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Roommate Agreement Section 1: The rules

Rules and Regulations

1. One friend needs to help to destroy an artificial intelligence he's created and that's
taking over Earth.

2. One friend needs help to destroy someone they know who's been replaced with an
alien pod.

3. The roommate will help defeat someone who threatens to destroy Tokyo, or any other
technologically advanced cultural city.

4. There has to be a 24-hour notice if a non-related female will stay over night 5. The homeowner may call for an emergency meeting at any time. 6. The right to bathroom privacy is suspended in the event of force majeure 7. The shower can have at most one occupant, except in the event of an attack by water
soluble aliens

8. Roommates shall give each other 12 hours notice of impending coitus 9. Roommates agree that Friday nights shall be reserved for watching Battle star Galatica 10. The apartment's flag is a gold lion rampant on a field of azure and should never fly
upside downunless the apartments in distress

11. If one of the roommates ever invents time travel, the first stop has to aim exactly five
seconds after this clause of the Roommate Agreement was signed.

12. The various obligations and duties of the parties in the event one of them becomes a

13. When Ethan showers second, any and all measures shall be taken to ensure an
adequate supply of hot water.

14. Ethan is the only one who is allowed access to any type of thermostat 15. [Roommate] has the right to allocate fifty percent of the cubic footage of the common areas, but only if Ethan is notified in advance by e-mail. 16. Pets are banned under the roommate agreement, with the exception of service
animals like cybernetically-enhanced helper monkeys

Roommate Agreement Section 1: The rules

17. The selection of a new take-out restaurant requires public hearings and a 60-day
comment period

18. In the event one friend is ever invited to visit the Large Hadron Collider, now under
construction in Switzerland, he shall invite the other friend to accompany him

19. one friend gets super powers (he will name the other one as his sidekick) 20. one friend is bitten by a Zombie (the other can't kill him even if he turned) 21. If one friend gets invited to go swimming with Bill Gates, he gets to invite the other
Friend to join them.This Becomes Void if the other friend has been de-Friended.

22. Ethan asks at least once a day how [Roommate] is even if he doesn't care 23. Ethan no longer stages spontaneous biohazard drills after 10 p.m. 24. Ethan abandons his goal to master Tuvan throat singing. 25. A girlfriend shall be deemed "living with" Leonard when she has stayed over for A: ten
consecutive nights or B: for more than nine nights in a three-week period or C: all the weekends of a given month plus three weeknights.

26. A girlfriend is only allowed to be deemed living with only when she signs on the
Regulation: She does not now nor does she intend to play percussive or brass instruments

27. Lan Parties are compulsory at least twice a week, if not able to be preceded with the
Scheduled Lan party Times.

28. Issues will be solved by a game of rock paper Scissors. 29. this will be best out of 3 and classic rules apply, 30. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock,
Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

31. A deliberate means of sarcasm that was not understood/Recognised by the repentant,
then it shall be met with a BAZINGA.

32. I can not be impossible, for I exist. Therefore you shall deem me as improbable 33.
Apparently you can't hack into a government supercomputer and then try to buy uranium without the Department of Homeland Security tattling to your mother.

34. 71 degrees is the set temperature. 35.

No, you don't screw the roommate agreement. The roommate agreement screws you.

Roommate Agreement Section 2: Daily Schedules

Usual occasions:
Monday Breakfast: Oatmeal Gaming: RPG Film: SCI-FI Tuesday Breakfast: French toast Gaming: FPS Film: Comedy Wednesday Thursday Breakfast: Breakfast: Gaming: Puzzlers Film: SCI-FI Gaming: Multiplayer Film: Comedy Friday Saturday Sunday Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Gaming: MMOPG Film: SCI-FI Gaming: JRPG Film: Comedy Gaming: Virtual Enrichmen t Film: SCI-FI

Special Occasions
Monday Star Wars Tuesday Star Trek Wednesday Thursday Babylon 5 Star ship trooper Friday Battle star Galatica Saturday Stargate SG1 Sunday Marvel Movies

Contents of Agreement policy.

Section 1
Rules and Regulations 1-2

Section 2
Daily Schedules 3

Live Long And Prosper.

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