. (May (you)
beautifully dream dreams.); : ;sen:
K sn krsn sny. (K krsn sn sny.);w. pol.

doubt: I have no doubt. (I have not even a little

doubt.);: ;pochybnost:
Nemm nejmen pochybnosti. (Nemm ani malou

dreaming (person); ;snc (lovk);n.

dough stick (deep-fried and twisted, curved this (which)

takes-time);( );tstovinov klacek (hluboko
smaen a zakroucen, zatoen tohle (kter)

dress (of sport etc., same, equal complete

dress); ( ) ;dres (sportovn atd., stejn, stejn
kompletn odv);sg.

down; ; dol;adv. writ.

down there; ;dole;adv.
down: get (to) down (from) car; :
;dol: vystoupit (dol) (z) auta;writ.

dress; ;oblci se oblknout si;T P. vattha (= cloth) (or) T

dress (complete clothes); ( );oblek (kompletn

dress: I search clothes to dress.; :

;oblci se: Hledm obleen k obleen.;
dress: The sportsmen in white dress (are) losing the
game.; : T
;dres: Sportovci v blm dresu prohrvaj hru.;

downhearted, be (mind (is) broken); ;sklen, bt

(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena);I

dried (about food);T ;suen (o jdle);adj.

downstairs (in level down); ;poschod ne, o

(ve stupni ne) dol (tj. o poschod ne, ve stupni

drink (water); ;pt (vodu);T

drink; ;pt;T
downhearted, be (strength (is) low); ;sklen, bt (sla drink (of fruit etc., dissolved liquid); ;npoj (ovocn atd.,
(je) nzko);I
rozputn tekutina);n.
download (drag download); ;stahovat

(z Internetu, drink (sweet and carbonated, Britain juice); ;npoj

stahovat download);T E. download
(sladk a perliv, Britsk dus);n.

dowry, give (put (and) request); ;vno, dt (poloit

(a) dat);T
dowry, give: Give dowry of coconut (tray) (and) banana
tray.; : ;vno, dt: Dej
vno tcu kokos (a) (tcu) bann.;imper. col.
drag; ;vlet;T
drama;T ( );drama;sg.

drama (shown drama);T ( ) ;drama (ukzan

drama: Though previously we did dramas (and) music
competitions, today ( ~ as for happening this time) we are
going to have ( ~ hold) discussion.;T :

T ;drama: Pestoe
jsme dve dlali dramata (a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v

drink (water): Cat is drinking water.; :

;pt (vodu): Koka (prv te) pije
drink alcohol (drink alcohol (and) alcohol);
;pt alkohol (pt alkohol (and) alkohol);n. P. sur (=
alcohol), A. araq
drink, cool (sth.-cool);;npoj, chlazen (ncochladnho);n.
drink: (He) does not drink alcohol.; :
;pt: Nepije alkohol.;col.
drink: drink soup; : ;jst ( ~ pt): jst (
~ pt) polvku;
drink: I will eat as well as drink.; :
;pt: Budu jst a tak pt.;col.
drink: What will you drink today?; :
;pt: Co budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw.
drinks: Drinks, such as Coca Cola, beer etc.; :


;npoje: Npoje jako Coca dry, be (be-dry (and) dry);T ; such, bt (bt-such (a)
Cola, pivo atd.;
drive (drive car); ;dit (dit auto);T
drive (a car); ;dit (auto) jet (dit auto);T
drive away; ;odehnat;T
drive out (remove (and) throw); ;vyhnat (odstranit (a)

dry: After washing the clothes, (he) hangs the clothes in order
to dry (it).;T : T
;suit: Po vyprn obleen, v ( ~ povj [CZ col.])
(to) obleen aby (je) usuil.;

dr: Trousers are dry.;T :

drive: At night, the cars normally turn on the lights (and) go ( ~ T ;such: Kalhoty jsou such.;
Dublin (town in Ireland); () [dubli~];Dublin (msto
drive).; : T

;dit: V noci auta obvykle rozsvt
duck (boy); ( );kaer (chlapec) kachna
svtla (a) jedou ( ~ d).;writ.
drive: Continue to drive straight ahead.; :
;dit (auto): Pokrauj v zen pmo za

drive: The car's speed is 40 kms per hour. (Car drives with
rate (of) 40 kilometers (per) an hour.); :
;dit: Rychlost auta je 40
km za hodinu. (Auto d s rychlost 40 kilometr (za) jednu
driver;( );idi;sg. E. driver

duck (stomach-boy); ( );kaer (bichatchlapec);sg.

duck egg; ( );kachn vejce;sg.
duck meat ); ;kachn maso );n.

duck: a duck in a lake; : ;kachna:

kachna v jezee;
duck: Duck is swimming in the river.; : T
;kaer: Kaer plave v ece.;cont.

driver (car driving person); ( );idi (auto due (time falls);;trvat (dobu, as pad);I
idc osoba);sg.
due to; ;kvli z dvodu, e;conj. (or) suff.
driver (person who drives
due to that;;kvli tomu;suff.
car); ( );idi (osoba, kter d
due, be (suitable, suitable (and) great); ;patin, bt
(vhodn (a) ohromn);I
drool;;slintat;T sl.

drool: (Oh) (big) world ... warmth has come ... (I)'m drooling.
(may be said by men when they see a beautiful girl);:
... ... ;slintat: (Ach ty) (velk)
svte ... je (njak) teplo (pilo teplo) ... slintm. (me bt
eeno mui, kdy vid hezkou slenu);jk. sl.
drop;( ) ( ) ( )
;upadat upustit kapka pustit;I (or) T (or) sg.
drop (get-loose (and) fall); ;upadat (uvolnit (se a)
drop (from hands, get-free (and) fall);;vypadnout (z
rukou, uvolnit-se (a) padat);I
drop: The dropped glass jug did not get broken.;:
;upustit: Uputn sklenn
konvice se nerozbila.;
drug (medicine, medicinal bamboo-plant (?));;medicna
(liv bambusov-rostlina);n.
drug (medicine);( );medicna;sg.
drum;( );buben;sg.
drum (double-handed);( ) ( );buben
drunk, be;;opil, bt;I sl.

dug: Therefore, according to the (king's) decree, having dug the

embarkment, majesty should see.;:
;proto: Proto, dle (krlova)
rozkazu, vsost by se (na to) mla podvat po vykopn toho
dumpling, Chinese (wonton, hug (and)
bundle); ( );knedlk, nsk (wonton, obejmout (a)
duplicate (same idea);;duplikt (stejn npad);n. P.
mittha (= idea)
durian (1-3 kg weighing large fruit with thorn-covered husk of
genus Durio, fruit (of) knee base); ( );durian
(1-3 kg vc velk ovoce s ostanatnou slupkou, ovoce
zkladu kolena);sg.
during; ;bhem
za (bhem);suff. prep. writ. (or) prep. (or) adv. (or) adv. writ.
during (for);;bhem (pro);suff. col.

during (while in); ;bhem (zatmco v);prep. (or)

prep. writ.
during: (I) still haven't been sleeping (during) this
night.;: ;bhem: Jet jsem
(bhem thle noci) nespal.;pol. col.

drunk, be (also about one's pride etc., (be) drunk (and)

intoxicated); ;opil, bt (tak o vlastn pe atd., (bt)
opil (a) opojen);I

during: Also during work (he) reads.; :

;bhem: Tak bhem prce (si) te.;col.

drunk, get (drink alcohol (and) alcohol);

;opjet se (pt alkohol (and) alkohol);n. P. sur (=
alcohol), A. araq

during: during doing it;: ;bhem: bhem

dln toho;adv.

dry, be;T ; such, bt;I


during: during childhood; : ;bhem: bhem dtstv;

during: during making this; :

;bhem: bhem dln tohoto;writ.

during: during that work; : :

;bhem: bhem t prce; (or) writ.

vzrstu, bt (o lovku, vzhledem krtk);I

dwell; ;pobvat;T

during: during the last three and a half years;:

dwell (dwell (and) dwell); ;pebvat (zstvat,
;bhem: bhem poslednch t a pl let;writ. pebvat (a) pebvat);T
during: During the reign of king Naung, Myanmar (country)
dwell (stay (and) take-refuge); ;pebvat (zstvat (a)
became ( ~ came to become) a united and strong
country.;: T
dwell (about monks use uposatha
precepts); ;pobvat (o mnich uvat pravidel ;za: Za vldy krle Nauna se
uposathy);T mn. P. sta (= coolness)
Myanmarsk stt stal sjednocenou a silnou zem.;p.s. writ.
dwell (about monks); (from

during: during these three days;: ;bhem: );pobvat (o mnich);T WS.

bhem tchto t dn;
dwell (about monks): the current place of dwelling (and)
during: It took place during the king Abhaya's reign, during
;pobvat (o
staying; :
writing down the Tipiaka together with the
mnich): ptomn msto pobvn (a) byt;n.
commentaries.; :
dwell (be accommodated, dwell (and) take

refuge); ;pobvat (bt ubytovn, pobvat (a) brtT ;bhem: Stalo se to bhem vldy krle Abhaya, ochranu);I
bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s komenti.;p.s. writ.
dwell (for monks): Where are you dwelling?; :
dusk, be (sky (is) bound); ;setmn, bt (nebe (je)
Dutch; ;holandsk;adj.

;pobvat (o mnich): Kde pobv?;inter.


dynastie: U Aung Zeyya, having accepted the title Alaung Min

Taya ( ~ future king (of) law) (and) started (and) founded the
Dutch: (I) am of Dutch nationality.; :
dynasty Kounbaun.; :
;holandsk: Jsem holandsk nrodnosti.;pol.

duties: Sometimes, there may be also duties, of which carrying ;dynastie: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu
them out together by men and women is advantageous.;:
Alaun Men Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a)

zaloil dynastii Kounbaun.;writ.
;povinnosti: Nkdy jsou tak povinnosti, dynasty; ( );dynastie;sg.
jejich vykonn mui i enami pospolu je vhodn.;pol.
dynasty (connect kings); ( );dynastie (spojit
Dutch nationality; ;Holandsk nrodnost;n. E. Dutch

duty; ( ) ( );povinnost;sg. krle);sg.

P. kicca (or) n. P. kicca (= duty) (or) n. (or) sg. P. vatta (=
e-mail; ( ) ( ) ( ) (WS. from
) ( );e-mail;sg. E. mail (or) sg. E. e-mail
duty (duty (and) law);( );povinnost
e-mail: (One) can send e-mail (to (be)) more quickly than a
(povinnost (a) zkon);sg. P. vatta (= duty)
postcard.; :
duty (responsibility (and) burden); ( );povinnost
(zodpovdnost (a) zt);sg.

T T ;e-mail: Lze poslat e-mail, (aby

(byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;

duty (responsibility (and) duty (of)

e-mail: If you come to Delhi, indeed, send (me) an e-mail.;:
Dhamma); ;povinnost (zodpovdnost (a) povinnost ;e-mail: Pokud pijede do Dil, poli
Dhammy);n. P. vatta (= duty)
mi e-mail.;imper. pol.
duty (take responsibility {nouner}); T ;povinnost
(brt zodpovdnost {jmenec});sg.
each (about things, by one equally); ; kad (o
duty, fulfill a; ;povinnost, plnit;T P. vatta (= duty)

vcech, po jednom rovnomrn);n.

duty: Put the duty for me tot he last (place) and then carry it
;povinnost: Dej tu povinnost pro m na posledn
(msto) a pak ji vykonej.;imper. pol. col.

each (about things, by one thing); ;kad (o vcech,

po jedn vci);n.


each: (I) am doing each little by little.; :

T T ;kad: Dlm kad po troce.;

dwarfish man (short man);( );skitkovsk

mu (krtk mu);sg.
dwarfish man (shortly small);( );skitkovsk
mu (krtce mal);sg.
dwarfish man (shortness);T ( );skitkovsk mu
dwarfish, be (short (by) appearance);;trpasliho

each and every, in; ;kadikm,

v;adv. writ.

each: Each takes ( ~ lasts) four hours.;:

;kad: Kad trv tyi hodiny.;pol.
ear;( ) ( );ucho;sg.

ear (ear leaf);( );ucho (un list);sg.

ear (listening leaf);( );ucho (poslouchac list);sg.

ear: (I) was hearing (it) again and again in (my) ears.;:


;ucho: Poslouchal jsem (to) ;zem (planeta): Na zemi

znovu a znovu ve (svch) uch.;p.s. pol.
je sedm kontinent.;
earlier; ;pedtm;adv.
earliest (most early);;nejdvj (nejvce brzy)
nejranj (nejvce brzy);adj.
early (first (and) starting);;brzo (prve (a)
early (very early);;brzy (velice brzy);adv.
early, very (fairly in early (and) early); ;brzy,
velice (docela v brzy (a) brzy);adv.
early, very (in early (and) early);;brzy, velice
(v brzy (a) brzy);adv.
early, very: very early in the morning;:
;brzy, velice: velice brzy rno;
early: early in the morning (in the early part of
morning);: ;brzy: brzy rno (v brzsk
sti rna);adv.
early: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with)
broom).;: T
;brzy: Brzy rno zamet (kottem).;cont.
early: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping the
rubbish.;: ;brzy:
Brzy rno zamet smet.;cont.
early: Prepare (to go) early.;: T ;brzo:
Piprav se (jt) brzy.;imper.
early: There (one) must get up (from bed) early in the
morning.;: ;brzo:
Tam se mus vstvat (z postele) brzy rno.;fut.
early: Yesterday early in the morning.;:
;brzy: Vera brzy rno.;

earth (world): Earth (world) will also get destroyed.;:

;zem (svt): Zem (svt) bude tak
earth, chunk of burnt (hard pure earth);T ;zem, kus
splen (tvrd ist zem);n.
Earth: 70 percent of Earth is covered by water
(expanse).;: T T
;Zem: 70 procent Zem je pokryto vodou (~
vodnm tvarem).;writ.
earthquake; ( ) (WS. from
);zemtesen;sg. (or) sg. WS.
earthquake (be-earthquake (and) shake
{nouner}); T ( );zemtesen (bt-zemtesen (a)
tst-se {jmenec});sg.
earthquake: Thought due to the earthquake, some have been
destroyed, many indeed remain.; :
Pestoe byly nkter znieny zemtesenm, mnoho se
vskutku dochovalo.;pol.
earthworm;( );ala;sg.
easily; ; snadno lehce;adv. (or) adj.
easily: After Tanyin fell, (he) could easily seize the
;snadno: Po tom, co Tanlyen
padlo, mohl snadno dobt Hantvad.;writ.
easiness (be-easy (and) assisting
{nouner});; jednoduchost (bt-snadn (a) pomocn

East (direction (of) front); ;vchod (smr

earn money (search (for) entering money); ;vydlvat pedku);n.
East: South-East Asia;: ;vchod:
penze (hledat vstupujc penze);T
Jihovchodn Asie;adv.
earnestly; ;svdomit;adv.
earn (money, get);;vydlvat (penze, dostat);T


earnings (writing (of) work);;vdlek (psan

earnings: 'Young' (means) unemployed age, (taking from)
parents' earnings.;:
;vdlek: 'Mlad' (znamen) nezamstnan vk, (bran
z) vdlku rodi.;pol.
earring );( );nunice (un kruh);sg.

ears (ear leafs {pl.});;ui (un listy {pl.});pl.

ears: The donkey has very long ears.;: T
;ui: Osel m velice dlouh ui.;

East: the river is in the East; :

T ;vchod: eka je na vchod;

easy ( ~ "calm): Take it easy. ((It) has been calm.);:

;klid: Bu v klidu. (Bylo to v klidu.);p.p. col. pol.
easy task (easy child);;snadn kol (snadn
easy, be;;snadn, bt;I

easy, be (be-easy (and) assisting);;lehk, bt (btsnadn (a) pomocn) snadn, bt (bt-snadn (a)


easy, be (be-easy (and) be-assisted);;snadn, bt

(bt-snadn (a) dostat-pomoc);I

earth (planet): On the earth there are seven continents.;:

eat; ;jst;col. (or) T (or) T col.

earth ( ~ "ground): This great earth ( ~ "ground) is even.;T: easy, sth.;;snadnho, nco;n.
easy: (It) will be no more easy.;: ;snadn:
T TT ;zem: Tato (velk) zem je
U to nebude snadn.;
easy: As for writing, it (was) easy.;:
earth (planet);;zem (planeta);n. P. kappa(?) (= aeon)
;snadn: Co se te psan, to bylo snadn.;pol.
Earth (planet);;Zem (planeta);n. P. kappa (= aeon)


eat (beat);;jst (bouchat);T col.


eat (bite); ;jst (kousat);T col.

eat: I eat slowly;: TT ;jst: Jm


eat (eat rice); ;jst (jst ri);T

eat: I secretly ate butter sitting near the fridge.;:

( ~
);mslo: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a) tajn
eat (about monks, (happen-to) give food);(T )
(T )(from );jst (o mnich, (stt-se) (e) dv jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
eat: I will eat as well as drink.;:
jdlo);T mn. P. bhujana (= food)
eat (about monks, give power);;jst (o mnich, dt ;jst: Budu jst a tak pt.;col.
eat (eat rice): (I asked) why are (you) eating rice?; :
;jst (jst ri): (Ptal jsem se) pro
(prv) j ri?;inter. col.

slu);T mn.

eat (about monks): (I) eat only one meal per day.;:
;jst (o mnich): Jm jen
jednou ( ~ "jedno jdlo) denn ( ~ "kad den).;pol. ubmn.
eat (about monks): eat lunch;: ;jst (o
mnich): obdvat (jst obd);v. mn.
eat (and) drink); ;jst (a) pt;v.

eat: I will eat noodles.;: ;jst: Budu jst


eat: What will you eat?;: ;jst: Co bude jst?;inter.

eating: He wants to compete in eating.;:
;jezen: Chce soutit v jezen.;pol.

eat (for monks): (I) am going to take a shower, and then (I) will
( ~ "am going to) have a meal.;:
;jst (o mnich): Jdu se osprchovat a pak
se jdu najst.;fut. ubmn.

economics (possess (and) develop

{nouner});;ekonomie (vlastnit (a) rozvjet {jmenec});n.

eat (for monks): (We) ate that just together.;:

T ( ~ T ) :
T ;jst (o mnich): Prv to jsme
jedli spolu.;p.s. pol.

economy (possess (and) grow {nouner});;ekonomie

(vlastnit (a) rst {jmenec});n.

eat (for monks): having eaten the breakfast;:

;jst (o mnich): po tom, co jsem sndl
sndani;p.p. mn.

editorials; ;vodnky;n. E. editor-board(?)

eat (Mandalay dialect, fill (with) oil);T ;jst (Mandalajsk

dialekt, plnit-se olejem);T col.
eat (with gusto);;jst (s chut);T col.

economy (possess (and) develop

{nouner});;ekonomika (vlastnit (a) rozvjet {jmenec});n.

edit (a text); ;editovat upravit (text);T

editor; ( );redaktor editor;sg. E. editor
editorials: Then, also, editorials and articles are still published
there.; :
;vodnky: A pak, vodnky a
lnky jsou tam stle publikovny.;pol.

education;;vzdln;n. P. paa (= wisdom, knowledge)

eat: (He) eats rice with chopsticks.;: ;jst: education (knowledge subject);;vzdln (zleitost
J ri nskmi hlkami.;
znalosti) vuka (zleitost znalosti);n. P. paa (=
eat: (I) am just eating. ((I) just happened to eat);:
wisdom, knowledge) (or) n. P. pa (= wisdom, knowledge)
T ;jst: Prv jm. (Stalo se, e prv jm.);col.
education: (He) is a person, who has carried out educational
eat: (I) don't want to eat anything.;: ;jst:
Nechci nic jst.;

duties in this town for many years and months.;:

eat: (I) don't want to eat.;: ;jst: Nechci jst.;pol. ;vyuovn: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala (
eat: (I) eat regularly.;: ;jst: Jm pravideln.;pol. ~ vykonvala vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a
eat: After eating, (he) washes (his) hands.; :
education: (He) started (his) education.;:
;jst: Po jdle ( ~ "jezen) si
;vzdln: Zaal sv vzdln.;
meje ruce.;writ.
eat: Do (you) have something to eat?;:
;jst: Mte nco k jdlu ( ~ jezen)?;inter.

eel (fish squirrel);(

);ho (ryb veverka);sg.

eat: Do not eat here.;: ;jst: Nejezte tady.;imper.

effect (good);;nsledek (dobr);n.

eat: Friend, what curry will you eat (it) with?;:

;jst: Pteli, s jakou omkou (to) bude
jst?;inter. fut. col.

effect of; ;nsledek;suff. n.

eat: Friend, when did you eat?;:

;jst: Pteli, kdy jsi jedl?;inter. p.s. um.
eat: He doesn't eat although he is hungry.;:
;jst: Pestoe m hlad, nej.;col.

effect;;efekt (pnos);n.

effect of: It is not proper to forget National Day as the effect of

patriotic awakening.; :
;nsledek: Nen sprvn zapomnat na
Nrodn Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.
effigy;( );socha (osoby);sg.

effort (reject strength {nouner});;sil (odmtnout

eat: I can't eat quickly.;: T : T slu {jmenec});n.
(possible answer to ) ;jst: Nemohu jst rychle.;pol.
effort (try (and) strive {nouner});;sil (snait-


se (a) usilovat {jmenec});n.

responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be carried out.; :

effort, make (make (and) do effort);;snait se

(vytvet (a) dlat sil);T

effort, make (strive, remove energy);;sil, vynaloit ;star (lovk): Jak (ji) ti star v, co se te
dnenho tmatu diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~
(usilovat, odstraovat energii);T
povinnosti) (na) zem mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne
effort, put forth;;sil, vynaloit;T
effort: put forth: (I) put forth effort to meditate.;:
;sil, vynaloit: vynakldm sil elder: the elder one among (one's) elder brothers;:
;star: star ze starch bratr;
abych meditoval;pol.
elders (who deserve respect, big people (and) big
effort: My strong determination helps me to continue in my
persons);;star lid (hodni cty, velc lid (a)
velk osoby);n.
T ;sil: Moje
pevn rozhodnut mi pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col. cont. elders (who deserve respect, big people (and) female
persons);;star lid (hodni cty, velc lid (a)
effortlessly;; snadno;adj.
ensk osoby);n.
egg;( );vejce;sg.
egg (+ chicken): (She) is frying the (chicken) egg in frying
pan.; : ;vejce (+
kuec): Sma vejce na ( ~ na) pnvi.;cont.
egg, chicken (chicken egg); ( );vejce, slepi
(kuec vejce) vajko, slepi (kuec vejce);sg.
egg: (She) is sprinkling salt over the (chicken) egg.; :
T ;vajko: Sype sl na (kuec)
eggplant (fruit (of) aubergine); ( );baklan
(ovoce lilku);sg.
eggs, lay;;vajka, klst;T
eight; ;osm;num.

eighth;;osm;num. P. ahama (= eighth)

eighth (of a colonial currencie's rupee, inch, acre);;osmina
(rupie z kolonilln ry, palce i akru);n.
either, or;T -T ;bu, a nebo;pron.
either, or: If there's enough ( ~ "contained) kamma, (I) may
happen to meet you either in Czech (Republic) or in
Yangon.;T -T : T
T T ;bu, a nebo: Jestli je dost ( ~
"obsaena) kamma, (pak) se me stt, e t potkm bu v
esku nebo v Rangnu.;pol.
elaborate (widely expand); ;vypracovat (rozvst,
iroce rozit);T
elaborated: give an elaborated explanation; :
T ;podrobn: podat podrobn
elbow (stiff stick); ( );loket (tvrd klacek);sg.
elder (relative);;star (sourozenec);adj.
elder (relative): Elder daughter is 14 years (old and) the
younger one ( ~ "daughter) is already 10 years (old).;:
- ;star
(sourozenec): Star dcei je 14 let (a) mlad ( ~ "dcei) je u
10 (let).;p.p.
elder monk (thera); ( );star mnich (thra);sg. P.
thera (= elder)

elders, pay: On the Thin-gyan days youth pay obeisance to the

elders (who) stay in the village.;:

;star lid: Ve dnech Tendanu mlad
uctvaj star lidi (kte) jsou ve vesnici.;pol.
elect (select (and) pick-up); ;zvolit (si, vybrat (a)
election (event (of) choosing (and) pickingup); ;volby (udlost vybrn (a) vyzvedvn);n.
election: (I) am the only independent candidate of the

election.; :
T ;volby: Jsem jedinm nezvislm
kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.
electric power; ;elektrick proud;n.
electricity (fire);;elektina (ohe);n.
electricity: As the electricity is not stable, the connection is not
good.;: ;elektina: Ponvad
nen elektina stabiln, spojen nen dobr.;col.
electricity: Electricity is down. (fire was destroyed);:
;proud: Vypli proud. (ohe byl znien);p.p.
electronic (shining (and) true); ;elektronick (ziv (a)
elegant, be (about one's speech or manners, pleasing (and)
wronging);TT ;elegantn, bt (o nch zpsobech i ei,
pjemn (a) chybujc);I
element; ;element;n. P. dhtu (= element)
elephant; ( ) ( );slon slon (zve);sg.
elephant: an elephant and a person; :
;slon: slon a lovk;
elevate;T ;pozdvihnout;T
elevated;;zdvihnut;suff. adj.
elevated, sth.;;nadzdvihnutho, nco;n.
eleven; ( );jedenct;num.
eleven: At eleven o'clock.; : ;jedenct: V
jedenct hodin.;adv.
eleven: until 11 o'clock at night; :
;jedenct: do jedencti hodin v noci;

elder: As the elders know, as for the today's discussion's topic, elite (line selected (by) hand); ;elita (ada
vybran rukou);n.
it is called By men, more than by ladies, the country


elite (people who (are) selected (and) established forsure); ;elita (lid kte (jsou)
vybran (a) ustanoven na-jisto);n.

(vyslaneck kancel) ambasda (vyslaneck kancel);n.

elite: As it was not possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin (as),

indeed, (they) had vehicles, modern weapons and help from
foreigners ( ~ people of other countries), by elite of ninetythree brave-ones, entering (and) attacking (there), (he)
conquered in the city.; :

T ;elita: Jeliko nebylo mon
proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), vskutku, mli
vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ lid z jinch
zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil (tam a) zatoil,
(a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.

embassy, Australian;;ambasda,
Australsk;name E. British

embassy, American; ;ambasda, Americk;name

E. British

embassy, British;;ambasda, Britsk;name E. British

embrace; ;obejmout;T
embryo (future son); ( );embryo
(budouc syn);sg.
emerald;T;smaragd;n. (or) n. un.
emerge;;vynoit se;I
emergency (affair appeared);;nouze (zleitost seobjevila) mimodn okolnost (zleitost se-objevila)
pohotovost (zleitost se-objevila);n.

emergency: There is an emergency. ((We) have (an) issue (of)

elope: (He) elopes (and) comes after (he made) a woman (his)
emergency.);: ;pohotovost: Mme
wife ( ~ girlfriend).;: ;uprchnout (se
pohotovost. (Mme zleitost pohotovosti.);
enou): Uprchne (a) pijde (s n) po tom, co se stane jeho
emphasis (in situation, attitude etc., substance
enou.;T sl.
giving);;zdraznn (v situaci, postoji atd., podstaty
elope: Having eloped the woman ((and) just come), care for
( ~ "search (and) feed) her.; :
emphasis (in situation, attitude etc., weight
;uprchnout (se enou od rodi): Po uprchnut s
putting);;zdraznn (v situaci, postoji atd., vhy
enou (od rodi), hned jak pijde, starej se ( ~ "hledej (a)
krm) o n.;imper. sl.
emphasis (in speech, press (and) carry
else ( ~ "more): What else ( ~ "more) do (you) have apart
{nouner});T ;zdraznn (in speech, tlait (a) nst
from this?;: T ;jet: Co jet mte krom
employee (carries responsibility); ( )
elucidate (and reveal a meaning, mention (and)
[w~ha~:];zamstnanec (nese zodpovdnost);sg.
depict); ;objasnit (a odhalit vznam, zmnit (a)
employee (of an office, carrying-on
responsibility); ( );zamstnanec (v kanceli,
elucidate: elucidate the meaning; :
vykonvajc zodpovdnost);sg.
;objasnit: objasnit vznam;
employment (work);( ) ( );zamstnn
elucidation (answer (and) clarify
(prce);sg. (or) suff. sg.
{nouner});T ;objasnn (odpovdt (a) osvtlit
empty, be p.p.: The glass empty.;:
elucidation (clarify (and) elucidate
{nouner}); ;objasnn (osvtlit (a) objasnit
empty: The glass is ( ~ went) empty.;:
( ~ );przdn: Sklenice je ( ~ odela)
embarassed, be (strength hurts, cheeks
hurt);;trapn, bt (sla bol, tve bol) ztrapnn,
encounter;;setkat se s (njakou zleitost);I
bt (sla bol, tve bol);I
encounter (encounter (the) chest); ;stetnout se s
embarassed, be (strength hurts);;rozpait, bt (sla
(stetnout-se-s hrud);I
bol) trapn, bt (sla bol) ztrapnn, bt (sla bol);I
encounter (meet (and) get);;potkat (potkat, setkat-se (a)
embarkation point (ship port);;pstavit (lodn
encounter (meet (and) see);T ;setkat se s (setkat-se (a)
embarkment of lake (lake's limit); ;nalodn (v jezee,
vidt) setkat se s (stetnout se, potkat (a) vidt) stetnout
jezern hranice);n.
se s (potkat (a) vidt);T
embarkment: It is said, that he found one spirit house on the
encounter by chance;;narazit na, nhodou;I
embarkment of the late near the village.; :
encounter: (In the future you) may encounter (it).;T :
;nalodn: k se, e nalezl
T ;setkat se s: (V budoucnu) se (s tm) bude
jeden dm ducha (bka) u nalodn u (t) vesnice.;
moci setkat.;fut. pol.
embarkment: Other statue of this kind is in the
encounter: search (and) encounter (free) time;:
embarkment.; : T
;najt: hledat (a) najt (voln) as;
;nalodn: Jin socha tohoto druhu je na nalodn.;pol.
encounter: the difficulties that (you) will face; :
embassy (envoy office);( );velvyslanectv


;elit: pote, kterm bude elit;

Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.; :

encounter:This I have encountered for the first time, now. (This T
;neptel: Kvli velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o
is a thing which, for me, (I) have met for starting from
now.);: ;setkat se msto ve Bo pti jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
s: S tmhle jsem se te setkal poprv. (Tohle je vc, (se)
enemy: The boy and the girl are (for now) (being)
kterou, pro m, jsem se setkal ponaje od te.);pol.
enemies.; : T
encourage (brush (and) force);;povzbudit (kartovat ;neptel: (Ten) chlapec a (to) dve jsou (pro te)
(jsouc) nepteli.;
(a) nutit) odvahu, dodat (kartovat (a) nutit);T
encourage (elevate strength);T ;povzbudit
(pozdvihnout slu);T

enemy: While Kyansittha was serving his royal brother king

Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was imprisoned by enemies.; :
encourage (exhort (and) urge); ;povzbudit (vyzvat (a)
;neptel: Zatmco ansit
slouil svmu krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl Sol byl
encourage (give strength);;povzbudit (dt slu);T
encourage (lift (and) elevate);T ;pozvbudit (pozvednout uvznn nepteli.;p.s. writ.
energie: (He) gains little by little more energy.;:
(a) vyvit);T
T T ;energie: Postupn
encourage (raise much);T ;povzbudit (vyzvednout
zskv vc energie.;writ.
encourage an animal, a word to;;povzbuzen zvete, slovo


end of year, at the: At the end of the year 1920 the English
government organized opening of the University of
Yangon.;T : T

;konci roku, na: Na konci
roku 1920 anglick vlda uspodala oteven Yangonsk

energy: Now I am full of energy to learn.;:

T ;energie: Te jsem pln energie k uen.;


engineer (lord (of) wisdom (of) development (of)

machinery); ( );inenr
(pn moudrosti vvoje zazen);sg.

energy (power (and) strength); ;energie (moc (a)

end; ;konit konec ukonit;T (or) n. (or) sla);n.
energy (power);;energie (sla);n.
I, T
energy: I have a lot of energy to cut the wood.; :
end (finally quench); ;ukonit (konen uhasit);
end of the year, at the (in filled year);T ;konci roku, T ;energie: Mm
spoustu energie na sekn deva.;p.p.
na (v naplnnm roce);adv.

engaged, be (before marriage); ;zasnouben, bt (ped

engine; ;motor;sg. E. engine

engine: (I) am repairing (this), because the engine got

end of, at the (about time, at end);;konci, na (o ase, broken.; : T ;motor: Opravuji
(to), protoe se rozbil motor.;pol.
na konci);prep.
engineer; ( );inenr;sg. E. engineer
end: at the end of month;: ;konec: na konci
end: End, indeed.;: ;konec: Vskutku, konec.;col.
end: There is no end to the much of thanking for the (given)
help.;: ()
;konit: Nen konce mnohmu dkovn za tu
(dodanou) pomoc.;pol.

engineer and harbor: port (and) harbor engineer; :

;inenr: pstavn inenr;

engineer: structural engineer; :

end: We will know the answer to these questions at the end of ;inenr: stavebn inenr;
England (country); () ;Anglie (zem);name
this discussion.;: T
England: (I) come from England.; :
;konec: Na tyto otzky
;Anglie: Jsem ( ~ "pichzm) z Anglie.;pol.
budeme znt odpov na konci tto diskuze.;fut. pol.
end: until the end;: ;konec: a do konce;

end: When month ends, (I) become happy.;:

;skonit: Kdy msc kon, jsem ( ~ stanu-se)

England: I am from England.;:

;Anglie: Jsem z Anglie.;pol.

endeavor; ;namhat se;T

English language;;anglick jazyk;n.

English; (abbrev. from );anglitina;sl.

endeavor (strive much);;namhat se (snait-se moc);T English language (English): from English to
Czech;: ;anglick jazyk:
endowed with, be;;obdaen, bt (m);I
z anglitiny do etiny;
endure (suffering etc.);;vydret (utrpen atd.);I
enemy (person (of) enmity); ( );neptel
(osoba neptelstv);sg.
enemy: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the town


English, in: Because (I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be

TT ;anglicky: Protoe neumm anglicky,

vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col.

dostatek vc;

English, in: Write (it) in English.;:

;anglicky: Napi to anglicky.;imper. pol.

enough: There is not enough time.; :

;dost: Nen dost asu.;

English: Can you speak in English (language)?;:

T ;anglick: Mluvte anglicky?
(Dokete mluvit anglickm jazykem?);inter.

enquire (ask (and) wander);T ;vyptvat se (ptt-se (a)


English: I can't speak in English.;:

T ;anglitina: Neumm mluvit anglicky.;pol. uw.

enquire: (It) will be good, if (you) enquire.; :

;poptat se: Bude dobr, kdy se popt.;fut.

enrage;();hnvat se;T
English: I translate a Pi (writing) in English.;: enrolled, be (have to follow);;pihlen, bt (do
T ;anglitina: Pekldm (psan (v)) kurzu, muset k nsledovat);I
pi do anglitiny.;pol.
enrolled, be: How many monks are enrolled?;:
English: Kyaw Thu is the transcription (Kyaw Thu means (I)
;pihlen, bt (do kurzu atd.):
transcribe (it) to English.);: Kyaw Thu Kolik mnich je pihleno?;inter. col. mn.
;anglitina: Kyaw Thu je transliterace. (Kyaw Thu
entangled: Are you busy? (are (you) entangled (in) work?);:
znamen, (e jsem to) transliteroval do anglitiny.);pol.
;zamotan: Jsi zaneprzdnn? (jsi zamotan
English: Since that time, indeed, English government in various
ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the Myanmars.;:
;anglick: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi
zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~
Myanmary).;p.s. writ.
enjoy; ;uvat si tit se z vychutnvat si
uvat (si);I (or) T
enjoy (meet taste);;uvat si (nalzt chu);T
enjoy (taste etc.);;vychutnat si;T
enjoy, be; ;uvat si;T
enjoy: He enjoys whatever book (he) reads.; :
;uvat si: Uv si kad knihy
(kterou) (on) te.;pol.
enjoy: Today's enjoyable.; :
;poten: Dneek je vhodn k
enlightenment (Nibbna); ;osvcen (Nibbna);n.
enlightenment, the deathless (deathless (and) peaceful
nibbna); ;osvcen, nesmrteln (nesmrteln
(a) pokojn nibbna);n. Bh. P. amata-nibbna (= deathless extinction (of greed, hatred and ignorance))
enlightenment, the highest stage of (fruit (of)
arahanthood);;osvcen, nejvy stupe (plod
arahantstv);n. Bh. P. arahanta-phala (= worthy-one fruit

(do) prce?);inter. cont.

enter; ;vstoupit;T (or) T writ.

enter (enter (and) come); ;vstoupit (vstoupit (a) pijt)

vejt (vstoupit (a) pijt);T
enter (a country); ;cestovat do (njak zem, vstoupit);T
enter (a country): If (you) have a Myanmar passport, (as for)
entering Europe and America, (it) is difficult.; : T

;cestovat (do njak zem): Pokud m
Myanmarsk pas, je cestovn do Evropy nebo Ameriky
nron. (pokud dr Myanmarsk pas, co se te vstupu do
Evropy a Ameriky, je (to) tk.);
enter: (He) enters the office.; :
;vstoupit: Vchz do kancele.;writ.
enterprise, commercial (possess (and) develop);;podnik,
komern (vlastnit (a) rozvjet);n.
entertain (please (and) satisfy); T;pobavit (pobavit,
potit (a) uspokojit);T
entertain (sb., take guest); ;bavit (koho, vzt hosta);T
entertain: In this theater the actor is entertaining (the
people).; T:
T ;bavit (lidi): V tomto divadle herec bav


entertain: The group (being) on the stage also (exhibiting)

dances (and) entertains.; :
T ;bavit (koho): Skupina (jsouc) na pdiu tak
(ukazujce se) tancuje a bav (ostatn lidi).;pol.

enough; ;dost(atek);adj.

enthrone (make king); ;trn, dosadit na (dlat krle);T

enough, be; ;dostaovat stait;I

entire;;cel (kompletn);adj.
enough, be (be-enveloped (and) be-sufficient); ;dost, entire (has neg. connotation, use-up (the)
bt (dostaovat, bt-obalen (a) bt-dostaujc);I
limit); ;naprost (m spe negativn vznam,
enough, be: (time of) four hours sleeping at night was not
spotebovat limit);T
enough, indeed; :
entire, be;;cel, bt;I
;stait: tyi hodiny ( ~ "as ty hodin) spnku entire: I will read the entire book.;:
v noci, vskutku, nestaily.;p.s. writ.
;cel: Petu (tu) knihu celou.;fut. pol.

enough, be: I think this much is enough.; :

entirely; ;zcela pln;adv. (or) T
;stait: (J) si entirely (all-around (and) extensively);;naprosto
myslm, e tolik sta.;pol. um.
(dokola (a) rozshle);adv.
enough: enough things; : ;dostatek: entirely (complete (and) fat);;docela (kompletn (a)


entirely (fully (and) completely);T T ;pln
(pln (a) zcela) zcela (pln (a) zcela);adv.
entirely (fully (and) to-one's-satisfaction);T ;zcela
(pln (a) k-nmu-uspokojen);adv.
entirely: The commentarial character of the canon later
thoroughly influenced the late commentaries.;:

;zcela: Komenttorsk charakter knonu
pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.
entrance; ;vstup;n.
entrance fee (coming money); ;vstupn (penze (za)
entrust; () ;svit;T
entrust: On behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king)
entrusted the reign to (his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of
Myanmar (and) Mon blood.; : T
;svit: Ve prospch jednoty Myanmaru (a) Monu,
(krl) svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu vnoueti Alaun Stovi
(kter byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk krve.;p.s. writ.

for five minutes by the writer Maung Khin Min (Dha Nu Phyu)
with the singer Mrs. Sandar Win.;:

;stejnomrn (obouma): Co se te jeho
nzoru, me bt obhajovn obouma ( ~ stejnomrn) pt
minut, spisovatelem Maun Khen Men (Dha Nu P) se
zpvakou p. Sand Wen.;pol.
equally: Can men (as well as) women bring (benefit) equally?
(Is equal how men (and) women bring benefit?);:
(stejnou mrou): Mohou mui (a) eny pinet uitek stejnou
mrou? (Je stejn jak mui (a) eny mohou pinet
equipment (soft (things for) building); ;nad
(mkk (vci ke) stavn);n.
era; ;ra;n.
era (of a personality); ;ra (ohledn osoby);n.
era of;;obdob (eho);pow. suff.
era of Buddhism (dispensation year); ;letopoet
Buddhismu (rok (Buddhova) daru);adv. P. ssana (=
era of Myanmar; ;letopoet Myanmar;adv.

envelope (bag (for) writing);( );oblka (taka era of Myanmar (year (of) king Sakka); [takr.
(pro) psan);sg.
hni.];letopoet Myanmar (rok krle Sakky);adv. P.
sakkarja (= name of king of Heaven of Thirty-Three)
envelope: (He) goes to shop to buy an envelope.;:
;oblka: Jde do obchodu aby koupil era: King Naung became a famous king in the Taungs'
era.; :
T ;obdob: Krl Nau se v obdob Taun stal
environment (also about being in a society, surrounding
slavnm krlem.;writ.
surroundings); ;prosted (tak o spolenosti,
obklopujc okol);n.

eraser (destroy graphite); ( );guma (na mazn

environment: (I) live in an environment of English language. (ie. psanho tukou, zniit tuhu(~grafit));sg.
where people speak in English); : T erect (back): Erect (one's) back.; : T
;prosted: iji v prosted
;napmit (zda): Napmit si zda.;
anglickho jazyka. (tj. tam, kde lid mluv anglicky);pol.
erect (one's back); ;napmit (zda);T
environment: (You) meditate in your present life, in (your)
present environment (and) in (your) present
society.; : () ()
( ~ )
;prosted: Medituje ve svm ptomnm
ivot, ve (svm) ptomnm prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn

erection (of penis, sex (is) stiff {nouner}); T

[lei~au~che~:];erekce (o pohlav, pohlav (je) tuh

equal, be; ;stejn, bt (rovnajc se) vyrovnan, bt;I


erotic movie (without naked scenes, chip-off

film); ;erotick film (bez nahch scn, usekvajc

envision: Though I envision, that meditation is good, (I) do not erroneous (just missing); ;chybn (prost chybn);adj.
do (it) much.;: ( ~
error;( );chyba;sg.
escape (leave out);T ;uniknout (odejt ven);T
T ;pedvdat: Pestoe pedvdm, e
especially; T
meditace je dobr, moc (ji) nedlm.;pol.
;obzvlt zejmna;conj. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv.
equal;;stejn (stejnho mnostv);adj.
especially (by specially);T;zejmna
equal, be ((be) even (and) at-right (?));;vyrovnan, bt
((bt) rovn (a) napravo (?));I

especially (specially indeed); ;zejmna (vskutku,


equal: (I) separate (it) to two equal columns.;:

especially: Among these heroes Kyansittha became especially

;stejn: Rozdlm (to) na dva stejn sloupce.;pol. famous.;:
equally;;stejn (stejnomrn);adv.

equally (again same); ;shodn (znova stejn);adv.

equally (by both): As for his view, it may be seconded exactly


T ;obzvlt: Z tchto hrdin se stal

ansit obzvlt slavnm.;writ.

especially: Especially (in) Yangon.;:

;zejmna: Zejmna (v) Rangnu.;pol.
especially: Especially, being happy (I) call well done, ven.
Sir; : T ;zejmna:
Zejmna, asten volm: dobe!, ct. Pane.;pol.

etc.: Pagodas Maha (Myat)muni, Kyauktaw Gyi etc. may still be

visited and worshipped.; : (T )
;atd.: Je
stle mono jt a navtvit pagody Mah (Mja)muni, aut

especially: Especially, you may need learning.; :

;zejmna: Zejmna bys mohl
potebovat se uit (~ uen).;fut.

eternal (while (being) forever); ;vn (bhem

vnosti);adj. P. thvara (= eternal)

eternal;;vn;adj. P. thvara (= eternal)

especially: Minds of Asian people (especially Myanmars) cannot eternal (deathless);;vn (nesmrteln);adj. P. amata (=
be as greatly decisive as (those of) European
people.;T: (TT )
eternal, be ((does) not have end);; vn, bt

(nem konec);I
T ;zejmna: Mysli asijskch lid (zejmna
eternal, be: eternal goal;:
Myanmar) nedokou bt tak moc rozhodn jako (ty)
;vn, bt: vn cl;
Evropskch lid.;
ethics (law (of) good, great

especially: The five precepts should be especially observed by person); ;etika (zkon dobr velik
( ~ "in) lay people.;:
() ;zejmna: Pt pravidel by mly bt
etymology (say (and) open (the) meaning
dodrovny zejmna laiky ( ~ "v laicch).;pol.
;etymologie (ci (a) otevt vznam
essay (short treatise); ( );esej (krtk
{jmenec});n. P. adhippya (= intention)
etymology (word analysis);;etymologie (slovn analza);n.
essay (work);( );esej (prce);sg.

P. nirutti (= language, philology)

essay (on sth., compose (while) writing);( );esej etymology: etymology of the (proper) name; :
(na tma, pst (a tak) sepisovat);sg.

;etymologie (vlastnho) jmna;
essay: (I) also transform (it) to the form of essay.;:
Euro (currency);( ) ;Euro (mna);sg.
T ;esej: Tak (to) pemnm do formy Euro: This bike costs one hundred sixty-nine Euro.;:
T ;Euro: Toto (jzdn)
essay: (I) wrote the essay.;: ;esej: kolo stoj sto edest devt Euro.;
Psal (jsem) esej.;p.s.
Europe (continent);();Evropa (kontinent);name
essay: because (the) monitor is big, writing the essays (for
European continent: He is from European
oneself) is easy.;: ( ~ )
continent.;: ;evropsk kontinent:
;esej: Ponvad je (ten) (On) je z Evropskho continentu.;pol.
monitor velk, je snadn si pst eseje.;pol.
evade; -; obejit;T
essay: Regrettably, these essays must be written by ( ~ with)
hand.;: ()
;bohuel: esej, tyto eseje mus bt napsny (s)
estimate; ;odhadnout (mru) odhadnout;T

even; ;a dokonce i ani

dokonce;suff. col. (or) conj. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv. (or) suff.
even , be ((be) even )and) at-right (?));;rovn, bt ((bt)
rovn (a) napravo (?));I

even (follows a n. or v.); ;i (nsleduje za pod. jm. nebo

estimate (estimate (and) guess);;odhadnout (odhadnout slovesem) dokonce (nsleduje za pod. jm. nebo
(a) hdat);T
etc: Kayah, Kayin etc. nationalities live in those states.; :
even like this (even this much); ;dokonce
takhle (dokonce tohle mnostv);adv.
;atd.: Kaj, Kajen atd. nrodnosti ij v tchto
even like this: (If) she is speaking even like this to you, (then)
why would you (want-to) come to (her)?; :
etc.; ; atd.;suff.

etc. (et cetera, by start); T ;atd.


;dokonce takhle: Jestlie na tebe mluv
dokonce takhle, (pak) pro bys chtl za (n) chodit?;inter. col.

etc. (followed by the general noun); ;atd. (nsledovno

even though; ;i pesto i pestoe;conj. (or)
obecnm pod. jm.) atp. (nsledovno obecnm pod. jm.);pref. suff. adv.
etc.: Cars, such as Toyota, Mercedes etc.; :
even though: It is said, that even though, as the daughter loved
;atd.: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes atd.;
Nga Nyo very much, (he) let them to get married.; :
etc.: Drinks, such as Coca Cola, beer etc.; :
;atd.: Npoje jako Coca
Cola, pivo atd.;

;i pesto:
k se, e i pesto, ponvad (jeho) dcera byla do a o moc


zamilovan, svolil aby se vzali.;

event;T T ( );udlost phoda;n. (or) sg.

even, be; ;vyrovnan, bt rovn, bt;I

event (form (of) happening);T ( );udlost (podoba


even, be (about a surface etc., even, wide (and)

flat);TT;rovn, be (o povrchu atd., rovn, irok a
even, be: This great earth ( ~ "ground) is even.;TT:
T TT ;rovn, bt: Tato (velk) zem je

event (happening (and) deterioration);T ;udlost

(phoda (a) padek);n.
event (happening (and) place);T ( );udlost (dn (a)

even, is not; ;nen ani;suff.

event: the historical events included in the

commentaries;T :
T ;udlost: historick udlosti zahrnut v
komentch; (or) writ.

even, is not: (He) is not even a king's servant.; :

;ani, nen: Nen ani krlovm

eventually (then at end);;konen (pak na

ever; ;jet nikdy u nkdy;suff. (or) suff. pref. p.p.

even, not; (from );ani, ne;suff.

ever (not saying when); ; vdy (nekajc


even, did not (follows a n. or v.); ;ani (nsleduje za pod.

jm. nebo slovesem);adv.

even, not: (She) doesn't have even one friend.;:

;ani, ne: Nem ani jednoho
even: (You) could have said even this much (already).; :
T ;dokonce: U jsi (toho) dokzal
dokonce i tolik namluvit.;p.p.
even: Also, (I) even (do not) happen to meditate again.;:
T T ;dokonce: A dokonce se ani
nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
even: Even I don't know.; : :
;dokonce: Dokonce ani j nevm.; (or)

ever: From (my) family was nobody ever in any way connected
to ( ~ "with) Myanmar country.; :
;nikdy: Z (m) rodiny nikdo nikdy nebyl s
Myanmarem ( ~ "Myanmarskm sttem) jakkoliv spojen.;p.s.
ever: Have you ever gone ( ~ arrived) abroad?;: T()
;u (nkdy): Jel ( ~ dojel) jsi u (nkdy) do
zahrani?;p.p. inter. col.

ever: Have you ever met the student of the name Maung
;u: Setkal
even: Even one year still hasn't passed. (Even one year is still jsi se u se studentem jmnem Maun Maun?;inter. p.p.
not filled.); : T ;dokonce: Jet ever: Haven't (you) ever had?; : ( ~
);jet nikdy: Jet jsi nikdy neml?;p.p.
tomu nebylo dokonce ani jeden rok. (Dokonce (ani) jeden rok
stle nen naplnn.);pol.

even: He does not ( ~ did not) buy even book.; :

;ani: Nekoupil (si) ani knihu.;um.
even: He even (still) eats.; :
() ;dokonce: Dokonce (jet) j.;

every; ;kad cokoliv

kterkoliv;suff. pron. (or) suff. (or) pron. (or) adj.
every .. whether (not choosing);;kad .. a u

every .. whether: As for U Mya Maung, every person, whether

even: I don't even know.; : ;ani: old (or) young probably knows (him).;: T

;kad .. a u: Co se
Ani nevm.;um.



a u star nebo mlad, (jej)
even: I have no doubt. (I have not even a little doubt.);:
pravdpodobn zn.;pol.
;ani: Nemm nejmen
every (not saying);; veker (nekajc);suff.
pochybnosti. (Nemm ani malou pochybnost.);pol.
even: If (one) tries, (one) may become even the
Buddha.; : T ;dokonce:
(Kdo) se sna, me se stt dokonce i Buddhou.;pol.
evenfall (evening sun's edge); ;podveer (hrana
nonho slunce);adv.
evening (night-sun (is) spread); ;veer (non slunce
evening (night-sun part);;veer (st nonho
evening (night-sun);;veer (non slunce);adv.
evening: Good evening.; :
: ;rno: Dobr veer. odpoledne:
Dobr veer.;w. pol.


every (one); ;kad (jeden);adj.

every (as repeated by time); ;kad (opakovan asem);adj.

every book (not saying which book);; kad
kniha (nekajc jak kniha);
every day;;kad den;adv.

every day (every day);;kad den (kad den);n.

every day: Come every day.; : ;: Pij kad
den.;imper. pol.
every day: He goes to school every day.;:
;kad den: Chod do koly kad den.;
every day: What are the things ( ~ "works) that (you) happen
to do every day?;: T ;kad
den: Co dl kad den? (Jak prce se stane, e dl
kad den?);inter. col.

every day: While (you) listen every day, as (you) get to know
(it) very well, (your) speaking will become more excellent, I
think.; : T
;kad den: Kdy (bude)
poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice dobe, stane
se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.

;kad: Na ulicch kadho msta je mono

spatit hran s vodou.;pol.

everybody (every human);;kad (kad


everybody (every person);;kad (lovk, kad

every matter (thing is-suitable);;veker zleitost (vc osoba);n.
everybody (not saying which person); ; kad
every shop (not saying which shop); ; kad
(nekajc kdo);pron.
obchod (nekajc jak obchod);
everybody: Everybody knows.;: ;kad:
every time when;;vdy kdy;suff. adv.

Kad v.;
every time when: Every time when he comes, I am not at
everybody: Except you, everybody knows it.;:
home.;: ;kdykoliv: Kdykoliv ( ~ ) ;vichni: Krom tebe
pijde, nejsem doma.;um.
o tom v vichni.;col.
every time when: Every time when I ask, he can answer.;: everything; ;vechno;pron.
T ;vdy kdy: Vdy kdy se
everything (all things);;vechno (vechny
zeptm, doke odpovdt.;um.
every year; ;kad rok;n.

everything (depleting around);;vechno

every year: It may start every year around 13th of April.; : (spotebovn dokola);pron.
;kad rok: Me
everything (depleting);;vechno (spotebovn);pron.
zat kad rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.
everything (not saying what);; cokoliv (nekajc
every, absolutely in; ;kadm, v
pln;adv. writ.
everything (not telling which thing); ; vechno

every: (It is, that) attending the National Day every year, (one) (nekajce kter vc);n.
should try to always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own) national
everything (thing is-suitable);;vechno (vc jespirit.; :
T ;kad: (Je to (tak, e))
everything (to all things);;vechno (k vem
ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se ml (kad) vdy
snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. writ. everything: (I) will fulfil (and) carry out ((and) give) everything,
every: (I) enter a meditation retreat every year.;:
;kad: Chodm ( ~ "vstupuji) na
meditan zsed kad rok.;pol.
every: (I) go to Yangon every month.; :
;kad: Jezdm ( ~ jdu) do Rangnu kad
every: Come every day.; : ;kad: Pij kad
den.;imper. pol.
every: every country;: ;kad: kad zem;
every: every day;: ;kad: kad den;

every: He goes to school every day.;:

;kad: Chod do koly kad den.;
every: I have been already to every city.;:
: :
;kad: Navtvil jsem ( ~ pijel) ji kad

what (I) can (do for you).;: T

T ;vechno: Splnm (a) vykonm
((a) dm) vechno, co (pro tebe) mohu (udlat).;fut. pol.
everything: Just in order to be able to forsake and throw (away)
everything, in ven. Sir there had to happen, that (he) accepted
a strong belief, ven. Sir.;:

T ;ve: Prv aby byl schopen
vechno opustit a odhodit, ve ct. panu se muselo stt, e pijal
njakou silnou vru, ct. pane.;utmn.
everything: May (you) be able to rule over everything (and)
may (you) be able to possess a lofty life.;:
T ;vechno: K me
mt vldu nad vm (a) k me mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen
ivot.;w. pol.

everything: May (you) be satisfied with everything (while)

staying in Sri Lanka (country).;:
every: It may start every year around 13th of April.; :
T;vechno: K jsi
;kad: Me zat kad spokojen se vm (zatmco) jsi na ( ~ "ve) Sr Lance.;w. pol.
rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.
everything: Thank you for helping us with everything when we
every: Monks from every country come and acquire knowledge
;kad: Mnii z kad zem (sem)
pichzej a zskvaj znalosti.;pol.
every: On the streets of every town can be seen the waterplaying.;:

went to your ( ~ ven. Sir's) monastery.;:

( )

( ~ )
() ;vechno:
Dkujeme ti za pomoc se vm, kdy jsme li do tvho ( ~ ct.
pna) kltera.;pol. ubmn. utmn.
everytime (every time);;vdy kdy (kadou



exactly: (I) just do not understand exactly the way to do

everywhere (in every place);;vude (v kadm (it).;:
;pesn: Prost nerozumm
pesn, jak (to) mm udlat.;col.
everywhere (just (in) every place); ;vude
(prost (v) kadm mst);adv.

everywhere (not saying where); ; kdekoliv

(nekajc kde);adv.
everywhere (place (in) everywhere);;vude (msto
everywhere (place (is) complete);; vude (msto (je)
everywhere: Trees are everywhere.;:
;vude: Stromy jsou vude.;
evidence (evidence, evidence); ;evidence
(evidence, evidence);n. P. sdhaka (= proof)
evident, be (appear (and) be-vivid);;evidentn, bt
(objevit-se (a) bt-jasn);I
evident, be: shown to be evident;:
T ;evidentn, bt: ukzan, aby byl evidentn;
ex- (of partner, husband or wife etc.); ;ex- (o pteli,
ptelkyni, manelovi, manelce atd.);adj.

exactly: not exactly a relative; : ;pmo:

ne pmo pbuzn;
exactness (trim (and) fall {nouner});;pesnost (oezat
(a) padat {jmenec});I
exacty: Today (it) has been exactly four years, since I came to
Sri Lanka from my country.;:

T ;pesn: Dnes u je tomu ( ~ to bylo) pesn tyi
roky, co jsem pijel na Sr Lanku z m zem.;p.p.
exalt (lift (and) elevate);T ;velebit (pozvednout (a)
exam: I will go to Yangon after (I) sit for ( ~ answer) the
exam.;: T
;zkouka: Pojedu do Rangnu a po zkouce ( ~ a
zodpovm zkouku).;fut.
exam: I will go to Yangon after the exam.;:
;zkouka: Po
zkouce pojedu do Rangnu.;fut.

exact ( ~ "exactness): This translation is neither clear, nor

examination (event (of) asking (and)
exact. (This translation does not have clarity (and)
writing);( );zkouka (ve kole, udlost ptan (a)
exactness.);: T
;pesn ( ~ "pesnost): Tento peklad nen ani jasn, ani psan);sg.
examination (writing test); ( );zkouka (psac
pesn. (Tento peklad nem jasnost (a) pesnost.);
exact (falling (and) dull);;pesn (padajc (a) tup);I
exact, be ( ~ "touch): The meaning is not very exact.;:
;pesn, bt ( ~ "dotkat-se): (Ten)
vznam nen moc pesn.;col.
exact, be (fall (in) just one layer); ;pesn,
bt (padnout pouze (do) jedn vrstvy);I

examination, answer at;T;zkouky, odpovdat u;T

examination, answer at: The examination (answering) takes

three hours.;T: T ;zkouky,
odpovdat u: Zkouka ( ~ "odpovdn (u) zkouky) trv ti

exact, be (trim (and) fall);;pesn, be (oezat (a) padat);I examination, sit for (answer (at the) event (of) asking (and)
writing);T;zkouku, mt (ve kole, odpovdat (pi)
exact, be (about a translation, touch (and)
udlosti ptan (a) psan);sg.
come); ;pesn, bt (o pekladu dotkat-se (a)
pichzet);T col.

exact, be: (It) is short and more exact. (about a

translation); : ;pesn, bt: Je
(to) krtk a pesnj. (o pekladu);col.
exact: (It) is not exact.;: ;pesn: Nen (to)

examination, sit for: (He) needs permission to sit ( ~ "answer)

again for the examination which (he) failed last year.;T:
T ( ~
);zkouku, (mt): Potebuje svolen k opakovn
( ~ "opakovanmu odpovdn (u)) zkouky, kterou minul rok

examination: The examination (answering) takes three

hours.;: T ;zkouka:
exactly (exactly (and) precisely);;pesn (pesn (a)
Zkouka ( ~ "odpovdn (u) zkouky) trv ti hodiny.;pol.
examination: The examination starts tomorrow.;:
exactly (falling-falling, dull-dull);;pesn (padajc ;zkouka: Zkouka zan ztra.;fut.
padajc, tup-tup);adv.
examine; ;vyzkouet pezkouet;T
exactly (stability (and) spinning);;pesn (stabilita
examine (check (and) clean); ;provit (zkontrolovat (a)
(a) oten-se);adv.
vyistit) prozkoumat (zkontrolovat (a) vyistit);T
exactly (trimming (and) falling);;pesn (ezn (a)
examine (check (and) wipe); ;vyzkouet (zkontrolovat
(a) utt);T
exactly (about relatives); ;pmo (o pbuznch);adv.
example; ( ) ( );pklad;sg. H.
exactly (listen and do what sb. says, buy ground without
namuna (?) (or) n. (or) sg. P. upam
decreasing);T ;pesn (dlat doslova co druh k,
example (example (and) design);;pklad (pklad (a)
kupovat zem bez sniovn);adv. fig.


example, as an; ;pklad, na;adv. writ. P. upam (= T );vborn: Uinil jsem pevn rozhodnut bt
vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.
example, for;T ; pklad, na;adv. P.
upam (= example)
example, for (by state (of) proof);T;napklad
(stavem dkazu);instr. P. sdhaka (= proof)
example, show (show (and) take standard
form);T;pklad, ukzat (ukzat (a) vzt standardn
example: (I) will show (you) some examples below.;:
T ;pklad: Dole (ti) napu ( ~
"uku) nkolik pklad.;fut.

excellent: While (you) listen every day, as (you) get to know (it)
very well, (your) speaking will become more excellent, I
think.;: T
;znamenit: Kdy (bude)
poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice dobe, stane
se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.
excellent! (attain much shine);T T ;vborn!
(doshnout hodn ze);col.
excellent! (very clever); ;vborn! (velice chytr);col.

except; T ;krom;suff. adv.

example: Should (I) send (you) (well) an example?;: (or) prep. (or) suff. adv. (or) adv.
;pklad: Mm (ti) (dobe) poslat ( ~ vzor) except (follows after noun); ; krom (nsleduje po pod.
?;inter. fut.
jm.);suff. prep.
exceed; ; pekroit (limit) pehnat
pekonat peshnout pekroit (pekonat);I (or) T

except (preceded by a verb);T ;krom (nsleduje za


exceed (more (than)): There will be allowed maximum of six

people to enter (the stage), (and) each of them (will) not
exceed five minutes (in talking).; :
T T ;pekroit (vce
(ne)): Bude povoleno maximln esti lidem, aby vstoupili (na
jevit) (a) kad z nich nepekro pt minut (pi
povdn).;pol. fut.

except (preceded by noun);;krom

(nsleduje za pod.
jm.);suff. writ.

exceedingly;;nesmrn;adv. writ.

except: except the three works;T : T ;krom:

krom (tch) t prac;

exceedingly (measure doesn't stop); ;nesmrn

(mra nezastavuje);adv.
excel; ;vynikat;T
excel (excel (and) exceed);;vynikat (vynikat (a)
excellent, be (excel (and) exceed);;vynikajc, bt
(vynikat (a) pekraovat);I

except: Except rice (I) don't eat anything.; :

;krom: Nejm nic krom re.;um.
except: except that (I) type a computer;T :
T ;krom: krom (toho, e) pi (na potai)

except: Except this there (we) have two kinds more.;T : T

;krom: Krom tohohle mme jet dva
except: Except you, everybody knows it.; : ( ~
) ;krom: Krom tebe o tom v

excellent, be (good (and) noble); ;vborn, bt (dobr except: I don't want to watch anything except the (theater)
(a) ulechtil);I
play.; : T ;ne: Nechci
vidt nic (jinho) ne (tu) (divadeln) hru.;pol.
excellent, be (good, noble, noble (and)
noble); T ;vborn, bt (dobr, ulechtil,
ulechtil (a) ulechtil);I

except: May nobody know except you.; :

;krom: K nikdo krom tebe nev.;pol. um.

excellent, be (shine (and) spread-out);;prominentn,

bt (zit (a) roziovat-se) vynikajc, bt (zit (a)

exception (omit {nouner}); ;vjimka (opominout


excellent, be (shine);;vynikajc, bt (zit);I

excellent, be (smooth (and) pleasant);;znamenit, bt

(hladk (a) pjemn);I
excellent, be: I am extremely happy, (because of you,) ven. Sir.
(Extremely excellent mind, ven. Sir.); TT :
T ;vborn, bt: Jsem
nesmrn astn (kvli vm,) ct. Pane. (Nesmrn vborn
mysl, ct. Pane.);pol.
excellent, be: Noble mind means the excellent state of
mind.;: T ( ~ )
;vynikajc, bt: Ulechtil mysl znamen vynikajc
stav mysli.;pol.
excellent: I made a strong determination to be an excellent
monk.; : ( ) T
T ( ~ ( ) T

exception, without ((from) start whole);;vjimky, bez ((od)

zatku cel);adj.
exceptionally; ;vjimen;adv.
excercise (practise, wait (and) build); -;cviit
(praktikovat, ekat (a) stavt);T

excessively;;nadmrn;adv. col.

exchange; ;smnit promnit vymnit (si s);T

exchange: Having a permission for such an exchange ( ~
discussion) in language is good.;:

;vmna: Je dobr, e mm
svolen k takovto diskuzi ( ~ vmn) v jazycch.;
exchange: Will you ( ~ sir) have change, because I cannot
exchange a one hundred Dollar bill.; :


;smnit: Budete mt (pane) drobn, protoe j nemohu exhaustively: Ven. Sir can always ask me exhaustively, just like
smnit sto dolarovou bankovku.;fut. inter. uw.
the Buddha's great son.;: ()
excited, be ((heart) palpitates, breast jumps); ;vzruen,
;vyerpvajcm zpsobem: Ct. Pn m
bt ((srdce) bu, hru ske);T
me vdy vyerpvajcm zpsobem ptt, jako (by byl) prv
excited, be (mind moves (to be) rare); ( ~
Buddhv ohromn syn.;pol. utmn.
);vzruen, bt (mysl se-pohybuje (aby byla) vzcn);I
exclaim (say exclamation);T;zvolat (ci
zvoln);T P. meita (= exclamation)

exclamation;;zvoln;n. P. meita (= exclamation)

excrement; ;exkrement;n.

exhibit: (They) stop the vehicles in front of the stage and

(exhibiting) (they) dance.;T:
T ;ukazovat (se): Zastav vozidla ped pdiem a
(ukazujce (se)) tancuj.;pol.

exhibition (event (of) showing);T( );pehldka (udlost

excusable, be (suitable (to be) freed (and)
;omluviteln, bt (vhodn (k) uvlolnn ukazovn);sg.
exhibition: As a commemoration of the National Day, lectures,
(a) povolen);I
exhibitions (and) competitions are held ( ~ made) (and)
excuse (allow (and) set free); (from
participated (by people).;T: T
);odpustit (svolit (a) uvolnit);T
T T ;pehldka:
excuse (design (of) base); T( );vmluva (nvrh
Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho Dne, pednky, pehldky (a)
soute jsou podny ( ~ dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.
excuse (give justification); T;vymlouvat se (dt

excuse (speach which gives

justification); T ;vmluva (e kter dv
excuse (me, expression used after making a
mistake);;promite (vraz uvan po uinn
chyby);interj. col. E. sorry
excuse (oneself, request (and) beg); ;omlouvat se
(dat (a) prosit);T
excuse me (let me speak, about one (moment of being)
quiet); ;promit (nechte m promluvit, asi
jeden (moment byt) zticha);interj.
excuse: Excuse me, ven. Sir. (Ven. Sir, make a great
excuse.); : ;prominout: Promite, ct.
pane. (Ct. pane, udlejte velkou omluvu.);imper. pol.
excuse: With the excuse, that with the worldly problems (I)
cannot dedicate (it) time, I have been lazy.; T:
T ( ~ T)
;vmluva: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi
problmy tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol.
exercise (practise (and) train);;cviit (praktikovat (a)
exercise (practising (and) training);;cvien (m,
praxe (a) trnink);n.
exercise (practise);;cviit (praktikovat);T
exhaustive, be very ((be) heavily tired, withered (and)
trodden); ;vyerpvajc, bt velice ((bt) tce
unaven, zvadl (a) polapan);I
exhaustive, be very: To do all the things one more time in this
life would be very exhaustive.; :
;vyerpvajc, bt velice: (To)
by bylo velice vyerpvajc, dlat vechny (ty) vci jet
jednou v tomhle ivot.;fut. pol. writ.
exhaustively;;vyerpvajcm zpsobem;adj.


exhort (brush (and) force);;nabdat (kartovat (a)

exhort (exhort (and) urge); ;vyzvat (vyzvat (a)

exigency (affair appeared);;nalhavost (zleitost seobjevila);n.

exist; ;existovat;I
existence;T ;existence;n.
existence (stop (and) repose {nouner}); ;existence
(zastavit (a) odpovat {jmenec});n.
expand (elaborate, widely expand); ;rozvst
(vypracovat, iroce rozit);T
expect (look-forward-to (and) wait); ;oekvat (tit-se
(a) ekat);T
expectation (expect (and) wait
{nouner}); ( );oekvn (oekvat (a) ekat
expedient, be (become support (and)
help); T ;prospn, bt (stt-se podporou (a)
expel (put-aside (to) be-rare); ;vyhnat (odnkud, dtstranou (aby) bylo-vzcn);T
expel (remove (and) throw); ;vykzat (odstranit (a)
expensive, be;;drah, bt;I
expensive, be (price (is) big);;drah, bt (cena (je)
expensive, be (worth value (is) big); ;drah, bt
(vhodn hodnota (je) velk);I writ.
expensive, be: (It) is not expensive.;:
;drah, bt: Nen (to) drah.;pol.
experience (body meets);; zkuenost (tlo
experience (hand meets); ; zkuenost (ruka



experience (meeting (and) encountering);;zkuenost explain: a kind of explanation;T: T ;vysvtlit:

(setkvn (a) potkvn);n.
druh vysvtlen;
experience: (He) has neither experience, nor
;zkuenosti: Nem ani zkuenosti, ani znalosti.;
experience: (He) strives (for) real (experience).; :
;zkuenost: Skuten
usiluje. (Usiluje o skutenou zkuenost.);
experienced, be (be-matured (and) familiarwith); ;zkuen, bt (bt-dospl (a) obeznmen-s);I
explain ( ~ "say): As I am afraid, that if (I) had to explain ( ~
"tell) (it) in ( ~ "with) writing, (it) would take long time, (it) will
be good if (you) understand ( ~ "get) (it) just by ( ~ "with)
knowledge.;T: T
;vysvtlit ( ~ "ci): Ponvad se
obvm, e kdybych (to) ml vysvtlit ( ~ "ci) (s) psanm,
trvalo by (to) dlouho, bude dobr, pokud (to) pochop pouze s
(vlastn) znalost.;fut.
explain (answer (and) clarify);T;vysvtlit (odpovdt (a)

explain: As for the method of explaining meanings, Sinhalese

Ahakath usually give similar words to explain difficult

;vysvtlit: Co se te
metody vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle
uvdj ( ~ dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla
obtn slova vysvtlena.;writ.
explain: Because (I) can't (talk) in English, explaining will be
difficult.;TT: TT ;vysvtlit:
Protoe neumm anglicky, vysvtlovn bude nron.;fut. col.
explain: Can you explain me?;T:
T;vysvtlit: Me mi vysvtlit?;inter. fut.
explain: He explains me.;TT:
TT ;vysvtlit: On mi vysvtluje.;pol. um.
explain: Hey, explain (it).;T : T ;vysvtlit: Hele,
vysvtli to.;imper. col.

explain: Please, can you explain your ideas regarding these

things in ( ~ "with) letter?;T:

explain (collected meanings); ;vyloit (vysvtlit, T;vysvtlit: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv
nzory ohledn tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.
nasbran vznamy);T
explain (clarify (and) show);T;vysvtlit (osvtlit (a)

explain (elucidate (and) show);T;vysvtlit (objasnit (a)

explain (elucidate, show (and) give);T;vysvtlit
(objasnit, ukzat (a) dt);T
explain (give (the) depth (of the)
meaning); ;vysvtlit (dt hloubku
vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention)
explain (open (and) tell (the) depth (of the)
; vysvtlit (otevt (a) ci
hloubku vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention)
explain (say (and) look);T ;vysvtlit (ci (a) podvatse);T col.
explain (say (and) show);TT;vysvtlit (ci (a) ukzat);T
explain (and reveal a meaning, mention (and)
depict); ;vysvtlit (a odhalit vznam, zmnit (a)

explain: What (he) says is a kind of explanation.;T:

T T T ;vysvtlit: Co k je
druh vysvtlen.;writ.
explanation (answer (and) clarify
{nouner});T ;vysvtlen (odpovdt (a) osvtlit
explanation (clarify (and) elucidate
{nouner}); ;vysvtlen (osvtlit (a) objasnit
explanation (clear (and) light {nouner}); ;vysvtlen
(vyistit (a) rozsvtit {jmenec});n.
explanation (collected meanings); ;vklad
(nasbran vznamy);n.
explanation (open (and) tell (the) meaning
;vysvtlen (otevt (a) ci
vznam {jmenec});n. P. adhippya (= intention)

explain: (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly, with reference

to (old) writings and manuscripts.;T:
TT T ;vysvtlit: S
ohledem na (star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce

explanation: (It) can be also taken as an

explanation.; : T
;vysvtlen: Me to tak bt brno za

explain: (It) is good to explain (it) based on his

TT ;vysvtlit: (Bude) dobr (mu to) vysvtlit
v zvislosti na jeho pochopen.;pol.

expressive, be (to (be) evident to inside (of)

mind);;vrazn, bt (vyjadujc, o
zpsobu, aby (byl) zejm do vnitku mysli);I

explanation: give an elaborated explanation;T :

explain: (I) don't understand. Please, explain.;: T ;vysvtlen: podat podrobn
T;vysvtlit: Nerozumm. Prosm, vysvtli.;imper. pol.
expose (to);T;odhalit;T

explain: (It) was explained as follows.; :

;vysvtlit: Bylo (to) vysvtleno, viz ne.;p.s.

expressive, be (about a manner);;vrazn, bt (vyjadujc, o

extensive, be (big (and) wide); ;rozshl, bt (velk


(a) irok);adj.
extensively (widely (and) immodestly); ;rozshle
(iroce (a) neskromn);adv.
extent, to a certain (by one-mind (and) oneregion); T;mry, do urit (s jednoumysl (a) jednou-oblast);adv.

extremely: (It) is extremely interesting. ((It) is very good for

interest.);: ;nesmrn:
Je (to) nesmrn zajmav. (Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k
extremely: It's extremely hot.;: ;extrm: Je
extrm horko.;

extinguished, be;;uhaen, bt vyhasnut, bt;I

extremely: Myanmar (country) is extremely beautiful.;:

T ;nesmrn: Myanmar (zem) je
extinguished: May (you) be in calm ( ~ "extinguished) and
cooled. (May you be in calm.);: ;vyhasnut: K nesmrn krsn.;pol.
jsi v klidu ( ~ "vyhasnut) a chladn. (K jsi v klidu.);w. pol. extremely: That is extremely unrighteous. (about life); :
( ~
extinguished: Sir, I am aunt of this extinguished light.;:
;uhaen: Pane, (j) jsem teta );extrm: To je extrm nespravedliv. (o
tohohle uhaenho svtla.;pol. idi.
extract (extract, take (and) fix);;extrahovat
(extrahovat, vzt (a) upevnit);T
extraordinary, be;;neobyejn, bt;I

eye (equal sight); ( );oko (rovnomrn zrak);sg.

eye (round eye); ( );oko (kulat oko);sg.
eye (sight's ball); ( );oko (zrakov koule);sg.

extreme, be (wonder (is) not used-up); ;extrmn, bt

(div nen vyerpn);I

eye, of; ;on;adj.

extremely (to extremely); ;extrm (do


face (eye (and) nose); ( );obliej (oko (a) nos)

tv (obliej, oko (a) nos);sg.

{adverber}); ;nesmrn (nabrat (a) lehat-si


face (sth., encounter (the) chest); ;elit (emu,

stetnout-se-s hrud);I

extremely much;;extrm moc;adv.

face: (I) am going to wash my face.; :

;obliej: Jdu si umt obliej.;fut.

eye: a bird's eye; : ;oko: pta

extremely; ;extrm oko;writ.
extrmn nesmrn;adv. col. (or) adv.
eyes: Because (my) eyes got sick ( ~ "divided).; :
extremely (measure doesn't stop); ;extrm (mra ;oi: Protoe mi onemocnly oi. (Protoe
(jsem) dostal rozdlen (a) upevnn o.);pol.

extremely (where measure doesn't stop); ;extrm face (a problem etc., face (sth. by) face); ;elit
(problmu atd., elit tv);T
(kde mra nezastavuje);adv. col.
face (difficulties);;elit (potm);I
extremely (fervently, scoop (and) recline

extremely much: (He) loves extremely much.;:

;extrm moc: Miluje extrm moc.;
extremely much: (There) is being done an extremely much (of)
work (for) the development of Myanmar country.;:
T T T T ;extrm
moc: Dl se extrm moc prce (za elem) rozvoje zem
extremely: (He) becomes extremely happy.; :
T ;extrm: Stane se extrm astnm.;
extremely: (I am) a Buddhist, who can extremely respect (and)
revere (the Buddha, the Teachings and the monks).; :
Jsem Buddhista, kter doke nesmrn respektovat (a) ctt
(Buddhu, Uen a mnichy).;
extremely: (I) am extremely happy.; :
: ;extrm: Jsem extrm
astn.; (or) pol.
extremely: (I) extremely respect the religion (of
Dhamma).; : ;nesmrn:
Nesmrn ctm nboenstv (Dhammy).;pol.
extremely: (It) is extremely beautiful.;:
;nesmrn: Je (to) nesmrn krsn.;
extremely: (It) is extremely important.; :
;extrm: Je (to) extrm dleit.;pol.


face: a woman's face; :

;obliej: ensk obliej;
face: sweet peoples' faces; : ;tv: sladk
lidsk tve;
Facebook;;Facebook;n. E. Facebook
Facebook: look at ( ~ log in) Faceebok;:
;Facebook: dvat se ( ~ pihlsit se) na Facebook;
facial expression; ( );vraz tve;sg.
facial expression ); ( );vraz tve (vraz
fact; ;fakt;n.
fact that;;skutenost, e;suff.
fact, that: Indeed, (I) didn't know (the fact that) it's you.;:
;skutenost, e: Vskutku, nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti), e jsi to ty.;col. pol.
fact: (I) didn't know (the fact that) he comes.;:
;skutenost: Nevdl jsem (o skutenosti,) e pichz.;
fact: (I) didn't know (the fact that) he is a student.;:
;skutenost: Nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti,) e je student.;
fact: (I) didn't know (the fact that) today's Friday.;:
;skutenost: Nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti,) e dnes je ptek.;

fact: (I) don't know (the fact) who ( ~ what) he is.;:

;skutenost: Nevm (skutenost) kdo ( ~ co)
(on) je.;
fact: (I) don't know (the fact) who he is.;:
;skutenost: Nevm (skutenost) km ( ~ kdo) (on)
fact: (I) know (the fact that) he will come.;:
;skutenost: Vm (o skutenosti,) e

fall;;spadnout padat;I (or) T
fall (be-detached (and) fall); ;spadnout (bt-odpojen (a)
fall (get-loose (and) fall); ;padat (uvolnit (se a) padat)
spadnout (uvolnit (se a) padat);T
fall (lose (and) fall); ;spadnout (ztratit (a) padat)
padat (ztratit (a) padat);I

fall (about defeat of a town);;pd (o poce msta);I

fact: Any Buddhist accepts this fact.;:
fall (autumn, opportunity before
;fakt: Kterkoliv winter); ;podzim (pleitost ped zimnmbuddhista tento fakt pijm.;
fact: the same fact; : ;fakt: stejn
fall (from hands, get-free (and) fall);;upustit (z rukou,
uvolnit-se (a) padat);I
factor (outline (and) information (of)
character);T ;okolnost (nstin
(a) informace-o charakteru) faktor (nstin (a) infromace-o

fall (of leaves, fruits etc.);;padat (o listech, ovoci atd.);I

factor (outline (of) character);T ;faktor

(nstin charakteru) okolnost (nstin charakteru);n.

fall for sb.;;padnout pro nkoho;T

fall (on the ground);;upadnout (na zem);I

fall behind (fall back); ;zpozdit se (padnout zpt);I
fall down;;spadnout dol;T

fall in (be captured, descend (and)

factor (quality (and) item); ;faktor (kvalita (a) vc) descend); ;padnout v (bt zajat, sestoupit (a)
hodnota (kvalita (a) vc);n.
factor: (It) is one of the suttas, which contains commentarial
fall in love (be-caught (by) love); ;zamilovat se (btfactors.; :
chycen (do) lsky);I
T ;faktor: Je (to) jedna ze sutt,
fall in love (become loving); T ;zamilovat se (stt-se
kter obsahuj komenttorsk faktory.;
factor: Dhamma factors; :
fall in: Indeed, not long after the great town Inwa fell in hands
;faktor: Dhamma faktory;writ.
of the Hanthawadi's troops.; :
factory (machine building); ( );tovrna (budova
;padnout do: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
factory (public-building (of) machines); ; tovrna
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.
(veejn-budova stroj);n.
fall into (fall (and) come); ;upadnout do (upadnout (a)
facts (items (and) limbs); ;fakta (vci (a) dy)
skutenosti (fakta, vci (a) dy);n.
facts: facts regarding the moral training; :
;skutenosti: skutenosti ohledn
etickho trninku;n.
facts: several facts about me; :
;informace: nkolik informac o m;


fall into: The Myanmar country has in the year 1889 fell
((and) came)into the state of English subordination.; :
;upadnout do: Zem Myanmaru v roce 1889
upadla ((a) pila) do stavu anglick podzenosti.;p.s. writ.

fall over; ;svalit se pepadnout (pes co);I

fail (at examination): (He) needs permission to sit ( ~ "answer) fall: After snow falls, (the weather) is cold.;:
again for the examination which (he) failed last year.;: ;paadat: Po (tom, co) napad snh, je zima (
T ( ~
);neprojt ~ studen poas).;
(u zkouky): Potebuje svolen k opakovn ( ~ "opakovanmu fall: After Tanyin fell, (he) could easily seize the
odpovdn (u)) zkouky, kterou minul rok neproel.;
fair, be;;spravedliv, bt;I
fairly; ;pomrn;adv.
fairly (quite (and) somewhat); ;pomrn (docela
(a) ponkud);adv.
fairly (well (and) much); ;jak tak (dobe (a)
faith;;dvra;n. P. sacca (= truth)
faith: with faith (and) kindness;: T;dvra: s
dvrou (a) dobrotivost;lett.
faithful, be (have fidelity);; vrn, bt (mt vrnost);I P.

;padnout: Po tom, co Tanlyen padlo, mohl

snadno dobt Hantvad.;writ.
falooda (Persian dessert drink mostly consisting of
milk);;Faluda (persk mounkov npoj sestvajc
zejmna z mlka);n.
faluda (Persian dessert drink mostly consisting of
milk);;Faluda (persk mounkov npoj sestvajc
zejmna z mlka);n.
fame (be-famous (and) heard {nouner}); ;slva (btslavn (a) slyen {jmenec});n.


familiar through repeated hearing, be thoroughly;

(from );obeznmen skrze opakovan poslech,
bt zcela;I (or) I WS.
familiar with, be; ;znalost ohledn, mt;I

famous: youthful teacher ( ~ chief monk), (who) became
famous; : ;slavn:
nezkuen uitel ( ~ opat), (kter) se stal slavnm;

familiar, be (be-intimate (and of) hiddenfact); T;znm, bt (bt-dvrn (a) skrytchinformac);I

Fanta (beverage); ;Fanta (npoj);n. E. Fanta

familiar, be (be-intimate (and) close); ;znm, bt (btdvrn (a) blzk);I

far (away): Is mummy far away?;:

();daleko (pry): Je maminka daleko (pry)?;inter.

far (afar): (It) can be seen from afar.;:

T ;daleko (zdaleka): Lze (jej) vidt zdaleka.;pol.

familiar, be: He is not very much familiar to (me).; :

;znm, bt: Moc ho neznm. (Nejsem s far away;;daleko;adv.
nm hodn moc znm.);col.
far away: quite far away from ( ~ with) the buffalo.;:
family;( );rodina;sg.
;daleko: Docela daleko od ( ~ s)
family member (his realty);( );rodiny, len buvola.;adv.
(jeho nemovitost);sg.
far in the distance; (WS. from
family membership list (list (of) family group);
;rodiny, seznam len (seznam rodinn skupiny);n.
famous ((of) great name); ;slavn (velkho
famous (famous (and) renowned): The great Myanmar army
led by the king Naung was very famous ( ~ famous (and)
renowned) in the Asian continent.; :
;slavn (slavn (a) vhlasn): (Ta)
velk Myanmarsk armda veden krlem Nau byla velice
slavn ( ~ slavn (a) vhlasn) po (celm) asijskm
kontinent.;p.s. pol.
famous person (famous (and) heard
person); ( );slavn osoba
(slavn (a) slyen lovk);n. (mn.)
famous, be; ;slavn, bt;I
famous, be (be-famous (and) sit-astride); ;slavn, bt
(bt-slavn (a) sedt-obkromo);I

);daleko v dli;adv. (or) adv. WS.

far in the distance: The tree is far in the distance.;:

;daleko v dli: Strom je daleko v
far, be; ;daleko, bt;I
far, be: (It) is far from modern technology.;:
;daleko, bt: Je (to) daleko
od modern technologie.;
far, be: Call while being far.;: ;daleko, bt:
Bt daleko a volat.;
far: Buenos Aires is 8377 km far from ( ~ with)
;daleko: Buenos
Aires je 8377 km daleko od ( ~ s) Washingtonu.;
far: How many miles is it far from here to Bago?;:
;daleko: Kolik ml je to odsud do
Bago? (Odsud to Bago, kolik ml je to daleko?);inter. col.

famous, be (visible (and) rare); ;slavn, bt (viditeln

(a) vzcn);I

far: I don't know precisely how far it is.;:

;daleko: Nevm pesn jak je to

famous, be the most (visible (and) rare themost); ;slavn, bt nejvce (viditeln (a) vzcn);I

far: It is 50 miles far (from here);:

;daleko: Je to (odsud) 50 mil daleko.;pol.

famous, be: famous singer; :

;slavn, bt: slavn zpvk;

farina; ;mouka;n.

famous, foremost; ;slavn, nejpednji;adj.

famous: Among these heroes Kyansittha became especially
famous.; :
T ;slavn: Z tchto hrdin se stal ansit
obzvlt slavnm.;writ.

farmer (proficient (on) field); ( );farm

(zdatn (na) poli);sg.
fashion, modern (modern era); ;mda, nov
(modern ra);n.
fashionable, be (era heartily); ;mdn, bt (doba

famous: famous (and) renowned (chief) monk; :

fast, be;T ;rychl, bt;I
;slavn: slavn (a) proslul (hlavn) fast: He walks fast.;T T : T T ;rychle:
(On) jde rychle.;
famous: Mandalay's Zaycho (Sweet Market) is a famous
fasten; ;upevnit;T
market.; :
fat, be;;tlust, bt;I
( );slavn: Mandalajsk Zhhu
fat: The man is fatter than the woman.;:
(Sladk Trh) je (njak) slavn trh.;pol. col.
;tlust: (Ten) mu je tlust ne (ta)
famous: Min Yaza became famous as one of the great wise
men in Myanmar.; :
T ( )T ;slavn: Men Yza
se stal slavnm jakoto jeden z velkch moudrch mu



father;( );otec;sg.
father: He is my father.;: () ;otec:

(On) je mj otec.;pol. um.

festival (great event); ;festival (velk udlost);n.

father: How about father, does (he) like (it)?;:

;otec: A co otec, m (to) rd?;inter.

festival: It can be also called ( ~ heard) as Myanmar new year

crossing festival.;: T ;festival:
Me bt tak nazvno ( ~ slyeno) jakoto Festival
myanmarskho novoronho pekroen.;col. pol.

father: I will tell (it) to father.;:

T ;otec: eknu (to) otci.;fut. pol. uw.

festival: Thin-gyan means ( ~ is called) one of festivals of

Myanmar country.; : T
favor (raise much);T ;oblbit si (vyzvednout hodn);T ;festival: Tendan se k jednomu z
(celo)nrodnch festival.;col. pol.
favorable, be; ;pzniv, bt;I
fetch (take (and) come);;donst (vzt (a) pijt);T
favorable, be (condition (is) proper); ;pzniv, bt
fault;( );omyl;sg.


(podmnka (je) sprvn);I


fax (message); ( );fax (zprva);sg. E. fax

fever, have (fever lives);;horeku, mt (horeka ije);I.

fax: The woman is receiving a fax right now.; :

() () ;fax: (Ta)
ena prv te pijm fax ( ~ faxovou zprvu).;

few; ;trocha nkolik;pron. (or) adj.

fear; ;strachovat se strach, mt;I

fever, have. The boy has fever.;:

;horeku, mt: Chlapec m horeku.;cont.
few (little (and) little); ;nkolik (nkolik (a) mal);adj.

feat (also about magic, work (and) stop); ;skutek (i o

magii, pracovat (a) zastavit);n.

few (little (of) littleness); ;mlo (mlo trochy);adv.

feat: (He) was able to accomplish that feat without (movement

of) hand.; :
;skutek: Byl schopen uskutenit (ten
magick) skutek (i) bez (pohybu) ruky.;pol.

field, paddy; ( );pole, rov;sg.

fed up, be (mind (is) used-up);;znechucen, bt

(znechucen, mysl (je) vyerpan);I

T ;pole: Krva stoj na poli.;cont.

few: There were few books.; :

;mlo: Bylo tam mlo knih.;p.s.
feat, magical (magical power): show a magical power; :
T ;moc, skutek, magick (magick moc):
ukzat magickou moc;
field (round exterior);T ( );pole (kulat venek);sg.
field, paddy (field, open-field); ;pole, rov (pole,

field, paddy (field (of) paddy-field); ( );pole,

features (nature (of) nature);;vlastnosti (charakter rov (pole rovho-pole);sg.
field, sports (field (of) playing (with)
February (month); ();nor (msc);n. E. February
strength);;hit, sportovn (pole hran (si se)
fed up, be (mind (is) broken); ;znechucen, bt
(znechucen, mysl (je) zniena);I
field: A cow is standing on the field.;T :

feed (esp. an animal);;krmit (zejm. zve);T

fierce, be (be-intense (and) strong);T ;krut, bt (btintenzivn (a) siln);I

feel (take indeed);;ctit (brt vskutku);I

fifth;;pt;num. P. pacama (= fifth)

feel (take experience);;ctit se (vzt proitek);I

fight (esp. in very negative sense, dash-against (and) comefeel bad (mind (is) not good); ;ctit se patn (mysl into-contact);;bojovat (zejm. ve velice negativnm
smyslu, vrhat-se-proti (a) pichzet-do-kontaktu);T
nen dobr);I
fight (struggle, stuggle (and) kick); ;bojovat (usilovat (a)
feel bad: The boy feels bad.; :
;ctit se patn: (Ten) chlapec se ct patn.;
feel good (life (is) good); ;ctit se dobe (ivot (je)

fight: This man is fighting.;:

;bojovat: Tento mu bojuje.;cont.

feeling (take indeed {nouner});;ctit (brt vskutku


file (in computer, file (of) writing);( );soubor (na

potai, soubor psan);sg. E. file

feeling: feeling of contact between hands;:

T ( ~ ) ;pocit: pocit doteku mezi

file (in computer): a book prepared as a file ((on)

computer);: T T
;soubor (na potai): kniha pipravovan jakoto
soubor ((na) potai);

feel: Sir, how do you feel?;: ;ctit se: figure;( );zobrazen;sg.

Pane, jak se ctte?;inter. uw.
file; ( );soubor;n. pc. E. file (or) sg. pc. E. file

fella; ;chlpek;sg. sl.

female (woman);( );ena;sg.

file (on computer);( );soubor (na potai);sg. E.


fence (row (of) fence (for) garden);T ;plotit (ada

plotu (pro) zahradu);n.

file: from the typed files;: ;soubor (na

potai): z tch napsanch soubor;

fence; ;plotit plot oplotit;T (or) n.

festival;( ) ;festival;n. (or) sg.

fill up (with st.);;naplnit (nm);T


film; ( );film;sg. (roll, movie) E. film

film (enliven appearance);( );film (oiven

film (picture lives);( );film (obraz ije);sg.
filter (to filter things);( );filtr (k filtrovn);sg.
finally; ;nakonec;adv.

fine, be (satisfied (with) situation); T;dobr, bt

(spokojen (se) situac);I
fine, be (smooth (and) pleasant);;jemn, bt (hladk (a)
fine, be (feel good, life (is) good); ;v podku, bt
(ivot (je) dobr);I

finally (in ending); (WS. from )

;nakonec (v konen);adv.

fine, be: That's fine.; T: T ;podku, bt

v: To je v podku.;col. pres.

finally (then at end);;nakonec (pak na


fine: That's fine, indeed. (answer to an excuse); :

;v podku: To je v podku, opravdu. (odpov na

finally (in (the) following end); ;nakonec (v

nsledujcm konci);adv.

finally: After some time (she) will become old, sick, (and) finally
(she) will die.; :
;nakonec: Za uritou dobu zestrne, onemocn (a)
nakonec zeme.;fut. pol.
finally: Goal is the place in race, where (one) has to finally
arrive.; :
;nakonec: Cl znamen msto v zvod, kam
(jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.
finally: I zealously try to get various things and finally I
die.; :
Horliv se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut.

fine, quite; ;dobr, docela;adj. !

finger (hand's stick); ( );prst (klack

finger (hand's stick); ( );prst (u ruky, klack
finger: finger tips; : ;prst: koneky
finish; ;dokonit skonit ukonit
zakonit;I (or) T
finish ( ~ complete): After six days (I) will finish ( ~ complete),
because (I) will copy twenty-five pages.;:
;dokonit: Za est dn (to) dokonm, protoe budu
koprovat dvacet pt strnek.;fut. pol.

finally: What they believe is, that finally (it) disappears and they
will (simply) die.; :
emu v, tak (prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni)
(prost) zemou.;pol.

finish (be-used-up (and) go);;skonit (bt-dokonen

(a) jt);I

financial condition (possess (and) grow

{nouner});;finann podmnky (vlastnit (a) rst

finish (finish (and) go);;skonit (skonit (a) jt);T

financial: Moreover, (there) are also many financial

businesses.;: T
;finann: Navc, je (zde) tak mnoho finannho
podnikn.;pol. col.
find;;najt nalzt;I (or) T

finish (finally quench); ;skonit (konen uhasit);

finish (finish (and) come-to-end);;skonit (ukonit (a)
finish (finish (and) reach-apex);T ;skonit (skonit (a)
finish (finishing has-gone);;skonit (ukonen odelo);T
finish (+ (and) go): It will finish just like this. (Just like this (it)
will just finish (and) go.);: ;skonit
(+ (a) jt): Skon to prv takhle. (Prv s takto to zrovna
skon a pjde.);fut.

find ( ~ "for): Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for finish (indicates desire to end the discussion): skonit ((That)
places (it) is difficult.);:
was pretty good.);: ;fajn (zna touhu ukonit
() ;najt ( ~ "pro): Protoe je tk
diskuzi): Fajn. ((To) bylo hezky dobr.);p.p. pol. col.
najt msto. (Protoe pro msta je (to) nron.);pol.
finish copletely;;ukonit zcela;T
find (meet-with);; najt (setkat-se-s);T
finish: (He) finishes (it) completely.;:

find: I didn't find the proper teacher (monk) there.;:

;dokonit: pln (to) dokonuje;
;nalzt: Nenalezl jsem finish: After twenty-four days (I) can finish ( ~ complete).;:
tam (toho) vhodnho uitele (mnicha).;p.s. pol.
T ;dokonit: Po dvaceti
find: It is said, that he reads all kinds of writings that he
tyech dnech (to) mohu dokonit.;fut.
finds.;: ;najt: k se, e te finish: finish denoting that mention;:
vechny druhy psan, jak najde.;
;ukonit: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;
fine; ;fajn;interj. col.

fine (said by a friend or elder person); ;jo (eeno

kamardem nebo star osobou);interj. col. ans. fr.
fine, and now; ;a te;interj. col.
fine, be; ;pkn, bt v podku, bt;I (or)


finish: The meditation is completely finished.;:

;ukonit: Meditace je zcela ukonena.;
finish: when (it) was finished;: ;dokonit:
kdy (to) bylo dokoneno;adv. writ.
finish: When (we) finish (practice (of)) meditation, (I) answer

the questions asked by the people.;:

T ;skonit: Kdy
skonme (praxi) meditaci, odpovdm na otzky poloen ( ~
"ptan) lidmi.;pol. writ.
finish: When do (you) plan to ( ~ will) finish?;:
;skonit: Kdy plnuje ( ~ bude)
finish: when the time for meditation is finished;:
;skonit: kdy as na
meditaci skon;
finished;;ukonen skonen hotov;adj. (or) suff. adj.

first aid kit (first medical box (and)

bag);( );krabika prvn pomoci
(prvn lkask krabice (a) taka);sg.
first time (starting from now);;poprv (ponaje od
first time, for the (as first time);T ;na poprv
(jakoto prvn as);adv.
first time, for the: for the first (time) with movement of
hand;T : T
;na poprv: na poprv (s) pohybem ruky;

first time:This I have encountered for the first time, now. (This
finished, be completely;;konce, bt zcela u;
is a thing which, for me, (I) have met for starting from
finished, be completely: One day is completely finished,
already.;: ;konce, bt zcela u: ;poprv: S tmhle jsem se te setkal poprv. (Tohle je
vc, (se) kterou, pro m, jsem se setkal ponaje od te.);pol.
Jeden den je u zcela u konce.;col.
finished, have; ;dokonen, mt;suff.
finished, have: (We) have finished some writing until
today.; : ;dokonen, mt: Do
dnes u jsme njak to psan dokonili.;p.p.
finished: (For) today I finished learning Myanmar
T ();skonil: Pro dneek jsem se
skonil uit Myanmarsky.;p.p. um.
finished: Moreover, the correction is also finished. (Then,
correcting also is finished correcting.);: T
T ;hotov: A pak, oprava je tak hotov. (Pak,
opravovn je tak skoneno opravovnm.);p.p. pol.
fire, big (flames, big blazing fire); ;ohe, velk
(pleny, velk planouc ohe);n.
fire: Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is
like fire, very dangerous to woman.;:

;ohe: ena je pro mue velice
nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
nebezpen, jako ohe.;
firewood (dry firewood); T ;dv (such dv)
devo (na plen, such dv);n.
firm, be;;pevn, bt;I un.
firm, be (steadfast (and) firm);;pevn, bt (vytrval (a)
firm: The decision is so firm, that nothing can (ever) destroy
it.;: T
;pevn: (To) rozhodnut je tak pevn, e jej nic
neme zniit.;pol.

first-aid kit (first medical box (and)

bag);( );lkrnika (prvn
lkask krabice (a) taka);sg.

first-aid kit (package (with) things (for) supporting (and)

helping); ( );lkrnika (balk
vc (pro) podpoen (a) pomoc);sg.
first-born (first son);;prvorozen (prvn syn);n.
first, at;T;nejprve (prvn);adj. num. P. pahama (=
first, be (early (and) first);;prvn, bt (dve (a) prvn);I
first, the (most first);;prvn (nejvce prvn);adj. P.
pahama (= first)
first, the: You are the first person to who I reveal my
secrets.;: TT
;prvn: Jsi prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv
first: (He) enters the finishing line as first.;:
;prvn: prvn se dostv ( ~ vstupuje) na
vtznou ru.;
first: Also, the goods from China arrive to Mandalay first.; :
T ;prvn,
jako: Tak, zbo z ny se piv ( ~ pijd) jako prvn do
Mandalaje.;pol. col.
first: comes (as) first;: T ;prvn: pichz
(jako) prvn;writ.
first: First having turned left, then just turn right, (and) there
(you) should find the hotel.; :

;nejprve: Nejprve
zatote vlevo, a pak zatote vpravo, (a) tam byste ml uvidt
( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.

first; ;prvn nejprve nejdve; (or) first: However, indeed, the turtle has already had arrived first to
adv. (or) adj. P. pahama (= first) (or) adj. num. P. pahama (= the goal.;:
T ;prvn, jako: Avak, vskutku, elva ji
first) (or) num. P. pahama (= first) (or) adv. writ.
first (old (and) first {adv.});;prvn, jako (star (a) prvn do cle dorazila jako prvn.;writ.
first (ahead, placed ahead); ;naped (dve, uloen
first (primary, ancient (and) first);;prvn (prvotn,
starodvn (a) prvn);adj.

first: The blue car has entered the winning post ( ~ finishing
line);: T ;p.p.;
first: The blue car has entered the winning post ( ~ finishing
line) first.;: T ;prvn:
Modr auto vstoupilo na vtznou ru ( ~ konc ru);p.p.

first: The man with blue shirt is the first.;: T


;prvn: Pn v ( ~ s) modr koili je

firstborn (first son);;prvorozen (prvn syn);n.

flatter (fawningly, do fawningly);

;lichotit (podlzav, dlat podlzav);T

flatter: Don't flatter (her), her boyfriend may beat (you).;T :

;lichotit: Nelicho j,
firstly;T ;prvn pedevm (prvn) za prv T ()
(nebo) by (t) jej ptel mohl zbt.;jk.
(prvn);adj. num. P. pahama (= first) (or) adv.
flaw; ;zvada;n.
firstly (early (and) first {adv.}');;prvn (dve (a) prvn
flight plan (air vehicle's plan
board); ;letov d (tabule (s) plnem
fish;( ) ( );ryba;sg.
fish and chips; ;ryba s hranolkami;n. E. fish and chips vzduchovch vozidel);n. E. board
fish paste (flat fish); (from ) ;ryb pasta (placat flight plan: On the big flight plan (board) there is information
about departures of planes ( ~ planes which will
depart).; :
fish sauce (completely blue drink);T ;ryb omka
( ) () ;letov d: Na
(zcela modr npoj);n.
velk (tabuli) letovho du jsou informace o odletech letadel
fit; ;hodit se k;I
fit (about a translation, touch (and) come); ;sedt (CZ ( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;

col. o pekladu dotkat-se (a) pichzet);T col.

fit (to);;sedt s (m, CZ col.);I
fitting; ;sluc se;adj.

fitting, be;;pasujc, bt;I un.

five; ;pt;num.

flag;( );vlajka;sg. A. alam

flames, big (big blazing fire); ;plameny, velk
(velk planouc ohe);n.
flash (flash abruptly goes bright
{nouner}); T ;blesk (blesk neoekvan
jde zc {jmenec});n.

flight ticket (air vehicle hand

sign); ( );letenka (vzduchovho
vozidla run znamen);sg.

flight ticket (air vehicle's hand

sign); ( );letenka (run znamen
vzdunho vozidla);sg.
float (flat vehicle): Floats come on these stages (to the place
where are the stages).;T: T
;vozy, ploch: Ploch vozy pijdou

na tato pdia (na msto, kde jsou pdia).;pol.

float, ornamental (flat vehicle, vehicle showing

beauty);T( );vz, ozdobn (vozidlo ukazujc
flash, go (flash abruptly goes bright); ;blesk,
prochzet (blesk neoekvan jde zc);I.
floor (floor's flat-surface, rough surface); T ;podlaha
flashlight (element (of) fire); ( );svtilna (element
(rovn-povrch podlahy, hrub povrch);n.
ohn);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
floor (storey);( );podla (patro);sg.
flashlight (fire stick);( );svtilna (ohniv
floor (storey): the man is in the fifth floor;:
;patro (podla): (ten) pn je v ptm pate;
flashlight (fire stick);( );svtilna (ohniv
floor, lower (level down); ;patro, ni (stupe
klack);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
flashlight (fire element (to) press (in)
floor, lower: A school-teacher lives (alone) in the lower
hand); ( );svtilna (do ruky,
floor.; :
element ohn (k) makn (v) ruce);sg. P. dhtu (=
;patro, ni: Uitel (koln) bydl (sm) v nim
flat (building room): The rented flat (room), as (it) is in town,
floor, upper (level up); ;patro, vy (stupe
(it) is pretty ( ~ much) noisy.; :
;byt (budovn pokoj): Ten pronajat byt,
floor, upper: I live on the upper floor.; :
ponvad je ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.
;patro, vy: Bydlm ve vym
flat (building's room); ( );byt (pokoj
pate.;pol. um.
flour (flour powder); ; mouka (moun prek);n.
flat (appartment, house room); ( );byt (domovn
flour (salt, pepper etc.);T;nasypat (sl, pep atd.);T
flour (sugar etc., put); ;nasypat (cukr atd., vloit);T
flat, be;T;ploch, bt;I
flourish (be-alive (and) thrive); ;kvst (bt-naivu (a)
flat: (I) stayed with my girlfriend in the flat rented by
me.; :
;byt: il jsem se svou ptelkyn v byt, kter jsem si flourish (be-prosperous (and) spread); ;vzkvtat (btspn (a) roziovat-se);T
flourish: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is flourishing more
flatten;;urovnat uhladit;T
than before.; :
flatter;T (WS. from T );lichotit;I col. WS. (or) I
;vzkvtat: Proto dnes


Mandalaj vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.

flower (flower (to) blossom); ( ) ;kvtina (kvtina

follow (a religion): And what religion did (you) follow

;nsledovat (nboenstv): A jak
nboenstv jsi nsledoval dve?;inter. col.

flower (flower column); ( );kvtina (kvtinov


follow or not;;nsledovat nebo ne;v.

flower; ( );kvtina;sg.

flower (flower, flower); ( );kvtina (kvtina,


follow (rules);;nsledovat (pravidla);T

follow: (I) cannot follow.;: ;nsledovat:

Nemohu nsledovat.;

flower of; ;kvtina (eho);suff. n.

following (next); ;nsledujc nsledujc (dal);prep. (or)


flower: If many flowers become colorful (and) adequate, the

spring has come.; :
;kvtina: Pokud se (stalo) mnoho kvtin
barevnmi (a) pimenmi, pilo jaro.;p.p.

following, be (included under); ;nsledujc, bt

(obsaen dole);I

flower (plant); ( );kvtina (rostlina);sg.

following after (behind finishing); ;nsledujc po (za


flower: The flower is of yellow (color) and orange color.; : following: following words; :

;kvtina: (Ta) kvtina je lut ;nsledujc (obsaen dole): nsledujc slova;pl.
(barvy) a oranov barvy.;
fond of, be (like (and) descend); ;rd, mt (mt-rd (a)
flowers: Because it is raining, flowers are (being) wet.; : schzet-dol);T
( ) ;kvtiny: Ponvad pr,
kvtiny jsou mokr.;cont.

fond of, be (love (and) like); ;zamilovan do, bt (milovat

(a) mt-rd) spznn s (milovat (a) mt-rd);T

fluent (superb): (Your) Burmese (language speaking) is just

superb ( ~ "fluent)!;: T
;plynul (skvl): (Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ "mluven
Barmskm jazykem) je prost skvl ( ~ "plynul)!;cont.

fond of, be: (I) happened to be immeasurably, warmly, fond of

the novice-monk.; :
;spznn, bt: Stalo se, e (jsem) nezmrn,
vroucn spznn s (tm) novicem (mnichem).;pol.

fluent in speaking, be;;plynule mluvit;I

font (for typing);;font (pro psan na potai);n. E. font

fluid; ;kapaln kapalina;n.

food; ( );jdlo;sg.

fly; ( ) ( ) ;ltat moucha;T food (eating (and) eating);;jdlo (jezen (a)

(or) sg.
fly (fly (and) hover (over)); ;ltat (ltat (a) vznet se
fly (fly (and) hover-over); ;ltat (ltat (a) vznet-se);T

food (and) drink; ;jdlo (a) pit;n.

food (and) drink (eating (and) drinking); ;n.

fly (fly body); ( );moucha (mu tlo);sg.

food (and) drink (eating (and) drinking): He gave ( ~ will

fly: a flying airplane; : ;ltat: give) food (and) drink to the people by (his) right
hand.; : T T
ltajc letadlo;sg.
fly: A plane is flying in the sky.;: ;ljdlo (a) pit (jezen (a) pit): Dval
( ~ d) lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s. writ.
;ltat: Letado lt v nebi.;cont.
fly: Fly is resting.; : ;moucha:
Moucha odpov.;cont.
focus (also one's mind, rotate ahead); ;zamit (tak
vlastn mysl, otet dopedu);T
focus (mind, immerse, submerge (and)
put);T ;smrovat (mysl, potopit, ponoit (a) uloit);T
foggy, be;T T;mlhavo, bt;I

food (for monks);;potrava (pro mnichy);n.

food (for monks): After 10pm (I) do not eat (any) meal.;:
;jdlo (pro mnichy): Po
dest poledn u nejm. (Rno, kdy pejde dest hodina, u
nejm jdlo.);n.
food (offered for monks, hard (and) non-homogenous
food); ;jdl (nabdnut mnichm, tvrd (a)
nestejnorod jdlo);n. mn. P. bhojana (= food)

foggy, be: Because it's foggy, cars must go ( ~ drive)

slowly.;T: T TT
T: T TT ;mlhavo,
bt: Protoe je mlha, auta mus jet ( ~ dit) pomalu.;

food (other than rice, cereals or meat, hard (and) nonhomogenous); ;jdlo (jin ne re, obilniny nebo maso,
tvrd (a) nestejnorod);n. mn.

follow (a religion, rely-on (and) conceal);;nsldovat

(nboenstv, spolhat-se (a) skrvat-se-za);sg.

food: Sir, do (you) like the local food ( ~ food from

here)?;: ;jdlo: Pane,

food and drink (eating, drinking); ;jdlo a pit

fold (a paper etc., knock); ;peloit (papr atd., klepat);T (jezen (a) pit);n.
food: How long time does it take to cook this food?;:
follow; ;nsledovat;T
follow (follow (and) listen);;nsledovat (nsledovat (a) ;jdlo: Jak dlouho
trv uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.


mte rd zdej jdlo ( ~ jdlo odsud)?;inter.

foolish, be;;len, bt;I
foot (leg (and) sole);T( );noha (od kotnku dol,
noha (a) chodidlo);sg.
foot (leg (and) sole);T( );noha (od kotnku
dol, noha (a) pata);sg. (pair, one)
football dress (shirt (for) kicking
ball); ( );fotbalov dres (koile (na)
kopn me);sg.
football dress: (He) wears a blue football
dress.; : T
;fotbalov dres: Nos modr fotbalov dres.;

For God's sake! (great little eldersister); ;Proboha! (ohromn mal starsestra);interj. col.
for instance; T ;pklad,
na na pklad;adv. P. upam (= example) (or) adv. writ. P.
upam (= example)
for nothing;;pro nic;adv.
for now;;te (na te);conj. col.
for now: Thanks for reminding (me) (for now).;:
;te (na te): Dkuji za upozornn
((na) te).;col. pol.

for oneself;

;pro sebe si (sob);acc. (or) pron.

football, game of (event (of) round
ball);( );fotbalu, hra (udlost kulatho me) for oneself (in one's mind, e.g. recite something in one's mind,
kopan, hra (udlost kulatho me);sg.
without pronouncing or making a sound); ;pro sebe (ve
vlastn mysli, nap. recitovat nco ve vlastn mysli, bez
footballer (proficient (in)
ball);( );brank (zdatn (v) mi);sg. vyslovovn i dln zvuk);adv.
footballer (proficient (in)
football);( );fotbalista (zdatn (ve)

for oneself: I read an article (for myself) yesterday.;:

;si: Vera jsem si
etl jeden lnek.;

for oneself: It is said, that the villagers (male villagers (and)

female villagers) asked him (for themselves) when they didn't
know ( ~ when they had sth. unknown).;:
;se: k se, e vesnian

footnote (note (at) foot below



(a) vesnianky) se ho ptali kdy (mli nco, co)

{nouner}); T ;poznmka pod arou (poznmka
(u) nohy dole {jmenec});n.
footballer: This person is a footballer.;:
T ;fotbalista: Tento lovk je

n;suff. adv.
for; ;k pro;suff. prep. (or) for real; ;skute
prep. (or) suff. writ. (or) suff. prep. writ. (or) suff. (or) prep. writ. for real: Are (you) happy (for real)?; ;skuten: Jsi
skuten astn?;inter.
for ( ~ "duty): What have you come to Burma (country) for

for sure;
;samozejm opravdu tedy (jist) urit;adv. (or)
for ( ~ "with): How much (do you) sell this for ( ~ "with)?; : adv. col. (or) suff. adv. (or) suff. inter.
for sure (really clean (and) tested); ;jist (vskutku
;za ( ~ "s): Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika)
ist (a) prozkouen);conj.
tohle prodvte?;inter. col.
( ~ to do)?;: T ;kvli ( ~
"povinnost): Kvli emu jsi pijel do Barmy (zem)?;inter.

for (followed by verb); ;aby (nsledovno slovesem) for sure (stability (and) spinning);;jist (ke
skutenosti, stability (and) spinning);adv
kvli (nsledovno slovesem) za (nsledovno
for sure (to reality); ;jist (ke skutenosti);adv.
for (follows after a v.); ;pro (nsleduje za slovesem);suff.
for (for the sake of);;pro (za elem);prep.

for sure, be: The king was, for sure, very pleased with Nga
Nyo.;: ;tedy: Krl byl
tedy s a o velice spokojen.;

for sure: (At) want time do (you) want (me) to come for
for (on behalf of): Therefore, there are many works that one
sure?; : ;opravdu: V kolik hodin
gets done by ( ~ that are done for another and taken)
chcete, abych opravdu pijel?;inter. col.
another.;: ( )( )
;pro: Proto je mnoho prac, kter si for sure: Are (you) healthy, for sure?; :
jeden nech udlat od druhho ( ~ kter jsou udlny pro
;skuten: Jsi skuten zdrav?;inter.
druhho a pijaty);pol.
for sure: How are you? (Are (you) healthy, for sure?); :
for (so as to, followed by a verb); ;aby;conj.
;urit: Jak se m? (Jsi urit zdrav?);inter.
for (sth. or sb.);;za (nco i nkoho) pro (nco i
nkoho);suff. prep.

for sure: That's for sure! (just surely);:

;samozejm: Samozejm! (prost jist);col.

for (with the purpose of, added to verbs);;pro (za elem,

pidv se ke slovesm) k (pro, za elem, pidv se ke

for sure: Think (it) over. (Think for sure, please.);:

;pro jistotu: Rozmysli si to. (Mysli najisto,
prosm.);imper. pol.

for example (by state (of) proof);T;napklad

(stavem dkazu);instr. P. sdhaka (= proof)

for the time being; ;co se te te touhle



for the time being: Because for the time being (I) have arrived
and stay in the refugee camp.; :
;touhle dobou:
Protoe touhle dobou jsem pijela a iji v uprchlickm
tboe.;pol. uw.

foreigner (person (of) different

country);T( );cizinec
(osoba (z) jin zem);sg. (mn.)
foreigner (person (of) different
country);T( );cizinec
(osoba (z) jin zem);sg. (mn.)

for: (Young man) Ten doesn't have a book for reading.;:

;na: (Mlad pn) Ten nem foreigner (person (of) other
knihu na ten;pol.
country);T( );cizinec (z ciz zem, osoba
for: (It) is good for health.;:
jin zem);sg.
;pro: Je to dobr pro zdrav.;
foreigner (native of other administrativefor: a grammatical word made for all those words;:
unit);T ( );cizinec (rodil jin sprvn ;pro: oblasti);sg.
gramatick nzev ( ~ "slovo) vytvoen pro vechna ta slova; foreigner: Foreigners sometimes group against the native
for: As it has come time for returning to work ...;: people.;T: T
T T ...;zna el: Ponvad nastal as
( ~
vrtit se k prci ...;
for: book for reading;: ;na: kniha na ten;n. );cizinec: Nkdy se cizinci sdruuj proti rodilm.;

for: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the town Shwe foreigner: several foreigners;T:
T; cizinec: nkolik cizinc;
Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.; :
T ;kvli: Kvli
foreman (carries head); ( );pedk
velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto ve Bo pti
(nos hlavu);sg. (mn.)
jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.
foremost, be (visible (and) rare the-most); ;nejlep,
for: I will pay the money for you.;:
;pro: Zaplatm pro tebe (ty) penze.;fut. um.
for: one for another;: ;pro: jeden

bt (viditeln (a) vzcn);I

forest (wooden forest); ( );les (devn


forest: Man and woman are in the forest.; :

for: This is book for me.;: ;pro: To je kniha ;les: Mu a ena jsou v
pro m.;um.
for: Ven. Janinda is waiting for them.;:
;na: Ct. Daninda na n ek.;

forest: The forest is colorful.; :

;les: Les je barevn.;

for: What have you come to Burma for ( ~ "to do)?;: T forever;;navdy;adv. P. thvara (= eternal)
;kvli: Kvli emu jsi pijel do Barmy? (Pro
forever (while (being) forever); ;navdy (bhem
jakou prci (jsi) pijel do Barmy?);inter.
vnosti);adj. P. thvara (= eternal)
force (of people, group (of) strength (and)
forget;;zapomenout;I (or) T
power); ;sla (skupina lid, skupina sly (a) moci);n. forget (forget (and) diminish);;zapomnat (zapomenout
force to: Hanthwadi troops, who seized Inwa, in order to force (a) ubvat);I
the villages of northern region to make oath (of royalty) they
forget: Also, don't forget a handkerchief.;:
arrived to Mushopho village where (they) had to arrive (for
;zapomenout (si): Nezapome si i kapesnk.;pol.
forget: As I haven't been writing for a very long time, (I) have
T forgotten a lot.;: T
;pinutit k: Vojska Hentvad, kter obsadili
( ~
Envu, aby pinutili vesnice v severn oblasti k uinn psaze (v );zapomenout: Ponvad jsem velmi dlouho
jejich prospch), pijeli do Mushpho vesnice (kam) pro to mli nepsal, hodn jsem zapoml.;p.p. um.
pijet.;p.s. writ.
forget: Because I forgot.;: ;zapomenout:
forehead (dull swelling);;elo (tup oteklina);n.

foreign origin, of (especially Indian);;cizho pvodu

(zejmna indick);I
foreign, be (devoid-of (our) country);T ;zahranin, bt
(postrdajc (na) zemi);
foreigner (one (of) administrative-unit,
person); ( );cizinec (nkdo (ze)
sprvn-oblasti, osoba);sg.

Protoe jsem zapoml.;pol.

forget: But never forget one thing.;:

;zapomenout: Ale jednu vc nikdy nezapome.;pol.
forget: It is not proper to forget National Day as the effect of
patriotic awakening.;:
;zapomenout: Nen sprvn zapomnat na Nrodn
Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.

forgive (allow (and) set free);

foreigner (one (of) administrative-unit); ( )
);prominout (svolit (a) uvolnit);T
( ) (WS. from );cizinec (nkdo forgive: Forgive (me), teacher.;

(ze) sprvn-oblasti);sg. WS. (or) sg.


;odpustit: Odpuste (mi), uiteli.;imper. pol.

fort (made) by palm trunks (fortification round (by)

palms); ( );opevnn z palmovch kmen
form;( ) ( ) ( ) ;forma podoba (opevnn kulat palmami);sg.
fortunate, be (good kamma); ;tst, mt (dobr
utvoit;T (or) sg.
kamma);I P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)
form (standard form);( );podoba (standardn
fork; ( );vidlika;sg.

form (unite (and) bind); ;zformovat (sjednotit (a)

form (a group etc.); ;utvoit (skupinu atd.);T
form (appearance);( );forma (podoba);sg.

form (matter); ;podoba (hmota);n. P. dhtu (= element)

found ( ~ build): They founded ( ~ built) national college (a)

national (primary) schools.; :
;zaloit ( ~
postavit): Zaloili ( ~ postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a)
nrodn (zkladn) koly.;writ. pol. pl.

form (union, organize (and) line-up); ;utvoit sdruen

(zorganizovat (a) seadit);T

found (build (and) set-up); ;zaloit (postavit (a)


(of)) 'L'.;: L T
( ~ L );tvar:
Zstvm v pozici vypadajc jako (tvar (kter m)) anglick
psmeno 'L'.;pol.

found (a group etc.); ;zaloit (skupinu atd.);T

found (erect (and) set-up); ;zaloit (organizaci atd.,

form: (I) also transform (it) to the form of essay.;:
T ;forma: Tak (to) pemnm do formy postavit (a) ustavit);T
found (start (and) found); ;zaloit (zapot (a)
form: (I) stay in the position looking like English letter (form

form: The form of the green (object) and red object is not
;podoba: Podoba zelenho (pedmtu) a
ervenho pedmtu nen stejn.;
formal, be (be well-magnificent); T ;formln, bt
(bt dobe-skvl);I
former (primary, ancient (and) first);;tehdej (prvotn,
starodvn (a) prvn);adj.
former, be (early (and) first);;pedchoz, bt (dve (a)

found (an association, form (and) tie-up); ;zaloit

(sdruen, zformovat (a) svzat);T
found (an association): association founded for (carrying-out)
the benefit of animals; :
;zaloit (sdruen): sdruen zaloen pro
podporu zvat ( ~ "pro vykonvn pnosu zvatm);writ.
found: association founded for (carrying-out) the benefit of
animals; :
;zaloit: sdruen zaloen pro podporu zvat ( ~ "pro
vykonvn pnosu zvatm);writ.
found: It is said, that one golden statu, indeed, was found.;:
;nalezen: k se, e jedna zlat
socha byla vskutku nalezena.;

found: U Aung Zeyya, having accepted the title Alaung Min

Taya ( ~ future king (of) law) (and) started (and) founded the
formerly; ;dve;adv.
formerly (early (and) first {adv.});;dve (dve (a) prvn dynasty Kounbaun.; :

;zaloit: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu
formerly, long ago, (beforebefore arrival (of) present
Alaun Men Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a)
time); ();kdysi dvno
zaloil dynastii Kounbaun.;writ.
(pedped pchodem ptomnho asu);adv.
former, the most; ;pedel, nejvce;adv.

formulate (a thought, compose in-row);;formulovat

(mylenku, sepisovat do-ady);T

foundation; ;nadace;n.

forsake; ;zanechat (co) zanechat (opustit);T

foundation (basis, taking base);T;zklad (bran


forsake (abandon (and) free); ;zanechat (opustit (a)


four; ;tyi;num.

fountain pen; ( );plnc pero;sg. E. fountain

forsake (abandon (and) pull-away); ;zanechat (opustit (a) fourth;;tvrt;num. P. catuttha (= fourth)
fracture (bone of leg etc.);;zlomit si (nohu atd.);I
forsake (leave-behind (and) fix); ;opustit (zanechat (a) fragrant, be; ;voav, bt;I un.
forsake (reject (and) leave); ;vzdt se (odmtnout (a)

France (country);T () ;Francie (zem);name

free (about price): This book is (just) for free.;:

;zadarmo: Tato kniha je (jen) zdarma.;col.

forsake (struggle (and) leave);;zanechat (bojovat (a)


free (not busy): Today (you) are free, aren't (you)?;:

;volno, mt: Dnes (m) volno, ne?;inter.

forsake (also about renunciation, refuse (and)

reject); ;zanechat (tak o odeknut nebo odchodu do
mniskho du, odmtnout (a) odmtnout);T

free from, be; ;voln z, bt;I


free at, be (to take); -;voln v, bt (k bran);I

free space (free space);;voln msto (voln

free, be; ;voln, bt prost (eho), bt;I

free, be (also about a room in a hotel, can (be)

taken);;voln, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, me (bt)

frequently (not long, not long);;mnohdy (ne dlouho,

ne dlouho);adv.
fresh, be; ;erstv, bt;I
fresh, be (fresh (and) new); ;erstv, bt (erstv (a)

free, be (not busy);;volno, mt (nebt zaneprzdnn) as, fresh, be (about people, happy (and) fresh); ;erstv,
mt (nebt zaneprzdnn);I
bt (o lidech, astn (a) erstv);I
free, be (not fettered); ;voln, bt (neomezen);I

fresh, bt; ;erstv, bt;I

free, be not (lot-of work);;volno, nemt (spousta


fresh: May (you) be happy (and) fresh.; :

;erstv: K (jsi) astn (a) erstv.;w.

free, for (payment-free); ;zdarma (bezplatn);adv.


free, for (about price);;zdarma (o cen);adv.

Friday (Venus's day);;ptek (den Venue);adv.

free, get: Animals means (they) get free when killed by people,
friend.; : ;vysvobodit:
Zvata znamen, e jsou vysvobozena kdy (je) lid zabij,

Friday: I arrived on Friday.;:

;ptek: Pijel(a) jsem v ptek.;col.
fridge (box (for) ice); ( );lednika (bedna
(na) led);sg.

free, set;;vypustit;T

fridge: I secretly ate butter sitting near the fridge.; :

free: (I) will be free every Monday.;:

;volno, mt: Budu mt volno kad pondl.;fut. pol.
( ~
free: Aren't (you) free?;: ;as (voln): Nem );lednika: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a) tajn
jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
as? (Nejsi voln?);inter.
free: I am free from four o'clock.;: fried; ;smaen;adj.
;voln: Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.

free: I am not free, indeed.;: ;voln: Vskutku,

nemm volno.;col.

fried minced meat (luminously

fried); ;osmaen mlet maso (ziv

fried vegetables (fried vegetables); ;smaen

free: I will not come because I am not free.;:
;volno: Nepijdu protoe nemm volno.;pol. zelenina (smaen zelenina);n.
friend; ( ) (from (?)) (abbrev. from
) (sl. from ) ( )
free: There are free rooms available in the hotel.;:
( ) ( ) ;ptel pteli
;dostupn: V hotelu jsou
kamard;sg. sl. (or) voc. sl. (or) voc. col. (or) sg. col. (or) sg.
(dostupn) przdn pokoje.;
(or) pron. um. voc. (or) n. un.
free: When (I) am free (and we) meet (by chance), (we) will
talk.;: T ;voln: Kdy budu voln friend (close, friend (and) relative);( );ptel
(blzk, kamard (a) pbuzn);sg.
(a) (nhodou) se setkme, promluvme si.;fut. pol.
free: When I am free, (I) will answer as much as possible.;: friend (close);( );ptel (blzk);sg.
T ;voln: Kdy
budu voln, odpovm jak jen mohu.;

friend in Dhamma; ;ptel v Dhamm;n.

friend in Dhamma: Your friend in Dhamma.; :
( ~ );ptel v Dhamm: Tvj ptel v
Dhamm.;fr. lett.

freely: (You) can discuss, (you) can ask freely (and)

closely.; :
friend, bad (a bad person, side
;voln: Me voln a blzce diskutovat person);( );ptel, patn (patn osoba, krajn
(a) ptt se.;pol.
French (language);T ();Francouzsk (jazyk);name
french-fries (fried potato sticks); ;hranolky
(smaen bramborov tyinky);n.
french-fries: Will (you) take a burger with frenchfries?; :
;hranolky: Vezmete si hamburger s hranolkami?;inter.
frequency (number (of) times);;frekvence
(vskytu, (poet as);n.

friend, be a (love (and) like); ;ptelem, bt (milovat (a)

friend, be: (I) want to be permitted to be (your) close
friend.; :
;ptel: Chci ( dostat)
svolen bt (tvm) blzkm ptelem.;pol.
friend, be: Though not (even) hoping, (I) was permitted to be
(your) friend.; :
;ptelem, bt: Ani
bych doufal, bylo (mi) povoleno bt (tvm) ptelem.;

frequently; ;opakovan;adv.

friend, become a (get loving (and) liking); ;ptelem,

stt se (dostat lsku (a) zalben);T

frequently (not long moment);;mnohdy (ne dlouh


friend, become a: Now, becoming (your) friend, (my) mind ( ~

stomach) .. now, is happy ( ~ shining).; :


.. ;ptelem, stt se: Nyn, e

jsem (tvm) ptelem, (moje) mysl ( ~ "aludek) ... nyn, je
astn ( ~ "z);pol.

friendly with respect (at the end of a letter, by friendliness

(and) respect); ;ptelsky (a) s respectem
(skrze ptelstv (a) respekt);adv.

friend, good ); ( );ptel, dobr

);sg. P. mitta (= friend)

friendly, be; ;ptelsk, bt;I

friend, good (good friend);; ptel, dobr (dobr

ptel);Bh. P. kalyna-mitta (= good friend)
friend, great; ( );ptel, velk;sg.

friendly, be (became intimately); T ;ptelsk, bt

(stal-se dvrn);I
friendly, be (friendly (and) attending-on); ;ptelsk, bt
(ptelsk (a) starajc-se-o);I

friend, make a;;ptele, udlat si;T

friendly, be: May (I) be (your) friend.; : ;ptelsk,

bt: K jsem (tvm) ptelem.;pol.
friend, make a: If (you) are related, (then) thank (you) for
allowing (me) to make (me) a friend.; : ( friendly: (You) should be known, that Myanmar people are in
~ )
the world those of the most sweet face and the most friendly
;ptele, udlat si: Pokud jsi pbuzn, (pak)
(ones).; : T
dkuji, e jsi (mi) povolil si (m) udlat ptelem.;pol. FB

;ptelsk: Ml bys vdt, e
Myanmart lid jsou na svt ti s nejslad tv a (ti)
friend: (I) am talking with friends.; :
nejpteltj.; pol.
T;ptel (kamard): Povdm si (bavm se) s
pteli.;col. cont.

friend: (I) copy that dictionary (together) with a

friend.; :
;kamard: Kopruji ten slovnk (spolu) s
friend: (It's) very good, friend, they say.;:
;pteli: (Je to) pr velice dobr, pteli.;col.
friend: (She) doesn't have even one friend.;:
;kamard: Nem ani jednoho

friendly: Intimate (and) friendly talk; :

T ;ptelsk: dvrn (a) ptelsk rozhovor;
friends, be; ;ptel bt;I
friends, be: (Yes,) we can be friends. ((It) is ok to be
friends.); : ;ptel, bt: Ano, meme bt
ptel. (Je v podku bt pteli.);pol.
friendship; ;ptelstv;n.
frog;( );ba;sg.
from; ;z od;suff. prep. (or) prep.
(or) prep. writ.

friend: a good friend;: ;ptel: dobr ptel; from onwards;;ode;suff. prep.

friend: good friends, colleagues (and) great people from
from onwards: From today onwards (I) will save (it) in my
Internet ( ~ online);:
;ptel: dob ptel, kolegov (a) velc lid z
;ode: Ode dneka si (to) budu ukldat na
internetu ( ~ online);
( ~ "ve) svm potai.;fut. writ.

friend: my great friend; : ;ptel: from (with): My house is not very far (with) from Hledan
mj skvl (ohromn) ptel;n. col.
Market bus stop.; :
friend: Now his friend is writing.; :
;od (s): Mj dm nen daleko od (s)
;ptel: Prv pe jeho ptel.;
autobusov zastvky Hldn Trhu.;col. pol. um.
friend: OK, friend.;: ;pteli: Dobr, pteli.;sl.
from (a car etc., from on);;z (auta atd., z na);suff. adj.
friend: On one day, when rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked:
friend turtle, you go slowly.;:

;ptel: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden den),
kdy se krlk potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval: pteli
elvo, (ty) jde pomalu.;writ.

from (a certain time);;od (uritho asu);suff.

friend: says friend; : T;kamard: k


from whatever; -;z ehokoliv;pron.

friend: That's right, friend.;: ;ptel: Je to tak,

friend: The boy is walking with his friend.; :
Chlapec se prochz se svm kamardem.;cont.

from (a person); ;od (nkoho);suff. (or) suff. pol.

from (sb.): from a teacher;: ;od
(nkoho): od uitele;
from now on (having started from now);;od te
(zanu od te a-pak);adv.
from whatever: from whatever city; -: ;z
jakhokoliv: z jakhokoliv msta;n.
from: from half past two (in the morning) until six o'clock in
the morning;:
T ; od:
od pl tet (rno) do esti hodin rno;

from: from me;: ;od: ode m;uw.

friend: We are friends.;: ;ptel: from: from that monastery;: ;z: z toho
Jsme ptel.;pol. um.
friend: Where are (you) going, friend?; :
from: From the time he finishes eating meal, he reads
;pteli: Kam jde, pteli?;inter.
friend's house;;kamardv dm ptelv dm;n.


: :

;jakmile (od): Jakmile

(od) (doby, co) doj, te (psan).;
from: get down from (on) the car;:
;z: vystoupit z auta;

fulfill that intention.;T T :

T ;uskutenit: Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten
zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.

from: I am free from four o'clock.;:

: ;od:
Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.

full; T ;cel pln;adj.

from: ven. Obhasa from Min;: ;z: ct.

Obhsa z Men;writ.

;plnk: Dodruji upsatha slu na (den)

plku (i) na (den) novu.;Bh.

from: ven. Sarana from Czech; : ;z:

Sarana z eska;

full, be; ;pln, bt;I

full (complete), be;;celistv (pln), be;I

full moon (full moon);T ;plnk (pln msc);n.

from: I am from England.;: ;z: Jsem full moon day (day (of) full moon);T ;plnk (den
z Anglie.;pol.
plnho msce);n.
from: I come from the market.;: ;z:
full moon: (I) observe the Uposatha sla on full moon (day)
Pichzm z trhu.;col.
(and) new moon (day).;T : T

from: We (knew it already) from the beginning.; :

;od: Vdli jsme (to u)
od zatku.;pol. um.
frond, palm (palm hand); ;stonkolist, palmov
(palmov ruka);n.
fruit; ( ) ;ovoce;n. (or) sg.
fruit (wooden fruit); ;ovoce (devnat plody) ovoce
(devn ovoce);n.

full, be: (It) is (full) one hundred percent of progress.;T :

T T ( ~ T
);pln, bt: Je (to) (plnch) sto procent pokroku.;
full, be: I am going to be 20. ((My) age is going to be full
20.);T : T ;pln, bt: Bude mi
plnch 20. ((Mj) vk bude plnch 20.);fut.
full, be: Now I am full of energy to learn.;T :
T ;pln, bt: Te jsem pln energie k uen.;
full, get;T ;naplnit se;I

fruit juice (mixed liquid); ;ovocn dus (na pit,

zamchan tekutina);n.

full, is (has filled {p.s.});T ;pln, je (naplnil-se


fruit of;;ovoce (eho);suff. n.

full, is: We have no room available. (in hotel, At us (it) has

filled (and) gone.);T : T ;pln, je:
U ns je plno. (v hotelu, U ns se naplnilo (a) lo.);p.p. pol.

fruit: Fruit is ( ~ makes) helpful for health.; :

;ovoce: Ovoce je ( ~
dl) prospn zdrav.;pol.
fry; ;smait;T
fry: I am going to fry fish.; : ;smait:
Jdu si usmait rybu.;fut. um.
fulfil (a need, fulfill (and) approach);T ;splnit (potebu,
splnit (a) piblit-se);T
fulfil: (I) will fulfil (and) carry out ((and) give) everything, what
(I) can (do for you).;T : T
T ;splnit: Splnm (a) vykonm ((a)
dm) vechno, co (pro tebe) mohu (udlat).;fut. pol.
fulfill;T ;splnit;T
fulfill (be-able (to) fill);T ;splnit (bt-schopen
fulfill (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head); ;splnit
(nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-na-hlav);T
fulfill (fill (and) fill);T ; splnit (naplnit-se (a) naplnit-se);I
fulfill (fill (and) reach);T T ;naplnit (uskutenit, naplnit
(a) doshnout) splnit (naplnit (a) doshnout);T

full: I am already 44 years old. (My age is filled 44.);T :

T ;pln: Je mi ji 44 let. (Mj vk
je naplnnch 44.);pol. um.
full: The glass of Cola is (just) full.;T :
T ;pln: Sklenice Coly je (prost) pln.;col.
full: The gluss is just full.;T : T ;pln: Sklenice
je prost pln.;col.
fully (complete (and) fat);;zcela (kompletn (a)
fully (fully (and) completely);T T ;pln (pln
(a) zcela);adv.
fully (fully (and) to-one's-satisfaction);T ;pln (pln
(a) k-nmu-uspokojen);adv.
fun, have (relieve boredom); T;uvat si (legraci,
uvolnit nudu);T
function; ;fungovat;T

fulfill (get-full (and) fat);T ;splnit se (naplnit-se (a)


function (spins (and) wraps); ;fungovat (ot-se (a)


fulfill: May (your) blessings be many and fulfilled.;T :

T ;splnit: K je (tvch) poehnn
mnoho a (jsou) splnn.;w. pol.

further (continue); ;dl (pokraovat);T

fulfill: May (your) wishes fulfill.;T : T ;splnit se:

K se spln (tv) pn.;w. pol.
fulfill: Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how to

further: (You) turn right after the second traffic light (and) then
go further straight ahead for 200 meters.; :

;dl: (Ty) zahni vpravo za druhm


semaforem (a) pak je dl rovn 200 metr.;imper. pol.

further: Continue. (Talk further.).; : T;Dl:
Pokrauj. (Mluv dl).;imper. pol.

sex); ( );gay (osoba milujc (lidi)

stejnho pohlav);sg.
gay, be (happy); ;vesel, bt;I

furthermore;;dle pak;conj.

Gen. (general, used as title for names of generals, chief

commander); ;gen. (generl, uvno jakoto titul ped
jmny generl, velitel (a) nelnk);pref.

future; ;budouc;adj. P. angata (= future) (or)


general; ;obvykl;adj. P. smaa (= generality,


future (in-front);;budouc (ve-pedu);adj.

general (in army); ( )

[bochou.c:];generl (v armd);sg.

furthermore (out (of) that);T T ;dle, a (mimo


future, be; ;budouc, bt;I

future, be in (move forward); ;budoucnu, bt v (hbat- general public (mass (of) country's persons (and)
people);T ; irok veejnost (spousta osob (a) lid
se vped);I
zem) veobecn veejnost (spousta osob (a) lid
future, be in: May everything be fine in the future.; :
T;budoucnu, bt v: K je v

general public: for better understanding of general

public;T : T () (
future, in; ;budoucnu, v;adv.
~ );irok veejnost: pro lep pochopen irok
future, in: good e-mail also next (time) in future; :
;budoucnu, v: dobr e-mail tak veejnosti;writ.
generally;T;veobecn;adv. P. yebhuyyena
pt v budoucnu;
budoucnu vechno dobr.;w. pol.

future: What do (you) plan to do in future?; : :

( ~
);budoucnost: Co plnuje dlat v

generally (basically, by base taking);TT;obecn (v

podstat, branm zkladu);n.

gallon (around 4.5 liters); ;galon (asi 4.5 litr);n.

generally: It is generally accepted that the commentaries

appeared during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's time.;T:

T ;veobecn: Veobecn se
pijm, e komente se objevily bhem doby (ct.)


gentle; ;jemn;adv.

fuzz (body-hair);();chlupy;n.
gain (get-up (and) rise-up);;dostat (vstt (a)

gallon: nineteen gallons; : ;galon: devatenct generosity (weave (and) mix {nouner}); ;tdrost (tkt
(a) mchat {jmenec});n.
genitals ((is) worth (and) impaired); ;genitlie ((je)
gallon: ten gallons; : ;galon: deset galon;
vhodn (a) pokozen);n.
gallon: twenty gallons; : ;galon: dvacet
game;( );hra;sg.
game (competition event); ( );hra (udlost
gap;( );mezera;sg.
garage (car depot); ( );gar (vozidlov
depo);sg. E. godown, Ma. gudang

gentleman (big person (and) king); ( );pn

(gentleman, velk osoba (a) krl);sg.
gentlemen: Ladies and gentlemen! (You, respectable men and
women.);: T
;pnov: Dmy a pnov! (Vy, ctyhodn pnov a
gently; ;jemn;adv.

genuine; ;prav;adj.
garden; ( );zahrada;n. P. uyyna (= garden)
genuine (pure (and) correct); ;opravdov (ist (a)
(or) sg. P. uyyna (= garden)
garden (flower enclosure); T;zahrada (ohrada kvtin);n.
genuine, be; ;opravdov, bt;I
garlic (taut, spilled (and) white); T;esnek (napnut,
genuine: genuine song; : ;prav: prav pse;
rozlit (a) bl);n.
genuine: It happens rarely, that the foreigners would be
garment, upper (such as shirt, blouse, jacket,
accepted as genuine part of the society (they) live
coat);( );svrek (svrchn obleen, nap. koile,
in.; : T
blza, bunda, pl atd.);sg.
gather; ;sbrat (dohromady);T
( ~ T T
gather (collect (from) far);;shromdit se (sbrat (z)
T T T );opravdov:
Stv se zdkakdy, e by byli cizinci povaovni za
gather (people);;shromdit (lidi);T
opravdovou soust spolenosti, kde ij.;pol.
gaur (bovine animal);T ( );gaur (mohutn tur rodu
geography;;geografie;n. P. pathav (= earth)
geography (entering earth); ;geografie (vstup (do)
gay (person loving (those of) same


zem);n. P. pathav (= earth)

get on (a trishaw etc., ascend (and) go); ;nastoupit

geology (science (about) ground);;geologie (vda (o) (na trojkolk atd., nastoupit (a) jt);T
zemi);n. P. bhmi (= ground)
get on: (He) gets on the trishaw.; :
;nastoupit: Nastupuje na trojkolk.;
geophysics (science (about) earth's
appearance);;geofyzika (vda (o) vzhledu
zem);n. P. bhmi-rpa (= ground-matter)

get on: get on the car; : ;nastoupit:

nastoupit do auta.;

geophysics: regarding the geophysical situation;:

( ~ )

: ( ~ )

;geofyzika: ohledn geofyzick

get on: to get on the plane.; :

: airplain;nastoupit: nastoupit do ( ~
na) letadla. letadlo: nastoupit do ( ~ na) letadla.;writ.

Germany (country);() ;Nmecko (zem);name

gesticulation (taking air (and) collecting

air);;gestikulace (bran vzduchu (a) sbrn
gesticulation (gestures, behavior (and)
things);;gestikulace (chovn (a) vci) posunky
(gestikulace, chovn (a) vci);n.
gesticulation: The marking judges should give marks after
(they) watch (and) listen to the behavior, gesticulation, usage
(of words) (and according to the given) information from both
the sides, of the proposer and defendant.;:

;gestikulace: Znmkujc soudci by (v tto
debatrsk souti) mli dvat znmky po sledovn a
poslouchn chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle uvedench)
informac od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele (uritho nzoru) a
obhjce (jinho nzoru).;pol.
get (have (by) getting (and) receiving (by)
hand); ; dostat (mt branm (a) dostnm rukou);I
get (receive (and) have);;dostat (dostat (a) mt);I
get (a worldly thing or achievement, receive (and)
take);;dostat (svtskou vc i dosaen, dostat (a) vztsi);I
get (also about letter and salary);;dostat (tak o dopise a
get (sth., achieve); ;dostat (nco, doshnout);I

get over; ;pes, dostat se pekroit;T

get over (cross (and) cross);T ;pekroit (pejt (a)
get through; ;dostat se skrz;T
get to know (knowing (and) comes);;dozvdt se
(vdn (a) pichz);T
get to know well (also about people, know (and) beskillful); ;poznat dobe (tak o lidech, znt (a) btdovedn);T
get up;;vstt;T
get up (from bed): There (one) must get up (from bed) early
in the morning.;:
;vstvat (z postele): Tam se mus vstvat (z
postele) brzy rno.;fut.
get up (get-up (from) bed);;vstvat (vstt (z)
get up (also from bed);;vstt (tak z postele);T
get up from bed (rise (from) bed);;vstt z postele
(stoupnout (z) postele);T
get up from bed: (I) regularly get up from bed and practise
;vstt z postele: Pravideln vstvm z postele a
get up: He got up from (the status of) eating.;:
;vstt: Po jdle vstal. (Vstal ze statutu jezen.);pol. p.p.
get up: When the rabbit woke up at the place of resting, (it) got
up and indeed ran as much as (he) could.;:
( ~ )
T;vstt: Kdy se krlk na mst odpoinku probudil,
vstal a vskutku bel jak jen mohl.;writ.

get accustomed (fall (in) life matter);;navyknout si get used to (fall (in) life matter);;pizpsobit se
(zvyknout si, padnout (do) materilu ivota);T
(padnout (do) materilu ivota);T
get ahead (succeed, succeed (and) see); T ;uspt
get: (I) will get (it) repaired.;: T ;dostat: Dostanu (to)
(uspt, uspt (a) vidt);I
get back (also in T );T ;navrtit se (tak v T );T

get down from (a vehicle etc.); ;vystoupit (z vozidla atd.);T

get down: get (to) down (from) car; :
;vystoupit: vystoupit (dol) (z) auta;writ.
get down: get down from (on) the car; :
;vystoupit: vystoupit z auta;
get into (a vehicle); ;nastoupit (do vozidla);T

get: Have you got it?; : ;dostat: Dostal jsi to

(u)?;inter. p.p.
get: I got ( ~ received) your letter.;:
;dostat: Dostal (jsem) Tvj dopis.;pol.
get: if (I) can get (it) on Friday;: ;dostat:
kdybych (to) mohl dostat v ptek;writ.

getting, be;;stvat se;suff. I

get on ( ~ "ascend): Get on. (a taxidriver may say this to their getting: He is getting fat.;: ;stvat se: Tloustne.
customer, Ascend.); : ;nastoupit: Nastupte si.
(Stv se tlustm.);
(taxik me toto ci zkaznkovi);imper. pol.
get on (a car etc.); ;nastoupit (do auta atd.);T
giant, be (big (and) huge);;ob, bt (velk (a)


obrovsk);I P. mah (= big)

giblets;;drbky (kuec aludky);n.
gift; ;dar;n. P. dna (= generosity)

baby);( );dvtko (miminko nebo dt,

ensk miminko);sg.
give;;dodat dt dvat;T

gigantic, be (big (and) huge);;gigantick, bt (velk (a) give (be given): The most beautiful and the best ( ~ most
well) dancing vehicles are given a prize.;:
obrovsk);I P. mah (= big)
;dostat: Nejkrsnj a
ginger; [j~:] (WS. from );zzvor;n. WS. (or) n.
nejlpe ( ~ nejvc dobe) tancujc (skupiny z) vozidel jsou
girl;( );dve holka (CZ col.);sg.
ocenni (dostanou cenu).;col. pol.
girl (girl baby);( );dvtko dvka

give (entrust); ;dt (svit);T

girl (small female body); ( );holka

(mal ensk tlo) dvka (mal ensk tlo) dve
(mal ensk tlo);sg.

give a lift (to sb. swh.): I am ready to give (you) lift

(anywhere).; ;svzt
(nkoho nkam): Jsem pipraven (t kamkoliv) svzt.;pol.

girl (also about adolescent and adult women, small

girl);( );slena (tak o dospvajcch a
dosplch ench, holika) holka (tak o dospvajcch a
dosplch ench, holika) dvka (tak o dospvajcch a
dosplch ench, holika);sg.

give up (abandon (and) free); ;pestat (s nm, opustit

(a) uvolnit);T

girl, baby (baby or child, female

baby);( );holika (miminko nebo dt,
ensk miminko);sg.

give money (to the prospective bride's parents, put (and)

request); ;dt penze (rodim t kter nevsty,
poloit (a) dat);T

give up (abandon (and) pull-away); ;pestat (s nm,

opustit (a) odstrit);T

give up (put-down (the) hand); ;vzdt se (snit

girl: (She) is a girl of age of 24 years.;: ruku);T
T ;slena: Je (to) slena vku 24 let.; give up (struggle (and) leave);;pestat (s nm,
bojovat (a) odejt);T
girl: Because (she) is a small girl, she doesn't have
wisdom.;: T give up (of sb. or sth.); ;zanechat (nkoho nebo
T ;holka: Protoe je to mal holka, nen
moudr ( ~ "ona nem moudrost).;pol. spis.
give up (solving a problem, refuse (and) setfree); ;zanechat (een problmu, odmtnout (a)
girl: girls, who believe in astrology;:
;dvka: dvky, kter v v astrologii;pl. writ.
girl: Is (it) girl or boy? (enquiring about the sex of the other
person's child);:
;holika: Je (to) holika nebo chlapeek?
(vyptvn se na pohlav dtte tzan osoby);inter.
girl's name, a;;dv jmno, njak;name

give up: (I) give up (searching for) that letter.; :

;zanechat: Zanechvm (hledn) toho
give: (I) request (and) give (you) wishes.;:
;dt: Vyaduji (a) dvm (ti) pn.;w. pol.

girlfriend; ( ) ( );ptelkyn;sg. give: If (you) give the inventory in advance, then give (it to
me).;: ;dt: Pokud (bude)
vul. (or) sg. writ. (or) n. rare
ten invent dvat s pedstihem, pak (ho) dej (m).;imper. col.
girlfriend (desire heartily); ( );ptelkyn
(touit podn);sg.

give: In that case give (me) three (bottles).;:

girlfriend (desire much); ( );ptelkyn (touit ;dt: V tom ppad (mi) dejte ti (lahve).;imper.
given, be;;dostat (bt obdarovn);I
girlfriend (kind's daughter);( );ptelkyn
(druhu dcera);sg.
girlfriend (loved person,
girl); ( );ptelkyn (milovan lovk,
girlfriend: A man has three girlfriends.; :
Jeden mu m ti ptelkyn.;

giving; ;darovn;n. P. dna (= generosity)

glad, be; ;radost, mt rd, bt (mt radost) rd,

bt;I (or) T
glad, be (stomach (is) pleasant); ;tit se (aludek (je)
pjemn) poten, bt (aludek (je) pjemn);I
glad, be (stomach (is) pleased); ;poten, bt (aludek
(je) poten);I

girlfriend: beautiful girlfriend; : ;ptelkyn: glad, be: If you come, I would be glad.; :
krsn ptelkyn;
;rd, bt: Jestli
girlfriend: It is said, that Nga Nyo's girlfriend was a daughter of pijde, budu rd.;pol. um.
the village headman.; :
;ptelkyn: k se, e a ova ptelkyn byla
dcera pna vesnice.;

glad, be: Nice to see you. ((I) am glad (that I) met

you.); : ;tit: T m. (Mm
radost, e (jsem vs) potkal.);pol.

girlie (baby or child, female

glass (glass cup); ( );sklenika (sklenn




glass (material); ;sklo (materil);n.

go (about monks, go (by) going);;jt (o mnich, jt

chozenm);T mn.

glass: The glass of Cola is (just) just full.; :

T ;sklenice: Sklenice Coly je (prost)

go (about monks);;jt (o mnich);T mn.

go (also by a vehicle, may be used for driver as well as for the

glass: There is only a half of water in the glass.; :
passenger);;jet (vozidlem, lze bt uito pro idie i pro
;sklenice: Ve sklenici je voda jen cestujcho);T
do plky.;
go (and): At eleven o'clock I go (to bed and) sleep,
glasses, pair ot (spectacles, sight glass); ( );brle
indeed.;: ;jt (a):
(sklo (pro) zrak);sg. (pair)
Vskutku, v jedenct hodin jdu (do postele a) spm.;pol. um.
glitter; ;tpytit se;T

go (by a vehicle, may be used for driver as well as for the

passenger, drive);;jet (vozidlem, lze bt uito pro idie i pro
glitter: The golden color(s) are glittering.; :
;tpytit se: Zlat barvy ( ~ zlat barvy) cestujcho, dit);T
se tpyt.;cont. pol.
go (by taxi, for taxidriver, sweep);;jet (taxkem, o
gloomy, be (about situation, mind (is)
poor); ;zasmuil, bt (o situaci, mysl (je) chud);I

go (for monks);;jt (pro mnichy);T utmn.

glove (bag (for) hand); ( );rukavice

(taka (pro) ruku);sg. (pair, one)

go (for monks): Let's go, ven. sir.;: ;jt (o

mnich): Pojme, ct. pane.;imper. utmn.

gloves: Because the woman will do the laundry, (she) is

wearing blue gloves.; :
T ;rukavice: Protoe se (ta) ena
bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr rukavice.;

go (for monks): Let's go!;: ;jt (o mnich):

Pojme!;imper. utmn.

"smr): (Jdi) tudy!;

go (only for ven. sirs): Ven. Sir, come inside.;:

;dovnit : Ct. pane, pojte dovnit.;pol. mn.

go (for monks): Thank you for helping us with everything when

we went to your ( ~ ven. Sir's) monastery.;:
glow; ;ze;n.
( )

( ~ )


;jt (pro mnichy): Dkujeme ti

go; ;jt;T
go ( ~ "come): It's not your business whether we go to hell or za pomoc se vm, kdy jsme li do tvho ( ~ ct. pna)
not. (It doesn't concern you (whether) we are going or are not kltera.;pol. ubmn. utmn.
go (for taxidriver): (I) have (already some) goings. (may be said
going (to) hell.; :
by a taxidriver as an excuse for not giving a lift to
;jt ( ~ "pijt): To se vs netk, jestli jdeme
customer);: ( ) : ( )
((nebo) nejdeme) do pekla.;col.
;jet (o taxiki): U mm (njak) jedn. (me bt
go ( ~ "come): Let's go ( ~ "come)!;: ;jt ( ~
eeno taxikem jakoto omluva za odmtnut svzt
"pijt): Pojme! ( ~ "Pijdme!);imper. fr.
go ( ~ "direction): (Go) this way!; (-): ;jt ( ~
go ( ~ "ride): In that case, (I) won't go (~ "ride). (can be told
to a taxidriver when they don't want to decrease the price
before giving a lift).;: ;jet ( ~ "dit): V tom
ppad (u) nepojedu ( ~ "nedm). (lze ci taxiki, kdy
nechce snit cenu ped odvezenm);col.
go ( ~ ascend): (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital, because
I broke (my) leg.; : T
;jt ( ~ nastoupit): Musm jt ( ~ nastoupit)
do nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont. um.

go (to hospital, ascend); ;jt (do nemocnice, nastoupit);T

go across;T ;pejt;T
go after; ;jt za;T
go after: Go after (friends) and collect money (for act of
generosity).;: ;jt za: Jt za
(pteli) a vybrat penze (za elem tdrho inu).;
go around; ;chodit

okolo jezdit (jt) okolo;T

go around (in car etc.);;proj

dt se;T
go ( ~ climb): The man is going up ( ~ climbing) the
go around: As for some, (they) make groups and go around in
stairs.; : ;jt ( ~ big and small cars.;:
lzt): (Ten) mu jde ( ~ leze) po schodech.;cont.

) ;projdt se: A
go ( ~ drive): Because the traffic light became green, cars go nkte utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch
( ~ drive) quickly.; : T T
autech.;col. pol.
;jet ( ~ dit): Protoe je ( ~ se-stalo) silnin
go back: Do not go (home) without eating here ( ~ in this
svtlo zelen, auta jedou ( ~ d) rychle.;
house).;T : T ;vrtit se: Nevracej se
go (return): Go away! (Return, friend.);T : T ;jt (vrtit (dom) ani by ses tu najedl. (Bez jezen v tomto dom se
se): Jdi pry! (Vra se, pteli.);T
nevracej.);imper. pol.
go (return): Go away! (Return, friends.);T : T ;jt
go back: I am going back home. (I will go back home.);T :
(vrtit se): Jete pry! (Vrate se, ptel.);T
T ;vracet se: Vracm se dom. (Vrtm se
go (walk the path); [la~ au];chodit (chodit (po)

dom.);col. fut.


go back: When will you go back?;T : T ;vrtit

se: Kdy se vrt?;inter. fut. col.

go: (I) must go to sleep.;: ;jt: Musm jt


go beyond (accepted limit); ;jt za hranice (pijatch hranic);T go: (They) go to sea to swim.;:
;jt: Jdou do moe, aby plavali.;cont. writ.
go down a stream (flow downwards);;tci smrem dol;T

go for alms (go (to) take food);;jt na almunu (jt go: a while before (you) go (when the time (of) going (is)
near);: ;jt: chvilku ped tm, ne pjde (kdy je
brt jdlo);T mn.
as chozen blzko);
go for alms (taking food);;jt na almunu (bran
jdla);T mn.

go further;;jt dl;T
go or not;;jt nebo ne;v.

go out (leave (and) go);;odejt (odejt (a) jt);T

go out (leave out);T ;jt ven (odejt ven);T

go out: As (I) have arranged with a friend (of mine), (I) am

going to go out.;T :
T ;jt ven: Protoe jsem si (to) naplnoval s
kamardem, chystm se (te) jt ven.;col.

go: Because the boy goes (and) will drink water, the glass of
water is (still) (just) full.;:
T ;jt: Ponvad chlapec jde (a) bude pt vodu,
sklenice vody (stle) (prost) pln.;col.

;jt: Jdi pmo za
go: Go straight ahead.;:
nosem.;imper. pol. col.
go: Go this direction.;: ;jt: Jdte tmto
smrem.;imper. pol.

go: Go this way straight ahead.;: ;jt: Jdi

tudy ( ~ touto cestou) pmo (za nosem).;imper.

go out: The mind goes again and again out, time to time four,
go: go to start (racing, start (and) leave).;:
five (or) ten minutes (it) roams around.;:
;jt: Jt zat (zvodit, zat (a) odejt) jt: Jt
;odejt: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu zat (zvodit. zat (a) odejt);fut.
go: Have you (ever) gone abroad?;: T
se tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.
;jt: Jel jsi (nkdy) do zahrani?;inter.
go over: This river is enough ( ~ very) wide for big ships to
go (and) come through.;T :
T T ;projet (kudy): Tato
eka je dost ( ~ velice) irok aby (j) velk lod jezdily ( ~
jezdily (a) odjdly pes).;

go: How should go to ... ;: ;jt: Kudy mm

jt do ... ;inter. fut.

go past;T ;pejt;T

go: I (want) to go to Strand Hotel. (can be told to a taxi driver,

(I) will go to Strand Hotel.);: ;jt:
(Chci) do Strand Hotelu. (lze ci taxiki, Pojedu do Strand

go through; ;pejet;T
go through (cross (and) cross);T ;pejet (pejt (a)
go together; ;jt dohromady;I
go upwards; ;jt vzhru;I
go well (match);;ladit dobe;I
go with, well ((be) statisfied (with)
condition); T;pasovat k, dobe ((bt) spokojen (s)
go, sometimes;;jt, obas;T
go, sometimes: (I) happen to go out, sometimes.;:
T T ;jt, obas: Stv se, e chodm obas

go: How will you go?;: ;jet:: m

pojede?;inter. col.

go: I am permitted to go to Japan.;:

;jet: Mm svolen jet do Japonska.;um.
go: I will go to school after I eat the meal ( ~ rice).;:
;jt: Pjdu do koly a se
najm ( ~ a snm ri).;fut. col. um.
go: I will go.;: ;jt: (J) pjdu.;fut. col.
go: If (you) want to go, (then) just go.;:
;jt: Jestli chce jt, (tak) prost jdi.;imper.

go, to (goings);;jet (jedn);inf.

go: If you want to go, (then) go.;: ;jt:

Jestli chce jt, (tak) jdi.;imper. pol.

go, to: (I) don't have a need to go to my country.;:

;jet: Nemm potebu jet do sv

go: plan to go;: ;jt: pln jt (pln k


go: (At) what time will (you) go?;: ;jt:

(V) kolik hodin pjde?;inter. col.
go: (I) am going to go.;: ;jt: Chystm se
go: (I) am preparing to go.;: T ;jt:
Pipravuji se jt.;cont. pol.

go: Let's go!;: ;jt: Pojme!;imper. fr.

go: Tomorrow at noon (I) want to go to Ngadatkyi

Pagoda.;: ;jet:
Ztra v poledne chci jet do Ndhat Pagody.;pol. col.
go: whatever city (you) go to;: ;jt: a u
jde do kterhokoliv mst;

go: (I) don't want to go.;: ;jt: Nechci jt.;pol.

go: When do (you) want to go?;: ;jet:

Kdy chcete jet?;inter. col.

go: (I) go to Yangon every month.;:

;jezdit: Jezdm ( ~ jdu) do Rangnu kad

go: Where are you going? (Where will you go?);:


go: When will (you) go?;: ;jet: Kdy

pojedete?;inter. col.

;jt: Kam jde? (Kam pjde?);inter. col. fut.

go: wherever (you) go;: ;jt: kamkoliv jde;
go: Whose house does (he) go to?;:
;jt: Do jakho () domu jde?;inter. col.
go: Will (it) be right to go?;: ;jt: Bude v
podku (kdy) pjdu?;inter. col.
goal (build first {nouner}); ;cl (postavit nejprve

;jt (nco dlat, jako je v blzk budoucnosti):

Jdu se uit.;fut.
going to, be: The man is going to dive in the sea.;:
( ~ )
;chystat se: (Ten) mu se chyst potpt v
going to: (I) am going to depart.; :
;chystat se k: Chystm se odejt.;fut.

going to: (I) am going to go.;: ;chystat se:

goal (hope-for (and) expect {nouner}); ;cl (doufat-v Chystm se jt.;fut.
(a) oekvat {jmenec});n.
goal (needed thing (and) flower column); ;cl
goal (flower column); ;cl (kvtinov sloup);n.

(potebovan vc (a) kvtinov sloup);n.

goal keeper (proficient (in)

goals);( );brank (zdatn (v) glech);sg.

gold: However, it is statue made of gold.;:

;zlato: Ale to je socha vyroben ze

gold: This ring is made of gold.;:

goal keeper: As for the Chelsey goal keeper, (him I)
know.;: ;brank: Co se te ;zlato: Tento prsten je (udlan) ze zlata.;col.
golden color; ;zlat barva;n.
branke z Chelsey, (toho) znm.;col.
golden color: The woman with blond ( ~ "golden) hair is taller
goal: eternal goal; : ;cl:
than the man with dark hair.; :
vn cl;

goal: Goal is the place in race, where (one) has to finally
;zlat barva: (Ta) ena s blonatmi ( ~
arrive.; :
;cl: Cl znamen msto v zvod, kam (jeden) "zlatmi) vlasy je vy ne (ten) mu s tmavmi vlasy.;
mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.

goal: May (you) be able to overcome whatever difficulties and

may (you) be able to strive quickly for advancement towards
(your) goal.; :
T ;cl: K jsi schopn
pekonat jakkoliv tkosti a k jsi schopn rychle usilovat o
pokrok za (svm) clem.;w. pol.

golden: (He is) the leader-student of the Golden Revolution's

Burmese Students' Association.; :

;zlat: Je vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat
Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.
golf course (golf field); ;golfov hit (golfov

goal: My goal is just to control this world of both body (and)

mind.; :
T ( ~ )
;cl: Mm clem je prost ovldnout tenhle svt tla
(a) mysli.;pol.

gone, it is (run-out (and) finish);;pry, je to (btspotebovan (a) skonit);p.p.

goat;( );koza;sg.

good (advantage);;prospch (vhoda);n.

gong (reinforced head); ( );gong (poslen


gong, food (used in monasteries to announce time for food,

goal: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it) said: while
food bell); ( );gong, jdeln (uvan v
approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the) turtle, I will first klterech k ohlen asu jdla, jdeln zvon);sg.
take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of sleep).; :
gong: Meal gong is going to be beaten.; :
;gong: (Brzy) se bude buit na

jdeln gong.;fut.
;cl: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk, ekl: zatmco good;;dobr;suff. adj.
se pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu, nejprve si odponu good (good (and) noble); ;dobr (dobr (a)
a vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.
god; ( );bh;sg.

good (benefit);;dobro (prospch);n.

God (Creator, eternal master (and) lord); ;Bh good (for): This is boring. (This is good (for)
(Stvoitel, vn mocn a vldce);n.
boredom.); : ;dobr (na): To je
going to, be; (from );chystat se jt (chystat se k) nudn. (To je dobr (na) nudu.);col.
jt (se, chystat se k);suff. col. (or) suff. (or) suff.
good (for): This is interesting. (This is good for
going to, be (take (and) be-going-to);;chystat se (vzt (a) interest.); : ;dobr (na):
To je zajmav. (To je dobr (na) zjem.);col.
going to, be (as in near future); ;jt (nco dlat, jako je good deed (for others);;dobr in (pro druh);n.
v blzk budoucnosti);suff.
good looks;;dobe vypadajc;n.

going to, be (as in near future): (I) am going to learn.; : good-for-nothing (usage (does)'nt fall);;k niemu, bt


(uit nepad);I
good-natured, be (be-intimate (and) close (person and)
friendly); ;dobrck, bt (bt-dvrn (a) blzk
(lovk a) ptelsk) dobromysln, bt (bt-dvrn (a)
blzk (lovk a) ptelsk);I
good, be; ;dobr, bt;I (or) I col.

good, be (good (and) noble); T ;dobr, bt (dobr (a)


good: How are you? ((Is) life good?); :

;dobr: Jak se m? ((Je) ivot dobr?);inter.
good: If (you) do not practise, what (you) have (already) got,
the good (knowledge) of writing (and) good (knowledge) of
speaking may get lost, (they) say ...;:
...;dobr: Pokud
netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a) dobr
(zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.

good: If you can correct the mistakes, it (will) be just

good, be (good, noble, noble (and)
noble); T ;dobr, bt (dobr, ulechtil, ulechtil good.; : T ;dobr:
Pokud (mi) oprav chyby, tak to bude prost dobr.;col.
(a) ulechtil);I
good: Living there is good.; :
good, be (very);;dobr, bt (velice);I col.
good, be (very): It is clear, that it is very good.;: ;fajn ( ~ "good): Je fajn ( ~ "dobr) tam t.;pol.
( ~ );dobr, bt (velice): good: OK, (it)'s good.; T: T;dobr:
Fajn, (to) je dobr.;col.
Je jasn, e je to velice dobr.;pol. col.
good: select the good ones; :
good, be (very): It is very good.;: ;dobr, bt
;dobr: vybrat ty dobr;writ.
(velice): Je to velice dobr.;col.
good, be very (good (and) pretty);;dobr, bt velmi
(dobr (a) hezk);I

good: Swimming is good for body.; : T

;dobr: Plavn je dobr pro tlo.;

good, not; ;nedobr;adj.

goods; ;zbo;pl. P. paccaya (= requisite, means)

(or) n.

good: To have a good sleep, sleep much.;:

good, be: (It) is extremely interesting. ((It) is very good for
interest.); : ;vhodn: Je ;dobr: Spi podn abys mla dobr spnek.;imper.
(to) nesmrn zajmav. (Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k
goodbye (go): Goodbye. ((I) am going to leave, ok?);:
good, be: It (is) good.; : ;dobr, bt: Je (to) ;na shledanou (jt): Nashledanou.
(Odchzm, ano?);fut. col.
good, not much;T T ;dobr, ne moc;adj.
good, not: If (you) see (anything) not good (with me), simply
admonish (me).; : T ;nedobr:
Pokud uvid (nco) nedobrho (se mnou), tak (m) jednodue
good,,noble (and) beautiful, be; T ;dobr,,lechetn
(a) krsn, bt;I
good: (It's) very good, friend, they say.;:
;dobr: (Je to) pr velice dobr, pteli.;col.
good: (It) is good for health.; :
;dobr: Je to dobr pro zdrav.;

goods: (I) went to a shop and bought what (goods) (I) liked
without looking at the price.;:
;zbo: el jsem
do obchodu a koupil (zbo) co jsem chtl ( ~ "ml-rd) ani
bych se dval na cenu.;p.s. pol.
goods: Also, the goods from China arrive to Mandalay
first.;: T
;zbo: Tak, zbo z ny se piv ( ~
pijd) jako prvn do Mandalaje.;pol. col.

goods: Do you need ((and) want) Chinese or Indian

good: (It)'s quite good.; : ;dobr: Je goods?;:
;zbo: Potebuje(te) ((a) chcete) nsk nebo
to docela dobr.;col.
good: (That)'s good.; : ;dobr: (To) je dobr.;col. indick zbo?;inter.
good: (Your) Burmese (language talking) is (just) very
good! ; : T ;dobr: (Tvoje)
Barmtina ( ~ Barmskm jazykem mluven) je (prost) velice


gorge (swallow (and) lower);;polykat (spolkout (a)

gosh!; ;pni!;interj.

Gosh! (great little elder-sister); ;Proboha!

good: Good afternoon.; : (ohromn mal star-sestra);interj. col.
gossip (one level talk); ;klepy (fma, mluva
: ;dobr: Dobr odpoledne.;w. pol.
jednoho stupn);n.
good: Good evening.;: :
gourd (bottle fruit);( );tykev (lahv ovoce);sg.
;dobr: Dobr veer.;w. pol.
good: Good idea!; : ;dobr: Dobr npad!;col. government (take domination);( ) ;vlda (vzt
good: Good morning.; :
good: a good friend; : ;dobr: dobr ptel;

: ;dobr: Dobr rno.;w. pol.

good: good teacher; : ;dobr: dobr



government examination ); ;vldn zkouka );n.

government: (It) is not permitted by the government.;:

;vlda: Nen to povoleno vldou.;

government: Since that time, indeed, English government in

various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the Myanmars.;:
;vlda: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi
zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~
Myanmary).;p.s. writ.
grade (level (and) grade); ;stupe (rove (a)

;vnoue, krlovsk: Ve prospch jednoty

Myanmaru (a) Monu, (krl) svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu
vnoueti Alaun Stovi (kter byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk
krve.;p.s. writ.
grape (teasing (and) lumped fruit); ;hrozen (provokujc
(a) molkovan ovoce);n.

grapefruit (fruit (of) erring); ( );grapefruit

grade (also at school); ;tda (tak ve kole);n.
(ovoce, ovoce chybovn) grep (ovoce, ovoce
grade: tenth grade (at school); : ;tda: dest tda chybovn);sg.
(ve kole);n.
grasp; ;chytnout;T
gradually;T T T T ; pozvolna
gradually (about progress);T T ;postupn (o

grasp (catch (and) grasp); ;chytnout;T

grasp (inside hands); ;uchopen (v


grasp: (I) grasp the concentration and watch what comes (and)
gradually (in going on way, movement by movement, slowly
goes.; : T ;chytnout: Chytnu
(and) slowly); TT;pozvolna (o chozen i jedn (sv) soutedn a sleduji co pichz a odchz.;pol. med.
po cest, pohyb po pohybu, pomalu (a) pomalu);adv.
grass;T ;trva;n.
gram; ;gram;n. E. gram
grass (lawn, spread grass);T ;trva (trvnk, rozen
gram: The bread weighs 400 grams.; :
;gram: (Ten) chlb v 400 gram.;


grass (lawn): The tennis match is (being) held on the

grass.; : T ;trva
(trvnk): Tenisov zpas je podn na trv.;cont.

grammar: a grammatical word made for all those words;:

;gramatika: gramatick nzev ( ~ "slovo) vytvoen pro grass: stalk of grass; : ;trva: stblo trvy;
vechna ta slova;
grate;T ;strouhat;T
grandchild;T ( )
grater (high-thing (for) grating);T ( );struhadlo
T( ) T( );vnuk (vnoue)
(vysok-vc (na) strouhn);sg.
vnoue vnuka (vnoue);sg.
gratifying, be (wrap (with) warmth);;pjemn, bt
grandfather;( ) (from ) ( ) ((bt) teplem obalujc);I
( );ddeek;sg.
gratis (payment-free); ;zadarmo (bezplatn);adv.
grandfather: grandfather (and) grandmother;:
;ddeek: ddeek (a) babika;

gratis (about price);;zadarmo (o cen);adv.

grandmother;( ) (from )
( ) ( );babika;sg.

(barva koue ohn);T

gratis (about price): This book is (just) gratis.;:

grandfather: This man is grandfather of the boy.;:
;zadarmo: Tato kniha je (jen)
T ;ddeek: Tento pn je zadarmo.;col.
chlapcv ddeek.;
gratitude;;vdnost vdk;n.
grandma;( );babika;sg.
gray color (color (of) fire smoke); ;ed barva
grease: buttered bread (bread greased (with) butter);:
grandmother: Baby is (together) with grandmother.;:
;mazat: chleba s mslem (chlb namazan
;babika: Miminko je (spolu) mslem);
s babikou.;
great; T T T ;obrovsk
grandmother: grandfather (and) grandmother;:
ohromn;adj. (or) suff. adj.
;babika: ddeek (a) babika;
great (properly steadfast);;ohromn (sprvn
grandpa;( );ddeek;sg.

grandparents (greandfather (and)
great elder monk (mahathera); ( );velk star mnich
grandfathers);; prarodie (ddeek (a) dedekov);pl. (mahthera);sg. P. mahthera (= great elder)
great-grandfather;( )
grandparents: Do what the grandparents say, to the letter, dear ( );praddeek ddeek;sg.
daughter.;: T ( ) great, be (big (and) huge);;ohromn, bt (velk (a)
;prarodie: Dlej do psmene co (ti) prarodie
obrovsk);I P. mah (= big)
kaj.;imper. col.
great, be (big (and) wide); ;ohromn, bt (velk (a)
grandson, royal: On behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the
king) entrusted the reign to (his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of great, be: a house like palace (a great (and) magnificent
Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;T : T
house); : () ;ohromn,


bt: dm jako palc (jeden ohromn (a) grandizn dm);


great: (It is a) great city that is 900 years old.; :

;ohromn: (Je to) ohromn
msto, kter je star 900 let.;pol.

greeting (mouth's speech connection); ;pozdrav

(stn mluvy spojen);n.

great: Go (and) show (your) powers. Where are (you)

greater?;: TT ( ~ TT)
;lep ( ~ "ohromn): Jdi (a) uka (vlastn)
sly. Kde jsi lep?;inter. sl.
great: great house;: ;ohromn: ohromn dm;

great: Just great (good)!; : ;vborn: Prost

vborn (dobr)!;col.

greetings: Greetings, sir. (used by men);:

;zdravit: Zdravm, pane. (uvno mui);w.
greetings! (generally used when sb. is met,
blessings!);;zdravm! (obvykle uito v ppad setkn
se s nkm, poehnn!);w. P. *magala*
grey color (color (of) fire smoke); ;ed barva
(barva koue ohn);T

grille (to filter things);( );mka (k filtrovn);sg.

great: my great friend; : ;skvl grilled; ;grilovan;adj.
(ohromn): mj skvl ptel;n. col.
grotto;;jeskyn;n. P. lea (= cave)
great: person greater than the mountain Meru;: T grotto (cave, cave);;jeskyn (jeskyn, jeskyn);n. P.
( ~ T T );ohromn: osoba ohromnj ne hora lea-guh (= cave - cave)
ground;T;pda (zem);n.
great: The great Alaung Min Taya thus could, indeed, again
successfully unite the Myanmar country, build and set (it) up in
order to (make it) well (collected) (and) organized.; :
;ohromn: Takto ohromn Alaung
Min Tay vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru,
postavit (a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a)
organizovan.;p.s. writ.

ground (ground surface);TT ;zem (zemsk povrch);n.

great: the hugest help;: T ;ohromn:

nejohromnj pomoc;

group; ( ) ( );skupina;sg. (or) n. E.


great: This way U Aung Zeyya's power became great.;T:

T T ;obrovsk:
Tmto zpsobem se stala moc Aun Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.

ground: contact of legs with the ground;T: T T

T ( ~ T T T );zem:
dotyk nohou se zem;writ.
ground: touch (with) the ground;TT :
;zem: dotkat se (se) zem;

groundless, be (not have basis (and)

circumstances);TT ;nepodloen, bt (ne mt
zklad (a) okolnosti);I

group (collect (from) far);;sdruit se (sbrat (z) daleka);T

group (group (and) group); ;skupina (skupina (a)

group (of people, group (of) strength (and)

greatest: Mandalay is the second greatest town in
power); ;skupina (lid, skupina sly (a) moci);n.
Myanmar.;: T
group (of people);;skupina (lid);n.
;nejvt: Mandalaj je druh nejvt msto Myanmaru.;pol.
group (of people): U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups
greatest: Of the greatest travellers' interest is the Pagan
politely.; : T
town.;: ;nejvt: (Je to
;skupina (lid): Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma
prv) Pagan msto, kter (se jev) cestovatelm
skupinama zdvoile.;writ.
group (team); ( );skupina (tm);sg.
greatly; ;velice;adv.
group of words (as a part of sentence or phrase, words (and)
greed (crave (and) be-overly-fond-of
word-groups);;skupina slov (jakoto st vty
{nouner}); ;chamtivost (chamtit (a) bt-plinebo frze, slova (a) skupiny-slov);n.
zamilovan-do {jmenec});n.
group, make a (form group); ;skupinu, utvoit (utvoit
greed (need (and) want {nouner}); T ;chamtivost
(potebovat (a) chtt {jmenec});n.
group, make: As for some, (they) make groups and go around
green (color);( );zelen (barva);n.
in big and small cars.; :
green tea; ;zelen aj;E. green tea

) ;skupinu, utvoit: A
green: (Young man) Aye is wearing green longyi.;:
nkte utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch
() ;zelen: (Mlad pn)
autech.;col. pol.
nos zelen lound.;
group: Foreigners sometimes group against the native
green: green ball pen;: ;zelen: zelen
kulikov pero;n.

people.;: T

( ~
greener (EN col. greener);( );zelen (CZ col. T )
;sdruit se: Nkdy se cizinci sdruuj proti rodilm.;
greet (connect (by) mouth); ;zdravit (spojit-se
group: In our group there are the teacher-monks who won ( ~


"got) first (place) in whole the country.;:

;skupina: V na skupin jsou uitelt mnii, kte
dostali prvn (msto) v cel zemi.;pol. ubmn. mn.
group: The group (being) on the stage also (exhibiting)

dances (and) entertains.;:
T ;skupina: Skupina (jsouc) na pdiu tak
(ukazujce se) tancuje a bav (ostatn lidi).;col. pol.
grow ( ~ be-distributed): When the leaves become grown ( ~
distributed), the spring has come.;:
;vyrst ( ~ bt-rozdlen): Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsourozdlen) mnoho list, pilo jaro.;p.p.

;manel: Nejdv si najdi chlapa. (CZ col.);

guy: Hey guy, if (you) steal, while stealing steal more for us
(also), friend.; :
;tpek: Hej, tpku, jestli bude krst, pi (tom)
kraden pro ns (taky) ukradni, pteli.;imper. sl.
habit of, have the (have habit);; zvyku, mt ve (mt (ve)
habit: I do not have the habit of going (out).;:
;zvyk: Nemm zvyk chodit (ven).;
habit: I have the habit of going out by bus.;: T
;zvyk: Jsem zvykl jezdit ven

grow (distribute): Many leaves are growing ( ~

distributed).;: ;rst ( ~ rozdlit): Mnoho hair;;vlasy;n.
list roste ( ~ je-rozdleno).;
hair (hair column(s)); ( );vlasy (vlasov
grow (increase);;zvit (se);T
grumble (complain, swell equally, swell equally);; reptat
hair (hair thread); ;vlasy (vlasov vlkno);n.
(stovat si, bobtnat rovnomrn, bobtnat rovnomrn);T col. hair washing: (They) wash (them) hair. ((They) give (them) hair
GTalk (program);;GTalk (program);name E. Gtalk

washing.); : ;vlas, myt:

Umvaj (jim) vlasy.;pol.
GTalk: Gtalk and other such programs;:
;GTalk: Gtalk a jin takov programy;
hair, wash; ;vlasy, umt si;T
guard;( ) ;strce
hair, wash (wash head); ;vlasy, mt si (mt
strit;sg. (mn.) (or) T
guardian;( );ochrnce;sg.

hair: Hair is black.; : ;vlasy: Vlasy jsou


guava (fruit (of) Malacca);( );guva (ovoce hair: hair is long; : ;vlasy: vlasy jsou dlouh;
(z) Malaccy);sg.
hair: Hair is long.; : : ;vlasy:
guess;;hdat (mru);T
Vlasy jsou dlouh.;
guest; ( );host;sg.
hair: Hair of the woman curls.; :
guest (guest person); ( );host (osoba
guidance under sb. (path showing, under);
- ;veden pod (km, cestu ukazovn, pod);n.
guide (show way); T;provdt (vodit, ukazovat
guide (shows way (to)
guests); ( );prvodce (ukazuje cestu

;vlasy: Vlasy (t) eny kudrnat.;

hairdresser's (shop (of) beautifying hair);;kadenictv

(obchod zkrlovn vlas);n.
hairline (where the hair cover starts, hair start);;vlasov
ra (kde zan pokrvka vlas na hlav, vlasy zanaj);n.
hairnet (for hair, collects hair);( );ska (na vlasy,
sbr vlasy);sg.
hairs (of body);();chlupy;n.

half;( ) (from )
guide (direct (the) way); ;vst (nasmrovat, ukazovat ( );polovina plka pl (plka) pl(ka);n. (or) sg.
half ( ~ "6): half of a year;: ;pl ( ~ "6): pl roku;
guide (directs (the) way); ;veden (nasmrovn,
half (sharp half); ( ) ;polovina (ostr
ukazuje cestu);n.
plka) pl (ostr plka) polovina (ostr polovina);n. (or)
guide: She wants to be a guide. ((She) wants to do work (of)
guiding); T: T ;provdt (vodit):
Chce bt prvodce. (Chce dlat prci provzen.);


Gurkha (member of a Nepalese martial

clan);( );Gurkha (len Neplskho vlenho

half: (It)'s morning half past two.;:

;pl: Je
rno, pl tet.;pol.

guy; ( ) ;tpek;sg. sl.

guy (EN col., husband); ( );muskej (CZ col.,
guy (friend); ( ) (from (?));tpek
(kamard);sg. sl.

half-caste (person of mixed parentage);T( )

T( );smenho pvodu, potomek;sg.

half: (we) happened to talk around half of an hour; :

TT ;pl: (stalo-se), e jsme se bavili
asi pl hodiny.;p.s.
half: (We) haven't talked for two and a half years.;:
TT ;pl: Nemluvili jsme (spolu)
ji dva a pl roku.;p.s.

guy (husband): First search (for) a guy. (EN col.); : half: Come at half past eight (hours).;:


Pije v pl devt (hodiny).;imper. pol.


half: half of a year; : ;pl: pl roku;

handbag (easy bag);( );kabelka (lehk taka);sg.

half: half past seven (seven hours (and) half);: ;pl: handbag: The woman carries a hand bag of little weight ( ~
pl osm (sedm hodin (a) pl);adv.
lightness).; :
;kabelka: (Ta) slena nos lehkou kabelku ( ~

half: half past twelve (twelve hours (and) half);:

kabelku mal lehkosti);
; pl: pl jedn (dvanct hodin (a) pl);
half: The bottle is only half-empty ((There) is only half (of the) handicapped, be;;postien, bt;I
bottle.); : :
handiness (clever (and) shrewd
;pl: Lhev je poloprzdn. (Lhve je jen pl.); {nouner}); ;ikovnost (chytr (a) mazan {jmenec});I
half: There is only a half of water in the glass.; :
;plka: Ve sklenici je voda jen
do plky. (Ve sklenici je pouze plka vody.);

handkerchief (scarf held (in)

hand); ( );kapesnk (krtk tek dren (v)

half: two kyats, fifty penny ( ~ "half) (historical price);:

; polovina: dva iat, padest hal ( ~ "polovina)
(historick cena);

handkerchief: Also, don't forget a handkerchief.; :

;kapesnk: Nezapome si i kapesnk.;pol.

hall (large room); ( );hala (velik pokoj);sg.

hands (inside hands); ;ruce (v rukou);n.

hands of, from; ;z rukou (koho);prep.

hall: in the arrival hall (in the hall (where people) arrive); : hands of, from: (He) tried to rescue king Saw Lu from hands of
;hala: v pletov hale (v hale (kam lid) enemies.; :
;rukou, z: Snail se zachrnit krle S L z
hamburger; (abbrev. from ) ( ) rukou neptel.;writ.
( );hamburger;sg. E. hamburger (or) sg. E. burger hands: You have two hands (and) two legs.; :
hammer;( ) ( );kladivo;sg. (one,
pair) (or) sg.

T ;ruce: M dv ruce (a)

dv nohy.;

hammer (strike, hammer (and) fix);;tlouci (tlouci (a)

upevovat) zatloukat (tlouci (a) upevovat);T

handwriting (writing (and) composing);;rukopis

(psan (a) vyrvn);n.

hammer (strike);;zatloukat tlouci;T

handy (help equally);;hodc se (CZ col., bt uiten,

pomoc rovnomrn);adj.

hammer: (He) stuck a needle between nails and while hitting

(it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;:
hang; ;povsit vsit;T
;kladivo: Zabodnul jehlu mezi hang up (drop phone);;zavsit (telefn, pustit telefn)
nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem, testoval (je).;writ.
poloit (telefn, pustit telefn);T E. phone
hand; ( ) ( ) ( ) hang up (phone): I am going to hang up phone.;:
( );ruka;sg. (one, pair) (or) sg.
;poloit (telefon): Jdu poloit telefon.
hand (hand (and) arm); ( );ruka (ruka (a)
hand (one leaf (of) hand); ;ruka (jeden list
hand phone (phone held (in)
hand); ( );mobiln telefn (telefn dren
(v) ruce);sg.

(Polom telefon:);fut.

hang up: (I)'m hanging up.;: ;poloit (telefon):

Pokldm (telefon).;col.
hang up: (The) boy just now hung up the phone, indeed.;:
;zavsit: (Ten) chlapec prv te
zavsil telefn.;col.
hang: A picture is hung on the wall.;:
;povsit: Na stn je poven

hand, by (with hand): Regrettably, these essays must be

written by ( ~ with) hand.; :
() ;rukou (s rukou): esej, tyto hang: After washing the clothes, (he) hangs the clothes in order
eseje mus bt napsny (s) rukou.;col.
to dry (it).;: T
hand: (He) places one hand on another (hand).; : ;vsit: Po vyprn obleen, vs ( ~ povj [CZ col.])
T ;dla: Pokld (to) obleen aby (je) usuil.;
jednu ruku na druhou (ruku).;
happen;T T ;stt se pihodit se dt se;I
hand: He gave ( ~ will give) food (and) drink to the people by
(his) right hand.; : T T
;ruka: Dval ( ~ d) lidem jdlo a
pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s. writ.

happen (become (and) go);T ;stt se (stt-se (a) jt);I

hand: two hands put on the head; :

;ruka: dv ruce poloen na hlav;n.

happen (due to an action);;stt se (kvli njakmu inu);T

handbag (bag held (in)

hand); ( );kabelka (taka dren


happen (happen (and) deteriorate);T ;stt se (stt-se (a)

happen (by chance);;stt se (nhodou);I (or) T
happen by chance;;stt (se) nhodou;I

happen right now;;prv te se stt;suff.

happen to; T ;stt se (komu) stt se, e

pihodit se zna trpn rod najednou (se stt) stt se;I (or) T T ;stt se: A dokonce se ani
suff. I (or) suff. (or) adv.
nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
happen to ( ~ come): Because of these students, the
national spirit of the citizens also awakened and happened ( ~
came) to develop.;:
;pijt k:
Kvli tmto studentm nrodn duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k
rozvoji.;pol. writ.
happen to ( ~ come);;pijt k;I

happen: As (things) don't happen according to how (you) do

them, (you) should do (things) as (they) happen.;T :
T T ;stt se: Ponvad se (vci)
nedj podle (toho) jak (je) dl, mla bys (je) dlat (podle
toho,) jak se dj.;imper. pol. prov.
happen: Because of how it happened, that (you), indeed, are a
monk?;T : T ;stt se: Jak se
stalo, e kvli tomu jsi, vskutku, mnichem?;inter. col.

happen to ( ~ come): The study of national literature also

happened to be opened.;:
happen: If there's kamma (for it) to happen, (then it) will just

;dojt k: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn happen.;T : T T ;stt se: Je-li kamma k
tomu, aby se (to) stalo, (pak se to) stane.;pol.
happen to (come);;dojt k (pijt);I
happen to be;;pihodit se stt se;I
happen to be: before (it) happened to be written;:
;stt se: ped tm ne (se stalo,
(e)) (to) bylo napsan;p.s. writ.
happen to: (I) happen to be happy (and) joyful.;:
T ;najednou: Najednou jsem astn a
happen to: (I) happen to be listening to the (Buddha's)
Dhamma.;T : T ;pihodit se, e:
Pihodilo se, e poslouchm Buddhovu Dhammu.;
happen to: (I) happen to copy a dictionary;T :
T ;stt se, e: Stalo se, e pepisuji

happen: There is ( ~ is-happen) an accident.;T :

T ;stt se: Maj ( ~ stvse) nehodu.;cont.
happen: What happened after that?;T :
T ;stt se: Co se stalo po tom?;inter.
happened to, already;;stal se, ji;suff. I p.p.
happened to: I am tired. (I happened to be tired
already.);: ;stal se: Jsem u unaven.
(U jsem se stal unavenm.);p.p. um.
happened to: I made a mistake. (I happened to make a
mistake.);: ;stt se: Udlal jsem
chybu. (Stal jsem se chybujcm.);um.
happening (happening (and) deterioration);T ;dn
(phoda (a) padek);n.

happen to: (I) happened to do;T : T ;stt se, e:

stalo se, e (jsem) udlal;p.s.

happily; ;vesele astn;adv.

TT ;stt se, e: (stalo se, e) jsme

se bavili asi pl hodiny.;p.s.

happiness (be-clear (and) shrivel-up {nouner}); ;tst

(radost, bt-jasn (a) vratit-se {jmenec});n.

happen to: I don't have a job any more. I am retired. ((I( don't
work any more. (I) happened to take pension.);:
;stt se, e: U nemm
zamstnn. Jsem v penzi. (U nepracuji. Stalo se, e beru

happiness (be-happy (and) rejoice {nouner}); ;tst

(radost, bt-astn (a) radovat-se {jmenec});n.

happiness ( ~ "happy, be): (I) wish all the beings to be happy (

happen to: (I) happened to say;T : TT ;stt se, e: ~ "happiness).; :
stalo se, e (jsem) ekl;p.s.
;astn, bt ( ~ "radost): Peji vem
bytostem aby byly astn ( ~ "radost).;pol.
happen to: (we) happened to talk around half of an hour;T :

happen to: I happend to understand like this.;:

;stt se: Stalo se, e jsem (to) takto
pochopil.;pol. um.

happiness (be-joyous (and) tender {nouner}); ;radost

(bt-vesel (a) jemn {jmenec});adj.
happiness (tasting (and) living);;tst (radost,
chutnn (a) it);n. P. syati (= taste)

happiness: Whenever a lot of happiness appears in

you.; : T ( ~
happen to: I happened to write it like this.;:
);radost: Kdykoliv m tolik moc
;stt se: Stalo se, e jsem to takto napsal.;pol. um. radosti (v tob).;um.
happen to: Indeed, I happened to make many mistakes in
happy (blessings): Happy New Year!;:
these writings.;:
;astn (poehnn): astn Nov Rok!;w.
( ~
happy, be; ;astn, bt radovat se;I (or) T
);stt se: Vskutku, v tomto psan se stalo, happy, be (be-rich mentally); ;astn, bt (bte jsem udlal mnoho chyb.;um.
bohat mentln);I P. citta (= mind)
happen: (I) happen to go out, sometimes.;T :
happy, be (happy (and) fresh); ;astn, bt (astn
T T ;stt se: Stv se, e chodm obas ven.; (a) erstv);I
happen: (I) happened to be wanting life (where) is no courage happy, be (happy (and) joyful); ;astn, bt (astn
to search.;T : T ;stt se: Stalo se, e (a) radostn);I
chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.
happy, be (stomach (is) high); T ;astn, bt (aludek
happen: Also, (I) even (do not) happen to meditate again.;T :


(je) vysoko) radost, mt (aludek (je) vysoko);I

(I) am happy.; : T
happy, be (stomach (is) pleasant); ;radost, mt (aludek ;astn: Jak se ije ( ~ "ije) v
Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)? Je (to) dobr. Jsem astn.;inter.
(je) pjemn) astn, bt (aludek (je) pjemn);I
happy, be (stomach (is) pleased); ;astn, bt (aludek happy: May (you) be happy (and) fresh.;:
;astn: K (jsi) astn (a) erstv.;w.
(je) poten);I
happy, be (stomach is-high); T ;astn, bt (aludek

happy: May you be happy.; : ;astn: A jsi

astn.;w. pol.

happy, be: (I) am extremely happy.; :

;astn, bt: Jsem extrm astn.;

happy: The baby seems to be happy.; :

;astn: Miminko vypad astn.;

happy, be: Especially, being happy (I) call well done, ven.
Sir.; T : T ;astn, bt:
Zejmna, asten volm: dobe!, ct. Pane.;pol.

harbor (ship port);;pstav (lodn pstav);n.

happy, be: (I) am very happy.; : ;astn, bt: hapy: I must be happy (and) joyful, as (I) have picked up now
a teacher or an elder brother.; :
Jsem velice astn.;pol.

happy, be: (I) happily invite (you).; T : T
T ;astn: Musm bt astn (a)
;astn, bt: tastn (t) zvu.;pol.
happy, be: (they) are happy; : ;radovat se: raduj rozradostnn, ponvad jsem si te vzal ( ~ sebral) uitele
nebo starho bratra.;pol. utmn.

happy, be: I am extremely happy and (I) happen to respect

(you).; T : T ( ~
T ) ;astn, bt: (J) jsem
nesmrn astn (a) (stalo se, e) (vs) respektuji.;pol.
happy, be: Indeed, I am very happy about you (of what (I)
heard about you).; :
( ~
);radost, mt: Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho,
co jsem o tob slyel) velkou radost .;pol.
happy, become: It is said, that Nga Nyo became happy as his
wife told (him) about the kings's call up.; :
T ;radost,
mt: k se, e kdy mu manelka ekla o krlov zavoln,
a o ml radost.;p.s.

hard; ;tvrd;n.

hard, be;;tvrd, bt;I

hard, be (difficult, tiredness (is) big); ;tk, bt
(nron, nava (je) velk);I
harm (give suffering);;ubliovat (dt utrpen);T
harsh, be (about situation etc..); ;drsn, bt (o povrchu,
situaci atd.);I
harsh, be (about situation, etc.); ;drsn, bt (o povrchu,
situaci atd.);I
has (been);;zna minul as dokonav vid;suff.
has become;;stalo se;p.p.
has been; ;byl u je to je tomu u;suff. (or) pow.
has been (already);;u je to je tomu u;suff.
has been (already): (It) has already been around ten days.;:
;u je (to): U je (to) asi deset dn.;

has been (already): (It) has already been ten months.;:

happy, bt: When month ends, (I) become happy.; :
;u je (to): U je to deset msc.;p.p.
;astn, bt: Kdy msc kon, jsem ( ~ has been, already;T ;u je (tomu);p.p.
stanu-se) astn.;col.
has been, already: Today (it) has been exactly four years,
happy: (He) becomes extremely happy.; :
since I came to Sri Lanka from my country.;T :
T ;astn: Stane se extrm astnm.;

happy: (I) happen to be happy (and) joyful.; :
T ;u je (tomu): Dnes u je tomu ( ~ to bylo) pesn
T ;astn: Najednou jsem astn a
tyi roky, co jsem pijel na Sr Lanku z m zem.;p.p.
has been: (It) has been three weeks (since I have arrived to
happy: Are (you) happy (for real)?; : ;astn: Jsi Burma).;: ;u je to: U je to ti tdny, co jsem
skuten astn?;inter.
pijel do Barmy.;p.p.
happy: Are you (surely) happy staying in Burma
has been: Has (it) been long?;: ;u je (to): Je (to)
(country)?; : T ;astn: Jste
u dlouho?;inter.
(opravdu) astn, e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter. has been: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha has been recorded
happy: Because (I) want (you) to be happy.; :
in Myanmar history by many.;:
() ;astn: Protoe chci, abys byl astn.;pol. T ;byl: Zpsob vrnosti
happy: Because I am happy, (I) am smiling.; : ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii Myanmaru.;writ.
;astn, bt: Protoe jsem astn, smji se.;col. hash (chop); T T ;nasekat (na pltky);T
cont. uw.
hash (with knife);;nasekat (noem);T
happy: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities are more happier
than usually.; :
;astn: Bhem Tendanu jsou
vechny nrody astnj ne obvykle.;pol.

happy: How do you feel ( ~ "live) in Burma (country)? Good.


hassles; ;tkosti;n.

haste, be in a;;spch, mt na;T

haste, be in a (hurry hastily); ;spch, mt na
(spchat narychlo);T

hat (wear);( ) [ouhou] ( );klobouk

hat: I wear a hat of white color (on my head).;:
T ;klobouk: Nosm (na hlav)
klobouk bl barvy.;uw.
hat: The man with the beard is as tall as the man with the
;klobouk: Ten mu s vousy je
stejn vysok jako ten mu s kloboukem.;
hate; ;nenvidt nesnet;T

various kinds. Here, look.;:

;mt: Co se te klobouk, (ty) mme, vskutku,
mme. (Prost) nejrznj druhy. Tady, podvejte.;col.
have: At the moment (we) have only three kinds.;:
;mt: Momentln mme jen ti
have: Do (you) have a toilet here?;: ;mt:
Mte tu toalety?;inter.
have: Do (you) have blue (one)?;: T ;mt: Mte
modrou?;inter. col.

hatred (hate (and) strike {nouner});T ;nenvist

(nenvidt (a) udeit {jmenec});n.

have: Do what (you) have to do.;: ;mt:

Dlej co m dlat.;imper. pol. col.

have;T - -;mt;I (or) T

have: Do you have ...?; -: ... ;mt:

M ...?;inter.

have (possess, possess (and) concern);;mt (vlastnit,

vlastnit (a) tkat-se);I
have a certain position in society; ;mt uritou pozici ve
spolenosti;T P. vatta (= duty)
have already (finished); ;u (skoneno);suff.
have already: already achieved; : T ;ji: ji

have: Do you have another book besides this (book)?;:

T T;mt: Mte (jet) jinou knihu
krom tto (knihy)?;inter.
have: Except this there (we) have two kinds more.;: T
;mt: Krom tohohle mme jet dva

have: He doesn't have friends there. (In him, there, are no

have been: (I) am thirty-three years old. (Age has been thirty- friends.);: ;mt: (On) tam nem
ptele. (V nm, tam, nejsou ptele.);
three years.);: ;u bylo: Je mi
have: How many kyats do you have?;:
ticet ti let. (Vk u byl ticet ti let.);p.p. col.
;mt: Kolik m() at?;inter. col.
have been: (I) am thirty. (Age has been thirty.);:
have been; ;u (se nco dje uritou dobu);suff.

;u byl: Je mi ticet. (Vk u byl ticet.);p.p. col.

have been: (I) have been studying Burmese language only ten
months.; : () ;u (se
nco dje uritou dobu): Studuji barmsk jazyk (u) pouze
deset msc.;p.p. pol.
have been: As it was a golden statue, it has been concealed
on the embarkment.;:
T ;byl: Protoe to byla zlat socha, byla ukryt na
have not (any more);;nemt (spotebovat);I

have: I have (it).; -: ;mt: J (to) mm.;

have: I have a lot of energy to cut the wood.;T -:

T ;mt: Mm spoustu
energie na sekn deva.;p.p.
have: What else ( ~ "more) do (you) have apart from this?;:
T ;mt: Co jet mte krom tohohle?;inter.
having; ; vlastnn po tom,,co;suff. (or) n.
having ...;;po tom, co ...;suff.
having (finished an action); ;po (urit innosti);suff.

have to; ;teba, bt mt na;I (or) suff.

having (finished an action): having arrived; : ;po

(urit innosti): po pjezdu;p.p.

have to (must);;mt (muset);T

having (followed by a verb in p.p.);;a pak;suff.

have to (must): Nga Nyo's wife had to call (him).;:

;mt (muset): a ova manelka (ho) mla

having finished;;po ukonen;suff.

have to: Do just the things that you have to do.;:

;mt na: Dlej jen to, co m na
prci.;imper. pol.

having: having gone to sleep;: ;po tom,,co: po tom, co

(jsem) el spt;p.p.

having finished: having finished (practising) meditation;:

;po ukonen: po ukonen (praxe) meditace;

he; ;on;pron. (or) pron. (or) pron. unpl.

have to: I have to walk about 10 minutes from the bus stop to he: He is a student.;: ;on: On je student.;pol.
my house.;:
he: Is it worth (with) him?; : ;on: Je to
;musm: Musm jt asi 10 minut z
pro nj ( ~ "s nm) vhodn?;inter.
autobusov zastvky do svho domu.;col. pol. um.
head; ( );hlava;sg.
have, doesn't: (Young man) Ten doesn't have a book for
head (head (and) head); ( );hlava (hlava (a)
reading.;: ;nemt: (Mlad hlava);sg.
pn) Ten nem knihu na ten;pol.
head (head, head); ( );hlava (hlava, hlava);sg.
have: (We) have only this kind.;: : head (leader, carries head); ( );hlava
;mt: Mme pouze tento druh. mt: Mme jen (vdce, nos hlavu);sg. (mn.)
tenhle druh.;pol.
headache (head (is) dizzy); ;bolest hlavy (hlava mhave: As for hats, (we) have (them), indeed, (we) have. (Just) zvra);n.


headache (head (is) turned-turbid); ;bolest hlavy

(hlava (je) zakalen);n.

healthy, be: I am healthy.; :

;zdrav, bt: (J) jsem zdrav.;

headache (head bites {nouner}); T ;bolest hlavy, mt healthy: may you be healthy; : ;zdrav: k
(hlava koue {jmenec});I
jsi zdrav;w.
headache, have (head bites); ();bolest hlavy, mt
(hlava koue);I


headache, have a: (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not good) because

my head aches so much.; :
;bolest hlavy, mt: Jsem
nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen dobr), protoe m hrozn moc bol

hear that: I am pleased to hear you want to visit

Myanmar.;: T T "
;slyet, e: Mm radost, e slym, e chce
navtvit Myanmar.;pol.

headache, have: The woman has a headache.; ():

;bolest hlavy: (Tu) enu bol
headman (of village, big person);( );pn
(vesnice, velk osoba);sg.
headman (of village): It is said, that Nga Nyo's girlfriend was a
daughter of the village headman.;:
;pn (vesnick): k se, e a ova ptelkyn
byla dcera pna vesnice.;

hear that;;slyet, e;suff.

hear: (I) am happy to hear (from you) now.;:

;slyet: Jsem rd, e (t) vidm ( ~
prv slym).;pol.
hear: (I) have already heard it;: ;slyet: u jsem
(to) slyel;p.p.
hear: (I) was hearing (it) again and again in (my) ears.;:
;poslouchat ( ~ "slyet):
Poslouchal jsem (to) znovu a znovu ve (svch) uch.;p.s. pol.

hear: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never heard (and
they) are doing how they want to do.;:
headman (of village): The village headman did not admire Nga T ;slyet:
Nyo.; : ;pn (vesnick): Vyhls zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se
Pn vesnice a o neobdivoval.;pol.
jim chce dlat.;pol.
heal (an injured person, treat (and) sharpenhear: Indeed, I am very happy about you (of what (I) heard
knife);;uzdravit (zrannou osobu, oetovat (a) ostitabout you).;:
( ~
health (state-of health (and) health); ;zdrav (stav );slyet: Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co
zdrav (a) zdrav);n.
jsem o tob slyel) velkou radost .;pol.
health: (It) is good for health.; :
;zdrav: Je to dobr pro zdrav.;

hear: Now, indeed, (I) hear.;: ;slyet: Te

zrovna slym.;col.

health: Be especially careful for (your) health.;:

hear: The gentlemen (and) the ladies have, certainly, already
;zdrav: Zejmna si dvej pozor heard (it) many times ( ~ again and again).;:
na (sv) zdrav.;imper. pol.
;slyet: Pnov (a)
dmy (to) ji, jist, mnohokrt ( ~ znovu a znovu) slyeli.;pol.
health: Doing sports is good for health.; :
T ;zdrav:
Sportovn je dobr pro zdrav.;

hearsay (one level talk); ;doslech (klepy, mluva

jednoho stupn) povst (klepy, mluva jednoho

health: May (you) be healthy (and) cheerful.; :

;zdrav: K (jsi) zdrav (a) radostn.;w. pol. heart;( );srdce;sg.
health: Take care of (your) health.; :
;zdrav: Dvej si pozor na (sv) zdrav.;imper. pol.

heart (heart meat);( );srdce (srden


healthy, be ((be) strong (and) firm); ;zdrav, bt ((bt)

siln (a) pevn);I

heart: May (you) know for yourself the heart of yours.;:

() ( );srdce: K sm zn
sv srdce.;pol. w.

healthy, be;;zdrav, bt;I un.

healthy, be (be-healthy (and) firm); ;zdrav, bt (btzdrav (a) pevn);I

heartily (what empty cheek (can) take);;srden

(co przdn tv (doke) vzt);adv.

healthy, be (include health);;zdrav, bt (obsahovat


heartily: If (you) have something (you) want to offer, (then you)

may offer (it) heartily. (may be heard as an advice on one's
;uspokojiv: Pokud m nco k nabdnut, pak
(to) me uspokojiv nabdnout. (lze zaslechnout coby radu
oslavenci narozenin);col. pol.

healthy, be (feel good, life (is) good); ;zdrav, bt

(ivot (je) dobr);I
healthy, be: Are (you) healthy, for sure?;:
;zdrav: Jsi skuten zdrav?;inter.
healthy, be: Are mother and others also healthy?; :
;zdrav, bt: Jsou matka a ostatn
tak zdrav?;inter.


heartwood;;jdrov devo;n.

heater (machine (which) gives

heat); ( );ohva (stroj (kter) dv

heaven (realm (of) good kamma); vypomoci;

(WS. from ) ;nebe (svt dobr kammy);n. P.
help: (I) am happy knowing, that my help is useful.;:
kamma (= action, deed)


heavy (weight): The man carries a very heavy suitcase ( ~

clothes box (of) big weight).;:
;tk (vha): (Ten) pn
nese velice tk kufr ( ~ kufr obleen velk vhy).;
heavy, be;;tk, bt;I
heavy, be (about weight); ;tk, bt (o vze);I
heedfulness: persons who have heedfulness and
;pozornost: osoby, kter maj pozornost a
moudrost;pl. writ.
hell: It's not your business whether we go to hell or not. (It
doesn't concern you (whether) we are going or are not going
(to) hell.; :
;peklo: To se vs netk, jestli jdeme ((nebo)
nejdeme) do pekla.;col.
hello ( ~ "speech): Hello. (in telephone conversation, have a
speech!); : ;hal ( ~ "mluva): Hal. (do telefnu,
mluvte!, mjte mluvu!);imper. pol. rare

;pomoc: Jsem astn vdouce, e m pomoc

byla uiten.;pol.
help: (I) got the promise to get help ( ~ "for help).;:
;pomoc: Dostal jsem slib, e (mi) pome ( ~
"pro pomoc).;p.s.
help: (I) had to ask for help.;:
;pomoc: Musel jsem podat o
pomoc.;p.s. pol.
help: (I) will help (you with) what (I) can help (with).;:
;pomoci: Pomohu (ti s tm, s) m (ti)
mohu pomoci.;col. pol.
help: (I) will help (you) as much as (I) can.;:
;pomoci: Pomohu (ti) jak jen
mohu.;fut. pol.
help: (It) is requested, that (you) help (him) (from the side of)

(your) possibilities.;:
;pomoci: d se, abys (mu) pomohl (ze strany)
(svch) monost.;pol.

help: Can (I) help (you)? (Should (I) help (you)?);:

;pomoci: Mohu (ti) pomoci? (Ml bych (ti)
hello (word): Hello, (you)! (Have a word, you.); :
;hal (slovo): Hal, (ty)! (Mj slovo, ty.);col. pomoci?);inter.
um. & uw.
help: Can you help me?;: ;pomoci:
Me mi pomoci?;inter. col.
help; ;pomoci;T
help (agree (to) assist {nouner});T ;pomoc (souhlasit help: If (you) like ( ~ "(are) satisfied), please, help (me).;:
T ;pomoci: Pokud chce ( ~
(e) pome {jmenec});n.
"(jsi) spokojen), prosm, pomoz mi.;imper. pol.
help (give help);;pomoci (dt pomoc);T
help (help (to) be-equal);; pomoci (pomoci bt-stejn);T
help (help equally);;pomoc (pomoc

help: Tell what (you) need to help (with).;:

T;pomoci: ekni (s) m chce pomoci.;col.

help (support (and) assistence); ;pomoc

(podpora (a) pomoc);n.

help: the hugest help;T : T ;pomoc:

nejohromnj pomoc;

helping); ; vpomoc (zejm. finann a politick,

podpoen (a) pomoc);sg.

helpful, be (become support (and)

help); T ;npomocn, bt (stt-se podporou
(a) pomoc);T

helpful (help equally);;npomocn (pomoc

help (watch-over support (and)
help); ;pomoci (dohlet-nad podporou (a) rovnomrn);adj.
helpful (support (and) assistence); ;prospn
(podpora (a) pomoc);n.
help (esp. financial and political, supporting (and)

help (sb., give help);;pomoci (nkomu, dt


helpful, be (can help); ;npomocn, bt (me


help (sb.): (I) will ( ~ can) help as much as I can.;:

( ~
;pomoci (nkomu): Pomohu helpful, be: may be helpful;:

);hodit se: me se hodit;

( ~ mohu pomoci) jak (jen) mohu.;pol.
is ( ~ makes) helpful for health.; :
help (sb.): There is no end to the much of thanking for the
(given) help.;:
Ovoce je ( ~ dl) prospn zdrav.;pol.
() ;pomoc (nkomu): Nen konce
hen (chiken female); ( );slepice (kue
help out (support (and) help); ; vypomoci (podporovat ena);sg.
(a) pomoci);T
her; ; jej;pron. writ. (or) pron.
help out: to be able to help out (my) family
mnohmu dkovn za tu (dodanou) pomoc.;pol.

completely; : T
;vypomoci: abych byl schopen (sv) rodin pln

her, to;;j;pron. acc.

here; ;zde tady;adv. col. (or) adv.


here ( ~ "look): Here you are. (invitation to look on the

goods); : ;zde ( ~ "dvat se): Zde. (pozvn k
podvn se na zbo v obchod);imper. pol.
here (near this);;tady (pobl tohoto);adv.
here (acc., to this);;sem (4. p., to this);acc.
here: Are (you) satisfied being here?;:
T;tady: Jste spokojen, e jste tady?;inter.

hide: (It) disappears in the pelvis.; ():

( ~ )
(): ( ~
);schovat se: Zmiz v pnvi ( ~ pnevn kosti).;

hideous, be (appearance (is) bad);;kared, bt (vzhled

(je) patn);I

here: Do not eat here.;: ;tady: Nejezte


high (high (and) great);T;vysok (vysok (a)


here: Here I always make a mistake.;:

(~ );tady: Tady
vdycky dlm chybu.;col.

high (of position); ;vysoko;adv.

here: Sit down here.;: ;tady: Sednte si

tady.;imper. pol.

high school (school (of) high

standard); ;stedn kola (kola vysokho
high, be;T;vysoko, bt vysok, bt;I

hero (person brave (and) good); ( );hrdina high, be (long (in) height); ;vysok, bt (o lidech,
(osoba staten (a) dobr);sg.
dlouh vkou);I
hero (who is ready to sacrifice his own life for a good
high: In order to (make it) available for reading to many kinds
cause); ( );hrdina (kter je pipraven
of readers, even the price is not high.;:
obtovat svj ivot pro dobrou vc);sg. (mn.) P. jniya (= man ;vysok: Aby byl
of noble race)
dostupn ke ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen
hero: (He) also promoted heroes who had valour.; : vysok.;pol.
T ;hrdina:
Tak povyoval hrdiny, kte mli chrabrost.;writ.

high: the level is high;T: T ;vysok: rove

je vysok;

hero: During the reign of Anawyatha king in the Pagan period,

four heroes, (namely) Kyansittha, Ngalttwayyu, Ngaloun
Letpheh and Nyaung Oo Phi, became prominent.; :

;hrdina: Bhem vldy krle Anojaty v obdob
Paganskm se stali tyi hrdinov, (tj.) ansit, , Ndvej,
Nlou Leph a au Ph prominentnmi.;p.s. writ.

high: The mountain Everest is (just) the highest mountain in

the world.;T: T
;vysok: Hora Everest je (prost) nejvt horou na

hey you (hey animal); ;hele, ty (hele zve);interj.

imper. sl.

highest: the highest magical powers;T:

T ;nejvy: nejvy magick moci;

higher knowledge (any of the six higher knowledges, (a) divine

eye, (b) divine ear, (c) telepathy, (d) art of transformation, (e)
memory of past lives (f) enlightenment); ( );vy
znalost (kterkoliv z esti vych znalost, (a) bosk oko, (b)
hero: the heroic monk; : ;hrdina: bosk ucho, (c) telepatie, (d) umn promny, (e) pam
jeden hrdinsk mnich;sg.
minulch ivot (f) osvcen);sg. Bh. P. abhi (= higher
heterogenous, be in;;rznorod, bt;I
highest (most high (and) great);T;vysok (nejvce
hey; ;hele hej;interj. (or) suffv. interj.
vysok (a) ohromn);adj.
hey (EN col.); ;hele (CZ col.);col.

hey: Hey guy, if (you) steal, while stealing steal more for us
(also), friend.;:
;hej: Hej, tpku, jestli bude krst, pi (tom) kraden
pro ns (taky) ukradni, pteli.;imper. sl.
hey: Hey, buddy!;: ;hej: Hej, kmo!;imper. sl.
hey: Hey, continue in writing.;: ;hele: Hele,
pokrauj v psan.;imper. pol.
hey: Hey, explain (it).;: T ;hele: Hele, vysvtli
to.;imper. col.
hey! (calling sb.);;hej! (voln nkoho);interj. col.
hidden, be (hide (and) conceal);;schovan, bt
(schovat-se (a) zakrt);T
hide; T ;skrt utajit schovat se schovvat se;T

highlight (with a highlighter, draw ink (to) full

color); ;zvraznit (zvrazovaem, kreslit
inkoustem (do) pln barvy);T
highlight: highlight important parts; :
;zvraznit: zvraznit
dleit sti;n.
highlighter (for highlighting, stick (of) ink (for) full
color(ing)); ( );zvrazova (hlka
inkoustu (k) plnmu barven);sg.
hill; ( );hora;sg.
him;; jemu;pron. acc.
him (to him): Tell him (that) I cannot come today.;:
T ;mu (jemu): ekni mu, e
dnes nemohu pijt.;imper. pol. um.

hide (hide (and) conceal);;schovat se (schovat-se (a) him, to;; jemu;pron. acc.
himself, by;;sm;pron.
zakrt) skrt se (schovat-se (a) zakrt);T


hindrance (preventing (and) obstructing);;zbrana

(zabraovn (a) peken);n.

hold on (hold (and) fix);;vydret (na telefnu, dret (a)


hips (cheeks (of) buttocks); ;boky (tve zadku);n.

hold on: Hold on a moment.;: ;vydret (na

telefnu): Vydrte ( ~ pokejte) chvilku.;imper. col. pol.

his: His name is (called) Maung Maung.;:
;jeho: Jmenuje se Maun Maun. (Jeho
jmno se nazv Maun Maun.);pol.
his: The boy is walking with his friend.;:
;jeho (svj): Chlapec se
prochz se svm kamardem.;cont.

hold: On that day all over Myanmar country the celebration of

National Day is held.; : T
;podat: Tehdy ( ~
v tom dni) se po cel zemi Myanmaru podaj slavnosti
Nrodnho Dne.;writ.

hold: The tennis match is (being) held on the grass.; :

historical (regarding history);;historick (ohledn T ;podat: Tenisov
zpas je podn na trv.;cont.
hold: What is she holding?;: ;dret:
Co (ona) dr?;inter.
hit; ;bouchnout uhodit;T (or) T col.
hit (knock); ;buit (klepat);T

hole; ( ) ( );dra;sg.

while hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;:

(kladivem): Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal
kladivem, testoval (je).;writ.

holidays (resting day); ;przdniny (odpovac den);n.

hit, be (with force, touch (and) touch);;uhozen, bt

(silou, dotknout-se (a) dotknout-se);I

holidays: (I) still haven't had holidays.; :

;przdniny: Jet jsem neml przniny.;

hit (knock): Meal gong is going to be hit ( ~ knocked); : hole, have a; ;dru, mt;I
;buit (klepat): (Brzy) se bude buit ( ~ holey, make; ;prodravt;T
holidays (free day); ( );przdniny (voln
klepat) na jdeln gong.;fut.
hit (with a hammer): (He) stuck a needle between nails and

holidays (vacant (and) missing

day); ( );przdniny (przdn (a) chybjc

Hledan Market; ;Hldnsk Trh;name

holidays: It's holidays.; : ;przdniny:

hobby;( );konek zliba;sg. P. vsan (tendencies Jsou przdniny;col.
of the past)
holidays: This family ((is) taking) rest (during)
holidays.; :
hobby: I have the hobby of climbing mountains. (I include
;przdniny: Tato rodina (na) przdniny
hobby (of) climbing mountains.);:
;konek: Mm konkem je
horolezectv. (J zahrnuji konek lezen (na) hory.);um.
holidays: This family has the intention to (go) (to) travel
(during) holidays.; :
hobby: I have the hobby of dancing. (I include hobby (of)
;przdniny: Tato rodina m zmr (jet) cestovat
dancing.);: ;konek: Mm
(bhem) przdnin.;col.
konkem je tancovn. (J zahrnuji konek tancovn.);uw.
hobby: What are your hobbies, sir? (Sir, what hobbies (are)
included?);: ;konek: Jak mte
konky, pane? (Pane, jak konky (jsou) zahrnuty?);inter.
hockey;;hokej;n. E. hockey
hold; ;podat dret;T
hold ( ~ made): As a commemoration of the National Day,
lectures, exhibitions (and) competitions are held ( ~ made)
(and) participated (by people).;:

;podat ( ~ dlat): Jakoto pipomnka
Nrodnho Dne, pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou
podny ( ~ dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.
hold (hold (and) fix);();dret (dret (a) upevovat);T

holidays: When will (you have) holidays?; :

;przdniny: Kdy budou
Holland (country); ();Holandsko (zem);name E. Dutch
hollow (in a rock);;dutina (ve skle);n. P. lea (= cave)
homage, pay; ;ctu, vzdt;T

home;( );domov;sg.
home: (I) will give (you) a lift home.;:
;domov: Odvezu (t) dom.;fut.

home: Will (you) come home?;: ;dom: Pijde

dom?;inter., col.
homegrown (in the country, in country);T ;tuzemsk (v
zemi, ve stt);adj.

hold (a celebration, assemble (and) participate); ;podat homeland (great country); ;domovina (ohromn
(oslavu, shromdit-se (a) astnit-se);T
zem);n. resp.
hold (a meeting); ;schzi, mt;T
homeland (country);T ( T );vlast;sg.
hold (by teeth or between fingers);;dret (zuby nebo mezi
hold (in hand etc.);;dret (v ruce atd.);T

homework (duty, responsibility (and)

burden); ( );kol (povinnost, zodpovdnost (a)


homework (home writing);( );kol (domc

homework (work);( );kol (prce);sg.

homosexual (person loving (those of) same

sex); ( );homosexul (osoba milujc
(lidi) stejnho pohlav);sg.
homosexual: Homosexuals are not in accord with the
law.; :
;homosexul: Homosexulov nejsou ve shod
se zkonem.;pol.
honest, be (delineate honesty);;estn, bt (vykreslit
honest, be (white (and) pure);T ;estn, bt (bl (a)
honest, be: He is honest.;: ;estn: (On)
je estn.;
honest: Friend, you are honest.;T : ()
T ;estn: Ptely, ty jsi estn.;fr. col.
honor (exceedingly attach-importanceto);;respektovat (nkoho, neobyejn pisuzovatdleitost);T
honor (lift (and) elevate);T ;poctt (pozvednout (a)
honor of, speak in (go-beyond (in) praising);;ct k,
mluvit v (jt-za-hranice (ve) chvlen);T
honor: (I) honor (you).;: ;respektovat:
Respektuji (vs).;pol. utmn
honorable one; ();ven (osoba);sg.
hook up;;zavsit;T

hope (look-forward-to (and) wait); ;doufat (tit-se (a)

hope for (aim-at (and) intend); ;doufat aby (mit-k (a)

horse;T ( );k;sg.
horse: Girl is going to ride a horse.;T :
T ;k: Dve se chyst jet na koni.;fut.
horse: Horse is jumping.;T : T ;k: K (prv
te) ske.;cont.
horse: The horse is thinner than the cow.;T : T
;k: K je hubenj ne krva.;
hospital (building (of) medicine);( );nemocnice
(budova lk);sg.
hospital (medical public-building);( );nemocnice
(lkask veejn-budova);sg.
hospital: (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital, because I broke
(my) leg.;: T
;nemocnice: Musm jt ( ~ nastoupit) do
nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont. um.
hospital: It is near hospital.;: ;nemocnice: Je
pobl nemocnice.;pol.
hospital: The patient is lying on the hospital-bed.;:
;nemocnice: Pacient le na
nemocnin posteli.;cont.
host (take guest); ;hostit (vzt hosta);T
hostel (building); ;hostel (budova);n.
hostel (school building); ( );kolej
(studentsk, koln budova);n.
hostel: In the hostel near university.; :
;ubytovna: V ubytovn pobl univerzity.;
hostility; ;neptelstv;n. writ.
hot (tasty); ;pliv;I (or) adj.
hot (tasty): Is (it) hot (tasty)?; : ;pliv: Je (to)
hot, be;;horko, bt hork, bt;I
hot, be: (It)'s not very hot.;: ;hork, bt: Nen (to)
moc hork.;pol.

hope for (hope-for (and) expect); ;doufat v (doufat-v (a) hot, be: In Burma ( ~ "Burmese country) it's hot, isn't it? Isn't
the weather (too) hot (for you)?;: T
hope for (hope-for (and) intend); ;doufat v (doufat-v (a) ;horko, bt: V Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi) je
horko, e? Nen (vm zdej) poas moc hork?;inter.
hope: (I) hope.; : ;doufat: Doufm.;pol.
hot, be: Yes, (it) is hot.;: ;hork, bt: Ano, je
hope: Though not (even) hoping, (I) was permitted to be (your) to hork.;pol.
friend.; :
;doufat: Ani bych
hot: As for here, it's too much hot.;:
doufal, bylo (mi) povoleno bt (tvm) ptelem.;
;horko: Co se te tady, je (tu) pli moc horko.;
hopefully (to (and) by basis (of) hoping);TT;snad hotdog;( );prek v rohlku;sg. E. hotdog
(k (a) skrze zkladnu doufn);adv.
hotel; ( );hotel;sg. E. hotel (or) sg.
hopeless, be ((does) not have
hope); ;beznadjn, bt (nemt nadji);I

Hotel Dagon; ;Hotel Dagon;name

hopeless, be: This is a hopeless situation, in Sri

Lanka.; :
T ;beznadjn, bt: To je beznadjn situace,
na Sr Lance.;pol.

Hotel Karaweik (hotel and restaurant); ( ~

);Hotel Karaveik (hotel a restaurace);name

horrid, be (bad (by) appearance);;eredn, bt

(vzhledem patn);I
horror (be-scared (and) shrink-from
{nouner}); T ;horor (bt-vystraen (a) choulit-se


Hotel Inya Lake; ;Hotel Enj Leik;name

Hotel President (hotel (of) democracy); ;Hotel

Prezident (hotel demokracie);name
Hotel Sakantha (greater camp hotel); ;Hotel
Sakant (vt kemp hotel);name
Hotel Strand; ;Hotel Strand;name
Hotel Yoma (hotel (of) mountain-range); ;Hotel
Yoma (hotel horskho-hebenu);name

hotel: Is a room available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one

room in your hotel?); :
;hotel: Je ve vaem hotelu voln ( ~
dostupn) jeden pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden pokoj ve vaem

;dm: Jak (m) slo domu?;inter. col.

hotel: Where can I find a hotel? (How should I search the

hotel?); : ;hotel: Kde
mohu najt hotel? (Jak mm j hledat hotel?);fut. inter.

v domcnosti (ensk pn domu);sg.j

house: Whose house does (he) go to?;:

;dm: Do jakho () domu jde?;inter. col.

housewife ( ~ "housework): I am a housewife. ((I) do the

house work.);: ;ena v
hotel: There are free rooms available in the hotel.; :
domcnosti ( ~ "domc prce): Jsem ena v domcnosti.
;hotel: V hotelu jsou (dostupn) (Dlm domc prce.);pol.
przdn pokoje.;
housewife (female lord (of) house);( );ena

hour;( );hodina;sg.

housewife, be a (household duties); ;enou v

domcnosti, bt (povinnosti domcnosti);I

housewife: (I) am a housewife.;: ;ena v

hour: At eleven o'clock.;: ;hodina: V jedenct domcnosti: Jsem ena v domcnosti.;pol.
housework ( ~ "do): I am a housewife. ((I) do the house
hour: Come at half past eight (hours).;:

work.);: ;domc prce ( ~ "pracovat):
;hodina: Pije v pl devt (hodiny).;imper. pol.
Jsem ena v domcnosti. (Dlm domc prce.);pol.
hour: five minutes after five (Fifth hour is struck (and) five
housework (household duties);;domc prce
minutes);: ;hodina: pt hodin pt minut (povinnosti domcnosti);n.
(pt hodina uhodila (a) pt minut);
housework, do the (household duties); ;domc
hour: four hours thirty-five minutes;:
;hodina: tyi hodiny ticet pt minut;

prce, dlat (povinnosti domcnosti);T

hour: nine hours twenty minutes PM;:

;hodina: devt hodin dvacet minut veer;

;jak ( ~ ivot): Jak se m? ((Je) ivot


hover (over); ;vznet se (nad);I

hour: from half past two (in the morning) until six o'clock in
how; - ;jak;conj. (or) pron.
the morning;:
T ;hodina: how ( ~ "healthy, be): How are you? (Are (you) healthy, for
od pl tet (rno) do esti hodin rno;
sure?); : ;jak ( ~ "zdrav, bt): Jak se
hour: I am free from four o'clock.;: m? (Jsi urit zdrav?);inter.
;hodiny: Jsem voln od ty hodin.;pol. um.
how ( ~ life): How are you? ((Is) life good?);:

hour: one hour twenty minutes;: ;hodina: how (to that said);();jak (k tomu
jedna hodina dvacet minut;
eenmu);suff. adv.
hour: quarter to eight AM (seven hours forty-five minutes
how (what); - ;jak (co);pron. inter.
AM);: ;hodina: tvrt na osm how (what): How are you, sir? (Sir, what is happening?);:
rno (sedm hodin tyicet pt minut rno);
T ;jak (co): Jak se mte, pane? (Pane, co
hours: half past twelve (twelve hours (and) half);:
;hodiny: pl jedn (dvanct hodin (a) pl);

se dje?);inter. cont. col. uw.

house;( ) ( )
( );dm;sg.

how about; ;a co;suff. col.

house: a house like palace (a great (and) magnificent

house);: () ;dm: dm jako
palc (jeden ohromn (a) grandizn dm);

how about: How about father, does (he) like (it)?;:

;a co: A co otec, m (to) rd?;inter.

how (+ much): How old are you? (How much has been your
hours: several hours;: ;hodiny: nkolik hodin; age?); : ;kolik:
hours: What is the time? (How many hours have been
Kolik je ti let? (Kolik u byl tvj vk?);inter. pol. um. col.

struck?);: ;hodiny: Kolik je hodin?

how (with what): How will you go?; :
(Kolik hodin udeilo?);col.
;m (jak): m pojede?;inter. col.

house (house (and) place);( );dm (dm (a)


house: house to live in;: ;dm: dm k bydlen;

house: I sell (somebody) to sell (him) house.;:
;dm: Hledm (nkoho) abych (mu) prodal dm.;

how about: (And) how about friends, what is (their)

name?;: ;a co: A co
ptel, jak se jmenuj?;inter.

how long time; - - ;jak


how long time: How long has it been since (you) arrived to
Burma (country)? (How much did (it) last (that you) are being
house: Thief is breaking in a house.;: arrived (to) Burmese country?); - :
;dm: Zlodj se vloup do domu.;cont.
T ;jak dlouho: Jak
house: To where is your house near?;:
dlouho je (to, co jsi) pijel do Barmy (zem)?;inter. p.p.
;dm: Pobl eho je tvj dm?;inter.
how long time: How long time are you going to be
house: What is (your) house number?;:

online?; - :


;jak dlouho: Jak dlouho bude ( ~ "se chyst) bt penz mte, pane?;inter. uw.
online?;inter. col.
how much: How much money do you have?; :
how long time: How long time do you plan to talk with me
;kolik: Kolik m penz?;inter. fr.
now?; - : T
how much: how much... oh... eh... ;
;jak dlouho: Jak dlouho si se
;kolik: kolik... ehm... no...;interj.
mnou plnuje povdat?;inter. col.
how much: How old are you? (How much age have (you)
how long time: How long time does it take to cook this
food?; - :
;jak dlouho: Jak dlouho trv uvait
tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.
how many; num. class.
[num. class.] [num. class.]
- ;kolik;pron. inter. spis. (or) pron. inter. col. (or) pron. inter.

had?); : ;kolik: Kolik je ti

let? (Kolik vku u m?);inter. p.p.

how much: How old are you? (Who much is your

age?); : ;kolik: Kolik je ti
let? (Kolik je tvj vk?);inter. col.

how much: how... oh... eh...: How much... oh... eh... much ...
give ... like, 120 (kyats).; : ( ~
how many: How many books?; - : ;kolik: ) : ( ~
Kolik knih?;inter. col.
) ;kolik: Kolik... ehm... no... hele, dejte
how many: How many children do (you) have?; - :
(mi) 120 (iat).;col.
;kolik: Kolik mte dt?;inter.
how much: I don't know precisely how far it is.; - :
how many: How many hours?; - : ;kolik: ;jak (+ moc):
Kolik hodin?;inter. col.
Nevm pesn jak je to daleko.;um.

how many: How many kyats?; - : ;kolik: how often, (it doesn't matter): (it doesn't matter) how often
Kolik at?;inter. col.
(you) ask; : ;kolikrt, (bez ohledu
na to): (bez ohledu na to,) kolikrt se zept;
how many: How many miles is it far from here to
Bago?; : ;kolik: Kolik ml
je to odsud do Bago?;inter. col.
how many: How many monks are enrolled?; - :
;kolik: Kolik mnich je
pihleno?;inter. col. mn.
how many: How many people?; - :
;kolik: Kolik lid?;inter. col.
how many: How many rooms do you want? (in
hotel); .. : ;kolik: Kolik pokoj chcete?
(v hotelu);inter.

how: Because of how it happened, that (you), indeed, are a

monk?; : T ;jak: Jak se
stalo, e kvli tomu jsi, vskutku, mnichem?;inter. col.
how: How can I talk (in English), dear lad?; - :
T ;jak: Jak bych mohla mluvit
(anglicky), drah mldene?;inter. col.
how: How did (you) become (a) monk?; :
T ;jak: Jak jsi se stal mnichem?;inter.
how: How did you come?; : ;jak:
Jak jsi piel ( ~ pijel)?;inter. col. um.

how: How do you do? (How (is it) like?);: ;jak:

how much ( ~ "how): How much do you sell this for? (How do Jak se m? (Jako jak (to je)?);inter.
(you) sell this?); - : ;kolik ( ~
how: How do you feel ( ~ "live) in Burma (country)? Good. (I)
"jak): Za kolik tohle prodvte? (Jak tohle prodvte?);inter. am happy.; - : T
;jak: Jak se ije ( ~ "ije) v Barm
( ~ "Barmsk zemi)? Je (to) dobr. Jsem astn.;inter.
how much (money): How much do (you) have to pay for
how much; ;kolik;pron. inter. col.

rent?; - : ;kolik
(penz): Kolik mus platit za njem?;inter.

how: How is it big? (What (is) the-size?); - :

;jak: Jak je velk? (Jak (je) velikost?);inter. col.

how much: How much (do you) sell this for ( ~

how: How is it called in Burmese?; :
"with)?; : ;kolik: Za kolik ;jak: Jak se to nazv Barmsky?;inter.
( ~ "s kolika) tohle prodvte?;inter. col.
how: How should (I) go?; : ;jak: Jak
how much: How much (money) do you buy (it)
bych ml jet? (Jak bych se tam ml dostat?);inter. col.
with?; - : ;kolik: Za kolik
how: How should go to ... ; - : ;kudy (
(penz) (to) kupuje?;inter. col.
~ "jak): Kudy mm jt do ... ;inter. fut.
how much: How much (money) do you have?; - : how: How will you do (it)?; : ;jak: Jak to
;kolik: Kolik (penz) m?;inter. col.
udl?;inter. col.
how much: How much is this (ball) pen?; :
how: How's the weather in Bago?; :
;kolik: Kolik (stoj) toto
;jak (jak): Jak (- Jak) je poas v Bago?;inter.
(kulikov) pero?;inter. col.
how much: How much is this (one)?; :
;kolik: Kolik (stoj) tenhle?;inter.
how much: How much money do (you) have,
sir?; .. :
;kolik: Kolik


how: How's the weather?; : (~

);jak (jak): Jak je poas? (Jak je
poas?);inter. col.

how: How's this road?; : (~

human;( );lovk;sg.
T);jak: Jak je tato ulice? (Jak je (na tom) humanistic sciences (science concerning
tahle ulice?);inter. col.
;humanistika (vda ohledn
how: I saw how very rich people, who (have) many things live lidskosti);n.
(their) life.;:
humor (a sense of);;humor (smysl pro);n. P. hsa (=
;jak: Vidl
jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj) mnoho vc, ij (svj) hundred and twenty, a; ;sto dvacet;num.
hundred Dollars, a (worth one hundred
how: Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how to
fulfill that intention.;:
T T T ;jak:
Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ.
how: What is the name? (How is the name called?); :
;jak: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se nazv
jmno?);inter. col.
how: What's the name of this road? (How do you call the
name of this road?); : ;jak:
Jak se jmenuje tato ulice? (Jak nazv jmno tto
ulice?);inter. col.
however; (from )
;avak nicmn
but;conj. (or) suff. conj. col. (or) adv. writ. (or) conj. col. (or)
conj. writ.
however (also, indeed, when); T ;avak (tak,
vskutku, kdy);
however (nevertheless, however); T ;avak
(nicmn, avak);adv.
however (in any way, not saying how); ; jakkoliv
(nekajc jak);pron
however: However, Fanta is available.;:
;ale: Ale Fantu mme. (Ale Fanta je dostupn.);pol.

Dollars); ;sto dolar (hodnoty jednoho sta

hundred thousand, a;;sto tisc;num.
hundred, one;;sto;num.

hundred: five hundred pounds (of weight);: ;sto: pt

set liber (vhy);
hundred: one hundred ninety eight;: ;sto: sto
devadest osm;num.
hundred: seven hundred;: ;set ( ~ "sto): sedm
hundred: thousand five hundred;: ;set ( ~ "sto):
tisc pt set;num.
hundred: three hundred miles;: ;sto: ti sta mil;
hundred: three hundred soldiers;: ;sto: sto
hundred: two hundred (and) sixty five;:
T ;sto: dv st (a) edest pt;num.
hundredth of a viss (viss is 1.63 kg, therefore kyatta is 16.3
g); ;setina vissu (viss je 1.63 kg, proto iatt je 16.3
hungrily (what empty cheek (can) take);;hladov
(co przdn tv (doke) vzt);adv.
hungry, be;;hladov, bt;I

hungry, be ((have) hungry stomach);;hladov, bt

however: However, indeed, the turtle has already had arrived
((mt) hladov aludek);I
first to the goal.;:
hungry, be (be-hungry (and) burn); ;hlad, mt (mt T ;avak: Avak elva ji do cle
hlad (a) hoet);I
dorazila. avak: Avak, vskutku, elva ji do cle dorazila.;writ.
hungry, be (be-hungry (by) stomach);;hlad, mt (mthowever: However, it is statue made of gold.; :
hlad aludkem);I
;ale: Ale to je socha vyroben ze
hungry, be: As (he) is hungry, he goes to a shop to eat (and)
drink.;: ;hlad, mt:
huband (deferential, elevating, rubs-off
Ponvad m hlad, jde do obchodu jst a pt.;col.
love); ( );manel (uctiv, pozdvihujc,
hungry, be: I am hungry to death. (I am being hungry by
obruuje lsku);sg.
stomach about to death.);:
hug; ;obejmout;T
;hladov, bt: Jsem k smrti hladov. (Mm hlad
huge; T T ;obrovsk;adj. writ. (or)
aludkem asi-tak k smrti.);cont. uw.
hungry: He doesn't eat although he is hungry.;:
huge ((big) (and) properly steadfast); ();obrovsk
;hladov: Pestoe m hlad, nej.;col.
((velk) (a) sprvn vytrval);adj.
hungry: I am hungry. (I (have) hungry stomach.);:
huge (big (and) big);;obrovsk (velk (a) velk);adj.
;hlad: Mm hlad. (Mm hladov aludek.);col.
huge, be (big (and) huge);;obrovsk, bt (velk (a)
hunter (professional);( );lovec (profesionln);sg.
obrovsk);I P. mah (= big)
hurry, be in a;;spchat;T
huge: (It's) so huge!;: ;obrovsk: (Je to)
hurry, be in a (hurry hastily); ;spchat (spchat
tak obrovsk!;col.
huge: a huge house being magnificent like a great palace;
hurry, be in a: (I) was in a hurry to become a monk.;:
(): ;obrovsk: obrovsk
T ;spchat: Spchal jsem abych se stal
dm (jsouc) grandzn jako obrovsk palc;


mnichem.;p.s. pol.
hurry, be in a: Don't be in a hurry.; :
;spchat: Nespchej.;imper. pol.
hurry, in a; ;spchu, ve;adv.
hurt (to one's body, getting hurt);;ublen (na tle,
dostn ublen);n.

conversation); : ;j (m.): J jsem

Maun Maun. (I do telefnu);pol. um.
I (monk): I ( ~ the monk) know (with) a female-lay supporter
from Myanmar.; : T T
( ~ T T
);j (mnich): Znm se ( ~ mnich se zn) s jednou
laickou podporovatelkou z Myanmaru.;pol. mn.

hurt, be (happen (to) receive wound);

;rann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme porann);I

I (used among friends or when talking to a younger

person);;j (uvno mezi pteli i pi rozhovoru s mlad
osobou);pron. frnd.

hurt, be (psychically, mind (is) poor); ;ublen, bt

(psychicky, mysl (je) chud);I

I (used by lay people or monks when talking with a monk, big

disciple); ;j (uvno laiky nebo mnichy pi diskuzi s
mnichem, velk ue);

hurt, be (pain excels); ;bolet (bolest vynik);I

hurt: Be careful, (or) you will ( ~ "may) get hurt.;:


;ublen: Dvej pozor, (nebo) I (used by women); (from );j (uvno enami);pron.
uw. col.
si (mon) ubl.;imper. pol.
I (used by women): I?!;: ;j (uvno enami):
hurt: Because my arm hurts ( ~ is hurting), (I) am not very
J?!;inter. col.
;bolet: Protoe m bol pae, nejsem moc

husband (man (of) the-kind);( );manel

(mu toho-druhu);sg.
husband (and) wife ); ;manel (a) manelka );n.
husband (causal term, false buttress); ( )
(probably der. from );manel (toto slovo m lhostejn
zabarven, falen podpra);sg.
husband (contemptuous, (is)
sufficient); ( );manel (pohrdav, sta);sg.
hut; ;chata;n.
hybrid (person of mixed parentage);T( )
T( );hybrid (potomek smenho pvodu);sg.

I (used when talking with a monk, great disciple); ;j

(uito pi hovoru s mnichem, velk k);pron. pol.
I don't know.;;Nevm.;pol.
I: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert tonight.;:
;j: (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu podvat na
koncert.;fut. col.
I: (It's) me. (also used during telephone conversation);:
;J: (To) jsem j. (tak uito pi telefonnm hovoru);ans. col.
I: Ask ven. Janinda, I am busy.;: ()
() ;j: Podej ct. Danindu, j nemm as
( ~ "(mm) moc prce).;fr.

I: I am also fine.; : ;j (-):

hyphen (short dash);( );spojovac rka (krtk Tak se mm dobe.;col. pres.
I: I can talk little bit.;: T ;j: Mohu (jen)
trochu mluvit.;col.
hypocrisy (carry false (image of) good person
I: Sit is better than me.;I : Sit I ;j: Sit je
{nouner}); T ;pokrytectv (nst
lep ne j.;pol. sl.
falenou (podobu) dobr osoby {jmenec});n.
i.e.; ;tj.;adv.
I; (from ) (from ) I
(from ) ; j;col. fr. (or) sl. (or) pron. (or) pron.
um. col. (or) pron. um. (or) pron. uw.
I (femail servant); ;j (sluka);pron. pol. uw.
I (great servant); ;j (velk sluha);pron. pol. um.
I (about a lay person or monk when talking to another monk):
to my monastery in Udavela village; :
; j (o laikovi nebo mnichovi pi diskuzi s
jinm mnichem): do mho kltera ve vesnici Udavela;utmn.
I (f.): I am a teacher.; : ;j (f.): Jsem
uitelka.;pol. uw.

i.e. (as included below); ;tj. (jak obsaeno


i.e. (ifsaid exactly); ;tj. (pokud eeno

pesn);adv. writ.
i.e. (followed by a list);;t.j. (nsledovno seznamem);suff.
i.e. (id est, that is , if said exactly);T ;tj. (to
jest, pokud eeno pesn);adv.
ice (hard water); ;led (tvrd voda);n.
ice cream (snack (of) hard water); ( );zmrzlina
(zkusek (z) tvrd vody);sg.

I (f.): I am Mrs. Mama.; : ;j (f.): Jsem pan ice cube (blunt hard water); ( );ledov kostka
(tup tvrd voda);sg.
Mama.;pol. uw.
ice cubes (blunt hard water {pl.}); ;ledov kostka
I (f.): You can talk with me. (also during telephone
(tup tvrd voda {mn..});pl.
conversation); : T ;j (f.): Mete
Id-day (Bakra-Eid, Indian-Muslim festival during which animals
I (if you is mentioned in the sentence); ;j (pokud ty are killed, Indian Id day); ;Id-den (Bakra-Eid,
Indicko-Muslimsk svtek, bhem nho jsou zabjena zvata,
je zmnno ve vt);pron. col.
indick id den);adv.
I (m.): I am Maung Maung. (also in telephone
mluvit se mnou.;col. pol. uw.


idea; ( ) ( );mylenka npad;n. (or) eeno): Pokud je (to) ovoce (eeno (bt)) oranov barvy,
(pak) je monost, (e je to) pomeran.;
idea (mind crosses);;npad (mysl pechz);n.

idea (take (and) consider {nouner});T ;nzor (vzt (a)

uvaovat {jmenec});T
idea (thinking (and) calling);( );npad
(mylen (a) voln);sg.
idea (useful information, number (of)
advices); ;npad (uiten informace, poet

if (if (is) said); ;je-li (je-li eeno) jestli (je-li

if (if is said that); ;jestli (pokud je eceno
if is: If I were (you), (I) would not do (it) this way. (If it is me, (I
would) not do (it) this way.).; :
;je-li: Bt tebou, nedlal bych (to) takhle. (Kdybych
to byl j, nedlal bych takhle.);um.

if not; ;kdyby ne;suff. col.

idea, have an (mind crosses (and) isfixed);;napadnout (o mylence, mysl pekrauje (a) if not: (I thought), that (it would) be good, if I didn't eat
dinner.; : () ;kdyby ne:
(Myslel jsem), e (by bylo) dobr, kdybych nejedl veei.;col.
idea, have an: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the idea,
that (I would) cook the vegetable curry.;:
;napadnout (o mylence): Tak, uvam
omku? ... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou

if so; T;pak tedy jestlie tak;conj. (or) interj.

idea: ideas;: ;nzor: nzory;

if want: I will come if I want to (come).; :

;jestli chtt: Pijdu jestli (se) mi bude chtt.;fut. um.

if so (if (is) said); ;v tom ppad (je-li eeno);conj.

if so (if this (was) said); ;je-li to tak (pokud (bylo)

toto eeno);conj.

if so (this said);; je-li to tak (toto eeno);conj.

idea: according to the idea of scholar Malalasekera;:
if so: If so, I won't come tomorrow. (If it is said so, I won't

;mylenka: dle mylenky uence come tomorrow.); : T ;v
tom ppad: V tom ppad nepijdu. (Je-li takto eeno, j
idea: Good idea!; (-): ;npad: Dobr
ztra nepijdu.);pol. um.
if want; (from );jestli chtt;v.
idea: If I write you a letter, (I) can write my ideas,
indeed.; T : T
;pst mylenka: Pokud ti napu dopis, mohu
ti, vskutku, napsat sv mylenky.;col. fr.

if were (if (is) said); ;kdyby byl (je-li eeno);conj.

if were: If I were (you), (I) would not do (it) this way. (If it is
me, (I would) not do (it) this way.).; :
idea: Please, can you explain your ideas regarding these things ;kdyby byl: Bt tebou, nedlal bych (to) takhle.
in ( ~ "with) letter?; T :
(Kdybych to byl j, nedlal bych takhle.);um.

if, also; ;pokud, tak;suff. conj.
T;nzor: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv
if: If (I want) to watch TV, (I) watch.; :
nzory ohledn tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.
;pokud: Pokud se (chci) dvat na televizi, tak se
identically (again same); ;stejn (znova stejn);adv.

ideology (nature (of) truth);;ideologie (charakter if: If (you) say T at the place of T, (it) will be more
suitable.; : T T
idiom; ;idiom;n. E. idiom

;pokud: Pokud bys ekl T na mst

idiom: an idiom in Myamar (language); : T
(kde te je) T, bylo by (to) vhodnj.;fut.
;idom: idiom v Myanmartin;col.
if: If I can attain the deathless Nibbna, I should attain it.; :
idle chatter (can arrive, (but)
unworthily); ;tlachn (me (se) dostavit,
(ale) nevhodn);n.

if; (from ) ;kdy

jestli pokud jestli(e) kdyby;conj. (or) suff. conj. (or) conj.

;pokud: Pokud mohu doshnout nesmrteln

Nibbny, (pak) bych ji ml doshnout.;fut.
if: If you come, I would be glad.; :
;jestli: Jestli pijde, budu rd.;pol. um.

if: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let (us) talk
briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks bar.; :
if (+ (is) said): If the elephant is (said (to be)) of grey color, T ;kdyby:
there is a chance, (that it is) a real elephant.; :
Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech
T T ;pokud (+ (je) eeno): mluvme strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi
Pokud je (ten) slon (en (bt)) ed barvy, (pak) je ance, npoji.;col. pol.
(e je to) skuten slon.;
ignorance (not-knowing, notif (+ (is) said); ;pokud (+ (je) eeno);conj. writ.

if (+ (is) said): If the fruit is (said (to be)) of orange color,

there is a possibility, (that it is) an orange.; :
T T ;jestli (+ (je)

understanding); ;zaslepenost (nevdn,



iguana;( ) [phu];legun;sg.

ill, be (life not good); ;patn, bt nkomu (ivot

nen dobr);I
ill, be (sick, life is not good); ;nezdrav, bt (bt
nemocn, ivot nen dobr);I
illness;;onemocnn;n. P. roga (= sickness)
illness (have-fever (or) be-hurt {nouner});;onemocnn
(mt-horeku (nebo) bt-zrann {jmenec});n. writ.

sttu, naloit (a) vloit);T

import: person, who imports to Sri Lanka; :
;dovet: lovk, kter dov do Sr
important; ;dleit;adj. col. (or) adj. P.
adhika (= exceeding)
important (big issue);;dleit (velk

image;( ) ( );obraz;n. (or)


important, be;;dleit, bt dleit, bt;I


important, be (include writing);;dleit, bt

(zahrnovat psan);I

important, be ((of) big writing);;dleit, bt

image (of a sacred person or object, great descending (and) (velkho psan);I
imitating); ( );obraz (posvtn osoby nebo
important, be (be-special (and cause to)
pedmtu, ohromn sestoupen (a) napodoben);sg.
waver);;dleit, bt (zvltn (a vedouc k) vhn);adj.
imagine (mind crosses);;pedstavovat si (mysl
immeasurably (measure doesn't stop); ;nezmrn
(mra nezastavuje);adv.
immeasurably (not know (the)
measure);;nezmrn (neznt mru);adv.
immeasurably: (I) am immeasurably happy.; :
;nezmrn: Jsem nesmrn
immeasurably: (I) happened to be immeasurably, warmly, fond
of the novice-monk.;:
;nezmrn: Stalo se, e (jsem) nezmrn,
vroucn spznn s (tm) novicem (mnichem).;pol.
immediate (prostrated (at one's)
sight); ;bezprostedn (lec (u nho)
immediately (by (a) strike); T (WS. from )
;bezprostedn (hned, uhozenm);adv. (or) adv. WS.
immediately at ; ; bezprostedn u;adv.
immediately at: Immediately at the bed, (there is)
carpet.; :
;bezprostedn u: Bezprostedn u postele je
immediately: (I) am sad that (I) could not write (you)

immediately.; : ()
;ihned: Jsem smutn, e jsem (ti) nenapsal
ihned.;imper. pol.
immensely (not know (the) measure);;nesmrn
(neznt mru);adv.
immoderately (in speech, word attached (to) calling (and)
;neumrnn (v ei, slovo pipojen
(k) voln (a) zvukm);adv. (n.) P. vohra (= mode of
implausible, be (possibility (is)
little);T T ;nepravdpodobn, bt (monost (je)
impolite, be very (about person, uncivilized (and)
hung);;neslun, bt velice (o osob, nezdvoil (a)
import (to a country, load (and) insert); ;dovet (do


important, be (special (and) beautiful);;dleit, bt

(speciln (a) krsn);I
important: (I) have (no) important work.;:
;dleit: Nemm (dnou) dleitou
important: (it is) the most important word;:
;dleit: (To) je (to) nejdleitj
important: (It was) not important. (answer to excuse for not
understanding);: ;dleit: Nebylo (to) dleit.
(odpov na omluvu za neporozumn);pol. col.
important: (It) is extremely important.;:
;dleit: Je (to) extrm dleit.;pol.
important: (They) used (it) as an important reference for their
T ;dleit: Pouivali to
jakoto dleit zdroj pro sv komente.;p.s. writ.
important: All important news could be read.;:
;dleit: Bylo lze st
vechny dleit novinky.;pol.
impossible, be (can not happen);T ;nemon, bt (ne
me se-stt);I
impossible, be: Impossible. (It's not right. Also as a negative
response during bargaining);: ;nemon, bt: To
nen mon. (Nen sprvn. Tak jako negativn odpov
bhem smlouvn v obchod.);pol. col.
imprison (catch); ;uvznit (chytnout);T
imprison: While Kyansittha was serving his royal brother king
Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was imprisoned by enemies.; :

;uvznit: Zatmco ansit
slouil svmu krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl Sol byl
uvznn nepteli.;p.s. writ.
imprisonement: Right now (he) is sentenced to 15 and a half
years imprisonment in the Moun village's prison.; :

;vzen (trest): Prv te je odsouzen k 15 a
pl roku (trestu) vzen ve vznici vesnice Moun.;pol.
imprisonment (prison sentence); ;uvznn (trest


in advance;;pedem;adv.

improbable, be (possibility (is)

little);T T ;nepravdpodobn, bt (monost (je)

in advance ((be) in-advance and-then);;pedem ((bt)

pedem a-pak);adv.

improbable, be: (It is) improbable, that (she) is from Asia

(continent).;T T :
T T ;nepravdpodobn, bt: (Je)
nepravdpodobn, e (je) z Asijskho (kontinentu).;
improper (not clever); ;nesprvn (ne chytr);adj.
improve; ;zlepit se;I (or) T
improve (be-good (and) come); ;zlepit se (btdobr (a) pijt);I
improve (come (to) be-big (and) large);;vyvinout
(dojt (stavu, e) je-velk (a) velik);I

in advance (placed ahead); ;pedem (dve, uloen

in advance (put in-advance); ;pedstihem, s (pedem,
poloit pedem) pedem (poloit pedem);adv.
in advance (of time); ; s pedstihem (v ase);adv.
in advance: (He) knows in advance.; :
;dopedu: V dopedu.;
in advance: Plan in advance what (you) want to do

tomorrow.;: T
;pedem: Pedem si plnuj co chce dlat
ztra.;imper. pol. col.

improve (increase (and) ascend); ;zlepit se (zvtit-se in advance: Write (me) in advance before (you) come.; :
(a) vystupovat);T
;pedem: Napi (mi) pedem ne
improve (increase (and) develop);;zlepit se (zvit-se pijede.;
(a) rozvinout-se);I

in between;;mezi;prep.

improve (make (and) correct);T ;zlepit (udlat (a)


in brief (control (to be a) summary); ;strun

(kontrolovat (aby to bylo) shrnut);adv.

improve (by usage);;zlepovat (uvnm);T

in brief (control (to be) shortly); ;strun (kontrolovat

(aby bylo) krtce);adv.

improve, be (prosperous, increase (and)

improve); ;zlepovat se (prosperujc, zvyovat-se (a)
improve: (You) have improved very much.; :
;zlepit se: Hodn moc jsi se
improve: Until I improve, (I) will write only about three
sentences.; :
;zlepit se: Dokud se nezlepm,
nebudu pst vce jak asi ti vty.;fut. pol. um.

in case if; ;jestli v ppad,e;suff. conj.

in case if (if (is) said); ;v ppad, e (jestli (je)
eeno);conj. writ.
in case if (if); (from );v ppad e (jestli);suff.
in detail (small mind);;podrobn (mal mysl);adv.
P. citta (= mind)
in detail (soft mind);;podrobn (jemn mysl);adv. anucitta (= along, after - mind)

in; in details: The discourses with more details preached by the

;na vevnit v;suff. prep. (or) suff. prep. Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which
writ. (or) suff. (or) prep.
is referred to in Sratthadpan.;: T
in ( ~ among): The village is in ( ~ among) mountains.;: TT
;v ( ~ mezi): (Ta) vesnice je v

( ~ mezi) horch.;
;podrobn (s vce podrobnostmi): Promluvy s
in (a time unit);;v (uritou dobu);suff. prep.
vce podrobnostmi pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj
in (a time unit): U Mya Maung should propose exactly (in) ten komenttorsk charakter, na kter se odkazuje v
Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
minutes.;: T
;v (uritou dobu): Mja Maun by ml
mluvit (navrhovat) pesn deset minut ( ~ v deseti

in (about time or place);;v (o ase i mst);suff. prep. writ.

in fact: In fact, people may overestimate

themselves.; :

;vskutku: Vskutku, lid mohou
peceovat sami sebe.;pol.

in (age): in (his) age of sixty-nine years; :

T ;ve (vku): v jeho vku edesti devti

in front; ;dopedu;adv.
in front of; ;vepedu ped ve
pedu;suff. adv. (or) suff. adv. writ. (or) adv.

in (on): On one day, when rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked:

friend turtle, you go slowly.;:
;v: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden den),
kdy se krlk potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval: pteli
elvo, (ty) jde pomalu.;writ.

in front of: (They) stop the vehicles in front of the stage and
(exhibiting) (they) dance.; :
T ;ped: Zastav vozidla ped pdiem a (ukazujce
(se)) tancuj.;pol.

in (place or time);;v (mst i ase);suff. prep.

in front of: Come to (by) the street in front of Kamayut

Market.; : ;ped:
Pij na ulici ped Kamyo trhem.;imper. pol.


in front of: Here (you) stop and the hotel (is) in front of
in other words (by (and) for one
you.;: ;ped: Zde zastav mode); T;jinmi slovy (skrze (a) pro jeden
a hotel je ped tebou.;col.
in front of: in front of the factory;: :
;ped: ped tovrnou;adv.

in other words (if said (by) one

mode); ;jinmi slovy (kdyby (bylo) eeno
jednm zpsobem);adv.

in front of: In front of the stage one vehicle with another ( ~

with one) compete in beauty.;:
in person; ;osobn osobn (sm
;ve pedu: Ped pdiem jedno vozidlo s sebou);pron. adv. (or) adv. (or) pron.
druhm ( ~ s jednm) sout v krse.;col. pol.
in return (also again);T ;nazptek (tak znovu);adv.
in front of: There is a bush in front of the house.;:
in secret (inside (and) secretly);;potajmu (uvnit
;ped: Ped domem je kov.;
(a) tajn);n.
in front: After (he) puts (one hand on another), (he) looks in
front, down on the floor, having opened (his)
eyes.; :

( ~
);dopedu, co: Po tom,
co polo (jednu ruku na druhou), dv se dopedu, dol na
zem, otevenma oima.;pol.

in that; ;v tom;adv.
in that case; T ;v tom ppad;conj.
(or) adv. (or) interj.
in that case (if (is) said); ;v tom ppad (je-li
in that case (if this (was) said); ;v tom ppad
(pokud (bylo) toto eeno);conj.

in front: beings in front; : ;ve pedu: in that case (this said);; v tom ppad (toto eeno);conj.
bytosti ve pedu;
in that case: In that case (I) will not buy it (any more).;:
in no way; ; nijak;adv.
;v tom ppad: V tom ppad si (to)
in no way: Don't plan in advance anything in no way and steal (u) nekoupm.;pol.
((and) run), friend.; : :
in that case: In that case give (me) three (bottles).;:
T;nijak: Nijak si pedem nic neplnuj a ukradni ((a)
;v tom ppad: V tom ppad (mi) dejte ti
b), pteli.;imper. col. sl.
(lhve).;imper. pol.
in order to; (inserted after a noun)
;aby;suff. prep. (or) conj. (or) suff. conj.
in order to (followed by verb); ;kvli (nsledovno
in order to (follows after a v.); ;za elem (nsleduje za
slovesem);suff. adv.
in order to (follows after a verb);;aby (nsleduje za
in order to: I will go to Burma (country) in order to practise
(meditation).;: T
;aby: Pojedu do (zem) Barmy abych praktikoval
in order to: In order to (make it) available for reading to many
kinds of readers, even the price is not high.; :
;aby: Aby byl
dostupn ke ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena nen
in order to: in order to learn to understand the Burmese
pronunciation; :
;aby: abych se nauil rozumt
barmsk vslovnosti;
in order to: in order to realize;:
;aby: aby si uvdomil;
in order to: King Kyansittha worked in order to (maintain) the
great country united.; :
;aby: Krl ansit
pracoval aby (udrel tu) ohromnou zemi jednotnou.;p.s. writ.

in that case: In that case, (I) won't go (~ "ride). (can be told to

a taxidriver when they don't want to decrease the price before
giving a lift).;: ;v tom ppad: V tom
ppad (u) nepojedu ( ~ "nedm). (lze ci taxiki, kdy
nechce snit cenu ped odvezenm);col.
in that: In that is our country different.; :
;v tom: V tom se nae zem li.;col.
in the long run (long water);;asem (dlouh

in the manner of (same method); ;na zpsob (stejn

in this manner;T ;tmto zpsobem;adv. writ.
in total (together (and) friendly);;celkem (spolu (a)
in vain;;marn;adj.

in vain (thing-by-itself is-connected); [ach:

hn:];zbyten (vc-sama-o-sob (je) spojena);adv.
in whatever; -;v ktermkoliv;pron. loc.
in whatever: in whatever book.; -: ;v
ktermkoliv: v kterkoliv knize.;n.
in writing (by hand writing style); T ;psemn
(psemnou cestou, formou runho psan) psemn
(formou runho psan);adv.
in: (in) these days;: ;v: v tchto
in: (He) enters (in) the office.; : ;do:
Vchz do kancele.;writ.

in order to: Stay well. (Stay in order to be well.); :

in: (It is) in Kaikkasan.;: ;v: (Je to) v
;aby: Zsta v podku. (Zsta abys byl
ajkkashen.;ans. col.
v podku.);imper. pol.


in: He will eat in this shop.;: ;v: Bude jst include: That (one) is also included, indeed.;:
v tomto obchod.;pol.
;zahrnout: Ten je tak zahrnut, vskutku.;col.
in: I have a lot of water in my room.; :
;v: Mm v pokoji hodn vody.;pol.
in: I live in Anoyatha road.;: ;v:
iji v ulici Anoyatha.;
in: in 2008;: ;v: v (roce) 2008;
in: in Burma ( ~ "Burmese country) and China;: T
(T );v: v Barm (a) n;
in: in past lives;: ;v: v minulch

in: in that (meditation) posture;: ;v: v t

(meditan) pozici;

include: the historical events included in the commentaries; :

T ;zahrnout:
historick udlosti zahrnut v komentch;writ.
include: What are your hobbies, sir? (Sir, what hobbies (are)
included?);: ;zahrnout: Jak mte konky,
pane? (Pane, jak konky (jsou) zahrnuty?);inter.
included, be (include (and) be);;obsaen, bt (obsahovat
(a) bt);T
included, be (include (and) enter); ;zahrnut, bt
(zahrnovat (a) vstupovat);I
included, be (included (and) entered); ;obsaen, bt
(obsaen (a) vstoupen);I

in: Indeed, next day in the morning rabbit and turtle competed
included, be: (It) is completely included there.; :
(in) speed.;:
T;v: Vskutku, nsledujc den (v) rno krlk a ;obsaen, bt: Je (to) tam zcela obsaeno.;
elva soutili (v) bhu.;writ.
included, be: There are five books of Vinaya included in Vinaya
Piaka.;: ;obsaen, bt:
in: Man and woman are in the forest.; :
Ve Vinaja Piace je obsaeno pt knih Vinaji.;writ. pol.
;v: Mu a ena jsou v

including (include);;vetn (zahrnovat);I

in: The Ananda Pagoda built in Pagan (town) by the king

Kyansittha can be (religiously) visited (and) seen up to
T ;v: nanda Pagodu postavenou v
(mst) Paganu krlem ansit, je mono (nboensky)
navtvit (a) vidt a do dnes.;pol. writ.

including (including (and) entering); ;vetn

(zahrnovn (a) vchzen);n.

in: There are three parts in it.; :

;v: Jsou tam ti sti.;pol.

inclusive, be (benefit enters); ;zahrnut, bt (prospch


including: (I) wish happiness at once to all beings including

me.; :
;vetn: Peji
radost vem bytostem vetn m najednou.;pol.

in: There is no free space in the bookshelf in the room.; :

( ~ ) ;v: Na
polici v pokoji nen dn voln msto.;

incorporate (put (and) insert); ;zahrnout (vloit (a)

vsunout);T writ.

in: What is in the picture?;: ;na: Co je na


increase ( ~ "improve): The demand for copper also

increased.; :
;stoupnout ( ~ "zlepit-se): Poptvka po mdi
tak stoupla.;

incarnation (person (who) enters for-sure); ;vtlen

(osoba (kter) vstupuje na-jisto);n.

increase (increase (and) come);;zvyovat (zvyovat (a)


incessantly (not breaking (the)

connection); T ;neustle (nerozbjejce

increase (increase (and) develop);;zvit se (zvit-se

(a) rozvinout-se);I

inadequate, be; ;nepostaujc, bt;I

incident;T ;udlost;n.
inclination to, have;; inklinovat k;suff.
inclined to, be;;sklon k, mt;I

increase; ;zvit navit zvtit se;I (or) T

increase (improve, be-good (and) come); ;zvit se

(zlepit se, bt-dobr (a) pijt) stoupnout (zlepit se, btdobr (a) pijt);I
increase: Little by little (I) increase.;:
T T ;zvyovat: Postupn zvyuji.;pol.

include (descend (and) enter); ;zahrnout (sestoupit (a) incredible, be (wonder (is) not used-up); ;neuviteln,
bt (div nen vyerpn);I
incredible: Your skill in Myanmar writing is just
include (put (and) insert); ;zahrnout (vloit (a)
incredible.; : T
vsunout);T writ.
;neuviteln: Tvoje schopnost v psan
include: In the Myanmar newspapers there are included all
Myanmarsky je prost neuviteln.;pol. col.
news on religions, education, economics and politics.;:
;zahrnout:V Myanmarskch
novinch byly zahrnuty vechny novinky o nboenstvch,
vzdln, ekonomice a policice.;pol.

indeed; -
;opravdu vskutku;adv. (or) suff. (or) suff. adv. (or) suff.
indeed (as or because);;vskutku (jeliko, protoe);suff.


indeed (because): (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert

;vskutku: Nae zem varovala tamtu zem,
tonight.;: ;vskutku (protoe): (Vskutku,) vskutku, (ji) po pt.;pol. um.
dnes veer se jdu podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
indeed: Own country is not good, indeed.;: T
indeed (really clean (and) tested); ;opravdu
;vskutku: Vlastn zem, vskutku, nen dobr.;col.
(vskutku ist (a) prozkouen);conj.
indeed: The great Alaung Min Taya thus could, indeed, again
indeed: (He), indeed, takes off his T-shirt.;:
;vskutku: Vskutku, sundav si, triko.;

successfully unite the Myanmar country, build and set (it) up in

order to (make it) well (collected) (and) organized.;:
indeed: As (I) was reading, (I) didn't know, indeed.;:
;opravdu: Opravdu, nevdl jsem,
;vskutku: Takto ohromn Alaung
protoe jsem etl.;col.
indeed: At eleven o'clock I go (to bed and) sleep, indeed.;: Min Tay vskutku dokzal sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit
;vskutku: Vskutku, v (a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s.
jedenct hodin jdu (do postele a) spm.;pol. um.
indeed: Because it is cold, the young boy, indeed, puts on a
;vskutku: Protoe je zima, mal chlapec si,
vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.

indeed: The yellow building is a hotel, indeed.;:

;vskutku: (Ta) lut
budova je, vskutku, hotel.;

independence (state (of) being-empty (and)

indeed: End, indeed.;: ;vskutku: Vskutku, konec.;col. missing); ;nezvislost (stav przdnoty (a)
indeed: I am not free, indeed.;: ;vskutku: Vskutku, chybn);n.
independence (political, be-free (and) vacant
nemm volno.;col.
{nouner}); ;nezvislost (politick, bt-voln (a)
indeed: Indeed, (I) am going to go.;:
przdn {jmenec});n.
;opravdu: Chystm se jt.;fut.

independence (political): Since then the Myanmar citizens,

unceasingly participating in the opposing strikes against the
English government, demanded independence.; :
indeed: Indeed, according to a special system.;
- : ;vskutku: Vskutku, dle T
specilnho systmu.;pol.
;nezvislost (politick): Od t doby se
indeed: Indeed, by making mistakes, correct(ness) will
Myanmart obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek
appear.;: ;vskutku: Vskutku,
proti anglick vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol.
dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
indeed: Indeed, I am very happy about you (of what (I) heard writ.
independent, be (be-empty (and) missing); ;nezvisl
about you).; :
(bt-przdn (a) chybjc);I
( ~
indeed: Indeed, (it is known) to be written.;:
;vskutku: Vskutku, (v se, e) je napsan.;

);opravdu: Opravdu, mm z tebe ( ~ "z toho, co

jsem o tob slyel) velkou radost .;pol.
indeed: Indeed, I don't know.;: ;vskutku:
Vskutku, nevm.;col.
indeed: Indeed, I reminded him for the second time.;:
Vskutku, pipoml jsem mu to (ji) po druh.;pol. um.
indeed: indeed, if (I) take;: ;vskutku: vskutku,
kdy bych si vzal;col.

independent, be (enters (and) competes); ;nezvisl, bt

(vstupuje (a) sout);I
independent, be: (I) am the only independent candidate of the

election.; :
T ;nezvisl, bt: Jsem jedinm
nezvislm kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.
indeterminably (not know (the)
measure);;neuriteln (neznt mru);adv.

India (country);(T ) () ;Indie (zem);name

indeed: Indeed, not long after the great town Inwa fell in hands
of the Hanthawadi's troops.;:
;vskutku: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.

India: The goods from India-Myanmar border also arrive first in

Mandalay.;: T
;Indie: Zbo z Indo-myanmarsk hranice se
tak nejprve dov ( ~ pijd) do Mandalaje.;pol. col.

( ~ );vskutku:
(Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).;


Indian; [kl:];indick;adj.

Indian (a person);( );Ind;sg.

indeed: It is said, that one golden statu, indeed, was
found.; : ;vskutku: k se, e Indian or Sri lankan people, derogatory term for (ragged
Indian);( ) [kl:sou.];Indy i Sinhlce,
jedna zlat socha byla vskutku nalezena.;
indeed: Let's finish the (writing) discussion, (indeed.);: poniujc termn pro (otrhan Ind);sg. unpl.

indeed: Our country, indeed, gave 105 warning to that

country.;: T


indicate (denote (and) show);T;naznaovat (oznaovat

(a) ukazovat) ukazovat (oznaovat (a) ukazovat);T
indicate (expose (and) show); T;naznait (odhalit (a)

indicate (show characteristics (of)
indication);T;naznait (ukzat vlastnosti
nznaku);T P. lakkhaa (= sign, mark)

Ped tm se nudil, te se raduje. (Ze stavu znudn (peel do

stavu) vesel.);pol. p.p.

indicate plural;;zna mn. .;suff. writ.

indicates a status: He got up from (the status of) eating.;:

;zna urit stav: Po jdle vstal. (Vstal ze
statutu jezen.);pol. p.p.

indicated direction: to ven. Sir;: ;zna smr:

ct. panu;

indicates a thought;; zna mylenku;suff.

indicates a year;;zna rok;suff.

indicates a certain amount (also for uncountable

nouns);;zna urit mnostv (tak pro nepoitateln pod.

indicates a year of a happening;;zna rok njakho dn

zna rok njak udlosti;suff.

indicates a certain amount: blood on hand;:

;zna urit mnostv: krev na ruce;
indicates a certain person; [d];zna uritou osobu;suff.
indicates a fraction;..;zna zlomek;
indicates a fraction: one devided by two; -:
;zna zlomek: jedna lomeno dvma;

indicates a joking voice;...;zna vtipkujic hlas;interj.

indicates a kind of meat;;zna druh masa;suff.

indicates a matter or concern;;zna zleitost;suff.

indicates a momentary state;;zna momentln
indicates a momentary state: lying pig;:
( ~ ) ;zna
momentln stav: lec prase;

indicates a year of a happening: The Myanmar country has in

the year 1889 fell ((and) came)into the state of English
subordination.;: T
;zna rok njak udlosti:
Zem Myanmaru v roce 1889 upadla ((a) pila) do stavu
anglick podzenosti.;p.s. writ.
indicates a year of a happening: There was created mnemonics
'oo-aw-aww-myee-koun-baun-tee' for the year 1115 ME, (when)
the palace was built.;: T
' T ' ;zna rok
njakho dn: Byla vytvoena mnemotechnika 'u-o--mj-kounbaun-d' na rok 1115 Myan. l., (kdy) byl ten palc
indicates a year other than decimal;;zna rok jin ne

indicates a name of a young man;;zna jmno mladho


indicates a year other than decimal: year 1948;:

;zna rok jin ne destkov: rok 1948;

vznesen muem: Uctvejme!;imper. col. um.

indicates acc.;;zna 4. pd eskho jazyka;suff.

indicates a state; ;zna njak stav zna


indicates action done by two or more people: we were

talking;: T ;zna innost innou dvma a vce
osobami: povdali jsme si;

indicates a person, usually masculine;;zna osobu, obvykle indicates a year: Today is 21st (day) of February (month),
1987.;: ;zna rok: Dnes je
muskho rodu;suff.
(den) 21. (msce) nora 1987.;
indicates a response or suggestion made by a man;
indicates abandonment; ;zna zanechn;suff.
;zna odpov nebo nvrh vznesen muem;suff.
indicates abrupt happening; ;zna pekvapen, neoekvan
indicates a response or suggestion made by a man: let's
worship!;: ; zna odpov nebo nvrh
indicates a service done for sb.;;zna slubu udlanou pro indicates accusative (-): (I) like that (one).; (-):
;zna akuzativ (-): Mm rd tamten.;pol.
indicates action done by two or more people: (they) are
indicates a service done for sb.: (I) will ask (about it) ((and)
happy;: ;zna innost innou dvma a vce
give).;: ;zna slubu udlanou pro nkoho:
osobami: raduj se;
Zeptm se na (to) ((a) dm).;pol. fut.

indicates a state: (He) shows head put on arms.;:

T ;zna stav:
Ukazuje hlavu poloenou na pach.;
indicates a state: hand put on the body; :
;zna stav: ruka poloen na tle;

indicates action: Because the woman will do the laundry, (she)

is wearing blue gloves.;:
T ;zna innost: Protoe se (ta)
ena bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr rukavice.;

indicates a state: The window is (being) closed.;:

T ;zna stav: Okno je (jsouc)

indicates adverb;;zna pslovce;suff.

indicates a state: There is no blood stain on the hand.;:

;zna stav: Na ruce nen dn
skvrna krve.;

indicates address of an elder person or a friend;;zna

osloven star osoby nebo kamarda;interj.
indicates affection to the preceding noun;;zna zalben v
pedchzejcm pod. jm.;suff.
indicates affirmation;;zna souhlas;interj.

indicates a status;;zna urit stav;pow.

indicates amazement (mother!); ;zna as;interj.

indicates a status: He became happy from (the status of)

being bored.;: ;zna urit stav:

indicates an object of concern;;zna objekt zjmu;suff.

indicates an action or skill;;zna innost i schopnost;suff.


indicates an order or suggestion;;zna rozkaz nebo


indicates change from verb to a noun of action in its continuous

form;T ;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm. innosti v podob
indicates an order or suggestion: Turn left, (and) having passed prbhovho asu;suff.
the next street, on the right (you) should find the hotel.;:
indicates change from verb to a noun of the particular

phenomena, event and so on; ;zna zmnu ze slovesa na

;zna rozkaz nebo nvrh: Zahnte vlevo, (a) pod. jm. toho uritho jevu, udlosti apod.;suff.
a pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml uvidt ( ~ najt)
indicates change from verb to an adj.: difficult words; :
hotel.;imper. fut. col.
;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pd. jm.:
indicates assertion;;zna ujitn;suff. col.

obtn slova;pl. writ.

indicates assurement: The gentlemen (and) the ladies have,

certainly, already heard (it) many times ( ~ again and

;zna ujitn:
Pnov (a) dmy (to) ji, jist, mnohokrt ( ~ znovu a znovu)

indicates change from verb to noun;;zna zmnu ze slovesa

na pod. jm.;suff.

indicates big amount;;zna velk mnostv;suff.

indicates change from verb to noun: First sentence is used in

writing, second sentence is used in talking.;:

T;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm.: Prvn vta
se uv pi prasn, druh vta se uv pi mluven.;col.

indicates big amount: I have a lot of energy to cut the

indicates change of preceding verb to adj.;
wood.;: T
;zna zmnu pedchozho slova na pd. jm.. zna zmnu
;zna velk mnostv: Mm spoustu energie na pedchzejcho slovesa na pd. jm.;suff. (or) suff. writ.
sekn deva.;p.p.
indicates change of verb from passive voice to active
indicates capability;;zna schopnost;suff.
voice;;zna zmnu slovesa z trpnho rodu na rod inn;suff.
indicates certainty in interrogative sentence; ;zna

jistotu v
tzac vt;suff.
indicates change;;zna zmnu;suff.
indicates change from n. to v.;T ;zna zmnu ze slovesa na
pod. jm.;suff.

indicates change of verb from passive voice to active voice:

The washing machine washes clothes.;:
;zna zmnu slovesa z trpnho
rodu na rod inn: Praka pere prdlo.;

indicates change of verb to noun; ;zna zmnu ze

indicates change from one action to another;;zna zmnu z slovesa na pod. jm. zna zmnu z pod. jm. na sloveso
zna zmnu slovesa na pod. jm.;suff.
jedn aktivity na druhou;suff.
indicates change of verb to noun: (It) is extremely interesting.
indicates change from preceding verb to an adj.: a letter
(given) to a friend; : ;zna ((It) is very good for interest.);:
;zna zmnu z pod. jm. na sloveso: Je (to)
zmnu pedchzejcho slovesa na pd. jm.: dopis (dan)
nesmrn zajmav. (Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k zjmu.);pol.
jednomu pteli;

indicates change from v. to adv.;T;zna zmnu ze slovesa na indicates change of verb to noun: It is, that I came yesterday.
(I happened (to be) coming yesterday.);:
T ;zna zmnu slovesa na pod. jm.: Je (to)
indicates change from v. to adv.: Kindly (at the end of a
prv, (e) jsem piel vera. (Stal jsem se vera
letter);T: T;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pslovce.:
pichzejcm.);pol. um.
Dobrotiv (na konci dopisu);adv. lett.
indicates change from v. to n.;;zna zmnu ze slovesa
na pod. jm.;suff. writ.

indicates change of word's type noun;;zna zmnu druhu

slova na pod. jm.;suff.

indicates change from verb to a noun in instrumental case:

Choosing the brave heroes, king Naung organized a great
Myanmar army.;:
T ;zna zmnu ze
slovesa na pod. jm. v instrumentlu: Vbrem statench
hrdin krl Nau zorganizoval velikou Myanmarskou
armdu.;p.s. writ.

indicates connection; ;zna spojen;suff.

indicates change to verb;;zna zmnu na sloveso;suff. (?)

indicates change from v. to n.: He gave ( ~ will give) food
indicates close relationship;;zna blzk vztah;suff. fr.
(and) drink to the people by (his) right hand.;:
indicates cognizance;;zna vdom (neho);suff.
;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod.
indicates command;;zna rozkaz nebo pkaz;suff.
jm.: Dval ( ~ d) lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & indicates completely finished action or happening;;zna
p.s. writ.
kompletn ukonen innosti i udlosti;suff.
indicates change from verb to a noun in instrumental
indicates completely finished action or happening: It is bought
case;;zna zmnu ze slovesa na pod. jm. v
yet..;: ;zna kompletn ukonen innosti i
udlosti: U je (to) zakoupeno.;p.p.


indicates cont. tense: (I) was copying the essay.;:

;zna prbhov as: Opisoval (jsem)
indicates cont. tense: I am thinking about you.;:
;zna prb. as: Myslm na tebe ( ~
o tob);cont. col.

indicates cont. tense: rising extremely;:

indicates elder man's name;-;zna jmno starho pna;pref.
;zna prbhov as: extrm se zvyujc; indicates elder woman's name;-;zna jmno star
indicates cont. tense: we were talking;:
T ;zna prbhov as: povdali jsme si;
indicates emphasis;
indicates cont. tense: Which ( ~ "what) magazine do (you)
read?;: ;zna prbhov as: Jak ( ~
"co) magazn tete?;inter. cont.

zdraznn;suffn. (or) suff. writ. (or) suff. col. (or) suffv. (or)
suff. (or) suff. inter.

indicates continuing action;;zna probhajc innost;suff.

indicates emphasis: According to this law, all who need to learn

at univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and) listen),
indicates continuous tense;;zna prbhov as;suff.
indicates continuous tense: (I) am just looking. (may be told to therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed,
not satisfied.;: ( )
the shopkeeper as a reaction to his question what customer

T T ;zna
wants to buy);: ;zna prbhov as: Jen se
zdraznn: Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit na
dvm. (me bt eeno majiteli obchodu jakoto reakce na
universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn) povolen,
jeho otzku co si chce zkaznk koupit);col.
proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch nrodnost
indicates continuous tense: He is not sitting.;:
nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
;zna prbhov as: On nesed.;cont.
indicates emphasis: indeed, in the place where I stay now; :
indicates continuous tense: T-shirt is wet.;:
;zna zdraznn:
;zna prbhov as: Triko je mokr.;cont.
vskutku, v mst, kde te (j) iji;writ.
indicates continuous tense: This (female) teacher reads this
book.;: ;zna prbhov as: Tato indicates emphasis: Indeed, next day in the morning rabbit and
turtle competed (in) speed.;:
uitelka te knihu.;pol.
T;zna zdraznn: Vskutku,
indicates continuous tense: while working with computer;:
T ;zna prbhov as: zatmco pracuje na nsledujc den (v) rno krlk a elva soutili (v) bhu.;writ.

indicates courage; ;zna odvahu;suffv.

indicates dark color;;zna tmavou barvu;suff.
indicates dative;;zna dativ;suff.

indicates emphasis: Next (time we) will meet.;:

;zna zdraznn: Pt se setkme.;fut. col.
indicates end of a list;T ;zna seznamu;suff.
(or) suff.

indicates end of a list of things; ;zna konec seznamu

indicates dative case: (I) copy that dictionary (together) with a vc;suff.
indicates end of a negative order; ; zna konec
zpornho pkazu;suff. (or) suff. writ.
;zna dativ: Kopruji ten slovnk (spolu) s
indicates end of a negative order: Don't be sad.; :
indicates demonstration (of sth.);T;zna ukzn (neho);suff. ;zna konec zpornho pkazu: nebu
indicates direct speech: He also said: Go wherever you want smutn.;imper. pol.
indicates dative case;;zna dativ;suff. (or) suff. writ.

} T ;zna indicates end of a question;;zna konec otzky;suff.

to go.;: {
indicates end of a question: What are (you) doing?;:
pmou e: Tak ekl: Jdte kam chcete jt.;col.
indicates direction; ;zna smr;suff. prep. writ. (or) prep. ;zna konec otzky: Co dl?;inter.
(or) suff. prep. (or) suff.
indicates direction: (He) goes to (his) friend.;:
;zna smr: Jde za kamardem.;

indicates end of a question: What are (you) eating?;:

;zna konec otzky: Co j?;inter.

indicates end of a sentence: (It) is cold.; : ;zna

indicates direction: (He) sends the reply (letter) to the monk.;: konec vty: Je (to) studen.;pol.
indicates end of a written sentence; [d];zna
T ;zna smr: Posl odpov (dopis)
konec spisovn vty;suff.
indicates direction: having come to him;: ;zna
smr: po t, co (jsem) k nmu piel;p.p.
indicates direction: Inform me.;:
;zna smr: Informuj m.;imper. pol. utmn.
indicates effectuation;;zna uskutenn zna
indicates effectuation: Pronunciation is extremely difficult.
((With) pronunciation (I) have met extreme difficulty.);:
;zna uskutenn:
Vslovnost je nesmrn nron. ((S) vslovnost jsem se
setkal s nesmrnou nronost.);

indicates end of a written sentence: However, the turtle has

already had arrived first to the goal.; :
T ;zna konec
spisovn vty: Avak elva ji do cle dorazila.;writ.
indicates end of action;;zna konec innosti;suff.

indicates end of action: Post-office is closed.;:

;zna konec innosti: Na pot maj zaveno. (Pota je
indicates end of direct speech; (later as );zna
konec pm ei;suff. writ. (or) suff. writ.
indicates end of direct speech: (He, the king) has stated, that
(he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.;:


T ( ~ T)
;zna konec pm ei: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude
svou) levou rukou dvat lidem obleen.;p.p. writ.
indicates end of direct speech: (He) said: I am not afraid of
you.;: " " ;zna konec pm ei:
Nebojm se t.;writ.
indicates end of information and precedes certain suffix;
(shortened );zna konec informace a zrove pedchz
jistou pponu;pow.
indicates end of list of things in an answer: New Light of
Myanmar and The Mirror. (names of newspapers);:
T ;zna konec vtu vc v
odpovdi: The New Light of Myanmar and the Mirror. (Svtlo
Myanmaru a Zrcadlo - jmna novin).;pol.
indicates end of one action and start of another action;
;zna konec jedn innosti a zatek innosti jin;suff.
indicates end of question requiring answer 'yes' or
'no';;zna konec otzky na 'ano' i 'ne';suff. col

indicates fold; - ;zna nsobek;adv.

(or) suff. adv.
indicates fold: one hundred times; :
;zna nsobek: stokrt;
indicates following of another action or phenomenon (sth.
having happened, sth. another happens);;zna nsledovn
dal innost i jevem (nco se stalo a po tom se stane nco
indicates frequency; ;zna etnost;suff.
indicates frequency: To do all the things one more time in this
life would be very exhaustive.; :
T T ;zna etnost:
(To) by bylo velice vyerpvajc, dlat vechny (ty) vci jet
jednou v tomhle ivot.;fut. pol. writ.
indicates friendly adress (at the end of sentence);;zna
ptelsk osloven (na konci vty);interj.
indicates friendly adress: It's alright, hey.;:
;zna ptelsk osloven: Je to v podku, hele.;pol.

indicates end of question requiring detail; ;zna konec otzky indicates friendly gesture;;zna ptelsk gesto;suff.
na detailn informaci;suff. col
indicates friendship;;zna ptelstv;suff. fr.
indicates end of question: Will young sir Thawda come?
indicates fut. tense;

; zna
(Does young sir Thawda come?);:
bud. . zna budoucnost zna bud. as zna budouc
;zna konec otzky: Pijde (pichz) mlad pan
as;suff. col. (or) suff. (or) suff. writ.
indicates fut. tense: (He, the king) has stated, that (he) would
indicates end of quotation;;zna konec citace;suff. writ.

give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.; : T ( ~

indicates end of quotation: (He) named Da Goun as Yangon ( T)
;zna bud.
~ 'end of danger').;: ;zna
as: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat lidem
konec citace: Pojmenoval Da Goun jakoto Yangoun
obleen.;p.p. writ.
(Rangn) ( ~ 'konec nebezpe').;writ.
indicates fut. tense: (I) am going to ask (my) mother (whether I
indicates end of quotation: (He) named Lwan She ( ~ 'lwan
can) (stay).;: ;zna budouc as: Jdu
medicine') as Myan Aung ( ~ 'quick success').;: se zeptat matky zda mohu (zstat).;fut. col.
T ;zna konec citace: Pojmenoval Lwan indicates fut. tense: (I) will answer as much as (I) can answer
She ( ~ 'lk lvan') jakoto Myan Aun ( ~ 'rychl spch').;writ. for (you).;: T T;zna bud. as:

indicates end of sentence; (from , comparable Odpovm (ti) jak jen (ti) budu moci odpovdt.;fut. pol.
to ) ;zna konec vty zna konec
indicates fut. tense: (It) will start at eight o'clock.; :
(oznamovac) vty;suff. col. (or) pol. (or) suff. (or) suff. writ.
;zna bud. .: Zane v osm hodin.;fut. col.
indicates end of sentence: I eat his rice.; :
indicates fut. tense: After the (theater) play (as for me,) I will
: ;zna
go to sleep.;: T ;zna budouc as:
konec vty: Jm jeho ri.;col. pol. um. (or) pol. um.
Po (t) (divadeln) he, (co se te (m)) (j) pjdu spt.;fut.
indicates end of sentence: Miss Thida comes.; :
;zna konec vty: Slena Td pichz.;col.

indicates end of written negative sentence: (He) did not make (

~ undertake making) any oath to them.;:
T ;zna konec spisovn zporn vty: Neuinil ( ~
nepodstoupil uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.
indicates end or finish;;zna konec i ukonen;suff.
indicates equal distribution;;zna stejnomrn rozdlen;suff.
indicates excuse;;zna omluvu;suff.
indicates exessiveness;;zna nadmrnost;suff. adv.

indicates fut. tense: He will buy a book also.; :

;zna budouc as: Koup si tak knihu.;col.
indicates fut. tense: He will come.; : :
;zna bud. .: Pijde. zna bud. as: (On)
pijde.;fut. (or) fut. pol.
indicates fut. tense: I will by meat.;:
;zna budouc as: (J) koupm maso.;col. um.
indicates fut. tense: I will eat his rice.; :
;zna budouc as: Budu jst jeho ri.;fut. pol. um.

indicates fact of sth. being sth.;;zna fakt, e nco je;suff.

indicates fut. tense: I will eat just soon.;:

;zna bud. as: Budu jst u brzy.;fut. pol. um.

indicates family of the person: Nan Nan's (family) is poor.;:

;zna rodinu t osoby: (Rodina)
(sleny) Nen Nen je chud.;pol.

indicates fut. tense: I won't go there.;:

;zna bud. as: Tam (j) nepjdu.;fut. col.

indicates family of the person;; zna rodinu t osoby;suff.


indicates fut. tense: I will eat.; : ;zna bud.

.: Budu jst.;fut.

indicates fut. tense: If (you) write ... , (it) will be

: ... T ;zna bud.
as: Pokud bys napsal ... , tak by (to) bylo nejlep.;fut.
indicates fut. tense: It is now, that the (big) teacher will
speak.;: T T ;zna
budouc as: Je (to) prv te, (kdy) bude (velk) uitel
mluvit.;fut. pol.

;zna neurit len: Ale

kavrna (tu) je.;
indicates indirect speech; (-( )+ , put at the end of
sentence) (put at the end of sentence);zna nepmou
indicates infinitive (follows after a verb);;zna zmnu
slovesa na infinitive (nsleduje za slovesem);suff.

indicates fut. tense: It is today, that he will come.;:

T ;zna budouc as: Je (to) prv dnes,
(kdy) pijde.;fut. pol.

indicates insistence; ;zna nalhn;suff.

indicates fut. tense: Just if there is an opportunity.; :

;zna bud. .: Jen pokud (k tomu) bude


indicates instrumental case;T;zna instrumentl;suff.

indicates future; -;zna budoucnost;

indicates future tense;
;zna budouc
as;suff. spis. (or) suff.

indicates instr. case;T;zna instrumentl;suff.

indicates instrumental; ;zna instrumentl;pow.

indicates instrumental: respectfully (at the end of a letter); :
;zna instrumentl: uctiv (na konci dopisu);adv.
indicates light color;;zna svtlou barvu;suff.
indicates limit in an action;; zna limit v innosti;suffv.

indicates name of a lad (elder brother);; zna jmno

indicates future tense and precedes certain suffix; (shortened mldence (star bratr);pref.
or );zna budouc as a zrove pedchz jistou
indicates name of a young woman (elder sister);;zna jmno
mlad sleny (star sestra);pref.
indicates future tense: I will eat noodles.; :
indicates near fut.; ;zna blzkou budoucnost;suff.
;zna bud. .: Budu jst nudle.;uw
indicates near fut.: I am going to have a shower.; :
indicates genitive;;zna 2. pd eskho jazyka;suff.

indicates genitive case; ;zna genitiv;suff. (or) suff. writ.

indicates genitive: regarding the geophysical situation;:
( ~ )
; zna
genitiv: ohledn geofyzick polohy;writ.
indicates great respect towards the other person; ;zna
ohromn respekt vi t druh osob;suff.

;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu si dt


indicates near fut.: Well, (I) will think about it.; :

;zna blzkou budoucnost: No, budu o tom
indicates near future; (from )
;zna blzkou budoucnost;suff. col. (or) suff.

indicates great respect towards the other person: (I) serve (you, indicates near future (be-about-to); (from ) ;zna
my lord).; : ;zna ohromn respect vi t blzkou budoucnost (chystat-se);suff. col. (or) suff.
druh osob: Jsem vm k slubm, pane. (Sloum (vm),
indicates near future (follow (and) be-about-to);
(from );zna blzkou budoucnost (nsledovat
indicates great respect towards the other person: Speak, ven.
Sir.; : ;zna ohromn respekt vi t
druh osob: Mluvte, ct. Pane.;pol.

(a) chystat-se);suff. col. (or) suff.

indicates happening of sth. another: Having met very good

teachers ...;: ;zna, e
nsleduje nco jinho: Potkal velice dobr uitele a ...;p.p.

;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu se uit.;fut.

indicates near future: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert

tonight.;: ;zna blzkou budoucnost:
indicates happening of sth. another;;zna, e nsleduje nco (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
indicates near future: (I) am going to learn.; :

indicates imper. mode; ;zna rozkazovac zpsob;suff.

indicates imperative: Sit down!; : ;zna rozkaz:
Sednte si!;imper. n.
indicates imperative: Sit down! (insisting);: ;zna
rozkaz: Sednte si! (nalhav);imper.
indicates inclusion; ;zna zahrnut;suff.
indicates inclusion: book Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile
(and) famous) and also U Obhasa of Min's proses (are)
included; :
T;zna zahrnut: kniha
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak przy
U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.
indicates indefinite article;;zna neurit len;suff.
indicates indefinite article: But a coffee bar is (here).;:

indicates near future: (I) am going to take a shower, and then

(I) will ( ~ "am going to) have a meal.;:
;zna blzkou
budoucnost: Jdu se osprchovat a pak se jdu najst.;fut. ubmn.
indicates near future: (I) will ask and see.; :
;zna blzkou budoucnost: Zeptm se (a)
indicates near future: Are you coming (with me)?;:
;zna blzkou budoucnost: Pjde (se mnou)?;fut.
indicates near future: Girl is going to ride a horse.;:
T ;zna blzkou budoucnost: Dve se
chyst dit kon.;fut.
indicates near future: How long time are you going to be
online?;: ;zna
blzkou budoucnost: Jak dlouho bude ( ~ "se chyst) bt
online?;inter. col.


indicates near future: I am going back home. (I will go back

negative response during bargaining); -: ;zna
home.); : T ;zna blzkou budoucnost: Vracm se zpor: To nen mon. (Nen sprvn. Tak jako negativn
dom. (Vrtm se dom.);col. fut.
odpov bhem smlouvn v obchod.);pol. col.
indicates near future: I am going to ( ~ will) study.; :
;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu ( ~ budu) se

indicates negative: Young sir Thawda will not come?; -:

;zna zpor: Mlad pan Td

indicates near future: I am going to hang up phone.; : indicates noun;;zna pod. jm.;suff.
;zna blzkou budoucnost: Jdu poloit
indicates noun or continuous tense; (from );zna pod.
telefon. (Polom telefon:);fut. col.
jm. nebo prbhov as;suff.
indicates near future: I'll call (him). (used when going to call a indicates number of repetition or appearance;;zna poet
certain person to come); :
opakovn nebo vskytu;suff.
;zna blzkou budoucnost: Zavolm (ho). (uito, indicates one-by-one sequence; ;zna souslednost jednoho
kdy (nkdo) jde zavolat uritou osobu aby pila);fut. col. pol. po druhm;suff.
indicates near future: I'll pick (it) up, mum.;:
indicates one-by-one sequence: Repetition is the mother of
;zna blzkou budoucnost: J (to) zvednu, wisdom. (Doing again and again (one-by-one) is simply the
mami.;fut. col.
mother of the right knowledge.); : T
indicates near future: Soon it will be raining.;:
;zna souslednost jednoho po druhm:
;zna blzkou budoucnost: Brzy bude pret.;fut.
Opakovn je matkou moudrosti. (Dln znovu a znovu
indicates negative command; - ;zna zporn
(jeden-po-druhm) je (prost) matkou sprvn
rozkaz;pref. & suff. imper. (or) suff. imper.
indicates negative imperative; -;zna rozkazovac zpsob
(vty) v zporu;suff.
indicates negative imperative: Do not come.; - :
- : ;zna negativn rozkaz: Nepichzej.;imper. (or)
imper. pol.
indicates negative question: Aren't you wrong?; -:
;zna negativn otzku: Neml se?;inter.
indicates negative question: Won't he come? (Doesn't he
come?); -: ;zna zpornou otzku:
Nepijde? (Nepichz?);inter. pol.
indicates negative sense with condition; ;zna zpor s
podmnkou;suff. col.
indicates negative sense: Won't (they) come?;:
;zna negativn smysl: Nepijdou?;inter. pol.

indicates order;;zna pkaz;suff.

indicates order or suggestion: After the third intersection turn
left.;: ;zna rozkaz
nebo nvrh: Po tet kiovatce zato do leva.;imper. pol.
indicates order or suggestion: Turn left, (and) on the right (you)
will certainly find a hotel.;:

;zna pkaz nebo nvrh: Zato vlevo, (a)
napravo jist nalezne hotel.;imper. fut.
indicates ordinal number;T T ;zna poadov
indicates ordinal number: Eighth Annual Meeting;T :
T ;zna poadov slo:
Osm Vron Setkn;n.
indicates ordinal number: fifth day (day which achieved day
five);T : T ;zna poadov slo: pt den
(den, kter doshnul den pt);n.

indicates negative verb or sentence; -

- - ;zna sloveso i vtu v zporu;suff. spis.
indicates ordinal number: fourth;T :
(or) suff. (or) pref. col. pol. (or) suff. & pref. col. pol. (or) pref. & T ;zna poadov slo: tvrt;
suff. col. (or) pref. & suff. spis.
indicates ordinal number: tenth;T :
indicates negative verb or sentence: (He) had no
T ;zna poadov slo: dest;
comprehension of the caste system of India.;:
indicates ordinal number: the twelfth soldier (soldier (who)

achieved person twelve);T : T
;zna sloveso i vtu v zporu: Neml dn
;zna poadov slo: dvanct vojk (vojk, (kter)
porozumn kastovnho systmu Indie.;p.s. writ.
doshnul osoby dvanct);n.
indicates negative: (I) do not do the work of monks.; -:
T ;zna zpor: Nedlm prci
mnich.;pol. col.

indicates ordinal number: This is the fourth time I have been to

Yangon.;T :
T ;zna poadov slo: Toto je potvrt, co
jsem v Rangnu.;pol.

indicates negative: (They) are not Mr. Bakhin and Mrs.

Thuza.;(): ;zna zpor: indicates p.p.; ;zna min. .
Nejsou pan Bakhen a pan Tuza.;col. pol.
dokonav vid zna minul dokonav as zna min. . dok.
indicates negative: He will not come. (He does not come.).; vid zna minul as dokonav;suff. col. (or) suff. (or) pow.
-: ;zna zpor:Nepijde. (Nepichz.);pol.
indicates negative: I don't use money.; -:
;zna zpor: Nepouvm penze.;col. pol. mn.

indicates p.p. in passive voice;;zna minul as

dokonav v trpnm rod;pass. p.p.

indicates negative: Impossible. (It's not right. Also as a

indicates p.p. in passive voice: notion, that Buddhaghosa


preferred several Sinhalese commentaries (which were)

written before his time (came).;:

;zna minul as
dokonav v trpnm rod: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa oblbil
nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan ped nm
( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
indicates p.p. tense;;zna minul as dokonav vid;suff.
indicates p.p. tense: The charger got broken.;:
;zna minul dokonav
as: Nabjeka se rozbila.;p.p. pol. writ.

;zna min. . dok. vid: Tahle

opice poniila stechu.;p.p.
indicates p.s.: A man got injured.;:
;zna min. .: Mu se zranil.;p.s.

;zna minul as
indicates p.s.: Could not write.; :
prost: Nemohl napsat.;p.s.
indicates p.s.: The girl injured (her) foot.;:
T ;zna minul as prost: (To) dve si
poranilo nohu (od kotnku dol).;p.s.
indicates p.s.: What did you do?; : ;zna
min. . prost: Co jsi dlal(a)?;inter. col.

indicates p.p.: (He, the king) has stated, that (he) would give
indicates p.s.: when (I) arrived.; : ;zna minul as
clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.; : T ( ~
prost: kdy jsem se dostavil;adv.
T) ;zna minul indicates participation of several people;;zna ast nkolika
as dokonav: (Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat lid;suff.
lidem obleen.;p.p. writ.
indicates participation of several people: We talk about the Law
indicates p.p.: (He) has climbed the mountain.; :
;zna minul as dokonav: Vylezl na horu.;p.p.

indicates p.p.: (is) mentioned;: T ;zna minul

as dokonav: je zmnno;

(Dhamma).;: T ;zna ast

nkolika lid: Povdme si o Zkon (Dhamm).;col.
indicates passive mode;;zna rod trpn;suff.

indicates passive mode: The word 'lokuntaka' has been

indicates p.p.: (It) was successful.;: T ;zna explained (and) interpreted making use of the Pi word
minul as dokonav: Bylo (to) spn.;p.p.
'rassa'.;: "
indicates p.p.: (We) have run out of (the ordered food).;:
;zna rod trpn:
;zna min. . dokonav vid: U (to) nemme. (Dolo Slovo 'lokuntaka' bylo vysvtleno (a) vyloeno uitm Pi slova
(nm to).);p.p.
'rassa'.;pol. writ.
indicates p.p.: As I haven't been writing for a very long time, (I) indicates passive voice;;zna trpn rod;suff. I
have forgotten a lot.;:
indicates passive voice in wish;;zna trpn rod v pn;suff.
T ( ~
indicates passive voice: Addresses are written on the
);zna minul ast papers.;: ;zna trpn
dokonav: Ponvad jsem velmi dlouho nepsal, hodn jsem
rod: Adresy jsou napsny na paprech.;
zapoml.;p.p. um.
indicates passive voice: It was not prohibited.;:
indicates p.p.: because the baby is born;:
;zna minul as dokonavho vidu: protoe
se narodilo miminko;p.p.

T ;zna trpn rod: Nebylo to zakzno.;p.s.

indicates p.p.: I haven't (ever) visited so many monks.;:

T ( ~
T );zna minul as dokonav: (Jet) jsem
nenavtvil tolik (hodn) mnich.;um.

;zna trpn rod: Dvee jsou zaven.;

indicates passive voice: Mahpaccariya commentary was used

to compile the Samantapsdik.;:
indicates p.p.: Having looked at all the books.;:
;zna trpn rod: K
;zna minul dokonav as: Po podvn se na vechny sepsn Samantapsdik byl pouit Mahpaccariya
indicates p.p.: I have been learning Myanmar language for
indicates passive voice: Pi commentaries are known.;:
around one year.;: T
;zna trpn rod: Pi
;zna minul as dokonav: Um se Myanmarsk komente jsou znm.;writ.
jazyk (ji) asi jeden rok.;p.p. col.
indicates passive voice: The door is closed.;:
indicates passive voice: The Mah Ahakath is mentioned in
T ;zna trpn rod: Mah Ahakath je zmnna v

indicates p.p.: The glass is ( ~ went) empty.;:

( ~ );zna minul as dokonav: Sklenice indicates past perfect;;zna minul dokonav as;suff.
je ( ~ odela) przdn.;p.p.
indicates past perfect tense;;zna minul dokonav as;suff.
indicates p.p.: The glass is empty.;:
;zna minul as dokonav: Sklenice je
indicates past perfect: I've come. (also used when getting ready
to come);: ;zna minul dokonav as: Piel jsem.
indicates p.p.: The man has climed the mountain.;:
;zna min. as dokonav: Ten
mu (ji) vylezl na horu.;p.p.

indicates p.p.: This monkey has damaged the roof.;:

(tak uito pi pprav k pchodu);col.

indicates past simple: I was wondering.;:

;zna minul as prost: Byl jsem udiven.;p.s.


pol. um.

namylen a hrd.;pol.

indicates past tense; ;zna minul as;suff.

indicates plural: they believed;: ;zna

mn. .: vili;writ.

indicates past tense: I came by bus.; :

;zna minul as: Pijel jsem

indicates pointing at sb.; ;zna ukazovn na nkoho;suff.

indicates polite ending of a verbless sentence;;zna slun

indicates past tense: I spoke with him while in the vehicle.; : zakonen neslovesn vty.;suff. pol.
T ;zna minul as: Mluvil jsem s indicates polite request; (from ) ;zna zdvoil
nm kdy jsme byli ve vozidle.;p.s.
poadavek;suff. col. (or) suff.
indicates periodical recurrence; ;zna periodick
indicates politeness; (wrong from ) ;zna
slunost nebo ctu zna zdvoilost;suff.
indicates person selling the thing indicated by the preceding
indicates politeness: (Here is) miss Thida. (also in telephone
part of the word; ;zna osobu prodvajc to, co je zmnn conversation);: ;zna zdvoilost: (Zde je) slena
v pedchzejc sti slova;suff.
Td (i do telefnu);pol.
indicates persuasion;;zna pesvdovn;suffv. interj.
indicates persuation;;zna pemlouvn;suff.
indicates pl. for animate nounse (in written langauge also for
inanimate nouns);;zna mn.. u ivotnch pod. jm. (ve
spisovnm jazyce tak u neivotnch pod. jm.);suff.
indicates pl.: (They) are carrying a bag.;:
;zna plurl: Nos taku.;

indicates politeness: (It is) miss Thida.;: ;zna

zdvoilost: (Je to) slena Td.;pol.
indicates politeness: Come in, please.;: ;zna
zdvoilost: Vstupte, prosm.;imper. pol. um.
indicates politeness: Do not sit down here.;:
; zna zdvoilost: Nesedejte si tady.;pol.

indicates politeness: He will come. (He comes.);:

indicates pl.: Boy and girl are playing on sand ( ~ "beach).;: ;zna zdvoilost: (On) pijde. (Pichz.);col.
indicates politeness: I am Mrs. Mama.;: ;zna
;zna mn. .: Chlapec a dve si hraj na
zdvoilost: Jsem pan Mama.;pol. uw.
psku ( ~ "pli).;cont.
indicates politeness: One (pen) is 25 kyats.;:
indicates pl.: good friends, colleagues (and) great people from
Internet ( ~ online);:
;zna mn. .: dob ptel, kolegov (a) velc
lid z internetu ( ~ online);

;zna zdvoilost: Jedno (pero) je 25 at.;pol.

indicates placement or direction;;zna umstn nebo


indicates possession (about a person);;zna vlastnictv (o


indicates politeness: Sit down.;: ;zna zdvoilost:

Sednte si.;imper. pol.

indicates politeness: Will (you) be satisfied?;:

indicates pl.: in the Pli books;: ;zna mn..: T;zna zdvoilost: Bude spokojen?;fut. inter.
v Pli knihch;writ.
indicates place in order: third part of four (parts);T :
indicates politeness: Write as he writes.;:
() T ;zna msto v poad: tet st ze ;zna zdvoilost: Pi tak jako pe on.;imper. pol.
ty (st);
indicates possession; ;zna vlastnictv;suff. (or) suff. writ.

indicates placement or direction: at him;: ;zna

umstn nebo smr: u nj;
indicates plural; ;zna mnon slo zna mn.
indicates plural (about people);;zna mn. . (o lidech);suff.
indicates plural of the preceding verb;;zna mnon slo
pedchzejcho slovesa;suff.

indicates possession: a bird's eye;:

;zna vlastnictv: pta oko;writ.
indicates possession: He doesn't have friends there. (In him,
there, are no friends.);: ;zna
vlastnictv: (On) tam nem ptele. (V nm, tam, nejsou

indicates possession: I do not have (the) book.;:

indicates plural: (I) remember (my) country and father well.;: ;zna vlastnictv: Nemm
( ) ( ) ;zna mn. .:
Dobe si pamatuji (svou) zemi (a) svho otce.;
indicates possibility; ;zna monost zna
indicates plural: among books and websites;:
;zna mn. .: mezi ( ~ v) knihami a
indicates pres. cont. tense;;zna ptomn prbhov
webovmi strnkami;adv.
indicates plural: In the Africa continent, (there) are more than
50 countries.; :
;zna mn. .: Na africkm kontinent je vce ne 50

indicates plural: Therefore, they are conceited and proud.;:

T ;zna mn. .: Proto, jsou


indicates pres. cont. tense: The snail is carrying her

house.;: ;zna
ptomn prbhov as: nek si nese svj dm.;cont.
indicates present or past tense; ;zna

ptomn i minul
indicates probability; ;zna monost;suff.

indicates purpose; (from ) ;zna el;suff.

konvici vce.;pol.

indicates purpose: Are (you) sure, that (you will) come to

Myanmar country?;: T T ;zna el:
Jsi si jist, e pijede do (zem) Myanmaru?;inter.

indicates rank;T ;zna poad;suff.

indicates quotation or name;; zna citaci nebo jmno;suff.

indicates quantity; ;zna mru;suff.

indicates rank: tenth;T : T ;zna poad:


indicates quantity: as far as I know; :

( );zna mru: co j vm;(writ.)

indicates reference ([which (or) who] said);;zna odkaz

na ([kter (nebo) kdo] ekl);suff. writ.

indicates question; ;zna otzku;suff.

indicates reference to the previous word;;zna odkaz na

indicates question in fut. tense: Friend, what will you eat?; pedchoz slovo;suff.
- : ;zna otzku v bud. .: Pteli, co bude indicates reference to the previous word: (one) with one's own
jst?;inter. col. um.

()( ) ;zna odkaz na

indicates question in fut. tense: What meat will he eat (it)
pedchoz slovo: sm sob se znalost;col.
with?; - : ;zna otzku v bud. .: indicates request of approval; ;zna poadavek
S jakm masem (to) bude jst?;inter. fut. col.
indicates question in future tense on 'with what'; -
- ;zna otzku v budoucm ase na 's m';pref. & suff.
inter. fut. col.

indicates request to see sth.;;zna poadavek podvn se

na nco;prep.

indicates question or verb in interrogative mode; - ;zna

otzku nebo sloveso v tzacm tvaru;pref. & suff. col.

indicates simultaneousness of an action with another

action;;zna simultnnost jedn innosti s druhou;suff.

indicates request: Sit down, right? (requesting); :

indicates question in future tense: What will you eat?; - : ;zna dost: Sednte si, ano? (dav);imper.
;zna otzku v bud. .: Co bude jst?;inter. col.
indicates roundness;;zna kulatost;suff.
indicates question or verb in interrogative future tense;
indicates sb. who does something;;zna osobu, kter nco
- ;zna otzku nebo sloveso v tzacm budoucm ase;pref. dl;suff.
& suff. fut. col.
indicates similarity;; zna podobnost;suff.

indicates question tag, such as aren't you? didn't he? woudn't indicates state or skill;;zna stav nebo schopnost;suff.
they? etc.; ;zna tzac dovtek, nap. ne?, ano?, e? atd.; indicates subject; ;zna podmt;suff.
indicates question: Are you a female teacher?;:
indicates subject in sentence; [d];zna podmt ve
;zna otzku: Jste uitelka?;inter. um.
vt;suff. prep. (or) suff.
indicates question: Are you Mrs. Mama?;:
;zna otzku: Jste pan Mama?;inter. pol. um.
indicates question: Does Miss Thida come?;:
;zna otzku: Pijde slena Td?;inter.
indicates question: Is he a student?;:
;zna otzku: Je student?;inter.

indicates subject: Baker is baking a bread.;:

;zna podmt: Peka pee chleba.;cont.
indicates suggestion and encouragement;; zna nvrh a
povzbuzen;suff. col.

indicates suggestion and encouragement: Come!;: ;zna

nvrh a povzbuzen: Poj!;imper. fr.

indicates question: Will he come? (Does he come?);: indicates suggestion to change a topic or start something;
;zna otzku: Pijde? (On pichz?);inter.
[g.];zna nvrh zmnit tma nebo nco zat;col. interj.
indicates question: Young sir Thawda will not come?;:
indicates suitability; ;zna vhodnost;suff.
;zna otzku: Mlad pan Td
indicates superlative;;zna superlativ;suff.
indicates surprise or fear; ;zna div nebo
indicates quotation;;zna citaci;suff.

indicates quotation marks;; zna uvozovky;suff.

indicates quotation marks at the end; ;zna
uvozovky na konci;suff. (or) suff. writ.

strach;interj. col.
indicates ten-fold;;zna desetinsobek;num. writ.

indicates ten-fold: U Aung Zeyya together with his sixty-eight

blood comrades-leaders could successfully resist while being
indicates quotation marks at the end: The word 'lokuntaka' has the leader ( ~ while leading).;:
been explained (and) interpreted making use of the Pi word T

'rassa'.; : "
;zna desetinsobek: Aun

Zeyya spolu se svmi edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli vdci se
uvozovky na konci: Slovo 'lokuntaka' bylo vysvtleno (a)
dokzal spn ubrnit zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
vyloeno uitm Pi slova 'rassa'.;pol. writ.
indicates tendency; ;zna tendenci;suff.
indicates quotation marks at the end: word rassa; :
;zna uvozovky na konci: slovo rassa;

indicates tendency: (I) like to learn those two kinds of

language.;: ;zna
tendenci: Rd se um ty dva druhy jazyka.;

indicates quotation marks: Because the Myanmars know the

glass jug more.;: T
indicates thought: (I thought), that (it would) be good, if I didn't
;zna uvozovky: Protoe Myanmai znaj sklennou eat dinner.;: () ;zna


mylenku: (Myslel jsem), e (by bylo) dobr, kdybych nejedl


velk (tabuli) letovho du jsou informace o odletech letadel

( ~ letadlech, kter odlet).;

indicates wish; ;zna pn;suff.

informed, be;;informovn o, bt;I

Indonesia; ;Indonsie;name

infuriated, be (anger comes out);;rozzloben, bt

(hnv vychz);I writ.

induce (brush (and) force);;zpsobit (kartovat (a)

inferior, be; ;podadn, bt hor, bt;I

inferior, be (be-inferior (and) stupid); ;hor, bt (bthor (a) hloup);I

infidelity (wrong wronging);T ;nevra (patn

infuriated, be (mind (is) bad); - ; rozzloben, bt (mysl

(je) patn);I
inhale (breathe in breath); ; dchat
(vdechnout, dchat dovnit dech);T
inherent;;vlastn (vrozen);adj.

influence (spread (and) roof {nouner});;vliv (rozit (a) inheritance, cease (inheritance breaks);T ;ddictv,
zasteit {jmenec});T
peruit se (ddictv (je) rozbito);I
influence (spread (and) roof (with)
influence);;ovlivovat (rozit (a) zasteit
influence: The commentarial character of the canon later
thoroughly influenced the late commentaries.;:

;ovlivnit: Komenttorsk charakter knonu
pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.
inform ((let) hear whereabouts); ;informovat
((nechat) slyet informaci);T
inform (give knowledge);;informovat (dt
inform (give hearing
whereabouts); ;informovat (dt slyet
inform (about monks, pronounce (and) beheard); ;informovat (o mnich, vyslovit (a) btslyen);T mn.
inform (sb., give news); ;informovat (dt
inform: Inform me.; :
;informovat: Informuj m.;imper. pol. utmn.
information; ;informace;n.
information (about); ;informace (o);n.

inheritance, cessation of (inheritance

breaks);T ;ddictv, peruen (ddictv (je) rozbito);
injection, be injected by an: In the morning I received an
injection.;: ;injekci, dostat: Rno
jsem dostal injekci.;p.s. col.
injure (oneself, get injury);;zranit se (dostat
injure: The girl injured (her) foot.;: T
;poranit si: (To) dve si poranilo nohu (od
kotnku dol).;p.s.
injured, be (happen (to) receive wound);
;porann, bt (stt-se (e) pijme porann);I

injured, be (touch (and) touch);;zrann, bt (dotknoutse (a) dotknout-se);I

injured, get (oneself, get injury);;poranit se (dostat
injured, get: A man got injured.;:
;zranit se: Mu se zranil.;p.s.
injured, get: Because cut (myself) by knife, (I) got
injured.;: ;n:
Protoe jsem se znul noem, poranil jsem se.;p.s. um.
injury;( ) ( );zrann;sg.
ink (to a pen, ink stick); ( );inkoust (do pera,
inkoustu hlka);sg.

inn; ;hostinec;n.
information (items (and) limbs); ;informace (vci innovator (proficient (in) clearing-for-cultivation (and)
(a) dy);n.
inventing);( );inovtor (zrun (v)
information: (I) will wrte, send ((and) give) (you) information
itn-pro-kultivaci (a) vynalzn);sg.
about Myanmar country, please.; : T T
inquisitive, be (ready (with) mood (to)
;informace: Napu, polu ((a)
enquire); T ;zvdav, bt (pipraven (s) nladou
dm) (ti) informace o (zemi) Myanmaru, prosm.;fut. pol. col. vyzvdat);I
information: He torn the information away (from a
diary).; : ;informace:
Vytrhnul tu informaci (z die).;

insane, be; ;ztetn, bt;I ow. (or) I col.

information: information regarding who is .. ; :

;informace: informace ohledn
(toho), kdo je .. ;

insect: (It) is a small insect.; :

T ;hmyz: (Je to) mal hmyz.;

information: On the big flight plan (board) there is information

about departures of planes ( ~ planes which will
depart).; :
( ) () ;informace: Na


insect (insect, insect); ( );hmyz (hmyz,

hmyz);sg. E. insect

insert; ;vloit zasunout;T

insert (put (and) insert); ;vsunout (vloit (a) vsunout)

vloit (vloit (a) vsunout);T writ.
insert (in sentence, insert (and) practise); ;dvat
(njak slovo nkam ve vt, vloit (a) praktikovat);T

insert: (and) is not always inserted after the

subject.; : "" " "
;dvat (slovo ve vt): (a) se za
podmt vdycky nedv.;pol.

instruction;;instrukce;sg. P. ovda (= advice)

insert: inserting a complementary word; : T

T ;vloit: vkldn dopkovho slova;

instruction (for meditation, admonishing);;instrukce

(na meditaci, upozornn);n.

instruction (direct (and) be-heard

{nouner}); ;instrukce (ukzat-smr (a) bt-slyen

instruction (given by a very respected person); ;instrukce
;uvnit v;suff. prep. writ. (or) prep. (or) suff. prep. (or) adv. (od velice respektovan osoby);n.
inside (in (the) direction (of) inside); ;vnit, ve
(ve smru dovnit) uvnit (ve smru dovnit);adv.
inside oneself: It is good to be afraid of making one's faith
holey inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering (and)

;uvnit sebe: Je dobe se obvat prodravn
vlastn dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a)
smutku.;prov. pol.
inside: The man is inside.; :
;uvnit: (Ten) mu je uvnit.;
inside: Ven. Sir, come inside.; :
;dovnit: Ct. pane, pojte dovnit.;pol. mn.
insight, meditation of (one of the two main kinds of meditation
in Buddhism, leading directly to first and second level of
enlightenment, and later with help of meditation of
concentration even to third and the fourth level of
enlightenment);;vhledu, meditace (jeden z dvou
hlavnch druh meditace v Buddhismu, vedouc pmo k
prvnmu a druhmu stupni osvcen, a pozdji s pomoc
meditace soustedn dokonce i ke tetmu a tvrtmu stupni
osvcen);n. Bh. med. P. vipassan (= insight)

instruction, take (for meditation, take

admonishing);;instrukci, vzt si (na meditaci, vzt
instrument;( );nstroj;sg.
instrument ((is) worth (and) impaired); ;nstroj ((je)
vhodn (a) pokozen);n.
insufficient (not enough);;nedostatek;adv.
insufficient, be; ;nedostaujc, bt
nedostaten, bt;I
insurance (take guaranty);;pojitn (brt ujitn);n.
integrate (put (and) insert); ;zaleni (vloit (a)
vsunout);T writ.
intend (hope-for (and) expect); ;mt v myslu (doufat-v
(a) oekvat);T
intend (hope-for (and) intend); ;mt v myslu (doufat-v
(a) hodlat);T
intend (mind crosses);;hodlat (mysl pechz);T

intense, be (about a phenomena);T ;intenzvn, bt (o jevu);I

intensively;T T ;intenzvn;adv.
intensively: The sportsman breathes more intensively than the
woman.;T T :
T T ;intenzvn: Sportovec dch intenzivnji
ne (ta) ena.;

install (a program, insert (and) put-into); ;instalovat

(program, vloit (a) poloit-do) nainstalovat (program, vloit
intention; ;zmr;n. P. cetan (= intention) (or)
(a) poloit-do);T
install (a program): Yesterday I tried to install it.; :
intention, have the;; zmr, mt;suff.
intention, have: This family has the intention to (go) (to) travel
(program): Vera jsem se to snail nainstalovat.;
(during) holidays.;: ;zmr,
installation (method (to) put-into); ( );instalace
mt: Tato rodina m zmr (jet) cestovat (bhem)
(zpsob vkldn);sg.
instantly (by (a) strike); ;okamit (hned,
intention: (I) have an intention to come back for a while next
year.;: T ;zmr: Mm
instead of;;namsto msto (namsto);adv.
zmr se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.
instead of: (He) wrote November instead of December.;:
intention: He says he has good intentions.;: T
() ;msto: Msto prosince
;zmr: k, e m dobr
napsal listopad.;
instead of: instead of meditation;: ;msto:
intention: Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how
msto meditace;
to fulfill that intention.;:
institution: (He) builds an institution having called it Burmese
center.; : ( ~ )
T ;zmr: Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten zmr
;instituce: Stav instituci po
uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.
(tom, co ji) nazval Barmsk centrum.;pol.
intention: the only intention (and) aim; :
instruct; ;instruovat;T
;zmr: jedin zmr (a) cl;
instruct (pour (and) teach); ;instruovat (nalvat (a)
interest: Of the greatest travellers' interest is the Pagan
town.; : ;zjem:
instruct: admonish (and) instruct; :
(Je to prv) Pagan msto, kter (se jev) cestovatelm
;instruovat: napomnat (a) instruovat;




interested, be (mind enters much); ;zajmat (mysl

vstupuje hodn);I P. citta (= mind)

interpret (collected meanings); ;interpretovat

(nasbran vznamy);T

interested, be: I am interested in ( ~ to) meditation.; : interpretation (collected

;zajmat: Zajm m
meanings); ;interpretace (nasbran
interested, be: Yep, (I)'m still (just) interested.; : interpretation (taking (and) estimating);;vklad
;zajmat: Jo, pod (m to) prost zajm.;col. (interpretace, bran (a) hodnocen);n.
interpretation: And what if (it) is wrong
interesting (for interest): (It) is extremely interesting. ((It) is
interpretation?; :
very good for interest.); :
;vklad: A co kdy je (to) patn
;zajmav (k zjmu): Je (to) nesmrn zajmav. vklad?;inter. col.
(Je (to) nesmrn vhodn k zjmu.);pol.
interrogate; ;vyslchat;T
interesting (interest): This is interesting. (This is good for
interest.); :
;zajmav (zajmavost): To je zajmav. (To je
dobr (pro) zajmavost.);col.
interesting, be; ;zajmav, bt;adj.

intersection (way splitting); ;kiovatka (cesty

intersection: After the third intersection turn left.; :
;kiovatka: Po tet
kiovatce zato do leva.;imper. pol.

interesting, be (much entering (the) mind); ;zajmav, intimate (round chest); ;dvrn (kulat hru);adj.
bt (hodn vchzet (do) mysli);I
intimate, be (be-intimate (and) close); ;dvrn, bt (btinteresting, sth.; ;zajmav, (to), co je;n.
dvrn (a) blzk);I
interesting, the most; ;nejzajmavj;adj.
intimate, be (became intimately); T ;dvrn, bt
interesting, the most (the-most
developed); ;nejzajmavj (nejvyvinutj);adj.

intermediate;( );pokroil (stupe);sg.

(stal-se dvrn);I

intimate: (I) want to talk with you intimately (and) closely.; :

T ;dvrn: Chtl
bych si s tebou popovdat dvrn (a) oteven.;pol. um.

intermediate (middle grade); ( );pokroil intimate: Intimate (and) friendly talk; :

T ;dvrn: dvrn (a) ptelsk rozhovor;
(stupe, stedn stupe);sg.
into;;do;suff. prep.
intermediate (experienced, become middle (and) middle),

be; T ;pokroil (zkuen, stt-se stednm (a) intoxicants (alcohol, alcohol (and)
stednm), bt;I
alcohol); ;omamn ltky (alkohol, alkohol (and)
alkohol);n. P. sur (= alcohol), A. araq
intermediate (experienced);;pokroil (zkuen);adj.
internal (in the country, in country);T ;vnitrosttn (v
zemi, ve stt);adj.
international, be (concerned (with) countries (and)
countries);T T ;mezinrodn, bt (tkajc-se
zem (a) zem);I
Internet; ;internet;n. E. Internet (or) n.

intoxicated, be (also about one's pride etc., (be) drunk (and)

intoxicated); ;opil, bt (tak o vlastn pe atd., (bt)
opil (a) opojen);I
intoxicated: The more (one) is beautiful, the more (one) is
intoxicated (by it).; : ;opil: m
vc je (nkdo) krsn, tm vc je (tm) opil.;

Internet ( ~ online): good friends, colleagues (and) great

people from Internet ( ~ online);:
;internet ( ~ online): dob
ptel, kolegov (a) velc lid z internetu ( ~ online);

introduce (connect friend); ;pedstavit (nkoho

nkomu, spojit ptele);T

pipojen: protoe jsme ztratili pipojen (protoe linka


introduction (of a letter, essay or book, original

giving); ;vod (dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, pvodn
dvn);n. P. nidna (= source, cause, origin)

introduce (people); ;pedstavit (lidi);T

introduce: Now, may (I), as the chairman, introduce the

proposers ( ~ speakers) to those, who came ( ~ to the
Internet conenction; ;internetov spojen;n. E.
audience).; :
Internet connection; ;internetov spojen;n. ;pedstavit
(nkoho nkomu): Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda, pedstavm
E. Internet-connection
Internet connection (line);;internetov pipojen (linka);n. mluv obecenstvu.;pol.
introduction (friendly connection giving
E. line
Internet connection: because (we) lost the Internet connection {nouner}); T ;vod (ptelsk spojen darovat
(because (the) line fell);: ;internetov

Internet: (We) spoke by Internet.; :

T ;po: Bavili jsme se po


introduction (of a letter, essay or book, starting);;vod

(dopisu, eseje nebo knihy, zann);n.

invalid (person);( );invalida;sg.

;vnitn: V tomhle ppad ( ~ "mst) je (slovo)

'vnitn' nejvhodnj.;pol.

inventory (basic writing); ( );invent (zkladn


irate, be (mind (is) bad);;natvan, bt (mysl (je) zl);I

investigate; ;prozkoumat;T

irresponsible, be;;nezodpovdn, bt;I col.

investigate (do investigation);;zkoumat (dlat

przkum);T P. sutesan (= sut+esan, seeking (other's)

irritated, be (anger comes out);;rozlen, bt (hnv

vychz);I writ.

irrefutable, be (steadfast (and) firm);;nevyvratiteln, bt

inventory: If (you) give the inventory in advance, then give (it to (vytrval (a) pevn);I
me).; : ;invent: Pokud irregular verb (strange (and) other
(bude) ten invent dvat s pedstihem, pak (ho) dej
action);T( );nepravideln sloveso (divn (a)
(m).;imper. col.
jin innost);sg. S. kriy

investigate (test completely); ;zkoumat (kompletn

invite;;zvt pozvat;T

irritated, be (mind (is) bad); - ; rozlen, bt (mysl (je)

irritated, become;();rozhnvat se;T
is;;je;suff. col.

invite (invite (and) call);;zvt (zvt (a) volat) pozvat is (means);;je (znamen);v.
(zvt (a) volat);T
is not; - - -
invite (say to-meet-on-arrival);; pozvat (ci shledat-se- ;nen;suff. spis. (or) suff. (or) suff. pol. (or) pref. col. (or)
pref. & suff. col. pol. (or) pref. & suff. col. (or) interj. (or) pref. &
invite (a monk);;pozvat (mnicha);T
suff. spis.
invite (a monk): because (I) was invited;: ( ~
);pozvat (mnicha): protoe jsem byl pozvan;mn.

invite (in an Internet chat program, do invite (and)

fix); ;pozvat (do programu na povdn si po
internetu, udlat pozvn (a) upevnit);T E. invite

is not: (He) is not even a king's servant.;:

;nen: Nen ani krlovm sluebnkem.;
is not: It is not special.;: ;nen: Nen to (nic)
is not: No, he is not a student.;():
;nen: Ne, nen student.;pol.

invite (in an Internet chat program): (I) have already invited

(you), for sure.; : ;pozvat is not: That is not a spirit house, majesty.;:
(do programu na povdn si po internetu): U jsem (t) pozval, ;nen: To nen bkv dm,
opravdu.;p.p. pol.
invite: (I) happily invite (you).;: T
is not: Thin-gyan in village is not like that.;:
;zvt: tastn (t) zvu.;pol.
;nen: Vesnick Tendan takhle
invite: (I) invite (you for) a visit.;: ;zvt:
Zvu (t na) nvtvu.;pol.

neprobh ( ~ nen).;pol.

invite: (She) invites other people, to give (her) an

advice.;: T
;pozvat: Zve ostatn lidi, aby (j) poradili.;pol.

is to be: e-mails that are to be of much knowledge;:

T ;ml by bt: e-maily, kter maj obsahovat ( ~
bt) hodn znalost.;

invite: I invite (you) now.;: ;zvt:

Prv (t) zvu.;pol. um.
invite: Therefore, (I) invite the leader of proposers (in debate),
teacher Mr. Mya Maung, to propose (his idea in the
T () ;zvt:
Proto (nyn) zvu vdce mluvch ( ~ navrhovatel) (v tto
debat), uitele pana Mja Mauna, aby vysvtlil ( ~ navrhl)
(svj nzor).;pol. um.
invite: They invite me.;:
;zvt: (Oni) zvou m.;pol.


inwardly (in one's mind, e.g. recite something in one's mind,

without pronouncing or making a sound); ;vnitn (ve
vlastn mysli, nap. recitovat nco ve vlastn mysli, bez
vyslovovn i dln zvuk);adv.
inwardly: In this case ( ~ "place) the (word) 'inwardly' is the
most suitable (one).; : ' '

is to be;;ml by bt;

is: (It)'s Mya Mya (Emerald-Emerald) (also during telephone

conversation).;: TT;je: (To) je Mja Mja (SmaragdSmaragd) (tak pi telefonnm hovoru);col.
is: is, that (there) was;T : T T ;je: je, e
is: What is book?;: ;je: Co je (to)
kniha?;inter. col.
is: Who is Maung Maung?;: ;je:
Kdo je Maun Maun?;inter. col.
island; ( );ostrov;sg.
island: island of Sri Lanka; : ;ostrov: Sr Lanka
(sinhlsk ostrov);
island: Manhattan is an island.; :
;ostrov: Manhattan je ostrov.;pol.
isn't (it)?; ;e?;interj. col.
isn't it?; ;ne?;col. (or) interj.
issue (problem); T;pot (problm);n. P. kicca (=
duty) (or) n. S. prana (= problem)


issues: In lay life, lay people have various issues (and)

udlosti, svrek bukovho tvaru);sg.
problems.;: ( ~
jackfruit (fruit (of) method (to make sth.)
) T ( ~ T)
thin);( );chlebovnk (ovoce zpsobu (jak nco
;problems: V laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) dlat) tenkm);sg.
jaggery (palm-licking); ;palmov cukr (lzn
it; (from ) [lakau~:];to;pron. writ.
it is so much ...;;to je tak ...;suff. col.
jaggery (sugar from toddy palm, palm licking);
it is, (that): (It is, (that)) attending the National Day every
year, (one) should try to always maintain ( ~ prosper) (own)
national spirit.;T :
T ;je to
(tak, e): (Je to (tak, e)) ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok,
by se ml (kad) vdy snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat)
vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. writ.

[ha~:., ha~:hly.];hkuru (cukr z palmyrov palmy, palmov


it is, that;T ;prv, je (to);T

jakkoliv; -: whatever;pron.;

it is, that ((it) is, (that));T ;je to tak, e (je (to tak,
e));suff. adv. writ.
it is, that: It is today, that he will come.;T :
T ;prv, je (to): Je (to) prv dnes, (kdy) pijde.;fut.

jail; ( );vzen;sg.
jail (EN col.); ( );kriminl (CZ col.);sg.
Jail, Insain (prison (of) Insain(village), prison (of) diamond
lake); ;Vzen, Insein (vzen (vesnice) Insein,
vzen diamantovho jezera);name
January (month); ();leden (msc);n. E. January
Japan (country); () ;Japonsko (zem);name

jealousy (want without pain {nouner});T ;zvist

{chtt bez bolesti {jmenec});n.

jeans; ( );dny kalhoty - dny;sg. E. jeans

it is, that: It is, that he will come.;T : T ;prv, jhana (any of the eight deep concentration levels of samath
je (to): Je (to) prv, (e) pijde.;pol. fut.
meditation); ;dhna (kterkoliv z osmi hlubokch stup
it is, that..; ;je to prv ..;suff. col.
koncentrace meditace samath);n. Bh. P. jhna (= meditation)
it, to: The discourses with more details preached by the
jst: Jez pomalu.;: TT eat: Eat slowly.;imper. pol.;
Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which jmno: Jak se jmenuje? ( Jak se nazv pnovo
is referred to in Sratthadpan.; : T
jmno?); : :name: What is your
name? (How is the lord's name called?);inter. uw.;

job ( ~ "doctor): U Zaw Win is a doctor.; ( ~ " ):
;to, na: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
;zamstnn ( ~ "doktor): U Z
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
Wen je doktor.;pol.
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
job ( ~ "work): (I) have a job. ((I) am working.).;:
it: it (is of) blue color; : T ;to: (je) to modr
;zamstnn: Chodm do zamstnn.
(Pracuji.).;cont. pol.
it: It is.;: ;to: To je.;writ.
job ( ~ "work): I have a job as a doctor. ((I) am doing doctor's
it: it was mentioned; : T ( ~
T );to: bylo to zmnno;p.s.
Italy (country);() ;Itlie (zem);name

item (sign (and) branch); ;vc (znamen (a)

item: (It) is a specific item, which indicates the commentarial
nature of Sutta Piaka.; :
T ;vc: Je (to) specifick vc, kter
naznauje komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
its; (from ) [lakau~:];toho;pron. writ.
itself (very);;jako takov;adj.
itself: The valley (itself) is so narrow.;:
;jako takov: (To) dol (jako-takov) je tak
jacket; ( );bunda;sg. E. jacket
jacket (men's formal, upper-garment (of) cell
form);( );bunda (pnsk, pro formln


work.);: ;prce: Pracuji jakoto

doktor. (Dlm doktorskou prci.);pol.

job ( ~ "work): I have a job in airline office. ((I) am working in

airline office.);: ;zamstnn ( ~
"prce): Jsem zamstnan v cestovn kanceli. (Pracuji v
cestovn kanceli.);cont. pol.
job ( ~ "work): Indeed, Taphek must search for a job.;:
;prce: Skuten, Daphek si mus
hledat prci.;col.
job (work (and) duty); ( );kol (prce (a)
job (work);( ) ( );zamstnn (prce);sg.
(or) suff. sg.
job (working (and) holding);;prce (zamstnn,
pracovn (a) dren);n.
job, have a (work);;zamstnn, mt (pracovat);I col.
job, have a: (I) still don't have a job. (I)'m attending a
school.;: ;zamstnn,
mt: Jet zamstnn nemm, chodm do koly ( ~ "nastupuji
(na) kolu).;cont. pol.

job, have a: I don't have a job any more. I am retired. ((I( don't journal; ( ) ( );denk (urnl)
work any more. (I) happened to take pension.);:
denk;sg. E. journal
;zamstnn, mt: U nemm
journal: a local technical journal; :
zamstnn. Jsem v penzi. (U nepracuji. Stalo se, e beru
T ;denk: jeden mstn denk o
technice (jeden vnitrosttn technick denk);
job: (I) don't have ( ~ "do) a job any more.;:
;prce: U nemm ( ~ "nedlm)

journey;( ) ( );cesta (vlet) vlet;sg.

job: part-time job (part time job);:

;prce: prce na sten vazek (prce (na)
sten as);n.

joy (tasting (and) living);;radost (chutnn (a) it);n.

P. syati (= taste)

join (a degree): Will you be able to join Master's

(degree)?; : ;nastoupit (spojit):
Bude schopen nastoupit na Magistersk (studium)?;inter. col.

joyfully; ;vesele radostn;adv.

journey back: At the journey back (he) went past and attacked
the group of Hanthawadi troops while they were crossing a
job: Do you have a job? (Are (you) doing work?);:
path..;T : T T
;prce (zamstnn): M prci? (Pracuje ;cesta zptky: Na cest zptky je nsledoval a
prci?);inter. cont.
zatoil na tu skupinu Hentvad vojsk kdy pechzeli pes
job: Have (you) come to (do) ( ~ "with) job, hey?;:
;zamstnn: Piel jsi kvli ( ~ "s)
joy (be-clear (and) shrivel-up {nouner}); ;radost (btzamstnn, co?;col.
jasn (a) vratit-se {jmenec});n.

joy: (I) happen to be happy (and) joyful.;:

job: What is your job? (What work are (you) doing?);:
T ;radost: Najednou jsem astn a
;zamstnn: Jak je (vae) zamstnn? vesel.;pol.
(Jakou prci dlte?);inter. cont.
joyful, be: I must be happy (and) joyful, as (I) have picked up
job: While (I) have a job, (I) also study by myself ( ~ "from one now a teacher or an elder brother.;T :
side).;: ;prce:
Zatmco mm prci, tak sm studuji.;pol.
T ;rozradostnn, bt: Musm bt astn
join; ;spojit pipojit;T
(a) rozradostnn, ponvad jsem si te vzal ( ~ sebral)
uitele nebo starho bratra.;pol. utmn.
join (a competition etc.); ;vstoupit (stt se lenem);T

join (together, stick-together (and) join); ;spojit

(dohromady, pilepit-k-sob (a) spojit);T
join: He'll join a race (and run). (He will join a running
competition.); : T ;vstoupit: (On) bude
zvodit. (On vstoup do bhac soute..);fut.

joyfulness (happiness, be-happy (and) rejoice

{nouner}); ;radost (tst, bt-astn (a) radovat-se
joyous, be; ;radostn, bt vesel, bt;adj.
joyous, be (stomach is-high); T ;radost, mt (aludek
joyously; ;astn;adv.

judge (also in game or discussion, referee, big

person);( );soudce (tak ve he nebo diskuzi,
joined, be (connect (and) join); ;pipojen, bt (spojit-se rozhod, velk osoba);sg.
(a) pipojit-se);I
judge: The marking judges should give marks after (they) watch
join: The words can be joined and used.; :

;spojit: (Ta) slova lze spojit a pouvat.;

joined, be: (It) is relevant to the joined sentence.; :

(and) listen to the behavior, gesticulation, usage (of words)
;pipojen, bt: Tk se to (t) (and according to the given) information from both the sides, of
pipojen vty.;pol.
the proposer and defendant.;:

joke; T ( )
;vtipkovat vtip;n. P. hsa (= laughter) (or) sg. (or) T (or)

;soudce: Znmkujc soudci by (v tto
T writ.
debatrsk souti) mli dvat znmky po sledovn a
joke (joke (and) joke); T ;vtipkovat (vtipkovat )a)
poslouchn chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle uvedench)
joke (joke (and) tease); T ;vtipkovat (vtipkovat informac od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele (uritho nzoru) a
obhjce (jinho nzoru).;pol.
(a) provokovat);T
joke (make joke);;vtipkovat (dlat vtip);T P. hsa judgment (at court, line-up (and) prepare
{nouner}); ;rozsudek (u soudu, zarovnat (a) pipravit
(= laughter, mirth)
joke with; - ;vtipkovat s;T
joke: Are (you) joking?; : ;vtipkovat:
Vtipkuje?;inter. pol.
joke: Do not joke.; : ;vtipkovat:
Nevtipkuj.;imper. pol.

judgment, pass a (at court, strike line-up (and) prepare

{nouner}); ;rozsudek, vynst (u soudu, uhodit
zarovnat (a) pipravit {jmenec});n.
judgment, pass a: After passing a judgment at court, the
deciding is completely finished.; :


T T ( ~
);rozsudek, vynst: Po vynesen rozdsudku u
soudu je rozhodovn zcela dokoneno.;pol.
jug, glass (glass jug); ( );konvice, sklenn
(sklenn konvice);sg.

;hned po: Hned po tom, co (to) takto udlm, dvm

(to) ostatnm studentm.;pol.
just happen;;prv se stt;suff.
just happen: Baby was just born.;:
;prv se stt: Miminko se prv (te) narodilo;

just now; ;prv te;adv.

jug, glass: The dropped glass jug did not get broken.; : just now (I have understood);;prv te (jsem
;konvice, sklenn: Uputn
sklenn konvice se nerozbila.;
just now: (The) boy just now hung up the phone, indeed.; :
juice; ;dus va;n.
;prv te: (Ten) chlapec prv
juice (mixed liquid); ;va (na pit, zamchan
te zavsil telefn.;col.
just over there;;zrovna tamhle;adv.
juice (fruit drink etc., dissolved liquid); ;dus (ovocn
atd., rozputn tekutina);n.
juice, fruit (mixed liquid); ;dus, ovocn (zamchan
juice, lime; ;dus, citronov;n. E. lime juice
July (month);() [jlai~l<];ervenec (msc);n. E. July

just when;; hned jak prv kdy;suff. adv.

just when: (We) will discuss just when (you) are free.;:
;hned jak: Popovdme si hned jak
bude voln.;fut. pol.
just, be;;fr, bt (CZ col., spravedliv);I


just: (I) am just a tourist.; : ( ~ );jen: Jsem

jen turista.;pol. col.

jump rope (rope of jumping (over)

rope); ;vihadlo (provaz skkn (pes)

;jen: Jen se dvm. (me bt eeno majiteli

obchodu jakoto reakce na jeho otzku co si chce zkaznk

jump: (it) started jumping;: ;skkat: zaalo skkat;p.p.

just: (I) can speak only in English.;:

T ;jen: Umm mluvit pouze anglicky (v

June (month);() [jo~l<];erven (msc);n. E. June

just: (I) just attend school.; : ( ~

);pouze: Pouze chodm do koly.;col.

jungle (great forest (and) dark

burl); ;dungle (velk les (a) temn
chuchvalec);n. rare

just: (I) just should say, that Sasra is miserable.;:

T ;jen: Jen je teba ci, e Sasra
je mizern.;

jump over the jump rope (jump (the) rope);;skkat pes just: (I) am just looking. (may be told to the shopkeeper as a
provaz (skkat provaz);T
reaction to his question what customer wants to buy);:

jump: Horse is jumping.;: T ;skkat: K (prv

te) ske.;cont.
jungle;;dungle;n. rare

just; - (col. from )

(from ) -;pouze
prost holt (CZ col.) prv tedy jen tak;adv. (or) suff.
adv. col. (or) suff. col. (or) suff. (or) conj. (or) suff. adv.
just (breat (and) breath); ;pouze (dech (a)

just: (I) just wanted to attain magical powers.; :

;jen: Chtl jsem jen
doshnout magickch moc.;p.s. pol.
just: (I) understand just little.;: ;jen:
Rozumm jen trochu.;pol. col.

just: (Living here) is just right.; : ;tak: (ivot tady)

just (loose method); ;prost (uvolnn zpsob);adv. je tak akort (fajn).;pol.
just: (We) will learn just later on.; : ( ~ )
;tedy: Budeme se tedy uit pozdji.;fut. col.
just (as for, if said); ;prv (co se te, kdy (se)
just: All (my) relatives are just here.; :
just (for no purpose): (I) was just asking. (may be replied as a () ;prv: Vichni (moji)
reaction to travellers confession of not undertanding);: pbuzn jsou prv tady.;col.
;jen tak: Ptal jsem se jen tak. (me bt
eeno jakoto reakce na piznn cestovatele, e

just: Do just the things that you have to do.;:

;jen: Dlej jen to, co m na
prci.;imper. pol.

just (only); ;jen (pouze) pouze;suff. (or) suff. adv.

just: Have (you) come just for a visit?; :

;pouze: Pijel jsi pouze na

just (to no purpose);;prost jen tak;adv.

just a little; ;jen trochu;adv. col.

just after; ;hned po hned just: Having just written the first Pi sentence from the first
part, I write (it) in the second part in English.;:
na to hned po tom;suff. prep. (or) adv. (or) adv. writ.

just after: Just after (I) do it thus, (I) give it to other
;hned jak: Hned jak napi prvn pi vtu z prvn
students.; : T


sti, napu (ji) do druh sti anglicky.;pol.

just: If (you) want to go, (then) just go.;:
;prost: Jestli chce jt, (tak) prost
jdi.;imper. col.

kamma committed through bodily actions (bodily

kamma);;kamma vykonan skrze tlesn iny (tlesn
kamma);bh. P. kya-kamma (= body - intentionally-doneaction)

just: It will finish just like this. (Just like this (it) will just finish kamma committed through speech (speech
(and) go.); : ;prv: Skon to prv takhle. kamma);; kamma vykonan skrze mluvu (kamma
mluvy);bh. P. vac-kamma (= speech intentinally-done(Prv s takto to zrovna skon a pjde.);fut.
just: Just about (to) live (and) eat. (answer to a question about action)
salary);: ;akort: Akort k peit (a)
jdlu. (odpov na otzku ohledn platu);col.

just: Just after (I) write it that way, (I) give (it) to the
teacher.;: ;prv:
Prv po tom, co (to) tak ( ~ tm zpsobem) napi, dm to

kamma: If there's enough ( ~ "contained) kamma, (I) may

happen to meet you either in Czech (Republic) or in
Yangon.;: T T
T ;kamma: Jestli je dost ( ~ "obsaena) kamma, (pak) se
me stt, e t potkm bu v esku nebo v Rangnu.;pol.
kamma: May (you) collect (good) kamma.;:
;kamma: K hromad (dobrou) kammu.;w. pol.

just: Just fine. ( ~ So so.) (Just like this.); : (also as

an answer for );prost: Mm se. (Prost takhle.);col. kamma: What a pity! ((This is) just kamma.);:
;kamma: koda! (ohledn vlastnho netst, (To je)
just: Just today (I) remembered and corrected (your letter)
well.;: T ;prv: Prv dnes jsem si prost kamma.);col.
vzpoml a (podn) opravil (ten tvj dopis).;

just: Just, thank you.; : ( ~ );tedy: (Tak)

tedy, dkuji.;col.
just: That's it, alright? (just this, ok?); : ;pouze: To
ve, ano? (pouze toto, ano?);
just: The salad is just (being) green.; :
;prost: (Ten) salt je prost zelen.;col.

kamma: What a pity! ((This is) just the true-nature (of) my

kamma.);: ;kamma: koda! (ohledn vlastnho
netst, (To je) prost skuten charakter m kammy.);col.
Karawait Hotel: Indeed, Natural History Museum, zoo (and)
Karawait Hotel (are there).; :
T ;Karavei
Hotel: Vskutku, (je tam) Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum, zoo
(a) Karavei Hotel.;

just: Wherever (you) just look, (you) will see ( ~ meet) the
Kayah (state of Union of Myanmar);(T );Kaj (stt
;jen: Kamkoliv se jen podv, uvid ( ~ setk se unie Myanmaru);name
Kayin (state of Union of Myanmar); (T );Kajen (stt
s) pagody.;fut. pol.
just: Who is over there? Those are just policemen.;: unie Myanmaru);name
;jen: Kdo je tmhle? Hele, to jsou jen keel (part of a boat, skeleton (of) boat's body);
;kl (st lodi, kostra lodnho tla);sg.
just. You are (being) skilled in Myanmar (language) just very keel (part of a boat);;kl (st lodi);sg.
much, aren't (you)?; : T ;prost: keel over; ;pekotit se (pes co);I
Jsi prost velice dovedn v Myanmarskm jazyce, e?;col.
keep;;uchovvat nechvat si (u sebe);T
justifiable, be (excusable, suitable (to be) freed (and)
permitted); ;prominuteln, bt (vhodn (k)
uvlolnn (a) povolen);I

keep (keep (and) set-aside);;ponechat si (ponechat-si

(a) dt-stranou);T

justification (design (of) base); T( );odvodnn

(nvrh zkladu);sg.

keep (rules);;dret (pravidla);T

Kachin (state of Union of Myanmar); (T );Kachen

(stt unie Myanmaru);name
Kachin nationality's lineage, a;;Kaen nrodnosti,
Kaikkasan (a place which was formerly a race
course); ;ajkkashen (msto, kter bylo pvodn
zvodn drhou);name
kale, Chinese (Chinese broccoli); ( );kapusta,
nsk (nsk brokolice);sg. Ch. gailan
Kamayut (township);( );Kamyo (sprvn

keep (precepts); ;dodrovat (pravidla);T

keep (sth. at sb., place (and) fix); ;nechat (nco u
nkoho, umstit (a) upevnit);T
keep (sth. somewhere);;uloit (nco nkde);T
keep (sth. with sb.); ();zanechat (nco u nkoho)
ponechat (nco u nkoho);T
keep mindfulness (practise remembering);;udrovat
vmavost (praktikovat pamatovn);T
keep on (join (and) glitter); ;setrvat v (spojit (a)
keep: (I) want to keep the key with you.; :
;nechat: (J) chci (ten) kl nechat
u tebe.;

kamma (previously or presently intentionally commited acts); key;( );kl;sg.

(rather as );kamma (dve nebo v ptomnosti zmrn key: (I) want to keep the key with you.;:
vykonan iny);n. P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)
;kl: (J) chci (ten) kl nechat u tebe.;


kick; ;kopnout kopat;T

mnistv) pistoup k mnichovi mnoha de ( ~ let mnistv).;

kick out (expel from a place, put-aside (to) berare); ;vykopnout (vyhnat, dt-stranou (aby) bylovzcn);T

kind: Do (you) like this kind?;: ;druh: M rd

tenhle druh?;inter.

kick out (expel, remove (and) throw); ;vykopnout (CZ

col., vyhnat nkoho, odstranit (a) vyhodit);T
kill; ;zabt;T
kill (an animal); ;zabt (zve);T

kind: Except this there (we) have two kinds more.;: T

;druh: Krom tohohle mme jet dva
kind: Now (there) are only two kinds of newspapers.;:
;druh: Te jsou (zde) pouze dva
druhy novin.;pol.

kill: Animals means (they) get free when killed by people,

friend.; : ;zabt: Zvata kind: three kinds;: ;druh: ti druhy;
znamen, e jsou vysvobozena kdy (je) lid zabij, pteli.;col. kind: What kind (is this?;: ;druh: Co je
(to) za druh?;inter.
kill: Having killed a person, that is a mistake being a mistake
which can never be taken back.; :
kind: What kind of?;: ;druh: Jak
T ;zabt: Zabit osoby, to je chyba (kter) je chybou, kindhearted, be (good nature); ;dobrosrden,
jakou ji nelze vrtit zpt. ;
bt (dobr charakter);I
kill: He doesn't kill living beings.; : ;zabt: kindness;;dobrotivost;n. P. mett (= loving-kindness) (or)
Nezabj iv bytosti.;col.
n. P. mett (loving-kindness)
kill: People say (it is) to release (them) and then there are
killings.; :
;zabt: Lid eknou (to je) pro (jejich)
osvobozen a pak dochz k zabjen ( ~ "jsou zabjen).;

kindness: Kindly (at the end of a letter);:

T;dobrotivost: Dobrotiv (na konci dopisu);adv. lett.

kilogram; ;kilogram;n. E. kilogram

king; ();krl;sg.

kilometer (distance);( );kilometr

(vzdlenost);sg. E. kilometer
kin;;pbuzn;n. un.
kind; ( );druh;n. (or) sg.
kind (done specially);( );druh (udlan
kind (lineage);( );druh (rodokmen);sg.
kind of (nature (and) kind);;druh (charakter (a)
kind of: Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of commentaries
were rehearsed.;:
Nejen Tipiaka, ale tak druh koment byly recitovny.;writ.

kindness: with faith (and) kindness;:

T;dobrotivost: s dvrou (a) dobrotivost;lett.
king (king, king); ( ) ( );krl (krl,
king (lord (and) king); ( );krl (pn (a) krl);sg.
king, be a (make king); ;krlem, bt (dlat krle);T

king, be a: The ministers urged Kyansittha to become a

king.; :
;krlem, bt: Ministi nalhali, aby se ansit
stal krlem.;writ.
king, one: (As for) one day, one great king arrives to the Wun
Zin village.; :
;king, one: A jednoho dne, jeden
velk krl pijel do Wan Zen vesnice.;

king: King Kyansittha worked in order to (maintain) the great

kind of: What (he) says is a kind of explanation.;:
country united.; :
T T T ;druh: Co k je druh ;krl: Krl ansit
pracoval aby (udrel tu) ohromnou zemi jednotnou.;p.s. writ.
kind, be; ;hodn, bt;I

king: King Naung became a famous king in the Taungs'

kind, this: Other statue of this kind is in the embarkment.;: era.; :
T ;druhu, tohoto: Jin T ;krl: Krl Nau se v obdob Taun stal
slavnm krlem.;writ.
socha tohoto druhu je na nalodn.;pol.
king: Thus the king asked to call Nga Nyo.; :
kind: (I) like to learn those two kinds of language.;:
;druh: Rd se um ty ;krl: A tak krl podal aby
zavolali a o.;
dva druhy jazyka.;

kind: a kind which can become overcooked;:

;druh: druh, kter se me pevait;

king: We have risen thousand times to the (level of)

king.; :

T ;krl: (U) jsme tisckrt vystoupili (na
rove) krle.;p.s. pol.

kind: A monk of little number of rains ( ~ years of monkhood)

approaches a monk of many rains ( ~ years of monkhood).; :
( ~
);druh: Mnich malho potu de ( ~ let

king's title;;krlovsk titul;pref.

kind: a kind of explanation;: T ;druh:

druh vysvtlen;


king's or state's servant ((who) carries king's

issues); ( );krlv i sttn sluebnk
((kter) nos krlovy zleitosti);sg.

kiosk with drinks (coldness shop);;stnek s pitm

(obchod studena);n.
kitchen (fire-place nook); ( );kuchyn (ohnitov

know well (also about people, know (and) beskillful); ;znt dobe (tak o lidech, znt (a) btdovedn);T

know well: (I) am happy that (I) was allowed to know (you)
;poznat dobe:
kitchen: Chef is in the kitchen.; : well.; :


(t) dobe poznat.;pol. FB
;kuchyn: Kucha je v kuchyni.;
kitchen: In the kitchen there is a stove.; : know: (He) knows in advance.;: ;vdt: V
( ) ( ~ ) ;kuchyn: V kuchyni
jsou kamna.;
kitten; ( )
( );kot;sg.
knee;( );koleno;sg.
knee (knee head); ( );koleno (kolenn hlava);sg.
knife;( );n;sg.
knife: Because I cut (myself) with knife, (I) got injured.;:
;n: Protoe jsem se znul
noem, poranil jsem se.;p.s. um.
knock (as a sound sign or on the door); ;klepat (jakoto
zvukov signl nebo na dvee);T
know;;znt vdt;I

know: (I) know (the fact that) he will come.;:

;vdt: Vm (o skutenosti,) e
know: (I) will tell (and give) (you) as much as (I)
;vdt: eknu (ti) kolik vm.;fut. pol. utmn.
know: As (I) was reading, (I) didn't know, indeed.;:
;vdt: Opravdu, nevdl jsem, protoe
jsem etl.;col.
know: as far as I know;: ( );vdt: co
j vm;(writ.)
know: because (I) don't know;: ;vdt: protoe

know (be-able, know (and) understand); ;znt

(bt-schopn, vdt (a) znt) vdt (bt-schopn, vdt (a) know: because (they) don't know;: ( ~
);vdt: protoe nev;
know: But one thing (I) know (very) well.;:
know (know, note (and) fix);;vdt (vdt,
;vdt: Ale jednu vc dobe
zaznamenat (a) upevnit);I
know how; ;vdt jak;I
know how (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner}); ;vdt jak know: Do you know?;: ;vdt: V?;inter. pol.
know: Even I don't know.;: ;vdt:
(bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec});I
Dokonce ani j nevm.;um.
know how to; ;vdt jak vdt jak (dlat);I (or) T
know not;;nevdt;I

know: Everybody knows.;: ;v: Kad v.;

);nevdt: Nevm, kde to tady pobl

dostanete ( ~ najdete).;

know: I know one thing. (And) that is, (that I) know nothing.;:
( ~
);vdt: Vm
jednu vc. (A) to, (e) nic nevm.;

know not: (I) didn't know (the fact that) today's Friday.;: know: Except you, everybody knows it.;: ( ~
) ;vdt: Krom tebe o tom v
;nevdt: Nevdl jsem (o
skutenosti,) e dnes je ptek.;
know: I don't even know.;: ;vdt:
know not: Where (you) will get ( ~ find) (it) nearby, (I) don't
Ani nevm.;um.
know.;: ( ~

know sb.: I ( ~ the monk) know (with) a female-lay

supporter from Myanmar.; : T T
( ~ T T
);znt se s (nkm): Znm se
( ~ mnich se zn) s jednou laickou podporovatelkou z
Myanmaru.;pol. mn.

know: If (you) have anything that (you) want to know, ask (me)
anything.;: ;vdt: Pokud m
(nco), co bys chtl vdt, ptej se na cokoliv.;imper. pol.

know: If (you) need to know anything, just ask.;:

know very well (through repeated hearing); ;znt velice ;vdt: Pokud (bys) poteboval nco vdt, tak se
prost zeptej.;imper. pol.
dobe (skrze opakovan poslech);I
know: If you don't mind, may (I) know?;:

know very well (through repeated hearing): While (you) listen
every day, as (you) get to know (it) very well, (your) speaking ;vdt: Jestli to nevad, mohl bych vdt?;w. pol.
will become more excellent, I think.; :
;znt velice dobe (skrze opakovan poslech): Kdy
(bude) poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice
dobe, stane se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.
know very well through repeated hearing; (from
);znt velice dobe skrze opakovan poslech;I WS.

know: Indeed, I don't know.;: ;vdt: Vskutku,

know: know the answer for the questions;:
T ;znt: znt odpov na otzky;

know: like if (you) don't know;: ;vdt: jako

bys nevdl;col.
know: May (I) know ven. Sir's name.;:


;vdt: Rd bych vdl jmno ct. pna. (K je jmno toho, co je psno.;w. pol.
ct. pna znmo.);pol.
knowledge, of much: e-mails that are to be of much

know: Only he knows (about) this matter.;:

knowledge;: T ;znalost,
;vdt: Pouze on v (o) tto zleitosti.;
hodn: e-maily, kter maj obsahovat ( ~ bt) hodn znalost.;
know: Pi commentaries are known.;: knowledge: (He) has neither experience, nor
;znt: Pi komente jsou znm.;writ.
;znalosti: Nem ani zkuenosti, ani znalosti.;
know: Sorry, I don't know the way.;:

;vdt: Omluvte m, neznm to tady. (Protoe j knowledge: (I) am just living with knoweldge and
cestu neznm.);pol. um.
mindfulness.;: ;znalost: Prost
iji se znalost a pozornost.;col.
know: the student I know;:
student kterho znm;n. um.

know: They, as well as we, know.;:

;vdt: Oni i my vme.;
know: things (one) should know;: ;vdt: vci,
kter by ml (kad) vdt;
know: we should know, for sure;: ;vdt:
mli bychom jist vdt;fut.

knowledge: (one) with one's own knowledge;:

()( ) ;znalost: sm sob se znalost;col.

knowledge: (They) are my teachers to give me knowledge of
;znalost: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali znalost

knowledge: (They) exchange (their) knowledge (and) wellversedness.;:

know: When you taste (eat (and) see), you may know.;:
;poznat: Kdy ochutn (sn ;znalost: Vymuj si znalosti a setlost.;
knowledge: As I am afraid, that if (I) had to explain ( ~ "tell)
(a) podv se), asi pozn.;pol. um.
(it) in ( ~ "with) writing, (it) would take long time, (it) will be
know: whoever knows;: ; vdt: kdokoliv v;
good if (you) understand ( ~ "get) (it) just by ( ~ "with)
knowledge.;: T
knowledge; (WS. from )
;znalosti znalost vdomost vdomosti;n. P. bahusuta ;znalost: Ponvad se obvm, e
(= heard much) (or) n. P. a (= knowledge) WS. (or) n. (or) kdybych (to) ml vysvtlit ( ~ "ci) (s) psanm, trvalo by (to)
dlouho, bude dobr, pokud (to) pochop pouze s (vlastn)
n. P. a (= knowledge)
knowledge (knowledge (and) knowledge);;znalost
(znalost (a) znalost);n.
knowledge (knowledge (and) knowledge);;znalost
(znalost (a) znalost);n. P. a (= knowledge)
knowledge (knowledge (and) wisdom);;znalost
(znalost (a) moudrost);n.
knowledge of five aggregates (of body, feelings, perception,
conditions and consciousness, which make up a
person);;znalost pti skupin (osoby: tla, pocit,
vnmn, podmnek a vdom, kter utv osobu);n. Bh. P.
khandha-a (= aggregates - knowledge)
knowledge of five aggregates: May (you) be able to come and
realize the the truths of Dhamma preached by the Noble
Buddha, by knowledge and coming to knowledge of five
aggregates through knowledge of what is written.;:
T T ;znalost pti skupin (osoby): K jsi
schopen dojt a pochopit pravdy Dhammy pednesen
Vzneenm Buddhou, znalost a dosaenm znalosti pti skupin
(osoby) skrze znalost toho, co je psno.;w. pol.

knowledge: We can understand, that (he) was of poor

;znalosti: Meme pochopit, e byl
chabch znalost.;writ.
knowledgeable, be (be-skilled (and) excel
{nouner}); ;znal, bt (bt-dovedn (a) vynikat
known as (called);; znm jako (zvan);adj.
known as, be (be-made known);;znm jakoto, bt
(bt-dlan znmm);I
known, be;;znm, bt (vdn);I

known, be: (They) are known as suttas.;: T

;znm jakoto, bt: (Jsou) znm jakoto sutty.;
kolik: Kolik at mus() zaplatit?; - :
how many: How many kyats (you) have
to pay?;inter. col.;
kolik: Kolik knih?; - : how many: How
many books?;inter. col.;

koro (mental sickness of belief, that one's penis will get smaller
and smaller and then, when it disappears, one will die, caused
knowledge, by;T;znalost;adv.
knowledge, by: May (you) be able to come and realize the the by little knowledge about one's body, can be healed by lecture
on anatomy, originally from China);; koro (psychick nemoc
truths of Dhamma preached by the Noble Buddha, by
vry, e vlastn penis se bude zmenovat a zmenovat a pak,
knowledge and coming to knowledge of five aggregates
kdy zmiz, dojde k smrti, pinou je nedostatek znalosti
through knowledge of what is written.;T:
T vlastnho tla, lze lit pednkou o anatomii, pvodem z
T T ;znalost: K jsi schopen dojt a
koro: sickness called koro;: ;koro:
pochopit pravdy Dhammy pednesen Vzneenm Buddhou,
znalost a dosaenm znalosti pti skupin (osoby) skrze znalost nemoc zvan koro;


kter ne: Tohle nen kniha kterou uitelka te.; : lad: How can I talk (in English), dear lad?; :
:which isn't: This book is not T ;mldenec: Jak bych mohla
what the (female) teacher reads.;pol.;
mluvit (anglicky), drah mldene?;inter. col.
kterkoliv; -:whichever;pron.;

ladies: Ladies and gentlemen! (You, respectable men and

women.);T : T
;dmy: Dmy a pnov! (Vy, ctyhodn pnov a
kyat ( ~ "money): twenty kyats ( ~ "money); ( ~ ""): dmy.);imper.
lady (precedes name);-;pan (ped jmnem);sg.
;iat ( ~ "penze): dvacet iat ( ~ "penz);
lady: Myanmar lady.;: T ;dma: Dma (z)
kyat ( ~ "money):ten kyats ( ~ "money); ( ~ ""):
;iat ( ~ "penze): deset iat ( ~ "penz);
kyat ( ~ "money): four hundred kyats ( ~ "money); ( ~
""): ;iat ( ~ "penze): tyi sta iat ( ~ "penz);

kyat (-): 200 (kyats), ok?; (-): ;kyat (-): 200

iat, jo?;col.

lady's fingers (okra, the meal);;okra (jdlo);n.

kyat (currency in Myanmar and Buma); ;at (mna v

Myanmaru a Barm);sg.

lake: a duck in a lake; : ;jezero:

kachna v jezee;

kyat (Myanmar currency); ;kyat (ale sprvn vslovnost je

iat nebo iat) Myanmarsk mna iat (nebo iat)
Myanmarsk mna;name

lake: the lake (is) in the West; :

;jezero: jezero je na Zpad;

kyat, quarter of (25 penny, quarter); ;iatu, tvrtina (25

hal, tvrtina);n.

lake (water pool); ( );jezero (vodn ndr);sg.

lake: The ship is sailing in the lake.; : T

;jezero: Lo se plav po jezee.;cont.

lakhs, a (hundred thousand);;sto tisc;num.

kyat, quarter of: seventy-five penny (three quarters) (historical lamp (fire's home);( );lampa (domov ohn);sg.
price); : ;iatu, tvrtina: sedmdest pt hal (ti
lamp, street (street fire); ( );lampa, poulin
tvrtiny) (historick cena);
(poulin ohe);sg.
kyat, quarter of: twenty-five penny (one quarter) (historical
land (country;T ( T );zem (vlast);sg.
price); : ;iatu, tvrtina: dvacet pt hal (jedna
landscape (be-spread (to) look); ;krajina (bt-rozen
tvrtina) (historick cena);
(k) dvn);n.

kyat: (It is) fourty-six kyats.; : T ;iat: (Je language;( ) (

to) tyicet est iat.;pol.
kyat: forty-four kyats (and) fourty penny (historical price); : language ( ~ "eat): I can talk just a little bit in (English). (As
T ;iat: tyicet tyi iat (a)
for (saying how to) eat food (and) drink water, that's just right.)
tyicet hal (historick cena);
(answer to the question about one's proficiency in a foreign
kyat: sixteen kyats, 6 penny (historical price); :
T T;iat: estnct iat, est hal (historick cena);

language); ( ~ ""):
;jazyk ( ~ "jt): Umm
kyat: two kyats, fifty penny ( ~ "half) (historical price); :
mluvit (anglicky) jen troiku. (Je v podku (tak mon ci)
;hal: dva iat, padest hal ( ~ "polovina)
jst jdlo (a) pt vodu.) (odpov na otzku o n schopnosti
(historick cena) iat: dva iat, padest hal ( ~ "polovina) mluvit njakm cizm jazykem);pol.
(historick cena);
language ( ~ speech): (I) like to learn those two kinds of
kyat's dime (of Konbaung period);;iatu, desetnk (z obdob

language.;: ;jazyk (
~ e): Rd se um ty dva druhy jazyka.;

kyat's dime: fifty penny (five dimes) (historical price);:

language (language (and) language);;jazyk (jazyk
;iatu, desetnk: padest hal (pt desetnk) (historick (a) jazyk);n. P. bhs (= language)
language (language (and) speaking);(
kyats: 20 kyats; : ;at: 20 at;
);jazyk (jazyk (a) mluven);sg. P. bhs (= language)
kyats: How many kyats (you) have to pay?; :
language: Because (I) am poor in languages.;:
;at: Kolik at mus() zaplatit?;inter. col. ;jazyk: Protoe jsem na
labor, hard (rough work); ;prce, tvrd (hrub

tom s jazyky patn. (Protoe jsem v jazycch uboh.);pol.


laborer (proficient (in)

work);( );pracovnk (zdatn (v)

language: Having a permission for such an exchange ( ~

discussion) in language is good.;:

;jazyk: Je dobr, e mm
svolen k takovto diskuzi ( ~ vmn) v jazycch.;

labourer (farm hand for entire season, borrowed intimate

person); ( );vpomoc (pomocn ruka na
farm na celou seznu, pjen dvrn osoba);sg.
lacking, be;;chybt;I
lad; ;mldenec;n.

language: Translate a book from English (language) to Czech

T ;jazyk:
Peloit knihu z anglickho jazyka do eskho (jazyka).;writ.


language: used language;:

;jazyk: uvan jazyk;
laptop; ( ) (T)( )
(T)( ) (T)
( );laptop;sg. E. laptop (or) sg. E. laptop-computer
laptop (portable small computer);
T( );laptop (penosn mal pota);sg.

until many long years (of) lasting.);:

;trvat: Chce, aby to tu bylo jet hodn
dlouho. (Chce, aby (to tu) bylo a do mnoha dlouhch let
last: (It is) a town of the last Myanmar king.; :
T T ;posledn: (Je to) msto poslednho
krle Myanmaru.;pol.

last: After some time. (When some 'laters' last.);:

laptop: Also, (my) laptop got broken.; :
;laptop: Tak, (mj) laptop se (mi) rozbil.;sg. pol. ( ~ ( )
);trvat: Za njakou dobu. (Kdy njak 'pozdjky'
large;;velik;adj. writ.
last (duration (is) long); ;trvat (trvn (je) dlouh);I

last (have continuing (and) flashing); ;trvat (mt

pokraovn (a) blskn);I

last: at the last part of life; : ;posledn: v

posledn sti ivota;
last: during ( ~ in) last (few) days; :
;posledn: posledn dobou (v poslednch dnech);

last: during the last three and a half years; :

;posledn: bhem poslednch t a pl
last (most back); ;posledn (nejvce vzadu);adj.
last (rotate (and) be-steadfast); ;vydret (dlouho, toit- let;writ.
se (a) bt-vytrval) trvat (dlouho, toit-se (a) bt-vytrval);I last: last (for) two weeks;: ;trvat: trvat dva tdny;

last: last week on Thursday; :
last (about days of week, months etc.);;minul (o dnech v



tdnu, mscch atd.);suff. adj.
last (about days): I came last Monday.;:
;minul (o dnech): Pijel jsem minul
last (long);;trvat (dlouho);T

lastly (in ending); ;konen (nakonec, v

lastly (then at end);;konen (pak na

last (long): (He) tries to (make) the tradition last (long).; : late; ;pozd;adv.
late at; ;pozd v;adv.
;vydret (dlouho): Sna
late at afternoon (evening sun's edge); ;pozd v
se, aby tradice vydrela (jet dlouho).;cont. pol.
poledne (hrana nonho slunce);adv.
last (long): (It) has been long (time) that (we) haven't met.
(Not-meeting has lasted long.);: ;trvat
(dlouho): Ji dlouho jsme se nesetkali. (Nesetkn trvalo
last (previous, which finished); ;minul (kter
last (take time);;trvat;I
last (week, night etc., last (and) last); ;posledn
(minu. tden, noc atd., posledn (a) posledn) minul
(tden, noc atd., posledn (a) posledn);adj.

late at night; ;pozd v noci;adv.

late at night (time (of) being late (to) enter

bed); ;pozd v noci (as kdy-je
pozd vstoupit (do) postele);adv.
late, be; ;pozd, bt;I
late, be (fall behind); ;pozd, bt (padnout zpt);I
late, be: Forgive (me), ("for) that (I) am replying late.; :
T ;pozd, bt: Odpus (mi),
(pro) e odpovdm pozd.;imper. pol.

last year (not year);;minul rok (nerok);adv.

late, be: I am sorry that (my) reply is late.; :

T ;zpozdit se: Omlouvm
se, e se (m) odpov zpozdila.;pol.

last year: (He) needs permission to sit ( ~ "answer) again for

the examination which (he) failed last year.;:
T ( ~ );minul
rok: Potebuje svolen k opakovn ( ~ "opakovanmu
odpovdn (u)) zkouky, kterou minul rok neproel.;

late, get (go (and) fall back); ;zpozdit se (jt (a)

padnout zpt);I

last long;;trvat dlouho;I

last year; ;minul rok;adv.

late, be: So, (I'm) late for the class.; :

;pozd, bt: Take jdu na lekci pozd. (Take lekce
je pozd.);col.

late, get: (I) am sorry that (I) got little bit late.; :
last year: Last year the shopkeeper died or what, (I) don't
;zpozdit se:
;minul rok: Minul rok majitel obchodu zemel nebo co, Omlouvm se, e jsem se trochu zpozdil.;p.s. pol.
late: A I have little bit too much work, (I) am replying
late.; :
last: (He) wants (it) to (go (and)) last for long time.; :
;trvat: Chce aby to (lo (a)) trvalo T ;pozd: Ponvad mm ponkud moc
prce, odpovdm pozd.;col.
last: (He) wants it to last very, very long. ((He) wants (it) to be later; - ;pozdji;adv.


later ( ~ "return): See you later. ((I) will return, ok?);T :

T ;pozdji ( ~ "vrtit se): Nashledanou. ( ~ "Vrtm
se, ano?);fut. col.

laugh: (I) don't laugh.;: ( ~ ) :

( ~ );smt se: Nesmji se.;T col. pol.

later (next part); ;pozdj (dal st);adj.

laundry; ;prdlo;n.

laugh: It it funny. ((One) must laugh.); : ;smt:

later ((in) future time); ;pozdji ((v) budouc as);adv. Je to legran. (Jeden se mus smt.);col.
later on; ;pozdji;adv.

laundry (clothes (and) kinds (of it)); ;prdlo

later on (after falls next); ;pozdji (a padne (obleen (a jeho) druhy);n.
laundry (shop, laundry shop); ( ) (WS. from
) ( );prdelna (obchod
later on (from back); ;pozdji (ze zadu);adv.
prdla);sg. WS. (or) sg.
later on (if falls next); ;pozdji (pokud padne

laundry, do the (clean clothes); ;vyprat (prdlo,

later on (in another one time); ;pozdji (v istit obleen) prt (prdlo, istit obleen);T
laundry, do the: The woman is packing the clothes before doing
jin jeden as);adv.
later on: (I)'ll tell (it to you) later, in calm, ok?; : the laundry.; :
;prt (prdlo): (Ta) ena bal
T ;pozdji: eknu (ti to) pozdji, v klidu,
prdlo ped tm, ne (prdlo) vypere.;cont.
jo?;inter. col.

later on: (It) is fine if later on (sb.) corrects (it) to be more

beautiful.; : T
;pozdji: (Bude) dobe, pokud (to) nkdo oprav aby to
bylo krsnj ne tohle.;col.
later on: (We) will learn just later on.; : ( ~
) ;pozdji: Budeme se tedy uit pozdji.;fut.
later: (We) will meet later.; :
;pozdji: Setkme se pozdji.;fut.
later: around two years later; -:
;pozdji: asi tak o dva roky pozdji;adv.
later: If you can overcome the difficulties, later (you) will be
able to live as a nun always (just) easily.; :
;pozdji: Pokud
doke pekonat (ty) pote, pozdji bude schopn t jako
mnika pod snadno.;fut.

laundry, do: Because the woman will do the laundry, (she) is

wearing blue gloves.;:
T ;prt prdlo: Protoe se (ta) ena
bude prt prdlo, m na sob ( ~ nos) modr rukavice.;

laundry: After the laundry is done, (it) becomes

clean.; :
;prdlo: Po vyprn prdla je ( ~ stane se) (to
prdlo) istm.;
law;( );zkon;sg. P. upadesa
law: (They) also passed a law (regarding the) university.;:
T ;zkon: Tak pijali zkon
(ohledn t) university.;writ.
law: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never heard (and they)
are doing how they want to do.;:
T ;zkon:
Vyhls zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se
jim chce dlat.;pol.

law: Homosexuals are not in accord with the law.;:

later: later when I can talk in Myanmar (language); :
T T ;pozdji: pozdji a budu umt ;zkon:
Homosexulov nejsou ve shod se zkonem.;pol.
mluvit Myanmarsky;
later: The commentarial character of the canon later thoroughly lawn (green spread grass);T ;trvnk (zelen
rozen trva);n.
influenced the late commentaries.; :

;pozdj: Komenttorsk charakter knonu
pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.
later: The wisdom that (you) taught will later become useful, at
a certain time.; :
;pozdji: Moudrost, kterou jsi uil, bude pozdji,
v uritou dobu, uiten.;fut. pol.
later: Visit (us) later again, please!; :
;pt: Pt (ns) navtiv znovu,prosm!;imper.
laugh; [y] ;smt se;T (or) T col.

lawn (spread grass);T ;trvnk (rozen trva);n.

lawn (grass, spread grass);T ;trvnk (trva, rozen
lawn: A hen is crouching on the lawn.;T : T
;trvnk: Slepice se kr na
lawn: on the lawn;T : T ;trvnk: na
lawyer (lives in-front);( );prvnk (ije
lay (fall-down (and) recline); ;leet (padnout-dol (a)

laugh (laugh exceedingly); ;smt se (smt se moc);T lay eggs;;klst vajka;T

laugh (ridicule, laugh (of) evil blood); ;smt se
lay eggs: Also, if (you) do not offer anything, soon the
(zesmovat, smch zlomysln krve);T unpl.
mosquitoes will come ( ~ "enter) and lay (their) eggs.;:
laugh at (mock); ;vysm

vat se;T

T ;klst vajka: Tak,


pokud nic nenabdne, brzy pilet ( ~ "vejdou) komi a

(zanou) klst vajka.;fut. col. sl.
lay life;;laick ivot;n.

;laik: Laici se hon za penzi,

vozidly, domy, lskou, krsnm obleenm, spchem, slvou

lay life (lay-people's duty); ;laick ivot (laick

povinnosti);n. P. vatta (= duty)

lazy, be; ;ln, bt;I

problems.;: ( ~
) T ( ~ T) ;laick
ivot: V laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;

lead (head (and) ride);;vst (velet (a) dit);T.

lay people;;laici;n.

lead: The great Myanmar army led by the king Naung was very
famous ( ~ famous (and) renowned) in the Asian
continent.; : T
;vst: (Ta) velk
Myanmarsk armda veden krlem Nau byla velice slavn ( ~
slavn (a) vhlasn) po (celm) asijskm kontinent.;p.s. pol.

lazy, be: With the excuse, that with the worldly problems (I)
cannot dedicate (it) time, I have been lazy.; :
lay life: (So, you) say, that (as soon as you) left the lay life,
(you) will come back (to it)?;:
T;laick ivot: (Take ty) k, e (jakmile jsi) ;ln, bt: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi problmy
tomu nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol. um.
opustil laick ivot, bude se do nj vracet?;inter. utmn.
lead (carry (the) priority); ;vst (nst prvenstv);T
lay life: In lay life, lay people have various issues (and)

lay people (precepts, rules): As for five precepts, (they) should

be protected by lay people too.; :
( ~ ) ;laici: Co
se te pti pravidel, (ta) by mla bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.
lay people: Monks get connected with lay people (and) write
(them).;: ;laici: Mnii se spoj s
laiky (a) pou (jim).;col.

lead (an army, subdue (and) look-after); ;vst (armdu,

krotit (a) starat-se-o);T

lead: Therefore, (there) were boycotting led by the elder

university students.; :
lay people: The five precepts should be especially observed by
;vst: Proto za veden starch student
( ~ "in) lay people.; :
university bojkotovali.;p.s. writ.
() ;laici: Pt pravidel by mly bt dodrovny
zejmna laiky ( ~ "v laicch).;pol.
lead: U Aung Zeyya together with his sixty-eight blood
comrades could successfully resist while being the leader ( ~
lay person;( ) ( );laik;sg.
while leading).; :
lay person (lay-people's duty); ;laik (laick
povinnosti);n. P. vatta (= duty)
;vst: Aun Zeyya spolu se svmi

lay person: (I) am a lay person.;: ;laik: Jsem laik.;pol.


pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal spn ubrnit
lay person: (I) depend ( ~ "am depending) on the meal offered

by the lay people.;:
;laik: Zvism na jdle darovanm laiky.;pol.
ubmn. writ.

leader;( );vedouc;sg.

leader (carries head); ( );vdce (nos

lay person: as a lay person;: T ;laik: jakoto hlavu);sg. (mn.)
leader (head (and) ride);( );vdce (velet (a) dit);sg.
leader (head-carrier); ( )
lay person: In lay life, lay people have various issues (and)
( );f (nosi hlavy) vdce (nosi hlavy);sg.
problems.;: ( ~
mn. (or) sg.
) T ( ~ T) ;laik: V
laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) problmy.;

leader: (He is) the leader-student of the Golden Shine

Revolution's Burmese Students' Association.; :
lay supporter (female): I ( ~ the monk) know (with) a

female-lay supporter from Myanmar.;: T T
( ~ T T ;vdce: Je vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat
);laick podporovatelka: Znm Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.
leader: As for the proposers' ( ~ speakers') leader sitting on
se ( ~ mnich se zn) s jednou laickou podporovatelkou z
my right, (it) is U Mya Maung.; :
Myanmaru.;pol. mn.

lay supporter, female;( )
T ;vdce: Co se te vdce mluvch, kter sed po
( );laick podporovatelka;sg. P. dyaka (=
m prav stran, (je to) Mja Maun.;pol.
supporter) (or) sg. P. upsika (= female-supporter)
lay supporter, male;( );laick podporovatel;sg.
mn. P. dyaka (= supporter)
lay supporters;;lait podporovatel;n. pl. P.

leaf (wood's leaf); ( );list (list (ze) deva);sg.

leaf (for wrapping, rolling, roofing etc.); ( );list (k
balen, svinut, zasteen atd.);sg.
leaf (for wrapping); ;list (na balen vc);n.

leaf of;;list (eho);suff. n.

lay: Lay people chase after money, vehicles, houses, love,
beautiful clothes, success, fame etc.;: leaf, palm;( );list, palmov;sg.
T () T
leaf, palm (leaf palm-leaf);( );list, palmov (list


leaf: When the leaves become grown ( ~ distributed), the
spring has come.; :
;list: Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho
list, pilo jaro.;p.p.

(prost) nejni (cena). (me bt eeno taxikem nebo

obchodnkem pi smlouvn);col.
leather (matterial, meat's skin);;ke (materil, ke

lean against;;opt se o;T

leather: (The one from) leather is also good.;:

;ke: (Ten z) ke je tak dobr.;col.

learn; ;uit se;T

leave; ;opustit odejt;T

learn ( ~ study): While (I) have a job, (I) also study by myself
( ~ "from one side).;:
;uit se ( ~ studovat): Zatmco mm prci, tak
sm studuji.;pol.

leave (leave out);T ;odejt (odejt ven);T

leave (holidays, vacant (and) missing
day); ( );volno (v prci, przdn (a) chybjc

learn (learn (and) hear); ;uit se (uit se (a) slyet);T leave (holidays): I have holidays in December.; :
learn (learn (and) listen): According to this law, all who need ;volno (z prce): Mm volno v
to learn at univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and) prosinci.;
listen), therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were, leave (keep sth. at sb., place (and) fix); ;zanechat
indeed, not satisfied.; :
(nco u nkoho, umstit (a) upevnit);T
leave behind (leave-behind (and) fix); ;nechat za sebou
T ;uit se (uit-se (a)
(zanechat (a) upevnit);T
poslouchat): Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit leave: (So, you) say, that (as soon as you) left the lay life,
na universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn)
(you) will come back (to it)?;:
povolen, proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch
T;opustit: (Take ty) k, e (jakmile jsi)
nrodnost nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
opustil laick ivot, bude se do nj vracet?;inter. utmn.
learn (learn (and) take); ;uit se (uit-se (a) brt);T
learn (learn writings); ;uit se (uit-se psan);T
learn (by heart); ;uit se (nazpam);T

leaves: Leaves fall.; : ;listy: Listy


lecture ('event (of) preaching (and)

learn (get to know, knowing (and) comes);;dozvdt se telling);T( );pednka (udlost kzn (a)
(vdn (a) pichz);T
learn by heart (learn (for) freedom); ;uit se
lecture (also at university, learning
nazpam (uit-se (pro) svobodu);T
line); ( );pednka (tak na universit, uebn
learn: (I) am going to learn.; : ;uit se:
Jdu se uit.;fut.

learn: As (I) wrote almost all what (I) have learned, the writing
(at examination) was successful.; :
T ;uit se: Ponvad
(jsem) napsal tm vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo psan (na
zkouce) spn.;p.s. pol.


lecture (at university, preach (and) say

{nouner});T ( );pednka (na univerzit, kzat
(a) ci {jmenec});sg.
lecture (at university, send (and) teach
{nouner}); ( );pednka (na universit, poslat (a)
uit {nouner});sg.

learn: I am going to ( ~ will) learn.; : ;uit lecture: As a commemoration of the National Day, lectures,
se: Jdu ( ~ budu) se uit.;fut.
exhibitions (and) competitions are held ( ~ made) (and)
learn: I'm studying (about) the Truth (Dhamma).; :
participated (by people).;T:
;uit se: Studuji Pravdu

(Dhammu).;pol. cont.
;pednka: Jakoto pipomnka Nrodnho
Dne, pednky, pehldky (a) soute jsou podny ( ~
learn: Now I am full of energy to learn.; :
T ;uit se: Te jsem pln energie k uen.; dlny) (a) zastnn (lidmi).;writ.
learning method (scheme (to) see);;uebn metoda
(pln (a) vidn);

lecturer, university (female, university teacher

female);( );profesorka, univerzitn
(ena, univerzitn uitelka);sg. f.

learning method: the learning method of four noble

truths;: ;uebn metoda: uebn metoda lecturer, university (male, university
teacher);( );profesor, univerzitn (mu,
pro tyi ulechtil pravdy;Bh.
univerzitn uitel);sg.
learning: Especially, you may need learning.; :

;uen: Zejmna bys mohl
potebovat se uit (~ uen).;fut.
least;;nejmn nejni;adv.
least: This is just the least. (may be said by a taxidriver or
merchant during bargaining);: ;nejni: To je

leech;( );pijavice;sg. gen.

leech (small, of land); ( );pijavice (mal, ijc na

left (left direction); ;lev (smr nalevo) nalevo
(smr nalevo);adv.


left behind, be; ;zanechn, bt;I

left, (to) (left direction); (WS. from
);levo, (na) (smr vlevo);adv. (or) adv. WS.
left, be; ;zbt zbvat;I
left, on the (left direction); ;vlevo (smr
left: on the left; : ;lev: na levo;
left: The bus is going to turn left.; :
;vlevo: Autobus zato vlevo.;fut.
left: Turn left, (and) on the right (you) will certainly find a
hotel.; :

;vlevo: Zato vlevo, (a) napravo jist nalezne

hotel.;imper. fut.
leg (leg (which) stands);T ( );noha (noha
(kter) stoj);sg.
leg (leg support);T ( );noha (non

;svolit: k se, e i pesto, ponvad

(jeho) dcera byla do a o moc zamilovan, svolil aby se
let be received (inserted at the end of a wish);;nech je
obdreno (vloeno na konci pn);suff. pol.
let go;;nechat jt;T

let know (about monks, pronounce (and) be-heard); ;dt

vdt (o mnich, vyslovit (a) bt-slyen);T mn.
let know: (I) want (you) to let me know.;:
;dt vdt: Chci abys mi dal vdt.;pol.
let me introduce: Let me introduce (us), ok? By name, we are
(young man) TunTint and Ms. Thaung Si.; :

;pedstavme se: Pedstavme se, ano? Jsme (Jmenujeme se) mlad pn ThonTen a slena TauS.;pol.
let sb. know ((let) hear whereabouts); ;dt vdt
((nechat) slyet informaci);T

leg (leg's support);T ( );noha

(podpora nohy);sg.

let sb. know (give knowledge);;dt vdt (dt


dv nohy.;

let us: OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let (us) talk
briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks bar.;:
T ;nech:
Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech
mluvme strun), pobl ji nen dn obchod s chlazenmi
npoji.;col. pol.

leg: (I) must go ( ~ ascend) to hospital, because I broke (my) let sb. know (inform, give hearing
whereabouts); ;dt vdt (informovat, dt
leg.;T : T
slyet informaci);T
;noha: Musm jt ( ~ nastoupit) do
let sb. know: Ven. Sir, just if you arrive to Myanmar country,
nemocnice, protoe jsem si zlomil nohu.;cont. um.
let me know.; : T T
leg: (I) straighten (my) legs.;T : T
;dt vdt: Ct. Pane, pokud
T ;noha: Narovnm nohy.;
jen dorazte do (zem) Myanmaru, dejte mi vdt.;imper. pol.
legs: You have two hands (and) two legs.;T :
T ;nohy: M dv ruce (a) utmn.
lend; ;pjit (nkomu);T
lend (a thing);;pjit (nkomu nco);T
lend (money);;pjit (nkomu penze);T
lend (sth. to sb.);;pjit (nco nkomu);T
lend (sth. to sb.): (He) lent (it) to me.;:
;pjit (nco nkomu): Pjil mi (to).;um.
lessen; ;zmenit;T
lessen (become small); ;zmenit se (stt-se
lessen (decrease (to be) little); ;zmenit (snit (aby
bylo) mlo);T
lesser; ;men;adj.
lesson; ( );lekce;sg.
lesson (of education, written chappter (for)
learning); ;lekce (vyuovn, psan kapitola (k)

let's; ;pojme zna ptelsk

nvrh (nap. pojme, udlejme atd.) -me (zna ptelsk
nvrh);imper. col. (or) suff. (or) suff. pol.
let's: After that let's have a talk. (When that finishes, let's
borrow (and) take (the) time, ok?); :

;pojme: Pak si popovdme. (Kdy to

skon, pojme si pjit (a) vzt as, ano?);inter. pol.
let's: Let's finish the (writing) discussion, (indeed.); :
( ~ );pojme:
(Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).;
let's: Let's go ( ~ "come (and) go)!;: ;-me: Pojme! (
~ "Pijdme (a) odejdme!);imper. fr.

lesson: alphabet, beginner lessons, intermediate

let's: Let's go ( ~ "come)!;: ;-me: Pojme! ( ~
lessons; : ( ~ T)
"Pijdme!);imper. fr.
; lekce: abeceda, lekce pro
let's: Let's go, ven. sir.; : ;-me:
zatenky, lekce pro pokroil;n.
Pojme, ct. pane.;imper. utmn.
let (allow);;nechat (svolit);T
let's: Let's go!;: ;-me: Pojme!;imper. fr.
let (happen, inserted at the end of a wish);;nech (se stane,
let's: Let's go! (used for monks);: ;-me: Pojme!
vloeno na konci pn);suff. pol.
(uvno pro mnichy);imper. utmn.
let (sb. do sth.): It is said, that even though, as the daughter
let's: Let's meet (on a day) since tomorrow.; : T
loved Nga Nyo very much, (he) let them to get
;pojme: Pojme se setkat (njak den) od
ztka.;col. fr.


let's: let's worship!;: ; pojme ( ~ -me):

Uctvejme!;imper. col. um.
letter;( );dopis;sg.

level, upper (level up); ;stupe, vy (stupe

letter (character, round writing);( );psmeno (znak, level: (I) almost approached to the level that (I) had attained

kulat psan);sg.
before.;: T
;stupe: Tm jsem se piblil ke
letter (character, written round);( );psmeno
stupni, kterho jsem doshl dve.;pol.
(napsan krouek);sg.
letter (to send);( );dopis;sg.
letter, recommendation (letter (to) give
support); ( );dopis, doporuen (dopis (k)
dodn podpory);sg.

level: somebody's level; :

;rove: n rove;
level: the level is high; :
T ;rove: rove je vysok;

letter: (He) sticks a stamp on a letter.;:
;dopis: Pilepuje znmku na dopis.; liberate (record releasing); ;osvobodit (nahrt
letter: (I) stay in the position looking like (form (of)) English
letter 'L'.;: L T
( ~ L
);psmeno: Zstvm v pozici vypadajc jako
(tvar (kter m)) anglick psmeno 'L'.;pol.
letter: a letter (given) to a friend;:
;dopis: dopis (dan) jednomu pteli;n.

library (building (of) watching

books); ( );knihovna (budova sledovn
library: The museum and the library.; : T
;knihovna: Muzeum a knihovna.;col.

lick; ;lzat;T
letter: Having read the letter ..;: ;dopis: A si lido (swimming pool, water crossing
pete ten dopis ..;
pool); ( );koupalit (ndr (na) pechzen
letter: I got ( ~ received) your letter.;:
;dopis: Dostal (jsem) Tvj dopis.;pol.
lie (lie lies);;lht (lht li);n.
letter: Please, can you explain your ideas regarding these
things in ( ~ "with) letter?;:

T;dopis: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv
nzory ohledn tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.

lie (lying speech);;le (liv mluva);n. P. mus (=


letter: There are just (so) many stamps on the letter.;:

;dopis: Na dopise je tak
hodn znmek.;col.

lie (rest); ;leet (odpovat);T

lie (tell lies);T;lht (kat li);T

lie (tell lying speech);;lht (kat livou

mluvu);n. P. mus (= lie)
lie (tell lies);;lht;T

lie (untruth);;le (nepravda);n.

letterbox (post-office box);( );potovn schrnka lie prone (extend belly (and) turn-face(potovn krabice);sg.
down); ;leet na bie (nathnout bicho (a)
letters (characters): (It) is alright to have opened many
programs ( ~ "files) with small letters at once.;:
lie: (He) doesn't tell lies.;: ;lht: Nele.

(Nek li.);col.
;psmena: Je v podku mt oteveno mnoho program ( lie: As for by some (people), (they) are only just lying
~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny najednou.;
(lies).;: T ( ~
lettuce (salad leaf); ( );salt, hlvkov
(saltov list);sg. E. salad
level;( );stupe;sg.

level (level (and) grade); ;rove (rove (a)

level (also in meditation);;stupe (tak v meditaci);n.
level (of existence);( );stupe (sfra, existence);sg.

);lht: Co se te nkterch (lid), prost, jenom lou

( ~ "lou li).;col. pol.

lie: As much as (I) can, (I) do not tell lies, indeed.;:

T;lht: Jak jen mu, nelu,
lie: He lies me.;: ;lht: (On) le mi.;

lie: lying pig; : ( ~ )

level (of someone, hand quality); ( );rove (n, : ;leet: lec
kvalita ruky);sg.
level, be at a different (hand quality (is)
lie: People's lies are abundant.;: ;le:
different); ;rovni, bt na jin (kvalita ruky (je)
Lidskch l je spousta.;
lie: The patient is lying on the hospital-bed.; :
level, be of same (hand quality (is) same); ;rovni,
bt na stejn (kvalita ruky (je) stejn);I
level, lower (level down); ;stupe, ni (stupe

;leet: Pacient le na
nemocnin posteli.;cont.

life; ( ) ;ivot;n. P. bhava (=


life) (or) n. P. bhava (= existence, life) (or) n. (or) sg.

life span (life line); ;ivota, dlka (ivotn ra);n.

lift, give a: Can (you) give me a lift?;:

;svzt: Mete (m) svzt?;inter. fut.

life span: The life span of a person is around 80

years.; :
;ivota, dlka: Dlka ivota lovka je ( ~ trv) asi
80 let.;

lifted, sth.;;zvednutho, nco;n.

life, lay; ; ivot, laick;n.

light (of color): light yellow;: ;svtle (o barv): svtle


life, present; ;ivot, ptomn;n.

light (light color); ;svtlo (barva svtla);n.

light (about a lamp etc.);;svtit (o lamp atd.);T
light (of color);;svtle (o barv);suff.

life: at the last part of life;: ;ivot: v posledn light color, be of; ;svtl barvy, bt;I
sti ivota;
light color: The black car is smaller than the car of light
life: I haven't ever seen a clay alms-bowl in my life.;:
color.; :
T T ;ivot: V ivot jsem nevidl ;svtl barva: (To) ern auto je men ne (to) auto
hlinnou almun msu.;col.
svtl barvy.;
life: I zealously try to get various things and finally I die.;: light fire (light fire); [m: ho~:, m:cho~:];zaplit

ohe (zaplit ohe);T
;ivot: Horliv se (j) snam
light, be; ;svtl, bt lehk, bt;I (or) I un.
dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut.
light, be: This stone is light.;: ;lehk,
life: in my life;: ;ivot: v mm ivot;

life: May your wishes (and) life become same.;:

T ;ivot: K jsou (tv) pn a ivot stejn.;w.
life: noble life;: TT ;ivot: ulechtil ivot;

bt: Tento kmen je lehk.;

light, turn on ( ~ open fire): At night, the cars normally turn on

the lights (and) go ( ~ drive).; : T

;svtla, rozsvtit ( ~ otevt ohe): V
noci auta obvykle rozsvt svtla (a) jedou ( ~ d).;writ.

life: Not (As much as not being) able to abandon the lay life, light: At night the street lamps light.;:
(we) must live like this.; : ;svtit: V noci svt poulin lampy.;
;ivot: (Jak moc) neschopn (nejsouce
light: Sir, I am aunt of this extinguished light.; :
schopn) zanechat laickho ivota, musme t ivot takhle.;col. ;svtlo: Pane, (j) jsem teta tohohle
life: one's own life;: ;ivot: vlastn ivot;

life: the remaining part of life;: ;ivot:

zbytek ( ~ "zbvajc st) ivota;
life: they are going to take (a new) life;:
T ;ivot: dostanou nov ivot (jsou dostvajc jeden
ivot);fut. col.
life: They are happy, as (they) together possess a pleasant,
good life.;:
;ivot: Jsou astn, protoe
spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.

uhaenho svtla.;pol. idi.

light: The color of candle's light is yellow.; :

T ;svtlo: Barva
svtla svky je lut.;
lighter (scrape (for) fire);T ( );zapalova (okrabat
(pro) ohe);sg.
lightness: The woman carries a hand bag of little weight ( ~
;lehkost: (Ta) slena nos lehkou kabelku ( ~
kabelku mal lehkosti);

lightning (flash abruptly goes bright

{nouner}); T ;blesk (blesk neoekvan
life: whole my life;: ;ivot: cel mj ivot jde zc {jmenec});n.
(po cel mj ivot);n.
lightning, go (flash abruptly goes
life: They taught me about life.;:
;ivot: (Oni) m uili o ivot.;p.s.

life: whole the life;: ;ivot: cel ivot;

lifespan (life continuation); ;ivotnost (pokraovn

ivota) dlka ivota (pokraovn ivota);n.
lift, give a;;svst (nkoho);T

lift, give a (give following (and) sending);;svzt

(dt nsledovn (a) posln);T
lift, give a (by taxi): Where should (I) give (you) a
lift?;: ;svzt: Kam (vs) mm
svzt?;inter. fut.
lift, give a: (I) can give (you) a lift.;:
;svzt: Mohu (vs) svzt.;pol.
lift, give a: (I) will give (you) a lift home.;:
;odvzt: Odvezu (t) dom.;fut.


bright); ;blesk, prochzet (blesk neoekvan

jde zc);I.
lightning, go: Over the town there goes a
lightning.; : ;blesk,
prochzet: Nad mstem prochz blesk.;
like; ;hele jako
lbit se rd, mt;suff. prep. (or) prep. (or) I (or) suff. (or) T (or)
interj. col.
like ( ~ "(be) satisfied): If (you) like ( ~ "(are) satisfied),
please, help (me).; T: T
;chtt ( ~ "(bt) spokojen): Pokud chce ( ~ "(jsi)
spokojen), prosm, pomoz mi.;imper. pol.
like (immerse (and) descend); ;rd, mt (ponoit-se (a)

like (like (and) descend); ;rd, mt (mt-rd (a) schzet- like: do (you) like France (country)?; : T
dol) rd, mt (mt-rd (a) sestupovat) lbit se (mt-rd (a) ;rd, mt: M rd Francii (zemi)?;inter.
sestupovat);I (or) T
like: Do (you) like this kind?;: ;rd, mt: M
like (nature falls);;rd, mt (charakter pad);T
rd tenhle druh?;inter.
like (a person);;rd, mt (osobu) mt rd (osobu);T
like (follows after a v.);; jako;suff. adv.
like (sb.'s behavior, immerse (and) like);;rd, mt (n
chovn, potopit (a) mt-rd) lbit se (n chovn, potopit
(a) mt-rd);I
like (such as); ;jako teba tj.;suff. writ.
like a;;jako;conj. writ.
like if; ;jako kdyby;adv. writ.
like if: (We) lived like if married, though (we) were not
married.; :
;jako kdyby: ili jsme jako kdybychom byli
svoji, pestoe jsme nebyli svoji.;p.s. pol.
like most;;nejradji, mt;

like: how... oh... eh...: How much... oh... eh... much ... give ...
like, 120 (kyats).;: ( ~ )
;hele: Kolik... ehm... no... hele, dejte (mi) 120 (iat).;col.
like: I also like it. (Spring Spring also likes (it).);:
;rd, mt: Tak to mm rda. (Jaro Jaro
(to) m tak rda.);pol.
like: Just like this ( ~ here).;: ;jako: Stejn (- tak)
jako tohle ( ~ tady).;col.
like: like if (you) don't know;: ;jako: jako bys
like: Since I've met him I like (him).;:
;rd, mt: Od (doby co jsem) ho potkal, mm (ho)

like that (like that); ; tm zpsobem (jako to) like: Sir, do (you) like Myanmar (country)?;:
T ;rd, mt: Pane, mte rd (zemi)
tak (takto, jako to);adv. col. (or) adv.
Myanmar?;inter. uw.
like that: (I) just think like that.; : ;tak: (J)
myslm prost tak.;col.

like this (this much); ;takhle (tohle mnostv);adv.

like this: It will finish just like this. (Just like this (it) will just
finish (and) go.);: ;takhle: Skon to
prv takhle. (Prv s takto to zrovna skon a pjde.);fut.

like: What you explain, I like, (my) friend.; :

T ;lbit se: Lb se mi ( ~ "j
rd), co vysvtluje, pteli.;

like: Whenever the ven. Sir likes, (he) may ask (me) whatever
(he) wants to ask.;:
like this: Just like this ( ~ here).;: ;tak jako: Stejn (- ;chtt: Kdykoliv ct. Pn bude chtt,
me se m zeptat na cokoliv chce (se zeptat).;pol.
tak) jako tohle ( ~ tady).;col.
like: Why do (you) think, that (I) don't like ( ~ "need) you?;:
like, as one: Really, do as (you) like.;:
;rd, mt: Pro si
;chce, jak (nkdo): Hele, dlej jak
mysl, e t nemm rd ( ~ "nepotebuji)?;inter.
chce.;imper. col.
like: Woman is to man very dangerous, like fire, man also is
like fire, very dangerous to woman.;:
like, just ); (from );jako, prv );adv.

like: (I) don't like (it).;: ;rd, mt: Nemm (to)

like: (I) like that (one).;: ;rd, mt: Mm rd
;jako: ena je pro mue velice
nebezpen, jako ohe, mu je pro enu tak velice
like: (I) like the white book.;: T ;rd,
nebezpen, jako ohe.;
mt: Mm rd (tu) blou knihu.;pol.
like.: It can be seen by verses like tenhu por and so
like: (I) will take ( ~ like) both.;: ;rd:
on.; : ' ' T
Vezmu si oboje. (Mm rd oba.);pol.
;jako: Me to bt vidt z ver jako tenhu
like: (If I) say it that way, would (you) like (it)?;:
por a tak dle.;writ. pol.
T ;lbit se: Bude se (ti) to lbit, kdy to eknu
likes, as (one); ;peje, jak si (nkdo)
tak?;inter. pol.
chce, jak (nkdo);adv.
like: (They) can talk following ( ~ having followed) the side ( ~
likes, as (one): As you like.;:
group of speakers), which (they) themselves agree with (and)
;pt si: Jak si (ty) peje.;col.
like.; :

lime (fruit);( );limeta (citrusov plod);sg. S.
T ;rd, mt: Mohou mluvit nsledujce (tu) stranu
( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami souhlas (a) kterou maj
lime juice; ;citronov dus;n. E. lime juice
lime juice ); ;limetkov dus );n.
like: (They) cannot think like people.;:
lime juice: six cups of lime juice;:
;jako: Nemohou myslet jako lid.;
T ;citronov dus: est skleniek citronovho
like: All whatever you say, (I) like.; : T
( ~ );rd, mt: Vechno
limit; ;limit;n.
co k, (j) mm rd.;
limit (blocking (and) demarcating); ;zbrana
like, be; ;jako, bt;I


(blokovn (a) ohraniovn);n.

limit: in the limits of (existence of) Ssana; :
;hranice: v hranicch (trvn) Ssany;

listen: (He) listens to songs.; :

;poslouchat: Poslouch psniky.;

limitation (be-tight (and) tighten {nouner}); ;omezen

(bt-tsn (a) tsnit {jmenec});n.

listen: (I) will listen to the ven. Sir, ok?;:

() ;poslouchat: Budu poslouchat (co) ct. Pn
(ekne), ano?;inter. fut.

limitation: There are very much of limitations in the Myanmar

country.; : T T
;omezen: V zemi Myanmaru je mnoho

listen: Do what the grandparents say, to the letter, dear

daughter.; :
T ( ) ;poslouchat: Dlej do
psmene co (ti) prarodie kaj.;imper. col.

limitless, be ((does) not have blocking (and)

demarcating); ;neomezen, bt (nem
blokovn (a) ohraniovn);n.

listen: If (I want) to listen to songs, (I) listen.; :

;poslouchat: Kdy (chci)
poslouchat psniky, tak poslouchm.;pol. col.

listen: If (I) want to listen to the Dhamma, (I) listen.;:

limitless: limitless (and) omnipresent happiness; :
;neomezen: neomezen ;poslouchat: Kdy chci poslouchat Dhammu,
tak poslouchm.;col.
(a) vudyptomn radost;
listen: Just while (you) listen to a song.; :
limpid, be; ;przran, bt;I
;poslouchat: Prv bhem toho, co
line; ( );linka (ra) ra;sg.
poslouch psniku.;col.
line (line's route); ( );linka (ra, cesta
ry) ra (cesta ry);sg.

line of writing (writing lines); ;dka psan (dky

line, starting (measured leaving line); ;ra,
startovn (men opoutc ra);n.
lineage; ( );rodokmen;sg. (or) n. un.
lineage (lineage, succession (and)
connection); ( );rodokmen (rodokmen,
posloupnost (a) spojen);sg.
lineage: certain Kachin lineage;:
;rodokmen: jist rodokmen Kaen;n.
link;;napojen odkaz;n. E. link

link (refer-to (and) spread-out);;odkaz (odkazovat (a)

link (to a book, refuge (to) lean-against);T ;odkaz (na
knihu, toit (o kter se lze) opt);n.

listen: listen to Dhamma;: ;poslouchat:

poslouchat Dhammu;

listen: Please, listen.; :

;poslouchat: Prosm, poslouchej(te).;imper. pol. writ.
listen: While (you) listen every day, as (you) get to know (it)
very well, (your) speaking will become more excellent, I
think.; : T
;poslouchat: Kdy (bude)
poslouchat kad den, jak (to zane) znt velice dobe, stane
se (tv) mluven znamenitjm, myslm si.;pol.
liter;;litr;n. E. liter
liter: There is one liter of water in the bottle.;:
;litr: V lhvi je jeden litr vody.;
literally (listen and do what sb. says, buy ground without
decreasing);T ;doslova (dlat doslova co druh k,
kupovat zem bez sniovn);adv. fig.

Linux (system); ( ) ( );Linux

(systm);name E. Linux

literary ((of) writing (and) palm-leaves);;literrn (psan

(a) palmovch-list);adj.

lips; ;rty;pl.

literature, classical; ;literatura, klasick;n.

liquid, thick;;tekutina, hust;n.

literature, Myanmar: (I) have completely finished Myanmar

literature (subject) at school.;T : T
;literatura, Myanmarsk: Zcela jsem dokonil
(pedmt) Myanmarsk literatury ve kole.;pol. col.

Linux (system): Better ( ~ "more good)than Windows system is literary (product), a (writing (and) palmleave);( );literrn (product, psan (a) palmovthe Linux system.; :
;Linux (systm): Linux
literature (palm-leaves writings);;literatura (psan (na)
systm je lep ( ~ "vce dobr) ne systm Windows.;pol.
lip; ;ret;n.
liquid; ;tekutina tekut;n.
liquid: water (is) liquid; : ;tekutina: voda (je)
list; ;seznam;n.
list (basic writing); ( );seznam (zkladn
listen (ear stands); ;poslouchat (ucho stoj);T

literature, Myanmar;T ;literatura, Myanmarsk;n.

literature: The study of national literature also happened to be


;literatura: Tak dolo k oteven studia
nrodn literatury.;pol.

listen to: (I) happen to be listening to the (Buddha's)
little; ;mlo trochu;adv.
Dhamma.;: T ;poslouchat: Pihodilo
little (not enough);;mlo;adv.
se, e poslouchm Buddhovu Dhammu.;


little bit; ;ponkud trochu;adv.

po troce.;

little bit (quite (and) somewhat); ;trochu (docela

(a) ponkud);adv.

little by little: (It) little by little becomes small.;T T :

T T ;postupn: Postn se zmenuje ( ~
"stv-se malm);

little bit, just: (I) still understand just little bit.; :

;troiku, jen: Pod rozumm
jen troiku.;

little by little: little by little, more and more;T T :

T T ;postupn: postupn, vc a vc;

little bit: (He) is little bit late.; :

;trochu: Trochu se opozdil. (Je trochu

little, a; ;trochu;adv.

little bit: (I) am sorry that (I) got little bit late.; :
Omlouvm se, e jsem se trochu zpozdil.;p.s. pol.

little, a: (I) understand a little.; : ;trochu:

Trochu rozumm.;pol.

little bit: (I) can (talk) little bit in English, but much (I) cannot
(talk).; :
;trochu: Umm trochu
anglicky, ale moc, (to) neumm.;pol.

little, a: (I) can read (in Burmese) a little; :

;trochu: Umm trochu st (Barmsky).;pol. col.

little, be (small (and) small); ;drobn, bt (mal (a)

little, just a; ;troku, jen;adv. col.
little, very; ;mal, velice;adj.
col. (or) adj.

little bit: (This is) little bit too much.; : ;ponkud: little: (I) think, (it) is because (I have) little perfections ( ~
(To je) ponkud moc.;pol.
pram).;: ( ) ;mlo: Myslm si,
little bit: I can talk in Myanmar language little bit.; :
e je (to), protoe (mm) mlo dokonalost ( ~ pram).;pol.
T T ;trochu: Umm
little: (This is too) little, friend. (can be said by a taxidriver when
trochu mluvit barmsky (myanmarsky).;pol. um.
he is not satisfied with the given amount of money);:
little bit: If the time for correcting (your writing) got little bit
delayed because of (it), (then I) am sorry.; :
T ;trochu: Jestli
se kvli tomu trochu spozdil as k oprav (tvho psan), (pak)
se omlouvm.;pol.

;mlo: (To je moc) mlo, pteli. (me bt eeno

taxikem, pokud nen spokojen s placenm mnostvm

little bit: In this letter I will answer little bit regarding the
question what are the place worth seeing in Myanmar
(country).; : T T

T ;trochu: V tomto dopise trochu odpovm
ohledn otzky jak jsou v Myanmaru msta vhodn
nvtvy.;fut. pol.

little: Here is little about me.; :

( ~
);trochu: Zde je trochu
o m.;pol.

little bit: Talk a little bit about the Dhamma.; :

;trochu: Hovoit trochu o
little boy (baby or child, little
male); ( );kluk (chlapeek, miminko
nebo dt, mal mu);sg.
little by little;T T T T ; po troce po

little: 100 (kyats) is, really, little.; : ;mlo:

No, 100 (iats) je mlo.;pol. col.

little: I have no doubt. (I have not even a little

doubt.); : ;mal:
Nemm nejmen pochybnosti. (Nemm ani malou
little: There is little more. (The remaining part is just
little.); : ;trochu: U
zbv jen trochu. (Zbvajc sti je jen trochu.);pol.
live ( ~ "be): (My) mother is (still) alive. Father has passed
away.;: ;naivu ( ~ "bt): (Moje)
matka je (stle) naivu. Otec (u) neije ( ~ "zemel).;p.p. pol.

little by little (by move (and) move);; krek po krku live ( ~ "be): (They) do not live any more. (Both parents) have
(pohybem (a) pohybem);adv.
passed away.;: ;t ( ~ "bt): U
little by little (by move (and) move): As for the turtle, not
neij. (Oba rodie) u zemeli.;p.p. pol.
stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little by little.;:
live ( ~ "life): live from hand to mouth (life of movement of
;krek po krku
mouth from movement of hand);:
(pohybem (a) pohybem): Co se te elvy, ani by se
;t ( ~ "ivot): t z ruky do pusy (ivot
zastavila (nebo) si odpoala, krek po krku jde.;writ.
pohybu st z pohybu ruky);idi.
little by little (movement by movement, slowly (and)
slowly); TT;krek po krku (pohyb po
pohybu, pomalu (a) pomalu);adv.

little by little (about progress);T T ;po trokch (o

little by little: (I) am doing each little by little.;T T :
T T ;po troce: Dlm kad

live (about monks): the monastery, where the Mon (great)

monks live; :
;t (o mnich): klter, kde ij Monov,
(ohromn) mnii;mn.
live (also as );;t (tak jakoto );I
live (dwell, about monks, use uposatha-


precepts); ;t (pebvat nkde, o mnich, uvat

pravidel-uposathy);T mn. P. sta (= coolness)
live life (live life (and) live (and) sit); ;t
ivot (t ivot (a) t (a) sedt);I
live life: I saw how very rich people, who (have) many things
live (their) life.; :

;vci: Vidl jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj)
mnoho vc, ij (svj) ivot.;p.s.
live: (I) don't want to live as a lay person.;: T
;t: Nechci t jakoto laik.;pol.
live: (I) live in Yangon.;: ;t: iji v
Rangnu.;col. pol.
live: Also other nationalities live (there).;: T
;t: Tak ostatn nrodnosti (tam)
live: He will live in Yangon or Mandalay.;:
;it: Bude t v Rangnu
nebo v Mandalaji.;fut.
live: house to live in;: ;bydlet: dm k bydlen;
live: How do you feel ( ~ "live) in Burma (country)? Good. (I)
am happy.;: T
;t: Jak se ije ( ~ "ije) v Barm
( ~ "Barmsk zemi)? Je (to) dobr. Jsem astn.;inter.
live: I live in Anoyatha road.;:
;t: iji v ulici Anoyatha.;

livery (same, equal complete

dress); ( );stejnokroj (stejn, stejn kompletn
living beings; ;iv bytosti;n.
living beings: He doesn't kill living beings.; :
;iv bytosti: Nezabj iv bytosti.;col.
living room (guests' room); ( );obvac pokoj
(pokoj host);sg.
living room: There are chairs in my house's living room.; :
;obvac pokoj: V
obvacm pokoji mho domu jsou idle.;pol. um.
lobster (short kite);( );humr (krtk luk);sg.
local (in (the) territory);;mstn (v oblasti);adj.

local (in the country, in country);T ;mstn (v zemi, ve

local: a local technical journal;T :
T ;mstn: jeden mstn denk o
technice (jeden vnitrosttn technick denk);
local: local people (local natives);:
;mstn: mstn obyvatel (mstn rodil);pl.
location; ;umstn;n.

lodge; ;bydlet noclehovat;T

lodge (dwell (and) take-refuge); ; bydlet (pobvat (a)

lodge (about monks use uposathaprecepts); ;ubytovn, bt (o mnich uvat pravidellive: I live in Kamayut township.;: uposathy);T mn. P. sta (= coolness)
;bydlet: Bydlm ve sprvn oblasti Kamyo.;pol. um.
lodge (live at); ;bydlet;T
live: It's fine here. (Life (here) is good.);:
;t: Je tu fajn. (t tady je dobr.);pol.

lofty, be (high (and) grand);T;ulechtil, bt (vysok (a)


live: Living there is good.;: ;t: Je lofty, be (high (and) noble);TT ;lechetn, bt (vysok (a)
fajn ( ~ "dobr) tam t.;pol.
live: Sir, who will you live with?;: ;t:
lofty, be (high);T;ulechtil, bt;I
Pane, s km budete t?;inter. fut. col.
lofty, be: May (you) be able to rule over everything (and) may
live: whatever city (you) live in;: ;t: a u
ije v jakmkoliv mst;

(you) be able to possess a lofty life.;T:

T ;vzneen, bt: K me mt
live: Where do you live now?;: ;t: Kde vldu nad vm (a) k me mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen
te ije?;inter.
ivot.;w. pol.
live: Where does he live?;: ;t: Kde ije? logically (proper consequences (and) proper
reasons); ;logicky (sprvn nsledky
live: wherever (you) live;: ;t: kdekoliv ije;

livelihood, five kinds of wrong (often understood as the five

kinds of wrong business, namely: Business in (a) weapons, (b)
human beings, (c) meat, (d) intoxicants and (e)
poison);;ivobyt, pt druh patnho (obvykle
chpno jakoto pt druh patnho obchodu, tj. obchod se (a)
zbranmi, (b) lidskmi bytostmi, (c) masem, (d) omamnmi
ltkami a (e) jedem);n. Bh. P. micch-jva (= wrong-living)

(a) sprvn dvody);adv.

logically: when (we) think logically; :

;logicky: pokud pemlme
London (town of Great Britain); ();Londn (msto Velk
lonely, just; ;sm, pouze
(osamocen);adj. col.

livelihood, five kinds of wrong: Majority avoid the five kinds of lonesome; ;samotn (osamocen);adj. col.
wrong livelihood.;:
long (time);;dlouho;adv.
;ivobyt, pt druh patnho: Vtina se vyhb long (time), be;;dlouho, trvat;I
pti druhm patnho ivobyt.;pol.
long (time): He will come (just) before long.;:
liver; ( T ) (from )
;dlouho: Pijde (prost) zanedlouho.;
( T );jtro;sg. (one, one, pair)
long for;;touit po;T


long for (sb.);;touit po (nkom);T

;dle: Nebude tu dle ( ~ dlouho)?;inter. col.

long time; ;dlouho;adv.

longer ( ~ "more): May (your) life be longer ( ~ "long more)

long time (big lasting);;dlouho (velkho trvn);n. (than one) hundred (years). (wish expressed on a friend's
birthday); : ;del ( ~ "vce): K je
long time (long counting);;dlouho (dlouh
(tvj) ivot del ( ~ "dlouh vce) (ne) sto (let). (pn
vyjden na narozeninch ptele);w. pol.
long time, take;;dlouho, trvat;I
long time, take (catch being-long);;trvat dlouho
(chytnout dlouh-trvn);I

longyi (Burmese sarong, tie around); ( )

[lounj];lound (Barmsk sarong, vzat okolo);sg.

long time, very: As I haven't been writing for a very long time,
(I) have forgotten a lot.; :
T ( ~
);dlouho, velmi:
Ponvad jsem velmi dlouho nepsal, hodn jsem zapoml.;p.s.

longyi (long skirt for women, worn by stage dancers, consisting

three parts sash, skirt and hem, great-grandfather getsup);( );lound (dlouh dmsk sukn noen
jevitnmi tanenicemi, skld se ze t st: erpa, sukn a
lem, praddeek vstv);sg.

time.;: ;dlouho: Chce aby to

(lo (a)) trvalo dlouho.;

look (life form;;vzhled (podoba ivota);n.

longyi: (Young man) Aye is wearing green longyi.; :

long time: (He) is afraid, that (it) will take long time.;: () ;lound: (Mlad pn)
T ;dlouho: Obv se, e (to) bude trvat nos zelen lound.;
look;T (sl. from ) ( );vzhled
podvat se dvat se;T sl. (or) I (or) T (or) sg.
long time: (He) wants (it) to (go (and)) last for long

long time: Are you studying Burmese for a long time?;:

;dlouho: Studuje barmtinu
long time: In Myanmar, the newspaper have been indeed
published for long time.;: T
;dlouho: V Myanmaru byly noviny
publikovny ji dlouho (dlouhou dobu).;pol.
long time: Not long time. It has been already around six
months.;: T ;dlouho:
Ne dlouho. Je to u asi est msc.;
long-term (long counting);;koneckonc (dlouh
long, be; ;dlouho, bt dlouh, bt;I

look (somehow, life form appears; ;vypadat

(podoba ivota se-ukazuje);I
look after; ;starat se o;T

look after (look (and) see); ;starat se o (dvat-se (a)

look after (setup seriousness);;starat se o (nastavit
vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)
look after (a sick person, make (and) collect);;starat se o
(nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat);T
look at; -; dvat se na;T writ.
look at (look (and) see); ;dvat se na (dvat-se (a)
look at (consider, see (and) ponder);T ;dvat se na
(zvaovat, vidt (a) rozvaovat);T

long, last: (It) has been long already.;: ;dlouho, trvat: look like ((be) same with); ; vypadat jako ((bt) stejn
U je (to) dlouho.;
long, last: Has (it) been long?;: ;dlouho, trvat: Je look like (appearance (is) same); ;vypadat jako (vzhled
(to) u dlouho?;inter.
(je) stejn);T
long, last: It still hasn't ( ~ "isn't) been long.;:
;dlouho, trvat: Jet to nebylo ( ~ "nen)
long: (I) cannot meditate ( ~ sit) long.;:
;dlouho: Nedoku meditovat ( ~ sedt)

look like (take (by) thinking); ;vypadat jako (brt

look like (take look like);T ;vypadat jako (brt vidn
look like (taking look to (is) same with); -
-;vypadat jako (bran dvn-se k (je) stejn s);I

long: hair is long;: ;dlouh: vlasy jsou dlouh; look like (will be);T ;zdt se bt (bude) vypad jako
long: Hair is long.;: ;dlouh: Vlasy jsou dlouh.; (bude);v.
long: May (your) life be longer ( ~ "long more) (than one)
look like: (I) stay in the position looking like (form (of)) English
hundred (years). (wish expressed on a friend's birthday);:
letter 'L'.;T : L T
;dlouh: K je (tvj) ivot del ( ~
( ~ L
"dlouh vce) (ne) sto (let). (pn vyjden na narozeninch );vypadat jako: Zstvm v pozici vypadajc jako
ptele);w. pol.
(tvar (kter m)) anglick psmeno 'L'.;pol.
long: The (pair of) trousers of white color is long.;:
T ;dlouh: Ty (jedny) kalhoty
bl barvy jsou dlouh.;
long(er): Won't you stay long(er)?;:

look like: (It) looks like (if he were) watching (it).; :

T ( ~ ) T
: T ( ~
);vypadat jako: Vypad (to), jakoby (to)


look like: According to the map, it looks like if there is a
treasure in this cave.; : T
;vypadat jako: Podle mapy to
vypad, jako kdyby v tto jeskyni byl poklad.;

look: As for me, (when I) decide, (I) don't even look back ( ~
"turn (and) look).; : T

;podvat se: Co se te m, (kdy j)

rozhodnu, nepodvm se ani zpt ( ~ "otoit (a) podvat).;col.

look: If (I) have the ability, (I) am ready to look (at it).; :
;podvat se: Pokud
look like: This building looks like a palace.; :
;vypadat jako: Tato budova mm tu schopnot, pak jsem pipraven se (na to) podvat.;pol.
vypad jako palc.;
look: Look at the map.; : T ;podvat se:
podvej se na (tuto) mapu.;imper. pol.
look like: This luggage looks like Thai.;T :
()T ;vypadat jako: Toto
look: Look at those two (persons); :
zavazadlo se zd bt Thajsk.;
;podvat se: Podvej na ty dv (osoby);imper. pol.
look like: When (I) shave my head, it looks like a
radish.; - -:
;vypadat jako: Kdy si oholm hlavu, vypad
jako edkvika.;
look upward; ;dvat se vzhru;T

look: Look.; : ;podvat se: Podvej(te) se.;imper. pol.

look: The girl looks sad.;:
;vypadat: Ta dvka vypad smutn.;
look: whenever (you) look; : ;podvat
se: kdykoliv se podv;

look: Oh, (I) am going tolook (more), ok? (may be said by

customer as a reply to the merchant when offered goods are
not desired); : ;dvat se: Eh..
podvm se (dl), ano? (me bt eeno zkaznkem jakoto
odpov obchodnkovi, kdy nechce nabzen zbo);col.

look: Wherever (you) look, it is extremely pleasurable.; :

;dvat se:
Kamkoliv se podv, je to velice pjemn ( ~ vhodn k
poten (se)).;pol.

look: (He) never looks back.;T :

T T ;podvat se: Nikdy se nepodv zpt.;

looks like ..., ... ((it) will have-to-be said that ...
is); T - -;vypad jako ..., ... (bude muset-bt
eeno e ... je);v. writ.

look: (I) am just looking. (may be told to the shopkeeper as a

reaction to his question what customer wants to buy); :
;dvat se: Jen se dvm. (me bt eeno majiteli
obchodu jakoto reakce na jeho otzku co si chce zkaznk
look: (I) will look (more), ok? (To get looking.) (may be said
by customer as a reply to the merchant when offered goods
are not desired); : ;dvat se: Budu se (dl)
dvat, ano? (Abych se podval.) (me bt eeno
zkaznkem jakoto odpov obchodnkovi, kdy nechce
nabzen zbo);col.
look: (I) will look (more), ok? (may be said by customer as a
reply to the merchant when offered goods are not
desired); : ;dvat se: Budu se (dl) dvat,
ano? (me bt eeno zkaznkem jakoto odpov
obchodnkovi, kdy nechce nabzen zbo);col.

looked at; ;dval se na;p.s.

loop (of a song, repeating series of sounds);;smyka

(hudebn, opakujc se srie zvuk);n.
loop (of a song): (I) compose one loop, two loops, to a
song.;: ;smyka (hudebn):
Skldm jednu smyku, dv smyky, do psniky.;col.
Lord; [fy] (from );Pn;n. utmn. WS.
lord;( ) [fy] ( );pn;sg.

Lord Buddha: According to ( ~ in) what the Lord Buddha said,

there are three ways for making merit.;T :
;Pn Buddha: Dle toho, co ( ~ v) Pn
Buddha ekl, jsou ti zpsoby dln zsluh.;pol.
lose; ;prohrt ztratit;T

lose: If (you) do not practise, what (you) have (already) got, the
good (knowledge) of writing (and) good (knowledge) of
look: (I) will search and look (for it), ven. Sir ...;:
speaking may get lost, (they) say ...; :
... ( ~ );podvat ...;ztratit:
se (po): Budu hledat (a) podvm se (po tom), ct. Pane ... ;fut. Pokud netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a)
dobr (zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.
look: (I) will see (if I can) repair.; : T ;dvat lose: The sportsmen in white dress (are) losing the game.;:
se: Podvm se, (zda to mohu) opravit.;fut. pol.
T ;prohrt:
look: After (he) puts (one hand on another), (he) looks in front,
down on the floor, having opened (his) eyes.; :

( ~ );dvat
se: Po tom, co polo (jednu ruku na druhou), dv se dopedu,
dol na zem, otevenma oima.;pol.

Sportovci v blm dresu prohrvaj hru.;

lost, be (be-lost, be-void (and) (go)); ();ztratit

se (bt-ztracen, bt-prost (a) (jt));I
lost, be (be-lost, hide (and) (go)); ();ztratit se
(bt-ztracen, schovat-se (a) (jt));I

lost, get; ;ztratit se;I

look: As for hats, (we) have (them), indeed, (we) have. (Just)
lot of, a; T T ;hodn mnoho;adv. (or)
various kinds. Here, look.; :
suff. adv. (or) adj.
;dvat se: Co se te klobouk, (ty) mme, vskutku,
lot of, a (many (and) much);;spousta (mnoho (a)
mme. (Prost) nejrznj druhy. Tady, podvejte.;col.




lot of, a: (I have) a lot of work.;:

;spousta: (Mm) spoustu prce.;

love, make;;milovat se;T P. methuna (= sexual


lot of, a: From a tree can be taken a lot of

wood.;T : ( ~ ~
) T ;hodn: Ze stromu lze zskat
hodn deva.;
lot of, a: I have a lot of water in my room.;:
;hodn: Mm v pokoji hodn vody.;pol.
lotus;( );lotos;sg.
lotus posture (sitting form (of) restrained buttocksplanks); ;lotosov pozice (podoba sezen
zkrocench hovch prken);n.

love, make (depend-on (and) hover-around);;milovat se (mt

sex, zviset (a) poletovat-nad);T ow.
love, make (have-sex (and) have-sex); (WS. from
);milovat se (mt-sex (a) mt-sex);T P. methuna (=
sexual intercourse)
love, with (at the end of a letter); T T;lskou, s (na
konci dopisu);adv. lett.
love: (He) loves extremely much.; : ;milovat:
Miluje extrm moc.;
love: (I) am one-sidedly ( ~ secretly) in love. (I am in platonic
love.); : ;milovat: Jsem
jednostrann ( ~ tajn) zamilovan. (Jsem platonicky
zamilovan.);cont. col.

lotus posture, half (with left leg up, lotus-posture while

placing right leg up); T
;lotosov pozice, polovin (s levou nohou
nahoelotosov-pozice zatmco prav noha (je) poloen love: (I) love (you very much), dear.; : ;milovat:
nahoru);n. med.
(Moc t) miluji, drah.;col. fr.
lotus posture, half (with right leg up, lotus-posture while
love: As (you) don't fulfill any responsibilities of love ( ~
placing right leg up); T
"loves), (you) should punish yourself.; :
;padmsana, polovin (s pravou nohou nahoe,

(or it was "

lotosov-pozice zatmco prav noha (je) poloen

- but different meaning);lska:

nahoru);n. med.
Pestoe nepln (dn) zodpovdnosti lsky ( ~ "lsek), ml
lotus: one red lotus (and) one white (lotus);:
T ; leknn: jeden erven leknn (a) jeden bl (leknn);

by ses potrestat.;imper. sl.


love: love on surface, loving kindness in heart (egg's white's

love, yolks' affection); :
;lska: lska na povrchu, zalben v srdci (lska blku,
zalben loutku);prov.

love: It is said, that even though, as the daughter loved Nga

Nyo very much, (he) let them to get married.; :
;milovat: k se,
loudly; ;hlasit;adv.
e i pesto, ponvad (jeho) dcera byla do a o moc
lovable, be; ;lbezn, bt;I un.
love; T ;lska milovat;n. P. mett zamilovan, svolil aby se vzali.;
love: Love of one is great, anger of (another) one is (also)
(loving-kindness) (or) T (or) n.
love ((heart) palpitates, breast jumps); (WS. from great.; :
( ~ );lska: Lska
);milovat ((srdce) bu, hru ske);T WS. (or) T
love (like (and) descend); ;milovat (mt-rd (a) schzet- jednoho je velk, vztek druhho ( ~ "jednoho) je (tak) velk.;
loud, be (wide); ;hlasit bt (irok);I

love secretly; ;milovat tajn;T

love, be in (gone in love); ;zamilovan, bt

(odeel do lsky);adj.

love, be in (love (and) like); ;zamilovan, bt (milovat love: The statue was thus created as (he) so much loved his
queen, who died at the place.; :
(a) mt-rd);T
;milovat: Ta socha
love, be in platonic; ;zamilovan, bt
byla takto vytvoena, protoe tolik moc miloval svou krlovnu,
kter na tomto mst zemela.;pol.
love, be in: (I) am not in love.; :
love: This (little) picture is good for loving.; :
;zamilovan, bt: Nejsem zamilovan.;
;milovat: Tenhle (mal) obrzek je
love, be in: The man and woman are in love.; :
dobr k zamilovn.;pol.
;zamilovan, bt:
love! (address to one's sweetheart or spouse, in a love letter or
(Ten) mu a (ta) ena jsou zamilovan.;cont.
song); ;lsko! (osloven svmu partnerovi v milostnm
love, fall in (be-caught (by) love); ;zamilovat se (btvztahu, v milostnm dopise i psni);voc.
chycen (do) lsky);I
loving-kindness (also as one of the 40 Buddhist meditation
love, fall in (become loving); T ;zamilovat se (stt-se
techniques);;milujc-dobrotivost (tak jakoto jedna ze
tyiceti buddhistickch metod meditace);n. P. mett (= lovinglove, fall in: (They) fell in love with the boy.; T :
T ;zamilovat se: Zamilovaly se
loving-kindness: (He) shines loving-kindness.;:
do toho chlapce.;pol.
;milujc dobrotivost: Z milujclove, great (much-of love); ;lska, obrovsk (mnoho


loving-kindness: here the walking meditation means lovingkindness in walking.;: T

;milujcdobrotivost: Zde meditace v chzi znamen milujc-dobrotivost
v chzi.;pol. writ.

lunch (eating (of) day going-round, noon

eating); ;obd (jezen obhajcho dne, poledn

low, be; ;nzko, bt nzk, bt;I

MA (degree);;Mgr. (titul);n. E. Master

low, be (fall low); ;nzko, bt (padat nzko);I

low, be: Therefore, they are considered by people as (those)
who live low in (this) life.; :
T ;nzko, bt:
Proto jsou lidmi povaovny za ty, kdo v (tomhle) ivot ij

lunch (for monks): eat lunch;: ;obd (pro

mnichy): obdvat (jst obd);v. .mn.
MA (person, person (who) got great
title); ( );Mgr. (osoba, osoba (kter)
dostala velk titul);sg.
MA. degree; ;Mgr. titul;n. P. mahvijj (=
great knowledge) (or) n. E. master

machine; ( );stroj;sg.
low, be: to release (them) from the low life; : machine: modern machines; : ( ~
T ;nzko, bt: aby (je) osvobodili z nzkho ivota;
);stroj: modern stroje;pl.
low: Rain clouds are ( ~ came) very low.; :
machinery; ;zazen;n. P. cakka (= circle)
;nzko: Deov mraky ( ~ pily) velice
macintosh (rain coat);( );pltnka (deov
pl);sg. E. coat
lower; ;ni snit;T (or) adj.

lower: Hanthawadis of lower Myanmar (country) also

rebelled.; : T
;ni: Hentvad z niho (sttu) Myanmaru se
tak bouili.;writ.
lowest ( ~ "least): This is just the least price.;:
;nejni: To je nejni cena.;col.
loyal, be (have fidelity);; oddan, bt (mt vrnost);I P.
loyalty: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha has been recorded in
Myanmar history by many.;:
T ;vrnost: Zpsob vrnosti
ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii Myanmaru.;writ.
lucid, be (break explicitly);T ;ziv, bt (rozbt
luck: Good luck! (May (there) be luck.); :
;tst: Hodn tst! (A je tst.);w. pol.
lucky, be; ;tst, mt;I
lucky, be ((of) good previous-actions); ;astn, bt
(majc tst, dobrch pedchozch-in);I P. kamma (=

mad, be; ;blzen, bt len, bt;I (or) I ow. (or) I col.

mad, be (can be-broken); ;blzen, bt (me btrozbit);I

mad, be: mad people;: ;len, bt: len lid;pl.
madam (used as an address to an older unknown
woman);;teto (uito k osloven star, neznm
madam (used as title for names of older women);;dma
(uvno jakoto titul ped jmny starch en);pref.
made of: However, it is statue made of gold.;:
;vyroben z: Ale to je socha vyroben ze
made, be (indicates passive mode);;dlan, bt (zna trpn
Madrid (town in Spain); () [mar.];Madrid (msto
magazine; ( );magazn;sg. E. magazine
magazine: Which ( ~ "what) magazine do (you) read?; :
;magazn: Jak ( ~ "co) magazn

magic (parlour); (WS. from );magie

luggage (box (to be) carried (on)
(jevitn);n. WS. (or) n.
trips); ( );zavazadlo (bedna (k) noen magical feat (capacity (to) be-able); ;magick skutek
(na) vletech);sg.
(schopnost bt-schopn);n.
luggage (suitcase, bag (to be) carried (on)
magical power (ability resembling
trips); ( );zavazadlo (kufr, taka (k)
magic); T ;magick moc (schopnost
noen (na) vletech);sg.
podobajc-se magii);n.
luggage (with clothes, clothes
box); ( );zavazadlo (s obleenm, krabice

magical power (power (and) potency (of)

sorcery); ;magick moc (moc (a) schopnost

luggage: This luggage looks like Thai.; :

magical power: (I) just wanted to attain magical
()T ;zavazadlo: Toto zavazadlo powers.; :
se zd bt Thajsk.;
;magick moc: Chtl jsem jen doshnout
lunch ( ~ "meal): lunch for monks (noon food);:
magickch moc.;p.s. pol.
: ;obd ( ~ "jdlo): obd magical power: the highest magical powers; :
pro mnichy (poledn jdlo);mn.
T ;magick moc: nejvy magick moci;
lunch (day-food);;obd (dne-jdlo);mn.


magician, black;( );mg, ern;sg. unpl. col.

magician, parlour (master (in) sleight-ofhand);( ) (

jevitn (mistr (v) kouzelnickch-tricch); (or) sg.

Major (used as title for names of Majors, commander (and)

leader); ;major (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny major,
velitel (a) vdce);pref.

magnificent, be; ;grandizn, bt;I

majority (group (of) majority);;vtina (skupina


magnificent: a house like palace (a great (and) magnificent

house); : () ;grandizn,
bt: dm jako palc (jeden ohromn (a) grandizn dm);

majority (of people, group (of) many);;vtina (lid,

skupina mnoha);n.

magnificent: a huge house being magnificent like a great

palace; : ;grandizn:
obrovsk dm (jsouc) grandizn jako obrovsk palc;

majority: Majority avoid the five kinds of wrong

;vtina: Vtina se vyhb pti druhm
Magwe (division);() [magw];Makwei (Magv, sprvn patnho ivobyt.;pol.
makaroni (thick, makaroni, big thread-ofgold); ;makarony (tlust, makarony, velk provazMaha Bandula, gen. (fought against the British in the First
Anglo-Burmese War 1824-1826); ;Mah
Bandula, gen. (bojoval proti Britncm v Prvn Anglo-Barmsk make;;udlat;T
Vlce 1824-1826);name
make ( ~ hammer): This man is a statue ( ~ form) of a
Mahasi Meditation Center ); ;Mahsi Meditan
Centrum );name

mahthera (great elder monk); ( );mahthra (velk

star mnich);sg. P. mahthera (= great elder)

soldier made by ( ~ hammered with) stone.;:

T ( ~
T );zhotovit (
~ utlouci): Tento mu je socha ( ~ podoba) vojka
zhotoven z ( ~ utluen s) kamene.;

mahthera (great elder monk): Great elder monk Mahinda

;mahthra make ( ~ reduce price): Make the (ball) pen to 15 kyats.;:
prepared (it).; : T
;udlat ( ~ snit cenu): Sni
(velk star mnich): Velk star mnich Mahinda (to)
(cenu) (kulikovho) pera na 15 at.;imper. pol.
pipravil.;p.s. writ.
Mahayana Buddhism (especially Japanese, Buddhist religion make (create (and) play); ;udlat (vytvet (a) hrt);T
(of) jhnas); (WS. of )
;Mahjnov buddhismus (zejmna japonsk,
Buddhistick nboenstv dhn);name WS. (or) name
Mahayana Buddhism (especially Japanese, religion (of)
jhnas); ;Mahjnov buddhismus (zejmna
japonsk, nboenstv dhn);name
Mailamu Pagoda; [melamfej:];Mlam
mailbox (post-office box);( );schrnka, potovn
(potovn krabice);sg.
main (main (and) principal);;hlavn (hlavn (a)

make (make (and) do);;dlat (vyrbt, dlat (a) dlat);T

make (a friend, level);; udlat si (ptele, vyrovnat);T

make (change from one state to another);;dlat (mnit z

jednoho stavu na jin);suff.
make (mistakes): Indeed, by making mistakes, correct(ness) will
appear.;: ;dlat (chyby): Vskutku,
dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
make a (friend, partner, to-level);; udlat si (ptele, partnera,
make a friend; ;udlat si ptele;T

make a friend: If (you) are related, (then) thank (you) for

allowing (me) to make (me) a friend.; : (
maintain (look-after (and) hold);;udrovat (starat-se-o ~ )
(a) dret);T
;udlat si ptele: Pokud jsi pbuzn, (pak)
maintain (prosper): (It is, that) attending the National Day
dkuji, e jsi (mi) povolil si (m) udlat ptelem.;pol. FB
every year, (one) should try to always maintain ( ~ prosper) make out (recognize, demarcate (and) note); ;rozeznat
(own) national spirit.; :
(ohraniit (a) poznamenat);T

make price (when bargaining);;snit cenu (pi smlouvn v
T ;udrovat (prospvat): (Je to (tak, e)) obchod);T
ast na Nrodnm Dnu kad rok, by se ml (kad) vdy
make sb do sth.;;zapinit aby nkdo nco udlal;T
snait udrovat ( ~ prospvat) vlasteneckho ducha.;pol. writ. make up one's mind (come-to-end (and) cross);T ;uinit
maintain: Maintain (your) youthfulness.;: T ()
;udrovat: Udruj si (sv) mld.;imper. pol.

rozhodnut (dojt-na-konec (a) pejt);T

majesty: That is not a spirit house, majesty.;:

;vsost: To nen bkv dm,

man (man tiger); ( )

( ) (WS. from );mu (mu

Malaysia (country);() ;Malajsie (stt);name

maize (sweet corn, bud (of) maize);T ( );kukuice, male sex organ;( );musk pohlavn orgn;sg. vul.
sladk (kvt kukuice);sg.
malevolent, be (bad nature);;zlomysln, bt
majesty (king or monk);( );vsost (krl nebo
(patn charakter);I
man; ( ) [yauc:];mu;sg.


tygr);sg. (or) sg. WS.

many (all sorts of);; mnoho (mnoho druh);adj.

man (man (of) the-kind);( );mu (mu


many (all sorts of): He has been to many ( ~ all sorts of)
countries. (he has already arived to all countries);:
;mnoho (mnoho druh): Navtvil mnoho zem.
((On) u dojel do vech zem.);pol.

man: A man has three girlfriends.; :

;mu: Jeden
mu m ti ptelkyn.;
Mandalay (division);();Mandalaj (Mandal, sprvn
Mandalay (town);();Mandalaj (town);name
Mandalay, belonging to; ;Mandalajsk;adj.
Mandalay: Mandalay is the second greatest town in
Myanmar.;: T
;Mandalaj: Mandalaj je druh nejvt msto
mango (fruit (of) beautifying
nectar); ( );mango (ovoce zkrlujcho
mangosteen (fruit of deep reddish purple color, fruit (of)
kings' lever); ( );mangustn (ovoce tmav
naervenal fialov barvy, ovoce krlovsk pky);sg.
Manhattan (town in USA): Manhattan is an island.; :
;Manhattan (msto USA):
Manhattan je ostrov.;pol.

many (people);;mnoz (lid);n.

many (people): Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume responsibility
(and) perform (it) to benefit of many.;:
;mnoz (lid): Ct. Pn
Nanda, kter doke vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji)
prospchu mnohch.;
many kinds: In order to (make it) available for reading to many
kinds of readers, even the price is not high.;:
;mnoho druh: Aby
byl dostupn ke ten mnoha druhm lid, dokonce ani cena
nen vysok.;pol.
many times;;mnohokrt;adv.
many years: (He) is a person, who has carried out educational
duties in this town for many years and months.;:
let: Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala ( ~ vykonvala
vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a msc).;pol.
many, be;;mnoho, bt;I

many, be (be many (and) various);T ;mnoho,

manifestly (be-clear (and) shine {adverber}); ;zejm bt (bt mnoho (a) rzn);I
many, be: There are very much of limitations in the Myanmar
(bt-jasn (a) svtit {pslovec});adv.
country.;: T T ;mnoho,
manifold; ;rznorod rozmanit;adj.
bt: V zemi Myanmaru je mnoho omezen.;col.
manner;( );zpsob;sg.
manner (way); (preceded by v.);styl (zpsob);n.

many, by (about people);;mnohmi (o lidech);pow.

manuscript (old): (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly, with

reference to (old) writings and manuscripts.;:
TT T ;rukopis
(star): S ohledem na (star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc
(ani) iroce vysvtlovat.;pol.

many: I haven't (ever) visited so many monks.; :

T ( ~
T );mnoho: (Jet) jsem nenavtvil tolik (hodn)

many, by: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha has been recorded

manner: The king Naung's manner of selecting heroes is
in Myanmar history by many.;:
interesting ( ~ good to be interesting).;:
T ;mnohmi: Zpsob vrnosti
Zpsob, jakm krl Nau vybral hrdiny je zajmav ( ~ dobr k ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii Myanmaru.;writ.
many: English is spoken in many countries.; (followed by
manuscript (palm-leaf);( );rukopis (palmov-list);sg. doubled noun): T T
T ;mnoho: Anglitina je mluvenm (jazykem) v mnoha
manuscript (toddy-palm leaf); ( );rukopis (list

many: I told him many times.; (followed by doubled noun):

many; (followed by doubled noun) T ;mnoho: ekl jsem mu (to)
mnohokrt.;pol. um.
;mnoho;num. (or) adv. (or) pron. (or)
many: Many leaves are growing ( ~ distributed).;:
;mnoho: Roste ( ~ je-rozdleno) mnoho
many ( ~ "long): (He) wants it to last very, very long. ((He)
wants (it) to be until many long years (of) lasting.); :

;mnoho ( ~ "dlouh): many: many months; (followed by doubled noun):

;mnoho: mnoho msc;n.
Chce, aby to tu bylo jet hodn dlouho. (Chce, aby (to tu)
many: Many people come ( ~ ascend) to
bylo a do mnoha dlouhch let trvn.);
many (multitude (and) diversity);T;mnoho (spousta church.; :
;mnoho: Mnoho lid jde ( ~
(a) pestrost);n.
stoup) do kostela.;
many (well (and) much); ;mnoho (dobe (a)


many: many years; (followed by doubled noun):

;mnoho: mnoho let;n.

many: May (your) blessings be many and fulfilled.; :

T ;mnoho: K je (tvch) poehnn
mnoho a (jsou) splnn.;w. pol.

sledovn a poslouchn chovn, gestikulace, uit (slov) (a dle

uvedench) informac od obou stran, (tj.) navrhovatele
(uritho nzoru) a obhjce (jinho nzoru).;pol.

many: There are many countries on the earth.;:

;mnoho: Na svt je mnoho

mark (in competition, give marks);;znmkovat (pi

souti, dvat znmky) bodovat (pi souti, dvat

many: There are too many students in this class.;:

;mnoho: V tto td je
pli mnoho student.;

mark (of money, Deutche Mark); ;marka (o penzch,

nmeck marka);n.

many: With it, around one (or) two minutes (my) mind is back
after leaving (with) this way, while doing work, resting (and)
taking mindfulness, when it is, indeed, not possible to notice
(such) times, when I also happen not to notice (and) not to
establish ((and) catch) (my) mindfulness, are many.;:

T ;mnoho: S tm, asi
jednu (i) dv minuty je (moje) mysl po odchodu zpt - (s)
takto, bhem dln prce, odpovn (a) bran vmavosti,
kdy, vskutku, nen mon si vmat (takovch) obdob, kdy
se stane, e si tak nevmm (a) neupevuji ((a)
(ne)chytm) vmavost, je mnoho.;med.

mark: ten marks (historical price); : ;marka: deset

marek (historick cena);

map (earth's form);T( );mapa (podoba zem);sg.

mark, make a;;poznmku, udlat si;T

market;( ) [zh:];obchod;sg.
market stall holder (market practicioner); (
);stnkov majitel (provozovatel obchodu);sg.
market: I come from the market.;: ;trh:
Pichzm z trhu.;col.
market: Mandalay's Zaycho (Sweet Market) is a famous
market.;: ( );trh:
Mandalajsk Zhhu (Sladk Trh) je (njak) slavn trh.;pol.
married, be (have); (abbrev. from );vdan, bt
(mt) enat, bt (mt);I

married, be (have established house); ;vdan, bt

map: According to the map, it looks like if there is a treasure in (mt zaloen dm) enat, bt (mt zaloen dm);T
this cave.;T: T
married, be (for young adults, fall); (abbrev. from
;mapa: Podle mapy to vypad, jako kdyby v tto
);enat, bt (o mladch dosplch, spadnout)
jeskyni byl poklad.;
vdan, bt (o mladch dosplch, spadnout);I
map: According to this map, this way is correct.;T: T married, be (for young adults, fall (to) established
;mapa: Podle tto mapy je tato cesta sprvn.;
house); ;enat, bt (o mladch dosplch,
map: Look at the map.;T: T ;mapa: podvej se
na (tuto) mapu.;imper. pol.
March (month); ();bezen (msc);n. E. March

upadnout (do) zaloenho domu) vdan, bt (o mladch

dosplch, upadnout (do) zaloenho domu);T

married, be: (I) am no more married. Wife passed away.;:

mare: When the horse crossed over the Anoma river, (was it) a ;vdan, bt: U nejsem vdan. Mu zemel.
stallion or a mare?;: T T T enat, bt: U nejsem enat. ena zemela.;p.p. pol.
;klisna: Kdy (ten) k peskakoval ( ~
married, be: (I) am not married yet.;: ;vdan,
"pekraoval) eku Anomu, (byl to) hebec nebo klisna?;inter. bt: Jet nejsem vdan. enat, bt: Jet nejsem
mare (female-horse);( );klisna;sg.

marian (plum, fruit (of) nonerection); ( );marinsk vestka (ovoce nezvedn);sg.

marihuana (six(fold) medicine);T ;marihuana
(ester medicna);n.
marijuana (six(fold) medicine);T ;marihuana
(ester medicna);n.


married, be: (No, I) am no more married. We (got)

separated.;: ;enat, bt: (Ne,) u
nejsem enat. U nejsme spolu. ( ~ "Jsme u oddlen.)
vdan, bt: (Ne,) u nejsem vdan. U nejsme spolu. ( ~ "Jsme
u oddlen.);pol.

married, be: (We) lived like if married, though (we) were not
married.; :
;svoji, bt: ili jsme jako kdybychom byli svoji,
mark (give marks);;znmkovat (dvat znmky);T pestoe jsme nebyli svoji.;p.s. pol.
mark (give marks): The marking judges should give marks after married, be: Are (you) married yet? (may be given to a young
(they) watch (and) listen to the behavior, gesticulation, usage
adult); : ;vdan, bt: Jsi u
(of words) (and according to the given) information from both
vdan? (lze poloit mladmu dosplmu) enat, bt: Jsi u
the sides, of the proposer and defendant.;:
enat? (lze poloit mladmu dosplmu);inter.

married, be: Are (you) married?; :
;enat, bt: Jsi enat? vdan, bt: Jsi

;znmkovat (dvat znmky): Znmkujc vdan?;inter.
soudci by (v tto debatrsk souti) mli dvat znmky po
married, be: I am still not (happened to (be))
marital status (have set-up (a)
house); ;manelsk stav (mt zazen dm);n.


married.; : T ;vdan: Pod (jednoduch udlost, kad udlost);sg.

jet (se nestalo, (e bych byla)) vdan. enat: Pod jet mastered, be (falls (with) working);;osvojen, bt
(se nestalo, (e bych byl)) enat.;pol.
(pad (s) dlnm);I
married, be: It is said, that although married, as for Nga Nyo, mat (for sitting);( );podloka (na sezen);sg.
(he) was always reading (writings) as before.; :
mat (place to sit): Have you bought ( ~ booked) the mat ( ~

place to sit) yet?;: ;podloka (msto k sezen):
;svoji, bt (po svatb): k se, e pestoe U jsi koupil ( ~ zarezervoval) podloku ( ~ msto k
svoji (po svatb), co se te a o, etl (psan) jako dv.;
married, be: The man is married.; :
T ;enat: Ten mu je enat.;

mat for sitting (sitting (and) sitting

flooring); ;podloka na sezen (podlahovina (na)
married, be: Yes, (I) am married yet.;: ;enat, sezen (a) sezen);n. P. nisdana (= sitting)
bt: Ano, jsem u enat. vdan, bt: Ano, jsem u
match;;shodovat se;T
match (competition event); ( );zpas (udlost
married, get (fall (and) set-up home); ;oenit se soute);sg.
(CZ m., padnout (a) zaloit dm) vdt se (CZ f., padnout match (go well);;pasovat (ladit);I
(a) zaloit dm);T
match (matchstick, hair (to) scrape (for)
married, get (get adding hand); ;vdt se (vzt
fire);T ( );sirka (zpalka, vlas (k) okrabn
pidn ruky) oenit se (vzt pidn ruky) svoji, bt
(pro) ohe);sg.
(manel s manelkou, vzt pidn ruky);T
matchbox (box (to) scrape (for)
married, get: Also, there is no permission to get
married.; : ;enn se: A
tak, nen povolen k enn ( ~ vdvn) se. vdvn se: A
tak, nen povolen k enn ( ~ vdvn) se.;pol.
married: I am married.; :
;vdan: Jsem vdan.;pol. uw.

marry (get married, add hand); ;vdt se (pidat

marry (get married, add hand); ;oenit se (pidat
marry: It is said, that even though, as the daughter loved Nga
Nyo very much, (he) let them to get married.; :
;vzt se: k se,
e i pesto, ponvad (jeho) dcera byla do a o moc
zamilovan, svolil aby se vzali.;
Mars (planet); ( );Mars (planeta);name
martyr (hero, who is ready to sacrifice his own life for a good
cause); ( );muednk (hrdina, kter je
pipraven obtovat svj ivot pro dobrou vc);sg. (mn.) P.
jniya (= man of noble race)

massive;T T;masivn;adj.
master;( ) ( );pn;sg.

Master's (degree course);;magistersk (studium);n. E.

Master's (degree);;magistersk (titul);n. E. Master
Master's (degree): Will you be able to join Master's (degree
course)?;: ;magistersk
(studium): Bude schopen nastoupit na Magistersk
(studium)?;inter. col.
Master's degree (MA.); ;Magistra titul
(Mgr.) Magistra, titul (Mgr.);n. P. mahvijj (= great
knowledge) (or) n. E. master
mastered (simple event, every event);T T ;osvojen


fire);T ( );krabika zpalek (krabika (k)

okrabn (pro) ohe);sg.

matchstick (hair (to) scrape (for)

fire);T ( );zpalka (vlas (k) okrabn (pro)
maternal language (mother's
language); ;matetina (matesk jazyk, matin
mathematics;;matematika;n. P. sakhy (= calculation,
maths;;matematika;n. P. sakhy (= calculation,
matter; ;zleitost;n.
matter (be important, (of) big writing);;zleet na
(bt dleit, velkho psan);I
matter (be important);;zleet na;T
matter (form); ;hmota (podoba);n. P. dhtu (= element)
matter (or body, esp. one of the main constituents of
person);;hmota (i tlo, zejm. jedna z hlavnch soust
bytosti);n. P. rpa (= matter, form)
matter, be (be important, include writing);;zleet na
(bt dleit, zahrnovat psan);I
matter, doesn't;;jedno, je;I
matter, doesn't: Whatever (you) eat, it doesn't
matter.;: ;jedno, je: Je
jedno, co j.;pol.
matter, subject (matter (and)
thing); ( );pedmt (zleitost, zleitost (a)
matter: Only he knows (about) this matter.; :
;zleitost: Pouze on v (o) tto zleitosti.;
matter: regarding this matter; :

;zleitost: vzhledem k tto zleitosti;
mature: not mature thinking; :
;mylen: nedospl mylen;

matured, be (be-matured (and) familiar-with); ;dospl, those, who came ( ~ to the audience).;:
bt (bt-dospl (a) obeznmen-s);I

;k: Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda,
Mawlamyin (town of Mon nationality in
Myanmar); ();Mawlamyaing (ale sprvn vslovnost je pedstavm mluv obecenstvu.;pol.
Mlamjain, msto Monsk nrodnosti v Myanmaru);name
maximum of;;maximln;n.
maximum: There will be allowed maximum of six people to
enter (the stage), (and) each of them (will) not exceed five
minutes (in talking).;:
T T ;maximln: Bude
povoleno maximln esti lidem, aby vstoupili (na jevit) (a)
kad z nich nepekro pt minut (pi povdn).;pol. fut.

may: When you taste (eat (and) see), you may know.;:
;asi: Kdy ochutn (sn (a)
podv se), asi pozn.;pol. um.
maybe; -; mon;adv.
maybe ((I) don't know whether); ;mon (nevm,
maybe ((if) happening (is) good, (it) may
happen);T T
;mon ((pokud je) phoda
dobr, me (se) stt);suff. pol.

;mohl by moci nech lze maybe (can be);T ;mon (me bt);I
mohlo by;I (or) suff. I (or) suff. (or) T
maybe (look); ;mon (podvej);suff. imper.
may (can);;mohl by;I
maybe: maybe (he) will come ((If) returning (is) good, (he) may
may (I) get to;;k se mi dostane;
come.); ..: T T
may (I) get to: May (I) get to know (your) name. (a request to a mon pijde. ((Pokud bude) nvrat dobr, (pak) mon
monk);: ;k se mi dostane: K se mi
dostane vdn (tvho) jmna. (dost mnichovi);pol. utmn.
May (month);();kvten (msc);n. E. May
may (sth. happen, inserted at the end of a wish);;nech (se
stane, vloeno na konci pn);suff. pol.
may be (may (be) received);;rd bych (k (je)
may be (may (be) received): May (I) know ven. Sir's
name.;: ;rd bych ( ~ k (je)
dostno): Rd bych vdl jmno ct. pna. (K je jmno ct.
pna znmo.);pol.
may be received (inserted at the end of a wish);;nech je
obdreno (vloeno na konci pn);suff. pol.
may I get to; (from );k se mi dostane;
may, come to: we may come to conclusion;:
;moci: meme dojt k zvru;pol.

maybe: Maybe (you) were (my) son in a past (life).; :

;mon: Mon jsi byl v
minulm ivot ( ~ "minulosti) (mm) synem.;
maybe: Maybe he is a doctor.;T T
;mon: Mon je doktor.;pol.
Maybe. (may happen in the future, (if) happening (is) good,
happening may be);T T
;Mon. (me se
stt v budoucnosti, (pokud je) dn dobr, (pak) dn me
me; (from )
(from );m;pron. acc. uw. (or) pron. col.
acc. uw. (or) pron. acc. writ.
me (mine): This is little bit about me.;:
( ~ );m
(moje): Toto je trochu o m.;pol.

may, if want; ( ).. ;mohlo by, jestli chtt;v.

ME (Myanmar Era); ;Myan. l. (Myanmarsk letopoet);n.

may: as for what (it) may be ...;: T ...;me:

co by to mohlo bt ...;

me: from me; : ;m: ode m mnou;uw.

me, by; ;mnou;uw.

ME: There was created mnemonics 'oo-aw-aww-myee-kounmay: Be careful, (or) you will ( ~ "may) get hurt.;

;mon: Dvej pozor, (nebo) baun-tee' for the year 1115 ME, (when) the palace was
built.; : T
si (mon) ubl.;imper. pol.
' T ' ;Myan. l.:
may: In fact, people may overestimate themselves.; :
Byla vytvoena mnemotechnika 'u-o--mj-koun-baun-d' na rok

;moci: Vskutku, lid mohou peceovat 1115 Myan. l., (kdy) byl ten palc postaven.;writ.

meal (for monks); ( );jdlo (pro mnichy);sg. mn.

may: It is said, that because of that, they told (to the king), that (or) n.
meal gong (block of wood to be hit when meal is ready, blockNga Nyo may know.;

of-wood);( );jdeln gong (kvdr deva

;mohl by: k se, e (prv) proto ekli
na bouchn kdy je jdlo hotov, kvdr-deva);sg. mn.
(krlovi), e a o by mohl vdt.;
meal gong (block of wood to be hit when meal is ready, meal
may: May (I) offer (you) one meal.; (from ):
block-of-wood);( );jdeln gong
;k: K (ti mohu) nabdnout
(kvdr deva na bouchn kdy je jdlo hotov, jdeln kvdrjedno jdlo.;utmn. col.
may: May nobody know except you.;: deva);sg. mn.
sami sebe.;pol.

meal gong: Meal gong is going to be hit ( ~

may: Now, may (I), as the chairman, introduce the speakers to knocked);: ;jdeln gong:
(Brzy) se bude buit ( ~ klepat) na jdeln gong.;fut.
;k: K nikdo krom tebe nev.;pol. um.


meal, morning: As for some, (they religiously) offer morning

;znamen (je): Cl znamen msto v zvod,
meal (to monks during alms-round).; : kam (jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.
;jdlo, rann: A co se te
means: I believe, that suitable teacher (monk) means ((by)
nkterch, (ti) daruj rann jdlo (mnichm bhem almun
me) trustworthy teacher (monk).;:

meal, one (for monks, food (of) one meal (of)
;znamenat: Vm, e vhodn uitel (mnich) znamen
meal); ;jdlo, jedno (pro mnichy, potrava
(mnou) dvryhodn uitel.;
jednoho jdla jdla);sg. mn.
measure ( ~ have): The bus measures ( ~ has) 15
meal, one: (I) eat only one meal per day.; : meters.;: ;mit ( ~ mt): Autobus
;jdlo, jedno: Jm jen jednou ( ~ m ( ~ m) 15 metr.;
"jedno jdlo) denn ( ~ "kad den).;pol. ubmn.
measure (have);;mit (mt);I
meal: May (I) offer (you) one meal.;:
;jdlo: K (ti mohu) nabdnout jedno jdlo.;utmn. col. meat, be inside (in a snack or meal, meat (is)
meal: Meal gong is going to be beaten.;:
;jdlo: (Brzy) se bude buit na
jdeln gong.;fut.
meal: outside meal (lunch or breakfast, for monks);:
T ;jdlo: jdlo venku (obd nebo sndan, o

included);;maso, bt uvnit (v jdle, maso (je)

obsaeno) masn, bt (o jdle, maso (je) obsaeno);I

meat, be inside: Is meat inside? (Does this contain

meat?);: ;maso, bt uvnit: Je v tom
maso? (Obsahuje tohle maso?);inter. pol.

meat, be inside: This does not have meat in. (This does not
mean (hopefully refers-to); ;znamenat (snad odkazuje- contain meat.);: ;maso, bt uvnit: V
tomhle nen maso. (Tohle neobsahuje maso.);pol.
mean (take meaning); (from
meat, fried minced; ;maso, smaen mlet;n.
);znamenat (vzt vznam);T P. adhippya (= intention) meat, fried minced (luminously
(or) T WS. P. adhippya (= intention)
fried); ;maso, osmaen mlet (ziv
mean (take meaning); ;znamenat (brt vznam);T


mean: here the walking meditation means loving-kindness in

walking.;: T
;znamenat: Zde
meditace v chzi znamen milujc-dobrotivost v chzi.;pol. writ.

meat: I will by meat.;: ;maso:

(J) koupm maso.;col. um.

meaning; ;vznam;n. P. adhippya (= intention)

meaning, give (open (and) tell (the) depth (of the)
; vznam, podat (otevt (a) ci
hloubku vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention)
meaning, give (explain, give (the) depth (of the)
meaning); ;vznam, podat (dt hloubku
vznamu);T P. adhippya (= intention)

meat: To barbecue meat is ( ~ "are) used coal.;:

;maso: Ke grilovn masa se
pouv uhl.;
meat: What meat will you eat it with?;:
;maso: S jakm masem to bude jst?;col.
meat: Which contains meat?;:
;maso: Kter je s masem? (Kter
obsahuje maso?);inter.

meaning: (It) carries the meaning.; :

;vznam: M ( ~ "nese) (ten) vznam.;

mechanic (master (in) repairing

machines); T ( );mechanik (mistr (v)
opravovn stroj);sg.

meaning: elucidate the meaning; :

;vznam: objasnit vznam;

mediator (affair letter);( );zprostedkovatel

(dopis zleitost);sg.

meaning: The meaning is not very exact.; :

;vznam: (Ten) vznam nen moc

medical, be (treats paining persons);;lkask, bt

(zdravotn, oetuje bolav osoby);I

meaning: This word gets the meaning of short man.; :

T ;vznam: Toto slovo
nabv ( ~ dostv) vznamu krtk mu.;writ.
means (in that said, (it) is); -T ;znamen (v
tom eenm (to) je);suff.
means (is called): Thin-gyan means ( ~ is called) one of
festivals of Myanmar country.;: T
;znamen (k se): Tendan se k jednomu z
(celo)nrodnch festival.;col. pol.
means (is said);;znamen (je eeno);v.
means: Goal is the place in race, where (one) has to finally


medicate (an injured person, give medicine (and)

care);;lit (zrannou osobu, dt lky (a)
medicate (an injured person, treat (and) sharpenknife);;lit (zrannou osobu, oetovat (a) ostit-n);T
medicine;( );lk;sg.
medicine (medicinal bamboo-plant (?));;lk (liv
medicine, a kind of;;lku, druh;n.
medicine: (I) am going to (a) pharmacy as I need
;lk: Jdu do lkrny, protoe potebuji lk.;cont. um.

;meditovat: jako kdy jsem zanal

meditate ( ~ sit): (I) cannot meditate ( ~ sit) long.;:
;meditovat ( ~ sedt): Nedoku meditovat meditating: May (your) meditating be satisfactory (and)
( ~ sedt) dlouho.;
T;meditovn: K je tv meditovn
meditate (look (and) notice (according to)
Dhamma);;meditovat (vidt (a) vmat-si (podle) uspokojiv (a) pjemn.;w. pol.


meditate (practise meditation);;meditovat

(praktikovat meditaci);
meditate (sit);;meditovat (sedt);T

meditating: Though I envision, that meditation is good, (I) do

not do (it) much.;:
( ~ )
T ;meditovn: Pestoe pedvdm, e
meditace je dobr, moc (ji) nedlm.;pol.

meditate (sit): (I) have been siting for four, five minutes.;:
;meditovat (sedt): Sedl jsem tyi, meditation; (from );meditace;n. P.
kammahna (= meditation-object)
pt minut.;pol. p.p.
meditation (develop meditation {pl.}
meditate (sit (for) truth);;zameditovat si (sedt
{nouner});T ;meditace (rozvjet meditaci {mn..}
(pro) pravdu);T
meditate (sit (with) meditation-object); ;meditace {jmenec});n.
(sedt (s) meditanm-pedmtem);n. P. kammahna (=

meditate (sitting (according to) Truth);;meditovat

(sedt (podle) Pravdy);T

meditation (practise meditation much

{nouner});T ;meditace (praktikovat hodn
meditaci {jmenec});n.

meditation (sit (with) meditation-object

meditate: (I) even (do not) happen to meditate again.;: {nouner}); T ;meditace (sedt (s) meditanmpedmtem {jmenec});n. P. kammahna (= meditation T T ;meditovat: Dokonce se ani
nestane, e bych si znovu zameditoval.;pol. col.
meditate: (You) meditate in your present life, in (your) present meditation (striving (according to) the-Truth
{nouner});T ;meditace (usilovat (dle) Pravdy
environment (and) in (your) present society.;:
() () ( ~
) ;meditovat: Medituje meditation (striving (by) law);T ;meditace
ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve (svm) ptomnm prosted (a) (usilovn (dle) zkona);n.
meditation cente, greater shadow);( );meditan
ve (sv) ptomn spolenosti.;pol.
centrum (lep stn);sg.
meditate: Also, (I) even (do not) happen to meditate
again.;: T T ;zameditovat
si: A dokonce se ani nestane, e bych si znovu
zameditoval.;pol. col.
meditate: Apart from meditating, what (else) can (you)
do?;: T ;meditovat:
Co um, krom meditovn?;col.
meditate: because (I) didn't meditate;:
;meditovat: protoe (jsem)

meditation center; ( );meditan centrum;sg.

meditation center (peaceful refuge (of)

Dhamma);( );meditan centrum (poklidn
toit Dhammy);n.
meditation center (peaceful refuge (of) meditationobject); ( ) ( ) (WS. from
);meditan centrum (poklidn toit
meditanho-pedmtu);n. P. kammahna (= meditationobject)

meditate: For meditation, there are many of ten days meditation meditation center (peaceful refuge);( );meditan
centrum (poklidn toit);n.
retreats, one month meditation retreats etc.;:
meditation center: There is abundance of meditation centers in
;meditovat: Na meditaci je tu mnoho
Myanmar.; : T
desetidennch meditanch zsed, jednomsnch
;meditan centrum: V Myanmaru je hojnost meditanch
meditanch zsed atd.;pol.
meditate: I am interested in ( ~ to) meditation.;:
;meditace: Zajm m

meditation center: Where is a meditation center with only

Burmese monks and nuns?;:
meditate: If (you) meditate every day one hour, (it) is good. But centrum: Kde je meditan centrum s pouze barmskmi mnichy
a mnikami?;inter.
if (you) meditate every day two hours, (it) is very good,
meditation in walking (cankamana
;meditovat: Pokud
meditation);;meditace chze (meditace
medituje kad den jednu hodinu, je (to) dobr. Pokud ale
ankamana);n. P. cankamana (= walking up and down)
medituje kad den dv hodiny, je (to), opravdu, velice dobr.; meditation in walking, path for (cankamana
meditate: like when (I) started meditation;:

path); ;ankamana chodnek (chodnek (na)


ankamanu);n. P. cankamana (= walking up and down) P.

cankamana (= walking up and down)

path); ;meditace v chzi (meditovn

bhem chozen (po) cest);n. P. bhvan (= meditation)

meditation object; ;meditan pedmt;n. P.

kammahna (= meditation-object)

meditation: (He) teaches meditation;:

;meditace: U meditaci.;

meditation object: (I) return to the meditation object of lovingkindness.; : T ;meditan

pedmt: Vrtm se k meditanmu pedmtu milujcdobrotivosti.;writ.

meditation: (I) do not work giving (special) time for meditation.

(I) am mindful whole the day while (I) am working.;:

;meditace: Nepracuji (tak, e bych) dval
meditation posture (method (of) sitting (in) Dhamma sitting (speciln) as meditaci. Jsem vmav cel den bhem toho,
form); ;meditan pozice (zpsob sezen co pracuji.;col.
(ve) tvaru sezen Dhammy);n.
meditation: here the walking meditation means loving-kindness
meditation posture (sitting form);;meditan pozice (tvar in walking.;T : T
;meditace: Zde
meditace v chzi znamen milujc-dobrotivost v chzi.;pol. writ.
meditation retreat (refuge); ( ) (abbrev. from
);meditan zsed (toit);sg.

meditation retreat (refuge (of)

truth); ( );meditan zsed (toit
meditation retreat: (I) enter a meditation retreat every
year.; : ;meditan zsed:
Chodm ( ~ "vstupuji) na meditan zsed kad rok.;pol.
meditation retreat: (I) have attended ( ~ entered) ten days
meditation retreat.; :
T ;meditan zsed: Absolvoval
jsem ( ~ vstoupil jsem) desetidenn meditan zsed.;pol.
meditation retreat: For meditation, there are many of ten days
meditation retreats, one month meditation retreats etc.; :
;meditan zsed: Na meditaci je tu mnoho
desetidennch meditanch zsed, jednomsnch
meditanch zsed atd.;pol.
meditation retreat: He has attended ( ~ "entered) meditation
retreat, in number, four times.; :
T ;meditan zsed: (On)
astnil se meditanch zsed ( ~ "veel), slem,
meditation retreat: ten-days meditation retreat; :
;meditan zsed: desetidenn meditan
meditation retreat: This time (I) am (being) busy with ( ~ "for)
the birthday meditation retreat at the end of (this)
month.; :

;meditan zsed:
V tuto dobu mm hodn prce s ( ~ "pro) narozeninov
meditan-zsed, (kter bude) na konci (tohoto) msce.;cont.
meditation, walking (developings (of) Dhamma by walking
cankamana {nouner});
T ;meditace v chzi (rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy
skrze chozen cankamany {jmenec});n. P. cankamana (=
walking up and down)
meditation, walking (developings (of) Dhamma by walking
path {nouner}); T ;meditace v
chzi (rozvjen(pl.) Dhammy skrze chozen (po) stezce
meditation, walking (meditation while walking


meditation: meditation on loving-kindness;T :

T ;meditace: meditace dobrotivosti;

meditation: Some (of them) do not know about

meditation.;: ;meditace:
Nkte (lid) nev o meditaci.;
meditation: when the time for meditation is finished;:
;meditace: kdy as na
meditaci skon;
medium, be; ;stedn, bt;I
meet; ;setkat se s potkat setkat se (s);T
meet (and) have: May you always meet (and) have the good
days and (thus) be able to develop the right meditation.;:

;potkvat: K (t) vdy potkvaj dobr dny a (tak)
rozvj dobrou meditaci.;w. pol.
meet (by chance);;setkat se (nhodou) setkat se s
(nhodou);I (or) T
meet (by chance): When (I) am free (and we) meet (by
chance), (we) will talk.;: T ;setkat
se (nhodou): Kdy budu voln (a) (nhodou) se setkme,
promluvme si.;fut. pol.
meet (sb., meet (and) meet);; potkat (nkoho, potkat (a)
meet (sb.);;setkat (se s nkm);T
meet by chance;;setkat (se) nhodou shledat nhodou;I
meet sb. on arrival;;setkat se s nkm pi pjezdu jt
nkomu naproti;T
meet sb. on arrival (put in-advance); ;setkat se s
nkm pi pjezdu (poloit pedem);T
meet with; (WS. from ) ;setkat se s;I WS.
meet with: If there's enough ( ~ "contained) kamma, (I) may
happen to meet you either in Czech (Republic) or in
Yangon.;: T T
T ;setkat se s: Jestli je dost ( ~ "obsaena) kamma,
(pak) se me stt, e t potkm bu v esku nebo v
meet: (It) has been long (time) that (we) haven't met. (Notmeeting has lasted long.);: ;setkat se: Ji
dlouho jsme se nesetkali. (Nesetkn trvalo dlouho.);
meet: (We) will meet again on a next day.;:
T ;setkat se: Setkme se znovu (njak) pt

meet: (We) will meet later.;: ;setkat se:
Setkme se pozdji.;fut.
meet: Friend, who do you want to meet with?;:
;setkat se s: Pteli, s km se chce
setkat?;inter. col. um.

mention (by (sb.) expose (and) show); T -;zmnit

((km) odhalit (a) ukzat);T
mention (expose (and) show {nouner}); T ;zmnit
(odhalit (a) ukzat {jmenec});T
mention (expose (and) show); T;zmnit (odhalit (a)

meet: Let's meet (on a day) since tomorrow.;: T

;setkat se: Pojme se setkat (njak den) od
ztka.;col. fr.

mention, which says (used after a quotation, mention, which

says (and) fixes); T ;zmnka, kter k
(uito za citac, zmnka, kter k (a) upevuje);writ.

meet: Nice to see you. ((I) am glad (that I) met you.);:

;setkat se: T m. (Mm radost, e
(jsem vs) potkal.);pol.

mention: (is) mentioned; T: T ;zmnit: je


meet: On one day, when rabbit met turtle, rabbit mocked:

friend turtle, you go slowly.;:
;potkat: Jednoho dne ( ~ v jeden
den), kdy se krlk potkal se elvou, krlk se vysmval:
pteli elvo, (ty) jde pomalu.;writ.
meet: We will meet on the next day.;:
;setkat se: Setkme se pt (pt den).;fut.

mention: as was mentioned; T: T ;zmnit: jak

bylo zmnno;writ.
mention: finish denoting that mention; :
;zmnka: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;
mention: it was mentioned; T: T ( ~
T );zmnit: bylo to zmnno;p.s.
mention: mentioned above; T: T :
T ;zmnit: zmnno ve zmnit:
zmnn ve; (or) writ.

meet: with whoever (you) meet;: ; setkat se: mention: The Mah Ahakath is mentioned in
a u se setk s kmkoliv;
meeting; ( );setkn;sg.
T ;zmnit: Mah Ahakath je zmnna v
meeting room (main room (for)
meetings); ( );schzovn hala (hlavn Mercedes.: Cars, such as Toyota, Mercedes etc.;:
pokoj (pro) schze);sg.
;Mercedes: Auta jako Toyota,
meeting: Eighth Annual Meeting; :
T ;setkn: Osm Vron

Mercedes atd.;
Merchant Road ); ;Obchodnick, ulice );name

merit;( ) ( ) ;zsluha;sg. P. pua

member, family (his realty);( );len, rodiny (= merit) (or) n.
(jeho nemovitost);sg.
merit (merit (and) goodness); ( );zsluha
memorial (anniversary, marking (and)
(zsluha (a) dobro);sg. P. pua (= merit)
noting);( );pamtka (vro, oznaen (a)
merit: According to ( ~ in) what the Lord Buddha said, there
are three ways for making merit.;: T

memorize; ;uit se nazpam

()T ;zsluha:
Dle toho, co ( ~ v) Pn Buddha ekl, jsou ti zpsoby dln
memorize (fix (in) observation);;uit se nazpam zsluh.;pol.
(upevnit (se v) pozorovn);T
Meru, mountain: person greater than the mountain Meru;T:
memorize (learn (for) freedom); ;uit se zpamti
(uit-se (pro) svobodu);T

T ( ~ T T );Meru, hora: osoba

ohromnj ne hora Meru;

memorize (make observation);;uit se

nazpam (dlat pozorovn);T

Meru, the Mountain (the mountain supposed to be in the center

of universe by Buddhist scriptures);T [mye~.mou.];Meru,
hora (hora, o kter se dle Buddhistickch spis pedpokld, e
je ve stedu vesmru);name P. meru

memorize (Pi text, carry scriptures); ;uit se

nazpam (Pi text, nosit spisy);T Bh. P. gama (=
men: (He is) the leader-student of the Golden Shine
Revolution's Burmese Students' Association.; :

;mui: Je vdm studentem Revoluce Zlat
Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.
mental (concerned-with (the) part (of)
mind);;mentln (tkajc-se sti mysli);adj.
P. citta (= mind)
mention; ;zmnka;n.

Mesapalnyo (name of a female-singer, brown May

jasmine); ; Mesapo (jmno zpvaky, hned
kvtnov jasmn);name
message; ( ) ( );zprva
(dopis atd.) zprva (dopis);sg. E. message
message (order-sth. (and) hear
{nouner}); ( );zprva (poruit-si (a) slyet
{jmenec});sg. writ.
message: Have you received my message?; :
;zprva: Dostal jsi mou
( )


message: ten or more message in Burmese

language; :
( ~ ()
);zprva: deset a vc zprv v Barmskm jazyce;

middle (part): It is in the middle (part) of Myanmar

country.; : T T ;stedn
(st): Je ve stedu ( ~ stedn sti) Myanmaru.;pol.

messenger (prophet, commanding

messenger); ( );posel (prorok, rozkazujc

middle (part, middle part); ;stedn (st, stedn

st) prostedn (st, stedn st);adj.

metal (imitates fighting);;kov (napodobuje

metal: The car was build using plenty of metal.;:
T ;kov: Auto bylo
postaveno uitm spousty kovu.;
metaphor, use; ;metafory, ut;T
metaphore, use a: (He) uses a metaphore and then (he)
explains (it).; : TT ;metafory, ut:
Uije metafory a pak (ji) vysvtl.;

middle (of age or size); ;stedn (o vku i me);adj.

middle man (affair letter);( );jednatel (dopis

middle, be; ;prostedn, bt;I
middle, in the (in middle); ;uprosted (v
prostedku) prosted, ve (v prostedku);adv.
middle, in the: The baby is in the middle.; :
;uprosted: Miminko je uprosted.;
middle: middle son; : ;stedn: stedn syn (ze

middleman;( );stedn lovk;sg.

metaphore, use: To revere him, (he) uses a metaphore.; : midnight (night crosses-over (the) peak); ;plnoc
;metafory, ut: Aby ho uctil,
(noc pekrauje vrchol);adv.
uv metafory.;
Migoda (a village in Sri Lanka);;Mgoda (vesnice na Sr
metaphysical;;nadsvtsk;adj. P. lokuttara
(loka+uttara = transcendental, above+world)
migrate (change (and) move);T ; pesthovat se (zmnit
metaphysics: canon of metaphysics;:
;metafyzika: knon metafyziky;n.

(a) pohybovat-se);T

mile;( );mle;sg.
meter (distance);( );metr (vzdlenost);sg. E. meter mile: ten miles;: ;mle: deset mil;
meter: ten meters;: ;metr: deset metr;
mile: three hundred miles;: ;mle: ti sta mil;
meter: The bus measures ( ~ has) 15 meters.;:
mile: two hundred ninety five miles;: ;mle:
;metr: Autobus m ( ~ m) 15
dv st devadest pt mil;
mile: Yangon is more than 400 miles away.;:
method; ;zpsob;n.

;mle: Rangn je vce ne 400 mil

method (method (and) system); ( )
( );metoda (zpsob (a) systm) zpsob miles: How many miles is it far from here to Bago?;:
(zpsob (a) systm);sg.
;mle: Kolik ml je to odsud do
method (method (and) way); ( );zpsob
Bago?;inter. col.
(zpsob (a) cesta);sg.
miles: It is 50 miles far (from here);:
method: As for the method of explaining meanings, Sinhalese
Ahakath usually give similar words to explain difficult
words.; :

;zpsob: Co se te
metody vysvtlen vznam, sinhlsk komente obvyle
uvdj ( ~ dvaj (a) pokldaj) podobn slova, aby byla
obtn slova vysvtlena.;writ.
method: correct method; : ;zpsob:
sprvn zpsob;

;mle: Je to (odsud) 50 mil daleko.;pol.

military ((of) great (military) division); ;vojensk

(ohromn (armdn) divize) vlen (ohromn (armdn)
military unit (troop bundle); ( ) ;armdn jednotka
(armdn svazek);sg.
milk (cow's milk);; mlko (krav mlko);n.
milk (of animal or person);;mlko (lidsk nebo zvec);n.

milk of human;;mlko, lidsk;n.

method: Tell me how to do it. (Give method (and) give
milk powder ); ;mln prek );n.
direction.); : ;zpsob: ekni mi, jak to
milk, condensed (milk oil);;mlko, kondenzovan (mln
mm udlat. (Dej zpsob (a) dej nasmrovn.);imper. pol.
methodology (method wisdom); ;metodologie
milk, cool (cow's milk (which is) cool);;mlko,
(moudrost metody);n.
chlazen (krav mlko (kter je) chlazen);
methodology: methodology for writing; :
millet; ;proso;n.
;metodologie: metodologie psan;
million; ;milion;num.
midday (day-half); ;poledne (plka dne);adv.
million (ten lakhs); ;milion (deset stotisc);num. col.
midday: as for midday yesterday; :
million, a (for good fortune); ;milion (na dobr tst);n. un.
;poledne: co se te verejho poledne.;
Min Yaza (royal king); ;Men Yz (krlovsk


mince; T T ;nakrjet (na pltky);T
mind;;mysl;n. P. citta (= mind) (or) n.
mind (stomach); ;mysl (aludek);n.

mind (or name esp. one of the main constituents of

person); ;mysl (i jmno, zejm. jedna z hlavnch soust
bytosti);n. P. nma (= mind, name)
mind, character of (mind lives, mind
fixes);;mysli, vlastnost (mysl ije, mysl seupevuje);n. P. citta (= mind)
mind, character of: (I) praise (and) value the character of your
mind, brave to abandon.;: ( )
;mysli, charakter:
Chvlm (a) hodnotm (vysoko) charakter tv mysli, staten
mind, in (withoutwithout departing
sound); ;mysli, v (bezbez odchzejcho

mind: The mind goes again and again out, time to time four,
five (or) ten minutes (it) roams around.;: T

;mysl: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu
se tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.
mindful, be;; vmav, bt;I P. sati (= mindfulness)
mindfully (to know); ;vmav (aby vdl);adv.
mindfully: (I) do not work giving (special) time for meditation. (I)
am mindful whole the day while (I) am working.; :

;vmav: Nepracuji (tak, e bych) dval
(speciln) as meditaci. Jsem vmav cel den bhem toho,
co pracuji.;col.
mindfulness;;vmavost;n. Bh. med. P. sati (= mindfulness)
mindfulness, keep (practise
remembering);;vmavost, udrovat (praktikovat

mindfulness, keep: On days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend

mind, in (about words, in mind);;mysli, v (o slovech to ( ~ have) keep (the right) mindfulness.;:
;vmavost, udrovat:
v mysli);adv.
Ve dnech nespokojenosti mm (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou)
mind, in: (He) tells the saying three times silently, in
mind.;: T vmavost.;pol.
( ~ T );mysli, v: mindfulness: (I) am just living with knoweldge and
mindfulness.;: ;vmavost:
ekne si (tu) vtu tikrt pro sebe, tie.;med.
mind, keep in (remember);;pamti, udrovat v (pamatovat Prost iji se znalost a pozornost.;col.
mind, not (know (and) allow); ;nevadit (vdt (a)
mind, not: If you don't mind, may (I) know?; :

;nevadit: Jestli to nevad, mohl bych vdt?;w. pol.

mindfulness: Taking mindfulness, establishing the mindfulness,

(I) return to noticing.;:
T ;vmavost: Vezmu vmavost, upevnm ji ( ~
vmavost) (a) vrtm se k vmn si.;med.

mindfulness: With it, around one (or) two minutes (my) mind is
back after leaving (with) this way, while doing work, resting
mind, state of (mind crosses);;mysli, stav (mysl
(and) taking mindfulness, when it is, indeed, not possible to
notice (such) times, when I also happen not to notice (and)
mind, state of: I am extremely happy, (because of you,) ven.
not to establish ((and) catch) (my) mindfulness, are
Sir. (Extremely excellent mind, ven. Sir.);:
T ;mysli, stav: Jsem nesmrn many.;: T

astn (kvli vm,) ct. Pane. (Nesmrn vborn mysl, ct.
;vmavost: S tm, asi jednu (i) dv minuty je
mind, state of: Noble mind means the excellent state of
(moje) mysl po odchodu zpt - (s) takto, bhem dln prce,
mind.;: T ( ~ )
;mysli, stav: Ulechtil mysl znamen vynikajc stav odpovn (a) bran vmavosti, kdy, vskutku, nen mon si
vmat (takovch) obdob, kdy se stane, e si tak nevmm
(a) neupevuji ((a) (ne)chytm) vmavost, je mnoho.;med.
mind: (He) directs (his) mind.;: ;mysl:
mine; (from );m
Zamuje (svou) mysl.;
(moje) m moje;pron. (or) pron. um. (or) pron. gen. writ. (or)
mind: a kind of a crooked mind;: ;mysl:
pron. uw.
druh pokiven mysli;
mine ((of) great servant); ;m (moje, velkho
mind: body (and) mind, both;: ;mysl: tlo (a)
sluhy);pron. um.
minister; ( );ministr;sg.
mind: Concentrating (one's) mind is good, noble (and) beautiful
minister (governing supervisor); ( );ministr
way, when (one) always concentrates (his) mind.;:
T T ;mysl: Soustedn (vldnouc vedouc);sg.
(vlastn) mysli je to dobrou, lechetnou (a) krsnou cestou.;pol. minister: It is said, that having given him the status of Min
Yaza, he appointed him a minister.; : { }
mind: Establish (your) mind to purify (it).;:
;ministr: k se, e mu udlil statut
;mysl: Ustanov (svou) mysl abys (ji)
Men Yza a ustanovil ho ministrem.;
proistila.;imper. col.
minister: The ministers urged Kyansittha to become a


;ministr: Ministi nalhali, aby se ansit stal

miserable, be (descend (and) be-scattered); ;uboh, bt

(sestoupit (a) bt-rozptlen) mizern, bt (klesnout (a) btrozhozen);I

ministry (minister's office, office (of) big executivemiserable: (I) just should say, that Sasra is miserable.; :
officer); ;ministerstvo (ministrova kancel, kancel T ;mizern: Jen je teba ci, e
velkho vkonnho-ednka);n.
Sasra je mizern.;
minute; ( );minuta;sg. (or) n. E. minute
minute: fifty-five minutes of the sixty minutes; :
T ;minuta: padest pt minut z
edesti (minut);

misguiding, be (deceiving, deceive for-sure);;klamn

bt (podvodn, urit podvede);I
misguiding, be (to (make) thinking (and) seeing
wrong); T ;klamn, bt (aby (udlalo) mylen (a)
vidn patn);I

minute: five minutes after five (Fifth hour is struck (and) five
minutes); : ;minuta: pt hodin pt minut misleading, be (deceiving, deceive for(pt hodina uhodila (a) pt minut);

djc, bt (podvodn, urit podvede);I

minute: four hours thirty-five minutes; :
;minuta: tyi hodiny ticet pt minut;
minute: half past six (six hours, thirty minutes); :
T ;minuta: pl sedm (est hodin, ticet
minute: one hour twenty minutes; :
;minuta: jedna hodina dvacet minut;

minute: sixty minutes; : T ;minuta: edest

minute: ten fifteen (ten hours (and) fifteen minutes); :
;minuta: dest patnct (deset hodin
(a) patnct minut);
minute: twenty minutes after two. (two hours, twenty
minutes); : ;minuta: dv hodiny dvacet
minutely (small mind);;nepatrn (mal mysl);adv.
P. citta (= mind)

misleading, be (to (make) thinking (and) seeing

wrong); T ;zavdjc, bt (aby (udlalo) mylen
(a) vidn patn);I
Miss;;slena (pedchz jmno);pref.
miss (a bus, a plane etc., not catch (and)
follow);();ujet (nkomu autobus, letadlo atd.,
nechytit (a) nsledovat) propst (autobus, letadlo atd.,
nechytit (a) nsledovat);T
miss (sb.);;postrdat (nkoho) chybt (nkomu nkdo)
schzet (nkomu nkdo);I
miss (sb.): (I)'m missing (you) so much.;:
;chybt (nkomu): Moc (mi) chyb.;col. fr.
miss (sb.): I miss you painfully. ((I)'m deeply-touched missing
(you).);: ;chybt (nkomu nkdo):
Bolestiv mi chyb. (Jsem hluboce dotknut (tm, jak mi)

miss (sb.): I miss you.;: ;chybt (schzet

minutely (soft mind);;nepatrn (jemn mysl);adv. anu- nkomu nkdo): Chyb mi.;col.
citta (= along, after - mind)
Miss (used as title for names of adult women);;slena
(uvno jakoto titul ped jmny dosplch en) sl. (uvno
minutely (widely (and) immodestly); ;podrobn
jakoto titul ped jmny dosplch en);pref.
(iroce (a) neskromn);adv.
minutes: I have to walk about 10 minutes from the bus stop to
my house.;
;minuty: Musm jt asi 10 minut z
autobusov zastvky do svho domu.;col. pol. um.

miss: (He) missed the bus.;:

;propst: Propsl autobus.;

miss. (used as title for names of older women);;mlad pan

(uvno jakoto titul ped jmny starch en);pref.

missing sb., one who is (person (of)

missing);( );chyb, nkdo,,komu nkdo
mirror (glass (for) looking); ( );zrcadlo (sklo (na) (osoba chybn);sg.
missing, be;;chybt schzet;I
mirror (bronze enclosing);( );zrcadlo (bronzov

Mirror, The: The New Light of Myanmar and The Mirror.

(names of newspapers);: T
;Mirror, The (Zrcadlo): The New Light of Myanmar
and the Mirror. (Svtlo Myanmaru a Zrcadlo - jmna

missing, be ( ~ "need): In this sentence there's something

missing ( ~ "needed), indeed.;:
;chybt ( ~ "bt-teba): No, v tto vt nco chyb
( ~ "je-teba).;cont. col.

misconduct (perforate (and) return); T ;cizolostv

(protrhnout (a) vrtit-se);n.

missionary (religious, master (in) undertaking

dispensation);( );mision
(nboensk, mistr (ve) vykonvn (posvtnho) daru);sg.

misconduct (wrong wronging);T (WS. from

T );cizolostv (patn chybovn);n.

missionary group; ( ) ;missionsk skupina;sg.

P. ssana (= (Buddha's) dispensation)

misconduct: (he) does not commit sexual misconduct (no

missionary group: at the time of missionary
misconduct (with) (other man's) wife); : ( ~ activities; : ;misionsk
(?)) ;cizolostv: nepch cizolostv (ne cizolostv (se) skupina: v dob misionskch aktivit;adv.
enou (jinho mue));col.


mistake;( );chyba;sg.
mistake (mistaking (and) erring);;chyba
(chybovn (a) mlen-se);n.
mistake, make a;;chybu, udlat;T

;mnemotechnika: Byla vytvoena

mnemotechnika 'u-o--mj-koun-baun-d' na rok 1115 Myan. l.,
(kdy) byl ten palc postaven.;writ.
moat;( );pkop, vodn;sg.

mistake, make a: Here I always make a mistake.; : moat: It is indeed still possible to see the ancient palace, townwall and moat.;:
);chybu, dlat: Tady vdycky dlm chybu.;col. ;pkop, vodn: Je (tam), vskutku, stle mono
vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a vodn pkop.;pol.
mistake, make a: I made a mistake. (I happened to make a

mistake.);: ;chybu, udlat: Udlal jsem mobile (phone): I do not use telephone.;:
;mobil (telefn): Nepouvm telefon.;pol. um.
chybu. (Stal jsem se chybujcm.);um.
mistake, typing (mistake (of) typing writings);;chyba mobile phone (phone (to) hold (in)
hand); ( );mobiln telefn (telefn (k) dren
pi psan (na stroji i na potai, chyba (pi) vyklepvn
(v) ruce);sg.
psan (na potai));n.
mistake, typing: Typing mistake, indeed, occurred ( ~ "went),
friend.;: ;chyba, pi psan:
Vskutku, dolo k chyb pi psan, pteli. (Chyba vyklepvn
la, vskutku.);pol.
mistake: Can you correct the mistakes?;:
T ;chyba: Me opravit chyby?;inter. fut.
mistake: corrected mistakes;: T ;chyby:
opraven chyby;pl.

mobile phone (phone held (in)

hand); ( );mobiln telefn (telefn dren
(v) ruce);sg.

mobile phone: (He) is dialing a phone number on ( ~ by) the

mobile phone.; : T
;mobiln telefn: Vyt (telefonn) slo na
mobilnm telefnu.;cont.

mobile phone: The man in the shop is selling mobile

phones.; :
mistake: Having killed a person, that is a mistake being a
mistake which can never be taken back.;: ;mobiln telefn: Ten mu v obchod prodv
mobiln telefny.;cont.
mock; ;posm

vat se;T
T ;chyba: Zabit osoby, to je chyba (kter) je
chybou, jakou ji nelze vrtit zpt. ;
model (standard form);( );model (standardn
mistake: If (there) is (contained) a mistake, correct (it).;: podoba);sg.

T ;chyba: Je-li (tam) (obsaena) chyba, oprav moderately; ;mrn;adv.

(ji).;imper. pol.
moderately (readily (and) daringly);;mrn
mistake: If you can correct the mistakes, it (will) be just
(pipraven (a) troufale);adv.
good.;: T ;chyba:
moderately: Just moderately. (answer to the question on one's
Pokud (mi) oprav chyby, tak to bude prost dobr.;col.
level of a language knowledge);:

mistake: Indeed, I happened to make many mistakes in these ;prmrn: Tak prmrn. (odpov na otzku
o stupni znalosti jazyka);ans. pol.
( ~
modern;;modern;adj. P. paccuppanna (= present)
);chyba: Vskutku, v tomto psan se stalo, modern (era leaned-against); ; modern (doba (kter) see jsem udlal mnoho chyb.;um.
mistake: places with mistakes;: ( ~
modern (modern era); ;modern (modern ra);adj.
) : ( ~
modern: (It) is far from modern technology.; :
);chyba: msta s chybami;
;modern: Je (to) daleko od
mistake: Until now, as for what (you) said, (it) is devoid of
mistakes.;: T ;chyba: Do
te, co se te (toho), co (jsi) ekl, je (to) prost chyb.;pol.
mistakes (mistakings);;chyby (chybovn);pl.

modern technologie.;

modern: a modern word; : ;modern:

modern slovo;

modern: As it was not possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin

(as), indeed, (they) had vehicles, modern weapons and help
mistakes: As (you) write mistakes, I don't understand.;:
from foreigners ( ~ people of other countries), by elite of
;chyby: Ponvad pe (s)
ninety-three brave-ones, entering (and) attacking (there), (he)
chybami, j nerozumm.;col.
conquered in the city.; :
mistakes: Indeed, by making mistakes, correct(ness) will
appear.;: ;chyby: Vskutku,

dlnm chyb se objevuje sprvn (psan).;col.
T ;modern: Jeliko nebylo
mnemonics: There was created mnemonics 'oo-aw-aww-myee- mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), vskutku, mli
vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ lid z jinch
koun-baun-tee' for the year 1115 ME, (when) the palace was
zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil (tam a) zatoil,
built.;: T
(a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.
' T '
mistakes, make; ;chyby, dlat;T


modern: modern machines;: ( ~

);modern: modern stroje;pl.

monastery; ( );klter;sg.

modernity (modern era); ;modernost (modern


monastery (Buddhist, monastery (of) great

monks); ( );klter (buddhistick,
klter velkch mnich);sg.

modern: modern world; : ;modern:

modern svt;

modernity: With modernity, the navel shows up.; :

;mda, modern: S modern mdou se
ukazuje (i) pupek.;jk. col.
modest man (cool(~calm) person);;skromn lovk
(chladn(~klidn) osoba);n.
modest man (modest person);;skromn lovk
(skromn osoba);n.
modest, be: modest spirit;: T;skromn: skromn
duch (lovka);
modesty;; skromnost;n. P. hiri (= shyness)
modify;T ;mnit;T

monastery (monastery (of) great big

monks); ( );klter (klter
ohromnch velkch mnich);sg.

monastery in forest (take forest);( );klter v

lese (vzt les);sg.
monastery: (I) am also in a monastery (in order) to
stay.; :
;klter: Jsem tak v kltee, abych (tam)
monastery: (They) go to monasteries and (religiously) offer
water.; :
;klter: Jdou do klter a (nboenskm
zpsobem) daruj vodu.;pol.

monastery: A monastery, where live monks, who strive very

much.; : (
~ );klter:
Moggallna, ven. (one of the two chief disciples of the
Buddha); ;Moggallna, ct. (jeden z dvou Klter, kde ij mnii, kte velice usiluj.;writ.
hlavnch k Buddhy);name Bh. P. mah-thera (= great-elder) monastery: Also in monasteries, at big times, big days, (they)
recite (Pi discourses).; :
mohinga (national dish of Burma, rice vermicelli in fish soup,
;klter: Tak v
bitter curry (of) hatred); ;mohenga (nrodn jdlo
klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi
Barmy, rov vermicelli v ryb polvce, hok omka
modify (do specially);;modifikovat (dlat

mollusc;( );mkk;sg.
moment;;moment;n. (or) sg.
moment, for a;;chviliku, na;adv.
moment, for a: (He) turns (it) on ( ~ opens) for a
;chviliku, na: Na chviliku (se)
rozsvicuje ( ~ zapn).;
moment: (Wait) a moment, ok?;: ;chvilika:
(Pokejte) chviliku, ano?;col.
moment: Wait a moment.;: ;chvilka: Pokejte
chvilku.;imper. pol.
Mon (a Myanmar ethnic nationality);;Mon (etnick menina

monastery: also in the Udavela monastery.; :

;klter: tak v Udavelskm kltee.;col.
monastery: the monastery, where the Mon (great) monks
live; : ;klter:
klter, kde ij Monov, (ohromn) mnii;mn.

monastery: Today (I) sweep (in) the monastery

compound.; :
;klter: Dnes zametm kltern dvr ( ~ "v
klternm dvoe).;pol. mn.
Monday (moon day);;pondl (msn den);adv.
Monday: I'll return next Monday.;:
T ;pondl: Vrtm se pt pondl.;col.

Monday: When will be Monday?;:

(~ );pondl: Kdy bude pondl?;inter.
Mon (nationality or state): On behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity,
(the king) entrusted the reign to (his) royal grandson Alaung
money ( ~ "kyat): (It is) fourty-six kyats.; (" ):
Sithu of Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;: T
T T T ;penze ( ~ "iat): (Je to) tyicet est
;Mon (nrodnost i stt): Ve prospch jednoty
money (Burmese money);;penze (barmsk penze);n.
Myanmaru (a) Monu, (krl) svil vldu (svmu) krlovskmu
Mon (nationality or state);;Mon (nrodnost i stt);name

vnoueti Alaun Stovi (kter byl) Myanmarsk (i) Monsk

krve.;p.s. writ.

Mon (state of Union of Myanmar);(T );Mon (stt unie

Mon language: I can speak in Myanmar language better ( ~
more) than in Mon language.;: T
T ;Monsk jazyk: Umm mluvit
Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;
monarch; ();vldce;sg.


money (net (of) hair);;penze (s vlas);n.

money (silver);;penze (stbro);n.

money: (He) collects donated money.;:

;penze: Vybr darovan penze.;
money: (I) have no money at all.;:
;penze: Nemm vbec dn penze.;
money: (I) have so much money. ((I) am well-supplied (and)
firm in money power.);: ;penze:
Mm hrozn moc penz. (Jsem dobe-podporovan (a) pevn
v penn moci.);idi.

money: (I) will pay. ((I) will settle the money.);:

;penze: Budu platit. (Urovnm penze.);fut.
money: five hundred kyat (money five hundred);:
;penze: pt set iat (penze pt set);

(of monks))
monk (lord, worthy);( );mnich (pn, vhodn);sg.
P. arahant (= worthy (of food, clothes, dwelling and medicine))

monk (monk (and) community); ( );mnich

money: four hundred kyats ( ~ "money);: ;penze: (mnich (a) spoleenstv);sg. arahanta-sagha (= worthytyi sta iat ( ~ "penz);
money: Having paid money, (they) rent a house.;:
;penze: Zaplat penze a
pronajmou si dm.;cont.
money: He is boasting to me that he has 500 milions.;:
Chlub se mi, e m 500 milin.;cont.
money: Here's the money.;: ;penze: Tady to
mte. (Penze (jsou) zde.).;col.

monk (powerfully);( );mnich (mocn);sg.

monk (preceptor); ( ) ( ) (from

) ( ) ( ) (from );mnich
(preceptor) mnich (instruktor);sg. P. upajjhya (= preceptor)
(or) sg. mn. P. upajjhya (= preceptor)
monk (Buddh., power (and) power);( );(netk se
pn (moc (a) moc);sg.

monk (usually the abbot or chief monk of a monastery, great

money: How much money do (you) have, sir?;:

teacher); ( );mnich (obvykle opat kltera,
;penze: Kolik penz mte, pane?;inter. velk uitel);sg.
monk (ven. Sir); ( ) (from );mnich (ct. Pn);sg.
money: How much money do you have?;: monk (who has higher ordination);( );mnich (s
;penze: Kolik m penz?;inter. fr.
vym vysvcenm, nikoliv novic);sg. P. upajjya (= preceptor)
money: I don't use money.;: :
;penze: (J) nepouvm penze. penze:
Nepouvm penze.;pol. ubmn. (or) col. pol. mn.
money: I have a little (money).;:
;penze: Mm trochu (penz).;pol. um.

monk, be a; ;mnichem, bt;T P. vatta (= duty)

monk, be a: Because of how it happened, that (you), indeed,
are a monk?; : T
;mnichem, bt: Jak se stalo, e kvli
tomu jsi, vskutku, mnichem?;inter. col.

money: I will pay the money for you.;:

monk, become a; ;mnichem, stt se;I P. arahanta (=
;penze: Zaplatm pro tebe (ty) penze.;fut. um. worthy (of receiving four requisites))
money: one thousand kyat (money one thousand);:
;penze: tisc iat (penze jeden tisc);
money: twenty kyats ( ~ "money);: ;penze:
dvacet iat ( ~ "penz);

monk, become a (become wearing

monkhood); T ;mnichem, stt se (stt-se noscm

monk, become a (happen-to wear); T ;mnichem, stt se

monitor;( ) (WS. of )
(pihodit-se-e nos);T P. vattha (= clothes)
( );monitor;sg. E. monitor WS. (or) sg. E. monitor monk, become a: (I) became only temporary (nun (or)
monitor ((to) arranges-in-order work tomonk).; T : T ;mnichem, stt se: Stala
do); ( );monitor (uspodv prci kjsem se mnikou ( ~ mnichem) jen doasn.;
monk, become a: (I) was in a hurry to become a
monitor: because (the) monitor is big, writing the essays (for
oneself) is easy.; : ( ~ )
;monitor: Ponvad je
(ten) monitor velk, je snadn si pst eseje.;pol.

monk.; T : T ;mnichem, stt se:

Spchal jsem abych se stal mnichem.;p.s. pol.

monk ( arahant); ( );mnich (arahant);sg. mn. P.

arahant (= worthy (to be given four requisites))

T ;mnich: Posl odpov (dopis) mnichovi.;

monk, become a: Under ( ~ near) him (I) became a

monk.; : ( ~ ) ;mnichem,
monk; ( ) ( );mnich;sg. rare (or) sg. Bh. mn. stt se: U nj jsem se stal mnichem.;p.s.
P. arahanta
monk: (He) sends the reply (letter) to the monk.; :

monk (great (and) big power); ( );mnich

(ohromn (a) velk moc);sg.
monk (great body (of a)
monk); ( );mnich (ohromn tlo
mnicha);sg. P. sagha (= community)
monk (great body); ( ) (from )
( );mnich (ohromn tlo);sg.

monk: (I) do not do the work of monks.;:

T ;mnich: Nedlm prci mnich.;pol. col.
monk: (There) are various kinds of (great) monkhoodlength.; : ;mnich: Jsou
rzn dlky mniskho-ivota (velkch) mnich.;mn. Bh.
monk: a monk called ven. Makara;:
;mnich: mnich, (kter se) jmenuje ct. Makara.;

monk: How did (you) become (a) monk?;:

monk (great power);( );mnich (velk moc);sg. T ;mnich: Jak jsi se stal
monk (great Sagha); ( ) (originally from
);mnich (velk Sagha);sg. P. sagha (= community

monk: I made a strong determination to be an excellent

monk.; : ( ) T


T ( ~ ( ) T
T );mnich: Uinil jsem pevn rozhodnut bt
vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.

(kterch se jim dostalo skrze nsledovn praxe a studia

Buddhova uen);n. Bh. mn. P. pativedhassana (= attainment

monk: In our group there are the teacher-monks who won ( ~

"got) first (place) in whole the country.; :

() ;mnich: V na skupin jsou
uitelt mnii, kte dostali prvn (msto) v cel zemi.;pol. ubmn.

monks practitioners (who practise morality, meditation and

wisdom);;mnii praktikujc (kte praktikuj
morln pravidla, meditaci a moudrost);n. Bh. mn. P. paipattissana (= practice dispensation)

monk: Monks from every country come and acquire knowledge

(here).; :
;mnich: Mnii z kad zem (sem)
pichzej a zskvaj znalosti.;pol.

monks: Monks get connected with lay people (and) write

(them).;: ;mnii: Mnii se
spoj s laiky (a) pou (jim).;col.

monk: the heroic monk; : ;mnich:

jeden hrdinsk mnich;sg.

month (-): My birthday is in April.; (-):

;msc (-): Mm narozeniny v dubnu. (Mj den
narozen (je) v dubnu.);pol. uw.

monks who study (the Buddha's teaching, especially younger

monks);;mnii, studujc (Buddhovo uen,
monk: monk teacher (great teacher (who) teaches); : zejmna mlad mnii);n. Bh. mn. P. pariyattissana (= study
;mnich: mnich uitel (velk uitel (kter) u);

monk: the monastery, where the Mon (great) monks

live; :
;mnich: klter, kde ij Monov,
(ohromn) mnii;mn.
monk: the monks who live abroad; : T
;mnich: mnii, kte ij v zahrani;
monk: There are no monks in my country.;:
;mnich: V m zemi nejsou dn mnii.;
monk's title;;mnisk titul;pref.

monk's: to monk's room;: ; mnichovo: do

mnichova pokoje (tj. mstnosti);adv.
monkey; ( );opice;sg.
monkey: The monkey is strong.; :
;opice: Opice je siln.;
monkey: This monkey has damaged the roof.; :
;opice: Tahle opice poniila

month;( );msc (v roce);sg.

month (parth (of) month);;msc (st msce);n.

month (of calender and of space);;msc (kalendn i
month: (It) has already been ten months.;:
;msc: U je to deset msc.;p.p.
month: As for coming (part (of) July ( ~ 7(th) month), (I) may
arrive.;: ( ~ - )
;msc: Co se te nadchzejc (sti)
ervence ( ~ 7(.) msce), mon pijedu.;fut. col.
month: At night (time) the month is shining.;:
;msc: V noci svt msc.;writ.
month: In one month (there) can be from 28 (days) to 31
days.;: ;msc: Jeden
msc me mt 28 a 31 dn. (V jednom msci me bt od
28 dn do 31 dn.);

month: January (first month part);: ;msc:

leden (prvn msc st);
monkhood (of higher ordained monks, clothes (of)
monk); ;mnistv (mnich s vy ordinac, obleen month: May (May month);: ;msc: kvten (kvten
mnicha);n. P. vatta (= observance, duty)
monkhood (of higher ordained monks, life (of)
monk); ;mnistv (mnich s vy ordinac, ivot
mnicha);n. P. bhava (= existence)

month: My baby is 15 months old. (My baby's age (is) 15

months.);: ;msc: Moje
miminko m 15 msc. (Vk mho miminka (je) 15 msc.);

monkhood, length of;;mnitv, dlka;n. P. vassa (= rains)

month: Today is 21st (day) of February (month), 1987.;:

;msc: Dnes je (den) 21.
(msce) nora 1987.;

monkhood, length of: (There) are various kinds of (great)

monks' monkhood length.;:
;mniskho ivota, dlka: Jsou rzn dlky
mniskho ivota (velkch) mnich.;mn. Bh.
monkhood: (I) want to become a monk. ((I) want
monkhood.); : ;mnistv: Chci se
stt mnichem. (Chci mnistv.);pol.
monkr; [fy] (from );monk;n. utmn. WS.

monks; ;mnii;n. P.
sagha (= community) (or) Bh. pl. P. sagha (= community)
(or) Bh. pl. writ. P. sagha (= community)

mood (mind lives, mind fixes);;nlada (mysl

ije, mysl se-upevuje);n. P. citta (= mind)
mood (to do sth.);;nlada (nco udlat);n.
mood: (I) don't have the mood to (want to) come and see,
any more.;: ;nlada: U nemm
nladu (chtt) (znovu) pijt a dvat se (na to).;col.
Mookout, ven. (famous Burmese teacher of Vipassana
meditation, rain coat); ;Mkou, ct. (slavn
Barmsk uitel vipassan meditace, deov pl);name

monks of high spiritual attainment (which they accrued through moon; ;msc;n. un.
following practise and study of the Buddha's
moral training (duty (of) traning); ;etick trnink
teaching);;mnii vysokch spiritulnch dosaen


(povinnost trninku);n. P. vatta (= duty)

more than; ;vce ne;adv. (or) adv. writ.

morale (mind matter); ;morlka (mentln hmota);n.

more than (over); ;vce ne (pes);adv.

morality (law (of) good, great

person); ;mravnost (zkon dobr velik
osoby) morlka (zkon dobr velik osoby);n.
morality: (He) developed morality, concentration (and)
wisdom.;: ;ctnost:
Rozvjel ctnost, soustedn (a) moudrost.;p.s. pol.

more than before; ;vce ne dv;adv.

more than: (I) can speak in Myanmar langauge better than
that.; : T T ;vce
ne: Umm mluvit Myanmarskm jazykem lpe (ne to).;pol.

more than: In the Africa continent, (there) are more than 50

countries.; :
;vce ne: Na africkm kontinent je vce ne 50
more ( ~ "just): (There is) just one (more) thing (to be said).; : zem.;writ.
;jet ( ~ "jen): (Je tu) jet jedna vc (k
more than: It is more easy to type Sinhalese in Linux than in
Windows.; :
;vce ne: Je snadnj pst (na
more (extra (and) overflowing);; vce (navc (a)
klvesnici) Sinhlsky v Linux ne ve Windows.;pol. writ.
more; ;vce jet;suff. (or) suff. adv. (or)
adv. (or) adj.

more (repeat (for the) following); ;jet (nsledn


more than: more than about three months; :

;vce ne: vce ne ti msce;

more (again, also again);T ;opt (tak znovu);adv.

more than: The dog is uglier than the cat.; :

more (another, next (and) again); ;dal (jet, dal ;vce ne: (Ten) pes je oklivj ne
(ta) koka.;
(a) znovu);adv.
more than: The horse is thinner than the cow.; : T
more (followed by adj. or v.);; vc(e) (nsledovno pd. jm.
;vce ne: K je hubenj ne krva.;
nebo slovesem);adv.
more (followed by adj.); ;vc(e) (nsledovno pd.
more and more; (WS. from
);vc a vc;adv. (or) adv. WS.
more and more (develop and develop and);
;vc a vc (vyvjet-se a vyvjet-se a);adv. (or) adv.
more and more: little by little, more and more;:
T T ;vc a vc: postupn, vc a vc;

more than: The man is fatter than the woman.; :

;vce ne: (Ten) mu je
tlust ne (ta) ena.;

more than: The train is quicker than the man.; :

T ;vce ne: Vlak je rychlej ne (ten)
more than: Yangon is more than 400 miles away.; :
;vce ne: Rangn je vce
ne 400 mil daleko;pol.

more and more: May (you) be able to assume more and more
responsibility for carrying out the (Buddha's)
present.; :
;vc a vc: K jsi schopen vzt vc a
vc zodpovdnosti za vykonvn (Buddhova) daru.;w. pol.

more, be; ;jet, bt vce, bt;I (or) p.p.

more and more: The ven. Sir, by studying Buddhist literature

can take more and more responsibility for carrying out the
benefit of the (Buddha's) present.; :
T T ( ~
) ;vc a vc: Ct. pn,
studiem Buddhistick literatury, me pevzt vc a vc
zodpovdnosti za vykonn prospnost (Buddhova) daru.;

more, no: I won't send (you) more than this.; -:

;vce, ne: (J) nepolu ti
vce ne tolik ( ~ "tohle).;

more or less;;vcemn;adv.
more or less (like like);;vcemn (jako jako);adv. col.
more or less (surely, many with (the)
method); ;vcemn (urit mnoho tm
more or less (with many); (der. from
);vcemn (s mnoha);adv.
more or less: (He) will have to undergo (it) with more or less
any difficulties.;:
;vcemn: Bude (to) muset podstoupit bez ohledu
na pote ( ~ "s vcemn jakmikoliv potemi).;pol.

more, be: There is sth. more (to order - in restaurant).;:

;jet, bt: Jet nco (k objednn v
more, no; -;vce, ne;adv.

more: (I) am copying ((and) giving) the full sentences for the
ven. Sir as (I) want (him) to have the reading more
comfortable.;: T
T ;vce: Kopruji (ty) vty ((a) dvm)
pln ct. Pnovi, ponvad chci, aby ml (to) ten
more: (I) had a plan to stay two days more.; :
;jet: Plnoval jsem zstat

jet dva dny.;p.s.
more: (I) has to learn more carefully.;:
;vce: Musm se uit pozornji.;pol.
more: (I) need to (go) more. (may be told to taxidriver when
one wants to go beyond the place where they are going to
stop);: ;jet: Potebuji (jet) jet (dl). (me
bt eeno taxiki, kdy nkdo potebuje jet za msto, kde se
taxik prv chyst zastavit);pol.


more: (I) need to get (one) more degree.; : more: This book is better than that book.; :
( ~ );jet: Potebuji dostat jet (jeden)
;vce: Tato kniha je lep ne tamta kniha.;
more: (She) will be ten times more beautiful than this.; :
;vce: Bude desetkrt krsnj ne
tady ( ~ "tohle).;fut.
more: Also men think, that they are more skilful.;:
;vce: Tak mui si mysl,
e jsou dovednj.;

more: This is more friendly, indeed.;:

;vce: Tohle je, vskutku, pteltj.;col.
more: Today it's colder than yesterday.;:
;vce: Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;
more: twenty days more; : ;dal:
dalch dvacet dn;

more: Because of these students, the national spirit of the

citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ came) to
;vce: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn
duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.

moreover;T (+T );navc mimo to nadto krom


more: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities are more happier

than usually.;:
;vce: Bhem Tendanu jsou vechny nrody
astnj ne obvykle.;pol.


moreover (out (from) that); T ;navc, a (mimo


moreover (out (of) that);T (WS. from T ) T

more: Because the Myanmars know the glass jug more.;: T ;mimo to (mimo to);adv. (or) adv. WS.
T ;vce: Protoe Myanmai moreover: Moreover, (there) are also many financial
znaj sklennou konvici vce.;pol.
businesses.;T : T
more: Calling (me) as a small supporter is more appropriate.;: ;navc: Navc, je (zde) tak mnoho finannho
;vce: Je vhodnj m nazvat podnikn.;pol. col.
malm podporovatelem.;pol.
morning (expelled darknes); ();rno (odpuzen
morning (not dark); ();rno (nikoliv temno);adv.
morning (spread morning); ;rno
(rozen rno);adv.

more: Even more (the-same) to (you)! (used as a reaction to morning meal, offer a (to monks, offer (in the)
a wish expressed by sb.); : ;vc: (Tob) (to
morning); (WS. from ) ;jdlo,
sam) jet vc! (uvno jako reakce na pn vysloven
nabdnout (mnichm, nabdnout rno));T P. arua (=
morning) (or) T P. arua (= morning) WS.
more: Except this there (we) have two kinds more.;:
morning meal, offer a (to monks, offer food (in the)
T ;jet: Krom tohohle mme jet morning); (WS. from
dva druhy.;pol.
);jdlo, nabdnout (mnichm, nabdnout jdlo

more: for better understanding of general public;: T rno));T P. arua (= morning) WS.
( ) ;vce: pro lep pochopen irok morning meal: As for some, (they religiously) offer morning
meal (to monks during alms-round).;:
more: I have one more bank account.; :
;rann jdlo: A co se te
;jet: Mm jet jeden bankovn nkterch, (ti) daruj rann jdlo (mnichm bhem almun
more: if there are two or more words; :
morning: (It)'s morning half past two.; :
;vce: pokud jsou tam dv nebo vce slov;

;rno: Je rno, pl tet.;pol.
more: It is more Burmese (to say it like this). ((It) resembles
Burmese language more (like this).);: T
;vce: Je barmtj (to ci takhle). (Vce se (to)
podob Barmtin.);pol.

morning: early in the morning (in the early part of

morning); : ;rno: brzy rno (v brzsk
sti rna);adv.

more: The sportsman breathes more intensively than the

woman.; :
T T ;vce: Sportovec dch intenzivnji ne
(ta) ena.;

: ;rno: Dobr rno.;w. pol.

morning: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with)

more: Please, say it one more time.; :
broom).; : T ;rno:
T;jet: Prosm, ekni to jet jednou.;imper. pol. Brzy rno zamet (kottem).;cont.
more: ten or more message in Burmese language; :
morning: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping the
( ~
rubbish.; : ;rno: Brzy
() );vc: deset a rno zamet smet.;cont.
vc zprv v Barmskm jazyce;
morning: Good morning.; :
morning: He will sleep until 10 o'clock in the morning.; :
( ~
);rno: Bude spt (a) do deseti hodin rno.;

more: There is no more writing (to be done).;:

morning: on Wednesday morning; : ;rno:
;vce: Nen ji vce co pst ( ~ psan);pol. ve stedu rno;writ.


morning: There (one) must get up (from bed) early in the

morning.; : ;rno:
Tam se mus vstvat (z postele) brzy rno.;fut.
Moscow (town of Russia); ();Moskva (msto
mosquito;T ( ) T ( )
T ( );komr;sg.
mosquito-net (mosquito jail);T ( );s proti
komrm (kom vzen) moskitira (kom vzen);sg.
mosquito: Mosquitos bite.;T : T ;komr: Komi
most; ;nejvce nej-;adv. (or) adv. P.
adhika (= exceeding) (or) suff.
most (of people, group (of) many);;majorita (vtina
lid, skupina mnoha);n.
most frequent;;nejastji;adv.
most frequently: When is (it) used most frequently? (In what
kind of times (it) is used most frequently?);:
;nejastji: Kdy je (to) nejvce
pouvno? (V jakm druhu as se (to) pouv
most often;;nejastji;adv. P. adhika (= exceeding)
most, the;;nejvce;suff.
most, the: the hugest help;: T ;nejvce:
nejohromnj pomoc;

;vcemn: Vechno co jsi

napsal, je vcemn sprvn.;col. pol.
mostly: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with mostly
wounded (people and) casualties.;:
TT ;vtin
ou: Skupiny Hentvad vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou
zrannch (lid a) ztrtou ivot.;writ.
mostly: Mostly, during the summer (season), there is much of
snow on the streets.;T: T
;vtinou: Vtinou, bhem zimnho
(obdob), je na ulicch mnoho snhu.;spis.
mother; ( ) ( );matka;sg. writ. (or)
mother ( ~ mum) and safe: Calling (me) as mum, is more warm
and safe.;: ;matka ( ~
maminka): Zn tepleji a bezpenji, kdy m nazv
maminkou. (Voln (m) jakoto maminka (je) vce tepl (a)
mother (mum);( );matka (mamka);sg.
mother language (mother language (and)
speaking); ;matesk jazyk (matesk jazyk (a)
mother language (mother writing); ;matesk jazyk
(matesk psan);n.
mother tongue (mother writing); ;matetina (matesk

most: (it is) the most important word;:

;nejvce: (To) je (to) nejdleitj

mother tongue (mother's language); ;matesk

jazyk (matin jazyk);n.

;nejvce: Nejkrsnj a nejlpe ( ~

nejvc dobe) tancujc (skupiny z) vozidel jsou ocenni
(dostanou cenu).;col. pol.

mother: (I) am going to ask (my) mother (whether I can)

(stay).;: ;matka: Jdu se zeptat
matky zda mohu (zstat).;fut. col.

mother tongue: (I) revere (you), who is well skilled in what is

most: He thinks he is the richest.;: not (your) mother tongue.; : ( ~ )

;nejvce: Mysl si o sob, e je nejbohat.;pol.
most: The most beautiful and the best ( ~ most well) dancing ;matesk jazyk: Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe
dovedn v tom, co nen (tvou) matetinou.;pol.
vehicles are given a prize.;:

most: the most developed country;:

;nejvce: nejrozvinutj zem;n.
most: The mountain Everest is (just) the highest mountain in
the world.;: T ;nej-:
Hora Everest je (prost) nejvt horou na svt.;
most: What do (you) like most in the Lord Buddha's
teachings?;: T
;nejvce: Co m z ( ~ "v) uen Pna Buddhy
most: Who do (you) love most?;:
;nejvce: Koho miluje nejvce?;inter.

mother: Mother, Mya Mya (Emerald-Emerald) is calling (me by

phone) to watch a show tonight.;: TT
;matka: Matko, Mja Mja (Smaragd-Smaragd) (mi)
vol abych la (podvala se) na pedstaven dnes v noci.;cont.
mother: Repetition is the mother of wisdom. (Doing again and
again (one-by-one) is simply the mother of the right
knowledge.);: T
;matka: Opakovn je matkou moudrosti. (Dln znovu
a znovu (jeden-po-druhm) je (prost) matkou sprvn
motion (proposal);; nvrh;n.

mostly;T T;vtinou
ponejvce povtinou;adv. P. adhika (= exceeding) (or) adv.

motorbike; ( );motorka;sg. E. motorcycle

mostly: All what (you) write is mostly correct.;:

mountain: If one climbs the mountain and looks (one) may see
Mandalay.; :

motorcycle; ( );motocykl;sg. E. motorcycle

mostly (like like);; povtinou (jako jako) vtinou (jako mountain; ( ) ( );hora skla
jako);adv. col.
mountain: (He) has climbed the mountain.; :
mostly: (It) is mostly correct.;T: T
;hora: Vylezl na horu.;p.p.
;povtinou: Je (to) povtinou sprvn.;pol.


T ;hora: Kdy vyleze(te) na horu a podv(te) se,

me(te) vidt Mandalaj.;

movie (picture lives);( );film (obraz ije);sg.

movie theater (public-building (of) living

picture);( );kino (veejn-budova ivoucho
mountain: The man has climed the mountain.; : obrazu);sg.
;hora: Ten mu (ji) vylezl na horu.;p.p.
movie: a Burmese movie with English subtitles;:
mountain: mountains are in the South; :
;hora: hory jsou na jihu;

mountain: The mountain Everest is (just) the highest mountain ;film: jeden barmsk film s
in the world.; : T
anglickmi titulkami;
;hora: Hora Everest je (prost) nejvt horou na
movie: at the beginning of the movie;: ;film: na
zatku filmu;
mountain: The village is in ( ~ among) mountains.; :
;hora: (Ta) vesnice je v ( ~
mezi) horch.;
mouse; ( );my;sg.
mouse (small rat); ( );my (mal

movie: He watches movie(s). As for books, (he) doesn't read

(them).;: ;film:
Dv se na filmy. Co se te knih, (ty) nete.;col.
movie: The movie starts now. (Movie has started now.);:
;film: Film zan. (Film te zaal.);p.p.

movie: They went to a restaurant after the movie.;:

;film: Po filmu li do
mouth (cheeks (are) connected); ( );pusa (sta, tve restaurace.;
(jsou) spojeny) sta (tve (jsou) spojeny);sg.
Mr.; -;p. (pan) Pan (titul);n. E. master (or) pref.
mouth;( );sta;sg.

mouth (connected cheeks); ( )

Mr. (used as title for names of older men or monks);;p.
( );pusa (sta, spojen tve) sta (spojen (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny starch mu i mnich);pref.
tve) pusa (st tla, spojen tve);sg.
Mr.: (I) want to speak with Mr. Bamya. (also in telephone
mouth: (He) speaks by mouth.; : T ;sta:
conversation);: T T ;pan: Chci mluvit s
Mluv sty.;
panem Bamya. (i do telefnu);col. pol.
mouth: (I) move (my) tongue a little in the mouth.; :

;sta: Pohnu trochu jazykem
v stech.;

Mrs. (used as title for names of older women);;P. (uvno

jakoto titul ped jmny starch en) pan (uvno jakoto
titul ped jmny starch en);pref.

mouth: live from hand to mouth (life of movement of mouth

from movement of hand); :
;pusa: t z ruky do pusy (ivot pohybu st z
pohybu ruky);idi.

much; T T
;moc velice velk hodn podn;adv.
(or) adj.

move; ;pohnout pohybovat se hnout se hbat much (pretty): The rented flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is
se hnout;T
pretty ( ~ much) noisy.;:
move (change position);T ;pohnout se (zmnit pozici);T
;hodn (hezky): Ten pronajat byt (pokoj),
move about (move (to be) rare);;pohybovat (hbat (aby ponvad je ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.
bylo) vzcn);T

much (well-supplied (and) firm): (I) have so much money. ((I)

am well-supplied (and) firm in money power.); :
move: (I) move (my) tongue a little in the mouth.;: ;moc (dobe-podporovan (a)
pevn): Mm hrozn moc penz. (Jsem dobe-podporovan
( )
() ;pohnout: Pohnu trochu
(a) pevn v penn moci.);idi.
jazykem v stech.;
much of;;hodn;pron. col.
move: live from hand to mouth (life of movement of mouth
move close;;piblit se;T

from movement of hand);:

;hbat: t z ruky do pusy (ivot pohybu st z
pohybu ruky);idi.

much of: Much of oil is spilled on the road.;:

;hodn: Na ulici je hodn rozlitho
oleje.;cont. col.

movement (move (to be) rare {nouner});;pohyb (hbat much, be;;moc, bt;I
(aby bylo) vzcn {jmenec});n.
much, be (be-pretty);;hodn, bt (bt-hezk);I
movement: for the first (time) with movement of hand;: much, be: (The word) is much used in the kind of places,
T ; pohyb: na poprv (s) where (sb.) doesn't want to tell (sth.).;:
;moc, bt: Uv se
pohybem ruky;
movement: without any movement at all;: (toho slova) pro ta msta ( ~ "v druhu mst), kde (nkdo)
nechce (nco) ct.;pol.
;pohyb: bez jakhokoliv pohybu ruky (absolutn bez
vlastnn pohybu);

much, very; ;moc, hodn;adv.

movie; ( );film;sg. (roll, movie) E. film

much, very: (You) have improved very much.; :

;moc, hodn: Hodn moc jsi se zlepil.;p.p.

movie (enliven appearance);( );film (oiven


much: (I) cannot explain much (and) broadly, with reference to

(old) writings and manuscripts.;:
TT T ;moc: S
ohledem na (star) psan a rukopisy nemohu moc (ani) iroce
much: (I) cannot speak much Burmese (language).;:
T ;moc ( ~ "Barmskm jazykem)
moc mluvit neumm.;pol.
much: (I) don't understand much.;: ;moc:
Moc nerozumm.;
much: (I) still cannot speak much (well in Burmese).;:
T ;moc: Jet (Barmsky) moc (dobe)
neumm (mluvit).;pol.
much: Eat much of chicken curry.;:
;hodn: Jez hodn kuecho masa.;imper. pol.
much: I think this much is enough.; :
;tolik: (J) si myslm, e
tolik sta.;pol. um.
much: It's raining so much. (Sky extremely rains.); :
;moc: Moc pr. (Nebe moc pr.);
much: May (you) be able to practise the Dhamma much.;:
;hodn: K jsi schopen
praktikovat Dhammu hodn.;pol.
much: There is no end to the much of thanking for the (given)
help.;: ()
;mnoho: Nen konce mnohmu dkovn za tu
(dodanou) pomoc.;pol.

museum (showing-building);T( );muzeum (budovaukazovn);sg.

museum: The museum and the library.;T: T
;muzeum: Muzeum a knihovna.;col.
museum: Where is the museum?;T: T
;muzeum: Kde je muzeum?;inter.
mushroom;( );houba;sg.
Muslim (person); ( ) [m.sle~];muslim;sg. A.
must: As there is a traffic jam, the cars must go slowly.;:
TT ;muset: Ponvad
je dopravn zcpa, auta mus jet pomalu.;
must: It it funny. ((One) must laugh.);: ;muset: Je
to legran. (Jeden se mus smt.);col.
mutton meat );;skopov maso );n.
mutually; ;vzjemn;adv.

mutually (in-return (and) upside-down);T ;vzjemn

(nazpt (a) obrcen);adv.
mutually (returning (and) changingposition);T ;vzjemn (vracen (a) zmnapozice);adv.
mutually: (I) will talk (talks) with you mutually.;T :
T T ;vzjemn: Budu si s tebou
vzjemn povdat. (Povm ti povdn vzjemn.);fut. pol.

my; (from )
(from );m (moje) m moje;pron. (or) pron. um. (or)
much: To have a good sleep, sleep much.;: pron. gen. writ. (or) pron. uw.
;podn: Spi podn abys mla dobr
my ((of) great servant); ;m (moje, velkho sluhy)
spnek.;imper. pol.
moje (moje, velkho sluhy);pron. um.
much: While using Internet here, it is slow, (so) there may be
(occasions) of not much satisfaction.;: internet
T ;velk:
Bhem pouvn internetu, je pomal, (a tak) mohou bt
(chvle) nevelk spokojenosti.;pol. col.
multifarious, be in;;rozmanit, bt;I
multiple of; ;nsobek;suff.

mum;( ) ;mamka;col. E. mummy (or) sg.

mum Su (affectionate address to Mrs. Aung San Suu
Kyi);;mamka Su (milujc osloven p. Aun San Su
mum: I'll pick (it) up, mum.;:
;mami J (to) zvednu, mami.;fut. col.

my (can be used by men and women);;m

j (lze uvat mui
i enami);pron.
my: He is my father.; : () ;mj:
(On) je mj otec.;pol. um.
my: my great friend;: ;mj: mj
skvl (ohromn) ptel;n. col.
my: My name is Kyaw Win San. (My name (is) Famous, Bright
(and) Special).; : ;moje:
Jmenuji se Wen Shan. (Moje jmno (je) Slavn, Svtl (a)
Vjimen.);pol. col.
my: Second house is my house.; :
;mj: Druh dm je mj dm.;pol. um.

my: There are chairs in my house's living room.; :

mum: together with mum;: ( ) ;mamka: spolu ;mj: V obvacm
s mamkou;adv. col.
pokoji mho domu jsou idle.;pol. um.
mummy;;maminka;col. E. mummy
my: This is my elder brother.;: ;mj: Tohle
mummy: Is mummy far away?;:
();maminka: Je maminka daleko (pry)?;inter. col.
muscle (muscle meat); ;sval (maso svalu);n.
muscle: stretched muscles (ie. not relaxed muscles); :
;sval: napnut svaly (tj.
museum (building (of) showing);T( );muzeum
(budova ukazovn);sg.

je mj star bratr.;pol. uw.

my: What a pity! ((This is) just the true-nature (of) my

kamma.);: ;mj: koda! (ohledn vlastnho
netst, (To je) prost skuten charakter m kammy.);col.
my: Will you come to my house?; :
;mj: Pijde ke m dom? (Pijde do mho
domu?);inter. fut. um.
Myan Aung ( = 'quick success');T ;Myan Aun ( = 'rychl


Myan Aung ( ~ 'quick success'): (He) named Lwan She ( ~
'lwan medicine') as Myan Aung ( ~ 'quick success').;T :
T ;Myan Aun ( ~ 'rychl
spch'): Pojmenoval Lwan She ( ~ 'lk lvan') jakoto Myan
Aun ( ~ 'rychl spch').;writ.
Myanmar;T ;Myanmarsk;adj.
Myanmar (+ country): Myanmar (country) is extremely
beautiful.;T : T ;Myanmar (+
zem): Myanmar (zem) je nesmrn krsn.;pol.
Myanmar (country): It is in the middle (part) of Myanmar
country.;T T : T T ;Myanmar,
(zem): Je ve stedu ( ~ stedn sti) Myanmaru.;pol.

various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the

Myanmars.;T : T
;Myanmarsk lid ( ~ Myanmai):
Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi zpsoby utiskovala (a)
utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~ Myanmary).;p.s. writ.
nail (of a finger, hand's strong(part)); ( );nehet
(prstu ruky, siln(st) ruky);sg.
nail (of a finger): (He) stuck a needle between nails and while
hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).; :
Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem,
testoval (je).;writ.

nail (of a toe, leg's strong(part));T ( );nehet (prstu

Myanmar (a person of the nationality);T ;Myanmar (osoba t nohy, siln(st) nohy);sg.
nail, finger (finger (is) strong); ( ) [l.d:];nehet
(prst (je) siln);sg.
Myanmar (country);T (T ) T () ;Myanmar
nail, finger (husk (of) strong finger); ( )
[l.d:khw~];nehet (slupka silnho prstu);sg.
Myanmar (native of the country);T ( );Myanmar
(rodil z t zem);sg. col.

Myanmar (people): This way the Myanmar (people) perform

New Year.;T : T
;Myanmart (lid): Takto Myanmart (lid)
konaj o Novm Roce.;pol.

naive (person, be-dull (and) halt-much);; naivn, bt

(bt-tup (a) moc-zastavit);n.
naive (person, be-dull (and) muchmeasured);;naivn, bt (bt-tup (a) moczmen);n.

Myanmar (the native): (He) also adores the Myanmars.;T : naive (person, be-stupid (and) resemble-much);;naivn,
T T ;Myanmar (rodil): Tak zbouje bt (bt-hloup (a) moc-se-podobat);n.
Myanmary ( ~ lidi z Myanmaru).;col.
naive, be; ;naivn, bt;I
Myanmar airline office (Bengali office (of) air
vehicle);T ;Myanmarsk cestovn kancel
(Benglsk kancel vzdunho vozidla);n.
Myanmar culture (tradition and matters, Myanmar
case);T ;Myanmaru, kultura (tradice a zleitosti,

naive, be (be-dull); ;naivn, bt (bt-tup);I (or) I idi.

naive, be (be-struck);;naivn, bt (bt-pratn);I

nma (name or mind, esp. one of the main constituents of

person); ;nma (jmno i mysl, zejm. jedna z hlavnch
soust bytosti);n. P. nma (= mind, name)

name; ( ) ( ) ( )
Myanmar Era (ME); ;Myanmarsk letopoet (Myan. l.);n. ( ) ;jmno nazvat se;I (or) sg. writ. (or) n.
Myanmar language;T ;myanmarsk jazyk;n.
writ. (or) sg. P. nma (= name) (or) suff. sg. writ.
Myanmar language: Can you teach (me) Myanmar
language?;T : T
;Myanmarsk jazyk: Mohl bys m uit
Myanmarsk jazyk?;inter.
Myanmar language: I can speak in Myanmar language better
( ~ more) than in Mon language.;T : T
T ;Myanmarsk jazyk: Umm mluvit
Myanmarskm jazykem lpe ( ~ vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;
Myanmar literature;T ;Myanmarsk literatura;n.
Myanmar Travel Office;T ;Myanmarsk Cestovn
Kancel;name E. travel
Myanmar: (I) am of Myanmar nationality. ((I) am one of
Myanmar people kind.);T : T ;Myanmar:
Jsem Myanmarsk nrdnosti. (Jsem jeden z myanmarskho
druhu lid.);pol.
Myanmar: Myanmar lady.;T : T ;Myanmar:
Dma (z) Myanmaru.;
Myanmars (Myanmar people);T ; Myanmarsk lid
Myanmars: Since that time, indeed, English government in


name ( ~ "call): My name is Albert. ((My name) is called

'Albert'.);: ;jmenovat se ( ~ "volatse): Jmenuji se Albert. ((M jmno) se vol 'Albert'.);pol.
name ( ~ "call): What is your name? (How is your name
called?);: ;jmenovat se ( ~
"nazvat): Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se nazv tv
jmno?);inter. col.
name (-): (My name is) Albert.; ("-"):
;jmenovat se (-): Jmenuji se Albert.;pol.
name (call): What is your name, sir? (How (is) sir's name
called?);: ;jmenovat se (volat): Jak
se jmenujete, pane? (Jak se pnovo jmno vol?);uw.
name (of a monk); ( ) ;jmno (mnicha);sg. utmn.
name (of a monk): May (I) get to know (your) name. (a request
to a monk); : ;jmno (mnicha): K se mi dostane
vdn (tvho) jmna. (dost mnichovi);pol. utmn.
name (of monk); ( );jmno (mnicha);sg. mn.
name (of monk): May (I) know ven. Sir's name.; :
;jmno (mnicha): Rd bych vdl jmno
ct. pna. (K je jmno ct. pna znmo.);pol.

name (of sth.); ;jmno (neho);n. P. paatti (=

designation, name)
name (or mind, esp. one of the main constituents of
person); ;jmno (i mysl, zejm. jedna z hlavnch soust
bytosti);n. P. nma (= mind, name)
name (sth., give name); ;jmenovat (nco, dt
name (sth.);;jmenovat (nco) pojmenovat;T
name (sth.): (He) named Lwan She ( ~ 'lwan medicine') as
Myan Aung ( ~ 'quick success').;:
T ;pojmenovat: Pojmenoval Lwan She
( ~ 'lk lvan') jakoto Myan Aun ( ~ 'rychl spch').;writ.

name: My name is Kyaw Win San. (My name (is) Famous,

Bright (and) Special).; :
;jmno: Jmenuji se Wen Shan. (Moje jmno
(je) Slavn, Svtl (a) Vjimen.);pol. col.
name: My name is San Mya.; :
T;jmno: Jmenuji se Sen Mya. (Moje jmno (je) Sen
Mya.);pol. um.
name: Please, spell your name.; : T
T;jmno: Prosm, hlskuj sv jmno.;imper. pol.

name: The monk should ask (his) teacher again about (the
teacher's) name.; : T
( ~ T );jmno:
name, by: Let me introduce (us), ok? By name, we are (young Ten mnich by se ml zeptat (svho) uitele na jeho jmno.;sl.
name: Their names are (young man) Aye and (young man)
man) TunTint and Ms. Thaung Si.; :
;jmnem: Tin.; : ;jmno:
(Oni) se jmenuj (mlad pn) a (mlad pn) Ten.;col. pol.
Pedstavme se, ano? Jsme (- Jmenujeme se) mlad pn
ThonTen a slena TauS.;col. pol.

name: What is the name? (How is the name called?); :

name, by: They are, by name, (young man) Khin Maung Nyo ;jmno: Jak se jmenuje? (Jak se nazv
jmno?);inter. col.
and Mss. Yin Yin.; :
;jmnem: (Oni) jsou, jmnem, mlad pn Khen Maun name: What is your name, sir? (How (is) sir's name
u a slena Yen Yen.;col. pol.
called?); : ;jmno: Jak se
jmenujete, pane? (Jak se pnovo jmno vol?);uw.
name, main (in basic name); ;jmno, hlavn
(v zkladnm jmn);n.

name, of the: Have you ever met the student of the name

Maung Maung?; :
;jmnem: Setkal jsi se u se studentem jmnem
Maun Maun?;inter. p.p.
name: (And) how about friends, what is (their) name?; :
;jmenovat se ( ~ "jmno):
A co ptel, jak se jmenuj?;inter. col.
name: (He) named Da Goun as Yangon ( ~ 'end of
danger').;: ;pojmenovat:
Pojmenoval Da Goun jakoto Yangoun (Rangn) ( ~ 'konec
name: (My) female supporter's name is Mya Mytzu.; :
T T ;jmno: Jmno (m)
podporovatelky je Mjamenzu.;

name: What is your name? (How (is) called your

name?); : ;jmno: Jak se
jmenuje? (Jak se nazv tv jmno?);inter.
name: What is your name? (How is your name
called?); : ;jmno: Jak se
jmenuje? (Jak se nazv tv jmno?);inter. col.
name: What is your name? (Who are you (by) name?); :
;jmno: Jak se jmenuje? (Kdo ty jsi
jmnem?);interj. fr. col.
name: What's the name of this road? (How do you call the
name of this road?); :
;jmno: Jak se jmenuje tato ulice? (Jak
nazv jmno tto ulice?);col.
named (which took name); ;jmenovan (kter
vzal jmno);adj. writ.

name: For great enemy, Koung Baung attended on the town

Shwe Bo of five-names, destroying the danger.; :
;jmno: Kvli velkmu nepteli, Koun Baun se staral o msto
ve Bo pti jmen, a zniil nebezpe.;sng.

named as; ;k, emu se jmenuje se;suff. adj. (or)


name: Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~

where is gold) and built the city palace (therein).;:
;nazvat: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.

namely (as included below); ;jmenovit (jak

obsaeno ne);adv.

name: his name (is); : ;jmno: jmenuje se

(jeho jmno (je));

named: books named 'piaka'; :

;pojmenovan: knihy pojmenovan 'piaka';writ.

namely (if said exactly);T

;toti. (pokud eeno pesn) jmenovit
(pokud eeno pesn);adv. (or) adv. writ.
namely (followed by a list);;jmenovit (nsledovno

name: His name is (called) Maung Maung.; :

namely, they are; ;jmenovit, jsou to;adv.
;jmno: Jmenuje se Maun Maun. (Jeho nan bread, Indian (flat nan);T;nn chlb, Indick (ploch
jmno se nazv Maun Maun.);pol.
nn);n. H. nnpal
name: It is said, that his name (was) Nga Nyo.; :
nan bread, Indian: buttered nan (nan greased (with)
;jmno: k se, e se jmenoval ( ~ e jeho butter);T: T ;nn chlb, Indick: nn s
jmno (bylo)) a o.;
mslem (nn namazan mslem);


nap (have a stretch of sleep, sleep one

stretch);;spt (mt jeden sek spnku, spt jeden
narration (tale);T ( );vyprvn (povdka);sg.
narrow, be; ;zk, bt;I

narrow, be (narrow (and) narrow); T ;zk, bt (zk

(a) zk);I

druhu lid.);pol.
nationality: What is your ( ~ "sir's) nationality?;:
;nrodnost: Jak je tv ( ~ "pnovo)
native; ( );rodil;sg.

native (country person in (the)

territory);( );rodil
(zemsk osoba v teritoriu);sg. (mn.)

narrow: The valley (itself) is so narrow.; :

;zk: (To) dol (jako-takov) native (man (of) the-kind);( );rodil (mu
je tak zk.;
national ((of) persons (of the) kind);;nrodn (lid
(toho) druhu);adj.
National Day (day (of) citizens);;Nrodn Den
(den oban);n.
National Day: Tenth waning day of Tanzhaungmoung month is
the National Day.;:
T ;nrodn svtek ( ~ den):
Dest den obvajcho msce Tanzhaunmounu je nrodn
svtek ( ~ den).;pol. writ.

native (of a country, person related-to

region); ( );rodil (urit zem, osoba
majc-vztah-k oblasti);sg.
native person: Foreigners sometimes group against the native
people.;: T

( ~
);mstn (obyvatel): Nkdy se cizinci sdruuj proti

national song (any song sang by the native and reflecting the native: Are you of our nationality? (Native?); :
particular culture); ;nrodn pse (jakkoliv pse ;rodil: Jsi naeho ;
zpvan rodilm a odrejc tu kterou kulturu);n.
native: local people (local natives);:
;rodil: mstn obyvatel (mstn rodil);pl.
national: The study of national literature also happened to be
native: song (sang) by Myanmar natives;:

;nrodn: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn T ;rodily: pse (zpvan) rodilmi Myanmary;
natural (simple event, every event);T T ;pirozen
national: They founded ( ~ built) national college (a) national (jednoduch udlost, kad udlost);sg.
(primary) schools.;:
Natural History Museum;T;Historicko ;nrodn: Zaloili ( ~ Prodovdn Muzeum;name
postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a) nrodn (zkladn)
Natural History Museum: Indeed, Natural History Museum, zoo
koly.;writ. pol. pl.
(and) Karawait Hotel (are there).;T:
nationalism (spirit (of) loving (that) kind): In order to arouse
the nationalism towards the Myanmar nationality, encouraging,
they have recognized this day as National Day.; :

;vlastenectv (duch lsky (tomu) druhu): Aby
vyvolali vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za
povzbudzovn), rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn
Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.
nationalism (spirit (of) loving (that)
kind); ;vlastenectv (duch lsky (tomu)
nationalism (patriotism, spirit (of) loving (one's own)
kind); ;vlastenectv (duch milovn (vlastnho)

;Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum:
Vskutku, (je tam) Historicko-Prodovdn Muzeum, zoo (a)
Karavei Hotel.;
natural, be (falls (with) working);;pirozen, bt
(pad (s) dlnm);I
natural, be: The pronunciation started to become natural ( ~
"something natural).;T T : T T
T ;pirozen, bt: Vslovnost se stala pirozenou ( ~
"nm pirozenm).;
nature (natural character);;pirozenost
(pirozen charakter);n.
nature, be of bad (bad nature);;povahy, bt
nedobr (patn charakter);I

nature, be of good (good nature); ;povahy, bt

nationalities: Kayah, Kayin etc. nationalities live in those
dobr (dobr charakter);I
states.; : nature: nature of feeling;: ;charakter:
T ;nrodnosti: Kaj, Kajen atd. nrodnosti charakter pocitu;
ij v tchto sttech.;pol.
nature: The discourses with more details preached by the
nationality: (I) am of Dutch nationality.;:
Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which
;nrodnost: Jsem holandsk nrodnosti.;pol.
is referred to in Sratthadpan.;: T
nationality: (I) am of Myanmar nationality. ((I) am one of
Myanmar people kind.);: T ;nrodnost:

Jsem Myanmarsk nrdnosti. (Jsem jeden z myanmarskho
;charakter: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi


pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk

charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
nature: The Myanmar word nature is broad ( ~ has broad
meaning).;: T
T ;pirozenost: Myanmarsk slovo pirozenost je
irok ( ~ m irok vznam).;
navel; ;pupek;n.

near: This is very near to ( ~ with) the Prakrit language.; :

T ;blzko: To je
velice blzko prkritu (jazyku).;writ. pol.
nearby; ;pobl;prep. (or) adv.
nearby (in nearby);;pobl (v pobl);adv.
nearby (little bit); ;blzko (troiku);

nearby (near (and) near);;pobl (blzko (a)

navel: With modernity, the navel shows up.; :
;pupek: S modern mdou se ukazuje (i) pupek.;jk. nearby: (He) seized forty-six nearby villages.;:
T ;pobl:
Naypyidaw (division);T ();Neipyijito (Nebd,
Obsadil tyicet est vesnic pobl.;writ.
sprvn stedisko);name
nearby: (It) is not nearby.;: ;pobl: Pobl
ne: Tohle nen kniha kterou uitelka te.;:
:not: This book is not what the (female)
teacher reads.;pol.;

(to) nen.;pol.

near, be (approach near); ;blzko, bt (piblit-se


know.;: ( ~
);pobl: Nevm, kde to tady pobl
dostanete ( ~ najdete).;

nearby: Do (you) know, where (I) can get ( ~ find) (it)?;:

( ~
near; ;pobl u blzko;prep. (or) adv. (or) );pobl: Nevte, kde pobl bych (to) mohl
prep. writ.
dostat ( ~ najt)?;inter. fut.
near, be;;blzko, bt;
nearby: Where (you) will get ( ~ find) (it) nearby, (I) don't

near, be (be-near (and) connected); ;pobl, bt (bt

pobl (a) spojen);I
near, be (come near);;blzko, bt (pijt bl);I
near, be: It is near hospital.;: ;pobl: Je
pobl nemocnice.;pol.
near, be: To where is your house near?;:
;pobl, bt: Pobl eho je tvj dm?;inter.

nearly ((around) near (and) thin);( );skoro

((okolo) blzko (a) huben);adv.
nearly (near, near);;skoro (blzko, blzko);adv.
nearly (almost, nearly (and) nearly);;tm (blzko (a)
blzko);adv. writ.
neck (deaf neck); ;krk (hluch krk);n.

near,,in front;;pobl,,ve pedu;adv.

need; ;potebovat poteba poteba, bt;I (or) T (or)

near,,in front: I want to stop near, in front. ((I) will stop near, in n.
front.) (can be told to taxidriver when the destination is
need (have need);;potebovat (mt potebu);T
approached);: ;pobl,,ve pedu: Chci
need (need (and) be-appropriate); ;potebovat
zastavit (tady) pobl, ve pedu. (Zastavm pobl, ve pedu.) (potebovat (a) bt-vhodn);I
(me bt eeno taxiki, kdy je cl na blzku);fut.
need (need (and) put); ;potebovat (potebovat (a)
near: (It) is very close to ( ~ with) it.; :
;blzko: Je (to) tomu ( ~ s tm) velice


need much (need (and) want pretty-much); ; potebovat

hodn (potebovat (a) chtt hezky);T

near: Indeed, the more (you) are close, the more (it is) hot.;: need, have a;; potebu, mt;I
;blzko: Vskutku, m jsi bl, tm vc je
need, have a: (I) don't have a need to go to my country.;:
;potebu, mt: Nemm potebu jet
near: Is (it) near the place, where is the war?;:
do sv zem.;pol.
T ;pobl: Je (to) pobl msta, kde je
need: (I) am going to (a) shop as I need medicine.; :
vlka?;inter. writ.
;potebovat: Jdu do
near: My house is near Yangon University. (My house is near
with Yangon University);:
;blzko: Mj dm je blzko Rangnsk Univerzity. (Mj
dm je blzko s Rangnskou Univerzitou.);col. pol. um.

lkrny, protoe potebuji lk.;cont.

near: near the school;: ;blzko: blzko koly;

need: (I) need to (go) more. (may be told to taxidriver when

one wants to go beyond the place where they are going to
stop);: ;potebovat: Potebuji (jet) jet (dl).
(me bt eeno taxiki, kdy nkdo potebuje jet za msto,
kde se taxik prv chyst zastavit);pol.

near: The town is near sea.;:

;blzko: (To) msto je pobl moe.;writ.

need: (I) need to stay.; : ;potebovat:

Potebuji (tam) bt.;

near: Then, there are indeed other things to see just near the
Shwedagon pagoda.;:
T ;pobl: A pak, prv pobl
vedagou pagody jsou vskutku dal vci k vidn.pol.;

need: Do you need ((and) want) Chinese or Indian

goods?; :
;potebovat: Potebuje(te) ((a) chcete) nsk
nebo indick zbo?;inter.

near: near the bike;: ;blzko: blzko kola;


need: Go this way, it is very close. (Go according to this way,

indeed, just little bit is needed.);:
;poteba, bt: Jete tudy, je to
velice blzko. (Jete podle tto cesty, ji jen troiku je,
vskutku, poteba.);imper.
need: I already have a car, therefore (I) don't need this one ( ~
"car) any more.; :
;potebovat: U jedno auto mm, take u
nepotebuji tohle (auto).;
need: I need the book to see (it).; :
;potebovat: Potebuji (tu) knihu abych se na (to)
need: If (you) have something needed, (I) will help (you) by the
part of (mine) able to help.; :
;potebovat: Pokud m nco (co)

potebuje, pomohu (ti svou) st schopnou pomhat.;pol. fut.

need: If (you) need, use (it).; :
;potebovat: Kdy bude potebovat, pouij
(to).;imper. col.
need: Poor countries need aid for their people.; :

;potebovat: Chud zem potebuj
vypomoci svm lidem.;
need: Tell (me) what (you) need.; :
T;potebovat: ekni (mi) co potebuje.;imper.

nephew;( );synovec;sg.

Netherlands (country, Holland); ();Nizozem (zem,

Holandsko);name E. Dutch
never; - - ;nikdy;adv, (or)
never (haven't ever): I haven't ever seen a clay alms-bowl in
my life.; : T T ;nikdy: V
ivot jsem nevidl hlinnou almun msu.;col.
never: (He) never looks back.; -:
T T ;nikdy: Nikdy se nepodv zpt.;
never: (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never heard (and
they) are doing how they want to do.; :
T ;nikdy: Vyhls
zkon kter (jsem) jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce
nevertheless; T T T T ;v kadm ppad
(nicmn) nirmn nicmn;conj. writ. (or) adv.
nevertheless (also, indeed, when); T ;nicmn
(tak, vskutku, kdy);
nevertheless (nevertheless,
however); T ;nicmn (nicmn,
nevertheless (not connected (to) thespeech); ;nicmn (nespojen (s) e);adv.

need: What do (you) need?;: ;poteba: Co nevertheless (telling (and) telling just
potebujete? (Jakou mte potebu?);inter. pol.
what(ever)); TT;pecejenom (kajce (a) kajce
needed, be;; teba, bt;I
prost co(koliv));interj.
needle; ( );jehla;sg.
new; ;nov;suff. adj.
needle: (He) stuck a needle between nails and while hitting (it)
with hammer, (he) tested (them).; :
;jehla: Zabodnul jehlu mezi
nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem, testoval (je).;writ.
needy, be (poor, handicapped (and) tilted);;uboh, bt
(bt-postien (a) nachlen);I
neighborhood (of town, marked-off
region); ;sousedstv (msta, oznaen oblast);n.

new (different (and) new); ;nov (odlin (a)

new (and) new; ;nov a nov ;adj.
new (and) new: New and new troubles (and) problems
appear.; : T
;nov (a) nov: Objevuj se nov a nov pote
(a) problmy.;

New Delhi (town in India);();New Delhi (msto

neither-nor: I will neither drink nor eat.; .. ..:
;ani-ani: Nebudu New Light of Myanmar, The (name of a
ani jst ani pt.;col.
newspaper);T ;New Light of Myanmar, The (jmno
neither, nor; ;ani, ani;suff. conj.
novin, Svtlo Myanmaru);name
neither, nor: (He) has neither experience, nor
new moon (hidden moon);;nov (schovan
knowledge.; :
;ani, ani: Nem ani zkuenosti, ani znalosti.;
new moon: (I) observe the Uposatha sla on full moon (day)
neither, nor: (He) has neither field nor a cow.; :
;ani, ani: Nem ani pole, ani

(and) new moon (day).;: T

;nov: Dodruji upsatha slu na (den) plku
(i) na (den) novu.;Bh.

neither, nor: (He) has neither house, nor a car.; : new year festival, Thin-gyan; ;novoron oslava,
;ani, ani: Nem ani dm, ani
New York (town); ();New York (msto);name
neither, nor: (He) has neither shrewdness, nor
New Zealand (country); () ;Nov Zland
politeness.; : (zem);name
;ani, ani: Nen ani slun, ani chytr. (Nem ani
new, be; ;nov, bt;I
slunost, ani nem mazanost.);
new: (a) new, blue shirt; : T
Nepal (country);();Nepl (zem);name


;nov: nov, modr koile;n.

new: a new camera; : ;nov: nov


year.; : T ;pt: Mm
zmr se pt rok na chvli vrtit.;pol.

new: a new thing (something new); :

;nov: nov vc (nco novho);

next: (We) will meet again on a next day.; :

T T : T ;pt: Setkme se
znovu (njak) pt den.;fut.

new: new work; : ;nov: nov prce;n.

next: I'll return next Monday.; :

T ;pt: Vrtm se pt pondl.;col.

Newcastle (city in United Kingdom); ();Newcastle

(msto ve Velk Britnii);name

next: next animal; : ;dal: dal zve;

next: next week; : ;pt: pt tden;

news; ;zprvy (novinky) novinky;n.

next: next week on Wednesday; :

;pt: pt tden ve stedu;writ.

new: new letters; : ;nov: nov dopisy;

news reporter (maintain

news); ( );zpravodaj (udrovat
news, present (what happens with particular
person); ;novinky, nejnovj (co se dje s uritou
news: In the Myanmar newspapers there are included all news
on religions, education, economics and politics.; :
;novinky:V Myanmarskch novinch
byly zahrnuty vechny novinky o nboenstvch, vzdln,
ekonomice a policice.;pol.
newspaper (news writing); ;noviny (psan
newspaper: From 1970 until 1989 the newspapers were
thin.; :
;noviny: Od 1970 do 1989 byly noviny tenk.;pol.
newspaper: In Myanmar, the newspaper have been indeed
published for long time.; : T
;noviny: V Myanmaru byly noviny
publikovny ji dlouho (dlouhou dobu).;pol.
newspaper: The newspaper The New Light of Myanmar is
published in Myanmar as well as in English
(language).; : T T
;noviny: Noviny The New Light of
Myanmar jsou publikovny v barmtin (myanmartin) a tak
v anglitin.;pol.
next; ;pt dal;adj.
next (following); ;dal (nsledujc);prep.
next (time); ;pt;adv.

next: Turn left, (and) having passed the next street, on the right
(you) should find the hotel.; :

Zahnte vlevo, (a) a pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml
uvidt ( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.
next: We will meet on the next day.; :
;pt: Setkme se pt (pt den).;fut.
Ngadatkyi Pagoda (pagoda (of) five big
storeys) ; [h.c];Ndhat Pagoda
(pagoda pti velkch pater);name
Ngadatkyi: Tomorrow at noon (I) want to go to Ngadatkyi
Pagoda.; :
;Ndhat: Ztra v poledne chci jet
do Ndhat Pagody.;pol.
Nibbana (the Buddhist enlightenment); ;Nibbna
(Buddhistick osvcen);n.
Nibbna, the deathless (deathless (and) peaceful
nibbna); ;nibbna, nesmrteln (nesmrteln
(a) pokojn nibbna);n. Bh. P. amata-nibbna (= deathless extinction (of greed, hatred and ignorance))
Nibbna, the deathless: (He) attains the deathless
Nibbna.; :
T ;Nibbna, nesmrteln: Dosahuje nesmrteln
nibbna, the deathless: If I can attain the deathless Nibbna, I
should attain it.; :

;nibbna: Pokud
mohu doshnout nesmrteln Nibbny, (pak) bych ji ml

Nibbana: Anyone who is oriented towards Nibbna wants to

next (time): good e-mail also next (time) in future; :
;pt: dobr e-mail tak pt (attain) Nibbna.; :

;Nibbana: Kdokoliv, (kdo) je zamen
v budoucnu;

chce (doshnout) Nibbny.;pol.
next day; ;dal den nadchzejc den;adv.
next time; ;pt;adv.

Nibbna: approach the Nibbna; :

;Nibbna: piblit se k Nibbn;

next time: Next time (I) am going to stay only in

Sinhapore.; : ( ~ ) Singapore nicely (wiping (and) standing); ;hezky (utrn (a)
( ~ Singapore );pt:
nicely: He tidies up the (all) things.; :
Pt budu pouze v Singapuru.;pol.
next to: As it is next to Irrawaddy river, (also as for beauty,) T :
T ;hezky: (Vechny ty)
(it) is also beautiful.;: T
vci uklid.;
;vedle: Ponvad je vedle eky Iravadi,
(tak (co se te) krsy) je krsn.;pol. col.

next: (I) have an intention to come back for a while next

niece;( );nete;sg.
night; ;noc;n.

night (night part);;noc (non st);n.


night (night time);;noc (as noci);n.

night, late at; ;noci, pozd v;adv.

night, late at (black night); ;noci, pozd v (ern

night, late at (time (of) being late (to) enter
bed); ;noci, pozd v (as kdy-je
pozd vstoupit (do) postele);adv.

u nen spokojen s druhm.;pol.

no no (not yes, not yes); ;ne ne (nikoliv ano,
nikoliv ano);interj.
no: I'll not go by any car.;:
;dn: Nepojedu dnm autem.;col. um.
no: No, sorry.; : ;ne: Ne,

night, late at: I'll go to sleep only late at night.; :

;noci, pozd v: Pjdu spt jen pozd v noble; ;ulechtil lechetn;adj. E. noble
noble (used rather as num. class.);;ulechtil (uvno spe
night: (time of) four hours sleeping at night was not enough, coby itatel);pow.
indeed;: ;noc:
noble lords ( ~ monks): noble lords ( ~ monks) who have
tyi hodiny ( ~ "as ty hodin) spnku v noci, vskutku,
become Arahants;T : T
nestaily.;p.s. writ.
T ;vzneen pni ( ~ mnii): vzneen pni ( ~
night: At night (time) the month is shining.;:
;noc: V noci svt msc.;writ.

mnii), kte se stali Arahantem;

night: At night, indeed, we do not (play) throwing water.;:

;noc: V noci, vskutku, nehzme
vodou. (tj. nehrajeme hzen vodou);pol.

noble, be (good, noble, noble (and)

noble); T ;noble, bt (dobr, ulechtil, ulechtil
(a) ulechtil);I

noble, be;T ;lechetn, bt;I

night: At night, the cars normally turn on the lights (and) go ( ~ noble, be (high (and) grand);T;vzneen, bt (vysok (a)
drive).;: T

;noc: V noci auta obvykle rozsvt
noble, be (high (and) noble);TT ;ulechtil, bt (vysok (a)
svtla (a) jedou ( ~ d).;writ.
night: until 11 o'clock at night;: ;noc: do
noble, be (high);T;vzneen, bt;I
jedencti hodin v noci;
noble, be: (He) dedicates (himself) for the attainment of the
night: When the moon is shining, (it is) night time.;:
;noc: Kdy svt msc, (je) noc ( ~
non as).;writ.
night: yesterday at night, at 12 o'clock;:
;noc: vera v noci, ve 12 hodin;
nikya (any of the five books of Sutta Piaka e.g., the first
collection of the Buddha's discourses in Tipiaka); ;nikya
(kterkoliv z pti knih Sutta Piaky tj. prvnho souboru
Buddhovch promluv v Tipiace);Bh. lit. P. nikya (= group,
nikya: five nikyas; : ;nikya: pt
niky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.
nine; ;devt;num.
nineth;;devt;num. P. navama (= nineth)
nisidana (sitting cloth, sitting (and) sitting
spreading); ;nisdana (podloka na sezen,
prostrn (na) sezen (a) sezen);n. P. nisdana (= sitting
no; ;ne;interj. (or) interj. ans. col. (or) interj.
no (not yes);;ne (nikoliv ano);interj. pol.
no longer; -;u ne;adv.
no more;;u ne;adv.
no more than, be; ;ne vce ne, bt;adv.
no more: (he) has no more;: ;u: u nem;
no more: As for now, it is not raining any more.;:
;u ne: A te, u nepr.;col.

noble purpose.;TT : TT
T T ;ulechtil, bt: Odevzdv se
pro dosaen (toho) ulechtilho cle.;
noble,be;T ;ulechtil, bt;I
noble: Animals are not as noble as people.;TT :
TT ;ulechtil: Zvata
nejsou tak ulechtil jako lid.;
noble: Concentrating (one's) mind is good, noble (and) beautiful
way, when (one) always concentrates (his) mind.;T :
T T ;lechetn:
Soustedn (vlastn) mysli je to dobrou, lechetnou (a) krsnou
noble: five (noble) precepts;: ;ulechtil: pt
(ulechtilch) pravidel;
noble: noble life;TT : TT ;ulechtil: ulechtil
noble: Noble mind means the excellent state of mind.;T :
T ( ~ ) ;ulechtil:
Ulechtil mysl znamen vynikajc stav mysli.;pol.
noble: the noble truth preached by the Buddha;T :
T ;ulechtil: ulechtil pravda pednesen
nobody; - - ;nikdo;prep. (or)
nobody: May nobody know except you.; :
;nikdo: K nikdo krom tebe nev.;pol. um.

nobody: Nobody knows as much as Nga Nyo.; :

no more: One is no more satisfied with the other.; -: ;nikdo: Nikdo nev tolik, co
( ) ( ) T;u nen: Jeden a o.;pol.


nobody: There is nobody.; : ;nikdo: lid);n.

Nikdo (tu) nen.;
normally (by reflecting (the) form);T;obvykle
node; ( );uzlina;sg.
(podle zrcadlen zpsob) bn (podle zrcadlen
noisy, be (noisy (and) noisy);; hlun, bt (hlun (a)

normally (reflecting (the) form);;bn (zrcadlce

noisy: The rented flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~ zpsob) obvykle (zrcadlce zpsob);adv.
much) noisy.;:
normally: At night, the cars normally turn on the lights (and) go
;hlun: Ten pronajat byt (pokoj), ponvad je
( ~ drive).;T: T
ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.

;obvykle: V noci auta obvykle rozsvt
svtla (a) jedou ( ~ d).;writ.
nomenclature: (I) am telling (you), that when (I) call the novice North;T ;Sever;n.
as the novice Sarana, the nomenclature (will be) more
North (aim's direction);T ;Sever (smr cle);n.
elegant.;: North American
TT T;nzvoslov: km (ti), e kdy budu (continent);T ();Severoamerick
nazvat novice jakoto novic Sarana, bude (to) nzvoslov
North Pole (north spot (of the) axis);T ;Severn
non-smoking (room) (room (where one) should not drink Pl (severn skvrna osy);n.
medicinal rolls); ( );nekuck (pokoj) North Pole: In the North Pole it's very cold.;T :
(pokoj (kde se) nikoliv maj pt liv zvitky);n.
T ;Severn Pl: Na Severnm
nonsense; ;nesmysl;n. col. Plu je ohromn ( ~ ohromn) zima.;
E. overdone(?) (or) n. ow. (or) n. col.
North, (to) (North direction);T ;Sever, (na) (smr
nonsense (hole taking); ;nesmysl (dru bran);n.

nonsense, talk; T
;nesmysly, kat;T col. E. overdone(?) (or) T
nonsense: Do not talk nonsense.;T:
T :
: ;nesmysl: Nepovdej
nesmysly.;imper. pol. col. fr.
noodles (knock (and) drag); ;nudle (klepat (a)
thnout);n. Sh. khaw-shen
noodles (thick, makaroni, big thread-of-gold); ;nudle
(tlust, makarony, velk provaz-zlata) tstoviny (tlust
nudle, makarony, velk provaz-zlata);n.


North: He was born in North India.;T : T

;sever: (On) se narodil v severn Indii.;p.s. writ.
North: Mandalay mountain is in North direction from the
moat.;T : T ;sever:
Mandalajsk hora je na sever od (toho) vodnho pkopu.;pol.
nose;( );nos;sg.
nose (nose head); ( );nos (nosov hlava);sg.
nose (nose's head); ( );nos (nosov hlava);sg.
nose, under one's very (prostrated (at one's)
sight); ;nosu, (bt) u (lec (u nho) zraku);adv.

not; - - - ;nikoliv;suff.
spis. (or) suff. (or) suff. pol. (or) pref. col. (or) pref. & suff. col.
noodles, boiled (boiled spaghetti); ;nudle, vaen pol. (or) pref. & suff. col. (or) pref. & suff. spis.
(vaen nudle);n.
not after all; -;ne, u ne;adv.

noodles, fried (fried spaghetti); ;nudle, smaen not any more; -;nikdy vce;adv.
(smaen nudle);n.
not at all (not round (and) fat);;vbec (nikoliv kulat
noodles: I will eat noodles.; :
(a) tlust);adv.
;nudle: Budu jst nudle.;uw
not be: Today (there) is no class. (Today the class is not.);:
noon (day (is) well); (WS. from )
;poledne (den (je) dobe);adv. (or) adv. WS.

;nebt: Dneska lekce nen.;pol.

noon (day-half); ;poledne (plka dne);adv.

not even to: (He) didn't show (it) even to (his) own
girlfriend.; -:

T ;ani
(komu): Neukzal (to) ani sv ptelkyni.;p.s. pol.

noon (time (of) straight noon); ;poledne (as

pmho poledne);adv.

not even to; -;ani (komu);suff.

noon: lunch for monks (noon food); : not far from;;nedaleko;prep. writ.
: ;poledne: obd pro mnichy (poledn
not far, be;;nedaleko, bt;
not far, be (approach near); ;nedaleko, bt (piblit-se
noon: Tomorrow at noon (I) want to go to Ngadatkyi
Pagoda.; :
not little; ;nemlo;adv.
;poledne: Ztra v poledne chci jet
not long after; ;zanedlouho;adv.. (or) adv.
do Ndhat Pagody.;pol.
noone (nobody); -;nikdo;pron.
not long after (not lasting before); ;ne dlouho po t
normal people (middle people);;bn lid (stedn
(netrvajc ped);adv.


not long after: Indeed, not long after the great town Inwa fell in (a) vzcn);I
hands of the Hanthawadi's troops.; :
notes (collection (of) notes);;poznmky (sbrka
;zanedlouho: Vskutku, zanedlouho pot
ohromn msto Enva padlo do rukou vojsk Hentvad.;writ.
notes (mark collecting {pl.});;poznmky (poznmek
not much good;T T ;ne moc dobr;adj.
sbrn {mn..});pl.
not only .. but also; - - ;nejen .. ale notes (note collections);;zpisky (sbrky
i;suff. conj.
not only .. but also: The building is not only big, but also
good.; - :
;nejen .. ale i: Ta budova je nejen
velk, ale i dobr.;
not only that;;nejen to;conj.

notes and records: It can be known according to the notes and

records.; :
;poznmky a zznamy: Lze o tom vdt z ( ~
podle) poznmek a zznam.;pol.
nothing; ;nic;pron.

not only that .. ,,but also .. ; -

nothing like ((that), (of) (that) nature); -
- ;nejen,,e.. ,,ale tak .. nejen,,e .. ,,ale tak .. ;suff. ( );nic takovho ((toho) charakteru);n.
nothing: (I) said nothing.;: T;nic: Nic (jsem)
not only that .. ,,but not even; -;nejen,,e .. ,,ale neekl.;
ani ..;suff. conj.
nothing: I know nothing.; : ;nic:
not only that: Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows
how to fulfill that intention.;:
T ;nejen to: Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten
zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ. pol.

Nevm nic.;um.

not only, but also: Not only that (he) has a girlfriend, but he is
not even Mr. Maung.;:
;nejen, ale: Nejen, e m ptelkyni, ale ani nen pan

notice;;vimnout si vmat si;I (or) T

not only..but also..: Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of
commentaries were rehearsed.; - :

;nejen..ale tak..: Nejen Tipiaka, ale tak
druh koment byly recitovny.;writ.
not well, be (sick, life is not good); ;nemt se
dobe (bt nemocn, ivot nen dobr);I
not, be: You are not a teacher.;():
;nebt: Nejsi uitel.;pol. um.

nothing: I know one thing. (And) that is, (that I) know

nothing.;: ( ~
);nic: Vm jednu
vc. (A) to, (e) nic nevm.;
notice (establish (and) catch
mindfulness);;vimnout si (upevnit (a) chytit
notice (establish mindfulness);;vimnout si (upevnit
vmavost);T P. sati (= mindfulness)
notice (meet (and) see);T ;vimnout si (setkat-se (a)
notice (remark, demarcate (and) mark); ;vimnout si
(zpozorovat, oznait (a) vyznait);I
notice (remark); ;vimnout si (zpozorovat);I

notice: (I) noticed, that (she) is not beautiful.;:

;vimnout si: Viml jsem si, e nen
not, do: I do not eat his rice.;: ;ne: Nejm krsn.;
jeho ri.;pol.
notice: As soon as (you) arrive to Yangon (you) thus happen to
not, is: It is not wrong, it is not right also.;:
notice Shwedagon Pagoda.;:
;nen: Nen to patn, nen to ;vimnout si: Jakmile doraz
ani dobe.;pol.
do vedagou pagody, stane se, e si tak vimne vedagou
not, is: Mr. Bamya is not here. (also in telephone
conversation); -: : T ;nen: Pan Bamya tu
notice: I noticed, that (the shop) was (completely)
nen. (i do telefnu);col. pol.
closed.;: ;vimnout
not: (Female) teacher does not read this book.;:
;ne: Uitelka tuto knihu nete.;pol.
note (note {nouner}); ;poznmka (poznamenat
note (notes collection);( );poznmka (poznmek

si: Vimla jsem si, e (ten obchod) byl (zcela) zaven.;col.

notice: Noticing the breath, (I) happen to watch the very nature
(of my) mind (rpa nma).;:
( ) T ;vmat si:
Vmajce si (svho) dechu, (stv se, (e)) sleduji samotnou
pirozenost (sv) mysli (rpa nma).;pol. med.

notebook (notes collecting book);( );zpisnk notice: Taking mindfulness, establishing the mindfulness, (I)
(poznmky sbrajc kniha);sg.
return to noticing.;: T ;vmat
notebook: to a small notebook;:
si: Vezmu vmavost, upevnm ji ( ~ vmavost) (a) vrtm se
; notsek: do malho notsku;writ.
k vmn si.;med.
noted, be (visible (and) rare); ;vznamn, bt (viditeln


notice: With it, around one (or) two minutes (my) mind is back
after leaving (with) this way, while doing work, resting (and)
taking mindfulness, when it is, indeed, not possible to notice
(such) times, when I also happen not to notice (and) not to
establish ((and) catch) (my) mindfulness, are many.;:

T ;vmat si: S tm,
asi jednu (i) dv minuty je (moje) mysl po odchodu zpt - (s)
takto, bhem dln prce, odpovn (a) bran vmavosti,
kdy, vskutku, nen mon si vmat (takovch) obdob, kdy
se stane, e si tak nevmm (a) neupevuji ((a)
(ne)chytm) vmavost, je mnoho.;med.
notify (everywhere, give knowledge (and spread information)
downwind-side (and) upwindside);;uvdomit
(vude, dt znalost (a rozit informaci) po-vtru (a) protivtru);T
notion (character);;potucha (charakter);n.
notion (nature);;dojem (pirozenost);n.
notion (seeing);T ;potucha (vidn) dojem (vidn);n.
notion: notion, that Buddhaghosa preferred several Sinhalese
commentaries (which were) written before his time

;dojem: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa
oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan
ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba). dojem: dojem, e si
Buddhaghsa oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter
byly) napsan ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
nourishment (eating (and) eating);;potrava (jezen
(a) jezen);n.

now, right: Right now it is half past two in the morning.;:

: T ;te, prv: Prv
te je pl tet;writ.
now, right: Right now the owner of (this) post is coming (and)
will speak.;: post T ;te,
prv: Prv te majitel tohohle pspvku pichz (a) bude
mluvit.;fut. sl.
now: (I) am happy to hear (from you) now.;:
;prv: Jsem rd, e (t) vidm ( ~
prv slym).;pol.
now: As for now, it is not raining any more.;:
;te: A te, u nepr.;col.
now: However, indeed, it is not right to want to drink clear
water now, (if) the well (has been) dug now.;:
;te: Ale,
vskutku, nen dobr chtt pt istou vodu te, (jestlie) byla
studna vykopna te.;prov.
now: Just now, at this time, the marking ( ~ marks-giving)
judges are being ready (and) arrived.;:
;te: Prv
te, v tuto dobu, jsou bodujc ( __znmky-dvajc) soudci
pipraveni (a) dostavili se.;p.p. pol.
now: Now (she) is no more beautiful.;:
;te: Te u nen krsn.;pol.
now: Now his friend is writing.;:
;prv: Prv pe jeho ptel.;
now: now, for the time being;: ;te: co se te
now: The movie starts now. (Movie has started now.);:
;te: Film zan. (Film te zaal.);p.p.

now: What is the time now? (What has been the time?);:
November (month); ();listopad (msc);n. E. November ;te: Kolik je te hodin? (Jak ji byl
novice (monk, lad); ( );novic (mnich, mldenec);sg. as?);inter. p.p. col.
Bh. mn.
now: Where do you live now?;: ;te:
novice (newly ordained or very young monk, monknovice); ( );novic (nov ordinovan mnich
nebo velice mlad mnich, mnich-novic);sg. P. arahantasmaera (= worthy-one little-ascetic)

Kde te ije?;inter.

novice (very young, novice (who is) small (and)

small); ( );novic (velice mlad, novic (kter
je) mal (a) mal);sg.

v te dob);adv.

now: Where do you stay now?;: ;te:

Kde te ije?;inter. pol.

now: Who is speaking (now)? (also in telephone

novice (smanera); (from );novic (smanra);sg. P. conversation);: T ;te: Kdo je u
smaera (= novice)
telefonu? (Kdo te mluv?) (tak do telefnu);inter. col.
novice (smaera); ( ) (later as );novic
nowadays; ;v dnen dob;adv.
(smara);sg. rare P. smaera (= novice)
nowadays (in now's time);;dnes (v dnen dob,

novice monk (lad lord); ( );novic mnich

(mldenec pn);sg. Bh. mn.
novinka; ( )news;sg.;

now; ;prv te;adv.

now (well, then); [g.];te (dobe, tedy);col. interj.

nowadays: Nowadays it is (just) that way.; :

;v dnen dob: V dnen dob je to
(prv) tak.;pol. col.
nowadays: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is flourishing more
than before.;:
;dnes: Proto dnes Mandalaj
vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.

now at (this) time (in time now);;te v tuto dobu nowhere; -;nikde;adv.
(v dob te);adv.
nowhere (in no-no place); ;nikde (v

now, right; ;te, prv stt, prv se;adv.

dnm-dnm mst);adv.
(or) suff.
nowhere, be (in no-no place); ; nikde, nebt
now, right (time (of) now);;te, prv (as teka);n. (v dnm-dnm mst);adv.


nowhere, be: The dog is nowhere on ( ~ of) the

beach.; : T
;nikde, nebt: Pes nen nikde na ( ~ z) ple.;
num. class. for animals; ;itatel zvat;pow.

dl: tyi porce peench fazol;

num. class. for helpings, platefulls or portions: two platefuls of
fish & chips;: ;itatel porc, plnch tal i
dl: dva pln tale ryby a hranolek;

num. class. for animals: The two cats are different.; :

;itatel zvat: (Ty) dv koky nejsou

num. class. for helpings, platefuls or portions;;itatel porc,

plnch tal i dl;pow.

num. class. for anything flat, such as plate etc.; ;itatel

ehokoliv plochho, placatho, nap. tal atd.;pow.

num. class. for individual pieces of robes: (I) don't know,

whether (he) says just three pieces of robes.; :
;itatel jednotlivch rb: Nevm, jestli k
pouze ti (jednotliv) rby.;col. mn.

num. class. for anything flat: There are four plates on the
table.; : T ;itatel ehokoliv
plochho: Na stole jsou tyi tale.;
num. class. for body and mind;T (later as );itatel tla a
mysli;suff. ow.
num. class. for body and mind: May both of your body (and)
mind be healthy and satisfied.;T: T
;itatel tla a mysli: K jsou oboje, tv tlo
(i) mysl zdrav a spokojen.;w. pol.
num. class. for books;;itatel knih;pow.

num. class. for books: 30 books;: ;itatel knih: 30

num. class. for books: I will read books one by one.;:
;itatel knih: (J)
budu st knihy jednu za druhou.;fut. col. um.
num. class. for books: Student is studying a book.;:
;itatel knih:
Student studuje njakou knihu.;cont.
num. class. for bottles and cans; ;itatel lahv a
num. class. for bottles: In that case give (me) three
(bottles).;: ;itatel lahv: V tom ppad
(mi) dejte ti (lahve).;imper. pol.
num. class. for clothes; ;itatel pro obleen itatel
num. class. for clothes: two t-shirts; : ;itatel
obleen: dv trika;
num. class. for cups and glasses;;itatel hrnk a

num. class. for hours;;itatel hodin;pow.

num. class. for individual robes; ;itatel jednotlivch

num. class. for kinds;;itatel druh;pow.
num. class. for kings and other respected people and
phenomena;;itatel krl a dalch respektovanch lid a
num. class. for letters, writings etc.; ;itatel dopis, psan
num. class. for letters, writings etc.: The woman is writing an
address on a letter.; :
;itatel dopis, psan atd.: (Ta) ena pe
adresu na njak dopis.;cont.
num. class. for limbs; ;itatel konetin;pow.
num. class. for limbs: You have two hands (and) two
legs.; : T ;itatel
konetin: M dv ruce (a) dv nohy.;
num. class. for long sinuous things (e.g., paths, rivers,
garlands, flowers, methods, means etc.);;itatel dlouhch
vlnitch vc (nap. cest, ek, vnc, kvtin, metod, zpsob
num. class. for long thin things: How much is this (ball)
pen?; : ;itatel dlouhch
tenkch vc: Kolik (stoj) toto (kulikov) pero?;inter. col.
num. class. for meals; ;itatel jdel;pow.
num. class. for meals: May (I) offer (you) one meal.; :
;itatel jdel: K (ti mohu)
nabdnout jedno jdlo.;utmn. col.

num. class. for cups and glasses: six cups of lime juice;:
T ;itatel hrnk a skleniek: est skleniek
citronovho dusu;

num. class. for mind and body;;itatel mysli a tla;pow.

num. class. for cups and glasses: two cups of coffee;:

;itatel hrnk a skleniek: dva lky kvy;

num. class. for monks;;itatel mnich;pow.

num. class. for days; ;itatel dn;pow.

num. class. for flowers; ;itatel kvtin;pow.

num. class. for flowers: one red lotus (and) one white
(lotus); : T ; itatel kvtin: jeden erven
leknn (a) jeden bl (leknn);
num. class. for groups: U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups
politely.; : T
;itatel skupin: Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma
skupinama zdvoile.;writ.
num. class. for helpings, platefulls or portions: four portions of
baked beans;: ;itatel porc, plnch tal i


num. class. for mind and body: body (and) mind, both;:
;itatel mysli a tla: tlo (a) mysl;
num. class. for monks: a monk called ven. Makara;:
;itatel mnich: mnich, (kter se)
jmenuje ct. Makara.;
num. class. for movies (canvas);;itatel film
num. class. for oblong things; ;itatel podlouhlch
num. class. for oblong things: two hands (and) two legs; :
;itatel podlouhlch vc: dv
ruce (a) dv nohy;
num. class. for oblong things: two hands put on the
head; : ;itatel

podlouhlch vc: dv ruce poloen na hlav;n.

num. class. for oceans; ;itatel ocen;pow.
num. class. for oceans: In the world, there are four great
oceans.; : ;itatel
ocen: Na svt jsou tyi velk oceny.;

num. class. for snacks: How many (snacks) will (you)

take?;: ;itatel zkus: Kolik (zkusk) si
vezme?;fut. inter.
num. class. for stretches of sleep;;itatel sek spnku;pow.

num. class. for packets, jars and tubes;;itatel balk,

ndob a tub;pow.

num. class. for thin and rather long things, such as pens,
fingers etc.; ;itatel hubench a delch vc, jako nap.
pera i prsty;pow.

num. class. for packets, jars and tubes: (I) will take one
packet.;: ;itatel balk, ndob a tub: Vezmu
si jeden balek.;inter. fut.

num. class. for things out of pair: four (singled) shoes; :

;itatel vc kter jsou prv mimo pr: tyi
(samostatn) boty;pl.

num. class. for packets, jars and tubes: How many packets of
plaster will you take?;: ;itatel
balk, ndob a tub: Kolik balk nplast si vezmete?;inter.
num. class. for pairs;;itatel pr;pow.
num. class. for pairs of shoes;;itatel pr, nap. bot;pow.
num. class. for pairs: a pair of: two pairs of shoes;:
;itatel pr: dva pry bot;pl.
num. class. for papers;;itatel papr;pow.
num. class. for pens; ;itatel per;pow.

num. class. for people; ;itatel lid;pow.

num. class. for things: four (singled) shoes;: ;itatel

vc: tyi (samostatn) boty;pl.
num. class. for times;;itatel as;pow.
num. class. for times: It has been two times.;:
;itatel as: U to bylo dvakrt.;p.p.
num. class. for tools, kitchen utensils etc. of small, long
shape; ;itatel nstroj, kuchyskho ndob atd. malho,
podlouhlho tvaru;pow.
num. class. for vehicles;;itatel vozidel;pow.
num. class. for vehicles: four bikes;: ;itatel
vozidel: tyi kola (jzdn);

num. class. for people: the twelfth soldier (soldier (who)

achieved person twelve); : T
;itatel lid: dvanct vojk (vojk, (kter) doshnul
osoby dvanct);n.

num. class. for writings, verses and songs;;itatel psan,

ver a psn;pow. P. pada (= word)

num. class. for persons: a letter (given) to a friend; :

;itatel osob: dopis (dan)
jednomu pteli;n.

number;( ) ( ) ( );slo
poet;sg. P. gaana (= number, counting) (or) sg. E. number
(or) n. (or) sg.

num. class. for persons: from a teacher; :

;itatel osob: od uitele;pol.

number (number (and) numeral); ;slo (slo (a)

slice);n. P. gaan (= number)

num. class. of groups; ;itatel skupin;pow.

num. class. of things;;itatel vc;pow.

num. class. for reels, coils and rings;;itatel kotou, spirl a number of: in number of times;:
T;poet: nkolikrt (pro (a) skrze poet
num. class. for rolls of film and toilet paper;;itatel ruliek
filmu do fotoapartu a rol toaletnho papru;pow.

number, in (number (of)

num. class. for rolls of film and toilet papers: How many rolls of times);T;slem (vskytu, (poet
film will (you) take?;: ;itatel ruliek as);n.
filmu do fotoapartu a rol toaletnho papru: Kolik ruliek filmu number, in: He has attended ( ~ "entered) meditation retreat,
si vezmete?;inter. fut.
in number, four times.;:
T ;slem: (On) astnil se
num. class. for rooms; ;itatel pokoj;pow.
num. class. for round objects, places etc.;;itatel kulatch meditanch zsed ( ~ "veel), slem, tyikrt.;p.p.
vc, mst atd.;pow.

num. class. for round things;;itatel kulatch vc;pow.

num. class. for round things: two big balls;:
;itatel kulatch vc: dva velk me;n.
num. class. for sentences; ;itatel
vt;pow. (or) sg.

num. class. for sentences: Until I improve, (I) will write only
about three sentences.; :
vt: Dokud se nezlepm, nebudu pst vce jak asi ti vty.;fut.
pol. um.
num. class. for sheets (of papers, leaves);;itatel list
(papru, listy) ;pow.
num. class. for snacks;;itatel zkusk;pow.

number, numbers (counting (and) wavering);;slo,

sla (potn (a) vhn);n.
number: (My) telephone number is 317589.; :
;slo: (Moje) telefonn slo je
number: Number of (my) house is 35.; :
;slo: slo (mho) domu je 35.;pol.
number: What (is) no. 1?; : ;slo: Co (je)
slo 1?;inter. col.
number: What is (your) house number?; :
;slo: Jak (m) slo domu?;inter. col.
number: What is (your) telephone number?; :
;slo: Jak je (tv) telefonn


number: What is your phone number?; :

;slo: Jak je tv telefonn slo?;inter. col.
numeral (number (and) numeral); ;slice (slo (a)
slice);n. P. gaan (= number)

oath, making an: (He) did not make ( ~ undertake making)

any oath to them.; T :
T ;psahy, uinn: Neuinil ( ~ nepodstoupil
uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.

numerical classifier (thing showing kind);T;itatel

(vc ukazujc druh);n. gram. P. paccaya (= requisites,

oath, take an (take loyalty);;psahu, uinit (vzt

obeisance, pay; ;uctt;T

nun (lord (in) morality);( );mnika (pn


obeisance, pay: On the Thin-gyan days youth pay obeisance to

the elders (who) stay in the village.; :

;uctt: Ve dnech Tendanu mlad uctvaj
star lidi (kte) jsou ve vesnici.;pol.

nun (morality lord);;mnika (pn ctnosti);f. Bh.

nun (mother, lord (in) morality); ( );mnika

(matka, pn etiky);sg.
nun: (I) believe, that you want to become a nun.;:
T ;mnika: Vm,
e se chce stt mnikou.;pol.
nurse; ( ) ( );sestika;sg. E.
nurse (or) sg. f. E. nurse
nurse (female master (who) treats paining
persons);( );sestika (zdravotn,
ensk mistr (kter) oetuje bolav osoby);sg.

object (block (and) mark-off);;namtat (zablokovat (a)

object (word (of) deed);( );pedmt (slovo
inu);sg. gram. P. kamma (= intentionally commited action)
object (any inanimate object, bundle (to)
throw);( );pedmt (jakkoliv neivotn pedmt,
balk (na) vyhozen);sg. P. paccaya (= requisite, means)

object (of senses or thought);; pedmt (smysl nebo

nurse (treats paining persons);( );sestika mysli);n. P. rammaa (= object)
object (of senses): sensual pleasure (pleasure (by) sensual
(zdravotn, oetuje bolav osoby);sg.
objects);: ;pedmt (smysl):
nurse (a sick person, make (and) collect);;peovat o
smysln rozko (rozko pesmty smysl);
(nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat);T
nurse of (setup seriousness);;peovat o (nastavit
vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)

object: The form (of) the two green objects is same.;:

;pedmt: Podoba (tch) dvou
zelench pedmt je stejn.;

nurse: The nurse is nursing the girl.;:

object: The red objects are under (of) the blue objects.;:
;peovat o: Sestika peuje o dve. T ;pedmt:
erven pedmty jsou pod (z) modrmi pedmty.;
sestika: Sestika peuje o dve.;cont.
objective (hope-for (and) expect {nouner}); ;el
nurture (in meditation, develop);;ivit (v meditaci,
(doufat-v (a) oekvat {jmenec});n.
o'clock; ;hodin, je (tolik a tolik) hodina; (or) n.
o'clock ( ~ "hours): (It) will start at eight o'clock.;:
;hodin: Zane v osm hodin.;fut. col.

objective: (He) has an objective.; :

;cl: M cl ( ~ oekvn).;

observance, traditional ((what) was-caught, becameo'clock (hour): I play from four o'clock to six.;:
;hodiny: Hraji si od ty hodin do customary, was-exchanged (and) came);;tradin
zvyky ((co) se-chytilo, navyklo-na, promnilo (a) pilo);n.
observe (make mindfulness);;sledovat (dlat
o'clock: (I) will be waiting here at eight o'clock.;:
;hodina: Budu tu ekat v osm hodin.;fut. cont. vmavost);T
o'clock: ten o'clock;: ;hodin: deset hodin;
o'clock: until 11 o'clock at night;:
;hodiny: do jedencti hodin v noci;
oath, make an: Hanthwadi troops, who seized Inwa, in order
to force the villages of northern region to make oath (of royalty)
they arrived to Mushopho village where (they) had to arrive (for
;psahu, uinit: Vojska Hentvad, kter
obsadili Envu, aby pinutili vesnice v severn oblasti k uinn
psaze (v jejich prospch), pijeli do Mushpho vesnice (kam)
pro to mli pijet.;p.s. writ.
oath, making an (taking faith);T ;psahy, uinn
(bran dvry);n.


observe (precepts or rules, wait (and) build);

-;dodrovat (pravidla, ekat (a) stavt);T
observe (precepts); ;dodrovat (pravidla);T

observe (precepts): The five precepts should be especially

observed by ( ~ "in) lay people.; :
() ;dodrovat (pravidla): Pt
pravidel by mly bt dodrovny zejmna laiky ( ~ "v
observe (rules or precepts, wait (and)
control);;dodrovat (pravidla, ekat (a) ovldat);T
observe (rules or precepts);;dodrovat (pravidla);T

observe (rules, subdue);;dodrovat (pravidla, podmanitsi);T

observe (rules);;dodrovat (pravidla);T

observe (rules): (I) observe the Uposatha sla on full moon

(day) (and) new moon (day).;: T
;dodrovat (pravidla): Dodruji upsatha slu
na (den) plku (i) na (den) novu.;Bh.

occur (shine);;nastat (zit);I

occur: May the transcendental benefits (be able to) occur (to
you).;T : T ;objevit: K se
(ti) mohou objevit nadpirozen (pjemn) nsledky.;w. pol.

observe (rules): (One) must observe (rules) very well ( ~ "not occur: Typing mistake, indeed, occurred ( ~ "went),
little).;: ;dodrovat (pravidla): friend.;: ;dojt k: Vskutku, dolo k
(Pravidla) se mus nemlo dodrovat.;
chyb pi psan, pteli. (Chyba vyklepvn la, vskutku.);pol.
observe (rules): As for some, many, people, (they) do not
observe (the rules).;:
;dodrovat (pravidla): Co se te nkterch, mnoha,
lid, (pravidla) nedodruj.;pol.
observe 8 precepts on the Uposatha day (observe
Uposatha);;dodrovat 8 pravidel na den Uposatha
(dodrovat Uposatha);T
observe Uposatha: The elder people, having observed
Uposatha (8 precepts0, they stay in the monastery whole the
;dodrovat Uposathu: Sta lid dodruj
Uposathu (8 pravidel) a po cel den zstvaj v kltee.;pol.
obstacle (preventing (and) obstructing);;pekka
(zabraovn (a) peken);n.
obstacles (detering (and) obstacle);;pekky
(odrazovn (a) pekka);n.
obstacles, be without;T;pekek, bt bez;I

occurence (happening, happening (and)

deterioration);T ;phoda (dn, phoda (a)
ocean;( ) ;ocen;sg. P. samudda (=
ocean) & S. samudra (or) n. P. samudaya (= ocean)
ocean: In the world, there are four great oceans.;:
;ocen: Na svt jsou tyi
velk oceny.;
October (month); ();jen (msc);n. E. October
octopus (big fish (of foreign)
country);T ( );chobotnice (velk ryba (ciz)
odd, be (strange, special (and) strange); ;podivn, bt
(divn, zvltn (a) divn);I
odor (smell, smell objects);; pach (pedmty ichu);n. P.
gandhrammaa (= smell-objects)

of; ;zna genitiv, druh pd s. jazyka z

obstacles: Because of that (thing) they create obstacles (to
zna genitiv;suff. prep. (or) suff. (or) prep. writ.
themselves) on the way to Nibbna.;:
of (-): seven pakaraa books of Abhidhamma Piaka; (-):
;zna genitiv (-): sedm
Kvli tomu ( ~ "t vci) si (oni) vytvej pekky na cest k pakaraa knih Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.
Nibbn.;pol. writ.
of (be-concerned-with (and) proper);;zna zmnu z
obstacles: Obstacles will decrease and comfort will increase ( ~ pod. jm. na pd. jm. (tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn);suff. I
(you) will be more satisfied).; T:
of (also for inanimate nouns); ;zna

genitiv (tak u neiv. pod.

T ;pekky: Pekky se sn a pohodl se jm.);suff.
zv ( ~ "bude spokojenj).;pol.
of (also for inanimate nouns): of this commentary; :
obstruction (preventing (and) obstructing);;brnn ;zna

genitiv (tak u neiv. pod. jm.): tohoto

(zabraovn (a) peken);n.
obtain (get);;obdret (dostat);I
of: (It) is a specific item, which indicates the commentarial

obtain (have (by) getting (and) receiving (by)

nature of Sutta Piaka.;:
hand); ; obdret (mt branm (a) dostnm rukou);I T
obtain: (He) obtained the certificate.;: ;obdret: T ;zna zmnu z pod. jm. na pd.
Obdrel certifikt.;
jm.: Je (to) specifick vc, kter naznauje komenttorsk
occupation (work (and) duty); ( );zamstnn
charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
(prce (a) povinnost);n.
of: book Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile (and) famous) and
occupied, be (also about a room in a hotel. cannot
take);;obsazen, bt (tak o pokoji v hotelu, neme
occur;;objevit se;I
occur ( ~ "go);;dojt k ( ~ "jt);I
occur (appear (and) come);;zjevit se (objevit-se (a)
pijt) naskytnout se (objevit-se (a) pijt);I
occur (come up);;zjevit se (pijt nahoru);I
occur (happen (and) deteriorate);T ;pihodit se (stt-se
(a) zhorit-se);I

also U Obhasa of Min's proses (are) included;:

kniha Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak
przy U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.
of: fifty-five minutes of the sixty minutes; : T
;z: padest pt minut z edesti (minut);
offended, be;; uraen, bt;I
offended, be: Don't be offended.;: ;urazit se:
Neura se.;imper. pol.

offer (offer (and) reach-out); ;nabdnout (nabdnout

occur (happen (and) shine(~occur));T ;objevit se (stt-se (a) nathnout-se);T
(a) zit(~nastat));I
offer (food to sb.): Also, if (you) do not offer anything, soon the


mosquitoes will come ( ~ "enter) and lay (their) eggs.;:

T ;nabdnout (jdlo
nkomu): Tak, pokud nic nenabdne, brzy pilet ( ~ "vejdou)
komi a (zanou) klst vajka.;fut. col. sl.
offer (food): If (you) have something (you) want to offer, (then
you) may offer (it) heartily. (may be heard as an advice on
one's birthday);:
;nabdnout (jdlo): Pokud m nco k nabdnut,
pak (to) me uspokojiv nabdnout. (lze zaslechnout coby
radu oslavenci narozenin);col. pol.
offer (in a religious way);;nabdnout (nboenskm

office: (I) am preparing to go to the office ( ~ offices).;:
() T ( ~ T
);kancel: Pipravuji se jt do kancele ( ~
kancel).;pol. cont.
office: (They) are very, very weak (in doing their work), the staff
of the office.;: ;kancel:
Jsou velice, velice slab (v dln sv prce), zamstnanci t
officer (person in service of a king or state, (who) carries
king's issues); ( );ednk (osoba ve slub
krli i sttu, (kter) nos krlovy zleitosti);sg.

offer (sth. to a monk): May (I) offer (you) one meal.; :

offline; ;offline;adj. E. offline
;nabdnout (nco mnichovi): K (ti offline, go (down); ;offline, jt (dol);T E. off
mohu) nabdnout jedno jdlo.;w. utmn.
offline, go: (I) went offline, right?; : ;offline,
offer (sth. to monks): (I) depend ( ~ "am depending) on the
jt: el jsem offline, jo?;inter. sl.
meal offered by the lay people.;:
offline: That dictionary is (like) an offline website.;:
;darovat (nco mnichm): Zvism na jdle
darovanm laiky.;pol. ubmn. writ.
offer (to a monk, give (and) offerrespectfully);;nabdnout, k mohu (mnichovi, dt (a)

T ;offline: Ten slovnk je (jako) offline webov


offer food (to monks, offer food); ;darovat jdlo

(mnichm, darovat jdlo);mn.

stane, e napu nkolik lnk.;pol.

offer food in one's house (to monks, offer food);

;darovat jdlo ve vlastnm dom (mnichm, darovat
jdlo) darovat jdlo ve vlastnm dom (mnichm, nabdnout
jdlo);T Bh. mn.

not desired); : ;eh..: Eh.. podvm se

(dl), ano? (me bt eeno zkaznkem jakoto odpov
obchodnkovi, kdy nechce nabzen zbo);col.

offer (to people, about food);;nabdnout (lidem, o jdle);T sl. often (not long moment);;asto (ne dlouh
offer a morning meal (to monks, offer (in the) morning); chvle);adv.
(from ) ;darovat jdlo often (not long, not long);;asto (ne dlouho, ne
(mnichm, nabdnout rno)) nabdnout jdlo (mnichm,
nabdnout rno));T P. arua (= morning) WS. (or) T P. arua often: (I) often happen to write several articles.;:
(= morning)
T ;asto: asto se
often: Sugar is ( ~ "are) mostly used as
offer food during alms-round (to monks, offer (and) offer
powder.;T: T
food); ;darovat jdlo bhem
T ;vtinou: Cukr se vtinou pouv ve form (
almun obchzky mnich (mnichm, nabdnout (a) nabdnout ~ "jakoto) prek.;
jdlo);T Bh. mn.
oh (indicates humble realization); ;eh.. (zna skromn
offer food during alms-round (to monks, offer food); pochopen);interj.
;darovat jdlo bhem almun obchzky
oh: Oh, (I) am going tolook (more), ok? (may be said by
mnich (mnichm, darovat jdlo);T Bh. mn.
customer as a reply to the merchant when offered goods are

offer respectfully; ;nabdnout s respektem;T

offer to a spirit;;darovat nco duchovi;T
offer, may (I) (to a monk); (WS. from
);nabdnout, k mohu (mnichovi);T

oh: Oh, you seem to be sad, what happened to you?;:

T ;ah:
Ah, ty vypad jako bys byl smutn, co se ti stalo?;inter. col.
Oh! (great little elder-sister); ;Ach! (ohromn
mal star-sestra);interj. col.

offer: If (you) have anything to offer on (your) birthday, don't be oil;;olej;n.

shy.;: .;nabdnout:
oil: Much of oil is spilled on the road.;:
Pokud m nco k nabdnut (lidem), pak se nesty.;col. sl.
;olej: Na ulici je hodn rozlitho oleje.;cont. col.
offering (giving); ;nabzen (dvn);n. P. dna (= generosity) oil: There is a lot of oil (photographed) in the picture.;:
office;( ) ( ) ( );kancel;sg.

office (office room); ( );kancel (kancelsk

office: (He) enters (in) the office.; :
;kancel: Vchz do kancele.;writ.
office: (I) am in the office.;: ;kancel: Jsem v


( ~ ) ;olej: Na obrzku
je (vyfoceno) mnoho oleje.;
OK;;dobr;interj. col.

ok (said by a friend or elder person); ;ok (eeno

kamardem nebo star osobou);interj. col. ans. fr.

OK (used by elder person);;dobe (uvno star


old, get: After some time (she) will become old, sick, (and)
finally (she) will die.; :
ok (used by elders);;dobe (uvno starmi
( ~
ok, be (satisfied (with) situation); T;ok, bt (spokojen );zestrnout: Za uritou dobu zestrne,
onemocn (a) nakonec zeme.;fut. pol.
(se) situac);I
ok, then; ;no, dobe;interj. col.
ok: 200 (kyats), ok?; : ;jo?: 200 iat, jo?;col.

old: (He) is older than the man.; :

;star: Je star ne ten mu.;

OK: OK, (it)'s good.;: T;Fajn: Fajn, (to) old: (it) is old (already); . ;star: (u) je (to)
je dobr.;col.
old: old friend (of mine); : ;dvn: moje
OK: OK, friend.;: ;Dobr: Dobr, pteli.;sl.
dvn kamardka;
ok?; ;ano? jo?;interj. col.
ok? (condition (is) satisfied?; T;dobr? (stav (je)
ok?: (I'm) sorry, ok?; : ;ano?: Promite (mi),

old: The map is ( ~ has become) so old.; : T

;star: (Ta) mapa je ( ~ stala se) tak (moc)

old: very old house; : ;star: velice star

okra (lady's fingers, the meal); (WS. from ) dm;n.
omnipresent (inadequateness (and)
;okra (jdlo);n. WS. (or) n.
blending); ;vudyptomn (nepimenost (a)
old; ;star;adj.
old ( ~ "age): How old are you? (How much age have (you) men);n.
had?); : ;let ( ~ "vk): Kolik je omnipresent: limitless (and) omnipresent happiness; :
ti let? (Kolik vku u m?);inter. p.p.
neomezen (a) vudyptomn radost;
old (age): How old are you? (How much has been your
age?); : ;roky (vk):
Kolik je ti let? (Kolik u byl tvj vk?);inter. pol. um. col.

on; ;na;prep. (or) suff. prep.

(a) starobyl);adj.

on (place or time);;na (mst i ase);suff. prep.

old (and respected) people: As for U Mya Maung, every

person, whether old (or) young probably knows (him).;:

;sta (a
ctn) lid: Co se te Mja Mauna, kad lovk, a u star
nebo mlad, (jej) pravdpodobn zn.;pol.

on behalf of: Go on my behalf.;:

;kvli: Jdi kvli m.;imper. pol.

on (a day);;v (den);suff.

old (also about friends known for long time); ;dvn (tak on (a day): on Thursday;: ;v (den): ve
o ptelch znmch dlouhou dobu);adj.
old (ancient, old (and) aged); ;star (starovk, star on (about time or place);;na (o ase i mst);suff. prep. writ.

old woman (old grandmother);( );star

pan (star babika);sg.
old woman: The old women is so weak.;:
;star pan: (Ta) star pan je tak slab.;

on behalf of; ; pro ve

prospch kvli (komu nebo emu) jmnem pro dobro
();suff. prep. (or) prep. (or) adv. (or) prep. writ.

on behalf of: I want to speak on behalf of my country.;:

T ;za: Chci mluvit za svou
zem.;pol. um.

on behalf of: On behalf of the Myanmar-Mon unity, (the king)

entrusted the reign to (his) royal grandson Alaung Sithu of
old, be; ;star, bt;I (or)
old, be ((be of) big age); ;star, bt ((bt) velkho Myanmar (and) Mon blood.;: T


old, be (ancient (and) old); ;star, bt (prastar (a)









old, be (esp. about inanimate nouns); ;star, bt (zejm. o
on that day (on that day);;tehdy (v tom dni)
neiv. pod. jm.);I
ten den (v tom dni);adv.
old, be: (It is a) great city that is 900 years old.;:
;star, bt: (Je to) ohromn
msto, kter je star 900 let.;pol.
old, get ((become) big (and) mature age,
age); ;zestrnout ((bt) velkho (a)
dosplho vku, vku);I
old, get (come (to) big (and) mature age,
age); ;zestrnout (dojt velkho (a)
dosplho vku, vku);I

on that day: On that day all over Myanmar country the

celebrations of National Day are held.;:
;tehdy (v tom dni): Tehdy ( ~ v tom dni) se
po cel zemi Myanmaru podaj slavnosti Nrodnho Dne.;writ.
on the way (inside travelling);;bhem cesty (uvnit
on: (They) were playing on the beach (and finished).;:
T ;na: Hrli si na pli (a skonili).;p.p.


on: get on the car;: ;do: nastoupit do

on: hand put on the body;:
;na: ruka poloen na tle;
on: on the bus;: ;v ( ~ na): v autobuse;
on: On what?;: ;na: Na em?;inter.
once (before, in still before); ;jednou (kdysi, v
stle ped);adv.
once (before in one time); ;jednou (kdysi, v
jednom ase);adv.
once in a way;;jednou za as;adv. rare
once more; ;jet jednou;adv.
once more (next more); ;jet jednou (jet
once more (once more); ;jet jednou opt
(jet jednou);adv.
once per time ( ~ one separate day): But (I) use (Internet)
only once per time.; T:
T T ;jednou za as ( ~ "jeden
oddlen den): Ale (j) pouvm internet pouze jednou za
as.;pol. um.

one more: (There) is one more question to ask.; :

;jet jeden: Jet je (tu) jedna
otzka k zeptn.;pol.
one more: There is one more problem to solve.; :
T T ;jet jeden: Jet je tu
jeden problm k vyeen.;pol.
one of; - ;jeden z;suff. n.
one of: (It) is one of the suttas, which contains commentarial
factors.; :
T ;jeden z: Je (to) jedna ze sutt,
kter obsahuj komenttorsk faktory.;
one to another; ;jeden druhmu;adv.
one to another (one person to one
person); ;jeden na druhho (jedna
osoba na jednu osobu);adv.
one to another (returning (and) changingposition);T ;jeden druhmu (vracen (a) zmnapozice);adv.

one to another: (They) play (by) throwing water one to

another.; :
;jeden na druhho: Hraj si hzenm
once per time (one separate day); T;jednou za as vody jeden na druhho.;pol.
one with another: One is no more satisfied with the
(jeden oddlen den);adv.
once upon a time (during old (times));;bylo nebylo other.; : ( ) ( )
T;jeden s druhm: Jeden u nen spokojen
(za starho (asu));adv.
once upon a time: Once upon a time, there was a young man s druhm.;pol.
in Wun Zin village.;:
;bylo nebylo: Bylo nebylo, ve vesnici
Wan Zen byl jeden mlad lovk.;
one; ( ) (from ) ;jeden;num.
one (king, monk or other respected person or
phenomena); (from );jeden (krl, mnich nebo jin
respektovan osoba i jev);suff.

one-sidedly; (WS. from )

;jednostrann;adv. (or) adv. WS.

one-sidedly: (I) am one-sidedly in love. (I am in platonic

love.); : ;jednostrann:
Jsem jednostrann zamilovan. (Jsem platonicky
zamilovan.);cont. col.

one: Min Yaza became famous as one of the great wise men
in Myanmar.;:
one (person); ;jeden (osoba);n.
T ( )T ;jeden: Men Yza se
one (person): Come one by one.; :
;jeden (osoba): Pijte jeden za druhm.;imper. stal slavnm jakoto jeden z velkch moudrch mu
one (person): one for another; (from ):
;jeden (osoba): jeden druhmu;

one's;; vlastn;adj.

one's own; (from ) ;vlastn (svj)

vlastn;pron. (or) pron. gen. (or) adj.

one another (they of others), be: This way (they), being

conceited, just belittle others.; :

;sm (o sob) sm sm (sebe) sob

T ( ) ( ) ;jeden

sama) kdo (nkdo);adv. col. (or) pron. acc.
o druhm (jeden druhmu): Takto, namylen, prost poniuj
dat. (or) adv. writ.
one by one (one and-then one); ;jeden za druhm oneself (person (by) oneself);;sm (osobn, osoba
(jeden a-pak jeden);adv.
one by one (one after one); ;jeden za druhm
(jeden po jednom);adv.
one more (one thing more over); ;jet jeden
(jedna vc vce pes);
one more time; ;jet jednou;adv.
one more time: I am sending (it) one more time.; :
;jet jednou: Poslm (to)
jet jednou.;


oneself (in person);;sm (osobn);pron.

oneself (themselves): In fact, people may overestimate

;sm sebe (sami sebe):
Vskutku, lid mohou peceovat sami sebe.;pol.
oneself (themselves): In the present life there are also (things)
that men cannot do themselves.;:
;sm (sami): V
ptomnosti jsou tak (vci), kter si mui nemohou udlat



oneself, by;;sm sebou;adv.

only if: I will reply only if you ask.;:

T ;pouze pokud: Odpovm pouze pokud se
oneself, for;

;sebe, pro;acc.
oneself, for (in one's mind, e.g. recite something in one's mind, zept.;fut. um.
without pronouncing or making a sound); ;sebe, pro (ve only one; ;pouze jeden;adv.
vlastn mysli, nap. recitovat nco ve vlastn mysli, bez
only one (lonely); ;pouze jeden (osamocen);adj.
vyslovovn i dln zvuk);adv.
oneself, to;;sob, sm;acc.

only, be the; ;jedin, bt;I

oneself, to: This person has made a big problem to

himself.;: T
( ~ T
);sob, sm: Tento lovk m ( ~ "si sm udlal)

velk problm.;pol.

only, be the: the only intention (and) aim; :

;jedin, bt: jedin zmr (a)

oneself: Apart from teaching other people, (he) is studying

himself (as well).;:

: T
T ;sm: Krom
toho, e u ostatn lidi, (tak) se u sm.;col. (or) writ.
oneself: Eat whatever (you) want to eat. (What one wants to
eat, (may) one eat.);: ;sm: Jez
cokoliv chce (jst). (Cokoliv kdo chce jst, (k) to (kdo)
j.);imper. pol.
oneself: Go to Mandalay yourself.;:
;sm: Jdi si do Mandalaje sm.;imper. pol.
oneself: He thinks he is the richest.;:
;sob: Mysl si o sob, e je
oneself: If one does oneself one will get it.;:
;sm: Kdy si (to) jeden udl sm, tak to (tak)
sm dostane.;prov.
oneself: Today I will write it myself.;:
;sm: Dnes to napu (j) sm.;fut.
oneself: What do you think about yourself?;:
;sob: Co si o sob mysl?;inter. col.
oneself: you yourself think;: ;sm: ty sm
si mysl;
onine (in online);;online (v na lince);adv. E.
onion (taut, spilled (and) red); ;cibule (napnut,
rozlit (a) erven);n.
online;;online;adv. E. online

only, the; ;jedin;adj.

only, the (one (and) separate); ;jedin (jeden (a)
only, the: (I) am the only independent candidate of the

election.; :
T ;jedin: Jsem jedinm nezvislm
kandidtem (tch) voleb.;pol.
only: (He) selected only the one, (who) did not step back as a
hero.;: T
;pouze: Pouze toho, (kter) neustoupil, vybral za
only: (I) will take only the burger.; : ;jenom:
Vezmu si jenom hamburger.;fut. pol.
only: (There) are only nuns.; : ;pouze: Jsou
(tam) pouze mniky.;
only: (We) have only this kind.; -:
;pouze: Mme pouze tento druh.;pol.
only: (We) have only this.; : ;jenom: Mme jenom
only: As for by some (people), (they) are only just lying
(lies).; : T ( ~
);jenom: Co se te nkterch (lid), prost, jenom lou
( ~ "lou li).;col. pol.
only: I can talk only in Burmese (language).; :
T ;jen: Umm mluvit pouze barmsky ( ~
barmskm jazykem).;um.
only: I have only one bank account.;:
;jenom: Mm jenom jeden bankovn
et. (CZ col.);um.
only: I will be only at home.; : ;jen:
(J) budu jen doma.;fut. um.

online: I am online almost whole the day.;: only: Now (there) are only two kinds of newspapers.; :
;online: Jsem online tm cel ;pouze: Te jsou (zde) pouze dva
druhy novin.;pol.
only; - only: Only a quater of cake remains.; :
- ;jen pouze jenom;adv. (or) conj. (or) suff.
;jen: Zbyla jen tvrtka dortu.;
adv. (or) suff.
only: only Burmese people (only people (of) Myanmar
kind);: T ;jen: jen barmt (pouze lid
only (loose method); ;jenom (uvolnn zpsob);adv. myanmarskho druhu);
only: Only he knows (about) this matter.; :
only if;;pouze pokud;suff.
;pouze: Pouze on v (o) tto zleitosti.;
only (breat (and) breath); ;jen (dech (a) dech);adv.

only if: I will come only if he comes.;:

only: Only he knows.; : ;jen: Jen on v.;
;pouze pokud: Pijdu pouze pokud on (tak) pijde.;fut. only: The only parent, father.; :


T ;jedin: Jedin rodi,


(a) vidt {jmenec});sg.

only: You can pay only by coins.;:

;pouze: Me platit pouze mincemi.;

T ;nzor: Ale nzor jednoho nen stejn jako

(nzor) druhho ( ~ jednoho).;pol.

opinion (thinking (and) seeing); T ( );nzor

only: This is my only wish; : (mylen (a) vidn);sg.

T ;jedin: To je moje jedin pn;pol.
opinion (view): As for this, it is my own view ( ~
only: Where is a meditation center with only Burmese monks
opinion).;T : T ;nzor: Co se
and nuns?;:
tohoto te, je to (mj) vlastn nzor.;pol.
;pouze: Kde je meditan centrum s
opinion (view): But one's opinion ( ~ view) is not same as
pouze barmskmi mnichy a mnikami?;inter.
that of (another) one.;T : ( ) ( )

open; ; otevt;T

opinion (useful information, number (of)

advices); ;nzor (uiten informace, poet rad);n.

open (an institution, open (and) open);

;otevt (novou
instituci atd., otevt (a) otevt);T

opportune ((be) statisfied (with) condition); T;vhodn,

bt ((bt) spokojen (s) podmnkami);I

open (open (and) open); ;otevt (otevt (a) otevt);T

open (an institution): At the end of the year 1920 the English
government organized opening of the University of
Yangon.; : T

;otevt (novou instituci
atd.): Na konci roku 1920 anglick vlda uspodala oteven
Yangonsk University.;writ.

opportune, be; ;phodn, bt;I

opportune, be (condition (is) proper); ;vhodn, bt

(podmnka (je) sprvn);I

opportunity (permission (and) cause);

(svolen (a) pina);n.

Open Air Market (market (of) open-space);T ;Open opportunity (permission (and) way);
Airsk Trh (trh prostranstv);name
(svolen (a) cesta);n.
open, be; ;oteven, bt;I

opportunity: Just if there is an opportunity.;

open, be (open (and) of-light);
;oteven, bt (oteven
;pleitost: Jen pokud (k tomu) bude

(a) svteln);I
open, be: The window is open.; : T
oppose (destroy (and) block); ;vzdorovat (zniit (a)

;oteven, bt: Okno je oteven.;cont.
blokovat) oporovat (zniit (a) zablokovat);T
open: (It) is alright to have opened many programs ( ~ "files)
with small letters at once.; :

;otevt: Je v podku mt oteveno
mnoho program ( ~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny najednou.;
open: Are (you) asking (me) when (I) opened the shop? ; :

;otevt: Pt se (m)
kdy jsem otevela (ten) obchod?;inter.
open: I am opening a shop.;
Otevrm obchod.;pol.

oppose (extend (and) excel); ;odporovat (prothnout

(a) vynikat);T
oppose: Kathehs of Manipur attacked and opposed the
Northern reagion of Inwa.; :
;vzdorovat: Katov z Manipru toili a
vzdorovali v ( ~ do) severn oblasti Envy.;writ.

oppose: Since then the Myanmar citizens, unceasingly

participating in the opposing strikes against the English
open: The study of national literature also happened to be
government, demanded independence.; :
opened.; :

;otevt: Tak dolo k oteven studia nrodn T
;protestovat: Od t doby se Myanmart
opening (orifice); ( ) ( );otvor;sg. obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek proti anglick
vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.
openly (about talking etc., open (and) oflight);
;oteven (si popovdat atd., oteven (a)
openly: (I) want to talk with you intimately (and)
closely.; :

T ;oteven: Chtl bych si s tebou
popovdat dvrn (a) oteven.;pol.

oppress; ;utlaovat;T

oppress: Since that time, indeed, English government in various

ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the Myanmars.; :
;utlaovat: Od t doby anglick vlda rznmi
zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid Myanmaru ( ~
Myanmary).;p.s. writ.

opinion; T ( ) T ( );nzor;"sg. (or) n. (or) option (sth. (to) choose); ;monost (nco (k)
option: two options; : ;monost: dv
opinion (taking (and) estimating);;nzor (bran (a)
opinion (think (and) see {nouner}); T ;nzor (myslet


or; (abbrev. from ) [do.mhou.];nebo;conj. (or)

conj. col.

or (if that (is) not ok);;nebo (pokud to nen


up); ;pomeranov dus (tekutina kroucen (a)


or (if this (is) not true);;nebo (pokud tohle nen orchestra, Burmese: (It) should be in a reasonable distance
behind the Burmese orchestra.;:
;orchestr, Barmsk: Mlo by (to) bt v rozumn
or (question-tag, question-tag); -;nebo (tzacvzdlenosti za Barmskm orchestrem.;col.
dovtek, tzac-dovtek);suff. conj.

ordained, be (take (and) take higherordination); ; ordinovan, bt (vzt (a) vzt-si vyor what; ;nebo co;interj.
or what: Last year the owner of the shop died or what, (I) don't ordinaci);T P. upajjhya (= preceptor)
order; ( );nadit rozkaz;sg (or) T
order (food, dish etc. in restaurant);;objednat si (jdlo, pokrm
;nebo co: Minul rok majitel obchodu zemel nebo co,
or (to not yes);;nebo (k nikoliv ano);conj.

or: (I) study Myanmar language, work on computer or practise

meditation.;: T T
;nebo: Studuji
Myanmarsk jazyk, pracuji na potai nebo praktikuji

order (food, dish etc., again take); ;objednat si (jdlo,

pokrm atd., znovu vzt);T

or: Are ( ~ will) you going to school or to the

;nebo: (P)jde do koly nebo na trh?;inter. fut.

order to, in; ;za elem;suff. prep.

or: Do you need ((and) want) Chinese or Indian

;nebo: Potebuje(te) ((a) chcete)
nsk nebo indick zbo?;inter.
or: He will live in Yangon or Mandalay.;:
;nebo: Bude t v Rangnu
nebo v Mandalaji.;fut.

order (from a king etc.); ( );rozkaz (krlv atd.);sg.

order (sb. to do sth.);;nadit (nkomu aby nco udlal);T

order sb. to do sth.;;pikzat nkomu aby dlal nco;T

order: (I) didn't order that (one).;: ;objednat si:

Ten jsem si neobjednal.;pol.
order: What else will (you) ( ~ are (you) going to)
order?; : T ;objednat: Co dalho si
objednte?;fut. inter.
order: What will (you) order?;: ;objednat si: Co si
objednte?;inter. fut.
ordinary; ;bn;adj. P. smaa (= generality, conformity)

ordination, get higher (upasampad, enter life (of)

or: Is (it) son or daughter?; -: ;nebo: monk); ;ordinaci, dostat vy (upasampad,
Je (to) syn nebo dcera?;inter.
vstoupit (do) ivota mnicha);T
or: Will you (all) go to school or to work? ('you' is in pl.);:
organization;( ) ( );organizace;n. P.
samagga (= union) (or) sg.
;nebo: (Vy) pjdete do koly nebo (vy vichni)
organize;; organizovat;T
pjdete (pracovat) do prce?;inter.
organize (collect (and) organize); ;zorganizovat (sesbrat
or: Will you go to school or to work?;:
() ;nebo: Pjde do koly
nebo do prce?;inter.

(a) zorganizovat) organizovat (sesbrat (a) zorganizovat);T

organize (line-up (and) arrange); (WS. from
);uspodat (seadit (a) upravit);T WS.

or: Will you take sausage or french-fries?; -:

organize (organize (and) line-up); ;zorganizovat
;nebo: Vezme si (zorganizovat (a) seadit);T
prek nebo hranolky?;fut. inter.
organize: At the end of the year 1920 the English government
or: Would (you) like cake or cheese?; -:
organized opening of the University of Yangon.; :
;nebo: Chtl bys ( ~ m rd) T

dort nebo sr?;inter. col.
;uspodat: Na konci roku 1920 anglick vlda
orally (by mouth);T;stn;adv.
uspodala oteven Yangonsk University.;writ.
orange (fruit (of) looking-up (to) terminaliaorganized, well; ;zorganizovan, dobe;adj.
tree);;pomeran (ovoce vzhlen (ke) stromuorganized, well ( ~ well collected (and) organized): The great
Alaung Min Taya thus could, indeed, again successfully unite
orange color (color (of) looking-up (to) terminaliatree); ;oranov barva (barva vzhlen (ke)

orange color: The flower is of yellow (color) and orange

color.; :
barva: (Ta) kvtina je lut (barvy) a oranov barvy.;
orange juice ); (WS. from
);pomeranov dus;n. WS.
orange juice (liquid (of) twisting (and) looking-

the Myanmar country, build and set (it) up in order to (make it)
well (collected) (and) organized.; :
;organizovan, dobe ( ~ dobe
sesbran (a) organizovan): Takto ohromn Alaung Min Tay
vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit (a)
zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s. writ.


organizingly; ;uspodan;adv.

out of; ;od z (mezi nkolika);prep.

oriented towards, be (do face forward); (maybe out of mind, be (have go free
from + );orientovan, bt (dlat tv vped);I {nouner});; mimo, bt (o mentlnm stavu, mt
oriented, be: Anyone who is oriented towards Nibbna wants to jt voln {jmenec});n.

(attain) Nibbna.; : out of mind, be: As for this, sometimes (I am) out of (my)
;zamen na, bt: Kdokoliv,
(kdo) je zamen na Nibbnu, chce (doshnout) Nibbny.;pol. ;mimo, bt: Co se te tohoto, nkdy
jsem mimo.;col.
orifice;( ) ( ) ( )
( );trbina;sg.

origin (of suffering or attachment);;pvod (utrpen nebo

ulpvn);n. P. samudaya (= origin)

out: (I) happen to go out, sometimes.;T :

T T ;ven: Stv se, e chodm obas ven.;

out: I have the habit of going out by bus.;T : T

original (be-closely-related (to the) character); ;pvodn ;ven: Jsem zvykl jezdit ven
(bt-blzce-spjat s-charakterem) originln (bt-blzce-spjat autobusem.;
out: The mind goes again and again out, time to time four, five
original Ahakath scriptures (original (and) original Ahakath (or) ten minutes (it) roams around.;T : T
scriptures); ;originln Ahakath spisy
;ven: Mysl znovu a znovu odchz, as od asu
(originln (a) originln Ahakath spisy);n. P.
se tyi, pt (i) deset minut potuluje okolo.;med.
mlapakatiahakath (= root (and) orginal commentaries)
original: original owner; : ;pvodn: pvodn
original: The commentarial character of the canon later
thoroughly influenced the late commentaries.; :

;originln: Komenttorsk charakter knonu
pozdji zcela ovlivnil pozdj komente.;p.s. writ.

outside;T ;venku;prep.
outside (in (the) direction out);T ;venku (ve
smru ven);adv.
outside (out of house etc.);T ;ven (z domu atd.);adv.
outside: outside meal (lunch or breakfast, for monks);T :
T ;venku: jdlo venku (obd nebo sndan, o

outside: The woman is outside.;T :

original: the original book; : ;originl: originln T ;venku: (Ta) ena je venku.;
oven (fire cooker);( );pec (ohniv vai);sg.
other;T T;ostatn;adj. col. (or) adj.
over; ;pes;adv.
other people (middle people);;ostatn lid (stedn
other than;T ;jin ne;prep. (or) suff. adv.
other: Also other nationalities live (there).;T: T
;ostatn: Tak ostatn nrodnosti
(tam) ij.;pol.

over (above);;nad;suff. prep.

over (above): Over the town there goes a lightning.;:
;nad: Nad mstem prochz
over there;;tam (tmhle CZ col.);adv.

over there (direction over-there); ;tamhle (smr

other: Apart from this student, no other student comes.;T: tamhle);adv. col.
T T ;jin: Mimo tohoto over there, just;;tamhle, zrovna;adv.
studenta nepichz dn jin (student).;pol.
over there: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over there?; :
other: as for the other place; :
() ( ~ ) ;tamhle:
;dal: co se te toho dalho msta;
Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.
other: Other statue of this kind is in the embarkment.;T:
over, be; ;skonen, bt pes, bt;I
T ;jin: Jin socha
over: (I) am over 38 years old. (Of age, over 38 years.); :
tohoto druhu je na nalodn.;pol.
;pes: Je mi pes 38. (Vku, pes 38
other: to other people;T: T; ostatn: ostatnm
lidem;acc. writ.


over: It is (planned), that the copying work will take ( ~

"become) over twenty days.; : T
others (people):others can ask;T: T ;ostatn T ;pes: Plnuje se, e to
(lid): ostatn se mohou zeptat;pol.
koprovn ( ~ "prce koprovn) bude trvat ( ~ "stane-se
others, and;;ostatn, a;suff.
dlanm) pes dvacet dn.;fut. pol.
others, and: Are mother and others also healthy?;:
overcome (pass (and) hurdle-over); ;pekonat (pejt
;ostatn, a: Jsou matka a ostatn tak (a) peskoit-pes);T
overcome (pass, hurdle-over (and) get); ;pekonat
others (people);T;ostatn (lid);pron.

our; [canou.];n nae;pron. ow. (or) writ.

(pejt, peskoit-pes (a) dostat);T

out;T ;ven;adv.

overcome: (He) can overcome whatever difficulties.; :


;pekonat: Doke pekonat

jakkoliv pote.;writ.

own: (He) returned (to own) home.;:

T ;svj: Vrtil se (do svho) domu.;p.s. pol.

overcome: If you can overcome the difficulties, later (you) will

be able to live as a nun always (just) easily.; :
;pekonat: Pokud
doke pekonat (ty) pote, pozdji bude schopn t jako
mnika pod snadno.;fut.

own: (He) shows (it) to (his) own relatives.;:

T ;vlastn: Ukazuje (to) svm vlastnm

overcooked, be;;pevaen, bt;I

own: At that time, headman of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya

himself, for safety, protected (his) own village (by) palm-tree
;svj: Tehdy
nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe,
ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.

overcooked: a kind which can become overcooked;:

;pevaen: druh, kter se me pevait;
overdo; ;pehnat;T
overestimate: In fact, people may overestimate
themselves.; :

;peceovat: Vskutku, lid mohou
peceovat sami sebe.;pol.
overflowing (in a pozitive sense);;petkajc (v pozitivnm
overhear ( ~ "hear (and) catch): (I) have overheard (heard
(and) caught), that (you) will come.;:
;zaslechnout ( ~ "slyet (a) chytit): Zaslechl jsem
(slyel (a) zachytil), e pije.;pol.
overrun (take-possession-of (and) cuddle);;obsadit
(pivlastnit-si (a) hkat);T
overrun (take-possession-of (and) enter);;obsadit
(pivlastnit-si (a) vstoupit);T

own: As for this, it is my own view ( ~ opinion).;:

T ;vlastn: Co se tohoto te, je
to (mj) vlastn nzor.;pol.

own: He ( ~ in him) doesn't have (his) own house.;:

;vlastn: (V nm) nem vlastn
own: He wants to buy (it) with his own money.;:
;vlastn: Chce to koupit
vlastnmi penzi.;pol.
own: Own country is not good, indeed.;:
;vlastn: Vlastn zem, vskutku, nen dobr.;col.
owner;( ) ( );majitel vlastnk;sg.
owner (lord (who) owns);( );vlastnk
(pn (kter) vlastn);sg.

owner: original owner;: ;majitel: pvodn majitel;

owner: Right now the owner of (this) post is coming (and) will
speak.;: post T ;majitel: Prv
overturn; ;pevrtit zvrhnout se;I (or) T
own; ;mt (vlastnit) vlastn svj vlastnit;I te majitel tohohle pspvku pichz (a) bude mluvit.;fut. sl.
ox;( );vl;sg.
(or) T (or) adj.
own (body owns);;vlastn (svj, tlo vlastn);pron.

oxen: He untied ( ~ released) his oxen.;:

own (own (and) belong-to);;vlastnit (vlastnit (a) patit);I ;voli: Odvzal ( ~ osvobodil sv vozy.;col.
oyster;( );stice;sg.
own (owned (by) person);;vlastn (vlastnno
Pa Auk (Myanmar meditation center); ;Pa Auk
(Myanmarsk meditan centrum);name
own (possess (and) be-concerned-with);;mt (vlastnit,

Pa-Auk Meditation Center; ();Pa-Auk, Meditan

own (possess (and) concern);;vlastnit (vlastnit (a) tkat- Centrum;name
Pacific (ocean);;Pacifick (ocen);name
own (oneself): (They) can talk following ( ~ having followed) pack (add-to package);;balit (pidat-do balku);T
vlastnit (a) tkat-se);I

the side ( ~ group of speakers), which (they) themselves agree

with (and) like.;:

T ;sm: Mohou mluvit nsledujce (tu) stranu ( ~
skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami souhlas (a) kterou maj
rdi.;pol. col.
own, (my): Here's (my) own house.;:

;vlastn: Tady je (mj) vlastn dm.;pol.

pack (up, pack (and) add-on);;sbalit (si, balit (a)

pack: The woman is packing the clothes before doing the
;balit: (Ta) ena bal prdlo ped tm, ne
(prdlo) vypere.;cont.
package;( );balk;sg.

own, (my): Listen to me. (Listen to (my) own speech.).;:

;vlastn, (moje): Poslouchejte co km.

(Poslouchejte (moje) vlastn slova.);imper. pol.

paddy field; ( );rov pole;sg.

own, his (owned (by) person of his); ;vlastn,

jeho (vlastnno od jeho osoby);adj.

padmasana (lotus posture, sitting form (of) restrained

buttocks-planks); ;padmsana (lotosov pozice,
podoba sezen zkrocench hovch prken);n.

own, one's; ;svj vlastn;pron. gen. (or) adj.

own, one's: one's own life;: ;vlastn: vlastn

paddy field (field, open-field); ;rov pole (pole,


padmasanam, ardha (with left leg up, lotus-posture while

placing right leg up); T


;padmsana, polovin (s levou nohou nahoe,

lotosov-pozice zatmco prav noha (je) poloen
nahoru);n. med.

painting); ;malovn, run prce (run-prce


padmasanam, ardha (with right leg up, lotus-posture while

placing right leg up); T
;padmsana, polovin (s pravou nohou nahoe,
lotosov-pozice zatmco prav noha (je) poloen
nahoru);n. med.

pakaraa (any of the seven books of Abhidhamma Piaka i.e.,

the third collection of the (purportedly) Buddha's discourses in
Tipiaka);;pakaraa (kterkoliv ze sedmi knih
Abhidhamma Piaky, tj. tetho souboru dajn Buddhovch
promluv v Tipiace);Bh. lit. P. pakaraa (= exposition)

Pagan (town); [paga~];Pagan (msto);name

pair with; ;provat;T

pakaraa: seven pakaraa books of Abhidhamma

page (writing's face); ( );strana (tv psan);sg. Piaka;: ;pakaraa:
page: After six days (I) will finish ( ~ complete), because (I) will sedm pakaraa knih Abhidhamma Piaky;Bh. lit. pl. writ.

copy twenty-five pages.; : T T palace; ( );palc;sg.

;strana: Za est dn (to)
palace (great palace); ( );palc (ohromn
dokonm, protoe budu koprovat dvacet pt strnek.;fut. pol. palc);sg.
Paghouku (town, near Mandalay);();Paghouk (msto, palace: a huge house being magnificent like a great palace; :
pobl Mandalaje);name
;palc: obrovsk dm (jsouc)
pagoda;( ) [fy] ( ) ( )
( );pagoda;sg. P. cetiya (= pagoda) (or) sg.
pagoda ;( );pagoda;sg. Bh.
pagoda (lord);( );pagoda (Pn);sg. Bh.

grandizn jako obrovsk palc;

palace: Having called the Mushopho village as 'Shwebho' ( ~

where is gold) and built the city palace (therein).; :
;palc: Nazval
Mushopho vesnici jakoto 'vebo' ( ~ kde je zlato) a postavil
(tam) mstsk palc.;writ.

pagoda: The Ananda Pagoda built in Pagan (town) by the

king Kyansittha can be (religiously) visited (and) seen up to
palace: It is indeed still possible to see the ancient palace,
T ;pagoda: nanda Pagodu postavenou v town-wall and moat.; :
;palc: Je (tam), vskutku, stle mono
(mst) Paganu krlem ansit, je mono (nboensky)
vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a vodn pkop.;pol.
navtvit (a) vidt a do dnes.;pol. writ.
pagoda: They wash (religiously) the pagodas.; (): palace: This building looks like a palace.; :
;palc: Tato budova vypad jako palc.;
;pagoda: (Nboensky)
myj pagody.;pol.

pale (of color);;bled (o barv);suff.

pagoda: Wherever (you) just look, (you) will see ( ~ meet) the
;pagoda: Kamkoliv se podv, uvid ( ~ setk se
s) pagody.;fut. pol.

Pi (language etc., great Pi); ;Pi (jazyk atd.,

ohromn Pi);n.

pagoda's coat (golden, robe); ;pagodov pl (zlat,


Pi (language): I translate a Pi (writing) in English.;:

T ;pi (jazyk): Pekldm
(psan (v)) pi do anglitiny.;pol.

Pli Canon (the Buddhist scripture consisting of the main texts

pagoda's coat: (We) attach a golden coat to a cetiya.; : in Pi language, great Pi original); ;Pi knon
;pagodov pl: Pipevujeme (Buddhistick spis sestvajc z hlavnch text v Pi jazyce,
zlat pl na pagodu.;
ohromn Pi originl);name Bh. lit.
pain (pain excels); ;bolet (bolest vynik);I

Pali language;;Pli, jazyk;n. P. pi (= Pali (language))

painful, be;;bolestiv, bt;I

Pali: (I) translate from Pi to Myanmar (language.);:

T T ;Pli: Pekldm z Pi do

paint; ;malovat;T
paint: (He) paints a picture.; :

;malovat: Maluje

Pi: It is accepted by some philosophers, that the (great) Pi

Ahakath were certainly translated.; :
paint: The painter is painting a picture.; :

;malovat: Mal maluje obraz.;cont. T () T



mi filosofy

painter (master (in) lifting








flowers); ( );mal (mistr (ve) zvdn
Pi: Pi commentaries are known.; :
painter: painter teacher; : T ;mal: ;Pi: Pi komente jsou
mal uitel;
painter: The painter is painting a picture.; :
;mal: Mal maluje
painting handiworks (handiwork (of)


palm (hand's palm); ( );dla (dla ruky);sg.

palm (tree); ( );palma;sg.
palm bud ); [ha~:b:];palmov kvt );n.
palm frond (palm hand); ;palmov stonkolist

(palmov ruka);n.
palm sugar (palm-licking); ;palmov cukr (lzn
palm-tree trunks-forts: At that time, headman of Mushepo
village U Aung Zeyya himself, for safety, protected (his) own
village (by) palm-tree trunks-forts.; :

;opevnn z palmovch kmen: Tehdy
nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe,
ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.
palm, palmyra; ( );palma, palmrov;sg.
palm, toddy; ( );palma, palmrov;sg.
pan for gold (gold pan); ;pnvika na (rovn) zlata
(zlat pnev);n.

parami: (I) decided, indeed, to collect perfections ( ~

pram).;: ( ~ )
T ;pram: Vskutku, rozhodla jsem se sbrat
dokonalosti ( ~ pram).;pol.
parata (Indian savoury pancake);( );pald
(Indick pliv zkusek);sg.
parcel (parcel package); ( );balk (balk,
balk);sg. E. parcel
parcel: The postman delivers two parcels.; :
Listono doruuje dva balky.;
parched (about food);;vysuen (o jdle) vyprahl (o

pardonable, be (suitable (to be) freed (and)

pan, frying (frying-pan (maybe as a) pot); ( );pnev permitted); ;odpustiteln, bt (vhodn (k) uvlolnn
(a) povolen);I
(na smaen, pnev (mon coby) hrnec) pnvika (na
smaen, pnev (mon coby) hrnec);sg.
parents (father, mother);;rodie (otec, matka);n.
pan, frying: (She) is frying the (chicken) egg in frying
pan.; : ;pnev: Sma
vejce na ( ~ na) pnvi.;cont.

parents (mother (and) fater {pl.});;rodie (matka (a)

otec {mn..});n.

pants; ;kalhoty;sg.
pants (trousers); ( );kalhoty;sg.

parents: The only parent, father.;:

T ;rodie: Jedin rodi, otec.;

pants: He didn't buy any pants.; :

;kalhoty: Nekoupil dn kalhoty.;

Paris (town in France); () [pris];Pa (msto


parents (mother father);;rodie (matka otec);n.

Pansedan Street (street (of) dying stick, street (of) stick parents: Are your parents still alive? (Do (you) still have
(of) bad flower); ;Pansedan, ulice (ulice hlky parents?);: ;rodie: Jsou (tv)
(na) barven, ulice hlky (ze) patn kvtiny);name
rodie stle naivu? (M stle rodie?);inter.

pants: I will buy pants as well as shirt.; : park; ;park;n. P. uyyna (= garden)
;kalhoty: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut. park (flower enclosure); T;park (ohrada kvtin);n.
park (a car etc.); ;zaparkovat (auto atd.);T
papaya (fruit (like a) boat);( );papja (ovoce park: People's Park; : T ;park: Lidov Park
(jako) lo);sg.
(pv. People's Park);name
paper (leaf (for) writing);( );papr (list (na)
paper (a sheet of);( );papr (list papru);sg.

part; ( );st;n. (or) sg.

part-time: part-time job (part time job);:

;sten vazek ( ~ as): prce na sten
vazek (prce (na) sten as);

paper (for writing, paper (for) writing

writings);( );papr (na psan, papr (na) psan part, car;;soustka, automobilov;n. P. paccaya (=
requisites, means)
paper: a piece of paper;: ;papr: kousek
part: (He) shows a part of (his) head.;:
T ;st: Ukazuje st (sv) hlavy.;
paper: Addresses are written on the papers.;:
;papr: Adresy jsou
napsny na paprech.;

part: another part;: T;st: jin st;

paper: exam papers ( ~ question papers);:

( ~ );testy (zkoukov papry ~
otzkov papry);

part: be concerned with parts;: ;st: tkat se st;I

paper: Secretary gives some papers to the boss.;:

Sekretka podv ( ~ dv) nkolik papr.;cont.
parami (there are ten perfections, such as generosity, morality,
compassion etc., which one must improve in order to attain
enlightenment); ;pram (je deset dokonalost, nap.
tdrost, ctnost, soucit atd., kter je teba vylepit aby bylo
mon doshnout osvcen);n. P. pram (= perfection)

part: at the last part of life;: ;st: v posledn

sti ivota;
part: Having just written the first Pi sentence from the first
part, I write (it) in the second part in English.;:

;st: Hned jak napi prvn pi vtu z prvn sti,
napu (ji) do druh sti anglicky.;pol.
part: highlight important parts;:
;st: zvraznit dleit sti;
part: If (you) have something needed, (I) will help (you) by the
part of (mine) able to help.;:
;st: Pokud m nco (co)


potebuje, pomohu (ti svou) st schopnou pomhat.;pol. fut. university.;T :

T ;pijmout zkon: Tak pijali zkon (ohledn t)
part: Please, divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and)

give).;: ;st:
Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko na tyi sti ((a)
dejte).;imper. pol.

pass an Act (by government); T ;pijmout zkon

(vldou);T P. upadesa (= instruction, advice) S. prasthna

part: the penultimate part (the part coming before the last
part);: ;st: pedposledn
st (st pichzejc ped posledn st);

pass away;;zemt;I pol.

pass away (be-attacked (and) be-destroyed); ;zemt
(bt-napaden (a) bt-znien);I

part: There are three parts in it.;:

pass away: (My) mother is (still) alive. Father has passed
: ;sti: away.;: ;zemt: (Moje) matka
Jsou tam ti sti.;pol.
je (stle) naivu. Otec (u) neije ( ~ "zemel).;p.p. pol.
part: There is little more. (The remaining part is just
pass through; ;projet (kudy);T
little.);: ;st: U zbv pass through (cross (and) cross);T ;projet (kudy) (pejt
jen trochu. (Zbvajc sti je jen trochu.);pol.
(a) pejt);T
part: third part of four (parts);: () T pass: Turn left, (and) having passed the next street, on the
: () T ;st: tet st ze ty
right (you) should find the hotel.; :

participate (assemble (and) participate); ;astnit se
Zahnte vlevo, (a) a pejedete dal ulici, vpravo byste ml
(shromdit-se (a) astnit-se);T
uvidt ( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.
particular, be (separate (and) picked-out);;zvltn, bt pass: When you pass the bakery, turn left.; :
(oddlen (a) vybran);I
;minout: A minete
particular, be (trim (and) fall);;urit, be (oezat (a)

pekastv, zahnte doleva.;imper. pol.

passive knowledge (unshakeable (and) unmovable

particularize (to do or follow sth.);T ;specifikovat (co se m knowing);T ;pasivn znalost (neotesiteln (a)
dlat i nsledovat);T S. prasthna
nepohnut vdn);n.
partly (by one-mind (and) onepassport;( ) ( );pas (cestovn);sg. E.
region); T;sten (s jednou-mysl (a) passport
passport (hand sign (for) country
partner; ( );partner;sg. col.
crossing); ( );pas (run znamen
(pro) pechzen zem);sg.
partner: Make a partner, hey, so that (you have) same
(punishment) if (you) go to a prison.;: ()
T ;partner: Udlej si partnera,
hele, abyste (mli) stejn (trest), pokud pjde do
vzen.;imper. sl.

passport: If (you) have a Myanmar passport, (as for) entering

Europe and America, (it) is difficult.; : T
Pokud m Myanmarsk pas, je cestovn do Evropy nebo
Ameriky nron. (pokud dr Myanmarsk pas, co se te
paso (long longyi for men worn on formal
occasions);( ) [ps:];pas (dlouh lound noen vstupu do Evropy a Ameriky, je (to) tk.);
mui pi formlnch udlostech);sg.
pass; ;pejet minout;T

past lives );;minul ivoty );n.

pass ( ~ "permission (to) enter): (He) passed the entrance

examination of the university. ((He) succeeded (in getting)
permission to enter university.); :

T ;projt ( ~ "povolen (ke) vstupu):
Proel vstupn zkoukou na univerzitu. (Uspl (a) dostal
povolen (ke) vstupu na univerzitu.);

past lives: in our past lives;:

;minul ivoty: v naich minulch ivotech;

pass ( ~ fill): Even one year still hasn't passed. (Even one
year is still not filled.);T : T ;naplnit
se: Jet tomu nebylo dokonce ani jeden rok. (Dokonce (ani)
jeden rok stle nen naplnn.);pol.

past: Maybe (you) were (my) son in a past (life).;:

;minulost: Mon jsi byl v
minulm ivot ( ~ "minulosti) (mm) synem.;

pass (about a year, month etc., fill);T ;ubhnout (o roce,

msci atd., naplnit-se);I

past lives: in past lives;: ;minul

ivoty: v minulch ivotech;
past, be; ;minul, bt;I
past, the most; ;minul, nejvce;adv.

path; ( ) ( );cesta;sg.

path and fruition (the two stages of each of the four levels of
enlightenment the stage of exercise (path) and the stage of
pass (an examination, (get) permission (to) enter); ;projt attainment (fruition); ;stezka a plod (dv stdia kadho
(zkoukou, (dostat) povolen (ke) vstupu);I
ze ty stup osvcen stdium praxe (stezka) a stdium
pass a law;T ;pijmout zkon;T P. upadesa (=
dosaen (plod));n. P. magga-phala (= path-fruition)
advice, instruction) S. prasthna
path: Do you want to know (walking) path from Sule pagoda to
pass a law: (They) also passed a law (regarding the)


Shwedagon pagoda?; : penze.);fut.

;cesta: Chce vdt cestu ze Sule
pay (settle);;zaplatit;T
pagody do vedagou pagody?;inter.
pay attention to ((especially) make weight);
patient (sick person, paining person);( )
();dvat pozor na((zejmna) udlat vhu);T writ. P.
( );pacient (bolav osoba);sg.
garu (= weight)
patient, be; ;trpliv, bt;I
pay attention to (especially make weight);;dvat

patient, be (be-patient (and) receive); [d:kh~]

pozor na(zejmna udlat vhu);T writ. P. garu (= weight)
(WS. from );trpliv, bt (bt-trpliv (a) pijmat);I (or) I pay homage; ;vzdt ctu;T
pay obeisance; ;ctt;T
patient, be: Be patient for a while, ok?; (ws. from ): pay obeisance (have (and) evaporate);;projevit ctu (mt
;trpliv, bt: Bute chviliku trpliv,
(a) vypaovat-se);T
pay up (pay (and) settle);;splatit (zaplatit (a) urovnatpatient: Because (my) patient is (being) sick, I take care of
;pacient: Protoe je mj pacient nemocn, (j)
starm se o nj.;cont. um.
patient: The patient is lying on the hospital-bed.;:
;pacient: Pacient le na
nemocnin posteli.;cont.
patriotic ((of) mind (to) love (one's)
kind); ;vlasteneck (mysli lsky (k vlastnmu)


pay: How much do (you) have to pay for rent?;:

;platit: Kolik mus platit za njem?;inter.
pay: I will pay the money for you.;:
;platit: Zaplatm pro tebe (ty) penze.;fut. um.
pay: You can pay only by coins.;:
;platit: Me platit pouze mincemi.;

PDF (file (of) kind (of) image

kind);( );PDF (soubor druhu obrzkovho
druhu);sg. E. file

patriotic: It is not proper to forget National Day as the effect of peace (cool coolness); ;klid (chladn chladnost);n.
patriotic awakening.; :
peace (state (of) peace (and) coolness); ;mr
;vlasteneck: Nen sprvn zapomnat (stav mru (a) chladu);n.
na Nrodn Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol. peace (and comfort);;klid (a pohodl);n.
patriotism (spirit (of) loving (one's own)
kind); ;patriotismus (duch milovn (vlastnho)
pause;( );pauza;

peace, be (i.e., no war, (be) cool (and) cool); ;mr, bt

(tj. bez vlky, (bt) chladn (a) chladn);I
peace, be in;;mru, bt v;I

peace, be in ((be) cool (and) cool); ;klidn, bt ((bt)

pawa (women's light scarf used for formal occasions, tabet or chladn (a) chladn);I
pawa, yellow outside);( );pawa (dmsk lehk la
peace, be in (cool (and) cured);();klidu, bt v
uvan pro formln udlosti, tabet nebo pawa, lut
(chladn (a) vylen);I
venku);sg. P. pvra (= cloak, mantle)
peace, be in: (One) should not put (much) pressure on (one's)
pawpaw (fruit (like a) boat);( );papja
mind. Having (calmed) down, one should be in peace.; :
(ovoce (jako) lo);sg.
;klidn, bt:
pay;;platit zaplatit;T
Nemlo by se na mysl moc tlait. Uklidnnm ( ~ snenm) je
pay ( ~ "give): How much do (you) want to pay ( ~ "give)
teba bt klidn.;col.
(me)?;: ;zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik mi peaceful (without war, calmly (and)
chcete zaplatit ( ~ "dt)?;inter. col.
coolly); ;pokojn (bez vlky, klidn (a)

pay ( ~ "give): How much do (you) want to pay? (may be used chladn);adj.
by a taxidriver when customer refuses his desired amount);: peaceful, be;;pokojn, bt;I
;platit ( ~ "dt): Kolik chcete zaplatit?
peaceful, be (cool (and) cured);();mrn, bt (klidn,
(lze bt uito taxikem kdy zkaznk odmtne jm danou
chladn (a) vylen);I
peaceful, be (also about mind, cool (and)
pay ( ~ "give): How much should (I) pay?;:
pleasant); ;pokojn, bt (tak o mysli, chladn (a)
;zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik mm
zaplatit?;inter. fut.
peaceful, be (stay calm); T;klidn, bt (zstat klidn);I
pay ( ~ "give): How will (you) pay? (may be used by a
peaceful: This village is (just) peaceful.; :
taxidriver when customer refuses his desired amount);:
;pokojn: (Tato) vesnice je (prost) pokojn.;
;zaplatit ( ~ "dt): Kolik zaplatte? (lze bt
uito taxikem kdy zkaznk odmtne jm danou cenu);inter.
pear (fruit (of) great wood); ( );hruka
(ovoce ohromnho deva);sg.
pay ( ~ "settle): (I) will pay. ((I) will settle the money.);:
peas; ;hrch;n.
;platit ( ~ "urovnat): Budu platit. (Urovnm


peas, dried (cooked peas); ;hrch, suen (uvaen

peasant (proficient (on)
field); ( );zemdlec (zdatn (na)
pee (EN col., let-out urine); ;rat (CZ col.,
vypoutt mo);T

penzi);T pension
pension, take (take much-of peace);;penzi, bt v
(brt hodn klidu);T pension
pension: I don't have a job any more. I am retired. ((I( don't
work any more. (I) happened to take pension.); :
;penze: U nemm zamstnn.
Jsem v penzi. (U nepracuji. Stalo se, e beru penzi.);pol.

pee (EN col., spurt-out urine); ;rat (CZ col., stkat penultimate (beforebefore the-last comes);
- ;pedposledn (pedped (tm ne) posledn
peel; ;loupat;T
penultimate: the penultimate part (the part coming before the
peep (peep (and) look (for a)
moment); ;nakouknout (CZ col., nahldnout (a) last part); - :
;pedposledn: pedposledn st
podvat-se (na) chviliku) nahldnout (nahldnout (a)
(st pichzejc ped posledn st);
podvat-se (na) chviliku);T
Peking (town in China); ();Peking (msto ny);name
pellet (pill, flat medicine);T( T );prek
(pilulka, ploch lk);sg.

people (big people {pl.});;lid (velc lid


pelvis (bones meeting (in) faces (of) hips); ;pnev people (country's persons (and) state's
T ;lid (osoby zem (a) mui sttu);n.
(pnevn kost, kosti (kter) se-setkvaj (v) tvch bok);n. man);
pelvis: (It) hides in the pelvis.; :
( ~ );pnev
(kost): Schovat se v pnvi ( ~ pnevn kosti).;

people (every woman (and) country man): He gave ( ~ will

give) food (and) drink to the people by (his) right
hand.;T : T T
pen ( ~ "ball-pen): I want to by a (ball) pen.; :
;lid (kad ena (a) mu zem):
;pero ( ~ "kulikov pero): Chci si koupit
Dval ( ~ d) lidem jdlo a pit (svou) pravou rukou.;fut. & p.s.
(kulikov) pero.;col. pol.
pen (also ballpoint); ( );pero (tak kulikov);sg. writ.
people (male workers (and) female civilians): When the
E. ballpen
people of both sides, proposers (and) defendants have spoken,
pen (for writing); ( );pero (na psan);sg. rare
somebody from the (other) people ( ~ male workers (and)
pen, fountain; ( );pero, plnc;sg. E. fountain
female civilians) may also come ((and) enter) on this stage
pencil (graphite stick); ( );tuka (grafitov
and speak.;T :
penetrate: As it was not possible to penetrate the town Tanlyin T T T
T ;lid (pracujc mui (a)
(as), indeed, (they) had vehicles, modern weapons and help
civilistky): Kdy lid z obou (debatnch) stran, navrhovatel
from foreigners ( ~ people of other countries), by elite of
ninety-three brave-ones, entering (and) attacking (there), (he) (svho nzoru) (a) obhjci (jinho nzoru) domluv, mou
nkte z (ostatnch) lid ( ~ pracujcch mu (a) civilistek)
conquered in the city.; :
TT tak pijt ((a) vejt) na toto jevit a promluvit.;fut. pol.

T ;proniknout: Jeliko nebylo
mon proniknout to msta Tanlyen, (ponvad), vskutku, mli
vozidla , modern zbran a pomoc od cizinc ( ~ lid z jinch
zem), (s) elitou devadesti t hrdin, vstoupil (tam a) zatoil,
(a tm jej) dobyl.;writ.

people (many people);;lid (mnoho lid);pl.

people (people's mass);;lid (lidsk masa);n.

people (persons): When the people of both sides, proposers

(and) defendants have spoken, somebody from the (other)
people ( ~ male workers (and) female civilians) may also
come ((and) enter) on this stage and speak.;:
penis;( );penis;sg. vul.
penis (man's tool); ( );penis (muv T T
T ;lid (osoby): Kdy lid z obou (debatnch)
stran, navrhovatel (svho nzoru) (a) obhjci (jinho nzoru)
domluv, mou nkte z (ostatnch) lid ( ~ pracujcch mu
penny: forty-four kyats (and) fourty penny (historical price);T:
(a) civilistek) tak pijt ((a) vejt) na toto jevit a
T ;hal: tyicet tyi iat (a)
promluvit.;fut. pol.
tyicet hal (historick cena);
people (spectators, people (who) watch (the)
penny: sixteen kyats, 6 penny (historical price);T:
event); ;lid (divci, lid (kte) sleduj
T T;hal: estnct iat, est hal (historick cena);
udlost);n. P. parisa (= assembly)
pension; ;penze;n. E. pension
people (who now attend an event); ;lid (kte se
pension, take (take pension); ; penzi, bt v (brt
prv astn njak udlosti);pl. P. piris (= assembly)


people of India or Sri lanka ((of) India country);T

[kl:py];lid Indie nebo Sr lanky ((z) Indick zem);n.

(svazkov pomr (ze) sta);n.

people, young; ;lid, mlad;n.

percent: 70 percent of Earth is covered by water

(expanse).;: T T
;procento: 70 procent Zem je pokryto vodou (~
vodnm tvarem).;writ.

percent: (It) is (full) one hundred percent of

people, every (not choosing (whether) big people (or)
progress.;: T
small people); ;lid, ktekoliv (nevybrajce T ( ~ T );procento: Je (to)
(zda) velc lid (nebo) mal lid);n.
(plnch) sto procent pokroku.;
people: (Surely,) there are no people.;:
;lid: (Jist,) nejsou (tu) dn lid.;col.
people: (You) should be known, that Myanmar people are in
the world those of the most sweet face and the most friendly
(ones).;: T

;lid: Ml bys vdt, e
Myanmart lid jsou na svt ti s nejslad tv a (ti)
nejpteltj.; pol.
people: After some time, quickly, all people will get old, sick
and then (they) die.;:
T ( ~

);lid: Za njakou dobu lid rychle zestrnou,
onemocn a pak zemou.;fut. writ.
people: In these divisions also lives majority of the Burmese
people.; : T
;lid: Vtina Barmskch lid
ije tak v tchto sprvnch oblastech (regionech).;pol. col.
people: People thought it to be a spirit-house and worship it,
;lid: Lid si mysleli, e je to duchv (bkv) dm a
uctvaj jej, vsosti.;pol.

perfections (there are ten perfections, such as generosity,

morality, compassion etc., which one must improve in order to
attain enlightenment); ; dokonalosti (je deset
dokonalost, nap. tdrost, ctnost, soucit atd., kter je teba
vylepit aby bylo mon doshnout osvcen);n. P. pram (=
perfections: (I) suppose, that (you) are person of extraordinary
perfections.;: ;dokonalosti:
Domnvm se, e jsi lovk neobyejnch dokonalost.;pol.
perfections: (I) think, (it) is because (I have) little perfections ( ~
pram).;: ( ) ;dokonalosti:
Myslm si, e je (to), protoe (mm) mlo dokonalost ( ~
perfections: As for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my)
perfections.;: T
;dokonalosti: Co se te m, jsem pipraven naplnit
(sv) dokonalosti.;pol. um.

perform (carry-in-hand (and) carry-on-head);

;vykonat (nosit-v-ruce (a) nosit-na-hlav) konat
people: people who swim;: ;lid: lid, kte (nst-v-ruce (a) nst-na-hlav);T
perform (do);;vykonat;T writ. P. kiriya (= action, deed) rare
people: to other people;: T; lid: ostatnm
lidem;acc. writ.

perform: As for some people, (they) think, that men can

perform (duties) more.; :
;konat (povinnosti): Co se
pepper (good powder (of) chilli); : ;pep
te nkterch lid, mysl si, e mui jsou vce schopn konat
(dobr prek (z) ili);n.
pepper (grain, grain (of) pepper); ( );pep (povinnosti).;
perform: Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume responsibility (and)
(zrno pepe);sg.
pepper (the fruit, fruit (of) chilli);( );paprika perform (it) to benefit of many.; :
;vykonat: Ct. Pn Nanda,
(plod ili);sg.
pepper corns (good chilli); ;pepov klasy (dobr kter doke vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji) prospchu
pepper: Somebody is sprinkling pepper on the
meat.; :
T ;pep: Nkdo sype pep na
Pepsi (beverage); ;Pepsi (npoj);name

period (time (and) time);;obdob (doba (a)


period (era, of a personality); ;obdob (ohledn

period (era); ;obdob;n.

Pepsi: four bottles of Pepsi; : ;Pepsi: tyi

lahve Pepsi;

permission; ; povolen;n.

per (one); ;za (jeden);adj.

permission, get (take permission);

;povolen, dostat
(dostat povolen);T

permission (know (and) allow); ; povolen (vdt (a)

per ( ~ "one): Per month 2000 (kyat).; : ;za ( ~ povolit);n.
permission (permit (and) do {nouner}); ;svolen (povolit
"jeden): 2000 (iat) za msc.;col.
(a) dlat {jmenec});T
per ( ~ "one): Per night 50 (kyat).; : ;za ( ~
permission, ask for;
;svolen, dat o;T
"jeden): 50 (iat) za noc.;col.
percent (bunch rate);;procento (svazkov pomr);n.
percent (bunch rate (of) hundred);;procento

permission, give;
;svolen, dt;T

permission, give (permit (and) do); ;svolen, dt (povolit


(a) dlat);T

jestlie pijde osobn.;fut.

permission, have (get permission);

;svolen, mt (dostat pertinent (be-related-to (and) proper);;nleit (tkat-se
(a) bt-sprvn);adj.
permission, have: Having a permission for such an exchange
( ~ discussion) in language is good.;

;svolen, mt: Je dobr, e
mm svolen k takovto diskuzi ( ~ vmn) v jazycch.;
permission: Also, there is no permission to get married.; :
;povolen: A tak, nen povolen k
enn ( ~ vdvn) se.;pol.

pet (is-born (and) eats);( );domc milek

(tk se pouze zvat, narodil-se (a) ere);sg.
petition (speak astutely); ;petice (mluvit byste);n.
pharmacy (medicine shop);( );lkrnictv
(obchod lk);sg.


pharmacy: (I) am going to (a) shop as I need

;lkrna: Jdu do lkrny, protoe potebuji lk.;cont.

permit (make permission); ;povolit (udlat svolen);T

pheasant (short pheasant); ( );baant (krtk


permit (give permission);

;svolit (dt svolen);T

permit: (It) is not permitted by the government.; :

;povolit: Nen to povoleno vldou.;
permit: I am permitted to go to Japan.;

;svolen, mt: Mm svolen jet do
permitted, be (receive permission);
;svolen, dostat
(dostat svolen);I
person;( ) ( )
( ) ( );osoba lovk;sg. P.
puggala (= person) (or) sg.
person (num. class.): Look at those two (persons); :
;osoba (itatel): Podvej na ty dv
(osoby);imper. pol.
person by oneself; [ach:];osoba sama o sob;n.
person of mixed parentage;T( )
T( );osoba smenho rodiovstv;sg.
person, one; (from );osoba, jedna;sg.
person, pre-eminent; ( );osoba, vynikajc;sg.

philosopher (lord (of) thinking (and)

calling);( );filosof (pn
mylen (a) voln);sg. (mn.)
philosopher (lord (of) wisdom (of)
seeing);( );filosof (pn
moudrosti vidn);sg. (mn.)
philosopher (lord (of) wisdom (of) thinking (and)
calling);( );filosof (pn
moudrosti mylen (a) voln);sg. (mn.)
philosopher: (it) has been considered by philosophers
;filosof: bylo (to) filosofy povaovno (za);p.s.
philosopher: philosopher of science;:
;filosof: filosof vdy;
phone (telephone);( );telefn;sg. E. phone

phone card; ( ) ( ) (WS. from

);telefonn karta;sg. E. phone-card (or) sg. WS. E.

person: (He) is a person, who has carried out educational

duties in this town for many years and months.; :
;osoba: phone card: The woman is using a blue phone card.; :
T ;telefonn karta: (Ta)
Je osobou, kter v tomto mst vyuovala ( ~ vykonvala
ena pouv modrou telefonn kartu.;cont.
vyuovac povinnosti) po mnoho let (a msc).;pol.
phone, mobile (phone held (in)
person: a person (who) already has;: ;osoba:
hand); ( );telefn, mobiln (telefn dren
osoba, (kter) u m;
(v) ruce);sg.
person: King Naung became a person with ( ~ having)
valour.;: T ;osoba: Krl
Nau se stal osobou s ( ~ majc) chrabrost.;writ.

phone: I am going to hang up phone.;:

;telefon: Jdu poloit telefon. (Polom

person: persons who have heedfulness and wisdom;:

;osoba: osoby, kter maj phonebook );( );telefonn seznam );sg.
pozornost a moudrost;pl. writ.
photo;( );fotografie;sg.
person: the weak persons in English writing; :
;lovk: lid slab v psan anglitin;

photo (elements' image); ( );fotografie (obraz

element);sg. P. dhtu (= element)

person: You are the first person to who I reveal my secrets.;: photo, take a: (I) tell (you) not to take the photo.; :
TT ;lovk: Jsi
T;fotit: km, abys nefotil.;pol.
prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv tajemstv.;pol.
photo, take a: (I) will take a photo of the shop, ok?; :
personally (person (by) oneself);;osobn (osoba
;vyfotit si: Vyfotm si (ten) obchod,
ano?;inter. fut.
personally: It will be fine to consult (your questions) when (you) photo: (I) put ( ~ publish) (here) his photo.;:
come personally.;:
;fotografie: Dvm ( ~ uveejuji) (sem) jeho
;osobn: Konsultace (tvch otzek) bude v podku,
fotografii.;pol. FB


photo: (I) tell (you) not to take the photo.; :

T;fotografie: km, abys nefotil.;pol.

obraz (tvar podoby);sg.

photo: On the wall there is a photo of a woman.; :

;fotografie: Na
stn je fotografie eny.;

picture: A picture is hung on the wall.; :

;obraz: Na stn je poven

photo: photo of teacher; : ;fotografie: fotka

uitele (CZ col.);n.

picture: if (she) were smiling in the picture;:

;obrzek: kdyby se na obrzku usmvala;

picture: (He) draws a picture.;:

;obraz: Kresl obraz.;

photograph; ( );vyfotit si;T

picture: The painter is painting a picture.; :

photograph (image of matter); ( );fotografie (obraz ;obraz: Mal maluje obraz.;cont.
picture: There is a lot of oil (photographed) in the
photograph, take a; ;fotit vyfotit;T P.
picture.; : ( ~ )
dhtu (= element)
: ( ~ )
;obrzek: Na obrzku je (vyfoceno) mnoho oleje.;
photograph: (I) don't want to be photographed.; ( ):
;fotit: Nechci bt vyfocen.;pol.

photographer (master (in) images (of)

elements); ( );fotograf (mistr (v)
obrazech element);sg.
photography shop ); ;fotoatelir (obchod

picture: This (little) picture is good for loving.;:

;obrzek: Tenhle (mal) obrzek je
dobr k zamilovn.;pol.
picture: This picture shows a body with two legs.;:
T T ;obrzek: Tento
obrzek ukazuje tlo se dvmi nohami.;

photos, take: (I) came to take (some) photos.; :

;fotit: Pijel jsem fotit.;pol.

picture: What is in the picture?;: :

;obrzek: Co je na obrzku?;inter.

physician (master (in)

responsibilities); ( );lka (mistr (v)

piece of cake (easy task, easy child);;lo plo

(CZ col., snadn kol, snadn dt);n.

physician;( );lka;sg.

piece of (one-part, one-starting); ;st z (jednast, jedno-zann);n.

pick out (extract, take (and) fix);;vybrat

(extrahovat, vzt (a) upevnit);T

piece of: piece of a word; :

;st z: st slova;

pick up; ;sebrat;T

piece: a piece of paper;: ;kousek: kousek


pick up (phone): I'll pick (it) up, mum.;:

;zvednout (telefn): J (to) zvednu,
mami.;fut. col.

pierce;;probodnout propchnout;T

pick up (telephone, hold);;zvednout (telefn, dret);T

pierce (pierce (and) perforate); ;probodnout

(probodnout (a) prorazit);T

pick up for oneself (also about people, collect (and)

take); ;sebrat si (tak o lidech, vybrat (a) vzt);T

piffle (hole taking); ;vst (dru bran);n.

pig; ( );prase;sg.

pick up: go(es) (and) pick(s) up the telephone;:

;zvednout: jde a zved telefon;col.

pig: lying pig; : ( ~ )

;prase: lec prase;

pick up: Kyi Kyi (Clearly) comes and picks up the

telephone;: ;zvednout:
(ist) pichz a zved telefn.;col.

pill (flat medicine);T( T );pilulka (ploch


pig: pig's skin; : T;prase: prase ke;

pick up: Somebody pick up (the phone)! (Somebody well grab pillar;( );sloup;sg.
and try.);: ;zvednout (telefn): pillow;( );polt;sg.
Nkdo zvednte (ten telefn)! (Nkdo (to) podn uchopte a pillow (head pillow); ( ) ( ) (from
zkuste.);imper. col.
);polt (polt (pro) hlavu);sg.
picket (demonstration, event (of) showing
wishes);T( );demonstrace (udlost ukazovn

picture (canvas (of) lifted flowers); ( );obraz

(pltno zdvihnutch kvtin);sg.
picture (canvas carrying-away
flowers); ( );obraz (kvtinu odnejc
picture (form);; obraz (podoba);n.
picture (matter form);( ) ;obraz (podoba hmoty);sg.

pillow (head's pillow); ( );polt (hlavov

pillow: This pillow is soft.; :
;polt: Tento polt je mkk.;
pin (needle (to) tie-thingstogether); ( );pendlk (jehla (k) vzn-vcdohromady);sg.
pineapple (fruit (of) suffering deity); ( )
( ) (WS. from );ananas (ovoce
trpcho bka);sg.

picture (shape (of) form);( );obrzek (tvar podoby) pink color (flower's color); ;rov barva (kvtinov



(chladn (a) vylen);I

pinkie (is-born (and) eats);( );mazlek (tk se plain tea (plain warm water); ;pouze aj (pouh
pouze zvat, narodil-se (a) ere);sg.
tepl voda);n.
pisspoor (EN vul. (of) crooked thinking); ;vyran plain tea (beverage, rough tea leave's
(CZ vul., vychytral, pokivenho mylen);adj.
juice); ;pouze aj (tj. bez mlka, hrub dus
(z) ajovch list);n.
piaka (main collection of suttas or other Pi
sayings);;piaka (hlavn sbrka sutt i jinch Pi rozprav);n. plain tea (beverage, water warm (and)
Bh. lit. P. piaka (= canon)
crude); ;pouze aj (tj. bez mlka, voda tepl (a)
pitakas, whole the three: But if we examine the whole three
piakas, we come across some discourses that are of
commentarial nature.;:

;pitaky, cel ti: Ale pokud prozkoumme cel ti
piaky, narazme na nkter promluvy, kter jsou
komenttorskho charakteru.;writ.
pity;;litovat (koho);T
place; ( ) ( )
( );uloit umstit msto;n. (or) T (or) sg. P.
hna (= place, locality) (or) sg.

plain, be;;prost, bt;I

plan; ( );pln;sg.
plan ( ~ "think (and) fix); ;plnovat (myslet (a)
plan ( ~ will);;plnovat ( ~ bude);suff.
plan ( ~ will): When do (you) plan to ( ~ will) finish?;:
;plnovat ( ~ bude): Kdy plnuje ( ~
bude) skonit?;inter.
plan (fix(a-date-etc.) (and) fix with); - ; plnovat
(domluvit-se-na-ase s (nkm a) upevnit);T

plan (have lining-up (and) arranging-inplace (residence, live (and) sit {nouner});;sdlo (t (a) order); ;plnovat (mt zarovnn (a) uspodn-dosedt {jmenec});n.
place under sth.;;umstit pod nco;T
plan (line-up, arrange-in-order (and) fix); ;plnovat
place, to this (acc., to this);;msta, do tohoto (4. p., do
place: (He) places one hand on another (hand).; :
T ;pokldat:
Pokld jednu ruku na druhou (ruku).;

(seadit, uspodat-do-podku (a) upevnit);T

plan (make thinking);;plnovat (kout pikle, dlat

plan (prepare (and) scheme);T ;plnovat (pipravit (a)

place: (I) copy those parts to another place.;:

plan (program, lining-up (and) lining-up); ;pln
T ;msto: Kopruji ty sti (program, zaazovn (a) zaazovn));n.
na njak jin msto.;pol.
plan to; ;plnu, mt v plnovat (prci atd.);suff.
place: a quiet place;: ;msto: tich msto; (or) T
place: Because it is difficult to find a place. (Becase for places plan to (have); -;plnovat (mt);T
(it) is difficult.);: ()
plan to: (I) plan to kick the ball (play with ball);:
;msto: Protoe je tk najt msto. (Protoe pro
; plnovat: plnuji si kopat s mem;
msta je (to) nron.);pol.
plan to: (I) plan to work on computer.;:
place: Sinhalese commentaries achieved the first place in the
Pi literature.;:
;msto: Sinhlsk komente doshly
prvnho msta v Pi literatue.;writ.
place: There are indeed many other places also.;:
T ;msto: Je (zde) tak
jet mnoho jinch mst.;pol.
place: to (around) six places;:
T ; msto: (asi) na est mst;
place: to the direction of various places;:
() ; msto: smrem k rznm mstm.;col.
place: Where are you from, Bill? (From which place (you)
come, Bill?); : ;msto: Odkud
jsi, Bille? (Z jakho msta pichz, Bille?);inter.

;plnu, mt v: Plnuji pracovat na


plan to: What do (you) plan to do in future?;:

( ~
);plnovat (prci atd.): Co plnuje dlat
v budoucnu?;inter.
plan, have a (have lining-up (and) arranging-inorder); ;pln, mt (mt zarovnn (a) uspodn-dopodku);T
plan, have a: (I) had a plan to stay two days more.; :
;plnovat ( ~ "mt pln):

Plnoval jsem zstat jet dva dny.;p.s.
plan, have: (I) have no plan.; :
;plnu, mt v: Nemm nic v plnu.;

placement (state (and) placement);;umstn (stav plan, structural (image, uniting (and) binding, (of) building
(a) umstn);n. writ.
(and) building); ;pln, stavebn (obraz
places; ;msta;n.
sjednocovn (a) svazovn, stavn (a) stavn);n.
placid, be (cool (and) cured);();poklidn, bt
plan: As (I) have arranged with a friend (of mine), (I) am going


to go out.;:
T ;naplnovat: Protoe jsem (si to) naplnoval s
kamardem, chystm se (te) jt ven.;col.

platform (stage); ( );platforma (ploina);sg.

platonic love, be in; ;platonicky zamilovan,

plan: As for (what) is planned, as is the custom, (the speakers) play; ;hrt hrt (si);T
will talk (as follows,) the proposer one turn (and) the defendant play ( ~ concert): Have you seen that play ( ~ concert)
one turn. (Each turn another speaking group will talk.); : already?; : ;divadeln hra ( ~

koncert): U jsi se (ty) (nkdy) na tu divadeln hru ( ~ koncert)
T T ;pln: Co se te naplnovanho, jak podval?;inter. col.
je zvykem, (mluv) budou mluvit tak, e navrhovatel (bude
play (dance heartily);;hrt (si, tancovat, podn);T
mluvit) jedno kolo (a) vyvrace (tak) jedno kolo. (Tj. kad
play (pierce (and) grind);;hrt (probodvat (a) mlt);T
kolo bude mluvit ta jin skupina).;pol.
play (chess);;hrt (achy);T
plan: How long time do (you) plan to stay there?; :
;plnovat: Jak
dlouho tam plnuje zstat?;inter.
plan: How long time do you plan to talk with me
now?; : T
;plnovat: Jak dlouho si se mnou plnuje
povdat?;inter. col.
plan: Plan in advance what (you) want to do

tomorrow.; : T
;plnovat: Pedem si plnuj co chce dlat
ztra.;imper. pol. col. sl.

play (theater): It is said, that tonight's (theater) play (will be)

good.;T : T ;hra (divadeln): kaj, e
dnen (divadeln) hra (bude) dobr.;
play (theatre, shown drama);T ( ) ;hra (divadeln,
ukzan drama);sg.
play sports;;sportovat;T

play sports (do strength playing);;sportovat

(dlat hran sly);T
play sports (do (and) do strength
playing);;sportovat (dlat (and) dlat hran

plan: plan to go; : ;pln: pln jt (pln k

play sports: Because I do not play sports at all, (I) am
weak.; :
plan: What do (you) plan to do in future?;:
;sportovat: Protoe vbec nesportuji, jsem
( ~
);plnovat: Co plnuje dlat v
play: (They) play (by) throwing water one to another.;:
;hrt (si): Hraj
plan: What do (you) plan to do today?; :
si hzenm vody jeden na druhho.;pol.
;pln: Co m dnes v plnu (dlat)?;inter. col.
play: (They) were playing on the beach (and finished).;:
plane ticket (air vehicle's hand
T ;hrt si: Hrli si na pli (a
sign); ( );letenka (run znamen
vzdunho vozidla);sg.
play: Boy and girl are playing on sand ( ~ "beach).;:
plant; ( ) ( );rostlina;sg.
T ;hrt
plant (flower, flower (to) blossom); ( );rostlina
si: Chlapec a dve si hraj na psku ( ~ "pli).;cont.
(kvtina, kvtina kvst);sg.
play: On the streets of every town can be seen the waterplant of; ;sazenice (eho);suff. n.

plant: a tiger behind plant; :

;roslina: tygr za rostlinou;
plant: The plant is going to wilt.; :
;rostlina: Rostlina zvadne.;fut.
plant: The plant is green.; : ;rostlina:
(Ta) rostlina je zelen.;
plaster;( );nplast;sg. E. plaster

;hrt (si): Na ulicch kadho msta je mono
spatit hran s vodou.;pol.
player (proficient (in) playing);( );hr
(zdatn (v) hran);sg.
pleasant (be-joyous (and) tender); ;pjemn (bt-vesel
(a) jemn);adj.

plaster: How many packets of plaster will you take?;: pleasant (sweet);;pjemn (sladk);adj.
;nplast: Kolik balk nplast si
pleasant (to immerse (and) need);;pjemn (aby
vezmete?;inter. fut.
se-ponoilo (a) potebovalo);adj.
pleasant, be; ;pjemn, bt;I
plate (flat dish); T( );tal (ploch

pleasant: May (your) meditating be satisfactory (and)

plate: There are four plates on the table.; T: T;pjemn: K je tv meditovn uspokojiv
T ;tal: Na stole jsou tyi tale.;
(a) pjemn.;w. pol.
platform (stage, high stage); T ( );platforma (ploina, pleasant: They are happy, as (they) together possess a
vysok pdium);sg.
pleasant, good life.;:


;pjemn: Jsou
astn, protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.

T T ;spousta: Auto
bylo postaveno uitm spousty kovu.;

pleasant: Wherever (you) look, it is extremely

pleasurable.; :
;pjemn: Kamkoliv se podv, je to
velice pjemn ( ~ vhodn k poten (se)).;pol.

plot (make thinking);;spiknout se (dlat mylen);T

please; (from ) ;prosm;suff. col. (or) interj.

(or) suff.
please (performing a good deed, ..);
;prosm (vykon dobr in, (kdy) ..); (or) writ.

plot (scheme (and) be-prosperous); ;chystat (intrikovat,

plnovat (a) bt-spn);T
plot (of a story, way (of) drama); (
);zpletka (pbhu, zpsob dramatu);sg.

plough (till (at) field); ;orat (orat (na) poli);T

plough: It is said, that at that time Nga Nyo, having ploughed,

while resting for a while, (he) was reading (writings).; :

please (indicates politeness): Look at those two (persons);: ;orat: k se, e v tu dobu a o po tom, co
;prosm (zna slunost): Podvej na ty zoral, chvilku odpoval, piem etl (psan).;cont.
dv (osoby);imper. pol.
plum, wild (plum fruit);( ) [zh:d:];vestka, poln
please (do a favor); ;potit (udlat laskavost);T P.
ycana (= asking, addressing, vow, prayer)

please (let me speak, about one (moment of being)

quiet); ;prosm vs (nechte m promluvit, asi
jeden (moment byt) zticha);interj.

(vestkov ovoce);sg.

please: Please, listen.;:

;prosm: Prosm, poslouchej(te).;imper. pol. writ.

book);( );notsek (poznmky sbrajc


plump (thump); ;buit (pst do neho);T

plump, be;;buclat, bt;I

please: (I) don't understand. Please, explain.;: plural; [bahous];mnon .;gram. adj. P. bahu-vacana (=
T;prosm: Nerozumm. Prosm, vysvtli.;imper. pol. col. many words)
please: Please, divide this (very) apple into four parts ((and) PM;;veer noci, v;n.
PM: nine hours twenty minutes PM;:
;prosm: Prosm, rozdlte toto (samotn) jablko ;veer: devt hodin dvacet minut veer;
na tyi sti ((a) dejte).;imper. pol.
pocketbook (notes collecting

please: Please, repeat (it).;: T T;prosm: Prosm,

zopakuj (to).;pol.
please: Please, say it one more time.;:
T;prosm: Prosm, ekni to jet
jednou.;imper. pol.
please: Please, would (you) decrease (the price)?;:
;prosm: Prosm, slevil byste? (Prosm, snil
byste?);inter. pol.
pleased with (sb.), be: The king was, for sure, very pleased
with Nga Nyo.;:
;spokojen s (nkm), bt: Krl byl tedy s
a o velice spokojen.;
pleased with, be;; tit se poten, bt;I

pleased with, be (like (and) descend); ;poten (m),

bt (mt-rd (a) schzet-dol);T
pleased, be (nature falls);;poten (s), bt
(charakter pad);T
pleasure (be-joyous (and) tender {nouner}); ;poten
(bt-vesel (a) jemn {jmenec});adj.
pleasure: sensual pleasure (pleasure (by) sensual
objects); : ;rozko: smysln
rozko (rozko pesmty smysl);
plentiful, be;;oplvat;I
plenty; T T ;spousta;adv.
(or) pron. (or) adj.

poem;;bse;n. S. kvya (= poem)

poet (master (in) poems);;bsnk (mistr (v)
bsnch);n. S. kvya (= poem)
point ( ~ and): six thousand five hundred and forty-three point
twenty-one (6543,21); : T
(6543,21);celch ( ~ a): est tisc ptset tyicet ti
celch dvacet jedna (6543,21);num.
point finger (prick (by) index-finger (and)
show); T;ukzat prstem (pchnout ukazovkem
(a) ukzat);T
point finger (prick (by) index-finger); ;ukzat
prstem (pchnout ukazovkem);T
point finger: The girl is pointing finger to ((and) showing) her
(elder) brother.; T:
T ;ukazovat prstem: Dve ukazuje prstem
na svho (starho) bratra.;cont.
point of view (corner (of) view);;hel pohledu (roh
point of view: according to prof. Kosambi's point of
view;: ;hledisko: z
hlediska prof. Kosambi;writ.
point out (direct (and) show {emphasis});T;poukzat
na (nasmrovat (a) ukzat {draz});T
point out (direct (and) show);T;poukzat na (nasmrovat
(a) ukzat);T

plenty (multitude (and) diversity);T;spousta (spousta point out: the word (which) points out;T: T;ukazovat:
(a) pestrost);n.
ukazovac slovo;
plenty: The car was build using plenty of metal.;T : poison;( ) ;jed;sg.


police; ;policie;n.

postien (a) nachlen);I

police station (police place); ;policejn stanice (policejn


poor, be (about knowledge); ;chab, bt (o znalostech);I

policeman; ( );policejn strnk policajt (CZ col.,

policejn strnk);sg.
policeman (has status (of) police); (
);policejn strnk (m status policie);sg.
policeman: The policeman is taking care of the traffic.; :
;policajt: Policajt se star o
(silnin) dopravu.;cont.
policeman: Who is over there? Those are just policemen.; :
;policajt: Kdo je tmhle? Hele,
to jsou jen policajti.;col.
polite, be; ;zdvoil, bt;I

poor, be (in knowledge or skill, strength (is)

little); ;slab, bt (o znalostech nebo dovednostech,
sly (je) mlo);I
poor, be: Nan Nan's (family) is poor.; :
;chud, bt: (Rodina) (sleny) Nen Nen je
poor: Although these states and divisions are divided, all
Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live together.; :
;chud: Pestoe
jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny, vechny
nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;

poor: Poor countries need aid for their people.; :

politely (be-pleasant (and) complete {adv.});T;zdvoile
(bt-pjemn (a) pln {pslovec}) slun (bt-pjemn (a)

;chud: Chud zem potebuj
pln {pslovec});adv.
vypomoci svm lidem.;
politely (pleasantly (and) completely);TT;zdvoile

poor. The woman who is sitting on the road is poor.; :

politely: U Aung Zeyya treated both the groups politely.;T: ;chud: (Ta) ena
kter sed na ulici je chud.;
T ;zdvoile:
popular, be (era heartily); ;slavn, bt (doba
Aun Zeyya zachzel s obma skupinama zdvoile.;writ.
politeness; ;zdvoilost;n.
pork meat (pig's meat); ;vepov maso (prase
politeness: (He) has neither shrewdness, nor
politeness.; :
(pjemn (a) pln);adv.

;slunost: Nen ani slun, ani chytr.

(Nem ani slunost, ani nem mazanost.);
political ((of) politics);;politick ((z) politiky);adj.

porn (swelling film);;porno (bobtnajc film);n.

porn: Will you watch a porn?;: ;porno:

Bude se dvat na porno?;inter.

political: political prisoner;: ;politick: port;;pstav;sg.

port (port (and) bank); ;pstav;sg.
politick vze;
politics (country subject;;politika (zleitost zem);n. port and harbor (port (and) harbor); ;pstavn (pstav
(a) pstav);adj.
pomalu: Jez pomalu.;TT: TT slowly: Eat
port and harbor: port (and) harbor engineer; :
;pstavn: pstavn inenr;
pomelo (fruit (of) no-longer-useful
buffalo);( );pomelo (ovoce ji-neuitenho portable (bag (to) carry); ;penosn (taka (k)
portable: portable (small) computer; :
ponder (take (and) consider);;brt v vahu (vzt (a)
T;penosn: penosn (mal) pota;
uvaovat) rozvaovat (vzt (a) uvaovat);T
slowly.;imper. pol.;

ponder (think (and) call);;pemlet (myslet (a)


position;;pozice postaven (status);n.

poor (of knowledge): We can understand, that (he) was of poor

knowledge.; :
;chab (o znalostech): Meme pochopit,
e byl chabch znalost.;writ.

position (acquired, name (and)

characteristic); ;poziice (zskan, jmno (a)

position (state (and) placement);;pozice (stav (a)

ponder (use (and) wipe); ;vzt v vahu (ut (a) utt);T umstn);n. writ.
position (stop (and) repose {nouner}); ;pozice
poo (EN col.); ;lejno (CZ col.);n.
(zastavit (a) odpovat {jmenec});n.
poor; ;chud;adj.

position (in society); ( );postaven (ve spolenosti);sg.

position, have a (do to stop (and) repose

poor, be (be-inferior (and) stupid); ;uboh, bt (bt-hor {nouner}); ;pozice, mt (dlat k zastavit (a)
odpovat {jmenec});I
(a) hloup);I
possess; -;vlastnit;I (or) T
poor, be (descend (and) be-scattered); ;chud, bt
poor, be;; uboh, bt;I

(sestoupit (a) bt-rozptlen) chud, bt (klesnout (a) btrozhozen);I

possess (possess (and) be-concerned-with);;vlastnit

(vlastnit (a) tkat-se);I

poor, be (handicapped (and) tilted);;chud, bt (bt-

possess (possess (and) concern);;vlastnit (vlastnit (a)


possess: May (you) be able to rule over everything (and) may
(you) be able to possess a lofty life.;:
T ;mt ( ~ "vlastnit): K me mt
vldu nad vm (a) k me mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen
ivot.;w. pol.
possess: They are happy, as (they) together possess a
pleasant, good life.;:
;mt: Jsou astn,
protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.

post scriptum (additional part of a letter, writing's

remainder); ;post scriptum (doplkov st dopisu,
zbytek psan);n.
post scriptum (PS, used as a postscript in letter, note
{nouner}); ;PS (post scriptum, uito jakoto dodatek na
konci dopisu, poznamenat {jmenec});n.
post scriptum (PS, used as a postscript in letter, remains (to)
write); ;PS (post scriptum, uito jakoto dodatek na konci
dopisu, zbv napsat);n. rare

post-office (letter building);( );pota (budova,

possession (own (and) concern {nouner});T ;vlastnictv budova dopis);sg.
(vlastnit (a) tkat-se {jmenec});n.
post-office: Post-office is closed.;: ;pota:
possibility; ;monost;n.
Na pot maj zaveno. (Pota je zaven.);p.p.
possibility ( ~ "able, be): (It) is requested, that (you) help (him) postage stamp (stamp (with) head); ( );potovn
(from the side of) (your) possibilities.; :
znmka (znmka (s) hlavou);sg.
;monosti ( ~

postbox (post-office box);( );potovn schrnka
"schopn, bt): d se, abys (mu) pomohl (ze strany)
(potovn krabice);sg.
(svch) monost.;pol.
postcard; ( ) (WS. from )
possibility (can (and) can {nouner}); ;monost (moci ( );pohlednice pohled;sg. WS. E. postcard (or)
(a) moci {jmenec});n.
sg. E. postcard
possibility (can happen {nouner});T T T (WS. postcard: (He) writes on a postcard.; :
from T T);monost (me se-stt {jmenec});n.
;pohled: Pe na pohled.;
possibility (permission (and) way);
(svolen (a) cesta);n.

possibility: (I) will help (you) as much as possible.; :

;monost: Pomohu (ti) jak jen je
mon.;fut. pol.

postcard: (One) can send e-mail (to (be)) more quickly than a
postcard.; :
T T ;pohled: Lze poslat e-mail, (aby
(byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;

postman (proficient (in) sending

possibility: If the fruit is (said (to be)) of orange color, there is letters);( );listono (zdatn (v) posln
a possibility, (that it is) an orange.;T T:
dopis) pok (listono, zdatn (v) posln dopis);sg.
T T ;monost: Pokud je postman: The postman delivers two parcels.;:
(to) ovoce (eeno (bt)) oranov barvy, (pak) je monost,
(e je to) pomeran.;
Listono doruuje dva balky.;

possible (can be);T ;mon (me bt);I

possible (look); ;mon (podvej);suff. imper.

possible, be;;mon, bt;I

possible, be (well happens, can

happen);T T ;mon, bt (dobe se-stt, me
possible, be: (It) is a sentence used when (it) is not possible to
change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any more.;: T
T T ;vta: Je (to)
vta uvan kdy u nen dn monost (cokoliv) zmnit ( ~
"znovu opravit).;

postpone;;odloit (asov);T
posture (meditation): in that (meditation) posture;:
;pozice (meditan): v t (meditan) pozici;

posture, meditation (method (of) sitting (in) Dhamma sitting

form); ;pozice, meditan (zpsob sezen
(ve) tvaru sezen Dhammy);n.
posture, meditation (sitting form);;pozice, meditan
(tvar sezen);n.
pot (for cooking);( );hrnec;sg.
pot-holed, be; ;drav, bt;I

pot: (He) is putting Italian spaghetti to the pot.;:

;hrnec: Vkld do hrnce italsk
possible, be: As (I) live in this country, (it) is not possible to eat pagety.;cont.
(food). (expression of unsatisfactoriness in one's country);: potato;( );brambor;sg. S. lu (potato, yam)
;mon, bt: Ponvad iji v tto potencial; ; potencil;n.
zemi, nen mon se najst ( ~ "jst jdlo). (vyjden
poultry; ;drbe;n.
nespokojenosti se situac vlastn zem);col.
pound (unit of weight, ca. 0.45 kg); ;libra (jednotka vhy, asi
possible, can be; ;me bt;v.
0.45 kg);n.
post (column);( );sloupek;sg.
pound: five hundred pounds (of weight); : ;libra:
post (in FB etc.);post;pspvek (na FB atd.);n. sl. FB

post office (letter building);( );pota (budova,

budova dopis);sg.


pt set liber (vhy);

pour;;vylt vylvat;T
poverty (descend (and) be-scattered

{nouner}); T ;chudoba (sestoupit (a) bt-rozptlen

powder; ;prek;n.
powder: Sugar is ( ~ "are) mostly used as powder.; :
T T ;prek: Cukr
se vtinou pouv ve form ( ~ "jakoto) prek.;
powecut ( ~ fire): There's a powercut. (fire was
destroyed);: ;proud: Vypli proud. (ohe byl
power (force (and) loudness);;moc (sla (a)
power (potency (and) authority); ;moc (vliv (a)

practise (meditation): I will go to Burma (country) in order to
practise (meditation).;: T
;praktikovat (meditaci): Pojedu do (zem) Barmy
abych praktikoval meditaci.;fut.
practise: (I) am just still practising writing;:
;nacviovat: Stle jen nacviuji psan;
practise: If (you) do not practise, what (you) have (already) got,
the good (knowledge) of writing (and) good (knowledge) of
speaking may get lost, (they) say ...;:
Pokud netrnuje, co (ji) m, ta dobr (znalost) psan (a)
dobr (zanlost) mluven, se me ztratit, pr ...;col.

practise: May (you) be able to practise the Dhamma

much.;: ;praktikovat:
power, magical (capacity (to) be-able); ;moc, magick K jsi schopen praktikovat Dhammu hodn.;pol.
praise (go-beyond (in) praising);;chvlit (jt-za-hranice
(schopnost bt-schopn);n.
(ve) chvlen);T
power: This way U Aung Zeyya's power became
praise: (He) praised the six supernormal powers.;:
great.;: T
T ;chvlit: Chvlil est
T ;moc: Tmto zpsobem se stala moc Aun
nadpirozench moc.;writ.
Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.
power (potency (and) power); ;moc (schopnost (a)

powerful, very (big smoke value); ;mocn, velice

(velk hodnota koue);n.
powerful, very: (There) are ( ~ "appear) many powerful
monks.; : ( ~
);mocn, velice:
Jsou ( ~ "objevuj-se) (tu) velice mocn mnii.;pol.

praise: Finding (that) what you have written, (I) happen to

praise (it as) seriously, very clever.;:
;chvlit: Shledal
jsem, co jsi napsal, (a) (stalo-se,e) chvlm (to jakoto)
vn, velice chytr.;pol.

praiseworthy, be (good, noble, noble (and)

noble); T ;chvlyhodn, bt (dobr, ulechtil,
powerfully: Alaun Min Taya then powerfully united the region
between rivers Ayeyawaddy and Chin Twin, and then attacked ulechtil (a) ulechtil);I
Prakrit (language);T;prkrit (jazyk);name
(and) conquered Inwa.;:
T ;mocn: Alaun
Men Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad
(Iravadi) a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.

Prakrit: This is very near to ( ~ with) the Prakrit

language.;T: T
;prkrit: To je velice blzko prkritu
(jazyku).;writ. pol.

practical (meets hand); ; praktick (setkv-se (s)


prase: (I) praise (and) value the character of your mind, brave
to abandon.;: ( )
;chvlit: Chvlm (a) hodnotm (vysoko)
charakter tv mysli, staten zanechat.;pol.

practice;;ncvik praxe nacviovat;n.

practice ((to) practise (and) line-up); ;cvien (trnovat

(a) uspodat);n.
practice (practice (and) think);;praktikovat (praktikovat
(a) myslet);T
practice (practice, think (and) develop);;praktikovat
(praktikovat, myslet (a) rozvjet);n.

prawn (short kite);( ) ( ) (WS. from

);kreveta (krtk luk);sg.
pray (request (a) wish); ;modlit se (dat (o)

pray: (I) pray (for it to happen).; :

practice (practise (and) train);;praktikovat (praktikovat ;modlit se: Modlm se (aby se tak stalo).;pol.
pre- (in-advance and-then);;ped- (naped a-pak);adv.
(a) trnovat) procviovat (praktikovat (a) trnovat);T
practice (practising (and) training);;praxe (m,
praxe (a) trnink) procviovn (m, praxe (a) trnink);n.

pre-eminent person; ( );vynikajc osoba;sg.

preach (the Law, the Dhamma);T ;kzat

(Zkon, Dhammu) pednet (Zkon, Dhammu);T mn. Bh.
practice, moral: facts regarding the moral practice; :
;praxe, etick: skutenosti ohledn preach Dhamma (preach (and) be-listened-to (about) truth
(of) Dhamma);;pednet Dhammu
etick praxe;
(pednet (a) bt-poslouchn (o) pravd Dhammy);T P.
practice: pratice of writing;: ;praxe: praxe v psan;
dhamma (= law)
practise; ;praktikovat;T
preach: (I) meditated (and) then also preached the Law ( ~
practise (wait (and) build); -;praktikovat (ekat (a) Dhamma).;:
;pednet (kzat): Meditoval jsem (a) pak jsem
practise (develop);;praktikovat (rozvjet);T


tak pednel Zkon ( ~ Dhammu).;p.s. pol.

make their living (nurnure life) by ( ~ "with) the five kinds of

wrong livelihood.; :

;predispozice: Buddhist, kter jsou slab
ve (svch) predispozicch (a) pejali vru od rodi ( ~
preach: according to what the Lord Buddha preached;: "tradin), vydlvaj si na ivobyt (staraj-se (o) ivot) (s)
;pednet: podle toho, co Pn pti druhy patnho ivobyt.;pol.
Buddha pednesl;
preach: (We) may preach with the wisdom of (our)

;pednet (Dhammu): Meme pednet
(Dhammu) moudrost (naeho) pochopen.;pol. writ.

prefer;;nejradi, mt;I
preach: the noble truth preached by the Buddha;:
T ;pednet: ulechtil pravda pednesen prefer (like (and) descend); ;oblbit si (mt-rd (a)
preaching of Dhamma (the Buddha's
teaching);( );pednes Dhammy (uen
preaching: is preaching wrong?;:
;pednen (o Buddhismu): je pednen
(o Buddhismu) patn?;inter.
preachings (the Law, the Dhamma right
preachings);;kzn (Zkon, Dhamma, sprvn
kzn);pl. mn. Bh. writ.
precepts, five (precepts for lay people, namely no killing, no
stealing, no sexual misconduct, no lying and no taking
intoxicants);;pravidel, pt (pravidla pro laiky, tj.
nezabjen, nekraden, vyhbn se cizolostv, nelhan a
neuvn omamnch ltek vetn alkoholu);Bh. paca-sla (=
five - morality)

prefer: notion, that Buddhaghosa preferred several Sinhalese

commentaries (which were) written before his time
(came).; :

;oblbit si: dojem, e si
Buddhaghsa oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter
byly) napsan ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
prefer: preferred a few; : ;oblbit
si: oblbil si nkolik;p.s.
prefer: What do (you) prefer in the Lord Buddha's
teachings?;: T
;nejradji, mt: Co m z ( ~ "v) uen
Pna Buddhy nejradji?;inter.
prepare (correct (to) preparedness);T ;pipravit (opravit
(k) pipravenosti);T

precepts: As for five precepts, (they) should be protected by lay prepare (line-up (and) arrange-in-order); ;pipravit (seadit
people too.;: ( ~ (a) uspodat-do-podku);T
) ;oravidla: Co se te pti pravidel, (ta) prepare (prepare (and) scheme);T ;pipravit se (pipravit
by mla bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.
(a) naplnovat);T
precepts: five (noble) precepts;: ;pravidla: pt
(ulechtilch) pravidel;
precepts: In order not to break the five precepts, one must
much ( ~ "not little) control (oneself).;:
;pravidla: Aby nedolo k
poruen pti pravidel, je teba se nemlo kontrolovat.;
precepts: The five precepts should be especially observed by
( ~ "in) lay people.;:
() ;pravidla: Pt pravidel by mly bt
dodrovny zejmna laiky ( ~ "v laicch).;pol.
preciously;T T ;mimodn mlokdy;adv.

precisely (exactly (and) precisely);;pesn (pesn

(a) pesn);adv. writ.

prepare (oneself);T ;pipravit se;T col.

prepare: (He) prepares before leaving.;T :
T ;pipravit: Pipravuje se ped odchodem.;
prepare: (I) am preparing to go to the office ( ~
offices).;T : () T ( ~
T );pipravit se: Pipravuji se jt do kancele ( ~
kancel).;pol. cont.
prepare: (I) am preparing to go.;T :
T ;pipravit se: Pipravuji se jt.;cont. pol.
prepare: a book prepared as a file ((on) computer);T :
T T ;pipravit: kniha
pipravovan jakoto soubor ((na) potai);

prepare: Great elder monk Mahinda prepared (it).;T :

precisely (trimming (and) falling);;pesn (ezn (a) T
;pipravit: Velk star mnich
Mahinda (to) pipravil.;p.s. writ.
precisely: I don't know precisely how far it is.;:
prepare: I prepare for cooking meat.;T :
;pesn: Nevm
T ;pipravit se: Pipravuji se na vaen masa.;cont.
pesn jak je to daleko.;um.
prepare: Prepare (to go) early.;T : T ;pipravit
predicate (verb, word (of)
predicate);( );psudek (ve vdt, slovo
psudku);sg. gram. P. kiriya (= action, deed)

se: Piprav se (jt) brzy.;imper.

predisposition (taken element); ;nchylnost (vzan

element) predispozice (vzan element);n.

prepared, be well ((be) ready (and)

wait);;pipraven, bt ((bt) pipraven (a)

predisposition: The Buddhists who (are) weak in the

predispositions (and) religious by birth ( ~ "traditional), (they)


prepared, be (appearance (is) right); ;nachystan, be

(vzhled (je) sprvn);I

prescribe (to do or follow sth.);T ;pedepsat (co se m dlat

i nsledovat);T S. prasthna

atd., maso tla);sg.

present; ;ptomn (dnen) ptomn;adj. (or) adj. price;( ) [zh:];cena;n. (or) sg.
P. paccuppanna (= present)
price "kyat: (It is) fourty-six kyats.; (" ):
present (an idea, put (and) show); T;pedstavit (mylenku, T ;cena "iat: (Je to) tyicet est iat.;pol.
poloit (a) ukzat);T
price (price (and) value);;cena (cena (a) hodnota);n.
present (sth. to sb.); ;darovat (nco nkomu);T

present (to give, hand carries); ( );drek (k

darovn, ruka nos);sg.
present life; ;ptomn ivot;n.
present life: (You) meditate in your present life, in (your)
present environment (and) in (your) present society.; :
() ()
( ~ ) ;ptomn ivot:
Medituje ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve (svm) ptomnm
prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn spolenosti.;pol.

price: How much does it cost? (How much is it's price?);:

;cena: Kolik to stoj? (Kolik je toho cena?);imper.
price: This is just the least price.;: ;cena: To je
nejni cena.;col.
pride, take (take quality);;hrd, bt (vzt kvalitu);T
P. gua (= virtue, quality)

pride, take: I take pride very much for being allowed to carry
out the celebration of tenth anniversary of writers of our
township as the chairman.;:
present, be (have (at) hand); ;ptomn, bt (mt (pi) T
bt: Jsem velice hrd, e jsem dostal svolen k vykonn ( ~
present, in;;ptomnosti, v;adv.
zastnn se) oslavy destho vro spisovatel na sprvn
present: In the present life there are also (things) that men
oblasti jakoto pedsedajc.;pol. um.
cannot do themselves.; :
;ptomnost: V
ptomnosti jsou tak (vci), kter si mui nemohou udlat

preserve (look-after (and) collect);;uchovat (nco,

starat-se-o (a) shromaovat);T
preserve (look-after (and) hold);;zachovvat (staratse-o (a) dret);T

primary (ancient (and) first);;prvotn (starodvn (a)


primitive (ancient (and) first);;primitivn (starodvn (a)

principles (nature (of) truth);;principy (charakter
print (press (the) form);;tisknout (makat podobu);T

preserve (shield (and) hide);;uchovvat (zatiovat (a) print: If (someone) prints (it), (it) will be better than this.;:
;tisknout: Kdyby (to nkdo) vytiskl,
bylo by (to) lep ne tohle.;fut.
preserve: It is a town which preserved Myanmar
culture.;: T
;uchovat: Je to msto, kter uchovalo
Myanmarskou kulturu.;pol.

printing press (image pressing

building);( );tiskrna (budova, budova (pro)
tisknut obraz);sg.

pressure: (One) should not put (much) pressure on (one's)

pipravit;prepare (arrange);T;
mind. Having (calmed) down, one should be in peace.; :
prison; ( ) ( );vzen;n. (or) sg.
;tlak: Nemlo by prison sentence (prison sentence); ;vzen (trest,
se na mysl moc tlait. Uklidnnm ( ~ snenm) je teba bt trest vzen);n.
prison: Make a partner, hey, so that (you have) same
prestigious, be ((of) high quality (and)
reputation); ;prestin, bt (vysok kvality (a)
pretence (posture carrying); ;petvka (pzy
pretext (give justification); T;zminku, uvdt jako
(dt ospravedlnn);T
pretext (speach which gives
justification); T ;zminka (e kter dv
pretty, be;;hezk, bt;I
previous; ;pedchoz pedel;adj.
previous (in while before); ;pedchoz (v
bhem minule);adj..

(punishment) if (you) go to a prison.; :

T ;vzen: Udlej si partnera,
hele, abyste (mli) stejn (trest), pokud pjde do
vzen.;imper. sl.
prisoner (person (of) prison); (
);vze (osoba (z) vzen);sg. (mn.)
prisoner: political prisoner; :
;vze: politick vze;
prize;( );ocenn;sg.
prize: The most beautiful and the best ( ~ most well) dancing
vehicles are given a prize.;:
;cena (ocenn): Nejkrsnj a nejlpe
( ~ nejvc dobe) tancujc (skupiny z) vozidel jsou ocenni
(dostanou cenu).;col. pol.

previous life; ;minul ivot;n. Bh.

probability (can happen {nouner});T T;pravdpodobnost

prey (meat (of) body); ( );ob (o zvatech (me se-stt {jmenec});n.


probably;; pravdpodobn;suff.
probably (may+will);


profesor; ( )professor;sg. E.
professor (mn.);

profess (a particular religion, rely-on (and)

conceal);;vyznvat (urit nboenstv, spolhat-se
probably: As for U Mya Maung, every person, whether old (or) (a) skrvat-se-za);sg.
professor; ( ) (
young probably knows (him).;
: T

;pravdpodobn: Co se te );profesor;sg. P: pmokkha (= chief, leader) (or) sg. E.

Mja Mauna, kad lovk, a u star nebo mlad, (jej)
probably (will);( );pravdpodobn (bude);suff. adv.

pravdpodobn zn.;pol.

problem; (WS. from ) T( ) ( )

( ) T;problm;n. P. kicca (= duty) (or) n.
S. prana (= problem) (or) sg. P. kicca (or) sg. P. kicca (=
duty) (or) n. WS. P. kicca (= duty) (or) sg.
problem: (He) solved many problems.;T: T
T ;problm: Vyeil mnoho problm.;
problem: (She) could not see the problems connected with that
teacher ( ~ chief monk).;T:

T T T ;problm: Nedokzala
vidt (ty) problmy spojen s tm uitelem.;pol.
problem: Actually, it wasn't a big problem.;T:
T ;problm: No, nebyl to velk
problem: New and new troubles (and) problems
appear.;T: T
;problm: Objevuj se nov a nov pote (a)
problem: No problem.;: ;problm: (To) nen
problm.;pol. ans.

professor: according to prof. Kosambi's point of

view; :
;profesor: z hlediska prof. Kosambi;writ.
proficient, be (be-skilled (and) excel
{nouner}); ;schopn, bt (bt-dovedn (a) vynikat
proficiently (skilfully (and)
excellently); ;dovedn (dovedn (a)
profound, be (deep method); ;pronikav, bt (hlubok
profound, be (worth consideration, heavy (and)
deep); ;hlubok, bt (zvan, tk (a) hlubok);I
program; ( ) (WS. from )
( );program;n. pc. E. file (or) sg. E. program WS.
(or) sg. E. program
program (plan, lining-up (and) lining-up); ;program
(pln, zaazovn (a) zaazovn));n.
program: Gtalk and other such programs; :
;program: Gtalk a jin takov


problm: This person has made a big problem to

himself.;T: T ( progress (develop (and) ascend {nouner}); ;pokrok
);problm: Tento (rozvinout-se (a) stoupat {jmenec});n.
~ T
lovk m ( ~ "si sm udlal) velk problm.;pol.
progress (increase (and) ascend); ;rozvjet se (zvtitproblems: In lay life, lay people have various issues (and)
se (a) vystupovat);T
problems.;T: ( ~
progress (while training);;pokroit (pi trninku);T
) ( ~ T) T
progress: attainment of progress; :
;problmy: V laickm ivot, laici maj rzn pote (a) T ;pokrok: dosaen pokroku;n.
progressed, be (prosperous, be-in-excess (and)
proclaim (a law, take out (and) return));T ;vyhlsit
much;;pokroil, bt (prosperujc, bt v nadbytku (a)
(zkon, vyjmout (a) vrtit);T
proclaim (a law): (They) proclaim a law that (I) have never
progressed, be (prosperous, increase (and)
heard (and they) are doing how they want to do.;T :
improve); ;pokroil, bt (prosperujc, zvyovat-se (a)
;vyhlsit (zkon): Vyhls zkon kter (jsem)
progressed, be (prosperous, plump (and)
jet nikdy neslyel a dlaj jak se jim chce dlat.;pol.
abundant);;pokroil, bt (prosperujc, buclat (a) hojn);I
proclaim (everywhere, give knowledge (and spread
prohibit (prohibit (and) forbid);T ;zakzat (zakzat (a)
information) downwind-side (and)
upwindside);;prohlsit (vude, dt znalost (a prohibit: It is not prohibited.;T : T ;zakzat:
rozit informaci) po-vtru (a) proti-vtru);T
Nen to zakzno.;
procure (support (and) help); ;obstarat (podporovat
prohibit: It was not prohibited.;T :
(a) pomoci);T
T ;zakzat: Nebylo to zakzno.;p.s.
produce (make, make (and) do);;vyrbt (vyrbt, dlat project; ( );projekt;sg. E. project
(a) dlat);T
proliferate (spread (and) develop);T;it se (it-se (a)
product (thing);( );vrobek (vc);sg. P. paccaya (= rozvjet-se);I
requisite, means)
Prome Road (Pyay Road, road (of the)
products;;produkty;pl. P. paccaya (= requisite, means)


country);T ;Prom, ulice (Pj, ulice, ulice sttu);name pronunciation: Pronunciation is extremely difficult. ((With)
prominent, be (shine (and) spread-out);;prominentn, pronunciation (I) have met extreme difficulty.);:
bt (zit (a) roziovat-se) pedn, bt (zit (a) roziovat- ;vslovnost:
Vslovnost je nesmrn nron. ((S) vslovnost jsem se
prominent, be (shine);;pedn, bt (zit) prominentn, setkal s nesmrnou nronost.);
bt (zit);I

pronunciation: The pronunciation started to become natural ( ~

prominent, be: Anyway, (I) am happy, that (you) are a carrier of "something natural).;: T T
T ;vslovnost: Vslovnost se stala pirozenou ( ~
the responsibility to (maintain) the (Buddha's) gift
"nm pirozenm).;
prominent.;: TT
proof (evidence, evidence); ;proof (evidence,
;prominentn, bt: Nicmn, jsem
evidence);n. P. sdhaka (= proof)
astn, e jsi nositel zodpovdnosti za (udren)
prominentnosti (Buddhova) daru.;pol.
prominent, be: the region, where Buddhism ( ~ "Buddha's
religion) (is) prominent;:
;prominentn: oblast, kde je Buddhismus ( ~
"Buddhovo nboenstv) prominentn;

proof (to substantiate sth., put marking stone

{nouner}); T ;dkaz (k doloen, poloit
vyznaujc kmen {jmenec});n.

proofread (a book, read, watch, clean (and)

wash); ;korekturu, st (st, sledovat, istit (a)
omvat) kontrola (korektura knihy, st, sledovat, istit (a)
prominent, become;;prominentnm, stt se;T
prominent, become (appear (and) shine);;vznamnm, omvat);T
proofreading (read (and) watch {nouner}); T ;korektura
stt se (objevit se (a) zit);I
prominent, become: During the reign of Anawyatha king in the (st (a) sledovat {jmenec});n.
Pagan period, four heroes, (namely) Kyansittha, Ngalttwayyu,
Ngaloun Letpheh and Nyaung Oo Phi, became

stt se: Bhem vldy krle Anojaty v obdob Paganskm se
stali tyi hrdinov, (tj.) ansit, , Ndvej, Nlou Leph a au
Ph prominentnmi.;p.s. writ.

proofreading (read proof {nouner}); T ;korektura

(st korekturu {jmenec});n. E. proof

promise (give (a) promise);;slbit (dt slib);T

proper, be (appropriate (and) great); ;sprvn, bt

(sprvn (a) ohromn);I

promise (make (a) promise);;slbit (udlat slib);T

promise: (I) got the promise to get help ( ~ "for help).;:
;slib: Dostal jsem slib, e (mi) pome
( ~ "pro pomoc).;p.s.
promise: (It) was promised by me.;:
;slbit: (J) slbil jsem.;p.s. pol.

proofreading: (He) is doing the proofreading on (his)

computer.; T : T T
( ~ );korektura: Dl korekturu na (svm) potai.;

proper, be; ;vhodn, bt vhodn,

bt sprvn, bt;I (or) I un.

proper, be (proper (and) noble);T ;sprvn, bt (sprvn

(a) ulechtil);I
proper, be: (It) is proper to address (you) with respect.; :
T ;sprvn, bt: Je sprvn (t)
oslovovat s respektem.;pol.

promluvy (Zkon, Dhamma, sprvn

proper, be: Proper place should be found.; :
kzn);discourses (the Law, the Dhamma right ;sprvn, bt: Mlo by se
preachings);pl. mn. Bh. writ.;
najt sprvn msto.;pol.
promote (raise much);T ;povit (o lovku,
proper: It is not proper to forget National Day as the effect of
vyzvednout hodn);T
patriotic awakening.;:

promote: (He) also promoted heroes who had valour.;T : ;sprvn: Nen sprvn zapomnat na
T ;povit:
Nrodn Den jakoto nsledek vlasteneckho probuzen.;pol.
Tak povyoval hrdiny, kte mli chrabrost.;writ.
pronoun (matches-with noun); ;zjmeno (lad-k
property;;majetek;n. P. ucc (= high);gram.
property (things (and) property);;vlastnictv (vci (a)
pronounce well;;vyslovovat dobe;T


pronunciation (sound escapes);;vslovnost (zvuk

pronunciation: in order to learn to understand the Burmese
;vslovnost: abych se nauil rozumt
barmsk vslovnosti;
pronunciation: Myanmar pronunciation;:
T ;vslovnost: vslovnost Myanmartiny;n.

vlastnictv);n. P. paccaya (= requisites, means)

property: He doesn't steal (others') property.;:

;majetek: Nekrade majetek (druhch).;col.
prophet (commanding messenger); ( );prorok
(rozkazujc posel);sg.
propose (in debate, put saying); ;navrhnout (nzor,
uloit een) pedloit (nzor, uloit een);T
propose (in debate, say (and) put); ;mluvit (v debat,


navrhovat, ci (a) poloit);T

(buclat (a) hojn);adj.

propose (in debate): U Mya Maung should propose exactly

(in) ten minutes.; : T

;mluvit (v debat, navrhovat): Mja
Maun by ml mluvit (navrhovat) pesn deset minut ( ~ v
deseti minutch).;pol.

prostrate oneself (extend belly (and) turn-facedown); ;klant se (nathnout bicho (a) natoitobliej-dol);T
protect (shield (and) be-in-attendance);;ochraovat (ttit
(a) starat se o);T

propose (one's idea in a debate): Therefore, (I) invite the leader protect (shield (and) hide);;ochraovat (zatiovat (a)
of proposers (in debate), teacher Mr. Mya Maung, to propose schovvat);T
(his idea in the debate).; :
protect (shield);;ochraovat (ttit);T
T ()
protect (wait (and) cling); ;ochraovat (ekat (a)
;navrhnout (vlasn nzor v debat): Proto (nyn) zvu
vdce mluvch ( ~ navrhovatel) (v tto debat), uitele pana protect (precepts or rules, wait (and) build);
Mja Mauna, aby vysvtlil ( ~ navrhl) (svj nzor).;pol. um.
-;ochraovat (pravidla, ekat (a) stavt);T
proposer ( ~ speaker): As for the proposers' ( ~ speakers')
leader sitting on my right, (it) is U Mya Maung.;:

T ;mluv: Co se te vdce mluvch,
kter sed po m prav stran, (je to) Mja Maun.;pol.

protect (precepts, rules): As for five precepts, (they) should be

protected by lay people too.; :
( ~ )
: ( ~
) ;ochraovat (pravidla): Co se te pti
pravidel, (ta) by mla bt ochraovna i laiky.;pol.

proposer (and) defender (person (who) refutes

saying);;navrhujc (nzoru) a obhajujc (nzoru, v protect: At that time, headman of Mushepo village U Aung
debat, osoba (kter) odmt een);n.
Zeyya himself, for safety, protected (his) own village (by) palmproposer (and) defender (in debate);;navrhujc
tree trunks-forts.;:
(nzoru) a obhajujc (nzoru, v debat);n.

proposer (who proposed in debate, lord (of)
;ochrnit: Tehdy nelnk vesnice
saying);( );navrhovatel (kdo pedloil njak nzor Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe, ochrnil svou vesnici
pro diskuzi, pn een);sg.
opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.
proprietary (lord (who) owns);( );majitel protection;;ochrana;n.
(pn (kter) vlastn);sg.
protest (block (and) mark-off);;protestovat
prosaic ((of) loosened speech);T;prozaick
(zmrnn ei);adj.

prosaic: We have the classical prosaic literature only as books,

as electronic files (we) don't (have).;T:
;prozaick: Mme klasickou
prozaickou literaturu pouze jakoto knihy, jakoto elektronick
soubory ne ( ~ "nemme).;

(zablokovat (a) ohraniit);T

proud, be (conceit (is) big);;pyn, bt, hrdost (je)

velk);T P. mna (= conceit)
proud, be very (be-proud (and) boast); ;pyn, bt
velice (bt-pyn (a) vytahovat-se);I
proud, be: I am proud (of you). ((I) happen to take
pride.);: ;hrd, bt: Jsem na (tebe) hrd.
(Stalo se, e beru hrdost.);pol.

prose (loosened speech);T;prza (zmrnn e);n. proud, be: Therefore, they are conceited and proud.;:
prose: book Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "versatile (and) famous) T ;hrd, bt: Proto, jsou
and also U Obhasa of Min's proses (are) included;T:
namylen a hrd.;pol.

proudly (take quality {adverber});;hrd (vzt
T;prza: kniha
kvalitu {pslovec});adv.
Swesoukyawthinkyan ( ~ "vestrann (a) slavn) a tak przy provide (support (and) help); ;poskytovat (podporovat
U Obhsy z Min (jsou) zahrnuty;writ.
(a) pomoci);T
prospective, be (well happens, can
province; ( );provincie;sg.
happen);T T ;perspektivn, bt (bt mon, dobe provincial; ;provinn;adj.
se-stt, me se-stt);I
provincial: The boycott of the Yangon University students
prosper (be-alive (and) thrive); ;prosperovat (bt-naivu spread to various places and quarters and (then) also the
(a) vzkvtat);T
provincial students (started to) boycott.; :
prosperity (possess (and) develop);;blahobyt (vlastnit (a)

prosperous (be-in-excess (and) much);;prosperujc, bt ;provinn: Bojkot student Rangnsk
(bt v nadbytku (a) mnoho);I
University se rozil do rznch mst a tvrt a (pak) tak
prosperous, be (increase (and) improve); ;prosperujc, provinn studentni (zali) bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
bt (zvyovat-se (a) zlepovat-se);I
proximity (proximity (and) vicinity);;blzkost (blzkost
prosperous, be (plump (and) abundant);;prosperujc


(a) okol);n.

PS (additional part of a letter, writing's remainder); ;PS meaning);potrestat: Pestoe nepln (dn) zodpovdnosti
(doplkov st dopisu, zbytek psan);n.
lsky ( ~ "lsek), ml by ses potrestat.;imper. sl.
PS (post scriptum, used as a postscript in letter, note
pupil; ;k;sg. m.
{nouner}); ;PS (post scriptum, uito jakoto dodatek na pupil (person (who) is studying (and)
konci dopisu, poznamenat {jmenec});n.
taking); ( );k (osoba (kter) je studujc (a)
PS (post scriptum, used as a postscript in letter, remains (to) berouc);sg.
write); ;PS (post scriptum, uito jakoto dodatek na konci pupil (school man); ( );k (mu (ze)
dopisu, zbv napsat);n. rare
psychic (concerned-with (the) part (of)
pupil (f.); ( );aka (kyn);f.
mind);;psychick (tkajc-se sti mysli);adj. puppet (image, small image);( );loutka (obraz,
P. citta (= mind)
mal obraz);sg.
psychic (spiritual, regarding mind
puppy;( );tn;sg.
part);;duevn (ohledn sti mysli);adj. P.
pure water (pure water); ;ist voda (ist voda);n.
citta (= mind)
pure, be; ;ist, bt;I
psychically weakl be (mind power (is)
little); ;psychicky slab, bt (mentln schopnost
(je) mal);I

pure: pure Buddhism; : ;ist: ist


psychology (wisdom (about) mind);;psychologie

(moudrost (o) mysli);n. P. citta-pa (= mind wisdom)


purely (separate (and) picked-out);;ist (oddlen (a)

psychologist (master (in) responsibilities (regarding)
mind); ( );doktor (mistr (ohledn) purely: purely Burmese monastery;:
zodpovdnostech mysli);sg.
;ist: ist Barmsk klter;
purify (clean (and) clear);;vyistit (vyistit (a)
purify (clean (and) clear (to be) white (and)
psychology, (school) subject of; ;psychologie, (koln) pure);T ;istit (istit (a) vyjasovat (aby bylo) bl
(a) vyitn);T
psychology, (school) subject of: I got a degree in (subject of) purify: Establish (your) mind to purify (it).;:
psychology.; : ;psychologie, ;proistit: Ustanov (svou) mysl abys (ji)
(koln) pedmt: Dostal jsem titul z (pedmtu) psychologie.; proistila.;imper. col.
public toilet (toilet used (by) many);;veejn purple color (aubergine's color); ;fialov barva
WC (toaleta uvan mnohmi);n.
(barva lilku);n.
public, general (mass (of) country's persons (and)
purpose; ( );el zmr;n. (or) sg.
people);T ;veejnost, veobecn (spousta osob (a) purpose (hope-for (and) intend {nouner}); ;zmr
lid zem);n.
(doufat-v (a) hodlat {jmenec});n.
publish;;vydat (publikovat) publikovat uveejnit;T

publish (a book etc., press form (and) publish (and)

distribute);;publikovat (knihu atd., vymakat
podobu (a) uveejnit (a) rozdat);T

purpose of, with the;;elem, za;adv.

purpose, to no;;bezeln;adv.

purpose: (He) dedicates (himself) for the attainment of the

noble purpose.; : TT
T T ;cl: Odevzdv se pro
dosaen (toho) ulechtilho cle.;

publish: In Myanmar, the newspaper have been indeed

published for long time.;: T
;publikovat: V Myanmaru byly noviny purposeless activity (can arrive, (but)
publikovny ji dlouho (dlouhou dobu).;pol.
unworthily); ;bezeln innost (me (se)
pudding (dessert); (WS. from );pudink
dostavit, (ale) nevhodn);n.
(dezert);n. E. pudding (or) n. WS. E. pudding
purse (money bag);( );penenka (taka (s)
pull; ;that thnout;T
pulse; ;lutniny;n.
pumpkin (exchanged shelter);( );dn (vymnn
punish (take to what); (from (?));potrestat
(vzt k emu);T sl.
punish: As (you) don't fulfill any responsibilities of love ( ~
"loves), (you) should punish yourself.;:

(or it was "

- but different


pursue (practise);;provdt;T
push;;strit strkat;T

put; ;vloit uloit poloit dt (nkam);T

put ( ~ publish): (I) put ( ~ publish) (here) his photo.; :
;dt ( ~ uveejnit): Dvm ( ~ uveejuji)
(sem) jeho fotografii.;pol. FB
put (place (and) put); ;poloit (umstit (a) poloit);T
put (into);;vloit;T writ.

put (sth. on sth.); ;poloit (nco na nco);T

put (sth. swh., put (and) fix); ;poloit (nco nkam,


poloit (a) upevnit);T

oznaen oblast);n.

put (sth. swh..); ();poloit (nco nkam);T

quarter of kyat (25 penny, quarter); ;tvrtina iatu (25

hal, tvrtina);n.

put down;;snit (poloit) zthnout;T

put in; ;vloit vkldat;T

quarter: Only a quater of cake remains.;:

put in: She puts his clothes in the washing machine.; : ;tvrt: Zbyla jen tvrtka dortu.;
queen;( );krlovna;sg.
(Ona) vkld jeho obleen do praky.;cont.
queen: It is a statue of one ancient king's wife.;:
;krlovna: Je to socha krlovny
put into;;vloit do;T
put on; ;oblci si (na sebe) oblci si oblkat si;T P. jednoho starovkho krle.;pol.
vattha (= cloth) (or) T
put on (put-on (and) follow); ;oblci si (oblknout (a)

question (asking speech);( );otzka (tzac


question: (There) is one more question to ask.;:

;otzka: Jet je (tu) jedna otzka k
put on (clothes); [su.] ;oblci si;T
put on (clothes) (add (and) dress); ;oblci si (pidat (a) zeptn.;pol.
question: When (we) finish (practice (of)) meditation, (I)
answer the questions asked by the people.;:
put on: Because it is cold, the young boy, indeed, puts on a

sweatshirt.; :
T ;otzka: Kdy skonme (praxi) meditaci, odpovdm
;oblci si: Protoe je zima, mal chlapec si,
na otzky poloen ( ~ "ptan) lidmi.;pol. writ.
vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.
put up (accomodate); ;ubytovat se;T
put: (He) is putting Italian spaghetti to the pot.; :
;vloit: Vkld do hrnce italsk
put: (He) shows head put on arms.; :
T ;poloit: Ukazuje hlavu poloenou
na pach.;
put: Put the duty for me tot he last (place) and then carry it
out.;: ;dt
(nkam): Dej tu povinnost pro m na posledn (msto) a pak ji
vykonej.;imper. pol. col.
put: The secretary is putting the dictionary on the table.;:
Sekretka pokld slovnk na stl.;cont.

questionnaire (standard form);( );dotaznk

(standardn podoba);sg.

questions: You can ask any question.;:

;otzka: Me se zeptat na
jakoukoliv otzku.;
quick, be;T ;rychl, bt;I
quick: The train is quicker than the man.;T :
T ;rychl: Vlak je rychlej ne (ten) mu.;
quickly;T T T ; rychle;adv.
quickly (fast (and) quick {adv.}); T ;rychle (rychl (a)
rychl {adv.});adv.
quickly (justjust powerfully); ;rychle
(prostprost mocn);adv.

quickly (to (be) powerful (and) pierce);;rychle (btput: two hands put on the head; : mocn (a) propchnout);adv.
;poloit: dv ruce poloen na hlav;n.
quickly: (He) runs quickly.;T : T T ;rychle: B
puthujjana (unenlightened
person); ( );puthujjana (neosvcen
osoba);sg. P. puthujjana-lok (= wordling-worldly)

quickly: (One) can send e-mail (to (be)) more quickly than a
postcard.;T T :
T T ;rychle: Lze poslat e-mail, (aby
Pyay Road (Prome Road, road (of the)
country);T ;Pj, ulice (Prom, ulice, ulice sttu);name (byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;
quickly: I can't eat quickly.;T : T
pyrexia (fever);;teplota (horeka);n.
pyrexia, have (fever, fever lives);;teplotu, mt (horeku, (possible answer to ) ;rychle: Nemohu jst rychle.;pol.
horeka ije);I.
qualify (do specially);;kvalifikovat se (dlat
quality, high (high level);T;kvalita, vysok (vysok
quality, high (top row); ;kvalita, vysok (nejvy
quantity (counting (and) wavering);;mnostv
(potn (a) vhn);n.
quarter; (from ) ;tvrtina tvrt
quarter (of town, marked-off region); ;tvr (msta,


quickly: May (you) be able to overcome whatever difficulties

and may (you) be able to strive quickly for advancement
towards (your) goal.; T :
T ;rychle: K jsi
schopn pekonat jakkoliv tkosti a k jsi schopn rychle
usilovat o pokrok za (svm) clem.;w. pol.
quiet, be;;tich, bt;I

quiet, be (calm (and) descending); ;tich, bt (klidn

(a) sestupujc);I
quiet, be (silent (and) quiet);;tich, bt (tich (a)

quiet, be (sound (does) not escape);;ztien, bt

(zvuk neodchz);I
quiet: a quiet place;: ;tich: tich
quite; ;docela;adv.

radio station (the building, public-building (of) spreading

; radiov stanice (radiov, veejn-budova
en zvuku);n.
radish;( );edkvika;sg.

radish (come must);( );edkvika (pied

quite ( ~ "well): (I) am quite ( ~ "well) satisfied.; : zuivost);sg.
T ;pomrn ( ~ "dobe): Jsem
radish (egg (of) come must);( );edkvika
pomrn ( ~ "dobe) spokojen;pol.
(vajko pied zuivosti);sg.
quite (little, little); ;celkem (ponkud, trochu,
quite (much little); ;docela (hodn trochu);adv.

radish: When (I) shave my head, it looks like a radish.;:

Kdy si oholm hlavu, vypad jako edkvika.;

quite fine; ;docela dobr;adj. !

rain; ;d pret;T (or) n.

quite: (I) can fairly speak in English.; :

T ;docela: Anglicky
docela umm (mluvit).;pol.

rain (sky rains);;pret (nebe pr);T

rain cloud (sky cloud building);(
);deov mrak (budova nebeskho mraku);sg.

quite: (It)'s quite good.; :

: ;docela: Je to docela

rain: (It) may get wet by the rain.;:

;d: Asi to
detm zmokne.;fut.

quite (quite (and) somewhat); ;docela (docela (a) rage; ;zuivost;n.

railway station (building (of) trainstation);( );ndra (budova ndra);sg. H.
quite (well (and) much); ;docela (dobe (a)

quite: As for Aung Lan, (it) is quite close ( ~ "closer) to ( ~

"with) us.; :
;celkem: Co se te Aun Lenu, je k nm
pomrn blzko.;
quite: quite far away from ( ~ with) the buffalo.; :
;docela: Docela daleko od ( ~ s)
rabbit;( );krlk;sg.

race (compete (in) running);T;zvodit (soutit v


rain: (It) will get wet because of the rain.;:

;pret ( ~ "d): Zmokne to, ponvad pr
(Namo se to, ponvad (je) d).;I
rain: After the rain ( ~ raining), sun shines.;:
;pret: Slunce svt po deti ( ~ zapren);fut.
rain: As for afternoon, it's raining.;:
;pret: Co se te odpoledne, pr.;
rain: As for now, it is not raining any more.;:
;pret: A te, u nepr.;col.
rain: It's raining so much. (Sky extremely rains.);:
: ;pret: Moc pr. (Nebe
moc pr.);

race (compete (in) running): Rabbit also said: well then, we

shall race ( ~ compete (in) running).;T:
rain: They say, that tomorrow will be raining.;: T
" T T;zvod: Krlk tak ekl: ;pret: kaj, e ztra bude pret.;
dobe, tedy, budeme zvodit ((v) bhu)).;writ.
rainbow (descending stick); ( );duha (sestupujc
race (running competition);T ( ) (rather as
T ) T ( );zvod (sout (v) bhn);sg. raindrop ); [m:z.];deov kapka );n.
race, cross the finishing line (enter flower); ;zvodu,
pekroit konc ru v (vstoupit (do) kvtiny);T

rains ( ~ years of monkhood): A monk of little number of rains (

~ years of monkhood) approaches a monk of many rains ( ~
race, finishing line (enter flower); ;zvodu, pekroit
years of monkhood).;:
konc ru v (vstoupit (do) kvtiny) zvodu, vstoupit na ( ~ );det ( ~ roky
konc ru v (vstoupit (do) kvtiny);T
mnistv): Mnich malho potu de ( ~ let mnistv) pistoup
race: At that time turtle (said): friend rabbit, with you I dare to k mnichovi mnoha de ( ~ let mnistv).;
race.;T: "
rains (years of monkhood);;det (roky mnistv);n. P. vassa
T ;zvodit: Tehdy elva (ekla: pteli krlku, s
(= rain)
tebou si troufm zvodit.;writ.
rains (years of monkhood): How many rains ( ~ years of
race: Goal is the place in race, where (one) has to finally
arrive.; :
;zvod: Cl znamen msto v zvod, kam
(jeden) mus nakonec dorazit.;pol. col.

monkhood) (you) already have?;: ;det (roky

mnistv): Kolik de (let mnistv) u m?;inter. p.p. mn.

radiance; ;zen;n.

raise;T ;zdvihnout;T

radiant, be; ;ziv, bt;I un.

radio;( ) [reiiy];rdio;sg. E. radio

rainy season ) (June-October);;deov obdob )

raise (a child, wait (and) cling); ;vychovat (dt,
ekat (a) lpt);T


raised, be (take bringing-up, take wait (and) cling

{nouner}); ; vychovan, bt (brt vychovn,
brt ekat (a) lpt {jmenec});I
rambling talk (random talk, can arrive, (but)
unworthily); ;nesouvisl povdn (me (se)
dostavit, (ale) nevhodn);n.
rambutan (fruit (of) cock's-comb, fruit (of) boastful
fowl); ( );rambutan (ovoce kohouthohebnku, ovoce vytahujc-se drbee);sg.
rampart (city wall);;opevnn (mstsk ze);n.
random talk (random talk, can arrive, (but)
unworthily); ;nesouvisl povdn (me (se)
dostavit, (ale) nevhodn);n.
rare, be;;vzcn, bt;I
rarely; T T (WS. from T T )
T T ;vzcn zdkakdy;adv. (or) adv. rare (or) adv.
rarely, just (just of time (to) make (and) time (of)
time); ;mlokdy (pouze z doby dln (a)
doby doby);adv.
rarely: (He) talks just rarely.; :
T ;mlokdy: Mluv jen mlokdy.;
rarely: It happens rarely, that the foreigners would be accepted
as genuine part of the society (they) live in.;T T :
T T T ( ~ T
T T );zdkakdy: Stv se zdkakdy,
e by byli cizinci povaovni za opravdovou soust
spolenosti, kde ij.;pol.
rat; ( ) ( );krysa;sg.
rat (ground rat);T ( )
T ( );krysa (zemn krysa) krysa (zemsk
krysa) krysa (pozemn krysa);sg.
rather; ;spe;adv.
rather (more); ;spe (vce);adv.
razor (knife (which is) still
removes); ( );iletka (n (kter) pod
reach; ;dostavit se do;T
reach (get-full);T ;doshnout (naplnit-se);I
reach (arrive to): I will reach Bago after Yangon.; :
;dojet (dostavit se): Po Rangnu dojedu do
Bago (Pekh).;fut. col.

;st: Opravdu, nevdl jsem, protoe

jsem etl.;col.
read: Can (you) also read Burmese script?; :
;st: Um tak st Barmsk psmo?;inter.
read: Can (you) read (in) Burmese language?; :
( ~ ) ;st: Um st (v) Barmskm
read: The girl is reading.; :
;st: Dve si te.;cont.
read: What book will he read?; : ;st:
Jakou knihu bude st?;inter. fut. col.
reading (things to read); ;ten (knihy atd. na ten);n.
reading: (Young man) Aye has a book for reading.; :
;ten: (Mlad pn) m
knihu na ten.;col.
ready (condition (is) proper); ;pipraven (podmnka
(je) sprvn);adj.
ready, be (appearance (is) right); ;pipraven, be
(vzhled (je) sprvn);I
ready, be (have proper appearance); ;pipraven,
bt (mt sprvnou podobu);I
ready, be (suitability);;pipraven, bt (vhodnost);I
ready, be fully ( ~ "fresh, be): Now I am completely ready ( ~
"fresh) to learn.; :
;pipraven, bt zcela ( ~ "erstv, bt): Te jsem
zcela pipraven ( ~ "erstv) k uen.;
ready, be fully (fresh (and) new); ;pipraven, bt
zcela (erstv (a) nov);I
ready, be: As for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my)
perfections.;: T
;pipraven, bt: Co se te m, jsem pipraven
naplnit (sv) dokonalosti.;
ready, get;T T ;pipravit se;T (or) T col.
ready, get: As I'll cook fish, (I)'m getting ready.;T :
T ;pipravit se: e budu vait rybu, pipravuji
se.;cont. um.
ready: Just now, at this time, the marking ( ~ marks-giving)
judges are being ready (and) arrived.; :

;pipraven: Prv te, v tuto dobu,
jsou bodujc ( __znmky-dvajc) soudci pipraveni (a)
dostavili se.;p.p. pol.
real; ;skuten;adj.

real (true (and) real); ;skuten (pravdiv (a)

reach for a higher level (ascend (and) step); ;sahat k skuten);adj.
vymu stupni (vystupovat (a) kret);T
real, be; ;skuten, bt;I
reach out;;doshnout;T
real: (He) strives (for) real (experience).; :
read; ;st;T

read (read writings); ;st (st psan);T

read: (I) can read (in Burmese) a little; :
;st: Umm trochu st (Barmsky).;pol. col.
read: (I) still cannot read (in Burmese).; :
;st: Pod neumm st (Barmsky).;pol.
read: As (I) was reading, (I) didn't know, indeed.; :


;skuten: Skuten usiluje.

(Usiluje o skutenou zkuenost.);
real: real sickness (not hypochondriac); :
;skuten: skuten nemoc (ne
realization;;pochopen;n. P. a (= knowledge)

realize (know (and) see);T ;chpat (vdt (a) vidt);I

realize (pierce (and) catch (the)

character); ;uvdomit si (probodnout (a) chytit

rebel (stop (and) fight-back); ;vzbouit se (zastavit (a)


rebel: Hanthawadis of lower Myanmar (country) also

rebelled.; : T
;bouit se: Hentvad z niho (sttu) Myanmaru
realize (receive (the) real knowledge);;uvdomit se tak bouili.;writ.
si (dostat skutenou znalost);I
reborn person (person (who) enters forrealize (take knowledge (and) Truth);;uvdomit sure); ;perozen osoba (osoba (kter) vstupuje najisto);n.
si (vzt znalost (a) Pravdu);I
realize (pierce (the) character); ;uvdomit si
(probodnout charakter);I

realize (fulfill, fill (and) reach);T T ;realizovat (naplnit (a) rebut (one's idea); ;vyvrtit (domnnku atd.);T
receive;;dostat;I (or) T

realize: (I) realize the smelling of smells.; :

receive (accept, take (and) have); ; dostat (pijmout,
T ;uvdomit si: Uvdomm si vzt (a) mt);I
ichn pach.;
receive (have (by) getting (and) receiving (by)
realize: because (I) didn't realize; :
hand); ; pijmout (dostat, mt branm (a) dostnm
;uvdomit si: protoe jsem si neuvdomil;p.s. rukou);I
realize: Having realized (that I have) thoughts again and again,
(I continuously) abandon them.; :
si: Znovu a znovu si uvdomuji, (e mm) mylenky, a
(neustle) je opoutm.;med.
realize: having realized, that; :
;uvdomit si: uvdomili si (to) a ... ;p.p.
realize: in order to realize; :
;uvdomit si: aby si uvdomil;
realize: May (you) be able to come and realize the the truths of
Dhamma preached by the Noble Buddha, by knowledge and
coming to knowledge of five aggregates through knowledge of
what is written.;T : T
T T ;chpat: K
jsi schopen dojt a pochopit pravdy Dhammy pednesen
Vzneenm Buddhou, znalost a dosaenm znalosti pti skupin
(osoby) skrze znalost toho, co je psno.;w. pol.

receive (receive (and) have);;dostat (dostat (a) mt);I

receive: Have you received my message?; :
;dostat: Dostal jsi mou
( )
receive: the received letters; :
;pijmout: pijat dopisy;

receive: The woman is receiving a fax right now.; :
() () ;pijmat:
(Ta) ena prv te pijm fax ( ~ faxovou zprvu).;
recently (in catching not very long);;nedvno
(v chytn ne moc dlouho);adv.
reciprocally (in-return (and) upsidedown);T ;navzjem (nazpt (a) obrcen);adv.
recite (Pi text, read (and) recite
leaves); ;recitovat (Pi text, st (a)
recitovat listy);T Bh. P. sajjhyati (= recite, study)

recite (Pi text, carry scriptures); ;recitovat (Pi

really; ;skuten opravdu no;col. (or) text, nosit spisy);T Bh. P. gama (= scripture)
adv. (or) interj. col.
recite (Pi text, leaf); (abbrev. from );recitovat (Pi
really ...!, it is; - ;tak ...!, to je;col.
text, list);T Bh.
really (really clean (and) tested); ;vskutku
recite (Pi text, read leaves); ;recitovat (Pi text,
(vskutku ist (a) prozkouen);conj.
st listy);T Bh.
really (about relatives); ;zrovna (o pbuznch);adv.

recite Dhamma (preach (and) be-listened-to (about)

really: 100 (kyats) is, really, little.;: ;no: Dhamma);;recitovat Dhammu (pednet (a)
No, 100 (iats) je mlo.;pol. col.
bt-poslouchn (o) Dhamm);T P. dhamma (= law)
realm; ;svt;n.
recite Dhamma (preach (and) be-listened-to (about) truth (of)
realm (of existence);( );svt (existence);sg.

reason; ( ) ( );dvod;n.
(or) sg.
reason (design (of) base); T( );dvod (nvrh
reason: because of some reason;:
;dvod: z njakho dvodu;
rebel; ;bouit se (o lidech);T

rebel (rebel (and) become active); ;vzbouit se

(vzbouit se (a) bt aktivn);T
rebel (rise (and) rise up);;bouit se (o lidech, vstt (a)

Dhamma);;recitovat Dhammu (pednet

(a) bt-poslouchn (o) pravd Dhammy);T P. dhamma (=
recite: (They) recite Pi suttas also at home.; :
Recituj pi promluvy tak doma.;

recite: Also in monasteries, at big times, big days, (they) recite

(Pi discourses).;:
;recitovat: Tak v
klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi


recognize (demarcate (and) note); ;rozpoznat

(ohraniit (a) poznamenat);T

() ;erven: (Mlad pn) Ten nos

erven lound.;

recognize sb. (catch mark);;poznat nkoho (rozpoznat, red: red ball pen;: ;erven: erven kulikov
chytit (s) znamnko) rozpoznat nkoho (rozpoznat, chytit pero;n.
(s) znamnko);T
red: red T-Shirt;: ;erven: erven triko;n.
recognize sb. (meet form);; poznat nkoho (rozpoznat, reduce;;snit;T
setkat-se (s) podobou) rozpoznat nkoho (setkat-se (s)
reduce (price): Reduce it to 15 kyats. (in bargaining);:
;snit (cenu): Snite to na 15 at. (pi smlouvn
recognize sb.: Don't (you) recognize (me)?;:
;rozpoznat nkoho: Copak (m)
ne(roz)poznv?;inter. col.

recognize: In order to arouse the nationalism towards the

Myanmar nationality, encouraging, they have recognized this
day as National Day.; : T

;rozeznvat: Aby vyvolali
vlastenectv vi Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za povzbudzovn),
rozeznvaj tento den jakoto Nrodn Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.

v obchod);imper. pol. col.

refectory: In the refectory there is rice and

curry.; :
;jdelna: V jdeln je re a omky.;col. pres. mn.
refer (refer-to (and) spread-out);;odkazovat (odkazovat
(a) roziovat);T
refer to;;tkat se;T
refer to (aim-at (and) refer); -; odkazovat na (mitna (a) odkazovat-na);T

refer to: The discourses with more details preached by the

recollect (note (and) catch);;vzpomenout si (zaznamenat Buddha are basically depicting the commentarial nature, which
(a) chytit);I
is referred to in Sratthadpan.; : T
recollect (take mindfulness);;vzpomenout si (vzt

recommend (take support); ;doporuit (vzt
;odkazovat na: Promluvy s vce podrobnostmi
pednesen Buddhou v podstat znzoruj komenttorsk
recommend (support, take support); ;doporuit
charakter, na kter se odkazuje v Sratthadpan.;pol. writ.
(podporovat, vzt podporu);T
referee (in game or discussion, referee, big
recommendation (be-supported (and) take {nouner}); person);( );rozhod (ve he nebo diskuzi,
;doporuen (bt-podpoen (a) vzt {jmenec});n. rozhod, velk osoba);sg.
recommendation letter (letter (to) give
reference (book (to) rely-on, book (to)
support); ( );doporuen, dopis (dopis (k) spread); ;odkaz (kniha (ke) spolehnut-se-na,
dodn podpory);sg.
kniha (k) rozen);n.
recommendation letter: visa recommendation letter; : reference (refer-to (and) spread-out
;dopis doporuen: dopis doporuen pro vzum; {nouner}); ;odkaz (odkazovat (a) roziovat
record ((to) put recording mark); ;zaznamenat
(uloit nahrvac poznmku) nahrvat (uloit nahrvac reference (refer-to (and) spread-out);;reference
(odkazovat (a) roziovat);n.
record: The way of loyalty of Kyansittha has been recorded in
Myanmar history by many.; :
T ;zaznamenat: Zpsob
vrnosti ansity byl mnohmi zaznamenn v historii
recording (sound catching); T ;nahrvn (zvuku

reference (source of information, book referred-to (and) book

spreading-out); ;zdroj (kniha odkazovan (a)
kniha roziujc);n.
reference (to a book, refuge (to) leanagainst);T ;reference (na knihu, toit (o kter se lze)

reference: (They) used (it) as an important reference for their

records (noted (and) records); ;zznamy (zvukov,
commentaries.; :
zaznamenan nahrvky) nahrvky (zvukov, zaznamenan T ;zdroj: Pouivali to
jakoto dleit zdroj pro sv komente.;p.s. writ.
rectangle (shape (of) right-cornered four
reference: I wrote (this) in English for you in case if (you) need
angles);( );obdlnk (tvar pravo-rohch a reference.;T :
ty hl);sg.
T ;reference: Napsal
rectangle: The rectangle (is) behind the
;obdlnk: Obdlnk (je) za trojhelnkem.;
red (color);( );erven (barva);n.
red, be; [tu.] [tu.] ;erven, bt;I
red: (Young man) Tin is wearing red longyi.;:


jsem ti (j) (tohle) v anglitin pro ppad, e bys (to)

poteboval k nahldnut ( ~ "referenci)i.;p.s. pol. um.
refine (clean (and) clear);;proistit (vyistit (a)

reform (make (and) repair);T ;reformovat (vytvet (a)


reform (make, repair (and) change (and)

change);T T ;reformovat (vytvet, opravovat (a)
mnit (a) mnit);T
refrain (of a song, verse (which) repeats
again); ( );refrn (psniky, ver (kter) seopakuje znovu);sg. P. pada (= word)
refrigerator (box (for) ice); ( );chladnika
(bedna (na) led);sg.

s);adv. writ.
regarding (on): I studied the lectures on religion.;:
;ohledn (o):
Studoval jsem pednky o nboenstv.;p.s.
regarding (sth.);
; vzhledem k

regarding: He knows very much regarding this

book.; :
refugee (sufferer); ( );uteenec (trpitel);sg. ;co se te: Co se te tto knihy, v mnoho.pol.;
P. dukkha (= suffering)
regarding: I don't want to say anything with regards to this

refugee camp (sufferer's camp); ;uprchlick tbor student; :

(trpitelsk kemp);sg. P. dukkha (= suffering)
T ;co se te: co se te tohoto studenta, nechci
refugee camp: Because for the time being (I) have arrived and nic ct.;pol.
stay in the refugee camp.; :
;uprchlick tbor: Protoe touhle
dobou jsem pijela a iji v uprchlickm tboe.;pol. uw.

regarding: information regarding who is .. ;


;ohledn: informace ohledn
(toho), kdo je .. ;

refuse (indeed not make accepting);T

;odmtnout (neudlat pijmn);T

regarding: regarding Myanmar movie;

;co se te: co se te Myanmarskho

refuse (not take (by) hand); ;odmtnout (nevzt

refuse (refuse-to-accept (and) go-against);T ;odmtnout
(odmtnout-darovan (a) jt-proti);T

regarding: regarding these days;: ;co se te:

vzhledem k tmto dnm;

refuse (when given, abandon (and) lower); ;odmtnout

(darovan, opustit (a) snit);T

regarding: regarding this matter;


;vzhledem k: vzhledem k tto

refuse: However, Kyansittha actually refused.; :

;odmtnout: Avak ansit, vskutku,

regarding: Regarding what? (With connection to what?);:

;ohledn: Ohledn eho? (Se spojenm k

refute (rival's view in debate);;vyvracet (nzor protivnka v


regardless (not choosing);;nehled na (nevybrajce)

bez ohledu na (nevybrajce);suff.

refute (rival's view in debate): He will also refute (rival's view in regardless which (followed by a verb); (followed by a
doubled verb);nehled na to, jak (nsledovno slovesem);
debate) exactly for ten minutes.;:
;vyvracet (nzor druhho): On bude tak vyvracet
regardless: In this restaurant can eat (anybody) regardless
(nzor protivnka v debat) pesn po deset minut.;pol. fut.
language. (In this restaurant (you) can eat regardless
regard (consider, put nature);;brt v vahu
;bez ohledu na: V tto restauraci me jst
(uloit charakter);T
(kdokoliv), bez ohledu na jazyk. (V tto restauraci me() jst
regarding; ;ohledn vzhledem k;conj. (or) adv.
regarding (as wrapped (and) descended with);
bez ohledu na jazyk.);pol.
; vzhledem k (obvykle nsledovno slovesem,
ponvad zabalen (a) setoupen s) vzhledem k
(ponvad zabalen (a) setoupen s);adv. (or) adv. writ.
regarding (be-concerned-with (and) proper);;ohledn
(tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn);suff. I
regarding (if (is) said); ;co se te (je-li eeno);conj.
regarding (say);; vzhledem k (ci);conj.
regarding (which wraps (and) descends
;ohledn (kter obaluje (a) sestupuje
regarding (often followed by a noun, which (is) wrapped
(and) descended with);
;ohledn (obvykle
nsledovno pod. jmnem, kter (je) zabalen (a)
sestoupen s);
regarding (often followed by a verb, after wrapped (and)
descended with);
;vzhledem k (obvykle
nsledovno slovesem, po zabalen (and) sestoupen

regards to, with (being intermingled (and)

connected); ; ohledn (jsouce promchan (a)

regime (control (and) bind {nouner}); ;reim (ovldat

(a) svazovat {jmenec});n.
region; ( ) (
( );region oblast;n. (or) sg.
region (division);T ( T );sprvn

region (division): In these divisions also lives majority of the

Burmese people.;: T
;sprvn oblast (region): Vtina
Barmskch lid ije tak v tchto sprvnch oblastech
(regionech).;pol. col.
region, of: Kathehs of Manipur attacked and opposed the
Northern reagion of Inwa.; :
;oblast: Katov z Manipru toili a


vzdorovali v ( ~ do) severn oblasti Envy.;writ.

region: Where does he come from? (Which region does he
come from?); : ;oblast: Odkud je?
(Z jak oblasti (on) pichz?);
regional; ;oblastn;adj.
regrettably (by not good kamma
{adverber}); T;politovnhodn (skrze
nedobrou kammu {pslovec});adv.
regrettably (for sadness); ;bohuel (pro

became ( ~ came to become) a united and strong

country.; : T
;vlda: Za vldy krle Nauna se Myanmarsk stt

stal sjednocenou a silnou zem.;p.s. writ.
reincarnation (person (who) enters for-sure); ;pevtlen
(osoba (kter) vstupuje na-jisto);n.
reincarnation: He is reincarnation of Mr. Maung.; :
T ;vtlen: Je vtlen pana Maunga.;
reject; ;odmtnout;T

regrettably: Regrettably, these essays must be written by ( ~

with) hand.; : ()
;bohuel: Bohuel, tyto eseje mus bt
napsny (s) rukou.;col.

reject (abandon (and) lower); ;odmtnout (opustit (a)



reject (refuse (and) remove);T ;odmtnout (odmtnout (a)


regularly ((to) say right form);; pravideln (ci

sprvnou podobu);adv.
regularly (by reflecting (the) form);T;pravideln
(podle zrcadlen zpsob);adv.

reject (push-aside (and) reject); ;odmtnout (odstritstranou (a) odmtnout);T

reject (refuse-to-accept (and) go-against);T ;odmtnout

(odmtnout-darovan (a) jt-proti);T
reject (remove); ;odmtnout(odstranit);T

regularly (reflecting (the) form);;pravideln (zrcadlce


reject: (He) rejects when requested.;T :

T ;odmtnout: Odmt, kdy (je) dn.;

regularly: (I) eat regularly.;: ;pravideln: Jm


reject: (It) was rejected.; : ;odmtnout: Bylo

(to) odmtnuto.;p.s.

regularly: (I) regularly get up from bed and practise

;pravideln: Pravideln vstvm z postele a

rejoice (stomach (is) pleased); ;radovat se z (aludek

(je) poten);I

rehearse: Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of

commentaries were rehearsed.; :

;recitovat: Nejen Tipiaka, ale tak druh
koment byly recitovny.;writ.

related to, be closely; ;vztah, mt blzky pbuzn, bt


reign; ;vlda;n.
reign ( ~ period of): It took place during the king Abhaya's
reign, during writing down the Tipiaka together with the
commentaries.; :

T ;vlda ( ~ obdob koho): Stalo se to bhem vldy
krle Abhaya, bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s
komenti.;p.s. writ.
reign (guard (and) rule); ;vldnout (strit (a)
reign (take domination);( );panovn (vzt
reign (period of); ;vlda (obdob koho);n.
reign (period of): During the reign of Anawyatha king in the
Pagan period, four heroes, (namely) Kyansittha, Ngalttwayyu,
Ngaloun Letpheh and Nyaung Oo Phi, became
prominent.; :

;vlda (obdob
koho): Bhem vldy krle Anojaty v obdob Paganskm se stali
tyi hrdinov, (tj.) ansit, , Ndvej, Nlou Leph a au
Ph prominentnmi.;p.s. writ.
reign: During the reign of king Naung, Myanmar (country)


related to, be (well related-to); ;tkat se (dobe setkat);I

related to, be: How is ... related to (this)?; : ...

;tkat se: Jak se ... tk (tohohle)?;inter.
related, be (also just through religion); ;pbuzn, bt
(i pouze skrze nboenstv);I
related, be: If (you) are related, (then) thank (you) for allowing
(me) to make (me) a friend.; : ( ~
;pbuzn, bt: Pokud jsi pbuzn, (pak)
dkuji, e jsi (mi) povolil si (m) udlat ptelem.;pol. FB
relationship with sb., have a; ;vztah s nkm, mt;T
relative;;pbuzn;n. un.
relative (relative (of) kind);( );pbuzn
(pbuzn druhu);sg.
relative: not exactly a relative;:
;pbuzn: ne pmo pbuzn;
relatively (little, little); ;pomrn (ponkud, trochu,
relatives; (abbrev. from );pbuzn;n.
relatives (parents, man's-younger-brother, elder-brother,
woman's-younger-brother (and) man's-youngersister); ;pbuzn (rodie, mlad-bratr-mue,
star bratr, mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue);n.
relatives (relatives (and) kind);;pbuzn (pbuzn (a)
relatives (relatives (and) siblings

{pl.}); ;pbuzn (pbuzn (a) sourozenci

relatives (woman's-younger-brother (and) man's-youngersister); ;pbuzn (mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestramue);n.

(a) bt-sprvn) tkajc se (tkat-se (a) bt-sprvn);adj.

relevant to, be (suitability to have with);
;souviset s (pslunost k mt s);n.

relevant, be (descend (and) meet); ;spojitost, mt (tkat

se, sestoupit (a) potkat);I

relatives: All (my) relatives are just here.; :

() ;pbuzn: Vichni (moji)
pbuzn jsou prv tady.;col.

relevant, be: (It) is relevant to the joined sentence.; :

;tkat se: Tk se to (t)

pipojen vty.;pol.

relax (also about muscles, loosen (and)

slacken);T;uvolnit se (tak o svalech, povolit (a)

relic (great element); ( ) (WS. from )

( );ostatek (ohromn element) relikvie
(ohromn element);sg. Bh. WS. P. dhtu (= element) (or) sg.
Bh. P. dhtu (= element)

relax (also about muscles, relax (and)

decrease);T;uvolnit (tak o svalech, uvolnit (a) snit);T relic: the Buddha's relic; : ;relikvie:
Buddhova relikvie;
relax (also about muscles, relax (and) slacken);T;uvolnit relieving (relaxation, slacken (and) lighten
(tak o svalech, uvolnit (a) povolit);T
{nouner});;uvolovn (uvolovat (a) ulehovat
relax (also about muscles);T;uvolnit (tak o svalech);T rare


relax (stretched muscle, relax well);;uvolnit (napnut

sval, uvolnit podn);T

relieving (tension in muscles etc., alleviate tiredness (and)

resting {nouner}); TT ;uvolnn (tla, sval,
umrnit navu (a) odpovn {jmenec});n.

relaxation (slacken (and) lighten {nouner});;relaxace

(uvolovat (a) ulehovat {jmenec});n.

religion (religion (and) the-truth);;nboenstv

(nboenstv (a) pravda);n. P. bhs (= language)

relaxation (relieving tension in muscles etc., alleviate

tiredness (and) resting {nouner}); TT ;relaxace religion (religion subject);;nboenstv (zleitost
(tla, sval, umrnit navu (a) odpovn {jmenec});n.
nboenstv);n. P. bhs (= language)

religion: (I) am extremely devout to religion.;:

;nboenstv: Jsem nesmrn
oddan (svmu) nboenstv.;

release (not fettered); ;vysvobodit (neomezen);I

religion: (I) extremely respect the religion (of

;nboenstv: Nesmrn ctm
nboenstv (Dhammy).;pol.

release (record releasing); ;uvolnit (osvobodit,

nahrt osvobozen);T
release (of prisoners, achieve freedom
{nouner});T ;pustit (vzn, doshnout svobody
release (prisoners, achieve freedom);T ;pustit
(vzn, doshnout svobody);T
release (sb., make-free (and) attain);T ;osvobodit
(nkoho, uvolnit (a) doshnout);T

religion: I studied the lectures on religion.;:

Studoval jsem pednky o nboenstv.;p.s.

release (untie): He untied ( ~ released) his oxen.;:

;osvobodit (odvzat): Odvzal ( ~
osvobodil sv vozy.;col.

religion: person of religiously mixed parentage (kind (of)

person of people of different religion);:
;nboenstv: osoba nboensky smenho
rodiovstv (druh osoby lid jinho nboenstv);n.

release: People say (it is) to release (them) and then there
are killings.; :
;osvobodit: Lid eknou (to je) pro
(jejich) osvobozen a pak dochz k zabjen ( ~ "jsou

relinquish (reject (and) leave); ;zanechat (odmtnout (a)


release: to release (them) from the low life;T :

T ;osvobodit: aby (je) osvobodili z
nzkho ivota;
released from Sasra, get (record releasing (and)
enter); ;osvobodit se ze Sasry (nahrt
osvobozen (a) vstoupit);
relevance with: (There is) a relevance with the Pi
commentaries.; :

;pslunost k: (Je zde) pslunost k Pli
komentm.;pol. writ.

religions (as a phenomenon, subject (of)

religions);;nboenstv (zleitost nboenstv);n.
P. bhs (= language)

reluctantly (by putting (and) putting

strength); T;neochotn (skrze pokldn (a)
pokldn sly);adv.
reluctantly: (He) reluctantly accepts, that I stay in Sri
Lanka.; T:

T ;neochotn: Neochotn pijm, e
jsem na Sr Lance.;writ.
rely on;;spolhat se na;T

rely on (rely-on strength);;spolhat se na (zviset-na

relevant (be-related-to (and) proper);;pslun (tkat-se sle);T
remain; ;zbt zbvat;I


remain: Still a lot of work remains.; :

;zbvat: Zbv jet hodn

remove (put-aside (to) be-rare); ;odstranit (dt-stranou

(aby) bylo-vzcn);T

remaining part (part which remains); ;zbytek

(st kter zbv);n.

renowned, be ((of) high quality (and)

reputation); ;renomovan, bt (vysok kvality
(a) reputace);I

remaining part: the remaining part of life; :

;zbytek: zbytek ( ~ "zbvajc st) ivota;

renown, foremost; ;proslul, nejpednji;adj.

renowned: famous (and) renowned (chief) monk; :

remaining, be: There is little more. (The remaining part is just ;proslul: slavn (a) proslul
little.); : ;zbvat: U zbv (hlavn) mnich;n.
jen trochu. (Zbvajc sti je jen trochu.);pol.
rent ((money for) attending-upon (the) room); ;njem
remark (note {nouner}); ;podotknut (poznamenat
((penze za) starn-se (o) pokoj);n.
rent (a flat or house, borrow building);
remark (notice, demarcate (and) mark); ;zpozorovat
(oznait (a) vyznait);I

( );pronajmout si (pjit-si budovu) najmout si (byt

i dm, pjit-si budovu);T

remark (notice); ;zpozorovat;I

rent (a house, borrow);;pronajmout si (byt, pjit-si);T

remember; ;pamatovat (si) pamatovat si;I (or) T

rent (a house): Having paid money, (they) rent a house.;

( ): ;pronajmout si
(dm): Zaplat penze a pronajmou si dm.;cont.

remember (fix (in) observation);;zapamatovat si

(upevnit (se v) pozorovn);T

remember (make observation);;zapamatovat si rent: (I) rent ( ~ am renting) an apartment.;:

;pronajmout si: Pronajal ( ~ pronajmm-si)
(dlat pozorovn);T
remember (note (and) catch);;pamatovat si (zaznamenat jsem si byt.;pol. cont.
(a) chytit);I
remember (note);;remember (zaznamenat);T

remember (take mindfulness);;vzpomenout si (vzt

remember: (I) remember (it) well.;:
;pamatovat si: Dobe si (to)
remember: (I) remember (my) country and father well.;:
( ) ( ) ;pamatovat si:
Dobe si pamatuji (svou) zemi (a) svho otce.;
remember: Do (you) remember yesterday notes ( ~
writings)?;: ();pamatovat si:
Pamatuje si verej zpisky ( ~ psan)?;inter.
remember: Don't (you) remember (me)?;:
;pamatovat (si): (Copak si m)
nepamatuje?;inter. col.

rent: How much do (you) have to pay for rent?; :

;njem: Kolik mus platit za njem?;inter.

rent: The rented flat, as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~ much)

noisy.;: ;pronajmout:
Ten pronajat byt, ponvad je ve mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn)
rented (rented (and) fixed);;pronajat (pronajat (a)
rented, be: (I) stayed with my girlfriend in the flat rented by
;pronajat, bt: il jsem se svou ptelkyn v byt,
kter jsem si pronajal.;p.s.
repair;T ;spravit (stroj atd.) opravit (stroj atd.);T
repair (again do repair);T T ;opravit (znovu udlat
repair (make (and) correct);T ;opravit (udlat (a) opravit);T

remember: I remember until today.;:

;pamatovat si: Pamatuji si a do dnes.;um.

repair (return);T ;spravit (vrtit) opravit (vrtit);T

remember: Long time ago (I) have studied a lot and have yet
remembered.;: ( ~ )
;dvno, kdysi: Kdysi dvno
jsem (toho) hodn nastudoval, a jet si pamatoval.;

repair: repair door (of a) room;T : T ;opravit:

opravit dvee (od) pokoje.;

remind (give attention);;pipomenout (dt


repairman (master (in) repairing

machines); T ( );oprav (mistr (v)
opravovn stroj);sg.

repair: (I) am repairing (this), because the engine got

broken.;T : T ;opravovat: Opravuji
remember: Just today (I) remembered and corrected (your
letter) well.;: T ;vzpomenout si: (to), protoe se rozbil motor.;pol.
Prv dnes jsem si vzpoml a (podn) opravil (ten tvj
repair: (I) will see (if I can) repair.;T : T ;opravit:
Podvm se, (zda to mohu) opravit.;fut. pol.

remind: Indeed, I reminded him for the second time.;:

;pipomenout: Vskutku, pipoml jsem mu
to (ji) po druh.;pol. um.
remove; ;odstranit;T


repair: Some have been repaired.;T T :

T T ;opravit: Nkter byly opraveny.;p.p.

repare, get;T ;opravit;T col.

repeat (say again);T T T;zopakovat (ci
znovu) opakovat (ci znovu);T
repeat (what sb. else says, follow (and)

say);;zopakovat (po nkom, nsledovat (a) ci);T

reportedly: Reportedly, today the teacher goes to Mandalay.; :

;pr: Pr dnes jde uitel do Mandal

repeat: Repeat (what I say)!;: ;zopakovat:

Zopakuj (co km)!;imper. pol.

reporter (maintains news); (

);reportr (uchovv novinky);sg.

repeatedly; ;mnohdy;adv.

reporter, news (maintain

news); ( );zpravodaj (udrovat

repeat: Please, repeat (it).; T: T T T:

T T;zopakovat: Prosm, zopakuj (to).;pol.

repeatedly (again changing (and)

changing); ;opakovan (znovu se-mn (a)

repose (take rest);;odpoinout si (vzt

repeatedly (another time, another time); ;optovn odpoinek);T
(dal as, dal as) opakovan (dal as, dal as);adv. reprove;;krat;T
repeatedly (moment, moment);;opakovan (moment, republic (country (of) agreement);;republika (zem
dohody);n. P. sammata (= agreed upon)
repeating; ;opakujc se;adj.
repetitious; ;opakovan;adj.
reply;T;zodpovdt odpovdt;T
reply (return writing);T ( );odpov (zpten
reply (writing returns);T ;odpov (psan se-vrac);n.
reply (also in T );T ;vrtit se (tak v T );T
reply (by a letter, write (and) come-back);T ;odpovdt
(dopisem, pst (a) vrtit-se);T

republic (country (of) agreement);; republika

(zem dohody);n. P. sammata (= considered)

republic (country (of) agreement (of the) country's

people);T ;republika (zem dohody lid (t)
zem);n. P. sammata (= agreed upon)

request (request (and) beg); ;dat (dat (a)

request (request (and) say); ;dat o (dat (a)

reply (by letter): A I have little bit too much work, (I) am
request (say request); ;dat (ci dost);T
replying late.;T :
T ;odpovdt (dopisem): Ponvad mm request (from sb. to do sth.);;dat (aby nkdo nco
ponkud moc prce, odpovdm pozd.;col.
request (sth., request kindness); ;vyadovat (nco,
reply (in letter): (I) will wait for ( ~ "until) your answer
dat (o) laskavost);T
arrives.;T : T ( ~
T ) ;odpov (v dopise): Budu ekat request (sth.); ;vyadovat (nco);T
ne tv odpov doraz.;fut.
request politely (stop (and) take
kindness); ;dat, zdvoile (zastavit (a) brt
reply (in writing);T ;odpovdt (psemn);T
reply (in writing): (My) father did not reply to anything ( ~ "all
whatever) I wrote.;T :
T ;odpovdt (psemn): (Mj) otect neodpovdl
na nic co ( ~ "vechno cokoliv) jsem (mu) (j) napsal.;p.s.

request politely: (I) request (you) to send ((and) give) (another

one) again.; :
;dat, zdvoile: Zdvoile (t) dm, abys
znovu (njak) poslal ((a) dal).;pol.

reply: (I) cannot reply.;T : T ;odpovdt: Nemohu


request: (He) rejects when requested.; :

T ;dat: Odmt, kdy (je) dn.;

request: (I) request (and) give (you) wishes.; :

reply: Forgive (me), ("for) that (I) am replying late.;T :
;odpovdt: Odpus (mi), ;vyadovat: Vyaduji (a) dvm (ti) pn.;w.
(pro) e odpovdm pozd.;imper. pol.
request: (She) requests thanks.;:
reply: I am sorry that (my) reply is late.;T :
;vyadovat: Vyaduje dkuji.;
T ;odpovdt:
Omlouvm se, e se (m) odpov zpozdila.;pol.

reply: It is alright to reply by e-mail.;T : T

;odpovdt: Je v podku odpovdt e-mailem.;pol.

require (request (and) say); ;poadovat (dat (a)


requirement (need (and) be-appropriate

reply: until (your) reply comes;T : T ;odpov: {nouner}); ;poadavek (potebovat (a) bt-vhodn
ne dojde odpov;
reponsibility (responsibility (and) burden); ;zodpovdnost rescue; ;zachrnit;T
(zodpovdnost (a) zt);n.

reportedly; (-( )+ , put at the end of sentence)

(put at the end of sentence);pr;suff. adv.
reportedly will; (-( )+ , put at the end of
sentence);dajn;suff. adv.

rescue: (He) tried to rescue king Saw Lu from hands of

enemies.; :
;zachrnit: Snail se zachrnit krle S L z
rukou neptel.;writ.
research;;vzkum;n. P. sutesan (= sut+esan,


seeking (other's) knowledge)


research: (I) came to do research.;:

;vzkum: Pijel jsem dlat vzkum.;pol.

respect, show deep;;respekt, prokzat hlubok;T

resemble; ;podobat se;I

resemble (appearance (is) same); ;podobat se (vzhled
(je) stejn);T
resemble (take (by) thinking); ;podobat se (brt
resemble (taking look to (is) same with); -
-;podobat se (bran dvn-se k (je) stejn s);I
resemble (will be);T ;podobat se (bude);v.
reserved, be (separate (and) picked-out);;vyhrazen,
bt (oddlen (a) vybran);I
reside (about monks use uposathaprecepts); ;pebvat (o mnich uvat pravideluposathy);T mn. P. sta (= coolness)
residence (live (and) sit {nouner});;bydlit (t (a)
sedt {jmenec});n.
residencial building (house place);;obytn budova
(domovn msto);n.
resist (be-offended, take, urge (and) fightback);;ubrnit se (bt-napaden, vzt, nalhat (a)
respect; ;respektovat;T
respect (exceedingly attach-importance-to);;vit si
(nkoho, neobyejn pisuzovat-dleitost);T
respect (be-clear (and) brown); ; mt v ct (bt-jasn
(a) hnd);T

respect: (He) respects the Dhamma.; :

;ctt: Ct Dhammu.;col.
respect: (I) extremely respect the religion (of
Dhamma).;: ;ctt: Nesmrn ctm
nboenstv (Dhammy).;pol.
respect: by respect;: T;respekt: s respektem;
respect: I am extremely happy and (I) happen to respect
(you).;: T ( ~ T )
;respektovat: (J) jsem nesmrn astn (a)
(stalo se, e) (vs) respektuji.;pol.
respect: Ladies and gentlemen! (You, respectable men and
women.);: T ;cta:
Dmy a pnov! (Vy, ctyhodn pnov a dmy.);imper.
respect: respectfully (at the end of a letter); :
;ctt: uctiv (na konci dopisu);adv.
respectable (which (is) place
respect); ;ctyhodn (kter (m) umstn
respectfully: (I) respectfully follow (the religion) believing (and)
;uctiv: Uctiv nsleduji (to
nboenstv) vce a pijmajce.;pol.
respond;T T;odpovdt;T
responsibility; ( );zodpovdnost;n. (or) sg. P.
vatta (= duty)

responsibility (responsibility (and)

respect (exceedingly attach-importance-to);;mt v ct burden); ( );zodpovdnost (zodpovdnost (a)
(neobyejn pisuzovat-dleitost);T
respect (respect (and) elevate);T ;respektovat
(respektovat (a) pozvedvat);T
respect (to-respect {nouner});;respekt (respektovat
respect (and) revere: (I am) a Buddhist, who can extremely
respect (and) revere (the Buddha, the Teachings and the
;respektovat (a) ctt: Jsem Buddhista,
kter doke nesmrn respektovat (a) ctt (Buddhu, Uen a
respect (as good, put worth value); (WS. from
) ;ctt (jakoto dobr, uloit vhodnou
hodnotu);T (or) T WS.
respect (the Buddha, request (a) wish); ;ctt
(Buddhu, dat (o) pn);T

responsibility (take responsibility

{nouner}); T ;zodpovdnost (brt zodpovdnost
responsibility (duty): As the elders know, as for the today's
discussion's topic, it is called By men, more than by ladies, the
country responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be carried out.; :

{ }
;zodpovdnost (povinnost): Jak (ji) ti star v, co se
te dnenho tmatu diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~
povinnosti) (na) zem mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne
responsibility, assume (add-on (and) carry (the)
benefits); (-) ;zodpovdnost, vzt (pidat (a)
nst blaho);T

responsibility, assume: May (you) be able to assume more and

more responsibility for carrying out the (Buddha's)
respect, show;;ctt;T
present.; ():
respect, show (make quality);;respekt, prokzat (dlat
;zodpovdnost, vzt: K jsi schopen
vzt vc a vc zodpovdnosti za vykonvn (Buddhova) daru.;w.
respect, show (respect (and) elevate);T ;ctt
(respektovat (a) pozvedvat);T
responsibility, assume: Ven. Sir Nanda, who can assume
respect, show (worship by placing one's clasped hands on
responsibility (and) perform (it) to benefit of many.; :
one's forehead, place (on) head); ;respekt, prokzat

(uctt dotknutm se ela sevenmi dlanmi, uloit (na)
;zodpovdnost, vzt: Ct. Pn Nanda, kter doke
respect and revere;;respektovat a ctt;T


vzt zodpovdnost (a) vykonat (ji) k prospchu mnohch.;

responsibility, person who assumes (person (who) adds-on
(and) carries); ( );zodpovdnost,
lovk,,kter si bere (osoba (kter) pidv (a) nos);sg.
responsibility: As (you) don't fulfill any responsibilities of love
( ~ "loves), (you) should punish yourself.; :

(or it was "

- but different
meaning);zodpovdnost: Pestoe nepln (dn)
zodpovdnosti lsky ( ~ "lsek), ml by ses potrestat.;imper.
rest (take rest);;odpovat (vzt odpoinek);T
rest (take a): Until I finish reading this book I will not take a
rest.;: ;odpoinout si: Dokud
nepetu tuto knihu, neodpoinu si.;
rest house; ( );hotel;sg. Mo. T
rest, take a; ;odpoinout si;T

rest, take a (take resting);;odpoinout si (vzt

rest, take a: (I) want to (take) a rest.;:
;odpoinout si: Chci si odpoinout;pol.

restaurant (public-building (for) eating (and) happy

events); ( );restaurace (veejn-budova (na)
jezen (a) radostn udlosti);n.
restaurant (rice shop); ;restaurace (rov

restrain (guard (and) rule); ;omezovat (strit (a)

restraint, without (in speech, word attached (to) calling (and)
;sebeovldn, bez (v ei, slovo
pipojen (k) voln (a) zvukm);adv. (n.) P. vohra (= mode
of speech)
result, examination (success
inventory); ;vysvden (intent spchu);n.
result, examination: Now (I) am waiting (for) the last
examination result.; :
;vysvden: Te ekm (na)
posledn vysvden.;cont. pol.
retire (rest, take rest);;odpoinout si (vzt
retired, be (take pension); ;duchodu, bt v (brt
penzi);T pension

rest, take a: Also while taking rest, (he) reads.;:

;odpoinout si: Tak zatmco odpoval retired, be (take much-of peace);;dchodu, bt v
(si) etl.;col.
(brt hodn klidu);T pension
rest, take a: It is said, that at that time Nga Nyo, having
retired, be: I don't have a job any more. ( ~ "(I) don't work any
ploughed, while resting for a while, (he) was reading
more.) I am retired. ;:
;dchodu, bt v: U nemm zamstnn. Jsem v
;odpovat: k se, e v tu dobu dchodu;pol.
a o po tom, co zoral, chvilku odpoval, piem etl
retreat (back-recoil); ;ustoupit (zptky ucuknout);T
retreat (back-retreat); ;ustoupit (zptky ustoupit);T
rest, take: This family ((is) taking) rest (during)
retreat (secluded, quiet, barren refuge);;stran
(osamocen, utien, neplodn toit);n.
;odpoinout si: Tato rodina (na) przdniny
retreat (withdraw);;ustoupit (vzdlit se);T
retreat, peaceful (place or time for meditation, greater
rest, the (other things);T;zbytek (ostatn vci);n.
rest: Apart from this one I understood the rest.;T:
T ;zbytek: Krom
tohohle jsem pochopil vechno ( ~ "zbytek).;p.s.
rest: As for the turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little by
little.;: ;odpoinout si:
Co se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si odpoala,
krek po krku jde.;writ.
rest: Fly is resting.;: ;odpovat:
Moucha odpov.;cont.
restaurace: Tohle je restaurace.; :
restaurant: This is a restaurant.;pol.;
restaurant ((to) present (with) great
food); ( );restaurace (obdarovat
ohromnm jdlem);n.
restaurant (barren(i.e. calm) refuge (with)
food);( );restaurace (neplodn(tj. klidn)
toit (s) jdlem);n.
restaurant (eat (and) drink
shop); ( );restaurace (jst (a) pt

shadow);( );stup, klidn (msto nebo as na

meditaci, lep stn);n.

return (also in T );T ;vrtit se (tak v T T );T

return (back to work etc., for monks);T ;vrtit se (zpt k
pci atd., pro mnichy);T ubmn.
return (to an activity after a long pause);T ;vrtit se (k
innosti po dlouh odmlce);T
return: (He) returned (to own) home.;T :

T ;vrtit se: Vrtil se (do svho) domu.;p.s. pol.
return: (I) am going to return (to work), (for sure).;T :
T ;vrtit se: Jdu se vrtit zpt (k prci),
(rozhodn)..;pol. ubmn.
return: (I) am going to return (to work), (for sure)..;T :
T ;vrtit se: Jdu se vrtit zpt (k prci)
(rozhodn).;pol. ubmn.
return: (I) return to the meditation object of lovingkindness.;T : T ;vrtit se: Vrtm
se k meditanmu pedmtu milujc-dobrotivosti.;writ.
return: (I) returned after the talking.;T :
T ;vrtit se: Po (tom) povdn jsem se



rice vermicellin in fish soup (mohinga, national dish of Burma,

bitter curry (of) hatred); [moheng];rov
vermicelli v ryb polvce (mohenga, nrodn jdlo Barmy,
return: (I) will return (to meditation).;T : T ;vrtit hok omka hnvu);n.
rice, fried (fried rice); ;re, smaen (smaen
se: Vrtm se (k meditaci).;fut.
return: As it has come time for returning to work ...;T : re);n.
return: (I) still haven't returned.;T : T ;vrtit se:
Stle jsem se nevrtil.;pol.

T T ...;vrtit se: Ponvad nastal as

vrtit se k prci ...;

return: Groups of Hanthawadi troops had to return with mostly

wounded (people and) casualties.;T :
TT ;vrtit
se: Skupiny Hentvad vojsk se musely vrtit s vtinou
zrannch (lid a) ztrtou ivot.;writ.
return: I'll return next Monday.;T :
T ;vrtit se: Vrtm se pt pondl.;col.

rice, pulao (rice cooked in a seasoned broth (rice (like) young

copper); ;re pulao (re (jako) mlad
rice: Except rice (I) don't eat anything.; :
;re: Nejm nic krom re.;um.
rice: My wife can cook rice and curry very well.; :
Moje manelka um velice dobe vait ri a omky.;pol. um.
rich; ;bohat;adj.

reveal (expose (and) show); T;odhalit (odhalit (a)


rich, be (cool (and) pleasant); ;bohat, bt (chladn (a)


reveal (tell (and) show);TT;odhalit (ci (a) ukzat);T

rich, be (excel (in) coolness); ;bohat, bt (vynikat (v)


reveal (and elucidate a meaning, mention (and)

depict); ;odhalit (a vysvtlit vznam, zmnit (a)
reveal, the: You are the first person to who I reveal my
secrets.;TT: TT
;odhalit: Jsi prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji sv
revere; ;ctt;T
revere (be-clear (and) brown); ; ctt (bt-jasn (a)
revere (exceedingly attach-importance-to);;ctt
(neobyejn pisuzovat-dleitost);T

rich, be (wealthy (and) fat); ;bohat, bt (majetn (a)

rich, be very (riches exceed (and) wealthy (and)
fat); ;bohat, bt velice (bohatstv pesahuje (a)
je-bohat (a) tlust);I
rich, very: I saw how very rich people, who (have) many things
live (their) life.; :

;bohat, velice: Vidl jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte
(maj) mnoho vc, ij (svj) ivot.;p.s.

rich: Although these states and divisions are divided, all

Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live together.; :
revere (make quality);;ctt (dlat kvalitu);T
revere: (I) revere (you), who is well skilled in what is not (your) T T
;bohat: Pestoe
mother tongue.;: ( ~ )
jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny, vechny
nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij
Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v tom, co nen (tvou)
pospolu.;col. pol.
richman;( );bohatr;sg.
revere: To revere him, (he) uses a metaphore.;:
;uctt: Aby ho uctil, uv metafory.; richness (wealthy (and) fat {nouner}); ;bohatost
(majetn (a) tlust {jmenec});I
revile; ;nadvat na;T
revolt; ;povstat (proti);T

revolt (rise (and) rise up);;povstat (vstt (a) povstat);T

revolt (stop (and) fight-back); ;povstt (vzbouit se,
zastavit (a) protitoit);T
revolution (stop (and) fight-back
{nouner}); ;revoluce (vzbouit se, zastavit (a)
protitoit {jmenec});T
revolution: (He is) the leader-student of the Golden Shine
Revolution's Burmese Students' Association.; :

;revoluce: Je vdm studentem Revoluce
Zlat Ze (podan) Asociac Barmskch Student.;pol.
rib (side bone);;ebro (kost (ze) strany);n.
rice; ;re;n.
rice (uncooked); ;re (nevaen);n.



ride to (give a lift, give following (and)

sending);;odvzt (taxkem atd., dt nsledovn (a)
ride: Girl is going to ride a horse.;:
T ;jet na: Dve se chyst jet na koni.;fut.
ridicule (laugh (of) evil blood); ;zesmovat
(smch zlomysln krve);T unpl.
right; ;sprvn;adv.
right (make (and) correct);T ;napravit (udlat (a) opravit);T
right (right direction); ;prav (smr napravo)
napravo (smr napravo);adv.
right (about a state, state (is) great); ;akort (o
stavustav (je) ohromn);adv.
right (to) (right direction); ;pravo, (na) (smr


(crr): Crrr! Crrr! Crrr!;

right angle (true angle);;prav hel (opravdov


ring: This ring is beautiful.; :

;prsten: Tento prsten je krsn.;writ.

right at ; ; hned u pmo u;adv.

right now; ; prv te;adv.

ring: This ring is made of gold.; :

;prsten: Tento prsten je (udlan) ze zlata.;col.

right now, happen;;prv te;suff.

Ring!; ;Crrr!;interj.

right now: Right now (he) is sentenced to 15 and a half years

imprisonment in the Moun village's prison.; :
te: Prv te je odsouzen k 15 a pl roku (trestu) vzen ve
vznici vesnice Moun.;pol.

rinse (vegetables etc.); ;oplchnout (zeleninu

atd.) oplachovat (zeleninu atd.);T

right side, on the: As for the proposers' ( ~ speakers') leader

sitting on my right, (it) is U Mya Maung.; :

T ;pravo, na: Co se te vdce mluvch,
kter sed po m prav stran, (je to) Mja Maun.;pol.

rise (to a certain position);;vystoupit (na vysokou pozici);T

right, be;;podku, bt v;I

rise up (rebel, rebel (and) become active); ;povstt

(vzbouit se, vzbouit se (a) bt aktivn);T

right, be (correct);;sprvn, bt;I

right, be: Will (it) be right to go?;: ;podku, v:

Bude v podku (kdy) pjdu?;inter. col.
right, on the (right direction); ;vpravo (smr

rise (increase (and) ascend); ;zvyovat se (zvtit-se

(a) vystupovat);T
rise (to a certain position): We have risen thousand times to
the (level of) king.;:
T ;vystoupit (na uritou rove): (U) jsme
tisckrt vystoupili (na rove) krle.;p.s. pol.

rise: rising extremely; : ;zvyovat se:

extrm se zvyujc;

ritual of washing Buddha-image's face (great face

furbishing); ;ritul myt oblieje Buddhovy
right: (Living here) is just right.; : ;akort: sochy (obnoven ohromn tve);n. Bh.
(ivot tady) je tak akort (fajn).;pol.
ritual of washing Buddha-image's face: Do you want to go
right: (That)'s right.; : ;sprvn: (To) je

(and) see the ritual of washing Buddha-image's

face?; :
right: On days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend to ( ~ have) ;ritul myt oblieje Buddhovy sochy:
Chcete jet (a) vidt ritul myt oblieje Buddhovy sochy? ritl
keep (the right) mindfulness.;:
;sprvn: Ve dnech nespokojenosti mm myt oblieje Buddhovy sochy: Chcete jet (a) vidt ritul myt
oblieje Buddhovy sochy?;inter.
(tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou) vmavost.;pol.
right: on the right;: ;prav: na pravo;

river;T ( );eka;sg.

right: That's right, friend.;: ;tak: Je to tak, pteli.;col. river: Duck is swimming in the river.;T : T
;eka: Kaer plave v ece.;cont.
right: Turn left, (and) on the right (you) will certainly find a
hotel.; :

;napravo: Zato vlevo, (a) napravo jist nalezne

hotel.;imper. fut.

road; ( );ulice;sg.

right!;;dobe!;adv. pol.

roam;;potulovat se;T


road: I live in Anoyatha road.; :

;ulice: iji v ulici Anoyatha.;
roast; ;opeen;adj.

righteous, be (fall (according to) method (and)

robe (of monks); ( );rba (mnisk);sg. (one
way); ;spravedliv, bt (padat (podle) metody (a) set, one piece)
robe: (He) doesn't use more than three robes.; :
righteous, be: That is extremely unrighteous. (about
;rba: Nepouv vce ne ti rby.;mn.
life); : ( ~
robe: (I) don't know, whether (he) says just three pieces of
);spravedliv, bt: To je
robes.; : ;rba: Nevm, jestli
extrm nespravedliv. (o ivot);
k pouze ti (jednotliv) rby.;col. mn.
ring (come): Telephone is ringing. (Telephone is
coming.);: ;zvonit (pichzet):
Telefn zvon. (Telefn pichz.);cont. col.
ring (pull (on) hand); ( );prsten (nathnout
(na) ruku);sg.
ring, wedding (pull (on) hand (for)
marriage); ( );prsten, svatebn
(nathnout (na) ruku (k) svatb);sg.
ring: Ring! Ring! Ring!; : ;zvonn

rod (or anything rod-like, often as a part of

words);( );ty (nebo cokoliv podobnho tyi, obvykle
uito coby st slov);sg.
Rohyngyas (group of Muslim people who occupy a minute part
of Myanmar territory); ;Rohingyov (ale sprvn
vslovnost je Rohend, skupina muslim, kter obsadila
nepatrnou st Myanmarskho teritoria);name
roll out; ;rozbalit vyrolovat;T


roof (high roof); ;stecha (vysok stecha);n.

rubbish: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping the

roof (high sky); ( );stecha (vysok nebe);sg. rubbish.;: ;smet: Brzy
rno zamet smet.;cont.
roof (high sky(~roof)); ( );stecha (vysok

rude, be;;hrub, bt (o lovku) nevychovan, bt;I

roof (sky);( ) ( );stecha


rude, be (about person, uncivilized (and) hung);;hrub,

bt (o osob, nezdvoil (a) poven);I

room-charge ((money for) attending-upon (the)

room); ;njem za pokoj ((penze za) starn-se (o)

ruined: ruined villages; : ;zniit: znien


room: air-conditioned room; :

;pokoj: klimatizovan pokoj;

rule (control (and) bind {nouner}); ;vlda (ovldat (a)

svazovat {jmenec});n.

room: because the room was not prepared; :

T ;pokoj: protoe ten pokoj nebyl

rule (subdue (and) rule);;vldnout (podmanit-si (a)


roof: This monkey has damaged the roof.;: rude, be (also about speech); ;surov, bt (tak v
;stecha: Tahle opice poniila stechu.;p.p.
ruin (attack (and) destroy); ;zniit (zatoit (a)
room; ( ) ;pokoj pokoj (mstnost)

room: How many rooms do you want? (in hotel); :

;pokoj: Kolik pokoj chcete? (v hotelu);inter.
room: Is a room available in your hotel? (Can (I) take one
room in your hotel?); :
;pokoj: Je ve vaem hotelu voln ( ~
dostupn) jeden pokoj? (Mohu si vzt jeden pokoj ve vaem
room: repair door (of a) room; : T ;pokoj:
opravit dvee (od) pokoje.;
room: There are free rooms available in the hotel.; :
;pokoj: V hotelu jsou
(dostupn) przdn pokoje.;
room: to monk's room; : ; pokoj: do mnichova
pokoje (tj. mstnosti);adv.
room: We ( ~ in us) a room is available.; :
;pokojt: My ( ~ v ns) je dostupn jeden
pokoj.;fut. uw.


rule (take domination);( ) ;vlda (vzt

rule over (rule (and) hold-over-head);;vldu nad, mt
(vldnout (a) dret-nad-hlavou);T
rule over: May (you) be able to rule over everything (and) may
(you) be able to possess a lofty life.;:
T ;vldu nad, mt: K me mt
vldu nad vm (a) k me mt ( ~ "vlastnit) vzneen
ivot.;w. pol.
ruler king: At the time of the ruler king Mahdhamma, the great
town Inwa became unstable.;:
T ;vldce krl: V dob vldce krle
Mahdhammy bylo ohromn msto Enva nestabiln.;p.s. writ.
rules (limit (and) limit); ;pravidla (omezen (a)
rules (line (and) ruling-line laws); ;pravidla
(zkony ry (a) vedouc-ry);pl.

roselle (sour thigh); ( );ibiek (kysel stehno);sg. rules of conduct ((to) practise (and) line-up); ;pravidla
chovn (trnovat (a) uspodat);n.
rotate; ;rotovat;I
rough, be (about surface, situation etc..); ;hrub, bt (o
povrchu, situaci atd.);I

run;T;bet bhat;T

protrude); ;hrub, bt (bt-hrub (a) vynvat);I

run out of: (We) have run out of (the ordered food).;:
;nemt (spotebovat): U (to) nemme. (Dolo (nm

run around (there (and) there, here (and) here, go (and)

rough, be (about surface, situation, etc.); ;hrub, bt (o come);;pobhat (tam (a) tam, sem (a) sem, jt
(a) pichzet);T
povrchu, situaci atd.);I
run out of;;dojt (o zbo atd.) dojt (spotebovat);I
rough, be (about things, be-rough (and)
rough, be (about things); ;hrub, bt (o vcech);I
rough: This weather is rough.; :
;drsn: Toto poas je drsn.;
round, be; ;kulat, bt;I
round, perfectly: When the moon is pure white (and) perfectly
round, it is full moon (day).; : T
T T ;kulat, zcela: Kdy je msc ist bl (a) zcela
kulat, (pak) je (den) plku.;writ.
roundly; ;kulat;adv.


run: (He) runs quickly.;T: T T ;bhat: B

rpa (matter or body, esp. one of the main constituents of
person);;rpa (hmota i tlo, zejm. jedna z hlavnch soust
bytosti);n. P. rpa (= matter, form)
rpa-nma (body and mind, the two principal constituents of
person); ;rpa-nma (tlo a mysl, dv zkladn sousti
bytosti);n. P. nma-rpa (= mind - form)
Russian (country);() ;Rusk (zem);name.

ruthless, be (venture (and) compare); ;neltostn, bt

(riskovat (a) porovnvat);I

Sagaing (division); ();Sikain (sprvn stedisko);name

sad, be;;smutn, bt;I

;ekl (uito za
said (used after a quotation);
citac);p.s. writ.

sad, be (be suitable for pitying); ;smutn, bt

(bt vhodn ke smutku);adj.

said that will, it is; (-( )+ , put at the end of

sentence);kaj ( ~ k se), e bude;suff. adv.

sad, be (mind (is) dirty); ;smutn, bt (mysl (je)


said that will, it is: It is said, that he will eat meal ( ~ rice) in
my home.; : ;k se e
bude: k se, e (on) bude jst jdlo ( ~ ri) u m

sad, be (stomach (is) small); ;neastn, bt (aludek

(je) mal) smutn, bt (aludek (je) mal);T
sad, be: (I) am be sad that (I) could not write (you)

immediately.; : ()
;smutn, bt: Jsem smutn, e jsem (ti) nenapsal
ihned.;imper. pol.

said that, it is: It is said, that his name (was) Nga Nyo.; :
;k se: k se, e se jmenoval ( ~ e
jeho jmno (bylo)) a o.;

sad, be: Because I am so much sad, (I) want to cry.; :

;smutn, bt: Protoe jsem tak
moc smutn, chce se mi breet ( ~ plakat).;

said that, it is: It is said, that Nga Nyo's girlfriend was a

daughter of the village headman.; :
;k se, e: k se, e a ova ptelkyn byla
dcera pna vesnice.;

sad, be: Oh, you seem to be sad, what happened to

you?; :
T ;smutn, bt: Ah, ty vypad jako bys byl
smutn, co se ti stalo?;inter. col.

said, it is; (put at the end of sentence);k se, e;suff. adv.

said, it is: It is said, that he will eat meal ( ~ rice) in my
home.; : ;k se: k se, e
(on) bude jst jdlo ( ~ ri) u m doma.;um.

sad: Don't be sad.; : ;smutn: nebu

smutn.;imper. pol.

said, what (was): According to what the teacher said, today the
school is closed.;T: T
;eeno (co bylo): Podle toho co ekl uitel,
je dnes kola zaven.;

sad: People are sad because of the funeral.; :

;smutn: Lid jsou kvli pohebu
sad: The girl looks sad.; :
;smutn: Ta dvka vypad smutn.;
sadness (stomach (is) little {nouner}); T ;smutek
(aludek (je) mal {jmenec});n.
sadness: It is good to be afraid of making one's faith holey
inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering (and)
sadness.; T :

;smutek: Je dobe se obvat prodravn vlastn
dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a) smutku.;prov.
saentence: In this sentence there's something missing ( ~
"needed), indeed.; :
;vta: No, v tto vt nco chyb ( ~ "je-teba).;cont.
safe (scattered danger); ;bezpen (rozptlen
safe (void (of) danger); ;bezpen (prost

said, what was;;eeno, co bylo;n.

said, what was: what you said (what was said (by)
you);: ;ekl (co bylo eeno): co jsi
ekl ((to), co bylo tebou eeno);um.
said: Mother said: If (you) want to go, (then) go.; :
;ekl: Matka ekla: Jestli chce jt, (tak) jdi.;col.

sail (hoist sail(~leaf) (and) go);

;plavit se
(plachtit, zdvihnout plachtu(~list) (a) jet) plachtit (plavit se,
zdvihnout plachtu(~list) (a) jet);T
sail (hoist sail(~leaf), go (and) come);
se (plachtit, zdvihnout plachtu(~list), odjet (a) pijet);T
sail (leaf);( );plachta (list);sg.
sail over; ;peplavit se;T

sail over (cross (and) cross);T ;peplavit se (pejt (a)

sail: The ship is sailing in the lake.;
;plavit se: Lo se
plav po jezee.;cont.

sail: The wind blows very much, (and therefore) the man is
: ()
safe be (be-protected (and) wrapped);;bezpen, bt (bt-
;plachtit: Vtr hodn fouk, (a proto ten)
ochrnn (a) zabalen);I
mu placht ( ~ pluje);cont. writ.
safe, be (covered (and) wrapped);;bezpen, bt (pikryt sailor (boat man);( );nmonk
(a) zabalen);I
(lodn mu);sg.
safe, feel;;bezpen, ctit se;I

safe: At that time, headman of Mushepo village U Aung Zeyya

himself, for safety, protected (his) own village (by) palm-tree
Tehdy nelnk vesnice Mushpho Aun Zeyya, pro bezpe,
ochrnil svou vesnici opevnnmi z palmovch kmen.;writ.

Sain (Burmese orchestra);;Shain (Barmsk orchestr);name

salad (green group (of) cooking fruit (and) cooking
leaves); ( );salt (zelen
skupina ovoce na-vaen (a) listy na-vaen);sg. (portion)
salad (group);( );salt (skupina);sg. (portion)
salad (dressed, combined with dressing);;salt (s


dressingem, se zlivkou);n.
salad, ginger (fresh); ;salt, zzvorov (erstv);n.

same, be: the usage is same;: ;stejn, bt:

uit je stejn;

salad, prawn; (WS. from );salt,


same, not be (not be-same);;stejn, nebt (ne btstejn);I

salad, shrimp;;salt, garntov;n.

same, not be: The two cats are different.;:

;stejn, nebt: (Ty) dv koky nejsou stejn.;

salad, tomato (salad (of) tomato fruit); ;salt,

rajatov (salt (z) rajatovch plod);n.
salad: The salad is just (being) green.;:
;salt: (Ten) salt je prost zelen.;col.
salary; ;plat;n. writ. (or) n.

salary (work writing);;plat (pracovn psan);n.

sales assistent (skilfull (in) writing (at)

counter); ( );prodavaka (dovedn
(v) psan (u) pultu);sg. E. counter
saleswoman(skilfull (in) writing (at)
counter); ( );prodavaka (dovedn
(v) psan (u) pultu);sg. E. counter

same, the; - ;sam, ten stejn, ten;pron.

(or) adj.
same, the: Then they were composed by the same thera in Sri
Lankan language.; - : ( ~
;sam, ten: Pak byly sepsny tm samm
throu ve Sr Lanskm jazyce.;p.s.
same, the: this same commentary; :
; sam, ten: tento stejn koment;acc.

saliva (imagined stick);;sliny (pedstavovan


same: But one's opinion ( ~ view) is not same as that of

(another) one.;: ( ) ( )
T ;stejn: Ale nzor jednoho nen stejn jako
(nzor) druhho ( ~ jednoho).;pol.

saliva: It makes one extremely angry. ((It is) so (much), that

(one) even must swallow not little saliva.);:
;sliny: Podn to natve. ((Je to) tolik, e
(jeden) mus dokonce spolknout nemlo slin.);col. pol. idi.

same: the same fact;: ;stejn: stejn


samanera (novice); ( ) (later as );smanra
(novic);sg. rare P. smaera (= novice)

same: Same to you! (answer to a wish); :

;sam: To sam (i) Tob!;w.

same: Will (you) eat shit? (I)'ll give (same) to (you).;:

;sam, to: Bude jst hovno? Dm ti (to)

Sasra (cycle of rebirth);;Sasra (kolobh

smanera (novice); (from );smanra (novic);sg. P. perozovn);n. Bh. P. sasra (= cycle-of-births)
Sasra: (I) just should say, that Sasra is
smaera (= novice)
samatha, meditation of (one of the two main kinds of meditation miserable.;: T ;Sasra: Jen je
in Buddhism, leading to deep concentration stages of jhanas, teba ci, e Sasra je mizern.;
essential for third and fourth level of
enlightenment);;samath, meditace (jeden z dvou
hlavnch druh meditace v Buddhismu vedouc k hlubokm
stupm soustedn, tj. dhnm, nezbytnm k dosaen
tetho a tvrtho stupn osvcen);n. Bh. med. P. samath (=

samusa (snack of triangular shape filled with

meat);( );sams (zkusek tvaru trojhelnku plnn

same, be; ;sam, bt stejn, bt;I

sand (sand (on) beach); ;psek (psek (na) pli);n.

samusa: Will (you) take samusa?;:

;sams: Vezmete si sams?;fut. inter.

sand ( ~ "beach): Boy and girl are playing on sand ( ~

samatha: What else do (you) do, apart from (doing) samath "beach).; T : T
;psek ( ~ "pl): Chlapec a dve si hraj na
(and) vipassan meditation?;:
psku ( ~ "pli).;cont.
T ;samath: Krom
sand (sand (on) beach surface); T ;psek (psek (na)
samath a vipassan meditace, co jet dl?;inter.
plovm povrchu);n.
same;;sam, ten stejn;adv. (or) adj.
same, be (again (and) same); ;stejn, bt (znovu (a)
same, be (be-similar (and) equal);; stejn, bt (btpodobn (a) rovn);
same, be (similar (and) equal);; stejn, bt (podobn (a)
same, be (similar form);;stejn, bt (podobn
same, be: May your wishes (and) life become same.; :
T ;stejn, bt: K jsou (tv) pn a
ivot stejn.;w. pol.


sandals, rubber (japan shoes); ( );sandly,

gumov (japonsk boty);sg. (pair, piece)
sandals, thong (shoes (of) clamp); (
);sandly tong (boty svrn);sg. (pair, piece)
sandwich; ( ) ( );sendvi;sg. E.
sandwich (meat clamped (by)
bread); ( );sendvi (maso seven
Sagha (monks); ;Sagha (mnii);Bh. pl. writ. P.
sagha (= community)

Sratthadpan (Vinaya subcommentary

(k));;Sratthadpan (podkoment Vinaji, Vinaya
k);Bh. lit. P. sratthadpan (= explanation of the essence of
the meaning: essence meaning - explanation)

spokojen se vm (zatmco) jsi na ( ~ "ve) Sr Lance.;w. pol.

satisfied: According to this law, all who need to learn at

univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and) listen),
therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed,
Sriputta, ven. (one of the two chief disciples of the
not satisfied.; : ( )
Buddha); ;Sriputta, ct. (jeden z dvou
hlavnch k Buddhy);name Bh. P. mah-thera (= great-elder) ;spokojen: Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se
potebuj uit na universit, nemohou dostat k uen ((a)
sarong, Burmese (longyi, tie around); ( )
poslouchn) povolen, proto, vskutku, byli lid ze vech
[lounj];sarong, Barmsk (lound, vzat okolo);sg.
Myanmarskch nrodnost nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
Ssana: in the limits of (existence of) Ssana;:
satisfied: Are (you) satisfied being here?; T:
;Ssana: v hranicch (trvn) Ssany;
T;spokojen: Jste spokojen, e jste tady?;inter.
satisfaction; T;spokojenost;n.
satisfaction: While using Internet here, it is slow, (so) there may satisfied: Are (you) satisfied being in Burma
(country)?; T: T
be (occasions) of not much satisfaction.; T:
T;spokojen: Jste spokojen, e jste v Barm ( ~
internet T
"Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
;spokojenost: Bhem pouvn internetu, je
satisfied: Aren't (you) satisfied?; T:
pomal, (a tak) mohou bt (chvle) nevelk spokojenosti.;pol.
T;spokojen: Nejsi spokojen?;inter.
satisfactorily (what empty cheek (can)
take);;uspokojiv (co przdn tv (doke)

satisfied: One is no more satisfied with the other.; T:

( ) ( ) T;spokojen:
Jeden u nen spokojen s druhm.;pol.

satisfactory, be: (It) is satisfactory.; T:

T ;uspokojiv: (Je to) uspokojiv.;

Saturday (Saturn's day);;sobota (den Saturnu);adv.

sauce; ;omka;n.

satisfactory: May (your) meditating be satisfactory (and)

pleasant.; T:
T;uspokojiv: K je tv meditovn
uspokojiv (a) pjemn.;w. pol.

sauce, sour (sourness); ;omka, hok (hokost);n.

satisfied (rich): May both of your body (and) mind be healthy

and satisfied.; : T
;spokojen (bohat): K jsou oboje, tv
tlo (i) mysl zdrav a spokojen.;w. pol.

sauce: tomato sauce;: ;omka: rajatov


satisfied, be;T;spokojen, bt;I

satisfied, be (be-settled (and) worth-it); ;spokojen, bt
(bt-vyeen (a) vhodn);I

sauce, soybean (flat fish (of) beans); (from )

;omka ze sojovch bob (placat ryba (z) fazol);n.
sauce: chilli sauce;: ;omka: ili omka;n.

sausage (stick (of) pig's

intestine); ( );prek (tyinka (z)
praseho steva);sg.
sausages: I am going to barbecue sausages.; :
;prky: Jdu grilovat prky.;fut. um.

satisfied, be (condition is-satisfactory); T;spokojen, bt save; ;zachrnit;T

(stav je-uspokojiv);T
save (also in computer, collect (and) fix);;uloit (tak
satisfied, be (satisfied (with) situation); T;spokojen, na potai, sbrat (a) upevovat);T
bt (spokojen (se) situac);I
save (in computer): From today onwards (I) will save (it) in my
satisfied, be: (I) am not very satisfied.; T:
T;spokojen, bt: Nejsem moc spokojen.;pol.
;ukldat (na potai): Ode dneka si (to)
satisfied, be: (I) am quite ( ~ "well) satisfied.; T:
budu ukldat na ( ~ "ve) svm potai.;fut. writ.
T ;spokojen, bt: Jsem pomrn
save (one's life, live (and) strike first (one's)
( ~ "dobe) spokojen;pol.
strength);;zachrnit (si ivot, t (a) uhodit
satisfied, be: (I) am very satisfied.; T:
T ;spokojen: Jsem moc spokojen.;pol.
satisfied, be: (I) satisfied.;T: T T:
T ;spokojen, bt: Jsem spokojen..;

nejprve (svou) slu);T

say;T ; ci;T mn. & k. (or) T

say ( ~ "talk): OK, briefly said ( ~ If was said, indeed, 'let (us)
talk briefly'), nearby there is no more (any) cold drinks
satisfied, be: Are (you) satisfied staying there?; T: bar.;T: T
T;spokojen, bt: Jsi tam spokojen? (Jsi
;ci ( ~ "mluvit): Dobe, strun eeno ( ~ kdyby
spokojen, e (jsi) ubytovan tam?);inter.
bylo eeno, vskutku, 'nech mluvme strun), pobl ji nen
satisfied, be: Are (you) satisfied?; T:
dn obchod s chlazenmi npoji.;col. pol.
T;spokojen, bt: Jsi spokojen?;inter.
say ( ~ mention): Indeed, if (you) say clairvoyance etc. ...,
satisfied, be: May (you) be satisfied with everything (while)
staying in Sri Lanka (country).; T:
T;spokojen, bt: K jsi

(they will) know, friend.; : ...

;ci (zmnit): (Vskutku,)
pokud ekne: jasnovidnost atd. ..., (budou) vdt.;pol.


say (tell (and) say);T; ci (povdt (a) ci);T

say (mention); ;ci (zmnit);T
say (to a king or monk); ;sdlit (ci, krli nebo
say (used for monks or king); ;ci (uito pro mnichy i pro
krle);T mn.
say (used for monks or kings): According to ( ~ in) what the
Lord Buddha said, there are three ways for making merit.; :
;ci (uito pro mnichy i krle): Dle toho,
co ( ~ v) Pn Buddha ekl, jsou ti zpsoby dln zsluh.;pol.
say, that;; kat, e;suff.
say: (He) said (that) he'll come.;T:
T ;ekl: ekl, e pijde.;pol.
say: (He) said: I am not afraid of you.;:
" " ;ci: Nebojm se t.;writ.

say: (I) happened to say;T: TT ;ci: stalo se, e

(jsem) ekl;p.s.
say: (I) said nothing.;T: T;ci: Nic (jsem)
say: female supporter, who said that (it is) good;:
;ci: podporovatelka, kter ekla, e (je

to) dobr;
say: He says he has good intentions.;T: T
;ci: k, e m dobr
say: How to say it ... (the shape (of) well saying ...);T:
T ...;ci: Jak bych to ekl ... (ten tvar sprvnho
een ...);
say: People say (it is) to release (them) and then there are
;ci: Lid eknou (to je) pro (jejich) osvobozen a pak
dochz k zabjen ( ~ "jsou zabjen).;
say: Please, say it one more time.;T:
T;ci: Prosm, ekni to jet jednou.;imper. pol.
say: They say: Aren't you crazy?;T:
T ;ci: kaj: Nejsi len?;inter. col. um.
say: Though he says, I don't believe (it).;T: T
;kat: Pestoe k, nevm (tomu).;um.
say: whatever (you) say;T: TT;ci: cokoliv

pawa, yellow outside);( );la (dmsk lehk la

uvan pro formln udlosti, tabet nebo pawa, lut venku
(?));sg. P. pvra (= cloak, mantle)
scatter;;rozptlit roztrousit;T
scattered, get (go having-gaps (and)
broad);T;roztrousit se (jt, mt-mezery (a) btirok);I
scene (be-spread (to) look); ;scna (bt-rozen (k)
scenery (be-spread (to) look); ;scenrie (bt-rozen
(k) dvn);n.
schedule (line-up, arrange-in-order (and)
fix); ;naplnovat (seadit, uspodat-do-podku (a)
scheme (make thinking);;kout pikle (dlat mylen);T
scheme (prepare (and) scheme);T ;naplnovat (pipravit
(a) naplnovat);T
scheme (plot): (He) makes a secret plot against
somebody.; :
;kout pikle: Kuje na nkoho pikle. (Dl proti
nkomu tajn pln.);writ.
scholar (lord (of) wisdom);(
);uenec (pn moudrosti);sg. (mn.)
school; ( );kola;sg.
school, attend a; ;koly, chodit do;T col.
school, attend a: Because (I) finished (attending) school, (I)
have a job ( ~ "do work).; :
;koly, chodit do: Protoe jsem dokonil
kolu, mm prci.;
school: (I) did not attend school.; :
;chodit do (koly): Nechodila jsem do koly.;p.s. col.
school: (I) still don't have a job. (I)'m attending a
school.; : ;kola:
Jet zamstnn nemm, chodm do koly ( ~ "nastupuji (na)
kolu).;cont. pol.
school: an applicant for scholarship ( ~ "attending
school); : ; kola: uchaze o studium na
school: I will go to school after I eat the meal ( ~
rice).; : ;kola:
Pjdu do koly a se najm ( ~ a snm ri).;fut. col. um.

saying;;een kn;n.

school: They founded ( ~ built) national college (a) national

saying: (It) is a saying to give blessings to somebody.;: (primary) schools.; :
;kola: Zaloili ( ~
T ;kat ( ~
postavili) nrodn stedn kolu (a) nrodn (zkladn)
"een): To se k kdy nkdo nkomu ehn. (Je (to)
koly.;writ. pol. pl.
een k dn nkomu poehnn.);pol.
scampi (short kite);( );krevety, jist druh (krtk school: Will you (all) go to school or to work? ('you' is in
pl.); : ()
;kola: (Vy) pjdete do koly nebo (vy
scarcely;T T ;mlokdy;adv.
vichni) pjdete (pracovat) do prce?;inter.
scarcely, just (just of time (to) make (and) time (of)
time); ;zdkakdy (pouze z doby dln (a)
doby doby);adv.
scared, be; ;vystraen, bt vystraen, bt;I
scarf (women's light scarf used for formal occasions, tabet or


school: Will you go to school or to work?;

() ;kola: Pjde do koly
nebo do prce?;inter.
schoolbook (book used (in)
school); ( );uebnice (kniha uvan (ve)


search: (I) happened to be wanting life (where) is no courage

schoolboy (school man); ( );kolk (mu to search.;: T ;hledat: Stalo se, e
chci ivot, (kde) nen odvaha hledat.;pol.
(ze) koly);sg.
search: (I) search in the Internet websites.;:
schoolgirl (school person); ( );kolaka
;hledat: Hledm na
(osoba (ze) koly);sg. f.
webovch strnkch.;

science (wisdom (of) knowledge);;vda (modrost search: Are you searching (for something) in books?;:
vdomost);n. P. sippa-pa (= skill, knowledge - moudrost) ;hledat: Hled (nco) v knihch?;inter.
search: First search (for) a guy. (EN col.);:
science: philosopher of science;:
;najt ( ~ "hledat): Nejdv si najdi chlapa. (CZ col.);
;vda: filosof vdy;
scientist (lord (of) wisdom (of) knowledge);;vda search: I sell (somebody) to sell (him) house.;:
;hledat: Hledm (nkoho) abych (mu) prodal dm.;
(pn modrosti vdomost);n. P. sippa-pa (= skill,
search: search (and) encounter (free) time;:
knowledge - wisdom)
;hledat: hledat (a) najt (voln) as;
scissors (bronze scissors); ( );nky
(bronzov nky);sg. P. kattarik (= scissors)
scold;T ();vynadat nadvat;T
scold (sb.); ;nad

vat (nkomu);T

scorched, get (burn (and) be-burnt-up); ;poplit se

(hoet (a) shoet);I

search: Where can I find a hotel? (How should I search the

hotel?);: ;hledat: Kde mohu
najt hotel? (Jak mm j hledat hotel?);fut. inter.
season: If you can come in winter (season), it is just
best.;: ;obdob:
Pokud pijede v zim ( ~ v obdob zimy), tak je to prost
nejlep.;pol. col.

scorched, get: When (you) get too much close, (you), indeed,
get scorched.; :
;poplit se: Kdy se dostane moc blzko, seat;( );sedadlo;sg.
second; ;vteina (CZ col.) sekunda druh;n. E.
vskutku, popl se.;col.
second (or) num. P. dutiya (= second)
script (writing);;psmo (psan);n.

scripture (usually sacred, book, book); ( );spis second (in debate): As for his view, it may be seconded equally
for five minutes by the writer Maung Khin Min (Dha Nu Phyu)
(obv. posvtn, kniha, kniha);sg.
with the singer Mrs. Sandar Win.; :
scripture (usually sacred, ); ( );spis (spis, obv.
posvtn, );sg.

;obhajovat (nzor v debat): Co se
scroll (snail);( );hlem;sg.



bt obhajovn obouma ( ~
scrutinize (do investigation);;prozkoumat
stejnomrn) pt minut, spisovatelem Maun Khen Men (Dha
(dlat przkum);T P. sutesan (= sut+esan, seeking
Nu P) se zpvakou p. Sand Wen.;pol.
(other's) knowledge)
scuba dive (water diving);;potpt se (s kyslkovou
bombou, vodn potpn);T
sea (heavy paddy-field); ( );moe (tk rovpole);
sea: (They) go to sea to swim.; :
;moe: Jdou do moe, aby plavali.;cont. writ.

second (in order);;druh;num. P. dutiya

second (support, take support); ;sekundovat

(podporovat, vzt podporu);T
second: every second; : ;sekunda: kadou

second: Mandalay is the second greatest town in

sea: The man is going to dive in the sea.; : ( ~ Myanmar.;: T
) ;moe: (Ten) ;druh: Mandalaj je druh nejvt msto Myanmaru.;pol.
second: Second house is my house.;:
mu se chyst potpt v moi.;fut.
;druh: Druh dm je mj dm.;pol. um.
sea: The town is near sea.; :
;moe: (To) msto je pobl moe.;writ.

seaman (boat man);( );nmonk

(lodn mu);sg.
search (test completely); ;hledat (kompletn
search (also for a job);;hledat (i prci);T

secret; ( ) [hly.hw. (or) .hw.]

( ) [hly.hw. (or) .hw.] ;tajemstv;I
(or) n.
secret, be;( ) [hly.hw. (or) .hw.];tajn, bt;I
secret: You are the first person to who I reveal my
secrets.; : TT
;tajemstv: Jsi prvn ("lovk), ktermu odhaluji
sv tajemstv.;pol.

search for: Indeed, Taphek must search for a job.;:

secretary (leader (in) writing
;hledat: Skuten, Daphek si mus hledat
inside);( );sekret(ka) (vedouc (v)
psan uvnit);sg.
search: (I) am searching for (something) to eat.;:
secretary (leader (of) writing
;hledat: Hledm (nco) k jdlu.;
within);( );sekret(ka) (vedouc (v)


psan uvnit);sg.
secretary (skilfull (in) writing);( );sekretka
(dovedn (v) psan);sg.
secretary: Secretary gives some papers to the
;sekretka: Sekretka podv ( ~ dv) nkolik
secretary: The secretary is putting the dictionary on the
;sekretka: Sekretka pokld slovnk na
secretly (conceal, conceal, compress,
compress);;tajn (zakrt, zakrt, stlait,
stlait);adv. writ.
secretly (in-order-to (make) anybody not
knowing); ;tajn (aby nikdo
secretly (inside (and) secretly);;tajn (uvnit (a)
secretly: (He) makes a secret plot against
;tajn: Kuje na nkoho pikle. (Dl proti
nkomu tajn pln.);writ.
secretly: I secretly ate butter sitting near the
( ~
) :

( ~
);tajn: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a) tajn
jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. (or) p.s. writ.
secular;;svtsk;adj. P. lokika
secure, be (covered (and) wrapped);;zabezpeen, bt
(pikryt (a) zabalen);I

see you (go): Goodbye. ((I) am going to leave, ok?);:

;mjte se (jt): Mjte se. (Odchzm,
see, thing to: Then, there are indeed other things to see just
near the Shwedagon pagoda.; :
T ;vidn, vc
k: A pak, prv pobl vedagou pagody jsou vskutku dal
vci k vidn.pol.;
see: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert tonight.; :
;podvat se (na): (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu
podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
see: (He) sees a broken bulb.;T : T
( ~ ) T ;vidt: Vid rozbitou rovku.;writ.
see: (I) will see. (I will think about it.); : ;vidt:
Uvidm. (Budu o tom pemlet.);fut.
see: (She) could not see the problems connected with that
teacher ( ~ chief monk).;T :

T T T ;vidt: Nedokzala vidt
(ty) problmy spojen s tm uitelem.;pol.
see: (You) will (certainly) see the country of Myanmar.;:
;uvidt: (Jist) uvid stt
see: as (I) see, that (you) can speak and write;T :
TT ; vidt: ponvad vidm, e um mluvit
a pst;
see: Do you want to go (and) see the ritual of washing
Buddha-image's face?; :
;vidt: Chcete jet (a) vidt ritl myt
oblieje Buddhovy sochy?;inter.
see: How do you see ( ~ "can see) people?;T :
T ;vidt: Jak se dv ( ~
"me se dvat) na lidi?;inter.
see: I need the book to see (it).; :
;vidt: Potebuji (tu) knihu abych se na (to)

seduce (destroy (and) block); ;svdt (zniit (a)

zablokovat) svst (nkoho, zniit (a) blokovat);T

see: If (you) see (anything) not good (with me), simply

admonish (me).;T : T ;vidt: Pokud
uvid (nco) nedobrho (se mnou), tak (m) jednodue
see; T ;vidt;I (or) T
see ( ~ "meet): You will see it ahead of you. ((You) will meet pokrej.;imper.
see: On the streets of every town can be seen the water(it) ahead.);: ;spatit ( ~ "potkat):
Spatte to ped sebou. (Potkte (to) ve pedu);fut.
;spatit: Na ulicch kadho msta je mono
see (meet (and) see);T ;vidt (setkat-se (a) vidt);T
spatit hran s vodou.;pol.
see (seeing);T ;vidt (vidn);n.
see (encounter);;spatit (setkat se s);T
see (find);;uvidt (nalzt);T

see: This may be seen.;T : T ;vidt: To lze


see (for oneself, see (and) take); ;vidt (pro sebe, vidt seed of;;semeno (eho) semnka (eho);suff. n.
seem to be (appearance (is) same); ; pipadat (vypadat
(a) brt);I
jako, vzhled (je) stejn);T
see (for oneself): I haven't seen it yet.; :
;vidt (pro sebe): J jsem to jet nevidl.;um.
see (know, know (and) see);T ;vidt (vdt, vdt (a)
see below; ;viz ne;writ.
see for oneself: (I) haven't seen (it) yet.; :
;vidt (pro sebe): Jet (jsem to) nevidl.;


seem to be (take (by) thinking); ;pipadat (vypadat jako,

brt mylenm);T
seem to be (taking look to (is) same with);
- -; pipadat (vypadat jako, bran dvn-se k (je)
stejn s);I
seem to be (taking look to (one may) think);
- -;vypadat jako (bran dvn-se k (by si jeden)


;prodat: Za kolik penz to

seem to be (will be);T ;pipadat (vypadat jako, bude);v. prod?;inter. col.

sell: How much do you sell this for? (How do (you) sell
seem to be (somehow, life form appears;
this?); : ;prodat: Za kolik tohle
;vypadat (podoba ivota se-ukazuje);I
prodvte? (Jak tohle prodvte?);inter. col.
seem to be: Oh, you seem to be sad, what happened to

you?; - -: sell: I sell (somebody) to sell (him) house.; :

T ;vypadat jako: Ah, ty vypad jako ;prodat: Hledm (nkoho) abych (mu) prodal dm.;
bys byl smutn, co se ti stalo?;inter. col.
sell: To survive, (I) have to sell the shop. (For survival, shop
must be sold.); :
seem to be: The baby seems to be happy.;:
;prodat: Abych peil, musm prodat (svj)
;vypadat: Miminko vypad astn.;
obchod. (Pro peit mus bt obchod prodn.);
seize (take-possession-of (and) cuddle);;zmocnit se
(pivlastnit-si (a) hkat);T

seller; ( );prodava;sg. suff.

seller (market practicioner); (

seize (take-possession-of (and) enter);
;zmocnit se (pivlastnit-si (a) vstoupit) obsadit (vzt- );obchodnk (provozovatel obchodu);sg.
do-vlastnictv (a) vstoupit);T
seller (person (who) sells (in)
market); ( );prodava (osoba (kter)
seize (take-possession-of);;zmocnit se (pivlastnit-si);T
prodv (na) trhu);sg.
seize: (He) seized forty-six nearby villages.;:
T ;obsadit: seminary; ; semin;n. E. workshop
Obsadil tyicet est vesnic pobl.;writ.
send (a letter etc.);; poslat (dopis atd.);T

seize: Hanthwadi troops, who seized Inwa, in order to force

send (a person);;poslat (osobu);T rare
the villages of northern region to make oath (of royalty) they
send: (I) request (you) to send ((and) give) (another one)
arrived to Mushopho village where (they) had to arrive (for
again.;: ;poslat: Zdvoile
(t) dm, abys znovu (njak) poslal ((a) dal).;pol.
T send: (I) will write several sentences and send it.;:
;obsadit: Vojska Hentvad, kter obsadili
;poslat: Napi nkolik vt a polu (je).;fut.
Envu, aby pinutili vesnice v severn oblasti k uinn psaze (v send: having send to send ((and) fix) the mind;:
jejich prospch), pijeli do Mushpho vesnice (kam) pro to mli ;poslat: pole mysl (aby ji) poslal ((a) upevnil) a
pijet.;p.s. writ.
pak ... ;
seize: Then (he) seized towns Pyee, Lwanshe (and)
Dagoung.;: T
;dobt: Pak dobyl msta Pj, Lvane (a)
seldom;T T ;zdkakdy;adv.
select; ;vybrat (si);T

select (select (and) pick-up); ;vybrat (si, vybrat (a)

select (select (and) put aside);;vybrat (vybrat (a) dt
select: select the good ones; :
;vybrat: vybrat ty dobr;writ.
selected, those who were (line selected (by)
hand); ;vybran, ti co byli (ada vybran

self-study (study from one side

{nouner}); T ;samouen (studovat z
jedn strany {jmenec});n.
sell; ;prodat;T
sell: (He) is selling bread.; : ;prodat:
Prodv chlb.;cont.
sell: How much (do you) sell this for ( ~ "with)?; :
;prodat: Za kolik ( ~ "s kolika) tohle
prodvte?;inter. col.
sell: How much (money) will you sell it with?; :

send: I won't send (you) more than this.;:

;poslat: (J) nepolu ti vce ne tolik (

~ "tohle).;
send: If you come to Delhi, indeed, send (me) an e-mail.;:
;poslat: Pokud pijede do Dil, poli
mi e-mail.;imper. pol.
send: It is sent to you.;: ;poslat: U jsem
to poslal. (Je ti to poslno.);pol. um.
sensual (quality (of) senses);;smyslov (vlastnost
smysl);adj. P. kma-gua (= senses-quality)
sensual: sensual pleasure (pleasure (by) sensual
objects);: ;smysln ( ~
smyslov): smysln rozko (rozko pesmty smysl);
sentence;( ) ;vta;sg.
sentence ("writing about"); ( );vta ("psan
sentence (speech);;vta (e);n.
sentence (written word);( );vta (psan slovo);sg.
P. pada (= word, speach)
sentence (at court, cutting (and)
flicking);T ;odsouzen (u soudu, stnut (a)
mihnut-se);T col. idi.
sentence (at court): (They just) avoid (being caught and)
sentenced.;T :
T ;odsouzen (u soudu): Vyhbaj se
(chycen a) odsouzen (u soudu).;pol. col.


sentence (of language);( );vta;sg.

sentence, a (about one sentence); ;vta
(jedna, asi jedna vta);sg.
sentence, pass a (at court, strike line-up (and) prepare
{nouner}); ;rozsudek, vynst (u soudu, uhodit
zarovnat (a) pipravit {jmenec});n.

Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny,
vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij
separately (breat (and) breath); ;oddlen (dech (a)

sentence: (I) am going to translate the sentence for (you) as (it) separately (descend, descend (and) lineis.;: T ;vta: Pelom (tu) vtu up); ;oddlen (snit, sniit (a) zarovnat);adv.
pro (tebe) tak, jak je;fut.
separately (one matching (and) line-up); ;oddlen
(jedno shodovn (a) zarovnat);adv.
sentence: (I) will write several sentences and send it.;:

;vta: Napi nkolik vt a polu (je).;fut. separately (to (a) life, embraced
life); ;oddlen (k ivotu, seven ivot);adv.
sentence: (It) is a sentence used when (it) is not possible to
change ( ~ "correct again) (anything) any more.;: T
T T ;vta: Je (to)
vta uvan kdy u nen dn monost (cokoliv) zmnit ( ~
"znovu opravit).;

September (month); () () (WS. from

);z (msc);n. E. September

sentence: all the words in the Pi sentence;:

;vta: vechna slova v (t) pi vt;

serial; ;sriov;adj.

serene, be (stay calm); T;vyrovnan, bt (zstat


serial: So that (it) will become serial.; :

sentence: First sentence is used in writing, second sentence is ;opakovan: Take to bude opakovan. (Take se
used in talking.; :
(to) stane opakovanm.);fut. col.
T;vta: Prvn vta se uv pi series; ;srie;n.
prasn, druh vta se uv pi mluven.;col.
serious, be;;vn, bt;I
sentence: Please, will (you) write (me) an English sentence at seriously;T ;vn (tce);adv.
last?; : ;vta:
seriously, not;;jen tak;adv.
Prosm, nape mi nakonec (njakou) anglickou vtu?;inter.
seriously: Finding (that) what you have written, (I) happen to
praise (it as) seriously, very clever.;:
sentence: The sentence is wrong.; :
;vta: Ta vta je patn.;cont.

sentence: Until I improve, (I) will write only about three

;vta: Dokud se nezlepm,
nebudu pst vce jak asi ti vty.;fut. pol. um.
sentenced, be (get falling);;odsouzen, bt (dostat
padn) trest, dostat (soudn, dostat padn);I
sentenced, be: Right now (he) is sentenced to 15 and a half
years imprisonment in the Moun village's prison.;:

;odsouzen, bt: Prv te je odsouzen k 15 a
pl roku (trestu) vzen ve vznici vesnice Moun.;pol.

;vn: Shledal
jsem, co jsi napsal, (a) (stalo-se,e) chvlm (to jakoto)
vn, velice chytr.;pol.
sermon (preaching of the Buddha, great
truth); ;kzn (pednes Buddhy, ohromn
pravda);n. Bh.
servant; ( );sluha;sg. (mn.)
serve (carry duty); ;slouit (nosit zodpovdnost);T

serve a king (live (as) servant): While Kyansittha was serving

his royal brother king Saw Lu, king Saw Lu was imprisoned by
enemies.; :
;slouit krli
(t (jakoto) sluha): Zatmco ansit slouil svmu
sentences; ;vty;pl.
krlovskmu bratru krli Solovi, krl Sol byl uvznn
separate; ;rozdlit oddlit oddlen;T (or) nepteli.;p.s. writ.
service man (master (in) repairing
separate (keep-separate (as) parts);T;oddlit (nechatoddlen (coby) sti);T
separate (separate (and) chaff); ; oddlit (oddlit (a)

machines); T ( );oprav (mistr (v)

opravovn stroj);sg.
set (emplace);;umstit;T

set (of sun, sun enters); ;zapadat (o slunci, slunce

separate (separate, chaff (and) split); ; rozdlit (oddlit, vstupuje);I
oddlit (a) roztpit);T
set aside;;dt stranou odloit stranou;T
separate: (I) separate (it) to two equal columns.; :
set up; ;zavst sestavit nastavit

;rozdlit: Rozdlm (to) na dva
stejn sloupce.;pol.
setting (spiritual, mind matter); ;nastaven (duchovn,
separated, be;T;oddlen, bt;I

separated: Although these states and divisions are divided, all

Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live together.;:


mentln hmota);n.

settle; ;urovnat urovnat (zaplatit);T

settle (a debt or bill, brighten);;urovnat (dluh i et,

sex, have (have-sex (and) have-sex);;sex, mt (mtsettle (by money, pay (and) settle);;zaplatit (zaplatit (a) sex (a) mt-sex);T P. methuna (= sexual intercourse)
sexology (science (of) sex {nouner});
[lei~hmubeda];sexuologie (vda (o) pohlav {jmenec});n.
seven; (from ) (WS. from

);sedm;num. (or) num. WS.

seventh;;sedm;num. P. sattama (= seventh)

sexology (wisdom (of) sex); [lei~pei];sexuologie

(moudrost (o) pohlav);n.

several; ;nkolik; (or) pron. col. (or) adj. shallow, be;T;placat, bt;I
several (little (and) little); ;nkolik (nkolik (a)

several (small);;nkolik (mal);suff.

several kinds;;rozlinho druhu;adj.
several times;;nkolikrt;adv.

shame (be-shy {nouner});;ostuda (stydt-se

shame (from happening should happen);T T ;ostuda
(z dn mlo-by se-stt);n.

several times: (I) read this letter several times, and then (I)
;nkolikrt: Pochopil jsem po (tom, co) jsem si
tenhle dopis nkolikrt peetl.;p.p. writ.

Shan (present Myanmar ethnic minority): Then U Aung Zeyya

could connect and unite Shans of northern region with
;an (ptomn Myanmarsk etnick

menina): Pak se Aun Zeyyovi podailo pipojit k a sjednotit
any ze severn oblasti s Myanmary.;p.s. writ.

stane, e napu nkolik lnk.;pol.

shape;( );tvar;sg.

several: (I) will write several sentences and send it.;:

;nkolik: Napi nkolik vt a polu

shapes; ;tvary;pl. (or) pl. P. sahna (=

shape, form)

several: I meet several teachers.;:

;nkolik: Potkvm nkolik uitel.;col. pol.

share out;;sdlet (s nkm);T

several: several days since today;:

( ~ );nkolik: ode dneka nkolik dn;

sharp, be (in intellect); ;bystr, bt (o inteligenci);I

several times (one time exchange (and) exchange

by); -;nkolikrt (jeden as zamnit (a) zamnit

Shan (state of Union of Myanmar);(T );an (stt unie

several times: Just after (I) read this letter several times, (I)
understood.; -: ( ~ ) Myanmaru);name
Shan (state);(T );an (stt);name
-: ( ~
) ;nkolikrt: Prv po Shan bag (easy bag);( );ansk taka (lehk
(tom, co) jsem si tenhle dopis nkolikrt peetl, jsem (jej)
Shan bag: (I) came to buy Shan bag.;:
;ansk taka: Pijel jsem koupit si anskou
several: (I) often happen to write several articles.;:
T ;nkolik: asto se

several: several facts about me;:

;nkolik: nkolik informac o m;

sharp (to a point); ;ostit (do piky);T
sharpen; ;naostit ostit;T
sharpen (sharpen (to) be-sharp); ;naostit (ostit (aby)
bylo-ostr) ostit (ostit (aby) bylo-ostr);T

several: several foreigners;: T; nkolik: nkolik sharpen (to a point); ;ostit (do piky);T
shattered, be (destroy (and) be-scattered); T;rozdrcen,
several: several hours; : ;nkolik:
bt (zniit (a) bt-roztrouen);I
nkolik hodin;
shave (head);;holit se (hlavu) oholit se (hlavu);T
several: several written discourses;:
T ;nkolik: nkolik napsanch promluv;
several: to several people;: ;nkolik: nkolika
severe, be (be-intense (and) strong);T ;drsn, bt (btintenzivn (a) siln);I
severely;T ;tce (vn);adv.
sew; ;t;T
sew: Sometimes the clothes is made ( ~ "sewn) of wool.; :
;t: Nkdy je
obleen uito z vlny.;
sex, have (depend-on (and) hover-around);;sex, mt (mt
sex, zviset (a) poletovat-nad);T ow.

shave: When (I) shave my head, it looks like a radish.;:

;holit se:
Kdy si oholm hlavu, vypad jako edkvika.;
she; (abbrev. from ) ;ona;pron. (or) pron. unpl.
shed (hut); ;psteek;n.
sheep;( );ovce;sg.
sheepish, be (shy);;stydliv, bt;I

shelf (in a cupboard etc.); ( );police (ve skni atd.)

shellfish;( );mkk;sg.
shift (change);T ;posunout (change);T


shine (give color (of) light); ;zit (dvat

barvu svtla);T

shoe: four (singled) shoes; : ( ~

);bota: tyi (samostatn) boty;pl.

shine (about a lamp etc.);;zit (o lamp atd.);T

shoes; ( );boty;sg. (pair, one piece)

shine (about sun and moon);;svtit (o slunci i msci) zit shoes, a pair of (press (and) be-smart); ( ) (WS. from
(o slunci i msci);I
) ( );bot, pr (tlait (a) bt-chytr);sg. WS. (or)
shine (about sun);;svtit (o slunci);I
shine (about sun): After the rain ( ~ raining), sun shines.;: shoes: (He) does not wear shoes. (may be used as a
description of any monk, who does not use shoes); :
;svtit (o slunci): Slunce svt po deti ( ~
;boty: Nenos boty. (lze pout jakoto popis
kterhokoliv mnicha, kter nepouv boty);pol. mn.
shine: (He) shines loving-kindness.; :
;zit: Z milujc-dobrotivost.;

shoes: a pair of: two pairs of shoes; : ;bot, pr: dva

pry bot;pl.

shine: Because the sun is shining, the weather is hot.;:

;plit (o slunci): Ponvad slunce pl, shop;( ) ( ) ( ) ;obchod;sg.
je horko ( ~ poas je hork).;col.
shop (market (and) shop);( )
( );obchod (trh (a) obchod);sg.
shine: Sun shines. (Sun (is) hot.);: ;svtit: Slunce
svt. (Slunce (je) hork.);

shine: When the moon is shining, (it is) night time.;:

;svtit: Kdy svt msc, (je) noc ( ~
non as).;writ.
ship;( );lo;sg.
ship (boat (and) ship);( );lo (lun (a)

shop: (He) goes to shop to buy an envelope.;:

;obchod: Jde do obchodu aby koupil oblku.;
shop: (I) close the shop.;: ;obchod: Zavrm
shop: (I) will take a photo of the shop, ok?;:
;obchod: Vyfotm si (ten) obchod, ano?;inter.

ship: Ship is in storm. (Ship is catching storm.);:

;lo: Lo je v bouce. (Lo chyt

shop: I am opening a shop.;:

Otevrm obchod.;pol.

shirt: I will buy pants as well as shirt.; :

;koile: Koupm kalhoty i koili.;fut.

shop: To survive, (I) have to sell the shop. (For survival, shop
must be sold.);:
;obchod: Abych peil, musm prodat (svj)
obchod. (Pro peit mus bt obchod prodn.);

shop: I happen to sit in the shop whole the time ( ~ life).;:

T ;obchod: (Stalo (se, e))
shirt; ( ) (WS. from ) ( )
( ) (WS. from );triko;sg. WS. H. agiya (or) sedm v obchod celou dobu ( ~ ivot).;pol.
sg. WS. H. agiya (or) sg. H. agiya
shop: The man in the shop is selling mobile phones.;:
shirt (shirt shirt);( );koile (koilov koile);sg. ;obchod:
Ten mu v obchod prodv mobiln telefny.;cont.
E. shirt

shirt: I will go to (the) shop to buy (a) shirt.;:

;koile: Pjdu do obchodu abych (si)
koupil koili.;fut. um.

shop: What shop will you eat in?;:

;obchod: V jakm obchod bude jst?;inter.

shirt: The man with blue shirt is the first.;: T shopkeeper (market practicioner); (
);majitel obchodu (provozovatel obchodu);sg.
;koile: Pn v ( ~ s) modr koili je
shopkeeper (shop owner);( );obchodnk
(majitel obchodu) majite obchodu (majitel obchodu);sg.
shit (EN vul.); ;hovno (CZ vul.);n.
shit (Eng. vul.);;hovno (Cz. vul.);n. vul.
shit: (I) asked whether (you) eat shit, because if (you) do ( ~
"eat), (I) will give (it to you).; :
;hovno: Ptal jsem se, jestli j hovna, protoe
jestli jo ( ~ j), tak (ti) dm.;fut. jk. vul.
shit: Will (you) eat shit? (I)'ll give (same) to (you).;:
;hovno: Bude jst hovno? Dm ti (to)
shoe (foot treads-on);T ( );bota (noha
nalapv);sg. (pair, one piece)
shoe (press (and) be-smart); ( );bota (tlait
(a) bt-chytr);sg. (pair, one)

shopkeeper: Last year the shopkeeper died or what, (I) don't

;majitel obchodu: Minul rok majitel obchodu zemel
nebo co, nevm.;col.
shopping, do the; ;nakupovat;T
shopping, go (leave (to) buy (in) shop); ;nkup,
jt na (odejt nakupovat (v) obchod) nakupovat, jt
(odejt nakupovat (v) obchod);T
shopping, going (going-out (to) buy (in)
shop); T ;nakupovn (odchzen nakupovat (v)
shore (shore base); T;beh (poben zkladna);n.

shoe (shoe, shoe); ( );bota (bota, bota);sg. short (about person);;krtk (o osob);adj.
(pair, one piece) E. shoe
short (by appearance): The girl is shorter than the boy.;:


;krtk (vzhledem):
(Ta) dvka je men ( ~ krat) ne (ten) chlapec.;

should: things (one) should know;: ;ml by:

vci, kter by ml (kad) vdt;

short man (short man);( );mal mu (krtk should: U Mya Maung should propose exactly (in) ten
: T

;ml by: Mja Maun by ml mluvit

short man (shortly small);( );mal mu


minut ( ~ v deseti minutch).;pol.
(krtce mal);sg.
short man (shortness);T ( );krtk mu
short man: This word gets the meaning of short man.;T :
T ;krtk mu: Toto slovo
nabv ( ~ dostv) vznamu krtk mu.;writ.
short stories (or short pieces of literature, short
writing);; krtk pbhy (nebo krtk dla literatury,
krtk psan);n.

should: We should strive in order to successfully attain

Arahanthood.;: T
( ~ T T
);ml by: Mli bychom usilovat
abychom spn doshli Arahantstv.;pol.
should: Whend should I come?;: ;ml by:
Kdy bych ml pijt?;inter. col.

short, be; ; krtk, bt;I

should: You shouldn't disturb him.;:

;ml by: Neml bys ho (ty) vyruovat.;fr.

short, be (short (by) appearance);;krtk, bt (o

lovku, vzhledem krtk);I


shoulder;( );rameno;sg.

short, be (about things);; krtk, bt (o vcech);I

shout; ;kiet;T

short, be (about way etc.);;krtk, bt (o cest atd.);I

shout: (He) violently shouts (with) dirty words.; :

( ~ )
( ~
);kiet: Nsilnicky ki sprost slova.;

short, be: (It) is short and more exact. (about a

translation);: ;krtk, bt: Je (to)
krtk a pesnj. (o pekladu);col.
short, in (to (and) by binding); T;krtce (k (a)
podle svazovn);adv.

show; T;ukzat;T

shortcut (of words, reduce (to) shortness

{nouner});T ;zkratka (slovn, snit (na) krtkost

show (up): With modernity, the navel shows up.;:

;ukzat se: S modern mdou se ukazuje (i)
pupek.;jk. col.

show (expose (and) show); T;poukzat na (odhalit (a)

shortcut (of a wordcollect (to) shortness); ;zkratka ukzat);T
show (up);;ukzat se;I
(slova, sbrat (do) krtkosti);n.

shortness;T ;krtkost;n.
shortness (be-short much {nouner}); T ;krtkost
(bt-krtk hodn {jmenec});n.
;ml by;suff. col. (or) I (or) suff.
(or) v. part.

show example (show (and) take standard

form);T;ukzat pklad (ukzat (a) vzt standardn
show off; () ;chlubit se chvstat se;T
show off (boast (and) brag); () ;chlubit se (vytahovatse (a) chvstat-se);T

show one's powers (show gold, show (one's)

should be; T ;ml by bt mlo by bt; (or) kind);TT (from TT);ukzat vlastn sly (ukzat
zlato, ukzat (svj) druh);T col.
show one's powers (show to relatives, show (to one's)
should be: (You) should be thankful.; :
;ml by bt: Ml bys bt vdn.;imper. pol. kind);TT (from TT);ukzat vlastn sly (ukzat
pbuznm, ukzat (svmuj) druhu);T col.
should be: Proper place should be found.; :
should (have (and) need);;ml by (mt (a) potebovat);T

;ml by bt: Mlo by se

najt sprvn msto.;pol.
should not;;neml by;v.

show one's powers: Go (and) show (your) powers. Where are

(you) greater?;TT: TT ( ~ TT)
TT: TT ( ~
TT) ;ukzat vlastn sly: Jdi (a)
uka (vlastn) sly. Kde jsi lep?;inter. sl.

should not: As a student, he should not behave ( ~ do) like

this.; -:
;neml by: Jako student by se takhle neml chovat show way (also as idiom); ;ukzat cestu (tak jako
( ~ neml by dlat);
should not: As I was calling you by phone, you shouldn't have show, Burmese stage; ( );hra, Barmsk divadeln;sg.
call me.;: ( ~ ) show: (He) shows (his) arm.;T: T ;ukzat:
;neml by: Ponvad jsem ti volal telefonem, Ukazuje (svou) pai.;
show: As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am showing)
nemla jsi volat ty m.;col.
should: How much should be paid ( ~ "given)?;: (them) to the dentist.;T:
T ;ukzat: Ponvad nemm dobr
;ml by: Kolik se mus zaplatit ( ~ "dt)?;inter. col.


zuby, ukazuji (je) zubai.;cont. uw.

show: shown to be evident;T: T ;ukzat:
ukzan, aby byl evidentn;

;vedagou pagoda: Jakmile doraz do vedagou

pagody, stane se, e si tak vimne vedagou pagody.;pol.

Shwedagon pagoda: Do you want to know (walking) path from

shower (break water);;sprchovat se (rozbjet vodu);T Sule pagoda to Shwedagon pagoda?;:
shower (water-bending room); ( );sprcha (vodu-
;vedagou pagoda: Chce vdt cestu ze Sule
ohbac pokoj);sg.
pagody do vedagou pagody?;inter.
shower, have a;;sprchovat se;T
shower, have a (break water);;osprchovat se (rozbjet Shweminthabin (a Burmese dance group, Golden Mandalay
Assembly); ;vemantaben (Barmsk tanen
vodu) sprchovat se (rozbjet vodu);T
shower, take a (break water);;osprchovat se (rozbjet skupina, Zlat Mandalajsk Shromdn);name
vodu) vysprchovat se (rozbjet vodu) sprchu, dt si
(rozbjet vodu) dt si sprchu (rozbjet vodu);T

shower, take a: (I) am going to take a shower, and then (I) will
( ~ "am going to) have a meal.;:
;sprchovat se: Jdu se osprchovat a pak se
jdu najst.;fut. ubmn.

shy, be; ;stydliv, bt stydt se;I

shy, be (strength hurts);;stydt se (sla bol);I

shy, be: Don't be shy. Tell (it to me).;:
T;stydt se: Nesty se. ekni (mi to).;imper. pol.
shy, be: If (you) have anything to offer on (your) birthday, don't
be shy.;: .;stydt se:
Pokud m nco k nabdnut (lidem), pak se nesty.;col. sl.

shower, take: I'll take a shower before I go to school.;:

;osprchovat se: Osprchuji se shy: Don't be shy.;: ;kolik (stydt se): (Snz)
kolik chce. (Nesty se.);pol.
ne pjdu do koly.;fut.
shyness; (WS. from ) ; stydlivost ostuda
shower: I am going to have a shower.;:
stud;n. WS. P. hiri (= shyness) (or) n. (or) n. P. hiri (=
;sprcha: Jdu si dt sprchu.;fut.
shrewd ((of) crooked thinking); ;mazan
(pokivenho mylen);adj.

shrewdness (clever (and) shrewd

{nouner}); ;chytrost (chytr (a) mazan {jmenec});I
shrewdness: (He) has neither shrewdness, nor
politeness.; :
;chytrost: Nen ani slun, ani chytr.
(Nem ani slunost, ani nem mazanost.);
shrimp (short kite);( );garnt (krtk luk);sg.
shrine (Buddhist, lord's shelf); ( );svatyn
(buddhistick, Pnova polika);sg.

shyness (be-shy {nouner});;stud (stydt-se


siblings (co-equal people); ;sourozenci (sobrovn

siblings (man's-younger-brother, elder-brother, womans'younger-brother (and) man's-youngersister); ;sourozenci ( mlad-bratr-mue, star
bratr, mlad-bratr-eny (a) mlad-sestra-mue);n.
siblings: (We) are three siblings.; :
;sourozenci: Jsme ti sourozenci.;pol.

sick (person, sick person);( )

shrink: If (you) want to be again small, ( ~ young) (you) have to ( );nemocn (o osob, nemocn osoba);sg.
sick people: As a doctor, he should cure sick people.;:
shrink (again).;: T T ;scvrknout se:
;nemocn lid:
Jestli chce bt znovu mal ( ~ mlad), mus se (znovu)
Coby doktor, ml by lit nemocn lidi.;
sick person;( );nemocn (osoba);sg.
Shwebontha Street (street (of) golden realm (which is)

greater); ;webont, ulice (ulice zlatho svta

(kter je) lep);name

sick, be ( ~ "divided): Because (my) eyes got sick ( ~

"divided).;: ;nemocn, bt ( ~ "rozdlen):
Protoe mi onemocnly oi. (Protoe (jsem) dostal rozdlen
Shwedagon pagoda; [wegou~];weitigoumsk
Pagoda (ale sprvnj vslovnost je uedagoun) wedagon (a) upevnn o.);pol.
sick, be (life is not good); ;nemocn, bt (ivot
Pagoda (ale sprvnj vslovnost je uedagoun);name
Shwedagon Pagoda; [wedagou~fy:];vedagou nen dobr);I

sick, be (life not good); ;nemocn, bt (ivot nen


Shwedagon Pagoda: And if (it is) true ( ~ "said) that (you)

have not yet visited the Shwedagon Pagoda, (then I) urge (you) sick, be (living (and) sitting (is) not
good); ;nemocn, bt (bt-iv (a) sedt nen
to visit (it).;:
;wedagon Pagoda: A je-li pravda ( ~
"eeno), e (jsi) jet nenavtvil wedagon Pagodu, (pak)
sick, be (about momentary mental state, mind (is) usednalhm, abys (ji) navtvil.;pol.
up);;dost, mt toho (bt znechucen, mysl (je)
Shwedagon Pagoda: As soon as (you) arrive to Yangon (you) vyerpan);I
thus happen to notice Shwedagon Pagoda.;:


sick, be (about parts of body, such as eyes,

divide);;nemocn, bt (o stech tla, nap. och, rozdlit

se) onemocnt (o stech tla, nap. och, rozdlit se);I

sick, be: (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not good), because I have
cold.; :
;nemocn, bt: Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen
dobr), protoe jsem se nachladila.;uw.

() ;podepsat (podpisem):
(Otec) sm se podepsal ( ~ "podepsal podpis) na kousek
papru, abych se (tak) mohl stt mnichem.;
signature (hand sign); ;podpis (run znak);n.

signature: (Father) himself signed ( ~ "signed signature) on a

sick, be: Because (my) patient is (being) sick, I take care of piece of paper so that I can become monk.; :
him.; :
;nemocn, bt: Protoe je mj pacient nemocn, () ;podpis: (Otect) sm se
(j) starm se o nj.;cont. um.
podepsal ( ~ "podepsal podpis) na kousek papru, abych se
(tak) mohl stt mnichem.;
sick, get ((it) happens, (that) living (and) sitting (is) not
good); T ;onemocnt (stane-se (e) bt-iv silent, be;;zticha, bt;I
(a) sedt nen dobr);I
silent, be (sound (does) not escape);;tich, bt
sick: I am not sick. (My life didn't become not
(zvuk neodchz);I
good.); : T ;nemocn:
silently (withoutwithout departing sound); ;tie
Nejsem nemocn. (Mj ivot se nestal nedobrm.);um.
(v mysli, bezbez odchzejcho zvuku);adv.
sick: The woman is sick.; :
;nemocn: (Ta) pan je nemocn.;
sickness (have-fever (or) be-hurt {nouner});;nemoc
(mt-horeku (nebo) bt-zrann {jmenec});n. writ.

silently: (He) tells the saying three times silently, in

mind.; :
T ( ~
T );pro sebe ( ~ "beze zvuku): ekne si (tu)
vtu tikrt pro sebe, tie.;med.

sickness: real sickness (not hypochondriac);:

;nemoc: skuten nemoc (ne

len (almun-ko nen pln); T ()crazy (almsbasket (is) not full);adj. col.;

sickness: sickness called koro;:

;nemoc: nemoc zvan koro;

similar, be (be-similar (and) equal);; podobn, bt (btpodobn (a) rovn);

side; ;strana;n.

similar, be (similar form);;podobn, bt (podobn


sickness;;nemoc;n. P. roga (= sickness)

side-;;postrann;suff. adj.
side: (I) also thank (you), that (you) took the help from the

side of (my) ability.; :
;strana: (J) (ti) tak dkuji, e jsi
si vzal pomoc ze strany (mch) schopnost.;pol.
side: (They) can talk following ( ~ having followed) the side
( ~ group of speakers), which (they) themselves agree with
(and) like.; :

T ;strana: Mohou mluvit nsledujce (tu) stranu
( ~ skupinu mluvch), se kterou sami souhlas (a) kterou maj
rdi.;pol. col.
side: of friend on the side;: ;strana: od
kamarda na stran;
side: We build stages over sidewalks and dancing groups
dance on these stages.;:
;strana: Stavme pdia nad
chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a tanen skupiny na nich
sidewalk: We build stages over sidewalks and dancing groups
dance on these stages.; :
;chodnk (postrann cesta):
Stavme pdia nad chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a
tanen skupiny na nich tancuj.;pol.
sight;T ;vidn;n.
sign (signature, write (and) pierce);;podepsat
(podpisem, pst (a) propichovat);T

similar, be: (It) is similar to Pi language.;:

;podobn, bt: Je podobn jazyce pi.;writ.
similar: May similar happen (to you too, answer to a
somebody's blessing).;: T ;podobn: K
se podobn stane (i tob, odpov na n ehnn).;w. pol.
similarly (similar form);;podobn (podobn
similarly (as well as);;podobn (jako i);conj.
simile: The Buddha gives a simile with (his previous)
(T ) T ;podobenstv: Buddha (to)
ukazuje na pkladu svho minulho ivota. (Buddha dv
pklad se svm (minulm) zrozenm.);
simple, be; ;jednoduch, bt;I

simple, be (be-easy (and) assisting);;jednoduch, bt

(bt-snadn (a) pomocn);I
simple, be (easy, be-easy (and) beassisted);;jednoduch, bt (snadn, bt-snadn (a)
simplest (clearest);;nejjednodu (nejjasnj);adj.
simply; ;prost;suff. adv.

simultaneously; ;zrove (souasn);adv.

sin (bad manner);;hch (patn chovn);n. P.


sin (non-goodness); ;hch (nedobrota);n.

sign (signature): (Father) himself signed ( ~ "signed signature) since; T;od (asov) ode (dne)
on a piece of paper so that I can become monk.;:
ponvad;prep. (or) conj. (or) suff. conj.


since (finished starting from (and) from);;ode

(ukoneno zann od (a) od);suff.

singer (great speaker); ( )

( );zpvk (velk mluvi);sg.

since (an event); - ( ~ - ) (- single (not married, one skin, one

);od (doby);prep.
body); ;svobodn (neenat, nevdan,
jedna ke, jedno tlo);adj.
since that time (since that time);;od t doby
(od t doby);adv.

since that time: Since that time, indeed, English government in

various ways tyrannized (and) oppressed the
T ;od t doby: Od t doby
anglick vlda rznmi zpsoby utiskovala (a) utlaovala lid
Myanmaru ( ~ Myanmary).;p.s. writ.
since then: Since then the Myanmar citizens, unceasingly
participating in the opposing strikes against the English
government, demanded independence.;:
;od t doby: Od t doby se Myanmart
obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek proti anglick
vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol. writ.
since: He('s been) arrivedto this city on Friday.; :
;od, ji: Pijel do
tohoto msta ji (od) ptku.;pol.
since: I('ve been) arrived since 3 o'clock.; :
;od, ji: Dostavil jsem
se ji ve ti. (Ji od t (jsem) J piel.);pol. um.
since: It is said, that since childhood Nga Nyo has been always
reading (writings).; :
;od, ji: k se, e ji od dtstv a o pod
etl (psan).;

single (not married, esp. for women);;svobodn (nevdan,

zejm. pro eny);adj.
single (not married, for women); ;svobodn (nikoliv
vdan, o ench);adj. f.
single (not married): The woman is single.;:
T ;svobodn (ne v manelskm svazku): (Ta) ena je
singular; [ekous];jednotn .;gram. adj. P. eka-vacana (=
one word)
Sinhalese;;sinhlsk;adj. P. shala (= Sinhalese)

Sinhalese (Indian); [kl:];sinhlsk (indick);adj.

Sinhalese: There are many views regarding these Sinhalese
Ahakath (commentaries).;:

T ;sinhlsk: Je mnoho nzor ohledn
tchto sinhlskch ahakath (koment).;pol. writ.
Sinhalese: There are six books of Sinhalese
T ;sinhlsk: Je est knih sinhlskch
sink; ;potopit se;I
sir (friend); (abbrev. from );pane (pteli);pron. um.

sir (also used as title for names of older men or monks);;pan

(tak uvno jakoto titul ped jmny starch mu i
since: several days since today;: ( mnich);pref.
~ ) ;od: ode dneka nkolik dn;
sir (preceds name);-;pan (ped jmnem);pref.
since: Since (the year) 1830.; : ;od: sir (used as an address to an older unknown man, smal
Od (roku) 1830.;pol.
sir);( );strc (uito k osloven starho,
since: Since I've met him I like (him).; :
neznmho pna, mal pn);voc.
;od (doby): Od (doby co jsem) ho
sir: Greetings, sir. (used by men); : ;pane:
potkal, mm (ho) rd.;
Zdravm, pane. (uvno mui);uw.
since: since the day of (my) arrival;: ;ode:
ode dne (mho) pjezdu;
since: Since today he will no more drink beer.;:
;od: Ode dneka u (nikdy) vc nebude
pt pivo.;
since: since yesterday;: ;od: od verejka;

sir: Sir, who will you live with?;: ;pn:

Pane, s km budete t?;inter. fut. col.
sir: You say, that (you) are going to take a photo of me ( ~
"sir)?;: ;pn: k, e si
vyfot m ( ~ "pna)?;inter. fut.
siren;( ) ;sirna;sg.

siren (sound (of) siren giving sign);

since: Therefore, since the independence they call it National ( );sirna (zvuk sirny dvajc znamen);sg.
sister (elder); ( ) ( ) (from
;ode (dne): Proto ode (dne) nezvislosti to nazvaj );sestra (star);sg. writ. (or) sg.
Nrodn Den.;pl. writ. pol.
sister (elder): (I) have one elder brother, one elder sister and
two younger sisters.;:
sing (+ song): Birds are singing.; :
;sestra (star): Mm jednoho starho
;zpvat (+ pse): Ptci zpvaj.;writ.
bratra, jednu star sestru a dv mlad sestry.;pol.
sing (sing melody);; zpvat (zpvat melodii);T
sister (used as an address to a woman of similar age as the
Singapore (city-state);() ;Singapur (mstsk stt);name addressee, elder sister);;sestro (uito k osloven eny
singer (great (in) singing); ( );zpvk
stejnho vku jako je oslovujc, star sestro);voc.
(ohromn (ve) zpvn);sg.


sister (younger, affectionate

address);( );sestra (mlad, citov zaloen

sitting: Ask them to sit. (Request to them sitting.;:

();sezen: Podej je aby si sedli. (Podej
je sednout (si).);imper. pol.

sister (younger, historically used only by female

relatives);( );sestra (mlad, historicky uvno
pouze enskmi pbuznmi);sg.

situation (basis (and) situation);T;situace (zklad (a)


sister (younger, historically used only by male relatives, today

not much in use);( );sestra (mlad, historicky
uvno pouze muskmi pbuznmi, dnes se ji moc
neuv);sg. writ.

situation (state (and) placement);;poloha (stav (a)

umstn);n. writ.
situation: regarding the geophysical situation;:
( ~ )
ohledn geofyzick polohy;writ.

sister (younger): (I) have one elder brother, one elder sister
and two younger sisters.;:
;sestra (mlad): Mm jednoho starho
bratra, jednu star sestru a dv mlad sestry.;pol.

situation: This is a hopeless situation, in Sri Lanka.;:

T ;situace: To je beznadjn situace, na Sr

sister, elder: (I write) to elder sister from Mandalay.; :

;sestra, star: (Pi) star seste z
Mandalaje.;pol. ans.

six;T ;est;num.

sit;;sednout si sedt;I (or) T

size; ;mra;n. P. pama (= size) (or) n.

sit (occupy place): As for the leader of defendants sitting ( ~

occupying place) on my left, (she) is a statewide known
writer, Mrs. Ngwe Khet.;:

;sedt (zabrat msto): Co se te
vdce mluvch neptelsk strany ( ~ vyvrace) sedcch ( ~
zabrajcch msto) po m lev stran, je to celosttn znm
spisovatelka p. Nue Khek.;pol. um.
sit (take (and) fix place);;sedt (brt (a)
upevovat msto);T

sixt;;est;num. P. chahama (= sixth)

sixteenth, a; ;estnctina;n.
ski (slide (and) ride out (on) hard snow); T
;lyovat (klouzat (a) dit venku (na) tvrdm
ski (slide (and) ride out (on) hard water); T
;lyovat (klouzat (a) dit venku (na) tvrd vod);T
skilful: Also men think, that they are more skilful.; :
;dovedn: Tak mui si
mysl, e jsou dovednj.;
skilfully (skilfully (and) excellently); ;zrun
(dovedn (a) vborn);adv.

sit (for exam) (answer): I will go to Yangon after (I) sit for ( ~ skill; ;schopnost;n.
answer) the exam.;T: T skill (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner}); ;schopnost
;zastnit se (zkouky) (odpovdt): Pojedu do
(bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec});n.
Rangnu a po zkouce ( ~ a zodpovm zkouku).;fut.
skill (be-skillful {nouner}); (exaggerated form of
sit down;;sednout si;T
);schopnost (bt-schopen {jmenec});n.
sit: Ask ( ~ "request") them to sit.;:
skill (can (and) be-skillful {nouner});
;posadit se: Podej je ( ~ "nai jim") (a) se
(exaggerated form of );schopnost (moci (a) btposad.;imper. pol.
schopen {jmenec});n.
sit: Do not sit down.;: ;sedt: Nesedejte si.;imper.

skill, have; ;dovednost, mt;I

skill: Your skill in Myanmar writing is just incredible.; :

T ;schopnost:
sit: I happen to sit in the shop whole the time ( ~ life).;:
Tvoje schopnost v psan Myanmarsky je prost
T ;sedt: (Stalo (se, e)) sedm neuviteln.;pol. col.
v obchod celou dobu ( ~ ivot).;pol.
skilled in, be; (exaggerated form of ) ;dovedn v,
sit: Do not sit!;: ; sednout si: Nesedej si!;imper.

sit: I secretly ate butter sitting near the fridge.;:

( ~
);sedt: Sedl jsem u ledniky (a) tajn
jsem (j) jedl mslo.;p.s. writ.
sit: Sit down here.;: ;sedt: Sednte si
tady.;imper. pol.
sit. The woman who is sitting on the road is poor.;:
;sedt: (Ta) ena
kter sed na ulici je chud.;
sitting cloth (sitting (and) sitting
spreading); ;sezen, prosten kus ltky na
(prostrn (na) sezen (a) sezen);n. P. nisdana (= sitting)

bt zrun v, bt;I

skilled in, be : (I) am not skilled in English.; :

;umt ( ~ "bt-dovedn): Neumm moc anglicky.
(Nejsem dovedn v anglitin.);pol.
skilled, be; ;dovedn, bt;I
skilled, be (be-skilled (and) excel {nouner}); ;zdatn,
bt (bt-dovedn (a) vynikat {jmenec});I
skilled, be. You are (being) skilled in Myanmar (language) just
very much, aren't (you)?;: T
;dovedn, bt: Jsi prost velice dovedn v Myanmarskm
jazyce, e?;col.
skilled: (I) revere (you), who is well skilled in what is not (your)


mother tongue.; : ( ~ )
jedenct hodin jdu (do postele a) spm.;pol. um.

sleep: Because I didn't sleep well, (I) am so tired. (Because
;dovedn: Ctm (tebe,) kter je dobe dovedn v my sleep (was) not sufficient, (I) am extremely tired.);:
tom, co nen (tvou) matetinou.;pol.
;spt: Ponvad jsem
skillful, be (clever (and) shrewd); ;ikovn, bt
nespal dobe, jsem moc unaven. (Ponvad mj spnek (byl)
(chytr (a) mazan);I
nedostaten, jsem extrm unaven.);um.
skin; ;ke;n.
skin (skin (which is) flat);T;ke (ke (kter je)
skin: Baby's skin is white.;: T ;ke:
Miminina ke je bl.;
skin: pig's skin;T: T;ke: prase ke;
skipping rope (rope of jumping (over)
rope); ;vihadlo (provaz skkn (pes)

sleep: having gone to sleep;: ;spt: po tom, co (jsem)

el spt;p.p.
sleep: I'll go to sleep only late at night.;:
;noci, spt: Pjdu spt jen pozd v noci.;fut.

sleep: Sleep ahead.;:

;spt: Spi naped.;pol. writ.
sleep: To have a good sleep, sleep much.;:
;spnek: Spi podn abys mla
dobr spnek.;imper. pol.
sleight of hand; ;triky (jevitn magie);n.

skirt; ( );sukn;sg. E. skirt

slice; T T ;krjet (na pltky);T

sky;;obloha nebe;n.

slide;;svalit se;T

sky (good kamma); ;obloha (dobr kamma) nebe slightly; ;ponkud;adv.

(dobr kamma);n. P. kamma (= intentionally-done-action)
slim, be;;huben, bt;I
sky: A plane is flying in the sky.; :
slim, be (slender (and) thin);;huben, bt (tl (a)
;nebe: Letado lt v nebi.;cont.
sky: The clouds in the sky are being thick.; :
;obloha: Mraky na obloze jsou
(najednou) velk ( ~ tlust);p.p.

slippers, a pair of (press (and) be-smart); ( );abek,

pr (boty, tlait (a) bt-chytr);sg.

slang (slang language); ;slang (slangov jazyk);n.

slow, be (not quick);T ;pomal, bt (ne rychl);I

slow, be;;pomal, bt;I

slang: (He) learns the Burmese slang.; : slow: While using Internet here, it is slow, (so) there may be
;slang: U se Barmsk slang.;
(occasions) of not much satisfaction.;: internet
lechtic;( );nobleman;sg.
T ;pomal:
sleep; ;spnek spt spnek (o span);T (or) n. Bhem pouvn internetu, je pomal, (a tak) mohou bt
(chvle) nevelk spokojenosti.;pol. col.
sleep (sleep (and) sleep); ;spt (spt (a) spt);T
sleep (sleep {nouner});;spnek (spt {jmenec});n.

slowly;T T TT;pomalu;adv.

sleep (have a stretch of sleep, sleep one

stretch);;odpoinek (mt jeden sek spnku, spt
jeden sek);T

slowly slowly;T T ;pomalouku polehouku;adv.

sleep, a stretch of;;spnku, sek;sg.

slowly: As there is a traffic jam, the cars must go

TT ;pomalu: Ponvad je dopravn
zcpa, auta mus jet pomalu.;

sleep, a stretch: When the rabbit arrived to the turf, (it) said:
while approaching the goal, in order to wait for (the) turtle, I
will first take a rest and indeed, slept (a stretch of
sleep).;: T

;spnku, sek: Kdy krlk dorazil na trvnk,
ekl: zatmco se pibliuji k cli, abych posekal na elvu,
nejprve si odponu a vskutku, spal (sek spnku).;writ.
sleep: (time of) four hours sleeping at night was not enough,
indeed;: ;spnek:
tyi hodiny ( ~ "as ty hodin) spnku v noci, vskutku,
nestaily.;p.s. writ.
sleep: (I) must go to sleep.;: ;spt: Musm
jt spt.;
sleep: (I) still haven't been sleeping (during) this night.;:
;spt: Jet jsem (bhem thle
noci) nespal.;pol. col.
sleep: At eleven o'clock I go (to bed and) sleep, indeed.;:
;spt: Vskutku, v


slowly: (He) walks slowly.;TT: TT

;pomalu: Chod pomalu.;cont.

slowly: Because it's foggy, cars must go ( ~ drive)

slowly.;TT: T
TT ;pomalu: Protoe je mlha, auta mus jet ( ~
dit) pomalu.;
slowly: I eat slowly;TT: TT ;pomalu:
Jm pomalu.;um.
slowly: Speak slowly!.;TT: TT T;pomalu:
Mluv(te) pomalu!;imper. pol.
sly ((of) crooked thinking); ;prohnan (vychytral,
pokivenho mylen);adj.
small ( ~ young): If (you) want to be again small, ( ~ young)
(you) have to shrink (again).; : T
T ;mal ( ~ mlad): Jestli chce bt znovu mal ( ~
mlad), mus se (znovu) scvrknout.;jk.
small (small (and) small); ;mal (mal (a) mal);adj.

small (by age): Because (she) is a small girl, she doesn't have
wisdom.; : T
T ;mal (vkem): Protoe je to mal holka,
nen moudr ( ~ "one nem moudrost).;pol. spis.

;usmvat se: kdyby se na obrzku usmvala;

small, be; ;dlouh, bt mal, bt;I

smoke (drink cigarette);

;kouit (pt cigaretu);T

small, be (small (and) small); ;mal, bt (mal (a)

small, be (by age, (small age); ;mal, bt (vkem,
(mal vk);I

smoke (drink); ;kouit (pt);T

smoke (drink): (He) smokes cigarettes.; :
;kouit (pt): Kou cigarety.;

smoke (fire's smoke);;kouit (ohv kou) kou (kou

ohn);T (or) n.

smoke (a drug);;kouit (drogu);T

small, be: (It) is a small insect.; :
smooth; ;hladk;adv.
T ;mal, bt: (Je to) mal hmyz.; smooth, be;;hladk, bt;I
small, very; ;malikat,
smooth, be (smooth (and) pleasant);;hladk, bt
velice;adj. col.. (or) adj.
(hladk (a) pjemn);I
small, very: (There) are only very small deficiencies (in the
writing).; : ( ) ;mal, velice: (V
tom psan) jsou jen velice mal nedostatky.;pol. col.

small: (It) is alright to have opened many programs ( ~ "files)

with small letters at once.;:

;mal: Je v podku mt oteveno
mnoho program ( ~ "soubor) s malmi psmeny najednou.;
small: (It) little by little becomes small.; :
T T ;mal: Postn se zmenuje ( ~
"stv-se malm);
small: a small ball;: ;mal: mal
small: small table; : :
;mal: mal stl;

smooth, be (smooth (and) smooth);;hladk, bt

(hladk (a) hladk);I
smooth, be (about one's speech or manners, pleasing (and)
wronging);TT ;hladk, bt (o nch zpsobech i ei,
pjemn (a) chybujc);I
smooth: Indeed, (I) wish (you) much that (your) path (you)
travel by is smooth.;:
;hladk: Vskutku, moc (ti) peji,
aby (tv) cesta (kterou) cestuje byla hladk.;w. pol.
smoothly; ;hladce;adv.
snack; ( );zkusek;sg.

snack (small food); ( );svaina (mal jdlo);sg.

snack: Give snack to him too.; : ;zkusek:

Jemu taky dej zkusek.;imper. pol.

small: The black car is smaller than the car of light color.;: snacks (num. class.): How many (snacks) will (you) take?;:
;zkusky (itatel): Kolik (zkusk) si
(To) ern auto je men ne (to) auto svtl barvy.;
vezme?;fut. inter.
small: to a small notebook; :
snail;( );nek;sg.
; mal: do malho notsku;
snake;( );had;sg.
smaller; ;men;adj.

smallest (most small); ;nejmen (nejvce


snake: Snake is just the smallest animal.;:

;had: Had je (prost) nejmen zve.;

snapshot, take a; ;fotit;T

smallest: Snake is just the smallest animal.; :
sniff (breath (and) thrust-into);;upat (dchat (a)
;nejmen: Had je (prost) nejmen zve.; zaret-do);T
smart, be; ;bystr, bt;I
snow (falls); ();snh (pad);.n.

smell (odor, smell objects);; zpach (pedmty ichu);n. snow: After snow falls, (the weather) is cold.;:
P. gandhrammaa (= smell-objects)
;snh: Po (tom, co) napad snh, je zima ( ~
smell (usually bad); ;zpach (obvykle nepjemn);n.
studen poas).;
smell: (I) realize the smelling of smells.;:
snuff (breath (and) thrust-into);;vdechovat nosem
T : T (dchat (a) zaret-do);T
;pach: Uvdomm si ichn pach. ichat: snuggling, be (wrap (with) warmth);;ptuln, bt
Uvdomm si ichn pach.;
((bt) teplem obalujc);I
smelling (taking smells {nouner});T ;ichn (bran
pach {jmenec});n.
smile; [y] ;usmvat se;T
smile: (I) am just always smiling.;:
;usmvat se: Prost se pod usmvm.;pol. cont.

so; ; take tak;conj. (or) conj. col.
so (after this);;take (po tomto);conj.
so (by this);T;take (skrze toto);conj.

so (much); ;tak (moc);adv.

smile: Because I am happy, (I) am smiling.; :
so (much): The old women is so weak.;:
;usmvat se: Protoe jsem astn, smji se.;col.
;tak (moc): (Ta) star pan je tak slab.;
cont. uw.
so (so much); ;tak (tak moc);adv.
smile: if (she) were smiling in the picture;:
so as to (followed by a verb); ;aby;conj.


so far;;zatm;suff.

soap (millet ash); T( );mdlo (prosa-popel);sg.

so far: So far (it) has been ( ~ "is) only ten days.;:

social work );;sociln prce );n.
;zatm: Zatm (to) bylo jen deset social work (issues (and) work);;sociln prce
(zleitosti (a) prce);n.
so much; social work: social work in village;:
;tak moc
;sociln prce: sociln prce na vesnici;n.
hrozn (hodn) tolik hrozn moc;adv. col. (or) suff. adv. (or) society; ( );spolenost (skupina)
spolenost;n. P. samagga (= union) (or) sg.
so much (indeed, very-much); ;tak moc
(vskutku, velice);

so much: (I) am sick ( ~ "life is not good) because my head

aches so much, .;:
;hrozn moc: Jsem nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen
dobr), protoe m hrozn moc bol hlava.;uw.
so much: (You) can talk so much. (expressed as a
praise); : T ;tak
moc: (Ty) toho doke tolik ct. (vyjdeno coby pochvala);

society (association); ;spolek (asociace);n.

society (in general, people stretch-out
much); ;spolenost (veobecn, lid se-roztahuj
society (large social grouping, union (and)
bundle); ;spolenost (velk sociln uskupen,
sjednocen (a) svazek);n.

society: (You) meditate in your present life, in (your) present

environment (and) in (your) present society.; :
so much: Because I am so much coughing, (I) am sick ( ~ "life () () ( ~
is not good).;:
) ;spolenost:
;hrozn moc: Protoe hrozn moc kalu, jsem
Medituje ve svm ptomnm ivot, ve (svm) ptomnm
nemocn ( ~ "ivot nen dobr).;cont. uw.
prosted (a) ve (sv) ptomn spolenosti.;pol.
so much: Because I am so much sad, (I) want to cry.;:
society: It happens rarely, that the foreigners would be
;tak moc: Protoe jsem tak moc accepted as genuine part of the society (they) live
smutn, chce se mi breet ( ~ plakat).;
in.; : T

so much: It is not so much yet. (humble comment on one's

compliment of knowledge); :
( ~ T T
;tolik: Tolik to jet nen. (skromn koment na T T T );spolenost:
vlastn pochvalu);pol.
Stv se zdkakdy, e by byli cizinci povaovni za
so much: Thank you so much!; :
opravdovou soust spolenosti, kde ij.;pol.
;hrozn moc: Hrozn moc dkuji!;pol.
socks, a pair of;T( );ponoek, pr;sg.
so much: The statue was thus created as (he) so much loved
his queen, who died at the place.;:
;moc, tak: Ta socha
byla takto vytvoena, protoe tolik moc miloval svou krlovnu,
kter na tomto mst zemela.;pol.

Socrates (Greek filosopher);; Sokrates (eck


so that; ;tak, aby;conj.

soft, be; ;mkk, bt;I (or) I un.

so that: Because I cannot tell it so that (you) understand

thoroughly.; :
T ;tak, aby: Protoe to neumm ct tak, abys to
pochopil pln.;col. pol. uw.
so what? (after this);;tak co? (po tomto);inter. col.
So, what? (used to encourage sb. to do sth.); ;Tak,
co? (uito k povzbuzen nkoho k udln neho);inter. col.
so: (I) am so bad. (about inappropriate thinking);:
;tak: Jsem tak patn. (o nevhodnm mylen);col.
so: So that (it) will become serial.;: ;take:
Take to bude opakovan. (Take se (to) stane
opakovanm.);fut. col.

so: So, (I'm) late for the class.;:

;take: Take jdu na lekci pozd. (Take lekce je
so? (after this);;tak? (po tomto);inter. col.

Socrates, Master (Greek filosopher);

;Sokrates, Mistr (eck filosof);name
sofa;( );pohovka;sg. E. sofa
soft, be ((of) soft life); ;nn, bt (mkkho ivota);I
soft, be (be-small (and) delightful);;nn, bt (bt-mal
(a) rozkon);I
soft, be (tender, soft, small (and) delightful);;jemn,
bt (nn, jemn, mal (a) rozkon);I
soft: This pillow is soft.;: ;mkk:
Tento polt je mkk.;
softly (calmly); ;jemn (klidn);adv.
software (play-around-with (and) circle-above);;software
(pohrvat-si-s (a) krouit-nad);n. E. software
soldier (brave silver); ( );vojk (staten
soldier (war man); ( );vojk (vlen

soldier: This man is a statue ( ~ form) of a soldier made by

( ~ hammered with) stone.; :
soap (blue millet); T( );mdlo (modr proso);sg. T ( ~


T );vojk: Tento mu
je socha ( ~ podoba) vojka zhotoven z ( ~ utluen s)
sole (leg's palm);T( );pata (dla nohy);sg.

destroyed, many indeed remain.;:

Pestoe byly nkter znieny zemtesenm, mnoho se
vskutku dochovalo.;pol.

sole: two soles;T: T;pata: dv paty;

somebody; (from )
;nkdo;pron. col. (or) pron.

solid, sth.; ;tvrdho, nco;n.

somebody (a couple (or) a person); ;nkdo

(njak pr (nebo) njak lovk);n.

solid; ;pevn;n.

solution;T( );een;sg.
solution (method (to) clarify (and)
solve);T ( );een (zpsob osvtlen (a)

somebody: (He) makes a secret plot against

somebody.; :
;nkdo: Kuje na nkoho pikle. (Dl proti
nkomu tajn pln.);writ.

somebody: (The word) is much used in the kind of places,

where (sb.) doesn't want to tell (sth.).; :
;nkdo: Uv se (toho
solve: There is one more problem to solve.;T: T
ta msta ( ~ "v druhu mst), kde (nkdo) nechce
T ;vyeit: Jet je tu jeden problm k


solve (answer (and) clarify);T;vyeit (odpovdt (a)

somebody: Somebody is sprinkling pepper on the

meat.; :
some (little (and) summary); ;nkolik (trochu (a) T ;nkdo: Nkdo sype pep na
somebody: Somebody will come today.; :
some (people, a-some, a-half); ;nkte (lid,
;nkdo: Nkdo dnes pijde.;fut.
nkte, polovina);pron. col.
some; ;nkter nkte
nkolik;pron. col. (or) pron. acc. (or) pron.

some (people): As for by some (people), (they) are only just

lying (lies).; : T
( ~ );nkte (lid): Co se te nkterch (lid),
prost, jenom lou ( ~ "lou li).;col. pol.


somehow (by a method (or another)

method);" T;";njak (jedna metoda (nebo) druh

some (people): As for some people, (they) think, that men can
perform (duties) more.;:
;nkte (lid): Co se te
nkterch lid, mysl si, e mui jsou vce schopn konat

something; (from );nco;pron. (or) n.

T ;nkolik: Dole (ti) napu ( ~

"uku) nkolik pklad.;fut.

sometimes (one time one wind); ;nkdy (jeden

as jeden vtr);adv.

something (one (of) variety, one thing); ;nco (jedno

(z) rznosti, jedna vc);n.
something: Do (you) have something to eat?; :
;nco: Mte nco k jdlu ( ~ jezen)?;inter.

sometimes (one time one instance); ;nkdy (jeden

some (people): Some (of them) do not know about
meditation.;: ;nkte (lid): as jeden moment);adv.
sometimes (one time one time); ;nkdy (jeden as
Nkte (lid) nev o meditaci.;
jeden as);adv.
some: (I) will show (you) some examples below.; :

some: After some time. (When some 'laters' last.);:

( ~ ( )
);njak (asov): Za njakou dobu. (Kdy njak
'pozdjky' potrvaj.);
some: As for some, (they) make groups and go around in big
and small cars.;:

) ;nkte: A nkte
utvo skupinky a projd se ve velkch a malch autech.;col.
some: As for some, many, people, (they) do not observe (the
rules).;: ;nkte: Co se
te nkterch, mnoha, lid, (pravidla) nedodruj.;pol.
some: Some students come.;:
(~ );nkte: Nkte studenti
pichzej.;col. pol.
some: Thought due to the earthquake, some have been

sometimes (one time, one instance); (from )

;nkdy (jednu dobu, jeden okamik);adv.
sometimes: Sometimes (there) is nobody near the
computer.;: ;nkdy:
Nkdy u potae nen nikdo.;col. pol.
sometimes: Sometimes, there may be also duties, of which
carrying them out together by men and women is

;nkdy: Nkdy jsou tak povinnosti,
jejich vykonn mui i enami pospolu je vhodn.;pol.
somewhat (little, little); ;ponkud (ponkud, trochu,
somewhere; ;nkam;adv.
somewhere: Whenever you come, (you) have to leave quickly
somewhere.; :
T ;nkam: Kdykoliv pijde, mus rychle


nkam jt.;fut. col.

son;( );syn;sg.
son ( ~ "(num. class. for people)): (I have) three sons (and)
two daughters.; : ;syn ( ~
"(itatel lid)): (Mm) ti syny (a) dv dcery.;col.
son (affectionate address by mother);;synu (matino
voln);voc. col.
son: He gives a bag to his son.;:
;syn: (On) svmu synovi dv taku.;
son: Is (it) son or daughter?;: ;syn: Je
(to) syn nebo dcera?;inter.
son: Son is (already) eight years (old).;:
;syn: Synovi je u osm (let).;p.p.

(I) am not clever.); : ;omluva (nechytr):

Omlouvm se. (uito po mal tlesn nehod nebo jin
nepjemnosti zpsoben sama sebou, Protoe jsem
sorry (expression used after making a mistake);;sorry
(CZ col., vraz uvan po uinn chyby);interj. col. E. sorry
sorry (let me speak, about one (moment of being)
quiet); ;pardon (nechte m promluvit, asi jeden
(moment byt) zticha);interj.
sorry for inability to offer food to a monk, be (sorry
food); ;litovat neschopnost nabdnout mnichovi jdlo
(jdlo ltosti);I interj.
sorry, be; ;lto, bt nkomu;I

son: What is the son (still) doing?;:

( ~ );syn: Co (n)
syn (stle) dl?;inter. lett.

sorry, be (request (and) beg); ;omluvit se (dat (a)


songs: If (I want) to listen to songs, (I) listen.; :

;psniky: Kdy (chci)
poslouchat psniky, tak poslouchm.;pol. col.

sorry, be: I am sorry that (my) reply is late.; :

T ;omluvit se: Omlouvm
se, e se (m) odpov zpozdila.;pol.

sorry, be (stomach (is) small); ;litovat (aludek (je)

son: Whose son are you?;: ;syn: jsi mal);T
sorry, be: (I) am sorry for disturbing (you). (may be used in the
(ty) syn?;inter. col. um.
beginning of a conversation);:
song; ( ) ( ) ( )
;omlouvat se: Omlouvm se, e rum. (lze pout
( );pse psnika psnika (CZ col.);n. (or) sg.
na zatku konverzace);pol.
song: (He) listens to songs.; :
sorry, be: (I) am sorry that (I) got little bit late.; :
;psnika: Poslouch psniky.;
;omluvit se:
song: song (sang) by Myanmar natives; :
T ;pse: pse (zpvan) rodilmi Myanmary; Omlouvm se, e jsem se trochu zpozdil.;p.s. pol.

soon; ;brzy;adv.. writ. (or) adv. writ.

soon (last great); ;brzy (trvat ohrom);adv. col.

sorry, be: No, sorry.; : ;litovat:

Ne, lituji.;pol.

sorry: (I'm) just sorry, ok?;: ;promite:

soon: Also, if (you) do not offer anything, soon the mosquitoes Promite (mi), ano? (Prost se-omlouvm, ano?);col.
sorry: (I'm) just sorry.;: ;sorry: (Prost)
will come ( ~ "enter) and lay (their) eggs.; :
T ;brzy: Tak, pokud nic
sorry: (I'm) sorry, ok?;: ;promite: Promite
nenabdne, brzy pilet ( ~ "vejdou) komi a (zanou) klst
(mi), ano?;col.
vajka.;fut. col. sl.
soon (not lasting before); ;brzy (netrvajc ped);adv.

soon: I will eat just soon.; :

;brzy: Budu jst u brzy.;fut. pol. um.
soon: Soon it will be raining.; :
;brzy: Brzy bude pret.;fut.
soon: The actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much
beloved by the spectators, will soon become superb.; :
;brzy: Herec Jdai,
kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy stane
sore (be painful);;bolest (bt bolestiv);I

sorry: I am sorry.; : ;omluva:

Omlouvm se. prominout: Promite. (Omlouvm se.);

sorry: I am sorry. (after saying something wrong);:

;omluva: Omlouvm se. (po vyen neho
nesprvnho);pol. ubmn.
sorry: Sorry, I don't know the way.;:
;omluvte m: Omluvte m, neznm to tady.
(Protoe j cestu neznm.);pol. um.
sort (collect similar kinds);;tdit (sbrat podobn
sort (done specially);( );typ (udlan

sorry (because);;omluvte m (protoe);suff.

sort (into types);;tdit;T

accident or other inconvenience caused by oneself, Because

sound (strength (of) sound);;zvuk (sla zvuku);n.

sorry (due-to not cleverness): I am sorry. (Because (I) am not sort out;;roztdit;T
sort out: sort out those parts;: ;roztdit:
clever.); : ;omluva (kvli nechytrosti):
roztdit ty sti;v.
Omlouvm se. (Protoe nejsem chytr.) promit (kvli
sorts (kinds (and) types);;druhy (druhy (a)
nechytrosti): Promite. (Protoe nejsem chytr.);pol.
sorry (not clever): I am sorry. (used after a small bodily


P. bala (= strength, power)


sound, make a;T ;zvuk, udlat;T

speak: (I) can speak only in English.;T:

T ;mluvit: Umm mluvit pouze anglicky (v

sound, without (withoutwithout departing

sound); ;pro sebe (kat si v mysli, bezbez
odchzejcho zvuku);adv.

speak: (I) cannot speak (English).;T: T ;mluvit:

sound, without (about words, in mind);;tie (o slovech Neumm (anglicky). ((I) cannot speak (anglicky).);
v mysli);adv.
speak: (I) speak about the female supporters.;T:
T;mluvit: Mluvm o podporovatelkch.;pol.
sound: coming sounds;: ;zvuk:
pichzejc zvuky;

soup (boiled soup); ( );polvka (polvka

uveden-k-varu);sg. (portion) E. soup
soup, light (sweet curry); ;polvka, lehk (sladk
soup: drink soup; : ;polvka: jst ( ~
pt) polvku;

speak: (I) still cannot speak much (well in Burmese).;T:

T ;mluvit: Jet (Barmsky) moc (dobe)
neumm (mluvit).;pol.
speak: as (I) see, that (you) can speak and write;T:
TT ;mluvit: ponvad vidm, e um
mluvit a pst;

speak: As for (what) is planned, as is the custom, (the

soup: Soup is hot.; : ;polvka: Polvka je speakers) will talk (as follows,) the proposer one turn (and) the
defendant one turn. (Each turn another speaking group will
sour; ;kysel;adj.
source (of information, book referred-to (and) book spreading- T T ;mluvit: Co se te
naplnovanho, jak je zvykem, (mluv) budou mluvit tak, e
out); ;pramen (kniha odkazovan (a) kniha
navrhovatel (bude mluvit) jedno kolo (a) vyvrace (tak) jedno
kolo. (Tj. kad kolo bude mluvit ta jin skupina).;pol.
south; ;Jih;n.

speak: Can you speak in English (language)?;T:

South Pole (south spot (of the) axis); ;Jin Pl T ;mluvit: Mluvte anglicky?
(Dokete mluvit anglickm jazykem?);inter.
(jin skvrna osy);n.
speak: I can speak in Myanmar language better ( ~ more)
South-East direction (East South); ;Jihovchod
than in Mon language.;T: T
(Vchod Sever);adv.
T ;mluvit: Umm mluvit Myanmarskm jazykem lpe
South: mountains are in the South; :
( ~ vce) ne Monskm jazykem.;
;hora: hory jsou na jihu;
speak: I can't speak in English.;T:
South: South-East Asia; : ;Jih:
T ;mluvit: Neumm mluvit anglicky.;pol. uw.
Jihovchodn Asie;adv.
speak: Speak in Burmese.;T: T;mluvit: Mluv
space, free );;msto, voln );n.
barmsky.;imper. pol.
space, free: There is no free space in the bookshelf in the
speak: Speak slowly!.;T: TT T;mluvit: Mluv(te)
room.;: ( ~ )
pomalu!;imper. pol.
;msto, voln: Na polici v pokoji nen dn
speak: Speak, ven. Sir.; : ;mluvit: Mluvte, ct.
voln msto.;
spaghetti (whisk (and) pull); ;pagety (nalehat (a)
speak: Then, who can I speak to? (also during telephone
conversation);T: T T;mluvit: Tak s
spaghetti, Italian (Italian spaghetti); ;pagety,
km mohu mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. fut.
italsk (italsk pagety);n. E. italy
speak: Who did he speak with?;T:
spaghetti: (He) is putting Italian spaghetti to the pot.; :
T ;mluvit: S km mluvil?;inter. col.
;pagety: Vkld do hrnce
speaker: Now, may (I), as the chairman, introduce the speakers
italsk pagety.;cont.
to those, who came ( ~ to the audience).;:
Spain (country);() ;panlsko (zem);name

Sparkling (beverage); ;Sparkling (npoj);n. E. Sparkling
;mluv: Nyn, (k,) jakoto pedseda,
pedstavm mluv obecenstvu.;pol.
speak (speak (and) say);T; mluvit (mluvit (a) kat);T
speaking (speech speaking);TT ;mluven (mluvy
speak (tell (and) say);T;speak (povdt (a) ci);T
speak (to monks or kings); ;mluvit (ke krlm nebo
speaking: (Your way of) speaking is very cruel.;T:
T ;mluvit: (Zpsob jakm) mluv, je velice
speak: (He) speaks by mouth.;T: T ;mluvit:
Mluv sty.;
special;;speciln vjimen;adj.
speak: (I) can fairly speak in English.;T:
special, be (separate (and) picked-out);;speciln, bt
T ;mluvit: Anglicky docela umm
(oddlen (a) vybran);I
South (mountains' direction); ;jih (smr hor);n.


special, be (strange, special (and) strange); ;zvltn,

bt (divn, zvltn (a) divn);I

spilt, be;();rozlit, bt vytekl, bt;I

special: Indeed, according to a special system.;:

;speciln: Vskutku, dle
specilnho systmu.;pol.

spinster, old (the Eng. word 'spinster' and any other similar
word as well as the topic itself is extremely offensive in modern
English, however, the Burmese word can be used in common
talk, it is not not offensive);( );panna, star
(CZ slovo je urliv, ale to barmsk slovo lze ut pi bnm
rozhovoru, nen urliv);sg.

special: It is not special.;: ;zvltn: Nen to

(nic) zvltnho.;
special: special boy;: ( ~ T
);vjimen: vjimen chlapec;
special: special explanation;: ;speciln:
speciln vysvtlen;
specialize (do specially);;specializovat se (dlat
speciln; ;speciln;adv.

spin; ;otet se;I

spirit (of a person, blue turtle);T;duch (lovka, modr

spirit (of human, blue turtle);T;duch (lidsk, modr
spirit (personal, mind matter); ;duch (osobn, mentln

specific, be (trim (and) fall);;specifick, be (oezat (a)


spirit (usually good, usually worshiped by village

people); ( );duch (obvykle dobr, obvykle uctvan
specific: (It) is a specific item, which indicates the commentarial vesniany);sg.
spirit house: It is said, that he found one spirit house on the
nature of Sutta Piaka.;:
embarkment of the late near the village.; :
;ducha (bka), dm: k
T ;specifick: Je (to) specifick vc,
se, e nalezl jeden dm ducha (bka) u nalodn u (t)
kter naznauje komenttorsk charakter Sutta Piaky.;writ.
specify (to do or follow sth.);T ;upesnit (co se m dlat i vesnice.;
nsledovat);T S. prasthna

spectacles (pair of glasses, sight glass); ( );brle

(sklo (pro) zrak);sg. (pair)
spectators (people (who) watch (the)
event); ;divci (lid (kte) sleduj udlost);n.
P. parisa (= assembly)
spectators (people); ; divci (lid);pl. P. paris (=
speed ( ~ rate): The car's speed is 40 kms per hour. (Car
drives with rate (of) 40 kilometers (per) an hour.);:
;rychlost: Rychlost auta je
40 km za hodinu. (Auto d s rychlost 40 kilometr (za) jednu
spell: Please, spell your name.; T: T
T;hlskovat: Prosm, hlskuj sv
jmno.;imper. pol.
spelling (form (of) trimming); ;hlskovn (podoba
spelling (letters mixing); ;hlskovn (mchn

spirit house: That is not a spirit house, majesty.; :

;duchv (bkv) dm: To nen
bkv dm, vsosti.;pol.
spirit: modest spirit;T: T;duch (lovka): skromn
duch (lovka);
spirit's house (a house with a (lower) god, spirit's
house); ( );duchem ( ~ bkem), dm s
(duchv dm);sg.
spiritual (regarding mind part);;duchovn
(ohledn sti mysli);adj. P. citta (= mind)
spiritual: spiritual development;:
;duevn: duevn rozvoj;
spittle (imagined stick);;plivanec (pedstavovan
splash by water (especially during Thin-Gyan
festival); ;splachovat vodou (zejmna bhem Tendan
split;;rozdlit roztpit;T

spicy (hot); ;ostr (koenn);I

sponsor (supporter, person or institution, which may provide a

recommendation letter to a foreigner in order to help him or her
to get visa);( );sponzor (podporovatel, osoba
nebo instituce, kter me cizinci poskytnout dopis doporuen
za elem pomoci dostat vzum);sg. col. E. sponsor

spill; ;vylt rozlt se;I (or) T

spoon;( ) ( );lce;sg.

spilled, be: Much of oil is spilled on the road.;():

;rozlit, bt: Na ulici je hodn
rozlitho oleje.;cont. col.

sport shoes ); ( );sportovn boty );sg. (pair)

spherical, be;;kulovit, bt;I

spicy (hot tasty); ;koenn (pliv);adj.

spicy: Which (one) is spicy?; : ;kter: Kter je sponsor: When will (you) get a Myanmar (country)
sponsor?;: T T ;sponzor:
koenn ( ~ pliv)?;inter.
spider (animal, raise (and) support);( );pavouk Kdy bude mt Myanmarskho ( ~ "Myanmarsk zem)
sponzora?;inter. col.
(zdvihnout (a) podpoit);sg.
spilled, be;();vylit, bt;I


sport (playing (by) strength);;sport (hran

sport: (They) are doing a sport.;:

;sport: Sportuj. (dlaj sport).;cont.

sports field (field (of) playing (with)

strength);;sportovn hit (pole hran (si se)

;jaro: Pokud se (stalo) mnoho kvtin

barevnmi (a) pimenmi, pilo jaro.;p.p.
spring: When the leaves become grown ( ~ distributed), the
spring has come.;:
;jaro: Kdy vyroste ( ~ jsou-rozdlen) mnoho
list, pilo jaro.;p.p.

sports, doing: Doing sports is good for

health.;T : T
;sportovn: Sportovn je dobr sprinkle (salt, pepper etc.);T;sypat (sl, pep atd.) posypat
pro zdrav.;
(sol, pepem atd.);T
sportsman (proficient (in)
sport);( );sportovec (zdatn (ve)
sportsman: The sportsman breathes more intensively than the
T T ;sportovec: Sportovec dch intenzivnji
ne (ta) ena.;
sportsman: The sportsmen in white dress (are) losing the
game.;: T
;sportovec: Sportovci v blm dresu prohrvaj
spot (dot, dot, dot); T ( T );puntk
(teka, teka, teka);sg.
spread; ;rozit;T
spread (make);;it (dlat);T
spread (spread (and) be-everywhere);;rozprostt (se,
rozprostt-se (a) bt-vude);I
spread (spread (and) develop);T;rozit se (it-se (a)
spread out;;rozprostt se rozprostt;T
spread under sth.;;rozprostt pod nco;T
spread, be; ;rozen, bt;I

sprinkle (sugar etc., put); ;posypat (cukrem atd., vloit)

sypat (cukr atd., vloit);T
sprinkle: (He) sprinkles sugar into the coffee.; :
;sypat: Sype (si) cukr do kvy.;
sprinkle: (She) is sprinkling salt over the egg.;T:
T ;sypat: Sype sl na vajko.;cont.
sprinkle: Somebody is sprinkling pepper on the meat.;T:
T ;sypat:
Nkdo sype sl na maso.;cont.
spurt; ;stkat;T
squadron (troop bundle); ( );letka (armdn jednotka,
armdn svazek);sg.
square (marking-off);;tverec (vyznaen);n.

square (shape (of) four barriers); ( );tverec

(podoba ty barir);sg. P. catura-anta (= four ends)

squirt (syringe); [pyu.];stkat (stkakou);I
Sri Lanka ( ~ Sinhalese): island of Sri Lanka;:
;Sr Lanka ( ~ Sinhlsk): Sr Lanka (sinhlsk
Sri Lanka (country);() ();Sr Lanka
(zem);name writ. (or) name

spread: May (you) be able to spread the (Buddha's) present ( ~ stable, be (be-calm);;stabiln, bt (bt-klidn);I
the teachings).;: ;it: K jsi schopen it stable, be (calm (and) descending); ;stl, bt (klidn
(Buddhv) dar ( ~ uen).;pol.
(a) sestupujc);I
spread: The boycott of the Yangon University students spread stable: As the electricity is not stable, the connection is not
to various places and quarters and (then) also the provincial
good.;: ;stabiln: Ponvad
students (started to) boycott.;:
nen elektina stabiln, spojen nen dobr.;col.

stadium (sport building);( ) ;stadion (sportovn
;rozit budova);sg.
se: Bojkot student Rangnsk University se rozil do rznch stadium: The stadium is still under construction. (Stadium
mst a tvrt a (pak) tak provinn studentni (zali)
building work still happens.);:
bojkotovat.;pol. writ. pl.
T ;stadin: Stadin se stle stav.
spring (season before summer);;jaro (obdob
ped ltem);n.

spring rolls (roll like snack vegetarian or with shrimp, spread

(and) fried paste); T ( ) (WS. from
T ) T ( );jarn rohlky (zkusek v
podob rohlku vegetarinsk nebo s krevetou, roztaen
(a) usmaen pasta);sg. (or) sg. WS.
spring rolls (roll like snack vegetarian or with shrimp,
spread, rolled-up (and) fried
paste); T ( );jarn rohlky (zkusek v
podob rohlku vegetarinsk nebo s krevetou, roztaen,
zarolovan (a) usmaen pasta);sg.
spring: If many flowers become colorful (and) adequate, the
spring has come.;:

(Stavebn prce (na) stadionu se stle dj.);

staff (carrying-on responsibility); ( );personl

(vykonvajc zodpovdnost);sg.
staff: (They) are very, very weak (in doing their work), the staff
of the office.; :
;zamstnanci: Jsou velice, velice slab (v dln
sv prce), zamstnanci t kancele.;col.
stage; ( ) ( ) ( ;pdium
jevit stupe;n. (or) sg.
stage (high stage); T( ;pdium (vysok
stage: When the people of both sides, proposers (and)
defendants have spoken, somebody from the (other) people ( ~


male workers (and) female civilians) may also come ((and)

enter) on this stage and speak.; T :
T ;jevit: Kdy lid z obou (debatnch) stran,
navrhovatel (svho nzoru) (a) obhjci (jinho nzoru)
domluv, mou nkte z (ostatnch) lid ( ~ pracujcch mu
(a) civilistek) tak pijt ((a) vejt) na toto jevit a

(ukazujce (se)) tancuj.;pol.

stages: We build stages over sidewalks and dancing groups

dance on these stages.; :
;pdia: Stavme pdia nad
chodnky ( ~ postrannmi cestami) a tanen skupiny na nich

star; ( );hvzda;sg. ?n

stain: There is no blood stain on the hand.;:

;skvrna: Na ruce nen dn skvrna krve.;
stained, be;;poskvrnn, bt potsnn, bt;I

stairs (boat extension);( );schody (rozen

stairs: Stairs of this house are very beautiful.;:
;schody: Schody tohoto domu jsou
velice krsn.;col.

stand: A cow is standing on the field.; :

T ;stt: Krva stoj na poli.;cont.
standard; ( );norma;sg.
standard (level (and) standard); ( );norma
(rove (a) norma);sg.
stanza (a grouping of lines with a set pattern of meter and
rhyme);( );stanza (skupina dek uritho vzorce
metriky a rytmu);sg.
starring, be (in a movie);;hrt hlavn roli (ve filmu);T
starring, be: In this movie he is starring as a villain.;:
T ;hrt hlavn roli (ve filmu): V
tomto filmu hraje hlavn roli darebka.;pol.
start; ;zat potek;T (or) n.
start ((and) leave): Start from the latest (position).;:
;zat ((a) zanechat): Zat z pozice,
(kter je) na poslednm mst ( ~ nejvce vzadu);.
start (put start); ;zat (poloit zatek);T
start (also in competition, start (and) record); ;zat (tak
v souti, zat (a) nahrvat);T

start a new year (cross new year); ;zat nov rok

stairs: The man is going up ( ~ climbing) the stairs.;: (pekroit nov rok);T
;schody: (Ten) mu
start to build (put start (and) construct (and)
jde ( ~ leze) po schodech.;cont.
build); ;zat stavt (poloit zatek (a)
stalk (of grass, stalk stick);;stblo (trvy, stblov
budovat (a) stavt);v.!
start to build (start building); ;zat stavt );
stalk: stalk of grass;: ;stblo: stblo trvy;
start: (He) started to strive to attain them.;: T
stallion (male-horse);( );hebec;sg.
;zat: Zaal usilovat, aby jich doshnul.;p.s.
stallion: When the horse crossed over the Anoma river, (was it) pol.
a stallion or a mare?;: T T
start: (I) can start to do anything (I) like.;:
T ;hebec: Kdy (ten) k peskakoval T ;zat: Mohu zat dlat
( ~ "pekraoval) eku Anomu, (byl to) hebec nebo
cokoliv chci ( ~ "mm-rd).;pol.
start: (it) started jumping;: ;zat: zaalo skkat;p.p.
stamp, postage (stamp (with) head); ( );znmka,
start: (It) will start at eight o'clock.;: ;zat:
potovn (znmka (s) hlavou);sg.
Zane v osm hodin.;fut. col.
stamp, postage: (He) sticks a stamp on a letter.; :
start: It may start every year around 13th of April.;:
;znmka, potovn:
;zat: Me zat kad
Pilepuje znmku na dopis.;
rok okolo 13tho dubna.;pol.
stamp, postage: There are just (so) many stamps on the
start: like when (I) started meditation;:
letter.; : ;znmka,
; zat: jako kdy jsem zanal meditaci;
potovn: Na dopise je tak hodn znmek.;col.
start: The examination starts tomorrow.;:
stand; ;stt;T
;zat: Zkouka zan ztra.;fut.
stand (be-upright, attached (and) stopped); ;stt
start: The movie starts now. (Movie has started now.);:
(bt-vzpmen, upevnn (a) zastaven);I
;zat: Film zan. (Film te zaal.);p.p.
stand (mostly about things); ;stt (obvykle o vcech);T
starting line (measured leaving line); ;startovn ra
stand firm; ;stt, pevn;T
(men opoutc ra);n.
stand firm (not give in); ;stt pevn (nepoddat se);T
starting line: The sportsmen are on the starting
stand for (take meaning); ;vznam, mt (brt
stand upright; ;stt vzpma;T
stand: (They) stop the vehicles in front of the stage and
(exhibiting) (they) dance.; :
T ;stoupnout si: Zastav vozidla ped pdiem a


line.; :
;startovac ra: Sportovci jsou na startovn e.;
state; (abbrev. from T );stt;n.

state (division (and) state);T ( T );stt (sprvnjednotka (a) stt);sg.

state (state (and) territory);T ( T );stt

(stt (a) teritorium);sg.

state (a statement); ;prohlsit;T mn. & k. writ.

stay (dwell (and) dwell); ;zstat (pebvat (a)


state (a statement): (He, the king) has stated, that (he) would
give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.; : T ( ~
T) ;prohlsit:
(Krl) prohlsil, e bude svou) levou rukou dvat lidem
obleen.;p.p. writ.

stay (stay (and) take-refuge); ;zstat (zstvat (a) brtochranu);T

state (condition, basis (and) situation);T;stav

(podmnka, zklad (a) situace);n.

stay (dwell): indeed, in the place where I stay now;:

;t (pobvat): vskutku, v
mst, kde te (j) iji;writ.

state (country, country state);T ( T );stt (zem,

stt zem);sg.

stay (be accommodated, dwell (and) take-refuge); ;bt

(bt ubytovn, pobvat (a) brt-ochranu);I
stay (dwell); ;bt (pobvat) zstat (pobvat);T

stay (have home);;bydlet;T

state (country): I am from England.;:

;zem: Jsem z Anglie.;pol.

stay: (He) is staying there.; : ;bydlet:

Bydl tam.;cont.

state of: should be state of ... ;: ...

T ;stav: ml by bt stav ... ;fut.

(stay).;: ;zstat: Jdu se zeptat matky

zda mohu (zstat).;fut. col.

state: (It) is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~

live) together.;T : T T
;stt: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony jsou ( ~
ij) spolu.;pol.

stay: (I) am staying in a hotel.; : ;bt

(ubytovn): Jsem (ubytovn) v hotelu.;pol.

state: (You) may see (there) states Kayah, Kayin, Kachin, Chin,
Mon, Yakhine (and) Shan.;T :
T ;stt: Me (tam) uvidt
stty Kaj, Kajen, Kahen, hen, Mon, Jakhain (a) an.;pol.

stay: (I) need to stay.;: ;bt:

Potebuji (tam) bt.;

state: Although these states and divisions are divided, all

Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live
together.;T : T
;stt: Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn
oblasti (regiony) rozdleny, vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru,
vetn chudch i bohatch, ij pospolu.;

stay: (We) stay ( ~ are) at home.;: ;jsme: Jsme


state (region, division);T ( T );stt (sprvn stay: (I) am also in a monastery (in order) to stay.; :
;pobvat: Jsem tak
state of (measure (and) state);;stav (mra (a)
v kltee, abych (tam) pobval.;pol.
stay: (I) am going to ask (my) mother (whether I can)

state: Kachin state;T : T ;stt: stt

statement;; prohlen;n.
statue;( );socha socha (osoby);sg.

statue (imitates form);( );obraz (napodobuje

statue (immitates appearance);( );socha
(napodobuje vzezen);sg.
statue: However, it is statue made of gold.;:
;socha: Ale to je socha vyroben ze

stay: (I) decided to stay (there).;: T ;zstat:

Rozhodl jsem se (tam) zstat.;p.s. pol.

stay: (I) stay in Pathein.;: ;bydlet: Bydlm v


stay: Are (you) satisfied staying there?; :

T;bt (ubytovn): Jsi tam spokojen? (Jsi spokojen,
e (jsi) ubytovan tam?);inter.
stay: Are you happy ( ~ "of happiness) staying in Burma
(country)?;: T ;bt: Jste astn
( ~ "(pln) tst), e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter.
stay: I can't stay ( ~ live).;: ;zstat: Nemohu
zstat ( ~ t).;col. pol.
stay: May (you) be satisfied with everything (while) staying in
Sri Lanka (country).; :
T;bt (ubytovan): K jsi
spokojen se vm (zatmco) jsi na ( ~ "ve) Sr Lance.;w. pol.
stay: Next time (I) am going to stay only in Sinhapore.;:
( ~ ) Singapore ( ~
Singapore );bt: Pt budu pouze v

statue: Other statue of this kind is in the embarkment.;:

stay: Shin Than ( ~ "Clear (and) Clean) lives in Yangon.;:
T ;statue: Jin socha ;t: en Tan ( ~ "Jasn (a) ist)
tohoto druhu je na nalodn.;pol.
ije v Rangnu.;pol.
stay: Where are (you) staying?; : ;bt
status: It is said, that having given him the status of Min Yaza, (pobvat): Kde (te) jsi (ubytovn)?;inter. cont.
he appointed him a minister.; : { } stay: Where do (you) stay?; : ;bt (pobvat):
;statut: k se, e mu udlil statut Men Yza a
Kde (te) jsi (ubytovn)?;inter.
ustanovil ho ministrem.;
stay: Where do you stay now?;: ;t: Kde
stay; ;bydlet bt t zstat;I (or) T te ije?;inter. pol.


stay: Won't you stay long(er)?;: ;bt:

Nebude tu dle ( ~ dlouho)?;inter. col.

steadfast: steadfast, bountiful country;: T ;vytrval:

vytrval, bohat zem.;n.
steal (steal (and) run);T;ukrst (ukrst (a) bet);T
steal: He doesn't steal (others') property.;: ;krst:
Nekrade majetek (druhch).;col.

still: Even one year still hasn't passed. (Even one year is still
not filled.);: T ;jet: Jet tomu
nebylo dokonce ani jeden rok. (Dokonce (ani) jeden rok stle
nen naplnn.);pol.
still: Go (according to) this way, but (it is) still very far.;:
;very: Jete
(podle) tto cesty, ale (je to) jet hodn daleko.;imper.
still: He still did not answer me.;:
T ( ~ T T);stle: Stle
mi neodpovdl.;pol. um.

steal: Hey guy, if (you) steal, while stealing steal more for us
(also), friend.;:
;krst: Hej, tpku, jestli bude krst, pi (tom) kraden still: He still reads the book.; -: ;stle:
Stle te knihu.;pol.
pro ns (taky) ukradni, pteli.;imper. sl.
still: I am still reading his book.;:
steamed; ;paen (o jdle);adj.
;stle: Stle tu jeho knihu.;pol. um.
steep, be; ;pkr, bt;I
stem of;;stonek (eho);suff. n.
step back (back-recoil); ; ustoupit (zptky
step back (back-retreat); ;couvnout zpt (zptky
step by step; T T ; krek po krku;adv.

still: I am still trying.; : ;stle: Stle se


still: It is still raining.; -: ;pod: Pod

still: still unable to abandon;: ;stle: stle
neschopen zanechat;n.

step by step (in going on way, movement by movement, slowly still: The stadium is still under construction. (Stadium building
(and) slowly); TT;postupn (o chozen i jedn work still happens.); :
T ;stle: Stadin se stle stav. (Stavebn
po cest, pohyb po pohybu, pomalu (a) pomalu);adv.
prce (na) stadionu se stle dj.);
stewed (agan oil);T ;duen (o jdle, znovu olej);adj.

stick;( ) ( ) ( );klacek, still: Then, also, editorials and articles are still published
klack hlka klack;sg.
;stle: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou tam stle
stick (a knife etc.);;zabodnout (n atd.);T
stick (a needle): (He) stuck a needle between nails and while
still: Though (I) was still attending school, as (I) got married, (I)
hitting (it) with hammer, (he) tested (them).;:
;zabodnout: cannot continue any more.; :
( ~
Zabodnul jehlu mezi nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem,
);pod: Pestoe jsem pod chodil do koly,
testoval (je).;writ.
ponvad jsem se oenil, nemohu dl pokraovat.;fut. col.
stick (swh.); ;lepit (nkam) pilepit (nkam) pilepovat
still: though (you) still do not live as a nun;
;stle: pestoe stle neije
stick to;;pilepit se k;I
jakoto mnika;
stick: (He) sticks a stamp on a letter.; :
still: What is the son (still) doing?;:
;pilepit: Pilepuje znmku na
( ~ );stle: Co (n)
syn (stle) dl?;inter. lett.
stiff (solid); ;tuh (pevn);n.
still: Yep, (I)'m still (just) interested.;:
still; ;pod stle jet jet,
;pod: Jo, pod (m to) prost zajm.;col. fr.
kdy;suff. adv. (or) adv.
stimulate (exhort (and) urge); ;podntit (vyzvat (a)
still, be;;nehybn, bt;I
still: (I) am just still practising writing;:
stir (move (to be) rare);;mchat (hbat (aby bylo)
;stle: Stle jen nacviuji psan;
still: (I) am still just attending school.; :
stomach; ;aludek;n.
;pod: Pod jen chodm do koly.;pol.
stone (blunt stone); ( );kmen (tup
still: (I) still attend school.;: ;pod: Pod
chodm do koly.;pol.
stone: This house is built by stone.; :
still: (I) still cannot read (in Burmese).;:
T ;kmen: Tento dm je
;pod: Pod neumm st (Barmsky).;pol.
postaven z kamene.;
still: (I) still haven't returned.;: T ;stle: Stle
stone: This man is a statue ( ~ form) of a soldier made by ( ~
jsem se nevrtil.;pol.
hammered with) stone.; :
still: (I) still understand just little bit.;:
T ( ~
;pod: Pod rozumm jen troiku.;
T );kmen: Tento mu


je socha ( ~ podoba) vojka zhotoven z ( ~ utluen s)


story (measure (of) happening);T ( );pbh (mra


stop; T ;zastavit skonit;T

story (pronouncement (of) happening);T ( );pbh

(vysloven phody);sg.

stop (stop (and) fix); ;zastavit (zastavit (a) upevnit);T

stop (stop (and) fix): (He) stopped the bus.; :
;zastavit (zastavit (a) upevnit):
Zastavil autobus.;
stop (stop (and) wait); ;zastavit (zastavit (a) ekat);T

story (show happening {nouner});T T ( );pbh

(ukzat phodu {jmenec});sg.
story (way (of) drama); ( );pbh
(zpsob dramatu);sg.

stop: (Just) stop!; : ;zastavit: (Prost)

zastav!;imper. pol.

story (happening, happening (and)

deterioration);T ;pbh (dn, phoda (a) padek);n.

stop: (I) want to stop.;: ;zastavit: Chci


story: Almost every student knows this story.; :

;pbh: Tento pbh
zn tm kad student.;pol.

stop: As for the turtle, not stopping (or) resting, (it) goes little
by little.; : ;zastavit: Co story: If the story is sad, (you) will cry.; :
se te elvy, ani by se zastavila (nebo) si odpoala, krek ;smutn: Jestli ten pbh bude smutn,
bude() breet.;col
po krku jde.;writ.
stout, be ((be) well-supported (and) standstop: Do (you) stop here? (may be said by taxidriver when
firm); ;rzn, bt (bt) dobe-podporovan )a) sttapproaching the destination); : ;vystupovat ( ~
"zastavit): Vystupujete ( ~ "zastavujete) tady? (me bt
eeno taxikem pi piblen se k mstu uren);inter.

stove (fire cooker);( ) ;kamna (ohniv vai);sg.

stop: Do (you) want to stop here? (may be said by taxidriver

when approaching the destination); :
;zastavit: Chcete zastavit tady? (me bt eeno
taxikem pi piblen se k mstu uren);inter.

stove: In the kitchen there is a stove.; :

( ) ( ~ ) ;kamna: V kuchyni jsou

stop: Don't stop.; : ;zastavit: Nezastavuj.;imper. col.

stop: Let's finish the (writing) discussion, (indeed.); :
( ~ );zastavit:
(Vskutku,) zastavme diskuzi ((o) psan).;
stop: Where should (I) stop? (may be asked by taxidriver when
approaching the destination); : ;zastavit: Kde
mm zastavit? (me bt eeno taxikem pi piblen se k
mstu uren);inter.

straggle (go having-gaps (and) broad);T;rozptlit se

(jt, mt-mezery (a) bt-irok);I
straight; (from );pmo;adv. col. (or)
adv. writ.
straight (brush (and) strike);;pmo (kartovat (a)
straight ahead; ;pmo (za nosem);adv. col. (or)
adv. writ.

straight ahead (in front (and) directly); ;pmo (za

store (shop, market (and) shop);( );obchod (trh nosem, dopedu (a) pmo);adv. writ.
(a) obchod);sg.

straight ahead (in-front (and) straight (and) straight);
store (shop);( ) ( );obchod;sg.
(from ) ;pmo (za nosem, vpedu (a)
store away; ;uloit (mimo);T
vped (a) vped);adv. col. (or) adv.
storey (floor);( );patro (podla);sg.
storm;;bouka (CZ col., boue) boue;n.

straight ahead (to in-front straightly); ;pmo

(za nosem, do pedu rovn);adv. writ.

storm: Ship is in storm. (Ship is catching storm.);:

;bouka: Lo je v bouce. (Lo chyt

straight ahead: Continue to drive straight ahead.; :

;pmo (za nosem): Pokrauj v zen
pmo za nosem.;imper.

story; ( ) T ( ) T ( )
( ) ( );pbh;sg. P. vatthu (=
object, story) (or) sg.
story (form (of) happening);T ( );pbh (podoba


straight ahead: Go straight ahead.;
za nosem: Jdi pmo za nosem.;imper. pol. col.
straight ahead: Go this way straight ahead.; :
;pmo (za nosem): Jdi tudy ( ~ touto
cestou) pmo (za nosem).;imper.

story (happening (and) ending);T ( );pbh

(phoda (a) ukonen);sg.

straight, be; T (from );pm, bt;I. col. (or) I

(or) I writ.

story (happening form, ending form);T ( );pbh

(djc-se podoba, konc podoba);sg.

straight: May the way of going, just like the coming way, be
straight.;T: T;pm: K je
cesta odchodu, stejn jako cesta pchodu, pm.;w. pol.

story (image (of) happening);T ;pbh (obraz

story (lined-up happening);T ( );pbh (zarovnan

straighten (straighten (and) fix);T;narovnat (narovnat
(a) upevnit);T


straighten: (He) straightens the back.;T: T

T ;narovnat: Narovn zda.;
straighten: (I) straighten (my) legs.;T: T
T ;narovnat: Narovnm nohy.;

strike (overturn (the) alms-bowl); ;stvkovat

(pevrtit almun-msu);T
strike (about clock and time);;uhodit (o hodinch a ase);T

straightly (head-straight (and) makeright); ( );rovn (jt-pmo-za (a)


strike (about clock and time): five minutes after five (Fifth hour
is struck (and) five minutes);: ;uhodit (o
hodinch a ase): pt hodin pt minut (pt hodina uhodila (a)
pt minut);

strain (purify); ;cedit (oiovat);T

strike (also about time);;udeit (tak o ase);T

strain (struggle, stuggle (and) kick); ;namhat se

(usilovat (a) kopat);T

strike (industrial etc., event (of) showing

wishes);T( );stvka (prmyslov atd., udlost
strain: Strain with strainer.; : ;cedit: Cedit ukazovn tueb);sg.
(s) cedtkem.;
strike (industrial): Since then the Myanmar citizens, unceasingly
participating in the opposing strikes against the English
strainer (liquid straining); ( );cedtko (cezen
government, demanded independence.;T:
tekutiny) stko (cezen tekutiny);sg.
strainer: Strain with strainer.; :
;cedtko: Cedit (s) cedtkem.;
;stvka (prmyslov): Od t doby se
Strand Hotel (a hotel); ;Strand
Myanmart obyvatel nepetrit astnili protestnch stvek
Hotel (a hotel);name
proti anglick vld piem vyadovali nezvislost.;p.s. pol.
Strand Road (road near shore); ;Strand, ulice
(cesta pobl behu);name
strange, be; ;divn, bt zvltn, bt;I

strive; ;snait se usilovat;T

(a) divn);I

strive (hard); ;usilovat (hodn);T

strange, be (be-strange (and) varying); T;divn, bt (bt- strive (remove energy);;usilovat (odstraovat
divn (a) lic-se);I
strange, be (special (and) strange); ;divn, bt (zvltn strive (strive much);;snait se (snait-se moc);T
strange, be (strange (and) varying); T;divn, bt (divn
(a) lic-se);I

strive (to attain, practice (to) fill);T ;usilovat (doshnout,

praktikovat (pro) naplnn);T


strive for advancement (ascend (and) step); ;usilovat

o pokrok (vystupovat (a) kret);T

strange, be (strange, different (and) different);T;divn, bt strive (to get, try much, search (and)
seek);;usilovat (o dosaen, snait-se hodn,
(divn, odlin (a) odlin);I
hledat (a) ptrat);T
strange: (It) is strange.; : ;divn: Je (to)
street; ( ) ( );ulice;sg.
street lamp: At night the street lamps light.; :
;poulin lampy: V noci svt poulin lampy.;

strive: (He) started to strive to attain them.; :

T ;usilovat: Zaal usilovat, aby jich
doshnul.;p.s. pol.

street: On the streets of every town can be seen the waterstrive: (He) strives (for) real (experience).;:
playing.; :
;ulice: Na ulicch kadho msta je mono spatit ;usilovat: Skuten usiluje.
(Usiluje o skutenou zkuenost.);
hran s vodou.;pol.
strive: We should strive in order to successfully attain
street: The woman crosses over the street.; :
Arahanthood.; : T
T ;cesta: (Ta) pan pechz pes ulici.;writ.
( ~ T T
strength; ;sla;n.
);usilovat: Mli bychom usilovat
stretched, be (about not relaxed muscles, be-taut (and) beabychom spn doshli Arahantstv.;pol.
stiff); ;napnut, bt (o neuvolnnch svalech. btnapnut (a) bt-tuh);T

stretched, be: stretched muscles (ie. not relaxed

muscles); : ;napnut, bt:
napnut svaly (tj. neuvolnn);pl.

strong ( ~ "absolutely): I made a strong determination to be an

excellent monk.;: ( ) T
T ( ~ ( ) T
T );pevn ( ~ "naprosto): Uinil jsem pevn
rozhodnut bt vbornm mnichem.;p.p. col.

strict, be (supervise (and) tie); ;striktn, bt (dohlet

strong, be; ;siln, bt;I
(a) svazovat);T
strong, be ((be of) good power (and)
strictly (supervising (and) tying); ;striktn
strength); ;siln, bt ((mt) dobrou moc (a) slu);I
(dohlen (a) svazovn);T
stride over (pass (and) hurdle-over); ;pekroit (pejt strong, be ((be of) power, strength, (be) well-supported (and)
stand-firm); ;siln, bt ((mt) moc, slu, (bt)
(a) peskoit-pes);T
dobe-podporovan (a) stt-pevn);I
strike; ;pratit tlouci uhodit;T
strong, be (powerful (and) strong); ;siln, bt (mocn (a)



writing.; :
strong, be (steadfast (and) firm);;pevn, bt (vytrval (a) T ;studentka: Musel jsem odpovdt ( ~
"odpovdat) (sv) mal studentce, kdy se m psanm ptala.;
student (female): You are a female student.; :
strong, be (sturdy, firm, powerful (and)
;studentka: Jsi studentka.;pol.
strong); ;siln, bt (odoln, pevn, mocn (a)

strong, be (about a phenomena);T ;siln, bt (o jevu);I

strong: During the reign of king Naung, Myanmar (country)
became ( ~ came to become) a united and strong
country.; :
;siln: Za
vldy krle Nauna se Myanmarsk stt stal sjednocenou a
silnou zem.;p.s. writ.

student: (I am) a student of cinematography

(subject).; :
;student: Jsem studentem pedmtu
student: (I) didn't know (the fact that) he is a
student.; : ;student: Nevdl
jsem (o skutenosti,) e je student.;
student: Apart from this student, no other student
comes.; : T
T ;student: Mimo tohoto studenta
nepichz dn jin (student).;pol.

strong: My strong determination helps me to continue in my

T ;pevn: Moje student: Because of these students, the national spirit of the
pevn rozhodnut mi pomh pokraovat v mm sil.;col. cont. citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ came) to
develop.; :
strong: The monkey is strong.; :
;siln: Opice je siln.;
Kvli tmto studentm nrodn duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k
strong: wishing (about) strong health (for you);:
() ;siln: s pnm (o) slnm rozvoji.;pol. writ.
zdrav;adv. lett.

strongly; ;pevn;adv.

student: Student is studying a book.; :

;student: Student studuje
njakou knihu.;cont.

structure (image, uniting (and) limiting, (of) building (and)

building); ; struktura (obraz sjednocovn student: the student I know; :
;studet: student kterho znm;n. um.

(a) ohraniovn, stavn (a) stavn);n.
with the students will come the
structure: structural engineer; :
teacher.; : ;student:
;stavba ( ~
Spolu se studenty pijde uitel.;fut.
"struktura): stavebn inenr;
struggle (struggle (and) kick); ;usilovat (usilovat (a)
struggle: (We) just have to struggle more in a country of
dictatorship like is this.; :
;namhat se: V zemi
dikttorskho reimu jako je tato, se musme holt vc
stuck together, be;;pilepen k sob, bt;I

students' book (book used (in)

school); ( );uebnice (kniha uvan (ve)
study (connect writings (and) learn); ;studovat
(spojit psan (a) uit-se);T
study (learn (and) hear); ;studovat (uit se (a)
study (learn (and) take); ;studovat (uit-se (a) brt);T

student; ( )
;studentka student;sg. m. (or) sg. f. (or) sg. (mn.)

study (learn writings); ;studovat (uit-se


student (person (who) is studying (and)

taking); ( );student (osoba (kter) je
studujc (a) berouc);sg.

study (practice (and) come {nouner});;studium

(praktikovat (a) pichzet {jmenec});n.

student (school man); ( );student (mu

(ze) koly);sg.
student (school person); ( );studentka
(osoba (ze) koly) aka (osoba (ze) koly);sg. f.
student (wisdom learning); ( );student
(moudrost uc-se);sg.
student (writings learning person); (
);student (psan uc-se osoba);sg. (mn.)
student (f.); ( );studentka;f.
student (f.): (I) had to reply ( ~ "be replying) to (my) littlestudent (f.) when ( ~ "for) (she) was asking (me) in

study (at an institute, ascend); ;studovat (v njakm

institutu, nastoupit);T
study (Pi text, carry scriptures); ;studovat (Pi
text, nosit spisy);T Bh. P. gama (= scripture)
study (Pi text, read (and) recite
leaves); ;studovat (Pi text, st (a) recitovat
listy);T Bh. P. sajjhyati (= recite, study)
study at school; ;studovat na kole;T col.
study at school: (I) have completely finished Myanmar literature
(subject) at school.; : T
;studovat na kole: Zcela jsem dokonil (pedmt)
Myanmarsk literatury ve kole.;pol. col.
study by oneself (without teacher, study from one side


{nouner}); (from )
subject (of discussion); ;pedmt (diskuze);n.
;sm, uit se (bez uitele, studovat z jedn subject: (and) is not always inserted after the
strany {jmenec});T
subject.;: "" " "
study by oneself: While (I) have a job, (I) also study by myself ( ;podmt: (a) se za podmt
~ "from one side).; : vdycky nedv.;pol.
;studovat, sm: Zatmco mm prci, tak sm
submerge;T ;potopit;T
subordinate (taken under hand); ;podzen
study: (he) writes, meditates and also studies Burmese
;studovat: pe, medituje a tak studuje;

study: (I) have been studying Burmese language only ten

() ;studovat: Studuji barmsk jazyk (u)
pouze deset msc.;p.p. pol.

(vzat pod ruku);n.

subordination: The Myanmar country has in the year 1889 fell

((and) came)into the state of English
subordination.; : T
Zem Myanmaru v roce 1889 upadla ((a) pila) do stavu
anglick podzenosti.;p.s. writ.

study: Are you studying Burmese for a long time?; :

;studovat: Studuje barmtinu

subtitles (writing lines); ;titulky (dky psan);n.

study: The study of national literature also happened to be


;studium: Tak dolo k oteven studia
nrodn literatury.;pol.

succeed (finish (and) reach-apex);T T ;doshnout (eho,

skonit (a) doshnout-vrcholu);T

stupa (with a vaulted base);( );stpa (s klenbovitou


success: This person has success.; :

;spch: Tenhle lovk m

subtitles, be with; ;otitulkovan, bt (o filmu);I

subtitles, be with: a Burmese movie with English

study: I have been learning Myanmar language for around one subtitles; : ;titulkami, s:
year.;: T ;uit se: jeden barmsk film s anglickmi titulkami;
Um se Myanmarsk jazyk (ji) asi jeden rok.;p.p. col.
subtle, be ((of) soft life); ;jemn, bt
study: Student is studying a book.;:
(mkkho ivota);I
;studovat: Student studuje
subtle, be (be-small (and) delightful);;jemn, bt (btnjakou knihu.;cont.
mal (a) rozkon);I

succeed (see success); T ;uspt (vidt spch);T

succeed (succeed (and) see); T ;zdait se (uspt, uspt

study: Whatever (he) can read, (he) studies (it) all.;:
(a) vidt);I
;studovat: Studuje cokoliv, co succeed (take (and) own);;uspt (vzt (a) vlastnit);T
doke pest.;
succeed: (He) passed the entrance examination of the
stunningly; ;fantasticky;adv.
university. ((He) succeeded (in getting) permission to enter
stupa;( );stpa;sg. P. cetiya (= pagoda)
university.); T :
T ;uspt:
stupa ;( );stpa;sg. Bh.
Proel vstupn zkoukou na univerzitu. (Uspl (a) dostal
stupa (lord);( );stpa (Pn);sg. Bh.
povolen (ke) vstupu na univerzitu.);
stupa (with a vaulted base (lord's
success;;spch;n. un.
stupa);( );stpa (s klenbovitou zkladnou,
success (see success {nouner}); T ;spch (vidt
pnova stpa);sg.
spch {jmenec});n.

stupid, be; ;hloup, bt;I

subject (at school, place (of)
subject); ( );pedmt (ve kole, msto
pedmtu);sg. P. bhs (= language)

success! (breach, breach, arrive,

arrive); ;spch! (prolomit, prolomit,
dojt, dojt);interj.

subject (at university etc.);;pedmt (na univerzit atd.);n. successful, be; ;spn, bt;col. (or) I
P. bhs (= language)
successful, be (conquer (and) see); T ;spn, bt
subject (at university etc.): (I am) a student of cinematography (dobt (a) vidt);I
successful, be (see success); T ;spn, bt (vidt
;pedmt (na univerzit atd.): Jsem
studentem pedmtu kinematografie.;pol.
successful, be: (I) became successful as a
subject (in sentence, word (of)
subject);( );podmt (ve vt, slovo
podmtu);sg. gram. P. katt (= maker, doer)

businessman.; T : T
T T ;spn, bt: Stal jsem se spnm
jakoto podnikatel.;p.s. pol.

subject (matter, matter (and)

successful, be: (I) may be successful.; T :
thing); ( );problematika (zleitost, zleitost T ;spn, bt: Mon (budu) spn.;fut.
(a) vc) zleitost (zleitost, zleitost (a) vc);sg.


successful, be: (It) was successful.; T :

T ;spn: Bylo (to) spn.;p.p.
successful, be: As (I) wrote almost all what (I) have learned,
the writing (at examination) was successful.; T :

T ;spn, bt: Ponvad (jsem) napsal tm
vechno co jsem se nauil, bylo psan (na zkouce)
spn.;p.s. pol.
successfully; T ;spn;adv.
successfully, do (be-able (and) perform); ;spn,
udlat (udlat, bt-schopn (a) provst);T
successfully: successfully attain; T : T
;spn: spn doshnout;
successfully: U Aung Zeyya together with his sixty-eight blood
comrades could successfully resist while being the leader ( ~
while leading).; T :

;spn: Aun Zeyya spolu
se svmi edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal spn
ubrnit zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
succession (connect (and) take {nouner}); T ;poad
(spojit (a) brt {jmenec});n.
such (kind like that); ;takov (druh jako
such (kind like this);;takovto (druh jako
such as; ;jako nap.;suff. writ.
such: If (you) send me such writings for correction, I will correct
(them), friend.; : T
T ;takov: Pokud mi
pole takov psan pro opravu, j (je) opravm.;fut. pol. um.
suddenly; ;nhle;suff. adv.
suffer (pain excels); ;trpt (bolest vynik);I
suffer (suffering comes); ;trpt (utrpen pichz);T
suffer consequences; ;trpt nsledky;I

mj spnek (byl) nedostaten, jsem extrm unaven.);um.

sugar (between beauty); [dj:];cukr (mezi
krsou);n. P. sakkhar (= sugar)
sugar cane;;cukrov ttina;n.
sugar cane juice; ;dus z cukrov ttiny (dus (z)
sugar: Sugar is ( ~ "are) mostly used as powder.;:
T T ;cukr: Cukr se
vtinou pouv ve form ( ~ "jakoto) prek.;
suggest (make opinion);;navrhnout (dlat nzor);T
suggest (show characteristics (of)
indication);T;implikovat (ukzat vlastnosti
nznaku);T P. lakkhaa (= sign, mark)
suggestion (make opinion {nouner}); ;nvrh
(npad, dlat nzor {jmenec});T
suicide (kill own body (and) die oneself
T ;sebevradu, spchat
(zabt vlastn tlo (a) zemt sm {jmenec});T
suit (complete clothes); ( );oblek (kompletn
suit: the man with the black suit; :
;oblek: mu v ( ~ s) ernm obleku.;
suitable (suitable (and) great); ;vhodn (vhodn (a)
suitable for, be; ;vhodn k, be;I
suitable, be; ;vhodn, bt
sluet se;I (or) I writ.
suitable, be ( ~ "resemble): It is more Burmese (to say it like
this). ((It) resembles Burmese language more (like this).); :
T ;vhodn, bt ( ~ "podobat-se): Je
barmtj (to ci takhle). (Vce se (to) podob
suitable, be ((can be) entrusted); ();vhodn, bt ((me
bt) sven);I

suffer consequences: Because of (their previous) actions, (they) suitable, be (condition (is) proper); ;vhodn, bt
must stay ((being) given) suffering consequences.; :
(podmnka (je) sprvn);I
;trpt nsledky: Kvli (svm
suitable, be (proper (and) noble);T ;vhodn, bt
pedchozm) inm mus zstat ((a) dostvat (a)) trpt
(sprvn (a) ulechtil);I
suitable, be (resemble); ;vhodn, bt (podobat-se);I
suffering; T ;utrpen;n.
suitable, be (suitable (and) great); ;vhodn, bt
suffering: It is good to be afraid of making one's faith holey
inside oneself, (that being) auxiliary to suffering (and)
sadness.; (T ):

;utrpen: Je dobe se obvat prodravn vlastn
dvry v sob, (kter je) npomocn utrpen (a) smutku.;prov.
suffice (be-enveloped (and) be-sufficient); ;stait
(bt-obalen (a) bt-dostaujc);I
sufficient, be;;dostaten, bt;I
sufficient: Because I didn't sleep well, (I) am so tired.
(Because my sleep (was) not sufficient, (I) am extremely
tired.);: ;dostaten:
Ponvad jsem nespal dobe, jsem moc unaven. (Ponvad

(vhodn (a) ohromn);I

suitable, be: I believe, that suitable teacher (monk) means

((by) me) trustworthy teacher (monk).; :

;vhodn, bt: Vm, e vhodn uitel (mnich)
znamen (mnou) dvryhodn uitel.;
suitable, be: I didn't find the proper teacher (monk)
there.; :
;vhodn, bt: Nenalezl jsem tam (toho) vhodnho
uitele (mnicha).;p.s. pol.
suitable: If (you) say T at the place of T, (it) will be
more suitable.; : T T

;vhodn: Pokud bys ekl T na mst


(kde te je) T, bylo by (to) vhodnj.;fut.

suitable: In this case ( ~ "place) the (word) 'inwardly' is the
most suitable (one).; : ' '
;vhodn: V tomhle ppad ( ~ "mst) je
(slovo) 'vnitn' nejvhodnj.;pol.

suitcase (bag (to be) carried (on)

trips); ( );kufr (taka (k) noen (na)
suitcase (bag dragged (by)
hand); ( );diplomatka (kufr, taka taen

beloved by the spectators, will soon become superb.; :

;znamenit: Herec
Jdai, kter, protoe se stal moc milovanm divky, se brzy
stane znamenitm.;writ.
supermarket; ( );hypermarket supermarket;sg.
E. supermarket
supervisor;( );dozorce;sg.
supply (support (and) help); ;dodat (podporovat (a)
support (be-supported (and) take {nouner});
;podpora (bt-podpoen (a) vzt {jmenec});n.

suitcase (with clothes, clothes box); ( );kufr (s support (elevate strength);T ;podpoit (pozdvihnout
obleenm, krabice obleen);sg.
suitcase (with clothes): The man carries a very heavy
support (give strength);;podpoit (dt slu);T
suitcase.; :
support (support, take support); ;podporovat
;kufr (s obleenm): (Ten) pn nese velice tk kufr.; (podporovat, vzt podporu);T
suitcase cart (cart (to) carry (and) push
stuff); ( );zavazadlov vozk (vozk
(ve kterm) nos (a) strkej vci);sg. P. paccaya (= requisite,

supporter (sponsor, person or institution, which may provide a

recommendation letter to a foreigner in order to help him or her
to get visa);( );podporovatel (sponzor, osoba
nebo instituce, kter me cizinci poskytnout dopis doporuen
Sule Pagoda (pagoda (of) small spike);;Slejsk za elem pomoci dostat vzum);sg. E. sponsor
Pagoda (pagoda malho hrotu);name
supporter (sponsor);( ) ( )
Sule pagoda: Do you want to know (walking) path from Sule
pagoda to Shwedagon pagoda?;:
;Sule pagoda: Chce
vdt cestu ze Sule pagody do vedagou pagody?;inter.

( ) (from );podporovatel (sponzor);sg.

col. E. sponsor (or) sg. E. sponsor

summarize (of words, confine (to)

shortness); ;zestrunit (slovn, omezit (na)

supporter, female (of a

monk); ( );podporovatelka (mnicha);sg. P.
arahanta (= worthy (of gifts))

summer (summer season, March-May);;lto (letn

obdob, bezen-kvten);adv.
summer (summer season);;lto (letn obdob);n.
sun;;slunce;n. (or) sg.
sun: Because the sun is shining, the weather is hot.;:
;slunce: Ponvad slunce pl, je
horko ( ~ poas je hork).;col.

supporter, female;;podporovatelka;f. mn. P. dyaka (=


supporter, female: (My) female supporter's name is Mya

Mytzu.;: T T ;podporovatelka:
Jmno (m) podporovatelky je Mjamenzu.;
supporter, female: female supporter, who said that (it is)
podporovatelka, kter ekla, e (je to) dobr;

supporter, male lay;( );podporovatel, laick;sg.

Sun: Sun shines. (Sun (is) hot.);: ;slunce: Slunce mn. P. dyaka (= supporter)
svt. (Slunce (je) hork.);
supporter: (He) works as a supporter for monks.;:
T ;pomocnk: Pracuje
Sunday (Sun's day);;nedle (slunen den);adv.
jakoto pomocnk mnich.;
Sunday: We don't go anywhere on Sundays.;:
;nedle: O
nedlch nikam nechodme.;pol. um.
sunflower (sun lotus);;slunenice (slunen lotus);I
sunny, be; ;sluneno, bt;I

suppose (take (and) estimate);;domnvat se (vzt (a)


suppose (take sign);;pedpokldat (brt znamen)

pokldat za (brt znamen);T

sunny, be: It's (being) sunny.;: : suppose: (I) suppose, that (you) are person of extraordinary
perfections.;: ;domnvat se:
;sluneno, bt: Je sluneno.;
sunset, be (sky (is) bound); ;zpad slunce, bt (nebe (je) Domnvm se, e jsi lovk neobyejnch dokonalost.;pol.

sunset, be (sun enters); ;zpad slunce, bt (slunce

superb (super (high) crossbar); ;znamenit (super
(vysok) pka) super (super (vysok) pka);adj.
superb: The actor Yedai, who, because of becoming much


supposed to be, be (take sign);;pokldn za, bt

(brt znamen);T

suppress (press (and) press);;potlait (tlait (a) tlait);T

supramundane;;nadpirozen;adj. P. lokuttara
(loka+uttara = transcendental, above+world)

sure, be (be-stable (and) spin);;jist, bt (bt-stabiln

(a) otet-se);I

sutta-piaka (= discourse - canon)

sure, be (lower (the) mind);;jist, bt si (sniovat mysl);I Sutta Piaka: (It) is a specific item, which indicates the
sure, be: (I) am not sure.;: ;jist, bt: Nejsem si commentarial nature of Sutta Piaka.; :
T ;Sutta Piaka: Je (to)
sure, be: (It) is sure, that (he) chose the second
specifick vc, kter naznauje komenttorsk charakter Sutta
;jist, bt: Je jist, e si vybral druhou

sure, be: I am sure with it.;:

;jist, bt: (J) jsem si tm jist.;pol.
sure, for; ;skuten (opravdu);suff. adv.

suttanta (Buddhist preaching, preserved in Pi

language);( );sutta (Buddhistick
promluva, uchovan v Pi jazyce);sg. (discourse, verse) Bh.
lit. P. suttanta (= Buddha's preaching)

suttas (discourses of the Law, the Dhamma right

sure, for: For sure, come (at) half past eight.; :
;opravdu: Opravdu, pijete v pl devt.;imper. pol. col. preachings);;sutty (promluvy Zkona, Dhamma,
sprvn kzn);pl. mn. Bh. writ.
sure: Actually, (I) am not very sure.;:

suttas (discourses of the Law, the Dhamma right preachings

(of) discourses); ;sutty (promluvy
sure: Are (you) sure, that (you will) come to Myanmar
country?;: T T ;jist: Jsi si jist, e Zkona, Dhamma, sprvn kzn promluv);pl. mn. Bh. writ.
P. sutta (= discourse)
pijede do (zem) Myanmaru?;inter.
;jist: No, moc si jist nejsem.;

surely; ;jist;suff. adv. (or) adv.


surely: (Surely,) there are no people.; :

;jist: (Jist,) nejsou (tu) dn lid.;col.

swallow (swallow (and) lower);;spolknout (spolkout (a)


(there) when you arrive.;:

;rozhodn: Co se te (do)
tchto mst, rozhodn tam (ty) jdi a (tam) dojede.;pol. col.

swear at; ;nadvat na;T

surprised, be (wonder (and) respect);;pekvapen, bt

(divit-se (a) respektovat);I

sweatshirt (sweater shirt);( );svetr

(svetrov koile);sg. E. sweatshirt

swallow: It makes one extremely angry. ((It is) so (much), that

surely: Are you (surely) happy staying in Burma
(one) even must swallow not little saliva.);:
(country)?; : T ;opravdu: Jste
(opravdu) astn, e jste v Barm ( ~ "Barmsk zemi)?;inter. ;spolknout: Podn to natve. ((Je to) tolik,
e (jeden) mus dokonce spolknout nemlo slin.);col. pol. idi.
surely: As for (to) those places, you indeed (should) go
sweater (cardigan);( );svetr (pleten);sg. E.

sweater: Because it is cold, the young boy, indeed, puts on a

surprise (wonder (and) respect {nouner});T ;pekvapen ;svetr: Protoe je zima, mal
chlapec si, vskutku, oblk svetr.;col.
(divit-se (a) respektovat {jmenec});n.


survival (eat, dress (and) live {nouner}); ;peit

(jst, oblci-se (a) t {jmenec});n.
survival: To survive, (I) have to sell the shop. (For survival,
shop must be sold.); :
;peit: Abych peil, musm prodat (svj)
obchod. (Pro peit mus bt obchod prodn.);

sweep (completely, sweep (and) spread);

[hl:ce~:];zametat (zamst (a) rozovat);T
sweep: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping ((with)
broom).;: T
;zametat: Brzy rno zamet (kottem).;cont.
sweep: Early in the morning (he) is sweeping the
rubbish.;: ;zametat:
Brzy rno zamet smet.;cont.

sutta (Pi sutta (which is) great); ;sutta (Pi

sutta(~promluva) (kter je) ohromn);n. Bh. P. pi-sutta (= Pi sweep: Today (I) sweep (in) the monastery
compound.; :
;zametat: Dnes zametm kltern dvr ( ~ "v
sutta (Buddhist preaching, preserved in Pi
language);( );sutta (Buddhistick promluva, klternm dvoe).;pol. mn.
uchovan v Pi jazyce);sg. (discourse, verse) Bh. lit. P. sutta


sutta (the Buddha's or Arahants'

teaching);( );sutta (uen Buddhy nebo

sweet, be;;sladk, bt;I

sweet and sour; ;sladkokysel;adj.

sweet: (You) should be known, that Myanmar people are in the

Sutta Piaka (first of the three main collections of discourses in world those of the most sweet face and the most friendly
Tipiaka scripture); ;Sutta Piaka (prvn (ones).;: T
;sladk: Ml bys vdt, e
ze t hlavnch sbrek promluv ve spise Tipiaka);name Bh. lit.



t ti s nejslad tv a (ti)
P. suttanta-piaka (= discourse - canon) (or) name Bh. lit. P.
nejpteltj.; pol.


sweet: sweet peoples' faces;: ;sladk: sladk lehk la uvan pro formln udlosti, tabet nebo pawa,
lidsk tve;
zpsob zkrlen-se (?));sg.
sweetheart (girlfriend, desire
much); ( );drahouek (ptelkyn, touit
sweets (candy, sugar ball);;sladkosti (bonbny,
cukrov koule);n.
Sweijin (name of a Buddhist school from Northern Burma, also
spread to Sri Lanka, gold pan); ;Svejdin (jmno
Buddhistick koly ze severn Barmy, tak rozen na Sr
Lanku, (rovn) zlata, zlat pnev);name
swim (cross water);;plavat (pekroit vodu);T

table ((for) eating occasions);( );stl ((pro)

udlost jezen);sg.
table (eating event);( ) [sbw];stl (udlost
table: (They) sit at the table.;: ;stl:
Sed u ( ~ ve) stolu.;cont.
table: He is sitting at the computer table.;:
;stl: Sed u stolu s potaem.;cont. writ.
tablet (pill, flat medicine);T( T );tabletka
(ploch lk);sg.

swim (go (and) cross water);;plavat (jt (a) pejt Taiwan (country); () ;Taiwan (zem);name
take; ;vzt si brt (si) zskat vzt;T
swim (for oneself);;zaplavat si (vodu pekroit (a)
take ( ~ like): (I) will take ( ~ like) both.; ():
;vzt si ( ~ rd, mt): Vezmu si oboje.
swim: (He) has not yet swum.;: ;plavat:
Jet si nezaplaval.;

(Mm rd oba.);pol.

swim: (They) go to sea to swim.;:

;plavat: Jdou do moe, aby plavali.;cont. writ.

take (time): The examination (answering) takes three

hours.;: T ;trvat (dobu):
Zkouka ( ~ "odpovdn (u) zkouky) trv ti hodiny.;pol.

swim: Duck is swimming in the river.;: T

;plavat: Kaer plave v ece.;cont.

take (take (and) take);;vzt si (vzt-si (a) vzt-si);T

take (by car): As it was said, that he wanted to buy a book, I

took him (in a car) to a bookshop.;:
swim: people who swim;: ;plavat: lid, kte (autem): Protoe bylo eeno, e (si) chtl koupit knihu, vzal
jsem ho (autem) do knihkupectv.;pol.
swim: Little boy was swimming.;:
;plavat: Mal chlapec plaval.;p.s.

swim: Swimming is good for body.;: T

take (consider, extract, carry (and)
;plavat: Plavn je dobr pro tlo.; follow); ;zvaovat (brt v vahu, extrahovat,
swimming pool (water crossing pool); ( );bazn nosit (a) nsledovat);T
(ndr (na) pechzen vody);sg.

switch (for hair, collects hair);( );ska (na vlasy,

sbr vlasy);sg.
Switzerland; ; vcarsko;name
syllable;( );slabika;sg. P. vaa (= letter)

take (sb. by a vehicle);;"vzt (nkoho vozidlem);";T

take (sb. somewhere): In order to arrive everywhere, I will take

you.;: ;vzt
(nkoho nkam): Vezmu t (vozidlem) abys dojel do vech
(tch) mst.;pol. um.

syntax (of sentence, composing (and) forming (of)

sentence); ;syntax (vtn, komponovn (a)
formovn vty);n.

take (sb. swh.): I am ready to take (you anywhere).;

;vzt (nkoho nkam): Jsem
pipraven (t kamkoliv) vzt.;pol.

syntax (of sentence, fixing (and) concealing (of)

sentence);; syntax (vtn, upevovn (a)
skrvn vty);n.

take (time);;trvat;I
take (time): Each takes ( ~ lasts) four hours.;:
;trvat: Kad trv tyi hodiny.;pol.

system: Indeed, according to a special system.; :

;systm: Vskutku, dle
specilnho systmu.;pol.

take a photo; ;vyfotit si;T

T-shirt;( );triko;sg.

take as (pick-up (and) take); ;mt za (sbrat (a)


T-shirt: Baby does not wear a T-shirt.;:

;triko: Mimonko nenos triko.;

take an oath (take loyalty);;uinit psahu (vzt


T-Shirt: red T-Shirt;: ;triko: erven triko;n.

take as: (It) can be also taken as an explanation.; :

T ;vzt za: Me to
tak bt brno za vysvtlen.;writ.

t-shirt: two t-shirts;: ;triko: dv trika;

take back (change thing which happened in the past, correct

again);T T ;vrtit zptky (zmnit vc, kter se stala
v minulosti, znovu opravit);T

T-shirt: T-shirt is wet.;: ;triko: Triko je

t-shirt: two thousand t-shirts;: ;triko: dva
tisce triek;
tabet (women's light scarf used for formal occasions, tabet or
pawa, way (to) adorn (?)); ( );tabet (dmsk


take back: Having killed a person, that is a mistake being a

mistake which can never be taken back.;T T :

T T T ;vrtit zpt: Zabit osoby,

to je chyba (kter) je chybou, jakou ji nelze vrtit zpt. ;
take care of;;starat se o;T
take care of (setup seriousness);;postarat se o
(nastavit vnost);T P. garu (= heavy, serious)
take care of (a sick person, make (and) collect);;postarat
se o (nemocnho, dlat (a) sbrat);T

si jeden balek.;inter. fut.

take: (You) can take whatever you want.;:
;vzt: Me si vzt cokoliv chce ( ~ "m rd).;
take: From a tree can be taken a lot of wood.;:
( ~ ~ ) T ;zskat:
Ze stromu lze zskat hodn deva.;

take: Will (you) take a burger with french-fries?;:

take care of: Because (my) patient is (being) sick, I take care ;vzt si: Vezmete si hamburger s
hranolkami?;inter. fut.
of him.;:
;peovat o: Protoe je mj pacient nemocn,
take: Will (you) take samusa?;: ;vzt si: Vezmete
(j) peuji o nj.;cont. um.
si sams?;fut. inter.
take long time;;trvat dlouho;I
take long time: (I) want (you) to understand, if (it) takes long
time. (precautionary warning that sth. may take long
time);: ;trvat dlouho: Chci,
abyste rozumli, kdyby to trvalo dlouho. (preventivn varovn,
e by nco mohlo trvat dlouho);pol.
take long time(catch being-long);;dlouho, trvat
(chytnout dlouh-trvn);I

tale;T ( );povdka;sg.

talk;T ;promluvit si hovoit bavit se (povdat si)

talk ( ~ "borrow): After that let's have a talk. (When that
finishes, let's borrow (and) take (the) time, ok?); :

;povdat si ( ~ "pjit si): Pak si

popovdme. (Kdy to skon, pojme si pjit (a) vzt as,
ano?);inter. pol.

take off (clothes etc.); ;sundat (si obleen atd.);T

talk ( ~ "eat): I can talk just a little bit in (English). (As for
(saying how to) eat food (and) drink water, that's just right.)
(answer to the question about one's proficiency in a foreign
take off: (He), indeed, takes off his T-shirt.; :
language);T ( ~ ""):
;sundat si: Vskutku, sundav si, triko.;
;mluvit ( ~ "jt): Umm
take out;;vyjmout;T
mluvit (anglicky) jen troiku. (Je v podku (tak mon ci)
take part (assemble (and) participate); ;zastnit se
jst jdlo (a) pt vodu.) (odpov na otzku o n schopnosti
(shromdit-se (a) astnit-se);T
take place (happen (and) deteriorate);T ;stt se (stt-se mluvit njakm cizm jazykem);pol.
talk (discuss {nouner});T ;rozhovor (diskutovat
(a) zhorit-se);I
take place: It took place during the king Abhaya's reign, during {jmenec});n.
take off (clothes); ;sundat si (obleen);T

writing down the Tipiaka together with the

commentaries.;T :

T ;stt se: Stalo se to bhem vldy krle Abhaya,
bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s komenti.;p.s. writ.
take possession of;;pivlastnit si;T

talk (tell speech);T;bavit se (povdat si, kat e)

povdat si (kat e);T
talk about (ask mutually);T ;bavit se o (ptt-se
talk nonsense; T
;kat nesmysly;T col. E. overdone(?) (or) T col.

talk to (a king or monk, talk (and) place-on); ;mluvit

take sb. swh. (give following (and)
sending);;zavzt (taxkem atd., dt nsledovn (a) k (krli i mnichovi, mluvit (a) pokldat);T
talk to (a king): As Nga Nyo met the king, he spoke
this.; : ;promluvit
take sb. with oneself;;vzt nkoho s sebou;T
take sb. with oneself: Where do (you) want (me) to come (and) (ke krli): Kdy se a o setkal s krlem, tak k nmu takto
take (you)?;: ;vzt nkoho s sebou: promluvil.;

talk too much: (I) do not like to talk much about

take time; ;trvat dobu trvat;I
( ~ T );povdat moc: Nerad o sob moc
take time (time falls);;trvat (dobu, as pad);I
take time: How long time does it take to cook this food?;: povdm.;pol. um.
;trvat: Jak dlouho talk: (He) is talking and talking.;T:
TT ;mluvit: Mluv a mluv.;cont.
trv uvait tohle jdlo?;inter. pol.
Kde chcete abych pijel (a) vzal (vs)?;inter. col.

talk: (I) am talking with friends.;T:

take time: took very long time (was very much takingtime);: ;trvat: trvalo velice dlouho (velice T;povdat si (bavit se): Povdm si (bavm se) s
pteli.;col. cont.
talk: (I) do not know how to talk with monks. Is (it) alright, if (I)
take, can: As for Fanta, (you) can take (it).;:
speak (with you) like with a friend?;T:
;vzt, moci si: Co se te Fanty, (tu) si mete
T T;bavit se
take: (I) will take one packet.;: ;vzt si: Vezmu s: Nevm jak se mluv se ct. Pny. Bude v podku, kdy (s
tebou) budu mluvit jako s kamardem?;inter. fut. pol.


talk: (I) returned after the talking.;:

T ;povdat si: Po (tom) povdn jsem se
talk: (I) want to talk with you intimately (and)

T ;popovdat si: Chtl bych si s tebou
popovdat dvrn (a) oteven.;pol. um.

talkative, be (talking (is) much);;upovdan, bt (moc

talkt: Talk a little bit about the Dhamma.;:
;hovoit: Hovoit trochu o
tall;T;dlouh (do vky);adj.

tall (high (and) great);T;vysok (vysok (a)

talk: (I) will talk (talks) with you mutually.;T: ohromn);adj.
T T ;povdat: Budu si s tebou vzjemn tall, be (long (by) appearance);;dlouh, bt (o
povdat. (Povm ti povdn vzjemn.);fut. pol.
lovku, vzhledem dlouh);I
talk: (They) talk (about) many things.;T:
tall: The man with the beard is as tall as the man with the
T ;bavit se: Bav se o hodn
hat.; :
;vysok: Ten mu s vousy je
talk: (we) happened to talk around half of an hour;T:
TT ;bavit se: (stalo-se), e jsme se
bavili asi pl hodiny.;p.s.
talk: (We) haven't talked for two and a half years.;T:
TT ;mluvit: Nemluvili jsme
(spolu) ji dva a pl roku.;p.s.
talk: (We) will talk while eating (the meal).;T:
T ;promluvit (si): Promluvme (si)
bhem jdla.;fut.
talk: (Your) Burmese (language talking) is (just) very
good! ;T: T ;Barmsk jazyk:
(Tvoje) Barmtina ( ~ Barmskm jazykem mluven) je
(prost) velice dobr!;col.
talk: Continue. (Talk further.);T: T;povdat:
Pokrauj. (Mluv dl.).;imper. pol.
talk: How can I talk (in English), dear lad?;T:
T ;mluvit: Jak bych mohla mluvit
(anglicky), drah mldene?;inter. col.
talk: How long time do you plan to talk with me
now?;T: T
;povdat si: Jak dlouho si se mnou plnuje
povdat?;inter. col.
talk: I can talk in Myanmar language little bit.;T:
T T ;mluvit: Umm
trochu mluvit barmsky (myanmarsky).;pol. um.
talk: I want to talk with you.;T:
T ;mluvit: Chci s tebou mluvit.;col. um.
talk: Intimate (and) friendly talk;T :
T ;rozhovor: dvrn (a) ptelsk rozhovor;
talk: We talk about the Law (Dhamma).;T:
T ;povdat si: Povdme si o Zkon

stejn vysok jako ten mu s kloboukem.;

tall: The woman with blond ( ~ "golden) hair is taller than the
man with dark hair.; :
;vysok: (Ta)
ena s blonatmi ( ~ "zlatmi) vlasy je vy ne (ten) mu s
tmavmi vlasy.;
Taninthari (division);();Tanentj (sprvn
Tanzaungmoung month, (day of) waining (probably August,
retreating month
Tanzaung; ;Tanzhaunmoun msce, (den)
ubvn (pravdpodobn srpen, ustupujc msc
Tanzhaungmoung: Tenth waning day of Tanzhaungmoung
month is the National Day.; :
T ;Tanzhaunmoun: Dest
den obvajcho msce Tanzhaunmounu je nrodn svtek ( ~
den).;pol. writ.
targeted to, be (do face forward); (maybe from
+ );zamen na, bt (dlat tv vped);I
taro (tropical flower, bulb (of) plant-of-Arumfamily);( );taro (tropick rostlina, hlza (z) rostlinyeledi-Arum);
taste (eat (and) watch); ;ochutnat (jst a dvat se);T
taste (the sense, taste object);; chu (jeden ze smysl,
chuov pedmt);n. P. rasa-rammaa (= taste object)
taste: (He) wants (it) to have the best taste.;:
T ;chu: Chce, aby (to) mlo
nejlep chu.;
taste: When you taste (eat (and) see), you may
know.; : ;ochutnat:
Kdy ochutn (sn (a) podv se), asi pozn.;pol. um.

talk: When (I) am free (and we) meet (by chance), (we) will
talk.;T: T ;promluvit si: Kdy budu tasty, be (have taste);; chutnat (mt chu);I
voln (a) (nhodou) se setkme, promluvme si.;fut. pol.
taut, make; ;napnout;T
talk: Who is speaking (now)? (also in telephone
tax (duty);;da (povinnost);n.
conversation);T: T ;mluvit: Kdo je u
taxi driver (sweeping master);( );taxik
telefonu? (Kdo te mluv?) (tak do telefnu);inter. col.
(mistr (v) zametn);sg. usu.
talk: With who do you want to talk? (also in phone
conversation);T: T ;mluvit: S
km chcete mluvit? (tak pi telefonn konverzaci).;inter. col.


taxi driver: Will (you) ask the taxi driver over there?;:
() ( ~ ) :
() ( ~ ) ;taxik:

Zeptte se (toho) taxike tamhle?;inter. pol.

(zrun (v byt) uitelem);sg.

Tchaj-wan (Taiwan, country); ();Tchaj-wan (Taiwan,


teacher (female, school

teacher); ( );uitelka (ena, koln
tea (juice (of) hand(picked) leaves); ;aj (dus uitelka);sg. f.
(z) run(natrhanch) list);n.
teacher (female): Are you a female teacher?;:
tea (beverage, tea leave's juice); (from ) ;uitelka: Jste uitelka?;inter. um.
;aj (npoj, dus ajovch list);n.

teacher (male, school teacher); ( );uitel

tea, plain (plain warm water); ;aj, pouze (pouh (mu, koln uitel);sg.
tepl voda);n.
teacher (monk, usually the abbot or chief monk of a monastery,
great teacher); ( );uitel (mnich, obvykle opat
tea, plain (beverage, rough tea leave's
kltera, velk uitel);sg.
juice); ;aj, pouze (tj. bez mlka, hrub
dus (z) ajovch list);n.

teacher (monk): I didn't find the proper teacher (monk)

tea, plain (beverage, water warm (and) crude); ;aj, there.; :
;uitel (mnich): Nenalezl jsem tam (toho) vhodnho
pouze (tj. bez mlka, voda tepl (a) hrub);n.
uitele (mnicha).;p.s. pol.
tea: In the afternoon (she) is eating cake and drinking
tea.; :
;aj: Odpoledne j dort a pije aj.;writ.
teach; ;uit;T
teach (pour (and) teach); ;uit (nalvat (a) uit);T

teach (strike-down writing);;uit (uhodit-dol psan)

uit (srazit-dol psan);T
teach (teach (and) be-heard); ;uit (uit (a) btslyen);T
teach (teach (and) give); ;uit (uit (a) dt);T

teacher (of a small group of students);( );uitel

(mal skupiny k);sg. unpl. col.
teacher (only for lay people);( );uitel (jen pro

teacher (only for monks);( );uitel (jen pro mnichy);sg.

teacher (used as title for names of female
teachers);;uitel (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny

teacher (used as title for names of male teachers);;uitel

teach (meditation, teach, be-heard (and) give); ;uit (uvno jakoto titul ped jmny muskch uitel);pref.
teacher, big: I must be happy (and) joyful, as (I) have picked
(meditaci, uit, bt-slyen (a) dt);T
up now a teacher or an elder brother.; :
teach (meditation): (He) teaches meditation; :

;uit (meditaci): U meditaci.;
T ;uitel, velk: Musm bt astn (a)
teach: Apart from teaching others, I can (also) learn
(myself).; : T T ;uit: rozradostnn, ponvad jsem si te vzal ( ~ sebral) uitele
nebo starho bratra.;pol. utmn.
Krom uen druhch, (tak) se umm uit (sm).;writ.
teach (teach writings); ;vyuovat (uit psan);T

teacher, course (master (of) line (of)

teach: Can you teach (me) Myanmar language?; :
T ;uit: Mohl bys m uit Myanmarsk teaching); ( );uitel na kurzu (mist
linie uen);sg.
teacher, school: A school-teacher lives (alone) in the lower
teach: Forgive (me), teacher.;: ;uitel:
floor.; :
Odpuste (mi), uiteli.;imper. pol.
;uitel (koln): Uitel (koln) bydl (sm) v nim
teach: He teaches culture.; :
;uit: (On) u o kultue ( ~ "kulturu).;
teach: monk teacher (great teacher (who) teaches);:
;uit: mnich uitel (velk uitel (kter) u);
teach: The teacher is teaching the students.; :
;uit: Uitel vyuuje

teacher, to;; uiteli;sg. acc.

teacher, university (female lecturer, university teacher

female);( );uitelka na univerzit
(univerzitn profesorka, univerzitn uitelka);sg. f.

teacher, university (male lecturer, university

teacher);( );uitel na univerzit
teach: They taught me about life.; :
;uit: (Oni) m uili o ivot.;p.s. (univerzitn profesor, univerzitn uitel);sg.
teacher: (They) are my teachers to give me knowledge of
teacher; ( )
( );uitelka uitel;sg. (mn.) (or) sg. m. (or) sg. f. Dhamma.;:
;uitel: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali znalost
(or) sg.
teacher ( ~ chief monk): youthful teacher ( ~ chief monk), (who)
teacher: good teacher;: ( ~
became famous; :
;uitel ( ~ opat): nezkuen uitel ( ~ " );uitel: dobr uitel;
teacher: Having met very good teachers ...;:
opat), (kter) se stal slavnm;
;uitel: Potkal velice dobr uitele a ...;p.p.
teacher (skillful (in being) teacher);( );uitel
teacher: I am a teacher.;: ;uitel: Jsem



(svch) zkuenost.;

teacher: painter teacher;: T ;uitel: mal technology (wisdom (of) method); ;technologie
(znalost metody);adj.
teacher: photo of teacher;: ;uitel: fotka uitele
(CZ col.);n.

technology (wisdom (of) machine

things); ;technologie (moudrost strojnch vc);n.

teacher: That teacher is Mr. Pradeep.;:

T;uitel: Ten uitel je pan Pradp.;pol.

technology: (It) is far from modern technology.; :

;technologie: Je (to) daleko
od modern technologie.;

teacher: The teacher is teaching the students.;:

;students: Uitel vyuuje

teenage; ;nctilet;adj.

teenager (ten exceeded

teaching, be (strike-down writing);;uitelsk, bt (srazit- age); ( );teenager (deset pekroiv
dol psan);T
vk) nctilet (deset pekroiv vk);sg.
teaching, be: In our group there are the teacher-monks who
won ( ~ "got) first (place) in whole the country.;:

() ;uitelsk, bt: V na skupin
jsou uitelt mnii, kte dostali prvn (msto) v cel zemi.;pol.
ubmn. mn.
teachings (of the Buddha, great truth); ;uen
(Buddhy, ohromn pravda);n. Bh.

teeth; ;zuby;pl. (or) n.

telephone; ( ) ( );telefn;sg. E.
telephone call ( ~ telephone
connection); ;telefonn hovor ( ~ telefonn
spojen);n. E. telephone

telephone call ( ~ telephone connection): coins for telephone

call; : ;telefonn
teachings (of the Buddha): What do (you) like most in the Lord hovor ( ~ telefonn spojen): mince na telefonn hovor;
Buddha's teachings?; : T
telephone call (connection (by)
;uen (Buddhy): Co
telephone); T ;telefonn hovor (spojen
m z ( ~ "v) uen Pna Buddhy nejradji?;inter.
telefonem);n. E. telephone
teacup;( );lek (hrnek);sg.
team; ( ) ;tm;sg.

team (in sport); ( ) ;tm (sportovn);sg.

team: The first team is going to lose.; :
;tm: Ten prvn tm (se chyst)
tear away (drag (and) tear (well)); ();odtrhnout
(tahat (a) trhat (podn)) vytrhnout (tahat (a) trhat

telephone: Kyi Kyi (Clearly), you (have) a phone call here.

(Kyi Kyi, here a phone comes (for) you.);:
;telefn: (ist), m telefn(n hovor).
( , tady ti pichz telefn.);cont. col.
telephone: Telephone is ringing. (Telephone is
coming.); : ;telefn: Telefn
zvon. (Telefn pichz.);cont.
telephone: The man is calling by two phones at the same
time.;: ;telefn:
(Ten) mu vol dvma telefony najednou.;cont.

tear away (tear (to) remove (well)); ();vytrhnout

((podn) trhat (aby) se-odstranil) odtrhnout ((podn) telephone: What is (your) telephone number?; :
trhat (aby) se-odstranil);T
;telefn: Jak je (tv) telefonn
tear away: He torn the information away (from a
diary).; : ;vytrhnout: telephone: What is your phone number?; :
Vytrhnul tu informaci (z die).;
;telefn: Jak je tv telefonn
slo?;inter. col.
tease; - ;provokovat;T

tease: To get relief from boredom, (I) am teasing with you.;: television;( );televizor televize;sg. E. TV
T ;provokovat: Abych si ulevil z nudy, television (images watching (and) sounds listening
tak t provokuji.;pol. um.
machine);T ( );televize (obrazy pozorovac
(a) zvuky poslouchac stroj);sg.
teaspoon (tea spoon); ( );kvov
lika (ajov lce);sg.

tell ((let) hear whereabouts); ;ci ((nechat)

technical (wisdom (of) method); ;technick (znalost slyet informaci);T
tell (tell (and) say);T; ci (povdt (a) ci);T
technical: a local technical journal; : T :
T ;technick: jeden mstn denk o
technice (jeden vnitrosttn technick denk);
technique; ;zpsob;sg.

tell (tell, fix (and) give); ;ci (ci, upevnit (a)

dt);T utmn.
tell (inform, give hearing whereabouts); ;ci
(informovat, dt slyet informaci);T

technique: (He) developed meditation technique according to

tell (to a king or monk); ;ci (krli nebo mnichovi);T
(his) experience.; :
tell (to a monk); () ;ci (mnichovi);T
;zpsob: Rozvinul meditaci ( ~ "zpsob meditace) dle tell (to king): It is said, that because of that, they told (to the


king), that Nga Nyo may know.; :

;ci (krli): k se, e

(prv) proto ekli (krlovi), e a o by mohl vdt.;

ten: ten Dollars; : ;deset: deset dolar;

tell lies;;li, kat;T

ten: ten minutes; : ;deset: deset minut;

tell off;;vynadat;T
tell: (I) will tell (and give) (you) as much as (I)
know.; :
;ci: eknu (ti) kolik vm.;fut. pol. utmn.

ten: ten gallons; : ;deset: deset galon;

ten: ten meters; : ;deset: deset metr;
ten: thirty-six (three tens and six); : T ;deset:
ticet est (ti destky a est);num.

tend to ( ~ have): On days (when I am) disappointed, (I) tend

to ( ~ have) keep (the right) mindfulness.;:
tell: Because I cannot tell it so that (you) understand
;mt (tendenci): Ve
thoroughly.;T: T ;ci: dnech nespokojenosti mm (tendenci) udrovat (sprvnou)
Protoe to neumm ct tak, abys to pochopil pln.;col. pol. uw. vmavost.;pol.
tell: Don't be shy. Tell (it to me).;T: T;ci:
tend to (have);;mt tendenci (mt);T
Nesty se. ekni (mi to).;imper. pol.
tend to (have habit);; mt sklon k (mt (ve) zvyku);T
tell: He always tells me truth.;T:
T ;ci: Vdycky mi k pravdu.;

tell: I have (already) told you, indeed. (said to a

monk); : ;ci: Ji jsem ti,
vskutku, ekl. (eeno mnichovi);pol. utmn.
tell: I told him many times.;T:
T ;ci: ekl jsem mu (to) mnohokrt.;pol. um.
tell: I will tell him to come today.;T:
T ;ci: eknu mu, aby dnes piel.;fut. pol. um.
tell: Tell (me) what (you) need.;T: T;ci:
ekni (mi) co potebuje.;imper.
tell: Tell him (that) I cannot come today.;T: T
;ci: ekni mu, e dnes nemohu
pijt.;imper. pol. um.
tell: Tell him for me. (To him tell (and) give.);T:
T;ci: ekni mu za m. (Jemu ekni (a) dej.);imper.

tendency;;sklon k;T
tender (female master (who) treats paining
persons);( );oetovatelka (zdravotn,
ensk mistr (kter) oetuje bolav osoby);sg.
tender (for women); ;jemn (o ench);adj. f.
tender (nurse, treats paining
persons);( );oetovatelka (zdravotn,
oetuje bolav osoby);sg.
tennis match; ( );tenisov zpas;sg. E. tennis
tennis match: The tennis match is (being) held on the
grass.; : T
;tenisov zpas: Tenisov zpas je podn na
tennis racket (tennis directing
stick); ( );tenisov plka (tenisov zamiujc
klacek);sg. E. tennis

tennis, play; ;tenis, hrt;T E. tennis

telling, be (about a manner);;vypovdajc, bt (o zpsobu);I tent; ;stan;n.
temporary;;doasn;adj. P. yy (= going, one-who-goes) tenth;;dest;num. P. dasama (= tenth)
temporary: (I) became only temporary (nun (or) monk).;: tenth of kyat (of Konbaung period);;desetnk iatu (z obdob
T ;doasn: Stala jsem se mnikou ( ~
mnichem) jen doasn.;
ten; ( );deset;num. writ. (or) num.

ten (usually preceding a noun); ;deset (obvykle ped pod.

ten million; (WS. from ) ;deset
milion;num. rare. (or) num. rare. WS. (or) num.

term (for sth.); ;termn (pro nco);n. P. paatti (=

designation, name)
territory; ( );oblast teritorium;sg.
test; ;testovat vyzkouet otestovat;T

test (check (and) wipe); ;otestovat (zkontrolovat (a)

ten million (a hundred of hundred thousand); ;deset utt);T
milion (sto sto tisc);num.
test (test (and) look); ;vyzkouet (otestovat (a) dvatten thousand; ;deset tisc;num.
ten thousand: twelve thousand; :
test: (He) stuck a needle between nails and while hitting (it)
;deset tisc: dvanct tisc;
with hammer, (he) tested (them).; :
ten thousand: twelve thousand (10 000 + 2 000; :
(10 000 + 2 000);deset tisc: dvanct tisc
(10 000 + 2 000);num.
ten: fifteen minutes; : ;patnct minut;adv.
ten: fifty-nine (five tens and nine); : ;deset:
padest devt (pt destek a devt);num.
ten: sixty-four (six tens and four); :
T ;deset: edest tyi (est destek a

;testovat: Zabodnul jehlu mezi

nehty a zatmco (ji) zatloukal kladivem, testoval (je).;writ.
text (writing (and) inscribing);;text (psan (a)
text: (I) want to write the clearest explanation for that
text.;: ;text: Chci
napsat nejjasnj vysvtlen toho ( ~ "tomu) textu.;pol.
textbook (book used (in)
school); ( );uebnice (kniha uvan (ve)




Thailand (country);() ();Thajsko

(zem);name. (or) name

that (follows after direct speech);;e (nsleduje za pmou


Thain Chau (town near Yangon); ;Tain haun

(msto pobl Rangnu);name

that (follows after direct speech): (You say,) that (you) are
going to take a photo of me ( ~ "sir)?;:
;e (nsleduje za pmou e): (k,) e si
vyfot m ( ~ "pna)?;inter. fut.

than; ;ne;prep. & conj.

than, more; ;ne, vce;suff. adv.

than, more: Indeed, (I) cannot decrease (the price) (any more) that (indicates indirect speech); (-( )+ , put at the end
more than this.; : ;ne, vce: of sentence) (put at the end of sentence);e (zna
nepmou e);suff.
Vskutku, vce ne tolik ji nemohu zlevnit ( ~ "snit).;col.
that (used for relative clause); (from );jak (uito ve
thank ( ~ "gratitude): Thanks. (Just gratitude.);:
vztan vt);suff.
;dkuji: Dkuji. (Prost vdnost.);col.
thank (put merit or put gratitude); ;dkovat (uloit
zsluhu nebo uloit vdk);T
thank (to sb.); ;dkovat (nkomu);v. pol.
thank (you): Thank (you) for correcting the
mistakes.; : T
;dkuji: Dkuji za opraven chyb.;pol.
thank (you): Thank you for answering (me)
back.; : T T ;dkuji:
Dkuji za odpov (zpt).;pol.

that (used for relative clause) (things): There are also (things)
that women cannot (do).;:
;kter, (vc) (uito ve vztan vt): Jsou tak (vci),
kter eny nedokou.;pol. col.
that is;;e je;suff. conj.
that is to say (followed by a list);;toti (nsledovno

that is: It is clear, that it is very good.;:

( ~ );e je: Je jasn, e
je to velice dobr.;pol. col.

thank: (I) also thank (you), that (you) took the help from the
that kind;;ten druh;n.

side of (my) ability.; :
;dkovat: (J) (ti) tak dkuji, e jsi that kind of (kind like that); ;ten druh (druh jako
si vzal pomoc ze strany (mch) schopnost.;pol.
that kind of (kind like this);;tento druh (druh jako
thank: (It) is used ( ~ "put) because a deep thanks was
desired.; :

;dkovat: Vkld se (to), protoe se vyaduje that way; ;tak;adv.

hlubok dkuji.;pol.
that way (in direction over-there); ;tam (ve smru
thank: Just, thank you.;: ( ~ );dkovat: tamhle);adv.
(Tak) tedy, dkuji.;col.
that way (like that); ;tak (tm zpsobem, jako to);adv.
thank: Thank you.; : ;dkovat:
Dkuji.;col. pol.


thanks: (I) thank you also.;: ;dkuji:

Tak vm dkuji.;pol. col.

that way: Nowadays it is (just) that way.; :

;takto: V dnen dob je to (prv) tak.;col. pol.

thanks: Thank (you) very much. (World of thanks.);:

;dkuji: Moc (ti) dkuji. (Svt dk.);pol.

that way: That way (you) will get ( ~ find) (it).; :

;tam: Tam to najdete. (Ve smru tam (to)

that way: (If I) say it that way, would (you) like (it)?; :
thankful, be: (You) should be thankful.; :
T ;tak (tm zpsobem): Bude se (ti) to
;vdn, bt: Ml bys bt vdn.;imper. pol. lbit, kdy to eknu tak?;inter. pol.

thanks: Thank you so much!;:

;dkovn: Hrozn moc dkuji!;pol.

that will;;e bude;suff. col.

;tamto ten tamten to e tamhleto tamhleten
kter;pron. writ. (or) suff. writ. (or) suff. col. (or) suff. conj. (or)
conj. (or) suff. pron. (or) pron.

that will not; ();kter nebude;suff. col.

that (closes a direct speech): (He, the king) has stated, that
(he) would give clothes (to people) by (his) left hand.;:
T ( ~ T)
;e (uzavr pmou e): (Krl) prohlsil, e bude
svou) levou rukou dvat lidem obleen.;p.p. writ.

;kter, (vc) (uito ve vztan
vt): V ptomnosti jsou tak (vci), kter si mui nemohou
udlat sami.;pol.

that will: His rice is what I'll eat.;:

;co budu: Jeho re je (to,) co budu jst.;pol. um.

that will: I don't know that he'll come.;:

that (the one said (so));;to (to takto ren);pron. acc. ;e bude: Nevm, e pijde.;um.
that (closes a direct speech);;e (uzavr pmou e);suff.
that, (things) (used for relative clause): In the present life there
are also (things) that men cannot do themselves.;:

that (follows after direct speach);; e (nsleduje za pmou


that, to (to which (was) said);;tomu (k (tomu,) co

(bylo) eeno);acc.

that, to (to (the) topic which (was)

told); ; tomu (k tmatu, kter (bylo)
that: (He) said (that) he'll come.;:
T ;e: ekl, e pijde.;pol.

that: This book is better than that book.;:
;tamta: Tato kniha je lep ne
tamta kniha.;
that: together with that;: ;to: spolu s tm;

that: (I) believe, that you want to become a nun.;:

that: We can understand, that (he) was of poor
T ;e: Vm, e se knowledge.;:
chce stt mnikou.;pol.
;e: Meme pochopit, e byl chabch
that: (I) can speak in Myanmar langauge better than
that.; : T T ;to:
that: What do (you) want to buy? (What (is it), that (you) want
Umm mluvit Myanmarskm jazykem lpe (ne to).;pol.
to buy?);: ;co: Co chcete koupit? (Co (je to),
that: (I) didn't order that (one).; : ;ten: Ten
jsem si neobjednal.;pol.
that: (It is said) that he will come.; : ;e: Pr
(on) pijde.;col.
that: (The thing) (that) I eat is rice.;:
;co: (To,) co jm, je re.;pol. um.
that: (the thing) that he will say;: T;co: (to,) co
ekne;n. col.

co chcete koupit?);inter. col.

that: What they believe is, that finally (it) disappears and they
will (simply) die.;:
;e: emu
v, tak (prv,) e nakonec (to) zmiz a (oni) (prost)
that's it:that's it, alright?; : ;to je: To je ve, ano?;col.

that: (the thing) that I (will) eat.;: ;co: (to,)

co budu jst;n. col. um.

Thawe (town); ;Dhau (msto);name

;tamto: Budu st tuto knihu a jet

tamtu knihu.;fut. col. um.

the more, the more;- - ;m vc, tm vc;adv.

THC (marijuana, six(fold) medicine);T ;THC

that: because (we) were afraid that (he) would bite;: (marihuana, ester medicna);n.
;e: protoe jsme se obvali, e by kousal;col.
the more the more -: The more (one) is beautiful, the more
(one) is intoxicated (by it).;- - :
that: finish denoting that mention;:
;m vc tm vc -: m vc je (nkdo)
;to: ukonit naznaen t zmnky;
krsn, tm vc je (tm) opil.;
that: I will read this book and also that book.;:

that: Is that (one) hot?; : ;tamten: Je tamten


the more, the more: Indeed, the more (you) are close, the more
(it is) hot.;- -: ;m vc, tm vc:
Vskutku, m jsi bl, tm vc je horko.;col.

that: It is generally accepted that the commentaries appeared

during (ven.) Buddhaghosa's time.;:
;e: Veobecn se pijm, e komente se
objevily bhem doby (ct.) Buddhaghsy.;writ.

the more, the more: The more (you are) closer, the more (it is)
hot.;- -: ;m vc, tm vc: m (jsi)
bl, tm vc (to) pl.;col.

that: Not only that, he also said (that) (he) knows how to
fulfill that intention.;:
T T T ;e:
Nejen to, tak ekl, e v, jak ten zmr uskutenit.;p.s. writ.

theater: In this theater the actor is entertaining (the

people).; :
T ;divadlo: V tomto divadle herec bav (lidi).;cont.

theater (public-building (of) drama);T ( )

( );divadlo (veejn-budova dramat);sg.

Theingyi Market (market (of) big hall);;Teindijsk

Trh (trh velk haly);name

that: So, shall (I) cook curry? ... (I) have the idea, that (I would) their;;jejich;pron. pl. writ.
cook the vegetable curry.;: ...
their (they): Their names are (young man) Aye and (young
;e: Tak, uvam
man) Tin.;: ;oni:
omku? ... Napadlo m, e (bych) uvail zeleninovou
(Oni) se jmenuj (mlad pn) a (mlad pn) Ten.;col. pol.
them (to that {pl.}); ; je (k tomu {mn..});acc.
that: that (it) is a sickness; : T ;e: e je (to) then; ;pak;adv.
then ( ~ indeed, after this): Then, engineer Mr. Than Tun with
that: that coffee;: ;to: ta kva;

doctor. Mr. Win Thein should continue in refuting equally for

that: That it is very good.;: ;e: e je to five minutes.; :
velice dobr.;ans. col.
;pot ( ~
that: That teacher is Mr. Pradeep.; : T;ten: vskutku, po tomto): Pot by mli pan inenr Tan Dhon s
Ten uitel je pan Pradp.;pol.
panem doktorem Wen Tein pokraovat ve vyvracen (nzoru
that: that you stay;: ;e: e zstv;
protivnka v debat) oba ( ~ stejnou dobu) po pt minut.;pol.
that: That's fine.; : ;to: To je v podku.;col. then ((at) that time);;pak ((v) tu dobu);conj.


then (after finishing);;pot (po skonen);adv.

then (beforebefore arrival (of) present time);
();tenkrt (pedped pchodem
ptomnho asu);adv.

Then: Then, also, editorials and articles are still published

;Pak, a: A pak, vodnky a lnky jsou tam stle

then (by this);T;pak (skrze toto);conj.

then: Then, there are also ancient artcrafts.;:

;dle: Dle, jsou tam
tak starovk umleck dla.;col. pol.

then (out (of) that);T T ;pak (mimo to);adv.

then: Then, there are indeed other things to see just near the
Shwedagon pagoda.; :
T ;pak, a: A
pak, prv pobl vedagou pagody jsou vskutku dal vci k

then (next after finishing); ;pak (pt po

then (after that, after finish);;pak (po tom, po
skonen);adv. col.
then (in that case);T;pak (v tom ppad);interj.

then (used to delay speech) (if (is) said); ;tedy (uito ke

zpodn mluvy) (je-li eeno);conj.

then: Then, who can I speak to? (also during telephone

conversation);T: T T;tak: Tak s km
then (used to delay speech): Today, then, I, then, will go to
Yangon, then.; : mohu mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter. fut.
;tedy (uito ke zpodn mluvy): Dnes, tedy, j, thera (elder monk); ( );thra (star mnich);sg. P. thera
(= elder)
tedy, pojedu do Rangnu, tedy.;fut. pol. um.
then, and (if finished); ;pak, a (pokud skoneno);suff. Theravda Buddhism;;thravdov
buddhismus;name P. theravdabuddhassana (= Buddha's
then, and: (I) am going to take a shower, and then (I) will ( ~ dispensation of Theravda)
"am going to) have a meal.; :
;pak, a: Jdu se osprchovat a pak se jdu
najst.;fut. ubmn.
then: (You) turn right after the second traffic light (and) then
go further straight ahead for 200 meters.;:

;pak: (Ty) zahni vpravo za druhm
semaforem (a) pak je dl rovn 200 metr.;imper. pol.
then: Alaun Min Taya then powerfully united the region
between rivers Ayeyawaddy and Chin Twin, and then attacked
(and) conquered Inwa.; :
T ;pak: Alaun Men
Daj pak mocn sjednotil oblast mezi ekami Ejvad (Iravadi)
a en Twen, a pak zatoil (a) dobyl Envu.;writ.
then: First having turned left, then just turn right, (and) there
(you) should find the hotel.;:

Nejprve zatote vlevo, a pak zatote vpravo, (a) tam byste ml
uvidt ( ~ najt) hotel.;imper. fut. col.
then: Then (he) seized towns Pyee, Lwanshe (and)
Dagoung.; : T
;pak: Pak dobyl msta Pj, Lvane (a)
then: Then they were composed by the same thera in Sri
Lankan language.; : ( ~
) ;pak:
Pak byly sepsny tm samm throu ve Sr Lanskm
then: Then U Aung Zeyya could connect and unite Shans of
northern region with Myanmar.; :
;pak: Pak se Aun Zeyyovi podailo

pipojit k a sjednotit any ze severn oblasti s Myanmary.;p.s.


there; ;tam tmhle (CZ col.);adv. (or)

adv. acc. col.
there (at that place); ;tam (v tom mst);adv.
there (direction over-there); ;tam (smr tamhle);adv.
there, over;;tmhle (CZ col.);adv.
there, over: Who is over there? Those are just
policemen.;: ;tmhle: Kdo
je tmhle? Hele, to jsou jen policajti.;col.
there: Are there Mr. Bakhin and Mrs. Thuza?;:
;tam: Jsou tam pan Bakhen a pan
Tuza?;inter. col.
there: Do not write there.;: ;tam: Nepite
tam.;imper. pol.
there: Don't sit there.;: ;tam: Nesedejte si
tam.;imper. pol.
there: I won't go there.; : ;tam:
Tam (j) nepjdu.;fut. col.
there: There (one) must get up (from bed) early in the
morning.;: ;tam: Tam
se mus vstvat (z postele) brzy rno.;fut.
there: Who is there?;: ;tam: Kdo je
tam?;inter. col.
thereafter (just after this); ;potom (prv po
thereafter (next po skonen); ;potom (pt
po skonen);conj.
thereby (by that reason);T;z toho dvodu (ten
dvod instr.);adv.
T;proto;conj. (or) adv.

therefore (by);T;proto ((zna instrumentl);suff.

therefore (by that reason);T;proto (ten dvod


T ;kaj: kaj, e ztra bude pret.;

therefore: According to this law, all who need to learn at

univesity cannot get the permission to learn ((and) listen),
therefore people of all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed,
not satisfied.;T: ( )

T T ;proto:
Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit na universit,
nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn) povolen, proto,
vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch nrodnost
nespokojeni.;pl. writ.

they say, that will; (-( )+ , put at the end of

sentence);kaj ( ~ k se), e bude;suff. adv.

therefore: It is said, that because of that (he) did not agree with
his daughter (about her chosen husband).;:
;proto: k se, e proto nesouhlasil
se svou dcerou (ohledn jejho vyvolenho).;
therefore: Therefore, (I) invite the leader of proposers (in
debate), teacher Mr. Mya Maung, to propose (his idea in the
T () ;proto:
Proto (nyn) zvu vdce mluvch ( ~ navrhovatel) (v tto
debat), uitele pana Mja Mauna, aby vysvtlil ( ~ navrhl)
(svj nzor).;pol. um.
therefore: Therefore, according to the (king's) decree, having
dug the embarkment, majesty should see.;:
;proto: Proto,
dle (krlova) rozkazu, vsost by se (na to) mla podvat po
vykopn toho nalodn.;
therefore: Therefore, nowadays Mandalay is flourishing more
than before.;:
;proto: Proto dnes Mandalaj
vzkvt vce ne dv.;cont. pol.
therefore: Therefore, since the independence they call it
National Day.;:
;proto: Proto ode (dne)
nezvislosti to nazvaj Nrodn Den.;pl. writ. pol.

they: They are.;: ;oni: Oni jsou.;

thick;;tlust (o vcech);adj.
thick, be;;tlust, bt;I
thick: Since 1990 the newspapers were thick.;:
;tlust: Od 1990 (byly) noviny tlust.;pol.
thick: The clouds in the sky are being thick.;:
;tlust: Mraky na obloze jsou (najednou) velk
( ~ tlust);p.p.
thief (person (who) steals);( ) [tkh:];zlodj
(osoba (kter) krade);sg.
thief: Thief is breaking in a house.;:
;zlodj: Zlodj se vloup do domu.;cont.
thigh; ( ) ( )
( );stehno;sg.
Thin-gyan day: On the Thin-gyan days youth pay obeisance to
the elders (who) stay in the village.; :

;Tendan: Ve dnech Tendanu mlad uctvaj
star lidi (kte) jsou ve vesnici.;pol.
Thin-gyan, new year festival; ;Tendan, novoron
Thin-gyan: During the Thin-gyan all nationalities are more
happier than usually.; :
;Tendan: Bhem Tendanu jsou
vechny nrody astnj ne obvykle.;pol.

Thin-gyan: It is after the following day after Thin-gyan when is

the first day of the Myanmar year.; :
T ;Tendan: Je to
therefore: Therefore, they are considered by people as (those)
prv nsledujc den po Tendanu, kdy (zan) prvn den
who live low in (this) life.; :
Myanmarskho roku.;col. pol.
T ;proto: Proto
Thin-gyan: Thin-gyan in village is not like that.; :
jsou lidmi povaovny za ty, kdo v (tomhle) ivot ij nzko.;
;Tendan: Vesnick Tendan
these: About these rivers.;: T ;tyto: O tchto
takhle neprobh ( ~ nen).;pol.
Thin-gyan: Thin-gyan means ( ~ is called) one of festivals of
these: Because of these students, the national spirit of the
Myanmar country.; : T
citizens also awakened and happened ( ~ came) to
;Tendan: Tendan se k jednomu z
(celo)nrodnch festival.;col. pol.
;tito: Kvli tmto studentm nrodn
thin, be;;huben, bt;I
duch obyvatel oil (a) piel k rozvoji.;pol. writ.
thin: From 1970 until 1989 the newspapers were thin.;:
thesis; ( );disertace;sg. writ.
;tenk: Od 1970 do
they;;oni;pron. pl.
1989 byly noviny tenk.;pol.
they (for animate and inanimate nouns);; oni (pro ivotn i
thin: The horse is thinner than the cow.;: T
neivotn pod. jm.);pron.
;huben: K je hubenj ne krva.;
they (them): (He) did not make ( ~ undertake making) any
thing;( );vc;sg.
oath to them.; : T ;oni (jim):
thing (any inanimate object, bundle (to)
Neuinil ( ~ nepodstoupil uinn) dn psahy jim.;writ.
throw);( );vc (jakkoliv neivotn pedmt, balk
they say; (-( )+ , put at the end of sentence)
(na) vyhozen);sg. P. paccaya (= requisite, means)
(put at the end of sentence);k se, e kaj, e;suff. adv.
thing by itself; [ach:];vc sama o sob;n.
they say that will: They say, that tomorrow will be raining.; :


thing, just one more; ;vc, jet jedna;n.

think (about sth.); ;pemlet (o nem);T

thing, just one: (There is) just one (more) thing (to be
said).; : ;vc, jen jedna: (Je tu) jet jedna
vc (k een).;col.

think (contemplate about); ;pemlet;T

thing, one; ;vc, jedna;n.

think: (I) just think like that.; : ;myslet: (J)

myslm prost tak.;col.

thing, one: But never forget one thing.; :

;vc, jedna: Ale jednu vc nikdy
thing, one: But one thing (I) know (very) well.; :
;vc, jedna: Ale jednu vc
dobe vm.;pol.
thing: a new thing (something new);:
;vc: nov vc (nco novho);

think (have an idea); ;domnvat se (myslet si) myslet si

(domnvat se);T

think: (They) cannot think like people.;:

;myslet: Nemohou myslet jako lid.;
think: But don't think, that (I) am (doing (work of)) the
correction-teacher, ok?; : T
;myslet si: Ale nemysli si, e dlm (prci)
opravujcho uitele, jo?;col. pol.

think: Did you think about becoming a nun when (you) were a
thing: I know one thing. (And) that is, (that I) know
child ( ~ "during (your) childhood)?; : T
nothing.;: ( ~
( ~ ) ;pemlet:
);vc: Vm jednu Pemlela jsi (o tom) stt se mnikou, kdy jsi byla dt ( ~
vc. (A) to, (e) nic nevm.;
"bhem (svho) dtstv)?;p.s. inter.
thing: Please, can you explain your ideas regarding these
things in ( ~ "with) letter?; :

T;vc: Prosm, me (mi) vysvtlit sv nzory
ohledn tchto vc v ( ~ "s) dopise?;inter.
thing: The form of the green (thing) and red object is not
;vc: Podoba zelen (vci) a erven vci nen
thing:This I have encountered for the first time, now. (This is a
thing which, for me, (I) have met for starting from now.);:
;vc: S tmhle jsem
se te setkal poprv. (Tohle je vc, (se) kterou, pro m, jsem
se setkal ponaje od te.);pol.
things (as property, things (and) property);;vci (o
vlastnictv, vci (a) vlastnictv);n. P. paccaya (= requisites,

think: I am thinking about you.;:

;myslet: Myslm na tebe ( ~ o tob);cont. col.
think: People thought it to be a spirit-house and worship it,
majesty.; :
;myslet si: Lid si mysleli, e je to duchv (bkv) dm
a uctvaj jej, vsosti.;pol.
think: Think (it) over. (Think for sure, please.); :
;rozmyslet si ( ~ "myslet): Rozmysli si to.
(Mysli najisto, prosm.);imper. pol.
think: Think as you like ( ~ "want) (to think).; :
;jak: Mysli si co ( ~ "jak) chce (myslet).;
think: Well, (I) will think about it.; :
;myslet: No, budu o tom pemlet.;fut.
think: What do (you) think (about it)? (How (you) think?); :
;myslet si: Co si (o tom) mysl? (Jak

think: when (we) think logically; :

things (attached to the word for the things themselves to
;myslet: pokud pemlme logicky;
convey subject in sentence);;vci (pipojeno ke slovu pro think: Why do (you) think, that (I) don't like ( ~ "need)
ty vci jako takov aby byl vyjden podmt ve vt);pl.
you?; : ;myslet
things (property);;vci (majetek);n. P. ucc (= high)
(si): Pro si mysl, e t nemm rd ( ~ "nepotebuji)?;inter.
things (to say etc.); ;vci (k een);n.
think: you yourself think; : ;myslet si: ty sm
things (to say etc.): (They) talk (about) many
things.; : T ;vci (k
povzen): Bav se o hodn vcech.;

si mysl;

thinking, way of (mind matter); ;mylen, zpsob

(mentln hmota);n.

things: I saw how very rich people, who (have) many things live thinking: not mature thinking;:
(their) life.;: ;mylen: nedospl mylen;
;vci: Vidl
third;;tet;num. P. tatiya (= third)
jsem, jak velice bohat lid, kte (maj) mnoho vc, ij (svj) third: After the third intersection turn left.;:
;tet: Po tet kiovatce
things: I zealously try to get various things and finally I
zato do leva.;imper. pol.
third: Third house is my house.;:
;tet: Tet dm je mj dm.;pol. um.
Horliv se (j) snam dostat rzn vci a nakonec zemu.;fut. thirsty, be (hungry (for) water);;zniv, bt (hladov
think; ;myslet;T

think (mince much); ;myslet (nakrjet hodn);T

think (mind crosses);;myslet (mysl pechz);T
think (think (and) call);;myslet (myslet (a) volat);T


(po) vod);I

thirsty: I am thirsty. (I (am) hungry for water.);:

;ze: Mm ze. (J hladovm (po) vod.);col,

thirty; ;ticet;num.

(stoj) tenhle?;inter.

this; ;tenhle tohoto toto tomto (nebo this: Is this hot (tasty)?;: ;tohle: Je tohle
tomhle) tento tohle;pron. writ. (or) pron.
this (from this);;tohle (od tohohle);pron. col.
this and that;;tohle a tamto;pron.
this and that: In the shop I have to do this and that. (In shop
(I) give this and that work, (I) will follow.);:
;tohle a tamto: V obchod musm dlat
tohle a tamto. (V obchod dvm tuhle a tamtu prci, budu
nsledovat.);fut. col.
this much; ;tolik;adv.

this: This is it, alright? (just this, ok?);: ;toto: To je

ve, ano? (pouze toto, ano?);
this: This is Maung Maung's book.;:
;tohle: Tohle je Maung Maungova kniha.;pol.
this: This is more friendly, indeed.;:
;tohle: Tohle je, vskutku, pteltj.;col.
this: This is my elder brother.;: ;tohle: Tohle
je mj star bratr.;pol. uw.

this much: (You) could have said even this much

(already).; : T ;tolik: U jsi
(toho) dokzal dokonce i tolik namluvit.;p.p.

this: What country is this?;: ;tohle: Co je tohle za

stt?;inter. col.

this one; ;tenhle;pron. col.

Thongwa (a village);();Toungua (vesnice);name

this one (this one thing);;tohle (tahle jedna vc);pron.

this one: Apart from this one I understood the rest.;:
T ;tohle: Krom
tohohle jsem pochopil vechno ( ~ "zbytek).;p.s.
this one: This one, (and) this one, (and) this one. (may be said
when showing several kinds of objects); :
;tenhle: Tenhle, tenhle (a) tenhle. (lze ci pi ukazovn
na nkolik druh pedmt.;col.
this time: This time (I) am (being) busy with ( ~ "for) the
birthday meditation retreat at the end of (this)
month.; :

;v tuto dobu: V
tuto dobu mm hodn prce s ( ~ "pro) narozeninov
meditan zsed, (kter bude) na konci (tohoto) msce.;cont.

this: What is this?;: ;tohle: Co je tohle?;inter. col.

thorough (has neg. connotation, use-up (the)
limit); ;pln (m spe negativn vznam,
spotebovat limit);T
thoroughly (all-around (and) extensively);;zcela
(dokola (a) rozshle);adv.
those; ;ty (tamty);pron.
those things; ;tyto vci ty vci;col. pl. (or) pl.
though; ;pesto
pestoe;conj. (or) conj. col. (or) suff. conj. (or) adv. writ.
though not; - - ;ani by;adv. (or) pref. & suff.

though not: Though not (even) hoping, (I) was permitted to be

(your) friend.; - :
;ani by: Ani bych
this way; T;tudy tmto zpsobem;adv. (or) adv. doufal, bylo (mi) povoleno bt (tvm) ptelem.;
though: Though he says, I don't believe (it).; :
this way (according this method); ;takhle (dle
tto metody);adv.
this way: This way the Myanmar (people) perform New
Year.;: T ;takto: Takto
Myanmart (lid) konaj o Novm Roce.;pol.

T ;pestoe: Pestoe k, nevm

though: Though I envision, that meditation is good, (I) do not
do (it) much.;: ( ~
T ;pestoe: Pestoe pedvdm, e
meditace je dobr, moc (ji) nedlm.;pol.

this way: This way U Aung Zeyya's power became

great.;T: T
T ;tmto zpsobem: Tmto zpsobem se stala moc thought;;mylenka;n.
Aun Zeyyi obrovskou.;writ.
thought (mind crosses);;mylenka (mysl pechz);n.
this year;;tento rok;adv.
thought (thinking (and) calling);( );mylenka
this, like; ;takto;col.

this: about this; : ;tohle: o tomhle;

this: According to this law, all who need to learn at univesity
cannot get the permission to learn ((and) listen), therefore
people of all the Myanmar nationalities were, indeed, not
satisfied.;: ( )

T T ;tento:
Dle tohoto zkona, vichni, kdo se potebuj uit na universit,
nemohou dostat k uen ((a) poslouchn) povolen, proto,
vskutku, byli lid ze vech Myanmarskch nrodnost
nespokojeni.;pl. writ.
this: also this;: ;toto: tak toto;writ.

(mylen (a) voln);sg.

thought: (I) am proudly presenting ("for) the thought.;:

T;mylenka: Hrd pedstavuji
(pro) (tu) mylenku.;
thought: Having realized (that I have) thoughts again and
again, (I continuously) abandon them.;:
Znovu a znovu si uvdomuji, (e mm) mylenky, a (neustle)
je opoutm.;med.
thoughts (mind crosses {pl.});;mylenky (mysl
pechz {mn..});pl.

thousand; ( ) ;tisc;num.
this: How much is this (one)?;: ;tenhle: Kolik thousand: one thousand one hundred; : ;tisc:


tisc sto;num.
thousand: six thousand five hundred; :
T ;tisc: est tisc pt set;num.

thousand: thousand five hundred; : ;tisc: tisc

pt set;num.

;takto: Takto ohromn Alaung Min

Tay vskutku dokzal opt sjednotit zemi Myanmaru, postavit
(a) zdit aby (byla) dobe (posbran) (a) organizovan.;p.s.

thus: The statue was thus created as (he) so much loved his
queen, who died at the place.;:
thousand: twelve thousand (10 000 + 2 000; :
;takto: Ta socha byla
(10 000 + 2 000);tisc: dvanct tisc (10
takto vytvoena, protoe tolik moc miloval svou krlovnu, kter
000 + 2 000);num.
thousand: two thousand t-shirts; : ;tisc: dva na tomto mst zemela.;pol.
thus: Thus the king asked to call Nga Nyo.;:
tisce triek;
;a tak: A tak krl podal aby
zavolali a o.;
three; ;ti;num.
threewheel;( );trojkolk;sg. E. tuk-tuk

threewheel (car (of) three

wheels);( );trojkolk (auto t kol);sg.
thrive (be-alive (and) thrive); ;vzkvtat (bt-naivu (a)
thriving; ;vzkvtajc (o mst atd.);adj.
through (for abstract things, to (and) by);T;skrze (o
abstraktnch vcech, do (a) skrze);suff. writ.
through, get; ;skrz, dostat se;T
throw; ;vyhodit hodit;T

ticket office (hand sign office); ( );prodejna

jzdenek (nebo letenek atd., kancel runho znamen)
vdejna jzdenek (nebo letenek atd., kancel runho

ticket: This ticket is valid for one month.; :

( ~ ) ;lstek: Tento
lstek m platnost jeden msc.;
tide (water tide);;pliv (vodn pliv);n.
tidings, get the;;doslechnout se;I

throw out (expel, remove (and) throw); ;vyhodit (CZ

col., vyhnat nkoho, odstranit (a) vyhodit);T

tidy up (nicely improve); T ;uklidit (hezky


vskutku, nehzme vodou. (tj. nehrajeme hzen vodou);pol.

tight, be; ;tsn, bt;I

throw: The boy will certainly throw the ball.; :

;hodit: Chlapec urit hod mem.;fut.

time; ;as doba;n.

throw water (especially during Thin-Gyan festival); ;hzet tie; ;zavzat;T

tiger;( );tygr;sg.
vodou (zejmna bhem Tendan oslavy);T
tiger: a tiger behind plant;:
throw water: At night, indeed, we do not (play) throwing
;tygr: tygr za rostlinou;
water.;: ;hzet vodou: V noci,

thrust (into);;zarazit (nco kam);T writ.

thump; ;bouchnout (pst do neho);T

Thursday (Jupiter's day); (WS.
from );tvrtek (den Jupiteru) tvrtek (den
Jupiteru);adv. (or) adv. WS.

till; ;a do do doby;adv. (or) suff.

time ( ~ "hours): It is half past eight. ((It) has been 8 hours

(and) half.); ( ~ "): ;as ( ~ "hodiny): Je pl
devt. (Ji bylo 8 hodin (a) pl.);p.p. col.
time ( ~ "hours): What is the time? (How many hours is
(it)?);: ;hodiny: Kolik je hodin?;inter. col.

thus; T;takto a tak;conj. (or) adv. writ.

time (strike): What is the time? (How many hours have been
struck?);: ;as (udeit): Kolik je hodin?
(Kolik hodin udeilo?);col.

thus (by this);T;takto (skrze toto);conj.

time (in number of times);;krt (kdy se nco opakuje);n.

thus (after this);;takto (po tomto) a tak (po

thus (that-way); ; takto (tak);adv.
thus (EN writ., according this method); ;takto
(dle tto metody);adv.
thus (thereby, by that reason);T;tm (proto, ten
dvod instr.);adv.

time (of a personality); ;doba (ohledn osoby);n.

time (ordinal number);;zna poadov slo;n.

time to time (a time with a time); ;as od asu

(njak as s njakm asem);adv.
time, at that;;dobu, v tu tenkrt;adv. writ.

thus: Just after (I) do it thus, (I) give it to other students.; :

T ;takto: Hned
po tom, co (to) takto udlm, dvm (to) ostatnm

time, at that: At that time turtle (said): friend rabbit, with you I
dare to race.;: "
T ;tenkrt: Tehdy elva (ekla: pteli krlku, s
tebou si troufm zvodit.;writ.

thus: The great Alaung Min Taya thus could, indeed, again
successfully unite the Myanmar country, build and set (it) up in
order to (make it) well (collected) (and) organized.;T :

time, at what ( ~ "how many hours): (At) what time will (you)
go?; : ;hodin, v kolik: (V) kolik
hodin pjde?;inter. col.


time, at what ( ~ "how many hours); ;hodin, (v)


time, at what: (At) want time do (you) want (me) to come for
sure?; : ;hodin, v kolik ( ~
"jak as): V kolik hodin chcete, abych opravdu pijel?;inter.
time, big: Also in monasteries, at big times, big days, (they)
recite (Pi discourses).;:
;chvle, velk: Tak v
klterech, ve velkch chvlch, o velkch dnech, recituj (pi
time, certain;;as, urit;adj.
time, certain: The wisdom that (you) taught will later become
useful, at a certain time.;:
;as, urit: Moudrost, kterou
jsi uil, bude pozdji, v uritou dobu, uiten.;fut. pol.
time, find (to do sth., take time);;as, najt si (na
nco, vzt as);T

time: There is not enough time.;:

;as: Nen dost asu.;
time: This is the first time I have already been to
Yangon.;: ;zna
poadov slo: To je (ji) poprv co jsem v Rangnu.;col. pol.
time: What is the time?;: ;as: Jak je ( ~
"ji byl) as? (Kolik je hodin?);inter. col.
time: when I am free (free time (and) resting time);:
;as: kdy jsem voln (voln as (a) odpoinkov
time: When the moon is shining, (it is) night time.; :
;as: Kdy svt msc, (je) noc ( ~
non as).;writ.
time: when the time for meditation is finished;:
;skonit: kdy as na
meditaci skon;

time, long;;dlouho;adv.

time: With the excuse, that with the worldly problems (I) cannot
time: (I) (really) didn't get time to correct (your writing).;: dedicate (it) time, I have been lazy.;:
T ;as: Opravdu jsem neml as (ti to)
T ( ~ T)
;as: S vmluvou, e se svtskmi problmy tomu
nemohu vnovat as, jsem byl ln.;p.s. pol. um.
time: a while before (you) go (when the time (of) going (is)
near);: ;doba: chvilku ped tm, ne pjde (kdy
je as chozen blzko);

timely, be (catching time);;vas, bt (chytnout


time: After that let's have a talk. (When that finishes, let's
borrow (and) take (the) time, ok?);:

;as: Pak si popovdme. (Kdy to

skon, pojme si pjit (a) vzt as, ano?);inter. pol.


time: As it has come time for returning to work ...;:

T T ...;as: Ponvad nastal as vrtit
se k prci ...;
time: at that time;: : ;doba: v tu
dobu as: v ten as; (or) adv.
time: At what time should (I) come?;:
;as: V kolik hodin ( ~ "as) mm
pijet?;inter. fut. col.
time: At what time will (you) come?;:
;hodiny ( ~ "as): V kolik hodin ( ~ "v jak
as) pijde?;inter.
time: At what time?;: ;as: Kdy? (V jak

times (fold); - ;krt (nsobek);suff.

adv. (or) adv. writ.
times (fold): thousand times; : ;krt
(nsobek): tisckrt;
times (fold): We (already) had hundred times, thousand times
wives.; :
;krt (nsobek): (U) jsme
(my) mli stokrt, tisckrt manelky.;p.s. pol.
times (fold): We have risen thousand times to the (level of)
king.; - :
T ;krt (nsobek): (U) jsme tisckrt
vystoupili (na rove) krle.;p.s. pol.
times (indicates a repetition);;krt (zna opakovn);suff.
times more - than; - ;krt vce - ne;suff. adv.

times more - than: (She) will be ten times more beautiful than
this.; - : ;krt vce ne:
time: in number of times;: T;krt: Bude desetkrt krsnj ne tady ( ~ "tohle).;fut.
nkolikrt (pro (a) skrze poet as);adv.
times: ninety-six times;: T ;krt: devadest
time: Indeed, I reminded him for the second time.;:
poadov slo: Vskutku, pipoml jsem mu to (ji) po
druh.;pol. um.

time: notion, that Buddhaghosa preferred several Sinhalese

commentaries (which were) written before his time

;doba: dojem, e si Buddhaghsa
oblbil nkolik Sinhlskch koment (kter byly) napsan
ped nm ( ~ ne pila (jeho) doba).;writ.
time: search (and) encounter (free) time;:
;as: hledat (a) najt (voln) as;

devtkrt (nebo devtadevadestkrt);

times: thirty-nine times (about appearance);:

;krt: ticet tikrt (nebo tiaticetkrt, o vskytu);
times: We bow three (bow) times to the Buddha.;:
T ( ~ )
;krt: My se Pnu Buddhovi klanme tikrt
(poklony).;pol. um.
timid, be;;nesml, bt;I

tip (of finger or toe);;koneek (prstu) pika (prstu);n.

tip: finger tips;: ;konek: koneky prst u

Tipiaka (Buddhist main scripture); ; Tipiaka (hlavn


spis buddhismu);name P. piaka (= canon)

to ( ~ "with): (I) came to do ( ~ "with) business.; :

;kvli ( ~ "s): Pijel jsem kvli
Tipiaka (the main Buddhist Pi scripture, form (of) three
collections); ; Tipiaka (hlavn Buddhistick Pi spis, podnikn. (Pijel jsem s podniknm.);pol.
podoba t kolekc);name Bh. lit. P. piaka (= canon, basket) to ( ~ "with): I came (here) to do work. ((I) come with
Tipiaka: Not only the Tipiaka, but also a kind of commentaries work.); : ;aby ( ~ "s): Pijel jsem kvli prci.
(Pichzm s prac.);pol.
were rehearsed.; - :

Nejen Tipiaka, ale tak druh koment byly recitovny.;writ.

to (-): I (want) to go to Strand Hotel. (can be told to a taxi

driver, (I) will go to Strand Hotel.);:
;do (-): (Chci) do Strand Hotelu. (lze ci taxiki,
Pojedu do Strand Hotelu.);fut. col.

tired, be;;unaven, bt;I

to (a place); ; do (msta) indicates direction na

(msto);suff. prep. (or) suff.

tired, be ((be) heavily tired); (WS. from )

;unaven, bt ((bt) tce unaven);I (or) I WS.

to (be): (One) can send e-mail (to (be)) more quickly than a
tired, be: Because I didn't sleep well, (I) am so tired. (Because postcard.; :
T T ;aby (byl): Lze poslat e-mail, (aby
my sleep (was) not sufficient, (I) am extremely tired.); :
(byl)) rychleji ne pohled.;
;unaven, bt:
Ponvad jsem nespal dobe, jsem moc unaven. (Ponvad to (esp. for time);;do (zejm. o ase);suff. prep.
mj spnek (byl) nedostaten, jsem extrm unaven.);um.
to (followed by verb); ;pro (nsledovno
tired, be: He is (being) tired.; :
;unaven, bt: Je unaven.;cont.
tired, be: I am tired.;: ( ~ ~
);unaven: Jsem unaven.;pol.
tiredness; ;nava;n.

to (follows after a v.); ;aby (nsleduje za slovesem);suff.
to (follows after a verb);;zna zmnu slovesa na
infinitiv (nsleduje za slovesem);suff.

tiredness (heavily tired {nouner}); ;nava (tce

unaven {jmenec});n.

to (for the sake of);;aby (za elem);prep.

tiresome ((be of) big tiredness); ;navn, bt ((bt)

velk navy);I

to (preceded by direction); ;na (do, nsleduje za


to (happen);;aby;suff.

tiresome, be (tiredness (is) big); ;navn, bt (nava to (sb.);;ke zna dativ;suff.

(je) velk);I
to (so as to, followed by a verb); ;aby;conj.
title; ( ) ;titul;sg.
to (with the purpose of, added to verbs);;na (pro, za
title (lined-up head); ( );nadpis (seazen
elem, pidv se ke slovesm);suff.
to a certain extent (by one-mind (and) onetitle (name (and) characteristic); ;titul (jmno (a)
title (name (of) basis); ;titul (jmno zkladu);n.

region); T;do urit mry (s jednoumysl (a) jednou-oblast);adv.

to be;;zna akuzativ a trpn rod;suff.

title: U Aung Zeyya, having accepted the title Alaung Min Taya
( ~ future king (of) law) (and) started (and) founded the
dynasty Kounbaun.; :


;titul: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu Alaun
Men Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a) zaloil
dynastii Kounbaun. zapot: Aun Zeyya, po pijet titulu
Alaun Men Day ( ~ budouc krl zkona) (a) zapoal (a)
zaloil dynastii Kounbaun.;writ.

to that; (from ) [lakau~:];do toho;pron. writ.

to; (from )
; do ku ke zna infinitiv k zna dativ zna
infinitiv slovesa vi aby zna smr (kam);suff. prep. (or)
prep. (or) suff. writ. (or) suff. prep. writ. (or) suff. (or) conj. (or)
writ. (or) suff. prep. col. (or) suff. pron..

to who: Then, who can I speak to? (also during telephone

conversation); - : T T;s km
( ~ "do koho): Tak s km mohu mluvit? (i do telefnu);inter.

to the letter (obey, buy ground without

decreasing);T ;do psmene (poslouchat, kupovat
zem bez sniovn);adv. fig.
to the letter: Do what the grandparents say, to the letter, dear
daughter.;T :
T ( ) ;do psmene: Dlej do
psmene co (ti) prarodie kaj.;imper. col.
to whatever; -; do jakhokoliv;pron.
to whatever: to whatever town; -: ;do
jakhokoliv: do jakhokoliv msta;n.

to-zaya (food, dippings);;duzj (jdlo, namen);n.

to ( ~ "at): As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am
to, in order;; aby;suff.
showing) (them) to the dentist.;:
to, in order: I will go to (the) shop to buy (a) shirt.;:
T ;zna akuzativ ( ~ "u): Ponvad
;aby: Pjdu do obchodu abych (si)
nemm dobr zuby, ukazuji (je) zubai.;cont. uw.


koupil koili.;fut. um.

to: (At) want time do (you) want (me) to come for sure?;:
;aby: V kolik hodin chcete, abych
opravdu pijel?;inter. col.
to: (At) What time do (you) want me to come?;:
;aby: V kolik hodin chcete, abych
pijel?;inter. col.
to: (He) copies the dictionary ( ~ "writing) to computer.; :
;do: Kopruje slovnk ( ~
"slovnkov psan) do potae.;writ.
to: (He) goes to shop to buy an envelope.;:
;aby: Jde do obchodu aby koupil oblku.;
to: (He) got up from the bed and went ( ~ "came) directly to
the computer.;: T
;k: Vstal z postele a el hned ( ~ "pmo) k
potai.;p.s. writ.
to: (He) is going to house.;: ;do: Jde
dom. (Dom do (je) jdouc.);writ.

to: Even as for body, it has come to 25 (years).; :

(-) ;do: A co se te tla,
dolo do 25ti (let).;p.p. col.
to: from English to Czech;: ; do: z
anglitiny do etiny;
to: He will visit me for seven days. ((He) will visit to me seven
days.);: ;ke: Navtv m
na sedm dn. (Bude m ke m navtvovat sedm dn.);fut.
to: house to live in;: ;k: dm k bydlen;
to: I can't write you (a) letter.;:
;zna dativ: Nemohu ti napsat dopis.;pol. um.
to: I search clothes to dress.;: ;k:
Hledm obleen k obleen.;
to: I will tell (it) to father.;: T ;zna
akuzativ: eknu (to) otci.;fut. pol. uw.
to: I will tell him to come today.;:
T ;aby: eknu mu, aby dnes piel.;fut. pol. um.

to: In one month (there) can be from 28 (days) to 31

to: (He) shows (it) to (his) own relatives.;:
days.;: ;do: Jeden
T ;zna dativ: Ukazuje (to) svm vlastnm msc me mt 28 a 31 dn. (V jednom msci me bt od
28 dn do 31 dn.);
to: (He) wants (it) to have the best taste.;:
to: plan to go;: ;k: pln jt (pln k odchodu);
T ;aby: Chce, aby (to) mlo
to: Read to understand.; : ;aby: ti
nejlep chu.;
abys pochopil ( ~ chpal);pol.
to: (I) am searching for (something) to eat.;: ;k:
Hledm (nco) k jdlu.;

to: (I) go to preach Dhamma and meditate.; :

;aby: Jdu, abych
pednel Dhammu a meditoval.;writ.
to: (I) put forth effort to meditate.; :
;aby: vynakldm sil abych meditoval;pol.
to: (I) tell (you) not to take the photo.; :
T;aby: km, abys nefotil.;pol.

to: The ministers urged Kyansittha to become a king.; :

Ministi nalhali, aby se ansit stal krlem.;writ.
to: to a small notebook; : ; do: do
malho notsku;writ.
to: to be able to help out (my) family completely;:
T ;aby: abych byl schopen (sv) rodin
pln vypomoci;
to: to be confused;: ;aby: aby byl zmaten;

to: to monk's room;: ; zna smr: do mnichova

to: (I) want (you) to come.;: ;aby: Chci abys pokoje (tj. mstnosti);adv.
to: To the venerable Sir.;: ; zna dativ:
to: (I) want (you) to see (it).;: ;aby: Chci
Ctihodnmu pnovi.;
abys (to) vidl.;pol.
to: To ven. Vasava.;: ; zna tet pd eskho
to: (They) are my teachers to give me knowledge of
;aby: Jsou mmi uiteli, aby mi dali znalost

jazyka: ct. Vsavovi.;

to: As for me, (I) am ready to fulfill (my) perfections.;:

T ;zna zmnu
slovesa na infinitiv: Co se te m, jsem pipraven naplnit
(sv) dokonalosti.;pol. um.

tobacco;( );tabk;sg.

to: be (I) don't want to be photographed.;:

;zna akuzativ a trpn rod: Nechci bt
to: Because (I) want (you) to be happy.;:
() ;aby: Protoe chci, abys byl astn.;pol.
to: book to write;: ;k: kniha k napsn;n.
to: Come to me.;: ;ke: Pij ke
m.;pol. imper. um.

to: Where do (you) want (me) to come (and) take (you)?;:

;aby: Kde chcete abych pijel (a) vzal
(vs)?;inter. col.
today; ;dnen dnes;adv. (or) adj. P. paccuppanna
(= present)
today (as for happening this time): Though previously we did
dramas (and) music competitions, this time ( ~ as for
happening this time) we are going to have ( ~ hold)
discussion.;: T

T ;dnes (v tuto dobu): Pestoe
jsme dve dlali dramata (a) soute ve zpvn, dnes ( ~ v
tuto dobu) budeme diskutovat ( ~ podat diskuzi).;pol. fut.
today (day of this);;dnes (den od tohoto);n.


today (this day); ;dnes (tento den);adv.

today, (for): (For) today I finished learning Myanmar
T ();dnes (pro dneek): Pro dneek
jsem se skonil uit Myanmarsky.;p.p. um.
today: He will come today.;: ;dnes: Pijde
today: Since today he will no more drink beer.;:
;dnes: Ode dneka u (nikdy) vc
nebude pt pivo.;
today: Today is 21st (day) of February (month), 1987.;:
;dnes: Dnes je (den) 21.
(msce) nora 1987.;
today: Today it's colder than yesterday.;:
;dnes: Dnes je chladnji ne vera.;

while leading).; :



;spolu s: Aun Zeyya spolu se svmi

edesti osmi pokrevnmi pteli se dokzal spn ubrnit

zatmco (je) vedl.;p.s. writ.
together: (It) is called union as the states and divisions are ( ~
live) together.;: T T
;spolu: Nazv se uni protoe stty a regiony jsou ( ~
ij) spolu.;pol.

together: (They) will answer (it) all together.;:

T ;spolu: Odpov na (to) vechno
today: What will you drink today?;:
;dnes: Co budete (vy) dnes pt?;inter. col. uw. spolu.;
today: What's the date today?;: ;dnes: Co je together: (We) ate that just together.;:
T ( ~ T );spolu: Prv to jsme
dnes za den? (Jak je datum?);inter.
jedli spolu.;p.s. pol.
toe;T ( );prst (u nohy);sg.

toe: toe tips;T : T ;konek: koneky prst u together: Although these states and divisions are divided, all
Myanmar nations, including poor and rich, live together.;:
tofu (flat beans); T;tofu (placat fazole);n.
together; ;spolu dohromady pospolu;adv.
Pestoe jsou tyto stty a sprvn oblasti (regiony) rozdleny,
together (together (and) friendly);;spolu (spolu (a)
vechny nrodnosti Myanmaru, vetn chudch i bohatch, ij
together (at once to many); ;dohromady (najednou
together: Sometimes, there may be also duties, of which
carrying them out together by men and women is
together (at once, only one parallel); ;dohromady
(najednou, pouze jedna analogie);adv.

together (with sth.);;spolu (s nm);adv.
;spolu (pospolu): Nkdy jsou tak
together with; - -
povinnosti, jejich vykonn mui i enami pospolu je
;spolu s;prep. (or) adv. (or) prep. writ.
together with: Baby is (together) with grandmother.; :
together: They are happy, as (they) together possess a
;spolu s: Miminko je (spolu)
pleasant, good life.;:
s babikou.;
;spolu: Jsou astn,
together with: He will eat together with me.; :
protoe spolu maj pjemn, dobr ivot.;writ.
;spolu s: Bude jst spolu se mnou.;fut.
together: Together we make the Dispensation.;:
;spolu: Spolu budeme udrovat ( ~
together with: It took place during the king Abhaya's reign,
dlat) (Buddhv) dar.;col.
during writing down the Tipiaka together with the
together: you and me together;: ;spolu: j a
commentaries.; :
ty, spolu;

tohle: Tohle je restaurace.;: this: This is a
T ;spolu s: Stalo se to bhem vldy krle Abhaya,
bhem sepisovn Tipiaky spolu s komenti.;p.s. writ.
toilet (peaceful house);( );toaleta (klidn
together with: together with mum;: ( ) ; spolu
s: spolu s mamkou;adv. col.
toilet (water house);( );toaleta (vodn dm);sg.
together with: together with that;: ;spolu s: spolu s
toilet (water-bending room); ( );toaleta (vodutm;
ohbac pokoj);sg.
together with: Together with the students will come the
toilet: Do (you) have a toilet here?;:
teacher.; : ;spolu s:
;toaleta: Mte tu toalety?;inter.
Spolu se studenty pijde uitel.;fut.
tomato (fruit (of) sour aubergine); ( );raje
together with: U Aung Zeyya together with his sixty-eight blood
(ovoce kyselho lilku);sg.
comrades could successfully resist while being the leader ( ~
tomato: tomato sauce; : ;raje: rajatov



too much, be;;pli moc, bt;I

tomorrow; (from T ) T T (from

T ) T ;ztra;adv. (or) adv. rare

too much: (It)'s too much, friend.;: ;pli: (To)

je pli, pteli.;

tomorrow, the day after (time (of) thriving

direction); ;pozt (as bujnho

too much: (This is) little bit too much.;: ;moc:

(To je) ponkud moc.;pol.

tomorrow: (Sb. asked) whether you come tomorrow.; T :

T ;pr ztra: Pr jestli pijde ztra.;um.
tomorrow: As for tomorrow, (I) am free.; T : T
;ztra: Co se te ztka, mm volno ( ~ jsem
tomorrow: I will come tomorrow.; T : T
;ztra: Pijdu ztra.;fut. um.
tomorrow: Surely, we will continue in discussing tomorrow
also.; T : T
;ztra: Ztra si budeme urit dle
povdat.;fut. um. col.
tomorrow: The examination starts tomorrow.; :
;ztra: Zkouka zan ztra.;fut.
tomorrow: Tomorrow at noon (I) want to go to Ngadatkyi
Pagoda.; :
;ztra: Ztra v poledne chci jet do
Ndhat Pagody.;pol. col.
tomorrow: tomorrow too; : ;ztra: ztra taky (CZ

too much: As for here, it's too much hot.;:

;pli moc: Co se te tady, je (tu) pli moc
too much: When (you) get too much close, (you), indeed, get
;moc: Kdy se dostane moc blzko,
vskutku, popl se.;col.
too: Even I don't know. What they say is too far (for my
understanding).;: ;pli: Ani j
nevm. Co kaj je pli daleko (mmu chpn).;col.
too: Give snack to him too.;: ;taky: Jemu
tak dej zkusek.;imper. pol.
tool;( );nstroj;sg.
tool ((is) worth (and) impaired); ;nstroj ((je) vhodn (a)
tools (soft (things for) building); ;nstroje
(mkk (vci ke) stavn);n.
tooth;( );zub;sg.

tooth: As my teeth are not good, I show ( ~ am showing)

(them) to the dentist.;:
tomorrow: What will you do tomorrow?; T :
T ;zub: Ponvad nemm dobr zuby,
T ;ztra: Co bude dlat ztra?;fut. inter. col. ukazuji (je) k zubai.;cont. uw.
tongue; ( );jazyk;n. (or) sg.
toothache (pain biting teeth);;bolest zubu
tongue: (I) move (my) tongue a little in the mouth.;:
( ) () ;jazyk: Pohnu trochu
jazykem v stech.;
tongue: tongue of a dog;: ;jazyk: jazyk
njakho psa;

(bolest kousajc zub(y));n.

toothbrush (stick (for) rubbing

teeth);( );zubn kartek (klack (na)
letn zub);sg.

toothbrush (teeth-rubbing stick);( );kartek

tonight: (Indeed,) I'm going to see a concert tonight.;:
na zuby (zuby tc hlka);
;dnes veer: (Vskutku,) dnes veer se jdu toothpaste (medicine (for) brushing
podvat na koncert.;fut. col.
teeth);;zubn pasta (lk (na) kartovn
tonight: It is said, that tonight's (theater) play (will be)
zub); (or) n.
good.;: T ;dnes v noci: kaj, e
top; ;svrchn;adj.
(divadeln) hra dnes v noci (bude) dobr.;
top of head (head's top); ;temeno hlavy (vrcholek
too; ;tak pli;adv. (or) suff. adv.


too (included): On the floats also there are dancing groups

too (included).;: ;t
(obsaen): Na (tch) vozidlech, tak, jsou t tanen
skupiny.;col. pol.

topic (lined-up head); ( );tma (seazen


topic: As the elders know, as for the today's discussion's topic,

it is called By men, more than by ladies, the country
too (also); ;tak;suff. col.
responsibilities ( ~ duties) can be carried out.; :
too (many): There are too many students in this class.;:

;pli (mnoho): V tto td { }
je pli mnoho student.;
;tma: Jak (ji) ti star v, co se te dnenho tmatu
diskuze, je nazvn Zodpovdnosti ( ~ povinnosti) (na) zem
too (much): This book is too much difficult.;:
mohou bt vykonny spe mui ne enami.;pol.
;pli (moc): Tato kniha je pli nron.;
topple; ;pevrhnout se;I
too little; ;moc mlo;adv.
too much; ;moc pli moc pli;adv. topple (collapse (and) fall);;svrhnout se (zhroutit-se (a)
(or) suff. adj.
too much (not rightfully);;pli moc (ne sprvn);adv. topple (strike (and) fall);;svrhnout (udeit-se (a)



town Inwa became unstable.;T :

T ;msto: V dob vldce krle
torch (fire stick);( );baterka (ohniv klack);sg. Mahdhammy bylo ohromn msto Enva nestabiln.;p.s. writ.
town: I didn't go to any town.;:
torch (fire stick);( );baterka (ohniv
;msto: Neel jsem do dnho msta.;um.
klack);sg. P. dhtu (= element)
town: The rented flat (room), as (it) is in town, (it) is pretty ( ~
torch (flashlight, fire element (to) press (in)
much) noisy.;:
hand); ( );baterka (svtilna,
;msto: Ten pronajat byt (pokoj), ponvad je ve
element ohn (k) makn (v) ruce);sg. P. dhtu (=
mst, je hezky ( ~ hodn) hlun.;col.
torch (element (of) fire); ( );baterka (element
ohn);sg. P. dhtu (= element)

toss over (about water);;pehodit (o vod);T

total; ;souhrn;n.
total: May the total (of) blessings be completed (for
you).; : T ;souhrn: K je (pro
tebe) souhrn (vech) poehnn naplnn.;w. pol.
totally; ;pln;adv. (or) adj.

totally (complete (and) fat);;pln (kompletn (a)


town: town Mendap;: ;msto: Msto Menda;name

township (town region); ( );sprvn oblast

(mstsk oblast);sg.
township: I live in Kamayut township.; :
;sprvn oblast: Bydlm ve sprvn
oblasti Kamyo.;pol.
Toyota: Cars, such as Toyota, Mercedes etc.;:
;Toyota: Auta jako Toyota, Mercedes atd.;

tradition: (He) tries to (make) the tradition last (long).; :

touch: touch (with) the ground;: TT ;dotkat se: ;tradice: Sna se, aby
tradice vydrela (jet dlouho).;cont. pol.
dotkat se (se) zem;
touched, be deeply (chest (is) overloaded); ;ovlivnn, bt traditional practice ((what) was-caught, became-customary,
was-exchanged (and) came);;tradin praktiky ((co)
hluboce (hru (je) peten) dotknut, ctit se (hru (je)
se-chytilo, navyklo-na, promnilo (a) pilo);n.
touch;;dotknout se;T

touched, be deeply: I miss you painfully. ((I)'m deeply-touched

missing (you).); : ;dotknut, bt hluboce:
Bolestiv mi chyb. (Jsem hluboce dotknut (tm, jak mi)
tough: though (he) wrote; : ;pestoe: pestoe
tourist; ( ) ( );turista;sg. E.

traditional: The Buddhists who (are) weak in the predispositions

(and) religious by birth ( ~ "traditional), (they) make their living
(nurnure life) by ( ~ "with) the five kinds of wrong

;tradin: Buddhist, kter jsou slab ve
(svch) predispozicch (a) pejali vru od rodi ( ~ "tradin),
vydlvaj si na ivobyt (staraj-se (o) ivot) (s) pti druhy
patnho ivobyt.;pol.

tourist guide (shows way (to)

guests); ( );turistick prvodce (ukazuje traffic (in the street, vehicles go, vehicles
come); ;provoz, silnin (vozidla odjd,
cestu hostm);sg.
vozidla pijd) silnin provoz (vozidla odjd, vozidla
tourist: (I) am just a tourist.; : ( ~
);turista: Jsem jen turista.;pol. col.
traffic artery; ;dopravn tepna;n.
towards; ;vi smrem;suff. prep. (or) prep.
traffic jam, be a (traffic artery (is)
towards: In order to arouse the nationalism towards the
closed); ;dopravn zcpa, bt (dopravn tepna (je)
Myanmar nationality, encouraging, they have recognized this
day as National Day.;: T
traffic jam: As there is a traffic jam, the cars must go

slowly.; :
;vi: Aby vyvolali vlastenectv vi
Myanmarsk nrodnosti, (za povzbudzovn), rozeznvaj tento TT ;dopravn zcpa: Ponvad je
dopravn zcpa, auta mus jet pomalu.;
den jakoto Nrodn Den.;p.s. pl. pol. writ.
traffic light (fire point);( );semafor (bod ohn)
town;( );msto;sg.
silnin svtlo (bod ohn);sg. E. point
town-wall: It is indeed still possible to see the ancient palace,
traffic light: After the second traffic light (you) turn left.;:
town-wall and moat.;:
;mstsk ze: Je (tam), vskutku, stle ;semafor: Za druhm
mono vidt starovk palc, mstskou ze a vodn pkop.;pol. semaforem (ty) zato vlevo.;imper. pol.
traffic light: Because the traffic light became green, cars go ( ~
town: (It is) a town of the last Myanmar king.;T :
drive) quickly.;: T T
T T ;msto: (Je to) msto
;silnin svtlo: Protoe je ( ~ se-stalo) silnin
poslednho krle Myanmaru.;pol.
svtlo zelen, auta jedou ( ~ d) rychle.;
town: At the time of the ruler king Mahdhamma, the great
traffic: The policeman is taking care of the


traffic.; :
;doprava (silnin): Policajt se star o (silnin)
train; ( );trnovat vlak;sg. P. ratha (or) T
train (practise (and) train);;trnovat (praktikovat (a)
train (wait (and) build); -;trnovat (ekat (a)
train (practise);;trnovat;T

filosofy je pijato, e Pi Ahakath byly jist peloeny.;writ.

translate: The Sri Lankan book is a translation of an English
book.;T :
T ;peloit: (Ta) sr lansk kniha je pekladem
anglick knihy.;
translate: Translate a book from English (language) to Czech
(language).;T :
T ;peloit: Peloit knihu z
anglickho jazyka do eskho (jazyka).;writ.

train station (building (of) train-station);( );vlakov translation;T ( );peklad;sg.

translation: This translation is neither clear, nor exact. (This
stanice (ndra, budova ndra);sg. H. guda
translation does not have clarity (and) exactness.);T :
train: The train is quicker than the man.;:
T ;vlak: Vlak je rychlej ne (ten) mu.; T ;peklad: Tento peklad
nen ani jasn, ani pesn. (Tento peklad nem jasnost (a)
trainee (wisdom learning); ( );ue
(moudrost uc-se);sg.

transliterate (exchange (and) exchange (the)

letters);;transliterovat (zamnit (a) zamnit
psmena);T P. akkhara (= letter)

training (practising (and) training);;trnink (m,

praxe (a) trnink);n.

transliterate (mix); ;pepsat (transliterovat, mchat);T

training (limit (and) limit); ;trning (omezen (a)


transcendental;;transcendentln (nadsvtsk);adj.
P. lokuttara (loka+uttara = transcendental, above+world)
transcendental: May the transcendental benefits (be able to)
occur (to you).;:
T ;nadpirozen: K se (ti)
mohou objevit nadpirozen (pjemn) nsledky.;w. pol.
transcribe (exchange (and) exchange (the)
letters);;pepsat (transkribovat, zamnit (a)
zamnit psmena);T P. akkhara (= letter)
transcribe (mix); ;transliterovat (transkribovat, mchat);T
transform;T ;pemnit;T

transliterate: Kyaw Thu is the transcription (Kyaw Thu means

(I) transcribe (it) to English.); : Kyaw Thu
;transliterovat (pepsat): Kyaw Thu je transliterace.
(Kyaw Thu znamen, (e jsem to) transliteroval do
transliteration (excange (and) exchange (the) letters
{nouner});;transliterace (zamnit (a) zamnit
psmena {jmenec});n. P. akkhara (= letter)
travel;( );vlet (cesta);sg.
travel (leave (for) travel);;cestovat (odejt (na)
travel (travel (and) go);;cestovat (cestovat (a) jt);T


travel office ); ( ) ( )
( );cestovn kancel );sg. E. travel

translate (return (to a) language);T ;peloit (vrtit

(do) jazyka);T

Travel Office, Myanmar;T

T ;Cestovn Kancel, Myanmarsk;name E.

translate (change);T ;peloit (zmnit);T col.

translate (write reversely);T ;peloit (pst opan);T

travel: (I) have already travelled to the vicinity of China

(country) and Thailand (country).;:
;cestovat: U
translate for sb.: (I) am going to translate the sentence for
jsem cestoval do blzkosti (zem) ny a (zem)
(you) as (it) is.;T : T ;peloit pro
Thajska.;p.p. pol.
nkoho: Pelom (tu) vtu pro (tebe) tak, jak je;fut.
travel: Indeed, (I) wish (you) much that (your) path (you) travel
translate: (I) translate from Pi to Myanmar (language.);T :
by is smooth.;:
T T ;pekldat: Pekldm z Pi do

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