Colloquium Maths

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Trigonon + metron (Triangle Measure)

Objective: 1. To apply maths in our daily lives. 2. To understand the concept more in detailed. 3. To fulfill our requirements.

Things needed: 1. Raffia String 2. Measuring Tape 3. 2 mop sticks 4. Marker pen 5. Projecter 6. Note pad

5717 sin 29 3169 Height of the dome, + 157 3169 + 157 3326

Problems faced
Having hard time measuring the length Errors might be occurring everywhere thus making the measurement not so accurate.

Ways to overcome the problem faced: 1. Measurement have to be taken several times to reduce the error and take the average value. 2. A better equipment should be used to ensure accurate height of the dome.

Special Thanks goes to

Mr Ooi Hooi Seng for guiding us along the way To all the team members for corporation And To those who involve directly and indirectly

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