Current Electricity

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Current Electricity 1) Definition, Units and Symbols Electric current is the flow of electrons along the connecting wires in a circuit. The electrons flow from negative to positive of the power supply. However, when cells were first invented, scientist guessed, wrongly, that something was moving from positive to negative and they marked arrows this way on their circuit diagrams. For convenience, we keep to this convention when we draw circuit diagrams, but you should remember that, in a circuit, the electrons are really moving in opposite direction to the CONVENTIONAL CURRENT. a J ‘ Le" 4 The more the charges passing through the wire in one second, the bigger the current is. Then we can say that CURRENT, lis the rate of charge flowing. Current is measured in ampere, A. charge flow (in C) x y \ current {in A) Simecinsy | 2 ios Le | Exam Tip: One coulomb (1C) is defined as the charge that passes a point in a cireuit in one second when there is a current of one ampere (1A). 2) Measuring Electric Current The electric current flowing in a circuit can be measured by an AMMETER. The unit is amperes, A. 1 Note: Itis important to connect an ammeter so that its red (+) terminal is always nearer to the positive (+) pole of the cell than to the negative pole. Otherwise the pointer will be moved the wrong way. If the connection is correct, current is flowing into the red terminal and out of the black terminal of the ammeter. 3) Electromotive Force The electromotive force or e.m.f. of'a cell can be defined as the energy supplied to each coulomb of charge within it. emf 2MeFRY supplied by the cell Charges flow through the cell g The unit of e.m.f. is JC" or volt, V. 1v=1C" A cell supplies energy but not charges. Its function is to drive the free electrons in the circuit to flow vvy Cells in series: ‘When cells are connected in series, the combined e.m.f. is the sum of all the individual em.f’s. ‘sv isv Iv | --— cali series combined em 45V Cells in Parallel: When cells are connected in parallel, the combined e.m-f. is the e.m.f. of one individual cell. 18V Cells in parallel: combined e.m.f. 1.5 V The advantages of connecting cells in parallel: > The cells will last longer before they need to be replaced; > A higher current can be supplied 4) Potential Difference Energy carried by charges is consumed in components like resistance, lamp or heater of the circuit. When the charges flow through the lamps in a circuit, their energy converted to other forms such as heat or light. The energy converted per unit charge passing through a component is called the POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE, p.d., across the component. energy converted to other forms the component charges flow through the component Note: } The unit of potential difference is volt, V. > Itis measured by a voltmeter, syne > Current flows from a point of higher potential (nearer to the +ve terminal) to a point of lower potential (nearer to the —ve terminal). Measurement of e.m.f: ‘The e.m.f. of a cell can be measured by a voltmeter connected directly across the terminals of the cells. 3

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