Management-Policy-Irda-Tells-Insurers/444925/ Progress of Banking in India

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Module Three: Title Contents Risk Management in Banking Marketing and Distributions channels Risk Management, NPA Management,

Asset Liability Management, Managing Credit, Liquidity & Interest rate risk, Managing Risk with loan sales and Securitization T1 Ch 21,22,24 T2 Ch 12,14,15 T3 Ch- 11,12 IGNOU Material in Readings ALM & NPA Based Practical Problems 10 Groups of 3 students each will be made. The groups will be required do a GAP Analysis of the Banks assigned On the Assignment Mentioned above and Current Affair Related to Banking Asset Liability System in Banks RBI Guidelines Asset liability Management in Indian Banking Industry with Special Reference to Interest Rate Risk Management in ICICI Bank, Dr. B Charumathi, World Congress on Engineering, 2008, Vol II An Analysis of Asset Liability Management in Indian Banks, Dash Mihir, Venkatesh, Bhargav BD, SSRN Risk Management in Commercial Banks A Case Study on Public and Private Sector Banks, Arunkumar Rekha, Ninth Capital Market Conference, IICM, 2005 RBI Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances IGNOU Asset Liability Management IGNOU Operational Risk Management IGNOU Credit Risk Management A Comparative Study of Non-Performing Assets of Public and Private Sector Banks, Kaur Harpreet, Saddy Kumar Neeraj, IJRCM, Vol No. 2, 2011, pp 82-89 Progress%20of%20Banking%20in%20India 9 Hours


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