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Chapter Three

Fundamentals of Organization Structure

A Sample Organization Chart


Vice President Fianance

Vice President Manufacturing

Director Human Resources

Chief Accountant

Budget Analyst

Plant Maintenance Superintendent Superintendent

Training Specialist

Benefits Administrator

The Relationship of Organization Design to Efficiency vs. Learning Outcomes

Horizontal Organization Designed for Learning
Horizontal structure is dominant Shared tasks, empowerment Relaxed hierarchy, few rules Horizontal, face -to-face communication Many teams and task forces Decentralized decision making

Dominant Structural Approach

Vertical structure is dominant Specialized tasks Strict hierarchy, many rules Vertical communication and reporting systems Few teams, task forces or integrators Centralized decision making

Vertical Organization Designed for Efficiency

Ladder of Mechanisms for Horizontal Linkage and Coordination


Teams Full-time Integrators Task Forces Direct Contact

Amount of Horizontal Coordination Required


Information Systems

Cost of Coordination in Time and Human Resources

Project Manager Location in the Structure

President Finance Department Financial Accountant Budget Analyst Management Accountant Engineering Department Product Designer Marketing Department Market Researcher Advertising Specialist Buyer Electrical Designer Market Planner Purchasing Department Project Manager New Product A Project Manager New Product B Project Manager New Product C




Teams Used for Horizontal Coordination at Rodney Hunt Company

President Marketing Vice Pres. Engineering Vice Pres Manufacturing Vice Pres

Water Control Equip. Sales Manager Water Control Product Team Textile Machinery Domestic Sales Manager Textile Machinery Export Manager Advertising Manager

Water Control Equip. Chief Engineer

Foundry General Supervisor Machine Shop General Supervisor

Textile Machinery Chief Engineer Textile Product Team Customer Service, Purchasing, Production Manager

Stainless Steel General Supervisor

Shipping and Yard Supervisor

Structural Design Options for Grouping Employees into Departments

Functional Grouping




Divisional Grouping
Product Division 1

CEO Product Division 2 Product Division 3

Source: Adapted from David Nadler and Michael Tushman , Strategic Organization Design (Glenview, Ill.: Scott Foresman , 1988), 68.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Functional Organization Structure


Allows economies of scale within functional departments Enables in-depth knowledge and skill development Enables organization to accomplish functional goals Is best with only one or few products

Slow response time to environmental changes May cause decisions to pile on top, hierarchy overload Leads to poor horizontal coordination among departments Results in less innovation Involves restricted view of organizational goals

Source: Adapted from Robert Duncan, What Is the Right Organization Structure? Decision Tree Analysis Provides the Answer, Organizational Dynamics (Winter 1979): 429.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Divisional Organization Structure



Suited to fast change in unstable environment Leads to client satisfaction because product responsibility and contact points are clear Involves high coordination across functions Allows units to adapt to differences in products, regions, clients Best in large organizations with several products Decentralizes decision-making
Source: Adapted from Robert Duncan, What Is the Right Organization Structure? Decision Tree Analysis Provides the Answer, Organizational Dynamics (Winter 1979): 431.

Eliminates economies of scale in functional departments Leads to poor coordination across product lines Eliminates in-depth competence and technical specialization Makes integration and standardization across product lines difficult

Reorganization from Functional Structure to Divisional Structure at Info-Tech

Functional Structure
R&D Info-Tech President Manufacturing Accounting Marketing

Divisional Structure
Electronic Publishing R&D Mfg Acctg Mktg R&D

Info-Tech President Office Automation Mfg Acctg Mktg R&D Virtual Reality Mfg Acctg Mktg

Structural Design Options for Grouping Employees (Continued)

Multi-focused Grouping CEO Marketing Product Division 1 Product Division 2
Source: Adapted from David Nadler and Michael Tushman , Strategic Organization Design (Glenview, Ill.: Scott Foresman , 1988), 68.


Structural Design Options for Grouping Employees (Continued)

Horizontal Grouping CEO Human Resources Core Process 1 Core Process 2
Source: Adapted from David Nadler and Michael Tushman , Strategic Organization Design (Glenview, Ill.: Scott Foresman , 1988), 68.


Geographical Structure for Apple Computer

CEO Steve Jobs

Apple Products

Apple Americas Canada Latin America/ Caribbean Sales Service and Marketing to Regions

Apple Europe France

Apple Pacific Australia


Far East


Dual-Authority Structure in a Matrix Organization

President Director of Product Operations
Product Manager A Product Manager B Product Manager C Product Manager D

Design Vice President

Mfg Vice President

Marketing Vice President


Procurement Manager

Strengths and Weaknesses of Matrix Organization Structure



Causes participants to experience dual authority, which can be frustrating and confusing Means participants need good interpersonal skills and extensive training Is time consuming; involves frequent meetings and conflict resolution sessions Will not work unless participants understand it and adopt collegial rather than vertical-type relationships Requires great effort to maintain power balance

Achieves coordination necessary to meet dual demands from customers Flexible sharing of human resources across products Suited to complex decisions and frequent changes in unstable environment Provides opportunity for both functional and product skill development Best in medium-sized organizations with multiple products
Source: Adapted from Robert Duncan, What Is the Right Organization Structure? Decision Tree Analysis Provides the Answer,Organizational Dynamics (Winter 1979): 429.

Matrix Structure for Worldwide Steel Company

President Mfg. Vice President Marketing Vice President Finance Vice President Mfg. Services Vice President

Vertical Functions
Metallurgy Field Sales Vice Vice President President Industrial Relations Vice President

Horizontal Functions

Open Die Business Mgr. Ring Products Business Mgr. Wheels & Axles Business Mgr. Steelmaking Business Mgr.

A Horizontal Structure
Top Management Team Process Owner
Market Analysis

Team 1

Team 2
Product Planning

Team 3


New Product Development Process

Process Owner
Sources: Based on Frank Ostroff, The Horizontal Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999); John A. Byrne, The Horizontal Corporation, Business Week, December 20, 1993, 76-81; and Thomas A. Stewart, The Search for the Organization of Tomorrow, Fortune, May 19, 1992, 92-9 8 .

Team 1

Team 2
Material Flow

Team 3


Procurement and Logistics Process

Strengths and Weaknesses of Horizontal Structure



Flexibility and rapid response to changes in customer needs Directs the attention of everyone toward the production and delivery of value to the customer Each employee has a broader view of organizational goals Promotes a focus on teamwork and collaborationcommon commitment to meeting objectives Improves quality of life for employees by offering them the opportunity to share responsibility, make decisions, and be accountable for outcomes
Sources: Based on Frank Ostroff, The Horizontal Organization: What the Organization of the Future Looks Like and How It Delivers Value to Customers, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999); and Richard L. Daft, Organization Theory and Design, 6 t h ed., (Cincinnati, Ohio: South -Western College Publishing, 1998) 253.

Determining core processed to organize around is difficult and time-consuming Requires changes in culture, job design, management philosophy, and information and reward systems Traditional managers may balk when they have to give up power and authority Requires significant training of employees to work effectively in a horizontal team environment Can limit in-depth skill development

Part 1. Sun Petrochemical Products


Hybrid Structure

Functional Structure

Chief Counsel

Human Resources Director

Technology Vice President

Financial Services Vice Pres.

Product Structure

Fuels Vice President

Lubricants Vice President

Chemicals Vice President

Sources: Based on Linda S. Ackerman, Transition Management: An In-Depth Look at Managing Complex Change, Organizational Dynamics (Summer 1982): 46-6 6 ; and Frank Ostroff, The Horizontal Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), Fig. 2.1, 34.

Part 2. Ford Customer Service Division

Vice President and General Manager Functional Structure Strategy and Communication Human Resources

Hybrid Structure


Horizontal Structure

Director and Process Owner Director and Process Owner Director and Process Owner

Teams Parts Supply / Logistics Group Teams Vehicle Service and Programs Group Teams Technical Support Group

Sources: Based on Linda S. Ackerman, Transition Management: An In-Depth Look at Managing Complex Change, Organizational Dynamics (Summer 1982): 46 -66; and FrankOstroff , The Horizontal Organization, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), Fig. 2.1, 34.

Organization Contextual Variables that Influence Structure

Culture Chapter 9 Structure (learning vs. efficiency) Size Chapter 8

Strategy, Goals Chapter 2

Technology Chapters 6,7

Environment Chapters 4, 5
Sources: Adapted from Jay R. Galbraith, Competing with Flexible Lateral Organizations, 2 n d ed. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1994), Ch.1; Jay R. Galbraith, Organization Design (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1977), Ch. 1.

The Relationship of Structure to Organizations Need for Efficiency vs. Learning

Functional with Functional cross-functional Divisional Structure teams, integrators Structure Matrix Structure Horizontal Structure

Dominant Structural Vertical: Control Approach

Efficiency Stability Reliability

Horizontal: Coordination Change Learning Innovation Flexibility

Symptoms of Structural Deficiency

b Decision making is delayed or lacking in

quality b The organization does not respond innovatively to a changing environment b Too much conflict from departments being at cross purposes is evident

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