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1. Rasi purusa is having a) 24 tathvas b) 6 tathvas c) 25 tathvas d) 26 tathvas

2. Dravya is the substratum of a) Rasa and Rakta b) Guna and Karma c) Tridosa and Mala d) Dhatu and Mala 3. Plants which gives fruits without flower is known as a) Vanaspatya b) Ausadhi c) Vanaspati d) Virudha 4. Which one of the following is the attribute of mana? a) Cetana-kriyavat b) Acetana-kriyavat c)Acetana akriyavat d)Cetana akriyavat 5. Nityaga and Avasthika are the types of a) Kala b) Dik c) Athma d) Manas

6. Manas is a) Jnanendriyam b) Karmendriyam c) Atheendriyam d) All 7. The lakshana of Padartha are a) Astitvam b) Jneyathvam c) Both d) None 8. Sukham and Dukham are the gunas of a) Indriyas b) Budhi c) Manas d) Athma 9. Tejo Mahabhuta is pridominent of a) Satva & Tamo guna b) Rajo & Tamo guna c) Rajo guna d) Satva & Rajo guna 10. The term Kha denotes a) Sparsha b) Gandha c) Akasha d) Tejas 11. The theory proposed after repeated observations is a) Arthapatti b) Ithihasa c) Siddantha d) Hethvabasa 12. Indriyabhigrha is a) Mano vishaya b) Manoguna c) Mano dosha d) Mano karma

13. Yukthi is comes under a) Tantra gunas b) Pramanas c) Paradi gunas d) B&C 14. According to Prasasta pada Snigda is the guna of a) Vayu mahabhuta b) Jala mahabhuta c) Tego mahabhuta d) All 15. Samsargaabhava includes a) Anyonyaabhava b) Athyantaabhava c) Bhaavapadartas d) A & B 16. Gnanaadhikarana is a) Manas b) Buddhi c) Athma d) Indriyas 17. According to Vedanthas Linga Purusha is consists of a) 17 tatvas b) 18 tatvas c) 24 tatvas d) 6 tatvas 18. Yoni bhedena dravya is a) 4 types b) 3 types c) 2 types d) 9 types 19. Number of Padarthas according to Susruta a) 6 20. Tristhunas means a) Vata, Pitta&Kapha b) Ahara, Nidra&Brahmacharya c) Hetu,Linga&Oushadam d) All 21. Eka (One) padartha mentioned by a) Ramanuja charya b) Mahaveera c) Shankara charya d) Charvaka 22. Karma present in a) Only vibhu dravyas b) Only Murtha dravyas c) Both d) None 23. Atheendriya gunas are a) Manas b) Athma c) Both d) Dharma & Adharma 24. Ayutha siddha means a) Samanya b) Visesa c) Samavaya d) All 25. Soshanakara guna is a) Mrudhu b) Sheeta c) Ruksha d) Ushna. b) 16 c) 26 d) Many.


1. Rathna Trayas mentioned by A) Jain darsana B) Boudha darsana C) Meemasa darsana D) Vedanta darsana 2. Ateendriya dravyas are A) Prithvi B) C & D C) Athma D) Manas 3. Ateendriya gunas is A) Shabda B) Sparsha C) Dharma D) Vega samskara 4. Ayurveda swathantra Pramana is A) Apthopadesa B) Prathyaksha C) Anumana D) Yukti 5. Prameya means A) Jnatha B) Pramana C) Real Knowledge D) Object of Knowledge 6. Number of pramanas according to Tantrikas A) 10 B) 9 C) 8 D) 7 7. Ayutasiddha padarthas means A) Samanya B) Samavaya C) Samyoga D) Sannipata 8. Vakyaartha jnana hetus are A) Abeedha B) Vyanjaka C) Yogyata D) All 9. Number of Tantra gunas A) 21 B) 17 C) 7 D) 18 10. Panchavimsathi Tattvas mentioned by A) Sushruta B) Sankhya C) Charaka D) A & B 11. Examples for Vanaspathi\ A) Tamarind B) Mango C) Ficus D) Guduchi 12. Gunas of mana A) Anutwa B) Suganda C) Durganda D) Gurutwa 13. Tridandathmaka purusha includes A) Athma B) Kandaras C) Sira D) Hridaya 14. Viyath is the synonyms of A)Jala B) Agni C) Akasha D) Vayu 15. Vidyuth is related to A) Akasha B) Agni C) Vayu D) Jala 16. Karma present in A) Only vibhu dravyas B) Only Murtha dravyas C) Both D) None 17. Asthika-Nasthika darshanas are A) Charvaka B) Visesika C) Boudha D) Nyaya 18. Guna sankhya according to Charaka A) 36 B) 41 C) 42 D) 24 19. Sambhava pramana told by A) Vedanta B) Meemasa C) Pouranika D) Tantrikas 20. Apavarga is A) Tantra yukti B) Prameya C) Tantradosha D) A & B

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1. Rasi purusa is having a) 24 tathvas b) 6 tathvas c) 25 tathvas d) 26 tathvas

2. Dravya is the substratum of a) Rasa and Rakta b) Guna and Karma c) Tridosa and Mala d) Dhatu and Mala 3. Plants which gives fruits without flower is known as a) Vanaspatya b) Ausadhi c) Vanaspati d) Virudha 4. Which one of the following is the attribute of mana? a) Cetana-kriyavat b) Acetana-kriyavat c)Acetana akriyavat d)Cetana akriyavat 5. Nityaga and Avasthika are the types of a) Kala b) Dik c) Athma d) Manas

6. Manas is a) Jnanendriyam b) Karmendriyam c) Atheendriyam d) All 7. The lakshana of Padartha are a) Astitvam b) Jneyathvam c) Both d) None 8. Sukham and Dukham are the gunas of a) Indriyas b) Budhi c) Manas d) Athma 9. Tejo Mahabhuta is pridominent of a) Satva & Tamo guna b) Rajo & Tamo guna c) Rajo guna d) Satva & Rajo guna 10. The term Kha denotes a) Sparsha b) Gandha c) Akasha d) Tejas

11. The theory proposed after repeated observations is a) Arthapatti b) Ithihasa c) Siddantha d) Hethvabasa 12. Indriyabhigrha is a) Mano vishaya b) Manoguna c) Mano dosha d) Mano karma 13. Yukthi is comes under a) Tantra gunas b) Pramanas c) Paradi gunas d) B&C 14. According to Prasasta pada Snigda is the guna of a) Vayu mahabhuta b) Jala mahabhuta c) Tego mahabhuta d) All 15. Samsargaabhava includes a) Anyonyaabhava b) Athyantaabhava c) Bhaavapadartas d) A & B 16. Gnanaadhikarana is a) Manas b) Buddhi c) Athma d) Indriyas 17. According to Vedanthas Linga Purusha is consists of a) 17 tatvas b) 18 tatvas c) 24 tatvas d) 6 tatvas 18. Yoni bhedena dravya is a) 4 types b) 3 types c) 2 types d) 9 types 19. Number of Padarthas according to Susruta a) 6 20. Tristhunas means a) Vata, Pitta&Kapha b) Ahara, Nidra&Brahmacharya c) Hetu,Linga&Oushadam d) All 21. Eka (One) padartha mentioned by a) Ramanuja charya b) Mahaveera c) Shankara charya d) Charvaka 22. Karma present in a) Only vibhu dravyas b) Only Murtha dravyas c) Both d) None 23. Atheendriya gunas are a) Manas b) Athma c) Both d) Dharma & Adharma b) 16 c) 26 d) Many.

24. Ayutha siddha means a) Samanya b) Visesa c) Samavaya d) All 25. Soshanakara guna is a) Mrudhu b) Sheeta c) Ruksha d) Ushna.

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