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Scarlet Fever or Scarlatina

By: Robyn Stadler

A disease caused by an infection with the group A streptococcal bacteria that occurs in a small portion of people with strep throat.

Illness usually begins with a fever and sore throat. The strep bacteria produces a toxin that causes a rash that appears 1 to 2 days after the first signs of illness. The rash first appears on the neck and chest, then spreads over the entire body. Typically the rash begins as small red macules . The redness fades over a few days and the patient is left with a rough "sandpaper" feeling rash. The rash will still be red and the patient may develop what are called Pastia's lines, bright red creases under the arm or folds of skin. The rash usually lasts for 3 days, but could last for 2-3 weeks. As the rash fades peeling may occur around the finger tips, toes.

Antibiotic treatment either oral or injectable penicillin is usually recommended to help reduce the severity of symptoms, prevent complications, and prevent spread to others. The entire course of antibiotics, usually 10 days, will need to be followed for the therapy to be effective. Improvement typically begins within 24 hours of starting treatment

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