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B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) ENTRANCETEST

Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A is compulsory 2) Answer any FIVE questions from Part B. Max. Marks : 100

I. Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. Mark Twain was a great American writer. He was well known for his sense of humour. One day he met a friend at a race course. The friend requested him to buy his ticket too. Mark Twain said that the did not have enough money and asked his friend to hide below the train seat. But Twain did buy two tickets. When the conductor asked him about the whereabouts of the other passenger, Twain said that his friend liked doing strange things and was travelling under the seat. Questions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Who was Mark Twain ? What was he famous for ? What did he suggest to his friend ? Did Twain buy a ticket for his friend too ? Which words show the funny side of Twain's nature ? (5x1=5)

II. Give the antonym (opposite words) for the below words : 1) 2) 3) 4) Absence Ugly Under Simpler 5) Go (5x1=5)


III. Match the following : Group of words 1) An infertile piece of land 2) 3) 4) 5) Climbing up a slope Good sense of humour Speaking for long and in depth To move without control


Single word a) barren b) eloquence c) e) ascent wit (5x1=5) d) lurch

IV. Fill in the blanks with articles a, an or the : 1) 2) 3) 4) There was no one else at post office. We are going on picnic. What is weather like ? He is doctor. 5) apple a day keeps the doctor away.


V. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) What are you waiting ? Ram and Shyam are going their mother. The shoes are their box. She is looking the painting. What are you talking ?


VI. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct verb from the choices given : 1) I am busy at the moment on my project. (Worked / Working / will work / have worked) 2) Where did you your book ? (keep / kept / keeping / will be keeping) 3) 1 have for the past 2 hours, (driving / was driving / been driving / shall drive) 4) My sister the answer to that question, (knowing / is know / know / knows) 5) I across the street immediately, (ran / running / is running / was ran) (5x1=5)



Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her for having been selected for appointment in a prestigious company. (Do not reveal your identity in any manner) Write an essay on the following topic : ' The uses of Population census'

12 8


I. 1) Find the square root of 5 correct to 2 decimal places. 2) Find the sum of the first n natural numbers. (5+5) II. 1) Rani, Roopa and Soumya together have 105 chocolates. Soumya has 40 chocolates. If their shares are in A.P., find the number of chocolates with the other two. (5+5) 2) Let set A = {2,4,6,8,10,12} and set B = {4,8,12,16,20}. Using Venn diagram show AnB and A\JB. (5+5) III. 1 ) Convert the following surds into index from : a) 7 she gets at the end of 3 years if the rate of interest is 6%. 3) Find the compound interest when the principle is Rs. 5000, rate of interest is 5% and the period is 2 years. IV. 1) Calculate mean deviation for the given data C-l f 0-4 4 5-9 4 10-14 8 15-19 15 20-24 4 (3+4+3)



2) Roopa deposits Rs. 30000 for 3 years on term deposit scheme. Find the total amount

2) Draw a histogram for the following data : C-I f 0-3 10 4-7 12 8-11 12 12-15 18 16-19 22 20-23 24-27 21 19 27-30 18 (6+4)

Factorize the following : a) x2 + 7x + 12 c) 4x2 25y2 e) x2 + 3x 18 VI. 1) Find the product of the 2 matrices : A= 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2x + y = 5 B=


b) d)

x2 + 3x 54 x2 + 7x 18 (2x5)

1 2 3

1 2 3 (5 + 5) (10)

2) Solve graphically :


4x + y = 11

VII. Prove that if the two triangles are equiangular., then the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional. VIII. Find the HCF and LCM of the following expressions and hence show that the product of the HCF and LCM of the expressions is equal to the product of the expressions, (x+y)2 and (x+y) (x3-xy+y2)



BSIT - BC B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education BRIDGE COURSE
Time : 3 Hours PART - A I. Answer all the questions (12x2=24) 1) What is an algorithm ? 2) Write the syntax of printf ( ) function. 3) What does != stands for (1x1=1) 4) Define a function. 5) What is an array ? 6) What is a Queue ? 7) What is a root node ? 8) What is a binary tree ? 9) What is ARQ ? 10) What is IEEE 802.11 ? 11) What is TCP/ IP ? 12) What is CRC ? 13) In 'C AND operator is written as P.T.O. Max. Marks : 100

II. Answer any FIFTEEN questions. 1) Give any five symbols used for flow chart. 2) What are preprocessive directive statements ? Give example. 3) Write a 'C' program to find factorial of a given number. 4) Write a 'C1 program to add two matrices of dimensions A (mxn) and B (mxn). 5) Write a 'C' program to find biggest number in a given set of 10 numbers. 6) What is a variable and constant ? Give example. 7) Differentiate pointer and an array. 8) With the help of an example explain cail by reference scheme. 9) Write a 'C1 program to demonstrate concatenation of two strings. 10) Write an algorithm to create a linked list data structure. 11) With the help of an example explain calculation of time and space . complexity of an algorithm. 12) With the help of an example explain the conversion of Infix to Postfix form. 13) What is the difference between compiler and an assembler ? 14) With the help of a diagram explain data communication model. 15) What is a protocol and protocol architecture ? 16) With the help of an example explain circuit switching. 17) What is multiplexing ? Explain. 18) List the various line coding techniques 4 19) What is Abstract data type ? Give example. 20) Explain how a polynomial is stored in linked list. (15x5=75)

BSIT - 11
I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME-I
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all questions. 1. What is your real Aim in life ? 2. What do you think determines a persons progress ? 3. Why do you think people succeed or fail ? 4. Who are the most important people to you ? Why ? 5. What else do you read apart from the books pertaining to your college studies ? 6. How do you set your priorities ? 7. How do you set your time table ? 8. How do you analyse your use of tune ? 9. First impression is dependent on _____ . 10. ________ is the prime factor in creativity. 11. ______ is defined as "The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. 12. What are your objectives ? 13. Give the antonym of the word "Responsible". 14. Read the Clues and complete the words. Two people sing together ______. P.T.O. 25

BSIT - 11
15. What are compound sentences ? 16. What is skimming ? 17. What are paragraphs ? 18. What are linking devices ? 19. What is coherence ? 20. Why topic sentence is important ? 21. Why letters are popular ? 22. What are communication skills ? 23. Name the styles of Etiquette. 24. Give two qualities for a good personality.


25. Mention any two important etiquette of cell phone usage.

Answer any FIVE full questions 1. a) Prepare a self improvement plan for the next 5 years. b) List out and discuss your qualities among the potentials given in this module. c) How do you propose to overcome the deficient potentials ? 2. a) Describe any ten tips for time management. b) Discuss the current habits and attitudes that shape our use of time. 3. a) Explain different basic aspects of personality development. b) Identify the short comings in your personality and prepare an action plan for improvement with in a reasonable time frame. 5 75 5 7 3 10 5 10

34. a) List out some of the important principles of human engineering in which you are good at. b) Explain the factors which help to develop creativity. c) List and explain the methods purposed to skim a text. 5. a) Describe the basic principles and important steps involved in developing organizational skill. b) List out telephone Etiquette. 6. a) Name the ten successful traits for an IT-TYRO. b) How to build vocabulary ? Discuss. c) What you need to improve to speek better ? 7. a) What are the essential characteristics of a good paragraphs ? b) Differentiate between personal and official letters. c) Write a letter to your sister studying in the us describing some of the recent changes that have taken place in your city. 8. Write short notes on : a) Formal Etiquette b) Tips for writing letter.


5 5 5

10 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 10


BSIT -12
I Semester BJSc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education Scheme) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all question. 1. List various parts of a computer. 2. What is Assembly language ? 3. What is an operating system ? 4. What do you mean by plug and play device ? 5. What are repeaters ? 6. What are translators ? 7. What are the advantages of high level languages ? 8. What is a Scanner ? 9. How are printers classified ? 10. What is primary memory ? 11. What are the advantages of CD-ROM ? 12. List three access methods. 13. What is multimedia communication ? 14. What is an interpreter ? 15. What is an operating system ? P.T.O. (1x15=15)

BSIT 12 Give the differences between . 16. Primary memory and secondary memory 17. System software and application software 18. Character printer and line printer. 19. Static RAM and Dynamic RAM 20. Repeaters and Routers. (2x5=10)

Answer any FIVE full questions 1. a) What are the different data processing activities ? b) Discuss some of the system description terms. c) What are the applications of computer ? 2. a) What are the functions of system software ? b) With a neat diagram explain the operating system and its functional relationship with various hardware components. c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of assembly language. 3. a) Explain different types of page printers. b) Explain the working of a scanner. 4. a) What is ROM ? Compare different types of ROM available. b) What is a cache memory ? What are the applications of cache memory ? 5. a) What are the functions of network operating system ? b) Explain different types network topologies. 6. a) Explain the components which are used to expand (increase) the size of the network with in the existing network. b) Describe OSI reference model. 7. a) What are the elements of multimedia systems ? b) What are the basic characteristics of printer ? c) What are Peer-to-Peer Networks ? Discuss. 8. Write short notes on a) Internet b) Translator c) Printers. 6 5 4 6 5 4 7 8 6 9 6 9 10 5 5 5 5 (3x5=15)

BSIT - 13
I Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS AND C
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Part - A. 2) Answer any 5 full questions from Part - B. Max. Marks : 100

Answer the following questions. 1. What is a program ? 2. What are library functions ? 3. Give the syntax of switch statement. 4. Define structure. 5. What is a function ? 6. What are pre processor statements ? 7. How comments are represented ? 8. What is the difference between writing and appending ? 9. What is a file? 10. If A = 10, B = 3, What is A % B ? 11. What does the declaration M [3] [4] indicate ? Answer the following. 1. How to find GCD of two numbers ? 2. Name the entry controlled and exit controlled loop structures. 3. Name the unconditional control statements. P.T.O. (2x7=14) (1x11=11)

BSIT - 13
5. List the rules to frame a variable.


4. Give the Logic, to test whether the given number is palindrome. 6. How many built in data types are there in C ? List them. 7. What is the O/P of the following C-Prograrn ? Void main () {int a = 30, outputl ; float output2, outputs3, output4 ; outputl = a /4 ; output2 = a /4 ; output3 = a /4.0 ; output4 = (float) a /4 ; Printf (" 1 = %d, 2 = %d, 3 = %f, 4 = %f', outputl, output2, output3, output4) ;

Answer any 5 full questions. 1.. a) Describe the commonly used symbols to represent a program using flowchart. b) Write a flowchart to test whether the given number is prime or not. 2. a) With their syntax and flowchart explain the different control statements available in C. b) Write a C program to find all the roots of a quadratic equation. 3. a) Compare and contrast different loop control structures. b) Write a C program to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. 7 9 6 10 5

BSIT - 13
-34. a) What is an array ? How they can be declared ? Discuss with an example. b) Write C program to sort N elements of an array. 5. a) In a binary search, what are the assumptions to be made ? Demonstrate with an example how binary search works ? What are its advantages? b) Write a recursive function to find factorial of a number. 6. a) Write a C program to read a line of text and count number of vowels, consonants, digits and blank spaces. b) List and explain various parameter passing schemes in *C language. 7. a) What is a pointer ? What is the need for pointers ? Discuss. b) Describe betwise operators with example. c) Define function ? What are its uses ? List the sequence of operations performed when a function is called. 8. Write short notes on : a) Arrays b) Conditional Statements c) Linked list. 5 (3x5=15) 8 7 5 5 10 5 6 9


I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) BASICS OF SYSTEM SOFTWARE
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A : Answer all questions. 2) Part B : Answer any 5 full questions. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all questions. 1. What is system software ? 2. Define assembler. 3. What is parsing ? 4. What is the use of symbol table ? 5. What are the functions of loaders and linkers ? 6. What is semaphore ? 7. What are assembler directives? 8. Give the defination of string pool. 9. What is the difference between rum time and compile time binding ? 10. What is virtual memory ? 11. What are the functions of device drivers.? 12. Name the main parts of OS. 13. Give differences between syntax and semantics, 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 P.T.O.

Answer any 5 questions. 1. a) Explain crayl architecture. b) Briefly explain the components of programming environment. 2. a) Explain the assembler directives. Give example for each. b) Describe Lexical Analysis Phase. 3. a) What is symbol table ? Discuss how it can be implemented ? b) Explain different hashing functions. 4. a) With an example explain chaining solution. b) Briefly explain the functions of machine dependent loader. 5. a) Describe briefly macro assembly directives, b) Explain how memory allocation is done in OS. 6. a) Explain the principle of Buddy system storage allocation, b) What is file system ? How it is implemented ? Explain. 7. a) Describe various scheduling algorithms. b) Explain the main operations of device drivers. 8. Write a note on : a) Semaphores b) Procen Management c) Security and Reliability. 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 7 10 5 (3x5=15)


BSIT - 21
II Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education OPERATING SYSTEM
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part -A : Answer all questions. 2) Part -- B : Answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all the questions. 1. What is disk spooling ? Explain it. 2. What is a Context Switch ? 3. Write a note on shared pages. 4. Explain Swapping technique. 5. Define Disk seek time and latency time. 6. Name two versions of windows NT operating system. 7. What is virtual memory ? Describe logical address. PART B Answer any 5 questions. 1. a) Explain multiprogrammed and time sharing system. b) Explain process control block and process state diagram with neat diagram. 2. a) What is Scheduler ? Explain any two Schedulers with a neat diagram. b) Compare Multithreading and Multitasking.

25 Marks

4 3 5 3 5 2 3

(15x5=75) 7 8 10 5 P.T.O.

3. a) Explain any two scheduling algorithms with an illustrative example for each. b) Give any three difference between preemptive and nan preemptive scheduling. 4. a) With a neat block diagram, explain hardware required for segmentation. b} Explain Demand paging in virtual memory system. 5. a) Discuss the different file access methods and compare them. b) Explain and distinguish between contiguous, allocation and linked allocation of disk space. 6. a) Explain any two disk scheduling Algorithms. b) List and explain the different components of GUI. 7. 8. List and explain different windows NT features. Write a short note on : a) Windows Control panel b) Multilevel Queue Sheduling c) TLB. 8 10 5 15 (5x3=15) 12 3 8 7 7


BSIT - 22
II Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) DATA STRUCTURES USING'C'
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A : Answer all questions. 2) Part - B: Answer any 5 full questions. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all the questions : 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pointers ? 2. Define pointer with one example. 3. What is meant by type casting, give one example ? 4. What do you mean by abstract data type ? 5. What do you mean by complexity of an algorithm ? 6. What is recursion ? Give the difference between recursion and iteration. 7. Differentiate static and dynamic allocation technique. 8. Define the following with reference to graphs. a) Directed graph b) Path c) Cycle and give one example. 25 Marks 4 2 2 2 2 4 3 6

Answer any 5 of the following : 1. a) Give the declaration and intralization of array of pointers. b) Write a function to find the string length with-respect to pass by pointers. c) Explain dynamic memory allocation functions. (15x5=75) 4 5 6 P.T.O.

2. a) Explain dangling pointer problem with an example. b) Define enumerated constants. Give any three examples. c) Define static and external variable. 3. a) Write a program to implement stack operations and also check the stack empty and stack full conditions. b) Write a function to find factorial of a number. 4. Write a function of insertion and deletion of circular queue and also explain circular queue operation with an illustrative example. 5. Write functions of add a newnode at the beginning, at the end and delete the specified node from the doubly linked list. 6. a) Explain different ways of representing graph. b) Explain any two tree traversal methods. 7. a) What is heap sort ? Explain Pseudocode for implementing the heap sort. b) Differentiate between selection sort and bubble sort. 8. Write short notes on : a) BFS b) Binary search method c) Shortest path problem. ________________________ 15 7 8 10 5 (5x3=15) 15 12 3 5 5 5

BSIT - 23
II Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) DATA COMMUNICATION
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part ~ A : Answer all questions. 2) Part - B : Answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all the questions : 1. Define transmission system. 2. What is flow control ? 3. Define frame relay. 4. Define frequency and bandwidth. 5. Define Data. rate. 6. Define Shannon sampling frequency. 7. What is ISDN ? 8. What is interference ? 9. What is periodic signal ? 10. What are modems ? 11. What is multiplexing ? 12. What is circuit switching ? 13. Expand CRC. 14. Define noise and error rate. 15. WhatisHDLC? 16. WhatisFDDl ? 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

BSIT - 23
17. What is routers ? 18. What is size of IP header ? 19. Expand ATM. 20. What is the size of TCP packet ? 21. Example for packet switching and circuit switching. . 1 1 1 1 2

Answer any 5 of the following : 1. a) Bringout the difference between wide area network and local area network, b) Briefly discuss the OS I and TCP/IP protocol models. 2. a) What is periodic signal ? Explain. b) Explain any two line coding technique with a suitable example. 3. a) Write a note on ISDN and broad band ISDN. b) What is the difference between analog repeater and digital repeater ? Explain each with the example. 4. a) Briefly explain guided transmission media. b) Discuss the working of time division multiplexing, 5. a) Bringout the difference between stop and wait ARQ and Go-Back N ARQ. b) Explain any two modulation technique. 6. a) Explain HDLC frame format and also its characteristics. b) With a neat diagram, explain error detection system using check bits. 7. a) What are the types of services provided by LLC layer ? Explain. b) Briefly explain MAC frame format. 8. a) List out various network topologies. Explain any one of them. b) Explain different asynchronous medium access control mechanisms. c) Explain the design aspects of a bridge. _______________ 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 8 5 5 5 (15x5=75) 8 7 5 10 7

Second Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) BASICS OF DBMS (LAB)
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A : Answer all questions. 2) ParfB : Answer any FIVE questions. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all the questions. 1. The technique used to represent and store the records on a file is called _____ 2. Explain briefly the tasks of DBMS package. 3. Define field and record with an example. 4. ________ are examples of direct storage devices. 5. The index provide the ___ access to records. 6. What is the difference between single valued and multivalued 7. What is foreign key ? Give example, 8. A relationship in network model is called a _________ 9. List out advantages of relational model _________ 10. Explain any two mapping cardinalities with example. 11. The hierarchical data model organised data in a ___ 12. Forms and Queries present the data on _____ 13. Explain briefly the disadvantages of file oriented system. attributes ? 25 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 3 P.T.O.

Answer any FIVE full questions. (5x15^75) 7 8 7 8 8

1. a) Explain internal and external Hashing. b) Explain different types of databases. 2. a) What are the objectives of DBMS ? b) Explain the structure of Index sequential file ? What are the different components of it ? 3. a) Explain the following term : 1) Binary relation 2) Ternary relationship 3) Degree of relationship b) Explain the different phases of DB development fife cycle, 4. a) List and explain the rules of relational model. b) What are primary index and secondary indexs ? Explain. 5- a) Explain three important data models. b) Explain clearly the properties of relational tasks. 6. a) Explain briefly discretionary and mandatory access control methods. b) What do you mean by DB security ? Explain issues to be addressed in DB security. 7. a) Explain how do you create table with an example. b) Explain the steps to create report. 8. Write short note on : 1) Data Independence 2) ER-diagram 3) Object relational and object oriented model. _______________

7 7 8 9 6 8 7 7 8 (5x3=15)

III Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME II
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A : Answer all questions. 2) Part - B: Answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks : 100

1. Prepare a brief self-portrait of yourself for a professional career. 2. List out your short term and long term goals in your professional life. 3. What is the difference between language skill and communication skills ? 4. Name any four reasons why English is importent for us ? Is spoken English difficult. Why ? 5. What are paragraphs ? Why do we need paragraphs ? 5 5 5 5 5

1. a) Explain the participation in the interview. b) What are the common shortcomings of interviewer ? 2. a) What are twelve tips for time management ? b) What are the principles of human management ? 3. a) Mention certain DO'S to improve communication skills. b) Write the check list for revising drafts. 7 8 7 8 7 8


BSIT - 31


4. a) Write a formal letter to the subinspector of police to complaint against theft of motor cycle. 7 b) Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. 8 One day Mohandas met Sheik Mehtab, a friend of his elder brother. Sheik had a bad reputation. Mohandas knew this, yet he was much impressed by Sheik because he was tall and strong. Sheik was a meat-eater and he often told Mohandas that if he ate meat he would also grow tall and strong. There was also at that time a reform movement for a change in the orthodox ways of life. Mohandas himself had heard that many well-to-do people had started eating meat, So he tried meat. He did not like the taste of meat but as time went on he started to like meat currier. Whenever Mohandas had a meat meal outside, he had to give his mother some excuse for not eating his dinner. He knew that his parents would not forgive him if they knew he had eaten meat. He was not against eating meat then, but he was against telling a lie to his mother. This feeling was gnawing at his heart and finally he decided not to touch meat again. Mohandas had also taken to smoking with Sheik, his brother and another relative. He had to pilfer small amounts of money here and there with which to buy cigarettes. i) 'Sheik had a bad reputation..... yet he was much impressed by Sheik. Why was Mohandas impressed by Sheik ? ii) What did Sheik advice Mohandas ? iii) He was not against eating meat. What was Mohandas against ? iv) Why did Mohandas had to steal money '? 5. a) What are writing skills ? What are the importance of acquiring writing skills ? 7 b) Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in the right order observing the principles of coherence and cohesion. 8 i) Not only does this increase their tolerance of violent behaviour in other, but most authorities now concede that under certain condition, some children will imitate anti - social acts that they witness on television. ii) For one thing, recent studies tend to show that TV slifler creative imagination. iii) Some teachers feel that television has taken away the child's ability to form mental picture in his own mind, resulting in children who cannot understand a simple story without visual illustrations. _____________



iv) Many people are worried about what television has done to the generation of American children who have grown up watching it. v) The third area for concern is the serious complain frequently made by elementary school teacher that children exhibit low tolerance for the frustrations of learning. vi) Because they have been conditioned to see all problems resolved in 30 or 60 minutes on TV, they are quickly discouraged by any activity that promises less than instant gratification. vii) Secondly, too much TV too early tenders to cause Children to withdraw from real life experiences. viii) But perhaps the most serious result is the impact of television violence on children, who have come to regard it as an everyday thing. ix) Thus, they grow up to be passive spectators who can only respond to action, but not initiate it. 6. a) Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech. i) He said, " I do not like apples". ii) She said to Ram, "Why did you break the glass" ? iii) The student told the teacher, " will you please help me to learn mathematics this evening". iv) The tourist said, "what a lovely river this is!" b) Write the dialogue between the following pairs of people. i) Two friends meeting after a long time, ii) A teacher meeting the head of the department of English. 7. a) In order to make a successful presentation what are the steps to be followed. b) Explain the use of visuals in presentation. 8. Write short notes on : a) Dos and don'ts of body language. b) Different kinds of reading. c) Characteristics of successful people. _____________ 5 5 5 7 8 7 8

Ill Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) RDBMS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : I) Part A : Answer all questions. 2) Part B : Answer any FIVE full questions. Max. Marks : 100

1. The relational model has established itself as the primary data model for ____ data processing applications. 2. The overall design of the database is called _______ 3. Cartesian product operation is denoted by ____ 4. DCL expands to ______ 5. To remove a relation from a database we use the _______ command. 6. _________ is a technique for reducing data redundancy. 7. The _________ join type is a combination of the left and right outer-join type. 8. Normalization is the process of _______ data in a database. 9. _______ key uniquely identify a row in the table. 10. Control files record _____ about all the files within the database. 11. Main memory area in ORACLE database is called as \___ 12. SMON is a short form used for _____ 13. SQL does not have any capability. 14. _______ data type stores fixed length character data. 15. The data stored in cursor are called _____ 16. The client calls a local procedure called the ____ 17. Parameter passing between client and serves can be ____ 18. ODBC came as a demand for _______ development. 19. Audio, video and programs can be included in _______ documents. 20. XML means ______

25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P.T.O.

21. CGI means common gateway interface, which is a _____ 22. Java servlets are executed in their own _____ 23. Mobile computing architecture is a _______ architecture. 24. Modern CPU's also have very large address spaces due to ______ 25. _____ data is stored in either raster or vector formats. 1 1 1 1 1

1. a) With an example explain project and select operation in SQL. b) By taking example explain UNION operation and Cartesian product operation in SQL. 2. a) Discuss insert, delete and update operation in SQL by considering example. b) With an example discuss aggregate function and group by option in SQL. 3. a) What is an unnormalized relation ? Give example. What problems are associated with an unnormalized relation ? Explain. b)Explain second and third normal form with an example. 4. a) Discuss the role of back0ground process. Explain any four major background processes. b)Explain the architecture of ORACLE. 5. a) Discuss same predetermined internal PL/SQL exceptions. b)Differentiate between PL/SQL functions and procedures. 6. a) Discuss the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver. b)Explain the three-tier database design. 7. a) Explain the application server architecture. b)What do you mean by search engine ? What are the components of search engine service ? Explain. 8. a) What do you mean by multimedia database ? Explain briefly the applications of multimedia database. b)Write a note on the concept of digital libraries. ______________ 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 8 8 7 8 7

BSIT - 33
III Semester BISc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) OOPS WITH C++
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A : Answer all the questions. 2) Part B : Answer any 5 full questions. Max. Marks : 100

Fill up the blanks : 25 1. ______ are the data storage location not accessible to the user. 2. A character literal preceded by L is known as ______ literal. 3. If we do not use a sign bit, the range of possible values for an integer is _____________and _______________ 4.____________ is a basic building block of the program. 5._____________ can be used constructively when the same operator has to be performed on a number of cases in switch. 6. Go to statement is rarely use in C++ because 7. The compiler matches the constructors depending on how the class is _________ 8. A single function name can have multiple ______. 9. Match the following : i) Explicit creation and deletion ii) Combining returning of sequences in a single place iii) Representation of the real world entity iv) Call and return sequence a) Modular b) oop c) Inheritance e) Procedural P.T.O. 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1



10. Say true of false: i) Variable can begin with a number. ii) Declaration of the variable allocate the appropriate storage in the memory iii) Volatile qualifiers support the compiler optimization.. iv) In the union of all the variables share same physical storage and only one variable is defined at a time. v) The contents of one structure can be assigned to another as long as they are of the same type. 11. Name the following :

i) Process of building the function, ii) To indicate the empty parameter list of a function, iii) Default argument passing mechanism in C++. iv) An argument passing mechanism which requires the formal variable to be considered as a pointer. v) The function which is expanded when invoked, vi) The number of seconds held by a time variable.

Answer the following : 1. a) Classify the literal constants and discuss each one in brief. b) Discuss # DIFINE, CONST qualifier and Volatile qualifiers. 2. a) What is a pointer ? How pointer is declared ? Explain referencing and dereferencing with pointers. b) Write a note on structures and unions ? Bring out the difference between them 7 8 75 7 8

-3 3. a) Briefly discuss the functions malloc, calloc, realloc and free. b) Write a note on left shift, right shift and size of () operators. 4. a) Write a program in C++ to accept 10 numbers from the user and report second largest and smallest number in the list. b) Write the flow chart and the equivalent C++ statement to check whether a given number is prime or not. 5. a) Write the syntax for functions with no parameters. Also mention the disadvantages of it. b) What is a storage classes ? Explain different type of storage classes. 6. a) Explain memory allocation for objects is done. b) Write a program in C++ that illustrate the usage of destructors. 7. a) Write a program in C++ for overloading unary minus operator. b) Write a program in C++ to show the concept of single inheritance. 8. Write short notes on : a) Procedural program b) Modular program c) Object-oriented program.

7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 5 5 5


III Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A ~ Answer all questions. 2) Pan B - Answer any FIVE full questions. PART - A 1. OSI has _________________ lavers. 1 2. The ____________ layer uses the services provided hv the network layer. 3. Each laver adds _____________to the data it received from the upper layer 4. At the receiving end, the data is passed to transport layer from ______________ 5. The lavers not present in TCP/IP model are _____________and _____________ 6. At transport layer the protocol defined by TCP/IP model are __________ and__________ 7. A device having more than one IP address is known as __________device. 8. The two types of routing are _____ routing and _____ routing. 9. The IP datagram header has the IP address of _____ and _____ systems. 10. Protocol used for reporting the errors occurred during the datagram transfer is ______________ 11. UDP needs the ___________ address to deliver the data to the correct process. 12. In TCP a unit of data is referred to as ___________ 1 1 1 P.T.O. 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 25 Max. Marks : 100

BSIT - 34

-21 1 1

13. Flow control is achieved through the use of _____ window mechanism. 14. ______ field in the TCP header is used to detect errors in the TCP segment. 15. TCP offers _____ duplex data transfer service. 16. In TCP/IP the two communicating processes can be best described using the ______ model. 17. In client-server, the _____ programme is always running. 18. Connection-oriented concurrent server uses the service of ______ transport protocol. 19. FTP uses _____ protocol for transmission purpose. 20. The number of connections required for FTP operation is _____ 21. FTP is used to transfer _____ from one host to another.

1 1

1 1 1 1

1. a) Explain OSI reference model, b) What are the important tasks performed by the transport layer ? 2. a) What are different IP address classes ? Explain each one of them. b) Bring out the difference between direct and indirect routing. 3. a) With neat diagram explain IP datagram header. b) Explain ICMP message format. 4. a) What are the uses of UDP protocol ? b) Explain the encapsulation and decapsulation mechanism used in UDP.

75 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8

-35. a) Explain with neat diagram TCP segment. b) Explain the concept of multiplexing and demultiplexing in TCP. 6. a) Explain how connection is established in TCP using three way hand shaking. b) Write a brief description about client-server model. 7. a) Discuss about the connection-oriented concurrent server. b) Explain in detail about control connection and data connection used in FTP. 8. Write short notes on : a) Fragmentation. b) Flow control mechanism in TCP. c) RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) _____________

7 8 7 8 7 8 5 5 5

BSIT - 41
Fourth Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) ALGORITHMS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Pan A is Compulsory (25 marks). 2) Answer any 5 questions from Part B. (75 marks). 3) Assume necessary information if required. Max. Marks : 100

I. Answer all questions. 1) Define algorithm. 2) What is tree ? List its properties. 3) What is recursion ? Give example. 4) Define circular queue. 5) What do you mean by adjacency matrix ? Explain. 6) Define complete binary tree. 7) Define debugging. 8) List various operations on Queue. ( 25 Marks ) 2 5 5 2 5 2 2 2

1. Design an iterative and recursive algorithm to generate Fibonacci sequence of length n. 2. a) Design an algorithm to illustrate insertion sort. b) Explain the following terms i) Path iii) Incidence ii) Nullgraph iv) Isolated vertex P.T.O.

3. Write an algorithm to find the roots of a quadratic equation considering all the conditions. 4. Trace out the algorithm MAXIMIN on a data set consisting atleast 10 elements. 5. For a given data set {98, 16, 75, 26, 10, 50} a) Simulate quick sort. b) Merge sort. 6. Design and trace-out quicksort algorithm. 7. Explain preorder, postorder and in order travesal with example. 8. What are the wastage of memory for a binary tree with 8 nodes represented in one dimension array and 2 Dimension array. Explain. 15 8 7 15 15 15 15


IV Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education JAVA PROGRAMMING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A is compulsory. (25 Marks) 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. (75 Marks) Max. Marks : 100

I. Define the following : a) Classes and objects b) Applet c) Inheritance d) Polymorphism e) Dynamic binding f) Java package g) Scope of a variable h) Multi-threading i) Constructor and Destructor j) Constant and variable k) Java tokens. 1) Programming. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2


II. 1) a) Write a Java program to display "Hello world" and list commands involving its execution. b) How Java is different from other languages ? 2) a) Write a Java program to display Fibonacci numbers between 0 to 50, b) Explain function prototype in Java. , 3) a) What is an array ? How do we create and initialize arrays in Java ? Explain with example. b) List various data types available in Java. 4) a) Write a program to create an user defined package and its usage. b) Discuss life cycle of a thread. 5) a) Explain the classification of Java streams. b) Demonstrate the use of Java interfaces in inheritance implementation. 6) a) Describe the life-cycle of a thread. b) Compare overloading and overriding. 7) a) Write a Java program to add 2 matrix. b) Write a Java program to illustrate the working of break and continue statement. 8) Write a note on : (5 marks each) a) JVM b) OOP c) Switch statement in Java.

8 7 8 7 10 5 10 5 8 7 10 5 10 5

IV Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education UNIX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A is compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE questions from Part B. Max. Marks : 100

I. Answer all the questions. 1) What are internal and external commands ? 2) How unix is different from windows CXS ? 3) What is multi-processing ? 4) What is a shell in unix ? 5) What is the function of unix kernel ? 6) Define Daemon process. 7) How hard links are created ? 8) How we can change directory permissions ? 9) List various attributes of a unix file. 10) How do you check a file for spelling mistakes ? 11) How do you yank and paste lines in unix. files ? 12) List key features of unix.


2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5



a) Explain layered architecture of unix O.S. b) Differentiate relative path and absolute path.

10 5 15 10 5 (5x3=15)

2. Explain various modes in Vi editor. 3. a) Write a shell script to delete files in current directory interactively. b) Explain the use of wild-cards in unix. 4. Explain the different control structures in shell programming. With example for each. 5. Explain the following (3 marks each) a) grep b) chmod c) sort d) cal e) cmp 6. a) Differentiate pine and mail X command. b) How to ran and terminate process in background ? 7. Explain the following command with example. a) nice b) tail c) tr 8. Write a note on a) Pipes b) set command c) PATH command _________________

5 10 (5x3=15)


IV Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
Time : 3 Hours . Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Part - A is compulsory. (25 marks) 2) Answer any FIVE questions from Part - B. (75 marks).

I. Answer all the questions. 1) Define Software. 2) Define Risk Management. 3) What are Specification Languages ? Give example. 4) What is Program Documentation ? 5) What is SRS ? Why do we need it. 6) What is Base-line ? Give example. 7) Describe the following : a) PDL b) COCOMO c) Black box testing d) Software reusability. 2 2 4 1 4 4 (2x4=8)

II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 1) a) List various importance characteristics of s/w. b) What are the limitations of waterfall model ? 2) a) Explain s/w design principles. b) List important approaches used in program debugging. 8 7 10 5 P.T.O.

3) a) What is cohension and coupling ? Explain. b) Explain various design steps for transaction mapping. 4) a) What is s/w testing ? Give its importance. b) Explain the different kinds of software development team structure. 5) a) Define : Quality, Quality assurance and Quality control. b) What are aggregate objects ? Give example. 6) Discuss MC coil's software quality factors. 7) a) Give important functions of SCM process. b) Explain basic COCOMO model. 8) Write a note on : a) Programming tools b) Coupling c) Spiral model of s/w process d) Prototyping e) System testing. ____________________ 8 7 8 7 9 6 15 5 10 (5x3=15)

V Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

I. Answer all the questions. 1) Briefly narrate the history of graphics hardware technology. 2) Define the term pixel, resolution and aspect ratio. 3) With the help of an example explain the following 'C' functions : i) textcolour( ) ii) delline () 4) Explain the following formats : i) JPEG ii) PDF (5x5=25)

5) Give the meaning of following terms : i) Morphing ii) Warping

II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 1) a) Explain the support of various operating system for graphics application. b) Compare Raster graphics system with random scanning system. 2) a) With the help of a diagram explain the working of shadow masking CRT. b) How many colors are possible if we use following bits for representation ? i) One bit ii) 8 bits iii) 8 bits for each primary colors


7 8 8 7


3) a) Explain various graphical input interactive techniques. b) Explain the following 'C' function with the help of an example. i) getimage () ii) itoa () 4) a) Develop a 'C' program to create the structure offish figure and animate the same. b) Explain how malloc () function works and give its importance in graphics programming. 5) a) What is digital imaging ? List the various choices for creating digital images. b) What is animation ? Explain various animation techniques. 6) a) What is photoshop ? What is the meaning of gamut in photoshop ? b) Name various selection tools in photoshop and explain any one in detail. 7) a) List the steps used for image printing in photoshop. b) What is layering in photoshop ? Explain how it helps in photoshop software. 8) Write a short notes on ; i) Sampling ii) Marquee tool iii) DVST. _____________________ 7 8

7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 (5x3=15)

V Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education WEB PROGRAMMING
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

1. What is web ? What are all the building elements of web ? 2. List the different classification of HTML tags with one example for each. 3. List the differences between HTML and DHTML. 4. What are CGI environment variables ? 5. What are Cookies ? List any four Javax. Servlet. http Cookie methods.


Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) Explain how HTTP is used in client/server system. b) What are the differences between static and dynamic web pages ? 2. a) Write an example HTML page containing a table 4x3 and each row colored differently. b) Create a simple HTML page to demonstrate the usage of Anchor tags. 3. a) Explain document object model. b) Explain the methods to access nodes in a document tree. 4. a) What is PEARL ? Explain different types of PEARL variables. b) With the help of an example, explain module. 7 8 7 8 8 7 P.T.O. 7 8

5. a) Explain the role of Deployment descriptors. b) List out the differences between Webserver and application server. 6. a) What is JSP ? Explain JSP elements. b) Explain implicit objects out, request response in a JSP directives. 7. a) Explain the semantics of the HTML FORM element. " b) Describe the request handling cycle and the methods invoked on the servlet by the servlet container. 8. Write a short note on : i) SSL ii) Sessions iii) XML. ________________ 8 (5x3=15) 7 8 7 8 7

V Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education DATA WAREHOUSING AND DATA MINING
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Answer all the questions : (5x5=25)

1. What is the meaning of Normalization ? Why are different views of a given data needed ? 2. What is data warehouse ? Give the typical process flow in a data warehouse. 3. What is schema ? Define star-flake schema. 4. What is data marting ? List the reasons for data marling. 5. What is an event ? How does an event manager manages the event.

Answer any FIVE full questions : 1. a) With the help of a diagram explain the architecture of load manager. b) Name any three functions of warehouse manager and query manager. 2. a) Explain the designing of Dimension tables. b) What is Hardware partitioning ? Explain the guidelines for hardware partitioning 3. a) What are the aspects to be looked into while designing the summary tables ? 7 b) What are the different ways the system managers are divided based on the various works ? 8 P.T.O. (15x5=75) 8 7 7 8

4. a) What are the capabilities of schedule manager ? b) Explain the responsibilities of warehouse manager. 5. a) What is data mining ? What kind of data can be mined ? b) What are the issues in data mining ? 6. a) Give the syntax for task relevant data specification. b) Give the various functional components for designing GUI based on data mining query language. 7. a) Give the meaning for the following : i) no-coupling ii) loose-coupling iii) semitight coupling iv) tight coupling, b) Who are the two types of users in data mining system ? 8. Write a short notes on : i) Decision tree ii) Baye's theorem iii) K-means Algorithm. ________________ 3 (5x3=15) 8 12 7 8 7 8 7

5th Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education SOFTWARE QUALITY AND TESTING
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Answer all the questions. I. 1) What is software testing ? What are the various approaches to software testing ? 2) Give the meaning of quality control and quality assurance. 3) With the help of an example give the meaning of black box testing. 4) What are the differences between software verification and validation ? 5) Explain the process involved in a typical code review. (5x5=25)

Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) What is the importance of software testing and list the hurdles in testing ? b) With the help of a diagram explain test information flow in a typical software test life cycle. 2. Write a note on the following : i) Regression testing ii) Boundary testing iii) User testing iv) Preventive testing v) Security testing. P.T.O. 7 (5x3=15) (15x5=75) 8

3. a) List the 20 requirements delineated by ISO 9001 quality assurance standards. b)Give the equation for measure of reliability and availability. 4. a)Give the road map for instituting software quality assurance. b) Give the error check list for the following : i) Data reference list ii) Computation errors. 5. a) Explain the difference between code walk through and inspection. b) What is white box testing ? Why the white box testing is used to test conformance to requirements ? 6. a) What is graph matrices ? Explain with the help of an example. b) What is course effect graphing technique ? How do you test code, which attempts to implement this ? 7. a) What are the guidelines to be followed which helps for creating a series of generic tests for GUIs ? b) List the issues to be addressed if a successful software strategy is to be implemented. 8. Write a short notes on i) Debugging process ii) Unit test iii) Software defect distribution.

10 5 7

8 8 7 8 7

7 8 (5x3=15)

VI Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) BASICS OF .NET
Time : 3 Hours Note : 1) Part A Compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks : 100

(5x5=25) i) ii) iii) iv) v) List out the advantages of .Net frame work. How the windows programming is different from .Net programming ? What is unsafe code ? Explain. What is the role of system .Web ? How is .Net remoting different from web services and DCOM ?

1. a) What are functionalities of CLR ? Give the steps involved in managed execution

10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 P.T.O.

b) Write a note on meta-data. 2. a) List out the differences between C# and C++. b) How do name spaces and types in C# have unique names ? 3. a) What are different jump statements supported by C# ? Explain. b) Write a note on name spaces in C#. 4. a) What is method overloading ? Give an example. b) With an example explain indexers.

5. a) What are the different methods supported by system. Object class ? Give an example for each. b) Write a note on multidimensional arrays. 6. a) Explain in detail ADO.Net architecture. b) What is data set ? Explain. 7. Write a program to demonstrate handling of server control events. 8. With an example explain the steps or phases involved in implementing. Net remoting applications. ______________ 15 10 5 10 5 15

BSIT - 62
VI Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education E - COMMERCE
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A is compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B. Max. Marks : 100

1. What are the categories of operations comes under e-commerce ? 2. List any three basic banking activities. 3. Write a note on different kinds of shopping. 4. What is need of standardization ? Explain. 5. Explain secret key cryptography.


1. a) What is the need for market place interacts and settling disputes ? b) Explain block diagram depicting an electronic commerce architecture. 2. Explain the architectural frame work for electronic commerce. 3. Explain mercantile models from the merchants perspective. 4. a) What are the three types of electronic tokens ? Explain. b) How does digital signature works ? Explain. 5. a) Can the digital signature fully replace handwritten signature ? Explain. b) What is need for open EDI ? 8 7 15 15 8 7 8 7


6. Briefly explain the four layers of EDI implementation. 7. Briefly explain the different organizational structures. 8. a) What should be covered in the policy ? b) Explain different security tools.

15 15 8 7

VI Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, May/June 2011 (Directorate of Distance Education) ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : I) Part- A Compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B. Max. Marks : 100

1. What is iterative solution ? Give example. 2. Name RIP's various stability features. 3. What is streaming ? Explain. 4. What is modulation ? Explain. 5. What is steganography ? Explain.


1. a) Discuss the working of POP3 in an email system. What are its limitations ? b) Discuss the architecture of WWW. 2. a) Explain client side and server side events when the user click on a URL. b) What is routing ? Explain. 3. Explain working of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) with an example. 4. Discuss the various features of WLAN and its protocol architecture. 5. Compare 802.lla, 802.lib and blue tooth. 6. What is multimedia ? Explain audio and video streaming. 7. Briefly explain the WLAN protocol architecture. 8. Explain classical encryption techniques. _________________ 8 7 10 5 15 15 15 15 15 15

VI Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, May/June 2011 Directorate of Distance Education COMPUTER ETHICS AND CYBER LAWS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A compulsory, 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. Max. Marks : 100

Answer all full questions : 1. Define computer ethics and give classifications of ethical issues. 2. Explain the different sources of law. 3. How is a professional code distinguished ? 4. List the different forms of computer crime. 5. What are the remedies for the breach of a contract ? (5x5=25)

Answer any FIVE full questions : 1. Explain with the help of historical milestones, the evolution of computer ethics. 2. Discuss the impact of the information technology revolution and internet on society. 15 P.T.O. (15x5=75) 15

3. What are the primary assumptions of a legal system ? Explain. 4. Briefly explain different forms of computer crime 5. Discuss the essentials of a valid contract. 6. What are the evidentiary presumptions of a secured electronic document ? Explain the process of encryption and decryption of data. 7. What is meant by unauthorised access to a computer under the provisions of the IT act 2000? 8. Explain amendments to current legal provisions. 15 15 15 15 15 15


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