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1. Can you play the piano? Yes, a little. How about you?

No I can't, but I can play the guitar. ----2. Can you cook? Not really. I can make toast and pasta, that's all. Everyone can make toast! Well, can you cook? Yes, I can. I can cook delicious fish and chicken. Wow, that's great. ----3. So what can you do? I can draw, and I can paint really well too. I can also speak English and Korean. How about you? I can play chess and I can write computer programs. I can also speak English and Spanish. Excellent! can play piano can't guitar cook delicious fish wow Statements I can play the piano. She can drive a car. Negatives I cannot play the piano. She cannot drive a car. draw paint Korean chess write computer computer program Spanish

Questions Can you play the piano? Can she drive a car?

Contractions Cannot and can't are the same: eg. - I cannot cook well. - I can't cook well. Can't is much more common in spoken English. Permission Can is also used to show permission. For example: "You can go home after class". Here are the Simple Present forms of can for permission.

Statements You can meet her tommorrow. - (You have permission to meet her).

Negatives She can't come to our house. - (She doesn't have permisson to visit us). Questions Can we go to the movies? - (Please give us permission to watch a movie).

Exercises: 1. Monkeys__________ talk. 2. Pigs _____________ fly. 3. I play the piano____________ but Cory can't. 4. You __________ go on vacation. It's too expensive. 5. ___________I borrow some money? 6. I don't know the answer. __________you tell me? 7. Tony __________come tonight, he's too busy. 8. Jim makes great food. He ________ cook really well. 9. Excuse me, _____________we see the movie. 10. It's too noisy. We______________ study well.

1. Tyler, do you like London? Sure, there are lots of restaurants and shops, and there's a lot of beautiful parks and museums as well. I really want to live there. Me too! ----2. Hey, this is a great apartment. Thanks. There's a lot of space, and there are some really nice neighbors as well. Are there any stores near here? Sure, there is a supermarket near here. You have a great view! Right. There's only one problem. What's that? It's really expensive! ----3. Is there any pizza? No we don't have any, sorry. Well, are there any apples? Er, yes, there's some in the kitchen. Help yourself.

Key Vocabulary there are restaurant shop there is beautiful park museum there live apartment space near nearby view problem expensive pizza sorry kitchen help yourself

Statements There's a tree in my garden. There are books on the desk. Negatives There isn't a computer in my bedroom. There aren't any cinemas here.

Questions Is there a restaurant here? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't

There is usually subject-verb agreement when using there is/there are. For example: - There are ten students in my class. - There is ten students in my class. Sometimes however we can use "there is" with compound subjects, for example: There's a bank and a post office near my house. Grammar Exercises Add there is or there are to the following sentences. Example: There are many stars in the sky. 1. ________ a fly in my soup. (There is, There are) 2. __________many parks in New York. (There is, There are) 3. ________ any tigers in Africa. (There isn't, There aren't) 4. _________lots of hotels in big cities. (There is, There are) 5. ___________a bank near here? (Is there, Are there) 6. _________ life on Mars? (Is there, Are there) 7. _________a telephone I can use? (Is there, Are there) 8. _______a football game tomorrow. (There is, There are) 9. __________8 students in my class. (There is, There are) 10. _________many people my town. (There isn't, There aren't)

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