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How To Create and Use Custom Business Events in Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Workflow, a component of Oracle E-Business Suite, lets you set up subscriptions to business events which can launch workflows or enable messages to be propagated from one system to another when business events occur. The Oracle Workflow Business Event System is an application service that leverages the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) infrastructure to communicate business events between systems. Predefined events are provided with some Oracle E-Business Suite products. For example, the Create Person Event ( is the name of a seeded business event in the Receivables application. The event is triggered when a person party record is created within the Trading Community Architecture (TCA). Not all events are seeded. However, Oracle gives you the option to create a custom event. An example would be an event that is triggered when an invoice is matched to a purchase order. In this article, I will show you how to create and use a custom business event. I will go through the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create a custom business event Create a subscription to the event Raise the event from PL/SQL Consume the event in PL/SQL

Note: I tested these steps in Oracle EBS 12.1.2 and DB 1.Create a custom business event called Login to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN (or a user with the Workflow admin role). Click on the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility. Click on Business Events. Click on Create Event. Supply the event name, display name, owner name and tag.

2.Create a subscription to this event:

Supply the PL/SQL Rule Function. This is the function that will be executed When the event is raised.

Here is the source code for the PL/SQL Rule Function xxu_bes.inv_po_matching. For testing purposes I insert the event data into a temp table:

CREATE TABLE xx_temp (msg VARCHAR2 (4000)); CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xxu_bes AS FUNCTION inv_po_matching ( p_subscription_guid IN RAW, p_event IN OUT wf_event_t ) RETURN VARCHAR2; END xxu_bes; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY xxu_bes AS FUNCTION inv_po_matching ( p_subscription_guid IN RAW, p_event IN OUT wf_event_t ) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS l_plist wf_parameter_list_t := p_event.getparameterlist (); BEGIN IF p_event.geteventname () = '' THEN INSERT INTO xx_temp (msg) VALUES ( 'Timestamp: ' || fnd_date.date_to_canonical (SYSDATE) || ' | Event: ' || p_event.geteventname () || ' | Event Key: ' || p_event.geteventkey () || ' | SEND_DATE: ' || wf_event.getvalueforparameter ( 'SEND_DATE', l_plist ) || ' | PO_NUMBER: ' || wf_event.getvalueforparameter (

'PO_NUMBER', l_plist ) || ' | event_data: ' || p_event.geteventdata () ); END IF; RETURN 'SUCCESS'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN wf_core.context ( 'xxu_bes', 'inv_po_matching', p_event.geteventname (), p_subscription_guid ); wf_event.seterrorinfo (p_event, 'ERROR'); RETURN 'ERROR'; END inv_po_matching; END xxu_bes;
3.Feed sample data into the event and then raise it:

DECLARE l_parameter_list wf_parameter_list_t; l_event_data CLOB; BEGIN l_parameter_list := wf_parameter_list_t ( wf_parameter_t ('SEND_DATE', fnd_date.date_to_canonical (SYSDATE)), wf_parameter_t ('PO_NUMBER', '10100'), ); l_event_data := ' <matched> <send_date>2011/05/28 02:34:14</send_date> <po_number>1234</po_number> </matched> '; wf_event.raise (

p_event_name p_event_key p_event_data p_parameters ); COMMIT; END; /

=> => => =>

'', SYS_GUID (), l_event_data, l_parameter_list

After the event is raised, query xx_temp. You will see the event data in the table. Sources and resources:

Oracle Workflow Developers Guide (pdf) Oracle Workflow API Reference (pdf) Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developers Guide (zipped)

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