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World History CST Review Test Taking Tips + Read ALL answer choices before selecting one * Use process of elimination to cross out answers you know are wrong + It’s okay to make an “educated guess” if you need to + Ifthe question has a graph, read the title, key, and x and y axis + If the question has a political cartoon, read the caption and determine what the elements of the cartoon represent + Remember, do your best! Enlightenment Industrial Revolution Judeo-Christian! Greco- Roman (Philosophers) Revolutions Totalitarianism Imperialism World War I World War II Unit One: Philosophy and Revolution Philosophers and the Glorious, American, and French Revolutions changed thinking to support democracy and governments that protect the rights of the people. Napoleon conquered Europe his defeat led to the Congress of Vienna and the growth of nationalism, + Philosophers-Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu + Important Documents: (English Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Declaration of the Rights of Man) + Causes of French Revolution, long term and short term * National Assembly + What happened during the French Revolution/Reign of Terror + Storming of the Bastille, Tennis Court Oath + Napoleon- positive and negative things he did + Fall of Napoleon, 3 costly mistakes + Congress of Vienna: How it increased nationalism in Europe CST REVIEW CLUSTER I: DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT (Standards 10.1-10.2) ROOTS OF DEMOCRACY ‘Contributors ‘Contributions Reason & intelligence to discover natural laws: development of direct democracy, 3 ks branches of government Romans Republic & writen legal code that applies equally to all citizens Judaism. Emphasis on individual morality Canistianity Equality of balievers| Renaissance Growth of individualism Reformation ‘Challenging of traditional authority MAJOR IDEAS OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT AND THEIR IMPACT dew Thinker. Impact Book Natural rights—Hife, Locke | Fundamental to U. S. Declaration of Two Treatises on liberty. and property Independence Government Fundamental t0U, 8, Declaration of Two Treatises on eer tocke | independence/American Revolution Government France, United States, Latin American | The Spirit of Laws Separation of powers | Montesquieu | nations use separation of powers in new constitutions ‘Guaranteed in US. Bill of Rights, & ideas contained in Freedom of thought Voltaire | French Declaration or Rights of Man, ‘more than 70 and expression European monarchs reduce or eliminate | books & essays censorship Guaranteed in US. Bill of Righis, torture | On Crimes and Abolishment of torture | Becearia | outlawed or reduced in nations of Europe | Punishments and the Americas ‘Guaranteed in U.S, Bill of Righis & Tea contained in Religious freedom Voltaire | French Declaration of Rights of Man; more than 70 Europcan monarchs reduce persecution _| books & essays ‘Women’s rights groups form in Europe & | A Vindication of ‘Women’s equality Wollstonceraft | North America the Rights of Women ‘Social contract Hobbes | The use ofa periodic, consistent vote Leviathan as Fundamental to US. Declaration of The Social ee Rousseau | Independence, U.S. Constitution & Contract Somer nei ‘American Revolution French Revolution Causes of Revolution: Prioritize the list Heavy taxes ‘Desire for privileges Poor harvest & high bread prices ‘Gap between rich & poor. Poor leadership. Government debt Enlightenment ideas Timeline of Events: ‘Add the dates ‘Assembly efeates-a constitution ‘Wat with Austria begins when Ausiria offers support for Louis XVI War goes badly for the French and mobs ruk le Paris King is Executed Reign of Terror begins as radicals ake over ihe government “Terror ends as moderates gain control

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