Why Lifebuoy "HAND WASH" Not Capture The Market of Pakistan? and Why "HAND WASH" Not Familiar in Pakistan?

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Problem statement

Why Lifebuoy HAND WASH not capture the market of Pakistan? And why HAND WASH not familiar in Pakistan?


Although Lifebuoy is no longer produced in the US and UK, it is still being mass produced by Unilever in Cyprus for the UK, EU, US and Brazil markets, as well as in Trinidad and Tobago for the Caribbean market. Unilever in Cyprus and Trinidad and Tobago is manufacturing the original Red Lifebuoy Soap with phenol. In other markets, including South and South East Asia, the global brand of Lifebuoy Soap has been updated to use red and other colours with modern aromas William Hesketh Lever launched Lifebuoy in England in 1894 as the Royal Disinfectant Soap. Lever grew up in industrialized Bolton, Lancashire, which was a typical English city of the Industrial Revolution era, with thousands of people living in slums where disease ran rampant. Epidemics of typhoid, dysentery and yellow fever were common and infant mortality was exceptionally high.

'Cleanliness is next to godliness' was a common theme of reformist groups, which demanded hygiene education and improved living conditions for the poor and working classes. They also demanded a preventative approach to reducing disease and illness that were primarily caused by unsanitary conditions. Lever was actively seeking the perfect formula for a soap product that could combat germs and still be affordable to everyone. In what could be termed as a major scientific breakthrough of the era, he found just that in carbolic acid.

THEROITICAL FRAMWORK Dependent variable Consumer awareness Independent variable Price Promotion Income of consumer

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