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Topic: Research Methods

Steps in psychological research Step 1 Research question

Extraneous variables Subjec t Situation al

IV and DV

Step 2

Hypothe sis

Populatio n
Allocatio n

Sampl e
Samplin g

Experimental design
Matched pairs Repeated measures Independent groups

Step 3

Experiment al

Contr ol

Step 4

Rando m Stratifie d

Convenien ce

Methods of data collection Interview s Observati on Experiment al Naturalis tic Surveys/questionn aires Short Case term studies Long term

Step 5

Ethical considerations
Researcher responsibilities

Participants rights Informed consent Voluntary participation Confidentiali ty Deceptio n Withdrawal rights

Conclusio n

Step 6

Participants wellbeing Cost/benefit analysis Professional conduct Debriefin g

Generalisati on

Step 7

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