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LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION The Laplace transform method is an operational method that can be used advantageously for solving linear

differential equations. By use of Laplace transforms, we can convert many common functions, such as sinusoidal functions, damped sinusoidal functions, and exponential functions, into algebraic functions of a complex variables. Operations such as differentiation and integration can be replaced by algebraic operations in the complex plane. Thus, a lineal differential equation can be transformed into an algebraic equation in a complex variable s. If the algebraic equation in s is solved for the dependent variable, then the solution of the differential equation (the inverse Laplace transform of the dependent variable) may be found by use of a Laplace transform table or by use of the partial-fraction expansion technique. An advantage of the Laplace transform method is that it allows the use of graphical techniques for predicting the system performance without actually solving system differential equations. Another advantage of the Laplace transform method is that, when we solve the differential equation, both the transient component and steady-state component of the solution can be obtained simultaneously.

ROUTHS STABILITY CRITERION The most important problem in linear control systems concerns stability. That is, under what conditions will a system become unstable? If it is unstable, how should we stabilize the system? Since most linear closed-loop systems habe closed-loop transfer functions of the form C ( s ) b0 s m + b1 s m1 + ..... + bm 1 s + bm B ( s ) = = R( s ) a 0 s n + a1 s n 1 + ...... + a n 1 s + a n A( s ) Where the as and bs are constants and m n , we must first factor the polynomial A(s) in order to find the closed-loop poles. A simple criterion known as Rouths stability criterion, enables us to determine the number of closed-loop poles that lie in the right half s plane without having to factor the polynomial. Rouths stability criterion tells us whether or not there are unstable roots in a polynomial equation without actually solving form them. This stability criterion applies to polynomials with only a finito number of terms. When the criterion is applied to a control system, information about absolute stability can be obtained directly from the coefficients of the characteristic equation.

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