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The #Spiritual Health Package! Got any disease, Go listen Ne

ed other audios like this, go to
The Rohani/Spiritual Health Package! Got Bad Health? Cancer? any uncureable dise
ase Go listen If u need other audios like this, go to http:/
Allah ho Hafzi, Allah ho Hazari, Allah ho Nazarii, Allah ho Shahidee, Allah ho N
asiree, Allah ho Maee, Allah ho li
***For making children quite***
***For safety of Nazar***
Allahhuma Ini Auzubika Min Fitna-tin-Nisa, wa hibaa lati shiytan, Allah hu khali
qu Noor
***For every Illness***
41 times Surah Taghabun
41 Times Suran Rahman
read and blow on Water in kora Garha
***To help from Allah***
Allah Humuk finao bima Shaita..... bemun Shaita.... wa kaifa Shaita
***For Children***
Ya Hameedu 7 times after Asar
***Last breath kalima, kashaf***
Ya Baisu Ya Nooro 11 times before going to sleep
***For Beauty***
Ya Khaliqu, Ya Masawiru, Ya Jameelu

***When buying or selling things***
Allah Huma La Khalaba ta
La Khalaba
To Leave Bad Habits:
Ya Maniu
For removing problems & hidayat:
Ya hadiyu Ya Raheemu
For respect and office problems:
Ya Maniyu Ya Sabooru

7 times holding breath to remove fear

For anger & for controling affects if Zikr e Isme-e-Zaat:
Ya Khaliqu raufu salamo
Hazrat Yousaf (AS) father's dua to get something:
Ya Kaseer ul khair ya daim ul maroof
For Allah Rehmat:
Haleem-ul Kareem Affuwun kareem
For High Bloodpressure:
Salamun Qaulun Min Rab-e-Raheem 100 times and blow on water and then drink

If something is lost:
Ya Maleeko Ya Muqtaderro - 11 times
to make things easier:
sahlan sahlan b fazlika ya azizu
To get insects/dangerous animals/other harmful things out:of somewhere:
surah maoun 7 times for mouse
If qarza:
surah taghabun 3 times in the morning
for making someone hearts soften:
Surah Qureesh - 3 times keeping your tongue touched to talu and recite in heart
- la ila ha ila anta subhana ka ini kuntu minaz zalimin behaqe iyaka nabdu wa iy
aka nastaeen
Dard or bemari dour (21 times)
Ya hafeezu Ya hafeezu Ya hafeezu Ya Raqeebu Ya waqeelu Ya Nasiru Ya Baseeru Ya A
llahu Allahu Ya-Allah Najani Minul qaumi^zalameen
Ala Huma Biasmiki ka umatu wa aheeya
Ya waduudu salay ala Mohammadin wa aalay he wa ashabayhe inka raheem ul waduud

Anything closed or for shifa:

1. Daroud Ibrahimi 1 time
2. Tauz 1 time
3. Tasmia 1 time
4. Kalma 1 time
5 Daroud Ibrahimi 1 time
6. Allah Shafi, Allah Kafi, Allah Mafi 1 time
7. 3 times blow - do for 11 days
Hazmay Kay Liay:
Ya Hafeezu 11 times
Surah Ikhlass 3 times
Surah Fatiha 1 times

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