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Christy Gray

Analysis of Machiavelli The Prince

Sarah Richard Chunxi Zhang Yasmin Elgamel

Chai Yong Lim

Intro 1-5 6-11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


The Prince was written to analyze how to obtain and maintain a political power. Machiavelli did so trying to please the Medici family.

He opens his book with a dedication to the Magnificent


Instead of gaining the favor of the prince by giving him gifts, he decided to offer the prince his knowledge of the conduct of great men.

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Chapters 1-5

Machiavelli argues that all states are either republics or monarchies. By good fortune or special ability, the prince is able to acquire his dominions by the force of his own army or the arms of others.

Machiavelli describes republics that they are governed by their citizens, and monarchies which are governed by the same family.

Machiavelli starts his book with a clear description of the different states that exist. He starts with a concise and detailed information, to enable himself to easily present his ideas later in the book.

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In chapter 2, Machiavelli does not mention the republics and

focus more on the methods that govern a monarchies state.

Machiavelli uses his knowledge from the French, Romans,

and the Greeks to provide the prince with information that will help him maintain and control his state.
Machiavelli explains the difficulties a ruler may encounter; he

argues that people would try to change rulers if they do not like their current one; also the prince will always have trouble supporting all who helped him gain power, and at the time he can not rule against them.

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Machiavelli suggested ways to help the prince with the

problems he might encounter, specially the ones related to linguistic and culture differences. from that of the prince, is one way to address any problems more efficiently. Another method is to establish colonies in the new state, which is less expensive than using military forces. attention to the different methods that will help control the state, and is less concern for the welfare of the people.

Living in a state that has different languages and customs

Machiavelli focuses on whats good for the state, he pays more

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Machiavelli mention that all monarchies have two ways to govern a state: to have ruler chosen by the minister, or to be governed by the ruler and nobles. prince and ministers; however, it might be easier to take over a state governed by nobles, but it is also very hard to maintain such a state.

Machiavelli claims that it is hard to take over a state ruled by the

Machiavelli proposes three different ways to control a state that is accustomed to living free under their own law. despoil them, live with them under their own laws, or govern few of them in the state. state; he believes that keeping the old state and their laws is a key to a successful and strong state.

Machiavelli uses smart techniques in order to be able to control the

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It is not hard to take over countries that were ruled by a prince, because people are used to obeying their ruler, specially if the ruling family is destroyed. Machiavelli is assuming that people are followers by nature. them, so it is either to live with them or destroy them.

However, in a republic state it is much harder to control Machiavellis methods to control a state are by removing

any obstacles that comes in his way, or blending in with them; which depends on the type of the problem and how powerful or noble are the people he faces.

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Chapter 6-11
" To initiate a new order of things is the most difficult, and

dangerous task to carry out for a prince. Doubtful of success.

" There are two methods of becoming a good prince. " Good will and fortune " Ability " The duke obtained the Romagna and defeated the Colonna.

This was prevented by two things in keeping it maintained and continuing on: " The dukes army; he doubted the fidelity. " The will of France.

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" Duke in regard to present: " Seek fresh alliances and to alternate with France on the

occasion of the expedition that the French were attempting towards the kingdom of Naples against Spaniards, who were surrounding Gaeta.

" Duke in regard to future: " Afraid that a new beneficiary to the states of the Church

may not be affable to him, and may look to deprive him of what Alexander had given him, he sought to provide against this in four ways:
" " " "

Destroy dispossessed rulers; deprive pope of an opportunity. Gain the friendship of the Roman nobles. Obtain a good relationship with the college. Acquire power before the pope died; resist the first onslaught.

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There are another two ways to which a man can become a prince that cannot be related to fortune or ability: " Sinful or villainous means. " A private citizen taking on such honor through the favor of his fellow citizens.
" Civic principality. " Worth, fortune, cunning assisted by fortune.


In every city there are two opposite parties: " Desire from the populace to avoid the oppression of the great " Desire of the great to command and oppress the people.
" Absolute government, liberty, or license.


Two chief cares: " No foreigner should come into Italy by force of arms " None of the existing governments should extend its dominions.

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Chapter 12
" Mercenaries and auxiliaries are the worst of the types of

armies to have. They are pretty much useless and extremely dangerous because they arent fighting for the love of their country or king/prince but because they are being paid to do so. They are faithless, cowards and disunited. position of Captain because he is the most capable and knows what he wants to be done and knows exactly how to attain it and the citizens should send their own troops to fight instead of being employed by the Prince and because of this Princes and armed republics make the most progress. fare by not attacking at night, taking prisoners instead of killing them, not digging trenches or stockades and didnt fight during the winter.

" The prince should go out into the armies and take the

" In later years the Italians helped set the standards for war

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Chapter 13
" A prince should never ask foreigners to fight or lead their

armies. They tend to take over control of the army that hired them because they are more powerful than they are in the first place holding them hostage in their own victory.
" A true Prince would rather lose with his own men then win

with someone elses men. He should always rely upon his own men to carry out his requests. These Princes who have used their own men in their armies have increased their reputation tremendously because he is the sole owner of his army. Therefore, one should use a men-at-arms and infantry for their military.

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Chapter 14
" A Prince should only concentrate on studying the art

of war and strategies. He should learn about his land and how to defend it in all scenarios. Whether they are coming in from the hilltops into the valley or coming out of the woods. A prince should always be talking strategies with his friends to find better and easier ways to concur those who wish to invade his land. The Prince should also practice hunting not only to keep his own skills in tip top shape but to also know about his land like the back of his hand. Make use of the peaceful times to create new strategies rather then gallivant about.

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Chapter 15
" A prince should understand what would

make him a bad Prince in order to keep himself from making those mistakes. He should avoid scandals and yet he must not mind suffering the scandal of those sins.

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Chapter 16
" It is best to know known as a liberal Prince, which

means he should not use all of his own resources, not impose high taxes on the citizens and not do everything in his power to get him more money. If a prince does this, his residents will surely hate him. When his citizens are calling him miserly for his methods, fear not, for in time they will see him as a liberal and his revenue is great enough to protect them from the enemies who which to invade their homes and be able to get everything done that he is supposed to

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Chapter 17
" " "

Generally, every prince wishes to be considered as clement rather than cruel. However, Machiavelli suggested that misuse of clemency would lead to harm. Machiavelli gives an example of Cesare Borgia, he is considered cruel but his cruelty resulted Romagna in peace. Contrary, Florentines tried to avoid cruelty resulted Pistoia to be destroyed through civil conflict. Machiavelli suggested that a prince should not mind if cruelty is necessary to keep his subjects united and loyal. Machiavelli stated that it is safer for a prince to be feared than to be loved because love is link of obligation which men are rotten, will break anytime for their advantages but Fear, preserved dread of punishment which never fails. Machiavelli concluded that a prince should make himself feared but not hated. Moreover, he should only against someone life only he has good reason to do so; he should abstain from the property of his citizens and his subjects women.




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Chapter 18
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There are two ways of fighting, the first is by law, proper for human and the second is by force, belongs to the beasts. It is necessary for a prince to rely on the second method because the first method is frequently not sufficient. Therefore, a prince should study laws and force, become half human and half beast. A prince needs to adapt from the fox and lion, to be the fox to discover traps and to be the lion to frighten wolves. A prince should not keep his promise when it no longer profits him and when the circumstance in which his promises no longer exists. This would be a bad practice if men were good, but men were bad. Possessing all kind of virtues is not possible, but a prince needs to know how to appear virtuously.

" "


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Chapter 19
" A prince must avoid being contempt or hated at all costs, he

will hated by his subjects if he takes their property or women, he will be contempt if he has reputation for being fickle, frivolous, effeminate and cowardly.

" A prince has two fears, internal revolt from his subjects and

external threats from external powers. Defending from external power requires a strong army and good allies while defending against internal revolt requires he is not hated by the people. powerful group if he cannot avoid being hatred.

" A prince must try to escape the hatred from the most

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Chapter 20

New prince should not disarm his subject; in fact, he should arm them to instill loyalty. However, the opposite applies when a prince annexes a new state. Machiavelli suggested that factionalism is not a good way to keep power on annexed state, it will more easily conquered by enemy, as happened in Venice. Machiavelli argued that the men who are first suspect to the prince can often be trusted more than those who immediately loyal to him. Machiavelli concluded that the best fortress is the support of the people and a prince should never rely on fortresses and neglecting the attitudes of his people.




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Chapter 21
" " "

Great actions and noble examples are two ways for a prince to gain prestige. A prince should reward or punish in front of public whenever someone did something good or bad. A prince should always choose a side on two warring states, neutrality is not a good choice because the victor will think that the neutral prince is a doubtful friend and the loser will think that the neutral prince is a coward. A prince should not choose the side that has greater power than his own unless compelled to do so. Machiavelli concluded that a prince needs to discern which decisions will bring the most reward and then pursuing them bravely.

" "

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Chapter 22
Machiavelli states that the choice of a princes ministers is a

matter of no little importance; they are either good or not according to the prudence of the prince. appropriate judgment of the good or the bad from the ministers, and be able to encourage and correct the ministers.

Machiavelli says that an excellent prince should make an

Machiavelli gives a method for prince to know how the

minister is ---the minister who always think himself first, and always put his own profits before the prince should be never trusted and relied on. And the prince should let ministers realize that they cant stand alone.

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Chapter 23
Machiavelli suggested that a prudent prince should

choose some wise ministers, and give them free speaking right. However, they can only speak the truth for the questions that the prince concern not anything else. Then the prince should make decisions by himself.
Machiavelli concludes that wise counsels, from whoever

they come, must necessarily be due to the prudence of the prince, and not the prudence of the prince to the good counsels received.

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Chapter 24

Machiavelli describes some mistakes of the princes in this chapter and give some suggestions. First, a new prince will receive double glory if he has a good laws, good arms, good friends and good examples. Otherwise, the prince will get double shame if he depends on his prince born. Second, like Philip of Macedon, the prince should be a brave man who knows how to ingratiate himself with the people and make sure of the great. Third, when adverse times came, the prince should depend on himself alone and his own ability that make defense instead of fleeing.

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Chapter 25
Machiavelli thinks that it may be true that fortune is the

ruler of half our actions, but that she allows the other half or thereabouts to be governed by us will be ruined when fortune changes. Also, a prince should change his mode of procedure cautiously and prudentially when the time and circumstance changes, then he will success.

Machiavelli states that if a prince relies on fortune entirely, he

Machiavelli suggests that it is better to be impetuous than

cautious, because he insists on that fortune varying and men remaining fixed in heir ways, they are successful so long as these ways conform to circumstances.

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Chapter 26
Machiavelli gives some suggestions to the potential prince of

Italy, hopes the princes can kick off the foreign rulers in this chapter. new prince, and it is not difficult for the new prince as long as the prince with great willingness and be ready to fight with the hostile forces. This princes should set a new laws and measures, and own a better army and loyal soldiers and new organization. can capture this great opportunity of Italy, lead them take revenge on envy and raise up the Italy again.

Machiavelli says that everything in Italy is ready to meet a

Machiavelli expressed how eager he is that hope a new prince

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