Brand Prefrance Survey

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The Indian tea is an epitome of taste, warmth and happiness. Tea brings cheers and this fact is well known to tea lovers all over the world being the largest producer of tea in the world India also consumes large amount of tea. "Chai" as tea beverage is known in India has become an essential part of daily life.

Bishwajeet Jha 22 Geethika Reddy 23 Kunal Manek 47 Moumita Datta 48 Manish Mallam 44

P.Satish Chandra



Nothing can be gained or acquired without hard work which leads to success. The success of my survey work is the amalgamation of my hard work and co-operation of respondents, who delivered their precious time without any hesitation. I do not have adequate words to convey my emotion rather than feeling of gratitude, for the people who helped me in making my survey report purposeful. I take the opportunity to convey my sincere gratitude to my research mentor SATISH CHANDRA sir for his helpful guidance during my survey period. First of all I would like to thank god and my parents who showered their blessing upon me in each step of my survey & I express my deep sense of gratitude DR.T.DAYAKAR RAO, Director of ITM Business school, for providing a great support. I am highly thankful and immensely obliged for his constant guidance and words of inspiration. Last but not the least, I specially wish all my friends a vote of thanks as without their valuable supports this report would have not been possible.











The Indian tea is an epitome of taste, warmth and happiness. Tea brings cheers and this fact is well known to tea lovers all over the world being the second largest producer of tea in the world India also consumes large amount of tea. "Chai" as tea beverage is known in India has become an essential part of daily life. India produces finest tea leaf in the World and the Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiri tea are becoming very popular all over. The range of teas in India consists of premium much in demand Darjeeling tea leaf from Darjeeling tea estates in West Bengal, the strong Assam tea leaf and brisk Nilgiri tea from Southern India. Each of the tea producing regions in India has their unique and distinct taste of which the tea drinkers know best. The varieties in India are the white tea leaf, black tea, green tea, and organic tea. Though consumption of the black tea leaf is wide spread, the green tea is also becoming popular for its taste and healthy properties. In 1780 Tea cultivation experimented in India with seeds from China by Robert Kyd. Robert Bruce(1823) discovered wild tea plants growing in Upper Brahmaputra Valley. May 1838 Tea from Assam sent to England for public sale for 1st time.

India ---the second largest tea producer and consumer in the world. India ---produces some of the world's finest teas. The famous specialty flavors are Darjeeling tea and Assam Tea from the north and Nigeria tea from the south. Some of the features of Tea Industry are mentioned below: Labor intensive Productivity and quality Long gestation period Perishable in nature and demand is relatively inelastic to price. Organized agro industry Provides gainful direct employment to backward and socially weaker section of the society.

Tea plantations in India -mainly located in rural hills and backward areas of North-eastern and Southern States India has dual manufacturing base-produces both CTC and Orthodox teas in addition to green tea.





Complete overview of Tea Industry in India. To know the preference of particular tea brand by consumer. To understand the various factors that contributes to purchase of particular brand. To know about the various methods of consumption of tea in India.

To understand the reasons for consumption of tea by people.

To understand the satisfaction level of the brand used by the consumer.

TYPE OF RESEARCH: - Analytical and Descriptive DATA COLLECTION METHOD: - Primary Data by Survey Method SOURCES OF DATA: - Questionnaires & Interviews


Graph Bar Diagram Tabular Form



Respondents were of the AGE GROUP between 20-50 Income pm

<10,000 10000-25000 >25000 19 44 37 19% 44% 37%

once a day twice a day more than twice a day occasionally/rarely never

6 51 38 4 1

6% 51% 38% 4% 1%

Reason for consumption

Its a regular habbit Its good for health Its refreshing Other

38 21 51 4

38% 21% 51% 4%

Brand Specific

yes no

59 41

59% 41%

Preference of Tea
Flavored Plain Green Tea Herbal Tea 45 44 19 12 45% 44% 19% 12%

Preferred Brand
Tata Tea Gold Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Brooke Bond Red Label Tetley Tea Lipton Tea Taaza,Waghbakri,Pataka,Loose Tea...others 31 31% 12 12% 26 26% 18 18% 11 11% 9 9%

Alternate Brand

Tata Tea Gold Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Brooke Bond Red Label Tetley Tea Lipton Tea Taaza,Waghbakri,Pataka,Loose Tea...others

16 16% 23 23% 26 26% 13 13% 10 10% 18 18%

Role of Social Status

yes no

49 51

49% 51%

It tastes good It smells good It is relaxing/energetic It gives a social message I like it's Ad I don't give it much thought

45 22 39 7 5 14

45% 22% 39% 7% 5% 14%

Satisfaction Levels

Higly Satisfied Satisfied Not so satisfied Not satisfied at all

33 % 52 % 13 % 2%

Never- I'm Brand Loyal ! Rarely/Seasonally Quite Often Frequently- I'm like to try new things!

24 % 46 % 16 % 14 %

Just for change This is better than previous one Seasonal change e.g flavoured/ice tea in summers This is less expensive This had an offer associated with it at the time of purchase I like the social message it gives Other

32 % 13 % 23 % 19 % 19 % 4% 3%


The questions asked in the survey were related to our research work regarding the brand preference of tea. The aim was to know that which brand is preferred mostly by the people and we also tried to understand various aspects related to consumption of tea. We took the sample size of 100 people and with the help of questionnaire prepared we tried to find out necessacary information. The detailed analysis of the findings is as follows. Respondents were of age 20-50 and they supported us in getting the answers. Through the analysis of the data obtained that people mostly like to consume tea twice daily and even most of them is not sure about the reason of consumption of tea. Through the analysis we came to know that the most preferred brand is TATA tea gold and in the absence of visibility people switches over Brooke bond Red Label tea and most of them agreed over the point that social status doesnt play any major role in purchase of tea. Most of the people using the preferred brand is satisfied from it and the reasons for satisfaction is the good taste given by the brand they use and mostly due to seasonal effect or non availability is the reason for switching on to another brand. The reason given by the people for shifting to another brand varied between just for a change to seasonal effect and offer associated with the alternate brands. People also agreed that they like having tea mostly at home and next best option was at

Office and cafeteria. The people going for cafeterias were mostly young people and they agreed tea is the best for passing the time. The ratings given by people on the factor related to purchase of tea like price, visibility, offers associated, taste and impact of ads helped us to understand maximum about the factors influencing purchase and consumption.

One of the most important for going for a particular brand is taste given by the tea of that brand and at the same time price was not considered as important factor at the time of purchase. This helped us to infer that people give more preference to quality than on pricing. Next thing was that the visibility of product at the time of purchase plays a key role and generally people find the impact of advertisements on their buying behaviour. From this we can infer that the messages given by the advertisements of different brand helps the people to decide for a particular brand and affects their buying behaviour. Next thing was the offer given by different brands also motivates the people to switch to alternate brand at the point of purchase.

Although the survey was done with a limited number of people but it helped us in finding a lot many things related to our research. On the basis of our findings and analysis we would like to suggest the following points. We can go for a wide base of population as sample for more accurate results. We can go for other methods of survey instead of questionnaire like online method as well as telephonic methods of survey for faster and accurate results. We can take a wider area into consideration to reach a large mass of people.

With the help of the research conducted by our team we were able to understand various facts related to tea. We were not only able to understand about the most preferred brand but also were able to unearthen various facts related to purchase and consumption of tea. We came to know about the various reasons which led to switching of people to alternate brands and also we were able to know about factors like price, offers, visibility of product in the purchase of product. At last we can say that whatever is the pattern of consumption and whichever be the proffered brand tea is considered as the best alternative for refreshment as well as for time pass. It is consumed by every section of the society and its fragrance has dissolved in all parts of the country.

Though this study provides better knowledge about the tea industry but still it has some limitations. Following are the main limitations:1. Due to lack of knowledge, study could not be so deep. 2. Due to short time span, study could not be so deep. 3. Due to data collected much earlier of submission of project report, the most Current data could not be well presented. 4. Only questionnaires have been used as a source of data. 5. Some data are not available for some companies. 6. Due to lack of interest of some participants exact data cant be inferred.


1. Questionnaire prepared by we people based on need of situation. 2. People views has been given preference.


Brand Preference Survey

Name *



How often do you consume tea? *

Why do you consume tea *

Its a regular habbit Its good for health Its refreshing Other:

Are you specific about the brand of Tea you consume *

Which type of tea do you prefer *

Flavoured Plain Green Tea Herbal Tea

Which is your most prefered brand *

Tata Tea Gold Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Brooke Bond Red Label Tetley Tea Lipton Tea Taaza,Waghbakri,Pataka,Loose Tea...others

Which is your alternate brand *

Tata Tea Gold Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Brooke Bond Red Label Tetley Tea Lipton Tea Taaza,Waghbakri,Pataka,Loose Tea...others

Does social status play a part in selection of your tea brand *

Why do you prefer your favourite brand *

It tastes good It smells good It is relaxing/energetic It gives a social message I like it's Ad I don't give it much thought

How frequently do you alter/shift from your regular brand *

Why would you shift to another brand? *

Just for change This is better than previous one Seasonal change e.g flavoured/ice tea in summers This is less expensive This had an offer associated with it at the time of purchase I like the social message it gives Other:

Where do you usually drink your tea? *

At Home At Work At a Cafe Traveling & Everywhere in between

How satisfied are you with your present brand *

How do you rate the following factors important in your buying pattern *

1 - Very imp Taste Price Visibilty/Availability of Product Impact of Ads Offers/Others

2 - Imp

3 Not a Factor at all

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