Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Faculty Presentation

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Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad

Faculty Presentation

By Trishul P Kulkarni Department of Production Engineering

"And somewhere there are engineers Helping others fly faster than sound. But, where are the engineers Helping those who must live on the ground?" -- Young Oxfam Poster

The majority of the worlds designers focus all their efforts on developing products and services exclusively for the richest 10% of the worlds customers. Nothing less than a revolution in design is needed to reach the other 90%.

Of the worlds total population of 6.5 billion, 5.8 billion people, or 90%, have little or no access to most of the products and services many of us take for granted

The lack of clean water

The lack of clean water causes 80% of all illnesses and diseases in developing countries. And of the 42,000 deaths due to unsafe water every week, 90% of them are children under 5 years old.

Lack of food
Worldwide around 925 million people are chronically hungry due to extreme poverty, while up to 2 billion people lack food security intermittently due to varying degrees of poverty

Lack of Shelter

Poverty is lack of shelter

Lack of health care services

Lack of energy sources

In percentage terms, 40% of the Worlds people lack modern energy services.


One of the solution is


Life Straw
A personal mobile water-purification tool is designed to turn any surface water into drinking water. It has proven to be effective against waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea, and removes particles as small as fifteen microns.


Bamboo Treadle Pump

The Bamboo Treadle Pump allows poor farmers to access groundwater during the dry season. The treadles and support structure are made of bamboo or other inexpensive, locally available materials. The pump, which consists of two metal cylinders with pistons that are operated by a natural walking motion on two treadles, can be manufactured locally by metalworking shops.


Water Storage System

The low-cost, non-evaporative Water Storage System captures and stores monsoon rainwater, making water available for domestic and small plot micro-irrigation during Indias long dry season Its 10,000-liter plastic storage bag and enclosing it in a hand-dug pit, this system is onefifth the cost of existing ferro-cement tanks.


Smokeless Chulhas
According to WHO, every year 500,000 women and children die prematurely in India due to various ailments arising from long term exposure to smoke in rural kitchens. Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI) has developed smokeless chulhas which is reducing fuel consumption by 30% and smoke emissions by 80% as compared to older traditional stoves. The women also report 30% reduction in cooking time, which is a bonus on top of the health benefits of reduced indoor air pollution.


Nuru POD lights

Nuru POD lights have enough capacity to provide 10 days worth of light. Recharging the lights is done by pedaling a bike. It is capable of fully recharging five POD lights after just 20 minutes of pedalling. Nuru Energy helped to create a sustainable livelihood for people in rural areas.


Pot-in-Pot Cooler
The Pot-in-Pot system consists of two pots, a smaller earthenware pot nestled within another pot, with the space in between filled with sand and water. When that water evaporates, it pulls heat from the interior of the smaller pot, in which vegetables and fruits can be kept. In rural Nigeria, many farmers lack transportation, water, and electricity, but one of their biggest problems is the inability to preserve their crops. With the Pot-in-Pot, tomatoes last for twentyone days, rather than two or three days without this technology.


Sugarcane Charcoal
In Haiti, the production of wood charcoal, the primary source of cooking fuel, contributes to severe deforestation and environmental degradation. More than 90% of Haiti is now deforested. Many children die of respiratory infections from breathing indoor cooking fumes. Sugarcane charcoal was developed as an alternative to wood charcoal. Dried bagasse, the waste product from sugarcane processing, is burned in a simple kiln, carbonized, mixed with a binder, and compacted using a press to produce sugarcane charcoal briquettes, which burn as well as wood charcoal.


Big Boda load carrying bicycle

The Big Boda is able to carry hundreds of pounds of cargo or two additional passengers easily, at a substantially lower cost than other forms of human-powered utility vehicles. It was designed to transport goods to and from market for entrepreneurs and consumers in developing countries.


Q Drum
Millions around the world, especially in rural area, live kilometers from a reliable source of clean water, leaving them vulnerable to cholera, dysentery, and other water-borne diseases. Water in adequate quantities is too heavy to carry. The Q Drum is a durable container designed to roll easily, and can transport seventy-five liters of clean and potable water. Rolling the water in a cylindrical container, rather than lifting and carrying it, eases the burden of bringing water to those who need it.



The aAQUA eAgriService is a problem-solving system dedicated to find solutions to problems posed by Indian farmers aAQUA was born at the DIL Lab at IIT Bombay


What makes an design useful for other 90%

It should address a problem Affordability Use of locally available material Simple to reproduce It should generate local entrepreneurs Design with Other 90% rather than Design for 90%


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