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Use of Present Perfect

puts emphasis on the result Example: She has written five letters. action that is still going on Example: School has not started yet. action that stopped recently Example: She has cooked dinner. finished action that has an influence on the present Example: I have lost my key. action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking Example: I have never been to Australia

Signal Words of Present Perfect

already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

A.-Fill the gaps with 'have' or 'has'.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I She They You It We He Jenny The girls answered the question. opened the window. called us. carried a box. rained a lot. washed the car. closed the window. locked the door. visited the museum. helped in the garden.

10. John and Sophie

B.-The following people have just completed an action.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bob / visit / his grandma Jimmy / play / on the computer Sue and Walter / wash / their car Andrew / repair / his bike Phil / help / Anne with maths Brad and Louise / watch / a film Tamara / talk to / her best friend Bridgette / draw / a picture Carol / read / a computer magazine

10. Tom and Alice / be / to a restaurant

C.- Negative Sentences in Present Perfect Simple Write negative sentences in present perfect
simple. The weather was wonderful today. So the children were in the park all afternoon and have not done their household chores: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sarah / not / wash the dishes Anita / not / clean the kitchen Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants Joey / not / make his bed David / not / buy milk Lisa / not / be to the baker's Aran and Jack / not / do their homework Jane and Ben / not / tidy up their rooms Alex / not / feed the hamster

10. Hazel / not / empty the bin

D.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
have not w orked

I (not / work) We (buy) We (not / plan)


a new lamp. our holiday yet. ? five letters. him for a long time. at school? yet. to his boss? the time yet.

Where (be / you) He (write) She (not / see) (be / you) School (not / start) (speak / he)

10. No, he (have / not)

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Present Perfect. Example: I _____________ my father's car. (to wash) Answer: I have washed my father's car.

1) Karen 2) Dave and Pat 3) I 4) They 5) Marcus 6) We 7) I 8) Emily

me an e-mail. (to send) the museum. (to visit) at the pet shop. (to be) already their rucksacks. (to pack)

an accident. (to have) the shopping for our grandmother. (to do) just my bike. (to clean) her room. (to paint)

9) Lisa and Colin 10) My friends

to a concert. (to go) smoking. (to give up)

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