How I Became A Christian - 16.04

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Isa:9:6: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder:

and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ is the Counselor with God to God He sits in the cabinet counsel of the king of Heaven, He has access into the private chamber as he is the second person of the blessed trinity. Almighty God had a private meeting with Himself, Son and Spirit, before the world began, before the creation of stars, heaven, earth, sun, moon, mankind etc..... Many subjects would have taken for discussion. It may have taken the following topics such as 01) The work of Creation 02) The work of providence 03) The work of grace The Work of Grace The council of peace shall be between them both - Zechariah 6:13. The Son of God with His Father and the Spirit, ordained the counsel of Peace. It was arranged in this manner, The Son must suffer, he must be the substitute, must bear his peoples sins and be punished in their place, the Father must accept the Sons substitution and allow his people to go free, because Christ had paid their debts. Spirit of the living God must then cleanse the people whom the blood had pardoned and so they must be accepted before the presence of God. I am saved by the grace as a result of the great council.. But O my brethren, if it had not been for that council, what a question would have been left unsolved? Neither you or I could ever have thought how the two should meet together how mercy and justice should kiss each other over the mountain of our sins. When I received the Lord Jesus Christ in 31. Dec. 1999 as my personal savior into my heart, this work of grace worked in my life. Now the mercy and justice of God can embrace together over the mountain of my sins. God has released me from his justice and embraced me from his mercy I am so thankful & grateful for such a marvelous salvation given to me through the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. The following changes have taken ever since.

Sins are forgiven -Colossians 1:14 Eternal Life -John 3:16 No condemnation -Romans 8:1 Justified before God -Galatians 3:10-12 Child of God -John 1:12 Citizen of heaven -Philippians 3:20 Great Joy -1 Peter 1:8 Deep Peace -Colossians 1:19-21

True freedom -Romans 8:21 Victorious Life-Romans 8:37

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