Acta Orientalia Hungarica - (1948-1998) Collected Bibliography

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In 1948 the Hungarian Parliament passed a bill on the foundation of a Hungarian Scientific Council which, as proposed by the Communist Party, was intended to replace the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In early 1949, however new directives came from Moscow, and the target now was to "restructure" the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, an institution founded in 1825, and perhaps the only national Academy which had never been a royal one. In the new framework a national company was founded to publish scientific periodicals, which was assigned the task of publishing the new journals of the Academy of Sciences. Acta Orientalia was not on the list of the journals foreseen. The Academy set up a committee to negotiate the conditions of restructuring, and on behalf of the "old" members, among others Louis Ligeti also took part. He was elected on 29 November 1949 as one of the new vice presidents of the now reorganized Academy of Sciences. Ligeti recommended that the list of periodicals should be increased by a new one: Acta Orientalia. Ligeti also signalled that he was not happy with the name, because there existed another Acta Orientalia, published in Copenhagen. It was, however, centrally decided that all new journals should have the same name structure, and all shall be called "Acta", so Ligeti had to give in. The first volume was to appear in 1950, and Ligeti was aware of the immense difficulties involved in building up a new journal of international reputation in 1950 in an East European country. The first volume appeared in fact in 1951, but it had 1950 on its front page. The first members of the editorial board were K. Czegldy, L. Fekete, J. Nmeth and S. Telegdi. Ligeti was the Editor-in-Chief. The Introduction reflected the tone and style of the times, but the papers were of genuinely great scholarly value. The first paper was an obituary to Ignaz Goldziher, the great Hungarian Orientalist, Arabist, and researcher of the Muslim religion. A member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he died in 1921, and though another great Hungarian scholar, Aurel Stein was asked to deliver an obituary, this had never been done, and the Hungarian Academy remained in debt for decades. Goldziher was born in 1850, thus the 100th anniversary of his birth was a welcome occasion to begin the new periodical with the paper "Goldzihers Jugend" by J. Nmeth. Ligeti
Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest

had clearly seen that the journal could achieve an international stature only if it had a good scholarly profile. The concept was to put in the focus the idea of Paul Pelliot, the teacher in Paris of the young Ligeti, the study of Haute Asie, Central Asia. Earlier the people of Central and North Asia had been the subject of studies only as the Randvlker of the great cultures, Europe, India and China. Sinology, Indology or Iranian studies were never excluded, but Ligeti was interested more in their relations with Central Asia than their inner problems. There were two fields which were further included: Egyptology and Hebrew studies. From the 10th volume on A. Dobrovits, Professor of Egyptology, joined the board of editors. From the 18th volume on G. Kara replaced Dobrovits. L. Fekete died in 1969 and from 1971 B. Csongor became member of the board of editors. Volume XXX, the last one edited by Ligeti, appeared in 1976. From 1977 on K. Czegldy and F. Tkei, from 1981 F. Tkei and from the Numbers 2-3 of volume XLV, A. Srkzi were in charge of the journal. Srkzi began to edit Volume L, which finally appeared in 1998 and was dedicated to E. Schtz. In 1998 a new board of editors was set up. The new board decided to publish the Index to the first 50 volumes. This gives readers a chance to have an overview of the journal's past. It is not the task of this short preface to evaluate the 50 volumes of Acta Orientalia. I would only mention that 397 authors contributed papers to this journal, one third of whom were Hungarians. Acta Orientalia was and remains open for international cooperation. The works reviewed are cited under the name of the author or editor of the book. Under the name of the reviewer a cross reference can be found. The Index was compiled by gnes Paulik, Librarian of the University Library, Szeged, custodian of the Ligeti Library. Andrs Rna-Tas

Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hung. Volume 51 (4), ,377-444 (1998)

Aalto, P.; A Catalogue of the Hedin Collection of Mongolian literature. Reprinted from Reports
from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Sven Hedin. The Sino-Swedish Expedition, Publication 38. Statens Etnografiska Museum, Stockholm 1953. (Kara, G.) IV (1954), 314-316. (ed.), Qutuy-tu pancaraksa kemek tabun sakiyan neret yeke klgen sudur. Nach dens Stockholmer Xylograph Asiatische Forschungen. 10. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1961. (Ligeti, L.) XIV (1962). 317-328. , Swells of the Mongol-storm around the Baltic. XXXVI (1982). 5-15. Abgarjan, G., Chronologische Angaben fiber Ungarn and Kilikisch-Armenien in der "Lbeckischen Chronik" (14. Jahrhundert). L (1997), 1-10. Abrahamowicz, Z., Four Turkish letters to the King and Chancellor of Poland at the Svenska Riksarkivet in Stockholm. XIII (1961), 63-70. , see Ivanics, M.

Abramzon, S. M., Die Stammesgliederung der Kirgisen and die Frage nach ihrer Herkunft. XIV
(1962), 197-206.

Abulaje, C`., Svanije, M., C`ildiris eialet`is jaba davt'ari 1694-1732 cc. Sak`art`velos istoriis
uc`xouri eqaroebi, 10. Dzaba defter Cildyrskogo ejaleta 1694-1732 gg. Inostrannye istocniki istorii Gruzii, 10. Defter-i caba-i eyalet-i Cildir. Tbilisi 1979. (Dvid, G.) XXXVIII (1984), 424-425. Adle, Ch., see Bacqu-Grammont, J.-L. L'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes No. 135. 4e trimestre 1982. (Ivnyi, T.) XXXVIII (1984), 436. L'Afrique et I'Asie Modernes. Revue trimestrielle. No. 140. Printemps 1984. Centre des Hautes Etudes stir l'Afrique et I'Asie Modernes. Paris. (Ivnyi, T.) XXXIX (198.5). 384-385. L'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes. Revue trimestrielle. No. 141. Et 1984. Centre des Hautes Etudes sur l'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes. Paris. (Ivnyi, T.) XXXIX (1985), 385. L'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes. Revue trimestrielle. No. 142, automne 1984: 143, hiver 1984-198.5: 145, t 1985. Centre des Hautes Etudes sur l'Afrique et l'Asie Modernes. Paris. (Ivnyi, T.) XL (1986), 352-353. Agnes, T., sec Schwieger. P.

goston, G., Muslim cultural enclaves in Hungary under Ottoman rule. XLV (1991), 181-204.
, Ottoman artillery and European military technology in the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. XLVII (1994), 15-48.

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Karamania. die anti-Ottoman Christian diplomacy and the non-existing Hungarian-Karamanid diplomatic relations of 1428. XLVIII (1995), 267-274. Agyagsi, K., M Nlethodische Bemerkungen zur Erwgung der "Umstrittenen tschuwaschischen Etymologien" von M. Adamovic. XLV (1991), 439-449. Das Wort Mr Tauchente im Wolgagebiet. XLVIII (1995), 261-265. , Le systeme verbal tchouvache comme objet de nouvelles recherches linguistiques. XLIX (1996), 93-129. , A Volga-Bulgarian loan-word in a Kazan Tatar dialect spoken in diaspora. L ( 1997), 11-15. Ahmetov, A., Ahmetov, S. et al. (eds); Qazaq qolzazbalarinin gi limiy siypattamasi. Qazaq SSR Gilim Akademiyasinin) Ortaliq Gilimiy Kitaphanasi men M. O. Awezov atindagi Adebiyet .One Otter Iynstiytwtindagi qazaq yolzazbalari. 2-tom. Gagiqtiq zirlar - Liro-epos. Gilim baspasi, Almati 1979. (Mndoky Kongur, L.) XXXVIII (1984), 412-413. rim , Ahmetov, S. et al. (eds); Qazaq qolzazbalarinin gilimiy siypattamasi. Qazaq SSR Akademiyasinin Ortaliq Gilimiy Kitaphanasi men M. O. Awezov atimlagi Adebiyet kine ner lynstitwtindagi qazaq qolzazbalari. 3-tom. Tariyhiy zirlar. Gilim baspasi, Almati 1979. (Mndoky Kongur, L) XL (1986), 205-206. Aistleitner, J., Gtterzeugung in Ugari and Dilmun (SS and Ni. 4561). II1 (1953), 285-312. Fin Opfertext aus Ugarit (1920 No. 2). IV (1954), 259-270. , Fin Opfertext aus Ugarit (No. 53) mit Exkurs liber kosmologische Beziehungen der ugaritischen Mythologie. V (1955). 1-23. , Untersuchungen inn Grammatik des Ugaritischen. Beriehte fiber die Verhandlungen der schsischen Akademie der Wssenschaften zu Leipzig, Phil.-hist. Klasse, Bd. 100, I1. 6. Berlin 1954. (Czegldy, K.) V (1955), 328-329. , Studien zur Frage der Sprachverwandtschaft des Ugaritischen. 1. VII (1957), 251-307. Studien zur Frage der Sprachverwandtschaft des Ugaritischen. 2. VIII (1958), 51-98. , Lexikalisches zu den ugaritischen Texten. XI (1960), 29-34. see Czegldy, K.: Eissfeldt, O.: Nougayrol, J. Akdag, NI.; Celali isyanlari (1550-1603). Ankara niversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cogralya Fakliesi Yaymlari, 144. Ankara 1963. (Kldy-Nagy, Gy.) XIX (1966), 363-365. Albalag, I.; Sefer Tiqqun Ha-De'ot. 't este prsent, lite et annot par G. Vajda. Jerusalem 1973. (Scheiber. A.) XXVII (1973), 393-394. Ali, A1., Zaborski, A.; Handbook of rhe Oromo language. Athiopistische Forschungen, 30. Prace Komisji Orientalistycznej Polskiet Akademii Nauk -- Oddzial w Krakowie, 21. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart. Ossolineum - Verlag der Potniseben Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wroclaw 1990. (Ormos, I.) XLIX (1996), 251. Allen, W. S.; Phonetics in ancient India. London Oriental Series, 1. Oxford University Press 1953. (Vekerdi, J.) Ill (1953), 322-323. Allony, N., Loewinger. D. S.; The Institute of Hebrew Manuscripts. List of photocopies in the Institute. I. Jerusalem 1957. (Scheiber, A.) VII (1957), 327-328. , Kupfer, E.: The Institute of Hebrew Manuscripts. List of photocopies in the Institute. 2 . Jerusalem 1964. (Scheiber, A.) XIX (1966), 377-378. , Loewinger, D. S.; The Institute of Hebrew Manuscripts. List of photocopies in the Institute. 3. Jerusalem 1968. (Scheiber, A.) XXII (1969), 392-393. (ed.), Ha'Egron... by Rav Se'adya Ga ' on. Jerusalem 1969. (Hebrisch). (Scheiber, A.) XXIV (1971), 399. Aloiane, Z. A., Anthropomorphic representation of evil in Islam and some other traditions. Crosscultural approach. XLIX (1996), 423-434.

Altan-Orgil; Kke (iota-yin slim-e keyid. Inner Mongolian People's Publishing House, Kukukhoto 1982. (Hiroki, O.) XLII (1988), 158-160. Amin, S. H.; Law and justice in contemporary Yemen: The People's Democratic Republic of
Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic. Royston Limited, Glasgow 1987. (Ormos, I.) XLIV (1990), 439-440.

Anacker, S.; Seven works of Vasubandhu. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, Varanasi, Patna, Madras
1984. (Wojtilla, Gy.) XL (1986), 346-347.

Ando, Sh.; Timuridische Emire nach dem Mu'izz al-ansab. Untersuchungen zur
Stammesaristokratie Zentralasiens im 14. and 15. Jahrhundert. Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin 1992. (Pell, B.) XLVII (1994), 208-209.

Apor, E., Ossetic material among the literary remains of Bernard Munkcsi. XVI (1963), 225-240. , L. Gal. XVIII (1965), 381-382. , About the Modern Persian suffix -hoe. XXIII (1970), 107-113.

, On a Persian manuscript of the Vmbry bequest. XXIII (1970), 327-334. , Gilanica: Langerudi. XXVII (1973), 351-372. (ed.); Jubilee volume of the Oriental Collection 1951-1976: Papers presented on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Oriental Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest 1978. (Srkzi, A.) XXXV (1981), 166-169. , see Hekhamaneshi, K.; Korenchy, .; Rastorgueva, V. S. Arafa, H. Mustafa, Einige Bemerkungen zu lexikalischen Problemen in den epischen Texten des Ugarit. XXIX (1975), 99-105. Asanov, S. A., Garkavec, A. N. et al.; Qrymtatardza-rusca lugat. Krymskotatarsko-russkij slovar'. Radjans'ka Skola, Kiev 1988. (Jankowski, 1 1.) XLIV (1990), 409-414. Atwood, C., The Marvellous Lama in Mongolia: The phenomenology of a cultural borrowing. XLVI (1992-1993), 3-30. Aubin, F., Pensc romano-germanique et droit mongol contemporain: Le langage juridique en Republique populaire de Mongolic. XXXVI (1982), 17-27. Avetisjan, G., Armjano-avstro-vengerskie gosudarstvennye otnosenija vo vtoroj polovine 1918 goda. L (1997), 17-25.

Baequ-Grammont, J.-L., Adle, Ch., Une lettre de Hasan Beg de `Imdiyye sur les affaires d'Iran
en 1516. (Etudes turco-safavides, 12). XXXV1 (1982), 29-37.

Badaraev, B. I)., Notes on a list of the various editions of the Kanjur. XXI (1968), 339-351. Baden, B. (ed.); Sedklin kiln. Chaljmg degtr yaryac, Elst 1960. (Lrincz, L.) XIV (1962), 334-335. Bailey, H. W.; The culture of the Sakas in ancient 1ranian Khotan. Columbia Lectures on Iranian
Studies, 1. Caravan Books, Delmar, New York 1982. (Kara, G.) XL (1986), 350-352.

Baktay, E., Recent acquisitions of the Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts in Budapest. The material o1' I. Schwaiger's donation. I (1950-1951), 191-212. , Indian stone sculpture in the Budapest Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts. III (1953), 135-165. ; Die Kunst Indiens. Terra Verlag, Budapest 1963. (Tth, E.) XVII (1964), 360-361. Balzs, E., see Tkei, F. Balzs, J., Une adaptation humaniste du vocalisme hbraique. VII (1957), 65-75. Baldauf, I.; Schriftreform and Schriftwechsel bei den muslimischen Russland- and Sowjettrken
(1850-1937). Ein Symptom ideengeschichtlicher and kulturpolitischer Entwicklungen. Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, 40. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest 1993. (Dobrovits, M.) XLIX (1996), 218-219. Blint, Cs., Nochmals fiber die Identifizierung des Grabes von Kuvrat. XLII (1988), 377-389. Acta , see Darkevic, V. P.; Golden, P.

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Bandhu, Vishva (ed.); Vedasastrasamgrahah, an Anthology of the Vedas and Sastras. Shityaratnakosah, Part 1. Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi 1966. (Bethlenfalvy, G.) XXI (1968), 260-261. Brczi, G., propos des vieux mots d'emprunt turcs en hongrois. XVIII (1965), 47-54. Quelques conclusions tires de l'tude des plus anciens mots d'emprunt turcs du hongrois. XXV (1972), 383-390. Barkhudarian, V. B.; Nor Naxijevani haykakan galut`i patmut`yun, I. (1779-1861 5.), 1967, II. (1861-1917), 1985. [History of the Armenian settlement of Nor Nakhichevan]. Historical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the ArmSSR, Erevan. (Schtz, E.) XLI (1987), 333-337. Barton, Ch. R., Armenian t'oyl, tolum and related matters. L (1997), 27-34.;zd,nUivrstyPublcaon,idAtSers,120. Published by Indiana University, Bloomington, Mouton, The Hague, [197 1]. (Schtz, E.) XXVII (1973), 249-250. Basham, A. L., see Pusks, 1. Baskakov, N. A., La classification des dialectes de la langue turque d'Alta. VIII (1958), 9-15. L'tude des langues turques en Union Sovitique. IX (1959), 39-53. Sur la gense de la structure de la proposition Bans les langues turques. XI (1960), 35-42. Zones rnarginales et aires dans revolution des langues turques. XXXII (1978), 187-199. Mikroetnonimy uzov (oguzov) cernyh klobukov v russkih letopisjah. XXXVI (1982), 39-46. Russkie familii tjurkskogo proischozdenija. Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moscow 1979. (Baski, I.) XLI (1987), 135-138. Baski, I., A Crimean Turkic-Tatar glossary from the 17th century. XL (1986), 107-172. , About the Turkish dialect of Deliorman (Illustrated with texts on the circumcision feast). XLVIII (1995), 275-289. , see Baskakov, N. A. Bassarak, A., see Petrova, S. Baumann, G., see Pusks I. Bawden, Ch. R.; A document concerning Chinese farmers in Outer Mongolia in the eighteenth century. XXXVI (1982), 47-55. Confronting the supernatural: Mongolian traditional ways and means. Collected papers. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1994. (Srkzi, A.) XLIX (1996), 451-452. Bazin, L., Les dates de rdaction du "Divan" de Kasggari. VII (1957), 21-25. , Notes de toponymie turque ancienne. XXXVI (1982), 57-60. Les systmes chronologiques Bans le monde turc ancien. Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, 24. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest, Editions du CNRS, Paris 1991. (Kara, G.) XLVII (1994), 201-206. Bechert, H., Gombrich, R. (eds); Die Welt des Buddhismus mit Beitrgen von H. Bechert, J. Bunnag, M. B. Carrithers et al. Verlag C. H. Beck, Munchen 1984. (Ecsedy, I.) XL (1986), 209-210. Beckwith, Ch. I., The plan of the City of Peace. Central Asian Iranian factors in early 'Abbasid design. XXXVIII (1984), 143-164. , The location and population of Tibet according to early Islamic sources. XLIII (1989), 163-170. Bektenov, Z., Musin, Y.; Qirgizdin eldik oyundari. Qirgizstan basmasi, Frunze 1978. (Mndoky Kongur, I.) XL (1986), 204-205.

Beldiceanu, N.; Les actes des premiers sultans conservs dans les manuscrits la Bibliothque Nationale Paris, tome I: Actes de Mehmed II et de Bayezid II du ms. fonds ture
ancien 39, Paris, Mouton 1960, tome 2: Rglements miniers 1390-1512. Paris, Mouton 1964. Documents et recherches sur l'conomie des pays byzantines, islamiques et slaves et leurs commerciales an moyen age, 3., 7. (Kldy-Nagy, Gy.) XVIII (1965). 387-388. Bellr-Hann, I., The `Laz Songs' revisited: oral tradition in North-East Turkey. XLVIII (1995). 291-311. Benk, M., Burial masks of Eurasian mounted nomad peoples in the migration period (1st Millenium A.D.). XLVI (1992-1993), 113-131. Benzing, J.; Einfhrung in das Studium der altaischen Philologie and der Turkologie. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1953. (Rsonyi, L.) VII (1957), 309-320. ; Kalmckische Grammatik zum Nachschlagen. Turcologica. 1. Otto Harrassowitz. Wiesbaden 1985. (Kara, G.) XLI (1987). 141-142. Berglie, P.-A., To tell the future by using threads and some reflections on "Tibetan divination. XLIII (1989), 171-176. Bernstein, J., see Kahn, M. Berta, A. (ed.); Wolgatatarische Dialektstudien. Textkritische Neuausgabe der Originalsammlung von G. Blint 1875-76. Keleti Tanulmnyok Oriental Studies, 7. Budapest 1988. (Haln, H.) XLIV (1990), 414-416. ; Lautgeschichte der tatarischen Dialekte. (Studia Uralo-Altaica, 31.) Szeged 1989. (Haln,

FI.) XLIV (1990), 416-418.

, Gedanken zur Erforschung der Wortbildungselemente im Trkischen. XLV (1991), 205-217. , Die Verteilung der militrischen Termini in den Runeninschriften. XLVII (1994), 49-56. , Neue Lesungs- and Deutungsvorschlge 16r die Inschrift Tonuquq. XLVIII (1995), 313-320. , see Buder. A., Tumaseva, D. G. Bese, L., Ob obnovlenii mongol'skogo jazyka. VI (1956), 91-108. Zwillingswrter im Mongolischen. VII (1957). 199-211. , Ober die in der Burjtmongolischen ASSR in neurerer Zeit erschienenen mongolischen Arbeiten. IX (1959). 336-340. , Einige Bemerkungen zur partikulren Reduplikation im Mongolischen. XI (1960), 43-49. Remarks on a Western Khalkha dialect. XIII (1961), 277-294. , Contributions to the Khori-Buriat sub-dialect of lvolga. XV (1962), 15-21. , Two Western Khalkha tales. XVII (1964). 49-67. , A study in Buriat proverbs. XIX (1966), 217-244. On Khalkha proverbs. XXI (1968), 225-235. , Preverbs in the language of the Secret History of the Mongols. XXII (1969), 123-132. , Contribution to the problem of the Mongolian proverbs. XXIII (1970), 177-188. , An old Mongolian calendar fragment. XXV (1972), 149-173. , The Mongolian collection in Berkeley. California. XXXI (1977). 17-50. , Some Turkic personal names in the Secret History of the Mongols. XXXII (1978), 353-369. , The motive of the triple coffin in a Mongolian folk tale. XXXVI (1982). 61-68. The shaman term jkeli in the Secret History of the Mongols. XL (1986), 241-248. , Passages in the Secret History of the Mongols. 1. XLI (1987). 41-51. , On some ethnic names in 13th century Inner-Asia. XLII (1988), 17-42. see Buraev, I. D.; Cydendambaev, C. B.; Dugarov, D. S.: Kaluzynski. S.: Krueger, J.; Lrincz, L.; Luvsandendev, A.: Munkuev, N. C.; Sodnom, .; Tatarincev. B. I.; Weiers, M. Besevliev, V., Kalurayavo = qap(a)yan. XXIX (1975), 93-97.

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Bethlenfalvy, G., Three Pancatantra tales in an unedited commentary to the Tibetan Subhasita-ratnanidhi. XVIII (1965). 317-338. , Edit Tth (1932-1965). XIX (1966), 359. , A Tibetan catalogue of the blocks of the Lamaist printing house in Aginsk. XXV (1972), 53-75. The Pancatantra in Hungary. XXVII (1973), 127-129. , Bla-ma Bzad-pa and the Rdzon-khul gompa. XXXIV (1980), 3-6. ; A hand-list of the Ulan Bator manuscript of the Kanjur Rgyal-rtse Them-spans-ma. Deb ter-Debther-Debtelin, Materials for Central Asiatic and Altaic Studies, 1. Fontes Tibetani, I. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest 1982. (Horvth, Z.) XL (1986), 342-344. see Bandhu, Vishva; Chaman Lal; Lokesh Chandra; Sen, S. N.; Szilgyi, F.; Taube, M.; Vidyakara Bezzola, G. A.; Die Mongolen in abendlndischer Sicht. Francke Verlag, Berlin and Mnchen 1974. (Meller, K.) XXXIII (1979). 275-278. Bibliographie des oeuvres du Prof. L. Ligeti. XV (1962), 7-13. Bibliography of Kroly Czegldy. XLIX (1996), 9-12. Bibliography of Zsuzsa Kakuk. XLVIII (1995), 251-259. Bibliography of Edmond Sehtz. L (1997). IX-XII. Bibliography of Zsigmond Telegdi. XLVIII (1995), 9-14. Bichakjian, B. H., L'importance syntaxique des dmonstratifs personnels du latin et de I'armnien et 'cur rapport aver I'ordre des mots. L (1997), 35-52. Bielmeier, R.; Das Mrchen vom Prinzen Cobzan. Line tibetische Erzhlung aus Baltistan. Text, bersetzung, Grammatik and westtibetisch vergleichendes Glossa-. Beitrge zur tibetischen Erzhlforsehung, 6. VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, Sankt Augustin 1985. (Rona-Tas, A.) XL (1986), 342. Bihari, J., see Gluskina, G. M. Binnick, R. I., On a "Nostratic" source for Proto-Indo-European labiovelars. XLIX ( 1996), 435-440. Biography of Caya Pandita in Oirat characters. Corpus Scriptorum Mongolorum, 5/2-3. Ulan Bator 1968. (Kara, G.) XXII (1969), 383-386. Bira, S. (Sb.), Some remarks on the Hu-lan deb-ther of Kun-dga' rdo-rje. XVII ( 1964), 69-8I. , The Clear Mirror by Zaya-pandira bLo-bZan 'Phrin-Las. XXXIV (1980), 7-16. Indo-Tibetan and Mongolian historiographical mutual contacts. XLIII (1989), 177-184. Br, Ni., Marwan ibn Muhammad's Georgian campaign. XXIX (1975), 289-299. , Abo's Georgian Vita. XXXI (1977). 247-259. . Bahram Cbin and the establishment of the principality' in Kartli. XXXIII (1979), 177-185. Georgian sources on the Caucasian campaign of Heracleios. XXXV (1981), 121-132. Shushanik's Georgian Vita. XXXVIII (1984), 187-200. . On the presence of the Huns in the Caucasus. To the chronology of the 'Ovs' raid men tioned in Juanger's Chronicle. L '1997). 53-60. Birtalan, A., Geschiehte der heiligen Gtterbilder der drei Klster unsexes Jaqacin-Volks. XXXIX (1985), 177-191. , Zwei kalmckische Volkslieder aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. XLI (1987), 53-74. , see Erendzenov, K.; Heissig, W.: Rincindorji; Srkzi, A. Blaauwen, E. den, Object suffixation in Classical Hebrew. XLI (1987), 125-128. Blsing, U.; Die finit indikativischen Verbalformen im Kalmckischen. Untersuchung ihrer Anwendung and ihrer Abgrenzung voneinander. Akademie der Wissenschaften and der Literatur, Mainz. Verffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission, 26. Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, Stuttgart 1984. (Kara, G.) XLIII (1989), 128-129.

Blaskovics (Blaskovic), J., Beitrge zur Lebensgeschichte des Kprl Mehmed. XI (1960), 51-55.
(ed.), Arabische, trkische and persische Handschriften der Universitatsbibliothek in Bratislava. Bearbeiten: die arabischen Handschriften K. Petrcek, die trkischen Handschriften , die persischen Handschriften R. Vesely. Die Universitiitsbibliothek in Bratislava, Bratislava 1961. (Hazai, G.) XIV (1962), 335-337. , Some toponyms of Turkic origin in Slovakia. XXVII (1973), 191-199. Bloch, J.; Les inscriptions d'Asoka. Collection mile Senart, 8. Paris 1950. (Vekerdi, 1.) III 1953), 324-325.

Blondeau, A.-M., ['Identification de la tradition appele bsGrags-pa Bon-lugs. XLIII (1989),


Boba, I.; Nomads, Northmen and Slavs. Eastern Europe in the ninth century. Slavo-orientalia, 2. Mouton, The Hague, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1967. (Vsry, I.) XXIV (1971),

Bodrogligeti, A., The Persian translation of the Koran in Latin letters. XIII (1961), 261-276.
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. Chinese in the Uighur script of the T'ang-period. 11 (1952), 73-121. . Some more Chinese glosses in Uighur script. IV (1954), 251-257. A contribution to the history of the clt'ing yin. IX (19.59), 75-83. Some Chinese texts in Tibetan script front Tun-huang. X (1960), 97-140. Remarks on a problem of negation in Middle Chinese. XI (1960), 69-74. Chinese glosses in Uighur texts written in Brahmi. XV (1962), 49-53. On the prehistory of the Shui-hu-churn. XXV (1972), 77-8I. On the popularity of the Shui-hu-chuan. (An interpretation). XXVIII (1974), 307-318. A comparative analysis of Shui hu Chuan and Hsi yu chi. The bounds of the classic Chinese novel. XXIX (1975), 1-6. The timing in the Shuihuchuan. A contribution to the history of landownership in China. XXXV (1981), 275-289. Paul Demiville (1894-1979). XXXVII (1983), 135-136. Ferenc Mrtonfi (1945-1991). XLVI (1992-1993), 371-372. , see Chou Tsu-mo; Dragunov, A. A.; Forrest, R. A. D.; Serruys, P. L.-M. Cultent [Cultcm], N.-O.; Iskusstvo Mongolii s drevnejsich vremen do nacala 20 veka. Vtoroe izdanie, ispravlennoe. Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo, Moscow 1984. (Vinkovics, J.) XLI (1987), 145-146. Cydendambaev, C. B., Buraev, I. D. (eds); Issledovanie burjatskich govorov. Vyp. 1. Trudy Burjatskogo kompleksnogo naucno-issledovatcljskogo lnstituta, 17. Serija jazykovedcskaja. Ulan-Ude 1965. (Bese, L.) XXII (1969), 133-134. , Buraev, I. D. (eds); Issledovanie bu jatskih govorov. Vyp. 2. Trudy Burjatskogo instituta obscestvennyh nauk Burjatskogo filiala SO AN SSSR. Ulan-Ude 1968. (Bese, L.) XXII (1969), 285-286. ; Burjatskie istoriceskie chroniki i rodoslovnye. Istoriko-lingvisticeskoe issledovanie. Bur jatskoe KniZnoe lzd-vo, Ulan-Ude 1972. (Bese, L.) XXXI (1977), 391-394. I (1950-1951), 46-79. Czegldy, K., Die Karte der Donaulandschaftgruppe nach , Zur Meschheder Handschrift von Rin Fadlns Reisebericht. I (1950-1951), 217-260. , Monographs on Syriac and Muhantmadan sources in the literary remains of M. Kmosk. IV (1954) 19-91. , Carl Brockelmann (1868-1956). VII (1957), 105-108. , The Syriac legend concerning Alexander the Great. VII (1957), 231-249. Bahrsam Cobin and the Persian apocalyptic literature. VIII (1958), 21-43. , Joseph Aistleitner (1883-1960). X (1960), 299-300. , Khazar raids in Transcaucasia in 762-764 A. D. XI (1960), 75-88. , Prof. L. Fekete. XIII (1961), 3-8. , Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Chazaren. XIII (1961), 239-251. , Coyay-quzi, Qara-qum, Kk-ng. XV (1962), 55-69. ; Nomd npek vndorlsa Napkelettl Napnyugatig. [The migration of nomadic peoples from the Orient to the Occident]. Krsi Csoma Kisknyvtr, 8. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest 1969. (Ecsedy, H.) XXIV (1971), 129-131. , On the numerical composition of the ancient Turkish tribal confederations. XXV (1972), 275-281. Gardizi on the history of Central Asia (746-780 A.D.). XXVII (1973), 257-267. , Zur Stammesorganisation der trkischen Vlker. XXXVI (1982), 89-93. , Bibliography. XLIX (1996), 9-12. , see Aistleitner, J.; Kumekov, B. E.; Minorskij, V.; Schtz, E.; Vinnikov, I. N.
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Acca Orient. Hung. 51, 1998

and der Literatur. Verffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kontmission. 16. Wiesbaden 1963. (Ligeti, L.) XVII (1964), 343-349. ; Trkische and mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen unter besonderer Bercksichtigung lterer neupersischer Geschichtsquellen, vor allem der Mongolen- and Timuridenzeit. Bd. 2: Trkische Elemente im Neupersischen, alif his t. Wiesbaden 1965. Bd. 3: dim bis kf. Wiesbaden 1967. Akademie der Wissenschaften and der Literatur. Verffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission 19, 20. Franz Steiner Verlag. (Ligeti, L.) XXI (1968), 119-130. , Zu mongolisch "keyenwe". XXVIII (1974), 99-110. , Ein trkischer Dialekt aus der Gegend von Hamadan. XXXVI (1982), 99-124. ; Mongolo-Tungusica. Tungusica, 3. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1985. (Kara, G.) XLIV (1990), 420-423.

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, Old Turkic titles of Chinese origin. XVIII (1965). 83-91.

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, War ein Kanjur von 'Jan Sa-tham die Vorlage der Yongle-Edition? XLIV (1990), 205211 Tekin, T., Determination of Middle-Turkic long vowels through `arl. XX (1967), 151-170. Zetacism and sigmatism in Proto-Turkic. XXII (1969), 51-80. ; A grammar of Orkhon Turkic. Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series, 69. Mouton, The Hague, Indiana University, Bloomington 1968. (Vsry, I.) XXIII (1970), 133-135. , On the structure of Altaic echoic verbs in IKIrA). XXXVI (1982), 503-513. , The Tariat (Terkhin) inscription. XXXVII (1983), 43-68. , Nine notes on the Tes inscription. XLII (1988), 111-118. , On the origin of Turkic negative suffix (-mA-). XLIII (1989), 81-86. Telegdi, Zs. (S.), Nature et fonction des priphrases verbales dites "verbes composs" en persan. I (1950-1951),315-338. , Zur Morphologic des Neupersischen. XII (1961), 183-199. , Zur Unterscheidung von Substantiv and Adjektiv im Neupersischen. XV (1962), 325-336. , Bibliography. XLVIII (1995), 9-14. , see Christensen, A.; Jeremis, . Tenigev, I. R., Sur le folklore et la langue des salars. XIV (1962), 253-272. , Zametki oh odnom tibetskom govore Amdo. XXXVI (1982), 515-520. Terjk, J., Fragments of the Tibetan sutra of "The Wise and the Fool" from Tun-huang. XXII (1969), 289-334. , Fragments of the Tibetan sutra of "The Wise and the Fool" from Tun-huang. XXIII (1970), 55-83. , Colloquial influences on written Tibetan. XXV (1972), 39-51. (ed.); Collected works of Alexander Csoma de Krs. Vol. 1: Tibetan-English dictionary; Vol. 2.: Grammar of the Tibetan language; Vol. 3: SanskritTibetanEnglish vocabulary; Vol. 4: Tibetan studies. (Srkzi, A.) XL (1986), 341-342. , see Kara, Gy.; Kolmas, J. Tczcan, S.; Eski Uygurca Hsan Tsang biyografisi. 10. Blm. Ankara 1975. [Maschinenschrift]. (Zieme, P.) XXX (1976), 257-260. Thananjayarajasingham, S., The numeral system in Ceylon Tamil: A grammatical study. XXIX (1975), 381-384. Theodoridis, D., Der Berg /7oupxv auf der Krim and die Deutung seines Namens. XLII (1988), 87-92. 'Philo, Th. (ed.); Katalog chinesischer buddhistischer Textfragmente, Band 2. Schriften zur Geschichte and Kultur des alten Orients, Berliner Turfantexte, 14. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1985. (Ecsedy, I.) XLI (1987), 152. Thomas, F. W.; Ancient folk-literature from North-Eastern Tibet. (Introduction, texts, translations and notes). Abhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Klasse fr Sprachen, Literatur and Kunst 1952/3. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1957. (Rna-Tas, A.) VII (1957), 320-325. Thomas, W.; Die Erforschung des Tocharischen (1960-1984). Schriften der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt, Frankfurt am Main, Geisteswissenschaftliche Reihe, 5. Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GMBH, Stuttgart 1985. (Kara, G.) XLIV (1990), 426. Thomsen, K., Bemerkungen fiber das trkische Vokalsystem der zweiten Silbe. XVI (1963), 313318.

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INDEX TO VOLUMES IL , Timoteus Pokora (1928-1985). XL (1986). 199. , see Jan Hin-sun


Thomson, R. NV.; Moses Khorenats`i, History of the Armenians. Translation and commentary on
the literary sources by . Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., London 1978. (Schtz, E.) XLI (1987), 162-164. Constantine and Trdat in Armenian tradition. L (1997), 277-289. Thorau, P.; Sultan Baibars 1. von gypten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Vorderen Orients in 13. Jahrhundert. Beihefte zum Tbinger Atlas der Vorderen Orients, Reihe B (Geisteswissenschaften), 63. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 1987. (Schtz, E.) XLIV (1990), 430-432. Thordarson, F. (ed.); Studia Caucasologica 1, Proceedings of the Third Caucasian Colloquium, Oslo, July 1986. The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Serie B: Skrifter, 75. Norwegian University Press. (Schtz., E.) XLIV (1990), 428-429. Tichvinskij, S. L. (ed.); Tataro-mongoly v Azii i Evrope. [I'atar-Mongols in Asia and Europe]. Collection of studies. Moscow 1970. (Srkzi, A.) XXIV (1971), 255-258. Tietze, A., Zurn Argot der anatolischen Abdal. (Gruppe Teber). XXXVI (1982), 521-532. : Mustafa 'li's Counsel for Sultans of 1581. Edition, translation, notes. Verlag der sterrei chischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Part I. Wien 1979; Part 2. Wien 1982. sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klassc, Denkschriften 137, 158. Forsehungen zur islamischen Philologie and Kulturgeschichte, 6-7. (Fodor, P.) XXXVIII (1984), 231-234. Tjurkologiceskij sbornik k sestidesjatiletiju Andreja Nikolaevica Kononova. Akademija Nauk SSSR Institut narodov Azii, Moskva 1966. (Kakuk, S.) XX (1967), 369-373. Tjurkologiceskij sbornik 1971. Pamjati Akademika Vasilija Vasil'evia Radlova posvjascaetsja. AN SSSR Institut vostokovedenija. Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moskva 1972. (Kakuk, S.) XXVIII (19741,151-157. Toba, S.; Khaling. Asian and African grammatical manual. No. 13d. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1984'. (Ivnyi. T.) XXXIX (1985), 390-391. Todaeva, B. H. (Ch.); Grammatika sovremennogo mongol'skogo jazyka. (Fonetika i morfologija). lzd. AN SSSR, Moskva 1951. (U.-Khalmi, K.) III (1953), 325-328. Uber die Sprache der Tung-hsiang. IX (1959), 273-310. , Mongolische Dialekte in China. X (1960), 141-169. ; Mongol'skie jazyki i dialekty Kitaja. Jazyki zarubeznogo Vostoka i Afriki. Izdatel'stvo Vostocnoj Literatury, Moskva 1960. (Kara, G.) XIV (1962), 329-331. , Einige Besonderheiten der Paoan-Sprache. XVI (1963), 175-197. Tkei, F., Sur le terme nong-fou dans le Che king. V (1955), 123-142. Notes prosodiques sur quelques chants de travail chinois. VI (1956), 53-63. Sur le rythme du Chou king. VII (1957), 77-104. A propos du genre du Mou t'ien-tseu tchouan. VIII (1958), 45-49. Posie chinoise et posie des peuples du Nord. VIII (1958), 313-319. , A propos du redoublement des mots dans la posie chinoise. XV (1962), 337-342. , Etienne Balzs. XVII (1964), 237-238. , Traces et dbuts des ballades populaires dans la posie de la Chine antique. Considrations thoriques. XX (1967), 33-57. ; Mfajelmlet Knban a 3-6. szzadban. (Liu Hie elmlete a klti mfajokrl). IGenre theory in China in the 3rd to 6th centuries (Liu Hsieh's theory on poetic genres)]. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest 1967. (Ecsedy, H.) XXII (1969), 134-136. , A researcher of China: Lajos Magyar. XXXV (1981), 373-380. , A note on nomadism. XXXVI (1982), 533-538.

Tonka, P., Les termes de l'enterrement chez les peuples mongols. XVIII (1965). 159-181.
, Le problme de la survivance des Avars dins la littrature archologique hongroise. XXIV (1971), 217-252. , Les groupes intrieurs du cimeticre avar de GyrTglavet-dl. XXV (1972), 313-334.

Torma, J., see Gumarov, V. Z. Trk, j., see Galla, E. Tth, E., see Baktay. E.: Bethlenfalvy, G.
Tolman, C.; The collapse of the Tokugawa bakufu 1862-1868. The University Press of Hawaii. Honolulu 1980. (Szkcs. E.) XXXIX (1985), 394-397. Tttssy, Cs., The problem of the internal frame stories of the Sukasaptati. XVIII (1965), 227240. T'oumacheva, 1). G., see Tumaseva, D. G. Traina, G., Note classico-orientali 1-3. L (1997), 291-299. Trencsnyi-Waldapfel, I., Obscestvennyj fon dlja dvuh mitoy oh Adamc. 1 (1950-1951), 32-4.5. Une tragdie grecque sujet biblique. II (1952), 143-164. Die orientalische Verwandtschaft des Prooimions dcr hesiodischen Theogonia. V (1955). 45-74. , Die Hexe von Endor and die griechisch-rmische Welt. XII (1961). 201-222. . Das Thomas-Evangelium ans Nag' Hammadi and Lukian von Samosata. XIII (1961), 131133.

Der Hund in der Krippe. XIV (1962), 139-143. , Apollon Smintheus im Inncrasien? XV (1962), 343-352. Tryjarski, E.; Dictionnaire armno-kiptchak d'apres trois manuserits des collections viennoises. Tome I. lascicules I--4. Warszawa 1968, 1968, 1969, 1972. (Vsry, I.) XXVIII (1974), 158-159. Flow to live to be (at least!) a hundred and twenty? XXXVI (1982), 539-544. . One more sermon by Anton Vartabed. L (1997), 301-320. Tschikobawa, A., sec Cikohava. A. Tsendina, A., Narrative elements used in Tibetan and Mongolian commentaries. XLIV (1990).

'1'soloo, J., scc Colon, 7,. '1'sydendautbaev,'I's. B., see Cydaidambaev, C.13. Tucci, G.; 'Tibetan folk songs from Gyantse and Western "Tibet. Collected and translated by . With two Appendices by Namkhai Norhu. 2.. revised and enlarged edition. Artibus Asiac, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Supplementum 22. Artibus Asae Publishers, Ascona 1966. (Dray. G.) XXIII (1970), 241-246. , see Uray, G. Tuguseva, L. iii., Three letters of Uighur princes from the MS collection of the Leningrad section of the Institute of Oriental Studies. XXIV (1971), 173-187. Tumawua (Toumacheva), D. G., Les dialectes des'I'atares sibrien. XXXII (1978). 175-186. Dialekty sibirskih tatar. (Opyt sravhitel'nogo issledoyanija). Kazah' 1977. (Berta. J XXXVII (1983), 137-139. Turcologica. K semidesjatiletiju Akademika A. N. Kononova. Izil. Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, Leningrad 1976. (Baski. I.) XXXIII (1979), 281-286.


ur miinasebetl_.,, :;: .ritmda II. ic.,,l,oczi Ferenc ve Macar utitecileri a:nipozyunnm. Symposium on Rkczi Ferenc 11 and the Hungarian refugees in the light of TurcoHungarian cultural relations. Istanbul 1976. (Dvid, G.) XXXIII (1979), 123-125.

Ullendorff, E.; Studia Aethiopica et Semitica. Athiopistische Forschungen, 24. Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, Stuttgart 1987. (Ormos, I.) XLIV (1990), 435-437. ; From the Bible to Cerulli, A miscellany of Ethiopian and Semitic papers. Athiopistische Forschungen, 32. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 1990. (Ormos, I.) XLVII (1994), 463464. Ullmann, M.; Islamic medicine. Islamic Surveys, I I. University Press, Edinburgh 1978. (Ormos, 1.) XXXIX (1985), 175. Uluhogian, G., A proposito della traduzione italiana di P`awstos Buzand. Problemi e proposte di soluzione. L (1997), 321-328. Utnarov, E. A., Principles of the Eastern classification of the vowels in Chagatay dictionaries. XLVI (1992-1993), 339-346. , 'Aliser Nav5t'i and the Cagatay alphabet. XLVII (1994), 441-444. Uray, G., A Tibetan diminutive suffix. It (1952), 183-220. , The suffix -e in Tibetan. III (1953), 229-244. , Duplication, gemination and triplication in Tibetan. IV (1954), 177-244. , On the Tibetan letters ba and t e n. Contribution to the origin and history of the Tibetan alphabet. V (1955), 101-122. , The four horns of Tibet according to the Royal Annals. X (1960), 31-57. , A bibliography of the works of Prof. J. Nmeth. XI (1960), 11-28. Notes on a Tibetan military document from Tun-huang. XII (1961), 223-230. , Old-Tibetan dra-ma drenis. XIV (1962), 219-230. , The offices of the bruit-pas and great mnans and the territorial division of Central Tibet in the early 8th century. XV (1962), 353-360. The Old Tibetan verb ban. XVII (1964), 323-334. , 'Gred, the alleged Old Tibetan equivalent of the ethnic name Cl'iang. XIX (1966), 245256. , Notes on a chronological problem in the Old Tibetan Chronicle. XXI (1968), 289-299. , Queen Sad-mar-kar's Songs in the Old Tibetan Chroniele. XXV (1972), 5-38. , The narrative of legislation and organization of the Mkhas-pa'i dga'-ston. The origins of the traditions concerning Sron-brcan sgam-po as first legislator and organizer of Tibet. XXVI (1972), 11-68. Notes on the thousand-districts of the Tibetan empire in the first half of the ninth century. XXXVI (1982), 545-548. Giuseppe Tucci (1894-1984). XXXIX (1985), 361-365. Contributions to the date of the Vynipatti- treatises. XLIII (1989), 3-21. The old name of Ladakh. XLIV (1990), 217-224. see Hermanns, NI.; Meisezahl, R. O.; Namkhai Norbu Dewang; Rna-Tas, A.; Ruegg, D. S.; Schubert, J.; Shafer, R.; Simonsson, N.; Strydonck, G. van; Tucci, G.; Vorob'evDesjatovskij, V. S. Gray-Khalmi (U.-Khalmi), K., Ober die pfeifenden Pfeile der innerasiatischen Reiternomaden. III (1953), 45-71. , Der Pfeil bei den innerasiatischen Reiternomaden and ihren Nachbarn. VI (1956), 109161.

a _, : von Dadai Sum und die Frage der Mongolisierutig der Tungusen in der Nordmongolei und Transbajkalien. IX (1959), 163-204. Ober die Wrter qurluq und sdaq der chakassischen Folklore. XI (1960), 293-297. Der Abschnitt der Waffenbehniter und des Waffengrtels in den polyglotten Wrterbchern der Ch'ing-Epoche. XV (1962) 195-206. Die Farbbezeichnungen der Pferde in den mandschu-tungusischen Sprachen. XIX (1966), 45-55. Griechisch-sibirische mythologische Parallelen. XXV (1972), 137-147. Vilmos Diszegi 1923-1972. XXVI (1972), 377-379. Glafira Makarevna Vasilevic 1895-1971. XXVII (1973), 131-133. A steppk nomdja lhton, fegyverben. [Le nomade des steppes cheval, arm]. Krsi Csoma Kisknyvur, 12. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest 1972. (Melles, C.) XXIX (1975), 401-402. , Geser Khan in tungusischen Marchen. XXXIV (1980), 75-83. , Daurien: Das Keimen und Absterben eines Nomadenreiches. XXXV (1981), 255-273. , ber einige dagurische Ortsnamen aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. XXXVI (1982), 315-319. , Berichte der Geheimcn Geschichte der Mongolen und des Altan tobci liber Cnggis Qan's Politik gegenber den stlichen Jrcen. XXXVIII (1984), 289-302. , Zwlf Lieder der Kamniganen. XLVIII (1995), 473-478. , see Diszegi, V.; Findeisen, H.; Heissig, W.; Ligeti, L.; Poppe, N.; Ratchnevsky, P.; Reich!, K.; Todaeva, B. H.; Walrawen, B.; William, R. Urkunden des Agyptischen Altertums. IV. Abt. Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Text der Hefte 5-22. Bearbeitet von K. Sethe (H. 1-16) und W. Helck (H. 17-22). Neudruck der Ausgabe von 1906-1958. bersetzung zu den Heften 1-4 bearbeitet und bersetzt von K. Sethe. Neudruck der Ausgabe von 1914. bersetzung zu den Heften 5-16. Herausgegeben von E. Blumenthal, I. Mller et al. tinter Leitung von A. Burkhardt. Bearbeitet und bersetzt von I. Mller, A. Burkhardt et al. bersetzung zu den Heften 17-22 bearbeitet und bersetzt von W. Helck. Neudruck der Ausgabe von 1961. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1984. (Kkosy, L.) XLI (1987), 165-166. Usmanov, M. A. et al. (eds); Vozzvanija i perepiska vozakov Pugacevskogo dvizenija v Povol'ze i Priural'e. [Die Proklamationen und Korrespondenz der Anfhrer des PugatschewAufstandes in den Wolga-Becken und in der Gegend des Urals]. Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo Universiteta, Kazan' 1988. (Ivanics, M.) XLIV (1990), 418-420. Utas, B., The Ardent Lover and the Virgin a Greek romance in Muslim lands. XLVIII (1995), 229-239.
Dcr mongolisch kairirr^^.rrusr..:.:

Vajda, G., La bibliotheque de poche d'un lettr ottoman de Hongrie. III (1953), 103-106. , Apero sur le K. at-Tauhi'd d'al-Kulini. XII (1961), 231-234. , Quelques mots sur la version arabe d'un ouvrage mdical Curt-ottoman du 17e siecle. XXVII (1973), 345-349. Valtonen, P.; Suomen mustalaiskielen etymologinen sanakirja. [Etymological dictionary of the Finnish Gypsy language]. Tietolipas, 69. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 1972. (Vekerdi, J.) XXVII (1973), 142-143. Varga, E., Les travaux prliminaires de la monographie sur les hypocphales. XII (1961), 235247. Vargyas, P., see Heltzer, M. Vsry, I. (S.), Armeno-Kipchak parts from the Kamenets Chronicle. XXII (1969), 139-189. , Runiform signs on objects of the Avar period (6th-8th cc. A.D.). XXV (1972), 335-347.

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, i ' tS'i;,.. . Osmanti .Ar,i inni.d.ui. Istanbul Osrasiaiischc Zeirschriit. Bertin Revue Bibtiographique de Sinolocic, Paris Revue des Etudes Islamiques Revue des Erudes Jukes Rewe du Monde Nlusutntan Rocznik Orienralysry, Warszawa zny, Rivisra degli Srudi Orienrali Siidost-Forschuneen. Ntiinchen Srudia lslamica, Paris Srudia Nl(mgolica, Utaanbaarar Srudia Orienwlia, Hetsinki Srudien curindotoeie and Iranisrik. Reiuhek Sradia Urato-Ahaica. Szeged Trk Dili, Ankara Trk Diti Araihrmatari Ytlti i Belleren. Ankara Ti!ik Dili Kurumu Vayinian Toyo Gakuho. Tokyo Toting Pao. Leiden Turkish Srudies Associarion Bulterin, Bloomingron Urat-Alraische Jahrhiicher, BerlinBtoomington Ural-Altaische.lahrbiicher: Neue Fotge. Wiesbaden Ungarische Jahrhiicher, Berlin Verzeichnis der orienratischen Handschriflen in Deutschland Die Wetr des Ist:uus. Leiden Wetr des Orients. G(iuineen Wiener Zeirschrift Or die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Wien Zeirschrift fr Assyriotogie Zeirschrift der Deurschen Morgent)ndisehen Gesellschafr. Wiesbaden Zeuualasiarische Studien des Seminars fur Sprach- and Kutrurwissenschaft Zauratasicns der llniversirir Bonn. Wiesbaden Zcirschrifr fiirSemirisrik Zenrrutasiarische Srudien des Seminars Mr Sprach- and Kutrurwisscnschatt Zeno tasicns der Universihir Bonn. Wiesbaden Zapisk vosrocnago ordeleuija Imperarorskago rnsskago arheotogiceskago oh cesrva, Sankrpererburg

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