Television Shows Often Depict Family Conflicts. Describe A Time When You Had A Conflict With A Family Member

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Television shows often depict family conflicts. Describe a time when you had a conflict with a family member.

Family conflicts are as varied as the people involved in them. The turmoil can result from a workaholic husband whose wife feels lonely and resentful toward him (and the job that takes him away from her), or children who are a source of continual family conflict and aggravation due to the parents lack of consistent parenting skills, or blended families in which an unaccepted step parent or interfering in-laws are the sources of family conflict. In other homes, couples and families are torn apart by verbal ,emotional, or physical abuse. If you find yourself in family conflict, be encouraged that there is hope for your situation, whether you are the problem, or someone else is causing the conflict in your home.

Before becoming a Christian, I lived for 5 years with an alcoholic who was abusive, verbally and emotionally. I finally had enough of the continual family conflicts and I left him and my sad and empty lifestyle. (I smoked cigarettes and was a heavy drinker). Once I left, I thought in time that my emotional scars would heal but, after getting older, I found they were still raw and painful. It has taken a lot of love, prayer, trust, and patience for my family and me to resolve the family conflict issues that followed me into our life. Whether only you are searching for solutions to family conflict, or whether your spouse or other family members also want harmony, there are actions you can take immediately to begin changing your own behavior, and your response to the behavior of your spouse and family.

Conflict can happen when family members have different views or beliefs that clash. Sometimes conflict can occur when people misunderstand each other, and jump to the wrong conclusion. Issues of conflict often lead to arguments. It is normal to disagree with each other from time to time and occasional conflict is part of family life. However, ongoing conflict can be stressful and damaging to relationships. Some people lose their temper and become intentionally hurtful, aggressive or even violent. There are methods of positive communication that can defuse conflict and help bring about a peaceful resolution, even if the final decision is compromise or agreeing to disagree.

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