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Story # 4

People live on Planet Earth, and Planet Earth is always changing. As it does, people change, too. There are many changes that people know will happen. Leaves fall to the ground. Water evaporates into air. Daylight darkens to night. People expect these changes. Expected changes often form routines for people. Leaves fall to the ground; people rake them up. Water evaporates; people check if their plants need water. Daylight darkens to night; people go to bed. Expected changes form plans that become routines. There are other changes that people try to predict. People know these changes may come, but they dont know for sure. So, they gather information. Then, they make their best guess. A sunny day changes with a thunderstorm. The night sky changes with a meteor shower. An earthquake breaks the surface of the earth. People try to predict when changes like these will happen. The changes that people try to predict can change their plans. A thunderstorm causes people to have a picnic indoors instead of outside. A meteor shower causes people to watch the night sky instead of going to the movies. An earthquake causes a baseball game to be canceled. People try to predict the changes that can change their plans. People live on Planet Earth, and Planet Earth is always changing. As it does, it helps people form routines, make plans, and causes people to change those plans, too. Thats Life on Planet Earth.
The New Social Story Book, 10th Anniversary Edition by Carol Gray, Future Horizons, Inc.

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