Bepza Citizen Charter

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Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority

Citizen Charter Investment Promotion Division

Sl No. 1 01 Description of service Necessary documents & working procedures Description of work & time spent File /note initiating officer 4 As per BEPZA rule, checking of submitted documents and file presentation for project sanctioning. . GM(IP)/ES (AS Applicable) Member(IP) Executive Chairman Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8 Remarks 9

2 3 Project Sanctioning a) Letter addressed to Executive Chairman. & Plot/SFB b) Filled in Project Proposal Allotment for investment in EPZ(s). c) Pro-forma invoice of machinery and equipment to be imported. d) Bank solvency certificates of the sponsors. e) Copy of Money Receipt. f) Memorandum & Articles of Association. g) Joint Venture Agreement h) Passport Copies

7 5 6 Recommendation for Submission for As per BEPZA observation and decision rule, recommendation & permission submission for checking and permission.

If the proposal is incomplete, delivery of Total 02 working service will depend on the days actions taken by the receiver of the service. To communicate the noncompliance 01 day is spent.

1 working day Scrutinizing

01 working day Signing -

Total 02 working days If the documents are incomplete, deposits are unpaid, the service will depend on the compliTotal 01 working day ances by the service

Submission of application, TR Drafting & Execution of agreements for plot challan of applicable amount, Preparation of Security deposit against & SFB agreement SFB/Plots and BEPZA registration fees.

01 working day
Citizen Charter

receiver Description of work & time spent Serial No. 1 3 Description of service 2 Project Revision Necessary documents & work procedures 3 Application along with revised Project Proposal (PP) BEPZA dues clearance documents File /note initiating officer 4 Checking of submitted PP, ensuring clearance of BEPZA dues & presentation for revision. 01 working day 4 Share transfer & change of company status 1. The company is required to clear all the outstanding dues of the Authority 2. Claims with regard to workers' wages and benefits need to settled first 3. Certificate from the customs Authority regarding bond clearance is required 4. The Article of Association and Memorandum of Understandings in regard to share transfer duly authorized by the Register of Joint Stock of Companies and Firms is required to be submitted to the Authority prior to taking final permission. 5. BEPZA dues clearance doc. Checking of submitted documents & ensuring clearance of BEPZA dues & forwarding for approval Examination & submitted with observation for decision GM(IP) 5 Examination & submitted with observation for decision Member(IP) 6 Recommendation along with observation (if any) for decision Executive Chairman 7 Approval Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9 If the proposal is incomplete, delivery of service will depend on the actions taken by the receiver of the service. To communicate the noncompliance 01 day is spent. If the proposal is incomplete, delivery of service will depend on the actions taken by the receiver of the service. To communicate the noncompliance 01 day is spent.

01 working day Recommendatio n along with observation (if any) for decision Approval

Total 02 working days

01 working day

01 working day

Total 02 working days

Citizen Charter

Description of work & time spent Serial No. 1 5. Description of service 2 Permission to export on CM/CMP/CMT basis. Necessary documents & work procedures 3 Application along with Manufacturing Agreement on non-judicial stamp BEPZA dues clearance doc. File /note initiating officer 4 Checking of Manufacturing Agreement & ensuring clearance of BEPZA dues. Presentation for approval/ decision 01 working day 6. Issuance of Sub-Contract permission Application along with sub-contract agreement on nonjudicial stamp BEPZA dues clearance doc. Checking of subcontract Agreement, bond permission of the sub-contractor, price, quantity & duration of the sub-contract and ensuring clearance of BEPZA dues. Forwarding file for approval /decision 01 working day GM(IP) 5 Examination & submitted with observation for decision Member(IP) 6 Approval Executive Chairman 7 -

Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9 If the agreement is incomplete, delivery of service will depend on the time taken by the receiver of the service. To communicate the noncompliance 01 working day is spent.

01 working day Examination & submitted with observation for decision Approval

Total 02 working days If the documents is incomplete & dues are not cleared delivery of service will depend on the action taken by the receiver of the service in regard to compliance & dues clearance. To communicate the noncompliance 01 working day is spent.

01 working day

Total 02 working days

Citizen Charter

Serial No. 1 7.

Description of service 2 Issuance of NOC for creation of charge on asset and properties

Necessary documents & work procedures 3 Application, status report from the concerned zone with comments Bank Guarantee (for 1st charge) BEPZA dues payment statement

Description of work & time spent File /note initiating officer 4 Obtain a status report, Consult outstanding dues report scrutinized bank guarantee placement of file for approval GM(IP) 5 Examination & submitted with observation for decision Member(IP) 6 Approval Executive Chairman 7 -

Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9 If the documents is incomplete & status report not received dues are not cleared delivery of service will depend on the action taken by the receiver in regard to compliance & dues clearance, receipt of status report.

01 working day 8. Bond to bond transfer (inter zone) of machinery and materials Application along with invoice of the machinery/materials, BEPZA dues payment statement Scrutinizing the application invoice quantity, value and ensuring clearance of dues. Placement of file for approval

01 working day Examination & submitted with observation for decision Approval

Total 02 working days Total 02 working days

To communicate the noncompliance 01 working day is spent. If the documents is incomplete & dues are not cleared delivery of service will depend on the action taken by the receiver of the service in regard to compliance & dues clearance. To communicate the noncompliance 01 working day is spent.

01 working day

01 working day

Total 02 working days

Citizen Charter

Serial No. 1 9.

Description of service 2 Recommendation for disposal of old/used/scrap machine

Necessary documents & work procedures 3 Application along with invoice, Deed of sales agreement, Respective import documents including bill of entry, Invoices, Survey Report BEPZA dues payment statement

Description of work & time spent File /note initiating officer 4 Scrutinize the invoice quantity, Value, Respective import documents, Survey report, Sales agreement Placement for approval as per MOC circular GM(IP) 5 Examination & submitted with observation for decision Member(IP) 6
Recommendation for approval

Executive Chairman 7 Approval

Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9 If the documents is incomplete & dues are not cleared delivery of service will depend on the action taken by the receiver of the service in regard to compliance & dues clearance. To communicate the noncompliance 01 day is spent. If the documents is incomplete & dues are not cleared delivery of service will depend on the action taken by the receiver of the service in regard to compliance & dues clearance. To communicate the noncompliance 01 day is spent.

02 working day 10. Permission to import duty free vehicle Application along with invoice BEPZA dues payment statement, status report from Zones. Scrutinize the invoice quantity, Value, Description of vehicle, Vehicle cc etc. Status report from concerned Zone Placement for approval as per existing S.R.O. Examination & submitted with observation and recommend ation for approval

01 working day

Total 03 working days -

01 working day

01 working day

Total 02 working days

Citizen Charter

Enterprise Service Division

Sl No. 1 1 Description of service 2 Recommendation letter (RL) for issuance of different type of Visas Necessary documents & File /note initiating working procedures officer 3 Forwarding letter from the company along with appoint letter, ID pages of Passports and copy of paper advertisement. 4 Checking of the submitted documents Description of work & time spent GM(IP)/ES (AS Applicable) 5 Issuance of R/L Member(IP) 6 Executive Chairman 7 Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8 Remarks 9 If every things are found OK issuance of R/L takes 2 hrs. time. If the documents is incomplete, dues & IR issues are not cleared delivery of service will depend on the action taken by the receiver of the service To communicate the non01 working day compliance 01 working day is spent. If every things found OK. Service depends on the holding of standing committee meeting and approval by the Committee.

1 working Day 2. Work permit (WP) Issuance Forwarding letter from the Scrutinizing the company to Concern Zone documents upon with 7 (seven) sets of filled receipt from Zone in prescribed form of WP, Appoint letter, Relevant pages of Passport, Paper Advertisement, Work Permit Fees Tk. 5000 and 1 working day Recommendation from concerned Zone




Citizen Charter

Sl No. 1 3

Description of service

Necessary documents & File /note initiating working procedures officer 4 Process the documents

Description of work & time spent GM(IP)/ES (AS Applicable) 5 Issuance of R/L Member(IP) 6 Executive Chairman 7

2 3 Approval of the standing RL for Security committee meeting Clearance/Visa recommendation to Ministry of Home/DG Immigration

Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9 Issuance of R/L for security clearance/visa recommendation

3 working Days 4. Renewal of Work Permit Forwarding letter from the Scrutinizing the company to Concern Zone documents upon along with copy of work receipt from Zones permit, copies of passport, Income tax paid certificate, security clearance and renewal fees Tk. 5000 and Recommendation from concerned Zone 1 working day Forwarding letter from the Scrutinizing the company to Concern Zone documents upon along with original work receipt from Zone permit, Income tax paid certificate, security clearance and 1 working day Recommendation from concerned Zone

3 working Days

03 working days If every things found OK Service depends on the holding of standing committee meeting.



*** If every things found OK File process for approval once/twice in a month.


Cancellation of Work Permit




Citizen Charter

Sl No. 1 6.

Description of service

Necessary documents & File /note initiating working procedures officer

Description of work & time spent GM(IP)/ES (AS Applicable) Member(IP) 6 Executive Chairman 7 Approval

2 3 4 5 Scrutinizing and Settlement of worker Grievances along with Recording and recommendation grievances supporting papers ( if any) analysis of the complaints/grievances of the workers Assess the matter according to BEPZA Instructions & EWAIRA Act and give instruction to the zones depending on the gravity of cases. 1 working day

Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9

1 Working day


Approval of WA Constitution

Draft constitution received through concerned zones

Analyze in the light of existing EWAIRA Act 2004 Placement to EC for approval Return to concerned Zones 1 working day 1 Working day


Workers' Association Registration & issuance of certificate

Proposal from Convenors of WA through concerned Zones received by EC Desk

After approval note initiated for certificate issuance Signature by EC

1 working day

1 Working day

Citizen Charter

Sl No. 1 9.

Description of service 2 Approval of WA Committee

Necessary documents & File /note initiating working procedures officer 3 Proposal for approval of WA Committee received from concerned Zones 4 Scrutiny & placement to EC for approval

Description of work & time spent GM(IP)/ES (AS Applicable) 5 Member(IP) 6 Executive Chairman 7

Permission issued/ Decision conveyed 8

Remarks 9

01 working day 10. Training programmme for WA WRWC and General Workers Proposal for the programme received from concerned Zones Programme design, Methodology schedule fixation Preparation of training materials Co-ordination between trainers

1 working day Periodically arranged depends on the requirement of the Authority





Citizen Charter

Engineering Department (Executive Office)

Sl. No. 01 Type of Services Opening & evaluation of tender Appx. Time after application 28 Remarks 4 Week - General 6 ,, - Technical Sub-Committee 7/9 ,, - BEPZA Executive Board 9 ,, - Chief Adviser 15 days (Special case) Subject to availability of all records & documents Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do

02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Issuance of NOA Refund of Tender Security Processing of running bill As-built drawing and quantities approval Processing of Final bill Approval of S.T item Refund of Performance security Investors Letter/application Time extension Revised estimate & drawing Changing location drawing

07 02 07 07 07 07 05 07 07 07 04

Citizen Charter

ecRv wbevnx `ii wnmve wefvM

wgK bs 1. Dbqb KvRi wej t (1) PjwZ wej| (2) P~ov wej| Aemi/PvKzix ZvM/PvKzixPyZ-P~ov wej| `ic wew| Uwjdvb wej/gvevBj wej, we`yr, Mvm, cvwb I cqt wbvkb wej| ivR^ wej cixvc~eK cwikvai Rb PK cZ Kiv mev/KvRi bvg bw_ wbwi mgqKvj (wnmve wefvM nMZ nIqvi ci) mevP `yB w`b| mevP cuvP w`b| wZb w`b| (mswk mKj KvMRc _vKv mvc) Ave`bi mv_ mv_| `yB w`bi ga| `yB w`b| ge

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

cwZgvm ivR^ Ges Dbqb wej _K KZbKZ fvU Ges AvqKi weeiYx cZ Ki wnmve mvZ w`bi ga| wbaviYc~eK evsjv`k evsK Pvjvbvi gvag AvqKi Awdm Rgv `qv| wbevnx Pqvigvb, m`m Ges mwPe gnv`qi eZb _K KZbKZ A_ cwZgvm PKi eZb cwikvai 3w`bi ga gvag Dvjbc~eK Pvjvbi gvag evsjv`k evsK Rgv Kiv| wewfb Rvb _K wbevnx `i A_ vbvi Ges cqvRb Rvb A_ ciY Kiv| GwWwci A_ Qvo Gi Rb cqvRbxq KvMRc cZc~eK ciY mvc A_ Qvo Kiv| cve cvIqvi 2w`bi ga| 7 w`bi ga|

Citizen Charter

wgK bs

mev/KvRi bvg

10. wWGmGj Gi UvKv PviwU wKwZ Pvjvbi gvag cwikva Kiv| 11. wWwfWU Gi UvKv `ywU wKwZ Pvjvbi gvag cwikva Kiv | 12. A KZci AvqKi eve` Pvwn`v Abyhvqx AwMg AvqKi cwikva Kiv| 13. KgKZv`i AwRZ QywUi wnmve

bw_ wbwi mgqKvj (wnmve wefvM nMZ nIqvi ci) cwZ ermii AvM, bf^i, deqvix I g gvm| cwZ ermii wWm^i I Ryb gvm| wbavwiZ mgqi ga| GK w`bi ga|


14. wc Gd jvb c`vb Ave`bc cvwi 2w`bi ga| ZvrwYK| 15. GUvicvBR I Abvb cwZvb KZK feb, Rwg I BDwUwjwU weji wecixZ cwiZ PK, wWwW, c-AWvi MnY I ZvrwYK cvw ^xKvi c`vb| 16. PK, wWwW, c-AWvi evsK (ecRv GKvDU) Rgv KiYi ci GKvDU A_ Bank Statement/Advice cvIqvi ci mevP Uvdvi/Realization mvc mswk cwZvbi AbyK~j cvKv iwk` (Money Receipt) `yB w`b| BmyKiY| 17. Uvi wmwWDji mv_ wWwW, c-AWvi, we.wR eve` `vwLjKZ evqbvi UvKv msiY Ges mswk KZci mycvwik/Abygv`bi AvjvK dir c`vb| ZvrwYK|

18. ivR^ I Dbqbg~jK KvRi wej nZ wbqgvbyhvqx Drm KZbKZ AvqKi, fvU BZvw` miKvix URvix Pvjvbi Kwc cvIqv mvc mevP `yB URvixZ RgvKiY Ges Pvwn`vi cwZ mswk cwZvbi AbyK~j Pvjvbi Kwcmn w`b| mvwUwdKU c`vb| 19. BmyKZ wej, `bv-cvIbvi wnmve mK Kvb AwfhvM/Avcw vZ nIqvi mv_ mv_ Zv hvPvB evQvB/cybt cixv wbixv c~eK cv djvdji wfwZ cqvRbxq eev MnY| mevP `yB w`b|

Citizen Charter

ecRvi ckvmb wefvM

wgK bs (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) mev c`vbi welq wbqvM (Kgmsvbi eevKiY)| wewfb cwZvbi mv_ hvMvhvM| miKvi KZK RvixKZ cvcbmg~n evevqb| gvgjv cwiPvjbv| wk cwZvb/kwgK Gi ^v_ iv_ AvBbvbyM mnhvwMZv c`vb| `Dwjqv NvwlZ wk cwZvbi wbKU nZ cvIbv Av`vq AvBbvbyM mnhvwMZv c`vb| bZzb cK evevqb wewfb miKvix cwZvbi mv_ AvBbMZ hvMvhvM iv Kiv| AwaMnYKZ RvqMvi cvIbvw` cwikva Rjv ckvmb/Gj G kvLvi gvag AvBbMZ eevKiY| eZb fvZv wbaviY c`vbwZ bwgwK QzwU, AwRZ QzwU I Abvb QzwU| fvZv c`vb| MvPzBwU c`vb| mvweK wbivcv c`vb| hvbevnbi eevKiY| `vwiK kbvix `evw` mieivnKiY| Awdm BKzBcgU mieivnKiY| i nvDR eenviKiY (`vwiK)| `i cwivi cwiQbZv| AvbygvwbK mgqmxgv 30 (wk) w`b 01 (GK) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 03 (wZb) w`b PvKzix cweavbgvjv Abyhvqx 02 (`yB) w`b 02 (`yB) w`b 07 (mvZ) w`b ZvrwbK ZvrwbK 02 (`yB) w`b 03 (wZb) w`b ZvrwYK ZvrwYK ge cwKvq wew cKvki Ave`bcmg~n evQvBmn 30 w`bi ga wbqvM cwqv mgv

mKj wefvMi Qvoc cvw mvc| Pvwn`v cvw mvc| Pvwn`v cvw mvc|

Citizen Charter

ecRvi wbixv kvLv

wgK bs 01. 02. 03. mev/ KvRi bvg ivR^ wej (P~ov)| Dbqb KvRi wej t 1) P~ov wej| Aemi/PvKyix ZvM/PvKzixPyZ Gi P~ov wej| bw_ wbwi mgqKvj (wbixv kvLvq nMZ nIqvi ci) 1 (GK) w`b| mevP 3 (wZb) w`b mevP 3 (wZb) w`b ge KvMR c mwVK _vKv mvc| weji AvKvi QvU nj GK w`b `qv nq| mswk KvMR c bw_Z _vKv mvc|

Citizen Charter

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