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Erika Lee Period 2

Chapter 20 Review 1. Five IDS 1. Agricultural Revolution- The Industrial Revolutions beginnings were started from the agricultural revolution. The increase in food production and rural workers provided a potential labor force for industrial enterprises. 2. Trade Unions- Started by workers to fight for better working conditions. Successful in cutting back hours and child workers in the factory. 3. Factory Acts- A way of government to get involved with the problems of the working class. The first act was to limit child labor to twelve hours a day. 4. The Factory Discipline- Schedule that workers had to follow very closely. A lifestyle in the new factories made from factory owners. 5. Bourgeoise- The industrial capitalism produced a new middle class. It was dominated by people in banking, lawyers, teachers, physicians, and government. 2. The most significant development of the Industrial Revolution was Watts steam engine. It revolutionized the production of cotton goods and allowed the factory system to spread to other areas of production. 3. Workers, reformers, and the government attempted to improve working conditions by making: 1. Trade Union Movement- Workers were willing to strike to improve their working conditions. Carried out by hand loom weavers in Glasgow in 1813, cotton spinners in 1818, and miners in 1810. Turned into National unions whose motivate was to coordinate a general strike for the eight-hour working day. 2. Luddites- Skilled craftspeople in the Midlands who attacked machines that they believed threatened their livelihoods. 3. Chartism- First important political movement during the 19th century that demanded universal male suffrage. 4. Government Action- Factory acts passed in 1802 and 1819 that limited labor for children to less hours. The Factory Act of 1833 strengthened earlier labor legislation. 4. The factory workers defended the working conditions in their industries were to impose a new set of values were frequently reinforced by the new evangelical churches. They were forced to adjust to a new system of discipline. 5. 1. The Labor Force 2. The Industrial Middle Class

3. The New Social Classes 4. Britains Great Exhibition 5. Industrialization in India

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