Macosx SSL Error

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MacOS X or Linux with local Citrix Client Installation "SSL Error: You have not choosen to trust...

On Mac or Unix/Linux the root certificate needs to be manually installed to the Keychain Access. Applying the certificate only to your webbrowser application doesn't work on this operting systems. For our secure communication, you need a root certificate on the client that can verify the signature of the Certificate Authority on the server certificate. For a manual certificate installation on local Citrix ICA Clients (Mac, Linux,...) you will need root authorisation to install the certificates.

1. Download the tc-trust-certificates

Download both tc-trust-certificates from the Download Center into a folder on your Mac OS. The extension .crt of the certificate is mandatory!

2. Using Citrix Online-Plug-in for Mac 11 on Snow Leopard with Safari

If they do not already exist in your Keychain Access in the login or System Roots section please open "File - Add Keychain" and then browse to the downloaded tc-trust-certificates.

This will make the certificates trusted.

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