Nikola Tesla

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Today I'm going to talk about an under credited inventor and a genius whose name is not half as mentioned

as it should be Now Im curious would you be able to guess who Im talking about? He was born in Croatia in 1856, but later on moved to America. His face is on Serbian 100 dinar bill. He invented the radio. How about alternating current and enabled the distribution of electricity over long distances, to every home, for example. His name is Nikola Tesla largely referred to as Inventor for the Third Millennia. His ideas lead to many new discoveries and I dare say there is more to come. As a child, he was in several life-threatening situations one of which was nearly cooked alive in a cauldron full of boiling milk or spending a night in an abandoned tomb. In school, he was able to solve mathematical problems as the teacher was putting them down on the black board. His incredible mind was capable of memorizing entire books in detail. Throughout his life his ideas were not very well excepted, mainly because, everything was supposed to have a price and if it didnt have, it was no good. This was the cause for his most helpful invention of that time to be doomed. The Wardenclyffe Tower that was supposed to be used for wireless (Marconi) communication with Europe. At that time, this would be the first device capable of doing so. However, the investors broke the contract once they learned about Nikolas secret. The device was also capable of electrifying the entire world. Free energy for the entire world?! In 1901? His project was cancelled right away and his investor, the infamous J.P. Morgan himself black-balled Tesla so he could not acquire new investors who would bring enough money to finish the project. Aside from this, Tesla was already using x-rays, even before Roentgen himself, invented neon lights long before their industrial use. Despite this injustice, he never gave up. The only supports through desperate times were pigeons, which he admired and many times, he would sit in the park feeding them. As for women, he claimed that sexual life hinders mental capability. Thus there is no prodigy from this genius, except for over 700 inventions that he patented and participation in many more.

He died alone in a hotel room in New York in January 1943, his death surrounded by a cloud of mystery. Many, though, not all his plans and schemes were transported to now called Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade.

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