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May 23rd, 2012 for young mathletes Mental math: 1. 6. Triple a number plus 4 = 58, what is that number?

7. Half a number minus 5 = 9, what is that number? 8. How many minutes is one half of twothird of an hour? 9.. 10. A : B = 1 : 3, A + B = 20, what is A and what is B? 11. List all the prime numbers below 30.

3. 4.

5. Round to the nearest thousand: a. 3456522 b. 7654321 c. 3334059

Word problems: 1. How many ways can 3 different books be arranged on a shelf? 2. How many ways can you arrange 3 books if two of them are exactly the same? 3. If 5 bacteria doubles every 3 hours, how many bacteria will there be after 12 hours? 4. If you write down all the numbers between 1 to 300, how many times will you write the digit 3? 5. How many ways to make 18 cents if you can use dimes, nickels and pennies? 6. Ashley bought 7 candies that each costs a quarter. How much would she get back if she paid with a 5 dollar bill? 7. A triangle with side length 12 has the same perimeter as a square. What is the area of the square? 8. If 2 apples cost the same as 4 bananas, and 2 bananas cost the same as 1 apricot, how many apples will cost the same as 6 apricot? 9. Which is a better deal, 3 oranges for 2 dollars or 4 oranges for 3 dollars?

Mrs. Lin

1. How many triangles? 2. What is the area of the border? The perimeter of the larger rectangle?

3. 4. What is the next pattern: a. b. c. 2 d. 5. Write 3 word problems with answers and solutions included to share with your peers in our problem solving class. Better type them and save them as a word file for easier feedback and revision. Be creative!!

Mrs. Lin

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